RE: Epstein’s money
By chance, did any of you see James Patterson’s interview with Dana Perino? Link Patterson wrote a book about Epstein, “Filthy Rich”, which is nonfiction (true/fact based and heavily researched). James Patterson lives next door to Jeffrey Epstein in Palm Beach. Patterson normally writes spellbinding spy novels but in this case, the truth was just as good. If what we suspect about Epstein is half true, then we know where Patterson gets the inspiration for his books. Patterson simply needs to look around his neighborhood, and talk about his neighbors, as I talk about my girlfriends drinking bloody marys and ironing together. No wonder Patterson makes the big bucks. Already, the Epstein story reads like a B-rated movie script…….. but add a little blackmail….. and the movie would make zillions.
It made no sense. How did Epstein get his money? I couldn’t figure it out. I was a licensed NASD Broker Dealer, fingerprinted, FBI file, constant updating for more licenses, a trail of paperwork as wide and long as the Mississippi River. When I moved millions of dollars, I was bonded, questioned, background checked (they even called my parents and neighbors), and every single penny was accounted for, audited annually, ……. AND I was a little peon in the business.
How in the heck did Epstein accumulate vast wealth when no one knew what he did? No one traded with him. We always had to call other trading desks, other firms, for various info/updates, or to allocate client funds. It’s impossible to earn what Epstein allegedly has earned without other people telling stories. Traders know each other (across states and oceans, too). There would have been a tale about how Epstein returned a HUGE sum to a client, or LOST a huge sum….. and yet, nothing. Scuttlebut, you know, cocktail party talk, and yes, brokers talk worse than fishwives. But complete silence? It’s couldn’t happen….. and certainly not for decades.
The BEST thing about money, is that it’s finite. Money is not gaseous and does not evaporate into thin air. Money is pure, like a solid mass, “X” amount comes in and “X” amount goes out. Money NEVER disappears….. ever…… even if a Spanish galleon laden with gold sank to the bottom of the sea……. it can be recovered. There’s no opinion about money. There’s no casting of shade, no estimating client’s funds on a report, no subjective politically correct statement about money. Nonononooooo. Money is PURE raw data and easy to track. So, where the heck did Epstein get his money and how come other hedge fund managers don’t know this guy?
Understand, I meant no harm and I’m still a peon. I was minding my own business, making blueberry muffins in my little rural kitchen in Mississippi…….. but with my securities experience, it made no sense to me. The curiosity kept rolling around in my head, like when you keep poking at a chipped tooth with your tongue. Imagine my surprise when other hedge fund managers began to voice their own suspicion. Yeah, the warning lights hit the red line. Time to break the glass.
The following is a brilliant theory from an anonymous guy on Twitter by the name of @quantian1 …. and entirely plausible. Link What if the hedge fund was a cover for blackmail? The idea was so good, soooooo plausible, it was picked up by Michelle Celarier who writes for Intelligencer Link in NY Magazine. She talked to Douglas Kass, who happens to be a Hedge Fund Manager, President of SeaBreeze Partners Management, who just HAPPENS to have a house in Palm Beach and is plugged into the local social swirl. Doug Kass was quite intrigued by the idea of Epstein using a “hedge fund” to hide blackmail.
First, let’s read the short unroll thread from @quantian1 (all attribution to her/him/ze)
So, apologies in advance, but I want to do a quick little THREAD to explain my theory of what the Epstein story really is. I promise this isn’t some crazy Pizzagate conspiracy about space lizards, just a neat little explanation that IMO perfectly fits the known facts (0/13):(1/13) Let’s take as our starting points two givens.
(A.) You are a committed, unrepentant pedophile
(B.) Because of your old job in private banking, you are very connected to lots of very, very wealthy people
We’ll also assume a goal:
(Z.) You want to become very rich(2/13) The obvious route is, well, obvious: you could just be a pimp, offering underage prostitute services to very rich people. This has two problems: you’re very disposable (see: DC madam), and it’s also not super lucrative. You can’t charge millions of dollars up front.(3/13) The second level though follows instantly: You don’t need to charge up front, just get them to have underage sex, and then blackmail them afterwards for hush money. Better ROI, but you’re still a liability, and producing and receiving big bribe money raises big questions.(4/13) So, what to do? Well, the second idea has some merits. First, you need to recruit people in. Have lots of massive parties at your spacious home (check), invite top academics, artists, politicians to encourage people to come (check), and supply lots of young women (check)(5/13) You don’t even have to do anything, and most people invited might even be totally unaware of the real purpose of the parties! But, sooner or later, some billionaire will get handsy, she’ll escort him to a room with a hidden camera, things happen. Morning after, you strike.(6/13) You inform him she was really 15, but you offer him a nice, neat way to buy your silence: a large allocation to your hedge fund, which charges 2/20 (check). To ensure nobody else asks questions, you also take the extraordinary step of demanding power of attorney (check)(7/13) The fund is offshore in a tax haven (check) and nobody will see the client list (check). Of course, you don’t really know anything about investing, instead making up some nonsense about currency trading (check), and nobody on Wall Street has ever traded with you (check)(8/13) The fund itself doesn’t need investment personnel (check), only some back office people to process the wires (check). You don’t want to money from non-pedophiles, or they’ll notice you’ve just put it in a S&P 500 fund, so you reject all incoming inquiries (check)(9/13) A $20 million wire from Billionaire X to you with no obvious reason will raise many questions, and the IRS will certainly want to know what you did to warrant it. A $5 million quarterly fee for managing $1 billion in assets? Nobody bats an eye.(10/13) Because of this structure, you’re extraordinarily secretive about client lists (check) because they aren’t clients, they’re pedophiles paying you bribes, and they also are very secretive, which is why no letters or return streams ever leak (check)(11/13) Occasionally you may also try this trick on other people: important political figures, mayors, prosecutors, etc. They don’t invest in the fund, but it’s nice to have them in your pocket. Others (academics, artists, etc.) can just be bought with money as a PR smokescreen.(12/13) And, of course, the scam can be kept going as long as people are willing to pay, which is forever. If you’re ever caught, just lean on some of your other friends in government to lean on the prosecutor to get you a sweetheart deal. There’s almost zero risk.(13/13) And the last piece of the puzzle is the evidence. You’d want it somewhere remote, but accessible: a place the US can’t touch but you have an excuse to visit all the time to update. Remember that offshore fund?
I bet there’s a *very* interesting safe deposit box there.Two small points of clarification:
1. This scheme works just as well if the billionaires are in on it from the getgo as a way to buy sex; I assumed that was obvious but I guess not.
2. There’s no need to invoke the Mafia/Russia/Mossad/CIA/etc, that’s just needlessly overfitting.
It’s like an epiphany, isn’t it? Deep breath. Move your neck around in a circle a few times. You guys okay? I’ll give you a moment to let you wrap your head around the premise.
Yes, the USVI is far away, and if Epstein had a reputation with the SEC as only dealing with billionaires…. then a 20 million dollar wire transfer as a service fee would not have raised an eyebrow….. unless someone at the SEC looked too closely……. or Epstein was protected from anyone looking too closely.
Back to Michelle, the writer for Intelligencer/NY Magazine, her article is linked above and here Link
Recall, Michelle was talking to “several prominent hedge fund managers”, including Doug Cass, a hedge fund President who lived in Palm Beach. Cass was super curious about Epstein, …….. for years. In fact, over the years, Doug Cass asked others in the business about Epstein. No one heard of him. Cass even called another hedge fund manager, Whitney Tilson, and they both emailed around to ask if anyone knew of Epstein’s business. Nope……… nothing.
AND they couldn’t find anyone, minus Wexner, who admitted to investing with Epstein. Where were his clients? From another Hedge Fund manager:
A fund manager who knows well how that kind of fortune is acquired notes, “It’s hard to make a billion dollars quietly.” Epstein never made a peep in the financial world.
Then, there’s this part. Epstein did all the investing himself, he claimed. I call “BS”. No one in our industry (or any industry) knows everything about everything. Ya’ gotta have specialists…… unless, maybe, Epstein was dumping everything into a SPDR fund, but there were not that many SPDRs in the late 1990’s……. and dumping hundreds of millions into a SPDR would have triggered an allocation of funds….. so the other hedge fund boys would have known who Epstein was…… they would have seen the order sheets.
The NYTimes has discovered a professor, Thomas Volscho, who is trying to track down an accurate estimate of Epstein’s worth. Link Note, there are FOUR people ( James B. Stewart, Matthew Goldstein, Kate Kelly and David Enrich ) who wrote this story for the NYTimes. Does it strike anyone as odd that the NYTimes would devote FOUR reporters to a single story? Yeah, me either. They’re digging. Here’s an excerpt from the story:
Thomas Volscho, a sociology professor at the College of Staten Island who has been researching for a book on Mr. Epstein, recently obtained [a 2002 disclosure] form, which shows [Epstein’s] Financial Trust had $88 million in contributions from shareholders. In a court filing that year, Mr. Epstein said his firm had about 20 employees, far fewer than the 150 reported at the time by New York magazine.
Sidenote: Why does the NYTimes source a story like this from a Sociology professor from an obscure college? Can’t we talk to the Dean of Accounting from Wharton?
As the NYTimes and others point out, Epstein cut his teeth in the finance biz, after he left Bear Stearns, with Steven J. Hoffenberg, who was convicted of a 460 million dollar Ponzi Scheme. Here’s the link to the 1995 article on Hoffenberg in the NYTimes Link
Is blackmail that far of a stretch from a Ponzi Scheme? Does the apple fall far from the tree? And why, oh please tell us why, were Jeffrey Epstein’s finances “sealed” for his bail hearing by his attorneys……… and why did Epstein’s younger brother MARK offer to chip in funds if needed? Do you know any billionaires who need to borrow money to try to make bail?
