My Compliments, Well Done Q Tree.

I wanted to take a moment to compliment the Q Tree and members here. Thank you for your activity, sharing info, and everything you bring to the group. As an accountant, I really am one of those strange people who can make 2+2=5. Yet here, with the talent available, the 2+2= 10,000,250. It’s amazing and makes me humble.
When I was a kid, Dad (like all parents) focused on education, which led me to going back to college, over and over again, throughout my life (I still want to be an architect). Today, husband teases me I could play poker with my degrees. Fortunately, I also learned not all intelligence comes from books, and with a little bit of saving grace…….. I learned a LOT from our elders, neighbors, friends. Truth is, we can learn something from every person we meet. No one is an expert on every subject – we need friends. Dad gave me “curiosity”, and love of learning. More than anything else, he taught me:
Information = Power (more on that part later)
Information is power
As the kids grew up, when they hit the back door – home from school, my first question was, “What did you learn today?” The question came from my subconscious, probably because of Dad, but it forced the kids to stop and think about ONE item and placed a value on learning. I didn’t realize it would help them in public speaking, to summarize what they were taught/redefine it in their own mind/processing the info/and explain it to a stranger……. but it did help. It helped them to become well spoken and think on their feet – skills which are often not taught in school.
Today, it feels like I am the one back in school ….. again……. this time we’re all in a treehouse which is beautiful, warm, and inviting…….. with great snacks. Every day, I learn something new from the members here, and I am grateful. They way you guys dug into Epstein yesterday was mind-boggling and one of the best illustrations of how crowdsourcing and the hive mind works. It was a joy to watch. I hesitate to start naming people because I will forget someone, but here’s what I learned.
Small Tribute to Our Members: 
From Wolfie: Brought me back to center, made me realize I’m too naive when addressing evil, and to hide my lunch money. Seering sense of perception. I’m sticking to him like glue.

From FLEP: We all love the News RoundUp and it just so happens, FLEP’s news roundup helped my kid get an “A” for a summer Macro class he was taking. The good news is valuable and I encourage you all to share it across forums as a counter to the MSM. It’s true, we are the news, and others will not know unless we tell them.
From Aubergine: If we needed to find someone, ask Aubergine. Give her a mission, feed her, give her water, and let her work. Amazing.

Gail: I have a vision of Gail in a room surrounded with terabytes of hard drives. IKR?
OlderWiser: Points me in the right direction, gently, cuz I can get off track sometimes. Thank you. Were you a teacher?
Ozzy: Needed for humor and as a reality check. Great skills.

Cthulhu: The two of us could sit down for dinner, swap war stories, and you could pick us up…….. next spring.
STEVEinCo and Scott467: Rational thinking. Objective. Analytical. We need more of these guys. We’ve only just scratched their surface. You two can’t leave. We won’t let you. We need you. They think way outside the box.

GrandmaInTexas, SadieSays, KSwiss: Wish they lived in my neighborhood, definitely POWERFUL women and girlfriends. Deep respect for their brainpower and perspective.
Deplorable Patriot: The one I want to be when I grow up….. yep, it’s true!
Kea (and her MOM!!), Sue McDonald, Teagan, Linda: Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! MOAR!!!!!!!!!! Most impressive!!

Covadonga: I could be completely wrong about this, BUT………. If I were assigned a reconnaissance mission, I would pick Covadonga = get low, be quiet, get the job done. There’s a LOT going on behind those eyes. Sincere compliment.

A Fortiori and Rodney: Rodney is like the missile. A Fort is more subtle but equal detonation load. Catch things, small points which turn into bigger issues, which we sometimes miss. Better pay attention to what these two have to say.

Lady Penguin, SingingSoul, Plain Jane, Nebraska Filly, and GA/FL: Feels like I’ve known them all my life. We grew up together. If were a “left hand”, then they are the right hands. Can finish my sentences. I could trust them with my kids or my money….. and I would end up with better kids and MOAR money.
Loyalty 1
Rayzorbak and RedLeg and HARRY LIME!: Where did these guys come from? I sat down one night, watched them go back and forth, and I couldn’t keep up. They’re hilarious. All I wanted to do was lob straight lines into the mix. Wicked smart, crazy wit, sharp as razors. Honorable and great men.

Driller and Mrs. Driller: The very soul of America.
Smiley2: Drops bombshells. If we ever form research groups, I want to be on Smiley’s team. Watch him/her. Follow the links. Good stuff. NOTED! Smiley’s over-performance yesterday and today is the reason for this thread…….. the reason I am extra grateful this morning. Hey, I’m just honored to be here. Smiley sneaks up on you.

Tom F: I see you there, lurking. You don’t miss anything, do you?

Barb Meier and Mary Morse: There’s two I would like to hear more from. Worthy!
vegas sign
Kalbokalbs: HUGE add to the tree. Glad you are here. Makes me hungry for shish kabobs.
Churchmouse: Not enough room, not enough adjectives in the dictionary to describe how much I love Churchmouse. Great perspective and needed in this forum. I just want to hug him.

Miss Gil, Alison, Marica, Sylvia, BFlyJesusGirl, KInTheNorthwest, MollyPitcher, Holly100 : When women come together and have not seen each other in a long time, they squeal and jump up and down. I think I would squeal if I saw them. Yeah, I would squeal.

