This TEA PARTY TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.
Especially NOW, our VSG and his loved ones need to know this:


Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
I’m going to keep this short. Let’s pray for our VSG to have GREAT SUCCESS in England. He really seems to be hitting it off with the Queen. Her gift to him of a rare Churchill book – this is a great sign.
Prayer warriors – to arms!

You know that ‘Chinese Curse’ that people refer to?

The one that starts out with…”May you live in Interesting Times”?
Well there are 3 parts to it:
1) May you live in Interesting Times.
2) May the authorities become aware of you.
3) May you get that which you desire.
Sometimes I think we are living through this Chinese Curse.
It is of course, written very cryptically…
“That which you desire” should probably be followed with…’Be careful what you desire.”
The curse is actually, as your last point illustrates, a kind of WARNING.
(1) be careful – the more interesting your life, the more dangerous
(2) be careful – the more attention you get, the more dangerous
(3) be careful – the more desires are fulfilled, the more dangerous
Yes, exactly.

The Curse predates the Communist takeover there…it is rather old, I think.
Anyway…we can blame it all on the Chinese!
Romans 12:14
“Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.”
King James Version (KJV)
About number 3…
I think part of the warning there is that we sometimes foolishly ‘desire’ things, before we understand what exactly it is that we are desiring.
Our desires can sometimes lead us into a Trap.
Or some other danger that we don’t see on the surface of it.
So the Curse, is wishing that we get something that we are foolishly desiring…that will lead to our downfall.
Be careful what you ask for, you may get it.
Hi, Tonawanda! Glad to see you here – I missed you – God Bless You!
Hello hello hello! Very nice to see you again!
* Smile *
“(2) be careful – the more attention you get, the more dangerous”
And don’t be more popular than a limelight loving leader. I’ve had that problem on more than one occasion.
Here, here! The motto in the Salvation Army Corps ranks is “Always make your superior look good.” That was hard so many times. Don’t take their limelight is so true, that is a big NO NO.
Agree- ominous…..
Hi, wolf – nice place you have here – Thanks so much for taking care of some very precious friends –
Smooches and Huggles for you from me!
Hi duchess! Just saw this now. Very happy to provide this Second Tree, and that you’ve found those friends. Thanks for stopping in! Please make yourself at home! We have an awesome bunch here, I DO DECLARE!!!
Most definitely, wolf – Thanks for the welcome! All of these people here – just amazing – was beginning to feel lonely OT – so many new people – no conversation – and now – they have blocked PHC out – what’s a lady to do? If it had not been for Patrick – I would not have found you – and he may have been blocked because he guided me here – * Sigh * – I am praying for justice for Patrick – tho’ –
Goodness, the Duchess is in. Nice to see you.
Hey, lady – nice to see you, too – always loved your posts – did not understand why all of my favorite people were suddenly gone – to where – I did to know – Hugs!
Something seemed wrong OT for months – and I was spending less time in the comments – could not take the negativity and those who seem to relish thinking “failure” vs success. A Q-Treeper found me on Twitter and invited me to this delightful place.

I still read there occas. and enjoy yours (and others) thoughtful comments, but the entire situation, and now with PHC, made for a forlorn
We’re here among trees which let in lots of LIGHT.
Amen, lady -you may know I do not take too kindly to naysayers – if it becomes too depressing – I leave – too busy working to bother with petty little pests – and you know – more and more of them were showing up there – too many newbies who did not have a clue – it was boring – no one to talk to about anything – just a bunch of attention seekers – with nothing of worth to say – I could feel the tension – less and less of my favorites were visible – I singled out some just to survive – and enjoy my visit – however, when they became fewer and fewer – and the ones I had come to rely upon were missing – I had no idea what to do – now my good buddy gets banned because he told me to come here? That was too much –
I sensed long go something had changed – could not put my finger on when – because my time on the blog was limited – due to work and responsibilities – so I would go to read – and then – all of a sudden – the comment section was replete with fools – that alone was a big clue – so here I am – seeing all of my old friends – and loving it! Sorry for your experience – will not be long before I join smiley and all y’all as one of the missing…
Agree. Something happened in the comment section. Actually two things:
1) Many of our favorites stopped visiting/commenting. 2) To your point about the newbies – definitely, it almost felt like the blog had been taken over by trolls. Every day people were making a point to make a negative remark or comment – and hardly any comments of substance.
Agree – the signs were beginning to surface – and now – fewer and fewer comments – do you think someone is working to shut the site down – perhaps, SD is getting too close to the truth – educating too many – so they pushed the ‘destruct’ button? Besides, how can a guy who risked life and limb to help hurricane victims do something as heartless as to ban PHC? Does not make sense – unless he and his family were threatened with retribution or ruin…just me thinking out loud here…
Don’t know, but the character of the comment board changed significantly – not just because of the absence of some great posters, but also the influx of huge numbers of people who have very little useful to say. I couldn’t understand it.
Most definitely, lady – nothing of substance to offer – no ability to add to the conversation – actually – very little conversation – just a bunch of nonsensical individual posts – what a shame – we used to have fun – now – there is little there – even his commentary is minimal – videos – a paragraph here and there – repeats of past posts – inconsequential arrests – the coverage at the Daily Mail UK was massive compared to his posts – so sad.
It’s so good to see you here dutchess, I loved your posts OT. Probably don’t member me but I didn’t post an awful lot, for various reasons, but this tree encourages all speech and everyone here seems to use it well

No, you did not – prolly a lurker – but, I have read many of your posts here – and they are just grand – so glad you are here – Hugs!
Aww shucks
Everyone up!
You know our President’s feet have already hit the floor. He’s moving!
Nite nite all.
Good morning all! Am in the hotel watching the ‘news’ on SkyNews – the Brit newscasters keep using that PDJT is on ‘best behavior’ now that he has landed and that he hasn’t tweeted for 10 hours, likely because he’s been kept ‘so busy’, but have heard he’s on ‘best behavior’ 3-4 times in the last two minutes. (The heck? Lol they cannot help themselves from framing him as a petulant child).
They are getting ready for the press conference with May.
And the newscasters were super tickled that the ‘baby trump’ balloon was there and getting inflated…. ‘it got approval to be flown’…. they actually cut away to a shot of that….
Just like the world thought Reagan was only an actor, the MSM has managed to frame public opinion of the president as a brat. Stop and think about that and it is not true, but the MSM thinks that they hold all knowledge on all subjects, and that they are supposed to shape the same.
Who was it who let slip that they were there to tell us how to think? Morning Joe’s bimbo?
I think she did say something to that effect. Cuomo did as well when he said it was illegal for us to read the wikileaks and that it was their duty to interpret them for us.
‘That trump Got what he wanted last night, all the pomp and ceremony hosted by the Queen’
– again super inflating the English Empire…
I’m getting the impression that what’s really going on is the Queen wants her England back, and she knows the only way to do it is to side with the nationalists.
That’s very plausible- everyone is remarking on how effortless she smiles with PDJT (the supporters that is, not the media)
Maybe the destruction of Notre Dame and hundreds of other churches,
and the stabbings, murders, rapes in England
have convinced Queen Elizabeth II that the (insert expletives) Islamists
are detrimental to the future of her country!!!!
Hi, georgiafl – nice to see you here – I missed you – Smooches and Huggles for you from me!
God Bless You!
Welcome dear lady! We are honored to have royalty – a Duchess come to this treehouse! Missed you too!
Sorry to burst your bubble, GA/FL – but, my handle was chosen because of my beloved dog – a b/w border collie who I loved and lost many years ago – no royalty here – just plain ‘ole blessed and loving me!
Ok – I’ll leave off the curtsy and merely nod and smile when we meet! :8->
Oh, good – would not want you to ever curtsy for me – Jesus, yes – but, me – No!
PS – You will LOVE this treehouse – some serious talent and lots of love and truth really does have no agenda here.
Oh, I loved it the minute I climbed the first branch – the higher I climbed – the more people I saw that I missed – it made me so happy to reconnect with all of you – sad for whatever reason this happened tho’ –
…and hug and double air kiss and stuff.
Oh, I like that – Thanks!
Don’t mean to butt in to your convo with GA (Good morning GA!) I wanted to tell you I had a pony named Duchess when I was a little girl!! I also have a mini Border collie right now named Booker!! As far as royalty goes…You DID show up here when the Trump family visited the Queen!! and Wolfie says…”We are all out of coincidences!”
–So…you will remain a duchess in my heart forever!!

Awww…Marcia – you are so sweet! I am humbled to the max right now!
Thanks for sharing your animals’ names – I love border collies – my current one – Maddie – is a real trip – I wanted one that wasn’t as aggressive as my last one – and she is so meek it is almost funny – but, I love her so much!
But ‘today is about politics and protest’
Thanks for the ground report, MA_kswiss!

I was watching a livestream of a Sky-TV broadcast…and OMGosh…the insufferable twits that were doing the punditry commentary, were infuriating!
The only thing that was missing was “Orange Man Bad”.
It was totally pukeworthy!
Wheatie- my reaction mirrors yours. Though since I don’t watch these channels normally it’s like having sugar after not eating it at all
Listening to the ‘trump (balloon)babysitter’- they are using it as a crowdfunding opportunity to raise 30thousand £ against trumps ‘anti environment stance’ and help the people organizing the cause (whatever THAT is…..)
But isn’t everything about a money grab? Once I heard this ‘protester’ say that, it instantly triggered me to see the background puppet masters simply grabbing money and creating all of these little slush funds everywhere so it hides the support and keeps it at a local level ….
Am I reaching? It’s a gut instinct response…..
Yeah…no, you’re not ‘reaching’, MA.
The globalist cabal is desperate to Stop Trump/Destroy Trump.
And they are sending out their paid minions to do whatever they can do, to accomplish that.
The organizers of these staged ‘protests’ are probably getting paid by their cabal masters.
But that doesn’t stop them from setting up their go-fund-me accounts.
They are probably even encouraged to do it.
Exactly….I’m moving my UK visit posts to Daughn’s newer thread!!
I have no doubt they are being encouraged to do that. (Set up go-fund-mes.)
Once someone has actually *donated* to a cause, they feel much more committed to it. A go fund me account encourages someone to take that step, and literally “buy in.”
The leftists are still pushing that (insert expletives) Global Warming/Climate Change FRAUD.
Pretty much…..
‘He is arriving into a country divided, not the state visit it was supposed to be with Brexit…’ …..
‘Is it really just a glorified holiday….?’
Am curious that Ivanka Trump being paired with Prince William. Am certain she is laying ground work for future discussion for the future leaders of the UK and US
When did she get paired with William? Not at dinner, she was with some Trade Minister or another, or so I read.
REALLY appreciate hearing what is being said over there, MA–even if it makes me mad!!! You’re providing great color commentary!
hey you are so welcome Sylvia……I believe she was on a corner and PW was oh her left…so they were sitting together…And I believe they walked in together to the dinner…..let me try and find a photo….
No, that’s okay, I believe you! It makes sense.
I had read PW escorted Theresa May in to dinner and some Trade Minister escorted Ivanka in to dinner, but DUH! They seat them boy girl boy girl so it makes a lot of sense that they would put them together. It is good thinking, methinks!
Sylvia- I was incorrect on the walking in…..PW wasn’t escorting IT……just saw the loop again…you are right..
Yes, but were they seated together at dinner? PW on one side of Ivanka and dull old Trade Minister on the other???
now I cannot find the photo that I saw… questioning it all now…..???
LOL, my head is buzzing a bit, too. I’ve seen so much and it has all been piece meal in between other things so I’m struggling to keep it together. I’ll keep an eye out for pictures from the banquet and give a shout out if I find anything. I am curious, because it seems like such a smart idea.
PW sat by May on the corner to POTUS’ right. Ivanka was seated on the inside of table about 6-8 seats down from Melania on the left. Saw in video Duchess posted yesterday. Walking in Kate was with Mnuchin.
Thanks, sweetie! It’s fun watching all of the pageantry!
Very possible…yes.

