We get a Rally today!
Tonight’s rally will be at Montoursville, PA…and it starts at 7:00 pm EDT.
Here are some Livestreams that will be covering it:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3Mp0MbuBrE&w=640&h=360]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRLO0hKqs3o&w=640&h=360]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiHyo1X2PTw&w=640&h=360]
Please feel free to post any tweets, videos or pictures of the crowd of Rally-goers, as they wait outside. Those are always cool!
YUGE crowd already!
Hanger Rally – sea of red hats!
They’re excited in Montoursville, PA.
Montoursville, it’s 78 degrees right now. Perfect weather for MAGA.
Montoursville is a little over an hour north of Harrisburg, PA, in the middle of the state and northern 1/3rd.
Straight west is where all the fracking is going on.
Good location.
Hope President Trump highlights the fracking and pipelines…
…Then highlight New York is missing out on the fracking and pipeline jobs, income…lower heating costs for residents and businesses alike.
..Taunt Cuomo and D-Rats by name for not taking care of New York State citizens.
You’re spot on, Kalbo!
Not fair to those in NY, who have to pay MOAR for LNG and heating oil this winter.
Upstate NY already knows–they have been fighting with NYC for years over this issue. Upstaters can’t lease their land or make any royalties from it either because downstaters don’t want their “water poisoned”. (Even though there are already gas transmission pipelines in NY…)
big fight in NY
Got it.
All the more reason to discuss fracking, pipelines, job, tax revenue, lower energy bills… enjoyed by PA, OH, neighboring and more distant States.
All available to New Yorkers…
Reinforces President Trump base. Maybe entice Independent and D-Rat voters to vote for President Trump.
Maybe a rally in a conservative area of New York.
MOAR rallies, specifically in swing States and even blue states. Take the 2020 election straight in the D-Rat faces.
They go live starting at 3:30 ET – the only one always shows all the crowds, inside and outside the rally.
Holy Smokes!
First shuttle to Montoursville arrived at 9:00AM this morning!!
Students for Trump is live-tweeting the tailgate for the MAGA Rally.
7 hours before start and the line was longer than the eye could see.
An hour ago…..
Lets dance!!!!!!
The line for the Biden rally might fill a broom closet.
Ladies from NY want to flip state to red!
Giggle/snort. David Martosko is a WH Correspondent for US Daily Mail. I got into a twitter fight with him when he was on the plane back from Saudi Arabia and have stayed on him for years!
Well, now David appears on Fox every now and then, and has warmed, ever so slightly, to our great President. Of course, I believe I am solely responsible for his sentiment (and I have swampland to sell, too).
Here is David, arriving at the hanger for tonight’s rally…… and he finds a sea of red hats!
Go Girl…
If anyone can convince ol’ David to support POTUS, it’s YOU… !!!!!!!!
Check it out – this guy flew into Montoursville, PA from Florida, to see POTUS at a MAGA RALLY!
voting tomorrow in PA…municipal and special elections iirc
Is he brilliant or what?
OMG, he’s so DAMN good! We have a SUPER President.
Guess what? There’s a SPECIAL ELECTION tomorrow in Montoursville, PA.
Polls open at 7:00am.
Ya’ think the Republican running will be highlighted by POTUS, this evening?
Brilliant, brilliant………… thank you, Mr. President.
David Martosko is having fun with the crowd.
This one is hilarious.
That one made me LOL!!!! Too funny.
Okay, this makes a whole lot more sense, now that we can see. There is a Special Election tomorrow for a PA Congressional seat in PA#12. Repubs nominated Fred Keller.
There was no primary.
Election is scheduled for tomorrow.
RSBN coverage starts in 10 minutes!
10 minutes to pop the popcorn!
10 minutes to MAGA countdown!
Here we go!
Here’s a little music and montage to add to the spirit – previous rally clips.
LMAO – the contempt is real, folks.
All the WH correspondents are posting pics of surrounding Montoursville. They think they’ve landed in Deliverance. They’re posting pics of cows.
“like…. why the heck are we here? there’s no one here?”
Ahhhh, yes, only the Deplorables.
And they’re too stupid to realize there is a special election for Congress TOMORROW!
