Dear MAGA: 20190611 Open Topic

This TO STOP THEM FROM STOPPING OUR MOVEMENT TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

And while the most important thing you can do is to be able to tell our President THIS:


It would also be PRETTY COOL to sign his birthday card!




Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

MAGA Mom had a most excellent summary of something that has happened.

Don’t BLAMECAST about it – please – that just feeds into it. But I want people here to understand what has happened. MAGA Mom did the NUMBERS and they explain something.


June 10, 2019 at 18:56

Let me recap and see if I have a grasp on the situation:

1) Thread on actual censorship, deplatforming and silencing conservative voices, groups & opinions: 61 comments

2) Open Thread: huge debate on being nice and self censoring, name calling, humor v. growing a thicker skin, etc.: 80+ (as I stopped counting) & 27 comments on this topic on this page so far

Hmmm…priorities??? distractions???

Think about where we are spending our time, our energy and our focus, our combined brain power!

I am not saying I am upset with BakoCarl for starting the debate (or anyone else, for that matter!) or that the topic is unimportant. I happen to agree to an extent in huge part because I think certain name calling is distracting and ineffective. Whether it is nice or not I will leave up to others as my mission is not to be “nice” but to MAGA as I said in my comment on the previous page and name calling or disparaging people on physical characteristics or on being gay/lesbian is a turn off to many and therefore decreases our effectiveness as we loose audience to truth and facts re political candidates and issues.


My point is, So much discussion on this topic and not the same on the political enemy and their methods, our choices to counteract and ideas on what we can do. Why!?! What should be our actual focus right now?! We need to spend as much time analyzing, sharing facts, links, researching, synergysing on possible political action as we do sharing our feelings and opinions.

Let’s harness our brainpower and put at least as much time and thought into the censorship being implemented by others as we do on self censorship & appropriate names and criticism for our political opponents.

And Please don’t tell me that I am just being sensitive as I have fibromyalgia and would feel that you are being mean as well as ridiculing and belittling all of those in my condition if you associate negative connotations with sensitivity. 😉

MAGA Mom, June 10, 2019 at 18:56

Now – if I even talk about any of this stuff, to some extent that action falls, MOST IRONICALLY, into what MAGA Mom is talking about. And when I was posting about this stuff earlier – YES – it was exactly what she is talking about.

And LET ME TELL YOU THIS – which REALLY PROVES what she is talking about.

I have been intending for SEVERAL DAYS to talk about the NEXT PHASE OF CENSORSHIP.

I have critical information about this. I tried to do a BIG POST to explain it earlier, and got all kinds of bandwidth problems that made me lose EVERYTHING. I think I ended up calling it “Placeholder Friday” in frustration, publishing a near-empty daily thread.

So I was going to fix it on Monday. But no. I spent all day on a sideshow, much of which was (ironically) MY OWN DOING. Yes. I was – you might say, “Sideshow Wolf”! 😀

HOWEVER, TheseTruths responded by stating something very important which captures why I have wasted my time on stuff I didn’t really want to do:


June 10, 2019 at 20:17

“So much discussion on this topic and not the same on the political enemy and their methods, our choices to counteract and ideas on what we can do.”

This topic IS about the political enemy and their methods and what we need to do. A number of the posts, including mine, have pointed out that they are trying to suppress our free speech with demands of political correctness and censorship. It doesn’t hurt to be reminded of that and have a heightened awareness so we don’t get inadvertently sucked in to their schemes. That kind of psychological preparedness is part of the battle.

TheseTruths, June 10, 2019 at 20:17

This is exactly correct. We ARE in the censorship fight, and BY GOD, IT’S ON OUR SOIL.

Bluntly, we are taking one on the chin – but we are taking it well. Look at it that way. We have an actual demonstration of how they cannot effectively undermine us, but they CAN get us to undermine ourselves.

This is why I was forced to warn people about how the other side will DESPERATELY try to shut us down, shut us up, and make us ineffective, by influence – EXPERT influence – on individual members. Stuff you will likely not recognize, and may NEVER recognize.

And I will NOT let it happen. So I had to inform you about CRUEL REALITIES OF THIS WORLD.

I had to WARN PEOPLE. Because I know what’s coming, and it’s UGLY.

The other side is spending MILLIONS OF DOLLARS – ON THE GROUND – IN REAL LIFE – to shut our side up. RIGHT NOW. I am literally WATCHING THEM do it. LITERALLY. The White Hats know *exactly* what I’m talking about.

Remember what they did to JIM JORDAN in Ohio? That cost them millions of dollars and ultimately FAILED, but you can bet that a shitload (pardon my French) of money was spent to INFLUENCE PEOPLE to make that happen. Individuals. Influenced, positioned, and manipulated. Using LAWYERS. Expensive LAWYERS.

And lawyers, psychologists, and even rat-bastard communists in beater junkie stake-out cars cost money.

They are doing it now. EVERYWHERE. And some of that money is designated to influence YOU. So think very carefully about what the social media puts in front of you, because THEY THINK ABOUT IT VERY CAREFULLY.

Twitter is so much more than you think it is. The DEVIL is in details of CODE that HIDE from oversight or legal discovery.

Most of it is programmed – automated – but not all of it. When they see a point where the economics of influencing specific people needs a human touch, it gets a human touch.

Here is a TIP. They love to use OLD PEOPLE, SICK PEOPLE, and PEOPLE WHO NEED HELP. Those people are very real, and very deserving of our sympathy and help.


Your response makes you PREDICTABLE. And that is all they need.

“Wounded hostage ambush.” I use this analogy all the time, because they use this method all the time.

We are at WAR. So when you go to the hospital, wear an invisible AR-15 on your back. Wear your SPIRIT GUN and watch the fuck out. Because they are watching you.

Now – I close with a VICTORY. We had a big win today.

Not here – but where it COUNTS BIG.

Oh, yeah. This lady was RIGHT.

SO – here is what I’m going to do.

I am going to start working on my censorship post, which CONTINUES the discussion of Daughn’s censorship post. That post should be ready by morning.

We are FIGHTING BACK. And we are fighting back NOW.


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I would suggest that we be like Skateboard Cat:comment image
Skate Cat is moving along…he sees a big dog in his path.
Does he engage?
He just jumps right over that big ole distraction and keeps on going.
He could’ve made mincemeat out of that dog’s face.
He knows he could outrun him afterward.
But no…SkateCat just jumps over that distraction and keeps on going on his way.


dog wasn’t really a distraction there…dog was just something in the way…like an obstacle .
or maybe not…maybe dog was actually part of the fun.


But an obstacle is very distracting, Smiley.
In fact…obstacles are sometimes put in our way to distract us.


🙂 dog was just standing there, being a dog…on a leash…he didn’t even know cat was coming down the pike there ! cat was having fun on the skateboard…cat could have slowed down, stopped, made a turn…or gone around dog…but cat jumped on dog, pissing dog off…then went his merry way…having a blast !
cat provoked dog…then fled the scene….thumbing nose at dog.
I’m a cat person =^-^= but I an see that gif from dog’s perspective. 🙂


oops typo…I an see = I can see…
…sometimes. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

I’d like to have seen that dog test just how fast that cat can make that skateboard go 🙂
I’m a dog person (woof). Would love to have a nice, well-behaved Golden (OK, contradiction in terms, I know), but unfortunately we live on a hill, our house is split level over three stories, and we have open stairs (looks nice, plus when no one’s looking you can…oh, didn’t say a thing). Doesn’t lend itself to having a dog, sad to say, unless said dog could fly, preferably with a minivac and a dustmop to clean off the beams in places I can’t climb to anymore…sigh…
Makes me think of Tevye and his three stairways, one going up, one even longer going down, and one more going nowhere, just for show (haven’t found that one, yet 🙂 )…
Hmmm. Robot flying dog…Nah, just isn’t the same…


Woof Woof Cuppa!! I love doggies!!! 👁 ❤️ 🐶


“So think very carefully about what the social media puts in front of you, because THEY THINK ABOUT IT VERY CAREFULLY.”
I am not on social media, but of course I can read on Twitter, Gab, etc. I’m very much looking forward to the article about censorship and the methods used against us. Are we revealing too much about ourselves? (I have always thought so.) It would be interesting to give them false information to distort their data.


“It would be interesting to give them false information to distort their data.”
That’s true…but then you have to remember what it was that you put out there.
You could get all tangled up in your disinformation if you’re not consistent.
Since I’m working with limited storage capacity in my brain…I prefer to just give as little information as I can.
If I just stick with the truth, then I don’t have to remember some deception that I came up with.


When I signed up for FB a LONG time ago to keep in contact with family, I used my maiden name, and didn’t give quite the correct B-day. Had only family as friends, but over time, have quit posting.


That’s true. And giving them the truth (which is what good people do) is what gives them their power. I don’t know what the answer is.


“That’s true. And giving them the truth (which is what good people do) is what gives them their power. I don’t know what the answer is.”
They already know because they have been at it for a long time.
Funny on my one email I give my middle name and since the computer was registered to my husband it came up on the Internet Google that he is also known as XYZ.
He is diabetic and I got diabetic info into my email he never gave anyone my email. How did diabetic magazine know my email..???? How did politicians know my email address to my husband?
Everything is known knowing that truth actually helps because we do not operate from a dark hole.
At least I do not do wrong that I have to hide.
I ordered a knee brace several years ago on the Internet never gave my home phone I am getting at least
one time a week a call saying someone in the family has knee problems.
One thing about intimidation is that communist operators try to do is want to divide. They divide trust between family and friends. They sow discord between groups.
People gathering to them is dangerous because we can share information. They sow distrust among unsuspecting groups and friends.
I have seen it in East Germany. People whispered no one trusted anyone and they had total control over people that way. The Internet is a nightmare for them because of free flow of information and that is why people are banned. Merkel in Germany when muslims began to commit crimes what did she do? Sh put an Stasi to oversee the Internet and worked with Zuckerberg to identify people to them. They broke the communication about rape and other crimes on the Internet and information was stopped.
We are very lucky to have Trump and we need to be as strong as he is and do our part.
Look at Adler , Palolsi and many more of the democrats they exhibit the tyranny of communism.


I’m in favor of unfettered truth for those of us not officially involved in spy operations. We have had truth denied to us, deflected from us, hidden from us, twisted and turned until we don’t know what is up and what is down.
The more truth the better. The more each of us speak it, the more of us will hear it. The more of us hear it, the more we will make it our own. The truth of what the communists have done to our nation is ugly. The cultural and political corruption is legion. A little Christian truth: When Christ Jesus was crucified, it was said he was so heinous to look at that it was hard to recognize he was human. Yet the truth of what was done to him redeemed us.
Shout truth from the rooftops!


“I’m working with limited storage capacity in my brain” . . . unfortunately an increasingly common afflication! Tell me about ! As the years go by . . .

Cuppa Covfefe

Actually, THEY would get all tangled up. Obfuscation doesn’t require consistency, indeed, it works better with inconsistency. Both chiefio and pointman discuss this, and probably a number of other blogs do, too.
And I’m not even talking about the IT and database dweeb side of it, where “normalizing” data is a way of life, and inconsistent input from varying sources which should match is irritating, to say the least. One thing that some folks do is have multiple online “personalities” from multiple devices, and do their best to drive Garble and Amazoon into the weeds (yes, they share TONS of data, also with the Appleverse).
My favorite story along this line, from decades ago, is a mainframe guy got a bill from PG&E (everyone’s favorite electric company – not) for $0.00. As he had already paid the bill beforehand, he expected to have a zero balance. He laughed, and tossed the bill out.
A few weeks later, he got a demand notice for $0.00, requesting immediate payment. Laughing again, he tossed the ungrounded demand away as he did the first.
A week after that, in a specially-highlighted envelope, he got a final demand notice, threatening cutoff if he didn’t IMMEDIATELY settle the debt of $0.00.
While reading the bill, trying to decide whether to laugh or cry at this idiocy, he noticed some very familiar features to the punched-card with the cut-off corner that we all used to see in PG&E’s bills. Being a good IBM’er, and a systems programmer at that, he added a few punches with “instructions” to that card, and returned it, with a check for $0.00 (just thinking what his back will have to say later on….).
A few days later he got a frantic call from the VP of IT at PG&E. It seems that his card had made it into their nightly bill processing, on a night when a trainee computer operator was at the console. Everything had been running fine, until his card went through, at which point the machine shut itself down.
It seems those extra punches were the instructions for the machine to halt.
The VP pleaded with the man to never, EVER, do that again, to which he replied, “and don’t ever threaten to cut me off for a ZERO BALANCE!”…
Talk about Bend, Fold, Spindle, and Mutilate 🙂 I can imagine that’s what the Veep wanted to do to that fellow. Sort of like this XKCD, little Johnny Tables:comment image


Never trust user input!
On social media, there is no sanitizing method available 😉
Jam the system.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Just like with buffer overflow exploits/bugs. I spent a large part of my career on a platform where bounds-checking was enforced (and enabled) in hardware. Other platforms/vendors felt that was “too costly” both from a hardware and time point of view, and basically moved to a “trust” system, and software mitigation.
It seems that the order of the day was speed; at all costs (to which I say, speed kills). Same thing with speculative execution, which I never liked, because of most, if not all, error- and bounds-checking being turned off (because it’s only speculative). Intel’s in a world of hurt now because of that, and AMD, for the most part, is safer because they chose a more conservative (albeit slower) means of look-ahead. Someone said on a forum the other day that the Bulldozer family would be about even with the Intel competitor architecture were it not for this.
Maybe after I get done cooking breakfast on my FX-8350 I’ll check that out 🙂 (and I’m grilling tonight on my 9590 🙂 … if I had one – over here, power usage has become a factor in CPU choice, leading me to get a 65W 2700 (no X) or 3700X when it comes out. Sad that it’s come to that…


The way I heard the power usage described, is that a modern CPU is more energy efficient per square inch than a heating plate. Cooking breakfast on it is probably a good use of energy.
I never thought the Bulldozer was a bad architecture. I thought it was pretty innovative and the name gives the idea of moving lots of heavy stuff. No matter how many times I read the story, every time the tortise beats the hare. Still there were a ton of people badmouthing it. Speculative execution has always made me queasy and I still don’t like it on the AMDs, but right now I won’t buy Intel. That’s not hard b/c I’ve never been an Intel fanboy.
Hardware needs to do more for security. I like pushing out capabilities for AES into the chipset. But I remember the bad old days when we had no memory protection and I still feel like even with DEP/EMET/etc we’re not totally there yet. I’d like to have FPGAs on desktop workstations but we’d be totally blind to exploits…


Jam the system? Can we use a broomstick?

Cuppa Covfefe

Sand, sawdust, or sugar… or all three 🙂


I would post an excessive amount of content that doesn’t easily fit common patterns. Remember all those “like” features? They’re organized on the user’s page according to patterns: Movies, Books, Music, Games, etc. Notice a theme/pattern? They also track news posts religiously. That’s why they can be so aggressive with their filtering and de-boost algorithms. They have fairly comprehensive intelligence on which sites, articles, and authors conservatives post/share, and it takes little extra work so that when a user posts, it correlates that against know content categories and buries it. They literally know what bubbles people live in (and they get a power trip off it). If you post outside those patterns, you can break those bubbles. But you have to jam it with a lot of content that doesn’t fit their preconcieved usage.

Cuppa Covfefe

Have a look at the source code for a web page, and tally (Hey Steve) how much of that mountain of code is actually doing something useful, for the web page itself. A vanishingly small percentage anymore. Much of it generated automatically, either be the server or the CDN, the ubiquitous “Like” buttons usually come from farcebørk and sometimes are buggy.
I sent a bug report to FB about one instance of this, what the error was in their code, and what the fix was. All I got back was basically “we’re not interested in fixing it”. Despite the fact it was a repeatable, and relatively easy-to-fix bug…
The number of scripts and scrapers that run is absolutely appalling, as well. Economy of code and thought is an unknown concept to them. It’s almost as if it’s the 1960s all over again, with COBOL programmers paid by the line. “Reusable,modular code? Bah, Humbug. I’m paid by the (in)line”… The more things change…
Speaking of COBOL, at once place I worked we had to change the COBOL Compiler due to an issue with a very popular code generator. It seems that EVERY SINGLE (xyzzy, I’ll call it) VERB created a COBOL subroutine, making even a simple invoicing program into a million-line behemoth.
Don’t think those folks were paid by the line, though… And thank goodness they didn’t enable $CONTROL SYMDEBUG to check their programs (I can’t say more, except it can bring a huge machine to its electronic knees in seconds; ironically, the bigger the box, the, erm, bigger the shocks…


Only if you want to risk being burnt at the stake


Well, you could simulate being a psycho and then you’d believe your lies which makes it easier. Just trying to help. 🙂


Yeah like … we’re from the planet Alderon …. heh-heh


I believe the social media platforms are gathering data on their users in order to manipulate and control them. They are then able to do target advertising and target censorship (as with the “you are not allowed to see this tweet” notices, which I didn’t know about). I suspect there is sharing of information among many of the platforms and that the deplatforming of conservative voices that we are seeing now is the tip of the iceburg for what they have planned. I hope the Trump administration is working on this problem; I have no idea what the solution is. The Left is all about control.


