Dear KMAG: 20190715 Open Topic

This Make-It-So Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the KMAG-KAG! world.

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

We’re on a mission that started years ago:


Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.
But please keep it civil. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:



Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Thunderstep Music, titled ‘Dare The Impossible’:



Visual descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header Image: Is President Trump at a rally, standing at a podium with Trump supporters behind him, holding up signs. He is smiling calmly and about to speak.
Second Image: Is a moving image, a gif, of a polar bear with his head and shoulders down on the ice. He is pushing forward with his hind legs. He looks tired…but is pushing himself forward, even with his front half down on the ice.
Third Image: Is President Trump, back in 2011 at the White House Correspondents Diner, where he had to endure being viciously ridiculed by the jackals of the press corps. He is sitting there stoically with a look of resolve on his face.
Fourth Image: President Trump is walking away from Marine One on the White House grounds. It is after dark and he is returning from a full day of appearances. Through the dark, in the distance is the Washington Monument lit up for the evening, with two beacon lights shining at the top of it.


Let the dominoes start falling!


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Oh yea love watching falling democrats

Plain Jane


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image
14 Jul 2019 – 7:50:24 PM


Oh yea


I’m HOPING it’s this week!


Its never enough!!! 😉


We is getting greedy. OTOH he keeps teasing about parts of deals that are currently under wraps. Fucking Santa shit. Just give us the presents


I think upcoming week – July 14th, Sunday, first day of the week. POTUS has been leaving little breadcrumbs and teasers. His mentioning Pages=Strozac’s Mueller/FBI deleted text pages, McCabe and referencing Hillary’s money men were interesting.
POTUS hasn’t forgotten anything.


It’s a Q week Wolfie!! and a RALLY!!! thank Q!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ho, hum…just another mass gathering with a packed stadium and a gigantic crowd of flyover little people outside. None of the beautiful people will be there. Who cares?
(/sarc, as if I need to say it!)


This is the greatest show for sure!!!




Hi, Wheatie. Up too late. Saw your post so just dropping by to say hello, my friend.


Hi, Zoe!!!!!
Get all your computer dealios sorted out?!???


Zoe!! I am seeing you post again—It makes me SMILE!!! Love you!!! Wheatie has the biggest heart!!!!


Wheatie, Thanks for getting the week jump started.
Polar bear…Never gives up. Never gives in. Never Quits;-)
The start of a great week, with a Q day Rally!!!
Ready for MOAR winning.

Rodney Short

Gonna be a busy week for Potus, watch for Monday to be a bang.
Goodnight and God bless you all.
The polar bear will be me in the morning Wheatie, that is before I fill my coffee cup with 3 cups of hot JAVA

Rodney Short

We got this Wheatie


Night Rodney!!! God bless you!!!

Rodney Short

God bless you and yours Marica


I’m just loving the prog 4 . Talk about the awesome foursome. Make the battleships look like bath toys in comparative destructive power. These clowns are doing more damage to the democrap party than 6 weeks of shelling from those battleships could achieve. And Potus, not content to let the dems tear strips off each other, has inserted himself as a FUCKING GENTLEMAN defending pisosi from the disrespectful slag sisters.
The helping hand that was more like a shit sandwich that she was then obliged to munch on and thank him politely for. Bwaahaahaa. I’m going to have to do Kegans myself.( for all you blokes this is secret women’s business which we will explain to you but then, sadly, we’d have to kill you.)

Marica!!! Ozzy!! You make me laugh!!!


Lord, if I had any coffee it would’ve been on my keyboard. 😂


I think you mean “kegels”.
And most men know exactly why they’re done and appreciate their women who do them.


Yeah we don’t call them Megan’s. That’s an Americanism I think. But they are a twofer. Women do them to stop accidentally pissing themselves,men encourage women to do them because they want a better fit


Yeah, those sudden sneezes can be quite embarrassing after a certain age.


Kegels are better than diapers. Any day.


I feel a little akward interjecting here…
But there is more to pelvic floor health and preventing incontinence than just kegels. Squats are also critically important, depending on which muscle group is the culprit practicing kegels could make an incontinence problem worse.
IF someone needs details I will dig them up… a pelvic floor physiotherapist would be a good starting point.


Hi Michael!!! Good to see you!!! Hope you can join the Rally thread on Wednesday!!!!

Rodney Short

The MAGA battle song going into Monday.


loved it…..thank you for posting. I listened to this, and was inspired to listen to several of their other tunes. good music 🎶 nothing like some scorpions 🦂 before bed 😉

Sylvia Avery

Hey Weeper, I’ve been listening to some scorpions myself this week!

Rodney Short



On the way to church today one of my Costner songs came on my radio from SD card
Started thinking about America– Yes “the sun, it will rise again” (me–“America, it will rise again”)
There’s a storm all across the land
There’s a thunder shaking ground
I see people run for shelter
And there is no shelter to be found
Seems this rain might last forever
And the night might never end
But I know enough to remember
The sun, it will rise again
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s going be alright my friend
Yeah, yeah, yeah the sun it will rise again


That’s a good one. I like this one also.


Oh yes it was through an interview on TV where Costner talked about and did “The Angels Came Down” that i learned he was also a singer.
Thank you so much tessa50–Today I was actually thinking of hitting up my old computer and seeing what I could do with it as a video dedicated to the Angel Moms using “The Angels Came Down”. (Old desk top has old movie maker. Just can’t work with the new movie maker).


Heh – Gorka or Kristol would stand a better chance (.000000000001 percent) of getting an interview with a real QAnon than this twerp.

Steve in Lewes

Oh so funny! Some white WaPO dude wanting to interview Q about white supremacy!
Since he’s white, doesn’t he suffer from white supremacy issues!
This arrogant POS must think he is so pure he ignores his own whiteness!
Can’t criticize people of ‘color’ on anything or else your a racist. By that standard aren’t people of ‘color’ who criticize a white person racist also!
By requesting this interview, he’s a big a racist as anybody assuming Q is white…dufass!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Can’t criticize people of ‘color’ on anything or else your a racist. By that standard aren’t people of ‘color’ who criticize a white person racist also!

Come on, you know better than this!!! You can’t apply the standards for one group to another group. That wouldn’t be truly equal to make up for privilege.
And before you complain the left has no standards…totally untrue! The left loves standards so much they have many of them. (“double”..pshaw, you lack imagination! They have as many standards as they need and can create new ones on the fly.)


I hope TR doesnt die. Hes going to the same prison I think.


That’s not good. I know he’s trying to get asylum In USA but who knows.


I keep waiting & hoping maybe ISRAEL will give him safe haven.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In either the USA case or the Israel case, he’d have to make it here/there first before getting sanctuary.
Difficult while you’re in “gaol” (but not at all difficult for people in Mexico).


Sweden bans people on Facebook for any criticism of Islam or migrants (which are mostly Islamic).


When I ask family that lives in Sweden how its going they tell me great. They worry about Russia taking over Sweden (???).
Oh and these poor migrants are hired to take care of the elderly. What could go wrong!!!

Molly Pitcher5

Damn..did you read that Tracy Twyman story? Plus the deadman’s switch video?
Tracy Twymann, pedogate researcher who was found dead mysteriously at age 41, drops her Deadman video about facing a high-end intel op on US soil. If you don’t have time, I can summarize it just about en toto for you – many of her online friends she made doing research suddenly turned on her and began trying to trigger her, she got death threats, was under surveillance, and experienced electronic harassment. And one of the guys doing it had a campground where she thinks Isaac Kappy went to poke around right before he died:


Yep. He he have we all got our popcorn ready?

Molly Pitcher5

That’s some real life creep into your mind and then yo dead! Plus…as I’ve come to expect, she goes to the fbi and they blow her off. Worthless bistards


Blew her off? Prob offed her full stop


Remember the case in FL, in the middle of the night, when the FBI shot the only witness connecting the Tsarnaev brothers to the Saudi aristocrat? Spit, spit, spit.


LOL Epic!!!


President Trump really knows how to get the loony liberals all riled up. A simple tweet makes them lose what little minds they have left. If you go to the heart of what he said about the un-fab four, you’ll understand he wants them to stop their constant criticism of this country. Let the loonies cry “Racist”. They’ve done it so many times facetiously I’m immune from it.


“That what us Queens guys do, we mess witchoo!”


Tweet of the yearcomment image


Ok I need a new keyboard now!!!! I just spilled my sangria all over it.


No responsibility taken for keyboard/screen damage.also no correspondence will be entered into on this subject


… fine I will just go pump $ into the economy…
New wheatie side rule: Don’t drink and read the tree at the same time!!!!!!


Ozzy!! Dead!!


Poor bitch. Haunted by that for a lifetime.
OTOH she did suck off bubba so it’s consequences not bad luck


“suck off bubba”– Icant type!🤣🤣🤣

dreamboat annie



Annie!! I cannot breath….


Have a cigar. They’re good for you. Just ask Monica.


Much nicer and healthier to suck on


Lol. 😲😂


I wouldn’t know, but I’ll assume you’re right. I do smoke cigars occasionally.

dreamboat annie
Sylvia Avery

Can you even imagine having that as your legacy????????????????


Monica got rich and famous.
Bill Clinton got impeached.


Bill Clinton got blown. Mission accomplished. Impeachment? No sweat


Bill was sweating up a storm the day he sat in front of Congress and came up with the is – is comment. He nearly got impeached out of office.
And now the Dems are trying to impeach President Trump as revenge.


Pretty sure he knew he’d walk


I don’t agree. The vote was very close. The Obstruction of Justice Article vote was 50/50. Can’t get any closer than that.


Yep. It was skin of his teeth stuff. But the Clinton machine came through. The impeachment lawyers were discredited, Monica was discredited, the republicans were portrayed as vengeful prudes. The legal equivalent of throwing $100 notes around trailer parks.
Bill went on as Potus, then elder statesmen and Continued His Predatory behaviour.


Makes being a serial murderer seem respectable

Sylvia Avery

No kidding!!!! Can you even IMAGINE having that nasty thing anywhere near you?


Seriously you’d gargle with toilet cleaner

Sylvia Avery

Spray it with bug killer first…..


Spray IT with toilet cleaner. The duck one that does under the rim

Sylvia Avery

It’s a good thing I’ve done my “calisthenics” or I’d be peeing myself right now…..


Eh. Stupid husband wants me to talk to him at least once a day. We are at the 3rd stage of marriage

Sylvia Avery

There are stages????


sex during marriage
Initially,when newly marrieds are young and ardent sex takes place all over the house, whenever the fancy strikes. This is known as house sex
A few years later there are often children and creature comforts matter more so the couple progress to bedroom sex
Lastly , when the couple is old, decrepit and grumpy they have Hall sex.
This is when you pass each other in the hall and say fuck you.

Sylvia Avery



OMG. You are on a roll!!


Monica was not in any way an innocent lamb. She was fresh from an illicit affair with a married professor in college and she was trolling hard for an encounter with bubba. She knew he was a lewd loose cannon. She flirted, showed him her thong, etc. It was consensual as all get out. She just doesn’t like the consequences, the ugly stuff that came her way afterward – Hillrotten’s fury, and especially the infamy.


I didn’t know she was that “experienced.” I thought that Ms. Tripp was saving an innocent. Talk about someone paying the price.


You see my avatar
Put down your drink
Clench ladies


You expect me to remember that every time—H3LL I’m 70—-Too many brain farts as it is…


RIGHT?? Kin…What’s a freakin Avatar?…Lol!!


LOL–I try to remember to give a kleenix warning or say put down ones food, but hey I’m 70 LOL


Kids…. at least that ones not licking ice cream…


kea!!! I am laughing so hard!!!


Well my job here is done for the day! 😉


Or eating tide pods or licking doctors tongue depressors. And these are the people deciding on their gender. Ffs


Oh Deer or should I say impala…? 😉 Where’s the impala eating popcorn gif?


My, you are feeling feisty today, Ozzy…..get out there and save the world! I’m sure Sylvia might even loan you her shovel, if your sword is in the repair shop.


Sadly more likely to burn it down


Its national get out of the doghouse day. Will the dems take in that pepsi challenge? Ever?
Its also national tapioca pudding day or as kiddo likes to consider it “spackel”.
Busy busy week here and out there. Stay safe, enjoy the roller coaster.comment image


And yesterday was National Nude Day…did you know? I did my part to celebrate the occasion. ☺️


Wolfie!! Please BAN ozzy!!! She makes me laugh too hard and literally makes me buy new keyboards every week!!!—Not even talkin bout replacing outdoor cushions….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Marcia–do you snort through your nose as I do sometimes LOL LOL


I wake my damn dogs up snorting right now!!!


“Cattle can make several different sounds including mooing, bellowing, snorting and grunting.”


The bellows are especially loud when calves are dropping. Ladies will understand.


as you know….I can provide you a remedy for the cushions. I cannot however, help with the keyboards. 😉
might I suggest a tent ⛺️????? 😂🤣😂


Weeper-!!! Definitely taking you up on the cushion protectors!!! DYING!!!


madam…..your pompoms are freshly fluffed and are ready for duty….carry on. 😂🤣😂


Weeper!! My giggles are Not going away!!! You are the BEST!!!!


ty Marica, you’re too kind…..sorry about the giggles. I’m actually an emotional wreck who’s trying to pretend she isn’t, by making silly jokes, on a blog run by a wolf, at 2 in the morning…..not that anybody’s checkin’ or anything 😉
Really am going to put this thing up now and try to sleep….been waiting to take my meds. See you tomorrow.


Good night!! Weeper!! sleep tight!!! Never apologize for giggles!!!! You found a home!!! we are ALL Here for you!!!😍😍😎


I Adore you Weeper!!!


teamwork…..I’m quite fond of you as well. have fun!!!! 🤗😘


Just do your cunt calisthenics

Sylvia Avery

OMG…….howling at the moon here……….


Are you off your meds?

Sylvia Avery

Sadly, I have no meds to be on….wanna share???


Fuck no. I’m needing them to keep a lid on

Sylvia Avery

Yeah…..that’s what they all say….


Well this thread got off to an interesting start I must say!


Ozzy-!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I will NOT respond….DEAD~

Sylvia Avery

Tents…….. She said…..tents…..
We are never, ever gonna be the same….

Sylvia Avery

OMG Weeper!!!!! Killing me here, tonight!!!


But think of the $$$$$ we are pumping into the economy!!!!


Very good compelling video
Alll should watch

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…and deep!


A good short video, which are easy good watches for me. The longer ones I will usually just leave on in the back ground while doing other things.


^^^ Superb! Only 2:25.


Reason I liked it was that it was short and to the point.


Welp once again my post has nothing to do with politics but I’ll try to make it into something!😂 I just wanted to share this: My husband and I went to the dog park today… I try so hard to keep to myself because I get into too many conversations 🙄but I saw this young woman coming in and she was in a wheelchair with muscular dystrophy… I face pain everyday but her’s was visible… no one noticed her so I quickly jumped up to open the gates for her and her dog… I sat there observing as she just enjoyed her dog… the day… and listening to music… I felt so humbled… so I approached her and said “I just want to say how much I admire and respect you because it can’t be easy! You’re a fighter!” She replies “I see you have problems too… they are just not visible and you’re a fighter too!” I laughed so hard and told her she’s so right! She said it meant so much to her, with tears in her eyes, that I care… as I helped her out of the park… I will forever wonder if I was her angel or if she was mine… but what I’ll never forget is what it’s like to get outside of your pain and be a “Good Samaritan.”
So maybe what I’m seeing is we all are struggling and yeah some probably deserve it… and it may be fun to finally be on the winning side… I mean who doesn’t love the truth coming to light when you are good with yourself? But I guess I’m seeing what I’ve wished for when feeling like things weren’t going my way is compassion! Don’t get me wrong! I love the strength we are showing! I love how we are able to laugh at the stupidity! But let’s try to be who they can’t! A light in the dark! Because what does God say? The greatest thing you can do is love!❤️


Mrs. Driller!!! Thank you for your story!!!…And YOUR HEART!!! You are 100% correct!!! Love! The greatest of these!!! So Good to see you post!!! This is a special community!!! And we ALL love you and your hubby!!