ThinkThinkThink: Misses nothing, juggles everything. Well done.

Wheatie: Would we have a Q Tree without Wheatie? Indispensable. Wheatie is the 13-13-13 fertilizer of our tree and the guardian of the gate.

BakoCarl: What a delightful add to our tree. Carl makes our tree……. Bloom.
blooming tree
BBSSSaint: Sharp as a razor. Funny. Concise. Perceptive.

MichaelH: Did you guys see the live thread we were working on where Michael posted a photo for every comment? Who works that fast? Answer = Michael H does. Oh, and Michael brings great snacks.
WSB and Big Momma Tea: Come in every now and then and drop BIG bombshells of valuable info. Always good to see old and dear friends. We have missed you guys.

BAM and ColdDeadhands: Bring the meat to the table, not Aunt Helen’s jello salad, REAL meat. Thank you!
LM: Big picture person, far more than others. Great skill. Sees the consequences of actions and can see down the road.
Evereleutheros: Great drops of obscure source info (thank you for the info on Epstein yesterday). Great research we would not normally see. It’s like getting presents.

Of course, we all miss Patrick Henry Censored………
And we miss others like Phoenix and FG&C, and I really miss SheByTheSea.
missing you
Small sidenote: Surely, I’ve forgotten to mention some people. Please know it’s not a slight. Rather walk 100 miles in flip-flops than offend anyone here. And to those of you who lurk, please speak up, we need your input as well. We need to be stronger…… and your voice will help us all. It’s time to come out of the closet.
Hear/read this: Wherever you go, whether you lurk or post, whether you are a daily force or drop in now and then, please know, you are welcome here. We appreciate your thoughts and you make us all a little bit smarter. In this way, we learn something new every single day. Yeah, Dad would be proud.
Information really does = Power, but far more than the Pareto Principle from which the rule stems. If I may be allowed to bend the rule a little — Those who seek to censor us, silence us, will never be able to stop us from communicating with each other. We will find a way. When we HAVE the information = We HAVE the power, which is what terrifies our opposition more than anything else.
We all remember a time, during the Obama years, when we knew something terrible was wrong with America. We thought we were the only ones who felt it….. and then, President Trump showed up…… and we figured out we were not alone.
Now, since the election of 2016, we’ve learned far more than we ever bargained for. Not sure what we expected post election. Yet today, it’s fair to say – we’re drinking information through a firehose. We never could have imagined what we were up against, the depth of the problems, Deep State, corruption and resistance to change, problem with media, we’ve seen today.
One thing is certain. Those who seek to maintain the status quo are being defeated, slowly but surely. And the Genie, which is all of us, will never again retreat to the bottle. We’re out. We’ve been freed. We have questions about our government, and we demand answers.
Lately, against President Trump, the Deep State be like………

Well done, Q Treepers. Honored to be among you.

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Awwwww group (tree) hug!!!! 🙂
And OMG My Mom loved the shout-out!! Thank you for that.


Oh my!!!!!! Ha!




In the Beginning – WQTH – Day One – Post 1 – 9/18/18 – 11:30-ish.
THANK YOU, WOLFIE and the Wolf Pack!!!
What a wonderful place to be.


Think about it – how many first ever new blog posts have 280 comments?!!??!!!
This speaks to WolfM00n’s attraction as a personality and his warmth and generosity as a host!
He has made a safe place where Truth truly has no agenda and people of good will can agree, argue, disagree, but still love and encourage one another.
Flep invited me and it took a while for me to dare to show up. I was burnt to a crisp and nervous as a feral kitten after walking on eggshells and being banned twice you know where.
I do tend to be on the argumentative and assertive side, so I’m trying to moderate those traits and if I ever get out of line or rude (like I used to do arguing with Howie about J. B. Sessions) you all have my permission to call me down!
Love to each one of you great QTreepers!
What a great team and blog.


Well, FL/GA, I love you and your feistiness and your organized and logical arguments and knowledge base. You really understand what makes human beings tick.


That’s the sweetest, kindest compliment ever – haven’t gotten there by a long shot. Thanks for a beautiful inspiration to aim for!


Amen to that GA/FL – I am more than honored to be mentioned by the wonderful Daughnworks and to share the QTree with all of you – my online friends – from whom I have been educated, informed and uplifted. I DEEPLY appreciate the brilliance shared in this forum and the kindness extended. I do wish we could figure out a way to meet – preferably at Trump Int’l in D.C. and put names with faces. Wouldn’t that be absolutely the best!!! (Daughn – I was not a teacher but should have been – you are so perceptive) Reading your stories is always such a pleasure. Thank you for all you do here.


Oh, yes, it would be so much fun to all meet like that.


Great summation, Daughn, but have to add the valuable insights of PGroup, but maybe I missed the mention.


PGroup is most definitely an astute contributor!!!


I just KNEW sucking up to you would pay off!
Seriously, you honor me by including me in with such exceptional people.


