Are you ready??? The circus starts at 2:00pm Eastern on CSPAN 3. John Dean is the opening act for the radical Dems in Congress.
“The Joker” was #40 on the charts in 1974. Funny that…..
Here is the link for CSPAN 3 testimony for John Dean: LINK to the Circus
Most of you will remember John Dean as the rat, who plead guilty to one felony and became a witness for the prosecution for a reduced sentence. It’s been a while since the hearings during the summer of 1974, so let’s refresh our memories and go back to 1974. Spiders and Snakes was #16 on the billboard charts – how appropriate.
Out of 51 citations, I’ve cherry picked various actual sources from Dean’s Wikipedia page: LINK to John Dean’s Wiki Page.
John Essley Dean, III, is 80yrs old, born in Ohio, attended Colgate and then Wooster in Ohio for undergrad, and then a JD from Georgetown Law. Married in 1962, one son, divorced. In high school, Dean attended Staunton Military Academy in VA, where Barry Goldwater, Jr., was also a student. Dean became a close friend of the Goldwater family. He was fired from his first law firm for conflict of interest. (Whoops!)
Dean worked as Chief Counsel to the Minority Republicans in the House Judiciary from 1966-67. He volunteered to write position papers for the Nixon campaign in 1968. Dean became an Associate Deputy under John Mitchell, ATTY Gen at DOJ, and then WH Counsel in 1970. Dean replaced John Ehrlichman, who became Nixon’s Chief Advisor for Domestic Affairs. (All the same names, buried in your memory)
John Dean was White House Counsel under Richard Nixon from July of 1970 until April of 1973. As WH Counsel, he was heavily involved in the trappings of Watergate and potential impeachment hearings, responding to subpoenas rom Congress, and production of documents and exhibits for Congress.
The effort, here, by the Dems is to paint a narrative of the Trump Admin as similar to the the Nixon Administration. Although John Dean has somehow called for the impeachment of almost every Republican President. Dean is no fan of President Donald Trump. Dean misses the limelight, obviously, and “Just Don’t Want To Be Lonely” #27 in June of 1974.
Dean was in involved in the planning stages with G Gordon Liddy, of what became Watergate, in fact, the SCALED DOWN version became Watergate. Haldeman was involved in the coverup. You know…….. just “Boys Smokin’ In The Boys Room”, #44 in 1974.
Who were “Takin’ Care Of Business”
Everything came to a head in March of 1973,
On March 23, the five Watergate burglars, along with G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt, were sentenced with stiff fines and maximum prison time of up to 40 years.
On April 6, Dean hired an attorney and began his cooperation with Senate Watergateinvestigators, while continuing to work as Nixon’s Chief White House Counsel and participate in Nixon’s cover-up efforts, not disclosing this obvious conflict to Nixon until some time later. Dean was also receiving advice from the attorney he hired, Charles Shaffer, on matters involving vulnerabilities of other White House staff with the cover-up.
Dean continued to provide information to the prosecutors, who were able to make enormous progress on the cover-up case, which up until then they had virtually ignored, having concentrated on the actual burglary and events preceding it. Dean also appeared before the Watergate grand jury, where he took the Fifth Amendment numerous times to avoid incriminating himself, and in order to save his testimony for the Senate Watergate hearings
In effect, Dean switched and helped to prosecute his old client, President Nixon. Wonder how Dean made that final decision? “Dean had earlier asked Nixon for formal immunity from prosecution for any crimes he might have committed while serving as White House Counsel. Nixon refused to grant this request and his refusal led Dean to cooperate with the prosecutors very soon afterwards.”
Must have been “Midnight at the Oasis” #13 in 1974. Or was it “I Shot the Sheriff” #76 in 1974?
Dean went to prison, got out, wrote books, and sued Gordon Liddy for defamation, and became an investment banker. Dean retired from finance in 2000 and currently lives in Beverly Hills.
When GW Bush admitted to issuing NSA wiretaps without warrants, Dean went after GW BUSH for an impeachable offense. Dean deeply objected to the Iraq War. Yet, no one was listening to Dean, he was just……. “Rock the Boat” #43 in 1974.
On June 1, 2017, Dean wrote an article in the LA Times…….. Dean thinks Trump is worse than Nixon. Link and in doing so, became a pundit, one of the chorus of Never-Trumpers. I told you, Dean was lonesome, retired, and bored. Dean flipped out when Kavanaugh was nominated and fought viscerally to oppose Kavanaugh.
Dean’s Problem, one that he could never foresee or imagine…… was Donald J Trump.
“Then Came You”
Poor lil’ John Dean.
He needs to be happy. Dance with us, sit back and enjoy brunch. I made plenty for everyone. MichaelH helped!
Trump is handling the Presidency like a pro. Makes us wonder what all those other Presidents were doing. Here Lil’ Johnnie Dean, let me reach into my Harvest Gold Fridge and get you a piece of pie.
These hearings for John Dean are an enormous waste of time. We all know it. But then, this is Nancy Pelosi’s Congress…….. And “The Show Must Go On”… #42, Three Dog Night, 1974, and Welcome to the Circus!
Show starts at 2:00pm Eastern Time!!!!!!!!!!!
See you there!!
Aunt Dot bought me one of these to walk back and forth to school. Turn up the volume.
Aunt Dot was a wonderful lady! “Tunes” are so important when old memories kick in!
It was heavy but my most treasured possession as a kid. Made the walk to school happy. I danced the whole way.
OMG!!!! I had one of those chained to me at all times. Mine was Blue.
On the nursery school playground, it made me pretty popular! That beloved little ball took a beating, and when it broke I screamed until Momma got me another!! Precious little brat, I was! 

REMEMBER – who else got fired during Watergate – for lying, stealing, obscuring and falsifying evidence???
It was ol’ Hillary Rodham – even before she was a Clinton!!! She was rotten to the core even way back then.
That my kitchen when I was in high school, except we had the avocado color.
Bwwhahaaa, Grandma had copper, we had harvest gold. Best girlfriend had avocado. Hey, we spent a LOT of time in that kitchen, didn’t we?
LOL. Ah the 70s!!
We had Coppertone™ !!!
Ha! Momma had Avocado appliances with Gold Wallpaper. Grandma had Copper, I liked hers better!
Don’t tell anyone but we had orange shag carpeting in the family room.