I thought it was funny that Pres Trump brought along his family…to this meeting with the ‘royal family’.
Ivanka is fluent in ‘leftist-speak’, as it were…and so she is no doubt able to converse with William on any number of topics.
Personally, I think it was a brilliant move for our VSGPOTUS to bring along his family.
And also…Sec Steven Mnuchin.
It gives PDJT a lot of separate eyeballs on the scene, with him…to soak up intel on what is going on.
His kids are smart, savvy, loyal. I’d want them to spread out and network and bring back information, too. Good use of the family!
It’s like he brought his own ‘landing crew’.
Exactly! He is truly a VSG.
The Royals of America meet the Royals of England
WHAT is wrong with these people?
I saw that video of him on twitter yesterday…it’s totally revolting!

So fake.
So contrived.
He’s using that baby as a prop!
He was getting roasted for it too.
Which is good.
Despicable person. Why won’t he just go away. I don’t want to have to look at that face any more.
That’s why I didn’t post the video yesterday.

It is too sickening.
Ok, I’m calling it a day. Good night, Wheatie.
Nighters, Syl.

Sweet dreams!
Thank you, lovely lady!
First Robert Francis, now this.
What is it about young, male, flash-in-the-pan Dims and baby poop?
It’s a ruse, Cova – perpetrated to endear the Pro-Life people – a game people play – imho
Remember – with the Dims – everything is opposite of what really is!
Good call on Smallbells.
But why did they want someone who eats dirt and gave his wife baby poop and told her it was an avocado to represent Texas in the United States Senate?
The ways of Democrats will always mystify me.
Nothing they do mystifies me, Cova – it is called Liberals Backwards Think – here’s a link…easy peasy
Given the pedophilia and sex trafficking that is apparently going on worldwide perhaps that was a coded message…..?? He’s in the club or something? Just a thought, not making any accusations.
Bwahahaha! MOWER winning!
Sold and resold for relatively small amounts of money throughout history and disappearing for many years, the Leonardo da Vinci painting Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World) ultimately sells for over 450 million dollars in 2017 to a Saudi Prince. It was said to be on loan to the Louvre Abu Dhabi but its unveiling in 2018 was cancelled for unknown reasons leading to a lot of speculation as to its condition or authenticity. Many experts believe it to be authentic. The Salvator Mundi’s current location has been reported as unknown.
‘Salvatore Mundi’ is Latin for ‘Savior of the World’, btw.
‘e’ on end of Salvator provided courtesy of auto”correct”. Please leave it out, unless you’re using the ablative case.
Why would a Saudi prince buy a painting of Christ?
There are lots of bad reasons why that turn my stomach…
But I can think of one possibility that would be surprising and very interesting…
Easy…a good investmet
Sorry about that…juggling IPad with other stuff (cat on lap! LOL)…
Anyway, as mentioned
1. buying such a piece of art (if authentic) is an investment, and
2. Because he can! Perhaps a bit of ego when you already have the mansions yachts, planes, etc.
Hi, Harry – you are here! Missed you – glad you find you – Smooches and Huggles for you from me!
God Bless You! Great Post – Thanks!
Aw…thanks, Duchess…glad you found your way here!
Oh, me, too, Harry – Thanks to PHC – but, alas – he could have gotten banned because he linked me here – so I am sad about that! Hugs!
Ick, Looks like “Trans” Mona Lisa.
Ad rem, over at the other tree, let me know that there’s someone cruisin’ with an email close to mine. I’ve had a major cybersecurity incident……be on the lookout.
Sorry to hear that this happened to you, Coothie.

Thanks for the heads up about it.
Hi all…is this where we come when we seem to be banned from CTH ??
can’t post anything over there suddenly since yesterday after I posted something to PHC on his blog.
what gives over there ??
anyway…this looks like a solid Forum.
I’m done. Who’s got the nuclear football?
“Mexico’s top diplomats issued a veiled threat to the U.S. government suggesting that without their efforts, 250,000 more Central American migrants could proceed north.”
close the border, let the avocados rot. then stop all foreign aid south of the border as well…let the Mexicans rot.
At dinner last night one of the specials on the menu involved avocadoes. My friend said he’s boycotting avocadoes and Mexican beer. My jaw hit the floor. And then I applauded.
That’s impressive! Avocados are expensive in Switzerland so I haven’t been having them anyways…. I don’t miss them
Yeah, actually if I never ate another I’d be fine. I mean, they’re okay. It’s just that I can easily live without them. Apparently that’s a good thing since we may well have to!
My wife and I have started a couple in pots. That way we can bring them inside in the winter like our lemons.
Don’t despair…avocados grown in Florida, California, etc.
250,000 Central American migrants are SURE PROOF that Communism/Socialism is a loser, cursed, sorry, no count, UTTERLY BAD political system!!!!
Send in the Marines – this is definitely a threat to National Security!
I know, right???? If this isn’t a National Security Threat then someone tell me what is.
Nothing I can recall, Sylvia! And – of course – they pull this nonsense when PT is out of the country – what is that song – we’re not gonna take it anymore?
Hannity was ALL OVER the memo contained in the Mueller Report that was a phone message transcript of PDJT’s attorney to Gen. Flynn. He had the attorney, Dowd, on and Dersh. Dersh was distraught over this happening.
AND Lindsey Graham actually interrupted Sean to ask if he could say a word about the border. He said it is past the crisis stage, it is a disaster, and he supports whatever the President can do to fix or improve that situation because it is a dire situation.
yes, Graham is being challenged in the next election so he better suck up to POTUS at the speed of light!!!
Suck harder, Lindsey! I want to see you sweat!
well now you’ve got the gay community really interested in the race…LOL
Omg pat

too much?
I kinda need a screen shot of this conversation!!! Dying…

Cwazy Wabbit!!!
LOL Pat – Are you channeling PHC? This sounds like one of his snappy comments

His naughty side, Alison?
I have always felt we are kindred spirits! but I am still learning at the foot of the master in that regard…LOL
You two!! Y’all need to come pick me up off the floor!! ROFLMAO!!

Was listening to Dan Bongino this AM (yesterday’s podcast). He brought up a very good point. Withholding exculpatory evidence, especially if it can be proven to be deliberate (as this obviously was), is grounds for prosecution and potential jail time.
Oh heck yeah! It was so outrageous and unfair I didn’t even stop to think about the fact that it is illegal as all heck. Thanks for mentioning that!
So I was watching Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s “town hall” on Fox.
It said she went to Dartmouth, majored in Asian languages, and learned to speak Mandarin.
Her “Ni hao ma?” shtick didn’t sound very natural or practiced to my ear, but – let that go. It’s rare enough for a white American to learn any non-European language.
I watched the show last night, and the clues are rattling around in my head now.
Is she a spook?
Learning a language as difficult as Mandarin in college, when you don’t seem to be going into international business, seems kind of Clownish to me. I mean – a serious intellectual achievement few in this country accomplish, but one that mostly the military, the NSA, or the Clowns would be interested in.
Have anons accumulated a master list of known or suspected Clowns in Congress? Would love to see such a thing.
perhaps she was just preparing for the Chinese takeover in NY. I know I told this story more than once, but Corning Museum of Glass now has signs in English/Chinese and all demonstrations have both English and Chinese announcers. Saturdays at the museum are a complete waste of time–busloads of Chinese arrive constantly all day long and the Chinese have a terrible problem recognizing personal space.
Argh!! That personal space thing drives me crazy!! In Walmart checkout line, I just stop, turn at person and cold stare that says BTFO!! I’m not about to enter my PIN with someone 2 inches over my shoulder!! I hold up the line, confuse the clerk, and finally the invader gets that I’ve stopped their progress and backs up a foot. Still not enough distance, but I’ve made my point.
Some time prior to the November 2018 midterms I read an article that discussed that the DS had intentions to run C_A candidates in key positions in order to take back power. I can’t find that particular article now but here’s a link to a three part series on the subject posted on the world socialists website in March 2018.
I’m sorry to revive the topic from last night but I just read the end of yesterday’s thread so my outrage is fresh, seething and white hot.
IF and it’s a BIG IF for me, SD did not do this, but his ad rems did–it says this to me: SD’s ego must be so inflated and fragile, that the thread being temporarily being overshadowed by the outpouring of love and compassion for another human being threatens him so much, that the ad rems felt the need to ban PHC and HIDE any mentions of his blog or else face SD’s wrath.
people are still offering prayers for PHC OT.
I totally agree with you…and good for you for saying it.
I am stunned by it…being freshly banned there myself for that reason, apparently…for showing compassion & support toward PHC <3 …
your comment about EGO says it all.
and, to make it even worse, they try to call themselves "Christian".
the banning seems to be selective…some of us are banned while others who also communicate w/ PHC are still posting at CTH.
heavy bias over there…while pretending otherwise.
Heavy bias for sure. Remember when mod Stella created her own blog? No one was banned at CTH for posting there.
when all the more notable posters got banned, we (OT) wondered if they were coming back and I said I would ask. Came here and found out they were NOT allowed back and reported as such OT. I was immediately banned. I guess SD wanted to create the illusion that the posters who left, left on their own to pursue Q.
sooner or later all pretense will implode and fall flat….ditto the inflated egos .
Wow, gals and guys…i’m fascinated you are bringing out the ego thing. I’ve thought this for many months, but never brought it up. I have read rumors that SD feels the same about Dan Bongino as he does Q….of course, that is simply gossip.
What i’ve Always found rather amusing about the Sundance / Q issue is that SD hides behind anonymity but is disdainful when Q does it….and the posters don’t seem to get it.
Having said that, I have tremendous respect for the detailed research and analysis by the Sundance team, it’s just too bad they don’t give that same respect to anyone else.
Smiley2…delighted to see your post here and look forward to your hurricane reports and Art comments!
roger that
“Teagan you’re” – WTH? LOL! I’m curious how you changed your name – presumably accidentally.
Well, that’s another one of those little mysteries that Weird Press throws at me…bless their little hearts ! LOL
Definitely “accidental” and hopefully temporary. Took me a couple of posts to catch it.
Smiley – I have missed you, fellow art lover!
There is something very wrong over there if you, who never offended anyone ever, are banned.
WOW…where have you been ! missed you so much, girl ! glad to see you again…
GA/FL <3 thanks for commenting kiddo. so good to see you.
<3 to you! Missed you especially.
Please post some of your art finds here!
More later – gotta run.
“There is something very wrong over there if you, who never offended anyone ever, are banned.”
What kind of site bans people like PHC and Smiley? Not to mention so many others that now post here?
You’re right, GA/FA…there is something very wrong over there…
But if this keeps up, any good posters OT will eventually end up over here…either because they were banned or by choice to be with good friends…and that place will just become an echo chamber with no humanity and no warmth…it’s well on its way.
hi Harry Lime
nice to see you.
imo, what’s particularly hideous about this CTH banning drama is the bizarre “reasoning” behind it…for lack of a better word…all b/c of sincere support for a friend and quality guy who is suffering.
what’s up with that ?
that’s a mind set I want no part of.
Hi smiley2, so nice to see you and other old timers here.
In regards to the change OT, do you suppose it may be an NSA letter or something of the sort? The shunning of some people and not others, the changes in room temp that long-time OT peeps detect, etc
What if that place OT isn’t being hostile but quietly helpful? Just throwing it out there as a possibility.
Welcome to Second Treenation.
You’re thinking the same thing as me. There is much weirdness afoot. When people go stiff like this, it’s always the same thing, IMO. ORDERS.
I appreciate the warm welcome to your blog, wolfmoon1776.
I’m so happy to see everyone! I’d wondered wth happened- had no idea where people went and I prayed for their safety and well-being wherever they were.
Thank you creating this lovely place.
I have a hard time keeping up and had to go back to get an idea of wtf? I read through PHC’s page the other day and thought “what a beautiful ‘reunion of sorts’ “. Very disappointing to read what it turned into.
Some dude, that what we’re calling him now? That’ll work. Wolf, you have some interesting ideas on what’s going on, I’ll need more coffee and time to process but wow. I don’t think I ever got banned OT, just turned off by the change in tone and atmosphere. I don’t even read there anymore and now I see why. What a shame
I have no idea what’s going on there- but getting the general idea – this saddens me.
Yeah, it’s a bummer
I am still having a hard time wrapping my mind around any of it. I remember the heartwarming effort to place a floral display for a young murder victim, the many examples of hurricane assistance, the Lord’s prayer, the unwavering support for PDJT…so much good….now displaced by the ever increasing snark and negativity, the unexpected and unexplained banning. This final injustice of separating a terminally ill man from a source of support and comfort is beyond comprehension.
I don’t know if SD is compromised, kidnapped, the victim of a breakdown, or what, and I am still angry about the treatment of PHC, but I am going to include a prayer for SD and all the displaced Treepers, that God will work this out to His good.
didn’t we spend billions to get rid of segregation? this is an utter waste of money! do they have a fight over which ceremony is FIRST? smh
Virginia Tech hosted ten separate graduation ceremonies for students based on their identity. In May, the university held separate ceremonies for Black, Asian, Latino, Muslim, and LGBTQ students. Breitbart News reported in May that many American colleges offer separate graduation ceremonies for Black students.
The College Fix reported this week that Virginia Tech is one of many universities that have adopted separate ceremonies for student groups based on identity. For example, The Donning of Kente Ceremony is held to commemorate the graduation of Black and African American students.
forgot the link in my disgust
One reason this should not be allowed is affirmative action. If schools have to accept a certain number of diverse students, then they should not be allowed to separate them at graduation. Someone sould sue. The lawsuit might not go anywhere, but it would call attention to how they are bringing back racial divides. I would think some of the minority students would object as well as the Anglo ones. Clearly, college has provided inadequate (nonexistent?) training in critical thinking.
For Duchess
I had planned a poem or two
To start this thread with some wordplay.
But now I must change the subject
For the happenings of today.
The time has come, someone once said,
To think and write of other things;
Of dear friends and their memories,
And of the joyful times they bring.
We were sitting, perched in our tree,
Discussing details of the coup,
Trying to think of the future,
As the promise of justice grew.
As we talked, we heard the sounds
Of footsteps coming down our way.
Some leaves crinkled and some twigs snapped,
But who would be coming this day?
The sounds grew closer in our wood,
With some small glimpses here and there.
Someone, for sure, was on their way
To our peaceful, green-enrobed lair.
On the far side of our clearing,
A slight figure came into view,
Picking her way through the tall grass,
As closer and closer she drew.
The way she stood, the way she walked,
There was something familiar here
That, as yet, remained elusive
Until she finally drew near.
A large pack bulged upon her back,
Filled with God’s blessings for us all,
As our joyous, heartfelt welcomes
Flowed with the memories recalled.
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
Our Duchess has found us at last!
Duchess with her verse of the day,
And wit and wisdom unsurpassed.
The sun shines golden on our tree,
Some small clouds drift, puffy and white.
A slow breeze stirs the dark green leaves,
And Qbirds sing with our delight.
Welcome Duchess, we’ve missed you here.
We’re so happy you’ve found our pack.
QTreeps cheer and sing with joy, and
Wolfie performs the futterwack.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
We’d be remiss unless we give
Our special thanks to PHC.
Though in very dire circumstance,
You brought our Duchess to our tree.
Thank you, PHC.
so beautiful!
I am grateful you grace us with your gift!!
This is wonderful, Carl.

