The Poetry Tree

There is an art to writing poetry. And we are blessed to have Treepers here who are able to master this art…and share it with us.
Their Work shines out and illuminates our Tree. Their reflections touch our hearts and give us food for thought.
This thread is a place for us to collect their Work and revisit it again. A place to curate and display these poetic works so that we can find them easily.
Just like a tiny acorn that, once planted, can grow into a mighty tree…the thoughts that our talented Poets share with us, give us inspiration to grow and fortify us going  forward.


I would ask that when you post a Poem that has been posted, to please include a link to the post where it appeared. That way we can take a peek at where it appeared when the Poet originally posted it.
In case you are unfamiliar with how to do this…you simply cursor over the Time Stamp underneath the poster’s name, then right-click on it and click on ‘Copy link’. Then paste it into your comment here, by right-clicking on where you want to put it…and click on ‘Paste’.


There are other classic poetic works that are eerily relevant to our current Time. Please feel free to post those as well, if you like.



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Harry Lime

How fortunate are we that this melodious little sparrow has has constructed his nest in Wolf’s Q Tree?
Very fortunate indeed. Such beautiful sounds emanating from that particular branch…
Thank you, Bakocarl, for sharing your exquisite words of wisdom.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO! It’s so much funnier when it seems like somebody ELSE posted it! 😀
Thank you for doing this, Wheatie! Sparrows indeed! <3


I saved this prayer poem that BakoCarl posted September 3, 2017 at 1:27 pm
Thy Will Be Done
The winds shriek and howl and the waters churn,
But we don’t listen. Will we ever learn?
This wicked world seeks wealth, fame and power,
But God owns this day, and this is His hour.
Our Father in Heaven, we turn to You,
For only You know just what to do.
Only You are our Father who cares,
And we come to You, humbly, with our prayers.
We pray for the safety of those in harm’s way,
Hold them in Your hands all through these days.
We pray for the peace of those who now fear,
Hold them in Your arms. Let them know You’re near.
We pray for Your blessings on those who give aid,
Hold them on Your paths, never to stray.
We pray for Your guidance to those who lead,
Hold them to Your will and care for their needs.
We pray for ourselves, to find when we seek,
That our walk with You be humble and meek.
We pray for our country, that all turn to You
For guidance and blessings in all that we do.
Al though we pray for our safety today,
We know that Your will is the only Way.
We know that our sin hinders Your peace,
But when Your Truth triumphs, then sin will cease.
And though we are destined for war and strife,
We look to our future, for You are our Life.
Safety and peace: it’s for those we plead,
But when all’s said and done, it’s revival we need.
May we turn to You for our joy and peace,
For in our blessed future, they will never cease.
We’re not of this world, and so we pray
For Your coming quickly. May this be the day.
Until that day when You come in the clouds,
May we turn to You in throngs and crowds;
But no matter what happens, the things to come,
We pray above all that Thy will be done.
Thy Will Be Done
The winds shriek and howl and the waters churn,
But we don’t listen. Will we ever learn?
This wicked world seeks wealth, fame and power,
But God owns this day, and this is His hour.
Our Father in Heaven, we turn to You,
For only You know just what to do.
Only You are our Father who cares,
And we come to You, humbly, with our prayers.
We pray for the safety of those in harm’s way,
Hold them in Your hands all through these days.
We pray for the peace of those who now fear,
Hold them in Your arms. Let them know You’re near.
We pray for Your blessings on those who give aid,
Hold them on Your paths, never to stray.
We pray for Your guidance to those who lead,
Hold them to Your will and care for their needs.
We pray for ourselves, to find when we seek,
That our walk with You be humble and meek.
We pray for our country, that all turn to You
For guidance and blessings in all that we do.
Al though we pray for our safety today,
We know that Your will is the only Way.
We know that our sin hinders Your peace,
But when Your Truth triumphs, then sin will cease.
And though we are destined for war and strife,
We look to our future, for You are our Life.
Safety and peace: it’s for those we plead,
But when all’s said and done, it’s revival we need.
May we turn to You for our joy and peace,
For in our blessed future, they will never cease.
We’re not of this world, and so we pray
For Your coming quickly. May this be the day.
Until that day when You come in the clouds,
May we turn to You in throngs and crowds;
But no matter what happens, the things to come,
We pray above all that Thy will be done.
Link –

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love that you saved this, Georgia! It’s a bit of a heartfelt reminder of our old abode as well!

Jan Phillips

Thank you so much, GA/FL!! I wasn’t OT in 2017, and would have missed it!!! ❤️❤️


And another BakoCarl poem from June 13, 2017 at 12:45 pm
God’s Army and the War
We look at the world all around us,
And we see all the evil and say,
There’s a war between men in this world,
The good men fight, keeping evil at bay.
We think there’s a heavy burden on us,
This fight that may engulf you or me,
But the struggle is not against flesh and blood,
Though it’s armies of men that we see.
This war and the armies are much bigger;
But men of this world are not the source.
We fight against powers of this dark world,
And their evil spiritual force.
Elisha, God’s prophet, warned Israel’s king
Of the Arameans plans to attack.
So Aram’s king sent his army at night,
Surrounding Elisha. He’d never get back.
Elisha’s servant rose early that day,
And saw they were trapped, all hemmed in.
“I’m afraid, Elisha, what shall we do?”
Elisha answered, perhaps with a grin:
Don’t be afraid, was what the prophet said,
Those with us are much more than that army.
And Elisha prayed to our and his God,
“O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!”
Then the servant looked, looked up and saw
Hills full of horses, chariots of fire;
A huge army of angels, sent by God,
All protecting Elisha and his squire.
God’s got the power; He’s in control.
His forces will win in this evil war.
All will proceed according to His plan,
With Him, we’ll be victors, and much more.
What shall we say to all of these things?
If God is for us, then who can oppose?
Should we sit back and leave it all to God,
Trusting in His Son, Who died and arose?
We run the race and must fight the good fight,
Strong in the Lord, secure His power.
We are given the full armor of God
To take our stand against evil’s hour.
When evil comes, we’ll wear God’s armor:
The belt of truth buckled around our waist,
The breastplate of righteousness all in place,
Guarded from arrows by the shield of faith.
With readiness from the gospel of peace,
Our feet will be fitted and firmly shod.
All with the helmet of salvation,
And the Spirit’s sword – the Word of God.
With God’s armor, we can take our stand,
And with the strength we get from prayers.
Final victory is ours, glory to God,
And eternal rest in His merciful care.
Link –


Darn!!! All that work, and I’m NOT in the Daily Open Thread. Grrrrr. Please delete, I’m post it in the Open Thread.


Oh, yes, for sure. I am so sorry. I opened the wrong thread this morning – sometimes our Daily threads have a kind of title to them, so I took this one as the Daily. 🙂

Jan Phillips

Thank you, Wheatie, for saving Lady P’s thread! They’re all so good!! And THANK YOU for THIS wonderful thread!!!


From April 4, 2019 at 8:59 pm
The Art of MAGA
Well, it’s shoulda, woulda, and coulda,
The self-annointed know-it-alls say.
PTrump shoulda, woulda and coulda,
Their favorite tune, sung all day.
A bit too little, they won’t agree,
A bit too much and they’ll say nay,
They claim PTrump broke promises,
And love to use the word “betray”.
Listen to them whine, bitch and complain
After reading some rumor, yet once again,
Or falling for some tale, put out by trolls,
Never knowing it’s nothing but spin.
Trump made his promises, time after time,
All through the campaign and after he won.
Anyone with at least half of a brain
Could clearly see what he’d try to get done.
But then, when some feel there’s a delay,
As though they knew better what will befall,
The Doomers and Gloomers quickly appear
To make, again, their typical miscall.
“Trump’s given up. He’s beaten this time”.
“Trump’s switched over to the other side.”
“Trump broke his promise, intruders still come.”
“Trump’s word’s no good. He betrayed us. He lied.”
Some forget Trump’s the Master of the Deal.
What he says and does, furthers his ends.
Give some, get a lot. It’s the way to win.
Don’t be too stiff; got to learn how to bend.
Keep your hand close to your vest,
And never show your cards too soon.
If your goal is high earth orbit,
You’ve got to always shoot for the moon.
It’s all about the negotiation,
But don’t burn bridges that you can’t mend.
Bluffing, feinting, misdirection, too –
But don’t be enemies; win as a friend.
When it’s all over, deliver the goods;
Fulfill your promises, every one.
Then you’ll have a good reputation.
You’ll be on top, rivaled by none.
Most blessed we are, to have such a man
Making America great again.
Restoring our country, our flag and God,
To which we can now all say “Amen.”
Link –

Sylvia Avery

We should all read this one every day!


My apologies, Wheatie. I think you have the power to delete the comment. Was in the wrong thread – didn’t realize it wasn’t the Daily thread! So sorry. 🙁 🙁


Thanks a bunch, Wheatie. ❤

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love that this conversation is still here. A bit of site history and the random beauty of God’s universe, preserved along with Carl’s poetry!

Jan Phillips

Amen, Wolfie!!!


BakoCarl posted on Election Day – November 8, 2016 at 3:40 pm
Delicate Snowflake
I’m a delicate snowflake
Hear me scream and shout!
But if you hurt my feelings
I’ll need my safe place to pout.
I’ll use threats and violence
And ‘muscle’ to get my way.
I have full freedom of speech,
But you can’t have your say.
But, oh, the mental anguish,
I went into a deep shock,
When I discovered a sign
That said “MAGA Trump” in chalk.
It doesn’t matter what you say,
It’ll be a microagression
That will require another
Mental therapy session.
Our preservation depends
On liberal funds and grants,
So we can buy more Kool-Aid
And sing liberal songs and chants.
I quake in terrible fear
Of this election today.
We’ve got to have Hillary
Or we’ll become passé.
If this country elects “T”
(I can’t say his name again)
We’ll all look like silly fools
Much to our bitter chagrin.
We’ll be forced to pay our way,
Actually work at a job.
We’ll be like any other
Middle or lower class slob.
No, I’m sure this will not be,
It’ll never, ever go that far.
I’ll just live in mommy’s basement
And drive my rich daddy’s car.


I’m not a poet but would like to add Joyce Kilmer’s Tree poem. Ever since coming here and seeing Wheatie’s wonderful tree pictures, and all of our discussions regarding trees, and God, and now poetry – this one might fit.
“I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very nice! A classic, and extra touching in relation to both this tree and our former one!


“When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the areas of man’s concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses,…”
– John F. Kennedy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, this is already the best thread on the site! No fair! Standards have been raised too high for us authors and mortal commenters! 😉 😀


My poem….
Let these stubborn cowards stand,
On the wrong side of right,
On the shifting sand,
Of faulty sight,
And craven greed,
Someday to cry,
In sorest need,
How wrong was I!
I lived a lie!
Dedicated to James Comey, the Bills (Kristol, Gates, Clinton) and the MSM


I’m not a poet, but do love poetry
Along with hymns, which are poems, and Scripture, some of which are poetry and song, poetry has been medicine for me through many a heartache.
I even took a Poetry Therapy class in graduate school, which changed my life in a way that would seem adverse, but took me on a better, healing path.


Forgot to say – the title of the Poem is The Wrong Side of History.
And of course, it’s also dedicated to Romney, Ryan and McCain.


Another MAGA poet – Boojum – posted this great poem on Christmas Day 2015
boojum says:
December 25, 2015 at 9:38 am
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. As a small present I repost below Trumpvictus with the requisite apologies to William E. Henley
Out of the night that blights this land
I cling to hope from poll to poll
And thank the man who takes his stand
To Trump the cards elitists hold
Despite the RINO’s worst attacks
Despite the wrathful PC crowd
He tells the truth, destroys the hacks
His hair unruffled, head unbowed
Before he rose to show a way
Our Republic seemed but doomed to die
But rallied now, we join the fray
Good patriots, come cast the die
It matters not, lean right or left
Those tags were set to cause divide
Tyranny leaves us all bereft
Time to choose sweet Freedom’s side

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very cool that you archived this stuff. This thread was truly an inspired idea, that these savings should not be lost! Praise be to God!


Foibles and follies,
Jibbers and jollies.
While mages make magic,
Their muses make music.
Emeraldstar posted – December 5, 2018 at 10:01 am
Link –


Dedicated to President Donald John Trump, Master of All Trollers – MOAT
(with apologies to Ned Washington and Frankie Laine)
Trump is trollin’, trollin’
Keepin’ Dem-dogs rollin’
Showin’ up their pollin’
The narrative he’s controllin’
Raw hides!
He keeps the Dem-dogs movin’
Though they’re disapprovin’
Trump is really groovin’
And what he tweets gets proven.
Raw hides!
He won’t try to understand ‘em
He’ll throw, rope and brand ’em.
Herd ’em up in tandem.
Then their a$$es hand ‘em!
Raw hides!
Though they’re calculating
Trump is far out-rating
With his gal Melania by his side
Baiting, waiting, making them bug-eyed,
Soon he’ll expose them far and wide!
Raw hides!
Move ’em on, head ’em up
Head ’em up, move ’em on
Move ’em on – show ’em up!
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, get ’em out
Vote ’em out – we will win!
Cracks whip!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it! 😀

Jan Phillips

Love it, GA/FL!!!!


I promised wolfie I’d put an updated version of a recently posted poem in the new Poetry Tree, which, by the way, is beautiful. Thank you, Wheatie!
The Q Tree – Beginnings
Marica May 18, 2019 at 00:46
Wolfie’s Tree is like the Giving Tree!! Every single person here gives so much of their Heart and Soul!!
Alison May 18, 2019 at 01:00
So true, Marica. We are, indeed, blessed by the presence of so many creative patriots here in the QTree.
Shebythesea May 18, 2019 at 01:53
Hi Alison, Hi Marica!! Yes, we are blessed. I’m uplifted every time I come here. . . . the great articles/memes/poems/comments I come across here!
Plantings need passion, a reason to be,
A need for the fruit from a future tree.
MAGA is our passion, it’s all we need;
Free speech is the means by which to proceed.
A few higher thoughts guide us each day:
Forgiveness of others, and the need to pray,
“In God We Trust” (we must learn to depend),
And “Glory to God” sums up our chief end.
In the beginning, the site was prepared.
Our Head Arborist, with utmost care,
And a small team, conversed and agreed,
Then all together, they planted the seed.
A wealth of denizens perch in QTree,
Working together – a big family.
Most contribute to spread the word:
The truth, the facts, now seldom heard.
A few work the hardest to keep our tree:
Water and feeding and trimming are key:
Writing Intros, News Roundups, Threads to read,
And managing the flock, so we succeed.
Some are skilled writers, masters with the pen,
Explaining the complex, beyond our ken.
Others search the internet, looking to find
Videos and articles, then expertly mined.
A few find GIFs or maybe make memes;
Visual humor for MAGA dreams.
A handful contribute a rhyme or two,
Making their points from a different view.
Still others add their comments to the mix,
Exposing the Dimm’s dirty politics.
Many choose to stay behind the scenes,
Sampling our fare like haute cuisine.
All contribute, giving in their own way,
But perhaps, most of all, those who pray.
When we acknowledge God in all we do,
He’ll straighten the paths for what ensues.
So now we see in our tree in the dell,
That those who come here to perch or dwell,
Give something of themselves for truth and peace,
For MAGA and justice, that they never cease.
We should feel blessed and give thanks for QTree,
For those that work hard to keep our world free,
For our leaders for quiet, peaceful lives,
All to God above, through Whom we thrive.


I could’t find when I posted this one om The Q Tree . . . 10 May?
I’ve taken a bit of license here with familiarity, since I am new to The Q Tree. But, since I have known many (most?) of you for years through your posts, I think that the characterization is not far from the mark.
The Q Tree – Family
Hurry on to The Q Tree,
Come on home to family.
Perch here in the sun and breeze
And let your mind run free.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
There’s a place that I just found,
Full of folks on common ground.
Love of neighbor, flag and God;
But not perfect, we’re all flawed.
Complaint is not the way we roll,
Nor are there cherries in every bowl.
Life’s a mixture, good and bad;
Some days joyful, others sad.
We seek truth and what is good;
Not merely could, but what should.
We get together every day
To talk, discuss and often pray.
So if you need a place to perch,
Here’s where you can end your search.
We talk about the news du jour
And other topics more obscure.
How to make America great,
How to deal with those who hate,
How to get that big swamp drained,
And all about the coup explained.
And, perhaps, the best of all
Learn from others and recall
That your voice, too, is good to hear
In our friendly atmosphere.
So pick a branch in our tree,
Relax and let your mind run free.
We’ll enjoy the time you spend,
Chatting with you as our friend.


This is one of my favs of yours, Carl.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yahoo! Now I dont have to search forever! Im glad this is here.


God’s Beautiful Children
All our Lord’s beautiful children are always first rate
No child of His exists on earth for any of us to berate
“Damaged Goods” is not a phrase within His sphere
Every single child He continually holds so very dear
Did He not give His only begotten Son for all of us?
So that in His ardent love we would eternally trust
YOU as a child of our Lord you should truly know
Thru God’s people His eternal love eternally shows
As we are born anew due to God’s unselfish love
By way of Christ His son’s anointing crucified blood


Thank you


Disclaimer: My poems are works in progress, like housework and yard work, they are never finished, could always be improved…or benefit from BakoCarl’s help…so here goes:
Q Tree stands for QAnon
And so much more:
Questions – the product of
Ancient Socratic irony
Not MSM’s veiled accusations and smears,
But, sincerely posed questions
Answered and not, will pique
Our interest,
Stir us from rest,
Cause us to think and seek,
and to go on….
Quests – the product of
Seeking answers and truth,
We bring light into darkness,
Order to confusion,
An end to chaos, gas-lighting, deception
We find unity, understanding, inspiration,
We grow thoughtful, circumspect
Increase in self-and-other respect.
Quality – the product of
Our single and group’s
Be Best efforts, ideas, even our oops,
Can raise us above the fray
Keep us balanced, above and away
From follies, fails, fools and floops.
Quiet, the product of
Peace, love, truth and good will
These make a harbor, safe and still,
Away from dissonance, uneasiness and strife
Where we find an ancient tree,
A QTree of Life
And Victory!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just to make sure people know, it is kosher and properly improper to refer to this Tree by it’s too cute by half name….
The PoeTree™
….or, if one wants to be too cute by full measure…..
The PoëTree™ or The PoəTree™.
Other higher orders of too-cuteness are open for debate after the fact, in a subversively conservative way. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love it! 😀


Husband is the poet in our house. Here is his version of
“Trump at Bat”
The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the GOP team those days;
the score was agin them, with an election about to play.
And then when Obama polled so well, and Hillary did the same,
a sickly trance fell upon the patrons of the GOP game.
A straggling few quit too discouraged for the quest.
The rest clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast;
If only A Strong One could get but a whack at that –
They’d put up large, large money with A Strong One at the bat.
But Romney and Ryan, succeeded McCain and Palin,
and the former were a lulu and the latter were a cave-in
so upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat,
for there seemed but little chance of A Strong One coming up to the bat.
But Kasich was the first, to the wonderment of all,
and then Christie, the much despised, swore he’d tear the cover off the ball;
But when the dust had lifted, and the GOP saw what occurred,
There 16 were standing, men and women, all looking a lot like nerds
Then from millions of throats and more there rose a lusty yell;
it rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell;
it knocked upon the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,
for A Strong One, a mighty Strong One, was throwing in his hat.
There was ease in the man’s manner as he stepped into his place;
there was pride in the man’s bearing and a smile on his face.
And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat,
no stranger in the crowd could doubt t’was Donald J. Trump beneath that hat.
Ten million eyes were on him as he smoothed his hair in place.
Fifty million tongues applauded at the grin upon his face.
Then while the other sixteen tried to respond with a quip,
Defiance gleamed in Trump’s eye, a sneer curled Donald’s lip.
And now the Kasich attack came hurtling through the air,
and Trump stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.
Close by the sturdy builder the barb toward him sped—
“That man eats like a pig,” he fired and “You’re done,” the voters said.
From the benches, full of people, there went up a muffled roar,
like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore.
“Jeb’s a bum; Rubio’s a dolt” they shouted from the stands;
and it’s likely they’d have thown bad fruit had not Trump raised his hand.
With a smile of Christian charity so bright his visage shone;
he stilled the rising tumult; he bade the race go on;
he signaled to the crowd, and once more the voices flew a’flutter;
but Trump he just nodded as they shouted and said: “Not one those left –they’ll melt like butter.”
“There all Frauds” cried the millions of supporters “Frauds, we say frauds;
Yet one scornful look from the Strong One and the audience, well, it was awed.
They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his face it would strain,
and they knew that Trump wouldn’t let a single one remain.
The sneer was gone from Trump’s lip, his teeth were clenched and straight;
He gives them all a favored label and with that he sealed their fates.
And now there is one last one standing so short behind the podium.
He knows not what to do; his voice sounds like an accordian,
Oh, somewhere in his favored land the sun is shining bright;
the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
and somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
but there was no joy in Texas — for Ted Cruz too had dropped out.


He’s more of a Trump fan than me……. wait….. that’s not possible!


WE WANT MOAR VERSES!!! – husband needs to take us to the election night when Hillrotten had to concede!


See there, I’ll have to motivate him.
Wonder what would happen if we put Bakocarl, GA/Fl and all you guys in the same room.


I am not that good of a poet BC but I try even with my misspelling 🙁
Simple Living
The morning dew has lifted
I embrace the day it foretells
The story of a life lived
I leave behind
The life lived formed me
It brought me thus far
Today is a new beginning
I birthed anew this dawn
It lift’s up my spirit
To greet this new day
Awaiting what ever it gifts to me
Birth and death repeats each day
(Author Singingsoul)



There is a song of old

Music of the heart I am told.

Friendship, laughter love and all 

Caring and sharing a human call.

To be bitter causes jitters

For sure, it closes the heart’s door.

Forgive yourself and others

To open the door that matters.

Be still and listen.
Hear the universal song.

Love thyself and others.

To love like God, 

Is the essence of the heart.

Friendship, laughter love and all

Caring is a human call.



I’m not a poet, and this is not original, but I thought I might get away with dropping it here. Every year, as I get older, it speaks more clearly to me. I feel like I’m almost to the point I might have written it.
AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.
We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.
We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place,
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.
With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”
On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages of Sin is Death.”
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!


I should probably have dedicated it to AOC, with a further message: “I don’t know, I’ve never kippled.”


It took me years to figure out I can find a nourishing silence that is alive anyplace even among foes.
The Tree is a place that nourishes and does not drain energy.
Silence is not silent
It is alive
It speaks
You are to busy
Shutting it out
Too busy to see
It is waiting
For you
You are out
Surrounded by noise
Escaping the silence
Out in the world
It is waiting
For you
The universe is alive
In you


Poem Favorites
These have spoken powerfully to me over the years.
George Herbert
As on a window late I cast mine eye,
I saw a vine drop grapes with J and C
Annealed on every bunch. One standing by
Asked what it meant. I (who am never loath
To spend my judgement) said, It seemed to me
To be the body and the letters both
Of Joy and Charity . Sir, you have not missed,
The man replied; it figures JESUS CHRIST .
Two by Frost:
Where had I heard this wind before
Change like this to a deeper roar?
What would it take my standing there for,
Holding open a restive door,
Looking down hill to a frothy shore?
Summer was past and the day was past.
Sombre clouds in the west were massed.
Out on the porch’s sagging floor,
Leaves got up in a coil and hissed,
Blindly struck at my knee and missed.
Something sinister in the tone
Told me my secret must be known:
Word I was in the house alone
Somehow must have gotten abroad,
Word I was in my life alone,
Word I had no one left but God.
“The rain to the wind said,
You push and I’ll pelt.’
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged–though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.”
Three by Dickinson:
Look back on time with kindly eyes,
He doubtless did his best;
How softly sinks his trembling sun
In human nature’s west!

We never know how high we are
Till we are called to rise;
And then, if we are true to plan,
Our statures touch the skies—
The Heroism we recite
Would be a daily thing,
Did not ourselves the Cubits warp
For fear to be a King—

“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all –
And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –
I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – never – in Extremity,
It asked a crumb – of me.
Two by Hopkins
Pied Beauty
GLORY be to God for dappled things—
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced—fold, fallow, and plough; 5
And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.
All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: 10
Praise him.
God’s Grandeur
THE WORLD is charged with the grandeur of God.
It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;
It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil
Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?
Generations have trod, have trod, have trod; 5
And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
And wears man’s smudge and shares man’s smell: the soil
Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod.
And for all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things; 10
And though the last lights off the black West went
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs—
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.
The Second Coming
W. B. Yeats, 1865 – 1939
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of
Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.
Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.
And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid air stands still.
For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfil.
Love at the lips was touch
As sweet as I could bear;
And once that seemed too much;
I lived on air
That crossed me from sweet things,
The flow of – was it musk
From hidden grapevine springs
Down hill at dusk?
I had the swirl and ache
From sprays of honeysuckle
That when they’re gathered shake
Dew on the knuckle.
I craved strong sweets, but those
Seemed strong when I was young;
The petal of the rose
It was that stung.
Now no joy but lacks salt
That is not dashed with pain
And weariness and fault;
I crave the stain
Of tears, the aftermark
Of almost too much love,
The sweet of bitter bark
And burning clove.
When stiff and sore and scarred
I take away my hand
From leaning on it hard
In grass and sand,
The hurt is not enough:
I long for weight and strength
To feel the earth as rough
To all my length.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.


Thank yo for sharing beautiful poems by masters. They were masters who beautifully connected words to the heart. The mastery of language is profound to me and I wish I could. My admiration for the great poets of all times is endless.


I love Frost and Dickinson – because they take simple English words and make them profound/deep/astounding.


A Morning Surprise
A doe graced my garden path
In watchful posture
Her brown coat sheen in the sun
Glistening like bourbon on ice.
Her frame so lean and elegant
Moved carefully with each step
She looked at me with searching eyes
Studied for a moments breath.
I past the test as neither friend or foe.
The doe proceeded without fear
Along the Garden path
I carefully to the door


Such a beautiful place this Q 🌳and now poet reeeeeeee!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Adding bakocarl’s latest (and in its FRESH composition). 😀
Have a joyful and thankful Memorial Day, all!
The Journey
A man looked at our country and saw the dark days;
Liberty and justice all gone by the ways.
Our spirit was smothered, our faith was put down,
Our families suffered as the jobs left our towns.
He knew hope remained, but soon would be gone.
He knew he could help; a task he’d take on.
“Our country’s been good to me. I’ll answer this call.
I’ll stand in the gap and then rebuild the wall.”
He’d leave what he knew and set himself to the chore
To restore our great country and do even more.
He’d give of himself and not for power or fame,
But all for our country, and our country’s name.
He left his happy home, his children and wife
To travel this road and fix our country’s strife.
The Traveler strode along his road of fate,
And saw a long wall and in it, two gates.
The Gatekeeper stood, in a small narrow yard,
His visage was grim and he was lean and hard.
The Traveler spoke, “I’ve come a long way.”
“Can you tell me which gate I’m to use today?”
The Gatekeeper said in a gruff, gravelly voice
“It’s your destination, so it must be your choice.”
“But there are two gates,” the Traveler said,
“I can’t see the road, or what lies ahead.”
The Gatekeeper said “I can show you the road,”
“But the choice will be yours, which way to go.”
The first gate was grand, it was tall and wide;
Set with pearls and gold, a monument to pride.
An inscription above, not just one, but two,
“Enter ye worthy men.” and “To thyself be true.”
The Gatekeeper said “Come over and see.”
“This way is beautiful. I think you’ll agree.”
The Traveler approached and looked down the way
At trees, a brook, and a long green fairway.
A broad, smooth road wound lazily away,
And a breeze, puffy clouds, made a beautiful day.
The people, he saw, walked toward the low hills;
The men dressed richly, women gaily, with frills.
He saw on a table, to the side of the road,
A huge feast was placed, a sight to behold.
He wasn’t quite sure, but thought he could hear
Soft music playing and calling “Come here.”
The Gatekeeper spoke, with words rather gruff
“You’ve seen what you need. You’ve seen enough.”
“Come over this way, come over and see,”
“Have a look where the second gate will lead.”
The Traveler came near and peered close to look
At a small dirty gate in a small dirty nook.
The second gate was drab and really quite low.
He must stoop down before he could go.
Above the small door, a few words were spread;
“The last will be first.” was all that it said.
The Traveler bent down and peered through the door
At a few dying bushes, dirty weeds, nothing more.
The path was narrow with holes, mud and rocks,
Further on, small bushes with broken off tops.
The scene was so bleak and the sky was so gray,
Yet a voice of hope whispered through the dismay.
Three men wearily marched with two drums and a fife,
One limping, two bandaged, barely clinging to life.
Another came by, bloody uniform in rags,
Cradling gently in his arms a muddy, torn flag.
He was helped by two women; one’s torch lit the way.
Another, blind, held scales; they trudged slowly away.
A small family appeared, starving, almost dead,
But a man shared his meal, a small fish, some bread.
All were so weary, some rested, and some prayed.
There were a few children, but none of them played.
Then the Traveler spoke, “It’s this way I’ll go.”
“The small gate’s the way. I can help, I know.”
The Traveler passed through and looked all around.
The Gatekeeper watched, but didn’t make a sound.
The Traveler reached out; took the hand of a child.
The Gatekeeper stood up, and then slowly he smiled.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A message from bakocarl to Patrick Henry Censored (PHC) before PHC went off to hospice:comment image
As Text:
May 29, 2019 at 19:14
As you know, PHC, God is with you and He will carry you when you are unable to walk.
You won’t go gentle in that good night,
But willingly, willingly into God’s Light.

See the conversation here:


Speaking of PHC – I wrote a poem on 05/30/2019 – entitled ‘Prayer for Patrick’ on CTH – with all that has happened OT – I am not sure I can retrieve a link – anyway – is it ok if I post it here – or should I post it on the Open Thread – Please advise – Thanks!


Ok, thanks, wheatie! Hope y’all like it –


Oopsey – spastic finger syndrome – S/B 05/30/2019


We prayed for you and for many others
For Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, and Brothers
God knows our hearts hurting deep down inside
Where the Spirit of God came to reside.
We cling to you with every ounce of strength
You cannot imagine how or to what length
We have felt your pain and struggled with you
At times – at odds – with what we can do.
If we could we would share to give you relief
We would set aside our needs even our grief
We would take your place each one in turn
It is for your comfort and peace we yearn.
What makes you so special above all the rest
What did you give that made you one of the best
Why do we feel close as if you were near
What makes this all so hard Oh Brother Dear?
Some have expressed what they love about you
Some are tongue-tied and they haven’t a clue
For all you have given to each one of us
We cannot possibly return a truss.
Please do not be sad for who you leave behind
Think happy thoughts as you keep us in mind
Remember the days when the sun shone bright
The times you have done well and made it right.
Remember the day when your love you met
When you first kissed and held her closer yet
The birth of your first child who breathed in life
Even those times like now struggling in strife.
You have earned your comfort, semblance of peace
God is giving you a gift where the pain will cease
You might slip in and out or fly high in the sky
So enjoy and do not wonder what when or why.
We will miss your presence with us on this blog
We could dedicate a page and try not to clog
We could continue to pray for good things to be
For you, your family, and for all to see.
There is something you must do before you leave
Promise us that you will not cease to believe
Promise us you will call out loudly to Him
To fill you with His Spirit up to the brim!
05/30/2016comment image


Thanks – I am a novice – nothing compared to carl – so I appreciate your kind words.


No 2nd fiddle needed here, Duchess. Some types of poetry are about expressing your feelings so that others can not only understand, but experience your thoughts and emotions also. You have accomplished that end result perfectly. I too, inexplicably, feel deeply about PHC’s situation. Quite unusual for me. Particularly, since I am convinced he is going to a place where the love will be overwhelming and the wonders never cease.


Bakocarl’s latest poem inspired me to come and take another peek at the poetry tree. So many fun and inspiring additions have appeared since I first looked at it.
A fairly recent conversation I had with a relative who teaches at a private school made me aware that Common Core does NOT teach any poetry. She, however being in a private school, could and did teach a unit on poetry. Poetry can be a window to one’s soul, and perhaps that’s why it’s been intentionally ignored.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the CONSPIRACY of Common Core is truly an outrage.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From bakocarl today…..
June 8, 2019 at 14:29
The Q Tree – Welcome
Welcome to The Q Tree. Please come right in.
We know what it’s like, out there where you’ve been.
Liberals everywhere, all wanting control;
Their fear, hate and lies clutch at your soul.
You’ve walked the long path down to our tree,
But you’re safe now in our community.
We’ve come together with similar minds –
To free expression, we’re all inclined.
We don’t need Big Brother giving commands,
Telling what to say, and what is banned.
We want to be governed by a gentle hand,
Always of, by and for the common man.
Wolfie and the few who run this place
Are always glad to see a new smiling face.
We birds in the branches welcome you, too,
Hoping you’ll become part of our crew.
In our Parler, you’ll be safe from the storm,
Sitting by the fire, all comfy and warm.
But, perhaps, you’ll want to feel more free,
Perched high on a branch in our growing tree.
Wherever you sit, we’d like your views,
Your honest thoughts about what’s in the news.
We’re here to listen, and hopefully well,
To all the opinions that you want to tell.
We’ll learn from you and, perhaps, you from us,
From the different views that we will discuss.
For sure, it won’t happen that we all agree;
There are many types of birds perched in our tree.
But, agree or not, you’re welcome here,
Where we’re mostly friendly birds of good cheer.
In time, we may enjoy one of life’s dividends,
Chatting in our branches, together, as friends.

Liked by you and 19 other people

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This one appeared on today’s special Pentecost Daily Thread!

June 9, 2019 at 00:03
Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
Men will seek wealth, power and fame
And so they will lie, cheat and steal
To get those things the world will give
But passing by what God reveals.
Our wealth is not in what we own,
Or whether we’re suave or refined,
But comes from God and His Spirit
Within our heart, soul and mind.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Don’t count on what you understand.
In all your ways submit to him,
And He will guide you in His plans.
Guard your minds and your thoughts,
Think of what’s true, noble and right.
Don’t worry about anything,
God has you clearly in His sight.
Rejoice in the Lord, rejoice always,
Praise Him and thank Him and pray.
Let your gentleness be known to all,
For the Lord may appear any day.
All is known to Me, says the Lord;
All that men think, do or say.
And there will be an accounting;
There will come the Judgment Day.
But fear is not why we should act;
We must all be guided by love.
Our love of God and for His ways
Will win His blessings from above.
Liked by you and 3 other people
June 9, 2019 at 00:10
Thanks T3, there is much to be learned from the Jewish Holidays, when they are understood and followed from the heart and not by rote as many acts in the church seem to devolve to.
Liked by you and 1 other person


God, Our Father, in His Heavenly Realm
Our earthly father at home takes the helm
In both – lies His great almighty strength
For each – in His way goes to any length
To provide not just for our earthly needs
With love – daily He spiritually feeds.
What greater gift could Our Father give
To support us firmly so we can live
What greater love could the Father show
To guide us through this life to know
What lives in His heart for us each day
To bless us abundantly in every way.
His Spirit is amplified in our earthly father
Who guides – delineates – like a swather
Separating and organizing to help make sense
Of this wayward world – make recompense
We would be lost without His Spirit guide
We would quickly die outside and inside.
Protector, provider, and guider is he
Whom God has given here to thee
Thank Him for your father today
Thank Him profusely in every way
The earthly one who made us feel secure
Only God knows what he had to endure.
The example God gave us of a man’s love
A blessing that could only come from above
His strength upon which we depend
His love for us that knows no end
The sacrifice he made so that we could be
Upheld and secure in the stormy sea.
Today is the day we honor that man
Who struggled to give all that he can
So that we might have a life secure
A home, a hearth, and love for sure
We give thanks to the Father above
For our earthly father’s unselfish love.
Thank You, Dad, for the love you gave
From the first light of life to the grave
Reap the rewards of a job well done
When your earthly life is finally gone
Rest in peace In your Heavenly home
Never again will this earth you roam!


Not posted anywhere – written 08/02/2019
We gather together – to acknowledge You
All honor and reverence is Yours – it’s true
Faith will guide our way in works for others
Our prayers for our sisters and our brothers.
We offer the first fruits of every day
The Spirit of God there guiding our way
To bless those in trouble and in turmoil
The deeds of the devil we plan to foil.
Our thinking – our actions – if flawed
These can separate us from our God
Anger and selfishness will do us in
If we judge others – that leads to sin.
The seven deadly are ones to avoid
They cause dissension and love is destroyed
Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, sloth
Lead only to trouble and leave us loath.
Our lives are given to serve You, Lord
The wages of sin we cannot afford
Nothing in this world is worth having
Nor should You have taken a lashing.
The virtuous man stands tall and will gain
The flowers of Faith, Hope, and Love deign
Of justice, fortitude, and temperance feign
When man uses pride over others to reign.
Faith and Grace will keep us from error
From hurtful words and lies and terror
The devil attacks when we least expect
Through someone we might least suspect.
Forgiveness is the key to break the bond
Between the devil and the person spawned
Disparagement and abatement destroy love
Decimate affection from God above.
Jesus, My Love, you know what to do
When there is division and derision too
Send forth Your Spirit to quell the divide
There is nowhere to run – nowhere to hide.
Send Warrior Angels into battle please
To defeat his minions with strength and ease
Dispense to dry places from whence they came
Never return – to cause sorrow and shame.


God Will Guide
There was a time when I didn’t know
Which way to turn or how far to go.
But then I looked deep into God’s Word
And read some things that I’d never heard.
I read of straight paths and armor to wear,
The need to be still and the power of prayer,
To do justice and to love mercy
And walk with God, ever so humbly.
To love my God with my mind and heart,
And loving my neighbors is doing my part;
To acknowledge God in all that I do,
Any task at hand, He’ll see me through.
To be patient and kind, humble, not proud,
And worship my God in silence or aloud;
Knowing that His love for me won’t cease
Fills me with joy and calms me with peace.
I’m still not certain of which way to turn,
But reading God’s Word, I surely did learn
To turn to God each and every day,
And have faith in Him to guide my way.


The Graveyard Shift
As I was trollin’ late one night,
Just screwin’ with minds as I might,
I stumbled onto The Q Tree.
Now, I thought, this is just for me.
I’ll mess their minds a little while
With clever words and artful guile,
Then leave them all in such a mess
That they’ll cry “Mommy!” in distress.
So I crept in to ply my trade
And throw some skillful late night shade.
Oh, so easy they’re bumbling chumps;
Those drooling fools all support Trump.
I’ll make some posts just bidin’ my time
To lure them in with words sublime,
Then when they think I’m on their side,
I’ll strike and leave them petrified.
Now, here it comes, I’m gettin’ close,
Ready to post my hateful dose.
There! It’s done! I’ve ruined their day.
They’ll rue this time I came their way.
But wait, what’s this that I now see?
There’s a wolf hiding in The Tree!
Hiding behind branch, leaf and bud
With big, white fangs a-dripping blood.
They slash and gnash and bite real deep.
Alas! I’m doomed, now I must creep
Back to my cellar in my chair
And cry for mommy’s loving care.
Now, there’s a moral to this tale
For future trolls if they assail
The Q Tree with the friends of Trump,
To all beware lest they be chumps.
There’s a grave shift late at night
That settles in when there’s no light.
You don’t see them, but they’re there,
Lurking in their leafy lairs.
Big birds with beaks that rip and tear;
Talons that gouge lest you beware.
Mean old birds with caustic tongues,
To breach your throat, rip out a lung.
They wait and watch for any trolls
To eat their brains and steal their souls.
So, trolls beware, if fun you crave,
The Q Tree is your early grave.


For Duchess
I had planned a poem or two
To start this thread with some wordplay.
But now I must change the subject
For the happenings of today.
The time has come, someone once said,
To think and write of other things;
Of dear friends and their memories,
And of the joyful times they bring.
We were sitting, perched in our tree,
Discussing details of the coup,
Trying to think of the future,
As the promise of justice grew.
As we talked, we heard the sounds
Of footsteps coming down our way.
Some leaves crinkled and some twigs snapped,
But who would be coming this day?
The sounds grew closer in our wood,
With some small glimpses here and there.
Someone, for sure, was on their way
To our peaceful, green-enrobed lair.
On the far side of our clearing,
A slight figure came into view,
Picking her way through the tall grass,
As closer and closer she drew.
The way she stood, the way she walked,
There was something familiar here
That, as yet, remained elusive
Until she finally drew near.
A large pack bulged upon her back,
Filled with God’s blessings for us all,
As our joyous, heartfelt welcomes
Flowed with the memories recalled.
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
Our Duchess has found us at last!
Duchess with her verse of the day,
And wit and wisdom unsurpassed.
The sun shines golden on our tree,
Some small clouds drift, puffy and white.
A slow breeze stirs the dark green leaves,
And Qbirds sing with our delight.
Welcome Duchess, we’ve missed you here.
We’re so happy you’ve found our pack.
QTreeps cheer and sing with joy, and
Wolfie performs the futterwack.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
We’d be remiss unless we give
Our special thanks to PHC.
Though in very dire circumstance,
You brought our Duchess to our tree.
Thank you, PHC.
Posted 3 Jun 2019


OH, MY!!!
I opened The Q Tree this morning
And what did I see?
A poem from Carl and Oh, Lord
‘Twas written ’bout me!
And now I have a nickname
And a picture to go forthwith
Oh, Lord I’ll ne’er be the same
And that, Dear Lord, is no myth!
You know Carl, Oh Lord
You gave him a special pen
You gifted him with the Word
Made him stand out among men!
Many a verse he has crafted
About men and women and You
In politics he has drafted
The worst of the worst tis true!
But today, I find myself giggling
As I read each verse come to be
While in my chair I am wiggling
Through my words he has captured me!
God Bless You Real Good, Dear Carl
For blessing me this day
How can I thank for sending a smile
A tribute and a shout out my way!
God has given you a gift
A talent you share with us all
One that gives us all a lift
It is how you answer His call!
I am humbled, Carl – Thank You!!!


Duchess Thumps!!!
Duchess is a Thumper, ‘twas said loud and clear.
‘Course, we all know Duchess . . . we’re glad she’s here:
Proclaiming God’s Word with the Verse of the Day,
Posting Daily Blessings to brighten our way.
Always thankful for blessings received,
And for prayers answered . . . God’s will achieved.
Praying for babies, God’s gift in the womb;
For them and children, heaven has much room.
Praying for others, that they knock on the Door
For Christ’s salvation, His peace, and more.
There is no better blessing to receive
Than that of faith, for we must first believe.
With good will to QTreeps, it’s well understood
That we’ll often hear “God Bless You Real Good!!!”
And for our efforts, we know she cares,
When we receive an “Amen goes right there!”
Day after day and year after year,
Duchess has wisdom we all need to hear.
Presenting The Way in a clear, strong voice:
Will it be life or death . . . we must make that choice!
One day in the future, when Duchess comes home,
The angels will sing, for Duchess is known.
She’ll be met with these words from God’s Son:
“Good and faithful servant, welcome! Well done!”
So . . . Duchess Thumps!
Well . . . she Rocks, too!!
. . . and God Rules!!!
P.S. –
Bible Thumper
A person that knows the Bible well and isn’t wishy-washy or politically correct about addressing issues from a biblical perspective.
When confronted with an issue that is addressed in God’s Word, the person may often respond with a Bible verse or parable to help put the issue in biblical perspective and present understanding and a way to address the solution that is in accordance with God’s perspective as written in the Bible.
Of course, there are numerous definitions of Bible Thumper used by unbelievers to denigrate Bible-centered Christians who view and use the truth and wisdom of the Bible as their guide, applicable to a large variety of situations occurring in life.


Just Home and Love! the words are small
Four little letters unto each;
And yet you will not find in all
The wide and gracious range of speech
Two more so tenderly complete:
When angels talk in Heaven above,
I’m sure they have no words more sweet
Than Home and Love.
Just Home and Love! it’s hard to guess
Which of the two were best to gain;
Home without Love is bitterness;
Love without Home is often pain.
No! each alone will seldom do;
Somehow they travel hand and glove:
If you win one you must have two,
Both Home and Love.
And if you’ve both, well then I’m sure
You ought to sing the whole day long;
It doesn’t matter if you’re poor
With these to make divine your song.
And so I praisefully repeat,
When angels talk in Heaven above,
There are no words more simply sweet
Than Home and Love.
– Robert W. Service


December 31, 2019 at 08:52
May our century’s Twenties Roar – with Trump piloting their beginning!
Roar with Prosperity and Sanity and real Justice for the last decade’s corrupt-ocrats!
As we roar into 2020
The Trump Train arrives with goods aplenty
Ptrump at the throttle and hammer down
Undeterred by evil Corruptocrat Klowns
Greeted at stations by throngs and crowds
America, once more, stands strong and proud
God, country and flag now moved to the fore
Our people, coming together once more
Our economy, now vibrant again
Showing the strength of the workers within
The forgotten men, now fully employed
Rise from poverty to life enjoyed
Unemployment now at record lows
There’s now work for all and room to grow
SNAP rolls cut and poverty is down
The jobs returned to our cities and towns
Foreign trade, once conducted to our shame
But now the Trump Team wins every game
NAFTA, near death, the policy of fools
Will soon be replaced by Trump’s smarter tools
Our military, once left to decay
But now on top, the best any day
Our policies changed from endless wars
To military actions, less not more
Our borders, once porous, sport new walls
Slowing invaders, but not yet all
Drugs and gangs make it through every day
But more get caught and not allowed to stay
Healthcare access up and costs are down
Plans more flexible, a big fraud crackdown
Generic drugs approved, Right to Try, too
VA’s plan gives vets the honor they’re due
Liberal judges, so biased and flawed
Now have to contend with men of the law
Put on courts at an expedited pace
Assuring real laws apply to each case
Dumb Obozo regs tossed into the bin
Oil, gas and pipelines now rise again
Many jobs created, imports dropping fast
Energy independence – here at last!
Although our country is getting well
Recovering from Corruptocrats’ spells
We need a purge of traitors and frauds
To be one people and flag with one God
Looking ahead later on this year
We’ll see the man we hold so dear
Elected again – a landslide, for sure
Our nation’s still sick, but PTrump’s the cure
May God bless President Trump, now, today
And guide him with wisdom along his way
Please keep him safe ‘till his work is through
President Trump and his family, too.


GA/FL January 22, 2020 at 04:59
Pencil neck ain’t all.
Schifty’s got bug eyes,
round baby cheeks,
and aprissy pussy mouth.
from which no truth has ever come.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Buggy Popout Eyes
He’s got a prissy pussy mouth
That’s always spewin’ lies
A pencil neck just like a snake
And buggy popout eyes
He’s got round baby cheeks
That attract his kinda guy
With limp wrists, that special walk
And buggy popout eyes
He’s made of pure Schiff
So attractive to flies
And he’s stuffed very full
Hence the buggy popout eyes
His words are so foolish
He’s the opposite of wise
But a big man on campus
In his own buggy eyes
And he’ll use you and abuse you
All the better just to screw you
An evil, little, corrupt man
Plying the evil, corrupt Dimm plan
He makes a bunch of wild claims
All unsupported by the facts
But echoed gladly by the Dimms
In their likely suicide pact
He lies and then he leaks
Then he claims that you do
Then denies your witnesses
Keeping due process from you
Basement Star Chamber, secret plans
Hidin’ facts, tellin’ tall stories
Lookin’ for his 15 minutes
Just a cockroach seekin’ glory
Dimms plan to make Marxists of you
And twistin’ laws is what they do
An evil, corrupt, lyin’ crew
Pushin’ hard to pull off their coup
Why do they go through all this now?
It’s because, for sure, they all know
They’ve wholly lost 2020
With their sad travelin’ clown show
Perhaps a far bigger reason
Why they rant and they rail
Is that they’re obvious traitors
And all are hell-bound for jail
Bull Durham’s out there with his crew
Gettin’ evidence for the court
Truth and justice will win the day
And Dimms get the Graybar Resort
So patriots, now, hold all your lines
Fight the swampy liberal scum
Come the bright dawn, then we win
‘Cause the very best is yet to come!
Posted at:


A March Snow
Let the old snow be covered with the new:
The trampled snow, so soiled, and stained, and sodden.
Let it be hidden wholly from our view
By pure white flakes, all trackless and untrodden.
When Winter dies, low at the sweet Spring’s feet
Let him be mantled in a clean, white sheet.
Let the old life be covered by the new:
The old past life so full of sad mistakes,
Let it be wholly hidden from the view
By deeds as white and silent as snow-flakes.
Ere this earth life melts in the eternal Spring
Let the white mantle of repentance fling
Soft drapery about it, fold on fold,
Even as the new snow covers up the old.
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Think Ahead
Oh, WuFlu, WuFlu, what’re we to do?
How can we survive when it comes through?
What to do?
Pessimists say that humanity’s done,
With nowhere to hide and nowhere to run
We’re all doomed!
The Clueless say that it’s just the flu
It won’t get me and who cares about you
Just the flu!
Pragmatists say that we’ve got to plan
We can do it if anyone can
Think ahead!
Sanctuary cities, all run by Dimms
Filled by rot and waste right to the brim
Clean ‘em up!
Alien invaders are comin’ in
Bringin’ their diseases with all their kin
Build the wall!
Group gatherings only spread it more
Passed from you to me, an infectious spore
Shut ‘em down!
All the kids at school will spread it around
To the school staff, then it’s homeward bound
Close ‘em now!
People with fevers, we need to find out
If it’s WuFlu , so there is no doubt
Test ‘em all!
Make the test kits reliable and fast
Make ‘em by the millions so that they’ll last
Send ‘em out
Make those test kits available to all
Do it with speed, it’s not the time to stall
Test ‘em now!
Ventilators are needed, thousands more
Put our manufacturers on this chore
Make ‘em now!
People with WuFlu need more than a nurse
Don’t wait to see if it’s gonna get worse
Treat ‘em now!
After they’re cured they’re weak and might shed
Give ‘em time to recuperate in bed
Watch ‘em close!
For those folks who cough, sneeze and spray
Let’s all get masks and wear ‘em today
Wear your mask!
Drugs to kill WuFlu are needed fast
Made in U.S.A., not like in the past
Make ‘em here!
We’ve got approved drugs that now work well
And more coming soon to kill those germ cells
Use ‘em now!
Avoid all crowds and give people space
Stay and home and avoid face-to-face
Don’t go to work when you start to feel sick
And call your doctor, and better call quick
Do it now!
Wear gloves, use wipes and wash your hands
All work together for WuFlu’s last stand
When all this is over and finally won
We’ll be amazed what Americans have done
We are one!
Praise and thank the Good Lord for His grace
Return to Him now and seek His face
Praise the Lord!


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“Chambered Nautilus” by Andrew Wyeth (1956)
Far wind, old sea-wind, you
That wake me from my dream,
Your soft airs waft to me
Memories of some sea
That I was moving through
Forever, in my dream.
I wake, yet all things seem
So dream-dark, falsely true–
Dark is the night, the dream
Dark, I was moving through.
Oh, what is false, what true?
Oh, that the soft airs blew
A breath from some far sea
To wake me from this dream.
– John Hall Wheelock
The woman in the Wyeth painting was his mother-in-law, Elizabeth James. She had a terminal illness at that time and was mostly bedridden. From where she sat, the sea off the coast of Maine could be seen through the window.
In describing his painting, Wyeth said that the front door was open and a sea breeze was blowing into the bedroom, ruffling the lace fabric on the bed canopy.
More info here:


A twofer, then!


Thy Will Be Done

Lord I pray to be led to and by you,
My thoughts, my speech, in all that I do
Make my whole life a reflection of Yours.
Lord, straighten my paths and open my doors.

Let my whole will be under Your care,
Guide all my life and guide me in prayer.
Without Your grace I’d have nothing at all,
Nothing but sin and my own shortfalls.

Guide me, I pray, to be closer to You;
Fill me with blessings, not just a few.
Give me the courage to follow Your way,
And the strength to walk it, each day.

Be here beside me through good times and bad,
Along life’s ways, though happy or sad.
And when my journey is finally done,
Let my last thoughts be “Thy will be done.”

~ bakocarl


Thy Will Be Done

The winds shriek and howl and the waters churn,
But we don’t listen. Will we ever learn?
This wicked world seeks wealth, fame and power,
But God owns this day, and this is His hour.

Our Father in Heaven, we turn to You,
For only You know just what to do.
You are our Father who always cares,
And we come to You humbly, with our prayers.

We pray for the safety of those in harm’s way,
Hold them in Your hands through all these days.
We pray for the peace of those who now fear,
Hold them in Your arms. Let them know You’re near.

We pray for Your blessings on those who give aid,
Hold them on Your paths, never to stray.
We pray for Your guidance to those who lead,
Hold them to Your will and care for their needs.

We pray for ourselves, to find when we seek,
That our walk with You be humble and meek.
We pray for our country, that all turn to You
For guidance and blessings in all that we do.

Although we pray for our safety today,
We know that Your will is the only Way.
We know that our sin hinders Your peace,
But when Your Truth triumphs, then sin will cease.

And though we are destined for war and strife,
We look to our future, for You are our Life.
Safety and peace: it’s for those we plead,
But when all’s said and done, it’s revival we need.

May we turn to You for our joy and peace,
For in our blessed future, they will never cease.
We’re not of this world, and so we pray
For Your coming quickly. May this be the day.

Until that day when You come in the clouds,
May we turn to You in throngs and crowds;
But no matter what happens, the things to come,
We pray above all that Thy will be done.

~ bakocarl


Carried this poem over by duchess01 in memory of Wheatietoo, who built this page for us.

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Please forgive us, Wheatie, we did not know
That you had left us with armor in tow
We had no idea with what you dealt
We did not know the pain you felt
And now we can only imagine
With you what really did happen
Cause rarely did you complain 
And/or share your personal pain
Of one thing we are most certain
You are flying high behind the curtain
Watching over us above the crowds
Our Warrior Angel above the clouds
Thank You, Wheatie, for caring for us
While you were here among the fuss
We miss you dear you have no idea
Since time began in the pangaea
With you there was no time
In your wisdom you would chime
To clarify and magnify
The what where how and why
We did not question when you left
We were not slightly bereft
But over time we wondered why
You did not at least stop by
Now we know where you have gone
With the break of this new dawn
We could be angry but are not
Tho with an arrow we’ve been shot
Rest peacefully Warrior Angel dear
Send us a sign that you are near
A butterfly a flower a kiss of rain
From your love do not refrain
God sends Angels to watch over us
And now we have an Angel Plus
A Warrior Angel of Magnificence
From today and forward hence

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Not sure if the time stamp copy thing worked, so just in case this is on the first page near the bottom of Dear KMAG: 20220627 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / In Memory of Wheatietoo

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Beautiful, Para!!!  💔 


I just carried it here. Duchess deserves all the credit! 🤗


That makes you the messenger, so thank you!


Made me cry.



Beautiful tribute to our Wheatie. Thank you duchess.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s another one from the internet, from Duchess!

Reference Link:

By a 15-year-old school kid who got an A+ for this entry (TOTALLY AWESOME)!
The Lord’s Prayer is not allowed in most U.S. Public schools any more.
A kid in Minnesota wrote the following NEW School Prayer:
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd

If scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That’s no offense; it’s a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God’s name is prohibited by the State.

We’re allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They’ve outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the ‘unwed daddy,’ our Senior King.
It’s ‘inappropriate’ to teach right from wrong.
We’re taught that such ‘judgments’ do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.

It’s scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns, the school’s a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Where it belongs.

Thankyou Wolf, Duchess. & Wheatie

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Scott had to go out and retrieve this on request, so to make sure Scott does not have to be put through this effort again And because it’s an extra nice poem we present.

January 15, 2023 at 11:28 am
My heart is rapidly pounding
My state of affairs confounding
I am shaking/quaking beyond belief
Whatever I try I find no relief
Something has disturbed my peace
The turmoil inside just will not cease
My energy level is dangerously low
What it is that is broken I do not know
Nothing should change my resolve
I must fight to defeat delete dissolve
This interruption disruption in my life
Meddling unsettling pedaling strife
Alone in the darkness I tend to shiver
Lacking control I slither and quiver
What is wrong with me I cannot say
But it just keeps on and won’t go away
Settle Me, Lord help me to rest
In this condition I cannot do my best
Whatever it is from it wash me clean
Teach me a lesson from which to glean
Your thought process has brought you here
You gave up your authority my sweet dear
I gave you calming music you listen not
You let ‘it’ control you and you got caught
There is no medicine that can cure ‘it’
There is no formula than can detour ‘it’
I gave you the power to stop this attack
I gave you the means to pick up the slack
Exercise, breathing, and thought control
All of these will again make you whole
Emotional turmoil blocks rational thought
Eliminate it and you will be as you ought
Change your attitude change your life
Positive thinking diminishes strife
Movement replaces emotional confusion
All of ‘it’ is actually an illusion
You can take control and beat your distress
By changing your thoughts eliminate stress
By exercising you switch your concentration
Your physical movement serves as activation
Your shiver and shake ceases to be
Your uncertainty dissolves instantly
Your mind directs your body to move
And your anxiety begins to improve
God gave us the ability to heal mind body spirit
We just need to learn how to clear it not fear it
The body does what the mind commands
It moves it rests it contracts it expands
So it is with emotions as well with control
Our thoughts can trigger disconnect or cajole
Our attitude plays a part in this scenario as well
It is where we decide we are going to dwell
Negative thinking brings about negative outcomes
The opposite is true and to what it succumbs
When we take authority of events in life
We eliminate the stress and the strife
Whatever the problem or issue that disturbs you
It is nothing you and God together cannot subdue
When God enters the situation the solution is clear
You will have eyes to see and ears to hear
So Settle Me, Lord as only You can
Help me to see and perfect Your plan
Take away the illusion of ‘it’
Cleanse me from all and every bit
D01: 01/15/2023


From the same day… Also nice and I want to grab a second from 2 days before…the sentiment is shared by all. It’s below this one. “Litter Boxes”


Simple Pleasures
Where have the simple pleasures gone
That graced past lives so they kept on
That flowered their paths through it all
With mem’ries fond and clear, but small
The times were hard but life went on
Though work days started with the dawn
And work was hard all through the day
Yet simple pleasures came their way
The golden glow of candle light
Songbirds singing with first light
Bottles clinking from the milkman
Eggs crackling in the frying pan
The heady smell of warm dark loam
Quiet minutes alone at home
Time for tea in the afternoon
Moonrise of a big, yellow moon
Hot stew and bread after long days
Thanking God, taking time to praise
Some time to sit by a warm fire
Peace and quiet when you retire
Those simple pleasures still are here
For us to see and smell and hear
Smothered by the craze of our times
As wretched words that ruin rhymes
We need ears that hear, eyes that see
And hearts that feel blessings to be
To rise above the thick dark clouds
That blanket us as evil shrouds
We need to plan to live life slow
To watch the seedlings as they grow
Treasure each flower as it appears
To bring us thoughts that bring us cheer
These simple pleasures, gifts from God
May make us smile or leave us awed
But way down deep they work to say
“Come and enjoy. God made this day.”


Litter Boxes
Litter boxes full of Senators
Litter boxes full of stinky poop
Litter boxes full of feckless Reps
Litter boxes all the same
Litter boxes full of Bidens
In the White House all insane
And they’re all made of stinky poop
And they’re Democrats by their name
And the dumb Libs in those boxes
All went to their dumb Lib schools
Where they ate only stinky poop
And they came out all the same
And there’s lawyers who hate the law
And doctors who lie and steal
And judges who say wrong is right
As the cities burn and FIB kneels
And they all love to be in power
And party ‘till the booze is gone
And they all sniff little children
As their boys all put dresses on
And their girls all wear nose rings
Like pink pigs with purple hair
And they’re all made of stinky poop
And all Democrats are the same
The corrupt FIBs put patriots
Into cold, dark, prison cells
The Libs all hate our country
And they all walk on our flag
They perversely flaunt their pride
While none live with God as Guide
And all will hear on Judgment Day
“I never knew you! Go away!”


bakocarl( bakocarl)Online

 August 12, 2023 08:03

Just a poem . . .
Time to Go
As I grow older my time nears to go
I may keep quiet or let you all know
If you find out, then I’ll ask you to pray
But not for more time so that I can stay
But that my going be free from great pain
And that I hold fast to Him who was slain
I’d ask that my exit be time for thought
That you’ll come my way because we’ve been bought
We’re not of this world, and I’m going home
To walk in God’s garden, never to roam
To walk at His side in full joy and peace
To see the wonders that will never cease
We’ll see, after all, our trip is the start
Of being complete, not living in part
Of being whole – what God wants us to be
As we are with Him for eternity
And so as I go, I’ll keep looking up
And being grateful that Christ drank His cup
To pay the price for the victory won
“Praise God forever! May His will be done!”


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The 2020 Election; A Poem

They cheated.
Trump tried.
The courts bailed.
The media lied.

The patriots fought.
The lawyers pled.
The capitol was fraught.
The cowards fled.

Trump saw the light.
The time wasn’t yet.
Though he knew our plight.
He made the safer bet.

To wait for 2024.
To plot and to plan.
To show the Deep State the door.
We know he is the man.

So now we will vote.
Trump’s plan will renew.
The left’s chances are remote.
There’s not much they can do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bakocarl’s reimagining of Imagine!


Hate crimes and our goverment won’t make a move to stop them. Things will get better, however. Just imagine . . .


Imagine we’re in heaven
With joy, to never die
Escaping hell below us
All blest by God on high
Imagine all God’s people
Living in His Way

Imagine all the countries
All kneeling to God, too
All opening Christ’s door
And living lives anew
Imagine all God’s people
Living in His Peace

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope that soon you’ll join us
To rise when the Lord’s Day comes

Imagine no transgressions
No thoughts of sin in man
No thoughts of greed, no hunger
All living by God’s plan
Imagine all God’s people
Living by His Word

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope that soon you’ll join us
To rise when the Lord’s Day comes

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A poem for Christmas 2023, in part by Bakocarl!


A Visit from Christ
Author: Angie Mosteller

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the earth,
Every creature was stirring, awaiting a birth.
The time for Messiah was certainly near,
The prophets foretold it; the Bible was clear.

From the book of beginnings, the very first sin,
God’s word made it clear how His grace entered in.
Born of a virgin, He’d come as a man.
The Creator among us, the time was at hand.

The stars were arranged to show marvelous things,
Setting Wise Men to journey and find the true King.
Shepherds in Bethlehem gazed on the sky,
Longing to see him, their Lord the Most High.

How could they know that the very next night
An angel of God would speak words of delight?
The Savior was born, it was news of great joy.
In a cloth and a manger they’d find the dear boy.

And a heavenly host would soon join to sing
Of the glory of God and of wonderful things.
He entered creation, set position aside
To show us how deeply His love did abide.

Sin sent us away from our almighty Lord.
He became one of us that we might be restored.
He’s the Prince of our Peace; He’s the one who makes whole.
He is Wisdom Incarnate, a Shepherd of Souls.

He’s the Author of Life; He’s the Ruler of All.
He can offer salvation, on His name we call.
The shepherds and Wise Men would bow to adore
Holy God among men, our greatest reward.

All glory and honor is due to this King.
Let all join in worship; let every tongue sing.
Jesus is Lord, all creation proclaims.
He’s the first and last, He’s always the same.

History turned on the first Christmas day,
When God became man in a humble display.
As we think of the manger in which He was laid,
Let our hearts welcome Him to the world He made!

(more by bc)

Our Messiah arrived, and blest by God’s Dove,
He gave us Himself to show us God’s love.
The deaf now hear and the blind now see,
The burdened unyoked, the slaves are set free.

Mute tongues shout for joy, the lame leap high,
Living waters gush forth. Free. Not to buy.
Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God,
The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Our Messiah has come! So what did men do?
They put Him on trial and scourged Him, too.
They nailed Him to a cruel cross of wood;
This Man of Peace, perfect Love and true Good.

They mocked Him as He hung, struggling for breath,
The only relief would be granted by death.
“Father, forgive them;” now close to death’s knell,
And when He died, God forgave us as well.

A highway appeared, it’s called The Way;
For us who use it, not a one will stray.
Only the redeemed will be walking there,
In robes of pure white, with no sins to bear.

We’ll come to God, all singing His praise,
With everlasting peace for all our days.
Gladness and joy, golden crowns on each head,
Ours forever by the blood that Christ shed.

All glory to God, our Father on High,
Who gifted us faith so we’d never die.
Glory, majesty, dominion and power,
All to our God through eternity’s hours.

And so we rejoice, our Savior was born
To die for our sins, not that we should mourn.
But all, with great joy, celebrate the day
That God gave us Life, and showed us the Way.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A poem on New Year’s Eve:

‘Tis now come, the eve of the New Year,
To urge us forward with hopes held high,
To live out our lives full of good cheer,
And with strong faith as God’s Day draws nigh.

This New Year could be much like the old,
For there’s nothing new under the sun.
So with strength in our souls, let’s be bold,
And run the race ‘till our prize is won.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


At daybreak, God coaxes you out of your sleep;
At first light, God’s blessings you’ll surely reap;
As His love surrounds you, arise in awe;
From His bountiful harvest you will draw!

In silence, thoughts of God will fill your mind;
His presence in you – know God has defined;
Open your heart and receive His great love;
His grace and His blessing sent from above!

Sing unto God – Sing a new song today;
As His Spirit indwells – shows you the way;
Praise Him – oh, Praise Him with all of your heart;
From you, He promised He would not depart!

Draw from His strength – as He dwells within you;
Without Him, there is – nothing – you can do;
Give Him this day – your sorrow and pain;
Repent of your sins – please do not refrain!

Tell Him you love Him – and thank Him outright;
For all that He does – what He brings to light;
For a smile – a kind word – encouragement, too;
For what He accomplishes through me and you!

Count it all joy – raise your voice strong in song;
Be grateful – be joyful – to Him you belong;
Your sorrows – your happiness – give it to Him;
And His Spirit – will fill your heart to the brim!

Rely on Him – do nothing – without His consent;
In your prayer – be mindful He’s omnipresent;
Give Him this day your acceptance and pray;
You can count it all joy at the end of the day!

D01: 7/20/2013

Posted by Duchess here on 01/07/2024

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sidewalk Chalk

H/T Valerie Curren

Sidewalk Chalk, God’s Word on the street,
Spreading The Truth to traveling feet.
Seen by all who may walk that way;
Manna from heaven in full display.

Food for thought and great blessings, too,
From precious words that Angels drew.
Messages for souls, speaking to hearts,
Call to all with New Life to impart.

Oh, that the world would walk by and see,
And read and believe to be set free
To live their lives holding Christ’s hand,
Bathed in His love, and living God’s plan.

On one Great Day, when The Trump sounds,
And we depart, bound for Holy Ground,
Those who wrote will hear from God’s Son,
“Come faithful servant, enter, well done.”

Original poem from Bako Carl on 01/07/2024

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Be Still

The world rushes by most every day,
And drags us with it in every way.
The hustle and bustle, they know no end,
As we waste our lives for money to spend.

Our lives are much more than riches to hold,
Than houses and goods, and silver and gold.
Wealth, power and fame are on the wrong road
And fill up our packs with a sinful load.

The world calls out loudly, “Come. Look and see!”
“All this can be yours if you’ll follow me!”
We feel temptation and we’re all so weak.
Will it hurt much if we just take a peek?

It’s in our nature to stumble and sin,
And has been since birth from our hearts within.
We face temptations all day, ev’ry hour,
But can resist with God’s Spirit’s power.

We must slow down, set our gazes above
To see Holy God, His mercy and love.
Though those around us may think we’re quite odd,
As we stop and be still to know our God.

We can know God now, if only in part,
Though our spirit be crushed with broken heart,
As soon will be here that Glorious Day
When we arise whole, and sin goes away.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The Shepherd keeps watch over His flock;
He daily checks hearts – then, He takes stock;
If one has been tempted and led astray;
He pursues and prods lest one slip away!

Carefully crafted by our God are we;
Inside our hearts – He can clearly see;
When we accept Jesus – as Lord of all;
We answer to Jesus – the Shepherd’s call!

Oh, Lord – let me never stray from the flock;
May you always find me when you take stock;
If some day – I should be tempted and stray;
Come after me, Lord – let me not slip away!

You know in my heart – Your Spirit resides;
Be sure in my heart – Your Spirit abides;
I lay at your feet – the trials of the day;
Shepherd of my Heart – be not far away!

Direct and perfect me in all I do;
Let my labor be blessed – pleasing to You;
Let all that I am and ever will be;
Give Honor and Glory only to Thee!

Whenever I’m stumbling along the way;
Reach out to me – set me upright – I pray;
Separated from You – I pray not to be;
Shepherd of My Heart – stay close to me!

Keeper of this heart of mine – be patient;
For I am but human – sometimes I’m salient;
Not paying attention – distracted am I;
With worldly concerns – in the blink of an eye!

Be the sunlight of my day – a ray of hope;
Help me, Oh Lord – to steadfastly cope;
Be the light of my night – a bright beacon;
The Shepherd of My Heart – my church deacon!

Wash and cleanse me – as I repent today;
Purify me – in Your Word and Your Way;
Let not my sin separate us for long;
Shepherd of my Heart – to You, I belong!

Strengthen me daily – that I may not stray;
Keep me securely in Your arms today;
I trust in You – above all – and I pray;
Shepherd of My Heart – guide my heart today!

D01: 08/01/2013

Posted here by Duchess01 on 17 March 2024

Last edited 11 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A poem from Duchess!


How can we thank You for Your love for us
For what You have suffered – Oh, Sweet Jesus
It began with prayer in the Garden
You sweat tears of blood for our pardon

You taught us acceptance of Father’s will
You taught the importance of prayer still
You displayed how to be a servant of all
How blessed we are if we answer His call

You set out patience and perseverance
Your silence was notable adherence
We cannot imagine the perpetual pain
And all for our eternal life to gain

You exemplified unconditional love
What we struggle to be capable of
With each step to Your final elevation
Each part of You in abject ablation 

Sweet Jesus – What have You done for us
Humiliating degradation thus
The agony had to be core complete
For propitiation – our sin to delete

The example of patient perseverance
Is one we must learn for apt adherence
We forget – we complain – of daily woes
You sorely suffered at the hands of Your foes

Our lives in turmoil – our nation in distress
There appears to be no end to the duress
And yet – when we think of Your sacrifice
All that we suffer is naught imprecise

Thus – If we turn the cross into a plus
We see clearly what You have done for us
The love displayed by Your outstretched arms
Anything we suffer – Your love disarms

Thank You, Sweet Jesus, for so loving us
For reopening Heaven – surely a plus
At the end of our lives here on Earth
A glorious reward of wondrous worth

D01: 04/07/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From bakocarl

Herod could not kill Him
Although innocents died
Rachel wept in Ramah
Not comforted, she cried

The Jews could not stone Him
As they scoffed at His words
They would rather throw stones
And their ears never heard

Satan could not win Him
Though he tried different ways
“I’ll worship God only
For the rest of My days.”

The storm could not drown him
Though the wind and waves roared
Then He said “Peace. Be still.”
And all was calm aboard

Fear could not stop Him
He sweated blood and prayed
God’s will is what mattered
Not the price He would pay

The scourge could not stop Him
Nor the thorns, nor the cross
Nor the nails, nor the spear
Evil claimed gain, but suffered loss

Death could not hold Him
It had lost its bitter sting
The victory was God’s
With the Gospel it would bring

Jesus suffered it all
And He proved God’s great love
So let’s all sing and praise
And worship God above


From Duchess01 Posted 14 March 2024.


Have you noticed lately, Lord
I am shaky, unhinged, and floored
At what has just happened to me
I am not as sound as I used to be

My steps are labored I cannot sprint
My mind is sharp my muscles splint
My gait is slow and wouldn’t you know
My 100-yard dash it ain’t no mo

When I was young full of energy I was
My prowess in sport impressive it twas
But now I struggle just to keep going
As the years pass by I am slowing

I cannot complain by any measure
My life has taken on brand new treasure
My daily chores are so different now
An about turn they have taken somehow

I contemplate and meditate much more
My prayers are more meaningful than before
My divine appointment has been redefined
With His Divine Will it is much more aligned 

Sometimes I need help keeping upright
A cane prevents me from taking flight
A handrail assists in climbing the stairs
Without these aids I could land anywheres

It is manifest madly maturing
How many more years there’s no assuring
But God has made provision for us
No reason to fret or kick up a fuss

He provides us with companions of all sorts
From animals to flowers diamonds and quartz
He turns our attention to things on high
He prompts us to look up into the sky

He sends us smiles and blessings each day
Just not in the ordinary or usual ways
A giggle here and a belly laugh there
From cyber friends on blogs everywhere

So if you are feeling old and less than useful
Remember there is more for you that’s museful
There are babies and kitties and puppies
And there are wokies, pokies and yuppies

There are nitpickers pastors and prophets
There is beauty in nature and soffits
We could be here all day naming the gifts
How marvelously God’s blessing uplifts

Suffice as to say on any given day
There are things that appear to get in the way
There are frustrations/delays we must endure
And many bumps in the road that is for sure

So if you are feeling bumped and bruised
And your body is reeling from being abused
Call on the Angels charged to assist you
And thank God they can never resist you!
D01: 02/10/2023


From Bacocarl 14 April 2024


All the world has gone mad
At least that’s what it seems
As the days all lurch by
Bringing fear, all bad dreams

Mankind does evil things
For men have evil hearts
Skilled in all evil ways
To practice evil arts

Men who think that they rule
Are naming wrongs as right
And think only of self
As day fades into night

Most are lost for all time
Loving dark, shunning Light
Living life for themselves
In contempt of God’s might

This is not how it ends
God triumphs over all
All our days are God’s will
As it’s been since The Fall

With faith in God above
And with trust in God’s Son
We know how this war ends
That our fight has been won

These dark days have a dawn
Shining bright, east to west
Bringing love, peace and joy
To those of us so blest

All dark days will be gone
And sin will be no more
Our days last forever
On a pure, peaceful shore

So, friends, keep looking up
Though days be dark and drear
For we’ll soon shout with joy
When Christ, our Lord, appears

Arise! All ye chosen!
Come rise up to the clouds!
Listen to the trumpet!
Hear the call clear and loud!

Rise up to our Savior,
To meet Him in the air,
For we have been chosen
Forever as God’s heirs!

Forever in God’s will
Forever walk His ways
Forevermore grateful
Through Eternity’s days

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r

From Duchess01 gifted 16 April 2004 on our daily open.


As I lay me down to sleep;
I pray my soul – Oh, Lord – You keep;
I ask You keep me humble, Lord;
And ever faithful to Your Word!

With Bible open – I came right upon;
A passage familiar – Oh, Lord – dead on;
It was from John thirteen – Verse thirty-four;
A message from Jesus – I thought for sure!

I wondered why – this book – this verse;
Your concise command – Oh, Lord – it’s terse;
Within Your words – is a gift and a fruit;
Of Your Spirit – to Your Glory – its root!

As I pondered His Word – I drifted off;
Into a deep slumber – like a wave trough;
In the loft window – of a pole barn high;
I saw beyond – the land, sea, and sky!

There were cabins, gardens, and livestock;
There were creeks, streams, and haycock;
Trees, bushes, and hiking paths galore;
Could a fellow with dreams want for more?

Chickens were pecking; goats eating grass;
Fruit trees were blooming – abundant en mass;
The gardens were lush – overflowing with food;
It was like paradise – all of it good!

Only one problem – just one thing missing;
There were no people – no lovers kissing;
I blinked my eyes twice – as if that would help;
Not a peep did I hear – not even a yelp!

I looked to the sky – and asked God right quick;
And the people appeared – lickety-split;
All of a sudden – by the wave of His Hand;
People were rejoicing all over the land!

They were singing, strumming, and praising God;
For the blessings He bestowed on every pod;
They were harvesting, cooking, dancing for joy;
The children were playing – each girl and boy!

How did He know – what lay deep in my heart?
It was just a small farm – where it would start;
Some chickens and goats – and a small garden;
A humble man dreams – please – beg my pardon!

But God always has – something much better;
He triples His Gifts – OBEY – must the getter;
If you’re wondering how – small became large;
You don’t know my God – my God is in charge!

D01: 02/11/2015

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r

From Duchess01, gifted 20 Apr 2024.


Weary of the world travails and troubles
With each day that passes the trial doubles
What must we do when life gets in the way
We go to our Special Place and we pray

The only peaceful place in His Presence
His Holy Word wherein lies His essence
To Him we come to refresh and renew 
 From the hardships that dost daily accrue

We trust in His love to see us through
What He has decreed and brought us to
We can do nothing aside from His care
Without Him we would be going nowhere

In the busyness of our daily routine
We have little time to stop and come clean
Our prayers are hurried and incomplete
Our growth in grace is oft bittersweet

We need to break free of the vicious trap
The enemy squeezes into the gap
Despite our armor and our daily prep
The enemy pursues at ev’ry step

He will not retreat til we demand it
By the power in us we command it
Greater is He that is within us than
He in the world who is lower than man

When life makes no sense we must retreat
When burdens are heavy and we are beat
There’s only one place where God can be found
It is that Special Place you keep around

D01: 07/14/2023

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r

Gifted to us Sunday, 21 April 2024

Who is the greatest boxer of all time?
Who bragged he was a superstar so sublime?
Who was the runner who outran the rest?
Who clocked in his time as the very best?

