Is It Time to Make Cloward-Piven a Crime?

I ask this stupidly impertinent yet utterly pertinent question because of this tweet:

Here is the article in question:

I mean – a somewhat SIMILAR thought occurred to me in the past, when we discovered through Project Veritas, that many DSA members working in our federal government were actually SABOTAGING things, and proudly admitting to it on secret camera.

It occurred to me at that time, that people belonging to parties which ADVOCATE secret sabotage of “the system”, such as the DSA, should simply not be allowed to work in government.

But NOW it occurs to me, that rather than approaching these crimes PREEMPTIVELY, which is constitutionally questionable, we COULD simply prosecute PROCESS SABOTAGE – you know – like CLOWARD-PIVEN operations – as a CRIME.

In fact, wouldn’t it be wonderful the TROLL THE MEDIA into having to COVER the idea of Cloward-Piven – something they MUST call a “conspiracy theory” – but which every American can understand – WILL UNDERSTAND – and will BELIEVE?

If you need a refresher on Cloward-Piven, OR you just want to see one of the most AMAZING predictions of our current state of affairs, then just watch THE FOLLOWING VIDEO about Cloward-Piven and OBAMA, from June of 2010, as that FIRST Tea Party election approached.

This video is, hands down, one of the most ACCURATE predictions EVER, of where we are RIGHT NOW. It is 10 minutes of your life that you will NOT REGRET having invested.

Now – I have covered Cloward-Piven before. In fact, let me provide you with a SHORT biography on the subject. Three in-depth articles I’ve done:

VLWC 05: The Cloward-Piven Strategy Rescued By Illegal Immigration

Right now I am researching one of the most horrifying unrevealed cases of Cloward-Piven TREASON which has yet to see the light of day. Once people see this, the jig is up for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their utter betrayal of Americans will ASTOUND. And they are not alone. There are several other Democrat names …


Top 10 Reasons I Believe the Clinton 1994 Crime Bill Was a Masterpiece of Communist Revolutionary Subversion

I have wanted to get this article out, but I was stuck on “number 10”. Sure, I could come up with TEN. EASY. But I needed a good one for NUMBER 10. I mean, I needed a REALLY GOOD ONE. And our blessed President, Donald J. Trump, VSG, just gave it to me today. Stick …


Coleman-Lozano Is Chicago Maoist Practice of Cloward-Piven Theory

TL;DR: If you want to end the crisis at not just OUR border, but ALL borders, don’t just fight the THEORY of Cloward and Piven – fight the PRACTICE of Chicago Marxists Coleman and Lozano. It is time to bring the TRUMP DOCTRINE of ASSIGNED RESPONSIBILITY to CHICAGO, and then to THE WORLD. Long Version: …


OH, I know all about Cloward-Piven. And every day I learn more about the two radicals, their CLINTON support group, and their extremely damaging ideas.

But it never occurred to me that ADMITTED SABOTAGE and ABUSE of government solutions MIGHT actually be a CRIME that we could prosecute.

So what do you think?

Assuming that you agree with the basic idea, HOW should we go about DIRECTLY CONFRONTING the insanity of Cloward-Piven?


What would YOUR Trump tweet about Cloward-Piven say?
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WOW —- too much to even take in ..


YES…the Cloward-Piven directive on “how to overload the system” should be declared a crime!
It has No Redeeming Qualities whatsoever.
It is a recipe for destruction.
There is premeditated malice aforethought within the Cloward-Piven operations to ‘overload the system’.
It is criminal.

Molly Pitcher5

Every one of the Dem candidates vowed to do that very thing. Raised their hands and said #metoo

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, now THIS is a problem. We got to the current state of affairs because officials, elected and otherwise, did not show their true colors in public until they were in office. Now, they are openly admitting what they want to do thinking that they have enough SJW support and rigged elections that they can get away with it.


“Is It Time to Make Cloward-Piven a Crime?”
What is ‘yes’?


Hell YES!


Where to start…
Great, eye opening article Wolf.
Video should be a must watch…ten minutes very well spent. Will never un-see the reality. Stuff folks here either know for fact, or intuitively believe.
There has got to be some law breaking going on…allowing prosecutions!
Numbing, it all is.
Shifting a bit. President Trump knows this. His full spectrum press helps combat / negate some of the problem. 100% going to build the wall, get Mexico to stem illegal invasion part of the solution.
Until D-Rats are forced to some how help, we are largely screwed.
DOJ and the Courts must be part of the solution…me thinks. Directly inline with Wolf’s article above…there must be law breaking that can be exposed and prosecuted.
There also must be some law breaking, conspiracy going on by the likes of Soros and other corrupt money sources.


