This FUNTASTIC FRIDAY WRAP UP open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here.
Use it or lose it. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious 1ST AMENDMENT FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious and vile Internet Censors any REASONABLE reason to shut down this precious haven.

Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Poor girl. Flight attendants don’t get any respect anymore, not even in commercials. Oh the stories we could tell! Like, this one time, at band camp…oh wait. (Cough cough)
HELLO again all you wonderful, amazing, deplorable Wolf den-izens! Welcome to another Friday edition of the weekly wrap-up. As always, we’ve got a LOT in store for your review, rememberance, and bookmarking from the week that was, so let’s jump right in.

First up….a nod, a smile, a BIGLY thank you!, and a long hug to all our moms out there! Last Sunday was Mother’s Day, and their importance simply cannot be overstated or over-emphasized.
bflyjesusgrl shared this with us and we repost it here in honor of all the great moms out there everywhere, human or otherwise…WATCH THIS and enjoy….
Seriously, there is so much going on in that video above it brought tears to my eyes. This is what winning BIGLY looks like!!
And so does this.
As usual, the folks in Texas “git ‘er done”….
COLDSPRING, TX – Elected officials in an East Texas community defiantly illuminated the crosses on their courthouse after an atheist organization told them to take them down. The move came after the county judge and commissioners voted unanimously to keep the four crosses on the county building.
QUOTE: “600-700 residents filled the Coldspring Community Shelter when the commissioners voted on the issue. Over 45 residents signed up to address the county officials at the meeting which felt like a revival, one speaker said.
Residents of the county of just under 29,000 people celebrated on social media after it saw photos of the illuminated Christian symbol on the courthouse. Legal foundations offered to provide representation if the organization sues the East Texas county.“

Hey…what do you think about this statement?
Do you agree?

If you say yes, and we think you do, DON’T MISS THIS
interview snip with Nancy Pelosi…

amwick shared this TERRIFIC interview with us…..quote….
“Very good interview… Mark Levin speaks with Dr. John Eastman, a Constitutional Scholar. They go over so many topics,,, Mueller, Electoral College, DACA, Impeachment… just to name a few…
Very calm, no fancy bells and whistles… I really love this guy…
Here, if you are interested…”
Hey, wanna have some fun?
Grab a bag of popcorn then head on over to this tweet by failed dem candidate Pam Keith. The replies are epic!
Here, have a taste…
When we first saw this we were all like “WTH is it this time?”….”steal your agency”?? We should have known.
Yep, liberals are once again going berserk because we won’t let them commit murder whenever they want to…so what’s their new plan?
Once again, the replies were awesome…particularly this one from Steve Steele…
As usual, A.F Branco kills it with a one panel cartoon…

Folks, the truth is….as we and other pro-life supporters have long pointed out…. leftists are lying through their teeth and misrepresenting our pro-life stance. We are not “erasing their rights” or their right to choose…

…to say nothing of the choices available to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, like condoms, morning after pills, etc.
Of course, the pro-murder leftists know this, so these self-professed LOVERS of science ultimately fall back to this IDOTIC argument…as evil does when it refuses to acknowledge God’s truth and only winds up managing to sound like the dehumanizing filth that evil really is.
Nominated for the WTF Comment of the Year….and evidence of why someone like AOC can get elected in this country…LISTEN…
I mean…really?? A baby in the womb is not a human being??

But take heart, patriots! We are winning this battle and the pro-murder leftists are on the run. Thanks to dims like VA Governor Blackface Infanticide, the mask is being ripped off these vile people and Americans now overwhelmingly disapprove of abortion as a mean of birth control. So there.
In other news….
“The organizers of a rally on Capital Hill calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump said the event was held to deliver to Congress a petition with more than ten million signatures urging for the action.”
Guess what? All of two (2) democrats showed up! Just 2. Wanna know who? Me neither…and who cares?
Do you guys watch Greg Gutfeld?
If you don’t you are really missing out. Here…have a taste….you can’t make this schiff up….
Discerning readers keeping up with Fleporblog’s daily news wraps know that the Chinese have been messing around with the wrong POTUS when it comes to…well, anything really…but especially trade. That said, check this out this high quality find from the historical records…
As unseen1 prompted us below…faced with Donald J. Trump as POTUS the Chinese now have to ask themselves…
This next video provides an great summary of what happened 20 years ago when China entered the World Trade Organization, what is happening today because of that, and what is likely to happen going forward from here…..WATCH…..

Speaking of POTUS, as he likes to do (and we him for it!) PDJT flexed his Twitter muscles and once again demonstrated his trolling powers…this time targeting the openly gay mayor of South Bend who wants to be president…
MAD Magazine’s response to Buttigieg was perfect…
… was this reply to MAD.
You can imagine how the precious buttflakes responded to the 1-2 combo POTUS and MAD delivered.
The outrage over the Buttigieg slam was delicious and flowed freely….

Up above we alluded to the mentality that allows really stupid people to get elected to represent the other idiots who vote for them.
Well, AnotherOrdinaryCommunist (AOC) is back in the news with this tweet, claiming her “12 years until doomsday” comment was sarcasm…but Freedom Recon blew that up immediately…
Speaking of AOC…
…. did you see this interview? Enjoy this…

Do you folks remember the video posted last week where Sec. State Pompeo took Chrissy “Lil’ Bitch” Wallace to the rhetorical cleaners??
Well, it seems Brexit leader Nigel Farage was watching and took a hint. Here, watch this incredibly satisfying clip…the commies at the BBC actually think it was a win for them!
Seriously, if you are not keeping up with the amazing and emerging story about what is happening in UK politics right now you are missing one of the great voter revolutions of all time. That said, we are mollified by the idea that you, dear reader, are up to speed on what is happening thanks to Fleporblog’s excellent daily news wraps.
Folks, this is BOMBSHELL news…this is what Farage wanted to talk about in that BBC interview…
In NYC, radical leftard Bill de Blasio thought it was a good idea to hold a rally inside Trump Tower as a prelude to his announcement that he will be running for President. Seriously!
Watch and listen to this EPIC video posted by that great Trump warrior, the one and only Scott “We are MAGA” Presler.
Hey…ya do stupid things and ya get stupid prizes!
How about a bit of the always entertaining Mark Dice?
We love this guy, and his latest video is hilarious. Apparently, democrats have a new strategy…prevent PDJT’s election by NOT impeaching him!
Hey….have you ever wondered what you would do if your dog was being held captive by a kangaroo?!
Well, neither have we, but let it never be said that our weekly wrap up doesn’t arm you…our readers…with vital, life saving information!
Here, have a look….(thanks Marica)…
Moving on…
There is no doubt our readers know that comedian Roseanne Barr is a conservative and supporter of PDJT, and we all love us some Roseanne! But did you know it was revealed this week that she is also an avid Q follower? And why not? The proofs of/for Q are indisputable for anyone with an objective, open mind.
Check this out…in this video she posted to YouTube, entitled “I am Q”, she is watching a Q video in which she is referenced, and she calls it “the greatest honor ever”….
What was that Q video, you ask?
Well, Wheatie found it and we posted it up top to start this week’s Wrap Up. If you missed it, that means you aren’t watching the videos we put up for you in the order they are posted, which in turn MEANS you are missing on at LEAST 50% of the mental and emotional space we hope to prepare for you and enjoy! Anyway…
We’ll end this part with an interview the Great Huckabee did with Roseanne….
Was that great or what? Let us answer for you… yes it was!
Speaking of Q, how about the latest Q proof??
Here is what POTUS tweeted on Monday regarding NASA and the USA’s return to space…
And here is what Q posted on Dec. 23, 2017.
Remember, “Future proves past.”
Seriously…..what are the odds??
Anyone who thinks it’s mere coincidence for POTUS to use the EXACT same phrase referencing the USA’s return to space as Q did over a year ago is simply denying mathematical probabilities…to say nothing of what we’ve recently learned about the lifelong friendship of Adm. Mike Rogers and Gen. Mike Flynn.

Moving onward and ever upward…
… about a joke?
Something tells us that the snowflakes won’t find this one funny, to which we say, “Awww. We’re all weepy. Someone pass us a tissue.” (sniffle) /s
Folks, the BIGGEST piece of news this week is a real DOOZY!! And it packs a 1-2 punch!
No wonder the left is attacking AG Barr, right? They now know he is coming after them. And THIS guy…US Atty John “Bull” Durham….is DEEPLY experienced in investigating and prosecuting rotten apples inside the DOJ and FBI!
But wait…there is even more news embedded in this announcment…

On October 3rd, 2018, lawyers for former FBI General Counsel James Baker informed Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows that their client has been under investigation for leaking to media….and the investigating prosecutor is John Durham!
Here is the backstory: on Oct. 3 last year James Baker was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee and he was asked a series of questions by Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan that Baker’s lawyers refused to allow him to answer.
Because of an ongoing investigation AT THAT TIME by….US Atty John “Bull” Durham! This guy…the same guy AG Barr just officially announced would be looking into the origins and predicates of the “MUH Russia” BS…

Why is that a big deal, you ask?
A: Because it means the Bull was APPOINTED BY JEFF SESSIONS TO BEGIN INVESTIGATING WHAT AG BARR JUST FORMALLY ANNOUNCED BEFORE THE MID-TERM ELECTIONS LAST YEAR! In other words, Mr. Durham has been at work since at LEAST October of last year… simply wasn’t announced.
Which means, of course, that former AG Jeff Sessions…aka “The Silent Executioner”….WAS working for MAGA all along….quietly and without fanfare…..
…..and all the POTUS tweets about his unhappiness with Sessions was… we predicted ALL along….simple misdirection!!
Is this picture…taken during Rod Rosenstein’s retirement ceremony at DOJ….starting to make sense now??

As we posted last week, when we learned Adm. Rogers and Gen. Flynn were lifelong friends…the cornerstone of how & why we knew Q was for real….all other proofs aside….it’s REALLY happening!!

At this point, we gotta ask….what OTHER surprises does Team Trump have in store for us?? Well, as Q has said….”Enjoy the show!”
But WAIT! It gets better….
US Atty John Durham’s appointment by AG Barr has that naaaasty piece of work, former CIA Director John Brennan, sweating in his skivvies…so much so that he now refers to the President as “Mr. Trump”, as opposed to just “Trump” as he has in the past….
We greatly appreciated Rep. Steven Smith’s reply to Brennan and we think you will too….have a look…
That. Is. SAVAGE!
Speaking of, all of this has leftists FREAKING OUT. They know the tables are getting turned on them and they are now hypocritically crying about it.
Listen, if you can, to Rachel “I hate white men so much I try to look like one” Madcow…she’s on the verge of tears here….enjoy…
Awwwwwww. Pooor Madcow. (sniffle) Tissue, big boy??

What do these three (3) things have in common??
Everyone has been asking…why #3? What’s going on??
A: It should be obvious…
…the globalist Deep State is DESPERATE to keep the US public in the dark and DISTRACT from BOTH the pending OIG report as well as POTUS declass. Obviously, either one would be YUGE news, and the DS needs something to distract from them and give their controlled media something else to focus on. So…
How about a nice military attack…or closely synchronized series of attacks… by Iran or several of Iran’s terrorist proxies? Yeah, that would work!
Well, knowing the importance of the next OIG report, as well as declass, and watching Iran like a hawk, it is a good bet that POTUS sent the Lincoln Strike Group into the Persian Gulf as a message to the Mullahs:

And here are a few more questions for you….
Did John Kerry go to Iran to coordinate the need and timing of this FF with the Iranians?? Or was it to beg the Mullahs not to disclose who was being bribed by them inside the US gov’t under Ozero?? Both??