Oh I have had the whole nine yards. kinthenorthwest no longer exists after over 10 years on tweeter
She and GracieLoveUSA have/had been shadow banned so many times it not even funny..On FB I’ve even had a few articles, pictures & video censored, even in a private group.
Sounds strange, but retweeting your own tweet seems to help. Also if there is a troll in the tread you are on uncheck them & block them Its ok to play with them for a few tweets, but then get rid of them. This is not only for your own tweeter safety, but for others on the thread. Most of the liberals(trolls) that just pop into a primarily conservative thread are just there to instigate trouble.


Manipulation is another form of scamming people. Having been scammed/ manipulated by a so called friend is the worst too. A “friend” that had scammed other people so that a lot of people thought that person was a wonderful person. And I think that in a way is what is happening, but once you’ve been had, that’s it. It really makes you be the “suspicious” cat!




pay close attention to ppl who don’t clap when you win
rock bottom will show you who is real
make sure everybody in your boat is rowing
know your circle


Was someone we knew for a long time, watched the kids grow up, nice kids too. Don’t know what happened with him, but something sure did. Wasn’t drugs though, maybe some sort of financial difficulties.


Money can do some funny things to people and that’s an understatement. 1 Timothy 6:10.


so does ENVY
seems to me, ENVY is many times, if not most of the time, at the root of trouble between ppl…between groups of ppl.
manipulators are driven by it.


And among family, smiley……can’t tell you all the times I see ENVY create almost unsolvable problems among siblings.


Envy is the technique of the left. It’s hidden in plain sight.
Envy needs an object to operate on. The latest strains of virulent leftism have created an all-around object for envy:
They never come out and say you should be envious of other people. That would be too obvious.
Instead they get you to focus on the object of envy by talking about unearned privilege, inequality, injustice, unfairness. About the same way one would a toddler.
Before long envy has a deep root – all because they focused on the object of envy, rather than on envy itself.
Very Machiavellian in its deceit.
If anyone starts blathering about “privilege” recognize that what they are intentionally doing is stoking envy.


“Money can do some funny things to people and that’s an understatement. 1 Timothy 6:10.”
Envy and greed and power are very distructive.
Communism taps into those human temptations.


We are being scammed every day by people we do not even know, and they are scamming us in ways which are designed to get our approval, which we often give enthusiastically and self-righteously, not understanding that our “righteousness” is factored into the scam.
Even on our side too many minds are filled with Fake News narratives, and are controlled in fundamental ways.
The charades of ersatz Christianity is a big factor in mind controlling many good people. Puppies and kittens have become a national obsession used to control minds. “Public safety” (always bereft of actual cost/benefit analysis) gets a free mind control pass from well meaning people. Etc., etc., etc.
The mind control schemes and techniques have saturated out culture, are highly successful, and now censorship is being deployed to eradicate any vestiges of unfettered thinking.


More and more people are on to the scam – enough to swing elections. The failure of the polls to predict Trump, Brexit and the Aus elections point to this. People give the EXPECTED answer in the poll, and then they vote their actual belief.
This is blowing back on the left. Their censoring and virtue shouting is resulting in ERRONEOUS feedback. They then think that their strategy is working, and continue merrily on that path. No wonder they are gobsmacked when they lose – they simply did not see it coming.
These people KNOW that good ideas based on TRUTH are dangerous to their philosophy – that is why they censor. You attack that which you are afraid of.
The key is to focus on the vital areas of import, like abortion, 2A, and CLIMATE etc (the things that are already known) and make the best, most concise cases for them. Then just hammer those messages at them, again and again until they give in …
Propaganda them with the TRUTH in their weak areas, which are also their most cherished areas ….


I always wondered why I get so many puppy and kitty twitter accounts following me. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Even on our side too many minds are filled with Fake News narratives, and are controlled in fundamental ways.
I’m seeing this in a lot of people. The one thing they seem to have in common is watching entirely too much Fox News. Any open-mindedness to alternative theories, or information that contradicts a narrative just is not entertained. And these are not stupid people.


I noticed FOX News was a problem some years ago. I mean back when Dubya was President. FOX would report things in such a way or some pundit would just say something as if it was a fact, and I would cringe. Inwardly, that Little Voice would say, “That’s not right.” At the time I would shrug it off and figure they just didn’t want to rock the boat or something. But now I see it for what it was. They are driving the narrative. They want us to believe something in order to control us in some other manner.
And Twitter and other social media is rife with “conservative” voices that do the same damned thing. You have to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove nowadays. I really believe we are being forced, sometimes kicking and screaming, to grow in wisdom about how the devil operates in human consciousness. And make no mistake, he is behind communism and socialism and political correctness and Christian fakery and RINOs and most especially Never Trumpers. And many useful tools think they are doing God a favor. Pride. Beat it outta yourself if you have to. It blinds you to the truth.


I am abashed and honored, Wolf.


It was something I heard on Fox News that I knew was not the full story that got me started on my search for the truth over 5 years ago in the spring of 2014. I was absolutely incensed that here I had been trusting their reporting for all this time and they were slanting the news to fit their prerogatives – it was an in-your-face moment! And I woke up!


They WANT us to think FOX is conservative. It serves the double whammy of keeping the Democrat masses distracted with anger against FOX and watching the other Fake News, and it keeps us defending them! Gosh, it pisses me off so bad!

Cuppa Covfefe

Amen Grandma!
The hardest deception to see is that which is ALMOST the truth. 99 percent truth, and 1 percent lies from Satan himself in the deepest pit of Hell (or actually, in Heaven, accusing the elect before GOD’s Throne, 24 hours a day, continuously…). The old “but God didn’t say…..”. The libs and perverts LOVE that one…
But, sad to say, the heretics and deceivers love it too. And they’re all the more dangerous…
Discernment. Seems such a trivial word, yet it is the key to avoid being deceived (along with Prayer, of course)…


“The charades of ersatz Christianity is a big factor in mind controlling many good people.”
Very good observation.
The first thing communism does is destroy Christianity and the rituals. They highjack baptism and replace it with a secular ritual. They are smart enough to keep some of them like Christmas. Just look how Christmas has evolved over years her? Santa Claus is the focus not the Christ child. We perpetuate that with kids. I grew up were Christ birth was the focus not toys.
Going back to ersatz Christianity we are venerable because I believe we have a need for faith just as we have a need for family and when that is not there we substitute it with something else.

CM in TN

Same thing with “public safety”, we are told that just giving up more and more of our rights will protect us from the boogey-man of the day. Question that and we are ridiculed for not participating in “hero worship.” We don’t want to see the incrementalism of tyranny, the security/police state that we are now living with. We want to believe in idealism and whatnot that more and more no longer exists, especially when it comes from our own side wrapped in the flag of “patriotism.” 9/11 and tje un patriot act come to mind.

CM in TN

We need to be more discerning of things and less willing to accept at face value what is being spoon fed to us by playing on our emotions.


They want up to live in Fear. Easier to control that way.

CM in TN

My thoughts exactly…makes us more pliable.


“They” make “us” wear a seatbelt while driving a car……
but NOT when on a motorcycle?
Not even a helmet is REQUIRED.
but, but…..
It’s for our own good!
Fuck that!
Let “US” decide things like this.
Just another TAX for non-compliance?

Deplorable Patriot

“They” make us wear a seatbelt….
And then risk takers are lulled into a false sense of security and drive entirely too fast for everybody’s good.


They are called diner cycles for a reason




A dash of cynicism is a good thing … always be aware of what the heck is going on around you, it’ll can help guard you against all the “you didn’t build that … “ evil persons (I’m working on being civil … I may overheat my lovely mind .. 😑🤚)


Am also looking forward to reading that post as well.


wow— had no idea it would be so large…but thinking on it, coming from your authorship, it’s always going to be a thoroughbred of a piece….
yes, take a much needed break…..regroup and we’ll sling shot you back into it (why am I suddenly thinking we are all a roller derby team out on the roller rink of life???? HAHA)


Not sure if this applies to your situation but I was wondering why you don’t prepare it off-line and save it on your hard drive first, then paste it into the thread? Not understanding why band-width loss would affect your losing your document…..?


School of hard knocks lesson:
I learned a long time ago…..
SAVE your work OFTEN!
You never know when the power may go out.


EXACTLY! Learned that early on in the computer/word processing world. I always set my word processing programs to auto-save every 5 minutes.
The first word processor I ever saw or used was the ancient MTST (Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter) when I was sent to the Pentagon. It pre-dated personal computers and used large 8 mm plastic-enclosed tapes for storing the data. One of my temp jobs right after I ETS’d from the Army was a church in VA that still used the MTST – no-one else knew how to run the danged thing!
Had a CPO friend in the Navy who worked for JCS and he gave me a tour of their computer network and new word processors. I would have given my right arm to have one of those systems whereas all the older women who worked in JCS were scared of it!


Question. Do we have a list of ‘tools’ to help with privacy concerns and other ways to slow them down a bit? I will drop this one in here, saw it mentioned over on gab.


Wolf you’re still on gab, right?


Thanks! Will do!


smiley3 over 2 the gab place…don’t say much…just there…


Got it. Thanks!


I am attempting to ‘DM’ you at gab. No idea what I’m doing, though. lol. If you don’t mind, would you check to see if you got a ‘direct message’ there? Thanks!


I got something from “Emma”…that you ??


and…I also am finding it a little confusing there…I get notifications in email if someone “follows” me …but if I don’t reply to you immediately, give me a little time to find you there, ok ??
I sooo prefer phone calls…but…
wish there were a way to privately share phone numbers w/ ppl here.


Thank goodness it WAS you! I suddenly got concerned…what if I just sent a slightly off color joke to the WRONG ‘smiley?’ lolol!


This is a very serious topic and threat to us all. Ties in with anonymous conservatives last 2 blog posts. McAfee frightened and making threats to release data. Info on ppl having their pets killed etc.
Slightly off topic and perhaps just lost in translation but I read you post twice and didn’t see any French to pardon you for. (Lol)


Can someone give me a brief summary of the McAfee story? Katie mentioned it in yesterday’s thread, along with this tweet. I usually wait until the dust settles on stories to sort out truth from non-truth – similar to what Wolfie is encouraging – but this appears to be coming to a head soon. Only thing I know about McAfee is that he developed antiviral software. Sounds like he is saying he has private information about people in high places. Note, his tweet comes from Cuba?
June 10, 2019 at 22:35
Anyone want to place bets on whether or not he releases the names on Friday?
If yes, anyone want to guess who will be named? (I know, there should be a whole bunch more.)

Deplorable Patriot

After McAfee sold the software company (it still bears his name, but it’s been 10 years at least since he’s had control), he claims the government has been after him. There were trumped charges that he fought – and won – having to do with any number of things.
Anyway, over the weekend, McAfee started posting about being on the run, threatening to name names, and then named the people he claims were sent to “bring him in” or take him out, one or the other. So much has happened in the last three days that detail is fuzzy for me.
Now, this.
IDK if it is a bid for attention, or if he’s serious. The reality is McAfee is just crazy enough to go down swinging with a dead man switch if he really is on the run.


He’s serious all right. His only need for attention is to help forestall any effort to “disappear” him. See los desaparecidos of the 70s.


Adds in a little from his Wikipedia page, mind you it has had over 500 updates since 2010 many of which have happened this year.
McAfee is die hard libertarian of means, physical, mental and money. Ran for President on the Libertarian ticket during last election and pulled in the most Libertarian votes. Don’t remember off hand if he ran before that, thinks he did but I’m not going back to look. He was jailed in Balize for killing his neighbor, but the charges didn’t hold up, during the time of incarceration he is said to have faked some heart ailments until his lawyers could get him sprung. He does have international warrants however Belize is not one of them. He has legal problems here in the States but there doesn’t look to be anything extremely serious. He has had other business ventures and seems to also to be sought after to help run certain business ventures.
Certainly not an all inclusive list of his activities
Some thoughts on him and this current flare up.
1. He’s just being his normal self.
2. He’s maybe doing his gin up for the next election.
3. Someone might figure he could be news worthy enough to take over the head lines in the news and thus take the heat off them. Look squirrel thing.
I’m certainly not knowledgeable enough to endorse any of the three above, but they do come to mind.
Not sure if that helped.


Thanks. It helps. It’s a wait and see. Definitely looks like attention getting – but some times in the bushel of corn is a nugget.


Got called away for chores but was going to add a few minor things.
When McAfee left his business go he also lost the rights to his name and has been successfully sued after trying to use his name in another start up company. His idea on anti virus software was to never let the hackers get in, in the first place and thus the blocking happens outside of the computer. Norton does this now a bit differently in that they mask the connection. Also the guy is a forerunner in the world of bitcoin world and a prolific cocaine user evidently. Genius scoundrel that does not like being held down by convention might sum him up. In big scheme of things I’m still thinking he’s cut away too many cords and has made himself small fish.
Lastly I had started a Neal Stephenson book, “ReadMe” but had put it down for the time being not having time to devote to it, but one of the main character’s seemed to be turning out to McAfee like, (math, cyber, drugs, and bit coin) but I didn’t get far enough along to be sure as life has been turning out to be more interesting than fiction since MAGA and Q came along.


IPOT had something on it…


I’m hoping this wii help. If not anonymous conservative blog may help


“Socialist Media”
Someone used this term in a comment recently…and sadly, I don’t remember who to thank for it.
Because this term is so spot on!
I have lamented before, that the term ‘social media’ seems like a psyop of some sort.
I mean…why was this form of internet communication called ‘social media’?
Why wasn’t it called “cyber comms” or “net comms” or “web media”?
There are several other names that could’ve been used instead of ‘social media’.
But no…it was called ‘social media’ instead.
Which implies that it is something harmless and social.
It also implies that you are somehow missing out on being ‘social’, if you don’t join in and engage in it.
But the truth is…corporations, businesses and the government, all use ‘social media’ as much as individual people use it.
So it’s not just used by people to ‘socialize’ with other people.
Was it called ‘social media’ as part of a plan to make us okay with the idea of Socialism?
It certainly seems to be working that way.
Young people weren’t taught about the evils of Socialism in school.
Not like previous generations were.
The leftists who have taken control of our education system have conveniently omitted all the old lessons on what a Trap socialism really is.
There is now a general attitude that if you’re not engaging in ‘social media’…that there is something wrong with you.
We are also seeing the idea of a ‘Social Score’ being established.
You can be graded on how well you use social media…or not use it.
Like a Credit Score.
Many young people today don’t even know what ‘socialism’ really is.
When asked…they think it something good because it has the word ‘social’ in it!
This is why I think that the newly coined term of “Socialist Media” is so spot on.
Because it is looking like the thinking behind naming internet-communication, ‘social media’, was to get people programmed to accept Socialism.
And since Socialism survives by censoring the Truth about it…we are now seeing Censorship being deployed.


Yeah, ‘Socialist Media’ is really kind of perfect, isn’t it…for describing the way it is right now.
Let’s hope it gets freed up and becomes the ‘Free Media’.
Out of all the things it could have been named in the beginning…I’m kinda partial to ‘Web Media’.
Because it *is* kind of like a web that we can get tangled up in.


a NET .
makes you wonder if maybe that was the intention all along….the net…the web …from the very first computers created.
yet another way to control the masses.
and, like lemmings, we gladly go with the flow.
no offense to lemmings, now…ok ?


Yeah…and we’re all out of coincidences.
I am old enough to remember when there were people working 24/7 to upload tons of information onto the ‘Web’.
I remember thinking…
“Why? What’s the big rush to do that? …We’ll still have Libraries, so why does everything have to be loaded onto the Internet?”
And then the thought occurred to me — “I hope they are being accurate with it and not changing anything to suit themselves.”
We now see that there are powerful forces who want to Control All Information.
The internet is made to order for doing that.
And they want people to believe that ‘everything’ we need to know is on the internet.


exactly….which is why I held out as long as I could before finally getting a computer…I still do not have a “smart” phone…intentionally…and I don’t use social media at all…just a few blogs…
I’m thinking what Wolf is trying to get across to us is…
do not be easy prey.
I kind of alluded to something like that yesterday in one of my posts…referring to ppl who can’t see the forest for the trees…
getting all bogged down in irrelevant emotions that are beside the point ! and which actually reveal vulnerabilities instead of strengths !
like : Don’t Feed The Alligators…or The Bears…or The Lions…
being “nice” to predators won’t get you any new “friends”.
also…watch out for the two-faced ppl in the crowd(s).


“We now see that there are powerful forces who want to Control All Information.
The internet is made to order for doing that.”
The University Library is an example of digitizing everything the library is half empty and books are available on internet.
The danger I see is to omit what they do not want people to know and there is more control on information. I am a book hoarder I love books and I do try to go with original not from an author who is filtering through their tapestry what the origional author was trying to say.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s VERY important to keep hard copies of books and information, in particular those that are either hard to find, in a foreign language (to where you’re living) (sort of a subset to the first point), in danger of going out of print, or in your or a family member’s field of expertise.
BECAUSE, with e-media, be it Kindle, or any of the other e-books, or even articles and pdfs downloaded from the web, the actual contents of said media may change from one minute to the next, WITHOUT NOTICE, and perhaps, without reason or justification.
Just look at how the climate “record” has been manipulated. UEA has PURGED (they say, “lost”) an enormous amount of original temperature and weather measurements. So now, they’re free to redefine history.
As George Orwell said in 1984:

He who controls the past, controls the future;
and he who controls the present, controls the past.

