STILL No Proof of Russian Hacking of DNC or Podesta

Three years of endless media coverage, an extensive investigation by Mueller’s team, people went to jail…….. and still, no proof.
I understand I am a mere citizen, in a red state, doomed to be ignored and insulted by those who feign indignation ANYONE would question their assumptions. Yet, here I am. Where’s the proof? I want to know and ALL Americans deserve to know.
Are we “racist” because we question the obvious?
Within our small group, we have searched for proof of Russians hacking the DNC or Podesta. We have tracked the claims made by CrowdStrike, the only ones allowed to review the DNC servers…. only to have their wild claims, debunked.
CrowdStrike based their conclusions on three fundamental elements:
1. We closely followed the CrowdStrike claim of D-30 Howitzer tracking software was hacked in a similar fashion by Cozy Bear and Fuzzy Bear……. it fell apart.
2. We followed the CrowdStrike Claim of a London Think Tank, IISS, which counts armaments/size of standing armies of all countries…. only to have IISS debunk CrowdStrike. (International Institute for Strategic Studies)
3. Russian language strings in the code…… debunked when we learned we could purchase a similar keyboard in Brooklyn for about $14.
In May of 2017, Crowdstrike backed off the basis for their findings…….. but their spox said it did not matter, because the “17 intel agencies” came to the same conclusion…….
…….. but the 17 intel agencies were relying on CrowdStrike for analysis. See what they did there?
BUT …. what if you learned there were no 17 intel agencies who reviewed the material and made an assessment? What if there were were only a few dozen hand-picked people from CIA/FBI and a few people from Clapper’s staff……. because that’s what happened.
We’re supposed to trust our intel community, right? Yet, given what has been revealed in the last 3yrs about political appointees from the Obama Admin and various partisan members of agencies, are we “racist” because we doubt Brennan, Clapper, and Comey?
What if you learned Peter Strzok was one of the hand-picked members of the team who WROTE the ICA………. Did you that little tidbit? 
Why not put the issue to rest and provide the proof to all Americans? And don’t use the old excuse of “sources and methods”.
Keep in mind, head of the NSA, Mike Rogers, did not agree with Comey, Clapper, and Brennan, in the Assessment. AND a rebuttal opinion, which is normal for such reports, was not provided.
Yesterday, the NYTimes reported US Atty in CT, John Durham is interviewing CIA officials. If we read the article, instead of merely breezing past a headline, it looks as though Durham is questioning CIA officials on how they came to the conclusions about Russian hacking…. which appeared in two reports.
  1. December 29, 2016 Joint Analysis Report (JAR)
  2. January 7, 2017, Intel Community Assessment (ICA).
This is the final work product which was presented to President Obama, BIDEN, Susan Rice, et als, and then the salacious portions were presented to President Elect Trump.
Understand, Mueller’s investigation cleared President Trump of working with Russians, but the Mueller report BEGINS by assuming Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta —– for which we have no proof — and one set of Mueller’s indictments of Russians (the Russian troll farms) are falling apart in DC Court.
Allowing the narrative “Russians hacked the DNC” and “We were attacked by a hostile foreign power, and Trump was helped” allows the Dems to continue the premise, “Donald Trump is an illegitimate President”.
Bottom line: Russian may have hacked the DNC and successfully phished Podesta. The claim may or may not be true. As an American, I STILL don’t know. Do you?
If Durham’s investigation destroys the premise for the JAR and the ICA, and exposes the JAR and ICA as loose intel, twisted for a political goal, then the entire “Russian Hacking” story falls apart.
The MSM, DNC, Bad actors, know that few people will take the time to read the JAR and ICA.
We did.
Here are the links, again.
As civilians, I invite you to reread these reports and see for yourself. The information contained herein looks loose, suspicious, unclear.
See what you think, devoid of pundits opinions.
Judge for yourself.
Update: From Real Clear Investigations ( Link )
” Except that the ICA did not reflect the consensus of the intelligence community. Clapper  broke with tradition and decided not to put the assessment out to all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies for review. Instead, he limited input to a couple dozen chosen analysts from just three agencies — the CIA, NSA and FBI.
Agencies with relevant expertise on Russia, such as the Department of Homeland Security, Defense Intelligence Agency and the State Department’s intelligence bureau, were excluded from the process.
While faulting Clapper for not following intelligence community tradecraft standards that Clapper himself ordered in 2015, the House Intelligence Committee’s 250-page report  also found that the ICA did not properly describe the “quality and credibility of underlying sources” and was not “independent of political considerations.” “
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Outstanding! THIS is what gets me fired up every single time I hear them peddling these lies, even on OANN. Grrrr…..