So nicely said.
Thank you for composing such a beautiful Welcome for our Duchess!
Carl!!! So beautiful!!! We are SO blessed that Duchess found her way here!! –Thanks to Patrick!!! I would be remiss if I did not point out how much beauty and love you, dear Carl, bring to this tree!!!
Oh, carl – I could smack you for making me cry – but, I will send the Angels with Smooches and Hugs for you instead! I love your poems – and missed them dearly – especially, when Patrick made his announcement – I called out to you – because I wrote some poems for him – tho’ not nearly as great as yours – I needed your help – but, alas – you were not there –
Ah – but, God is Good – and He answered my prayer – to find my friends all gathered here – He blessed me once and then again – He brought me here – where I had never been!
God Bless You Real Good, carl! I missed you!
Oh, carl

I could smack you for making me cry
but, I will send the Angels with
Smooches and Hugs
for you instead!
I love your poems
and missed them dearly
especially, when Patrick
made his announcement
I called out to you
because I wrote
some poems for him
tho’ not nearly as great as yours
I needed your help
but, alas – you were not there
Ah – but, God is Good
and He answered my prayer
to find my friends
all gathered here
He blessed me once
and then again
He brought me here
where I had never been!
God Bless You Real Good, carl!
I missed you!
That’s how I see it duchess-YOUR WORDS in response to bakocarls “Ode to Duchess”- ARE POETRY!
Oh, Nor’ – you are so incredible to see that – just the way it came out – really – I missed you, too – still have not gotten to everyone to tell them how much I appreciated them all – and now – tears are welling up in my eyes – because they are all here – Patrick’s a Punk! Hugs!
As usual the midnight shift had a thought provoking discussion re the royals,,, and an ancient Chinese saying..
I have been watching the news,,, and the biggest question on my mind,,, is what does the Queen carry in her little purse? Does she have spare change, a cell phone,,, maybe a pen and paper. Would she have a comb and lipstick?? I really pondered this… None of the other beautiful woman carried purses… maybe she carries a listening device to record any conversations… oh…. now that is far fetched….
I’ve seen rumors there’s a Luger in there. Not sure I believe that, but I wouldn’t put it past the Queen to have been a crack shot at one time.
I have heard that by tradition Royals do not ever handle money… Interesting… but I just think that the purse is sooooo cute…
This is true, and has been for centuries. I’ve read enough romance set in the Regency period that this is a point driven home. They made money off of land rental, essentially, and always had a steward to deal with it. Trade was strictly beyond the pale.
Sooo… what does she keep in that purse???

The intrigue!!!
A Phaser and a Communicator?
She certainly will have access to the latest and greatest, and does like techie stuff…
Remember – Q serves at the Pleasure of Her Majesty The Queen!
Amusing true story about not carrying money (BTW, I doubt if Hillary, Nancy, Feinstein, etc, have carried $$$ on them for years!)…
Back in the days when Lyndon Johnson was in the WH, Lady Bird had an appearance in Portland, Oregon. She asked her hostess about getting her hair done so she recommended her own hair dresser (who happened to be mine.)
He was thrilled to have the opportunity…took the day off from his shop thereby losing money, did the Secret Service thing, lugged all the equipment to the hotel, etc. Not t only did she totally ignore him through the process but stiffed him for any payment. He did ask one of her “handlers” about payment and she looked down her nose at him and said he should consider it an honor to do her hair and that was payment enough.
Oh,,, noes!!!! That just seems really stupid… *sighs
One would hope she’d carry something a tittle less…cranky as a personal defense weapon. Of course, if it was captured off some Nazi, it might have sentimental/symbolic meaning to her. Hmmm… what if it were Hitler’s Luger?
Yes, I would think a very stylish Derringer would be just the thing. Nothing confusing or bulky!
That’s purty.
wow! that’s actually very stylish…
if she’s anything like my Grammy it was tissues and mints…lol…perhaps reading glasses?
now if she’s like me, I carry mini lollipops (for hubby cuz he quit smoking), tums (for hubby cuz he gets indigestion), cough drops and aspirin (yup you guessed it, for hubby)…so basically besides my wallet and comb, I’m a mini first aid kit…lol
I carry a swiss army knife,,, a mirror…and the other normal things…
having fun on the minibike??
Don’t you love it when they ask you to carry their reading glasses in your bag because they don’t want to use their pockets!
Honey, why is your purse so heavy and why do you have to have such a big one? Oh, can you put this part in your purse? I will need it at the hardware store to get the right replacement. Do you have ___________ (nail clipper, knife, bandages, phone, etc)?
It’s a mini machine gun, Wheatie!
I haven’t seen this mentioned at all, but there was a Clinton crony arrest yesterday in San Francisco. George Nader. Arrested with a whole lot of child porn.
Q gave us a hint.
George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who cooperated with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and whose name appeared more than 100 times in Mueller’s Russia report, was arrested Monday on charges of transporting child pornography.
Nader, who reportedly has ties to former aides to President Trump and has served as an adviser to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is accused of transporting a dozen images of child pornography and bestiality, according to federal prosecutors who announced that the 60-year-old was arrested Monday morning at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.
Nader’s attorney did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment on Monday.
The child pornography charges initially were filed in 2018 but were not made public until his arrest.
According to court documents, Nader was charged after he arrived at Washington-Dulles International Airport in Virginia from Dubai in January 2018 in possession of an iPhone containing “multiple files which appeared to contain child pornography.” The iPhones were seized in connection with a search warrant. The affidavit said that the search warrant, which is still under seal, was in connection with “another matter” not connected to child pornography.
Twelve different videos “of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct” were found on one of the three iPhones, according to the criminal complaint.
Nader pleaded guilty to a federal child-pornography charge in Virginia in 1991. If convicted on the new charges, he faces a mandatory minimum of 15 years in prison and a maximum of 40 years.
Nader’s testimony to the grand jury came after he reportedly took part in a December 2016 meeting at New York’s Trump Tower with President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, former chief strategist Steve Bannon and Mohammed bin Zayed, crown prince of Abu Dhabi. Nader purportedly has been an adviser to Zayed.
Related to Ralph Nader?
Hm…..perhaps….Ralph is also Lebanese:
“Ralph Nader was born on February 27, 1934, in Winsted, Connecticut, the youngest of four children of Nadra and Rose (Bouziane) Nader, Lebanese immigrants who operated a local restaurant and bakery. His parents led the family in political discussions every night around the dinner table. His father was against any kind of injustice and insisted that every person had an obligation to try to make the world a better place.”
No brother named George, however, with both coming from Lebanon, perhaps cousins of some kind?
“He was raised along with his late brother, Shafeek Nader and two sisters named Laura and Clair. Shafeek passed recovering cancer treatment at the age of 62 at Sharp Cabrillo in 1986. Late Shafeek was deployed at Navy during World War II.”
No clue.
I’m sorry, he was arrested in New York, not SF. The first article I read was from SFGate, hence the confusion. My apologies.
sorry DP, I should have refreshed before i posted!
No biggie. In fact, the additional information is helpful for those skimming.
such pure upstanding witnesses Muller used…
Of course, the fact that Nader was just arrested for alleged possession of child pornography doesn’t necessarily prove that he lied to Mueller’s investigation or the grand jury.
However, it certainly does do damage to the guy’s character and credibility as a key witness in a still-murky meeting that may or may not have meant anything of significance at all
I went to bed b4 the new post was up and this was big. Prosecutors thrown ogf the case. Even more likely a mistrial.
A military judge took the rare step Monday to remove a prosecutor accused of misconduct from the war crimes case of a decorated Navy SEAL.
Capt. Aaron Rugh ordered the lead prosecutor removed from the case of Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher after defense lawyers accused the prosecution of spying on their emails, according to the ruling.
The defense asked Rugh to dismiss the case or remove prosecutors because of the surreptitious effort to track defense emails without court approval in an effort to find the source of news leaks.
Rugh said it was not in his power to determine if Cmdr. Christopher Czaplak violated ethical or professional rules, but the potential for a probe into those actions required that he be removed from the prosecution.
Czaplak received word of the ruling during a deposition while questioning an Iraqi general, who is witness in the case, defense lawyer Tim Parlatore said.
Czaplak left in the middle of the deposition being conducted by video teleconference from San Diego as the two sides prepare for trial. He did not return to the courtroom.
Parlatore said it was a step in the right direction.
“There’s no way he should be allowed to continue on this case,” Parlatore said. “We’re still hopeful the entire case will be dismissed.”
Rugh said he would rule on whether to dismiss murder and attempted murder counts against Gallagher by the end of Wednesday.
Uh oh…I should have refreshed before I posted about this below.
*slaps forehead*
Too many tabs open at once.
they’re moving Manafort to Riker’s Island? for tax fraud?
Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman who was sentenced earlier this year to nearly seven years in prison in connection with two federal cases, will be transferred later this week from a minimum security facility in Pennsylvania to New York City’s Rikers Island, a source close to Manafort told Fox News.
Rikers Island is the famous jail in the shadow of LaGuardia Airport. It has been the temporary home of some of the most high-profile violent criminals in the city, including David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam; and Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon.
“He’s not a mob boss,” the source close to Manafort said.
Wait, those are federal crimes. Rikers is NYC, I think. Apples and oranges. Something is just not kosher with this.
And they are putting him in solitary at Rikers “for his own protection.” Somebody with a whole lot of power is determined to continue to torture this guy.
Or he is now testifying against the Podestas. Just sayin’. He CANNOT be in the general population if he’s flipped on the Podestas.
That’s what I was thinking. MSM has everyone convinced Manafort is this horrible dude who has a lot more info to give on Trump. I think he’s incarcerated for his own protection.
Or kill him. This is wrong on so many levels.
Just having some fun….
Funny, but he shouldve been snifgingbthem…
…up at the top of the thread.
But I’ll bet the Queen was looking at that shadow of a man’s head that was falling across FL Melania’s dress.
That shadow is in the Header picture too…
I think so…. and thats not a man baby, yeah! Lovely Melania.
That Damned shadow! Was looking for pics yesterday, all I saw were those, thought for a minute was part of an ugly dress and HAS to be a mistake, Melania has such good taste. Finally saw a good picture and was relieved. That shadow distracts and makes her dress look like crap. Could be why they’re propagating it. Grrr

FLOTUS was absolutely GORGEOUS!!!
too funny!!!!
And naughty, too, Pat – Hi! How are you? Now, I know where you have been hiding – lol – Hugs!
{{hugs back}}
it’s so great that you’re here!!
Tanks, Pat – glad to be here – relieved, actually!
If looks could kill:
Verse of the Day
“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”
1 Corinthians 15:55 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Amen, Dear Duchess.
Thank you, Jesus, for all our blessings.
Amen, Alison – He pours them out daily – even while we sleep –
On the 3rd day, he rose again. Christ in us, the hope of glory! We are in Him, He is in us. We have resurrection power, on the inside of us!! Hallelujah, He lives in you and me!!