In yet another deeply interesting tidbit of news that dropped this week…
….THIS should also fascinate our readers….
From the article:
“Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a ‘key logger’ virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records.”
“Raniere’s sex slaves are poised to testify against him, as prosecutors prepare to submit evidence that NXIVM illegally bundled money for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Parlato made it clear that Clinton was happy to accept the money.”
“Ex-cult employee Frank Parlato — who exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women — is working with Big League Politics to uncover the deep long-standing links between Gillibrand, the Clintons, and NXIVM.”
“Parlato described how NXIVM imported teenage girls from Mexico, how the cult viewed Chuck Schumer as a ‘friendly’ Democrat ally, and many other bombshells.”

Let that sink in!
Finally, this week’s wrap up would not be complete without a word from the always entertaining, leading dim presidential candidate….Gropey Joe Bidensniffer!
PHC posted this and we repost it here for your entertainment…give this a LISTEN…then share it with your friends and family…
Seriously Joe??
Hey….that reminds us of this classic bit by the amazing, incredibly missed and wish-he-was-still-with-us Bernie Mac…
Well, that’s all the time we have for this week’s weekly wrap-up, folks!
Of course, we hope you are keeping up with news events through Fleporblog’s daily news wraps because there just isn’t enough time to cover everything you need to know in this space. It’s unpossible!
So now…and as is our custom…we want to leave you with a rocking song to roll you rightly into the weekendage.

This week’s tune is a personal fav of our’s. It has a wonderful “in your face” message of defiance that reasonated with us way back when it was first released, and it has a decidedly good vs. evil motif. A fan favorite of the band, this one has gone on to immortality as a signature piece of theirs.
From Wikipedia….
“Sabotage” is a 1994 song by American hip-hop group Beastie Boys, released as the first single from their fourth studio album Ill Communication.
The song features traditional rock instrumentation (Ad-Rock on guitar, MCAon bass, and Mike D on drums), turntable scratches, heavily distorted bass guitar riffs and lead vocals by Ad-Rock. A moderate commercial success, the song was notable as well for its video, directed by Spike Jonze and nominated in five categories at the 1994 MTV Music Video Awards.
In March 2005, Q magazine placed it at #46 in its list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Tracks (Q Magazine… )
….and it was ranked #19 on VH1‘s 100 Greatest Songs of the 90’s List.
The song’s music video, directed by Spike Jonze and played extensively on MTV,[6] is a homage to, and parody of, 1970s crime drama shows such as Hawaii Five-O, The Streets of San Francisco, S.W.A.T., Baretta, and Starsky and Hutch.
Given this, we are confident you, our readers, won’t miss the obvious allegory of this epic jam relative to current times and issues!
Oh yeah, and just one more thing….
Remember that this song/video was nominated in five different categories at the 1994 MYV Music Awards? Well, it didn’t win a single one. In fact…and in an incredible bit of irony…(again, relative to today’s events)…
….it lost all five categories it was nominated in, losing Video of the Year, Best Group Video and Viewer’s Choice to Aerosmith‘s “Cryin’“, and Breakthrough Video and Best Direction in a Video to R.E.M.‘s “Everybody Hurts“…both excellent songs to dedicate to today’s leftists!
How crazy is that?

We lied. That wasn’t the last thing….this is.
In perhaps what is one of the single best uses of a classic jam in movie history, this song was selected to be the destroyer of the evil “swarm” in the 2016 movie “Star Trek Beyond”.
When we first saw this scene in the theater, we were all…oh oh oh oh….

….and then….

Can you feel me?? Find out below.
That all said…and as always… we now invite you to kick back, relax, and enjoy today’s flight. Please take care, God bless, have a MAGAtastic weekend, and see you again next week!

The “FASTEN YOUR SEATBELT” sign is now ON!
I can’t stand it, I know you planned it
I’mma set it straight, this Watergate
I can’t stand rockin’ when I’m in here
‘Cause your crystal ball ain’t so crystal clear
So while you sit back and wonder why
I got this fuckin’ thorn in my side
Oh my god, it’s a mirage
I’m tellin’ y’all, it’s sabotage
So, so, so, so listen up, ’cause you can’t say nothin’
You’ll shut me down with a push of your button
But, yo, I’m out and I’m gone
I’ll tell you now, I keep it on and on’
Cause what you see, you might not get
And we can bet, so don’t you get souped yet
Scheming on a thing, that’s a mirage
I’m trying to tell you now, it’s sabotage
Our backs are now against the wall
Listen all y’all, it’s a sabotage
Listen all y’all, it’s a sabotage
Listen all y’all, it’s a sabotage
Listen all y’all, it’s a sabotage
I can’t stand it, I know you planned it
I’mma set it straight, this Watergate
But I can’t stand rockin’ when I’m in this place
Because I feel disgrace because you’re all in my face
But make no mistakes and switch up my channel
I’m Buddy Rich when I fly off the handle
What could it be, it’s a mirage
You’re scheming on a thing, that’s sabotage
Great fg&c. Very entertaining.
Totally, wow. Joe Dan Gorman is going to have to seriously step his game up now.
Fabulous POST!!! I think you found the sweet spot–I laughed and nodded and giggled my way through!!-You–my friend–Have found your calling!!! YUP!! Wolfie is simply ..A VSG blog host!! He knows what he’s doing. And thank you so much for the wrap up of the week!! Like Flep..and Wheatie and T3 and Daughn…You sir, have found your home!!
Wolfie!! at JUST THE RIGHT TIME– you got your generals All.In.Place. Let JUSTICE AND PAIN BEGIN!!
You nailed it Marica.
Rodney!! Are we not living in the most interesting time in American History??
I wouldn’t trade it for the World!!
I listen to Travis Tritts “Great day to be alive”every morning to start my day.
It’s a shame half our population has no clue as to the times we are living in.
Half our population is so deluded that they think it’s the worst time to be alive.
But liberal tears are so delicious.
I really like the integration of gifs and videos for fridays. Its a good sendoff I look forward to. Also uno mas importante thingy was the weewee huawei 5g no go deal. We already know they spy but to blatantly allow it, no thanks.

Love the Weekly Roundup, Outstanding FGaC!!!

Thanks for the mention, Love that Momma duck and the men who helped her get her babies back!! And they all swam happily ever after. 

Butterfly– I watched that momma duck and the masculine toxicity fishing out her babies!!! Real people ROCK!!!
The wars will be won. It has been deemed. A. Taco Bell. Hotel.
Yes. An actual Taco Bell hotel in Palm Springs opens in August.
Every restaurant is Taco Bell!
Yeah, maybe enough people didnt get it! TY for posting.
McCoy: “Is that classical music?”

Spock: “Yes doctor, it would seem to be.”
Love it!
I may have to watch that movie.
That was a Great Scene!
The Beastie Boys were an underappreciated group, IMHO.
Great Roundup of the Fun from the past week, FG&C!
Nice Job!
I would also submit the following clip as another excellent use of a classic jam in a Movie:
The use of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck in the movie ‘Battleship’:
For those who haven’t seen ‘Battleship’…this is when the valiant hero sailors have lost all their ships, in battling the hostile Aliens…and they go to where the ‘Mighty Mo’ is docked as a museum, and proceed to make it ready for battle.
In the movie, some Aliens in deep space intercept one of our “Hello, we’re here!” messages that we have sent out into space…and decide to come here & take over our world.
The Aliens land their ships in the Pacific close to Hawaii, and immediately throw up a giant force field around the area.
Our Pacific Fleet just happened to be conducting a joint exercise with Japan’s navy, just off the coast of HI.
A few of our ships…plus a Japanese ship…got trapped underneath the Alien’s force field.
They were the only ones who could take on the Aliens, since our forces outside could not penetrate the force field.
Ack…that video won’t play here. Sorry!
Let’s see if this one works:
Thanks Wheatie!! now I wanna watch the whole movie!!! I’ve been on the Mighty Mo!!
It’s a great movie, IMO.

I’ve watched it several times.
Awesome end to the week FG&C I hope the deep state is not stupid enough to pull a FF but if they do I can rest assured that Trump and God got this good always prevails.
This made me think of Germany kicking people out of their homes for the rapefugees. San Clemente is a nice coastal south Orange County city. These people are being evicted to move in chronic homeless in the middle of a suburb. This is disgusting. And who is behind the company involved? Video in article.
San Clemente Residents Being Evicted to Make Way for Facility Housing Formerly Homeless
POSTED 5:05 PM, MAY 16, 2019, BY CHIP YOST, UPDATED AT 07:05PM, MAY 16, 2019
Residents of a San Clemente apartment building are being evicted to make way for a facility that would house individuals who have previously been homeless. Chip Yost reports for the KTLA 5 News at 3 on May 16, 2019.
Great wrap-up, FG&C! Just one slight correction – Roseanne has been following Q since way back when he was posting on 4chan (which is where I first started following him). She even posted there a couple of times. And also mentioned Q on Twitter. So she’s been a follower of Q almost since the beginning.
Marica posted a Cordicon tweet in yesterday’s Open Thread, which had another tweet embedded in it:
Even though Cordicon’s tweet appears to be deleted…the tweet that he posted is still there.
For now.
This video clip is dynamite!
It shows the staging of that New Zealand false flag event, where a mosque was supposedly shot up by a ‘deranged Q follower’.
It was All Fake:
In honor of Q-Day!

Awwww –THis might be my favorite ever!!! HAPPY Q DAY!!!
mine also Marica… just precious.
Happy Q Day to all… (thanks wheatie!)
Happy Q day Phoenix!!! May it be filled with all kinds of BOOMS!!!
Great job, FG&C. Very enjoyable wrap up!
Marica and others who are praying for my SIL – she is having open heart surgery tomorrow, meaning Friday.
Thank you for your prayers.
I spent a very unfun time with my GI today, and it looks very much like I will be in need of more prayers. Will know more after another test or two, and seeing another doc and probable lymph biopsy.
I’m so glad I could come home and read all the great winning news here at wqth.
Nighty night all, and God bless you, yours, and PT and his people.
I just prayed for you and your SIL today. I’ll keep on it. Keep us posted.
Thank you Sylvia.
Can’t “like” exactly, but your sister-in-law will feel a lot better once she is recovered. You…deep breath.
These sort of hits just keep coming for the people in my circles. Childhood friends are putting their dad in Hospice today, and yesterday we found out a member of the parish has stage three of one of the deadliest of the big C. At this point, pray is about all some of us can do.
Thank you DP. Yes, it’s the “Golden Years.”
One of my dad’s cousins said the golden years are all about transferring gold.
He is right. LOL.
Oh Jane–Will Lift her and your family up all day!!! And I am adding YOU, dear Jane, to the daily prayers!! Hugs and blessings to you!