That strange chopper flight around Washington (like child’s scribble) called endgame might be part of it


He’s been setting the table with all the legal appts. They are reaching critical mass


Yes, that would be nice, wouldn’t it… 😁


In a sense, it’s sedition, which is most definitely prosecutable. Wikipedia defines sedition as: “Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent towards, or resistance against lawful authority.” How is helping illegal aliens to break the law and overwhelm us not sedition????


There are already laws on the books about ‘Defrauding Govt Services’.
I think that recruiting foreign nationals to come here and break our laws, and then overwhelm our system of services…would qualify as ‘defrauding’ those services.

Rodney Short
Molly Pitcher5

She’s a sly one. Wonder why so quiet on her Bromarriage and immigration fraud?

Rodney Short

Keith Ellison has her under his wing.




It’s not so much as a yes as how.
Somehow I think Potus has one of his out of left field solutions for this that’s going to disembowel it while it’s still standing.


It’ll be interesting all right. And they’ll never see it coming


PRESIDENT TRUMP, our VSG, has genius level intelligence, common sense and cognitive flexibility – which is rare!
PDJT also has compassion and extroversion – a genuine understanding of and love of people – in ACES – which is EXTREMELY RARE!


PDJT is an encourager, mentor – he genuinely wants other people to thrive.
He has the ability to learn from others, to listen deeply.
He also has the ability to dare, to see opportunity and take risk.

JW in Germany

Disembowel. The imagery, in this case, is a pleasant one. 🙂


Well deserved

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I find myself surprising able to stomach that imagery.


I want to think that the public could be so shocked they will not stand for it, but we live in such a lawless society, and people seem able to reconcile themselves to anything, or they just believe everything is so corrupt and nothing can be done about it. Hope I’m wrong. want so much to be wrong.


Me too Zoe. Me too.


I’m with you, TTT.


As I have opined before, the only way to right the ship is to reveal something truly shocking, which AWAKENS YOU, THE PEOPLE …
Spygate is not that thing sadly – people have been prepared for it, so when the Clantoons misdeeds get revealed, they will look up briefly and say, “At this point, what difference does it make?” …
Sorry, bad joke. Most people will say, “We know these things, try them and lock them up already”. BUT, they will NOT be SHOCKED … It has been normalised, sadly.
The only thing that can truly AWAKEN enough people out of COMPLACENCY and APATHY is revealing the truth about 911 …. Maybe ….
If the people can be shocked enough, then, MAYBE, you can plug the leaks to keep on keeping on for a while longer …
But, MATERIALISM (the fallen state) is the corrupting force that is being battled – It can only be combated SPIRITUALLY!!!
The idea of the NATION is not powerful enough to do the job – only the TRUTH will deliver freedom …
Which is obviously an undertaking of some magnitude, to go for the understatement of this age …

JW in Germany

Thank you, Wolf!!! I was beginning to believe that I was the only one seeing how important exposing Cloward-Piven really is!
As I stated in a comment a few days back—IT IS A GLOBAL STRATEGY! The strategies practitioners mean business!
Cloward-Piven—Saul Alinsky—The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory—Socialism—Communism—Marxism—etc….
All very closely related and in some aspect or other being implemented on a daily basis in WESTERN society right in front of our eyes and under our noses. DAMNED RIGHT IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL just due to the fact that such practice is not compatible to Our Constitution—in fact, it requires subversion thereof!
A little more info about an evil ideology that surrounds us—I live near ground zero for this one:
“The Frankfurt School refers to a collection of scholars known for developing critical theory and popularizing the dialectical method of learning by interrogating society’s contradictions and is most closely associated with the work of Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse. It was not a school, in the physical sense, but rather a school of thought associated with some scholars at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt in Germany.
“The Institute was founded by Marxist scholar Carl Grünberg in 1923, and initially financed by another Marxist scholar, Felix Weil. However, the Frankfurt School is known for a particular brand of culturally focused neo-Marxist theory—a rethinking of classical Marxism to update it to their socio-historical period—which proved seminal for the fields of sociology, cultural studies, and media studies.”
Just remember that bringing their systems to the forefront REQUIRES A DISMANTLING OF THE FREE MARKET SYSTEM through subversion, corruption, indoctrination, control, and eventually enforcement by FORCE. TYRANNY.
If you believe that I overstate—or Wolf is exaggerating—I ask you to please open your eyes a little wider.


