Welcome! The doors are open, come on inside!
This Shining Light Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the KMAG world.
Come on in and get comfy:
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.
But please keep it civil. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Twelve Titans Music, titled ‘Bound By Purpose’:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72KbtAK4z0k&w=640&h=360]
Visual Descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Top Image: Is a gigantic Tree reaching up into white fluffy clouds. Rays of the sun are emerging through the clouds and are streaming through the Tree’s leafy canopy and massive branches. There are wisps of clouds around the lower sections of the Tree’s giant trunk.
Second Image: Is a view of a winding stone path surrounded on each side by a thick growth of a variety of colorful flowers. The path leads to an arched doorway with double doors. There is an ornate metal gate as an outer cover for the doorway. More flowers and lush green ivy completely surround the doorway on all sides.
Third Image: Is a rounded open room-sized viewing deck, looking out over tree tops. There is a cushioned S-shaped seating console in the center of the room, with lots of throw pillows. Round cushioned ottomans are positioned against it, fitting into the concave sections of it’s S-shape. Towards the outer edge of the deck is a small fire pit in the center of a round cushioned bench. There is free-form railing around the outer edge of the deck.
Fourth Image: President Trump is sitting at his desk in the oval office, reading some papers. Sunlight is streaming in from one of the windows behind him, illuminating both him and the papers he is holding. An aide is standing beside the desk, and looks like he is waiting for President Trump to read what he is looking at.
MAGA Mom June 28, 2019 at 11:12
Today, I mourn.
Coldeadhands June 28, 2019 at 13:17
Death is a teacher like no other.
duchess01 June 28, 2019 at 11:26
– we will all be reunited someday –
Today, I Mourn
Today, I mourn
Though not for another, but for me
A soul passed out of my life to be free
Free from this world of troubles and sin
But leaving, with me, an emptiness within
Death is a teacher like no other
I learn for myself from another
What I count as loss, God makes it known
That the absent soul is on its way home
I see darkly now, and only in part
But need not suffer a troubled heart
The soul that left me will be with the Lord
In joy and peace and eternal reward
And sometime at the end of my days
When my own soul leaves, rising in praise
We’ll meet again on that beautiful shore
To give God the glory forever more
There still remains a longing of sorts
For a part of my life, now cut short
To bless and be blessed, now gone somehow
So I’ll have faith and wait, but for now
Today, I mourn

Very nice, Carl.
Choked me up, though.
Oh Carl. Best ever. Unquestionably. Thank you for that.
Your prolific and talented output is a wonder.
Amazing. Impactful. Touching. Uplifting. Comforting. Healing.
Thank you for using your gifts to serve others.
I have loved this song for a long time. We all need friends who we know will lift us up to God in prayer. The image of friends as sheltering trees is that much more meaningful amongst this group of friends, adds an entirely new layer.
We rely on those who provide a treehouse to us and maybe we all have a treehouse to share, shelter from the storms of life. Sometimes we stand on our own, one tree, one small shelter. Sometimes we join together making a Forrest offering much shelter. Sometime we seem shelter and sometimes shelter is ours to give.
BakoCarl, thank you for all you give.
God and time…
God and time – take two
(We won’t sin in ?Heaven but will we be infallible? At least not make silly mistakes like wrong links?
This is Beautiful Carl!
carl, your are a treasure God has saved for us to savor in this time and place – you have discovered God’s secret – how He uses you to reach out to others – where He sends you to get your inspiration – what He wants you to say – when it is important to say it – and why you must say it! This, my friend, is how the Spirit of God works within you to bless us! God will bless you right back abundantly and profoundly with JOY!
Thank you so much — this is one of your very best.
I don’t believe in “happenstance”.
Today is my late father’s birthday. He passed away in 2006. It still feels to me like yesterday.
Blessings on you, bakocarl, your words are helping on a tough day.
oh wheatie……………………………..
been waiting all day… there are no words……………..
thank you
Thank you, PhoenixR.

The music I chose for this one…has special meaning to me for our Wolf Pack.
Excellent choice, Wheatie!
Thanks, Linda.

I’m so glad you like it.
The tree is beautiful….so are the flowers at the door, the interior shot, all of it. Just wonderful. And the music. And I especially loved the pic of PDJT with the light on him. You have such a knack, Wheatie.
Thanks, Syl.

I’m so glad to know that you like it.
Wait we lost duchess and cold dead hands?.
And maga mum?
No. Discussions and sharing about loss and grieving, about life going forward
That’s such a relief. I feel you are all family now
Fox may be owned by some people of dubious character, but they employ a few fine people …
as evidence, amongst others …
Amazing! I would like to think that I would have done the same thing—but nobody knows until they are actually in THE situation. Respect!
Hi Wheatie.
I am backward in coming forward with thanks – just how I am, sadly …
Great selection today, as per usual – So thank you for what you do for us!!!
Loved “Bound by Purpose” – sets the tone for where things are headed over the coming year …
Thank you, Jason.

I’m so glad you liked it.
I particularly liked the first one, the garden bursting with color. And the stone gate. About like a secret garden
Yours, wheatie?
Glad you liked them, Blue.

And no, heheh…that isn’t my garden.
I wish it was!
Rumor has it that VSGPOTUSDJT arrived 17 minutes late for his bilat with China. 17…..I wonder what that could mean…….
Our VSG…’setting the stage’?
Or maybe he was just unavoidably detained.
It happens.
hmmmm…detained? possibly, but 17 (!) minutes? hehe
In order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community, we are going to forgo saying the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting,” said Council Member Tim Brausen. At the meeting, Brausen said members might recite it in the future if there’s an appropriate opportunity, for example is the Boy Scouts are there.
Council member Anne Mavity, who sponsored the rules change, told KARE 11 that she doesn’t feel saying the pledge is necessary, especially for non-citizens.
This is what I don’t understand about accommodating the illegals. if they’re not her in this country to enjoy the traditions and freedoms WE hold dear why would they feel not welcomed if the Pledge was recited?
Why are they here if that makes them feel weird ans why the F would any red blooded American vote for this.
People have been brainwashed so badly
Good questions, Molly!
Yes. Why are they here if they have a problem with pledging allegiance to this country?
If they are muslims…then they are *forbidden* from swearing allegiance to a country that is not under Islamic rule.
Which is yet another reason to send their asses back to whatever shithole they came from!
The population of St. Louis Park is “81% non-Hispanic white”. This usage refers to people who do not identify as/ do not have sufficient DNA, to be “non-white” (Asian, African, Maori, etc.).
St. Louis Park is a suburb of Minneapolis.
How much of that “81% non-Hispanic white” includes a SIGNIFICANT number of non-Somali MUSLIMS?
Nope. Non-Hispanic White was instituted to make Caucasians effectively subordinate to any flavor of Hispanics. In other words, NHWs used to be called White.
I believe it happened in the disaster known as the Carter Presidency… I routinely check “other” and fill in the blank as “White”. I’m sick of this PC crap.
Molly Pitcher5
“In order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community, we are going to forgo saying the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting,” said Council Member Tim Brausen. At the meeting, Brausen said members might recite it in the future if there’s an appropriate opportunity, for example is the Boy Scouts are there.”
I do not understand how saying the pledge of the legion is offending anyone specially if one is living in the US.
When I was not a citizen and just had my green card I knew where I was and therefore expected people to say the pledge of the legion.
I have a funny feeling though that the US citizens who willingly to step aside toss their traditions of saying the pledge of the legion are not comfortable themselves saying it and therefore use non citizens as their crutch .
Or, they are just stupid what’s been held dear to erase it for the benefit of those who do not share our values.
Oh and sorry I forgot..Wheatie this collection of pix is absolutely artistic. They’re great. So lucky to have you creating these headers! Awesome
Thank you so much, Molly.

I am so glad to know that you like them!
And it’s a labor of love…just like with Wolfie.
He may not say it, because it’s gooshy-mooshy…but he does love us.
It’s an alpha wolf thing.
but not always obvious!
Sure it is, Wolfie.
He doesn’t really need to say it–it shines off of him like a beacon. We are blessed here, truly.
Good morning to all my treeper friends. Just lurking as of late,too much work to be done on the place so while the sun is shining time get things done.were still cleaning and clearing debris from the snowmaggedon, we have several cords of wood now and today will be spent clearing tree limbs from the creek.hubby finished the new carport last week and now it’s on to rebuilding the back deck roof.
I will be back to read the news round up ,I never miss fleps news round up may everyone have a wonderful and blessed day!
Loved the poem Carlos,so thought provoking to me as I’ve come very close to death twice and your words touched my soul deeply. And I always enjoy wheaties tree pics so much thank you for so much for posting them. And with that being said I must drink the rest of my coffee and get dressed the day
one last robo post.
What’s up with these far north States?? lol
Wisconsin Native American, a Communist Party member, elected to city council
it’s a multi-pronged attempt to herd patriotic Americans into the heart of the country where we can be more easily contained and eliminated…sounds over-the-top, no? but gees…the coasts are getting almost completely overrun…Maine is becoming a Somali/African stronghold-southern border is porous and being overrun–so where is their next conquest? the northern border–many Somalis/Muslims there…we are being forced inland for a reason…I need coffee (necesito mas cafe lol) sorry if this is too tin foil-y for this early in the morning
Reasonable conclusion drawn from examination of the evidence combined with knowledge of history.
To the best of my knowledge, admittedly limited. The land is flat in the us Center.Great Plains. Isolated populations. Difficult to launch, sustain an insurgency. Easy to cut supplies,coms?
In the dead center, yes.
Running just east of midway down through Colorado, though–serious mountains, higher than anything you have in Oz (although New Guinea does edge us out). It’s a very abrupt transition from high prairie (5-7 thousand feet) to mountains. It’s mountains alternating with desert from there west, almost to the California coast.
With modern surveillance and detection equipment ie drones it would be hard to hide in countryside. In population would be risky for said population. Rebellion ain’t what it used to be.
Yeah, it’d be interesting to see the tricks a successful “resistance” would have to use today.
Be an interesting question to ask Thomas Wictor.
On the plus side the us public have more guns then the army, airforce, Leo’s of both us and China put together. And they know how to use em. And there are enough suspicious types with unregistered guns to make it damn near impossible to confiscate enough of them.
By suspicious I mean not trusting of government.
But I think Potus has got this and is just playing with the prey/building a cast iron obliteration of said prey.
Did you know in Rome one of the actual, real punishments was to be sewn into a sack with a cock a cat and maybe something else then thrown into the Tiber. Be less painful that what’s coming for traitors
I think that was the punishment for killing your father (parricide). I just heard about it.
Yep. Parricide . Hard on the cats and cocks of course.
Fuck with the drinking water too
The romans didn’t drink the water in the Tiber; they brought it in from well upstream via aqueduct.
In fact they devastated agricultural land up hill from Rome with a huge network of aqueducts taking all the water to Rome. Engineering marvels with precision falls using water levels to make falls approx 1” over a mile. Also they had a cement that set underwater. Scientists still haven’t figured out how they did it. All water sent to Rome went to public fountains and private homes before being routed back to Tiber via the clochea, the main drain.BUT the water ran continually. They had NO TAPS.
…and that’s why lead pipes probably weren’t an issue, as some speculate. The water didn’t sit in those pipes stationary for hours or days, like it would with modern plumbing. Continuous movement.
It was probably malaria that destroyed the Roman Empire, introduced by returning soldier from their conquests from Africa and African slaves. Malaria- big increases in miscarriage, stillbirth, child and adult mortality and morbidity. Had to grant citizenship to barbarians who were such a large ethnic bloc they didn’t assimilate. Sound familiar?
Those that ignore history are bound to repeat it
History doesn’t actually repeat…but it sure does rhyme.
In fact they devastated agricultural land up hill from Rome with a huge network of aqueducts taking all the water to Rome. Engineering marvels with precision falls using water levels to make falls approx 1” over a mile. Also they had a cement that set underwater. Scientists still haven’t figured out how they did it. All water sent to Rome went to public fountains and private homes before being routed back to Tiber via the clochea, the main drain.BUT the water ran continually. They had NO TAPS.
The Tiber became a sewer. Tough if you lived downstream. Imagine how smelly
Ostia probably stank.
They were advanced for their time but we’d be horrified
This site might look a bit cheesy but the “elevation map” (or “physicial map”) column points to some very well done maps (even if they are Mercator) showing terrain.
Idaho looks particularly interesting, long lines of mountains and it looks like a bulldozer knocked down a big swath of them. That bulldozer is the hot spot currently under Yellowstone in NW Wyoming; North America is moving westward over that spot, and when it blows, it’s a VERY big Kaboom!! taking out a mountain *range* not just a mountain. Ticking time bomb, goes off every couple of million years.
Ahh yes the funwhatsimacallit that is Yellowstone. Enormous volcano. Last time it had a hissy fit it blew a hole in the sierras. Quite unstable too, I’ve read. Not the pacific ring of fire that California is part of but if it blows the whole ring will lose ITS shit in a big way from the knock on seismic effect. Like stiff arming a drunk
The rockies in general may have been uplifted from a midocean ridge, submerged as North America drited over it, but still trying to do its thing. If you look at a map of the plate boundaries, it looks as if the ridge west of South America and the one west of Oregon and Washington might once have been connected; North America now interrupts it.
Yes, Yellowstone. We’re right outside the blast zone here.
Added a few more details for our friend down under in another reply.
There are enough modes of transportation, cutting it all off would take some effort.
However, due to the flatness, and being between the great white north and the Gulf of Mexico, we also have amazingly severe weather year round. Each season brings the potential for a different peril. Cut us off in a heat wave, blizzard, or during tornado season, and, yeah, there will be a lot of casualties.
And then there’s the New Madrid fault. The worst earthquakes in the nation’s history were in the middle of the country.
Eh? It’s the San Andreas that gets international press. The new Madrid needs a new agent
It’s been over 200 years since the New Madrid REALLY went. There were quakes in back to back years. The second changed the course of the Mississippi River and rang churchbells in Virginia which is 800-1000 miles away.
In fact, here in the Midwest, at least in my city, earthquake proofing is more stringent than California. When that fault does go eventually at full tilt, Memphis and Chicago will have massive damage if they don’t do something.
Is anyone going to miss Chicago?
OTOH it would be like stamping on a bull ants nest. All the freaks would come boiling out looking for trouble
You are a ray of sunshine this morning, pat