Suspicious cat can’t take it anymore!
Now that Epstein is in the spotlight again, we’re all curious about him….. his money……. and his associates. Maybe this time we’ll learn something.
Nonetheless, it’s incredibly odd that four reporters from the NYTimes, multiple hedge fund managers, an anonymous guy on twitter, and a little peon muffin maker in Mississippi are all thinking the same thing………..
If your bored, there are a few more theories found here. Link
Daughn – verrrrrryyyy interesting!!! I’m like the suspicious cat you posted. I can’t take it anymore….these people! BTW, you are a wonderful writer – I love your articles. Thank you!
She is definitely a great writer!!
M,mmmmm! I bet those muffins are amazing
Thank you Daugn.
What I had speculated was a drug ring. Your theory sounds more thoughtful and intelligent.
I marvel how bright you are.
Yep. I was thinking paedo club. With membership fees. Sorta like country club. Access to amenities and the services of preferred age/gender. Discretion guaranteed. Protection from prosecution due to ensnared/ enrolled Leo and judiciary. High fees but clean. Remember this is not like madam Hollywood and they aren’t saving themselves from embarrassment or marital discord or even divorce. This was a club for people who wanted to indulge in there desires that were ILLEGAL. The high fees covered not just discretion but protection. The mask of being a hedge fund would work.
What if its a mix of the two?
Obviously. They have to have a pretext. Hedge fund is so much more respectable than paedo club
I mean if your being blackmailed for something would you willing go do it again and be blackmailed some more?
And yet you had people openly go to his island… but again these people are insane so who knows.
Less of blackmail and more buying forbidden fruit with legal protection. The hedge fund was a cover story.
IMHO, the most interesting thing about Epstein’s criminal enterprise……is the failure of his firewall. A dozen years ago, he was so well connected that everyone shrugged and nodded. Even when convicted, he commuted to luxury. Now he’s in a cell.
Yes. That’s very interesting.
Hillary was supposed to win.
Maybe that was his firewall,
Maybe he came up against a much bigger, much smarter and much,much more ruthless predator who happened to carry a personal grudge against him. Ie potus
The APEX of all the predators, our VSG President Donald J. Trump!
I don’t think anybody really understands how subtle and extraordinary his mind truly is. Trump is a Da Vinci, Machiavelli, Mozart, Robert E. Lee, or Sun Tzu. They don’t come along often, but when they do, the world changes FOREVER.
I just know I am on HIS side, he is my general in this war, and we are WINNING!
Thank god he’s on OUR side. Otherwise we’d be fucked
Oxygen, if that’s true then some of the others POTUS holds grudges against (Clinton’s!), should be very afraid! I can hardly wait!
Lord…spell check…I changed it 3 times and it still came out wrong. Sorry, OZZY!
Good Morning, Teagan!
I owe you an apology as well, for my recent reply post to you.
Every one in a while, my tongue achieves a pH of about 1.2 (really STRONG acid!), and the other day was one of those times.
I was defending PR, but I could easily have avoided attacking you (“incoming”!) like that …
Sorry ’bout that!
I’m missing PR and want her back!
I’m missing PR and I’m also hoping we haven’t lost FG&C. Both have so much to offer. And they is our family
If Potus has a fault it’s his vengeance. Not for little shit but for what the enemy have been doing to the USA, children and ordinary Americans. No forgiveness and the payback is going to be biblical
Have to disagree about “forgiveness.” Forgiveness does not negate justice in any way, and it isn’t Trump’s business to forgive on my behalf or on yours. It would be presumptuous.
As Daddy used to say, “It’s not bragging if you can back it up.”
My thoughts are it can’t just be blackmail. Someone somewhere sometime would get him accidented. Even if they could use the same Leo’s and justice dep ensnared to kill investigation of death and disappear the blackmail evidence. It has to be a club with common interests with payoffs for both sides. And maybe mutually assured destruction. You can check out any time you like………
Just back from my walk and Rosary, and it occurred to me while I was trying to concentrate on my Hail Marys that Epstein’s arrest was a signal to the next layer up. He didn’t do this in a vacuum.
Yeah………., and if we follow your logic……. he hasn’t stopped either. He had to have help.
Did you notice that SDNY just leaked that there will be no [phony] charges against the Trump Organization?
Just an accident. Nothing to see here.
No. Things going on here.
Wolfie, I did see it, broadcast on a darn PA system across media. Looked planted to me as well. Why in the world would they plant a story?
Okay. I’ll say it. More fake news?
Desperate deflection by rank amateurs. Fail.
When Potus presents a bright shiny object people follow it like the pack of hounds after a fresh fox scent. And all the time it’s misdirection and he’s up to no good elsewhere
YES – that’s the word! “Planted”!
Maybe they want Trump to “lighten up” and “make a deal”.
Talk about “Planted” a local paper that I don’t touch with a 20 foot pole had a story about Epstein and his friends and of course tried to tie him to Trump.
I’m surprised he just didn’t stay in France…over-confident?
“strings cut”, no leaking = no warning? maybe?
I love it, because what this does is ISOLATE PART OF THE POSTULATED MECHANISM, and show that it explains everything as a standalone machine.
In other words, what was stated in the Twitter addendum:
2. There’s no need to invoke the Mafia/Russia/Mossad/CIA/etc, that’s just needlessly overfitting.
Absolutely true.
And yet – viewing this from the joyously legitimized criminal point of view of Mossad, KGB-CIA, Russia, or China…..
Wonderfully, deliciously, ecstatically false.
In other words, not even ONE of these state players is needed to make this criminal enterprise function. NOT ONE.
If I was Mossad….
If I was KGB-CIA….
If I was MI-6
If I was Russia, or China….
I would expend the most brilliant plots in the WORLD to get my hands on his collateral. And best of all, doing so in ways that Epstein would never even notice.
I mean, right now, I’m thinking of DELICIOUS WAYS to raid his stash, and I KNOW that Mossad and CIA thought of them LONG, LONG AGO.
Who do criminals prey on, more than anybody else?
I don’t NEED any of these players to explain the Epstein plot, as far as his little scam.
BUT I can use them to explain SO MUCH MORE outside of Epstein’s sphere of influence, if I simply postulate that OTHER PEOPLE got their hands on his goodies.
In fact, I can explain the facts BETTER if I DECOUPLE Epstein and the people who got a hold of his stuff.
OMG – I can explain anomalous political history out the WAZOO.
And I can explain why they made Acosta stand down.
Can you imagine the OBAMA CARTEL getting a hold of this stuff through MUELLER?
And right now, Epstein is dangling FIVE YEARS as the payoff to reveal WHO GOT THE GOODS (THAT HE KNOWS ABOUT).
OMG, Wolf. I bet you’re right. It could also be that the CIA/Mossad/etc. were blackmailing Epstein for the goods so he could stay out of jail. But the CIA is now partially cleaned and he’s now out there on his own.
Lynn de Rothschild feeding Dershowitz into the Epstein machine tells me that it was in her interest for SOMEBODY to get the goods on one of the top Constitutional scholars.
My guess is that a large enough sampling of “fed victims” will tell us who was getting control of people through Epstein’s goodies, and HOW they were getting the information back.
I know I’m an atheist, not a Bible scholar, but isn’t there something in there about “No man can serve two masters.”?
Someone having been captured on Candid Camera engaging in regrettable activities would certainly be most discomfitted to later find that a 3rd party was making additional demands beyond the $40 million investment and the Power of Attorney required as Epstein’s share of the discreet pay-to-play arrangement.
Q implies Rothschilds, or Payseurs, or whoever, anyway, the “puppet masters”, have visited the island temple for their rituals. Could the temple, the tunnels under it, and so forth, be Epstein’s payment to them?
Could Trump’s election have rendered Epstein so much less valuable to the puppet masters that they are content now to let him stew? But can they be so sure that, tricksome fellow that he is, he doesn’t have valuable information regarding them to share with patriots who carry badges?
And there is the aspect of Ghislaine Maxwell being associated with Epstein. Her late father, Robert Maxwell is often said to have been a Mossad asset. I find it more plausible for him to have been a KGB asset, or possibly a bankster/puppet master asset. But, in any case, there still appears to be a foreign intelligence dimension to this.
Daughn’s article is brilliant and eye-opening. And your synthesis and further speculations are fascinating and very much appreciated. But I continue to think there are still unanswered questions left over, even after the neatness of the “hedge fund cover for blackmail scheme” has been absorbed, and that not all of the answers may smoothly dovetail into that paradigm.
Wholeheartedly agree with Cova.
There is so much here, and we’ve only begun to dig.
Have people watched the latest Amazing Polly vid on youtube? It’s packed with info.
Hey, Zoe! Always good to see you here!!
Hey, Daughn, you, too. Love your great Epstein thread. You saw my other accidental post under “Miss Zoe.” Lol.
Have you seen this yet?
What if we have Ghislaine Maxwell BACKWARDS?
What if Epstein was not the one who “kept her in orbit”?
What if she ATTACHED HERSELF to Epstein?
What if she GAINED CONTROL of Epstein?
What if her “being in Epstein’s sway”, her “former girlfriend hanging on” was just COVER?
Yeah, if Daughn’s scenario is accurate as to how it started out, (self-contained extortion racket, combined with liberally sampling own wares), it would have to be like that.
The thing that I can’t figure out that way is the issue of startup capital.
Would a one-time schoolteacher be able to make enough money in a few years at Bear Stearns to portray himself convincingly as a billionaire party animal, to fellow millionaires and billionaires?
