Are you ready? Have your favorite beverage by your side? Ready for our drinking game? Or witty commentary? We welcome you to this evening’s entertainment ~~~ Round 2 of the Dem Primary Debates. Many thanks to all who contributed last night. You guys were in rare form.
Thus far, the Boss is still the clear winner.
Let’s see if they can top last night’s Victim Olympics…oh, you know they’re gonna try…
LMAO! Perfect!
The problem with the English language is that it only has 3 levels of adjectives, positive, comparative, and superlative.
With this debate format, we would need at least 10 levels to come up with a title that covers all the riders on the clown car.
Wonder if this has to do with tonite?
New Q post!
New: Title TBD
27 Jun 2019 – 3:23:57 PM
Be ready.
Didn’t Hannity say something BIG was supposed to go down today? Hmmm…
He may have, but he also said that the night before yesterday about yesterday and nothing happened yesterday. I do NOT consider nasty tweets from Sally about VSG to be big news, and heaven help us if that is what Hannity meant.
He’s like the Paul Revere of Fox News…if Paul Revere started his ride in 1773…
…and continually interrupted all of the townsfolk.
Paul Revere?
Or Boy that cried wolf?
(While constantly interrupting)
Someone called?
Oh, Hannity.
*goes back to sleep*
LOL !!!
He’s always saying something like that
The memes…….. they just write themselves.
Garrison is the greatest, isn’t he??? So much humor in all the little details…Liawatha’s license plate, for one. Too funny…
And the Creepy Joe hood ornament, hah!
Yes! So funny! Plus, all the cars they drive – just perfect…
‘ bout that buttiplug mouth. is he saying O?
I think his mouth is just frozen that way.
Being from South Bend-over Indiana and all
Snort, cough,sneeze and laugh, good one razorback
Don’t even want to think about his other end
Daughn, Thanks again for Hosting tonights debates.
Last night was GREAT!
Hope tonight is BETTER!
Rayzor, there’s so much moarrrrrrrr going on tonight ++ a Q post!!!!!!!!!!!
Draw and strike worth a gander
Another One!
New: Title TBD
27 Jun 2019 – 3:28:37 PM
[Future Comms]
Pre_stage ele_y
Pre_stage sec_y
Pre_stage dir_y
Pre_stage cap_y
Q Post #3352
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.471
Jun 27 2019 15:34:17 (EST)
Our fg&c?
Wonder what’s up?
Another one!
New: Title TBD
27 Jun 2019 – 3:34:17 PM
4th of July is 1 week away. Supposed to be fireworks
in D.C. multiple fronts. POTUS in Japan too. He will be peotected in Japan if something happening here.
Good catch Gil
Keep an eye out for weird skin blemishes tonight. Apparently NBC gave Tulsi Gabbard a fake pimple during the debate last night. You can’t make this shit up!
NBC Accused of Putting a Fake Pimple on Rep. Tulsi Gabbard During Dem Debate
A fake pimple? Why?
Just reduce the use of Bondo on her cheeks
a lot of times when POTUS is filmed and the rebroadcast, he is tinged orange in the skin tone. They do these things to make them look bad and fit the narrative. Tulsi is not the sweetheart, Warrren was last night.
with the 7 sec delay they can do it live too.
Just saying Tulsi has a skin condition they try to cover.
Meth use??? They get face lesions
They did something similar to Steve Bannon a few months ago—took the color out of skin to make him appear sickly. They have a long history of using camera tricks, Photoshops, and cherry-picking bad photos to make conservatives look bad, but I was surprised to see it deployed in a very early Democratic debate. Their desperation is showing.
They are eating each other alive, I think they are setting all of these people up to fail so MOOOchelle or Killlary can be set up as the candidate IMHO
I, too, suspect that they’re going to shoehorn Michelle into this somehow. VP slot maybe.
Tulsi will never get the D-Rat nod…nomination. Not that I think Tulsi warrants a spot on the ballot next November. I don’t.
Tulsi speaks her mind and therefor 100% does not fit D-Rat socialist mantra.
Twenty years ago, Tulsi would have been a Blue Dog Democrat. She’ll be in the House until one of the Pineapple Senators quits, retires or is found guilty of criminal behavior.
True that!
Tulsi supported Bernie over Hillary in 2016, and the DNC and the media have been attacking her ever since. She could be polling 100% across the entire US and they STILL wouldn’t give her the nomination.
When I first saw Tulsi a couple of years ago I thought she could be trouble. She is attractive and well spoken and just independent enough of the Dem far-far-far-Left to appeal to some Dem voters. But maybe her opportunity has passed since the party has moved so far left.
Buttigieg is the image of what Dems want: well dressed, mannerly, representing a minority identity politics group. But he is an empty suit — which is also what they want, I think, so he can be controlled.
Could she get a senate seat in lefty and ethnic Hawaii?
I somehow can’t see her swimming to the Senate the way Heels High did, doing the back stroke.
Sadie – this is significant. This is the same shit that they pulled on 9/11 – “Pinocchio’s nose” and all that stuff. Live editing is a wonderful science that almost NOBODY is aware of now, much less BACK THEN.
The video guys who microanalyzed all that old footage have UTTERLY CONVINCED ME that it was done, but the question was always WHY – why not fly them?
It’s MATH. The numbers don’t work out. I won’t explain it in detail, so that others will arrive at the same points of solution independently (there are several junctures where you CANNOT rely on a “natural” event – too many things that can go wrong). You cannot ASSURE the psychological impact with too much left up to chance. The whole package had to be INSURED to yield collapsed buildings to generate the necessary psychological impact. Natural collisions on the WTC would not work.
NOTHING was left up to chance.
The desperation of the failing establishment is just being OUTED right before America’s eyes.
Excellent point. I wonder if this “fake pimple” incident was a test run for something worse.
Good thinking. Many people might dismiss the JUMP from one little test to a big incident, but I think that is absolutely the best explanation.
And here is what I think now. A SINGLE test like that – kinda noticeable – doesn’t seem likely. The “obvious” explanation we’re supposed to think is “mean girls”, but no – that’s not it.
IN FACT – there may be OTHER TESTS that were run during that first debate, or the second. YES! They needed control, so definitely – check those videos There will be other psych tests.
There’s not a lot of value in JUST diminishing Tulsi Gabbard who doesn’t stand much of a chance anyway. She’s expendable. She’s not even a DUPE – she’s a DOPE. She’s in the Party of Treason, run by communists who hate America, and she is not even AWARE of what’s happening.
All she is is a dumb test subject. This is like what happened to me in CA3. I was just USED and expendable. These people are ruthless, but in a cold and clinical way. Tulsi simply means nothing to them. She’s a guinea pig – a means to an end.
Instead, I think it’s more likely that they will hit us with an ARRAY of fakery and “see what sticks”. See what we catch, and what we don’t.
So that was likely only ONE of many small influence tests that they are throwing at us to gather psych data.
NOW – here is how I think we have to strike back. These media fakery events are all connected, and they span at a minimum 40 years and the entire media.
I believe that the photojournalism / videographic community is FILLED with cabal agents and players. The CA3 journalist-faked incident (the one I know about, New York City media, 1981), 9/11 fakery (well described now), and this thing ALL point to professional players who can masquerade as non-operatives, and they are TIGHT with the DNC.
Why did the DNC highly restrict who could cover the event, including locking out CSPAN for the first time? YES. They needed CONTROL of the media.
I think this is a gold mine. I don’t think these people thought they would get caught. Now we KNOW that the DNC is tied deeply to photo-fakery – meaning they’re tied deeply to CA3 (I already knew that for outcome reasons), but most importantly 9/11.
SO – rounding out your point – YES – like Q says, be ready. They’re up to NO GOOD.
They’re facing a “win or go extinct” Presidential campaign. They’re working out the kinks now–big Tech censorship, shut down major conservative influencers, test run the video editing software now for use in higher stakes events, and so on. They’re doing it a year in advance because they can’t fuck this up twice.
And on that note, I’ve experienced a weird amount of 9/11 and 10/1 Las Vegas references in the last 24 hours to the point where it is starting to spook me.
“And on that note, I’ve experienced a weird amount of 9/11 and 10/1 Las Vegas references in the last 24 hours to the point where it is starting to spook me.”
Emergent understanding IS SPOOKY.
Seriously, I’m going to take Q at his words. Gas up, stock up, prepare mentally for some level of SHTF. Q tried to keep it low key to the point where disbelievers would not pay attention, or just laugh it off, but we would actually pay attention.
Agreed. And I’ve got suspicions about July 4th, too. The big POTUS rally, Q returns exactly one week before the big date…just something to keep an eye on beyond the fireworks.
OMG WOLF…Your comment made me realize something about all of that 9/11 predictive programming.
They spent decades implanting images of airplanes hitting the Twin Towers so that when the big spectacle happened, people would have an easier time (consciously or not) accepting the premise that they saw airplanes hit the towers and not whatever CGI fuckery was actually used. Repeated images over the years of explosions caused by airplanes or anything other than controlled demolition/buggy CGI were created to sell a narrative. It’s related to the same reason why Hollywood makes movies out of particular historical events and people–to sell a narrative they want the public to believe no matter how accurate it actually is.
Very interesting. Note the years. CARTER administration and CLINTON administration. First the DUPE and then the TRAITOR.
Yes – the pre-emptive programming thing is huge. The whole thing is MENTALISM – what they can make people BELIEVE. All PSYCHOLOGY. The SOONER, the BETTER.
SYMBOLS. It was all about SYMBOLS. But not to the Muslims, although they WERE an audience and participant. No – it was the symbol of CAPITALISM struck hard.
And then they bring in BONO for that MK concert.
The whole thing was amazing.
BTW, I’m really thinking Dupe Carter was an MK of some kind. Not sure WHEN they got him, but it was a real win for the proggies. The man had zero control over the mass of traitors he brought in.
I always interpreted the 9/11 predictive programming as an occult Law of Attraction thing–put the images out there to help manifest the plans successfully. Subtly reveal your evil plans to public to avoid karmic penalty, etc. I still believe that’s part of it.
But I never considered it from a sheer logistical perspective until your comment. Slowly feed the public propaganda over the years so that they’ll buy the lie when it actually happens.
Time to take a dip in the pool and make frozen Mai Tai’s before the debate. Gotta get our exercise!
I’d like to watch the Clusterfuck from inside a pool with a mai tai
Ya’ know, that would be the best viewing possible.
Sitting in a floating chair watching a big screen
I thought I had alot of dogs, wow.
Lol. Who gets to clean up the dog hair?!
I shop vac daily including my dogs, only one dont like being shop vac’d and he is a Pomeranian other 17 are labs
I don’t have any pets right now. But, I had the pleasure of huggling someones lab last week. Some random person- never saw them before or since.
Sometimes, when I hear my neighbors taking their dogs out for a walk, my urge is to run outside to pet their dogs but I haven’t- just to let neighbors do their thing without my bothering them. But, boy howdy, am I tempted!
Most dog people LIKE people to come up and pet their dogs and talk about them. We do it all the time.
I remember the dogs I meet on the bike path, but not the people.
Same here. I remember the dogs’ name but not the lady who was walking him or her two kids.
I’ve thought many times about volunteering at an animal shelter. I’m not really comfortable spending time at non-profits, locally. It’s led to some unfriendly moments.
We had a dog to be trained as a seeing eye dog for nearly a year before he had to be taken to Detroit headquarters for finishing school. Unfortunately, he could not be treated like a family pet and have lots of fun. Pepper was smart as a whip, but they found a hip problem with him, so he never finished his schooling.
Only pets I personally ever had were turtles and fish. Coming back from supper tonight, on one of the country roads was a terrapin. Judging by his profile and the height of his shell, he was either a paint or a geographic. DH wouldn’t let me get out of the van to check him out closely. He knew I’d try to bring him in the van to relocate him in our subdivision pond. Guess DH didn’t want turtle pee in the van. The wild ones do pee up a storm when picked up.
“The wild ones do pee up a storm when picked up.”
I have never had that problem with any of the turles I have picked up and I move them across the road all the time.
Charlie, a painted, I found in a pit cave and took him home in my lap. He was in my dorm room for the rest of the year. (We were not supposed to have pets but he went into hibernation under a bunch of leaves in the wooden box I put him in. However he gorged first. I smugged fruit and lettuce and earth worms up to my room to feed him.
I never had pee problems with tortoises, but did with terrapins. We live in an area with a bunch of very small lakes, and this time of year, for some reason they wander onto the roads probably to get to another lake or pond.
I learned the hard way to just hold the terrapin out of the rolled down window while driving with my right hand, unless I had some adequate box in the car.
Greet em with a treat and they will race to greet you.
drillerdog gets vac’d sometimes but usually needs a shower after crawling around under the greasy rig. Or, as he did yesterday, rolling around in cowshit