Haha, we did too…late ’70’s/early ’80’s
We had Avocado shag, hot pink shag in my room. Gosh, it was awful back then.
Cultural Marxist carpeting! But clearly you were immune to the effects!
Just think – that dangerous stuff is sitting in a landfill somewhere, just waiting to give some young mouth-breathing, slack-jawed, three-white-eyed (sanpaku), safety-pin-wearing, PC fashion designer IDEAS AGAIN.
I said “mouth-breathing” very intentionally. There will be a PSA in the main thread explaining why I did this.
It’s time for me to tell people something about the RISKS of being part of this community. And there are RISKS – for every one of us.
Headed over.
That was a doozy thread convo. Put in my 2 cents.
I’ll go look!
Okay, who had I Dream of Jeanie pajamas? I was sooooo happy when I got my Jeanie pajamas.
Didn’t have those, but did sport the Spiderman Underoos!
Love the music, daughn! Memories of that era just keep flooding back and I am going to listen to each and every song!! Without John Dean!!
Politics did not consume me as a young person, not until President Ronald Reagan when I was newly married and my hubby was in the military! What I do remember during that decade was the uplifting atmosphere centered around military life and life in general… I also remember being terrified when Clinton took office because I knew that democrats did not like the military! I knew this to be a fact because my teen years were centered around the Vietnam war… Sad times.
The Watergate Hearings is what made me a political news nut.
Mom had an old powder blue Smith Corona Typewriter. Dad would bring home the Wall Street Journal, and we had the Times Picayune delivered. I cut out articles but sometimes the articles would printed on the back of the page. I didn’t want to lose them…….. so I would type them out.
It’s how I learned to type.
Watched the hearings every day so I could tell dad what happened when he got home.
Wow. John Dean?
The Democrats are making it EASY FOR US!
Oh – and don’t forget that STEFAN HALPER was right next to EHRLICHMAN.
Funny coinkydink, that be!
So, LIKE, can we get STEFAN HALPER to show up for the hearings?
To put an extremely fine PARKLAND POINT on it, these EVIL CREEPS manipulate history using EVENTS that they STAGE.
They need PRISON for this, and LOTS OF IT.
They’re EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and GITMO is barely good enough.
I think the KHAN SOLUTION of dumping them on another planet sounds excellent.
Sorry Wolfmoon, I just couldn’t help myself!! I am quite the Trekkie!
what a fun thread! thanks Daughn…hope my ‘puter let’s me watch the hearing…got storms moving i here…
Do we really have to look at Nadler all afternoon?
16 Trump campaign people talked to Russians———OMG! We must investigate!
McGann was ordered to fire Mueller – didn’t happen
Asked Sessions to recuse –
WE MUST investigate.
Have to unpack the work of the Special Counsel.
Must craft legislation to make sure no other president does this again.
so he’s copying what the President said earlier–make sure this doesn’t happen to ANOTHER President–Nadler can’t even write anything original…
Yeah, but those two are talking about two completely different things. Hehe.
It’s a panel of 3 former prosecutors + John Dean.
Look at the chic sitting over the right shoulder of Nadler – is she part of the firing squad?
Apparently Barr has made a deal with Nadler, saw it coming in.
Nadler thinks McGhan will testify.
The President’s “troubling behavior”
He’s maintaining that “we were attacked by a foreign adversary and Trump took advantage of that attack”
See there ——- he’s calling for agreement, BEFORE WE START, that we all agree that Russians hacked Hillary and DNC.
…we all agree that the Russians backed Hillary and the DNC….?
Collins is up, he is the minority leader, Repub
this should be good!
c span freezing up but these threads are ok…
thanks for the commentary Daughn! i appreciate it!!!
Collins is agreeing that we were “attacked”.
We should go to the battlefield where we were attacked.
Dems had a problem with who won.
Mueller did not follow what would be natural procedure.
Basically he is asking why these people are here.
Collins just said, “Remember when the 80’s called and wanted their foreign policy back? Well the 1970’s called and they want their star witness back”
Mr. Dean is the godfather, knowing how you do it.
Talking about a President you obviously don’t like, priorities upside down.
Opinions from commentators. Yeah, this is all crap. Collins is right. Collins wants to interview Mueller. Implying Nadler does not want Mueller.
Collins – “Let the show begin”
We have John Dean, a female professor from Univ of Alabama, Mr Malcomb, Columbia/Harvard Law, and another Dist Atory from Michigan, female professor at Univ of Michigan.
Sworn in – they swore to GOD.
Well, that’s a lie!! Did they use a Bible?? If so, their hands should be scorched!!
Here’s Dean ———- giving historical context for the Mueller report, with the Watergate roadmap.
One parallel.
Six examples – he’s trying to counsel the Dems – what an ASSSSSSSSS.
Influence of witnesses with pardons.
Mueller addresses this throughout the report.
BUTTTTTTT we already know Mueller misquoted John Dowd on the phone call, talking to Flynn’s atty’s
Don’t laugh about Dean being here.
Rosie Memos put together a thread on the Lawfare group— getting a hold of the previously sealed Watergate Roadmap.
This is very important.
And Dean outs Roger stone, whose name is redacted, but makes an educated guess.
Now in congressional testimony.
Bad thing to do, highly unethical.
And Dean is referring to Nixon as the “president” goin back and forth between 1972-1973 to today. Confusing the public.
NOOOooooooo Nixon never would offer Dean immunity or a pardon.
it’s not like they can disbar him again, right?
I wish.
Pres Trump just tweeted this:

This whole thing is such a crock!
I hate it that our President is having to put up with this.
Wheatie! It truly is a crock!! But just as Daughn’s amazing thread seems to highlight..An embarrassing circus for the Dems to die on!! Americans are simply uninterested–or are laughing at them!–
Think of this as recon.
We have to know what the Dems have, what Nadler is willing to do.
We’re behind enemy lines.
Cue Snoopy and Red Baron right now!!!
This one?
Or this one?
Perfect DP!!! Thank you for the teamwork here!!!
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Johnny Dean, Johnny Dean (with all your cheap tricks)…
After Rosie Memos thread, I’m no longer laughing.
