President Trump visits Hackberry, Louisiana – Live Thread.

Here we go. LIVE THREAD!!!!!!
Our President is a busy guy. He’s in Louisiana today, visiting Cameron Parish, LNG facility.
From the article above: Residents are excited. Take a look at the comments.

HACKBERRY, LA (KPLC) – Hackberry residents are starting the countdown to President Donald Trump’s visit to Cameron Parish next week.
“I think it’s a good thing,” Charles Marz said. “I’m looking forward to it. I want him to bring me a cap. I want one of them red caps. Make America Great Again. Yes! MAGA 2020, just MAGA, I’ll take either one.”
“Everybody was like surprised like what?” Carlos Lopez said. “We’re waiting. Everybody is excited. Everybody.”
Lopez says he has worked at Cameron LNG for the last three years.
“Yeah I was a little shocked,” Jim Brown said. “I didn’t realize he would take the time to come down this far to Cameron Parish. Real excited about that. I’m really glad to see he takes the time to come this far south.”
Brown owns Brown’s Grocery in Hackberry, which recently celebrated 40 years of business.
“Very surprised and very happy to see him come,” Carl Giles said. “I’d like to be down here when he came.”

I will edit and add details as we learn more.
Here is the Fox News Link:
Or clink the link here: Link to live feed.

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My father’s family was from New Orleans, Thibodaux, etc. I spent happy summers there, eating gumbo, shrimp, oysters, crab! Lovely people!
My great aunt/uncle and her sons had sugar cane plantations…
We ran and played under these oaks:


Wow, Daughn!
I was born in NOLA during the war – have been back a few times to both NO and Thibodaux. My Dad’s mother was the poor aunt who took care of all the sick relatives and lived on the gracious beneficence of the larger family. They had a house across from the Catholic church in Thibodaux that held all the sick and disabled family members. Other family lived nearby. Man they were good cooks! Lots of cousins to play with.

Sue Mcdonald

So excited !my son in law is going to the Trump Rally in PA he lives near where the rally is happening!he will send me pics. He’s ex military and SS when the traitor Clinton was in office.he couldn’t stand any of them. I also got him tuned into the Q posts and the great awakening!!!! He didn’t know about it ,he works security at the Sands casino in Bethlehem PA all night so he is pretty busy ,but he called me back very excited and said he was going to read all Q posts back from the start.yay! And he ordered a Qanon shirt lol .as a plus he is going to tell his military buddies who are going to the rally with him about Q!


Sue- how exciting— I love hearing attendee’s first hand rally stories! Beyond cool. 🙂

Sue Mcdonald

Son in law said it was amazing. So glad he was there to live history.

Sylvia Avery

OMG, squealing with delight Daughn! Thanks for putting this up!!

Sylvia Avery

He got quite a nice round of applause. Good for Scalise.


Braver than me!!!! I hate to admit it!!! LOL!!!


Your wife and family love you Steve! Not always the case with some people I know…🤣🤣🤣
Everybody in this country appreciates YOU!!!


Monster Works of Art! That’s what I call these facilities!!!

Sylvia Avery



EU–they’re just as tough as China..only smaller..

Sylvia Avery

Ive been watching the two women behind him. They seem quite receptive to him.


President Trump is tearing the Bushes/Clinton/Obama economic polices to pieces!!!


Everybody go home cuz you just lost your jobs!
GND is a hoax!! maybe even bigger than the Hoax I just went thru!! And that was a big HOAX!


I was about a minute or 2 behind you so I thought I would fill in… However–real life called me away…–You Killed it Daughn!! Great job!!


“What the hell did you get me into with this GND? Can’t watch TV if the wind doesn’t blow…😂😂😂


I’m looing at the competition–You Dream about competition like this?
You know–Bernies CRAZY–Lot of energy–but energy to help you lose your jobs!
350 million people and that’s the best they can do!!???


could use a little help–With just a little help we could reach 5%!!!


I love getting up in the morning because I love what we do!!!

Pat Frederick

thanks for the thread Daughn and your awesome instant (how do you type that fast?) commentary!!

Deplorable Patriot

Now that we don’t burn soft coal in homes, yes. Some of us live in places that have made amazing comebacks from pollution so thick that the street lamps would not go off and children were sent to the country for sunlight due to vitamin D deficiencies in the early 20th century.

