CORRECTION: In the piece, this writer wrongly posted that Lex Wexner is the founder of Victoria’s Secret. He is not. Wexner bought the store(s) from the actual founder and added it to his retail empire in the 1980s. The actual founder’s concept was that the retailer would be a place for men to purchase lingerie for their wives. Wexner turned the tables and marketed toward women.
What if it is all a big lie?
Just like the possibility that Ancel Keyes’s hypothesis about fat and cholesterol in the diet making humans fat is most likely not true across the board, what if the battle of the sexes, men vs. women as it is sold to the masses, is just a way to play with minds and souls of Americans to give up our bodies for something sordid.
And what if an Ohio born billionaire was one of the main people to push what amounts to the message that women dressing like a sluts gets you love in the bedroom if nowhere else (but could lead to something much more gratifying) on an unsuspecting American public.
In one of a series of posts on July 8, Q, the master of all things conspiracy related, told the readers to look into Les Wexner, the founder of Victoria’s Secret, and as it turns out, newly indicted sex hound Jeffrey Epstein’s main client when he ran a hedge fund. Wexner essentially gave Epstein his Manhattan “house” that used to be a school sometime back.
Looking at the basics on Wexner’s bio, he’s 81 as of this writing, but only married in 1993 to a woman 24 years his junior. The couple has four children. For a lot of men, that, we are given to understand, amounts to a successful life. He was also a registered Republican until last year. Wexner owns a yacht. On the surface, he’s your typical successful self-made man.
Prior to his marriage, Wexner went into the women’s clothing business starting with the mall chain store The Limited, and gradually added brands to his empire, corrupting more than one along the way. Iconic label Abercrombie & Fitch was one that went from what was classically all American preppy to juniors exposure clothes practically overnight after its acquisition.
Wexner’s label that most titillates, though, is “Victoria’s Secret,” a lingerie, foundations, and intimate clothing line that played off the idea that no one really had any idea what was under Queen Victoria’s high necked, black bombazine dresses that she wore in memory of her late husband with whom she had several children.
The woman obviously had a sex life. Why would she have not worn animal print and black lace without the world knowing?
The thing is, racy and lacy underthings, so long as they are covered, are really left up to the imagination. Victoria’s Secret, once they branched out into clothing, made women dressing on the provocative side seem normal.
And THAT is really not the American way.
It was at the time Vicki’s Secret rose to prominence, though, playing into the insecurities of American culture that were being exploited at a number of different levels of entertainment, and the self help industry, and thus, messaging to the masses. Women everywhere were more or less told dress like this if you want a man, and the love and security that is supposed to come with him. That goes hand in hand with the publication of The Rules in the 1990s which told the ladies to be creatures unlike any other, pamper yourself, play hard to get, and never accept a date for the weekend after Wednesday. (Later came the dating sites that promised love and a relationship, but were really disappointing meat markets with $24.95 a month membership fee.)
Women, supposedly being somewhat fashionable creatures who tend to travel in packs, and often need the approval of other women before making decisions, had already gone through the early waves of feminism, which former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov claims was a campaign foisted on the world to break up the family. The bikini had come into our lives when previously exposing that much skin was just not done. The early novels of the romance industry that revived in the 1970s were known to feature rape, and bodice ripping which was fine so long as the hero of the novel was doing the deed. Television and movies programmed stories of women who were divorced, and making it without a man. The message was it was okay, and marriage really didn’t matter.
All of this was tossed into a culture where girls are taught from the cradle to be proactive in protecting themselves from men. Hopefully.
Why? Because men are not to be trusted. They are only after one thing. (And the irony of rape supposedly being a female fantasy doesn’t strike anyone as odd. Unbelievable.)
Of course, this is not universally true, but it is contradictory to the Victoria’s Secret message: men aren’t going to want you if you don’t dress this way, well under your outside clothes anyway. (And now, women’s “fashion” includes full coverage of spandex that leaves NOTHING to the imagination, and the poor guys have to look at the ceiling to keep from being called perverts.)
What a mess.
So what does this have to do with Jeffrey Epstein and Les Wexner?
Epstein, anyway, is turning out to be the proverbial dirty old man the girls were all taught to avoid. He, and Wexner by virtue of the products he sells which includes the amazingly smelly Bath & Body Works, are part of an industry that feeds into the American notion of men vs. women, the perpetual war spurred by self help books and videos, how to guides, and other assorted information widely available for people looking for love in all the wrong places – and taking it really personally when failure occurs.
And what is really sad, the result is the sexes not trusting each other and when it comes to that it does not look like much is going to change anytime soon.