Lol. Knew I’d come in useful somewhere.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is no way you could get them all. There are literally DOZENS more who have helped me in the most profound ways.
You all know who you are. Take a secret bow. I REMEMBER. <3
What a great idea for a thread! 😀


Miss Daughn, I figured WP ate your Pgroup mention, since after all, it eats Pgroup daily!! 😉😜
TYSM for the group acknowledgement, WE LOVE YOU!!! 💗😘💗
🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗Miss Daughn🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


It’s so tough to know the genders of our Q treepers. Funny the picture we have in our minds of various characters online… I believe Emeraldstar and Cuppa Covfefe are guys. 😉


TTT, I agree Emeraldstar and Cuppa are men. But it’s often hard to know, which I do not like


Daughn, I’ve been there, I mean as to embarrassment on this issue, but I honestly think people understand. It’s so difficult online, and I do wish people would make their gender clear, and not just with a picture. It’s just so akward. Try not to worry. Glad I’m not the only one who has trouble with this. Lol.


No Daughn, don’t delete it.
But please DO emend it – like, NOW!
Using all of my wits and wisdom, all of my experience and perception, Cuppa is THE SMARTEST poster on this blog. There are some whose IQ is greater; there are a few whose EQ is greater … but in terms of the combination of both, he’s the man. Again – IMO.
Others, of course, bring PLENTY to the table, through their life experience and native smarts. And that, btw, has value separate from the IQ / EQ thing. And we need ALL value, in this fight.
I was watching to see whether you’d address the error, and for a few hours already this morning I was wondering if you would. I toyed with the idea of ditching the site.
It ain’t the mistake that’s so horrible, but the denial (which isn’t what you did), or the ignoring of the mistake (which now, you’ve avoided!).
Imagine PR’s state of mind, when not only was she ruthlessly attacked (and the “I’m not naming names!” excuse fell FLAT), but also she saw how many Q-pers LIKED the comment. And then, some posters mused about how SHE could have reacted differently – targeting the victim, instead of focusing on the original crap-post.
And now, because (it seems to me – I’ve missed some posts) the original poster wasn’t directly confronted, so that he could LEARN why what he did was wrong, all he saw was tremendous flak raining down on him.
So PR’s gone (I hope not!), FG&C is gone (I hope not!), and the entire issue is unresolved. And, it continues to fester.
I sure did think of joining the ranks of these two putatively former Q-pers. And apart from me, and perhaps a few others, almost everyone decided NOT to engage … TO NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM!!!
FG&C – you should apologize, first to PR, and then to the rest of us. Then it will be DONE.
PR – you needn’t apologize about ANYTHING.
Daughn – you’ve apologized, and I happily accept (contingent on your emending your AUTHORED, PUBLIC post).
To my mind, then all will be well, no matter what the others I’ve mentioned do, or don’t do.
Fair enough?


Well, EmeraldStar, I missed all this fireworks, especially about FGandC and PR, which is sad. I am just sorry. You and the others are valuable contributers, and I agree–Cuppa is incredible–also I think Scott and so many others in different ways, but Scott taught me how to think and express really logically, how to stand up to poorly formulated arguments. I have learned a lot from you, too, EmeraldStar, and I would hope you would not leave. Daughn certainly did not mean to offend anyone at all.


I’ve had plenty of confusion, having a rather unusual name. You know what they say, Daughn, no good deed goes unpunished. Think how many appreciated your post and your kind words. Your motives were pure, so I think you should just concentrate on that. All you could do was what you did, and people should be gracious about it. I didn’t say anything at first, because I knew how it would make you feel. As I already said, I’ve been there. Put my foot in my mouth too many times to count, but I never meant to hurt or offend anyone, and neither did you. People Should rise above.


You’re right, Daugh, and that wasn’t fair to you at all. I missed all that drama, and I’m very glad I did. Glad you’re over it.


I missed a LOT of this thread, the first time around.
I don’t remember why.
One of the curious and interesting things about online forums is how difficult it can be to determine male or female without any visual or name cues, especially if one is purposefully ambiguous about it. It’s also interesting to try to figure it out, and then be surprised to find out you guessed wrong.
And it’s the kind of thing that is almost impossible not to be curious about, because most people treat men and women differently. At least most people in my age group treat men and women differently.
So for example, if I’m going to challenge what someone has posted, I would almost certainly handle it differently, depending on whether I am conversing with a man or a woman (if I know) — which is a whole ‘nuther interesting topic.
My argument would be the same, because the facts or views I intend to express are the same either way, but the tone would be different. Now that I think about it, if I’m not sure, I default to assuming I am talking to a male.
Overtly masculine and feminine are easy to spot, but there is a whole lot of territory in between where it’s hard to be sure one way or the other without contextual clues and volunteered references.
If I was posting under an ambiguous name and not making it easy to guess male or female, I think it would be amusing to have someone guess wrong, because that would indicate that I was doing a pretty good job of masking.


“I knew you guys would pick, but hoped you would rise above it all, as my intentions were pure.”
Yes, that was very clear 👍


“You and the others are valuable contributers, and I agree–Cuppa is incredible–also I think Scott and so many others in different ways, but Scott taught me how to think and express really logically, how to stand up to poorly formulated arguments.”
What a very nice thing to say.
Especially if you were talking about me 😁
I had to think for a moment if there was any other ‘Scott’ who posts here regularly… I think I’m safe… maybe…. could be… maybe not… guess I’ll find out!


