This FUNTASTIC FRIDAY WRAP UP open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here.
Use it or lose it. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious 1ST AMENDMENT FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious and vile Internet Censors any REASONABLE reason to shut down this precious haven.

Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Yep…what goes up must come down…unless, of course, it’s the smoke from the smoldering rubble of the Obama administration’s coup attempt against our President. Here’s another amusing fact…
Make a good landing and no one says a word. At the gate the cockpit door is wide open and people just walk past in their rush to get off the plane. BUT…set it down “with authority”…like you actually WANT to do with a 30 knot gusting to 50 knot, 90 degree crosswind…or hey, you’re just having an off day…and suddenly every person ISN’T in a rush and wants to stop at the door to pretend they’re Jerry Seinfeld.
“Nice crash there, Chuck Yeager. Did they teach you how to land before you got here or are you learning on the job?” Or my personal favorite after years of hearing this stuff…”Hey Crash, do I get a new pair of underwear to go with that landing?”
There are times when we know just how Rodney felt….no respect!

HELLO again all you amazing, patriotic, MAGA-loving, utterly deplorable Wolf den-izens! Welcome to another Friday edition of the weekly wrap-up. Can I just say….wow. Last weekend and into Monday I was thinking “gee it’s kinda slow”, but boy has it kicked into high gear as the week has gone on!
As always, we’ve got a LOT in store for your review, rememberance, and bookmarking from the week that was, so let’s dive on in!

As we have now gained a month’s worth of experience writing this Weekly Wrapup one thing leaps out in terms of learning, and here it is: sometimes, indeed more often than not, some news item, meme, article, or cartoon captures the entire week’s worth of events. But it comes out early in the week and just ages REALLY well. And this week is no exception.
So, without further ado, we lead off with a cartoon by the genius Antonio Branco which came out last Friday or Saturday…followed by an article by the inimitable Conrad Black. Trust me, you don’t want to miss Black’s piece (link below Branco, thanks to PHC!). Consider these a 1-2 punch that goes together like ham and swiss, bread and butter, or Hillary and “Lock her up!”. (Drat! Foiled by Wolf’s OP this AM! -Ed.)
Next up….this spot speaks for itself….we hereby subtitle it: “MAKE THEM CRY AGAIN!”
Before it’s all said and done we’re gonna have a new US bill…

And now a memo from our very own prowling Alpha Wolf…
wolfmoon1776 May 18, 2019 at 23:32 wrote:
“Great thread! Well worth reading.”
POTUS reminds us of ONE reason why we love him SO MUCH…here he is addressing the National Association of Realtors annual Expo…..LISTEN to that crowd’s reaction!
“It’s bullshit.” Yep, democraps spew more BS than a herd of cows at an Ex-lax convention….

Speaking of PDJT….here’s yet ANOTHER dagger into the heart of the coupist plot…this one just rips the mask off the whole affair…

Last week you might recall that Jerrah Fat Boy Naaaaaadler and the democrat clown posse on the House Judiciary Committee voted in committee to hold the AG in contempt….playing right into the AG’s hands….

Indeed, an exclusive interview with AG Barr aired on Fox last Friday AM RELATED to all of this and boy was it a DOOZY! If you missed it, here it is…

Jack Posobiec summarizes things quite well, as usual…
The democrats are OBVIOUSLY terrified of the AG….and not without good reason…..

Interestingly, former FIB director Comey just can’t keep his mouth shut. He knows what is coming and made a pathetic (typically leftist) attempt to sound like a victim this week…
Allow us to translate this ridiculous pablum for you…

To which we respond….and we think we can confidently speak for literally tens of millions of our fellow Americans…

Meanwhile, as Fox News reported, a dispute has erupted over whether the fired James Comey or former C_A head clown John Brennan pushed for the faulty Steele dossier to be included in the intelligence community (IC) assessment regarding Russian meddling. In a recent interview with the Fox News Channel, former House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) suggested: “Whoever is looking into this, tell them to look into emails” between Comey and Brennan from December 2016 while implying it was Brennan.
Speaking of the former head clown of the C_A, you might recall that after AG Barr revealed that there was no collusion found in the Mueller Reports conclusions, Brennan said…
“I don’t know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” the former agency’s head Bozo told MSNBC’s Morning Joe of Mueller’s findings. “I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election,” he added. “I think that is good news for the country.”
Well, that was BEFORE the President used this nimrod’s words against him. Here is his latest tweet in response to POTUS…with a nice rejoinder by Papa D….
You know these guys be like….

Even more telling may be the silence from what once was (?) the world’s biggest loudmouth narcissist…
If you are keeping score at home (and who isn’t unless they are liberal?) allow us to provide you with this HANDY DANDY ROSTER of just a part of the cast of characters in this sordid tale and their current status inside the gov’t….

Then there is this little tidbit that dropped like Rosie O’Donnell into a gallon of ice cream (ie. to no one’s surprise)…..
To which we can only say, “HA HA!! And they STILL came up short!!”
You just CANNOT make this schiff up, people. It’s unpossumable!
Yessiree folks, today’s democrats and their ideological fellow travelers in DC remind us of that stalwart of law and order…always in HOT pursuit of the Bandit…Sheriff Buford T. Justice and his idiot son Junior…
Moving on…
We’d be remiss if we didn’t give honorable mention to this past Saturday’s National Armed Forces Day. With all sincerity and gratitude to some of our nation’s finest…so many that are members of our own families….
Last week we said that a video like this next one (below) is always deserving of a spot in this space and this week we give 5 full hearts for this submission by Kea (below)….
We just LOVE that soooo much. Look how mama duck was talking to her ducklings as they came out of the helmet,“There you all are! I’ve been worried sick!” and to the ff’s “Thank you thank you thank you!!” JOY!!
At risk of wearing out this already well worn meme (but it’s so true)…..

…..plenty of news to pick from these days, but how about this LATEST news…..?!
Toolmaker Stanley Black & Decker brings new plant and hundreds of jobs to North Fort Worth
(Dallas) Tool maker Stanley Black & Decker is expanding its U.S. manufacturing operations with a **new plant** in North Fort Worth.
The iconic American company is putting a 425,000-square-foot manufacturing plant with 500 full-time jobs in the AllianceTexas development near Interstate 35W.
The plant will open late next year, producing a variety of Craftsman brand mechanics tools, including sockets, ratchets and wrenches.’s
A photograph was leaked of the former President, taken after he heard this latest news….

Meanwhile…..HOLY COW…..have you been following what’s happening overseas??? We are confident you, our dear readers, remember this unforgettable moment….

Well, hold onto your knickers, because….
Angela Merkel says the postwar world order is over and calls for Europe to stand up to China, Russia, and the US
JoeM gives us the breakdown….
Meanwhile, political anarchy has broken out in the UK as Theresa May fumbles from dumb to dumber and beyond. It’s almost too much to add to this space, but we’ll mention two things.
- May has supposedly opened the door for a 2nd referendum vote, and of this writing is now on the verge of resigning due to the resultant fallout. AND…
- The newly formed BREXIT PARTY…led by Nigel Farage… is now leading in the UK polls by more than the Tories AND Labor parties COMBINED ahead of the all important EU elections this weekend!

Look folks, WE…the MAGA party…have started a GLOBAL REVOLUTION that is sweeping the world. And WE can PROVE it!! But first, an explanation from an alternative voice….
HERE is the latest PROOF…some thundah from down undah…
Conservatives Celebrate Stunning Win in Australian Election
The Australian election was held today; voting is compulsory as everyone over the age 18 is required to vote; turnout was greater than 95%… and all the media and pollsters are stunned, shocked, jaws-agape, as the conservative coalition has received a stunning, unexpected, unanticipated victory.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has won the election. And yes, the 2019 media in Australia look identical to media in the U.S. circa November 2016.
More proof….
As Flep wrote today…
“The Globalists are pissed because they know that their Utopian Dream is about to be burned to the ground.” – Fleporblog
Let there be no doubt….
Shoot….it’s gone so VIRAL even horse racing is getting into the act!!
LISTEN to this (turn your speakers up)…..
More than a second… a 29 year track record!!
And btw….“Hand ridden down the stretch” means the jockey urges a horse with the hands and arms without using the whip (something leftists couldn’t understand even if you wrote “Captialism For Dummies” and gave them an illustrated copy with pictures for children).
Folks, we have to go almost all the way back to the Reagan administration when that track record was last set.
Ahhhh….but you can hear the Eeyore’s whine, can’t you? “B…b…b…but what about Big Tech and their censorship?? They’ll stop all this.”
Think so, eh? Allow us to give them a clue….

Back here in the good ol’ US of Apple pie, some new info is coming to light that is worth watching closely.
Do y’all remember back when Mad Maxine Sewer Waters said this?
Was she referring to THIS?? We think so.

Why the nuke gif? Hmmm.
What if the “MUH Russia” *get Trump* “coup” scheme was REALLY a C_A CYA operation to HIDE what the Obama administration had been doing for 8 years….SPY ON ALL AMERICANS….INDIVIDUALLY?
Think about that level of coercion and potential blackmail, and you know why it is HIGHLY ILLEGAL by federal laws already on the books.
Remember….Q said they won’t be able to walk the streets when all is made known to the public.
Here’s another question, with a preface. Recall, if you will, the shocked surprise we all had when Chief Justice John Roberts ruled that the individual mandate in Obamacare was Constitutional in June of 2012, when he had been signaling all along that he was going to rule it against it. Everyone was surprised, including the political left! Well….
Did Obama use the HAMR program to spy on Roberts and subsequently blackmail (coerce) him with some bit of information to make that ruling?? Something about his family, perhaps? We’re asking for 63 million Trump voters.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There will be plenty more coming out about that in the months to come, we can be certain.
Meanwhile, we were HIGHLY amused and enthused by Dagen McDowell this week and we think you will be too. After all, we ALWAYS enjoy it when this smarmy shill gets biotch slapped. Have a look…
As Harry Lime posted, “Juan is not real. He is the definition of an NPC.”

Also last week we shared the news that democrats have become so desperate in their war FOR abortion that they are now calling for a sex boycott! Really!

Can’t make this up, folks. Unpossible. We keep telling ya!
Finally, what would this Weekly Wrap be without touching base with our favorite leading democrat candidate, Gropy Joe McCreeperton?
This past week, his own wife introduced him to this crowd of about a few tens of people (most are behind him for visuals to make it appear like some massive crowd)….and then she turned to give him a hug….and had to disengage herself from him!
Yes, this is his WIFE! Does anything more need be said??
Wrapping up this Weekly Wrapup are a few last minute chuckles for ya in the form of some actual news headlines this past week….

Michael Avenatti Newly Charged with Stealing Money from Former Client Stormy Daniels 
(drum roll, please)
You gotta read the replies to this tweet. EPIC.
And this was just some of it. The drama in the UK…and with the EU election this weekend…could encompass this whole space. We can only hope you are keeping up with the daily news through Fleporblog’s Daily News threads, and of course this Wrap Up would not be possible without the contributions of you, dear readers, in the form of your posts throughout the week. THIS IS A WOLF-PACK EFFORT!
So with that all said, and as we like to do, it’s now time to send you off into the weekend with some tunage we hope you will find entertaining and perhaps reflective of both what has happened to date (to the left in general) and what is to come (for all the folks mentioned above in this week’s Wrap Up).
PhoenixRising selected this week’s tune and it’s a dilly!
We love it for two reasons. First, because it comes from one of our beloved home state legends and, second, because nothing is finer than using a democrat’s words against other democrats!

From Wikipedia….
He was born in Abbott, Texas, on April 29, 1933, the son of Myrle Marie (née Greenhaw) and Ira Doyle (last name intentionally left blank). His birth was incorrectly recorded by Dr. F. D. Sims as April 30. He was named by his cousin Mildred, who also chose Hugh as his middle name, in honor of her recently deceased younger brother. He traces his genealogy to the American Revolutionary War, in which his ancestor John (same last name) served as a major. His parents moved to Texas from Arkansas in 1929 to look for work. His grandfather, William, worked as a blacksmith, while his father worked as a mechanic. His mother left soon after he was born, and his father remarried and also moved away, leaving him and his sister to be raised by their grandparents, who taught singing back in Arkansas and started their grandchildren at an early age. His grandfather bought him a guitar when he was six, and taught him a few chords, and he sang gospel songs in the local church alongside his sister. He wrote his first song at age seven, and when he was nine, he played guitar for local band Bohemian Polka. During the summer, the family picked cotton alongside other Abbott residents. He disliked picking cotton, so he earned money by singing in dance halls, taverns, and honky tonks from age 13, which he continued through high school. His musical influences were Hank Williams, Bob Wills, Lefty Frizzell, Ray Price, Ernest Tubb, Hank Snow, Django Reinhardt, Frank Sinatra, and Louis Armstrong.
This is most definitely NOT one of his greatest hits, but we think you will agree it’s a perfect choice for the times at hand.
That all said…and as always… we now invite you to kick back, relax, and enjoy today’s flight. Please take good care, God bless you, have a MAGAtastic weekend, and see you all again for another Weekly Wrap Up next week!

The “FASTEN YOUR SEATBELT” sign is now ON!

Again, quoting the line from “Overboard” – “it’s a helluva day at sea, Sir!”
I can’t keep up – Twitter is on fire over the declass and yet there’s not a hint of it trending.
Check out what POTUS just tweeted:
WOW. Interesting.
That may be his last warning to @jackboot before he goes nuclear on him. And it’s a great time to do it!
I think a lot of stuff is about to happen!!!
Well, by golly, when PDJT sez it’s time, it’s time. Wonder what he has in story for the technerds?
I was just about to bring that tweet – IMO, it indicates POTUS is about to move on the Social Media giants.
We’re going to be hearing a lot more about HAMR (Hammer). This article helps explain it. You may need to wait to open the link, their bandwidth is on overload right now.
Is this why Santa is holding a hammer in Q post #2598 ? This picture was in the elevator of the Trump hotel in Chicago, I believe…
Fantastic Friday recap. Non-stop great news across the spectrum, both National and International. Belly laughs throughout!
Totally! I had the wife telling me to tone it down! Too many ROTFLs!!!
My husband says I am obsessed.. It is getting to be a serious issue….. When you are living in a historical whirlwind.. you just have to keep your eyes wide open… He doesn’t get it. Sadly.
When my husband asks what I do during the day…. I keep replying – « I am getting my PhD in Civics and Political Science «

Mr. MaKwiss may sometimes feel as though I launch into a frenzy of recaps galore when he waltzes through the door after work (aka the Q-firehose) but he supports it all.
We are the news now, and if we want it to stay that way, we have to KEEP the power we STOLE BACK fair and square from the COMMUNIST FAKE NEWS.
We are both retired, so we have a ton of time together. Just stuff you have to work out in life I suppose.
LOL, I do that too every night at dinner. They just ask: what happened today? And I start in.
FG&C, Great wrap up!!
Oh, and on those landings – all are fine with me!
BTW, I’m the guy, on the way out, casually asking the pilot, “Navy or Air Force?”
FG&C be like:
Excellent.. /\5

but there should be some rhythm..
sha ka la ka laka
That way we can snap fingers, maybe even happy dance…
I can happy dance on demand, anywhere, anytime, no music necessary, if the news warrants.

