Dear MAGA: 20190618 Open Topic

This TMI (TOO MUCH INFORMATION) TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Always be able to tell our VSG this POWER STATEMENT in TRUTH:





Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

🐺 🐺 🐺 WOLF 🐺 🐺 🐺 has a very simple message for ALL QTREEPERS tonight.

When you change to a WordPress account, I suggest that you use an email address which does NOT give away a lot of personal information. If you already have a WordPress account, it is very easy to switch your email address, so same thing – go to one that does not give away a lot of information about you.

In fact, consider NOT associating ANY personal information with your WordPress membership, if you are just starting out.

What you DON’T WANT is this:

What you DO WANT is this:

The reason is simple. WordPress site owners, administrators, editors and moderators can see your email address, as well as relevant network information.

Some people like to live out loud and don’t care. They know the risks and can handle them.

But for most of us – why make doxxing easy?

Don’t make 🐺 🐺 🐺 Wolf’s Extreme Vetting™ 🐺 🐺 🐺 too easy.

M’kay? *wink*



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Apologies for the length. Please edit if I haven’t got the vetting intruders philosophy correctly portrayed,
Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Wolfie, free speech guy, not known for being shy
Runs a unique blog
Rules it with a sledge, to keep it cutting edge
And he’s a junkyard dog
Wolfie, howling mad, really takes it very bad
When bad guys come to post
So he’s gonna vet, to make sure we don’t let
Bad guys get a chance to boast
Traci Trollalot, posts ‘cause she was bought
To cause a nasty stir
But Wolfie found her out, she’s bad, there’s no doubt
So what happened to her?
Well . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Came down on her head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Made sure that she fled
Eeyore wanted in, (caught in the Spam Bin)
But only for doom and gloom
Wolfie took a look, saw the bad outlook
Then he lowered the boom
So . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Came down on his head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Made sure that he fled
Cyrus Cybertrash, wants our blog to crash
And wants to break us up
Wolfie planned a sting, found out everything
With his follow up
So . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Came down on his head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Made sure that he fled
S. J. Warrior, beatin’ on Wolfie’s door
To force her PC rules
Down our Wolfie’s throat, but she got his goat
And he brought out his tool
Then . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Came down on her head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Made sure that she fled
Myra Imaspy, came to post her lies
To bring our country down
But Wolfie ascertained, exactly why she came
And Wolfie went to town
So . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Came down on her head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Made sure that she fled
Perry Pantifa, also swings with Fatah
Waging his holy war
Wants to spread his hate, Wolfie doesn’t hesitate
As he’s shown to the door
Where . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Came down on his head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Made sure that he fled
Devon Devilgal, certainly no one’s pal
Wants to spread her sin
Wolfie sees her heart and won’t have a part
He’ll never let her in
Then . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Came down on her head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Made sure that she fled
Cory CommieCrat, “I’ve just come to chat”
Tried to butter Wolfie up
He wants to comment here, but Wolfie says “Disappear”
“I’ve seen through your coverup.”
And . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Came down on his head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Made sure that he fled
Sophie Socialist, wants in to our midst
To push her Marxist ways
But Wolfie saw her scheme, ruined her socialist dream
And told her “Nay” not “Yea”
Then . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Came down on her head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Made sure that she fled
Now, Wolfie’s hammer swings, only on certain things
That put down liberty
In here free speech rules, but we don’t suffer fools
That don’t want to be free
So, if you want to join, and not our blog purloin
Expect Wolfie’s gonna vet
Just share with him some facts, then Wolfie’s gonna act
To keep out any threat
We’re Deplorables, mostly adorable
With upbeat attitudes
We love God and flag, and, yes, we’re gonna brag
When traitors are subdued
Perched all together here, with the crew and Wolfie we’re
Tryin’ to do our part
To keep us in the know, to make our country grow –
Our duty from the heart
But if you’re not a fan and try to run a scam
Then you’d better beware
Wolfie’s gonna do the work, and then he’ll find you, jerk
You don’t have a prayer
And . . .
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Will come down on your head
Bang! Bang! Wolfie’s Banning Hammer
Will make sure that you’ve fled


If the QTree ever gets a band it’ll be Bang Bang & the Hammer Bans 😂😂


This QTree…. IS a band (Banned) 🙂


Trite, but laughter is the best medicine!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, THAT narrows it down!!!

Sylvia Avery

Yes Carl, laughter truly does heal.

Sylvia Avery

That made me laugh as much as the song!

Rodney Short

I tried to do one using ‘Bang, Bang Sylvia’s Silver Shovel’ as the theme, but I didn’t have your ability to make it a whole poem!


That was awesome! Thanks for the laughs this morning.
Also, you can’t say the words “bang, bang” without sending my mind straight to this:


Bakocarl, it was glorious.
Here ya’ go, Wolfie.


Is it wrong that I have watched this more than once?
Hat tip to Rodney, who posted a link earlier which led to this tweet video.


iddqd idkfacomment image

Rodney Short

I watched it over and over so much I had to star it for days when I need a good pick me up.
Dude did’nt even lose his smoke lol wow that was a me moment,I once nailed a foreman with my hard hat because he tried to call me a son of a b,,,,, thats as far as he got before I droped him and walked to the bar.
My boss came in around lunch and paid my bar tab and told me he needed me more that his punk foreman,we had 300 yards of concrete to pour to finish the pour.
Moral of the story,dont disrespect women in front of me at 5:15 am when I am hung over and ESPECIALLY my momma,she also played dad so I honor her on Fathers day.
Night and God bless you all,I love this place.


Me and grandpa watched it several times. 😂😂😂


Rodney!! the music to this is EPIC!!!!


300yds of concrete to pour with a hangover?
You’re hired!!!!!!!!!!!

Rodney Short

Those days are long gone, I do and dont miss the 5 am pours that lasted well into midnight.
The money was awesome but the toll on my body after 40 years sometimes makes me dread today.
At the age of 17 I was laying 600-700 block a day and on brick jobs it was 1000 brick a day.


I can only imagine what your shoulders looked like. We have our very own Diet Coke man!


I especially enjoyed watching one of the dispatched thugs slithering under the tarp to go lick his wounds. Heh.


What strikes me is how highly trained the Antifa people were, right down to the choreographed “peace makers,” who were there to 1) stop the defeat; 2) as provocation agents for the actual goal, which is to get dramatic images featuring THEM as victims. Hoping one or more of their victims will be enraged at the coordinated attack to steal signs and harass, these “peace makers” want to be “innocent” victims of return violence caught in pictures. Then their fellow communists in the media have images which will be used out of context for years.


Remember when Double 0-Bama met with Hollywood moguls in a secret meeting? He knew how to manipulate public opinion.

Molly Pitcher

Ok, Wolf…on the email acct…now when I do this how will you know it’s me since it will be different than the one I use now?


I have an existing wordpress account…..
per your recommendations, I changed my email address.
everything seems to be fine so far


will do


I have an existing WP account and just successfully changed my email address associated with the account.


I had to change my avatar. Now hopefully it’ll show a WWG1WGA bell.


