This WE KNOW THEY’RE LYING WEDNESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Always keep our movement’s larger purpose in mind – RESTORATION of RULE OF LAW!!!
That is why there MUST BE the DRAINING of the SWAMP!!!

Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
I want to thank ForGodandCountry for cluing me into the Wittes-Baker-Brookings rendezvous – the first real indication that the SHADOW OF THE DESCENDING MOAB is darkening the LAWFARE BLOG.

More to the point, a great article:

I knew this LawFareBlog was trouble because:
- John Brennan only followed twenty-some accounts on Twitter, and LawFareBlog was one of them – the only thing even remotely like a blog. Every other account was an Obama player or some form of FAKE NEWS. Meaning Wittes was a PLAYER.
- Comey seemed to be getting his advice from there.
- The blog’s own self-description was DECEPTIVE and indicated FOREIGN TARGETS – a seemingly purposeful evasion of stating the very OBVIOUS domestic uses
- What was happening to TRUMP seemed much MORE like “lawfare” than the blog’s own dubious definition
- When local federal heat of some kind was trying to FRAME ME, it sure felt like “lawfare”
Just listen to Baker. OH, THIS PERP IS GOOD FOR A LOT. Way more than I thought. Just listen to the sleazebag. I figured he was a CANKLEBOT – that he was the GATEKEEPER who made sure nothing bad ever advanced against the interests of CANKLES. Now I’m sure of it.
He HAS to be hiding a LOT.
Enjoy the show.

Poison Ivy – For Flep
Early in the spring
Under everything
When you’re not on guard,
She creeps into your yard
Settin’ roots down deep
Growin’ while you sleep
She won’t give you blessin’s
With her poisonous resin
Poison ivy, poison ivy
She’ll set you to itchin’
Won’t listen to your bitchin’
Although you curse and groan
You’ll itch down to the bone
Diggin’ with your shovel
Will get you in big trouble
To her, fire’s a joke
She’ll get you with the smoke
No matter what the season
She won’t be you a-pleasin’
‘Cause though you burn and slash
You’ll also get her rash
Poison ivy, poison ivy
If you itch and scratch
You’ll spread that big, red patch
And what a pitiful sight
You scratchin’ late at night
As you cry and wail
There’s a moral to this tale
If that vine needs to go
Save yourself some woe
So you won’t need an ocean
Of that calamine lotion
To be sure, and there’s no doubt
Hire someone to dig her out.
Poison ivy, poison ivy
While making not a sound
She’ll invade your grounds
And though you try your best
It’s you that she’ll infest
My Grandmother got it so bad in her lungs and damn near everywhere else from burning poiaon ivy and being in the smoke, this happened right after she got here from England.As I heard the story even her nasal passages got the rash.
Woah…that sounds like a total nightmare.
Since I seem to have an immunity to the stuff…I am the one who always gets the job of getting rid of it, if it pops up on our property.
Both poison ivy and poison oak, are pernicious things that spread through roots that send out runners into the surrounding area.
I whacked away at it for years until I understood this.
Pouring weed killer on the roots is the only way I’ve found to get rid of it.
Hot boiling water will kill it too if you do not like to use weed killer…. OR GOATS! they love the stuff!
Goats eat poison ivy? YIKES!
I am immune, too. I can just pull out the ivy with my bare hands and never have any issues. My wife even gets near the stuff and she’s in trouble…
“I am immune, too. I can just pull out the ivy with my bare hands and never have any issues. My wife even gets near the stuff and she’s in trouble”
My husband parents had a weekend house upstate NY the house was in the woods had lots of poison Ivy. I did not know what it was and was right among it. After weeks someone told me to be careful of prison Ivy that it creates skin issues I got poison Ivy.
Where I live now used to be woods . You never really get rid of the wood weeds and I have poison Ivy in the garden specially if we have a wet spring . I dig it up and pull it out and no issues.
I wear gloves and am not fearful of the poison Ivy just has to go so my dogs do not have it on their fur.
My husband’s mother just had to look at the stuff and broke out.
I feel for everyone who is skin sensitive.
Great poem, Bakocarl!
Wow…I had no idea that burning poison ivy creates toxic smoke.
I’ve never burned the stuff and now I’m really glad I didn’t.
When we had an infestation of it years ago…I used Roundup on it and that got rid of it.
We have poison oak real bad here, I have to cut 5-6 cord of firewood every year so I end up it.
I am going to try coveralls this year with dreaded gloves and see if I can go one season without getting poison oak.
Poison oak can get bad because it climbs up tree trunks.
I got rid of it by cutting the runners at the base…and then pouring Roundup on the fresh cuts and all around the ground so it would soak down into the roots.
Rodney, I am VERY allergic — as in go to the hospital allergic — to Poison Ivy.
Here is what I did in the winter when cutting firewood and destroying Poison Ivy.
You are going to want to strip the poison ivy off the trunks and get rid of all the poison ivy in your work area. I use a really long pair of clippers or the trimmer on a pole (telescoping pruning stik).
Poison Ivy erratication costume:
2. Learn to ID when it is without leaves: Poison Ivy in Winter These pictures do not show it, but poison ivy has a characteristic ‘crook’ at the end of the vine that makes it easy to spot no matter what the age of the plant
3. <b.Wear at LEAST TWO layers of clothing!! <===IMPORTANT
I used long underwear, then jeans and a long sleeve shirt under a set of zip-up coveralls. I used rubbermaid gloves under a set of work glove. Two pairs of socks.
4. I would strip off my boots (rubber so they can be washed), then the coverall and gloves, popping them directly into the washing machine. I then WASHED THE RUBBER GLOVES! This made them poison ivy free so I could strip off the second layer of jeans, outer socks and long sleeve shirt and pop them into the washer. Last I would wash the rubbermaid gloves a third time before stripping off the rubber gloves and my long underwear and last pair of socks.
5. Any exposed skin PLUS my hand got rubbed with technu per instructions, rinsed with rubbing alcohol, washed with alc & dish washing soap and then finally with COLD water and regular soap.
It is a major headache but I can work with poison ivy safely using this method. I cut it down in the winter and then in the spring when it starts to grow I spray it with weed killer. Since there is nothing above knee high in the spring, I can safely wear regular clothes plus rubber gloves and rubber boots to do the job.
Thank you for this awesome info.
“A jury has ordered agribusiness behemoth Monsanto to pay more than $2 billion to a couple who claim the company’s Roundup weed killer caused their cancers.
Alva and Alberta Pilliod both contracted non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma because of their use of the glyphosate-based herbicide, the jury ruled. They were each awarded $1 billion in punitive damages in addition to a combined $55 million in compensatory damages.
Monsanto keeps losing in court.
This is the third recent courtroom loss for Monsanto in California since August that involved claims that Roundup causes cancer.”
Even though the subject is poison ivy, it was a wonderful way to start the day. Tank you, Bakocarl.
BakoCarl – you are such an artist – poetry, metaphor, rhythm and rhyme just flow from your soul and mind. I’m in awe.
…. 😃👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️
Love it bako … made my day .. 😉🤚❤️
They have the rest of the week to eat each other,what an awesome week this will be.
Eat each other is good . . . and it’ll also be a food fight!
Were gonna need more popcorn.And to think how many people are going to need Dr Phil when this is over.Wow this time in Americas history is amazing.
… 😣🤚 … some of those puds are rumored to do just that … 🤢 .. 😫🤚 …..
God is not pleased … 😡👍
God is fixin to have a YUGH smile on his face
Dark to Light.
Yer darn tooting 😉👍‼️
This is a bit of a tangent, but actually relevant…… I got a notice from the State of California that wanted me to log onto their website and agree to five years of surveillance regarding health insurance. Since I have no intention of being a resident of California on 12/31/19, this ain’t gonna fly, nohow. But I did have to go online and check the box that I’ve seen it, as well as pull the dropdown to say “not after 2020”.
The problem is that I have ZERO confidence in the technical competence of the State of California — their website may have been compromised by a malicious actor. This matches well with my ZERO confidence in their ethics — they may be the malicious actor. I gravely suspect their motives — they may not mess with my machine, but they might mine it for information about me that is not their business. They may implant tracking cookies on my machine to track me in Amazon or Google or wherever…..
Fortunately, there’s a simple solution — disposable computing. I have a number of Raspberry Pi computers (which are $35) and can “spin one up” to use in insecure environments with a $7 micro-SD card. After which, I can shut it down and reformat the card.
Short story — so I did, and did what the state told me, and it’s done (whether it works as the notice stated being another issue)…….but…….
There are a number of things you can do to safeguard your home systems. I’ve upgraded router firmware multiple times (though I’m overdue at present). I’ve configured my routers to be paranoid. I changed my routers’ default passwords before I plugged them into the internet. All the computers on my local networks — and, yes, I have more than one — are properly suspicious of peers and routers as well as servers and websites.
I had a security breach in 2015 where I had a keylogger dropped on me. The more I’ve learned about cybersecurity since, the more wary I’ve become. If you don’t look out for yourself, you can’t expect ANYONE to look out for you.
As an example, Amazon will disclose an amazing amount of information about you if someone knows (a) a person’s name; (b) the email address that person uses with Amazon; and (c) the person’s shipping address. Amazon will disclose the recent purchases of that person, anything on their wish list, any variant shipping addresses, and the type, last four digits, expiration dates, and activity status of any credit cards attached to the account. Note well how many accounts can be reset with knowledge of the last four digits of a credit-card number. Note also that the keys to this treasure are frequently found in the heading of every resume out there. If you’re going to look for a job, use a different email for your resume and for Amazon.
A Raspberry Pi disposable computer. Cthulhu, you are amazing.
We learn something new every day.
E. M. Smith has LOTS on the Raspberry Pi and computer security over at
If you have questions just ask on the Weekly Occasional Open Discussions. and the techies there will help you.
Thanks for the link to that site. I bookmarked the home page.
Raspberry Pi boards have been incredibly popular, sales numbers shocked the creators. They are used by hobbyists in a ton of surprising ways. Biggest problem is they aren’t quite powerful enough to be a complete desktop replacement, but they are great for student labs and programming projects. I have one I played around with that I keep meaning to do more with.
I’m so glad we know you guys. Well done. I bow at your feet.
Although you are correct that they’re underpowered for doing multiple things from one desktop, they are quite capable of doing any single desktop-like task. But what’s really fun is that the price point makes it possible to use one for a whole lot of things that you’d pay a fortune for if you could find one to buy. For instance, I use one as a printserver……but with Linux, you can have a single Pi be multiple printservers on multiple networks (you have to configure interior IP routing so that the Pi remembers to reply to requests on each network using the same network as the requestor). You can configure a Pi to be a highly secure WAP. You can use a Pi as a thermostat (using a separate sensory board that’s another $35) — slightly less pricey than a Nest. With a relay board, you can have it turn your lawn sprinklers on and off…..
Mostly I’m referring to web browsing, since none of the modern web browsers run well for anything but light surfing. That is a killer app for most people – but they can buy a tablet for that. I love elinks but most of the web ignores that it exists…
I understood about one word in five, sadly. However, I have copied all of this for further review because it sounds really smart for security purposes. Thanks for this.
HAHHAA– both to Wheatie’s and then the combo FG&C posted…..HILARIOUS…..:)
Wolf –
Perfect pick-up re: the ridiculous appearance of Baker and Wittes at the Brookings Institute. These weasels aren’t going to get away with their sedition and treason. I take this appearance as a sign that AG Barr is for real, and he IS going to bring the hammer down on these scumbags. if they weren’t terrified of the justice coming to them they would not have conducted this pathetic gaslighting attempt.
Btw, Baker sounds like a total soy boy beta noodle dick.
Baker is definitely NOT physically impressive, is he?
These guys need to go down, hard.
AND Big Bubba on Cell Block Three is just going to LOVE them… 😋
He’s a miserable little sissy punk malcontent traitor .. be right back going to check the thesaurus 🦖
…. 😌🤚❤️‼️
Oh, when I saw your post I knew – we have reached the first really big PLUG in the bottom of the SWAMP!!! Pull hard on this sucker, and DRAINAGE ENSUES!!!
… chemical restraint … 🤤 … 😃👍‼️
Yes, please.
I hope it does turn into a circular firing squad!
The first one is a hoot‼️‼️‼️ As soon as I saw it I laughed … bwahahahahaha
I honestly think Brennen will go to prison for Obama and Jarrett. If he makes it out alive, he will be a very wealthy man. The others aren’t quite as self-destructive, imho.
Mark Meadows makes a good point. 👇
Bwahahahahaha .. 🤨 .. bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha
Something to consider…
Is our part to play in this Movie…that we forward the narrative of “Wray is a weasel” and “We don’t trust him”?
Is that why our VSG quoted Tom Fitton’s criticism of Wray?
I dunno…just a thought I had.
Something else I have been thinking about…
Three things that happened during the Mueller probe that set ‘new precedents’:
— Raided an attorney’s office and confiscated his confidential files. (!!) [Cohen]
— Put a suspect in solitary confinement before his trial. (!!) [Manafort]
— Performed a pre-dawn raid on two suspects’ homes, who were already cooperating with the investigation. (!!) [Manafort & Stone]
The Dems didn’t have a problem with Mueller doing these things.
Does this mean that AG Barr can do these things to the coup-plotters now?
Yes, as with Sessions and RR, Wray is part of the theatre. Has the rats running around not knowing who they spoke to, who they trusted, who did they leak to, what did they say? They were given the rope and the stool, they stepped up as planned. The sting of all stings. We get to watch the show!
We don’t have to get as nasty, justice will be enough. What they did to the extreme will be used as an example of their callous and corrupt nature.
while I agree it would be AWESOME to turn the tables on these lying, scheming, arrogant POS, I really want the rule of law back–I want client/attorney privilege and the presumption of innocence. I hate that the left has bastardized our system!
