
Wishing all Treepers a glorious July 4th this year!
We have to have fireworks for July 4th. No fireworks would be like a birthday without a cake or Christmas without Santa. Yes, backyard fireworks are mandatory for our Nation’s Birthday.
Because we lived “in town” but had a field out back which is about 3-4 acres, we had a perfect gathering spot for our group of friends. Our house is fairly close to the street, but the field “out back” is enclosed by trees and high shrubs. The “near back”, on the east side, has an 8′ tall brick garden which gives the illusion of an end to the property. On the west side was an old chicken coop. Through the middle is enough of an opening to drive a truck into the back field. The school wraps around the property and very few people know the field is there.
The field has served as our go-cart track, football field, slip and slide, water park, Daughn’s grand pool/kitchen/garage/cabana/loveshack/arbor/spa project, and yes, our firework launch pad. Through the years, the guys built steel pipe launchers for mortar shells, screwed to 8’x4′ plywood for pads. One staff member surprised me with a waist high aluminum pipe “fan” which spreads out about 4′ and launches 8 rockets at a time. Yeah, we’re firework lovers.
And you know me, I always look for the best deal. Wholesale not retail. Because the party was always at our house, I ended up spending the most on fireworks. It was getting expensive. I needed a bigger “bang” for my buck and looked for options.
One day, the kids were whining/moaning/bickering over spring break with “nothing” to do. Intervention was necessary. ROAD TRIP! A girlfriend and I made a few ham sandwiches, packed a cooler, and loaded our kids into the minivan. We took off for Sikeston, MO, and BOOMLAND, which started as a truck stop and grew into a fabulous firework store. Three+ hours later, we had lunch at the “Home of Throwed Rolls” and got down to business for fireworks. Each kid had a budget of what they could spend, cash in hand (not much), but I had the checkbook. Firework guy was happy to see us …. cuz no one buys fireworks in March. We bought “off season” and drove back to Mississippi happy as heck.
Another year, we drove to Illinois to visit Aunt Helen for Thanksgiving. Sikeston is on the way. Gunner, about 6yrs old, was elated we would stop at Boomland, but disappointed when we told him we could not buy them until the return trip. It made no sense to drive the car for the next 7 days with hundreds of dollars of fireworks visible. We decided to wait until the return trip to stock up on fireworks.
Well, Gunner waited and waited. He survived the pinched cheeks from elderly aunts and dutifully ate jello salads for Thanksgiving. He was anxious, ready to go home early from Aunt Helen’s, just so he could get to Boomland. Yet, after the aunts and uncles, we stopped for a few “museum” days in Chicago, before we turned for home. Seven hours at 65mph through Illinois to the Missouri border was terminally slow with an excess of holiday traffic. Gunner moaned in the back seat, counting mile markers, waving at truck drivers. By the time we arrived in Sikeston, it was well past dark. Gunner was out of the car like a shot………. but the firework store was closed. We were too late.
His whole little body hurt at the same time, and he fought the tears. He was so disappointed. After waiting for 7 days, he missed his Santa Claus.
We drove across the big parking lot to the “store” portion of the truck stop, for Big T to refuel, and get a snack for the remainder of the drive home. I hit the aisle for Bugles, my all-time favorite road food, but Gunner wanted a meat/cheese/crackers Lunchable. He was one aisle over from me and still fighting tears. Suddenly, another man in Gunner’s aisle noticed he was upset and struck up a conversation with him (People who work in truck stops are very attuned to children being kidnapped and at that point, Gunner was in distress. The man inquired.). Come to find out, he was the manager of the fireworks store.
Curious and cautious, I rounded the corner to see who was talking to my son. About the same time, the man pulled out a ring of keys, which was so big, he could have unlocked the world. He looked at my son and said, “Well son, do you want me to open the fireworks store for you? I can do that!” Gunner was so excited, he froze.
I’ll never forget the way that guy looked at that moment. He was a rugged and handsome fellow, with dark hair and big blue eyes, wearing a typical blue flannel shirt, jeans, and a ballcap which had to be 20yrs old. Today, someone in Manhattan or Palo Alto would think he was a pedophile, and shun him. Yet, at that moment, our guy was wearing a red suit, and driving a sleigh with 8 reindeer. Yep, Santa Claus showed up at a truckstop in Missouri. My little man was thrilled.
We found Big T back at the minivan, when a light cold rain started to fall. We drove back across the parking lot to the Firework Warehouse section. The man unlocked the doors and flipped on the remainder of the lights. We were the only ones there. The place is enormous, it used to be an old Wal-Mart, filled with Fireworks. YUGE! For Gunner, it was like being the only kid at the North Pole.
We shopped and shopped, making deals left and right. I made a deal if I spent “X” dollars for “X” discount. Then, we found a whole deck in the back with the big “finale” fireworks, but the paper torn…. They were already half off and last years fireworks, not sure if they would work, …. so a double deal. I let Gunner buy whatever he wanted, he’s still a frugal kid. By the time were were ready to ring up, I had 8 grocery carts, piled high, full of fireworks. Our tally was a little over $1K and Big T treated. It was the most we had ever spent but we walked away with at least 3-4K worth. I was hoping the stash might last a few years………
But we had a problem. We couldn’t get it all in the minivan as we had suitcases and other stuff in the car. The Firework guy offered to box it up and keep it for our return trip, but we wanted to take it with us. Rapidly, we deconstructed as much 90% packaging as we could. It took a while and the rain was picking up but the temps were dropping. Eventually, we had to pack Gunner into his seat and pack fireworks around him. We put some under the seats, in the back, emptied one suitcase – consolidated to another – and packed more mortar shells in the extra suitcase. We even had fireworks on the floor surrounding the passenger, on the dashboard, and all around the driver. We were loaded. Gunner hugged his Santa (so did I), and the snow started…..
We were cramped but joyous by our coincidental encounter with the Missouri Santa Claus. I couldn’t believe our good luck. Gunner could not move, his feet were in his chest. When we got home, we had to uncoil Gunner, one limb at a time. He looked like a bean sprout, from a lima bean, getting out of the car,…… but he was thrilled.
We took over one entire room of the B&B to organize our treasure. For months, Gunner’s buddies went into that room and dreamt about July 4th……. just like kids would dream about Christmas.
Month after month, the kids waited. Can’t remember what we ate or drank that year, but I do remember, when the fireworks started, we had 64 kids. Dad’s set up 4 pads to launch – and the dads were just as excited as the kids. Some of the kids fell asleep before we were finished. It was a banner year.
A few years later, we started the stone company, and I figured out almost all the fireworks in the world come from one town in China….. My eyes got big…….. I could send one of my guys who was in China, up to the city, to personally supervise the purchase. “OOooooohhh”, I thought, “I would get the cool stuff!” Of course, it was a good idea to import a container of fireworks! Immediately, I began to enlist girlfriends to chip in on the finances. Big T shook his head, surely I would need a pyrotechnic license, massive paperwork and approvals. He’s always nervous if anything smells remotely illegal – the lawyer – the altar boy. On a lark, I called the local FBI to check. “You did WHAT????? You called the FBI to see if you could park a container of fireworks in the driveway?”, he was about to blow a blood vessel. But…but… but……I was good to go, “As long as I kept each “shot” under 500 grams.”, I said innocently.
Nope, Big T put his foot down.
He’s such a killjoy.
Gotta have fireworks……..!
Think I will take it easy this year and just bake a cake.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unleash HELL.


