Carpe Dunkum and his family are in DC already, along with thousands of other patriots, to celebrate the Nation’s Birthday. Patriots, as far as the eye can see.
Of course, the media is having a meltdown because, somehow, if President Trump likes July 4th, they are against it. Weird and lonely people. Not the kind of people to invite to a BBQ.
Anyway, the celebration will be broadcast on the following links.
RSBN goes live to DC at 10:00am eastern time: RSBN LINK
OANN is going to broadcast: I think this is the link. OANN Master link
FOX 10 link will go live at 5:00pm Eastern time: FOX 10 Link at 5:00pm Eastern
White House Coverage for this evening.
6:00 PM EDT — 9:00 PM EDT
Salute to America
Washington, DC
Many thanks to Steve in CO for publishing the Declaration of Indepence and making great points – it’s time for all of us to be better citizens. Also, thank you to many who contributed to the recipe thread. We should be stuffed by the end of the day!
Wishing all Treepers a lovely day, hopefully with family and dear friends.

God Bless America!
Caroline, head of a Women for Trump group in Florida, stands on the top of a rented RV. She and her girlfriends took a road trip to the President’s rally in Panama City, Florida.
Make sure you put your flag out today!!!!!!!!!!!

Daughn, Appreciate the article, thread, links… This will be fun!
YAY – can’t wait!
I just want to wish all the Treepers a happy Independence Day. Listening to it on Right Side and it is so much fun. Love you all.
Hi Singular Zoe! Happy Independence Day to you too!!! Come back soon!
Thank you, FL/ga. Working on posting a bit more. I know you’ll hold down the fort. Lol.
ZOE! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(lots of exclamation Points) Happy 4th Patriot!! Great to see you!!!
Here’s another reason to celebrate – a swamp creature has shed his fake skin.
MADA – Make Amash Democrat Again
Can we do Mitt Romney next, please?
Too much to ask?
I’d say move THAT boy to the front of the line!!!
Hell with that – move him right out to the end of the plank. And then tell him he’s so wonderful he can fly.
Meh, I want to see the walk, too, so start him out on the end attached to the ship.
Oh, and let’s make sure there are sharks in the water.
The VSG just called him a “total loser”! OMG – perfect!
Hes down at least 20 points to his primary challenger. This is the only way he hopes he can win reelection cause he cant run in his district as a dem yet.
He IS a total corrupt loser.
And he is a Fakestinian infiltrator as well!
Like Jeff Flake…he saw that he wasn’t going to be re-elected so he took his ball, kicked the dog and left the playground. Too bad!
pgroup – I am Shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
Happy Independence Day everybody!! Mrs RedLeg & I are down in gulf shores nosing around for a possible downsize opportunity/home. Hope to be back in the ATL in time for the broadcasts.
Have fun!
Sad face, I love Gulf Shores. Folks kept a place there for years. Have fun!!!!!!!!!
Is there any nice place in the US that you HAVEN’T had a house?
Lot of family……
WP needs a beating!
Down size inside, but upgrade the outside. Sounds ok to me.
Hi there red leg fam!!! Be down that way in August!!! ENJOY!!! and Happy 4th!!!!
thanks for the thread Daughn……………
and all the great info.
Happy 4th Phoenix!!!! You one of the Best Patriots!
The soldiers who guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery are known as the Old Guard, they also have a Fife and Drum Corps. … so the fife and drums in the celebration today may very well be them … good music and the fife and drum units were used tactically on the battlefield to relay troop movement during battle …

Thanks for posting, daughn…and Happy 4th to everybody here & to Mr Wolf

Happy Birthday USA ! <3

God Bless America
Happy 4th sweet Patriot!! Love ya!!!
Red White & Blue Smackin’ Smooches right back at ya, Sweet Home A’Marica!

WOW Lady P!!!! Happy 4th!!! Thanks for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait to see General Flynn vindicated! Way back when he was showing how patriotic he was.
Lady P…I don’t know if it’s just the positive side of me or what…but Seeing Flynn vindicated will be MOAR satisfying than #LockingHerUP!
Daughn you are a Darling opening this thread.
“Let Freedom Ring.”
Happy 4 of July to everyone !
The Flag is flying stars are on the table and here will be BBQ if the weather holds.
I pray that all people have a happy day and a safe day celebrating.
God Bless America !!!!!
Have a wonderful day, Singing Soul, from our house to yours! Luv ya!
Every week in every single school of my childhood over many states (Dad was in Army), we had a chapel service, where the whole school gathered in the auditorium to sing hymns and patriotic songs, pray and get an inspirational talk from a teacher, preacher or the principal would talk about discipline, fairness, etc.
We actually had a gun range at our junior high school. I couldn’t wait to get to 6th grade!
Hah! Super training, discipline. All the boys in my high school who had trucks had gun racks complete with guns. Nobody shot anyone!
I graduated in ’62 before drugs, unwed mothers and all the bad stuff.
I graduated in ’80, still gun racks. Unwed and pregnant was shunned. Did not happen. That’s why daddies kept the guns.
To this day when I hear about someone having a daughter I ask about their shotgun situation. Never too early to be prepared.
My Country Tis of Thee – set to the tune of God Save the King – was the Founding Fathers and freedom seeking American colonists’ poking fingers in the eye of the imperious and abusive King George.
Especially the last line – which proclaims our King is God, not King George.
“My country tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died!
Land of the Pilgrim’s pride!
From every mountain side,
Let freedom ring!
My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love.
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture fills
Like that above.
Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom’s song.
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.
Our father’s God to, Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King!”
As the proud wife of a US Marine, no one does it better…Oorah!!
I’ll wager he’s a proud husband, too.
Best wishes to you all for a wonderful Fourth of July.
Had to take the truck to the store to buy more beer and steaks.
Funny that.
Store in Philadelphia which sells the Betsy Ross flag usually sells about 30 per day.
They sold over a thousand yesterday. Had to reorder – from an American manufacturer!
God bless the USA!!
Bought mine yesterday. Will be adding to the rotation in front of the house. Primary flags are US flag and Trump 2020. Gadsden flag flies today.
So does that make Nike a patriotic organization that helps American commerce? Asking for a friend.
I’ve got my Bennington ’76 Flag flying today.
Betsy Ross flying here.
I’d fly a Gadsden too, but it’s dangerously close to becoming tatters.
What in the living HE$$$ is Jeb Bush thinking?
Sounds like a threat to me.
Weird. I’d say he’s firing from cover.
Bushies are an utter disappointment since my eyes opened to their corruption and Un-American ways. Wish they’d fade away, faster.
… they’re seriously creepy …. many people died because of them …. creepy …