Trump sneaks into Montoursville and completely drives the vote for tomorrow’s election.
Call me crazy….. crazy like a fox.
Put that seat in the Republican column
I swear, their own arrogance will be their undoing.
It’s why we win!
Gosh. And here I thought it was just Merde-Kuh, and some of her Green supporters…

Another damn rally?!?!?!
Fer cryin’ out loud, give it a rest!
[snicker; giggle]
Scott Pressler is IN THE HOUSE!
He is MAGA royalty!
We LOVE you !!!!!!!
Thanks for all you do for our great POTUS and our great REPUBLIC !!!!!!!!!!!!
Scott Pressler is having the time of his life. LOOK at that grin.
Time to update our resumes!!!!!
RSBN is hiring for 2020!
Who wants to be a roadie? Cover all the rallies?
How I do wish I was 30yrs old again.
Heh – I ain’t seen 30 in 44 years!
I don’t feel a day over 18 until I try to get on the floor and up again due to a knee injury.
Glad you are here tonight, Miss Daughn! We were afraid you had a big party or group and couldn’t get away.
Please give my regrets to our dear Donnie John aka POTUS.
I have to attend Granddaughter’s violin/orchestra recital tonight.
Will check in and read what all he had to say when I get home.
Y’all have fun!!!!
Ohh, a recital !!! Enjoy GA/FL
It was lovely. She is serious about her playing at 8 years old….and made it into a juried student Baroque concert this year. Grandma is proud.
Awesome! Baroque is a challenge for all instruments. Glad she is interested in the genre.
The recital last night was the home school orchestra – which is pretty big with students at all levels from tiny kindergarteners to high school.
There is a very large home school movement, both catholic and protestant, here in the area….with many pooled resources in art, music, science and sports.
This is the local Baroque org. http://www.tallahasseebachparley.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=concerts.index
What a blessing for all these students!
Granddaughter playing the violin, in a recital…. makes my heart melt.
You have a good time and take plenty of pics!
Ahhhh…. GA/FL, be positive! You’re still 30!!!
It’s just a question of how many times
LOL – and a few snorts!
Certainly can relate to ALL of your post, GA/FL
No Missy,
We at Qtree need you here with all your wonderful stories and running commentry and good food and and
(I’ll clean your branch if you stay….’course it probably never needs it, right!)
PR, we could go on the road with the Auburn college kids. Whaddaya think?
don’t go tempting me
Think of the Winnebago we could have……
Ooh, I love road trips

Soooooooo, I’m listening to the pundits before the rally in PA.
Quinnipiac poll is getting a LOT of attention = Biden up by “double digits”, or 12% over Trump in PA.
Do they think we’re stupid?
Quinnipiac? They’re even worse than Monmouth polling.
In fact, I would bet money, Quinnipiac is almost the worst, leftist, polling outfit of all the companies.
Do they think we’re stupid….
FULL STOP. Slodey heads on the left in 3…….., 2…………, 1………
Racism has decreased under President Trump.
Study done by sociologists at UPenn.
From the article:
“Americans, claim Hopkins and Washington, have actually become less inclined to express racist opinions since Donald Trump was elected. Anti-black prejudice, they found, declined by a statistically-insignificant degree between 2012 and 2016, when Trump was elected. But then after 2016 it took a sharp dive that was statistically significant. Moreover, contrary to their expectations, the fall was as evident among Republican voters as it was among Democrats. There was also a general fall in anti-Hispanic prejudice, too, although this was more evident among Democrat voters.”
Bwwwhwhhahaha, put a sock in it, Dems.
It has always impressed me how PDJT has handled the medical emergencies at his rallies. He always acted like he cared, like it mattered, and just as a basic human being would react, instead of talking through the emergency or ignoring it.
So true Syl!! He likes US!! He really does!!!!
And…also having the foresight to *have* those medical teams standing by!
Our VSG thinks of everything.
Being in the Hotel business was good training for being President.
You have to take care of everything…literally, everything…when you run a Hotel.
I decided we might need MOAR Popcorn…
AirForce1 Getting ready to land!!!
Ar Force One is getting ready to roll in.