Who was the richest man recently noted?
Who had wealth so vast – ego so bloated?
Who was the most famous movie star of all?
Pardon me – please – I really cannot recall!

When will the first be the last you ask?
For many are called and taken to task;
Who are the few that are chosen to be?
Elevated by God – for eternity!

It is the man with a humble, contrite heart;
Who repents of his sin from the very start;
His head hung in sorrow – he fervently pleads;
He knows it’s forgiveness – he surely needs!

He who gives thanks for blessings each day;
Is well aware of what Father would say;
If he took the choicest in life as his own;
Shared neither his wealth nor what he had sown!

If each seat taken was the best in the house;
First and foremost – and forever the louse;
Would his mansion in Heaven be the best?
Or would the fiery furnace be eternal rest?

Are we like the man who was hung on the tree?
Are we poor, humble, and as kind as He?
Compassionate, loving, and caring toward all?
Gentle, long-suffering – virtually – on call?

Do we look for attention at every turn?
Is it fame and fortune for which we yearn?
Do we take the first seat or sit in the last?
Are we meek and humble – securely steadfast?

The greatest of all is not one who’s achieved;
The best and the brightest are not conceived;
It’s the few who – among many – He will call;
The greatest will be the servant of all!

D01: 06/28/2013

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r

Gifted by Duchess01 on 22 April 2024

Love your neighbor as I have loved you;
This is what Jesus asked us all to do;
Judge not or you will be judged right the same;
Blame not a soul – don’t defile his or her name!

Only God knows the heart – it is His to know;
Backbiting and gossip – we must forego;
If we engage in demeaning our brother;
It hurts only us – not at all the other!

For God does not look kindly on attacks;
It is He who will correct – give the whacks;
In His conviction – he will pity the one;
Vengeance is His – and will be swiftly done!

Jesus wants us to forgive – or we will not;
When we ask forgiveness – as we ought;
We must be willing to forgive and forget;
Or forgiveness of sins – we’ll not beget!

Blaming one’s neighbor – to elevate self;
That’s not what God wants – for him or herself;
We must be accountable for falling short;
Of His glory and mercy – no smart retort!

What will we say when we stand before Him;
Will we make excuses – keep blaming Jim?
At that point it’ll be too late for amends;
It will be pointless then to forgive our friends!

Forgiveness is freedom from guilt and shame;
It comes when we repent and take the blame;
For our cruelty and meanness toward another;
For falsely accusing our sister or brother!

Be slow to anger – and quick to forgive;
Without guilt and guile is the way to live;
With love and understanding – you will be;
In God’s good graces – and frankly – free!

Creating strife among one’s sister or brother;
It is not really how you love one another;
Jesus commanded us to love as He did;
His Peace He gave us – to share not forbid!

Forgive one another – be a light in the dark;
Be love toward your brother – and set the spark;
For the peacemakers – the Word says are duly;
Called Children of God – and quite blessed – truly!

D01:  11/17/2013

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r

Gifted from Duches01 on Monday’s Open 23 Apr 2024


Cry out with joy to our mighty Lord;
Heed the commands in His Holy Word;
Sing Psalms of praise and thanksgiving;
All ye who dwell in the land of the living!

Serve Him with true gladness of heart;
From His grace – pray – do not depart;
Know that He – the Lord is our God;
We belong to Him – though we are flawed!

We are His people – the sheep of His flock;
His precious, petulant – errant livestock;
In fervent pastures – we take our repose;
We are the servants He faithfully chose!

Indeed how lovingly He cares for us;
We are His children – His main focus;
From age to age – His mercy endures;
His faithfulness and constancy ensures!

Enter His gates singing sweet Psalms of Praise;
Into His courts – with thanksgiving you raise;
Your voices in song – glad tidings you bring;
All Honor and Glory is His you sing!

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good;
His mercy endures – just as it should;
His Love everlasting is tried and true;
Unconditionally given for me and you!

Cry out with joy and praise His name;
His love is forever and ever the same;
He changes not from day to day;
He is steadfast and sure come what may!

Serve Him with gladness – enter singing;
His precepts are sound – ever bringing;
Correction with love and glorious peace;
Cry out with joy – His praise never cease!

Go out with joy and share His great love;
Mindful of blessings He bestows from above;
Shout from the rooftops – He is the Lord;
His victory assured – in His Holy Word!

D01: 07/09/2013

Last edited 10 months ago by para59r

Gifted to us from Duchess01 on Wednesday 24 April 2024


Have mercy on me, my Lord and my God;
For I am distressed – in chains I am shod;
My tears flow like rivers – raging from strain;
My heart is pierced – my throat aches in pain!

My life spent in sorrow – and in deep regret;
My sins are before me – I cannot forget;
In repentance I seek You – for right relief;
Your loving kindness is – my refuge – belief!

Lord – affliction – has broken down my strength;
From helplessness, stress – I suffer at length;
My foes have encompassed me – all around;
They ravage me daily – destruction bound!

I trust in You, Lord – take comfort in You;
Come to my aid – Lord – Refresh me anew;
My life is in Your hands – if it be Your Will;
Calm the waters – from their raging – be still!

Feed me – knead me – with Your nourishing grace;
Through faith without fear – my weakness erase;
Infuse me with courage – and strengthen me;
Help me be steadfast – a stronghold like Thee!

Let me be glad and rejoice in Your love;
Assured in Your goodness sent from above;
Let me not – for one moment – be fearful;
Keep me far from unsure – doubtful – tearful!

Free me from distress – of body and mind;
Help me walk self-assured – no longer blind;
With my life in Your hands – deliver me;
From the throes of my foes – let me be free!

Strengthen My Heart – as only You know how;
Pour forth Your knowledge – understanding now;
Send in Your angels – with reinforcements;
Lift up my spirit – in inch increments!

Send forth Your Spirit – to enlighten me;
With knowledge – understanding – wisdom be;
A tower of strength – instilled in my heart;
Let not Your Spirit – from me nere depart!

Strengthen My Heart – my Lord and my King;
Let the indwelling Spirit – His power bring;
Your justice – Oh Lord – from on high rain down;
Let Your Heavenly Grace – be forever my crown!

D01: 09/30/2013


Gifted by Duches01 on Thursday’s Open, 25 April 2024


Have you noticed evil increased on earth
The arrogance and flagrancy sheer girth
We are told to pray daily without end
We must not quit give up or even bend

What makes evil so blatant in plain sight
What can we do to curtail this and fight
We must don our Armor of God so fine 
We must be Prayer Warriors divine

We must empower others do the same
In His Precious and Most Holy Name
For whatever we ask of the Father
In Jesus’ name compares to no other

We must stand and be bold in all our ways
We must hold onto Him all of our days
We must not accept what’s meant to deter 
Redacted refracted revised to infer

We will find truth in His Word as put forth
We will discover knowledge for its worth
We will discern understanding in time
We will reap wisdom its purpose sublime

Saturated with lies and dire deceit 
We exhaust ourselves in fighting replete
Instead of uniting under His banner
We’re distracted in discordant manner

To God be the Glory forever amen
To Him be our allegiance now and when
We fight the good fight and are welcomed in
To our heavenly home purified within

D01: 08/04/2023


Gifted by Duches01 on Friday, 26 April 2024


From childhood to adulthood, we are taught;
We must control our feelings as we ought;
A woman can cry and regain her composure;
But a man must refrain from feeling exposure!

In public, we mustn’t make fools of ourselves;
Be sure to put feelings back onto shelves;
Be sure to conceal some part none can see;
Keep our feelings under wraps protectively!

Some of us build walls – others build fences;
Through these barriers – the battle commences;
We share bits and pieces of trivia true;
Not too much – that just might – belie me or you!

We play this game fairly – not just because;
Our fear of rejection might give us pause;
What man puts asunder – no man can break;
There’s too much to lose – too much at stake!

So what does God think of this foolish frivolity?
Does He look kindly on this dumb-founded folly?
If lies and deception are part of this game;
It will surely divide if not defame!

No doubt God would rather we not build walls;
Those fences do not keep in whatever befalls;
Without or within is nowhere to be;
Separated from God – are you and me!

Love one another as I have loved you;
Jesus gave – this command – so we must do;
He mentioned neither walls nor fences to be;
Erected to keep – me from you – you from me!

As a servant of God, He was second to none;
He set the example for the victory won;
So if we build fences around our hearts;
The Spirit He moves – but soon He departs!

His gifts – they are many – His fruits the same;
From giving of self – we should not refrain;
Freely He loves – so love freely must we;
Not a stone unturned must there ever be!

We reap what we sow – our harvest returned;
With a heart full of love – we have so yearned;
From inside out and from without within;
Without walls and fences – we must begin!

We must be not afraid – it is about trust;
The love in our hearts gives it its thrust;
If our union is blessed – then blessed it will be;
With faith – through grace – for eternity!

So remove that fence – and tear down that wall;
Before opportunity passes – and trust befall;
Be not afraid – I am with you always;
Today – and tomorrow – and for all days!

D01: 07/21/2013


From Duches01 posted to Saturday’s Open 27 April 204


The Shepherd keeps watch over His flock;
He daily checks hearts – then, He takes stock;
If one has been tempted and led astray;
He pursues and prods lest one slip away!

Carefully crafted by our God are we;
Inside our hearts – He can clearly see;
When we accept Jesus – as Lord of all;
We answer to Jesus – the Shepherd’s call!

Oh, Lord – let me never stray from the flock;
May you always find me when you take stock;
If some day – I should be tempted and stray;
Come after me, Lord – let me not slip away!

You know in my heart – Your Spirit resides;
Be sure in my heart – Your Spirit abides;
I lay at your feet – the trials of the day;
Shepherd of my Heart – be not far away!

Direct and perfect me in all I do;
Let my labor be blessed – pleasing to You;
Let all that I am and ever will be;
Give Honor and Glory only to Thee!

Whenever I’m stumbling along the way;
Reach out to me – set me upright – I pray;
Separated from You – I pray not to be;
Shepherd of My Heart – stay close to me!

Keeper of this heart of mine – be patient;
For I am but human – sometimes I’m salient;
Not paying attention – distracted am I;
With worldly concerns – in the blink of an eye!

Be the sunlight of my day – a ray of hope;
Help me, Oh Lord – to steadfastly cope;
Be the light of my night – a bright beacon;
The Shepherd of My Heart – my church deacon!

Wash and cleanse me – as I repent today;
Purify me – in Your Word and Your Way;
Let not my sin separate us for long;
Shepherd of my Heart – to You, I belong!

Strengthen me daily – that I may not stray;
Keep me securely in Your arms today;
I trust in You – above all – and I pray;
Shepherd of My Heart – guide my heart today!

D01: 08/01/2013


From Duchess01 given to us on Sunday 28 April 2024


Praise the Lord – Who guides our way;
Through His Spirit – to brighten our day;
Touching our hearts – gently and deep;
His Honor and Glory – we value to keep!

Our Father – Who loves us unconditionally;
Is right beside us where we need Him to be;
With Gifts of Grace – to bless us all day;
His Spirit abides – to guide our way!

Praise the Lord – what better advisor;
Could we ever hope – would make us wiser;
When we are perplexed about what to do;
God has a message just for me and you!

Through His Spirit – God speaks to us;
He works out the particulars without the fuss;
He guides us through life’s ups and downs;
Through our successes – and turnarounds!

Praise the Lord – in good times and bad;
Throughout his correction – don’t be sad;
Know that God loves us no matter what;
Through our if/then – and even our but!

God knows what we need before we do;
Cause He sees in the heart of me and you;
All He needs is acknowledgement thrust;
From outside to inside – In God we trust!

Our Faith needs replenishment almost daily;
We need to repent of our sins most ably;
No hiding behind our justification;
Cause God knows our heart identification!

Whenever you are caught in a dilemma or two;
Just go to the Quiet – Let God speak to you;
For in the silence – of your own heart;
His secrets to you – He will gladly impart!

Praise the Lord – for His intuit inspection;
His enduring love – His careful correction;
Whenever we doubt – whatever the case;
It is all about Virtue – His Gift of Grace!

D01: 07/29/2013


From bakocarl On Sunday’s daily, 28 April 2024

God’s in control, His will is supreme
When evil ‘wins’, it’s not what it seems
All things, good and bad, work to His will
Serve Him well, His plans to fulfill

God uses men to further His plans
Though they’re evil, they’re all in His hands
Lost and unknowing, they work for Him
Though they ‘win’, their future is grim

We who are His, will walk down His ways
Learning His will in all of our days
Changing, slowly to be what we should
Forsaking evil, living for good

All yearning to be, when we arise
Complete in Him, rising through the skies
Meeting our Savior, seeing His face
Immersed in His love, mercy and grace

Living in joy, giving thanks and praise
Seeing God clearly, not through the haze
Knowing fully our great Prince of Peace
Living in wonders that never cease


From Duchess01
Brought to us on Monday, 29 April 2024


Hear my prayer, O Lord – please hear my cry;
Hide not Thy face from me – stand closely by;
Incline Thine ear to me – answer my call;
For I am helpless in my wherewithal!

My days are consumed – in pain, I move not;
My heart beats in vain – overwhelmed, besought;
I struggle to breathe – I implore Your aid;
Begging for mercy – and yet, unafraid!

Strengthen me, Lord – as only You know how;
Send forth Thy Comforter to help me now;
Send forth the angels to hold me upright;
Help me, Lord – Help me to live, love, and fight!

The enemy plagues me both day and night;
His demons work to discourage me right;
He taunts me, haunts me, and laughs at my pain;
My prayers he sees worthless – and all in vain!

Be it Your will – with Your power and might;
Remove this affliction – far out of sight;
Defeat the devil – his power disband;
Help me, Lord – with Your Healing Hand!

You called me, Lord – in Your Service to be;
Your minister, Lord – bring people to Thee;
How can I manage – for people to care?
With this heart sorely in need of repair?

I ask not for me this healing take place;
I ask not this suffering You erase;
I ask only to stand for You, O Lord;
To bring others to You in one accord!

If in this state, You still want me to serve;
If it be Your will, my heart you preserve;
Whatever you decide – I will endure;
With You by my side – of that I am sure!

Help me, Lord to accept what You decide;
In You and with You – I long to abide;
Through You and for You – my heart is alive;
Heal me, Lord – Help me – to live, love, and thrive!

D01: 05/14/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Poem and Comment by bakocarl
Posted on Tuesday’s Open, 30 April 2024

“Not my will but Thy will be done”
Believers pray to our Holy One
But why? Why is it His will not mine?
Because I’m flawed and He’s divine!

Being a man I’m flawed from birth,
As all men are upon this earth.
And what I want is not best for me,
For those are things that only God sees.

God’s will for me provides what I need,
For in His soil I am but a seed.
Food and water and air and sun
Are all mine ‘till my life is done.

And there are times of wind, heat and cold
To be endured as I grow old.
Endured, yes. But also to learn,
As He shows us His paths and which way to turn.

The winds and rain may form storms in life,
For there are times we must learn from strife.
With branches stressed, we rely on Him
To come and save us, to prune and trim.

All this is for us, for our own good,
To grow and bear fruit as we should.
We may not see these hard times as right,
But God knows best how to win this fight.

We are His and we’re in His hands,
And He’ll lead us to live by His plans.
So we must say, as our war has been won,
“Not my will but Thy will be done”

These thoughts occurred to me as DW has just been diagnosed with incipient dementia. More tests scheduled. I’m sure that she and I will both be led down future paths with much to learn.

Help me, Lord, to accept what You decide;
In You and with You – I long to abide.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A poem from Duchess01


To whom do we go when we are troubled
When our challenges in life are doubled
We might go to a relative or a friend
Discuss the problem in full to no end

In reality what should we do instead
When problems arise rear their ugly head
We should pray and get into His Presence
We should seek and find His Holy Essence

Where does the Spirit of God reside
Purely in us if in Him we abide
Man can provide some comforting solace 
But God’s pristine provision is flawless

The Bible details promises fulfilled
It teaches us Our Father is strong-willed
It provides stories of the days gone by
Prophecies probabilities from on high

The Bible explains the what when and how
We learn quickly why we reap what we sow
We’re taught of His commands and His rules
Given instructions and the proper tools

With holy knowledge there can be no doubt
What God’s Word can do what it’s all about
There is one requirement for us to achieve
We must be holy and we must believe

Because we believe God bestows His love
His Army of Angels charged from above
His faithfulness and power open wide
And His Holy Spirit resides inside

D01: 07/23/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Have you been abandoned and left alone
Is the pain so unbearable you’re thrown
It comes not from the body or the head
It comes spiritually inside instead 

One day, someday you’ll discover that He
Will reveal more than imagined to be
Quit waiting for man to make it alright
Quit sitting on your bum get in the fight

Armor up daily and please pray pray pray
There really is no other possible way
We fight an enemy fierce and unseen
An enemy in plain sight ever been

Blind to the peril under which we survive
Unable to progress or even thrive
Twas not what God wanted or even planned
This surreptitious slavery under man

Some have claimed God could really care less
Despite her gifts ‘Merica is a mess
Look at what we accepted without a peep
How did we manage to get in so deep 

The web the enemy cleverly weaved
Has cause devastation so bereaved 
We’ve lost what we valued so dear to our hearts
Broken to pieces and left without parts 

When will God move as He promised of old
When will He free us from bondage foretold
When will the fruits of the wicked be torn
When will our nation be no more forlorn

Someday soon you will see His Almighty Hand
Spread worldwide over the sky sea and land
The Trumpet will sound everyone will hear
There’ll be joy everywhere not a single tear

D01: 07/17/2023


Poem by Duchess01 gifted on Thursdays Open, 2 May 2024


Amen – Amen – I say unto you;
Gather together I am with you;
Remember what – for you – I have done;
To ensure you and I live forever as one!

Blessed are you who are poor in spirit;
The Kingdom of God is yours – albeit;
Blessed are you who mourn – in your hearts;
Sweet comfort for you – My Spirit imparts!

Blessed are you who are meek – and lowly;
For you shall inherit the earth – most wholly;
Blessed are you who hunger and thirst;
For righteousness you will be filled and first!

Blessed are you who are merciful – and kind;
Mercy shall be yours – so keep that in mind;
Blessed are you who are purest in heart;
For you will see God from the very start!

Blessed are you who strive to make peace;
As children of God – your joy will not cease;
Blessed are you who are persecuted for right;
The Kingdom of Heaven will be in your sight!

Blessed are you who men revile and persecute;
Relentless for My name’s sake they prosecute;
Saying in all manner of evil you’re defiled;
I will exalt you – you’ll not be beguiled!

Blessed are you who have suffered for Me;
For great your reward in Heaven will be;
As prophets of old suffered greatly as well;
Like them, you profit – your riches will swell!

Be not dismayed – there is right judgment;
Be not distressed – for any begrudge meant;
Know that I see what is hidden from sight;
As in the last days, it is I who is light!

Blessed are you who are faithful and true;
I am He who can see the good that you do;
Truly you are – blessed and holy you be;
Living in paradise – someday with Me!

D01: 07/21/2013


From Duchess01, on Friday’s daily, 3 May 2024


When confronted with impossible odds
With insurmountable bauds and frauds
We look to contemplation and reason
Inward outward no matter the season

After consideration of every option
The master chosen is the swaption
Of the world we should be but naught
Through daily struggles we get caught

We twist and turn aimlessly all about
Filled with anger anguish dastardly doubt
We are tossed in the storm of no return
For the Peace of the Lord we surely yearn 

What can we do to detach and dispatch
The obvious outrageous moot mismatch
What have we done that we need to undo
What can we do to secure a breakthrough

What did we do at the start that went wrong
Why is it so hard and taking so long
Why do we struggle to figure it out
It all comes back to the matter of doubt

What did Thomas doubt that was unseen
What was he missing that should have been
Why did he hesitate when others believed
What did they have he had not received

We know the story of Thomas the doubter
Unfortunately some have played the flouter
Of little faith were Thomas and Matthew
By His Word we really did not have to

In Proverbs 3 – lies quality advice
The commands are simple and thrice
Trust – Lean Not – and do Acknowledge
The path made straight by pre-knowledge

Does faith precede you in all that you do
Is obedience without further ado
Do you take it up with Him first or last
Is your turmoil present or is it past

Does doubt deter and mesmerize your mind
Do you panic because you fell behind
Are you anxiety-ridden and far off course
Have you considered the unseemly source

When we dare to doubt the Power of God
We fail to trust – acknowledge – give Him laud
We think falsely there is naught He can do
Tho’ the impossible He can make anew

A time when we were too lost and tossed
It appeared the bridge could not be crossed
The mountain was much too high to mount
And problems were too numerous to count

Not so – not anymore – God is in charge
Man cannot solve worldwide turmoil at large
Much too soon the enemy took control
Before too long he’ll be in a blackhole

One man cannot right the wrongs worldwide
He can make changes with God by his side
When there appears to be no other way
The Power of God will – so let us PRAY!

D01: 04/22/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

God’s in control, His will is supreme
When evil ‘wins’, it’s not what it seems
All things, good and bad, work to God’s will
Serve Him well, His plans to fulfill

God uses men to further His plans
Though they’re evil, they’re all in His hands
Lost and unknowing, they work for Him
And though they ‘win’, their future is grim

We who are His, will walk down His ways
Learning His will in all of our days
Changing, slowly to be what we should
Forsaking evil, living for good

All yearning to be, when we arise
Complete in Him, rising through the skies
Meeting our Savior, seeing His face
Immersed in His love, mercy and grace

Living in joy, giving thanks and praise
Seeing God clearly, not through the haze
Knowing fully our great Prince of Peace
Living in wonders that never cease

From bakocarl, May 4, 2024

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Carl’s insightful comment on [some of] the Q crowd!

Posted on May 4, 2024.

I’m amazed at all the Q Proofs
Magic to show Q’s not a spoof
The numbers seem just idle prate
To prove Q’s a prophet, not click-bait

Q insiders post by the score
Their secret knowledge, and yet more
Teasing with questions, as they do
Far more prescient than me or you

Questions that ask but don’t inform
Swirling about us in a storm
Tossed out by these vain wannabees
Pretending that they’re Socrates

Multiple answers and more hype
Lead to the smell of rotten tripe
But their games, well, they still go on
An endless stream from dusk ‘till dawn

Q experts, so very endowed
So intelligent and so proud
Rise above us on mental stilts
Spouting their thoughts of golden gilt

“Think logically” we hear them say
Their remedy to save the day
Empty words that don’t help at all
Oft repeated as their cure-all

“I already knew”, they brag and boast
Touting their wisdom in their posts
“I’m just so smart, so far ahead”
“So perceptive and so well-read”

Many are those that have the need
To be seen as a better breed
Far ahead of the hoi polloi
A shiny, brilliant golden boy

But posers never win a war
That job’s such a menial chore
It’s time to stop the riddles and games
Bring out all facts and name the names

For it’s not elites that save the day
Nor rise to battle within the fray
We all know how this war is won
The common man will see it done

From grass roots we’ll get victory
Practical results that all can see
Deplorables throughout our great land
Will restore our American brand

And we’ll remember for all time
The costs of treachery and crime
And we’ll stand tall when our nation calls
For Liberty and Justice for all


From Duchess01 Gifted on Saturday, 4 May 2024


His Grace is abundant in meekness
His strength is made perfect in weakness
Gladly glory in your infirmities
And do not fear any adversities

When you are torn and worn from battle
Angels will remove the rote rattle 
Lift you up and attend to your sores
The bruises and scars from many wars

When you are dejected defeated and down
Remember God’s mercy will soon abound
He will carry you gently while you heal
The power of His Love you will surely feel

By the Grace of God you are who you are
His Grace imparted on you left no scar
You labored more abundantly than many
More than adequate which was plenty

By Grace you are saved thru Faith it is said
And not of yourself but a gift instead
One of many God bestows upon those
Who obey His commands even en throes

When you are weakened spiritually
Be rest assured of God’s right remedy
Nothing that happens is ever too large
Be still and know that He is in charge

By your side He will always be ready
To raise you right up and keep you steady
By Grace through Faith you belong to Him
A loving gift He confers not on a whim

D01: 08/22/2023


By Duchess01 Sunday, 5 May 2024


Whoever values the world – is not of God;
The Spirit cannot dwell in him – he is flawed;
Seek ye first the kingdom of God – in His Word;
All will be added too – have you not heard?

The Power of the Spirit is immense;
Indwelled with the Spirit is intense;
There is no comparison – none at all;
To anything worldly – the world is too small!

His Spirit within you empowers – protects;
He convicts you of sin – and He corrects;
No power in the universe – can compare;
Anytime – anyplace – or anywhere!

Trust in God – keep close contact – let Him in;
Pray He will send His Spirit to dwell within;
When the Spirit indwells – He guides your way;
Whatever you do – whatever you say!

All bad feelings – all hurt – attendant pain;
He will dispel – till you are free again;
He will guide your heart – so free you will stay;
The demons that pursue you – He’ll keep at bay!

All turmoil – torment – they seek to create;
He will disable – and surely abate;
Keep in obedience – and He’ll bless you;
With His gifts and fruits – that’s what He will do!

When you are tempted – by the evil one;
Think not twice – ask Him – and it will be done;
Take this thought from me – please take it away;
In Jesus’ Name – it has no power to stay!

In all that you do – what you encounter;
He will assist – and put it asunder;
Fear not the evil one – his power fades;
With the Spirit inside – His power aids!

In the supernatural war – we fight each day;
There’s no greater power – to keep them away;
Than His Spirit inside you – strengthening;
Protecting – their distance He’s lengthening!

Come – Holy Spirit – within me – I pray;
Keep all evil from me – keep it at bay;
Keep my heart – and my thoughts – pure with Your grace;
Indwell in my heart – shine Your light on my face!

D01: 12/02/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


In morning’s first light, I think fondly of You;
I ponder in my heart – what You will ask I do;
My morning petitions in prayer I plead;
What is it, Lord – from me – that You most need?

Send forth Your Spirit to enlighten me;
Give me Your discernment so I may be;
Understanding and mindful of Your plan;
Ready to serve You the best that I can!

Set up your appointment of the divine;
In my mind and heart – clarify – refine;
Your Will not mine – must be forever Thine;
Through all human endeavor and by design!

It is You who determines what will be;
The fate of mankind o’er land and o’er sea;
Who is man that You would care about him?
After all he has done through selfish whim?

Many of our brethren suffer each day;
At the hands of evil to our dismay;
What can I do to dismantle and jam?
When meek and lowly – Your servant I am!

Strengthen me, Lord – to fight valiantly now;
Through prayer and fasting – feed me somehow;
Lift up my brethren – and strengthen them, too;
The Font of Blessing – comes only from You!

Gather Your angels – of the warring kind;
Leave not a single man – woman behind;
Send forth Your Spirit – by Your mighty hand;
Break the evil hold – over all the land!

Give us this day Your sweet heavenly bread;
Make certain – your children – they – are all fed;
Gather in prayer – your brethren today;
Help us – Oh, Lord – keep all evil at bay!

Our Father – who in Heaven resides;
Send forth Your Spirit who in us abides;
Have mercy on us – oh, please hear my cry;
The Font of Blessing – oh, please do apply!

DD1:  07/24/2013

Posted on this site 6 May 2024

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From bakocarl today, 6 May 2024…..


Not worthy at all, but so richly blest,
Our lives fly by in our great quest
To fully know Jesus, and run the race,
To walk God’s paths, and to seek His face.

We were blest by God before time,
Chosen in Him for no good, yours or mine.
Chosen in Him by His will for His plan
To redeem the lives of sinful man.

Bought by Christ’s blood on a wooden cross,
Though we fully deserve both grief and loss.
Given faith as a gift, so we can believe,
And all is ours; we must only receive.

Indwelt by God’s Spirit, a holy Seal
That no one can break, that no one can steal,
To mark us forever as God’s kin;
Blest in His sight, redeemed from our sin.

God’s Holy Spirit is our Helper, too;
Teacher, Reminder of what we should do.
He reveals and brings wisdom and power,
Preparing us for that blest future hour.

In that blest hour we’ll all hear the shout
And, like Lazarus, we will come out.
Out and up to our Lord in the sky,
And onward to our new homes on high.

Blest we are, richly blest every day;
Blest to be chosen from out of the fray;
Blest to be led along God’s pathways.
Blest! Truly blest! Hallelujah we praise!


Duchess01, May 7th, 2024


We each have gifts given by God at birth
These gifts like virtues expound our worth
The fruits are like actions virtues produce
These presents the Spirit comes to induce

Prompted by the Spirit the gifts bear fruit
Without the Spirit the gifts are but moot
Gifts bear fruit with the aid of the Spirit
Devoid of the Spirit we cannot clear it

The Spirit lives inside of the believer
The presence of fruits Spirit achiever
Indwelling is proof of the Spirit within
Through Him with Him the work can begin 

It has been said the gifts there are seven
With the nine fruits we are blessed by heaven
Through prayer and practice our gifts blossom
And the fruits that advance are quite awesome 

Understanding Knowledge and Wisdom
Counsel Piety Fortitude system
The Fear of the Lord all give a good start
The Spirit inside us blesses the heart

The action derived from the work we do
The fruits that are seen will benefit you
Filled with Love Goodness Kindness and Peace
Then Joy Patience Gentleness Faith increase

With Perseverance we cannot go wrong
Aligned with the Spirit where we belong
What wondrous ability you can accrue
When the Spirit of God lives inside of you

D01: 07/21/2023


Duchess01, from Wednesday May 8th, 2024


Jesus said: Ye are the light of the world 
As children of God darkness is unfurled
We walk as children in the light of God
Because He called us out not to be flawed

If we walk in the light as He is in the light
We have fellowship with one another aright
The Blood of the Lamb cleanses all from sin
Darkness cannot exist or live within

Let light shine out of darkness in our hearts
Where knowledge of His Glory light imparts
His Word is a lamp right unto our feet 
A light unto our path none can defeat

Let your light shine bright before all others
Show your good works to sisters brothers
All praise to the Heavenly Father of all
That they may give glory both great and small

Then your light shall break forth like the dawn
Your healing shall spring up quickly bygone
Your righteousness shall go well before you
The Glory of God behind you accrue

Your eye is the lamp of your whole body 
When the eye is healthy it shines broadly
But when it is not beware you will see
Darkness will envelope encompass thee

Come out of the darkness into the light
Proclaim the excellence of God outright
He who walks in darkness loses his way
But he who walks with God will not stray

D01: 07/30/2023


bakocarl from Thursday, May 9th, 2024


We may never know how it came to be,
That we were chosen, both you and me
But “Glory to God!” is what we’ll give,
For God gave His Son so that we can live.

In our meager minds we can’t comprehend
What God has planned for us at life’s end.
Our joy will surpass all finite confines
As we bask in God’s light – His glory divine.

Oh, to be on that beautiful shore,
Complete in Him with sin no more.
Death and sorrow now gone, no pain.
Godliness, contentment and gain remain.

Sublime peace and joy, through every day;
Smooth paths grace us, guiding our way.
Every day fills with righteousness and love,
All planned before by our Father above.

After an eon in God’s golden light,
We’ll still be filled with amazed delight.
God’s joyful abundance exceeds our dreams,
As our praise flows to Him in heartfelt streams.


Duchess01 from Thursday, May 9th 2024


We think we know all about Jesus
We undoubtedly believe He frees us 
His blood protects us from all harm
No rhyme or reason for alarm

By His stripes we are totally healed
We just need to trust our fate is sealed
It is our friendship with Him that reveals
The secrets that experience conceals

Jesus is a friend who ne’er lets us down
Through thick and thin He is always around
When we least expect He appears so close
He comes quickly by the prayer we chose

Did you know he is physician/therapist
He can diagnose/propose repair it best
When all have thrown in the towel tis true
He has the perfect plan for what to do

No one would believe if ever be told
His glorious guidance to behold
Unless they experienced the intimacy
Of a relationship with legitimacy

His patience purges tumultuous tears
His calmness fractures frightening fears
His nearness comforts the hopelessness
His strength befuddles broad brokenness

When we cry through the pain He lifts us up
Offers us a sip from the Blessing Cup
Encourages us to endure thru it all
As He readies us for His Divine Call

It’s an exercise in humility to give it all to Him
Not something He takes lightly on a whim
Tis a gift of assurance we’ll succeed
As long as we trust in Him and accede

D01: 05/08/2024


Duchess, an extra special. 😁 Thursday, 9 May 2024


Silly is as silly does
As silly is meant to be
Outrageous uncontrollable because
It’s a release to set us free

We might feel foolish for a little while
Embarrassed and giddy and nutty
Normally not like us or our style
Unglued and detached without putty

So when you feel overwhelmed
Just let go and be silly
Shake the shackles be unhelmed
Writhe about willy nilly

Refrained and restrained for so long
Tied up in knots we have become
Stiff and unfit is oh so wrong
What happened to many benumb

Surely events of the past two years
Have shaken and rattled outrightly
Increased our fears brought us to tears
And unnerved us more than just slightly 

So if you are unravelled and uptight
Pay no mind to the cold and chilly
Get rid of the stress release it outright
Just let yourself go and be silly

​D01: 04/24/2023


Duchess01 Friday, May 10th 2024


Like a Child – to you, Lord – I long to be;
Humble not proud – nor haughty – to Thee;
Trusting – forgiving – lovingly giving;
Innocent and pure – faithfully living!

You promised Your kingdom – and rightfully;
To those who – like children – are delightfully;
Pure in spirit – with simplicity of heart;
Where the Spirit resides – and will not depart!

As a child of God – I will give You my all;
Lest my sins weigh me down – and be my downfall;
Let my heart be not proud – or my eyes haughty;
Let me be innocent – pure – and rarely naughty!

What can a child do – an adult cannot?
Forgive in an instant – without a thought;
A child has compassion – when another hurts;
He comforts – consoles – no malice he blurts!

In awe of his God is the little child;
His love is great – his heart undefiled;
He sees no ethnicity or skin color;
His friend is a pal of vigor and valor!

Never let pride enter into your heart;
It causes the Spirit to quickly depart;
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive;
For it is in dying – that you will live!

When another is injured or afflicted;
Let compassion rule – be not conflicted;
As your Heavenly Father gives to you;
For brother and sister – so you must do!

In your relations – be honest and true;
Do not deceive – let your ego rule you;
For what do you gain – when left all alone?
All puffed up in pride – your friendship blown!

How can a man be childlike in spirit?
Be pure of heart – and receive great merit;
What can he do to please Jesus each day?
He must humble himself – there’s no other way!

Whoever humbles himself Like a Child;
Will be greater in heaven – never exiled;
Whoever receives one – in Your Holy name;
Receives Child and You – one and the same!

D01: 09/28/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 11 May 2024


In the morning, we are reminded
Of what we need to do today
We try to remain broad-minded
As we attempt to make our way

As our eyes open to a new day
We think first thoughts of You
For it is You who will guide our way
Over, above, and through

Without You we would be lost
Confused in mind, body, and soul
Through this maze we would be tossed
No way we would ever be whole

What would You have us do today
Where are we needed the most
Who needs a prayer a clearway
Nearby or at a distant coast

Be we anxious or just be concerned
About another in the mind
Whose life may suddenly be upturned 
Or it may be one in a bind 

Whatever it is the Spirit knows
For it is He who guides us 
Through many sorrows even woes
With best blessings He abides us

Inspire us Lord as we make our way
Guide us Lord in all that we do
Make this a most prosperous day
As we praise and glorify You

Not for us do we work so hard
Not for us do we normally pray
Not for us do we stand guard
But to help another make his way

Help us, Lord, to be of service
Help us, Lord, to glorify You
Help us, Lord, not to be nervous
About what it is we must do

Open our hearts and clear our minds
Open our ears wide to listen
Help us to open the spiritual blinds 
Pray for those we need to christen

Many are lost in ways unknown
They have been brought to the edge
They need to know they are not alone
They must come now off of the ledge

There is healing in the Blood of Jesus
There is healing in His mighty Word
There is healing in His love that frees us
It is by His love that we are stirred

Heal us, Lord, from all that binds us
From anything that would divide
Heal us, Lord, from all that blinds us
Help us, Lord, in You to abide

It is You in whom we find comfort
From worldly concerns of the day
From all that brings discomfort
Help us, Lord, to drive it away

Strengthen our bodies and minds
Bring peace to those around us
Bless Your people of all kinds
Let not turmoil surround us

Heal us, Lord, as only You can do
From whatever it is that ails us
Let us not be discouraged or blue
Break up the evil that assails us

Give us peace of mind, body, and soul
Help us stand strong and not falter
Give us back that which they stole
Grant our petitions left at the altar

Bless us, Lord, and heal us
From all that would keep us aback
From all adversity seal us
Protect us from ev’ry attack

Under Your wings we are sheltered
From all that could ever harm us
Under Your love we are weltered
Nothing will ever alarm us

Thank You for hearing our prayer
For guiding us on our way
For nothing could ever compare
With blessings received each day

D01: 04/06/2022


Duchess01 from Sunday, 12 May 2024 for Mother’s Day!


The trials and tribulations of a mother;
Neither begin nor end at birth nor bother;
At conception, God blesses the tiny seed;
Yielding to God, mother and child accede!

With Faith, Hope, and Love – gifts given by God;
The journey toward life by which we are awed;
Is fraught with twists and turns and discomfort;
Till joy supplants pain – and rewards the effort!

Many are the sorrows of motherhood;
Mary, His Mother – at the cross she stood;
Pierced through the heart with unparallelled pain;
From her sorrow, His Glory she would gain!

A mother’s pain is suffered in silence;
On God’s great love must be her reliance;
She understands not the will of the Lord;
So she searches for answers in His Word!

She knows that Jesus suffered not in vain;
She understands His suffering and His pain;
She recognizes His gift to all of mankind;
And treasures His gift in her heart and mind!

She remembers His mother at the cross;
She can relate perfectly to her loss;
Whatever she suffers cannot compare;
To the suffering Mary had to forbear!

Be not discouraged – oh, mother of Mine;
Be thee encouraged – child of the divine;
Seek thee thy comfort and love from on high;
Give no credence to the sorrowful sigh!

Trust that your child and you are in My care;
Not a moment goes by when I am not there;
Standing beside you with angelic aid;
My death on the cross was the price I paid!

Be neither afraid nor fearful – for I am here; 
To help and comfort – to Me, you are dear; 
Give Me your sorrow and distress this day; 
And I will be with you all of the way! 

Remember your child is My child as well;
Put your trust in Me – your fears I’ll dispel;
Rest easy in My arms and loving care;
And be sure in your heart that I am there!

D01: 4/23/2013


Duchess01 Monday, 13 May 2024


Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!

Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!

Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!

Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!

Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!

Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!

I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!

Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!

Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!

Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!

Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!

D01: 07/14/2013


Duchess01 from Tuesday, 14 May 2024 reminding us “God always has something better😀


Let us not concentrate on the evil of the day
Let machinations of the enemy hold no sway
Free us from manic mind manipulation
Let Your Holy Word be our contemplation

Fashion our minds with Your Holy Grace 
Fix our eyes on the splendor of our space
Breathe on us Your hallowed breath of life
Release us from daily sorrow and strife

Let us reflect on the beauty of Your creation 
With awe and wonder without hesitation
So much more to appreciate aptly akin
That brings warmth to the heart herein

Cleanse us, Lord, from wayward thoughts
From worldly concerns and jackpots
From fleshly fetishes that only distract
Keep our minds wholly on You intact

Prepare our perspective to reach higher
Patient perseverance blessings acquire
While we all do fall short of Your Glory
Tis not the end of our earthly story

Infuse our minds with rich refreshment
Help us acquire accrued assessment
Give us the key to heavenly access
Secured by You will be our successes
Help us grow closer to You each day
To the Life, the Truth, and the only Way
Purify our hearts minds and bodies ado
From anything that separates us from You 
Refined in the fire we all shall be 
As we strive to be more holy like Thee 
Renew Our Minds, Lord, we humbly implore 
Guide us to eternity evermore 

D01: 02/13/2023


Duchess01 from Wednesday 15 May 2024


Blessed are they who believe outright;
Who have eyes to see – and His insight;
Who have heard His Word – and abide in it;
Who – through His Spirit – simply intuit!

Faith – is a leap into the unknown – unseen;
It requires obedience – pure and pristine;
When the voice of the Spirit – guides the heart;
The unforeseen fear will quickly depart!

Faith is belief – the assent of the mind;
To the truth of another – from behind;
Resting on the authority – of the Spirit;
Judgment less evidence – you will merit!

Faith is relief – the release of the mind;
God’s revelation of the highest kind;
Confidence comes – from the mind of God;
A wondrous gift – to whit we are awed!

Belief in the scriptures – is the basis of faith;
The being and perfection of God – is a wraith;
Through Jesus Christ – and His revelation;
Our faith in Him – brings this elevation!

Faith is confidence – in the promises of God;
Without which through life – in fear – we will trod;
The truthful declarations – in His Holy Word;
Are accurate acclamations – be rest assured!

Faith is not speculation – it is truth;
A gift from God – He granted in youth;
With certainty in what – God has declared;
Inspired by Him – cannot be impaired!

Faith is correctness – assurance of heart;
That God will uphold us right from the start;
Adherence to the truth is beyond reproach;
With sincerity – honesty – above approach!

If you have faith like the mustard seed;
You will not sin – in word or in deed;
Faith will uphold you – through turmoil and pain;
With confidence – in His Word – you will gain!

Step forward in faith – leave fear behind;
Let faith be an asset – to body and mind;
Trust in His Word – and His veracity;
Let His grace increase – faith capacity!

D01:  10/06/2013


Duchess01 posted Thursday, 16 May 2024


The law of the Lord is perfect and true;
It revives the soul – and gives life to you;
The rule of the Lord – you can trust;
It gives wisdom to the simple – a thrust!

The precepts of the Lord are right and real;
They gladden the heart – with righteous zeal;
The commands of the Lord are crystal clear;
They give songs to the voice – chords to the ear!

The Fear of the Lord is holy – abides;
Wherein – the heart – that the Spirit resides;
The decrees of the Lord are true and just;
So Fear of the Lord for all is a must!

More to be desired than the purest gold;
Sweeter than honey from the comb threefold;
For in them – the servant – finds instruction;
From precept to precept – no deduction!

Great reward comes from their very keeping;
Only He can detect error speaking;
Of hidden faults – His justice surely acquits;
From the judgment seat upon which He sits!

From presumption – we must be restrained;
From judging others – we must be retrained;
Under presumption – we make ourselves blameless;
Not cleansed from grave sin – or even shameless!

Let the spoken word of your mouth – win favor;
Let your thoughts be pure – that they He may savor;
Let your heart be of a clean – contrite nature;
Let your heart – the Holy Spirit – capture!

The Fear of the Lord – is not fear at all;
It’s His love in your heart – so answer His call;
His precepts – commands – decrees are all there;
To guide you – correct you – keep you aware!

Be prudent – be faithful – be thankful you are;
Chosen by Him – loved – and cherished by far;
The Fear of the Lord – is His awesomeness;
Give thanks – for His love – and His blessedness!

D01:  11/18/2013


Duchess01 from Friday, 17 May 2024


Angel of the Lord stay with me tonight
Help me to endure till the morning light
When the soldiers arrive to help me flee
Thru the maze of the tunnels and be free

Rescue me from this horrific plight
From the daily pain help me take flight
Take all of the babies heaven bound
No more suffering the terror sound

Let silence bring peace from abuse
And nightmares cease to induce
Memories of frightful occurrences
Bring forth the mighty deterrences

Sweet Jesus come and comfort me
Let nothing that hurts come to be
Let no one touch me unnecessarily
Bring forth the soldiers militarily

Let this be the last horror I see
Come quickly Lord and rescue me
Get me out of the oppressors way
Guide me out of the tunnels today

Take me to freedom into the light
Take me far from the oppressors sight
Bring me into the open arms of love
Follow the Angels sent from above

Thank You for ending my agony
Thank You for setting me free
Thank You for so caring be
Thank You for rescuing me!

D01: 07/10/2021


Duchess01 a 2nd from Friday, 17 May 2024


When all seems lost notice what happens next
God suddenly halts it at its apex 
God said for us He will make an escape
Just as He promised in His Word takes shape

He will never abandon or leave us alone
To face problems without solution shown
When we put our trust completely in Him 
The problem will no longer seem so grim

We might find answers thru advice of friends
Or maybe thru our thinking God will cleanse 
Clarify and correct less the emotion
To help us strive and stop the commotion

Some days are plagued with sorrow and pain
We simply must manage stay safe and sane
One mishap after another to knock us down
Somehow we remain afloat and not drown 

It is easy to see when we have faith
Just as in His Word He simply saith 
For without faith we sure cannot please God
Cause faith is the substance of hope unflawed 

When you lean not on your own understanding
You’ll see His power exert expanding
Acknowledging Him brings Him close at hand
His knowledge and wisdom at our command

Time after time God has proven His love
Definitively infinitely from above
Remember He resides inside of you
To assist abet with all that you do 

D01: 07/31/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 18 May 2024


Happy are those who Feast on Wisdom;
Who savor her knowledge of His Kingdom;
She will refresh and nourish them wisely;
Her assistance is welcome – quite precisely!

Heavenly bread – her drink – understanding;
So succor her knowledge notwithstanding;
Her nourishment is constant and truthful;
Not for the blind of faith – or for the youthful!

Refreshment is – the fruit of the Spirit;
Through the lens of faith – we can intuit;
What can one do with only knowledge alone?
With no understanding – knowledge is prone!

The sweetness of Wisdom is God’s Great Gift;
Knowledge plus understanding – a lofty lift;
From the abyss of deception we will arise;
The richness of Wisdom is for only the wise!

His Word alone – not the fruit of the earth;
Sustains His faithful ones – from their rebirth;
The bread of Wisdom is insight – not mirth;
Her drink is understanding – knowledge worth!

Refreshed by His Word – and nourished divine;
His faithful ones repent – sin – they decline;
His Spirit indwells – in the temple of man;
Where wisdom is instilled – according to plan!

Your steadfastness, Lord, assures that within;
Both knowledge and understanding defeat sin;
When the two are united – wisdom be told;
A magnificent miracle – inside to behold!

For what is a man who is wise beyond years;
If he hears not – listens not – to what he hears;
If he has knowledge without understanding;
His foundation is shaky – so is his landing!

The Gift of the Spirit is Wisdom – and Grace;
The mind becomes avid – with Faith in place
The body is sound – the spirit is free;
So Feast on Wisdom – sweet delicacy!

Proportioned and balanced as God created;
With knowledge and understanding related;
Combined with His Word in perfect harmony;
Let’s Feast on Wisdom – His Word brilliantly!

D01: 08/20/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From Duchess, here:


When God gave His Only Begotten Son;
The ransom for souls – the victory won;
He demonstrated His great love to be;
For all His Beloved – for you and me!

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are redeemed;
There’s no other way it could be it seemed;
His sacrifice was pure – untainted by sin;
Let the suffering end – His new life begin!

There is no greater love one man can give;
Than to lay down His life and to forgive;
He forgave His oppressors – yes He did;
His victory over death – all amid!

What does God want in return for His love?
Is it peace among men or branch of olive?
For what do we strive to do day after day?
What is it we need – to live only His way?

We must love Him with our mind, heart, and soul;
Serve Him through others – His heart to console;
Serve no other gods – no idols have we;
The servant of all – He wants us to be!

We must keep our Sabbath to worship Him;
Not just for one day – but surely passim;
We must honor our earthly mother and dad;
The best of caretakers we ever had!

We must not kill our brother – any way;
In spirit or slander or libel – betray;
We must take not – what belongs not to us;
Or covet the goods of another thus!

We must not covet the wife of any man;
Or lust in our hearts because we can;
No envy or malice can we keep inside;
Nor from God should we ever seek to hide!

We must love our neighbor as Jesus loved;
Do all that we can – make him so beloved;
For it is in giving that we will receive;
And it is in dying – we come to believe!

Dying to self – to follow Jesus, Our Lord;
Is that which will bring us to full accord;
Keeping His Word – we must strive to do;
For God’s Great Love lives in me and you!

D01: 07/26/2013


Duchess01 1 part of 2 Monday, 20 May 2024


If you are looking for serenity 
It’s not attached to your identity
It’s not something you can purchase or buy
Nor is it something you can test or try

In life there’ll be trials and tribulation
At times an acquired aberration
Is your mind overwhelmed out of control
With no influence to calm or cajole

Have you cried for comfort that does not come
Are your senses silent your body benumb
Are you irritable and anxious too
Wondering what you are going to do

There is no place to go to stop the noise
When you’ve lost your confidence and your poise
When your thoughts are tethered in a twist
When you’re tied up in knots and can’t resist

Is this a state of your own creation 
Have you given in to some temptation
Have you failed to stop and take time to pray
Have you asked God to intervene today

Have you sought answers solely thru your mind
Have you ignored prompts of the Spirit kind
Have you petitioned God with your solution
Or have you trusted God with His locution

There is no Peace and Comfort without God
There is nowhere to turn that is not flawed
There is no love hope or even a chance
That you will be able to Happy Dance 

D01: 07/16/2023


Duchess01 2nd part of 2 poems Monday 20 May 2024


Good Morning, Jesus! How are You today?
There is something on my mind I just have to say
This week has been not just a challenge for me
It has been demanding and trying as it could be.

If I thought last week was a trial catching up
Tying up loose ends of projects – curb the backup
Rewrites and mistakes I must make right
Why am I flustered and oh so uptight?

I had to stop the panic – get my head on straight
To be done and completed – I just could not wait
In all the anxiety – I forgot one important thing
I had not remembered – I was under Your wing.

All the sources I amassed for my work
The one high above all I must not shirk
It was You, Sweet Jesus – I left behind
Have I lost my edge – misplaced my mind?

I stopped what I was doing to take quick stock
My website – went awry – it really did not rock
Of course without help – what could I expect
I must go to my rock and get it all checked. 

I stopped again – remembered her advice
I must pray – and ask – if I have to – twice
I must trust in God – with all of my heart
Lean not on myself – right from the start.

Help me, Lord – I prayed heartedly out loud
Help me to focus – mind out of the cloud
Help me organize – this mess on my desk
Make it flow smoothly – be not so grotesque!

All of a sudden – and out of the blue
It came clearly to me – what I had to do
Tweak and correct the whackadoodle site
Get back my clarity – fight the good fight.

The rewrites went well – whipped them off quick
The focus – the clarity – the much needed trick
Without Your help – it would not have been done
Cause You are the Way – the Life – and the One!

The One to whom I must direct my course
The Only One who can be a good source
You are my Savior in all that I do
Without You – I am nothing – that is true.

Through all I have suffered to get it all done
With You by my side – the victory was won
So – Thank You, Jesus – for coming to me
For helping me finish – helping me see.

From the bottom of my heart – I pray you know
I have done my best – Your glory to show
I am grateful, Lord – for the gifts You gave
To use them wisely – Your honor to save.

You blessed me, Lord – what more can I say
You saved me, Lord – to relish this day
Thanks to Your guidance – my panic did cease
The anxiety is gone – and now I have peace.

D01: 05/15/2019

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


CARL !!! CARL !!! CARL !!!

Please pardon my not present precious platitudes – BUT
I would be amiss in my attitudes – IF
I did not profusely ‘thank you’ – FOR
Your bountiful ‘Sunday Beatitudes !!!


God made each of us unique and solely
Like He – He wanted us to be holy
He gave each of us both gifts and talents
All are designed to keep us in balance 

No two are similar or even the same 
Nor were we endowed from whence we came
As we grow through our talents we thrive
And we know through grace our gifts come alive

Have you any idea how special you are
More amazing than you believe by far
What would happen if you missed just one day
Who would fill in the blank and pave the way

No matter what others might say or think
No one can replace you if you should blink
God placed you right where He wants you to be
Without hesitation from you or me

If you think of a structure less one block
Or a herd of sheep less one from the flock
Then you know how very special are you
How important it is to do what you do

If you are a page in a chapter book
How will the story make sense or look
The missing link to this mystery
Well it could be you or it could be me

If you are wondering where you fit in 
Just take a step back to where you have been
Consider where we would be without you
So Special are You to this Treehouse crew

D01: 06/09/2023


Duchess01 Tuesday, 21 May 2024


Have mercy on me, my Lord and my God;
For I am distressed – in chains I am shod;
My tears flow like rivers – raging from strain;
My heart is pierced – my throat aches in pain!

My life spent in sorrow – and in deep regret;
My sins are before me – I cannot forget;
In repentance I seek You – for right relief;
Your loving kindness is – my refuge – belief!

Lord – affliction – has broken down my strength;
From helplessness, stress – I suffer at length;
My foes have encompassed me – all around;
They ravage me daily – destruction bound!

I trust in You, Lord – take comfort in You;
Come to my aid – Lord – Refresh me anew;
My life is in Your hands – if it be Your Will;
Calm the waters – from their raging – be still!

Feed me – knead me – with Your nourishing grace;
Through faith without fear – my weakness erase;
Infuse me with courage – and strengthen me;
Help me be steadfast – a stronghold like Thee!

Let me be glad and rejoice in Your love;
Assured in Your goodness sent from above;
Let me not – for one moment – be fearful;
Keep me far from unsure – doubtful – tearful!

Free me from distress – of body and mind;
Help me walk self-assured – no longer blind;
With my life in Your hands – deliver me;
From the throes of my foes – let me be free!

Strengthen My Heart – as only You know how;
Pour forth Your knowledge – understanding now;
Send in Your angels – with reinforcements;
Lift up my spirit – in inch increments!

Send forth Your Spirit – to enlighten me;
With knowledge – understanding – wisdom be;
A tower of strength – instilled in my heart;
Let not Your Spirit – from me ere depart!

Strengthen My Heart – my Lord and my King;
Let the indwelling Spirit – His power bring;
Your justice – Oh Lord – from on high rain down;
Let Your Heavenly Grace – be forever my crown!

D01: 09/30/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday, 22 May 2024


Love your neighbor as I have loved you;
This is what Jesus asked us all to do;
Judge not or you will be judged right the same;
Blame not a soul – don’t defile his or her name!

Only God knows the heart – it is His to know;
Backbiting and gossip – we must forego;
If we engage in demeaning our brother;
It hurts only us – not at all the other!

For God does not look kindly on attacks;
It is He who will correct – give the whacks;
In His conviction – he will pity the one;
Vengeance is His – and will be swiftly done!

Jesus wants us to forgive – or we will not;
When we ask forgiveness – as we ought;
We must be willing to forgive and forget;
Or forgiveness of sins – we’ll not beget!

Blaming one’s neighbor – to elevate self;
That’s not what God wants – for him or herself;
We must be accountable for falling short;
Of His glory and mercy – no smart retort!

What will we say when we stand before Him;
Will we make excuses – keep blaming Jim?
At that point it’ll be too late for amends;
It will be pointless then to forgive our friends!

Forgiveness is freedom from guilt and shame;
It comes when we repent and take the blame;
For our cruelty and meanness toward another;
For falsely accusing our sister or brother!

Be slow to anger – and quick to forgive;
Without guilt and guile is the way to live;
With love and understanding – you will be;
In God’s good graces – and frankly – free!

Creating strife among one’s sister or brother;
It is not really how you love one another;
Jesus commanded us to love as He did;
His Peace He gave us – to share not forbid!

Forgive one another – be a light in the dark;
Be love toward your brother – and set the spark;
For the peacemakers – the Word says are duly;
Called Children of God – and quite blessed – truly!

D01: 11/17/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 23 May 2024



Have you noticed lately, Lord
I am shaky, unhinged, and floored
At what has just happened to me
I am not as sound as I used to be

My steps are labored I cannot sprint
My mind is sharp my muscles splint
My gait is slow and wouldn’t you know
My 100-yard dash it ain’t no mo

When I was young full of energy I was
My prowess in sport impressive it twas
But now I struggle just to keep going
As the years pass by I am slowing

I cannot complain by any measure
My life has taken on brand new treasure
My daily chores are so different now
An about turn they have taken somehow

I contemplate and meditate much more
My prayers are more meaningful than before
My divine appointment has been redefined
With His Divine Will it is much more aligned 

Sometimes I need help keeping upright
A cane prevents me from taking flight
A handrail assists in climbing the stairs
Without these aids I could land anywheres

It is manifest madly maturing
How many more years there’s no assuring
But God has made provision for us
No reason to fret or kick up a fuss

He provides us with companions of all sorts
From animals to flowers diamonds and quartz
He turns our attention to things on high
He prompts us to look up into the sky

He sends us smiles and blessings each day
Just not in the ordinary or usual ways
A giggle here and a belly laugh there
From cyber friends on blogs everywhere

So if you are feeling old and less than useful
Remember there is more for you that’s museful
There are babies and kitties and puppies
And there are wokies, pokies and yuppies

There are nitpickers pastors and prophets
There is beauty in nature and soffits
We could be here all day naming the gifts
How marvelously God’s blessing uplifts

Suffice as to say on any given day
There are things that appear to get in the way
There are frustrations/delays we must endure
And many bumps in the road that is for sure

So if you are feeling bumped and bruised
And your body is reeling from being abused
Call on the Angels charged to assist you
And thank God they can never resist you!

D01: 02/23/2023


CeCe Winans – Goodness Of God || Exclusive K-LOVE Performance


Duchess01 Also Thursday 23 May 2024


Who is the greatest boxer of all time?
Who bragged he was super star so sublime?
Who was the runner who outran the rest?
Who clocked in his time as the very best?

Who was the richest man recently noted?
Who had wealth so vast – ego so bloated?
Who was the most famous movie star of all?
Pardon me – please – I really cannot recall!

When will the first be the last you ask?
For many are called and taken to task;
Who are the few that are chosen to be?
Elevated by God – for eternity!

It is the man with a humble, contrite heart;
Who repents of his sin from the very start;
His head hung in sorrow – he fervently pleads;

He knows it’s forgiveness – he surely needs!

He who gives thanks for blessings each day;
Is well aware of what Father would say;
If he took the choicest in life as his own;
Shared neither his wealth nor what he had sown!

If each seat taken was the best in the house;
First and foremost – and forever the louse;
Would his mansion in Heaven be the best?
Or would the fiery furnace be eternal rest?

Are we like the man who was hung on the tree?
Are we poor, humble, and as kind as He?
Compassionate, loving, and caring toward all?
Gentle, long-suffering – virtually – on call?

Do we look for attention at every turn?
Is it fame and fortune for which we yearn?
Do we take the first seat or sit in the last?
Are we meek and humble – securely steadfast?

The greatest of all is not one who’s achieved;
The best and the brightest are not conceived;
It’s the few who – among many – He will call;
The greatest will be the servant of all!

D01: 06/28/2013


Duchess01 on Friday, 24 May 2024


What is the matter with you
What’s got you in a tizzy
Not sure of what you must do
Or is your mind just busy

What is it you are evading
What are you hiding inside
In what have you been wading
Is it low or is it high tide

Are you awake at night
Feeling restless and so blue
About what in plain sight
Is bugging the heck out of you

Is there something you left undone
Or someone you left behind
Or something you have just begun
That just will not let you unwind

Tap into the Spirit of God
Ask what it is He wants of you
Even though your thinking is flawed
Receive what He says you must do

Speak not – just listen to Him
To what He guides you to do
Let Him fill you up to the brim
Allow Him to give you a clue

The Spirit speaks directly
Does not falter or miss a cue
Precisely and correctly
He will determine what to do

For success you must be willing
For the process it is divine
It is sure to be most thrilling 
It is special and only thine

He will untangle the turmoil
He will decipher your thought
Because it is for the uncoil
The price for which you were bought

Do you deny what He did for you
Have you forgotten what He suffered
Is all of this worth what you must do
Are you willing now to be buffered

Then stop all the nonsense
And agree to reconcile
Being stubborn makes no sense
So stop acting juvenile 

Make peace with sister/brother
What Jesus expects you to do
Hold no grudge with another
Let go – Let God do it for you

Tied up in a knot is nowhere to be
It obstructs your love and vision
It becomes an impossibility
For what remains is a scission

Peace be with you all of your days
May your mind be free and clear
Decisive in all of your ways 
God loves you so much you hear?

D01: 04/04/2022

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

An “off-Tree” poem I thought was nice!

A poem by “”

I wrote a Poem about President Trump, starting each line with a different letter and going sequentially from A to Z

A man of stature, bold and grand,
Born to lead, with plans in hand.
Champion of the people’s voice,
Driven by a nation’s choice.

Eager to bring change anew,,
Hailing from a business norm.
Fearless in his red, white, blue.
Guiding through both calm and storm

In his stride, ambition gleams,
Just as bold as all his dreams.
Keeping promises, standing tall,
Leading with a vision for all.

Mighty in his quest for more,
Never one to shy from war.
Opening doors with steady hand,
Powerful across the land.

Questing for a future bright,
Rising in the morning light.
Strong in face of critics’ cries,
Tireless under endless skies.

Unyielding in his quest for fame,
Victory in his very name.
Waving banners, high and proud,
Xenial to the cheering crowd.

Yearning for a world at peace,
Zealous in his great release.

Last edited 9 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Duchess01, Saturday 25 May 2024


In the misty morning – at the break of dawn;
With sleepy eyes and – muddy mind I fawn;
Send your assistance and blessing my way;
Dear Heavenly Father – teach me today!

I fall on my knees to give glory and praise;
I sing with the angels – our song we raise;
In thanksgiving – I thank You for all I have;
For Your comfort – consolation – and salve!

Teach me – to love – as You willingly do;
To be servant of all – just like You;
Help me to learn to be humble and last;
Help me let go of mistakes of the past!

Teach me compassion – for my neighbor today;
Help me understand – his distress – if I may;
Help me bring comfort – condolence to him;
Lift up his spirit – when his faith is slim!

Help me be more like You – assured in love;
With confidence in my Father above;
With trust in Your steadfast faithfulness;
With fidelity – teach me – gratefulness!

Teach me – to invite – the Spirit within;
Through repentance and grace – let Him in;
To guide and chide me – when I should fall short;
Help me – to His wisdom – quickly resort!

Teach me – not my will – but His will be done;
Through Him and with Him – the battle is won;
Teach me – acceptance – when I find it hard;
To repent – reconcile – and pride discard!

Teach me – patience – a gift of the Spirit;
A virtue through which – I can endear it;
Give me Grace to hang on – and persevere;
Through fasting and prayer – help me volunteer!

Teach me – hope – a gift – to which I must cling;
Patient hope – endurance – blessings will bring;
Goodness and longsuffering – grant me these;
Precious gifts of the Spirit – grant them please!

Teach me – faith – that I may share it with all;
To lighten the burden – what might befall;
Calm my fears – and brighten earthly sorrow;
Increase my faith – childlike trust in tomorrow!

D01: 10/26/2013


Duchess01 Sunday, 26 May 2024


Cry out with joy to our mighty Lord;
Heed the commands in His Holy Word;
Sing Psalms of praise and thanksgiving;
All ye who dwell in the land of the living!

Serve Him with true gladness of heart;
From His grace – pray – do not depart;
Know that He – the Lord is our God;
We belong to Him – though we are flawed!

We are His people – the sheep of His flock;
His precious, petulant – errant livestock;
In fervent pastures – we take our repose;
We are the servants He faithfully chose!

Indeed how lovingly He cares for us;
We are His children – His main focus;
From age to age – His mercy endures;
His faithfulness and constancy ensures!

Enter His gates singing sweet Psalms of Praise;
Into His courts – with thanksgiving you raise;
Your voices in song – glad tidings you bring;
All Honor and Glory is His you sing!

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good;
His mercy endures – just as it should;
His Love everlasting is tried and true;
Unconditionally given for me and you!

Cry out with joy and praise His name;
His love is forever and ever the same;
He changes not from day to day;
He is steadfast and sure come what may!

Serve Him with gladness – enter singing;
His precepts are sound – ever bringing;
Correction with love and glorious peace;
Cry out with joy – His praise never cease!

Go out with joy and share His great love;
Mindful of blessings He bestows from above;
Shout from the rooftops – He is the Lord;
His victory assured – in His Holy Word!

D01: 07/09/2013


Duchess01 With Evening Prayer, Sunday, 26 May 2024

R.I.P. BROTHER LEWIE !!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


As I lay me down to sleep;
I pray my soul – Oh, Lord – You keep;
I ask You keep me humble, Lord;
And ever faithful to Your Word!

With Bible open – I came right upon;
A passage familiar – Oh, Lord – dead on;
It was from John thirteen – Verse thirty-four;
A message from Jesus – I thought for sure!

I wondered why – this book – this verse;
Your concise command – Oh, Lord – it’s terse;
Within Your words – is a gift and a fruit;
Of Your Spirit – to Your Glory – its root!

As I pondered His Word – I drifted off;
Into a deep slumber – like a wave trough;
In the loft window – of a pole barn high;
I saw beyond – the land, sea, and sky!

There were cabins, gardens, and livestock;
There were creeks, streams, and haycock;
Trees, bushes, and hiking paths galore;
Could a fellow with dreams want for more?

Chickens were pecking; goats eating grass;
Fruit trees were blooming – abundant en mass;
The gardens were lush – overflowing with food;
It was like paradise – all of it good!

Only one problem – just one thing missing;
There were no people – no lovers kissing;
I blinked my eyes twice – as if that would help;
Not a peep did I hear – not even a yelp!

I looked to the sky – and asked God right quick;
And the people appeared – lickety-split;
All of a sudden – by the wave of His Hand;
People were rejoicing all over the land!

They were singing, strumming, and praising God;
For the blessings He bestowed on every pod;
They were harvesting, cooking, dancing for joy;
The children were playing – each girl and boy!

How did He know – what lay deep in my heart?
It was just a small farm – where it would start;
Some chickens and goats – and a small garden;
A humble man dreams – please – beg my pardon!

But God always has – something much better;
He triples His Gifts – OBEY – must the getter;
If you’re wondering how – small became large;
You don’t know my God – my God is in charge!

D01: 02/11/2015


Duchess01, Monday, Memorial Day, 27 May 2024


When people talk and make some sense;
There is understanding and recompense;
The ease at which words move and flow;
The comforting contact is what we know!

And yet these words if misapplied;
Can twist and turn and be denied;
The meaning can – in fact – imbue;
Till nothing contained therein is true!

Go back to where you once began;
When all was fine and peaceful man;
Before the words got mixed and twitted;
Taken out of context and retrofitted!

We cannot see inside of another;
Nor can we know the mind of our brother;
What spurs him on or touches him;
What lights his world or makes it dim!

What we can see is his reaction;
The ups and downs and distraction;
We know not where he went or why;
We know not how he went awry!

We pray and search our hearts to see;
If something changed between she and he;
And when we do we soon discover;
There is truth in there we must uncover!

No one can control the outcome to be;
Only God has the power the heart to see;
Only God can bless or curse the union;
Only He can dispel – quell the confusion!

So when two people determine their fate;
Based on fallacy – undermined by hate;
There is no conclusion – and no debate;
No good can come – so they separate!

What once was working for the good of all;
Is covered by a thick, black, ugly pall;
And all because of a misconception;
Words that were twisted in ill perception!

D01: 08/10/2013


Duchess01, Tuesday 28 May 2024.


Sing a new song – unto the Lord – our God;
Just as the Heavenly Choir – gives Him laud;
Daily they praise Him – in sweet adoration;
Joyfully – their song – is just jubilation!

Glory to God in the Highest – they sing;
On their timbrels and harps – they ring;
A joyful noise – unto the Lord – in Heaven;
As their song rises – like bread with leaven!

The trumpets sound in a bountiful blast;
With triumphant blows – the effect is vast;
The Heavenly Choir sings a vibrant song;
To sing Praise to the Lord – all the day long!

Holy – Holy – Lord God – Almighty One;
A new member – we suspect – You have won;
In an earthly choir – his voice he raised;
His great love for You – in song he praised!

In the earthly choir – we lift up our voices;
In praise and thanksgiving – our song choices;
Give Glory to God – through gifts He has given;
To praise Him and thank Him – we are driven!

Nary has a voice gone unnoticed – by He;
No matter how meek or weak it may be;
For the voice of the young is strong and clear;
While the older voice – we can hardly hear!

When we earn our place in the Heavenly Choir;
Our voice is renewed at that very hour;
So while we are here – we sing songs of praise;
Till God takes us home – our voices we raise!

Imagine the sound of Praise to the Lord;
Imagine the joy to sing in His Word;
To someday sing in the heavenly realm;
The happiness is sure to overwhelm!

While we are here we do the best we can;
To praise Him in song – and instrument plan;
To be worthy someday to be chosen among;
The Heavenly Choir that leaves no song unsung!

D01: 11/05/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday 29 May 2024

Jesus said: “I will be with you always!”
And thus – He is worthy of – all praise;
When we are weak – it is He who is strong;
He will not abandon us – all day long

We go day to day stressed and strained;
All helter-skelter – our efforts restrained;
By one failure and foible after another – 
The buffoonery boggles – sorely to smother

We start and stop till eventually;
We’re just spinning our wheels unusually;
What did we forget to consider or try?
This is not working – but we don’t know why

Did we pray and ask and did we receive?
His gifts, fruits, and wisdom – did we conceive?
Or did we just think we could do without?
Ask not a question or wonder or doubt?

After all, we are smart – we can do it ourselves;
We can order and sort and arrange on the shelves;
Why would we need any assistance at all?
We’re ready, willing, able – to answer the call

When we try to do anything on our own;
We reap only partially what we have sown;
Without Jesus Christ – our success is nil;
When we attempt to succeed – by our own will

Through prayerful reflection – dedicate your day;
Relinquish your effort – send your strife His way;
Prayerfully – carefully – just listen to Him;
Without His assistance – your chances are slim

So next time you venture out into the world;
Take care to pray, first – lest you be unfurled;
Through the self and its plagues of centeredness;
You get dire deception and pigheadedness

Remember what Jesus has promised He’d do;
To always be with you – send His Spirit, too;
When you are distraught and distracted someday;
Your Help in Distress – is the Truth, Life, and Way!

D01: 07/30/2013


Duchess01, Thursday 30 May 2024


Fill me with Your Grace, Lord
Make me virtuous and kind
Please slow down the pace, Lord
Help me decompress unwind

The enemy is relentless
A perpetual pain in the behind
Repulsively rapt repentless
To forgiveness bombastically blind

The world and its inhabitants
Suffer daily duress and distress
From warring evil combattants 
Subversive seditious nonetheless

This kind goeth out by fasting and prayer
There is no other way around it 
Be not hasty and please be aware
That armored up you can pound it

Patience is a Virtue 
A Virtue is a Grace
With them both together
You put evil in its place

God will never challenge you
With more than you can bear
He will not leave you wanting 
Here there or anywhere 

So if you are short on patience
Feeling not virtuous at all 
Unduly courting complaisance
Listen to the sound of His call

Ask and request the grace you seek
Believe and receive it right quick
Be assured as you outright speak
Gifted to you it will just click

For by grace it is you are saved
Through faith tis a gift of God
By itself cannot be waived
Through God a gift to be awed

D01: 03/21/2023


Duchess01 Friday 31 May 2024


Pummeled at every turn with troubles
At work, home, and church the strain it doubles
Bombarded by evil no relief in sight
What must we do to escape this our plight

This is not a race or battle with time
It is not for us this mountain to climb
At present keep a comfortable pace
And not at all must we just to save face

As we grow in our ability to sustain life
Let us just ignore the stress and the strife
Managing peace can be so hard to do
It’s not up to us to try and construe

Seeking answers to unending distress
Just wears us out with perpetual duress
Have we forgotten from where we came
Did we make this mess are we to blame

I AM every answer that you need 
I AM the way in My Word lies the seed
Break forth – Break thru – and then Break out
Take it – Decree it – Declare it and Shout

No weapon formed against you will prosper
No animosity must we feign or foster
No burden carried can ere take us down
No plot or deception will take your crown

Raise up a child with a true foundation
He will return without hesitation
When you plant a seed deep down in the heart
From Him and His Word he will not depart

Hopelessness cannot remain or stay
The enemy will not have his way
Nothing is ever too hard for God
As the avenger will expose the fraud

A wicked system has us all enslaved
By the triumph of Jesus we were saved
So rejoice and know this is all a show
The enemy will be defeated this we know

If you’re feeling weighed down and discouraged
Pick up your sword muster up some courage
The God of the Breakthrough will come to your aid
Pray it – Believe it – Receive it as His Word has said

D01: 05/24/2023


Duchess01, Saturday 1 June 2024



I love You, Lord – You are my strength;
My rock; my refuge – my wavelength;
Without You, Lord – I am nothing at all;
Without Your help – I am just a screwball!

You are my solace in perilous times;
You poke and prod me to create these rhymes;
What should I say – I ask – out of the blue;
I have to admit – I haven’t a clue!

I Love You, Lord – there is nothing you ask;
That I would not do or set to the task;
So many times You have asked me to see;
And take on a problem far beyond me!

A young boy I met – oh, so long ago;
The pain in his heart he could not forego;
I knew neither what troubled him nor his pain;
Or what he could lose or have never again!

I taught him the Bible – I tried my best;
He would not take part in this learning quest;
He would pummel me with spitballs at every turn;
And make the girls laugh until class would adjourn!

I scolded him – questioned him – to no avail;
Each week his antics just seemed to prevail;
So I gave him an assignment not easy or quick;
A problem – a paper – twas no gimmick!

One week had he to complete this sole task;
Precise – with references – just as I ask;
At the next class – he presented to all;
A magnificent paper – as I recall!

Can you imagine my unexpected delight?
As I listened to him speak – share his insight;
He was brilliant – he was wise – beyond his years;
My heart filled with joy – my eyes filled with tears!

After the class, I thanked him profusely;
Did not hold back my praise even loosely;
From that day on, he gave his all weekly;
No longer did I look at this class bleakly!

Then, one day he came to class with sadness;
Gone was his joy – gone was his gladness;
He asked – after class – could he talk with me;
Surely, I said – wondering what it could be!

He said he was sorry he could not be in class;
With me next year – it was impossible – alas!
His family was moving far away;
And that is not all he wanted to say!

I want to say what a great teacher you are;
How sorry I am I misbehaved and by far;
No one has ever cared about me like you;
See – I was a mistake – not much I could do!

Shocked and dismayed – what could I say;
I asked why he thought of himself that way;
He told me he heard his parents say;
He was a ‘mistake’ they had made one day!

Oh, no – said I – that is not what they meant;
A child late in life was their only lament;
The reason I know this and listen – please do;
The mistake that was made was not really you!

Children are gifts that come only from God;
And really – the fact it came later – was odd;
There is something important you need to know;
God makes no mistakes – my little fellow!

D01: 6/05/2013


Duchess01, Saturday 1 June 2024 2nd poem today! Special like the last, but they all seem that way.


Something went wrong I know not what
I snapped and crumbled into a squat
An attack from the enemy I now wrestle
And here I am – Lord – a broken vessel

I cannot as yet understand 
Though I know it is all in His plan
To use me in my brokenness
To effect some sort of togetherness

I am confused and disoriented
My mind and body are segmented
Stiff as a board on one side of my face
Half of my limbs are stuck in place

I cannot speak or mutter a sound
A plague of irregularities abound
My eyes tell a story none want to hear
So please be patient – don’t fret my dear

I cry out inside please come to my aid
In my anguish I think I might have prayed
My mind is all scrambled I make no sense
Right now there is no recompense

What can I do to ease your pain
It is difficult in this condition to explain
God allowed this to happen for a reason
All in its time and its season 

Please pray for me for I cannot
In this brokenness I am caught
You know me well not easily defeated
I will not give in or even feel cheated

Send me a smile – a bouquet of roses
Some open and some closes
Pray me a prayer and send it right up
In the morning pretend we share a cup

Please do not forget God loves us so much
I know He is here – I can feel His touch
Be not despaired I will be fine
I just have to untangle and rewind

Know that I love all y’all
Remember this is just a minor fall
Talk to me in pictures of various kinds
A great way to connect our minds

I will just say good-bye for now
With God and His Angels somehow
I will get through this and be better than new
All because of the prayers of you and you!

D01: 02/13/2022

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


His truth overwhelms deeply and daily;
Manifesting blessings aptly and ably;
By those who accept Jesus as Lord;
Whose actions – through faith – afford accord!

His love continues to light up a world;
Congested with turmoil – in truth – unfurled;
Perverse with evil – at every turn;
Wherein for relief – many hearts will yearn!

Justifying – His Word – shines forthwith;
In the least likely place – truth dispels myth;
Just when you think you have heard enough;
The tough get tender; the tender get tough!

The Warring Angels send the demons flying;
The Comforting Angels curtail the lying;
The Spirit surrounds the afflicted in truth;
And dispels the myth created in youth!

Through prayer and remorse, the cold heart softens;
Normally – not quickly – nor as often;
However – at times – the Spirit moves swiftly;
And Grace flows freely to heal quite quickly!

Witnessing the swiftness surely astounds;
The Power of the Spirit – it surrounds;
All who were connected through the airwaves;
Can have no doubt in mind – that Jesus saves!

My Cup Overflows with gratitude;
Happiness reigns without platitude;
No admonition to reel this soul in;
The Love of Jesus flows freely within!

All Praise and Honor and Glory are His;
In Him, Through Him, and With Him it is;
The gift of His Spirit indwelling within;
The ransom He paid – the high price of sin!

