It was a beautiful evening last night….. a state dinner at Buckingham Palace. The whole day was a spectacle of pomp and ceremony. Besides FLOTUS stealing the day and all the media watching the President’s every move……. let’s give a hat tip to Kellyanne Conway who was stupendous in silver, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders in red…… even Steve Mnuchin was particularly dashing.
Yet, today is the meeting with Theresa “One foot out the door” May. There is a reception which focuses on BUSINESS LEADERS in the UK. Surprised….. not.
Here’s the schedule. As we did yesterday, we will plug in photos as we receive them, creating a large archive. Thank you to ALL who responded with tips and pics yesterday. When we do these “group” posts – the results are amazing.
Note: Interesting that the late afternoon/evening of Day 2 is spent almost exclusively with Prince Charles and Camilla. Unusual?
Note: We’ve been warned by the entire MSM, the media and protests will be fierce today. Get ready and be prepared. We also have an exclusive picture from the leftist state dinner. Check it out.
The State Visit ~ Day Two
9:10am BST / 4:10am EST THE PRESIDENT departs Winfield House (U.S. Ambassador Woody Johnson Residence) Landing Zone en route Buckingham Palace Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
9:20am BST / 4:20am EST THE PRESIDENT arrives Buckingham Palace Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
9:30am BST / 4:30am EST THE PRESIDENT departs Buckingham Palace Landing Zone en route St. James’s Palace, London, United Kingdom
9:40am BST / 4:40am EST THE PRESIDENT arrives at St. James’s Palace, London, United Kingdom
9:45am BST / 4:45am EST THE PRESIDENT participates in a business round table, London, United Kingdom
11:10am BST / 6:10am EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart St. James’s Palace en route No. 10 Downing Street, London, United Kingdom
11:20am BST / 6:20am EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive No. 10 Downing Street, London, United Kingdom
11:25am BST / 6:25am EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a greeting with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, London, United Kingdom
11:40am BST / 6:40am EST THE PRESIDENT participates in a expanded bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, London, United Kingdom
12:25pm BST / 7:25am EST THE PRESIDENT participates in a working lunch with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, London, United Kingdom
1:45pm BST / 8:45am EST THE PRESIDENT participates in a press conference with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, London, United Kingdom
2:25pm BST / 9:25am EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a tour of the Churchill War Rooms, London, United Kingdom
3:20pm BST / 10:20am EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Churchill War Rooms en route Buckingham Palace Landing Zone
London, United Kingdom
3:30pm BST / 10:30am EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive Buckingham Palace Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
3:40pm BST / 10:40am EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Buckingham Palace Landing Zone en route Winfield House Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
3:50pm BST / 10:50am EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive Winfield House Landing Zone, London, United Kingdom
7:45pm BST / 2:45pm EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a greeting with H.R.H. The Prince of Wales and H.R.H. The Duchess of Cornwall, London, United Kingdom
8:10pm BST / 3:10pm EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a Pre-Reciprocal Dinner Reception with H.R.H. The Prince of Wales and H.R.H. The Duchess of Cornwall, London, United Kingdom
8:20pm BST / 3:20pm EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a presentation of guest with H.R.H. The Prince of Wales and H.R.H. The Duchess of Cornwall, London, United Kingdom
8:35pm BST / 3:35pm EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a Reciprocal Dinner with H.R.H. The Prince of Wales and H.R.H. The Duchess of Cornwall, London, United Kingdom
9:50pm BST / 4:50pm EST THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in the guest book signing with H.R.H. The Prince of Wales and H.R.H. The Duchess of Cornwall, London, United Kingdom
Here’s a map which might help to orient us a little better.
And when all else fails……. just remember…… there was a reason we left. We were the Americans. We were the ones who defied authority and created a more perfect union.
Yet, when it comes to saving freedom, democracy, and western civilization, from evil empires. we work the Brits. My father-in-law went to Omaha Beach and survived. Freed towns in Belgium and proposed to my Mother-in-Law in a letter, written on Christmas Eve, Battle of the Bulge, 1944. He didn’t know if he would live through the next day. Let’s not forget what this 75th Anniversary of D-Day, Operation Overlord, represents.
And in one corner, we have the Brexiteers.
Go Brexiteers!
God bless our POTUS!
Daughn, did you ever hear what gift we gave the Queen?
Also, was it just my eyes or did I see Prince Philip yesterday morning in the room where they were looking at historical items of interest? I’m pretty sure I did. If so, I think that’s nice that he made an appearance for that.
On the gift, someone told me and I forgot. As soon as I find it again, I will post.
Here is what the Trumps received.
Wow, nice gifts! I’d only heard about the book. Loved reading all the details!
I can’t find an article that isn’t behind a pay wall, but the headline said something about a bespoke riding saddle for the Queen. Can that be right? She surely isn’t riding horseback at her age.
That was a rumor from the first visit. Not true.
Another rumor = he wanted to give her a race horse from Kentucky. Also, not true.
Something else I read. It was a breathless report that he was shown a pewter horse figurine and asked if he recognized it. He said no. Melania “rescued him” by saying I think we gave that to her last time.
It was all a HUGE gaffe. I mean, I laughed. Seriously? My DH couldn’t have identified gifts we gave to people because I did the shopping/selecting/purchasing/wrapping. Give me a break.
Hehem, nice save Melania.
That’s what wives are for!
My dear hubby often remarks AFTER the occasion, “Oh, I didn’t know it was their birthday! ” Or something like that.
Exactly. Whoever asked that was trying for a cheap shot, which speaks more about them than PDJT.
