5 Things To Expect From President Trump Live-Tweeting The Demo-Commie Debates

Did you know?

The first set of demo-commie primary debates is on June 26 and June 27, which is Wednesday and Thursday of NEXT WEEK…just over a full YEAR from the insane clown posse’s 2020 Presidential Convention which is scheduled to take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 13–16, 2020.

25 “major candidates” have entered the race for the 2020 Demo-Commie Party presidential nomination, making it the largest presidential primary field for any political party in American history.

That all said, there is a great article by Margot Cleveland up on The Federalist website that offers a preview of what we can expect from POTUS live-tweeting the debates. Here is the link to the article (which we encourage you to read in full):


QUOTED excerpts…

“The harm the Democrats will inflict on each other when they square off in two groups of ten on back-to-back nights at NBC News is minor compared to the devastation the president will wreak in 280 characters by distracting the media and redirecting the focus to his narrative. If the past is any predictor, here’s what we can expect….

1. Coining New Nicknames

Trump’s penchant for nicknames is so prolific that there is an entire Wikipedia page summarizing the various monikers he has bestowed on politicians and media personalities. Trump has already christened several of the Democrats vying for the presidential nomination with names meant to both irritate the individual and educate the public, as well as send the media down a rabbit hole of epic proportions.

The president’s nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren proves the point. Calling the Massachusetts senator “Pocahontas” forces the media to repeatedly report the genesis of the pet name: Warren’s unfounded claim of Native-American ancestry for the apparent reason of gaming the affirmative action hiring practices of the modern university.

Who’s next in line and what catch-phrase Trump will choose is as unpredictable as it is predictable that he will add one or more to his repertoire and the candidate and the media will respond as intended—dedicating a news cycle to non-news injected with a quick tweet.

2. Saying the Shocking

Equally predictable? That Trump will tweet something shocking, whether it be un-P.C., outright rude, or just bluntly speaking a truth the mainstream media refuses to report or covers only tentatively.

He’ll likely follow his formulistic approach that includes one or more of the following: buzzwords (“pathetic” “loser”), a nickname, misspelling a key word, InExplicable random capitalization, shocking language, and enough of the scandal to intrigue, but not enough to explain, forcing the media to do the job it has refused to do to date.

3. Feeding the In-Fighting

Trump’s tweets will also likely pit two or three of the candidates (and their supporters) against one another. We saw this approach when Sanders took on the Democratic National Committee-anointed Hillary Clinton. Expect Trump to remind the socialist-leaning base of the Democratic Party that Sanders was robbed, while suggesting Biden waits in the wings to steal the nomination from the now-rightful heir. A simple “DNC robbed Bernie in ‘16 and now Biden’s ready to steal the nomination again,” tweet, better phrased by the master, will serve the purpose simply enough.

Two nights of live tweeting by the president—more than a year out of the general election—will change this dynamic, first by highlighting, and thus fueling, party schisms, making it more difficult for inter-party riffs to heal. Second, Trump’s tweets will expose the extreme leftist positions championed by the Democratic presidential field to the normally uninterested apolitical American, making the transition to moderation a near impossibility.

4. Throwing Shade at Recalcitrant Republicans

Democrats won’t be the only ones likely targeted in any tweet storm: Look for Trump to also hit recalcitrant Republicans. John Kasich serves this dual purpose well. Think: “Alfred E. Newman has the appeal of Kasich. NOne.” Or “Kasich’s dad was a postman. Biden rides Am Trak. WHO CARES?”

In the process, the president can castigate MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and her cohorts, playing the liberal media bias theme to his benefit. Stressing Maddow’s bias allows Trump to suggest to the party faithful that the MSNBC reporter plays favorites, and then by highlighting any partiality in her questioning of the candidates, Trump can sow further discord among the candidates and their supporters.

5. Celebrating His Accomplishments

The two nights of presidential Twitter won’t likely focus solely on snark and shade. Substance and success, or “winning bigly,” will likely share equal billing for the president. Whether it be the economy, jobs, judicial appointments, or deregulation, the president has plenty of accomplishments to tout, but the media continues to downplay or ignore them.

Watch for Trump to jump the legacy media and take his message to the people under the guise of debate commentary. With every new, ridiculous proposal floated by the vying candidates, Trump can counter with the specifics on his successes.

Look also for the Democratic candidates to continue the Russia collusion turned obstruction hoax. While that may play to the left’s base, if Trump tweets out rejoinders, the moderate middle will see the candidates for what they are: conspiracy-obsessed caricatures worthy of disdain.

Just by suggesting he’ll have his smartphone at the ready, Trump has put himself in the head of every Democratic contender.

The candidates must now focus, not just on what one of their primary opponents might say, and to which they will have an opportunity to respond in real time, but also on what the president is tweeting out, unanswered, to millions.

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Such a great read FG&C!!!! Your article Makes Delicious Anticipation of the Dem debatathon via President Trumps tweets that much sweeter!!! Thank you!!