A reasonable argument, but the heartland is full of guns. Scissors too.
Has Xi jumped off a skyscraper yet?
17th floor?
Q knows?
Jumped or assisted suicide?
I don’t think Potus wants to completely destroy him ,just let him know that he can and that he’s on a very fucking short rope. Remember, saw the other day.the best way to control the enemy is to lead them
lol…Justina might though….if you’re going to snub a world leader on his election…this is what ya get

I love Jair Bolsonaro!
In some of the footage I’ve seen, it looked to me like our VSG was giving Bolsonaro some supportive words and pats on the back…

Sort of like, ‘Don’t let these guys get to you’ – type of support.
While our President is an old hand at this type of gathering…Bolsonaro is still kind of a newbie at it.
Exactly. Bolsonaro has excellent common sense and gut instincts on things, very much like Trump – especially the ability to NOT take the easy way out, offered by the swamp. It’s no wonder that the swamp compared him to Trump!!!
This guy took a knife in the gut in an assassination attempt just prior to winning his election. He ain’t no twinkie. OTOH, he deserves every encouragement he gets.
Yep…and as I recall, that knife wound was much worse than they let on to the press at the time.

It wasn’t until he was out of the hospital that they revealed what a close call it had been.
The stabbing had injured several vital organs, including his liver.
To his credit, Bolsonaro toughed it out and got through it.
He’s only been President since Jan 1, 2019, though.
Being ex-military, he would probably rather engage in hand-to-hand combat than have to suffer through these endless meetings with the international wankeratti.
He’s already done hand to hand training. Completely excess to the effort required to take out these creampuffs
Fucking hilarious

I sent that to my entire family—including my crazy liberal uncle! LOL! Still chuckling……
Fight Back
I am holding out hope that our VSG will figure out a way for that Citizenship Question to be on there.
Oh he wil. Remember Potus he don’t lose
isn’t he looking into delaying it, till SCOTUS gets it right?
No scouts want the lawyers to get it right and I believe they told them how to fix it
I believe he does, wheatie – when the court reconvenes – the Trump Team will pursue this issue again – they do have a strategy – but, I cannot seem to find it just yet – PT will prevail – and the snowflakes will go bonkers – because it will expose (partially) the number of illegals in this country – I say say partially – because many of them will not fill out the census for fear of detention, loss of benefits, and deportation –
I am confident we will win – but, hey – that is just me! (Court reconvenes in September)
As an act of civil disobedience it’s worth considering. After all, wasn’t it California’s Nancy Pelosi who praised the civil disobedience of such groups as BLM/Antifa/Kavanaugh thugs? She said civil disobedience is a ‘proud American tradition.’
I’m sure she would approve of your idea. Right? Right?
Hmmm. Might create a new category: Undocumented Citizen
While I agree with the sentiment, not participating is self-defeating in this case. You do want yourself counted when it comes down to it.
However, if there is a comment section on the form itself, I would express said sentiment to the Commerce Department. Chances are the person reading the form will disagree with you.
The only question constitutionally mandated is “how many people live here.”
Gotta love Matt Gaetz.

Hat tip to Citizen Free Press, who has linked to this article:
Yeah, sorry…it’s Politico.
———— From the Politico article:
The House Ethics Committee announced Friday that it is investigating Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) for a February tweet in which he threatened to release embarrassing personal information about President Donald Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen.
The panel revealed in a statement that it has opened a formal inquiry into Gaetz’s comment based on a March 13 complaint from a fellow lawmaker, who is not identified. According to the panel, Gaetz blew off an initial review of the complaint on May 16, an extraordinary rebuke to his colleagues.
That refusal to cooperate led the committee to launch a more formal inquiry, led by a subcommittee of two Democrats and two Republicans.
Gaetz, in a text, said he intends to blow off that panel too.
How long before blow off turns into blow up?
Same play they pulled on Devin Nunes, which hamstrung him as chair of the house intelligence committee in 2017.
From an older politico article (2017):
In a statement Thursday, Nunes thanked the panel “for completely clearing me today of the cloud that was created by this investigation, and for determining that I committed no violation of anything — no violation of House Rules, law, regulations, or any other standards of conduct.”
“While I appreciate the Ethics Committee’s work, I need to reiterate that the allegations against me were obviously frivolous and were rooted in politically motivated complaints filed against me by left-wing activist groups,” he said.
He also accused Democrats on the panel making statements “that appeared to prejudge this matter before they began investigating the complaint,” and called on the committee to release the transcripts related to his case as “an act of transparency and accountability to bolster confidence that partisanship does not infect the Ethics Committee’s investigations.”
Yep. And Gaetz has the personality that is more likely to flip off these attempts to neutralize him than Nunes. He’s got a pair and he’s not afraid to use them.
This is the most awesome news….
Hillary Clinton’s Visit To Ireland Ends In Chaos As Protesters Scream ‘Go Home’
READ MORE: https://neonnettle.com/news/4374-hillary-clinton-s-visit-to-ireland-ends-in-chaos-as-protesters-scream-go-home-
© Neon Nettle
Hah. I love it.