While you’re thinking about WordPress…
If you’re going to register a new email address, consider paying for a email address. Big Tech has us all bamboozled into using “free” accounts where they mine data off us.
Another option is ProtonMail, they have a free email tier but also some paid tiers.

Molly Pitcher

Thanks Michael…probably will try the Proton


My other Pro-Tip that might save your identity… make sure you configure Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). If your email password gets stolen or leaked, they can’t log in without your Two-Factor app.
If only John Podesta had been using 2FA on his DNC account 😉
Don’t be a Democrat. Be Smart and use 2FA.

Molly Pitcher

uh…2FA ? numbers and words or symbols ?


2FA = Two Factor Authentication.
You use your user name and password to log in, but then you are asked to provide a machine generated password.
You open an app like Authy which creates a machine generated password that expires to log in, and you enter that number in.
For example:

Username: bob123
Password: **********
Please enter your 2FA Code:
On my phone, open the Authy app.
It says: Your code is 748593 (30 seconds)
Please enter your 2FA Code: 748593
Access Granted. Opening your Inbox.

Basically, if keeps someone from logging in unless they have both your username/password and your cell phone.
(For the tech nerds, I know I’m oversimplifying. I’m a big fan of Duo push authentication, but I’ve used RSA and SC as well. Yubikeys are cool and I recommend them.)
If you decide to use Protonmail these are the set up instructions:
A lot of people are still using Gmail, please set up 2FA! It’s quick and painless:
Here’s a great list of websites and services, and whether they support 2FA:

Molly Pitcher

That entire post makes me feel like I’m Wilma Flintstone chiseling messages on rocks ! and here I thought I was somewhat techy hahahahahah..oh lawd…no I’m not!

Molly Pitcher

..that said…sincere thanks for all the tips and info


It’s OK, it takes a little bit to wrap your head around it. But once it’s set up it’s really easy – and you’ll have peace of mind.


Molly!!!🤣🤣🤣 Put me down as Pebbles!!!


“I know i’m Oversimplifying”…..ha, ha…funniest thing i’ve Heard today, Michael! 🙄. Computer nerd…That is one description that will sadly never be applied to me. And, if i’m A dunce…dear hubby is 100x worse!


LOL I try to simplify for a non-technical audience, but then there’s almost always some class clown who feels the need to show off and tell everyone that what I said wasn’t strictly true! Maybe so but you have to know your audience, and getting lost in all the technical weeds is a good way to lose people’s attention.


Could be, or he could just be logging into the shared Gmail account and checking the Drafts folder…


I don’t think he’s that stupid, but the public story is that he is, so I make sure to use that story as a 2FA object lesson every chance I get 😉


I haven’t done extreme vetting on who all is behind the scenes, but David Horowitz was an early adopter and sponsor, well before the current get off Google craze, for most of the same reasons – keep bad guys from spying, maintain privacy. I’m confident that they’re more trustworthy than AOL/Yahoo/Gmail. David Horowitz is a man that carries a target on his back, and needs to avoid Big Tech spying on him. SD also uses them, and a few other names I trust.
I’ve chased around conversations about providing hosted email addresses. The problem is that unless you have your own IT team (and some people do) it is really a nuisance to try to maintain your own mail service. A lot of people set up Exchange Standard because it’s easy for most techs to set up. One shop I know was using AppRiver for email security – great product but it requires a lot of hands on attention or it blobs everything as spam. If I were setting up a mail service I’d build it on Zimbra on Linux to avoid the licensing cost. But I also don’t like the idea of keeping it patched and secure, and running it out of my pocket. Some web hosts (especially ones with cPanel and Plesk) provide mail services but those are very limited and rudimentary, and I also can’t stand those systems. Besides, they are typically security nightmares. I would never host on a HostGator cPanel server if I had anything to say about it.


That about sums it up. EVERYONE that provides an Email service is suspect. And if they aren’t today, we all know about hostile takeovers. All your data is now in the hands of …


That was my question……THIS does not give me warm-and-fuzzies:
“ was founded through the efforts of The Reagan Group and a private venture management firm.
To ensure the security of, and the privacy of our customers, it is our policy not to disclose the names of the partners involved.”
“On September 20, 2012, Reagan and two associates were sued by Elias Chavando, a fellow partner, for allegedly withholding Chavando’s interest in an e-mail business built around the domain name.[27][28][29] In 2015, a Los Angeles Superior Court jury found Reagan liable for conversion and breach of fiduciary duty. Reagan and his business partners were ordered to pay $662,500 in damages.[30]”


From 2015: “Michael Reagan and businessman Tim Kelly were both found to have put their interests ahead of Chavando’s. Both of them, as well as a third investor, Jay Hoffman, were also found liable for conversion.”

Gail Combs

Anyone know anything about Virtual Shield that shields your IP address. That is where my problem with Google Censorship seems to be. Switching email addy did not help.
It seems to be for Chrome/Windows only.


It may be that other people are using it in a way that’s triggering Google to block it.
I posted some info on VPN software on Daughn’s “Censorship…” thread, you might take a look and see if it has some helpful info:

Molly Pitcher

As California remains poised to adopt a bill that would give full Medicaid benefits to illegal immigrants, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and other Senate Republicans proposed legislation to block leftist states from forcing Americans to subsidize programs that expand benefits to illegal immigrants.
The bill would offer illegal aliens full Medicaid benefits as part of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to create a universal healthcare system.
Sens. Cassidy, John Barrasso (R-WY), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), David Perdue (R-GA), and Roger Wicker (R-MS) introduced the Protect Medicaid Act (S. 131) to ensure that leftist states cannot bilk Medicaid to subsidize programs that expand Medicaid benefits to illegal immigrants.
Sen. Cassidy’s Protect Medicaid Act prohibits states from using federal money to administer state Medicaid benefits, paid for by Americans citizens, to illegal immigrants. If a state such as California chooses to give Medicaid benefits to illegal aliens, the Lousiana senator’s bill stipulates that the state does so on its budget.


What was your first clue? Was it when he was boinking the wife of the campaign manager that he expected to get him elected during the campaign?

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re keeping it all in “The Family”…
They’ve been destroying Kalifornistan for a long, long, time; indeed longer than most people know. And before them were the participants in the LA water wars, and Earl Warren “and friends”…
Here’s a short vid about the evil power quad at the top (or bottom) of Kalifonistanian politics. The film has a mistake, however, Edmund Brown’s middle initial was “G.”,for Gerald, not “J.” for Joseph.
Four families control California:
Brown (Edmund G. “Pat” and Jerry Brown)
The almost incestuous connections between these families has paved the way to the destruction of California, and is headed toward destroying America and the American way…


This is crazy. Economic security is national security and about 1/3 of all Medicaid goes to California.
I’m not paying for it.
They are irresponsible.

Sadie Slays

There’s a thread on 8/pol/ about some Deep State insider threatening Q by doxxing secret military bases and other sensitive information. Anyways, it may explain Q’s absence. LARP thread or not, it couldn’t hurt to say an extra prayer to protect Q, POTUS, and America.
Thread screenshot here:

Sadie Slays

It reads like intelligence agency shenanigans to me. Just throwing it out there because the timeline presented in there interests me.
Here’s the thread if anyone cares to read it. Be warned, however, that it’s extreme NSFW. Mods are free to remove the link if it causes too much trouble.