Let your cup overflow with happiness today;
Where there is a will; there will be a way;
Let your cup overflow with happiness today;
Where there is a will; there will be a way;

Patience is a Virtue; a Virtue is a Grace;
Put ‘em both together – you get a Happy Face!

D01: 04/14/2013


Duchess01 Monday, 3 June 2024


We do not know what tomorrow will bring
In reality we are not sure of anything
We close our eyes give way to sleep
There is no guarantee not even a peep

We say good-night to those we love
Entrust our rest to God above
Who knows the beginning from the end
Our entire life it is He who penned

Our days are full of challenges we know not
The what when why and how the outcome naught
As we awaken to a brand new day
It is God who is there to guide our way

It is He who brings light into our lives
It is we who strive and trustingly thrives 
It is He who shows us the path the way
Who unconditionally loves us everyday

It is He who gave us our free will choice
It is He who gave us His grace to voice
Our decisions be they right or wrong
Will determine our stance weak or strong

Will we give in to temptation and quit
Will we be weak and meek not give a whit
Will we be strong and fight the good fight
Or will we be tempted to just take flight

We have no insight into what might come
We have no idea what direction from
If our lives are justified through others
If our needs are fulfilled by another’s

If we live each day in the last place
Will we ever be first in any case
Will we finally learn to love ourselves
Or leave our desires on the shelves

In every phase of life on earth
What we do will prove our worth
How we adjust to the highs and lows
Will determine which way our life goes

When stuck in a rut of sorrow and woe
We really have no direction to go
We haven’t asked God what He wants us to do
We are simply comfortable in feeling blue

We grieve our situation and that’s ok
He would not want it any other way
We seem to think we will figure it out
All on our own mind you we have no doubt

But God knows and He will wait for you
He’ll show you daily what He wants you to do
Signs and wonders before you displayed
All in the balance come forth to be weighed

Love one another is what you must do
Love one another as He has loved you
Listen to the clues He provides you each day
Being true to yourself is the only way

Now is the time to spread your wings
To set your sights on universal things
You might have no idea what that means
But God Knows what He put in your genes

D01: 02/16/2023


Duchess01 Tuesday, 4 June 2019


The Bible says Faith cometh by hearing
Hearing by the Word of God is fearing
We must walk by Faith and thus not by sight
For by Grace thru Faith we are saved upright

Being justified by Faith we have peace 
Thru Jesus, the Savior, our fear will cease 
Not of ourselves Faith is a Gift of God
As long as our belief is strong not flawed

Faith cannot stand alone for without works
Faith benefits not if one’s works he shirks
We are helpers of our joy by Faith we stand
With the Spirit of God in our hearts manned

It’s easy to say you have Faith until
You are tested without Faith you stand still
How many times has Jesus said to they
Your Faith has saved you now be on your way

What is it He saw lived inside of them
What power was there in His garment hem 
How could He heal people from far afield 
What strength within was He able to wield

The trying of your Faith worketh patience
Patience is derived thru obeisance
A Virtue by perseverance put in place
A Virtue thru practice becomes a Grace

What is it that becomes a Test of Faith
Where can we acquire a Gift of Grace
By keeping His commands and adhering
To the Word of God that we are hearing

D01: 07/29/2023


Duchess01 Wednesday, 5 June 2024


What must we do to gain eternal life
We must overcome a time rife with strife
Jesus told us we would have tribulation
But to be of good cheer at His acclamation 

He overcame the world so we could be free
The Gates were then opened for you and me
Without Jesus we would remain behind
Separated from God forever declined

The Kingdom of God would be closed up tight
With no way to reach it far out of sight
What a great gift God gave us thru His Son
A blessing beyond belief second to none

On earth we must earn our heavenly home
We are not here to wander or to roam
We must serve God as He told us to do
Keep His commands love one another too

Be born again of water and spirit
Faith in His Word ready to hear it
Believe Jesus is the true Son of God
Honor His Word daily give Him all laud

We must pay attention to what it means
To pray in the Spirit we must it seems
In His presence we must be to hear Him
His soft quiet voice so proper so prim

God has provided all the tools we need
In His Word lies the key the food the seed 
To serve Him in this world in every way
We must be Born Again to earn our stay

D01: 08/05/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 6 June 2024


Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!

Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!

Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!

Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!

Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!

Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!

I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!

Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!

Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!

Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!

Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!

D01: 07/14/2013


Duchess01 Friday 7 June 2024


Refreshing rain falls at dawn;
Pulsating pain throbs thereon;
Devouring dark woebegone;
Reliving rift cast upon!

Emptiness is – at best;
Openness to – be blessed;
Loneliness to fill the void;
Peacefulness to be enjoyed!

Knowing not just how to proceed;
Gasping; grappling to fill the need;
Betraying all so carefully taught;
Warbling woe – dolefully distraught!

Broken bastion defiled with sorrow;
Token turmoil signals the morrow;
Desperately dangling by a thread;
Covetously clinging to the dread!

Beckoning God a cry aloud;
Hearkening the Spirit avowed;
Awakening awe to exhume;
Allowing angels sweet perfume!

Attending attention to prayer;
Prostrating prevention to despair;
Lifting listlessness up on high;
Loving lowliness with a sigh!

Repenting; relinquishing all to Him;
Releasing; replenishing to the brim;
Lovingly laying the burden aside;
Securely saving a place to reside!

Reasonably realizing the vanity;
Bordering; basking on insanity;
Refusing reproving dangerously;
Anguishing; angering anxiously!

Lovingly, knowingly His Spirit He sent;
Imposing, imploring the need to repent;
Rebuking, relinquishing the control;
Disarming, disavowing His console!

Freely forgiving the fool heartedness;
Allowing His Love to replace distress;
Remembering love can conquer all;
Without love we are destined to fall!

Love of neighbor begins within you;
Loving yourself is critical, too;
Emotionally even and adept;
Protectively proper the heart is kept!

A heart that is broken can be repaired;
By His suffering and death; Jesus cared;
For all who are hurting and feeling reviled;
For all Jesus had compassion complied!

Suffering senselessly, He gave His all;
So you must do so that you do not fall;
The deception of evil is so perverse;
Resist all temptation; reverse the curse!

Feelings are not facts, but do cloud your mind;
No rational thought will you ever find;
With your feelings rampant out of control;
There’s no turning back; no way to console!

Give all your love and honor to Jesus;
He died on the tree to save and ease us;
When you are weak; it is He who is strong;
In His loving care is where you belong!

D01: 04/12/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 8 June 2024


You open your eyes to a brand new day
And God is right there to make straight your way
Enveloped in His Fatherly embrace
He guides you to this wonderful place

With coffee in hand or maybe some tea
God brings us here to share and be
Cantankerous cats or Daily Devotional
Excites elicits the emotional

Giggles galore tickle the funny bone
To Magnificent Music you are prone
As you don your Armor you will see
Protected and secure you will be

Each one chimes in to cheerfully greet you
They lift up your spirits then to meet you
With sunrises flowers stained glass windows
One by one they emerge from the shadows

Sometimes they will tell a story or two
Something uncanny meant to amuse you
They tug at your heartstrings oh yes they will
Bring you right back with unparalleled skill

So rev up your computer – Come and see
What a wonderful place this happens to be
Do not hang from your branch upside down
Turn that around get rid of the frown

Do not worry – be happy – we’re here to help
No need to shout out or screech yell or yelp
We have experienced life at its worst
And at its best we are all well versed

So come and join us for the verse of the day
Bring your coffee tea with whatever you may
Give God all the Honor Glory and Praise
For it is to Him our voices we raise!

D01: 05/01/2023


Duchess01 Sunday, 9 June 2024


Like a Child – to you, Lord – I long to be;
Humble not proud – nor haughty – to Thee;
Trusting – forgiving – lovingly giving;
Innocent and pure – faithfully living!

You promised Your kingdom – and rightfully;
To those who – like children – are delightfully;
Pure in spirit – with simplicity of heart;
Where the Spirit resides – and will not depart!

As a child of God – I will give You my all;
Lest my sins weigh me down – and be my downfall;
Let my heart be not proud – or my eyes haughty;
Let me be innocent – pure – and rarely naughty!

What can a child do – an adult cannot?
Forgive in an instant – without a thought;
A child has compassion – when another hurts;
He comforts – consoles – no malice he blurts!

In awe of his God is the little child;
His love is great – his heart undefiled;
He sees no ethnicity or skin color;
His friend is a pal of vigor and valor!

Never let pride enter into your heart;
It causes the Spirit to quickly depart;
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive;
For it is in dying – that you will live!

When another is injured or afflicted;
Let compassion rule – be not conflicted;
As your Heavenly Father gives to you;
For brother and sister – so you must do!

In your relations – be honest and true;
Do not deceive – let your ego rule you;
For what do you gain – when left all alone?
All puffed up in pride – your friendship blown!

How can a man be childlike in spirit?
Be pure of heart – and receive great merit;
What can he do to please Jesus each day?
He must humble himself – there’s no other way!

Whoever humbles himself Like a Child;
Will be greater in heaven – never exiled;
Whoever receives one – in Your Holy name;
Receives Child and You – one and the same!

D01: 09/28/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From the 06/10/24 daily…..


Unexpected kindness touches the heart
A listening ear can yield a fresh start
When in a quandary of the feeling kind
Tis hard to explain what we left behind

Feelings are not facts justified away
Kept hidden from view for another day
Sooner or later they come into the light
Where the future is happier and bright

Where circumstances have mightily changed
And our flawed thinking has been rearranged 
Angels surround us of the human kind
That reveal the truth to the human mind

When we speak from the heart no sound returned
We will find what God planned to be learned 
We cannot know the perfect mind of God
We can only concur it is to be awed

His ways are not our ways nor ever will be
And His thoughts not what we can foresee
Where there seems to be no possible way
His love in action brings a brighter day

The sadness and loneliness is lifted 
With a new sense of purpose we are gifted
Happiness returns and we’re flying high
To hopeless heartache the end draws nigh

God knows the beginning and the end
He knows recesses of the heart bend
When healing occurs and we are set free
The promise of tomorrow comes to be

D01: 07/25/2023


Duchess01 Monday, 11 June 2024.


His Grace is abundant in meekness
His strength is made perfect in weakness
Gladly glory in your infirmities
And do not fear any adversities

When you are torn and worn from battle
Angels will remove the rote rattle 
Lift you up and attend to your sores
The bruises and scars from many wars

When you are dejected defeated and down
Remember God’s mercy will soon abound
He will carry you gently while you heal
The power of His Love you will surely feel

By the Grace of God you are who you are
His Grace imparted on you left no scar
You labored more abundantly than many
More than adequate which was plenty

By Grace you are saved thru Faith it is said
And not of yourself but a gift instead
One of many God bestows upon those
Who obey His commands even en throes

When you are weakened spiritually
Be rest assured of God’s right remedy
Nothing that happens is ever too large
Be still and know that He is in charge

By your side He will always be ready
To raise you right up and keep you steady
By Grace through Faith you belong to Him
A loving gift He confers not on a whim

D01: 08/22/2023


Duchess01 Wednesday 12 June 2024


In private affairs there is a reason
In worldly affairs there is a season
Circles and cycles and high holy days
Scattered and shattered in a dizzy daze

We cannot discount the whirlwind we’re in
To untangle the turmoil where do we begin
We know it is not for the good of all
That evil has escalated its pall

It is not their time or so we’ve been told
Many of their ploys are getting quite old
The timeline does not belong to them
It is God’s timing or naught ahem

God promised to deliver us for sure
If we turned and were willing to endure
If we put our trust entirely in Him
We’d not be fearful of each evil whim

If we acknowledge Him in all we do
Have faith in His power to subdue
If we do not lose hope in His sovereignty
Over all that might bring catastrophe

Have we reached the point of no return
Will we attain the peace for which we yearn
Do we believe God can reverse the curse
Or do we believe it will only get worse

There is a reason for every season
And God knows who is guilty of treason
What has been stolen from us over years
He’ll restore sevenfold with debt He clears

D01: 09/25/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Most of the time we just accept
Our daily lot in life
But sometimes we are so inept
The challenges are rife

We have the tendency to forget
Just how powerful You are
In a pool of pity we regret
Bumping heads with the bizarre

We have not because we ask not
It is as simple as that
Prayers unanswered we are taught
Unworthy are we to chat 

Whoever told you that demon lie
Was far removed from His Word
They tell you give up give in and die
They hide the truth keep it blurred 

Why are there no miracles
As were in Our Savior’s day
Where are the holy oracles
That teach us the perfect way

What are we missing we cannot receive
Is it unworthiness or unwillingness
That makes it impossible to believe
Methinks it is our willy nillyness 

Do you believe in miracles
Have you experienced any today
Are they everlasting durables
Did He not promise to make straight your way

So many are in need of a miracle
Broken bodies, minds, and souls
We even call ourselves deplorable
Shattered to pieces like potholes

Worthy are we of God’s highest blessing
Do not doubt the Power of God
Press in Press in and be ever pressing
Give Him Praise, Honor, Glory and Laud

We need a miracle from God Most High
Our nation in peril and illness abound
We are stressed out and anxious why oh why
We are depressed with no cure to be found

Do you doubt His unconditional love
Did He want us to be miserable
No desires of the heart from above
Well that is just wrong and unbiblical

In His Word he teaches us the secrets
Of living a full and abundant life
That our suffering is all but needless
By His Mighty Hand He cuts through the strife

Well we need a miracle right here and now
Not just for one but for all the many
We need to experience them now somehow
We ask and receive them all a plenty

D01: 04/28/2023




Duchess Friday, 14 June 2024 1st of 2.


Is your brain close to being fried
Can you believe how much they lied
Can you imagine what they did
The evil they devised and kept hid

Is this a military operation
That is really running our nation
Or is it a God-centered blessing
That will leave the enemy confessing

They claim we are in an information war
Well if that is true what is the score
How far are we interdictory
How close are we to victory 

Our patience it is wearing thin
As we traverse thru the storm we’re in
How close are we to the end
Of this horror movie penned

There is one thing that is certain
The drawing of the veiled curtain
As their evil plot it thickens
From dark to light it quickens

The battlefield has forever been
Between good and evil from within
The imbalance caused by ignorance
Left us all shrink-wrapped in a trance

Until we awakened right on cue
We had no idea of what to do 
Our daily agony just lengthened
Until we gathered and strengthened

Infiltrated extensively to the max
With enemy operatives in packs
Mesmerized imbibed and bribed
By the powers of darkness ascribed

Only God can disband this formidable foe
One that travels back and forth to and fro
That inhabits weak unsuspecting hosts
That of his successes he often boasts

The remnant petitioned the Throne of Grace
To bombard the enemy and deter his pace
With fire, fury and force He will outpace
With His Army of Angels He will displace

As pharaoh in his arrogance He smote
The Corrupt Cabal will miss the boat
We will be free as He meant us to be 
God will save America soon you’ll see

D01: 06/27/2022


Duchess01 Friday. 14 June 2024 2nd of 2.


I said a little prayer for You
And You and You and You
It was so instantaneous 
Cause I care so much for You!

I asked Our Heavenly Father
To bless each and every one
From early in the morning
Until the day is done.

I asked Our Heavenly Physician
To heal you; make you whole
To reach inside of you and touch
Your mind, body, and soul!!!

I asked the Heavenly Angels
To attend to all your needs
To lift you up and comfort you
And help you plant those seeds!!!

 I asked the Holy Spirit
To guide, inspire, and direct
Every single step you take
Mind, body, and soul perfect.

I asked those who are suffering
Remember one important thing
After the trial is over
His blessings He will bring!!!

I asked God for some laughter
The best medicine we know
To ease your pain wherever
As you come and as you go.

But most of all I asked God
To heal your aching heart
And from you never never
To leave you or depart!!!

D01: 11/20/2021


Duchess01 Saturday, 15 June 2024


The evening tide has a golden glow
The sun rests below the horizon show
The birds scurry fast to their nesting place
As the day turns to night to each private space

We calm for sleep our night prayer rises
Thoughts of our day and happy surprises
We think of our loved ones and of our friends
Lift them up in prayer that never ends

We each suffer from trials, tests, and troubles
Sometimes the challenges come in doubles
Other times we are bombarded beyond
Our ability to even respond

If we release the Sword of the Spirit
The enemy flees because he fears it
If we take authority send him to flight
If we speak life and healing we’ll be alright

In the Spirit we can fight from within
We can defeat the demonic and win
Our weapons are more mightier by far
With God by our side not even at par

The darkness is the demonic playground
Where anxiety and depression abound
One is but fear and the other is gloom
In God’s domain there is really no room

When we are weak God is much stronger
No need to accept defeat any longer
If we have faith like the mustard seed
That is the substance of what we need

D01: 08/18/2023


Duchess01 Sunday 16 June 2024


How many times have you fallen short
And the accuser has taken you to court
To enumerate the times you faulted 
To report your failure to God exalted 

What would a loving Father say or do
When He lays His eyes on repentant you
He’d welcome you home in a warm embrace
Your sins He’d forgive and quickly erase

The prodigal son is not just a fluke
Notice his father gave him no rebuke
When he returned he was a broken man
In his wisdom his father knew the plan

Had he not learned in his foolishness
What he had done in his stupidness
Was he better off for what he had done
Or was he regretting his quest for fun

We have all been like the child who was lost
We have paid for our foibles a high cost
We might have justified our acts away
Ignored them for a future time or day

Ashamed to ask Our Father to forgive
We kept them hidden maybe to outlive
We may not realize what is kept inside
Prevents us from moving or ever thrive

Our Father’s Love is like no other
To forgive and forget is no bother
His unconditional love to advise
A Father’s Love will aptly apprise

D01: 09/05/2023


Duchess01 Sunday 16 June 2024 2nd for Fathers Day!


We are excited for our day with you
Wonder what unexpected we will do
Unlike what we normally would see
Amazing activities planned by thee
We are spoiled by tech and silly specs
But God’s creation has its effects
Only you know what we need to see
Better for us you just happened to be

We had no idea our time here with you
Would enrich us with memories anew
We cannot imagine our life without
The marvel of God’s creation no doubt

Ah but you Papa are surely determined
We’d eventually be God’s confirmand
Oblivious we’re to what God had planned
An outing with you and this merry band

As we stroll about we will most likely miss
Creatures God blessed with His heavenly kiss
The little ones we take but for granted
His creation to support what’s planted

Maybe someday we will come forth to see
What God had foreseen wanted us to be
Right now we are watching wondering what
We are experiencing that will jut

We might not know that being here now
Is God’s way of reaching us somehow
Through Him and with Him we will always be
Closer to Him and closer to thee – PAPA

D01: 07/28/2023


Duchess01 3 for the day! Sunday, 16 June 2024


What is going on behind the closed doors
What is that banging underneath the floors
Why are they missing and where did they go
What can we do to stop this throbbing throe

The Warring Angels have taken to flight 
All ranks and divisions are ready to fight
The Soldiers and Seals are primed and ready
Geared up for the rescue and staunchly steady

We cannot forget God’s precious babies
We must rescue them from deranged crazies
Out of the darkness and into the light
From their oppressors and forceful fright

The horror the nightmares and the torment
For a child of God this torture not meant
From a loving home to a dungeon dark
The eyes of the child have long lost their spark

What can we do post our daily prayers
How can we disrupt their lawless affairs
Their high up positions and their lawyers
Protect the secrets of these evil sawyers 

We can expose them to God’s holy light
We can support those who for them do fight
We can disrupt their money flow at last
By crashing the systems that get them past

We can track their victims at entry point
And blow up their tunnels at each joint
We’ll surveil the perps in their hidden lairs
Cut off their supply and their money shares

We will catch them right quick in the act
After the Soldiers and Seals swift attack 
By God’s Mighty Hand they’ll be brought right down
To the depths of darkness where they are bound 

D01: 07/13/2023


Duchess Monday 17 June 2024


Poking and prodding the bear rarely works
He just lingers and shrugs and simply smirks 
He curls up and cuddles in his lair alone
Where it is safe from prying eyes full-blown

How can they possibly see me for me
I have revealed little of who I be
Without a good-bye quickly left the nest
Under duress I simply failed to attest

They reached out to me when I needed help
I could hardly move or let out a yelp
The pain of the loss was fresh in my mind
I could barely sleep let alone unwind

And now it has been too long to explain
What happens to me over and over again
With what I must grapple day in and out
They have no idea what it’s all about

I could make excuses but that will not fly
I could explain the what where when and why
But that will not cut it a single bit
I just needed some time to deal with it

Ask anyone who has grieved a great loss
There are ups and downs a simple coin toss
There are ins and outs with nowhere to go
Let it all out – stop the back/forth to/fro

You have been patient with me this I know
As I struggle to find a path to forward go
While I come to grips with whom I can be
Without the love of my life tis hard you see

D01: 02/18/2024


Duchess01 Monday 18 June 2024


Good Morning, Dear Jesus – Oh, how I love You;
Have so much to tell You – don’t know what to do;
Where do I begin – wherefore do I start;
Please send Your Spirit – to dwell in my heart!

I thank You, Dear Jesus – for all You’ve done;
For the blessings received – and victories won;
For a roof over my head – and food in the fridge;
For kind, loving friends – for problems to bridge! 

Thank You, Dear Jesus – coming to D’s aid;
For getting her home – her head down she laid;
For blessing today – as only You can do;
For all that You’ve done – I sincerely thank You!

Thank You, Dear Jesus – for Morning Prayer;
That came to us from – our demon slayer;
There’s no weapon formed against her this day;
That will deter her – or – get in her way!

She carries Your Spirit – where’er she goes;
Where she goes and preaches – nobody knows;
For her assignments come – directly from You;
Through obedience – she knows – just what to do!

What a blessing she is – I pray You’ve told her;
But, I think she knows – through all she must shoulder;
She questions not – a single Word from You;
Gets to doing – what You’ve asked her to do!

She doesn’t mind one bit – being used by You;
It excites her soul – body – and spirit – too;
Each one is welcome – no matter what his plight;
For souls she will witness – for souls she will fight! 

The Gift of Your Love – she spreads all around;
Here, there, and everywhere – all around town;
Wherever she goes – You bless those she greets;
At churches and homes – You bless those she meets!

Her talents are many – Gifts of the Spirit;
Because she was willing – Your Word – to hear it;
To preach and to teach – all who are able;
All who are hungry – come to Your table!

Thank You, Dear Jesus – for blessings abound;
Today and every day – with Love – You astound;
So many are hurting – but – little by little – 
Heaven and Earth pass – one jot or one tittle!

Shall no wise pass from the law – till all be fulfilled;
When it all comes to fruition – just as You willed;
When we are in Heaven – enjoying the treasures;
That we have stored up there – the fruits that He measures! 

A ‘Happy Dance’ we’ll dance – for happy we’ll be;
In Heaven with You – for all eternity;
Until then, Dear Jesus – hold us tight and fast;
Till our work here is done – in Heaven at last!

D01: 11/07/2014


Bakocarl Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Our Road to Emmaus

As life drifts by, and wends its way
It’s off to Emmaus we go
We plan our trip and make our steps
But the going is hard and slow

We have two ears that will not hear
And two eyes that refuse to see
We trip and stumble as we walk
Over goals that will never be

But along the way, Someone comes
Though we thought that we walked alone
To tell us that we’ve been chosen
And soften our hearts from hard stone

At first, of course, the Way seems strange
And so no, we just won’t believe
But in a while the White Dove comes
And now, with faith, we must receive

We wonder now how it could be
That our vain thoughts could be so wrong
That we refused to see the Light
That we resisted for so long

You see, our steps were not our own
And we were guided through it all
To ensure that we were ready
To receive our Father’s call

Here we are one of the Chosen
Seeing life now with different eyes
Hoping and watching for the time
When the trumpet sounds through the skies

And we arise then changed and new
Now complete, filled with His pure love
Seeing clearly, we know in full
Glory to our Father above!


Duchess01 Wednesday 19 June 2024

In honor of the Texas Heartbeat Case, the Mississippi Dobbs V Jackson Health Case, and the Governor Noem V Planned Parenthood Case, we pray the…


Father God:

We come to you humbly on our knees before the Throne of Grace to ask You to exert Your Mighty Power in defense of our Precious Unborn Babies.

We give You all Honor and Glory and Praise as we put our trust in You to hear our prayer.

You know only too well the challenges the Pro-Life Movement faces in defense of the Unborn and how hard they have worked to overturn Roe V Wade.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in Us, we have marched, petitioned the Supreme Court, and prayed for relief from the stranglehold of Roe V Wade.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in Us, we sent Comfort Angels to cuddle the babies in distress whose lives are viciously taken from them.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in Us, we sent the Reasoning Angels to mothers contemplating abortion to remind them of the alternatives.

As the Protector of the Unborn, we ask You to strengthen our resolve at the state level where it is lawful to kill a viable newborn.

We ask You, Father God, to bless all of the law firms who are fighting for the right to life of the Unborn.

We ask You, Father God, to bless the young adults who are marching and raising money to save the lives of the Unborn.

We ask You, Father God, to bless those at the state level in positions of authority who are fighting for the Unborn.

We ask You, Father God, to remove the funding for organizations that provide and profit from abortion in nefarious ways.

We ask You, Father God, to overturn Roe V Wade and all laws at the state level that promote abortion amd defy the right to life.

We ask You, Father God, to establish in the courts that life begins at conception.

We ask You, Father God, to forgive those who have had abortions due to pride, persuasion, and/or personal limitations.

We ask You, Father God, to change the minds and hearts of the Supreme Court in favor of the Unborn.

We ask You, Father God, to defeat the enemy and remove this scourge on our nation once and for all.

We ask You, Father God, to increase our patience and perseverance in prayer.

We thank You, Father God, for those who are fighting alongside us at every level of government in our nation.

We thank You, Father God, for our Prayer Warriors who pray for the unborn daily.

We thank You, Father God, for those who are fighting to defund organizations that support abortion.

We thank You, Father God, for supporting us on a daily basis as we fight the good fight.

We thank You, Father God, for reminding us that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

We thank You, Father God, for the little blessings received and prayers answered in our fight to protect the Unborn.

We ask and acknowledge it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.


D01: 11/30/2021


Duchess01 Wednesday 19 June 2024 – 2nd Poem.


Let us not concentrate on the evil of the day
Let machinations of the enemy hold no sway
Free us from manic mind manipulation
Let Your Holy Word be our contemplation

Fashion our minds with Your Holy Grace 
Fix our eyes on the splendor of our space
Breathe on us Your hallowed breath of life
Release us from daily sorrow and strife

Let us reflect on the beauty of Your creation 
With awe and wonder without hesitation
So much more to appreciate aptly akin
That brings warmth to the heart herein

Cleanse us, Lord, from wayward thoughts
From worldly concerns and jackpots
From fleshly fetishes that only distract
Keep our minds wholly on You intact

Prepare our perspective to reach higher
Patient perseverance blessings acquire
While we all do fall short of Your Glory
Tis not the end of our earthly story

Infuse our minds with rich refreshment
Help us acquire accrued assessment
Give us the key to heavenly access
Secured by You will be our successes
Help us grow closer to You each day
To the Life, the Truth, and the only Way
Purify our hearts minds and bodies ado
From anything that separates us from You 
Refined in the fire we all shall be 
As we strive to be more holy like Thee 
Renew Our Minds, Lord, we humbly implore 
Guide us to eternity evermore 

D01: 02/13/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 20 June 2024


Hear my prayer, O Lord – please hear my cry;
Hide not Thy face from me – stand closely by;
Incline Thine ear to me – answer my call;
For I am helpless in my wherewithal!

My days are consumed – in pain, I move not;
My heart beats in vain – overwhelmed, besought;
I struggle to breathe – I implore Your aid;
Begging for mercy – and yet, unafraid!

Strengthen me, Lord – as only You know how;
Send forth Thy Comforter to help me now;
Send forth the angels to hold me upright;
Help me, Lord – Help me to live, love, and fight!

The enemy plagues me both day and night;
His demons work to discourage me right;
He taunts me, haunts me, and laughs at my pain;
My prayers he sees worthless – and all in vain!

Be it Your will – with Your power and might;
Remove this affliction – far out of sight;
Defeat the devil – his power disband;
Help me, Lord – with Your Healing Hand!

You called me, Lord – in Your Service to be;
Your minister, Lord – bring people to Thee;
How can I manage – for people to care?
With this heart sorely in need of repair?

I ask not for me this healing take place;
I ask not this suffering You erase;
I ask only to stand for You, O Lord;
To bring others to You in one accord!

If in this state, You still want me to serve;
If it be Your will, my heart you preserve;
Whatever you decide – I will endure;
With You by my side – of that I am sure!

Help me, Lord to accept what You decide;
In You and with You – I long to abide;
Through You and for You – my heart is alive;
Heal me, Lord – Help me – to live, love, and thrive!

D01: 5/14/2013


Duchess01 Friday 21 June 2024


What concerns your heart today – pray you learn;
It’s the heart that reveals – for what you yearn;
God knows your heart – and the heart praises God;
The loyal heart – in thanksgiving – gives Him laud!

What – in faith – does man ask of God – his Lord?
Does he ask for money – or peace – to be cured?
Does he ask for understanding – knowledge – too?
Does he ask what God wants him – today to do?

What – in faith – will he undertake – this day?
Will he help another – to find his way?
Will he selfishly – ignore his brother?
Put his needs over those – of the other?

Will he – in faith – defer his safety to God?
Is he afraid to let go – and give Him laud?
Does he doubt God’s protection – and His care?
Does he trust God – with all he does and dare?

Faith is the substance of things hoped for;
The evidence of things not seen before;
It requires us to step forward – unsure;
Of what will happen – of what is in store!

What happened to Peter – when he doubted?
He sank into the water – to Jesus – he shouted;
I am in trouble – help me please – Oh Lord;
Had Peter had faith – he would’ve been on board!

Jesus rebuked him – for his lack of faith;
Oh Ye of Little Faith – to him – Jesus saith;
Will He say the same – when you’re filled with doubt?
Or will you have faith – and turn troubles about?

Do you know faith is blocked out – by your fear?
Listen and heed – give the Spirit your ear;
Repent of your sins – cleanse your heart today;
With the Spirit inside you – turn your fear away!

When you are troubled – try hard to refrain;
From losing heart – close to God – please remain;
It is His Spirit – who dispels your fear;
Repent of your sins – draw Him close and near!

Ask Him to increase – your faith and resolve;
Have no doubt He’ll oblige – doubt He’ll dissolve;
Step upward – outward in faith – be not afraid;
Oh Ye of Little Faith – may it ne’er be assayed!

D01: 01/14/2014


Duchess01 Saturday, 22 June 2024


Comfort me, Oh Lord, for I am sorely afflicted;
From Your confidence and light I have drifted;
Surrounded by machines that test my body;
My brain works sporadically – and shoddy!

I have wandered around in a fog for weeks;
My muscles don’t hold; my voice it squeaks;
My joints are rubbing; my bones are frail;
I know not where I’m going or – to what avail!

Something deep inside – it seizes me tight;
I cannot even sleep all through the night;
I stumble and startle and I get confused;
From life I have retracted – joy is refused!

Comfort me, Oh Lord; I know not what to do;
Of what use I am – in this state – to serve You;
What have I done – oh, where have I failed?
I suspect that will be shown – and unveiled!

I’ve worried my wife, my family, and more;
This is not something I ever done before;
For I was the one to whom many would turn;
And now I am the object of much concern!

You have brought me down into such a state;
A place I would not go – or gravitate;
Helpless and hopeless before You – I am;
A carpenter not happy with this doorjamb!

There is a tumor that grew inside of my head;
Normally, it is something I would surely dread;
Then – in all of the hassle – to discover what;
Came an outpouring of love – a prayer putt!

Encouragement – zeal – I’ve not seen before;
With no knowledge of what might be in store;
In the weeks and months ahead and toward;
What You have in mind to bring forth forward!

Comfort me, Oh Lord, reveal Your hand;
I can take it, Lord; I will understand;
Unafraid am I of what may lie before me;
Help me, Oh Lord, I sincerely implore Thee!

Carry me, Lord, through the maze of trials;
Strengthen me, Lord, through the chorals;
Abide in me, Lord, through thick and thin;
Reside in me, Lord, renew me within!

D01: 07/02/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Context note by Duchess…..

“This poem is about a dear friend who had a cancerous brain tumor – he died shortly after surgery in 2013 – miss him so much !!! 🙁

God Bless !!! ❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More context…..



Sing a new song – unto the Lord – our God;
Just as the Heavenly Choir – gives Him laud;
Daily they praise Him – in sweet adoration;
Joyfully – their song – is just jubilation!

Glory to God in the Highest – they sing;
On their timbrels and harps – they ring;
A joyful noise – unto the Lord – in Heaven;
As their song rises – like bread with leaven!

The trumpets sound in a bountiful blast;
With triumphant blows – the effect is vast;
The Heavenly Choir sings a vibrant song;
To sing Praise to the Lord – all the day long!

Holy – Holy – Lord God – Almighty One;
A new member – we suspect – You have won;
In an earthly choir – his voice he raised;
His great love for You – in song he praised!

In the earthly choir – we lift up our voices;
In praise and thanksgiving – our song choices;
Give Glory to God – through gifts He has given;
To praise Him and thank Him – we are driven!

Nary has a voice gone unnoticed – by He;
No matter how meek or weak it may be;
For the voice of the young is strong and clear;
While the older voice – we can hardly hear!

When we earn our place in the Heavenly Choir;
Our voice is renewed at that very hour;
So while we are here – we sing songs of praise;
Till God takes us home – our voices we raise!

Imagine the sound of Praise to the Lord;
Imagine the joy to sing in His Word;
To someday sing in the heavenly realm;
The happiness is sure to overwhelm!

While we are here we do the best we can;
To praise Him in song – and instrument plan;
To be worthy someday to be chosen among;
The Heavenly Choir that leaves no song unsung!

D01: 11/05/2013


Duchess01 Saturday 22 June 2024 2nd Poem and remembrance of an old friend.



Sing a new song – unto the Lord – our God;
Just as the Heavenly Choir – gives Him laud;
Daily they praise Him – in sweet adoration;
Joyfully – their song – is just jubilation!

Glory to God in the Highest – they sing;
On their timbrels and harps – they ring;
A joyful noise – unto the Lord – in Heaven;
As their song rises – like bread with leaven!

The trumpets sound in a bountiful blast;
With triumphant blows – the effect is vast;
The Heavenly Choir sings a vibrant song;
To sing Praise to the Lord – all the day long!

Holy – Holy – Lord God – Almighty One;
A new member – we suspect – You have won;
In an earthly choir – his voice he raised;
His great love for You – in song he praised!

In the earthly choir – we lift up our voices;
In praise and thanksgiving – our song choices;
Give Glory to God – through gifts He has given;
To praise Him and thank Him – we are driven!

Nary has a voice gone unnoticed – by He;
No matter how meek or weak it may be;
For the voice of the young is strong and clear;
While the older voice – we can hardly hear!

When we earn our place in the Heavenly Choir;
Our voice is renewed at that very hour;
So while we are here – we sing songs of praise;
Till God takes us home – our voices we raise!

Imagine the sound of Praise to the Lord;
Imagine the joy to sing in His Word;
To someday sing in the heavenly realm;
The happiness is sure to overwhelm!

While we are here we do the best we can;
To praise Him in song – and instrument plan;
To be worthy someday to be chosen among;
The Heavenly Choir that leaves no song unsung!

D01: 11/05/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From Duchess!


Getting close to God a prolonged process
The first thing we must do is get access
His love letter to us many books long
Holds knowledge that shows how to belong

Instructions are there for daily study
No need for an interpreter or a buddy
Just let the Spirit of God be your guide 
He is the counsel that resides inside

Everything you need to know about life
Is detailed and methodical and rife
With history and stories and promises
Situations and sound assurances 

What does God expect and want us to do
His commandments will give us a clue
When we have covered and agreed to all
There is one more Jesus gave to recall

The Bible talks about sin and its peril
How we must repent of what is feral
The consequence of sin is surely death
Separation from God for eternity breath

God loves us so much He left us the key
The instructions and protections to be
Holy as He is holy for it we must strive
Each hour of each day we are alive

Show us how, Lord, to be better than best
To be what you need long before we rest
To serve You in any way that You ask
Willingly and ably up to the task

D01: 08/01/2023


Duchess01 Monday 24 June2024


Who am I that God cares for me
Who is it I am supposed to be
What is it I am called to do
What makes me worthy of You

Have you ever pondered God
Have you ever wondered laud
Have you ever contemplated
Have you ever elevated – God

Did you know that you are blessed
With gifts and talents and zest
Have you ever considered why
You are the apple of God’s eye

We have jobs, titles, and responsibilities
Accountabilities acceptabilities permeabilities
No matter how confusing it all may be
God has a purpose and plan for thee

When guided by the Holy Spirit
We are moved if we can hear it
The voice of God from within
Where to go when to begin

We believe and receive
We are able to achieve
Because God wills it for us
We obey He gives the plus

We are here on an eternal quest
On our pathway we are but a guest
This life is our test to be worthy
For where we will end this journey

Have you ever been asked 
To do something over tasked
Impossible for you but not for Him
God did not chose you on a whim

God knows the beginning and the end
It is your free will that may not bend
To His will we must be fully aware
Only way to know is through prayer

Whatever He asks of you to do
You must be willing and able on cue
You must obey His daily command
It is not a wish it is a demand

So if you are daily thinking 
About God’s plan to be linking
Listen to what the Spirit asks of you
Then you will know just what to do

If failure plagues you – anxiety too
If life in general is making you blue
If you are lost without a compass
Get off your bum kick up a rumpus

The trick to making the distress stop
Is to get up and move till you plop
Override the mental with exercise
Be not fearful and just be otherwise

God has a remedy for whatever ails you 
Tap into His Spirit sit not and just stew
For greater is He who lives within
Than he whose goal is mire you in sin

Know that God wants only what is best
For you to successfully complete the test
Develop those gifts and talents for your story
Give Him the effort He deserves for His Glory

D01: 06/05/2022


Duchess01 Monday, 24 June 2024 2nd for the day!


My heart is heavy – my heart is heavy
Am I a barrier to contain like a levee
Did You not command me of the divine
Did You not appoint and show me a sign

You know I never intended to intrude
To interrupt the flow with my interlude
Perhaps you unintentionally thot it rude
To publish my introspection to be viewed

Only You know my heart and my intent
For what I have written I never meant
To insult or to preach another gospel
To come off condescending or awful

I merely wanted to interject my thoughts
For you to examine and connect the dots
I hoped to inquire inspire introspect
What I had found in my study and checked

To share it with you was my heart’s desire
Even if I was preaching to the choir
So please pardon my presumption
Please forgive me my assumption

I hope and pray in some heavenly way
I have touched your heart on this day
For sharing is caring I truly believe
Through revelation our friendships we weave 

Thank you for listening with patience so pure
I’m grateful you’ve allowed me a voice adjure
If you have received a blessing from me
Then what I am doing was meant to be!

D01: 01/31/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A triple haiku by PAVACA, dedicated to Duchess.


Ah, duchess01
Tireless encourager
Speaking Truth and Faith


Poems start the day
Images with Scripture verse
Evening Prayers, also


Solace — Peace — Trust — Hope
Yet, in between the lines, sense
Trial by Fire

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


A Haiku for our good DePat

Singer, Chronicler:
Paintings, Roses, and the News —
Thank you from us all. 🌹


Duchess01 Tuesday, 25 June 2024


When searching for simple serenity
The falsehood mask obscures verity
No way to determine or to perceive
The secret agenda there to deceive

What clues are provided for clarity
When relevance becomes a rarity
Has something been lost that cannot be found
Does the back and forth go round and around

We can’t move on when we do not let go
Of memories past tugging to and fro
We cannot go back to where we began
We must decide to move forward again

There is a direct path and place to be
That God has decided for you and me
To serve Him in this world until such time
We have completed our duty divine

It might not be what we wanted to do
Or probably something we even knew
Our lives are not written for us to view
To modify beforehand in the queue

What does it take to keep on going
How can we stop this to and froing
It takes faith in what can never be seen
To quit returning to where we have been

God wants us to prosper and live our lives
Free and happy and no longer take dives
Into a world of pestilence and pain
With no hope of happiness ever again

D01: 08/14/2023


Duchess01 Wednesday 26 June 2024


When we awaken in the morning…
We are blessed
Trials of yesterday’s forewarning…
We’re less stressed
If we count the many blessings…
That are right before our eyes
We can thank God for the pressings
His little blessings in disguise

For what today are you thankful
For the sunrise over the trees
For all your friends by the tankful
For the lushness of the leaves
For the flowers in the garden
All blooming fresh and new
For the blessing of the pardon
Forgiveness to renew

As our eyes take in the wonder
Of our Creator’s Mighty Hand
Have we taken time to ponder
The beauty He had planned
The order of Creation
Is no magical decree
It is His mighty magnificence
For all to enjoy and see

Look to your family – another gift
Where two hearts are enjoined as one
His love spread far and wide and swift
To learn and laugh – and just have fun
We thank You Father – for so many gifts
For all that You have done
Even for the twists and turns and shifts
We know that we have won

If we’ve been remiss in our thinking
You are there to save the day
We might feel at times we are sinking
But You – Lord – have found a way
So many times – we get discouraged
We want to give up and give in
You send Your Angels – we’re encouraged
By Your Spirit that lives within

Lord – will you please forgive us
If we forget the blessings you pour
Doubt and fear will misgive us
As they suddenly come to the fore
We are human and prone to mistake
To quandaries and confusion
We need Your Spirit our souls retake
Dispel all the foolish delusion

We will remember our blessings to count
As we awaken from sleep each day
For we will meet You someday at the mount
And You will ask us – what will we say
Will we tell Him our first thought was good
Will we let Him know we are most grateful
When we arose from our bed and stood
For the blessings we have by the crateful!

D01: 07/02/2019


Duchess01 Thursday, 27 June 2024


Hear my prayer, O Lord – please hear my cry;
Hide not Thy face from me – stand closely by;
Incline Thine ear to me – answer my call;
For I am helpless in my wherewithal!

My days are consumed – in pain, I move not;
My heart beats in vain – overwhelmed, besought;
I struggle to breathe – I implore Your aid;
Begging for mercy – and yet, unafraid!

Strengthen me, Lord – as only You know how;
Send forth Thy Comforter to help me now;
Send forth the angels to hold me upright;
Help me, Lord – Help me to live, love, and fight!

The enemy plagues me both day and night;
His demons work to discourage me right;
He taunts me, haunts me, and laughs at my pain;
My prayers he sees worthless – and all in vain!

Be it Your will – with Your power and might;
Remove this affliction – far out of sight;
Defeat the devil – his power disband;
Help me, Lord – with Your Healing Hand!

You called me, Lord – in Your Service to be;
Your minister, Lord – bring people to Thee;
How can I manage – for people to care?
With this heart sorely in need of repair?

I ask not for me this healing take place;
I ask not this suffering You erase;
I ask only to stand for You, O Lord;
To bring others to You in one accord!

If in this state, You still want me to serve;
If it be Your will, my heart you preserve;
Whatever you decide – I will endure;
With You by my side – of that I am sure!

Help me, Lord to accept what You decide;
In You and with You – I long to abide;
Through You and for You – my heart is alive;
Heal me, Lord – Help me – to live, love, and thrive!

D01: 05/14/2013


Duchess01 Friday, 28 June 2024


God was with you there is no doubt
As you scurried around about
Your friends rallied all about around you
Just as God’s Angels came to surround you

Did you feel renewed vigor and strength
Spurred on by powerful prayers at length
The Light of the Spirit living in you
Beamed thru arrangements of glorious hue

A blessing out of the blue touched your heart
And you sensed all unworthiness depart
The sweet sound of words in awe acclaiming
The pride of a daughter in Dad exclaiming

We Thank You, Lord, for blessings received
Pouring down from Heaven we so believed
She will remember this day with delight
And step into a future oh so bright

Those who attended were in for a treat
But far more were with you to help complete
The Gifts of the Spirit were on display
To ensure success of a perfect day

What more could we ask of God above
Than this celebration be filled with love
All Honor Glory and Praise be His
For helping Dad take care of his biz

We Thank You, Father, from all of us here
For what we have today to praise and cheer
As the scripture says and we pray it be
Well Done Faithful Servant for all to see

D01: 05/28/2023


Duchess01 a 2nd poem 😁, Friday, 28 June 2024

Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!

Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!

Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!

Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!

Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!

Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!

I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!

Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!

Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!

Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!

Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!

D01: 07/14/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 29 June 2024


Jesus said: “I will be with you always!”
And thus – He is worthy of – all praise;
When we are weak – it is He who is strong
He will not abandon us – all day long

We go day to day stressed and strained
All helter-skelter – our efforts restrained;
By one failure and foible after another – 
The buffoonery boggles – surely to smother

We start and stop till eventually;
We’re just spinning our wheels uncontrollably;
What did we forget to consider or try?
This is not working – but we don’t know why

Did we pray and ask and did we conceive?
His gifts, fruits, and wisdom – did we receive?
Or did we just think we could do without?
Ask not a question or wonder or doubt?

After all, we are smart – we can do it ourselves;
We can order and sort and arrange on the shelves;
Why would we need any assistance at all?
We’re ready, willing, able – to answer the call

When we try to do anything on our own;
We reap only partially what we have sown;
Without Jesus Christ – our success is nil;
When we attempt to succeed – by our own will

Through prayerful reflection – dedicate your day;
Relinquish your effort – send your strife His way;
Prayerfully – carefully – just listen to Him;
Without His assistance – your chances are slim

So next time you venture out into the world;
Take care to pray, first – lest you be unfurled;
Through the self and its plagues of centeredness;
You get dire deception and pigheadedness

Remember what Jesus has promised He’d do;
To always be with you – send His Spirit, too;
When you are distraught and distracted someday;
Your Help in Distress – is the Truth, Life, and Way!

D01: 07/30/2013


Duchess01 Sunday, 30 June 2024


When people talk and make some sense;
There is understanding and recompense;
The ease at which words move and flow;
The comforting contact is what we know!

And yet these words if misapplied;
Can twist and turn and be denied;
The meaning can – in fact – imbue;
Till nothing contained therein is true!

Go back to where you once began;
When all was fine and peaceful man;
Before the words got mixed and twitted;
Taken out of context and retrofitted!

We cannot see inside of another;
Nor can we know the mind of our brother;
What spurs him on or touches him;
What lights his world or makes it dim!

What we can see is his reaction;
The ups and downs and distraction;
We know not where he went or why;
We know not how he went awry!

We pray and search our hearts to see;
If something changed between she and he;
And when we do we soon discover;
There is truth in there we must uncover!

No one can control the outcome to be;
Only God has the power the heart to see;
Only God can bless or curse the union;
Only He can dispel – quell the confusion!

So when two people determine their fate;
Based on fallacy – undermined by hate;
There is no conclusion – and no debate;
No good can come – so they separate!

What once was working for the good of all;
Is covered by a thick, black, ugly pall;
And all because of a misconception;
Words that were twisted in ill perception!

D01: 08/10/2013


Duchess01 Sunday, 30 June 2024, in remembrance of PHC, posted three of her older poems. Links to the last one, others are below.



Rest and relax – God’s Got You, Patrick
He’s holding you tight – fast and right quick
He’s working His vast Almighty Hands
All over your body as He commands
And His Spirit o’re you rightly demands!

When we praise God – Heavenly skies open
His angels are dispersed – healing holden
They carry oils – they’ll pour out on you
You cannot escape – whatever you do
So rest and relax – enjoy what you’re due.

The power of prayer unlike any other
It’s effects are uncanny – it will smother
With so much love you cannot contain
From it we will ne’er stop nor refrain
We will keep on – in its throes we’ll remain.

How does it feel, Patrick – surrounded in love
Can you feel the healing sent from above
Can you exalt in what God has in store
Wouldn’t it be great to suffer no more
As God disperses what He knows is the cure.

He can touch and heal you in the blink of an eye
He can relieve the pain for good – that is no lie
He can raise you up from that place you stay
He can free your limbs and take you away
Where you will live – to dance – another day.

Sing us a song, Patrick – a song of hope
Before you take anymore of that dope
Sing us a happy tune – so we can smile
Just as we smile – when you joke all the while
Sing us a song, Pat – one that will beguile.

Know we trust in God – when it comes to you
We acknowledge Him – whatever we do
We lean not on our own understanding
Although – at times – we can be demanding
We leave it all up to His commanding.

The power of His Spirit – can touch and heal
It can repair what is broken – to reveal
The culprit that has taken your health away
Can be defeated – ne’er to return nor stay
And we will all Praise God another day!

D01: 05/02/2019


There once was a man named PHC
Whose comments were quite absurd – you see
From out of the blue
He’d come gunning for you
Till upside down your thinking it be! 

At times he could be somewhat serious
His wisdom was a might mysterious 
You could sure guarantee
A giggle there would be
Off balance till you were delirious!

Heard he said on the Open Thread 
Pinnings we’ve all come to dread
He was packing his bags
Without affixing the tags
One might think he was out of his head.

Oh noes – this cannot be true
What is the matter with you
Well you see it is like this
My body has run amiss
There is nothing I can do!

From anger to denial – a wild trip
Bargaining and depression – a quick quip
Acceptance is the longest
But definitely the strongest
And essential to getting a grip.

Thought Patrick was being a punk
Maybe he could even be drunk 
How could this be
What are you telling me
Whatever happened to your spunk?

Not going to cry – no – no not I
There’s something stuck in my eye
Must be a speck
Oh – what the heck
It will leave on its own by and by.

So we’ll fast and pray and pray some more
That will rev up your spirit for sure
Helpless we feel
Hopeless we’ll be 
If we do not see you anymore! 

Our comfort now lies in the Lord
Despair we surely can’t afford 
We will talk with you
We will walk with you
With faith, hope, and love outpoured.

Absent from the body – present with Him
As the light in your eyes is growing dim
We will lift you up
Till with Him you sup
And you leave your special Treehouse limb.

D01: 05/04/2019 


Don’t mean to bug you, ‘Cowboy Hat Pat’
Your Fan Club is here – where is it you at
We can only imagine what it is like for you
Keeping up with all you must have to do
We entertain daily – hoping for a ‘smile’
We just want to love you for a little while!

One by one – we come peeking in on you
Hoping all is copacetic there, too
We have no idea with what you must deal
We just come to share a warm breakfast meal
We pray your rest was peaceful and serene
As for your dreams – we hope they’re not obscene!

We’re unsure what the theme of the day will be
But – it will not be long before we shall see
We have fun – tell jokes – share pictures too
We try to make your days happy – not blue
So tell us – Pat – what’s up with you today
We’re anxiously waiting for you just to say!

We’ve been keeping busy waiting for word
Don’t think our concern is at all absurd
We just need our daily fix of ‘Pat in the Hat’
So there’s nothing more here than just that
We want to get the party ready for tonight
There’s dishes to prepare and we’re uptight!

Peek-a-Boo Pat – why you hiding again
You make us crazy – you know that oh man
If you’re having a party with angels ok
We would not want it any other way
If they are watching over you sleeping
We are happy they are you good keeping!

So – what is it – Pat – we can do for you
Aside from waiting for your presence due
Can we make you coffee – some breakfast 
Or will it be brunch by the time you at last
Make your appearance – to cheers of all here
Where are you hiding – Oh, Patrick Dear?

Pardon our insistence – you left us wandering
Here in Patrick Land – we’re left pondering
Are you doing well – sleeping in peace
This anxiety – will it ever cease
We will stay and pray – all is well right now
Cause God is in control of thee and thou!

D01: 06/20/2019


Duchess01 Monday, 1 July 2024


Deliver me, Lord who am so miserable;
My enemies assail me – most accusable;
Desirous of my forthcoming adjustability;
They demand in an instant – accountability!

For Your sake, Lord, I would suffer it all;
Any indignity that upon me might fall;
It is for you, Lord, that I live and I am;
It is for you, Lord, that I study and cram!

Have I not kept Thy holy precepts?
Have I not shared these holy concepts?
Have I not loved my neighbor as myself?
Have I put my feelings – back on the shelf?

You are faithful in all Your words and deeds;
You provide not our wants, but all our needs;
You are with us always – just as You promised;
Giving us Your peace – so we may be calmest!

Cease from thy anger and forsake all wrath;
Fret not of thyself; deter not thy path;
Return not evil for evil – and do thee good;
Retain thy righteousness – as thee should!

Take care with thy words – lest they painful sting;
For truth can be hurtful – not a pleasant thing;
Words – they cannot ever return to the mouth;
Once out in the air – they will surely turn south!

Oh, Lord – if correction and conviction I need;
Please send me Your Spirit – to my heart let Him speed;
Not a moment can I be away from You;
I cannot live on – I know not what to do!

Conflict me – convict me – and give me the pain;
I have caused another – with words I have slain;
It matters not whether or not it be true;
Nothing is worth being separated from You!

Bring healing and peace – reconciliation, too;
Do with me what you want – whatever You do;
It cannot be worse than what You endured;
Please don’t leave me alone and uncured!

I trust in Your judgment so whatever you do;
I will suffer in silence – imitative of You;
I will seek not comfort – nor praise from You;
So do what You must – to refresh and renew!

Deliver Me, Lord – and make it alright;
I have forgiven all – and I’ll stay out of sight;
Never again will I use words to say;
Nor with my words again will I slay!

D01: 08/11/2013


Duchess01 Tuesday, 2 July 2024


Help me understand, Lord
What I cannot comprehend
Help me to draw inward
With what You recommend

Reason defies what we cannot see
How could this have happened
How did this have even come to be
That which has truly saddened

We cannot imagine the turmoil
That can live inside of man
The pain that can embroil
Over time it does expand

The pain it is enormous
Unruly and untamed
The situation is abnormous
No relief for the ashamed

It begins with just a sadness
A bad feeling comes about
Then grows to sheer madness
Though one may not act-out

The solemness it comes rearing
The seriousness of the claim
The ship has lost its steering
Internally comes the blame

It is not what you or I did
That created the disdain
The blame would God forbid
So from the guilt refrain

Lord Jesus healed the sick
Banished demons from the man
But no one saw the uptick
Or from where it all began 

The pressure to be best
We can ever possibly be
Comes from the worldly test
That we can ever barely see

By what worldly standard
Do we step up to the plate
By what are we pandered
What drew us to the debate

We cannot know of things unseen
If not brought into the open
To what dimension we have been
Or from words that were unspoken

Though we try to make sense of it
We cannot and often fail
Only God knows the pretense of it
Obviously beyond the pale

Only God knows the why and wherefore
It is not ours to discern
So we go to the thus and therefore
We must let go of the concern

When a loved one leaves us
No matter what the cause
It truly can bereave us
Give us a time to pause

Our hearts are surely broken
What appears beyond repair
The words we left unspoken
Of those we are most aware

Calm My Spirit – Oh, My Lord
Give me peace inside of me
Help me to look only forward
Find sweet comfort unto Thee

Help me Lord to carry on
Way beyond the current day
For You are the bright new dawn
The Life, the Truth, the Way!

D01: 04/04/2022

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Context added from here…..

THANK YOU, PARA !!! 💙🧚🏻‍♀️💙
PS – Can you add a ‘context note’ to yesterday’s poem, please ?
A family was grieving the death of a father who shot himself in front of his wife – since I do not write prose condolences very well – I asked God to help me pen a poem to encourage and uplift – through much prayer – that poem was His answer to my prayer…
Thank you, Para, for your daily support – God Bless You Real Good !!!


Duchess01 Wednesday, 3 July 2024


We come to Your Altar on bended knee
In the name of Jesus – we pray to Thee
One of our loved ones is in peak peril
Demons they have her over a barrel
Another test will be taken real soon
Could sink hope or take her over the moon

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are healed
By His sacrifice – our fate – it was sealed
Protect her from all danger hurt or harm 
We’re calling all Angels – set the alarm
Warring Angels by the dozens dispatched
Go after those demons – get them detached

Comfort Angels dispersed to quell the fear
Through Faith – we command fear disappear
Healing Angels anoint her with the oils
Cover her completely before she spoils
Relaying Angels with a message from God
Rest in His Arms – prepare to be awed

We take authority over our friend today
By the Power of the Spirit we humbly pray
We unite in our prayer – strengthen her
To guide those in charge of her to concur
Set all instruments so accurate they be
By the Power of the Spirit command them we

Take care in your analysis – through Hope
By your training and insight help her cope
God has given you the means to infer
A possible treatment that will deter
The failure of systems rightly attached
Your expertise surely cannot be matched

Let the Hand of God guide competent hands
To do what must be done – what He commands
As we lift her up to the Heaven on High
We give it all to You – and breathe a sigh
She is in good hands – the best there be
The Angels surround her – a sight to see

We lay our petition at the feet of Your Son
Whose victory over the cross He surely won
We know in control – You must ever be
We pray for a miracle for all to see
God can fix anything – He has the clout
The Power of God is awesome no doubt!

D01: 07/02/2019


Bakocarl Wednesday, 3 July 2024


Our God is a God of justice
Blessed are those who wait for Him
Wrongdoers will pay for their wrongs
Justice will spare neither life nor limb

When justice is done it’s a joy
But it may not be ours to find
Justice is mine sayeth the LORD
And with it comes our peace of mind

We’ll trust in the ways of our LORD
And justice will thrive in our land
Freedom and justice will be ours
Both by His Word and by His Hand

Proverbs 21:15
When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.


Bakocarl Early Morning 4th of July 2024

Play Ball!

In these strange days I don’t feel down
For I have hope that lifts me up
Bad things come to break my spirit
But I won’t drink that sorrowful cup

I could worry about our world
Will the dark have its evil way
Or will some good be ours to see?
Will this black night turn into day?

I could fret about the future
Just what it holds for me and mine
But that same hope rings eternal
And there’s no place for woe or whine

Just when life throws you a curve ball
A bright light comes, piercing the dark
And before you can even swing
God has hit it out of the park

So I’ll hold firmly to that hope
That God has given for all time
Knowing that He will give me strength
To walk those hills I have to climb


Duchess01 Thursday, 4th of July 2024


As children of God we have been set free
In His Word He declares how that can be
God desires His people to have freedom 
Oppression enslavement we don’t need ’em

Seven times He directed an escape out
From His prophet He declared with a shout
Let My people go right now He ordered
But His commands were ignored and cornered

When He was despised a plan He devised
His prophet would decree as He advised
But no matter what plagued the oppressors
They continued to be the aggressors

Until the day He removed the most prized
Of the leader so stubborn and unwise
Deliverance from enslavement you see
Will occur in this year of Jubilee

Not by the hand of man will this happen
But by the hand of God it will snap in
The power of God is second to none
The only source thru which it will be done

Because we believe Jesus had the pull 
The price of our freedom was paid in full
The glory of the latter will be greater
And we will be free from the agitator

Deliver us Lord from four hundred years
Of discord and incalculable tears
Restore us with blessings You had planned
Before evil came in and stole our land

D01: 08/02/2023


Duchess01 Friday, 5 July 2024


You awaken in the morning – Praise God
You put the coffee on to perk – Thank God
You wash your face and brush your teeth
Make breakfast pet the cat down beneath

You are Precious in His Sight

You have food – You are blessed
Bacon sausage eggs the best
Pancakes syrup and sweets galore
Hash browns and fruit and so much more

You are Precious in His Sight

A nice hot shower or warm bath
Fresh clean clothes you do hath
A prayer here and a prayer there
Oh, give Him praise everywhere

You are Precious in His Sight

Wonder if prayers are responded
If something is mis corresponded
Maybe the answer is just hold on
Or not good for you now or beyond

You are Precious in His Sight

Sometimes it is hard to trust the unseen
So on your own understanding you lean 
Just acknowledge Him in all of your ways
To Him give all Honor Glory and Praise

Because…You are Precious in His Sight

D01: 05/09/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 6 July 2024


When the doldrums hit and down you go
With little help rocking to and fro
Anguish sets in and you feel repressed
Without control and overly stressed

There is one thing that will make it stop
Guaranteed to work before you drop
Get down on your knees and begin to pray
Ask God in His goodness take it away

If you pray sincerely ask Him outright 
He will hear from Heaven take up the fight
He will send His Angel Army to assist
With mighty warriors right in the midst

When you PRAY – believe with all of your heart
That God will not abandon nor depart
For in the believing we will receive
And in the praying our pain we relieve

So Pray It – Believe It – and Receive It
Whatever is hurting do not grieve it 
God is a god of sweet surprises
That come in all shapes and sizes

He is warmed when we reach out to Him
Ready to refresh refine to the rim
Renewing our spirit is His specialty
Spectacularly supernaturally

If you have fallen and hit bare bottom 
Remember these gifts if you caught ’em
Pray Pray Pray with all of your heart 
Believe Believe Believe from the start

Sit back and relax see how God moves
Notice what He does what He proves
Be ready be confident of His love
Receive His many blessings from above

D01: 02/23/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 6 July 2024 A 2nd poem.


God made each of us unique and solely
Like He – He wanted us to be holy
He gave each of us both gifts and talents
All are designed to keep us in balance 

No two are similar or even the same 
Nor were we endowed from whence we came
As we grow through our talents we thrive
And we know through grace our gifts come alive

Have you any idea how special you are
More amazing than you believe by far
What would happen if you missed just one day
Who would fill in the blank and pave the way

No matter what others might say or think
No one can replace you if you should blink
God placed you right where He wants you to be
Without hesitation from you or me

If you think of a structure less one block
Or a herd of sheep less one from the flock
Then you know how very special are you
How important it is to do what you do

If you are a page in a chapter book
How will the story make sense or look
The missing link to this mystery
Well it could be you or it could be me

If you are wondering where you fit in 
Just take a step back to where you have been
Consider where we would be without you
So Special are You to this Treehouse crew

D01: 06/09/2023


Duchess01 Sunday, 7 July 2024


Last night – we got the news – you were ready;
With Patty and Caryn – holding steady;
One last practice with the Choir you said;
Before you left us for your soft-cloud bed!

We watched you bravely fight the good fight;
As we sighed and prayed for you each night;
We tried our best to visit – and bring cheer;
Just as you did for us – year after year!

With gratitude – we thank you – for loving us;
For putting up with our foibles and the fuss;
We couldn’t seem to get it – right from the start;
But you were there to help – right from the heart!

You gave us encouragement with a sweet smile;
Whether a new member – or one there awhile;
You deciphered the musical score and more;
You were the Angel with accolades galore!

Good job – Simone and Margaret – and newbie;
Kathy, Bill, and Don – you inspired me – truly;
With that Psalm – that feeling – you touched my heart;
Just want you to know – your love set you apart!

Dependable and cheerful – we counted on you;
To give us a smile – a caring ear for us, too;
No matter how stressful – your day had been;
You had time – to hear what, where, and when!

From parents and children – to broken down cars;
To singers and musicians – and upcoming stars;
Nothing too trivial – passed by without note;
We all had our troubles – we’ve all missed the boat!

With a pat on the shoulder – a twinkle in your eye;
You ensured us somehow – this, too, would pass by;
Ever the optimist – you smiled and said;
All will be well – there is nothing to dread!

We will miss you, Gary – that – we cannot deny;
On your journey through life – we’re glad you stopped by;
To give us a song – a hand up – and a sigh;
On your way to your heavenly home in the sky!

D01: 10/10/2013


Duchess01 slips in a second late Sunday, 7 July 2024


Sing a new song – unto the Lord – our God;
Just as the Heavenly Choir – gives Him laud;
Daily they praise Him – in sweet adoration;
Joyfully – their song – is just jubilation!

Glory to God in the Highest – they sing;
On their timbrels and harps – they ring;
A joyful noise – unto the Lord – in Heaven;
As their song rises – like bread with leaven!

The trumpets sound in a bountiful blast;
With triumphant blows – the effect is vast;
The Heavenly Choir sings a vibrant song;
To sing Praise to the Lord – all the day long!

Holy – Holy – Lord God – Almighty One;
A new member – we suspect – You have won;
In an earthly choir – his voice he raised;
His great love for You – in song he praised!

In the earthly choir – we lift up our voices;
In praise and thanksgiving – our song choices;
Give Glory to God – through gifts He has given;
To praise Him and thank Him – we are driven!

Nary has a voice gone unnoticed – by He;
No matter how meek or weak it may be;
For the voice of the young is strong and clear;
While the older voice – we can hardly hear!

When we earn our place in the Heavenly Choir;
Our voice is renewed at that very hour;
So while we are here – we sing songs of praise;
Till God takes us home – our voices we raise!

Imagine the sound of Praise to the Lord;
Imagine the joy to sing in His Word;
To someday sing in the heavenly realm;
The happiness is sure to overwhelm!

While we are here we do the best we can;
To praise Him in song – and instrument plan;
To be worthy someday to be chosen among;
The Heavenly Choir that leaves no song unsung!

D01: 11/05/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A threefer from Duchess!




When life is fraught with turmoil and sorrow
What shall we do to change up the morrow
Shall we kick up our heels and happy dance 
Would you like to oblige by happenstance

Shall we fly through the air without a plane
Shall we just be silly and go insane
Shall we walk up the path in the bright sun
What else can we drum up to have some fun

Take out your sketchpad and draw me a pic
A serene water scene and boat right quick
I will pen you a poem if you would like
Until it’s lunchtime for this little tyke 

Almost forgot a fresh flower bouquet 
If okay with you please choose the array
What is a meal without a centerpiece
And a hot looking chef who can appease

Shall we walk to the lake and row a boat
Shall we jump in the water try to float
If the fishes are swimming skip that part
Don’t want them nipping my toes a la carte

If we play hide and seek might be unfair
Cause I could get lost just about anywhere
Maybe we could try a quick game of pool
But sorry to say I’d just play the fool

I am out of ideas lest you have some
So far my suggestions they just seem dumb
I know what deep down I would like to do
Be on the deck and just cuddle with you

D01: 08/01/2023



There once was a man named Jim
Whose chances for love were slim
Though he tried and he tried
Something missing inside
Kept love from finding him.

He talked with his friend named Jake
And asked him what it would take
To find a lady who is smart and sweet
Who would ne’er be inclined to retreat
A mighty fine wife she would make.

Jake thought a moment – then said
The answer is one you might dread
The key to love is simple to me
Not at all profound, you see
It is about putting her first instead.

Love is not found but discovered
In the things that are uncovered
Love is patient; love is kind
With another first in mind
And hope in the future recovered.

D01: 01/20/2019



We definitely are not the same everyday
Life has a bad habit of getting in the way
We’re a group of varying different types
and personalities of assorted stripes

In a forum it’s easy to mix words
and want to make it right afterwards
There are clues of what lies inside
and others of something to hide

Reading too much into what is said
Just confuses the writer instead
Perhaps that is what it is I see
the banter between he and me

Just making a joke cuts the stress
Rather than hurt it serves to bless
We all have heart hurts that really cut deep
Some that occasionally cause us to weep

So keeping it light is the way to be
Makes it easier on both you and me
If we’re just having fun we need not try
To stop and examine or question why

When I cannot make sense of what it is
I write poems with solutions that fizz
They tend to begin with a question of what
And end with me falling right on my butt !!!

D01: 07/08/2023


Duchess01 Tuesday, 9 July 2024


Lord – on our knees – we humbly adore You;
Lord – on our knees – we humbly implore You;
Help us – we pray – to meet needs and demands;
Touch us tenderly with Your Healing Hands!

For Barb, David, Tex and families/friends;
Our hearts are burdened; the need never ends;
For the lost, lonely, and troubled – we pray;
That they may be relieved of turmoil today!

There are so many, Lord – You know their names;
Who suffer – some who – the devil reclaims;
Help us, Lord – bring them back – into the fold;
Release them, Lord, from the evil one’s hold!

There is anger – there is strife – all around;
No peace anywhere – no peace can be found;
Electromagnetic – chemical hacks;
Through food, water, air – and mental attacks!

Military – who have returned – come home;
Are plagued by technology and syndrome;
Chips in the pills – and chemicals in drugs;
Wreak havoc on health – and the body slugs!

Sometimes, we wonder why You allow this;
Why You let him win – and us you dismiss;
Sometimes – at every turn – we dismay;
We can’t understand why he has his way!

Help us, Lord – to persevere and hold on;
Help us help others know where they belong;
Help us minister – leave all up to You;
Your will not ours – we accept and pursue!

Though we may suffer along with our friends;
Though our petition – our prayer never ends;
We trust in Your Love and Your Healing Hands;
We trust in Your Promise and Your Commands!

 We pray fervently – In His Name, we pray;
The Blood of the Lamb protects us each day;
Through His Mercy and Kindness – we heal;
Our souls – we are confident – He will seal!

Touch us, Dear Lord, with your Healing Hands;
Help us keep up with the prayers and demands;
Help us – through Faith – be a blessing to all;
Through divine appointments – answer Your call!

Heavenly Physician – We implore You;
Lay Your Healing Hands – on those before You;
Shine Your Light on us all so that we may see;
The Glory and Honor that belongs to Thee!

LBM: 5/28/2013


Duchess01 2nd Poem for Tuesday, 9 July 2024


Prophets are humans who speak through God
Some see visions while others are awed 
By what God reveals to them they must share 
Backed by scripture and the Spirit through prayer

The Bible mentions of false prophets beware
They claim to speak through God unaware
Their god is not our God by any measure
Their words are a disproven endeavor

Take Elisha and the prophets of Baal
Numerous seers whose incantations fail
If what the prophet claims does come true
God’s gift rests on that person a sure clue

Prophecies have no timeline – that is of God
It is His determination that gives them laud
They contain warnings and past revelation
What has occurred prior is their elevation

The Bible names many both major and minor
Some of them are prominent and the finer
But all have one thing fairly in common 
What they say will be fulfilled phenomenon

The ungodly will fail and fall short in time
Their deception will be revealed as slime
Without proof the prophecy as revealed
Will serve no purpose and have no yield

The messages from God come in many forms
Dreams poetry sermons physical norms
Prophets can speak of past present and future
Intertwined together enjoined by suture

Prophecy is judgement and restoration 
Of people and nations and of causation
Not always direct or clear of happening
Ordered by events and loose fastening 

Discernment is key to unveiling truth
Does not require a seer or a sleuth
The proof lies solely in the fulfillment 
Drop by drop with Almighty instillment

D01: 06/27/2023


Duchess01 Wednesday, 10 July 2024


When confronted with impossible odds
With insurmountable bauds and frauds
We look to contemplation and reason
Inward outward no matter the season

After consideration of every option
The master chosen is the swaption
Of the world we should be but naught
Through daily struggles we get caught

We twist and turn aimlessly all about
Filled with anger anguish dastardly doubt
We are tossed in the storm of no return
For the Peace of the Lord we surely yearn 

What can we do to detach and dispatch
The obvious outrageous moot mismatch
What have we done that we need to undo
What can we do to secure a breakthrough

What did we do at the start that went wrong
Why is it so hard and taking so long
Why do we struggle to figure it out
It all comes back to the matter of doubt

What did Thomas doubt that was unseen
What was he missing that should have been
Why did he hesitate when others believed
What did they have he had not received

We know the story of Thomas the doubter
Unfortunately some have played the flouter
Of little faith were Thomas and Matthew
By His Word we really did not have to

In Proverbs 3 – lies quality advice
The commands are simple and thrice
Trust – Lean Not – and do Acknowledge
The path made straight by pre-knowledge

Does faith precede you in all that you do
Is obedience without further ado
Do you take it up with Him first or last
Is your turmoil present or is it past

Does doubt deter and mesmerize your mind
Do you panic because you fell behind
Are you anxiety-ridden and far off course
Have you considered the unseemly source

When we dare to doubt the Power of God
We fail to trust – acknowledge – give Him laud
We think falsely there is naught He can do
Tho’ the impossible He can make anew

A time when we were too lost and tossed
It appeared the bridge could not be crossed
The mountain was much too high to mount
And problems were too numerous to count

Not so – not anymore – God is in charge
Man cannot solve worldwide turmoil at large
Much too soon the enemy took control
Before too long he’ll be in a blackhole

One man cannot right the wrongs worldwide
He can make changes with God by his side
When there appears to be no other way
The Power of God will – so let us PRAY!

D01: 04/22/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 11 July 2024


Throughout scripture, God sets His example;
Limitless – His love – is more than ample;
He is kind; He is good – He is faithful;
For His steadfast Spirit, we are grateful!

Blessed are they who rely on the Lord;
Blessed are they who abide by His Word;
Holy are they who trust only in Him;
Convicted through Faith – is proper and prim!

With Fidelity and Faithfulness – we
Are trusting and trustworthy as can be;
With holy fervor, we honor Our Lord;
Consistently Faithful His Love out-poured!

Through Jesus, we exude Faith, Hope, and Love;
Through His Spirit and exultation above;
Through fullness of Faith – we are relieved;
We have not seen and yet, we have believed!

A Fruit of the Spirit, Faithfulness is;
The art of believing in heavenly bliss;
The act of knowing – relying on hope;
The tug of strength when unable to cope!

In the fullness of Faith, we come alive;
With conviction and purpose, we will thrive;
With our trust in the Lord, we cannot go wrong;
In the Faith Filled Family where we belong!

D01: 04/21/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A haiku from PAVACA!!!

Haiku for our good Wolf Moon

Gracious and wise host
For this place of thought and talk —
Bonam Fortunam!



Duchess01 Friday, 12 July 2024


A powerful offensive weapon to wield
In any encounter a faithful shield
When the enemy gets close in sight
It keeps him at bay with power and might 

ByThe Sword of the Spirit evil will flee
Deceptive delusion will cease to be
Spoken thru direction of the Spirit 
It cuts through the wiles whoever hears it

The wisdom and skill of the Word of God 
Will disrupt attack of the demon squad
When Jesus was tempted on the high peak
It was the Word of God that He did speak

Thru persistent prayer His Word holds true
For every scheme the demons pursue
Temptation requires a strong defense
To which His Word offers recompense

Study thyselves rightly to be approved
By the force of His Word be unmoved
Be in His Word on a daily basis
For protection and the sake of stasis 

For discernment of the trouble at hand
The Word of God will help secure a plan
For what is written there thru the Spirit
Will empower those who daily fear it

The Sword of the Spirit weapon of choice
Gives authority a powerful voice
To disarm and deter the deception
Whenever wherever the perception

D01: 07/28/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 13 July 2024


Sing unto the Lord a brand new song;
Sing praises to Him all your lifelong;
For He has sustained and kept you sound;
His blessings upon you daily abound!

Sing – Sing your sweet song of praise;
Ring – Ring your Hand bells and raise;
Your voice to His Honor and Glory be;
Your ringtone – a joyful noise – artfully!

With thanksgiving, let your sweet song begin;
With gratefulness, thank Him for peace within;
In Him, through Him, and with Him, we thrive;
Keep His commandments – Keep hope alive!

Victoriously – Jesus conquered death;      
He suffered and bled until his last breath;
Praise Him – Oh, Praise Him – thank Him in song;
For without His gift – we would not belong!

It is said when we sing – then, twice we pray;
Double the praise – sing a new song today;
Raise up your voice – in Psalms praise His name;
Jesus is Lord – let your voice proclaim!

Sing unto the Lord – a new song today;
Rejoice in His blessings a brand new way;
When we give Honor and Glory to Him;
Our hearts fill with joy – right up to the brim!

D01: 04/17/2013


Duchess01 Sunday, 14 July 2024


Look here – Look there – Look everywhere
But – Do Not Look Up – because God is there
Focus on God – not distractions you see
What just might happen or could come to be

Who can you trust more than the Creator
Who will tell the truth – Who is the greater
What motivates man to kill steal destroy
For what purpose will deceit he deploy

If the treasure of the heart is evil
It brings forth chaos and opt upheaval
For the selfish concern of the wayward
Conjures up a nation in the nayward

As we contemplate core current events
We’re reminded of biblical portents
When a group of people were held captive
Oppressed and abused became adaptive

For four hundred years we longed to be free
Deceived and deterred twas not meant to be
Howbeit no idea what we had become
Suddenly we are returning therefrom

Unscrupulous men sold our nation out
And that is what this fight is all about
We were fools to believe their blatant lies
So this struggle should come as no surprise

Right now we are uniting under God’s wings
We no longer believe outrageous things
We are watching and waiting until such time
As God unleashes His Justice Divine

D01: 08/29/2023


Duchess01, 2nd for Sunday, 14 July 2024



Dear Mr. President we hope you are resting
Away from the turmoil of this vesting
For all you have been through
We humbly applaud you
While we pray for an end to the testing.

We offer you a warm cup of tea
As your family heaps love on thee
Our prayers rise up to God
From your earthly God squad
To secure peaceful harmony.

We thank you for standing strong
Through the attacks all along
We are here by your side
Our pain we can’t hide
It is where we believe we belong.

We know the truth has been revealing
From what they have done we are reeling
But you stood tall
And through it all
We knew there would be no more stealing.

You promised us we would be winning
While others were deep in their sinning
You told us each day
And showed us the way
Today is only the beginning.

We believed you then as we do now
America would be great again somehow
Reciprocal is what you said
Inequality would be dead
Proof in the pudding shown in the dow.

Companies would return with their jobs
Investments would soar in the Schwabs
We could not believe
What was done to deceive
By those loony lefty mob slobs.

We thank you oh so wholeheartedly
You are our hero greatheartedly
For lifting us up
We raise our cup
To President Trump warm heartedly.