Yes, He does, jesusgrl! And – Imma lovin’ it!
Ba da bop bop baa

Is that a new song, jesusgrl? Your own creation? I love it!
I think it’s McDonalds old jingle. Ba da bop bop baa, I’m loving it!
Really? Will have to see if I can find it – lol
Oh, that was quick! LOL
The Googler helped me!
I tried – but, just came up with Menu Songs – did not know or remember that one – you need to think ‘goofy’ to find some things – yes?
It came to mind instantly when you wrote “I’m loving it”. Kinda weird what the subconscious absorbs. Even Weirder still for me since I haven’t been to a MickeyD’s in over 40yrs!!
That is strange – but, really not so much – since ‘jingles’ are designed to stimulate the memory – catchy phrases – cute little characters – all to appeal to the child in us!
So – guess it is not as weird as one would think – I cannot eat Micky D’s – makes me ill – not sure what is in that food that disagrees with my delicate constitution – lol
It’s feeling even more like home around here!
Thank you, Ms. D.
Awww…carl – but, I know what you mean – as soon as I found your poems – and everyone here – it was ‘more like home’ –
Praise God in His Gifts!
If you haven’t yet, pls see
Welcome home!
Thanks, carl – will do – Hugs! And – thanks for the welcome – everyone here has been so precious – it warms my heart!
So glad you’re here, duchess.
So happy you are, too, Sylvia – could use your shovel OT to do some weeding – won’t be long before my flitting around will be discovered – and I will be among the missing – sneaky business it is OT –
Smooches and Huggles for you from me!
Dying out here in the waterlogged heartland.
If I could I’d love to wear heals again, but forcing women to wear them…it’s cruel.
Maybe if you heel enough, you’ll be able to wear heals.

Self control, Steve, self control.
The English language is ridiculous.
Ever try to wear heels with size 6 feet?
Very ridiculous, and no.
“Hispanic” approval is approaching 50%.
Interesting article from the Miami Herald on Brad Parscale.
He’s focused on regional campaigning. Putting together a Latino Coalition in Florida, staking claim on Spanish television, training up people to spread across all media.
Separated at birth…..
Very good!
A few special elections today. Should be on the radar. Kets see who votes in what numbers, esp in CA and NJ!!!!!!!!
What the heck!!!!
That shouldnt have all posted.
Sorry all.
Howdy folks,

Several years ago I read about the concept of a “bloggers alliance”. The basic idea was to help build the community around a blog, that you would team up with a group of other bloggers, agreeing to read each others’ posts, and take the time to reply to posts on other people’s blogs.
This helped build the blogger community, but also helped improve the quality of posts and would help attract other readers and commenters.
The idea stuck with me, even while I haven’t been maintaining a blog, as a great method for building healthy community interaction.
I’m bringing it up now because the risk to blogs is higher now than it has been in the past. Until very recently, anyone could set up a blog and generally post whatever they wanted, provided the content was legal in the United States or local jurisdiction. Now however we are seeing the leftist mob mentality working overtime to reach out to platforms, hosting companies, and ISPs to shut people out that they don’t like.
A blogger community can be more resilient than a single blog, because the community is decentralized with multiple blogs running on different hosts. If one blog is deplatformed, the community (for the most part) can pivot over to another platform. A good example is the movement of people from Twitter over to Gab. It’s been said that the internet responds to censorship as a network failure and routes around it. Communities find alternatives.
I’m not suggesting a formal agreement between bloggers – rather I’m planting the idea out there, and it’s up to each individual how they want to participate. This is my recommendation:
* Find the blogs that are authored by commenters here.
* Make sure that you are set to follow them, and are notified of new posts
* Be active: Read and comment on others posts. Use the “like” feature, share and promote. It doesn’t have to be much to make a difference.
* Cross-pollinate
A good example would be following Fleporeblog, if we lost Wolf’s blog we could quickly regroup through Gab and sister blogs.
So if you haven’t already, make sure you have clicked “follow” on other people’s blogs, and jump in with both feet when they launch a new post! You’ll be doing your part to make the community stronger!
Re: Regrouping. Join Parler and follow Wolfie and other QPeeps.
You may not have been around here during our early planning, but this is actually already part of our survival plan. I asked for about 12 of the first people on here (this number scales the volunteerism without confirmation) to “anonymously prepare” blogs to accept the community if we were shut down here. I asked them not to tell ANYBODY if they were doing this. Just secretly and silently prepare a potential landing zone.
Obviously this can turn into whack-a-mole, but it provides some respite as a first step. The plan then goes beyond that.
This is a good step…throwing this prosecutor off the case…but I am hoping the entire case is dismissed.
Decorated Navy SEAL, Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher, is being prosecuted for ‘war crimes’.
Gallagher says he is being framed…and from what I have read…I believe him.
The prosecutor is an overzealous asshole, who should be charged with prosecutorial misconduct.
—————- From the article:
The lead Navy prosecutor in the war crimes case against a decorated Navy SEAL has been removed from the case by the judge for spying on defense teams and a Navy Times journalist.
Navy Cmdr. Christopher Czaplak was ordered off the case against Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher by the judge, Navy Capt. Aaron Rugh, on Monday after Czaplak admitted emailing 13 defense attorneys and paralegals, as well as Navy Times editor Carl Prine, a tracking beacon in an effort to find the source of leaks to the media.
The defense attorneys have asked the judge to dismiss the charges against Gallagher or remove prosecutors because of the surreptitious effort to track defense emails without court approval.
[…snip…] (Me: this part below is spooky:)
In a court hearing last month, Czaplak said the code embedded in the emails recorded nothing more than where and when messages were opened by recipients. It was part of an NCIS investigation into unauthorized leaks to the media.
Czaplak said the tracking ended May 10 after he was confronted by defense lawyers who discovered the code secretly embedded in an unusual logo of an American flag with a bald eagle perched on the scales of justice beneath Czaplak’s signature.
In court, Czaplak said the code was similar to what marketers use to see when an email is opened and on what device.
This article gives an account of what Gallagher is being charged with:
——————– From the article:
[emphasis mine]
Building on a series of previous court filings and reams of other evidence that’s been provided to Navy Times — including video footage of the alleged murder scene — a motion filed late Sunday by Gallagher’s legal team accuses military prosecutors and Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents of knowingly hiding or misrepresenting key facts in the court-martial case that could exonerate him of the murder rap.
We are constantly brainwashed by movies where they show us the bad guy doing the deed, who later is vanquished by our hero who may or may not bend the rules in order to win. And in the process we get to know our hero, so we know his motives are pure. I can’t help but think we are evaluating Gallagher applying this paradigm.
In real life you don’t get to look into the bad guy’s mind in advance of a confrontation. Think about the ambiguity of determining who are the bad guys in this situation, while immersed in a foreign culture, surrounded with truly revolting behavioral norms and swimming with people who pretend to be helping but who are really seeking to further their own agenda.
And even if you have the right target, there can be problems. We are brainwashed to believe that there are people who can hit anything they shoot at, and miss anything they do not want to hit. And they should do this whether flooded with adrenaline or filled with rage, exhausted, under fire, injured, in the dark, in the rain, whatever. A friend of mine is a serious competitive shooter. Custom weapons, hand loads, lots of training and lots of practice. And his job is to guard nuclear weapons, so he is fairly well motivated to attain this skill. He misses once in a while. Anyone who gives this any thought knows that shooting is a martial skill, and martial skills are not always precise.
Carry this a little further. Imagine being in an artillery unit, or piloting a C130 gunship. Even if you aim precisely and hit exactly what you are aiming at, there is always the possibility of killing people who probably don’t deserve to die.
So, even if you believe you could kill a truly despicable person in defense of your family and mine, and you are certain you have the discernment to identify this person, you have to accept the fact that whatever mechanism you try to employ is unlikely to work perfectly. This, in turn, leads inevitably to the question of how you would respond to being responsible for killing someone who perhaps did not deserve to die. Because if you agree to stand in the breech to protect our way of life, you have to accept the fact that it is possible that you may, somewhere along the line and even if you follow all the rules, kill someone who perhaps did not deserve to die. And then, you have to be prepared to live with that.
Is this type of ex post facto inquisition of our warriors really appropriate? Or do we too have to accept the fact that sometime the wrong people die when we are forced to fight.
Nice post, A Fortiori.
Remember when Pres Trump said that thing about what HusseinO “did to our military”?
He said that it was “unforgiveable”.
I think that prosecuting our war fighters…for simply doing their job…is one of the things that Hussein set in motion, in our military.
It is ‘lawfare’ against our warriors.
The result is demoralizing to our fighters.
It is by design.
HusseinO also changed the Rules of Engagement and put our people under ridiculous rules designed to get them killed and aid the enemy.
Again…this is demoralizing.
Morale is important in a fighting force.
Very important.
HusseinO knew this and set out to destroy it.
Lone Survivor was caused by second-guessing a decision to shoot a teenager they captured. They let him go because of their fear of being prosecuted later if they whacked him.
Everybody but one were killed when the “poor innocent boy” went and told the enemy about the Americans. Bad policies kill soldiers.
There is no telling how many of our guys were killed as a result of those bad policies.
Yes, let’s recount briefly Hussein’s stewardship of our military — Trading a deserter for a five Talaban while publicly pretending to “leave no soldier behind” (and then failing to prosecute the deserter); rules of engagement that vastly increase the risks to our soldiers; outsourcing the management of military housing and failing to manage the contractors so that the quality of military housing rapidly diminished; failing to protect our sailors taken hostage by the Iranians and then failing to extract a price for their capture and humiliation; killing off don’t ask – don’t tell; high deployment tempo with little down time in between deployments; telegraphing our plans to the enemy so they could plan accordingly; allowing women in combat; buying and implementing inferior Chinese parts into some of our most complex military systems; cutting the development of future systems; granting sex change operations; mismanaging the VA so our veterans cannot get the care they need and deserve — It was all by design, and a despicable betrayal.
“The prosecutor is an overzealous asshole…”
A lot of that going around lately; especially with the ‘good’ people in the esteemed DOJ and FBI.
Ok this is freaky weird!! I went to yesterday’s open thread to catch the end of the comments about why PHC and others have been banned from Over There. And there is a comment from ” Alison” which Wolfie responded to, and that “Alison” is most definitely NOT ME !! What the heck is going on?
Question for Wolfie – if it isn’t SD who is banning people, and he has been served with one of those Fibbie letters, WHY haven’t any of his “loyal” moderators found a way to let us know? Plenty of folks have emailed them to ask what’s happening, but it appears all queries are met with no reply or with a denial. Couldn’t one of them at least give an ambiguous answer like “all not well” or “change happens”?
The whole thing is just too bizarre, including letting the comment thread deteriorate to a bunch of trolls and meaningless comments.
The avatar that I saw for an Allison was a blue color, not green.
Double checked spelling, and the name is Alison with only one l. Strange to say the least.
Color is not ALWAYS an indication that it’s a different account, but it CAN BE.
One of the benefits of being a registered WordPress user is AUTHENTICATION.
That’s the conclusion I came to. Have recently started just typing on my computer a series of comments about food. Was talking to my daughter, and she suggested that what I was doing was blog -like and offered to help me set one up. So, I may bite the bullet and do that.
Agree, Alison! Something has definitely gone amuck OT – stupid, almost nasty comments – no feedback – no discussion – posting info from all lefty sites – I could go through the comment section – in less than 30 minutes even if the count was over 500 – who are these people?
What is happening OT reminds me of the falling out at WUWT many years ago.
Originally All the ‘Climate Denier’ sites got along quite well and WUWT was the biggest one.
Then the attacks started….
Tony Heller ( was acused of lying and tossed off the site, then Tall Bloke ( was attacked and tossed off, then Dr. Nir Shaviv ( followed by Dr. Evans ( &
The attacks were by a very small set of commenters (ALWAYS THE SAME) who convinced the board Owner, Anthony Watts to ban the people.
That is just sad, Gail – and mean-spirited, too – we all have preferences – likes – dislikes – and yet – there is a commonality among us all – it has been my experience – one general rule kept the peace – taught in leadership training – respectfully disagree – discuss rather than argue – never attack the person.
In group discussions – we were given scenarios – of course – we made mistakes – but, none from which we did not learn – we remained friends – and it was easy to see how a discussion could end in failure with little progress.
Thanks, Gail, for providing an example of – maybe – what to avoid.
Yes, it was very sad.
After the vicious attacks on Tall Bloke, I tried to suggest reason, diplomacy… but met with no success so I migrated to other sites.
I am mentioning this because it was a classic example of a couple VERY DOMINANT personalities taking over and disrupting a blog. At least two were NOT honest ‘Deniers’ and had joined the site for just such a purpose. To break-up and sow discord among what had been a close knit group.
If you are interested, you can see the rebutal by Dr Evans via
And by Dr Shaviv @
I am mentioning this because the OT versus WQTH ‘problem’, seems quite similar.
Thanks, Gail – appreciate your post – especially, since I have been having hard time reconciling this situation – now is not the time to sow division – or give in to the wiles of the devil – when there is so much at stake – our ‘Uniter-in-Chief is trying so hard to bring us all together – for the sake of the Republic –
God bless you for helping me understand – Hugs!
PS So nice to see you here –
Responding to wheatietoo………
I did not want to reply to the comment you made on Patrick’s site this a.m.., as I prefer to take only cheerful news to someone in hospice.
However, in your post to him you mentioned that wolfie is getting noise from Some Dude wrt people here bringing content from his site here. I have been opposed to this since I started posting here, but as this is a free speech forum I made only a general comment about it. As far as I am concerned, this explains the banning of PHC at CTH as well as perhaps others. It’s vindictive of course… but it makes total sense to me.
I posted a comment on yesterday’s daily thread that it would be helpful if someone who could still post both places, would post link to Patrick’s site for those OT who were not aware PHC or Patrick had set up a site. At least two people posted the link. It seems credible to me that this caused PHC’s banning. I take responsibility for this, as it was my request that probably triggered everything.
In light of this, I suggest we discontinue bringing any content whatsoever from Some Dude’s articles, as he wishes. (Of course people all over the internet share content, w/ accreditation of course, and no one else to my knowledge seems bothered by such action.)
This is my very last comment wrt OT as I wish no further fall-out to anyone here, particularly Patrick. Again, I am most grateful to wolfie for this sanctuary. Wolfie has resisted any censoring of this site, and I respect and wholeheartedly appreciate a free speech environment. We must however, be respectful of the wishes of others regardless of whether we view it to be reasonable or not. Right?
We are all free to lurk OT as much as we wish… I enjoy reading the present posts of those I once enjoyed exchanging ideas with. And I find joy in that regard, even though I can no longer respond.
We have a wonderful, loving environment here… all attempting to care for one another, while we also attempt to bring Light to the Darkness. Whether we are Christian or Jew or other, we here attempt to be ethical human beings… “where we go one, we go all” is not just an empty slogan for most. Love and hugs to all, including Some Dude.
Well said!!! <3
Thanks, PhoenixR.