I know, right? Guys are so often that way.
this article states what FLOTUS Melania gave the Queen.
The Queen said something yesterday…about the US and UK being each others biggest and most valued trading partners.
I don’t know if that’s true.
Is that true?
It was in the speech she made at the beginning of the State Dinner.
Did anyone else catch that remark?
Historically, it has been true. The largest percentage of foreign investment in each others’ stock exchanges has been from the other.
Can’t tell you what it is this week, but it’s been a good rule of thumb.

I had just never heard that said before…not quite like that.
Thanks, Coothie!
Yeah, you have to say it carefully…..US trade with UK (2018) — imports: $60,812.0M; exports: $66,228.2M; US trade with China (2018) — imports: $539,503.4M; exports: $120,341.4M. [Source: ].
We are NOT each other’s most important trading partners…..but we ARE mutually invested in each other. More Brits own US stocks and more Americans own British stocks. Note, also, that we have a favorable balance of trade with the UK, where we have a screamingly unfavorable imbalance with China.
Again, we live in an odd world where things could have changed without me noticing, but that’s been true for a longish-while.
Thanks, Coothie!

Yeah, those figures are more like what I was thinking I remembered.
Six-digit figures with China…
and five-digit figures with the UK.
I noticed that Pres Trump sort of cocked his head at the time, when he heard the Queen say that.
Yeah and Germany and france were each other biggest trading partners pre ww1 &2
…….and probably are, today. But how many Germans would invest in a French company, and how many French would invest in a German company?
“…and probably are, today. But how many Germans would invest in a French company, and how many French would invest in a German company?”
Staub French company is now owned by Henkel German.
Agreed. If we’re talking about MONEY, it’s the Brits and the Americans.
I did. I was unaware of that. It surprised me. I’m not sure who I thought our biggest trading partner was….the EU? Germany? Surprised it was UK.
I would have guessed Canada, actually.
He’s getting very frail. Has been hospitalised a few times I believe.
Read The Longest Day. A book about d day. Right up until it happened thegermans we’re convinced that the landings would be elsewhere-thanks to the man who never was. The body of a drowned( in seawater) man was dressed in Brit navy uniform with a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist was dumped at sea where it was calculated that it would wash up on the briefcase was the “official invasion plans”. These were faked and the Germans were so convinced they were real that Romeo took a trip to visit his wife so he was absent in the first crucial hours,.
There was a mist at dawn. The firstgerman to see the allied ships only saw them when they were close to shore. He frantically rang headquarters on their primitive landline phone to report. They thought it was a feint. Asked him how MANY ships were there. His reply…all of them. Then the bombardment started. He managed to stagger back after his lookout was wrecked. Two old French ladies had pulled there chairs outside of their cottages and were watching. They cackled and mocked him as he limped past.
The Longest Day is an absolutely AWESOME book. I heartily recommend it to anyone who is interested. It is non fiction, but it is so readable you feel like you’re reading a novel.
One of the things that has stuck with me is realizing for the first time how close we came to losing. There were a series of small miracles that compounded and helped us to succeed. I had never before realized, until reading this book, what a near thing it was.
The Man Who Never Was is another good book/movie. Very interesting. After reading that I take quite seriously the role of misinformation that military intelligence uses. It makes Q much easier to believe when you realize this stuff is real.
We had some incredible lucky breaks including the weather. Best weather ever for the crucial first 6 days
And one of my fav movies!
In vazzzz ion! In vazzzion!
Hell on earth.
Oh yeah, great movie too!!! When the paratroopers are out in the dark and using the crickets to try to contact each other!!! Very suspenseful.
Saving Private Ryan‘s opening sequence to give you an idea what it was like…
The Longest Day to tell the real story.
I wonder how many (if any) of the military men on both sides were influenced by Special Order 191, where Union soldiers found Lee’s actual battle plans before Antietam. IOW, an historical fortuitous lucky discovery of huge consequence. “Hey, we got our OWN 191!”
There is a whole series of novels, running from 1880 through the 1940s, showing what history might have been like if only someone had spotted the courier dropping his package and given it back to him. The Confederacy went on to win the war, and that was *before* the first of these novels. (Harry Turtledove, How Few Remain being the first of them.)
It was a grim world, worse than what actually happened in many respects. I didn’t finish the series because the last parts with the alternative version of WWII never came out in mass-market paperback, to my knowledge.
They had a bottle neck and Patton and some other very senior general ended up directing traffic. If they hadn’t broken out of that bottleneck it could have gone pear shaped very quickly.
A French resistance dude posed as a painter and stole the huge wall map of every d fence along the coast and they got it to Britain. The Germans arrested him and tortured him but it was already away. The German commander who ha
Had the map stolen from his office was too scared to tell Rommel or high command. This was a big win for the allies.even if he’d fessed up it was too late to change stuff.
The title the longest day come from a comment by Rommel that the day of the landing would be the longest day.
The alternative state dinner! Hilarious!
Had to edit to put that one in. Perfect!.
And look at this…..
HA!!! Hilarious!!!
Check this article out:
DID, in fact, our VSG “touch the Queen”, or did he just hold his hand out behind her?
I thought she might go down at that moment. It looked more like natural instinct to “catch” her.
There is some sort of mythology about the Queen’s brooches being chosen to “send messages” about things. According to this highly anti Trump article, when he visited last time she wore three brooches to “troll” him: one a gift from the Obamas, one was a funeral brooch, and the third was one representing Canada. Whatever.
This time, they were quite stumped because they couldn’t find any hidden negative messages to Trump with the Queen’s brooch. It was an old favorite. So, maybe much like the Russia Hoax if you can’t find anything…maybe it’s because it isn’t there!!! Idiots.