That, and the comparison to Robert Maxwell, is what makes me think this was a Communist and/or cabal operation from the planning stage.
If, otoh, he was a real self-starter, without inherited wealth, it was a bootstrap situation. In that case, I’m guessing the student’s dad is the key to the mystery of his early years in the extortion business. High school teacher uses his contacts with a high school girl and with the other student’s dad to make first video. The rest followed from that.
The timeline of Epstein’s associations – surely on the wall at the WRAY FBI NOW – will tell the story!
Would make it a lot easier for the elite to control things, and worship Moloch at the same time… No wonder Q said people wouldn’t believe it… and the perps wouldn’t be able to walk in public…
All these secret societies are tied together at the top (or bottom, when you consider that old Nick is the master of that lot). $cientology, Skull and Bones, Bohemians, all the rest: have damning information on many, MANY public figures. As perhaps does the Church, which explains the attempts to reduce or eliminate “confessional privacy”…
Looks like “old Keebler” wasn’t sleeping all the time, after all (and I always thought he was working on the trafficking stuff)…
Yes, it’s been my impression good old Dershowitz was being set up all along. Fortunately for him, he apparently was at least semi-aware and didn’t fall deep into the hole…but,it’s pretty obvious there are many in the media, Congress, federal agencies, courts that did and were squeezed to perform as requested.
Yeah, I doubt this stops at Epstein. There’s always someone higher on the food chain.
Predators gotta prey!
Gee Whiz, Wolfie, you might be onto something there. Someone would have to know, right? Couldn’t do what Epstein did without being noticed. Which means he was compromised, which means SOMEONE has the goods.
What if it’s Lynn de Rothschild? What if Alan Dershowitz was inserted not to “get the goods” on him, but to get the goods FOR her?
Oh, yeah. And then he becomes Epstein’s lawyer to CONTROL HIM.
“What if it’s Lynn de Rothschild? What if Alan Dershowitz was inserted not to “get the goods” on him, but to get the goods FOR her?”
Dershowitz said on Ingram the other evening when she interviewed him paraphrased ” that the Roberson woman was blackmailing (or trying) Wexler for one Billion dollars.
Dershowits did not sound himself and he said “the Roberts woman was lying that he had sex with him. He seemed disturbed by the notion.
Robert’s was the girl Epstein had a relationship with as teen and she stays with him and helped bring in new girls . She also had sex with other guys Epstein introduced to her. I believe she had been a run away.
If she was shaking down Wexler for one Billion then I wonder if Epstein used the girls who were loyal to him to shake down the men they had sex with?
As mentioned before, the Palm Beach scene is very unique and I believe might have been a perfect “cover” for so many moves.
There are literally a couple dozen charity balls crowded into a short social season with countess “foreign (titled) dignitaries “ in attendance. There are vast estates on Palm Beach owned by billionaires from the Middle East with elaborate security systems.
This, in addition to high profile parties, rented bungalows on the beach as well as the nearby greater Miami social circles.
In other words, it would be difficult to track all the coming and going of high profile personalities and their staff.
A manuscript for a George Clooney movie!
If Clooney isn’t part of it. Hard to work from gitmo
I always found there was something off about Clooney!!!!
And I side eye any women who would gladly turn over girls to this man.
When did the clintons start to be buddy buddy with him. I know in a book it said that HRC always told everyone billy boy would be POTUS one day. Which now makes me wonder what strings did she pull to make it happen?
EVERYTHING always goes back to the Clintoons……..
“SHE” was not going to lose…….
Everyone would be covered.
BC: “Relax, we got this”….
until they didn’t
Thanks to Potus and his “Q Team”
Would love for you to expand on why you think “they” (?) made Acosta stand down. I’ve probably read a half-dozen theories in the past few days.
Yeah, Teagan, I would love to know as well.
Was that a weird presser or what?
Normally when a Sec resigns it’s done, gone, out the door. Nikki Haley was a little different. Yet, for the President to stand next to Acosta, openly complimenting him, was a signal an intentional.
But why did he resign?
Witness is a good one Wolf.
Who was the one in the FBI and DOJ who signet off on the Epstein deal? Acosta sounded if he did not have a say and the true deal was made higher up.
Who was involved and why did they let Epstein skate.
Who were they protecting beside Epstein?
Ken Star was one who helped make the deal so was Dershowitz.
My husband wondered if Epstein and who ever his accomplices are might have been involved in currency manipulation beside blackmail?
We had a great discussion here of the DOJ structure when the deal was made. Alberto Gonzalez was basically driven from DOJ at that time. Another guy (Paul Clement) was “acting” for a day. And then Peter Keisler was acting for a bit longer. THE DEAL WAS DONE UNDER THE ACTING GUYS.
Right, and Epstein had Alan Dershowitz, Ken Starr, and Paul Lefkowitz on his side.
Doesn’t get any better than Epstein’s team…….. and just as you said, they knew everyone at DOJ HQ.
Note also that Keisler RESIGNED BEFOREHAND for personal reasons to be with his family blah blah blah and then may have been the guy. All very weird.
It could be as simple as the fact that the resignation adds spice to the narrative that PDJT was involved. This ramps up the interest of his enemies, giving them false hope that he may go down and distracting them from what he is really doing.
Hmmm, that’s a good angle. PDJT is a master at manipulating media.
Acosta resigned not because he was a bad apple or anything but ….wait for it….the dems were using Acostca has a distraction to keep the sheeple from looking elsewhere ,like oh say ol Bill the rapist clintoon and all his trips to pedo island.and his most obvious friendship with Jeff the blackmailer and pedo pimp.
Why give him a deal if the girls talk?
Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices!
I think that’s why Epstein is trying to rush to a deal!
Presumably there are things that only Epstein knows. He may tempt with PART of those things. The FBI may know some of the things Epstein is trying NOT to reveal. That is where the art of the deal begins……
And we all know who wrote that book.
My gut tells me he’s not getting far this time. At least I hope not.
While we’re at it. What about the Manafort locker and the Roger Sone treasure trove?
TERRA MAR PROJECT</b. Ceasing All Operations…hmmm
(plse excuse that typo </b.)
It’s just most of an End Bold tag in HTML. No worries.
Great Snag, Smiley.
I didn’t know Ghislaine Maxwell was running an ocean cleanup “nonprofit”
3 others founding citizens to see ?
richard branson
sylivia earle
murray gell-mann
watch the water.
Murray Gell-Mann???
Nobel Laureate (for positing the quark), and founder of the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico?
I’ve noted that fellow physicist Larry Krauss is in the flight logs to the infamous island. I’ve read a bit of his stuff, and IIRC posted here a video, from a few years back, of his participating in a 2-hour debate in PBS’s “Intelligence Squared” series about science and God.
In it, Krauss was an absolute TOOL – arrogant to the point of pathology.
I’m beginning to believe that almost ALL charities are merely fronts / vehicles for self-enrichment, and that almost ALL physicists – who only study the material world – are satanists, whether “out” or closeted.
That was an eye-opener for me, smiley – thanks for posting the “dig”!
archive..TerraMar site….more info…
Not all physicists are satanists maybe some?
One of my husband’s degree is in Physics . My son in-law has a Physic degree and my daughter is a Physical-Chemist.
I agree many Physicists are arrogant but the real smart once are humble people. Einstein is an example.
But I get your point. I know nothing of that Krauss character.
I *very* briefly interacted with Krauss once. This was public so he was on his best behavior.
I’ve heard he’s quite the philanderer.
Being clever, even extremely so in one area doesNOT confer brains in another. A lot of these sciencey types are Aspergers. OCD with limited social skills. Not able to pull adults into a relationship. Often petulant child geniuses with an inflated sense of their own worth. See many Mensa members. BUT underneath quite insecure due to constant social gaffes
I remember a recent photo of Barry fooling around with Richard on a boat. hrmmm…
This is the photo that comes to mind:
Ocean clean up would be good cover for waste disposal
You mean like the cement plant out in the middle of nowhere near the Mexican border?
Wierd that. I mean if you’re going to hang body parts from highway overpasses clearly you don’t give a rats ass ……unless it’s for kids and other untouchable types. The cartels can only exist whilst people are too afraid of them and DONT HATE THEM ENOUGH.
Now that is downright interesting. Ghislaine is cutting and running.
Wild huh?
Something has everyone spooked
If the good guys don’t take down those involved in the ‘religious’ aspect of the evils we are seeing now, then it will spring right back in a few years.
I guess it’s possible that the elites live on a whole other plane of existence. There must come a point where the rules no longer apply, such that few will question a man like Epstein.
His early history…Bear Stearns and before, interests me. At what moment did he become a pimp for the elite crowd? A satanic master who was paid too well for his procurements? Who set him up in business? Who promised him fabulous wealth and as many girls as he wanted as long as he acted his part?
He had FREE REIN for decades. Who helped create and maintain Epstein? The temple is key for me. When was it built? There had to be worship going on.
There was more, much more than blackmail. They were paying a ‘temple tax’ to him for their rituals. I would bet on it.
Our VSG told us to look for who went to the island.
Here’s drone footage of Little St. James Island from 2014 that has been released. The dome was not yet on the temple. Have no clue about this website, it just popped up on Google:
Someone took issue with Clover Chronicle on a recent thread.
That said, the dome is no longer on the structure (see the July 2019 video in the article). Interesting.
Thanks. It looked iffy but I wanted those videos and was too lazy to search through a hundred weird sites.
We need to find the architect.
There HAS to be an architect.
The architect would probably be involved in the cult, I would think. I wonder about other such temples in existence or in the past.
The whole Eye of Horus, Illuminati, Freemasonry, Luciferian cult(s) probably are rife with such temple images in their writings.