Or I’ll keep my secret. Lol, of course you’re the one. You know you are. Lol.


Daughn— i feel like I just won an Oscar (but muuuuuuch more valuable….) Thank you for thinking of me/us. This is truly a much needed community for me and it’s just plain ol’ fun to discuss with all of you everything that is going on!!


I need to post more!!…I’ve been getting completely pulled into rabbit holes reading various Q topics on other sites ….and we had just hosted some friends last week for a few days.
Where does the time go???? lol


Congrats treepers and thanks for the great write-up and compliment Daughn. I think of you as total Mrs ‘Merica!comment image


Thank you so much Daughn, I have learned so much from BoondockSaint1 that is how my perception was honed. Then going to OT and reading OT owner, WolfiMoon1776, again thank you for all your patience and teaching, and all you all has taught me a lot. I will keep my eyes open and humor sharpened.
A little somethin’ somethin’ as a possible theory on the black out in Manhattan, NY.


I like this thought


Boondock, hubby has spent most of the day on 8chan. He told me of this Q post
14 Jul 2019 – 12:50:47 PM
Was the Manhattan Power Outage an Attempt to Takeout Epstein?
14 Jul 2019 – 12:47:53 PM
How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?
Where is EPSTEIN being held?
Do you believe in coincidences?
POWERful people connected?
Deep $tate attempting to take E. out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, it’s getting quite real now.
I believe this old ANTIFA boy in the news today may have been part of the “starter mix” that was used to fertilize ANTIFA in the United States. Thus, he was very likely an important witness against the “antifa profs” – the ones who have created, organized, fed and protected ANTIFA.
My theory is that the KGB-CIA types behind the larger ANTIFA strategy closed out a loose end with MK – pushed him over the cliff and made him a martyr for the cause.


Wolf and all: This decoder, area17gz, got off to a rough start, and I thought he was way off base, but his decodes have brought out some real deep issues that other decoders are not exploring. The Red Castle, Green Castle goes way beyond Army Corps of Engineers, D5 is a consortium, and Nancee Puglosie’s jewelry and actions are different that we think. It ties into the D-Day speech and grave yard in France which all leads back to Red Castle Green Castle. The Red Castle Green Castle thing in leading into a deep rabbit hole regarding MK Ultra, Monarch, and Pee-dough-feel-ya. His June series has the N.P. decodes.
His July series is very interesting.
his web site


June videos deal with the Godfather 3 movie decode not N>P> she is first video of the July series so far.


There is a Greencastle, Ireland…


I don’t remember if that is in his Red Castle Green Castle decodes. He goes through Europe and other areas makes a map from different castle locations and it leads to Rome. To me he is like SerialBrain2, he digs out more than the surface connections, but without the gematria which gets confusing to me. SerialBrain2 should or does work at Bletchley Park in UK, IMHO.


What a lovely post daughn. Very thoughtful of you. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Daughn – You. Are. Amazing.


A big shout out to Our LORD (YHVH) and Savior who makes this all possible, dance like the crab or David dances!
Enjoy the Scriptures in the video as well as the singing!


Well, for some of us it’s still: Dance Like nobody’s watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That one too! Forgot about that one Redleg


Thanks to Wolfie & company for saving our deplorable bacon from speech suppressed oblivion and no less important, saving this forum from the ankle biting (dare I say it) Trolls!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ankle-biters are the worst! 😉


I do believe everyone at the Q Tree is owed a big huge THANK YOU!! including you daughnworks247!
I get so much from all of you…Lots and lots of good honest news to share. A comfortable environment in which to share information and opinions. Although we might not agree all the time, we are family and work well together.


So thoughtful, appreciated and killer memes! Thanks, Daughn. Hope all of you are staying safe as Barry passes by.


I once had a boss who would say: “ask cthulhu what time it is, and he’ll tell you how to build a clock.” I’ve seldom seen that observation used as a compliment, as here. Thanks!
And I do have to say, this is a really great crew.


CT – I love that about you! One of my favorites!!


hi daughn –
what an absolutely wonderful post. for those like me, who have spent the past 3.5 years “lurking” (for the most part) among you….it’s nice to feel welcomed and encouraged to speak….instead of “discouraged”. I don’t have a bunch of political research skills, and I’m tech illiterate…..but what I do have is a sense of humor, a love of the written word, and an iPad. Helpful….maybe, dangerous….I doubt it. I look forward to interacting MOAR (did I get that right?)!!!
Again…..thanks. 😉


👀 oh no…..expectations 🙀……..just kidding
been spending time at marica’s blog, smaller community….not as much “stage fright”. I’m slowly spending more time here, and unlike before…when I wasn’t vetted… I can join in. 🤗
I’ll try my best to add some value, a giggle or two, and a shoulder if needed.