HOT DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ThunderSTRUCK in the back ground as the BOSS lands on the tarmac!!!!!!!
What great timing!
OMG – Blaring from the loudspeakers, “Keep on Rockin’ n the Free World” as Air Force One pulls up to the tarmac and stands, flag behind it.
Doesn’t get any better!
Oh dear, I bet Neil Young is having a hissy fit right now.
4 Military guys with so many medals I couldn’t walk.
Crap load of guys with black sunglasses.
And the unmistakable beer bellies of the WH Correspondents.
Waiting to see him deplane!!!!!
He’s still on board – “Eye of the Tiger” blaring.
The RSBN guys are so excited they are breathless.
Door is Open…(flexing fingers
)… And POTUS POPS Out at EXACTLY… 7:17 pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh wow, POTUS standing on top of the steps with Fred, the guy running for Congress!
The combination of seeing my President and hearing God Bless The USA, well, it just doesn’t get any better than that.
LOOOOOOoooook at the crowd.
The State that gave us Independence, American Steel and incredible Patriots!!
TYSM for being late Mr. President!! I just got home. I know he did that just for me,Luv him!!

We’re gonna have to get a bigger hanger!
Unemployment rate in PA at historic low – how do you beat that?
Ended yr war on energy
clean coal and shale
USA #1 oil and long producer anywhere in the world.
Next time we’re gonna need a bigger hanger
Chants of 4more years
Man!! this is ALOT of people! Next time we’re gonna need a bigger hangar!!!
4 More Years chant!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought that was the sun in my eyes–but it’s the lights!!
Turn down the lights!
Wages going up
Military more powerful than every before.
“FOUR MORE YEARS!!! FOUR MORE YEARS!!!” Crowd going wild!!!
We are finally, LIKE I SAID, America First
USA hottest economy.
AMERICA FIRST!!! After years of building up foreign countries we are finally building up OUR country!!
After years of building up foreign countries, we are now building up Our Country!! About time!!
6 million new jobs since election
If I would have said tht to the fake news media…… look at them all back there
Fake News Media–Now the Academy Awards is “Eyeeo” I Just LOLed!!!
I love his little sound effects. Ha!
Me too Sylvia–He’s so HUMAN!!
“Since the election we’ve added 6,000,000 new jobs!!!”
New jobs to PA
lifting off of food stamps
off of welfare and back tot he workforce
More than five million have been lifted off food stamps.
More than 5million Americans off of food stamps!!
1 million out of poverty -(WOW)
lowest poverty rate for blacks
Asian, hispanic, black, all lowest unemployment.
Politics is a crazy World–When you have the Best economy the world has ever had–
“I don’t know-How do you Not get elected again” LOL!!
Remember the Fake polls, they call them suppression. Remember Pennsylvania goes to Hillary Clinton?
Introducing PA Republicans.
Crucial election, that’s why I’m here.
Here we go = special election tomorrow……
“Crucial election tomorrow… gotta win this state!”
Name dropping like a champ!
We won the great state of PA! Raise your right hand and are you all going to go out tomorrow ?!!!
Mention of Hillary clinton leads to “Lock Her Up” chants.
Trump giggles and ignores it.
Raise your hand if you’re going to vote tomorrow.
Build the wall
People are jammed in there.
Bringing someone to the stage
Brings up guy in Brick wall suit!!! HA!
OMG He’s wearing Joe Walsh’s brick wall jacket, whoever he is. He’s from San Diego!!!
Joe Walsh wearing the brick wall suit….
Almost 500 miles of wall by the end of next year.
POTUS invites The guy in the brick wall suit to the stage.
“Look at this guy!!” (Man with jacket of bricks) – build the wall!!
He was third in line this morning!
Laws and Judges are so against us –But we’re gonna win!!!
Dems want to RAISE your taxes. like that’s a good thing
2nd amendment
Who the hell wants to sit around and do nothing on Monday nite? LOL!!
Melania gets a nice, loud cheer!!!
Brick suit. LoL.
Monday night, I figured what the hell, why sit around on Monday night. We have an election tomorrow.
So here I am – and he likes the candidate.