The whole movement to ban children’s books published before 1985 (hmmm, there’s that date) because the ink might be tainted with lead was really to remove older, more conservative, and more Christian books from the libraries, and to fill them with moderm, mind-controlled propaganda masquerading as children’s literature.
Never mind the fact that a child would have to eat a whole shelf-full of books in order to ingest the amount of lead that would be a problem. They’d have many OTHER problems before then… but truth and logic are never part of the left’s agenda… Their mind control and lies are FAR more poisonous than any compound or chemical used today (except for, maybe, Nasty Nan’s Botox)…

Deplorable Patriot

I can’t just move on without saying something about publishing.
One of the things I do to make money is write novels, and I have had knowledge of how the industry works for 30 years. I did a lot of research on it way back even if I didn’t start REALLY writing and self-publishing until about five years ago. Things have changed, but not that much unless you self-publish.
Back before the internet, what an author did, was type the novel or book in triple space (for copy editing) with a header containing personal information and submit the paper manuscript to the publisher. If the book was accepted as it was – a big if – the publishing house would make changes per their perogative, take out name brand names, etc., at will. Books published in hard copies get the same treatment even now. Authors may be uploading the files rather than sending a paper copy that had to be rekeyed at the publisher level, but the publishing house has the final say on what actually gets printed- and if they want a change, and you are under contract, they will stall publication until the change happens.
In romance, right now, the demand from the publishing houses is for borderline erotica love scenes. Writers talk about it amongst ourselves, and readers complain that those scenes add nothing to the plot. Seriously. Readers, generally, are looking for more of Cinderella, Romeo and Juliet and damsels in distress than bodice ripping. Most of us tend to skip over that part. That being the case, there is a group of authors – including me – who publish clean romance. And we skip the slush piles in New York where the work would most likely be rejected by self publishing, and therefore controlling the content attributed to our copyrights.
There are two ways to self publish: one is upload your file to 18 or so online retailers one by one. The other is bite the bullet for a small chunk of profit and use an online distributor that takes a small cut, and then upload separately to Amazon. I chose the second option, and that being the case, I am here to tell you that the files to be uploaded are different, but that the retailers have no control over the content other than to reject it outright.
Smashwords, my distributor, requires the file uploaded to be a Word 97-2003 doc with none of the features activated other than making a table of contents. It goes through what is called a “meat grinder” that takes maybe ten minutes to generate the files needed and what is spit out the other end, is 17 different versions of the same book, each compatible for a different e-reading platform. No one changes anything other than the author, because if there is a problem with the manuscript, and the problems are ONLY technical in nature, you get an email telling you to fix it.
Amazon, OTOH, requires the upload to be a PDF which is not as easy to change as you might think. Flat files are pretty much static, even for Adobe software if you didn’t create the PDF in Acrobat unless they’ve changed something since I last used components of the more recent creative suites.
So, that being said, without access to the original manuscript, there is no way to know if what you are reading in a hard copy book that passed through a publishing house is really what the author intended or not. That’s pretty much it. The publishing houses have been part of the censorship game since their inception.


I’m old enough to have kept a large personal library of physical books. If people could understand that dumbass term “The Cloud,” and realize it is just servers (like any other servers) that SOMEONE ELSE IS CONTROLLING, and not this fabulous ethereal place where all information is kept safe, they would be much more likely to maintain control of their own businesses using personal servers.
Really, all The Cloud is, is a bunch of servers in different PHYSICAL LOCATIONS that are being maintained and controlled by entities like Google and Amazon. They will tell you how safe and secure they are, but are those controlling those servers trustworthy?

Cuppa Covfefe

Hence the term “tire-wall”…. 🙂
(ducks and runs, with the Michelin man armed with “Les Tire Ahns” in, erm, hot pursuit)…. oooh, and Stay-Puft Man behind him… or is that Michael Moore after meeting Napoleon Blownapart in his kitchen?
Guess I’m kinda old, but when I hear about “the cloud”, I think of X.25 and all the, barf, joy I had dealing with CCITT, disconnects, packet routing, and non-standard standards way back then. Hmmm, I actually hid an engineer’s name (not mine) in there…ha…
And we had Gandalf and Kermit to keep us company, and Tymnet and a *cough* host of others… I had a Deutsche Telekom 9600-baud modem that probably weighed 20 pounds (at least) that was 4″ x 8″ x 20″ for X.25, when on the open market (other countries) the Hayes, et. al. modems were much smaller. I think this monster was a TUBE modem… (power xformer weight)…


Not sure about “Alt Media”……
We have been called “Alt Right”……..
I use the term “CTRL Left”
As the left just wants CONTROL

Cuppa Covfefe

I keep punching “Escape”, but I’m still here… 🙂


lol………….. good one (again)

Cuppa Covfefe

Actually I “borrowed” that one, which has been around a lot longer than that hag lady from Hallmark, sometime in the late 1970s. Here’s an example:comment image


Brilliant post!

A Fortiori

I second Towanda’s comment; this post is brilliant.
However, I think it is important to say a little more on the concept of a Social Score. This is not merely intended to reflect how well a person uses Social Media, but rather is intended to reflect how well a person accepts and adheres to Socialism. Do you conduct business with approved sources, do you avoid those designed by your betters as persona non grata, do you use only your allotted share of energy, do you tune in for the full speech by the person your betters think you should follow, do you reflect the proper attitude in your online posts, etc., etc., etc. Far more pernicious than a credit score, and if we look at the Google algorithms, pretty well along in implementation.


Those thing are already available here. We went on one of the people search sites and for a nominal fee you can search for info. They had social scores!!!!! So we checked out all our family members. Oh Lord, we are only Fair on whatever social scale they have decided upon. Not only that, but they had SO MUCH INCORRECT INFORMATION. Names not right, even photos not correct. Yes, they had photos…of other people. This is truly dystopian stuff.


Interesting thread, lots of prolific thought. Note though it’s not just about changing information but its about establishing enough data points to smart hubs to manipulate the present in order to shape the future and 5G is going to be able to turn your worse thoughts on such over to an automated processes requiring the least amount of input.
What’s a data point? A spot on a map. Something that can be sorted, plotted, and understood and hopefully allowing some amount of control over. Example, now your tracked by cars, phones, cameras, debit/cards, other access cards and more, many of which we might not recognize such as satellites and other sensors. Just sitting at home pecking away at your key board provides your location.
What’s a smart hub? A fair definition might be something that can monitor data points and manipulate a mechanical function to some degree. Some smart hubs are going to be exposed to the web of things and some are not or may need to be hacked physically or remotely in order to be manipulated.
With all these connections to the web of things, establishing someones social credit score becomes all the more likely and thus it becomes more likely that control can be asserted to modify behavior or take action against anti social behaviors.
Anti social behavior might be something as simple as you trying to raise your social status. ~Nope not going to let you get up that wrung of the ladder, too many up here now and you haven’t payed to play so we send you back ten steps because we can. Gives you six years of bad luck where everything you buy breaks down, gets lost or other wise not made available to you. This includes troubles with the rental at the air port, flight delayed, flight or car crashed if your so much a worry to me. You can let your mind run rampant here, if you can imagine it, it can happen.
So what’s the solution, try to drop out of sight? No. Its the same as always. Compete and help maintain even playing fields. Education, ethics and morals all practiced at the widest level possible (yes the belief in God). Sticking with the Constitution. Finding like minded capable leaders. Less ant mounds when they can’t be trusted and more ant hills. And an armed and knowledgeable citizenry that is capable of threatening tyranny.
Mind you that Hitlary was supposed to inherent 5G and all that it can control.


Socialist Media makes sense. Essentially, toe the “party line”, hard left, socialism… Toss conservatives.
With TW, FB, YT and other Socialism Media giving time outs and kicking folks out, I am likening it to China.
China grades its citizens on their behavior and penalizes them…through big brother watching cameras in public places, everyday events…
How long before TW, FB and the like share data among themselves and ban folks based on behavior on a different site? Demonetize without justification.
Socialist Media works in concert with MCM (Mind Control Media) on national level. CCN (Communist Control Network), on international scale.


Trudeau is starting to sound like Pelosi:


Hope some Canadian mosquitoes bit him hundreds of times near that lake.


Have you ever wondered how many mosquitoes have crack and ice addictions now? And Ebola and hepatitis and hiv etc.
no you selfish humans only think of yourselves


he could’ve just said, we grab a glass out of the cupboard……..


All this needs is a loose eyebrow!

Deplorable Patriot

“Wisdom from Canada” is largely an oxymoron.


Rosie has a thread about how the Mueller Team worked to get their hands on ‘The Watergate Roadmap’ last year.
It had previously been under seal.

It’s not real long, but there is a Thread Reader for it:


This thread is incredibly important and deserves attention.

Deplorable Patriot

It also makes Matt Gaetz’s exchange with Dean a lot more vital. It wasn’t just for a good laugh. Gaetz had a point when he asked “How many presidents have you accused of being Richard Nixon?”


Deplorable Patriot
“Gaetz had a point when he asked “How many presidents have you accused of being Richard Nixon?”
Interestingly Dean only fingered republicans not Democrats. Where was he when Obama was President or Clinton?
Dean is a tool and maybe he was a tool for the deep state all along.?
Was Nixon set up the way Trump was set up?


I believe that could be true. Especially now that we know the little we know about how we’ve been usurped and controlled for so long.


Was Nixon set up….IMHO, indubitably! And, do we not think POTUS and Q team are fully aware and prepared?

A Fortiori

I posted here several times that Watergate was the cabal’s roadmap, noting that the target was always PDJT’s reputation.
Establishing Crossfire Hurricane, setting Mueller in motion, the Mueller report and a constant barrage of news stories intended to gin up outrage at something PDJT has done are all designed to drive down PDJT’s approval ratings to the the point where his supporters abandon him. Once his ratings go low enough, so the hope goes, impeachment in the House makes PDJT ineffective and he quits.
PDJT did not just blunder into his job, as we are led to believe. Rather, he has studied Watergate; indeed he has discussed it several times with Nixon directly. He is prepared.


From the Thread Reader:
9- To them, the key is accessing grand jury material, which in watergate was done by Congress, by way of the judges handling Special prosecutions. Their are glaring differences between the two cases that even Wittes points out BUT they claim “precedent”
This explains Nadler’s insistence on AG Barr giving them the redadcted portions of the Mueller report that include grand jury material, even though it is against the law for Barr to do so. Nadler is desperately following the Watergate Roadmap. Instead of seeking the truth in this case, he is seeking ways to take down Pres. Trump. This needs to be publicized far and wide.


comment imagecomment imagecomment image
by Pawel Kuczynski ~ Polish (b. 1976) ~ Contemporary ~ Graphic Designer/ Political Art : Satire
just 3 of many.
more, here….
* don’t know what his politics are but I appreciate his satire skills.


Those are great…thanks, Smiley.
I went to his site and fell in.
Got lost looking through his work.
He is a rather prolific artist, isn’t he.
It mentioned that he graduated college in Poland…so I guess he’s Polish?
There is a sort of Euro perspective that is detectable in his work.


yes…I mentioned that he’s Polish up there by his name..,and birth date…very prolific…has a real gift for satire…and illustration skills…potent combination.
love his work…thought-provoking.


Ah…heheh, yes I see that you did.
*facepalm* 🤦‍♀️
Sorry, I passed right over that and went straight to the link.


no problem…it’s very early…you’re very busy.


I’m like you, Wheatie, fall into sites like that. My take is that he is right leaning – and is pointing out the dangers of technology – computers and that “social media” being talked about in this thread. He seems to be a lover of books, as they’re a common theme in the pictures – noting that knowledge is to be found in the books, but only sameness in the ‘net.
Did you see the Robin Hood pic with all the rooftops and their antennae? “Alone” – I think technology has harmed, broken the bonds of society. We now have a whole generation of young people who live their lives through a screen, and not interacting with people. Or writing or reading in depth. Soundbites, brief vids, and headlines make up their lives.
Interesting how scrolling over each picture transposes to another – the art piece as displayed on the wall in a room.
Very talented artist, in more ways than one.


Okay Zuckerbook has now banned the word HONK. Good LORD!
It’s not just censorship of IDEAS but our very LANGUAGE is being altered by these commies. (Y’all seem to be partial to the term “socialist” but these aren’t mere socialists – they’re straight up communists!)


and “they’ve” waited til everybody’s hooked on the technology and the social connections before really cracking down on all of this…
it will get worse.
like ppl struggling in straight jackets trying to break free.
too late.




like addicts.
social media obsession is like an addiction.




Smiley…speaking of quitting…how are you doing with the smoking cessation effort?


almost 100 days…in another day or so it will be 100 days. 😀


“like addicts.
social media obsession is like an addiction.”
We can free ourselves if we choose.


it’s a choice.


hi Wolf…I just joined over at gab recently in order to connect w/ anyone here due to the recent OT drama…but Gab is the only social media connection I “use”…and I still don’t really use it…
just way too public for me…
never did FB or Instagram…or even Twitter.


my sarcastic self would then begin using ‘KNOH’ or ‘H8MK’

Deplorable Patriot

Fahrenheit 451 anyone?


What crime did “honk” commit?
Seriously, did FB splain the problem with “honk”.


It’s interesting Who twitter pushes for people to follow:

Deplorable Patriot

That’s why we have a scroll wheel, right?

Deplorable Patriot

Here I sit alone at last,
The facebook ads I scroll on past…..


POTUS tweets:

Harry Lime

I think that our bird is a lot more powerful than their bird…just sayin’.comment image

Harry Lime

Certainly you may. Here is a version where the Twit is running away…not sure which is better…comment image


just a thought…many of us remember…comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image
🙂 <3
which also cultivated the art of waiting…of anticipating….
and an appreciation for receiving.
and giving.


Still have letters from our son when he was in boot camp, and he still has ours. Meant a lot to him.


“Still have letters from our son when he was in boot camp, and he still has ours. Meant a lot to him.”
My husband and I were Pen Perls for three years . When we began writing letters (he began) I was 16 he was 19. He still has all those letters 🙂


Same here. I still have letters from when my soon-to-be-husband was deployed overseas. I cringe at some of what I wrote, but youth..


I still write letters! it’s so much more intimate than email imo


“I still write letters! it’s so much more intimate than email imo”
I wrote letters as long as my grandmothers were alive. Now I get card from my grandaughter.


I have written letters to family members to be delivered after i pass…I update them from time to time, but I view them as a last hug from me…


that is incredibly sweet and so very thoughtful….
I will have to borrow that idea patfrederick.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Went looking for stationary for my nephew for a gift. Good luck finding anything reasonably priced, especially personalized. I use my personalized foldovers for everything that calls for a handwritten note. Even that level of manners is falling by the wayside. Sickening.

Deplorable Patriot

I spent hour after hour working on my cursive. Texting for anything other than avoiding a phone call in non-emergencies is just…. Yeah, no.
Of course, that’s just me, and how I was raised.


Had it with firefox, just installed Brave on my tablet. Seems to be fine, and no ads. Put it on my desktop a couple of weeks ago too.


My take on this is that one should be truthful and open.
James Woods spoke for himself – no avatar. He got banned. The world has taken note WHO got banned, and WHAT FOR. There will be more. If they are recognised as real people – the crime of banning is NOTICED more effectively. Also, you are now accountable for your OWN speech. This is FREE speech. Speech from behind an avatar – well who knows who actually said that. Does the speaker really mean it, or is there some other hidden agenda?
I am not accusing anyone here of anything. I am not broadcasting the blogs that I comment on to people that know me – I get the point behind anonymity. But it does change what you say, because you – the person – is not accountable.
My face and real name (partial) is on display. Over time my full name will be known as a result of my blog. I will have real skin in the game. I will be standing behind my own words – both good and bad. I may live to regret it, but if I don’t DO what I believe, then what am I?
Just my 2c worth, fortunately allowed in a free speech forum …. 🙂


Anyone here who has followed what I have written can find out who I really am, because I have led them there. 🙂
I am a real person. I am a professional genealogist, and I deal with people online as my real self in that line of work.
I’m sure Wolf knows who I am.


You’re wrong. Pseudonyms like mine are well known on the political blogosphere. My legal name is irrelevant to what I put out there – it’s an opinion and is nothing more or nothing less. As far as facts go, what I post I try to link to the source; otherwise I say IIRC or something similar.
I’d like to think that my stated facts are almost always true & accurate. Whether that is right or not is open to flaming or slobbering.


What’s going on?


No idea – ozzytrumpster seems to know something about it ….


dunno, but wanted to thank you for the thread yesterday! i do so love your commentary!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

He claims the government is after him again and he’s on the run. This has been going on since he sold the software company. (No, he has no control over the anti-virus product that bears his name any longer.) Either the guy is a serious attention whore, or he has some material information that can be used as evidence in a court of law. That’s my guess, anyway, otherwise why pursue somebody that nuts?

Deplorable Patriot

BTW, he did actually put information out about the people he claimed were after him. Now, he’s threatening to name congress critters who are corrupt and need to be recalled.