A few years back, a marketing researcher for the big names by the name of Clotaire Rapaille, a Frenchman, wrote a very interesting book about his research into the American market. His theme is essentially that the American culture is young, very young, compared to other parts of the world, and growing up is not happening at this point. We successfully export the products of youth, but really have not begun to mature as a culture. In his estimation, sex, love, and seduction translate to violence, false expectations, and manipulation in the United States. As Victoria’s Secret was one of his clients, that puts them as part of the problem, regardless of Rapaille explaining away the issue in chapter 3 of The Culture Code.
And the founder of Victoria’s Secret more or less bankrolled Jeffrey Epstein in the beginning.
No, this is not a deep dive on either figure in the pedogate scandal. The main point is to recognize that they are players in perpetuating the objectification and sexualization of females at all ages. These are dots that need to be connected in the process of the diving for more information.
“The main point is to recognize that they are players in perpetuating the objectification and sexualization of females at all ages.”
Very important main point. We have all been hoodwinked and robbed.
To a large extent, yes.
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the sexual liberation of women in the early 1970’s when I was a single man.
I’m sure! It’s when you start to look at it and think deeply about the changes in our culture and start to examine how, exactly, this improved women’s lives that it starts to look a little suspect in many ways. Taken as a whole.
We miss you, Andy.
I have to think about all this..I like VS. At what time in history did style become exploitive by men toward women? When women were swathed in 20 lbs of petticoats, hot woolen stockings ? Or when bathing suits looked heavy enough to drown you? Or when ankles were daringly shown?
What’s wrong with gorgeous underwear? Why is something that is attractive to both men and women sinful?
Maybe I’m not understanding the deeper meaning of all of this but I’d choose being free to make my own choice than to have men decide what I can and can’t wear like muslims or mormons.
The reason there were layers of petticoats was due to stains. I don’t know that among adults that needs elaboration.
Oh, like skidmarks? LOL!
I thought they were mainly for shaping and bringing attention to the female form.
If you’re talking about menstruation both my grandmother and mother told me about the common method of protecting their clothing and this was long past the bustle and petticoat eras.
A crinoline will shape, but not much else will.
At some point, I was researching the modern feminine hygiene products, and discovered that they are an innovation of World War One field nurses. That’s when the petticoats disappeared.
Did you also research that most women didn’t menstruate every month because they were too underweight? Because that is in fact the case. The reason for so many women praying for children right up through the mid 1700’s was because you can’t get pregnant if you don’t even ovulate, let alone menstruate. And when they did menstruate, it was very light because of the hard physical activity they engaged in every day (unless one was upper class). And they had underwear, for men and women, even in the 800-900’s (and probably before, that’s just the earliest we have the actual clothing items recovered). Women were NOT just letting it run down their legs. To think that is just ridiculous. Our ancestors weren’t stupid and they weren’t lazy. They were using things like cat tail down wrapped in muslin for instance.
Since I came from families where 8-13 children living to adulthood was the norm going back to the 15th century in France, Spain and Ireland, (the smaller families didn’t happen until the early 20th century), no.
Then your family was at least middle class. Mine was not that way, at least not in my father’s line. In my mother’s line there weren’t that many kids until the 1800’s.
Nope, my family were farming peasants, and ship builders. But they were very Catholic.
Totally get your point, Molly. But I think the bigger point is to question if we are choosing what we want or what we’ve been taught to want. That’s the big one. Subtler than having some stone age Muslim beat you for wearing the wrong thing, but pretty effective nonetheless.
And I really, really like pretty sexy undies myself, so trust me I am not wanting to go back to wearing a full rubber girdle or something like my mom used to do…..
lol..I need to bow out of this conversation. I think I’m deplorable in a different way than we’ve come to wear with pride!
Maybe….I kinda think we’re on the same plane…. Either way, I love you MP! <3
I found the pressure was from other women. I was never interested in ‘Fashion’ and actually made all my formal gowns from MY patterns since I hated the crap the boy-lover designers put out. (I was 5′ 5.5″ and 36-24-36 at the time)
I also found guys were not as aware of fashion as other women.
From my point of view, sexy undies are one thing and ‘come-rape-me’ fashions (including the boys with pants down pass the ‘hole’) are something completely different. I may be old fashion but I would not let a child of mine out of the house with some of the clothes I have seen.
Also the ‘no dress code’ crap ====> NO MANNERS!
Molly Pitcher5
“What’s wrong with gorgeous underwear? Why is something that is attractive to both men and women sinful?
I was wondering myself concerning attractive underwear. It was my grandmother who bought be the first silk underwear and slip, I was 14 before she always bough pretty cotton.
Later I bought my own and it was not sexual it just made me feel good. I was raised that one needs to have a nice undergarments than outer garment. Nothing sexual about it or to impress a guy. At the time I did not even think about impressing guys that way. I got married at 20 and my husband put no value on undergarments . He likes me natural
I strongly believe something is only sexual when we make it such. Growing up in Europe we were comfortable with our bodies. Thank God I never had to adorn my body in a way to be sexual appealing to my husband.