Daughn!! Hugs for going through all this work for this wonderful thread!!! And my oh my that food looks scrumptious!! (Any chance you can add some char grilled oysters to the menu?) I am a bit jealous that you had I dream of Jeanie Pajamas!!!! I too watched a lot of the Watergate hearings!!!
Midnight at the Oasis!! “Send your camels to bed!!”” Youza!!
Music choices!!!!
Speaking of Jimmy Dean, Sausage Gravy and Biscuits, eggs, hot links, and even hotter covfefe would be great

Clear now, Dean is pushing for McGhan testify. Taking the position that McGhan’s client is the OFFICE of the Presidency, not the individual Donald trump.
He infers Nixon messed up by talking about clemency for Hunt (who went to jail).
Joyce White Vance – Univ of Alabama
She thinks there are multiple counts of obstruction.
She’s the authority.
She knows best
Yet, she’s never heard the rebuttal, from Trump’s team.
She’s a fool.
They’re focusing on the “order to fire” Mueller. But that was a quote from a secretary. Trump had reason to get rid of Mueller. Conflicted.
Pressure on McGhan, Lewandowski, others, to get rid of Mueller.
Trump said Manafort would be taken care of.
She says she knows best – 1000 prosecutors signed and agreed. If anyone other than President committed these acts, they would be under indictment. She’s using talking points, “No one is above the law”
Does not bring me pleasure —– but she is sure happy to be there.
VP Of the Heritage Foundation, John Malcolm.
Less enthusiastic about volume 2 of the report.
Mueller did not make a judgement call on volume 2.
Didn’t do his job.
Pushed the decision to Rosey and Barr.
Extremely rare.
Normally when people obstruct, they know darn well they committed a crime, they destroy other evidence…… not what we have here, no crime……. million pages of evidence……….
Speaks to corrupt intent.
Not so here.
President had legitimate reasons to be upset.
Many legit reasons explain the President’s conduct.
still someone has to ask (pardon my French) what in the blue fuck does THIS have to do with Mueller? Dean has NO intimate knowledge of THIS situation, therefore everything is his freaking OPINION and if Mueller couldn’t indict it–it must not be there!
sorry this is pure political theater and such a waste of TAXPAYER money
Barbara McWade, Univ of Michigan.
She’s confident if anyone would have done this, they would have been charged. National Security and all.
10 episodes.
4 of them, substantial elements for all three elements.
McGhan remove Mueller.
Asking McGhan to lie
Asking mcGhan to create a doc to support the lie.
Focus on future elections only.
Persistent efforts to preclude the Special Counsel
Asked Lewandowski to send a message to Sessions.
If any of them did what he asked —— Trump would have been successful in limiting the investigation and stopped Mueller from learning the facts.
Investigation did find 37 Russians who DID (no they have been indicted not guilty)
If Mr. Trump had been successful in limiting the investigation to FUTURE investigations, Trump would have threatened US Security ——– cuz we could not find out about what Russia did in the past.
Nadler to Dean, asking about McGhan.
WH has not invoked Exec priviledge.
Do you agree?
Dean, I have read the OLC opinion, which states staff has immunity, Dean disagrees.
Dean was cited in the OLC opinion, but Dean made the person available, by cooperating.
CUZ Dean was a rat.
McQuade, is commenting on what she thinks Mueller was doing and what she THINKS Barr was saying.
This is absurd.
She cannot read their minds.
And that’s not what he said.
this is all commentary just like Collins said it would be. How can they “testify” when they have no knowledge of the specific situation?
did she speak with Barr? did she speak with Mueller?
if her answers are no, she is of NO VALUE to an “investigation”…
if I were Collins, I would ask her, what am I thinking right now? if she has no answer, I’d say oh, I see you can’t read minds…lol
The Dems are hanging their hat on “piercing the veil” of the OLC opinion. Yet, the OLC opinion was not relied upon.
Again, Vance, Univ of Alabama, reading the mind of Mueller.
Should Mueller team have stopped when they realize they could not indict a sitting president according to OLC?
Vance: He had to investigate while memories were fresh.
Nadler’s staff has written questions and its clear the witnesses KNOW the questions.
Speed reading.
Ahhhhh, the President must “faithfully execute the acts of Presidency”
therefore he cannot be corrupt – at any time.
are the repubs allowed to question these buffoons???
Am I the only one on this thread?
Im lurking!!!
i finally got a WP account and can join in on the rally/hearings thread and I can’t watch the darn thing…
I was out and then took a vitamin D bath since we actually have sun. Thanks, though. I’ve watched “All the President’s Men” often enough that it sounds like the Dems are trying to relive their glory days, real or imagined.
no, but my computer is not allowing me to stream anywhere–not c span, not fox…sorry, I am just soaking up all your commentary Daughn!
Ahhhhh, we have tweets from McQuade to Mueller —— sending it to Rachel Maddow, who thinks she found the collusion.
OMG – McQuade, says Mueller was not able to establish conspiracy……… but members of the campaign talked to Russians……. she actually said that.
Collins to Dean: On page 112, Trump did not want to talk about a pardon for Flynn……. so why are we talking about it?
Collins is stressing, proving, that the committee has far less information, details, facts, research, etc., than the Special Counsel did.
Slap Dean right now.
Dean insists the investigation by congress is important for public education and because so many people have not read the report.
Who the HELL does Dean think he is?
he’s a CNN commentator, that’s who! LOL
McGhan said he told the President that the onflicts for Mueller were ridiculous.
President complained (so would I)
Dean was last in congress July 11, 1974, and the Dem congresswoman, was also there, working for her predecessor.
Dean Rule 1.13
Client is not the constituent, the organization is the client.
Dean is steadfast, the OFFICE is the client.
Dean insists the President has no atty-client privilege with Trump.
They’re after McGhan.
yeah well, someone should ask the DUMBASS if he can be paid for his legal opinion because he’s been disbarred!!!
Have to take a break – BRB
take all you need…your commentary is priceless!!
Isnt it tho Pat?!!! Daughn is indeed a treasure!!
Well– at least 1 person other than you is actually watching…
Husband home, drooling over the hearing, arguing with TV.
say hi from us!
So—This is his Goal? Good luck with that—Nixon doesn’t hold a candle to Obama–Could this be the tie in? hmm
Shh! We’re not supposed to know about the gypsy lady he’s been seeing for crystal ball readings and a seance or two.
Steve Chabot, Repub frohm Ohio, telling personal history of 1970’s.
