The Trumps are in London!

The Media is winding up. Get ready!
The President, FLOTUS Melania, all the adult children, and a large contingent of the Trump Admin are in London this week. The adult children have taken the entire floor of  prestigious lodgings, the Corinthian.
Protesters are drooling over the aspect of protesting the President of the USA and approx. 20K UK Police will be on hand for the “Trump” visit. The Brexiteers are thrilled by the presence of the Trump family and the headlines will be wild this week. Please post photos and topic related items in this thread.

In about an hour, the President will meet with the Queen, kicking off a long day of high profile events. Here is the schedule.
Schedule for Day 1: 
4:00am EDT / 9:00am BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at London Stansted Airport, Stansted, United Kingdom
4:10am EDT / 9:10am BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart London Stansted Airport en route to Winfield House Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom, Stansted, United Kingdom
4:40am EDT / 9:40am BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Winfield House [U.S. Ambassador Woody Johnson] Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
7:00am EDT / 12:00pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Winfield House Landing Zone en route to Buckingham Palace Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
7:10am EDT / 12:10pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Buckingham Palace Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
the hat
7:20am EDT / 12:20pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY are introduced to the Members of the Royal Household and British Suite with Her Majesty the Queen, London, United Kingdom
7:35am EDT / 12:35pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in official welcome ceremony with Her Majesty the Queen, London, United Kingdom
8:00am EDT / 1:00pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY introduce the American Suite to Her Majesty the Queen, London, United Kingdom

8:15am EDT / 1:15pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a private luncheon with Her Majesty the Queen, London, United Kingdom
9:00am EDT / 2:00pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in royal collection gift review with Her Majesty the Queen, London, United Kingdom

10:00am EDT / 3:00pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Buckingham Palace en route to Westminster Abbey, London, United Kingdom
10:10am EDT / 3:10pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Westminster Abbey, London, United Kingdom

10:15am EDT / 3:15pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, London, United Kingdom

10:20am EDT / 3:20pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY tour Westminster Abbey and sign the guestbook, London, United Kingdom

10:50am EDT / 3:50pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Westminster Abbey en route to Clarence House, London, United Kingdom

11:00am EDT / 4:00pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Clarence House, London, United Kingdom
11:05am EDT / 4:05pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a photo opportunity with His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall, London, United Kingdom
11:15am EDT / 4:15pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY have tea (“high tea”) with His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall, London, United Kingdom
11:30am EDT / 4:30pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Clarence House en route to Buckingham Palace Landing Zone,
London, United Kingdom

11:35am EDT / 4:35pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Buckingham Palace Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom

11: 45am EDT / 4:45pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Buckingham Palace Landing Zone en route to Winfield House Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom

11:55am EDT / 4:55pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Winfield House Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom

2:30pm EDT / 7:30pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Winfield House Landing Zone en route to Buckingham Palace Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
2:40pm EDT / 7:40pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Buckingham Palace Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
3:10pm EDT / 8:10pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a presentation of guests with Her Majesty the Queen,
London, United Kingdom
3:30pm EDT / 8:30pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a royal procession with Her Majesty the Queen, London, United Kingdom
3:45pm EDT / 8:45pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a State Banquet with Her Majesty the Queen, London, United Kingdom

The Royal Procession into the Dining Room with The Queen and President Trump leading.  Link
5:35pm EDT / 10:35pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a reception after the State Banquet with Her Majesty the Queen, London, United Kingdom
6:00pm EDT / 11:00pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Buckingham Palace en route to Winfield House, London, United Kingdom
6:20pm EDT / 11:20pm BST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at Winfield House, London, United Kingdom

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First Lady arrived in navy suit and Burberry blouse – wearing the US (and British) colors – RED, WHITE & BLUE!


Looks like the Gucci city print dress First Lady wore for departure had scenes of London….of course!


Did the Michael Kors dress Melania Trump wore to the Ford Theater Gala symbolize the ring of steel security around our President that President Lincoln evidently did not have?
The First Lady uses her clothing to send messages as we learned the night of the debate when she wore the shocking Pink Pussy bow pants suit to confront the Clintons….and designed her Inaugural gown to symbolize both the Constitution and Trump’s Contract with the American Voter….and maybe a little bit of a dig at the White Horse Prophecy believers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I didn’t know about the Constitution dress.


If I was a dress person, this is what Id wear.