What am I missing? Yes, at my age I still by nice undergarments to make me feel good no one else. I still like silk it feels good on my body.
Victoria Secret never interested me for one reason I do not like polyester . At my age 74 my body has changed and I do not think the clothe would fit me well to skimpy.
Now sexualizing women do we not also sexualizing men?
I do not know about dating the way it is now. Personally I believe I would not give up my self worth to be a sexual women libber.
I am a woman sexual libber in my marriage that worked out for both of us.
Whadya mean, miss me? I’ve been here ever since I got banned from OT.
No, on Marica’s blog….where we moved after PHC couldn’t maintain his any more. He’d love to see you…and your video….. *winky*
Not anymore….
And all the ladies are getting a complex. We’re starting to think you don’t like us…..
That’s just silly neuroses.
Is it, Andy??? You didn’t even tell me to tell them hello from you…. It’s very sad….
OK, tell them I said hello. Better now?
LOL–I’ll tell them! They’ll be happy to hear from you. And feel free to come say hi yourself. You’re a good egg, Andy. Say hi to the Missus and pet the dogs for me.
Not even going there.
Same! Shame!
(me too)
DP – excellent post. I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Saddest for me has been watching the nigh-complete annihilation of the value of men in our families and society. We do ourselves no favors by destroying the nuclear family as the most important societal unit.
Men have very much been pushed aside, but at the same time, the seeds of distrust have really taken root. Yeah, I’m single and any man who really wants to change that better be worth it, but that sentiment goes double for the guys I know who have been burned or who have seen friends and family burned. And that doesn’t begin to delve into the women I know, several relatives actually, who don’t take the time to really decide if this guy is the one or not. I mean, I have two cousins less than a year younger than me who between them have had eight husbands, and the one has four boys with only two having the same father.
It’s a mess.
Yes. I hate what they have done to us.
We women were promised we could have it ALL and instead just became another Wage Slave the Elite could TAX. Destruction of the family, of our communities and ultimately the USA were also part of the plan. As Wolfie says they Elite always like to have multiple benefits when they put a plan in action.
Yes…..and it’s pretty clear, now, looking back that was the plan. But I went right along like everyone else.
“In the latter days, perilous times shall come….
men shall be lovers of themselves, not lovers of GOD
….without natural affection…” II Timothy 3:1 –
This Bible verse describes the destruction of our humanity,
the loss of fatherly, husbandly feeling for females, women, daughters, infants, unborn…
the lack of male covering, protectiveness over the female….
instead we have exploitation, selfish gratification of women, children, infants
For example:
Didn’t know about this, but Les Wexner did not found Victoria’s Secret. The man who did “jumped” off the Golden Gate Bridge in 1993.
…early waves of feminism, which former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov claims was a campaign foisted on the world to break up the family.
I believe this is key. Think globalization—global power—an oligarchy of a couple of thousand very powerful people attempting to rule over an ever growing population. How do you rule the world and keep it under control?
Men vs Women: destroys the family—diminishes reproduction—creates dependence. Divide and conquer.
A bit more complex in reality—but that is it in a nutshell.
For evidence, simply look at birth rates of Europe and the United States. Even Russia has a dismal birth rate. Could that be why Putin is against homosexuality?
It may also be why Putin is in favor of and a member of the Russian Orthodox Church.
There’s more to it than just that, IMO.
I love men. All kinds, types, heights, ages. Different frame of mind and I adore the way their minds work.
Women who dress like trash leave nothing to the imagination. Epstein and Wexler pushed the idea culturally which is bad for women and society. It is trashy, low rent, unsophisticated. No time for tension or interest to build. You’re right, Dep.
Great post.
I posted a piece up thread a bit about the actual founder of Victoria’s Secret. His vision was not what the business became after Wexner bought it from him.
Wexner is an odd character. We need to know a LOT more about him.
I agree. I’ve seen some other pieces of information that would be useful for rounding, but because it has to do with a secret society stemming from a faith that gets entangled with a state that was created…I’m not going to go there right now.
There’s a lot in the background that we aren’t seeing yet.
Victoria’s Secret fashions are not for every woman. IMO, there’s nothing worse than a fat cow trying to look sexy in lingerie.
I can think of some worse things…
Unfortunately, as a Rhodes scholar, unless he had a lobotomy, he knows plenty.
Great story.
At the height of the Vicki Secret Fashion Shows, my ex decided to build the man game room of his dreams. We took the bottom of a 3 1/2 car garage and he went to town. Bar, kitchen, custom pool table, bathroom, wooden ceiling, wooden panels up to chair rail, big TV and sound, brick pavers on a herringbone were laid by 4 architects – who acted like their were building their own clubhouse, and keep in mind my ex was a contractor, with true master wood trim guys. The place looks like an English Library. Okay fine.
Well, the boys were in hog heaven and suddenly, my liquor and food budget doubled. I had a dozen husbands instead of one. The game room became a perfect secret meeting room and millions of dollars were trade over the bar.