Thank You Merica.
I was looking for you, Plain Jane. Sending prayers and love.
Thank you Lady P.
All this since I was near tears this morning. Prayers sure do make things better.
I really think the prayers are most important.
This morning after making an appointment for tomorrow, for what I felt was a questionable GI test at this time, and a test that I knew was going to irritate my body even more, I got a phone call from the radiology saying that the order was written wrong and cannot be performed tomorrow, because their basic questions need to be answered and the Dr.’s office was closed today. I really believe God is telling me that we are moving too fast and wait till I see the UroGynecologist downstate at the end of next week.
Plus, I’m not going to pursue the lymph biopsies until I am certain I do not have an ear infection nor other infection that has not been cultured. This current doctor is moving too fast and DH and I just aren’t convinced he doesn’t have a quota of tests he has to “sell” for the hospital. Or, he is logically doing a CYA.
Do I sound like I’ve regained my old P & V? LOL I just told my sister all this, and she’s rooting me on.
Thank God, it seems my shoulder is starting to respond to the therapy also.
I’m all for having whatever tests they’ll do, but main thing is that you get the results in hand, not just them telling you stuff. It’s good to rule out the small things first, ie. your ears and possible sources of infection, but I also wouldn’t want them to overlook something on our “Dear Jane ” Treeper.
With hard copies of reports and lab work you can look up the meaning of what is said. Three things:
1) Do your own research. 2) Be your own advocate. 3) Take someone with you to your appointments – it’s not that you’ll miss something, but that the provider takes a little more time when there is a witness.
DH has been going to all my appts with me, and the testing also so I’m covered there. Also, all test results are available online via a service called My Chart.
We scrutinize and do look up everything. In fact, when DH was catagorized as stage such and such kidney problems and the local docs did a panic, he went downstate to a specialist and found a mistake they all made. DH learned how to do it, and recalculated their calculations and proved to them he was in a lesser stage. The specialist agreed, and everyone lightened up. Also the specialist downstate was much calmer than the local docs.
Again prayers keep people calmer so they can think and evalluate.
LP, you are a gem. Thank you, and love you.
Talking about music today, thinking about free speech versus the old free speech movement of the left… now in the context of freedom versus censorship…
Free speech is a tool. What matters is how you use it.
Sure if you have freedom of speech you could use it to spout off and tell the world where it can go.
Or you can use it for good. To edify others. To build people up. To encourage the discouraged. To teach, to train. To give people their graduatation commencement speech to get out there and be the people they were born to be.
The music is the same way, just a different style. It can be discouraging and bring us down. Or we can listen to music that builds us up, gives us hope, makes our lives better, inspires us to the greatness that is our birthright as AMERICANS.
Remember what Wolf said, the LEFT SABOTAGES everything it touches. It can’t get free speech right. If the LEFT gets free speech, it’s to curse, blather, tear others down, spout off demoralizing messages of hypocrisy and virtue signalling that attack the moral character and virtue of others… they cannot stand that other people are frankly actually better than them! Their hearts are filled with anger rage hate envy – they are eaten up inside, consumed, hollow shells whose souls have become nothingness… their character is so empty, such a charade, that practically any person who has even a smidge of personal integrity, honesty, and emotional maturity is easily their moral superior… the mechanic at the service station has more dignity and self-worth than they do – and they can’t stand it! They have nothing if they can’t destroy others…
That is why we must USE our freedoms of speech, in CREATIONAL, LIFE GIVING, LIFE AFFIRMING ways… being the salt of the earth is toxic to leftism. It’s like shining sunlight on vampires, or heaping coals on leftist heads. Our words can CONSTRUCT and CREATE because they are powerful – theirs can only destroy and tear down because they don’t know how to live any other way, preening on about their moral superiority (sad blind sinners) while accusing everyone else of being hypocrites and lawbreakers and sinners, all without evidence. Trump has taken the worst of it but Trump is us – their hatred of Trump is the manifestation of their hatred for us and for all conservatives…
But we can live in love, because there is no room for destructive hate and anger in our hearts. Desiring justice, yes. But not revenge or blood vendettas. We live in the creational space in the universe, a place granted to us by God, a calling we live out that blesses ourselves, our families, our churches, our communities, our nation, and our world, all humanity, for today and for generations to come. This is our future, a future that the left does not have and cannot build for itself. It can only sabotage what we build and survive by co-opting the fruit of OUR labor. Without us to sponge off, the creating loving and blessing salt of the earth, the leeching left would die off in less than a generation.
“Bull Durham at Justice
Kimberley A. Strassel May 16, 2019
Potomac Watch Podcast
Mr. Barr gets credit for not naming Mr. Durham a “special counsel.” Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein succumbed to Democratic special-counsel demands two years ago this month, with all the predictable results. The rampaging investigation prosecuted Americans for everything other than the “collusion” it was supposed to uncover. It became a black hole, the subject of endless media speculation—and a cudgel for Democrats to use against the Trump presidency.
Special counsels are only supposed to be appointed when the Justice Department is clearly too conflicted to investigate a matter. No one doubts that the in-house Mr. Durham is capable of making an impartial assessment of the individuals and actions that launched the Trump-Russia probe. Then again, Justice also had the ability to investigate the original Trump-Russia story. It was just a matter of getting the right person to run the investigation.
Which is why Mr. Barr also gets credit for choosing Mr. Durham in particular. The Connecticut prosecutor is a straight arrow. Even Chris Murphy, Mr. Durham’s home state Democratic senator, praised him this week as “apolitical,” “serious,” and “fair.” In a 37-year tenure at the Justice Department, Mr. Durham has served six presidents. Federal records show he has never donated to a political candidate. He’s the antithesis of a showboater; he doesn’t do news conferences and he doesn’t do leaks…”
Okay, there’s stuff here I haven’t heard. Such as, Bull Durham is only conducting a REVIEW not a criminal investigation so he doesn’t have subpoena powers? Huh???
“…Mr. Barr is staying personally involved, which will be vital to the probe’s early success. Mr. Durham will look beyond the FBI to the CIA and other intelligence bodies. Because this is still a review (rather than a criminal investigation) he doesn’t have subpoena power and needs cooperation. Mr. Barr is the right person to serve as facilitator and has already met with CIA Director Gina Haspel, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.
The attorney general has also rationalized existing probes. In 2017 then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions tapped John Huber, the U.S. attorney for Utah, to look at issues primarily related to Hillary Clinton—including Clinton Foundation ties to Russia and the Uranium One controversy.
The only piece of the Trump-Russia story in Mr. Huber’s portfolio was the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Mr. Huber had been waiting on Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s findings, which are due shortly. Now I’m told the FISA piece has been transferred to Mr. Durham, and Mr. Huber should issue his other findings soon…”
“…he doesn’t have subpoena power and needs cooperation…..” Some how I very much doubt that. If there was a grand Jury empaneled THEY certainly can use subpoena power.
Federal Grand Jury Crash Course
So it is MOAR dis-information.
No doubt! Very surprised Strossel would do that……
It is odd. Kimberly Strassel who authored the piece has provided outstanding honest coverage throughout the entire Russia Hoax. And of course Joe DiGenova is peerless. Still, we have a divergence here that I find confusing.
Perhaps it is something as simple as the initial task for Durham is to “review” the circumstances, with the understanding that if he finds something he can move into the criminal investigation phase.
How on earth are we all going to go on? [Commence pearl clutching]
I don’t know when he did it…but Gen Flynn has changed the header picture on his twitter account again.
Tweets by GenFlynn
It is now a picture of a guy silhouetted against a red/orange/yellow sky, holding up an American flag.
Hmm…”Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.” ??
NBC came out with a hit on the General AND POTUS late last night… I didn’t post it as I consider it DISINFORMATION, an obvious effort to get ahead of the tsunami coming against Deep State/Cabal.
They tried negating NoKo, trying now with Iran… messing with the Market, the Fed…
Light is getting stronger and stronger and the cockroaches are scurrying…
Praying for our POTUS, his family, our patriots (certainly Gen. Flynn), our Republic… Qtreepers…
Here ya go… Huber tweeted about it late yesterday. Comments to his tweet are interesting.
This is a courageous guy, to be speaking up like this:
Video showing obvious ‘rent-a-kids’ with invaders who just came over our border:
90 minute DNA tests are now being given to weed out the fake families!
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done, FG&C!
Really GREAT energizing read FG&C!!! Much appreciated!
Great job FG&C,
Your weekly wrapups have revealed a whole other facet to your online persona…
What a funny guy you are ! Love your sense of humor mixed with passion for God and country… keep it up!
Marica nailed it Wolfie, you have a real talent for revealing talent… best Tree anywhere anytime.
What a week we have comin’ … buckled up here, covfefe in hand, READY!!!!!!!
I love that photo and meme of Flynn and my favorite Silent Assassin.
Here’s another one:
Sly Sessions, the Silent Assassin – God Bless You for your life of service to the law and justice!
Someday, I hope the stories of your legal exploits can be told.
One more Sessions story:
“Back in 2011, the indomitable Peter Schweizer published Throw Them All Out, a detailed examination of political corruption as it is actually practiced in the halls of Congress.
In his investigation, Schweizer found one single member of Congress against whom no allegations could be held – who had never taken a dime that was not his, had never cut any backroom deals, had never, simply put, played the game.
That individual was Jeff Sessions.”
Thanks so much for posting that GA/FL…
I grieve for the smear this wonderful Patriot has endured. Praying he will be vindicated.
I hope Jeff Sessions is aware that there were those of us who never doubted him.
Whetting appetites. At least it was Bill Hemmer he talked to and not one of the really obvious swamp guardians.
I have been grinning like an old fool since I saw my comment in the summary..TY so much FG&C!!. This has been a hard week so far(keeping up with current events), I am visiting my husband’s son, traveling from the tippy top of GA to Lakeland Fl, well, today we head home. Neither my husband nor his son are interested in what is going on. Step son, is more a sports person.. a fan, and collects memorabilia. He packed up his entire life on Long Island and relocated here…something he has been dreaming about for a long time. I give him credit for following his dream, not everyone actually does that.
However, I had to explain to him what a sanctuary city is…He is a very nice person, but has other interests. *sighs.
Overall, the best part of traveling is getting back home,,and settling into that comfortable routine, in a familiar place.
This was linked at Free Republic, Rush’s take on the daily Fake News talking point. Rush was the first (and is still the BEST) at creating a montage of the identical phrase/language daily used by the soviet media. The absurdity is both hilarious and frightening. Everyone here knows this already but I post this because Rush is perfect in expressing the absurdity:
Actually, that transcript is a great read. I don’t care for Rush’s style, and that he takes forever to make a point, but the second part where he explains how the media cooperates in narrative building and self-perpetuates the industry’s credibility is something the people really do need to know.
Rush always says less than he believes, so he does a lot of hedging and qualifying. He is being careful to stay within the evidence for the sake of credibility, so it takes a while.
Sort of OT: I thought it was significant that he used the word “communist” at all. I have seen more and more people use that word, and “marxist” also.
JMO but I believe Wolf broke down a mental dam in that respect. People had been propagandized into not using the word “communist.”
Then Wolf included that word in his posts (starting when the blog started, roughly), and it made so much obvious sense that others followed (IMO).
Tonawanda, I agree.
I’ve said before kind of jokingly that Wolf freed me to use the word “communist” again. But it actually is serious.
When we were OT I noticed Wolf using the word and I kind of rolled it around in my mouth. It felt strange. Sounded creaky, like my joints after I’ve sat too long. And I realized I hadn’t used the word in a very long time and wondered why, and then I realized it was because I had somehow absorbed the idea that it was not a word that nice people used any more. Huh???
Since then I have all but shouted COMMIES from the roof tops. It was very freeing. Because it is an accurate description of what we are looking at, isn’t it?
The truth shall set you free!
MOAR !!!!!!!!!
Remember Congress DECLARED a WAR ON TERROR and Iran is the ‘seat’ of terrorism.
Congress Declared War on Sept. 14, 2001
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere…”
Kerry (and Hitlery and OH!Bummer) are in a world of hurt…
Also since the USA is ALREADY in a ‘state of war’ President Trump does not need a war declaration within 90 days from Congress.
Noteworthy what POTUS is tweeting this morning.
Amazing twitter storm!

Well From our fearless leader on 5/17…
Yippee Kiyay MFers!!!
and this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This right here
He called them out! And called them traitors!
yes’m……. those titanium cojones are callin’ it ……
Yeppers!!! Gonna be a big ole day!!! I got a little feeling…!!!
It’s a Q Day!