And the comments are brutal…no one likes Hillary.
You know…come to think of it, the D-candidates all seem to be avoiding even mentioning her name.
isn’t she the inspiration for the Bloody Mary legend…say her name three times while looking into a mirror and she will appear…??
Can we say her name three times & she disappears?
that would be an AWESOME trick!!
LMAO! OMG – you’re RIGHT. One more reason they controlled the media so strongly at their debate.
Not sure if you saw my conversation with Sadie about that. The trick with the live-editing zit on her chin – that speaks to something that is up with these folks. All of them pushing the “deep fake” thing – even the whole UNIPARTY pushing it in Congress – and yet we now know that it has been used for decades, including 9/11.
Something big is up, and I think that VIDEO is tied into it. BE READY.
Well. Thank you for bringing a smile so early. Any day starting with bad news for that beast is a good day in my book
Why would any institution give that phony an honorary anything?
And when is she going to stop meddling in other countries business?
As soon as she finds one that won’t extradite her.
Good point. Nobody wants her including normal Americans
Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers
“It remains the mystery at the heart of Boeing Co.’s 737 Max crisis: how a company renowned for meticulous design made seemingly basic software mistakes leading to a pair of deadly crashes. Longtime Boeing engineers say the effort was complicated by a push to outsource work to lower-paid contractors.
The Max software — plagued by issues that could keep the planes grounded months longer after U.S. regulators this week revealed a new flaw — was developed at a time Boeing was laying off experienced engineers and pressing suppliers to cut costs.
Increasingly, the iconic American planemaker and its subcontractors have relied on temporary workers making as little as $9 an hour to develop and test software, often from countries lacking a deep background in aerospace — notably India.”
more at link:
In the aftermath of the Democrat Party debates, I think this is fitting.
“There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.”
– Ulysses S. Grant
You get what you pay for. Pay peanuts you get monkeys
I would like to add some detail to a short discussion a few of us had yesterday afternoon about dog food.
One of our treemates posted a link to a story that was put out about grain free dog food brands being investigated for possible links to a deadly heart condition that is popping up in breeds not prone to it.
I responded with this:
Note there is not one Purina food on the list from the government other than the Merrick label which Purina bought about three years ago.
Hmm. Imagine that.
Outside of this neck of the woods it is not all that well known, but Purina, the pet food division of the old Ralston-Purina that was split when Nestle bought the grain business, is actually the family company of the Danforths.
Yes, THOSE Danforths. As in former Senator Jack Danforth is a grandson of the founder.
Nowadays, that family is more involved with the old Monsanto, actually. Right across Olive Street Road in Creve Coeur, Missouri, from what used to be the world headquarters of Monsanto is a “stand alone” plant and life sciences lab known as the Donald Danforth Plant and Life Sciences Center. I haven’t been in the building in a while, but it is connected, and was built with Danforth Foundation money. Bill Danforth, the oldest of the grandkids (he’s in his 90s and is a Princeton grad, gentleman, though), decided to support PLS entrepreneurship here in STL when somebody couldn’t get funding for a start up.
At any rate, it is no secret at all that both the FDA and the USDA are essentially revolving door recipients of old Monsanto high brass, except for one person I can name, but won’t just because of this forum. So, ask yourself, why would the government put out a warning on dog food for Purina’s competitors?
Hmm. Yeah, nothing suspicious in that. /s
Full disclosure, one of ours is on Blue Buffalo grain free and has been for years. If that dog is NOT on it, she has anal sac irritation, ear yeast flare ups, skin issues, etc. It’s not pretty. Her heart at almost 13 is fine. Her brother is on a prescription food made by Purina due to diabetes. But his heart is fine after having been on Blue Buffalo for years. He’ll be 12 soon. I also know owners who had their dogs on Merrick who saw changes in coat and more pretty quickly when the ingredients were compromised.
So, always look beyond the headline. Just a friendly here’s the scoop from someone who has been following these people for decades.
This morning, I went looking for more information as the headlines were screaming about grain free brands which Americans have been conditioned to question by the MSM in our own diets.
On story put out by Dogs Naturally Magazine, I found the details that the story copied and pasted by the mainstream media left out of their reporting.
Potatoes? Legumes? Traditionally, those are the leftovers you’re not supposed to feed canines. Potatoes, onions, garlic and a few other things were what the farm people in the family NEVER fed the dogs. Lentils?
If this is the problem, it would be nice if the original reporting actually said that.
The other issue that is ticking me off about the reporting is that brand names were put out, but not which specific products are being investigated, and what dog breeds are cropping up with the problem. My breed wasn’t on the list. Just like breeds with fur and standing ears don’t have the level of ear yeast and mite problems that curly coated hair breeds do.
It’s just horrible reporting.
Yes, this issue has me in a grip this morning. The study started last year. The breeds that seem to be susceptible have mastiffs somewhere in the background of development of the breed and tend to be 4th generation breed away. After all, all dog breeds were once mutts as they were developed. Reporting from last year:
Some breeds of dog have a genetic predisposition, including great Danes, Newfoundlands, boxers, Doberman pinschers and St. Bernards.
However, the cases that have been reported to the FDA have included golden and Labrador retrievers, whippets, a Shih Tzu, a bulldog and miniature schnauzers, as well as mixed breeds,” the FDA said.
A dietary deficiency may be one cause, according to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Heart drugs can be used to treat the symptoms.
The FDA wants to hear from veterinarians who have treated cases of DCM.
“Diets in cases reported to the FDA frequently list potatoes or multiple legumes such as peas, lentils, other ‘pulses’ (seeds of legumes), and their protein, starch and fiber derivatives early in the ingredient list, indicating that they are main ingredients,” the FDA said.
“Early reports from the veterinary cardiology community indicate that the dogs consistently ate these foods as their primary source of nutrition for time periods ranging from months to years. High levels of legumes or potatoes appear to be more common in diets labeled as ‘grain-free,’ but it is not yet known how these ingredients are linked to cases of DCM,” it added.
We have 2 Pitts and hubby has come up with a plan that he brought to me recently. We raise muscocvy ducks,there the ducks with the best meat ever,not greasy tastes like high end veal. So were going to begin processing the drakes ,freezing them whole and using the bandsaw to slice off what is needed for the dogs to eat. We don’t feed the dogs from table scraps those go to the ducks and chickens, our dogs get sick on scraps. We cook up meat for our dogs,dog food makes our dogs itch and they are miserable. Corn is the worst ingredient in dog food!
Yes, corn is bad. Our female, most likely, has a grass allergy.
Never ran across that idea of never feeding potatoes, onions, garlic, etc., etc. to dogs. All the people I knew growing up, farmers or otherwise, only worried about them getting chicken or turkey bones. Everything else – leftovers – went into the dog’s bowl.
Poultry bones – it’s specifically the leg bones because of the way they splinter.
My grandmother was the one who said no potatoes and onions. I can remember her making up dinner for her last dog when she was in her later years. I did the same for our lab in her last six months. Mostly chicken, chicken broth, eggs. She was 14 when we decided it was time for the rainbow bridge.
These two can’t eat cooked chicken. It makes them sick. So, there’s no one size fits all.
I lost my Weimaraner/lab cross thanks to turkey bones.
When our lab was with us, we learned really quickly to take the trash out when we had chicken. The shepherd mix before her was not as bad about getting into it. And the miniature schnauzer before that was entirely to lazy to even try.
So sad
“I lost my Weimaraner/lab cross thanks to turkey bones.”
I am so sorry about you Weimaraner – Lab mix.
I had a rescue Weimaraner he was five when he came to me. He had a list of 25 bad habits his previous owner had written up on him.
He never did anything bad and he was one of the best dogs. He died at 141/2 and that is a good age for Weimaraner. He was active to the end. All he needed was training bringing him from teenage to adulthood. I have never bought a dog always rescue dogs. Never gave bones to my dogs either. My Vet told me horror stories about intestine blockage.
Concerning chicken bones I take them right away to the garbage because my Heeler eats anything.
Onions are toxic to dogs. Cats, too
Not all dogs, I know that for a fact. I have had dogs who ate onions with no problem – same with our family dogs through the years.
I think onions and garlic in certain quantities can cause blood poisoning in them. Tomatoes are not good either I’ve heard. When my dalmatian was a puppy, she and her siblings were fed raw chicken without the bones by my buddies mom who raised them.
Personally, I think it comes down to the individual dog, just like people! Aren’t there some dogs (Schnauzers, maybe?) that can’t drink milk? Think I heard that somewhere.
yeah, I had a mini schnauzer before and he was very sensitive to the types of food he could have. Always had the yeasty ears…had to keep them plucked. Had to keep his hair trimmed so his skin wouldn’t get bad. Great dog, highly intelligent, but high maintenance too!
My sister had one she took in the truck with her – Gidget – who had NO problems whatsoever. As with all animals, much depends on the bloodlines. She was a wonderful dog! Someone stole her from my sis’s front yard in a suburb of Baltimore.
I have one dog who will eat anything if I let her the other Coonhound/Staff eats only enough to live. Life is to exciting to him then eat and when he does he is fussy.
They are very healthy and happy.
He will never eat raw meat likes if I cook chicken or chicken gizzards and liver for him to add to his kibbles. He loves eggs and vegetables I cook separate from what we eat. No spices added no garlic or onions no avocado or grapes or chocolate and no artificial sweetener that are toxic. My dogs like bone broth when I make it for them. My dogs love apples , watermelon, celery , carrots, asparagus, green beans and lettuce . I realize what works for my animals does not work for all. They have no skin issues no ear problems and are very heathy at 10 and almost 6.
I spoil me dogs and cats
Very interesting.
Transcript: ‘All this fuss about spies … it is not worth serious interstate relations’
The Russian president on globalisation, China, Trump and the end of the ‘liberal idea’
The White House Youtube of President Trump’s presser following the G20 wrap. For a fascinating listen on our complicated relationship with Turkey (the president met with Erdogan while in Osaka), go to 1:45 or so. He talks about it for nearly five minutes. Very Successful Genius trip! And it ain’t over.
Absolutely fascinating! TY for post!
About Turkey and Erdogan and the Coup attempt… AND LOGIC
In the last weeks there was a thread about the role of George Papadopoulos and WHY he is so important. It is information that I have never seen touched on before. (Sorry I did not archive the thread DARN IT!)
In a nutshell George and the Middle East were important because there were three possible pipelines carrying gas to the BIG European market.
#1. From Russia going through Turkey
#2. From IRAN going through Turkey
#3. From ISRAEL going through Cyprus & Greece which is where George comes in.
Clinton and OH!Bummer were SUPPORTING IRAN!!! Erdogan decided he liked Russia better that Iran (wrong type of mussie) so the USA/CIA staged a coup.
THINK about OH!bummer trying to get Bibi out of office.
THINK about OH!Bummer SPYING on George and the BRIBE from an Israeli that was supposed to trap George (& Israel)
THINK about all that $$$ going to Iran (for bribes and equipment to get that pipeline built???)
And then there is this…
Exclusive: While advising Trump in 2016, ex-CIA chief proposed plan to discredit Turkish cleric
Great catch GC!
There are so many aspects—a web—ENERGY is without question at the center of that web!
One of the main reasons Germany lost WWII was the shortage of fuel—aka ENERGY! Very difficult to resupply the troops without fuel.
Gasoline shortages crimped German operations everywhere in the Bulge, attributable partly to the failure to capture American stockpiles and also to lengthy traffic jams on steep, twisting, icy roads behind the lines in the Eifel. General Josef “Sepp” Dietrich’s panzers used up their fuel battering against Elsenborn Ridge for two days, a lack of gasoline abruptly halted the 2nd SS Panzer Division once it had crossed the Ourthe River, and as early as December 19, all of General Hasso von Manteuffel’s tank units were crying for fuel. The 1,500 tanks Hitler had committed to the counteroffensive could not go far.
The enemy’s lack of gasoline and diesel fuel led to transportation deficiencies, which, in turn, resulted in ammunition shortages and more failures all the way down the logistical line. Relentless British and American bombing raids had paralyzed the German transportation system, raw material deliveries had sagged, and the production of tanks, guns, shells, and all types of weapons had subsequently tumbled.
I read a very interesting book and can’t think of the name and author atm but his analysis seemed to clearly prove that neither Germany nor japan had the resources to start the wars. The failure to capture the me oil fields was just the icing on the cake.
Japan, in particular, had already been starved of raw materials by the us so it was war or taking the knee.
Both Germany and Japan didn’t have the sea power, naval and mercantile, and overseas supply line to compensate for their shortfalls. Japan did, immediately set up its resource zone, but too little too late.
This is reminiscent,to me, of Potus strategy of weakening and constraining China. They are trying to set up world wide supply/dominance through belt and road. They gonna end up as roadkill.
YES! Proving once again that the President is a student of history. Each day, just when I think I can no longer be amazed by him—somebody, like yourself, points out yet another aspect of the President’s genius<<<and I mean that in the exact context of the word. Genius.
Wolf's QTree is reminding me how the comment section OT used to be a few years ago. I suppose because so many of us have brought the talent here.
Thankyou. He’s weakening them incrementally. But each escalation of force (tarrifs) is a calculation. As the French say about taxation. The art of taxation is like plucking a goose.how to get the max feathers with the least hissing
Well aren’t you my rent boy now
I love your trees wheatie–and I agree what you do–and all the authors do–is artistry! the visuals, the wordsmithing, these are your creations! and they are awesome!!
Thank you, Pat.

I am honored that you think so!
note to ozzytrumpster (from yesterday): you would go down in a NY minute—blazing–and pissing off your captors quickly–but it would be hysterical to listen to!!!
Yep. Blaze of profanity.
Serious note .mark steynes books America alone, after America and lights out are,IMO, MUST READS. they are older but very pertinent. Demographics are destiny
Shitposting again Potus.?
Have you no concept of the work involved in cleaning up after democrap splodey heads?
ICE releases list of illegal aliens accused of rape and murder who were released by sanctuary city policies
Demorats working hard to protect illegal alien criminals and endangering law-abiding citizens.
From Daily Mail: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has released a list of criminal illegal aliens who were released into communities by sanctuary city policies, as federal officials try to convince cities and states to assist immigration enforcement.
Verse of the Day
“Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.”
Psalms 89:15 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
morning laughs
These were great, Pat!
What a hoot.
Always look forward to Saturday and Wheatie’s trees. Sigh….. there’s so pretty and cozy. Thank you, Wheatie!
Aww…thank you, Daughn.

