A Possible Explanation of the Unthinkable Video Number Three

NOTE: this post is mostly speculation. I am simply trying to explain why a RUMORED VIDEO could conceivably exist. Consider this an exercise in rationalization. However, the fact that it works so well, makes me think it’s not completely unfounded.

– Hillary is a terrible person.

– People wanted to take down Hillary, or have the means to do so.

– Apply AND logic.

Wolf Moon

A comment by Tonawanda got me thinking.

Actually, it was an entire conversation, but it begins with Tonawanda’s comment here:



July 9, 2019 at 09:10

As daughn’s lucky spouse and Perspicacious One has alluded to above, the descriptions in 3376 truly fulfill every indication Q has given us so far, to the nth degree. Game over.

My default response is, if its too good to be true, it probably isn’t.

And the added dilemma is the suffering endured weighed against the “too good to be true.”

Liked by you and 6 other people



July 9, 2019 at 09:26

I want to add, that is my default response. What Q posts I believe to be the genuine, horrible truth.

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July 9, 2019 at 09:52

Speaking about horrible truths…have any of you seen the post about the 3 videos, all featuring HRC? If true (and i’m 50-50 on it so far)…it follows the warning about not choosing to see or know some of the “stuff” out there. Videos include blood transfusion from a pre-teen directly to HRC, sexual escapes with HRC, Huma and young girl and one so awful I cannot mention it.

Of course, we know everything possible will be done to prevent the public knowing about these videos…if, in fact, they are real. Unless someone was secretly taking them for blackmail purposes, why would there be videos of these acts?

Curious if anyone else read about them….

IMO, with all that’s flooding out now (thankfully!)…there’s going to be a lot of disinformation and a wise course is just to “sit back and enjoy the show”, as someone once said.

Liked by you and 8 other people



July 9, 2019 at 10:03

Completely in line with what Q has been saying, and looking like the horrible truth.

Liked by you and 6 other people



July 9, 2019 at 11:51

I will have a post about this momentarily.




July 9, 2019 at 09:44

This is all so grim, if it’s true.

As the plaintiff’s lawyer would say, “He’s got great injuries!”, because the poor guy is paralyzed. Gee, to us, it doesn’t look so “great” for his family.

If we’re headed down a road of sick torture and heinous behavior, by powerful people, one who could have been our President, it’s going to be ugly. Yet, it makes everything Q has eluded to begin to make sense.

For instance:

Some things will have to NOT be revealed.

They won’t be able to walk the streets.

You choose to look or not.

Many will not be prepared for what is to come, help your neighbors, prepare them, etc.

If we are truly fighting evil, then ours is a just cause and the cause of our lifetime. I’m trying to wrap my head around it all, probably everyone here is doing the same thing, and look downfield. There will be “evidence” in the form of videos, so shocking, powerful people will attempt to cover up the video and stop the spread of the videos. It would explain the recent actions of social media to censor or infer the videos are “faked” or edited. Many will be in denial – forever.

Yet, it could lead to a rebirth of morals, noble character.

It could lead to a rush to the church (for good or bad). it could be a good thing for all of us as a nation.

As horrific as we think these actions are, justifiably so, I fear some innocent people may get swept up. We’re talking about a LOT of powerful people, people in Hollywood, government, business……. all over the world. It could topple governments, lead to civil unrest, etc. We’re going to have to be very careful to keep people safe during this “transition”/outting of information. And again, the dot seem to connect. Trump supporter are already subliminally trained to NOT be physically aggressive. It’s going to take a LOT of temperance and patience.

Yet, it would be a good way for the judiciary to rehab themselves and regain credibility – again, the good which can come from chaos and upheaval.

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July 9, 2019 at 09:55

Daughn….wrote my post before reading yours…you said it so much better and I agree with every point you make.

Liked by 5 people



July 9, 2019 at 10:06

Teagan, it’s all real, now.

We’re all going through the same thing.


It’s sinking in.

THIS is what we’re up against.

Cloud is gone and we an see our enemy. Heck yes, I’m scared to death, but I’m holding my ground, not to cede one damn inch.

This is way too important. We MUST prevail. There is no other choice.

Still, we’re trying to wrap our heads around it all.

Liked by 7 people



July 9, 2019 at 11:13

You said exactly what I’m thinking.

Liked by 2 people



July 9, 2019 at 09:59

Wonderful post, so right on in every aspect.

Liked by you and 3 other people



July 9, 2019 at 10:13

If this is real………..

then ONE thing is absolutely certain……..

……. we must step up and be brave.

We MUST forge ahead.


Narrow your eyes, find your courage and determination.

We’re ALL committed.


THIS is what it’s all about.

Liked by 10 people



July 9, 2019 at 10:59

And looking in retrospect, you can see all the careful planning, including the role of Q with respect to us, who will be very essential in explaining this to the normies.

Liked by 3 people



July 9, 2019 at 11:21


It is an example when a person or persons give themselves willfully over to evil, it is called slippery slop for a reason when one enters the gray and keeps going down the path.

Once one goes down the path it is very hard to come back.

That is why one never should go into the gray and down the path.

We will never understand how one can get joy from the pain of others.

Liked by 1 person


Dear KMAG: 20190709 Open Topic

I was going to write a lengthy response to Tonawanda, but I now think that it’s better if I address this to everybody.

I will not beat around the bush.

I am going to assert that video 3 could very well be real, and I’m going to explain WHY I think it could be real. My very believable explanation, rooted in TRUTH by admitting that somebody “wanted the goods” on Hillary, undercuts all the “deep fake” escape attempts by Hillary and her minions, and simply puts an end to the nonsense.

I have not seen this video, but the description of it makes perfect sense if I factor in several things:

  • Hillary Clinton’s health problems
  • Hillary Clinton’s known obsession with hiding her health problems
  • Hillary Clinton’s known callous disregard for others
  • Hillary Clinton’s probable greatest vulnerability being health-related
  • Hillary Clinton’s probable use of secret/advanced elite medical treatments
  • Hillary Clinton undoubtedly being the target of discrediting operations

Combine ALL these elements, and I can explain video 3 to everybody’s satisfaction RIGHT NOW.

And – get this – it is exactly what Q says. Absolutely indefensible.

“A perfect discrediting operation remains fully discrediting even when one is fully aware that it was a discrediting operation.”

Wolf Moon

Think this happened by accident? Think again.

I’ve had multiple discreditation operations run against me over my life – it is simply normal, smart, spy-stuff to “own” everybody with a “destroy” button. Having watched how these work, I can state with great confidence that these ops generally work by padding 10% target vulnerability with 90% “normalization of the unthinkable in the target’s mind”. They are PSYCHOLOGICAL TRICKERY to get the target to commit to something “foolish on film”.