Øbominable abused his office, bastardized our legal system, weaponized every agency of government – with Holder as his wing man.
List of Øbama administration abuses of power and lawbreaking –
Timeline of Sedition and Treason:
How did you post these links without getting thrown into Akismet Political “Spam” Prison???!!! Wow!
Maybe WP is on its best behavior. I held my breath when I clicked the send button.
Maybe Doug Ross and a bunch of others threatened to sue WP. $$$ talks!
“…. the Mueller probe that set ‘new precedents’:
#1. — Raided an attorney’s office and confiscated his confidential files. (!!) [Cohen]
#2. — Put a suspect in solitary confinement before his trial. (!!) [Manafort]
#3. — Performed a pre-dawn raid on two suspects’ homes, who were already cooperating with the investigation. (!!) [Manafort & Stone] …..”
I can certainly see the use of all three of these ‘new precedents’
First. Perkins Coie was used to WASH FUNDS PAID TO A FOREIGN SPY so client confidentiallity goes out the window when the lawyer is colluding with the client to commit crimes.
Second. We are talking a major conspiracy with lots of players to commit a coup, sedition, maybe treason and certainly colluding with foreign powers, so solitary in some cases is CERTAINLY NECESSARY
Third. Pre-dawn raids needed to be done years ago on some of these POS. Hopefully it is not too late.
They don’t deserve the cloak of night … N A I L .. them in broad daylight … so everyone can watch the miserable snakes being taken into custody .. 🤨‼️
Nikki…except I do want to see them in their night gowns! Do you think they’ve all gone out to buy new, sexy pj’s for their spotlight on national TV. LOL
I’m hoping they’re in the stinky underwear and no tee shirt .. 😜👍‼️
Night or day 😉 .. either is good for me
ATM my theory is Wray is temporary. He is where POTUS wants him, acting as a lock on the FBI against weaponized reactivation of our law enforcement. Someone else will replace him to do the transformative work at some point.
It would be nice to see someone with a LEO background in that job…instead of a lawyer.
AMEN! The problem is, somebody has to clean out all the LAWYERS!!!
Disbar the scum suckers … then their in new career they will be saying .. “You want fries 🍟 that?” ..
That’s not a bad theory, Michael. That seems to fit a number of facts and suspicions I have. You might just be right on the money!
We all can see PDJT throwing shade on Wray now, but I think I have learned not to jump at the laser light (to mix my metaphors). Mostly now I kind of squint and wonder what our VSG is up to.
…. yes … 🤨‼️
Wheatietoo…excellent questions…hopefully we’ll find out the answer.
Paul Ryan and Mitt would jump in to admonish us…”that’s not who we are”…(didn’t you get sick of hearing that!?)…but I say…”and that’s why we got The Swamp!” Paul and Mitt, Nancy and all the other complainers…it’s called a level playing field.
We can never let the SoComs take away our 2nd Amendment rights.
Since that got truncated in the tweet…
America will never be a socialist country, because we will never give up the right to keep and bear arms.
We will never COWER before a CHINESE PUPPET DEMOCRAT TYRANT for the exact same reason.
….. spit … 💦💦💦 .. ☔️
Amazon makes the minimum wage a moot point:
Ditto at McDonald’s:
… 😖🤚 …. he’s not the brightest light is he .. sigh .. 😑👎🏻
Until the human employees start sabotaging the robots ??? Will that be covered under the diversity and racism policies?
Good one.
Worth reading about in five years’ time to see just what will have happened.
Another video of DeBlasio’s failed rally 🙂 :
It was sooooooooooo funny.
The best one yet. 🙂
That was seriously marvelous … ☺️🤚❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️
Glad you liked it, Nikki!
A great start to the day! 🙂
Yes indeed … 😉🤚❤️‼️
Ha, that was hilarious! Apparently the Trump Tower management also cracked the volume on the background music to full throttle (Frank Sinatra) so it was really hard to hear the big fool. I love the cleverness of the Trump supporters with their signs on the elevator. I could watch that video all day. It makes me giggle.
‘Apparently the Trump Tower management also cracked the volume on the background music to full throttle (Frank Sinatra) so it was really hard to hear the big fool.’ GREAT!!! Thank you!
This video’s a keeper! 🙂
Brexit Party latest:
1/ Nigel’s party has 100k ‘registered supporters’ (£25 minimum donation). He is careful not to call them ‘members’, as Leave.EU and Westmonster do in the tweet below:
2/ Nigel holds his own against BBC journo:
3/ Nigel to decide party platform through registered supporters’ ideas:
Time for us to help our Brit cousins!
Absolutely! Thanks, Daughn!
I am almost limp with relief and gratitude. I had about given up, until Nigel rode to the rescue to rally the troops.
Praying for Brexit.
Thank you, Sylvia! We need yours and other QTree prayers desperately!
One of my good politically minded friends in the UK told me: ‘If the Brexit Party doesn’t reach 50% of the vote on May 23, Remainers will say they’ve won over Leavers.’
Sadly, there’s a certain truth in that.
On the other hand, he also said, ‘Leavers will be more motivated to vote than Remainers.’
I agreed: ‘Remainers think they have already won.’
Remainers are on rhetorical attack, so, come rain or shine, Leavers must get out and vote.
If it rains — as it did ALL DAY LONG in 2016 for the referendum, whilst the kiddos were getting ready for the big music festival at Glastonbury the next day — LEAVERS WILL BE OUT IN THE MILLIONS.
Please, Sylvia, Daughn and everyone: pray that the UK has RAINY WEATHER on May 23, which is next Thursday. Thank you in advance.
I will do that. I’ll help pray this thing over the line.
Thank you VERY MUCH from the bottom of the collective Brexit Leaver heart here in the UK! 🙂
May God continue to bless you — and others at the Q Tree praying for us — abundantly!
It’s all connected, Churchmouse. I’m sure you see it, too. We have to fight the globalist tyranny wherever we find it.
Delighted that Trump supporters understand and are with us in this quest.
So in reading the following, me thinks this “parallel” adventure was set up as a way to keep DuhWon in the loop while trying to insulate him from the “hurricane.” Just a thought, if it’s even true.
Obama’s Other Investigation
FTA: “Much attention has been paid to Crossfire Hurricane and rightly so. But it’s well past time that more attention was given to Obama’s other higher-level shadow investigation into Russia’s alleged efforts to put Trump in the White House to determine what information was shared, if Brennan’s operation also involved any spying on Trump’s campaign, and whether it was justified by the completely discredited, Clinton-funded Steele dossier.”
YES! This is actually KEY. This was Obama REACHING AROUND through his left-wing Soviet/British/Irish leftist radicals, who are BEHIND the insertion of globo-Soviet asset Hannigan in as head of MI6 (ultimate FACE PALM) and having their asset TELL BRENNAN exactly what OBAMA wanted to HEAR BACK, in order to make Brennan do what Obama and his fellow Soviets wanted. NO FINGERPRINTS.
In a sense, Jarrett and the communists SNOOKERED BRENNAN. Whether Brennan believed the intelligence was worthy or not, doesn’t matter. Whether Brennan was even in on the plot or not, doesn’t matter. In the end, he is the one holding the bag, and Obama gets off. BRENNAN WAS USED.
Once I figured out that HANNIGAN’S INSERTION was CREATED BY SNOWDEN, and SNOWDEN was created by the OBAMA PLOT – everything CLICKED. And remember – Hannigan was removed exactly the way all Obama scandal people are removed – get them out LONG BEFORE anybody gathers the political motivation for an investigation.
Brennan’s only way out of this is to fully understand and realize that he was a USEFUL IDIOT for the radical left that he has helped all the way along. He was USED AND BETRAYED BY KGB-CIA.
Non-US citizens commit nearly half of federal crimes:
“GET ‘EM OUT!!!”
And keep their coats.
We’ll redistribute them to the homeless…
This all comes back to the HIGHEST PRIORITY of the GLOBO-SOCIALIST AXIS…..
Remove this criminal element – help America get back to what it once was – SAFE – and people won’t give up the power that keeps America FREE.
Yes, it all makes sense now.
I have often thought there are different takedown plans for each country on the list.
No two countries are designed to ‘go down’ the same way. JMHO, though.
I have been watching the West, as have many here, for at least 20 years. The same end results happen, but by different means.
I sincerely hope this monster meets someone in prison who teaches him a valuable lesson about hurting children…
Thank you, Pat, for the update.
BUT — and it’s a big BUT — he could be out after 12 months!
Minnesota law, the secular fruit of deeply rooted religious pietism from Scandinavia and Germany:
i think it means 12 years, not months! at least I HOPE it does
I’m not so sure.
We shall see.
With luck he will not survive prison.
The sentencing for premeditated MURDER in the USA is IDIOTIC!
This guy for tying to KILL a child he did not know ONLY GETS 19 years.
A guy is jailed for 15 years for hate crimes after leaving bacon in mosque. (Yes he did break and enter but no one was hurt.)
Eric Clanton, a professor of philosophy, ethics, and critical thinking at Diablo Valley College, used a bike lock to attack seven people during a free speech rally at Berkeley and struck three. This is AGAIN premeditated attempted MURDER.
He was sentenced to three years of probation. 😡
President Trump/Yurtle can’t get decent judges confirmed fast enough for me!
I watched the video … the miserable soy boy sissy minces forward and girly swings the lock … what a pud ..
Think think think before you act out in public …. he got probation and he’s free to walk around … however he has invited harm to come his way .. and that is stupid … 😑🤚
Unfortunately, this is going on everywhere in Western countries.
In the UK, nearly every Briton wants ‘life’ to mean just that. Instead, it means serving a few years of time, sometimes longer, but hardly ‘life’ as we understand it.
When I read news articles about France’s sentencing, there is almost always a period of time of suspended sentencing.
These countries say, ‘Our prisons are full. There is not a lot we can do.’
No doubt this is part of Cloward-Piven overload, too.
Prison overload, border overload, welfare/public housing overload, protester overload. The list goes on — and on.
I’m amazed Prof. Bikelock only got probation. Then, again, it’s Berkeley, even though he did not teach there. He taught at Diablo Valley College from 2015 to 2016:
‘Court papers later revealed that Clanton struck at least seven people in the head, according to authorities. One person received a head laceration that required five staples to fix. Another was uninjured but had a piece of a helmet broken off. A third was struck across the neck and back, police wrote.’
Unless he is segregated from the gen-pop, he most likely won’t survive prison. They don’t like people who hurt children in there.
Many of the men in prison have children on the outside. They can’t do a thing for them from inside the walls except shank people who have harmed kids.
We will have to keep tracking this story to see what happens.
The wrath of God is powerful .. and can surprise you …. 😐🤚
Maybe they’ll throw him down the stairs head first just as an experiment to see if he enjoys it.
I hope the second sentence (re migration) proves to be correct:
Life Lesson …
This was nice, even inspirational, but Fox had a long, long segment on this to the point where I thought that they were really over the line. National news?
Don’t watch network news so first time I have seen this. What truly moved me was the incredible support, encouragement & genuine rejoicing in his victory from all of the other children. Fantastic!
(Geez, I am so used to my other treehouse name that 99% of the time I quickly type it first when commenting here. One of these days it will slip through. 2 treehouses r better than 1 … at this point. Wish the situation could have been worked out amicably as I feel like a child of divorced parents, including seeing the fault & the significant good on both sides, the pull of divided loyalties, spending time in both places, careful not to offend in either treehouse, etc. And, yes, obviously, my parents divorced and now, many, many years later I still know exactly what it is like.)
Well, I wouldn’t sweat it too much about offending someone over here, most don’t seem to offend easily.
We’re the “fun” parent who buys you toys and takes you out for ice cream.
I no longer visit OT at all – what’s the point? I don’t need the negativity ad nauseum. No thanks.
Loved it. Brought on a big smile and moisture to the eye corners.
Yesterday, Eric Trump tried being magnanimous when attacked by De Blasio who held a NewGreenDeal™ rally in Trump Tower.
but that didn’t work, so Eric went full force.
De Blasio is evidently trying to levy huge energy taxe$$$ on owners of skyscrapers in NYC – it’s always about $$$ with corruptocrats like De Blasio.
This is a Global Warming/Climate Change hoaxers trying to institute their scam on the local level.
Kinda like Romneycare was the ruinous model for ruinous Obamacare.
Climate FRAUDSTERS need to be in prison. Research it all you want. BELIEVE whatever you want. But people who leverage EARLY, FORCED, PREMATURE, DUBIOUS SCIENCE for SHAKEDOWN MONEY need to be in PRISON.
40 Trillion AMENS to that.
Last night, DiGenova was on Laura Ingraham.
He said Durham in CT has been on the case for months and has already taken some material to a grand jury in CT.
Got that? Grand Jury already seated.
Yep. Saw that too.
Very Qewl.
FG&C posted a clip of it at the end of yesterday’s Open Thread…I think I will repost it below so those who haven’t seen it yet, can watch it.
It was the best thing I watched all day. Definitely worth it. In fact, I may watch it again just to revel in the pleasure.
Grand Jury. Oh boy. That’s good stuff right there.
I heard that…I squealed, high-fived the air and spilled my coffee…totally worth it! lol
Someone explained to me that grand juries are empanelled for a certain amount of time, and cases presented as the need arises. This is good news, excellent.
I always wanted to be in a grand jury. I got a notice once while living in Florida, but it was more than 50 miles away and rather than pay for lodging, I was excused. I think I remember that correctly…anyone else have experience?
That being the case, a grand jury already rolling, why was the investigation itself announced. What’s going on timing wise that we needed to know about it.
“What’s going on timing wise that we needed to know about it.”
Confirmation of Barr and the end of Mulehead’s Special Counsel.
This is the start of President Trump’s DOJ going on the OFFENSE since we are only 1&1/2 years away from the election. We need the majority of Americans RED PILLED and this is the start.