I’m so glad that you like them!
was skimming OT and the topic of Harris’ eligibility for President came up again…ristvan’s explanation clearly states she’s a citizen–born on US soil–but WSB argues she is not a natural born citizen due to her parents questionable citizenship at her time of birth. She mentions that the Constitution only uses natural born citizen in connection to this one office–the Presidency.
can you further explain why your hubby says she is eligible? (just trying to under the facts)
(or was it Harris’ hubby who says she is…??)
He read the statute again. There is an “or” in the statute.
If born in the USA, she is eligible.
No, neither of her parents were citizens when she was born. One entered 1960 another in 1961. She was born in 1964. There is a 5yr time period required for either mother or father to wait, until they can apply to become a citizen. Therefore, neither could possibly be a citizen when she was born. Thus, when Kamala was born, she was born with citizenship to USA, Jamaica, and India.
Statute says “or” and therefore, she is eligible if she was born in the USA as a citizen of USA.
so any ANCHOR baby can be President?
In fact, those were husband’s exact words.
wow! that’s pretty awful!
then I guess I don’t understand why they would even say “natural born” if in fact plain old citizen would do…because anchor babies are citizens…
sorry I don’t have a legal mind obviously
There is another clause in the Presidential clause for eligibility, that I did not know about – didn’t come up with Obama nor Cruz.
there is an “or”
Natural born could be child born to American parents on foreign soil, becomes USA citizen.
The OR part is – if the child is born on American soil and is a citizen of the USA…… which Kamala was.
has this ever been challenged constitutionally?
It has NOT been challenged Constitutionally.
Husband said the SCOTUS could give a quick read on it though.
It seems pretty clear, she is eligible.
There were 4 SCOTUS cases that apply but indirectly (take note of the use of the plural “parents”) – SCOTUS has never settled this specific issue. This has been my biggest buggaboo arising from the MIC’s election – it set the precedent, sadly, and the Wicket Witch pulled her shenanigans with the Certificate sent to every SOS certifying his eligibility – the wording was changed.
From 2009: https://www.thepostemail.com/2009/10/18/4-supreme-court-cases-define-natural-born-citizen/
thank you and (your hubby) for all the info!!
What is STILL excluded is anyone who became a citizen sometime AFTER they were born.
In fact, I have a suspicion that “natural born citizen” might end up meaning anyone who didn’t have to be naturalized, without regard to parents’ citizenship.
Sorry – nothing against your hubby as a lawyer but the legal system is corrupt and, from what I understand, decisions are primarily based on “precedent,” NOT the original intent of the Founders. It is my understanding that in order to be considered to be a “natural born citizen,” one must be born on US soil (whether that be CONUS or OCONUS) and BOTH parents must be US citizens at the time of birth.
This is from 2012 – I am guessing SCOTUS turned it down – will have to check and see.
“An announcement is expected sometime in the fall on whether the U.S. Supreme Court will decide just exactly who is a “natural born citizen” as required by the U.S. Constitution for all those who would be president.
Officials with the Liberty Legal Foundation confirmed they have filed an appeal of the ruling from the state Supreme Court in Georgia, and a decision by the nation’s highest court on whether it will accept the case is expected over the coming months.
It raises two questions, including whether states can be forced to accept any candidate from a political party for presentation on state ballots even when the candidates do not meet the required qualifications.
The other is the key, “Are all individuals born on U.S. soil Article II ‘natural born citizens,’ regardless of the citizenship of their parents?”
According to a statement from Van Irion, chief of Liberty Legal, the case that stems from a Georgia dispute “is the first to present the U.S. Supreme Court with a substantive ruling on the definition of natural born citizen under the Constitution.”
“All other cases to reach the Supreme Court on this issue had been dismissed on purely procedural grounds. Liberty Legal Foundation’s case is an appeal from the Georgia courts’ substantive ruling,” he explained. “The Georgia courts refused to dismiss our case based upon procedural grounds. The Georgia courts reached the substantive issue, what is a natural born citizen.
“They ruled incorrectly, but that ruling does allow us to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to address the definition of natural born citizen, instead of simply addressing a procedural issue,” the explanation said.
“Now the U.S. Supreme Court has an opportunity to address the definition of natural born citizen, our substantive issue.”
Apparently the question with Obama arose because there was doubt he might be born in Kenya. Cruz was a question because he was born in Canada, and his father was NOT a citizen at the time – Cruz was ineligible
all these Chinese women coming here just to have babies and leave with them…those babies can be President?
yep – Were you listening to our convo? THAT’s what I said!
Fuck that. Another Manchuria candidate.
Oh, but there’s more. Found this on the Freep. http://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3760305/posts
Former MTV VJ Adam Curry, read quotes directly from Harris’ father’s book, “Reflections of a Jamaican Father.” Reflections of a Jamaican Father
By Donald J. Harris
As a child growing up in Jamaica, I often heard it said, by my parents and family friends: “memba whe yu cum fram”. To this day, I continue to retain the deep social awareness and strong sense of identity which that grassroots Jamaican philosophy fed in me. As a father, I naturally sought to develop the same sensibility in my two daughters. Born and bred in America, Kamala was the first in line to have it planted. Maya came two years later and had the advantage of an older sibling as mentor. It is for them to say truthfully now, not me, what if anything of value they carried from that early experience into adulthood. My one big regret is that they did not come to know very well the two most influential women in my life: “Miss Chrishy” and “Miss Iris” (as everybody called them). This is, in many ways, a story about these women and the heritage they gave us.
My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).
The “or” applies to the following words: “at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” – IOW, anyone who was a citizen AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION was eligible to run for President.
Damned lawyers would fuck up a wet dream!!!! If we still had the original 13th Amendment, we would not have even ONE lawyer in Congress!!!! They would have been barred from running.
Presidential Eligibility
The third qualification to be President is that one must be a “natural born Citizen” (or a citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution). Although any citizen may become a Member of Congress so long as he has held citizenship for the requisite time period, to be President, one must be “a natural born Citizen.” Undivided loyalty to the United States was a prime concern. During the Constitutional Convention, John Jay wrote to George Washington, urging “a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.” Justice Story later noted that the natural-born–citizenship requirement “cuts off all chances for ambitious foreigners, who might otherwise be intriguing for the office.”
Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are “natural born citizens” and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are “natural born citizens” eligible to serve as President. As early as 1350, the British Parliament approved statutes recognizing the rule of jus sanguinis, under which citizens may pass their citizenship by descent to their children at birth, regardless of place. Similarly, in its first naturalization statute, Congress declared that “the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens.” 1 Stat. 104 (1790). The “natural born” terminology was dropped shortly thereafter. See, e.g., 8 U.S.C. § 1401(c). But the question remains whether the term “natural born Citizen” used in Article II includes the parliamentary rule of jus sanguinis in addition to the common law principle of jus soli. In United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), the Supreme Court relied on English common law regarding jus soli to inform the meaning of “citizen” in the Fourteenth Amendment as well as the natural-born–citizenship requirement of Article II, and noted that any right to citizenship though jus sanguinis was available only by statute, and not through the Constitution. Notwithstanding the Supreme Court’s discussion in Wong Kim Ark, a majority of commentators today argue that the Presidential Eligibility Clause incorporates both the common-law and English statutory principles, and that therefore, Michigan Governor George Romney, who was born to American parents outside of the United States, was eligible to seek the Presidency in 1968.
The Presidential Eligibility Clause does not explicitly cover those who serve merely as Acting President, a constitutionally distinct office. Although Congress has imposed by statute, 3 U.S.C. § 19(e), the same eligibility requirements for service as Acting President
She was not a CITIZEN at the time of the adoption of the Constitution! – (or a citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution). – there is the big ‘OR’
In addition, the question of parental status…
If neither of her parents were citizens at the time of her birth, she cannot be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.
This same situation came to the forefront when Senator Cruz was under consideration for the Presidency –
It appears this question has been answered in many different ways – because it is not SPELLED out in the Constitution.
However – it really does not matter – Harris will never be President for reasons other than citizenship – SHE LIED!
There is NOTHING here that says the parents must be citizens at the time you are born, just that they not be enemy aliens or foreign diplomats. This is a chestnut that gets repeated over and over and I’ve seen very little to substantiate it.
Thus it seems to me this English common law not only justifies anchor babies, but allows them to become President.
It does imply that no one born overseas can ever be president, not even those who might be citizens at birth.
I’ve seen two or three different arguments going on in this conversation–one person angry about anchor babies’ eligibility (and it seems they’ll just have to continue to be angry about it), others angry about the eligbility of people born overseas (but citizens at birth) and those people do have a case from what you’ve said.
But where does this oft-quoted bit about the parents having to be citizens at the time of birth come into it?
They have twisted this argument around so many times – we have just one big pretzel – probably started with ‘that other guy’ – when all of this came to the forefront – I think the crux of this topic is that our Founding Fathers did not want anyone with foreign ties to become President – and then – it blossomed from there – how does this tie into a CIA Operative/’Usurper’ is the question – we were duped – and therefore – people tried to justify their way out of it – JMHO – it happened – and thus – set a precedent – now – here we are – dealing with it, again!
Oh the rationale is quite clear. (Of course it has its issues: I’d rather have Melania as president than Moochelle, but Melania is without a doubt not eligible.)
I see many different cases here as being at least plausibly qualified–I’m excluding everyone who wasn’t a citizen at birth, because that OR clause simply doesn’t apply to anyone who was alive in 1900, much less today.
Born in the USA without regard to the citizenship of their parents at the time [with a few exceptions–parents are diplomats, parents are enemy aliens] (i.e. anchor babies). Your article implies that they qualify, though most would disagree that the criterion is this loose.
Born OUTSIDE of the USA–but to American Citizen parents (subcases: One parent, or both). This might be something left open to statutory law; that’s what the quote in your post addresses. It’s clear that such people are US citizens at birth, but are they eligible for the presidency? And if so, is one parent sufficient?Big question.
You can start with the first case (simply born in the USA minus small exceptions) and slowly tighten it: One person must be a legal resident, both must be, one must be a legal resident and the other a citizen, both must be citizens. The last case is the one that most people on the branches here insist is the correct one, but I’ve yet to see convincing documentation of it, and if anything, the piece you quoted weakens the case for it.
I hear you, Steve – contorting it to fit your narrative certainly does not help – legal ‘experts’ have weighed in on this – did not seem to help – the ‘born outside of the US came to prominence when ‘no name’ was attacked – just gets worse – in each case – we get nowhere – it is about time it was brought forth to the SC – and settled once and for all – imho – dunno if that will help or not – but, it is worth a try – they will probably just trash it – and say it is not in the Constitution – so now what?
I agree this needs to be SETTLED.
Don’t be surprised, though, if the settlement is not to the satisfaction of those who insist on the strictest criterion. Because I’ve seen no warrant in law for that interpretation.
No – none whatsoever – it is as if they are making it up as they go along – Numnuts!
Not sure if you caught what I was saying in full.
I’m saying there seems to be little warrant in law for the interpretation most Treeps would subscribe to: that an NBC must have been born in the US to two US citizens.
A SCOTUS ruling that is less stringent than that (if we can ever pin them down on it) would come as no surprise to me, and I would probably have to agree with that ruling so long as it does not let people who had to be naturalized in.
No – don’t think I missed that – that is the one I would vote for – yes – but, if the SC is going by the Constitution – not sure they can decide based upon what the Constitution says – it is too sparse – and does not cover parents – but, I am not sure – not a legal eagle – am I
duchess – I have a question that I haven’t seen asked – if a baby is born on US soil and given a US birth certificate – what would stop the parents from obtaining a birth certificate from their home country (technically I guess being a dual citizen) but never announcing it – how would we know they had dual citizenship and I wonder which citizenship would take precedence? It seems to me that Ted Cruz had to renounce his Canadian citizenship to run for president.
President Trump’s Presser in Osaka.
Starts at 1:09 in the video.
LONG Presser, wide ranging.
Acosta was an ass, again, asking a question about Khashoggi.
This is a informative read – understanding the privileged social class involved in the mass school shootings. Nicholas Cruz’s trial is set for this Sept. He was truly bullied by the snobby, mean-spirited elitist kids in that Parkland High School. Post is a good analysis of the loss of family/social restraints in our young people today.
My SIL was reiterating his experience when taking my granddaughter to the pool. He would sit and read while she was playing and swimming, all the while listening to them. He said he was shocked to discover what “a bunch of vindictive little bitches they all became.” And the language by the young teen boys was off the charts nasty!
He is unbelievably naive in some ways. Yesterday, my GD informed me that she had a phone now. When I looked at my SIL, he explained it wasn’t an activated phone – just his old I-phone – and “she can’t access the internet if it wasn’t activated.” Aux contraire! It certainly can – and will – connect to the internet when a WIFI connection is available. I asked my GD point-blank if she, in fact, already knew that – she claims she didn’t but, TBH, I don’t know that I believe her. These kids are MUCH more tech-savvy than most people realize.
He said he just wanted her to be able to use it for games, which (duh!) requires a connection to the net!!!! I suggested he should just get her something like a GameBoy (or the latest iteration) instead!
I’m sorry I don’t say it often enough, but I love your posts, Wheatie! I love trees, and you pick some beauties.
Thanks for all you do!
Aww, you are very welcome, Aubergine.

I am so glad that you like them!
In a rare moment, Jake Tapper acts like a real journalist and asks a real question:

AOC replied, “at the time I was working in a restaurant…”
Something just dawned on me…AOC is probably a card-carrying member of SEIU.
SEIU = Service Employees International Union.
“Workers of the world unite!” <– is their slogan.
Socialists, bigtime.
So it's no wonder that everything out of her mouth is socialist propaganda.
makes sense…
but she didn’t answer the question…
at what point did the restaurant server turn into the Pompous Little Twit with the need to fix the world’s problems?
She was always a pompous little shit. Just didn’t have a stage before. (And ,yeah, I’m aware that I spelt that differently to you
Since she auditioned for Justice Democrats and was selected. She along with Minnesota Omar & Michigan Tlaib. Great trio of trouble, huh? Soros, if I remember correctly, helps fund Justice Democrats.
And doesn’t hair look happy to be standing next to the cheese eating surrender monkey(micron)
What a shame Abe isn’t a little bit taller. Could have spoiled maple Castro’s brag book photo. Mind you I don’t think he had a good time
If only I had one of these when I was in 6th grade.
I want one now
Just saying hello to Wheatie and Wolfie and everyone. Love the descriptions as always. Appreciate it so much.
Hi Zoe!
*big grin*
It’s good to see you!
SerialBrain2: Iran and the reason Trump misspelled “locked”, “site” and “straight”.
Wheatietoo, I always LOVE your Saturday posts – your trees, your careful explanations to Zoe and others with vision challenges, and especially your music!!! It is always so awesome!!!
On a personal note, I just found out that my first immunotherapy treatment will be Monday afternoon, July 1. Pray that it works! Woo-Hoo!!!
Obviously I borrowed some of Marica’s exclamation points. Marica, hope you don’t mind!
Thanks, CindyP.