I mean the Bohemian Grove owl, the owl on the Epstein temple, etc.
I do not believe Freemasonry is involved, IMHO.
From what I can glean, these are all separate but connected branches.
May I enquire why you don’t believe so?
Seven generations of Masons in my family.
Daddy was buried in his apron.
I was there, as a little kid, to lay the cornerstone for Sears Tower (Grandma Della made my dress). Grandpa, Daddy, all the way back, Grand Masons, highest degree. Grandma, Eastern Star.
Heck, I was a Rainbow girl and dated guys in DeMolay (young male org).
I’m not ruling the world, have no secrets. Neither did Dad or Grandpa.
It was a service org.
Like Rotary, Kiwanis, the Elks, Shriners, and Knights of Columbus.
Sure, I can see where members of the org banked with each other or hired each other, because they knew them.
If someone had the keys to the kingdom, or a map to a secret National Treasure, they forgot to give them to me.
I understand. My mom’s side of the family was very involved. She was both Rainbow and Eastern Star.
The European version of Masonry is quite different…a whole other rabbit hole.
Interesting side story.
Our town was burned during the Civil War, save ONE HOUSE.
There was a Mason’s compass and protractor logo above the door.
The union soldiers refused to burn another Mason’s home.
George Washington and Ben Franklin were Freemasons.
I don’t know whether the organization went downhill since then or is simply getting a bad rap.
It was HUGE in the 60’s -80’s, a veritable who’s who of the town.
I was just a kid.
You need to look way back to the origins of Freemasonry. It truly is a rabbit hole, but most Catholics are aware of its problems. It is, in fact, forbidden to become a Mason for Catholics.
The Knights of Columbus were founded partially as a response to it in the USA, I believe. There had been a lot of attacks on Catholic churches in the late 1800s. Not blaming anyone in particular.
Absolutely verboten for Catholics.
They had their own orgs.
We didn’t like the Vatican control and no responsibility for finances.
It’s a Protestant “thing”.
Hey. I getcha. Christians are sinners on all sides.
As long as we defend each other!!!!!!!
It’s billed as more of a “you can’t serve two masters” thing, but it’s been forbidden since the mid-18th century. Not that all prominent Catholics paid attention to that. Some of the greatest operas are written in code on the subject.
KofC was founded, the story goes, for group rates on insurance. It was hard for Catholics to get it.
Big T is Knights of Columbus.
Super involved and it’s good for him. Need younger members though.
I hold up the Protestant wing of the family.
It certainly does rip off tons of people for that nowadays, and gives that fraud Francis millions of unrestricted dollars every year.
Just wait until the Vatican’s dirty finances get the light shone in them.
But we must red pill a bit at a time.
I remember being sooooooo forlorn that I was not a Catholic girl, growing up in New Orleans. They had the best CYO dances.
Heck, the Presbyterian kids never had a dance. I was ready to be a Catholic.
From Dad: “It’s not quite that simple.”
The Catholics had more fun.
We grow up knowing how to have fun.
The Catholic kids had more holidays, too.
Every Saint had a holiday. They were always celebrating something. Wonderful food, big families. I loved it!
Every saint has a feast day, but we would only be off for All Saints, Immaculate Conception and Ascension as they are Solemnities and Holy Days of Obligation. Technically, we’re not even supposed to work. Now, rather than the day off, since parents don’t make sure the kids go to Mass, schools are in session and the kids go to Mass.
Two of my favorite founding fathers.
The architect may have been archansisised. That’s the traditional solution. Think genesis khans tomb, or was it Attila’s. Many other building had the architects rendered unable to reveal hidden escape tunnels, panic rooms etc
Scary point. I can believe it.
Think of the pyramids, the Taj Mahal….the architect is most likely buried in one of the tunnels!
“Think of the pyramids, the Taj Mahal….the architect is most likely buried in one of the tunnels!
Teagan not only the Architect what about those who were involved in building the Temple?
Definitely with the pyramids….the royalty buried had to have servants in their afterlife so the were entombed alive.
If I recall, the architect of the TM was imprisoned for the rest of his life in a nearby building where there was a small window allowing him to look out on his creation.
Father of Nada Marcinkova is reputedly an architect.
Daughn, I wondered about that – not just the architect but all the suppliers to the island and workerbees on his island. Surely there are many who “should” come out of the woodwork, no? Can all those people be silenced about something so nefarious when they were tangentially involved for employment?
At least more of the victims are coming forward.
This is truly sickening. The depravity of human beings is very hard for me to understand.
Good point. Someone has to clean up.
We would also get an idea of how many people were there on certain days.
I can go back 15yrs, look at my grocery receipts, and immediately figure out which party was when.
I still wonder who owned the island before Epstein.
No worries from my personal perspective.
I’m with you. I don’t have time to look for a 99.9% acceptable site, either.
I think it is interesting that the dome is gone in the latest video.
I wonder who filmed with the drone and why it was just released? Someone watching that island? Duh!
I’m surprised they didn’t try to shoot it down.
Yeah, if I had my own island, I would definitely have surface to air missiles, FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!
Just send someone out with a 12 gauge. I’m pretty sure you and Big T have one of those.
hehe, wait, wait, wait………. “Pull” = target practice.
I’m reasonably sure you have a 12 ga. because that mean looking guy who shadows you and gets meaner looking whenever I pay you a compliment…is carrying one.
I told him I was especially fond of you, Steve.
From Big T, “So he’s the reason you were worried about the big snowstorm in CO and NE?”
Me: Yeah, and Driller and NE Filly, etc.
He gets it.
Yeah there’s a few others of us Q-treepers up here too.
We had two big storms–the first one got national news–the “bomb cyclone.” Other than the fact that I couldn’t get to work because the roads were close, it had zero impact on me personally. I never even had to pick up a snow shovel…we got tons of snow, and tons of wind–so the snow blew away.
THe more recent storm (in May) did cause me a lot of trouble; I got stuck at the end of my driveway (almost a thousand feet) and got to walk down it in a FREEZING wind at 9 PM to get home. It was a couple of days before I was fully recovered from that mess, even with the sun melting the snow away fast.
We were so worried about all of you. It was a hurricane over land!!!!!!!!!
Well, the next day I TRIED, in the afternoon to go to work. I had to take back roads, and was fine (other than my truck dying for unrelated causes at an intersection, but a no-doubt-Deplorable fixed it up). One of the roads into Colorado Springs, Woodmen, was blocked by cars buried in drifts, and the traffic was actually driving in the median to get around them.
Somewhere in all my reading lately…I read that the gold dome was “blown off” in the last hurricane that hit the islands.
Sorry, didn’t save the link.
No problem. Thank you for the information.
No doubt the story will surface again.
Very plausible, b/c a lot of hurricane damage there.
HOWEVER, knowing Epstein, I’m calling insurance fraud. All he had to do was have his employees remove the dome during the night during, before, or right after the hurricane hit. Pocket double the money,
I really don’t see any attachment points for a dome on that roof. Nothing to imply one was ever there.
Are we POSITIVE that the pics with the dome in them aren’t photoshopped?
We KNOW the doors are not real.
Patriots Soapbox did a whole hour on the island. Over 300 photos + video of island.
The doors are painted as an optical illusion.
That would be a different phenomenon…the camera accurately shows what it’s seeing; WE see doors due to an optical illusion.
If the dome were photoshopped, it never existed. And yes, the people doing the photoshopping would be some of the less reliable purveyors of bullshit on “our” side.
HI all, just catching up about the Masons question and someone asked why I felt they are not involved in the evil. Individuals may be, but not the organization. It was great to read that Daughn’s family also participated as Masons. My uncle Fred was a Mason and Shriner (you can’t be a Shriner and drive around in those cute little cars with a funny hat on until after you go through all the Masonic steps.)
Note the Shriner’s hospitals for children. My dad Rob was a Mason but couldn’t drive all the way from rural MO to St Louis for Shriners meetings, plus I imagine there’s more $ involved in joining that group. I am currently an Eastern Star and was a Rainbow Girl. In our little town, these orgs did good works. Both Jews and Christians can be Masons. My dad was sad that Catholics couldn’t join us because he liked Catholics and wished they could do stuff with us. We did things like fundraising and helping people in need (a girl with an ear problem comes to mind).
Yes, Masons, Eastern Star, Rainbow Girls, and DeMolay have “ritual” work to memorize and meetings based on Robert’s Rules of Order. Now there’s something Alexandria OC didn’t learn in college. The ritual work is stories based on the old testament. That’s something Jews and Christians have in common. I am not active because I belong to the closest chapter in MO to the one my mom belonged to. Just a year or so ago, my hometown chapter shut down for lack of members.
Rainbow Girls is good because you can be the child of a Mason or a friend of the daughter of a Mason to join. I loved the lessons that taught ethics and love for God. Look up the meaning of the seven colors of the rainbow: Religion, I liked that it brought together Jews and Christians. Eastern Star has five star point stations or offices. Those are also based on stories of women in the old testament like Ruth and Esther.
The idea that Masons would be involved in anything like Epstein or nefarious seems impossible to me. To be a Mason, you must ask one. That’s the only requirement I know of though there are responsibilities if you accept an office. Membership has dropped off a lot since the 90s. Just as family and neighbor connections in cities seems to have declined. Masonic groups do charitable things. Pancake breakfasts, “rummage” sales, bake sales. A part of the money supports the buildings where we meet and another part goes up to Shriners to help pay for the several Children’s Hospitals. For instance, if a child has serious health problems, they may be able to go to one of the Children’s hospitals and get free care up until they are adults. And no, they do not abuse kids.