A complete dossier on each of us can be assembled easily, or has been already, including the most intimate biological and psychological information, as well as all the facts relating to our daily lives. The circumstances have already happened, and it cannot be undone.
It is only a question of who has access, and IMO it is reasonable to assume the worst.
It is prudent to take reasonable steps to limit the exposure of additional information, but really it is just a matter of trying to limit the degree of access. Obama and the government are a done deal, but maybe we can keep away an additional private fact which may favorably tip the balance in some unknown algorithm, or deprive a random nut case from finding us. But it is all over, and it is just a question of whether whatever is intended for the information will happen.
The communists are daring us to try to destroy them. They see it as a no lose situation. By using our privacy against us, they are reaching into the deepest parts of our psychology and asking us, what are you going to do about it?
And whatever our answer is, as they see it, they win.


They THINK they win, but they cannot, by definition. They may win battles, as they have in recent decades, but they cannot win the war. The ideology is self defeating in the long run. Nature selects against it. By that I mean to say is that God’s Law makes it impossible for communism to win – it burns itself out like a virulent disease.
China have morphed into a mixed system – this just delays the inevitable a bit. Xi being chairman for life signals the end is in sight – they are reverting back to true form.
This is the time to take them on in the ideas front – the West has enough “Christian memory” to turn the tide. The Jordan Peterson phenomenon demonstrates this clearly. Peterson seems unable to carry the message to the end, but he is serving a vital function in re-introducing 20-30 somethings to the importance of the Bible …

Deplorable Patriot

This is part of why I keep a paper calendar, and post mostly junk on the only social media account where I do post, and that is basically the one I use to keep in touch with family and friends. Photos are always posted hours after they were taken, not at the venue or event. I’m a little paranoid about that. All of my passwords are different.
Once all medical records were in a single database, and payrolls are all done with software that links up SSNs to bank accounts, etc., everything is open to being found. Everything. You can pay with cash, but that doesn’t hide income.
And we had no say over any of this.

Linda K Harrison

Hi DP – newbie here. I am not sure if your “social media” account is facebook or not but if it is – it is my understanding that photos posted there become “kind of” the property of facebook. This may be true for the other social media accounts too. I only belong to facebook. Another interesting thing is that you are subject to the two hop rule. If you or any of your friends play games on facebook, your e-mail address book and everyone of your e-mail “friends” address book and their “friends” address book can be used and linked by facebook for whatever purposes they deem appropriate.
It is a good idea to “like” one or more of the police pages such as Law Enforcement Today (I have several) that will help keep you up to date on what is really going on in the world today. Who knew that placing the little figures on the back of your van (father, mother, 3 children and a dog) was an advertisement to predators?
Just an FYI – do your own homework, don’t take my word for it. Facebook and probably other social media accounts depend on the fact that no one reads the agreement that you are making.


“Who knew that placing the little figures on the back of your van (father, mother, 3 children and a dog) was an advertisement to predators?”
Yes, I have always thought that. The same with people who place a big stork in their yard to announce the birth of a baby. Information is power, and I think we give up way too much of it.


Yup. Don’t forget some grocery stores push extreme loss leaders in order to get people’s e-mails. “We don’t track people individually” doesn’t mean that it can’t be done.

A Fortiori

Our laws already embody the notion that we have a property right in our reputation, but in practice we can only defend this right when we can place a monetary value on it. I would carry this further, relying on the notion that we have a property right in our privacy.
There is a group of people propounding a “Convention of States” that hopes to modify our Constitution, through a state by state debate process. Mark Levin has proposed, by way of example, to place in the Constitution the requirement that no bill may be voted on in Congress unless is has been engrossed for 30 days in order to kill off these “we have to pass it to find out what is in it” bills.
My idea, which admittedly has not been fully fleshed out, is to incorporate into the Constitution the notion that we have a property right in any information that can be used to identify us individually. Some mechanism would need to be provided to bypass the monetary value problem so as to allow us to protect this information even if we cannot show it is worth a lot of money (perhaps by placing a large arbitrary value on all information – any information is worth at least $1 million – and by requiring a loser pays rule for legal fees). My hope would be to create a massive incentive for all the private parties who now have information about us to protect it and to enable us to have a say in how it is used.


I received a very nice thank you card from our lovely First Lady for the birthday card I sent her. Don’t forget POTUS’s birthday is this Friday!


Wow, nice touch from FLOTUS.


it was…every time we send a card to the White House, we get a card back…can’t say that’s protocol cuz I never sent anything to the WH before President Trump came along. 😀


Wow, again. Impressive. Very nice touch. Grateful and humble.


interesting…Vegas details emerging
It’s been nearly two years since the deadly attack in Las Vegas during a country concert. Of course, the media had their patsy, Stephen Paddock. However, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, claiming the Paddock had converted to Islam, and they have only claimed responsibility for attacks they have engaged in. Now, police reports of eyewitnesses confirmed that they saw five Middle Eastern Men dressed in black walking in single file the night of the shooting, and one of the men had an AR-15 strapped to his shoulder.
The two witnesses, Kyle Erickson and Karina Yvonne Mumor claimed they had witnessed the Middle Eastern men that night.


As these things go, the lives of those two witnesses are now in danger.

Elizabeth Carter

Jeff Carlson pulled out the bullet points from DOJ’s letter response to Nadler. The fishing expedition demand by Nadler, and DOJ’s “Go Fish” response:


We’re Into Something Good
Woke up this mornin’ feelin’ fine
With getting’ justice on my mind
We’ve the best AG in all likelihood
Somethin’ tells me we’re into something good
He’s gettin’ around, he’s our kinda guy
He’s gonna catch all the traitors and spies
And he’s usin’ the law like we hoped he would
Somethin’ tells me we’re into something good
We might know it all in a month or two
All the Black Hats from the President’s coup
And how the orders came from high above
He’s everything we’ve been dreamin’ of
He’s got the prosecutions all well planned
He’s gonna bring justice to our land
And buildin’ scaffolds outa good, strong wood
Somethin’ tells me we’re into something good


I’m with you, Carl. Teddy Bear Barr has this. That letter was delicious. Let me repost what Ristvan’s take on it was in case folks missed it. Ristvan is a lawyer.
June 10, 2019 at 6:32 pm
“This brief letter is a work of art in many ways. Huge Dem/perp pucker factors:
-Covers foreign entities and NGOs and individuals (UK and Fusion uhoh)
-Wide ranging and multifaceted (Dem uhoh)
-Fully funded out of existing appropriations (well, there goes that Dem ploy)
-Declass authority will be used thoughtfully (warning to IC and foreign IC, not all S&M safe)
-‘Results before next election’ implication—-(Never Again!)
Barr is on the hunt as another alpha lion. And PDJT insures everybody sees it. Dumb of Nadler for inquiring. Bad Nadler chess gambit, masterful response move by Barr’s DoJ.”


“That letter was delicious.” . . . merits all caps!
But that still was not loud enough.


I love those letters that rebut the idiotic requests of the Dems. They are all delectable. 😀


Oh, Let’s have Herman’s Hermits music – your poems are upbeat! Plus, “The Traveling Wilbury’s” – “End of the Line” seems suited.


I miss Tom Petty, good looking guy! ❤


my first boyfriend was his doppleganger…so much so, we got invited backstage to meet him!! (long story)


I want to hear the story, Pat!


so we’re standing in line to go in to the concert–my boyfriend, his sister, her girlfriend and me–so a Tom Petty look alike and 3 girls–and his sister thinks it’s funny to shout–look it’s Tom Petty!!! I start looking around, the friend starts looking around, but around us, people start pushing in on my boyfriend. He starts laughing and people are getting rowdier and rowdier and trying to touch him and asking for his autograph and before you know it it attracts security–cuz the line stopped moving to get in.
Security pushes thru the crowd to get to Boyfriend and they do a double take–one even asks why he’s OUT HERE—now I’m laughing too–and Boyfriend says (jokingly) I had to get my girls here…
well looks are one thing but he had NO southern accent–not a hint of it–nothing nasally about his voice and they realize this is NOT HIM.
Luckily they laugh, they tell the crowd to keep moving, Tom Petty is warming up–get in or get stuck outside…
some people still believe Boyfriend is HIM–want autographs–one chick wanted him to sign her chest–his eyebrows went up as he looked at me, and she got “accidentally” elbowed in the ribs when I stumbled into her…
we make it inside and to our seats without much more stares and such and enjoy the concert.
as we’re leaving we’re met at the end of our row by security –and i’m sweating out whether or not i hurt sign my boob girl…we get escorted backstage…and there’s Petty…he was really nice–
he looks at boyfriend and laughs and shook hands and stuff and said something like I like a man who travels with groupies…
his sister started it all…


Ah, my favorite of Herman’s Hermits? Mrs. Brown, You’ve Got A Lovely Daughter – my AM used to sing that to me substituting “Mrs. Jones.”


My belief is, we are witnessing the next phase of the counter-Treason operation that would have been planned out during the Transition phase, if not before. I have a sneaky suspicion that Rudy Giuliani would have got wind of the dossier and X-Fire Hurricane early on in the piece. He would be dialled in to the DOJ / FBI for sure. He is ex DOJ, and a power player …
First phase – play weak. Choose an AG that must recuse, choose a DAG that “Dems like him, Republicans like him” (Lester Holt interview)
Then let them continue with their plot – “the sting”
Then wrap it up when time is right – Change AG’s
Barr’s relationship to Mueller is one coinky-dink that I JUST can’t look away from. It also aligns with my pet theory, so I like it (confirmation bias) …
Reading that letter 0 the chess pieces are soooo beautifully place to nail them, and the Dems are sweating blood. Could not be a better position to be in. Almost like it was planned …..


I appreciate your grounded perspective and insights. Hadn’t even thought about what Giuliani might have known early on. We all believe he still has some deep contacts from loyal LEOs – NYC – and likely knows what was on Weiner’s laptop.
Remain unsure of Barr and Mueller’s dance – sometimes friendships disintegrate when moral roads diverge.
I do believe we’re in the wrap up phase – AG Barr told us so! I also believe that it’s going to be such a tremendous avalanche of treachery exposed, we’re going to be shocked at the people revealed and taken out. Pelosi is going to be shocked that her “Wrap up Smear” is a drop in the bucket to what TRUTH can do when used.
Blockbuster Hit Coming.


Hopefully enough Damned Dims will be caught up that WE get the house back even before the (s)elections.


So Wolfie is somehow connecting a discussion on being considerate to censorship?
And MAGA Mom?:
“I am not saying I am upset with BakoCarl for starting the debate (or anyone else, for that matter!) or that the topic is unimportant.” Sorry, that really does blame somebody…
What happened to this?
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

but then
Your response makes you PREDICTABLE. And that is all they need.
If I made a response I am being predictable?
This leaves an older person all kinds of confused and saddened.. ok then


Did anyone think that perhaps some people are commenting elsewhere, maybe a virtual visit with a nice man in a hospice? Comment stats may be skewed somewhat… IDK,,,, maybe?


I will comment where I feel that I can contribute. People who want to judge what I do and why I do it, without knowing anything about me – lets just say I would give it zero consideration. Zilch.
My wife worries about what relative strangers think of her – me? – not so much. So this is a non-issue for me, but I understand that others respond differently.


Highlight on Jason D’s comment.
It’s the internet. Impossible to measure the tone/inflection of someone’s voice, their facial expressions, difficult to determine snark or empathy.


“It’s the internet”. Perfect statement daughnworks. Puts things into perspective.


Or humor, Daughn. Bottom line…go easy on your personal judgement comments and just let it be. Among Q Tree dwellers, there must be a certain amount of respect and trust. It’s dangerous and not helpful to “assign” your measurements on others.
Some of us post in the wee hours of the night when we can’t sleep and maybe aren’t quite as sharp, or with a dog on our lap, or are interrupted by a phone call and just push the send button, or we’re tired, stressed, in pain, etc. etc. We are not all wordsmiths here and could often phrase things better. And, believe me…as someone from the rural West and marrying into an intense NE Italian migrant family there’s a HUGE Difference in tone/inflection, facial expressions, humor, anger, etc…even if everyone is speaking English and in the same room! LOL
As in our real world,on the Internet and in groups like this there are huggers, people that easily call everyone sweetie, who are very humorous and love being around others….and then there are the ones that ordinarily do not show outward affection, are quiet or more introspective and rather observe than be out on stage. If any web group is to succeed, as Wolf knows, there has to be safe space for all (that make it through the strenuous vetting process! LOL).
So, Internet “measurements” are more or less out the window, as Daughn writes, because they are close to impossible…and that should be okay in most circumstances.
However, I now know that in the family I married into, Thanksgiving dinner will undoubtedly turn into a loud argument (about literally anything) and at least one of the family will take her dog and stomp out of the house with much cursing…and it’s just a typical Italian family dinner. And, the next day it’s My People again. So, sometimes real life measurements are almost impossible, too! 😉
Thanks for your comments, Jason…I pretty much feel the same about posting…and, now after many years also feel the same in “real life.”


Totally agree! And I long for those robust Italian family dinners!!


The Secret Service cares a heck of a lot about what strangers think of the POTUS. Just saying.


Pr…do you really think so? I wonder if the outrageous comments and even threats by so-called 3rd rate celebrities (and that is being very generous) against POTUS have any follow up whatsoever by the SS.


agree with you on that…that would explain a difference in threads…and sometimes when time is short for me, i concentrate on the main thread. I read the others when i have extra time, but don’t usually comment on threads that aren’t current…


The storms and widespread power outages probably had a lot to do with fewer comments.


The beauty about all this is that it is FREE SPEECH, by definition. It is ALL being debated. That is how we sort things out. Don’t feel saddened – check your premises. If you feel that your “actions” are consistent with your core being, and that they do weaken you, or result in a worm of doubt in the recesses of your conscience – then your behaviour / speech are consistent with your core being. That leaves you strengthened. If you do sense the worm – examine it, and try to get a handle on what the issue may be. Adjust your thinking accordingly, and apply the upgrade and see how it works. That ALSO strengthens you.
This is how speech and action improves the world, one individual at a time – consciousness in action …
Not meaning to preach / lecture, sorry if the tone is a bit off – just 2c from little old me 🙂


Should read “do NOT weaken you” in the 4’th line as well as “or DON”T result ” same sentence – sorry


“So Wolfie is somehow connecting a discussion on being considerate to censorship?”
My take, which is not necessarily the correct one or the only one:
The discussion about being considerate stands on its own. It doesn’t hurt to be reminded to be kind, and people feel that we have to take ownership of our own reactions to criticism.
An offshoot of that discussion is the topic of censorship and how the Left uses the idea of consideration as a weapon of political correctness to silence us. That has led to discussion about the larger topic of the Left in general, and social media in particular, gathering data on us for control and censorship.
I don’t see this discussion as a contradiction to the free speech allowed on this site.
This comment of Wolf’s — “Your response makes you PREDICTABLE. And that is all they need.” — will probably be fleshed out in his article about censorship. I assume it’s referring to social media monitoring what people say in order to build a profile on them. We’ll see.


I will reiterate that my comment was on the focus and energy spent by all of us on the topic of useful criticism v. counter productive criticism (including the name calling and jokes that have to do with physical appearance, etc.) rather than the discussion itself.
To clarify: My message was the amount of time, energy, thinking, posting, commenting, etc. spent on this topic v. on what the Dems/leftist/globalist are doing. Both are discussions are valuable and have a place but the one that received the most time and attention is certainly not more important than the other.
I commented on the thread too – not wrong to comment on any thread! Just Think on Purpose about how your time, energy and attention and be intentional.
The point I was trying (and failed for some) to make was the disparity in the attention the two aspects of the question received and I think we ought to flip the numbers. The name calling of even Hillary (spit) is a distraction and reduces are effectiveness in the public, political conversation…but worse is the conservative voice being completely shut out of the public conversation!
So yes, good convo and don’t reduce it! Just be even more active/interested in the deplatforming, censorship, bias, discriminations issues. If we can be 100+ comments interested and even passionate on self censorship and best practices in addressing political opponents, then lets have 150+ comments on what the uniparty aligned, globalist owned and directed media & social media companies (and even banks!!) are doing to conservatives!
Last of my comments on this topic. Didn’t mean to stir the pot and if I am not clear after this I never will be so moving on…


I’m interested in the “much more” – 🙂 POTUS isn’t letting this go…


Well, no doubt Terabytes of info were destroyed – so “much more” could refer to
Bigger than a Giga Crime!! or
A Tera Crime – charge her under the Anti Terarism laws …
Groans heard across the US in 3, 2, 1 … 😉


.. ok .. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😩🤚 …… 😃👍‼️
But really it’s …. 🤨👍‼️😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It could be a trillion male bovines, but that would be terabull.