phew, he’s wearing his best cologne!
He seemed to think he was all that
did u give him a bag of chips? He was trolling for the girls!
Didn’t need to, he found plenty of “chips” in the pasture to munch on

Ours love to roll in fox shit, pisses me off to no end.Every once in a while a bear will take a dump and it’s first thing our Pomeranian runs for.
Drillerdog is beautiful.
Thanks, he’s a great dog really. They all have their irritating quirks, I couldn’t imagine having 17 labs and a pomeranian?!? Whoa

It’s a chore with them all being 3 year olds, good thing is they keep the bears and mountain lions away.Been a few months since they last treed a black bear.
A bear, let alone a cat vs a pack of 16 labs lead by a pom, omg the visuals

The crazy part is the pom leads the charge he really is fearless.
Sometimes I wish a bear would wipe his ass with him just to bring him back to reality,no more small dogs ever for me because we clash to much.
Gotta love the little dogs that act the shit, they crack me up
You have 18 dogs? Oh my… I thought it was hard with 6 beagles and a cat.
Try 27 goats, 20 ponies, 17 sheep, 2 elderly cats and a donkey.
Saw the wild turkeys in the pasture again today and all eleven babies were there.
Kiddo finally saw quail and theyre cute. There are wild donkeys we see about 50 miles from us. Munching grass in lawns… they are cute. If we had a big place , a couple tiny goats, a pair of alpacas and a donkey…rescued of course.
Thats a lot for sure!
Q post yea! Just got back from therapy…going out for a bite of supper. Going to put on my new Q T-shirt. A few weeks ago Daughter Dearest, who has a small business doing T-shirts and other what not (I think are called heat transfers) sent me a black T, tank and sweatshirt with great custom sparkly Qs – one with rabbit in the Q. Will see if there is any Q recognition locally.
Q DROPPINGS! And I was excited that Caddyshack is on tonight.
Which channel?
Umm…hang on, let me look.
The golfers, you know the brow furry rodents.
Always cracks me up.
OMGGGGGGGGGGGG, I’m watching Rodney right now!
I’ve got the black Q tee with the rabbit! Good stuff!
Yep. Unfortunately, tonight we were seated in the dining room rather than in the bar. More chance of Q getting noticed among the bar people. Oh well, will wear many more times.
Colors on the left look like those of the Mexican flag – red, white, and green…
Not NE mention last night about the military, or the Veterans Admin……… except of course, Tulsi……. did you know she served in Iraq?
I do now…………..
And I will sleep better tonight knowing that!! s/
For which side?
Oh, goodness. Was she a Barista, too?
No, I did not know that.
TYSM Miss Daughn for hosting and all you guys for posting!! I just can’t watch those fools, especially that Nasty woman, gotta keep my BP low. However, I will be watching y’all and Twitter, that was the best medicine last night!! I’m pumped, GO GET EM TEAM!!!