Am moving my European observations to this thread!! To streamline
Right! My dear husband has no idea what we send.
Most husbands have no idea of their wives activities. Lucky for ours it’s online not extramarital
Marine One just landed at Westminster!! What a way to travel in London!!!
Even better than the hop on hop off buses. Those were great to get to all the tourist sites.
Oh gosh, Sky News is up and running already. Actually good news, tlking about a free trade agreement with America.
Second helo Marine One coming in now.
From the Daily Mail:
“Former US president Barack Obama’s state banquet in 2011 was sprinkled with Hollywood stardust, with a guest list including actor Tom Hanks, actress Helena Bonham Carter and director Tim Burton. But Mr Trump’s grand occasion was more trade and industry than show business”
SkyNews has a comedian on for commentary- no joke.
I’m watching i now – unreal!!!!!!!!!!
The Mayor of London called the American President a modern day fascist.
The tall dude is a Trump fan for sure!
I heard that too and about
…. so nasty – horrendous and vicious and overall smarmy….
‘Is it disrespectful to speak against/protest the key leader of an ally’…… New discussion point/segment
The have people on who are against the pomp and ceremony…
Also they are remarking about the motorcade ‘carbon footprint’
And all of these protests aren’t about the Congress/the office but about the PERSON itself…..(he supports Boris Johnson, Brexit and he’s bad news for England)
Daughn, I finally caught up with pics and saw KellyAnne in her silver spangly dress, and Sarah Sanders in her red gown. You’re right, they both looked fantastic. There was another female WH staffer there whose name I can’t recall and she also looked great.
I don’t think it is just my prejudice but I thought our women were vastly better dressed. Although I will say I wasn’t fond of Ivanka’s dress.
Kellyanne was breathtaking. Back of the dress had a large keyhole open back.
I didn’t see that! It was a spectacular gown, I thought. And Sarah’s suited her quite well.
Anyone have the pics in color?
Was that Mr. Kellyanne? I still don’t get that guy…
I caught the KellyAnne dress in UK Daily Mail.
Not sure how to add that pic here in the comments. Please don’t laugh at me.
Is it okay if we just snort out loud, instead?

Again – if I had a nickel for every time they say ‘he is behaving well’…… sheesh
The short chic is a witch.
Trump doesn’t know what a horse is? Come on……
Yes that women was vitriolic – and thought it was telling that they never posted her name/title but they did for the comedian multiple times…?
On thé motorcade : ‘only the president of the United States travels like this (300m away from marine one to the next location). Is it really necessary??’
Comedian: it is very misogamist the reaction to Melania, ‘she is very Jackie Onassis, all the coverage focused on was her style, and not as her as a person’ said comedian and the other American commentator (African American)- ‘I’m old enough to remember Jackie O and she is NO Jackie Onassis’ …’maybe she doesn’t want us to know here personality’
There was no Muslim ban
We do have criminals coming across our southern border…… many of which are rapists and murderers.
EU nations should pay the bill for their own defense – not the US taxpayer.
Paris Accords were a crappy deal and no sign on by China/India
Iran Deal was a disaster…. and we all know it.
Trump was right – ATT via CNN has done irreparable harm to our foreign policy.
One pundit just called him a fascist. Unreal.
It is hysterical to listen to the UK commentary on ‘not rolling out the red carpet’ for this state visit and all of the virtue signaling they use to slam PDJT…..
Ohhhhhh, I am on the edge of my sea now. Ready to crawl through the television.
This WITCH!!!!!!!!!!!
She wants to convince Trump on Climate Change (100 trillion to the US Taxpayer), she loves the Iran Deal (Billions for Iran to cause havoc), and insists Trump took a wrecking ball to the Middle East (Got rid of ISIS), and criticizes Trump for “his famous southern border where he locks up children… and the children were screaming for their parents”……… Unreal.
They love Jeremy Corbyn. He’s the guy hanging with Chavez, Maduro, Assad, Hezbollah, and Hamas.
Ahhhh, and we get down to it.
Corbyn “would sit down with President Trump if Trump were here to have a serious conversation”.
Bu Trump does not “deserve” this kind of special treatment.
No – Corbyn is a radical communist/marxist and a bad leader. He’s a petulant child.
Tell you what, I wouldn’t want to send my son to war to defend THIS Britain.
All these pundits are NPC’s…parroting the leftist lines for their globalist masters.
Maybe there is an NPC University in the UK too.
One thing about the kind of indoctrination they are exhibiting, is that there is an aura of negativity. It just oozes out of them. They are angry…and afraid. This is exactly how the demonic works.The longer I am in the battle, so to speak, the more it is imperative to maintain faith, hope, and charity. These people are bereft of it.
Have to wonder about people who wake up every morning ready to spread hate.
Imagine what it does to their insides.
Daughn…I often wonder the same….it has to rot your soul to be such a person. The female British harpies really turned my stomach with their snide and totally unnecessary remarks…”State dinner gave him the attention he craves”, “he was terrified he would make a fool of himself with the response toast”…etc.
And then I read the total lie about POTUS from Bett Midler who gleefully passed it on even after it was debunked. They have NO MORAL COMPASS…no shame or sense of embarrassment.
Yes….rotting from the inside and before long it shows in the outside….Kathie Griffith is a perfect example.
Their church has been in a death spiral for sometime. What’s left…atheists, agnostics, new age, & out and out satinists.
So true.
They are ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED with the baby Trump balloon…, weirdly obsessed, as if it is a trojan horse trigger……weird
I was disappointed. It’s so small.