It might as well have been written in Russian. Made zero sense to me so I guess that means I ain’t one of the cool kids.
I’m too old for that to bother me, however.

dreamboat annie

Thank you for letting me in Wolfm00n….

Sylvia Avery

Hey DA! Welcome home! BTW I really liked that other song, “Always the Song.” Very nice. Huggles.

dreamboat annie

Thank you for the welcome Sylvia…💕
Oh I’m glad you liked it.. Mr.Polk Salad Annie (Tony Joe White) passed away last October … He was so talented!! I was sad when I heard about him.. I hope he’s going to be in heaven.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, he was that guy? What a shame!


Hey, hey, Dreamboat Annie found us!
Pull up a chair, we’re cooking today!

dreamboat annie

Thank you daughn ! This is where it’s at….yes ? lol ♥️


You betcha!

dreamboat annie

Celebrating Sarah Palin GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

JW in Germany

Heart—Dreamboat Annie

JW in Germany

I had such a crush on those Girls back in the day! 💘💘💘


Not sure if this has had a run here yet …
Justice for Beverly Eckert drawing closer?


Ever since I was able to “see” the 911 cover up, I have figured that DJT’s questioning of 911 figured as the primary reason for the CIA’s involvement in Spygate and the totally over the top reaction by the DS to this POTUS.
Trillions of dollars is one thing – not spending the rest of your life in GITMO is something else …


sounds like you killed it Wolf!
go have another bourbon on Daughn’s thread…lol
or at this time of the morning here…some Irish coffee if it suits!


Too early to start drinking yet, but have a chilled highball glass with your name on it for later on!!!!!!!!
We have to toast to the health of the USA!!!!!!!!! And our VSG!


Your hard worked is appreciated.


Finally ! …been waiting for something like this for the past 30 years…
TRUMP : ICE To Begin Removing “Millions Of Illegal Aliens” Next Week
June 17, 2019
no specifics on this yet…but it comes on the same day that The State Dept also announced that it would cut foreign aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
PDJT also announced (Tweets) that Guatemala is getting ready to sign a Safe-Third Agreement…
…so…that means the Dems in Congress now have the ball in their court.


more about the Safe-Third Agreement w/ Guatemala, here…
June 18, 2019


That article is FAR from encouraging, and in some respects is alarming.


Guatemala seems confused.


The devil is in the details. Many details are missing, others are maddeningly ambiguous, and some (for example, payment) without further explanation seem to negate the whole goal.

Gail Combs

I would think that by now President Trump knows HOW to make deals and this is HIS BABY.
Think how “… Many details are missing, others are maddeningly ambiguous…” works on the DemonRats. Disinformation works both ways.


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Supporters Lining Up 40 Hours Early For Trump 2020 Kick Off Rally
at the Amway Center in Orlando…arena seats 20,000…kicks off at 10 am today with food & live music.
MAGA to the MAX !


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Stealing this one for the Rally Thread, thanks Smiley!




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I saw a video clip on Fox & Friends this morning showing people setting up tents yesterday in the pouring rain just to wait in line for tonight’s rally. That’s enthusiasm!


and some more about it here (from Laura Loomer)…
45 Fest Tailgate
an all-day event today…being called 45 Fest
several blocks of downtown Orlando will be shut down for security…and to accommodate the rally overflow..serious overflow ! something like 80,000 tickets purchased so far…
first come first served basis…screens set up for overflow viewing outside arena.
while an anti Trump protest is being or is expected to be held less than a mile from Amway there, organized on social media by, of course, the alt-left fanatiks.


well…now I see that there’s already a Thread on this (Rally) which somehow I missed…so…this should have been on that Thread, I guess.
sorry about that.


saw an interview on the local news this morning, asking a woman why she was already in line and camping out. she said it was so great to get to wear her Trump gear and be among like minded folks who weren’t screaming at her–and the rallies are such fun she said.


Stop the Newspeak! They are called Illegals!
Obviously there is no more law and order in much of America. 🙁


motor voter laws in NY? register illegals to vote at the same time…NY will see the exodus continue


We’ve had motor voter for a while now. All of these new drivers will be heading to the polls next November.
Very frustrating! It makes me wonder why I should bother!


in PA, we have “Real ID” licenses which we can use for domestic air travel–will those be real ID’s? do they even issue “regular” old licenses anymore?
this is as ridiculous as flying illegals all over the country without proper ID’s…I need one, you need one, but illegals don’t???


“We’ve had motor voter for a while now. All of these new drivers will be heading to the polls next November.
Very frustrating! It makes me wonder why I should bother!”
We bother because we are US citizens.
Never give up never otherwise we give our country away.
Everything that is happening now is to dispirit us.
We are in control not illegals and if we give up we give our country away.
Our country our forefathers deserve better from us.
Keep votingTrump 🙂



taxpayers have no say…
New York City taxpayers will pay for abortions of low-income women from other states without insurance. The city has allotted $250,000 to cover abortion expenses for uninsured people with a third of the money specifically earmarked for those traveling from outside the city seeking access to safe and legal abortion.
It’s the first city in the nation to do this. Allegedly, it’s a response to pro-life laws passed in some states, but they love to do this sort of thing.
According to the New York Times, the money won’t necessarily go to Planned Parenthood.
The abortion access fund provides payment to clinics on behalf of women who might not be able to pay for abortions but are not covered by insurance or Medicaid. Roughly a third of the fund goes to women who come to New York for abortions.”
The taxpayers have no say.


It was taxpayers who voted the politicians in office in NY. Some taxpayers have no say but the majority votes democrat.
53 years ago NY already was going progressive and people I knew thought it was so hip. Some smart people never see it through that it is nice to give benefits and they do not believe they are going to be paying for it .
Same California someone voted in the politicians or Portland. The majority of the people in those States and Cities got what they ask for. Votes have consequences.
I remember when Bush lost to Obama many republicans were going to show Bush and GOP and they voted Obama. I told them shame and they never calculated the consequences.


Sadly, due to election fraud, the true voice of the people has been silenced. They stuff ballot boxes with their preferred candidate and then destroy boxes of ballots from more conservative areas. Same in California, Florida, many states that we are told are “Blue” but are not really.


more insanity…enter illegally, then sue because detention centers are full…simple solution: GO HOME!
According to the lawsuit, the illegal aliens want themselves, as well as others in the facilities, to be released on bond.
“Petitioners were apprehended in mid-May at or near the U.S. Border with Mexico and subsequently detained. Once apprehended, such persons are often detained for extended periods of time — on information and belief, up to six weeks — in overcrowded holding cells, with inadequate food, water, and sanitation facilities, where attorneys are not allowed to visit. The conditions in these holding cells are dangerous and inhumane,” the lawsuit stated.
The lawsuit claimed the seven illegal aliens were detained at the Brownsville, Texas facility for more than five days and, during that time period, they were treated inhumanely. One of the biggest issues is the inhumane conditions. Most of the facilities are short-term processing and holding centers, meaning they don’t have showers, beds or adequate bathroom facilities. The illegal aliens have now coined the facilities as “hieleras,” the Spanish word for freezers, because the facilities are small, concrete facilities with metal benches.