Rodney Short

Being a foot man myself I have to say FLOTUS sure has a way of sporting some amazing shoes.
I love all the pictures, this story really rocks.
It breaks my heart to see my grandmothers homeland ruined by the Globalist, it’s really sad to see.
My mother was born 6 days after my grandmother landed here in the states and I tell you there was no one who loved America more, she just adored JFK his picture was right beside the queens picture in grandmothers prized china hutch.


Re: the Burberry blouse from Kate Bennett who used to be a fashion editor – it has a military motif.
She’s one to follow re: First Lady garments.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Burberry is not an unknown accent within Wolf’s scruffy lair! Looks alpha and, with a bit of canine sharpness, within the means of those with more taste than means! 😉
The Wolf may despise Tavistock, but not Burberry! Throw out the bathwater! Save the baby!

Sylvia Avery

I love this. So gorgeous, and the jacket draped over her shoulders like only she can do.

Jan Phillips

Thank you, Daughn!! This is awesome!!

Jan Phillips

Thank you GA/FL!!!



OMG. At first glance I thought I saw princess Di.


Melania is an angel.


Evidently, it’s midnight navy blue trim on the dress and hat and not black.


That is beautiful. I noticed their high tea is all of 15 minutes after 10 minutes of photos. I guess they dont have diet coke …..

Plain Jane

That awesome hat somehow made me think of a Katherine Hepburn hat…can’t put my finger on why…maybe from African Queen. Dunno.

Sylvia Avery

I just woke up, turned on the TV, and there she was. I just posted on the daily thread because I didn’t see this one yet. She looks so fantastic! Honestly, I caught my breath. So chic! Wow!


Yeah, she’s such a class act. The President is worthy of her, barely. 😄


Actually, it was navy trim – but yes – it was stunning, as usual…


If he’s like all the other groundsmen all over the world he would have been inspecting HIS grass 5 mins after they left for damage

Sylvia Avery



You ever done a divot on a golf Course?

Sylvia Avery

What ELSE would I do on a golf course!!!!


And did the grounds man give you the side eye?

Sylvia Avery

I’m lucky he didn’t kick my azz outta there!


Trust me, he thought about it. OTOH. They have access to large grounds and digging machines. Level and multitude of offences. And there aren’t any dog walkers on golf courses to come back with inconvenient finds

Sylvia Avery

LOL, I may never go to a golf course again! You skeert me!


I wouldn’t. One divot-accident. Two -provocation. Three-missing person

Sylvia Avery

*giggling helplessly*


My dad was President of an upmarket golf club but he and everyone else deferred to the head groundskeeper.

Sylvia Avery

I can’t help thinking of Caddyshack. The gopher.


Talking to the guards….I was a bit surprised at this…I guess I thought it wasn’t “allowed” to interact with them…actually never saw that before. But, it appeared the leader was explaining the significance of various parts of the uniform, etc. I thought it great they actually took so much time “inspecting the troops” because these elite soldiers work so hard and are usually quickly passed by ar these ceremonies.

Pat Frederick

thanks for this thread…I don’t watch tv so this is a treat to see FLOTUS in all her loveliness!!! such style…fashion mags are committing suicide by not featuring her!!!


Evidently, you have to be a signed in member to read the posts at Parler.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I right-clicked the image in Parler – let’s see if that shows up directly:comment image

Pat Frederick

i think that’s how parler posts show up…

Pat Frederick

followed you and echoed your post


I have to still sign up for that- is this what everyone’s doing now? I’m on Gab ….. something for the todo list …


Me 3. All of a sudden i see theres a new thing but i cant do that atm too. Miss Daughn, internet shopping isnt so great for me. Give me antique stores and real vintage and farmers markets. Ive got kiddo into that too…at 5!


Admittedly slow kid here. Signed up for both Gab and Parler. Reasoning is, if Word Press blocks or bans Wolf’s Tree, they are back up of sorts. My understanding anyway.
Don’t do twit, FB and no plans to use Gab or Parler, unless required to link up with ya’ll. you guys are my sanity these days.


Kalbo – my plans exactly. If I didn’t have to use the internet, I wouldn’t. Give me my horse, the mountains, and being outside as much as possible any day. I was born in the wrong era, for sure. Love you all, though…


I’m finding Parler much more energetic.
It is easy to navigate, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It has a very nice social feel, too, similar to the old Treehouse, before The Schism!