Also if this is coming out, expect indictments to follow. This entire ‘Show’ has been very carefully coordinated to red pill as many Americans as possible.
I’m talking about behind the scenes.
Today is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.
I have a secret recipe for you.
Follow the recipe on the side of the Nestle’s bag, take 10 minutes extra and thoroughly cream the butter and sugar.
Make the DOUBLE batch
1/4 Bailey’s and 1/4 cup extra flour.
…and what time will they be ready? Might take me a bit longer to get there from the ATL. 🙂
… 🛩 … wait for mmmeeeeeeeeee …. 🏊♀️ .. 🏇 …. 🚣♀️ … 🚴♀️ … 🚘 …. 🚁 … 🛸👽🤚
after all … C is for cookie 🍪 .. ❤️
A CCC without pecans is not a real CCC.
Of course, I grew up in pecan country. Everybody had a tree or two and the old folks sat on the porches while they visited and crack and pick them out by hand in the Fall for our holiday cooking.
I never tried them with pecans–I will have to make a batch!!
Once you’ve used pecans in your baking instead of walnuts, you’ll keep using them. Walnuts have a strong taste, pecans mellow and works beautifully. I use them for my zucchini muffins (bread) now – makes a big difference.
I live way up north. Far away from old folks cracking pecans as GA/FL described. What a lovely picture. Anyway, here pecans are not very common, unlike walnuts. So I’m not wise to the ways of pecans. But I will give them a try! Thanks for the tip!
Growing up in the North, I know what you mean. Only knew of walnuts in baking, but since living in Virginia and have Alabama kinfolk… I’ve never gone back to walnuts! LOL.
Was raised in walnut and filbert (hazelnuts) country, but have Texas family with gigantic pecan trees in back yard (planted for shade in hot Texas sun). Love pecans for baking but the secret is to lightly toast them first. Makes a big difference! I usually toast a lot at a time and then seal them.
I’m chuckling because this is far removed from the border crisis, China problems, Iran, etc. but, nothing quite like a great (warm, if possible) chocolate chip cookie to make troubles lessen. Or a glass of fine wine!
Ok, Teagan, I’ll have to try that – lightly toast them first.
My favorite is the Hershey’s Chips recipe for CCC + tons of pecans. Has salted buttery sweet taste. Bake in large sheet pan, cut into squares. YUMMY!! 😋😍😋
…and for those of you not near pecan country, I humbly offer this link (Mrs. RedLeg uses it all the time for gifts.) Company is in Albany, GA.
or my hometown Valdosta company:
Yes, we know them as well. Both are great. For our other out of state readers, just make sure to ask for “this years crop.” Just sayin’ … 😉
You give the missus a kiss on the cheek from me! Thanks for that link!
Oh my gosh, redleg….here you are on this tree! For time i’ve Seen your name here since hopping on a branch here.
Hi, Teagan!! Yea, I’ve been here pretty much from the start of the original wave of banning. Of course, SteveinCO’s not counting, mind you! 🙂
In some places, that would be considered an “outside joke”.
If a recipe calls for 1/2 cup of pecans, that translates to 3 cups for me!!
Like you GA/FL, I grew up in the TX country w/Grandparents, we were all about picking, cracking, and eating pecans. My Dad even planted a tree in Houston backyard! We had an overweight, Rolly-Polly Dachshund who got put on a strict diet as a puppy cuz we couldn’t stop her from eating the pecans in the backyard, LOL! She also ate his all his garden veggies too, I think she was a Vegan!!🙈🙀🥴
We add DOUBLE pecans!
Gotta have pecans.
GA/FL what a lovely image that put in my mind. Reminds me of shelling peas on the porch with my grandma.
crap, is it really?
I just took a pumpkin pie out of the oven…
Copied for my next batch. I bet your recipes in a cookbook would sell as fast as your B&B stories!
Funny story.
I was in the Milwaukee Airport, and they had a used book store. You know, pick up a cheap book for your flight. I bought an old German cookbook, from a Lumbertown.
Best cookbook I’ve ever had.
It was stories interspersed with great recipes…. for strange stuff…. squirrels, and so on.
But the stories, they were terrific.
Husband said, if I ever did do a book, I should use that idea. Story with a recipe.
I like the idea.
Karli Bonne added a different soundtrack to it:
TOTALLY ….. AWESOME .. 😎👍‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
From Laura Ingraham’s show last night…
At the 4:40 mark, Joe D mentions that “Durham has been working for a couple of months”.
The rest of Laura’s show, if you want to see it.
This is pretty much the full show, minus the initial intro and the final few minutes.
I think that may be how the uploaders get away with posting these…by not posting the whole thing.
Thank you, Wheatie!
Joe sez he really believes some of these people will go to prison.
Best five minutes of video I’ve watched in ages.
love the shoe earring! lol
Probably just me… but Hill seems to be turning into Barbara Bush, ‘choker’ pearls and all… 😉
… key word .. choker …. 😐
Looked all over for the shoe. I missed it.
I like how none of their darts have hit the Trump target.
I *LOVE* the tiny details in his cartoons!!!
Do you see the barflys behind hrc, jc and bo?
Robert Barnes RT’d
Interesting article on Tucker and new conservatism?… long, you may want to bookmark for later
It is really good and worth reading. It was written by Michael Anton who wrote the Flight 93 Election during the campaign and it was very influential. Michael was tapped to work in the Trump WH for a year in the National Security Council (I think) and he now teaches at Hillsdale College. He is a smart, serious, thoughtful man. He is worth reading and listening to.
I really encourage people to take a few minutes to read this. It has important points to make about the evolution of the Conservative movement in the era of Trump and where the fault lines are.
And now for something really important…
I missed these earlier!
thanks for the laughs!
I love the duck with socks!!
I didn’t know Saudi Prince Salman was coming…I wonder that this is about:
NOTHING gets past Miss Wheatie! (or Miss Gail C)
Yeah, this is interesting!
Here I am in Lakeland Fl. We are going fishing today, on a head boat out of Tampa. I love fishing! Big adventure. Woot woot.
I hope you get a giant Tarpon! Or a grouper! Yummy!! Have fun am😘😘wick!!
We caught little grey ish fish… grunts or something… Nothing very exotic… *sighs
We never really caught anything great and we lived there 4 years!! LOL!!
I didn’t think they would be good.. but we went to Salt Cracker fish Camp and they did a great job grilling the filets… for a little over $10 they cook your catch and throw in fries and cole slaw.. I had mine blackened… it was awesome!!! When I have fish I prefer a mild flavor…and whatever we caught was perfect!!
Hey!! Fresh fish is the very best!! That sounds like a perfect ending!!
I never had to clean or gut it. Pelicans got the carcassi. 🙂
That would be fun to watch!!! Glad you didn’t have to clean and gut–I couldn’t eat after that!!!🤢🤮
Thanks for keeping us posted on your vacation fun! I’ve never heard of a place like the Salt Cracker!
Blues are really fun to catch, although a little wild-tasting. Strip out the gray strip and it improves the flavor. I used to do them on the grill. Yum and such a fun, fighting fish.
I LOVE Blue fish and I have a real good recipe for them.
” basting sauce”
1/3 white wine, 1/3 lemon juice, 1/3 olive oil. Add spices (garlic, thyme, pepper, sage, rosemary)
Place on baking pan skin side down, baste with the sauce. Smother wth sliced fresh mushrooms and onions.
Preheat oven to 350°F bake and for 15 to 20 minutes or so, until the fish is cooked through and opaque. At around 5 minutes intervals baste again with ‘sauce’
If you like salmon, trout, tuna and catfish you should like Blue. If you only like white fish, forget it.
Thanks but me and cooking is NOT a good match. My spices? Salt, pepper, garlic – ok, I make some killer garlic & tarragon potatoes but only because I found this tarragon stuff in my cupboard and was feeling brave that day….I have about 5 or 6 “specialties” and beyond that? Uh-uh!
I caught 2 perch.. but they looked small to me.. I had the mate throw them back… We had enough fish for dinner… really delicious… and a restaurant right at the pier cooked your catch for you…
New one from our VSG POTUS:
Trolling, trolling, trolling…..
Rawhide ‼️‼️ …
Romaine Soup story – part 2:
I’m ready to start the making a version of the Chalet Suzanne Cream of Romaine soup from all that bolted romaine and the last of the parsley and green onions in my garden.
Lettuce bolts fast in the south especially in the Spring when the heat and humidity hit. Such a waste. I loved that Chalet Suzanne Romaine soup and figured that was a way to keep the nutrition from the lettuce, instead of throwing it away in a compost pile.
The recipe I found and posted is WAY too complicated.
Here’s my version:
Wash bolted greens thoroughly and drain well. Blend in food processor with green or white onion, parsley, celery until smooth. Put in pot, add finely diced potato, milk, flour, oil and/or butter, sherry/wine, seasonings, and heat slowly until thickened and vegs are just done. Can be frozen and reheated, topped with croutons, or served chilled with fluffy sour cream and chives on top.
PS – I’m going to use salt in the second washing of the greens to try to take a little of the bitterness away.
We use salt soaks to take bitterness out of eggplant before cooking and out of citrus rinds before candying them. Should work for romaine too.
I use it on eggplant before making mousaka, but I use a KCl (nosalt) soak instead of a NaCl (salt) soak. Better for the blood pressure.
Another cool use for greens you would otherwise throw out is pesto. Different greens get treated differently, but I usually blanch them for a couple of minutes to prevent bitterness. Onion tops and carrot greens make awesome pesto. I use walnuts with both. Lemon juice is awesome as an acid in the carrot one.
Pro-tip: cool the blanching water and use it to water your house plants, or garden plants. They love the nutrients. Or taste it, and if it tastes pretty good, use it in place of plain water to make rice. I also do this with the snapped-off ends of asparagus. Boil them to use the same way.
Awesome, Aubergine! Thanks. Do you add garlic and saute’ at any stage?
I just put it all in a food processor and whirl it until it is puree. No saute’ needed.
I put garlic in virtually everything! But the onion tops shine without it. I like onion-top pesto better than traditional basil.
Dawson has a THREAD… click on tweet
My guess having been in development/advancement/fundraising, whatever they are calling it this year, is that the cash is really coming from major gifts to the endowments – and believe me, those universities have endowments worth billions. Yes, the money is probably being laundered for the donor and whatever pet cause they have through the endowments as the principles of said stashes of cash are almost always invested somewhere. And that money and the intentions would be hidden if done that way with the return on the investment going back to the university in some way.
And, yeah, the boards are incestuous with any number of them having the heads of “wealth management” groups as members.
Grants require an accounting of where the money goes, as does tax dollars, so I would doubt a paper trail would be available to support the idea that those funds are going to offshore companies. Student tuition is another story, but, truthfully, at the private universities, a lot is spent on campus keeping the places running and on personnel. So, some of it is going there.
Dangerous Imported Foods – Barcodes
I did a little due diligence in the freezer and fridge, and the frozen cod I have stashed has a barcode begins with 88, but is clearly labelled as wild from Alaska.
Then with a little digging, a number of sites including Natural News which is more trustworthy than Snopes, etc., claim that this information is from a viral email, and is not actually indicative of the origin of the food.
Myth busted: Food Barcodes Do Not Reveal Products Made in China
“Many nutritional supplements made in the U.S., for example, actually begin with 85, and there is no correlation between the country in which a UPC symbol is registered and where a particular product is actually manufactured.
It’s far better to look for the phrase, “Made in USA” (or whatever country you’re in). Definitely avoid food products that say, “Made in China.””
Thanks for the update (I am about to go out shopping…)
Well, that’s interesting. Thanks for that heads-up – guess I will get rid of that bar code list.
I don’t know that it’s necessary to get rid of it. In looking closely, bar codes leading with a zero do indeed appear on food clearly labeled Product of USA, but some of the others don’t. I have a feeling it’s more complicated than just looking at the barcode.
Personally, I go for the non-GMO label where I can find it.
Yeah, I decided it won’t hurt to hang onto it. This is one of the BIGGEST things I miss here in NE after living in NOVA for so many years – fresh seafood – and no, I am NOT talking about bass, crappy, catfish and bluegills! I was floored when I could find NO-ONE here who has ever even heard of Old Bay seasoning!
In looking at more items in the kitchen, I found a zero leading a product of the Phillipines. Coconut oil.
I can’t cook without Old Bay! I put it on most everything (except desserts) from vegs to meat to chicken to croutons to chex mix.
Now that’s a thought – had never considered using it on foods other than seafood. Hmmm…..
Rub a fryer in salt, pepper and old bay before roasting – man o man! I use old bay instead of garlic/celery salt and oil instead of butter on chex mix for the holidays.
Remember, Durham has been “looking into matter” for months………..
Fox News says State Dept warns all Non essential personnel to leave Iraq.
Here we go again.
Sounds like Kerry has been WAR MONGERING in Iraq… I think that viper has a LOT more to worry about than just the Logan Act.
Some old info/tweets from my notes:
Kerry’s daughter Vanessa is married to an Iranian national who is BFF’s with the son of Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif. Dailycaller:
John Kerry spotted and overheard in cafe in Paris during meeting with Iranians.
2 Iranians tweeted:
Praying Medic Thread
OH!Bummer paid a 400 million dollar ransom for some Iranian spies and left Levinson there AND THEN
sent an additional 1.3 billion to his muslim brothers after the release.
(Remember Hitlery and Kerry were OH!Bummer’s Sec of State through all of this.)
And to think this SOB wanted to be a US President… 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤮
Don’t know who this guy is, but This is weird.
discussed online yesterday… Lisa Mei has snippets
I followed the drama of this guy earlier. I was not sure if he was legitimate, crazy, out to discredit the QAnon “believers”, or some combination.