I think the most insane border story I’ve seen thus far is the specialty transgender training facility. I say ‘training’ facility since the transgender men get training on how to apply their makeup, select clothing, etc.
It’s been up and running since 2017….I didn’t know about it until the other day….


They want to look their tranny best in gay pride parades.


Verse of the Day

“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”
Matthew 10:22 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!


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The dems have had the House for months now. I’m surprised they took so long to get around to this.
Too much impeachment stuff going on, I suppose. (Sarc)


saw this great meme that the only ones who should pay reparations are the Dems–they fought to keep slavery and the Repubs fought to get rid of it and paid with their lives in the Civil War… (only the meme was brilliant and I’m rambling…LOL)

Gail Combs

Lets do it the RIGHT WAY!
A ONE WAY ticket to the African country of your choice and the removal of your US citizenship.
Afterall that is where you came from so that is where you should return… WITHOUT your US citizenship.

Gail Combs

I remembered the name of the concept I was trying to extract from my fuzzy brain.
It is called Make Whole or Return to the Original State.


Race card at its worst.


Check his financial condition. He’s got millions IIRC. He already HAS his reparations.


MORE LIKE the blacks pay the US REPARATIONS for 50 years of welfare, housing, health care, food, clothes, benefits for all their BASTARD children by forty-leven babymamas and for all the crimes committed by those bastard no daddy, no rearing, no discipline children!!!!!


Give it up already, you greedy race card ninnies.

JW in Germany


“Every morning, retired 72 year-old Stephen Mckears kept finding his tools that he’d left on his workbench the day before, stored back in his toolbox. He put a camera on his workbench overnight. It revelead a mouse that spent two hours every night putting everything back in the toolbox!”
Video –


much as I hate mice, this was really cute…


Cranking it up!!!


@realDonaldTrump Followers:
61,094,285 – 8:06 am – 6/18/19
61,094,445 – 8:11 am


MAGA RALLY WATCH PARTIES planned nationwide!!!

Eat your heart out Øbominable, Hillrotten and Biden.


GA!! There’s definitely gonna be a good one at Daughn’s tonite!!! Woohoo!!


Seriously big crowd!


Last night – no shooting – no looting – no raping – no trashing the city!
What kind of people are these Trump supporters?
Hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing, people-loving AMERICANS!

Molly Pitcher

No twerking on cop cars ? No masked agitators ? No brawls ? No demands for water & food to be provided?


Sounds pretty good. I wonder if I can bring Hubby. 🙂


dang ! applications close tomorrow…how many zillions do you think applied ??
should I go ahead and try anyway ?
c’mon Dora…let’s went Ceesco 😀


Go ahead an try smiley.
Good luck.
Let me know how it goes. 🙂


Interesting…no video though.
BERLIN (AP) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared unsteady and was visibly shaking Tuesday as she greeted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Berlin.


There is video just watched it. It took a bit to load but totally worth it – she is VERY much shaking.
Try this link:


She sure is shaking. Wow. Good find!


She was visibly fighting not to pass out…actually felt sorry for her.

Molly Pitcher

What the ??!! That’s so strange.
HRC head bobbing and spasms, Pelosi hand waving, tongue darting and chewing her cud and now Merkel..


Can’t watch it – Brave stopping it maybe?


Yep – watched at the other link. She certainly can’t claim she was cold at 30 C = 86 F.


That answered that question, I thought it might be old video or she was cold. Something is really wrong. Hope she is okay.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bild has been doing that for a couple of years now (birdcage-liner paper, anyway).
Some of the comments are hilarious (hellaryous?)….
e.g. “with polling numbers like hers, in her position I’d be shaking too”… she’s basically being blamed for the death of the CDU… although, to be honest, she’s kllling ALL of Germany, and our future (and our childrens’ future)…


You’d only be turning it off for that specific site. I do that ll the time when I see an article I really want to read and it won’t show due to my Ad Block.

JW in Germany

She said she drank 3 glasses of water and she was better. Where do we know the ol’ “dehydration” excuse from? Hmmmmm…….maybe she has been hanging around Hillary……


WTH is THAT? Looks neurological. Or else it’s Nadler ‘dehydration’ syndrome. Adrenochrome withdrawal? Snort!
Here’s another angle on Angela.


Yes, Parkinson’s. Have a friend with it and when the meds start to wear off or there are other triggers such as dehydration or overdoing it, that’s what happens.


I have known just a few people with Parkinson’s, and not well enough to know the ins and outs of their symptoms and care. In my experience, they have had other symptoms as their bodies have deteriorated from the disease, apart from shaking — drooling, inability to function in other ways, inability to care for themselves, speech difficulties. And the shaking I’ve seen has been confined to one or more body parts, like the hands, head, etc. I’ve never seen someone’s entire body shake like that, and I’ve never seen someone who presents as normal and functions on the level of leading an entire country, have just the shaking symptom.
I’m not qualified to argue for one side or the other. If anyone can shed light on this, please do.


My Parkinson’s friend appears unaffected, speaks well, is intellectually astute. But when the effects of the medications begin to wear off, her symptoms become noticeable very quickly. Her torso and arms shake.
As her disease advances she takes more medication at shorter intervals. Other things affect her symptoms like overexertion, how well she slept the night before, diet, stress level, even temperature and they can fluctuate quite a bit throughout the day.
I don’t have a medical background but this is what I’ve observed.


Thank you. The torso shaking is not something I’ve seen. I’ve never seen anyone’s entire body shake like Merkel’s did, and that includes every elderly person I’ve ever seen or known. She will be 65 in July, which is not that old by today’s standards. According to your description, Parkinson’s might explain what happened to her. I don’t think it’s natural or due to advanced age.

Molly Pitcher

It does appear that these symptoms point to Parkinsons or Lewy Body deposits….it seems so unusual that these women might have the same problems.

Molly Pitcher

Reasonable theory on all points.
It’s interesting that there seems to be a cloaked ideology (communist) in the old birds and they’re beginning to fail physically so they usher in the new ones who aren’t bothering with the cover. I think it’s a huge blunder on their part.


It’s so exaggerated, it almost appears to me to be a doctored video.


There are multiple videos from different angles – I’ve seen 2 so far, both from a different angle.


Deep brain stimulation is a treatment for Parkinson’s. Electrical impulses are sent to the brain. mmmmm


Doesn’t anyone find it rather strange that the man beside her appeared to completely ignore her stress? I realize it was during a national anthem but you would think he’d quietly ask if she needed help or subtly support her in some manner…such as just allowing her to lean on him if she was in danger of collapsing. The world would not end if he broke firm and extended his arm for her grasp during the anthem.

Deplorable Patriot

I actually thought it looked like she was leaning on him. Whatever it was that happened was not good.


