The Birthday Party – For REAL Men – The Blowout!

We bought the B&B in March, a few days after my fiance’s birthday. The house was a wreck. No one lived here for 23yrs, and we undertook a complete renovation. He was quite a bit older than me (13yrs) and had been married before. His ex-wife was a manipulative and mean woman who “ran off” all his friends. I was determined our life, our home, would be open and welcoming to his friends. Every guy needs man friends, right? During the renovation, one of his buddies wandered by and casually mentioned, “Hey, it’s a shame you’re almost finished, we should have had another one of OUR birthday parties BEFORE the house was all fixed up.”
Now, I grew up in different cities, not in the same small town. Thus, I was unfamiliar with the history, the “lore”, the stories of their wild days in their 20’s. Yet, I learned five of them all had birthdays close to each other and those birthday parties were legendary. I made a mental note………. and decided to throw a birthday party for husband and his buddies the following year.
We opened in 6 months, September, and were married in December, with the reception at the house. By the time the next March rolled around, I had several big parties under my belt and a staff which was ready for anything. BUT this was a personal party – not a client party, …… and it was a blowout.
But I had a problem.
While the guys were all wild as hell in their youth, they had grown up. NOW….. they all went to church, paid taxes, went to rotary….. stuff like that…… NOW…. they were all upstanding members of the community. One owned the biggest lumber company within 30 miles. One was the head of a 50 man architectural firm, a prominent southern firm. One was the Mayor and a zillionaire. One owned a 7K acre farm and worked his way up to Pres of the MS Cattlemen’s Association. AND, one was my husband, who owned a large construction company. They were all in their 40’s (I was 32) and the idea of another “wild” party might damage a few reputations. It is a small town, and people do gossip. So….., I made up rules for the party.
Those who read here, Q Treepers, know me well enough to know, I don’t like rules. Daughn’s rules for the party went as follows:

  1. There will be no pictures taken at the party.
  2. If you buy a new “outfit” for the party, we will know, and you won’t be invited back.
  3. If you talk about the party, hit on someone else’s wife, or spread gossip, we will know, and you won’t be invited back.
  4. This is our one event, once per year, where we all get to have fun. So, have fun.
  5. Come hungry, we’re cooking!

With 5 locally prominent guys and one massive birthday party, the guest list became unmanageable. I decided to print up an “announcement” and ran off 300 sheets on the printer, giving each guy 50-60 announcements to send to whomever they wanted. Easiest way to solve that problem. Most of the guys knew the SAME people = duplicates. I figured half would come, with a guest, and we would have, at most, 100-250 people for the party. Right?
The party was scheduled for the first weekend in March. I swear, I could write the Farmer’s Almanac when it comes to predicting the weather. Usually, I’m pretty good. Without fail, in our little town, the weather for the first weekend in March is absolutely perfect. Around March 4-10th, we get our first break of spring. It’s 72 degrees, and glorious weather after a long (6-8 weeks) winter. Everyone throws on their flip-flops and shorts. We come out of hibernation. It’s a perfect weekend for a party.
At 5:00pm, we had 3-4 inches of snow on the ground. In the south, if it snows, everything comes to a standstill. It wasn’t sticking on the streets, sidewalks, and driveway, but my husband was devastated. He paced in front of the big window in the parlor, “No one is going to come to my party.” He looked like a sad little kid.
I said a little prayer and hoped for the best, because we were READY.
We planned the party for a month, which meant the anticipation had time to build. People made travel plans and the party grew. I heard rumblings, “Hey Daughn, is it okay if I invite……”, to which I always said, “Sure, the more the merrier!” And people did make travel plans.
The word went out. They came from everywhere….. They brought more friends….. and they brought food. The staff and I had cooked for three days……. but the food…. the food was overwhelming and the generosity of others was humbling.
Husband’s cousins came in from Milwaukee. These were the Harley Davidson cousins. They rented a truck, and brought 180 cases of beer, and a few kegs of craft beer, 10 EXTRA kegs…….. in case we ran out. They brought with them their best friends, who owned the biggest catering company in Wisconsin (catered for Bill Clinton when he hosted the Governor’s Assoc/ did 50K people at golf tournaments, etc), and they brought more brats, salamis, and cheeses, than I’ve ever seen in my life. They also brought THEIR grill they used for golf tournaments. They all stayed at Mother-in-law’s house.
Some of my old, but very dear, and very wealthy, gay friends decided to come up from New Orleans. They brought 250lbs of shrimp and 25lbs of raw fresh shucked oysters. Do you have any idea how many oysters that is? OMG, it was endless. Plus, because there is no tax on liquor in Louisiana, they brought hard liquor for the party. We unloaded case after case after case of Jack Daniels, Absolute, Bacardi, a load of Tanqueray + 4 cases of Champagne……… cuz we had to toast the birthday boys. They all stayed at Grandma Della’s house.
Since the owners of the town liquor store were invited, they contributed all the “house wine”…. in pickup trucks. ……. We took over the neighbor’s garage for extra storage and the police were guarding the house…. like it was their party.
My old biz partner from Miami, who married my best friend, maid of honor in our wedding, decided to come. They brought stone crab claws and and our neighbor’s extra fridge was filled with Jewish Deli from Wolfie’s, Roast Beef… Pastrami… Corned Beef….. it was heavenly.
Then, the Cattlemen’s Assoc. boys…….. from DALLAS….. decided to come, in a Winnebago, with their traveling BBQ team. I have no idea how much beef and pork they brought with them….. it was unimaginable.
And our staff had cooked for days, mostly Italian and hors d’oeuvres. We set up three bars. We had a formal bar in the house, hard liquor/bartenders and more food on the side porch. Horse troughs for beer and 13 tables for BBQ on the back porch and yard. The Cattlemen and Wisconsin BBQ’s were set up on a parking pad – we took over the neighbor’s house as well. I marinated half the shrimp and we boiled half.
The guys set up a fish cooker for the oysters, and we made this weird concoction – on a skewer, you start with a half-cooked piece of bacon, thread an oyster (which has marinated), thread the bacon, another oyster, more bacon, on and on, ending in bacon. Then, the whole thing is fried in a fish cooker. I stopped counting at 1000 made, and I didn’t get to eat a single one. People hovered over the fish cooker and a whole tray of them never made it into the house. Scarfed. 
We had the main food set up in the dining room with desserts in the library. We moved our entire ground floor master bedroom, upstairs, so we had more room for prep – expanding the kitchen. Husband brought in two MOAR fridges and tables from the shop.
Food and CD’s with the outdoor speakers went from about 6-8pm. The birthday boys got together, chipped in, and hired a “really good band”.  The band started at about 8:30pm, with the unmistakable rift of Eric Clapton’s “Cocaine”.