Thats wishful thinking. Will all the things that happened the past few days to put this out there is more than a little bizarre and sick.
I wonder how many failed candidates for POTUS died on July 4. Coincidence? Please clap.
“Stay out the bushes.”
Bravo, PG!!!
Sounds like the Secret Service picked up Jeb for questioning and to keep him from doing anything rash. He’s just another sore loser – like Hillrotten.
Jeb sounds like he has lost all sense of reality. Psycho now.
But it was his turn!!!
The Mexicans celebrate a numbered day (Sink O de Mayo).
Let’s use INDEPENDENCE DAY instead of “July 4th” so that we set OUR holiday apart … even in the language we use to describe it!
Just a thought….
and ….
Y’all stay safe and have fun today!
I’m going with “AND” LOGIC!

Happy Independence Day on this Fourth of July!
Happy Independence Day to you Mandy……………
And to you as well, PR!
Heading out to #1 son’s home to celebrate. It’s in the 90s here. Had AC issue this a.m. DH found that the connection to the thermostat had pulled loose. Bless the angels and saints who directed him to the problem. Mentioning that in case anyone else has issues. So check that first. Don’t want any fellow Quepers to melt today.
Have to mention, just because I am corny. Was the ship that sunk loaded with mayonnaise?
An excellent point.
Besides which an argument can be made that we should celebrate it on the second, not the fourth!! Congress voted to sever ties with Great Britain on that date. The fourth is when the formal wording was published.
So call it Independence Day and it’s covered.
A friend of mine suggested Declaration Day. Unfortunately, I think the NCAA basketball schools may have claimed that one.
I will never understand basketball as a spectator sport (it is excellent exercise).
I don’t understand it period.
It’s exercise.
So is shopping, but a lot of people don’t know how to do that, either.
(Okay, I’m REALLY good at the clearance rack thing.)
Okay, I am happy now, all settled in, rented Independence Day.
Damn Skippy, President Trump would have killed some aliens!
Nonononoooo, we will NOT go quietly into the night.
Fan-heads. Every bit as annoying as pencil-necks.
I love this movie, Wolfie. Allow me one guilty pleasure.
I love it, too!
A great deal of fun…if you can just forget how stupid the computer virus thing is.
I think I’m overdue for The Patriot, myself.
Another of my very favorites!
… or opinionated snarky blog admins.
We’re getting a SPACE FORCE!!!
FLOTUS looks so beautiful in yellow! That’s not an easy color to wear – sorry, off topic!
U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps
Thank you for this.
The Old Guard, by the way, gets to deploy too–these people know what it’s like to put on camo and be in some shithole.
I hope everyone makes it special today!
The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Team
Another excellent selection!
Well worth watching. Full screen. Volume on.
Incredible. Precision. Timing. Confidence. Riveting.
No one, does it better than the Corps!
Guessing this was at the US Marine Corps Museum, Quantico, VA.
RSBN is up and running…for the PARADE!
Thanks, PR – my YouTube feed keeps stopping…
you’re welcome Duchess……………….
Maybe you could watch on your smartphone?
Or IPad,p – Thanks! Just found a feed from CFP – that has videos from various locations – they are YouTubes – no problem with them – but, most of them are winding down – now
Wishing each of you true blue patriots (and your’s) the happiest and best July 4th Independence Day celebration you’ve ever had.

God bless our Republic and our incredible President!!

Same to you FG&C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not Independence Day-related but a nice meme, regardless:
Anybody getting hungry yet for BBQ?
Thank you President Trump for making Peace in Korea a real possibility and not just a dream!
Well, in the South, that is not BBQ… you don’t add the sauce AFTER it’s cooked…
Carolina BBQ is REAL BBQ… sauce cooked in….
Texas BBQ is a joke……………. brisket, dry, with added sauce… ? Same with BBQ served in FL… (yuck!)
LOL Texas BBQ is all about BEEF. But if you don’t like that’s ok. More for me NOM NOM NOM mmmm BRISKET…
I hope to Heaven you do it low and slow. That’s a tough piece of meat for a grill.
Actually for Brisket I love “Dad’s Best Brisket”. My mother cut the recipe out from the newspaper years ago and it’s been shared around a lot. Easy to find online:
(That particular version says “Cattleman’s”, I usually just stick with an “original” style sauce that pairs well with beef. I wouldn’t use a KC style or honey based on it which are much better with pork or chicken. Beef doesn’t usually do well with sweet flavors.)
The main trick with this one is it’s oven baked not smoked. But it comes out with a great smoky flavor.
Great to serve sliced or on sandwiches. I like jumbo buns with sesame seeds, usually eat the leftovers for lunch for the next few days. For sides I like mustard potato salad, BBQ beans (Bush’s Steakhouse beans are good in a pinch), fried okra – all good choices.
michaelh ,
..copied and saved on your recommendation
Happy Independence day ..enjoy it !
OK I just reposted on the Annual July 4th Recipe Thread for to share:
We do German potato salad, although not today. Mom will probably make it for a big to do tomorrow at a friend’s house. The guy is a defense lawyer and he invites EVERYONE to his 4th shindig. EVERYONE. Even the waitresses at his favorite watering hole in the wall.
I beg your pardon…..”Texas BBQ is a joke”??
On the 4th?!?
You are so much better than that PR. I’m honestly disappointed. You are entitled to your opinion, of course, but dang. Given your comment, there seems little doubt how you would feel if someone spouted off with something similar about Carolina BBQ. This Texan sure would like to respond, but it’s the 4th.
Hope you have a good one!
On this one, I stand full-on with you, FG&C – Texas BBQ beef all the way. That NC sour crap is just nasty!
We’re talking about BBQ, not PEOPLE………….