No wonder there was a lot of effort to discredit the John Birch Society in the seventies. It appears they were right over the target…..


Read this off to hubby, and he agrees for the most part. He’s talking about watching a symposium with several people from Europe on tv where Eisenhower was asked if he saw anything wrong with socialism and he answered that no he didn’t see anything wrong with it. And that’s always bothered my hubby, even knowing he may have been playing politics. (He’s older than I am, so this happened while I was a kid.)


Ike was a patriot and a warrior, not a politician or an ideologue. He didn’t know socialism/marxism/Islamism the way we do now.
Socialism was a ‘theory’ then and Nazism was just a brutal dictatorship with a world conquest agenda that must be stopped – no one talked about ideology in WWII. The Prescott Bush led takeover of 1933 didn’t come of anything except the New Deal somewhat socialist policies and enlargement of government.
75 years later in 2019, we can see that socialism has been tried and failed causing misery and scarcity world-wide in China, Russia, Venezuela, North Korea, etc.


Thank you, Bam, and thanks to your wise husband. I may yet join the Birchers. I had a copy of the Blue Book way back then. I liked it a lot


I believe the Birchers may have made a strategic error, but they were morally in the right. Of course they were an easy target.

JW in Germany

Oh yes they were! Bombs away!

JW in Germany

That is why phrases like ‘conspiracy theory’ are created with negative connotation for the purpose of discrediting people who are hot on the trail of finding TRUTH! Combine that with muddying the waters by purposely spreading Fake conspiracy theories and connecting and conflating good people and Truth seeking……..there you have it.


What were we just discussing about sociology?
“It was not a school, in the physical sense, but rather a school of thought associated with some scholars at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt in Germany.”


Good article. Clarified the Clinton Crime Bill and the effects. One of the things that really didn’t help was discouraging people in prison from bettering themselves through schooling and /or learning a trade through work.
It’s also obvious that the whole problems with drugs has been part and parcel of the Crime Bill. Made the use and possession of any type of narcotics “very evil”, so therefore it needed severe consequences, yet the amount of drugs being pushed increased the necessity of putting more people in jail. A very vicious cycle.

Molly Pitcher5

Have you ever seen this ? The imagery is insane. I hadn’t seen this before .


It sure does.

JW in Germany

I remember the excuse being that drug money was being used to finance ‘black-ops’—giving us the sense that it was drug money put to good use.
To steal a line from Clinton—I guess that depends what the definition of ‘is’ is. Define ‘black-ops'<<<Could they include operations targeted at the destruction of our own Republic?


Killing off our young people with
– abortion
– drugs
– wars
– indoctrination to leftism
– encouragement to perversion/deviance
– encouragement to licentiousness,
– discouraging traditional marriage and fidelity, childbearing


Knew a former crop duster in Arkansas that met his fate doing the dirty deed for the bunch back in the day. They found the plane, but never the body. Connect the dots – there are many. Many of them are routed through Arkansas politics and business well before the Clinton’s arrived on the scene. Why was a Rockefeller a gov in a backwoods nothing state? How did the Stephens Group arise with such financial resources and influence? Who did they connect to named Kennedy, Bush and such. Does Jack Stephens of the golfing major named the Masters ring a bell? Who did he connect to? Why was he a RINO and his older brother an ardent Dem? Who is this lobbyist. Paul Berry? What and who did he connect to recently in the news?
Better yet, why Arkansas for all of this?
Dig a little deeper, fellow patriots. This was and is about who rules the world. Wolf’s Cloward-Piven as a tool is spot on. Multiple tools and millions of people with dirty secrets are in the NWO/Cabal’s tool chest.

Molly Pitcher5

Home run Wolf, such a great write-up. A lot to digest.
What can we do…it’s time to use the words Cloward-Piven until it’s in twit feeds everywhere. A lot of people recognize the names but maybe not so much the theory. Right now it’s unmistakable that it’s happening.
We need to put the cracks in the AOC’s and the rest…make them repeat the term. First they will try to paint it as conspiracy , far right white national fear, etc…but the pictures of thousands in the “caravans” and even the thousands in the detention facilities next to the Cloward-Piven explanation….it’s got to make an impact.
None of it comes as a shock to Trump supporters but it’s the ones that have been lied to thinking that these poor people are escaping gangs and whatever,once they begin to see their oracles deflect I think it might open some eyes.
My thinking is also that POTUS has a plan like Ozzy said. We need to be do what I don’t know…

JW in Germany

President Trump is quite skilled at using the Left’s own weapons against them.
One of the Left’s favorite tactics is to repeat a lie over and over until it becomes ‘truth’—Our version is to repeat Truth over and over again to add fuel to the Great Awakening!