I am so glad you like them…and the music too!
And prayers up that your therapy treatment goes well.
Very, very best of luck with that.
Something that the enemedia will not report on:
The “coiner” of TDS, apparently back in 2015?
Donald J. Trump/”A perfect storm is brewing”! TIC TOK 6.29.2019
American Thinker columnist Monica Showalter talks Andrew Sullivan and what she deems three excellent articles from him recently.
wheatie – I was wondering why my ‘Saturday Blessings’ did not post – did it fall in the trash bin?
When I tried to re-post it – message said – ‘you already posted that’ but, I still do not see it –
Can you help, please – Thanks!
I will go check.
It got hung up in the Spam bin, Duchess.
Should be showing up now.
Thanks so much!
The two guys look good, huh, duchess?
What two guys?
Oh, you mean the moderators – LOL
Mad cow & Todd.. Sorry, I was being a wee bit mean
No…no…no – you were being truthful!
LOL with the both of you.
Glad we are so entertaining, Steve –
Of course, it wouldn’t be funny if there weren’t a huge boulder of truth in there.
Sebastian Gorka occasionally writes a commentary for his website. I find Dr. Gorka to be highly insightful with loads of common sense.
His most recent piece doesn’t disappoint.
And now for something really important…
I can’t EVEN pick the funniest one!!! But the cat kickin the duck across the room!!!! Giggling super hard right now Wheatie!!! LOVE YOU!!!!
Many +’s !
thanks Wheatie

I have a really cute animal video but its a FB video. Not sure how to post that???
digging around a bit this morning, looking for info on what to expect if/when USD reserve status ends….came across these two (I have NOT read them yet, just sharing the links)
When Money Dies (apparently a once obscure book written in the 1970s about the Wiemar hyper)
A paper from 2008 speculating that the Euro would overtake the USD (even more obscure, I think, lol)
Ain’t touchin’ that Hahvahd PDF for all the money in the CIA drug funds!
Seriously, I remember all that “Euro-hope plus wishful America-fail” by the elite back then – and even a lot earlier.
I try to “be the bee.” Visit a LOT of flowers, but be selective about what you take from the various blossoms….
You know, even a blind hog roots up an acorn now and then … and if the blind hog from Hahvahd happens across one in that paper and we can use it to better understand what’s going on – then I intend to get it.
So much information – so little time to process!
I should beware the Hahvahd business school links? I subscribed to them becuz of online college, maybe now rethinking that.
Not necessarily. The seeding of toxic documents is a tricky and complex thing. For most people, most of the time, it’s not something to worry about. Although I ALWAYS recommend a separate computer for politics. It HELPS, but is not foolproof.
I think it’s more important to just beware of the reality of toxic documents, particularly when sent by EMAIL. That is where most people need to worry about them.
But it IS very instructive to understand that HARVARD and other elite universities are not just KGB-CIA playgrounds, but their MARKED TERRITORY – their CONTROLLED TERRITORY. Where they can LAY TRAPS WITHOUT CONCERN. Those universities should instantly raise suspicions in our political analyses.
I view resumees in a whole nuther way than most people. I see a Harvard degree on a guy like Runcie, and I see COMPROMISE, INFILTRATION, and PROPAGANDA MURDERS (Parkland). That guy knows stuff that would send MANY to prison.
But then, I see a Harvard MBA on somebody else, and I just see a potential for trouble if the CIA needs to go through them. Most Harvard grads are totally unaware of what they have walked through and what they carry with them as life baggage, if the CIA needs to use them.
Interesting world, underneath the covers of normie delusions that “All is well, all can be trusted at face value”.
CIA operations on American soil are MASSIVE. By extension, KGB-CIA operations are as well.
Thanks as always good instructions for us “pups” when it comes to dealing with information sifting.
This is how the Deep State works…
It’s Really Happening! See This Before it is Deleted..
Brings a whole other meaning to climate change…someone should ask Beto about this
Just goes to show you – Climate Change is BS!
The power that the DS and other global darkness has is unbelievable. Weather, human psyche, nuclear arms, molecular engineering and more….we hardly can know what’s natural anymore.
They want to be God
Yes, they do – but, they can never match God – He is still in control – and can thwart their attempts at any time – we know how this story ends – we must be strong – put on our armor – fight the good fight – look how much PT is winning under God’s wing! He is an example of what God can do against them!
We must continue praying for guidance and wisdom and protection for our country and PDJT.
Amen goes right there, Cold!
Weaponizing the weather and climate against us! The chemicals are designed to lull us into complacency and destroy the environment for crop growing. YES, THEY WANT TO BE GOD.
Remember a few years back, there were news stories about several of the “tech giants” – Peter Thiel, Zuckerface, I think Eric Schmidt – they were employing doctors and scientists to figure out….
I said at the time, and I still believe this: they know the GREAT EVIL they’ve done and they do NOT wanna meet the Old Master.
The original lie has never changed,,,just morphed some…they are still saying “you can be like god”. I have said for years, “The audacity of man to think we can outdo God.”
“Remember a few years back, there were news stories about several of the “tech giants” – Peter Thiel, Zuckerface, I think Eric Schmidt – they were employing doctors and scientists to figure out….
I said at the time, and I still believe this: they know the GREAT EVIL they’ve done and they do NOT wanna meet the Old Master.”
If they truly did not wanted to die because “they know the Great Evil they have done.” I say they are rather stupid.
If they just had wear reading the Bible they would know that God Is All Forgiving.
No one should ever fear death.
I feel sad for them.
John the Baptist, Luke 3: 2 – 3

Annas and Caiaphas being the high priests, the word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness.
And he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;
Christ, Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Saint Peter, Acts 2: 37 – 38
Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
What I find interesting is that when I was a kid, talk about “cloud seeding” was even in children’s news. AND THEN IT DISAPPEARED. “Doesn’t work.”
Of course, it didn’t – whatever does – they manage to hide – Bums!
Oh, it works alright, a little too well, unfortunately
A perfectly good waste of iodine, IMHO, but I guess it does recycle over the long haul. (I think there are plenty of better uses for the stuff.)
True, but the lithium & human plasma parts have me a little concerned, though.
Lithium – yeah. Very interesting and more immediate, IMO.
They are scrubbing Natural News for a reason. They don’t want THE PUBLIC consciously asking science questions. They want to CONTROL SCIENCE.
Fuck the commies.
Communists do a variety of things to control science. Oh, dang it. Maybe TONIGHT I’ll get that post done.
Can’t do it right now. But I need to talk about this stuff. At least, what I CAN talk about. (KGB-CIA just did a big sigh there.)
The hole is REALLY DEEP.
If the periodic table could talk – AYE-YI-YI!!!
We lived in MO for a while, went past clown airport, Evergreen Air was on the sign. There was also a town, full of high end homes that nobody occupied, called ‘Evergreen’. There was a ‘fortress’ built into the side of a small mtn. just outside ‘Evergreen’. The signs into the secured property surrounding that fortress had signs that said, you guessed it, ‘Evergreen’. The property was also marked as ‘US Gov. Reservation, no trespassing’, Before we left MO, the signs all switched to ‘Miranda Air’. ALL fronts for the Clowns. The patches on the aircrews read Don’t Just Spray ‘Em, Barium. The sum total of what is in those ‘chem trails’ is designed to kill us. I hope the ‘white hats’ do whatever they are going to do pretty soon, before it’s too late!
Just in case there are any questions, barium is spelled correctly, it is one of the main ingredients in the chem spray.
Barium is pretty toxic stuff, except as highly insoluble salts like the sulfate (used in contrast agents). Wondering what form they are using. I will bet it’s the sulfate.
How do you explain seeing the patch in person? I DO NOT doubt what you say about the ‘conspiracy theories’, but an entire town & operation built on ‘disinfo’. The patch I saw said the same thing, but may have been slightly different, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing was designed to throw everyone off. these are, however things I have seen in person, & i guess it wouldn’t surprise me.
Disinformation is cheaper than real weapons, in the same way that fake cellular phones in cars back in the ’80’s were quite affordable by any sleazy guy in a polyester suit, unlike the real McCoy, which were only affordable by “top dogs” like Donald Trump.
Even more beautiful (in a dark way) is how easy it is to get others to CARRY the disinformation forward.
Tonight, I am DISCERNMENT ITSELF, and I’m going to RAIN IT DOWN, to water the SEEDS OF UNDERSTANDING.
Can’t wait, i’m all eyes & ears! I don’t usually get fooled, but, it was quite an operation. be watching for your post.
I have some hardware duties I have to attend to before posting – cannot guarantee a post before morning, but hopefully a.s.a.p.
boondocksaint1’s researcher here: here is what he is talking about the aircrew arm patch
a close up of the patch
Thank you! You do not know how cool this is.
This is beautiful. You have accidentally stumbled upon one of the most brilliant disinformation operations I’ve ever seen. This is, I believe, what Eric Schmidt based his “fake news” operation on.
Fake news was a seeded disinformation operation using bogus parody sites to “seed the clouds” on the internet, so that Google and the rest of Silicon Valley could justify censorship.
This is the same thing from the military world, though with a much different purpose – to OBSCURE THINGS.
They are hiding one or more of three things, IMO, all of which are highly classified.
What I can tell you is that this patch is phony. It is disinformation, and it is part of a disinformation operation masquerading as something completely different which does the same thing, in a kind of “double reverso”.
They are “making fun of” the same conspiracy theories they are INTENTIONALLY GENERATING.
Making fun of something unreal with the intent that the humor is missed, so that it generates the non-existent thing – it just leaves me in a kind of crime-solver awe.
We are dealing with professionals.
It is absolutely beautiful. And – in an even greater form of “dark beauty”, they are actually USING the same theoretical principles as cloud seeding. It transcends being HILARIOUS to being BEAUTIFUL. It is one of the most brilliant scams I’ve ever seen.
I am SO tempted to bust this, but if I do it wrongly, it risks bringing THREE highly classified programs closer to exposure. So I have to be very careful.
Annoying. But you’ve given me a REALLY GOOD NUKE. So I have to thank you. My own safety is now a little more assured.
SO – let me put it this way. If I lessened your belief in chemtrails, but increased your knowledge of REAL conspiracies and disinformation, but without telling you exactly WHAT they are hiding, would you be interested?
Post coming!
I will wait for your article, but those lingering, criss-crossing, spreading lines in the sky that change the weather and make me cough all the time are something. Silvery reflective skies that remind me of the old movie projector screens and make gray domes, I call them Hunger Game skies. My garden has not produced abundant or healthy produce for years now. I await your insights. I thin
I will wait for your article, but those lingering, criss-crossing, spreading lines in the sky that change the weather and make me cough all the time are something. Silvery reflective skies that remind me of the old movie projector screens and make gray domes, I call them Hunger Game skies. My garden has not produced abundant or healthy produce for years now. I await your insights. I have heard it called Geo-engineering or stratospheric injection for climate control to block out sun rays to slow global warming.
Interesting side bar to that. Iodine and potassium iodide was once commonplace in antiseptic use and use as mitigant for thyroid issues. Fell out of favor…but interestingly, occasionally there is mention of importance of iodine in protecting against ravages of nuclear fallout.
Apparently iodine is used in manufacturing Methamphetamine so gvmt. monitors large scale use.
So an element that is critical to overall health is not only sidelined but turned to wicked use. What’s new?
Smart dust & fibers + aluminum are not pleasant to be sprayed with. Kill us & track us at the same time. once smart dust is activated we won’t have ANY privacy.
I never heard about cloud seeding but I always was fascinated with clouds.
I used to lay on the meadow and make picture books to of them.
I never see clouds here where I live the way I did as a child. The clouds close to the North sea are moving fast and real puffy and natural changing.
We have such different clouds here.
Wolf, I have lived 12 years in Tasmania, which gets some 90% power from hydro. They have a lot of dams, and they never have enough water. They have been doing cloud seeding since 1964, and stopped in 2016.
They were never able to fill up the dams, and in 2016 they happened to seed clouds just before a major flooding event, and have stopped the program as a result.
Weather is weather and we do not CONTROL it, IMHO. Humans do AFFECT the weather, no question. When we cut down forests, and asphalt over nature, we affect the hydrological cycle. But WEATHER is driven by the sun, whose energy is VAST when applied over large AREAS – we have nothing comparable on a human scale, except for the A bomb. So our affect on the weather is limited to LAND USE CHANGE. This may change in the future, but that day has not yet arrived, again, IMHO.
To recap, Tasmania has a direct interest in controlling rainfall. They tried for over 50 years. THEY FAILED!!! All they could say is that they think they increased rainfall by marginal amounts. But each cloud seeding effort was stand-alone. They had no reference cloud for comparison. Each cloud is different. Tasmanian dams remained unfilled ….
We may want to be God, but God is a tad more powerful than anything we can do.
I just heard Luis Alvarez died overnight. He was a loyal first responder right up to the very end of his life.
Good morning Andy, That is too bad, it is going to start.We will lose the NY first respondents due to their contracted illnesses. Hey, Andy the gang is here partying with PHC if you want to join in….
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in the Loving Arms of The Lord.
Oh gosh, no………
Not looking good for Boeing.
I still think however, it was the lack of training for the foreign pilots that caused them to not know how to recover control of their planes.
Agreed. When the co-pilot only had 150hrs in Ethiopia, it was kind of a big red flag.
Able Danger: Field McConnell has been whistle blowing on this for awhile. He has an YouTube channel, he can be difficult to watch due to some antics and language, but his message is always frank, honest, and true.
When talking about airplane crashes, there are generally an entire chain of things that went wrong, and just one had gone right, the crash wouldn’t have occurred. In general, the pilot makes multiple mistakes, not just one.
But it doesn’t mean other factors external to the pilot don’t contribute as well.
Any time a good pilot successfully fights a bad aircraft and lands safely–is still a failure. If that had happened here…it would still have been a failure.
The pilots needed to be better trained AND the software needed to be better written.
Yes, the porpoising events never should have occurred in the first place and it sure sounds like bad software.
see above, it is hardware installed on planes.
My husband who worked 26 years in Aero Space has much to say about what happened with Boing.
He was in Quality assurance for part of the time and this crap would never had happened but the company he worked for did away with it.
He said “it sounds the bean counters at Boing got hold of the company and against advice of engineers shipped the computer component oversee for more profit.”
The bean counters are definitely in control. About 2 1/2 years ago, they were shuffling and rearranging some of the engineering depts. My brother was shuffled off to the side to “help” with all that, and they definitely did not understand engineering. He saw the writing on the wall, they were not interested in why certain people needed to be on tap (specialists), so when they “offered” early retirement, he took it. They were only looking at short term bottom dollar.
There are bean-counters and bean-counters and bean-counters. Years ago, I was VP of Finance for a privately-held technology company. Our pen-plotter had crapped-out and the engineers tried to look virtuous by buying a $4000 replacement to our previous $5000 plotter (knowing that I had a reputation for being cheap). They just about plotzed when they got to my recommendation — a $25,000 laser plotter. I had often observed how all four of the draft/layout/plot guys wandered around with coffee during the 1/2 hour a plot would take…..the laser plotter could bang-out the same plot in just over a minute. Back-of-the-envelope, the laser plotter could pay for itself in about eight months.
I wish I would have been more red-pilled when I was younger. My uncle and now some of his sons work in the Aero Space engineering industry. I would love to question them now with the information I have. But, alas it will be questions to be unanswered by them as I no longer have contact with them.
Able Danger has and has had for years that there is a part called F.A.D.E.C. Full Authority Digital Engine Control or “uninterruptible auto-pilot” installed on the planes. The airlines, mechanics, or pilots are not aware of it at all and since it has FULL AUTHORITY or is UNINTERRUPTIBLE (not yelling, emphasis intended) the crew can do nothing to regain control of the plane. This is his, Field McConnell’s, latest discussion of it. It will be approximately 47:05 minutes into the interview that Good Dog did for his Q Bits Show on June 28, 2019. There is something up and wrong with Boing and he has been fighting them since 2006.
I knew things were not good when they moved to Chicago. That was a few years after Boeing bought McDonnell Douglas, and they moved a lot of those execs into Boeing management. I’ve always wondered why companies that buy out other struggling companies move those execs into influential positions in the more successful company. You know that those guys are going to bring the same crappy ideas and attitudes with them.
Boeing’s execs used to be pulled from the engineers. Now, they are bean counters.
Corporate Raiders. Scumbags!
OMG!!!!! Miss Wheatie!!!