Sorry if you’re offended, but I’ve had all of the above, and in South Carolina and most of the deep south, sauce is applied to the meat while cooking…
Again, my opinion, but as Texans say, everything is better in Texas, right? I’ll stay in my lane from now on.
No, PR – Everything in TEXAS is BIGGER! Better is a personal preference – imho
LOL just have to be careful – telling any regional native that their style of BBQ isn’t good is fightin’ words
You might have well told them “your momma wears combat boots, and your daddy’s BBQ tastes like leather”…
Really the only way to settle a BBQ war is to have a BBQ cook-off – may the best grillmaster win!
(And since I’m only in it for the food, I’m a winner either way!)
Texas people are definitely sold on their own way of doing things.
Memphis BBQ is the best!
Let the BBQ wars begin!
Time for a cook off.
Uh, was not impressed with Memphis BBQ. Don’t like KC, either. But, then, I am from the grilling capitol of the Midwest. It’s so blasted hot here in the summer nobody wants to turn on the oven which is why I have the brats in it this evening. DOH! Actually, we’re having pop up t-storms, and don’t want to light the grill.
Pfftttt….. you, never been to my house!
It’s raining here too.
At least it’s safe to launch fireworks later.
No grass fires!
The neighborhood pyrotechnics have already started. The “big ones” are under the Arch this year. We’ll hear them about 30 seconds after they blow.
Every po-dunk town has a great little BBQ place hidden where the locals know to go.
That could cause a DUEL!
Wow! Thank you, michaelh! That video is very educational, IMO, and should be shared widely. VERY interesting – I highly recommend it!
For those who prefer PORK – we got you covered!!!!
Gonna need a bigger grille/smoker ..YUGE Trump BBQ sized model .
A forklift will probably come in handy too LoL
Happy Independence day to you and yours ! .
but will have to hire a crew to
You could make a heap of footballs or a set of luggage with that big’un!
FRESH Beef for BBQ – DELIVERED to your neighborhood!!!!
STL style for pork (manicured STL cut ribs & pork steaks which is sliced butt) begins the day before with the marinade. Then, you cook ’em low and slow over, well, any kind of fire. We have an in ground gas grill, but others use charcoal and/or hard wood. The wash while the meat is on the fire is water and apple cider vinegar to draw out the fat. Sauce added at the end. Local, of course. Pappy’s, Maull’s, Sugarfire, and any one of the hundred local sauces in the sauce aisle at the store.
Or you can do Brats. A local grocery store makes REALLY good ones in the store.
She’s a Grand Old Flag!
Kapernick did us a great service…
He single-handedly made the Betsy Ross flag GREAT AGAIN!!!
Colon Krapernick……what scum!!!
And that brought out the fact that she was an abolishenist. (however you spell that.)
Thanks so much Daughn & Patriots across our great nation.
I just had an epiphany – I am so sick of our phony hyphenated identities, the latest being Muslim-American (WTF?).
I’ve decided to become All-American Alison
— here, twitter, GAB, Parler (as soon as I remember all my passwords!)
Even IRL I am going to identify/introduce myself as All-American Alison!
Check their basements.

please take All-American Alison out of moderation (did I mistype my e-addy?) It’s me, the real Alison.
Did you notice that a lot of different ethnic American groups are marching in the parade? The Sikhs, Chinese Americans, Vietnamese Americans, etc. It occurs to me that the stations refusing coverage don’t want their viewers to see that there really is UNITY in patriotic immigrant Americans. Broadcasting this celebration depicting America as a melting pot of patriotism totally refutes the hate they’ve been selling.
If you are here to be an American, it doesn’t matter where you came from or your skin color.
If you aren’t, I don’t care if you’re white with blond hair and blue eyes. You’re scum.
It’s what’s inside that counts. A lot of today’s leftists could do with a reread of certain key phrases of Martin Luther King’s famous speech.
Totally agree. The leftists hate what America represents and anyone who expresses nationalism and patriotism.
Women’s march, good.
July 4th march, BAD.
Check, got it. For liberals, every day is upside down day.
Wait, what kind of women? REAL women, or the pretenders?
Feminine or feminist?
Crap, I need to do my nails.
Scattered T-showers in forecast for Washington D.C. this afternoon. They say the rain won’t stop the fireworks, but the wind could be a problem. Here’s hoping it all goes off as planned.
When have you know the weather NOT to cooperate with President Trump, andy?
He has a Direct God Weather Channel!
Dems are liars. They aren’t against parades, just patriotic American ones. They would be in 100% support of this….
I love the small section for the crowd, standing in rows, surrounded by tall concrete walls, with a contingent of soldiers keeping everyone in place. Tells you what you need to know.
“Someone’s lost in yesterday….hazy dreams of …. communists….and Lenin…..”
Seeing all these great patriotic pictures Is so amazing.
Democrats are supposedly against it due to cost, but what about all the money they wasting and spending. Wonder how much McCain’s fiasco cost.
Thank you Trump for bring back Americanism
All videos on this page are LIVE streaming from different locations on the parade route…
Thinking about Nike, Kraepernick, Antifa, and all the DEMONcRATs who are in a permanent state of hate, in contrast that Marines tweet above has a great comment which should give everyone pause.
GOD Bless our military, past, present, and future, and first responders and LEOs everywhere, who put their lives on the line so we can live our lives in peace and safety, And a very HAPPY Fourth of July, Independence Day to everyone here and your families!
If the left only had a clue… (pic I mentioned above)
Great reply on that thread.
Tim Cook had his parade last weekend.
Happy 4th of July Everyone
Daughn……couldn’t help but think of you!
Heard it was a Carolina BBQ