It is only after the failure of these sorts of methods, that really nasty methods (holding my cards on those for now) get deployed. Really callous adversaries, however, may go straight to other methods.

Generally speaking, there is some “primrose path” that is used to get the target to increasingly normalize (in their mind) something really odd. One of the primary ways is to simply “bubble” the person with people who “get it” – who understand that something is “normal” in the group of the “cognoscenti” – people who know – who can “encourage” the target.

Tom Cruise talking about Scientology on film is an excellent example. The man is AT EASE, and he talks in ways that only Scientology insiders talk. Everything he says makes sense, once one understands the lingo of Scientology. Nevertheless, it sounds like psychotic jibberish to an outsider.

Actually, the beautiful ideas of my favorite religions are kinda like that, when the people are talking among themselves in those belief systems, but I digress.

Back to bad stuff. Discreditation.

The “coup de grace” is then something which is “risky but admirable and confirming” within that group. And insider or two is typically needed to direct the target over the cliff and make sure the evidence is obtained.

What I’m saying, then, is that Hillary may have been VULNERABLE on “medical” and “health”, and that in some ways, this likely REAL VIDEO is tied to #HillaryHealth.

I believe that Hillary Clinton spent a LOT of time in “secret advanced elite medical world”. She managed to keep this all secret, behind her FAKE doctor, Lisa Bardack. But I think the reality was a kind of medical desperation, behind the scenes. It is within that world that she may have been very vulnerable – willing to try all sorts of weird “elite” treatments.

You see where I’m going with this?

Why is nobody talking about “Video Number One” – the BLOOD TRANSFUSION from a teen boy? Because this is ALREADY being normalized to the public.

Remember my “adrenochrome post”? That was the one where I talked about the underwhelming scientific reality of adrenochrome, as well as the overstated mythology, but also (very important) the shocking truth from the “drug world” and the “medical world” (almost the same thing) that people will still PURSUE LIES and thereby PAIN, CRIME, SADNESS, and EVIL EMERGES.

Don’t get too sidetracked here, but keep this thought in mind – the fact that people latch onto the mythology of adrenochrome so easily should tell you something right away about where discreditation operations look for vulnerability, and why they work so well.

The Adrenochrome Deception


The Truths, Lies, and Disinformation Surrounding a Mythical yet Very Real Substance

There is nothing more intriguing than an enigmatic character who defies political and cultural boundaries to tell great truths, yet mixes in just enough lies, fakery, shiny objects, red herrings, exaggerations and omissions to make himself or herself economically viable solely on their …

Wolf Moon, https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/02/19/the-adrenochrome-deception/

In that post, I brought up the reality of “young blood transfusions”. I noted in particular, the fact that these are now being discussed in the mainstream media, where they would have been laughed away as conspiracy theories just a few years ago.

Earlier, they said “young blood” didn’t exist. NOW they say it doesn’t work. See how that works?

Video One has been normalized. We may not like that, but it has become accepted as reality.

Hillary could probably almost survive a “transfusion video”.

Move on to Video Two. Pedophilia – it’s being NORMALIZED. There are many people who are IN POWER and who want to go back to the days of the Roman Empire, before Christianity, when powerful people abusing children for their pleasure was NORMAL.

Yes, it’s a huge retreat on civilization, IMO, but there are people who WANT IT, and they are trying to grab power to GET IT.

Nevertheless, we’re not there yet, and Video Two is discrediting. Elite pedophilia may be normal to our “New Roman” elite, but it is not normal to the masses, who still retain some say, thanks to TRUMP and populism worldwide. The elite media may try to normalize pedophilia, but it’s not exactly working.

And NOW we come to Video Three.

Part of this depends on one of Hillary’s vulnerabilities – her callous disregard for other humans.

THIS is part of the Hillary vulnerability, but it’s not enough. Hillary was hit hard by her callous disregard for Muammar Gaddafi, but Hillary’s media, vouched for by their loyalty to Obama’s skin color, was able to say “he’s a bad guy, so he doesn’t count”. And if we examine ourselves here for hypocrisy, then we see WHY this defense worked. We use it ourselves.

I’m not saying this is right. I’m just saying this is the reality of human psychology.

Pissing on a dead terrorist is OK. Pissing on a saint’s grave is not. Unless the media reverses that. See what I’m saying? MASS PSYCHOLOGY is what matters here, absent some higher standard.

But if we can EXTEND Hillary’s vulnerability to the INDEFENSIBLE – and I believe that somebody DID – probably her elite owners, who needed a “destruct button” – then she can be discredited by her callous disregard for humans.


Is that light-bulb coming on now?

While it might, by some absolute miracle, be possible to explain one’s way out of “ultimate 10-years-younger facial mask treatment”, available ONLY to the best customers of “young blood”, there is NO WAY to explain one’s way out of “going all Gaddafi” over it.

THAT is the icing on the cake. The fact that humans – even the most CRUEL and CORRUPT ones like Hillary Clinton – would try to make light of something as a psychological defense, knowing in their heart of hearts that it’s pretty creepy.


The beauty of the scam here is that young blood almost certainly WORKS, but not by much. Nevertheless, the combination of “works a little” and “placebo effect” undoubtedly scores MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for the purveyors of the “magic”. So it would not be hard to convince somebody that “direct application” works like crazy. It’s HOKEY AS HELL, but it’s a HELL OF A SCAM. People always fall for overly simplistic ideas like “direct application will work better”.

Oh, what a scam. I should have been a medical huckster. Except that darn Jesus getting to me when I was a kid. Sneaky, too – he knew I was too much of a smarty-pants for the whole package, so he sold me on the “God mystery” first, unlike all the other kids. Whatever. Water under the bridge. I could never be a true criminal, once that stuff got in me.

Sure, that poor girl’s face may have come from somebody whose body was “donated to science”. Sure, it may have been some quacky elite doctor who was actually part of a discreditation team, knowing it, or even better, not knowing it. Sure, you can add the whole story of discreditation operation truth to the sad vulnerability of a health-obsessed, pedophilic, entitled, psychopathic bull-dyke.

But there you have it. SUCCESS. They nailed Cankles on both of her vulnerabilities – her medical obsession and her utter disregard for people.

It doesn’t matter that these were FORCED ERRORS – they are still ERRORS.

Most Americans would not want somebody who used “youth blood transfusions” for President.

Almost nobody would want somebody who would have sex with teenagers as President.

Nobody wants somebody who would secretly undergo the absolutely most extreme, quacky, elite medical treatments.