Ohhhhhh, here’s the hammer.
Chabot reminds Dean that CChabot waited for report from Mueller, but Dean shot his mouth off, on collusion, before the report was delivered.
Sheila Jackson Lee…….
She’s zeroed in, rather, her staff is zeroed in, on Trump pressure to McGhan to fire Mueller.
Any decent highlight clips?
Ahhhhhh, now, we have Jackson Lee, asking Dean, to read the mind of McGhan, and testify about it.
it’s like neither of them have ever been a lawyer…LOL
Hey Daughn–Who they talking about?
Mueller is the elephant in the room but none of he Dems asked Malcomb any questions. Malcomb creamed them.
Louie Gohmert.
Attacking Dean.
ohhhh I bet that’s good!
Oh, it was!
If this is the case…Thanks again Daughn for viewing!!!
Love Louis Gohmert!
This thing has been so nauseating…
Thank you, Daughn, for watching it…I have to mute it and look away when the crapweasels are talking!
lightening strike really close to the deck…be back after the storm passes…sorry!!!!
thanks Daughn!!
Steve Cohen, to Dean, asking Dean to read the mind of McGhan, again.
This is very strange.
No first hand testimony.
Just………. watch a CNN panel and you get the same thing.
lol uber-goober
Husband having a meltdown.
He never knew that the DOJ had looked at the question of whether Mueller was conflicted. DOJ ruled = no conflicts.
Husband pulling out his hair.
“Mueller was interviewed for FBI Director the day before. Turned down. Of course, he is conflicted”
“Second, Mueller was a member of a Trump club, didnt use the membership, wanted his money back, Trump Org said no, Mueller sued for his ……..what……… $100-200K?”
Would that be Mueller using threat of former FBI Director or current FBI Director to get his money back?
What a cheap bastard.
who looked at it? Rosenstein? the one who appointed Mueller?
Yea, that one, RR, the White Hat. (pure sarcasm)
Was on the road…missed seeing the testimony.
Jim Jordan…… going after statements which Dean has made which illustrate overwhelming bias of Dean.
He’s doing a great job.
Holy Shitake Mushroom……….. Jordan has wrapped up Dean in a big blue bow.
This is the mother of all clips.
Making the highlight reel.
Yay!!! I love me some JJ highlight reels!!! He is ALWAYS locked and loaded!!!
Seriously, what did Dean expect? He has a criminal history, and he is biased against Pres. Trump.
Jordan’s five minutes are GLORIOUS.
Jordan nailed Dean because Dean talked to Lanny Davis the night before Cohen testified and told Davis to HOLD Cohen’s testimony for as long as possible…………because the Republicans would pick it apart.
In other words…….
Dean obstructed justice and precluded the Republicans in their job of examining Cohen.
He was on Erin Burnett’s show, CNN, the night before and bragging about it.
But then, Dean also pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice in 1974.
OMG, that was beautiful.
Nadler came back and chastised Jordan for impugning Dean. Jordan was defiant, Jordan said he “read his own words”……. “You’re wrong”
Hi Daughn – newbie here. Dean lied about not going to prison – wasn’t he there for four months? Dean told Jordan he did not go to prison so Jordan corrected that he (Dean) only plead guilty. Jordan started to say again about him going to prison but again corrected it to plead guilty. I think that was significant.
Question: If Mueller was investigating “Russian collusion”, obviously missing the elephant in the room (Hillary), but President Trump was told IIRC on more than one occasion that he was not under investigation, how could he have obstructed justice if he felt that Mueller was doing a poor job (which he was or we wouldn’t be here now) and Mueller needed to either recuse or be removed?
I listened to a lot of the testimony and I just don’t “get” the obstruction part. Any insight you can give would be helpful. (I see this as Hillary collusion along with Uranium 1 and the democrats trying to remove a sitting president and the alphabet agencies trying to do a coup.)
Thank you for all of your hard work.
HEY, Linda…. Waving!
Glad you are here.
Good point. I am not sure of all the particulars of Dean’s deal.
Sentence was greatly reduced for cooperation with Senate Committee WHILE HE WAS representing the President….. talk about a conflict….
The Committee was not focused on the cover up.
Because of Dean, the Committee became focused on the cover-up.
Dean asked Nixon for immunity, Nixon said no. For Dean t get out of trouble, the case pivoted to the cover up.
Dean was WH Counsel. Dean took the position the WH Counsel represented the OFFICE of the residency and not the man, therefore had no atty/client privilege.
Allegedly Dean spent 18 months in witness protection cuz of death threats. He somehow got prison time credit for this.
Dean took down an American President to save his own skin. And the Watergate break-in was a scaled down version of what Dean wanted to do. He tore the country apart and damaged the USA
Nixon was a minor player.
and you’re right about the 4 months
Hi Daughn, waving back. John Dean was originally sentenced to 1 to 4 years. He surrendered to US Marshals on 9-3-74 and was held at Fort Holabird Md until 1-8-75. THEN his sentence was reduced to time served in custody, just over 4 months.
A relative of mine was a ss agent and worked on Nixon’s detail is why this interested me. It was my original understanding that Nixon didn’t really know about all this until almost after the fact but he took the fall for it – just like they are trying to do to our current president.
Ohhhhh, how cool. Bet you have great stories about that time period.
Yeah, agreed about Nixon’s surprise.
Most of the focus was on the breakin and who was responsible. Dean was the architect of making the case more about the cover up. It’s so clear to us all…….. now.
I bet this an actual Hoot to watch right now…
My mother is a Watergate junkie, and she thought this was hilarious.
I am looking forward to Daughn’s highlight reals!! Just for the Jordan and Gaetz factor!!!
Oh, yeah.
Gaetz is hilarious…….. OMG, this is wild.
Repubs are treating this hearing like the farce that it is.
Dean has no first hand knowledge of single fact.
Gaetz asks Dean how the Dems are going to pay for Medicare for all.
Cuz if we’re going to ask you about things you don’t know anything about, why not start with the big stuff.
OMG, Gaetz is burning down the house.

OMG!!!!! that sounds AWESOME!!!
…things you don’t know anything about…LOL LOL LOL
what’d i miss?????
JORDAN? oh man I hope there’s a highlight reel tomorrow!!!!!