Deplorable Patriot

I had to think about how to say this while I was out walking this morning. (Have to be able to wear all my pretty summer skirts. 😊)
There’s a couple of points, I think, that are vital to keep in mind about censorship discussions. One is human emotion. Through a variety of methods, human emotions have been manipulated to the place that even stating objective truth that conflicts with emotional investment is an affront. A case came up this week, actually, in Catholic circles when a priest asked a woman to cover her shoulders in the Sanctuary (he should have not have had to ask; this should be taught from the cradle, as we are ALWAYS supposed to be dressed modestly when in Church, covered from shoulders to knees, and in Italy that is enforced). And then the priest wrote a blog post about it, and got reamed by women everywhere for his trouble to the point where he shut down his Twinkie account. Why? Because the women in question have an emotional investment in fashion and style that conflicts with the standards of modesty in the Church. We’ve been told by the worldly culture to follow fashion, and that we can bare skin, etc. Some of us choose to participate in fashion at various levels, but there still is an emotional investment in how people choose to dress, and when that is criticized…. When it comes to politics, dogs vs. cats, urban living vs. anything else, the same things happen.
The other thing to remember in this fight is that the Victor Laszlo types who are getting banned and who are in danger: the ones who have significant followings and really cause a stir, have material knowledge that can be used as evidence in court, or who are the facilitators. It is now so obvious that it is counter-productive to the people doing the censoring, but they don’t realize it.
However, not everyone in the fight has the Laszlo role. Many others choose the Rick Blaine route: provide the venue, know what’s going on, tacitly help out behind the scenes, and be there to return when the first line is forced out. That’s where self-censoring comes in for many of us. We’re just not cut out to be front line people.
Being in music, where everybody knows everybody else, you learn to keep your mouth shut. That is a life experience that comes into play for me when it comes to all of this. What I recognize is that collecting the information for use later is going to help when the crap hits the fan. How I’m going to say it without going the “I told you so” route, that’s something that has to be hashed out.
Where was I going with this?
Time for more tea.


LAST NIGHT – Brian Kolfage exposed the government agency and its head that is responsible for leaving border gates OPEN:
He has evidence – gathered by covert surveillance:
This woman is guilty of helping hundreds/thousands illegals to creep through the gates at night:
The result of open borders is disease, crime, sex slavery, drug overdose deaths of 70,000 Americans per year !!!!


FORGOT this important point – this agency is jointly owned/run by both US and MEXICO.
Kolfage asks why this agency is not under authority of DHS?


I was bewildered at stories about gates being left open until I saw this info about the IBWC. Every time we make progress, there is something to impede it. This has to be dealt with. I’m glad Kolfage is exposing it, and I hope it gets to the right people (like POTUS!).


Another media lie refuted:


….. Jayne Harkins U.S. Commissioner of the International Boundary and Water Commission … is an enemy combatant of the United States of America and her citizens .. this is sedition and must be punished .. 🤨👍‼️‼️‼️‼️
May a plague of hair balls ruin her belly .. 🤨


And worms, too. 🙂


Ahhhh yes … nice grandmaintexas …
I like your “I coulda been a gardener” … I’m not so good with it, my brother gave me two pots of moon flowers last year … this year … well … they’re just sticks … 😞☹️
They bloom in the evening and wow they are very fragrant … 🙂❤️


I have many, many failures. It is an art, as well as a science, and what works in one part of the yard will not work in another part. So annoying. 🙂


Hmmmm … I could win prizes galore for my crabgrass and … weeds .. 😞🤚
My brother is real good at gardening though 😃


Oh, I got plenty of crabgrass and weeds, too. This is usually the time I give up and just try to weed whack the worst of it in my garden beds.


Yeah weed whacking levels the “playing field” (wicker laughter ensues bwahahahahaha) .. if I used it instead of my dh … well … landscaping would take on a new meaning … 😂🤚


True. You really learn the lighting areas as well as ground composition. On one part of our lot we have a stretch of hard pan. Another, decent dirt. The most challenging is fighting off plant predators. Shall I say bunnies? Lots of bunnies?


I have more of an insect problem. Too many dogs and cats for the bunnies to be comfortable. Don’t get me started on hardpan. I’m on high ground. Grrr.


If you are in a cold climate, moonflowers are annuals, and one year is all you get. They are only perennial in sub-tropical areas. So, if they died of the cold, it is not on you!


Ohhh 😮 … thanks Aubergine I appreciate the information .. sad though … it’s a beautiful flower. I find your name intriguing and beautiful … God bless and take care ❤️


may she develop an itch outside her reach


Ohhhhhh 😮👍 … that’s a good one 😉😂


Has she been confronted and, if so, what is her response? Where is she stationed?
Also, I would definitely “follow the money” in this case!


Her nasty butt needs to be booted out of that job ASAP … and assign her to rounding up the Illegal invaders her nasty butt let in … and she can drive a beater to do it … no a/c and am radio only … 🤨👍‼️‼️‼️‼️❤️
Harrumph harrumph ‼️‼️


How can we fight this? What do we need to do to help change the situation?
Jim Benvie now we have the deep state come out here and lock the gate open, yes that is right OPEN! former obummer hold overs have come out here and locked the gate wide open so the invasion can continue full force. we have to raise hell patriot, get all over your leaders NOW!!!!!!!!!!!


just sent my email (Hi Secret Service Guys! it’s ME again)

CM in TN

Weld them shut!


Jayne Harkins @harkjay350 is the IBWC commissioner told CBP to F-off!?!?!!


This needs to go to the TOP – straight to President Trump.
President Trump needs to order McAleenan, Barr and the DOJ to stop this woman.


I did not know what the IBWC was and looked up. I do not know how they trump the authority of our US border security ? So much wrong where one government end works against another but no one should be able to work against the US and our security.
From Wicki:
Some of the rights and obligations administered by the IBWC include:
Distribution between the two countries of the waters of the Rio Grande and of the Colorado River
Regulation and conservation of the waters of the Rio Grande for their use by the two countries by joint construction, operation, and maintenance of international storage dams and reservoirs and plants for generating hydroelectric energy at the dams
Protection of lands along the river from floods by levee and floodway projects
Solution of border sanitation and other border water quality problems
Preservation of the Rio Grande and Colorado River as the international boundary
Demarcation of the land boundary
The U.S. and Mexican commissioners meet at least weekly, alternating the place of meetings, and are in almost daily contact with one another. Each section maintains its own engineering staff, a secretary, and such legal advisers and other assistants as it deems necessary.


Thanks for looking all that up! Great information.


Do you think a forced-entry drug raid team forgets its battering ram and bolt cutters? Trust me, those two items are ALWAYS with them.
If CBP and DHS cannot disobey her, then just hand to bolt cutters to a private citizen to do the deed. Then lock the gate shut while another private citizen practices his welding skill on it.


Why would she require the gates to be open? There is NO VALID REASON.
She’s bought and paid for by the cartels. SHE MUST GO – and – be investigated.

Gail Combs

Citing permit issue, IBWC locks ‘We Build the Wall’ gate to keep it open
20 hours ago – The International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) placed a lock Monday on the gate recently built by the group ‘We Build the Wall’


I ran into an interesting quote this morning, worthy of consideration, with a large distinction.
What we are facing, at this time, is not politics as usual, but destruction of our country and our way of life, including, and I believe, especially, the deliberate, targeted destruction of true Christianity.
And, I believe that had not God stepped in (“For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.”) and established PTrump as our President, we would be watching the final phases of the destruction of “one people, under one God, saluting one flag”.
The quote by Wilberforce is thought-provoking, nonetheless.
“Let true Christians then, with becoming earnestness, strive in all things to recommend their profession, and to put to silence the vain scoffs of ignorant objectors. Let them boldly assert the cause of Christ in an age when so many, who bear the name of Christians, are ashamed of Him: and let them consider as devolved on Them the important duty of suspending for a while the fall of their country, and, perhaps, of performing a still more extensive service to society at large; not by busy interference in politics, in which it cannot but be confessed there is much uncertainty; but rather by that sure and radical benefit of restoring the influence of Religion, and of raising the standard of morality.”
― William Wilberforce, Real Christianity

Deplorable Patriot

Just remember that the eradication of Christianity has been the goal of forces that see it as a rival in all things for a couple thousand years. We’re just the latest group to be on the receiving end of attacks and all that the forces of darkness can throw at us.


I gotta be more careful.
I was having breakfast down in the lobby of the hotel a few minutes ago when I noticed that CNN was on the TV with a news ticker that read, “Biden to eviscerate Trump in speech today”.
I started laughing so hard I damn near choked on my Cheerios and people were looking at me sideways.
I was all…comment image


You should go to the manager of the hotel and politely request that, for the safety of all sane hotel breakfast-eaters, they should change the channel!


Verse of the Day

“But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,”
Luke 6:27 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


When we all stand in His presence, awed
Let all our lips say “Glory to God”!


We can only imagine what that will be like, carl – love that song – and the story – Happy Day! God Bless You!


Grandma Wong is still sitting-in at Admiralty Centre bridge. #antiELAB #NoExtraditionToChina
She is surrounded by PLA trained police in Hong Kong. She will not move.
#freeHong Kong


……one of my favorite movie quotes/mems/references


Just ran across the following at Quillette. Some gems in there that seem to align with Wolf’s take on today’s topic …
The author curate’s a blog dedicated to the founder of the Underground Grammarian’s works. May prove worthwhile.


Husband reads Quillette religiously.


Speaking of censorship – Heshmet Alavi, banned by Twitter, has a statement @ Quod Verum:


OMG, no. Heshmat was one of those I checked in on all the time. His reporting out of the Middle East is excellent.

A Fortiori

I take exception to the notion, implicit in MAGA Mom’s post, that we have our priorities wrong. And I am not sure the number of posts on a particular topic is the best measure of the quality of our debate.
I understood the discussion of being nice and self-censorship to be more of a discussion of culture, addressing behavioral norms among and between relatively like-minded people. In addition, there was an unmistakable undercurrent in the discussion of the effects of brainwashing on our behavior, which I understood to be something of a foreshadowing to the lessons soon to be forthcoming from Wolfie. For these reasons, I decided to participate.
I care too about the behavior of the technological behemoths who defile our culture, but the salient points around this had already been put forward. And so I did not feel the need to engage.


Lots of people, lots of opinion, and maybe a tad forgetful on the freedom here. After all I dont want to end ilup right back where we were not even a year ago. We all will gind a way, if we dont get m8red in swamp muck ourselves.


Say what you want, but if you act like a fool expect some pushback.
Remember, back in high school, when everyone would pick on one kid and suddenly, something inside you cried out about the unfairness of it all and you finally spoke up? You became the defender and stuck up for that kid?
I remember doing it quite often and can’t recall the first time.
It’s usually a nervous moment, too, right? Takes a smidgeon of courage. Things get quiet as people look around to check each others’ temperature. Not sure if you will be on the outs of the group or not. Yet, it usually works in my favor. Truth is the best defense.
Talk about empowering.
If you do it once, it’s easier the second time. Magically, people start looking to you to be the arbiter of fairness. Better become benevolent and not misuse it.
When Gunner was a toddler, age 2-4, we would be in a grocery store/dept store and hear a baby crying. Gunner would react with a troubled face, naturally, and look to me to see if he should be scared. I would look at him with great surprise and say, “Uh-oh, one of your buddies is in trouble. Let’s see if we can go help.” I would follow the sound of the crying and inevitably find a fussy baby and desperate mom. I was an older mom, and young moms are so overwhelmed. Having another kid who was calm….. 9/10 times, calmed the fussy baby. Weird, huh? It was like a little miracle.
When Gunner went to kindergarten, I read the “new mom” stories that he might cry or miss me. So, I told him about the stories of kids missing their moms on the first few days of school. They might cry, and kids might make fun of them…….. and to be on the lookout for kids who were sad or being picked on. It made him focus on others….. and he never thought about missing me.
We traveled a LOT by air, back and forth to Boston, when Gunner was young. A fussy baby on a plane is a disaster. Once, our seats were split up because we booked late. Pretty soon, a small toddler, about 2-3yrs old, started up. I couldn’t see Gunner until he appeared in the aisle, and talked the mom into trading seats with him. Toddler calmed down. Imagine that? Gunner couldn’t have been more that 6-7 at that time.
When Gunner hit 2nd grade, he took the bus home from the elementary school, which dropped the kids off on the other side of our half height wrought iron fence. From my office window, we have a double driveway, a 10-15′ garden bed, the iron fence, and then the spot where the bus would deposit the kids.
I could see and hear the busses come and would step out to the side porch to welcome my little sprout home. Well, a 5th grader was picking on one of his buddies and Gunner took exception. The boys stepped off the curb, off of school property, in front of Ralph the police officer, and started wailing on each other. Gunner beat the living crap out of the 5th grader. At first, I wasn’t sure who was involved, until Ralph winked at me. I was half way down the driveway when Gunner emerged from the pile, breezed past me in the driveway, and said, “He was being mean to Jeffrey. He shouldn’t do that.”
I looked back at Ralph for guidance and Ralph gave me a “thumbs up”. No reprimand needed for Gunner. Latter on, he wasn’t proud, didn’t brag, nonplussed, he simply settled it. It was over with.
I wonder……. if parents and teachers constantly interfere and stop the bullying of some students…….. do we also prevent other kids from learning how to defend others…… how to have empathy……. how to stand up, gain courage to speak out……. go against the group to stop bad behavior………. learn how to act, grow up, be responsible. As parents and teachers, do we TELL our kids to be kind to others…….. or do we let them learn HOW to be kind……. and reward them with the benefit of doing the right thing?


This brought back a lot of memories about our own chicks. It’s interesting to see how they each in their own way as adults employ kindness, and desire to make things right.


Best career I ever had was as a mom.
Most surprising thing about being a mom = how much your kids teach you.


Excellent. Wish I could have read your book of short stories, a Long book of many short stories, as a newer mom. However, I (and offspring) still benefit from your well told stories.


so I just finished making cut-out cookies (some call them roll outs) and as I was cutting the dough I noticed I always started at the left side of the dough. Is this because I’m right handed? left brained? right brained? or is it simply what I learned watching my mama do it all those years ago?


Western cultures write left to right. Starting on the left side of the paper since kindergarten may have a lot to do with it.


“Western cultures write left to right. Starting on the left side of the paper since kindergarten may have a lot to do with it.”
I have a tendency to read from right to left. I force myself to read books from left to right but magazines I start on the back. I am more comfortable moving pages from right to left.


Okay, that settles it – you’re officially weird. Maintain five feet distance from the rest of us at all times, please. 🙂

Gail Combs

I too prefer to start at the back of a mag…. but I am left handed.
I have also learned if I am on a ‘collision course’ with someone while out walking, to stop dead in my tracks. If I do not I always mirror their move and end up colliding with them.


Interesting. I’ve always approached it as a puzzle, starting at an outer edge suitable for a particular cookie cutter.


so you’re a several-different-cookie-cutters on one dough kind of person? versus me–one cookie cutter per rolled out section (except small spaces where my handy dandy tiny cutters come into play…
and do you frost? or use color sugars?
just for butterfly–all my butterflies had blue sugar!!


Sometimes plain. I don’t often frost anymore, but when I do, out come all the edible decorations and colored sugars!


wow you go all out!
I’ve never decorated cookies–cakes? plenty…I won awards in high school for it, but never cookies…


Roll out cookies with blue sprinkles??
I’m in!


LOL, pat…this would be a great thread…how we often just do what our parents did. I remember exactly when that hit me….Mom always bought Colgate toothpaste….have no clue why. When I left the nest and started buying my own necessities…I, without any thought, continued to buy Colgate toothpaste! LOL . Did that for years until one day I had a light bulb moment. Then I got very daring…and bought Crest!
Of course, a much more serious note is how many of us prepare the same dishes at holidays as our parents, open Xmas gifts the same day as our parents, are afraid of snakes because mother was, automatically vote the same as our parents or even stay in the same religion….and feel guilty if we don’t, especially if those memories were happy ones.
A lot of our “habits” are learned by osmosis!


I grew up with the most manipulative mother on planet Earth. I learned to spot it from the cradle.
I have a standing rule; if I feel manipulated, in a relationship, friendship, advertising campaign, job, whatever, I WALK AWAY. I highly recommend the practice.
Another rule I have; if I see an ad on FB or other media, after I have done a search for a product, I will buy said item from ANYWHERE ELSE BUT the place the ad is for.
I will try very hard to SEE if I am being manipulated into saying something here which is unhelpful. If one of you sees something that looks ‘wrong’ from me, speak up! I am NOT going to be offended if you call me out on my bullshit, I appreciate it.
I think I made my point yesterday about getting your ‘feels’ hurt from other people’s speech. Just don’t! If someone calls Hillary Clinton fat, they are not calling you fat! It’s free speech! People can say whatever they want, and you can just scroll on by. OR, you can respond. Just check yourself and ask ‘why am I responding?’ If you need to, do! Obviously, I needed to just now. 🙂
I will be really disappointed if we resort to infighting here because of people speaking their minds. And sad. We need all the voices here to be MAGA. We all have important things to contribute. Even if it is cheer-leading, encouragement, or a prayer. Not everyone is a magnificent researcher, explainer, or poet.


Well said Aubergine!!! I needed that!!!😘🤗 (picks up poms poms again 😜)


Marica, you are our GREATEST cheer-leader!
Wave those pom-poms, and wield those exclamation points! We need you.


Need ya Right back!!!😍😍


fluffed, freshened, and ready to go!!!! 🤗


Avoiding infighting. One thing that’s very important when discussing differences of opinion, is that we keep to the topic of that difference of opinion, and don’t let the situation devolve into attacking the poster. For example, don’t use ridicule, don’t assign motives, and don’t belittle the poster . . . keep to the subject of the post under discussion.