I thought “balloon” like one we have ridden in. No, it’s itty bitty.
that makes it classic Brit, hyper-inflated in show, just to keep up appearances, not actually true to what is promised…… no?
Business roundtable beginning.
is it me, or are her clothing styles very similar? Same color and patterns (I can’t help but see this, as a visual designer)…and wonder if there is messaging in it…
and VERY symmetrical photo….
The symmetry is almost bizarre.
this photo reminds me of that photo of BO when he had that ‘halo’ overhead…..
There’s a meaning to this photo…..perhaps the place/symbolic items on the wall?? I’d have to look at it….
her dress color/pattern reminds me stylistically of emulating Mary, but also the spiked arch above a crown? and the dots on her dress like the EU stars, or the starts of the Mary medalion…..the image seems top evoke calm…
THESE ARE TOTALLY UNFILTERED thoughts ….but the image is that impactful….and I mean no sacrilege to Catholicism, but I am RC and have looked into religious imagery/symbolism a bit.
Ivanka needs a makeover. She is drop dead gorgeous, perfect figure and look, but the clothes she wears are too juvenile for a 37yr old woman.
And there is no middle road with her. Sometimes she hits it out of the park, other times – total fail.
What is it with her and the ruffles?
STOP with the ruffles.
Yes…thank you!
Ivanka wears some of the most cringeworthy outfits!
It’s embarrassing to behold.
Those outfits she wore on her India trip were dreadful!
I wish our First Lady would tutor all these women on ‘how to dress’.
Kellyanne and Sarah Sanders could use some tutelage as well!
They both come up with some screamers too.
Thank you Miss Wheatie for saying my thoughts out loud!!! Ivanka’s State Dinner dress, what was she thinking??? ACKKK!!!

while I hear you, I’m not so bothered by it, because at it’s WORST, it is STILL better than MOOCH’s best……. AM I RIGHT???? HAHA
Great point!

With that perspective, Ivanka could show up in rags and still look better.
pretty much– because the beauty is from the inside……..whereas the other one……NOPE.
And if they aren’t juvenile, they’re…odd. I don’t know. Like you said, sometimes she looks absolutely fantastic but other times awful. Very uneven. And agreed–NO RUFFLES.
The thing that gets me…. in the evening, where she could wear something more feminine, a ruffle, more revealing on the shoulders or neckline……… she goes for a SHIRTDRESS???????
With her statuesque body?
If you’ve got it, flaunt it, use it, own it……….. no, not a shirtdress.
I know. It looked like something a school girl would wear. You’d think she vamp it up a bit for evening. Glory be. What a surprise that was.
She’s not the only one with the ruffles. It’s like she let her daughter pick out some of her clothes for this one. I mean in this pic, Ivanka is the least of the women. I really like Tiffany’s dress.
Ivanka looks like a Pioneer woman
Eric’s wife is elegant.
I do not like Tiffany’s dress is a dress for a person who is older but then I do not like that red and the princess look. Her dress reminds me of old Cowboy movies and the saloon ladies.
My style is more what Melania wears.
To each their own. Just remember not everyone is built like Melania, that’s why she can get away with some of the stuff she wears. Anyone with a bigger bustline could never wear that high of a neck.
Gosh…Melania has a VERY large bust-line! LOL
As long as we are being fashion mavens, here’s my 2 cents that’s worth exactly that…
There was a rather unfortunate, not flattering …photo of First Lady as she was walking in the hallway to enter the dinner. It shows her left bust significantly lower than the other making it very weird photo. Now, look at her shoulders in that photo. The left one is lower than the right.
I noticed this because I have the same problem! Large busted, left shoulder lower than right. It affects necklines, how necklaces lay, etc. it’s kind of having one hip higher, that you often see.
Solutions, of course, are many…undergarment compensation, not wearing her clothes so tight across the bust which draws attention, wearing a softer fabric such as the lovely yellow gown she wore previously.
Having given this fabulous advice, I also say she was the fashion star of the evening and certainly represented us so beautifully, in many ways. And to H$ll with our petty, vengeful so-called glamor and women’s magazines that treat the First Lady of our nation in such a childish manner. They insult us….spit on them!
As a woman who is considered medically deformed in the bust area, Melania is not that busty. I have to wear deep-v and scoop necklines just so I don’t get the ski slope effect.
What did you think of her evening gown for the banquet? I didn’t care for it. It looked like a shirtwaist with a long skirt. Kind of odd. And the print made it seem even more casual.
yea, the lines seemed so structured, and the applique didn’t quite match…..they fought each other….
Ivanka’s dress Does not photograph well at all!! From a distance it looks like light denim, so not State Dinner appropriate! If you zoom into bottom, material is more shiny, so maybe it is SD appropriate?? I still don’t like so much.
Tiffany’s dress does not flatter her, makes her look huge.
Lara’s red purse sticks out, not in a good way.
Was wondering if Guilfoyle would escort Jr, guess not.
True, Ivanka’s dress, up close, looks like a raw silk shantung. Looks embroidered. Style is still wrong for her. Looks like she’s wearing a shirt dress, working hard, and rolled up her sleeves. Casual for a state dinner at Buckingham Palace.
And Tiffany…….. dress looks like a bridesmaids dress from the 1980’s southern belle extravaganza.
Blonds don’t wear maroon. There’s a reason for it. Tiff is unstoppable in sky blue, pinks, Easter lavender, St Patrick’s green, and hot reds.
Ivanka and Tiffany are two of the most naturally beautiful women in the world. BOTH of them could wear a flour sack and look gorgeous in it. I just wish they worked with (as opposed to), their natural attributes.