NOTE: The word “firing” of Mueller, did NOT come from McGhan, it came from a Secretary who wrote down her recollection of the meeting when she went back to the DOJ.
Trump can easily contend he wanted Mueller to recuse.
And Mueller should have.
Recusal is self-enforcing, there is no appeal.
Mueller had no business on this case, at all.
And even if Mueller was recused, it would not have stopped the investigation.
“…it came from a Secretary who wrote down her recollection ….” === HEAR SAY!
Again, McQuade is readding the mind of McGhan………..
Confirmed, TRUMP DID NOT USE THE WORD FIRE (Mueller), Trump wanted him recused and did not think McGhan was fighting hard enough.
Concerned about a NYTimes story…… other testimony from Sarah Sanders, Hope Hicks, and McGhan confirmed PARRRRRRRRRRTT of the NYTimes story is true. Trump wanted Sarah Sanders to hit back and correct. Trump said he never used the word “FIRE” and McGhan confirmed this….. but thought the President was testing his metal. How far McGhan would go to get rid of Mueller.
Cuz the President thought he was conflicted.
Andy Biggs going after Dean, his crimes are many, and he is a biased witness.
Remind me again, why are we here?
we’re here for the food, fun, and friendship…and of course, the farce!
So true Pat!!!
Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, and Chevrolet?
(OK, I’m a Ford/VW guy, but don’t tell anybody
FORD!!!!! in our house!!
Us, too. Although, it be strictly due to family connections at a big dealership.
I’d rather have a burger, truth be told.
Here we go, Biggs is going after Vance…….. Dems are trying a new path, that President Trump did not “faithfully execute” the law.
Biggs is going through a litany of laws broken by the Obama Admin….. where they did not faithfully execute the constitution of the US.
Ohhhhhhhh please, Nadler allowing Dean to defend himself and respond strike down Biggs statement.
They would never allow this to a Dem.
Partisan committee.
Dean is an asshole.
His response to Biggs will make the highlight reel.
Dean told Biggs he was the Goldwater professor at ASU, where Biggs attended, and if Biggs had a problem with him, he should take it up with the Board of Regents.
oh my…Bernie’s left nut sack? there’s a visual that will leave a bad taste in your mouth…

Vance, husband is spitting fire at this woman.
We have a hart brought in, of all the times the President tried to get McGhan to “fire” Mueller.
But we just had confirmation that the President did not say “fire”.
Karen Bass – Why do you take notes
McQuade, to establish record.
McQuade inferring that the atty’s “notes” are correct and accurate.
Daughn I can’t say thank you enough for your rolling commentary!!!! you make these fun even if i can’t watch and yell!!!
Here we go, We all know why we are here Tom McClintock, California. Repub.
The Dems have talked about impeaching Trump since a week after he was elected. Points out Nadler was overheard discussing it on the acela train.
No proof, total lie, dossier, russians, litany of everything Trump gave to Mueller to cooperate.
Finally Malcolm, asked why red flags raised, did not Mueller investigate how it all started.
To Malcolm, problem with Mueller’s portrayal of John Dowd phone call.
Kilimnick was really an asset of State Dept.
Trump campaign being approached overseas.
Bombastic statement does not mean he committed a crime. Trump could have picked up the phone himself and fired any of them.
Cicilline, Dem RI, page 91.
Lewandowski, meeting about Sessions.
Sessions should give a speech to defend President.
How serious is this – to Vance.
“We were attacked” russia – focus investigation on future elections, impact on national security. Failure of President to faithfully execute the laws……
To dean – is this normal?
Cicilline condemns Repubs for not allowing witnesses to testify……
Nadler…….. it is true the WH has ordered witnesses not to testify……. “but we’ll get’em”
Is that a threat?
Cline, Repun from VA.
He catches Vance in her bad tweets.
OOOooooo she’s bad.
She accuses Trump of collusion.
Ahhhhh, Vance thinks there is a lot of evidence but not sufficient evidence for conspiracy……. cuz Team Trump talked to Russians.
Jordan to Malcomb, do you think Mueller failed to do his job?
Im too young to know the history of all this but i do appreciate the play by play!
I might puke, it’s Swalwell.
Focused on Lewandowski ordered to approach Sessions.
Swalwell to Vance – her voice….. nails on chalkboard, so pious.
The idea of investigating future elections does not make sense. How would one investigate a future investigation?
Swalwell —– Our fragile democracy….. BLAH, blah, blah.
GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Democrat Star Witness John Dean:
Democrats be-clown themselves again:
What I think the DEMONcRATs are doing is relying on the short memories and small minds of the knuckle-dragging sheeple known as the DEMONcRAT party and voter base. Attracted by the globalist, deep-state, illuminati siren call “Perception is Reality”, they hear the name John Dean and flash on “Watergate”, thereby associating VSGPDJT with Watergate, either consciously or subconsciously.
Sounds stupid, or odd, but that’s how they play (could also describe their voter base, but I digress).
This is why it is crucial that John Dean, Worm Nadler, and the other leftist bawbags be thoroughly discredited, embarrassed, and left to hang out and dry, hoist by their own idiotic petards.
The House of Commies has become a disgrace, not just to the USA, but to people everywhere. I rather expect our Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves.
May GOD Forgive and Help us all; and may HE expose the deep state’s evil crimes, doings, intents, motives, operators, and evidence or other things that they have hidden, so that TRUE JUSTICE and RESTORATION of OUR REPUBLIC is done.
“Clearly I’m here as a fake witness”….
There. FTFY, John… Some things never change, eh???
Repub from ND, good question……… Malcomb.
How important is it that there was no collusion.
Could President have fired Mueller, McGhan, Sessions at any time? Yes, yes yes.
No intent.
He asks Malcomb if he read the Clinton email OIG report, —- yes
She was consistently given benefit of doubt.
If you have legit reasons for acting in such a way, and actions that look both bad and good…… how does one establish intent?
Ted Lieu ——- cough
Page 3 Volume 2, “OMG, this is the end of my presidency, I’m effed” (Ted Lieu said the word).
Asks Dean, is it the job of Atty Gen, to protect President.
Dean waxes about the honor of the DOJ.
Poses question to McQuade – same response.
Page 98, called McGhan at home, get sessions to recuse.
What does this mean to you.