“… and this was TREASON! — Donald J. Trump”
This means they have EVIDENCE of a conspiracy with FOREIGN POWERS, probably with Russia or China besides the obvious UK & Italy & Australia.
Um….have we not all seen that evidence already? Just sayin’……some should be charged with sedition as well.
It is impossible for him to speak more plainly or clearly.
It is ON, QTreepers!
Happy Q Day!
President Trump WMD Twitter followers:
60,296,318 – 8:00 am – 5/17/19
60,146,551 – 6:38 am – 5/10/19 – 1 week ago
59,745,305 – 8:53 am – 4/17/19 – 1 month ago
51,994,859 – 10:08 pm – 5/17/18 – 1 year ago
33,951,600 – 11 am 7/17/17 – nearly 2 years ago
20,010,101 – 1/16/17 – pre-inauguration day
13,310,715 – 2am 11/9 – Election night
5.53 million – eve of Iowa Caucus
And from Barr………..
and from Lisa

People are starting to use the word “communists” again.
Make Communism Bad Again….not a great acronym buy you get the point
Wheatie, I swear, I had not read this comment before I made the identical observation below!
It’s all good, Tona!

It can’t be said enough.
Read Tonawanda’s comment upthread! As I replied to him I’ve said several times Wolfie led the way for us to reclaim the word communist. Whoo hoo!
CREEPY COMMUNIST DeBlasio lays down the gauntlet to challenge President Trump – calls Trump Con-Don.
This is going to be fun watching the Shoshalishts get theirs.
Trump will take out DeBlasio, Occasio, Omar, Tlaib, Biden, Hillrotten and Øbominable all at once.
Without a doubt, PDJT has deep down dirt on all of them.
TRUMP IS A BUILDER – buildings, economy, national security, national defense, the wall!
Those listed above are DESTROYERS, greedy corrupt-o-crats who steal, lie, smear their way into office and enact ruinous policies that destroy their constituency and their territory of influence.
This Buchanan column was linked at Vox Popoli who cited this amazing sentence: “What great nation did free traders ever build?”
Buchanan was a prophet, more than 25 years ago stating exactly where America was going wrong on both trade and immigration. Buchanan ran a proto-Trump campaign in 1992, but he was way before his time, and there were other factors which limited his appeal and message.
This column beautifully expresses the reasoning behind the MAGA message without ever mentioning MAGA:
Buchanan should be given Medal of Freedom if he hasn’t already gotten it!
I loved this point he made:
“The Tariff of 1890 bears the name of Ohio Congressman and future President William McKinley, who said that a foreign manufacturer “has no right or claim to equality with our own. … He pays no taxes. He performs no civil duties.”
That is so true and totally lost in this debate.
Tonawanda, I think you are so right about Pat Buchanan. His ideas were right. The timing was wrong, and also perhaps the messenger was wrong. But he was right.
This was in yesterday’s thread, and I posit this question along with it.
Q-Treepers, is it too farfetched to ponder that Contreas visited the WH in 2015 to discuss a possible appointment to the FISC Court? Let’s put it this way. Why else would he visit the WH 3 wks after DJT announced candidacy?
What this means is that the plan was started as early as 2015, not even 2016. I suspect Obama and gang had all kinds of plans to take out any of our GOP candidates – that’s what he spent his 8 years in office doing – setting up the permanent state of Leftist power, ensuring the Dems’ rule for decades.
Wonder if Contreas can be indicted and disbarred. Certainly should be thrown off the FISC court.
Interesting data point.
I’m wondering how it fits in with Valerie Jarrett and others pushing out anyone who was not loyal to “them,” and restaffing the position with one of their own. A couple personnel changes in that second term really are looking like a pivotal individual being removed. Mike Morell at C_A was one. I’m sure he’s a Clinton guy, but that happened in August of 2013, and was pretty obvious. FISA court judges would be another possible place such people needed to be inserted.
Hussein & Co were building that big data base…the one that Mad Maxine blabbed about.
Maybe they didn’t want to share it with the Clintonistas?
Or maybe they didn’t want the Clintons to have something ‘on them’ that they could be blackmailed with.
From the military point of view, Navy in particular, I can tell you that Obama cleaned house at the top of anyone who didn’t support him. Air Force took a hit too.
Oh, the Navy I’ll believe. Their branch of the Marines…. Wasn’t sure about the others.
Definitely the Army, for example, General Carter Hamm. There were hundreds, actually.
Well over three hundred if IRC. 197 by 2013.
List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama
Thank you, LadyP…I have wondered the same thing.

And Lisa Mei mentions that Contreras “recused himself”…but as I recall, there was that odd wording on that, that had us scratching our heads:
The announcement said that he “was recused”, which suggests that someone did the ‘recusing’ for him.
Yes, Lisa actually corrected that in an additional tweet. The Court spokesperson clearly said Contreas “was recused.”
LadyP – the spying had likely been going on ever since DJT called out Hussein’s birth certificate.
Contreras was there to legitimise the spying AFTER the fact, and going forwards.
Big statists ALWAYS abuse power – because they see nothing wrong with it – that IS what they are always campaigning on – government knows best. Well, it thus follows that government must know what everyone is doing in order to run everyone’s lives better. The fact that they are breaking laws is a mere detail – government can simply re-write the laws, no problemo. Thus they figure it is not immoral – since THEY are the creators of the laws. And so their crimes grow and GROW!!!
And this gets to the central point about socialism/communism that shallow, inexperienced “idealists” do not even consider – – the run-roughshod coercion which is both necessary and appealing to those who actually run the system.
One point everyone forgets.
Likely as regards DJT, but I’m wondering if OBama’s handlers had planned all along to make sure they were never out of power again – it would explain why Romney took a “fall” in the 2012 election. Wouldn’t be surprised to eventually see Romney’s name revealed in some of the records.
I have no doubt – that was what the underlying intent of the “Headquarters Investigation” of HRC was about – to clear her, regardless of evidence, so that she could “rule” and ensure the corrupt deep state became too big to be removed.
Bureaucracy is essentially a parasite. The Bushes, Clintons et al weaponised it. Government IS the problem, as Reagan so famously said, because narrow self interest disguises itself as “working for the public good”.
Evil clothes itself in virtue. One way to recognise it is by its fruits – which is generally too late. Paedophile priests, climate scammers, bureaucracies – ALL claim to be working for the “greater good” whilst their black hearts are working at sucking the life out of everyone …
Lady P,
You are right on point… imho
I did a lot of research on Contreas OT … can’t remember most of it now! Do recall that he was then, and remains in my opinion, the No. 1 candidate for having signed INITIAL FISA warrant. If so, the question as to why he was recused is answered.
Contreas was appointed to the Court by zero, AND he had a very close, friendly relationship with Strzok. Keep in mind that Strzok was/is C_A, inserted into FBI for exactly what he did.
Yes, and I think it was their intention all along to get a FISC Judge in place to set up either DJT, or whomever the GOP candidate was. Which makes this far worse than just TDS – it was an effort by top people in the highest levels of our government who were seeking to take Power – unconstitutionally.
yes’m … Treason it is.
IMO, it is a foregone conclusion that this began the second they got an inkling that DJT was going to run and, at minimum, immediately after the announcement.
President Trump’s schedule for Friday 5/17/19
All Times EDT:
9:10 AM Depart Trump Tower en route Wall Street Landing Zone – Motorcade
9:25 AM Arrive at Wall Street Landing Zone – New York, NY
9:35 AM Depart Wall Street Landing Zone en route to John F. Kennedy International Airport – Marine One
9:50 AM Arrive at John F. Kennedy International Airport – New York, NY
10:00 AM Depart New York, NY en route to Washington, D.C. – Air Force One
10:55 AM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews
11:05 AM Depart Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House – Marine One
11:15 AM Arrives at the White House – South Lawn
1:30 PM Depart the White House en route to the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel – South Portico/Motorcade
1:40 PM Arrive at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel – Washington, D.C.
2:00 PM Deliver remarks at the National Association of REALTORS Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo – Washington, D.C.
2:40 PM Depart Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel en route to the White House – Motorcade
2:50 PM Arrive at the White House – South Portico
H/T – Conservative Daily News
Last night was like the 2nd, maybe 3rd time he’s actually spent the night at his Trump Tower home since the Inauguration. Bet that was weird. I know he loves WH, but TT is over the top luxury, Mar-a-lago too.
Last night – fundraiser and roundtable with supporters.
PDJT thrives on activity and problem solving.
He loves a challenge!
Trump has been called the REVERSE TORNADO – he builds up and restores everything in his path!
Article from Ace of Spades: Comey admitted to being a communist.
A Comeyunist.
Oh that made me laugh!
Or maybe we could just call them all comeys instead of commies.
Ok, I’m going to say it, FG&C – it’s going to take me the weekend to read everything you “wrapped up” in this Friday Wrap Up thread. My goodness. So much to SAVOR. I kept giggling, laughing, smiling, and saying, “Oh, my” and haven’t even made it through half of your story lines!
A couple of my favs so far: 1) Being in this Hillary’s Bagman’s McAuliffe’s takeover of Virginia, I really appreciated your, “VA Governor Blackface Infanticide” – Note how all 3 Demoncrats are still holding the highest elected offices in the state. Folks, remember the DEMONCRATS NEVER abandon their ship – we should not abandon ours.
2) That wonderful picture of AG Barr, Rosenstein, and Sessions – if this all works out like we think it will – that’s a picture we need made into a poster. Maybe John McNaughton will enshrine that into one of his art pieces. “Bull Dunham” being appointed by Sessions… yes, delicious.
Okay, so now I have my weekend reading… and then some. Penguin ponders how to keep up with all the wonderful Q-Treepers sage inputs.
Øbominable and Hillrotten’s sand castles are crumbling in the tide.
All traitors should be HBTNUD
All Logan violators should be jailed for fullest possible sentence.
All ill-gotten assets seized!
Darn it, Q, I have a lot to do today.
Oh, wait, that’s not a new post.
Sorry, I’m letting the dog rest and the clippers cool off before I finish shaving him.
Do you want to do my sheep next?
Sorry, I’m done for today.
We have a Barr presser at 9:00
anybody got a link ???????????
America’s Newsroom on Fox – Interview spread throughout show
Hemmer asked Barr if/when Mueller knew there was no collusion, Barr honestly didn’t know
Sandra follows up with Nunes interview who adamantly states “Mueller knew there was no collusion when he started!”. Smith not liking it, LOL
I noticed that. She REALLY didn’t like what Nunes said. REALLY got her thong in a bunch.
THAT was pretty darned funny! And what an infections grin that guy has.
Wolf calls this guy a “surreal conservative” and that is an inspired name! This guy can write! Pitch perfect polemic:
Love Kurt Schlichter. TY for the link.
Hemmer, “When will we see the IG report.”