(dodges flying briquets, wire brushes, and empty marinade bottles
Heh! I can just imagine.
Awwwwwwww, what a waste!!!!!!!
National Anthem performances through the years:
My favorite will always be – the combined US military academies choirs:
For kids, these have been out for awhile
OK I have to reshare this piece of utter epic greatness – thanks PR
Did you see all the “likes” at the bottom of the video? Hilarious!
Half way through playing it, Twitter put up a warning for me that this video violates terms of service?!?
I had the same negative reaction yesterday–apparently that’s a part of the video.
I should have said “alarmed” rather than “negative” which could mean a lot of other things unintended.
That’s in the original video, a spoof. Right after it comes back he does the “liberals crying” gag!
Ali’s a great guy… he and CJ Pearson are huge buds… anything either of them posts I find interesting.
As for reposting stuff, this forum moves so quickly lots of good posts get missed. Very few have the time to read everything. My motto is repost away
We have had some weird politicians, but none that kept speaking about totally destroying America.
Rashida Tlaib is not someone who should have taken an oath of office for an American federal office.
Clap her in irons.
Make this day a truly great one.
She makes the wrong complaint.
The words were AHEAD of their time; it took us decades to truly begin to live up to them for ALL people.
She is the devil in disguise.
you are probably more right than me …
She is such a hypocrite – HER people the Islamists were the slavers then and still at it today!!!
Yet another of those politically incorrect/factually correct FACTS the Left MUST ignore if they are to paint whites, and whites only, as the sole source of evil in today’s world.
Still can’t believe that someone like her was elected
Zero moved illegals and refugees in groups into areas across the country where they wanted to increase DIMM vote. Then, there’s gerrymandering.
Michigan’s 13th congressional district is a United States congressional district in Wayne County, Michigan. It is currently represented by Democrat Rashida Tlaib . The district includes portions of Detroit and some of its suburbs and was the only congressional district in Michigan to be contained within a single county in the 2012 redistricting. ~ wiki
The previous incumbent was John Conyers, Jr. (D), who was first elected in 1964. On December 5, 2017, Conyers resigned from office after facing allegations of sexual misconduct.[1]
On August 7, former state Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D) won the regularly-scheduled Democratic primary to compete in the November 6, 2018, election to replace Conyers for the 2019-2020 term in Congress. No Republican filed to run in the general election.
A separate special election was held to fill the remainder of Conyers’ 2017-2018 term on November 6, 2018. Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones won the Democratic primary on August 7.
The special election and the regularly scheduled election were held concurrently, and the some candidates, including Tlaib and Jones, ran in both races.[2] Click here to read more about the special election.
Michigan’s 13th Congressional District was one of 39 U.S. House districts where a Republican did not run in 2018.
The 2018 Cook Partisan Voter Index for this district was D+32, meaning that in the previous two presidential elections, this district’s results were 32 percentage points more Democratic than the national average. This made Michigan’s 13th Congressional District the 21st-most Democratic nationally.[5]
cruising to victory with 83.25% of the vote and emerging with a mandate to fight for all of the residents and working families of Michigan’s 13th district. ballotpedia
State executives
As of September 2018, Republicans held eight of 16 state executive positions, Democrats held four, and the remaining four positions were officially nonpartisan.
The governor of Michigan was Republican Rick Snyder. The state held an election for governor and lieutenant governor on November 6, 2018.
State legislature
Republicans controlled both chambers of the Michigan State Legislature. They had a 63-46 majority in the state House and a 27-10 majority in the state Senate.
Trifecta status
Michigan was a Republican trifecta, meaning that the Republican Party controlled the state government. Rick Snyder (R) served as governor, while Republicans controlled the state legislature.
GOPe gave the seat away… imho…
Obama did so much damage in his 8 years that it is going to take a long time to fix. If the liberals get control in 2020 there will be no America.
We all need make sure that we don’t elect anymore RINOs.
Most people would vote for Satan if he appeared on their own party’s byline, rather than elect that Other Party’s candidate.
People don’t so much love their own party–as hate the other one. Which is a fact used by RINOs for decades.
That is what worries me about 2020. For that goes for both parties…We all have to be careful of the RINOs that might run for office.
Deport the -itch ….
daugh – do you have links to ‘news’ coverage for the President’s Speech – if not, I do – and can post if you like
Daughn provided RSBN, OAN, Fox 10 and White House links beginning of this thread….
Thanks, bren!
All up top of the link.
Sorry, daugh – the heat has gone to the brain – sticking my head in the fridge – I am
Just don’t mistake the oven for the fridge!
Okey Dokey, Steve!
Who ever these people are hat burn the flag maybe need to move into another country since they do not believe this country is great?
I am astonished how low IQ people they are what low maybe 70?
On the other hand I have got to know people with not much education who were respectful of the flag and other human fellow. Who are these people and who are their parents who raised the brutish lot ?
I know what it is to many people today have no class. Class is taught and somehow they missed it. Maybe drugs ??????
Small consolation but you can bet that all these jackasses are being filmed without their masks…autists keeping identifying traits in case they can be used if/when they show up at another function doing mayhem.
I’m thrilled, overall. Less than a dozen a$$holes in the whole mix. They have to find a camera crew then stage their outrage. Losers.
Looking at the above video again I realize these sad people hate themselves they hat that they are Americans. Maybe people should help them to live in a country they would like better? Send them to Russia they can be thugs there but they never last. China would be a good place also since we are not good enough?
Poor sods hate themselves they hate their parents grandparents.
“…maybe need to move into another country since they do not believe this country is great?”
I understand the free speech issues surrounding flag burning, but I agree with you about “love it or leave it.” I see no reason to burn the flag except to denigrate our country.
Our founding fathers set forth in the Declaration of Independence their reasons for separating from Britain and forming a new nation. If things ever really got that bad again, separation might be the only option. But in my opinion, the current American flag and all previous versions of it represent the IDEA that is America, and there is no excuse for burning the symbol of that idea, because it is the greatest form of government in the history of the world The flag also represents an IDEAL, so, IMO, anyone who burns it is anti-American. The idea and ideals of America are lasting and pure. It is people who destroy them. If things ever got that bad, it would not be because America failed; it would be because people failed America. Burning the flag is burning what America stands for, and we don’t need people like that here.
Is Flag Burning Illegal?
Currently, flag burning is not illegal in the United States. The Supreme Court of the United States in its decision from 1969 has ruled that the burning of the flag is protected by the First Amendment. However, the person who burnt the flag can be found guilty of a misdemeanor for starting a fire without a permit.
Interesting that the burning of the flag has been against the law until 1969. The first U.S. Supreme Court ruling on flag desecration was passed in 1907 in Halter vs. Nebraska case. Most early flag desecration statutes prohibited burning a flag or any other ways of disrespecting the flag. Later, in 1968, Congress responded to the burning of the American flag in the Central Park as the protest against the Vietnam War by passing the Federal Flag Desecration Law. This law prohibited any display of “contempt” directed against the flag. Thus, burning of the American flag had been illegal until 1969 when the Supreme Court ruled the decision to award the First Amendment protection to the burning of the flag.
Do you think these kids had a permit?
don’t know about the permit but it looked like that flag must’ve been soaked in something flammable ? That’s dangerous to anyone when the light it and toss it…
Agree – ignited quickly – they backed away quickly, also – how this can be acceptable under the First Amendment still bothers me – and the fact that it is a symbol of our nation for whom many died.
Rut roh.
What are the consequences throwing a burning flag at the secret service?
Non of course that is why they keep doing this stuff.
Uh, Oh – is he okay?
Pres and FLOTUS just got into the car.