Very thoughtful post!
It is important for folks to get recognized and praised!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tonawanda – master of the profound realization which then gives ME another realization, both of which change the course of my thinking forever! 😀
HA! Proof that trying to enumerate the contributions of people here in a single post is a hopeless task – nevertheless grateful that you tried, Daughn! <3

Brave and Free

Thanks Daughnworks247, you and everyone here are amazing as always. Never realized I found Wolf on the first day! Have been here since, and your right we’re just like family and you know what they say blood is thicker than water.
Prayers for everyone 🙏


Ah, but love is thicker than blood, no? What a wonderful write-up, as usual from our wonderful daughn!!!! So pleased to be among such a crew!!!


Thanks, Daughn, for mentioning me! You are incredible, and a driving force here. I love everyone who comes to this tree, whether to post, comment, or read. We are the “in crowd” that I never got to be part of in school. I learn something new every day!
P.S. I LOVE the Wile E. Coyote with the binoculars!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I liked it too, although with the minor difference that you always bring home that tasty roadrunner under glass! 😉


Chicken-fried roadrunner, my specialty!


Daughn!!! THis Post was such a labor of love!!! I Love being on the Squeal Team!!!!!!!! I remember the rally night that Michael was wicked funny with his pics and Memes!!! This Tree Has ALL the best Ingredients! Brilliance, Insight, Humor and of coarse–REAL NEWS! But it’s also kind and warm and we really do respect each other!!!Thanks so much for putting this out there!!! Fun to read!!! Encouraging! LOVE YOU!!!!!😍😍😍


It DOES have a Q in it right? 😘😘 And I do know it!! Cyber sisters!!!

Rodney Short

We are the news…
Awesome work Daughn, time for us to rock the internet from the branches of the Qtree.


Yes….. Rock the Internet from the Q Tree Banned

Rodney Short


Harry Lime

Now can phoenixRising please come back? pR completes the mosaic.
No pressure…just know that you are missed…take a breather…do some other things, projects, reading…and then come back to us when your batteries are recharged. We’ll be waiting with open arms. WWG1WGA.
And I’ll give a shout out to PatrickHenryCensored! The man brought much joy to more than just one forum.


Second the motion on both dear ones!!!


Oh Daughn…I am not worthy. To even get a mention I feel invited to a special club. You guys are amazing and I couldn’t get through a day without you.
Have had a lot going on with health, family member passing and most recently helping a friend in a domestic abuse situation…not much left for commenting I’m afraid but as long as I can visit you lot with a cup of tea in the early hours of the morning I feel uplifted and strong. Thank you all.
Many, many years ago I read The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant – Stephen Donaldson, 10 books that by the end I was so familiar with the character I expected to see him walk down my street.
I feel a bit that way here. I can imagine popping around the corner for a cuppa with Marica! Ha ha!!
Mostly am thankful for Wolf providing this amazing tree for us all to gather on. You Rock!
Love you all.


Oh, Shebythesea, so glad you payed a visit. We’ve missed you. So sorry about all you have been going through. Keep in touch when you can. All the best.

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. This group of people can pump out information better than Cliff Clavin. The collection of minds and compilation of knowledge is always rather stunning when the hive gets buzzing.
Thanks to our host and all the rest who contribute.

Harry Lime


Deplorable Patriot

I said Cliff Clavin, not Homer Simpson.


Ha! I bought a beer bottle opener for a dear friend that plays that famous Homer Simpson line when you open a bottle with it. Loads of laughs.


Saw this on 8chan while looking at posts. Not where this happened. I wondered if it was from last night, but it fits here.
[video src="" /]


Will retry this:
[video src="" /]


[video src="" /]


[video src="" /]


The link goes into a download and I can’t open it on my old computer.


Can you give us an outline of what it’s about? Is it available on YouTube?


It “The Star Spangled Banner”, and I’m not sure where it was sung, it’s in a high rise/sky scraper, and I was wondering if it was sung in NYC last night. I tried posting it without the quotes, but somehow that didn’t seem to work, it just did it the second time. And my comp is being a little laggy right now.


Was it this?


I posted the link again but it hasn’t shown up yet – a many multi-level building, either office or hotel possibly, where everyone sings the national anthem. Flash mob kind of thing. Awesome!!!


See link I posted above.

Deplorable Patriot

Try it without all the extraneous “/] Start with https and just do the URL.
[video src="" /]

Deplorable Patriot

Well that didn’t work, either. Rats.


Welcome to my world


National Anthem – Kentucky State Choir! – Hauntingly beautiful!


TY! And It’s good to know the actual source!


Glad I remembered it. Gorgeous, isn’t it?!!!




[video src="" /]


Just one tiny correction – it’s Steve in CO – and what ever would we do without him?!??!!!


It was an audacious task to cover us all! And so sweet!
200,000 comments – is a big deal – and that’s a lot of commenters!


At least you didn’t call him late to eat. The way you cook that would have been a cruel and unusual punishment


Plus he’d have been counting … not that he’s counting, mind you!


If you want a cake/whatever shared fairly between 2kids tell them one cuts the other chooses


That’s perfect, lol! 👍
I’m going to have to use that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You know, you CAN go back and edit…

Plain Jane

DNW, When I first started to read this, I thought how on earth can you mention everyone. It cannot be done without a sophisticated program. You did awesome though. Hey, I can’t even keep my kids and grandkids names straight. Nieces and nephews, I don’t even try.

Plain Jane

I’m sure they do. If people aren’t around almost every day, it’s impossible to name them. You did a terrific job with the near daily posters. Lovesya.