Honey Badger, smiling, “ When it’s finished”.
H, Is it finished? HB, No
Keep in mind this was taped a few days ago
Down in El Salvador, right?
Isn’t that where AG Barr was when he gave this interview?
Yes. He’s down there wanting/helping El Salvador to prosecute/lock up MS13 there, before they even have a chance to get here.
Didn’t Sessions go down there too?
I think he did.
And yeah, the MS13 problem…we’ve been deporting quite a few of them, I think.
Presumably to El Salvador.
Yes, Sessions went to El Salvador. Tucker Carlson interviewed him while he was there. I thought it was an interesting coincidence.
Sessions made the same trip. I can’t remember, didn’t RR as well?
I hadn’t heard that RR went down there.
Just searched. You’re right, Don’t see a trip by RR
I’ll be back later, but want to leave this for now so folks will know what “our” GOP “leaders” are saying:
Hah! New one from our VSG:
And another one:
Source: Rectal database.
Hemmer, “Pelosi believes you lied under oath, what do you say?”
HB, totally serious, “I believe it’s a laughable charge”.
HB continues, “it’s being made to discredit me, partly because they may be concerned with the outcome of a review of what happened during election. Obviously you can look at my testimony and see on its face there’s nothing inaccurate about it”.
H, When you took job, did you think Dems would make u target? HB, YES
H, You were ready for that HB, Yes
H, what about contempt charge? HB, part of usual political circus being played out, doesn’t surprise me
H, do u feel threatened? HB, No I don’t feel threatened
Ben has a most interesting THREAD – Ms Susan guilty of Treason ?
YES – Treason or the Logan Act or both.
Oh kitty! May you enjoy the best place where one life is all youll ever need.
Her owners say Grumpy Cat, whose sourpuss demeanor became an internet sensation, has died at age 7.
Posting on social media Friday, Grumpy Cat’s owners wrote that she experienced complications from a urinary tract infection and “passed away peacefully” Tuesday “in the arms of her mommy.”
Her owners said “Grumpy Cat has helped millions of people smile all around the world — even when times were tough.”
The cat’s real name was Tardar Sauce, and she rose to fame after her photos were posted online in 2012. She had more than 2 million followers on Instagram and more than 1 million on Twitter.
Her website says her grumpy look was likely because she had a form of dwarfism.
Owner Tabatha Bundesen founded Grumpy Cat Limited, and the cat made numerous appearances, including commercials.
The F16 still is being monitored. I guess there was live ordnance on it. The freeway and metrolink are still shut down. In socal….on a weekday. Yeah traffic is going to be brutal. 12 people in the hospital including the pilot. No one dead, no fires.
My favorite all time comic strip. His parents always looked so unimpressed by his antics and attempts to manipulate them. They’d lower their eyelids, side eye, one raised eyebrow, never appease or pander to all his going on.
Calvin and hobbes, my absolute favorite.
I really liked the Snowman gallery (one might say, hall of horrors). There are probably hundreds of them, but here are some I found on;
How’s he going to explain this to his boss?
Gahan Wilson meets the snowmen:
My favorite; imagine waking up to this (and how clever Watterson’s concept is):
Great alternative to speed bumps:
It’s what’s for dinner. Yum! erm, no…
F R O S T Y !!!!!!!!!!! ????????
Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him, Horati-snow… (bottom panel, left-hand snowman)…
I have all 5he books. Will share them with my kiddo in a year or two.
AWSOME ….. love Calvin and Hobbes …. especially the snowmen

Barr , aka HB, won’t speculate on Brennan, Clapper, doesn’t know all facts yet

HB looking into strange developments during transition, Jan 6th TT meeting between IC and POTUS and leaks about it 
Still gathering info
Dossier is unusual, opportunity research, on its face had clear mistakes to use for CI against American political campaign is strange development
H, do u smell a rat. HB, don’t know about rat, answers I’m getting are Not Sufficient
HB won’t speculate on Brennan, Comey, Clapper motives
Correction of Auto Corrupt:
Opposition Research
Thanks so much butterfly for your commentary… (I don’t have TV)
YW, PR. I wish they weren’t dragging it out. I have to sit through commercials and Juan Williams!!
At least I have a mutt button
HaHa, I’m not correcting that auto-fill, good description of JW

Thanks for taking one for the team Butterfly!! (I just typed mutterfly!
) Now I want a ‘Mutt” button!!

LOLOL, wasn’t that cool?? Mutt Button, Hee Hee

Abortion is all about the perceived/demanded RTF without consequence or cost. They want universal free health care so they can kill their babies for free.
FG&C must have been exhausted after producing that amazing The Week in Review!
Thus, he missed a few promised videos/live links! I’m burning up with curiosity.
If you have the video or link – please post it!!!
His tweets keep comin’ this a.m.
POTUS is absolutely correct. Why wasn’t he briefed? Go get ’em President Trump.
Note: The documents haven’t been released, and the Deep State/Cabal is literally throwing their best, the last of their hoard at him…
Going to be some exciting days ahead, right Patrick?
It will be interesting to see who takes the rap for it……………………………….
I’ll take the President at his words reflected in the tweet… but, my imagination wondered if he might have known and this is disinformation for the trap they eventually were able to set for the Cabal.
This is where I think it’s very helpful to differentiate the different strains of “Trust The Plan”. It is important to recall that the “Trust EVERYTHING / Mueller is really a white hat” started not with Q, but with THOMAS WICTOR, soon echoed by Stealth Jeff and even Sundance. It was later that people started to “get real” on Mueller. The thing is, I don’t think that Q ever told us to trust Mueller.
The reason I put that out there, is that – just like we have seen with Sundance – there is much assigned to QAnon which was never stated by Q. There is much “alleged coordination” that I believe is just SPECULATION, and was neither stated by Q, nor would be proper.
If Trump says he didn’t know, I believe that Trump didn’t know.
True. I was just wondering hypothetically. It’s very unfortunate that he did not know.
This Flynn thing is confusing me. SD has a thread up on it that is pretty good, I think. I’m going to have to go reread it later.
But I like your point about Trust the Plan. I think Q said something about if RR was a black hat, so was Mueller and vice versa. But right now that doesn’t appear to be the case.
Whatever. I try really hard not to take too firm a position on any of this because as this unfolds things change. Strategies, personnel, loyalties. That’s life and those are all things Q has to deal with. Plans change and evolve, they don’t remain static.
I keep hanging onto a belief that is bigger than Trust the Plan, and that is trust those who made the plan and are fighting this war, and trust PDJT, and above all trust God. It will sure be interesting to see this unfold.
All hats are grey in the dark. So big question is are we running into dawn, or dusk? I don’t really trust anyone save VSG Potus…I am thinking dawn myself, fwiw.
What a GREAT way to start the weekend! Positive and upbeat! I’ll be smiling all weekend-love WINNNING!
Video down at the border…

Woman from Honduras was asked ‘How did you find out’ about joining a caravan to come up here.
She answered…”On TV”…she saw it on TV!
Who sponsored the ads? We know it was Soros’ money … but who sponsored?
KILMEADE: There’s ads. And so I said, on the news? And they said, no, commercial. So they’re running commercials, “Come to America. Come to America. This is how you do it. This is where you go.” So Guatemala and Honduras are looking to empty out the people that are on their social system to put them in ours. We are just not equipped to take in 2,300 in just that sector a day. It’s just not the way a country functions.
This article is from 2014 !!!
Texas Church Becomes Oasis for Central American Migrants, Their Children
Sacred Heart Catholic Church in McAllen has aided more than 5,000 migrants this summer.
It’d be real nice for someone to wipe that evil kma smarmy smile off that witch’s mug ….

HB, never knew POTUS before, met w/him in residence
H, that went well, did he hire you on spot?
HB, I’m not getting into that
H, reason I get into that is that Dems charge that you are President’s attorney now
HB, They don’t know what they’re talking about
H = Hellerman ?
His bias is showing… question is stupid, no basis, just gossip. What professional asks a question like that?
H= Bill Hemmer interviewing HB, Honey Badger, Bill Barr
Sorry PR using shorthand(type)
I thought you were talking pencils
But then that would’ve been (pencil-neck) Schifftttttty…
Yes, he’s asking some ‘and how did u feel about that?’, Gossipy, BS questions.

Chrissy Wallace is all proud of Hemmer. MUTT BUTTON TIME!!
Hemmed is a schmuck …

… nuts … hemmer is a schmuck ….

HB, Mueller decided decided not to subpoena POTUS, WH cooperation fully cooperated, unprecedented, more than satisfactory
HB, POTUS would view as Hoax, Witch Hunt, because he was innocent and being falsely accused, hammered for 2 1/2-3yrs for allegedly conspiring with Russians, SIMPLY FALSE
H, are you comfortable using words Witch Hunt, Hoax
HB, If I was falsely accused, I’d be comfortable with Witch Hunt
H, did Mueller’s no recommendation on Obstruction surprise you?
HB, Yes, because function of prosecutor is to make call one way or other…..he put explanation in report
H, you’re ok with Mueller testifying!
HB, Absolutely
H, what’s holdup?
HB, Nadler negotiating
Hemmer elaborates testimony has Executive Privilege issues
H, you had conversation with Pelosi
HB, no conversation, ice breaker, ‘Did you bring handcuffs?’ Didn’t hear her answer
H, Dems level charges of withholding M report, say you’re spinning for WH to buy time
HB, No I wasn’t, they’re annoyed they didn’t have opportunity to spin, report there for everybody to see
Hemmer narrates, Barr & Mueller still friends, good relationship, Barr has good candid relationship with POTUS, Comey says Barr has lost his soul, HB- those people are not concerned about My Legacy
FunTastic Friday, indeed, FG&C

You shoulda warned us to buckle up! I had no idea you were taking us for a ride on Wolfie’s roller coaster!!
Michael wasn’t kidding when he said you’re giving Joe Dan some stiff competition.
OH.MY.GOSH!!! This is absolutely HILARIOUS!!!
OMG, Freakin Hilarious!! ROFLMAO!!!

“I miss my husband…”

“Wheres my reparations Trump” “No Ilhan, Bad Ilhan,” “Can somebody check my pulse?” “You made a big mishtake Mishta Poopy Pants, you’re gonna get impeeshed” Oh yea, impeach these nuts!!

I’ve watched it 3 times so far!!!