Agree. I have also noticed many on Twitter who insist that we must remain on Twitter. Some are even suggesting it is cowardly to go to Parler. I’m suspicious.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is natural that some in MAGA who are having great success on Twitter will play their cards that way (Remainers), while others will play a different way (Twexiteers). Trump and Parscale both understand this. I think that Parscale was signaling to the early adopters to TEST OUT PARLER and give him data!
I think Parscale is making a sound decision. I think it’s important not no alienate GAB, because they are the BULL of Alt Tech, and lead the way. But Parler is for normies, and much of MAGA is normies.
SO – I am OK with the REMAINERS holding the fort on Twitter while we escape.
Parler is going to be much better for us in 2020 than Twitter was for us in 2018, where they HELPED THE DEMS. Parscale knows it, and I suspect he knows WHY. Twitter is a one-way mirror, that allows the DNC to study us more deeply than what is visible to users. Parler will not allow this, IMO.
The ROGUE CLOWNS and DNC who own Twitter are OUT OF LUCK once we’re on Parler.


Agree. Agree. Agree. Agree…..😄


Thanks Daughn! We are driving through Germany (i joined Mr MA_KSwiss on a business trip) Am watching this thread in the car, on a hot spot to his phone but with a VPN connection to the US so the comments will load… lol) ….
The FLOTUS looks stunning!!!


Drive safe! Maybe an update to see what people are saying across the pobd about the visit?


Yes that is such a good question Gil! I will poke my nose around….. we’ll be in Darmstadt this week….. I know we have some wqtreepers here in Germany…. if this wasn’t so last minute I should’ve planned for a WQTH meet up! Lol


You should reach out to JW in Germany!!! That would be QWEL!!!!


President Trump laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Westminster Cathedral:


Is it unusual to have a staff meeting at the Capitol first thing on Monday morning…..🤷
Things that make you say hmmmm


LOLF…layoffs for the Feds on Capitol Hill.
Never, ever, gonna happen. Me thinks.
Arrests, perp walks…hopefully. But certainly not happening with the brief snippets I’ve read here.

Plain Jane

Our man probably told staff to call meeting just to give media an opporttunity to make more fake news and fools of themselves. Hee, hee.

Plain Jane

Love this thread. Needed some light, happy thoughts today. Thanks DNW.


How ya doing Jane? How is your Sil? Been thinking about you …HUGS! and prayers!

Plain Jane

SIL is doing well. Thank God.
I’m surviving the docs so far. I can’t believe so much heck broke loose in my body at the same time. Thank you very, very much for your prayers. are truly appreciated.


Love you, PJ – lots of prayers and good wishes for you!

Plain Jane

Love you right back, and wish you well also. Thank you for the prayers.


Can’t get voat but heard about the deserted malls etc on qvf. Somethings going on


One of the biggest problems that I often found with the Obamas was their lack of manners. Although I grew up in a very poor household, there were was certain protocols that we learned to use in various situations. There were so many times that I was absolutely shocked at the way the Obamas did things while in public.
As I said in my tweet so nice to have a respected good looking well-mannered First Lady in the White House Again.
Where’s Michelle Obama’s hat?
While headpieces are not by any means required when meeting the Queen, wearing one could be interpreted as a sign of respect to the British monarch. Samantha Cameron, wife of the Bristish prime minister, was severely criticized in the UK for not wearing a hat to the royal wedding last month.”

Pat Frederick

more often than not Mooch looked like a pinata…garish colors on the outside and stuffed with nothing of substance on the inside


Even when she wore outfits that supposed cost tens of thousands of dollars, she just did not pull it off.
Her black widow outfit for acceptance speech and her white dress for the inauguration ball that looked like one of my mom’s old bedspreads.
From that point forward I knew that our WH was in trouble.


Hmmm you noticed that too LOL


And very broad shoulders, too.
Her (?) shoulders are wider than Barry’s.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah. Wookie’s more used to wearing cleats, pads, and a helmet… package-ing included…


Biometrically, unequivocally male. Head ratio to shoulder width- male. Not to edge of muscle to tip of clavicle. Google it

Pat Frederick

yeah her body shape wasn’t conducive to grace and elegance, but neither were her manners or her walk–gees, couldn’t they find a ex-pageant person to at least teach her not to CLOMP her way thru everything?


Pat, as someone intimately involved in the pageant scene for a long time many years ago, I often thought the same. Heck, with ALL those staff, bringing in people from Chicago for personal services that could easily be done in DC, with fashion mavens salivating over her….you would think someone would have “prepped “ (and dressed) Michelle much better!
Same with the protocol person, that every White House has on staff, to advise about cultural customs and traditions (do NOT hug the Queen of England! duh), do NOT keeping talking in the middle of God Save the Queen at the State banquet, do not curtesy, bow and shake hands at the same time to the Emperor of Japan, etc. Obviously, the Obamas really didn’t care because you really cannot be that stupid.