And absolutely nobody, no way, no how, would want somebody who acted cavalier about the most sickening elite medical “treatments”.

Hillary fell for “young blood”, so they took her all the way to “young face”, and took pictures.

A beautiful operation. No pun intended.

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I sat down for a quick break and a snack. Ate a lara bar while I read. Feeling completely sick to my stomach now. Hard truths. I equally wish I hadn’t read while knowing (to Some extent) we have to know the hard truths/realities. Mostly, though, I will read the titles, know what they did but avoid the details like the plague. I don’t want the images/details in my mind at all.
hard truths – thanks for the doing the hard reporting


Published by wolfmoon1776
“While it might, by some absolute miracle, be possible to explain one’s way out of “ultimate 10-years-younger facial mask treatment”, available ONLY to the best customers of “young blood”, there is NO WAY to explain one’s way out of “going all ”
Very good topic Wolf
I read moons ago that a uncooked stake on the face does the same.
.In Asian culture and I assume some of the others like Haiti mythology is thriving. I also assume that other culture brought their mythologies to the US and are practicing them to the rich and famous. Specially those who are not allowed to age where so much pressure is on them to stay young or give a young appearance.
I believe women are mostly victims in a culture that worships youth.
Worshipping youth we see more and more younger models. That is one thing I noticed when I came in this country concerning the obsession about youth.
What ever happened accepting the aging process with grace and wisdom?

JW in Germany

Wolf, I said in a comment not too many weeks ago that we think along the same lines as to what is happening. I am with you 100%! This is NOT fantasy—unfortunately, very much REALITY! Too many coincidences not to be true. PERIOD.
You see it because you pay very close attention to detail, Wolf!
All of the pieces are falling together as if somebody threw a jigsaw puzzle up into the air and the pieces fall into their proper place to complete the picture!
It also explains the necessity of Q.


This is not new. Aztec art showed people with their faces cut off and eyes left whilst still living. Blood has been magical in almost every religion and bloodlines critically important. Even the werewolf and vampire mythologies. Plasma from young people ie teens and below has definite health benefits but most of this is psychological. Think Dutch black tulip craze. Rich and powerful people will do anything in their means to get what they can’t buy. The richer and more powerful the more they feel entitled to it. The plebes,us, are like meat in the supermarket to us.


The video ” we came, we saw and he died.”
I was taken back by the joy she received reliving Gaddafi’s death.
I saw also how Gaddafi died it was gruesome behind words’
How can a person have joy it seemed almost perverted it is as if Hillary was getting a high reliving the scene of Gaddafi’s death.
Thank you Wolf for dressing this topic .


She was getting off on it. In fact I’d put money on it being an arousal video for her

Deplorable Patriot

Why am I seeing a few scenes from “Silence of the Lambs” in my head.
Seriously, young blood…it still mixes with the old and the bone marrow is constantly making more unless there is disease present. It sounds like doping without a sporting event in which to participate.


Last night I read a rebuttal of your Adrenochrome article, which you’ve re-posted.
I haven’t the expertise to distinguish the lie from the truth here, yet my gut instinct tells me that there’s a real REASON that adrenochrome has been in the (real) news.
From memory, the basic point was that the REAL chemical loses efficacy PDQ, and that the storageable DERIVATIVE chemical isn’t nearly as efficacious. Like, almost nil.
I’m on the fence – no problem! – but I’ll dig a bit to see if I can find the anon-post that asserted that chemical “A-chrome” stored as a derivative is effectively USELESS when compared to the real thing.
I hope it isn’t true! But I allow for the possibility that it is, despite your article on the matter saying that it isn’t.
Something about the degradation of the active chemical, when adulterated, and about metabolic function, IIRC.
Maybe I’m fooled! (Not for the first time!)
But I found it worthwhile to consider.
To be continued …


Hmmmmm. And IF someone is raking in the money based on that premise, they have a stake in preventing a competing story from getting out.
Only people to “know” have experience with trying it. And that’s a difficult place to back out from.

Peter Neilson

Stereochemistry in Drug Action
Something can have the same chemical formula but the ‘mirror image’ is NOT bio-active. (I have no idea if this is true of adrenochrome.)
Also when talking of natural products, some times minor contaminants have a catalytic effect and without the ‘contaminant’ the man-made chemical is not as effective or not evvective at all.
Last is the Placebo Effect: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/psychological-placebos/

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A gander at the structural formula tells me this molecule is almost symmetrical, with two groups different, and that if you were to swap the two groups, you could simply turn the molecule over to recover the original form. So it appears that adrenochrome does not have stereoisomers.
However, I am NOT a professional chemist/biochemist so I could be missing something.
(Thalidomide turned out to be a problem due to stereoisomers (enantiomers). It is thought that one (but not both) of the stereoisomers led to the birth defects: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalidomide . Note that the wikipoo article shows both forms in the stereographic diagram. The top one shows the bond between the left and right parts of the molecule sloping into the screen going to the right, the bottom one, sloping out of the screen going left to right. If you visualize it that way, you’ll realize there’s no way to rotate the molecule in three dimensions to make the one match up with the other. Hence one is considered right handed, and the other, left handed.)
Your other points are spot on.

Cuppa Covfefe

That would explain the “need” for an “instantaneous transfusion”…
Don’t forget. Hillary Clinton is a Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch. The highest (or lowest) and most powerful order of them all. They gain power by death, and by blood. http://www.cuttingedge.org has a few articles and links on this, and there are other, more arcane sources which explain it in more detail, but are probably not spiritually safe to read.
Needless to say, the Arkancides did more than just eliminate her (and BeezleBubba’s) enemies…
Pray that GOD shines HIS Light on all of this, and exposes and convicts the entire swamp.
N.B. A lot of the witchcraft in the Harry Potter books is real, with small bits changed to keep the spells from being live. Some things like Bogarts and shape-shifters DO exist, but under different names. This is NOT light stuff, and there are forces at work around, with, and through Hillary (hence Hill-the-BEAST) that are darker and more powerful than have probably ever been direclty incolved in politics, outside of Hitler and his inner circle, perhaps.
Ephesians 6:10-18 says what’s really happening, and what we should do, for there are indeed dark forces at work:

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”


Amen, brother Cuppa. Amen.


There are things that can only come fresh. Can’t be stored in lab. Ie faecal transfer. People with hopeless gut infections or gut bacteria get a poo from a healthy person put it place by colonoscopy and bingo. Gut flora return to normal. BUT They can’t culture and store all the gut good bugs so have to use a fresh donation.


Definitely TMI! 🥴💩


If you ever get CRE, a particularly nasty bowel infection, you would be extremely grateful for a donation of poo.
Now that is really WTF


Only a palatable prospect if one is living the he11 that is IBD would want to consider. And it does indeed “work.” Wonder why FDA shut down the clinics doing it?