It’s very complicated. He was basically doing a “#MeToo” on Hollywood perversion and pedophilia, and latched onto the QAnon movement as a way to open up about it AND get attention. Emphasis on the latter. Some days he seemed so overly “out there” on the exposure stuff that I swore he was out to discredit the movement.
There are a few other Hollywood celebs with insider knowledge of bad stuff, but the CAREFUL ONES (e.g., Tiffany FitzHenry) have avoided rocking the boat in unwise ways – i.e., getting too far out in front of investigations. Unbelievable stuff has to be handled with care, or it will just be used to discredit the witnesses and protect the perps.
That is – frankly – one of the primary underlying ETHICS of the whole Q movement. It’s an entire ECONOMY of awareness of the hidden, and a way of talking about these things in a knowing way without the disruptions that the other side has counted on for decades.
Kappy was wise to the fact that “this is not a game”. He was situationally aware, but was SPOOKED by the pokes instead of altering his behavior, striking back, and chopping off the touching hands. He kept way too high a profile and did a lot of stupid stuff. Top of the list is public drunkenness. STUPID. He was making it easy for the blackest of hats, and I’m sure they got to him in a big way.
The guy was fragile. Burned bridges he was not prepared to burn. Had not done the MENTAL preparation needed for #WAR against these fuckers.
I feel sorry for him, but he left open too many avenues of attack.
This is NOT a game. He should have left Hollywood and never returned.
This story is getting stranger and stranger.
The ANONS are all over it.
and this report from Floor Monitor
Maybe I’m getting more and more out of touch… but I sense something here. Mitch doesn’t like POTUS’ aggressive moves against China in the tariff/trade talks. After all ChiDiFi is not the only one who has gotten rich off of China.
I sense a slowdown in nominees getting confirmed… started after the Easter break. (As I said, I’m getting more and more out of touch these days… still ?)
My hope is that we get enough Trump supporters in the Senate in 2020 that we get a new Senate Leader in 2021.
He Heh.
well that’s a relief! everyone knows the Chinese never cheat or go back on their word! 😀
on an unrelated note–if anyone believes that, I have several bridges all over the world for sale…
The four words of dialogue that appear in the final act of ANY dealing with China….
“You BELIEVED the Chinese?”
Dawson just posted… THREAD… PM just RT’D
“A High Court judges ruled today that Tommy Robinson will face retrial. Tommy Robinson’s crime? Reporting on a Muslim child rape/trafficking gang trial. Thousands of supporters booed and chanted “shame on you” after the decision High Court ruling was announced. The UK clownocracy is making a free speech martyr out of Robinson. Just this week, the UK courts released with no jail time a violent Muslim who terrorized the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, threatened to shoot and stab ‘English Pigs’ and attacked police, branding the officer who arrested him a ‘racist white c***’.” And jihad inciter Anjem Choudury is out and about exhorting to infidel murder. But Robinson is the problem.
I am banned from the UK for my pro-Israel work and my opposition to jihad. Yes, I am the problem.”
Tommy Robinson makes a nice test of free speech. “Conservatives” who accept the IngSoc narrative on the guy and approve his being shut up are not to be trusted as real MAGA.
Amen wolfie, Amen !!!!!!!!!!
Magna Carta no longer exists in unjolly ol’ England. Has Sharia Law taken over?
Yep. First England went decadent, liberal and were weakened by sin and blindness – then they were conquered and defeated. Same happened throughout the Old Testament.
They must repent to throw off the scales from their eyes, and return to GOD. They cannot save themselves. Isaiah 31:8-9 – only the Sword of the Lord can defeat Assyria.
Pam Geller is one very brave woman. We need many more like her and Tommy Robinson.
The USS Abraham Lincoln CSG entered the Straight of Hormuz last night. This is a BIG deal, given the speed of modern anti-ship missiles like the Exocet. Remember the frigate USS Stark.
Fangs are out.
Fox News…US CENTCOM yesterday said threat is credible and imminent. Other countries reacting, Germany suspends training of Iraqi soldiers, Netherlands has closed its mission in Iraq, British govt opened Special Crisis Center, Exxon withdrawing all US employees from Basra, in addition to US Embassy withdrawing non essentials
Something’s definitely up
Please….everyone pray for my niece, who is now stationed in the UAE. I may not fully believe in prayer any more but…….I am one who likes to hedge her bets…..
consider it done.
I’m praying for her…………..and YOU NebraskaFilly!
NF. I will be honored to pray for your niece and for you. Sending you a hug as well.
” Says his statement that no increase in Iran threat in Iraq “runs counter” to US intel.”
Of course it runs counter. UK is the ENEMY… UK is thrust of Deep State/Cabal…
This is all part of “kitchen sink” Cabal is throwing at POTUS…
Under Trump, Washington has taken a tougher stance on China compared to previous presidential administrations. In addition to disputes around trade and the alleged Chinese theft of U.S. intellectual property, American intelligence chiefs expressed their distrust of Chinese tech giant and Apple rival Huawei as well as Chinese telecom company ZTE.
The standoff with China “cuts to the core of what the United States is going to be in the future,” Bannon said in a “Squawk Box” interview. “We have all the cards.” -CNBC
It is time for America to STOP FUNDING SOCIALISM.
while having coffee this morning, I saw the sun peeking out of the clouds so I dashed out to weed my garden –haven’t gotten out there yet this year. while i was pulling weeds, turning the soil and scanning the yard for bear, a question popped into my mind…if the Dems need POTUS’s tax returns to determine if the IRS is capably auditing a President’s tax returns, why would they need tax returns for the last 10 years? He’s only been President for 2 tax years so far…
(You and I both know this is a bogus request, but if even I can see it, why can’t a judge?)
POTUS speaking NOW at National Peace Officers Memorial Honoring Law Enforcement
Ambushes and attacks on our Police must end.
All cop killers should get death penalty. With a speedy trial of course.
People who lie to police should be prosecuted to fullest.
“Over the weekend, Daniel Greenfield reminded America of one father that blamed 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden for his son’s death. Many in America have never even heard of the single largest loss of life in the War on Terror, Extortion 17. It was a scandal bigger than Benghazi. Yet, because Joe Biden compromised national security by speaking of who allegedly killed Osama bin Laden, it cost the lives of 31 Americans on board Extortion 17, including 17 US Navy SEALS.
Billy Vaughn, father of slain Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn who was aboard Extortion 17, told Freedom Outpost that his family wants to see Vice President Joe Biden and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta held accountable for national security breaches when they outed the SEALs of SEAL Team Six in the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden.
Not only were the SEAL team members furious and shocked over the big mouths of the Obama administration beating its chest with pride over the success of killing bin Laden, but the families were equally enraged. The message compromised the safety of the unit, as well as their families.”
“In 2012, Karen Vaughn, joined by her husband Billy on Fox News said, “As soon as Joe Biden announced that it was a SEAL Team who took out Bin Laden, within 24 hours, my son called me and I rarely ever heard him sound afraid in his adult life…. He said, ‘Mom, you need to wipe your social media clean…your life is in danger, our lives are in danger, so clean it up right now’.”
Mr. Vaughn, showing his anger and disgust with Biden, ripped the media. “The media has let this man get away with saying ‘Uncle Joe’s gaffes, Uncle Joe’s gaffes,” he said. “This is not Uncle Joe and he’s not some senile old grandfather. He is the second in command of the most powerful country in the world and he needs to take responsibility for the comments he makes and quit being given a pass.”
“Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta leaked similar information while in Afghanistan.
As mentioned over the weekend, Charles Strange, father of fallen SEAL Michael Strange, previously recalled how his son responded to the news that Joe Biden had mentioned SEAL Team Six carrying out the bin Laden operation.
Mr. Strange said his son and others in the team echoed what the Vaughns said their son had told them.
Strange told talk show host Michael Savage that on at least three separate occasions, in June 2011, his son grabbed him by the arm and announced that he had prepared his will.
Charles Strange recalled his son’s words, “Something’s going on with the team. Somebody’s leaking things out. Something’s going on.”
Savage asked: “Your son knew he was being sent to his death?”
“They knew,” Strange answered. “They knew something was up. Every one of them.”
Here’s Strange commenting on Biden being responsible.” (video link in article)
so sad…Biden should be held accountable…like Killary and her private server!
you can’t be careless with our secret information and expect there to be no consequences!!!
how many lives have to be lost before these idiots get what’s coming to them??
Biden is a stealthy participant in some of the worst Clinton and Obama communist plots of them all. He PASSES as a normie better than anybody – but he is NOT a normie. He is a deep player in the most evil Marxist plots, and THAT is why he caught a ride with Ozero into the White House. He was guaranteed to KEEP THE COMMIES IN THE WHITE HOUSE. He would have done it if ANYTHING happened to Obama. Trust that he will do it if he EVERY gets back into the White House in any way.
BIDEN was Obama’s INSURANCE POLICY in MANY WAYS. Not just the one we thought – of being the obvious doufus that nobody wants to see as POTUS. Biden guaranteed their HOLD on America.
Great point, Wolf. I am one who has given Biden a bit of a pass because he’s a low IQ dolt. But scratch the surface and there seems to be more to it than that.
He may be a dolt, but he figured out how to amass lots of ill gotten gains, didn’t he? And as you point out he is like Forrest Gump: wherever some Commie doings are occurring who is right there on the fringes but Joe Biden.
Biden is beautiful corrupt cover for the commies!
Liberal shill Chris “Tingly Leg” Matthews during his show on msHIV said Barr is basically a “hitman” for the president:
“…it’s an embarrassment to have an Attorney general who looks like a Roy Cohn, a guy who will do anything to defend the president and now has become his hitman. Not only will he play defense, he’s out to destroy the government, the FBI, everything in order to cover the tracks of the president. What do you make of this guy and how can you stop Barr from doing what he’s out to do now, destroy the FBI?”
The hypocrisy here is just mind blowing.
Tingles. What a BUFFOON.
For those of us not exactly fluent in the language of economics, or at least classic economics, not the neocon smokescreen, a very good explanation of the tariff situation with China appeared at American Thinker today. I found it helpful as the explanation was cogent.
Trump’s China Tariffs Will Succeed
By Jesse Richman, Howard Richman, and Raymond Richman
The countries with which the U.S. had the largest trade deficits (goods and services) in 2018 were:
China – $379 billion
Mexico – $78 billion
Germany – $67 billion
Japan – $58 billion.
These countries accounted for 93% of the total, with China, by itself, accounting for 61% of the U.S. trade deficit. Donald Trump was elected by the people who have borne the brunt of this policy failure, with a mandate to fix it.
On Friday, President Donald Trump took a huge step toward doing just that. He raised the U.S. tariff rate from 10% to 25% on $200 billion per year worth of Chinese goods that were being imported into the United States. Back in July, when Trump had initially imposed the 10% tariffs on Chinese imports, China responded by imposing tariffs on $110 billion of U.S. exports to China.
Trump also threatened to place tariffs on the other Chinese goods being imported each year into the United States. This gives the U.S. leverage that China can’t match. As a result of its mercantilist strategy, China exported $540 billion worth of goods to the U.S. but only let $121 billion worth of U.S. goods into China in 2018. (Mercantilism is the “beggar-thy-neighbor” economic strategy of maximizing exports and minimizing imports in order to grow at one’s trading partners’ expense.)….
Free trade with China is like “free trade” with the thief who stole your car. Keep buying it back from him whilst doing nothing to punish the theft and you will keep getting poorer while confirming the thief in the view that you are an easy mark.
DP Comments:
The article goes on in detail to describe some of what China will NOT let in, namely meat. I have a source in the poultry industry who confirmed this some time ago. Honestly, this is the level of rhetoric needed to get it all to make sense for those who are not into the day to day grind of the nomenclature. Otherwise the legacy media is just going to make a mess out of what should be pretty simple to understand concepts.
“Free Trade” is an oxymoron –
Previous presidents have been giving away Americans’ hard work.
‘Til Donald J. Trump was elected.
“Observe how peaceful we are,” Imam Mahmoud Shalash urged. “We do not cause any harm to anybody.”
Shalash’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Lexington, had contacted Lexington cops and Homeland Security while claiming to be suffering from Islamophobic threats.
Before long, two cop cars in the Kentucky city known as the Horse Capital of the World were parked outside the mosque to protect the imam and his congregation.
The FBI also got on board.
CAIR widely circulated reports of the threat to what it called, a “house of worship”.
“Our nation’s leaders must send a clear message challenging the rising Islamophobia that leads to such threats,” CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper declared. With the 2016 election still imminent, his news release blamed the “extreme anti-Muslim rhetoric” of Donald Trump and Ben Carson.
Four years later, Imam Mahmoud Shalash is in jail. The imam of the Islamic Center, along with John Sadiqullah, and Abdul Hadi, were charged in a harmful and not especially peaceful murder plot.
What makes this particular murder plot interesting is that it would have been authorized with a fatwa.”
“In March, Imam Shalash met up with a government informant at the Days Motel which records indicate is owned by Shalash. (Reviews of the motel describe a man named Mohammed, accuse the staff of sexual harassment, and claim that the motel is dangerous and that the mattresses are covered in bugs.)
There the imam told the informant he needed help getting $80,000 from his target. “Do whatever you have to do to get my money back.” That, according to the informant, included breaking the man’s legs.
At a second meeting, Imam Shalash was there along with Sadiqullah, for a murder plot against another man, this time apparently involving a taxi company deal gone bad, across state lines.
“I want him dead,” Sadiqullah said. “If someone could kill him for $10,000, we all four will pay someone $10,000.”
A meeting was then meant to happen at a mosque at which a fatwa would be provided authorizing the murder. That mosque may have been the Islamic Center of Lexington, which is just across the street from the University of Kentucky.
A fatwa, a religious Islamic authorization, for murder would have provided a sharia license for violence.”
slapping down the student government…lol
Trinity University sent out an email Friday rejecting the student government’s request to remove Chick-fil-A from its campus dining hall.