Yup! Will be on this thread enjoying the comments, clips and memes.
The shitshow MCM and D-Rats will peddle is surely going to be insulting to thinking Americans.
That aside, any thoughts on Q drops?
To me IMHO, being a military mom and son shares comms info (not secrets): It looks to me that the middle one is a readiness check and clearance for a communications operation (intercept and dealing with tonight debates behind the scenes or something in Asia??) or operators in the field are on an active operation had cleared checks and gets the green light. The others are for the patriots to be encouraged and to keep fighting as you say the Sh!tshow they want to keep feeding us.
Get lots of



Check out PrayingMedic’s latest Tweet —– all makes sense. And, an important heads-up for us: Get ready; what do we do if all our good Q-Decoders are silenced?
Same here bflyjesusgrl. Maybe we should rename Daughn…. Doctor daugnworks 247 for her good medicine.
Barr is now getting the treatment from our mutual acquaintance:
I’m so damned annoyed. Hopefully the debate will cheer me up. Creepy Joe and Give-me-the-Willie Kamala should provide some fireworks.
“Give me the Willy Kamala”
^^^ Grandma, That is incredibly funny!!!
OK, Bills pass to fund ICE…NOW, let the round up of illegals accelerate!!!
Can we have some breaking news during D-Rat debate that arrests are ongoing in Seattle, New York, Trenton, Frisco, Austin, Montpelier, Wilmington…
Looking for D-Rat candidates reactions…;-)
MOAR D-Rat splody heads on live TV…;-)
The opening seconds summarized last nights debates real well, but Love Gutfeld’s humor!
Entertaining comments.
That was great. I can’t express how offensive their speaking Spanish is to me. (It would be the same if they spoke any other language. Someone should ask them why only Spanish.)
This is America. We speak English, and we don’t want it to become Mexico. Their speaking Spanish tells me that THEY do.
Heartily agree with you TheseTruths. I was yelling at the TV. Yet, when asked a question in Spanish they could not understand it enough to answer it! It was all scripted.
BoondockSaint enjoys this summary of last night! He is LOL
OMG! Hilarious!
We love most of their daily YouTube videos. Some get redundant with farts, but most always a gut buster.
Are people moving?????
Changing position?
KAG @IWiIlkaga
2h2 hours ago
My friend who hates Trump and voted for Hillary (moderate Democrat) just texted me saying he’s voting for Trump If the winner of the Dem primary stands where people like Castro and the others tonight stand on decriminalizing illegal entry, being weak on border #DemDebate
Great news!
I continue to believe we are looking at a landslide next November. Popular and Electoral votes.
2016 Trump voters will remain with President Trump.
2020, remaining Americans with even moderate American values will NOT vote socialist, give up their health care, increase taxes, open borders, green new deal…and the remaining D-Rat BS lines. America, in my mind simply won’t vote for that trash.
And finally, President Trump 100% owns the issues Americans value…The Constitution, economy, jobs, and dozens more.
D-Rats have NOTHING Americans value.
DeBlasio the Communist shouting Che Guevara slogans at Miami Int’l.
Understand, the worst possible place to be a communist…… is Miami.
They understand that $hit.
I must be getting old because I sure as hell don’t remember any of that murderer’s slogans.
And no, don’t remind me because it’s a blessing that I don’t remember.
Best line of the day.

Donald Trump has been in politics for just 3 years & he will be running with what he HAS accomplished
Joe Biden has been in politics for 40 years & he will be running with what he WANTS to accomplish
This is the difference between a career politician & a businessman
That left a mark AND broke a few ribs.
Are you getting access to T_D? I cant…and funny my internet connection is dropping nonstop as of 15 min ago..
I got banned after my 1st and only post there the other day so I had to tell them to go f themselves, then I deleted my account so idk.
They are shadowbanning all new accounts and zerohedge links….
The Q related posts about beibg cut off are coming to fruition.
Ohh gheez, Lacey Underall is at the Golf Course. Judge Smails teeing off. Gambling is illegal at Bushwood and I never slice.
17 MILLION PEOPLE removed from voter rolls since 2016 Trump election.
……. but nothing is happening
How are we able to watch the debates on line tonight? I had to miss them last night.
msnbc online is what I watched.
Go to Youtube and type in Democratic Debate. Should be first result.
How long have you been a masochist?

Glad you have a sense of humor. I was holding my breath while clicking ‘post comment’.
LOL. I actually was going to post an answer to you during the break, saying, after watching the gaggle of geese, that I must be a practicing masochist. Viewing this is excruciating.
Caddyshack is in the midst of the swimming pool scene
Front and center…Biden, Bernie, Kamala…
OKay here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MaryAnn Williamson???? Who is that?
Some mushy, self-help guru. Ridiculous.
Swallwell is about to fall off the stage he is so farr over “)
As Walter always says: “Dumb Mass”!
Yang is going to be the monkey wrench.
Only one missing form a dem lineup is that E. Carroll bag who fantasizes rape.
Pay less……. GET less
Dumb Mass!
Sanders up first.
Big new benefits. You said people would be delighted to pay more taxes for health care etc. Will taxes go up for middle class?
Bernie gives a speech – healthcare is a human right, we have to pass medicare for all, majority would pay less han now
education make colleges tition free – eliminate student debt, tax Wall Street.
Will you raise taxes – no premium no deductible, no nothing, MORE in taxes but less for healthcre
? huh?
More taxes on middle America in exchange for cheaper health “care” sounds pretty good to people who don’t pay federal income tax anyway, either because they’re kicking back on the porch all day, or because they are paid under the table.
bernie / raising taxes.
Taxing Wall Street…but the Middle Class will pay more.
Biden never built SHIT!
Know NOTHING about creating WEALTH
Dumb Mass!
Biden equality question – Biden goes after Trump, my dad was middle class, work hard look you in the eye, dignity, work. dignity……… insurance that is affordable, tuition affordable……… gotta have water they can drink
Three times after Trump
eliminate the Trump tax cuts
These people remind me of the high school popular kids and their hangers on.
Please continue attacking President Trump, biden and kamel toe. Eff you with a chainsaw.
A running chainsaw.
Kamala – crowd likes her
Working families need to be lifted up
tax cuts have to go
less than 100K – can collect $500/month for free
going against corps.
“Working families” is another catch-phrase to make people think they care.
Yeah. They certainly don’t mean it not to include the non-working families.
Remember, they are all about the inclusiveness, after all.
Heels up does not understand….
Rich People GIVE jobs
Poor People are more likely a drain on the economy.
I never worked for a poor person!
Dumb Mass!
Hi Everybody – I’m not going to be able to join you tonight.
Long very exhausting day in which refrigerator died – and had to deal with hauling all the food to daughter’s extra refrig. and shop for new one and other issues.
Can’t wait to read what you astute and witty political mavens write tonight about the Democrat Follies with my coffee tomorrow morning!
Don’t buy a new fridge! Find an appliance recycler and buy one that’s over 30 years old. They have real Freon and they are almost all made in USA.
If I were younger, and had a truck, I would!
I need a link to watch!
Check Cspan ????
Youtube kept crashing for me…it is on nerwork NBC.
Here ya go Yucki – NBC has one
Watching on a 2nd window.
Crowded screen, fun.
if you want conservative talk more and immediate fact check
you were agaisnt socialism, we have to define we are against socialism
otherwise we’re in trouble
can’t promise everyone a job
can’t expect to eliminate private healthcare
pointing out the problems of far left
reproductive rights — green lower emissions
Link for me to watch it?!
Do you have NBC on your TV?
“Reproductive rights” is fine…..
KILLING babies is NOT!
American people understand trump is a liar,phony, a racist,
he said he was going to stand up for working people —- he has not
expose him for the fraud he is.
Burny, Burny, Burny
Trump did not THROW people off of “Healthcare”
He gave them a JOB (with Healthcare)
Gillibrand interrupts
greed of corporate entities over people
Mods already lost control
I opened up the debate livestream, heard Spanish, and immediately closed the window.
I’m not sure what I was expecting.
OMG Butt — responds in spanish says hello in spanish
making a speech on college loans
refinance it – what he does not tell you is the loan cost went from 3-6% up to 6-9% because student loans subsidize Obamacare —- in fact the gov’t makes about 42 BILLION on student loans per year.
Very few people know that PPACA (Obamacare) is the same law that nationalized student loans. Every freakin’ word of that 2,000+ page obscenity was pure, concentrated evil (think, “Time Bandits”) including every “and”, “the”, “a”, and “of”.
That the GOPe didn’t repeal it root-and-branch and make it a capital offense to re-use any of its language in any future legislation was a distinct “tell” from the Uniparty.
The GOPe sucks but it should not be blamed for what McSlime did all by his lonesome. Terminally ill yet still went to DC to fuck over the country.
They all got sucked into the “repeal and replace” nonsense. WHAT WAS THERE BEFORE WAS WAY BETTER THAN OBAMACARE. How about repeal and think again? How about repeal and enjoy Federalism? How about there being nothing in Article I, section 8 of the Constitution regarding healthcare and maybe Congress shouldn’t be involved?
You tell it, cthulhu!
That’s the best short summary of what they should do that I’ve seen.
Swallwell – student loans – what did he say>
Tax Tax TAX!
That’s all the have
Yang – you want to give everyone $1000 a month which is 3.2 trillion dollar a year
He wants to add a VAT like Europe, goes after Amazon.
He thinks it would increase GDP by 700 billion —- (no way to estimate that point)
VATs are the one thing that I really don’t like about self publishing. I actually know how much of a cut foreign governments are taking out of MY PROFITS FROM MY WORK. And it hacks me off.
A VAT will never fly.
We have federal tax which is about 25-30%.
We have local sales taxes, about 7-10%.
The congress takes our payroll contribution for Social Security of 7.5% + the company contribution of 7.5% = 15% of American payrolls.
And they still have a trillion dollar deficit every year.
Trump Admin sends in request for 5-10% reduction from each agency and Congress STILL appropriates MORE money.
Our problem is Congress.
And then there’s property tax, state income tax (where applicable), gas tax, HOA, municipality tax which does not always include trash, sewer district (worth the price, actually), and more.
These damned liars always demonize the wealthy. The boogeyman of the Left. But they always screw the middle class in the end.
Yang is in trouble – his plan makes no sense.
Swalwell, how would you retrain people who will lose jobs to tech
Swallwell – we have to have tech that does not hurt jobs —- Swalwellllllllllllllllllllll just went after Biden
crowd booed.
Swalwell, I was 6 yrs old when I watched Biden speak and run for pres.
Pass the torch!!!!!!!!
Biden – I’m still holding onto that torch
Strong answer – buried Swalwell
Yeah, but he’s holding the wrong end.
Feel the burn, Bern…
Feel the Bern, Bid…
Actually, he’s probably grabbing the wrong end…
Sanders and Gillibrand arguing and interrupting. Sanders wins and he is talking louder than other candidates.
no discipline, here tonight, either.
Food fight?
More like a CLUSTERFUCK!
Just from reading the comments, my assertion that there was no serious recruiting by the Democrats in the last 25 years stands.
Kamala ———— home effing run
Calls out other candidates, “Hey guys, America does not want to witness a food fight, they want to know how we’re going to put food on their table”
cheers from audience.
Kamala, dumber than a box of rocks, was fed that line by handlers.
Commentary from last night had statements like that.
Kamala’s coppin’ a black dialect.
Aw, now this guy’s talking about his prostate-
And I thought listening to just one liberal commie babble on and on was bad…omg…all of them talking at once? Do they make ear bleach?
Sanders and Kamala are only ones who would abolish private health care.
Hope they stand firm on abolishing private health with liawatha.
Gillibrand, is like the voice from the teacher in Snoopy cartoons.
Marianne Williamson is being outright ignored.
Who’s that??? She running too??