D01: 02/04/2018


Duchess01 Monday, 15 July 2024


Mathew my friend in faith come forth to Me
Be undeterred by the sturred stormy sea 
Do not look back come forward without fear
I guarantee you that I will be here

Taking those steps are frightful to many
Their faith is weak and some have not any
With each trial in life we’re asked to be
So strong in our faith by the stormy sea 

The mountains are high – the valleys are low
Sometimes there is no path no way to go
At other times we are told there is no hope
After deciding the depth and the scope

God instructs us to trust solely in Him 
To lean not on our own when times are grim
To acknowledge Him in all of our ways
To give Him all Honor and Glory and Praise

Well if that is the case why go to man
For a purpose solution and a plan
What does man know that God does not
Why believe man’s predictions on the spot

God speaks to His prophets on the daily
Anointed appointed to set up the bailey
Guided by God to speak truth in His name
With warnings and platitudes of the same

Listen My people to what you must know
What you must do that to you I will show
I AM who I AM and ever will be 
I will guide you safely by the stormy sea

D01: 07/11/2023


Duchess01 Tuesday, 16 July 2024


Hearken Ye – Blest are the Pure in Heart;
For they shall see our God when they depart;
The secret of the Lord is surely theirs;
In Christ’s abode – their souls become heirs!

Their lives give glory to the Prince of Peace
Their love for Him is strong – it will not cease;
Like Him – they dwell in lowliness – with men;
Like Him – their pattern for holiness – Amen!

To the lowly soul – His grace He imparts;
With His Spirit pure – He fills their hearts;
For His cradle – and His heavenly throne;
He chooses the Pure in Heart – they alone!

Lord – Let us pray – Thy presence we seek;
Lord – For we pray – Thy blessing unique;
Give us – we pray – a pure and lowly heart;
The Grace from Your Spirit that You impart!

The temple within – we will surely refine;
For the pure resting place of the Divine;
Purify us, Oh Lord – that we may be worthy;
To receive Your Grace – wholly and humbly!

Give us this day your blessing, Oh Lord;
Keep us securely – surely in Your Word;
Let Your Spirit abide within us today;
For You are the Truth, the Life, and the Way!

Blest are the Pure in Heart – the Bible says;
For they are the ones who know God’s ways;
Create in us all – a heart that is pure;
So we will be servants of all – for sure!

Let not worldly concerns sweep us away;
Temptation and sinfulness – let us defray;
For it is in giving – that we will receive;
And the Pure in Heart – will ever believe!

The Glory of God – will be theirs to enjoy;
If they seek His face – in all they employ;
Grant us – Oh, Lord – a heart that is pure;
For the Pure in Heart – will surely endure!

D01: 07/29/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday, Duchess’s Birthday! 😁 17 July 2024


Come back to me with all of your heart;
Sin has separated us – torn us apart;
Long have I waited for your sweet return;
Reconciliation with you – is what I yearn!

While you were out reveling in the flesh;
In the throes of sin – I watched you enmesh;
I sent forth My Spirit – to convict you;
But, you rebuff Him – what could I do?

I sent forth my angels – with a message true;
But you did not hear – you did not want to;
I sent forth my beauty – for your eyes to see;
But your eyes were on others and not on Me!

I sent forth the fragrance – of lilies so sweet;
With the scents you enjoyed – I could not compete;
I sent you a mate – refined in the Word;
But you refused him/her – completely absurd!

Stubborn you are and stubborn you’ll be;
Until you agree to Come Back to Me;
What can I tell you – what can I say?
If you keep acting in your sinful way!

Make no mistake – I have a plan for you;
With love I will prick you – and deeply, too;
The one that you love will not love you back;
When you’re not looking – he/she will attack!

With tokens and trinkets you will woo your love;
But God will not bless this union above;
It is you who will suffer rebuff and regret;
For what you have done – that is what you will get!

Until you can feel what you have given to Me;
You will not have eyes that will ever see;
Into the darkness you’ll continue to gaze;
Your ears will be closed to sweet words of praise!

Your love will complain he/she hasn’t the time;
To love you and cherish you in the sublime;
Then he/she will leave you flat and outright;
Far away will him/her go – far out of sight!

Now that you know what I have been feeling;
In your absence – how much I’ve been reeling;
Come Back to Me – repent now – and believe;
Your pain and your suffering I can relieve!

My yoke is easy – my burden is light;
I’m willing to give you back your insight;
I’m willing to send forth My Spirit today;
If you will agree – to follow the Way!

Come Back to Me – and I will surely forgive;
All your transgressions – so that you will live;
With faith through grace – I will accept you back;
As long as you agree – I will take up the slack!

D01: 07/26/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 18 July 2024


Faith is the substance of things hoped for
The evidence of things unseen before
It is not something we just acquire 
But it is something we do admire

What does it mean to walk by faith not sight
How do we know the faith we claim is right
Because faith is the key to a new life
It is the postulate when fear is rife

Faith worketh patience a virtue we know
We need to peacefully go with the flow
Patience is a virtue a powerful grace
If we combine the two we can save face

The mystery of faith is the unseen
It is a place where we have never been
The unseen is in essence God’s domain
Outside of which we must really remain

When we step out in faith we rely alone
On God’s gift of grace to be truly shown
Faith is a leap into what is hidden
From our earthly sight to the forbidden

Then why would we need faith even at all
Because God desires it lest we befall
If we are to trust completely in Him
Without faith our prospects are naught to slim

Jesus is the author/finisher of faith
Revealer of what the Bible saith
It is He who died to free us from sin
For the endless joy we carry within

D01: 08/23/2023


Duchess01 Friday, 19 July 2024


When we face challenges out of the blue
Our first instinct might be what went askew
We wonder what it was that caused the rift
Not recognizing what hit was a gift 

We tend to take what occurs personally
Like some sort of punishment deservedly
When really it was nothing of the sort
Nor to the extent of fault to report

We have free will to make our choices
And that includes how we use our voices
We can rant and rave and complain why me
Or we can speak life and blessing to be

We are all prone to the seven deadly
We can speak out a tirade in medley
We can side with that demonic attack
Give negative thoughts credence right back

The effect of the weight we have laid down
Will surely defeat us cause us to drown
In a sea of self-pity barely function
Until we reach a decision junction

The difference between blessing and curse
Is the curse tends to make our plight much worse
It augments into a vicious cycle
We are less fruitful not at all vital

Speak life and blessing for each consequence
A positive outlook just makes more sense
It energizes God-given gifts in you
The Spirit inside comes alive when you do

D01: 08/11/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 20 July 2024


The world has been horribly hijacked 
Evil has aggressively attacked
Whatever way we are tempted to turn 
We find ourselves grinded in the quern

Explosions earthquakes sabotage shortages
Destruction destitution poisonous portages
You promised us freedom in a jubilee year
Is it possible this blessing is notably near

You said vengeance is in Your domain
We understand why You must abstain
Your thoughts and timing are surely not ours
We have no doubt in Your mighty powers

We are trying hard to have faith
Not by sight just as you saith
The ungodly spurn and ridicule You
That will be their downfall it is true

The assets of the wicked will be dispersed
To the righteous man as has been versed
We need not worry if God will repay
All they have stolen and taken away

Rest assured God will move unexpectedly
He knows how to manage quite effectively
We need not be concerned if and when
God will have the last word now and then

D01: 02//26/2023


Duchess01 Sunday, 21 July 2024


The law of the Lord is perfect and true;
It revives the soul – and gives life to you;
The rule of the Lord – you can trust;
It gives wisdom to the simple – a thrust!

The precepts of the Lord are right and real;
They gladden the heart – with righteous zeal;
The commands of the Lord are crystal clear;
They give songs to the voice – chords to the ear!

The Fear of the Lord is holy – abides;
Wherein – the heart – that the Spirit resides;
The decrees of the Lord are true and just;
So Fear of the Lord for all is a must!

More to be desired than the purest gold;
Sweeter than honey from the comb threefold;
For in them – the servant – finds instruction;
From precept to precept – no deduction!

Great reward comes from their very keeping;
Only He can detect error speaking;
Of hidden faults – His justice surely acquits;
From the judgment seat upon which He sits!

From presumption – we must be restrained;
From judging others – we must be retrained;
Under presumption – we make ourselves blameless;
Not cleansed from grave sin – or even shameless!

Let the spoken word of your mouth – win favor;
Let your thoughts be pure – that they He may savor;
Let your heart be of a clean – contrite nature;
Let your heart – the Holy Spirit – capture!

The Fear of the Lord – is not fear at all;
It’s His love in your heart – so answer His call;
His precepts – commands – decrees are all there;
To guide you – correct you – keep you aware!

Be prudent – be faithful – be thankful you are;
Chosen by Him – loved – and cherished by far;
The Fear of the Lord – is His awesomeness;
Give thanks – for His love – and His blessedness!

D01: 11/18/2013


Duchess01 Monday, 22 July 2024


In Your kindness, have mercy on me;
Let me not ever stray far from Thee;
Blot out my sins from your Holy sight;
Strengthen me – to fight the good fight!

In Your compassion, blot out my offense;
For my transgression, there is no defense;
Wash me and cleanse me of all of my guilt;
I have sinned against Thee – I need rebuilt!

My offenses are ever before me, Oh Lord;
I have fallen short as it says in Your Word;
Against You alone have I sinned grievously;
In Your sight, Oh Lord, sin encompassed me!

Justified are You in your sentence dispensed;
Without reproach is Your judgment against;
For in sin were all men ill-conceived;
From the womb we emerge ill-perceived!

In truth, it’s the heart only You can see;
Instill in my heart Your wisdom for me;
Purify and cleanse me that I may know;
Wash me – my soul – whiter than snow!

Create in me – a clean heart renewed;
Cleansed in the Spirit – no longer eschewed;
With a steadfast spirit – I am refreshed;
No longer in sin will I be enmeshed!

A pure heart create in me, Oh God;
No longer will You need to poke and prod;
Give me again, Lord, the joy of Your aid;
With a steadfast spirit – the ransom is paid!

Rescue me, Lord, from evil oppression;
Let love – once again – be my obsession;
Let repentance and mercy blot out my sin;
Let Your Holy Spirit live again within!

For, in sacrifice, you take no delight;
Burnt offering – You would refuse outright;
My sacrifice is a contrite spirit;
Humble and worthy – Your voice – I hear it!

In Your goodness, Oh Lord, make me anew;
Be near me, Oh Lord, keep me close to You;
Hold me, remold me – into what I should be;
Create in me, Lord, a clean heart from Thee!

D01: 06/28/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Haiku by PAVACA!

Haiku for our good Gail Combs

Goats, DePop, and more —
Information well-defined:
Gratias tibi! 🖋


Duchess01 Tuesday, 23 July 2024


What is that entity called knowledge
Is it something you learn in college
Is it acquired through solid study
Can you share openly with a buddy

What do you do with it once you have it
Does obtaining it become a habit
Is it stored in your brain for further use
Do you hoard it or is it oft obtuse

Without understanding knowledge is useless
Without discernment knowledge is juiceless
For clarity understanding is key
It is how the brain can function and see

If knowledge aligns with understanding
And discernment becomes notwithstanding
You’ll begin your journey to wisdom way
For the fear of the Lord comes when you pray

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
Wisdom that comes directly from above
Knowledge of the holy is understanding
By the Power of God comes the branding

So if you seek wisdom study real hard
And if you’re approved it will be your guard
If the fear of the Lord is just the beginning
You’re well on your way to wisdom winning

The corollary of this lesson will be
Knowledge + Understanding you will see
Gives way to wisdom a treasure for sure
There will be nothing you cannot endure

Wisdom is the principal thing therefore
With all of your getting there is much more
When you marry knowledge to understanding
Wisdom is better than strength or standing

D01: 07/12/2023


Duchess01 Wednesday 24 July 2024


In the early morning light, I see YOU;
I begin the day just right; I pray, too;
I recall the blessings YOU have given;
I ask to be Holy Spirit driven!

I thank you for the sunshine YOU have sent;
For the flowers and trees; their nourishment;
I thank YOU profusely for loving me;
And pray I may serve YOU graciously!

Oh, but lately, Lord, I’m having trouble;
I’m anxious, lonely, and seeing double;
I do not know what has come over me;
It’s been really hard connecting with Thee!

Overwhelmed at times, I can find no rest;
From the constant barrage of evil’s quest;
From unwelcome guests who rob me of time;
From interrupted prayers to outright crime!

Where are you, Lord? I need you right now;
Come quickly into my heart somehow;
Fill me with your Spirit and make me whole;
Let me suffer no more with this empty soul!

Hear my cry in the day and into the night;
Protect me by day and by night, be my light;
Let not Thy presence be hidden from me;
In your mercy, Lord, hide my sin from Thee!

Whatever I have done or have not done;
Let it be known; let victory be won;
Gather me into Thy Loving embrace;
Wash the pain and tears away from my face!

Reveal to me what I have done so wrong;
Away from YOU, I have suffered so long;
The emptiness inside is so hard to bear;
I wonder, at times, if YOU are even there!

Where are you, Lord? Oh, please hear my call;
I’m confused, broken in my wherewithal;
Why are you silent in my time of need?
Is it because of my secular greed?

Have I not attended to my daily prayer?
Have I neglected for my neighbor to care?
Have I been selfish thinking only of me?
Oh yes, that is it – that is what it must be!

Hence the reason for the anxiety;
My trust in YOU, Lord, has just ceased to be;
My heart is on things of the world not YOU;
No wonder I’m hurting, lonely, and blue!

Thank you, DEAR LORD, for clearing the air;
For sending YOUR SPIRIT for me to care;
For renewing in me hope, love, and peace;
For making this longing finally cease!
Forgive me, Lord, for my selfish pride;
For from you I have been trying to hide;
For feeling unworthy to share with YOU;
My ineptitude and shortcomings, too!

Why did I even think YOU did not care?
Why did I ever refuse with YOU to share?
Why did I think YOU could never relate?
To the suffering I simply abate!

Did you not see in the Garden at prayer?
The loneliness a man is forced to bear;
When he is abandoned by all in the end;
When no one will stay; not even a friend?

Did you not ask for this cup to pass?
Was it your fear? What was it alas?
Was this just another human refrain?
Something YOU would do all over again?

No, you were not complaining it’s not fair;
And you were not wishing YOU did not care;
YOU were just preparing YOUR human side;
To let YOUR soul with YOUR Father reside!

So I’ll take my cue directly from YOU;
And stop thinking of me as YOU would do;
Deny myself and just follow YOUR lead;
And YOU will provide whatever I need!

D01: 4/05/2013


Duchess01 2nd Poem for the day, Wednesday 24 July 2024

comment image


In the morning when you arise
Thank God for the lovely sunrise
Thank God you have the eyes to see
Thank God through Him you are set free

So many are suffering in various ways
From family problems to general malaise
From discouragement to deep depression
Hearts, minds, and souls suffer repression

Each day God asks you to boldly come
To the Throne of Grace and beat the drum
Sing Praise to our God – Sing Praise
To our Deliverer – Our voices we raise

God told us to pray unceasingly
Give Glory Honor and Praise to He
Bring our petitions and lift them up
So that all may drink from the Blessing Cup

When you are troubled the Body suffers
Take it to God and pray for others
When we reach out and pray for one another
We bless father mother sister and brother

Our own concerns become less of a bother 
When we reach out and touch another
So Rise Up Prayer Warriors and shout
Defeat the enemy roundabout

Send him back to the dry places of doom
Back off and prevent his message of gloom
Declare your victory over all that prevails
Defeat his plan and all it entails

Our nation has been attacked mercilessly 
Over a long span of time most relentlessly
It is time to defeat that father of lies
It is time for Prayer Warriors to rise

‘Go To The Quiet’ if it need be
To replenish and refresh on bended knee
You must be courageous and strong
To fight this battle all the day long

Rise Up Prayer Warriors and come to their aid
For many who are lacking let hope be staid
For those who are allegedly down and out
Sing Praise – Declare Victory – and Shout

Decked in your Armor fight the good fight
Send our enemy and his minions to flight
Give it your all and you will soon see
And taste the blessings of Victory!!!

D01: 11/18/2022


Duchess01 Thursday, 25 July 2024


In the misty morning – at the break of dawn;
With sleepy eyes and – muddy mind I fawn;
Send your assistance and blessing my way;
Dear Heavenly Father – teach me today!

I fall on my knees to give glory and praise;
I sing with the angels – our song we raise;
In thanksgiving – I thank You for all I have;
For Your comfort – consolation – and salve!

Teach me – to love – as You willingly do;
To be servant of all – just like You;
Help me to learn to be humble and last;
Help me let go of mistakes of the past!

Teach me compassion – for my neighbor today;
Help me understand – his distress – if I may;
Help me bring comfort – condolence to him;
Lift up his spirit – when his faith is slim!

Help me be more like You – assured in love;
With confidence in my Father above;
With trust in Your steadfast faithfulness;
With fidelity – teach me – gratefulness!

Teach me – to invite – the Spirit within;
Through repentance and grace – let Him in;
To guide and chide me – when I should fall short;
Help me – to His wisdom – quickly resort!

Teach me – not my will – but His will be done;
Through Him and with Him – the battle is won;
Teach me – acceptance – when I find it hard;
To repent – reconcile – and pride discard!

Teach me – patience – a gift of the Spirit;
A virtue through which – I can endear it;
Give me Grace to hang on – and persevere;
Through fasting and prayer – help me volunteer!

Teach me – hope – a gift – to which I must cling;
Patient hope – endurance – blessings will bring;
Goodness and longsuffering – grant me these;
Precious gifts of the Spirit – grant them please!

Teach me – faith – that I may share it with all;
To lighten the burden – what might befall;
Calm my fears – and brighten earthly sorrow;
Increase my faith – childlike trust in tomorrow!

D01: 10/26/2013


Duchess01 Friday, 26 July 2024


Evil permeates our world today
Spiritual warfare keeps it at bay
Armored up we swiftly draw our swords
The Sword of the Spirit over them lords

A brutal battle we must never quit
We must pray unceasingly ere to wit
We must call on God’s Army of Angels
His Warring Angels are never strangers

They have attacked Creation mercilessly
They have killed and destroyed pervasively
They have committed sin ad nauseam
Mocked dishonored and ad disesteem

There is a sense we are winning this war
Control of our world will be nevermore
In this Great Year of the Jubilee
We will celebrate and we will be free

God has a plan no man put asunder
His power and might will be like thunder
At the sound of the Trumpet be ready
As God sets the world aright and steady

We will prevail against this evil so vile
If we just stand strong hold on for a while
It is God that girdeth with saving strength
In our defense He will go to great length

When will it end this battle of wits
When will we see the blessing that fits
When will we rejoice like never before
When His Victory reigns He will restore

D01: 08/24/2023


Duchess01 a second for Friday, 26 July 2024




My first thought in the morning is of God;
Asking His blessings – for me – is not odd;
What is odd and quite perplexing to me;
Is the smile on my face when I think of Thee!

What comes to mind in Morning Prayer?
With each petition – through each layer;
The joy experienced when reminded;
The truth exposed – no longer blinded!

Thank You, Lord, for opening my eyes;
For helping me see – for making me wise;
For sending me – a great gift in disguise;
Someone to respect – a friend to advise!

You touched my heart where others could not;
You accepted my help – without a thought;
You laughed at my jokes – though silly they are;
You welcomed my friendship – from near and afar!

You challenged my knowledge – and added to it;
You carefully connected the dots adrift;
You made me wonder ‘bout God and His plan;
To where it would lead – from whence it began!

You gave me a place – to pray and to love;
You prayed with me – stayed with me – above;
Together we lifted up many a friend;
And brought forth God’s blessings to that end!

How can I thank you – what more can I say;
You make me smile each and every day;
What can I do for you – to ease your mind?
How can I thank you for being so kind?

If I asked God to bless you – would that be enough?
Gee Whiz…giving back to you – is terribly tough;
What can I say when I am lost for words?
Expressly refrain from sliding backwards!

What can I do to end this quandary?
As I open my heart – and air my laundry?
So humble and sweet is your heart, my dear;
It’s nearly impossible for me, I fear!

Perhaps, I will ask Our Father above;
If He will shower you with His love;
Send comforting angels to hold you gently;
Sing you their songs – calm you contently!

Warrior angels I’ll ask God to send;
To protect you – fight for you – to the end;
May the Holy Spirit chide you each day;
With knowledge and wisdom to guide your way!

In my Evening Prayer, I think of you;
I thank God sincerely for all you do;
As I end my prayer and end my day;
You make me smile – it just won’t go away!

D01: 06/30/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 27 July 2024


We know not what the new day will bring
Which way our lives may suddenly swing
As we go about our daily chores
We pass by others in and out doors 

Suddenly we are suspended in time
For no earthly reason or even rhyme
The silver thread that held us secure
Snapped in mid flight like never before

Down we fell without forenotice 
Fragile and pale as a white lotus
Till an angel arrives to lift us upright
We move not fret not or even fight

Time is of the essence it cannot wait
It is crucial to help not hesitate
Critical care will now affect the outcome
To negative thinking we must not succumb

Stabilization comes all in due time
What we have left will be our prime
From here on in we rely on the Lord
More and more from now onward

Whatever will be will be our normal
From classy and sassy to informal
God will be our guide from day to day
Whatever we face He will make a way

As we put our trust right solely in Him
He’ll renew our mind heart and body prim
He will refresh our spirit alight with life
He will manage the pain reduce the strife

He is the Heavenly Physician who heals
He is the manager of emotions one feels
He is the Light, the Life and the Way
To help us rejoice rise higher each day

D01: 02/19/2023


Bakocarl Sunday, 28 July 2024

The Little Seed
God dropped a little seed down to the ground
Across a rock hard path with a small bound
To rest where the soil was loose, moist and deep
Not perfectly flat but then not too steep
In a hole sized right to hide from the birds
And gave it life by His spoken word
God made sunshine to warm the rich ground
And brought some clouds with light rain falling down
God gave all things the little seed could use
All the right things at all the right cues
And then God said to the little seed “Grow”
But not too fast and surely not too slow
The little seed split with a small green sprout
That lengthened and wound to find its way out
Many tiny roots weaved through the rich ground
To where God placed nutrients to be found
As the small plant grew, God sent out some leaves
To gather fresh air for the plant to breathe
As the time passed, the plant grew very tall
Sending out roots and leaves, both big and small
God said “Produce fruit” and buds sprang out
All over the plant they started to sprout
Then came flowers, pollinated by His bees
Small green fruits formed as God met their needs
They flourished and matured as time went by
All by God’s plan under God’s watchful eyes
To grow large and ripe in God’s golden sun
And be blest by God and God’s holy Son
That little seed could have been you or me
As God formed us and provided our needs
And shaped us, as clay, into the right form
Keeping us always safe, sheltered and warm
He gave us His Word, so that we knew
And His Holy Spirit, so that we grew
We learned from His Word to follow His will
Just as Jesus did on Calvary’s hill
He gave us good gifts for us to use
And eternal life we can never lose
We grow in His grace and produce His fruit
With songs in our hearts that will never be mute
For His salvation, so rich and so free
We praise and thank God while on bended knee
“You made the path and opened all the doors”
“You did it all. All the glory is Yours”


Duchess01 Sunday, 28 July 2024


We think we know all about Jesus
We undoubtedly believe He frees us 
His blood protects us from all harm
No rhyme or reason for alarm

By His stripes we are totally healed
We just need to trust our fate is sealed
It is our friendship with Him that reveals
The secrets that experience conceals

Jesus is a friend who ne’er lets us down
Through thick and thin He is always around
When we least expect He appears so close
He comes quickly by the prayer we chose

Did you know he is physician/therapist
He can diagnose/propose repair it best
When all have thrown in the towel tis true
He has the perfect plan for what to do

No one would believe if ever be told
His glorious guidance to behold
Unless they experienced the intimacy
Of a relationship with legitimacy

His patience purges tumultuous tears
His calmness fractures frightening fears
His nearness comforts the hopelessness
His strength befuddles broad brokenness

When we cry through the pain He lifts us up
Offers us a sip from the Blessing Cup
Encourages us to endure thru it all
As He readies us for His Divine Call

It’s an exercise in humility to give it all to Him
Not something He takes lightly on a whim
Tis a gift of assurance we’ll succeed
As long as we trust in Him and accede

D01: 05/08/2024


duchess01( duchess01)Offline

 Reply to  TradeBait2
 July 28, 2024 13:07

This poem is a personal testimony, Trade…
My car was totaled, I was paralyzed from the neck down in a backboard, and was told there was only a slight chance I would be whole again !!! I said: ‘I will take it’ !!!
They did not know what Jesus could do !!! While they gave up on me, Jesus did not !!! For two years, He was my physician and therapist. They gave me pain pills; Jesus gave me hope, comfort, and love. 
Who made me inside and out ? Who knew every nook and cranny in my body ? Who has the power to miraculously heal ? JESUS !!!
Nerves and muscles can be repaired by the Heavenly Physician/Therapist !!! How ? By His stripes, we are healed !!! Faith assures that !!!
I had a badly broken body – could have spent the rest of my life in a wheelchair – a helpless paraplegic – BUT GOD had other plans – AND – He made me whole again – mind, body, and spirit for His purpose and plan !!! 
The doctors gave up on me – but I know what Jesus can do – it is recorded in God’s Word – and I experienced His Great Love firsthand !!!
People do not believe me because they do not really believe – nor do they have faith in Him !!!
I said – PRAY IT – BELIEVE IT – RECEIVE IT – it is not just a poem or meme – it is TRUTH !!!
I prayed, believed, and received a miracle !!! Why me ? Because my body may have been broken – but – my FAITH was strong !!!

pat frederick( patfrederick)Online

 Reply to  duchess01
 July 28, 2024 13:22

i’ve heard your story before duchess. it always is such an inspiration!
be well!


Duchess01 Sunday 2nd Poem, 28 July 2024


The family is quiet
I really know not why
There has been no real riot
Nothing that meets the eye

We were flourishing and strong
Even with the stress of each day
Then suddenly something went wrong
And we have somehow lost our way

Something has gone adrift
And split our family apart
There was a sudden shift
An attack on every heart

Some say life has gotten in the way
Too many distractions they bear
Some say away they must stay
And take solace away in prayer

Some are dealing with pain
Of the physical and the mental
From interaction they abstain
Thus with all we must be gentle

With whatever you are dealing
We will keep you in prayer
That God provide the healing
Be comforted and aware

If you have a problem with another
Let it not fester inside
Ask God for help with sister/brother
Let peace in your heart abide

Forgiveness is a blessing
Like no other that I know
It’s power to relieve the stressing
The hurt and pain it will slow

Please check in and let us know
You are okay and just fine
Let us hear and see you glow
Let your light for us it shine

Pray and then pray again
For God to give you a sign
Bring out the great Amen
And with us all be fine!!!

D01: 03/25/2022


Duchess01 Sunday a Third Poem, 28 July 2024


I said a little prayer for You
And You and You and You
It was so instantaneous 
Cause I care so much for You!

I asked Our Heavenly Father
To bless each and every one
From early in the morning
Until the day is done.

I asked Our Heavenly Physician
To heal you; make you whole
To reach inside of you and touch
Your mind, body, and soul!!!

I asked the Heavenly Angels
To attend to all your needs
To lift you up and comfort you
And help you plant those seeds!!!

 I asked the Holy Spirit
To guide, inspire, and direct
Every single step you take
Mind, body, and soul perfect.

I asked those who are suffering
Remember one important thing
After the trial is over
His blessings He will bring!!!

I asked God for some laughter
The best medicine we know
To ease your pain wherever
As you come and as you go.

But most of all I asked God
To heal your aching heart
And from you never never
To leave you or depart!!!

D01: 11/20/2021


Duchess01 Sunday a Fourth! 😁 28 July 2024


Our first thought at sunrise we say
Thank You for this beautiful day
For the birds that sing 
The church bells that ring
Your promise to make straight our way

As the coffee is perking we pray
Our Armor of God keep evil away
For protection and strength
We humbly pray at length
So the enemy will not have his way

Our babies and animals need our care
We hustle with not a moment to spare
With breakfast a cooking
Disheveled we’re looking
We gather together blessings to share

The dishes pots and pans will soak
While we shower and shave not poke
We dress as we please
With the greatest of ease
And return to finish of which we spoke

With the kitchen all pristine and clean
Over a second cup we can glean
We’ll continue to pray
Before going our way
To work or the garden to stay

Whatever we do we do it for You
As it becomes clearer what we must do
We need you to guide us
To stay close beside us
We pray Your blessings will come and accrue

It is midmorning time to stop and rest 
We stop at the Treehouse to be a guest
As we scroll on by
Posts will catch the eye
With each comment we are thankfully blessed

If you are in need of a place to rest
Come to the Treehouse and be our guest
There you will find us all like-minded
Bloggers who care to be reminded
Heaven bound we pray will end our quest

D01: 05/05/2023


Duchess01 Monday, 29 July 2024


Do you not see – I am with you
Do you not see – what I can do
Do you not see – by My Mighty Hand
I can and will heal your land

Do you not see – my anointed
Do you not see – who I appointed
Do you not see – man can do nothing
Do you not see – the enemy is bluffing

If my people which are called by My name
Will humble themselves – pray the same
Seek my face – turn from their wicked ways 
I will hear from Heaven as I do always

I will do the impossible – and bring Justice
I will rain down judgement – just trust Us
I will heal the afflicted in mind, body, and soul
I will repair the damage and make them whole

I can fix the damage the enemy has wrought
In unconventional ways no man has thought
It is I who created the world and over it rule
It is the enemy I will foil and make the fool

America and Israel are My covenant nations
It is I who have created their foundations
And thus – I will not see them destroyed
Nor will I forget them or leave them void

Yes the enemy has infiltrated their institutions
Truth has been hidden from their distributions 
Fear and anxiety have destroyed their faith
From lies and deception they could not escape

Ah – but I am greater than they who deceive
From Me restitution and peace you will receive
Watch and See My power to relieve
Be not afraid – Be still – and Believe!!!

D01: 09/07/2022


Duchess01 Second Poem, Monday, 29 June 2024

PRAYERS UP – 🙏 🙏 🙏 


Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!

Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!

Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!

Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!

Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!

Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!

I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!

Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!

Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!

Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!

Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!

DD1: 07/14/2013


Duchess01 Tuesday, 30 July 2024


Your commands are simple – but hard to keep;
For falling short of your precepts – I weep;
For the consequence of sin is surely death;
Separation from You – gasping for breath!

What have I done – what is missing from me?
How could it have happened – how could it be?
Where have I failed – fallen short in my faith;
With Your Grace removed – I wallow in wraith!
Send forth Your Spirit – to help me discern;
Give me Your Wisdom – please help me to learn;
You know my heart, Lord – as no person can;
Help me uncover – what’s for me in your plan!

There are no excuses for falling short;
Nor are their reasons to which we resort;
No justification could we conjure up now;
For thwarting our relation to God anyhow!

I pray You will lead be me back to Your path;
Let me not stumble – or suffer Your wrath;
Hide Your face not from me – be near, Oh Lord;
Teach me and reach me – through Your Holy Word!

As I pray in the Word – let Your scriptures speak;
Help me be humble – help me be meek;
Let Your Spirit instruct – let Him convict;
Open my eyes, Lord – let my heart be pricked!

Reveal in my heart – Your message today;
Remove the distraction – let nothing defray;
From the outside in – and inside outward;
Forgive Me, Lord – help me move about ward!

Whether or not you believe it could be;
The righteous man sins seven times – daily;
Therefore it’s important – prudent for he;
To repent, reconcile and – be holy!

The Bible tells us – do pray unceasingly;
Keep God in your heart – ever increasingly;
Be mindful and watchful of what you do;
Say – defray – don’t delay – He wants you!

Do you think for a moment salvation is free?
Do you think God offers it unconditionally?
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, paid the ransom for sin;
Your sins are forgiven – to let you back in!

When you entertain demons – devils defy;
Your soul is in jeopardy – can you see why?
The Spirit lives not in a temple defiled;
With no inspiration – you are beguiled!

A devil comes in all shapes and sizes;
Temptation is simple – he so devises;
There are deadly sins – yes – seven in all;
That sneak up on you – like a plague befall!

Just when you think all is going quite well;
That pesky devil lures you to hell;
Watch your back – your tongue – be ever prayerful;
Repent seven times – and please be careful!

Be slow to anger and quick to forgive;
Put on your armor – continue to live;
With faith and through grace under protection;
Pass all your tests and do pass inspection!

Forgive Me, Lord – for I have failed again;
Alas, I’m not perfect – like You – Amen;
Please heal me – reveal me – refresh me anew;
Remain by Your side – ever faithful to You!

D01: 08/17/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday 31 July 2024


As children of God we have been set free
In His Word He declares how that can be
God desires His people to have freedom 
Oppression enslavement we don’t need ’em

Seven times He directed an escape out
From His prophet He declared with a shout
Let My people go right now He ordered
But His commands were ignored and cornered

When He was despised a plan He devised
His prophet would decree as He advised
But no matter what plagued the oppressors
They continued to be the aggressors

Until the day He removed the most prized
Of the leader so stubborn and unwise
Deliverance from enslavement you see
Will occur in this year of Jubilee

Not by the hand of man will this happen
But by the hand of God it will snap in
The power of God is second to none
The only source thru which it will be done

Because we believe Jesus had the pull 
The price of our freedom was paid in full
The glory of the latter will be greater
And we will be free from the agitator

Deliver us Lord from four hundred years
Of discord and incalculable tears
Restore us with blessings You had planned
Before evil came in and stole our land

D01: 08/02/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 1 August 2024


The world has been horribly hijacked 
Evil has aggressively attacked
Whatever way we are tempted to turn 
We find ourselves grinded in the quern

Explosions earthquakes sabotage shortages
Destruction destitution poisonous portages
You promised us freedom in a jubilee year
Is it possible this blessing is notably near

You said vengeance is in Your domain
We understand why You must abstain
Your thoughts and timing are surely not ours
We have no doubt in Your mighty powers

We are trying hard to have faith
Not by sight just as you saith
The ungodly spurn and ridicule You
That will be their downfall it is true

The assets of the wicked will be dispersed
To the righteous man as has been versed
We need not worry if God will repay
All they have stolen and taken away

Rest assured God will move unexpectedly
He knows how to manage quite effectively
We need not be concerned if and when
God will have the last word now and then

D01: 02//26/2023


Duchess01 Second Poem for Thursday, 1 August 2024


ANGELS ATTENDING – 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️


We know not what the new day will bring
Which way our lives may suddenly swing
As we go about our daily chores
We pass by others in and out doors 

Suddenly we are suspended in time
For no earthly reason or even rhyme
The silver thread that held us secure
Snapped in mid flight like never before

Down we fell without forenotice 
Fragile and pale as a white lotus
Till an angel arrives to lift us upright
We move not fret not or even fight

Time is of the essence it cannot wait
It is crucial to help not hesitate
Critical care will now affect the outcome
To negative thinking we must not succumb

Stabilization comes all in due time
What we have left will be our prime
From here on in we rely on the Lord
More and more from now onward

Whatever will be will be our normal
From classy and sassy to informal
God will be our guide from day to day
Whatever we face He will make a way

As we put our trust right solely in Him
He’ll renew our mind heart and body prim
He will refresh our spirit alight with life
He will manage the pain reduce the strife

He is the Heavenly Physician who heals
He is the manager of emotions one feels
He is the Light, the Life and the Way
To help us rejoice rise higher each day

D01: 02/19/2023



Duchess01 Friday, 2 August 2024


Breathe deeply let out slowly calm your soul
Intimacy with Him that is your goal
Not an easy task if distracted in thought
Clear the clutter in your mind to naught

Be at peace as He flows into your space 
There are no constraints in this special place
You will feel your muscles relax in time
You will sense the comfort of the sublime

Be quiet do not speak and hear His voice
It is your heart that talks and will rejoice
God knows your heart like no other can
Through His Spirit He will reveal His plan

You will know in your heart what is new
His divine appointment made just for you
No need to explain He already knows
Believe it what you need already shows

In His Presence His Spirit speaks to you
The instructions are clear what you must do
You have prayed for guidance with your concern
Only God knows what is needed to learn

Each divine appointment is geared to teach
Complete with the milestones you must reach
If you stumble and fall He is there to relieve
Redirect your path ensure you achieve

In His Presence the Angels are heaven sent
To make sure your time with Him is well spent
Let Him control your mind body spirit
Then trust wholly in Him to endear it

D01: 07/26/2023

comment image


PAVACA Friday, 2 August 2024

A Haiku for our good cthulhu:

Fish and rose gardens,
Computers, taxes, and more —
Sic bonus es hic!


Duchess01 Saturday, 3 August 2024


Prophets are humans who speak through God
Some see visions while others are awed 
By what God reveals to them they must share 
Backed by scripture and the Spirit through prayer

The Bible mentions of false prophets beware
They claim to speak through God unaware
Their god is not our God by any measure
Their words are a disproven endeavor

Take Elisha and the prophets of Baal
Numerous seers whose incantations fail
If what the prophet claims does come true
God’s gift rests on that person a sure clue

Prophecies have no timeline – that is of God
It is His determination that gives them laud
They contain warnings and past revelation
What has occurred prior is their elevation

The Bible names many both major and minor
Some of them are prominent and the finer
But all have one thing fairly in common 
What they say will be fulfilled phenomenon

The ungodly will fail and fall short in time
Their deception will be revealed as slime
Without proof the prophecy as revealed
Will serve no purpose and have no yield

The messages from God come in many forms
Dreams poetry sermons physical norms
Prophets can speak of past present and future
Intertwined together enjoined by suture

Prophecy is judgement and restoration 
Of people and nations and of causation
Not always direct or clear of happening
Ordered by events and loose fastening 

Discernment is key to unveiling truth
Does not require a seer or a sleuth
The proof lies solely in the fulfillment 
Drop by drop with Almighty instillment

D01: 06/27/2023


Duchess01 Sunday, 4 August 2024


How many times have you fallen short
And the accuser has taken you to court
To enumerate the times you faulted 
To report your failure to God exalted 

What would a loving Father say or do
When He lays His eyes on repentant you
He’d welcome you home in a warm embrace
Your sins He’d forgive and quickly erase

The prodigal son is not just a fluke
Notice his father gave him no rebuke
When he returned he was a broken man
In his wisdom his father knew the plan

Had he not learned in his foolishness
What he had done in his stupidness
Was he better off for what he had done
Or was he regretting his quest for fun

We have all been like the child who was lost
We have paid for our foibles a high cost
We might have justified our acts away
Ignored them for a future time or day

Ashamed to ask Our Father to forgive
We kept them hidden maybe to outlive
We may not realize what is kept inside
Prevents us from moving or ever thrive

Our Father’s Love is like no other
To forgive and forget is no bother
His unconditional love to advise
A Father’s Love will aptly apprise

D01: 09/05/2023


Duchess01 2nd Poem for the day, Sunday, 4 August 2024


I said a little prayer for you
Tho’ we have never met
I only know you slightly
From the Internet

I see you everyday 
While I am on my way
Traveling thru cyberspace
Your love I will embrace

I hear you reaching out
To give your piece of news
Sometimes you give a shout
Provide your special views

I thank God you stopped by
With what He gave to share
Right from your own mind’s eye
I am grateful that you care

Just so you know why I came
To this special place today
I am here to send you Angels
To help you on your way

I pray for you all the best
God can give to you
I said a little prayer for you
Gave thanks for all you do!

D01: 10/30/2020


Duchess01 A third poem for Sunday, 4 August 2024



Dad, we do not know what to do
Whenever it is we think of you
What can we say to ease your pain
We ask God over and over again

We have been praying for you daily 
God will keep you gutsy and gayly
We strive to make our visits happy
At times we get snarky and snappy

Are you with us Dad in spirit and truth
Or have you returned back to your youth
We are not sure where it is you go
When you travel away to and fro

Wherever it is you want to be
We will go there with you to see
What you see when you travel away
Right now with you we want to stay

Our love for you is deep and wide
Every minute with you by your side
We call on angels to watch over you 
In spirit and in truth we are with you, too

We are here to attend to your every need
Tho’ our hearts are heavy we will plead
For every comfort and grace to avail
Your fighting spirit all ill to assail 

No need to speak you know we are there
With the Angels here there and everywhere
To sit you up – lift you up – and to guide
Cause with God there is nowhere to hide

Give us a smile – a wink – and a nod
Surprise us – deride us – keep us awed
Giggle with us in the midst of our sorrow
Help us live for today and not tomorrow

Dance with us, Dad – kick up the carpet
Keep your dance card on the market
The line will be long as we await our turn
Because close to you we frequently yearn

What can we say to make it easy for you
Try not to read our faces whatever you do
We will keep it all light and filled with fun
We are with you from rising until setting sun

So be good while we are away tending to things
Be happy and joyful with each day God brings
You are in God’s Hands and Loving Care
And His Angels are with you everywhere!!!

D01: 10/05/2022


Duchess01 Monday 5 August 2024


From where did this concept come
Made up to release us say some
From what are we excused
How are we to be recused

If we can do nothing without God
Then letting go would be flawed
Truth be told on your own power
Eternal value will not flower

Are we so bold as to take credit
From He whose Spirit led it
Can we bring forth fruit from effort
Is it possible to accomplish befort

Letting go does not mean sitting back
Allowing God to take up the slack
Acknowledging His power to ease
Waiting for God to appease

If apart from Him we can do nothing
Then how do we accomplish something
We claim we are doing it for Him
How empty is this thoughtless whim

If we lean not on our own understanding
We open up to God’s mind-expanding
If we trust in God with all of our heart
Then we acknowledge Him from the start

We see His part in all of our ways
We need Him for all of our days
For without Him we will surely fail
In all we try we are beyond the pale

So what then are we letting go
Are we letting God manage the show
The struggle the strife of the fight
Are we attempting to take flight

If we are his hands and feet on earth
Are we missing the point of our worth
Can we operate alone in tact
Then go to God after the fact

So is letting God and letting go
Mean we play no part in the show
How can His kingdom ever come
If we let go before the job is done

What is it God wants us to do
What job has God given to you
What is it He commands
What is it God demands

Has He ever said you are on your own
I am here if you need Me on My throne
No He said Follow Me
And Be the Best you can be

Love Me with Mind, Heart, and Soul
Love your neighbor and be whole
Nothing is impossible for Me
Trust in Me and you will see

Let go of your arrogance and pride
Let Me live and in you abide
My Spirit will guide you throughout
Show you what My will is all about

So let go and let Me show you the way
The truth and the light when you pray
Acknowledge Me in all that you do
Allow Me the pleasure of seeing you thru

DO1: 07/03/2022


Duchess01 2nd poem for Monday, 5 August 2024


After hours of prayer in the Spirit
A quiet voice comes right to the fore
One must have the ears to hear it
As its power shakes one to the core

Gently revealing a message to speak
To share with those in need of the truth
One must have courage and not be weak
To fight the corrupt and evil uncouth

God sees their plans before its fruition 
Nothing can be hidden from Him ever
He knows enemy schemes and their mission
His guidance/protection will not sever

To His anointed He forewarns/teaches
Assures them lovingly He is in charge
Reminds them of the truth He preaches
From His Word and from history at large

There is no timeline nor dated event
There are subjects and statements and clues
A warning of occurrences and content
Not meant to frighten just present His views

This is God’s domain it belongs to Him
Not to a select few who control it 
They’ve no authority to rule on a whim
To steal, kill, and destroy ere to whit

He knows the beginning from the end
So He can surely guide us thru it
He will not give in or to evil bend
Our strength thru Him we’ll accrue it

From the weather, fires, and explosions
Finances, diversions, and invasions
The enemy creates strife and implosions
To separate us from happy persuasions

To catch us off guard and keep us tense
The enemy strives to divide us 
Till we are too busy with his nonsense
To go to God and pray to unite us

The Prophetic Voice rises up to warn
To prepare us for what is to come
To strengthen us through God’s Word
To fight the enemy and not succumb

God provides the words to speak
The Truth, the Light, and the Way 
The tools and the knowledge to seek 
The wisdom of a brighter new day 

The Prophetic Voice gives encouragement
Hope in the future in spite of the pain
Faith that God will ease the discouragement
And our love for one another remain

D01: 08/03/2024


Duchess01 Tuesday, 6 August 2024


Amen – Amen – I say unto you;
Gather together I am with you;
Remember what – for you – I have done;
To ensure you and I live forever as one!

Blessed are you who are poor in spirit;
The Kingdom of God is yours – albeit;
Blessed are you who mourn – in your hearts;
Sweet comfort for you – My Spirit imparts!

Blessed are you who are meek – and lowly;
For you shall inherit the earth – most wholly;
Blessed are you who hunger and thirst;
For righteousness you will be filled and first!

Blessed are you who are merciful – and kind;
Mercy shall be yours – so keep that in mind;
Blessed are you who are purest in heart;
For you will see God from the very start!

Blessed are you who strive to make peace;
As children of God – your joy will not cease;
Blessed are you who are persecuted for right;
The Kingdom of Heaven will be in your sight!

Blessed are you who men revile and persecute;
Relentless for My name’s sake they prosecute;
Saying in all manner of evil you’re defiled;
I will exalt you – you’ll not be beguiled!

Blessed are you who have suffered for Me;
For great your reward in Heaven will be;
As prophets of old suffered greatly as well;
Like them, you profit – your riches will swell!

Be not dismayed – there is right judgment;
Be not distressed – for any begrudge meant;
Know that I see what is hidden from sight;
As in the last days, it is I who is light!

Blessed are you who are faithful and true;
I am He who can see the good that you do;
Truly you are – blessed and holy you be;
Living in paradise – someday with Me!

D01: 07/21/2013


Duchess01 2nd poem Tuesday, 6 August 2024



Have you noticed lately, Lord
I am shaky, unhinged, and floored
At what has just happened to me
I am not as sound as I used to be

My steps are labored I cannot sprint
My mind is sharp my muscles splint
My gait is slow and wouldn’t you know
My 100-yard dash it ain’t no mo

When I was young full of energy I was
My prowess in sport impressive it twas
But now I struggle just to keep going
As the years pass by I am slowing

I cannot complain by any measure
My life has taken on brand new treasure
My daily chores are so different now
An about turn they have taken somehow

I contemplate and meditate much more
My prayers are more meaningful than before
My divine appointment has been redefined
With His Divine Will it is much more aligned 

Sometimes I need help keeping upright
A cane prevents me from taking flight
A handrail assists in climbing the stairs
Without these aids I could land anywheres

It is manifest madly maturing
How many more years there’s no assuring
But God has made provision for us
No reason to fret or kick up a fuss

He provides us with companions of all sorts
From animals to flowers diamonds and quartz
He turns our attention to things on high
He prompts us to look up into the sky

He sends us smiles and blessings each day
Just not in the ordinary or usual ways
A giggle here and a belly laugh there
From cyber friends on blogs everywhere

So if you are feeling old and less than useful
Remember there is more for you that’s museful
There are babies and kitties and puppies
And there are wokies, pokies and yuppies

There are nitpickers pastors and prophets
There is beauty in nature and soffits
We could be here all day naming the gifts
How marvelously God’s blessing uplifts

Suffice as to say on any given day
There are things that appear to get in the way
There are frustrations/delays we must endure
And many bumps in the road that is for sure

So if you are feeling bumped and bruised
And your body is reeling from being abused
Call on the Angels charged to assist you
And thank God they can never resist you!

D01: 02/10/2023


Duchess01 Wednesday, 7 August 2024


I love you, Lord – You are my rock – my strength;
A fighting, forceful – unwavering – wavelength;
My buckler – my shield – who has led me sure;
Out of the darkness – into Your light so pure!

In You – I take refuge and rest assured;
From temptation and sin – I am secured;
You have rescued me from the evil throes;
In my distress – You have foiled my foes!

Lord – You Give Me Life – grace and peace;
The turmoil around me – You calmly cease;
Through the anguish and torment – You console;
In, through, and with You – I’ve become whole!

Through Your Spirit – I am comforted best;
In my weakness – I am surely put to the test;
I cried out in prayer – and You answered me;
With true repentance – You have set me free!

On the cross – the ransom You paid for my sins;
Your sacrifice there is where new life begins;
For it is in dying – we are born again;
And it is in rising – eternally – we gain!

Lord – You Give Me Life – Your Gift of Grace;
And I so long someday – to see Your Face;
For You are my light and my salvation;
The grantor of joyous jubilation!

You ask only I love as You have done;
You laid down Your life – for victory won;
If I deny myself – and follow You;
I will experience Your victory, too!

Just as it is in giving that we receive;
It is in dying to self – we will conceive;
An end to the turmoil – the gift of strife;
The fruits of our labor – the Crown of Life!

Lord – You Give Me Life – life eternally;
With an increase in faith – less fearfully;
I can rise to new heights of blessedness;
Because You are my life’s assuredness!

D01: 09/25/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 8 August 2024


Have mercy on me, my Lord and my God;
For I am distressed – in chains I am shod;
My tears flow like rivers – raging from strain;
My heart is pierced – my throat aches in pain!

My life spent in sorrow – and in deep regret;
My sins are before me – I cannot forget;
In repentance I seek You – for right relief;
Your loving kindness is – my refuge – belief!

Lord – affliction – has broken down my strength;
From helplessness, stress – I suffer at length;
My foes have encompassed me – all around;
They ravage me daily – destruction bound!

I trust in You, Lord – take comfort in You;
Come to my aid – Lord – Refresh me anew;
My life is in Your hands – if it be Your Will;
Calm the waters – from their raging – be still!

Feed me – knead me – with Your nourishing grace;
Through faith without fear – my weakness erase;
Infuse me with courage – and strengthen me;
Help me be steadfast – a stronghold like Thee!

Let me be glad and rejoice in Your love;
Assured in Your goodness sent from above;
Let me not – for one moment – be fearful;
Keep me far from unsure – doubtful – tearful!

Free me from distress – of body and mind;
Help me walk self-assured – no longer blind;
With my life in Your hands – deliver me;
From the throes of my foes – let me be free!

Strengthen My Heart – as only You know how;
Pour forth Your knowledge – understanding now;
Send in Your angels – with reinforcements;
Lift up my spirit – in inch increments!

Send forth Your Spirit – to enlighten me;
With knowledge – understanding – wisdom be;
A tower of strength – instilled in my heart;
Let not Your Spirit – from me ere depart!

Strengthen My Heart – my Lord and my King;
Let the indwelling Spirit – His power bring;
Your justice – Oh Lord – from on high rain down;
Let Your Heavenly Grace – be forever my crown!

D01: 09/30/2013


Duchess01 Second Poem, Thursday 8 August 2024
and here 3 March 2025


You do not believe in Angels – you say
You just might see one someday on your way
Because there are Angels everywhere
Scurrying around quickly here and there

There are Warring Angels ready to fight
Send the Demonic Angels off to flight
There are Comfort Angels who cuddle you
With the warmest of hugs and smooches, too

There are Messenger Angels sent by God
With a word or memo that leaves you awed
Organizing Angels arrange systematically
Your paperwork mess neatly automatically

There are Healing Angels who come with vials
Of healing oils they pour on vitals
There are Praying Angels who lift you up
And give you a drink from the Blessing Cup

There are Traveling Angels who watch the way
Their safety measures are beyond the fray
There are Guardian Angels who talk to you
Make sure you’re doing what you’re sposed to do

Repair Angels assist with your car breakdown
They’ve a knack for finding malicious meltdown
Mechanical Angels tweak, twist and turn
Human Mechanics discover discern

God made the Angels to assist on Earth
They were already here before our birth
To make sure we had the auxiliary leaven 
To succeed in this world and advance to Heaven!

D01: 07/03/2019

comment image

Last edited 2 days ago by para59r

Duchess01 Friday, 9 August 2024


Father God:

We come to You humbly before the Throne of Grace with heavy hearts and thanksgiving for we believe You are with us.

We ask You to quell the turmoil that has plagued our nation and our President over the last four years.

We implore Your Mercy on our nation divided by those who are determined to destroy those who are united in Your Name.

We ask You to silence the voices that speak out against the principles upon which our nation was founded.

We ask You to strengthen our President in the months to come against the forces of evil that plague him daily.

We ask You to rescue the children held in bondage by those who rob them of their innocence and purity.

We ask You to protect the unborn from the ravages of abortion and bring forth a new generation devoted to You.

We ask You to heal those who are suffering mentally, physically, and spiritually through no fault of their own.

We ask You to replenish the livelihoods of those who have suffered loss through hatred and violence.

We ask You to heal our nation attacked by the forces of evil who seek to steal, kill, and destroy all we have accomplished.

We ask You to restore all that has been damaged by those who harbor hatred for us and You.

We ask You to protect our President, his family, and his Team against those who have opposed him since You have called him forward.

We heartily thank You for lifting us up from a physical plague, emotional turmoil, mental anguish, and spiritual warfare. 

We trust in You, lean not on our own understanding, acknowledge You in all of our ways, and believe You will set our path straight.

We give You All Honor and Glory and Praise and we thank You for Your Spirit of guidance and love.

We believe You will once again bless our nation and our President.

We believe You will heal our land and bless our families.

We believe in Your Son, Jesus, who suffered and died for us.

We thank You for blessings received and prayers answered.

We ask and declare it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus.


D01: 09/08/2020


Duchess01 2nd poem for Friday, 9 August 2024


In your Morning Prayer – Praise the Lord;
Find your direction – from His Holy Word!
Thank Him for blessings – received and to come;
Ask Him to forgive you – for work left undone!

Pray the prayer Jesus perfected for us;
Our Father – Who art in Heaven – and thus;
Give us this day – Lord – and our daily bread;
Forgive us our sins – forgive others He said!

And lead us not into temptation, He prayed;
Lest by the devil – we are prey and betrayed;
His minions have methods that will entrap;
They are clever – sneaky – their evil unwrap!

They will stifle and stay the work of the Lord;
They can even contort and distort His Word;
As you give counsel and pray off affliction;
They prey on your emotions – dereliction!

While you are busy with their whiny whine;
Others who need you – you will surely decline;
Work must be done – and you are tied to a lie;
As anger takes hold – you’re left wondering why!

With your energy zapped and work piled high;
Frustrated and angry – God is gone – you sigh;
Oh, woe is you – you are foiled again;
Distracted and deterred – by his henchmen!

Repent of your foolishness – ask His Spirit;
Come into your heart – and truly hear it;
The devils take pride – you stumble their way;
You will be thwarted – serving God that day!

These Spiritual Vampires care not about you;
Their motives are selfish – it’s what they do;
Distract and defray – they take up your time;
You think you are helping – but, it’s a crime!

Their only intention is to use you somehow;
Extract all your energy – it is theirs anyhow;
Thus, you become the vessel ill-prepared;
For the slaughter and use of the declared!

Whether they reside in an article or call;
Their tug on your heart will be your downfall;
So pray them away – declare them – be gone;
The Spiritual Vampires – below and beyond!

D01: 08/19/2013


Duchess01 Saturday 10 August 2024


When you discern a sign what comes to mind
Is it a warning or portend combined
Does it alarm you or charm your senses
Do you take heed or disarm your defenses

The contrast between the natural true
And what’s in the supernatural queue
A sign or wonder in the mind’s eye 
An ordinary occurrence nigh

The secret to both is to whom they point
And to what they prophesy and anoint
The purpose is your awareness of God
To recognize His power and be awed

An unexpected divine intervention 
Is sure to inspire and get attention 
The problem arises when fake seems real
Forged apparitions have their appeal

False prophets perform actions that fool
Their manifestations fail as a rule
Signs seek to enhance bring about belief
Wonders serve as signs of future relief

Miracles are evidence of God’s power
They last for much longer than an hour
Healing comes not from man or of his hand
That was never designed or even planned

Only God can work wonders and give signs
By His great love and His power confines
The miraculous is in His domain alone
There’s no greater gift from God ever known

D01: 07/15/2023


Duchess01 Sunday 11 August 2024


When the walls come crashing down on you
When slings and arrows fly out of the blue
When all appears lost with no hope in sight
When no solution adheres to your plight 


When you are weary of thinking it through
When you’ve exhausted a way out for you
When the voices in your head keep damning
When the doors and windows keep slamming


Remember that God is a friend not a foe
He is right by your side wherever you go
He does not condemn when you have fallen
He is right there waiting when you call in


When your options are few or so you think
He is there with a hand up from the brink
Go quickly to Him as your first import
Let Him never be your last resort


When there seems to be no relief from pain
Keep pleading with Him all over again
Perhaps you have trouble praying outright
Take authority it will be alright


Be honest and tell Him down on your knees
You cannot tackle this alone if you please
Acknowledge His prowess over it all
That nothing for Him is ever too small


If you feel foolish and somewhat ashamed
He understands and you will not be blamed
His heart is as great as His love for you
His correction might be harsh hard to do


Believe it or not you will rise higher
On the wings of eagles quite the flyer
His judgements are fair and for your own good
Obey His commands rightly as you should


You’ll feel His Fatherly love surrounding
Your head will be relieved from the pounding
The enemy will no longer laugh out loud
You’re a Child of God and you should be proud!!!

D01: 05/20/2023


Duchess01 2nd poem Sunday, 11 August 2024


Whoever values the world – is not of God;
The Spirit cannot dwell in him – he is flawed;
Seek ye first the kingdom of God – in His Word;
All will be added too – have you not heard?

The Power of the Spirit is immense;
Indwelled with the Spirit is intense;
There is no comparison – none at all;
To anything worldly – the world is too small!

His Spirit within you empowers – protects;
He convicts you of sin – and He corrects;
No power in the universe – can compare;
Anytime – anyplace – or anywhere!

Trust in God – keep close contact – let Him in;
Pray He will send His Spirit to dwell within;
When the Spirit indwells – He guides your way;
Whatever you do – whatever you say!

All bad feelings – all hurt – attendant pain;
He will dispel – till you are free again;
He will guide your heart – so free you will stay;
The demons that pursue you – He’ll keep at bay!

All turmoil – torment – they seek to create;
He will disable – and surely abate;
Keep in obedience – and He’ll bless you;
With His gifts and fruits – that’s what He will do!

When you are tempted – by the evil one;
Think not twice – ask Him – and it will be done;
Take this thought from me – please take it away;
In Jesus’ Name – it has no power to stay!

In all that you do – what you encounter;
He will assist – and put it asunder;
Fear not the evil one – his power fades;
With the Spirit inside – His power aids!

In the supernatural war – we fight each day;
There’s no greater power – to keep them away;
Than His Spirit inside you – strengthening;
Protecting – their distance He’s lengthening!

Come – Holy Spirit – within me – I pray;
Keep all evil from me – keep it at bay;
Keep my heart – and my thoughts – pure with Your grace;
Indwell in my heart – shine Your light on my face!

D01: 12/02/2013


Duchess01 A third for Sunday, 11 August 2024


Help me understand, Lord
What I cannot comprehend
Help me to draw inward
With what You recommend

Reason defies what we cannot see
How could this have happened
How did this have even come to be
That which has truly saddened

We cannot imagine the turmoil
That can live inside of man
The pain that can embroil
Over time it does expand

The pain it is enormous
Unruly and untamed
The situation is abnormous
No relief for the ashamed

It begins with just a sadness
A bad feeling comes about
Then grows to sheer madness
Though one may not act-out

The solemness it comes rearing
The seriousness of the claim
The ship has lost its steering
Internally comes the blame

It is not what you or I did
That created the disdain
The blame would God forbid
So from the guilt refrain

Lord Jesus healed the sick
Banished demons from the man
But no one saw the uptick
Or from where it all began 

The pressure to be best
We can ever possibly be
Comes from the worldly test
That we can ever barely see

By what worldly standard
Do we step up to the plate
By what are we pandered
What drew us to the debate

We cannot know of things unseen
If not brought into the open
To what dimension we have been
Or from words that were unspoken

Though we try to make sense of it
We cannot and often fail
Only God knows the pretense of it
Obviously beyond the pale

Only God knows the why and wherefore
It is not ours to discern
So we go to the thus and therefore
We must let go of the concern

When a loved one leaves us
No matter what the cause
It truly can bereave us
Give us a time to pause

Our hearts are surely broken
What appears beyond repair
The words we left unspoken
Of those we are most aware

Calm My Spirit – Oh, My Lord
Give me peace inside of me
Help me to look only forward
Find sweet comfort unto Thee

Help me Lord to carry on
Way beyond the current day
For You are the bright new dawn
The Life, the Truth, the Way!

D01: 04/04/2022


Duchess01 Monday, 12 August 2024


Confronted with injustice so grievous
Reprehensible acts so nefarious 
Wicked unconscionable consternation
Without reprisal the acceptation 

Consenting to any of the above 
Is not what God has proclaimed righteous love
What offends God should offend us as well
When conspired comes from the pit of hell

A personal affront or irritation 
Resultant attack or accusation
Must never disturb or disrupt your peace
Its affect or impact must justly cease

Righteous indignation concerns God
An attack on God is openly flawed 
Outrageous attempts to belittle Him
Are egregious attacks that are quite grim

Self-control is the essence of His Fruits 
The spiritual warfare of God’s recruits
Strong, stern, and forceful will pave the way
Where Fruits of the Spirit will save the day

Righteous indignation used in defense
Exerted rightly is our recompense
Concerned with the treatment of others
Rather than injustice toward our brothers

Self-centeredness is not of the righteous
Nor a characteristic of the pious
Emotion is out of the equation
An unholy act of God persuasion 

D01: 07/27/2023


Duchess01 2nd poem for Monday, 12 August 2024


In this tumultuous world of war and strife;
What becomes more precious to God than life?
What gives God pleasure in this world of horror?
The valiant effort of the Prayer Warrior!

Who is this enemy we fervently oppose?
Who, in the hearts of the lost, takes up his repose?
Who causes chaos and creates confusion?
Who aborts abstention and composes collusion?

Who is this supernatural enemy?
Against whom we arm ourselves – proactively?
Why do we battle – bravely and boldly?
To defeat this evil – courageously – coldly!

His domain is worldwide – he’s prince of this world;
His objective – keep us unbalanced – unfurled;
Disrupt – distract – dutifully destroy;
Till all of creation comes – under his employ!

Look here – over there – what he has done;
The souls he’s amassed – the battles he’s won;
Take cover – cower – and – be thou afraid;
By no man-made weapon – can he be staid!

Howbeit – can we defeat this one so evil?
By what means can we kill this boll weevil?
What heavenly weapon can be used to curtail;
What methods – ways and means – does it entail?

Lord – we pray – Send Your Warring Angels here;
Armed with swords and shields – let them appear;
We took upon ourselves the whole Armor of God;
With the Helmet of Salvation – we are surely shod!

With our loins girt in Truth – our Breastplate upright;
With the Shield of Faith – Spirit Sword uptight;
With our prayer of supplication firmly engaged;
We get ready for warfare with the evil enraged!

We’ve fasted and prayed and prepared well within;
We plead the precious Blood of Jesus and begin;
The spiritual warfare for which we’ve been called;
Anointed in the Spirit – we’re more than enthralled!

Prayer Warriors are – undaunted and tearless;
We are ready and armed – steadfast and fearless;
Our victory assured – so determined are we;
The demons and devils – they will surely flee!

D01: 09/16/2013


Duchess01 Special Dedication. Monday, 12 August 2024


Prayer Warrior
She’s down on her knees, with head bowed in prayer; 
She looks weak and helpless, as she’s kneeling there.  
But the truth of the matter about this humble scene  
Is that she’s battling forces that our eyes can’t see.

And her power is greater than earth’s strongest man; 
Against the army of Satan she courageously stands.  
She’s casting down strongholds and tearing down walls;  
She’s releasing the captives as she prays for them all.

She’s waging spiritual war, with God in command; 
She finds strength for the conflict in the blood of the Lamb. 
So the next time you see her with head bowed in prayer,  
Remember, there’s a battle going on there.

©1997 Jan McIntosh


Duchess01 Tuesday, 13 August 2024


What concerns your heart today – pray you learn;
It’s the heart that reveals – for what you yearn;
God knows your heart – and the heart praises God;
The loyal heart – in thanksgiving – gives Him laud!

What – in faith – does man ask of God – his Lord?
Does he ask for money – or peace – to be cured?
Does he ask for understanding – knowledge – too?
Does he ask what God wants him – today to do?

What – in faith – will he undertake – this day?
Will he help another – to find his way?
Will he selfishly – ignore his brother?
Put his needs over those – of the other?

Will he – in faith – defer his safety to God?
Is he afraid to let go – and give Him laud?
Does he doubt God’s protection – and His care?
Does he trust God – with all he does and dare?

Faith is the substance of things hoped for;
The evidence of things not seen before;
It requires us to step forward – unsure;
Of what will happen – of what is in store!

What happened to Peter – when he doubted?
He sank into the water – to Jesus – he shouted;
I am in trouble – help me please – Oh Lord;
Had Peter had faith – he would’ve been on board!

Jesus rebuked him – for his lack of faith;
Oh Ye of Little Faith – to him – Jesus saith;
Will He say the same – when you’re filled with doubt?
Or will you have faith – and turn troubles about?

Do you know faith is blocked out – by your fear?
Listen and heed – give the Spirit your ear;
Repent of your sins – cleanse your heart today;
With the Spirit inside you – turn your fear away!

When you are troubled – try hard to refrain;
From losing heart – close to God – please remain;
It is His Spirit – who dispels your fear;
Repent of your sins – draw Him close and near!

Ask Him to increase – your faith and resolve;
Have no doubt He’ll oblige – doubt He’ll dissolve;
Step upward – outward in faith – be not afraid;
Oh Ye of Little Faith – may it ne’er be assayed!

D01: 01/14/2014


Duchess01 Wednesday 14 August 2024


We are children of the Most High God
We are peculiar people to be awed
In His image and likeness guaranteed
For whom God will intently intercede

Robbed of our inheritance by evil seed
Jesus defeated him and we were freed
To this day we are told we must accept
Whatever evil deems we are adept

In bondage we have been found and wanting
They hoard the resources they are flaunting
Taxed to the hilt we can never survive
While they live in luxury and thus thrive

This was not what God intended to be
But what has occurred throughout history
Some have sold their souls for power and gain
And over the common man they have reigned

Slaves to a system created by man
Four hundred years ago when it began
As God’s people were enslaved in Egypt
We too have been severely ill-equipped

What did God do to end the tyranny
Perpetrated upon not conspiracy
He sent His Prophet to demand release
To insist the bondage abstain and cease

I AM the God of Heaven and Earth
Stand Tall My People for all you are worth
In this Great Year of the Jubilee
An Exodus I have planned for thee

D01: 08/28/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Duchess01 2nd Poem Wednesday, 14 August 2024


Prophets are humans who speak through God
Some see visions while others are awed 
By what God reveals to them they must share 
Backed by scripture and the Spirit through prayer

The Bible mentions of false prophets beware
They claim to speak through God unaware
Their god is not our God by any measure
Their words are a disproven endeavor

Take Elisha and the prophets of Baal
Numerous seers whose incantations fail
If what the prophet claims does come true
God’s gift rests on that person a sure clue

Prophecies have no timeline – that is of God
It is His determination that gives them laud
They contain warnings and past revelation
What has occurred prior is their elevation

The Bible names many both major and minor
Some of them are prominent and the finer
But all have one thing fairly in common 
What they say will be fulfilled phenomenon

The ungodly will fail and fall short in time
Their deception will be revealed as slime
Without proof the prophecy as revealed
Will serve no purpose and have no yield

The messages from God come in many forms
Dreams poetry sermons physical norms
Prophets can speak of past present and future
Intertwined together enjoined by suture

Prophecy is judgement and restoration 
Of people and nations and of causation
Not always direct or clear of happening
Ordered by events and loose fastening 

Discernment is key to unveiling truth
Does not require a seer or a sleuth
The proof lies solely in the fulfillment 
Drop by drop with Almighty instillment

D01: 06/27/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 15 August 2024


Lord – on our knees – we humbly adore You;
Lord – on our knees – we humbly implore You;
Help us – we pray – to meet needs and demands;
Touch us tenderly with Your Healing Hands!

For Barb, David, Tex and families/friends;
Our hearts are burdened; the need never ends;
For the lost, lonely, and troubled – we pray;
That they may be relieved of turmoil today!

There are so many, Lord – You know their names;
Who suffer – some who – the devil reclaims;
Help us, Lord – bring them back – into the fold;
Release them, Lord, from the evil one’s hold!

There is anger – there is strife – all around;
No peace anywhere – no peace can be found;
Electromagnetic – chemical hacks;
Through food, water, air – and mental attacks!

Military – who have returned – come home;
Are plagued by technology and syndrome;
Chips in the pills – and chemicals in drugs;
Wreak havoc on health – and the body slugs!

Sometimes, we wonder why You allow this;
Why You let him win – and us you dismiss;
Sometimes – at every turn – we dismay;
We can’t understand why he has his way!

Help us, Lord – to persevere and hold on;
Help us help others know where they belong;
Help us minister – leave all up to You;
Your will not ours – we accept and pursue!

Though we may suffer along with our friends;
Though our petition – our prayer never ends;
We trust in Your Love and Your Healing Hands;
We trust in Your Promise and Your Commands!

 We pray fervently – In His Name, we pray;
The Blood of the Lamb protects us each day;
Through His Mercy and Kindness – we heal;
Our souls – we are confident – He will seal!

Touch us, Dear Lord, with your Healing Hands;
Help us keep up with the prayers and demands;
Help us – through Faith – be a blessing to all;
Through divine appointments – answer Your call!

Heavenly Physician – We implore You;
Lay Your Healing Hands – on those before You;
Shine Your Light on us all so that we may see;
The Glory and Honor that belongs to Thee!

D01: 05/28/2013


Duchess01 Friday 16 August 2024


From your heart a secret will be revealed
A proclamation that will be unsealed
Are you ready to live and love again 
Or are you still stuck in paralyzing pain

Is your heart so broken it cannot heal
Are you guided greatly by what you feel
Are you frustrated or fearful to try
To break out of your prison and just fly

When you reach out to another do you
Cautiously contact in auspicious ado
While thinking inside it will lead nowhere
Impossible for anyone to care

Until you are willing to take a leap
Your hurting heart you are bound to keep
Forget all the feelings of days gone by
And quit driving yourself dizzy asking why

Over time the heart has mended and healed
You need not put up a protective shield
The past is gone you can never change it 
No matter what you do to rearrange it

What is new can’t be compared to the old
Your experience now cannot be foretold
With each revelation comes enticement
With each step forward the excitement

So if you are coddling a hurting heart
You’ve defeated God’s purpose from the start
His Word says it’s not good to be alone
Nor is it right for love to be unknown

D01: 07/07/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 17 August 2024


Come back to me with all of your heart;
Sin has separated us – torn us apart;
Long have I waited for your sweet return;
Reconciliation with you – is what I yearn!

While you were out reveling in the flesh;
In the throes of sin – I watched you enmesh;
I sent forth My Spirit – to convict you;
But, you rebuff Him – what could I do?

I sent forth my angels – with a message true;
But you did not hear – you did not want to;
I sent forth my beauty – for your eyes to see;
But your eyes were on others and not on Me!

I sent forth the fragrance – of lilies so sweet;
With the scents you enjoyed – I could not compete;
I sent you a mate – refined in the Word;
But you refused him/her – completely absurd!

Stubborn you are and stubborn you’ll be;
Until you agree to Come Back to Me;
What can I tell you – what can I say?
If you keep acting in your sinful way!

Make no mistake – I have a plan for you;
With love I will prick you – and deeply, too;
The one that you love will not love you back;
When you’re not looking – he/she will attack!

With tokens and trinkets you will woo your love;
But God will not bless this union above;
It is you who will suffer rebuff and regret;
For what you have done – that is what you will get!

Until you can feel what you have given to Me;
You will not have eyes that will ever see;
Into the darkness you’ll continue to gaze;
Your ears will be closed to sweet words of praise!

Your love will complain he/she hasn’t the time;
To love you and cherish you in the sublime;
Then he/she will leave you flat and outright;
Far away will him/her go – far out of sight!

Now that you know what I have been feeling;
In your absence – how much I’ve been reeling;
Come Back to Me – repent now – and believe;
Your pain and your suffering I can relieve!

My yoke is easy – my burden is light;
I’m willing to give you back your insight;
I’m willing to send forth My Spirit today;
If you will agree – to follow the Way!

Come Back to Me – and I will surely forgive;
All your transgressions – so that you will live;
With faith through grace – I will accept you back;
As long as you agree – I will take up the slack!

D01: 07/26/2013


Duchess01 Sunday, 18 August 2024


My heart is rapidly pounding
My state of affairs confounding
I am shaking/quaking beyond belief
Whatever I try I find no relief

Something has disturbed my peace
The turmoil inside just will not cease
My energy level is dangerously low
What it is that is broken I do not know

Nothing should change my resolve
I must fight to defeat delete dissolve
This interruption disruption in my life
Meddling unsettling pedaling strife

Alone in the darkness I tend to shiver 
Lacking control I slither and quiver
What is wrong with me I cannot say
But it just keeps on and won’t go away

Settle Me, Lord help me to rest
In this condition I cannot do my best
Whatever it is from it wash me clean
Teach me a lesson from which to glean

Your thought process has brought you here
You gave up your authority my sweet dear
I gave you calming music you listen not
You let ‘it’ control you and you got caught

There is no medicine that can cure ‘it’
There is no formula than can detour ‘it’
I gave you the power to stop this attack
I gave you the means to pick up the slack

Exercise, breathing, and thought control
All of these will again make you whole
Emotional turmoil blocks rational thought
Eliminate it and you will be as you ought

Change your attitude change your life
Positive thinking diminishes strife
Movement replaces emotional confusion
All of ‘it’ is actually an illusion

You can take control and beat your distress
By changing your thoughts eliminate stress
By exercising you switch your concentration
Your physical movement serves as activation

Your shiver and shake ceases to be
Your uncertainty dissolves instantly
Your mind directs your body to move
And your anxiety begins to improve

God gave us the ability to heal mind body spirit
We just need to learn how to clear it not fear it
The body does what the mind commands
It moves it rests it contracts it expands

So it is with emotions as well with control
Our thoughts can trigger disconnect or cajole
Our attitude plays a part in this scenario as well
It is where we decide we are going to dwell

Negative thinking brings about negative outcomes
The opposite is true and to what it succumbs
When we take authority of events in life
We eliminate the stress and the strife

Whatever the problem or issue that disturbs you
It is nothing you and God together cannot subdue
When God enters the situation the solution is clear
You will have eyes to see and ears to hear

So Settle Me, Lord as only You can
Help me to see and perfect Your plan
Take away the illusion of ‘it’
Cleanse me from all and every bit

D01: 01/15/2023


Duchess01 Sunday 2nd poem slipped in late I think. 18 August 2024

comment image


When searching for simple serenity
The falsehood mask obscures verity
No way to determine or to perceive
The secret agenda there to deceive

What clues are provided for clarity
When relevance becomes a rarity
Has something been lost that cannot be found
Does the back and forth go round and around

We can’t move on when we do not let go
Of memories past tugging to and fro
We cannot go back to where we began
We must decide to move forward again

There is a direct path and place to be
That God has decided for you and me
To serve Him in this world until such time
We have completed our duty divine

It might not be what we wanted to do
Or probably something we even knew
Our lives are not written for us to view
To modify beforehand in the queue

What does it take to keep on going
How can we stop this to and froing
It takes faith in what can never be seen
To quit returning to where we have been

God wants us to prosper and live our lives
Free and happy and no longer take dives
Into a world of pestilence and pain
With no hope of happiness ever again

D01: 08/14/2023


Duchess01 Monday, 19 August 2024


Mathew my friend in faith come forth to Me
Be undeterred by the sturred stormy sea 
Do not look back come forward without fear
I guarantee you that I will be here

Taking those steps are frightful to many
Their faith is weak and some have not any
With each trial in life we’re asked to be
So strong in our faith by the stormy sea 

The mountains are high – the valleys are low
Sometimes there is no path no way to go
At other times we are told there is no hope
After deciding the depth and the scope

God instructs us to trust solely in Him 
To lean not on our own when times are grim
To acknowledge Him in all of our ways
To give Him all Honor and Glory and Praise

Well if that is the case why go to man
For a purpose solution and a plan
What does man know that God does not
Why believe man’s predictions on the spot

God speaks to His prophets on the daily
Anointed appointed to set up the bailey
Guided by God to speak truth in His name
With warnings and platitudes of the same

Listen My people to what you must know
What you must do that to you I will show
I AM who I AM and ever will be 
I will guide you safely by the stormy sea

D01: 07/11/2023

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

Duchess01 Tuesday, 20 August 2024


Are you saved by the Blood of the Lamb?
Are you washed clean or will you God damn?
Have you repented down on your knees?
Have you accepted Jesus as God decrees?

Were you made in His image from the start?
Separated through sin, did you depart? 
Did you fall short of the Glory of God?
Trapped in sin throughout your life have you trod?

Was it the lure of pleasure that did you in?
Was it the lack of conscience deep within?
Did you seek attention and praise from man?
Was that when you fell and it all began?

Were you puffed up in pride with your gift?
Did attractiveness, talent give you a lift?
Was it approval from man that you sought?
Or were you meek and humble as you ought?

Did you trod on your neighbor; feed your greed?
Did you compete ruthlessly; feed your need?
Up front and center; was that your desire?
From attention and praise did you ever tire?

Selfishness rears in unlikely places;
It shows in actions; mostly in faces;
Its ugliness, strain affects not just one;
All who love Jesus; have Him in common!