Spot on, Miss Daughn!! They need to hire you!!
I agree on each point! I saw some pics of Ivanka’s dress where you could see the fabric was really nice. But the style of it seemed oddly casual rather than elegant dinner party style.
Tiffany does seem to be quite a bit chunkier than Ivanka. Can’t tell if it is extra weight or just her build/body type? I don’t see her enough to be able to tell. But whatever, her dress wasn’t very flattering to her which is a shae.
I didn’t notice Lara’s purse, so now I’ll have to look for that in the pics.
I, too, was curious if Guilfoyle would show up, but she must not have been invited.
Tiffany has big arms and exposing them with that dress did her NO favors. Her round face did not help matters. The dress highlighted those things and made her look heavier than she is. If you look close, you can see her small waist. Bad choice, I think she will hate that photo of herself. They all need Miss Daughn, our very own Fashionista Stylist Extraordinare!!

I think you’re right! And I could use a makeover by Daughn my self, so there’s that!
She’s tall.
Small printed fabric is a bad choice.
Makes her look like she’s wearing a bolt of fabric.
Needs solid colors which draw the eye to her FACE.
And the completely strait ironed hair needs to go – she’s always messing with it to the point of being annoying.
Ivanka has a body blessed by God. She’s Helen of Troy….. and she’s not using it to her advantage.
Remember the lime green dress she wore to the Met Gala – she was breathtakingly beautiful. Gown was shoulderless, drawing the eye to her face. Hair upswept. And her frame could carry the weight of the dress which was a small pattern but appeared as a single color.
There’s a business dress Ivanka wore to the BMW plant in South Carolina. It was tan/black/white. She was so striking in that dress….. it looked like it was made for her. Perfect dress for her.
I agree with you one hundred percent. I can’t think how she doesn’t know this or can’t see it. And I’m laughing about her hair! I thought I was the only one that just wanted to slap her hands away from her hair and say STOP IT!
Her dress almost looks like a leopard spot pattern. Don’t leopards come out of nowhere to attack?
Shades of GOT?
Ouch! Screaming fine! Steve Mnuchin’s much younger wife was a Maxim model and is from Scotland.
They’re a hot-looking couple, aren’t they.
I am so glad that Pres Trump took Mnuchin with him!
I’m glad Mnuchin brought his wife:-)
Wow! It would be fun to look like that for a week!!! I’d pack a teeny weenie bikini and head for a warm beach with cool drinks and attentive cabana boys!
England. Warm beach.contradiction in terms
Haha! Hilarious Ozzy!!
Yeah, no. Not white tie at all. Sorry, cannot go with the flow on that. It’s borderline slutty.
Agreed. And isn’t she the one who posted a picture of herself getting off a plane with either price tags or designers of everything she’s wearing INDICATED in the photo? Has to be two years ago.
Hey Sylvia ——— we got it.
The Trumps gave the Queen a Tiffany Broach. From Bloomberg:
Gift exchange at Buckingham:
Trump and FLOTUS gave the queen a Tiffany & Co. poppy brooch.
They gave Prince Philip a personalized AF1 jacket and James Doolittle book.
Queen gave Trump Churchill’s
1959 book “Second World War” and a fountain pen.
She gave FLOTUS a silver box.
From CNN:
Gift to Queen from @FLOTUS @realDonaldTrump:@TiffanyAndCo Silver&Silk Poppy Brooch in Custom White House Wood Jewelry Box in Red Leather Box. To Prince Philip: Personalized Air Force One Jacket, First-Edition Signed Autobiography by James Doolittle
TY, daughn, terrific info! Sounds great!!!!
So, if there’s any truth to the ‘Queen sends messages with her brooch’ rumor, the Trumps are sending a message right back?
Would’t surprise me a bit.
Here ya’ go.
While the Obama brought with them Hollyweird and rappers.
Trump is hanging with the CEO’s.
Thank heavens the grown ups are in charge. Finally.
…grownups instead of our petulant, rebellious and generally obnoxious children. But then it appears that London has many to fit that description.
Obama couldn’t keep his end of the conversation up with CEOs so he had to bring Hollyweird stars with him…lol…JV team at best!
You know I just connected something- when you said rappers vs CEO- in the middle of the coverage a bridge piece SkyNews did was remarking on how JZ is the ‘first billionaire rapper’ and went into his investments and holdings….. and I thought , Huh that’s bizzaro, but now I think it’s carefully orchestrated… to cover for the disparity of obummer vs trump (what you just mentioned)
A spokeswoman for the Trump Administration was just on Fox, talking about this trip.
The Foxucker on duty, asked about the UK being our ‘biggest trading partner’…
She said that the UK “ranks seventh” in their status as a trading partner.
But she quickly added that the UK is “an important one”.
Campaign launch video for Boris
OMG…he’s taken Trump’s entire platform!

Even the bit about the ‘forgotten man’!
And the use of the same sort of trailer-music that the Trump-Team uses in their little videos!
Boris, you sneaky devil, you.
Of course, most Brits won’t recognize it…because they listen to state-run leftist media, which blocks out what Pres Trump is about.
Well. I guess he recognizes a good thing when he sees it, doesn’t he? Ve-ry interesting!
PS I did try to go to bed. Still too stirred up to sleep so back again.
Sorry to hear that, Syl.

I know all too well what that’s like, though.
It’s daylight where our President is.
So it like we’re on UK time right now.