OK, here we go:
Uniparty Logo:
As I wait for my second bag of popcorn to pop…
YES. Now THAT fits.
It would be cool if it had an Elephant butt.
Or a RINO butt.
You know…to signify the UniParty.
Yeah, but we’d have to add a jackass for the Dem branch of the uniparty, too.
What. In the. HELL. Is that picture? LMAO!!!
Guitar hero…kicking a RINO in the nads?
Heheh, I dunno…I stumbled across it and thought it was kinda cool.
It’s exceptionally cool – but – OMG – it’s so RANDOM!
You said nads….tooooooooooooooo funny… and cute.
And yes, we’re DUE….
Sylvia the Shovel Wielding Avenger!!!
(Ogle her only if you’re MAGA!)
Why has no one ever mentioned Taarna from the cult CLASSIC “Heavy Metal”???
Awesome weekly recap! I am now officially in a GOOD MOOD as I excitedly yet calmly wait for tomorrow’s WASHINGTON-WIDE MELTDOWN.
Thankfully, I don’t have to work…..still trying to catch up…..just too much good stuff to read and share.
Do you mean tomorrow as in Friday, or tomorrow as in Saturday???
Today is the tomorrow the Ds et al were worried about yesterday… at least I hope so..
Woot woot..
Unfortunately, IIRC, Nitwit Nancy sent the House critters home for a ten day, unearned vacation.
Would have enjoyed Nitwit Nan melting down more…babbling incoherently…
UFB Nitwit Nancy is line of succession. Truly, a nightmare thought. All the more reason to pray for President Trump and VP Pence.
If there was ever anybody for whom the 25th applied, it would be Mumbles d’Alzheimer Pelosi!
IF D-Rats don’t unseat Mumbles Pelosi from Speaker position, it is simply another confirmation D-Rats are UN-American.
Quite obvious Mumbles marbles are missing. Sick b!tch, she is.
Too late now!
Methinks the DECLAS is gonna be like:
Methinks as well! 
In keeping with the ‘period’ of Methinks…

Methinks it would perhaps be Theethinks.
Methinks thee correct, as “thee” be from the same century as “methinks”!
The red pill is a wonderful concept… but so many people are so lost, it will take a long time for the truth to sink in… and I mean good people. Of course the people already jumping up and down waiting for this… we will be ecstatic,,,

For every logical deplorable there is a misguided person .. think of them…. hmmmmmmmm
Going back to the whole beginning of the red pill… when Keneau Reeves wakes up.. it takes a long time for his body to recover… A brain is the same way…
Something to think about. Where does MAFIA DIAPER pray to, anyway?
Something else happened this past week…Grumpy Cat passed away.
RIP, Grumpy Cat.
Aw, that’s really sad. I love Grumpy Cat.
I have one titled “101 uses for a Dead Lawyer”.
My head is spinning! I take a few hours off and when I come back the whole world has changed with the POTUS declass and 12 new Q posts. Wow, just wow!
Yeah, this was a hack of a Thursday! What will FRIDAY hold???!!!
This is not a healthy political party.
Hilarious!!! Oh, that 4th trimester dig is gonna leave a mark on the language!
Nasty Nan was rude and dismissive of Kellyanne, in that WH meeting:
And when asked about it…Piglosi was dismissive about it:
I think even the Dems are getting sick of Nazi Nan.
Nazi Nan and Teresa MayDay! can commiserate once their bony butts are off the world stage. Add in Angela Merc and we’ve got a female version of Larry, Moe, and Curly.
^^^ That’s funny! ^^^
Mumbles, Stumbles and Bumbles!
Pelosi made the same hand gesture that Conway did when she said Pelosi dismissed her. Pelosi just proved Conway right. And what is this business of the Speaker only being able to address the President? I actually think Pelosi is afraid of the dynamics of this situation and what is coming. She is not used to the show of strength that Pres. Trump exhibited.
Along with everything else Nan is a snob, it turns out.
This is where VSGPotus is so great. He is never dismissive to underlings, only people that treat him poorly, like Abilio Acosta.
It occurs to me that he is “breaking” Pelosi, as in “Trump broke me.” He has given her multiple chances to do the right thing, but she never does. I think her assertion that he has orchestrated a coverup was the last straw. Pres. Trump and all his associates are hammering her relentlessly. She deserves no less. She is no doubt involved in a coverup of the Dems’ treachery. It’s another example of Dems accusing conservatives of what they themselves are guilty of.
They are projecting. It is so obvious now, and I hope they do get their dose of Trump Derangement antidote.
Agreed. He really is breaking her – with her own knowledge that she was part of many conspiracies.
Theoretically, the House “impeachment” part of the plot should be extremely insulated and very unlikely to prosecute. HOWEVER if they now have LEGAL PROOF that Pelosi was part of a CONSPIRACY, and she now suspects that is what is going on, then she is going to be freaking out.
I think it’s more than just the coverup. I think she knew in advance that impeachment on phony dirt was the plan – that recovering the House was the plan if they could not get Trump using just the media – that using the CIA and the FBI against Trump was the plan – that she was part of the originating plot – that she LIED to investigators of various kinds at various junctures.
I think there is enough on her for charges to be filed.
I fervently hope charges will be filed against her! She hasn’t been given much attention in relation to the scheme, but someone in her position had to have known something at the very least, or have been in on the plan as you say.
Pres. Trump has probably known most of it from the beginning. His ability to work consistently and tirelessly every day on his MAGA agenda, knowing what he knows, is a superhuman feat. Truly extraordinary.
Perhaps more than demented Nancy, I want to see Feinstein have charges brought against her.
Yes. They try to shake loose the information, and it JUST DOESN’T WORK.
Military school!
I would pay good money to watch her be arrested.
It is worth clicking on and listening to the short videos on each link. It will open your eyes as to the imperious nature of Madame Rich Beoytch Speaker. Wow. Kellyanne took Pelosi’s words and knifed her in the heart with them. Don’t p/o Kellyanne!!!
See y’all tomorrow. Going to be a great Friday!
That British woman who got caught up in their attempt to take out General Flynn is suing Halper for $25 million. Ha ha ha! Take every one of these morons down and sue them back into the Stone Age.
I suspect it’s all waiting for Congress to adjourn for the week.
For Marica!
For Brexit!
For churchmouse!
For the U.K.!
For France!
For the Gilets Jaunes!
For the Deplorables and Irredeemables!
For the “populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists” who are in love with their own countries!
For Free People Everywhere!
Thank you Felice!
Encore 2 – One Day More (Live)
Les Misérables – 10th Anniversary Concert Cast
Les Misérables: In Concert at the Royal Albert Hall
INgrooves, The Orchard Music (on behalf of First Night Records); LatinAutor, PEDL, Warner Chappell, UBEM, LatinAutor – Warner Chappell, CMRRA, and 9 Music Rights Societies
“DEPLORABLES UNITE” – (Do you hear the people sing) Trump Anthem – REUPLOADED FROM 1 MILLION VIEWS
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance?
The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Love it. I think PHONY GLOBALISM is about to get the PEOPLE’S BEAT-DOWN!
You know all those people who say “I don’t like Trump’s style” or “I don’t like Trump’s tweets” or “I like his policies but but but…”
Look at all those E.U. nations!
Name me ONE where the people wouldn’t DIE to get a Donald J. Trump as their leader!
We have it SO GOOD here in the U.S. – such pathetic whining shows how ungrateful we as a people are, and how MCM’d we’ve become.
They want Donald Trump! And they really know he is the true Leader of the Free World!
We’re witnessing a sea change in world history and yet people just want to whine about his “bad behavior”!
Dang it people – get a hold of yourselves!
Either support our VSGPOTUS, or sit down and shut up!
“Name me ONE where the people wouldn’t DIE to get a Donald J. Trump as their leader!”
Exactly! I’ve seen posts from Brits who wish they had Donald Trump, and I’m sure it’s the same in other countries. Both America and the world needed the kind of leadership that Pres. Trump provides.
Thank you VERY much, Michael! Splendid!
Love you Michael!!!! Thank you!!! You remembered!!! PERFECT!!!

I miss Keln.
Yes. Very, very much!
DID YOU KNOW that KELN has a gorgeous singing voice?!?!!!
Here he is:
!!!!!!!! What a GREAT voice!
I would love to know what Keln is up to, but I suspect that NUCLEAR is very, very, very busy right now. The left is pulling out every possible dirty trick for windmills and solar that’s Made In China, but there is no way that Trump is letting them win this round.
On election evening I was bursting with confidence and optimism, and then suddenly for about ten minutes I was seized with doubt. So were others.
Keln basically told us to knock it off and stop worrying, that the numbers were very good. My optimism returned and I was grateful to have gotten the cold water splashed in my face.
A good man! I’ll bet he’s making a lot of greatness.
I contacted him on Twitter and invited him to stop by or just pass on news. Here is his pinned post:
DECLAS be like:
Ohhhhhhhh STOP!

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But there’s nothing in it
And you’ll ask yourself
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Nancy Pelosi Has Another Mental Collapse On Live Television (VIDEO)
Posted on May 23, 2019 by DCWhispers
Saying there are three definitive things and then holding up just two fingers was an especially nice touch.
Look, regardless of your politics, this is a person who is not well. The fact she is accusing a duly-elected president of a cover-up without any proof makes the potential seriousness of her condition even more troubling.
The Speaker’s behavior should be a top news story. Shame on the far left media for completely ignoring her clearly failing mental capacity.
You can see she has aged enormously in the last month.
and network news still uses a pic of her from like 20 years ago…
I love this ESGPOTUS tweet about it:

In post No. 3340…Q said:
“Waterfall of proofs coming (post DECLAS).”
Hmm…is he talking about Q-proofs?
Or is he talking about proofs of what the sniveling crapweasels from the Hussein regime were doing.
Both Sara Carter and Hannity have been using the word “avalanche” a lot lately.
Which is a word that Q has used a lot.
Methinks we may all need a cigarette by this time next week.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, two cattle-raising lawmakers, Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Representative Chellie Pingree (D-ME) re-introduced the PRIME (Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption) Act to make it easier for small farms and ranches to serve consumers. The PRIME Act (H.R. 2859/S. 1620) would give individual states freedom to permit intrastate distribution of custom-slaughtered meat such as beef, pork, or lamb to consumers, restaurants, hotels, boarding houses, and grocery stores.
“Consumers want to know where their food comes from, what it contains, and how it’s processed. Yet, federal inspection requirements make it difficult to purchase food from trusted, local farmers,” said Rep. Massie, who owns 50 head of cattle. “It is time to open our markets to give producers the freedom to succeed and consumers the freedom to choose.”
“In order for local farms to compete, they need scale-appropriate regulations. It’s not realistic to ask a local farmer in Maine to drive hours to get to a USDA-inspected processing facility and turn a profit,” said Rep. Pingree, who has been an organic livestock farmer for nearly 40 years. “The PRIME Act will help change federal regulations to make it easier to process meat locally—helping farmers scale up and give consumers what they so clearly want.”
Fantastic news.
This would be Huge if it passes.
So I will keep my fingers crossed that it does.
Ranchers would be able to set up their own Butcher shops and sell direct to the public.
Which would cut out a lot of middlemen.
Customers could get good quality, fresh beef and pork…at decent prices.
Sales of freezers would go up, too!
Freezers made in the USA!
It sounds great to me!
I expect it will go nowhere until we win back the House next year. Aw, hell – NOTHING is going anywhere until next year, in reality – at least nothing good, if it has to pass the House. With the lunatics in charge now, I just don’t see it. CoC is going to fight this BIGLY, I’ll bet.
Our President had those farmers and ranchers at the WH today…

If it is within his power to roll back harmful regulations that affect them…I’m sure he will.
Secretary Sonny has been spending most of his time traveling around, talking to farmers and ranchers.
He should be able to help PDJT with rolling back regulations.
So…not everything has to wait on retaking the House.
I remain hopeful.
Er…had them at the WH yesterday.

It still seems like Thursday to me, till the sun comes up.
We already have Farm to Table/Consumer™ beef, cheese, vegetables, etc. in our area. This would seem to make it a national movement – a structural change to marketing.
Trump is all about protecting farmers and facilitating their success!!!!
I would prefer this. I have enough relatives in the agriculture business, that they would have sounded the alarm if something were REALLY dangerous, but I’d feel better if meat was truly more local. It’s not like we don’t have the space if some of the farmland that has been tapped can be converted to grazing grasses.
DePat, good to see you, we were concerned and praying for your safety the past few days!

DP, you’re here! Did you come through the storm okay? We were worried.
I actually wasn’t there. I’m away from home for a bit. I haven’t heard we had any damage, though.
Glad you’re safe.
I often know the cow….. hehe
Gives “Have a cow!” a new meaning, doesn’t it?
We won 2 baby yellow chicks
Kimberly Strassell in the Wall Street Journal (this bypasses the paywall)
Good analysis of what pressures have been brought to bear against Pelosi, including Tom Steyer and his fortune, on the issue of impeachment.
Pelosi’s Impeachment Dilemma
Kimberley A. Strassel May 23, 2019
The progressives in her party are lining up to demand an impeachment spectacle. They hail from uber-liberal districts, their constituents want Trump’s scalp, and they fear inaction will earn them a primary challenge. Even Mrs. Pelosi’s wingmen—those who’ve had her fake-impeachment back—are starting to break. The Washington Post reports that Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler is arguing for a formal impeachment inquiry, as are “five members of Pelosi’s leadership team.”
“The federal appeals court in the District of Columbia will fast-track proceedings in the fight between President Trump and House Democrats over a subpoena to the president’s accounting firm, the court said Thursday.
In a two-page order, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit set a July 12 date for a three-judge panel to hear oral arguments in the president’s challenge of the subpoena from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to Mazars USA, Trump’s accounting firm…”
I wonder if the ruling from that “three-judge panel” has to be unanimous?
Its a panel made up of a Clinton-Judge + a Hussein-Judge + a Trump Judge.
Here’s hoping the Trump Judge will rule in favor of our President’s challenge!
I don’t know. I wondered about that, too. Staying hopeful!!!
Just a majority vote. If they lose then they can appeal to the whole court, en banc I believe it is called. Amazing how much stuff we learn on the WWW.
Fantastic Friday indeed, FG&C.
I hope that our President, his administration, his family and friends are all well protected in the coming days, weeks, months, and into the foreseeable future. Things just got really real and these cornered vermin are capable of pure evil.
It’s a sad state of affairs when I have to anticipate some mass casualty event because the sick and twisted deep state is losing it’s grip on their levers of control and need to distract the populace through their tools in the media.
I want to see that demon behind bars!
Well, he WAS one of the names PDJT mentioned when the reporter asked him about treason…so maybe we’ll get our wish!
Stozac belongs in a nuthouse – no offense to people who really need and benefit from mental health care. He’s in a different class – still shocked he could work for the FBI – but I’m living in the past with Efrem Zimbalist Jr. on my mind.
Sad that traitor was in the very upper echelon of the FBI.
Well- this was QUITE a Friday to wake up to and read this recap over my morning coffee in Switzerland. Though we don’t observe Memorial Day here, it still feels like an interesting ‘holiday weekend’… Memorial Day weekend, while a somber day to remember, also always felt very much like a transition weekend growing up….the weather was getting nicer, school was about to end (when younger), summer looked like it was finally on the horizon, grills were getting fired up that day bbq’s were about to happen. It feels like a transition now, with all that is going on in the world at this moment in time with the elections, the stances and posturing by elected officials, people getting LOUDER and LOUDER as they take back control…. everyone can sense it…..wouldn’t you agree?
Good Morning all and welcome to FRIDAY!
Good morning, MA!

It’s good to see you.
Yes, I agree…there’s a transition going on.
It’s like The Great Awakening is finally happening.
And it is an exciting time to be alive.
Perfectly stated wheatie! Waving right back at you!