Tbh. There’s only so much we can do with the body we’ve got. Healthy weight etc. but designers could have helped her a lot more


Mooch needs to dress sporty elegant and simple. Anything frilly to colorful clothe that is in at the moment is not for her. A stylish simple would do much for her. I have seen tall women Mooch’s body shape looked georgious.

Plain Jane



Those cold, empty prints – like Target blew up.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, well said!


Yep. Nothing graceful or lady like with Michael.


remember the daisy dukes or was it cut off shorts when she wore coming off the helicopter.


Lasting retinal damage


It was just so shocking..Very shocking…


Parental guidance stuff at least. Argument for r rating


Kin – how can we ever forget? I have mentioned that here before. It is a sore spot with me – so disrespectful and grungy of her. I tried not to ever watch anything having to do with that family, but somehow, I did see this. So bad.


They really burned my eyes lol

Plain Jane

I so adore hats. Still wish I didn’t donate my 60s white picture hat to the HS theater group back in the 80s.


I know what you mean…But even if I didn’t look good in one I would have wore one for protocol.

Plain Jane

Things got more casual in my corner of the world by the 80s. I put my mink stole and the great suits I made to rest along with my hats because I’d get strange reactions even at church. Too dressed for the area plus pants were easier to wear when juggling kids. No way could one juggle kids while wearing a hat. LOL.


yes but the Obama had the money & that is British protocol.
If I was to go to a fancy meet up with someone famous or head of the state, I’d sure make sure I was dressed properly even if I had to borrow from someone or by at Salvation army.

Plain Jane

I absolutely agree. Me also.
I was just saying why I down dressed.
Hee, hee, maybe the vintage stores would be a great place to find nice things that aren’tmade in China.


I have a friend at work that has a ton of stuff from thrift stores & is always nicely dressed.
If you live in big cities you can usually figure out the ones where the rich donate. I found the good ones in LA LOL

Plain Jane

Unfortunately, my donated stuff is better than what those stores normally sell locally, and my stuff isn’t high end. LOL. Most of my attire since I rarely sew much clothing anymore usually comes from LL BEAN or LandsEnd.


In LA i found one that had lots of shoes and clothes that had never even been worn–one near Santa Monica and one not far from PV.

Plain Jane

I’m jealous. 🙂


Don’t live there any more—probably only part I miss LOL..


I love hats and try them on all the time when I go to Nordstrom. I have many for the summer and some for winter. Not everyone can wear a hat.


I know ===


Truthfully, I thought Melania should have worn one for the ceremony in Japan…all the Japanese women did.


Looked at a lot of the Japanese pictures & only saw the Emperor’s wife in a hat. Hmmm
Wonder what I missed.
In England it is a very different protocol.


No, there were other women in hats that were part of the ceremonies. I remember one in blue, for example. They also carried gloves as well as their purses. Definitely English influence from the early 1900’s (if I remember correctly), when England was so invested in Japan.
Not that it’s important…


Yea i looked at quite a few..??? who knows


Is that the Wookiee’s head at the bottom of the photo?


Oh my


PDJT and FLOTUS arrived to Buckingham Palace for the official state visit reception and ceremony with HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Lady Parker Bowles.

PDJT and FLOTUS view a special exhibition in the Picture Gallery of items of historical significance to the U.S. from the Royal Collectio.

PDJT and LOTUS arrive at Westminster Abbey to lay a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior and then take a tour:


Videos are Awesome Flep!! THANKS!!


I really want someone to do my makeup and fix my hair every day. Oh, yes – and pick out my clothes – I am getting too old to care anymore….pretty soon it will be jeans, t-shirts and flip flops 24/7….


SS on the job!! #relieved!


He’s carrying a load of stopping power as are the rest of the USSS in that photo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That hand position thing has MANY purposes, and they are all BUSINESS.


Crap. Tan shoes and a black suit. Melania needs to review the ss wardrobes


Sorry if this has posted before–but look at the similarities?!!!!🤔😎


Last year’s chiffon gown worn in Britain by First Lady Melania Trump was also a tribute to Princess Diana.


Ga–the Yellow one?


Photos:comment image


Evidently it was a look Diana wore several times in white, blue and aqua:comment image


GA!! Thanks for the pics!!!! beautiful!!


Her posture, it’s incredible. She’s a pro. All the leftist women who trash our FLOTUS daily, and who’ll be shrieking 24/7 over everything about the trip, the clothes, all of it . . . could not have held a candle to this beauty in their 21-year-old PRIME. They know it and it enrages them, as does the truth in general.