I know, that’s the good part. I can keep an eye on what’s going on in the UK.
ohhhh….short lady is an ‘Author and Playwright’……and along with the comedian (from Missouri originally)….they are COMPLETELY qualified to retort on UK/US relations and state of affairs and speak on the US vantage point…..
And now they are talking about MM ….
annnnnnnnnnd she is from ILLINOIS ……….makes sense now…..
look at this great photo from the dinner last night……PDJT and the Queen enjoying a laugh:
Got it from reddit and thought this person’s comment on it was HILARIOUS::
That’s a great pic! “… and then I said, because you’d be in jail”
another meme of this picture, which I love, had the caption, “then I called him Pencil Neck!”
That’s real. You can’t fake that. The Queen is practically grinning. She loves him.
Did you see her laugh when he opened his statement with thank you for the weather? it was so cute.
This Shadow Secretary MP speaking right now is a piece of WORK…..dead eyes and antagonistic and with a look of qreat disgust…….Emily Thornberry……
She’s claiming to be ‘not anti-American’ but ‘she believes Donald trump is undermining Global World Order’…and SkyNews quickly shuffled her off the air, and cut it down, it went to black screen for a second, before commercial…..
I’d agree with her. President Trump IS undermining Global World Order. He’s trying to slay the beast. Thank God!!!
That was going to be my comment. Yes, Trump is undermining Global World Order, and We the People are loving every minute of it.
The NWO reminds me of a damn rat snake I found in the chicken house last summer. It had swallowed three eggs and was trying for a fourth when I found him. He was so sluggish he could only sit there and watch the shovel coming. I retrieved two eggs from him…the dogs got those for dinner. Hate waste. :-]
Did they get the snake to eat too?
The pigs got the snake. Made short work of it. It was 5 foot.
Hmm. Snake flavoured bacon or sniggen?
I sold them to an Asian restaurant so I don’t know how they tasted! But they ate a lot of black walnuts and acorns so it probably overrode the snake taste. :-]
Chicken. Apparently everything tastes like chicken
The Mayor of London is on now……sigh….. his blink rate is out of control…..
Time for me to get out side and explore here….plus I need a break from the TV…..(never a fan of watching it for too long). Enjoy your morning everyone, and will check back later!
I’d be running out the door if the Mayor of London was on my TV, too! Thanks for all the info and have a fun day!
Anonymous conservative good again today
Thank you everyone for the commentary. I almost never turn on the TV so I get all of my news here (and select other places). Really appreciate all of your efforts!
FL Melania was carrying a purse and gloves!
She’s Got the FOOTBALL!!!!!! LOL!!!
POTUS and May seem to be very comfortable around each other. They actually DO have a good relationship.
You get the impression they talk more than we think?
Yep. He also complimented her for working hard on Brexit and not getting deserved credit.
Loved her outfit. Loved her handbag. Loved the gloves. Loved the color. Would like to see what she had on under the coat, though.
Longer clip:
Wider angle:
Ack…I didn’t know that baby blimp was going to be attached to that.
Well it has been taken down now and deflated.
So it’s no longer in play.
I had to fire up the way back machine for this… but… here ya go:
It really wasn’t that big.. It’s all in the camera angle…

It’s only about 16′ tall.
I was………like…….. huh?
If you’re going to make a stand, take an opposing view, then swing for the fences.
The balloon was dopey.
Yup…. dopey is perfect…
Howz bout pusillanimous????
Exactly, daughn. That is a sissy kind of protest if you ask me. And stupid. Childish. I’d be embarrassed if that was all I could come up with.
Amwick!! Is that you as a lttle girl? That’s exactly how I picture you!!!
The scum-sucking media is trying to make a big deal out of the fact that Pres Trump and PM May didn’t shake hands…when they met in front of 10 Downing.

If you watch the clip, it’s not like it was a ‘thing’ at all.
Doesn’t look intentional.
But the enemedia is trying make out like it meant something.
Melania looks uncomfortable. Remembering to smile. Much more solemn and subdued than yesterday. And her outfit reflects it, too.
Mama tiger does not like Theresa May.
Our First Lady is such a trooper, though, isn’t she.
She makes it all look easy.
But it’s not.
Flying around…different time zones…wardrobe changes on the fly.
Her hair and makeup are always perfect.
She is never late.
She’s in a fishbowl, being watched from all angles.
And she handles it with calm and grace.
An amazing lady.
I agree.
Melania has unique ability to “see” everything.
People often ignore her because of her accent and only talk about her clothing.
Whereas most moms have ‘eyes in the back of their heads’, Melania has 20 sets of eyes.
She misses nothing.
Agree. Watch her eyes. She’s scanning.
Maybe her feet are killing her. It makes me cranky just thinking about walking and standing on top of 5″ ice pick heels.
Press Conference- Reporter to POTUS:
What do you think of Khan?
He’s a negative force, he should be positive. He shouldn’t be attacking someone from US that could help him. Needs to clean up his crime.
POTUS said he didn’t see protesters until end, weren’t that many, it was political. No biggie.
Hope this one shows up – it’s a massive rally in support of President Trump and the USA. You won’t see it on the ‘news’.
This is really great, because it shows that the people of our two countries are coming together. Perhaps the darkness over Britain is beginning to fade. The more British people see this, the better it will be, for they will begin to shake off the indoctrination of the Fake News.
If this is a “low key state visit” I wonder what an all out welcome would be.
Dayum…this press conference is brutal!
The questions are especially hostile and snarky.
These press weasels don’t deserve to be even in the same room as our President!
He has handled them well though.
Like a boss!
And left them laughing…..
ONLY PDJT could pull that off.

That was great.