Good let them rot for a while until they come to their senses.
What the guy did was dangerous to all standing around when he lid the flag.
My “like” applies to the second picture only. (Just in case that wasn’t obvious.)
President and First Lady on the way to the Lincoln Memorial!
That’s the one I am watching.
All links ARE above in the main post if you cannot get one to work.
should I switch to that feed? Right Side Broadcasting is having audio issues….
Oh that is a nice view!
I am watching on a stream here in Switzerland!! Just donated to Right Side Broadcasting too on their Patron page…..I’m a member….:)
Watching RSBN, and God Bless these young on-air folks. They will get better and better.
I am feeling a pang of sadness that not all Americans can appreciate this celebration.
As Americans, we have been given such a wonderful gift.
So many have no knowledge whatsoever of history, nor of the dozens of historical issues so brilliantly and uniquely understood and addressed by the Founders.
The Founders understood human nature and Creation.
Only Jesus Christ could address sin effectively. No government can. Because government requires coercion to work, and offers untold benefits to the unscrupulous who can disguise their intentions literally with the cover of law, government, like humanity, is innately flawed.
I really am feeling a sadness that so many are so willing to throw away this wonderful gift we have been given. And the very flaws of human nature, the flaws addressed by the Founders, is the reason people do not appreciate what we have.
Wow what a motorcade!
Where are you seeing the motorcade?
WH feed – I am bouncing around.
Cspan also has it on
Wow, look at the snipers on top on the Lincoln Memorial.
Anyone else notice that 2nd Lady Karen Pence has buffed up a bit – noticed it a couple of months ago – VP Pence has a hottie for a wife.
She’s looking really lovely!
She’s lost weight, and let her hair grow out. I did notice that.
Lost some weight and has an updated hair style and look….very nice. I like how she is very much a part of the VP duties. Did you see her in her work clothes and sturdy boots while working in Yellowstone National?
Yes. She has taken to her job/role very nicely. I happen to like VP Pence and his wife, and I believe POTUS made an excellent choice in Mike Pence.
I love the USA, and all it has to offer…..unabashedly. So much pride. ( I see it here in Switzerland…..I was just informed that for my next renewal of my residence permit that I had to have official testing/certification of the language of my area (French in this case, and I’m happy and understanding to oblige) in hand to qualify for the next round. (the law JUST came into effect Jan 1 2019)…..interesting no?
very interesting!
Right… i turned to my husband and said, GEE WHY CAN’T the USA do that???? (knowing FULL WELL WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY)….
(again, isn’t there an adage that Switzerland is the bank of Europe, or something like that???)
Louie Gohmert!!!!!!!!!
WHITE HOUSE YOUTUBE CHANNEL – in case your live stream starts acting up or the commentators get snarky.
On your feet – presentation of colors!
Oh so great!
Crowd is sining the National Anthem!
Absolutely stunning rendition of the Anthem!
Melania is gorgeous!
Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come together as one nation
I’m seeing a LOT of “colored” skin in the crowd. We are a melting pot. Glad we are all together today.
Not a very lively bunch?? Claps are very lightweight. Guess I’m used to MAGA rallys.
As I post that, then they get busy, LOL!
CSpan in behind the bullet proof glass
Crowd is freaking rowdy!
History lesson today – conquer or die.
Toppled the statue of King George and melted it into bullets.
King George would soon learn of America. We love our freedom and no one will ever take it away
HuGE cheers of USA, USA, USA
America is an exceptional country.
Government of, by, and for the people!
Lewis and Clark.
Abraham Lincoln
Of, by, and for the people
Edison, Bell, Wright Brothers
For Americans, nothing is impossible
For Americans, nothing is impossible!
Hi, Twin!!!!