I know Marica! We feel it so much! I wish I knew how to use this site better! It’s just I got use to Facebook and have ADD so I can only spend like 5 mins doing social media!😂 I can’t believe my 70 yr old mom is trying to get me on Instagram now! WTH? Does no one know me?😂 I however feel all your hearts and they are super good! ❤️ I just have to spend more then 5 mins and that’s the problem I’m gonna correct cuz I need this place!❤️🦋😍


Glad you like this place baby, love your heart! ♥️


Thank God you see my heart baby cuz if not you would not be so patient… and I know I’m crazy enough to need it!❤️❤️❤️


So, I have a fun story although at 12:15 a.m. it may be a bit hazy. My grandkids (the ones who live in SoCal from which I am awaiting their escape) are in New York with their folks for a once in a lifetime trip. They were there to perform with the Orange County Millennial Choir at Carnegie Hall on Saturday night at 8:30. Well, guess what hit them? That’s right – the black out – which basically shut down all of Manhattan. This choir is amazing. They sound like something straight out of heaven. They have been practicing and planning this performance for about two years now. They were in good company, I guess, because JLo’s concert at Madison Square Garden was also cancelled. Anyway, parents are stuck in the subway, which also shut down, some other parents are stuck in the hotel elevators, additional parents were literally directing traffic out in the streets, and yet this choir full of children and young adults gathered themselves up and performed an impromptu concert out on the sidewalk in front of Carnegie Hall. I think they sang about three or four songs from their repertoire. You can find a small recording of the event on Business Insider, as it was recorded by multiple individuals who stopped to listen and film with their smart phones. Son said that since it was getting dark, everyone was using their phones to see where in the heck they were going, especially coming out of the subway tunnels. Aside from the disappointment of not actually performing inside the Hall, I thought of the valuable lesson these kids learned about making lemonade out of lemons and not giving up! I think their street performance may have been even more special than what would have been done inside and possibly affected more people. They do sound like angels. So proud of them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Snagged from the link:


Thanks!!!! 🙂




Olderwiser! What a Beautiful EVENT!!! Thank you for sharing this!” Your story..;;;BIG TIME…WOW!


My pleasure – I thought everyone would enjoy a first hand account….

Molly Pitcher5

That’s awesome! I see TheseTruths beat me to it! Took me forever to find it


Wonderful story, OlderWiser.


That is super awesome! What an experience. And good for them! I think you are correct about this being even more special than the planned performance.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Wheatie dear for another great opening post. Love you, friend.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love this old Project Veritas video about Democrat dirty tricksters Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, where Foval states that they will “use union guys, because they will do ANYTHING”. And he specifically mentions the AFL-CIO.

Molly Pitcher5

The truly amazing thing is that was in their early stage of trying to screw things up. Got busted and changed the the entire op to what we have now..the righteous beatings because we’re fascists. lol..they’re evil and cunning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Bust ’em and they change the lies. “Polymorphic disinformation.”


just 3 doors down…at 10 South…comment image
Epstein’s Cell Is 3 Doors Down From El Chapo
July 12, 2019
pedophile Epstein is being kept this close to El Chapo at The Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, aka 10 South…
Epstein = cell no. 4
Chapo = cell no.1
it’s a 6 unit block for the worst-of-the-worst…
kinda wonder if maybe they already know each other.


Hmm. Hopefully Epstein will soon be known in the biblical sense


That’s the first pic of Epstein, that I’ve seen, without the smarmy, please-punch-me-in-the-face demeanor. Enjoy prison, cockroach.


Hope they have HD video CCTV with great sound covering the area.


Side story: “El Chapo says he’s tired of using toilet paper as makeshift ear plugs.” I guess it’s noisy on the old cell block.


I’ve been thinking about that temple. It occurred to me that it looked Incan or Aztec.


Even the red lines are very reminiscent of that culture.…4.0..0.249.3141.0j25j1……0….1…….5..35i39j0i67j0j0i10i67j0i10j0i10i24j33i299j0i13j0i8i13i30.mIMTq2QfcmA&ei=rHssXb68CpziswWa_Ye4Cw&bih=518&biw=360&client=ms-android-americamovil-us&prmd=simvn#imgrc=PR9br-Z8cLDxfM


Scroll down to find drawings of temples. Eerily similar in many ways. Child sacrifice was a big deal.


Also, the Incas were sun worshippers. Their god, Into, was represented by a sun with a face and rays radiating. One of those is on pedo island. I’ll see if I can find the video….


Inti is the god. Damned autocorrect.


Here’s the new drone video. It shows the sun dial with a stone at the midnight point. I’m retching. 😰 Scroll down for video of it.


grandmaintexas ,
..interesting but creepy sundial image . To me ,the clock points appear to be human legs..
Drone video # 3 is my first glimpse of the ferry unloading at what appears to be a substantial dock/ferry unloading area.
Drone video approaches a dwelling and pretty extensive man-made jetty , built, extended and maintained no doubt to arrest prevailing ocean currents AND to create a quiet cove to allow large flat bottom craft a stable area to dock /unload what was once turbulent moving waters.
The size and color of the dwelling roof, along with the jetty will help locate the dock on existing overhead images. already available online .
..great find !.


I missed the legs on the sundial, but will check that out. Geez, this stuff is beyond creepy.


I did some looking after Q post 3429. This facility is right in the middle of the power outage in NY;
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0e811b No.7039585 📁
Jul 14 2019 14:47:53 (EST)
How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?
Where is EPSTEIN being held?
Do you believe in coincidences?
POWERful people connected?
Is THIS the connection?
Andrew Cuomo has been associated with Jeffrey Epstein. Details are sketchy and hard to come by, but it looks like his brother is trying to help him.
William J. Mulrow, Senior Advisor, Blackstone New York, is on the Board of Directors for ConEd:
But guess who Mulrow used to work for?
“Governor Andrew Cuomo’s top aide is going to work for billionaire hedge fund tycoon and Donald Trump advisor Steven Schwarzman – again.
William J Mulrow is leaving his government job to return to the private equity firm Blackstone Group. In addition to resuming his finance industry job, Mulrow will also chair Cuomo’s 2018 re-election bid. Mulrow’s transition back to Blackstone raises serious questions about Cuomo’s relationship with Wall Street and comes amid criticism over Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman’s influence on federal policies that could enrich the firm.”
I have to wonder if they really did try to get to Epstein. Suicide in the dark?


I don’t know….I don’t see why anyone would need a power outage to “suicide” Epstein…
if the power outage were, in fact, related to Epstein’s incarceration/situation, it would make more sense (imo) to use it as subterfuge for his escape
either way, it certainly was botched and amateurish if either were the case…that’s why I don’t think its related to Epstein…
…unless it was a practice run.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I personally believe that it’s related.
Pulling off “events” that are either “undetectable” or “impossible” require either or both of (1) locking down certain things as guaranteed, predictable, reliable, and (2) introducing CONTROLLED excursions from normal conditions.
Power outages are perfect for operators to operate. Higher grades of criminals and military always think this way – cutting phone lines, shutting off the power, etc.
People say “But nothing else happened”. Exactly. Something else was NOT RIGHT to move forward. I will bet there were other moves to try to change the realities of Epstein’s confinement, and those influences FAILED.
I think there is extreme likelihood that any attempt to free OR KILL Epstein will be made to look like an attempt to free or kill El Chapo. In fact, THAT is where a “Las Vegas” level conspiracy is likely (given that LV seems to have leveraged cartel resources AS WELL AS CABAL, IMO).
Cabal says to Cartel “We will stand down to let you free El Chapo of you kill Epstein”.
The Cuommunist and Wilhelm the Commie would be all over that deal.


Oh, God, is THAT why they are holding him where El Chapo is? FFS.
All too plausible reality in your assessment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SDNY is still full of RINGERS, IMO. Any place that housed literal sack of shit Preet Bharara for that long has to be compromised out the wazoo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I do NOT think Willem van Spronsen is what he is being made out to be – some humble old immigrant American guy who joined up with ANTIFA, out of some kind of heroic, Gregory Peck-character, honorable antifascism. Nope. That is BULLSHIT NARRATIVE. This is what the VYSOTSKY LEFT has been trying to sell us, but it’s CRAP.
Mandy really got me thinking when she asked whether ANTIFA from 1930’s / Stalin / KPD ever really went away. Although I believe they did disappear, ANTIFA came back FIRST in Europe, with Soviet hands all over it. Therefore, I suspect that this guy may be some kind of Euro-commie (under “anarchist” cover) who helped the “ANTIFA-creating professors” gin it up in the Seattle area. What better way to get it started than using “starter mix” to fertilize it – such as some guy who is either Euro-diaper or may even have had Euro-ANTIFA experience.
His AGE belies the story. The earpiece, too. He is just like Stanislav Vysotsky, IMO – FAKING a reverse of the real situation. REVERSO! Just like I believe that Vysotsky didn’t just observe, but helped CREATE ANTIFA in Portland, I think this guy was one of the Seattle ANTIFA GROWERS.


If I am correct, Van Spronsen immigrated in 1958, when he was only eight years old. His entire family, parents and six kids, immigrated. I found his parents in the Seattle area where Willem is listed in the 90s and 2000s.
But this is what he was quoted as saying:
“Van Spronsen said that when he was a boy in post-war Holland and later France, he had his head filled with stories about the rise of fascism in the 30s and, “I promised myself I would not be one of those who stands by as neighbors are torn from their homes and imprisoned for somehow being perceived as lesser. You don’t have to burn the motherf*cker down, but are you just going to stand by?””
The ship he came on departed from the Netherlands. I can’t see how he would have been in France, and even if he was, he was too young to be “influenced.” His parents had to have been the “influencers” after they arrived in America.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – this really makes sense. So he is an IMMIGRANT in an AMERICAN school at 13 learning about American government. That is about right – very standard in that time-frame (1963) to have world history / geography / “social studies” in 7th grade (12 yo) and US history / etc. in 8th grade (13 yo). Then he hears about the Electoral College – a difficult concept for a young mind to understand why the founders wrestled with urban/rural problems in the 1700s (“Smart people existed in the past! WOW! Mind blown!”) Instead, his parents are probably already decrying the American system, if they are leftists.
His view of WWII is both similar to and different from mine, from the same time period. Mine was influenced by parental stories of the fall of Europe due to BOTH initiating communism and reactionary fascism – his apparently ONLY to fascism. This makes sense why he would embrace ANTIFA, despite their horrifying similarity to both the communist street-fighters who ginned up the Nazi beast, and the brown-shirts who helped the Nazi beast rise (until the foolish brown-shirt useful idiots could be disposed of).
Useful aside: note how pedophilia works as a very general tool of political control, both in pre-WWII Germany AND in pre-GA America. Both Hitler and Hitlery rose on it. Interesting.
The point about France is interesting. I’d love to know the story of that.
I do get the part about his head being filled with stories from the rise of fascism. THAT part is likely very legitimate. But the fact that he did NOT get similar stories about the communists who helped in that rise, leads me to suspect where his parents actually fell on the political spectrum – EXCUSING THE LEFTISTS who aided in the destruction of Europe and fed the rise of the fascists.
Pink diaper rash would be my diagnosis.


Also interesting. I am certain I found his brother. He is an artist who claims his “formative years were spent in Holland, Indonesia and France,” before moving to the U.S.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, now THAT is interesting! I think you found a HUGE NUGGET OF GOLD!!! Indonesia at that time – WOW.
First things first….
Art and art history just moves people into circles of Marxist influence and re-influence so fast, that I immediately do an “intelligence operative check”.
Now – bear in mind what was going on in the 60’s in Indonesia, with Sukarno (hero of the left – “Year of Living Dangerously” – Sigourney Weaver’s “political film in exchange for artistic credibility” – OMG – they are so predictable).
Now look at this, from Wikipedia, to gauge context:
“After a chaotic period of parliamentary democracy, Sukarno established an autocratic system called “Guided Democracy” in 1957 that successfully ended the instability and rebellions which were threatening the survival of the diverse and fractious country. The early 1960s saw Sukarno veering Indonesia to the left by providing support and protection to the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) to the irritation of the military and Islamists. He also embarked on a series of aggressive foreign policies under the rubric of anti-imperialism, with aid from the Soviet Union and China. The failure of the 30 September Movement (1965) led to the destruction of the PKI and his replacement in 1967 by one of his generals, Suharto (see Transition to the New Order), and he remained under house arrest until his death.”
Oh, yeah. I think you’ve found something.
I have a theory that this guy was a WITNESS to the instigation of ANTIFA in the Pacific Northwest. Activating his martyrdom complex to remove him before he could out key figures in the ginning up of Antifa in Seattle and Portland – particularly relating it back to Soviet plants – makes loads of sense to me. If his family was hard left, this just starts making all kinds of sense.


Do they have roadrunners in Indonesia? 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hmmmm. Roadrunners only go as far in that direction as California – BUT – Oregon and Washington have, in a similar ground-dwelling niche, the Pacific Wren, appropriately named as Troglodytes pacificus. 😉 LOL!
“A secretive gnome of western forests, often creeping about near the ground under dense tangles, most easily located by its sharp kep-kep callnotes and its ringing, tinkling song. Until recently, was considered to belong to the same species as the Winter Wren of eastern North America and the widespread Eurasian Wren of the Old World.”
Yes, I think you’ve got one! 😀


Lol! You slay me!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My suspicions on this ANTIFA “martyr” are panning out. I think this was highly staged to present ANTIFA in its best light. I think a lot of planning went into this “martyrdom” operation.


Verse of the Day

“I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.”
Psalms 40:8 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


comment image


Forward Florida Action…comment image
Andrew Gillum Using Private Nonprofit To “Flip Florida Blue” By Registering 1 Million Voters
July 14, 2019
failed gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum “has shifted tactics from using a political committee required to report every expenditure to a private nonprofit that can disclose much less financial data “…
..including the sources of donations .
he’s calling this Forward Florida Action
according to the Tampa Bay Times….he moved $500,000. from his political committee into the private nonprofit last month…
his political committee = Forward Florida
the private nonprofit = Forward Florida Action
what he does with the money “will be largely shielded from public view.”
he is using the nonprofit because it can directly spend money on voter registration efforts in a way that the political committee can not.
he is seeking donations to combat PDJT’s plans for winning the Florida vote
as a reminder…Florida has 29 electoral college votes…making Florida the nation’s biggest swing state.
this, BTW, is not Gillum’s first rodeo with financial nondisclosures, either…which the above article explains.
and in April, he joined the board of advisers of The Collective — an increasingly influential political org seeking to build a “black political power” movement that does not disclose its donors.
and..guess who is a direct financial contributor to The Collective…
give up ?
George Soros.
much more about this commie plot, at the link.


Yeah, we need to call them what they are: Damned Commies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ChiCom cash will flow into it. Find it and put that commie ON ICE.


VOTER FRAUD will be off the charts.


Sneaky, slick pos.


Gillum is dirty as all get out.


Dear Holy Father,
Please intervene, confound and expose the plans of these evildoers to steal the Florida election. Their agenda is completely against your commandments, to promote criminal endeavors, steal public money, promote sexual perversion, steal children’s minds and hearts and bodies…..kill the unborn!
Please, Father. In the Name of Your Son, Our LORD, Jesus Christ, the only Savior, AMEN!


A very entertaining video on who is behind the puppet politician AOC. It gives you a good idea of the infighting in the Dem party that we are seeing emerge.

Molly Pitcher5

Thanks. I didn’t realize that the Open Borders guy was part of the Justice Democoms organizers. We sure have come a long way from some idealistic rube wanting to go to DC to make a difference. Politics has yanked off the mask…it’s big business, winners get rich and communists want whatever the hell it is they want.


Personally I think Potus is behind her.
Spotted as a narcissistic airhead. Money funnelled to the henk dude to get her over the line and bingo. Add election to Congress and she’s the gift that keeps giving


NOTE: The video contained in this tweet is an in depth look at the people behind the 4-7 which were elected.
REALLY good background.
Thanks for posting GrandmainTex.


They made a ballsy move to wrest control from the Old Guard in the Dem Party. It was a rookie mistake, in my opinion. They moved too fast. AOC and the others needed to learn the ropes. Instead, they have made fools of themselves and the left wing of the One Party to Rule Us All.


You’re right, it’s weird.
Under the old system, Pelosi maintained control because she controlled the funds needed for re-election.
Just like the US Chamber controls our side.
This time, AOC et als, don’t need Pelosi’s money.
Like Donald Trump did not need RNC/Koch Bros/Romney/Carl Rove/Kristol types money.
They radicals have no allegiance to Pelosi or to the Dem machine. They have their own machine.
JUST like the Obama wing has their own machine.
Wild to watch and dangerously radical for America. Glad we have PDJT on our side.

Molly Pitcher5

You’re right. I don’t remember where I read it but Chupabara (sp!) said as much. They’re young, they have time and they’ll keep getting candidates elected. Bit by bit for the whole enchilada.


You may have forgotten the need for speed. Just over 11 years to the planet dies.


Great video. We knew, PLT (Pompous Little Twit) is a puppet for major puppeteers – behind the scenes manipulators. This video provides supporting evidence…massive effort to destroy America through Congress.
Although nearly 23 minutes, a must watch video.
This information needs to go main stream…low information voters need to wake the hell up.


Thank you. Sometimes I get lucky as I ramble around the Twitterverse. 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yes. Makes photo recognition hard.
Is it even a male?


