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Love those memes fg&c. She’s a mattress actress. (Polite way of saying whore)
Great example to young girls everywhere…NOT


She has no children. Has not been humbled yet. Didn’t get married until age 49?
Younger sister on board of the Ford Foundation.
I have nothing in common with this woman.


Wait! What? Is there reason to suspect that you have anything in common with “Heels-Up” Harriss?!?!?!?
If it has anything to do with your complexion, it’s obvious that nobody here could GAS. If it doesn’t, it leaves us grasping at flimsier straws to try and find something. You’re both female……that’s something.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. She has no children.
Another reason the deep state likes her…


Theres much much more on her and her connections in CA. Shes conniving in a way thats craftier than obummer.


Wow, and Harris hates American college grads – but loves Indian college grads.


From the article above
Already, companies employ roughly 1 million foreign contract-workers via the H-1B program.
That hidden subsidy to U.S. business means at least 1 million college-graduate jobs are closed to American graduates. It also means that most Americans graduates are earning lower salaries because companies do not have to compete for their skills. Instead, Americans graduates have to compete hard for jobs that pay more than the wages earned by baristas, waiters, and temps.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MORE Boeing software disasters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BRUTAL but DESERVED. This woman Kamala Harris is an opportunistic POS who was rebuked by her own father for dissing Jamaicans as slackers and dopers.comment image


Trudeau in the White trunks Potus in the black


Or any dem candidate in the white trunks




Charlie Kirk gives an accurate assessment of Kamaltoe Harris:

Concerned Virginian

“Our security and our values are at stake.”
OK, let’s take a look what YOU think are “our values”—
Your committing adultery with a married man?
Your accepting the jobs your lover secured for you?
Your pushing for NO borders, FLOODING the United States with illegal aliens?
Your pushing the LIE that you are African-American?


Whatever any of you might feel about how awful she is……..she’s currently my Senator. Elected by idiots and voter fraud. I’m doing something about it — moving to North Carolina — but I’m very much embarrassed every time she hits the media.


Congrats on the decision to get out of komifornia.
The moment you actually leave komifornia, the stench of komifornia linkage dissipates.
Amazingly refreshing…100% straight talk. EVERY DAY, you’ll feel good about it.
America awaits you arrival;-)


This goes back to the time when she was the San Francisco District Attorney, but she’s now a candidate for president. Voters should know.
Kamala Harris Covered Up For San Francisco Archdiocese Sex Abuse


That’s the Democrat way – Hillrotten covered up for abuse/exploitation of all sorts – child and adult abuse – by State Department employees.
Dems love their ped0s and child traffickers.


It’s leverage to put in the bank


No wonder – she is for illegals – she will never get the black vote!
Freedom Rider: Kamala Harris Destroyed Black Lives
Margaret Kimberley, BAR editor and senior columnist 16 Jan 2019

Sadie Slays

I will never vote for a California politician ever in my life. I don’t care what party they are.


Devin Nunes seems ok to me


Definitely the exception to the California rule. He needs to watch his six


You know we have dimms, cucks, rinos, and some ok peeps. But seriously out of whack. Everybody is on the raise taxes train, even conservative socal. The most conservative areas seem to be central east. Shrinking but hopefully a bunch of peopke on the DL for 2020.
Some dingbat at a craft store had impeach written across their suv back window today. I got to explain crazy to kiddo.


Crazy is really hard to explain. Even to adults. No rules apply. Some are harmless, some only dangerous to themselves. Some dangerous to other people and then you get the ones who change between the above (especially if they are off their meds)


What is Kamala Harris’ real biological ethnic background?
“Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, to a Tamil Indian mother and a Jamaican father. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, was a breast cancer scientist who immigrated to the United States from Madras (present-day Chennai) in 1960.[3][4] Her father, Donald Harris, is a Stanford University economics professor who emigrated from Jamaica in 1961 for graduate study in economics at University of California, Berkeley.[5][6] Recalling the lives of his grandmothers, Donald Harris wrote that one was related to a plantation and slave owner while the other had unknown ancestry.[7] In a 2019 interview, Kamala Harris said, “‘I am black and I am proud of it.'”[8]”
If there was any African blood, it’s way back and NOT documented.
She can claim to be a ‘person of color’ and that’s far more credible than Fauxcahontas Warren’s claim to be Native American.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Most Jamaicans are black, undoubtedly descended from Africans brought in as plantation workers.