Tess Coody-Anders, the Texas Christian school’s vice president for strategic communications and marketing. stated, “We do not make vendor decisions based on their political or religious beliefs,” in an email to students obtained by Campus Reform, adding that the school considers “utilization, variety of options, vendor performance, and campus-wide feedback.”
“We do not make vendor decisions based on their political or religious beliefs…”
“Based on these criteria, Chick-fil-A appears to be a preferred vendor by students and the broader Trinity community,” the email continued.
Trinity’s student government previously passed a resolution to remove Chick-fil-A from the school’s dining hall because of its stance on LGBT issues. The body took issue with the restaurant chain’s donations to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Salvation Army, and the Paul Anderson Youth Home.
THAT is Trinity University? WOW. How far they have fallen. Sounds like they’re chock full of radicals now.
Saw a quote online yesterday… a Brit said in response to marxism in the universities…
Along with the C_A and the FBI, would be a good start.
Aren’t they all?
ROFL – from “Now This Shit Is Funny” on FB:
A pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the next race, and it won again.
The local newspaper read: PASTOR’S ASS OUT FRONT.
The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race.
The next day, the local newspaper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR’S ASS.
This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent.
The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN.
The Bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10.
The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10.
This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild.
The next day the headlines read: NUN ANNOUNCES HER ASS IS WILD AND FREE.
The Bishop was buried the next day.
The moral of the story is:
Being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery and even shorten your life. So be yourself and enjoy life. You’ll be a lot happier and live longer!
so true!
OMG I needed this laugh today!
I am in charge of the committee for exterior paint project for our 126-unit HOA, and we are *gasp* changing the palette from *gasp* beige, beige, beige (which has not been changed for 20 years) to colors that bring us more in line with current color trends.
Talk about public opinion, and gossip gaggles and rumor mills run amok! We have everything from the woman who insists she can pick her own color because she is an original owner (no) to the one who wants everything white to the one who wonders why we are trying to make our n’hood look like DisneyWorld to the one who wonders why we are taking our painter’s advice on any of it. 🙄🙄🙄
Even though our spring has been very erratic with rain at least 2 days a week, and never the same two days, some are upset that painter can’t give them more than two days’ notice for when he will paint their unit EVEN THOUGH the Homeowner doesn’t have to lift a finger to do anything!!
Talk about ASSES 😂😂😂
Done venting; perhaps time to start drinking 🥰🥰🤓🤓
Just to be clear, my committee members are FABULOUS to work with; a portion of our neighbors … not so much!
Ah, yes indeed! Have been through similar experiences. Has to be seen to be believed. Alcohol in moderation will help ease you through this. Lock up your weapons. And remember, this will pass. 🙂
And that is the reason I now live on 100+acs and my house is 1/4 mile from the boundry on all sides.
It will take an Army Battalion to drag me into a ole’ fogies home.
Gail – Be still my heart ! That would be my first choice – miles from everyone. I will enjoy it vicariously through you.
5 o’clock somewhere, cheers.
Are you going for that weird orange and purple and white crazy quilt that seems to be all the rage these days?
With pink chimneys 😂
Oh, dear! Good thing that wasn’t me – I’d have shot somebody!!!! Holy moly! THIS is why I don’t run for our City Council! That would NOT be a good thing! As it is, the City Manager and I go head-to-head in the Opinion section of our local paper!
Hilarious! A different moral for the story: Don’t expect the media to tell the truth, and their duplicity has real consequences.
Not so much lying…but spin.
Just as bad.
Happening HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad that I voted with my feet and fled that shithole socialist state! Feel bad for my friends still stuck there. Miss the Bay and a few people, but that’s about it.
I find it amazing that after almost 4 years there are still at least 2 narratives that have not yet been ruled out by the currently known facts. Remember—‘probability’ is NOT a synonym to ‘facts’.
I think Bill Mitchell’s theory about there being a large complex sting operation underway since the very beginning still today holds water. Bill is one of the few that believe that Rod Rosenstein was all part of the plan—a white hat.
Honestly, I was still on the fence about Rod, but—once again, the currently known facts do not rule out one or the other. The facts may SEEM (think logical fallacy) to heavily support one theory or the other—but that is largely the observers PERCEPTION of how events are unfolding.
Appeal to probability:
An appeal to probability is the logical fallacy of taking something for granted because it would probably be the case. Inductive arguments lack deductive validity and must therefore be asserted or denied in the premises.
At 41min, Bill reads an article from OT. Personally, I found it cool that Bill gave SD a compliment—especially after the public falling out they both had sometime last year. This is not the time to burn bridges—the Country is at stake.
ALL hands on deck!!!
Sorry about the hit and run comment—crunched for time. Be back soon! 😎
New account, first post will probably go to moderation.
Some problems with signing in on old account.
Saying hello and thanking all for your kind thoughts and prayers.
OK – THIS explains a lot! Welcome back!!!
Hi! I’ve been wondering about you!
Happy to read you again.
Soooooo Happy!🥰👏🏼💃🏻
It’s so great to hear from you!
🤗🤗 Hope you can come back again soon!
Man tears are flowing.
Same here.
Hello to all ! I was so glad to see that the Wolf Tree was still bright and strong since I’ve been in the dark without access for many weeks.
I know that I should set up one of the several discarded iphones the kids keep giving me’m so stubborn I won’r do it.
I’m still in Tn settling up my dad’s house sale and the endless task of going through everything. Will soon be heading back home so I’ll actually know what’s habbenin’.
My borrowed wifi time about over right now so regards to everyone and hope everybody is doing well
Oh Molly I’m so glad you checked in to let us know how you are! Wonderful to hear from you. And I feel for you closing up your dad’s place. Such a hard, heart wrenching task. Hugs.
For our mid-day warm fuzzy moment:
Oh that is so cute. I did not know sloths were so adorbs.
They are. Amazing little creatures.
They’re pretty cool, but sooooo slooooww. I watch the Zoo on Animal Planet almost daily. They opened the hatch to the outside area for the sloths. They watched as it took one sloth 7 HOURS! to go through the hatch. 🥴🥴
LOL! 🙂
That is so cool…thanks, LadyP!
It was a wonderful thing that that guy did.
It looked like the little sloth turned around to say ‘Thank You’, too!
Yes! And he did a sweet eye blink at the same time.
Hi, Molly. We’ll leave the light on for you.
Hi Molly!
*waves* 👋😀
Good to see you again…hope you can come back soon.
Settling up a loved one’s home and effects can be a grueling job, so I hope it will wrap up soon for you.
Pompeo made surprise visit to Baghdad this month after U.S. intelligence showed Iran-backed Shi’ite militias positioning rockets near bases housing U.S. forces, according to two Iraqi security sources.
He told Iraq’s top brass to keep the militias, which are expanding their power in Iraq and now form part of its security apparatus, in check, the sources said. If not, the U.S. would respond with force.
“The message from the Americans was clear. They wanted guarantees that Iraq would stop those groups threatening U.S. interests,” a senior Iraqi military source with knowledge of Pompeo’s trip said.
Frikkin Russian Idiots!!
The Kremlin said Pompeo’s visit failed to allay its concerns over the ongoing crisis.
Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday that Moscow is concerned over mounting tensions and defended Iran’s actions as a legitimate response to the U.S. decision to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal.
Wait, didn’t Admiral Rogers and the chief FISA judge do that? Or did they just figure how who lied and about what?
“…The fact that no FISA Court has reacted violently to having a fraud committed on the Court, raises the issue of perhaps we had a FISA Judge, or more, who were part of this scam to take down a duly elected President…”
No 💩 ‼️
This is starting to explain things….
Indeed. No feces present.
Apologies if already posted BUT talk about “Long and Gruelling!! Desperation In SPADES!!😂😂😂😂
what’s their reasoning? do they need it in the House records so they can begin impeachment proceedings?
all it does is put on record smearing the President…pretty low if you ask me, which you didn’t…
I don’t think it gets anything but normal Americans shaking their heads–Aaaaand The House goes back to Republicns in 2020…
Imanagine how many pages since they’ll be using a LARGE size first grade letter font … it’ll be 1,200 pages
… bwahahahahaha 😑🤚 .. bwahahahahaha
I cannot think how excrutiatingly boring this would be….
… the ain’t got no sense … 😑🤚
As Q says, “These people are stupid”
A colossal waste of time and money. There will be no result except that the Mueller report will be in the Congressional Record, I guess. Surely no Republicans (and probably most Dems) won’t be there to listen. A perfect example of the poor judgment, immaturity, and unstatesmanlike behavior of the Dem Party.
It sounds like those read-a-thons and rock-a-thons we did for various non-profits when we were in school.
Are they taking pledges?
Most of the Democrat voters cannot read and so this give them the opportunity to know what the report says. They will have to read it in so many different languages that this could take them until 2024.
Then they will have to spin it for each illegal voter group. I am amazed at their dedication. I had no idea the Democrats were so devoted to America… or wherever
Stupid is as stupid does….D-Rat after D-Rat , after D-Rat…reads Mueller accomplishing absolutely nothing…
Resist they must, preschoolers act better than these clowns.
Those Documents are what they REALLY wanted to read into the Congressional record.
Guess what? Orin Hatch is back!!!!! LOL!!!
Oh My!! RetiredOrrin is verrry Effective!!
I keep wondering why Nancy Pelosi doesn’t take the Democrat women on a shopping spree. Fruitcake she might be, but she knows how to dress and present herself which is probably why she has any credibility at all.
Deplorable patriot… can be certain Miss Nancy has a personal shopper and never steps foot in a store….like Hillary (now that was a challenge!) Michelle, on the other hand, apparently thought she had great fashion sense which accounts for some of the ridiculous disasters she graced us with while in the WH and afterwards. The yellow satin outfit with the sparkle thigh=high boots was one of my favorites!
Nancy Pelosi has always dressed well, even when she was young. and personal shoppers play to an individual’s style. She has to approve what she’s wearing.
… yuk .. 😖🤚‼️
Marica, I think that’s a parody account.
It says “parody account” in the info section. 😉🙂
H there “sloppy Steve” (said in my most endearing way!) He’s right!!
Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Appointment of Claire Murray as Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General
Attorney General William P. Barr issued the following statement:
“All who work with Claire Murray are impressed with her sharp intelligence, thoughtfulness, and work ethic. During her time at Kirkland & Ellis, she rose to become a partner within just two years of joining the firm. She also has a remarkable record of public service, including serving as an Associate White House Counsel, as a clerk for two of today’s Supreme Court justices, and in both appellate and line prosecutor roles at the Department of Justice. I want to thank Jesse Panuccio for his hard work over these past two years as Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General, and I am pleased to appoint Claire to succeed him.”
Kirkland & Ellis is AG Barr’s recent law firm
Stack ’em and pack’em.
Brian Cates has a thread, continued from yesterday:
Pivotal date to remember: November 8, 2018. That’s the day Sessions resigned.
If it comes out that Durham was tapped before then, grand juries were seated, indictments sealed, etc., then the whole “Sessions did noting” mantra is toilet paper.
We don’t know what we don’t know or what is going on behind the scenes, and the Foggy Bottom Food Fight is all about keeping the shiny red balls in the air and the laser pointers going for cat herding purposes.
Now that it’s all coming out, we’re cooking with gas.
Word on the street is Durham on it since OCTOBER 2018 😉
Seriously, here’s an excerpt from Durham’s info: (emphasis added)
Snip… “On February 22, 2018, John H. Durham was sworn in as the presidentially appointed United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut.
Mr. Durham had served as the interim U.S. Attorney since October 28, 2017, after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions signed an order appointing him to the position. President Donald Trump nominated Mr. Durham to serve as U.S. Attorney on November 1, 2017, and the U.S. Senate confirmed his nomination on February 16, 2018.
Prior to his appointment as U.S. Attorney, Mr. Durham served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in various positions in the District of Connecticut for 35 years, prosecuting complex organized crime, violent crime, public corruption and financial fraud matters.
more at
If I recall correctly, Baker was fired for suspected “leaking” ……….
AG Sessions announced in August 2017 :
Snip …”While the Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters, it is important for the American people—and for those who might be thinking about leaking sensitive or classified information—to know that criminals who would illegally use their access to our most sensitive information to endanger our national security are, in fact, being investigated and prosecuted. Since January, the Department has more than tripled the number of active leak investigations compared to the number pending at the end of the last Administration. And we have already charged four people with unlawfully disclosing classified material or with concealing contacts with foreign intelligence officers.”
Sessions appointed Durham as interim US Atty in October 2017
iirc Sessions said also (about this same time) that he was looking at 21 leak investigations (ol’ brain not firing too well today, can’t find the cite)
My suspicion is that Durham has not only been looking into these leaks (Baker et al) but into the source of the coup since he came aboard.
Of course, we’re never going to know the time or any of the details of Durham’s work.
Basically in the month following the TREASONOUS MURDERS OF LAS VEGAS.
Here we go, you’re right!!!!!!!!
“In fact, the U.S. attorney from Connecticut appears to have begun that work more than seven months ago, to judge from an underreported transcript of an October congressional interview with Baker. The Baker interview, at which Durham was not present, suggests that the prosecutor nevertheless has some people very worried.
Baker testified about the Trump-Russia affair on Oct. 3 before the House Judiciary Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.”
Durham is named in the Baker testimony, released by Doug Collins. See page 37:
I have missed you, Aubergine.
Oh, I’ve been here, just quiet! I don’t always say much, but I read every day I can. This is my “busy” time of year. I grow a lot of what we eat, but on a tiny piece of land. I live in town. My back yard is jam-packed with veggies for the summer, and I have been planting. And weeding!
Best place on earth = In the garden!