Free speech includes attacking the poster, but I don’t think that’s a very productive approach to discussion, nor is it very healthy for The Q Tree as a whole.


BakoCarl – agreed & I liked much of what you said originally and agreed with it to a large extent. Wasn’t about you, please know. I value your input as our poetic, logical MAGA engineer and look forward to your posts! 🙂


Well said.

Molly Pitcher

I’ve been reading all the discussions through ‘sick’ eyes…really physically sick so a lot was going over my head ..because I don’t care. I don’t care anymore about hurty feelings. Collectively we have been demonized in every way.
We’re at the point of watching our freedom be a relic of the past or the right that has been fought for for centuries. We are close to losing our way of life and we’re going to cry about generalized negative descriptions?
That’s one thing that drives me crazy about Socialist Media…aoc or some agitator intentionally says something ridiculous and 100 ppl will counter with accurate info and smackback..which I used to love but now I’m at the point that I wish these communist fools would be ignored..totally ignored. So they say something designed to what? Who cares? If what they say convinces a normally intelligent fence sitter that the world will end in 12 yrs and that 30 cazillion will fix it…


By His stripes you were healed, which means you ARE healed, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet! I command that sickness to leave your body right now!! It has NO place in you!! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!!
I’m tired of the thief stealing from you Miss Molly! We need our Warriors in tippy top shape😘

Molly Pitcher

Thank you very much my friend. Got a ton of heavy duty scripts yesterday and feeling some better. Back to old self soon I’m sure.


Hope you feel better soon, Molly!

Gail Combs

Very well said and in a much nicer tone than I used.
The ocassional slips into the ‘impolite’ by the MAGA people is NOTHING compared to the out right vulgarity of the left. I mean a ‘Pussy’ march WITH CHILDREN??? 😲


I know, right? And don’t forget drag queen story hour for the kids at the library!


PRESIDENT TRUMP twitter storm again restates – the biggest part of the US/Mexico immigration agreement has not yet been revealed!


Awwww, gee. There’s the kind of thing which makes all wonder what it could be?
Cliff hangers.


I vote for sharpshooters practicing on coyotes and drug smugglers.


Not that I would actually wish anyone harm, but at what point do we have repercussions?

Deplorable Patriot

We were talking about this yesterday, the promised Project Veritas tech bomb. Yeah, he came through. Unreal.


Truly SMH!! Thanks for posting DP!!


Pinterest is not a social media platform that I would have thought was censoring, but of course it is. The whistleblower said people can speak up to enact change, and that did work in the case of Live Action; Pinterest stopped the censorship on it. But what about the many other forms of censorship being employed by Pinterest? I don’t think people have the power to make these organizations change, except by boycotting them altogether. And I don’t think that will work because too many people are either unaware of the problem or are so devoted to using these sites (for business or pleasure) that they won’t leave them. I think there needs to be a different solution, though I don’t know what. This video shows that the problem is often hidden. Lila Rose and Live Action didn’t know they were being censored on Pinterest.


PRESIDENT TRUMP will have long busy day – heading to IOWA – two speeches!!!
President Trump’s schedule for 6/11/19
All Times EDT:
12:15 PM Depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn/Marine One
12:25 PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews – Washington, D.C.
12:35 PM Depart Washington, D.C., en route to Offutt Air Force Base, NE – Air Force One
2:05 PM Arrive at Offutt Air Force Base – Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska
2:25 PM Depart Offutt Air Force Base, NE, en route to Council Bluffs, IA – Motorcade
2:40 PM Arrive at Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy – Council Bluffs, IA
2:45 PM Tour Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy
3:20 PM Deliver remarks on renewable energy
4:15 PM Depart Council Bluffs, IA, en route to Offutt Air Force Base, NE – Motorcade
4:30 PM Arrive at Offutt Air Force Base – Offutt Air Force Base, NE
4:40 PM Depart Offutt Air Force Base, NE, en route to Des Moines, IA – Air Force One
5:25 PM Arrive at Des Moines International Airport – Des Moines, IA
5:35 PM Departs Des Moines, IA, en route to West Des Moines, IA – Motorcade
5:55 PM Arrive at The Ron Pearson Center – West Des Moines, IA
6:30 PM Deliver remarks at the Republican Party of Iowa Annual Dinner
7:20 PM Depart West Des Moines, IA, en route to Des Moines, IA – Motorcade
7:40 PM Arrive at Des Moines International Airport – Des Moines, IA
7:50 PM Depart Des Moines, IA, en route to Washington, D.C. – Air Force One
10:55 PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews – Washington, D.C.
11:05 PM Depart Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House – Marine One
11:15 PM Arrive at the White House – South Lawn


This has crossed my mind more than once. The fact of the matter is, except in the rare instances where you personally know someone posting a comment, NONE of us actually “know” anyone else – here on this site, or on all other internet sites, except for sites such as FB with known-friends. Even then, someone could be hi-jacking your internet “identification” and you wouldn’t necessarily even know it.
All we can do is go by what that entity has posted/publicized. Each and every one of us here COULD be a part of “the resistance,” for all we know. We don’t generally know people’s real names or where they live or anything else abut them. Every single person on this site could be lying completely and how would anyone ever know?
Bottom line: we DON’T “know!” We make assumptions based on what has been posted. Now, PLEASE, I am NOT saying this is the case but think about PHC’s situation. Does anyone here know Patrick directly? If not, how do we know he is really sick and in hospice?
Think about it……just sayin’.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve thought about it many times that while we share a lot here, we really don’t known much about each other. Backgrounds, what voices sound like, life experiences, etc. And you’re right, we have no idea who is a double agent.


As an example: I could have been lying this whole time about losing my daughter – how would anyone here know? However, I am not afraid to put her name out there – Heather Rivest – and any one of you can do a search and find her obituary, with my name – Judy Green – listed, as well as the rest of our family. I am taking a leap of faith here by posting that info and, in a way, stepping on the privacy of my SIL and others of my family, but I am also unafraid to prove that what I say is the truth.


I never got a fake vibe from you Nebraska. to me, your pain was evident in your posts, and I don’t know that imposters can bring that kind of emotion to their posts–maybe they can and I’m naive–but i never thought that about you.


TY – that is nice to know. I am ALWAYS about the truth! As I’ve mentioned before, I will take whatever steps I need to in order to correct anything I have posted – anywhere – that I later learn is incorrect or fake.


Well, if you happen to see a tall, slender ,superbly fit woman with a dazzling white smile….that would be me…honest! Oh yes, with thick, naturally wavy hair and sings like an angel….let’s see, is there anything else to “share” about me so you will easily recognize….
A long, long time ago when we were still using dial-up minutes on AOL, I became part of a group of women and we had our own, very active AOL chat room. After a year or so of sharing our lives and thoughts, we decided to arrange a meet-up for about 3 days at a central location. Very few of us even knew each other’s real names and always went by our Internet one. It was in the days you didn’t even post photos…no real social media available.
So, meeting in person held many surprises, as you can imagine. This went on for quite a few years and we went through many life chapters together, including two of the women leaving their husbands to be with each other.
Anyone want to guess what eventually dissolved the group? Yes…politics. The liberals absolutely hated Bush and were so vehement and unwilling to accept his winning, they literally drove everyone else away, and felt no remorse about it. The group became what they wanted it to be….an echo chamber.

Molly Pitcher

That is very true. Way back when I first was on chat boards there was a popular poster who was everything we might want to be. Pretty , married a great AND rich guy…told of so many charitable events she organized..and then she gets pregnant with twins.
By own hinky meter is beginning to vibrate..this chick is toooo lucky to be real.
Anyway..the pregnancy went a little too long, people statred digging…her pics that she shared were from an advertisement..she was a fake. Years in the game fake with fake glory and fake trauma that almost everyone invested themselves in….


Chic in Tennessee (probably Macedonia) did that in one of our groups.
Wasted time….for what?


Even more cruel are the fake GoFundMe campaigns.


Fake GoFundMe = Now, that’s just not right. Shameful.


If husband and I go out for dinner, we don’t order the same thing from the menu.
We do agree, however, it was time to eat!


Um……not to nitpick…..but allow me to nitpick……pet peeve of mine since I fought this battle in Loudoun County, VA some years back when I owned a wolf-dog – please – do not call them wolf-hybrids. Once again (as with democracy, for instance), the meaning of the word “hybrid” has been changed colloquially over the years, quite possibly by people who wanted to ban wolf-dogs. Unfortunately, there are a LOT of people who want that! Stupid azzwipes! In fact, all it took was one family here in Plainview who had some wolf-dog pups that they let run loose to bring about one of THE most draconian, drastic “Dangerous Dog Ordinances” I have ever seen, passed by our City Council. Phew! Should have seen my Letters to the Editor over THAT one!
The true meaning of a hybrid is a cross between two species; considering that dogs and wolves are the same species (altho different sub-species), a dog and a wolf cross is just that: a wolf-dog cross or the more simple wolf-dog. It is more on the line of crossing two different breeds. I used to have a large stack of documentation, including scientific papers, on the subject but I don’t have it any more.
OK – I am over my spell of OCD. I certainly consider my fellow den-dwellers to be trustworthy, but the skeptic inside will never go away. Been burned too many times.


Bingo! It is ALL about the training and the responsibility of the owners (or the lack thereof). I do acknowledge I was being petty, not to mention repetitive, with my comment. I will work on that! LOL

Deplorable Patriot

Are we ready for the Holy Grail of the conspiracy world wish list? It might be just projection on my part, but since VSGPDJT tends to drop hints of what is to come on his Twinkie feed, his mentioning of THE FED twice this morning is intriguing. The first post was pulled down, but…..
And from Reuters:
U.S. President Donald Trump accused Europe of devaluing the euro zone’s single currency in a series of tweets on Tuesday that also targeted U.S. monetary policy with renewed attacks on the U.S. central bank.
“The Euro and other currencies are devalued against the dollar, putting the U.S. at a big disadvantage,” Trump tweeted without offering any evidence.
He also slammed U.S. interest rates for being too high and criticized the U.S. Federal Reserve.
“The Fed Interest rate way to(o) high, added to ridiculous quantitative tightening! They don’t have a clue!” wrote Trump, who has long broken with decades of precedent set by previous U.S. presidents who distanced themselves from the nation’s monetary policy.

Deplorable Patriot


Does anyone think Creepy Joe or any of the Demonrat candidates would have the international financial smarts to understand what President Trump does about worldwide economies? Of course they wouldn’t.
And all that’s needed to stop tourists from coming to European landmarks is a bunch of successive terrorist acts at those locations. Look at all the vacation cancellations in the Dominican Republic lately, for example.


Absolutely…Egypt is an example. It used to be such a popular tourist destination (rightfully so!), but a few massacres of foreign tourist buses, or shootings at an outdoor opera in the Valley of the Kings…and now the tourists are few.
It’s all part of the plan!

Deplorable Patriot


FYI/FWIW…re Stephen Moore and the VERY LOW INFLATION tweet today…


John Ratcliffe on Fox -Today’s civil contempt resolution, Zero percent chance Dem lawyers will ever argue in court Barr should comply with subpoena that will require him to commit crime, nothing but a ShowVote. Barr turning over docs to Nadler that they previously offered, nothing new, Nadler’s Off Ramp to knee jerk subpoenas 😂 Ratcliffe is reviewing all docs today. Durham is looking into unauthorized leakers of classified info, under oath liars, and FISA abusers/false representations. Intel agencies, yes plural = DOJ/FBI/CIA are being looked at. Focus on Downer leads to orchestratation? Look out JB, Orange Jumpsuit awaits!! 👏👏

CM in TN

Just got my Parler account going. CMinTN. Not sure who else is on there yet.


Go put your info on the whos on twitter, gab,etc thread. Should be in the side bar(i dont have it otherwise id link).
Anyone else who has done that, please ppost it over there to keep track.


smiley3…over at gab…just since end of last week….I don’t say much at all there…but I’m there.


“smiley3…over at gab…just since end of last week….I don’t say much at all there…but I’m there.”
I do not say anything there either. Funny thing i had to sign up again with different email and handle but it seems my page is different and I cannot really do much with it. Maybe it is me much has been going on in my life and I am dead tired right now.
My new computer is not helping either.


Followed you. I am ready if our President pulls the trigger on Parler.


Note on revealing too much personal info: Our treehouse is welcoming, friendly, relaxing, even cozy and I hope it never changes. We all reveal personal info to some degree or another when we post/comment and as long as we are doing that in an informed way by choice it is a ok thing to do. Just make sure you are doing it knowingly.
I have Zero idea what the stats are for this blog but here are some stats on the other treehouse for perspective that might be eye opening to those who were/are there.
(Note: this post is Not About the other place – just using it to help give an informed perspective. And yes they do generate a little income from ads. Figured that helped supplement time off from a regular job, giving more time to write and research so I was never at all upset by that! Hoping the thread doesn’t go sideways about the blog itself as the point is the example of the readership being MUCH bigger than the commenting group, esp. the regular commenting group. Fingers crossed that we don’t spend the day going sideways…)
“Provided by Alexa ranking, has ranked 4099th in United States and 22,829 on the world. reaches roughly **141,409** users per day and delivers about 4,242,280 users each month. The domain uses a Commercial suffix and it’s server(s) are located in US with the IP number and it is a .com domain.” (emphasis added)
If I recall correctly, the numbers were higher as was the ranking, in late ’15 and throughout ’16.
More stats – 54,573 Daily Unique visitors!!! over 1.5 million Unique visitors a month!!!!!!!! Some of the numbers could be slightly inflated due to use of VPNs but that still only accounts for a small portion of double counting some readers/visitors
this maybe eye opening to some who felt like it was a group of a few hundred friends, sitting around cozy den, sipping hot chocolate and chatting. Many, Many eyes and ears listening. This might explain why we occasionally see some unfamiliar screen names and think, troll, when really they indeed have been long time readers who rarely post which is why they weren’t recognized.
Again, not saying to not share, feel comfortable and enjoy the fellowship as well as be part of the MAGA Think Tank here at WQTH – just be wise, aware and informed.

Plain Jane

On privacy: Someone in our circle learned that their profile on some people search said that they are even related to the father of one of their sister-in-laws. That is far out ridiculous invasive.
Person is in the process of scrubbing all ways to identify us, siblings,, children, etc., from the internet, addresses available on local gov websites or anywhere. This actually includes putting assets into a trust. Huge job.
We are getting new computers because MS will soon no longer support Windows 7. I wanted to go with Linux, but apparently aren’t for convenience purposes, getting Proton email addresses- Swiss privacy, etc.


Well, the marketeers, the government and the leftists (Øbama’s super-computer data bank) have the goods on all of us and everyone remotely connected to us.
A couple of years ago…
– I got mail at my address for my former husband and we had been divorced for nearly 15 years and he had re-married and in a different city/state from our former residence.
– I got mail addressed to his new wife – in her maiden name.
– Someone used my credit card number at a gas/car wash/convenience store in Chicago one labor day weekend. The bank caught onto them before they got more than about $72.
– Someone sitting in a student apartment outside a local university opened a credit card account in my maiden name which I had not used since 1967!


A few years ago, I got a solicitation phone call from my old university. In the interim, I had lived overseas a couple of times, changed my name, had never contacted the University for any reason, and was currently living across the country. . Out of pure astonishment I said…how in the world did you ever find me!?


Did they reveal how?


No, young student on the phone said…all I have is a list of names and phone numbers in front of me.

Plain Jane

It’s all so foreign to our sense of honesty and sensibilities, isn’t it!


I really hate being exploited and violated.

Plain Jane

Me also. SIL was in Japan about 3-4 months prior to his credit card being exploited by someone in Japan.
Several years ago I couldn’t pay for groceries because the bank had just put a freeze on my card and I wasn’t yet informed…someone was trying to purchase several $k worth of electronics on line with my number. The list goes on with people I know.


In 16 years living in this town, I have had 12 new cards due to crooks, hackers, and a burglary.


About once a year for us….such a bother getting new cards and having to inform “automatic” payment”, etc.

Gail Combs

We use $$$$CASH$$$
We have killed off most of our credit cards except for one for use in emergencies so we have zero trouble.
Hubby does pay bills On-Line which makes me go ballistic, however we use LINUX so have had no trouble there yet either.


Holy crap, Plain Jane. Are you okay?

Plain Jane

Pretty much. I will not allow the locals here to do a biopsy on my glands…waiting it out and if I think it’s longer than sufficient for either a bad infection to manifest or clear up, then I will either go to the teaching hospital in Chicago or downstate. Biopsies are only as telling as the pathologist is knowledgeable. After the locals taking Several urine samples and telling me I have blood in my urine, and then seeing the UroGynos downstate who know how to take a sample, I’m convinced teaching hospitals are the way to go. Thanks for asking.

Molly Pitcher

Yes, the Dem led Congress lacks the moral scruples to refuse bribes. That’s a given. But it doesn’t mean they deserve a pay raise. Pay raise for what? They’ve done nothing this year except bash and harass Our President.