Will Julian Assange die before he is able to expose the truth???? Gee….anyone think that was part of “the plan?”


Looks like the Øbama weaponized, partisan intelligence cabal is about to be exposed.
They are anxious….

They are angry….


I want to know WHERE are the “Rank and file” GOOD GUYS Hannity keeps Harping about?
You know the 99.9% of IC “Good guys”.
Surely we would have heard from at least one by now (If there really are any)?


Been asking myself the same question a very long time now… where are your morals guys? Pension over country?


It is risky to career, reputation, and possibly life (including others), not to mention prohibitively expensive, to lawyer-up, to become a SUCCESSFUL whistleblower, as current whistleblower protection laws simply do not provide adequate protection.
Rather than risk everything, then endure retaliation, and THEN attempt to SUCCESSFULLY sue the almighty government, which uses our tax dollars as an unlimited legal fund (for both prosecution and defense), a whistleblower would be much better off if “good guys” in government utilized them (subpoenaed/deposed) as witnesses for the prosecution against corruption, on behalf of We the People.
If things start to turn in that direction, and I believe it will, then we will see how many “good guys” there are, and how corrupt our government has been.


Yes you are right. The good guys have to put out the feelers snag one or two and start the ball rolling. Corruption is everywhere and rank n file dont have the power of rank and those that protect them, even with a union.

Gail Combs

Also Whistleblowers get BLACKBALLED for life. Happened to my Uncle and happened to me. And that was just in industry. Whistleblow on the Clintons and Obamas? That is a for CERTAIN DEATH WISH!


Reminder….comment image

CM in TN

More like “Learn to stamp license plates and make furniture”…


“Breaking Rocks and You” by I. Chose Poorly

A Fortiori

Imaging being asked to make an investment based upon financial statements created through an unusual process by an accounting firm you have never heard of and oh, by the way, the financial statements were created in such a way that a reputable accounting firm cannot do an independent audit.
Ain’t none of us stupid enough to do that; yet we are supposed to buy the crap they are selling about Russian hacking of the DNC?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO, these hacks will take the crooks down either way, and that is why Crowdstrike sees the end of the road looming hard and fast.
If it was Russia, it was ARRANGED by Podesta.
If it was not Russia, it was almost certainly angry Bernistas.


Russia Hacked DNC ?..wheres the proof ?..
Who dropped the ball on chain of custody re: DNC servers?
JA Vault 7 toolbox leak can source that story .
Think nsa has it all?
Who can go around nsa ?
Think Parallel systems…
Check this out…

methinks the IC has been illegally spying on Americans without just cause all along… at least since WWII.
How many parallel nsa’s have our trillions of tax dollars funded and built inside the US over the yrs?
Does the DOD have their own?
But for the gubmint to admit/disclose that would be exposing the fabled “sources and methods”
I dunno…


“Does the DOD have their own?”
Ummm … just to be clear, the NSA is an “agency” of the DOD. Just sayin’ … 😉

Gail Combs

Remember that IBM built the system that Nazi Germany used to track their citizens…

Gail Combs

A top NSA whistleblower has revealed that the DNC emails were leaked internally by somebody working for the Democratic party, and not by hackers.
According to NSA agent Bill Binney, the DNC emails were transferred far too quickly for it to be the work of hackers.

CrowdStrike all by it’s self STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN!!!
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google
We already know of Alperovitch’s work with The Atlantic Council, who would love a USA war with Russia, but did you know:
Dmitri Alperovitch worked for Ukrainian intelligence?
Look at “.. Alperovitch’s relationships with the Chalupas, radical groups, think tanks, Ukrainian propagandists, and Ukrainian state supported hackers….”