It’s all happening so fast too…..and the electric energy is in the air for certain!
As a female in the South, Memorial Day marked the first day when white shoes could be properly worn. That’s when we bought our white Sunday shoes, summer sandals and tennis shoes. I never had more than one pair of Sunday shoes (Mary Janes in white for summer, black patent for winter), school shoes (either penny loafers or saddle oxfords), tennis shoes (Keds were the only choice) and sandals growing up. Buster Browns were the most common label for kids shoes. Shoes had leather bottoms and had to be scraped on the sidewalk to rough them up, or you would slip and fall in church or school! New shoes were rigid, painful and sure to form blisters. Ugh! Remember the excitement of climbing on the xray machine to see our feet in the new shoes?
Things sure have changed. Kids today get non-slip soles and shoes with comfortable collars and linings. Black and white shoes are worn all year! No gloves, hats, girdles required for church or going shopping downtown or traveling by plane or train!
GA/ I’m convinced the extreme loss of dressing neatly and with pride was causative of the other breakdowns in society – respect, courtesy, manners, kindness, and restraint from the baser points in our human nature.
Just look at the commercials on TV – when they’re not exploiting or using innuendo for sexual garbage, the commercials appear without class. Charmin and Pepto-Bismol are two I’ve seen recently. Fortunately, I rarely watch TV – there’s nothing on worth watching. Doesn’t reflect my values or beliefs.
Started with the hippies, drugs and ‘sexual revolution’ of the 60s.
Agree about TV, the commercials are subtle brainwashing, conditioning, indoctrination, propaganda.
I haven’t had cable since 2002.
I have my thoughts on this as I watch my nephews being “parented.” We’re moving too fast without the benefit of acknowledging that planning ahead and taking time is the key to fewer errors, and better manners. I was at a kids’ swim meet last night and rarely heard an adult follow up an order to the kids with a “please” or a “thank you.” It was hurry up, just do it, etc.
Too much going on, too. Too much pressure for perfection. Too much of everything, including “Seinfeld,” “Family Guy,” “The Simpsons” and more with no antidote.
My pastor (R.I.P.) started talking about ‘time accelerating’ back in 2006-2007. He said that when the demons asked Christ if he came for them early, they were not in sync with time even though they knew all the prophecies ahead of time. He said that was a major clue that the sensation of time passing would not necessarily ‘sync up’ with the actual passage of time, and that we (the chosen/saved people) needed to pay close attention to time so we would be able to understand Scripture.
Were he alive today, I am certain he would know exactly what the spiritual meaning of this time dislocation is.
When you can’t figure something out is the time when faith is most important.
Which is why I prayed the Hail Mary continuously while the seven year old was swimming the backstroke race.
What’s up with your eye there, Anderson:

I’ve seen the actual clip that this gif is made from…it’s been tweeted around lately.
So I don’t think this has been altered.
Looks kinda demonic to me.
Channelling Peter Stork? Weird for sure.
Here’s the clip:
my gut is saying……super creepy.
Of course it looks demonic – he’s queer. I hope everybody on this blog realizes that being queer is a result of demonic influence. It’s no surprise to me when it sometimes breaks through his control and ‘leaks’ out.
Every time we call someone or something evil, what we are actually saying is that we have spiritually tested the spirits and discerned them correctly as demonic spirits. It’s one of the weapons that Paul described in Ephesians.
Here is the original, people made a gif because nobody wanted to hear the cuck talking.
2:40 mark!
Theresa May holding a presser in front of 10 Downing…right now.
She just announced she’s resigning, effective June 7th.
She blathered on for a while…then got choked up at the end, after proclaiming “I did my best!”

It was ‘serve the country I love’:
‘… I will shortly leave the job that it has been the honour of my life to hold – the second female Prime Minister but certainly not the last. I do so with no ill-will, but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country I love.’
I do really think she loves the UK, but she doesn’t see the EU as being the threat that 52% of 2016 referendum voters do.
It was good that she enumerated her many achievements outside of Brexit. Brexit aside, regardless of what the Left says, she lived up to her promises made in 2016.
When the people roared CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? . . . she wasn’t listening.
That said, her life experience has been very different to that of most Britons. She is a career politician, and her husband Philip is very successful in his own right.
She doesn’t understand the strong desire for Brexit. She never will.
I don’t know what she will do now. If she gets a job with the EU, I will be REALLY ticked off, but that’s the only place I can see her going. She’s a bureaucratic politician: a manager, rather than a leader.
My take: she wasn’t evil, just profoundly wrong about things.
This x 1000!
Thank you very much, Steve!
She just should have honoured the sentence she so often uttered: ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’.
I was wondering who she was really talking to…when she said “I did my best”.
Was that aimed at her globalists masters?
Lamenting to them that she tried to kill Brexit for them, but failed.
Because she certainly didn’t do her ‘best’ for the people who voted for Brexit.
There really is more to being PM than Brexit. As much as that is a looming issue for me and 17.4m others, she was right to address the nation the way she did.
The only thing she did that I profoundly disagree with is to buy into ‘the scourge of disposable plastic’. That bugs me a lot. We have to pay for plastic bags at the supermarket. Plastic straws are being banned next year, etc. Arrgh!
Full text of her speech here (I have omitted the last paragraph):
‘Ever since I first stepped through the door behind me as Prime Minister, I have striven to make the United Kingdom a country that works not just for a privileged few, but for everyone. And to honour the result of the EU referendum. Back in 2016, we gave the British people a choice. Against all predictions, the British people voted to leave the European Union.
‘I feel as certain today as I did three years ago that in a democracy, if you give people a choice you have a duty to implement what they decide. I have done my best to do that. I negotiated the terms of our exit and a new relationship with our closest neighbours that protects jobs, our security and our Union. I have done everything I can to convince MPs to back that deal. Sadly, I have not been able to do so.
‘I tried three times. I believe it was right to persevere, even when the odds against success seemed high. But it is now clear to me that it is in the best interests of the country for a new Prime Minister to lead that effort.
‘So I am today announcing that I will resign as leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party on Friday 7 June so that a successor can be chosen. I have agreed with the Party Chairman and with the Chairman of the 1922 Committee that the process for electing a new leader should begin in the following week. I have kept Her Majesty the Queen fully informed of my intentions, and I will continue to serve as her Prime Minister until the process has concluded.
‘It is, and will always remain, a matter of deep regret to me that I have not been able to deliver Brexit. It will be for my successor to seek a way forward that honours the result of the referendum. To succeed, he or she will have to find consensus in Parliament where I have not. Such a consensus can only be reached if those on all sides of the debate are willing to compromise.
‘For many years the great humanitarian Sir Nicholas Winton – who saved the lives of hundreds of children by arranging their evacuation from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia through the Kindertransport – was my constituent in Maidenhead. At another time of political controversy, a few years before his death, he took me to one side at a local event and gave me a piece of advice. He said, ‘Never forget that compromise is not a dirty word. Life depends on compromise.’ He was right.
‘As we strive to find the compromises we need in our politics – whether to deliver Brexit, or to restore devolved government in Northern Ireland – we must remember what brought us here. Because the referendum was not just a call to leave the EU but for profound change in our country. A call to make the United Kingdom a country that truly works for everyone. I am proud of the progress we have made over the last three years.
‘We have completed the work that David Cameron and George Osborne started: the deficit is almost eliminated, our national debt is falling and we are bringing an end to austerity. My focus has been on ensuring that the good jobs of the future will be created in communities across the whole country, not just in London and the South East, through our Modern Industrial Strategy.
‘We have helped more people than ever enjoy the security of a job. We are building more homes and helping first-time buyers onto the housing ladder – so young people can enjoy the opportunities their parents did. And we are protecting the environment, eliminating plastic waste, tackling climate change and improving air quality. This is what a decent, moderate and patriotic Conservative Government, on the common ground of British politics, can achieve – even as we tackle the biggest peacetime challenge any government has faced.
‘I know that the Conservative Party can renew itself in the years ahead. That we can deliver Brexit and serve the British people with policies inspired by our values. Security; freedom; opportunity. Those values have guided me throughout my career.
‘But the unique privilege of this office is to use this platform to give a voice to the voiceless, to fight the burning injustices that still scar our society. That is why I put proper funding for mental health at the heart of our NHS long-term plan. It is why I am ending the postcode lottery for survivors of domestic abuse. It is why the Race Disparity Audit and gender pay reporting are shining a light on inequality, so it has nowhere to hide. And that is why I set up the independent public inquiry into the tragedy at Grenfell Tower – to search for the truth, so nothing like it can ever happen again, and so the people who lost their lives that night are never forgotten.
‘Because this country is a Union.Not just a family of four nations. But a union of people – all of us. Whatever our background, the colour of our skin, or who we love. We stand together. And together we have a great future …’
Churchmouse, We are so blessed to have you as a balanced Christian conservative to interpret the UK goings on for us.
What a time for President Trump to travel to Britain!!!
Wish you could be a tiny Churchmouse in the hidden recesses of the palatial rooms when our lion talks with Elizabeth II and Charles!
Thank you, friend!
Wish I could be there, too. This will be historic, especially with declassification and May on her way out.
It’s important to note that she WON’T BE GONE as PM UNTIL they find a new leader to take over. So, we have until July at the earliest and maybe up to September. Here’s why:
Not comfortable with this. Hoping she gets a vote of no confidence well before this and escorted politely but firmly out the door. IMO she’s a globalist and globalists are currently reeling. Lashing out is not beyond them and is actually expected. I’d hate to think she’d decide to honor her sense of service by doing something beyond the pale.
I wonder how much Spygate plays into her resignation. We don’t know how deeply involved the UK was and who approved/orchestrated its involvement to take down candidate and then President Trump. What was her role, and what did she know? If she knew anything about what was going on and didn’t stop it or notify Donald Trump, that’s bad. But worse, was she in on the plot? Did she coordinate with other FIve Eyes nations to spy on our President? That is what a globalist would do to a perceived nationalist threat. I can’t imagine what a meeting between her and Pres. Trump will be like.
She should be gone IMMEDIATELY… June 7th is too late, and a poke in the eye to POTUS who will have left UK two days before, IF HE GOES. Normandy is on the 6th.
She’s a (w)itch who will probably have to be dragged out kicking and screaming!
Her resignation letter is all about Brexit. Of course she wouldn’t mention her role in the biggest political scandal ever against the U.S. I hope all will be revealed and that people will see that she had to go because she betrayed us and Pres. Trump, and the UK’s greatest ally, for globalism. Her departure gives me hope that all will be revealed eventually.
AMEN TheseTruths… AMEN. Totally agree. Two days ago there were reports she was resigning night of 22nd… AND there were reports of who would replace her immediately on an interim basis. TRAITORS don’t get to hang around… she’s been there two years too long. UK involvement in the coup is an ACT OF WAR… it is TREASON.
Out with the trash. NOW!
This Q post was from Jan 27 of 2018 – 16 months ago!
“May is neutralized.
MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.
Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.
These people are stupid.
Her power was gone then … and everything in-between has been just flailing about, trying in vain to avoid the inevitable.
Lame duck now … and lame duck then (Jan 18), too!
Btw, I believe you’re right, about who’s going on the trip with VSGPDJT. I won’t say his name, but I think ALL will be included.
Kinda like a mirror of the Pelosi-intended junket, but successfully executed instead!
US Marshalls played ‘Happy Birthday’ to AG Barr…on their bagpipes.

This is awesomesauce for the week!
Didn’t we learn that Barr plays the bagpipes?
I think we did.
Yes we did. I had no idea the US Marshalls do bagpipes! Cool!
Power was accused of unmasking innocent Americans in the final months of the Obama administration.
The former UN ambassador unmasked 300 individuals, an unheard number, in her last year in office.
On Thursday night investigative journalist Sara Carter said we will find out something soon on Samantha Power and the people she unmasked and it will be shocking.
It’s been hogwash that Powers ever could get away with saying “someone else” did the unmasking in her name. Those access credentials are tightly controlled. She’s up to her neck – and someone is going to out her – if they don’t already have proof.
Rather positive the unmasking process requires personal credentials, that are not to be shared. Hope the b!tch hangs with the rest of them.
Top Secret clearances have what is called a “CAC-Card” It’s a personal identity card, also known as the “PIB” – it belongs to the person and they cannot access their computer without it. One cannot even enter the building without it, let alone their workstation. Powers has been lying all along…
Only the complicit MCM would not state tghis toi Poweers face when she blatantly lied…
…handed her CAC to another person along with her PIN.
Either way, Powers is rightly screwed! Wonder if she owns a revolver.
Sidenote: Carter was talking about this on Hannity…….. Bolton, when he was UN Ambassador, only unmasked 3 people…… in total.
The D-Rats have been screaming about it and want to hold AG Barr in contempt for not releasing classified material.

And now…the D-Rats are screaming about him releasing some.
This is hilarious.
For days, the D-Rats and their Enemedia nozzles were accusing Pres Trump of “coverup”.
They repeated it over and over.
Our President says “I’m not covering up anything.”
And to prove it…he declassifies and releases some previously classified material.
I love it.
I wonder if this will shut them up about a “Coverup”.
In Q-drop no. 3347…Q asked:

“Why did POTUS circumvent DNI Coats (normal protocol for DECLAS) and give AUTH directly to AG Barr?”
Bypassing Coats is kind of a slap in the face to Coats.
The Anons think that this might have something to do with it:
Good Morning, Wheatie!
Glad to see you’re still on top of the anons – I was reading there, too, earlier.
I’ve read a bunch of reasons why Coats might have been bypassed (he’s comped; he’s IN the DeClas; he’s a witness; etc.), but the one I found compelling is that, as the DNI Director, he has the authority to assign the job to the Fibbies, the clowns, or other 3-letter agencies.
And of course, this would defeat the whole purpose of DeClas. With AG Barr in charge, it prevents the “sources and methods” redaction excuse from being used yet once more by the DS operatives.
I wouldn’t be surprised if most of these reasons (not just one) apply.
Happy Friday!
Hi, EmStar!