Wow… ours did it nicer, but Im biased.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The instant I saw the picture, Princess Di came to mind. I rather expect it gave some of the folks there pause (feeling a little guilty there, eh, Chuckles and Phillip?). But I think she wore the hat as a message, and a message of respect and honor.


Agree Cuppa!!! Our First Lady absolutely Trolls in high Fashion!!!


Navy and White were signature Princess Diana fashion looks:


I thought the exact same thing when I saw her dress. It reminded me of Diana.

Rodney Short

Love them both but I have to say Princess Di could never fashion shoes like our amazing First Lady does.


PIERS MORGAN lights into Sadiq Khan – ”
PIERS MORGAN: The real big baby in London this week is Mayor Khan – a petty little pipsqueak who’d shamefully rather mock and humiliate the President of Britain’s greatest ally than honor the D-Day heroes of both our nations”
But remember, the Islamists were Axis – and – had sided with Hitler. So, D Day and Victory over Europe, Asia and N Africa isn’t quite the same to them. No wonder Khan is a bit out of sorts on this Day of Remembrance.


Sarah Sanders at Westminster Abbey…

A Fortiori

I lived just outside the beltway for decades, know dozens of people who have worked on the hill, and I have never heard of an 8am meeting for all the hill staff. Neither our elected officials nor their staffers are know to be early risers. It is also highly unusual to conduct such a meeting on Monday morning, as it is a common practice to return to town Monday morning and start work late. With all the journalists who live on the hill, are there constantly, are sleeping with staffers and whatnot, the fact that we have heard very little about the purpose of this meeting is very strange.
Two other elements of this report are very odd. I was at a grocery store just outside the beltway yesterday afternoon and did not see anything out of the ordinary.
And the report of parking changes is strange, because these things are not particularly noteworthy. The DC government capriciously changes parking rules to please our ruling class all the time. Most people don’t know that cars parked on the street in DC are often towed “to enhance security” for various US potentates. Thus, a legal parking space might be changed to a no parking zone in the blink of an eye, at precisely the time your car is being lifted by a tow truck. For example, if Hillary wanted to dine at I Ricci, DC would tow away the cars parked on 19th between M and N so as to enhance her security. My office in DC used to look over a location where DC routinely dumped some of the cars they towed. Sometimes owners would report them stolen and buy another car, only to get a notice weeks later from DC demanding payment for the dozens of tickets the old car acquired in its new location. Oh, and the DC parking ticket appeals process is run in a manner that would make former Soviet Commissars proud. Locals know these things; I can’t remember the last time I parked a car on the street in DC.
This story is very weird.

Plain Jane

Good info A. Fortiori. TY.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My dad, many, many MANY years ago told me that if going on a trip to DC, one could rent a car at Dulles, but you’d have to burn it once you got to DC.


Yes. Another stealth operation like that wall. HTF did they pull that off. It’s not like they were sneaking in with a couple of bags of cement and a few fence posts in the back of a Ute.

JW in Germany

Now THAT was a very thoughtful gift—and the MESSAGE it sends!
If she did not like Our President, the Queen might have presented him with a collection of Obama’s speeches. 🤢🤮


Exactly right on the money!!!🤣🤣😍 Good to see ya James!!

JW in Germany

Great to see you too, Marica!
I will be back more routinely when the campaign gets really rolling—I have to recharge the batteries after nearly 4 years of daily MAGAing the best I can long-distance. Also a good time to let family know that they can remove from the milk carton missing persons ads. 😁😇


Hey–Quick Fyi–Are you familiar with PHC from OT or recenty here on the Q tree? He’s in Hospice now but has his own blog post if ya want to say Hi from Germany…

JW in Germany

Yeah, I have been scanning the open thread OT. Thanks for the info—I will drop in on PHC—one of my favorite commenters over the years.


He he . Your family feel that way too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS is the securing of ALLIANCE.


When is the Press conference?

JW in Germany

Nigel Farage Show on live now! Talking about Kahn and PDJT’s tweets.
Why do I get the feeling that the Queen is truly an ally of Our President?
I would love to be a fly on the wall inside the palace. The Queen,”I love the way you handled that bloody ‘stone cold loser’………” 😎


I get that same feeling regarding the Queen…


Doesn’t the Queen have a beautiful smile! There’s one photo that is precious of her looking up into POTUS’ face with a wonderful smile….a keeper!


Teagan! I noticed that too!!! Almost like a little girl smile…!