IDK. Doing it here. The donor has to be checked for infectious stuff like any other donors


I can totally see how you arrived at your theory and I don’t doubt it for a second…I’m curious tho what you would attribute to her being caught on film. Age? Desperation? her medical condition weakening the strength of her paranoia? cuz I sure as heck don’t think she would made a mistake like that in her younger years.
and the need for a fail safe in her case is masterful forethought…because like many other evils the world has known, she certainly grew more powerful as she aged…


and the stuff about Huma and Hillary? an outsider looking in (such as me) can’t fathom that Hillary wouldn’t be suspicious about her in a sexual way–I mean Huma’s not my type, but she certainly is much much much more attractive than Hillary.
I get that many people are seduced by power–young women lust after powerful men just because they’re powerful–they could look like trolls and it wouldn’t matter. But Hillary is like the ultimate ugly troll–Huma must be one committed spy….
but my point is, surely Hillary would have suspected Huma in that regard? how could she not?


Huma began her relationship with Hildebeast as an intern, more than 20 years ago….
De Beast has not always been so unpleasant to look at… and a ho is a ho…
Huma also married a pedophile, whom deBeast picked out for her……..


i’ve seen pictures of Pelosi younger–and she looked attractive, BUT hillary? i’ve seen pictures of her throughout the years and nothing and I mean NOTHING in those pictures says anything but beast to me.


LOL whole lotta whoppers!


pat! I actually wrote a post saying the same thing but deleted it, thinking it might sound “off” for some reason.
But I totally agree. From Hillary’s perspective, Huma was definitely hot stuff, especially in a submissive role.
And from Huma’s perspective, Hillary must have been like Rosa Klebb in From Russia With Love (the book, NOT the movie) where the beautiful young Russian recruit runs from Klebb’s apartment rather than be seduced, despite the risk of getting executed for doing so. Klebb’s “sexiness” was a vision from Hell.
And there is not enough luxury and power to overcome that physical revulsion.
But think of the ego on The Beast to not question what this beautiful creature was doing between her legs, and why!


Think Harry Kissinger and Alan Greenspan, Mick Jagger …not exactly Adonis-types but they never seemed to be without women fawning over them.


Do you remember the African-American guy who was with Hillary around the time of that 9/11 fall into the van? Word was he was her doctor. He is now dead, heart attack I think. Age 40-50’s?


Yes. He’s dead so easy to forget about him – I think stroke or heart attack, but he was a medical person assisting Hillary.


Yep. I believe her security was compromised to get that side of beef clip. And if her enablers got whacked for failure we’ll, it comes with the territory.


Well thank the dear Lord that they found him in Ft. Marcy Park, otherwise I’d be worried!! /s

Peter Neilson

Wolfie, the camera could be set up ahead of time or worn by someone in the room. Cameras, epecially ‘spy cameras’ are very small these days.
Amazon has 1/2 dollar sized for $35:


Wonder if there was a copy of the video on Wiener’s laptop? Courtesy of Huma. Yet unknown to Weenie. (Pure wild ass guess.)


Mind blown. Thanks Wolf.comment image


Sorry, but that picture of a replica of MY Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ STILL Hanging on the Cross just repulses me to no end. Why? Because Jesus the Christ DIED there…. was BURIED for 3 days…. and then AROSE from the DEAD to cover our sins. Jesus the Christ then ASCENDED into Heaven and awaits the day he comes back for us. This picture depicts Jesus suspended between Heaven and Earth on a CRUEL Roman Cross and HE is NOT there any longer.
/End of Rant/


My Lord and Savior is all glorious and seated at the right hand of the Father. And yet I find comfort in reflecting on His sacrifice given willingly that I might follow and take up my cross according to His teaching.


I agree with all you say here….. I just don’t like seeing this ONE moment in time held up as if it is still the case.


Everyone comes to the table with different experiences and contexts. That is to be expected.
For myself, I chose that image because at that ONE moment in time My King destroyed all claims by the powers of darkness over this earth and humanity.
This image reminds me of the power of His laid down life. The backdrop of a church in a shambles after an earthquake seems to aptly reflect the condition of the world today and the way the building is broken open reminds me that His gift to us includes access to Heaven.

Plain Jane

God is the great I Am, not I will be, nor was. He IS every moment in time. He is not history. His deeds are not history. He is not constrained by dimensions. He is I AM.

Deplorable Patriot

He died for your sins. This is what this is in memory of.
An empty cross in Church angers me.


The “Empty Cross” signifies that….. HE IS RISEN
If that angers you…. so be it.
I guess it is like me seeing the Cross with him STILL on it.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s the reminder of the sacrifice. I see it every day hanging over my bed, at Church, on my Rosary….


I might have been the only kid who actually was moved and deeply affected doing the stations of the cross.
Among (many) other things, the crucifix to me is God saying: here is Me, actually suffering your human suffering. Here is me, proving that I know how you feel. In this, I demonstrate how I know the comfort you desire. And the only reason for this could possibly be, My Love for you.

Deplorable Patriot

Stations means more as an adult than it did as a kid for me. Don’t know why. My preferred devotion, though, is Adoration. I just don’t feel right if I miss a week.


From the movie Carriecomment image


The Q Tree is the place for me!


Great quote, TTT.


The hard part was not believing that those three incidents happened, the hard part was believing they were recorded and the recordings existed.
But this post plausibly fills in the psychology and the motivation. Frightening plausibility.


That’s my difficulty, as well, Tonawanda. Unless it part of a “control” scheme and she was unaware of being filmed. Does anyone think all those politicians, et al knew they were starring in a film doing whatever turned them on? Supposedly there’s a infamous townhouse right in DC for arranged fun and games…those walls can talk and film!
Now…that leads me to Huma’s role in this play.
Close ties with Muslim Brotherhood and the Islam culture…perhaps even governments. Could she have been the “enabler?” Somehow, I don’t think HRC was capable to make all these arrangements herself…after all, she didn’t know how to use most of her devices, etc.
Could Huma have been working as a “controller” (perhaps even drugging her at times)?
Huma has been somewhat of a mysterious and intriguing player in all this, IMO.


Great insight re Huma! Very possible.


Huma is Muslim brotherhood and corrupted by evil to the core,but she’s smart enough to have insurance. Like the laptop. Trust me , she’s still alive she’s got leverage


Have to remember Hillrotten is a Margaret Sanger award recipient – for being so pro-abortion Planned Parenthood gives you a trophy.
Studying psychology, social work, I learned that what we believe, do, think, experience, will positively and negatively affect the chemistry, structure and function of the brain, as well as our behavior and emotions, development, maturity, personality and self concept/sense of identity.
Hillary’s choices, actions and attitudes have affected her and made her grotesque – she seems to be completely lacking in self-awareness, self-control and empathy.