It’s good to see you.
And yeah, whatever the reason…I’m glad that PDJT turned it over to AG Barr.
Coats is not to be trusted. He’s been Uniparty for years, and I was disappointed when he was appointed. Bet he is compromised – Dems knew he could be managed.
This makes THE MOST SENSE! Absolutely agreed.
The whole point of the BARR SWITCH was to remove all possibility of tainted interests from the process. Why allow the cabal ANY chance to interfere again?
The LAWFARE PLOT depended on the fact that Rosenstein would be “forced into neutral” on Mueller by the Sessions recusal, that ETHICS can be TILTED within DOJ simply by the length of the chain of command and who is in that chain – and that this would allow political tilts and meanderings by Mueller for the ENTIRE FOUR YEARS – exactly as planned. Swapping in Barr allowed SANITY to come back to the top of the process – somebody who could say NO to overreach, too broad, breaking of attorney-client, and all that jazz (which WHITAKER did immediately!)
No – COATS was an opportunity for BRENNAN to get back into the process.
9/11 Brennan.
Charlottesville Brennan.
Vegas Brennan.
Khashoggi Brennan.
Christchurch Brennan.
Sri Lanka Brennan.
Forget it.
BRENNAN GOES DOWN, even if the traitors use NUKES.
this is some heck of a party going on here!!!
got so many errands to do today but will be checking in later…this is AMAZING!!! DECLASS—YAY!!!
(i figured out how to block gifs from running constantly so now I can enjoy FG&C’s Friday threads!!! what great timing!!)
I could sure use that wisdom Pat, how did you block the gifs? thx :0)
i use firefox…
i went to the firefox startup page and in the search bar typed in about:config
a warning comes up and I agreed
then in the search bar I typed image:animation
the next thing that popped up showed “normal”
you click on that word and you can change it to what you want…once, twice, I typed in none at first to see what would happen. then i closed out and went to FG&C’s Friday thread where i knew i would find gifs…all that showed were either still pictures or white squares. I repeated the process and typed in once…now i see the gifs just once and that’s it…
hope this helps!
That helps me tremendously Pat, thank you.
…….. and then, Theresa May resigned…..
don’t ya love it when a plan comes together?
Fell asleep last night while typing. Last thing I said to Rayzorback, “I’m so sleepy”.
Q’s were popping. I really meant for the other story to come out on Sat morning.
So much happening.
Q told us enjoy the show, but we had no idea it would be like this.
i am just skimming–trying to catch up before i leave, but MAN! what a night last night…gotta reread yesterday’s thread and catch up on the new ones and the Q drops!!
gees…stuff is popping everywhere!!!!
and the best part? I can read the info from the BEST REPORTERS ANYWHERE–right here!!!!!
darn…gotta get ready…
Can you believe it, Pat?
Have a good day! Come back when you can. Time to hit the showers for us all!
I fell asleep over the laptop, too. I was reading. I woke up a couple hours later chilled to the bone and with a stiff neck. I had to laugh at myself.
These are exciting times.
hmmm…the ONLY bank that showed up to the meeting…coincidence?
According to the Washington Examiner: “During the height of the 2008 fiscal crisis, Waters helped arrange a meeting between the Treasury Department and top executives of a bank where her husband was a shareholder. Using her post on the House Financial Committee as leverage, she called Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson personally, asking him to meet with minority-owned banks. When Treasury followed through, there was only one financial institution present at the meeting: Her Husband’s bank, One United. If that bank went under, Waters’ husband would’ve lost as much as $350,000. Luckily for the Waters family, OneUnited received a cool $12 million in bailout funds instead. Once they grab power, they abuse it proudly, then look you in the eye and dare to call them on it.”
Having her as the House committee finance chairwoman is like putting a drug dealer in charge of the evidence room at the police station and on top of that, is there one moment of any day in Maxine’s life when she isn’t angry, arrogant, and ignorant? Seriously can anyone give me an example? This is the face of the Democratic party.

Unpossible to read your post and NOT die laughing!!! Fantabulous!!! Marica heading to the lake til Monday…Ya’ll hold the fort down til I get back!!! (I shall be lurking…) Someone keep my branch warm while I’m gone…Love all of you to the MOON and BACK!!!
JUSTICE IS A COMIN!!!! Thank you Jesus!!! and Thank you Wolfie and all the mighty Generals at this site!!!
Deplorables #WINNING&GRINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have fun!

And watch out for ticks and chiggers!
FG&C is terrific at the Friday post slot.
What a treat!
All the Trump children will be coming to the UK on June 3:
Apologies — Barron will NOT be coming, so it seems:
I seem to recall the obamas often traveling in 2 planes and traveling with mother, daughters (underage & understandable) and many, many others in tow. A comparison is in order and a comparison on the media cover the two groups differently would be eye opening
I well remember those days.
That won’t stop the media this year, though.
And the seemingly continuous vacations around the globe, that Michael brought Sasha and Misha (don’t recall her name and don’t care enough to Google it).
Gross waste of taxpayer dollars. hussein and Michael emblematic of fraud, waste and abuse.
The Øbominables retinue was usually 600+
No, I would wager Barron will be with them… caption under the photo is misleading, simply trying to make the point the adult children would accompany… one assumes minor child, but the adults are unexpected, or so The Sun assumes. That’s my take.
Some of us at this site fear for POTUS’ safety and think it too dangerous for him to go to UK. And some of us believe his children (probably grandchildren as well) attending is for their safety while DeClas moves forward in US
I, too, hope Barron joins them.
Yes, agree with you that there is a family security issue here. Excellent observation.
Bummer, Barron should go. Proper training for the young lad.
phoenixRising thinks he will go.
Agree with you both that it would be an excellent experience for him.
He would end up being a teen idol to all the young British girls……. Yep!
Yes, indeed!
It would be a good experience for him, no doubt. They keep him out of the spotlight, and I don’t blame them. The media and Dems can be very nasty, and some people are hateful and make hurtful comments. It will be interesting to see if he goes or stays.
Time for tennis… be safe peeps….
Remember our Vets… past and present…. TY all for your service!!!!
gotta run!
Have fun, Amwick! Bet you are a killer on the courts!
We play strictly social tennis, older people. It is my way on exercising.
Mmm…nope…nope…don’t think so…nope.
This looks so wonderful to me. Wish it would never end.
From Fox News:
SOURCES SAY —– Iran is running low on cash! (Who would have “thunk”?)
Hamas has enacted “austerity measures”
Iran has advised other groups in the region to “seek other funding sources”
Hezbollah has begun to display “donation boxes”
And Iran’s Cyber Command is having difficulty “meeting commitments” ——- what the heck does that mean?
From Me: Ohhhh, Mr. President, please slow down……… I can’t take all the winning.
To which the President responds, “No, we’re going to SPEED UP. We’re going to win, and win, and keep on winning!!!!!!!!!!!”
Pretty soon, Steve Mnuchin is going to be the sexiest man alive. Brilliant strategy.
So guess what THAT means? It means these terrorist orgs will PRESSURE AMERICAN MUSLIMS HARD to make donations to them. SKETCHY, ILLEGAL DONATIONS.
So guess what THAT means? It means that our Omars and our CAIRs and their ilk will donate BIG to TERRORISTS.
So guess what THAT means? It means that these individuals and even ORGANIZATIONS can be CHARGED WITH CRIMES.
Self-deported radical Muslims. Single and GROUP RATES. Now THAT is a plan I can go along with!
Bang, bang, bang.
She says…”I see a door right there, he should use it.”
Well yeah, but if you close the door then the puppies scratch it up trying to get in!
Yes, it’s a Hoax…and it’s designed to drain our wealth and destroy our middle class.
…something that should be obvious based on past performance! We’re supposed to already be dead meat according to the oldest modeling out there.
I could imagine climate being modelable when weather really can’t be. But it obviously hasn’t happened yet.
Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October, 2018. The information she unveiled should shake/wake you up.
Zharkova was one of the few that correctly predicted solar cycle 24 would be weaker than cycle 23 — only 2 out of 150 models predicted this.
Her models have run at a 93% accuracy and her findings suggest a Super Grand Solar Minimum is on the cards beginning 2020 and running for 350-400 years. [ Not the Grand Minimum but the full cycle ]
The last time we had a little ice age only two magnetic fields of the sun went out of phase.
This time, all four magnetic fields are going out of phase.
Hi Bako –
I’m not sure we ever interacted “OT”, and I’ve been posting only very sparsely over the past few months, but I remember you from OT, and I have read some of you wonderful poems (Poet-Tree? lol) here, so a belated “Welcome!” to you!
This is how corrupt these “politicians” are: the planet is teed up for a few centuries of global COOLING … and yet they push the opposite, “Global WARMING”, to profit themselves, at the expense of the rest of the humanity.
It’s the very definition of sociopath – AGAINST humanity, deeming all other humans as ENEMIES, as PREY.
I’m reminded of the Nuremberg Trials, where one of the main conclusions about the N**i mentality was that it was DEVOID of empathy, of any social connection whatsoever to other humans.
I find it astounding that so many “normies” have bought into the lie, especially since the corruptors were pushing “global COOLING” only a few decades ago.
Continual fear-mongering, war-mongering, and lie-mongering. Too many people LIE!!!
Thanks for the intel, and the link! I hadn’t heard of the multiple phases, and I’ll look forward to checking it out.
Yes, I think when we understand how badly science has been abused by those in control, people are going to be very, very, very pissed – and forever skeptical that science itself can operate without THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES being the guardians of the sandbox within which science operates. Otherwise, we will see the rise of….
Well it’s a good thing we have an ample supply of oil & natural gas to keep us warm.
There is plenty of the stuff we need – but the Global Warming / Climate Change scam was designed to help GLOBALIST SOCIALISM gain control of it by pushing the entire WORLD in the wrong direction.
Once people figured out that they could not only use the media to lead themselves, but more importantly to MISLEAD OTHERS, it was only natural that they would eventually try to push it to the point of fooling the entire world.
Morning tweets from our ESG:
Hmm…an ad for ‘crisis actors’ in Las Vegas for this weekend?
Apparently the ad has been taken down now, since it got attention:
I’ve seen other tweets alerting people about this.
Could be something…hope not, though.
Surely would contribute towards funding a Creepy Joe billboard with…
They’re fucking ChiCom traitors!!!
No WONDER Trump is sending China to bed with no dinner for the next millenium.
Shannon has a THREAD on Brexit 2016 & zero’s interference
IIRC, hussein interred publicly in foreign elections. Pushed Federal interference overtly and covertly. Problem is, me thinks it is done with Globalist intentions. NOT American.
To be fair, not uncommon for the US to do so.
Yet, all the muh Russia BS, as if it were significant or new. Politics at its worst with MCM in concert.
THREAD – click on either tweet
Lisa has a THREAD on recent Q drop
KARMA COMIN’ for Samantha…
Look for President Trump, Barr and Pompeo to overhaul and restructure the entire INTEL hierarchy after the next election.
I’m hopin BEFORE…
I’m thinking it will have to wait until we take back the House perhaps and, hopefully, extend our lead in the Senate.
Talk about a wasted life.
Talk about a compounding series of bad lifestyle choices.
House fails to pass $19 billion disaster relief bill after GOP lawmaker objects
WTF?!? From Texas,

Analysis below, in pR comment
In re D’Alessandro dementia, a current BB article has a comment about the “Old Guard”, listing some of the ranks:
“Sneaky Dianne Feinstein 85 yrs old, 50-year politician
Maxipad Waters 81 yrs old, 46-year politician
John Lewis 79 yrs old, 42-year politician
Nan Piglosi 79 yrs old, 38-year politician
Crazy Bernie Sanders 78 yrs old, 38-year politician
James Clapper 78 yrs old, 28-year politician
Al Green 77 yrs old, 41-year politician
Joe “Biteme” Biden 77 yrs old, 49-year politician
“Dicky” Durbin 75 yrs old, 36-year politician
Stupid MF Sheila J-Lee 69 yrs old, 32-year politician
Chuck-U Schumer 69 yrs old, 45-year politician
Elijah Cummings 68 yrs old, 23-year politician
Honorable Mention “GuamCapsize” Hank Johnson 65 yrs old”
I’ve retained the wonderful epithets of the poster … and here’s a link to the article / spliced video:
And, remember the Q post about deteriorating health? Perhaps Nan is joining the club …
“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 46cb93 No.5182398
Feb 14 2019 23:46:33 (EST)
Chatter – Bill & Hillary’s ‘public’ health will begin to rapidly deteriorate.
Thanks EmeraldStar…
These ol’ whatevers have destroyed much of our Republic over TOO MANY DECADES… past time to toss ’em out… TRASH !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for listing them… knew there were a couple, had not stopped to realize how many there are !!!
Who is going to take their place eventually? Those in the mid-range age bracket like Kamala Harris and Cory Booker are politically correct partisans. Then there are the crazies and outright subversives like AOC and the two Muslims. I don’t know of any reasonable Dems, and I think if there were any, they would be booed off the stage.
“Who is going to take their place eventually?”

Dunno, TT.
But I think ANYONE (well, almost) would be better, especially with the MAGA movement gaining steam.
I refer back to a Q post (as I do quite often!):
“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2908c7 No.5538237
Mar 6 2019 12:00:12 (EST)
Anonymous ID: c9174d No.5538127
Mar 6 2019 11:56:15 (EST)
Feinstein said this many decades ago, so she is absolutely full of it.
Why is POTUS pushing for TERM LIMITS?
Good point. Term limits would solve a lot of problems. We would lose some really good people as well, but term limits would help oust the dead wood that voters are either too radical (against American sovereignty) or too ignorant to vote out.
tweets from Chad Pergram (yeah, I know… but what other source is there?)
early this a.m. wrt action on almost empty floor !
GOP TX Rep Chip Roy is here. He will object and block the disaster relief bill. Will delay passage of the bill until June
7:46 AM – 24 May 2019
It is a simple procedural matter to vote…$19.1 bill is not offset
I think it’s in the best interest of Texas & the nation
56m56 minutes ago
Dem FL Rep Donna Shalala on flr. Will ask that the Hse ok the disaster bill by unanimous consent to align with the Senate. GOP TX Rep Chip Roy expected to object. That will stall the disaster bill for at least another 1.5 wks until Hse is back to take a full roll call vote
3 mbrs in chamber. McGovern presiding. Shalala to make unanimous consent request ok disaster bill. Roy expected to object
3 MEMBERS in Chamber !!! More DIM dirty tricks. Most of Congress left yesterday late for HOME for a week! And they think they can SNEAK this CRVP through ?!!!!!
52m52 minutes ago
Disaster bill blocked. Objection to unanimous consent request on the floor. Bill now stalled until at least early June because the Senate and House are out of alignment
52m52 minutes ago
“Unanimous consent” means you need everyone on board. All it takes is one objection. Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) has objected to the request by Rep. Donna Shalala (D-FL). Disaster the bill is stalled until they take a roll call vote after June 4. Only then will the House and Senate be in alignment. This stalls the bill for another week and a half. The House will have to take a full roll call vote then to approve the measure and align with Senate.
GOP TX Rep Roy on the flr: I am here today primarily because if I do not object congress will have passed into law a bill that spends $19 billion dollars..without Members of Congress being present to vote on it… It is a bill that includes nothing to address the clear national emergency and the humanitarian crisis we face at our southern border… This is a $19 billion bill that is not paid for when we are racking up $100,000,000 per hour..Our nation is strong have a responsive & fiscally responsive approach to help ppl who are hurting in the wake of..disasters. We have had months to figure this out and to do our job to secure our border and we are now expected to let the swamp continue to mortgage the future of our children and grandchildren
NOTE: Bill also includes MORE AID TO PRico … more dirty tricks by DIMs. Hurray for TEXAS and hurray for Rep. Roy…
I get Roy’s point, but even POTUS backed off of Border funding so the aide bill could go forward. Roy just let perfect murder good, and delayed money for suffering Americans.
I don’t agree…
(Still LOVE YA!)
First of all, why didn’t the House take this up YESTERDAY… ?
Why didn’t House members WAIT to go home…? Why didn’t they vote on it this a.m.?
Why do they NEED a week for Memorial Day ? They don’t even honor our VETS.
Are we taxpayers to continue to give SLUSH FUNDS to the DIMs in the form of $$ to Puerto Rico?
We need MORE THAN THREE MEMBERS of THE HOUSE to pass legislation. The Speaker wasn’t even there for goodness sake.
As Roy said, they have put this off for MONTHS…
So a Republican from Texas gets BLAMED because the crappy bill was not passed? Don’t think so.
Are we sure POTUS said alright to pass without Border funds? I’m not………….
Just my two cents. I’m tired of the DIMs and the uniparty and the Cabal holding humanity hostage for a few crumbs now and again.
Love you too PR!
AND I agree with your points. BUT getting both House and Senate to agree on anything these days is Damned difficult, and in particular this aide package is long overdue. If I’m the little guy from the Florida Panhandle, drowning in debt, struggling to stay afloat, waiting for Government help that they promised, and after many months they finally agree to send and I can get some relief, I get excited and hopeful. Then this one guy from Texas puts the kibosh on it cuz Muh, principals.
Everything you mentioned needs to be dealt with and hammered out, but not at Hurricane victim’s expense.
I hear you sweetie, and please don’t think I’m callous or dispassionate wrt people in need.
As far as hurricanes go, I grew up in Charleston, SC… saw many a one and the aftermath… and it took me six months before I could make the two-hour drive to view the aftermath of HUGO… pine trees were toppled from Orangeburg on into Charleston, live oaks uprooted… dune line GONE at beach… SIX MOS. Later.
And there’s the Mississippi flooding and the OK torneados… I do understand your point.
Once in a while my pragmatic side overrides my compassion. This is one of those times.
One point that may make you feel better. COME June 4th, who knows WHO will be in the House…or anywhere for that matter? We might get ‘perfect’ – or near enough. Something to think about.
You’re fine PR and I’m with ya! Those videos of the Panhandle being wiped out, entire towns, I can still see. Remember when we thought over a hundred were dead in that one little town? Fortunately they had the good sense to evacuate. Roads blocked, 4 wheeling 1st responders, hungry people, toothpick trees, Tyndall AFB, devastation from a CAT 5!! If I were to ever leave Texas, which ain’t happening, Florida Panhandle would be my landing zone.