I don’t think you should blame yourself for what happened.
That’s on SD.
Love and hugs back to you.
Patrick posted link to one of his fav songs…
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
Says it all…………..
phoenixRising, what a great post. You are wonderful.
So much I’d like to say, and find myself not up to the task because I’m having difficulty reining in my emotion. I’ve been trying to curb my anger and feel like I have about bitten my lip in two.
Thanks for this.
aahh … you’re so kind Sylvia…
Just an ol lady, trying to walk the walk …
You’re so right about the emotions, really hard not to be angry…
I try to remember to not give the anger power… it is what it is and we can’t change it.
Hope your tongue gets better
I’m working on it! You showed such grace, such dignity. You perfectly modeled how to do the right thing. I admire you very much.
BTW, someone was asking after you this afternoon…
PHC is looking for you on his board
Thanks Vol…
“…wolfie is getting noise from Some Dude wrt people here bringing content from his site here.”
Wow. Attribution is always given, and it brings recognition to that site. It also sends people there. I thought clicks were a good thing. He must REALLY not want anyone from here to have ANYTHING to do with them, at all.
Yeah, that’s what it feels like, but the problem is that this is a free internet, and the two sites are very similar in outlook, overall. There is a lot of natural traffic between the sites. It can’t be helped.
The thing is, *somebody* really wants us fighting with CTH. I have not revealed all the data there, but it’s unmistakable. And I strongly suspect – because I believe that Q is right – that the forces which want us to fight with CTH are not MAGA.
I hear you and am trying to understand, but it is very difficult for me (and I suspect quite a few others) to grasp the logistics of how such compromise would work. I could ask a lot of questions, many of which you probably wouldn’t answer for various reasons.
It is VERY hard to not take things at face value because once you can no longer do that, then your judgment is called into question on everything. We navigate through life by making judgments about who is trustworthy based on how they behave. We evaluate politicians in that manner every day. So to now be faced with “up” really being “down” and that lion pic really being a cheetah, though we just can’t see it, is hard to accept.
I understand the concept of someone wanting these two sites in conflict because both are pro-Trump, so it’s divide and conquer. It’s the logistics of that that I don’t understand.
From the FBI site, about National Security Letters:
“NSLs, however, are subject to two significant limitations. First, they are only available for authorized national security investigations (international terrorism or foreign intelligence/counterintelligence investigations), not general criminal investigations or domestic terrorism investigations. Second, unlike administrative subpoenas and grand jury subpoenas, NSLs can only be used to seek certain transactional information permitted under the five NSL provisions, and NSLs cannot be used to acquire the content of any communications.”
It looks as if NSLs are used strictly for gaining information, not for manipulating people’s behavior. (Am I grossly naive?) It appears that, if a NSL is being used here, then it is being MISused in the same way as the dossier — illegally — and it would need to be investigated and remedied in the same way. For that to happen, someone would need to be notified of this wrong, it seems to me.
This is me right now…
I will also be Snoopy dancing all over the house and the deck, scaring the wildlife and alternating between shouting THANK YOU JESUS and SUCK IT OBAMA…just sayin’
No wonder bears smile at you!!!
ya think?
wait till you see what the turkey did!!
Can’t WAIT!!!~! LOL!!
this guy WANTS me…
Beautiful!!!!! Doing the Turkey trot were ya?
no, but I was shaking my tail (blush)
Pat he’s beautiful!
Oh, that is a vision, Pat! Hahahaha!
“Through this inadequate attempt to control the negative narrative about the President and his supporters, Schiff and his gaggle of elitist oligarchs are failing miserably at achieving the most important element of Alinsky’s rule number 13: freeze the target.
Each time the Progressive-Fascists attempt to freeze Trump into a narrative they succeed in achieving the opposite; they expand and solidify Mr. Trump’s base.
By lamely attempting to execute the Alinsky playbook, they have inadvertently succeeded in almost assuring Mr. Trump’s re-election.
But through it all, some questions come to light about the Democrat Party, it’s leadership, and – more to the point – it’s rank and file members.
Why is it that every single time someone disagrees with a Progressive-Fascist they are not only wrong, but they simply must suffer from some intellectual of psychological malady?”
“So, while it is easy to look upon Mr. Schiff as a brainless tool of today’s Progressive-Fascist movement, it would be wise to come to the conclusion that he is not politically stunted in his intellect, but rather arrogant and perhaps a little less tone-deaf than we would care to believe.
He is, after all a Progressive-Fascist, born of the original Progressive Movement; elitists who believe they know how to engineer society for everyone else as they reserve the freedoms they have taken from the masses for themselves.
To that end, the questions posed above? Well, Schiff and the Progressive-Fascists have simply abandoned keeping up appearances.
They are showing their true colors.”
Amen, Filly!
It occurs to me that Alinsky tactics require limited access to the truth to be effective. All of your alternate voices are immunization against Alinskyites. Keep it up.
Until they can run his own life, I’ll be damned if he’ll run mine.
Wolfie…did you see my post in Logistics?
Patrick/PHC could use a little help from you.
Sorry – been dealing with a stack of problems here today. So I did not see the post. But we do have an Author Issue.
SD on Twitter (just to make the EXACT identity completely clear) has asked me very kindly for the authors here to NOT scrape his content and repost. I will post more about this on the Author Logistics thread.
Thanks, boss.
wheatie, did you see my post to you upthread at 13.55?
Thanks, PhoenixR.

I went looking for it and just now found it.
And I agree.
Wolfmoon, The thing I really like about Q and 8 chan is that it is “open source” and they want it shared all the time, everywhere. That is how we learn and grow in the best way.
Jesus did not hide anything. He spoke openly to all and taught his doctrine in the Temple in very simple and direct terms.
I go to SD’s blog because he provides great links to open sources.
This blog is getting better about that all the time.
I do not always agree with SD”s conclusions but I don’t want an echo chamber or someone else telling me what I must think. For that I can just go to CNN etal.
I want sources and ideas that make me question my own ideas. I want to know where the conflicts are. I want to see if I can tell who is lying and about what. I want my thinking clear. I study sources. I pray. I turn it all over to the Holy Spirit. I can’t tell you how many times after studying and searching and experiencing certain ideas and happenings that the Holy Spirit would make it clear to me and I would know that particular truth and never have to go searching for answers there again. Sometimes it happens in stages. That is not because the truth changed. It is because I had to be prepared and grown up to deal with it.
When my children were small, they would ask me about where babies come from and how they are made. I would say that when a man and a woman have intercourse, the man puts his penis in a woman’s vagina and injects semen into the woman which fertilizes an egg that she carries and a process begins. In 9 months a baby is born. They would solemnly shake their head yes and drop the subject. One day they would come to me and say, “Mom, you were right about where babies come from.” I never lied or talked down to them. I never tried to make them understand any of it. My daughter even said that she would never let a man do that to her and I just said that one day she would feel differently. She did.
I can only accept what I have matured into at any given time.
I think sharing true information is very important.
If your truth is more mature than I can handle, then I have to grow into it or learn enough to prove you are wrong.
I can tell you everything I believe and give you reasons and experiences that seem to prove my conclusions, but I can never convince you of the truth. I can only tell you what I know, discuss it with you if you are willing and finally reach a point where there is no variation that we can come up with that changes my conclusion. At that point, I have reached “absolute truth.”
We are all growing in Christ.
Well I see that Mehico’s top diplomat has issued a threat to invade our country, claiming we have no National Sovereignty…Isn’t that special.
If that’s the case, Mehico has no national sovereignty so our President should release our military into mehico and head them off before they get here…..Hey mexico, what you gonna do throw all those spare avocados at us to defend yourselves….pffft you ain’t got shit !
Dear Mr. President, please stop all foreign aid to all those shithole countries to our south.
Order a US person travel ban to all those same countries.
Impose a 50% remittance tax for all payments leaving the US to those same countries.
Immediately up the tariff to 25%, forget the niceties.
Hit them where it hurts…as one famous philosopher always says; “Money talks, BS walks”; Flep them the bird !
About that taxing-the-remittances thing…
We can thank the Rat known as Paul Ryan for the fact that we’re not already doing that.
The Reps in Congress, the good ones like Biggs and Gaetz, created a Bill that would do that…in 2017.
But Rat Ryan wouldn’t let it advance let it die in committee!
It wasn’t for 50% though, heheh.
It was a reasonable 2%…but it was a start in the right direction.
Thanks wheatie, did not know that.
Seems Ryan’s rat-ness grows even more!
Look who has been named in a complaint by female FBI recruits for sexual harassment at the academy.
How low can they go?