Looks like a male. The ear hole is quite pretty though. 😵


Ear whorls + that ear hole make ID easy!


That’s what I thought too. The penchant for tattoos and piercings will be a problem for them.

Molly Pitcher5

ONLY a problem because the Chans scour hours of video..the PD doesn’t bother and haven’t heard that fbi either.. It shouldn’t get to the point people are getting their skulls cracked open.
They come armed. They come masked. They come to be violent. WHY are they letting it happen???


To start another civil war. Moronic, but then Marxist ideological hatred is like that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting theory that it might be female. Antifa is FILLED with transmanian devils.


He’s likely from Seattle, Wa or Eugene, Or and that’s why he hasn’t yet been identified. But in time he probably will be.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The way this would work is the way most of these Elite Decepticons operate – FAKE PLANS. He would have the architect construct something with various ALLEGED functions for the rooms and passageways, but many of those would be cover for what is really going to be done with the rooms.


Little Saint James…Dominican Republic.


REMEMBER – one of Ø’s very first trips was to Bali – a favorite child sex trafficking mecca.


Bishop Lahey was caught coming back into the USA from Bali with a computer full of child s3x p0rn.


“Elaborate underground storage…”
Sends chills up the spine.


‘Utility’ would include underground incinerators to deal with ‘trash’ (aka evidence)


Now, wouldn’t you think that an architect that specifically designed such an enclave would come forward and cooperate with authorities (at this point) if such architect was above board? Hope the anons will follow this woman’s history…might prove quite interesting. Of course, it was several years ago and she could even be dead by now.


meet ‘n’ greet…comment image
Meet AOC’s Brain : Saikat Chakrabarti
July 15, 2019
Annoyed ? He’s the one to blame….
so much discord and acrimony w/ the House Dems, even Nancy can’t seem to handle it…
the sauce ? 😀
the “prime mover behind a Tennessee-based PAC called the Justice Democrats..”
Saikat Chakrabarti.
he has now set up shop in the House as AOC’s chief of staff…and that PAC, BTW, was largely responsible for the November election of Reps Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, Ro Khanna & Jayapal..
lost of financial skullduggery w/ Saikat, too, flouting a variety of campaign finance laws back in Knoxville where his previous Headquarters were located…
he’s been “exacerbating” the already tense atmosphere in the House caucus w/ his berating and presumptuous angry Tweets criticizing AOC’s colleagues…
maybe he wants to fundamentally change the Dem party ?
…and AOC is someone who is conveniently providing him with a new headquarters from which he can now not only run her office…but also guide a movement .
article provides more info on this.


Is Chakrabarti Pakistani by any chance?


His family is Bengali –
Islam is the state religion of Bengal.
Says it all.


no it doesn’t say it all…it misses the point, actually.


“Before Al Franken resigned, Chakrabarti went on record to push for his resignation and expressed his support for Keith Ellison as his replacement.[16]” – Ellison is an Islamist.


you say these things as if we don’t know them already…all these factoids…while there are other things at play here..


Of course.


no…Bengladeshi American…harvard grad…Texas native…with Dark Money issues..


How about both/and. The 2nd generation Islamists seem to be the most trouble.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


On Epsteincomment image


Q Anon/News – BlackOut – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 7.15.19


Islam is a system that conditions its followers to pathological sociopathy aka hatred of Jews and to a lesser degree Christians (the Crusades, resistance to Islam are our main sins in their eyes).
Islam is evil – always has been, always will be.


Islam is not a path to heaven – RCC CC#841 is false as all get out.


The CCC is being rewritten again as we speak. Pope Humble is very busy with ‘updating’ the faith to reflect Jesuitical thinking on a plethora of subjects.


Thanks, Grandma! Can’t wait to see what happens.


I can. 👿


Yep – it’s also repulsive.




Big T (f/k/a yzest)

Here is an good but slanted expose of Epstein in today’s Forbes. Slanted because it misses no chance to sideswipe VSGPDJT with misleading and/or outright false innuendo.

Big T (f/k/a yzest)

I think Slick Willie will come undone over this as he is already telling independently observable untruths – it will just take a little time for the media to sacrifice him. In this article he is quoted uncritically:
(Clinton, meanwhile, has strenuously objected to the notion that he had any real relationship with Epstein, telling Forbes and others that he “knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago . . . [h]e’s not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade, and has never been to Little St. James Island, Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico, or his residence in Florida.”)


Don’cha know the SS details are having a hard time protecting slick Willie…….from crooked Hilly.


they must all sign non disclosure agreements–but oh boy–I bet they have some great tales to tell!


Getting hot for the pervs. Links to Wikileaks in the tweet.

Brave and Free

Has it been two weeks since VP Pence was called back? PDJT said we would find out in two weeks.
Lots of things happen, Mule hearings delayed any connection ?


High school students from all around Texas are donating their summers by giving back to their community and repairing homes of those in need during the summer months.
The students are part of the United Methodist Church Action Reach-Out Mission, or better known as the U.M. Army, a group that deploys students across the country to help out on small construction projects.
This particular group of high schoolers has been helping out in East Texas since June, rebuilding homes for people who cannot do it themselves.
“It’s just something I can do because I can’t always spend money or donate money,” Coby Balli, a high school senior, told KETK news, “but I can spend my time and my hard labor to help people.”
The construction projects can look like a simple paint job, to yard work, or even completing small construction projects like porches and wheelchair ramps.


Two mysterious — and brutal — murders took place this past weekend:
1/ Charles Levin — character actor, Oregon:
‘The remains of missing Hollywood actor Charles Levin — who portrayed the nervous mohel in a 1993 episode of TV’s “Seinfeld” — were believed to be found in a remote part of Oregon.
‘The 70-year-old comedian was reported missing from Grants Pass on July 8 by his son, The Oregonian/Oregon Live reported Sunday.
‘A resident found Levin’s car, an orange 2012 Fiat, in a remote and nearly cut-off road Saturday.
‘Troopers found the remain’s of Levin’s fawn-colored pug, Boo Boo Bear, inside the vehicle.
‘Crews scouring the steep terrain found the human remains, and there’s a “high probability” they are Levin, the Grants Pass Department of Public Safety said Sunday.
‘No other details were given, and the medical examiner will make the final identification.’
2/ Sadie Roberts-Joseph — museum founder, anti-drug activist, Louisiana:
‘The 75-year-old founder of an African American history museum in Louisiana was found dead in the trunk of a car in what police are calling a “heinous act.”
‘The body of Sadie Roberts-Joseph — also a community activist who teamed up with police on an anti-drug and -violence program — was discovered Friday afternoon in the vehicle about 3 miles from her home, police said …
‘According to The Advocate [Baton Rouge newspaper], Roberts-Joseph founded the Baton Rouge African American Museum in 2001 and was its curator.
‘She also organized an annual Juneteenth festival at the museum, marking the date June 19, 1865, when announcement of the abolition of slavery in the US state of Texas was made.
‘Louisiana state Rep. C. Denise Marcelle called Roberts-Joseph an “amazing woman” who loved history …
‘Police said an autopsy will be conducted to determine the exact cause of death.’
Very strange.


News roundup has been posted if interested.


Felice even beat me to posting on the daily thread! lol
How does he do it??


Today’s Empire Report (New York State) looks to be a roller coaster of a ride:
. . .
CUOMO WARNS CON ED: ‘They can be replaced’…
. . .


i was wondering myself if the “news” would pick up on this? after all, they expect POTUS to be “there” if a significant event paralyzes a city…
gives one the same impression of Obama/Clinton and Benghazi…why wake me at 3am?


BTW I’m reposting this from * ICYMI…
This past week while taking a break for lunch I saw an advertisement on TV for NordVPN.
I asked the person I was with, “Did I just see that? Was that an advertisement for NordVPN?”
Confirming, he said sure enough that’s what it is.
Yikes. I’m scratching that one off my list permanently.
A VPN service that advertises on TV is dangerously close to mainstreaming. It does not give me confidence when they are trying to attract a mass user base from the general public that they can (or are) protecting the privacy of the data and communications that they claim to be.
I smell a fishy honey pot.
NordVPN considered suspect.

Brave and Free

Hasn’t it been two weeks since VP Pence was called back to the WH? PDJT said we would find out in two weeks. Let’s hope so 🤔

Deplorable Patriot

Since the local flock wakes me up at 4:30 am, I’ve been thinking about the question when does a bird sing. For all occasions, before dawn, looking for a mate, etc., they sing when they feel safe. We can have a regular chorus in the bushes in the back yard, but open the back door and they go silent.
Does Epstein feel safe enough to sing? If the NYC partial black out was an attempt on him, is he feeling safe?

Brave and Free

Ok now am suspicious 🤔 I’ve tried to post twice but nothing?? Anyway I’ll try again.
Hasn’t it been two weeks since PDJT called VP back to the WH? He said we would know in two weeks why. Let’s hope so.


Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth CRISIS Part 5
July 1, 2019
by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs


Red Pill News – NY Blackout Jeffrey Epstein Assassination Attempt
July 15, 2019
from RedPill78


not buyin it…if so, “they” sure botched it…like amateurs ??
if someone wants to off him, they can do it easily w/out a black in NYC.


oops…should be without a black-out in NYC..


Just one theory – another is – because they can – a third – coincidence it happened on that anniversary – anyway you look at it – just strange – NY Mayor in Iowa campaigning – as usual – when something of importance happens – he is AWL – good things happen, too – babies are conceived – and a choir sings in the dark!


It’s Not Really a Climate Thing: It’s about Control
July 15, 2019
by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker


Agenda 21.


That, too – now Agenda 2030


Deep State: Epstein Is an Ex-CFR Member With Possible Intelligence Ties
July 15, 2019
by Luis Miguel, The New American

Deplorable Patriot

Epstein is deep state of some sort. What…take a good look at who is publicly distancing themselves. That might be part of the puzzle. At this point, though, he’s in what amounts to a mini-supermax in NYC and we on the outside have no idea what he has said or not said to prosecutors, or if he’s turned. Those who are complicit with him probably don’t either. Although in NYC, there’s got to moles in the DA’s office.


Business Insider › markets
Peter Thiel slams Google’s ‘seemingly treasonous … – Markets Insider
4 hours ago · Peter Thiel gave the opening speech at the National Conservatism conference on Sunday. He used …

Big T (f/k/a yzest)

Health Insurance: This is still the most non-partisan driver of the next election. Sharyl Atkisson has an excellent piece here about Montana. I have read other stories about this remarkable woman and her ability to do what everyone else talks about: reverse and cut costs. Obama spent hot air and bovine scat on “bending the cost curve.” The current administration was kneecapped by He Who Shall Not Be Named but now 2 years later is floundering in political mud. The small states have always been the place to build the model and it looks like Montana is onto something.


Hey honey, thanks for posting this one. We’ve been watching Montana health system for a while. Innovative.
Could be used wider for more or all states.


When We Cry Out to God
JULY 15, 2019
Psalm 57:1-3
1 Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, For my soul takes refuge in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge Until destruction passes by. 2 I will cry to God Most High, To God who accomplishes all things for me. 3 He will send from heaven and save me; He reproaches him who tramples upon me. Selah. God will send forth His lovingkindness and His truth.
When you face a crisis, what is your first line of defense? The natural response is to attempt to fix the problem on your own. God, however, gives us a different way to handle difficulty.
David was no stranger to pressure or sudden appearances of evil. When he wrote Psalm 57, he was facing many hardships—including pursuit by King Saul, who wanted to kill him (1 Samuel 24:1-22). The shepherd’s response was to cry out to God and take refuge in Him until the calamity had passed.
Let’s learn from David’s example by exploring his words. Today’s passage has much to teach about the One to whom he cries.
First, David refers to God as El Elyon, or the Most High God. With all power and wisdom, He is the only one who can help us in our need.
Second, God is said to be our refuge. If He is a place of shelter for our soul, then we need not fear. He hovers over us and protects us when crises arise and leave us feeling helpless.
Third, the psalm expresses complete confidence that the Almighty can and will accomplish anything it takes for His purpose to be fulfilled. He’ll do whatever is necessary to intervene on our behalf, to hold accountable those who oppose us, and to surround us with His love and truth.
During His time on earth, Jesus brought great passion to His life and ministry . Therefore, we can approach Him when emotions run high. If your heart is troubled, cry out to the Lord. Know that you come before the throne of Him who is a powerful protector, capable and willing to do all you need.
Dr. Charles Stanley


“We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there’s nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.
Most of us would prefer, however, to spend our time doing something that will get immediate results. We don’t want to wait for God to resolve matters in His good time because His idea of ‘good time’ is seldom in sync with ours.”
― Oswald Chambers




Carl I love the story of Jehoshaphat … he sought God when surrounded by nations that wanted to kill Isreal … when God answered the nation stood for the assembly and bowed down to the ground in prayer and worship to God … God responded the battle is not yours
The nation marched out (everyone) … musicians first, singers praising, then the priests then the army then the people. Praise and worship went out to battle first ….
Prayers start with praising God, giving thanks to God, heart to heart about loved ones, friends (lifting a up people), asking for people’s redemption … and more/what’s in your heart, and closes with “according to Your will for Your glory, in Jesus name … “

Plain Jane

Nikko, thank you, great reminder. I can’t “go it” on my own at all, even for a day before I have to yell “Abba, help, please. You fix this.”


Amen Plain Jane … 🙂❤️


“Faith Goldy: Antifa Terrorism—The Coming Civil War” …
“But did you know the dead firebombing terrorist, who had ICE agents in his crosshairs, was an avowed member of Antifa’s militant left wing gun club?
Did you even know Antifa has a gun club?
Didn’t think so.”
more at link:


That’s kind of scary considering how many Antifa idiots are in the Pacific N.W.
Their latest candidate for Antifa sainthood was just a lone wolf moron who must have had a death wish. Perhaps he had serious health problems and just lost his will to live, who knows?
But if Antifa as a group is ever stupid enough to attack police with guns, they will lose big time.


But …. if the mayor has instructed the police to ‘stand down’ as often happens….
Antifa could end up in full control of at least some geographic portion of whichever leftist run ‘city’ they so desire.


Well, the first time an Antifa group fired at police or citizens, SWAT teams would descend upon them like flies on rotten food. But it won’t surprise me if they start taking potshots at police cars at night. Considering how cowardly they are, that will likely be the next step of Antifa escalation.


You SURE about that “SWAT teams” claim, there, Andy? Seems to me that the Pac NW is ground zero for Antifa to practice literal takeovers of American cities….
Now combine that with the cop in Atlanta being caught stealing from a dead guy…think about the story of the hispanic gangs that have fully infiltrated the police force in LA….
Do you REALLY think the cops in the shithole cities of this nation will over ride a mayor’s order to ‘stand down?’ Will such cops actually do anything other than DEFEND ANTIFA?
Something everyone needs to contemplate and consider. JMO and YMMV, of course.


I think you’re confusing the “stand down” orders by liberal mayors with normal police activity. Any time there’s a shooting in Portland, for example, a horde of cops respond. They have no problem shooting someone with a gun or knife who is presenting a threat to the public or the cops.


Awesome–Brought tears to my eyes.

Plain Jane

Ok, this got me to tears. Beautiful. TY Kin.


Was trying to figure out if it was our national anthem or her story. I do believe it was both.

Plain Jane

Both IMO.

Plain Jane

Plus I’m sneaking in this thread before more kids come. 4 y old GS already here until Wednesday.


that must be so neat…My grandkids are all grown. Enjoy…so much fun.
We used to do so much when they visited, I knew all the free &/or cheap places to take them..Museums, kids activities, and etc.

Plain Jane

They are a blessing indeed. They range from 23 to nearly 5 to one due in August. The range is from married and in grad school, two yet at university, one in HS, one in Jr. High to the youngest. We have a pool and in the summer that’s all they want to do. Winter….snow. Autumn….virgin oak anf hickory forest messing around. The oldest and mid range kids love to go out target shooting. The 4 year old has to wait a year for training.
Sounds like you had a ball with yours Kin. Love it.


Good memories with them all..


This was wonderful and hard to watch at the same time. Recently lost BIL to oropharyngeal cancer. Pray that she’s fully healed.

Plain Jane

I am sorry for your loss Bam. BILs usually become good friends.


“More churches are opening their doors to undocumented immigrants facing deportation
Since President Trump took office, the number of American churches willing to shelter undocumented immigrants from the threat of deportation has grown to about 1,000 — a small fraction of the Christian community. Special correspondent Duarte Geraldino meets one immigrant who has been welcomed by a congregation in hopes of buying time to find a legal way of staying in the U.S.”
full transcript of a JudyW. interview follows that synopsis at the link:

Deplorable Patriot

The price of a dishonest media. On Saturday evening, when Father was talking about how to be Christian, he didn’t go political, but did say we need to ask ourselves about how we react to the pictures we see, etc. I would like to counter with the truth, even about the homeless and the beggars here at home. And don’t get me started on EBT and SNAP. None of it is what it is reported to be by the echo chamber that currentlyis keeping the gates of information.