JW in Germany

At about 3min50sec into the video Wolf provided came this line:
These policies are toxic, but they could be stopped and reversed, had we the political power.

I think somebody has been studying their history and has ignited the Great Awakening! I believe President Trump’s public adoration of our beloved Military are different messages sent based on the ideology of the recipient. Hence: The Independence Day speech dedicated to our Military. Add to this, President Trump’s public love of Law Enforcement.
None of this is happenstance—President Trump has been planning this for a very long time—I am certain he has had help. Dare I say his enemies might call him cunning!<<<one of Our President's favorite words during the campaign.
First, world wide trade negotiation that is made more appetizing to our opponents through our military might—they can pick their poison. Do you see where I am going with this?
Then, our enemies within exposed daily as adversaries to Law and Order.
Finally, We the People realize that we can save this with President Trump at the helm.
President Trump is truly turning the USS American Dream aircraft carrier around with an armada of battleships and destroyers with all Deplorables on deck!!!
They HATE him—because they know that he SEES them!

JW in Germany

Amazing when you realize that the video is from 2010!


Excellent article Wolfie.
Instead of treating the symptoms ——- attacking Cloward and Piven would go after the cause of what ails our country.
Escobars “staff” is obviously being paid by someone else… and she is probably benefitting as well.
It’s subversive.
It’s anti-American.
It’s what Communists do to tear down their enemies. These people are our enemies.


Here’s a thought.
Dem/Leftist/DSA/Communists love to be the victim. Victim status has become “a thing”.
If we could convince them they had become a victim of CLoward Piven/Marxist ideology, therefore their actions were NOT their fault, they would BLAME/TURN ON the Marxists.
THEIR suppressors.
AND they would not be “guilty” for their own actions/hatred from the right’s point of view.
It’s a golden bridge built upon which to retreat.

Molly Pitcher5

Brilliant idea. ^^^


The UN factors into the equation big time!
The Migration scheme is a UN thing.
Dissolving national sovereignty under the UN is a UN goal.
And much more!
No wonder the President is changing the color of AF1 from UN helmet blue to US FLAG COLORS!!!

Deplorable Patriot

What the UN was meant to do…for some reason the words of Grand Moff Tarkin come to mind.


A-MEN!!! I just hope the colors are vivid – and BRIGHT NAVY, CLOUD WHITE AND GUARDS RED!!!

Deplorable Patriot

A couple of things struck me when watching the video. I did not realize that Cloward and Piven were/are sociologists. That perked something up as the people I know who are sociologists keep looking for societal ills where there aren’t necessarily any. The other thing about it that I didn’t know before I just dug a little, is that the “discipline” and interest is an outgrowth of the French Revolution aftermath. It was established as an actual educational endeavor at the University of Chicago (Rockefeller founded) in the late 19th century. How that all fits together will take more than a 40,000 look, but it’s curious as the proponents of sociology seem to have been dissed by Karl Marx over positivism.
That all needs further study, IMO. Somehow, it’s all connected.
The other thing that stuck out in the video was the slide with the Barney Frank quote that the middle class would be so overwhelmed and demoralized that we would give up. (Attacking the soul of the country by beating up on the mind and body, essentially.) American life, for the majority, is very much a hamster wheel. A meat grinder. At least in the years when the plan to destroy the nation was ratcheted up under Clinton until Trump. It wasn’t just the crime bill. Put the estate and luxury taxes in there, too. Those two taxes destroyed a lot of family farm businesses, the yacht building industry on the east coast, and a whole lot more. Then Obamacare made the 30 hour work week full time, and hourly employees saw their hours cut. There are other anecdotes, but We the People were so intent on our own lives, making ends meet and all that, that the overwhelming of the system didn’t mean much to us until it was already done.
There’s a lot of sneaky crap in there. No way in Hades it was all done off the cuff, either. Should it be illegal? Well, yeah, but if the politicians and government officials don’t advocate for it all before they assume office, and then they change the laws….