Awesome!! YAY Florida!! 🦋🦋🤸♀️🦋🦋😍
My twitter feed is cracking me up today…
I’ll believe John Brennan is the “mastermind” behind the plan and somehow that reality got captured in the NSA metadata vacuum.
Do not forget that as a CONTRACTOR Brennan is the one who grabbed the passport of OH!Bummer HIDING OH!Bummer’s actual nationality when he went to college:
“…a month later, the key witness in this case was murdered. Leiutenant (sic) Quarles Harris, Jr., 24, was shot in the head in his car, in front of his church.”
It looks like Brennan is a FIXER for the Puppet Masters controling OH!Bummer.
That’s so funny. They’re our dream team, yes, but they could use a little roughing up if they’re going to wear those clothes. A little dirt and stubble with some squint lines and unkempt hair. At least Pres. Trump is tan, LOL. But I’ll take ’em, any day!
Rolling up my sleeves. We’re ready.
He is quite memeable with his cheshire grin.
I love his impish grin! he KNOWS stuff we don’t and it makes him HAPPY…lol
love that photo of Comey. should have used that pic when the pepe moab comes dropping in
saw a post just now OT that was posted by PHC with what looks like Patrick’s avatar…hope that’s him and he’s ok!
Wonder if Sundance will confirm via isp? Hope not someone knew picking the same picture off of the internet to gain a good voice/credibility in posting. Hate to be suspicious but I have learned that there really are stinkers in the world! If a conniving lurker picking up on that avatar and nickname we will soon know – he will come here if really him. Plus, can’t copy his sense of humor! 🙂
name was fixed and post released from moderation.
<3 <3 <3 God bless you Wolfie.
THANK YOU!! I had a sinking feeling that was what I had done. Possible for you ban/block the other name to save me from my own carelessness? If its a time consuming thing to do, then skip it as you are busy enough and I ought to pay more attention anyway.
Really appreciate your help, kindness and understanding.
It’s really me, see
YES! Now I fully believe. My new screen name…Thomas! 😉
no doubt in my mind PHC
Dont look Ethel.
100% love your humor PHC!
Glad to see ya.
… 🧐 … 😮☔️ …. Is it raining by you …. 🤭 … 👀
Very glad to see you PHC 😉🤚❤️‼️
Of course when I type it takes three shots to get it right … like OCD .. no … PCD … nope and so on
… I’m thinking my fingers have a mind of their own …. 😳 ….
Oh my Goodness Patrick!!! Welcome BAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! Awesome return pic!!!🤣🤣🤣😘
Yep, looks like it could be him. Maybe WP ate him too, just like Pgroup🙊🙈🙉
That still cracks me up, “Wordpress is eating me!” LOLOL😊😊
If I posted another screen name thank you for not letting it through. When it didn’t pop up I suddenly got a sinking feeling in my stomach….should not post when multitasking!
I’m flummoxed as to why you don’t use same handle you use OT… or at least allude to who you are. Of course I’m assuming you are from OT and some of us already know you?
If you use the same handle at both place you are most likely to get BANNED OT. Using 2 different names allows commenting at both sites.
Simple – Because I don’t want to risk being banned at the other treehouse. I am not trying to be mysterious or clever – just hope to stay in both treehouses if possible. Of course, SD is such a detective that I am sure it wouldn’t be hard for him to figure it out via commenting style/content but I would hope he has much better things to do that figure me out. Fingers crossed! 😉
Yes, long time commenter there. Not wanting to argue or even discuss the negatives of OT and yes, I have read it all here when I first arrived. I still want to be there, too, though. I only had 2 reasons (v. 17) to come here and that is I so value the commenters and the comments. So much insight, information, positive atmosphere and community. I read here as much as there, both places scrolling past some discussions and reading past ever word of others.
I was Delighted when I found this 2nd treehouse a few months ago because of the info but also because I was SO HAPPY to know that all of you all weren’t discouraged or side tracked from MAGA, supporting President Trump and were ok. Sad that the split happened but I was at least relieved and reassured that so many “missing” were only missing from OT and not the Trump Train! 🙂 Still the same treehouse gang in my mind, just 2 different locations.
PHC drew me into commenting here more just because I don’t want to miss him in either treehouse.
Same forest. Different trees.
From comments I have read OT, there are others who have come here or lurked here and were offended by comments that did not display proper reverence for Some Dude. So there are at least some OT that might well shun you for hanging out here. Who needs that kind of drama?
I feel like a dork for even writing about it because it takes me back to junior high and worrying about the mean girls in the cafeteria at lunch. It’s a darned shame, but if the path you have elected to take helps you move easily through both sites, then I say good for you!
Glad you’re here, glad you enjoy it here. We won’t make you choose between us, honest! 🙂
Yes, I always hated the “you can’t be friends with THEM and US both” thing. Childish!
If you accidentally post with another screen name, it will PROBABLY get stopped by moderation, but if I can’t tell from context that it’s “you” (2trbt1), I may accidentally approve it, thinking “Oh, great – So-And-So from CTH is commenting here now!”
Just a warning. If that happens, I can delete the post and BLOCK that name, so it won’t come through, but let’s cross that bridge if and when it comes. All you have to do is add a reply to the comment using your “here” name (2trbt1), and I will see both posts and fix it.
So far I have not seen any posts from your other handle – at least that I know of.
OK – I found it! Your other post will be edited and released with your “WQTH” name. That’s the safest way to deal with it.
If I type in the wrong email the incorrect avatar catches my attention but the wrong screen name has no warning sign. Again, much appreciate your time and sorry for the extra work and I will pay more attention to the details!
If he does have a new handle, he’ll need assistance getting through to us. Wink, Wink, paging Wolfie 😉 🐺
Yup! EYES OPEN!!! 😉 🐺
Oh, Pat, thank you so much for letting us know!!!! <3 <3 <3
not sure it’s him, but if it is, then his new “name” might be in moderation awaiting approval from Wolf…but fingers crossed!
It was. New email address, I believe.
I hope it is him and not someone else picking up that avatar and his initials to gain a instantly credible screen name and presence at OT. I wonder if SD/moderators at OT will confirm via isp?
Hate to sound so suspicious but f I have learned anything from the steady stream of red pills of the last 4 yrs (actually began by red pill diet back w/the Trayvon Martin drama) it is that there are real stinkers in the world and there are some conspiracies that are not just theories.
If really him, we should see him pop in and say Hi here, too. Prayers for both he and his family.
We’ll know if it is him. He is unmistakable.
Well, I guess hiding among the bushes………… out then.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Unmistakable. Unforgettable. The one and only you! How are you? WP issues? You have a fan club here and we all missed you. <3
Thanks, Sylvia
Fair to middlin.’
Lots of people having sign in issues from what I’ve read.
Closed the old account, but the sign in problems didn’t go away.
Yes, lots of WP problems. So frustrating!
I’m happy to see you, and everyone else is going to be so glad to see you, too!
Hi PHC!! 🙋🏼♀️ So glad you didn’t get et by WP!! 🦋🦋🤸♀️🦋🦋
Hi, bflyjesusgrl
WP’s been wonky for awhile.
Warning to those considering closing (then opening a new) account.
WP won’t let you use the email address from your old account to open a new one (takes thirty days to clear your old info from the platform).
from the This Pisses Me Off Folder: AFRICAN ASYLUM seekers? How did they get to Mexico? How many countries have they been in since leaving Africa?
The large group of African men, women, and children held their ground near a Mexican customs office. Mexican officials eventually spoke with the group to explain the situation. Some of the migrants held a private meeting with Mexican customs officers. The group claims they are unable to meet with U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials. They claim that Cuban migrants are being given preferential treatment.
U.S. resources for dealing with migrant asylum claims are being overwhelmed by the massive numbers of Central American migrant families who are, as Acting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Matthew Albence told Breitbart News, “gaming the system” to gain entry.
Approximately 13,000 mostly Central American migrant families and unaccompanied minors are currently camped on the south side of the U.S.-Mexico Border, Breitbart News reported.
made me extremely uncomfortable… can’t imagine how the poor dog is feelin’ … am I next?
I wish he had responded “I brought mine.”
OOoooooo, burn!
“I brought mine.” . . . “Please turn around and put your hands behind your back.” . . . “Thank you”.
This is pretty good video, the number of views and the comments are worth a glance. It shows people are asking questions and starting to listen to truth, and even having conversations about such. Maybe we are halfway to waking up America, one could hope maybe?
‘No Way Obama Was Not Told’ – Former Intel Officer Tony Shaffer on Spying on Trump Campaign
With the Mueller report concluding there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, Attorney General William Barr says he will now personally look into the origins of the collusion investigation.
H/T Citizen817
She now has an OAN Twitter account:
Tweets by ChanelRionOAN
New account:
Hat tip youme from OT:
I guess this makes todays thread really open…
🙂 🙂 Notice I didn’t say a word. Not one. Zero commentary from me. Many thoughts, unexpressed. Keepin’ it zipped. Mouth shut…
Giggle, snort 🤐🤐🤐
… 😐😑😐😑😐😑😐😑😑😑😑 ..
This is what 5G is REALLY all about. MASSIVE DATA on every aspect of our lives, direct to the internet with little or no user control. The radiation stuff is – sadly – a secondary distraction that is very effective.
Gonna be an interesting world.
Sigh. I’m starting to think I need to find a sheepherder’s hut in Wyoming, or something like the Unabomber’s cabin in Montana. Seriously off the grid.
It’s not like I do anything that would be of interest to the spying eyes of the John Brennans of the world, it’s just I really hate the feeling of constant surveillance.
It’s starting to feel like I’m being kept in a pen. Just on my quiet little street there are cameras at the end of the street to protect the church, and there are several doorbell cameras along my street so they catch me coming and going.
It brings out my inner rebel. I thought about flashing them, but I’m actually a very proper lady. Mostly.
Yeah, but you have un-approved thoughts and speech/comments.
Sigh. I know I do. That’s why I find the Brave New World so difficult. I struggle, but I can usually manage to keep my mouth shut.
But the Thought Police, they get me every time.
Talk about too much information and preferring to be in the dark….
Oh DP, I didn’t even know there were such things as smart, er, marital aids. I just kind of float along in my own little world, oblivious; and then something snaps me out of it.
Wow. Talk about a buzz kill. Sheesh!
In more ways than one.
.. heh .. heh
… 😑🤚 … nope nope nope nope nope nope … 😐 … nope
I read this to husband. He said, “Sure would have loved to have heard the oral argument on that one.”
… 😣 …
Bwwhahaha! *lawyer humor* 🙂 🙂 🙂
LOL!!! Daughn! Give Hubby a 😘 From me!!!
As Daughn says, “Stack ’em and pack ’em”
Hi Patrick…
so good to see you… we’ve all been waiting for you to feel up to keeping us entertained, and Sylvia in line! Love that you’re here.
She looks capable.
This was in the comments below and it made me smile, so in case you didn’t see it:
LOVE IT Sylvia…. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, me too!
I hope we see a lot more of the head prosecutor. Like, in a court room. On Court TV. All day. With a cast of characters like the Three Stooges: Brennan, Comey, Clapper. Wow.
🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ 😉🤚
Is it me or does Nora look dudish,I swear it’s hard to tell anymore.
I’m pretty sure she’s “original double-X”.
Been reading about her just wanted to know more and it turns out shes a lil bitbull.
MOAR Winning please…
Oh hooray@ that is so good to know! Thanks for the info.
I know what you mean. It never used to occur to me to wonder, and now I find myself all the time looking at people suspiciously and wondering to myself if it is a real man or woman or the fake kind.
In this case careful scrutiny tells me I think she’s the real deal.
Me to Sylvia I never gave it any thought until now.
Just left OT. SD has a thread up:
President Trump Declares National Emergency For Information and Communication Technology
Looks like an Executive Order. There is no accompanying link. I’ll go scout for more info on this. I haven’t read his thread yet.
From comments OT:
11m ago
This EO is a big deal thing of beauty in several ways.
Note carefully the detailed wording, which avoids the ‘Muslim Ban’ controversies while relying on SCOTUS 1977 ruling in Nixon v Admin (433US425) to avoid the ‘bill of attainder’ defense Hauwei has already raised. (Was researching that for Neal’s tax return subpoena, but is a separate interesting corner of conlaw.
Note how although only applicable in the US, the wording directly affects intelligence sharing with those in Europe who don’t heed.
Note how without doing so directly, it calls out China in service of a bigger trade objective.
Note how it empowers Cabinet members to make the decisions—a CEO sets policy/strategy, then tells subordinates to implement accordingly. PDJT is a classic good CEO, now getting good subordinates in place.”
Thanks for bringing Ristvan’s comment, Sylvia. He’s the one I miss.
I know what you mean.
I don’t spend much time OT, particularly in the comments, but I went today because Pat Fredricks spotted Patrick so I went to find him.
And along the way got this. Ristvan’s comments are nearly always helpful to shed light on the subject at hand so I was delighted to find this.
I read/scan as interested but comm ents I usually skip. I miss several certain people and the tone is just dour, with exception. It makes me sad.I have enough to deal with….
Glad ya posted this though!
I know. The gloom permeates everything. It is like a cold fog.
It’s the dour community which pretty much drove me off. I just can’t dwell in a dark place. Felt like it was swimming against the tide trying to inject reason and logic into the discussions. Ristvan always has sane, logical and knowledgeable remarks. But I can’t spend the time looking for them.
Really wish ristvan would drop in here more often. I’ve lightly disagreed with him on occasion, but that doesn’t mean he’s not welcome. It merely means that we can ALL speak our minds here without fear of being banned. Even the BO! 😉
I had heard he’d been here briefly, wish he’d rediscover your site Wolfie. I think he’d find he fits in more.
“…the wording directly affects intelligence sharing with those in Europe who don’t heed.”