Upthread, Grandma in Texas posted a tweet which contained a link to the guy below.
He attended CPAC and does quite a bit of conservative media. Video was well done, extensive background on the people BEHIND the radical Congresswomen.
Here is that link again:

In sharing the link across other venues, I found another SECOND part to the video, also excellent.
Link is here:


“9 killed, 32 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings
Shootings within city limits over the weekend left at least 9 people dead and 32 others wounded.
The latest fatal gun violence incident happened Sunday in South Shore.
About 1:55 p.m., two vehicles were northbound side by side in an alley in the 2000 block of East 69th Street when someone in one vehicle began firing at the other, Chicago police said.”
more at link:
see also:


Thought this might be of interest to some…
“In this post, we’ll look a bit closer at drydock maintenance.”


Interesting tweet from the Marines. “A week to remember”…


“Thieving Cop Caught on Her Own Body Cam Robbing Murder Victim of $500
Atlanta, GA — Adding insult to deadly injuries, an Atlanta police officer was caught stealing from a murder victim. Atlanta Police Department (APD) fired Officer Keisha Richburg this week after her own body camera footage was the only evidence APD needed to catch her stealing $500 out of the dead man’s wallet.
Along with the body camera footage APD released a 130-page report detailing the officer’s crimes.”
more at link:


Just a small thing but… the video of the news announcer, she holds up some papers while talking about the “130-page report.” No way is THAT 130 pages!!!! Catherine Herridge (and many others at Fox) have also started doing the same thing – who knows WHAT papers they are actually holding! So that is what, supposed to gain credibility or some such rot? Just another level of fake, IMO.


Muslim Terror Attack In Somalia… Hotel Bombed, 26 Dead, Including Two Americans (photos)…
Posted by Kane on July 14, 2019 1:06 pm
2 Americans among 26 killed in a hotel in #Somalia. Jihadi fundamentalist group #AlShabaab claimed responsibility for the attack | So far not a single word of outrage from the somali-born Ilhan Omar nor Rashida Tlaib or The Democrats.


The Latest: Churches Promise Sanctuary From Migrant Sweeps
A dozen churches in the Los Angeles area have declared themselves sanctuaries for migrant families as the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown is scheduled to begin.
By Associated Press, Wire Service Content July 15, 2019, at 2:43 a.m


African Migrants Turned Church Into Base to Deal Heroin

Molly Pitcher5

I guess the Africans have assimilated. Just in the last 2 days > organized by antifa and others to revolt in France> terrorizing beach goers in Portugal > now Italy


Soros’ Community Organizer making the rounds?


Bonus time!




“Trump Ends Asylum Protections For Most Migrants At US-Mexico Border
In what we suspect will be immediately greeted by an avalanche of “we’re a nation of (legal) immigrants” and calls of ‘racism’ and ‘hitler’, AP reports that the Trump administration on Monday moved to end asylum protections for most Central American migrants.
According to a new rule published in the Federal Register, asylum seekers who pass through another country first will be ineligible for asylum at the U.S. southern border.”
more at link:


Ristivan issued a great explanation of the new asylum procedures in a post OT at 11:22 am.


thank you, will take a look!



“Lurking Lawyer here.
A major announcement by AG Barr this am, effective tomorrow. He is issuing a ‘rule’ exactly as I suggested here at CTH some months ago, that allows the US to immediately send back to Mexico most asylum seekers from anywhere (Triangle countries, Haiti, Africa…). And federal courts can do NOTHING about it.
The key is correctly understanding the basic asylum law, 8USC§1158.
The problem that needs fixing is §1158(a)(1), which says (paraphrasing) if any alien reaches the US, they can apply for asylum by claiming a credible fear in their home country, guaranteeing them a US asylum court hearing years down the road while released into the US interior with a work permit in the mean time, during which they ‘disappear’.
The solution is a ‘correct’ interpretation of §1158(a)(2)(a), which says (slightly paraphrasing):
“(A)(1) shall NOT apply if AG determines the alien may be removed, pursuant to a bilateral or MULTILATERAL treaty, to a safe third country (other than alien’s own) in which alien is not threatened (no credible fear) AND where alien has access to a full and fair asylum process…”
Note Mexico has refused to sign a bilateral safe third agreement with US, and Guatemala just balked today after promising to do so. Because that would make ‘asylum’ seekers their problem.
BUT Mexico and US are both signatories to the fundamental 1951 Refugee Convention and its later revisions. That is a MULTILATERAL treaty guaranteeing a ‘full and fair asylum process’.
So Barr is invoking that multilateral treaty to unilaterally declare Mexico a safe third for purposes of §1158(a)(2)(a). Rather than having to have a US asylum hearing, all the asylum seekers overwhelming the southern border get legally sent immediately back to Mexico for ‘asylum’. This essentially solves the fake asylum problem. The asylum seekers are in reality economic migrants looking for free stuff in the US, and almost all fail get get asylum eventually granted by US courts. This action also gives Mexico a very strong non-tariff threat incentive to seal its southern border.
And the most beautiful part (Dems will go crazy) is §1158(a)(3), which reads:
“NO court shall have jurisdiction to review any determination by the AG under (a)(2).”
PDJT and AG Barr lawfare. Nothing not to like except why did it take so long? Answer: Pelosi begged PDJT for time to fix immigration properly rather than begin ICE removals pursuant to final orders of deportation. He did, she didn’t. Bet PDJT will have fun with this at Wednesday’s rally.”
July 15, 2019 at 11:52 am
“The rule just appeared in the Federal Register. Have not read it, but do note it is being incorrectly reported as ‘sure to be challenged in court’. The only correctly reported parts are is prospective only, and will eventually not apply if asylum is not granted by Mexico. Not big practical issues, as the point is to stop them from trying in the first place and A1§9.3 prohibits ex post facto laws.”
There is further discussion.



Ummm, OOPS!!! Thought I was posting a thumbs up! Had reposted this to someone else. Sorry!!!


Wow – there are a LOT of Q folks on that Marine feed! It was eye-opening!


“‘Racist Disgrace’: Susan Rice Slams Chinese Diplomat Who Says Black Families Ruin White Neighborhoods” …
“What steamed Rice, however, was Zhao’s assertion that “If you’re in Washington, D.C., you know the white never go to the SW area, because it’s an area for the black & Latin,” adding “There’s a saying ‘black in & white out’, which means that as long as a black family enters, white people will quit, & price of the apartment will fall sharply.”
Rice snapped back, “You are a racist disgrace. And shockingly ignorant too.”
more at link:
um….he’s right – it’s a very well known and well documented phenomenon we call, “White Flight.”

Deplorable Patriot

I’m going to side with Rice here. It depends on people of color who move in. My street, since white flight dissipated, has always had people of color. So have some of the adjacent ones. There were two clans that were suspect, and they eventually lost those houses when the property values started to rise again. All the others have been educated white collar sorts.
Our most recent neighbors of color kept a meticulous lawn and did many upgrades to their house. Frankly, the guy made the rest of us look bad in the maintenance department. He got transferred to an another state.


Facts don’t care about personal, anecdotal NAXALT and IKAGO.
White Flight is VERY real.

Deplorable Patriot

White flight is how my parents could afford to buy their house almost 50 years ago. Believe me, I know all about it and the people who run.

Gail Combs

Jeffrey Epstein’s ISLAND….
From page one:
“The Anons have been digging and found the architect who apparently built those… Her name is Lisa Geiger…”
“Elaborate underground storage…”
“Elaborate underground storage…” And that says to me CAVES!!!
As I mentioned a few days ago Jamaica is part of the same geologic formation. Jamaica is only 22 miles long. Here are a few of the caves that have publicly available maps. (Cavers generaly do not publish maps.)
St Clair Cave Jamaica
Green Grotto Cave Jamaica
Vaughanfield Cave
Then there is the CAVES RESORT in NEGRIL Jamacica… (From various blurbs)
“The Caves Hotelis an Adult-Only Caribbean Resort in Negril, Jamaica. The Caves sits along the limestone cliffs of the West End of Negril. The Caves is a small adults-only, all-inclusive resort on Jamaica’s western coast. It is set up on secluded cliffs south of Negril’s beach resort areas. The Negril area is known to be a small beach town that is widely dispersed and fairly undeveloped. The Caves is a 2-acre oceanfront sanctuary with twelve exclusive cliff-side accommodations. The Caves Hotel is a 4-star accommodation with free self parking, an elevator and a luggage storage. The venue was opened in 1995 and remains an example of organic architecture in Negril ever since.”
Was this the inspiration for Epstein??
“…Little Saint James is a private island owned by Jeffrey Epstein since 1998….” (WIKI)
GEE, I wonder who was the architect for the Caves?
DINING ROOMcomment image
The BLACKWELL RUM BARcomment image
(Note: my computer crashed three times while trying to dig out this info….)

Gail Combs

OOPS sorry, Jamacia is 235 km (146 mi) long, and its width varies between 34 and 84 km (21 and 52 mi) wide. I meant to remove that blooper before I cut and pasted the info.


FINALLY! Someone had to know who built this and who worked there.


If you see anything about him buying Greater St. James also itll be important. All I found was a mention of it.


Amazing that you just happened to know a lot about caving.
I wish someone would give you a huge strong reliable SUPER-COMPUTER or access to one with mega-capacity.

Gail Combs

I also spent a week UNDERGROUND in Jamaica. The Caves are BEAUTIFUL and the temperature is LOVELY! (I also did a bit of snorkling.) That is why when ‘tunnels’ were mentioned and I saw the possible entrance below the ‘Temple’ I immediately thought CAVES.


All the roads on LSJ are lined with what looks like limestone rocks. Our aquifers in S GA and all of Florida are a series of underground limestone rivers/caves/lakes and most lakes are also connected to the underground streams….and the Floridan aquifer is a Karst Aquifer which means it is open to the surface and can easily be polluted.


And the Karst Aquifer is prone to sink holes, as you probably know.

Gail Combs

Oh yes! Every once in a while a new sink hole will open up and swallow a field… or a house.


Can’t think of a better place for a 6.0 earth quake (but surrounding areas would be affected), or maybe a total collapse of the entire island into the sea would be better …


Not before all the evidence is gathered and documented.


True .. 🙂👍


Gail we have GOT to get you a Linux box to work on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wow. There are some times when these vile people really do a number exposing who they really are to the world.


Thread from guy in court reporting on Epstein…




From Tom Homan via FoxNews via WhiteHouse to my Inbox:
“What is going on in this country right now, especially on Capitol Hill, is nothing short of deceitful behavior which intentionally distorts the truth in order to win a political battle,” writes Thomas Homan, a top immigration official under both President Trump and former President Obama, in Fox News. “I saw it firsthand when I testified on Capitol Hill this past Friday, in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Aside from the six minutes I was given to read my opening statement, there was an attempt by most Democrats on that committee to silence me.”
He continued: “They didn’t want to hear from me. They didn’t want the truth. They simply wanted to continue to push their false narrative about the Border Patrol and ICE.”
That’s the truth. The interchange between Homan and AOC, her middle school voice, intellect and maturity reveals the entire Democrat Congress mental state.


Rachel Chandler Still Working W/ Epstein’s Modeling Agency MC2 Accused In Court of Procuring Children For Elites


h/t – commenter OT.


WTH–oh my just speechless.
Like the elites that paried with Epstein after his release.
Sorry but with those types of charges, I’d be distancing myself from Epstein even if he was my long time friend


You cannot belief the disgusting eagerness after the OJ Simpson trial for him to be a guest at some of the most exclusive golf clubs (mainly LA area)….


Not a good reason but at least OJ was found not guilty.
Personally many and I do feel he was as guilty as they come.


Go, POTUS!!!! Taking on the idiot reporters on OANN!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS MAN!!!!


John Roberts: Are you concerned that many people thought your Tweet was racist? POTUS (basically): No. ROFLMFAO


I wish President Trump would have added, “These loony liberals claim everything I say is racist, so who cares about this time?”

Big T (f/k/a yzest)

I want to know who that screaming harpy that wouldn’t shut her pie hole was!!


You and me both! Nasty beyotch! Had to be CNN or MSNBC….


These people hate our Country, they SHOULD leave! They damned sure SHOULD NOT BE REPRESENTING OUR GOVERNMENT!! I liked that he received cheers and claps from the audience.



Whoever that was should be excluded from future press conferences and White House events, IMO. Let them complain. If I was in charge, she’d be kicked to the curb.


Especially if she was a journalist…and there is one very loud, obnoxious one from CNN.
I’m rather surprised the harpy got away with it.


“Dem Rep: “We Don’t Need” Blacks, Gays, & Muslims Who Won’t Play Identity Politics” …
“Rep Ayanna Pressley (D-MA):
“We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.
We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.
We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice.
We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice”
[note, the above is directly from a tweet from that Ryan Savadera (sp) guy]
a bit more at the link:


Kind of arrogant, don’t you think, to pompously assume that only she can judge who or who not is a “voice” for all of those she separates into “identity” groups.
For instance “women’s groups” do not speak for me.
I will decide who does or does not speak on my behalf, not some mind blind, self righteous leftist.
I hope and pray that there are still enough free thinking members of our society who feel the same way.

Gail Combs

I belong to the BEST GROUP OF ALL —-


She’s a real rabid activist.


I don’t think so – I think she’s emblematic of the democrats today.


They’re not trying to hide their true feelings and beliefs anymore. Granted, this woman is idiotic, but she says what so many Dems desire and believe.
Someone posted a video on this site (and I can’t remember where, now) about how AOC was auditioned and given the part of a Congresswoman by those who want to replace all Congressional Dems with radical progressives. It was eye-opening. Pressley is just that type. I do think that, while these people are giving Pelosi and others fits, they are only connecting with the far-left fringe. I hope so, anyway.


Frickin’ Lindsey needs to wake the hell up and recognize the terrible dangers from fundamentalist Islam, of which Ilhan Omar is a prime example, as well as Talib. Altho, I must say, those like Amash are even more dangerous in the long run.


From GAB
Sotiri Dimpinoudis
#Breaking: Carola Rackete the illegal human smuggler from #Libya to #Europe, says she wants to bring a HALF MILLION of Africans over the sea. But her boat the #SeaWatch3 was confiscated by Italian port authorities last month, after ignoring the country’s laws in #Italy.
sick and twisted, vile, filthy creature she is….


I think she was the one who forced her way into the dock, I believe ramming some patrol boats while she was at it. She was initially arrested but then released.

Deplorable Patriot

Whoops. Can’t transport across the ocean without a ship, that’s for sure.


Epstein apparently has an old passport from the 1980s that has HIS pic but uses a different name, AND it lists his residence as Saudi Arabia. From Neon Revolt on Gab ….


Currently expired. Saw something on FB about this, I think.


From FB – this was accompanied by a video of him on his riding mower going back and forth up and down his fence line with a Trump flag flying on his mower!!! Will see if I can post a link to the video. Since it is a FB link, it probably won’t post. Anyway, it’s cute; also, good info on the state law about flagpoles.
Paul Williams
June 15 at 10:46 PM ·
My response to my neighbor complaining to the HOA about me having a TRUMP flag on my backyard flagpole.
Hey snowflake, you better call them again, because IDGAF!
**Some back-story for those saying that I moved into the HOA and don’t want to follow the rules of the HOA. The HOA sent me a violation to remove my flagpoles. I later discovered it was actually about the flag. Well unfortunately there is a state law here directed towards HOAs in regards to flagpoles stating they cannot prohibit them and no approval is needed to erect them. So with that violation of the law, a pending federal constitutional rights violation, and them consulting with an attorney they withdrew the violation and I can fly whatever flag I want with no further interference.


Ooops….there is that sizing thing again. Sorry.


Deplorable Patriot

Now, it’s getting good. Love watching them eat their own.


Wolf: Garrison’s Cartoon got hung up in WP, again!!!


Duchess, I can never get to post from his site, always have to get from twitter. 🤗😘😍


comment image




Got it – Thanks, Butterfly! That’s just weird!


I know. Sucks too, cuz he usually has additional commentary on his site that doesn’t come forth in the tweet


Exactly, Butterfly – he is quite the gem! Wonder what he meant about something coming down the pike that will make up for his inability to go to the WH Summit – because one cartoon was misinterpreted – he was not permitted to go – Wusses!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To post as an image, it has to start with http, end with an image extension like .jpg or .gif or ,png, and be alone on its line, with no extraneous characters. Also, anything from Garrison will likely not post due to censorship. Grabbing the Twitter image is most likely to work.


And it did – Thanks, Boss!