Inquiring minds are asking, “First of all, why didn’t the House take this up YESTERDAY… ?”
Me thinks Nitwit Nancy may have tried to take it up yesterday.
But, Nitwit Nancy was incoherent through her perpetual mumbling and stuttering.
If Shalala is so enthusiastically for it, there must be something very wrong with it. She is poison.
She was part of the Klintoon Administration, and President of the Klintoon Foundation. With that in mind, that huge sum of money isn’t safe, especially if a large portion is earmarked for Puerto Rico, who’ve already gotten an inordinate amount, and squandered it; I wouldn’t be surprised if some or a lot of that would end up in the Klintoon’s Koffers…
BOOM – that is it. Clinton Cash. That is it. Shalala is a DEEP COMMIE Clinton lackey. Commie mayor of San Juan. It’s cash for Cankles. Mayor Kickbacks McClownglasses will weaponize distribution as a cash cow.
Just putting this out there
Personally i do believe that Vegas was and is still being covered up. There were too many inconsistencies in it all
Watch: New Video Reveals Shots Fired In Las Vegas Shooting After Steven Paddock Was Dead
Yep, there were 2 single shots spaced apart at the very end. Sounded like they came from a hand gun, not a rifle. No one has ever explained those. Those shots and the locked door (from the inside) of the adjoining suite that had to be breached with explosives have never been explained to my satisfaction. How was he supposed to be running from suite to suite shooting out both windows, locking the one suite from the inside, going out the door and carefully placing the room service cart with camera in front? There wasn’t enough time or a long enough pause during the shooting to accomplish that.
Does this have answers –Not sure–
But there are too many questions.
One of the autopsy bodies had a large-caliber pistol round to the head as cause of death, and I’m pretty sure based on the description of the entry wound that it was not Paddock.
There was so much sketchiness with Vegas. And remember – McCABE WAS IN CHARGE OF THE CHAIN OF COMMAND.
Yep, yep, yep….
OH NOES!!! LA County employees are under a TRAVEL BAN (how Nazi-like of them) and they can’t travel to Alabama…LOL…because of the abortion law in Alabama–hmmmm…doesn’t Alabama decide what’s best for Alabama, not California?
The ban applies to all LA County employees who are traveling to the state for official business. There are exceptions for “emergency response, training, or assistance, or other legally-required matters where the failure to authorize such travel would seriously harm the County’s interests.”
President Trump: Yes, I might very well talk to (Theresa May) about the UK involvement in the Russian hoax.
Catching up on events, now that The Texas Chainsaw Manicure is completed………………….
May is resigning:
“Prime Minister Theresa May announced her resignation from outside 10 Downing Street Friday morning, stating she would be officially stepping down in two weeks time.
Prime Minister Theresa May Announces Resignation
Will officially relinquish leadership of the Conservative Party in two weeks on June 7th
May will remain as Prime Minister until a new party leader is selected — possibly weeks or months in the future
In her remarks outside the Prime Minister’s official residence, Theresa May said she had “done her best”, and “everything I can” to deliver Brexit by negotiating a deal with the European Union, but conceded “sadly I was not able to do so”.
Saying it was time for a new Prime Minister to lead Brexit, Mrs May said she would be resigning as leader of the Conservative Party on Friday 7th of June, so that a successor could be chosen.”
I thought she should resign at the end of the month..
Think about it..
But noooooooooooooo…. she had to go into June,,, June 7 (?)
May wanted one more State Dinner with the Queen and a chance to wear her new smashing evening gown. I think she probably believes she earned it….kind of a farewell party.
Nadler became ill at an event for DeBlasio.
House Judiciary Chairman Nadler Falls Ill at Mayor de Blasio Event in Manhattan–510382851.html
Patrick , great find !!!!!!!!
Did you notice Nadler was hesitant to drink from DeBlasio’s bottle, or is it just cynical me?
They’re part of the same mafia in NYC… et tu Brute?
Nadler looked to be completely passed out.
Didn’t seem to even understand what deblasio was asking.
you’re right… I viewed 2nd time. He could of had a mild stroke.
ANd I must admit I’ll allowing all this mess to make me cynical… must not let that happen.
I say it’s the PRESSURE.
I’ve seen this many times, and although I don’t know for sure in Nadler’s case, still the pattern presents.
I tried last night / early this AM to find the anon post about Nadler’s liability, but I couldn’t spot it. In essence, the post said that – by issuing a subpoena to Barr to break the law, Nadler put himself in legal jeopardy. Suborning perjury (or a similar act, trying to force another to do something unlawful, as the subpoena / contempt charge was) leaves one open to prosecution.
I wish Nadler recovery, and better health … and yet, I wish also for the recovery and better health of our Republic. I suspect that the best option for him is to step aside, and focus on life.
That said … here’s another case of “He BROKE me!”
Dropping like flies.
My thoughts exactly. Those who attempted to take down the President, and who continue to cover it up and destroy him, know they are in a world of trouble as evidence continues to be revealed. I can’t imagine the stress level. Yet, Pres. Trump, who is innocent, is fine as he goes about the business of MAGA. The contrast couldn’t be more stark.
We lightheartedly talk about a Trump curse and “He broke me.” Not only is Pres. Trump a formidable intellect and adversary, but I believe our prayers continue to be answered and that God is protecting Pres. Trump and America.
Maybe this?
YES, Filly!
I scrolled and scrolled, through bread after bread, but could NOT find it! I knew it had a picture of Barr, but I must have wandered a bit too far in the wee hours of this morning, and got stuck in the weeds!
TY so much for posting it!
I’m having too much fun today, what with FG&C’s awesome Friday Recap, and all the crew here being ON POINT in re the real news.
Thanks again!
I am filled with exhilaration and excitement today! My son called me earlier (avoids all social media/news) and I just went on and on and on – LOL, poor guy! He has lost all faith in ALL government, TBH. Also an Army vet – water specialist, went to Haiti. He moved to SC 3 years ago but is coming home for Thanksgiving. Can’t wait to see him!
Good news about your son NebraskaFilly,
So happy for you!
Nadler’s crime is called Coercion, I think.
Don’t count on Nadler recovering enough to answer questions let alone stand trial.
I saw the same thing. It was on reddit – The_Donald subreddit.
Maybe he contracted some obscure disease from the hordes of invaders. I got home to Cal Tues and there seems to be rampant sickness in my neck of the woods. Grandkids sick…hearing people at the grocery store and post office.
I hope he didn’t eat any of his potato salad… (Nadler is a brand over here, and it’s vile stuff).
Despite his nature and antics, I won’t wish him ill; I just wish justice be done to him and the DEMONcRATs and RINOs…
It’s official…de Blasio makes everyone sick.
There was a poster at BB who posted a YT link to the video and, gee, lo and behold: “This video is unavailable.” SMDH
Found one:
My guess is a stroke.
911 called, they say dehydration, he is responding and getting check-up.
I think that’s their default ..dehydration. Killary no matter how spazmodic or whatever…it was always ‘she was dehydrated’ Big fat BS. None of these people go anywhere that they don’t have an entourage catering to their every want.
Nadler doesn’t look or talk like the type to restrict his intake of anything. My 2 cents
An entourage and a bottle of water.
100% agreement. These medical minimizations are LAUGHABLE.
Wow, Patrick, that was pretty intense! Great clip.
It shows all these people behind de Blah Blah figuring out that Nadler (who is in front of them) is having some kind of problem. It would have to be fairly dramatic for people to be able to identify he’s in trouble when they are seated behind him.
And Nadler sure didn’t look well and sounded terrible. Dehydrated? Maybe… I just don’t personally know of anyone who has been dehydrated to the point of passing out sitting in a warm room listening to a speech. Outside chopping wood on a warm day, maybe.
Or maybe he spent a long, sleepless night staring at his nightstand or something. Or maybe it’s his heart, if he has one.
I’ve read that nadler has a lot of problems associated with his weight management.
Okay, now that makes sense. I think he had bariatric surgery? And I read another article that said they gave him an orange as well as water so he may have blood sugar issues also.
“I think he had bariatric surgery?”
Yes, in 2002.
Oh dear. Not exactly a poster boy for success, is he?
Read that he has a brother who suffers from the same.
Bariatric surgery has dirty dirty secrets that haven’t seen the light of day, unless you dig. Many suffer in silence, have constant complications, with repeated surgeries and ultimately loss of life. 10yr survival rate is low. My SIL was one of them, even Mayo couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her, didn’t want to point to repercussions of initial surgery out of fear. She finally died of deep vein thrombosis, clot in the leg from all complications, she was only 47. She gained all the weight from IVF treatments, finally adopting, then having surgery. Her young son found her on the bedroom floor while she was getting ready to take him to school. Very Sad. I researched, all her issues she suffered with were a direct result of her surgery. If I could figure it out, why couldn’t Mayo Clinic?
I begged and begged and railed and yelled and warned, trying to discourage my daughter from her plan for bariatric surgery – she did it anyway. It WAS a part of the road to her end. Sadly, my son-in-law followed suit and is having his own health issues now because of it. Bad, bad deal, IMO.
to bflyjesusgrl: My son-in-law has this issue with the deep vein thrombosis as well. He has had to take blood thinner shots several times now. And he is gaining the weight back. Biggest blessing? He is no longer drinking.
He may be borderline morbidly obese… It is a serious issue… a battle many people face.
He was diagnosed as such in 2002.
Oh.. TY… I was just going by pics..
Hmmm…video won’t play for me at link in that article. YT apparently scrubbed it but I will see if I can find another link. If anyone has one close at hand, it would be much appreciated.
It plays for me if I open it my Edge browser
Thanks – I posted another link above.
I wonder why this needs so much attention from our lawmakers but I guess they need something to show for their do nothing lifestyles.
Anti-loot box bill could radically change how video games are sold
Democratic and Republican senators can hardly agree on what to order for lunch, but as of Thursday they seem to agree that the video game industry requires additional government oversight. Proposed legislation could ban loot boxes and other kinds of microtransactions, and its co-sponsors include members from both major parties. The devil is in the details, of course, and the bill itself could have far reaching implications for the game industry.
The full text of the proposed bill is available online. Its intention is to “regulate certain pay-to-win microtransactions and sales of loot boxes.” In order to do so, it first has to define what those things are.
maybe Nadler needs to visit DARPA and they could hook him up to some exoskeleton thing-y
Human enhancement became an agency priority. “Soldiers having no physical, physiological, or cognitive limitation will be key to survival and operational dominance in the future,” predicted Michael Goldblatt, who had been the science and technology officer at McDonald’s before joining DARPA in 1999. To enlarge humanity’s capacity to “control evolution,” he assembled a portfolio of programs with names that sounded like they’d been taken from video games or sci-fi movies: Metabolic Dominance, Persistence in Combat, Continuous Assisted Performance, Augmented Cognition, Peak Soldier Performance, Brain-Machine Interface.
The programs of this era, as described by Annie Jacobsen in her 2015 book, The Pentagon’s Brain, often shaded into mad-scientist territory. The Continuous Assisted Performance project attempted to create a “24/7 soldier” who could go without sleep for up to a week. (“My measure of success,” one DARPA official said of these programs, “is that the International Olympic Committee bans everything we do.”). Jacobsen suggested that darpa’s neurotechnology research, including upper-limb prosthetics and the brain-machine interface, is not what it seems: “It is likely that darpa’s primary goal in advancing prosthetics is to give robots, not men, better arms and hands.” (source)
ain’t messing around… zoom in to see ‘Complaint’
She calls Halper a “ratf_cker.” Who knew that that was a “colorful and foul simile for ‘pulling a dirty trick,'” as it says in the footnote. LOL. This is so entertaining.
I believe that was a common term during Watergate.
It was in “All the President’s Men”, yes?
That “nickel, dime stuff” – “ok, maybe a quarter” – guy, that Dustin Hoffman interviewed?
What was old is new again!
Hope you’re well, and still shovel-wielding, Sylvia!
Doing great, and it is GOOD to see you Emeraldstar!
we have missed you ‘Bigly’
The comments are epic, too:
it’s gorner be loverly when they start discovery on Halper, et. al.
Daugnn, what does hubby think of the filing? [Or has he stopped laughing yet?]
Folks familiar with the Watergate fiasco/framejob will recogniize the term, probably also folks in SoCal where I’ve heard it used too, in terms of screwing someone over or playing a mean practical joke…
Someone tried to buy the domain name but it was already taken
Looks to be an interesting weekend and week coming up. MORE POPCORN AND SNACKS NEEDED!!!
And note that Covfefe won on the 17th.
DAUGHN… sorry, chair-keyboard interface again…
“A new battle has broken out over who gets access to Julian Assange’s computer in the aftermath of the journalist’s arrest. Wikileaks says Assange took the time to scrub his computer before he was taken into custody, meaning anything found on it would be “false evidence” and planted by the United States government.
At the request of the U.S. government, Ecuadorian authorities took possession of all of Assange’s possession after his arrest. Wikileaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson told The Associated Press that because Assange cleared the computers, any information found on them will be put there by the U.S. or Ecuadorian authorities. “If anything surfaces, I can assure you it would’ve been planted,” he said.”
I wish I knew the U.S.’s intent regarding Assange. I would love for him to be a hero in this story, providing evidence that no one has (he’s already done that to an extent), and I wish the grand jury indictment had been for the purpose of getting him to the U.S. for his protection. But maybe the administration wants his scalp. Then that opens FIrst Amendment questions. I wish Q would provide some hints.
He has provided hints:
New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 9:01:32 PM
>>6572364 (/pb)
Under protection.
Threat is real.
Key to DNC ‘source’ ‘hack’ ‘187’.
I didn’t connect that to Assange, but I just followed the links and it does refer to him. Thank you! So if I’m reading that correctly, he’s under protection, the threat against him is real, and he is the key to the DNC source, the hack, and the murder of Seth Rich, I’m guessing (vs. Scalia).
According to that, he’s very valuable to us right now. So this is another intriguing facet to the plot. Some in our government want him put away for life — or are they just saying that as disinformation? This is the most fascinating drama one could hope to witness.
Oh, I have no doubt some of them do – those embeds who are still fighting our V/ESG! Like the “war hero” freshman congress-critter who is against the Space Force.
My worry is that the UK will have him offed while he is jailed there. At the same time, PDJT has the UK over a barrel right now so…..I have to believe POTUS is having DOJ do this for that express reason? Pressure on UK to protect him while he is in their custody.
That’s MEME material, PHC!
What’s the best caption? Is Pepe included? KEK!
Happy Memorial Day weekend to you!
“Acosta, Get Off The Lawn.”
Bwahahaha!!! Perfecto!
YES ! You win the internets Patrick…
(and of course Melania is gorgeous)
The lion roars and Acosta crumples!
Ooohhh! Thanks! I hadn’t seen what Melania was wearing!
Postcard-print silk shirtdress
Ha, thanks! I was holding the screen up to my nose trying to figure out the print and I thought, huh, looks like postcards…
I can hear you thinking,………..from my back yard.
Melania is bringing shirtdresses (or, shirtwaist dresses as we called them) back in style