Plain Jane

I just did a search of the page for him in case I missed him. Yes, what would we do without him indeed.


Well, we’d have less fun with puns. Hi, Steve in Co.

Plain Jane

He’s great with puns and dry humor. Also meat and potatoes stuff.


Good to see you, Jane. Also, Steve has a very scientific mind and is very interesting.

Plain Jane

He sure is Zoe.


Well, Jane, I commented to you but it’s in moderation. Lol. Maybe that’s because it was a very moderate comment. Greetings, anyway.


Oh, great.

Plain Jane

Hee, hee, hee.

Plain Jane

Down to 7 % power so if I leave for tonight, you know why. Grandson was doing his train aps on this iPad all day when he wasn’t swimming.


Just an awesome post Daughn!! Gotta go do some chores now, am glad I stopped in before heading out!


Daughn, Wonderful article throughout…an absolute keeper.
Daily, Perched on a twig here at Wolf’s Q Tree House. Articles are always informative, inspirational, funny… Flep daily news indispensable. Broad based, factual, analysis, insights…truth illuminated. Everyone’s posts educational, probing, enlightening, and commonly laugh out loud funny!
Oh yea, me thinks the polar bear makes an appearance soon;-)
Coffee and snacks always at the ready.


Wolfie is soooo prescient – Q Anon Great Awakening on FB posted this meme:comment image


You are being conned. Reject the effort.


Excuse me?


It’s fiction, designed to get people to spread a false tale and therefore look stupid. The enemy uses it on us all the time. This substance has medical uses and it is not what that meme claims it is.


Yes, I understand that…..but do they?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Your point being (I think–correct me if I’m wrong) is that WE might know there’s nothing to adrenochrome, but if “they” DON’T know they’ll continue harvesting it in a way that “sick” doesn’t begin to cover.
Am I reading you correctly?




to daughn, Wolf, andy, wheatie, ozzy and ALL here, smiley2 (a girl) says…comment image

Barb Meier

Daughn, thank you so much for including me and for your encouragement and praise. I truly appreciate your contributions here. Do you think Wolf could add a “Like All” button? Oops, Miss Meg needs to go outside now. I’ll be back.


You’re so welcome Daughn, and thank you and all fellow Q Treepers. Love this place and hope to have MOAR time to post soon some more closely sourced info on Epstein from a friend who worked for Les Wexner.
Read here every day & night, rarely comment, but just want you all to know I can’t live without my Q Tree. You guys are the best!


“Of course, we all miss Patrick Henry Censored………”
PHC is here, I just saw that he liked the Thread up at the top 👍


Oh, good, Scott, thank you. Hi, Patrick.


He’s having too much fun to go anywhere. In fact, he’ll still be here when we’re looking at the lid


I’ve so been wondering about PHC. Missing your wisdom and your humor.


Daughn, such a beautiful send up to all us Qtreepers. Thank you for my kudos and including me with those other gals (along with all the other lovely Qpers…that’s what I call us).


P.S. We are fellow soldiers, and I couldn’t be more proud to be counted among you all. Wolf, thank you for bringing us all together. ❤

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You are most welcome, and thank you for being here! <3


Daughn, what can I say that has not already been sid?
Wolf… Big Daddy of the Tree….
Flep…. Economist extraordinaire and Rounderupper of the news…..
Wheatie, Daughn, T3 and ALL the authors are Awesome…..
ALL commenters are also AWESOME……
Though we don’t agree on everything, EVERYONE is usually AGREEABLE.
How boring would it be if we all thought alike?
Differing opinions bring THOUGHT…..
Thought leads to TRUTH.
Thank again Daughtn….
YOU Rock the Banned 🙂


wow…”…Rock the Banned.”
good one ! 😀
that’s a keeper.
and The Banned Rocked On !


And will Keep on Rockin ya Baby!
Thanks for playing YOUR part Smiley


Plus we had a rayzorbak and a (GA) Bulldog tossed in together … lovin’ it!!


How completely and characteristically lovely of you to write such beautiful and kind things about all us.
I was blown away.
You are so right that we learn from one another.
Since I don’t think he was mentioned, please tell Big t that he is an inspiration to me. The story of Big T and the laundromat inspired me to try to seize the joy of the moment and celebrate interactions with others in a way that makes them feel loved and appreciated.
I want to be like that, instead of the person who evokes stares and side glances because she brings wipes to the laundromat and sterilizes the machines before using them.
It is an honor and a blessing to be included in the virtual family created here with all of you outstanding, loving, good and kind, thoroughly deplorable people.




I can’t imagine this place without any one of us here. I miss everyone who isn’t here. It’s a great big virtual family as LM says.


“I can’t imagine this place without any one of us here. I miss everyone who isn’t here.”
Speaking of which (or is it ‘whom’?), has anyone seen Sylvia or Elizabeth lately?
I remember Elizabeth went to Nevada (I think…) and checked in last time we were looking for her, to let us know that she was able to read (and saw our posts inquiring about her) but for some reason wasn’t able to post easily from her location.


Looking back through the early days….some special people just haven’t been around.


Okay, good to hear, thank you 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Thanks daughn! Smuchas and huggles!