I couldn’t hear all of it though…hope there will be a good video of it.
I can’t wait to watch later!!
Like the apex predator he is! I thought Theresa May was very dismissive of him at first, calling him Donald over and over. He maintained statesmanship throughout and made her look like a bedraggled English terrier who fell in a stream.
He handled the questions fabulously and left the house laughing their butts off. Triumph! Even May looked appropriately humbled.
I love my President so much!
Love your analogy
John Roberts (Fox) asks about Mexico, in UK!! Idiot!!

We have to have Borders.
Tariffs will go on.
Mexico shouldn’t allow millions of people to enter US. They should step up and stop onslaught.
Asks May about Brexit.
Asks POTUS if he talked to her security people, he deflected and never answered
Yeah, I can’t stand that John Roberts guy.

He’s a hostile Trump-hater who is always trying to get in a ‘gotcha’ question.
Layup question for our gorgeous kissable President.
I couldn’t have PAID John Roberts to ask a better question.
I have a hunch…… and I could be entirely wrong…… bu I think President Trump is working on a narrative of “blame the cartels”, and it would be easy to do.
Think about it. Think of the Mexican people who have been killed at the hands of the cartels, everyone living in fear. Mexican gov’t is incapable of providing a safe atmosphere for their people.
Blame the cartels. Trump mentioned his disgust for the cartels today. Trump is ripping the mask off this problem.
So, here comes President Trump with tariffs on Mexico. NONE of us saw that one coming. There’s a team in the USA working with Mexico in Trump’s absence (good cop) and the President in England (bad cop).
Dad’s not happy. Works perfectly for negotiating.
SCREW the cost of avocados.
#1. We have 70K people dying a year because the narco-cartels are ruling Mexico.
Mexico is NOT in charge of their border. We all know it. Reporter John Roberts allowed the President to lead into creating that narrative in front of KEY international press.
#2. About 1/4-1/3 of the population of these countries is now located in the USA with about 60% of them living on our welfare state. Their bad country is NOT the problem of the USA taxpayer.
#3. After NAFTA, people like Heidi Cruz (Ted’s wife) specialized in raising funds for our Fortune 500 to rebuild factories and plants in Mexico. Change the policy, the brokers make the vig on the swing, Wall Street will be happy and rebuild the industrial base of the USA.
#4. Let’s not forget the fentanyl from Mexico is made in China. It’s China + Mexico creating the drug problem.
#5. Largest sector of the Mexican Economy WAS the oil sector at about 25 billion a year. Well, remittances from the USA are now over 30 billion a year. Yes, Trump was right, again. Mexico is NOT sending their best to the USA and the American taxpayer is propping up the cabal in Mexico City.
#6. Obrador is the communist in charge of Mexico. Don’t ever forget it.
And all this attention and focus on the cartels and the Mexican border is going to lead to the discovery of a huge number of corrupt US politicians who have been paid to support open borders policies.
If you skimmed over Daughn’s comment: S.T.O.P. –> now go back and CAREFULLY read the entire post slowly and internalize it. Daughn has explained what the problem is and what PDJT is doing about it.
THIS bears repeating – over and over infinitum!
#1. We have 70K people dying a year because the narco-cartels are ruling Mexico.
Mexico is NOT in charge of their border. We all know it.
“I couldn’t have PAID John Roberts to ask a better question.”
“Blame the cartels. Trump mentioned his disgust for the cartels today. Trump is ripping the mask off this problem.”
It’s a global problem. We get Latin, Latin, Muslim. Kind of like duck, duck, goose. Plus cocaine, fentanyl, guns, and trafficked sex slaves.
Britain and Europe drew the short straw. They get Muslim, Muslim, Muslim. Plus drugs, guns, trafficking victims, plus some of their own kids get trafficked into brothels in northern England, London, etc. And a few get shipped out permanently to harems in Saudi or the Gulf.
Trump is waking up the British people, who only have CNN, not even Fox. Maybe not the ones who are sound asleep, and fighting to keep the covers pulled over their heads.
But his words about Mexico are a small cup of espresso to the ones who are merely drowsy. His voice awakens them to the fact we are all facing a global problem, as an earlier generation of Britishers, Europeans, and Americans faced the global problem of National Socialism and the Axis.
Being aware that a problem is global in its symptoms suggests to the prepared mind the possibility that the problem has a global cause.
As Q says, when one is awake, he can see clearly.
Even when Trump was asked about Brexit, President returned to “immigration” (people against it) as to why he thought the Brexit referendum would succeed.
And last night, during his toast/speech to the Queen, he mentioned National Sovereignty.
He’s weaving a thread.
Daughn, President Trump has given us our position. Buy American – Hire American.
I do not buy anything from Mexico, Canada or China if I can possibly find an alternative. I complain when I can’t find one and it is not too long before the store’s start providing American goods. I do the same with services.
One thing that was linked here the other day is that 95% of generic medicines are made in China. If that is not a set up to kill people or make them sicker, I don’t know what would work better.
I just got a call to contribute to Trump’s campaign. I told them no. I will contribute directly like I did last time. I will not support RINO’s period.
If we all stop supporting these invaders, then they will probably start eliminating the politicians who are on their payroll and we won’t even have to primary them or pay to put them in prison. I think the politicians know that and are very afraid for their lives and the lives of their families. It is best to let all of the criminals destroy each other. I include Canada in this because they are the backdoor. We will have to close our borders and our ports to stop the problem.
No political donations, no bribes and constantly being called out publicly for their betrayal should stop most of the political criminals.
Communists and criminals do not play fair. Ever.