Oprah fruitcake.
Worse than that. She’s a Satanic NewAge Demoness from the pit of Hell.
Figures she’d run for/with the DEMONcRATs…
She should be ignored, as should all the rest of that hideous lot…
Looks like they’re trotting out all the uglies so the people will say “STOP STOP!!! Anyone but them”. And then “out” comes Micheal…

Is she that weird one on the end at the left? I couldn’t figure out who she was.
Still don’t know, but at least I now have a name.
Butt – Medicare for all anyone who says it needs to be required to say how they would do it
Make it availabe on the exchanges, more inclusive, more efficient, get to single payer that way
can’t be relying on the tender mercies of corp welfare !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did he practice that line in the mirror????
Mittens sent it to him.
Gee, do we have to hear all their family sob stories?
Burny…… I realize that YOU don’t UNDERSTAND Capitalism…..
Biden, my two boys, gets low and uiet, when my son came home from iraq terminal cancer, can’t imagine what I would have done…….. we need to build on Obamacare – he just called it Obamacare.
Urgency matters.
everyone has to have access
but right now, everyone has access.
misleading statement
To bernie – but states who try it have failed, Vermont, California etc. how are you going to do it?
I find it hard to believe every other country can do it and we cannot
healthcare companies make profit – 69 billion – according to Warren last night it was 32 billion
BUT BOTH OF THOSE Senators voted to guarantee 15% profit to healthcare companies.
Sanders is blaming and yelling at the healthcare and pharma cmpanies.
“my son came home from iraq w/ terminal cancer”
On a lighter note, my other son came back from Ukraine and China w/ billions.
And Married his widow……
then had an affair and Divorced her…
Then got engaged to another
Great Morals there Joe
Am I getting old or do these people seem terribly unserious and almost caricatures?
They have become caricatures. That’s what happens when you don’t have real principles and you pander for votes.
Madalyn Kahn?
Where is Mel Brooks?
Who the hell is Marianne Williamson.
She’s calling out the other candidates, because Trump is tough.
She’s an author.
So all of you Dumb Masses want to just Blow it all up?
Start over?
No thanks
bernie chomping at the bit…
Getting old, last gasp, desperation
Finally Marianne got a question and she made a lot of sense. If she gets another question she’ll be lucky.
Senator Bennett, Colorado had prostate cancer
Too many who have no health insurance because they are too wealthy to have medicare?
Not making sense.
Make illegal all insurance except cosmetic. What is he talking about?
They gonna compare boo-boos?
Prostate even?
Ya right Burny,
Go to any Hospital (Still in business)
Go to any doctor (Still practicing)
AFTER you pass the Death Panel survey
and survive the WAIT!
wow…the butting in is way worse tonight. Really no discipline. It’s kind of disgusting to view.
Kamala interrupting to tell her story.
Child has a fever, take them to emergency room, $5000 deductible and they think twice.
Swalwell, on healthcare – should never go broke cuz of helthcare
Tell you what, President Trump needs a plan.
Never go broke?
You’ll DIE first in Smallvilles plan
The mods are almost afraid of getting tough with the debate panel. Why have them there. Useless as tits on a bull.
All raise their hand for illegals’ healthcare.
Trump 2020!!!!
Every one of the clowns on stage tonight raised their hand when the moderator asked who would support giving free healthcare to illegal aliens. Every stinkin’ one of ’em.
Healthcare – Butt – what would you do for healthcare for illegal immigrants.
Our country is more healthy when we are all healthier
if 11 million undocumented are unhealthy, then we are unhealthy
they should not be undocumented either
protection for dreamers, pathway to citizenship etc.
On healthcare…If someone is suffering from a severe case of insomnia they can always play a tape of this debate…zzzzzzzzzz.
Then again that would probably cause some ugly nightmares.
Joe………Bite Me…….
got hair to sniff?
Biden wants to cover illegal immigrants.
Cannot let people go sick, can’t do that
They contribute to our country, increase the lifespan of social security
Deal with execs, put them in jail, opioids. gov’t should be able to negotiate prices
Biden is slipping
incoherent answer
…they also contribute diseases that we haven’t seen in many decades…
If it’s Biden or Bernie, the _VP_ choice is where it’s at.
Sorry folks about my style tonight…….
I just comment as comes to mind….
will go back and review the nights comments when this is over.
You’re making me lol~

Back again, question to Harris, about illegal immigration detention of children in private facilities
What would you do?
Immediately, I would DACA exec reinstate protection to those young people, stop deportation of their parents, veterans who fought for the counry
meaningful process for assylum evaluations
release the kids
no separation
A mother…… who pays a coyote to transport their child……. why would that mother do that? Because she knows the child would be better off here, and Trump is bad orange man to stop them.
Locking up parents and separating families happens EVERY day all across America.
Every time one commits a CRIME and gets caught!
Kamala be angry.
Her hands do the talking
Willy knows…Kamala’s hands do the talking…
Well, it’s hard to talk when one’s mouth is …
Booty Judge from South Bend-Over Indiana will verify that
kamala attacking President Trump, again. She ain’t gonna make it.
Hickenlooper looks like Ichabod Crane
If you told me our gov’t would take children from their parents and put them up for adoption
(?????????? WTF????????)
ICE must be completely reformed.
not just shelter, food clothing and access to medical care.
You’re welcome America, – Colorado. We picked another winner last Nov, uh, yay us? Oh well, they still seem more sane than half the rest of the them. Such a good time to not be a dem, whew!