It’s our Sylvia. Yay. Big warm hug, Sylvia.


Last time I inquired about Sylvia (a couple of weeks ago, I think) she popped in to let us know she was spending lots of time with PHC. I’ll bet she still is.


Thank you, Aubergine 👍

Sylvia Avery

TY Aubergine, you are correct! <3 <3 <3

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Scott, it’s super nice to be missed! I am mostly lurking now. I am blessed to be able to spend as much time as is humanly possible with my much loved friend, PHC, who is in hospice care. I’ve made some adjustments in how I spend my time to allow for that. There’s nothing I’d rather do, no place I’d rather be than at his side right now.
Miss you!


There you are!
If you think of it, please let Patrick know that many of us are praying for him every day, or every night as the case may be… or both 🙂
I know he knows, and he may read it here himself anyway, but it is always good to hear it, to be reminded that someone (or many someones!) are thinking about you and praying for you.
It helps to hear it, I think. Not as just a nice thing to hear (which of course it is), but to know and be sure it is true. 👍

Sylvia Avery

Scott, I will definitely pass it on to him…You’re really thoughtful and kind. <3


Yes, prayers and best wishes to PHC.


After your kind inclusion of me in the general praise I had a momentary attack of humility, fortunately I have now recovered.
Tbh, I’m just a smart ass. There are people here with MUCH bigger brains than me but at least I can entertain/appall. Freedom to say it my way. Thankyou all


Being a smart ass is underrated. Some of the best things I’ve learned have been from smart asses. 🙂


Better swear words perhaps?


A good swear word is always appreciated.


It’s not the Quantity of “Swear words”….
It’s the proper time and place to use them.
YOU have a pretty good grasp on that 🙂


Not sure that a marketable skill though……no filter

Sylvia Avery

LOL===so true

Sylvia Avery

You’re terrific ozzy… you to pieces!


Thankyou. Always glad to entertain

Sylvia Avery

You do it SO well!


Such an amazing post, and your take on the Q-Treepers? Just delightful. Thank you for your kind words.
One of the things I appreciate most about Q-Tree is not just the knowledge to be gained, but the wisdom and the spiritual insights which are shared.
Worth its weight in gold. ❤️


Daughn – great post! Beyond honored to be in the listing of so many more deserving patriots.
Now, let’s get down to brass tacks … since Nick’s is closed we can’t meet there. I’d say Commander’s for the .25 martini lunch, but I don’t know if we could get the back room to accomodate us all … the road trip to your Mississippi could be a challenge to some particularly to those “down under.” So, what the hey! Let’s just go to one of Mrs. RedLeg’s family’s restaurants.
Let’s try this:
If you get there you just might see our family photo on the wall!!
Since PHC is still out on point, he probably can get back to “base” for the shindig, but doesn’t mean he isn’t there. He’ll actually be the co-guest of honor with W. (PHC – Love you Brother!)
One. Of. These. Days. We. Have. To. Make. This. Happen.
It is my honor to be serving with this pantheon of pariorts … Deplorables ALL .
Now … Where’s my apple pie?? 🙂

Sylvia Avery

God bless you RedLeg….


Daughn I absolutely loved your post! We have so many incredible contributors at this site. We are blessed to have our own oasis! You left out one person, yourself! You are absolutely incredible!


You know, I was reading back through to see all the new comments, and it really hit me, hard. This place is special.
It’s like the difference between going into a store where you feel like a bother to the clerks, and going to one where they greet you at the door and ask how you’re doing. Coming here feels awesome, like I am doing something worthwhile and good.
I’m just so grateful that Wolf planted this tree for all of us to gather in.


A song that says it is a faith walk we are on, thanks for letting us, boon and me join your walk of discovery

Plain Jane

Thank you DNW Sister Dearest. I am honored and grateful to be counted as a part of the Q Troupe. You are all incredible. I love this Tree. Wolfie, thank you for planting it and the other terrific bloggers to the opportunity to share their talents.
I also want to to thank what’s his name for banning me. If that had not happened, I might have not settled in this tree when I did. BTW, more James Coburn pics please. 🙂

All-American Alison

Daughn, you are such an inspiration, confidante, consultant and expert in so many fields, not to mention sniffing out the “hey that doesn’t make sense; what if ….. scenarios”. And then graciously spreading accolades and credits to others in your sphere.
Your contributions are invaluable, and your generosity is second to none. God Bless you. 💖💖


I have to applaud and “Squeal” about MichaelH. He is THE ABSOLUTE BEST RULE #3 Company man a Treehome could ever have!!! 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🥓🍕🍔🌮🥞🥨🍪🍦🍰🍿🍤🍟🥩🍫🌭🍝🍤🎂🍩🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🦋🦋🦋


Daughn…I am flat on the floor, giggling!
I do not believe I have ever seen a post quite like this one.
HAHAHAHAHA! Just glad my name is not Steve…or Scott. My sibling’s middle name is though. Does that count?
Perfection! Hat tip!
And a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to Wolf…with whom I have had many a late night online over a few years, contemplating world intrigue…and to you, and all the patriots here who are interested in ‘keeping our Republic’!
I expect I am now beginning to understand how our founding fathers felt.