The root of all evil is money, some say;
But selfishness, too, has a part to play;
For when we are selfish, we create strife;
We ignore the Truth, the Way, and the Life!

Jesus said: Deny self and follow Me;
How can we do that if selfish we be?
By the Blood of the Lamb, we are saved;
But we cannot ignore the heart depraved!

For, from the heart, comes what we admire;
If worldly pursuits alone we desire;
If putting another down raises us up;
From the cup of salvation we’ll not sup!

Repent and be saved from worldly aims;
Accept Jesus as Lord; the prayer claims;
Renounce all your sins in His holy name;
Renounce the need for attention and fame!

By the blood He selflessly shed on the tree;
Victory over death made mankind free;
For the wages of sin is death for all;
Failure to repent will be mankind’s fall!

Seek first the kingdom and earnestly pray;
The Blood of the Lamb will wash sins away;
Accept Jesus as the Lord of your life;
Defeat selfishness and eliminate strife!

D01: 04/18/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday, 21 August 2024


As you go on your merry selfish way;
Seizing the fruits of the flesh each day;
Oblivious to the trap you have set;
The damnation of your soul you beget!

Wrapped up in the world of self desire;
The flesh and it pleasures you admire;
What the world offers you is all you see;
Ego-driven – self-centered – you must be!

Where is God in your devilish daily quest?
Has He knocked and asked to be your guest?
Has He pleaded with you to let Him inside?
Why do you cover – your nakedness – hide?

If what you are doing is no foul or sin;
Why don’t you ever – invite Him – come in?
Could it be your temple is dirty, unkempt?
Is that why you rebuff His every attempt?

Let shame be upon you until the day;
When our Lord and Savior will have His say;
If you think for one minute you will escape;
A conviction of heart – it will take shape!

Sooner or later – He will nag you with guilt;
Then with the hammer He’ll knock you off kilt;
You try to get up – and over you go;
What you have broken – you really don’t know!

It matters not what is battered or bruised;
Nor does it matter that you are confused;
Get up you coward and face your fate;
Hustle your bustle – and don’t hesitate!

Get down on your knees – and humble be;
Ask Him to show you – and help you to see;
It just might happen He opens your eyes;
To your selfishness – deception – and lies!

When the world gives fame and a big bankroll;
What does man gain if he loses his soul?
Is it worth it to gain – possess worldly goods?
Or cling to the flesh with all its falsehoods?

If you honestly seek first the Kingdom of God;
Then all will be added – does that seem too odd?
Know what God promised is tested and true;
Why would you want what the world offers you?

When you leave behind what the world has to give;
That is when you will truly – be ready to live;
When you die to sin – you make the decision;
To end all the strife – lay waste to derision!

Repent and relieve all the tension today;
Accept Jesus Christ – the Truth, Life, and Way;
Believe that your life will change for the good;
A Conviction of Heart – just as it should!

D01: 07/23/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 22 August 2024


When God gave His Only Begotten Son;
The ransom for souls – the victory won;
He demonstrated His great love to be;
For all His Beloved – for you and me!

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are redeemed;
There’s no other way it could be it seemed;
His sacrifice was pure – untainted by sin;
Let the suffering end – His new life begin!

There is no greater love one man can give;
Than to lay down His life and to forgive;
He forgave His oppressors – yes He did;
His victory over death – all amid!

What does God want in return for His love?
Is it peace among men or branch of olive?
For what do we strive to do day after day?
What is it we need – to live only His way?

We must love Him with our mind, heart, and soul;
Serve Him through others – His heart to console;
Serve no other gods – no idols have we;
The servant of all – He wants us to be!

We must keep our Sabbath to worship Him;
Not just for one day – but surely passim;
We must honor our earthly mother and dad;
The best of caretakers we ever had!

We must not kill our brother – any way;
In spirit or slander or libel – betray;
We must take not – what belongs not to us;
Or covet the goods of another thus!

We must not covet the wife of any man;
Or lust in our hearts because we can;
No envy or malice can we keep inside;
Nor from God should we ever seek to hide!

We must love our neighbor as Jesus loved;
Do all that we can – make him so beloved;
For it is in giving that we will receive;
And it is in dying – we come to believe!

Dying to self – to follow Jesus, Our Lord;
Is that which will bring us to full accord;
Keeping His Word – we must strive to do;
For God’s Great Love lives in me and you!

D01: 07/26/2013


backocarl Thursday, 22 August 2024

comment image

Our country, once loved and cherished within
Fallen to darkness, corruption and sin
A lone eagle rising as hopes on high
Our prayers answered, God’s light in the sky

No longer will evil men rule the day
As God brings His Word to show us The Way
No longer as slaves all destined for fire
But now blest, all blest to sing in God’s choir


* bakocarl 🙂

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

Duchess01 Friday 23 August 2024


Angel of the Lord stay with me tonight
Help me to endure till the morning light
When the soldiers arrive to help me flee
Thru the maze of the tunnels and be free

Rescue me from this horrific plight
From the daily pain help me take flight
Take all of the babies heaven bound
No more suffering the terror sound

Let silence bring peace from abuse
And nightmares cease to induce
Memories of frightful occurrences
Bring forth the mighty deterrences

Sweet Jesus come and comfort me
Let nothing that hurts come to be
Let no one touch me unnecessarily
Bring forth the soldiers militarily

Let this be the last horror I see
Come quickly Lord and rescue me
Get me out of the oppressors way
Guide me out of the tunnels today

Take me to freedom into the light
Take me far from the oppressors sight
Bring me into the open arms of love
Follow the Angels sent from above

Thank You for ending my agony
Thank You for setting me free
Thank You for so caring be
Thank You for rescuing me!

D01: 07/10/2021


Duchess01 A second poem from Friday, 23 August 2024


In the early morning light, I see YOU;
I begin the day just right; I pray, too;
I recall the blessings YOU have given;
I ask to be Holy Spirit driven!

I thank you for the sunshine YOU have sent;
For the flowers and trees; their nourishment;
I thank YOU profusely for loving me;
And pray I may serve YOU graciously!

Oh, but lately, Lord, I’m having trouble;
I’m anxious, lonely, and seeing double;
I do not know what has come over me;
It’s been really hard connecting with Thee!

Overwhelmed at times, I can find no rest;
From the constant barrage of evil’s quest;
From unwelcome guests who rob me of time;
From interrupted prayers to outright crime!

Where are you, Lord? I need you right now;
Come quickly into my heart somehow;
Fill me with your Spirit and make me whole;
Let me suffer no more with this empty soul!

Hear my cry in the day and into the night;
Protect me by day and by night, be my light;
Let not Thy presence be hidden from me;
In your mercy, Lord, hide my sin from Thee!

Whatever I have done or have not done;
Let it be known; let victory be won;
Gather me into Thy Loving embrace;
Wash the pain and tears away from my face!

Reveal to me what I have done so wrong;
Away from YOU, I have suffered so long;
The emptiness inside is so hard to bear;
I wonder, at times, if YOU are even there!

Where are you, Lord? Oh, please hear my call;
I’m confused, broken in my wherewithal;
Why are you silent in my time of need?
Is it because of my secular greed?

Have I not attended to my daily prayer?
Have I neglected for my neighbor to care?
Have I been selfish thinking only of me?
Oh yes, that is it – that is what it must be!

Hence the reason for the anxiety;
My trust in YOU, Lord, has just ceased to be;
My heart is on things of the world not YOU;
No wonder I’m hurting, lonely, and blue!

Thank you, DEAR LORD, for clearing the air;
For sending YOUR SPIRIT for me to care;
For renewing in me hope, love, and peace;
For making this longing finally cease!
Forgive me, Lord, for my selfish pride;
For from you I have been trying to hide;
For feeling unworthy to share with YOU;
My ineptitude and shortcomings, too!

Why did I even think YOU did not care?
Why did I ever refuse with YOU to share?
Why did I think YOU could never relate?
To the suffering I simply abate!

Did you not see in the Garden at prayer?
The loneliness a man is forced to bear;
When he is abandoned by all in the end;
When no one will stay; not even a friend?

Did you not ask for this cup to pass?
Was it your fear? What was it alas?
Was this just another human refrain?
Something YOU would do all over again?

No, you were not complaining it’s not fair;
And you were not wishing YOU did not care;
YOU were just preparing YOUR human side;
To let YOUR soul with YOUR Father reside!

So I’ll take my cue directly from YOU;
And stop thinking of me as YOU would do;
Deny myself and just follow YOUR lead;
And YOU will provide whatever I need!

D01: 4/05/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 24 August 2024


His Grace is abundant in meekness
His strength is made perfect in weakness
Gladly glory in your infirmities
And do not fear any adversities

When you are torn and worn from battle
Angels will remove the rote rattle 
Lift you up and attend to your sores
The bruises and scars from many wars

When you are dejected defeated and down
Remember God’s mercy will soon abound
He will carry you gently while you heal
The power of His Love you will surely feel

By the Grace of God you are who you are
His Grace imparted on you left no scar
You labored more abundantly than many
More than adequate which was plenty

By Grace you are saved thru Faith it is said
And not of yourself but a gift instead
One of many God bestows upon those
Who obey His commands even en throes

When you are weakened spiritually
Be rest assured of God’s right remedy
Nothing that happens is ever too large
Be still and know that He is in charge

By your side He will always be ready
To raise you right up and keep you steady
By Grace through Faith you belong to Him
A loving gift He confers not on a whim

D01: 08/22/2023


Duchess01 Sunday, 25 August 2024


Breathe deeply let out slowly calm your soul
Intimacy with Him that is your goal
Not an easy task if distracted in thought
Clear the clutter in your mind to naught

Be at peace as He flows into your space 
There are no constraints in this special place
You will feel your muscles relax in time
You will sense the comfort of the sublime

Be quiet do not speak and hear His voice
It is your heart that talks and will rejoice
God knows your heart like no other can
Through His Spirit He will reveal His plan

You will know in your heart what is new
His divine appointment made just for you
No need to explain He already knows
Believe it what you need already shows

In His Presence His Spirit speaks to you
The instructions are clear what you must do
You have prayed for guidance with your concern
Only God knows what is needed to learn

Each divine appointment is geared to teach
Complete with the milestones you must reach
If you stumble and fall He is there to relieve
Redirect your path ensure you achieve

In His Presence the Angels are heaven sent
To make sure your time with Him is well spent
Let Him control your mind body spirit
Then trust wholly in Him to endear it

D01: 07/26/2023


bakocarl Sunday, 25 August 2024

It’s plain, we can see that evil is here
Now, among us, not just somewhere near
Man’s wicked hearts, unrestrained, run free
A vast tidal wave from a sinful sea

Doctors and hospitals sell their souls
Trading our lives for cash on the dole
Politicians, too, force heinous rules
Wasting more lives as they play us for fools

Corrupt judges change laws as they choose
So that they’ll win but justice will lose
Freedom and Justice are both thrown away
The law has now changed to “Do as I say”

Entire courts craft a vile witches’ brew
Judges, lawyers, and woke juries, too
Make their agenda the law of the day
Denying justice to have their own way

Pastors of churches, once honored and true
Now falling away to preach something new
The Gospel’s good news, perverted by these
Will be to that church a fatal disease

The media cheers the wild rush to sin
Giving each story the devil’s own spin
No longer truthful nor worth time to read
Fit only for trash as a noxious weed

Woke Libs everywhere, unable to think
From their fetid swamps come out to slink
And show to all they lack common sense
A repugnant mob of constant offense

Ungodly counsel is everywhere
Walk the world’s way and be caught in its snare
Seek the world’s pleasures, wealth, power, and fame
Then lose your soul to the Judgment’s flame

Hearts without God all walking dark ways
Seeking more evil with each passing day
Fully immersed in wickedness and sin
Fully depraved by their darkness within

And at this same time, God’s Word still rings clear
To seek His Kingdom and never to fear
For He holds our souls in His gentle hands
Guarding us ever from man’s evil plans

Be loving, joyful, and at peace with all
Patient, kind, good, longing for His Call
Be faithful, humble, heed our Spirit Guide
Love mercy, be hopeful, and in Christ abide 

Righteousness, godliness, as daily goals
Should shape our lives and bolster our souls
For we are God’s children, bought with a price
Destined for our homes in His paradise

And though all around us the tumult roars
God’s peace is our gift, both mine and yours
God’s comfort is constant, calming us all
As we await our heavenly roll call


Duchess01 Monday, 26 August 2024


Father God:

We come to You humbly before the Throne of Grace with heavy hearts and thanksgiving for we believe You are with us.

We ask You to quell the turmoil that has plagued our nation and our President over the last four years.

We implore Your Mercy on our nation divided by those who are determined to destroy those who are united in Your Name.

We ask You to silence the voices that speak out against the principles upon which our nation was founded.

We ask You to strengthen our President in the months to come against the forces of evil that plague him daily.

We ask You to rescue the children held in bondage by those who rob them of their innocence and purity.

We ask You to protect the unborn from the ravages of abortion and bring forth a new generation devoted to You.

We ask You to heal those who are suffering mentally, physically, and spiritually through no fault of their own.

We ask You to replenish the livelihoods of those who have suffered loss through hatred and violence.

We ask You to heal our nation attacked by the forces of evil who seek to steal, kill, and destroy all we have accomplished.

We ask You to restore all that has been damaged by those who harbor hatred for us and You.

We ask You to protect our President, his family, and his Team against those who have opposed him since You have called him forward.

We heartily thank You for lifting us up from a physical plague, emotional turmoil, mental anguish, and spiritual warfare. 

We trust in You, lean not on our own understanding, acknowledge You in all of our ways, and believe You will set our path straight.

We give You All Honor and Glory and Praise and we thank You for Your Spirit of guidance and love.

We believe You will once again bless our nation and our President.

We believe You will heal our land and bless our families.

We believe in Your Son, Jesus, who suffered and died for us.

We thank You for blessings received and prayers answered.

We ask and declare it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus.


D01: 09/08/2020


Duchess01 Tuesday, 27 August 2024


Who is this man, Jesus – God’s Only Son?
Why did He die – what victory was won?
For whom did He suffer – approved above?
For His Beloved – was His Perfect Love!

God so loved the world – He sent His Son;
His Only Begotten Son – the only One;
To ensure our salvation – lost through sin;
To restore His creation – and begin!

The New Covenant – God made with man;
Would enhance the Old that God began;
Through Our Lord – Jesus Christ – we are assured;
Our salvation – by His death – He restored!

Be content with weakness and with distress;
With mistreatment, persecution, and duress;
All for the sake of Jesus Christ, Our Lord;
And His Perfect Love will be your reward!

In marriage, He unites woman and man;
Sanctified by His Perfect Love, they can;
Together as one – fulfill His pure plan;
Expressed in His – New Covenant with man!

For what is a marriage of woman and man?
Without God’s blessing – before it began?
It is worthless and meritless – you see?
Without His Perfect Love – it cannot be!

Single gents and gals – are not lost in the heap;
For what you sow – in the single – you will reap;
The widows and orphans are special, too;
His Perfect Love – is provided for you!

What has a man, woman, and/or a child?
Without His Perfect Love – they are beguiled;
Without repentance – they will never be free;
Separated from God – damned eternally!

Open your heart and accept Jesus today;
Know in your heart – He is the only way;
Repent of your sins – and name them outright;
And His Perfect Love will be yours tonight!

D01: 08/02/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday 28 August 2024


Under His wing, a place of deep rest
Away from all trouble, secure, deeply blessed
A pavilion of prayer, restoration, retreat
I now lay my burden down at His feet

No marker of time, I’m welcome to stay
As long as is needed, all night or all day
Under His wing, I linger and pray
His Spirit refreshes and shows me the way

His peace He has given, I humbly receive
Give thanks for His mercy because I believe
Under His cover of gossamer Light
I thank Him and praise Him for now I’m alright

DC: 08/27/2024


Duchess Wednesday, 28 August 2024



Sitting and waiting a long while for you
What is a wallflower supposed to do
Ladies in waiting for possibilities 
Scrutinizing probabilities

They strut their stuff just to simply impress
As if that is all one needs to address
Is there motion and movement maneuver
Do his eyes express he will approve her

Does he glide and guide her to ecstasy 
For all to observe so powerfully
Is there a flow to their core connection
Without a doubt in their glow reflection

The look in the eye conveys but a clue 
Of whether the bond is actually true
The caress of a partner oh so fine
Is hard to determine or deft define

Come Dance with Me to definitely see
If there is an attachment tween you and me
The dance will decide what is meant to be
An apt audition unexpectedly 

Can you see the majesty of the dance
Tis not just two bodies about to prance
The eloquent flow and abandonment
With each subsequent step and increment

Come Dance With Me until the morning light
Let’s see what develops throughout the night
Whatever will be will be once again
As our spirits unite where love will reign

D01: 06/08/2023


RAC Thursday 29 August 2024

Christopher Wray, shuffles the brass
On the roof where a shooting has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the quiff
That he keeps on a head by the door
What is it for

All the lonely gunmen
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely gunmen
Where do they all belong?


Duchess01 Thursday, 29 August 2024


Hearken Ye – Blest are the Pure in Heart;
For they shall see our God when they depart;
The secret of the Lord is surely theirs;
In Christ’s abode – their souls become heirs!

Their lives give glory to the Prince of Peace
Their love for Him is strong – it will not cease;
Like Him – they dwell in lowliness – with men;
Like Him – their pattern for holiness – Amen!

To the lowly soul – His grace He imparts;
With His Spirit pure – He fills their hearts;
For His cradle – and His heavenly throne;
He chooses the Pure in Heart – they alone!

Lord – Let us pray – Thy presence we seek;
Lord – For we pray – Thy blessing unique;
Give us – we pray – a pure and lowly heart;
The Grace from Your Spirit that You impart!

The temple within – we will surely refine;
For the pure resting place of the Divine;
Purify us, Oh Lord – that we may be worthy;
To receive Your Grace – wholly and humbly!

Give us this day Your blessing, Oh Lord;
Keep us securely – surely in Your Word;
Let Your Spirit abide within us today;
For You are the Truth, the Life, and the Way!

Blest are the Pure in Heart – the Bible says;
For they are the ones who know God’s ways;
Create in us all – a heart that is pure;
So we will be servants of all – for sure!

Let not worldly concerns sweep us away;
Temptation and sinfulness – let us defray;
For it is in giving – that we will receive;
And the Pure in Heart – will ever believe!

The Glory of God – will be theirs to enjoy;
If they seek His face – in all they employ;
Grant us – Oh, Lord – a heart that is pure;
For the Pure in Heart – will surely endure!

D01: 07/29/2013


Duchess01 Friday 30 August 2024


We do not know what tomorrow will bring
In reality we are not sure of anything
We close our eyes give way to sleep
There is no guarantee not even a peep

We say good-night to those we love
Entrust our rest to God above
Who knows the beginning from the end
Our entire life it is He who penned

Our days are full of challenges we know not
The what when why and how the outcome naught
As we awaken to a brand new day
It is God who is there to guide our way

It is He who brings light into our lives
It is we who strive and trustingly thrives 
It is He who shows us the path the way
Who unconditionally loves us everyday

It is He who gave us our free will choice
It is He who gave us His grace to voice
Our decisions be they right or wrong
Will determine our stance weak or strong

Will we give in to temptation and quit
Will we be weak and meek not give a whit
Will we be strong and fight the good fight
Or will we be tempted to just take flight

We have no insight into what might come
We have no idea what direction from
If our lives are justified through others
If our needs are fulfilled by another’s

If we live each day in the last place
Will we ever be first in any case
Will we finally learn to love ourselves
Or leave our desires on the shelves

In every phase of life on earth
What we do will prove our worth
How we adjust to the highs and lows
Will determine which way our life goes

When stuck in a rut of sorrow and woe
We really have no direction to go
We haven’t asked God what He wants us to do
We are simply comfortable in feeling blue

We grieve our situation and that’s ok
He would not want it any other way
We seem to think we will figure it out
All on our own mind you we have no doubt

But God knows and He will wait for you
He’ll show you daily what He wants you to do
Signs and wonders before you displayed
All in the balance come forth to be weighed

Love one another is what you must do
Love one another as He has loved you
Listen to the clues He provides you each day
Being true to yourself is the only way

Now is the time to spread your wings
To set your sights on universal things
You might have no idea what that means
But God Knows what He put in your genes

D01: 02/16/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 31 August 2024


Throughout scripture, God sets His example;
Limitless – His love – is more than ample;
He is kind; He is good – He is faithful;
For His steadfast Spirit, we are grateful!

Blessed are they who rely on the Lord;
Blessed are they who abide by His Word;
Holy are they who trust only in Him;
Convicted through Faith – is proper and prim!

With Fidelity and Faithfulness – we
Are trusting and trustworthy as can be;
With holy fervor, we honor Our Lord;
Consistently Faithful His Love out-poured!

Through Jesus, we exude Faith, Hope, and Love;
Through His Spirit and exultation above;
Through fullness of Faith – we are relieved;
We have not seen and yet, we have believed!

A Fruit of the Spirit, Faithfulness is;
The art of believing in heavenly bliss;
The act of knowing – relying on hope;
The tug of strength when unable to cope!

In the fullness of Faith, we come alive;
With conviction and purpose, we will thrive;
With our trust in the Lord, we cannot go wrong;
In the Faith Filled Family where we belong!

D01: 04/21/2013


bakocarl Sunday, 1 September 2024

The Greatest Story Ever Told
The Greatest Story Ever Told
Started long ago in days of old
Ere the earth’s foundation was laid
Ere God spoke and ere all was made
God planned Creation just for man
And controlled events by His plan
He made the heavenly denizens
Knowing they’d rebel, both how and when
God made a garden in the east
And filled it with all kinds of beasts
Then God made man to work that land
Stating “It’s all good” as He had planned
God knew the serpent would deceive
And knew man would be forced to leave
He knew that man would always sin
And knew that He, our God, would win
Man left God and took the world’s way
Full of sin, always, every day
So God sent The Flood to cleanse the land
Just saving Noah and his small band
Mankind gathered and Babel grew
There was nothing man couldn’t do
They built a tower for their pride
So God confused speech, spread them worldwide
God picked Abram to fulfill His plan
To father a people, a chosen clan
To love God and obey His Word
And it’s through these the world has heard
Two cities fell into deepest sin
All except for Lot and his kin
Fire and brimstone rained from the sky
Man must obey God and not defy
A big famine strikes, there’s no food
Jews go to Egypt with gratitude
As time went by, the Jews were saved
But then Egypt used them as slaves
Centuries passed. The Jews suffered so
Then God said “Let my people go”
God chose Moses to be His voice
To force Pharaoh to make the choice
A column of smoke and one of fire
God parted the sea when all was dire
Stone tablets of Law from Sinai’s peak
All must trust God, both strong and weak
The Jews demanded rule by a king
So came Saul and the trouble he’d bring
Then God chose David for a fresh start
Just a shepherd, but with God’s own heart
God sent a man, his name was John
To tell of the Light, the Coming Dawn
He traveled around so all could hear
“Repent now, the Holy One is near”
God spoke through prophets to tell all
Of His Messiah and what would befall
That God Himself gave to us His Son
And that believing, we’d be as one
All of these things by God’s strong hand
To bless people throughout all lands
And all mankind must make the choice
To live for the world or heed His voice
As God told Abram, through him we’re blest
With Peace and Joy and eternal rest
It’s by God’s mercy and grace we’ve won
So give all glory to God through God’s Son


Duchess01 Sunday, 1 September 2024


In Your kindness, have mercy on me;
Let me not ever stray far from Thee;
Blot out my sins from your Holy sight;
Strengthen me – to fight the good fight!

In Your compassion, blot out my offense;
For my transgression, there is no defense;
Wash me and cleanse me of all of my guilt;
I have sinned against Thee – I need rebuilt!

My offenses are ever before me, Oh Lord;
I have fallen short as it says in Your Word;
Against You alone have I sinned grievously;
In Your sight, Oh Lord, sin encompassed me!

Justified are You in your sentence dispensed;
Without reproach is Your judgment against;
For in sin were all men ill-conceived;
From the womb we emerge ill-perceived!

In truth, it’s the heart only You can see;
Instill in my heart Your wisdom for me;
Purify and cleanse me that I may know;
Wash me – cleanse my soul – whiter than snow!

Create in me – a clean heart renewed;
Cleansed in the Spirit – no longer eschewed;
With a steadfast spirit – I am refreshed;
No longer in sin will I be enmeshed!

A pure heart create in me, Oh God;
No longer will You need to poke and prod;
Give me again, Lord, the joy of Your aid;
With a steadfast spirit – the ransom is paid!

Rescue me, Lord, from evil oppression;
Let love – once again – be my obsession;
Let repentance and mercy blot out my sin;
Let Your Holy Spirit live again within!

For, in sacrifice, you take no delight;
Burnt offering – You would refuse outright;
My sacrifice is a contrite spirit;
Humble and worthy – Your voice – I hear it!

In Your goodness, Oh Lord, make me anew;
Be near me, Oh Lord, keep me close to You;
Hold me, remold me – into what I should be;
Create in me, Lord, a clean heart from Thee!

D01: 06/28/2013


Duchess01 Monday (Labor Day) 2 September 2024


Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!

Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!

Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!

Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!

Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!

Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!

I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!

Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!

Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!

Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!

Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!

D01: 07/14/2013


Duchess01 Tuesday, 3 September 2024


In the misty morning – at the break of dawn;
With sleepy eyes and – muddy mind I fawn;
Send your assistance and blessing my way;
Dear Heavenly Father – teach me today!

I fall on my knees to give glory and praise;
I sing with the angels – our song we raise;
In thanksgiving – I thank You for all I have;
For Your comfort – consolation – and salve!

Teach me – to love – as You willingly do;
To be servant of all – just like You;
Help me to learn to be humble and last;
Help me let go of mistakes of the past!

Teach me compassion – for my neighbor today;
Help me understand – his distress – if I may;
Help me bring comfort – condolence to him;
Lift up his spirit – when his faith is slim!

Help me be more like You – assured in love;
With confidence in my Father above;
With trust in Your steadfast faithfulness;
With fidelity – teach me – gratefulness!

Teach me – to invite – the Spirit within;
Through repentance and grace – let Him in;
To guide and chide me – when I should fall short;
Help me – to His wisdom – quickly resort!

Teach me – not my will – but His will be done;
Through Him and with Him – the battle is won;
Teach me – acceptance – when I find it hard;
To repent – reconcile – and pride discard!

Teach me – patience – a gift of the Spirit;
A virtue through which – I can endear it;
Give me Grace to hang on – and persevere;
Through fasting and prayer – help me volunteer!

Teach me – hope – a gift – to which I must cling;
Patient hope – endurance – blessings will bring;
Goodness and longsuffering – grant me these;
Precious gifts of the Spirit – grant them please!

Teach me – faith – that I may share it with all;
To lighten the burden – what might befall;
Calm my fears – and brighten earthly sorrow;
Increase my faith – childlike trust in tomorrow!

D01: 10/26/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday 4 September 2024


Amen – Amen – I say unto you;
Gather together I am with you;
Remember what – for you – I have done;
To ensure you and I live forever as one!

Blessed are you who are poor in spirit;
The Kingdom of God is yours – albeit;
Blessed are you who mourn – in your hearts;
Sweet comfort for you – My Spirit imparts!

Blessed are you who are meek – and lowly;
For you shall inherit the earth – most wholly;
Blessed are you who hunger and thirst;
For righteousness you will be filled and first!

Blessed are you who are merciful – and kind;
Mercy shall be yours – so keep that in mind;
Blessed are you who are purest in heart;
For you will see God from the very start!

Blessed are you who strive to make peace;
As children of God – your joy will not cease;
Blessed are you who are persecuted for right;
The Kingdom of Heaven will be in your sight!

Blessed are you who men revile and persecute;
Relentless for My name’s sake they prosecute;
Saying in all manner of evil you’re defiled;
I will exalt you – you’ll not be beguiled!

Blessed are you who have suffered for Me;
For great your reward in Heaven will be;
As prophets of old suffered greatly as well;
Like them, you profit – your riches will swell!

Be not dismayed – there is right judgment;
Be not distressed – for any begrudge meant;
Know that I see what is hidden from sight;
As in the last days, it is I who is light!

Blessed are you who are faithful and true;
I am He who can see the good that you do;
Truly you are – blessed and holy you be;
Living in paradise – someday with Me!

D01: 07/21/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 6 September 2024


Unexpected kindness touches the heart
A listening ear can yield a fresh start
When in a quandary of the feeling kind
Tis hard to explain what we left behind

Feelings are not facts justified away
Kept hidden from view for another day
Sooner or later they come into the light
Where the future is happier and bright

Where circumstances have mightily changed
And our flawed thinking has been rearranged 
Angels surround us of the human kind
That reveal the truth to the human mind

When we speak from the heart no sound returned
We will find what God planned to be learned 
We cannot know the perfect mind of God
We can only concur it is to be awed

His ways are not our ways nor ever will be
And His thoughts not what we can foresee
Where there seems to be no possible way
His love in action brings a brighter day

The sadness and loneliness is lifted 
With a new sense of purpose we are gifted
Happiness returns and we’re flying high
To hopeless heartache the end draws nigh

God knows the beginning and the end
He knows recesses of the heart bend
When healing occurs and we are set free
The promise of tomorrow comes to be

D01: 07/25/2023


bakocarl Thursday, 6 September 2024


There’ll be a day, soon, I think
That we will meet again
On a path edged fair with blooms
As peace and joy begins

There’ll be gladness in our hearts
We never knew could be
As sights dance before our eyes
We never thought we’d see

In the garden early morn
See roses wet with dew
We’ll walk on paths with our Lord
We’ll know love, fresh, anew

We’ll be resting with our God
His Glory all around
And when angels play their harps
Our praises will resound

Oh, how glad we’ll be that day
To finally be home
Safe, secure, with family
And never more to roam


Duchess01 Saturday 7 September 2024


When will my heart finally be at peace
When will this pain in my head ever cease
When will this anxiety be relieved
When will I heal and not be aggrieved 

When will the sun shine on love renewed
When will the flowers again be bedewed
When will I cease being lonely for you
When will I stop feeling alone and blue

Separation comes unexpectedly
In various ways with complexity
Be it death divorce or even a stroke
Something went wrong and definitely broke

Serenity blooms through our acceptance
What we can or not control reflectance
Happiness can flee in a moment’s notice
Like the blooms of the delicate lotus

Feelings are not facts and never have been
They are pangs of emotion rarely seen
They serve nothing and no one even thee
And when they lay dormant they cease to be

The problem with dormancy is hidden
The beauty of love is unforbidden
How can one love what cannot be returned
How can one bear what cannot be discerned

What if anything will bring resolution
What if anything will bring absolution
Nothing until we learn to let it go
We give it to God and then we will know

D01: 05/23/2023


Duchess late afternoon special. Saturday, 7 September 2024

comment image



My first thought in the morning is of God;
Asking His blessings – for me – is not odd;
What is odd and quite perplexing to me;
Is the smile on my face when I think of Thee!

What comes to mind in Morning Prayer?
With each petition – through each layer;
The joy experienced when reminded;
The truth exposed – no longer blinded!

Thank You, Lord, for opening my eyes;
For helping me see – for making me wise;
For sending me – a great gift in disguise;
Someone to respect – a friend to advise!

You touched my heart where others could not;
You accepted my help – without a thought;
You laughed at my jokes – though silly they are;
You welcomed my friendship – from near and afar!

You challenged my knowledge – and added to it;
You carefully connected the dots adrift;
You made me wonder ‘bout God and His plan;
To where it would lead – from whence it began!

You gave me a place – to pray and to love;
You prayed with me – stayed with me – above;
Together we lifted up many a friend;
And brought forth God’s blessings to that end!

How can I thank you – what more can I say;
You make me smile each and every day;
What can I do for you – to ease your mind?
How can I thank you for being so kind?

If I asked God to bless you – would that be enough?
Gee Whiz…giving back to you – is terribly tough;
What can I say when I am lost for words?
Expressly refrain from sliding backwards!

What can I do to end this quandary?
As I open my heart – and air my laundry?
So humble and sweet is your heart, my dear;
It’s nearly impossible for me, I fear!

Perhaps, I will ask Our Father above;
If He will shower you with His love;
Send comforting angels to hold you gently;
Sing you their songs – calm you contently!

Warrior angels I’ll ask God to send;
To protect you – fight for you – to the end;
May the Holy Spirit chide you each day;
With knowledge and wisdom to guide your way!

In my Evening Prayer, I think of you;
I thank God sincerely for all you do;
As I end my prayer and end my day;
You make me smile – it just won’t go away!

D01: 06/30/2013


Duchess01 Sunday, 8 September 2024


Sing unto the Lord a brand new song;
Sing praises to Him all your lifelong;
For He has sustained and kept you sound;
His blessings upon you daily abound!

Sing – Sing your sweet song of praise;
Ring – Ring your Hand bells and raise;
Your voice to His Honor and Glory be;
Your ringtone – a joyful noise – artfully!

With thanksgiving, let your sweet song begin;
With gratefulness, thank Him for peace within;
In Him, through Him, and with Him, we thrive;
Keep His commandments – Keep hope alive!

Victoriously – Jesus conquered death;      
He suffered and bled until his last breath;
Praise Him – Oh, Praise Him – thank Him in song;
For without His gift – we would not belong!

It is said when we sing – then, twice we pray;
Double the praise – sing a new song today;
Raise up your voice – in Psalms praise His name;
Jesus is Lord – let your voice proclaim!

Sing unto the Lord – a new song today;
Rejoice in His blessings a brand new way;
When we give Honor and Glory to Him;
Our hearts fill with joy – right up to the brim!

D01: 04/17/2013


Duchess01 Monday, 9 September 2024


Have mercy on me, my Lord and my God;
For I am distressed – in chains I am shod;
My tears flow like rivers – raging from strain;
My heart is pierced – my throat aches in pain!

My life spent in sorrow – and in deep regret;
My sins are before me – I cannot forget;
In repentance I seek You – for right relief;
Your loving kindness is – my refuge – belief!

Lord – affliction – has broken down my strength;
From helplessness, stress – I suffer at length;
My foes have encompassed me – all around;
They ravage me daily – destruction bound!

I trust in You, Lord – take comfort in You;
Come to my aid – Lord – Refresh me anew;
My life is in Your hands – if it be Your Will;
Calm the waters – from their raging – be still!

Feed me – knead me – with Your nourishing grace;
Through faith without fear – my weakness erase;
Infuse me with courage – and strengthen me;
Help me be steadfast – a stronghold like Thee!

Let me be glad and rejoice in Your love;
Assured in Your goodness sent from above;
Let me not – for one moment – be fearful;
Keep me far from unsure – doubtful – tearful!

Free me from distress – of body and mind;
Help me walk self-assured – no longer blind;
With my life in Your hands – deliver me;
From the throes of my foes – let me be free!

Strengthen My Heart – as only You know how;
Pour forth Your knowledge – understanding now;
Send in Your angels – with reinforcements;
Lift up my spirit – in inch increments!

Send forth Your Spirit – to enlighten me;
With knowledge – understanding – wisdom be;
A tower of strength – instilled in my heart;
Let not Your Spirit – from me ere depart!

Strengthen My Heart – my Lord and my King;
Let the indwelling Spirit – His power bring;
Your justice – Oh Lord – from on high rain down;
Let Your Heavenly Grace – be forever my crown!

D01: 09/30/2013


Duchess01 Tuesday, 10 September 2024


Who am I that God cares for me
Who is it I am supposed to be
What is it I am called to do
What makes me so worthy of You

Have you ever pondered God
Have you ever wondered broad
Have you ever concentrated
Have you ever contemplated – God

Did you know that you are blessed
With gifts and talents and zest
Have you ever considered why
You are the apple of God’s eye

We have jobs, titles, and responsibilities
Accountabilities acceptabilities permeabilities
No matter how confusing it all may be
God has a purpose and plan for thee

When guided by the Holy Spirit
We are inspired if we can hear it
The voice of God from within
Where to go when to begin

We believe and we receive
Thus we are able to achieve
Because God wills it all for us
We obey – He gives us the plus

We are here on an eternal quest
On our pathway we are but a guest
This life is our test to be worthy
For where we will end this journey

Have you ever been asked 
To do something over tasked
Impossible for you but not for Him
God did not choose you on a whim

God knows the beginning and the end
It is your free will that may not bend
To His Will we must be fully aware
Only way to know is through prayer

Whatever He asks of you on cue
You must be willing and able to do
You must obey His daily demand
It is not a wish – it is a command

So if you are daily thinking 
How to God’s plan you be linking
Listen to what the Spirit asks of you
Then you will know just what to do

If failure plagues you – anxiety too
If life in general is making you blue
If you are lost without a compass
Get off your bum kick up a rumpus

The trick to making the duress stop
Is to get up and move till you plop
Override the mental with exercise
Be not fearful – just be otherwise

God has a remedy for whatever ails you 
Tap into His Spirit – sit not and just stew
For greater is He who lives within
Than he whose goal is to mire in sin

Know that God wants only what is best
For you to successfully complete the test
Develop those gifts and talents for your story
Give Him the effort He deserves for His Glory

D01: 06/05/2022


Duchess01 Wednesday, 11 September 2024


Hearken Ye – Blest are the Pure in Heart;
For they shall see our God when they depart;
The secret of the Lord is surely theirs;
In Christ’s abode – their souls become heirs!

Their lives give glory to the Prince of Peace
Their love for Him is strong – it will not cease;
Like Him – they dwell in lowliness – with men;
Like Him – their pattern for holiness – Amen!

To the lowly soul – His grace He imparts;
With His Spirit pure – He fills their hearts;
For His cradle – and His heavenly throne;
He chooses the Pure in Heart – they alone!

Lord – Let us pray – Thy presence we seek;
Lord – For we pray – Thy blessing unique;
Give us – we pray – a pure and lowly heart;
The Grace from Your Spirit that You impart!

The temple within – we will surely refine;
For the pure resting place of the Divine;
Purify us, Oh Lord – that we may be worthy;
To receive Your Grace – wholly and humbly!

Give us this day your blessing, Oh Lord;
Keep us securely – surely in Your Word;
Let Your Spirit abide within us today;
For You are the Truth, the Life, and the Way!

Blest are the Pure in Heart – the Bible says;
For they are the ones who know God’s ways;
Create in us all – a heart that is pure;
So we will be servants of all – for sure!

Let not worldly concerns sweep us away;
Temptation and sinfulness – let us defray;
For it is in giving – that we will receive;
And the Pure in Heart – will ever believe!

The Glory of God – will be theirs to enjoy;
If they seek His face – in all they employ;
Grant us – Oh, Lord – a heart that is pure;
For the Pure in Heart – will surely endure!

D01: 07/29/2013


Duchess01 Second poem for the day Wednesday, 11 September 2024


To whom do we go when we are troubled
When our challenges in life are doubled
We might go to a relative or a friend
Discuss the problem in full to no end

In reality what should we do instead
When problems arise rear their ugly head
We should pray and get into His Presence
We should seek and find His Holy Essence

Where does the Spirit of God reside
Purely in us if in Him we abide
Man can provide some comforting solace 
But God’s pristine provision is flawless

The Bible details promises fulfilled
It teaches us Our Father is strong-willed
It provides stories of the days gone by
Prophecies probabilities from on high

The Bible explains the what when and how
We learn quickly why we reap what we sow
We’re taught of His commands and His rules
Given instructions and the proper tools

With holy knowledge there can be no doubt
What God’s Word can do what it’s all about
There is one requirement for us to achieve
We must be holy and we must believe

Because we believe God bestows His love
His Army of Angels charged from above
His faithfulness and power open wide
And His Holy Spirit resides inside

D01: 07/23/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 12 September 2024


I said a little prayer for you
Tho’ we have never met
I only know you slightly
From the Internet

I see you everyday 
While I am on my way
Traveling thru cyberspace
Your love I will embrace

I hear you reaching out
To give your piece of news
Sometimes you give a shout
Provide your special views

I thank God you stopped by
With what He gave to share
Right from your own mind’s eye
I am grateful that you care

Just so you know why I came
To this special place today
I am here to send you Angels
To help you on your way

I pray for you all the best
God can give to you
I said a little prayer for you
Gave thanks for all you do!

D01: 10/30/2020


Duchess01 Friday, 13 September 2024


Comfort me, Oh Lord, for I am sorely afflicted;
From Your confidence and light I have drifted;
Surrounded by machines that tests my body;
My brain works sporadically – and shoddy!

I have wandered around in a fog for weeks;
My muscles don’t hold; my voice it squeaks;
My joints are rubbing; my bones are frail;
I know not where I’m going or – to what avail!

Something deep inside – it seizes me tight;
I cannot even sleep all through the night;
I stumble and startle and I get confused;
From life I have retracted – joy is refused!

Comfort me, Oh Lord; I know not what to do;
Of what use I am – in this state – to serve You;
What have I done – oh, where have I failed?
I suspect that will be shown – and unveiled!

I’ve worried my wife, my family, and more;
This is not something I ever done before;
For I was the one to whom many would turn;
And now I am the object of much concern!

You have brought me down into such a state;
A place I would not go – or gravitate;
Helpless and hopeless before You – I am;
A carpenter not happy with this doorjamb!

There is a tumor that grew inside of my head;
Normally, it is something I would surely dread;
Then – in all of the hassle – to discover what;
Came an outpouring of love – a prayer putt!

Encouragement – zeal – I’ve not seen before;
With no knowledge of what might be in store;
In the weeks and months ahead and toward;
What You have in mind to bring forth forward!

Comfort me, Oh Lord, reveal Your hand;
I can take it, Lord; I will understand;
Unafraid am I of what may lie before me;
Help me, Oh Lord, I sincerely implore Thee!

Carry me, Lord, through the maze of trials;
Strengthen me, Lord, through the chorals;
Abide in me, Lord, through thick and thin;
Reside in me, Lord, renew me within!

D01: 07/02/2013


Duchess01 Saturday 14 September 2024


I said a little prayer for You
And You and You and You
It was so instantaneous 
Cause I care so much for You!

I asked Our Heavenly Father
To bless each and every one
From early in the morning
Until the day is done.

I asked Our Heavenly Physician
To heal you; make you whole
To reach inside of you and touch
Your mind, body, and soul!!!

I asked the Heavenly Angels
To attend to all your needs
To lift you up and comfort you
And help you plant those seeds!!!

 I asked the Holy Spirit
To guide, inspire, and direct
Every single step you take
Mind, body, and soul perfect.

I asked those who are suffering
Remember one important thing
After the trial is over
His blessings He will bring!!!

I asked God for some laughter
The best medicine we know
To ease your pain wherever
As you come and as you go.

But most of all I asked God
To heal your aching heart
And from you never never
To leave you or depart!!!

D01: 11/20/2021


Duchess01 Saturday 14 September 2024 (2nd poem)


Whoever values the world – is not of God;
The Spirit cannot dwell in him – he is flawed;
Seek ye first the kingdom of God – in His Word;
All will be added too – have you not heard?

The Power of the Spirit is immense;
Indwelled with the Spirit is intense;
There is no comparison – none at all;
To anything worldly – the world is too small!

His Spirit within you empowers – protects;
He convicts you of sin – and He corrects;
No power in the universe – can compare;
Anytime – anyplace – or anywhere!

Trust in God – keep close contact – let Him in;
Pray He will send His Spirit to dwell within;
When the Spirit indwells – He guides your way;
Whatever you do – whatever you say!

All bad feelings – all hurt – attendant pain;
He will dispel – till you are free again;
He will guide your heart – so free you will stay;
The demons that pursue you – He’ll keep at bay!

All turmoil – torment – they seek to create;
He will disable – and surely abate;
Keep in obedience – and He’ll bless you;
With His gifts and fruits – that’s what He will do!

When you are tempted – by the evil one;
Think not twice – ask Him – and it will be done;
Take this thought from me – please take it away;
In Jesus’ Name – it has no power to stay!

In all that you do – what you encounter;
He will assist – and put it asunder;
Fear not the evil one – his power fades;
With the Spirit inside – His power aids!

In the supernatural war – we fight each day;
There’s no greater power – to keep them away;
Than His Spirit inside you – strengthening;
Protecting – their distance He’s lengthening!

Come – Holy Spirit – within me – I pray;
Keep all evil from me – keep it at bay;
Keep my heart – and my thoughts – pure with Your grace;
Indwell in my heart – shine Your light on my face!

D01: 12/02/2013


Duchess01 Sunday, 15 September 2024


Jesus said: Ye are the light of the world 
As children of God darkness is unfurled
We walk as children in the light of God
Because He called us out not to be flawed

If we walk in the light as He is in the light
We have fellowship with one another aright
The Blood of the Lamb cleanses all from sin
Darkness cannot exist or live within

Let light shine out of darkness in our hearts
Where knowledge of His Glory light imparts
His Word is a lamp right unto our feet 
A light unto our path none can defeat

Let your light shine bright before all others
Show your good works to sisters brothers
All praise to the Heavenly Father of all
That they may give glory both great and small

Then your light shall break forth like the dawn
Your healing shall spring up quickly bygone
Your righteousness shall go well before you
The Glory of God behind you accrue

Your eye is the lamp of your whole body 
When the eye is healthy it shines broadly
But when it is not beware you will see
Darkness will envelope encompass thee

Come out of the darkness into the light
Proclaim the excellence of God outright
He who walks in darkness loses his way
But he who walks with God will not stray

D01: 07/30/2023


Duchess01 Monday, 16 September 2024


Blessed are they who believe outright;
Who have eyes to see – and His insight;
Who have heard His Word – and abide in it;
Who – through His Spirit – simply intuit!

Faith – is a leap into the unknown – unseen;
It requires obedience – pure and pristine;
When the voice of the Spirit – guides the heart;
The unforeseen fear will quickly depart!

Faith is belief – the assent of the mind;
To the truth of another – from behind;
Resting on the authority – of the Spirit;
Judgment less evidence – you will merit!

Faith is relief – the release of the mind;
God’s revelation of the highest kind;
Confidence comes – from the mind of God;
A wondrous gift – to whit we are awed!

Belief in the scriptures – is the basis of faith;
The being and perfection of God – is a wraith;
Through Jesus Christ – and His revelation;
Our faith in Him – brings this elevation!

Faith is confidence – in the promises of God;
Without which through life – in fear – we will trod;
The truthful declarations – in His Holy Word;
Are accurate acclamations – be rest assured!

Faith is not speculation – it is truth;
A gift from God – He granted in youth;
With certainty in what – God has declared;
Inspired by Him – cannot be impaired!

Faith is correctness – assurance of heart;
That God will uphold us right from the start;
Adherence to the truth is beyond reproach;
With sincerity – honesty – above approach!

If you have faith like the mustard seed;
You will not sin – in word or in deed;
Faith will uphold you – through turmoil and pain;
With confidence – in His Word – you will gain!

Step forward in faith – leave fear behind;
Let faith be an asset – to body and mind;
Trust in His Word – and His veracity;
Let His grace increase – faith capacity!

D01: 10/06/2013


bakocarl Tuesday, 17 September 2024

What Trump says is, but maybe it ain’t
It could be true, but maybe a feint
You might believe, but may never know
Is it left or right – which way to go?

Trump says it’s good, but maybe means bad
And though he said gent, did he mean cad?
So how can we tell just what he meant
Did he mean this? What was his intent?

Some people say they know what Trump means
They say we’re dumb, but they got smart genes
So we, for sure, must follow their posts
Heed all their words; marvel at their boasts

Perhaps we should all pause for a while
Every post’s not chuck full of Trump’s guile
Every word’s not a code or a clue
Every number’s not a post from Q

Take life easy and back off the pace
Life’s not a sprint at a hectic pace
Look all around, see God’s will and hand
For all of this is what God has planned

Hold tight to faith; stand tall and believe
God holds gifts we’re about to receive
Keep looking up for we’re almost done
The prize is ours because God has won


Duchess01 Tuesday, 17 September 2024


In morning’s first light, I think fondly of You;
I ponder in my heart – what You will ask I do;
My morning petitions in prayer I plead;
What is it, Lord – from me – that You most need?

Send forth Your Spirit to enlighten me;
Give me Your discernment so I may be;
Understanding and mindful of Your plan;
Ready to serve You the best that I can!

Set up your appointment of the divine;
In my mind and heart – clarify – refine;
Your Will not mine – must be forever Thine;
Through all human endeavor and by design!

It is You who determines what will be;
The fate of mankind o’er land and o’er sea;
Who is man that You would care about him?
After all he has done through selfish whim?

Many of our brethren suffer each day;
At the hands of evil to our dismay;
What can I do to dismantle and jam?
When meek and lowly – Your servant I am!

Strengthen me, Lord – to fight valiantly now;
Through prayer and fasting – feed me somehow;
Lift up my brethren – and strengthen them, too;
The Font of Blessing – comes only from You!

Gather Your angels – of the warring kind;
Leave not a single man – woman behind;
Send forth Your Spirit – by Your mighty hand;
Break the evil hold – over all the land!

Give us this day Your sweet heavenly bread;
Make certain – your children – they – are all fed;
Gather in prayer – your brethren today;
Help us – Oh, Lord – keep all evil at bay!

Our Father – who in Heaven resides;
Send forth Your Spirit who in us abides;
Have mercy on us – oh, please hear my cry;
The Font of Blessing – oh, please do apply!

D01: 07/24/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday, 18 September 2024


We do not know what tomorrow will bring
In reality we are not sure of anything
We close our eyes give way to sleep
There is no guarantee not even a peep

We say good-night to those we love
Entrust our rest to God above
Who knows the beginning from the end
Our entire life it is He who penned

Our days are full of challenges we know not
The what when why and how the outcome naught
As we awaken to a brand new day
It is God who is there to guide our way

It is He who brings light into our lives
It is we who strive and trustingly thrives 
It is He who shows us the path the way
Who unconditionally loves us everyday

It is He who gave us our free will choice
It is He who gave us His grace to voice
Our decisions be they right or wrong
Will determine our stance weak or strong

Will we give in to temptation and quit
Will we be weak and meek not give a whit
Will we be strong and fight the good fight
Or will we be tempted to just take flight

We have no insight into what might come
We have no idea what direction from
If our lives are justified through others
If our needs are fulfilled by another’s

If we live each day in the last place
Will we ever be first in any case
Will we finally learn to love ourselves
Or leave our desires on the shelves

In every phase of life on earth
What we do will prove our worth
How we adjust to the highs and lows
Will determine which way our life goes

When stuck in a rut of sorrow and woe
We really have no direction to go
We haven’t asked God what He wants us to do
We are simply comfortable in feeling blue

We grieve our situation and that’s ok
He would not want it any other way
We seem to think we will figure it out
All on our own mind you we have no doubt

But God knows and He will wait for you
He’ll show you daily what He wants you to do
Signs and wonders before you displayed
All in the balance come forth to be weighed

Love one another is what you must do
Love one another as He has loved you
Listen to the clues He provides you each day
Being true to yourself is the only way

Now is the time to spread your wings
To set your sights on universal things
You might have no idea what that means
But God Knows what He put in your genes

D01: 02/16/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s something a bit different – a poem by Elon Musk!

Cited here…..


Some poetry by…..

Elon Musk? 😅

Atheism left an empty space

Secular religion took its place 

But left the people in despair 

Childless hedonism sans care

Maybe religion’s not so bad

To keep you from being sad


Duchess01 Thursday, 19 September 2024


Deliver me, Lord who am so miserable;
My enemies assail me – most accusable;
Desirous of my forthcoming adjustability;
They demand in an instant – accountability!

For Your sake, Lord, I would suffer it all;
Any indignity that upon me might fall;
It is for you, Lord, that I live and I am;
It is for you, Lord, that I study and cram!

Have I not kept thy holy precepts?
Have I not shared these holy concepts?
Have I not loved my neighbor as myself?
Have I put my feelings – back on the shelf?

You are faithful in all Your words and deeds;
You provide not our wants, but all our needs;
You are with us always – just as You promised;
Giving us Your peace – so we may be calmest!

Cease from thy anger and forsake all wrath;
Fret not of thyself; deter not thy path;
Return not evil for evil – and do thee good;
Retain thy righteousness – as thee should!

Take care with thy words – lest they painful sting;
For truth can be hurtful – not a pleasant thing;
Words – they cannot ever return to the mouth;
Once out in the air – they will surely turn south!

Oh, Lord – if correction and conviction I need;
Please send me Your Spirit – to my heart let it speed;
Not a moment can I be away from You;
I cannot live on – I know not what to do!

Conflict me – convict me – and give me the pain;
I have caused another – with words I have slain;
It matters not whether or not it be true;
Nothing is worth being separated from You!

Bring healing and peace – reconciliation, too;
Do with me what you want – whatever you do;
It cannot be worse than what you endured;
Please don’t leave me alone and uncured!

I trust in Your judgment so whatever you do;
I will suffer in silence – imitative of you;
I will seek not comfort – nor praise from You;
So do what you must – to refresh and renew!

Deliver Me, Lord – and make it alright;
I have forgiven all – and I’ll stay out of sight;
Never again will I use words to say;
Nor with my words again will I slay!

D01: 08/11/2013


Duchess01 says…

This was God’s response individually to a vicious, nasty group encounter wherein the Peacemaker was told to butt out !!!
I prayed – and the Holy Spirit inspired the writing of this poem !!!


Duchess01 Friday, 20 September 2024


When God gave His Only Begotten Son;
The ransom for souls – the victory won;
He demonstrated His great love to be;
For all His Beloved – for you and me!

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are redeemed;
There’s no other way it could be it seemed;
His sacrifice was pure – untainted by sin;
Let the suffering end – His new life begin!

There is no greater love one man can give;
Than to lay down His life and to forgive;
He forgave His oppressors – yes He did;
His victory over death – all amid!

What does God want in return for His love?
Is it peace among men or branch of olive?
For what do we strive to do day after day?
What is it we need – to live only His way?

We must love Him with our mind, heart, and soul;
Serve Him through others – His heart to console;
Serve no other gods – no idols have we;
The servant of all – He wants us to be!

We must keep our Sabbath to worship Him;
Not just for one day – but surely passim;
We must honor our earthly mother and dad;
The best of caretakers we ever had!

We must not kill our brother – any way;
In spirit or slander or libel – betray;
We must take not – what belongs not to us;
Or covet the goods of another thus!

We must not covet the wife of any man;
Or lust in our hearts because we can;
No envy or malice can we keep inside;
Nor from God should we ever seek to hide!

We must love our neighbor as Jesus loved;
Do all that we can – make him so beloved;
For it is in giving that we will receive;
And it is in dying – we come to believe!

Dying to self – to follow Jesus, Our Lord;
Is that which will bring us to full accord;
Keeping His Word – we must strive to do;
For God’s Great Love lives in me and you!

D01: 07/26/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

bakocarl Friday, 20 September 2024

None Shall Sleep

Beware, woke traitors, hide in your holes,
Your pact with demons has cost you your souls.
You reaped your pleasures through the dark night,
Now you’re exposed, revealed by the light.

You, who planned and attempted a coup,
Keepers of justice are coming for you.
You betrayed your country to hold power,
Now justice is coming. Shake and cower!

A foul, evil fog in the dark of night
Creeps under your door, a bone chilling fright.
You wake, drenched in sweat, stifle a scream,
But you still fear that it isn’t a dream

You look everywhere – there’s fear in the air
What’s that? A noise? A creak on the stair?
The stench of fear oozes from your pores.
Your heart pounds as chill clutches your core.

You’re gripped by fear that they come in the morn
Or yet before, in the dark before dawn.
The choice isn’t yours, the time or the place
When you’ll be taken in shame and disgrace.

You hailed your dark lord and drank his brew,
Now you must pay that devil his due.
You squandered your life as a traitor so far,
You can waste the rest in jail behind bars.

And as is just for few or many,
Your lives, worthless, less than a slug penny.
Just recompense for your victims’ abuse,
Your future lies with hemp rope and noose


Duchess01 Saturday, 21 September 2024


Fill me with Your Grace, Lord
Make me virtuous and kind
Please slow down the pace, Lord
Help me decompress unwind

The enemy is relentless
A perpetual pain in the behind
Repulsively rapt repentless
To forgiveness bombastically blind

The world and its inhabitants
Suffer daily duress and distress
From warring evil combattants 
Subversive seditious nonetheless

This kind goeth out by fasting and prayer
There is no other way around it 
Be not hasty and please be aware
That armored up you can pound it

Patience is a Virtue 
A Virtue is a Grace
With them both together
You put evil in its place

God will never challenge you
With more than you can bear
He will not leave you wanting 
Here there or anywhere 

So if you are short on patience
Feeling not virtuous at all 
Unduly courting complaisance
Listen to the sound of His call

Ask and request the grace you seek
Believe and receive it right quick
Be assured as you outright speak
Gifted to you it will just click

For by grace it is you are saved
Through faith tis a gift of God
By itself cannot be waived
Through God a gift to be awed

D01: 03/21/2023


Duchess01 upon hearing of the death Marcia’s father, Saturday 21 September 2024.




We are excited for our day with you
Wonder what unexpected we will do
Unlike what we normally would see
Amazing activities planned by thee
We are spoiled by tech and silly specs
But God’s creation has its effects
Only you know what we need to see
Better for us you just happened to be

We had no idea our time here with you
Would enrich us with memories anew
We cannot imagine our life without
The marvel of God’s creation no doubt

Ah but you Papa are surely determined
We’d eventually be God’s confirmand
Oblivious we’re to what God had planned
An outing with you and this merry band

As we stroll about we will most likely miss
Creatures God blessed with His heavenly kiss
The little ones we take but for granted
His creation to support what’s planted

Maybe someday we will come forth to see
What God had foreseen wanted us to be
Right now we are watching wondering what
We are experiencing that will jut

We might not know that being here now
Is God’s way of reaching us somehow
Through Him and with Him we will always be
Closer to Him and closer to thee – PAPA

D01: 07/28/2023


Secret Garden – Official

Last edited 5 months ago by para59r

Duchess01 Sunday, 22 September 2024


Is your brain close to being fried
Can you believe how much they lied
Can you imagine what they did
The evil they devised and kept hid

Is this a military operation
That is really running our nation
Or is it a God-centered blessing
That will leave the enemy confessing

They claim we are in an information war
Well if that is true what is the score
How far are we interdictory
How close are we to victory 

Our patience it is wearing thin
As we traverse thru the storm we’re in
How close are we to the end
Of this horror movie penned

There is one thing that is certain
The drawing of the veiled curtain
As their evil plot it thickens
From dark to light it quickens

The battlefield has forever been
Between good and evil from within
The imbalance caused by ignorance
Left us all shrink-wrapped in a trance

Until we awakened right on cue
We had no idea of what to do 
Our daily agony just lengthened
Until we gathered and strengthened

Infiltrated extensively to the max
With enemy operatives in packs
Mesmerized imbibed and bribed
By the powers of darkness ascribed

Only God can disband this formidable foe
One that travels back and forth to and fro
That inhabits weak unsuspecting hosts
That of his successes he often boasts

The remnant petitioned the Throne of Grace
To bombard the enemy and deter his pace
With fire, fury and force He will outpace
With His Army of Angels He will displace

As pharaoh in his arrogance He smote
The Corrupt Cabal will miss the boat
We will be free as He meant us to be 
God will save America soon you’ll see

D01: 06/27/2022


Duchess01 Monday, 23 September 2024


When confronted with impossible odds
With insurmountable bauds and frauds
We look to contemplation and reason
Inward outward no matter the season

After consideration of every option
The master chosen is the swaption
Of the world we should be but naught
Through daily struggles we get caught

We twist and turn aimlessly all about
Filled with anger anguish dastardly doubt
We are tossed in the storm of no return
For the Peace of the Lord we surely yearn 

What can we do to detach and dispatch
The obvious outrageous moot mismatch
What have we done that we need to undo
What can we do to secure a breakthrough

What did we do at the start that went wrong
Why is it so hard and taking so long
Why do we struggle to figure it out
It all comes back to the matter of doubt

What did Thomas doubt that was unseen
What was he missing that should have been
Why did he hesitate when others believed
What did they have he had not received

We know the story of Thomas the doubter
Unfortunately some have played the flouter
Of little faith were Thomas and Matthew
By His Word we really did not have to

In Proverbs 3 – lies quality advice
The commands are simple and thrice
Trust – Lean Not – and do Acknowledge
The path made straight by pre-knowledge

Does faith precede you in all that you do
Is obedience without further ado
Do you take it up with Him first or last
Is your turmoil present or is it past

Does doubt deter and mesmerize your mind
Do you panic because you fell behind
Are you anxiety-ridden and far off course
Have you considered the unseemly source

When we dare to doubt the Power of God
We fail to trust – acknowledge – give Him laud
We think falsely there is naught He can do
Tho’ the impossible He can make anew

A time when we were too lost and tossed
It appeared the bridge could not be crossed
The mountain was much too high to mount
And problems were too numerous to count

Not so – not anymore – God is in charge
Man cannot solve worldwide turmoil at large
Much too soon the enemy took control
Before too long he’ll be in a blackhole

One man cannot right the wrongs worldwide
He can make changes with God by his side
When there appears to be no other way
The Power of God will – so let us PRAY!

D01: 04/22/2023


Duchess01 another for Monday, 23 September 2024

comment image


Every time I see a White Butterfly
I think of Wheatie passing by
To say ‘hello’ and check on me
She still cares to stop and see

Every Monday we remember
Her loving heart so warm and tender
Her quickfire wit and mind so sharp
Her watchful attention did not depart

From the beginning of this Q tree
She managed with Wolf it to be
A place to gather to contemplate
The clues and dews to acclimate 

The history and mystery of days gone by
The what when where and even the why
Discerning and concerning what will be
When the future proves past the Q theory

Albeit she knew where to take the flock
To maneuver the convo watch the clock
Little did we know what was concealed
What was under her wings to be revealed

We cannot forget what she gave to us
How she and PHC provided the plus
As these two spirits watch over the blog
We are enriched and ensured and agog

” Monday Monday so good to me
Monday Morning was all I hoped it would be
Oh Monday Morning couldn’t guarantee
That Monday Evening you would still be here with me…”

D01: 09/23/2024


Duchess01 Tuesday, 24 September 2024


Look here – Look there – Look everywhere
But – Do Not Look Up – because God is there
Focus on God – not distractions you see
What just might happen or could come to be

Who can you trust more than the Creator
Who will tell the truth – Who is the greater
What motivates man to kill steal destroy
For what purpose will deceit he deploy

If the treasure of the heart is evil
It brings forth chaos and opt upheaval
For the selfish concern of the wayward
Conjures up a nation in the nayward

As we contemplate core current events
We’re reminded of biblical portents
When a group of people were held captive
Oppressed and abused became adaptive

For four hundred years we longed to be free
Deceived and deterred twas not meant to be
Howbeit no idea what we had become
Suddenly we are returning therefrom

Unscrupulous men sold our nation out
And that is what this fight is all about
We were fools to believe their blatant lies
So this struggle should come as no surprise

Right now we are uniting under God’s wings
We no longer believe outrageous things
We are watching and waiting until such time
As God unleashes His Justice Divine

D01: 08/29/2023


Duchess01 Wednesday 25 September 2024


Have mercy on me, my Lord and My God;
Trapped in iniquity I have trod;
Against Thee alone have I surely sinned;
‘Tween a rock and a hard place I am pinned!

I acknowledge my transgression, Oh Lord;
Away from your presence, there’s no accord;
My sin is ever before me, Oh Lord;
Evil in Your sight – I cannot afford!

Purge me with hyssop – and I shall be clean;
Wash away my iniquity – unforeseen;
Hide Thy face from my sin – blot it all out;
I cry unto You – let there be no doubt!

Restore me by grace – give me Your wisdom;
Leave me not lingering in this chasm;
Uphold me secure in spirit divine;
Break the grasp of sin – let me not opine!

The joy of salvation has bypassed me;
Uphold and mold me – oh please set me free;
Open my mouth – and I will sing your praise;
Forgive me my sin – my voice I will raise!

From my transgression – oh, make me anew;
I will teach others what they need to do;
Sinners will seek to reconcile with You;
From my heart, I promise this I will do!

Whenever your sin is before you to see;
Waste not a moment – repent ye quickly;
Be not away from His presence assure;
For the wages of sin is death for sure!

Be not afraid – He is waiting for you;
So humble yourself – you know what to do;
Ask him to wash your transgression away;
Refresh you – renew you – this very day!

There is only one sin with no recompense;
The sin of unbelief really makes no sense;
When the Spirit convicts you – do not hide;
Ask Him to cleanse you from outside inside!

The last step is important to complete;
It is the requirement – most replete;
Reconciliation with God – you must do;
If you want His Spirit to live within you!

D01: 07/26/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 26 September 2024


Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!

Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!

Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!

Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!

Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!

Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!

I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!

Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!

Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!

Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!

Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!

D01: 07/14/2013


Duchess01 Thursday special thanks 26 September 2024


Thank You for allowing me to post
What in my heart I value the most
What God wants to share with you today
A message for all to take on your way

This blog has a purpose prescribed by He
An opt subscription that simply must be
We cannot decide what we represent
It’s determined by He and Heaven sent

So thank you all for letting me butt in
For diverting your attention toward Him
For allowing Him to bog bless this blog
For excusing me for being agog

God Bless All Y’all Real Good !!! 💙🧚🏻‍♀️💙

comment image


Duchess01 Friday, 27 September 2024


In the early morning light, I see YOU;
I begin the day just right; I pray, too;
I recall the blessings YOU have given;
I ask to be Holy Spirit driven!

I thank you for the sunshine YOU have sent;
For the flowers and trees; their nourishment;
I thank YOU profusely for loving me;
And pray I may serve YOU graciously!

Oh, but lately, Lord, I’m having trouble;
I’m anxious, lonely, and seeing double;
I do not know what has come over me;
It’s been really hard connecting with Thee!

Overwhelmed at times, I can find no rest;
From the constant barrage of evil’s quest;
From unwelcome guests who rob me of time;
From interrupted prayers to outright crime!

Where are you, Lord? I need you right now;
Come quickly into my heart somehow;
Fill me with your Spirit and make me whole;
Let me suffer no more with this empty soul!

Hear my cry in the day and into the night;
Protect me by day and by night, be my light;
Let not Thy presence be hidden from me;
In your mercy, Lord, hide my sin from Thee!

Whatever I have done or have not done;
Let it be known; let victory be won;
Gather me into Thy Loving embrace;
Wash the pain and tears away from my face!

Reveal to me what I have done so wrong;
Away from YOU, I have suffered so long;
The emptiness inside is so hard to bear;
I wonder, at times, if YOU are even there!

Where are you, Lord? Oh, please hear my call;
I’m confused, broken in my wherewithal;
Why are you silent in my time of need?
Is it because of my secular greed?

Have I not attended to my daily prayer?
Have I neglected for my neighbor to care?
Have I been selfish thinking only of me?
Oh yes, that is it – that is what it must be!

Hence the reason for the anxiety;
My trust in YOU, Lord, has just ceased to be;
My heart is on things of the world not YOU;
No wonder I’m hurting, lonely, and blue!

Thank you, DEAR LORD, for clearing the air;
For sending YOUR SPIRIT for me to care;
For renewing in me hope, love, and peace;
For making this longing finally cease!
Forgive me, Lord, for my selfish pride;
For from you I have been trying to hide;
For feeling unworthy to share with YOU;
My ineptitude and shortcomings, too!

Why did I even think YOU did not care?
Why did I ever refuse with YOU to share?
Why did I think YOU could never relate?
To the suffering I simply abate!

Did you not see in the Garden at prayer?
The loneliness a man is forced to bear;
When he is abandoned by all in the end;
When no one will stay; not even a friend?

Did you not ask for this cup to pass?
Was it your fear? What was it alas?
Was this just another human refrain?
Something YOU would do all over again?

No, you were not complaining it’s not fair;
And you were not wishing YOU did not care;
YOU were just preparing YOUR human side;
To let YOUR soul with YOUR Father reside!

So I’ll take my cue directly from YOU;
And stop thinking of me as YOU would do;
Deny myself and just follow YOUR lead;
And YOU will provide whatever I need!

D01: 4/05/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 28 September 2024


When you discern a sign what comes to mind
Is it a warning or portend combined
Does it alarm you or charm your senses
Do you take heed or disarm your defenses

The contrast between the natural true
And what’s in the supernatural queue
A sign or wonder in the mind’s eye 
An ordinary occurrence nigh

The secret to both is to whom they point
And to what they prophesy and anoint
The purpose is your awareness of God
To recognize His power and be awed

An unexpected divine intervention 
Is sure to inspire and get attention 
The problem arises when fake seems real
Forged apparitions have their appeal

False prophets perform actions that fool
Their manifestations fail as a rule
Signs seek to enhance bring about belief
Wonders serve as signs of future relief

Miracles are evidence of God’s power
They last for much longer than an hour
Healing comes not from man or of his hand
That was never designed or even planned

Only God can work wonders and give signs
By His great love and His power confines
The miraculous is in His domain alone
There’s no greater gift from God ever known

D01: 07/15/2023


bakocarl Sunday, 29 September 2024

comment image

The Little Chapel sighed, up on the hill,
“What can I do now, so my pews will fill?
The sun is rising, the day comes anew.
No one here now. Maybe later, a few.”

“I look quite nice, out here with the trees,
All fragrant with pine in the light breeze.
My paint is fresh, so clean and so bright,
And inside, too, the colors blend just right.”

“I’m cool in the summer, when it’s so hot,
 And in the winter, I’m a safe, warm spot.
I let all know “When you’re here, you’re home.”
In God’s Presence, with Him on His throne.”

“I welcome all people in my small town,
To come worship God with joy and bow down
With all thanks to our Holy One,
In His Great Spirit, through Jesus, His Son.”

“My music is sweet as we sing God’s praise
And hear His Word to walk in His Ways.
For in our world there’s nothing as great
As God’s gift to us – our eternal state.”

“So, what is it, why people stay away?
Why are pews empty every Lord’s Day?
Is there more that I must learn and do,
So more will stay and not just pass through?”

“Remembering now, my role becomes clear,
As I should have learned over these years.
It’s God’s Power that brings people here.
It’s God’s power that makes them draw near.”

“So, I must learn, just as those in my care,
To fully trust God and ask Him in prayer
To bring those near He holds in His hand,
So they learn to trust and in God’s strength stand.”

“For we stand together in this long fight
To banish the dark and bring in God’s Light.
He is my God, just as He is yours –
I’m here to serve and hold open my doors.”

Our lot is different, for first comes our souls.
Trust and follow Jesus, that is our role.
Dig deep in God’s Word to nourish our roots.
Grow strong in Christ and bear the Spirit’s Fruit.

Although we’re living on this troubled sphere
We’re in God’s family; He’s always near.
We were purchased by Christ’s bitter cup.
To God be all glory – keep looking up!


Duchess01 Sunday, 29 September 2024


Weary of the world travails and troubles
With each day that passes the trial doubles
What must we do when life gets in the way
We go to our Special Place and we pray

The only peaceful place in His Presence
His Holy Word wherein lies His essence
To Him we come to refresh and renew 
 From the hardships that dost daily accrue

We trust in His love to see us through
What He has decreed and brought us to
We can do nothing aside from His care
Without Him we would be going nowhere

In the busyness of our daily routine
We have little time to stop and come clean
Our prayers are hurried and incomplete
Our growth in grace is oft bittersweet

We need to break free of the vicious trap
The enemy squeezes into the gap
Despite our armor and our daily prep
The enemy pursues at ev’ry step

He will not retreat til we demand it
By the power in us we command it
Greater is He that is within us than
He in the world who is lower than man

When life makes no sense we must retreat
When burdens are heavy and we are beat
There’s only one place where God can be found
It is that Special Place you keep around

D01: 07/13/2023


Duchess01 Monday, 30 September 2024


Love your neighbor as I have loved you;
This is what Jesus asked us all to do;
Judge not or you will be judged right the same;
Blame not a soul – don’t defile his or her name!

Only God knows the heart – it is His to know;
Backbiting and gossip – we must forego;
If we engage in demeaning our brother;
It hurts only us – not at all the other!

For God does not look kindly on attacks;
It is He who will correct – give the whacks;
In His conviction – he will pity the one;
Vengeance is His – and will be swiftly done!

Jesus wants us to forgive – or we will not;
When we ask forgiveness – as we ought;
We must be willing to forgive and forget;
Or forgiveness of sins – we’ll not beget!

Blaming one’s neighbor – to elevate self;
That’s not what God wants – for him or herself;
We must be accountable for falling short;
Of His glory and mercy – no smart retort!

What will we say when we stand before Him;
Will we make excuses – keep blaming Jim?
At that point it’ll be too late for amends;
It will be pointless then to forgive our friends!

Forgiveness is freedom from guilt and shame;
It comes when we repent and take the blame;
For our cruelty and meanness toward another;
For falsely accusing our sister or brother!

Be slow to anger – and quick to forgive;
Without guilt and guile is the way to live;
With love and understanding – you will be;
In God’s good graces – and frankly – free!

Creating strife among one’s sister or brother;
It is not really how you love one another;
Jesus commanded us to love as He did;
His Peace He gave us – to share not forbid!

Forgive one another – be a light in the dark;
Be love toward your brother – and set the spark;
For the peacemakers – the Word says are duly;
Called Children of God – and quite blessed – truly!

D01: 11/17/2013


Duchess01 Tuesday, 1 October 2024


Happy are those who Feast on Wisdom;
Who savor her knowledge of His Kingdom;
She will refresh and nourish them wisely;
Her assistance is welcome – quite precisely!

Heavenly bread – her drink – understanding;
So succor her knowledge notwithstanding;
Her nourishment is constant and truthful;
Not for the blind of faith – or for the youthful!

Refreshment is – the fruit of the Spirit;
Through the lens of faith – we can intuit;
What can one do with only knowledge alone?
With no understanding – knowledge is prone!

The sweetness of Wisdom is God’s Great Gift;
Knowledge plus understanding – a lofty lift;
From the abyss of deception we will arise;
The richness of Wisdom is for only the wise!

His Word alone – not the fruit of the earth;
Sustains His faithful ones – from their rebirth;
The bread of Wisdom is insight – not mirth;
Her drink is understanding – knowledge worth!

Refreshed by His Word – and nourished divine;
His faithful ones repent – sin – they decline;
His Spirit indwells – in the temple of man;
Where wisdom is instilled – according to plan!

Your steadfastness, Lord, assures that within;
Both knowledge and understanding defeat sin;
When the two are united – wisdom be told;
A magnificent miracle – inside to behold!

For what is a man who is wise beyond years;
If he hears not – listens not – to what he hears;
If he has knowledge without understanding;
His foundation is shaky – so is his landing!

The Gift of the Spirit is Wisdom – and Grace;
The mind becomes avid – with Faith in place
The body is sound – the spirit is free;
So Feast on Wisdom – sweet delicacy!

Proportioned and balanced as God created;
With knowledge and understanding related;
Combined with His Word in perfect harmony;
Let’s Feast on Wisdom – His Word brilliantly!

D01: 08/20/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday, 2 October 2024


Amen – Amen – I say unto you;
Gather together I am with you;
Remember what – for you – I have done;
To ensure you and I live forever as one!

Blessed are you who are poor in spirit;
The Kingdom of God is yours – albeit;
Blessed are you who mourn – in your hearts;
Sweet comfort for you – My Spirit imparts!

Blessed are you who are meek – and lowly;
For you shall inherit the earth – most wholly;
Blessed are you who hunger and thirst;
For righteousness you will be filled and first!

Blessed are you who are merciful – and kind;
Mercy shall be yours – so keep that in mind;
Blessed are you who are purest in heart;
For you will see God from the very start!

Blessed are you who strive to make peace;
As children of God – your joy will not cease;
Blessed are you who are persecuted for right;
The Kingdom of Heaven will be in your sight!

Blessed are you who men revile and persecute;
Relentless for My name’s sake they prosecute;
Saying in all manner of evil you’re defiled;
I will exalt you – you’ll not be beguiled!

Blessed are you who have suffered for Me;
For great your reward in Heaven will be;
As prophets of old suffered greatly as well;
Like them, you profit – your riches will swell!

Be not dismayed – there is right judgment;
Be not distressed – for any begrudge meant;
Know that I see what is hidden from sight;
As in the last days, it is I who is light!

Blessed are you who are faithful and true;
I am He who can see the good that you do;
Truly you are – blessed and holy you be;
Living in paradise – someday with Me!

D01: 07/21/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 3 September 2024


We do not know what tomorrow will bring
In reality we are not sure of anything
We close our eyes give way to sleep
There is no guarantee not even a peep

We say good-night to those we love
Entrust our rest to God above
Who knows the beginning from the end
Our entire life it is He who penned

Our days are full of challenges we know not
The what when why and how the outcome naught
As we awaken to a brand new day
It is God who is there to guide our way

It is He who brings light into our lives
It is we who strive and trustingly thrives 
It is He who shows us the path the way
Who unconditionally loves us everyday

It is He who gave us our free will choice
It is He who gave us His grace to voice
Our decisions be they right or wrong
Will determine our stance weak or strong

Will we give in to temptation and quit
Will we be weak and meek not give a whit
Will we be strong and fight the good fight
Or will we be tempted to just take flight

We have no insight into what might come
We have no idea what direction from
If our lives are justified through others
If our needs are fulfilled by another’s

If we live each day in the last place
Will we ever be first in any case
Will we finally learn to love ourselves
Or leave our desires on the shelves

In every phase of life on earth
What we do will prove our worth
How we adjust to the highs and lows
Will determine which way our life goes

When stuck in a rut of sorrow and woe
We really have no direction to go
We haven’t asked God what He wants us to do
We are simply comfortable in feeling blue

We grieve our situation and that’s ok
He would not want it any other way
We seem to think we will figure it out
All on our own mind you we have no doubt

But God knows and He will wait for you
He’ll show you daily what He wants you to do
Signs and wonders before you displayed
All in the balance come forth to be weighed

Love one another is what you must do
Love one another as He has loved you
Listen to the clues He provides you each day
Being true to yourself is the only way

Now is the time to spread your wings
To set your sights on universal things
You might have no idea what that means
But God Knows what He put in your genes

D01: 02/16/2023


Duchess01 Friday, 4 October 2024


Father God:

We come to You humbly before the Throne of Grace with heavy hearts and thanksgiving for we believe You are with us.