The First Lady sends her regards.
Melania sends her regards
Fred is tough on crime, loves our vets, always prootect pre-existing conditions.
we got rid of the individual mandate
One guy, thumbs down at 3AM
But I want Fred Keller to come on up……….
And we had ONE MAN who went THUMBS DOWN.
We will always protect pre-existing conditions…
Brings up “Dead McCain!!!! and his thumbs down!! LOL
Fred Keller 12th district comes up to stage!
I like his tie

Poor Fred, he’s probably scared to death. Never ever seen anything like this before.
He’s doing okay.
Mr. President since you took office, our economy is booming….America is respected again.
PA do we want 4 more years? YEAH!!!!!!!
Take care of our vets, make the middle class tax cuts permanent, build the wall, and makes sure, America workers and families come first.
Nancy P gets a nice loud boo, as does the Green New Deal
“Our opponent wants to help Nancy Pelosi..,” BOOOOO!!!!!
Okay, Fred, good job. Let’s wrap it up.
LOL, oh good he took my advice!
Those are my thoughts, not what PDJT said!!!
Hahaha, Sylvia!!! Good job!!!
Opponent want to help Pelosi – boooooooooo
pass the green new deal ——- booooo
take away your health care ———boooooo
It begins tomorrow.
Couldn’t be more at stake.
They need to get out tomorrow and vote to send me to Congress
Thank you God Bless. God Bless Pres. God Bles the USA.
It’s so great to see congressmen running to support our POTUS!!!
Go get em Fred!!!! So get out tomorrow and get him in!!!!
When we campaign for people we win.
32 stops in 6 days
2 more for Cindy Hyde Smith —– yeah!
Fred has to win.
If he does not win——— if Fred loses, it will be the biggest media story.
We will drive the media crazy, if we keep winning.
We! ran and we are gonna have a second one…We’ll drive them crazy!!!
32 Major stops, then 2 more, to Win the 2018 Senate. Dang, that makes me tired just typing it!!
How does he do it?? God Bless Our VSGPOTUS!!
He sure loves to troll the media punditry.
I love it, too.
Campaign slogan, decision?
Should we change Make America Great Again?
or Keep America Great?
“Should we change our slogan/logo?”
Socialist whackos.
MAGA, best slogan of all time. Do we change it to KAG?
Voting by show of hands.
MAGA is a great Slogan!! do we keep it, or change it to KAG!!!!!!
Some of these socialist Wackos –No windows in buildings in New York..
KAG—Cheers!! (pretty good)
KAG WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I like it we’ll sell many more hats that way.
I like to do polls that are cheap.
I’m dying laughing here, guys!!!
KAG wins!!!
Our country is respected again!!!
I think KAG wins. POTUS is shocked. Well, we’ll sell many more hats that way!
. I like to do cheap polls, LOL 
He’s so funny – he’s testing his new logo.
More cheers for Keep America Great.
Okay, we can sell more hats
Same color though
I like cheap polls – look at this – I have thousands of people here
poll testing.
We Need a Doctor please!!! SOme of these people have been here for 2 days!!
Gotta move forward!
Hi ES!!!!! So good to see you here!!! Been missing you ! Glad you’re BACK!!!
Hello Marica!
Popped in for the Rally (I’ve missed most of ’em recently), and hope to have time by July 4 to concentrate on my writing – both for my book and for here!
I’m REALLY glad to see almost the whole same crew here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes SIr!!! and we have picked up quite a few new ones–Very talented and funny and smart—And STILL no trolls in the bunch!! WOOHOO!!!
WOOHOO INDEED!!! Sooo Thankful for ZERO TROLLS!!!

Hi ES,
miss your comments… understand though. Good luck with the writing, and
do ‘pop in’ more often, just to let us know you’re doing well…
Oops, need a doctor in the house.
Poor people in the front row – been here for two days.
Those are our friends, take your time doctor.
“We need a Doctor! Doctor in the house? Thank you!!”
Uh oh, we need a Doctor. Take your time. Some people have been waiting for 2 days. Those are our friends.
4 more years chant goes up
4 MORE years Chants while they are looking after the person needing medical attention…
We stick together ,folks. We stick together.