Holy moly… 139 comments already. I guess thats what happens whennyoure on the left coast.
He should be visiting Churchill rooms. Hoping for good commentary.
Welcome Gil! Grab a cup of covfefe and jump right in!!
I bet my fellow Qtreepers can find better pics!! but this is very interdasting!!
In the bottom of this picture, the President has both thumbs inside the waistband of his pants.
He’s living the moment, imagining what the men went through, ordering Operation Overlord.
And he adopted a John Wayne stance…….
Wild, eh?
That is wild!!! John Wayne..hmmm He’d look great in a cowboy hat and chaps!!!!
Thanks for posting the link to the presser….finally got a chance to see it…loved the way he handled the Mexico border question by John.
“it’s complicated business folks!”
WOW !!!!
That would cinch Florida. Do we dare dream of freedom, finally, in Venezuela?
The world is not stupid. Everyone sees what’s happening in socialist Venezuela. Everyone knows it’s only a matter of time before socialism is thrown the hell out of that former prosperous nation so that it might return to its former stature as the economic powerhouse of South America.
Stupid leftist trash.
Duke of York has been earning his keep during this trip. He’s been everywhere. I always thought of him as sort of a back bencher, but the coach evidently put him in to run some plays this time.
So Pompeo is there today. He flies back to DC to meet with Mexico tomorrow. His travel schedule is brutal!!
Think so, eh?
“So, Theresa, what will you be doing after you resign now that you’ve proven to be the exact opposite of Margaret Thatcher and such a failure as PM? We might have a coat checker opening at Mar-A-Largo if you’re interested.”
Melania should wear red more often. Wow.
She looks like a queen.
Red……power statement.
And boy this one practically yells right into Cheesy Chuckie’s face.
Absolutely my favorite meme – even the expression on the faces. Esp. Trump’s.
She rocks those 5 inch nail spike heels like they are tennis shoes. The way she can gracefully sit and rise from those kid size chairs she ends up in so often is amazing! What a glorious time to be an American!
She has the prettiest legs I’ve ever seen — and she’s more beautiful inside than outside.
Our President chose well. Or maybe she chose well……….?
I am younger than she is and i CANNOT wear those heels……haven’t worn those in a LOOOOOONG time, if I’m honest…..
Though don’t they say that the more expensive they are, the better they ‘wear’?? I worked with too many orthopedic surgeons as a medical illustrator who scared me off of heels…..(but then again, I’m not wearing Louboutin’s…..*wink*
One of the MOST satisfying things about Melania’s character, grace, and beauty is knowing that…in contrast to the wookie….she quite literally makes the liberals absolutely FURIOUS with envy.
Consider Hollywood and it’s pre-occupation with appearances and “looks”….
…. they know that Michael was a hideous monster compared to Melania Trump.
Melania’s and Ivanka’s dresses are AMAZING for the dinner tonight!!

and let’s not forget about the food (i love burrata!)
Look at her go!
This is more like it, isn’t it daughn? It suits her PERFECTLY. Stunning.
That’s just it – homerun or a fail.
And she has SO MUCH to work with.
IMHO, this is the gown she should have worn last night…very stunning on her.
Absolutely! It would have been perfect! It’s a showstopper!
Last Night was Melania’a Night IMHO and no need to upstage her..Ivanka chose to be in the white knockout dress on a different night!!
That’s a good point!
right?? I believe sometimes (to your earlier post today) she dials it back and ‘misses’ because she could very easily hit the mark every dang time, but wants the ‘hits in her armor’ (just a theory….)
it’s days like today that make me think of how much fun I’ll have visiting the Trump Presidential Library (which will be on-time and under budget) and feature these images from today…..
“So then I said to her, ‘I think we might have an opening for a coat checker at Mar-A-Largo!”
I typed too fast and it posted….lol
‘HAHAHA!’ I am loving all of these ‘and then I said……’ memes everyone is posting here and on reddit….
HA!! She Popped it!!! Our Own Mary Poppins!!!
Is this for real? She actually succeeded??? Oh, what a gal! Something I have longed to do!
Yup!! Syl! We could tagteam and do this together!!!
I’m in!
Daughn!! We could be the 3 Muskateers!!!
Marica, I suspect you and I could get into a lot of trouble together!
Oh yes……..
is it me, or could she have done a blowdart and run away faster???? lol…..
Excellent point MA!!!!!
We’re going to have to add MA_Swiss for strategy and planning……. or to drive the getaway car.
No kidding!!!!
Hahaha…..sign me up….am fully trained in driving a manual too…..
NO ONE would be safe if we teamed up!!!
I love Gov Huckabee!!!
she looks STUNNING! WOW.
Yes she does Ma!!!And Happy!!
Warms my heart to see the “staff” be included in these wonderful events as honored guests. They work long hours, sacrifice time with family to serve the Administration…and the nation. And, it’s certainly not a vacation to go on these trips…again, a lot of hours spent to make it all run smoothly as possible.
Interpretations of First Lady’s white Dior dress for the State Dinner with Queen Elizabeth – the jagged edges at the top of the bodice are the ragged tears in the US relationship with Britain due to UK/Australia/Canada’s treachery against President Trump with the dastardly devised dirty dossier. And, it stands for the conflict in Europe due to Islamic, socialist and globalist infestation and influence.
The red dress worn at the US Embassy house, could represent the bloodshed in WWII and the D Day invasion.
It could also represent the current bloodshed and misery due to Islam, communists and globalists in Europe and around the world.
Notice how carefully/perfectly FLOTUS dress matches the carpet – doubling the impact and symbolism….like she’s standing in a sea of blood.