Pat Frederick

well that makes sense…when I got to be 50, my chronometer started going backwards…given her advanced years (that’s polite talk for old as dirt, she’s the Queen ya know) she’s probably 8 by now…


🤣🤣🤣 Kinda true!!!!

Rodney Short

Major goose bumps just looking at the smile on the Queens face,she loves DJT.

Sylvia Avery


Sylvia Avery

I think so, too!


Anybody Seen Daughn?🤔 This looks a bit like her handiwork!!!


Daughn! Maybe we can meet in the middle? Meet up in Atlanta one day? I’d plan it right now…but we have six family weddings in the next 4 months!! 2020 will be the year we plan a weekend girls trip?–Or we simply come to you!!! We WILL make it happen!!!😘


This is HUGE! Russia is playing ball when it comes to Iran (not selling them the S-400) and Venezuela. Mudoro’s days are numbered.


Wow Flep!! Our Greaest Negotiator Winning again!!


Meanwhile, Russia is….


Sorry I meant to put this on my news feed!


Daddy is giving us updates!!



“…once U.K. gets rid of the shackles.”
There’s a clue in there. Don’t ask me what it means, but there’s a reason President Trump included that phrase.


A reference to Brexit, I think.
Countries in the EU are forbidden from doing their own trade deals with other countries.


ooow Katie!!! you are absolutely right–Shackles–as in chains that bind prisoners…😱🤯

Deplorable Patriot

The Queen is no dummy. I think she knows the EU is doomed and that her best bet to stay relevant on a number of levels is to play nice with us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Haven’t seen any protests yet, but I’m sure the Fake News will be working hard to find them.”
Love that TRUTH!
Because the FAKE NEWS


This 1 Post is more chock full of info than any MCM put out today!! I feel sure!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Mr. and Mrs.Trump look over the banquet table in the Ballroom and think to themselves…”at Mar-a-Lago we call this a typical Saturday night.”
They’re just so real we forget how lavish a lifestyle they had before entering the White House.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Two of my favorite Trumps!!!


That looks like the Qanon Flag in this video:

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting. amir khan sounds like American…


Thanks Daughn!!


Didn’t that playing of our anthem give you CHILLS!!!! Marica? Wouldn’t you love that Crown? 🙂
Ah, the elegance of that State Dinner. I did not pay any attention to what happened when Obama went to the U.K. – did the Brits put on such a magnificent display? – like the honor and respect shown towards this POTUS and our First Lady.


So many Chills Lady P!!! The entire Trump Family are so elegant and Classy!!!!! Love them and loved Brit anthem played at the end.”.My country tis of thee…”!! All good!!!


Okay, and here is something else, that I bet you noticed… Melania never, as far as I know, carries a purse or pocketbook in public. Which, IMO, is a good thing – nothing destroys the look more than ladies all dressed up and photographed over and over again, and they’ve carrying their purses or shoulder bags. Melania really has that fashion sense of nothing should distract from the outfit.
I remember see Macron’s wife and notable public women figures and their lugging their bag along – even in the official group pictures.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. The thing is, I will bet money that FLOTUS has a smartly matched bag or two traveling with her, and always nearby. Her “fashion football” carried by her aides! Would be fun I’m sure for the fashion-watchers to see it.


Fashion Football!! Good one Wolfie!! Probably has secret codes In there as well!!😏😂😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Her four smartphones, palm-top, hard drive, and detector for secret cameras!


Plus a little pearl handled Saturday nite special! F em if they try to hurt her baby!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Off-body carry because SAME AS PURSE! 😉


She actually may have that in a garter belt –On Body!! Cuz she’s Jane Bond!!


Right! I mean she wouldn’t be without a purse – We Cannot Do Without Them – but she leaves them out of the picture…

Sylvia Avery

Very true!


I do need to give the Queen a “pass” thought- she is never without her handbag and hat – but then, after all, she is the Queen. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

I’m in the minority, but truthfully, the Queen is a bit of a badass, IMO. Not only did she join the military in WWII and become a truck mechanic, but she still drives herself to church with a stick shift. She also is/was one of the best dog trainers in the country in her day, and is a literal dog whisperer. She also gave birth to her son Edward at Windsor in her own bed with no anesthesia.
Say what you want about the royals, but the Queen did not always take the easy way when she could have, just like her mother.


I like the Queen, not so much her children – I also think that’s why she has stayed on the throne so long – Charles isn’t the best to take over.

Sylvia Avery

I’m SURE you are right, and OMG I’d love to see it. I’d love to know how they plan for her.