When I lived in Silicon Valley and was much younger, I arbitrarily decided to stop by the San Jose Masonic Temple. From the moment I walked in the door, I felt like I was meeting family. Everyone was kind and welcoming though their economic status was probably far higher than my own. I was a member there for a short time but had to move around a lot to keep doing what I enjoy (tech writing). Gov regulations and big business globalizing did not make it easy to do that job. Adobe did once want to send me to India to teach people there how to do my job. I turned that down because it felt like a betrayal of all here who might want jobs in my field.
It does not surprise me that Daughn has been associated with Masons because of her energy in doing community-related and business-related work. Masons can keep a person busy too. A long list of early presidents were Masons and you can see the ties in Washington DC architecture. That, I submit, is something to take pride in. Daughn, Star Love!
Dad was a lifelong Chicago Bears…… then, New Orleans Saints fan, who performed poorly for years. Didn’t matter, we went to all the home games.
When the Saints went to the SuperBowl, I wore Dad’s Shriners hat, and still keep it behind the bar in our house. Seems appropriate.
Yes, Masons were all about service, boards, fixing things behind the scenes. Better community, and always fiscal discipline.
Would like to hear more from you, dear Barb.
Glad you are here.
Very glad to find you too, Daughn. I love reading your posts and can barely believe the many experiences and opportunities you’ve had in your life. My path has been so different but also sort of amazing when I look back. Whoever thought a smalltown girl could have Steve Jobs introduce himself to me before he became so famous, that I would land a contract with Disney Imagineering but turn down going perm with them, or work inside the FBI for 11 years? I see many little things, mostly inconsequential. My successes came from my parents and Masonry instilling trust in God, ethics, respect for others, hard work, and service. I stop by and don’t often write much because I am sometimes uncertain about what I can and cannot share. In January, I got a new job after driving 500K miles commuting to my job near DC with the FBI. It is a joy to have half the commute, a little more time, and now be helping our dear soldier boys and girls. In two days, I will have paid my 30-yr mortgage for 11 years and I am so proud. I have lived solo for 29 years and am happy to keep my life simple. I’m among those who probably shouldn’t have been given a big loan, but I love this house and it will probably be the only one I ever own. Mom always said I can do anything I set my mind to. So while I haven’t been the greatest at fiscal discipline, I trust in God and try to do my best work every day so I can take care of myself, my dog, and then hopefully help others a little too. Stay well, Daughn! Until we meet again…
Clover Chronicle will show anything that gets clicks – real or fake. So you can’t always say it’s fake news. Also, they will ship real but misleadingly titled news b/c it gets more clicks.
Clinton witness dies in Tesla fire – it was just somebody with the same name as an old Clinton associate. Real death, fake news.
The main video on that article may be old, and almost looks like a digital construction, but I think that new HD link listed as an update looks like real drone footage.
Thanks, Wolf — much appreciated.
You’re kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOK at this, posted 11 hours ago – about the same time as I was typing this article.
MANY people asking the same questions.
Thanks for the link! How typical of progressives for a story to always start with a false premise. FTA: “Indicted for allegedly molesting underage girls and engaging in sex trafficking, Jeffrey Epstein has been regularly described in news reports this week as a billionaire hedge-fund manager.”
In re the dummy “hedge fund” (likely based offshore), why would they need to invest in ANYTHING?
Just sit back and collect the vig / “management” fees. This way, there isn’t any trading-trail, which would be the only thing other financiers and reg agencies could use for info. No buys or sells, no trading-trail.
The “investors”, after all, had a different type of “return” in mind …
That’s the inference = there is no trading going on.
‘Management fee” allows Epstein to wash expenses.
I found this on eightchan, from earlier this morning.
It’s a bit long, but a propos …
“Real Hedge-Fund Managers Have Some Thoughts on What Epstein Was Actually Doing
Long before Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to prostitution charges in Florida more than a decade ago, his fellow Palm Beach resident and hedge-fund manager Douglas Kass was intrigued by the local gossip about his neighbor.
“I’m hearing about the parties, hearing about a guy who’s throwing money around,” says Kass, president of Seabreeze Partners Management. While stories about young girls swarming Epstein’s waterfront mansion and the sex parties he hosted for the rich and powerful were the talk of the town, Kass was more focused on how this obscure person, rumored to be managing billions of dollars, had become so wealthy without much of a track record.
Kass was well-connected on Wall Street, where he’d worked for decades, so he began to ask around. “I went to my institutional brokers, to their trading desks and asked if they ever traded with him. I did it a few times until the date when he was arrested,” he recalls. “Not one institutional trading desk, primary or secondary, had ever traded with Epstein’s firm.”
When a reporter came to interview Kass about Bernie Madoff shortly before that firm blew up in the biggest Ponzi scheme ever, Kass told her, “There’s another guy who reminds me of Madoff that no one trades with.” That man was Jeffrey Epstein.
“How did he get the money?” Kass kept asking.
For decades, Epstein has been credulously described as a big-time hedge-fund manager ire, even though there’s not a lot of evidence that he is either. There appears little chance the public is going to get definitive answers anytime soon. In a July 11 letter to the New York federal judge overseeing Epstein’s sex-trafficking case, Epstein’s attorney offered to provide “sealed disclosures” about Epstein’s finances to determine the size of the bond he would need to post to secure his release from jail pending trial. His brother, Mark, and a friend even offered to chip in if necessary.
Naturally, this air of mystery has especially piqued the interest of real-life, non-pretend hedge-funders. If this guy wasn’t playing their game — and they seem pretty sure he was not — what game was he playing? Intelligencer spoke to several prominent hedge-fund managers to get a read on what their practiced eyes are detecting in all the new information that is coming to light about Epstein in the wake of his indictment by federal prosecutors in New York. Most saw signs of something unsavory at the heart of his business model.
To begin with, there is much skepticism among the hedgies Intelligencer spoke with that Epstein made the money he has — and he appears to have a lot, given a lavish portfolio of homes and private aircraft — as a traditional money manager. A fund manager who knows well how that kind of fortune is acquired notes, “It’s hard to make a billion dollars quietly.” Epstein never made a peep in the financial world.
Epstein was also missing another key element of a typical thriving hedge fund: investors. Kass couldn’t find any beyond Epstein’s one well-publicized client, retail magnate Les Wexner — nor could other players in the hedge-fund world who undertook similar snooping. “I don’t know anyone who’s ever invested in him; he’s never talked about by any of the allocators,” says one billionaire hedge-fund manager, referring to firms that distribute large pools of money among various funds.
Epstein’s spotty professional history has also drawn a lot of attention in recent days, and Kass says it was one of the first things that raised his suspicions years ago. Now 66, Epstein didn’t come from money and never graduated from college, yet he landed a teaching job at a fancy private school (“unheard of,” says Kass) and rose through the ranks in the early 1980s at investment bank Bear Stearns. Within no time, Kass notes, Epstein was made a partner of the firm — and then was promptly and unceremoniously ousted. (Epstein reportedly left the firm following a minor securities violation.) Despite this “squishy work experience,” as Kass puts it, at some point after his quick exit, Epstein launched his own hedge fund, J. Epstein & Co., later renamed Financial Trust Co. Along the way, he began peddling the improbable narrative that he was so selective he would only work with billionaires.
Hehe, that’s the same article in the main post. Michelle, wrote for Intelligencer in the NYMagazine.
Sorry for the duplication …
Too much sauce on that copypasta! lol
You made a good spot though, EmeraldStar. Sure, I was making muffins and minding my own biz, but THAT was the article which tweaked me. Started following links down a rabbit hole and here we are.
touching that chipped tooth with your tongue…….beautiful!
IKR? Until the tip of your tongue HURTS!!
Great article as always! Very interesting times we live in. I am thinking Epstein has the goods on everyone. And like Wolf said now someone else has them to use and their all running scared.
I just hope that as many people as possible see and realize what is truly going on and how it’s all tied together.
Great article as always! Very interesting times we live in. I am thinking Epstein has the goods on everyone. And like Wolf said now someone else has them to use and their all running scared.
I just hope that as many people as possible see and realize what is truly going on and how it’s all tied together.
CDAN blind item on our guy this morning:
the security guard was super nice and buff and from overseas. But that family are assholes. I’ve met a bunch of them. But never _____. He’s elusive and old…
The financial backer of the wealthy pedophile has been heard from. Here is someone who knows him all too well.
So… he tried to make one of my 18 year old employees his literal f**k boy in 2002 and was notorious for having parties and inviting very young teens here in Columbus to them to have orgies, my friend/ex employee would attend and was gay and always said really f**ked up things would happen at these parties… he killed himself a few years later and got hooked on drugs around the time of these parties.
The young grandson is also such an asshole elitist and has a security guard he takes w him but no one knows who he is unless he tells you and he always does… he came into my job and bought bikes for him and his gal pal who wasn’t interested in him by any means (he’s a fat little twat) anyways he spent about $2000 (asked for a discount, I googled his net worth after running his card, he’s a millionaire, his Instagram is so douchey…) he said they were just leaving the bikes in the desert after burning man bc it would be too expensive to ship them back
From the comments:
TellMeLies said…
Holy. Shit. I think I may have have attended some of these Columbus parties. I’ve NEVER put it together before now. I had NO IDEA I had a connection to this shit!!! These parties were total fuck fests, all the guys were REALLY young, and the drugs were free and EVERYWHERE.And OD’s were constant. And female friends of these young guys were given a shit ton of drugs to get them to pass-out so they would be “out of the way”.
SarahB said…
I would caution those leaving comments to do their research. This is a BIG DEAL WITH BIG IMPLICATIONS. If we get the facts straight we can help these poor kids and families that need it the most.