We were popular.
Well, the girls and I decided we weren’t getting enough out of the Game Room and we invaded for the annual Victoria Secret Fashion Show. We wore nasty thongs OVER our jeans, flannel pajamas, curlers in our hair, made Mai-Tais, and pranced the model walk all night long.
It was a hoot!
That said, nothing better than fine underwear under a business suit. Those poor boys don’t stand a chance.
During the summer I like my jersey dresses and long skirts with tops. None are see through. What’s under there…SHH!
Funniest cartoon I remember from Playboy in my youth was the one with a guy and a girl wearing a man’s shirt walking on the street. The caption was “Tuck my shirt into what shorts?”
Al Bundy lives.
Amen Daughn
So long as the guys wear kilts, I’m good
Fashion tip ladies:
3 things that don’t LIE:
Babies, Drunks and…….
leggings really tell it like it is.
aka tights
aka camel toe definers
so sad
LOL, nothing sad about it from my perspective.
lol andy
Which is why when some of us wear them, the top goes at least to the upper thighs, usually lower.
So long as they come off quickly, that’s all that really matters.
Uh, tights hold in the heat a lot more. Leggings at least come in cotton, and don’t make your feet sweat so much.
A MAJOR reason I wear jeans and cowboy shirts. AND I wear them loose (cooler and more comfortable)
When shopping a couple days ago there was a woman my height, less than 1/2 my age who weighed twice what I do in TIGHT spandex top to bottom (green and yellow) with CLASHING purple and pink hair getting her 2 year old out of a car. I almost lost my lunch.
WHY ever would anyone who is over weight wear that? Heck my friend can’t even get me into a bathing suit to go swimming with her! My legs are still good but I want that ‘barrel’ for the bulging middle.
There’s no accounting for taste at any size. Personally, I don’t own pants other than a few pairs of summer capris which I didn’t buy, and some long workout shorts. I’m strictly a skirts and dresses girl. Not everyone is.
I’m short, and there’s plenty of me while not being a plus size. I do the tankini and swim skirt thing. Cover-ups flow at least to the knees. But, I also was a lifeguard and a swim team person, so I all but grew up on pool deck. Larger people don’t bother me so much so long as they are not in speedos.
I wear as my spirit moves me. Often at home I wear leggings never out and about and long top.
Other times whenI go out I wear a dress, pants, the new wide pants from Eileen Fisher.
I seek comfort but style and simple classic items. I do not like big flowery frilly things I am not the type but enjoy them on others.
Classic style is always nice and one can add to update but never boring if don right.
Personally I do not care what people wear that is all artificial the person is what matters to me.
I refuse to own pants. Call it rebellion or a religious choice, I don’t like them on me.
As I said, I thought they had nothing to hide…Why not cooperate..
Clinton Library Refuses to Hand Over Info On Ties to Epstein, Bill Claims He ‘Knows Nothing’
Hmmm…makes you wonder.
Time for a no knock search warrant raid on the Clinton Library, IMO.
Quickly before Hillary gets out her cleaning rag.
If CDAN is to be believed, the Victoria’s Secret models are really high-priced escorts to the elite. Not to dismiss the overall globalist agenda to turn society degenerate, but it appears that there’s a trafficking connection that few are investigating.
Oh, I’m sure some of them are. The model mystique has replaced the ballerina in the George Ballanchine era.
Well, if the women are of legal age and volunteer for the fees they receive, why not? I have no problem with prostitution so long as girls under 18 aren’t involved. And as long as it’s mutually consensual, who’s to say it’s wrong?
And if any or all of them are risking potentially life threatening diseases, that’s their business, right? Other than who pays for the treatment for said disease later. A lot of women pay with their lives.
Life is full of risks of all kinds. Legal prostitutes in Nevada get monthly physical exams by doctors. Any symptom of venereal disease are quickly treated. Many of the young girls make a lot of money to pay for college, cars, homes, etc. It’s their choice to do that oldest profession.
I like legalized prostitution because it tends to keep wives honest and living up to their marriage vows. They know if they deny their man, he can always go to the ranch with the red landing lights.
andy for president !
“I like legalized prostitution because it tends to keep wives honest and living up to their marriage vows. They know if they deny their man, he can always go to the ranch with the red landing lights.
You are kidding right..????????
If not then I say if the woman is denying the man the man is not living up to his responsibility to make her happy. He just has to work harder and do his part so his wife is happy to have an sexual encounter with her man
Wow, that sounds like something a feminazi would say. Men can do everything possible to make their wives happy, but some women just cannot be pleased no matter what they do. And many women lose interest in sex after they have children.
GOD hates adultery – and marriage is a covenant. Spit on your morals, AOC
Wow! You’re not very nice. In fact, you’re downright nasty.
