Happy Father’s Day to all the Wolf Den Dad’s!!!!!
“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” –J. Robert Oppenheimer ***************** WARNING: NO UNIDENTIFIED AI BULLSHIT IS TO BE POSTED ON THIS SITE UNDER PENALTY OF MODERATION OR SITE BAN
Happy Father’s Day to all the Wolf Den Dad’s!!!!!
I needed a Father’s Day laugh!
Dad’s are the best!
Back at ever Father on here!
happy Father’s Day
I raised three children with my first wife that we are really proud of. She worked in early childhood intervention when the children were old enough to be in school after she went and got her BS degree. Years later she started bringing home this beautiful little baby girl on weekends, because her mom was busy and the “father “ wasn’t around. Only weekends at first then she’s there pretty much there all the time. Eleven months later there’s a brother that mom’s going to abort. My wife says no way are you doing that! We’ll take him. So we ended up raising two more children.
I say this not to boast but to show what God can do, turn something bad into something good when we think it’s impossible.
This what I got today from her.
Happy Father’s Day dad!!! Thank you for always supporting me even if I don’t make the best decisions!!!!! Thank you for accepting me like I was your own and taking everything that came with me!!!! You know I’ve always been a daddy’s girl and you took me under your wing put everything aside and showed me what’s it’s like to have a dad that cared and loved the right way!!! I can’t wait for you to meet the new lil blessing we have on the way thank you for everything you have done for the past 20 years to make my life the best it can be love you so much dad
For all the Dads God Bless y’all!
Brave and Free wonderful daughter you raised
Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers
If I had my choice, I would have raised an army of kids.
You’re a GREAT dad!
Happy Father’s Day to the dads in this tree, and the Dad in the White House. Happy Father’s Day to my own Dear Old Dad. You’re the best.
Holy moly. That 17 moments one I would be cussing my head off and grateful at the same time.
Happy Fathers Day to all you Patriots!
Thank you, ForGodandCountry!
Hope Father’s Day was wonderful for all you Dads out there!