The head of the Schottenstein Family in Columbus Ohio is Jay Schottenstein. The family is very large and connected, though are not all wealthy and powerful. Jay is connected with DSW, Value City Furniture, American Eagle, and many others, including a weed company and vast re holdings.
Michael Jeffries is a solid guess. He was flamboyant and utilized the Abercrombie private jet, typically outfitted with young boys (would assume legal age). I would love to get my hands on HIS flight logs — that could be worth connecting the dots on.
Wexner has been referenced by Enty as being on his second marriage, though I have only found one marriage, to his current wife, a former NYC attorney Abigail. They do have kids, so I am not seeing the potential grand kid aspect.
DP comment: if all the scuttlebutt is right, Wexner may well be on his second wife, and there are grandchildren that are not publicly acknowledged. It would not be difficult to make it all go away for him. If not, there are other people from that part of Ohio who may well be the backer. I’m not sure given the potential blackmail angle if we’ll ever find out, though.
Another thought, below I put a link to a Wall Street Journal article re Les Wexner’s insistence that he severed ties years ago. It was published on July 12 at about 11:30 in the morning. This blind was published a few hours later.
The CDAN person has never wavered from the posit that Wexner is the money behind Epstein. Now the question is why the “clarification” is in an IC publication, albeit the one with the best reputation?
Dep, that doesn’t make sense. You’re right. Wexner needs to answer some questions.
What doesn’t make sense, my dot connecting or Wexner speaking through a mouthpiece?
Sorry for confusion. You are right – it doesn’t make sense.
OK – now I’m interpreting this correctly. You’re right – Wex’s boys are too young for “appropriate” kids of their own, and besides, they are on the dad-path – too clean, IMO. However, if Wex had a child with his alleged paramour, then that could be another story – but I kinda doubt it.
Here are the two Wex boys.
SO – I think the correct way to read CDAN here is as follows:
The financial backer of the wealthy pedophile has been heard from.
This is then referring to the press stuff about Wex cutting ties with Epstein in the early 2000’s.
Here is someone who knows him all too well.
This would be a business associate who loves the young boys. The COMMENTS are then speculating who that might be. That person has a male grandchild old enough to attend Burning Man, which is typical Elite Teen, and could be anywhere from 14 to 20 (Yes – may need a driver! Not a problem!)
What all this seems to show is that there was a certain tolerance for “stuff”. And that makes sense with “new” Abercrombie & Fitch, VS models, etc.
Mike Jeffries, [former?] CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch is my guess.
“Ousted” in 2017 and replaced with a woman. Yup. Post-election damage control.
Check it out. SYMBOLS. Ironically located at “The Grove”.
There’s a lot of speculation at this point. Somehow though, it’s gotta be all connected.
Another random thought on all of it connected to the baby burlesk discussion we are having on the open thread is the state of little girls’ clothing lines. I’ll have to flesh this out a bit, but I can remember my mother going off on children’s clothing looking like little adults rather than kids. Then there was (and to an extent still is if you aren’t careful) a time when the clothing for post-toddler girls was just slutty. Seriously. I mean, because of the cultural aspect of where I live we less of it and more classic clothing, but juniors…if I was a parent of a teenaged girl, prom would be out unless the dress was vintage. Back in the 80s none of it would have flown.
Somehow it’s connected.
There’s a bunch of articles about children’s clothing, how the entertainment industry is abusing children (stealing their youth and innocence from them), and clothing lines from the stars, etc.
Also some info about weird buildings (and the alternating stripes, etc.).
The site is
There’s also a writeup about the dedication (and rededication) of the New Gotthard Tunnel bore, and the LHC re-opening (large hadron collider) by CERN. Creepy stuff…
Thank you.
Excellent article Miss Daughn!! The Court Sealing of his finances is key. That, coupled with how quickly ‘he’ made an offer for a 5yr sentence plea deal, tells me the Rat is ready to sing
and take lots of others down with him!! ‘You give me only 5yrs instead of the rest of my life and I’ll tell you everything.’ Don’t expect him to live very long if that happens!!
Once more of Epstein’s safes are opened, there will be more canaries. Epstein is but one of dozens, if not hundreds of canaries ready to sing.
Feds squeeze Epstein enough, and he’ll spill enough it’ll all come out.
“squeeze Epstein enough, and he’ll spill”
From Tolkien’s LotR (character Gimli):
“[…] ‘Strange and wonderful I thought it that the designs of Mordor should be overthrown by such wraiths of fear and darkness. With its own weapons it was worsted!'”
Some very interesting connections between the former governor of the Virgin Islands and his wife, with guess who?
WOwwwww, Grandma in Tex, this is a boat load of good info.
They’re all digging now.
Great find.
Preceding thread on JE Island:
Brings up more questions. I’m writing them down.
The cover story has started. I can’t get behind the paywall as the login is not working for me, but a member of the household tells me Wexner dropped Epstein as soon as he learned of the pedophile stuff according to a Wall Street Journal article.
We’ll see where this one goes.
One thing I don’t quite understand…
The US Virgin Islands is, of course, part of the US.
How is it a tax haven or offshore? Or is Epstein’s little enterprise based somewhere else?
Steve, I was in that biz and I still don’t quite understand it.
Little James is in the USVI, and it is a territory like Puerto Rico/Guam/Marshall Islands, etc.
Sketchy laws.
Not sure.
Great place to buy jewelry though, if you know what you are looking for.
I would have to defer to your expertise on the jewelry.
“Never buy retail”, Daughn.
THAT much I can figure out…I was thinking more on the fashion side of things.
I see what jewelry sells for when people sell it to raise money. It sells for not much over melt (we’re here at the intersection of precious metals and rare coins, now, and that’s much more familiar territory to me), and they lose whatever the jeweler charged for his work creating the item, plus all the overhead of the retail operation.
My step-mother’s previous boyfriend, before she married my dad, was a professional gambler, high stakes poker.
She dripped with furs and jewelry.
She had an estate pawn broker who was her buddy, and introduced me to the world of wholesale, high-end pawn.
On Sat Mornings, I would go down to his shop when he took things out of pawn. Did it for years… almost became a gemologist. Great education and a valuable skill which saved me, and Big T, thousands.
When you buy jewelry, it’s not an investment. That doesn’t mean there’s no reason to buy it, just that you shouldn’t expect great return on your money. If you don’t buy it retail, what you’ve done is at least let someone else take the loss for you.
Easy to make relatively unobserved trips from Little Saint James to anywhere you want offshore. USVI is almost offshore – much less observable than Florida or PR. Little Saint James is even more “border” than St. Thomas or St. John – as absolutely close to the “border” as you can get.
BUT – once the CIA owns you….. you’re still on owned property.
…Other than that, I think you’re on to something, Daughn!!
Damn it, that came out wrong. Let me try again.
You’re definitely on to something, something big…not withstanding my question.
It’s so big…….
There’s so much here.
Need a bigger war room.
OR…a smaller font (and reading glasses, dammit).
I finally had to capitulate to reading glasses, $3.00 from WalMart. I’m forever shamed. Still haven’t been for a prescription….. I’m still in denial.
Well, I have NO choice but to wear contacts, because my corneas are fubar. But I had them set the contacts to close in (most people have them set for distance). So I’m the opposite of most middle-aged people; I have to take OFF my glasses to read. (That was actually true before the contacts, too.)
Even so much print is really, really small or very thin stroked and I can’t read it (e.g., the nutrition info on some labels, food prep instructions, etc. seem to be the worst violators; serifed fonts work better). I actually carry around a loupe and will pull it out to read the print. It’s overkill, but it has other uses too. The reading glasses I bought a long time ago are probably over-strong; I can’t stand wearing them.
We need you for instruction manuals and rebuilding motherboards.
I’d probably need the loupe for that.
I take my glasses off to read and to type on the computer. I wear them to drive or work in the yard – for distances, though they are supposedly transitional bifocals. But the Rx is long overdue for renewal.
I’ve been on the downward slide for a while. It started with eye strain while looking between the music in front of me and the conductor about ten years ago. Now, I can’t even be sure the house is clean without putting on the specs after I’m done.
Daughn, I get so mad when I clean house and then after putting glasses on realize that the place looks 2 10 year olds went through. Or I think the house looks great then put my glasses on ,even worse is how much better I look when not wearing glasses then looking the mirror on my way out the door with them on going sweet heavens I look awful! Where did those wrinkles come from?? And how long have those gray hairs been there?I embrace the blurry myself lol
Just this year nearing 3/4 of a century, I’ve resorted to a magnifying glass to read those 4 language labels on the fertilizer bags.
I’m going to try those Walmart reading glasses.
They’re the BEST!!!
$3.00 – buy several, can’t find them when I need them.
One for the car, one for the office, one for the kitchen!
…one for my purse!
There’s always the Dollar Store, as well. Hubby buys a dozen at a time and has them everywhere…especially by the phones.
I don’t wear glasses but do have “cheaters” at the washing machine to read those darn little washing care labels in clothing.
Yeah, with fonts like those, who needs enemies?
I remember when my daughter was at Northwestern in Chicago I was visiting her and wanted to drive.
I took my youngest son along who was home for the summer guess why I took him with me?
I There was no way I could read the street or highway signs. My son he was supposed to read them for me and the map.
I am directional challenged and so is my son. We had a ride of a life time and wound up 20 miles from my daughter’s apartment . I called her and she “ask where are you?” I said “I do not know.”
I ask a person on the street where we were and told my daughter.
She came to guid us to her place. So I am driving behind her mind you not able to see to well. She pulls into a side street gets out of her car ticked off tells me “mom you need to hang on my bumper not let anyone get between us or I loose you.”