… oh wow, speaking of CO, look at Sen Bennet go
I present Gov Jared Polis. (We also have Cory Gardner
All that damn pot!!!
I think it is all of the imported Californicators
Ice: “are you an illegal?”
ok….. never mind
someone last night (here) called him Chickenhumper. I laughed.
I just did too….and still am!
That’s a good one!
ChickenHumper LOL
I thought there was no crisis…that it was all manufactured…
allright, marianne. orange man bad. some more. jeezus
Marianne — we’re kidnapping the children, child abuse, and if your gov’t does it, it does not make it less of a crime
Trump is attacking a basic principle of America’s moral core.
American foreign policy in latin America.
You won’t do SHIT!
YOU have ZERO chance!
Along with all of your BOZO friends on stage tonight AND last night!
Gillibrand Trump has torn apart the moral fabric of our country
6 children have died in HISSSSSSSSS custody.
give he asylum seekers lawyers
fund border security
Trump has diverted border money to lock up children
daughn, you’re doing a great job, tonight. Thanks so much.
Most of the candidates think crossing illegally should be a civil offense.
It is you bunch of bozos ——– the first time
Second time is a felony
Butt going after christians –
“Butt going after christians”
Ooh, Bootygeig starting to sound a little geigmental for my taste.
Booty Judge…..
DemonCraps Don’t talk about “Religion”….
Because you ALL know nothing about it
Chief Exec of Sodom & G.
They just like to quote from the Bible and photo op in churches.
Why again is OUR country 20 TRILLION dollars in DEBT?
Mainly due to DemonCraps STUPID policies.
“DemonCrap”, the best descriptor evah!
Fitting I think
Kirsten Gillibrand, child of a NXIVIM MEMBER, talks about having life-appointed judges to decide the fate of children here illegally.
Traffickers would be waiting in line to corrupt those judges.
A really nasty, deviant, wide-spread, organized sex cult.
That is now in the process of being taken down by the Trump DOJ under Sessions/Whitaker/Barr.
Mentioned in Q posts.
Pronounced “nexium.”
Featured sex slaves,and women being branded to mark their being owned by cult leader Raniere.
Recently revealed to own 11 child care centers nationwide.
Gee, who would ever guess that a sex cult looking for more young women to brand would be so nice and progressive as to provide day care? Zany world we live in! Who knew?!!
Biden wants to send BILLIONS to central america immediately
61 people DIED under Obama deportations
Now I get it Joe Bite me….
(and your fellow travelers)
Legalize CRIME right?
These people are anti-American nuts. 2020 will be a glorious win for sanity!
Trump 2020!
Yup. My thoughts exactly!
I know…Donald Trump was elected because of his stance on border security and stronger immigration policy…that’s what most Americans want…
So what do the Democrats do? It’s pretty amazing to watch…
No Burny…..
It is NOT Hemispheric…
it is Galactic!
YOU, Dumb Mass (and your friends on stage)….
Bernie – ding! ding! ding!
“root causes” – commie dogwhistle
Biden – should a person who is here without documents – and that is their only crime, be deported
Biden, “They should not be the focus of deportation”
Biden wants to deport those who commit crimes here – which is exactly what Trump is doing
Swalwell – just said, if someone comes in without documents, they can stay, part of our community,
Why do we have a border at all then??????
Heels up!
Sheriffs are Constitutional officers of the law (ELECTED by the PEOPLE)
NOT subservient to YOU!
Police are “Statutory” officers
Kamala also thinks people who are here illegally, who have committed no other crime are okay and can stay
She watched the numbers all the time as a prosecutor.
She thinks it would be bad if one of them was a rape victim and they would not report the crime because they would be afraid they would be deported.
Bennett thinks Russia is bigger threat than China
Trump is right to push back on China
He’s back to illegal immigration.
Whoever this is…….. GONG!
Yang… I’m Laughing my ass off at YOUR Party!
Taking a break — someone pick up with Yang. Bathroom call.
sorry, daughn. keep losing my internet connection.
So…. Bend-Over Mayor Booty Judge just admitted to being a SOY BOY
Maybe he can partner with Spartacus.
They would BOTH like that
My screen is acting up. If I’m off suddenly, that’s why.
something is unchecking the box that keeps me connected to the wi fi in my home.
Butt – if he thinks Trump is only worried about a trade imbalance on dishwashers then he’s not capable of being president.
Buttig is doing the opposite of what most are doing. He is talking slower so he ‘appears’ more reasonable. Just don’t listen to what he says.
I noticed that too. Like he trying to hypnotize someone. Weird.
Whew! Commercial….. checking the notifications bell right now
Luv ya!
Thanx Daughn…… Back atcha
Butt sounds good, monotone delivery, good vocabulary ———– but he is wrong about everything.
When that Marianne chick came on I was “what, who the hell is that!” What a clown show. I didn’t want to watch but now I can’t look away, like a pileup on the interstate.
Marianne is a new age guru and has been on the scene for years. She also writes books.
Ahhh, makes sense I never heard of her then.
Her comes Chuck Todd and Rachel Madcow.
Kamala- She’s excited for the cause of wetback’s, afraid to report it to police because ICE. That’s where her mind is at
chickenhumper could use teeth whitening
Heh. Vodkapundit is on “a stage full of Underwear Gnomes…..” Step 1: Reverse Trump; Step 2: ?????; Step 3: Profit!!!!”
Booty Judge, Be HONEST…..
Because most Black people can’t pass a background check or competence interview?
Activists have brought rapists to forefront. So Pete, why didn’t you solve the problem.
Butt – Because I didn’t get it done.
Bias training.
We’ve done all kinds other things, when I look in his mom’s eyes. move policing out of the shadows of systemic racism, what’s happened in the past, white person driving a vehicle as opposed to a black person driving a vehicle is the same ———- that was a practiced answer.
Look at Colorado now!
Madalyn Kahn again…… GONG!
Hickenlooper – I did it in my state.
Swalwell – Butt should have done XYZ
Heels up….
I’m Black!
Let me speak!
Blah Blah Blah
Go Kamala, it’s time to whip out the race card!
Oh, she burned smokin Joe
Wait, is “Smokin’ Joe” a brand of cigar?
If not it should be
How’s this for a plan? Let’s just ask Heels High.
A little birdy told me she is a subject matter expert at smoking cigars.
Whew. She used to whip out Willy. Can’t unsee that.
Yeah, tough to get over that being the first thing that pops up in your head every time you see her
WP – stop f’ing with me.
That little girl (Kammel Toes)
FUCKED her way to the VERY TIPPY TOP!
Maybe Bite-me wlll use her for VP-
LBGT RSTNLE (Can I buy a vowel?)
Leave “Q” out of it!
I remember when it was Gay. Then Gay and Lesbian.
Then LGB.
Lots more boxcars lined up in the marshalling yard to be hitched up to that train. Watch European movies, and avant-garde Hollyweird movies, for hints of the future.
Cloward-Piven by alphabet. Would be ironic if an alphabet agency was involved in planning the train wreck.
Kamala versus Joe!!!!
wow, kamala’s betting on big mike and her husbands endorsement.
the way she just went to town on biden tells a tale.
Will be looking for that clip.
Newsom is behind her, but they have a long history and interrwined money.
Quid Pro Quo…Heels up harris knows how this works…as does Big Mike and hussein. Everyone gets what they want.
Or do you mean “Big Mike and his wife”?
Kamala is the monster of the Pelosi/Biden generation.
Diversity is a LIE from HELL!
Kamala, I would like to speak on the issue of race.
This is an issue not being talked about honestly, all black men are talked about and have suffered racism, couldn’t play with some kids because we were black
She does not believe Biden is a racist………. BUTTTTTTTT……… she is angry about two senators who built their reputation on bussing and segregation.
Kamala is tearing apart Biden, softly and sweetly.
Biden looks bad, looking at the ceiling searching for an answer.
Crowd loves Kamala
Biden, this characterization of my position is wrong, public defender, what I have done on civil rights, as VP, we worked hard to deal with this issue in a major way
he’s talking bout the busing legislation – I ran because of civil rights, I work because of civil rights
I opposed mandatory busing by the dept of education
She’s got the facts wrong
but her voice is rising
she’s killing Biden
Biden – I extended the voting rights act for 25 years, I did, XYZ, and more. Times up.
This exchange will be the primary headline for tonight thus far.
Daughn, what is this?
Looks like Larry is looking for more money. Not serious.
These people are so abominably clueless they think they can spout off as they are doing and have someone with an IQ above room temperature actually believe what they’re saying.
This is truly ridiculous.
Sadly there lies will stand as the MCM will not call them out as liars or simply speaking out there asses.
Burny…. So…
Make everyone EQUAL!
Equally POOR, Right?
Bernie and Gillibrand = boring.
Bernie loses the thought-
abortion kill killl kill
mr. BENT it…….. GONG!
Bennett – Biden says if he is elected, the other side will work with him
Gridlock will not disappear as long as Mitch McConnell is there.
Wooowwwww, they do not like Mitch.
Bennett is incoherent, made a point about gerrymandering and forgot it was resolved today, interrupted himself.
Ben it…
Dims gave us the “New Deal” How did that work out?
Dims gave us Jim Crow
Dims Gave us ObugledCare
Dims Gave us HIGH TAXES
Dims Gave us 20 TRILLION in Debt
Dims only give US…. MISERY!
Don’t forget Ku Klux Klan.
Or San Fernando Valley seized for back taxes, since owners couldn’t pay property taxes while in Nebraska inside Japanese internment camps.
That’s all Democrats, too.
Wow, I learn something new every day with you all. Thank you, Covadonga.
Bennet has been our senator for how long? I never realized how retarded he is
^^^ Priceless.
Sadly my sentiments about my NV Senators Masto and wacky Jacky.
bennet’s a poor speaker. hard to listen to.
Jilly Brand…
My Taxes went DOWN under President Trump.
Went UP under Obungler
I am really glad you all are watching this. I can’t bear it.
It’s been a hell of a week for me. I am going to bed with a good book.
I look forward to reading the rest of the comments in the morning. You guys (especially our hostess, Daugh) are awesome!
Sleep tight, sweet pea!
Bad Law
Uh, it’s not a law.
Bench law, but still law.
Bennett just blamed Biden for extending the Bush tax cuts, making them permanent. Victory for the Tea Party.
Biden was Stupified ——– look at the expression on his face.
Gillibrand thinks she has the solution – publicly funded elections, with Parkland kids have as much power as the Koch Brothers.
I missed that Constitutional right in the founding documents where I was guaranteed an abortion…… Bernie
WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF packing the court, rotating judges to other courts……. WTFFFFFFFFFF?????????
Womens right to control her body?…. ok
Just DON’t KILL the BABY!
Aspirin will prevent pregnancy….
If you put one between your knees……
Don’t drop the aspirin!
I thought about using that method, but somebody said it only works if you’re female!
lol….. that is true….
but REAL men can’t get pregnant
Haw, haw, haw!
Can’t “Boggle” a Boggled mind
This is sick. Nothing but a bunch of commies and…
Dims…… Just agree with us….
and EVERYTHING will be fine.
Gillibrand, wants to talk to women directly about reproductive rights cuz 30 states are trying to overturn Roe.
She’s off the rails about Hyde amendment.
When we beat President Trump and McConnell walks into the Oval office.
What is it about Mitch????????
Their problem with Mitch is the confirmation of judges, his not allowing O to replace Scalia, and those times when he has stood trong and not allowed a ridiculous bill to come to the floor.
Turtle has done a few things right, and they wee and are critically important.
Sadly I think he did it for personal image or financial gain we can’t see, yet.
Damn it’s HOT!
Oh Ya… it’s June/July
Damn it’s COLD….
Oh Ya…. it’s Jan/Feb
Dumb Masses!
Kamala thinks we have an existential crisis on climate. Trump is orange man bad. while embers were smoldering…… but Trump went to see it and Kamala was not there.
Did she ever go?
Kamala is hogging the microphone and she is winning in eyes of the Dems.
Yup. Pushy self absorbed biotch gets attention.
Heels up!
Trump denies science?
Like a living being with a HEARTBEAT is a BABY…
Not a glob of Obungles like yourself!
Pete has started to sweat = look at his upper lip.
He’s calm, he’s monotone. He needs to be a physician or an academic.
No passion, nothing.
Cameras scare him to death.
He’s fearing that his adult diaper is starting to leak.
This is so bad, I may make the Elvis move on the TV.
How in the world did hickenlooper gt from climate change to “can’t guarantee everyone a job with socialism”
CO2 = worst polluter is China
We cannot deny it. Rachel shuts him down.
Last night I could only get as far as about 30 minutes into the Demonrat Debates.
Tonight I could only make it to 19 minutes before changing the channel on the TV. Once they started shouting at each other and ignoring the pleas of the moderators, I knew it was time to shut it off.
If I want to watch a childrens’ show, I’ll dig up old reruns of Captain Kangaroo.
Apropos of nothing here, PHC has signaled that he will be shutting down his blog in a very few hours. It’s up in the blogroll if you need a link.
Thank you, cthulhu.
We have cut “emissions” more than ANYONE else in the WORLD…
WITHOUT your pie in the sky GREEN BULLSHIT!
They’re all absolutely clueless…but Kamala Harris has the added bonus of being extremely unlikeable. Good grief.
You’re right Harry. Hillary used to laugh at wrong time. Kamala does it also. Not genuine.
Bite me…. just send ’em Cash on Pallets right?
Madcow has a neck like a tree-trunk.
She should get together with Pencil-neck Shiite
Biden, how do you cut CO2 emissions with no help from Congress.
Full electric vehicles by 2020 – wait no — that was my speech under obama —- now it’s 2030
Paris Climate Accord.
We have to have a leader who can coral the other countries of the world and get something done like our administration did.
Burny is such a misguided FOOL
Burny is such a misguided FOOL
^^^ Me thinks we could insert each of the D-Rat candidates and be accurate.
Sad for D-rats this is the best they can do.
Happy for America and President Trump that this is the best the D-Rats can do.
bernie – always yelling – this time about climate change away from fossil fuel
Wait, aren’t all cows gassy?
No, only the ones that steaks, roast beef, cheeseburgers, bleu cheese dressing, and queso come from.
Oh, and yogurt.
Make sure you remind the vegetarians that yogurt comes from cows, too.
Hey, I eat yogurt. I also eat cow.
Me too. I’m just goofing around at the splodey heads’ expense.
In a nutshell.
Madalyn Kahn…….Gibberish!
Another commercial…… catching up
It’s nice to see half the cast from The Blunder Years at the debate tonight.
katy tur did the nasty with keith olbermann. that just makes me ill.
And her father had his willywhacker cut off so he could play girly. True story.
That Medical procedure that Rush talks about?
This crew on stage makes me long for Helliar to be running.
And needles and diseases.
Took kiddo to McDonald’s inside which we never do, in a nicer area though. I noticed 3 of those trash can looking donation boxes are in the adjacent lot. We were leaving and a homeless guy with an army wool blkanket around his shoulders, in 84 degree socal weather, was walking toward us and then went to the bins when i watched him. While I was buckling kiddo in he walked back toward us but went past the front of the car, watching us. Homeless have just (poof) shown up in my city.
Smalldick….. abolish GUN’s (Not gonna happen)
Jilly…. Family something
Heels up… I’ll do it all
Oh what the hell
They ALL are full of SHIT!
Luv ya Razor!!