Are there tree houses in heaven? I do so want a treehouse like Wheatie posts…Here is another butterfly heaven bflyjesusgrl
BE-U-TI-FULL Bren!! I’ve placed a Reservation for the flower section in West Heaven!!

Can I visit you there with my big cats, horses, and Cockatiels? I am in north heaven in my mountain side cabin. You and all are welcome to flit on in anytime! There is a hot spring outback for nice long relaxing soaks.
Gotta love scenic cabin prints. Here’s one we have hanging in our home. It’s titled “Sweet Curiosity”.
Sorry about the reflections. It’s a blue sky brilliant day here and there’s no getting around them.
Even with the winter season it is beautiful and peaceful looking Andy. Will we be neighbors with our cabins in heaven?
And it’s very difficult to see due to the bright glare, but there art two cub in the Maple tree, one about halfway up and the other at the base. And the cabin occupants must be boiling maple syrup outside with a large bonfire and kettle.
I saw that! It looked cozy even in the winter snow.
What a beautiful picture. I could live there very easily in the mountains. I love mountains and the cabin does not look bad either.
Me too! I have seen some, been in the MT or WY mountains at Christmas or on Spring break and I just love it, I feel so good when out on the mountains. Now, our escape is to the heights of Mt. Rainier in WA.
I had an experience in 1997, after a stint with the Salvation Army Red River Flood fight, I was exhausted, functioning only on the adrenaline coursing through my body. A resort owner, not affected by the flood, opened his facilities to us volunteers/SA employees. I was housed in an A-Frame cabin right on a lake shore, not in mountains, but wooded and remote. I could not sleep for the ear ringing from the adrenaline in my system, so I stepped outside to worship and pray. I said thank you for the rest and taste of heaven. I know that I know, that I know, God answered me and said “Yes, only a glimpse and a respite more beautiful, but like this is waiting for you.” Years before that hubby and I bought a different print of a mountain cabin saying that is our dream home, it hangs above our headboard. Little did we know I would have that experience.
Sorry, West Heaven is booked up.
You’ll have to settle for Northeast Heaven.
North heaven cabins will have much room for your butterfly gardens if Steve is kicking you out of West heaven!
WOW!! Listen as Candace describes “Club ICE”.

Love it, they let Candace Owens in to do tours, but not Melissa Alyano! LOL. Great reporting C.O.! It is a sad state of affairs that our schools are in worse condition though. But, White hats running border facilities and Dims running education and big citiies. Hmm

* Giggles *
I did see that here periscope was 10 months old though, but still a good zinger to M. A.!
Fed run or not, if we’re talking Broward County, then allow me to assume that they managed to hide the Progressive Activist Indoctrination Classes from her.
I found this to be a rather funny article, although I’m sure most women won’t. To me, the funniest aspect of this app would be using it on certain Demonrat political candidates, then publishing the pictures on the internet at XXX rated sites. After all, there have been some very disgusting Photoshopped pictures of President Trump placed on the internet.
I find it hard to believe such an app could get many crucial details right. The effect would be the “target’s” head pasted onto someone else’s body–a body that would fit the same clothes, to be sure–but it’d just be another form of “celebrity fake” albeit, perhaps, harder to detect.
I don’t know, they must have been somewhat authentically detailed or there wouldn’t have been so many complaints about the app.
Yeah, I had just finished watching a DVD rental movie late last night well after midnight PDT and one I switched off the DVD player, the TV defaulted to Fox News and there was President Trump in Japan taking questions from the press corp that flew over with him. I tuned in just in time to see Abilio Acosta trying his level best once again to insult and trick President Trump into something CNN could use for their broadcast news tonight. But, of course it didn’t work. He’s always too smart for those imbeciles.
Yes, CNN sucks…but what DVD did you watch?
It was titled “T-34” about Germans vs Russians in WWII, based upon a real set of events.
It was excellent, IMO, but then I love watching movies with lots of military battles. Had a discount email from Redbox so it only cost $1 to rent.
I normally don’t care much for movies in foreign languages with subtitles, but this one was well worth reading them. And the fact they used their native languages, German and Russian added authenticity to the movie. I think it was produced by a Russian movie group. They sure did a great job.
Great recommendation! I also enjoy military movies if they’re done well. I’ll have to look into renting this one.
I think you’ll enjoy it as I did. It didn’t have any slow spots that detracted from the movie. And the ending was fantastic! I’ll say no more about it.
Gonna check it out. TY Andyo.
It just makes me sick to know that the stupid idiot jerk whiny Acosta gets the honor to makes those trips!!!
Hopefully, he doesn’t get to travel on AF1. If so, I hope it is in the baggage or debris holding compartment! I love that Trump asked about his book, talk about de-toothing the bite that was intended.
Wonders if this was part of it.
Fascinating interview between Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard. Between the two of them, they absolutely destroy the “neo-con”/Stalinist BAIT-WAR position on Iran.
Tulsi is clearly deluded about the reality that the progzi Stalinists in her party WANT the neocons to drag America into these wars – or at least she doesn’t have the GUTS to call them out as Stalinists on it. But she NAILS the neo-cons for it, and that is half the story, so good show.
Tulsi has intuition like Trump, but she doesn’t have BRAINS like Trump. She has so much PC dumbing-down that she simply cannot SEE the intrigues and deceptions that Trump sees. But her GUT says “WHY?” and she acts on it.
No discussion of the ZIT, which in my mind is actually the bigger story. No pun intended!
Both Tulsi and Tucker are anti-war and against the use of military power overseas. I think since Tulsi saw so much human carnage in the emergency rooms in Iraq American military bases she is anti-war. I suppose that’s understandable, but she wouldn’t make a good president IMO due to that bias.
I agree – no way would I want her in the White House. She’s a dupe. We had one called Jimmy Carter. They’re dangerous as hell.
And that reminds me how very, very disappointed I am with Jimmy Carter. At his age you’d think he would not criticize a sitting President. But then, what can we expect from a nuclear engineer who still pronounces the word as “Nucular”.
That Dumb Mass Peanut Farmer is MAD as Hell that Obama took his title of “The WORST President America EVER had”. And is trying to get it back.
I think Prez Trump should get her a job somewhere in his administration or at the state department, under someone he trusts, and try to get her under his wing, so to speak. Gabbard has some good instincts
Dems would fight it like crazy, but
YEAH – something, for sure. She just needs a few quality red pills.
Someone needs to let her know that she probably leans more libertarian than dem. Maybe Rand will have a chance to talk to her sometime
Human Trafficker and Captain of German Non-Profit Sea Watch Ship Arrested in Italy — After She Nearly Caused a Collision at Italian Port
Good for Italy. But how dare she.
Here’s the Demonrat debate they didn’t broadcast. It’s probably more realistic than the lies and half truths that were told Weds and Thurs.
I just love how Trump handles this idiot!!
Donald Trump to Jimmy Carter: Nice Man, Terrible President
I give Carter slack the man had brain cancer something might have been damaged.
I wasn’t brain Cancer that caused his STUPIDITY…… He was BORN WITH IT!
Wow, paint in San Fran must be super expensive ! 600k.
i knew they would do this.
In 1989, San Francisco passed the “City and County of Refuge” Ordinance (also known as the Sanctuary Ordinance). The Sanctuary Ordinance generally prohibits City employees from using City funds or resources to assist Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the enforcement of Federal immigration law unless such assistance is required by federal or state law.
Oct 05, 2017 · California’s new sanctuary state law has been hailed as part of a broader effort by majority Democrats in the California Legislature to shield more than 2.3 million immigrants living illegally in …
Question: Is California still part of the United States of America ?
IF CALIFORNIA CAN IGNORE FEDERAL LAW, is that a violation of the US Constitution?
$600k for some paint???
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist! tweeter message occurs when the link is clicked
Sorry, don’t know why tweet didn’t appear (except that it comes up with entire thread of comments, if copies in another window)…. C-3C-3’s tweet reads as follows:
Anti-American activist Judge in CA rules Trump cant use military funds to build the Wall to protect Americans from the invading army of military aged males waving their home country flags.
But theres no such thing as “Obama Judges”?
Trump should tell the activist to Pound Sand.
9:10 AM – 29 Jun 2019
from comments to tweet:
Pat F posted ristvan’s comment (from OT) wrt CA Judge’s ruling below
Also, reminder that Mitch has filed cloture for confirmation vote on additional nominee from POTUS for 9th Circuit, to be voted on after 4th of July week holiday for Senate… if Appeals Court does not overrule this activist judge, it will go on to SCOTUS…
Even one member of SCOTUS flip-flopped to stab President Trump in the back on the issue of census questions.
Thank you for the reprint. I did try the copy and paste into browser address bar and got the same error. I also see the 2nd post you did, thank you. As Col. Klink says, very interesting, very interesting!
News Roundup has been posted if interested.
Anyone not interested:
Tough shit, the News Roundup is still posted.
Anyone not interested in the BEST NEWS on the ‘net must be a mushroom…..
Preferring to hide in the Dark in a pile of SHIT!
The Red Sox and Yankees are playing in London this weekend. Hopefully none of the starters will get stabbed or attacked with acid. Play Ball!!!
Hope they don’t allow anyone with a milkshake near the dugouts.
They might enjoy that…it’s exceptionally hot in London today…90 degrees and humid.
It would make their uniforms sticky and smelly eventually, I should think. But then they’d have a good reason to head for the showers and cool off, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Last I looked the Yankees were beating the $#!+ out of the BoSox.
Being a member of Cardinal Nation, I’m not sure which team to pull for.
Always root against the Yankees. Always. They are the Evil Empire.
And it looks like they are on top of their game this year. (Now that I’m paying attention after the Stanley Cup was won.)
Take American pro sports to England; what an original idea.
ristvan’s take on the judge ruling against using defense funds for the wall:
ristvan says:
June 29, 2019 at 2:23 pm
RB, nope. Stay calm and think clearly.
1. Ignoring this injunction provides Dems a new grounds for impeachment, as would be expressly a violation of A2§3 take care clause.
2. As previously commented some time ago, PDJT was relying on two possible defense money pools: 10USC284 and 10USC2808. The judge is plainly wrong about 10USC284, but arguably right about 10USC2808. The enjoined $2.5billion is pure 10USC284. That part of his ruling (only) should go on expedited appeal to the 9th Circuit (ugh) because the law is crystal clear. Those anti narcotics defense funds may be used to build barriers, roads, lighting wherever DHS determines a corridor is being used for drug trafficking and/or international criminal activity (human smuggling) and then formally requests Army help. That is by definition anywhere we also have high illegal alien crossings.
Just dot the i and cross the t legally. Perhaps that wasn’t yet done by DHS. Plus, the Sierra Club argument about taking and environmental impact is bogus. DHS has the right to waive any and all environmental considerations in order to build wall. That was legally hashed out already in the San Diego wall challenges.
Although true, this would pretty much be the first time in ages anyone cared about it.
Double standards–because the Left loves standards so much they want two of them.
Judicial orders are not laws. The section does NOT day take care that judge’s orders are faithfully executed. Ergo, no grounds for impeachment. One could argue that every time the POTUS obeys one of those junk orders it is an impeachable offense.
He has already determined how to “take care to faithfully” regarding the law (statute) and then he turns around and deliberately does not follow his own “faithful” determination.
True original intent is for the POTUS to do his job and to NEVER acquiesce to either Congress or the judiciary.
day s/b say
POTUS eats “The Art of War” for breakfast!
I have to sing in the morning or I would be tempted to join you.
Incredible partnership there! Japan + India + United States. Absolute genius to bring it together.
In my continuing observations of how the Democrats/Left keep using stripe symbols (three red bars seem to be the most common version), the latest one is this ANTIFA poster from Washington DC. Note the three red bars over Tucker’s face.
antifa’s bars are arrows – see the protests in portland oregon (not portland maine who is bending over backwards for the congolese and angolans who will soon be turf fighting with the muslim somali’s)
It’s following the same motif that’s all over Democrat 2020 and cabal stuff. They love the three red parallel lines!