Thumbing through my 1940s catalogs and 1940s vintage dresses on Pinterest it is clear that the most popular style of day dress was the shirtwaist dress or just shirt dress. Why? Because they look good on every body type and because of this the style has remained popular ever since the 1940s. It is the classic dress of the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, maybe not the 70s but back again in the 1980s and still common today.
She could make burlap look classy.
VERY shallow comment here (hanging my head in shame), but i’ve often wondered why First Lady doesn’t wear her hair in a low pony-tail in these very windy conditions as they board the helicopter. I don’t think the hair blowing wildly in her face is becoming…and personally, it would drive me crazy! Okay, wet noodle lashes all around,…
It’s a very effective way of observing your surroundings from many directions, while seeming to do something completely different………….
” A Marxist student at Occidental College, John Drew, confirms that Obama was a revolutionary Marxist in college. Drew recounts:
Obama… believed that the economic stresses of the Carter years meant revolution was still imminent. The election of Reagan was simply a minor set-back …As I recall, Obama repeatedly used the phrase “When the revolution comes….” …”There’s going to be a revolution,” Obama said, “we need to be organized and grow the movement.” In Obama’s view, our role must be to educate others so that we might usher in more quickly this inevitable revolution. …Obama seemed to think their ideological purity was a persuasive argument in predicting that a coming revolution would end capitalism.
Obama tells us the radical socialist conferences he attended before law school gave him his road map in life, i.e., their plan to put a stealth black candidate in the White House….”
Ohhh what a find Slvia… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, he said he was a “Community Organizer” (uggg)
Maybe more people will come out of the woodwork and tell the truth about him.
I hope so, it might help to mitigate against the BO lovers who will wail and moan about their hero when this POS goes down for the count.
I hope he is exposed for all that he is and that he pays for it.
Why am I not surprised that Castro’s son would do this?
“According to the producers of the pro-life movie “Unplanned,” Canadian movie theaters have banned the film from its theaters. During a news conference in Ottawa on May 8, producer Lisa Wheeler said this means that they “have been effectively blocked” from distributing the film in Canada.
Based on the pro-life conversion of former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, the film has done well in the United States, surpassing expectations to earn about $18 million and change hearts and minds about abortion.
“This is a powerful and eye-opening film that has been piercing through the abortion narrative in the United States,” said the National Campus Life Network on a CitizenGo petition for the movie. “‘Unplanned’ has actively moved individuals to the pro-life perspective. Most notably, in the first two weeks of the movie release, 94 Planned Parenthood workers have contacted Abby Johnson’s organization, And Then There Were None. Also, ‘Unplanned’ brought in over $6 million US in its opening weekend, far exceeding Hollywood expectations.”
Pres Trump’s impromptu presser before he left for Japan:
“During a private dinner last week at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., I was taken to task by a Republican congressman after I pressed him on his lack of support for President Donald Trump’s proposed space force…
the space force is being squelched by a bipartisan “Resistance” coalition in Congress…
According to Defense News, the killing blow was likely struck this last week when a bipartisan group of elected representatives told the Pentagon to “come up with other alternatives to establishing a Space Force.” While Congress insists that they’re merely tweaking the Pentagon’s plans, the fact that they’ve rejected a $72 million request by the Department of Defense to build a Space Force headquarters, a critical step toward creating the force, will further delay the White House’s efforts to defend our vulnerable satellite constellations…
Every delay due to bureaucratic inertia or petty partisanship weakens the military’s ability to defend itself in space. American space policy continues toward atrophy while the military and civilian (one in the same) programs of Russia and China grow stronger and more efficient—posing hitherto unimaginable threats to our country’s essential satellite constellations, as well as to our national prestige.
When Russia deploys space stalkers—tiny, fast-moving satellites with powerful grappling claws designed to push the Army’s critical Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellites (there are 10 of them) out of orbit—before their tanks blitzkrieg into another Eastern European state (something likely to happen soon, unless the administration can negotiate the mother-of-all geopolitical deals with Moscow, yet another thing our foolish “Deep State” is preventing), blame Congress. Or, when China blinds the Navy’s Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) constellation in geosynchronous orbit before they invade Taiwan, just remember that it was the petty politics of the NeverTrumpers in Washington, D.C. who made these new age surprise attacks possible…”
OK – trying to figure out who this Congressman is…..freshman war hero…..can’t find a separate list of just the veterans in the House but this is the list of all the new veterans. Any thoughts who it might be?
NF, you’re the best! I wondered but didn’t bother to try to figure it out. I’d love to know because I’d love to get his freshman Congress ass voted out.
I think that offended me as much as anything that he JUST got in and is already acting like this.
I am hoping the great minds here can help figure it out. Need to find out which ones ARE on those committees to rule them out, then go from there.
I am going to have to go mow my yard at some point – a rare day with temps in the 70’s and sunshine! Also need to finish my trellis for my cukes, squash and cantaloupe.
More potential for VERY heavy rain still in our forecast – some are saying it could be as bad as the recent flooding but at least the ice is gone now.
OK – these are the only 2 on the Armed Services Committee:
Rep. Jack Bergman of Michigan
Rep. Michael Waltz of Florida
Noted. I’m going to see what I can dig up on these two. Thanks NF!
We are looking for someone NOT on the committee.
And NOT on the Foreign Affairs Committee.
OK – Foreign Affairs Committee:
Brian Mast, Greg Pence, Guy Reschenthaler, Steve Watkins are all on the Committee. Not sure if I got them all, tho.
My reference links:
Could be this guy right here.
“I believe in a strong military, but need to learn more on the value proposition of this proposed 6th branch of the military. Keep in mind we have NASA, which with taxpayer funding can fulfill military missions when it comes to satellite intelligence and other related needs. And the Air Force’s missile programs are getting revamped and updated. Also, it is not yet clear how this 6th branch will be funded. When it comes to military spending, Congress and the President have rightfully restored needed expenditures on equipment, parts, and training (necessary, given the long conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq). I believe we should focus on fundamentals, and look long and hard before taking on new government programs of any kind.”
He doesn’t sound too gungy on the prospect to me.
Well there it is!! “When Russia deploys space stalkers—tiny, fast-moving satellites with powerful grappling claws designed to push the Army’s critical Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellites (there are 10 of them) out of orbit…”
We’re totally screwed, by the Ruskies!
Damn sorry we don’t have any backups, not to mention PPPP on our part. /s
I’ll take all three for 1000, Alex
Well done, Scott Adams!
Wow…listen to the cheers when May announced her resignation:
Those Brits…
They really need to learn how to express themselves………..
OK – stole that comment! Good one!
In case you haven’t seen it…this was the moment when “ESG” was born.
ESG = Extremely Stable Genius
How on earth will we ever able to settle for anyone else as President after PDJT leaves in six years?
well, y’all will have to figure that out…
that’s probably beyond my expiry date.
I don’t like to think about it.
It will be…hard…to see him go.
Sylvia, we’ll all be perfectly happy if Sarah Palin is the 2020 nominee for VP. After four years of grooming by our Very Stable Genius DJT, she will be a female version of him and will waltz to victory in 2024.
I am in awe of the amazing times in which we have found ourselves………..and honored and privileged to be experiencing it with all of you.
Thank you!
I know the feeling. It definitely adds to the enjoyment to be able to share it with like-minded folks.
Dr. Drew Pinsky predicts a major disease epidemic this summer in Los Angeles.
Mollie Pitcher posted upthread that she is back home in California now and that everyone is sick all around in her area.
What location?
So my area had a massive increase in rat population which seems to have subsided the last 6 months. Thank goodness. Lors of rattlesnakes in the hills may be helping. We have had mosquitoes with west nile here which could be an issue with all the rain this year.
The amount of garbage and filth in the cities is sick. They keep getting sued by supposed homeless advocates so the cities do nothing. This is a far bigger health and safety concern than allowing homeless to be untouchable kings.
The city of Sacramento is surrounded by levees. The homeless are living on the levees and digging trenches away from the levee support to make their camps more stable. No one will do anything because their claim is you gave to place the homeless in a home. BUT, they are committing crimes! Arrest them and put them on a 5150 hold if needed.
Fact is, city “leaders” dont care bc its better to virtue signal than do their duty.
Mollie didn’t say what part of the state she lives in.
Darned scary. I saw that about the Sacramento levees potential for failure due to the homeless digging caves for themselves.
And you’re right, the city leaders would vastly prefer to virtue signal than to do something.
We had a brief flurry of excitement up here thanks to a doc called “Seattle is Dying,” but the mayor’s response was to hire a pr firm. And the city tried to force out a judge who was actually (the horror of it all) imposing punishment on repeat offenders in the city.
The doc exposed how there’s around 100 repeat offenders who commit most of the crime in the city, but the police aren’t supposed to arrest them, and if they do they are supposed to be let go right away. Sigh.
I’m in San Diego. The churches (according to local news) are handling thousands that get “processed” and then go to these churches for some $$ and tickets to other places if they have other places to go.
On the trip back, at one rest area maybe in Miss..late at night we saw about 10 or 12 small people, like maybe Guatemalan or something pile out of an SUV . Hurry to the restrooms and then pile back in for destinations unknown.Tthey didn’t look like typical Mexicans
It’s a sin what the commies are doing to this country.
Not going to dox myself, but im easy driving to you! Hey neighbor.
Just posted a NYT article on the rodent problem.
Not just Los Angeles, possibly, but a lot more places if the disease in question can be transferred by this (the real thing, not just Democrats):
Rats Are Taking Over New York City
From the article:
But the onslaught of rats extends beyond New York: Cities such as Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles are also confronting outbreaks.
“Everywhere I go, rat populations are up,” said Robert Corrigan, a research scientist in New York who estimates that their numbers may have increased by as much as 15 to 25 percent in some cities.
The rodents are not only a nuisance and a blight on the quality of life, but also a health risk. A bacterial infection spread by rat urine, leptospirosis, killed a Bronx resident in 2017.
Chicago — crowned the nation’s rat capital in one study — has more than doubled its work crews dedicated to rats, who set out poison and fill in burrows in parks, alleys and backyards. It also passed ordinances requiring developers and contractors to have a rat-control plan before demolishing buildings or breaking ground on new projects.
Washington, where rat complaints have nearly tripled to roughly 6,000 last year from 2,400 in 2014, is testing a rat-sterilization program tried elsewhere that uses liquid contraceptives as bait.
Just posted on PTrump’s twitter:
Lord, protect and bless our President Trump and his wife and family. Amen.
How the worm turns.
ahhh Sylvia,
how sweet of UK and Australian Gov’ts to stand against Milsud…
(Karma is comin’ )
Isn’t leverage grand?
Will we be filling guantanamo soon?