Thanx…. and back atcha
What is the first issue for you
Swalwell = gun violence
Gillibrand = affordable something
Harris – tax cuts
Sanders = political revolution
Biden = 196 nations climate change is what Obama did, defeat Trump
Butt – fix ou democracy
Yang – $1000 for everyone
Hickenlooper – climate change
Williamson – New Zealand reference – best place for a child to grow up
Is that because the Cabal world HQ has been relocated to New Zealand as a response to the Trump presidency, and they have very strong feelings for your kids?
NY Times commercial:
The TRUTH is worth it
The only one I can listen to is the dumb author…she speaks like Madelyn Kahn in her Blazing Saddles role.
OMG – the visual is terrific.
It’s twue! It’s TWUE!!!
Is Chuck Toad sitting on a cushion ? He’s out of proportion to Mr Maddow
Rachel is wearing what she did last night.
I have thought for a long time that she has only one outfit.
Lol….. I’d never have noticed (guy ting I guess)
Ha ha…If Biden wins the Presidency the first thing he’s gonna do is concentrate on defeating President Trump.
Twitter says Idiot!! I agree.
How smalldick?
You are a Dumb Fuck!
You wouldn’t know an “Assault” weapon from your smalldick
I don’t know much about Smallbells, but just from his attitude he strikes me as the most repulsive one of the lot, personality-wise. And, with this clown car pile-up, that’s a hell of a high bar.
Swalwell – how ya gonna buy back every gun in the USA?
We have the NRA on the ropes.
keep you handguns, but we can do it – assault weapons.
A generation of people who send their children to school and memorize what they are wearing so we can dientify them later.
Drama QUEEN>
All right…I’m calling it right now on this thread. One of these Democrats on stage tonight has a 95% chance of winning the Presidency.
I’m for the other 5%
LOL…… awesome!
Swallows wants your guns
Bernie’s double-talk
Hey Burny…
It’s still not “Popular” …. your gun control bullshit!
Guns DON’t kill people…
People Kill people.
Outlaw Guns…. and only Outlaws will have guns!
Dumb Masses!
sorry, kamala. you’re fos.
Criminalize Homicide!
Oh wait…
Floppy Joe!!