So, UK is in there. (ya, I am good at pointing out the obvious). More to my point, the rest of Five Eyes schmucks…Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
<3 TY for this Linda. <3
Executive Order on Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain
I think the EO has to do with Fveys and Theresa May’s decision to do business with Huawei…
Remember Pompeo warned that if UK did this, US would not be a party to it…
Like minds, Linda! I was posting without seeing yours. 🙂
Thank you very much for this link, I just sent them everything I had on my twitter permanent suspension.
It was actually a cool site I was allowed to post all my screenshots.
OMG – this is HUGE. They’re going to FIGHT IT.
I already got a response back, they thanked me for my info.
Ok, here goes. Wolfie, wonder if this can be part of the daily thread for a little bit. White House wants to know about folks getting censored by Social Media. BTW, I lost over 500 twitter followers the other day, and many others reportd significant losses.
Got for you incase you were browsing the marital aides section. 😂
Wait….shouldn’t that be “marital aids”….not “aides”?
Asking for some batteries.
Well of course … along with the whips and chains … 😃👍
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more for 9th Circuit………..
Here’s a bit about the Emergency EO. That’s all I’ve got right now b/c I’ve got to run to get to an appointment.
and Brian has a THREAD evolving on this … click on his tweet
That was quite an unhinged rant.
Why does it seem like these pro-abortion freaks have never heard of condoms, or the morning after pill, etc, etc, etc?
Don’t forget there are those who would like to take those options away, too.
Because I guarantee you those pro-abortion freaks are thinking those will be next. And they might be right.
It’s news to me that there are those who want to deny people the use of condoms.
Not listed were things like “The Pill” but the “Morning After” Pill might or might not involve killing a blastocyst so I could see some rationale for going after that.
The Roman Catholic church still forbids them unless it’s to prevent AIDS, apparently. I’ve no doubt they’d put that into law if they could.
What I’m finding incredibly ironic right now is that by resisting fairly innocuous nothingburger laws against morally indefensible “post-partum abortion” / literal infanticide, the pro-abortion side stirred up a reaction and a counter-reaction that include really far-reaching restrictions AND protections of abortion in different states.
In other words, the LIBERALS THEMSELVES seem to be killing Roe v. Wade, which was predicated on strong restrictions late term, few restrictions early on, and nationwide guarantee of such.
It seems that when conservatives finally embraced the actual LAW of Roe v. Wade on late term, the liberals ABANDONED it rather than defending it. It makes me think that they were really defending a knowing misinterpretation of Roe v. Wade which gave liberals everything, conservatives nothing, and that they had merely FOOLED conservatives into thinking that Roe v. Wade was a pure liberal victory, when it was in fact a fairly sound approval of the most important tenets of BOTH SIDES. There was late-term restriction just there for the taking, that conservatives never even noticed until now.
Not sure what’s going to happen on Roe v. Wade, but I do know this – Trump will not defend any restrictions on contraception – code term “women’s health”. He made a subtle statement on this during the campaign, that a lot of people probably missed.
Yes, their over-reaction has done them in.
Some of the more reactionary liberals in my circle are going nuts.
And today is different, how exactly?
a snippet from Brian’s evolving THREAD (rant)
I have been thinking since the VA bruha that Roe v Wade pretty much gave pro-choice what they wanted, and now 4 decades later they come saying abortion at full term is okay and if baby survives, they ….
Yeah, what is up with the idea that you can kill babies (don’t go telling me it’s a ‘fetus’ at full-term… it ain’t jackass) when they’re breathing! They pushed the edge of the envelope and now… Roe v Wade hopefully will disappear.
LIKE A BOSS!! 😂🤣😂🤣
Fox News producer Jake Gibson, citing a source close to Barr, said the Justice Department head approached Pelosi during the National Peace Officers Memorial Service on Capitol Hill…
Barr skipped a House hearing May 2nd on special counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia report, escalating an already battle between Democrats and President Donald Trump’s Justice Department. House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and fellow Democrat panel members voted May 8th to hold Barr in contempt for refusing to testify.
With Barr absent, Democrats convened a short hearing that included an empty chair with a place card set for Barr. Shortly afterward, Pelosi increased the tensions further. In a reference to the attorney general’s testimony last month, Pelosi said Barr “was not telling the truth to the Congress of the United States — that’s a crime.”
On the day of the contempt vote, Washington Post reporter Bob Costa asked Pelosi if she would arrest Trump Administration officials, such as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, if they were held in contempt of Congress.
“Well, let me just say, we do have a little jail down in the basement of the Capitol,” she responded.
Nasty Nan is all Hat and No Cattle… as they say in Texas…
When approached for comment about the AG’s question to her, Pelosi asked for a banana….
…. the TRUTH‼️ …. at last ….
11/12 page letter (I think that qualifies as an epistle?)
I don’t think length is a factor in deciding it’s an “epistle.” See 3 John. All of it at once, in fact.
I enjoy reading these letters. This is the most scathing one yet.
vote on confirmation of Rosen will come tomorrow (Thurs) at 1:30 (fingers crossed !)
Ha. Rosenstein, Jeffrey’s Deputy, to be succeeded by Jeffrey Rosen.
If you’re worried about POTUS’ tariffs on China impacting Americans (yeah, MSM is gaslighting)
one of the Qanons lays it out in simple terms, POTUS is VSG
The term for this, in the game of chess, is called “checkmate”.
Game over.
Latest from Polly on the Leftist Cult…
Thank you for introducing me to Polly… I think this is one of the best she has done. Hope everyone shares it!
(I’m so sheltered, I have never heard the term “suppressive” people.)
Polly is approaching 100K subscribers…her videos are definitely reaching an audience that is sick of the lying mainstream narrative.
If I recall correctly, Scientologists refer to anti-Scientologists as “suppressive people.”
I think it is not just anti-Scientologists but non-Scientologists.
But to be clear I don’t know that for sure. Just how I understood it, and I could be wrong. I often am.
Okay, here’s what wikipedia says:
Suppressive Person, often abbreviated SP, is a term used in Scientology to describe the “antisocial personalities” who, according to Scientology’s founder L. Ron Hubbard, make up about 2.5% of the population. A statement on a Church of Scientology website describes this group as including notorious historic figures such as Adolf Hitler.[1]
The term is often applied to those whom the Church perceives as its enemies, such as those whose “disastrous” and “suppressive” acts are said to impede the progress of individual Scientologists or the Scientology movement.[2]
One of the reasons Scientology doctrines portray Suppressive Persons as such a danger is that they are supposed to make people around them become Potential Trouble Sources (abbreviated PTS). Scientology defines a PTS as “a person who is in some way connected to and being adversely affected by a suppressive person. Such a person is called a potential trouble source because he can be a lot of trouble to himself and to others.”[3] Hubbard suggested that Potential Trouble Sources make up 17.5% of the population.[4]
you recall correctly, according to Polly…
apparently the leftists have purloined the term…
Sylvia, I agree with your take on the term as used in the video…
pR, okay, tonight’s the night. I will watch Amazing Polly. I’ve been threatening to and just haven’t yet, but I will watch this tonight before bed. And that’s that. I’m very curious!
That’s what the Scientologists call anyone who disagrees with them. They banish them, Dox them, spy on, and continue to harass the supressives. Cult members are forbidden to communicate with suppressives and are actually trained to identify and report them. Really tears apart families. Scientology is a vicious money scamming cult.
Well, lookie here…
Suppressive has gone global…………
Thank goodness POTUS sees through your manipulations you Globalists scum…
Cabal executes a False Flag (MK) and uses that to take away 1st amendment rights…..
I guess they think we all have “STUPID” stamped across our foreheads !!!!!!
pR, that is a term used in Scientology. Suppressive people are considered bad people (because they aren’t Scientologists). I don’t know how the expression is used here.
I’ve never heard the expression used elsewhere. I thought it was unique to Scientology, but I don’t know that.
Hubbard’s coining of the word is a crock.
I cannot “suppress” another person..
Law enforcement can “suppress” certain activity or attempt to or actually suppress a riot.
We’re talking individual power here. I only have my power, I can’t take yours. You may decide to give it over (to Scientology etc), but I can’t TAKE it.
Love how they change words… it’s all psycho-babble. Cult-speak. Garbage.
You have the right idea Sylvia… you’ll agree with Polly when you watch the video. She is saying it is NO LONGER unique to Scientology.
If you sit with it for a while, you come to see it as a form of bullying. In other words, if you don’t like my premise, you are oppressive, therefore I deem you a “suppressive” person. CULT.
Thanks Harry, it was well worth the time to watch it. I’m going to watch more when I can.
“The White House is set to unveil a sweeping new plan that would radically transform the makeup of immigrants in the United States, ending the visa lottery program and implementing a comprehensive merit-based admissions procedure, three senior administration officials told Fox News on Wednesday.
The move would more than quadruple the number of immigrants admitted because of their work-related skills, while dramatically slashing the number of immigrants admitted because of family ties. Currently, approximately 12 percent of immigrants are admitted based on employment and skills, while 66 percent are admitted based on family connections.
Those percentages, under the new plan, would shift to 57 percent and 33 percent, respectively. Ten percent of immigrants would be admitted on humanitarian or other grounds, but the plan would end the visa lottery program…”
Polly mentions a new voice being censored in the video posted above so I decided to check it out.
Flep has been telling us for some time now about how different Gen Z was going to be from the Millennials.
Gen Z teen Soph skewers political correctness. WOW! They’ll be setting their PC sights on this young one.
This is truly worth the time to watch.
This is why we can have hope for the future.
Harry, someone posted one of her videos last night, too. I watched it. She’s a pistol, that Soph.
I’ll watch this one later tonight.
Some people are claiming that she is just reading other people’s ideas. She addresses that in this video briefly…saying that her brother writes the material with her and that she videos and edits everything herself and she agrees with everything that she puts in her videos.
Hey, what’s for dinner?
Last night I said I hoped it wasn’t goat, then I worried Gail would be made at me for even thinking about eating a goat, but today she informed me they are very tasty and nutritious.
Best prepared goat I ever ate was at Athena’s, in Houston.
The brothers who owned the restaurant were more famous for their toilet sanitizing product.
Sarandos Deodorant Company
Was there a connection between the toilet sanitizing product and the restaurant?
Secret recipe for the goat recipe includes a dollop of Mr. Zeke’s Toilet Cleaner?
Or they had to develop a super duper toilet sanitizing product because of the goat they had been serving?
I don’t get out much. Eating goat makes me think of the Raiders of the Lost Ark Movie where Harrison Ford got served the soup out of the monkey’s head.
I also have a lurid imagination.
I’m sorry. I’m sure your goat fricassee was the stuff that dreams are made of. 🙂
And there goes the timer on my oven. Time to rescue the fish sticks. 🙂 🙂
George and Ernie (Athena was George’s wife’s name)
Their grandfather invented the product (originally in Greece).
Talented, eccentric and interesting; both of them.
And they had a way with the goat stew, too! 🙂 Some people get all the talent, don’t they?
Well, good for them. Envy has never been one of my great sins. I’m happy for people who are successful in whatever area they choose to make their mark.
And they made a goat dish so tasty you still remember it fondly. That’s not a small thing in this world.
Good ole days in the building business, Houston.
Three Kava Bowls at Trader Vic’s for lunch, then back to the grind.
You, sir, are made from sterner stuff.
After three Kava Bowls I’d be sleeping on the banquette or under the table.
Always worked hard
Played hard
Loved hard and ………………….
Prayed hard
It sounds you have lived life to the fullest. And that is what this great gift from God is for. It’s meant to be lived exuberantly, enthusiastically, passionately, and with gratitude. That’s what I think, anyway FWIW.
My father was known for doing everything in life that he wanted to.
And he went and named me after him…………………….
🙂 Something to live up to, it seems.
Exactly what he had in mind.
That can go a couple of ways. An inspiration or a bit of a burden.
We bumped heads a few times over, ‘direction.’
But he didn’t die, disappointed.
I bet he didn’t. I bet he was very proud of you.
He taught me a lot.
And I changed his mind about some things.
Was no easy task.
I’m smiling. I bet it wasn’t easy. Two strong willed men. He sounds like quite a guy.
mad, not made
makes me so made when I do that
….your a made woman
And that’s why they call me Sylvia The Shovel.
Who Dunnit?? Comey ➡️⬅️ Brennan
FOX News investigative journalist Catherine Herridge dropped a bomb on the deep state on Wednesday.
According to Herridge, there is an email from fired FBI Director James Comey from December 2016 that indicates it was John Brennan who pushed the dossier to be included in the IC report. ➡️
⬅️A source inside the CIA blames Comey for including the dossier.
Former Rep. Trey Gowdy says he has seen the email and it does not look good for John Brennan.
Well, well. Two of the three sanctimonious minions pointing fingers at each other. (The other being Strzok.)
I love this part of the movie when the bad guys turn on each other. May I have a bite of your popcorn?
By all means, Help yourself!! 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Other snacks too, 🥨🍟🍕🍪🍪🍰🧁🍨🍦🍦☕️🥤🍺🍹🍸🍷 and 🥓🥓!! 😍🥰🤩
darn, there’s no goat–and just when I was developing a hankering! Maybe a nice slice of pizza instead, thank you!
Baaa 🐐🐐🐐
Nope, still too cute to eat. But thank you!
Brian has a THREAD – click on either tweet
oops… did not get the tweet I wanted there… here, this one
As DP (Deplorable Patriot) was pontificating this a.m., if Durham was on this before November 2018 when AG Sessions resigned, SESSIONS GETS THE CREDIT for putting Durham on the case…
(But I won’t say “I told you Sessions was/is a great guy… ” no, not me)
And Howie can go get stuffed.
We really really are watching a movie. This stuff has been in play for months, and the production team has been on point for years. Now the bad guys have to get theirs.
I wish I had a $1 for every nasty word directed at me OT for supporting Jeff Sessions and that POTUS was playing rope-a-dope with these commie clowns.