“Wow, that sounds like something a feminazi would say. Men can do everything possible to make their wives happy, but some women just cannot be pleased no matter what they do. And many women lose interest in sex after they have children.”
No feminazi here .
I do believe in equality and equal happiness.
I have three kids and having kids might divert attention from a man but people have to make time for each other. The kids are not just the woman’s children they also belong to the guy.
If a woman has no interest in sex that tells me he is all about me instead of wanting his woman make also happy .
I have the feeling some men cannot be helped because they only think about themselves maybe going to a prostitute is the answer and maybe she can find a guy who is more attentive.
Good luck with that when you’re divorced with three kids.
Hold up.
You: “Wow, that sounds like something a feminazi would say. Men can do everything possible to make their wives happy, but some women just cannot be pleased no matter what they do.”
GA/FL: “GOD hates adultery – and marriage is a covenant. Spit on your morals, AOC”
You: “Wow! You’re not very nice. In fact, you’re downright nasty.”
Looks to me like you like to dish it out, but you can’t take it.
Well, you won’t catch me spitting on anyone here. That’s just plain mean and nasty.
And spitting on people is a libtard tactic. One spit on Kaitlin Bennett recently and the police did nothing about it even though they were standing just a few feet away and witnessed it.
you are kidding right ?
you do realize that the ratio of women to men nowadays is something like 6 to one ?
“He just has to work harder…”
It is? I had always heard women only slightly outnumbered men. Guess that must have changed.
I’d rather be single and happy than married and miserable. As it is, issues with my own family would be a problem right now.
Personally, I think it’s better to be in a happy marriage than single and bitter towards men or women for that matter. Married people tend to live longer, happier lives. That’s a proven fact.
I’m not bitter. The men in my family are engineers. That being the case, I would rather be single.
OK. Sure.
SPIT, PUKE! Simply disgusting – or are you joking?
Are you talking and spitting at me?
Can I be honest here? He’s just one of those libertarians who are okay with any personal decisions, especially the ones that feel good.
Since this is a no-ban site, I suggest ignoring him as a solution to your discomfort.
Or we can all ignore you. Works both ways, huh?
We can also all ignore you. Works every which way.
And you as well.
Thanks. I’m just reacting as a woman who had a libertine husband once upon a time and out of my own beliefs in the sanctity of marriage.
So why did he kick you to the curb anyway?
I realize that’s a highly personal question, so don’t feel obligated to answer it.
I heard bout this convo.. I Just needed to come over an Hug you GA!!! Someone AIN’t Welcome..And it’s NOT you!! I love you forever!!!
Hey – I’m ok. :8-) Just disagreein’ about the responsibilities of men in marriage. Faithfulness is #1
Funny how you’ve been wondering why I won’t post on your blog.
You have answered your own question, Marica.
WTH would I want to go to a blog full of angry, old biddies who like to dominate men? Ain’t happenin’.
A man does that to me and I find out, he will never be with me again.
There are always cats.
I’m allergic. Do have dogs, though.
You know, I’m not sure what crawled up your ass, but I really wish you would vacate this thread.
You sound like a man who some woman got fed up with, and now you hate women. We are not here on this earth to satisfy you. Most of us have equal partnerships with the men in our lives, not subservient relationships. That includes sexual matters, as well. Being hateful to women won’t help you get laid, trust me.
P.S. Most Christians agree that marriage is a sacrament. If you like whores, that’s your deal, but if you cheat on your spouse, well, that’s a sin no matter how you choose to justify yourself.
Right now you’re crawling up my ass, Aubergine, and I wish you’d crawl back out before I blow you out my ass.

I’m just stating facts about male/female relationships. If you cannot handle the truth, then too bad for you.
BTW, I’ve been married 35 years to the same woman, so I guess we both must be doing something right.
You, on the other hand, sound like an old spinster who tried to dominate the men in your life and got rejected every time.
I’m betting you’re a cat hoarder, too.
I am surprised that Wolfie allows you here,
I’m surprised you aren’t wearing swastikas and carrying a riding crop with jack boots on your feet.
Who me? Yeah, outgrew the horse phase long ago, and I don’t wear boots.
No, that was a reply to Marica.
From what i have read, many models work their way up using the couch…
Heres’ a couple of them from Epstein’s island that managed to become very successful. On their own or with help ?
As I said previously, so long as they are 18 and older, I say more power to them.
The difference with this particular success story is that it’s implied that they weren’t 18 when first brought into the Epstein world. They performed well and allegedly went on to procure and instruct underage girls.
Well then, Epstein may end up paying dearly for those crimes. And if those women trafficked in underage girls, they should be prosecuted as well. I was defending legal prostitution with legal age women.
I know sad time…However in the last couple of decades sex is really nothing anymore.