Thx Marica, I needed that
YW trumpismine!!!
Worth a read, and maybe even shares. This guy nails it.
I Am the 1 Percent Used to Justify 100 Percent of Abortions
Ryan Bomberger Ryan Bomberger |Posted: May 17, 2019 9:48 AM
I love how mainstream media is trying to spin this as a male versus female political fight (well, at least they’re admitting that there are only two genders). They ignore all the pro-life women in this fight—the ones who run the majority of pro-life organizations and the ones fighting in state and federal legislatures who reject the violence of abortion.
All across the Twittersphere, pro-abortion activists are tweeting in ALL CAPS: NO UTERUS, NO SAY!!! Funny. Didn’t seven white men in black robes deliver the violence of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton in the first place? Guess that’s an acceptable form of “patriarchy.”
CBS News laments: “Alabama just criminalized abortions—and every single yes vote cast by a white man.” Gasp! Didn’t know it was a crime to be a white male politician.
Didn’t all white men (91% of Republican white men and a smaller 60% of Democrat white men) make women’s right to vote, the 19th Amendment, a reality?
USA Today asks: “25 Men voted to ban abortion in Alabama. Do they reflect the rest of America?”. It starts off with more alarmist language: “25 white male Republicans in Alabama voted to ban abortion at every stage of pregnancy.” There those Radical Republicans go again, believing we’re all created equal.
Didn’t all white male Republicans vote to abolish the injustice of slavery?
And then there’s the horrific tragedy of rape, which the Left is relentlessly exploiting. Never mind they ignore it when Planned Parenthood fails to report the rape of underage victims. Those rape situations don’t bother them. No. Only when they realize how potent it is to use the 1% to justify 100% of abortions.
I am that 1 percent.
PS: There’s a lot more at the link.
New Roundup has been posted if interested.
Always interested! Thank you so much for all you do
Carpe is finally back after 8 days…But he’s quite pissed! And should be…
How very democratic of them !
Dr. Quigley has a THREAD on Gen Flynn…
Here’s link to THREAD he refers to in last tweet… long and thought-provoking. If you have been following Quigley as PM does, you will have already covered what is in this THREAD as it’s a compilation. Quigley reminds me of Q as he presents info and withholds giving you a conclusion because as he states many times, he is ‘processing’ … of course Q is more Socratic in his method, encouraging you to do the diggin’ …
try again…
If you’re interested in diggin’ … Neon Revolt put this out over a week ago.
Something always did seem off with Opus Dei to me.
Quigley has updated his comments on Flynn above,,,,,,,
Bumped up three grades! Well, he paid quite a price.
I do NOT like Dole as a politician, but I have to respect his service to the United States in war time!
Check this out!! Winninitis Flare up!!! HA!
Looks like Joe M is gone from twitter for good…
I am able to access his account… I found this in the comments to his next to last tweet…
Marica, I can’t see that he’s done anything wrong… just one more of my favs gone I guess.
Everytime someone hits “too close to TRUTH”–Down comes the twitter Hammer!!! Darn it!!!!Like your said Phoenix–one more fav is gone…Poof!
Phoenix–He’s BACK!! here’s the explanation…
Ohhh my gosh… not nice indeed …
I hope he gives those email threats to LE…
Thanks for bringing word Marica .
WTH??? He was just there yesterday.
I’m so stooopid. I always think, what did he do? But of course the answer is nothing at all, other than be an effective voice.
I wonder how long we’ll be allowed to exist.
I certainly hope this new reporting portal will change things around…Twitter won’t be nearly as fun as more effective voices are banned…
Btflygrl did a great job covering the Barr interview upthread. I watched it in real time, also. General Barr just delights me. He’s smart, tough, unexpectedly funny. Here’s the video if you want to see it:
What’s up with this ??????????????? Anybody got news about this?
Finally…….. CLARITY…
Oh pR that is awesome sauce right there! Broken down where even I can understand it! I love it, and I’m stealing it so I can use it and make everyone think I am so smart by explaining our trade relationship with Canada.
TY for bringing that here for us.
You’re welcome. Awesome is the word. I was getting anxious going through the Canadian twitter streams, hoping some info had been left out. And viola ! There’s Manny, coming thru… Steal away, because there are lots of folks in twitter land saying POTUS lost!
pR, I just went to see what Felice had posted about the Canada deal. He’s got a fair bit on it. Bottom line: Trump Wins Again.
Sounds like Turdwater decided it was better for the commies to maintain weakened ownership of Canada than to go down in the next election.
Larry Schweikart has an interesting thread on POTUS’ and his use of the word “Treason” today. To start you off:
2. “2) You always stake out a position far beyond what you are willing/expect to accept.
If you sell cars… POTUS sells “deals”
15) “No. They won’t go to jail. But they will be forever scarred and marked as badly as Nixon was.”
Nixon didn’t commit Treason… he was never even impeached, although a draft of “Articles of Impeachment” was shown to him (by Poppy Bush). Nixon is not forever scarred, etc. Watergate was a picnic compared to what crimes have been committed by zero and Hildebeast, not to mention the damage done to this Republic and not a few of its citizens. Outside POTUS’ family, General Flynn, for starters.
Larry might want to read Chap 7 of The Art of the Deal..” Revenge”
As for Larry’s proposition that American people are not ready to accept that a president and a secretary of state could be “evil” ——— he doesn’t get out much, does he.
Snip “… “There was a Fox News poll and folks were asked how likely intelligence agencies like the FBI broke the law to investigate President Trump,” Earhardt said during “Fox & Friends” on Friday. “Look at that — 58% said extremely, very, or somewhat, and only 31% said not at all.”
Earhardt pointed to numbers indicating that 24% of voters responded that intelligence agencies broke the law to investigate President Trump and his campaign, 14% said it was very likely, and 20% said it was somewhat likely. The poll was conducted from May 11-14 among registered voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.”
Larry is famous for saying add at least 5% to any poll involving POTUS.
So, Americans can accept that law enforcement agency can break the law, commit crimes, but are too spineless to accept a crooked president and secretary of state?
Why does Larry think tens of thousands attend Trump rallies? Does he hear them on twitter? (Larry’s still not convinced there will be indictments.)
“16) It would actually be a brilliant move.”
I’m so glad Larry is not president.
Larry has been wrong before. I just thought it was worth seeing what he had to say. I’m not sure who is going to perp walk, though it is likely they’ll all be exposed. As regards punishment for Obama and Hillary – I don’t see it happening… Not because I agree with Larry, but I’ve long thought that it would make a martyr out of those two – especially Obama. Not sure that’s a good thing. Now if they can be exposed, and all the underlings involved pay the price – it will rain down on Obama and Hillary’s legacies as well. POTUS speaks of Treason – and he’s right, and if this was 100 years ago – we’d take them down. I’ve always thought that it was iffy on Obama and Hillary – but if the Cabal can be exposed and destroyed – we’ll go from there. Considering the potential that a former head of the FBI, CIA, DOJ might go to prison could be enough.
The endpoint of where Larry takes us on this analysis of the Cabal’s Treason.
Well, I hope Larry is totally wrong on this. I don’t think deplorables are going to go for that at all.
Amen, sister Linda.
While I agree, the goal is really to keep them from being in a position to be able to influence and/or control politics. Exposure does that, ultimately.
It remains to be seen who goes which route – quick exit via old age or disease, shamed into hiding, actually being thrown in the slammer – but the actors will be taken off the stage one way or another. I’m not picky about which way it happens.
I am sorry–I want them in jail….
Marica, I want to see:
The Hag hauled out of bed in a 4 am No Knock raid, her wig still on the bedpost and her dentures in a glass on the counter. With luck, she will have been hiding under the bed refusing to come out so they send the K9 in to take a bite out of crime.
When she emerges from the front door in the blinding lights of the TV cameras, her thin bedhead blown every which way by the wash from the hovering helicopter, her ratty bathrobe bunched up around her waist shackle, shuffling along in cankle-irons–she resists!!!
So, they taze her. She pees her pants. They pick her up and throw her in the back of the van like a side of beef.
As the van drives off, the camera zooms in on one lone bunny slipper with a broken down back lying in the street.
Next, I want a televised trial with cameras trained on her arrogant face while all the evidence is presented.
I want a sentencing where she hears the words HFTNUD as tears pour from her red eyes down her pudgy cheeks and double chins to soak the collar of her orange jumpsuit and the snot clogs her snout.
Then I want to watch as the sentence is carried out.
Wash, rinse, repeat for all the rest of the traitors.
One improvement: Send in a hungry Komodo Dragon.
And not one mention of a shovel!!
Shovels are kind and merciful.
I love you, Syl.

That was beautiful!
Let me see what can be done to help you. I know lots of people, if you catch my drift.
#MeTOOOOOO! But I’ve never really believed that it would happen to those two. Hillary will get the she’s old and sick, leave her alone, and Obama would become a martyr. Doesn’t mean they can’t be exposed and all their players pay the price…
But but but isn’t she also rumored to be involved/participant of very evil pizza/soul cooking crap … ?