Pelosi throws in the towel
On Friday, Pelosi spoke out for the first time since the leaders exchanged words.
“It’s nothing, this is nothing. We have for a long time been on a track, hopefully with the president, to build the infrastructure of our country. It’s about jobs, it’s about public health, clean air, clean water, it’s about commerce, promoting commerce and an incident like yesterday, I’m finished with that,” Pelosi said.
He broke her.
She crossed the line, and Trump slapped her back across it.
Maybe she’ll learn to stay in her own lane.
I don’t see her calling for ‘interventions’ again, any time soon.
It’s striking that that’s what it takes to stop the Leftist onslaught. Repubs have never done it to this extent before. (It was not nearly as bad during the Reagan years.) It takes someone with the strength and confidence of Pres. Trump to push them back and eventually win. People can rail against his manner, tweets, and “unstatesmanlike conduct,” but that’s exactly what it takes. I hope the Repubs are learning at the feet of the master and can continue to pull it off.
And a pet peeve: I’m sick of the rules in Congress about “the gentle lady” and the “gentleman from [whatever state],” when they can be rude to, cut off, and lie to any witness they call to testify, and do the same to the president. Cabinet members and the President deserve just as much respect as Congress (and in many cases, more).
Yep. “Gentle lady” and” gentleman” don’t have quite the same spicy ring as “The Ratf-er from New York”…
I have not heard anyone cry “uncle” that loud in a long time!
Mumbles has no chance against Trump in a battle of wits.
He’s got an arsenal, and she is unarmed.
“potentially millions of pages of documents,”
“We’re exposing everything,” Trump said. “We’re being – a word that you like – ‘transparent.’”
You have to read the article carefully. IMO it tries really hard to make it seem as though PDJT is on a one man crusade to discriminate against trannys, when all the admin is doing is sticking to the actual law and rolling back BO’s interpretation of it to include transgenders.
“A new proposal from the Trump administration would roll back health care protections for transgender people.
The proposed regulation, announced Friday, scraps ObamaCare’s definition of “sex discrimination” to remove protections for gender identity….
In addition, the Department of Housing and Urban Development this week proposed a rule that would also roll back transgender protections in housing, by allowing federally funded shelters to turn away transgender people for religious reasons.
The military’s transgender ban also took effect earlier this month, despite objections from advocacy groups and medical experts…
“When Congress prohibited sex discrimination, it did so according to the plain meaning of the term, and we are making our regulations conform,” Severino said…”
“When Congress prohibited sex discrimination, it did so according to the plain meaning of the term…”
In other words, science, common sense, and millenia of history. Thank goodness.
Senate Democrats to House: Tamp down the impeachment talk
Maybe the House needs a new leader ?
It does.
But it needs to be a Republican one.
The dems can’t foot their bills if they depose Mumbles.
true dat !
Schiffing his pants………….
hee hee !
Karma may have to enlist some help… gonna be busy, busy……..
Sounds like pencil-necked Schittttffff is “headed” for the sharpener…
Only Schifty can say with a straight face that declassifying documents is a coverup.
Question: If Assange has files that prove the ‘DNC Hack” was an inside download versus ‘Russia hacking”, does that make Crowdstrike guilty of lying to the FBI? Or does it just make Comey ‘ extremely careless’ to take their word without examining the servers?
Crowdstrike will say they believed their analysis.
Comey will say he believed in Crowdstrike (in fact he has).
There’s some pics here the posters may want to save.
Like this:
Ohhh DeePee………..
takes my breath away !!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing.
Very glad you and yours are safe. We were all very worried last night… afraid your area had been hit.
OK, I have to explain…
Deplorable Patriot, I apologize for calling you other than your Handle ! I have a cousin (Doris Pauline) nick named Dee Pee…
everytime I see your handle and shorten it to D.P., I think of her
Will be more careful…
Thanks. We’re usually okay where we are on the slope of a hill. Yes, we get rain and hail and all that, but it’s the open, flat areas that are worrisome, not the hillsides. The closest a tornado has gotten to us was an F0-F1 that came down out by my municipality’s golf course which is kind of on a plateau.
The airport, our very own “tornado alley” along Page Blvd. on the west side of Lindbergh, some parts of south county – that’s where you have to worry. Where we are, there might be a touch down, but nothing that stays on the ground for long. The one in 1959, I think, was a hopper and hit the old Arena and then the Central West End in the city. But that is all relatively flat.
Will has a THREAD on zero’s spying
more – click any tweet
OK – I’m outta here – going out to mow! See y’all later!
Nyuk nyuk nyuk!!!!!
Reminds me of this, from “Hollywood Steps Out” (yep, Looney Tunes, kinda fits). It’s at 4:58 to 5:05 if I goofed up the link…
Poll: Only 25% Of Dems Approve Of The Job Congress Is Doing Under Pelosi’s Leadership…
Kristol… POUND SAND !
That face you make when you trip over your tatas, and spit out your teeth
Hey Patrick, I can’t access this. Was it something I said?
Error 1011
Access denied
What happened?
The owner of this website ( does not allow hotlinking to that resource (/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Nancy-Pelosi.jpg).
WZ is like that.
Here’s the link to the article
Oh THAT face! Sadz. Is that a mustache? I really need to get new reading glasses….
That is a real picture, btw; from 2014
Moments like that make you wonder if a face lift is in order. Or something.
A full body drop,…………….or a mortician
That would work for me.
She looks like she just sucked on a lemon. Oddly, she resembles Fauxcahontas Liarwatha…
Thank goodness. Its always right when the dimms are trying to commit more fraud.
Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,
Not long ago, few Americans of the thinking persuasion might have imagined that such a well-engineered republic, with its exquisite checks and balances, sturdy institutions, and time-tested traditions would end up as so much smoldering goop in a national dumpster fire, but such is the sad state-of-the-union moving into the fateful summer of 2019. The castle of the permanent bureaucracy is about to be torched by an uprising of deplorable peasants led by a Golden Golem made furious by relentless litigation. It’s Game of Thrones meets the Thermidorian Reaction with a Weimar-flavored cherry on top — really one for the ages!
Hm. Seems like a weak argument to me.
Good agents and analysts have nothing to worry about.
Ones like you………………….DO though!
Trump is pounding his opposition with their own game.
They’ve always hit hardest at him when he is out of the country.
Things have changed!
UPDATE on Disaster Bill
Brian is on it… has a THREAD – click
Hey Butterfly, Chad never even asked about THIS in his tweet blizzard this a.m. (Well, we know why, don’t we?)
Lawyers, muggers and thieves.
Yes Patrick…
Just a bunch of mugger thugger lawyers…
Roy: It is a simple procedural matter to vote…$19.1 bill is not offset from Chad’s Twitter Line…
Strange you know, I saw that figure this a.m. and read it as $1.9 Billion ………..
Don’t think it’s just my ol’ brain either…
Then I’m on board if he stopped BS add ons and changes that weren’t in original bill. Those damn Dems. Kevin McCarthy was complaining about that last week. Everything gets agreed on in Bipartisan Committees, then once bill leaves, sneaky Mumbles adds or subtracts something major. They recently tried that to get rid of the 529 College Savings Plan. Probably as a way to increase taxes behind POTUS’ back. Delay still sucks for Hurricane/Flood Victims.
Brian tweets a THREAD about another DIM crime…
lots more… click any tweet
My contention is that they really are Russian spies – JUST LIKE HILLARY AND OBAMA.
But I’ll settle for giving them life sentences as American criminals, too.
CIA informant close to Putin? YEAH. BULLSHIT.
Let’s call that person what they REALLY ARE. The American Communists’ CHANNEL TO PUTIN.
Oh NOES, poor Joe.
Will we end up with Crazy Bernie instead? Or Buttplug?
NEW YORK — Former Vice President Joe Biden was reportedly one of the few Obama administration officials who participated in secretive meetings during the early stages of the Obama-era intelligence community’s initial operations regarding suspected Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.
or deBeast… If she’s not yet in jail…
or Michael, if zero’s not in jail…
or …. doesn’t matter…
We’ll end with ESG Donald J. Trump
Doesn’t matter, really.
Out of all the dem prospects, biden is the one with highest acceptance rate across the electorate spectrum.
But he can’t beat Trump.
Bernie is a losing option, and the rest of them would just give Trump a bigger win.
They ain’t got sh!t, and they know it.
It could be amusing to have to schedule debates around Biden’s court dates.
hee, hee
Down in the Brian Cates thread mentioned above a poster had one of those sensitive posts you have to click to view.
Big Smile!
Tries again…
LOVE IT… BARR is LIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If only the dems were smart they’d be like this:
I’m not sure whether I’m proud to live in this universe or ready for evacuation!!! LOL!!!!
LOL. I just showed it to my hubby and then read him what you said. Never seen anything like this.
THAT should’ve been the comment in the tweet! LOL
Hubby did say the store clerk wasn’t having a very good day. But it was cool what the young guys did – they did the right thing in the end. Maybe deterred from a life of crime.
Stealing some snacks but still decent at heart. They risked their lives for the shop owner, and probably themselves. Just kids? NOT excusing it. Trying to understand and grasp it. All happened so fast. good thinking on their part. Impressive. Hope their stealing was just a prank and they are now scared straight.
Yep… they need to be locked up too however we have to set our priorities and there are things like mitigating circumstances that one has to take into consideration.
I know there was a discussion upthread on this, but if there are any nurses or MDs here, care to comment?
Hi, DP. I just stated this in Felp’s News’ Roundup:
I’m with Carpe Donktum on this. Regardless of how we feel about Nadler, Pelosi, even Hillary (and that’s tough for me to write – considering how evil I believe she is) I stand against their politics and behavior, but don’t ever wish ill upon them in the sense that they are harmed or suffer. They are aged and have infirmities associated with medical conditions.
That said, it doesn’t mean I don’t believe they shouldn’t step aside or not be indicted/prosecuted or answer for their crimes – but I won’t make fun of them. Several of the men Mueller falsely accused died in prison or died without knowing they were exonerated – like Senator Stevens, so let the bad folks go to jail, ill-health should not keep that from happening.
But our moral compass says we can be compassionate.
Oh by the way, it looked to me like Rep Nadler could have been having a TIA. Those are precursors to strokes. Of course, dehydration and heat could have been a factors as well.
His color was terrible, that’s what I was wondering. Whatever happened, he was out of it, that’s for sure. My dad had a number of TIAs years ago, and his color didn’t change, but there were other factors.
I’m expecting this to be the first of several 70+ Congress critters going downhill healthwise as we learn more about Spygate. Convenient…and sneaky playing on compassion if it’s not serious enough for actual stepping down.
It was an outdoor setting. Not sure what the temperature in NYC was today, but it has been warming up. With a TIA, there is that unresponsiveness – as in they can hear you but not really respond or react. They can last a few seconds, a few minutes… longer and then one thinks stroke. His medical situation was real – but these folks are tough old birds, so they’re not going to leave easily. I simply make the point, perhaps because I’m a nurse, that I cannot make fun of illnesses, symptoms, dementia, etc – despite how I view these people as America’s enemies.
Indeed, the stress of what’s going to happen with Spygate is likely going to exacerbate health issues.
BTW, Dem Rep. Hank “Guam” Johnson – I’ve always thought that he has some neurological deficits which impair him – and caused him to make such an idiotic statement about Guam tipping over. At the time, he was practically incoherent in speech.
I’m not a medical professional, but in the last 35 years or so, the family has buried something like 25+ older members. Close people. Those are the years that this sort of stuff is the signal to slow down. Color is always what went wonky when things were about to crop up.
I know, but it’s hard to convince the Dems of anything!!! Nadler has horrible risk factors – multiple medical diagnoses are going to complicate any medical event.
The biggest horror of this? A communist mayor and a communist congressman are boosting SPEEDING CAMERAS as a way to pay for COMMUNISM.
Speeding cameras, not red light. Okay, it’s Friday. Brain is fried. My first thought was, but I thought those cameras were ruled unconstitutional.
You say “unconstitutional” in front of Democrats like that’s a bad word.
The DEMONcRATs view the word “constitutional” in the OLD sense of the word (something they usually never do), as in, “my daily constitutional”. Just happens to be named Johnny Walker Blue (or something).
I have yet to see anyone with a medical background provide an opinion online, but many people have suggested a TIA or mini stroke, or a blood sugar problem.
If you hear anything, let us know. I’m curious.
I’m an RN Sylvia, and noted above, my first thought was it looked like a TIA – he could hear but not move or react. Those last a few seconds, a few minutes. Dehydration and feeling faint are possible, but my first thought: TIA.
I’ve witnessed TIAs before. I only have basic EMT training so this is out of my realm by a good bit, but having seen them before that was the first thing that crossed my mind.
He probably won’t do it, but if I were Mr. Nadler I’d quit and spend my remaining time building model airplanes and getting as much time in with the grandkids as possible. Forget about Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and trying to settle some score with PDJT.
Life is short. It needs to be savored.
Above anything else, he needs to get right with G_D. This episode might have been a bit of a wake-up call. I’ve seen that happen where someone gets a little “jolt”, and it turns them, their lives, and their families around.
As the old Pacific Garden Mission broadcasts went, “… and his heart, and mind, were Unshackled…”. [Organ music… dee..da.da.da.deedle…dee.dee]
Here’s hoping and praying that Nadler, the Klintoons, and the entire deep state take this opporunity to reflect and repent.
Learn. Turn. Or Burn. Your Choice. Your Eternity. Choose Wisely. For You Only Have Once…
“I’d quit and spend my remaining time building model airplanes and getting as much time in with the grandkids as possible.”
That’s what I think about Pelosi. By the time she retires, she’ll be too ill to enjoy her life, it seems.
I think that about a lot of these people. HRC. Pelosi. Feinstein. Joe Biden. If they have no hobbies other than nosing around in other people’s business and enjoying telling others what to do, I bet they could still find a hobby at this time of life. Or volunteer. But they never seem to be able to give up the power. Or whatever it is that drives them.
I’m not a medical professional, but I’ve seen people get that ashen color when they have low blood sugar. I’m not making light of it, but it can be quickly remedied with orange juice or something similar if the person is known to have a blood sugar condition and is managing it. But a TIA would seem to be a precursor to a full-blown stroke and would require medical attention, it seems to me. What do you think?
I’ve seen people with TIAs who could hear and understand, and they would talk but it would be gibberish. Are there times when people with TIAs can’t respond at all?
I considered the low blood sugar, but they’re usually cool and clammy and confused, speaking gibberish. After a minute or so, he began to come around and actually be able to speak, and drink some water – more of a sign of an issue with some oxygen deprivation – TIA means “Transient Ischemic Attack” – that’s a temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain. People can often have episodic TIAs over a period of time – though ultimately they remain a major warning of the potential for a full out stroke. They did take him to the hospital – of course, they’ll be guarded and not tell his true medical condition. He has a right to privacy. Some Congress critters are more open about their health than others. Dems hide stuff…
They hide stuff, and that’s their right. But they shouldn’t expect others to release every detail about their lives (like tax returns).
I wish him a full recovery. It will be interesting to see if he’s back on the job right away. But I think Congress is off next week, which will be good for him.
NADS-less will be back. House has an unearned ten day vacation. And, most importantly, EGO keeps these schmucks in their positions.
Surely don’t wish ill on any one.
That said, real or fake, any of these guys that need to be charged and tried, so be it. Piss on them.
Do the crime. Do the time.
As others have stated, there will be a rash of serious illnesses as declas happens, indictments…
To damn bad on them. Bill Cosby, who did vile things against gals stood trial. Manafort went through hell, and still is.
Let the chips fall where they may. We must have justice so this crap never, ever happens again.
Kalbo, I agree. No problem with indictments and prosecutions. The issue, at least in the social media world, was the fact that Carpe Donktum felt the need to make remind people of being compassionate. There have been some folks from our side being very derogatory when these health incidents happen. Yes, I also know the Left has no such inhibitions, and constantly call for our deaths, torture, etc. – think Kathy Griffin.
But I’m not going to be like the Left. My anger about Hillary and her health issues was the fact that she, her campaign, the Dems, and the Commie media covered for her – when it was blatantly clear that something was/is very wrong with her. Hiding her true health condition from the public to be is wrong – it’s a matter of National Security.
Now the drug-using Obama, that’s a different kettle of fish.
We have to remember that even when the Jews were yelling “Crucify him, crucify him”, Jesus prayed, “FATHER, forgive them, for they know not what they do”…
Forgiveness does not imply nor include condoning. It only allows the sinner space to ask for forgiveness and repent. And in the case of the Jews, they were probably the first victims of fake news; the Scribes and Pharisees seem to be an awful lot like today’s MCM/YSM… And the DEMONcRATs, like their father Satan, always accusing the elect, day and night, before the throne of GOD…
Talks about infinite patience. I’d have pulled the plug THOUSANDS of years ago…
We need to pray that GOD sorts things out, and turns people away from sin, hate, evil, and deception. What used to be common sense, common courtesy, and common kindness have become vanishingly rare. May GOD in HIS infinite Wisdom, Mercy, Knowledge, Justice, Kindness [Barmherzigkeit], and Grace restore these qualities to our country, and other countries, and draw them to HIS Good and Perfect Will.
Very nice thoughts, Cuppa. You’re so right and have placed your efforts into the His hands. I think the compassion point is important, it’s the same reason why I don’t accept making fun of Nadler’s weight – he suffers from an illness(es) – that’s different than politics or plain meanness.
The Church sex abuse scandal is back in the news. This time in Michigan. Detroit. The archbishop at the time of these allegations was Adam Cardinal Maida, certified member of the Lavender Mafia, progressive, and one of the ones conservatives had wanted out for years before he aged out at 80.
It looks like five men have been charged, four of whom left the priesthood at some point. Let the purge continue, please. It’s the only way to bring the subversion to light, and purify the priesthood.
As an outsider to Catholicism, I have no real idea whether MORE WOMEN EVERYWHERE would help purify things, but from what I’ve seen in some forms of Protestantism, it does appear to work THERE. Sometimes. Maybe. Not sure, but probably.
SO – is there ANY possibility that changes (of all kinds, including NON-DOCTRINAL) that allowed WOMEN almost limitless time-and-space access (physical and informational) throughout Catholicism would “clean up the boys”?
I tend to think that doctrinal changes are too contentious, but allowing women utterly unfettered access at all times as morality cops might keep the men more honest.
No. It is against Canon Law. Women have a different place even if all we cannot do in the Church is be priests and sire children. Everything else is open to us.
That being said, at our local seminary, for a long time the music director and the psychiatrist were women. Very strong Catholics. Those guys are evaluated constantly. The problem was the infestation of the communists managed to get the staffs of the seminaries to turn a blind eye to homosexuality.
No longer.
The fact that seminaries and communism have been IDed is very reassuring! THAT ALONE is enough to give me hope for Catholicism!
I have thought since 1966 that if Catholic priests were allowed to marry, as Episcopalian priests are, fewer gays and pedophiles would be attracted to the priesthood.
Beat me to it. I also think this ignoring of basic human nature is ridiculous and explicitly sets up exactly this situation of sexual abuse. Segregate the duties if they wish but for pete’s sake, allow the men to actually be men!
And women to be women, of course re: the nuns.
The consensus is that St. Paul was married and had at least one child.
St Peter was married, not St Paul.
No, that is a recipe for disaster. Our friends in the east warn of the duel loyalty of married priests. That is the primary reason for the discipline of chastity.
The communist infiltrators were the ones to turn the priesthood lavender. THAT’s what has to be expunged.
Well, I hope that after Francis is gone, it (communism) gets cleaned out from the TOP DOWN.
Hopefully. Really, I would like to see someone from Africa, like Cardinal Sarah, elected. BTW, he has a post on his FB page with pictures touring the interior of Notre Dame, cardinal cassock with a white construction helmet and all. LOVE IT.
Jeff has a THREAD on Coats – click on a tweet
Carlson again:
Democrats are incessantly accusing Trump of what they have done and are doing – it’s projection and a Nazi/Marxist/Alinsky tactic.
I simply cannot believe all I have seen in today’s Open Thread. There is enough here for SEVERAL Friday Wrap Ups. Geeeez Louise!
I haven’t gone over to OT lately…..can only imagine what is happening in Eeoyore country.
PS- I was flying all day yesterday and today so I was unaware of Declass, the Q drops, May’s resignation, etc.
Mind. Blown.
Imagine those whos job it is to document it all.
You mean lawyers.
I do this on my own not-insignificant time for free.
They’re probably playing “Pooh Sticks” (remember that Winnie-the-Pooh video?) (Bonus points if you don’t
(Yep, we’ve got most of them, and Spot, and Veggie Tales… now we have 007, Mission Impossible, Matlock, but also Left Behind and just about everything Purefilx has put out, and others)…
Yep. I rather expect the DEMONcRATs will have a “Memorial” Day they’d very much like to put out of their memories. Hoist by their own retards, as it were…
No MacGyver?
Oops. Of course. The whole set.
The original series, of course. And Magnum P.I., some Wild, WIld, West, and Home Improvement (want to get “Last Man Standing” but they don’t have it over here yet). We also have Sue Thomas, F.B.Eye (great series about a deaf FBI Agent, and a Christian series as well – made back in 2003 or so, long before the Øbozo era)…
Cuppa, never heard of Purefilx. Thanks for the info. Going to check them out.
I thought I’d typed “PUREFLIX” but something seems to have changed it (senior moment?).
Anyway, it’s Pureflix, a Christian alternative to NetFlix, who also make movies. It’s (sadly) not available here in Germany, but we buy the DVDs when they come out. Well worth looking up!
Yes, already have. It’s great that Q-Treepers have so much information to share.
sausage-squisher strikes again…
I’m torn. Help, please.
President Trump authorized Barr to declassify anything he wants to.
We have a Christmas list of things we would love to see.
Here’s my question:
If Barr releases a piece of info, involving Comey, for example, wouldn’t it poison the jury pool for any trial?
Do we want the information NOW, or do we want Comey in jail?
See what I mean?
Comey has greater crimes than FISA…
There’s HAMR (The Hammer) and there’s deBeast and probably U1…
AG is a very smart cookie… trust him.
Comey is going to jail !
Depends….if, as has been speculated, military tribunals should come into play? Hmmmm….
I mean, in all reality, we are talking, at minimum, sedition, if not outright treason. JMO
I do see what you mean. There will be some tightropes navigated, I’m sure. Just because information is declassified doesn’t mean it won’t be redacted if necessary.
I trust Barr will be strategic about what gets released and what doesn’t. If someone (like Comey) is under investigation the DOJ’s SOP is they will not comment on it or release information on it for the reason you suggest.
No. These treasonous vermin are all going to be tried in the military justice system. Trial and confinement will most likely be in Gitmo. No worries about tainting the jury pool.
Problem solved…..
“Military tribunals in the United States are military courts designed to try members of enemy forces during wartime, operating outside the scope of conventional criminal and civil proceedings. The judges are military officers and fulfill the role of jurors.”
And I’d like to remind that we have a 5-4 SCOTUS majority.
IMHO, release it all.
Americans deserve to know what happened. Wjhile I absolutely respect information that needs to be protected for National Security, the classification stuff we are looking for is BS. Not buying into the souces and methods alibi to with hold information. Nothing whiz bang about what transpired here.
As far as tainting a jury pool, not a problem there. They can empanel a jury if they pull in enough citizens to be screened.
Hmmmm. Not pleased with what just popped into my pea brain. With the coup attempt in mind, and a broader issue, consider this…
“Pull in enough citizens to empanel a jury.” We have illegals getting drivers licenses and being enrolled to vote in a number of States. Juries will be tainted with illegals, me thinks.
Is there a jury when the crime is treason and they are tried by military tribunal?
There is no jury for cases tried by Mil Tribs
The Jury Pool has already been tainted, though…by all of the Enemedia’s lying.
Releasing the Truth would only bring the playing field back to zero baseline.
How about Declass + Indictments at same time?
Many have been at this for a while now, including Horowitz. IG can make criminal referrals. Nunes has submitted many also.
Amazing Polly has a post about Q, Nazi, and NEXIUM. It is very interesting.
OMG thank you for the shout out ForGodandCountry. That made my day.
Glad you enjoyed the mama duck video.
Thank you for posting that kick ass tweet!