$4500 won’t make a difference.
Just for giggles, I’ll take the opposite side.
I would be willing to pay 435 Congressmen + 100 Senators @ 10 million a year = 5.35 billion.
Heck, I would be willing to finagle the budget to give them all a staff budget of another 10 million/yr.
Today, we have passive beta types, no spine, who are supposed to be leaders, but merely do the bidding of those who are more powerful/richer.
If we pay CEO wages, we get CEO’s.
And, at 10 million a year, a million dollar bribe…… ain’t what it used to be.
If we coupled it with stiff penalties for campaign finance reform, and no Congressmen would cross the street, or meet under an abandoned bridge, for $250K.
What we’re doing now does not work. Congressmen are under constant pressure to raise money, always running for Congress, far too beholden to lobbyists. If the wages are higher, we might see more turnover.
Whaddaya think?

Deplorable Patriot

I think that by going for the top job the first time around, VSGPDJT skipped the games politicians have to play. If he had run for any other office, not raising money, because he wouldn’t see it as productive, would keep him out of the leadership slots.


“Whaddaya think?”
I think there is no amount of money which will make men MORE honest or MORE patriotic.
Either you are, or you aren’t.
Serving our nation is a PRIVILEGE.
They shouldn’t get paid anything. Put some skin in the game. They’ll make plenty after they LEAVE, considering the experience and connections they will have gained, and getting paid nothing would be a terrific incentive to not STAY there until you DIE.
There is no amount of money which will ever satisfy the greedy, certainly no amount that taxpayers would ever approve to pay our civil miscreants.
Money is not the answer, money is the problem.
Remove the money, and see who still remains.
Those are the people you want serving.


What they really really need is …… fill in the blank
Bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha 😈👍


The party at PHCs gets pretty riwdy, but we are missing a spark on fun here the past week or so. Its happy warrior time not everyday eeyore. We are livin in MAGA times so find something to brighten up your day!!


Beautiful photo of President Trump and the Lion – even though we know our President would not use an American flag as a snuggle blanket.


H/T kalbren2r1 from PHC’s Blog
#NewVersion #WeThePeople


… LIKE ….. ‼️‼️‼️‼️ .. 😃👍❤️


glad you like it, we use the phone to blue tooth it through our car speakers and blast it while we drive doing errands! We get more positive responses than negative in a supposedly deep blue state, even in one of the “blue” cities.


Oh my I’d love to play the songs I have on my phone ☎️ (😛) by Bluetooth in the car .. I’ve heard it’s possible to use your phone like a MP3 player but you have to do that through the phones music 🎶 app … 🥺🤚 … I’m not up to snuff on that .. I need to take the time to learn that 🙂🤚❤️‼️


We use a Youtube playlist. Just open YouTube and start the playlist we made. I don’t know about music apps, the techies maybe would have more information on that.


🙂🤚 thank you kalbren2r1 … ❤️


You are welcome!


or one of the passengers gets to play DJ and search through and play songs found on YouTube.


… 😊👍 … cool 😎🤚


Even as we realize the threats, We can rejoice in amd make the most of the opportunities we still have to be salt, to help preserve all that is good and righteous in this nation to help MAGA.
Consider…Any nation whose legal system is based on Judeao/Christian ethics is one that will be safest for each individual living there. There is a grand battle being staged right now over this very fact.
True Christianity allows the individual freedoms of choice in religion. It does not allow forced acceptance of its faith, but is offered as a free choice to each individual heart. Judeao/Christian laws are designed to preserve individual freedoms while assuring each individual’s safety.
Our freedoms, particularly freedom of religion, must be contended for in the greatest way,
The enemy wants us isolated and silenced to enamble tyranny’s total control.
All of this reminds me of the story of Esther in which Mordecai told her that she must risk her life and speak out for her people because if she did not deliverance would come to the Jewish people from another source but her own life would be forfeit.
I have been so sad that our two treehouses have been separated, and even more sad when I saw how people of faith who should know better have at times let minor differences divide us so that we fight amonourselves rather than taking on the enemy.
Wolf remains a voice of reason and I have a lot of hope for healing of all going forward.
Though I don’t always agree, I often still watch Fox news. Why? Because we need more Conservative voices even if they are not perfect. I try to read and visit all of the conservative sites I can….same reason. Support.
I still read CTH. I never knew if I was banned, I stopped posting there out of respect for Sundance when I realized that I could not be real and fully communicate there without tripping over the Q rules.
Whether Q is right or wrong I wanted the freedom to go there to learn and consider and research what was posted. Also, Q generates a sense of empowerment in seeking things out, uncovering new information, as well as fun and excitment in the search. Tiptoeing around this felt disingenuous.
And, I don’t have the courage, commitment, or enough love to start my own blog…but I respect and appreciate those who do. Thank you Wolf❣️
Though I cannot see you, I genuinely care for many posters on each Treehouse site. I feel as though I know you and am so grateful for that opportunity. It is a privilege to share your company and be allowed to communicate so freely.
I hope that we can continue to educate, respect, and love one another for many years to come. To me, it remains a beautiful way for even the least of us to help MAGA.


Eloquent words LM. Blessings and courage sister as we continue the fight! Armor on and Shields Up Patriots.


Oh yeah, don’t forget your Spiritual AR-15 that “sideshow” Wolfmoon has issued. Keep them clean and well oiled! Find your ammo at the base of the cross and in HIS Word.comment image


Even though all believers are called the bride of Christ, the males may appreciate this one better!comment image?w=475&h=581

Gail Combs

comment image


Amen and amen .. ❤️‼️


Blessings to you, too Kalbren. The art you have posted is beautiful!
Thank you so much for the encouragement.


💕🙏 You are welcome.


For God and country … huzzah ‼️‼️‼️ 🤨👍❤️


Yes, my fellow believer!


wwg1wga … ❤️
The bell on President Kennedy’s boat the HoneyFitz …. 😉


Earlier in the thread, Aubergine gave out a deserved caution about infighting here because of people speaking their minds. That would certainly damage the tree if continued. So I found some info about personal attacks during a discussion that might be useful.
I won’t remember all this info, but for me what it boils down to is not referring to the “other” poster when having a discussion. Don’t use that poster’s name or the word “you” in the discussion. Keep strictly to the topic when presenting the issue. With a little thought, it can be done. I hope it’s helpful.
Notice in the examples below, Bob always uses the word “you” in his attacks on Alice.
Personal attacks during discussions focus on information that is irrelevant to the discussion at hand, not addressing the point of the discussion, and present that information in a manner which could influence the result of the discussion. Some of these attacks are relatively sophisticated, while others are simply crude and abusive.
Poisoning the well is where someone presents unrelated negative information about their opponent, with the goal of discrediting everything that their opponent says.
Alice: I think that we should increase the federal spending on education.
Bob: You’re a fascist, so clearly we shouldn’t listen to what you have to say about education.
The credentials fallacy occurs when someone dismisses an argument and attacks its source directly, by stating that the person who made that argument doesn’t have sufficient credentials in the field being discussed.
Alice: studies have overwhelmingly shown that you should vaccinate your children.
Bob: You’re not a doctor, so there’s not reason for me to listen to you.
An appeal to motive dismisses a certain stance, by questioning the motives of the person who supports it.
Alice: I think that we should increase the federal spending on education.
Bob: You’re only saying that because you want to show support for the president that you voted for.
An appeal to hypocrisy attempts to discredit a person, by suggesting that their argument is inconsistent with their previous acts.
Alice: I think that we should increase the federal spending on education.
Bob: You clearly don’t even care about public education, since you sent your own kids to a private school.
Tone policing focuses only on the manner in which a person makes an argument, instead of addressing the argument itself.
Alice: I think that we should increase the federal spending on education. The current situation is unacceptable in many of the poorer areas of the country, and children are suffering because of it.
Bob: Okay, okay, no need to get so worked up over these things.
Alice: But what do you think about the situation?
Bob: I think that you shouldn’t be so emotional about it.
The traitorous critic fallacy involves telling a person who criticized something that they should stay away from whatever it is they are criticizing, if they don’t approve of the current situation.
Alice: I think that as a country, we’re not spending enough on healthcare.
Bob: Well if you don’t like it here, then you should just leave and go somewhere where they have the kind of healthcare that you want.
The association fallacy occurs when someone is attacked based on their supposed connection to something which is unrelated to the discussion at hand.
Alice: I think that we should increase the federal spending on education.
Bob: Well, the Nazis also thought that, so you’re like the Nazis.
The abusive fallacy occurs when an argument simply attacks a person in a direct and abusive manner, instead of addressing the point that they are trying to make.
Alice: I think that we should increase the federal spending on education.
Bob: I think that you’re a moron and that nobody cares about your opinion.


IMO, what you are describing is what I call “snark.” There is no purpose behind Bob’s comments except to denigrate Alice. Big difference and I have NOT seen that happening here.


Hi K! Been lurking over here or just arrive?


Is that me you are asking about? I have been lurking and partying hardy at PHC’s place. I’m back and forth between the two trees.


Thanks, I guess I should have been more specific.
I was looking for kinthenorthwest.


Carl, She’s been here a while. Flep used one of her comments or tweets in today’s news round up.


.. 😉👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️


Ahhhhhhhhh …. No. 9
(If this doesn’t post … uhhhh .. 😐 … keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling … keep those finger rolling)


Call me whatever you want, just don’t call me late for dinner!
Unless, of course, it is vegetarian or vegan, in which case I’ll be down at the Sizzler for a steak, and out of earshot. 🙂


good advice. thank you


Bob is what I would call a leftist ‘attack’ troll – probably paid.
Romney and Cruz had them on all the blogs during the primaries, and so did Obama and Clinton.


Good info. One of my *favorites* is when someone says basically the opposite of what you did, and then they say “Got it,” as in, “So you think blah, blah, blah. Got it.” No, they don’t get it. In fact, they are intentionally twisting your words for their own purposes.
An honest discussion involves asking the other person to clarify their meaning or asking them if you’ve understood them correctly.


So you are saying we should all agree. Got it. Couldn’t resist, my mother did try. ;>)




A kindred spirit, I cannot resist brilliant ideas (at least in my own mind), and my dad and mom tried. My worse antics happen at PHC’s place.


well at least we are not the clowns to the left or right of you! You are stuck in the middle of us though. We will be the distractions while you and husband provide surveillance and maneuver. Can I have a cigar? Always love me a good cigar. Wolf you are a good alpha wolf! You give the snarl and bite when needed and then rough house and play when the pups bounce by! You also are so patient as we chew your tail or ears too!

CM in TN

This train is bound for Glory, this train!


Hahaha…..”1% Joe” Gotta love POTUS.
AND he is right about Joe being completely off..except for the groping.

Elizabeth Carter

I took a 4 Day EST Seminar when I lived in CA. It was one of those where you don’t know anyone and I learned later that the unstated but actual objective was to break down your total belief system and leave you with nothing to replace it. It was a common thing in the 1980’s. They asked me to set a goal when I started. My goal was to learn to trust people more.
The people attending the Seminar were highly educated leaders in S. CA. I was horrified over the 4 days to watch all of them make decisions based on emotions and winning the approval of others. They are still going on. This was recommended and paid for by the Company I worked for. EST training.
I stood my ground and walked out better for attending the event.
I did not learn to trust people more. I learned that the people in charge are as President Trump says, “Stupid People”.
I took the follow up intensive training 2 months later and it was even more blatant.
I went back to Scripture and started studying the Scriptures about TRUSTING PEOPLE. There are none.
TRUST GOD is the key to everything. Do not trust other people. Do not trust yourself. Put every thought you have under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
That was shocking. I thought we were supposed to trust each other. We are not to trust anyone but God.
As I learned and grew by the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, I found it to be the most liberating experience of my life. That was in 1984 and I am still growing in Christ. I always will be growing and learning and I find that to be a blessing beyond compare.
When you believe something, stand up for it, speak up for it and as you learn more change your human mind to fit the true facts you have learned as you grow.
People are trying to protect themselves from being exposed here because they state their beliefs.
True protection comes from God. Satan has no, NO power over you.
Trust God. Say what you believe. It is not your job to find a human to follow. It is your job to follow God.
It is not your job to bring others to Christ. It is your job to say why you believe in Christ and to tell others of the fact that Jesus Christ died in order to save them from sin and rose again to prove that this earth is the temporary realm and that Jesus Kingdom has come.
Trust God. Be transparent. Know that you cannot hide from evil. Never say anything that you would not want to stand up and defend in court, even to the Supreme Court.
Know that even if you lose in court, you stood up for what you believe and you did not compromise at all.
If you have or do change your mind because you have learned more and grown more, then state the change and why you changed your mind.
Trust God. Question yourself and others. Watch and Pray.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep, we have been trained to think with our hearts rather than our heads.


The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.


Psalm 118:8 is In the very center of the Bible.
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
and the next verse 118:9 emphasizes and reiterates it:
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.


Claim of centrality? Another thing I’m ignorant of.


The author I was quoting counted the number of verses, not the number of letters.


Considering the verses were numbered and added for reference and aren’t part of the original text, it’s not worth arguing about. I didn’t know it was so controversial, but like you, I just looked it up and there is a big hoo-rah over that. I still do like the message of Ps 118:8-9 a lot.


Here is another reference on that – which make sense, but only works with the KJV:
According to independent research, the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible contains 1189 chapters; Psalm 117 is the 595th; there are 594 chapters before Psalm 117, and 594 after it. Thus, it is 117, not 118, that is the center chapter of the Bible.
The KJV has an even number of verses (31,102) and, thus, does not have a single middle verse. The “middle verses” are Psalm 103:1-2, with 15,550 verses before and after.
Psalms 103: 1-2: A Psalm of David. Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
Link –


Great post! Two passages come to mind:
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Isaiah 26:3
3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.


Two of my longtime favorites also.


Elizabeth your post reminded me of thiscomment image

Elizabeth Carter

Kalbren, Thank you. Elizabeth


Speaking of censorship…..FB has deleted “Natural News” FB page.
“Facebook has deleted the popular “Natural News” Facebook page according to recent reports.
The Daily Beast reports that Facebook removed the popular Natural News Facebook page, which had nearly 3 million followers, this week. In an article posted on Infowars, the administrator of the Natural News page Mike Adams wrote: “In response to a coordinated, heavily-funded smear campaign against Natural News and myself, the Health Ranger, Facebook has now permanently banned Natural News from posting content.”
Adams has further claimed that Natural News has been banned by Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google News, Apple. Adams, who wrote about alternative medicines and natural remedies on the page writes in his article:
“Anyone who questions the safety of toxic vaccines, 5G cell towers, geoengineering, chemotherapy or glyphosate weed killer chemicals is now maliciously attacked, smeared and de-platformed. You’re not even allowed now to talk about nutrition, anti-cancer foods or nutritional supplements without being labeled a “vitamin” website accused of pushing fake cures.”

Elizabeth Carter

NF, This is off topic. I am leaving to visit my Great Children on 6-13. I will be driving alone across country. I will be taking I-70 and crossing the flooded rivers. Is that the best route to take from NC to NV?
On Topic. I think LCHF is the best diet. I don’t take medicine or go to doctors. I question all of the things you listed. Truth stands up to questioning. Lies fall apart. If it is true it will stand the test of time and extreme inspection.


Re: your upcoming trip…
There is an ‘app’ that you might want to make appear on your phone (sorry no cell phone so no idea how one does that). Here is the website:
Hope that is helpful to someone out there….

Elizabeth Carter

Mandy, Thanks, I will check it out.


Nebraska Filly, is your avatar one of yours? Love me them Arabian horses, one of my favorite places to go is the Scottsdale AZ Arabian Horse show.

Gail Combs

Yes, it was one of her horses. (I asked earlier.)


beautiful animal, I would love to see her ranch. Has anyone heard anymore about her situation since the floods?


<3 <3 <3 OUR LION!!!!


We need to do that anyway – for the sake of this country!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good luck when the worst of them are in THOROUGHLY safe districts.


Øbama’s fingerprints are all over this Netflix movie. Ø He aided, funded, armed, pardoned and/or released thieves, thugs, tyrants, terrorists, and traitors every day of his tenure in office.
He aided, funded, armed, pardoned and/or released thieves, thugs, tyrants, terrorists, and traitors every day of his tenure in office.

Elizabeth Carter

This is a very good link for our discussion today. I am going to post it on Pinterest.


Making their methods known – great and effective.
Ridicule and parody so that their hypocrisy is obvious and their credibility is shot – also effective and needed.
Many, many ways to fight this — all needed! Let them be seen in the proper light


Donald J. Trump/Breaking News/ “A BIG WEEK FOR TRUMP” TIC TOK

Molly Pitcher
California: The largest insane asylum in the world.
( this was written Dec 2018…it was bad then..and many times worse now)


Our 1-year “Escape from California” anniversary is 16 days from mow! Hmmm . . . lobster?

Molly Pitcher

I’m halfway gone. Bought a place elsewhere …they’re driving out good people


Congratulations!! I’m working on my own escape New York plan.


wasn’t Kurt Russel in that?


Yep and Escape from LA!


Four plus years, California Free.
Easily assimilated back into the America I knew, before komifornia phased in…and over the cliff.


THAT article is telling the truth – the DSM (mental health diagnostic manual) had to be altered because too many Californians were qualified to be certifiably mentally disordered.


About those open gates at the southern border….