McQuade says this goes to Trump’s intention to limit the scope of the investigation, cover up of payments to Stormy, meeting at Trump tower………. all elements exhibiting collusion.
Greg Steube Repub
Isn’t it a fact that Trump allowed McGhan to testify for 30 hours?
Is it obstruction to fire an FBI director.
Couldn’t Mueller have rec’d President be charged.
Instead he kicked decision to Barr – who concluded not enough evidence.
Walking through chilling effect of this episode on future presidents. President has to be able to get clear advice. Firing, not hiring, being aggressive… would CHILL all future presidents.
It’s why the Special Counsel should have focused on facially illegal acts. NOT reading the president’s mind as to whether or not he was acting badly when he thought about firing someone.
Jordan asking Malcomb about Mueller statement of “we do not charge nor do we exonerate the President”
is that appropriate.
Malcomb – no.
Raskin, Dem, asks Dean.
When President tells comey, “Hope you can ‘let it go’ about Flynn” – and “he’s a good guy”
Again, let’s have Dean read the mind of the President, according to Comey’s NOTES?
McQuade also seems to think this is a confirmation of Trump ordering Comey to let Flynn go.
McQuade thinks this is reason for these hearings, charge the president.
Ahhhhhh, Vance seems to think this tells her all she needs to know about Trump’s state of mind.
This is a mind-reading exercise.
Maybe there’s a crime, maybe there is not, but she thinks it is clear at this time the President wants the investigation shut down IN CASE THERE IS.
How the hell can she responsibly make this statement?
Raskin, claiming Dean to be a man of honor, integrity…….. blah, blah.
Dean, back then, we did a lot of good…….. unwarranted extrapolation, we do a lot of good now as well.
Lowering prison sentences for nonviolent crime, tax acts, etc.
Any statement from a pundit claiming, “If it were anyone else, they would be indicted…… President is not above the law” is BS statement on it’s face and designed to mislead the public.
The President has Article 2 authority. Could have fired any of them. He didn’t. AND TODAY we have confirmation the President never used the word “fire” about Mueller.
Jim McGovern, Dem from Mass.
Screaming about Barr not releasing the whole Mueller report, family separation, border wall military funds, president not providing low cost healthcare……
It’s a speech.
He’s stuttering.
Talking about a resolution he proposed last week……. against Barr.
Forcing McGhan to testify.
Every committee chair has authority to go to federal court to enact civil subpoenas ——— wait a minute, isn’t that the job of the DOJ? And don’t we have a judiciary for this?
reading the statement is silly – hard to feign indignation when reading a statement.
daughn I’m just sitting here reading your posts while eating popcorn. Carry on!!!
Tom Cole — but this has never happened before.
No shit, Sherlock….. Why do you think the President is pissed?
He wants McGhan…….. they want to roast McGhan.
He notes 454 days from time they had Holder to the time they voted for contempt…… the speed at which the Dems are moving is harming the institution and all of us.
The House has not voted to hold McGhan or Barr in contempt.
He strongly urges the Dems to continue to work with the DOJ to not harm the Congress.
Back to McGovern, he thinks the President is obstructing by not having McGhan and Barr testify.
Wait——– I’m in a different committee now.
It was not over…… Nadler.
Did they gavel out?
What happened?
Tom Cole is a Repub from Oklahoma, trying to urge common sense and take a breath on costly litigation for subpoenas to Barr and McGhan……. should be last recourse.
NOT the first knee jerk reaction.
House has not even voted on it.
Majority leader McGovern, says “Trump said we’re fighting all subpoenas” and if we go ahead and sue the WH that will keep them honest.
Otherwise undermine the Congress.
Dem from California……. is so upset…… WH is not being transparent …. we can’t do our work……. no one is above the law……. we’re suppose to investigate those who have done criminal wrongdoing……. refuse to be transparent…….. and that’s what we’re doing…… urge to move forward……. this is why we were elected.
NOT for the economy, NOT for JOBS, NOT for illegal immigration……. she wants to investigate.
What has happened is that Barr has agreed to give Nadler SOME details. Not all that he wants, of course. So it;;s kind of silly to sue for not getting info when you’re in the midst of getting info.
Same people in both hearings.
Senate Judiciary has not had these hearings as yet, about the subpoenas for Barr and McGhan.
Raskin, we don’t need Senate, to go to court on Article 1 or Article 2, without the other half of Congress. Bob Woodall, from GA, arguing that the case would be stronger and if we’re going to set precedent and change Article 1 or Article 2, then we need to exercise caution.
Okay I’m out.
Okay, they flipped to CSPAN 1.
How did I miss that part?
Cohen Costello and Giuliani tweets back and forth, implying that Trump is inferring Cohen should remain loyalty and get a pardon. ——– Mind Reading again.
Ohhhh goody, Ratliffe is up, this will be good.
He’s raking Cohen, buckets of chicken, convicted felons as witnesses…….. this is good.
He’s going to remind us why we’re here
Well developed conspiracy with Russia and trump = false.
Dossier = false
Conspiracy that never existed = justify efforts to their base, to impeach Trump for obstructing an investigation they knew and the President knew, was false.
Blurb about legal predicate for the investigation.
started by same people who started false investigation on obstruction
Comey, Page, Strzok, McCabe.
Ridiculous theory, that Vladimir Putin may have ordered Trump to fire Comey…….
it is bizarre, eh?
Ratcliffe ————–
SLAMMMMMMMMMMMmming Dean, have no problem with you, you’ve paid your debt to society.
You’re entitled to your opinion.
Did you know in the last 2 years you’ve tweeted out 970 times about Donald Trump…..
And all 970 are negative……
Ratcliffe, ya’ll can do whatever you want. You don’t need a reason to impeach the President, as was clear when Dems voted for impeachment before we knew anything.
Quit wasting out time and do what you want to do.
Garcia, texas Dem.
“Pardon discussions were occurring at the White House”
This is coming from a source Cohen heard about.
He understood as long as he stayed on message, he would be taken care of.
Vance ——- now mindreading on hearsay, from Cohen, who was convicted of lying to Congress”
And he’s credible?
It’s reprehensible for Vance and McQuade to be acting this way. Totally unethical. They’re lawyers, not prosecutors now. Law Professors.
McQuade, she’s perky. Reminds me of the type who would keep notes for the debate team but didnt have the stones to debate…… or be a cheerleader.