We set the band up in the garage, and the parking circle was a perfect dance floor. At the time, we had a 3 car garage but it did not have a garage door. So, it was like a cave. The garage is next door to the tall brick walls of the school. The echo was phenomenal. My girlfriend was at Wal-Mart, about a mile away, picking up extra sodas for mixers. She was in the parking lot and heard the band gear up…….
Well then….
To combat the cooler temps, the construction/farm guys brought in “concrete heaters” or “shop heaters” which were like enormous space heaters that ran on kerosene. Somewhere along the way, a group built a LARGE bonfire in the backyard, perfect for the chill in the air.
The band was really cranking and I remember dancing so hard we were sweating, with snow on the ground. Wild, eh? I walked toward the house to take a break and check on the kitchen, when a girlfriend from Culture Club stopped me. “That was a GREAT song. What was that?”, she said. I looked at MaryLynn and was dumbfounded. How could she possibly live through the 70’s and not know about ZZTop and “Tush”? She had no idea. She was so sheltered.

I do recall sitting in the staircase hallway with my banker, shooting tequila, when four policemen walked through the back door into the hallway. His face went white. He thought we were being raided. He was a Baptist Deacon who “never drank”. No, it was shift change at the police station and those boys were hungry. I do love my police department. Sensing his nervousness, one of the detectives told him they were off duty, “It’s okay Mr. X, they put a sign up on the switchboard which read ‘Party at X House tonight. Unless there is a fire, leave them alone.”
Then, he then told me the Sheriff left town, went fishing, for the weekend of our party…… incommunicado.
We had an epic moment when the tile crew guys decided to join, and jam, with the band. They went through everything from George Thorogood to Muddy Waters. The band was HOT!
The party went off without a hitch. It was as if it wasn’t my party, or our party…… it was everyone’s party. All night long I saw people bundling trash, passing a platter, washing a dish, putting another log on the fire………., everyone contributed in big ways and small ways. There were no “guests”. It was more like a big family reunion.
There was one moment. I was standing on the back porch, looking over the rail at the crowd. Lots of people I did not know, but all good people. I had no idea how much they “needed” a party, a chance to get together, a chance to eat, drink, and be merry. It really wasn’t just a party for my husband, or the five guys. I was looking for the wallflowers, the people who were not mixing. There weren’t any.
Some say there were 1000 people here that night. I doubt it. Others said 600, another said not more than 400. I have no idea. I did count 9 judges…..
The next morning, we all arose and were kind of tired and groggy. The Winnebago crew was stirring and people were sleeping on couches upstairs, but they were all part of the party/hosts/crew and belonged here. Husband started coffee. The farmer woke up, because if the sun is up, he’s awake. He wandered downstairs and started picking at the leftover food on the dining table. The shrimp, oysters, crab claws were all gone. No telling how much meat and Italian food we went through. We did wrap and save what we could before going to bed, including those huge cheese rounds from Wisconsin.
Farmer: “Gosh, I missed this last night….”, plunging a stale frito into an unknown dip.
Husband: (wandered into the dining room) “I wouldn’t eat that if I were you”
Farmer: “Aw, a little bit of bacteria won’t hurt me…. the Jack Daniels will kill everything.”
Husband: “I’m not talking about food left out all night”, he pointed to the little cat paw prints in the dip……..
Farmer: “Gotcha”.
By the next morning the weather cleared and it was at least 65 degrees by 9:00am. Snow gone. Perfect weather. I saved the Corned Beef, 10lbs. of it, and we made a scratch Corned Beef Hash, 20lbs of potatoes, simmered in beef bullion (with the corned beef) and 5 dozen eggs….. and brats, for breakfast, on the golf tournament grill. The Harley crew, and the gay guys, showed up for breakfast…. with grandmas in tow.
They ate it all.
We did have beer left….. for the Harley guys….. for breakfast.
The Cattlemen said our party was, “Bigger than Dallas.”
And the gay guys made Mimosas with leftover champagne.
What a party….. with a LOT of help……. from great friends.
After everyone left, husband turned to me, “That was fun. Can’t wait ’til next year……..!”
Next year……..