‘Doesn’t anyone find it rather strange that the man beside her appeared to completely ignore her stress?’ No. It’s very important that the show goes on, as they say in the theatre world.
His interference would have made it an even bigger deal around the world and might have had a negative impact on him personally. She could have said, ‘I’m just fine! Now look what you’ve done!’


got into a bit of a “discussion” with a waitress over the weekend and it started more than one conversation after the fact with family.
I ordered a meal at a local restaurant and it came with coleslaw. I am not a fan and neither is hubby, so I told the waitress no coleslaw. She said, no substitutions. I replied I wasn’t asking for any substitution, just didn’t want the coleslaw–no one at the table would eat it, so why waste it? It won’t reduce the price of the meal, I was told. It’s not about the price, it’s about wasting food I told her. I don’t want it, I won’t eat it, so why bring it?
well, I GOT coleslaw…she got a remarkably reduced tip.
On the rare occasions hubby and I go to a fast food place, we never order the “value meals” anymore. We don’t drink the soda, and the only fries I like are MickeyD’s. so why buy the value meal if you’re going to throw it out? We did the math and yes it costs us a little more but we’re not wasting the food.
so it’s become an odd argument with the family–wasting money versus wasting food. I see the merit in both sides, but i think not wasting food has to trump not wasting a little money…thoughts?


spending money on food they give you that you don’t want is the same as wasting that money…so you’d be wasting money and food by just going along…
better to spend a little more (which probably isn’t all that much, right?) for the food you’ll actually enjoy…and nothing gets wasted…
and waitress might even get a tip !
better for the digestion, too. 🙂


JMO, but I don’t think the server should be blamed for management policies.


i looked at it like this…if I ordered a hamburger and it came with ketchup and pickles and I didn’t like ketchup and pickles and I asked the server for one without ketchup and pickles and she brought me one with those things anyway–that’s on her.
what if I was allergic to coleslaw? and she put it on my plate anyway?


If you TOLD her you were allergic to cole slaw, that would be on thing. However, that doesn’t appear to be the case? And ketchup and pickles are condiments, not side dishes. JMO any way.


They weren’t “blaming the waitress”….just asked the coleslaw not to be brought to the table. A good waitress would not have argued but simple complied with the request. Period.


There really are no “good waitresses” anymore – it used to be an art. And yes, the “waitress” was blamed because she received a smaller tip for not complying. At minimum, she should have said “I will check with my Manager.” Most servers don’t even receive real training any more and they just go through the motions.
Oh, for the good old days, with people serving who considered it a career rather than just a paycheck and a stepping stone to bigger and better things.


MAGA baby!!!


Democrat Propaganda Tactics exposed:


What Richard Baris says about Florida/Ohio – not that they’re just going to be going POTUS in 2020, but that they’re moving red in general. Baris is the most honest and accurate pollster out there.

Molly Pitcher

They have to do that to try and psychologically demoralize (which won’t work) and to explain their very real voter fraud


Yip yip yip uh huh uh huh uh huhcomment image


Every trick.
Not too soon to start praying for MASSIVE light to shine on the shenanigans!comment image


Question: which brings tears to your eyes – DJT announcing his re-election campaign OR this article:


For the dense among us, those are tears of JOY. 🙂




Tears of relief!


News Roundup has been posted if interested.


Nope, we like it here.
/s 🙂


giggles!! Funny pgroup!!


I think we should take him seriously. He and the dems are losing their minds lately.

Molly Pitcher

AOC was exhorting her instgrm followers last night to “do something about it” referring to the “concentration camps” for illegals.


My response….




Thank you!


Biden is a dangerous man and desperate for reasons only known to him and a hand full of his cronies.

JW in Germany

They have been sending messages like this for years! They are of course projecting when they claim that we are DOG-WHISTLING!
You will see Antifa and BLM back in the headlines very soon.


Dear idiot “progressives”,
I’m not normally in the habit of giving advice to scumbags who consistently make poor choices, but I’m going to make an exception in this case. To wit….
You really, really, REEEEEEEEEALLY don’t want to attempt a physical confrontation (read: shooting war) with us. We kicked the ever-loving shit out of your slave-owning democrat forefathers the last time we danced, and we’ll do it again to your slimy asses.comment image


FG&C, can you explain what the map means? I don’t quite get it.

Gail Combs

It is votes by COUNTY the red are CONSERVATIVES so only in urban areas do the DemonRats out number the conservatives.
Note: We hold the FARM LAND, they hold the GHETTOS and slums and druggies and illegals.
Since President Trump has made major inroads with the union members, the DemonRats do not even have the REAL Loyalty of the unions anymore.
As FG&C said we would WHOOP their asses. All we have to do is prevent FOOD from entering the cities. That does not work well on country folk who grow and can their own. 😁




So POTUS improved what we hold over the 2012 numbers?


Not then. Not now. And never f’n ever!comment image

Gail Combs

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” — Adolf Hitler.
“Political Power grows out of the barrel of a gun” – Mao Zedong
☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️
1911 Turkey Gun control — from 1915 to 1917 – 1.5 million Arminans killed
1935 China gun control — from 1948 to 1952 – 20 million killed
1938 Germany Gun control — from 1935 to 1945 – 20,946,000 murdered.
1956 Cambodia gun control — from 1975 to 1977 – 1 to 2 million educated people murdered.
1964 Guatamala Gun Control — from 1964 to 1981 – 100,000 Mayan Indians killed.
1970 Uganda gun control in — from 1971 to 1979 – 300,000 Christians killed, a total of 2 to 3 million murdered.
☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️
An individual no matter how hard he tries can not come close to the amount of death a government can visit on its own people. Guns give people a fighting chance against government madness.
Why do the elite want to disarm the public? Because they wish to do something which they cannot do if citizens are armed. A government determined to remove a citizens right to own guns is planning to do things it citizens will violently object to.


Patrick Henry on being armed:
“They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house?”
“Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?”


I love this one!!!


I think they’re getting desperate. They have thrown everything at Pres. Trump and it hasn’t stuck. (I suspect he has been harassed more than any president in history). None of their policies are supported by a majority of the people. They are losing on the globalization/transform America front. Pres. Trump is getting things done on immigration despite their opposing him at every turn. People are turning to Trump because the economy is booming. Their efforts to divide us over identity politics of all sorts are failing. Trump is not playing the war games, either. Impeachment is not an option, though some are screaming for it.
Dems don’t know what to do. Civil unrest or civil war would be the next best thing to an international war, but it’s not going to happen as long as Pres. Trump can keep MAGA.

Gail Combs

DANG, I miss counted, too many links so I am back in jail.
Release me Wolfie PLEASE?