😁 🥳 💥!


Thanks again Daughn…..
Since July is in the middle of the year,
This chapter should be in the middle of the book 🙂


Not possible to buy your fireworks from the boomtown guy? With your usual beat down bargaining you’d probably do better with him than direct from the Chinese


You can only let off so many explosives in you back yard before you’ve got a portal to China


The bicarbonate. Vinegar red dye makes for convincing lava


Thanks daughnworks247
Here is an awesome new rendition of God Bless America.


Beautiful, kinthenorthwest ! 🙂


That was a great story! Christmas in July!! 🙂


these are great stories!!! I’m surprised the “altar boy” allowed you to pack the car so tightly in November–did you use the heat on the way home? lol I’d have been scared till we made it home…LOL…I betcha it was glorious tho!!


I just hope no one was a smoker.


Pack your kid in high explosives. My nomination for mother of the year


Back when fun was simply fun, and almost everyone was innocent – back then, most of the bad guys didn’t cross the line into the depravity of today. Or if they did, there were enough decent and righteous people who made sure that if the law (back when the law really was the law in a righteous way) didn’t get them, the townspeople would.
Now CPS takes your kid if you make them walk home from school…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

American socialism! Before Fake Entertainment trained the perverse to be utterly depraved.


Yep. Protect them from hurtful names but deliver them into the hands of monsters -and you are the whateverphobe if you complain


My kids sat on the arm rest in the front of the car right beside me.
I often took the two girls to ride (age 8 months and 2 years) on my bike – for miles – one in the basket and one in the baby seat and nobody had helmets.
That was in the early 70s way before the laws were changed.