Lower, lower, going, going, GONE!!!
Don’t you wonder how much longer they can carry her? Guess as long as she serves their purpose, we’ll still see her spouting her ignorance. You would think she would be embarrassed at the plunging ratings.
Saw a meme recently asking her if she hates men so much why does she keep trying to look like one?
Look who has been named in a complaint by female FBI recruits for sexual harassment at the academy.
“This nation has been paying the price for this women’s perpetual, uh. …PMS” Rush just now referring to the witch, Hillary.
At her age??? That ain’t no PMS!
True, us dudes sometimes use that term lightly and to describe women with “certain traits”
And it isn’t perpetual mid-menopause, either.
PHC stuff is hitting me hard. Though I do not have the long standing relationship many of you share, I feel a sense of love and community with all of you that means a lot.
So glad to see you

We shared this with feeling of love and belonging with so many OT, and time and events have not diminished this. We share a sense of joy and thankfulness at being able to communicate with old friends.
(Welcome dear Duchess
There is something about a group of like minded people com8ng together to share information and ideas that creates something surpassingly beautiful…like the music from an orchestra.
This is one reason why the number of people at rallies matters and makes such a difference, or the number of people calling Congress or reporters or staging a protest matter. We become a force to be reckoned with and our energy, reach, and impact is magnified. Also, there is wisdom in many councilors so we benefit from that.
Accordingly, there is a huge effort on the part of our enemies to silence, isolate, and divide us.
Why are any on our side cooperating with this?
I am appalled at the amount of energy and focus that we have to give to being banned and silenced by our own side.
Even worse….someone so dear to all of us and facing so many challenges yet going to heroic efforts to remain connected is experiencing this. I am incredulous that he is being stressed by people who ought to be expressng their love and support.
I will remind any of them who might by some miracle be reading this….we have all benefited from PHC’s comments and passionate support of the President. There is a warning in the Scriptures about repaying evil for good.
If this is all about support for Q, why? We are all (mostly?) adults and able to apply reason to information we receive. It sounds like many were banned OT who agreed not to mention Q….?
Before I realized that oppposition to Q came from the top OT, I expressed my reasons for reading Q posts and comments and included the fact that the President, never afraid to call out Fake news, has never said one word against Q… nor have any of his kids.
President Trump, shaking hands with Q people at his rallies and beaming at them while making the air Q, would have to be either incredibly naive or a fool to be unaware of Q and his Q supporters.
Perhaps consider following his lead.
My President is neither naive or a fool.
Most of us trust God and rely on Him. We pray. Division between believers diminishes us, especially when it becomes a distraction or a source of bitterness. It can hinder our prayers.
To any and all OT:
PHC and those who love him on all branches are more, imo, important than being “right” in
matters of political doctrine.
Forgiveness and reconciliation are incuded in the Ministry of Jesus. Is there anything more important than this?
Asking for friends.
Hi, LM – you, too? Good Lord! Happy to see you but, sad about your post – although it is necessary!
Can I please copy/paste this on PHC’s Blog? Please?
It is so precious that you pour your heart out for all of us!
God Bless You!
I would be honored for you to post it there.

Thanks, LM – I have asked PHC for permission – don’t want to clog space for others – so might just send him the comment link – you are so sweet – Hugs!
Sent, LM – He liked it!
What a blessing!

I am so happy and thankful that Patrick liked it!
Msny, many thanks!
Most welcome, LM – PHC needs us to share good, happy things – thought-provoking things – things to keep his mind active – and away from what ails him – Yes?
Many thanks, LM
God Bless
God bless you, too Patrick.

You are on my heart and in my prayers.
Hey PHC –
I just popped in here to catch up on things, and had to spend almost an HOUR to go back and get the full story! And I don’t have any Dramamine – or Dramayours – to help with the drama!
Very glad you’re here (can’t remember whether I’ve already said that!), and thanks a bunch for “engineering” the entrance of other posters whom many here have missed.
(Hello Smiley! [I’ve read you OT, but didn’t interact], and Welcome Duchess! [we spoke once or twice, yes?])
Everything happens for a reason, and when a door closes – a window opens! Or so I’ve heard tell … and it seems quite true.
And it’s a wonderful breeze coming in through that window, yes?
“Quip a-dee-do-da, a quip e’vry-day!”
Language is FUN! Psyched you enjoy it too …
Ty, Emeraldstar
The Song Is Glorious From The Forest Where The Birds Of Pray Gather
Hey Patrick, praying comfort for you fren.
Any of those medical peeps you’re around have access to this, we’re going to need a shitload, you gotta hook us up buddy!
Damned epidemic, isn’t it!
Got that right!
So eloquent. Thank you, LM. I’m a little choked up after reading this. Beautiful.
“…his client could use to CHALLENGE the results of the 2016 presidential election.” Steele agrees to questioning…
n British court filings, Steele has admitted that he was hired in order to produce a dossier which his client could use to challenge the results of the 2016 presidential election. According to State Department documents declassified through a Freedom of Information Act request, Steele told State Department official Kathleen Kavalec that his client was eager to see the dossier become public before the 2016 election.”
OANN reporting that Steele agreeing to meet with US Officials for questioning IF approved by UK government.
Interesting, did UK DS sanction/put Steele up to dirty dossier in collusion with Hillary?? Is this his way of exposing/getting them back cuz they set him up to be fall guy?? What can he tell us about MI5/6 involvement??
If Brits are our ally, why would they not approve his testimony??
UK’s panties are down. Are they gonna take em off and throw em in the wash, or pull em up and continue to walk around stinky??
You owe me a keyboard, Butterfly!

Oh LOLOL Miss Wheatie, I wasn’t trying to be funny when I wrote it. But your response has me laughing tears!!
So Sorry about your keyboard. 

Random open thread thought…..
This being “Pride” month…anyone else have trouble reconciling celebrating pride which the demons cast out during Exorcisms assure us is the most deadly of the deadly sins?
The post above yours gives me this thought.
“Pride is like beer and wine. Enjoy responsibly.”
I cannot imagine…any of the other candidates for President in 2016…doing what this man has been doing for us on the world stage.

I mean, really.
Any of them?
Can you imagine Cruz or Rubio or Kasich doing things like this?
We would be in a world of hurt right now, with any of those guys at the helm.
We are so blessed, to have this man, Donald J Trump, fighting for us 24/7 against all the people who want to take us down.
Amen, Wheatie!!
more insanity over words…you can own a company…you can own a team…that doesn’t mean you OWN the employees…wtf?
TMZ reports, June 3, 2019, that “high-ranking sources” from multiple NBA teams told TMZ Sports that they’ve had “high-level conversations about doing away with the term ‘owner’ over the past year” because the term “feels racially insensitive” in a league where the majority of players are black.
Fine, no problem. I agree that I don’t own you. We can do away with the “owner” term.
However, by virtue of my, uh, financial arrangement with the team, I fund your paychecks and am in a position of authority over you and can tell you what to do. So, we’ll start right now with you calling me “Master”. How’s that for you?
LOL…that’ll teach them to mess with you!
pretty soon, it’ll be BOSS is racist too!
I’ve got a better idea. Keep the term owner and GET RID OF BLACKS IN THE NBA until the numbers balance and it’s not “discrimination”. Then it won’t be racially insensitive. PROBLEM SOLVED.
BOOM! He best start squawking. An ex cop in prison doesnt do so well.
Former Marjory Stoneman Douglas SRO arrested over response to school shooting
Updated: 3:42 PM EDT Jun 4, 2019
A former Broward County deputy who failed to confront the Parkland school massacre gunman has been arrested on child neglect charges, officials said.
Former Broward sheriff’s deputy Scot Peterson, 56, was arrested in Broward County Tuesday on seven counts of neglect of a child and three counts of culpable negligence and one count of perjury.
Peterson was the school resource officer at MSD High School during the school shooting.
The arrest comes after a 15-month investigation into the actions of law enforcement following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.
FDLE officials said Peterson refused to investigate the source of gunshots and retreated during the active shooting while victims were being shot and directed other law enforcement who arrived on scene to remain 500 feet away from the building.
“The FDLE investigation shows former Deputy Peterson did absolutely nothing to mitigate the MSD shooting that killed 17 children, teachers and staff and injured 17 others,” said FDLE Commissioner Rick Swearingen. “There can be no excuse for his complete inaction and no question that his inaction cost lives.”
THIS IS IT. This is the beginning of the fall.
Our “conspiracy theory” that was proven TRUE.
Deputy Scot Peterson
Captain Jan Jordan
Sheriff Scott Israel
Superintendent Robert Runcie
Attorney General Eric Holder
President Barack Obama
The “Other” Therapist
Tavistock Institute
David Hogg
Valerie Jarrett
2nd rain/lightning delay today. Nothing like having a mast 20′ up in the air and start having nearby lightning to make your ass pucker.

Yeah…that would do it for me.
I’m in Colorado Springs ATM and it looks very rainy a bit to the south. (Nothing to do with your situation. probably; you’re elsewhere.)
I’m near Perry park, pretty close to the foothills. Radar looked like it was gonna clear up but here comes some more from the s.west
It beats being on fire.
Damn strait.
I got very welcome shade two summers in a row–or it would have been welcome if it hadn’t been from the smoke plume of the Waldo Canyon, then Black Forest fires.
Very unsettling, realizing it’s dry as a bone out there and you’re downwind from a bigass fire.
Yep, those were pretty bad ones. We live in the forest, I’ll welcome a summer with wet weather patterns. Sometimes everything stays green into August around here
It was remarkable–dry as a bone then suddenly we got rain, rain, and more rain. Almost as if the fires brought the rain.
Which is just what you need with all the vegetation burnt away, not.
Not the optimal order of operations, to be sure.
Its still pretty country. Compared to most of socal….
This is a really beautiful area. Currently watching a small herd of deer here while waiting for the storm to clear
I was in SoCal thirty years ago and hated it. Whole place full of people who believed in style over substance, anything that didn’t cost three times what it should was crap.
Gives me a chance to flip thru Parler for some funnies at least

That is THE BEST meme!
I know, I crack up just when I think about it, every time
Drillerdog likes when we get to sit in the rig. Spoiled pup

Great pic!!!
Hes so cute. My last beagle that just died was a lemon. Similar coloring completely different pooch!
Aww, sorry to hear. This one’s learned well, he’s pretty attentive and a perfect work buddy and watches my back. .. Oh no, and apparently has gas right now
He was that way as a pup though. Hes your shadow.
Yeah, I was lucky to be able to start him young
Awww Gil I’m so sorry to hear about your beagle
I lost mine about a year ago and am in the process of trying to get a beagle puppy at the moment.
Pining for a dog pretty bad. I think Ive found what I want but mr gil wants to wait a while.
Its a Treeing Walker Coonhound. They look like a taller beagle but are more mellow. I had thought about a foxhound but they are hard to find in CA or anywhere west(good quality anyways). Going to rescue no matter what though.
Hope you find a good one!
Oh I know what kind you mean.
I am trying to find a beagle puppy but when I look at the rescues they are mixing beagles with I have no idea. And most are not beagles. So I am hoping we get one this year. I sooooo need a little puppy.
Hang in there. Hope you get one as well.
I will say some of the rescue groups questions are just insane.
Theyre hoarders too and watch out for scammers. A good rescue shouldnt be more than $300.
Yes I have noticed that as well… I have seen ‘rescue’ ones cost well over $400…
lucky dog!
Think I shoulda captioned it “feeling cute might delete later, IDK”?
What a sweet face!
Aw thanks, dog’s pretty cute too though you hafta admit
Aww…Drillerdog is such a cutie.

Looks so happy to be snuggled in with Dad.
“I don’t think the heavy stuffs coming down for a while” haaaahaha, one my favorites!

a moon rock, a crypt and a typo…interesting tidbits here
So this person in front of me in the check out line had a M.O purse… like this one….