A Fortiori

I worry about this, because our desire to avoid seeing the depths to which our enemies will descend prevents us from understanding them. And knowing the enemy is a prerequisite to winning (unless you happen to be very lucky).
Russian military doctrine is designed specifically to take maximum advantage of our revulsion at the slaughter of innocent women and children and at using their troops in a way that forces us to kill them in large numbers.
But I digress. We are going to need to examine and understand the evil Hillary and her allies have undertaken in order to understand how society might mete out a punishment appropriate to their depravity.
And then we are going to have to figure out how to live with what we have learned.


It’s said 5% of the population are psychopaths…
It’s suggested that many psychopaths become politicians…
It’s obvious that many politicians are psychopaths (some sociopaths of course… I have to admit I don’t know the psych definition of modern psychopaths and sociopaths, earned my major decades ago when the discipline was in its infancy. Youngest grandson, who has a photographic memory tells me the distinction if minor in his opinion. “A psychopath is capable of and enjoys killing; a sociopath prefers to pay someone to do so, or simply destroy the reputation of the individual.” I’m sure those are simplistic definitions. 😉
It’s obvious to me that Hildabeast is at least a sociopath (without empathy of any kind), probably narcissist also, and may also suffer from borderline personality disorder………… (hey, one can have more than one disorder 😉 )
She’s also an alcoholic…
She be a real hot mess !
As for taping/filming her……………. 007 would tell you that’s a piece of cake.
And (let me adjust my very expensive tin foil hat here) she has several clones…


Putting on my tin foil hat here, since we are having such fun with conspiracy theories…
I think Huma is to Hillary as Valerie is to Barry.
And, if Barry was a regular at the chicago bathhouses as I’ve read…does anyone question recorded evidence of anyone/everyone that visited there? Come on, man…Chicago?
Most of us acknowledge Barry is a created persona, carefully selected and groomed for decades. In addition to the promised pot of gold, i’ll Bet there was a good mix of blackmail, too. Noticed how both of the Obamas go wherever need to provide a distraction to whatever news the Communist Democrats want deflected. Good little puppets!


Sin sickness (effects of evil) is all-encompassing. It affects/destabilizes/degrades/destroys body, mind and spirit.


So she was “had” by a latter-day Dr. Mengele.
I am pretty certain Hillary is dying and terrified of it. So it makes perfect sense to me that she would try ANYTHING. Especially if she was convinced it would prolong her sorry existence.
Your analysis is excellent, and does indeed explain how this video could be real. I think it’s real. I think these videos, along with Epstein’s blackmail trove just found, are the reason for all the “deep fake video” news of late. They NEED us to believe that video can be faked so well no one can tell.
Thanks for all you do, Wolf!


She see’s her Father , the Devil, coming to get her. And she Knows that she won’t be a gnat in Hell but still BURN FOREVER there.


How many people are worried about the content of the pictures found in the search?
The results came out so fast (highly unusual, IMO), that it makes me wonder if the announcement was an offer to take stories from the guilty who want a deal.


Paul Ryan? Yikes!


Underage sex but I don’t think Potus could have made nice with him if he was a kiddy killer


Wolf, not sure what you are referring to regarding Ryan, but the word that comes to my mind is blackmail.


No one is thinking Epstein cut those pictures from Teen Vogue. And I do not believe many guilty parties are going to rely on the deep fake explanation.

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t know about Ryan, but I’m thinking Marco Rubio, and maybe a few others.


Foam Boy Rubio? That Rubio?

CM in TN

Curious about Sasse. Another antagonist of President Trump. Wasn’t he involved with the page scandel with Hastert before becoming a senator?

CM in TN

This may or may not be true, and I may be mistaken about Hastert connection, but I do remember hearing about something along those lines back then.
Don’t know how reliable this is, but will throw it out there in case some of you know any details…

Peter Neilson

I think Wolfie is being to ‘Nice’ to Hitlery.
Again: Satanists Marina ABRAMOVIC famous for “Spirit Cooking”

#QAnon #953
➡️ They think you are STUPID.
➡️ They think you will follow the STARS.

Daily Caller link – Above FOR REAL
Remember Q told us that some info was too horrific to be given to the public.


Yes! The gleeful dancing, if to be believed.


Akin to the videos of abortion providers “playing” with preterm humans…as you say, DEMONIC.


Just think, it used to be leeches.


Her health would be her Achilles heel.
I’ll buy that.
And she is callous, for sure.
And self-indulgent, without remorse.
To get her on tape would be the perfect self-destruct button. And we all know, Hillary was not the top of the pyramid.
Heckuva plot line there, Wolf.


I maintain that you all are watching a movie, which requires (as a component of enjoying the movie) a willing suspension of disbelief. Once you accept the premise (such as worp speed), then all sorts of scripts can be written and/or ideas fleshed out.
Q drops should not make anyone suspend their disbelief. IMO, this “face off” tale is a test of whether disbelief will be discarded in favor of a tale that supports our intense dislike of this witch.


WOW Wolfie!! Hard to read…But Fight we MUST!!!! Prayers up!!!! Especially for you!!!


Many years ago I read an article about Huma as she was surging to prominence. There were several photos, ibcluding one I remember of her sitting at the feet of Hillary, head on yhigh, looking up adoringly. I specifically remember a quote of Humas on Hillary. “The moment I saw her I knew she was the one. ” The context of the article talked about Huma as hill’s assistant, but the photos relayed an awkward intimacy. Not motherly, not inspirational in an honorable political sense. It was physical and all encompassed.
Huma and Hillary go deep. Anthony wiener is in his way a willing beard.


An act? Could be if Huma was/is an Islamist spy. There’s really nothing lovable about Hillrotten.

Peter Neilson

Given Huma’s background a SPY certainly fits. Don’t forget the AWAN brothers.
Sort of makes you wonder WHO is at the top of the pyramid.


Have always believed Huma was a plant / spy.


Kalbo, yes, have also always believed she is a spy, and they are All evil–impossible to feel sorry for Hillary if she is being blackmailed. They are All Evil.


Doe eyed love struck…exactly…


When I think of Huma being a sycophant to HRC, I think of Huma’s connections to Muslim Brotherhood and all I can see is Taqiya to achieve some ulterior purpose.

Plain Jane

Flippin good actress, isn’t she.