(Kind of like WWG1WGA)
She’s okay
We stick together folks.
From the ccrowd, “We love you President Trump”
Trump – we love you too
Powerful man’s voice
chant of “we love Trump” goes up
that’s a new one!
and I like it!!!!!!

When have you ever heard that at a political rally? Seriously? EVER????? Wow!
Companies are pouring back into our country.
Trade policies – took advantage
USA lost 250K manufacturing jobs.
We turned it around.
Day 1
Forgotten men and women of America.
They’re trying to figure out who you are, the Deplorables.
Forgotten Men and Women will never be forgotten again–
Deplorables and Irredeemables!!! I couldn’t believe Hillary said that!!!
The great betrayal of our workers ended on Day 1, the day I took office.
Actually he started after the election, creating 1000’s of jobs and investment for America.
Boos for Joe Biden…
Joe Biden, BOOO
Said he had 600 people, nah I’d say 150
Biden had 150 people not 600…
“By the way, thousands and thousands of people!! I’d say Biden had 150 people!”
Biden says foreign leaders called him up and said we need you.
Absolutely, they like Biden they want him.
Not only President Obama but others too!!!!
Trade Deals
here we goooooooooo
We haven’t announced yet, we’re here for Fred today.
Biden, 600 people, because foreign leaders want him to run
Of course they do – China wants to make 500 billion a year.
800 BILLION a year. lost.
Not just Obama to be fair.
We’re straightening it out. not easy, assaulted from within……… (RINOS)
On China, It’s not easy, we have a lot of assault from within, but we’re straightening it out.
Foreign countries like it when they can push us around, hand over our job, hand ver our wealth.
Previous admin, what they did to our country, they should be ashamed of themselves!!
“Sleepy Joe said he’s running to save the world.”
Another DOctor!! Get the same doctor–he was great…
I love these people!!! Everyone is yelling We LOVE you!!!!!
What previous admins did should be ashamed of themselves.
Sleepy Joe, running to save the world.
What they did to us was indescribable, really.
We allowed it to happen.
It’s not happening anymore.
We’ve saved America
We’re going to keep America Great
And if you don’t mind, we’re going to take a little bit more money from the 100 billion…..
Whoops – another doctor needed.
Someone else needing doctor.
Gosh, another medical emergency. Two in this speech so far and one during Don Jr’s speech.
I’ll say it again, he’s very respectful and understanding of people who have an emergency. So patient. He’s kind. Usually politicians plow ahead and ignore it.
I didn’t watch the rally, but Trump is not in it for the performance like others in that spot would be. You learn to ignore medical emergencies and stuff like that especially when the guy with the baton says, “Why are you all looking over there. Only the doctors and nurses should be. Pick it up at measure sixteen.” That’s an approximation, but that’s generally the way it works.
President looks extremely youthful.
I think so, too, Daughn! I never saw another President who didn’t age five years for every year in office! Our POTUS still looks as good as he did when he won!!
Weird, huh? He looks feisty tonight!
I think they learned that didn’t work so well.
Waiting on doctor – trump grabs microphone and says “no more spying on trump”
No More SPYING on Trump.
I think they learned that didn’t work out too well.
Don Jr. is here???????
They like Don Jr – he’s there.
Establishment – endless wars.
We took 100% of the caliphate.
We want to start bringing people back home.
Now, they’re asking us to relive the same failures.
One of the worst from former leaders was NAFTA.
NAFTA Disaster!
Nearly 2 decades ago–Voted to admit China in WTO–we Lost 60,000 Factories!!!! ANd they are All coming back!!!
Talks about decaying factories.
new factories being built
we lost 60K — 60K — factories
China in WTO, disastrous decision, caused us to lose 60,000 factories.
When the Fake News didn’t correct me, I knew I was correct.
We are responding to chronic abuses to our workers.
NOBODY is going to close our factories anymore.
Lost 60,000 factories…not jobs –>>60K Factories!!!
Nobody’s gonna steal our businesses, Nobody’s gonna steal our factories, They’re all coming back!!!
Buy American, Hire American!!
“Nobody’s going to close our businesses, take our jobs, close our factories any more!!!”