Had all of the right parts – left space before and after – but, got nada – Twitter, it is – problem with that – we miss his commentary as Butterfly said…

Deplorable Patriot

What, no flame thrower? Ripley could really shoot fire.


Trump Tells “Progressive” Dems To Go Back To The “Crime Infested Places” They Came From
July 15, 2019
from True Pundit


Notice he didn’t say “countries”, he said “places”. Many of the places those far left loonies come from are U.S. cities that have become s-holes.


andy, at the question/answer period of his Annual Celebration of American Products, he said something about their countries – going back and fixing them – will see if I can find what he actually said…


Yes, I saw that too, but I think he just said in that quote the countries their families originated from need fixing. In any case, I’m glad he gave them a dose of reality. And I’d rather be called a racist than a libtard.


Oh, I see – that makes sense, then.


I found it, andy – a series of tweets he made on Sunday – are referenced here…
“The comments come as an extension from previous remarks he made over the weekend. In a three-tweet thread Sunday morning, the president suggested that the liberal congress members should go back to their country of origin to help those communities if they are unhappy with the status of America.”

Gail Combs

“Trump Tells “Progressive” Dems To Go Back To The “Crime Infested Places” They Came From”
AND you can be VERY VERY SURE that President Trump is well aware that the majority of Americans are thinking EXACTLY THE SAME THING!
Do you really thing President Trump does not have a very good feel for what we are thinking and just how disgusted many Americans are with these ‘Janey Come Latelies’ who come to our country and then kick us in the teeth… viciously?


He knows that we know…


Liberals Viciously Harass MAGA-Themed Bride, Wish Death Upon Her Son in ICU with Brain Bleed
July 15, 2019
by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:
West Michigan resident Audra Johnson, who went viral after wearing a wedding dress with “Make America Great Again” embroidered upon it, has been receiving vicious threats from liberals in the days since her July 4 wedding.
“I can’t believe the hypocrisy coming out of the left,” Johnson told Big League Politics. “For being the party of tolerance, they sure are being intolerant.”
Johnson, a pro-life activist in the Michigan Republican Party who is the Kent County leader for the Michigan Heartbeat Coalition, has had her Facebook page attacked by liberal trolls who have posted demeaning, sexist, and hate-filled remarks incessantly since her wedding to military veteran Jeff Johnson.
WARNING: Some of these comments are graphic and contain profane language.


Royal Parasites & Black Magicians
July 15, 2019
from Humans Are Free
We live in a world where reality has been subjugated and inverted. The laws of nature have been trampled upon by a clique of parasitic hoarders who have hoodwinked the vast majority of people into accepting a life of hardship and bondage as a result on an inter-generational reign of terror meted out by these well-dressed entitlement-demanding bloodsuckers.
Surrounded by a cast of uniformed magicians in fuzzy hats who march around reinforcing the terror trance, these “royal” family welfare cases depend on humanity remaining under the illusion that people who live in castles should be respected rather than reviled. This illusion is etched ever deeper into the human psyche via assassinations, terror attacks, coups and the occasional world war.
The court magician Freemasons are instructed by the Privy Council to obfuscate, confuse, divide and indoctrinate society.


July 15, 2019
by Rich Winkel, Thought Crime Radio
This 4 hour documentary is not light going, but for those with the time it’s both a thorough investigation and a historical record worth reviewing. I’m only about half way through, but it seems to me it should have the FBI and DC police shaking in their boots at its exposure of their obvious malfeasance. Any enterprising police department in the world could mount a credible investigation with this video as a starting point.
Here are a few screenshots. The first is in the basement of pegasus museum, which is down the street from comet pingpong and is also owned by alefantis. The museum is located over a network of tunnels called “dr. dyar’s catacombs” which were dug in the 1800’s (1:59)


via Gab, …dunno if y’all are familiar with the story….
Russian man flees from Sweden to Poland. His wife died and Sweden thought that since he didn’t have a job he was an unfit parent. Sweden’s child welfare services removes his his children and puts them with a Muslim family 180 miles away. He then found out where they were, picked them up and fled to Poland to seek asylum.
Now Poland has now granted him asylum. Polish court has decided that Sweden violated his and the children’s human rights on numerous counts. One is that they put a christian man’s children with a Muslim family.
The important thing here is that the man and his daughters is safe in here in Poland.
Sweden has not yet released a statement on how they will act. My guess is that they will stay really low since there’s a lot of errors/violations from Sweden behind this story.
Does this story find its way into the mainstream news feed in Sweden? Of course not. Swedes must not learn that people are seeking asylum and being GRANTED asylum due to the insane policies in Sweden.
Interesting, right? People fleeing from Sweden? Get used to it.”


NIGHTMARE! Russian man forced to flee to Poland from ‘feminazi’ Sweden with his children after his 3 daughters were seized and placed with a Muslim foster family
A desperate Russian father has abducted his three young daughters from foster care in Sweden after his girls were seized and placed with a Muslim foster family. At this time, the family is reunited in Poland under a temporary court order until the case can be decided. The Christian family had initially moved to Sweden so the man could obtain work.
Tsarizm Sweden is famously feminist and the man’s crime seems to have been having a wife that was declared mentally ill and committed. The man still had parental rights but could only see his children for six hours a week. It seems he took the only measure a desperate father could take in abducting his girls and fleeing to a Christian country that would support family values.
Polish news outlet Samhällsnytt reported:
All three girls are citizens only of the Russian Federation. They lived with their parents in Sweden,until the wife developed paranoid schizophrenia, which was the reason for the removal of these children by social services and their transfer to the Muslim family. The Father was not deprived of parental responsibility, but he could meet with children only once a week for 6 hours.
He wrote multiple requests for the children to be returned to him, while the Swedes ‘ argument was still the same: Social services decided to take away his children on the grounds that he had no full employment and was therefore unable to take care of them.
Sputnik News (h/t Mano) According to Babken Khanzadyan, who represents the Lisovs, they weren’t given any opportunity to defend their rights, and the girls didn’t want to stay there.
After his daughters had spent over a year in the Muslim family, about 300 kilometres from their real father, Denis had had enough. He took his daughters and decided to return to Russia. However, he was stopped at Warsaw airport, after the Muslim family reported to Swedish authorities that the girls were missing.
Swedish officials demanded the immediate release of their children – and had already booked a return flight for them to Sweden. Thanks to the attitude of the police and border guards, they managed to stop these children temporarily in Poland. The Muslim foster family was flown by Sweden social services to Poland and were taken to see the children. Apparently The eldest girl appeared scared to death when she saw the Muslim family.
The 3 Russian girls were to be illegally taken away from their father by Swedish officials on Polish soil”, lawyer Jerzy Kwaśniewski tweeted. As a result, the Polish authorities have decided to keep the children with their father in Poland where he has applied for asylum.
The court’s actions were also praised by Poland’s authorities. “The court has decided that the children stay with their father. Well done the police and the border police”, Polish Interior Minister Joachim Brudziński tweeted.”

Gail Combs

“…Apparently The eldest girl appeared scared to death when she saw the Muslim family…..”
3 daughters…. Were they raped? That would be my first question.


Big T has 4 daughters.
I almost lit his hair on fire with this story.
No way, no how, not happening.


Sweden is beyond lost, IMO. Sick, sick, sick.


I could imagine


That the swedish authorities can do this to a man and his family is vile and unacceptable. What an evil mindset you’d have to have. I heard about an American rap artist who’s been in jail the for a street fight he apparently did everything he could to avoid. They’re pretty messed up it seems.


I think GP/VoE wrote about this but have not heard any follow up.
Ahhh here:
Swedish Family Flees to Poland after State Hands His Daughters Over to Muslim Family


Hope this posts – if not, Wheatie? Wolfie? Someone pull it from the bin if you can!comment image?1563205491

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just strip off the ? and the digital identifier at the end, so it ends in .jpg and it will post as an image!


Thank you, sir. I will try – no promises, though. I’m a decent ‘newshound,’ not so good at tech, lol…


here gooooooeeeessss~comment image





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sleepy, Creepy Joe is such as easy punching bag. The gift that keeps on giving. Some day Bite Me Biden will figure out he outta go home and enjoy retirement.


This is today’s CDAN blind. If he knows, lots of other people know, including Q. I can’t wait to see the celebrity dam burst on child trafficking/pedophilia.
“If you think the wealthy pedophile has some names he can bring into the mix, you have seen nothing compared to the names the A+/A list mostly movie actress can drag into an investigation. In addition to celebrities, she can topple world leaders. A whole lot of those people she trafficked sure are showing up on videos and images that have been seen in recent child porn raids. ”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are saying “Saint Angie”. I’m having a hard time believing it, DESPITE her massive association with children’s orgs, as well as her own “collecting”. Just….. hard to believe for some reason that defies logic.

Molly Pitcher5

Possibly her “collection” was acquired in part through a trafficking outlet. Not for nefarious purpose but not through bona fide adoption…does that make sense?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Check out this 2017 article. You seem to be very close to the truth on her FIRST adoption.
What if what she was doing was more like “rescue”? She sees the trafficking – knows what’s going on all around her on her missions of mercy (which are somewhat required of her to stay A-list), and decides to make some “rescues” – totally analogous to people who work with animal humane orgs, are immersed in the bad stuff (abuse and euthanasia), and decide to rescue some victims for personal reasons.

Molly Pitcher5

It seems like part of the control method…someone starts yet another ‘save the kids’ pile onboard and are spokespeople and pitch it to their friends..they may not even know that it’s front for any number of crimes but if there’s any whispers about it..the rich and famous would most likely keep silent..can’t sully their precious name..their name is their golden ride


I dont know who Saint Angie is.


She has a twisted mind, IMO.


I think I pieced it together. I’m wondering though, are we not saying her name?

tom f

Must be an age thing………I thought Angie Dickenson~

Sadie Slays

I’ve wondered how Jon Voight’s (her estranged father) sudden new support for President Trump factors into all of this.


It’s not sudden. It’s just suddenly in the media.


Kaitlin is so great at what she does. Here’s just one example.


Just finished a YUGE deep dive into Justice Democrats, scheduled to come out a little after midnight Eastern Time.
Hope you guys like it. It scared the hell out of me.


Girl, you must have figured out a way to turn one day into more than 24 hours!!! I cannot imagine how you find the time to do all you do!!!! Just amazing! Or have you just cloned yourself??!!??


Apparently the anon with the drone images of Epstein’s filth island…has uploaded more stuff.
Neon Revolt gabbed about it a half hour ago….

Deplorable Patriot

If Oliver Platt shows up with a helicopter, then we’ll know. Betty White’s getting too old to raise cows, though.


Don’t flush your meth folks. Also, don’t do meth and try this either 😲😳comment image

Harry Lime

This may have been posted before…but a great little video on media bias by Brandon Straka.


Good video. Well edited.


Cool image/ w/WWII story on FB – hopefully, png file will post here:comment image


Ooops! WWI?


Of course, the fascist fact-checker claims this is fake.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, Wolfie. I like the fake story better myself! LOL




I think in this case snopes is correct. That bike is not WW1 vintage. It has the typical plastic handle bar protectors I remember as a kid. There’s lots of pictures of it if you do a “bike vashon island” search.
It is a really cool picture though.
And here’s another story about it:


“Kentucky Set to Remove Up to 250,000 Inactive Voters as Part of Court Consent Judgment with Judicial Watch”
From the article:
“Thanks to Judicial Watch, Kentucky is taking action to begin the removal of up to 250,000 voters from its lists of registered voters, which will help ensure cleaner elections in the Bluegrass State,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This is another major victory for cleaner elections, especially following Los Angeles County’s agreement with Judicial Watch to begin the process of removing as many as 1.6 million inactive voters. Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections, so it is essential that dead and long-gone voters be removed from voter registration lists.”
Judicial Watch is the national leader in enforcing the provisions of the NVRA. In June, Judicial Watch announced that it was informed that Los Angeles County had sent notices to 1.6 million inactive voters on its voter rolls pursuant to a settlement agreement. Prior to the California settlement agreement, Judicial Watch estimated that national census data and voter-roll information showed that there were 3.5 million more names on various county voter rolls nationwide than there were citizens of voting age. This settlement could cut this number in half.
In addition, the California secretary of state has alerted other California counties to clean up their voter registration lists to comply with the NVRA. The Judicial Watch lawsuit to force the cleanup of California’s voter rolls, which resulted in the settlement agreement (Judicial Watch, Inc., et al. v. Dean C. Logan, et al. (No. 2:17-cv-08948)), uncovered the fact that neither the State of California nor Los Angeles County had been properly removing inactive voters from the voter-registration rolls for the past 20 years.
The California agreement is only the third statewide settlement achieved by private plaintiffs under the NVRA – and Judicial Watch was the plaintiff in each of those cases. The other statewide settlements were with Ohio (in 2014) and with Kentucky.
Judicial Watch also filed a successful NVRA lawsuit against Indiana, causing it to voluntarily clean up its voting rolls, and has an ongoing lawsuit with the State of Maryland.


Ohhh, These Truths, this is terrific news. State by state, Judicial Watch is weeding through the lists of voters. Lot of work to do. We’re fortunate to have JW. Bugs me that it should be the DOJ, but at least it is getting done.


I have been amazed for years at the things Judicial Watch accomplishes that Congress and the government won’t touch!


Amen to that.
We didn’t know about Kentucky.
One would think, with a Repub Governor, it would be handled and up to date…… but no.


one word: UNIPARTY.


the DOJ is impotent when it comes to this. I think we will have rampant cheating once again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolfie, this is huge.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! It means that Assange tried to get word to Seth’s *PARENTS* after the killing. That is a different thing than outing a source himself. Totally believable. He did it out of CARING for the source.
Now, Ellen Ratner could be LYING in order to protect a phony narrative, but I don’t think so, because if she WAS lying about Seth being the source to Wikileaks, say to protect the Muh Russia narrative, it would STILL and perhaps EVEN MORE STRONGLY point to the Seth Rich murder being connected to the lawsuit against the DNC (and Hillary) and NOT to the DNC leak.
Always remember that these people tend to kill to AFFECT THE FUTURE, not for cheap and unnecessary revenge.
So if I take Ratner at her word, then we ask again – why did Rich do it?
I think he was determined to get the truth out about what happened to Bernie, but didn’t trust that Hillary would let it ever get to trial – and if it did, he himself would be in danger.
Thus, the LOGICAL thing to do, if one MUST reveal, is to dump it to Wikileaks, which would also LESSEN (in many minds) the danger of going to trial, provided they took adequate preparations AFTER dumping.
The PROBLEM is that Seth really didn’t think this through, not having dealt with enough criminals in his life, nor having been involved in high-stakes lawsuits. Had he any experience with those things, he would have dumped to Wikileaks, THEN hunkered down, gotten lost, or otherwise gone into HARDENED MODE. In that case, bad stuff would likely have landed on SOMEBODY ELSE.
No way would Hillary let it get to trial, however. No way. Seth simply didn’t know her well enough. He may have suspected, and thus the dump, but he did not act as if he REALLY “got” the danger of Ma Cankles.
Oh, what a nasty mess.


Wolfie, if Bill Shine KNEW, and then came into the WH as head of comms,
It’s time to batten down the hatches.


DAUGHN! Have you read the filing on this case? I saw a name that made me immediately think of something you said the other day.
From the complaint:
“12. Defendant Michael Gottlieb is an attorney who resides in or near Washington,D.C. He was a partner at all times relevant in the Defendant law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP.
13. Defendant Meryl Governski is an attorney who resides in or near Washington,D.C. She is an associate in the Defendant law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP.
14. Defendant Boies Schiller Flexner LLP is a law firm and professional partnership organized under the laws of New York and headquartered in New York, NewYork. Hereinafter, it and Defendants Gottlieb and Schiller are collectively the “Boies Schiller Defendants.”

Isn’t this the lawyer/law firm Big T was talking about the other day? Isn’t he defending EPSTEIN’S victims?
OMG, this shit is getting REAL!


Boies is a great lawyer. His name, yes, makes other lawyers nervous.




Forgive me for reposting something, but I just watched this video posted by duchess01 on the first page of this thread:
“Do People Realize They Are Creating Their Own Overlords” is about smart technology. I had already decided I wanted no part of smart appliances or things like Alexa, but this video shows that the world is going the other direction. It’s significant that some hotel chains like Marriott are going to put Alexa in every room, and some apartment complexes are doing the same. So now I will have to ask about this when booking a room.
Some people will set up their homes with cameras in every room, but it’s not just cameras. The technology can monitor people’s moods, and then it recoreds, for example, whether Jane Doe cries when she’s happy, if someone in the home is angry, whether there was an argument, etc. It is not just about the devices recording conversations (which is bad enough); they are being programmed to analyze the humans they are spying on.
The next generations are being conditioned to think they can’t do without this technology. That’s why there’s such a push for it now.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The potential for abuse of such systems and information is limitless. This is the perfect way to gain complete control over the populace with their willing consent. I would like to know how many people are resisting this technology. It’s unbelievable to me that people would trust entities with their most personal data, including medical data. I can see it being used to falsely imprison people, to have them committed to mental facilities, to take their guns and means of protection, to take their children from them, etc. I am leery about medical offices and hospitals having some sort of requirement that people have a connection to smart technology to interact with them. We need to get a handle on this, fast.