“To Americans, nothing is impossible.”
Apollo 11 landed on moon – mission director is there.
We’re gonna plant a flag on Mars. It’s happening.
We going to Mars.
Music of America – movies – auto – lights
Doctor who stopped most childhood leukemia
Americans always take care of each other.
Sister Byrne – 9/11 story
medical clinic
wonderful woman
Gold Star Families
Amendment for Women to vote.
Women have right to vote!!!

The networks not covering this event, and the President’s speech look small and petty.
It’s time to have them declared as part of the Democrat Party machinery – and charge them for payments-in-kind. The blatant shutting out of a GOP President tells us all we need to know.
1960 Black students sat down at Woolworth’s lunch counter in South Carolina.
He’s HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE – from that counter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PRESIDENT TRUMP’S speech is an antidote to all the ugly anti-American attitude of Øbominable’s 8 shameful years.
1963 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Harriet Tubman
Jackie Robinson, JOhn Glenn Amelia Earheart
Many great Americans
Earl Morse
Earl began the honor flights – brought over 200K vets to visit their memorials
USA,USA, USA chants.
Congressional Medal of Honor
WOWWW, CSPAN is modulating the volume big time.
Call from President to join the military! You should do it!!
To our young people, now is a chance for you to Join our military and make a great statement in life. You should do it!!
Coast Guard is awesome!!!
Semper Peratus – Always Ready
Dunford and Esper Acting Sec of Defense on stage now.
Something about ships for Coast Guard. Swift Schooner Thomas Jefferson, Brits captured it. WOWwww, what a story. Guadalcanal. Monroe, hundreds of Marines were saved. Amphibious invasion, water boiled with bullets, but we braved the Way to Utah and Omaha beaches.
Big tribute to the Coast Guard here.
HH60 Jayhawk helo and an HH65 Dolphin
HC 40 from Miami. This must be a flyover.
Ohhhhhhhh pretty
THIS IS THRILLING – Coast Guard helicopters and plane flying over!!! Wow! Chorus singing the Coast Guard Anthem!!!!
1903 Kitty Hawk, NC, here we go.
Pilots Air Force is up next!
James Doolittle and his raiders. Wonderful story.
I loved that line!
The skies belong to the United States of America!!

Air Force!!!
And…President Trump did not forget to mention the Space Force, either, Butterfly!
Can’t wait to see that flyover next year!!

Thanks for the rockets, Butterfly! Love them!
F22 Raptors from Langley, and 1 B2 Stealth from Missouri.
Off we go into the Wild Blue Yonder!
Well, THAT was
Here come brand new USAF F-22 fighter jets and a bomber!!!!
Sexy bomber – Batman!!!!
Holy shit that’s big.
The middle one looks like a BATPLANE!!! So Cool!!!
Crowd loves it
President – “What a great country!”
Navy next, I think.
John Paul Jones, I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fst because I intend to go into harm’s way.
When he was demanded to surrender, Jones declared, “I have not yet begun to fight!”
I liked it when President Trump said, “In WWII, the Nazis walled off Europe, but they forgot to put a lid on it and we bombed the heck out of them.”
He does not mince words, does he, andy! LOL
Navy SEALS – Very best of the Very Best!!
Don’t give up the ship
Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead
Midway, turned the tide of the Pacific.
CB Engineers (My grandpa among them)
Naval Demolition units, arose the force, in the Mekong Delta – the best of the best – the Navy Seals
Warriors are not born, they are forged by the sea and blood of three centuries.
2 F-1 Superhornets and 2 of something else.
Anchors Away!!!!!!!!!! Let’s sing!
F-18s & F-35s.
Vietnamese Americans praise President Trump
Very nice!
I love the MARINES!!!!

Leathernecks, Devil Dogs!!
SEMPER FI – Always Faithful
Here come the Marines in V-22 Ospreys.

Marines are up next – lot of Marines in the crowd.
Semper Fi
Here come the Marines – elite masters!
They ar the USMC.
VH 92 Marine One
and 2 Ospreys – nighthawks
From the halls of Montezuma, ……… sing sing sing.
Learned that song at Dad’s knee

We have a bucketload of ’em 

Hubby hummed our granddaughter to sleep many a night “from the halls of Montezuma …”
Once a Marine always a Marine
Wow! Look at those crowds of people assembled to celebrate America’s Birthday!
ARMY Time!!
Here comes the Army!
Continental Army – Valley Forge
Antietam, Gettysburg, on and on, for the freedom of all Americans
Alvin York, Sgt York, in WW1 shot 18 times, killed 18, bayoneted 7 more, entire German battalion surrendered because of one man.
M1 rifle.
Battle of the Bulge.
“They’ve got us surrounded again, the poor bastards”
Vietnam – enemies at every single turn
Al Qaeda Mosul, ISIS caliphate 100% gone
Douglas MaCarthur –
Pres Trump loves his Army.
And the Army goes rolling along!
And it was General Anthony Clement McAuliffe who, when he received the German ultimatum to surrender in the Battle of the Bulge, simply replied “Nuts!”.