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Love it.
I feel we all need to all take a trip to your B&B.
Make it a MAGA B&B weekend!!! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bigger than Dallas! I love it!
I think I lost it around “10 extra kegs”!!! 😀


I grew up on Wisconsin corn and brat roasts. Yes, 10 extra kegs! It is an all day and all night 🌙affair.


Party at Daughn’s! What’s the address? I don’t want to miss the left turn at Albuquerque! Wowzers! You’re stories are great and thanks for the music, it was like being there.


Great story. 😄


Great story, Daughn…and what an epic party!
Those bacon-oyster-kabobs sound mouth wateringly good.
I want one.
After all that work, I hope your hubby included a “Thank You” after that remark about “next year”.
Shame on him if he didn’t!

Jan Phillips

Amen, Wheatie!!!


Wow! Thank you! What an amazing story about an amazing party. A glimpse into your life and how hard work and success can bring great things to share and enjoy.
Several years ago I put on party in our community for my partner’s 50th. He loves parties and with me far removed now from the band scene he probably missed the action so I went all out. Spent a year putting a band together from ‘true’ locals minimum 17yrs in the area, to perform 4 awesome sets (myself as lead vocals, sax) Decorated beach theme including a couple dozen beach balls suspended in fishing net which was released late in the night providing crazy child like fun for all, food, accom etc for interstate travellers, 150 people and a driver to get them back home (zero public transport). Legendary for this small community.
Not quite on your scale of style (we did have prawns) but nevertheless I appreciate the work/fun challenge set for you.
I, as well as everyone else who read this, would love to be at one of your parties!
When you mentioned Tush I had a big grin as that is one of my standards, what I usually perform when impromptu guest or when jamming…I had a three piece for a while where I learned to play bass and that bass line is so much fun to play while singing…😊
I am glad you’re here Daughn and for me what you have to offer is priceless. Your life seems fascinating and I would love to read your book one day??? Meanwhile I’ll enjoy the snippets you divulge.


Is this the declass we’ve been waiting for? Haha! Happy you let us in on the party.
I am looking forward to your book 😉 ahem, your next snapshot of life in the ultimate B&B 😊


….. After everyone left, husband turned to me, “That was fun. Can’t wait ’til next year……..!”
Well Daughn that says it all, it’s a tip top wonderful story .. happy people all around .. you are a happy person but it’s a tempered happy that makes it a steel strong happy .. this is what moves mountains 🏔 .. 😉👍❤️‼️
See I’m happy also … ha! Love your post, it’s a treat and you’re a treasure … 😛🤚❤️


Great story, the best thing is that it is true, absolutely, I know it is. Sorry that the big whoop kinda died out, I was going to suggest one of those mechanical bulls. Nothing says fun more than sitting on that and then flying off!


From “China Grove” by the Doobie Brothers:
“And though it’s a part of the Lone Star State
People don’t seem to care
They just keep on lookin to the East
Talkin bout the China Grove (China)
Oh-oh-oh, China Grove, oh-oh-oh”
I think that place to the East may have been in Mississippi. The Texans from the Cattleman’s Association seem to know where to look.
(in jest)

Rodney Short

My kind of party

Rodney Short

I can relate to it alot, glad you liked it.

Rodney Short

I always ended up under the kitchen table talkin to my old tom cat.

Rodney Short

Wasn’t that a party?


I was thinking of the same song Rodney! Thanks for sharing this. After reading Daughn’s story, my head was feeling like a football 🏈! I was a little worried 😟

Rodney Short

Could of been the whiskey might of been the gin.

Sylvia Avery

Whew, Daughn, I was up on the table dancing to Cocaine.
*Wiping Sweat From Brow*
This was all so much easier when I was younger. But great party!


The morning after breakfast was great too. Especially the mimosas! I think I will get back to bed now. Thanks Qtreepers and Daughn for a great time. 👀u next time.