That’s a keeper!
Those aren’t dog whistles, those are cattle calls to the illegal invaders.
Military “STYLE” (Scary) guns
Dumb Masses!
My gun safe is a sanctuary cabinet.
Take away our guns…..
China and/or Russia walks right in
Ask Tojo
Bernie, I was against assault weapons long before you Swalwell
Swalwell arguing with Sanders
Kamala – great ideas but no courage to act, will take all these ideas put them together and you can put a bill on my desk and I will take exec action
as a prosecutor I have seen more autopsy photos than I care to look at
looked in momma’s eyes
Butt – will military family have a different take? — asking him cuz he has military experience, probably the only one Rachel knows who has been in military.
“I have trained on weapons of war …….. no place in peace time.”
Biden – I’m the guy who got the Brady bill passed
I got the assault weapons bill
Can be done.
I did it.
Smart guns – biometric design to pull the trigger.
Nearly all gun control speaks from considerable ignorance. A sizeable amount of modern, state-of-the-art firearms, were invented by John Moses Browning (PBUH) in his home shop, in Ogden, Utah — which recently was sold — . His primary workshop was inside this house, and he produced prototypes of all his famous inventions in that workshop WITHOUT PLANS, since these prototypes were the first ever made and the plans were produced from the prototypes. This included such favorites as the 1911 and BAR. He used to test-fire them in a basement hallway.
Now, admittedly, JMB was a genius and expert machinist to have invented so many items that are popular to this day…..but he did so with 1900’s technology and no plans. It’s 2019. Any idiot with a CNC machine and plans can replicate them. I could probably build a 1911 from billet (blocks of metal) on my Harbor Freight mill and lathe. It wouldn’t be as good as a Kimber Stainless II, and it would take me so long to do it that it might cost me 3x the cost of a Kimber Stainless II if my time were valued at minimum wage…..but it can be done. I belong to a machinists’ club with maybe 50 members, of which I am probably the least equipped and least skilled. Some of them build miniature V-8 engines that run.
So many gun-control advocates start with there being something magical about firearms, about there being scarcity about that magic, and about there being single points of control. While it is true that we haven’t been training machinists as we should to remain a competitive nation, there are still plenty of ’em out there — and any reasonably competent machinist can build a gun.
If she tries to take our guns, she’ll get the bullets first.
Amen Andy!!
Verbal bullets of course. Nodd to the censors. Smile for the cameras.
Kam all over me…….. lol
Trump has done irreparable harm overseas.
Bennett – we have to restore our democracy at home, president does not believe in the rule of law.
Orange man bad
Trump attacked Japan, Germany and Russia last night.
Straits of Hormuz – does not know whether or not to believe the President.
We have to restore”our democracy” for “working families” with our “shared principles,” which means:
We have to destroy America and replace it with a globalist society by fooling the people into thinking we care about them.
Thanks for the “Play by play”…….
I just gave some “color”
You guys are terrific.
So are you!
Reading that makes me think I’m living in a parallel universe, daughn.
Thanks very much for these excellent summaries.
Waving! Good morning, Churchmouse!
Hello, Daughn!
***waving back***
Down the line…
10 GONG!
11 GONG!
Guess it’s over
#11 is for the “Moderators” that combined might make 1
I’m sorry I read through the gongs and am now wondering which of the Cinderellas lost a shoe.
That must be Hitlery
What country do you talk to first
Butt – we have no idea who will be most pissed off ……….
Yang – china
Bernie – everyone
Biden – nato
Gilli – trump is hellbent on starting a war with Iran
Swalwell – breaking up with Russia and making up with Nato
NATO is a country now??
Well if it is, WE OWN IT!!!
Ok… I’m back….
Had to get my Hip Waders with all of this BULLSHIT!
Do they make Hip Waders that high?
I’m also up on a ladder
Ha! Always prepare for the worst.
Razor, you’re pure gold entertainment at these things!! Thanks for the medicine!!