Hi Sadie . If you scroll down this tweet thread antifa has their won pre printed milkshake cups..The 3 bars again
Thank you!
And got free healthcare!
Good grief…this nonsense is still going on. And shame on the Chicago Cubs Organization for making fools of yourselves.
i hope this appears as a pic… if not , oops
I’ll try,
thank you driller!
You are most welcome!
I don’t get why we can’t have a crackdown on these antifa pussies. I’m kinda tired of their shit
Andy Ngo just got attacked.
hahaha…I just saw that too
I knew there was going to be trouble in downtown Portland today. It’s warm and sunny, but not too hot and Portland still has that loony liberal mayor.
Beware of bad language.
Geez, people need a hobby or something
Violence is Antifa’s hobby.
Just love Trumping hate some more I suppose
Let’s see if this works:
It was reported on the local evening news that Portland Police said Antifa mixed chunks of concrete in those “milkshakes” they threw on non-violent Patriot Prayer people today.
Goes to show how nasty those idiots are.
They need some rock salt shot in their asses
Sounds GOOD, driller, when do we go !?!?
It’d be hilarious to see them show up in my town. Doubt anyone carries rocksalt loads around here and it might get ugly real quick. I don’t end up in crowds like that but any gathering in America should be able to maintain civility unless your rights as guaranteed by our Constitution are blatantly being violated, which antifa”s aren’t. They’re so ironic
If you click on that imgur, you’ll see that it was quick dry cement mix, so they made the ‘milkshakes’ into concrete blocks in a cup, apparently…..
…and this “innocent” milkshaking has been winked at by media and others because it’s so benign…really? In what civilized society do we smile about being physically attacked with food ? Is it any wonder at all that milkshakes just weren’t enough..step it up to other substances or hardened cement in a cup for max pain.
Months back it was urine being thrown on people.
It’s the old tactic of freezing snowballs or wetting the dodge ball in my childhood days. The bullies used those tactics. They can’t win with ideas, so violence is their answer.
as Wolf keeps howling it is Communism
their flags say it all
The 12 rules of Rad-i-cals in full swing!
If anyone is interested….Andy Ngo went to the Portland Antifa rally….and of course gets beat up. Why anyone would go I don’t know. Nothong like having a violent rage fired rally
“suspects at large” presumes that local “law enforcement” wants to arrest them.
He goes to those events to video record the violence of the radical left antifa aholes. It’s very risky as anyone can see in the videos and he really should have some big dudes providing security for him. Notice antifa always gets violent when the odds are extremely on their side. They are cowards and attack single innocent people.
Andy Ngo is a very brave videographer who records events where Patriot Prayer and Antifa get together. IMO, he’s very courageous and risks his life every time he records these skirmishes so we can see the truth about what happens. These violent clashes are always started by Antifa groups who usually vastly outnumber Patriot Prayer as they did in this one.
And of course the Portland Police never seem to be around to intervene and protect innocent people. Andy Ngo doesn’t catcall or otherwise egg Antifa to do violence. They always come to events ready to fight and destroy property.
I highly respect people like Andy Ngo.
And here’s a video taken, I think, by a police bodycam or other camera today as Andy lays on the ground in pain.
fashion tips for the ladies going to a riot
There are a number of stylish ways to cover up your hair in order to avoid being identified. Hoodies, hijab, and
balaclavas are among the most popular, but beanies and wigs can also fulfill this purpose.
You’ll also want to make sure that you choose an option that you won’t need to remove in order to put on a gas mask or respirator, if those are things you intend to carry and potentially use. Ideally, it should be compact enough to conceal in the event that you need to change your outfit in order to make a safe and speedy getaway.
You’ll want to choose an outfit that allows you to blend into the crowd around you, doesn’t restrict your movement, and, most importantly, covers distinguishing features such as scars, birthmarks and freckles, piercings, and tattoos.
No advice on earrings and lipstick, though?
This is just disgusting – what is wrong with these people – this is not a costume party!
o.k. another left loony contradiction in this article: they want the hair and face covered and disguised to protect the identity and/or gender identification, BUT wear waterproof mascara to make your beautiful femmes eyes pop along with glitter on your cheek bones to show off your beautiful bone structure. They so often contradict themselves!
It’s insane that these people actually have a platform and have been praised by politicians and their lapdogs in the media.
Upside down world.
BigLeaguePolitics has an article out saying that antifa is planning muriatic acid in balloons for their next outing. They’re emboldened because police have been ordered time and again to let them rage
ohkaayy, they are going to use the tactics that have been used in “gun free” zones
by jealous small individuals
when will they be stopped? Patriots fight!
Andy posted a thread about a Videographer that was attacked in Portland, OR by antifa. Putting quick dry cement in milkshakes now!
Yet, law enforcement stands down as it is their right to protest!
and you too Molly Pither5 posted more details about the Portland, OR attack, sorry missed your name in original response.
No prob ! This late at night the comments get flung all over the place under different posts…hard to keep up
All joking aside, I don’t want to see the fight come, but we have to prepare, or should I say we have already prepped. I fear the backlash that may come will be so violent & overwhelming that it may destroy more than just those who have it coming.
All those personality tests where there are more questions about your credit score than a bank asks before giving you a loan should have been a clue.
Church of Scientology Faced With Bombshell Lawsuit: What Its A-List Members Know
Kidnapping. Abuse. Human trafficking. These are just some of the allegations an anonymous plaintiff is making in a suit filed on June 18 against the Church of Scientology and its current leader, David Miscavige, 59. Jane Doe, who’s believed to be around age 40, is suing the church — which boasts a host of famous members, including Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Kelly Preston — for kidnapping, stalking, human trafficking, false imprisonment, libel, slander, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
“The Church of Scientology presents a facade to the outside world to disguise what, in reality, is nothing more than a cult built on mind control,” the lawsuit alleges. The controversial church denies all allegations of abuse. In response to Jane Doe’s suit, the church’s lawyers tell Us, “We are confident the lawsuit will fail. The church will vigorously defend itself against these unfounded allegations.”
The shocking suit has the potential to bring down the controversial religion and its seemingly untouchable leader — and expose the secrets its A-list followers may have been keeping for years. “Tom [Cruise] undoubtedly knows the stories about the church,” a source tells Us of Scientology’s celebrity golden boy. Another insider says that with the actor, 57, employed as Miscavige’s right-hand man and best friend, “there’s very little he doesn’t know. He and David are like brothers united in their religious devotion. If David is ordering this kind of harassment on people trying to leave the church,” adds the insider, “Tom would likely see it.”
Leah Remini, who left Scientology in 2013, has since made it her mission to expose the church’s “physical and sexual abuse practices,” she’s said in August 2017 Opens a New Window. . In an episode of her Emmy-winning A&E docuseries, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (on which Jane Doe appeared after she left the church in 2017), it was revealed that former Scientology exec Debbie Cook — who was sued by the church for violating a nondisclosure agreement — had been sent to “the hole” (a double-wide trailer used by the church for solitary confinement purposes), where she was allegedly forced to lick a bathroom floor clean.
DPcomment: I’ve watched Leah Remini’s show. She’s a brave one, and good for her.
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
I had a great meeting with President Xi of China yesterday, far better than expected. I agreed not to increase the already existing Tariffs that we charge China while we continue to negotiate. China has agreed that, during the negotiation, they will begin purchasing large……
2:22 PM – 29 Jun 2019
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
…..amounts of agricultural product from our great Farmers. At the request of our High Tech companies, and President Xi, I agreed to allow Chinese company Huawei to buy product from them which will not impact our National Security. Importantly, we have opened up negotiations…
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
…..again with China as our relationship with them continues to be a very good one. The quality of the transaction is far more important to me than speed. I am in no hurry, but things look very good! Their will be no reduction in the Tariffs currently being charged to China.
SerialBrain2: Trump, the Cabal and the Shocking truth about Iran. (Pt. 2)
More Portland mini riot reporting…..
Antifa advertised a milkshake dance. You know what they did with all those milkshakes, right?
This sh!t can be posted on Fasict Book but not conservative events or opinions. got it! thanks for the heads up. Love ya Andy, but not coming to OR, Portland anytime soon to visit. I wanted to come to that large used bookstore and some eats, but nope not gonna, can’t make me!
Conservative Guide from Coreysdigs.com, May 4 News & Arrests!
Poor Justin
Why is Theresa still hanging around ?
Right?! I was wondering that too
Although she has formally resigned, until another PM is elected she is filling the role….lame duck. After all, who would the UK send to represent them, if not her? Very awkward for her, actually.
Awkward, I would imagine it is!
Very awkward for her, actually.
I’m gonna hold my tongue on that one………………
My question was rhetorical, but given the replies, I am triggered to respond…
Surely she has an assistant, a deputy ?
It’s an insult for her to be there… an insult to not only the US, but to the world. What she did, participating in the coup against POTUS is an act of war. It’s an insult to me, personally, to see her standing so close to our POTUS, as it was an insult for her to be part of the group meeting him in London.
The Brits will drag their feet replacing her… just as they have dragged their feet with Brexit. The Cabal runs UK, or another of putting it is, the nuts and bolts of the Cabal is the UK, the still existing British Empire. But I guess we’re still supposed to believe the “Emperor is clothed” ———– ?
Some are fearful the US will become a “police state” ——– nonsense, the entire planet is run by the C_A and MI6, for the benefit of the Cabal, and the planet is a “police state” — — and one man, Donald J. Trump, is trying to destroy the Cabal. And most of his supporters are whining “when are the perp walks coming”, and his opponents are doing everything possible to destroy him.
[end of rant]
No, not the end. One more thing…
Theresa, Angela, and Hildebeast…. the 3 witches…………………….. were supposed to bring down western civilization. Clever of the Cabal to make women the villians, doncha think? Well, Hilda LOST… Angela has proven to be “stupid” (great role model for women, right ?) and Angela is being humiliated in public with her “instability” (word has it she has been poisoned, not once, but twice, enough to humiliate her).
[I’ll have you know my tin foil hat is the best available]
Great rant Phoenix Rising.
Thanks T3………………
Unfortunately for others, I have a tendency to “empty” when I “fill up”
It’s always nice to recognize outrageous things in real time so you can process as it’s happening. Sometimes it’s just to big to do that.
Rant liked and agreed with!
oops, Guess I couldn’t bring myself to say May… brain interrupted…. “May has proven to be “stupid”
As tin foil hats go, we must shop in the same places!
I don’t disagree, however,in the end wasn’t our decision that she attend…i don’t Pretend to know the British government. And, I do think the elections to replace the PM are a set date…could be wrong…to take place before the Oct 31 BREXIT. Don’t follow it closely, but isn’t Boris running on the promise of leaving the EU by Oct 31?
Hey there Gang at Cheers,
Has anyone seen or heard from Elizabeth Carter recently?
I noticed that I hadn’t seen any of her posts in a while, so I did a quick check, and searched the last 15 or so articles here on the Qtree, back to “The St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra” on June 24th, and I haven’t found any of her posts.
I think I may have seen her last post here – and it was a while back. I also noticed that there was a long gap BEFORE that one, too. I don’t recall her saying why, but she may have said something on one of those last few posts.
Okay, I’ll keep looking for it then. I hope she’s all right.
I have tried the ‘search’ function before, but it won’t isolate on a particular member’s name for search results.
The only way I know how to search is by going to each individual article, and searching each page of comments separately, which of course is very time intensive.
Is there a better way to search a WordPress forum?
Yes – you have to go outside to a search engine, and then go back in using tricks like this:
site:wqth.wordpress.com “joe blow says” “big ugly”
Note the use of “site:” and quotation marks around spaced words. Works like a charm.
Thanks Wolf, that works great!