Deplorable Patriot

Remember, the Queen’s purse is really a signal system. When she switches arms, it’s time to go.


I did not know that…Thanks DP!


And, I read (about the Queen’s purse)…it gives her something to do with her hands. Additionally, it’s kind of a “shield”. I’m sure after a life time of public appearances, she knows how to use it very well. Did you note that the Japanese females not only wore hats but also carried purses.

Deplorable Patriot

Rumor has it Queen Lillibet has a Luger in there. Not sure I believe that one, though.

Sylvia Avery

I agree. No matter how elegant, the handbag detracts.
And the Queen always carries hers, even putting around the palace.

Deplorable Patriot

I have to wipe the drool off the keyboard.


The title is so cute!

Sylvia Avery

What an awesome picture!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A British Queen conspiring with a son of a Scot to save England from Germany’s Fourth Russian-designed Reich. Couldn’t have written a more exciting script if we tried!


Bet Trump didn’t talk over the British national anthem


Oh, those famous gems! 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Just fabulous.

Sylvia Avery

LP, when the Obama’s came to Town, the Mooch wore a hideous print dress with a cardigan shrug IIRC. And someone, I think it was the Mooch, hugged the Queen probably startling her out of her wits. And then there was the gift from our country to the Queen: DVDs formatted for North America (lucky for her) of BOs speeches. Wow.


I remember the DVD and his speeches as the gift. Was appalled. At first I thought that the people in their diplomatic corps didn’t inform the Obama of protocols, traditions, etc. Then as the Obamas revealed themselves further – turned out they didn’t care, have no class, are crass, nasty, and ungrateful human beings.
It doesn’t matter how much money the Obamas have – it can’t buy them Class.


Total insularity and narcissism. The obummas were so incredibly self absorbed. I wonder how long it took the queen to change the bag to the other arm when in their company.? If she did it twice it was probably a signal that the Luger was coming out next. If you are the queen you don’t have to take shit from anyone


I believe it’s quite notable that the Queen is pointing out the connection of freedom, and a continent saved by the United States.
I love that Crown!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



POTUS “terrified” he might make a gaff in his speech? (According to the “Royal” reporter.) Please!

Cuppa Covfefe

The British “press” have fomented yellow urinalism since before America existed.
And a good lot of normies in the UK don’t believe that climate rot either (James Delingpole can attest to that).
The potato reporter from the TV is a “pom” or “toff”. Actually, since he’s shaped like a potato, he could be termed pomme, too…
Funny thing, whenever I see or hear the Queen, I think of my late mother, a Londoner, who was about the same height and appearance as the Queen, but a couple of years older, and spoke with that perfect English accent. She obviously didn’t wear a crown or have expensive jewels (darn 🙂 ), but she was “all English” but an American at heart, too.
She lived in London during WWII, and had many stories of the bomb shelters, the lights out, double daylight savings time, and all manner of other things. She also saw the chuch steeple of the church where she had her First Communion (1930 or so?) collapse due to being bombed. I don’t think most people today know what hardships that generation endured, and they just stuck it out and fought through it. The war never completely left them, either. Both she and my late German mother-in-law would jump a few feet into the air (it seemed) whenever the phone rang (when they could still hear OK 🙂 ).
It’s great that the Queen and President Trump get on so well. I think she’s probably frustrated over Brexit, and what has become of England and the UK. As others have noted, she’s made of a lot sterner stuff than most of the current lot. And Chuckles is just a joke. I think William seems OK, though. The Queen Mum hung on to 102, so who knows…

Elizabeth Carter

daughn, Thanks for the link. It is a shame the media had to insult President Trump but that seems to be their job all around the world. The Queen and President Trump behaved beautifully.

Pat Frederick

so the picture of the Queen, the Trumps, Charles and Camilla–2 questions:
1. doesn’t the Queen have a hubby anymore?
2. is there significance to the way the sashes are worn? Queen & Charles wearing theirs left to right, Camilla, the opposite…


Prince Consort Phillip, is quite elderly and has been in a health decline for some time.The sashes are likely positioned as regards royalty and rank. The Queen and Prince Charles, heir to the British throne. Duchess Camilla has honorary titles without royal(ty) succession eligibility.

Pat Frederick

I thought she had a hubby…

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, the queen and Prince Phillip are/were actually a love match. Neither set of parents was keen on their marrying. Some of the details of their life together are really rather fascinating.