To the contrary, it seems more popular than ever. Perhaps many of the millennials and younger crowd aren’t that into it, but many of them are weird anyway. They have their noses stuck in their smart phones so much, life passes them by. And a lot of people are gay these days. I’ve never seen so many dykes and fairies as I’ve seen in the past decade.
LOL—but sex to most is like going to the store and buy a hot dog or coke or ???
its not special.
Gee, I’m sorry for you then.
not to me I’m from the 50s generation…
Good catch, Sadie.
Check this out, from Wikipedia:
Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2017
The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2017 was taped in Shanghai, China at the Mercedes-Benz Arena, it was the first Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show held in Asia. The show featured musical performances by Harry Styles, Miguel, Leslie Odom Jr. and Jane Zhang.
Fashion show
Nov 20, 2017
So what CDAN is saying is that people paid bookoo bucks to “escort” the models, so to speak, and that CHINA was chosen for THEIR benefit – presumably to avoid meddling US anti-trafficking LEOs.
Why do these posts always devolve into wardrobe comparisons, and talks about sex. The point is that the women have been sold a bill of goods. It’s, for lack of a better term at the moment, a psy-op operation that does no one any good despite carnal pleasure being taken without thought to consequence and risk of all sorts.
One of the tactics of the resistance is to send in deep plants that can be activated to sow confusion, division, or create a toxic environment. Not everyone that does this is a deep plant. Some are just free-lance or maybe gifted in that realm. I think that some who aren’t able to have a clean and open disagreement have no idea the effect they are creating. Everyone else knows who they are.
Not meaning to change the subject of women’s underwear; which btw is extremely boring since there are no pics or vids of beautiful women in sexy underwear…words just don’t cut it!
But to change the subject to; ‘Ancel Keyes’s hypothesis about fat and cholesterol’ !
Ah yes, how many people had early deaths following that POS theory and began eating carbs, sugars, breads, breakfast cereals (the worst) etc because he claimed eating fat made one fat…..dumb SOB.
No one seems to make the correlation that now more people are fatter with diabetes than ever before by following his ‘advice’ to reduce one’s fat intake! The nation collectively reduced their fat intake and became fatter,,, who’da thunk it? Well some sow feeding at the government trough!
Another government-backed con-job like the “Climate change Hoax, Social Security, Green New Deal, etc
We now return to that discussion about women’s underwear; Now were talking !!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice try Steve!
Just like fake boobs……………WHO CARES?

Those of us whose plastic surgeons are Mother Nature and God care a lot. My rack is more impressive.
Picture proof or you’re lying.
Dirty old man.
Well, if you must know, when I was a teenager, I figured I had to develop a sense of humor about my height and my bustline if I was going to be happy.
Let’s just say DD is in the rearview mirror for decades now. Don’t have a camera handy..
Yes, I admit to being a dirty old man. Luckily for me my wife is a dirty old woman.
But, once again, picture proof or you’re lying.
I AM NOT LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
42H if you must know.
I actually do care (in re fake/real). I’d rather spend time on an authentic pair of As than a fake pair of Ds.
When all you’re doing is looking at passers by, though, then it makes no difference.
Be still my heart… or the rack for that matter.
My understanding is that once the implants are put in, sensitivity suffers.
Wouldn’t know. Mine are the real thing whether I like it or not.
Makes you stand out in a crowd.
Yes, it does.
Next size up, you get referred to in the plural.
I’m already considered “deformed.”
Time for zzzzz. ‘Night.
I would hasten to disagree.
I could tell stories….
Several friends have been after me for years to go under the knife to “fix” the “deformity.” No thanks.
Well, you’re definitely up front about it.
That was my point, Steve. Since women in pictures are never going to be in our lives in any real sense, wth does it matter whether they’re real or not? We won’t be playing with those funbags.
I guess it wasn’t obvious your comment applied only to pictures, not to In Real Life.
God Bless America!
That’s nothing. Runs in my family.
Got any sisters?
Yes, but she flunked with a B.
Just gonna leave this here.
I am so lost at words right now, Q said these people are sick, that to me is an understatement.
How can a registered sex ffender work with kids in Hollywood?
Oh my goodness Wolfie. I cannot believe how pertinent your post is to today’s young women, and how timely it is for the “project” God has dropped in my lap. I am working with a brilliant young professional woman who has finally, for once in her life met a man who treats her like a lady, and isn’t groping her. She is worried he isn’t interested in her because of that. I have to keep focus on where God wants to take her. She needs mentoring to distinguish lust from love.
Thank you for the thread.
Well, while I can’t take credit for the post itself, I will take credit for pushing DP to write it! Sometimes being an editor who doesn’t have to do any editing is actually FUN!
On a serious note, however, I know what you’re saying. If things are even remotely the same as when I was younger, many women feel like “something is wrong” if a man doesn’t try to steal home by the third date. They cannot comprehend that some men might actually believe in saving something for the honeymoon, or leaving it for whoever makes that investment (a form of gentlemanly “do unto others” – in this case both the woman and her future husband). Yes, even before Marxism arrived to tell us guys that we were all patriarchal cads, many of us “gents” obeyed what strike me as utterly matriarchal rules, designed to keep women in the catbird seat.