That’s like giving Hannibal lechter a pass ….
My belief about the outcome for Hillary relates to the criminal/political conspiracy and actions she was involved in. I don’t believe we’ll see a perp walk on that. Exposure, yes, jail time, no.
Now as regards other criminality on her part – sex crimes against children that’s a different ballgame – and perhaps they have enough to indict, but again, the old, sick woman image is going to be a problem.
Well evil people young/old … same’-same’ … it’s still sifts out evil and she should pay ..
I find myself disagreeing.
“Americans do NOT want to think a former SecState & Pres are that evil.
8) Remember there was not a huge backlash against Gerald Ford for pardoning Richard Nixon—the most hated man in American politics. Remember how Americans accepted a rehabilitated Nixon back as an authority on world events?”
Of course Americans don’t want to think a former Sec of State and President are evil or criminal. That shakes the bedrock of our belief in our country.
But as far as there not being a huge backlash against Gerald Ford for pardoning Nixon, well, that isn’t how I remember it. I think many still today believe he lost to Jimmah Carter because of that pardon.
And I do remember Nixon finally back as an authority on China, but it was way, way, way later. And his acceptance was rather luke warm.
As for PDJT pardoning Clinton and BO…
I agree there is a delicate balance between not destroying our faith in our government by indicting the previous President on the one hand and on the other destroying our faith in our government by setting aside a special class of people who are untouchable and do not have to answer to the same rules as the little people.
I know there’s no such thing as perfect justice in this world, but great care needs to be taken that we don’t save the Republic by pardoning the former leaders only to actually lose the Republic by hollowing out and destroying our sense of the rule of law.
Brava ! Brava ! Hear, Hear… (you didn’t even need a shovel gal to get that done !!!!!!!!!)
And, always remember we, the lowly public, really do not know all the details or ramifications. Q says, they will not be able to walk the streets, and that might very well happen. But, as much as I also want punishment…I suspect it will never to overt. No middle ifthe night raids, no handcuffs, no orange jumpsuits for many that fully deserve them.
I remember feeling so angry when OJ Simpson was treated like a star and invited to exclusive golf clubs after that fiasco trial. There will be women’s magazines covers, exclusive private island resorts vacations, huge speaker fees, etc, extended to the Obamas no matter what disgraceful, unlawful, disgusting things that will come out about them. They will live the rest of their miserable lives in the lap of luxury…and they will laugh all the way to their off-shore banks. A pox in them!
I would except this if this just concerns the whole fisa/spygate matter……if it goes into profiteering (U1), Deaths (Benghazi, F&F) or any of the DARK stuff-NOWAY.
Also, as far as Spygate goes there would have to be a COMPLETE ADMISSION OF GUILT…. like a statement broadcast during primetime,
…only then and I’d still hate it but to avoid a Cival War I could hold my nose.
Something else to think about as we go forward.
To Larry’s point about BO and HRC not going to jail and being forever scarred and marked as badly as Nixon, there’s some other things to consider I think.
First, while we don’t know yet the scope of the crimes BO and HRC are responsible for, comparing Watergate to what has been done to PDJT is like the difference between an armed robber sticking up a convenience store and a heist like something out of Ocean’s 11. So naturally one would expect the punishment to be weighted more heavily for the more serious crime.
Second, there’s a really good reason why in wartime traitors are executed. It is harsh, but you have to uproot the whole poisonous vine. If BO were pardoned, scarred by his criminal acts, he would still be available as a lighting rod for the opposition to rally around.
BO especially has eschewed all norms and traditions. He didn’t just walk off the stage and into the sunset, he set up camp right around the corner from the WH. He and his minions like Kerry have been running around trying to undo everything PDJT has done with foreign leaders.
If he was indicted, convicted, and pardoned, there will continue to be that 30 percent or so of the country who love him, believe in him, believe he was wronged, he’s a tragic figure, etc. It wouldn’t take too long before the globalists pick him up, dust him off, and give him a new platform to fight for the new world order.
Honestly, same thing if he were jailed. That would be a nightmare all by itself. Interviews from prison. Vigils held in front of the prison. And then when he gets out maybe a decade has passed and the coup is old news, and he’s the new Mandala and welcomed with open arms into society.
I really haven’t given this much thought at all until now, but now that I think about it really is a thorny problem, isn’t it? Wow. Will it ever end.
The best thing to happen to either of those slugs would be to yank their secret service protection. The next best thing would be to yank their federal pensions.
I can almost promise you that there exists a much more serious bunch of patriots who would not accept a pardon or anything less than execution. While those of us here believe in the rule of law, those guys might have a more elastic view of the rule of law.
Let me just say that I am genetically unable to shed tears no matter what justice Big Vermin gets.
For some reason this thread keeps crashing on my ipad……
I’m no tech head, but it may because this thread is so loaded with gifs and videos.
Try turning off java script
I’ll give it a try. Thanks. I can get it to load most days but not today.
Wolf, I hope this catches your eye. It might interest you. Soviet style tactics. Psychological warfare. Mind control. All using government funds provided by grants. Excerpts FTA:
Government Experiment Brainwashes Children to Manipulate Conservative Parents
They’re not your children anymore. They’re a “treatment group.”
May 17, 2019
Daniel Greenfield
” #C02Kult.
That’s the hashtag for it in Germany, where they know a bit about mass hysteria and brainwashing. It shows up every time students are manipulated into another school strike for the “environment”.
The Joan of Arc of C02Kult is Greta Thunberg, the daughter of two Swedish celebrities, and a 15-year-old suffering from Aspergers, who became a popular lefty figure for leading environmental school strikes…
As with all child activists, some see a passion for social responsibility, while others see child abuse.
Had Greta been born in another time and place, she might have been just as afraid of witches or subversives. Terrified teens who were encouraged to act on their fears were responsible for everything from the Salem witch trials to the crimes of the Cultural Revolution. The fault lies with the adults who traumatize children and then unleash them on society to win their political battles.
There’s a name for that. Child soldiers…
A recent paper in Nature is titled, “Children can foster climate change concern among their parents” which suggests that the best way to influence adults is by brainwashing their children…
What was put into practice was an “educational intervention designed to build climate change concern among parents indirectly through their middle school-aged children in North Carolina, USA.”
That reads like the title of a KGB project from the Cold War, but it’s an academic paper in America.
The study found that “parents of children in the treatment group expressed higher levels of climate change concern than parents in the control group. The effects were strongest among male parents and conservative parents, who, consistent with previous research, displayed the lowest levels of climate concern before the intervention. Daughters appeared to be especially effective in influencing parents.”
They used to be your children and grandchildren. Now they’re a “treatment group”…
After two years of this, the paper gloated that “parents who identified as male or conservative more than doubled their level of concern about climate change”.
Danielle F Lawson, a grad student at North Carolina State University, credited the level of trust between parents and children. It’s exactly this trust that environmentalists and all totalitarian ideologies exploit.
“We also found that the results were most pronounced for three groups: conservative parents, parents of daughters, and fathers,” Lawson is quoted as saying in an NCSU press release.
This, the NCSU release informs us, “was noteworthy because conservatives and men are typically among the least concerned about climate change.”
“There’s a robust body of work showing that kids can influence their parents’ behavior and positions on environmental and social issues,” Lawson asserts…
Scientific American’s article on the study is illustrated with a picture of, who else, Greta Thunberg.
The release thanks the Department of Interior’s Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center for its support…
Lawson’s bio claims that she’s looking to build “climate literacy” through “intergenerational transfer in familial and community groups”. It’s not a new idea. The USSR’s educational system was built on the conviction that brainwashing children was an effective tool for controlling their parents.
The North Carolina grad student lists Kathryn Stevenson and Nils Peterson as the professors she’s working under. Both of their names appear on the Nature paper. Lawson’s activities are creepy, but not original. Stevenson’s research reeks of a disturbing obsession with figuring out how to manipulate children into accepting her views that we would associate with the USSR or Communist China…
[Stevenson’s] articles and publications obsessively focus on middle-school students and how to manipulate them into accepting her belief system. A 2015 article delves into “fostering climate change hope and concern and avoiding despair among adolescents”. Another one explores “psychological factors”. A third delves into the “role of significant life experiences” while a fourth explores the role of “friends and family”.
One of Stevenson’s favorite targets are the children of conservative parents. Or as one piece describes them, individualists as opposed to communitarians. “Kids are just developing their worldviews, their political ideologies,” Stevenson says…
Not only is NCSU a public research university, but much of this creepy obsession with manipulating children into supporting a destructive partisan agenda is funded through massive government grants.
Kathryn Stevenson’s “Ensuring Readiness For Climate Variability And Change By Leveraging The Power Of Younger Generations” was a grant proposal funded by the USDA to the tune of $149,997.
An upcoming proposal, involving both Stevenson and Peterson, requests $120,000 for “Improving environmental decision making in coastal communities through giving children a voice”.
The children don’t have a voice. The adults cynically manipulating them are the only ones who do.
The child soldier of the leftists running the Soviet Union was a boy named Pavlik Morozov who, Communist propaganda claimed, had been killed by his parents for informing on his father. In reality, the boy was murdered by other teens. But the leftist regime massacred most of the dead boy’s family, including his brother, and used his myth to encourage other teens to turn Thunberg…
Children don’t choose to advocate for political agendas. That choice is made for them. Sometimes those decisions are made by their parents. Other times it’s made by a totalitarian machine lubricated by hundreds of thousands in grant money stolen from their parents in order to brainwash their children.
Greta, depressed, terrified, angry, and traumatized, is the intended outcome of that machine.
A child soldier.”
Is Mark Zuckerface trying to drive everyone away from FB?
Ah. You saw it.
You’re right. Next they’ll have the kids reporting on their parents to the state for thought crimes.
I thought the use of psychology for manipulation and frankly weaponization of the kids was interesting, and I was disgusted that our tax dollars were supporting this experimentation.
This “use the kids” stuff is SO “statist”.
In a post Barr interview discussion where someone whines why isn’t anything happening
ristvan says:
Barr has the Nunes criminal referrals. He has a very experienced US District attorney working on them. Durham is building airtight indictments using Nunes material and whatever else he needs to dig up using subpoenas and grand jury testimony. Given the political explosiveness involved, it will take some time. Barr is already setting the table with ‘I don’t like some of the answers, and stuff doesn’t fit together’.
The trigger for action is the IG FISA report, due maybe early June. Thats less than a month.”
What jumped out at me was the part about Barr setting the table. I agree. Barr is really quite good at this stuff. He’s careful, but he’s very plain and very clear. He’s been asking questions and the answers he’s getting suck, or as he says the information “doesn’t hang together.” Blunt language, but in no way hyperbolic. Everyone, EVERYONE, can hear what Barr just said and think, oh dear there are problems that Barr has seen for himself.
Another part of the interview that I personally liked a lot was when Hemmer asked Barr about Comey mournfully contemplating the state of Barr’s soul and the ruination of his reputation. Barr just smirked a bit and with that steely look in his eyes says something like these people are not concerned with my reputation or my legacy.
“… when Hemmer asked Barr about Comey mournfully contemplating the state of Barr’s soul and the ruination of his reputation. “
Comey suffers from “projection” (among other things)
I bet it would be fun to psychoanalyze all that Comey suffers from!!!
We could make it into a parlor game Syl, get rich!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great idea!!!
Hmm….we would need to have some kind of cross matching system where we observe Comey’s behavior. Lies? Bedwetting? Firestarting? Grandiosity?
And then we try to match it with diagnoses, like psychopath? sociopath? narcissist? evil toad?
I think we could definitely work with it!
Ohh, Grandiosity for sure. He thinks he towers above everyone else
(what was his nickname at FBI ?
The Cardinal, that’s it…
Heck, use cards with all of the above… (I don’t know why I dislike him so…)
On another subject… you should pontificate more often. You definitely can put some words together. Just a suggestion…
Oh, that’s right! Cardinal Comey! Hmm…we can add megalomania and God Complex to the mix!
I know why I dislike him. He pretended to be an objective arbiter of justice. He turned out to be a slimy self-promoter who is corruptible but won’t even stay bought and paid for. He’s phony, conniving, and not as smart as he thinks he is.
Possibly apart from that he is a gentle giant beloved by dogs and children who helps old ladies cross the street. But somehow I doubt it. More likely we dig up his cellar and find actual skeletons.
My dislike borders on …. (unhealthy ?)
Thanks for articulating ‘let me count the ways’
(you forgot one gem… it was the Cardinal who told McCabe to appoint a SC (after POTUS fired him; I think that’s the burr in my saddle.)
He’s a Cohm-munist (pronounce it like in “Comey”).
One thing is for sure, patience is in short supply these days.
True that. Patience has never been one of my virtues, sadly!
But good grief I haven’t had much time to fret about how nothing is happening because from out here in the cheap seats it looks like a lot is happening. Not sure I could keep up with more, LOL.
Trump: Justice is coming
…This is a three-act play. In the first act, he was the clown candidate. In the second, he was the patsy accused of treachery. We are in the third act. He is the hero who returns the Rule of the Law to the land….
They are rerunning it tonight. I guess it was well received last night. I think I’ll record it so I can fast forward through Neil Cavuto. And probably the socialists if they annoy me. Which is likely.
Best line from his address to NAR today…LOL!! WATCH!!!
Heheh, sounds like the audience agrees!!
As a fellow Realtor….LOVED IT!! and LOVE HIM!!!
LOVE this man…………
You made my day Marica
here’s more from our friend carpe……
Ohhhhhhhh! That is so awful.
Thanks Wheatie!!! I think Carpe may very well be a Lynchpin in this Social Media banning WAR…POTUS KNOWS Who he is….THis is NOT the END…
Bolsonaro wants to do for Brazil what Rudy did for New York:

Wolfie, I am very impressed with Bolsonaro… and he admires POTUS !
If anybody can fix Brazil, it’s Bolsonaro!!!
PS – private message received. Thanks for the warning. My initial inclination is to cover this in a huge way and make it HURT the censors.
I’m not sure they would care. Then again, I don’t know what you could do to “hurt” them.
At this point is is entirely clear what the left intends to do as we move closer to and into 2020. They WILL keep blacklisting voices that run counter to their preferred narrative, NO MATTER WHAT. Across all platforms.
Seems to me that we on the right need to be doing is creating our own platforms that the left cannot remove, censor, or harm. The left CLEARLY does not care is anyone sees them as hypocritical, etc. The left has no morals whatsoever. The left is clearly AT WAR….all save the shooting part.
This is a “cold war.”
Give it time, it may become hot.
Wolf…..what gives? That should have been a PM to you.
Yeah unless I’m wolf which I’m not I can see the PM…
The simplest method to self-protect is to find a webhosting entity and plant the website there. Set up a live chat (similar to the old BBS on DOS) and for offsetting expenses host an email service where $3 per month gets a client an email address that is secure.
There’s other steps the nerds can tell about but I’m at the limit of my paygrade.
I meant to say find a simpatico webhosting entity (not necessarily in the US)
Trust me – I’m looking at options.
Overturning Roe V Wade, means drying up Planned Parenthood’s source of money. The Supreme Court will choose one of the state’s cases to hopefully revisit Roe v Wade. Constitutionally, I see two possibilities: 1) The legal beagles argue that it is a state’s right issue – so return it to the states. 2) Right to “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” – I’m on the side of that, though it may not be constitutionally the view the SC will take. They’ll probably go the narrower route, without defining when life begins. Because if that is defined then they’d have to accept that elective abortions are essentially murder.
More will be happening on this. A friend of mine wrote this today.
What a powerful article. Unflinching.
One of the most surprising things about the Trump presidency is what has happened and is happening to abortion on demand.
I didn’t see it coming, but after all these years “the walls are closing in” on this evil industry. This is about to collapse like the Berlin Wall at the end of the Cold War.
The power of all the prayers on this issue over the years are at last bringing us here. Thank God.
Yes, I can feel the same thing, Sylvia. For so many years our side has barely been able to be heard. Why? For one thing, the Left has had an incredible monopoly on the news and public narrative, and were able to suppress the truth about abortion. The ‘net and social media has broken some of those barriers. Then the eight years of Obama really chilled all things conservative or from the right.
POTUS has done more for conservativism than anyone in my lifetime, even Ronald Reagan. It’s his forceful nature that has been pushing the scurrying rats back into their holes. We’re speaking up more – not just politically, taking out the Uniparty/GOP-E, but also the cultural institutions have to be addressed. I think we’re finding our way.
The abortion issue is so key to the culture war because it is the heart of the spiritual warfare. I can’t see God blessing us if we continue to slaughter children by the millions. If we make this right, other things may slowly fall into place.
I found this OT about the Barr interview, and the post-interview analysis with Devin Nunes and FOX chick Sandra Smith. (I watched it, and Sandra Smith most assuredly actively tried to cut Nunes off and counter him when he said Mueller knew from Day 1 that there was no collusion.)
There is an interesting dynamic here, and it looks like Fox is playing a part, perhaps unwittingly.
The Barr interview, and the Nunes interview about the Barr interview, are messaging ‘due process, not politics’ simultaneously. Barr is ‘officially’ going ‘by the book’, and already doesn’t like the responses he is getting. He is telling the world things are not right. Nunes points out there is a lot that Barr can do quickly based on what Nunes has already investigated—and his two ‘process’ criminal referrals involving multiple people: FISA, and ‘conspiracy’ to spy.
Bet we learn soon from Barr that he already sent those ctiminal referrals to Durham, and that a grand jury has been impaneled. Barr is the due process messenger, Nunes is the ‘expect crimes’ messenger. IG Horowitz and Durham will be the ones announcing the named criminals.
Looks like the soon arriving IG report on FISA triggers the Big Ugly avalanche. Early Fireworks for the 4th of July.”
PM RT’d this…
That was just great! Wow! Made me want to stand up and cheer!
But instead, the rain has stopped, the sun is out, and the dog must have her walk so I’ll do that instead of leaping up and down and cheering. But I’ll go forth with a smile, so thanks for the pR!
Joe M is BACK !!!!
Merkel’s statement that the US is now an adversary of Europe is eyebrow raising.
Although I told my brother yesterday it was hard to consider Germany an ally any longer, so maybe not.
Merkel, May & Hildebeast were supposed to be the Cabal/Deep State’s 3 witches of Eastwick
that would usher in their agenda – Globalism… removal of borders, free speech, guns, and most of the
Hildebeast never got to go the coronation… Theresa is on her way out as PM, regardless of the vote next
Thursday, and Merkel is on her way out soon.
That doesn’t mean the end of the Cabal of course… but we’re gaining. Le Pen is making headway in
France. Most of Eastern Europe is supportive of POTUS… and he is drying up all the Cabal’s money and
hopefully dismantling the C_A … whose creation is in my humble opinion the greatest mistake in world
history… ymmv
I’m sorry….
….when did Frau Hitler get elected to start speaking for ALL of Europe?
She never WAS elected. The position of Kanzler/in is a negotiated one, in smoke- and corruption-filled back rooms. Sort of like the DEMONcRAT superdelegates.
Her position in the former DDR was ministerin of AgitProp (Agitation and Propaganda), and, looking at what little information about her early days that hasn’t been scrubbed (sound familiar?), she was a suck-up from the get-go. She is a rabid proponent of the Coudenhive-Kalergi movement/philosophy, which could be considered a ba$tard father of Europe. The idea is to merge all the races (diversity brings strength, anyone?) which explains her lust for our “Kulturelle Bereicherung” (cultural “enrichment”) coming in the form of military aged, physically fit, malignantly violent, misanthropic Moslem males streaming up from Africa and the Middle East. They’re not sending their “best”, in terms of enrichment, rather, in terms of takeover.
She is neither a Christian nor a Democrat (in the old sense). She is a traitor to the great peoples of the countries of Europe, and, although she speaks of the “project of Europe”, she only means a pilot plant for the “New World Order” of sheeple envisioned in Ageda21 and Agenda2030, etc.
She’s on her way out, being replaced yet another “Kuh”, as the CDU head. The ordinary folks are having none of it, but, sadly, a lot of them (probably the indoctrinated yuppies, the “Spassgesellschaft” as Peter Hahne puts it) are voting green, or even “Die Linke”. The mainline socialists (criminy, how it hurts to use those words together) are fading away, because they’re not extreme enough. Fancy that.
The AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) is a populist party, and, like we Deplorables, the poll numbers do not reflect the truth and the power of the movement. Merde-Kuh and her cabal are viciously attacking them, and doing all manner of skulduggery to make them look bad; the deep state here is afraid of them and the other populist movements around Europe, who have been winning more and more minds, hearts, and elections.
Pray for us; It’s Ephesians 6:10-18 over here, big time…
Levin: ‘What in the hell’ is Dianne Feinstein ‘doing talking on an iPhone’ to the Iranian foreign minister?
A: Begging and pleading with him not to disclose the names of all the democrats who took bribes as a part of the Iran Deal
Censure her ugly miserable A**

If that don’t do it prosecute her for TREASON ,,, the old harridan …
giggle *snort*
“Florida counties do not have the resources to accommodate an influx of illegal immigrants.”
“The colon hydrotherapist connection was unexpected…”
Before Corn Flakes was a breakfast cereal………………………………Kellogg history……………..
Thata a lot of corn flakes….
From what I remember reading, the product was sold commercially after one of his kids (adopted) and a nephew of the then Coca-Cola heiress started a fire which burned down the Sanitarium (1902)
Not gonna touch this one with a ten foot pole.
Okay… POTUS tweeted Treason this a.m.
Listen to this:
Yikes, pR. If I were one of those three, I’d be whimpering in a fetal position.
Not as if they haven’t had any warning, right?
Really wierd and Im sure theres a deep dive in this.
The Haunting Last Words of Isaac Kappy: “Now, I Am One of Them”
Isaac Kappy – the actor who accused several Hollywood figures of child abuse – died after throwing himself off a bridge. A few days prior to this fateful day, Kappy posted a haunting video about him “crossing the line” and becoming “one of them”. What actually happened to Isaac Kappy?
Isaac Kappy was an actor who appeared in several Hollywood productions such as Thor, Terminator Salvation, and the series Breaking Bad. However, in the past years, he was mostly known for accusing several Hollywood personalities of pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse. Some of the names he named throughout his videos and social media posts are Tom Hanks, Steven Speilberg, James Gunn, Kathie Griffith, and Seth Green.
Soon after these accusations, Kappy made the news for allegedly choking his friend Paris Jackson at a party and for threatening Seth Green on several occasions. These actions lead him to be investigated by the LAPD and to be labeled as a “nutjob” by mass media sources.
Off a Bridge
On May 14th, Kappy found a violent death after plunging from a bridge onto the Interstate 40 highway in Arizona. According to police sources, Kappy “forced himself” off the bridge after two teenagers physically attempted to stop him from doing so. After the fatal jump, Kappy was struck by a passing vehicle.
Shortly before his death, Kappy deleted his entire Instagram history and posted a final letter with the ominous caption: “Beware the man that has nothing to lose, for he has nothing to protect”. In this lengthy suicide note, Kappy writes that he “has not been a good guy” and compared himself to Judas Iscariot (who betrayed Jesus). He also referred to Donald Trump, the QAnon movement and his attempts at exposing Hollywood.
Bizarre fact: The letter was dated July 4th, 2019
His letter talks about q:
WOW! Military service is in the Flynn blood.
U1 still bubbling away, ready to be served up when the time is right …
I’ll just leave this right here:
St. Louis Taco Bell employee’s anti-Muslim rant caught on camera
So he talked with her for ’25 mins’…. CAIR jumps in. And its 1 min of footage…. I trust nothing….
Then there is this:
“Taco Bell does not appreciate the seriousness of this situation. They have not done enough. Just firing the lady is a cop-out, an easy way to sweep the issue under the rug,” said Syed.
He is calling Taco Bell to offer cultural competency training and wants the former employee to participate.
“I would want her to know we did not want her to get fired. We want her to get educated,” said Syed.
Comey Tweeting again!! REALLY??? Barr gonna PUT HIM AWAY!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of fool does this? Who does he think he is taunting?
I have to say I have been waiting for two weeks (arms crossed, foot tapping, glancing impatiently at watch) for the Acme Anvil or Safe to fall out of the window onto Comey’s head, or an arrest, or SOMETHING big happening to Comey.
There is that “Comey investigation” that Joe diGenova mentioned. I want that jerk dealt with.
Excellent Phoenix!!!

TY Marica…
“He is calling Taco Bell to offer cultural competency training and wants the former employee to participate.”
As my sweet Mother used to say about “I WANTS”
“Yes, and people in H3ll want ice water.”
Deal Syed. The employee was fired. MOVE ON.
(Can y’all tell I’m pissed with this…)
phoenix fully agree. But you know they can’t move on…. And what’s this about talking for 25 mins and still eating the food? Like what? Why is this news?
exactly… we didn’t hear the customer. Perhaps he was egging her on? Why didn’t he just leave.
And, WHY is it news? Trump supporters get attacked for wearing a hate, where’s the news about that.
Here’s zerohedge…
(Blood sugar must be low… I’m really getting tired of this. It’s straight up manipulation by MSM, in service to Cabal.)
phoenix you read my mind. I was thinking the same thing. Notice how its all about him and he will talk when he’s ready. Yeah no thanks.
No wonder its called ‘fake news’
Yup. Cringey commie SJW behavior is being normalized as “heroic”. UGH.
Liberalism absolutely ruins everything it touches…without exception.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but nowadays I automatically assume a movie is a POS with some stupid SJW theme until and unless I learn otherwise.
You bring up a very good point… and the more I think about this so do I. No matter if its a new movie or tv show. I think if I watch something that has no SJW or politics I’m surprised or shocked.
I am praying that this is accurate?
Oh, I hope so!!!
I haven’t read all the comments here today, so I may be repeating someone. If so, I apologize, but I feel like I just had a revelation, and I have to get it down.
Admiral Mike Rogers discovered the abuses of the FISA process, specifically 702 “about” abuses, in October of 2016. After President Trump was elected, Rogers visited him in Trump Tower, and operations moved the next day.
General Flynn was chosen as an advisor to Trump’s campaign in February of 2016. We know Obama hated Flynn.
Today, President Trump tweeted this:
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
12h12 hours ago
It now seems the General Flynn was under investigation long before was common knowledge. It would have been impossible for me to know this but, if that was the case, and with me being one of two people who would become president, why was I not told so that I could make a change?
38,523 replies 23,829 retweets 90,524 likes
We also now know that Flynn and Rogers are life-long friends.
What if…
What if Admiral Rogers found out that Flynn was under a FISA warrant? And what if he discovered that the surveillance was not legally predicated? What if he went to President Trump and told him? Is THIS why Flynn, who would ABSOLUTELY know better than to “lie” to the FBI, allowed them to “trap” him? Is this the beginning of part of the sting?
I don’t know what I don’t know, but surely Admiral Rogers would be pissed if his dear friend were being illegally spied on.
We talked about a sting alot OT…
Not based on what Rogers did, but based on the fact that it was obvious there were leaks, and some speculated that Flynn might have begun a “sting”…….
you’re correct that we don’t know what we don’t know… speculation helps reduce the frustration, right ?
Helps a tiny bit
No “ifs” needed, IMHO.
Both Rogers and Flynn knew what was happening, what HAD happened, and what was likely to happen if/when PDJT won the election. They had everything figured out…which is why PDJT has gone from win to win to win to win without EVER losing once to these treasonous POSs. It’s why Q repeats over and over and over…
“These people are stupid.”
I might also add that Q keeps telling us “enjoy the show”.
You see, we already know the outcome. We win in the end. These people’s (Comey et al.) gooses are already cooked. They just don’t realize it yet (but they are beginning to have an inkling now that AG Barr is on the scene).
What we are watching unfold is the greatest military intelligence operation/sting in the history of the world….and we have front row seats. If that hasn’t become obvious by now to anyone paying attention and keeping up with all the actors in this play, I don’t know what else to say.
It’s like slow motion winning…which can be very rewarding. But, like old Mr. Owl, I’m dying to get to the center of this Tootsie Pop! I think we’re about to hear a crunch…
I agree.
I’m wondering why the meeting was so public when there were many other ways to get the message to Trump if he didn’t already know (which I am quite positive he already did). Some sort of message, but to who.
I think it was Admiral Rogers flipping “the bird” at the plotters.
I LOVE Shems response to slimeball Comey…
Here’s my reply to Comey:
FG& C–!!! They should be generic brand tho!!
I throughly enjoyed your post fg&c … you put a lot of work into it … it’s great