Deplorable Patriot

University of Chicago? Count on it. Their most honest alum was probably Indiana Jones.

Deplorable Patriot

You know, I can’t say about Northwestern, although my most liberal SJW HS classmate sent her oldest there on a full ride. In journalism.
Their closest competition is probably my alma mater whether they want to admit it or not. The engineering school isn’t red diaper, nor is the business school. Law and medicine, could be. The rest of the place can be flaming.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree.
Do we want to have to prove mens rea?


Since Cloward and Piven amounts to sedition against the government and conspiracy to commit such, RICO seems to be one tool to combat such activity. The problem is proving such a case. However in defending such a case the defendants take on a heavy burden in defending themselves. As long as the case is pursued in rightful manner counter lawsuits would likely not prevail. Considering such, RICO cases should be engaged in multiple jurisdictions local, state and federal with the real intent of locking people up when and where possible and should target the hierarchy of the schemers they are going after and after a period of sustained litigation settlement in the form of fines, court costs and the like might drive the backers of such schemes to take the back door and abandon their people and their cause. Such actions would require honest jurists as well as politicians. Help from the NSA would be nice but can not be relied on given the structure of the law surrounding the release of such gathered information.
Security letters we’ve talked about in the past here and OT might be another tool.
Learning to say no would really help also. No should be no. Take California’s recent request for a declaration of emergency. I’m not sure at this point enough damage has been done to warrant federal aid, if it has treat the areas effected by ear marking the monies to just those and not provide a federal blanket of funds that can be abused.
Another fast approach would be Levin’s convention of States. Despite some opinions on the matter if you study it you’ll see that there is no chance of a runaway convention as each state can walk away any time they choose and it is the best form of redress that the constitution provides from a runaway federal government.
Along the Levin line, states and municipalities need to start reclaiming their powers where ever possible. Be it in the area of education, safety, welfare even defense, ect… Letting big government hand out the goodies to all burdens all and is the way that leftist are able to Cloward and Piven us. So yeah smaller government every where possible. Put Charities back in to practice, be discerning of who gets what aid, best done at the local level.
I said even defense. It wasn’t that long ago the Army under Obama took the Apache helicopters from the National Guard. Texas took a big hit under that. Give them back. Armed teachers and administrators is another example of how that works in defense as well as safety.
The debate about the town square and freedom of speech will have more meaning if state and local municipalities started to take up the matter. Free speech happens in the town square. Guess where the town is. It’s in a freaking town. Who controls it? Some clowns at Google, Facebook, Twitter and others. Here again local politicians and jurists could have tremendous recourse if they started to defend their citizens free speech by pursuing these behemoths in the courts at a local level. Will any hundred be able to win a case. Likely not, but if its a thousand, hey maybe they will or at least they’d be able to drive the bastards to doing the right thing rather than try to defend against so many cases being cloward and pivened against them. So lets say in this case the behemoths choose just to ignore and not defend. Answer is you fine them, site them, confiscate what you can, likely nothing, maybe something and then you slap them with nasty ordinances and fines. No google here. No twitter here, not in our town, you want that the user is going to pay for it in the form of a tax or fee or else they can choose a platform that doesn’t abridge first amendment rights to avoid the fee. So how do you begin such an endeavor, wait for a citizen to lodge a complaint? No, you do it in one of the same ways the left does it by bringing it up in your town or city council or at the local school board or in the state legislature.
Great things come out of small places.
Yep all pie in the sky ideas with out a lot of work.
The thing is though in some areas you can cloward and piven them back or at least use cloward and piven as the excuse for just saying no. No more, just as PDJT is doing on with the border and immigration.


One other thing, there was that case in Texas not long ago. Kid goes into shoot up a class room. He was killed by an armed guard. The dead kid was wearing a little antifa pin on his jacket. Now to me that would be licence to pursue antifa, by finding out what his affiliations were to the organization, did they provide moral, spiritual, or material support, specifically or broadly, what did they themselves have to do with him shooting up a school and killing innocents. Of course the answer is likely no and not much, and certainly not enough to bring charges, however you pursue that stuff anyway and in the course of that you pursue antifa’s backers which means you start investigating the Sore Ass connections and make them public. Of course your going to eventually be told to back off but imagine the amount of information and attention on the subject that could be gained while the pubic was sympathetic and paying attention for the two or three weeks that it did. Yeah I know, our side does not like to go into that sort of exploitation but they would do it to us in a heart beat.