You and GA/FL.
Thankfully you guys aren’t shrinking violets.
Well, Sessions DEFINITELY put Durham on James Baker. Page 37 of Baker’s released testimony to Congress names Durham:
His testimony was BEFORE Sessions left.
So, who’s gonna be guarding the airports??
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is planning to send hundreds of employees to the southern border to assist in managing the large influx of Central American migrants entering the U.S., according to an email CNN obtained.
The TSA plans to send 175 law enforcement agents and as many as 400 “Security Ops” agents to the southern border to work alongside Customs and Border Protection officers as acting immigration officers, according to the email.
Good plan!
Some Tender Loving Care from the TSA will have then running BACK across the border.
With their weapons! 😜
Right Patrick,
TSA stole Biden’s motto… feelings, nothing more than…
(I threw in a little something from Greece, in line with your memories of goat and Greeks. 😉 I must say that I first had goat as a teenager, and it was delicious… roasted of course… as done in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding)
Well, if Gail reads this she is going to be chuffed! All of you eating her goats!!!
We would never eat HER goats…
….we would get the liberal’s goats.
Oh, well played!
“… All of you eating her goats!!!”
I want to eat my goat meat. I have some thawing right now. Cleaning out the last of the meat in the freezer so I can have another buck introduced to the Freezer, in a month or two after he fattens on spring grass….
Welllll…l maybe I will be generous and share since I have more bucks than I can count right now!
Gail, I’m curious–how many goats do you have?
Argh! I just GOT it.
pR you sly minx!
Ha, ha, SPOT ON!
thanks for posting Butterfly………..
Melania is gorgeous as usual… the dress was lovely, I like the hem (well darn, brain freeze again, can’t explain what I liked! anyway I did!)
The hem looks like it has a bit of a frill? I can’t quite tell. I’ll have to look for better pics. And I want to see what shoes she chose.
I can only think “fish tail”… and it’s the bottom, not the hem (I hate losing the little grey cells uggh)
thanks bfly!!!
Monday Night POTUS!! 🤗😍🤗🇺🇸🇺🇸
POTUS’ EO already effective…
“The Commerce Department said Wednesday it has reasonable basis to believe that “Huawei is engaged in activities that are contrary to US national security.”
Let’s put it this way…
…when POTUS put the Abe Lincoln into the Straight of Hormuz/Persian Gulf, along with repo’ing Buffs into Qatar, the Mullahs in Iran now know we really, truly, seriously mean no-schiff bidness. That’s enough firepower to wreck Iran’s air defense capabilities in less than 6 hours, and eradicate their communication, electrical and utility grids in less than 24. They’d be blind, in the dark, with no running water, and no way to send or receive information. And we’d shoot down their military aircraft just as fast as they could put them into the air.
Oh….yeah…one other minor little thing. Over 50% of the people inside Iran wish we’d do it, too, so they could storm the proverbial castle and wrest control of Iran from the extremists who do.
Does POTUS have the Mullah’s undivided attention right now??
You bet your ass he does.
100% cool picture.
CVN-68 is USS Nimitz. Doubt Nimitz is in Middle East.
CVN-72 is USS Abraham Lincoln.
Agree BUFFs, Lincoln and other assets DoD has announced in the Middle East have the Mullah’s attention. The stuff the Mullah’s can’t see has their hiney’s puckered.
Correct. Not the Lincoln.
The Nimitz is currently in dry dock at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility in Bremerton undergoing a 15-month refurbishment that will be completed later this year.
Wasn’t meant to detract from Mullah’s know they are in a world of sh!t, if they or their proxies get stupid and attack Americans.
Besides the awesome hardware in theater, a few days ago, an Admiral or General (forgot which one), publicly stated if Iran attacks, the US will robustly respond. And it won’t be a fair fight.
Won’t be a fair fight was stated a couple times. That language, I welcome and has not been the norm.
The thing is, it’s not just the Abe Lincoln. All it’s support vessels in the task force have withering offensive and defensive capabilities.

For instance…escorting the Lincoln….
USS Leyte Gulf
Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers are multi-role warships that run heavily armed with 122 vertical-launch-system (VLS) cells capable of carrying everything from Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles to surface-to-air missiles and anti-submarine-warfare rockets.
4 destroyers: USS Bainbridge, USS Gonzalez, USS Mason, and USS Nitze
Like the larger cruisers, destroyers are also multi-mission vessels. Armed with 90 to 96 VLS cells, these ships have air-and-missile defense capabilities, as well as land-attack abilities.
Early in the Trump presidency, two US Navy destroyers devastated Shayrat Airbase with 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles to punish the Syrian regime in the aftermath of a chemical-weapons attack.
At least one…probably two…fast attack submarines….also with Tomahawk missiles…
The Air Force has repositioned F-15s and F-35s into the region, in addition to the B-52s (Buffs)
The U.S.S. Arlington
Amphibious Landing Ship
A San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock is able to move Marines, amphibious assault vehicles, conventional landing craft, and rotary aircraft to support amphibious assaults, special operations, or expeditionary warfare missions
It is VERY hard to overstate how much firepower is present in this deployment….right on up to nukes.
Great info. ^^^ An awesome force to be reckoned with! ^^^
Would not expect confirmation from DoD, but IMHO, likely, at least one of our four SSGN in USN inventory, lurking silently. Payload includes up to 154 Tomahawks. (Yea, 154)
IF Iran gets stupid, it’ll be raining ordnance on their dumb @sses.
I am sure, President Trump does not want a fight. But also sure President Trump will stomp Iran if they stupidly attack Americans.
Confirmation of Kenneth Lee to 9th Circuit today is POTUS’ 5th nominee to that Court… 3 vacancies remain. Stats stand now (D) 16; (R) 10. Look how huge the 9th Circuit is… it should be split.×314
YES, please split the Ninth…so long as Nevada can be separate from CA & HI..:-)
Oh boy. Oh boy oh boy. Come out it will.
🙂 🙂
Good one, Gil.
That’s weird…Gil’s link was showing the DDG link at first, which is why it wasn’t displaying.
But now it’s got the giphy link.
I fixed it! 😉
Okay cool…so I’m not going crazy and seeing things then.
I thought that may have been the case.
Ive got to figure out how to do gifs right…. ty!
From thearticle:
“Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a
‘key logger’ virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records.”
“Raniere’s sex slaves are poised to testify against him, as prosecutors prepare to submit evidence that NXIVM illegally bundled money for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Parlato made it clear that Clinton was happy to accept the money.”
“Ex-cult employee Frank Parlato — who exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women — is working with Big League Politics to uncover the deep longstanding links between Gillibrand, the Clintons, and NXIVM.”
“Parlato described how NXIVM imported teenage girls from Mexico, how the cult viewed Chuck Schumer as a ‘friendly’ Democrat ally, and many other bombshells.”
It also talks about Kirsten Gillibrand and her father, and much more.
Come out it will…
Let the chips fall where they may…D-Rats, RepubliCONS, Corporate schmucks…deon’t care. If they did the crime, nail the bastards. Looking forward to perp walks of shame, bail denied where possible, solitary confinement, ankle bracelets for those that must be allowed bail, prosecutions….
M O A R . . .
The imploding Brennan, Comey, Clapper…traitorous actions… IG Horowitz report apparently completed. Hanitty says devastating. Huber soon? Durham been working his angle for months. Referrals from Horowitz…ongoing Grand Jury hearings…
Come out it will.
Since all of this BS started, I guess 2 1/2 to three years ago we have been waiting for justice.
G R E A T days we are witnessing:-)
Holy schiff holy schiff holy schiff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
click on tweet for comments
THIS smells.
Judge was appointed by Hickendoofus.
This is Democrat’s trying to protect a national narrative.
This is how democrats roll.
Yup. I agree.
Now – there is ONE WAY I’m OK with the sealing.
In my opinion there is an extreme likelihood that the federal authorities would – if they dug really deeply on this case – find sketchy TAVISTOCK influence of these two perps to push them into action. One is TRANS and the other is a SATANIST. It’s TEXTBOOK. This is just like MANNING PLUS LAUGHNER. Both of those were clearly OPERATIONS. It’s left-wing radical craziness being used in multi-purpose operations, to make our whole society sick, and to GET THE GUNS – one of “their” highest priorities.
If the case is getting sealed for THAT REASON – so that the TRUMP FEDS and maybe DOT MIL can get ahead of any black hat influence – then I’m OK with it. If there is a FEDERAL INVESTIGATION sneaking up inside of it – GREAT. Then I’m OK with sealing.
If not, then it’s bogus.
Thank goodness Trump got the trans infection out of the military.
Note that the leftist sneaky sabotage show MASH (oh, yes, I loved it, too – strychnine+Godiva chocolate) was part of fake entertainment to set this up. That show was YEARS ahead of schedule, to PREPARE for this narrative which REVERSES Section 8 and forces crazies *INTO* the military.
Do people see how BRILLIANT that was? We LOVED that show, but it CHANGED US in a very slow and patient communist program to accept crazy people into the military – its FINAL objective.
The weaponization of our compassion by communism was BREATHTAKING.
“The weaponization of our compassion…”
Wow, that’s perfect!
That’s exactly what they’ve done!
Well put, Wolfie!
And it’s not just the commies…the islamists have weaponized our compassion too.
They use women & children as human shields.
They go into ‘act pitiful mode’ whenever they lose or get caught.
But then, as you’ve pointed out…not much difference between the prog-coms and the islamists.
I’m really starting to put together the big picture of how they attacked from multiple angles of deception. Getting inside the churches was CRITICAL.
Reading AA-1025 was a revelation. Once I saw what was POSSIBLE in subversion and infiltration, I could see everywhere how FUTURE PROVES PAST.
They really did, didn’t they? Wow, that is an illuminating thought. You put your finger on something key. You’ve been doing that a lot lately. 🙂
Oh yes, I see exactly what you mean about MASH. And yet, despite watching it (and I was a young teen mind you) I liked it on one hand but on the other there was something off about it that made some part of me uncomfortable.
Looking back, I suppose it was probably the anti-American themes heavily deployed throughout. It made fun of things I believed in, ideas that I was taught to cherish. It conflicted me.
I never gave it any thought, I just watched and laughed but at the same time noted something wasn’t right.
Your explanation as to why the records might have been sealed make sense to me. Gosh, I hope you are right. Thanks for taking the time to point this out.
Yes, I had that same ambivalence about Mash. The patriots were phony. The patriots were dildos. The patriots were hypocrites. The people who DIDN’T fight the ChiComs and Norks (remember – it’s NOT VIETNAM – it’s CONFLATING Vietnam with Korea) are the “heroes”.
Oh yes – MASH was SLICK. It was funny, it was eye-catching, it was interesting. And yet, like smoking, we knew it wasn’t good for us. Something was OFF. Something wasn’t RIGHT.
Scalise on Ingraham just said POTUS raised $4million at the New Orleans dinner last night!!
Lots of support, Lots of Money, Go POTUS!!
TRUMP 2020 in a LANDSLIDE VICTORY!!!! Yeah Baby!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🤗🤗🇺🇸🇺🇸
My sentiments EXACTLY!
Cute MEME!
Love it! “Bull” Durham sure has a stern expression, doesn’t he. He, he, he.
We got Honey Badger Barr Meme’s down pat…We need BULL Durham MEMES now!!!🤣🤣🤣
Better MEME.. WARNING… Don’t eat or drink anything before you see this…
Honey badger don’t give a shit.
He doesn’t even suffer sling and arrows, Steve!! LOL😂😂😘 “Got Handcuffs?”
Perhaps Durham can be the Bearded Dragon.
Like yours? Now I can’t remember his name? Darn it…
Darwin (after the city in Oz).
Except that Bearded Dragons are actually quite inoffensive, unless you’re their food.
Darwin!!! Yes!!! Now I need a pic? any chance? 😏😍
Here’s one very similar looking, but rather aggressive:
DANG!!! She kinda looks like Nancy Pelosi with real teeth!!! Biotch!! Thanks for this video!!! Spudrella? Qwel!!
I always did like Frazier. Glad he’s on our team! 🤗🤗
Kelsey Grammer Praises Trump for Accomplishing What Washington ‘Clowns’ Couldn’t ‘for the Last 50 Years’
Veteran actor Kelsey Grammer reiterated his support for President Donald Trump on Tuesday, arguing the way that he has shaken up the Washington establishment can only be a good thing.
I have always loved Kelsey Grammer in everything he is in!! Frazier was such a great show…
He had a cable show a few years back called BOSS, in which he played a crooked mayor of Chicago? I think. A switch from comedy, He was REALLY good. I was miffed that they canceled show after 2 seasons. 😫
Within 6 years–Somebody we all Know and love–will make Television shows great again!!
Our mostest favoritist President ever??? Ooh, that would be Qewl!!😎
Rush half joking, half serious, said we need to watch for them getting on planes, leaving the country, going to Argentina or other places with no extradition. 😳😳😳
That’s a big ole “half joking, half serious” statement –Especially coming from RUSH!!!! I want to add “Don’t Doubt Me.”😂🤔🤔😁😎
Or New Zealand to their bunkers.
Hannity joked, to Venezuela, 😝. That is no longer possible since POTUS just banned ALL air travel to and from there, both private and commercial, TODAY. 👏👏👏
Oh YES Sylvia!!! Damn traitors are wanting to retreat to Middle Earth! I wish the hobbits would kick them out!!!
Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Gitmo’s Where They Need To Go!
Have you guys see K_ovefe’s latest??? New favorite!!
PDJT pardoned Conrad Black. TBH, I didn’t know Conrad Black had suffered from legal problems.
‘The two counts for which I have just received a presidential pardon, and of which I was “convicted” in 2011, after the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously vacated them only to have a self-serving appellate judge reinstate them, were for wire fraud and obstruction of justice.’