Yep. No seat belts. My little sister used to get the armrest in between the front seats whilst we were doing 100 mph


Fireworks here, of course, are illegal. Even “worms”. I bought the giant box of different poppers and hes excited about that. We would have to go out of state to purchase. San Bernardino county still sells some fireworks but you have to have an ID showing where you live and theres a max purchase.
It wasnt like this when I was a kid.
But Ill bbq a bit and we will do the “fireworks” we have and use the slip n slide.
Its enough when youre 6, but next year we might have to drive out of state for ammo and fireworks.
P.s. Miss Daughn, do you have a recipe for potato salad without having chunks of eggs in it AND a good poundcake recipe? TY!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Schlichter 2024. Now THAT will be some fireworks.
Just sayin’. 😉


Hell have had to have buried the bodies VERY carefully for that


Yes maam! Just waking up up and I see that. Yippee!


Out here in the hinterlands of Texas a fireworks store pops up every couple miles around this time. Grandpa is looking to buy a bunch this year as a bunch of grandkids will be around. We go out in the ‘back forty’ and sit in trucks while the men light up the sky.
God bless America!

Harry Lime

Happy 4th of July to everyone here on the Q Tree!!!
And a special thanks to all of the folks who put in the extra work to keep this tree healthy, informative and entertaining!
And now a little blast from the past…which anyone who came from OT will recognize…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dana P. RINO making her film debut!


“About the same time, the man pulled out a ring of keys, which was so big, he could have unlocked the world. ”
Loved the story, and what an incredible way with words. That sentence…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If Daughn keeps it up, the leftists are going to come after this site the same way they’re going after Quillette!
Seriously, it’s CULTURE that worries the Beelzebubba out of the little commies. Pieces like this one right here are incredibly subversive. They remind people of what FREEDOM was like.
Daughn – you need to be VERY careful about CATCH AND KILL. I am betting that the first “n” book deals that come your way will be catch and kill, or at the very least, “catch and change”. One needs to shop agents and publishers more carefully than SPOUSES, IMHO. Find people who have a TRACK RECORD of supporting their writers like their lives depend on it, and publishing stuff that YOU think is beyond (in whatever direction you care about) anything you would write.
Right now, the publishing industry is working OVERTIME to associate the term “catch and kill” with TRUMP, but the dirty secret is that HILLARY WORLD has been using this trick FOREVER, not just in publishing, but in LEGAL, where they try to get witnesses, potential plaintiffs, or “whoever” bound and SHUT UP.
Offer ’em the moon, dupe ’em hard, and then LOCK ‘EM IN.
Or the most INSIDIOUS of all…
They don’t just do this. They do it all the time. They spot a sucker, and they TAKE ‘EM.
It’s horribly cut-throat out there. Worse than what the FAKE NEWS allows us to know.


Hell. Once you own the rights to something it need never see the light of day. Same for pharma, tech. Buy out the inovators


Well – they have no problem with catching and killing newborns and unborn infants.
Some of the left have no problem with child trafficking, and much much worse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the left has no problem with some really horrid things, and once they defend THOSE THINGS, smaller FRAUDS and TRICKS like “catch and kill” seem almost civilized.
The best example of catch-and-kill that I’ve ever seen was the take-down of the very first Benghazi book by Hillary and her friends in FBI and publishing. THAT was evil genius.
They needed a really SMART, SMOOTH plan to take it down, and they had one.
Get the deal. Print the book. Deliver a FEW. And on almost that very day it went out, use the FBI, media and publishing industry execs to throw shade on the book with SHOCKED – SHOCKED tones, and KILL THE BOOK.
They recalled it immediately, but I got an order in that SHIPPED.
The poor bloke never had a chance. Hillary OWNS the publishing industry.


A great story once again, Daughn! A patriot and song writer here’s a song she did: Our Nation Under GOD


That is such a great story, Daughn!!! I love how half a well-packed van became an entire room of your B&B for the next several months. I’ve done packing like that, myself.


Fireworks can be fun, but they can also be dangerous if parents allow their children access to them. Not to be a killjoy, but this father I’m sure now realizes the big mistake he made.


Fireworks are something that I dread as the sound disturbs my noise sensitive border collie so much. I have a Thunder shirt for him. That is a struggle to get on him as I am in a WC with limited mobility. My dog just has a melt down over noise. If we are outdoors and he hears something he despises, then we have to beat a hasty retreat inside. That would be most noises (idiots shooting, or train horns, military jets, loud music, Thunder).
Did you happen to see the report on dogs who died eating the leftover residue of a sparkler?
Noise has made my border collie grey around his muzzle. He is not very old, but he looks old due to the stress over street noise. I have made the interior of my home as anti noise as possible with white noise generators that block out train horns (but not thunder, or rain hitting my metal roof). My veterinarian likes for me to give my border collie Bach Flower Rescue Remedy.


We give our dogs Hemp CBD – Mushroom – Chicken chewables my wife gets at the local natural pets store.
They seem to work quite well. We still bring our dogs in the house once the fireworks begin every day and only let them out for bathroom breaks.