▪️ The Chalupas are not Democrat or Republican. They are OUNb. The OUNb worked hard to start a war between the USA and Russia for the last 50 years. According to the Ukrainian Weekly in a rare open statement of their existence in 2011, “Other statements were issued in the Ukrainian language by the leadership of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (B) and the International Conference in Support of Ukraine. The OUN (Bandera wing) called for”… What is OUNb Bandera? They follow the same political policy and platform that was developed in the 1930’s by Stepan Bandera. When these people go to a Holocaust memorial they are celebrating both the dead and the OUNb SS that killed. There is no getting around this fact. The OUNb have no concept of democratic values and want an authoritarian fascism.
▪️ Alexandra Chalupa- According to the Ukrainian Weekly,… “The effort, known as Digital Miadan, gained momentum following the initial Twitter storms. Leading the effort were: Lara Chelak, Andrea Chalupa, Alexandra Chalupa, Constatin Kostenko and others.” The Digital Maidan was also how they raised money for the coup. This was how the Ukrainian emigres bought the bullets that were used on Euromaidan. Ukraine’s chubby nazi, Dima Yarosh stated openly he was taking money from the Ukrainian emigres during Euromaidan and Pravy Sektor still fundraises openly in North America. The “Sniper Massacre” on the Maidan in Ukraine by Dr. Ivan Katchanovski, University of Ottowa shows clearly detailed evidence how the massacre happened. It has Pravy Sektor confessions that show who created the “heavenly hundred. Their admitted involvement as leaders of Digital Maidan by both Chalupas is a clear violation of the Neutrality Act and has up to a 25 year prison sentence attached to it because it ended in a coup.
▪️ Andrea Chalupa-2014, in a Huff Post article Sept. 1 2016, Andrea Chalupa described Sviatoslav Yurash as one of Ukraine’s important “dreamers.” He is a young activist that founded Euromaidan Press. Beyond the gushing glow what she doesn’t say is who he actually is. Sviatoslav Yurash was Dmitri Yarosh’s spokesman just after Maidan. He is a hardcore Ukrainian nationalist and was rewarded with the Deputy Director position for the UWC (Ukrainian World Congress) in Kiev….

MOAR on Crowdstrike:
article mentioned by VOA but not linked:
Crowdstrike admits that they spent 36 days just “monitoring” the ALLEGED “Russian Hackers” while the “hackers” were permitted to steal all the DNC emails? What kind of INCIDENT RESPONSE is this? Why hasn’t anyone asked these clowns this question, since the majority of the damaging emails were not even created until after Crowdstrike became PART OF THE DNC NETWORK behind the firewall on May 5, 2016, with complete surveillance capability and near unlimited access to everything:
“Did Crowdstrike just do nothing for 36 days so that the damaging emails could be created so that they could be stolen and given to Wikileaks?”
This is a more than reasonable question since Crowdstrike admits to doing just that.


Daughn … are we clean that “nothing happened?

Gail Combs

And from our beloved Sidney…
Sidney Powell says: May 20, 2018 at 7:39 pm
Thanks for the info. I have wondered if Crowdstrike was one of the private contractors mentioned by the FISA court but my day job keeps me from doing as much work on all of these issues as I would like to do! I’m sure they are some part of the problem or the Comey FBI would not have allowed them to take the DNC server. How outrageous is that?!! Beyond belief.
Now I wonder if, as General Flynn’s Attorney, she will be able to do some digging on that point? 😉


I wish they didn’t feel like they had to let us all in on this in slow motion. It’s like walking through a house you’ve been hired to clean and each room is more filthy than the last.
Makes me think there’s so much caked on dirt we’ll never get it clean.


No need for evidence or proof or any of that legal crap – we all know the donkey party walks on water and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it.*
*This statement has been rescinded per order of John “Badass” Durham. Please adjust your memory. Thank you.