Soviet communists simply wanted “perestroika” of the matriarchal rules to something THEY controlled.
Communism LIED about “patriarchy” using FAKE FEMINISM. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
Segueing into a rant here…..
Our “feminist” cultural changes – ignited by the Soviet Union, were the result of COMMUNIST LESBIANS pushing their view of the world on everybody else. That is why modern feminism looks NUTS to most people. The only feminists who make sense to most of us are generally conservatives
The point is simple, and all data point to it. Women want a kind of overall equality, but they don’t want equality in all components – particularly where that equality disadvantages women by disadvantaging individuals and/or humanity as a whole.
When “equality” becomes a WEAPON against PEOPLE, the PEOPLE don’t want it.
“Negative equality” is generally undesired by real people, but commies REVEL in the stuff.
In my opinion, the “trans” feminism is designed to keep REAL WOMEN “in their place” by a kind of cynical Orwellian logic. Kick it to the curb!
Hey, found a mistake in the post. Will put a correction at the top of it.
So sorry about not recognizing that this is your thread/ post DP. So pertinent to today.
The mother of the young woman of whom I spoke, mist be about 60ish. I am somewhat appalled that she didn’t pass basic understanding of marriage material men to her daughter. She must have been screwed up herself.
The young women today need prayer.
Don’t worry about it. Young women today need mentors and real mothers. Even some of the mothers need the same. There’s a difference between a dress and a swim suit cover up and a slip and some of the ladies at Church have no clue about that.
I know what you mean about slips. They are even difficult to find. Everything is slink crap. I have two merino wool sweater dresses. Love them, but cannot find a full slip fit to wear with them at all.
I can relate. My last merino wool dress, I used to put a cotton long sleeved t-shirt under it.
Hmmm. Interesting thought.
If I still had that dress, today I would wear leggings under it. It was amazingly itchy.
Mine not itchy. Both from Lands End. I really want the smoothness a tricot slip would provide, but not the scrunched in look of those body shapers.
1) Victoria’s Secret bras suck. They are uncomfortable, and itchy mostly. They are designed for men, not women.
2) Women used to be mysterious and sexy as hell, without being slutty. Remember old movies, like “To Have and Have Not?” Lauren Bacall was smokin’ hot, but not trashy. Or how about “From Here To Eternity?” There are many examples.
3) VS markets to TEENAGERS. They want to get them young, so they have the pajamas, sweats, t-shirts and stuff, right next to the itchy see-thru bras.
4) I don’t care what any woman wears under her clothes. BUT, I care about how those undergarments are marketed, how young girls are targeted, and the unrealistic expectations put onto them for their bodies. It is also warping the minds of young men, because FEW women look like a VS model. Without body makeup, lighting, constant dieting, plastic surgery and the like, even VS models don’t look like that.
Victoria’s Secret lingerie tends to not stay on very long. Usually when a hot woman comes out of the bathroom wearing it, it tends to fall off about 2 or 3 minutes later. If it doesn’t, there’s something wrong with somebody. I won’t point fingers since it could be either party.
The best bra fitting I ever got was from a Victoria’s Secret trained fitter. It happened at another retailer, but she put me in the right size for the first time in my life. She knew what to measure and more importantly HOW to gauge where to measure.
Due to my size, I can’t say anything about Vicki’s Secret’s products. They don’t make them in my range. I have heard good reviews. Foundations actually working for women depends on a lot of factors.
Here’s hoping you don’t graduate to needing a wheelbarrow to get around.
plse see below you impudent cad
Daughter dearest gets her equipment from both sides of her ancestry. She got toughened up as a natural blond bombshell fully equipped when as a Freshman in HS. She did look into minimizing surgery, but realized any surgery has it’s risks, and learned to appreciate second SUBTLE glances from men who appreciate God made bounty.
in defense of andy here…
think of him as Groucho…
Yeah, no.
poor you, lol
“Come back in half an hour and you can see it again!”
Groucho really knew how to handle crabby old biddies.
He’s my mentor.
OK – DP – did you ever see THIS little item? Do you think it’s talking about our same guy?
I would say yes except for this paragraph:
“Now, there is something else about that very rich man. He was the very first customer of the pedophile. He was in a horrible marriage and wanted someone young. Very young. The pedophile knew just the right person and the life of the rich man was changed forever. He started embracing life again and has kept that woman in his life ever since as a mistress. He ended up marrying again, but the love of his life is the mistress.”
Wexner, according to what I’ve seen, only married once in 1993. There may have been a previous marriage not disclosed. But it does sound like the first pedophile is most likely a hedge fund manager.