Sylvia Avery

Daughn…I love you so much. What a fun and loving post. Feel so blessed to be a part of this place. Hugs.


You truly are such a beautiful person!❤️


About that juggling … late to the party again.
Love your heart. Love your writing.
Amazing, beautiful group of friends.


Thank you VERY MUCH, Daughn, for mentioning so many of us personally, myself included.
I like dogs a lot, so could relate to the photo of the St Bernard ‘hugging’ his master! Good insight on your part!
All of us here GREATLY appreciate your stories and your analyses. That goes equally to your soulmate, Big T! May God continue to bless you and your family abundantly!
Thanks also go to Wolf, who opened up his site to all of us seeking refuge. We really appreciate being able to come here in a spirit of community every day.

A Fortiori

Daughn — my sincere thanks for the compliment.
In my teens I worked and saved for that milestone symbol of freedom – the automobile. I would regularly head over to my buddy’s house after school to shoot pool or whatever, and often I would arrive before anyone else (because many of my friends also had cars and also invented places to go so as to be able to drive). And so it came to pass that I regularly found myself hanging out in my friend’s kitchen with his mom. She would, of course, put me to work, teaching me to do various and sundry useful things in the kitchen and to do them properly. And when we had all gathered, she would give us a drink of water or a jolt of humor or a kick in the pants depending on what we needed at any given time.
I saw her last month when my buddy’s daughter got married. She’s still sharp as a tack and still very good company. You remind me of her.


🤨👍❤️‼️ … well done Daughn … great post … 😃🤚❤️


Hey, Nikki, great to see you.


So would I.


😃🤚❤️‼️ …good to see you to SingularZoe … 🙂

Sadie Slays

Thank you for the kind words, Daughn. You bring so much to this place.


Much flattered, Daughn, by the remarks and by the vid illustration.
(I’ve never been in the military, though, in case anyone took it that way.)
Thanks much for this whole thread!


Jeez-Louise, Daughn!
The point I was making (not so well, apparently) was about what to do when one makes a mistake. Acknowledge it, apologize for it, and fix it as best as one can. And you did all that!
You hadn’t ANYTHING to do with the PR / FG&C thing, and I brought it up ONLY to show how a mistake can snowball (“fester”) if it ISN’T dealt with properly – and promptly, too.
And I put the caveat in that I hadn’t read all the posts between then and now, and of course I don’t have any behind-the-scenes knowledge. But I haven’t seen PR back, and I haven’t seen much of FG&C, either – so I’m doubtful that it’s been solved.
Two separate issues! His (no, not handled well, IMO), and yours (yes, handled well, IMO).
Not for an instant did I believe the misidentification was intentional, Daughn. And I hope you realize I didn’t intend to conflate those two separate issues …
From study-dot-com:
“In Robert Burns’ 1785 poem, the narrator, a farmer, discusses the guilt he feels for accidentally destroying the home of a small, unsuspecting mouse in the midst of ploughing his field.
In this, the narrator realizes his inability to control his own fate despite how well he prepares himself and his farm.
The lines of specific interest to Steinbeck were the following:
‘The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!’
These lines reveal that even the best, well thought-out plans can fail.”


I will probably regret expressing the following, but that never stopped me before. I think if people are going to be distressed about others not being certain what gender they are, it might be wise for men to use a moniker like tom, or Harry, or Dick, some name that is generally recognized as Male, and for women to use a name like Jane, or Mary, or Susan. Rightly or wrongly, we all draw mental pictures of one another in our imaginations because we are human beings and because we get interested in one another and come to care who they are and what makes them Them. There are some with gender-neutral names, and that invites confusion, and these things are going to happen. If it’s not something that can be overlooked, there is a way to prevent it from happening in the first place. If another poster does get confused, I think the thing to do is to state the fact, briefly and graciously, and move on–let it go. Believe me, making such an error is embarrassing and everyone feels it. Just my two cents, my opinion only, of course.


I had been gone for the day and just catch up. I tried fallowing from the IPhone but that was a mess.
Daughn I am very honored that you mention me specially putting so much trust in me.
You remind me of many women I admire in the many years I have lived in the US. You are strong, hard working , intelligent inclusive and always looking out for the underdog.
By the way all of you who are hear great I love the diversity and the unity of purpose and the unity that holds us all together being citizens of this great country.
President Trump is the catalyst that brought us together and Wolf is the facilitator.
I tank all of you here to many to mention by name of making this QTree a wonderful Tree to visit and spend time.
You are all very special and have a special place in my heart.


By the way Daughn I too feel I know you for a long time.
I do not know about watching kids or money you might get more back 🙂
You want me when there is danger I sense it anyplace and I get us out of there I become very calm and single minded and get people out of the situation.
This is a great thread so need to catch up 🙂


So are you !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Coming back here, this post brought a few tears to my eyes, for all these wonderful people. Still glad you did it, Daughn!


Thank you for your kind words Daughn. I just finished reading through all the posts, and I hadn’t thanked you, and I should have. I’m not always sure how to reply to a compliment without sounding… I don’t know, odd about it.
But I do appreciate it 🙂
I’m better at being attacked… I know exactly how to respond to that 😁