Is Brennan that delusional? That he would be Sec of Defense in a future Dem administration?
Brennan….red faced and angry???

Noooooooooo way. /s
Brennan as SecDef is just weird and scary as all hell. Imagine somebody who was very likely deeply involved in 9/11, Vegas, and Khashoggi – probably Christchurch, too (in my opinion) having control of the frigging MILITARY.
I know… when I first read it, I had to calm myself, worried about my heart
Talk about destruction of our Republic !
And…he’s a muslim.
Muslims reject our system of Law and say that they are only held to Sharia Law!
I expect Brennan to pull this out at some point.
Under Sharia Law…muslims are allowed to Lie.
So Brennan would get a pass on all of his lying.
*shakes head, mouth agape, silently saying WHAT THE FUCK*
This is why so many convicts are attracted to Islam in prison…and become muslims in prison.
That guy here in OK who beheaded one woman at work…and was in process of beheading another…was a prison convert.
Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strozac, etc. strike me as have mental problems. It also shocking to me that such deranged people have been in-charge/working of these intelligence agencies. Comey – recently revealed he had been a Communist at one time – how in the heck did he get into the FBI???
There will be a lot of stuff coming out about the nature of intelligence that will FREAK PEOPLE OUT and have them reading their Bibles as history of science. But we’re not there yet. Not quite.
PM has a THREAD – click tweet
Reminds me of this:
A German, a Swiss, and an Italian were sentenced to death by firing squad.
They were presented to be executed one by one, in that order.
First comes the German, who, after thinking a second, yells “FLOOD!!!!!”
Everyone present runs to higher ground, but returns after no flood appears (and the German disappeared).
Next comes the Swiss, who reflecting on the German’s success, thinks, hey if that Kraut can do it, so can I.
The marksmen aim their rifles, prepare to shoot, and the Swiss yells out, at the top of his lungs, “EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!”
As before, everyone scatters, the Swiss using the opportunity to escape unscathed.
Finally, the Italian is up to be taken down. He thinks to himself, if those clueless guys can get away, so can I.
The marksmen prepare, aim, and the Italian yells at the top of his lungs, “FIRE!!!!!”…..
A communist, a narcissist, and a braying jackass walk into a bar…
….and the bartender asks, “Your usual, Mr. Obama?”
Mayday, Mayday!!!!
May may resign – in May.
I guess she saw the results of the May Poll….
(gets me coat, ducks flying survey forms)…
Yeah, I was going to go with getting too dizzy from dancing around the Maypole …
Yours is better

Did Gillette get the message that we don’t like betamales and whiney lefty, male toxicity cr*p?
This is well done:
Only if they fired the guy who was running the department that promotes sj.
OK, maybe this is being overly suspicious but…..did anyone else notice the entire video is about what appear to be the drawbacks of being in the military, followed by an argument with the wifey-poo, to his spate of angst, to the juxtaposition of combat boots to dress shoes and civilian life, with happily ever after at the end? Uh-huh….sorry, but I see a slam directed at the military, Or is it just me?
“I love the continent, all the Americans, and I consider that God lifted the United States as a nation to govern the world. And currently, the head is Donald Trump,” he told Breitbart News, explaining his shirt. “This means Donald Trump will free America of dictatorships. The dictatorships in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba are all leaving this year. They will be exterminated through the United States because the only thing that is eternal is God.”
The Castro agents gave him 50 Cuban convertible pesos, the equivalent of $50, and walked him to the gate.
He resigned himself to the life of an exile, praying that God had something better waiting for him on the other side of the flight.
“I didn’t want to stay and lose more years without my son. The only family I have are my nephew and my son. They would put me in prison and make my son and nephew’s life hard, having to send me things in prison. It would be a waste of years of life for a cause that – I know God will end that [the dictatorship],” he said, reflecting on the option of exile. “I consider that I have done a lot. I have proven to the people of Cuba that, if you unite, you can do it, because that dictatorship is propped up by the fact that the Cuban people don’t do anything, they just want freedom to show up. And I can’t take this on all on my own because Cuba isn’t mine, it is of all Cubans.”
His main concern, he adds, is that the regime will use his 19-year-old son Eliezer as a hostage to try to silence him now that he is free.
“I would like to get him out because now, indisputably, state security, I fear, will play a dirty trick on him … His mother does not agree that he should be doing this with me, so something that made me feel more indifferent about leaving was that I had already lost the support of the mother since they had arrested her son like three times with me,” he told Breitbart News. “I was alone with God and with my son, but he was between a rock and a hard place – between state security, his mother, and me. I preferred to abandon and continue the struggle alone.”
“But I am worried they will do something to him, give him a job and entrap him, I don’t know, to pressure me to be silent. I don’t know! You can expect anything from these people,” he lamented.”
Wanna learn how precious is the freedoms so many take for granted? Hang out with some Cuban refugees for a little while.
Freedom is a privilege in this world….much less a “right”.
Calling freedom a privilege is FAR more powerful than expressing it as a “right”.
Lifetime of obvious obesity and whatever else. The minute I saw that video, I suspected a TIA. That was NOT dehydration.
That’s a major life-changing event, if true. I wonder who would take his place as chairman.
May GOD heal both his body and his soul.
He has a chance to learn and turn. May he use it. Nothing is more important than your eternal home…
Larry Schweikart Retweeted the above…
So. Now I wonder which of the nutburgers will replace him?
It’s for the best.
Probably unrelated. Past few weeks watching some of the House Judiciary hearings, too many times NADs-less seemed disorganized, discombobulated…
For a guy that has had a lifetime of politics, probably a number of Chairman positions, certainly Ranking Member. One would thinks, me any way thinks, NADs-less could lead a committee in a more orderly and with House Committee Rules. One or more times, NADs-less as Chairman demonstrated zero situational awareness of where his committee was procedurally in the process.
Wonder if there is any correlation. Probably not. More likely NADs-less is also an incompetent Chairman.
It must be a tremendous pressure to live your life as a facade and realize the walls are closing in you as more and more people are getting red pilled.
Visiting Military… love this man!
That is so cool. They love him. And he loves them.
He is a TRUE Commander-in-Chief, who…
….trashes stupid Rules of Engagement that get our mil folk killed or maimed
….withdraws them from dangerous, pointless, and endless “engagements”
….allows them to do the job they were trained and equipped to do
….secures PROPER FUNDING for them, including long overdue pay raises
Enthusiastic bunch, you know the left just has to hate that.
What little was left of CNN’s Brian Stelter‘s credibility was put through the shredder a long time ago.
The level of projection by these leftist d-nozzels is just incredible.
There is only one way to look at the Dims today. It appears that just about EVERYTHING they say means the OPPOSITE to what they are uttering.
Pregnancy Kills, Abortion Saves Life.
Transparency is a Coverup
Trump is guilty of Russia Collusion. when the evidence points to THEM …
The ENTIRE LGBTQI agenda is a DEAD end – Literally
Pushing for women to favour a career over family, Abortion, Gay Marriage, Trans etc, is paradoxically appearing to ELEVATE the individual – by ensuring that the individual in question terminates his/her/its genetic contribution to the future ….
The only conclusion – The Left HATES life and is unable to utter any TRUTH.
And we can take their word for it, too….
How about a feel-good story? Amazing woman in Malawi!
“Kachindamoto is the youngest of 12 children descended from village chiefs in Malawi’s Monkey Bay. When it finally came time for her to take her place as senior chief – after spending 27 years as a secretary at a city college – she dedicated herself fully to ending the practice of child marriage among her people.
Kachindamoto never expected to become chief since she lived in a different town, had so many older siblings, and had 5 of her own children to care for. But her reputation as “good with people” led to her surprise election and her people told her she would have the job “whether I liked it or not”, she recalled.
While child marriage is a culturally accepted practice in the area and often the result of financial need, it’s also illegal as of 2015, though that did not put a stop to the practice since children could still be married with parental consent.
But Kachindamoto decided that she would no longer stand for a tradition that robbed young girls of their childhoods by turning them into wives and mothers long before they were 18.
While touring Monkey Bay to meet the people she would govern, she met girls as young as 12 with husbands and children.
“I told them: ‘Whether you like it or not, I want these marriages to be terminated.’”
“When parents protested Kachindamoto’s actions, she didn’t back down. Knowing that she could not change the mentality of the parents, she changed the law instead.
She got her 50 sub-chiefs to sign an agreement to abolish early marriage and annul any existing unions in her area.
Of course, that didn’t stop some people.
In order to show just how serious she was, she fired 4 male chiefs in areas where the practice of child marriage was still occurring until they agreed to abide by the law, annul the marriages, and send the girls to school.”
“Despite receiving death threats, Kachindamoto was undeterred.
“I don’t care, I don’t mind. I’ve said whatever, we can talk, but these girls will go back to school,” she said.
Kachindamoto also finds ways to pay for the schooling of girls whose parents cannot afford the fees.”
Okay, I’m going to whine a little so cover your ears. We keep getting new judges, but somehow it isn’t enough. There’s still too many of the Obama judges.
“Washington (CNN)A federal judge on Friday night blocked President Donald Trump from tapping into Defense Department funds to build parts of his US-Mexico border wall.
In a 56-page ruling, Judge Haywood Gilliam of the Northern District of California blocked the administration from moving forward with specific projects in Texas and Arizona, saying Trump couldn’t disburse the funds without congressional approval. The lawsuit that prompted the ruling was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the plaintiffs, the Sierra Club and Southern Border Communities Coalition.
Although Friday’s ruling does not prevent the Trump administration from using funds from other sources to build the projects, it’s a setback for the President on a signature agenda item that has consistently been thwarted by Democrats in Congress. Construction on the projects affected by the ruling could have begun as early as Saturday, according to the ruling.
“The position that when Congress declines the Executive’s request to appropriate funds, the Executive nonetheless may simply find a way to spend those funds ‘without Congress’ does not square with fundamental separation of powers principles dating back to the earliest days of our Republic,” writes Gilliam, a Barack Obama appointee….”
I think it’s just about time for POTUS to ignore these SJW judges and let the Supreme Court sort it out. This is exactly what Barr was talking about.
Yes, it is. And I agree Linda. I’d sure support him.
This is for the for what its worth column:
Just a thought on Nadler’s passing out and Chip Roy stopping the trickery going on in the House with the 19 billion dollar disaster bill. Best I can tell they happened at approximately the very same time. It may of been the bad news and its frustration on learning it that triggered Nadler’s episode. Looking at 1102 AM ET for Chip Roy thing via CSPAN (pR’s Brian Cates post, top of page) and best guess on time stamps from news reports for the Nadler episode. Of course I could be wrong but then Dem leadership could of had a lot riding on sneaking that amendment / motion thing through while most members of the House were gone which would mean Nadler may of been watching for it.
Takes that a step forward and says if they did get away with that then a lot of dem reps may of been able to go home this weekend with some stronger promises for their constituents. Instead they go home empty handed.