Are Jamaicans Africans?
Let’s break down the details!
Jamaica was first inhabited by a group of people called the Arawaks (pronounced A-ra-waks) or Tainos (pronounced Ta-i-nose) who were mild natured people who lived off the land and loved nature.
So in love were they with the island and its natural splendor and beauty that they named it Xaymaca (pronounced Ex-ai-ma-ca) which means “land of wood and water”. They were originally from South America but bore the physical features of Africans with flat foreheads, dark skins and broad nostrils.
Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ the island of Jamaica, moved on to other conquests and then the English invaded the island.
With this invasion came ill treatment, abuse of the Arawaks and infectious diseases which, due to their gentile way of living, led to them dying out by the dozens until the last of their race was gone.
The English quickly saw the fertility of the island and this gave way to a very active sugar plantation opportunity.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


My post got lost – the one in response to Steve’s assertion most Jamaicans are black – HELP!


That’s twice – this time – I just posted the link – and it disappeared?


Kamala Harris is smart, shrewd, cunning and ambitious.
She sounds just like her sister in corruption – Hillrotten Clinton – who is probably feeding her talking points and strategy. If elected, you can bet she’d be a Hillrotten puppet.


The Kochs will support her for their love of US Chamber of Commerce and all things amnesty and H1B.
The Dem Establishment will love her because they want their deep state back.
The media will love her because “orange man bad”.
The only thing to stop her is the people.


She has that Eau d’Hillrotten about her.


heels up harris will continue to have “handlers” where ever she goes;-) (puns intended)


Prime candidate for Hands on Biden?


Ugh …. VP candidate


That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking.


Heels up does favor older guys.



Exfiltration of Wealth

Her own father and family have distanced themselves from her faux blackness. That tells me everything I need to know about this prevaricating piece of scat. NEXT!!


I wonder if either of her parents were citizens at her birth.


Kamala Harris is not eligible to serve as president. She is not a “natural born” citizen. Neither of her parents were American. Who cares, right?


He citizenship is the same as that of an anchor baby. Birthright.


Her, not he. 🙄


You confused her with mike for a moment? Now wouldn’t that be a pairing. Big mike and heels up? Lol


Seems to be, Ginger – a lot like someone else who quickly sealed his records so no one would know – imho


Yes, and that’s the reason he has gone after President Trump with such a vengeance. He knows that Trump knows about his birth records and everything else. But back to Harris, are the laws just out the window? She literally has the same citizenship as an anchor baby.


It will be the same confrontation as we had with Zero – she will lie her way out of it – without proof – or just discard it as nonsense – remember – she is a lawyer – she knows all of the tricks – look what she did to Biden – she lied – she was’t even born when that alleged incidence occurred – and yet – people believe it – Biden cowered – and her numbers went up – just like Zero – she has no problem with lying…


What. An be sealed by EO. Can be unsealed by EO. But there has to be a credible reason. so it’s not just spite.


This is not so in America. We do not have dirt citizenship. We have heritage citizenship or naturalized citizenship.


How Kamala Harris got her start in politics….an illicit affair with the male version of Maxine Waters.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

If you want to understand why Kalifornistan is the decrepit, evil cesspool it is, look no further than WilliBrown™ and his cronies; better yet, at the three Browns: Edmund G. “Pat” Brown, Jerry Brown, and WilliBrown™.
The latter two destroyed Oakland and San Francisco (dis)respectively, Brown Sr., along with William Knowland and Earl Warren, jerked California far to the left, with Brown Sr. serving the needs and whims of the Angelenos (SoCal) above the rest of the state. Warren single-handedly destroyed the US Supreme Court, after fouling up California (as governor)…


Maxine and Pelosi too!


And a couple more evil bitches…ChiDiFi and Boxster…


Those are the best Kamala Harris memes ever! Hope they all go supersonic viral. 🙂


Did you all see this yesterday on Breitbart – https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2019/06/30/willie-brown-still-no-democrats-can-beat-trump-including-kamala-harris/?
It’s really pretty funny – and a rare moment of honesty from a democrat!


He’s just pissed because she ain’t putting out for him no more