This is a well-written article that presents an explanation for video #3 in a plausible light. The way I originally read the description of the video, it seemed as if the two women either carved or were presented with the carved face of a sacrificed child. It’s hard to imagine even someone like Hillary doing that to a little girl. But if circumstances were right — say, its being a cadaver donated to science, or a recently deceased child — then it becomes much more believable, especially in light of her health concerns. She seems out for power at any cost, and she wanted the presidency more than anything, and her health started getting in the way. Hence, desperation.
I need to read this article and comments in more depth, but now I’m wondering who would capture such a thing on video, and was their goal to gain power over Hillary.


gain power over Hillary = yes, bingo


TT, I first heard about this video months ago on 8chan. Someone said a copy of it was on the dark web. I always thought from the description that the child was alive, not a cadaver. But maybe it was so horrifying that I just took it that way. Even if it was a cadaver, though, it’s still horrifying.

Plain Jane

Somewhere here Scott said he hoped the child wasn’t alive when the face was excised. My reply:
“Think abortion and sacrifice to the devil…live baby for sacrifice. I would not bet she was already a cadaver. God please forgive me for uttering that speculation. Please forgive the perps, and have mercy on us all.“


Excuse me for saying, but I’m not praying the perps will be forgiven–I might pray they would repent to the Lord before they are punished with what should be death under law. I am too busy praying for the victims.

Plain Jane

I hear you SZ.


More Q drops! It’s a deluge!
And it just dawned on me why they are going after DJT’s kids. Slow Joe released his tax returns. Surprise – all the money his son grifted out of foreign entities aren’t in there.
They are going after DJT’s kids because that’s where the big money is when they are taking bribes and such – donkey party kids like Hunter. .


It’s been quite a while ago, but I remember when first reading about pizza gate and Weiner’s laptop, there was discussion about a video that corresponds to the 3rd one being discussed here. There was a lot of horrific stuff that was being researched on 8chan, and I looked some, but had to quit. I don’t want to remember or know all the specifics, it’s enough to know that whatever was happening is truly evil.
Trust the Holy Spirit to provide the armor each individual needs to have, and pray for protection from evil. The Lord knows what each person may bear. Like has been said, it’s important to NOT turn away, but it’s okay to not remember the details as long as the depths of evil are not forgotten.


Yepper. Just posted further up, what if the video is on Wiener’s laptop. Put there by Huma. Without weenie knowing it was there.
Huma a trusted agent easily able to set up hildabeast.
hildabeast wasn’t supposed to lose…had hildabeast won, Huma and her handlers had an ultimate black mail video.. Me thinks.


“Many will be in denial – forever.”
Those are the same people who have always been in denial — forever.
People, for the most part, are what they are.
Most of them don’t seem to change much, past a certain point.
They CAN (change). There are always exceptions, people who for a variety of possible reasons suddenly ‘wake up’ and change their lives, take a different direction in life — but that’s not most people, that appears to be the exception.
Back to the people who are in denial — that is a mental issue, directly related to intellectual dishonesty. And that kind of dishonesty isn’t subject-specific, it’s broad, and covers a LOT of territory.
Which is why people like Leftists, for example, seem insane.
They’re not just dishonest or in denial about one or a few things, but about many things, because denial is a form of lying.
Ever know a pathological liar?
They didn’t start out that way, but lying becomes a way of life, a way of coping, a way of avoiding conflict, a way of ‘greasing’ social / family ‘gears’ to make things go ‘smoothly’. It starts with little white lies, which becomes a baseline over time, and then the lying goes to the next level, and eventually to the next, to the point where as an ‘outsider’, you begin to wonder whether the pathological liar even knows that he or she is doing it anymore, or if the lying has become part of who they are, of what they ‘believe’ or tell themselves in their own thoughts, which is tantamount to ‘denial’ – of reality.
People who have habituated themselves into a life of ‘denial’, of intellectual dishonesty with both themselves and others, won’t just ‘snap out of it’, not without something that SHOCKS the system enough to force a ‘hard reboot’ of some kind.
And that, of course, is risky.
But there’s no other way, because all ‘gradualism’ accomplishes is providing time for those who live in denial to ‘adapt’ their narrative to whatever changes are introduced to their ‘world’.
Denial is a form of psychological self-protection, so gradually exposing people to ‘x’ gives them time to adapt their self-protection circuits.
If you want to short-circuit that process, there has to be a shock to the system.
Otherwise, they just stay asleep.


Hmph. I worked directly for a classic pathological liar. Aerospace industry; he was General Mgr with control of over $14M capital budget, equal operating budget; had scars all over his body he claimed were from napalm in Cambodia; claimed his son was in a body cast after almost dying in an accident; he was brilliant, tho, and negotiated unique technology sharing agreements with some biggies in the computer industry (Apollo Computer, Symbolics, Texas Instruments, Sun Microsystems, Gould, etc.); claimed he was in a hit-and-run accident. I eventually discovered that NONE of it was true after more than a year – finally talked directly to his son (broke his leg only) and his ex-wife (he put ketchup on himself after the alleged hit-and-run and tried to say it was blood) and wasn’t even capable of keeping up with his checkbook.
Man, was that ever a head scratcher! I had to tell our mutual boss, the VP, and the guy was escorted off the premises.


He literally had thousands of people believing his stories!!!! Presidents of BIG defense industry companies!!!


Included Boeing, North-Grumman, McDonnell-Douglas, Vitro Corp., etc., etc.




Wowww…., how…….. odd.


I was completely stunned, personally. How on earth could someone pull that over on so very many people for so long???? He was good, I’ll give him that! And truly brilliant.


NEFilly, that’s like Ted Bundy weird.
Wonder why people do it?
Can’t say I’ve ever met anyone like that, but he would keep a psych busy for a lifetime, eh?


I also found out the burn scars were from a boiler explosion when he was a child.


BTW, remember Pernel Roberts, who played Adam on Bonanza and played a doctor on Trapper John, M.D. some years later? This guy looked EXACTLY like him!!!


Uh oh, handsome, too?
(Adam was always my fav on Bonanza)


A very old Trapper John!


“Just one word of difference, that made all the difference to China.”
One word is all that’s needed to tell a lie.
The first thing I thought of when I read your post:
God: “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (Genesis 2:17)
Eve, accurately paraphrasing God’s warning: “But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” (Genesis 3:3)
The Serpent, a.k.a. the Devil (Rev. 12:9), a.k.a. Satan (Rev. 20:2), introducing the first lie, by adding just one word. Note that Satan was contradicting God, not Eve’s paraphrase: “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:” (Genesis 3:4, boldface emphasis mine)


Had an in law that was a pathological liar. Lied about everything, things that didn’t matter. Have you seen my ______? NO. And then later it would “magically” appear. The last one was how much did your cat cost? He gave a different answer to 3 family members. When he finally committed to Christ, he changed.