Not happening in our house. I don’t want my refrigerator checking my temperature when I reach for a snack.


I meant to say that INFORMATION IS POWER, but knowledge works, too.


Yes notice they are starting to give you these things for a very low cost or even free. I’m with daughn on this one not in my house!!!!


Finally, a “RESIST!!” I can get on board with.
Do people really think the devices aren’t listening unless you call a name first?
Not no, but HELL NO!!


Katie said it better!

Gail Combs

They DO NOT CARE IF YOU WANT IT OR NOT! They will shove the “smart technology” down your throat!!! We have a co-op electric company and we got Duke Energy’s ‘smart meters’ forced on us. We pay $360 a year to have a ‘regular meter’ instead of a ‘smart meter’ GRRRRRRrrrrr….
When your frig or freezer died you are left having to buy new. We tried used, it lasted 2 months and then died. Actually we got the ‘new meters’ and both our frig and freezer died within a couple months as well as the replacement. Kinda makes you wonder if that ‘new meter’ had something to do with it…. NAH that is tin foil hat stuff…


As far as home refrigeration goes, either buy Subzero brand or buy appliances that are over 30 years old. You should not allow them to charge you to not be on a smart meter. I’ve heard of several people who have fought back and prevailed. What is the benefit you receive for your $360? If they say being free of a smart meter, ask them how a device that is supposed to be a benefit to the clients turn around and be a benefit to be denied it. It can’t be a client benefit in both situations, which of course it isn’t – it’s a benefit to the utility.
They should be paying people to have them installed, not preventing them from being installed.


I have a very different opinion of Sub zero. It’s NOT good either. Not going to go on a rant here, but I could. Just sayin…..


I like Marriott Hotels I guess I have to travel with Aluminum Foil 🙂


Ohhhh boy, turn on your televisions if you still have them.
AOC and the Dem Congresswomen are having a presser —- to respond to PDJT.
This ought to be good.


I turned it on. It is all I can do to keep watching. Pressley is insufferable. 🤨


I hit the mute button during Omar. Can’t take it. I hope Pres. Trump eviscerates them, and that the public does too.


Can you BELIEVE what we just saw?
President is tweeting up a storm.


Good. And thanks for taking one for the team and reporting on it!


TV…? What’s a a TV? 😉


Same here, kea. Don’t have TV and don’t have a cell phone. And they can’t make me get them either!


I have a TV but I only use it to watch old home movies or DVDs.
Only cellphone I would ever get is a prepaid. But yeah no thanks. 😀


I decided to post an evening news roundup given that there is so much going on today. Please view if interested.


Keep up the great work flep. My Mom was really enjoying your news round up this morning… giving her part two now! 🙂


A morning and evening edition!


Gosh, i’m Old enough to remember there used to be morning and evening additions of newspapers in the major cities. Was too young to be interested in them, but still remember.
Now it’s CNN, et al, 24/7.


And the morning and evening edition papers gave actual news…unlike CNN….which is just brainwashing/indoctrination 24/7….


Today’s San Jose Mercury News used to be…San Jose Mercury morning and San Jose News afternoon.
Paperboys from 60’s know these things.
Now, San Jose Mercury News is just another propaganda arm of MCM Gannett…purveyor of fake news. (USA Today et al)


👍 I’m not even caught up on news for today, and with a 3 hr time zone difference, sometimes it’s evening which is late night for the east coast before I get caught up!


USA today wrote an Epstein story asking about his net worth…!!!???!!!????
From private island to private jet: What is ‘billionaire’ Jeffrey Epstein’s net worth?


Giggle snort — lots of people poking around.


I know! I just found it funny that it was in USA today AND the best part is that it popped up on yahoo!!!! LOL
And can it be an article without trying to link it to Trump.

Deplorable Patriot

Good thread on Q 3417 & 3418
Watch New York and California
11 Jul 2019 – 11:06:31 PM
Find the Connection: Bronfman, Rothschild, NXIVM, Mack, Epstein
11 Jul 2019 – 11:04:33 PMcomment image📁
How does LDR (Rothschild’s) connect to the Bronfman’s?
Find the bridge.
Think Company.
How is Bronfman connected to NXIVM?
NXIVM > Who Pleaded Guilty?
Allison Mack?
>>>>>>>>WATCH NYC<<<<<<<<>7004029
What city was Epstein arrested in?
Watch CA.

Deplorable Patriot

From the thread:
Company is DuPont.
Both DuPont and 3M are involved in the PFOA mess.
Not to mention building all the explosive metal plants and researching during WWII. The real end came when the Sperry Univac was removed from the Newark, DE data center under armed guard. The Univac did nuclear simulations.
DuPont, Bronfman/Rothschild are likely…Weather Channel, Blackstone investments also connect…
CEMEX, owned by Bronfman Rothschild. There was evidence of human trafficking at their plant in Tuscon, which connects to NXIVM.
Good suggestion though. I looked into DuPont facilities on the Mexican Border. Came up with two within <10 miles from the border.

Deplorable Patriot

The French name Dupont first arose during the Medieval period in the Languedoc region. It is derived from when the family first lived in Languedoc. The name Dupont is derived from the Old French word “pont”, which means “bridge”. ”
Du pont” directly translates to English as “from the bridge”, indicating that the original bearer lived near a prominent bridge.…
I think we have all we are gonna get…info is [classified] so cannot be stated directly. It will be one of the companies we have dug up…
Cemex would be highly interesting as would DuPont. The also own alot of the Weather Channel.

Deplorable Patriot

The other thing to remember on this is that the DuPonts have a loose screw or two running through their gene pool. One member of the family was arrested for raping his daughter when she was a small child, and there was somebody else who had issues. I’ll have to dig for that. It seems to me it was decades ago.

Deplorable Patriot

This might be it. I remember it had something to do with wrestling. Somebody made a movie about it.

Deplorable Patriot

Born in 1938, John Eleuth ère du Pont was (as his character makes so painfully clear in the film) an heir of the du Pont family. Minor French Huguenot nobility, the du Ponts immigrated to America circa 1800 and went on to establish a gunpowder business that evolved into a chemicals company with a cutting-edge research and development department—they created nylon, teflon, lucite, and other synthetic polymers. At one point, they essentially ruled the state of Delaware, employing as much as 10 percent of the population.
As one of America’s wealthiest families, conspiracy theorists often claim the du Ponts are in the Illuminati. They’re also the subject of tales of corruption and nepotistic wheeling and dealing. Most recently, one member of the family, Robert H. Richards, ​escaped a prison sentence after admitting to sexually abusing his own children, leading to accusations that the family essentially bought his way to freedom. And his was only a recent case. Enough du Ponts have been implicated in crimes and walked away with light sentences that the New York Daily News, during coverage of the Schultz murder, ran the headline: “There’s been lots of nuts in this family tree. Generations of inbreeding, scandals, cults, and vicious feuds.” It points to a longstanding belief that the wealth of the du Pont’s led to grotesque narcissism—a big part of the narrative undergirding the film.


Great research…especially about the “bridge” connection to DuPont. 👍

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Whoever did this knew where to look, that’s for sure.


Reading the comments to that thread, one discovers that Robert Mueller’s dad worked for Dupont his entire career. Have included the tweet with his mother’s obit, too:


Here we go – presser starting
Pressley up first
She says xeno – remarks from occupant of White House
Encourage American people to NOT take bait from WH, ———- wait, she’s the one who screams and yells and spreads bait all the time
Now she wants to talk about prescription drugs, healthcare, issues
Childhood trauma, epidemic, PTSD, substance abuse, trauma being inflicted on children everyday at the border, they are still in a cage,
opposed to vilification of HUMAN right to seek asylum
beacon of light refuge,
BWWHAHhaahaa, she’s accusing Trump of distracting and wants to get back to the biz of running the country
To marginalize and silence us, we ran on a mandate, we are more than 4 people, our squad is big, every person committed to a just world. we cannot and will not be silenced


Here comes Omar
We are created equal can’t say the word inalienable.
We have to take action when President violates the constitution
quoting MLK, jr.
President is carrying our mass deportation
committing human rights abuses
keeping children in cages and
most corrupt admin in history
Americans dying of lack of health care why he gives tax cuts to corp
calls shitholes
calls black athletes sons of bitches
charlottesville hoax
protection from persecution
racist attack on 4 duly elected members, all of whom are women of color
white suprmeacy
HEEEEEEEEEEEEE wants to divide us on race, gender, etc
only way he can win
This is HIIIIIISSSSSS plan to pit us against one another
Or we can hold him accountable for his crimes.
violating basic human rights
deaths of children on our border
or we can take action
she is reading………. and can’t read her prepared statement
it’s time to impeach


LOL thanks for the update. I’m sure Hollywood will be jumping in with full on TDS again. Those that yell the loudest 😀


AOC is up now
When I was a little girl, daddy took me to the reflecting pool here
I told this story before, first time ever visiting DC
he rested me on the side, toes in the water, Washington monument, looked at everything
this belongs to you, and me
first thing I want to say
This country belongs to you, belongs to everyone, and
today, this notion has been challenged by the President
I am not surprised he keeps kids in cages
Betsy Devos – dept of education
Dept of transportation
human rights abuses at border
Healthcare is A RIGHT
We love all children – through college
Core values as americans.


Racist and xenophobic President, playbook
she’s reading fast
targeted by President
fight back against corp assault and corruption
and President and his appointees
this is who he is – racist
many have called for his impeachment
despite this, we remain focused
Questions –
Pres says many people agree with him—- can you explain why these comments are so hurtful?
Pressley responds to question
She tells story of Republicans coming up to her at the airport and saying they thought the President was wrong
She says POTUS is bigoted racissssssssssssssttttt but she is focused.
Projection on steroids.

Deplorable Patriot

I may need to start drinking early. These women give the rest of us a bad name.


POTUS was brilliant to tie all the Dems together.
At least the 4 are honest about their radical intent. Pelosi was trying to appear as safe/moderate. She’s the snake.
President Trump is not having it.
Look at the votes coming out of Nancy’s Congress. CRAZY ideas.
Slide me a drink, please.
You’re right, it’s time.

Deplorable Patriot

Coming right up.
Actually, Pelosi knows that a lot of what the dingbats spout is getting them into trouble. She’s not stupid even if she thinks about how to stay in power before any other consideration is made.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse give me a perverse kind of comfort. My wife and all the women around me are saints next to these nasty, lying, unpatriotic gals.


Have you noticed the one physical characteristic shared by all four of these Congressional USA haters?
They all have brown eyes because they’re all full of shit.


Sangria anyone?

Deplorable Patriot

I needed something stronger than that.


True very True. I just wanted to drink it before ozzytrumpster made me spill it like last night! 😉


Glen Fiddich … 🥃 … up

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Molly Pitcher5

You said it! He gives that bitch Pelosi some support and she stabs him in the back every time. This presser would never happen without her blessing.


Gotta wonder though, where is Pelosi?


Did they lock her in a room? Clearly she had no clue.


She’s fallen and she can’t get up …. 😫🤚


Omar – question about support for AL Qaeda
Every single Muslim across the world heard that comment
everyone who is hateful heard that comment
Everytime there is a white man who attacks, or kills in a movie theater, I don’t expect my people to respond
Ask Muslims to condemn terrorists is ridiculous
They look reaallllllly lost when they get past their prepared statements.
Every single statement we make is from a place of extreme love for every person in this country
Healthcare, education, roads and bridges, clean water and air
Every person KNOWS we are fighting to to create a more perfect union
(NOoooooo, I don’t know that)
Omar says the president is the one who said everything wrong about America, but he wanted to make it great again, he was the one who criticizes america.
PDJT said things were untrue
Pres does not know how to make the argument that Americans don’t deserve healthcare, so he attacks us personally
He can’t look a child in the face and explain why he wants to throw away their future.
And he wants me to go back to that great country, the burrough of the Bronx, and make it better.


Can we deport Omar when all is said and done?


…. 😃👍‼️


The first step on the political road to destruction is when you have to hold a news conference to defend your character.


Prez Trump sure got the hate sisters riled up today, it was beautiful!


They can be so entertaining when they’re angry, huh?


Enjoying the show







Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Damn right!
Good on you, Wolfmoon, for having the courage to use the right damn word WAAAAYY before anybody else did.
Think Lindsey reads here?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will bet that he has read at least one Flep Roundup that was copied from here, along with the comments, or a summary thereof! Or the term back-spread to the Treehouse, which I think gets a LOT of “looksie” by pols!
Most pols don’t have time to read here or at CTH – I think they get summaries and “awareness” from aides. Nevertheless, influence spreads. AOC has really woken people up.


Election coming up for him. He did not jump on the bandwagon of RINOs and Never Trump GOPe. They always hope that THIS is the thing that will finally take down President Trump and they gladly help and want to be part of it.
Never works. Someone update and then send them Bluto’s list. Maybe they will take the hint, learn their lesson or maybe they will just keep chasing the Roadrunner, getting blasted every time.

Molly Pitcher5
Molly Pitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Daddy Trump: “You’re going to eat your PC and you’re going to like it!”
Daddy Trump: “If you don’t eat your PC, you can’t go to Moonbat Heaven!”
Daddy Trump: “There, that’s a good girl. Isn’t your PC good?”
Baby Nancy: “Yes, Daddy, but I’m NEVER GOING TO EAT IT AGAIN!”
Daddy Trump: “Such a good girl! Eat your PC so we can move to a BRAND NEW HOUSE!”


Missed the four stooges presser.
This post and dozens above have me rolling.
Dang I love this place and the great times we are living;-)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



OMG! I am dying!!!!!!!!!!!


HMmmmmmm, Fox biz just reported:
Contents of Epstein’s safe included a Saudi passport, his pic/different name, and diamonds.


I saw TGP talk about
US Judge Unseals Prince Andrew’s ‘Sex Slave’ Documents Related to Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein
Which is nothing we don’t know already.


They do cite the Mirror article, though:
The photo caption labels the blonde girl as Virginia Roberts, aged 17. Today, she is Virginia Giuffre (married and mother of three) and is in the news about Epstein. Did we know that was she?

Deplorable Patriot

Diamonds…now that’s something I’m hoping ends up in government surplus thrift stores.


.. oh-oh … 😮🤚 …. me too … me too ….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What do you want to bet that those “special” Saudi passports are the tickets to “Wonderland”?
Some kind of “naughtyland” – kinda like Epstein Island in the desert.


Wolfie, they came out later and said the Saudi Passport was OLD – from the 80’s and expired.
He HAD to be alphabet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yeah, you thinking what I’m thinking?????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know – what are YOU thinking?
I am still trying to figure who gave him that passport!


Standard procedure in the 80’s was passport from Arab country……. + alphabet + especially in finance.
It’s a pubic forum…. backing away.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Don’t laugh………
I was on a tarmac, once.


Daughnworks24/7 — I am truly beginning to think that either you have had 9 lives or you are a screen name for 6-8 different, equally wonderful, creative and accomplished people because no one, just no one could have accomplished all that you have accomplished, had the adventures and the career + family/friends that you have had in just one short life time! 😉
I have said it before and I will say it again – you really need to write a book! Wonderful writing and delightful stories.
I was never on the tarmac to a ME country but I was being driven to the Mexican border (but told we were going to CO) when I demanded to be let out at a dinner in southern UT. I could see that we had passed every highway junction to CO since Idaho and were headed straight south. I figure I was let out because too many miles to go to keep an unwilling participant hostage…or because I was darn lucky/blessed! Your near miss sounds much more glamorous than mine!


It’s an odd story, don’t think I will ever tell it publicly. Tarmac was in USA, the bad guy was Panamanian – not to disparage the Saudis or Arabs in general.
Americans women were kidnapped and sold, especially blonds and redheads with light eyes.


You were very lucky. Trust those instincts.


The good Lord sure watches out for us!


The UNHCR is concerned about American refugee policies? Well they can kiss my ass. There’s some agencies within the UN that I’m concerned about. I bet some investigations into them would be enlightening

Deplorable Patriot

I’m concerned that the UN thinks they can use our tax money against us.
If we cut them off and kick them out, maybe they might have some credibility, but right now, they’re biting the hand that feeds them and gives the asylum themselves.




Kick the out … demolish the damn building … salt the aground it stood on ….
Ship them out ‼️‼️ … ona slow boat to hell ..