I had polymorphic malware that included a keylogger dropped on me in 2015. The first thing you do when you realize you’ve been compromised is freeze everything. Then you have a chain-of-evidence expert make one or more copies of everything. Then you open a “test copy” with a virtual machine — not a real one. This allows you to do a number of things — like relive 5/18/15 over-and-over-and-over again, while never being in 5/19/15, when you know things go haywire. You can simulate internet connections, so when the malware tries to “phone home”, you are privy to the conversation. You can observe the algorithm used for further exploitation, then go “back in time” to see how it can be thwarted. You can trace each process and see what initiates it and what it talks to.
What you NEVER do is sit around with your finger up your nose for 36 days to “monitor the problem”. If you do any reading at or (not to mention , , and ), you will note that original exploits provide fingerholds, and further augmentations to those original exploits (e.g. “privilege escalation”) is what gets things really rolling. Leaving an intruder on your system means that he may be able to alter system logs and further scramble your understanding of the intrusion. Intermediate work files can be lost. Further footholds can be implanted.
I’ve done corporate internal control audits that heavily involved IT (I’m a CPA). I’ve dealt with credentialed IT cybersecurity experts, and I’ve said, “sorry, I don’t deal with this every day…..can you explain that a bit more thoroughly?” and gotten replies that MAKE SENSE. IMHO, CrowdStrike is BS backed with BS. They’ve never made sense, and their further explications of stuff that doesn’t make sense makes LESS sense.

Gail Combs

I am ‘Computer Challenged’ and CrowdStrike STILL SMELLS of BS to me.
Let’s get real.
1. DNC thinks they are hacked.
2. They hire CrowdStrike.
(That makes sense)
3. CrowdStrike sits with their thumb up their… for 36 days
(That DOES NOT makes sense)
4. CrowdStrike thinks the hack is from RUSSIA BUT THE DNC DOES NOT CALL IN THE FEDS to investigate??? EVER???
That is just straight up Chicken feces! No one who can think straight should accept that. At the very least the system should have been preserved and MUELLER SHOULD HAVE DEMANDED VERIFICATION by a second IT team (FEDERAL) given that it is CRITICAL EVIDENCE of the accusiations made against THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA.
Where in HADES were the heads of President Trump’s defense team? Why didn’t they DEMAND VERIFICATION?? SHEESH…


The only reason you might let an intruder prowl your network is when you were absolutely certain that everything corporate on your network conformed to corporate policies that were absolutely bulletproof. You might learn more when a non-corporate compromised node attempted to compromise another non-corporate node by observation.
Few people have the hubris to claim such perfection. Evidently, it’s CrowdStrike’s bread-and-butter.

Gail Combs

I figure it is like allowing an intruder to wander through your house picking up the items he plans to steal.
I am more of the Shoot first ask questions later types. (I am old, female and one of the houses in the neighborhood got shot up — so fear for life Esp since that shooter has threatened to shoot me.)


CrowdStrike was a dark-op hacking operation masquerading as a ‘cyber security’ company.
Eric Schmidt created CrowdStrike and hired dark web hackers to work there.
Schmidt poured hundreds of millions of dollars into his CrowdStrike operation…and the question is, Why?
Personally, I think that CrowdStrike is a part of the DNC/LeftistCabal Blackmail operation.
Think about it.
It’s the only thing that makes sense.
Under the reign of Hussein…CrowdStrike was probably given access to NSA data, to mine for anything ‘useful’.
Information is Power.
And corrupt powerful people are always seeking as much information as they can get…to use for their own purposes.
That Blackmail operation was/is likely not only used against opponents…but also against their own people, to keep them in line.
There was a little blurb last year…an announcement, that the NSA had ‘deleted their data base’ of all previous files.
Remember that?
Some of us speculated that it was because of the corruption within the FiveEyes info-sharing group.
Was that done to ‘set a trap’ for the bad guys?
IIRC, that purge happened while Admiral Rogers was still the head of the NSA.
Anyway…fast forward to today…and this thing about CrowdStrike doing an IPO.
Seems to me like this is a way for Eric Schmidt and others who have been funding CS, to get back some of their money.
And also a way to whitewash the CrowdStrike operation as a ‘public company’.
How would we even know, if some of the CrowdStrike employees who ‘know too much’, were being suicided or having unfortunate accidents.
We don’t even know who they are.
Doing an IPO is also a good way to payoff ‘valuable’ employees with company stock, as they are let go.
It wouldn’t surprise me one bit, if there is already a New version of CrowdStrike in the works.
The ‘old’ CS has become way too visible and well known.