I think you are onto things with the “previously undisclosed marriage”.
I’m suspecting he had an ANNULMENT. And then, if you’re going through the trouble of legally saying “it never happened”, and you have the money to make it actually “go away”, it may well have gone away.
First of all, some background on Epstein and Wexner. Check this new story out. It came up looking for stories with Wexner in them. Nothing bad about Wex, but it shows the relationship.
Here is some interesting background on Wex’s wealth and privacy:
Bloomberg may have the goods (or at least a hint) on any annulment here, but it’s behind a paywall.
Wexner is amazingly secretive. That in and of itself is interesting. There’s also information that is potentially inflammatory on this site about a club of which he is a member. The wealthy men who are part of it use it as a sort of Chamber of Commerce for people, causes and companies with one aspect of life in common. I think it was the Magna Group, or something like that. Read about that yesterday.
At this point, it’s all just data points in the matrix.
some of the things that I’ve read use the term “confirmed bachelor” about him. Back in the day often times I think that was a euphemism for being gay.
He married in his 50’s and banged out kids.
A socially financially gay man in those days might be a great mark for a guy like according to write-ups they appeared to actually like each other. ??
My thought is that a perv like Epstein could easily swing both ways, or even several ways at the same time.
We think alike on that! A upper echelon con man is no different than a street hustler. Only the wallets are different. A brilliant sociopath can read people and dial in the weak spot
Well said Molly.
The collection of stories at this link are interesting. I’m thinking we’re starting to see it unravel from the strangest angle: old, historic mansions in NYC.
The group I was thinking of with Wexner is the Mega Group. Bronfman is also involved. I would post links, etc., but I don’t want to be accused of something I am not.
Yeah, I hear you. I think we’ve already done a remarkable job of removing what I regard as an unhealthy inability to discuss, openly and honestly, all things Jewish, but we’re not quite there yet. There is actually the same problem for a lot of other groups, too. Throwing off identity political rules is a bit of a nightmare.
Anyway, HERE is a great link talking about the Mega group and Les Wexner in great detail, but in a totally neutral or slightly positive way. I think it’s originally from the Encyclopedia Judaica. Also an archive of it, in case controversy makes stupid people mess with it.
People may have a hard time making a leap from all this stuff to Trump, but I will make that leap now and people will see it later. Trump is breaking up identity politics, and once people see how he’s doing that, they will appreciate HOW he makes people stop seeing false memes that actually lead to antisemitism.
Well said Wolf. Maybe I’m way off with this but I think the blame put on the upper upper Jewish bankers (that they rule the world theories) from way back gets mixed in with Jewish anybodies. Screams of antisemitism is lobbed the minute it’s discussed.
It seems to me the “Antisemitism!!!” shrieks happen because many people insist on identifying them as “Jewish bankers” rather than just “bankers.”
If the person making the complaint doesn’t have anything against Jews, why bother mentioning the fact of their Jewishness?
Think it’s just coincidence?
I’m not sure where you’re going with this.
How about being specific on what “it” is that you’re asking me to tell whether I think “it” is a coincidence.
Check out this one:
Before this week, I always thought that the faith could be separated from a government system as opposed to the land itself.
I had a big long thought on the whole Israel question, but I’ll save that for another time, or its own post.
I had my own theories on Mega back in the day. As they were not mentioned in the links, and nobody has stated them, I’ll keep them mum. One of them is really good, too!
The Larouche article makes a serious mistake on the spy stuff, though. Not one of the cited people thinks that the “Mega call” was disinformation. THAT is my theory of why Team America dropped the Mega hunt. They found the problem (the phone system) and fixed it. And at that point, they realized that “Mega” was simply a red herring.
Great blog source for info and expanded thought. It shows how good many of the paid shills are at diverting conversation away and into another rabbit hole or diminishing the importance of accusations. I appreciate even more so your vetting on here and your efforts to not provide shills a platform to spew their evil. But the end of this story is written already and the rest is details.
Thanks! I like that we have a calm, reasoned, logical, and totally free chamber here for analysis.
I am going to encourage any lurkers who don’t want to deal with vetting, but would still like to comment, to use Gab and Dissenter to comment on any pages here. That will be more like the chans or Disqus, but it’s a way to attach thoughts to these pages. Eventually, it is my hope that we have a “following” on Dissenter as well. There is no moderation there, so no vetting, no bans, and even more free speech than we have in here.
Sorry I tried to go on Gab and wasn’t successful. Seems it’s well above my pay scale. LOL. It must be concerning though when you see what happened to OT and the sources before that. They get infiltrated by some who have an agenda to divert and destroy. The OT prayer requests are a sad replica of what was once a well used viberant life for many. It was hijacked and changed the focus to one individual. That chased people away. Let me encourage you. Many here are wonderful researchers and writers and many of us just benefit from those efforts to understand wth is going on in our world. Thank you!