Unreal, alluding to Trump is offering a pardon because trump said he felt badly for Manafort, 12yr old tax case, dug up by the Special Counsel to pressure Manafort.
Excuse me?
Dean differing slightly, the pardon power is unassailable. How could the President not use this power to be impeachable.
McQuade insists trump tweets form the basis for an obstruction charge.
I need a drink after reading through that.
Here’s the 6 mins of Jim Jordan (trying to help Daughn give her fingers a break!)
Thank you!
Yay! DP!! Yay!! Matt! Those Freedom Caucus guys are GREAT!!! Thank you!!!
“Our own version of That 70s Show” killed me.
I loved how he told Dean: “You are a prop!”
“The Ghost of Christmas Past”

Katie! Thank you! That was GREAT!
I don’ t think I could despise the House of Commies more than I do already, but watching them stick to their BROKEN impeachment PLOT just sickens me. And then using the SCUMBAGS who set Nixon up, who kowtowed to the Communist Fake News of the 70’s, and then clung to the DNC WHORE MINISKIRT HEMLINE like the sniveling snot-nosed bastards they were…..
John Dean. As much of a CREEP as his CIA buddy Stefan Halper, or commie newsboy Bernstein the LIAR, who time revealed as a PARTISAN SCUMBAG, and not the “heroic journalist” we were supposed to believe.
John Dean. May he ROT IN PRISON with the rest of them, including the STOMACH-STAPLED STALINIST and the MAFIOSA WITCH.
Screw ’em.
These people do not deserve their American citizenship. They MOCK THE FLAG just by remaining in this country.
Yup. Dean in Debt to the Devil and his payment is coming soon.
Gee, Wolfie…you need to learn to let it all out. Don’t hold back…tell us what you really think.
LOL! Nothing that a good NAP couldn’t cure!
Preach it brother, damn I could sit and listen to you all day long preaching the TRUTH, they all need to learn the TRUTH shall set you free.
Ohhhhhhhh for heaven’s sake.
Neguse, Dem from Colorado.
Listen to this one.
SOME members of Team Trump used encrypted apps or non-retention apps……. in the two years of the investigation. Therefore, the Special Counsel cannot RULE OUT.. if only we had access to those tidbits……. this is a gap……… more evidence might mean we could get to the bottom of what happened……. if only we had those What’s Up chats about Manafort.
And to infer that Team Trump is destroying evidence……. because someone used a What’s up app in two years…….. are you kidding me????
This is another statement, on page 10 volume 1, like Mueller’s statement, “we cannot exonerate” cuz there might be some small piece of evidence that I didn’t see……. in over 2 years.. with an unlimited budget.
Vance concludes by painting trump…… if he was so cooperative, then why did he not testify… implying the presidents guilt.
Hmmm. And what about those 33000 mails of Hill-the-BEAST, and her “wiped-with-like-a-rag” server???
Lucy McBath, Dem from GA.
Trump says no one disobeyed my orders.
But we have a chart of people who apparently disobeyed his orders.
How is this relevant?
This is hilarious…….
Dean says there was a time when Nixon ordered the firebombing of the Brookings Institute.
He wanted to go in after the bombing, and get materials inside their safe.
The guys ignored it.
Sounds like something COMMUNIST FAKE NEWS would come up with. I’m calling bullshit.
The House Judiciary Committee is not very judicious.
This sounds more like Australia than the USA – all this being a Kangaroo Court.
Or maybe it’s Japan….Kabuki theater or Sumo wrestling. Snort.
Repubs are NOT doing a good job at explaining —— we still have doubts and no proof the Russians hacked anything.
Repubs are not driving home the point, Trump never used the word “Fire” about Mueller, and even if he did, he could.
Jordan is back.
Could a lawful action be criminal — pardoning a criminal for a nefarious reason.
The President has committed no criminal act.
He did not stop anyone from testifying.
Anything to stop Mueller – no
Did sessions un-recuse
And Nothing wrong with asking Sessions to consider it……… not criminal.
Collins, good point. Slight conversations about everyday conversation, frustration, from a President, among staff who understand him.
I’m thinking about the time I was standing in the kitchen, ranting that I wanted someone dead.
Brain looked at me (former Navy) and said, “Miss D, you want me to kill him for you?” and he was dead serious.
Scared the heck out of me.
No…… don’t kill anyone. NONONononoooooo.
That really tells me how much the Demoncrats have reduced us to debating BULLSHIT in Congress.
Even in SOCIETY.
The House of Commies is WORTHLESS because of what these commies and their foreign allies have done to it.
Trump Tower
McQuade…….. I’ve never seen anyone this biased. Trump Tower, not prosecutable by Mueller, because no willfulness established. Nothing of value transacted.
But it was terribly unpatriotic………..
Vance is assuming facts not in evidence, she is forgetting that Comey told the President he was NOT under investigation for MONTHS.
The President KNEW he was innocent and the FBI Director lied to the President, telling the President that he was not under investigation.
Paragraph 9 Section 1 of Nixon impeachment has to do with pardons being dangled. Dean says congress established this precedent.
But Trump did not dangle a pardon.
Escobar, hilarious, her staffer is in the way of the camera, videoing the congresswoman for youtube fundraising.
No McQuade, the President was NOT directing McGhan to create a false document. The President wanted McGhan to clear up the record.
The President did not use the word “FIRE” about Mueller. Confirmed again today, with notes within the Mueller report testimony from Sarah Sanders, McGhan, and Hope Hicks. The NYTimes reported it as “FIRE” because they got it from a secretary at the DOJ who wrote her notes when she got back to the DOJ.
If McGhan took it as, “I thought the President wanted me to fire Mueller” that would be one thing – although not the right thing. But we are not even THERE.
McGhan said he saw it as the President “was testing my metal”…… how far he would go to get Mueller recused.
Because Mueller should have recused.
Demings, female from Florida, she has a wonderful voice, could listen to her lie all day long.
John Dean claiming Mueller was thorough cautious prudent, whereas Barr’s report was skeletal.
Apples and oranges.
Correa —- yeah, you’re making history alright.
He asked Dean why he came forward.
John Dean was worried about Donald Trump from the day he was nominated……….
No kidding……
Damn right. EVERY WATERGATE PLOTTER AGAINST NIXON is up for the TRUE HISTORY to be revealed.