We ask You to quell the turmoil that has plagued our nation and our President over the last four years.

We implore Your Mercy on our nation divided by those who are determined to destroy those who are united in Your Name.

We ask You to silence the voices that speak out against the principles upon which our nation was founded.

We ask You to strengthen our President in the months to come against the forces of evil that plague him daily.

We ask You to rescue the children held in bondage by those who rob them of their innocence and purity.

We ask You to protect the unborn from the ravages of abortion and bring forth a new generation devoted to You.

We ask You to heal those who are suffering mentally, physically, and spiritually through no fault of their own.

We ask You to replenish the livelihoods of those who have suffered loss through hatred and violence.

We ask You to heal our nation attacked by the forces of evil who seek to steal, kill, and destroy all we have accomplished.

We ask You to restore all that has been damaged by those who harbor hatred for us and You.

We ask You to protect our President, his family, and his Team against those who have opposed him since You have called him forward.

We heartily thank You for lifting us up from a physical plague, emotional turmoil, mental anguish, and spiritual warfare. 

We trust in You, lean not on our own understanding, acknowledge You in all of our ways, and believe You will set our path straight.

We give You All Honor and Glory and Praise and we thank You for Your Spirit of guidance and love.

We believe You will once again bless our nation and our President.

We believe You will heal our land and bless our families.

We believe in Your Son, Jesus, who suffered and died for us.

We thank You for blessings received and prayers answered.

We ask and declare it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus.


D01: 09/08/2020


Duchess01 Saturday, 5 October 2024


Of what are you fearful – unsure today?
What makes you tremble – what keeps you at bay?
What bothers you – disturbs your peace at night?
What gives you pause – and puts out your light?

It might be unseen – the unknown that shakes;
The out of control – the unbalanced that quakes;
It could be the undeniable belief;
There is nowhere to go – to get some relief!

Your mind is racing – your heart beating fast;
You wonder how long fearfulness will last;
Release me – Oh, Lord – from the grasp of fear;
Come; Calm me – Oh, Lord – Come, quickly near!

What does this fear come stealthily to take?
How does it disturb – in the night keep awake?
What gives it power o’er what you partake?
Why would you give in – why would you forsake?

The hold that fear can have over its prey;
Is the unbelief that faith takes away;
The opposite of fear is truly belief;
And it is our faith that provides the relief!

What happened to Peter when his faith failed?
His footing gave way – in the water he flailed;
What happens to us when of little faith?
We fall prey to a spirit – of haunting wraith!

Fear can be daunting – paralyzing – haunting;
It can cause us to hold back – be less flaunting;
We will definitely hide all our gifts inside;
Where His Spirit is willing and wants to reside!

The love that we have to give will be thwarted;
As we draw into ourselves – love is hoarded;
From the love of God we have truly withdrawn;
From the embrace of another woebegone!

What must we do to eliminate fear?
We must repent and draw His Spirit near;
We must fast – we must pray – the fear away;
For where faith increases – fear cannot stay!

D01: 09/03/2013


bakocarl Sunday, 6 November 2024

I know a man
The Rocket Man
He jumped for you
In ‘gator shoes
Flying hair
A crisp white shirt
And tailored pants
He’s with Trump, too

He jumped so high
Jumped so high
Then he lightly touched down

Mr. Rocket Man
The great Tesla Man
And our Starlink Man


Duchess01 Monday, 7 October 2024


Our first thought at sunrise we say
Thank You for this beautiful day
For the birds that sing 
The church bells that ring
Your promise to make straight our way

As the coffee is perking we pray
Holy Armor keeps evil away
For protection and strength 
Humbly we pray at length
The enemy will not have his way

Our babies and animals need our care
We hustle with not a moment to spare
With breakfast a cooking
Disheveled we’re looking
As we gather our blessings to share

The dishes pots and pans will soak
While we shower and shave not poke
We dress as we please
With the greatest of ease 
To finish off that which we spoke

With the kitchen all pristine and clean
Over a second cup we can glean
We’ll continue to pray
Before going our way
To work or the garden to stay

Whatever we do it will be for You
As it becomes clearer what we must do
We need you to guide us
To stay close beside us
Praying Your blessings will come and accrue

It is midmorning time to stop and rest 
We stop at the Treehouse sustain our quest
As we scroll on by
Posts will catch the eye
With each comment we are thankfully blessed

If you are in need of a place to rest
Come to the Treehouse and be our guest
There you will find us all of like mind
Just bloggers who stop by to unwind
Prayer Warriors who pray at behest

D01: 05/05/2023


Duchess01 Tuesday, 8 October 2024


Amen – Amen – I say unto you;
Gather together I am with you;
Remember what – for you – I have done;
To ensure you and I live forever as one!

Blessed are you who are poor in spirit;
The Kingdom of God is yours – albeit;
Blessed are you who mourn – in your hearts;
Sweet comfort for you – My Spirit imparts!

Blessed are you who are meek – and lowly;
For you shall inherit the earth – most wholly;
Blessed are you who hunger and thirst;
For righteousness you will be filled and first!

Blessed are you who are merciful – and kind;
Mercy shall be yours – so keep that in mind;
Blessed are you who are purest in heart;
For you will see God from the very start!

Blessed are you who strive to make peace;
As children of God – your joy will not cease;
Blessed are you who are persecuted for right;
The Kingdom of Heaven will be in your sight!

Blessed are you who men revile and persecute;
Relentless for My name’s sake they prosecute;
Saying in all manner of evil you’re defiled;
I will exalt you – you’ll not be beguiled!

Blessed are you who have suffered for Me;
For great your reward in Heaven will be;
As prophets of old suffered greatly as well;
Like them, you profit – your riches will swell!

Be not dismayed – there is right judgment;
Be not distressed – for any begrudge meant;
Know that I see what is hidden from sight;
As in the last days, it is I who is light!

Blessed are you who are faithful and true;
I am He who can see the good that you do;
Truly you are – blessed and holy you be;
Living in paradise – someday with Me!

D01: 07/21/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday, 9 October 2024


Praise the Lord – Who guides our way;
Through His Spirit – to brighten our day;
Touching our hearts – gently and deep;
His Honor and Glory – we value to keep!

Our Father – Who loves us unconditionally;
Is right beside us where we need Him to be;
With Gifts of Grace – to bless us all day;
His Spirit abides – to guide our way!

Praise the Lord – what better advisor;
Could we ever hope – would make us wiser;
When we are perplexed about what to do;
God has a message just for me and you!

Through His Spirit – God speaks to us;
He works out the particulars without the fuss;
He guides us through life’s ups and downs;
Through our successes – and turnarounds!

Praise the Lord – in good times and bad;
Throughout his correction – don’t be sad;
Know that God loves us no matter what;
Through our if/then – and even our but!

God knows what we need before we do;
Cause He sees in the heart of me and you;
All He needs is acknowledgement thrust;
From outside to inside – In God we trust!

Our Faith needs replenishment almost daily;
We need to repent of our sins most ably;
No hiding behind our justification;
Cause God knows our heart identification!

Whenever you are caught in a dilemma or two;
Just go to the Quiet – Let God speak to you;
For in the silence – of your own heart;
His secrets to you – He will gladly impart!

Praise the Lord – for His intuit inspection;
His enduring love – His careful correction;
Whenever we doubt – whatever the case;
It is all about Virtue – His Gift of Grace!

D01: 07/29/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 10 October 2024


The world has been horribly hijacked 
Evil has aggressively attacked
Whatever way we are tempted to turn 
We find ourselves grinded in the quern

Explosions earthquakes sabotage shortages
Destruction destitution poisonous portages
You promised us freedom in a jubilee year
Is it possible this blessing is notably near

You said vengeance is in Your domain
We understand why You must abstain
Your thoughts and timing are surely not ours
We have no doubt in Your mighty powers

We are trying hard to have faith
Not by sight just as you saith
The ungodly spurn and ridicule You
That will be their downfall it is true

The assets of the wicked will be dispersed
To the righteous man as has been versed
We need not worry if God will repay
All they have stolen and taken away

Rest assured God will move unexpectedly
He knows how to manage quite effectively
We need not be concerned if and when
God will have the last word now and then

D01: 02/26/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 12 October 2024


I was just wondering the other day
Why is my friend in a sorrowful way
What is it that has caused him so much grief
Why is it he can find no right relief

Seems to me he has given in this time
To machinations of enemy rhyme
The voice he is hearing is not of God
The adversary perpetrated fraud 

You are not worthy to be loved at all
The enemy’s cruel clarion call
Another has taken your rightful place
And you are left with egg on your face

Well that is just numbnuts my buddy dear
Absolutely absurd do you not hear
Who could possibly replace you in mind
Let’s take a step back and set the rewind

What did you do wrong or not do at all
What turned her head and you fatally fall
What caused the rift and diminish your joy
What evil intent and enemy ploy

Were you not there when she needed you
Did you fail to provide neglect her too
Maybe just maybe no flaw could be found 
Twas probably the other way around

Was the grass greener on the other side
Or was there something she just had to hide
You probably do not want to hear the truth
But you are better off without the uncouth

Have you searched inside and found a lacking
Were you uncaring and prolly slacking
Not paying attention to your own needs
Or the unseen plans and enemy deeds

Are you blaming yourself for what occurred
Without considering it to be blurred
Can you love someone who loved you or not
Truth be told not worth your effort besought

There is naught more precious than love returned
It is for what the heart has always yearned
When two are united with God’s blessing
There is no turmoil and no guessing

D01: 10/12/2024


Duchess01 Sunday, 13 October 2024


We come to Your Altar on bended knee
In the name of Jesus – we pray to Thee
One of our loved ones is in peak peril
Demons they have her over a barrel
Another test will be taken real soon
Could sink hope or take her over the moon

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are healed
By His sacrifice – our fate – it was sealed
Protect her from all danger hurt or harm 
We’re calling all Angels – set the alarm
Warring Angels by the dozens dispatched
Go after those demons – get them detached

Comfort Angels dispersed to quell the fear
Through Faith – we command fear disappear
Healing Angels anoint her with the oils
Cover her completely before she spoils
Relaying Angels with a message from God
Rest in His Arms – prepare to be awed

We take authority over our friend today
By the Power of the Spirit we humbly pray
We unite in our prayer – strengthen her
To guide those in charge of her to concur
Set all instruments so accurate they be
By the Power of the Spirit command them we

Take care in your analysis – through Hope
By your training and insight help her cope
God has given you the means to infer
A possible treatment that will deter
The failure of systems rightly attached
Your expertise surely cannot be matched

Let the Hand of God guide competent hands
To do what must be done – what He commands
As we lift her up to the Heaven on High
We give it all to You – and breathe a sigh
She is in good hands – the best there be
The Angels surround her – a sight to see

We lay our petition at the feet of Your Son
Whose victory over the cross He surely won
We know in control – You must ever be
We pray for a miracle for all to see
God can fix anything – He has the clout
The Power of God is awesome no doubt!

D01: 07/02/2019


Duchess01 Monday 14 October 2024


In your kindness – Lord – come to my defense;
In your mercy – Lord – blot out my offense;
Wash me and cleanse me of my guilt, oh Lord;
Instill in my heart – the truth in Your Word!

My offenses – oh truly – I know them;
My sins ever – before me – You show them;
Against You alone – evil – I have done;
Empty – devoid of love – grace – I have none!

My shame I cover – hide my face – from You;
I have fallen short of Your Glory – it’s true;
Your forgiveness – I need Lord – and Your Grace;
The guilt in my heart – Lord – oh, please erase!

I come to You – sincerely – to repent today;
Oh, Lord – please take – this emptiness away;
Renew in my heart – Your Grace steadfastly;
Replace guilt and shame – with Integrity!

You love a truthful heart – and sincerity;
No malice or forethought – no absurdity;
In the secret of my heart – teach me, Lord;
Empowerment – how to take up my sword!

Let me not waiver or wander afield;
To temptation and evil – let me not yield;
Keep me chaste and pure – throughout the day;
With faith in Your goodness – let me not stray!

Fill my heart with Your Love unconditionally;
Let my armor and shield work protectively;
To secure Your trust – indwelling Spirit;
To help me discern – decide – and intuit!

A pure heart – Oh, Lord – create within me;
A steadfast spirit – so pleasing to Thee;
For a contrite spirit – You would not spurn;
To be full of Your Grace – I long and yearn!

Separated from You – I cannot remain;
From even a trace of sin – I must refrain;
If in Your Good Grace – I want ever to be;
My heart must be pure – filled with Integrity!

D01: 08/23/2013


Duchess01 Monday 14 October 2024 2nd poem.


Silly is as silly does
As silly is meant to be
Outrageous uncontrollable because
It’s a release to set us free

We might feel foolish for a little while
Embarrassed and giddy and nutty
Normally not like us or our style
Unglued and detached without putty

So when you feel overwhelmed
Just let go and be silly
Shake the shackles be unhelmed
Writhe about willy nilly

Refrained and restrained for so long
Tied up in knots we have become
Stiff and unfit is oh so wrong
What happened to many benumb

Surely events of the past two years
Have shaken and rattled outrightly
Increased our fears brought us to tears
And unnerved us more than just slightly 

So if you are unravelled and uptight
Pay no mind to the cold and chilly
Get rid of the stress release it outright
Just let yourself go and be silly

D01: 04/24/2023


Duchess01 Wednesday 16 October 2024


Blessed are they who believe outright;
Who have eyes to see – and His insight;
Who have heard His Word – and abide in it;
Who – through His Spirit – simply intuit!

Faith – is a leap into the unknown – unseen;
It requires obedience – pure and pristine;
When the voice of the Spirit – guides the heart;
The unforeseen fear will quickly depart!

Faith is belief – the assent of the mind;
To the truth of another – from behind;
Resting on the authority – of the Spirit;
Judgment less evidence – you will merit!

Faith is relief – the release of the mind;
God’s revelation of the highest kind;
Confidence comes – from the mind of God;
A wondrous gift – to whit we are awed!

Belief in the scriptures – is the basis of faith;
The being and perfection of God – is a wraith;
Through Jesus Christ – and His revelation;
Our faith in Him – brings this elevation!

Faith is confidence – in the promises of God;
Without which through life – in fear – we will trod;
The truthful declarations – in His Holy Word;
Are accurate acclamations – be rest assured!

Faith is not speculation – it is truth;
A gift from God – He granted in youth;
With certainty in what – God has declared;
Inspired by Him – cannot be impaired!

Faith is correctness – assurance of heart;
That God will uphold us right from the start;
Adherence to the truth is beyond reproach;
With sincerity – honesty – above approach!

If you have faith like the mustard seed;
You will not sin – in word or in deed;
Faith will uphold you – through turmoil and pain;
With confidence – in His Word – you will gain!

Step forward in faith – leave fear behind;
Let faith be an asset – to body and mind;
Trust in His Word – and His veracity;
Let His grace increase – faith capacity!

D01: 10/06/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 17 October 2024


My heart is rapidly pounding
My state of affairs confounding
I am shaking/quaking beyond belief
Whatever I try I find no relief

Something has disturbed my peace
The turmoil inside just will not cease
My energy level is dangerously low
What it is that is broken I do not know

Nothing should change my resolve
I must fight to defeat delete dissolve
This interruption disruption in my life
Meddling unsettling pedaling strife

Alone in the darkness I tend to shiver 
Lacking control I slither and quiver
What is wrong with me I cannot say
But it just keeps on and won’t go away

Settle Me, Lord help me to rest
In this condition I cannot do my best
Whatever it is from it wash me clean
Teach me a lesson from which to glean

Your thought process has brought you here
You gave up your authority my sweet dear
I gave you calming music you listen not
You let ‘it’ control you and you got caught

There is no medicine that can cure ‘it’
There is no formula than can detour ‘it’
I gave you the power to stop this attack
I gave you the means to pick up the slack

Exercise, breathing, and thought control
All of these will again make you whole
Emotional turmoil blocks rational thought
Eliminate it and you will be as you ought

Change your attitude change your life
Positive thinking diminishes strife
Movement replaces emotional confusion
All of ‘it’ is actually an illusion

You can take control and beat your distress
By changing your thoughts eliminate stress
By exercising you switch your concentration
Your physical movement serves as activation

Your shiver and shake ceases to be
Your uncertainty dissolves instantly
Your mind directs your body to move
And your anxiety begins to improve

God gave us the ability to heal mind body spirit
We just need to learn how to clear it not fear it
The body does what the mind commands
It moves it rests it contracts it expands

So it is with emotions as well with control
Our thoughts can trigger disconnect or cajole
Our attitude plays a part in this scenario as well
It is where we decide we are going to dwell

Negative thinking brings about negative outcomes
The opposite is true and to what it succumbs
When we take authority of events in life
We eliminate the stress and the strife

Whatever the problem or issue that disturbs you
It is nothing you and God together cannot subdue
When God enters the situation the solution is clear
You will have eyes to see and ears to hear

So Settle Me, Lord as only You can
Help me to see and perfect Your plan
Take away the illusion of ‘it’
Cleanse me from all and every bit

D01: 01/15/2023


Duchess01 Friday 18 October 2024


Mathew my friend in faith come forth to Me
Be undeterred by the sturred stormy sea 
Do not look back come forward without fear
I guarantee you that I will be here

Taking those steps are frightful to many
Their faith is weak and some have not any
With each trial in life we’re asked to be
So strong in our faith by the stormy sea 

The mountains are high – the valleys are low
Sometimes there is no path no way to go
At other times we are told there is no hope
After deciding the depth and the scope

God instructs us to trust solely in Him 
To lean not on our own when times are grim
To acknowledge Him in all of our ways
To give Him all Honor and Glory and Praise

Well if that is the case why go to man
For a purpose solution and a plan
What does man know that God does not
Why believe man’s predictions on the spot

God speaks to His prophets on the daily
Anointed appointed to set up the bailey
Guided by God to speak truth in His name
With warnings and platitudes of the same

Listen My people to what you must know
What you must do that to you I will show
I AM who I AM and ever will be 
I will guide you safely by the stormy sea

D01: 07/11/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 19 October 2024


 My first thought in the morning is of God;
Asking His blessings – for me – is not odd;
What is odd and quite perplexing to me;
Is the smile on my face when I think of Thee!

What comes to mind in Morning Prayer?
With each petition – through each layer;
The joy experienced when reminded;
The truth exposed – no longer blinded!

Thank You, Lord, for opening my eyes;
For helping me see – for making me wise;
For sending me – a great gift in disguise;
Someone to respect – a friend to advise!

You touched my heart where others could not;
You accepted my help – without a thought;
You laughed at my jokes – though silly they are;
You welcomed my friendship – from near and afar!

You challenged my knowledge – and added to it;
You carefully connected the dots adrift;
You made me wonder ‘bout God and His plan;
To where it would lead – from whence it began!

You gave me a place – to pray and to love;
You prayed with me – stayed with me – above;
Together we lifted up many a friend;
And brought forth God’s blessings to that end!

How can I thank you – what more can I say;
You make me smile each and every day;
What can I do for you – to ease your mind?
How can I thank you for being so kind?

If I asked God to bless you – would that be enough?
Gee Whiz…giving back to you – is terribly tough;
What can I say when I am lost for words?
Expressly refrain from sliding backwards!

What can I do to end this quandary?
As I open my heart – and air my laundry?
So humble and sweet is your heart, my dear;
It’s nearly impossible for me, I fear!

Perhaps, I will ask Our Father above;
If He will shower you with His love;
Send comforting angels to hold you gently;
Sing you their songs – calm you contently!

Warrior angels I’ll ask God to send;
To protect you – fight for you – to the end;
May the Holy Spirit chide you each day;
With knowledge and wisdom to guide your way!

In my Evening Prayer, I think of you;
I thank God sincerely for all you do;
As I end my prayer and end my day;
You make me smile – it just won’t go away!

D01: 06/30/2013


Duchess01 Sunday, 20 October 2024


We come to Your Altar on bended knee
In the name of Jesus – we pray to Thee
One of our loved ones is in peak peril
Demons they have her over a barrel
Another test will be taken real soon
Could sink hope or take her over the moon

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are healed
By His sacrifice – our fate – it was sealed
Protect her from all danger hurt or harm 
We’re calling all Angels – set the alarm
Warring Angels by the dozens dispatched
Go after those demons – get them detached

Comfort Angels dispersed to quell the fear
Through Faith – we command fear disappear
Healing Angels anoint her with the oils
Cover her completely before she spoils
Relaying Angels with a message from God
Rest in His Arms – prepare to be awed

We take authority over our friend today
By the Power of the Spirit we humbly pray
We unite in our prayer – strengthen her
To guide those in charge of her to concur
Set all instruments so accurate they be
By the Power of the Spirit command them we

Take care in your analysis – through Hope
By your training and insight help her cope
God has given you the means to infer
A possible treatment that will deter
The failure of systems rightly attached
Your expertise surely cannot be matched

Let the Hand of God guide competent hands
To do what must be done – what He commands
As we lift her up to the Heaven on High
We give it all to You – and breathe a sigh
She is in good hands – the best there be
The Angels surround her – a sight to see

We lay our petition at the feet of Your Son
Whose victory over the cross He surely won
We know in control – You must ever be
We pray for a miracle for all to see
God can fix anything – He has the clout
The Power of God is awesome no doubt!

D01: 07/02/2019


Duchess01 2nd poem, Sunday, 20 October 2024


I said a little prayer for you
Tho’ we have never met
I only know you slightly
From the Internet

I see you everyday 
While I am on my way
Traveling thru cyberspace
Your love I will embrace

I hear you reaching out
To give your piece of news
Sometimes you give a shout
Provide your special views

I thank God you stopped by
With what He gave to share
Right from your own mind’s eye
I am grateful that you care

Just so you know why I came
To this special place today
I am here to send you Angels
To help you on your way

I pray for you all the best
God can give to you
I said a little prayer for you
Gave thanks for all you do!

D01: 10/30/2020


Duchess01 Monday, 21 October 2024


In the misty morning – at the break of dawn;
With sleepy eyes and – muddy mind I fawn;
Send your assistance and blessing my way;
Dear Heavenly Father – teach me today!

I fall on my knees to give glory and praise;
I sing with the angels – our song we raise;
In thanksgiving – I thank You for all I have;
For Your comfort – consolation – and salve!

Teach me – to love – as You willingly do;
To be servant of all – just like You;
Help me to learn to be humble and last;
Help me let go of mistakes of the past!

Teach me compassion – for my neighbor today;
Help me understand – his distress – if I may;
Help me bring comfort – condolence to him;
Lift up his spirit – when his faith is slim!

Help me be more like You – assured in love;
With confidence in my Father above;
With trust in Your steadfast faithfulness;
With fidelity – teach me – gratefulness!

Teach me – to invite – the Spirit within;
Through repentance and grace – let Him in;
To guide and chide me – when I should fall short;
Help me – to His wisdom – quickly resort!

Teach me – not my will – but His will be done;
Through Him and with Him – the battle is won;
Teach me – acceptance – when I find it hard;
To repent – reconcile – and pride discard!

Teach me – patience – a gift of the Spirit;
A virtue through which – I can endear it;
Give me Grace to hang on – and persevere;
Through fasting and prayer – help me volunteer!

Teach me – hope – a gift – to which I must cling;
Patient hope – endurance – blessings will bring;
Goodness and longsuffering – grant me these;
Precious gifts of the Spirit – grant them please!

Teach me – faith – that I may share it with all;
To lighten the burden – what might befall;
Calm my fears – and brighten earthly sorrow;
Increase my faith – childlike trust in tomorrow!

D01: 10/26/2013


Bakocarl Monday, 21 October 2024

Autumn and Beyond

The days of autumn are wonderful days
The harvest comes in and food is put by
Hot, humid days yield to the sun’s waning gaze
Color blankets the hills up to the sky

Fall breezes turn chill, there’s frost in the air
Leaves turn brown and flutter down to the ground
A warm fire glows by a worn leather chair
High hopes arise and wishful dreams abound

The days pass slowly as we look ahead
To those heartfelt times that finish our year
Our earth-bound thoughts rise upward instead
To God and God’s Son to thank and revere

First, our thanks to God for all He has done,
Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend!
All praise and glory for the victory won
And for Peace and Joy that never will end

And, our thanks to God for His daily bread
For meeting our needs, our wishes, and more
For this day’s meal, a most bountiful spread
Blessings, mercies, more than we could ask for

All glory to God for His divine love
For saving our souls from what we deserve
For bringing us all to our homes above
To Peace and to Joy, to learn and to serve

Finally, now, this last day of the year
We all look ahead to travel God’s Ways
Remembering always He’s ever near
And giving to Him our thanks and praise

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, too
Thanks and praise to God for all He has done
Once lost and wretched, now shining and new
All glory to Father, Spirit and Son


Duchess01 Tuesday, 22 October 2024


Is your brain close to being fried
Can you believe how much they lied
Can you imagine what they did
The evil they devised and kept hid

Is this a military operation
That is really running our nation
Or is it a God-centered blessing
That will leave the enemy confessing

They claim we are in an information war
Well if that is true what is the score
How far are we interdictory
How close are we to victory 

Our patience it is wearing thin
As we traverse thru the storm we’re in
How close are we to the end
Of this horror movie penned

There is one thing that is certain
The drawing of the veiled curtain
As their evil plot it thickens
From dark to light it quickens

The battlefield has forever been
Between good and evil from within
The imbalance caused by ignorance
Left us all shrink-wrapped in a trance

Until we awakened right on cue
We had no idea of what to do 
Our daily agony just lengthened
Until we gathered and strengthened

Infiltrated extensively to the max
With enemy operatives in packs
Mesmerized imbibed and bribed
By the powers of darkness ascribed

Only God can disband this formidable foe
One that travels back and forth to and fro
That inhabits weak unsuspecting hosts
That of his successes he often boasts

The remnant petitioned the Throne of Grace
To bombard the enemy and deter his pace
With fire, fury and force He will outpace
With His Army of Angels He will displace

As pharaoh in his arrogance He smote
The Corrupt Cabal will miss the boat
We will be free as He meant us to be 
God will save America soon you’ll see

D01: 06/27/2022


Duchess01 Wednesday, 23 October 2024


Lord – on our knees – we humbly adore You;
Lord – on our knees – we humbly implore You;
Help us – we pray – to meet needs and demands;
Touch us tenderly with Your Healing Hands!

For Barb, David, Tex and families/friends;
Our hearts are burdened; the need never ends;
For the lost, lonely, and troubled – we pray;
That they may be relieved of turmoil today!

There are so many, Lord – You know their names;
Who suffer – some who – the devil reclaims;
Help us, Lord – bring them back – into the fold;
Release them, Lord, from the evil one’s hold!

There is anger – there is strife – all around;
No peace anywhere – no peace can be found;
Electromagnetic – chemical hacks;
Through food, water, air – and mental attacks!

Military – who have returned – come home;
Are plagued by technology and syndrome;
Chips in the pills – and chemicals in drugs;
Wreak havoc on health – and the body slugs!

Sometimes, we wonder why You allow this;
Why You let him win – and us you dismiss;
Sometimes – at every turn – we dismay;
We can’t understand why he has his way!

Help us, Lord – to persevere and hold on;
Help us help others know where they belong;
Help us minister – leave all up to You;
Your will not ours – we accept and pursue!

Though we may suffer along with our friends;
Though our petition – our prayer never ends;
We trust in Your Love and Your Healing Hands;
We trust in Your Promise and Your Commands!

 We pray fervently – In His Name, we pray;
The Blood of the Lamb protects us each day;
Through His Mercy and Kindness – we heal;
Our souls – we are confident – He will seal!

Touch us, Dear Lord, with your Healing Hands;
Help us keep up with the prayers and demands;
Help us – through Faith – be a blessing to all;
Through divine appointments – answer Your call!

Heavenly Physician – We implore You;
Lay Your Healing Hands – on those before You;
Shine Your Light on us all so that we may see;
The Glory and Honor that belongs to Thee!

D01: 05/28/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 24 October 2024


When God carefully conceived you 
He knew exactly what you would do
You were chosen by Him before you were born
Prior to your appearance He would adorn

He fashioned you so perfectly
In His image oh so heavenly 
Each part of you He carefully configured
Elegantly elevated and transfigured

He knew the gifts and talents to give
He knew every moment you would live
He saw your trials and tribulations
He saw your heart and aspirations

Our loving Father showers you with love
Under the charge of His Angels above
For you He always wants only the best
As you set out daringly on your quest

When you stumble and fall He lifts you up
He offers you a drink from the blessing cup
He gave you free will to make choices
When you make good ones He rejoices

He watches as you advance in age and stature 
He protects you daily from the evil snatcher
He agonizes when you are in pain
He comforts you over and over again

You are His sunshine His light in the dark 
His hope for the future His perpetual spark
He wants you to choose Him above all
He wants you daily to answer His call

His love is so powerful it can bless and heal
His covenant with you He longs to seal
To know Him love Him serve Him all along
To spend eternity with Him where you belong

You are HIS SUNSHINE and will always be
Through Him your life changes dramatically
His blessings come daily to strengthen you
Encourage you in all that you must do

When you build up your treasures in Heaven
What God wants for you will come times seven
You are not of this world nor ever will be
When His Spirit lives in you with eyes to see

As the light of the world the salt of the earth
You were chosen by Him long before birth
Will you be His Sunshine for all of your days
Will you give Him honor and glory and praise

Will you be ready with your lamp full of oil
Or will you be distracted by worldly toil
He will come for his bride without spot or wrinkle
Prepare for your destiny now give it a sprinkle

Acknowledge God first in all of your ways
Trust in Him fully for all of your days
Be the best you can be for all you are worth
Be His Sunshine while you are here on earth

D01: 02/05/2023


Duchess01 Friday, 25 October 2024


Sing unto the Lord a brand new song;
Sing praises to Him all your lifelong;
For He has sustained and kept you sound;
His blessings upon you daily abound!

Sing – Sing your sweet song of praise;
Ring – Ring your Hand bells and raise;
Your voice to His Honor and Glory be;
Your ringtone – a joyful noise – artfully!

With thanksgiving, let your sweet song begin;
With gratefulness, thank Him for peace within;
In Him, through Him, and with Him, we thrive;
Keep His commandments – Keep hope alive!

Victoriously – Jesus conquered death;      
He suffered and bled until his last breath;
Praise Him – Oh, Praise Him – thank Him in song;
For without His gift – we would not belong!

It is said when we sing – then, twice we pray;
Double the praise – sing a new song today;
Raise up your voice – in Psalms praise His name;
Jesus is Lord – let your voice proclaim!

Sing unto the Lord – a new song today;
Rejoice in His blessings a brand new way;
When we give Honor and Glory to Him;
Our hearts fill with joy – right up to the brim!

D01: 4/17/2013


Bakocarl Friday, 25 October 2024

comment image

Arise! Arise! On this Great Day
Changed, perfected by God’s power
At Jesus’ feet our crowns we lay
He is worthy, this is His hour

All things were made by and for Him
And for Him will be all glory
Angels and saints will sing the hymn
To relate this old, old story

For none was worthy but the Lamb
Who shed His blood on that cruel tree
And so He died, the great I AM
To vanquish sin and set us free

Only by God’s grace we were saved
Even though we were steeped in sin
By sin enslaved; by sin depraved
And by His mercy taken in

So glory is not ours to hold
But to our God we give it all
 For it’s His greatness we behold
And for His glory we were called


Barb Meirer, special share. Friday, 25 October 2024

A poem shared by Daniel Caleb Bussey at the Burnsville Hub group on Facebook.

Daniel Caleb BusseyOctober 8 at 6:45 PM 
Bodies buried beneath the mud
Hearts breaking above the flood
Whispered promises and screaming sighs
Civilian helicopters, Carolina cries

Day by day the sirens call
Telling the stories of us all
We sleep in darkness, wake in silence
Victims of a natural violence

How can the waters take so much?
Our nerves can only take so much
Our souls buckling like uprooted trees
Rivers and lakes filled with disease

No soundness, only whimpering fury
No solidness, only teetering inquiry
No washing, only dirty dryness
No wholeness, only weeping kindness

Hands pulling from broken windows
Feet trudging through muddied meadows
Heroes decked in flannel and jeans
Chainsaws humming through fallen trees

Laughter as tears in rivulets run down
Fighting so that we may not drown
Healing our hearts with humor’s medicine
Tying together shattered spirits again

Little graces, like soft bathing rains,
Come to us and wash us of our stains
And night skies are cleared of man’s light
So that God’s may shine on our darkest night

Supplies, hot meals, closed interstates
Curfews, exoduses, and paper plates
Crumbling roads, beached houses, choked air,
So much pain, but life strangely made more fair

Sweeter tastes the air to lungs possibly lost
And better spies the eye cleansed by tearful cost

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Comment Quote by Barb Meier

More heartfelt poetry from NC…

Burnsville HubAmber Denae 

 · 1d 


I’ve been thinking about how grief changes landscapes
How your mountains held their breath
When Helene came to rewrite everything
Taking more than land
But precious souls and hearts with her fury

From my eastern window
I watched your tragedy unfold in fragments
Each notification another name
Another life swept away
Or courageously saved
In waters that knew no mercy

There’s a hollowness in watching
Your valleys become graves
Your ancient hills weep mud
While standing here
In the shameful safety of distance

I keep thinking about how your people
Move through this aftermath
Like they’re reading braille on the skin of sorrow
Finding meaning in rebuilding
Beauty in the brutal act of continuing

I find myself looking west
Towards your wounded heights
Feeling something like reverence
For how a people can carry both
Their dead and their determination
In the same broken hands

These mountains remember everything
Not just this storm, but all storms
Not just these tears, but centuries of tears
Not just this rising, but every rising

They whisper what we already know
That strength flows in it’s marrow
That survival beats in the bedrock pulse
That tomorrow will come
Like water wearing down stone
Slow, sure, and unstoppable
In your old, unbreakable hills

Written by me, a fellow North Carolinian in the Piedmont area who has been so heartbroken and compelled to contribute to relief efforts for the last several weeks. We love you, WNC

Last edited 4 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Duchess01 Saturday, 26 October 2024


We are excited for our day with you
Wonder what unexpected we will do
Unlike what we normally would see
Amazing activities planned by thee
We are spoiled by tech and silly specs
But God’s creation has its effects
Only you know what we need to see
Better for us you just happened to be

We had no idea our time here with you
Would enrich us with memories anew
We cannot imagine our life without
The marvel of God’s creation no doubt

Ah but you Papa are surely determined
We’d eventually be God’s confirmand
Oblivious we’re to what God had planned
An outing with you and this merry band

As we stroll about we will most likely miss
Creatures God blessed with His heavenly kiss
The little ones we take but for granted
His creation to support what’s planted

Maybe someday we will come forth to see
What God had foreseen wanted us to be
Right now we are watching wondering what
We are experiencing that will jut

We might not know that being here now
Is God’s way of reaching us somehow
Through Him and with Him we will always be
Closer to Him and closer to thee – PAPA

D01: 07/28/2023


Duchess01 2nd poem Saturday, 26 October 2024


The trials and tribulations of a mother;
Neither begin nor end at birth nor bother;
At conception, God blesses the tiny seed;
Yielding to God, mother and child accede!

With Faith, Hope, and Love – gifts given by God;
The journey toward life by which we are awed;
Is fraught with twists and turns and discomfort;
Till joy supplants pain – and rewards the effort!

Many are the sorrows of motherhood;
Mary, His Mother – at the cross she stood;
Pierced through the heart with unparallelled pain;
From her sorrow, His Glory she would gain!

A mother’s pain is suffered in silence;
On God’s great love must be her reliance;
She understands not the will of the Lord;
So she searches for answers in His Word!

She knows that Jesus suffered not in vain;
She understands His suffering and His pain;
She recognizes His gift to all of mankind;
And treasures His gift in her heart and mind!

She remembers His mother at the cross;
She can relate perfectly to her loss;
Whatever she suffers cannot compare;
To the suffering Mary had to forbear!

Be not discouraged – oh, mother of Mine;
Be thee encouraged – child of the divine;
Seek thee thy comfort and love from on high;
Give not credence to the sorrowful sigh!

Trust that your child and you are in my care;
Not a moment goes by when I am not there;
Standing beside you with angelic aid;
My death on the cross was the price I paid!

Be neither afraid nor fearful – for I am here; 
To help and comfort – to Me, you are dear; 
Give me your sorrow and distress this day; 
And I will be with you all of the way! 

Remember your child is My child as well;
Put your trust in Me – your fears I’ll dispel;
Rest easy in My arms and loving care;
And be sure in your heart that I am there!

D01: 4/23/2013


Duchess01 3rd Poem Saturday 26 October 2024


How many times have you fallen short
And the accuser has taken you to court
To enumerate the times you faulted 
To report your failure to God exalted 

What would a loving Father say or do
When He lays His eyes on repentant you
He’d welcome you home in a warm embrace
Your sins He’d forgive and quickly erase

The prodigal son is not just a fluke
Notice his father gave him no rebuke
When he returned he was a broken man
In his wisdom his father knew the plan

Had he not learned in his foolishness
What he had done in his stupidness
Was he better off for what he had done
Or was he regretting his quest for fun

We have all been like the child who was lost
We have paid for our foibles a high cost
We might have justified our acts away
Ignored them for a future time or day

Ashamed to ask Our Father to forgive
We kept them hidden maybe to outlive
We may not realize what is kept inside
Prevents us from moving or ever thrive

Our Father’s Love is like no other
To forgive and forget is no bother
His unconditional love to advise
A Father’s Love will aptly apprise

D01: 09/05/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From bakocarl…..
as the election approaches…..

Dem Fate

Fake ballots in hand, the Dems are now set
To take from the people all they can get
They’re robbers in suits, a clever disguise
Who speak to the people, nothing but lies

They steal our money and send it away
Then levy more taxes to make us pay
They send our money to all their Dem friends
To spend to promote their traitorous ends

“We don’t need audits”, well that’s what they said
As billions vanished. They think we’re brain dead
As they steal our money all in plain sight
And take big kickbacks in the dark of night

They’re drenched in foul sweat with the stench of fear
As the election looms and justice comes near
A cell in GITMO awaits as their fate
For their crimes, their lies, their vindictive hate

To good men and true our country belongs
To protect our freedoms and stand up strong
To mete out justice where justice is due
To worship our God and live life anew


Shared by Duchess01 Sunday, 27 October 2024

Pray Without Ceasing

Unanswered yet? The prayer your lips have pleaded 
In agony of heart these many years?
Does faith begin to fail, is hope declining,
And think you all in vain those falling tears?
Say not the Father has not heard your prayer;
You shall have your desire, sometime, somewhere.

Unanswered yet? Tho’ when you first presented
This one petition at the Father’s throne,
It seemed you could not wait the time of asking,
So anxious was your heart to have it done;
If years have passed since then, do not despair,
For God will answer you sometime, somewhere.

Unanswered yet? But you are not unheeded;
The promises of God forever stand;
To Him our days and years alike are equal;
Have faith in God! It is your Lord’s command.
Hold on to Jacob’s angel, and your prayer
Shall bring a blessing down sometime, somewhere.

Unanswered yet? Nay, do not say unanswered,
Perhaps your part is not wholly done.
The work began when first your prayer was uttered,
And God will finish what He has begun.
Keep incense burning at the shrine of prayer,
And glory shall descend sometime, somewhere.

Unanswered yet? Faith cannot be unanswered;
Her feet are firmly planted on the Rock;
Amid the wildest storms she stands undaunted.
Nor quails before the loudest thunder shock.
She knows Omnipotence has heard her prayer,
And cries, “It shall be done, sometime, somewhere.

~Ophelia Guyon Browning~

Last edited 4 months ago by para59r

Duchess01 Sunday, 29 October 2024


Cry out with joy to our mighty Lord;
Heed the commands in His Holy Word;
Sing Psalms of praise and thanksgiving;
All ye who dwell in the land of the living!

Serve Him with true gladness of heart;
From His grace – pray – do not depart;
Know that He – the Lord is our God;
We belong to Him – though we are flawed!

We are His people – the sheep of His flock;
His precious, petulant – errant livestock;
In fervent pastures – we take our repose;
We are the servants He faithfully chose!

Indeed how lovingly He cares for us;
We are His children – His main focus;
From age to age – His mercy endures;
His faithfulness and constancy ensures!

Enter His gates singing sweet Psalms of Praise;
Into His courts – with thanksgiving you raise;
Your voices in song – glad tidings you bring;
All Honor and Glory is His you sing!

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good;
His mercy endures – just as it should;
His Love everlasting is tried and true;
Unconditionally given for me and you!

Cry out with joy and praise His name;
His love is forever and ever the same;
He changes not from day to day;
He is steadfast and sure come what may!

Serve Him with gladness – enter singing;
His precepts are sound – ever bringing;
Correction with love and glorious peace;
Cry out with joy – His praise never cease!

Go out with joy and share His great love;
Mindful of blessings He bestows from above;
Shout from the rooftops – He is the Lord;
His victory assured – in His Holy Word!

D01: 07/09/2013


Duchess01 Monday, 28 October 2024


His Grace is abundant in meekness
His strength is made perfect in weakness
Gladly glory in your infirmities
And do not fear any adversities

When you are torn and worn from battle
Angels will remove the rote rattle 
Lift you up and attend to your sores
The bruises and scars from many wars

When you are dejected defeated and down
Remember God’s mercy will soon abound
He will carry you gently while you heal
The power of His Love you will surely feel

By the Grace of God you are who you are
His Grace imparted on you left no scar
You labored more abundantly than many
More than adequate which was plenty

By Grace you are saved thru Faith it is said
And not of yourself but a gift instead
One of many God bestows upon those
Who obey His commands even en throes

When you are weakened spiritually
Be rest assured of God’s right remedy
Nothing that happens is ever too large
Be still and know that He is in charge

By your side He will always be ready
To raise you right up and keep you steady
By Grace through Faith you belong to Him
A loving gift He confers not on a whim

D01: 08/22/2023


Duchess01 a 2nd Sunday, 28 October 2024


Have you been wallowing in self pity
Tempted to give up the nitty gritty
Refusing to take just one step forward
Declining to gaze beyond the shoreward 

What would you accomplish if you laid back
If you cowered afraid to pick up the slack
If for some reason you wanted to die
What would that prove in a blink of the eye

There is a reason why you were left behind
Why you are facing life lost and so blind
God has a plan for your life henceforth
And your compass will always point due north

God knows our beginning and of our end
The time He has allotted here to spend
Apparently the unbeknown to you
Is what you’re doing here and what to do

During your life you experienced much
Not always with a partner was it such
You worked and labored at many a task
Is continuing on too much to ask

If you insist on living in the past
You will miss what God has for you amassed
His ways are not our ways and never will be
If you trust in His wisdom you will see

If you seek you will find the door open 
To a place of repose filled with hope in
The person you will find behind the door
Is someone you met long ago afore

If you prayed for someone to ease the pain
Then your healing has begun for to reign
We can’t change the past or know what will be
We have only the present and the key

What is this key to the present we hold
What if anything hidden can be told
This key represents a new day in life
The end to misery and daily strife

It opens whatever door you allow
It brings fresh ideas with it somehow
It provides a sample of what could be
When you ask God for direction you see

If you try to heal wounds without His help
You will be spinning your wheels and whelp
Around and around backward and forward
Upside and down and inside and outward

Where are you going and when will you stop
Driving yourself dizzy till when you just plop
Why do you insist God reverses course
When it is He who wrote chapter and verse

God watches you struggle every day
To change what you cannot to your own way
He gives you clues as to what you must do
But you refuse to listen and heed too

In your frustration you turn to the drink
Maybe just maybe you will cease to think
You have tried it before what did it do
Did the Dark Side solve your problem for you

The solution to your problem is clear
Listen to His voice and you will soon hear
What He wants you to know and you must do
Simple and understandable for you

D01: 10/27/2024


Duchess01 Tuesday, 29 October 2024


Angel of the Lord stay with me tonight
Help me to endure till the morning light
When the soldiers arrive to help me flee
Thru the maze of the tunnels and be free

Rescue me from this horrific plight
From the daily pain help me take flight
Take all of the babies heaven bound
No more suffering the terror sound

Let silence bring peace from abuse
And nightmares cease to induce
Memories of frightful occurrences
Bring forth the mighty deterrences

Sweet Jesus come and comfort me
Let nothing that hurts come to be
Let no one touch me unnecessarily
Bring forth the soldiers militarily

Let this be the last horror I see
Come quickly Lord and rescue me
Get me out of the oppressors way
Guide me out of the tunnels today

Take me to freedom into the light
Take me far from the oppressors sight
Bring me into the open arms of love
Follow the Angels sent from above

Thank You for ending my agony
Thank You for setting me free
Thank You for so caring be
Thank You for rescuing me!

D01: 07/10/2021


Duchess01 2nd poem Tuesday, 29 October 2024


Hear my prayer, O Lord – please hear my cry;
Hide not Thy face from me – stand closely by;
Incline Thine ear to me – answer my call;
For I am helpless in my wherewithal!

My days are consumed – in pain, I move not;
My heart beats in vain – overwhelmed, besought;
I struggle to breathe – I implore Your aid;
Begging for mercy – and yet, unafraid!

Strengthen me, Lord – as only You know how;
Send forth Thy Comforter to help me now;
Send forth the angels to hold me upright;
Help me, Lord – Help me to live, love, and fight!

The enemy plagues me both day and night;
His demons work to discourage me right;
He taunts me, haunts me, and laughs at my pain;
My prayers he sees worthless – and all in vain!

Be it Your will – with Your power and might;
Remove this affliction – far out of sight;
Defeat the devil – his power disband;
Help me, Lord – with Your Healing Hand!

You called me, Lord – in Your Service to be;
Your minister, Lord – bring people to Thee;
How can I manage – for people to care?
With this heart sorely in need of repair?

I ask not for me this healing take place;
I ask not this suffering You erase;
I ask only to stand for You, O Lord;
To bring others to You in one accord!

If in this state, You still want me to serve;
If it be Your will, my heart you preserve;
Whatever you decide – I will endure;
With You by my side – of that I am sure!

Help me, Lord to accept what You decide;
In You and with You – I long to abide;
Through You and for You – my heart is alive;
Heal me, Lord – Help me – to live, love, and thrive!

D01: 5/14/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A poem by Aubergine, 10/29/2024


I got inspired and wrote a poem:

Trying Not To Hope

I’m trying hard not to hope,
But I’m hopeful.
I just love my country
so much it hurts.
In the days when I was young
Life was so much more fun,
But my grand kids are now living
through the worst.

I can’t imagine this world
Without America.
The home of the brave
and the free.
Thinking of the past
and how it didn’t last,
could depress the hell
right out of me.

In a week or so we’ll all
know the outcome.
If what we’ve had we’ll
get to pass on.
The freedom and wealth,
The prosperity and health,
Or if all those wondrous
blessings are just gone.

Please God;

Trump 2024



Duchess01 Thursday, 31 October 2024


Some say we will all live to see the day 
When pain and suffering will go away
When heartaches and headaches cease to be
When love flows freely for the world to see

We’ve been battered and tattered for so long
By an enemy we thought was so strong
We prayed for You to come to our rescue 
To derail their plans and set them askew

Downtrodden we’ve been with no end in sight
We refuse to bow to this foregone fright
We will not back down until we succeed
In fighting the good fight and we are freed 

At each turn the enemy seems to win 
Attacking our values and faith akin
Now it is the children that he assails
Our moral fiber we prefer prevails

We have been patiently waiting for You
What with Your Almighty Hand You will do
We are confident You have had enough
And with the enemy You will be tough

By the Power of the Spirit living in me
I command the Warring Angels Assembly
To take their positions around the world
And unleash their mighty power unfurled

By the Power of God scripted in them
The enemy army they will condemn
No enemy power can win this fight
When God’s Angel Army puts them to flight

D01: 07/10/2023


Duchess01 Friday, 1 November 2024


You are the Rock of Salvation, Lord;
Sanctified are we by Your Holy Word;
Cleansed by the Spirit – filled with Your Grace;
Obedient to Your gospel – our sins You erase!

If we are suffering by our own hand;
He is asking us – to please take a stand;
Hide not our sins from His strict scrutiny
Ignoring His truth will backfire on me!

The foundation of sanctification you see;
Is our belief in Christ Jesus who died for thee;
It is the spiritual manifestation of the divine;
Brought to fruition through David’s bloodline!

The natural union of believer and non;
Will lead to conversion and good things beyond;
It is not prudent – then – to separate the two;
Believing husbands or wives can sanctify you!

Sanctify Me, Oh Lord – by heavenly grace;
Cleanse Me, Oh Lord – by Your Spirit replace;
All worldly ambitions – and pompous pride;
Sanctify Me, Oh Lord – deep down inside!

Strengthen Me, Lord – by the power of Your Word;
Clarify this worldly fixation that is blurred;
My obedience to Your Word is barely there;
I find no inspiration – anywhere!

I am lost in the world and not the Word;
My business fails – stability unfurled;
I run around here and there – making a stop;
With no time to linger – just go till I drop!

I pray in my heart – You will bless me someday;
If I can just get the world – out of the way;
Go home to my mate – pray together for peace;
For all of this turmoil to finally cease!

Sanctify Me, Oh Lord – oh please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, when or why;
Just know in my heart – I am longing for be;
Sanctified by Your Word – a servant of Thee!

D01: O7/28/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 2 November 2024


Make a joyful noise unto the Lord
Sing praise – Strike a choral chord
Make a loud noise – Rejoice
Give us your gift – Raise your voice

An Opening Story touches the heart
Makes us think – enjoy – the writer’s art
With praise and thanksgiving comes His Word
With honor and glory His voice is heard

First fruits of the day you provide
Your excitement you cannot hide
From morning coffee to tasty treats
With lovely flowers your post it metes

Morning News is not always pleasant
But it is welcomed – and ever present
Laughter invades and lightens the mood
Something we need to go with our food

Greetings galore – the family assembles
To share a meal with sweetness resembles
What is on the docket to do today
With what can we our blessings convey

Just stopping by – say hello – on our way
Give us your support and bless our day
Trials and tribulations might cast a pall
But there is support from one and all

Field reports are welcomed and needed
To replenish the love priorly seeded
Whether it is good or sad bad news 
We offer our sense and sound reviews

Our family here shares many a story
And to Him we give all of the glory
With our eyes up to Heaven we agree
Angels watching over us – you and me.

D01: 0705/2021


Duchess01 Sunday, 3 November 2024


We come to Your Altar on bended knee
In the name of Jesus – we pray to Thee
One of our loved ones is in peak peril
Demons they have him over a barrel
Another test will be taken real soon
Could sink hope or take him over the moon

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are healed
By His sacrifice – our fate – it was sealed
Protect him from all danger hurt or harm 
We’re calling all Angels – set the alarm
Warring Angels by the dozens dispatched
Go after those demons – get them detached

Comfort Angels dispersed to quell the fear
Through Faith – we command fear disappear
Healing Angels anoint him with the oils
Cover him completely before he spoils
Relaying Angels with a message from God
Rest in His Arms – prepare to be awed

We take authority over our friend today
By the Power of the Spirit we humbly pray
We unite in our prayer – strengthen him
To guide those in charge of him to concur
Set all instruments so accurate they be
By the Power of the Spirit command them we

Take care in your analysis – through Hope
By your training and insight help him cope
God has given you the means to infer
A possible treatment that will deter
The failure of systems rightly attached
Your expertise surely cannot be matched

Let the Hand of God guide competent hands
To do what must be done – what He commands
As we lift him up to the Heaven on High
We give it all to You – and breathe a sigh
He is in good hands – the best there be
The Angels surround him – a sight to see

We lay our petition at the feet of Your Son
Whose victory over the cross He surely won
We know in control – You must ever be
We pray for a miracle for all to see
God can fix anything – He has the clout
The Power of God is awesome no doubt!

D01: 07/02/2019/11/03/2024


Duchess01 Monday, 4 November 2024


Hearken Ye – Blest are the Pure in Heart;
For they shall see our God when they depart;
The secret of the Lord is surely theirs;
In Christ’s abode – their souls become heirs!

Their lives give glory to the Prince of Peace
Their love for Him is strong – it will not cease;
Like Him – they dwell in lowliness – with men;
Like Him – their pattern for holiness – Amen!

To the lowly soul – His grace He imparts;
With His Spirit pure – He fills their hearts;
For His cradle – and His heavenly throne;
He chooses the Pure in Heart – they alone!

Lord – Let us pray – Thy presence we seek;
Lord – For we pray – Thy blessing unique;
Give us – we pray – a pure and lowly heart;
The Grace from Your Spirit that You impart!

The temple within – we will surely refine;
For the pure resting place of the Divine;
Purify us, Oh Lord – that we may be worthy;
To receive Your Grace – wholly and humbly!

Give us this day Your blessing, Oh Lord;
Keep us securely – surely in Your Word;
Let Your Spirit abide within us today;
For You are the Truth, the Life, and the Way!

Blest are the Pure in Heart – the Bible says;
For they are the ones who know God’s ways;
Create in us all – a heart that is pure;
So we will be servants of all – for sure!

Let not worldly concerns sweep us away;
Temptation and sinfulness – let us defray;
For it is in giving – that we will receive;
And the Pure in Heart – will ever believe!

The Glory of God – will be theirs to enjoy;
If they seek His face – in all they employ;
Grant us – Oh, Lord – a heart that is pure;
For the Pure in Heart – will surely endure!

D01: 07/29/2013


Duchess01 2nd Poem Monday, 4 November 2024


There once was a gal named Lil
Whose best friend was Jill
Who was married to Phil
And divorced from Bill
All carrying buckets up the hill

Buckets of praise to Almighty God
They raised up to give Him laud
When all of a sudden they were awed
Angels surrounded them as they plod
And lifted up high all in the quad

A miracle you say no not at all
For this was their mission their call
To bring an end and hasten the fall
Of the fraudulent gubmint squall
Restore the Republic all y’all

How can this be happening now
What in the world and really how
From where did they come oh wow
When did this inspiration become a vow
Why did they carry this message to Thou

You asked them to stop and to listen
Let their praise be known and glissen
Stop all the fighting – halt the division
Unite all the states – calm the derision
Save America from catastrophic collision

What is the best way to do all of that
How can they change the constant spat
Does the answer come from the Cat in the Hat
Or does it require them to do more than chat
Maybe God will take it all to the mat

No man has the power to resolve this mess
No man can restore us and end the distress
Only God can fix manmade egress
Only God can sort out the excess
Only God has the power to bless

With buckets of praise the quad will deliver
Our love to the ultimate lawgiver
Our beloved and glorified caregiver
To reign and rule and be the forgiver
The arrows of judgment in His quiver

For He is the judge of all in the world
It is the enemy who is unraveled and unfurled
As the mountains shake and the rivers swirl
Freedom will ring for all who’ve been hurled
And peace is restored while evil is whorled

Thank you, Patriots, for answering the call
For agreeing to carry the buckets the ball
For bearing the heavy load and haul
For ending the distress and halting the brawl
For Peace on Earth – Goodwill to All!!!

D01: 10/10/2022


Bakocarl Monday, 4 November 2024

Are You Good?

Are you good when you know
It’s a part of God’s plan?
Though you’d prefer other
This now comes from His Hand.

When the days all turn dark
Can you smile and be still?
Can you praise Him and say
“I trust God. It’s His will?”

When the hard times come fast
Can you see God is love?
When your spirit sinks low
Can you thank God above?

When all is in tumult
And the warning bells toll,
Will you find your refuge
In the calm of your soul?

For the Day will come soon
God’s will only be done
When the Perfect is here
And the last battle won.


Bakocarl 2nd poem Monday, 4 November 2024

comment image

Our country will wither
And we will be dust
But God’s Word is true
And in Him we trust

Our old world will be gone
Destroyed in God’s fire
And we’ll be God’s people
Singing praise in His choir


Duchess01 Wednesday, 6 November 2024


Evil permeates our world today
Spiritual warfare keeps it at bay
Armored up we swiftly draw our swords
The Sword of the Spirit over them lords

A brutal battle we must never quit
We must pray unceasingly ere to wit
We must call on God’s Army of Angels
His Warring Angels are never strangers

They have attacked Creation mercilessly
They have killed and destroyed pervasively
They have committed sin ad nauseam
Mocked dishonored and ad disesteem

There is a sense we are winning this war
Control of our world will be nevermore
In this Great Year of the Jubilee
We will celebrate and we will be free

God has a plan no man put asunder
His power and might will be like thunder
At the sound of the Trumpet be ready
As God sets the world aright and steady

We will prevail against this evil so vile
If we just stand strong hold on for a while
It is God that girdeth with saving strength
In our defense He will go to great length

When will it end this battle of wits
When will we see the blessing that fits
When will we rejoice like never before
When His Victory reigns He will restore

D01: 08/24/2023


Duchess01 A prayer. Wednesday, 6 November 2024


Father God:

We come to You humbly before the Throne of Grace with heavy hearts and thanksgiving for we believe You are with us.

We ask You to quell the turmoil that has plagued our nation and our President over the last four years.

We implore Your Mercy on our nation divided by those who are determined to destroy those who are united in Your Name.

We ask You to silence the voices that speak out against the principles upon which our nation was founded.

We ask You to strengthen our President in the months to come against the forces of evil that plague him daily.

We ask You to rescue the children held in bondage by those who rob them of their innocence and purity.

We ask You to protect the unborn from the ravages of abortion and bring forth a new generation devoted to You.

We ask You to heal those who are suffering mentally, physically, and spiritually through no fault of their own.

We ask You to replenish the livelihoods of those who have suffered loss through hatred and violence.

We ask You to heal our nation attacked by the forces of evil who seek to steal, kill, and destroy all we have accomplished.

We ask You to restore all that has been damaged by those who harbor hatred for us and You.

We ask You to protect our President, his family, and his Team against those who have opposed him since You have called him forward.

We heartily thank You for lifting us up from a physical plague, emotional turmoil, mental anguish, and spiritual warfare. 

We trust in You, lean not on our own understanding, acknowledge You in all of our ways, and believe You will set our path straight.

We give You All Honor and Glory and Praise and we thank You forYour Spirit of guidance and love.

We believe You will once again bless our nation and our President.

We believe You will heal our land and bless our families.

We believe in Your Son, Jesus, who suffered and died for us.

We thank You for blessings received and prayers answered.

We ask and declare it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus.


D01: 09/08/2020


bakocarl Wednesday, 6 November 2024

MAGAdy Mack

Kick out the pedos and the trash
Confiscate the Bidens’ cache
They ain’t gonna rob us blind no more
You’re all corrupt down to the core
MAGAdy Mack (Trump is back)

Just listen to all those big Trump BOOMs
And they can hear their coming dooms
Those crooks made wrongs into rights
They tried to cause America’s blight
MAGAdy Mack (Trump is back)

They spent our cash on their dumb war
They killed our kids, now they want more
We all struggle, our jobs fall flat
And you fat cats just get more fat
MAGAdy Mack (Trump is back)

Don’t you give me no dirty looks
Your whole Dem mob is full of crooks
You stole our country in your greed
Some good hemp rope is what you need
MAGAdy Mack (Trump is back)


Duchess 2nd Poem Wednesday 6 November 2024


Each day we see the plans of the wicked
We are exposed to the sins committed
We feel helpless to stop them come what may
Subdued and oppressed in every way

Where can we go for reprieve and relief
What can be done to end despair and grief
Man cannot execute justice for all
Only God has the power to enthrall

Without God we can do nothing to change
Circumstances we cannot rearrange
Ah but God can do whatever He pleases
To correct contain refrain as He eases

There are many who’ve invested in guile
For power and money that is their style
Their god is not our God and ne’er will be
For we dare not share in their destiny

We were cheated and defeated by a lie
Since then the enemy sought to defy
Steal our inheritance by any means
Subjugate us to his edicts it seems

No man can save our beloved nation
No matter his expertise or station
If he would humble himself before God
What he can do through Him would be awed

Pray for justice to be equally served
Pray the wicked get what they deserved
Do not repay evil its counterpart
God will mete justice take that to heart

D01: 08/25/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 7 November 2024


Each day we see the plans of the wicked
We are exposed to the sins committed
We feel helpless to stop them come what may
Subdued and oppressed in every way

Where can we go for reprieve and relief
What can be done to end despair and grief
Man cannot execute justice for all
Only God has the power to enthrall

Without God we can do nothing to change
Circumstances we cannot rearrange
Ah but God can do whatever He pleases
To correct contain refrain as He eases

There are many who’ve invested in guile
For power and money that is their style
Their god is not our God and ne’er will be
For we dare not share in their destiny

We were cheated and defeated by a lie
Since then the enemy sought to defy
Steal our inheritance by any means
Subjugate us to his edicts it seems

No man can save our beloved nation
No matter his expertise or station
If he would humble himself before God
What he can do through Him would be awed

Pray for justice to be equally served
Pray the wicked get what they deserved
Do not repay evil its counterpart
God will mete justice take that to heart

D01: 08/25/2023


Duchess01 Saturday, 9 November 2024


His Grace is abundant in meekness
His strength is made perfect in weakness
Gladly glory in your infirmities
And do not fear any adversities

When you are torn and worn from battle
Angels will remove the rote rattle 
Lift you up and attend to your sores
The bruises and scars from many wars

When you are dejected defeated and down
Remember God’s mercy will soon abound
He will carry you gently while you heal
The power of His Love you will surely feel

By the Grace of God you are who you are
His Grace imparted on you left no scar
You labored more abundantly than many
More than adequate which was plenty

By Grace you are saved thru Faith it is said
And not of yourself but a gift instead
One of many God bestows upon those
Who obey His commands even en throes

When you are weakened spiritually
Be rest assured of God’s right remedy
Nothing that happens is ever too large
Be still and know that He is in charge

By your side He will always be ready
To raise you right up and keep you steady
By Grace through Faith you belong to Him
A loving gift He confers not on a whim

D01: 08/22/2023


Duchess01 Sunday, 10 November 2024



I love You, Lord – You are my strength;
My rock; my refuge – my wavelength;
Without You, Lord – I am nothing at all;
Without Your help – I am just a screwball!

You are my solace in perilous times;
You poke and prod me to create these rhymes;
What should I say – I ask – out of the blue;
I have to admit – I haven’t a clue!

I Love You, Lord – there is nothing you ask;
That I would not do or set to the task;
So many times You have asked me to see;
And take on a problem far beyond me!

A young boy I met – oh, so long ago;
The pain in his heart he could not forego;
I knew neither what troubled him nor his pain;
Or what he could lose or have never again!

I taught him the Bible – I tried my best;
He would not take part in this learning quest;
He would pummel me with spitballs at every turn;
And make the girls laugh until class would adjourn!

I scolded him – questioned him – to no avail;
Each week his antics just seemed to prevail;
So I gave him an assignment not easy or quick;
A problem – a paper – twas no gimmick!

One week had he to complete this sole task;
Precise – with references – just as I ask;
At the next class – he presented to all;
A magnificent paper – as I recall!

Can you imagine my unexpected delight?
As I listened to him speak – share his insight;
He was brilliant – he was wise – beyond his years;
My heart filled with joy – my eyes filled with tears!

After the class, I thanked him profusely;
Did not hold back my praise even loosely;
From that day on, he gave his all weekly;
No longer did I look at this class bleakly!

Then, one day he came to class with sadness;
Gone was his joy – gone was his gladness;
He asked – after class – could he talk with me;
Surely, I said – wondering what it could be!

He said he was sorry he could not be in class;
With me next year – it was impossible – alas!
His family was moving far away;
And that is not all he wanted to say!

I want to say what a great teacher you are;
How sorry I am I misbehaved and by far;
No one has ever cared about me like you;
See – I was a mistake – not much I could do!

Shocked and dismayed – what could I say;
I asked why he thought of himself that way;
He told me he heard his parents say;
He was a ‘mistake’ they had made one day!

Oh, no – said I – that is not what they meant;
A child late in life was their only lament;
The reason I know this and listen – please do;
The mistake that was made was not really you!

Children are gifts that come only from God;
And really – the fact it came later – was odd;
There is something important you need to know;
God makes no mistakes – my little fellow!

D01: 6/05/2013


Duchess01 2nd Poem, Sunday, 10 November 2024


As you go on your merry selfish way;
Seizing the fruits of the flesh each day;
Oblivious to the trap you have set;
The damnation of your soul you beget!

Wrapped up in the world of self desire;
The flesh and it pleasures you admire;
What the world offers you is all you see;
Ego-driven – self-centered – you must be!

Where is God in your devilish daily quest?
Has He knocked and asked to be your guest?
Has He pleaded with you to let Him inside?
Why do you cover – your nakedness – hide?

If what you are doing is no foul or sin;
Why don’t you ever – invite Him – come in?
Could it be your temple is dirty, unkempt?
Is that why you rebuff His every attempt?

Let shame be upon you until the day;
When our Lord and Savior will have His say;
If you think for one minute you will escape;
A conviction of heart – it will take shape!

Sooner or later – He will nag you with guilt;
Then with the hammer He’ll knock you off kilt;
You try to get up – and over you go;
What you have broken – you really don’t know!

It matters not what is battered or bruised;
Nor does it matter that you are confused;
Get up you coward and face your fate;
Hustle your bustle – and don’t hesitate!

Get down on your knees – and humble be;
Ask Him to show you – and help you to see;
It just might happen He opens your eyes;
To your selfishness – deception – and lies!

When the world gives fame and a big bankroll;
What does man gain if he loses his soul?
Is it worth it to gain – possess worldly goods?
Or cling to the flesh with all its falsehoods?

If you honestly seek first the Kingdom of God;
Then all will be added – does that seem too odd?
Know what God promised is tested and true;
Why would you want what the world offers you?

When you leave behind what the world has to give;
That is when you will truly – be ready to live;
When you die to sin – you make the decision;
To end all the strife – lay waste to derision!

Repent and relieve all the tension today;
Accept Jesus Christ – the Truth, Life, and Way;
Believe that your life will change for the good;
A Conviction of Heart – just as it should!

D01: 07/23/2013 


Duchess01 Monday, 11 November 2024


My heart is rapidly pounding
My state of affairs confounding
I am shaking/quaking beyond belief
Whatever I try I find no relief

Something has disturbed my peace
The turmoil inside just will not cease
My energy level is dangerously low
What it is that is broken I do not know

Nothing should change my resolve
I must fight to defeat delete dissolve
This interruption disruption in my life
Meddling unsettling pedaling strife

Alone in the darkness I tend to shiver 
Lacking control I slither and quiver
What is wrong with me I cannot say
But it just keeps on and won’t go away

Settle Me, Lord help me to rest
In this condition I cannot do my best
Whatever it is from it wash me clean
Teach me a lesson from which to glean

Your thought process has brought you here
You gave up your authority my sweet dear
I gave you calming music you listen not
You let ‘it’ control you and you got caught

There is no medicine that can cure ‘it’
There is no formula than can detour ‘it’
I gave you the power to stop this attack
I gave you the means to pick up the slack

Exercise, breathing, and thought control
All of these will again make you whole
Emotional turmoil blocks rational thought
Eliminate it and you will be as you ought

Change your attitude change your life
Positive thinking diminishes strife
Movement replaces emotional confusion
All of ‘it’ is actually an illusion

You can take control and beat your distress
By changing your thoughts eliminate stress
By exercising you switch your concentration
Your physical movement serves as activation

Your shiver and shake ceases to be
Your uncertainty dissolves instantly
Your mind directs your body to move
And your anxiety begins to improve

God gave us the ability to heal mind body spirit
We just need to learn how to clear it not fear it
The body does what the mind commands
It moves it rests it contracts it expands

So it is with emotions as well with control
Our thoughts can trigger disconnect or cajole
Our attitude plays a part in this scenario as well
It is where we decide we are going to dwell

Negative thinking brings about negative outcomes
The opposite is true and to what it succumbs
When we take authority of events in life
We eliminate the stress and the strife

Whatever the problem or issue that disturbs you
It is nothing you and God together cannot subdue
When God enters the situation the solution is clear
You will have eyes to see and ears to hear

So Settle Me, Lord as only You can
Help me to see and perfect Your plan
Take away the illusion of ‘it’
Cleanse me from all and every bit

D01: 01/15/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Duchess01 2nd Poem, Monday, 11 November 2024


We come to Your Altar on bended knee
In the name of Jesus – we pray to Thee
One of our loved ones is in peak peril
Demons they have her over a barrel
Another test will be taken real soon
Could sink hope or take her over the moon

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are healed
By His sacrifice – our fate – it was sealed
Protect her from all danger hurt or harm 
We’re calling all Angels – set the alarm
Warring Angels by the dozens dispatched
Go after those demons – get them detached

Comfort Angels dispersed to quell the fear
Through Faith – we command fear disappear
Healing Angels anoint her with the oils
Cover her completely before she spoils
Relaying Angels with a message from God
Rest in His Arms – prepare to be awed

We take authority over our friend today
By the Power of the Spirit we humbly pray
We unite in our prayer – strengthen her
To guide those in charge of her to concur
Set all instruments so accurate they be
By the Power of the Spirit command them we

Take care in your analysis – through Hope
By your training and insight help her cope
God has given you the means to infer
A possible treatment that will deter
The failure of systems rightly attached
Your expertise surely cannot be matched

Let the Hand of God guide competent hands
To do what must be done – what He commands
As we lift her up to the Heaven on High
We give it all to You – and breathe a sigh
She is in good hands – the best there be
The Angels surround her – a sight to see

We lay our petition at the feet of Your Son
Whose victory over the cross He surely won
We know in control – You must ever be
We pray for a miracle for all to see
God can fix anything – He has the clout
The Power of God is awesome no doubt!

D01: 07/02/2019


PAVACA Monday, 11 November 2024

The Hole that is Left Behind

Someone just died, a loved one.
The shock is starting to wear off.
Shock is replaced by The Hole that is Left Behind.
The Hole in the heart of the ones Left Behind.
The Hole in the emotions of the ones Left Behind.
The Hole that is the not seeing someone again.
The Hole that is the not hearing the voice again.
This is called Grief.

The ones Left Behind climb into The Hole for awhile,
Trying to understand the Why of what happened.
Trying to find a sense of Comfort.
This is called Grief.

The ones Left Behind cannot stay in The Hole.
There is another reason for why it is there.
It represents a New Beginning.
This is called Acceptance.

The Hole becomes instead the place to plant a Tree of Memory.
The Hole becomes instead the place to start a Garden of Healing.
The Tree and the Garden are first watered by tears.
Then they are watered by Life.
And the Tree and the Garden grow and become strong.
This is what the loved one who has gone on would want.
This is called Moving Onward.


Duchess01 Tuesday, 12 November 2024


Praise the Lord – Who guides our way;
Through His Spirit – to brighten our day;
Touching our hearts – gently and deep;
His Honor and Glory – we value to keep!

Our Father – Who loves us unconditionally;
Is right beside us where we need Him to be;
With Gifts of Grace – to bless us all day;
His Spirit abides – to guide our way!

Praise the Lord – what better advisor;
Could we ever hope – would make us wiser;
When we are perplexed about what to do;
God has a message just for me and you!

Through His Spirit – God speaks to us;
He works out the particulars without the fuss;
He guides us through life’s ups and downs;
Through our successes – and turnarounds!

Praise the Lord – in good times and bad;
Throughout his correction – don’t be sad;
Know that God loves us no matter what;
Through our if/then – and even our but!

God knows what we need before we do;
Cause He sees in the heart of me and you;
All He needs is acknowledgement thrust;
From outside to inside – In God we trust!

Our Faith needs replenishment almost daily;
We need to repent of our sins most ably;
No hiding behind our justification;
Cause God knows our heart identification!

Whenever you are caught in a dilemma or two;
Just go to the Quiet – Let God speak to you;
For in the silence – of your own heart;
His secrets to you – He will gladly impart!

Praise the Lord – for His intuit inspection;
His enduring love – His careful correction;
Whenever we doubt – whatever the case;
It is all about Virtue – His Gift of Grace!

D01: 07/29/2013


Duchess01 Wednesday, 13 November 2024


We each have gifts given by God at birth
These gifts like virtues expound our worth
The fruits are like actions virtues produce
These presents the Spirit comes to induce

Prompted by the Spirit the gifts bear fruit
Without the Spirit the gifts are but moot
Gifts bear fruit with the aid of the Spirit
Devoid of the Spirit we cannot clear it

The Spirit lives inside of the believer
The presence of fruits Spirit achiever
Indwelling is proof of the Spirit within
Through Him with Him the work can begin 

It has been said the gifts there are seven
With the nine fruits we are blessed by heaven
Through prayer and practice our gifts blossom
And the fruits that advance are quite awesome 

Understanding Knowledge and Wisdom
Counsel Piety Fortitude system
The Fear of the Lord all give a good start
The Spirit inside us blesses the heart

The action derived from the work we do
The fruits that are seen will benefit you
Filled with Love Goodness Kindness and Peace
Then Joy Patience Gentleness Faith increase

With Perseverance we cannot go wrong
Aligned with the Spirit where we belong
What wondrous ability you can accrue
When the Spirit of God lives inside of you

D01: 07/21/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 14 November 2024


Confronted with injustice so grievous
Reprehensible acts so nefarious 
Wicked unconscionable consternation
Without reprisal the acceptation 

Consenting to any of the above 
Is not what God has proclaimed righteous love
What offends God should offend us as well
When conspired comes from the pit of hell

A personal affront or irritation 
Resultant attack or accusation
Must never disturb or disrupt your peace
Its affect or impact must justly cease

Righteous indignation concerns God
An attack on God is openly flawed 
Outrageous attempts to belittle Him
Are egregious attacks that are quite grim

Self-control is the essence of His Fruits 
The spiritual warfare of God’s recruits
Strong, stern, and forceful will pave the way
Where Fruits of the Spirit will save the day

Righteous indignation used in defense
Exerted rightly is our recompense
Concerned with the treatment of others
Rather than injustice toward our brothers

Self-centeredness is not of the righteous
Nor a characteristic of the pious
Emotion is out of the equation
An unholy act of God persuasion 

D01: 07/27/2023


Duchess01 Friday, 15 November 2024


His truth overwhelms dearly and daily;
Manifesting blessings aptly and ably;
By those who accept Jesus as Lord;
Whose actions – through faith – create accord!

His love continues to light up a world;
Congested with turmoil – in truth – unfurled;
Perverse with evil – at every turn;
Wherein for relief – many hearts will yearn!

Justifying – His Word – shines forthwith;
In the least likely place – truth dispels myth;
Just when you think you have heard enough;
The tough get tender; the tender get tough!

The Warring Angels send the demons flying;
The Comforting Angels curtail the lying;
The Spirit surrounds the afflicted in truth;
And dispels the myth created in youth!

Through prayer and remorse, the cold heart softens;
Normally – not quickly – nor as often;
However – at times – the Spirit moves swiftly;
And Grace flows freely to heal quite quickly!

Witnessing the swiftness surely astounds;
The Power of the Spirit – it surrounds;
All who were connected through the airwaves;
Can have no doubt in mind – that Jesus saves!

My Cup Overflows with gratitude;
Happiness reigns without platitude;
No admonition to reel this soul in;
The Love of Jesus flowed freely within!

All Praise and Honor and Glory are His;
In Him, Through Him, and With Him it is;
The gift of His Spirit indwelling within;
The ransom He paid – the high price of sin!

Let your cup overflow with happiness today;
Where there is a will; there will be a way;
Patience is a Virtue; a Virtue is a Grace;
Put ‘em both together – you get a Happy Face!

D01: 04/14/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 16 November 2024


Sing unto the Lord a brand new song;
Sing praises to Him all your lifelong;
For He has sustained and kept you sound;
His blessings upon you daily abound!

Sing – Sing your sweet song of praise;
Ring – Ring your Hand bells and raise;
Your voice to His Honor and Glory be;
Your ringtone – a joyful noise – artfully!

With thanksgiving, let your sweet song begin;
With gratefulness, thank Him for peace within;
In Him, through Him, and with Him, we thrive;
Keep His commandments – Keep hope alive!

Victoriously – Jesus conquered death;      
He suffered and bled until his last breath;
Praise Him – Oh, Praise Him – thank Him in song;
For without His gift – we would not belong!

It is said when we sing – then, twice we pray;
Double the praise – sing a new song today;
Raise up your voice – in Psalms praise His name;
Jesus is Lord – let your voice proclaim!

Sing unto the Lord – a new song today;
Rejoice in His blessings a brand new way;
When we give Honor and Glory to Him;
Our hearts fill with joy – right up to the brim!