Gail Combs

TheseTruths says: ” Civil unrest or civil war would be the next best thing to an international war, but it’s not going to happen….”
Actually it was already PLANNED FOR!
From OT
This very important weekend [October 2017] is the Left’s Weekend of Rage, to which Soros has contributed $8 billion dollars. More importantly, there is to be a black-out of ALL communications, except for Ham operators, twice during the weekend. The details, all important, including the times when you won’t have water,electricity, gas or phones, are in this link: (The blackout never happened)
The Clinton Foundation also donated $800,000.00 to Antifa…

“Multiple Antifa groups are now planning not just one event, but according to their announcement, it will be a nationwide terror attack on Americans, scheduled for November 4, 2017, and already being organized, with fliers, being announced on their websites and social media accounts, telling their followers to “take to the streets and public squares in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night—not stopping—until our DEMAND is met.”
What is their demand? “The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!”
On August 19, 2017, they held “regional conferences” in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Austin, to plan the nationwide terror attacks, with the conferences being hosted by Refuse Fascism Org.
In their own words: We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power.
The Revolutionary Communist Party is also organizing their members to participate, as are dozens of Antifa-like groups.
This is not about Confederate monuments, not about Antifa being “offended” at free speech, or imagery they don’t like….make no mistake, they are saying straight up their goal is to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States, their methods include attacking police, attacking any Trump supporters, any free speech activists, and as seen below, they will attack anyone holding an American flag.
In other words, if they show up in your town, expect violence.”

And then NOTHING…
This Antifa site says their goal is to overthrow our government…. Not surprising since they are COMMUNIST left over from WWII

There’s definitely something strange and contradictory about the concept of an anarchist business. We work hard to destroy and move beyond capitalism, toward a non-exploitative, sustainable, and just economy. However, like it or not, capitalism is the only game in town at the moment. The building we work in, the packages we send and receive, the computers we use—all are the result of the exploited labor of the working class. Until we take power away from private economic tyrannies like corporations and investment groups, until we’re in control of our creative energies, almost every good or service we use or provide is administered by capitalism. AK Press doesn’t exist to enrich its members at the expense of consumers. We’re here to provide much needed tools for intellectual self-defense. When we call ourselves an “anarchist business” it’s with the full knowledge that the economy is not in our hands. Yet.

And that is where it got interesting.
DC ANTIFA leader 17 charges – including assault and terrorist threats –
An Anti-Trump riot on January 20, 2017, in Washington, D.C. ended with more than 200 people with felony rioting or destruction of property charges. The Department of Justice sought the 1.3 million IP addresses at the Website that organized the riot. The judge granted a limited warrant excluding the IP addresses of website visitors and limiting the search to records from July , 2016, to January 2017.
. D.C. judge approves government warrant for data from anti-Trump website
They thought they ‘won’ when they all got off with a slap on the wrist… BUT they are actually much more useful ‘free’ to lead back to their higher ups.
Tucker Carlson’s revenge…
Seems the ANTIFA thug’s father is a $140,00 a year SEIU boss!!

Mike Donovan is the CEO of Nexus Services, the group that’s funding the so-called “caravan” lawsuit against Trump. He was on Tucker’s show last week. He’s a big fan of Antifa and bragged about paying protesters:
— Amanda Prestigiacomo (@AmandaPresto) November 9, 2018

REPORT: Democrat Megadonor Funding ANTIFA: via @YouTube
— One America News (@OANN) August 14, 2018


Antifa was allegedly planning to buy guns from the cartels, and launch an attack at the US-Mexico border. Here’s my breakdown on Antifa’s domestic terrorist background, and key people involved in the alleged plot.
Column here:
— Joshua Philipp (@JoshJPhilipp) April 30, 2019

Biden loves them…


Slow Joe’s face looks like it’s having a physical revolution.


Okay, this is weird. Angele Merkel is shaking uncontrollably.
Follow the thread, two videos from different views.
Is she okay?


Daugh…read upthread. Wolf has some good info. about this.

Cuppa Covfefe

Media is whispering about it here, but it’s pretty much *cough* suppressed…
Gonna go check the Daily Fail… at least they’ll have some good pics…

Cuppa Covfefe

Just did, as well as some of the German MCM.
DF is here:
Pretty much everyone is calling BS on dehydration; looking at Merde-Kuh, they’re suggesting she might have blood-sugar issues which need to be addressed, or perhaps she is in a pre-Parkinson phase. In any case, this is NOT the first time this has happened. And there’s one picture there where she looks downright EVIL, just like Hill-the-BEAST… maybe she ran out of “youth elixir” …
One person suggested:

“No, she just had her ear phones in while listening to KC & The Sunshine Band singing ‘(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty.’ “

Hmmm. Well there is that YouTube of her dancing…(yuck)…
Hill’s twin?comment image


Neon Revolt is being interviewed LIVE right now on Patriots Soapbox.
If you’re interested, here’s the link:


They do such a good job at Patriots Soapbox.


They really do.
And every once in a while – usually by Radix (she’s great!) – they cover things, in amazing depth, that I simply would have NEVER BEEN AWARE OF from any other source.
It’s those extra-special bonus info-drops that got me hooked.
Plus, of course, they’re really nice people (and occasionally fallible, as we all are), and they do their best to HELP us understand.
I’m glad you like them too!

Deplorable Patriot

Make of this what you will.
A Broadway depiction of former President Bill Clinton and former First Lady Hillary Clinton will be ending its run early due to underwhelming ticket sales.
The production of “Hillary and Clinton” was scheduled to close July 21, but producer Scott Rudin announced Monday that its final performance will be held Sunday. June 23. The play cost $4.2 million to produce and accumulated only $4.7 million at the box office, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Deplorable Patriot

I think you’ve watched “The Producers” one too many times.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A Broadway depiction of former President Bill Clinton and former First Lady Hillary Clinton will be ending its run early due to underwhelming ticket sales.

“Broadway”? That makes no sense at all.
Unless, given that it involves Bill Clinton, you misspelled “burlesque.”


Hi everyone. Its me, Gil.
Ive signed up for wordpress so Ive had to change my name slightly.
Still me, but now gil00 instead of just gil.
Im hoping its easy to navigate…..

Cuppa Covfefe

And remember,
There’s always room for gil00 🙂
(sorry…ducks flying pineapple and lime salads, Tequila shooters, and chocolate pudding 🙂 )…




I thought i should do the extra verification cause its just smart thinking.
Lets have a great rally!

Cuppa Covfefe

“I’m-a here to find the one who paws my shot(s)”… 🙂
Pretty good cat – straight up, no salt, no lime…


Its like tacocat without the hairy tequila.

Gail Combs

Do you guys realize how truly INCREDIBLE it is for a President to KEEP his base this entusiasic and ENERGIZED?


Ohhhhhhhhh wow,


Pat Shanahan is OUT
Mark Esper (???) is Sec of Army and next up for PDJT.
He was West Point classmate of Pompeo.

The FBI has been examining a violent domestic dispute from nine years ago between acting Defense Secretary Patrick M. Shanahan and his then-wife as part of a background investigation ahead of his possible confirmation hearing to be President Trump’s permanent defense chief.
Tuesday afternoon, Trump said he would replace Shanahan as acting secretary.
The incident, in which Shanahan and his then-wife Kimberley both claimed to the police that they had been punched by the other, did not surface when Trump nominated Shanahan to be the Pentagon’s second-in-command two years ago, or when he was selected to be the interim defense chief this year.
Shanahan said he “never laid a hand on” his former wife. His former wife, who now goes by the name Kimberley Jordinson, said she stands by her account.

Molly Pitcher

another of Pelosi’s sparks of divinity running loose to commit more crime.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh…. nothing like the smell of roast beast in the morning…
(and I’m not talking RB (Arbys); more like MKs)…


Uh, Oh, thuderwhoppers in the forecast for the Orlando, Florida area this afternoon and evening.
Hope the outdoor big screen TV is waterproof.