This was sooooooooooo cool
Loved it.
We will never forget we are Americans and the future belongs to us!
This is Independence Day 243 !!!!
As long as we remember our great history and keep fighting, then there is nothing that America cannot do.
We will always be the people who fought the tyrants
The future belongs to us.
The future belong to the strong, the brave and the free
One magnificent destiny
All the same people
All made by the same almighty GOD.
From sea to sea – heartland, Everglades, maine to Cali
the Spirit of America will reign for ever, and ever, and ever.
Have a glorious Independence day.
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Here come the Blue Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!
His truth is marching on.
Glory Glory Hallelujah!!
Everyone watching and listening to President Trump’s speech today received a very poignant and capsulated U.S. History lesson.
That’s exactly what I thought when the speech was over – it was a U.S. history lesson, nothing political about it, but simply recognition of the goodness of America. I said earlier that the networks who wouldn’t cover this prove their pettiness, and their extreme bias – should be charged for in-kind contributions to the Dem party.
Oh my Goodness – they’re going to play my favorite!
“Battle Hymn of the Republic”
Magnificent song!!!
Elaine Chao wearing a plastic raincoat – wimp.
Karen Pence’s scarf is cool!!
FLOTUS’ top is really interesting. Took me a while to see what was going on there. I was looking for a rolled-up pack of KOOLs at first.
LOLOL!! SHE IS smokin!!

First Lady Melania’s dress is Carolina Herrara!
Melania is on stage now, and she looks drenched! Poor thing, I hope she is ok. I hate to be rained on.
It’s warm rain. It’s 76 degrees there now.
And you’d never survive in western Oregon, Aubergine. Oregonians don’t melt, we just grow webs between our toes.

When I lived near Mt St Helens……
We called it “Oregon Mist”…….
Missed Oregon and hit Washington
“Melania is on stage now, and she looks drenched! Poor thing, I hope she is ok. I hate to be rained on.”
I think she looks marvelous even when drenched
She is always beautiful, no matter what.
Gosh the Battle Hymn of the Republic is beautiful – need a Kleenex……..
That was a fantastic version of it, too.
The chorus enunciated so beautifully…that caught my attention immediately…especially the Battle Hymn.
I was also impressed with the excellent timing…..not always easy with flyovers…and how you could see POTUS” was right on top of it.
Trump just air-Q’d the Blue Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I knew you guy would pick up on that!
Ok, bring us a clip – missed it!
Tell me somebody else saw that!
I missed it – looking for a video now!!!
I missed it, as well…but am giggling about it….sneaky POTUS,
Here you can see it. In my opinion, he points at the planes left and right and then ends with a small capital Q on the line he drew. SUBTLE.
Hubby just said, “definitely, definitely.”
I’m so excited, forgot my 2 cents, it definitely is a Q at the end, and he knows what he is doing – Yipee.
He is the master of subtlety.
POTUS has done several recent Air Qs – in March and May at rallies. I discovered that in looking for this video.
Thanks for that clip …I also notice he looks right at the cameras or someone as he does it…”did you get the message?”
That’s what I saw, Teagen… POTUS looking at us with his “did you get that.” stare.
God Bless the USA!!!
Lee Greenwood actually WANTS President Trump to play it at rallies!!!
Blue Angels flying back showing off again – spectacular!!!!
I was going back and forth between video feeds to catch the different camera angles of the crowd, the flyover, the music and singing. The whole thing was MAGNIFICENT. I hope the weather lets up for the fireworks!
Blue Angels are awesome sauce!!!!!!!!!!
And finally, the crowd yelled, “Four More Years!”
Great camera angle!
Truly a lovely tribute to America and our Military!
Break for a little while until we get to fireworks.
Great day!
Hehe, the whole capitol region heard the Blue Angels fly overhead.
So where in the heck were Schumer and Pelosi.
Duck and Covering most likely, ha ha.
Now it’s possible to see how they weaponized the psychology of nuclear drills against us, just like they weaponize the “active shooter” “shelter in place” stuff in schools to psychologize against the Second Amendment.
Fox 10 has done a fabulous job! They are going to replay the speech!
Actually, they are going to replay the whole program!
What time is the fireworks??
HaHa Andy!
Fireworks beginning to sound around my neighborhood….there will be big fireworks shows tonight at one of the parks and downtown. Rain or shine!
I sure wouldn’t want to be in South Chicago or East St. Louis after the sun goes down tonight.
“Are those fireworks I hear or gunshots, dear?”
unfortunately our neighbor hood too, boomers starting will get loud in an few. thanks for the weather updates
I didn’t hear a single partisan political word spoken by President Trump today, did you?
Not one – America is exceptional.
The liberals will hate it.
I love it.
Would have been laugh out loud funny if President Trump made a comment about Betsy Ross Flag…historic angle, only. Of course not being political;-)
He did mention her name, but only in the historical sense just ahead of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman. Perfect strategy to confuse and anger the libbies.
A few…He inserted Betsy Ross, ICE, and Border Patrol.
A guess…I bet Betsy Ross was a last minute insertion into the list….messaging again.
Yes, FOX 10 is replaying the whole thing.
It appears as though Mother Nature is going to add to the fireworks shows tonight with thunder and lightning.
East coast is lit up!
OMG —- Now THAT’s a photo!!!!!!!!
Just watched a video of that. Who in the heck is the diction coach for the choir? The oos and aaahs of halleluja were nowhere near pure.
Sorry, but I’m picky about that.
IN THE RAIN – Americans love our Country and believe in our system of government, our values, ideals, freedom and peace.
Well, damn! Just pulled in from our drive home from the coast (8:25p EDT) and it looks like I missed everything! I’ve got the TV on now and they’re showing the Capitol Fourth broadcast with the muppets (where the hell are the beach boys??)
If anyone get a like so I can see a complete replay of PDJT’s speech, and all the flyovers I’d sincerely appreciate it.
Oh, BTW, I saw someone mention the B-2 flyover. When our son was at USAFA, for the game one year against Army, they did a fly over the stadium at what I think was about 1500 feet, of a couple of F-22’s, F-16’s, F-=15’s, a B-52 ending with a really low pass by the B-2. Yep, take your breath away.
God Bless America! #KMAG
Batman is there!
The entire speech by our President.
Thanks, Fle!!!
hi -this is random panicy……..(because i am an internet problem solver in my house) but i need HELP finding the BOSTON FIREWORKS…….. ahhh…i’m an expat and this is my first fourth NOT in the mother country………and le sigh……..please help!
please understand – i already have dishes prepared for my weekend parties….but this is my first fourth i’m missing …so i’m panicky ……..
The Boston Pops thingy is on “Bloomberg TV” on cable. On my Direct TV it’s on channel 353
Oh my gosh that photo is very moving!