“According to multiple reports, Jesse Karmazin founded Ambrosia Medical in 2016, a company that will infuse you with one to two liters of plasma from a 16- to 25-year-old donor.
So far, Karmazin claims that many of his 150 patients report feeling and performing better from just one treatment annually, Men’s Health reports. All for the low, low price of up to $12,000 per treatment. Ambrosia’s treatments are currently available in Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tampa, Omaha and Houston.”


“So far, Karmazin claims that many of his 150 patients report feeling and performing better from just one treatment annually, Men’s Health reports. All for the low, low price of up to $12,000 per treatment.”
And the people who purchase $10,000 speaker cables and stereo interconnects report that their music sounds better, with ‘blacker’ backgrounds, lower noise flower, more ethereal ‘highs’ and deeper ‘lows’.
The question is, does it really sound better?
Or do they just need to believe it does, to rationalize blowing $10 grand on speaker wire?
Without an objective determination, they’re just chasing the wind.
Or their ‘feelings’, more specifically.


edit / correction: “lower noise flower floor…” 🙄

Plain Jane

Placebo effect. All psychological.


I had a friend who was a construction contractor and won a bid for work at the Lebanon Correctional Facility (a prison). This was a decent man with high moral standards and a God fearing Christian. Well, the job took about 6 months and he was exposed to some of the truly tough inmates and the guards who tried to keep them in line.
He was shocked at how evil these criminals were and he liked to talk about it because I was sympathetic to him being exposed to this almost daily during the work week.
My point is there are psychopaths and truly evil ones out there and it’s a good possibility that a few politicians are in that group. Yea, they’re good at lying too.


Very much so.
Psychopaths are drawn to situations where they have power and control over others, which is why (I have read) that there is a much higher concentration of psychopaths among leaders of industry and government than among the general population.
Washington D.C. is full of psychopaths.
Like moths to a flame.
We could have an Amendment to the Constitution, that anyone running for public office must pass a psychological test, to filter out the psychopaths.
Like always, the problem is, how do you prevent the people administering the tests from using it as a weapon to exclude ideological opponents — which the Left would do, immediately.
We are always trying to neutralize the evil of Man through law, and Man is always able to find a way around the law while simultaneously using the Law as a weapon against everyone else.
The problem is always Man.
And today, the problem is always, specifically, the Left.
Not that the political Right is without corruption, they have plenty. But the political Right espouses (or at least gives lip-service to) what is ‘good and right’, traditionally, historically, and ultimately according to Christian beliefs and values, even if they never connect those dots.
By virtue of the Left defining itself in opposition to the political ‘Right’, the Left has necessarily DEFINED itself in opposition to whatever the political ‘Right’ stands for, i.e. whatever is ‘good and right’ according to history, tradition, and Christian values and principles.
That is why, ultimately, the Left DEFINES itself in opposition to God.
It is why the Left, ultimately, is anti-Christ.
And that truth is being revealed like never before, in everything they do.

Plain Jane

Where am I missing the videos. I looked on Q before I left for PF therapy, and am now totally lost. Please direct me to the videos.
Also, I know someone who was sought after for blood donation by a hospital as long ago as 25 years ago, because he didn’t have something in his blood that most people acquire by their teen years. To this day I don’t know what that is or was. All I was told was that his blood was highly sought after.


Jane, go read Q drop 3376. It is a post someone named George M. Nasif made about 3 videos of HRC. There are no actual videos – just descriptions of them.

Plain Jane

TY Linda.

Plain Jane

Cameraman? 🙂


Reminds me of an episode of “House, M.D.”
Dr. Greg House would know the answer to your question 😁

Plain Jane

I loved House.


“I loved House. ”
One of my favorite shows!
I have the whole series on blu-ray 😁

Plain Jane

Also loved Jeeves and Wooster.


I have never heard of that show!

Plain Jane

British comedy. Lauri plays a complete dolt who is being watched over by a manservant. Funny.


Jane and Scott–comedy based on the books by P.G. Wodehouse. My father used to read them to me–so much fun. English comed at its best.

Plain Jane

I never read the books, but absolutely funny video series. Lucky you to grow up with such humor.


“I loved House. ”
I loved Dr. Allison Cameron.
And then 13.
And then Dr. Jessica Adams.
But mostly Dr. Cameron. She was my favorite 😁

Linda K Harrison

There are people who have A Plastic Anemia and/or an Autoimmune Anemia where the body no longer produces red blood cells and they might require blood transfusions. People (especially older people) sometimes have anemia that is difficult to correct and need blood transfusions frequently. There are also blood diseases that could require frequent blood transfusions.
We don’t really know Hillary’s health and given her position it would be easy for her to hide it from the public. Maybe she required frequent transfusions and became aware of the “young blood” and decided it was worth a try.
As for the table to table (or person to person) transfusion, my dad was a universal donor and there were times when he directly transfused to another person (usually because of an accident) and the person was bleeding out.
I have personally known people who have lived with all of these different types of blood problems. A relative had an autoimmune disease and required monthly transfusions that were performed over a three day period and up to about 8 hours each day (cost of $20k per month). This was not an actual “blood” transfusion, it came in a powdered form and had to be mixed on the premises (at home) and was administered by his wife. Generally, a nurse came to help get things started.
People who have severe medical problems are apt to do about anything to try to get help. I am not saying this is what happened but it is not beyond the realm of possibility.


Back in 2017 main stream articles were printing this…
8. Billionaire elitists openly admit to Ingesting the blood of young children
Once the talk of conspiracy theorists — the rich ingesting the blood of the young to foster longevity — is now a reality and an actual business in the United States https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/06/this-anti-aging-start-up-is-paying-thousands-of-dollars-for-teen-blood. Not only is it a business but billionaires are actually admitting their interest in it. The Vanity Fair article referenced this study: https://www.cell.com/abstract/S0092-8674(13)00456-X .
CNBC carried a similar article: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/31/blood-transfusions-from-teenagers-start-up-charging-8000-apiece.html
This was part of a long post I made a few days back about 10 conspiracy theories that have proved to be true. I know the description of the 3rd video is mind blowing and hard to believe. But what else would make seasoned NYPD members vomit, not blood transfusions that’s for sure. She is a w1tch and gets pleasure from others brutal de@ths, remember her laughing about Q@ddafi?