How very cool. Scott Pressler is a few rows behind the President. I’m glad for him. He has worked tirelessly for MAGA. He’s in a black shirt with a white sign.
We are putting Pa Steel back into the spine of America!!!!
I’m confused, he’s talking about the steel tariffs.
US Steel.
Mon Valley works, spending over 1.2 billion on steel works, in Pittsburgh.
No betrayal has been worse than the Dem betrayal of illegal workers.
MONVA $1Billion investment in steel factory near Pittsburgh!!

“No betrayal of our country has been worse than Democrats open borders!”
It’s tough, he does have a battle on his hands.
Borders over run
detention facilities overburdened.
schools, hospitals, overburdened
we’re packed to the gills
we don’t want them coming up anymore.
The poor are being hurt
The middle class is being hurt.
We want Mexico to stop
what’s going on with Fox? Something strange is going on at Fox.
Alfred E Neuman
What’s going on at Fox? Something very strange is going on at Fox!!
Trump – “what’s going on at Fox?”
talking about Dems appearing on Fox.
someone’s going to have to explain that one to me.
“What’s going on at Fox?”
How many people?
Something strange is going on at Fox, they’re putting up more Democrats than Republicans.
Someone didn’t even defend Fox. (Miss Chrissy)
Bb slammed him. He deserved it.
Somebody’s gotta explain that whole Fox thing to me….
We want to take care of our people first
new HUD rule no illegals, our people
our people need them first.
He’s being honest – some of it won’t happen unless we have Republicans.
Repub policies protect american workers.
Dem policies protect the cartels, drug runners.
Making our people SICK.
Drug dealers coming to this country and making our people sick.
Repubs believe our cities should be sanctuaries for law abiding Americans not criminals
Teasing the camera – show the crowd.
Sounds like a big FB game!!!
“Our cities should be sanctuaries for law-abiding citizens”
Democrat party, never been further outside the mainstream.
These people have gone NUTS!!
Dems have never been further outside the mainstream than they are now.
120 Dems signed up to take away your healthcare
killing 2nd amendment
late term abortion
Repub party is what America wants.
American family
American dream
Promises Made – Promises Kept.
The republican Party is the Party America wants!!!
We’ve kept more promises than we even made!!!
We’ve kept more promises than we’ve even made.
“We’re the party of the American family, the American worker, the American DREAM!”
Paris Climate Accord
never allow them to trample on our sovereignty.
All the dems want to eviscerate the PA coal and steel industry.
All time record, removing job killing regulations.
How are they doing in Paris??
First time in 51 years, drug prices are down. They’re going down even more.
100 Federal Judges
Apply the law as written
2 SCOTUS justices.
launched – historic initiative to lower prescription prices. 51 years
VA accountability. 45 years
Record investment – Submarine propellars built in Philly shipyard.
Withdraw from Iran Nuclear Deal
Another doctor needed.
Take your time
We have all night, right?
ANOTHER Medical emergency!
I dont know what this is doing to TV but that’s okay
I can see the fake news headline tomorrow “trump rallies are a hazard for women”
“We’re building submarine propellers at a military facility in Philadelphia!!!”
We take care of our people
Winding up already.
Oh no!!!!!!!
“We embrace the doctrine of PATRIOTISM!!!”
And I opened the American Embassy in jerusalem
Golan heights
We stand with the people of Venez, cuba, Nicaragua, desire for freedom
We stand with the people of law enforcement.
herish and defend the Constitution
reject the ideology of globalism, embrace patriotism. we love our country, strong borders, strong families, strong defense.
Keep arms.
Children taught to cherish history and our American flag
In God We Trust
These are the traditions that bind us together.
These are the reasons I want you to get out and vote for Fred tomorrow.
Can’t take a chance, gotta vote.
Stared down a corrupt system that enriched itself at your expense.
Phony deal – russia
now they are all turning on each other.
if it ever happened to the other side
Treason, treason, treason,,,,,,,,he said it three times.
You reclaimed your destiny.
Lock them Up!
Well, we have a new AG who is going to give that a fair look.