D01: 04/17/2013


bakocarl Saturday, 16 November 2024

On Election Day the country spoke
Dealing Dem traitors a mortal stroke
Oddly enough, I didn’t feel joy
But thought of tricks DemRats might employ

Relief brushed by, but it wouldn’t stay
Since an almost unpassable way
Threatens ahead, guarded by Dem loons
To stop MAGA cold or, at least, impugn

A day slowly passed, and then one more
“CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?” the people roar
Corrupt Dems hide behind rocks and trees
But Light has come; they can’t hide their sleaze

No joy as yet. I guess it’s not time
There’s too much Dem corruption and crime
Traitors! They don’t want us to be free
They want to be Masters of you and me

But, there! A change! A breeze from the East
Elon’s stood up to help stop this beast
And RFK Jr., he’s here, too
To promote good health, and guide us through

Tom Homan will fix our border mess
While Karoline Leavitt neuters the press
Elon and Vivek remove dead wood
Matt Gaetz turns the DoJ to good

Kash, we hope, cures the FBI
While Tulsi controls as DNI
Pete Hegseth restores the DoD
And Ratcliffe sets the CIA free

MAGA for one and MAGA for all!
These true patriots answered the call
Many more MAGAs have and will
Force feed Libs with a giant red pill

Traitors brought our country to the brink
Pouring their Kool Ade, making us drink
The restoration can now begin
To Make America Great Again!

Armored and ready, we’re standing by
“For God and country!” our battle cry
Our nation under God will soon be
Back in His Hands, both blessed and free

And one final thing, if it’s God’s will
We ask that God’s Spirit come and fill
Us to the brim with God’s power
As we await God’s Day and His Hour


Duchess01 Sunday, 17 November 2024


When out doing errands – what do you do?
Do you smile at others – acknowledge them, too?
A kind word can make – all of the difference;
In a life filled with turmoil and incoherence!

When a soul is troubled – do you turn away?
Do you think – no, not me – or another day?
When one in need – for his family – pleads;
Do you think only – of your own selfish needs?

When someone calls – with you needs to talk;
Do you grumble and groan – sometimes balk?
Can you – be a blessing – listen with care?
Or do you find your mind – to be elsewhere?

What if God said – I do not have the time?
I can’t help you – don’t even have a dime;
I have no smile to share – I’m busy today;
I wish you would move along and go away!

How would you feel if God ignored your needs?
If His love was conditional – dependent on deeds;
If He closed the door – to you when you’re hurt;
Around each heartfelt prayer – He seemed to skirt!

You might feel abandoned – unloved and shunned;
You might be astonished – or even stunned;
You might question His Word – His promises, too;
You might wonder why – He abandoned you!

That’s how Jesus feels – when you ignore Him;
When His light and life in you has grown dim;
When you ignore His command to love another;
Pay no attention to the needs of your brother!

Be a blessing today – to all you meet;
Put a smile on your face – share it complete;
With kind, loving words of encouragement;
Dispel any thoughts of discouragement!

Be a friend to the lonely – lift up the poor;
Give love to the homeless – open the door;
Listen when asked – to the pain of another;
Show God’s love for your sister and brother!

Let His love shine through you – today and then;
Repeat it tomorrow – all over again;
With faith, hope, and love – filled to the brim;
He depends upon you – Be a Blessing for Him!

D01: 11/08/2013


bakocarl Sunday, 17 November 2024


I was working in my office late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
Melania, from her bed, began to rise
And suddenly, to my surprise

She did the Mash
(The MAGA Mash) it was a White House smash
(She did the Mash) it caught on in a flash
(She did the Mash) she did the MAGA Mash

From the study in the White House east
To the Press Room, where the Journos feast
The Staff came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes

They did the Mash
(The MAGA Mash) it was a White House smash
(They did the Mash) it caught on in a flash
(They did the Mash) they did the MAGA Mash

Deplorables were having fun
The party had just begun
Some guests were RFK, Elon, and his son
The scene was rocking, all were digging the sounds
JD on chains, backed by baying hounds
The WOKE-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, The Dem-Kicker Five

They played the Mash
(The MAGA Mash) it was a White House smash
(They played the Mash) it caught on in a flash
(They played the Mash) they played the MAGA Mash

Out from his room, Barron’s voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He came on out and shook his fist
And said, “Whatever happened to Melania’s twist?”

It’s now the Mash
(The MAGA Mash) it’s a White House smash
(It’s now the Mash) it’s caught on in a flash
(It’s now the Mash) it’s now the MAGA Mash

Now everything’s cool, Barron’s part of the band
And the MAGA Mash is the hit of the land
For you Deplorables this Mash was meant too
When you get to the door, tell them Trump sent you

Then you can Mash
(The MAGA Mash) it’s a White House smash
(Then you can Mash) you’ll catch on in a flash
(Then you can Mash) then you can MAGA Mash

Mash good!
Easy, JD, you impetuous boy
Mash good! (The MAGA Mash)


Duchess01 2nd poem Sunday, 17 November 2024


Love your neighbor as I have loved you;
This is what Jesus asked us all to do;
Judge not or you will be judged right the same;
Blame not a soul – don’t defile his or her name!

Only God knows the heart – it is His to know;
Backbiting and gossip – we must forego;
If we engage in demeaning our brother;
It hurts only us – not at all the other!

For God does not look kindly on attacks;
It is He who will correct – give the whacks;
In His conviction – he will pity the one;
Vengeance is His – and will be swiftly done!

Jesus wants us to forgive – or we will not;
When we ask forgiveness – as we ought;
We must be willing to forgive and forget;
Or forgiveness of sins – we’ll not beget!

Blaming one’s neighbor – to elevate self;
That’s not what God wants – for him or herself;
We must be accountable for falling short;
Of His glory and mercy – no smart retort!

What will we say when we stand before Him;
Will we make excuses – keep blaming Jim?
At that point it’ll be too late for amends;
It will be pointless then to forgive our friends!

Forgiveness is freedom from guilt and shame;
It comes when we repent and take the blame;
For our cruelty and meanness toward another;
For falsely accusing our sister or brother!

Be slow to anger – and quick to forgive;
Without guilt and guile is the way to live;
With love and understanding – you will be;
In God’s good graces – and frankly – free!

Creating strife among one’s sister or brother;
It is not really how you love one another;
Jesus commanded us to love as He did;
His Peace He gave us – to share not forbid!

Forgive one another – be a light in the dark;
Be love toward your brother – and set the spark;
For the peacemakers – the Word says are duly;
Called Children of God – and quite blessed – truly!

D01: 11/17/2013


cthulhu Sunday, 17 November 2024

Which is not to be confused with the McTurtle’s song —

Beautiful Grift, so rich and green,
Simmering in someplace unseen!
Who could knowingly skip such a gift?
Grift of the government, Beautiful Grift!
Grift of the government, Beautiful Grift!

Beau-ootiful Grii-ift!
Beau-ootiful Grii-ift!
Grift of the government,
Beautiful, beautiful Grift!

Beautiful Grift, who cares for theft,
Physical loot with so much heft?
Far better is paper when value to lift
Percents for the Big Guy of Beautiful Grift!
Percents to the Big Guy of Beautiful Grift!

Beau-ootiful Grii-ift!
Beau-ootiful Grii-ift!
Grift of the government,
Beautiful, beautiful Grift!


Duchess01 Monday, 18 November 2024


The law of the Lord is perfect and true;
It revives the soul – and gives life to you;
The rule of the Lord – you can trust;
It gives wisdom to the simple – a thrust!

The precepts of the Lord are right and real;
They gladden the heart – with righteous zeal;
The commands of the Lord are crystal clear;
They give songs to the voice – chords to the ear!

The Fear of the Lord is holy – abides;
Wherein – the heart – that the Spirit resides;
The decrees of the Lord are true and just;
So Fear of the Lord for all is a must!

More to be desired than the purest gold;
Sweeter than honey from the comb threefold;
For in them – the servant – finds instruction;
From precept to precept – no deduction!

Great reward comes from their very keeping;
Only He can detect error speaking;
Of hidden faults – His justice surely acquits;
From the judgment seat upon which He sits!

From presumption – we must be restrained;
From judging others – we must be retrained;
Under presumption – we make ourselves blameless;
Not cleansed from grave sin – or even shameless!

Let the spoken word of your mouth – win favor;
Let your thoughts be pure – that they He may savor;
Let your heart be of a clean – contrite nature;
Let your heart – the Holy Spirit – capture!

The Fear of the Lord – is not fear at all;
It’s His love in your heart – so answer His call;
His precepts – commands – decrees are all there;
To guide you – correct you – keep you aware!

Be prudent – be faithful – be thankful you are;
Chosen by Him – loved – and cherished by far;
The Fear of the Lord – is His awesomeness;
Give thanks – for His love – and His blessedness!

D01: 11/18/2013


Duchess01 Tuesday, 19 November 2024


Do you not see – I am with you
Do you not see – what I can do
Do you not see – by My Mighty Hand
I can and will heal your land

Do you not see – my anointed
Do you not see – who I appointed
Do you not see – man can do nothing
Do you not see – the enemy is bluffing

If my people which are called by My name
Will humble themselves – pray the same
Seek my face – turn from their wicked ways 
I will hear from Heaven as I do always

I will do the impossible – and bring Justice
I will rain down judgement – just trust Us
I will heal the afflicted in mind, body, and soul
I will repair the damage and make them whole

I can fix the damage the enemy has wrought
In unconventional ways no man has thought
It is I who created the world and over it rule
It is the enemy I will foil and make the fool

America and Israel are My covenant nations
It is I who have created their foundations
And thus – I will not see them destroyed
Nor will I forget them or leave them void

Yes the enemy has infiltrated their institutions
Truth has been hidden from their distributions 
Fear and anxiety have destroyed their faith
From lies and deception they could not escape

Ah – but I am greater than they who deceive
From Me restitution and peace you will receive
Watch and See My power to relieve
Be not afraid – Be still – and Believe!!!

D01: 09/07/2022


Duchess01 2nd poem, Tuesday, 19 November 2024


After hours of prayer in the Spirit
A quiet voice comes right to the fore
One must have the ears to hear it
As its power shakes one to the core

Gently revealing a message to speak
To share with those in need of the truth
One must have courage and not be weak
To fight the corrupt and evil uncouth

God sees their plans before its fruition 
Nothing can be hidden from Him ever
He knows enemy schemes and their mission
His guidance/protection will not sever

To His anointed He forewarns/teaches
Assures them lovingly He is in charge
Reminds them of the truth He preaches
From His Word and from history at large

There is no timeline nor dated event
There are subjects and statements and clues
A warning of occurrences and content
Not meant to frighten just present His views

This is God’s domain it belongs to Him
Not to a select few who control it 
They’ve no authority to rule on a whim
To steal, kill, and destroy ere to whit

He knows the beginning from the end
So He can surely guide us thru it
He will not give in or to evil bend
Our strength thru Him we’ll accrue it

From the weather, fires, and explosions
Finances, diversions, and invasions
The enemy creates strife and implosions
To separate us from happy persuasions

To catch us off guard and keep us tense
The enemy strives to divide us 
Till we are too busy with his nonsense
To go to God and pray to unite us

The Prophetic Voice rises up to warn
To prepare us for what is to come
To strengthen us through God’s Word
To fight the enemy and not succumb

God provides the words to speak
The Truth, the Light, and the Way 
The tools and the knowledge to seek 
The wisdom of a brighter new day 

The Prophetic Voice gives encouragement
Hope in the future in spite of the pain
Faith that God will ease the discouragement
And our love for one another remain

D01: 08/03/2024


Duchess01 Wednesday 20 November 2024


So many times we think we know better
But in our minds we see not the fetter
Trapped in a world of utter madness
We see no way out only sadness

We think we are smart can figure it out
Without God’s help we really have no clout
For it is in His Word where answers lie
Simply the what and when and how and why

His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts
Without discernment we remain tied in knots
The answer to what is plaguing us
Is found in His Word and rightly thus

We think we can flourish all on our own
Taught this from childhood until we are grown
We wonder why we continue to fail
Our sacred source sadly of no avail

We lean on our own understanding
Knowledge is rarely ever expanding
We have no clue how to reach higher
Wisdom eludes we’re left in the mire

We must trust in God with all our hearts
From whom knowledge initially imparts
From knowledge comes the understanding
And wisdom erupts ever commanding

What is it that brings us life and success
With what ability does God rightly bless
The conviction of Faith in things unseen
The assurance of things hoped and have been

So if our leaning is all on our own 
We miss out on what Faith has truly shown
We miss God’s vast unconditional love
His Fatherly assistance from above

D01: 02/22/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 21 November 2024


Oh, Blessed Trinity – Godhead – three in one;
Undivided Unity – Father, Spirit, and Son;
The Creator, the Word, and Divine Truth;
Enjoined in majesty – through Grace forsooth!

The Father – I AM THAT I AM – Creator;
Who is, was, and is to come – Elevator;
The Son – the Shepherd – attends to His sheep;
The Spirit – Divine Truth – indwelled so deep!

Unparalleled indwelling and inspiration;
The Godhead who upholds our salvation;
The mystery of the Blessed Trinity;
The Power of God touches humanity!

All Praise and Honor and Glory are given;
To the Triune God on high in Heaven;
Without the Unity – of the three in one;
Life eternal – thus – could not be won!

Thank You, Father – for life – You created;
For the death of Your Son – elevated;
For the indwelling – of Your Spirit is;
The Trinity Blessing – of eternal bliss!

How perfect the union – Father, Spirit, Son;
How perfect the plan – for salvation won;
Victory over death – was His guarantee;
His Perfect Love – unconditionally!

Be mindful of the unity – of the trine;
The assurance of salvation truly thine;
For God gave His Only Begotten Son;
And through His Spirit – souls He won!

God so loved His creation – you and me;
That He gave His Son – sacrificially;
By the Blood of the Lamb with the Father’s consent;
We are free – we are saved – by the Spirit – REPENT!

Through repentance and sorrow – we are reviewed;
Reunited by faith – through the Spirit – renewed;
Give us Your Grace and the Gifts of Your Spirit;
Oh, Blessed Trinity – Be Praised – let us hear it!

D01: 8/05/2013


Duchess01 2nd Poem, Thursday, 21 November 2024


Hearken Ye – Blest are the Pure in Heart;
For they shall see our God when they depart;
The secret of the Lord is surely theirs;
In Christ’s abode – their souls become heirs!

Their lives give glory to the Prince of Peace
Their love for Him is strong – it will not cease;
Like Him – they dwell in lowliness – with men;
Like Him – their pattern for holiness – Amen!

To the lowly soul – His grace He imparts;
With His Spirit pure – He fills their hearts;
For His cradle – and His heavenly throne;
He chooses the Pure in Heart – they alone!

Lord – Let us pray – Thy presence we seek;
Lord – For we pray – Thy blessing unique;
Give us – we pray – a pure and lowly heart;
The Grace from Your Spirit that You impart!

The temple within – we will surely refine;
For the pure resting place of the Divine;
Purify us, Oh Lord – that we may be worthy;
To receive Your Grace – wholly and humbly!

Give us this day your blessing, Oh Lord;
Keep us securely – surely in Your Word;
Let Your Spirit abide within us today;
For You are the Truth, the Life, and the Way!

Blest are the Pure in Heart – the Bible says;
For they are the ones who know God’s ways;
Create in us all – a heart that is pure;
So we will be servants of all – for sure!

Let not worldly concerns sweep us away;
Temptation and sinfulness – let us defray;
For it is in giving – that we will receive;
And the Pure in Heart – will ever believe!

The Glory of God – will be theirs to enjoy;
If they seek His face – in all they employ;
Grant us – Oh, Lord – a heart that is pure;
For the Pure in Heart – will surely endure!

D01: 07/29/2013


Duchess01 Friday, 22 November 2024



In Your kindness, have mercy on me;
Let me not ever stray far from Thee;
Blot out my sins from your Holy sight;
Strengthen me – to fight the good fight!

In Your compassion, blot out my offense;
For my transgression, there is no defense;
Wash me and cleanse me of all of my guilt;
I have sinned against Thee – I need rebuilt!

My offenses are ever before me, Oh Lord;
I have fallen short as it says in Your Word;
Against You alone have I sinned grievously;
In Your sight, Oh Lord, sin encompassed me!

Justified are You in your sentence dispensed;
Without reproach is Your judgment against;
For in sin were all men ill-conceived;
From the womb we emerge ill-perceived!

In truth, it’s the heart only You can see;
Instill in my heart Your wisdom for me;
Purify and cleanse me that I may know;
Wash me – cleanse my soul – whiter than snow!

Create in me – a clean heart renewed;
Cleansed in the Spirit – no longer eschewed;
With a steadfast spirit – I am refreshed;
No longer in sin will I be enmeshed!

A pure heart create in me, Oh God;
No longer will You need to poke and prod;
Give me again, Lord, the joy of Your aid;
With a steadfast spirit – the ransom is paid!

Rescue me, Lord, from evil oppression;
Let love – once again – be my obsession;
Let repentance and mercy blot out my sin;
Let Your Holy Spirit live again within!

For, in sacrifice, you take no delight;
Burnt offering – You would refuse outright;
My sacrifice is a contrite spirit;
Humble and worthy – Your voice – I hear it!

In Your goodness, Oh Lord, make me anew;
Be near me, Oh Lord, keep me close to You;
Hold me, remold me – into what I should be;
Create in me, Lord, a clean heart from Thee!

D01: 06/28/2013


Duchess01 2nd Poem, Friday, 22 November 2024


Many are the sins of men they cannot escape
Especially the judgement of others agape
The speck in his eye the plank in your face
“Do not judge thy neighbour until thou comest into his place.” 

Wisdom comes not sans its attendant knowledge
Understanding is moot sans the college
Logically one does not attain the prize
Without these two one can never be wise

Surely, we cannot know the mind of God 
Nor can we know His anointed awed
The Gifts of the Spirit He dispenses
In the supernatural He compenses 

When the Spirit speaks so quietly
His words ebb and flow so pietly
Not every word is easily discerned
But from the Spirit there is much to be learned

Jesus warned us to be careful to speak
Lest we act the fool appear to be weak
We might have much in common with the others
But we walk not in the shoes of our brothers

Their gifts and talents come only from God
To those not blessed might appear to be odd
He speaks in tongues unfamiliar to Thee
But to someone present clear as can be

He talks to God and shares what He revealed
You laugh at him but someone has been healed
You claim his message from God must be untrue
Because God does not talk to either he or you

Anybody can guess what might happen
With his vast intellect he can tap in
He does not need God to figure it out
Wanna be prophets we can do without

Judge not your sisters or your brothers
By any measure or any others
When it comes time to stand before God
Will your words and deeds give you His nod

D01: 11/21/2024


Duchess01 2rd Poem, Friday 22 November 2024



My heart is heavy – my heart is heavy
Am I a barrier to contain like a levee
Did You not command me of the divine
Did You not appoint and show me a sign

You know I never intended to intrude
To interrupt the flow with my interlude
Perhaps you unintentionally thot it rude
To publish my introspection to be viewed

Only You know my heart and my intent
For what I have written I never meant
To insult or to preach another gospel
To come off condescending or awful

I merely wanted to interject my thoughts
For you to examine and connect the dots
I hoped to inquire inspire introspect
What I had found in my study and checked

To share it with you was my heart’s desire
Even if I was preaching to the choir
So please pardon my presumption
Please forgive me my assumption

I hope and pray in some heavenly way
I have touched your heart on this day
For sharing is caring I truly believe
Through revelation our friendships we weave 

Thank you for listening with patience so pure
I’m grateful you’ve allowed me a voice adjure
If you have received a blessing from me
Then what I am doing was meant to be!

D01: 01/31/2023


bakocarl Friday, 22 November 2024

Melania’s Song

There’s a great man that I love, his work is not yet done
Denied his office by cheap crooks, though he’d clearly won
His storm has now arrived, his terrible typhoon
Someday soon, he’ll return, someday soon

He’s still out there working, he’s heard the people call
He’s seen our freedoms stifled as the halls of justice fall
He’s seen all the suffering, he’s heard the people moan
He knows all the traitors, and the seeds of hell they’ve sown

He loves our God blessed country, and knows we should be free
Someday soon, he’ll be with us, someday soon

Justice’s wheels grind slowly, yet they still grind fine
Earned payment is coming, from the battle lines
God above won’t be denied, His Word will ever win
His strong hand of justice will reign the wicked in

The dogs of war run swiftly now, as they sight the prey
Bringing truth and justice, our American way
My man’s standing straight and tall, his call rings ever clear
He’ll return our honored ways, as we the people cheer

He loves our God blessed country, and knows we should be free
Someday soon, he’ll be with us, someday soon


bakocarl 2nd Poem, Friday, 22 November 2024

I remember to this day
Dems stole our freedoms away
And WuFlu rules caused death and pain
How the Dems made MAGA the foe
And how they worshipped Joe and Ho
Oh how I wish for freedom again

Well, it’s me and you and PTrump, too
Working to save our great land
Me and you and PTrump, too
How I miss being a free man

It’s so clear now I recall
Dems want to make our country fall
So they can have their way and rule
They lie and then corrupt our laws
And arrest grandmas without cause
But we have it all and they’re the fools

Well, it’s me and you and PTrump, too
Working to save our great land
Me and you and PTrump, too
Waitin’ to see what God has planned

It’ll be here soon, that day
When we thank God and pray
That we hear Freedom’s mighty roar
That evil Dems turn and flee
That God rules as meant to be
With Peace and Joy forever more

Well, it’s me and you and PTrump, too
Working to save our great land
Me and you and PTrump, too
Longing to see God’s Mighty Hand


Duchess01 Saturday, 23 November 2024


When you discern a sign what comes to mind
Is it a warning or portend combined
Does it alarm you or charm your senses
Do you take heed or disarm your defenses

The contrast between the natural true
And what’s in the supernatural queue
A sign or wonder in the mind’s eye 
An ordinary occurrence nigh

The secret to both is to whom they point
And to what they prophesy and anoint
The purpose is your awareness of God
To recognize His power and be awed

An unexpected divine intervention 
Is sure to inspire and get attention 
The problem arises when fake seems real
Forged apparitions have their appeal

False prophets perform actions that fool
Their manifestations fail as a rule
Signs seek to enhance bring about belief
Wonders serve as signs of future relief

Miracles are evidence of God’s power
They last for much longer than an hour
Healing comes not from man or of his hand
That was never designed or even planned

Only God can work wonders and give signs
By His great love and His power confines
The miraculous is in His domain alone
There’s no greater gift from God ever known

D01: 07/15/2023


Duchess01 Sunday, 24 November 2024


Confronted with injustice so grievous
Reprehensible acts so nefarious 
Wicked unconscionable consternation
Without reprisal the acceptation 

Consenting to any of the above 
Is not what God has proclaimed righteous love
What offends God should offend us as well
When conspired comes from the pit of hell

A personal affront or irritation 
Resultant attack or accusation
Must never disturb or disrupt your peace
Its affect or impact must justly cease

Righteous indignation concerns God
An attack on God is openly flawed 
Outrageous attempts to belittle Him
Are egregious attacks that are quite grim

Self-control is the essence of His Fruits 
The spiritual warfare of God’s recruits
Strong, stern, and forceful will pave the way
Where Fruits of the Spirit will save the day

Righteous indignation used in defense
Exerted rightly is our recompense
Concerned with the treatment of others
Rather than injustice toward our brothers

Self-centeredness is not of the righteous
Nor a characteristic of the pious
Emotion is out of the equation
An unholy act of God persuasion 

D01: 07/27/2023


Robert Baker Sunday, 24 November 2024

I went for a walk on a wintry day.
The snowy silence seemed to say.
Find yourself, amid the fray.
Stop. Pray.
And when you’re done, go on your way.


bakocarl Sunday, 24 November 2024


Cold deepens, heaping chill on old bones
Graying clouds drowse across lowering skies
Wispy thoughts wander within the still air
Life slips through autumn as winter draws nigh

White crystals drift from cloudy climes
Snowflakes floating free dance nature’s ballet
Hushed thoughts with sound stilled, silence reigns
Faint wisps of life waft through time’s byways

Snow settles, blanketing sight and sound
Snow pillows pile snugly in downy mounds
Thoughts grow dim, ever remaining unsaid
Dreaming in peace on their earthbound bed

Cold, now banished for perpetual spring
The Peace and Joy the Blessed Son brings
We rise anew to soar through the air
To dwell forever in God’s loving care


bakocarl 2nd Poem Sunday, 24 November 2024

Silence Of The Snow
Hugh Tague

No two flakes are exactly the same,
a gift to us all, I must further explain.
The air is crisp, and cold as can be,
the snow settles gently upon the trees.

Tiny little flakes free falling from the sky,
one quickly melted on the corner of my eye.
Squirrels frolic and play on the limbs up above,
their acrobatic display is a sight to be loved.

A clump of snow falls quickly to the ground,
but nothing is heard, not the slightest of sounds.
Snow falls from the heavens as silent as can be,
so quiet and peaceful, I can hear God breathe.


Duchess01 Monday, 25 November 2024


Your commands are simple – but hard to keep;
For falling short of your precepts – I weep;
For the consequence of sin is surely death;
Separation from You – gasping for breath!
What have I done – what is missing from me?
How could it have happened – how could it be?
Where have I failed – fallen short in my faith;
With Your Grace removed – I wallow in wraith!
Send forth Your Spirit – to help me discern;
Give me Your Wisdom – please help me to learn;
You know my heart, Lord – as no person can;
Help me uncover – what’s for me in your plan!
There are no excuses for falling short;
Nor are their reasons to which we resort;
No justification could we conjure up now;
For thwarting our relation to God anyhow!
I pray You will lead be me back to Your path;
Let me not stumble – or suffer Your wrath;
Hide Your face not from me – be near, Oh Lord;
Teach me and reach me – through Your Holy Word!
As I pray in the Word – let Your scriptures speak;
Help me be humble – help me be meek;
Let Your Spirit instruct – let Him convict;
Open my eyes, Lord – let my heart be pricked!
Reveal in my heart – Your message today;
Remove the distraction – let nothing defray;
From the outside in – and inside outward;
Forgive Me, Lord – help me move about ward!
Whether or not you believe it could be;
The righteous man sins seven times – daily;
Therefore it’s important – prudent for he;
To repent, reconcile and – be holy!
The Bible tells us – do pray unceasingly;
Keep God in your heart – ever increasingly;
Be mindful and watchful of what you do;
Say – defray – don’t delay – He wants you!
Do you think for a moment salvation is free?
Do you think God offers it unconditionally?
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, paid the ransom for sin;
Your sins are forgiven – to let you back in!
When you entertain demons – devils defy;
Your soul is in jeopardy – can you see why?
The Spirit lives not in a temple defiled;
With no inspiration – you are beguiled!
A devil comes in all shapes and sizes;
Temptation is simple – he so devises;
There are deadly sins – yes – seven in all;
That sneak up on you – like a plague befall!
Just when you think all is going quite well;
That pesky devil lures you to hell;
Watch your back – your tongue – be ever prayerful;
Repent seven times – and please be careful!
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive;
Put on your armor – continue to live;
With faith and through grace under protection;
Pass all your tests and do pass inspection!
Forgive Me, Lord – for I have failed again;
Alas, I’m not perfect – like You – Amen;
Please heal me – reveal me – refresh me anew;
Remain by Your side – ever faithful to You!
D01: 8/17/2013


Duchess01 2nd Poem Monday, 25 November 2024


Throughout scripture, God sets His example;
Limitless – His love – is more than ample;
He is kind; He is good – He is faithful;
For His steadfast Spirit, we are grateful!

Blessed are they who rely on the Lord;
Blessed are they who abide by His Word;
Holy are they who trust only in Him;
Convicted through Faith – is proper and prim!

With Fidelity and Faithfulness – we
Are trusting and trustworthy as can be;
With holy fervor, we honor Our Lord;
Consistently Faithful His Love out-poured!

Through Jesus, we exude Faith, Hope, and Love;
Through His Spirit and exultation above;
Through fullness of Faith – we are relieved;
We have not seen and yet, we have believed!

A Fruit of the Spirit, Faithfulness is;
The art of believing in heavenly bliss;
The act of knowing – relying on hope;
The tug of strength when unable to cope!

In the fullness of Faith, we come alive;
With conviction and purpose, we will thrive;
With our trust in the Lord, we cannot go wrong;
In the Faith Filled Family where we belong!

D01: 04/21/2013


Duchess01 Tuesday, 26 November 2024


Let us not concentrate on the evil of the day
Let machinations of the enemy hold no sway
Free us from manic mind manipulation
Let Your Holy Word be our contemplation

Fashion our minds with Your Holy Grace 
Fix our eyes on the splendor of our space
Breathe on us Your hallowed breath of life
Release us from daily sorrow and strife

Let us reflect on the beauty of Your creation 
With awe and wonder without hesitation
So much more to appreciate aptly akin
That brings warmth to the heart herein

Cleanse us, Lord, from wayward thoughts
From worldly concerns and jackpots
From fleshly fetishes that only distract
Keep our minds wholly on You intact

Prepare our perspective to reach higher
Patient perseverance blessings acquire
While we all do fall short of Your Glory
Tis not the end of our earthly story

Infuse our minds with rich refreshment
Help us acquire accrued assessment
Give us the key to heavenly access
Secured by You will be our success
Help us grow closer to You each day
To the Life, the Truth, and the only Way
Purify our hearts minds and bodies ado
From anything that separates us from You 
Refined in the fire we all shall be 
As we strive to be more holy like Thee 
Renew Our Minds, Lord, we humbly implore 
Guide us to eternity evermore 

D01: 02/13/2023


Valerie Curren posts poem from her daughter. Tuesday, 26 November 2024

The other day my daughter & I were conversing about blogs & she finally decided to start one as I’d been encouraging her to do for some time. One of her posts struck me as potentially healing to those who are hurting, even grieving, so I wanted to share it here. May this touch your heart as it did mine. God Bless you all, in Jesus’ Love ❤ 💔 ❤

November 20, 2024

The Next Day

Paying homage to a fledgling that I found beneath the biggest tree in my parents backyard.

comment image

he little guy had few feathers and had been on the ground for at least a day. He was initially healthy looking and I thought we was learning how to fly. When he still was not flying away from me on another day, I thought he may need help. That evening I cuddled him in the hammock beneath the tree, giving him my warmth. After researching how to help him and learning very little, I made a decision.

I thought that I could learn how to care for him better the following day if he made it through the night. Something that I came to regret. He died outside later that evening, alone.

Perhaps things would be different if I brought him indoors for warmth, or found any form of food to feed him. Unfortunately I cannot change what has transpired. Despite my desire to do good my actions were neutral at best. So I wrote this song that this sweet little creature will not be forgotten.

The chipper melody juxtaposes the unfortunate content of the song, perhaps to represent the endless youth of the bird whose life ended before it had barely begun.


I found you on the ground

Making a sweet sound

And so I bent down

A small friend I found

Little bird, I heard you chirp

Your sweet song

Was gone before too long

I wanted you to be okay

But you died the next day

The next day

Your small body

Nestled on me

Over your cemetery

Beneath that maple tree

Little bird, I heard you chirp

Your sweet song

Was gone before too long

I wanted you to be okay

But you died the next day

The next day

You don’t always get second chances

His soul to keep because I fell asleep

Little bird, food for worms

Because he’s gone, I sing his last song

Little bird, I heard you chirp

Your sweet song

Was gone before too long

I wanted you to be okay

But you died the next day

The next day x2

What a precious example of beauty for ashes. Not even a sparrow falls…


Duchess01 Wednesday, 27 November 2028


In the early morning light, I see YOU;
I begin the day just right; I pray, too;
I recall the blessings YOU have given;
I ask to be Holy Spirit driven!

I thank you for the sunshine YOU have sent;
For the flowers and trees; their nourishment;
I thank YOU profusely for loving me;
And pray I may serve YOU graciously!

Oh, but lately, Lord, I’m having trouble;
I’m anxious, lonely, and seeing double;
I do not know what has come over me;
It’s been really hard connecting with Thee!

Overwhelmed at times, I can find no rest;
From the constant barrage of evil’s quest;
From unwelcome guests who rob me of time;
From interrupted prayers to outright crime!

Where are you, Lord? I need you right now;
Come quickly into my heart somehow;
Fill me with your Spirit and make me whole;
Let me suffer no more with this empty soul!

Hear my cry in the day and into the night;
Protect me by day and by night, be my light;
Let not Thy presence be hidden from me;
In your mercy, Lord, hide my sin from Thee!

Whatever I have done or have not done;
Let it be known; let victory be won;
Gather me into Thy Loving embrace;
Wash the pain and tears away from my face!

Reveal to me what I have done so wrong;
Away from YOU, I have suffered so long;
The emptiness inside is so hard to bear;
I wonder, at times, if YOU are even there!

Where are you, Lord? Oh, please hear my call;
I’m confused, broken in my wherewithal;
Why are you silent in my time of need?
Is it because of my secular greed?

Have I not attended to my daily prayer?
Have I neglected for my neighbor to care?
Have I been selfish thinking only of me?
Oh yes, that is it – that is what it must be!

Hence the reason for the anxiety;
My trust in YOU, Lord, has just ceased to be;
My heart is on things of the world not YOU;
No wonder I’m hurting, lonely, and blue!

Thank you, DEAR LORD, for clearing the air;
For sending YOUR SPIRIT for me to care;
For renewing in me hope, love, and peace;
For making this longing finally cease!
Forgive me, Lord, for my selfish pride;
For from you I have been trying to hide;
For feeling unworthy to share with YOU;
My ineptitude and shortcomings, too!

Why did I even think YOU did not care?
Why did I ever refuse with YOU to share?
Why did I think YOU could never relate?
To the suffering I simply abate!

Did you not see in the Garden at prayer?
The loneliness a man is forced to bear;
When he is abandoned by all in the end;
When no one will stay; not even a friend?

Did you not ask for this cup to pass?
Was it your fear? What was it alas?
Was this just another human refrain?
Something YOU would do all over again?

No, you were not complaining it’s not fair;
And you were not wishing YOU did not care;
YOU were just preparing YOUR human side;
To let YOUR soul with YOUR Father reside!

So I’ll take my cue directly from YOU;
And stop thinking of me as YOU would do;
Deny myself and just follow YOUR lead;
And YOU will provide whatever I need!

D01: 4/05/2013


Duchess01 2nd Poem, Wednesday, 27 November 2024


Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!

Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!

Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!

Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!

Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!

Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!

I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!

Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!

Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!

Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!

Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!

D01: 07/14/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, 28 November 2024


His truth overwhelms deeply and daily;
Manifesting blessings aptly and ably;
By those who accept Jesus as Lord;
Whose actions – through faith – afford accord!

His love continues to light up a world;
Congested with turmoil – in truth – unfurled;
Perverse with evil – at every turn;
Wherein for relief – many hearts will yearn!

Justifying – His Word – shines forthwith;
In the least likely place – truth dispels myth;
Just when you think you have heard enough;
The tough get tender; the tender get tough!

The Warring Angels send the demons flying;
The Comforting Angels curtail the lying;
The Spirit surrounds the afflicted in truth;
And dispels the myth created in youth!

Through prayer and remorse, the cold heart softens;
Normally – not quickly – nor as often;
However – at times – the Spirit moves swiftly;
And Grace flows freely to heal quite quickly!

Witnessing the swiftness surely astounds;
The Power of the Spirit – it surrounds;
All who were connected through the airwaves;
Can have no doubt in mind – that Jesus saves!

My Cup Overflows with gratitude;
Happiness reigns without platitude;
No admonition to reel this soul in;
The Love of Jesus flows freely within!

All Praise and Honor and Glory are His;
In Him, Through Him, and With Him it is;
The gift of His Spirit indwelling within;
The ransom He paid – the high price of sin!

Let your cup overflow with happiness today;
Where there is a will; there will be a way;
Patience is a Virtue; a Virtue is a Grace;
Put ‘em both together – you get a Happy Face!

D01: 04/14/2013


Duchess01 2nd Poem Thanksgiving Day Thursday, 28 November 2024


We come to Your Altar on bended knee
In the name of Jesus – we pray to Thee
One of our loved ones is in peak peril
Demons they have her over a barrel
Another test will be taken real soon
Could sink hope or take her over the moon

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are healed
By His sacrifice – our fate – it was sealed
Protect her from all danger hurt or harm 
We’re calling all Angels – set the alarm
Warring Angels by the dozens dispatched
Go after those demons – get them detached

Comfort Angels dispersed to quell the fear
Through Faith – we command fear disappear
Healing Angels anoint her with the oils
Cover her completely before she spoils
Relaying Angels with a message from God
Rest in His Arms – prepare to be awed

We take authority over our friend today
By the Power of the Spirit we humbly pray
We unite in our prayer – strengthen her
To guide those in charge of her to concur
Set all instruments so accurate they be
By the Power of the Spirit command them we

Take care in your analysis – through Hope
By your training and insight help her cope
God has given you the means to infer
A possible treatment that will deter
The failure of systems rightly attached
Your expertise surely cannot be matched

Let the Hand of God guide competent hands
To do what must be done – what He commands
As we lift her up to the Heaven on High
We give it all to You – and breathe a sigh
She is in good hands – the best there be
The Angels surround her – a sight to see

We lay our petition at the feet of Your Son
Whose victory over the cross He surely won
We know in control – You must ever be
We pray for a miracle for all to see
God can fix anything – He has the clout
The Power of God is awesome no doubt!

D01: 07/02/2019


bakocarl Thanksgiving Thursday, 28 November 2024

DOGE Trailor has been released. Starring Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy and POTUS D.J. Trump
I saw a trailer this morning
I’m feeling happy today
We’re gonna pack some Dimms up
And throw them all away

DOGE will grab the Dimm traitors
And how they will tremble and sing
Elon and Vivek will clean them out
Lock ‘em all up, and make some swing

Those evil Dimms robbin’
Will soon be all sobbin’
So long. So long.
Their heads will be bobbin’
Neck stumps will be throbbin’
So long. So long.

Justice will deal with traitors
So they meet their Maker soon
Judgment will be fully deserved
The Lake of Fire, their honeymoon

I saw that trailer this morning
And I’m feelin’ happy today
I see freedom and justice now
If we listen and walk God’s way

That trailer I saw was bringing
Joy for my leaping and springing
Not long. Not long.
When the church bells will be ringing
With us and the angels singing
Not long. Not long.


Duchess01 Friday, 29 November 2024


From my Father – I came – born of woman;
Who conceived by the Spirit – for all man;
God so loved the world He sent forth His Son;
Through His Spirit – rose the Begotten One!

Be Consoled My Love – He came forth to save;
If you are lost – you must try to be brave;
Come to Me – I am gentle – humble of heart;
I’ve loved you long before – love did start!

I have chosen you – as one of My own;
You’ll never be lonely – or ever alone;
Ask Me – and I will – be with you always;
I will not leave you – for My Love – it stays!

If you love Me – follow Me – read My Word;
Let your heart be on fire – get yourself stirred;
Love one another – as I have loved you;
Forgive him his debt – I’ll forgive yours, too!

Be Consoled My Love – and fear not evil;
Be not afraid – but rather – be gleeful;
If Our Father tests you – be thankful for trial;
He’s testing your faithfulness – all the while!

His love is unconditional – and true;
He will forgive your sins – and forgive you;
His Spirit will convict – correct outright;
Whenever you confess – repent upright!

No matter what you’ve done – or sin commit;
He’ll relieve that guilt – if you – simply admit;
Repent – tell Him you’re sorry – on your knees;
You’ll be filled with His Grace – of guilt He frees!

Be Consoled My Love – be faithful and true;
Be kind to each other – as I have asked you;
Do all you can – to serve and be fruitful;
Above and beyond – be ever truthful!

Don’t be discouraged – feelings are not facts;
Nothing that comes from God – are merely acts;
His love is everlasting – meant to endure;
Without Him we’re nothing – that is for sure!

Whenever you feel – there is no hope at all;
Be not disturbed – simply – give Him a call;
Knock and it shall be – opened unto you;
Be Consoled My Love – whatever you do!

LBM: 12/06/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 30 November 2024


After a harrowing day we feel drained
No peace no quiet our senses are strained
Our muscles are taut unable to ease
Dear Lord can You help us relax please

Sometimes a quick prayer will give us pause
The Spirit we pray will take up our cause
No higher power can ever relieve
The disquiet of the mind we aggrieve

When we pray we release anger and pain
Our mind and body are free once again
We have left the natural realm somehow
Into the spiritual realm right now

When we have achieved the spiritual plane
Nothing in the natural is ever the same
Angels have lifted us into the clouds
High above the screams of the demon crowds

When we realize from where troubles come
We can extract ourselves from demonic scum
That vexing voice that plagues our spirit
Cannot take hold nor will we fear it

Manipulations of the mind are moot
When we give the enemy the boot
In the name of Jesus he will flee
No longer will he bother you or me

In the Silence of the Night we’re in control
The Sword of the Spirit will surely console
Greater is He who lives inside of you
Than that loser to which you bid adieu

D01: 09/02/2023


Duchess01 Sunday, 1 December 2024


Like a Child – to you, Lord – I long to be;
Humble not proud – nor haughty – to Thee;
Trusting – forgiving – lovingly giving;
Innocent and pure – faithfully living!

You promised Your kingdom – and rightfully;
To those who – like children – are delightfully;
Pure in spirit – with simplicity of heart;
Where the Spirit resides – and will not depart!

As a child of God – I will give You my all;
Lest my sins weigh me down – and be my downfall;
Let my heart be not proud – or my eyes haughty;
Let me be innocent – pure – and rarely naughty!

What can a child do – an adult cannot?
Forgive in an instant – without a thought;
A child has compassion – when another hurts;
He comforts – consoles – no malice he blurts!

In awe of his God is the little child;
His love is great – his heart undefiled;
He sees no ethnicity or skin color;
His friend is a pal of vigor and valor!

Never let pride enter into your heart;
It causes the Spirit to quickly depart;
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive;
For it is in dying – that you will live!

When another is injured or afflicted;
Let compassion rule – be not conflicted;
As your Heavenly Father gives to you;
For brother and sister – so you must do!

In your relations – be honest and true;
Do not deceive – let your ego rule you;
For what do you gain – when left all alone?
All puffed up in pride – your friendship blown!

How can a man be childlike in spirit?
Be pure of heart – and receive great merit;
What can he do to please Jesus each day?
He must humble himself – there’s no other way!

Whoever humbles himself Like a Child;
Will be greater in heaven – never exiled;
Whoever receives one – in Your Holy name;
Receives Child and You – one and the same!

D01: 09/28/2013


bakocarl Sunday, 1 December 2024

comment image

Praise to our God above
A bright, new dawn has come
God’s Light now shows the way
To where our race is run

As our lives continue
The Tribulation nears
Those times will be dark days
The sum of all men’s fears

As the days quickly pass
With faith we look ahead
To see our blessed hope
And escape this world’s dread

Our country will wither
And we will be dust
But God’s Word is true
And in Him we trust

Our old world will be gone
Destroyed in God’s fire
And we’ll be God’s people
Singing praise in His choir


bakocarl 2nd Poem, Sunday, 1 December 2024

Can you imagine the peacefulest day,
Brimming with peace in the peacefulest way?
Down by the ocean or up in the hills,
Just calm and simple with none of the frills?

Peace that is gentle when life is too bold
Peace that is warm when the whole world is cold
Peace that befriends you when enemies abound
Peace that is quiet in a riot of sound

Not just some peace from the top of your skin
But peace, perfect peace, from down deep within
Peace that is lasting, serene and whole
Peace that runs deep to the depths of your soul

Can you imagine a peace in this way?
Do you think you can? Is it “Yes” you say?
But wait. We’re now using minds that are flawed.
Think infinite peace from the mind of God.

But not just peace, joy is coupled there, too
Joy inexpressible, both pure and true
 For those that love God, God has perfect plans
Wonders so great, never thought of by man

Never in our dreams – our dreams are too small
God is infinite – His mind has it all
Wonders on Wonders, and Wonders again
Heavenly Wonders where our lives begin


Duchess01 Monday, 2 December 2024


Praise the Lord – Who guides our way;
Through His Spirit – to brighten our day;
Touching our hearts – gently and deep;
His Honor and Glory – we value to keep!

Our Father – Who loves us unconditionally;
Is right beside us where we need Him to be;
With Gifts of Grace – to bless us all day;
His Spirit abides – to guide our way!

Praise the Lord – what better advisor;
Could we ever hope – would make us wiser;
When we are perplexed about what to do;
God has a message just for me and you!

Through His Spirit – God speaks to us;
He works out the particulars without the fuss;
He guides us through life’s ups and downs;
Through our successes – and turnarounds!

Praise the Lord – in good times and bad;
Throughout his correction – don’t be sad;
Know that God loves us no matter what;
Through our if/then – and even our but!

God knows what we need before we do;
Cause He sees in the heart of me and you;
All He needs is acknowledgement thrust;
From outside to inside – In God we trust!

Our Faith needs replenishment almost daily;
We need to repent of our sins most ably;
No hiding behind our justification;
Cause God knows our heart identification!

Whenever you are caught in a dilemma or two;
Just go to the Quiet – Let God speak to you;
For in the silence – of your own heart;
His secrets to you – He will gladly impart!

Praise the Lord – for His intuit inspection;
His enduring love – His careful correction;
Whenever we doubt – whatever the case;
It is all about Virtue – His Gift of Grace!

D01: 07/29/2013


Duchess01 Tuesday, 3 December 2024


Refreshing rain falls at dawn;
Pulsating pain throbs thereon;
Devouring dark woebegone;
Reliving rift cast upon!

Emptiness is at best;
Openness to be blessed;
Loneliness to fill the void;
Peacefulness to be enjoyed!

Knowing not just how to proceed;
Gasping; grappling to fill the need;
Betraying all so carefully taught;
Warbling woe – dolefully distraught!

Broken bastion defiled with sorrow;
Token turmoil signals the morrow;
Desperately dangling by a thread;
Covetously clinging to the dread!

Beckoning God a cry aloud;
Hearkening the Spirit avowed;
Awakening awe to exhume;
Allowing angels sweet perfume!

Attending attention to prayer;
Prostrating prevention to despair;
Lifting listlessness up on high;
Loving lowliness with a sigh!

Repenting; relinquishing all to Him;
Releasing; replenishing to the brim;
Lovingly laying the burden aside;
Securely saving a place to reside!

Reasonably realizing the vanity;
Bordering; basking on insanity;
Refusing reproving dangerously;
Anguishing; angering anxiously!

Lovingly, knowingly His Spirit He sent;
Imposing, imploring the need to repent;
Rebuking, relinquishing the control;
Disarming, disavowing His console!

Freely forgiving the fool heartedness;
Allowing His Love to replace distress;
Remembering love can conquer all;
Without love we are destined to fall!

Love of neighbor begins within you;
Loving yourself is critical, too;
Emotionally even and adept;
Protectively proper the heart is kept!

A heart that is broken can be repaired;
By His suffering and death; Jesus cared;
For all who are hurting and feeling reviled;
For all Jesus had compassion complied!

Suffering senselessly, He gave His all;
So you must do so that you do not fall;
The deception of evil is so perverse;
Resist all temptation; reverse the curse!

Feelings are not facts, but do cloud your mind;
No rational thought will you ever find;
With your feelings rampant out of control;
There’s no turning back; no way to console!

Give all your love and honor to Jesus;
He died on the tree to save and ease us;
When you are weak; it is He who is strong;
In His loving care is where you belong!

D01: 4/12/2013


bakocarl Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Our President’s Back

You sent Trump away, but you hung around
And plundered us every day
And when we didn’t agree with you
You lied in court and made us pay

Our President’s back, and you’re gonna be in trouble
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
When you see him comin’ better cut out on the double
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)

You been spreading lies all during your coup
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
So, look out now cause he’s comin’ after you
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)

(Hey, he knows what you been tryin’
And he knows that you been lyin’)

He’s been gone for such a long time
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
Now, he’s back and things’ll be fine
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)

You’re gonna be sorry you were ever born
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
‘Cause it’s your time to cry and mourn
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)

(Hey, he knows that you been cheatin’
Now, you’re gonna get a beatin’)

(What made you think we’d believe all your lies?
Oh boo, boo-hoo
You think you’re safe now but he’ll cut you down to size
Oh, boo-hoo, wait and see)

Our President’s back, and he’s gonna save our nation
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
Better pack now for your permanent vacation
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)

Yeah, our President’s back
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
Well, look out now, our President’s back
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
Well, we can see him comin’
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
So, you better get a-runnin’
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
Alright now
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
Our President’s back, now
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
We know he’s comin’ after you
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, our President’s back)
He knows you pulled the coup now
Yeah, yeah, yeah


Duchess01 Wednesday, 4 December 2024


Have you noticed evil increased on earth
The arrogance and flagrancy sheer girth
We are told to pray daily without end
We must not quit give up or even bend

What makes evil so blatant in plain sight
What can we do to curtail this and fight
We must don our Armor of God so fine 
We must be Prayer Warriors divine

We must empower others do the same
In His Precious and Most Holy Name
For whatever we ask of the Father
In Jesus’ name compares to no other

We must stand and be bold in all our ways
We must hold onto Him all of our days
We must not accept what’s meant to deter 
Redacted refracted revised to infer

We will find truth in His Word as put forth
We will discover knowledge for its worth
We will discern understanding in time
We will reap wisdom its purpose sublime

Saturated with lies and dire deceit 
We exhaust ourselves in fighting replete
Instead of uniting under His banner
We’re distracted in discordant manner

To God be the Glory forever amen
To Him be our allegiance now and when
We fight the good fight and are welcomed in
To our heavenly home purified within

D01: 08/04/2023


Duchess01 Thursday, 5 December 2024


Good Morning, Dear Jesus – Oh, how I love You;
Have so much to tell You – don’t know what to do;
Where do I begin – wherefore do I start;
Please send Your Spirit – to dwell in my heart!

I thank You, Dear Jesus – for all You’ve done;
For the blessings received – and victories won;
For a roof over my head – and food in the fridge;
For kind, loving friends – for problems to bridge! 

Thank You, Dear Jesus – coming to D’s aid;
For getting her home – her head down she laid;
For blessing today – as only You can do;
For all that You’ve done – I sincerely thank You!

Thank You, Dear Jesus – for Morning Prayer;
That came to us from – our demon slayer;
There’s no weapon formed against her this day;
That will deter her – or – get in her way!

She carries Your Spirit – where’er she goes;
Where she goes and preaches – nobody knows;
For her assignments come – directly from You;
Through obedience – she knows – just what to do!

What a blessing she is – I pray You’ve told her;
But, I think she knows – through all she must shoulder;
She questions not – a single Word from You;
Gets to doing – what You’ve asked her to do!

She doesn’t mind one bit – being used by You;
It excites her soul – body – and spirit – too;
Each one is welcome – no matter what his plight;
For souls she will witness – for souls she will fight! 

The Gift of Your Love – she spreads all around;
Here, there, and everywhere – all around town;
Wherever she goes – You bless those she greets;
At churches and homes – You bless those she meets!

Her talents are many – Gifts of the Spirit;
Because she was willing – Your Word – to hear it;
To preach and to teach – all who are able;
All who are hungry – come to Your table!

Thank You, Dear Jesus – for blessings abound;
Today and every day – with Love – You astound;
So many are hurting – but – little by little – 
Heaven and Earth pass – one jot or one tittle!

Shall no wise pass from the law – till all be fulfilled;
When it all comes to fruition – just as You willed;
When we are in Heaven – enjoying the treasures;
That we have stored up there – the fruits that He measures! 

A ‘Happy Dance’ we’ll dance – for happy we’ll be;
In Heaven with You – for all eternity;
Until then, Dear Jesus – hold us tight and fast;
Till our work here is done – in Heaven at last!

D01: 11/07/2014


Duchess01 Friday, 6 December 2024


In the misty morning – at the break of dawn;
With sleepy eyes and – muddy mind I fawn;
Send your assistance and blessing my way;
Dear Heavenly Father – teach me today!

I fall on my knees to give glory and praise;
I sing with the angels – our song we raise;
In thanksgiving – I thank You for all I have;
For Your comfort – consolation – and salve!

Teach me – to love – as You willingly do;
To be servant of all – just like You;
Help me to learn to be humble and last;
Help me let go of mistakes of the past!

Teach me compassion – for my neighbor today;
Help me understand – his distress – if I may;
Help me bring comfort – condolence to him;
Lift up his spirit – when his faith is slim!

Help me be more like You – assured in love;
With confidence in my Father above;
With trust in Your steadfast faithfulness;
With fidelity – teach me – gratefulness!

Teach me – to invite – the Spirit within;
Through repentance and grace – let Him in;
To guide and chide me – when I should fall short;
Help me – to His wisdom – quickly resort!

Teach me – not my will – but His will be done;
Through Him and with Him – the battle is won;
Teach me – acceptance – when I find it hard;
To repent – reconcile – and pride discard!

Teach me – patience – a gift of the Spirit;
A virtue through which – I can endear it;
Give me Grace to hang on – and persevere;
Through fasting and prayer – help me volunteer!

Teach me – hope – a gift – to which I must cling;
Patient hope – endurance – blessings will bring;
Goodness and longsuffering – grant me these;
Precious gifts of the Spirit – grant them please!

Teach me – faith – that I may share it with all;
To lighten the burden – what might befall;
Calm my fears – and brighten earthly sorrow;
Increase my faith – childlike trust in tomorrow!

D01: 10/26/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 7 December 2024


Are you saved by the Blood of the Lamb?
Are you washed clean or will you God damn?
Have you repented down on your knees?
Have you accepted Jesus as God decrees?

Were you made in His image from the start?
Separated through sin, did you depart? 
Did you fall short of the Glory of God?
Trapped in sin throughout your life have you trod?

Was it the lure of pleasure that did you in?
Was it the lack of conscience deep within?
Did you seek attention and praise from man?
Was that when you fell and it all began?

Were you puffed up in pride with your gift?
Did attractiveness, talent give you a lift?
Was it approval from man that you sought?
Or were you meek and humble as you ought?

Did you trod on your neighbor; feed your greed?
Did you compete ruthlessly; feed your need?
Up front and center; was that your desire?
From attention and praise did you ever tire?

Selfishness rears in unlikely places;
It shows in actions; mostly in faces;
Its ugliness, strain affects not just one;
All who love Jesus; have Him in common!

The root of all evil is money, some say;
But selfishness, too, has a part to play;
For when we are selfish, we create strife;
We ignore the Truth, the Way, and the Life!

Jesus said: Deny self and follow Me;
How can we do that if selfish we be?
By the Blood of the Lamb, we are saved;
But we cannot ignore the heart depraved!

For, from the heart, comes what we admire;
If worldly pursuits alone we desire;
If putting another down raises us up;
From the cup of salvation we’ll not sup!

Repent and be saved from worldly aims;
Accept Jesus as Lord; the prayer claims;
Renounce all your sins in His holy name;
Renounce the need for attention and fame!

By the blood He selflessly shed on the tree;
Victory over death made mankind free;
For the wages of sin is death for all;
Failure to repent will be mankind’s fall!

Seek first the kingdom and earnestly pray;
The Blood of the Lamb will wash sins away;
Accept Jesus as the Lord of your life;
Defeat selfishness and eliminate strife!

D01: 04/18/2013


Duchess01 Sunday, 8 December 2024


Getting close to God a prolonged process
The first thing we must do is get access
His love letter to us many books long
Holds knowledge that shows how to belong

Instructions are there for daily study
No need for an interpreter or a buddy
Just let the Spirit of God be your guide 
He is the counsel that resides inside

Everything you need to know about life
Is detailed and methodical and rife
With history and stories and promises
Situations and sound assurances 

What does God expect and want us to do
His commandments will give us a clue
When we have covered and agreed to all
There is one more Jesus gave to recall

The Bible talks about sin and its peril
How we must repent of what is feral
The consequence of sin is surely death
Separation from God for eternity breath

God loves us so much He left us the key
The instructions and protections to be
Holy as He is holy for it we must strive
Each hour of each day we are alive

Show us how, Lord, to be better than best
To be what you need long before we rest
To serve You in any way that You ask
Willingly and ably up to the task

D01: 08/01/2023


Duchess01 2nd Poem, Sunday, 8 December 2024



From my Father – I came – born of woman;
Who conceived by the Spirit – for all man;
God so loved the world He sent forth His Son;
Through His Spirit – rose the Begotten One!

Be Consoled My Love – He came forth to save;
If you are lost – you must try to be brave;
Come to Me – I am gentle – humble of heart;
I’ve loved you long before – love did start!

I have chosen you – as one of My own;
You’ll never be lonely – or ever alone;
Ask Me – and I will – be with you always;
I will not leave you – for My Love – it stays!

If you love Me – follow Me – read My Word;
Let your heart be on fire – get yourself stirred;
Love one another – as I have loved you;
Forgive him his debt – I’ll forgive yours, too!

Be Consoled My Love – and fear not evil;
Be not afraid – but rather – be gleeful;
If Our Father tests you – be thankful for trial;
He’s testing your faithfulness – all the while!

His love is unconditional – and true;
He will forgive your sins – and forgive you;
His Spirit will convict – correct outright;
Whenever you confess – repent upright!

No matter what you’ve done – or sin commit;
He’ll relieve that guilt – if you – simply admit;
Repent – tell Him you’re sorry – on your knees;
You’ll be filled with His Grace – of guilt He frees!

Be Consoled My Love – be faithful and true;
Be kind to each other – as I have asked you;
Do all you can – to serve and be fruitful;
Above and beyond – be ever truthful!

Don’t be discouraged – feelings are not facts;
Nothing that comes from God – are merely acts;
His love is everlasting – meant to endure;
Without Him we’re nothing – that is for sure!

Whenever you feel – there is no hope at all;
Be not disturbed – simply – give Him a call;
Knock and it shall be – opened unto you;
Be Consoled My Love – whatever you do!

D01: 12/06/2013
comment image

Last edited 3 days ago by para59r

Duchess01 Monday, 9 December 2024


So many times we think we know better
But in our minds we see not the fetter
Trapped in a world of utter madness
We see no way out only sadness

We think we are smart can figure it out
Without God’s help we really have no clout
For it is in His Word where answers lie
Simply the what and when and how and why

His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts
Without discernment we remain tied in knots
The answer to what is plaguing us
Is found in His Word and rightly thus

We think we can flourish all on our own
Taught this from childhood until we are grown
We wonder why we continue to fail
Our sacred source sadly of no avail

We lean on our own understanding
Knowledge is rarely ever expanding
We have no clue how to reach higher
Wisdom eludes we’re left in the mire

We must trust in God with all our hearts
From whom knowledge initially imparts
From knowledge comes the understanding
And wisdom erupts ever commanding

What is it that brings us life and success
With what ability does God rightly bless
The conviction of Faith in things unseen
The assurance of things hoped and have been

So if our leaning is all on our own 
We miss out on what Faith has truly shown
We miss God’s vast unconditional love
His Fatherly assistance from above

D01: 02/22/2023


bakocarl Monday, 9 December 2024

Chestnuts roasting by an open fire
Jack Frost nippin’ at your nose
December comes and graces us
Hearts rejoice in lights and snow

Lights that set our hearts aglow
Warm us to embrace the cold
Snow drapes land in soft, clean white
Makes memories to have and hold

Christmas tales and poems told
Heads nod and little ones tire
Calm and comfort fill the air as
Angels sing in the sandman’s choir

Sleep treads gently up the stair
And casts his soft net wide
Eyes close as minds set adrift
Over cloudy dreamscapes now glide


Duchess01 2nd Poem Monday, 9 December 2024


As children of God we have been set free
In His Word He declares how that can be
God desires His people to have freedom 
Oppression enslavement we don’t need ’em

Seven times He directed an escape out
From His prophet He declared with a shout
Let My people go right now He ordered
But His commands were ignored and cornered

When He was despised a plan He devised
His prophet would decree as He advised
But no matter what plagued the oppressors
They continued to be the aggressors

Until the day He removed the most prized
Of the leader so stubborn and unwise
Deliverance from enslavement you see
Will occur in this year of Jubilee

Not by the hand of man will this happen
But by the hand of God it will snap in
The power of God is second to none
The only source thru which it will be done

Because we believe Jesus had the pull 
The price of our freedom was paid in full
The glory of the latter will be greater
And we will be free from the agitator

Deliver us Lord from four hundred years
Of discord and incalculable tears
Restore us with blessings You had planned
Before evil came in and stole our land

D01: 08/02/2023


Duchess01 Tuesday, 10 December 2024


Amen – Amen – I say unto you;
Gather together I am with you;
Remember what – for you – I have done;
To ensure you and I live forever as one!

Blessed are you who are poor in spirit;
The Kingdom of God is yours – albeit;
Blessed are you who mourn – in your hearts;
Sweet comfort for you – My Spirit imparts!

Blessed are you who are meek – and lowly;
For you shall inherit the earth – most wholly;
Blessed are you who hunger and thirst;
For righteousness you will be filled and first!

Blessed are you who are merciful – and kind;
Mercy shall be yours – so keep that in mind;
Blessed are you who are purest in heart;
For you will see God from the very start!

Blessed are you who strive to make peace;
As children of God – your joy will not cease;
Blessed are you who are persecuted for right;
The Kingdom of Heaven will be in your sight!

Blessed are you who men revile and persecute;
Relentless for My name’s sake they prosecute;
Saying in all manner of evil you’re defiled;
I will exalt you – you’ll not be beguiled!

Blessed are you who have suffered for Me;
For great your reward in Heaven will be;
As prophets of old suffered greatly as well;
Like them, you profit – your riches will swell!

Be not dismayed – there is right judgment;
Be not distressed – for any begrudge meant;
Know that I see what is hidden from sight;
As in the last days, it is I who is light!

Blessed are you who are faithful and true;
I am He who can see the good that you do;
Truly you are – blessed and holy you be;
Living in paradise – someday with Me!

D01: 07/21/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Poem from bakocarl…..

All thanks to You, Father above
Praise, too, for Your unfailing love
Thank You for Your perfect plan
For saving me, a most sinful man

Thanks to You, God’s only Son
For Your life, the victory won
Thank You, Lord, for taking my sin
And for making me clean within

Thanks to You, Holy Spirit of God
For helping me, for I am flawed
Thank You Helper, Teacher and Guide
For changing me from deep inside

I ask to be filled with Your love
Fly down to me, as a white dove
Let Your love rule me every day
In thought, word and deed along my way

I ask that my life be marked with joy
Joy so strong no grief can destroy
Joy to be spread both far and wide
Joy that can never be denied

I ask that You grant me your peace
Perfect peace that will never cease
Peace that calms all my storms
Peace like a blanket, soft and warm

I ask to be patient with everyone
For my faults are lesser than none
Patience now to wait for Your plans
Patience to see the work of Your hands

I ask to be gentle and kind to all
For You are kind despite man’s fall
Gentleness is respect all are due
And kindness may turn some hearts to You

I ask that my actions all be good
Not what I want but what I should
Let my life show Your goodness to men
In good times or bad, time and again

I ask for faith that is true and strong
For as Your child is where I belong
Let me be sure of what I believe
Let me be one the world can’t deceive

I ask for plentiful self-control
Not just in part but for the whole
Let my actions be thoughtful and sure
Give me strength to be wise and mature

Keep all my thoughts on things above
Let me always seek out Your love
I am Your child by Your design
Let me ever do Your will, not mine


Duchess01 Wednesday, 11 December 2024


Good Morning, Jesus! How are You today?
There is something on my mind I just have to say
This week has been not just a challenge for me
It has been demanding and trying as it could be.

If I thought last week was a trial catching up
Tying up loose ends of projects – curb the backup
Rewrites and mistakes I must make right
Why am I flustered and oh so uptight?

I had to stop the panic – get my head on straight
To be done and completed – I just could not wait
In all the anxiety – I forgot one important thing
I had not remembered – I was under Your wing.

All the sources I amassed for my work
The one high above all I must not shirk
It was You, Sweet Jesus – I left behind
Have I lost my edge – misplaced my mind?

I stopped what I was doing to take quick stock
My website – went awry – it really did not rock
Of course without help – what could I expect
I must go to my rock and get it all checked. 

I stopped again – remembered her advice
I must pray – and ask – if I have to – twice
I must trust in God – with all of my heart
Lean not on myself – right from the start.

Help me, Lord – I prayed heartedly out loud
Help me to focus – mind out of the cloud
Help me organize – this mess on my desk
Make it flow smoothly – be not so grotesque!

All of a sudden – and out of the blue
It came clearly to me – what I had to do
Tweak and correct the whackadoodle site
Get back my clarity – fight the good fight.

The rewrites went well – whipped them off quick
The focus – the clarity – the much needed trick
Without Your help – it would not have been done
Cause You are the Way – the Life – and the One!

The One to whom I must direct my course
The Only One who can be a good source
You are my Savior in all that I do
Without You – I am nothing – that is true.

Through all I have suffered to get it all done
With You by my side – the victory was won
So – Thank You, Jesus – for coming to me
For helping me finish – helping me see.

From the bottom of my heart – I pray you know
I have done my best – Your glory to show
I am grateful, Lord – for the gifts You gave
To use them wisely – Your honor to save.

You blessed me, Lord – what more can I say
You saved me, Lord – to relish this day
Thanks to Your guidance – my panic did cease
The anxiety is gone – and now I have peace.

D01: 05/15/2019

comment image


bakocarl Wednesday, 11 December 2024

All thanks to You, Father above
Praise, too, for Your unfailing love
Thank You for Your perfect plan
For saving me, a most sinful man

Thanks to You, God’s only Son
For Your life, the victory won
Thank You, Lord, for taking my sin
And for making me clean within

Thanks to You, Holy Spirit of God
For helping me, for I am flawed
Thank You Helper, Teacher and Guide
For changing me from deep inside

I ask to be filled with Your love
Fly down to me, as a white dove
Let Your love rule me every day
In thought, word and deed along my way

I ask that my life be marked with joy
Joy so strong no grief can destroy
Joy to be spread both far and wide
Joy that can never be denied

I ask that You grant me your peace
Perfect peace that will never cease
Peace that calms all my storms
Peace like a blanket, soft and warm

I ask to be patient with everyone
For my faults are lesser than none
Patience now to wait for Your plans
Patience to see the work of Your hands

I ask to be gentle and kind to all
For You are kind despite man’s fall
Gentleness is respect all are due
And kindness may turn some hearts to You

I ask that my actions all be good
Not what I want but what I should
Let my life show Your goodness to men
In good times or bad, time and again

I ask for faith that is true and strong
For as Your child is where I belong
Let me be sure of what I believe
Let me be one the world can’t deceive

I ask for plentiful self-control
Not just in part but for the whole
Let my actions be thoughtful and sure
Give me strength to be wise and mature

Keep all my thoughts on things above
Let me always seek out Your love
I am Your child by Your design
Let me ever do Your will, not mine


Duchess01 Thursday, 12 December 2024


When the doldrums hit and down you go
With little help rocking to and fro
Anguish sets in and you feel repressed
Without control and overly stressed

There is one thing that will make it stop
Guaranteed to work before you drop
Get down on your knees and begin to pray
Ask God in His goodness take it away

If you pray sincerely ask Him outright 
He will hear from Heaven take up the fight
He will send His Angel Army to assist
With mighty warriors right in the midst

When you PRAY – believe with all of your heart
That God will not abandon nor depart
For in the believing we will receive
And in the praying our pain we relieve

So Pray It – Believe It – and Receive It
Whatever is hurting do not grieve it 
God is a god of sweet surprises
That come in all shapes and sizes

He is warmed when we reach out to Him
Ready to refresh refine to the rim
Renewing our spirit is His specialty
Spectacularly supernaturally

If you have fallen and hit bare bottom 
Remember these gifts if you caught ’em
Pray Pray Pray with all of your heart 
Believe Believe Believe from the start

Sit back and relax see how God moves
Notice what He does what He proves
Be ready be confident of His love
Receive His many blessings from above

D01: 02/23/2023


Duchess01 Friday, 13 December 2024


Blessed are they who believe outright;
Who have eyes to see – and His insight;
Who have heard His Word – and abide in it;
Who – through His Spirit – simply intuit!

Faith – is a leap into the unknown – unseen;
It requires obedience – pure and pristine;
When the voice of the Spirit – guides the heart;
The unforeseen fear will quickly depart!

Faith is belief – the assent of the mind;
To the truth of another – from behind;
Resting on the authority – of the Spirit;
Judgment less evidence – you will merit!

Faith is relief – the release of the mind;
God’s revelation of the highest kind;
Confidence comes – from the mind of God;
A wondrous gift – to whit we are awed!

Belief in the scriptures – is the basis of faith;
The being and perfection of God – is a wraith;
Through Jesus Christ – and His revelation;
Our faith in Him – brings this elevation!

Faith is confidence – in the promises of God;
Without which through life – in fear – we will trod;
The truthful declarations – in His Holy Word;
Are accurate acclamations – be rest assured!

Faith is not speculation – it is truth;
A gift from God – He granted in youth;
With certainty in what – God has declared;
Inspired by Him – cannot be impaired!

Faith is correctness – assurance of heart;
That God will uphold us right from the start;
Adherence to the truth is beyond reproach;
With sincerity – honesty – above approach!

If you have faith like the mustard seed;
You will not sin – in word or in deed;
Faith will uphold you – through turmoil and pain;
With confidence – in His Word – you will gain!

Step forward in faith – leave fear behind;
Let faith be an asset – to body and mind;
Trust in His Word – and His veracity;
Let His grace increase – faith capacity!

D01: 10/06/2013


Duchess01 Saturday, 14 December 2024


What is that entity called knowledge
Is it something you learn in college
Is it acquired through solid study
Can you share openly with a buddy

What do you do with it once you have it
Does obtaining it become a habit
Is it stored in your brain for further use
Do you hoard it or is it oft obtuse

Without understanding knowledge is useless
Without discernment knowledge is juiceless
For clarity understanding is key
It is how the brain can function and see

If knowledge aligns with understanding
And discernment becomes notwithstanding
You’ll begin your journey to wisdom way
For the fear of the Lord comes when you pray

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
Wisdom that comes directly from above
Knowledge of the holy is understanding
By the Power of God comes the branding

So if you seek wisdom study real hard
And if you’re approved it will be your guard
If the fear of the Lord is just the beginning
You’re well on your way to wisdom winning

The corollary of this lesson will be
Knowledge + Understanding you will see
Gives way to wisdom a treasure for sure
There will be nothing you cannot endure

Wisdom is the principal thing therefore
With all of your getting there is much more
When you marry knowledge to understanding
Wisdom is better than strength or standing

D01: 07/12/2023


Duchess01 Sunday, 15 December 2024


From where did this concept come
Made up to release us say some
From what are we excused
How are we to be recused

If we can do nothing without God
Then letting go would be flawed
Truth be told on your own power
Eternal value will not flower

Are we so bold as to take credit
From He whose Spirit led it
Can we bring forth fruit from effort
Is it possible to accomplish befort

Letting go does not mean sitting back
Allowing God to take up the slack
Acknowledging His power to ease
Waiting for God to appease

If apart from Him we can do nothing
Then how do we accomplish something
We claim we are doing it for Him
How empty is this thoughtless whim

If we lean not on our own understanding
We open up to God’s mind-expanding
If we trust in God with all of our heart
Then we acknowledge Him from the start

We see His part in all of our ways
We need Him for all of our days
For without Him we will surely fail
In all we try we are beyond the pale

So what then are we letting go
Are we letting God manage the show
The struggle the strife of the fight
Are we attempting to take flight

If we are his hands and feet on earth
Are we missing the point of our worth
Can we operate alone in tact
Then go to God after the fact

So is letting God and letting go
Mean we play no part in the show
How can His kingdom ever come
If we let go before the job is done

What is it God wants us to do
What job has God given to you
What is it He commands
What is it God demands

Has He ever said you are on your own
I am here if you need Me on My throne
No He said Follow Me
And Be the Best you can be

Love Me with Mind, Heart, and Soul
Love your neighbor and be whole
Nothing is impossible for Me
Trust in Me and you will see

Let go of your arrogance and pride
Let Me live and in you abide
My Spirit will guide you throughout
Show you what My will is all about

So let go and let Me show you the way
The truth and the light when you pray
Acknowledge Me in all that you do
Allow Me the pleasure of seeing you thru

DO1: 07/03/2022


bakocarl Sunday, 15 December 2024

The heart of man is wicked
As we all have come to see
He thrives and glories in his sin
And revels in his spree

He acts like all the world is his
But doesn’t have a clue
That there will soon be a day
He’ll pay the devil what is due

God’s justice won’t be denied
It will come both full and sure
A fair and just recompense
For the wicked to endure

But there is a different fate
For those that now believe
For we have Christ’s righteousness
And God’s blessings to receive

All our sins were paid in full
The Son of God paid the price
He shed His blood on the cross
And gave His life to suffice

We think of God’s gracious gift
As we celebrate Christ’s birth
Deepest thanks for His sacrifice
That saved our souls here on earth

Bright lights, carols and our gifts
Honor this blessed baby boy
As we join the angel throng
“Glory to God” with great joy


Duchess01 Monday, 16 December 2024


In your kindness – Lord – come to my defense;
In your mercy – Lord – blot out my offense;
Wash me and cleanse me of my guilt, oh Lord;
Instill in my heart – the truth in Your Word!

My offenses – oh truly – I know them;
My sins ever – before me – You show them;
Against You alone – evil – I have done;
Empty – devoid of love – grace – I have none!

My shame I cover – hide my face – from You;
I have fallen short of Your Glory – it’s true;
Your forgiveness – I need Lord – and Your Grace;
The guilt in my heart – Lord – oh, please erase!

I come to You – sincerely – to repent today;
Oh, Lord – please take – this emptiness away;
Renew in my heart – Your Grace steadfastly;
Replace guilt and shame – with Integrity!

You love a truthful heart – and sincerity;
No malice or forethought – no absurdity;
In the secret of my heart – teach me, Lord;
Empowerment – how to take up my sword!

Let me not waiver or wander afield;
To temptation and evil – let me not yield;
Keep me chaste and pure – throughout the day;
With faith in Your goodness – let me not stray!

Fill my heart with Your Love unconditionally;
Let my armor and shield work protectively;
To secure Your trust – indwelling Spirit;
To help me discern – decide – and intuit!

A pure heart – Oh, Lord – create within me;
A steadfast spirit – so pleasing to Thee;
For a contrite spirit – You would not spurn;
To be full of Your Grace – I long and yearn!

Separated from You – I cannot remain;
From even a trace of sin – I must refrain;
If in Your Good Grace – I want ever to be;
My heart must be pure – filled with Integrity!

D01: 08/23/2013


bakocarl Tuesday, 17 December 2024

In God we trust, people proclaimed
One nation, our land, under God
We yearned to see righteousness done
But sin ruled, election by fraud

Corruption reigned, a shameful time
Our wealth plundered, a war to buy
Far more illegals to support
And more kickbacks for the “Big Guy”

The public sees evil in charge
Pedo Joe, an absolute fool
Good times all are replaced by bad
People suffer when evil rules

Day after day the public sees
Our “leader” with a feeble mind
And this wakes them up, even more
Can this be a plan that’s designed?

The faithful pray “Please God restore”
Their plea goes up across our land
Much more corruption every day
Make more pray to see our God’s Hand

Christ’s return will come one fine day
We’ll hear the shout, the trump will sound
Perhaps, in an allusory way
Prez Trump’s policies will abound

Prayer doesn’t change the Mind of God
What is changed is the heart of man
God makes rulers by His desire
All of this happened by God’s plan


Duchess01 Wednesday 18 December 2024

Forgiveness in the 21st Century

Mind splitter, code keeper, builder of the altars
Where will you go when the magic falters?
Soul snatcher, trespasser, thief of the will
Cold-hearted, calculated; gives me a chill

Spell caster, handler, false web weaver
Seems like your working up a real bad fever
Tavistock, CIA, MI6, FBI pick up sticks
All of you playing from the same bag of tricks

Who gave you the right; what makes you dare?
Do you have any doubts about what is fair?
Worker of iniquity, mind violator
What turned you into this stone-cold hater?

You herald human intellect, elevate the mind
Survival of the fittest, strong wins over kind
Compassion seen as weakness, absorbed into the hive
Mentality of evil; it eats you up alive!

The WILL is inviolate and should be sanctified
All your violations, abominations; will be tried;
Judged and convicted, by the rule of the Law
There is a Higher Power that watches over all

Reject the dark forces, renounce and repent
Turn your face away, before your life is spent
Chasing after evil, disguised as golden light
You can’t change its nature, try as you might

To continue to deny exactly what you see
Before your very eyes, the true reality
We have been told, they will prefer the lie
At times the vision weakens me; makes me cry

The evil slay the wicked, it’s written in the Book
Maybe you should check it out; take a closer look
Power and the pleasure; the riches you enjoy
Are fleeting, temporary, spoiled, rich man’s toys

It hasn’t been an easy path that leads me to today
Where I can truly pray for you, and mean it, when I say
Forgiveness, such a thorny rose, but one that can be known
From deep within the heart; through prayer, in tears, alone

D01: 04/10/2013


bakocarl Thursday, 19 December 2024

H/T to USMC Lady Vet@Arkypatriot

I used the following true story from USMC Lady (Oorah – from a Squid) plus a few memories of my own from the early 50s to write this poem.