I think it’s WONDERFUL that these CREEPS have their idolatrous awards and accolades SMASHED in this life.
Correa is asking Vance…. explain why lying to a prosecutor is important.
Vance, pious, that’s how we protect the institution, we take that very seriously.
She does not describe how it is misused.
Dean….. the firing of Comey is many parallels to Saturday night massacre from Nixon.
This is silly, Nixon is not Trump….. and Dean is talking about listening to the Nixon tapes.
What does this have to do with Trump?
Sorry – Comey is a criminal. DUCK YOU FEAN!!!
Seriously, Trump has a very simple defense about Comey.
“Dirty Comey let Crooked Hillary off and admitted he did it. He was investigating me, LIED about that, and I knew I was innocent. I didn’t want a crooked FBI director. SO I FIRED HIM.”
“Comey then engineered the prosecutor for whom his henchman McCabe would work – Comey’s old underling Mueller. What a dirty arrangement! PROOF that I was right to fire the guy!”
Firing Comey was Trump’s DUTY.
No Dem will talk to Malcomb.
Stanton, Dem from AZ is now asking Vance and McQuade to argue against Malcomb, without allowing Malcomb to respond.
McQuade still arguing “Faithfully” exercise powers of the constitution.
Malcolmb was stating that the President should be investigated for facially obvious crimes.
Vance, arguing Blagojevich, took a bribe for the senate seat, took a bribe, corrupt motive, dutifully charged.
Did I miss it? When did Trump take a bribe?
Vance arguing that Trump tweets, in broad daylight, constitute witness tampering crimes because he implied a pardon. It’s never been proven.
Nadler closing……… still trying to establish, without question, establishing fact……… russians attacked us.
This is a sticky point for Nadler.
I sense a point of attack.
He is acting odd…….. mentioning it in his beginning and ending.
Did he mention under Obama’s watch??
Gavel out
Vance is happy…… ready to sign autographs.
John Dean is surrounded.
Everyone wants to take a selfie.
All in; all done………… thank you to all who contributed.
NOW we get to go and see what the pundits want us to think.
TYSM Miss Daughn, for taking it for the team!! Excellent reporting, as usual!!

Collins, Jordan, Gohmert, Gibbs, Ratcliffe, Gaetz, were wonderful
I would have spent every second of my time posing pointed questions to Treason Dean about his dealings with other Watergate “witnesses”, and most especially STEFAN HALPER. Just grill him.
Heck yeah, we have so many questions about that time period.
Halper, for sure.
LOOK at the words to the last song.
Since we started with a song ……… here’s the message to Congress – from Elvis.
Thank you for details of John Dean testimony. I missed it in real time as I was delayed borrowing pom poms from Canadian Foreign Trade Minister C. Freeland and she had to get them from Justin. To attempt to suggest that what is going on during these past 20 years in US even remotely compares to Watergate is to suggest that Egyptians drowned in 3″ of water in the bathtub when crossing the Red Sea.
Finally made through today’s threads.
Wow. The D-Rats are beyond stuuupid have Dean as a witness:-( Simply cannot imagine what the D-rats think they have to gain. JJ, Gaetz and gohrmet all materfully shredded Dean for the lying hack he is…zero integrity.
Surely wish I were online during the hearing.
Hope No-Nads was fully aware of how stuupid he and his committee looks in the public’s eye.
No-Nads needs to huddle up with Mad Max, Nervous Nancy and Cry’n chuck to devise their next brilliant plan.
On the positive side, the continuing D-rats implosion is a wonderful sight…:-) M O A R tomorrow, I hope.
Thanks, daughnworks247!
Daughn’s antenna are ALWAYS worth paying attention to. “I sense a point of attack. He (Nadler) is acting odd…” Here’s an interesting thread laying out why Nadler brought in Dean…it’s been a plan for a long time.
ROSIE Memo thread is a necessary read.
Very important.
In closing Nadler was in a hurry.
He only stressed one point ——– Establish the narrative, conclusively, Russia Attacked us.
It makes Trump illegitimate.
That brunch spread looked totally delish!
That was an amazing spread, wish I’d been able to get in on that! Totally get the “No Food Fights” rule with what gets served up at this tree.
..oh, and the demoncrats are in a world of hurt.
I’m partial to seafood and charcuterie.
I don’t know what that second one is, but I sure do like seafood
I love seafood, let’s see… (looks up meaning of charcuterie) oh yeah, I’m definitely partial to that too!
Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out the big words for a false impression.
Charcuterie = 99 different ways to make bacon and salamis…….. the really good stuff.
No it’s all good, I like having to look up new words that this country boy’s never heard. I’ll never use it and probably forget the word exists by tomorrow. I refuse to even try pronouncing it
. If I hear bacon and salami then I’ll be showing up for some.
I do love you boys!
“Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out the big words for a false impression.
Charcuterie = 99 different ways to make bacon and salamis…….. the really good stuff. ”
I was only teasing you!
I coulda looked up ‘charcuterie’ if I wanted to… but I knew I’d never use the word again anyway — and besides, it was a lot more fun to tease you a little about your ‘charcuterie’
“Here Lil’ Johnnie Dean, let me reach into my Harvest Gold Fridge and get you a piece of pie.”

That’s the kitchen in the apartment I lived in for ten years, lol!
How did you do that?!?
It’s the countertops. The countertops complete the look, eh?
Great post Daughn, I really liked the use of music themes.

Especially ‘The Joker’, an all-time classic
And BTO’s “Taking Care of Business”… great tunes!
1974 was a very good year for music.
It was also the last year for decent TV.
Mission Impossible (ended 1973)
Man from Uncle (ended 1968)
Star Trek (ended 1969)
Adam-12 (ended 1975)
Wild Wild West (ended 1969)
Bonanza (ended 1973)
Gunsmoke (ended 1975)
The Virginian (ended 1971)
Death Valley Days (ended 1970)
Good westerns and intrigue/cop shows. When I came back from Germany in 1976 they were ALL off the air and it was wall to wall sit-coms BARF!
It was part of the Rural Purge — which was a yuuuuge MF’ing deal in Gramsci’s March through the media. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. All the shows about the heartland and self-reliant people got shoved off the air in favor of how fantastic it was to live in cities and kvetch.