MUCH better than searching each page of each article individually
The most recent post I could find of Elizabeth’s was on May 29. I checked a bunch of others too, and didn’t see anything saying she would be ‘leaving’ in any of them.
So I clicked the ‘like’ button to a couple of her replies and wrote her a quick message after one of them, hoping she’ll see it via email notification and be curious to check
Hopefully she’ll be back! I think many of us miss her!
She just ‘liked’ one of my posts in today’s ‘News Round Up’ thread

Wolf, speaking of missing persons, I have not seen Garry Schmidt in a while, did we lose him to extreme vetting? He was at PHC’s for a while too. He asked me how to change screen names, I emailed the steps I used. Did he change his screen name and I did not catch it?
I think he changed to HoofHearted.
Thanks Bfly! I have seen HoofHearted posting, I will have to greet him then. My WP linked email got locked down by Outlook, I guess I have been naughty and broke some rules! That is why I haven’t been able to see his responses to email.
Yes. He and the wife made it under the wire.
HoofHearted appears to be kosher!
Which is not to say that BACON isn’t used a bit like GARLIC around here, for our protection from ISLAMPIRES.
AND here, I Thought I was the only one who ate clean that still kept bacon around for ‘Special Circumstances’!
I’m clean too.
99% of my bacon consumption is virtual. 

Her most recent comment was June 12th:
Been radio silent for over two weeks.
Thanks Michael, I didn’t find anything more recent than May 29th in my duckduckgo search, searching for:
site:wqth.wordpress.com “Elizabeth Carter says”
I don’t think the search engines do a good job of indexing comments. I’ve had that same problem.
This is one of the problems with the method I told you. It has a certain time dependence. Not good in the very short term – not good very old without more tricks.
Putin Says Multiculturalism is “No Longer Tenable”
June 29, 2019
by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
I like Putin – I like the way he thinks – and – I think he and PT will get along quite well! Two alpha males – Wow!
Putin & Trump, jointly taking down the cabal. That’s why they keep screaming; RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!!!
Burns their bottoms – it does – eh, boon?
That is the ‘delicate’ way of putting it!
Well – we don’t want them to run to their ‘safe places’ – do we?
Soros-Backed Group Demands Financial Blacklisting Of Conservatives
June 29, 2019
from True Pundit
“As if censorship isn’t enough, leftists have decided to ramp up their demands that those who have a different political view be financially blacklisted. A coalition of far-left political activist organizations known for peddling smears about conservatives held a protest at Mastercard’s annual general meeting (AGM) today, demanding that the international credit card giant financially blacklist wider sections of the political right.
Fortunately, Mastercard didn’t cave to the tyrannical demands of the George Soros-backed groups. According to Breitbart, at Mastercard’s AGM, the far-left groups SumOfUs and Sleeping Giants circled the venue with a mobile billboard stating: “Putting hate groups out of business? #Priceless.”
The groups’ proposal to form a “human rights committee” did not sway shareholders, who voted the measure down. According to a press release published by the two organizations, this was coupled with a speech from Sleeping Giants co-founder Nandini Jammi,“addressing the need for Mastercard to take swift action by cutting off its services to these hate groups.”
Center-Left liberal Tim Pool with another interesting video on what moderate liberals are saying…
(They haven’t learned a gosh darned thing from 2016) Yay!
Wolf, could you check the De Blasio meme I tried to post and release it from WP meme prison, please?
Unless, of course, it’s a problem somehow…I mean, beyond the fact that it is from my gab feed…
It got hung up in the Spam bin, Mandy…it should be showing now.
so test test test at Wolf’s my last response to Wolf was blocked, failed. In regards to the “chem trails:”
I will wait for your article, but those lingering, criss-crossing, spreading lines in the sky that change the weather and make me cough all the time are something. Silvery reflective skies that remind me of the old movie projector screens and make gray domes, I call them Hunger Game skies. My garden has not produced abundant or healthy produce for years now. I await your insights. I have heard it called Geo-engineering or stratospheric injection for climate control to block out sun rays to slow global warming.
Remember the stories of the Celtic saints that would bless the land and the weather changed? Maybe the Lord can teach us how to pray for healing of the skies?
Yes, yes he can. A simple prayer we pray is “Lord, protect us from all that is not of your creation or your will.” Amen We pray this as we go out quite often. There is is power in prayer and it can turn weather events. Personal and friends experience. Psalm 19, 33, 144, and Isaiah 40, all speak of nature and God’s control of it. I like speaking them out and saying they can happen in today’s time if it is God’s will. , Mark 4:39 speaks to Jesus having control over the weather. The WORD is the Truth, not what man says. Thanks for the reminder Think*3 that we need to speak the Word of Truth to nature to bring healing.
Apparently the bars/arrows I posted earlier are a Satanic symbol. Found this on /qresearch/:
Good catch.
That’s a real winner there. Satanic Portland Antifa.
No where to go but down down down
Sadie…they even put those down-arrows/bars on their paper cups:
Well, hello everybody. Missed all of you.
I have 30 minutes to finish tomorrows Open. I think I know what I’m writing about…
May be a little late going up.
Just ducking in to post this (probably a repeat, but it bears repeating)…
Why does this make me laugh so loudly?
Great to see you, and thanks ONCE AGAIN for handling the daily! I am struggling tonight! I want to do a special post, and am fighting the curses and joys of UPGRADE BLUES.
Love this meme!
My local chikfila is so busy, the parking lot, and out onto the street are always full. I cant even get there to pick up an order, and they do their best.
Wheatie, your posts are a breath of fresh air.
Thank you for all the creativity and effort you put into them!
Aww…thank you so much, TTT.

I am honored that you think so.
FNC now airing joint news conference with POTUS and Moon. Will go to DMZ afterwards.
Wow…check it out:
They even put that satanic-arrows thing on their paper cups!
Tim Pool tells about how toxic cement can be:
Update on Andy Ngo…

He was pretty beat up around his eyes and neck. Not surprised hes got a hemorrhage from the trauma. Hopefully they dont have to do anything surgery wise and just monitor. Oregon seems to have let the inmates run the asylum top down. The mayor and police chief(not just the mayor who is commissioner) need to be removed for failing to do their duties.
I hope he sues the fuck out Portland.
Yep! I was just thinking the same thing.

PDs and cities give 1000s the minute a whiff of a lawsuit comes their way. Its not their money as it is. Most instances if they would go to court, the frivolous lawsuits wiuld end bc they have to actually prove their cases. Then the dumbass reaction to be hands off and allow this behavior would end, generally, also. We need real keaders not soy laden losers.
Anyone ger Korean TV??
The attack on Andy Ngo won’t get a quarter of the coverage the fake news spent on Khashoggi.
I’ll bet Tucker and Hannity feature it, though.
And when Daddy gets home…he may mention it too.
Maybe even before.
This attack might gain some traction. The acct here apparently has been warning Portland PD for awhile.
Nickname for wheeler would help.

You mean Liz Wheeler?
No, the portland mayor.
Okay, thanks…I didn’t know his name.
Portland Mayor Defends Decision To Let Antifa Run Wild, Claims Portland Is ‘Completely Safe’
and this~~
I.C.E. Prepares To Sue City Of Portland Over Police Dereliction Of Duty
[ef8_004bm5u0702-600×400]As Portland mayor Ted Wheeler ordered the Portland Police Bureau to stand down and let the far left mob lay siege to the I.C.E. facility, employees at the building were helpless as they called for emergency services on at least two occasions due to the violence from the unhinged protesters. Police didn’t show up to help.
Now the I.C.E. employees are fighting back, threatening to sue the city for a violation of their 14th Amendment rights to equal protection under the law.
Willamette Week reports:
The union that represents U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers says on at least two occasions last month two federal ICE employees called the Portland police while being harassed by protesters—but cops did not show up, because the Portland mayor had ordered them not to intervene.
Where’s Ozzy when we need her? She could come up with something!
An axolotl.
??? Freakin cute.
Sooo cute!

And they are amazing little creatures!
The word is great for hangman, Scrabble, or other word games. They never see it coming….
Ohhh..good one. I have to get a scrabble board to teach kiddo. That and battleship.
POTUS in Marine One headed to DMZ, behind schedule. Meeting closer to 2:00amEDT.
Well, we have a Sunday Open.
Youre so cute.
[…] https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/06/29/dear-kmag-20190629-open-topic/comment-page-2/#comment-186459 […]