When I was a little girl in the 50s and 60s we were poor. My father paid for grandma’s food and utilities, every month, along with our family expenses. Every Christmas this was her gift to my sister and me, one roll of pennies. No one had any idea that she saved those all year to give my sister and me. When I see peoples’ kids screaming how they want this and they want that and they’re mad they didn’t get an iPad. My heart just breaks because what I have a remembrance of is playing the organ with her sitting next to me, singing Christmas songs and telling us the story of the little match girl. I wish I’d kept one roll of those pennies

A Roll of Pennies

Times were hard, way back in the day
It was a struggle to make our way
Dad paid Grandma’s utilities and food
And found money for our own brood

Some might claim that we were poor
But we knew many with less, not more
Dad found a way to make ends meet
But it was such a difficult feat

Christmas was a modest affair
With food, songs and a Christmas prayer
I played the organ, grandma next to me
Close beside our small Christmas tree

Our tree had garland, popcorn and string
And some colorful chain paper rings
We had ornaments, passed down for years
And a few small, red, blown-glass spheres

We opened our gifts when it was time
Almost all clothes, but that was just fine
Oh, the smell of leather from new shoes
And new, stiff cloth from a shirt or two

Grandma’s gift to my sister and me
Not just a gift but a fond memory
Grandma gave what we now hold dear
A roll of pennies she saved for all year

How I wish I had kept one roll
A cherished treasure to warm the soul
A precious memory to hold on tight
To brighten our lives with golden light

 . . . BC: my comment . . .

As I look back upon those days
I feel a kinship with simpler ways
Little moments that make life dear
That make you feel “I belong here”


Duchess01 Thursday, 19 December 2024


Have you seen her as she flitters nigh
With a wink and a nod she flies by
A querp and a blerp she tosses at you
As you scroll on down to grab a quick view

Little do you know the weight she carries daily
On the back of her frail body of merely eighty
For forty long years she has born the burden
Of caring for one so frail where it occurred in

We cannot imagine the twists and turns
She has engineered for the peace she yearns
Every stitch she has sewn and machine repair
Attests to undeniable love and care

He has lifted her up and carried her thru
Many challenges and frustrations anew
And yet her determination rarely falters
As she prays unceasingly her daily psalters

She’s a Prayer Warrior down on her knees
Petitioning God to come to her aid please
Battling powers and principalities
Demonic obstructions and beastialities

Through disappointments and deficiencies
She struggles to maintain efficiencies 
All the while apprising to those around
Singing her praises His blessings abound

We thank You, Lord, for this heavenly gift
Who daily and lovingly gives us a lift
Whose determination/perseverance
Runs brave and stalwart interference 

An Angel Among Us she most truly is
Flittering and Twittering thru the whiz
Keep your eyes open for a blessing blight
Lest you miss her midway into her flight 

D01: 12/19/2024


Duchess01 Friday, 20 December 2024


We are fighting a spiritual war 
A war we will win and so much more
The enemy is already defeated
They defied an opponent they cheated

Every commandment of God they broke
In addition to the one Jesus spoke
The punishment for sin is surely death
They will suffer greatly to their last breath

If it were our very last days on earth
We would be fighting for all we are worth
The four horsemen would ride do their worst
As the Angels readied their vials dispersed

Six seals have been broken to correspond
With the restlessness of the martyrs spawned
Cosmic disturbances of varying kinds
The seventh the ‘silence in heaven’ finds

The vision of the first six seals has deceased
The wrath of God will then soon be released
The portrayal of self-inflicted judgement
A global war that destroys their ledgement 

This is not what God wants for His chosen
A conflict not set in place or frozen
Under God’s protection to the left or right
We are shielded and fielded out of sight

It is not time for the final battle 
Even though you hear the sabers rattle
God has not appointed us to wrath
Salvation thru Jesus is our direct path

D01: 08/08/2023


Duchess01 2nd poem freshly done Friday, 20 December 2024



There once was a fella named Bako C
Who hep heaven bound he happened to be
One of a kind
The first in line
Cause twas St Peter he wanted to see 

We wondered and worried what was went wrong
Why the haste with no time to waste so strong
Could he be distressed
About passing the test
On judgement day in the future forelong

Look up – Look up – There’s no time to waste
To fix or repair or copy and paste
Was there a mistake
Or maybe deep fake
That could cause him to beknown less than chaste

St Peter – St Peter – oh help him please
He’s uncurled unfurled and most ill at ease
With his mind in a twist
He has come to insist
The record – he must fix – before God sees

Oh no – Bako bro – cannot be altered
So sorry you messed up and have faltered
But once it is entered
The typecast is centered
Not one jot or tittle appears paltered

Rest assured dear bro God can fix it fine
But not in your way dost in the divine
So do not fret
Cause you can bet
Whatever it is our God will untwine

God is perfect in all of His ways tho
We can never be and this we must know
Seven times we fall flat
Daily imagine that
Repent on your knees get on with the show

D01: 12/20/2024


Duchess01 Monday, 23 December 2024


Angel of the Lord stay with me tonight
Help me to endure till the morning light
When the soldiers arrive to help me flee
Thru the maze of the tunnels and be free

Rescue me from this horrific plight
From the daily pain help me take flight
Take all of the babies heaven bound
No more suffering the terror sound

Let silence bring peace from abuse
And nightmares cease to induce
Memories of frightful occurrences
Bring forth the mighty deterrences

Sweet Jesus come and comfort me
Let nothing that hurts come to be
Let no one touch me unnecessarily
Bring forth the soldiers militarily

Let this be the last horror I see
Come quickly Lord and rescue me
Get me out of the oppressors way
Guide me out of the tunnels today

Take me to freedom into the light
Take me far from the oppressors sight
Bring me into the open arms of love
Follow the Angels sent from above

Thank You for ending my agony
Thank You for setting me free
Thank You for so caring be
Thank You for rescuing me!

D01: 07/10/2021


bakocarl Saturday, 28 December 2024

Some Thoughts From PDJT

Politics is corrupt, a dirty game
If you can’t hack it, you’ll go down in flames
When dumb crooks attack, take me to the mat
I’ll counterpunch 10 times harder than that

Dumb crooks are pervasive; they’re everywhere
They attack in hordes, from multiple lairs
Well, I’ve got some words for that loathsome crew
I’ll fight the ‘gators, and drain the swamp, too

 The crooks tell their lies, I’ll respond right quick
Not by soft speech; I carry a big stick
I’ve learned from the best, so don’t mess with me
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

When crooks see me “stumble”, they see their chance
They shout out the commands “Attack!”, “Advance!”
But all my “stumbles” are carefully planned
They’ll learn a hard lesson, they’ve all been scammed

Dumb crooks lose before the fight is begun
When they take my bait, I’ve already won
They think they know me, and what I will do
When that doesn’t happen, they know they’re screwed

The dumb crooks all fear my vigor and vim
I’m ready to go, I’m in fighting trim
Those same crooks say “You can’t fight city hall”
Well, I’m here to rumble, they’ll get a brawl

Dumb crooks listen to political hacks
They think they’ll win stabbing me in the back
When advice is stupid, failure accrues
I hear a genius, my good friend Sun Tzu

These words have a moral; listen close now
Political crooks are dumb and low brow
I will bring justice, sometimes slow but sure
They’ll get my justice, they’ll get “Trump’s Cure”


bakocarl Sunday, 29 December 2024

Snowy Silence

H/T Robert Baker

While walking on a wintry day,
The snowy silence seemed to say
Seek out yourself, amid the fray.
Stop and be still, be still and pray,
Then go in peace, go on your way.

So I knelt down, there in the snow
Near the cedars, sun hanging low
To speak with God, my heart aglow
To be more like Him as I grow
For He’s Lord of all that I know

I’m sure He’ll respond to my plea
And open my eyes so I see
To be like Him and not like me
To guide my steps, although I’m free
And hold my soul eternally


Duchess01 Sunday, 29 December 2024


How many times have you fallen short
And the accuser has taken you to court
To enumerate the times you faulted 
To report your failure to God exalted 

What would a loving Father say or do
When He lays His eyes on repentant you
He’d welcome you home in a warm embrace
Your sins He’d forgive and quickly erase

The prodigal son is not just a fluke
Notice his father gave him no rebuke
When he returned he was a broken man
In his wisdom his father knew the plan

Had he not learned in his foolishness
What he had done in his stupidness
Was he better off for what he had done
Or was he regretting his quest for fun

We have all been like the child who was lost
We have paid for our foibles a high cost
We might have justified our acts away
Ignored them for a future time or day

Ashamed to ask Our Father to forgive
We kept them hidden maybe to outlive
We may not realize what is kept inside
Prevents us from moving or ever thrive

Our Father’s Love is like no other
To forgive and forget is no bother
His unconditional love to advise
A Father’s Love will aptly apprise

D01: 09/05/2023


bakocarl Thursday, 2 January 2025

Peace and joy and hope for tomorrow
Replace war and fear and daily sorrow
After four years when all went amiss
It’s so wonderful to feel like this

Our Sons of Liberty, Elon and Don
Have conquered darkness with a bright dawn
Truth and justice will again be found
Our American Way will again abound

I believe all this is God’s devine plan
To stir the depths of the heart of man
To let all men know that God does reign
And trusting Him will bring all men gain


bakocarl Saturday, 4 January 2025

You put the Left Libs in
You take J6ers out
You put the Left Libs in
And the people cheer and shout
You lock the Pokey door and you guard ‘em all year ‘round
That’s what it’s all about!

Last edited 2 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

bakocarl Tuesday, 7 January 2024

Who Are You?
He came by to ask us “Who are you?”
A question unexplained, out of the blue
He acted superior, smug and smart
He was the lead; we played a bit part
My friend replied, “I’m Alexander James”
“No”, he said, “That’s only what you’re named”
“I asked “Who are you”, so I ask again”
He got some strange looks back at him then
Alex said “I manage sales at J. Crew”
“No”, he said, “That’s only what you do”
 “This is quite simple, I asked who you are
I haven’t got answers to that, so far”
Alex replied, “I’m not sure what to say”
“We need to get on, we haven’t all day”
“Well”. He said, “I don’t think you’ve a clue”
“I really don’t care what it is you do”
“I came to find out who you think you are
And we’re not getting close; we’re still afar”
His approach was poor, not nice like a friend
There was no way this would have a good end
“I’m a child of God”, the answer he wants
May not come to mind as our first response
But Children we are, of God’s family
Bought with a price and yet totally free
But where he was headed we all can learn
For who we are is something of concern
And who we think we are is our state of mind
By what we think and do, we are defined
So what in our lives means the very most?
Belonging on earth or part of God’s host?
Do we feel we’re in God’s family?
Do our lives please God to a large degree?
These are questions we should ask every day
While trying to please God in every way
For we are His now and forever more
Walking His sands on His Beautiful Shore


Duchess Tuesday, 7 January 2024


Our hearts, minds, and souls are distressed
No wonder with daily life we are stressed
What the enemy has wrought upon us
Is nothing short of a binding truss

Whatever is sacred whatever is true
They have stripped and turned us blue
They have jailed the innocent and they beat
They have stoked the fire turned up the heat

And thus we come to Your Heavenly Throne
Begging for mercy Humbly to atone
We are drugged discouraged and drowned
While weak You are strong we cannot back down

Teach us to Pray, Lord – Teach us to Pray
Help us get through each troubling day
Raise up our spirits and Heal our bodies
Help us shake off these poorly clad shoddies

Give us the words pleasing to You
Help us speak victory out of the blue
Deliver us from all that is plaguing us
Break us free from this binding truss

Tether our words with the Word of God
Break our chains Let us not be flawed
Send us a prayer written by Your Scribe
Unite us together in Your Holy Tribe

We know not how to pray as we ought
The Spirit moans the battle is fought
Jesus gave us a prayer the best of all
Our Father in Heaven to Him we call

We pray on the Armor of God each day
To keep the enemy and his friends at bay
We feel protected by the Heavenly Host
The Army of Angels we need the most

Teach us to Pray, Lord – Teach us to Pray
Remind us to come to You ev’ry day
Help us to trust You with all of our hearts
Because it beckons to You and imparts

Our understanding is no match for Yours
Vengeance is Your way to fight the wars
Acknowledgement is critical as well
No one wants to end up in Hell

We thank You, Lord, for chatting with us
For clearing the air and silencing the fuss
To You, Lord, we give Honor and Praise
And Glory, Lord, for the rest of our days!

D01: 12/09/2022


Duchess01 Sunday, 12 January 2024


Expectation of rapt revelation
Rebirth revival and restoration
To what is this renewal directed
To the Spirit of God connected

Discord in the churches division
Equity diversity need revision
Never again to be confused
Inclusivity infiltration defused

No longer to accept an agenda
The infallible de fide credenda
Against the Bible the ungodly feign
An ideology of the profane

A youth revival has taken flight
Drawn by the need to be alright
The light of the Spirit glows in their hearts
The excitement is clearly off the charts

No matter what the denomination
Egregious gets no accommodation 
We either align with God’s Holy Word
Or God will strike down the demonic herd

The churches will be judged and rightly so
For defying the natural order and flow
The debauchery of leaders will mean
Investigations and charges to glean

As God is our Judge and Father of all
We must root out the evil make the call
An abhorrent leader deceives his flock
This path to destruction we must defrock

D01: 08/09/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The Duke Regional ER: A Haiku

Overworked ER.
Good health is a precious gift.
Feed — Grow — Keep — Live it.


bakocarl Sunday, 19 January 2025


Out with the thief who defrauded our whole nation
Out with the thief who disgusts us one and all
Out with the thief who has earned the worst damnation
Out with this pervert and his friends! Damn them all!

He was elected by fraud, lies and slander
His entire legacy is sorrow and grief
Out with the one who speaks lies but never candor
Out with the resident! Out with the thief!


Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all
Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation
In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call

Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander
This you will do, that is our strong, firm belief
Hail to the one we selected as commander
Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!


Duchess01 Sunday, 19 January 2025


Angel of God come visit with me
For lost and lonely I seem to be
Left alone without the love of my bubby
He was my joy – he was my hubby

My heart hurts my head is pounding
My internal screams have no sounding
Emotionally exhausted I fall asleep
The pain is constant and oh so deep

Thank You, Lord, for music that soothes
It comforts and calms my soul it moves
My daily companion it has become
To its rhythm and cadence therefrom

I reach out to My Angel to lift me up
Steer me toward the blessing cup
This emptiness just will not go away
I need some semblance of him today

Send me a memory and make me smile
Give me the joy of his presence for awhile
Let me feel the warmth of his arms around
An expression of his love overtly abound

Help me feel grateful for the many years
Through the laughter, trials, and the tears
Through the challenges and the struggles
Accompanied by smooches and huggles

Help me to find happy once again
Even for a moment beyond the pain
Help me recall his spirit is alive
He can help me to revive and to thrive

It is as if he is still here by my side
Odd is it not from him I cannot hide
I can envision his face his surprise
As I stumble, fall, and then, arise

Oh, Lord, I do miss him so
Without him I have lost my mojo
I am clumsy I have lost my footing
Oh, the things I do to keep from looking

I shower I eat I dress and I work
Mechanically now I see him smirk
The joy in my life is nonexistent
The flow in my life is inconsistent

Ah but now that you are finally here
I can feel your spirit my hubby dear
You comfort me like no other can
Just as you did when our life began

D01: 10/24/2022


bakocarl Monday, 20 January 2025

Pepi’s Song

The Patriots sing
As DemonRats mourn
Their evil leaven
Now dies in this world
True freedom now rings
Trump’s legacy born
God rules from heaven—
Old Glory’s unfurled


Duchess01 Monday, 20 January 2025


To whom do we go when we are troubled
When our challenges in life are doubled
We might go to a relative or a friend
Discuss the problem in full to no end

In reality what should we do instead
When problems arise rear their ugly head
We should pray and get into His Presence
We should seek and find His Holy Essence

Where does the Spirit of God reside
Purely in us if in Him we abide
Man can provide some comforting solace 
But God’s pristine provision is flawless

The Bible details promises fulfilled
It teaches us Our Father is strong-willed
It provides stories of the days gone by
Prophecies probabilities from on high

The Bible explains the what when and how
We learn quickly why we reap what we sow
We’re taught of His commands and His rules
Given instructions and the proper tools

With holy knowledge there can be no doubt
What God’s Word can do what it’s all about
There is one requirement for us to achieve
We must be holy and we must believe

Because we believe God bestows His love
His Army of Angels charged from above
His faithfulness and power open wide
And His Holy Spirit resides inside

D01: 07/23/2023


Duchess01 after news of our Depat’s passing. Thursday, 23 January 2025.



Sing a new song – unto the Lord – our God;
Just as the Heavenly Choir – gives Him laud;
Daily they praise Him – in sweet adoration;
Joyfully – their song – is just jubilation!

Glory to God in the Highest – they sing;
On their timbrels and harps – they ring;
A joyful noise – unto the Lord – in Heaven;
As their song rises – like bread with leaven!

The trumpets sound in a bountiful blast;
With triumphant blows – the effect is vast;
The Heavenly Choir sings a vibrant song;
To sing Praise to the Lord – all the day long!

Holy – Holy – Lord God – Almighty One;
A new member – we suspect – You have won;
In an earthly choir – her voice she raised;
Her great love for You – in song she praised!

In the earthly choir – we lift up our voices;
In praise and thanksgiving – our song choices;
Give Glory to God – through gifts He has given;
To praise Him and thank Him – we are driven!

Nary has a voice gone unnoticed – by He;
No matter how meek or weak it may be;
For the voice of the young is strong and clear;
While the older voice – we can hardly hear!

When we earn our place in the Heavenly Choir;
Our voice is renewed at that very hour;
So while we are here – we sing songs of praise;
Till God takes us home – our voices we raise!

Imagine the sound of Praise to the Lord;
Imagine the joy to sing in His Word;
To someday sing in the heavenly realm;
The happiness is sure to overwhelm!

While we are here we do the best we can;
To praise Him in song – and instrument plan;
To be worthy someday to be chosen among;
The Heavenly Choir that leaves no song unsung!

D01: 11/05/2013


Duchess, 2nd Poem Thursday, 23 January 2025 in a special day of remembrance.


When the day is done you take your rest
Do you feel distressed do you feel blessed
It depends upon the problems you faced
Were they debased or were they erased 

In your night prayer were you of calm mind
Or was it impossible to unwind
You cannot get a peaceful night sleep
If you cannot release the pete and repeat

What voice do you hear as you pray intently
Is it the voice of one loving you gently
Or does it accusingly press you down
Reminding you of past ploys abound

The enemy attempts to derail you
Finding fault with whatever good you do
Making you feel unworthy of God’s love
Distorting your status in heaven above

Do not believe him – he constantly lies
God will forgive you a word to the wise
Have faith in the God who loves you in spite
Of each foible and failure or minor slight

Repent of each sin and/or opt offense
Jesus always comes to your defense
He loves you more than the enemy can
He’ll never leave you it’s part of the plan

His anger endureth but a moment
While weeping/wailing may indeed foment
Remain in his favor and please repent
There’s Joy in the Morning for time well spent

D01: 08/21/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From Robert Baker, on the passing of Susie Sampson (DePat, a.k.a. Deplorable Patriot, a.k.a. Patricia Holden)…..


In a way it is odd to mourn someone you have never met.

It tweaks your soul, it hurts your heart, and yet,

The memories surge of written words, but no regret.

To one who touched my soul and lightened the load, I owe this debt.

To remember the name of the one I mourn and not forget.

Susie, a friend never met.


Duchess01 Thursday, 24 January 2025 Special Tribute for our DP, Susie Sampson


Whatever your morning chores might they be
Before you join the Q Family Tree
You sure know what day of the week it is
By the author who penned his or her biz

Out of the ordinary placeholders
Let us know of problem wordpress folders
But not today when a branch was vacant
Its melodious voice less than cadent

Imagine the ping pang poke of the heart
As the announcement was made at the start
One of us was missing ne’er to return
Her time talent treasure we’d afore yearn

We heard the cries well before this event
We tried our best to comfort circumvent
But God knows the beginning and the end
Twas His own plan for our departed friend

Mere words could not express the inner pain
The shock and the horror happened again
How many loved ones do we have to lose
Before this intrusion starts to diffuse

Help us Lord to accept this as Your Will
When we are so saddened and hurting still
Help us be happy she suffers no more
Smiling down on us from Heaven for sure

We tried to thank her for all that she did
Even though we were late for the quid
Poured out our hearts one after another
And our appreciation for each other

D01: 01/24/2025

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


On Grief: A Double Haiku

Do not look for grief;
It will find you. Accept it.
Grief will ebb and flow.

Understand this truth:
Grief and Love are equal parts
Of what is called Life.


Duchess01 Saturday, 25 December 2025


Sing unto the Lord a brand new song;
Sing praises to Him all your lifelong;
For He has sustained and kept you sound;
His blessings upon you daily abound!

Sing – Sing your sweet song of praise;
Ring – Ring your Hand bells and raise;
Your voice to His Honor and Glory be;
Your ringtone – a joyful noise – artfully!

With thanksgiving, let your sweet song begin;
With gratefulness, thank Him for peace within;
In Him, through Him, and with Him, we thrive;
Keep His commandments – Keep hope alive!

Victoriously – Jesus conquered death;      
He suffered and bled until his last breath;
Praise Him – Oh, Praise Him – thank Him in song;
For without His gift – we would not belong!

It is said when we sing – then, twice we pray;
Double the praise – sing a new song today;
Raise up your voice – in Psalms praise His name;
Jesus is Lord – let your voice proclaim!

Sing unto the Lord – a new song today;
Rejoice in His blessings a brand new way;
When we give Honor and Glory to Him;
Our hearts fill with joy – right up to the brim!

D01: 04/17/2013


bakocarl Sunday, 25 Janurary 2025 from the opening post.


I’m in a place where I am free,
Where I can sing out joyfully,
Where angels sing along my way,
And music fills my soul each day.

Here the Master holds my hand,
As we walk through the Promised Land,
A place I’ve dreamed of for so long,
So lovely, like the angels song.

Oh! The glory and beauty I see,
All by God’s mercy and grace to me.
The Peace, my Joy, the Victory won;
All praises to God and to God’s Son!

To live is Christ; to die is gain!

comment image

Last edited 1 month ago by para59r

Duchess01 Sunday, 26 January 2025


God made each of us unique and solely
Like He – He wanted us to be holy
He gave each of us both gifts and talents
All are designed to keep us in balance 

No two are similar or even the same 
Nor were we endowed from whence we came
As we grow through our talents we thrive
And we know through grace our gifts come alive

Have you any idea how special you are
More amazing than you believe by far
What would happen if you missed just one day
Who would fill in the blank and pave the way

No matter what others might say or think
No one can replace you if you should blink
God placed you right where He wants you to be
Without hesitation from you or me

If you think of a structure less one block
Or a herd of sheep less one from the flock
Then you know how very special are you
How important it is to do what you do

If you are a page in a chapter book
How will the story make sense or look
The missing link to this mystery
Well it could be you or it could be me

If you are wondering where you fit in 
Just take a step back to where you have been
Consider where we would be without you
So Special are You to this Treehouse crew

D01: 06/09/2023


Duchess01 Wednesday 29 December 2025














From your heart a secret will be revealed
A proclamation that will be unsealed
Are you ready to live and love again 
Or are you still stuck in paralyzing pain

Is your heart so broken it cannot heal
Are you guided greatly by what you feel
Are you frustrated or fearful to try
To break out of your prison and just fly

When you reach out to another do you
Cautiously contact in auspicious ado
While thinking inside it will lead nowhere
Impossible for anyone to care

Until you are willing to take a leap
Your hurting heart you are bound to keep
Forget all the feelings of days gone by
And quit driving yourself dizzy asking why

Over time the heart has mended and healed
You need not put up a protective shield
The past is gone you can never change it 
No matter what you do to rearrange it

What is new can’t be compared to the old
Your experience now cannot be foretold
With each revelation comes enticement
With each step forward the excitement

So if you are coddling a hurting heart
You’ve defeated God’s purpose from the start
His Word says it’s not good to be alone
Nor is it right for love to be unknown

D01: 07/07/2023



Duchess01 Thursday, 30 January 2025


At daybreak, God coaxes you out of your sleep;
At first light, God’s blessings you’ll surely reap;
As His love surrounds you, arise in awe;
From His bountiful harvest you will draw!

In silence, thoughts of God will fill your mind;
His presence in you – know God has defined;
Open your heart and receive His great love;
His grace and His blessing sent from above!

Sing unto God – Sing a new song today;
As His Spirit indwells – shows you the way;
Praise Him – oh, Praise Him with all of your heart;
From you, He promised He would not depart!

Draw from His strength – as He dwells within you;
Without Him, there is – nothing – you can do;
Give Him this day – your sorrow and pain;
Repent of your sins – please do not refrain!

Tell Him you love Him – and thank Him outright;
For all that He does – what He brings to light;
For a smile – a kind word – encouragement, too;
For what He accomplishes through me and you!

Count it all joy – raise your voice strong in song;
Be grateful – be joyful – to Him you belong;
Your sorrows – your happiness – give it to Him;
And His Spirit – will fill your heart to the brim!

Rely on Him – do nothing – without His consent;
In your prayer – be mindful He’s omnipresent;
Give Him this day your acceptance and pray;
You can count it all joy at the end of the day!

D01: 07/20/2013


Duchess01 Friday, 31 January 2025 “The Wonderful Rebuttal”


Just jump right in full attack mode
A word phrase or frame is error bode
Without discernment considered flawed
It must be wrong it must be fraud

Words do have meaning for speaker/writer
For teacher preacher and warrior fighter
Speech has power unknown to the fool
Unless spoken by perfect biblical rule

To equate encouragement disconnect
Because it has no scripture architect
Is like calling a male a female kind
Because he has a swaggering behind

Add insult to injury pick up the slack
Smackdown the preacher/prophet aflack
Who explained how God spoke into being
All that is written and known and seeing

No logical reason for the trite tirade
But to disparage the truth as conveyed
To discredit the professional teaching
Of one tested in the fire for preaching

Speaking life and blessing is not a sin
It comes from the heart and deep within
The power of speech is like no other
It can lift up the spirit of sister/brother

So before we are quick to judge and label
Sit back and think twice if we are able
Research our premise and test it thrice
And above all try hard to be nice

D01: 01/31/2025


bakocarl Monday, 3 February 2025

Dancin’ Tonight

Indictments are a-comin’
Dark changes to light
Indictments are a-comin’
There’s dancin’ tonight
Grab the popcorn; more butter, please
There is plenty for all to see
Indictments are a-comin’
And there’s dancin’ tonight

Dimms tried a coup, they spied and lied
They set up traps, fake facts supplied
They used DOJ and FBI
But now it seems, they’re hides are fried

Perp walks are a-comin’
All in our plain sight
Perp walks are a-comin’
There’s dancin’ tonight
Grab the popcorn; more butter, please
There is plenty for all to see
Perp walks are a-comin’
And there’s dancin’ tonight

Obozo and Maggot, in crosshairs now
Trump’s got ‘em both; they’re in his hands now
Both Libtards and Woke Ones, speared by his horns
Time to harvest that whole field of corn

Justice is a-comin’
All will be set right
Justice is a-comin’
There’s dancin’ tonight
Grab the popcorn; more butter, please
There is plenty for all to see
Justice is a-comin’
And there’s dancin’ tonight

Happy times are a-comin’, now, at last
The Dimms will pay dearly for deeds now past
Lady Liberty’s torch shows us the way
And freedom shines brighter these days

Hard time is a-comin’
All will be set right
Hard time is a-comin’
There’s dancin’ tonight
Grab the popcorn; more butter, please
There is plenty for all to see
Hard time is a-comin’
And there’s dancin’ tonight


bakocarl Monday 3 February 2025

Don’t need no work, just push some Nil
And shag some cheap trick for a thrill
Boost some new sneaks from the mall
Then hit Club Wally, they got it all

Man, you whiteys sure are dumb
Shellin’ out green so I would come
Payin’ my Wellies ‘cause you so good
Livin’ on the dole, Boss of the Hood

Things now done changed, we smart, we see
And now La Migra’s chasin me
Tough crap comin’; sweet Daddy’s gone
They beatin’ my door, now, before dawn

Ain’t got no bags, ain’t ready to go
But ICE Man’s bangin’ on my door
No more free pad, free grub gone, too
No free rides left, all paid by you

Don’t you fret none, ‘cause I’ll be back
Packin’ some snow or maybe crack
Them Libs’ll be back with some scam
Then with my bling I’ll be The Man

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A short poem by Firefly!

I never saw a paper straw
I never hope to see one
But it is really true for me
I’d rather see than be one


bakocarl Sunday, 9 February 2025

God made man perfect and God made man free
God gave man food from fruit growing in trees
God walked with man and showed man His ways
Then man betrayed God on one shameful day

God could destroy man or burn him in fire
To pay what man earned by raising God’s ire
But God knows best and He gave man a path
To the forgiveness that annulled God’s wrath

Mercy and Grace, both delivered with Love
From the beginning from our God above
Not what we deserve, nor what we can earn
But gifts from God, from which we can learn

That God is our God; He drew us to Him
So we give our thanks and praise and sing hymns
To our Creator for all He has done
For endless time, Father, Spirit and Son

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From Bakocarl…..

Do you want to see, shortly after dawn
Flower-filled meadows, a small, spotted fawn
A gold sun shining, breezes moving trees
Flower-lined paths with yellow honey bees

Small, gentle waves softly lapping the shore
Or green lily ponds where dragonflies soar
A few young lambs, gamboling in green hay
Puffy clouds in blue skies; a perfect day

Craggy, purple mountains in a light haze
Deep, dark valleys bathed in blues and grays
Stunning auroras, shifting color bars
Infinite black space, all studded with stars

God gave us all these, all made by His hand
So we see His Glory all through our land
Let the fields and rocks and streams sing out
Let the trees in the forest praise and shout

Let the waters, seas and oceans exclaim
Let all of the earth and sky praise His Name
Let the heavens and stars be of one accord
Let creation be full of joy in the Lord


bakocarl Sunday, 16 February, 2025


For you who wander in this world
And think your thoughts with worldly minds
Your thoughts reflect your view of life
But are your thoughts of others kind?

For you who wander on your way
And say the words of your design
Your words affect your way of life
But are your words with others kind?

For you who wander down your path
And do your deeds as so inclined
Your deeds are how you live your life
But are your deeds toward others kind?

For we who’ve ceased our wanderlust
And now can see though once were blind
We’ve found our Savior born of God
And follow Him whose life was kind

Thoughts, words and deeds, so much of life
And somehow they become aligned
As fruit from our inner Spirit
And our Lord, so humble and kind


bakocarl Sunday, 16 February 2025

Choose Kindness

Kindness toward others is the way
And we can choose it every day
Park your ego and your excuse
Hold your retort; just call a truce

Here on our blog the speech is free
And so, at times, we won’t agree
But there’s no reason to be rude
It’s a discussion, not a feud

It’s more important to be kind
Than to ensure you’re seen as right
Being kind is good for your soul
Spirits soar and hearts delight

When we perceive an unkind word
We need not act on what we heard
‘Cause we can always “walk on by”
It’s not that hard; give peace a try

Kindness shows respect for others
Who, in Christ, are sisters and brothers
Although a choice, it’s a command
To love others throughout the land

Last edited 23 days ago by para59r

Duchess01 Monday, 17 February 2025


My life in shambles; my marriage on rocks;
I headed straight for the school of hard knocks;
Tears flowed so freely; sorrow followed me;
What can I do; what will happen and be?

Disfigured and damaged property;
Could I blame him for wanting to flee?
No longer was I the girl of his dreams;
The girl he loved so dearly it seems!

In sickness and health; till death do us part?
Was this an empty promise from the start?
Was this all there is when life goes wrong?
Was I the only one who had to be strong?

When marriage maligns, malfunctions, you see;
Two united in love ceases to be;
Rarely is it the fault of merely one;
Often both cause it to be undone!

What was I missing or failing to see? 
What happened to the love ‘tween’ you and me?
I had not the vaguest of how to discern;
Emotionally involved; so much to learn!

Thinking objectively no way had I;
In disbelief, I would endlessly cry!
When suddenly an angel appeared;
With wisdom and truth I sorely feared!

She laid out the problem in great detail;
I don’t understand; I began to wail!
Patiently, she told me of what could be;
If I just changed my attitude, you see?

If I understood how the other side thinks;
I could accept whatever happens she winks!
She explained how sometimes we do not see;
What the other is suffering is hidden from me!

Discerning it carefully uncovers the pain; 
That only the sufferer can begin to explain;
Patience and understanding was the key;
To unlock the mystery unknown to me!

Then, the angel told me to go directly to God;
Pour out your heart; to me, that seemed odd;
Wasn’t that what I did every day?
Did I not rely on Him to show me the way?

No, she replied; this is a different request;
So I want you to promise you will do your best;
To tap into what God wants; not merely plead;
Through acceptance, you will discover His need!

Sometimes, we pray with our will in mind;
When it is God’s will that we must find;
If we pray for God’s will in all things;
The blessings will flow on angels’ wings!

As suddenly as she came, she flew away; 
Hope she will come visit again someday;
Alone with my thoughts swirling around;
The Holy Spirit filled my soul abound!

The peace surrounding me was astounding;
A smile on my face; my heart was pounding;
Prayerful reflection on angel advice;
With anguish aside; I addressed my vice!

Dear Heavenly Father, I fervently prayed;
So sorry am I from your presence I strayed;
I gave into pity, panic, and pain;
In the process, I created the strain!

Forgive me, Father for not trusting You;
For allowing the devil in out of the blue;
For forgetting what Jesus gave up on the cross;
How much He suffered; how unforgiving the loss!

He emptied himself so I might be full;
What had I done to diminish and cull?
Oh Father, forgive me for being so blind;
For letting this darn distrust clog my mind!

What is it Father; you would have me do;
What can I do to make it all up to You?
I humble myself before You and ask sincerely;
Tell me what to do, Father, for I love You dearly!

Let your heart be not troubled, my dear one;
It will all work out; you will see how it’s done!
Take your understanding; let it blossom and grow;
The answer will come to you, and you will know!

Thank you, dear Father, for your Love and Grace;
I know now what to do and of whence is my place;
Father, I accept whatever you decide will be;
Whether again we will be one or it is just me!

D01: 01/19/2013


Duchess01 Thursday, 20 February 2025



When life is fraught with turmoil and sorrow
What shall we do to change up the morrow
Shall we kick up our heels and happy dance 
Would you like to oblige by happenstance

Shall we fly through the air without a plane
Shall we just be silly and go insane
Shall we walk up the path in the bright sun
What else can we drum up to have some fun

Take out your sketchpad and draw me a pic
A serene water scene and boat right quick
I will pen you a poem if you would like
Until it’s lunchtime for this little tyke 

Almost forgot a fresh flower bouquet 
If okay with you please choose the array
What is a meal without a centerpiece
And a hot looking chef who can appease

Shall we walk to the lake and row a boat
Shall we jump in the water try to float
If the fishes are swimming skip that part
Don’t want them nipping my toes a la carte

If we play hide and seek might be unfair
Cause I could get lost just about anywhere
Maybe we could try a quick game of pool
But sorry to say I’d just play the fool

I am out of ideas lest you have some
So far my suggestions they just seem dumb
I know what deep down I would like to do
Be on the deck and just cuddle with you

D01: 08/01/2023


bakocarl Sunday, 23 February 2025

H/T Steve . . . thanks.

Our favorite pastime . . .

The gym resounds with thunderous cheers,
Elon’s DOGE strides in, calm, no fear.
Our country’s at risk, the stakes are high,
The Libs’ squad sweats, it’s cheat or die.
Fraud throws first, a greasy curve,
Corruption lobs a wicked swerve.
But DOGE moves fast, a lean machine,
Musk’s vision cuts through sharp and clean.
The refs jump in, they’re bought and sold,
Whistles shrill with bias bold.
“Foul!” they cry, though none was seen,
Guarding crimes in the Libs’ crooked scheme.
DOGE ducks low, they weave, they strike,
Balls of truth hit waste in flight.
A bloated budget bursts midair,
Fraud’s red face gasps, “That’s not fair!”
Corruption chucks a desperate shot,
Guilty hands from schemes they’ve wrought.
But DOGE pivots, quick and spry,
Elon’s crew won’t let it fly.
The refs stomp in, “Time out, reset!”
Sweating hard, they’re in a fret.
They change the rules, they twist the score,
But DOGE keeps pounding at the core.
One by one, the foes collapse,
Waste deflates in fiscal scraps.
Fraud’s knocked out, corruption’s lame,
Refs can’t rig the final frame.
No referee, corrupt or shrill,
Can stop Elon’s DOGE iron will.
The crowd erupts, the game is done,
Elon’s DOGE has fought and now won.

Our country’s saved, the people cheer;
Pure joy erupts both far and near.
DOGE has stood tall and filled the gap;
Elon’s team takes their vic’try lap.

The Libs now face their just reward,
And fill our jails in guilty hordes.
Justice triumphs, the war is done;
Peace and freedom, our prizes won.


bakocarl Sunday, 23 February 2025

The Humble King

Beneath the heavens, vast and wide,
Came Christ the Lord, no trace of pride.
His manger low, His cradle bare,
The Son of God, with rags to wear.

By God’s will came His descent,
From glory’s throne, His will was bent.
He took the form of servant meek,
To wash the feet, the lost to seek.

No crown of gold upon His brow,
But thorns they gave, He bore them now.
The King of kings, on Calvary’s tree,
Laid down His life for you and me.

“Learn from Me,” His gentle plea,
 “My yoke is light, My heart is free.”
From His meek life, His truth unfolds,
His humble way, His love so bold.

So let us walk as Jesus did,
With pride and self forever hid.
To serve, to love, to lift the low,
His meekness in our lives to show.

Though He was meek, the world was raised,
In humble acts, His name be praised.
Let Christians live, both near and far,
As humble lights, yet shining stars.


bakocarl Sunday 23 February 2025

Humility vs subservience can be a difficult tightrope to balance on.

The Meek Shall Stand

We Christians walk with humble grace,
Respect for all, on Christ’s strong base.
Not pride, but peace within our soul,
A quiet strength that makes us whole.

Meekness is not a yielding door,
A mat for boots to trample o’er,
But power held in gentle hand
A lion’s heart in gentle man.

For Christ Himself, so meek, so mild,
Was no man’s pawn, no timid child—
He turned o’er tables, spoke with might,
Yet washed men’s feet in candlelight.

To love, to serve, is not to break,
Nor bow to every harsh mistake,
But stand with mercy, firm and true,
A shield for what the heart pursues.

The humble soul says, “Not my will,”
Yet plants their feet on Zion’s hill,
With courage drawn from heavens high,
They bend, but never compromise.

So fear not meekness, nor the call,
To lift the weak, to raise the small—
For in that low and humble place,
God’s strength shines through a servant’s face.


bakocarl Sunday, 23 February 2025

God’s Design

In heavens high, where none may see,
God’s will unfolds in sovereignty.
He lifts the ruler, sets the throne,
By His decree, and His alone.

To Trump He turned His holy gaze,
Appointed him for these dark days.
Through storms and trials, God directs,
Each moment shaped as He elects.

The shots rang out, the darkness tried,
Yet God allowed, and none denied.
Through peril’s grasp, His love was shown,
To draw Trump near, His faith to hone.

The bullet flew, but mercy reigned,
For Trump, by grace, was still sustained.
Closer to God, his spirit grew,
A strengthened faith came breaking through.

The people watched, so close to death,
A miracle in every breath.
To see God’s hand so deftly guide,
Their trust in Him now edified.

Preserved for purpose, grand and true,
A mission vast, a work to do.
God’s hand will guide his heart each day,
To lead us by His Light and Way.

Our nation stands, our people rise,
Beneath the blessing of God’s skies.
For His design, both firm and kind,
Shall heal our land and ease our mind.

So lift your thanks, your praise proclaim,
To Him who knows each soul by name.
For wisdom deep, for mercy sweet,
His grace pours down full and replete.


bakocarl Monday, 24 February 2025

The Stair of Glory

Upward I climb through mist and haze,
A cloudy stair in dawn’s soft rays,
Each step a whisper, “Come, draw near,”
To gates of pearl, to peace so dear.

My heart, once heavy, lifts with grace,
For Christ has led me to this place—
 “My yoke is easy,” He once said,
And now I rise where angels tread.

The fog may swirl, the path obscure,
Yet faith assures, my hope is sure—
 “Lo, I am with you,” calms my soul,
His promise makes the broken whole.

Oh, the blessings of mercy vast,
Of sins forgiven, shadows past,
The Lamb who died, yet lives again,
Has called me friend—oh, sweet refrain!

Oh, the wonder and trembling awe,
A sinner bound by holy law,
Yet wrapped in love that knows no end,
The Shepherd’s voice, my heart to mend.

The clouds part wide, the light breaks through,
A glimpse of gold, a throne in view—
 “Behold, I make all things new,” He cries,
And tears of joy anoint my eyes.

No fear ascends this sacred climb,
For time gives way to endless time,
The Word made flesh, my guiding flame,
Forevermore, I’ll praise His name.

The Bench of Eternity

Through shadows deep, I tread alone,
A path of dread, of cold, hard stone,
The air grows thick, the light turns pale,
Before the Bench where mercies fail.

No cloudy stair, no songs of grace,
Just endless void before His face—
The Judge enthroned, His eyes like flame,
Knows every deed, each hidden shame.

The tragedy of years I spurned,
The gentle call I left unturned—
 “Today, hear Me,” the Spirit pled,
But I chose self, and now I’m led.

The Book unfolds, my name is bare,
Each fleeting choice laid open there—
No Advocate to take my part,
Just silence from a hardened heart.

And now a heavy, piercing woe,
The weight of sin I did not know,
A rebel’s pride, now dust and ash,
Before His wrath, my soul must crash.

The sea gives up, the graves release,
All stand condemned, no hope of peace—
 “Depart from Me,” the verdict rings,
A final note the lost soul sings.

No tears can sway, no pleas undo,
The justice pure, the sentence true,
The throne gleams white, unyielding, vast,
Eternal loss my lot at last.


bakocarl Monday, 24 February 2025

The Canvas of the King

Beneath the dome of heaven’s hue, so vast and blue it sings,
The world unfurls in splendor bold, a gift from God, the King.
Each blade of grass, each towering pine, each petal soft and bright,
He shaped with love, with tender care, for wonder and delight.

See the mountains rise majestic, their peaks like altars stand,
Cloaked in snow or crowned with clouds, sculpted by His hand.
The eagle soars, the wind obeys, a dance of sky and might,
A testament to power pure, designed to stir our sight.

The ocean whispers secrets deep, its waves a rhythmic hymn,
Sapphire gleams and emerald foams, kissed by sunlight’s brim.
The coral blooms, the dolphin leaps, the starfish dots the shore,
He painted this with purpose grand, our hearts to Him restore.

Through meadows laced with goldenrod, where wildflowers play,
The bees hum low, the butterflies in iridescence sway—
Each color bursts, each fragrance lifts, a gallery divine,
He wove this joy for us to find, His signature to sign.

The sunset spills in amber fire, then softens into rose,
A fleeting show of heaven’s art, each evening’s gentle close.
The moon ascends, the stars ignite, a chandelier of grace,
He hung these lights to whisper peace, to draw us to His face.

The mighty oak, with roots so deep, stands firm through storm and years,
The sparrow’s song, so small yet sweet, brings comfort to our ears.
The rushing falls, the quiet brook, the frost on winter’s morn—
Each crafted scene, each lovely thing, for beauty we were born.

He could have made a muted world, all gray and plain and still,
But no—He chose a symphony, a masterpiece of will.
For every hue, for every sound, for every breath we take,
He meant for us to see His heart, to praise Him when we wake.

So lift your eyes to rolling hills, to skies that stretch so wide,
To hummingbirds and thunderclaps, to forests deep with pride.
This beauty is no accident, no random twist of fate—
It’s God’s own hand, His love outpoured, through all that He creates.

Oh, thank You, Lord, for autumn’s blaze, for spring’s renewing green,
For summer’s warmth, for winter’s hush, for every stunning scene.
We stand in awe, we sing Your name, Creator of it all,
Nature brings us to Your throne – an irresistible call.


bakocarl Monday 24 February 2025

Casey for Guv? You mean like Casey at the bat? Well, there’s an idea!!!

No Joy at NBC

The outlook wasn’t hopeful for the pundit on the screen,
Her ratings took a tumble, down to numbers quite obscene.
The viewers fled in droves, you see, her rants grew shrill and dire,
A storm of lies and distortions lit her credibility afire.

She’d spun a tale of hackers bold, who stormed her ancient blog,
With homophobic jabs at Crist, a scandal thick as fog.
 “Miss Charlie” was her quip back then, she swore it wasn’t true,
But the techies checked, the jig was up—Joy, that lie’s on you!

Then came the 9/11 yarn, a whopper wild and free,
She hinted at conspiracies, dark plots for all to see.
And John McCain, poor soul, she photoshopped with glee,
A head on someone else’s frame—oh, what audacity!

Her Russiagate obsession raged, a fevered nightly bout,
Each broadcast screamed of collusion, no proof would shut her out.
The COVID claims grew wilder still, she masked the truth in jest,
A megaphone for panic, she failed the reason test.

The crowd at home grew weary, her venom lost its sting,
Her Trump-deranged tirades no longer made them sing.
Black women, she declared, had quit on saving the land,
White voters’ “betrayal” she blamed with shaking hand.

She likened Trump to Hitler, deportations to the Reich,
Hyperbole so grand it stretched beyond what folks could like.
Her audience, once loyal, turned their dials away,
A primetime slot, once golden, sank in disarray.

Rebecca Kutler took the helm, with shake-ups sharp and fast,
The network’s new chief saw Joy’s reign couldn’t last.
The ratings told the story plain, a 28 percent dive,
A million down to thousands—Joy’s show couldn’t survive.

Oh, somewhere pundits pontificate with facts that hold some sway,
Somewhere viewers tune in still, for truth to light their day.
But Joy’s lies and wild distortions drained her of all her clout,
So there is no Joy at NBC, Joy Reid has been kicked out.


bakocarl Tuesday, 25 February 2025


Beneath the gloom of evil days,
A hunger stirs, a latent blaze.
The nations’ souls long to behold,
The intense flame the Spirit holds.

Once in Wales, the hills awoke,
1904, when heaven spoke.
Evan Roberts bent his knee,
Coal dust turned to unity.

Miners sang where silence reigned,
Hearts ablaze, souls unconstrained.
In Azusa’s humble shed,
1906, the fire spread.

William Seymour raised his voice,
Tongues of flame, a people’s choice.
Walls of race and pride came down,
Love revived a broken town.

The Great Awakening shook the land,
Edwards preached and the flames were fanned.
Sinners stirred from slumber deep,
1730s saw the harvest reap.

Reason bowed to holy fear,
Revival’s clear call drawing near.
Now shadows stretch across our plains,
Evil forces pull our reins.

Greed festers in the halls of power,
Lies bloom in this fragile hour.
Corruption rules, bureaucrats bloat,
Justice dies, and the judges gloat.

Revival now, a desperate plea,
To pierce the dark, to set us free.
Not fleeting sparks or gentle sear,
But Holy Fire, the truth made clear.

A fire to burn the chaff away,
A dawn to end this dark decay.
Let mercy plow the hardened ground,
Let grace in every heart be found.

From history’s page, the lesson sings,
Revival mends our broken wings.
Arise, O Flame, in burning flight,
And lead us back to Holy Light.

Cause us to know and walk Your Way,
Grow stronger in You every Day,
Speak Your Truth and achieve Your Will,
And live our lives on Calvary’s Hill.


bakocarl Tuesday, 24 February 2024 ~Special Story~

The Littlest Angel

In the golden glow of heaven, where clouds shimmered like spun silk and every breeze carried a melody, there lived a tiny angel named Lila. She was the littlest of all the angels, with wings no bigger than a sparrow’s and eyes that sparkled with dreams. More than anything, Lila loved to sing. Her voice, though small, was pure as a mountain stream, bubbling with joy and longing. But she was too young to join the angels’ choir, a grand assembly of voices that sang praises to the skies.

“Lila, my dear,” the choirmaster, a kindly angel named Gabriel with a beard like silver mist, would say, “your time will come. Your wings need to grow a little stronger, your voice a little bolder. Be patient.”

Lila would nod, her halo dimming just a touch, and whisper, “I understand, Gabriel. But oh, how I wish I could sing with them now.” She’d perch on a cloud’s edge, listening to the choir’s soaring harmonies, her tiny hands clasped over her heart. Each note pierced her with a sweet ache, a dream just out of reach. She’d hum along softly, her voice trembling with hope, but it wasn’t the same. Alone, her song felt incomplete.

One radiant morning, a new soul arrived in heaven. She was a human lady named Susie, her hair a cascade of brown, her eyes alight with a lifetime of kindness. Word spread quickly: Susie had sung in many churches in her life, her voice lifting congregations to their feet, filling the entire church with glory. Lila watched her arrival from afar, her wings fluttering with curiosity.

That afternoon, as Lila sat humming by a crystal stream, Gabriel floated down beside her. “Lila,” he said, his voice gentle as a lullaby, “I’ve been thinking. That new lady, Susie—she loves to sing, just like you. Perhaps if you asked her very nicely, she’d sing with you. What do you think?”

Lila’s eyes widened, her halo flaring bright. “Do you really think she would? With me?”

Gabriel chuckled, patting her head. “There’s only one way to find out, little one.”

With her heart pounding like a drum, Lila flitted across heaven to find Susie, who was resting on a bench of pearl, gazing at the endless sky. Lila hovered before her, twisting her tiny hands together. “Um, excuse me, Miss Susie?” she began, her voice a shy squeak. “I—I heard you like to sing. I love to sing too, but I’m too little for the choir. Would you… maybe… sing with me? Just once? Please?”

Susie turned, her face breaking into a warm, crinkly smile. “Oh, my sweet child,” she said, her voice rich and worn like velvet. “I’d be honored to sing with you. What’s your favorite song?”

Lila beamed, her wings buzzing. “There’s one I hear the choir sing—‘Light of the Dawn.’ Do you know it?”

“Know it?” Susie laughed, a sound like bells. “I’ve sung it a hundred times. Come, let’s try it together.”

And so they sang. Lila’s high, clear notes danced with Susie’s deep, soulful tones, weaving a melody so tender it made the flowers along the stream sway. Susie’s voice was steady and warm, lifting Lila’s like a mother cradling a child. When they finished, Lila clapped her hands, tears of joy in her eyes. “That was so beautiful! Can we sing again tomorrow?”

“Every day, if you’d like,” Susie said, pulling Lila into a hug. “You’ve got a gift, little one. Don’t you ever stop singing.”

From then on, they met daily by the stream. They sang of stars and rivers, of love and hope, their voices growing bolder, brighter. Lila’s wings seemed to stretch a little wider with each note, her heart swelling with a happiness she’d never known.

One golden afternoon, as their voices rose in a duet of “Peace Eternal,” a shadow fell across the stream. It was Gabriel, his eyes glistening. He’d been passing by and stopped, transfixed. “My stars,” he breathed, “that was… exquisite. Lila, Susie, you’ve made something truly special.”

Lila blushed, hiding behind her wings. “Do you really think so?”

“I know so,” Gabriel said, a grin breaking through his beard. “In fact, I’ve an idea. Come with me.”

He led them to a grand hall of light, where the Archangel Michael stood, his presence majestic yet kind. Gabriel bowed. “Michael, I’ve brought two singers whose voices I think you’ll adore. Lila, Susie, go on—sing for him.”

Lila trembled, but Susie squeezed her hand. “We’ve got this, darling,” she whispered. Together, they sang “Light of the Dawn,” their voices intertwining like threads of gold and silver. The hall seemed to hold its breath, the very walls echoing with their song. When they finished, silence fell—then Michael clapped, his deep laugh rumbling like thunder.

“Magnificent!” he declared, his eyes shining. He knelt before Lila, his massive wings folding gently. “Little angel, that was a gift to us all. From this day, you’re welcome in the choir. Your voice belongs there.”

Lila’s gasp echoed in the hall. “Really? Oh, thank you, thank you!” She threw her arms around Michael’s knee, then spun to Susie, sobbing with joy. “I did it, Susie! Because of you!”

Michael turned to Susie, his gaze softening. “Thank you, Susie. You’ve just made our little angel the happiest in heaven. You’ve given her wings a new song.”

Susie wiped a tear from her cheek, smiling down at Lila. “No, Michael. She gave me mine.”

From that day, Lila sang with the choir, her tiny voice soaring alongside the grandest angels. But every evening, she’d flit back to the stream, where Susie waited, and they’d sing together—just the two of them—because some songs, the sweetest ones, are born from two hearts finding each other.


Duchess01 Thursday, 27 February 2025


Odd how we are given direction one sun day
Whereby we are blessed by a sermon sway
And then we deviate from its message
Caught up in a moment of punk presage

With no concern for the gift of another
We smear and demean the post of the other
What we have to offer is more clever than
What was given in love as part of God’s plan

Are we so preoccupied by what we think
That it matters not if it is in sync
Wrapped up in our playful petulant self
We relegate the blessing to the shelf

We think we know a better way to say
What the author devised in his own way
Stand up you coward and fight for the right
Because we know better than you just might

We will interpret it cause you know not
We are older and wiser than you thought
It is our way or the highway get in line
And quit yer fretting you will be just fine

We are the experts and just so you know
Please sit back and take it go with the flow
We post what we want no matter what
And if it offends just keep your mouth shut

We are here to direct your attention
To whatever we decide to mention
We really don’t care what you have to say
Somehow or other we get our own way

D01: 02/27/2025


bakocarl Thursday, 27 February 2025

H/T Robert Baker

Believe & Act
The Gospel Woven True

The gospel’s not sung in pews alone,
A hollow echo bouncing off the stone,
It’s trust that moves the heart to leap,
And hands that serve where shadows creep.

We believe the lost soul finds its bread,
So we rise to knead the dough instead—
With love, we bake for souls unfed,
A warm embrace with arms outspread.

Our Savior spoke in storms that rage,
Yes, faith can turn the darkest page—
We trust His calm through wind and rain,
And shovel mud from a neighbor’s drain,

With peace, we soothe a friend’s despair,
A quiet presence lingering there.
 “Love your foe,” He dared to say,
A truth we hold though pride may sway—

We pray for strength to bless, not curse,
And mend a bond grown cold and terse,
With kindness, we leave a gift unknown,
For one who’s reaped what hate has sown.

The widow’s coins, two tiny mites,
Teach trust in spite of meager light—
We give our time, though pockets thin,
To sit with grief, to share a grin,

With joy, we dance through weary days,
A light for those in sorrow’s maze.
He washed their feet, the dusty throng,
A silent hymn of righting wrong—

We kneel to scrub a tired floor,
For love is action, nothing more,
With gentleness, we guide the young,
A tender word on every tongue.

The lost, He sought through field and thorn,
A shepherd’s heart for those forlorn—
We seek the lonely, share our flame,
And call the outcast by their name,

With goodness, we plant a tree to grow,
A shade for wanderers below.
 “Fear not,” He whispered to the night,
So faith becomes our guiding sight—

We step to help where danger looms,
A steady hand in trembling rooms,
With faithfulness, we keep our vow,
To lift the burdened here and now.

The cross He bore, a weight of grace,
Trust carved deep in every trace—
We carry loads for those who fall,
A quiet yes to mercy’s call,

With patience, we wait through cries and pleas,
To teach a child life’s mysteries.
The Spirit blooms where trust takes root,
Each deed a branch, each step its fruit—

With self-control, we turn from spite,
And guard our hearts through dark of night,
We weave a quilt for winter’s chill,
A shield of care through faith fulfilled.

The gospel lives not in our speech,
But in the souls we strive to reach—
A bridge of trust, a life outpoured,
A living echo of our Lord.


bakocarl Friday, 28 February 2025

Window Doggie

How much is that doggie in the window?
The cash that they slide under doors,
To sway all the senators and congressmen,
For schemes that harm our nation’s shores.

But hail to the DOGE, oh so mighty,
With eyes like a hawk in the fray,
They sniff out the waste and the fraud in a flash,
And sweep all the nonsense away.

How much is that doggie in the window?
The bribes that divert all our gold,
To causes corrupt, tearing freedom apart,
A tale that’s too often retold.

Yet DOGE stands tall, ever watchful,
Abuse meets its end with their bite,
They guard every dime, keep the spending in line,
And shine through the murk with their light.


bakocarl Saturday, 1 March 2025

Putz’s Plight

In the White House grand and wide,
Stood Trump, with strength and steely pride.
A little putz named Zelensky came,
Begging coins in a tiresome game.

With outstretched hands and whining plea,
He pushed too far, too greedily.
For years he’d pranced on puppet strings,
While war drums beat and chaos sings.

Trump had watched, his patience thin,
The endless grift, the shameless spin.
Zelensky’s nerve, a grating sound,
Deserved a shove to solid ground.

 “Enough!” boomed Trump, as we all cheered,
Then tossed him out, right on his ear.
The little man, without his loot,
Landed squarely on his boot.

Well-earned, that toss, for all to see,
A reckoning for hypocrisy.
He’d bled the world with tales of woe,
Yet never wanted peace to sow.

So out he went, through door and gate,
A lesson learned, a fitting fate.
Trump stood tall, “This war must cease!”,
 “And don’t come back till you want peace!”


bakocarl Saturday, 1 March 2025


The morning breaks with gentle grace,
A seaside breeze upon my face,
Like daffodils that sway and play,
In golden fields so far away.

The waves caress the shore with cheer,
Their whispers soft, so sweet to hear,
As petals dance in warm sunlight,
A mirrored joy, serene and bright.

The sky, a quilt of blue and gold,
Stretches wide, both free and bold,
Like stems that rise o’er rolling green,
A tranquil strength in every scene.

The gulls above, their laughter rings,
On salty air with graceful wings,
As daffodils nod to the tune,
Of nature’s song at gentle noon.

And when my day is almost done,
I wish to rest beneath the sun,
Above the sea, high on a hill,
Replete with golden daffodils.


bakocarl Saturday 1 March 2025

The Gospel of WOKE: A Clown Show in Verse

Oh hail the creed of the WOKE elite,
A circus of thought where logic retreats.
Gender’s a myth, biology’s fake,
A man in a dress? He’s truth; not a flake.

“Chromosomes? Nah, that’s oppressive old news,
I’m a they/them today. Tomorrow? No clues!”
Disparities bloom, but don’t you dare think,
It’s effort or choice – oppression’s the link!

A kid fails a test? It’s the system, you see,
Not watching TikTok till quarter past three.
The rich guy’s a crook, the poor guy’s a saint,
Merit’s a lie, but DEI ain’t.

Words are a gun, they’ll injure your soul,
 “They’re thugs” I say – now I’m off the blog roll.
Words can be fatal, and a pronoun’s a blade,
Call him “Sir” and he’ll need first aid.

So tape up your mouth, or the mob will descend,
Cancel culture’s justice – your career’s at an end.
Cultural theft’s the sin of our time,
A white guy in braids? That’s a capital crime!

Tacos on Tuesday? You monster, you swine,
Stick to your mayo, stay in your line.
But infinite genders? Oh, that’s just fine,
A buffet of labels, no reason, no rhyme.

Western civ’s the devil, the root of all wrong,
Built on pure evil, the WOKE’s great theme song.
Forget Rome’s aqueducts, Greece’s debate,
It’s all just a plot to enslave and berate.

Meanwhile, they tweet from their iPhones with glee,
Blind to the irony of tech’s family tree.
Kids pick their gender, let’s cheer and applaud,
A five-year-old’s wisdom’s the new golden god.

“Cut off my bits!” cries wee Timmy with pride,
Doc says, “You’re sure?” Mom says, “Don’t misguide!”
Let’s give mental illness a chance to take root,
And call it “empowerment” in our rainbow suit.

Merit’s a scam, a rigged little game,
The best don’t rise – oppression’s to blame.
Surgeon’s a klutz? Don’t judge his bad stitch,
He’s here ‘cause of quotas, not skill – don’t bitch!

The planes collide, the bridge starts to sway,
 “Good vibes” won’t save us, it’s WOKE that’s in play.
All cops are pigs, corrupt to the core,
That speeding ticket? Racist, and more!

The beat cop’s a thug, the detective’s a fiend,
Ignore the stats – the truth’s too obscene.
Defund ‘em, disarm ‘em, let chaos ignite,
WOKE yells “That’s justice!” as cities take flight.

Males crash women’s sports, oh what a treat,
Smashing the records and jaws with their feat.
Then off to the showers, no questions, no fuss,
 “Equality’s ours!” – well, it’s equal for us.

The gals stand there stunned, their trophies all gone,
But just complain and you’re canceled by dawn.
So let’s raise the flag of the WOKE every day,
Where reason’s the enemy, feelings hold sway.

A world with no borders, no truth, no spine,
Just endless whining – a victim’s gold mine.
Bow to the madness, embrace the decay,
For WOKE is our shepherd – now kneel and obey.


bakocarl Sunday, 2 March 2025

Comfort Cottage

Beneath a sky of endless blue,
Where waves whisper secrets anew,
Stands my little cottage, quaint and small,
A haven by the sea, my heart’s true call.

Its walls of weathered stone embrace,
Softened by time, kissed by salt-lace,
Windows gleam with amber light,
Framing vistas of day and night.

The view unfurls, a boundless sweep,
Of sapphire tides that dance and leap,
Whitecaps curl, then gently sigh,
A symphony beneath the sky.

Hedges trim the edges near,
Boxwood green, both stout and dear,
Their emerald arms a quiet guard,
Shielding peace within the yard.

Roses climb with tender grace,
Blushing pink on lattice face,
While lavender, in purple bloom,
Spills its scent through every room.

A path of pebbles, smooth and worn,
Winds through thyme and daisies born,
Pansies nod in cheerful rows,
A quilt of color the sunlight knows.

The chimney puffs a wisp of gray,
Woodsmoke curling through the day,
Inside, a hearth with embers glows,
Warming toes in woolen hose.

A rocking chair, of oak so old,
Creaks with stories yet untold,
A patchwork quilt, stitched by hand,
Drapes the couch where dreams expand.

The teapot hums, the kettle sings,
Simple joys on quiet wings,
A shelf of books, their pages curled,
Holds the weight of all the world.

Beyond the pane, gulls soar and cry,
Their silhouettes against the sky,
The tide retreats, then comes once more,
To kiss the shells along the shore.

And there, my garden meets the sea,
A union wild, yet soft and free,
Each bloom, each blade, a cherished sight,
Bathed in dawn and cloaked in night.

So my little cottage, by the sea,
Comforts my heart, my soul runs free.
In golden hues, my haven gleams,
Inspires my future, fulfills my dreams.

comment image


Duchess01 Sunday 2 March 2025



Angel of God come visit with me
For lost and lonely I seem to be
Left alone without the love of my bubby
He was my joy – he was my hubby

My heart hurts my head is pounding
My internal screams have no sounding
Emotionally exhausted I fall asleep
The pain is constant and oh so deep

Thank You, Lord, for music that soothes
It comforts and calms my soul it moves
My daily companion it has become
To its rhythm and cadence therefrom

I reach out to My Angel to lift me up
Steer me toward the blessing cup
This emptiness just will not go away
I need some semblance of him today

Send me a memory and make me smile
Give me the joy of his presence for awhile
Let me feel the warmth of his arms around
An expression of his love overtly abound

Help me feel grateful for the many years
Through the laughter, trials, and the tears
Through the challenges and the struggles
Accompanied by smooches and huggles

Help me to find happy once again
Even for a moment beyond the pain
Help me recall his spirit is alive
He can help me to revive and to thrive

It is as if he is still here by my side
Odd is it not from him I cannot hide
I can envision his face his surprise
As I stumble, fall, and then, arise

Oh, Lord, I do miss him so
Without him I have lost my mojo
I am clumsy I have lost my footing
Oh, the things I do to keep from looking

I shower I eat I dress and I work
Mechanically now I see him smirk
The joy in my life is nonexistent
The flow in my life is inconsistent

Ah but now that you are finally here
I can feel your spirit my hubby dear
You comfort me like no other can
Just as you did when our life began

D01: 10/24/2022



Angel of God come visit with me
For lost and lonely I seem to be
Left alone without the love of my life
She was my joy – she was my wife

My heart hurts my head is pounding
My internal screams have no sounding
Emotionally exhausted I fall asleep
The pain is constant and oh so deep

Thank You, Lord, for music that soothes
It comforts and calms my soul it moves
My daily companion it has become
To its rhythm and cadence therefrom

I reach out to My Angel to lift me up
Steer me toward the blessing cup
This emptiness just will not go away
I need some semblance of her today

Send me a memory and make me smile
Give me the joy of her presence for awhile
Let me feel the warmth of her arms around
An expression of her love overtly abound

Help me feel grateful for the many years
Through the laughter, trials, and the tears
Through the challenges and the struggles
Accompanied by smooches and huggles

Help me to find happy once again
Even for a moment beyond the pain
Help me recall her spirit is alive
She can help me to revive and to thrive

It is as if she is still here by my side
Odd is it not from her I cannot hide
I can envision her face her surprise
As I stumble, fall, and then, arise

Oh, Lord, I do miss her so
Without her I have lost my mojo
I am clumsy I have lost my footing
Oh, the things I do to keep from looking

I shower I eat I dress and I work
Mechanically now I see her smirk
The joy in my life is nonexistent
The flow in my life is inconsistent

Ah but now that you are finally here
I can feel your spirit my lovely dear
You comfort me like no other can
Just as you did when our life began

D01: 10/24/2022



Have you seen her as she flitters nigh
With a wink and a nod she flies by
A querp and a blerp she tosses at you
As you scroll on down to grab a quick view

Little do you know the weight she carries daily
On the back of her frail body of merely eighty
For forty long years she has born the burden
Of caring for one so frail where it occurred in

We cannot imagine the twists and turns
She has engineered for the peace she yearns
Every stitch she has sewn and machine repair
Attests to undeniable love and care

He has lifted her up and carried her thru
Many challenges and frustrations anew
And yet her determination rarely falters
As she prays unceasingly her daily psalters

She’s a Prayer Warrior down on her knees
Petitioning God to come to her aid please
Battling powers and principalities
Demonic obstructions and beastialities

Through disappointments and deficiencies
She struggles to maintain efficiencies 
All the while apprising to those around
Singing her praises His blessings abound

We thank You, Lord, for this heavenly gift
Who daily and lovingly gives us a lift
Whose determination/perseverance
Runs brave and stalwart interference 

An Angel Among Us she most truly is
Flittering and Twittering thru the whiz
Keep your eyes open for a blessing blight
Lest you miss her midway into her flight 

D01: 12/19/2024


Duchess01 Tuesday, 4 March 2025


When God puts a thought into your mind
Do not dismiss it and leave it behind
Whatever it is He asks you to do
Do not tarry or do something in lieu

Obedience is an act of faith and trust
Do not hesitate do it now you must
His timing is not ours and never will be
There’s a reason He calls upon you and me

We are His Hands His Feet His Eyes to see
We take dominion on this earth to be 
We love we hug we care for each other
We give of our gifts to one another

When God says we must do it now 
Do not stop and ask why and how
Give it your best – take time to be and do
The manifestation of God that is you

God will not take ‘no’ for an answer
Hop to it do it – be not a prancer
Do not delay or ask Him why me
Just be what God needs you to be

God will never ask any more of you
Than you’re capable or able to do
He will bring to mind whatever He needs
Out of the blue He will the plant the seeds

So if you are rushed and have not the time
Remember what God asked thru this rhyme
Obey and trust in God’s infinite love
And you will be blessed from Heaven above

D01: 05/18/2023

Last edited 7 days ago by para59r

bakocarl Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Serenity’s Soul

Creation holds its breath tonight,
No whisper of wind, no stir in sight,
Snowflakes fall in silver streams,
Earthward threads in a silent dream.

Each flake a muted hymn to peace,
A hush that bids all sound to cease,
No creaking branch, no rustling air,
Deep stillness cloaking everywhere.

The pines stand draped in white embrace,
Their needles stilled, a frozen grace,
No bird calls pierce this quiet veil,
No echo haunts the buried trail.

Fleece boots press soft, a soundless tread,
No sound at all, the silence spreads,
No crunch, even faint, would dare to break
This peaceful calm serenity makes.

The air is thick with falling light,
A silver shroud upon the night,
Each crystal gleams, then settles slow,
A dance of peace in endless snow.

No voice, no breeze, no distant hum,
The silence sings where sounds go numb,
A quiet carved so deep, so true,
Stitching peace through all I knew.

Years will fade, and time transcend,
But this pure peace will never end,
In memory’s hold, it softly gleams,
A snow-wrapped silence for my dreams.

Through life’s rude din, I’ll treasure dear
This windless fall, sparkling and clear,
An heirloom locked within my core,
This soundless snow – forevermore.
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From bakocarl

Speech of the century!
America reborn.
DemonRats sit and pout,
Dark faces filled with scorn.
Deplorables all cheer
For the new, blessed morn.


Duchess01 Wednesday, 5 March 2025


If you are looking for serenity 
It’s not attached to your identity
It’s not something you can purchase or buy
Nor is it something you can test or try

In life there’ll be trials and tribulation
At times an acquired aberration
Is your mind overwhelmed out of control
With no influence to calm or cajole

Have you cried for comfort that does not come
Are your senses silent your body benumb
Are you irritable and anxious too
Wondering what you are going to do

There is no place to go to stop the noise
When you’ve lost your confidence and your poise
When your thoughts are tethered in a twist
When you’re tied up in knots and can’t resist

Is this a state of your own creation 
Have you given in to some temptation
Have you failed to stop and take time to pray
Have you asked God to intervene today

Have you sought answers solely thru your mind
Have you ignored prompts of the Spirit kind
Have you petitioned God with your solution
Or have you trusted God with His locution

There is no Peace and Comfort without God
There is nowhere to turn that is not flawed
There is no love hope or even a chance
That you will be able to Happy Dance 

D01: 07/16/2023


bakocarl Wednesday 5 March 2025

America’s Back

The Democrats thought they’d won the day,
With corrupt judges and traitor FBI,
But America’s back, and Trump’s here to stay,
Gotta fit those Dems with a rope neck tie.

They used Pedo Joe and his sidekick Ho,
For policies corrupt with a deadly price,
Inflation soared, and borders let go,
The country was ruled by fraud, graft and vice.

America’s back, and we’re gonna be fine,
Trump’s in the White House, hear the Dems whine.
The Dems are running out of White House crack,
‘Cause America’s back, yeah, America’s back!

They trashed our land with their WOKE decree,
Tore down the old ways, imprisoned the free,
But Trump’s returned to stop the crime spree,
And restore liberty to you and me.

Can’t afford food and gas; jobs stripped away,
Biden’s stealing our money left and right,
But honesty’s here and the Dems will pay,
With Trump in charge now, we’ll Fight, Fight, Fight!

America’s back, and the future’s lookin’ bright,
Trump’s got the wheel, gonna steer us right,
Dems have run out of White House crack,
 ‘Cause America’s back, yeah, America’s back!


bakocarl Saturday, 8 March 2025

Donkey’s Discord: A Dirge for Decorum
In chambers grand where power sits,
You Democrats, you pompous twits,
Did sneer and jeer with childish glee,
Trying to cut Trump off at his knees.
The man stood tall, his voice rang clear,
A nation’s course for all to hear,
But you, with scowls and bitter spite,
Made mockery of this sacred rite.
Your boos, your hisses, shrill and low,
A tantrum’s tide, a petty show,
No grace, no class, just bile unleashed,
Your dignity so sorely breached.
Trump spoke of strength, of borders tight,
Of jobs reborn, of future bright,
Yet you, with hearts of stone and gall,
Preferred to bicker, curse, and stall.
Oh, Party of the Donkey’s bray,
Your manners rot, your souls decay,
To shun respect, to scoff and scorn,
Your legacy of shame is born.
The world did watch, the people saw,
Your rancor broke decorum’s law,
For Trump, sincere, deserved his due,
Not spit from fools that failed a coup.
So here’s to you, ye craven crew,
Your disrespect shall mark you true,
A stain upon your putrid name,
Eternal in the halls of shame.


PAVACA Saturday, 8 March 2025

Saturday 8 March 2025

As Winter shortens into Spring,
My being is remembering:
My husband’s birthday,
My brother’s passing —
The memories are lingering.
But Peace will come, and things will Heal:
And I’ll again be able to feel
That everything will be all right:
And I’ll know this when the birds sing.


bakocarl Sunday, 9 March 2025

Grift & Graft: the Dems’ BFFs

In halls of power, shadows creep,
Where grift and graft run strong and deep,
The Democrats, with smiles so wide,
Embrace their friends on either side.

Grift whispers sweet in every ear,
A promise here, a favor there,
With silver tongues and hands unseen,
Grift weaves a web of gold and green.

Graft, the steady, silent tool,
Builds empires under party rule,
A bridge, a vote, a law to bend,
For loyal allies, funds descend.

Together, arm in arm they stride,
Through marble corridors of pride,
No scandal dims their cheerful glow,
For grift and graft are all they know.

The people watch, some cheer, some sigh,
As truth gets lost beneath the lie,
And with the Dems, so tried, so true,
Paint red the books, a corrupt crew.


bakocarl, Monday, 10 March 2025

Donkey’s Discord: A Dirge for Decorum
In chambers grand where power sits,
You Democrats, you pompous twits,
Did sneer and jeer with childish glee,
Trying to cut Trump off at his knees.
The man stood tall, his voice rang clear,
A nation’s course for all to hear,
But you, with scowls and bitter spite,
Made mockery of this sacred rite.
Your boos, your hisses, shrill and low,
A tantrum’s tide, a petty show,
No grace, no class, just bile unleashed,
Your dignity so sorely breached.
Trump spoke of strength, of borders tight,
Of jobs reborn, of future bright,
Yet you, with hearts of stone and gall,
Preferred to bicker, curse, and stall.
Oh, Party of the Donkey’s bray,
Your manners rot, your souls decay,
To shun respect, to scoff and scorn,
Your legacy of shame is born.
The world did watch, the people saw,
Your rancor broke decorum’s law,
For Trump, sincere, deserved his due,
Not spit from fools that failed a coup.
So here’s to you, ye craven crew,
Your disrespect shall mark you true,
A stain upon your putrid name,
Eternal in the halls of shame.


bakocarl Monday, 10 March 2025

God’s Garden
Through petals soft and colors bright,
I wander in the morning light,
A symphony of blooms unfolds,
Their fragrance sweet, fresh and bold.
The breeze, a whisper, dances free,
Caressing leaves on every tree,
It hums a tune, so light, so gay,
A gentle push to guide my way.
The sky above, a boundless blue,
With cotton clouds that drift and skew,
A canvas vast, where dreams take flight,
Bathed in gold by sun’s delight.
The pond reflects the heavens’ glow,
A mirror calm, where ripples flow,
The ducks glide smooth, their quacks resound,
A playful splash, a joyful sound.
A squirrel darts, a fleeting blur,
Through grass that hums with life astir,
The bees, they buzz, a honeyed choir,
In nature’s glow, they never tire.
The air is laced with scents so pure,
Of rose and lilac, soft allure,
A breath of earth, so rich, so green,
A living world, calm and serene.
All nature speaks from God’s own Hand,
To gift us walking through His land,
And oh, this day, a perfect day
All because God made it this way.


bakocarl Monday, 10 March 2025

The White House Speaks
I am the White House, walls of gleaming stone,
A witness to history, a nation’s home.
Through years of clamor, I’ve stood proud and tall,
But oh, what delight now echoes my halls!
Melania’s back—my heart beams with cheer,
A gracious First Lady, once more dwelling here.
Her elegance glides through my corridors wide,
A quiet strength, a beauty I can’t hide.
The chandeliers sparkle, their glow more bright,
For she brings a stillness that feels just right.
No garish clamor, no fleeting fuss,
Just poise and dignity—she’s marvelous!
My gardens blush with a tender bloom,
Her care revives them from winter’s gloom.
She tends to my spaces, both grand and small,
A hostess supreme for each state-held ball.
The china gleams, the linens align,
Her taste, impeccable, makes every room shine.
I’ve missed her voice, that soft-spoken grace,
A calming presence in this bustling place.
She champions children, their dreams she lifts high,
With “Be Best” echoing beneath my sky.
Her kindness ripples through every floor,
A First Lady’s touch I’ve longed for once more.
Diplomats visit, and I stand with pride,
As she greets them warmly, my doors flung wide.
A beacon of style, a global delight,
She carries my name through day and night.
The world sees her charm, her effortless way,
And I, the White House, bask in her sway.
My pillars hum with a joyful tune,
For Melania’s return is a treasured boon.
Through every window, my spirit takes flight,
She’s back, she’s back—my soul’s pure delight!
A partner, a mother, a lady so rare,
Fills my old bones with love beyond compare.
So here I stand, on this hill so grand,
Rejoicing in her, us hand in hand.
For Melania’s grace, her strength, her care,
Makes me, the White House, a home debonair.
Welcome back, oh, how I’ve missed you
Your presence outshines gold’s bright hue.
Welcome back, dear one, my heart’s decree,
With you as First Lady, I’m truly free.