Linda K Harrison

I totally agree with what you are saying and I actually believe all of this is true including the photos from video 3 which I have seen (from the Q post). I don’t believe that Q would have put this out there if it wasn’t true. I believe everything Q has told us.
I was only trying to point out that this whole thing may have started many years ago, we don’t know anything about her health but her and Bill both look bad. If it did start many years ago, it is possible that she has progressed to her current behavior.
My relative is still receiving those transfusion that started probably about 20 years ago and continue monthly. It originally started with him losing the use of his left arm/hand and crossed over to the right leg/foot. The transfusions can slow the progress but cannot stop it.


Yes, she has many symptoms of several different health issues, I think that their health and Merk3ls are going down hill cuz their supply of human products are being cut off. The one picture that is surfacing, the one of a female child’s mutilated f@ce is already proven by the autists to be a fake. that one is the reactive disinformation. It is an old LP album cover, they did not say which one or group. The other two of bloody medical instruments on a tray are real.

Linda K Harrison

Thank you for the update on the photos from video 3. I believe what Q puts out unless someone I trust says something to the contrary or if Q puts out new information. I agree with you that the Clintons and Merkel are being cut off – their usefulness has expired.


“8. Billionaire elitists openly admit to Ingesting the blood of young children
Once the talk of conspiracy theorists — the rich ingesting the blood of the young to foster longevity — is now a reality and an actual business in the United States ”
“Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. [4] But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.” (Genesis 9:3-4)
“For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.” (Leviticus 17:14)
“Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh.” (Deuteronomy 12:23)


I know, we are not to eat the blood! I can’t even do rare steak anymore. I even rinse my meats before cooking to rinse the residual blood from it before cooking. These people are totally going against God’s rulings and directions. They are sick as Q states.

Plain Jane

Just thought of something when I read about vid 3. We have an actual voodoo mask, carved in Haiti, bought in the early 80s in the Virgin Islands. Dang thing freaked the heck out of me whenever I passed it by in the basement. It was part of an island theme as you entered the basement, with pirate things in the pool room further back in the Recreation area. I mentioned this to a good priest, and he told me to get rid of it. Didn’t know how to get rid of it, plus it is a work of art. We blessed it with holy water. It is still downstairs, on a shelf, and no longer bothers me.
Point is…voodoo FACE masks carry meaning and potential evil powers. I don’t know if mine had incantations on it, nor if I just imagined my fear, but the possibility is/was there for either.
I can Imagine what powers a real live or dead mask may purport to have to practicers of the dark “arts.” I obviously know nothing of intent, nor if videos are fact or fiction, but …


The first thing that occurred to me when I read Q’s post about the mask was that I hoped for all the world that little girl was deceased before those monsters cut her face off, and played with it.
Justice can’t come soon enough.
If those videos are real, they will NEVER be able to walk the streets again.
And everyone who ever supported them will disavow them and act like they never voted for Hitlery.

Plain Jane

Think abortion and sacrifice to the devil…live baby for sacrifice. I would not bet she was already a cadaver. God please forgive me for uttering that speculation. Please forgive the perps, and have mercy on us all.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If real, they have to be put out there and rubbed in peoples’ faces. So those people can’t deny them.


Unfortunately, you are probably 100% correct.

Plain Jane

I have a libturd relative who says everything she doesn’t want to believe, is faked or doctored. Can’t break through some people.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

and it was said about the Holocaust…in spite of thousands getting a tour immediately after liberation.

Plain Jane

Yep. Unbelievable how the sick mind protects itself from acknowledging truth.
I ran into that so much in 20 + years of pro-life. The mind protects it’s host via denial.


The point of this type of abuse is to keep the victim alive as long as possible. She was alive . there is only one solution for monsters like these. I wish I could give you comfort on this, but we have to face that monster with which we deal, head on, in all it’s ugliness. I will say nothing further on this subject.


“I wish I could give you comfort on this, but we have to face that monster with which we deal, head on, in all it’s ugliness.”
I certainly will.
Until we know for sure, I’m just hoping, for the child’s sake.
If she was alive, I doubt Huma & Hitler will survive to make it to trial.
I mean, can you even imagine…



Sadie Slays

Back in July 2018, someone claiming to be NYPD posted pics on /qresearch/ titled “HRCvid.” They are definitely NOT from a medical setting and are as horrific as you would expect.
Why am I bringing this up now? Because supposedly George M. Nasif is passing these pics off as his own or as some sort of exclusive.
Here’s the original thread with the original pics. I’ve also included the thread archive link in case the pics don’t show up.

Peter Neilson

Sadie, you might want to cross post to the current open thread since this is important information.


I saw three pics and one that did not show up. They were of a goat skull, a human skeleton, and a place that looked like rituals were carried out there (dark, candles, etc.). I didn’t see any info to link them to HRC besides the title, and there was nothing showing a person committing terrible acts that I could see. The most “interesting” thing was the title, HRCvid. Surely someone could have faked that.
Thanks for posting. It’s so hard to know what’s real!

Sadie Slays

I agree, but George M. Nasif is now claiming they’re from Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Just wanted to get it out there that they were originally posted on 8chan.


“Unless someone was secretly taking them for blackmail purposes, why would there be videos of these acts?”
Ego (ego-maniacal).
People (psychopaths) who abuse, torture or humiliate others would want a memento of their deeds, that’s why serial killers often save something that was owned by their victims (or even a body part of their victims).
Video takes it several steps further, allowing the abuser to relive the experience over and over again.
And while it seems incredibly stupid to videotape yourself committing heinous crimes, these people are also incredibly arrogant, absolutely positive they are above the law, and they have lived that way for decades.
And more so than most, the Clintons are flat out reckless. If they weren’t, we wouldn’t have a well-worn list of all kinds of different crimes they’ve committed, and those are only the ones we know about.
So it doesn’t surprise me that these psychopaths would videotape themselves engaging in such acts. It allows them to relive the experience, to get the ‘rush’, every time they watch it.
Like an athlete watching video of himself winning the Indy 500, or hitting a home run to win the World Series, or knocking out an opponent in the boxing ring.
It’s similar psychology, with a psychopath’s twist.
That’s my attempt to explain or rationalize why they would do it.
Beyond that, the 3rd video referenced by Q reminded me of “Silence of the Lambs”, and I would not be at all surprised if that film was both a favorite and an inspiration to monsters like Hillary.


“Unless someone was secretly taking them for blackmail purposes, why would there be videos of these acts?”
What happened to that Q post?
I just tried searching for it, and it seems to have disappeared.
I searched “Huma”, “face”, “cut”, “blood”, “transfusion”, “Hillary”, “video” and it’s not bringing up any search results that aren’t MONTHS old.


Thank you, Wolf! 👍
It was really bugging me that I couldn’t find it using the search tools, lol!
I forgot that it was an image of a tweet, and not searchable.