LOCK THEM UP!!! LOCK THEM UP!!! (The hoax perpetrators.)
What the media doesn’t want to tell us is that the POTUS45 rally support base continues to grow. This contraindicts the polls (Biden with an 11% lead? yeah right) as though they can pull that crap off like they did in 2016. The continued growth of crowds are proof that next election will be a landslide. Today I saw my first 2020 Trump bumper sticker on a brand new Lexus 450. Supporters are coming out well before second term elections which leads me to believe that support for 2020 will be much stronger than in 2016.
Your dreams are my dreams, Your hopes are my hopes
New Attorney General
You’ve always been loyal to this nation, now you have a Pres who is loyal to you.
Trump teasing – I had such a good life, who the hell would have known it would be so difficult.
Crazy Dems, all after us.
They all knew it. No collusion.
Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on this country.
We’re going to keep on winning
Stand for liberty, justice, faith family freedom given to uss by the hand of almighty God.
One USofA .
We are going to stand for liberty, justice, faith, family, and freedom.
PA, tough, strong, smart.
Biden, he deserted you. He went to another state. He didn’t take care of your jobs, either.
Don’t forget Biden deserted you. He left you for another State. He let another country come here and rip off your jobs. He didn’t take care of you.
I loved this comment!!
He almost forgot to include it. Something reminded him to at the end. Amazing recall.
Yes! Amazing!!!
Thats a super important point.
What a rally!!! Thanks for all the good popcorn, Marica!

I love getting to rally with y’all!!!
You are so welcome Jan!!!! I love to go back thru and see the phrases we ALL post!!! Its funny what we pick up!! So glad you rallied with us tonite!!!!

I think I heard the crowd chant, “Lock them up!” Are “they” listening? Does it make them flinch at all to hear thousands of people calling for their incarceration?
YES!!! Remember Smollett and the Anti-Lynching bill…
Yeah, I think people are VERY fed up with the FRAME JOB.
“Hoax” is a bit too kind. It was a FRAME, and – as they say in that movie – “somebody has to go to jail”!!!
Excellent rally! Love the way he stated that the Dems KNEW there was no collusion of Trump with Russia.

Take away
POTUS looks incredibly relaxed.
Not rushed.
At ease.
Thanks so much, Marica, Daughn, Butterfly, and others who gave commentary…
send up a prayer for wheatie and all in harms way of the storms…
Love ya Phoenix!!! Fun Rally as usual!!! Did ya see Emeraldstar popped in? Fun times!!!!
LOOK at this.
NO ONE is leaving until POTUS leaves.
They want to wave goodbye to him.
In the background, Sinatra, “MY way” is blaring from the speakers.
Need to dance with a hunky SS agent.
That one in front of the stairs wearing the shades, is kinda cute!!
Hehem that’s the one I was looking at!
You ladies go ahead and fight over the SS agent. I have an 11:30 date with the Don! [youtube
Then we are going dancing!
OOooo, the Diet Coke guy was HOT STUFF!
You have your own construction worker! It’s nice to look though. I wonder if the young Donald was buff? He’s well fit now! Yes, guys we like the high T and Alpha ‘s in da house!
OMG, this is one of my all time favorite commercials. I my acting for the camera class, I brought this as one I could be in. The teacher agreed.
Glad I could post it and give you a good memory, Deplorable Patriot!
This was posted on the 8chans at 19:56:18 (EDT):
About 60K?
“Numbers “Watching Now”
LIVE: President Trump in Montoursville, PA
Donald J Trump
Right Side Broadcasting Network
Golden State Times
Diamond and Silk – The Viewers View
Fox News
FOX 10 Phoenix
Breitbart News
Global News
Washington Post
Father Frank Pavone
Priests for Life
American Today Livestream
Great Pics from the rally!!!
Fantastic as always, I’m so pumped for this next election!
Welcome, Teajr!
It’s good to see you here.
Didn’t see this Wheatietoo, Thanks and likewise!
Reblogged this on WEST WARD.
Treason, Trump said TREASON, time for a shower.
Interesting. There are currently 283 comments here, and 248 on the rally thread at OT.
That *is* interesting, Coothie.

Thanks for the report!