My poor eyes!!!!!!!!!!
UGH! Erasing that image from my memory bank – I am
Hey, kea – so nice to see you here – missed you OT – God Bless You!
Hey I had to look at that thing for 10 minutes how do you think I felt! LOL
To think someone spent $$$ on it. Yikes.
And thank you so much for the kind words. I remember you for the OT as well!
Good to be here. Best Tree around.
Oh, dear kea – that must have been agonizing – and you cannot shut your eyes – because you have to see where you are going – whenever I see a pix of either one of those two whatevers – I shut my eyes – and press the ‘erase’ button – located in the middle of my forehead – lol
She kept shifting it on her arm so it kept swing and yeah I had to look away.
‘erase’ button for sure!!!!
She must have been so proud of that purse – there is no shame in them – promoting such ugliness and arrogance – I still cannot get over what Joan Rivers said – in a passing press moment – out of my head – but – I am trying my best to forget them – when I look at our current President and First Lady – I love what I see!
She would have looked better without the purse. LOL
Yes what Joan Rivers said was so true.
Sad, but true – cannot wait until they are gone for good – and everything associated with them…
Yup. But I did see an O bumper sticker last week. Like really? But I have started to see more Trump and Pro USA signs on cars. Yeah!!!!!
I guess at the end of the day that lady only has an ugly purse to hold onto.
Oh, really – never saw one of those stickers – thank God – good you are seeing more Trump and Pro USA signs on cars – Yippie!
She can have it; we don’t want it! lol
Can you jiggle my memory- what did Joan Rivers say? I don’t remember and the two brain cells I have left are taking a nap.
Joan Rivers : Obama Is Gay, Michelle Is Transgender
lol, that’s right! Thank you, duchess01. I’m lmao.
R.I.P. Joan Rivers.
Yes! Driller!! Exactly right Caption!! But it should be a thought bubble over your dog!!!!

Oh no!!!
Bag woman, eh?
LOL Good one!!!!
WIsh I had a ‘Melina’ one. She would have freaked.
Yeah, if the shoe were on the other foot (mine), and, if I had a functional Melania handbag, I’d troll the everloving eff out of people everywhere.
Now your talking!!!!
AAARRRRGHHH, it burns!
LOL Yup. My poor eyes!!!!!
Right!? Still, better than having to be exposed to her “bulge”

LOL! What an ugly handbag! She’s nauseating.
Yup. Can’t believe someone paid for that!!!!! Why?????
Typhus Epidemic Worsens in Los Angeles – NBC Southern California
“Feb 1, 2019 – Fleas often live on rats, which congregate in the many heaps of trash that are visible across the city of LA, and are a breeding ground for typhus….”
“…There is no vaccine that can protect you from typhus…..”
LA officer gets typhoid fever, 5 others show symptoms
” A Los Angeles police detective has been diagnosed with typhoid fever, a rare illness typically spread through contaminated food or water, and at least five other officers who work in the same station are showing symptoms, union officials said Thursday…. “The last thing I need is my members coming to work worried about contracting an infectious disease and bringing it home to their families,” Los Angeles Police Protective League treasurer Robert Harris said.
The union also demanded better protective equipment for officers and called for the station to be regularly sanitized…”
“…Typhoid fever is contracted by consuming the bacteria in contaminated food or water. People with acute illness can contaminate the surrounding water supply through stool, which contains a high concentration of the bacteria. Contamination of the water supply can, in turn, taint the food supply. The bacteria can survive for weeks in water or dried sewage.
About 3%-5% of people become carriers of the bacteria after the acute illness. Others suffer a very mild illness that goes unrecognized. These people may become long-term carriers of the bacteria — even though they have no symptoms — and be the source of new outbreaks of typhoid fever for many years….”
FORBES: Typhoid Fever, Typhus & Tuberculosis: Are L.A.’s Medieval Diseases Cpming to a city near you?
“… In addition, there have been outbreaks of hepatitis A, tuberculosis, and staph in L.A. and other West Coast cities….”
Lots of measles here and tb, almost all people who travelled out of the country, but that INCLUDES illegals who are residing here ya know. Cops getting sick REALLY makes me mad. The fault is at the democrat politician level and their political appointees.
“There is no vaccine that can protect you from typhus. But basic hygiene helps. This includes very simple things like bathing at least once a week and changing your clothes on a regular basis.”
Bathe once a week?????? Well, I hope so. Mercy me.
Interesting to read there is no vaccine. Steve in Co told me he’d been vaccinated and T*3 mentioned it was provided to people for foreign travel to places where they have typhus. But you know, now that I write this I need to check and see what they difference is between typhus and typhoid fever if any. I’ve been using them interchangeably….my bad.
They are NOT the same and there are three types of typhus.
Thank you Gail.
That is helpful information.
My bad too.
Apparently the vaccine is for typhoid fever, which is totally different from typhus.
Yes, I got them confused. Typhoid fever is caused by bad water and typhus from fleas, lice, chiggers. I have been conflating the two in my mind.
Disgusting and disgraceful the ppl put up with this garbage
“Get Them Out!!”
SIGH… My first comment disappeared. The last link was:
FORBES: Typhoid Fever, Typhus & Tuberculosis: Are L.A.’s Medieval Diseases Cpming to a city near you?
“… In addition, there have been outbreaks of hepatitis A, tuberculosis, and staph in L.A. and other West Coast cities….”
So WHAT does the United Nations recommend to the USDA/FDA in the case of a disease outbreak in animals? — DEPOPULATION! Remember Dogs and Cats can carry the diseased fleas in some cases. This just gives you an idea of the type of thinking you see in BureauRats.
What is Depopulation?
Stolen from
This is what we in America will face if we allow the NAIS to be implemented here. Learn what is meant by the terms “depopulate” and “stamp out”.
History of UK 2001 foot & mouth disease (a must read. It is the true story of the destruction of UK farming)
on page 31:
Depopulation (slaughter) and Decontamination procedures
If you read this carefully I think it means burn all wooden structures, barns and sheds) that may be contaminated including your house. Do you see any other interpretation of these sentences????
I flat out say that all the homeless must be rounded up, all belongings destroyed then medical triage cleaning, etc. In temporary military tent cities. Their rights do not supercede the rest of the population.
Its a lie to say they are homeless only because of cost. These are dysfunctional if not nonfunctional people. They destroy everything bc they cannot or wont live by societal standards.
The number of homeless people counted across Los Angeles County jumped 12% over the past year to nearly 59,000, with more young and old residents and families on the streets, officials said Tuesday.
The majority of the homeless were found within the city of Los Angeles, which saw a 16% increase to 36,300, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority said in presenting January’s annual count to the county Board of Supervisors.
The increase was registered a year after the previous tally found a slight decrease in the county’s homeless population.
The county’s Homeless Services Authority said it helped 21,631 people move into permanent housing during 2018 — a pace that would have helped rapidly end homelessness if economic pressures had not simultaneously pushed thousands more out of their homes.
But while some people who had been homeless managed to get permanent places to live, others who had homes were forced onto the streets of metro Los Angeles’ vast urban sprawl.
“People are being housed out of homelessness and falling into homelessness on a continuous basis,” said Peter Lynn, the authority’s executive director.
About a quarter of those counted became homeless for the first time in 2018, and about half of those cited economic hardship as the primary cause, the authority said.
To reduce homelessness, communities must overcome resistance to the placement of housing and shelters, officials said.
Back in the 1950’s we had VAGRANCY LAWS that took care of this problem.
Vagrancy Law and Legal Definition.
“Many criminal statutes targeting vagrancy have been declared invalid for being unconstitutionally vague — a violation of due process.”
Yet “….National Security Letters… basically COURTLESS WARRANTS, self-granted by the DOJ and FBI….have been protected from being struck down by SCOTUS….”
Yes, but in this case, they are not being ALLOWED to get to SCOTUS where they could be STRUCK DOWN!!! Creepy lower courts and DOJs have conspired to make sure there is no final decision – that is my understanding.
The issue is not so much vagrancy as it is mental health. Many of the people on the streets would have been institutionalized before Reagan changed the laws re mental health. That’s the one legacy of his that never should have happened.
Completely agree.
It’s there.
I’m still bracing for the trains coming from the Port of Los Angeles headed into the heartland. God only knows what’s going to hitch a ride into this part of the country let alone the other coast.
Donald Trump – President’s Public Schedule
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
I like Wolifes “We’re all out of them” But this will do!!
And yet another attempt to get humans to go without the most nutritious foods available. (Yes, some choose not to eat them. I am not one. I need the hem iron.)
Researchers found eating white meat poultry may raise low-density lipoprotein levels in the same way as red meat, according to a study published Tuesday in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition. That elevation in bad cholesterol after eating chicken can occur with or without consuming any saturated fat.
“When we planned this study, we expected red meat to have a more adverse effect on blood cholesterol levels than white meat, but we were surprised that this was not the case — their effects on cholesterol are identical when saturated fat levels are equivalent,” Ronald Krauss, director of atherosclerosis research at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute and study senior author, said in a news release.
The Animal and Plant Protein and Cardiovascular Health trial showed eating a heavy diet of red meat or white meat led to higher blood cholesterol levels for the consumer than eating the same amount of plant proteins.
“higher blood cholesterol levels” . . . how much higher, both % and actual levels and a little data on cholesterol levels and types and incidents of heart disease is necessary to determine whether or not the results of this study is significant or negligible.
I suppose I could read the study, but . . . uuggghhhhh!
Probably the same “researchers” who keep pushing the Man-Made Global Warming nonsense. There’s a lot of money to be made in the “miracle meat” industry. Soylent Green Freaks!
Give me filet mignon, or give me death.
Okay, I’ll settle for sirloin and a good chicken thigh.
“When we planned this study, we expected red meat to have a more adverse effect on blood cholesterol levels than white meat, but we were surprised that this was not the case — their effects on cholesterol are identical when saturated fat levels are equivalent.”
Making everyone into a vegan just causes other problems – such as B12 deficiency, which have some pretty bad side effects. Can’t they just leave us alone with their dubious studies and realize that moderation in all things is the best way to go?
Wolf’s maximinimoderate advice:
“Moderation in all things, including moderation.”
Bingo, said the dingo.
I had to quit coffee due to B12 anemia. Iron is another one, along with copper, and micro nutrients. Some of us just can’t go completely without meat.
The US Chamber of Commerce needs to be exposed, dismantled, taken down.
We’re in real danger.
US Chamber wants to sue the President. McConnell at a presser today, condemns Mexico Tariffs — while the President is overseas.
What a platinum gilded rat he is.
It’s time for an all out effort to write and call our Senators and Congressmen. The US Chamber represents 151 multinationals and supported NAFTA, Common Core, Obamacare, and TPP. These are the companies who hollowed out America, upended our economy, shipped jobs overseas, and resist border protection for the drugs which probably account for half the 70K drug deaths per year.
It’s okay for Americans to die, however, when the US Chamber can have illegal immigrants, H1 visas, and lower wages for American workers.
Well, now the US Chamber is going after President Trump and his tariffs on Mexico and co-opting Republican RINO along with Dems to propose legislation and stop the President’s tariff authority. If the RINOs succeed, we can kiss our economy goodbye…. and bow to China’s ascension to a premier power.
Remember, if the RINO’s Ryan and McConnell had delivered on border wall funding as promised – we would not be in this predicament with Resistant Dems in the House. President Trump offered up DACA for 1.8 million when Schumer shut down the gov’t in January of 2018. Lawfare courts stalled the decision. Rather than compromise on immigration, Nancy Pelosi shut down the gov’t over Christmas and went to Hawaii. SCOTUS refuses an expedited hearing for DACA.
Meanwhile, drugs pour into our southern border. Women are raped, children are trafficked….. and the President is the ONLY one who is trying to protect the American people.
The Dems want the voters and the RINOs want cheap wages.
Roy Blount.
John Barrasso.
Mitt Romney
John Thune
Joni Ernst.
Rob Portman
Marco Rubio
Thom Tillis
Mitch McConnell
Ben Sasse
Roger Wicker
Martha McSally
These are among the Republican Senators who threaten to kill any chance we might have for economic and manufacturing recovery. If they win, we might as well stomp on the US Flag and hang out the Hammer and Sickle. Donald Trump will be rendered powerless as a President.
The Mexicans know it. Instead of meeting with the Trump Admin, today in DC, they met with Nancy Pelosi and the Dems —- to undermine the USA President. The ONLY THING which can stop it, is a massive response from the people. That’s you and me. It’s time for us to call and write.
This is it.
Now or never.
The NYTs just handed us a MOAB re: McConnell. See below.
Yeah, been poking through that one.
Looks like it is a response to Biden/son/hedge fund charge.
You know….. you go after me and I will go after you.
We need to neuter the CoC in the Senate, and this would go a long way.
“Mitch, I need you on this Mexico thing. If you can’t help me, then I can’t help your wife.”
fine by me! Go after both sides of the Uniparty expose them ALL!
I didnt know that happened. I expect that it is now or never. Militarization is coming.
Presser today by McConnell. I thought Lou Dobbs was going to lose his mind. I’ll get a link to it and throw up an article about it tomorrow.
WOW ——– traitors.
Lou is steaming…
Thank you Bfly, you always have my six.
The Yellow-Flower adorned RINO Senators led by Mitch McConnell sent a loud warning message that their Chamber of Commerce handlers were not pleased with Trump’s plan to impose tariffs on Mexican goods and rattled their cages.
Mitch McConnell, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Thune, Jodi Ernst, Chuck Grassley, Kevin Kramer with a “C”, Mike Rounds, Pat Roberts, Corey Gardner et al, desperate to stop a determined Trump, are throwing caution to the wind, going through the exercise of passing legislation knowing there is a veto hanging, putting us all through this charade again hoping that they can get a different result.
Last time, they were not able to override Trump’s veto. If the RINOs try again, they will be taking the massive risk of exposing themselves and the scope of corruption infiltrating Republican ranks in the Senate.
For more, let’s watch this clip from Lou Dobbs Tonight:
Meanwhile the real threat to the power of the Executive, if the CoC achieves its goals, is that the threat of tariffs is neutralized, and Trump’s ability to apply economic leverage is severely thwarted.
“…This is a time for everybody basically to step up and support this President
This is a critical critical time for this Presidency
It’s a critical time for this country
and if somehow we lose this battle here,
how are you going to deal with the Chinese
how are you going to deal with the Russians
how are you going to deal with the Mexicans? …”
– Portman on Dobbs
Roy Blunt has no shame. Seriously. His handlers are the ones who exported the jobs in the shoe factories in this state overseas leaving behind thousands of rural communities without much in the way of income. The people in the cities go down into the southern part of the state to do service projects and charity works and they see what happens first hand. Losing that industry devastated many. And the newer shoes are sinking in quality as the consolidation happens. Cobb Hill, Rockport, and some of the others are not what they used to be.
And the sizing is inconsistent. Well, maybe consistently just a little too small. I think the factories do the shoes “right” for a while and then stealthily make them out of less material for whatever reason. The company paying the factory doesn’t catch it in time and lose a lot of customers. Factory doesn’t care. Company loses out.
Don’t know if this was posted….if not, it should’ve been…..
NYT Confirms Schweizer ‘Secret Empires’ Bombshell on Elaine Chao and Mitch McConnell’s China Ties
Goes with daughns post above right?
Awwwww, what a shame.
I’m weepy. (sniffle)
Butterfly!! Me, Sylvia and Daughn are starting a “Pop the Balloon” team!! Ya in?