Thank you….. and….. You are most Welcome
Biden, Obama turned to me and told me to get our troops out of Iraq -I brought them home, including my son.
We cannot go it alone.
We need alliances
AmF treaties
Sanders – I helped lead the opposition to the Iraq war.
Oh Burny…… Just spit it out
YOU (and all the others)…
would just roll over and Give up!
Are YOU sure you are not FRENCH?
Wowwwww, confirmed.
The iran shooting down drone was definitely a setup for Trump to start a war.
They all have their talking points ready.
Well, that sure fizzled out.
Daugn, Razor, Grandma, BFY, Wheatie, Coffee, everyone who is watching the D-Rat panderathon, THANK YOU or the great running narrative.
So much fun at the xpense of D-rats;-)
Closing – Swalell, have to change DC, can’t look to old leadership, he changes diapers.
I think all of these people are College “Educated” IDIOTS!
BS (Bull shit)
MS (More Shit)
PHD (Piled Higher and DEEPER)
I think that covers all of their “degrees”
Marianne – How to beat Donald Trump, this man has reached into the psyche of America, only love can caste that out, she’s going to harness love.
Flower Child?
Just like Jussie Smollett, ’cause he’s all about love, too. That’s why he disparaged and lied about millions of us. Pelosi is all about love for the “divine spark” in MS13, and she loves the children — except, of course, those in the womb. Others have thought that if we only show Muslim terrorists love, they won’t attack us and will be defeated.
They ruin everything by distorting and perverting it. I don’t hear them talk about love for America. That is getting too close to a nationalistic spirit, a natural pride in one’s country.
Sounds like she’s hot for DJT.
“Marianne – How to beat Donald Trump, this man has reached into the psyche of America, only love can caste that out, she’s going to harness love.
Marianne used to lead a new age church. She wrote books on love. She thinks she is the modern DaliLama.
She has lots of followers . She is convinced that only she can bring love.
Anyone of us who are rooted in Christ know this that we connect to people in love but she has this new age thing going. She is not God who is Love.
President Trump has more love in him than the democrats who want to be president.
Daughn and team did great last night except I was distracted last night
Marianne wants LOVE with PT-
I bet VSG is Laughing his ass off!
I know I am!
“These people are stupid.” – Q
Bennet – ability of one generation to do better than the next
it’s an honest answer
best he’s been all night
hard to do, what our parents expected of us.
Colorado, first state to legalize pot, attack climate change, progressive, we don’t need big government to do big things, if we turn toward socialism we stand a chance to reelect the worst pres in history.
Colorado…… USED to be a Great State.
Import Californicators and look what happens.
Gilli – loves women, went to GA to fight for them, abortions.
I stood up to the Pres more than any other Senators.
Join me in fighting for this
Yang – thank you to our supporters
who can bet Trump,
need a vision, thousands of disaffected trump voters, I can build a coalition to beat him
Who can beat Donald Trump?
You’re killing me….
Yang gets points for NOT speaking Spanish.
Or Chinese.
Why do they speak Spanish? The illegals cannot vote tow home do they speak? They are not speaking to me not to other Americans?
How come they do not speak other languages to speak to us why do they not just Engglish to speak to Americans.
Correction: English
Harris, this election is about you and what wakes you up at 3:00am – talking about dignity when she slept her way to the top. wow.
Can’t “Wake up” at 3 am if your still Banging away at your job
She actually used Hillary’s “3:00 a.m.” line? I think that was a mistake. It reminds people of Hillary, and it makes many realize that, hey, they’re not waking up worried about getting a job anymore, or paying the mortgage or whatever. Everyone should feel much more secure with Pres. Trump in office.
Well, according to rumor, what was waking her up at 3:00am was named Willie Brown. So, if this election is all about her and her career, I guess she’s speaking from the heart!
Butt – I had to write a letter to my parents unless I did not get home from Afghanistan
My marriage only exists
my generation needs to deliver climate change and stop endless war
I know you want to screw us ALL to get to the top.
Madonna couldn’t do it….
YOU can’t either…
(Unless God Forbid you win)
Oh Shut the Fuck up!
I need an anesthetic for the next dem debate if there is one. I may register as a dem for the primary here in IN, just to vote for the underdoggiest dem of the gaggle.
Bernie – how come nothing changes?
Nothing wil change unless we take on Wall Street, Insurance, Pharma, Miliary ind complex…….. and one other.
Biden is running to restore the soul of America
This president has ripped it out.
have to replace dignity
have to unite the people
we can do anything as long as we are together
God Bless you all and God protect our troops
How dignified is it to fondle children and sniff women’s hair?
As long as there are DEMONcraps….
WE (I) will NEVER be “Together”
That was FUN….
They are ALL Idiots
Rayzor – You are cracking me up tonight with your running commentary. Hilarious! Thank you!
You are most Welcome
I expect a Kamala and Butt ticket.
Only if the PTB have it RIGGED up like that
Gonna be a long night catching up with all of the comments tonight
LOL! Ed Henry on The Ingraham Angle tonight said Joe Biden was asked what he would do on Day One of his presidency.
His answer? “Beat Donald Trump”. …….. Huh? Uh, Creepy Joe, if you became President (by some weird miracle) then on Day One you would have already beaten Donald Trump, right?
But then maybe what he meant was he’d take him behind the woodshed as he’s boasted before. HAHAHA!
Trump already sucker punched Floppy Joe with the tweet(s) he put out today! This debate once again a train wreck that I could not avert my eyes from. Your humor and insights are so fun.
I still think Bernie is one of Jim Henson’s Muppets gone horribly wrong.
He IS, can’t escape the image.
WP, you’re doing it again. If you want a date, just call me. But damn it, POST MY COMMENTS!
Or a cleaned up version of Chucky (from the movie).
Kamala Harris is #1 trending search topic.
somebody not happy with kamala
hmmm …his loss
Thanks so much for the running commentary much appreciated !
Daughn who blocked you????
I think it’s hilarious — her own father says that her ancestors were slave-owners, not slaves.
Very clear to me……. Obama stacked the audience for Kamala……. or someone packed that audience.
It reminded me of the audience where Trump shamed all the Bush donors. Remember that one?
The question is who will be the Chosen One now?
Not sure why this went into moderation!
Personal note – Wow, much more fire than last night.
I think this team got the message to go after President Trump.
And Mitch.
More yelling and more elbow throwing.
Many thanks to all who comment, like and lurk.
These threads have become valuable for reference and great fun.
Thank you for the thread, and thank you to all who watched. I couldn’t stomach it.
Thank you for having the stomach to sit through the debate and report your findings. Much appreciated.
Biden will NOT be in the spin room according to his press guy.
Does that mean he WILL be in the spin room? Biden is a flipper of epic proportions…John Kerry levels of flippage.
Sleepy has to go to bed. He can barely mumble his answers much less stay up past 9:00…night, night, little buddy…
…and refreshments were served backstage.
Biden announced his own “time’s up”…then stopped talking?!
After seeing what I saw tonight, I absolutely stand by my tweets.
Oh how I pray your right Flep.
If this is the best the Dems can do, a lot of reflexive blue dogs will sit the next one out, IMO.
For all of you who I have seen at the PHC blog…..I hope that I will get half as grand a party when it is my turn to go quiet.
We will do our best! ‘Thee is always a reason to celebrate friends and life! Hopefully, a new branch extends here for music, fellowship, food and drinks, dance, and fun!
The main site has gone private. I’m on a thread which is still open.
….and now, the thread is gone.
I can well understand that he did not have the excess energy to maintain a blog….but I continue to hope he will be able to stop by here.
Wolf should probably remove from blogroll, to keep from confusing people.
Found this on /qresearch/
“In tonight’s debate, I found this remark by Marianne Williamson particularly interesting. When the candidates were asked what her first action as President would be, her response:
“My first call is to the prime minister of New Zealand, who said that her goal is to make New Zealand the place where it’s the best place in the world for a child to grow up, and i will tell her girl(unclear) you are so (unclear), because the United States of America is going to be the best place in the world for a child to grow up.”
Why this is interesting:
We know that people in the cabal signal to each other that they’re “in the know” by talking about buying a second home in New Zealand (a designated cabal survival zone.) In this light, saying that the US is a better place to live than NZ can be interpreted as a signal to cabalites that she’s “in the know” and intends to make the United States safe again for cabal. In other words, as a little-known outsider who needs to find support for her candidacy, she just appeared to wave a flag at cabal in the audience saying “support me, I’m one of you!”
Also, talking about New Zealand *and* children (in a context where it seems totally out of place!) is a bit creepy. Those are two subjects of great interest to the cabal.”
Wolf has kept an uncharacteristically low profile here tonight. Hope he’s ok, and not buried in IT security issues.
Security issues are down, but we do have a number of OLD Treepers who I let into the life raft. They vet rather quickly.
I have about 10 very important articles that I need to do. They sit around in memory because I don’t have time to do them. That is becoming very frustrating. I may do a “No Vetting And Placeholder Dailies July”, so I can put out some real posts.
I think my biggest “problem” is the excellent material people are bringing here. I just get wonderfully side-tracked in NEW RESEARCH.
Don’t even THINK about stopping, people!
So many rabbit holes, so little time!
thanks to everyone (especially our hostess Daughn!!) for this thread…sounds like the jokes made themselves. how can anyone vote for these assholes?
President Trump should win re-election in a landslide!
Marianne was the spiritual guru for the rich an famous in California and has dangerous speaking ability . She is a demagogue . My how she aged an does not seem spiritually as appealing as she used too.
She is delusional to think that her love is greater than God’s Love. She cannot harness anything without the Power of God and she is not God.