And it’s pouring rain right now in Oralndo



Have been offline for awhile… missed you guys…..
THREAD – click on either tweet


Good to see you back phoenixRising.


Thank you singingsoul1,


THIS is a very important thread!!!
Thanks phoenixRising!


You’re welcome GA/FL………..


Wondered where you were. Welcome back!


Thanks FG&C,

Gail Combs

Crowdstrike’s CEO Dmitri Alperovitch immigrated to America and is ALSO a Russian expat.


Hi Phoenix!
Although I haven’t been posting as much, I STILL read here as often as I can.
We’ve been missing you, too!
We’re on the count-down, btw (~2-3 weeks, I think), until all posters here must register fully with WP (which enables “liking” and avatar (“gravitar”?) creation, among other things).
Check the past couple days of threads, to get info / intel on how … but the basic idea is to create a dedicated NEW email for “political” stuff, like for here, both to separate ones personal info and social-media interaction, and to add security for both parties (Wolf, and us!).
There have been many suggestions – which I have NOT collated yet! – but I hope that once the switch becomes imminent (days / hours), we’ll get a summary with as many of those suggestions as possible.
WE ARE THE NEWS! lol, but true!
Hope you’re feeling well!


Hi EmeraldStar,
Thanks for the info… will take care of asap… don’t want to miss out on anything.
Totally agree that We are the news…
Good to see you….

Deplorable Patriot

How are you? It’s funny, I was thinking this morning that not only has Q been silent, bu the helper Twitter accounts like WhiteSquall8. and now you post this from one of the others. Will read through.


“The city said it has been contacted by three groups that plan to hold demonstrations around the venue.”




comment image


Please give any donations DIRECTLY to Trump campaign:

Do NOT donate to any Super-PAC no matter what names they use. Super-PACS, such as MAGA Coalition, are often corrupt, and mis-use the funds.
Moreover, I’m not giving to the Republican Party because of their past and present lack of support for President Trump’s policies.


Chatting with hubby just now….
Weight lifters….training OLD SCHOOL (using barbells/dumbells exclusively) it’s all over the net….
Men switching to old style safety razors….
Homesteading movement is growing….
People growing their own food (even in cities) …
Traditional food preservation methods are gaining popularity…
Herbal medicines/use of tinctures, oils, etc…..
Women are seeking to be trad wives…
In terms of faith…well…it’s happening there, too.
Great stuff. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

There’s a lot of old ways of doing things returning for those who are open to it. I was watching a video earlier today regarding annual pilgrimages from Notre Dame in Paris to Chartres. Every year, it gets bigger, and countries like Sweden and others not known for being particularly religious have contingents. This is TRADITION returning, and it’s really rather amazing to see.

Deplorable Patriot

I had to find a meme of this quote that wasn’t larger than life. Archbishop Fulton Sheen makes a point that can be applied here. We the people, both secular and not, have been denied our tradition and heritage, and we are taking it back despite the powers that want to be willfully denying us that heritage.
And it is a beautiful thing to behold.comment image


Thank you, that’s a GREAT quote!


If they do fly this ungly balloon, I hope a bunch of Trump fans with pointy end umbrellas charge it and punch 1,000 holes in it. Maybe someone will obtain a box cutter knife and slice it real good. 🙂


Two words….
Pellet guncomment image


Yeah, but I don’t think I’d want to point a pellet gun anywhere in Orlando today. It could create a stampede and may result in cops blasting the pellet gun shooter.
I still say just stealthily walking up to the balloon with concealed box cutters would be very easy for a large group of Trump supporters and slicing it to pieces so it couldn’t be repaired would be excellent.


Frankly, I don’t care HOW the job gets done just as long as it gets done.


Some women most be knitters..?

Gail Combs

Easy to make from readily available materials and can be dismantled.


I just saw this a couple days ago (used to be “into” D&D when younger!).
Seems a propos to your post …
Have at it! lol
Crowd-sourcing at its best!

Gail Combs

DRONE a pointy DRONE maybe shaped like an EAGLE!
Now wouldn’t that be COOL!comment image

Molly Pitcher

They all get so charged up about these stupid balloons….like it’s going to really burn DJT or his supporters. It only makes me think they’re pathetic losers for creating it and crowd funding as if it’s sooooo important.
They do love their props and costumes.


That they do….comment image

Molly Pitcher

Look kids..don’t be afraid of’s sick
very similar costumes

Molly Pitcher

So why wouldn’t organized child porn groups dress up in robes and wear devil masks and provide other surrounding paraphernalia to share their love of child molestation? It’s the perfect cover because we all know that children or adult survivors remembering such things are crazy. I ask you to consider the tactic.
Sophisticated pedophiles use mind altering drugs on their victims, wear masks and costumes, create bizarre scenarios, and use other techniques to try to obliterate any believability when the dissociated adult begins to remember.
Many child accounts of abuse include a fictional character (cartoon, superhero, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, etc.) which tends to be immediately dismissed as a lie or creative imagination. The reality is that is how pedophiles operate. To a child, a person dressed as Santa IS Santa or IS a gorilla (whatever frightening or bizarre costume is used).

Molly Pitcher

Found another off-the-rails killer that had unusual “study” done on him. Not the same exactly as the type you mentioned but psychological tampering nonetheless
Through research at the Murray Center and in the Harvard archives I found that, among its other purposes, Henry Murray’s experiment was intended to measure how people react under stress. Murray subjected his unwitting students, including Kaczynski, to intensive interrogation—what Murray himself called “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks, assaulting his subjects’ egos and most-cherished ideals and beliefs.

Gail Combs

Kaczynski/unibomber was the subject of a very good Utube by AmazingPolly


so would they be doing the same thing to adults just using “aliens”??
drugged? alien ship is just a movie set? probed?
the victim starts talking, starts describing, they get dismissed as crazies…
makes me wonder…seriously…


And now, ladies and girlie boys…..
….a tidbit from the “Dear God please let this be true and make it happen” news bin…
Schiff: ‘Time Is Running Out’ for Mueller to Testify — May Be Getting Close to Issuing Him a Subpoena
“I think time is running out,” Schiff told Berman. “The best way to get a witness to testify is if you can get them to testify voluntarily, and particularly I think with someone like Bob Mueller making an appeal to his patriotism, a sense of duty is the right way to go. But at the end of the day, he needs to come testify.”
Schiff said August would be too late for Mueller to testify.
“I think we’re reaching a point where if we can’t reach an agreement, and I hope we will, then we’ll have to use a subpoena,” he advised. image


Jim Jordan be like…..comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert….




I have a dumb question maybe someone can help clear this up for me, I have three devices one MacBookPro old one, one new GL and my iPad.
I use all three devices to log into this blog and sometimes I forget to log out on one computer i use most to be on this forum. I forget when taking out the dogs to go back and log out.
I then go to the second floor most times in evening and log into this blog either with my new computer or my iPad while I am still logged in my other computer in the first floor is that a problem?
Does that make a difference when I am on the blog and I am still logged in on my other computer?