Deplorable Patriot

Our city hall still has coal dust on the yellow granite. When it was sandblasted after Illinois soft coal was banned, the people were shocked to see that the lower part of the structure is pink Missouri granite.comment image
The same thing happened with the Cathedral only it’s gray.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s great when buildings like that can be cleaned and restored.
Otherwise, people just take them for granite…
[Ducks flying buttresses, foundation blocks, wiring cabinets… 🙂 ]
My mother (GOD rest her soul) grew up in England in the 1920s, but moved to the USA before the killer fogs in the 1950s. Nonetheless, the combination of coal exhaust and fog was ‘orrible. One thing not many folks note is that there have been many cases of abandoned mines and quarries collapsing, the whatever is built above them collapsing down into the hole. Lots of those around London, even now.
Having said that, for all the efforts of Merde-Kuh and the Millibrains of the UK, China is building on the order of three coal-fired power plants per week. And they don’t plan on stopping. Must be great: position yourself as a “developing country” in order to gain concessions and funds, yet act and produce like a superpower. Thank GOD those days are coming to an end.
Finally, there are tons of wells worldwide where the nat gas is burned off because there’s no means to tap and capture it. Why aren’t the greens yapping about that? The methane that’s released is probably more than all the cow flatulence and DEMONcRAT utterances combined… And natural gas makes a really nice, clean fuel…


Great points, Cuppa….I would venture to guess the Greenies don’t have a clue about the uncapped wells. Would love to hear AOC’s take on that! 😂

Sylvia Avery

Wow, they sure love the idea of getting a new i-10 bridge

Cuppa Covfefe

We used to drive from California to West Virginia (almost) every year from the late 1950s to the 1970s. During that time, the Interstate Highway system (thanks to Dwight Eisenhower) (somehow I want to spell that Eisenhauer…) was built and expanded across the country.
As far as I can tell, most of the bridges, culverts, and other related structure(s) have not been replaced, or at least renovated since then. Same thing happens in the IT world: put up a temporary solution (say, MRP HA!) and it works. So it stays. And stays. And stays. It’s hard to justify, in the users eyes, a replacement or permanent system when the temporary (read: kludge) system does the job. But no-one sees underneath the surface.
Over here, in Beautiful Downtown Deutschland, we have a similar problem. The railroad infrastructure needs to be repaired/replaced, because Mehdorn took the maintenance funds and stuffed them back somewhere in the ledger so that the numbers looked better for putting the DB (Deutsche Bundesbahn, i.e. the railroads) on the stock exchange, Pity the poor sods who would have been stuck with funding the dangerously delayed maintenance…
Oh, wait. (As the KB construction fellow said on “Home Improvement”), uh, that would be us (the taxpayers and ticket-payers)…
As in the IT world, documentation and maintenance are “cost centers”. But they are necessary, and prevent disasters (and concommitant bankruptcy) later on…

Deplorable Patriot

“As far as I can tell, most of the bridges, culverts, and other related structure(s) have not been replaced, or at least renovated since then.”
Mmm…depends on where you are. I’m not sure what Interstate you were on on that trek as we’ve taken both 70 and 64 from the east coast through West Virginia to here, but the I-35 bridge collapse in Minnesota in 2007ish prompted a massive bridge review in these parts.
Of the then nine major bridges, two of which carried I-70, over the Mississippi, and Missouri Rivers in proximity to the confluence, a spur of the moment eyeball inspection that week found a crack in the original span of the I-70 bridge over the Missouri – which has now been replaced – and got the governors of Missouri and Illinois to hash out the financing for the new bridge – the Stan Musial Memorial Veterans Bridge locally known as “the Stan Span” – which had been put off for decades. It carries I-70 over the Mississippi.comment image&exph=1365&expw=2048&q=stan+musial+memorial+bridge&simid=608020123557037539&selectedIndex=10&ajaxhist=0
I cannot attest to other states’ efforts in this regard, but around here, bridge repair and safety is taken pretty seriously. Today, the outerbelt bridge to the south is closed, and the I-55 bridge is under construction as the traffic deck is being replaced. Talk about a mess.

Deplorable Patriot

See if this image posts. It really is a thing of beauty. The feds paid for the span. The states paid for the approaches.comment image


Guy telling his story about being laid off.
We had no health insurance and an Affordable Care Act that we couldn’t afford.


You are America-Mazing to keep up with POTUS, entertain us with your ‘short stories’ and run a FABULOUS business 💖💖💖


Lady, Thank You Mr. Trump for your energy independence.