Great article, can’t wait to see the replies.


That firing squad reminded me of the Irish ejection seat for a helicopter




Can someone set up a watch party here? I am not on twitter, but my have to open acct just for this! It is going to be a barn burner for sure! What a way to ‘fact check” them instantaneously and keep the KMAG messaging going! MOAR popcorn!

Cuppa Covfefe

And in that case, Daughn will definitely work247 🙂 (Not that she doesn’t already; don’t know how she does it!)…
I thought it was possible to follow even without being part of the “Twitterverse”… (although punching F5 all the time gets to be a bit tedious…). (Especially if you’re punching it with a hammer, which I’d do if watching AOC…).


For G&C – Great analysis – I can’t believe I am actually looking forward to these debates. It will be better than any live comedy show I have ever seen. Please, DW – put up a twitter feed for those of us with no account. I am planning a night of hilarity and popcorn. God Bless our Genius President Trump.


Looking forward to President Trump’s hilarious tweets. D-Rats chasing their tails. MCM melting down.
D-Rat debates, won’t watch. D-Rats have nothing of interest for me.


The Twitter feed is going to be Epic!!! and Yuge!!!!


Can’t wait, the trolling will be awesome and I bet his watch numbers will be more than all the Lame-stream Mockingbird channels put together!


Ah a pregame warm up. He can enjoy this debate.comment image


It’s both/and – or all three.


Evil, Wicked and Possessed.




I would switch the labels for Pelosi and Liawatha….Stupid can stay where she is.

JW in Germany

All 3 could apply to all 3. 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! That’s what I noted!


So true!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Pointy has some interesting ideas on that, erm, rich field. Your excellent observations remind me of his:
Interesting, too, because it’s an outsider’s (British) view.
Yep. All those DEMONcRATs to choose from:comment image


They forgot to add in Booty-gig.

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s the one in the pink tutu… Twinkletoes…


They forgot Heels-High Harris’ knee pads. She could probably borrow Cory’s.


Love pointman

Concerned Virginian

Thank you, For God and Country, for making it plain that this car of clowns and ALL members of their “political party” are ;
The entire focus of this “political party” is one main goal:
To control EVERY aspect of life – education – work – income – behavior: to create a population of WORKER DRONES “happily” corralled on the GOVERNMENT PLANTATION while the “new Nomenklatura” live like dictators.

Concerned Virginian


Cuppa Covfefe

And they’re controlled by the Father of Lies, THEIR Father in Hell, Satan. Which is why I call them the DEMONcRATs…
Remember, they explicitly booted GOD off of their platform. And when you leave GOD out, the Devil moves in…
Ephesians 6:10-18. There’s more going on than we can either know or see. So we must put on the Armour of GOD, and PRAY…


“Remember, they explicitly booted GOD off of their platform. And when you leave GOD out, the Devil moves in…”
I watched that video over and over, and saved it, because it was unbelievable. Like watching corruption in live-action.
After the second vote, with the crowd clearly voting AGAINST putting God back in the party platform, and Mayor Villaraigosa looking like a babe lost in the woods, some female extra from a Stalin-era documentary trundles on stage and tells the Mayor to take the vote again, and no matter what the crowd does, just rule.
By which she meant OVERRULE the delegates at the Convention and follow the Commie Party SCRIPT.
So he asked the question again, and the crowd voted “NO!” even louder than the first two time, and Mayor Villaraigosa says they ayes have it, the motion is agreed, and runs off stage, LOL!
In living color.


Un befuckingbelievable


If I remember correctly, the whole reason that sordid scene was necessary, is because after Hussein cheated his way into office, the Demo-fascist Party REMOVED God from the party platform.
And it stayed that way until the Convention, when suddenly it was going to become a political issue, that the Democraps were God-hating, Jew-hating, America-hating, baby-murder loving Fascists (which is exactly what they are).
So for purposes of optics and to avoid the national embarrassment of having God literally booted out of their corrupt little Party, they had to somehow get God back IN to the Party Platform.
And this was the result of that effort.
They rammed it through over the clear objection of at LEAST half the delegates, when a 2/3rds majority was needed to adopt the amendment.
So Mrs. Stalin from the WARD waddled out and told Mayor Villaraigosa “You gotta rule, and then you gotta let them do what they’re gonna do.”
Did you catch that?
Rule first, then let the delegates — the representatives of the People — will do what they’re gonna do, which is nothing, because their vote didn’t matter, because the outcome (the ‘ruling’) was determined before the sham-vote was ever taken.
Demo-fascist Party Politics in the full light of day, for the whole world to see.
No different than a Soviet or Chinese Party machine.
No different at all.