Sylvia Avery

He’s retired. And I think he’s 97. I thought he might be at the dinner, but it might be a bit much for him.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wondered the same thing, and went over to wikipoo to look; Prince Phillip is 97 and retired from public appearances a bit over two years ago.
He got into a car accident at one point and apparently decided he should give up his license afterwards.
I really want to like them…but I need to square this with what Her Majesty’s intelligence service appears to have done.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things have gone to hell in a handbasket in England since the Royals have had to go from voluntary membership in the global cabal, to servant status. Just watching the way they’ve turned Prince Charles into a shill for Snake Oil Obama, salesman of “what the hell is in the bottle” climate change, is nauseating. The Queen conspiring with Trump to exit that nasty situation probably has all the feel of a good movie for her.
Once I realized that the commie cabal used Snowden to insert the incredibly unqualified leftist Hannigan in charge of MI6, I saw just how badly ENGLAND has been screwed by the communists, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! That is the guy I meant – I said MI6 – no – I meant GCHQ.


prince Phillip gave up public appearances 1-2 years ago because of age and poor health. The Queen is handing more of the traditional ceremonies over to her family members…Princess Ann, eldest daughter, has assumed several.


Does this scream “My Fair Lady” or what? GORGEOUS!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – check out the bell curve of smile in this lineup, centered on FLOTUS! Love it!!!comment image


Look at President Trumps face!! I would not want to be the subject of that stare down right now!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He does SERIOUS very well!!!


I would also point out Melania’s slight turn towards the queen, in deference to her. Our First Lady NEVER misses a beat, and I’d wager the etiquette folks are learning FROM Melania, as opposed to the constant training they had to give the wookie for 8 solid years.

Deplorable Patriot

Ahh, this is the one I wanted to see. I do like all the sparkles. And then there’s Melania.
For her age, the queen looks good. She also is smart enough to know on which side her bread is buttered.


He looks cranky. Is there a diplomatic reason for straight face?


The gown is Dior!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And just remember Melania is the real-life Cinderella, born behind the iron curtain in a podunk village…and now married to the president of the most powerful country on Earth.
I wonder how often she stops to think about that.


She really is our real-life Cinderella!! I am sure she is humbled and feeling blessed at the same time..I Also think she knows–through her faith–that she and POTUS were hand-picked for this very purpose–of Saving America (and possibly the world) of Commie Creep!!


This is really bad…But made me giggle/snort…


Fricking hilarious!


Bet England not happy with it, if any of them saw it.

Plain Jane

Just came back from shoulder therapy and am skipping through the video above. Who is the prig in the navy suit? Can’t find it’s name.




One more view of the outfit. Thats probably my favorite color blue as a black replacement.comment image

Sylvia Avery

I loved Melania’s dinner gown. So simple, so elegant. Hair up (always like it that way) and the gloves. Wow. She represents us so well.
I enjoyed watching them walk in to dinner. POTUS and Queen, FLOTUS and Prince Charles. I saw Steve Mnuchin got Kate for his partner. William was with Theresa May.

Sylvia Avery

Daughn, you sweetheart, thank you so much for this delightful thread!
And thanks to everyone else for such terrific commentary. There’s nothing like this to be found anywhere else. At least, not this good.

Elizabeth Carter

What gift did President Trump give to the Queen?

Sylvia Avery

I was wondering that too, Elizabeth. I haven’t heard.
I liked the Winston Churchill book she gave him. That was good.

Elizabeth Carter

Me too.


Thanks for putting this up Daughn, the optics I’ve been able to see so far from this have been stunning.
Just got home so there’s no way I’m catching up on everything that happened today, (God I’m loving all the winning) but from what I can tell VSGPDJT is simply gonna encourage MEGA. Make England Great Again! I’m down with MEGA MAGA. 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇺🇸


What a spectacularly funtastic day with our Very Special White Hat First Lady Melania 🇺🇸🇺🇸😍😍
Thanks so much Daughn and all who contributed amazing photos & comments. I thoroughly enjoyed today.
I gotta say, for an older woman, Camilla usually looks quite well-dressed and presentable.
And the Queen is doing very well for her age. She drove right by my sister & niece a year ago in her black roadster. They got such a kick out of it.


The way the Queen is grinning, it’s like she and VSGPOTUSDJT have some secret scheme cooked up between them. I wonder what it might be…..


The Corinthian Hotel? Really?
Wonder if anyone from the young Trumps’ entourage was able to determine the exact bed where Mr. Strzok slept with Mrs. Page on the FBI excellent adventure.


“Protesters are drooling over the aspect of protesting the President of the USA…”
Yeah, but they drool a lot anyway, so how can we be sure it has anything to do with the President?