She has a led foot needles to say my son hung on for deal life. GPS has made life much easier for me and so my glasses.
Oh gosh!
I can see it now. Great story.
My mom had a mickname, “World’s worst navigator”
I remember once, we went to pku Dad at O’Hare, we passed him 8 times. She was afraid to get into the curb lane.
Dad was waving at me.
Dad was determined to teach me to drive.
I’m ready for FBI aggressive/defensive driving camp, and do all family driving. Big T drives so slow it makes me crazy, but we trade off.
we could use the fontain of youth.
Miss Daughn, I would be willing to bet a Benjamin that business mensch PDJT (with his intel sources and resources) has long known where Epstein’s $$$ came from.
Just as he has long known who Ø’s real babydaddy is.
You raise a pregnant point, Ga/FL.
Sure, PDJT knows everything.
He always seems to.
I wouldn’t bet against him.
Used to say ‘the Mossad knows’ – but now, have to include our VSG in knowning those deep secrets.
Yeah, well you might not want to bet against him, but I’ve got a bone to pick with PDJT. An unfulfilled campaign promise.
He promised me I’d get tired of winning. Hasn’t happened yet. Utter failure as a president.
[Sorry about that, but I was overdue for reposting that joke.]
If he EVER holds a rally I need to figure out a way to put that on a banner.
“Trump doesn’t keep his promises…still not tired of winning!”
you patriots digging on Epstein be like….
great information and a real insight, it all boils down to follow the money, the wives, and what is the Commie plan doesn’t it.
Hmm. Embarrassing, huh. I bet it will be.
This was in the May 9th NY Post. There is a pay wall for the local news site, Virgin Island Daily News, however there is plenty of info to follow from the Post:
“The Virgin Islands Daily News reports that Epstein used a shell company called “Great St. Jim LLC” to purchase a large swath of Great St. James and to apply to the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources to conduct work on the island.
Epstein is building a complex of buildings on the island that include an amphitheater and an “underwater office & pool,” the Virgin Islands Daily News Reports, which will all be linked by a private road.”
I also noticed in the second video in the links to the Clover Chronicle drone videos dated today, the dome is indeed down and there is a construction scafolding unit inside the temple-like building. The kind used to do ceiling work, painting and the like.
Wait a minute, from your NYPost link, in 2016, he bought a big part of Great St James island
” Epstein, meanwhile, reportedly is building a compound on the 165-acre island of Great St. James, which he purchased in 2016 for $18 million. He lives on the neighboring Little St. James.”
Epstein is building a complex of buildings on the island that include an amphitheater and an “underwater office & pool,” the Virgin Islands Daily News Reports, which will all be linked by a private road.
Yes, I just posted an response to coldeadhands’ post about seeing a long road on the map of Great St. James Island. Coldeadhands was asking about close landing strips.
Wonder if that is a landing strip on Great St. James Island?
Also, the records of the Virgin Islands Dept. of Planning could probably be accessible.
Epstein was given an order to stop building in what looks like May of this year.
Sounds to me Epstein watched to many James Bond movies and is imitating “Goldfinger.” (S
How close is this particular island to St. John? Just curious because the Rockefellers used to own at least part of St. John. There’s a presidential retreat house there. The Clintons used it a lot. I don’t know that Trump has been yet.
It is a GORGEOUS place, St. John. I mean tropical paradise like none other I’ve visited yet. Just curious.
Same sentiments. have been to St. Thomas and St. John.
Here is a map I posted for coldeadhands.
Thanks. That adds to the aura.
Great piece and well written..WOW..
Do believe that Epstein’s arrest is going to help in cleaning out the swamp.
A summary of my earlier argument.

Lots of sauce here:
1. Epstein recently sent $350K to two employees and Prosecutors are worried he MIGHT tamper with witnesses — NOT that he has in the past – which is a correction.
2. In their submission, prosecutors also they were worried Epstein, 66, might try to derail his trial. They said Epstein recently paid $100,000 to one individual “named as a possible co-conspirator” in a non-prosecution agreement with federal prosecutors in Florida 12 years ago.
3. They said the payment, along with $250,000 sent to another person who was a former employee and was named as a possible co-conspirator in the non-prosecution agreement, came after the Miami Herald last November began publishing a series of articles describing the circumstances of his state court conviction in Florida in 2008 and the deal to avoid federal prosecution.
4. could easily continue earning over $10 million annually outside the United States. They said records the government obtained from one financial institution revealed over $500 million
So he’s NOT broke!!!!!!!!
5. Friday, the New Mexico attorney general’s office said it was investigating charges against the financier, who owns a ranch south of Santa Fe. The office is interviewing people who say they were victims of Epstein and plans to forward any evidence to federal authorities, spokesman Matt Baca said in an emailed statement.
And he’s also active in New Mexico, of course.
Daughn — great post as usual. Another thing about Epstein that is really odd is that he does not appear to have had troubles with the IRS. With all the swirl around this guy, you would think some enterprising young Elliot Ness wannabe would have jumped on him by now. Did his companies make the required US tax filings? What did Epstein report as income to the IRS? Did his clients deduct the payments made to him and/or his companies?
PDJT is audited annually. So, who has the juice to keep the IRS away from Epstein?
****Another thing about Epstein that is really odd is that he does not appear to have had troubles with the IRS. ****
Hadn’t thought about that, but good point.
That twitter thread is very very plausible. The island videos are wierd also. There are multiple cabanas around the pool with solid doors. I think little st james is mostly underground. Apparently he also bought Greater St James a few years ago.
Miss Gil, I read that thread…… and I had to get up and walk around for a while.
Know what I mean?
Yes…the more you dig the harder it gets. And we dont have what investigators have.
Another thing I wonder is he has to have construction and maintenance people who are local. People talk. Where are those workers?
Reinforcing the concrete?
(OK, OK, borrowed from an old A-Team episode…).
Somewhere there is an article on Epstein that does talk to at least one of the locals who worked on the islands. I remember the part that said Epstein should never see them and so they would scurry away to hide from him at the times when he was on the island. There is already so much to learn about Epstein and so much more to come. I can only imagine the huge charts with graphics connecting all the dots. It must be overwhelming.
Bigger War Room.
You’re right.
Imagine their War Room!
Great article Daughn.
Entirely plausible. Logical. Splains a lot.
Seemingly easy to set up. Me thinks. IMHO, Epstein sort of stumbled into it…
– Initially a “sex” thing. Which expanded to children and sadistic crap.
– Blackmail then comes into play…
– Move it off shore…
Then Wolf’s comments about others (IC) “noticing” the Epstein $$$, and tapping into it;-) USVI proximity to non-US islands, countries…
At some point I hope to read Epstein’s Billions have been seized, never to be returned. His sentence essentially “life”.
Not too mention all the guilty scum that preyed on children are locked away for decades, if not life. Also lose their fortunes.
Epstein and all the scum need a Federal jail with the worst reputation…let the bastards suffer for what they have done to children, women and I assume men. No forgiveness. Bastards lose everything and live a miserable existence in prison.
Remember this – DJT has been after Epstein since around 2002….well before he threw him out of MarALago.
Looking for the tweet that outlines it.
In the meantime – here’s a pin-up!
The story:
When are the Feds gonna raid the island??? Can we watch real time body cams? Asking for a popcorn supplier.

I do not understand finance. So I am offering a very unschooled personal opinion.
I have read about the Clinton/Epstein relationship for years. To me, it looked like a private club, with a fee for joining that could only be obtained from the fabulously wealthy.
I thought that prhaps the ritual of joining was one that made the participant complicit in knowing that there would be financial blackmail or worse in one ever wanted to leave and/or inform and which included a very large fee. People might have been “sponsored”, though, if a member of the club wanted blackmail to control them.
How much money would it have taken to pay for the operations which took children and brought them to the island? Who were they in partnership with to obtain the drugs?
The Clintons and others in the pictures with Epstein look to be enjoying a great camaraderie. In fact, I always thought that the Clintons, who regularly—I felt—used blackmail to control others, would have been eager to exploit the participation of anyone on that island for purposes of power or personal enrichment.
I think the Clintons were—at the least—partners with Jeffrey Epstein.
So I have no trouble believing that blackmail was involved while also agreeing with Grandma.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the the Clinton Foundation was formed—in part—to procure children and drugs for the Epstein events.
The fact that Epstein’s club appeared to consist of billionaires provides a cover story for the overt and extravagant displays of wealth, and it helps dissuade the curious people who wonder “why don’t I know anyone who belongs to that club.” As to whether massive amounts of money had to be paid to get in the club, we do not yet know.
Many people become partners in a business enterprise by providing services to the enterprise. In a similar way, the Clintons may have become members of Epstein’s club by using their political connections for Epstein’s benefit, by providing access to US intelligence gathering and/or law enforcement information, or by providing other services.
I find it easy to believe that they provided Intelligence access and other government connections to the Epstein organization.
But I find it difficult to believe that the Clintons were ever victims…particularly of blackmail except from certain Middle Eastern donors whom the Clintons thought they could control but perhaps found that they were on the receiving end of that issue.
For instance, I truly believe that Hillary wanted to win the nomination in 2008 but found that the control she thought they wielded had been usurped by certain of their “donors”.
What am wondering since Epstein was close to Clintons if he bought protection from them since they had connection to our intel, FBI, DOJ and state department and maybe IRS?
What about that they were involved with weapon smuggling selling secrets to other countries .
What about the whole scam of climate scam who got the money?
Who got the spoils from Iraq and Libya?
The wars who gets rich and the exploitation of poor countries concerning minerals?