Sylvia Avery

Woman speaking. Cat Stevens!!! No lie. Her hubby lost his oil job. They had seven kids. She went back to community college, got trained, got an internship at this company, and loves her job.

Sylvia Avery

these personal stories are solid gold
you’d have to have a heart of stone to not be touched by these people


Wow, Cameron LNG, sounds like a great place to work. “Like work for a mom and pop shop, but with the backing of a Fortune 500 Company”.
They fed and gave support to lady and her family after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Saved her job for 8 months until she returned. Outstanding!!

Sylvia Avery

That was really something, wasn’t it??? Wow.

Sylvia Avery

Same here.


POTUS – We should be producing energy at home, not enriching foreign countries abroad.


America is thriving, booming, and winning like never before!

Sylvia Avery

Made in the USA by a guy who has Downs Syndrome and he started his own company.

Sylvia Avery

Daughn, thanks once again. For the thread, and for your tireless reporting of the speech.
I smile at myself. I would have never in my life before PDJT bothered to watch something like this. Just snippets on “the news.”
But then, before PDJT, these kind of events weren’t like this, were they? Kind of like a mini rally in a way, but really a means of showcasing very effectively the rise of America once again. The story they had to tell about this plant was impressive. From unleashing the opportunity to get the gas out of the ground, to rapidly building this new facility to handle it, and get it sent out into the world creating wealth for everyone along the way. And doing it cleanly so it doesn’t harm the environment.
And then getting introduced to this company that sounds pretty great. Good jobs, good conditions. Hearing the stories of those workers. Tugging at the heart strings.
And you look at the whole enchilada and think if it weren’t for PDJT NONE of this would have happened. It makes me feel awe for our country that we can do something like this, and that we have a President who unleashed us so we could.


Daughn, Thanks for the thread and running narrative. Appreciate everyone’s posts. Wished I could have tuned in for live stream.




Genius! Trump is talk AND action – right actions!!!


Trump is the first really qualified executive in the WH – in my lifetime. The rest were mere politicians.

Gail Combs

👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
Or they are lawyers who became politicians…


Had never run a huge complex organization. Romney was the closest to an executive, but he was expert in taking them over, taking them apart, draining their pension funds, destroying, leaving the workers without retirement funds, except for government recompense….Romney was a vulture capitalist, leftist politician/crook.

Elizabeth Carter

I don’t know how many of you are aware of the Promise Keepers 3 million man march on DC on October 4th, 1997. It was amazing.
My son was in his late 30’s when he attended a Promise Keepers event in CA. He died at 42. He never could talk about it without choking up He said men of every color were together and just loving God. He asked me why feminists with bare breasts lined the walkways to the event taunting them and trying to stop them from going. I just told him they hate God.
I wish President Trump would use music from this event for his rallies. I still have tears running down my face as I watch and listen to these men.
Did they prepare the path for President Donald Trump? I believe they did.
Promise Keepers Stand in the Gap – 3 Million Men in DC
Frank Cugini Published on Apr 23, 2008
On October 4, 1997 over 3 million Christian men descended on Washington DC for Stand in the Gap: A Sacred Assembly of Men, a day of personal repentance and prayer for our nation. The footage here was all shot as they prayed and sang and were inspired by incredible Christian speakers. I shot all but a few segments of this footage. The most impressive shot (one I did not shoot) is near the end of the video. It is an aerial view from above Lincoln Memorial looking down the Mall toward the Capitol. The mass of men, packed in like sardines, extends from this side of the Washington Monument to the Capitol and from the buildings and streets on each side. I am still emotional when I watch this footage…Evidence that GOD IS AT WORK in the men of our nation! Glory to God! Question: 3 Million? really? Stand in the Gap: Million man march: (1 – 1.2 mill)


Thank you so much for sharing this rare treasure with us, Elizabeth. I can’t wait to listen, watch, learn.


I do believe the Promise Keeper’s movement paved the way for President Trump….spiritually, socially and politically. The Tea Party movement also contributed.
When David Jeremiah taught on the Bible in Madison Square Garden – Donald Trump attended and sat in the crowd and listened.
Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell Jr. have developed relationships with DJT through the years. His family attended a Presbyterian Church when he was growing up and that was before the mainline church descended into LBGT apostasy/syncretism/heresy.






“Today, three motorcycle officers from local law enforcement were injured in an accident while traveling with the President’s motorcade,” Sarah Sanders revealed, according to ABC White House reporter Meredith McGraw. “All three are being treated for injuries at a nearby hospital and are in stable condition.”