… themmmmmmmmmm

Deplorable Patriot

We can’t salt the ground…it would be nice if that land was available for the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library. 😉


Ok …. how about bless the ground in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ..
Bring THE big guns .. 🤨👍‼️❤️

Deplorable Patriot

And an Exorcist.


… absolutely … yeah bug time .. 😉👍

Deplorable Patriot

A BUG ZAPPER! Now you’re talking. 😉


🧐 .. oops .. 😬 … it’s a typo … 😣 … was going for big but bug is much better 😃👍 … a monstrously YUGE bug zapper … yup 😌👍

Deplorable Patriot

A YUGE bug zapper like in one of my favorite REALLY BAD scyfy made for TV movies “Locusts”. That’s literally how they killed them. All power was diverted to the cross continental power lines. I laughed when I saw it the first time, and still laugh when I find it on Youtube.


Oh 😮‼️ . … I gotta see this … BRB .. ❤️

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a masterpiece in bad syfy.


Cool DP .. ty .. ❤️


After President Trump is reelected, I hope he boots the UN. Nothing good about the UN, IMHO.


I would love that

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN – kick that damn thing the hell out of America.
Make it the….
Donald J. Trump Presidential Library, Great Awakening Memorial, and Shooting Range


Stupid spineless repubes, they’ll never learn

Deplorable Patriot

Just ’cause I got curious on the chemical companies (and WHY is the founder of Monsanto buried in Bellefontaine if he was Irish Catholic??????? Calvary is literally right next to it), found a tidbit for the data matrix.
Mallinckrodt (maker of all kinds of stuff used in medicine) is making something interesting. From Wiki:
“Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals is an Irish–tax registered manufacturer of specialty pharmaceuticals (namely, adrenocorticotropic hormone), generic drugs and imaging agents.[2] In 2017 it generated 90% of sales from the U.S. healthcare system. While Mallinckrodt is headquartered in Ireland for tax purposes, its operational headquarters is in the U.S.[3] Mallinckrodt’s 2013 tax inversion to Ireland drew controversy when it was shown their main drug Acthar, was Medicaid’s most expensive drug.[4]
“Mallinckrodt acquires (for repricing), manufactures, and distributes products used in diagnostic procedures and in the treatment of pain and related conditions. This includes the acquisition, manufacture, and distribution of specialty pharmaceuticals, active pharmaceutical ingredients, contrast products, and radiopharmaceuticals.[5] The company employed 5,500 and had net sales of $3.2 billion in 2017; of which $2.9 billion was from the U.S. healthcare system.[5]”
They manufacture adrenocorticotropic hormone. From the pituitary gland. Imagine that.
Wow. The chemical companies are taking a beating today.


Dp…….. wow

Deplorable Patriot

Hang on. Found more.


Still trying to wrap my head around Wolfies post on Seth Rich.
Dep – this is big —– adrenocorticotropic hormone.
Acthar, most expensive “Medicaid” drug. Medicaid?

Deplorable Patriot

typed in Acthar and this is what popped up:
H.P. Acthar ® Gel (repository corticotropin injection) is an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) analogue used for: Treatment during an exacerbation or as maintenance therapy in selected cases of systemic lupus erythematosus Monotherapy for the treatment of infantile spasms in infants and children under 2 years of age The treatment of acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis in adults. Controlled clinical trials have shown H.P. Acthar Gel to be effective in speeding the resolution of acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis.



Deplorable Patriot

This is what is getting to me at the moment, this adrenocprticotropic hormone being used in the treatment of MS.
For personal reasons, I follow the MS stuff. A few years back, an Italian surgeon’s wife was diagnosed with MS. He looked at the scans of her head and noticed that a set of veins were clogged. He either cleaned them out himself, or had a colleague do it. Her MS disappeared. That being the case, he started with a small study of relapsing remitting MS and all patients had the same issue. He cleaned out the veins and was reporting a 90% success cure rate.
FROM THE ARTICLE: “Italian Dr. Paolo Zamboni has put forward the idea that many types of MS are actually caused by a blockage of the pathways that remove excess iron from the brain – and by simply clearing out a couple of major veins to reopen the blood flow, the root cause of the disease can be eliminated.”
DP picks up:
In MS, the search for a cure generates BILLIONS of sympathetic dollars every year…and billions in pharmaceutical sales. And I mean billions. Dr. Zamboni’s results were not really attempted to be replicated by the US medical community. There have been studies that have shown success with cleaning out the veins, but the medical people are not completely on board. They’d rather use the drugs.
And the treatment for easing MS episodes of relapse just happens to be adrenocorticotropic hormone. What are the odds of that?
Follow the money.


The fact that you know about the Italian surgeon, MS, vein in head, is mind-boggling enough.
Treating with Adreno….. is mind-numbing.

Deplorable Patriot

Like I said, it’s personal, and no, I do not have MS. But I know a lot of people who do, and if the cure is that simple….


Yeah… major breakthrough. If only…. Amazing.


This is an amazing find!


I have seen a documentary video about surgery/cleaning out vessels & MS reversal before. Someone was doing it in the US and then had to stop do to AMA, etc. Trying to find it …
Sounds like you are informed. Sharing the below in case new to you.


“Living Proof” documentary is the one I think I am remembering….
Old news article about the Italian doctor
Still can’t find the info on the American (or was he Canadian?) doctor who was doing it and had to stop. Maybe I am remembering it from the film? Been a while – wish I could help more but I know I already knew about the blood vessel treatment and its amazing results.

Deplorable Patriot

This is the company that was originally built on synthetic ammonia.

Deplorable Patriot
As mentioned above, it was Emil Mallinckrodt (1806-92), the father of Edward, who emigrated from the German lands to the United States in 1831. Emil Mallinckrodt had been born into a Westphalian family of aristocratic lineage whose genealogy can be traced back to the thirteenth century.[2] From their homelands on the Westphalian countryside, the Mallinckrodts had gradually integrated themselves into the city of Dortmund, where they were active in the textile business as well as local politics – occupations that were closely related because of the political privileges granted to the Wandschneidergesellschaft, a textile society. From the early seventeenth century until 1832 – a period during which the status of Dortmund changed from a Protestant “free imperial city” (freie Reichsstadt) to a city under French and subsequently Prussian rule – several generations of Mallinckrodts served on the city council. Furthermore, during the final eighty-eight years of this epoch, no fewer than three Mallinckrodts served as mayor of Dortmund.[3]
Unlike other family members, who attempted to influence society through politics, Emil’s father, Arnold Mallinckrodt (b. 1768), had sought change through his work as a reform-minded lawyer and publisher. It is against the backdrop of a series of setbacks encountered by Arnold in the quarter century before his death in 1825 that Emil’s emigration to Missouri must be understood. In 1796, Arnold had established a local quarterly publication whose scope was gradually expanded from Dortmund to Westphalia in its entirety. However, in anticipation of censorship measures by the French, Arnold ceased publishing his quarterly, the Westfälischer Anzeiger, in 1809. After Napoleon’s defeat and the subsequent integration of Westphalia into Prussia at the Congress of Vienna, Arnold felt that the time was ripe to reintroduce his newspaper. But, as with Arnold’s hopes for liberal reform, the reappearance of the Anzeiger proved short-lived: by 1818, the political climate in Prussia had become too repressive for his publication to survive. In fact, after publishing an article that criticized the Prussian army, he was given a prison sentence that he only narrowly escaped through a successful appeal.

Deplorable Patriot

Perhaps one of our Q-treepers can give us a local perspective? Not sure where they are in relation to this.
Dinner duty calls. Will be back later.

Deplorable Patriot

Q-treepers residing in Germany. Jeez my brain is fried.


Perhaps a word or two of encouragement to President Trump would be timely, considering the rash of criticism he’s receiving today.


Great idea, Andy


Daily send President Trump an email of 100% support.
Being I have a degree of tunnel vision…zero, zip, nada infringements on Second Amendment.
(In the unlikely event he sputters a bit on Second Amendment;-)


I am just going to drop this right here…K_ovefe actually wrote this…I laughed so hard!!!


Well the thunderstorm I’ve been waiting out has about passed over so back to drilling I go. Gotta leave a QTAnon tweet on y’all first 😆


Has this image on therecomment image


I think every American is being forced to look deep into their hearts and answer this question with their vote:
Who do you trust with your future….America-loving, plain-speaking President Trump or Jihad Omar and the party which supports her?


Crystal clear choice!



… chit … chit .. chit … 😠


A good video I enjoyed watching. It’s a warning to all of us.


Kellyanne Conway Tells Dems to Pound Sand – Defies Congressional Subpoena, Refuses to Testify About Alleged Hatch Act Violations


Globalists Plan Shutdown, Trump-Fed Using Antiquated Policies, Boom – Episode 1917a


The Great Awakening Has Started, [SA], [Epstein] Access Closed, Boom – Episode 1917b


And now, this….comment image
Fogbow – Scotland – caused by light shining on fog.


Beautiful .. ❤️


“FBI To Ramp Up Social Media Surveillance
The FBI plans to step up its efforts to gather information from social media – issuing a call last week for a new tool to monitor Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms “in a timely fashion.”
more at link:

Gail Combs

duchess01 says
That sucker is 41/2 hours long!!!
I managed two hours before hubby kicked me off his computer. POINTS OF INTEREST:
1. Jack of Twitter screencap @ 0:25:32

Making good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine…
9:37 pm 23 May 2006

So no wonder he is so anti-Conservatives!!!
2. @ ~1:40:00 One of the narrators had a hacker hack into the Comet Pizza ‘private’ ?Instagram? account. The hacker found downloadable zipfiles of Child Porn that is CONCRETE EVIDENCE of illegal activity connected to Comet Pizza. The information was turned over to the DC police. (e-mails shown) and NOTHING WAS DONE! This is why they decided to go ahead and put it out to the public.
3. @ 1:56:00 discussion of tunnels starts.


A lot of folks, including Mike Flynn’s son, have been vindicated.

Gail Combs

Just watched about ~1 hr more…
4. @ 2:38:00 they discuss Whitmore farm that has cold lockers that look like the alleged pictured ‘killroom’ The farm has pigs and slaughters on site. They mention the use of pigs for disposing of bodies.
5. Most of the next 1/2 hour is a vid on the Pegasus Museum made by a guy who ticked off James Alefantis and includes texting from James Alefantis to this guy. He takes down the vid as a result. The rest of the 1/2 hour is a bunch of really nasty pictures that leave very little doubt about how completely SICK these people are. (Many I never saw before.)
6. @ 3:06:40 David Brock is boy friend of James Alefantis. A picture of Brock and Lady Lynn de Rothschild is shown. DAVID BROCK IS A CONVICTED PEDOPHILE!!! He is also connected to Bitcoin as well as Media Matters.
7. @ 3:08:00 They make the connection to Epstein. WATCH THIS SECTION!!! Epstein handled money for Morgan-Chase Bank. Also the connected Epstein to Dynacorp, THE STATE DEPARTMENT via a helicopter and suggest Dynacorp maybe C_A. At that point Hubby kicked me off the computer again.
OH! and I forgot!
@ 0:54:50 are ?ledger entries? that shows George Soros via a foundation gave money 3X to Comet Pizza.
I will say I was neutral about Pizzagate before viewing this video. Now I have little doubt something very nasty is going on.


Gail we REALLY need to talk about getting you a Linux box…


Is there anything left of California?
Here’s a Snapshot of How Many Dangerous Criminal Illegal Aliens California Sanctuary Cities Have Released


There’s Devin Nunes.


Statement by the Press Secretary
Issued on: July 15, 2019
oday, Chairman Cummings and Democrats on the House Oversight Committee continued their purely political campaign to harass the President and his close advisors. Democrats continue to overreach and politicize the Office of Special Counsel – this time, by trying to silence Kellyanne Conway with ill-founded, phony allegations about the Hatch Act. The Committee clearly knows that under long-standing, bipartisan precedent founded in the Constitution, a President’s senior advisers cannot be compelled to appear before Congress. Immunity has been asserted for Ms. Conway, which the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel and White House Counsel strongly reaffirmed. This constitutional protection ensures that future Presidents of the United States can effectively execute their responsibilities of the Office.
View letter from White House Counsel to Chairman Cummings here.
View DOJ Office of Legal Counsel opinion here.


Mysterious Secrets From Prince’s Past…


Don’t know if this is something y’all have already found, but it was the FIRST gab when I clicked over to the “all” feature, thought I’d share it:
“”Epstein’s lawyer in 2007, Jay Lefkowitz, was a White House Special Envoy to North Korea who9 wrote an OpEd for the NY Times. His father Alan Lefkowitz is listed here as a CIA “source,” AKA an informant, who I would be shocked if he wasn’t being run against the civilian population at some point by Cabal. And that status tends to travel down family lines, whether for convenience or bloodline I have no idea”
linked NYT article:
gabbed by @darrellee


oooh a good ‘blast from the past’ seen on gab just now….comment image


But Mel has his own set of problems too…


I think some of Mel’s “problems” may be manufactured of manipulated to discredit him. They had to know his attitude about what was going in in Pedowood.


I will say when he puts out a historical movie with war scenes you sense all the action.

Deplorable Patriot

He’s actually been named as one of the potential victims of a group that puts something in catered food to get people to behave as if they are bi-polar. There was a single disguised former bodyguard who talked about it. If that’s the case, it does explain a lot.


Oh wow…


Wolfie is going to have a heart attack.
Epstein’s safe contained piles of cash, dozens of diamonds……. and Saudi passport, his pic/different name……….. and it was from the 1980’s.
We know what that means.


What does it mean?


Thank you.


Ditto….please and thank you

Deplorable Patriot

You seeing any Q activity?


Nope…I need to dive into the chann posts, but I hardly have time to read what everyone posts here 😉


He was a spook.


Of course. Wonder who for? If he was ours, he is another disgrace for our team.


Is that why Acosta let him go ? The meeting in the hotel with the Prosecuters–Did you see Judge Jeanines opening this weekend? She was ON FIRE PISSED at Acosta…


Is that why pressure from above forced Acosta to let him go?


Maga Mom! There’s a plot twist in there somewhere…

Gail Combs

As I said above after watching more of “DEEP DIVE: KILLROOM: PIZZAGATE EXPOSED….”
7. @ 3:08:00 They make the connection to Epstein. WATCH THIS SECTION!!! Epstein handled money for Morgan-Chase Bank. Also they connected Epstein to Dynacorp, THE STATE DEPARTMENT via a helicopter and suggest Dynacorp maybe C_A. At that point Hubby kicked me off the computer again.
So it looks like Epstein was a Spook, probably C_A and was used by the Deep State to put a LEASH on anyone who was a public figure or very wealthy. That is why Epstein went after President Trump in the hopes of snagging him. That is why the ‘Q Team’ ASKED President Trump to run. They KNEW the Deep State had been unable to put a LEASH on President Trump.


Dang GAIL!!! No wonder “they” blew up you computer!!!! That was a POST!!!!


This leads me to questions.
So, assume Epstein was/is a spy. Doesn’t matter for whom he spied, pick a country.
What was he spying on? Underage girls? Mar-a-Lago members? That billionaire Wexner guy? Politicians? I’m being a smart-ass, of course it was the politicians.
Epstein he was around all kinds government types, but he was mostly enabling/compromising them with sex. There has to be another word for what that is, because I don’t think he did more than collect/enable the kompromat, and then handlers did the rest, if he was working for a government. Is that considered spying?
It seems more likely to me he was blackmailing the people to get money for himself, as there doesn’t seem to be any other way he got all his money.
IF he was a spy, but NOT a spy for the U.S., and the powers that be knew he was one and they told Acosta he was “intelligence,” and “above his pay grade,” then they let a KNOWN FOREIGN SPY, operating in the U.S., off the hook!
This is like some kind of complicated plot from a “Mission Impossible” movie. So convoluted my head is spinning in a circle.
I suppose I should remember, AND LOGIC. Maybe he was both a blackmailer AND a spy. But that still leaves them letting him off the hook.


Old and expired passport = no longer.
Very telling.
Like you noticed, Aubergine, it only leads to more questions. He was from Brooklyn, heck, I didn’t even think about working for another country.
My head hurts.


There ya’ go, that’s a good one, Wheatie!
Great ideas when we all brainstorm.

Deplorable Patriot

Um, no, Epstein could never have passed for an Arab. Sorry to disagree, but no. 😉


Definitely Mission Impossible–But Why is my brain saying…C_A BAD…think NK…Chains cut—He’s Definitlely BAD–He was not Foreign agent bad…Deep state Bad… Anybody else need a drink? LOL!!!


Yes, I could use one. Preferably on a nice beach, delivered by a hot cabana boy (well, a hot man would be better, I’m getting a bit old for a boy!) 🙂


Let’s go with “the most interesting man in the world” delivering that cocktail? Yes?