Who got a cut from the Iran money Obama send. I am wondering if here was a multi operation going on beside blackmail.
My imagination is running old.
Yes, the 45 million dollar gas station in Afghanistan is a particular sore spot for me.
Time to track the money.
So much wasted.
It created the mindset of greed and selfishness in the younger generation.
I have a huge question about why Hillary went to that island as well as Bill.
If there was a temple, were there certain “rituals” performed there?
If the Clintons were a controlling part if the Epstein organization, I think it will be very hard to get people to talk. Suicide runs very high in those who attempt to inform on the Clintons.
However, rumors have long swirled about the Clintons ties to drug running in Arkansas.
If there were illegal drugs available, or sex, at those parties, it would probably not have been healthy for any government official to look into things too deeply.
I suspect psyops, a quest for immortality, social engineering including within government, and wanton immorality. In short, evil this way comes.
Something I think we all have to ask ourselves….
(I just read the thread through link given above)
How did this level of evil get established throughout the world and what must be done going forward to keep it from happening again?
Satan never stops even if it seems that he disappears. His demons are legion. They go after anything and every thing good in order to corrupt it. If a person or entity has never been bothered (yes, I have been) in one way or another, one should ask why.
LM could this evil be facilitated through compromised people in state department, diplomacy, CIA and UN and down the line other countries through their Intel?
I have had a terrible thought….please realize that this is just personal conjecture.
The fact that drugs and illicit sex was readily available at these parties reminds me of how the enemy works.
Sin entices a person, and then enslaves them after they are hooked.
What if really evil people were using others proclivities—secret sins and personal weaknesses—were in fact enticing them to engage in these in a way in which they could be vulnerable to exposure, by providing access to such things in a celebratory atmosphere in order to control them?
They control them by both the addiction (porn, drugs, whatever) and the threat of exposure.
There seem to be many people who support the left in these agencies, and they seem also to be invested in legitimizing the stuff which threatens their souls…i.e. pedophilia.
Who’s that in the oval?
(Regrettable name.)
Thank you whoever posted this. I am very sorry…saw typo after I his “send”.

No – not prominent or sharp enough chin and nose.
Good grief.
I pray it is not who I think it is. If it is, he must be living in a sea of regret. He needs our prayers because I hope he is trying, like certain others, to live free and come back to God. At least I hope so.
Who do you think it is? It almost looks like Comey to me.
Looks like Paul Ryan?
Molly Pitcher5
“Looks like Paul Ryan?”
Hairline is wrong for Ryan. The forehead is too high.
I cannot say…because i am probably wrong.
If by some wild chance I was right, he would probably have been a young man sent to such a gathering in order to be compromised and used.
However, looking at the names it might more likely be George Nader.
Possibly Attorney Kerry Campbell?
A Kerrie Campbell — see tweet above — has asked that the Epstein case records be sealed:
This is Atty Kerrie L Campbell:
Okay, so not the man as named in the photo, obviously.
Many thanks for the correction, GA/FL!
I thought it was too. I’m now wondering does that look like Rand Paul a few years ago?
I have no idea at all on the identity.
Too tall for Rand Paul.
Thanks! I didn’t want it to be him.
Could be another south or central American guy or someone from the Caribbean. I was just trying to find a politician who had curly hair and of course RP came to mind.
I have no clue on this whatsoever.
Looks a bit like John Roberts.
Very distinctive ear…or a high up piercing.
Neither Roberts nor Cruz have curly hair.
“Looks a bit like John Roberts.”
I did not wanted to say that.
You know it could be many people who have a similar profile.
Ted Cruz?
This guy thinks it might be Assad, but the nose doesn’t look quite right.
Well, I was trying to post the tweet where he said that…..
Assad’s head is really pointy on top. Don’t think it’s him.
A bit of fun….
Diane, Daughn has an interesting take on the Epstein matter given her background in financial trading. You should read this. Now I am going to go back and read the comments and see if anyone mentions amazing Polly.
I need to look at Polly, too.
Daughn, lol. Not sure how I managed to post an email sending your blog post to my friend, Diane, and instead, post it on the blog. Wow. Glad you are a friend, and we are all friends here, and it wasn’t very personal, other than mentioning you to my friend. Well, anyway, Amazing Polly is–well–amazing.
Damn daughn that is good… really good. My Mom’s rereading this as I write this.
Truth be told I had no idea about Epstein but this makes so much sense.
Also very telling that he had NO IDEA he was going to be arrested. So its clear he didn’t have a hat tip.
Could it be that most of the evil/swamp leads right to Epstein? Is he the key?
Hello to your mom, Kea!
Not sure if Epstein is the “key”. There is so much we still do not know.
We’re still guessing, but what we dig up is often better than professional pundits (Treepers are amazing)
Very unusual though for the Trump Admin to so keenly focus on trafficking. Does anyone here remember another admin on a mission like Trump admin is now? Trying to be objective.
Then it hit me.
You know how some people posit that weed is a “gateway drug”, leading to other hard drugs? Of course, other people argue on the other side, but stay with me for a sec.
What if, pedophilia, prostitution, trafficking, …….. are the “gateway” to many, many, other horrid crimes, and even the white collar crimes like money laundering. Makes sense. By going after “trafficking”, we open cases on multiple fronts and already have probable cause.
It’s excellent strategy…………. if I were “Captain America” and in charge of the DOJ.
Hmmmm…….. sounds just like the kind of thing Jeff Sessions might have done.
Mom says hi daughn.

And yes what she pointed out when reading your post is that no one ever questioned Epstein. Which again were the ones to question him being blackmailed OR just didn’t care. Just thinking back to how long this has been going on…!!!!
‘What if, pedophilia, prostitution, trafficking, …….. are the “gateway” to many, many, other horrid crimes, and even the white collar crimes like money laundering. Makes sense. By going after “trafficking”, we open cases on multiple fronts and already have probable cause.’—- Nods yes your onto something. I think it was Flep a few days ago who even say certain things the public can over look and forgive….but do this to children and the public turns on you.
“Captain America” that is pro America at that!!!!
Here’s the way it works, according to what I learned in psychology, trauma recovery study, addiction study and healing prayer seminars.
Trauma happens (traumatic event – war, split parents, etc) or is perpetrated upon (molestation, violence, abuse, etc) children and teens leads to:
– addiction to substance/s
– addiction to behavior (obsessive/compulsive, gambling, sex, etc)
– identity development delay/disruption/distortion
– becoming a perpetrator of abuse, anger, violence
– personality disorder, anxiety disorder, psychosis, sociopathy, etc.
The severity of the trauma is correlated to the severity of the consequences.
FL/GA, what bothers me about what you say here, and I know these things Can happen, is that it seems to imply 1. that everyone who goes through a trauma reacts in these ways, is not resilient, does not have, for example, a Christian faith wherein the Lord enables them to overcome their unfortunate circumstances 2. that humans are cookie-cutter and all react in the same way. I had a number 3, but it’s left me. Have to add I only read your comment and not in context with other comments, and I think you really might agree with what I am saying. I do like your posts a lot, and you obviously have a lot of valuable insights..
NO – not everyone – in fact GOD’s intervention and the practice of Chrisianity are remediation of the trauma. The problems may not go completely away, however. We can always revert back to the way of the flesh/soul….the conditioning of our childhood and make bad choices even after spiritual regeneration. GOD is always ready to redeem and restore.
No – we aren’t cookie cutters in the way we respond to trauma. Intelligence, insight, ability to reason, make firm choices, seek GOD’s love, heed His Word….all those things factor in.
However, we can find in addicts many of the same early life experiences, deficits. Same with people with identity problems, deviant desires. Romans 1:18-32 tells the story of the steps on the road to perdition and the rest of Romans outlines the road to repentance and redemption.
FL/GA, very true.
Again, statistical correlations are not excuses. Statistics show over half of US pastors view p0rn, commit adultery; over 60% of people who engage in sex or live together before marriage get divorced and over 80% of parents with disabled child get divorced. That is not causation, it’s just numbers. The causes are complex and varied.
You’re right, but sin is at the base of it But we know there is a remedy, and it is a compassionate one..
“Submit yourselves to one another in the Fear of GOD…” – that’s a good safety measure -a Biblical remedy to prevent falling into sin.
Okay, but what are Bill and Hillary’s excuses?
I’m not outlining excuses but proven causes of addictions, mental illness, etc.
The Clintons are another category altogether – they have chosen their path – and – intentionally committed many crimes.
Here’s an interesting article about Epstein from Jewish Business News, 2014 – “MIT Financier, Jeffery Epstein, Helps Launch Revolutionary Computer Coding for Toddlers”
I find it strange that there hasn’t been much mention about his level of intellegence, and the science community connections. Another area of intrigue.
Great tidbit. Thank you. Toddlers?
I recall the 25 million donated to Larry Summers/Harvard for some sort of building/center in his honor.
Epstein is a bright guy, to be sure.
A Ted Bundy kind of bright…..
Seems he is very interested in AI technology. According to Forbes he was the “financial guru” behind an effort by OpenCog, an ambitious open-source software project, to develop “emotional software” for the gaming industry.
Another article here on his funding of science. Also from 8chan, if you remember the picture of Stephen Hawkings at what appeared to be St. James Island. Strange stuff!
AI – leading to immortality by any means necessary? Remembering Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics:
Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics”
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second.
Looks like he sold the Lolita Express plane:
Epstein’s NM ranch involved in the case:
Donald Trump has been after Epstein since 2002. Anyone doubt the work was thorough, deep, precise, factual/evidence-based?
“We have it all.”
PS – The Jeffrey Epstein Trap and the Voter ID Trap are part of a larger series at this twitter feed.