Molly Pitcher

I don’t get things at this. This open gate has been front & center for days. How hard is it for somebody in charge to shut the damn thing?
Why doesn’t somebody not in charge shut it with a giant lock on it?
Why do we continually see vids of 100’s walking in? Why don’t we have some additional deterrents on our side of the fences? Surely we’re “allowed” to use other things?
It’s a continuous border shock and awe…yay! we’re winning..and 2 seconds later…nah..we’re losing and they’re flooding in, getting transported all over the country


Just got an email from Brian Kolfage saying The Gate has now been closed and will stay closed except for short periods during the day. Evidently, all the phone calls made a difference…at least to someone in authority.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Honestly, I’m surprised PDJT didn’t do something…or maybe he has.


The Supreme Court has dismissed without comment the case of somone who wanted to remove “in God we trust” from our currency.
The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in its ruling last August against Mr. Newdow said the Establishment Clause of the Constitution doesn’t force the government to purge itself from all religious reflection.
“Precluding general references to God would do exactly that,” the federal appeals court ruled.


Not sure uf this has been posted today or if its old news….tried to find the Apee original source but didnt find it


Pres Trump is speaking in Iowa…this is a live feed:


Got a message from Syl about you, wheatie.
I have no idea what is causing the/your difficulty she described.
Will watch the bin closely.


Thanks, Patrick.
Will keep trying.


I was going to totally drop this subject, but I just ran into a Master List of Logical Fallicies . . . looks like it’s from the Univ of Tx, El Paso . . . 146 of ’em. For your reading enjoyment:


Sorta like 17 . . . oooooooohhhh . . . cue the eerie music!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even 666?


There are almost as many poetic and literary devices.


Okay, Mr. President just asked us (via his talk to the Nebraska/Iowa farmers) to contact Pelosi and the Democrats to get the USMCA over the line.
Pelosi has a special contact form for out of district comments. It’s on her website contact page.


US makes formal extradition request for Julian Assange


I wish I knew what this means. Who decides whether to grant the request? What would it mean for Assange? Would it rescue him from mistreatment and get him better healthcare here, only to have him sent to prison for life in this country? Would he be able to make a deal with our government to give us info? I need to go back and look at Q’s references to Assange, but then there is disinformation…


Best thing we can do is pray for the man. He’s already ‘served time’ and in a great sense, served this country, if his whistle blowing exposed the truth about Hillrotten and Podesta.


From my husband’s military point of view – Assange caused a great deal of harm… I get what people are saying regarding his exposing Hillary and Podesta – but there are other facets involved here – serious ones.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’s no doubt either a blessing in disguise or a mixed blessing. Which one it is depends on the relative value of the harm he has caused and the help he has given.


Isn’t he a libertarian? I always keep in mind that he doesn’t have U.S. interests at heart – at least as regards some serious national security issues that POTUS would be concerned about.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Libertarian” has become a fashionable label for everything from laissez faire economists to some brands of socialism.
I guess the Libertarian party succeeded in making the word “cool” but seeing as how it can mean almost anything, it is shorn of any real meaning nowadays.


True. I understand there is Libertarian with a small “L” and lg “L” – I really didn’t mean anything by using the word, only that Assange isn’t doing anything because he supports the U.S.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

true enough. “Big L” is a member of the party while little “l” is someone who just agrees with it (at least, to those in the Libertarian Party). Of course, the LP has long since gotten infested with faux libertarians who are actually socialists.


Thanks for reminding us of the dangers he caused.


The most wonderful act of benefit to mankind came with a price few of us can comprehend. All good things come at a price. Just saying.


Assange gave away military secrets which caused the U.S. significant harm. I wont’ spend any more energy feeling sorry for him than I do for “Chelsea Manning” – Assange had intent to hurt the U.S.
I’m with Wolf about trusting POTUS on this.

CM in TN

Not really sure how I feel about this to be honest. Seems like a lot of bogus charges filed against him. He has exposed a lot of criminal activity perpetrated by our govt. for which no one has been held accountable. The govt. comes across as butt sore that their crimes have been exposed. I DO NOT trust our so-called justice system or even some in our Presidents administration when it comes to stuff like this.
I will hope that he gets a fair shake, but not holding my breath with all the Deep Staters still in place and in positions to affect outcomes. Guess I will just have to wait and see. I do trust our President, but we all know not all of his subordinates tow the line.


Me thinks the US Government has just about abused the notion that I’ll simply believe them when they start hollering “National Security”, “sources and methods” BS to protect…
Have worked with classified information that pretty well goes up the scale and all of that. 100% respect the need to pretect information I worked with and so much more information that needs protecting.
After all the abuses we keep seeing and hearing, I am ready to get Assange some decent treatment, and if a day in court is appropriate, so be it.
IF Assange can shed FACTS on abuses by our government, other governments so both corrective action and punishment can be meted out. 100% for it. Needs to be done transparently. Otherwise, NOTHING gets fixed.
yea, I know damage was done. It in fact is done. Remaining mitigated, or should have been if folks doing their jobs.
Whether we hear President Trump weighs in or not, I’ll bet he is briefed before anything happens. Barr, or someone will give him a heads up. Perhaps via Mnuchin. As Wolf says, Trust Trump. That is where I am.


Sid Vicious? – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 6.11.19


No idea if this has been posted … just got and have NOT read all the threads. I did notice this, which made me go [once again!!] Hummmmm ….
Mary Max, wife of famed artist Peter Max, kills herself in Upper West Side apartment

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think it’s been posted here. I did see this on a site dedicated to notable chan posts, though. Or VOAT. One of them.
Interestingly enough there was another thread that talked about abandoned warehouse districts appearing to be skid rows being used for wild art parties complete with debauchery and other dark things. Quite the coincidence for that to appear today. If that’s really the case, no wonder city governments don’t work to tear down the derelict buildings with more fervor and vigor.


I have to bounce to PHC’s place, the evening crew is arriving! I thank YAH for you all in my prayers and remember:comment image


Scope Of Durham’s Investigation Broad, Trump 24/7/365, Message Received – Episode 1890b


Trump Just Dropped The Economic Hammer, It’s Time – Episode 1890a


SerialBrain2: Trump’s Historic State Visit to the UK: Winning, Winning and Winning.


The earlier one vanished when the clearing of older posts was done, so I’m dropping this in again, just in case some of y’all are interested but missed it:


OOOPS!!! I got confused and thought I was at PHC’s place. Did not mean to drop this in here. Sorry about that!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re not alone; it has happened at least seventy times! 😀


I see what you did there…


I’m going to watch it and am glad you posted it.


Hey guys, is the president doing a rally in Iowa tonight? Or is it a fundraiser for the Iowa Repub Party (I thought it was a private deal)
Do we want a thread for it?
Or can we just post the excerpts?


Rally is on Cspan 2


“6:30 PM Deliver remarks at the Republican Party of Iowa Annual Dinner”
IOWA is the early political campaign capital of the USA!
And they are proud of it!


No rally….speaking before Iowa farmers and then the Iowa GOP …returning back to WH after 11 pm!


Trump delivers remarks on renewable energy in Iowa


President’s comments are on CSPAN 2


Trump’s “speech” is quiet, intimate, like we’re in the same room with him. It’s like a board meeting. It’s a family meeting. Very cool.
There’s many hundred people there, from the clapping, but he’s cool as a cucumber.
He’s going through every topic…….. bopping right along……….. not looking at a teleprompter at all.
Freeeeeee wheeling.
Right on point.


Really, really like it when President Trump goes off script. While still getting the basic message out, he at times dispenses with PC, which I like. A lot. And he’ll toss in a few zingers at the D-Rats.


Me too. Love that part of him.


Wait a minute, he does have a teleprompter, but he is not paying attention to it at all.
He brought an angel mom up, touching, moving, wow.


Wow……… he’s good.
He’s talking about staying out of foreign entanglements.
But says, “things might change” “lot of bad things….. North Korea…… Iran…..”
“many things which should have been taken care of in he past adminisration and the administration before that one….. but they didn’t get it done…… but we are… we’re getting it done……”
“and whatever happens…. we have it under control”
Wow, when he says it, I believe it.
Completely different than prior admins or presidents.


I’m seeing shades of where President Trump is going for his campaign pitch for 2020.
Several examples of what SHOULD have been done in past admins…. things which he has fixed or is addressing.
Jerusalem, The VA, illegal immigration, energy, red tape, trade deals, and unabashed love of country.


And, drug prices going down, Iran nuke deal, TPP trashed, Paris Climate hoax, pipelines, manufacturing…
…fundamentally it is, America First…across the spectrum of issues!!!


I just thought of another thing. There are tons of supposed MAGA sites on Twitter that post stuff all day long.
They say the most wonderful things and are super gungho. They tweet stuff that is absolutely designed to get you to react emotionally.
It’s usually some egregious thing that the left has done. Often though, it’s from two years ago. Often, it is something that has been debunked.
And always, these accounts are begging for more followers. I mean, it’s unseemly.
These types of accounts I unfollow as soon as I figure out they are not kosher. And if someone retweets them, I unfollow that account too.


Glad you mentioned this GrandmaInTexas. In our FB groups, we get a lot of this. Posts about something some HOllyweird actor has said. All of it is Bad, Nasty, designed to bring you down, frustrate you. And yes, many videos which are years old or bad info.
I delete them.


Just like Human Events taking up Ann Coulter’s fallacious claim that Trump had not built one mile of wall by 4/30/19 – when he had 40 miles built, and 172 miles under contract, plus a firm plan by Army Corps of Engineers for 450 miles to be built by the end of 2020! (


Yeah, that beeotch can suck eggs.


Turn on Hannity right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
State Department DOCS


Tom Fitton is on – New emails released from State Dept.
Jonathan Winer – good friend of Chris Steele……. funneling to Steny Hoyer.
Winer vouched for Steele, relationship goes back many years.
Wanted info to come in via foreign source.
Victoria Nuland is in it up to her neck.
Winer created another dossier, using Steele, Blumenthal, and Cody Shearer.
Bottom line: The problem is not just FBI/DOJ – it’s just as important to examine State Dept. State is an equal problem. Everyone desperate to get info OUT to damage the incoming President.


Looks like the joint declaration between the US and Mexico from this past weekend.


Correct! It says Mexico will have 45 days to stop the flow of migrants, to bring it into force…or else…. tariffs!


Don’t know if anyone’s trying to make a comprehensive list, but here’s about 7 more fallacious arguments with discussion and examples.


70 not 7

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Septuagint again?

Harry Lime

There will come a day when these people won’t be safe walking down the street.
It can’t come soon enough.
Please hurry.
Amazing Polly discusses some evil monsters.

Molly Pitcher

Ok..out of left field but it popped up…………………….remember this..the pics we tried to decide about Lisa Page being the “missing” spy…this is new info so not verified but would it surprise anyone?


This is an interesting comment someone made to that thread:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That makes MORE sense than simply pointing out that her mother was Iranian.
Many Iranians left Iran after Khomeini took over, because they did NOT want to live in a theocracy.


“That makes MORE sense than simply pointing out that her mother was Iranian.”
I care a lot more about whether she’s islamic than I do about whether she’s Iranian.
islam is synonymous with a lot of words, all of them bad ones.
Not a single good one.
The word that is synonymous with islam that I’m thinking of right now is ‘subversive’.
islam is inherently subversive, it is a parasite that subverts whatever host organism it invades.
It’s like a tick. Not a tick like a ‘tick-tock’ before a bomb goes off — though it would be completely understandable if that was your first thought — because islam is also synonymous with bombs.
I meant ‘tick’ as in the blood sucking parasite.
If Lisa Page or Huma Abedin are islamic, that’s a giant red flag of the size used in former Soviet military parades.
We know Huma is not only islamic, but she has strong ties to the Muzzie Brotherhood.
No way Huma could ever get a security clearance without systematic institutional corruption all the way to the very top.
People love to talk about how the ‘rank and file’ are all good guys.
Why didn’t all of those ‘good guys’ resign in protest, when the Muslim Brotherhood was not only allowed but encouraged to infiltrate our government at every level?
Because they’re not really ‘good guys’, that’s why.
At some point we have to stop pretending.


^^^ Great post. ^^^


“See Something Say Nothing” by Phillip Haney, one of the founders of DHS. He took his mission seriously but his patriotism in doing so was very unappreciated by TPTB.

Molly Pitcher

Thanks and lots of good comments in the thread. There’s been so many things uncovered in the last year. So many things that it almost dilutes itself but it’s all important. No coincidences and fits together like a puzzle

Deplorable Patriot

And the plot starts to come together. The truth is always in the little details, isn’t it?


They couldn’t pay me enough money to vacation in The Dominican Republic. It’s too dangerous as of late.
Even a Fox News producer was held up at gunpoint when he stopped to ask for directions.
“But then finally, just as a sort of reminder about how cautious we have to be when we travel outside of the country to a place like the Dominican Republic, when we were traveling last night between this resort and the other one where the three deaths happened, our fixer, our local producer who helps us with the local issues pulled off the side of the road to ask for directions.
He was robbed at gunpoint. He lost all of his valuables. Fortunately, he was not harmed, and we were not harmed either. But it is a reminder, you have to be very careful be there are more and more questions coming out of this tiny little Caribbean paradise”


“They couldn’t pay me enough money to vacation in The Dominican Republic. It’s too dangerous as of late. ”
Where ISN’T it too dangerous, anymore?
Anyplace that has either
A) drug cartels
B) unrestrained islam (i.e., police do nothing at all to islamic perpetrators,no matter the crime)
…are places I would never go, under any circumstances.
That means I wouldn’t set foot in Western Europe even if you paid me, not unless I was able to carry concealed, in order to defend myself, because I’m sure as &^%$ not counting on the police to do their job.
When seconds count, police are only minutes away.
And I wouldn’t go to Mexico even if I could carry concealed. It’s a narco-terror state war zone.
My sister went there a month or so ago, completely oblivious. She stayed in a resort area, but it seems the terrorists and drug cartels have figured out where all the tourists congregate…
islam and drug cartels can only exist where there is no Law.
If there is no Law, either I’m not going, or I’m carrying a weapon to defend myself.
If I can’t carry a weapon to defend myself, then I’m not going.
Simple as that.


I was thinking that they all drank at their minibars, but its full size bottles tipped up with a spigot. I wonder if the alcohol is being supplied by the same company, who is maybe replacing the bottles cut with some other chemical? Or theres employees doing it. Or, someone works at multiple hotels targeting Anericans. No thanks, its no vacation.


It’s a pretty potent toxin to kill someone almost instantly.


If the producer was a local, why did they need to stop for directions?

Molly Pitcher

ah…such a true statement…made me think of my secret idol Charlie was the bomb


I missed this last year, saw it this evening, pretty funny.


From OT:
Secretary Pompeo Press Conference – U.S-Mexico Migration and Border Agreement…
June 11, 2019
“I thought too I’d spend just a minute here talking about the agreement that was reached with the United States and Mexico on Friday of last week. Frankly, it reflects diplomacy at its finest. It shows the enduring strength, too, of the relationship between our two countries, and it’s a significant win for the American people.”
Diplomacy at it’s finest!
DJT held a gun to Mexico’s head, cocked the hammer, and started squeezing the trigger.
Mexico said WAIT! Por favor, Señor!
We’ll do it!
We’ll do anything!
Just don’t pull the trigger!!!
DJT smiles, decocks the hammer, but leaves the gun pointed at Mexico’s head.
Ah yes… diplomacy… at it’s FINEST!
😁 🤣

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.
— Scotty

Gail Combs

I had to read that one to Hubby…. Ah yes… diplomacy… at it’s FINEST! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


POTUS needs to come here. Good ad for voting out the insane dimms.


Geez, so I just wrote this long ass post, pretty much a book chapter relating to this morning’s discussion about censorship and whatnot but it took so long to write and so much has happened today it seems off topic now. I’ll keep it and probably refine it for Wolf’s next censorship thread, not that it was profound, just my ramblings but it was just kinda long, especially for me.
I’ll just say exciting times, love winning and censorship sucks and it’s gotta be impossible for anyone to not be able to find out who I really am with just the slightest of efforts. Christopher Steele could probably even figure it out 😆


Oh and this! Almost forgot…comment image

Molly Pitcher

Hope you saved it. If we think it’s bad now..the months leading up to 2020 election are going to be dystopian madness due to blackout censoring and 24/7 propaganda


Good point. * opens notepad, selects “paste”, whew. Yep, saved it


Rosie has interesting thread on why John Dean. To get Watergate into record, to use unsealed impeachment roadmap as precedent, all concocted by Lawfare group controlling Nadler’s strings

Molly Pitcher

“Tar Is Literally Oozing Up” Through The Streets Of LA As 700 Quakes Hit Key Seismic Zone

Molly Pitcher

The best part of this article is the comment section.


Comments are hilarious. It was also good to see those who don’t put up with twisting facts to fit a fear mongering narrative.


We’ve seen this movie.
Things didn’t go well for LA.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If it’s the same movie I’m thinking of–I rooted for the volcano.


We get all the little ones sp often we dont notice unless there real shallow. I want to go to the tar pits over summer, but with disease all over, not sure its worth the risk.. kiddo loves all things like this.


If you do go, don’t forget the Museum of Tolerance and the Original Farmers Market.