For some reason I did not expect to see all the MAGA & Trump hats. Very special to see them celebrating in our capital.
Thank you so much Daughn & everybody for making this Independence Day one for the ages
But, according to a few unhinged Democrat candidates…these photos of the crowds were faked! SMH
Shoot. Looking at this pic right now is making me a lil” misty-eyed myself. It’s so good to see such an outpouring of support for our great country and, of course, our dear President. Not even the weather was enough to dampen the mood.
Happy Independence Day, indeed
While commie kaperdick and D-Rats hate on America, and ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC…refuse to celebrate America…
The world’s largest building, in Dubai, lit up in Stars and Stripes. Wishing America a Happy Fourth of July!
Pretty cool, watching the building light up;-)
Link originated from Gateway Pundit…
Hope links work…
Second link worked for me. Enjoy!
First link failed for me.
Wow what an honor!!!
Warm thoughts and appreciation for this Patriot!!!
Terrific ! Just watched the replay. Donald Trump is a man who loves our history, our nation, our military and us. An extraordinary President of the United States. What a time to be alive in the USA!!!
That is the cutest thing! I hope that goes stratosphere viral
Fox thinks Tucker and Hannity are more important than THIS?
And Hannity is a RE-RUN of his “Opening Monologues”.
What the heck were they thinking?
That’s the problem……..
They don’t THINK anymore.
Thanks – this is the best!!!!!
ASSHATS better not pull some crap anytime soon……
PATRIOTISM is at a FEVER Pitch ALL across AMERICA right now!

They’re MONSTROUS! I was watching the Sesame Street 4th on PBS, and all of a sudden this thing started in the distance, at the other end of the Mall. Hilarious!
Love All $750,000 worth!!!

They’re lighting the sky stripes of red, then white, and against the sky it’s blue. Too cool!!

It was soooooo pretty!
I bet the DIMS are pissed at this song:
“God BLESS America”
The song “America the Beautiful”
Only TRUMP could do this!
Heck anything less than “equal time” to sing “Slav’sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye” would make them happy!
And the 3rs stanza of the Battle Hymn, “In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea…….. while GOD is marching on……”, it gets me every time.
OMG, this thing just keeps going! Hilarious! One FINALE after another!
How do they make em Star shaped?? Amazing!!
I know they were awesome! Stars
Those generous and talented fireworks companies. thank you thank yoy
Ha. ha…and Hillary had to send her fireworks back.

Hillary paid 5 million for fireworks in NYC and cancelled them.
POTUS got $750K worth of fireworks, donated.
And whooooooooo would we want to be President again in 2020?
I don’t want HER to be president AGAIN. I don’t even want her to be president the first time!!!
ROCKIN’ in the USA!
Never seen so many fireworks! Had to watch it online. Couldn’t find any on TV. Unbelievable.
I watched on RSBN
Yes, found your link here, and watched them.
Different angle from RSBN
I bet even the commies like the fireworks [secretly
Thank you President Trump for a truly magnificent celebration of our INDEPENDENCE………………
What an incredible video put out by the RNC with our President as the narrator.
Sop what you’re doing and watch this 90 seconds. It’s important.
Smiley Faces!!! How do they do that???
OANN stopped, now they’re back and going forever!!
Burj Khalifa all llt up for Independence day.
Reminder…………. the MSM no longer exists. (Dan Gorman says so!) A bunch of phonies…………
ICE starts picking up illegals who missed their court dates tomorrow……………
There is NOT a DIMM living who can beat Donald J. Trump in November 2020……………….
The Cabal is ALL ILLUSION………….
The Darkness is becoming mostly LIGHT………………
Pray for the safety of POTUS and his family, and VP Pence and his family, and all those who protect them.
Good night, and God bless Wolfie for creating this sanctuary, and all who sit on its branches.
Good night and God bless you, phoenix Rising! Agree with every word!
I loved how he gave a nice THANK YOU to our American Hero Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Hilarious…she kept slapping dopey Jim Acosta upside the head…
^ Joe Dan Gorman that is. ^
I’m old Harry, a race between my will and dementia, so far………. I’m lagging
Not at all, pR…I was referring to my own post to clarify who “he” was…
That was great !
Dan is one of the really good guys………
That was just incredible.
Carpe Donktum had the GOOD seats.
A LOT here today for fans of our military!
(Wanna complain? Call I-800-EAT-SH*T. Only don’t use the star key.)
I was so very very proud of our country in DC today..
“Thank You, Heavenly Father, for blessing our nation with a faithful military and a loyal President. May You have mercy on us and help us to be once again a nation deserving of Your favor and protection.”
Everything reminded me so much of the America I believe in & grew up in.
A bit like the celebrations of 1976…
Despite all illegal activity, fireworks are going off BIGLY!!!!!!
I heart America.
Thanks to all Treepers who contributed to this thread!
Hey, it’s our first annual Independence Day thread!
Love to all!!