Spot on Scott


It’s democracy as in school captain and prefects shit. They might have some privileges and a shiny badge but they don’t call the shots

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thoroughly enjoyed this! YES – FUN TIMES are coming SOON!!! 😀

Gail Combs

Now toss in President Trump’s two week delay on deporting immigrants….
It means the DemonRats CAN’T IGNORE the subject!
Border security/Immigration law is THE issue for this election and you can place bets that the DemonRats and Commie News were planning to completely ignore it during these debates. NOW they can not. 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“Second, Trump’s tweets will expose the extreme leftist positions championed by the Democratic presidential field to the normally uninterested apolitical American, making the transition to moderation a near impossibility.”
This is going to be beautiful.
No matter who wins, they’re all going to have to outdo each other on extreme Leftist positions.
Suppose Biden wins.
DJT can hammer him on every issue in front of an audience that will dwarf the 2015 debates.
Joe Biden will try to ‘moderate’ by flipping, and DJT can say “So you lied to get the nomination?”
And again, on the next issue, “So you flipped again, how is anyone supposed to believe anything you say?”
And again, on the next issue, “Is there any position you didn’t lie about?”
And on the next issue, “There he goes again… Lyin’ Joe Biden!”
And that will be his new nickname.
Lie-Jo for short 😁


“In the process, the president can castigate MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and her cohorts, playing the liberal media bias theme to his benefit.”
After the devastation by DJT’s tweets during the first debate, the pressure Commie-skank Jackie Dorsey to suspend the President’s Twitter account will be off the charts, LOL!
If they suspend the President’s Twitter account, THAT becomes the focus of the news cycle instead of the debate, and it proves to the whole world that Twitter censors Conservatives — if they’re willing to suspend / ban the President of the United States while the whole WORLD is watching, just imagine how bad the censorship is against regular people?
And if they DON’T suspend/ban the President, his role in the Demo-fascist debates will grow bigger and bigger with each debate, to the point where it’s like a big-time wrestling atmosphere, with DJT making a FARCE out of the entire event… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
No matter what they do, they lose and DJT wins!
It’s just so beautiful, there aren’t words 😁


For some unexplained reason (after 4+ years), I am unable to post at the Treehouse. Every attempt is followed by “moderation” and then poof! Even “Amen” required “moderation” before it too disappeared.
I have tried different names and several email addresses….NOPE!
I found this site quite by accident and recognized familiar names.
Still looking for a patrickhenrycensored update.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hi. Did you mention any of the following:
patrickhenrycensored or his blog
banning of any person on CTH
this site (wqth)
Any of those will get you banned there now.
You are welcome to post here, as you have passed “extreme vetting”, as Trump put it.
PHC’s blog is listed in our sidebar, and that is the best place for updates!


Ahh. You have been unpersoned


I once was quite active on AoSHQ. Until a fellow moron dropped malware on me……and then became a moderator.


Welcome to our Q treehouse hosted by Sir Wolfmoon the Noble. I think you’ll like it here. 🙂


“Stressing Maddow’s bias allows Trump to suggest to the party faithful that the MSNBC reporter plays favorites, and then by highlighting any partiality in her questioning of the candidates, Trump can sow further discord among the candidates and their supporters.”
DJT can also use his Tweets during all the Demo-fascist debates to destroy the credibility of EVERY ‘moderator’ before the presidential debates even begin!
DJT will have been throwing Tweet-pies in their faces for a whole YEAR before some of these same apparatchiks then face HIM on the debate stage… how can they POSSIBLY not be biased, when he’s been trashing them and exposing THEIR bias for a whole year leading up to the presidential debates… LOL!


“While that may play to the left’s base, if Trump tweets out rejoinders, the moderate middle will see the candidates for what they are:”
There is no ‘moderate middle’.
Just liars who claim they’re ‘moderate’ when they’re not, and people who don’t pay any attention.
If they paid attention, they wouldn’t be able to claim they are ‘moderates’, because claiming to be a ‘moderate’ in the middle of a war is just another way of saying you won’t take a stand on anything, for any reason.


“The candidates must now focus, not just on what one of their primary opponents might say, ”
Remember, the whole thing is almost certainly scripted.
The GOP was scripted all the way down to the ‘splitter-strategy’ level.
The DNC makes the GOP look like the wild, wild west in comparison. The DNC plans and scripts everything, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in a vat of boiling oil that the nominee wasn’t chosen a long time ago, and the entire primary is designed to culminate with victory for the DNC’s choice.
We already know from the last presidential debates that the questions are scripted and given to the candidates, and we already know that the DNC picked Hillary and booted Bernie last time around. They’ve been doing it for decades… maybe for more than a century… maybe it has ALWAYS been that way, the only difference is that it was all expose in 2015.
We are watching a movie, a tragedy in the guise of a sit-com, a very poorly written and terribly acted live theater event.
And then in walks DJT… like a hurricane… and all the best laid plans of crooks and commies… oh yes, they’re a-goin’ awry… DJT will make absolutely SURE of it 😁


This whole next 2 weeks is shaping up to entertain us immensely. We may have to have sickies from work