I’ve been waiting for this to come to light…
What a co-inkydink that it drops right when POTUS threatens Meh-hi-co tariffs.
oops, that should go under NYt article on McConnell and Mrs.
Peterson could face up to 97 years in state prison if convicted
If I recall, it was said that Peterson was following Israel’s policy (and orders?). It will be interesting to see how this plays out as Israel was just as culpable, in my opinion as Peterson.
There is a captain above him – a gal named Jan Jordan. She seems to be some kind of blockade to keep this from blowing back on Dirty Cankles Sheriff Scott Israel. But I think this guy Peterson may change his tune and open up – if he still remembers anything. I suspect he got “wiped” at some point. He doesn’t seem smart enough to avoid black-ops professionals.
Husband is discouraged on the Peterson charges. Criminal based charges. Said you can’t do it. Would discourage others from being a policeman. No enough details yet. Still digging.
“Maddow is damaged goods, damaged beyond repair, a fool and a liar exposed beyond redemption.”
~~ Nolte
B-b-b-but she’s a Rhodes Scholar™!
POTUS tweets tonite are hilarious!! Comments from Grandma and K!!
And shut down the damn border! Enough of this nonsense! And then tax the heck out of the remittances…
Can’t imagine trying to play poker with VSGPDJT.
I would be easier to just hand him my money and save time.
Exactly!! I Actually hand him my money almost every time I get a TEXT from him!!!LOL!! My kids crack up when I show them my texts from him!!

“In other words, networks which bet the farm on the Mueller report finding collusion have lost all credibility and are now suffering financially. “
I wish this was true, but unfortunately it is not. You see, CNN is subsidized by approximately 80 million cable subscribers who don’t even watch CNN. The same can be said for literally hundreds of other shows that no one ever watches, but are subsidized by cable viewers who are forced to buy “packages“ as opposed to being allowed to subscribe to individual channels they want to subscribe to.
THIS is how CNN and so many other garbage liberal “programming” get away with staying on the air vs. being force into financial bankruptcy.
Being FORCED to subsidize liberal opinion, policy, etc. is PRECISELY how the filthy left survives vs. being FORCED…financially….to return to the fringe and dregs of decent society where it rightfully belongs.
Crap. This was supposed to be in reply to PR’s post re: Raychump Madcow
Exactly. For years, I’ve wanted a cable package with an a la carte menu of channels. Honestly, hundreds of channels, and we watch maybe 50 of them, and the people who think they know their clients dropped Bein Sports which was one of the selling points of that particular package in this house. Not everyone wants CNN, Lifetime, and Ovation.
More Docs Unearthed, The Worse It Gets, [DS] Coded Message For Escape – Episode 1884b
Wow. For the 75th anniversary of D-Day, this 90-year-old Normandy veteran released a beautiful folk song – and now, he’s made it to No. 1 in Amazon’s music chart.
Beautiful song, Linda – Thanks for posting – God Bless You!
So Perfect dear Linda!! Thank you for posting…
DiGenova and Carter hinted that Steele is likely to receive immunity before coming to US and talking to John Durham. And that Steele in all likelihood told the FBI that his stuff was unverified beforehand. If true, they’re building conspiracy case against Comey and friends.

Good deal!
No…No…No – immunity – he knew at the start what he had written was unverified garbage – he is a conspirator just like the rest who hated President Trump – and made no bones about his hatred – LOCK HIM UP!
It is my understanding he did not want to talk to Dunham – probably scared the pants off of him – so the deal was to extradite him to the USA to meet with the IG – I doubt very much he told the FBI anything of the sort –
Need more info before I can be sure – that is what they offered him – after all – they are all blaming each other!
They specifically said no talk to IG, he can’t prosecute, but to Durham. I’m not fond of immunity either, but if that’s what it takes to get the Cabal, then sacrifice we must. I think POTUS made a deal.
Then, I heard it backwards – I thought he wanted to talk to IG because IG is not a prosecutor – you are probably right – PT made a deal – bigger fish, maybe?
Thanks for the clarification, jesusgrl! You are a peach!
Butterfly is a ROCK!! (and a peach!!
Yes, she is – I just don’t get it, Marica – maybe, they are going after something he knows that will lead them to the contractors – those who paid him to make up his Diabolical Dossier – his motivation – he hates PT – could be more than meets the eye – dunno – jesusgrl will tell me.
My take, For what it’s worth…Steele doesn’t Hate POTUS More than, say Brennan, Comey, Hillary and 1000 other much higher profile pols and media and Hollywierds–Steele is a freakin Pawn in this High Roller game of High Stakes Poker (and 3 D chess) No F’s given about Steele and the wretched lot!! –that being said–If Pete-F-ya’ll Strozk doesn’t actually get perp walked,,, I be POed!
No, I guess not – and they do not really hate him – they fear him – because he is going to expose all of their crooked schemes – they were making money hand over fist – and now – the gig is up – there is a fabulous trail from one to the other they failed to cover-up – because they thought she would not lose – this is like a soap opera that never ends – or a mystery novel as thick as War and Peace – yes?
With ya Duchess!!! EXACTLY!!! But when I read WAR and Peace–in the old days–no internet, right? I even skipped to the last chapter!! Duh!

Why am I not surprised? Hahaha!
Right? LOL!!!
I’ll be ‘Serious’ – you be ‘Roebuck’ – Mkay?
Mkay.. But… Not exactly sure what I agreed to….LOL!!! I actually cannot type!! I am giggling so hard!!!

I thought the last thing to go was the mind – what’s up with you, dear?
Found another Sister!!! Oh my!! My daddy musta been a PLAYHA~~
Shhh…don’t tell anyone – Mkay?
Duchess!! I giggle snorted!!
Don’t tell anyone that I just shot liquid out of my nose…
Otay! Mama’s gonna smack you – Behave!
This happened this morning here in socal. The suspect javier caldera, 25 apparently had a felony evading arrest in november in washington state. Whats he doing in CA? Cartel/illegal? Let me say this….it easily couldve been me and my son.
A pickup driver was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated after violently plowing into a car, killing the driver, and causing a multi-vehicle chain reaction traffic collision on the southbound 15 Freeway in Temecula Tuesday, authorities said.
Javier Caldera, 25, of Auburn, Washington, was speeding when his Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck collided into the back of a small Nissan on the freeway, just as traffic was slowing down south of Rancho California Road at around 7:25 a.m., California Highway Patrol said.
Dashcam video posted to YouTube shows the moment the pickup truck quickly came crashing into the back of the Nissan, sending a big cloud of debris into the air.
The car was completely destroyed on impact, with its roof and trunk broken off and the back seats smashed in, video showed.
The Nissan’s driver, a 44-year-old Murrieta woman, died at the scene, authorities said.
The impact from the crash was so powerful, it created a chain reaction effect that involved four other vehicles, including a Chevrolet S-10 Pickup truck that was forced off the roadway onto the Temecula City Hall parking lot where it collided with a structure. The driver, Mike Rivera-Aguilar, 38, sustained major injuries and was transported to a hospital, according to CHP.
Two other people, an Irvine man and a Mississippi man, sustained minor injuries and were transported to a hospital, CHP said.
Caldera was not injured in the crash, authorities said.
From November 2018:
An Auburn man was arrested in Centralia on a felony eluding charge after allegedly leading authorities on a vehicle chase starting somewhere in Thurston County and ending on foot in Centralia.
A Washington State Patrol spokesperson didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment regarding what prompted the chase.
In Centralia, police were notified at around 2:30 a.m. Saturday of a pursuit heading southbound on Interstate 5. Officers deployed spike strips on the southbound Exit 82 ramp, in case the vehicle’s driver, later identified as Javier Caldera, 25, tried to head into Centralia — which is allegedly what happened, said Centralia Police Department Sgt. Dave Clary.
The vehicle drove over the strips, and blew at least one tire, said Clary, and ended up crashing into a nearby fence on Harrison Avenue. Caldera allegedly left the vehicle and ran away. Officers looked around the area for a couple hours without finding Caldera.
Clary said officers went to businesses in the area and described the suspect to staff members. One eventually spotted Caldera on foot in the area and contacted police. Officers responded and arrested him without further incident.
He was turned over to WSP.
OMG, that was scary!
The woman was obliterated.
I deleted my comment about dropping that woman’s crashed car on Mexico City from a military transport. But trust me – President Wolf Moon has some extraordinary policies to deal with this shit.
Must be a cartel member. Auburn, south of Seattle, is western Washington, Centralia, a college town and farming community is eastern Washington and then he’s down in CA?
Im glad you know WA. The collision occured about 1.5 north of the border or with his speed 30 minutes.
He obliterated the 1 car and sent the other car off the fwy like a rocket into the side of a parking structure.
Centralia is still western WA, it is just off I-5 at exit 82 about 45 miles south of Olympia. But, yeah a Cartel link is definitely suspect. How can he afford to move and drive an $80k or better pick up as a “poor put upon economic migrant” and it is “inhumane to not bring them in.” The demise of the United States of America is the globalist’s goal. We are the last bastion of hope.
That video needs to go viral.
New daily going up shortly.
Your “shortly” is usually why I end up sleeping on the couch…just sayin…

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Ha ha ha! This is a great point:
Linda!!! Fantastic POST!! Let us NOT FORGET!! Her daddy needs to see this!! Dyin and Cryin