Ok thank you.


‘When they go low… we also go low’: Michelle Obama demolishes Harry Styles in Celebrity Dodgeball, pegging the singer between his legs as she leads Team USA to victory over Team UK

Molly Pitcher

hold up! didn’t they get the memo that dodgeball is bullying and….racist ?


Only for white people.


Yeah, that was really bizarre.
Maybe her transfusion of baby’s blood wore off.


And she wanted to keep in power….


Notice no one was coming to her aid. So it must have happened before???


…But did both her shoes STAY ON ?!!


Ty Wolf!comment image?itemid=5220219


comment image


Fighting back:
Girls File Federal Discrimination Complaint After Transgender Sprinters Win 1st and 2nd Place at Connecticut Girls Indoor Championships
I hope the girls win, big time. Stop the lunacy.

Deplorable Patriot

I am not a fan of women running for personal reasons, but YOU GO GIRLS! What happens when a guy shows up for a swim meet in a women’s suit and proceeds to beat the entire field? Same with speed skating, skiing, etc. About the only athletic endeavor women have the advantage is gymnastics. Guys don’t have the balance for the beam.


I’m hoping to see WHITE WOMEN in the NBA !!!


This guy tells the facts about the shoplifting Phoenix couple who ran from the police twice while throwing stolen goods out their car window and endangering their little kids with no car seats while fleeing from the police. This was much more than just a stolen doll they blamed their daughter for stealing.
MSM won’t tell the whole story or the truth of their crimes.

Deplorable Patriot

Am I the only one who missed this?

Deplorable Patriot


Hmmm: “The owner of a container ship where U.S. law enforcement officials say they found about 33,000 pounds (15,000 kilograms) worth of cocaine says it “takes this matter very seriously.” MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co. said Tuesday in a statement that it has a “longstanding history of cooperating” with law enforcement agencies to target drug traffickers.”
Arrived in PH on May 17:

Deplorable Patriot

Even my dyed in the wool liberal friends from HS were appalled at this one.

Deplorable Patriot

I guess I should copy all those files I have in Google Docs to something else. Need to find something similar though. I mean, Word files on Dropbox could work, but I prefer that for later drafts.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

External hard drive. Then put that drive somewhere else. (I’m assuming you keep copies of the files locally already, and that you’re using Google as a backup.)
You could even leave it with someone you trust (but you’ll want to encrypt it).

Deplorable Patriot

I like the way Google Docs flows, and I can get it easily on my tablet, so I use it to compose fiction. Nothing else. Then copy/paste into Word and store elsewhere. Two different places.


AOC proves her liberal insanity once again by comparing border detention centers to Nazi concentration camps.


Economic Game Theory In Play, Wait For It, Here It Comes – Episode1896a


Resignations, Peace, Patriots Know It All, Planned Years Ago – Episode 1896b

Linda K Harrison

and she (Gloria Vanderbilt) died on the 17th – a “Q” day of historical proportions!


Absotutalutely, Linda!

Linda K Harrison

I should have stated that Q post 1896 was also about Gloria Vanderbilt. Oops.

Molly Pitcher1

Not quite sure if this is the sequence but…it’s because of my Wilma Flintstone genes


Today at the Orlando airport, Air Force Two is on the Tarmac and Air Force One lands.




Do you guys want a NEW thread for the rally or are you okay with the same thread we’ve been using since yesterday?
Just checking.

Molly Pitcher1


Steve in Lewes

In honor of PDJT’s anticipated smack-down of China president Xi Jinping at the G20 meeting !
For those who claim walls don’t work, China’s Great Wall has been in existence since the 7th Century BC.
Over that period of time, China still, to this day, does not have any Mexicans, Hondurans, Guatemalans, or El Salvadorans. And that folks is ‘the rest of the story’ !

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That wall didn’t do SHIT to stop the Mongols.
But then, the Mongols were far worse.


Hey guys and gals, due to Wolf moon’s extreme vetting requirements and Sir Kal wanting his own id, once again chngs made to WP id. Sir Kal will be BoondockSaint1, bren as you can see became B.b.S.s.Saint. Sorry for the confusion but Alpha Wolf says changes must be made and Sir Kal wanted to join the party!


You go…..pahtay is on POTUS today.


Inquisicatz3 has been cattin’ around at PHC’s good and fun poster cat! Welcome over here inquisicatz3!


To busy chasing after the pups and chi coms, uh? But if u do want an all girl dance review wander on over. Beware pom poms, cowboy hats, and the poles!


Thank you so much!!! Welcome to you too!!! 😊


Bipartisan Senate negotiators strike deal on $4.5 billion emergency border bill
Erica Werner and Seung Min Kim, The Washington Post Published 9:26 pm EDT, Tuesday, June 18, 2019


I heard House Dems were attaching riders rolling back laws on child smugglers, basically giving them loophole carte blanche. McConnell said he was going to submit a standalone bill, it better not be the one from the House.


Gee – I hope not – they frequently fall short of anything worthwhile – keeping my fingers and toes crossed – this is not a hoax – and praying, too – Thanks for the info, bfly!



Hey guys, quick request for any random treeper who can check if this works, I mean has it been banned or not? … cause I can still see it
Right after posting I got a message saying I’m banned from posting on r_the Donald 😡 it was my 1st post! I don’t know if I did anything wrong but here’s a screenshot of what they sent, and my reply, unbelievable if this is true 🙄comment image


Looks to me like it posted, Driller.
It was your red Trump T-shirt pic, right?


That’s all it was Wheati, I was shocked by the message I got from them though 😳


I guess ‘one comment’ is all that the reddit overlords are going to let you have, Driller.
And yeah…it’s weird.


Meh, who needs em? Got what I need here at this tree anyways 😊


I’m seeing it. Red T with PDJT and American Flag, your name at top of post.


Hmm, wonder why I got that message? Oh well, whoever sent it I told em off.


I see a tshirt from 48 minutes ago. I know reddit is doing some wierd stuff pede. There are threads on it but Im so noob and antitech that i couldnt navigate you through it.


My 1st post to reddit and that’s the reply I get? I don’t know but I ain’t gonna grace any place with my presence that restricts free speech. Didn’t expect it from that site, their loss.


They’ve been restricting free speech for awhile now, driller. They banned all the Q sub-reddits a few months back. None of them were doing anything against their rules.


They suck, I was so disillusioned 😧. They never did give me an answer why I was banned from posting they thought it would be better to just mock me then mute me, losers. I figured out how to delete my account, who needs that sh!t. Damn phonies anyways 🖕


I missed the early speeches, found this elsewhere, thinking you have all seen it, but I’m sure some of you’d not mind seeing it again and others might wish a view too if you haven’t come across it yet.
GWP qoute doesn’t quite catch it all: Paula White: “Father you have raised President Trump up for such a time as this… Let every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose, against the calling of President Trump, let it be broken, let it be torn down in the name of Jesus. Let the counsel of the wicked by spoiled now according to Job 17. I declare that President Trump will overcome every strategy from hell and every strategy from the enemy. Destroy and divide their tongues, Oh Lord.” so by all means give it quick listen. Powerful stuff.