Deplorable Patriot

It’s called a honey pot, and the anons are positing that there were two for the C!A. One was Epstein’s operation, the other was Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion. The second was outed some time ago. Remember, he died after Trump’s inauguration.

Deplorable Patriot

What, that he was a regular at…what was the name of that club that got all the press? Studio 54?


“One dead, 15 injured in gas line blast that levels house in California
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A utility worker was killed and 15 other people were injured on Monday in an explosion, apparently triggered by a ruptured natural gas line, that leveled a house in the Southern California town of Murrieta, authorities said.
The blast, according to local media reports, sent flames shooting some 30 feet (9 m) in the air and rocked the surrounding Riverside County neighborhood with such force that some residents initially mistook it for an earthquake.”
more at link:

Molly Pitcher5

The Riverside Press-Enterprise cited a witness account in reporting that solar panel and landscape workers were working on the home.~~~~~
Just a thought, wonder how many of them can read in…don’t dig here


Wow Molly–I was thinking that too. I know me bad.

Gail Combs

“… I know me bad.”
Not really , I went nutz with the non-English speaking guys puting in our telephone landline. They put it a few inches down in my @#$%$ drainage ditch and I have not been able to clean that ditch out ever since!
At this point I am sick of patching my gravel drive and I AM going to clean that ditch and re-crown the driveway and I do not care if I rip that landline to shreds!!! (It is over 1/2 mile long.)


know what you mean. Tried to warn the workers doing some construction down the street and they kept looking at me like I was a zombie. Turned out one of the firemen did speak Spanish.


I knew the moment I read that the Boeing crashes were related to PROGRAMMING that one day, we’d be told that Boeing opted to hire Indians rather than Americans. Also consider that ‘over the street’ walking bridge that fell onto the highway beneath…and we found out that the school is pretty much all minorities. I know this upsets some people but THE BOTTOM LINE is that we’ve imported shit tons of LOWER IQ PEOPLE and as a result, the nation WILL fall completely apart over time. Again, this is not meant to upset those of you who are under the delusion that “we’re all the same” because the fact is, we are NOT all the same because God did not MAKE US ALL THE SAME.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s also the matter of the higher IQ American people not reproducing at a rate that would help the engineering field, but that’s another matter altogether.

Molly Pitcher5

One thing about that..Americans are paying for every slug that lives here. It’s harder and harder for people to live a decent life like many of us had..2 parents, often mother at home, people aren’t having a lot of potential engineers or architects, too expensive. The nuclear family has been nuked

Deplorable Patriot

It’s harder and harder to find an engineer and/or an architect who has learned to control the pr!ck gene. Trust me. I live with plenty of them.


Dep, can I LOVE this comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Sure. Just remember, my dad and two of my brothers are engineers. My other brother is just as much a pain, but at least is funny.


I’m surrounded, like you.
Grandpa, Dad, 1st husband, both step-son and son.
Definitely a personality type there.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, and then there was my grandfather, and at least three cousins.
Yep, a personality type that doesn’t get the concept of being a gentleman at all costs.


And another thing, those cutesy “Christian” billboards that read “I’m color blind – signed God” are OFFENSIVE AS HELL.
God CREATED color.
(We passed one of those doofus billboards this past weekend, really ticked me right off!)


There is one sense in which God is color blind . . . in Christ . . . although it is not explicitly stated –
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


Yep. IN CHRIST. At the chalice.
Today, it’s used inappropriately to snooker people into accepting the invasion.
And if you dare to speak to the twist, they’ll call you a RAYCISS.
Which is a word MADE UP BY LEON TROTSKY in 1927 used to BROWBEAT those who objected to COMMUNISM.
Commie filth STILL uses it today to silence dissent.
Some things never change…..





Deplorable Patriot


Molly Pitcher5

Kamala is a chameleon..she will become whatever it is to get what she wants.


Oh and the Dems will use her race and gender to the hilt .


So, probably not a natural born citizen, then … ?


Getting into the ‘icky’ area, church! We need to know if/when her parents became naturalized citizens – and if they did before she was born – won’t matter – just like ‘that other guy’ – it is going nowhere – imho


The NBC issue needs to be sorted out pronto. I hope it is on PDJT’s agenda, even if he doesn’t talk about it.
O’s candidacy and two-term presidency opened a wide pathway which sets a potentially dangerous precedent for the future in this regard.


I believe the precedent was already been set – however – problems remain – his sealed records – his criminal behavior – the legitimacy of his presidency – the SC has yet to settle this issue – definitively.
If he is charged and found guilty of treason, sedition, and subversive activities – perhaps, he could be stripped of his title – and we go back to the beginning – where it still needs to be clarified by the SC. As far as KH is concerned – it matters not – there are many other problems with her – sovereignty among them – her past indiscretions – her disrespect for the law of the land – her behavior in the Kavanaugh confirmation – and on and on…surely, the American people can see through her agenda – unlike her predecessor who deceived millions.


‘… surely, the American people can see through her agenda …’
I wouldn’t be too sure of that.
‘ … it still needs to be clarified by the SC …’ Yes, which is why I hope PDJT has this on his agenda. It mustn’t happen again.


Come on, church – the hands raised to give Healthcare to Illegals? The American people will reject the entire Dim Agenda – it is already happening…their mouthpiece – the LSM is failing miserably in promoting it – among other things – besides, they LIE – Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and other minorities are awake – it will be a landslide – just like it was in the days of Reagan!


Sure, but the campaign isn’t going to be THAT easy.


Look at what Wolf has presented in the Open Thread! The Dim Agenda! The Anti-American Ladies of Hate –
The Campaign is going to be glorious! The Final Debate will be just as embarrassing as the last one was – the country will unite against these ‘Haters of America’!


Yes, for us, the believers.
Wait for the media onslaught that everyone else will be paying attention to.
The end result will be fine. I’m less optimistic than you about the road there.


It is already happening…little by little – they will be exposed for who they are – and what they have done against God and America!


I know. I read here every day.


Then, you know – it is widespread – the sins of the ungodly are being exposed daily – there is no escape – they have all fallen into the trap of their own evil.
We cannot back down – this is a war we must win – while we are ending wars elsewhere in the world –
Thank God for President Trump!


‘… this is a war we must win …’ I’m not saying it isn’t.
All I said was that the campaign will not be as easy as some think.


Nothing worthwhile having comes easy, church – you know that – 🙂


Of course.
I think it will be quite dangerous at times, not only for supporters but also for PDJT.


I see what you are saying – most definitely – then, we will call all PRAYER WARRIORS to put on the ARMOR OF GOD – and FIGHT – we will petition the WARRING ANGELS of GOD to assist in this FIGHT – and by the Power of God – we will defeat the enemy wherever he rears his ugly head! In the name of Jesus – I pray – Amen.




Flight log analysis


“The Number Of Global Earthquakes Is 3 Times Above Normal
Within the last 48 hours we have seen large earthquakes going off like firecrackers all along the Ring of Fire. As you will see below, a magnitude 6.1 quake just hit Japan, a magnitude 6.6 quake just hit Australia and a magnitude 7.3 earthquake just hit Indonesia. And of course all of this comes just about a week after southern California was hit by the two largest earthquakes that it has experienced in more than two decades.
So is all of this shaking unusual? Just a few moments ago, I pulled up the most recent data from Earthquake Track, and what I discovered is more than just a little bit alarming. Looking at the entire globe, we have averaged 193 earthquakes of magnitude 1.5 or greater per day so far in 2019. That is very high, but it pales in comparison to what we have witnessed over the last week. Within the last seven days, our planet has experienced an average of more than 677 earthquakes of magnitude 1.5 or greater per day. That means that the number of global earthquakes right now is more than 3 times above normal.”
more at the link:

Gail Combs

Hate to tell you Mandy but it is what I have been expecting.
There is correlation between solar minimums ESPECIALLY grand solar minimums and earthquakes and volcanoes.
From my old notes:
Connections have been found to solar minimums
Possible correlation between solar and volcanic activity in a long-term scale (Full paper)
The Role of Explosive Volcanism During the Cool Maunder Minimum
Sun / dust correlations and volcanic interference (includes list of other papers)
Study of Dust in Ice Cores Shows Volcanic Eruptions Interfere with the Effect of Sunspots on Global Climate
Possible correlation between solar and volcanic activity in a long-term scale
Authors: Střeštik, J.

Volcanic eruptions and solar activity
Richard B. Stothers
Journal of Geophysical Research (Impact Factor: 3.17). 01/1990; DOI:10.1029/
The historical record of large volcanic eruptions from 1500 to 1980, as contained in two recent catalogs, is subjected to detailed time series analysis. Two weak, but probably statistically significant, periodicities of ~11 and ~80 years are detected. Both cycles appear to correlate with well-known cycles of solar activity; the phasing is such that the frequency of volcanic eruptions increases (decreases) slightly around the times of solar minimum (maximum). The weak quasi-biennial solar cycle is not obviously seen in the eruption data, nor are the two slow lunar tidal cycles of 8.85 and 18.6 years. Time series analysis of the volcanogenic acidities in a deep ice core from Greenland, covering the years 553-1972, reveals several very long periods ranging from ~80 to ~350 years and are similar to the very slow solar cycles previously detected in auroral and carbon 14 records. Solar flares are believed to cause changes in atmospheric circulation patterns that abruptly alter the earth’s spin. The resulting jolt probably triggers small earthquakes which may temporarily relieve some of the stress in volcanic magma chambers, thereby weakening, postponing, or even aborting imminent large eruptions. In addition, decreased atmospheric precipitation around the years of solar maximum may cause a relative deficit of phreatomagmatic eruptions at those times.

Another good paper (in full not just abstract):

Bipolar correlation of volcanism with millennial climate change
Ryan C. Bay *, Nathan Bramall, and P. Buford Price
Analyzing data from our optical dust logger, we find that volcanic ash layers from the Siple Dome (Antarctica) borehole are simultaneous (with >99% rejection of the null hypothesis) with the onset of millennium-timescale cooling recorded at Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2; Greenland). These data are the best evidence yet for a causal connection between volcanism and millennial climate change and lead to possibilities of a direct causal relationship. Evidence has been accumulating for decades that volcanic eruptions can perturb climate and possibly affect it on long timescales and that volcanism may respond to climate change. If rapid climate change can induce volcanism, this result could be further evidence of a southern-lead North–South climate asynchrony. Alternatively, a volcanic-forcing viewpoint is of particular interest because of the high correlation and relative timing of the events, and it may involve a scenario in which volcanic ash and sulfate abruptly increase the soluble iron in large surface areas of the nutrient-limited Southern Ocean, stimulate growth of phytoplankton, which enhance volcanic effects on planetary albedo and the global carbon cycle, and trigger northern millennial cooling. Large global temperature swings could be limited by feedback within the volcano–climate system.
Although the Earth maintains a remarkably constant temperature, climate fluctuations have been identified on many timescales. On the 103-year scale, poorly understood Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) events (1, 2), extremely rapid coolings/warmings and subsequent cold/warm periods, are best exhibited during the last glacial period [20,000–110,000 years before the present or 20–110 thousand years ago (ka)] but may extend with reduced amplitude into the Holocene (3) (the comparatively stable, warm, last ≈11 ka). Proposed causal mechanisms involve harmonics of Milankovitch (orbital) forcing, thermohaline circulation, internal ocean–atmosphere oscillations, solar forcing, and even long-period tidal resonances in the motions of the Earth and Moon. Recent work suggests that the fluctuations resemble those of a system possessing threshold instability. Rapid transitions between states are exhibited in many climate models, including those of oceanic circulation, atmospheric energy balance, and atmospheric regime change. It is becoming increasingly apparent that global climate models currently either omit some natural forcings from the simulations or underestimate the size and extent of climate response to threshold crossings, e.g., by considering the North Atlantic as the amplifier for DO oscillations and only including North Atlantic triggers in the model (4). The possibilities that rapid climate change can induce volcanic activity and, conversely, that volcanic eruptions can force millennial climate have both been suggested in the past (5). Based on evidence we have found using our optical profiles of deep boreholes in the polar ice caps, we conclude that volcanism may supply a vital missing link in millennial climate change.

NASA: Sun’s Activity Linked to Largest Earthquakes and Volcanoes
The preliminary research report titled “Correlation of Solar Activity Minimums and Large Magnitude Geophysical Events,” SSRC Research Report 1-2010, is available at the SSRC web site,
11 year Schwabbe
22 year Hale
33 year Schwabbe Triplet
88 year Gleissberg
179 year Jose
210 year Suess-de-Vries
1000 year Eddy
2300 year Hallstatt


I watch Suspicious Observers every morning, and his group at have correctly predicted MULTIPLE quakes now. (He has an app to alert people to the potential for quakes). The relationship between earthquakes and the magnetic field and the sun….it’s fascinating stuff….

Gail Combs

Yes it really is fascinating.
I wish the idiotic Watermelons would actually PAY ATTENTION to real science instead of using Fake Science (and fake news) to try and control other humans. Their idiocy is going to cause needless death and misery esp if the climate turns colder and drier as many of us expect.


thanks, Gail…this is fascinating stuff!
thanks for taking the time to outline and link this info.

Deplorable Patriot

So, would that indicate that some sort of gravitational pull from the sun is making the plates shift? The Cascades are waking up, and so far, the quakes look to be on tectonic edges. Out here, we’re effected by a seismic zone, and it’s been pretty normal.


Can anyone name the 4th chick in #MeanGirlCommieSquad ?


Pressley, from Massachusetts.


Thanks Daughn!!! Now that you mention it…What’s her claim to unfortunate fame?


Not really sure, Marica. She’s one of the three pushed by Justice Dems. Urban Boston district.
Maybe other here have more info on her.


Maybe the just needed a 4th–For as wolfie calls the–4 Hoes of the Apocolypse or something…teehee


I did a DEEP dive today on the people behind the Justice Dems – its an article for tomorrow.
So odd that almost all the people behind this are lily white, and the front people are chosen for skin color.
It strikes me as demeaning to them, the actual Congresswomen.


WOW!! Looking forward to it D!!! It is demeaning!!! POTUS Literally Buried the Dem party using THEIR stupid bullets!!!!…and it only took 4!!! HA!

Molly Pitcher5

She is the resident Blacktivist. All about the inequality of AA’s…it’s getting so murky these days. Anyone with a dark tan can be a POC swept into the protected class


But of course Molly–The obvious “Black chick” has to be in the squad!!! Slaps fore head palm!!! LOL


Wheatie, it was on when I walked back in. I stood there dumbfounded. EVERYTHING we talked about DAYS AGO.
To Tucker, it was all brand new.
We are the news!!


Shemp . . . along with Moe, Larry and Curly.


LOL!!!! I mean…YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!!


Karma is delightful.
Okay, I know Algeminer is kind of a bogus website, but I am including the link just for the headline, pondering the idea……. what it is true?
What would “The Hate Squad” do if the Jews in Israel cured cows of their flatulence problem? How could they possibly respond between their BDS movement and zealotry for climate change? It would be delicious to watch.


Qanon July 15, 2019 – The Hunters Become the Hunted

Big T (f/k/a yzest)

Hey Y’all:
Greetings from Soggy Bottom! The remnants of Barry are depositing gallons on us here in North Mississippi and we are but a short drive from where the final scenes of “Brother Where Art Thou” were filmed.comment image
Ty Clevinger, a Texas lawyer with offices in Brooklyn, has filed an amended complaint (“AC”) in a pending Texas federal court case that appears to name as defendants virtually every person or entity even tangentially involved in the “Seth Rich matter.” Clevinger represents Edward Blutowsky (“EB”) who asserts all sorts of wrongs have been unleashed upon him by the collective “collusion” of the defendants, e.g. civil conspiracy, defamation etc. Clevinger also publishes a blog he calls “Lawflog” which, unsurprisingly, has published the AC.
Here is a link to the Scribd file:
I have reviewed the AC in light of my previous experience as law clerk for a federal judge at the same level of the federal court system as this case is pending. First, an amended complaint supersedes the initial complaint which started the lawsuit. The AC is listed as Document 61, meaning it is the 61st item on the court docket. This tells me that it may be only the second substantive document in the case. It has been filed because the presiding judge held an initial case conference and told Clevenger he was going to dismiss the first complaint for “failing to state a claim” on its face, i.e. even if every single word and claim is true, you lose anyway. The court usually then gives the plaintiff a chance to file an “amended complaint” to better set forth plaintiff’s case and this apparently is it.
The case will be dismissed before it proceeds to discovery. First, none of the factual allegations are “verified” (sworn as true) by the plaintiff or anyone else. Thus, they may be disregarded by the court when the motions to dismiss are filed by all the defendants. Given Clevinger’s well-deserved reputation as a self-aggrandizing loose cannon, the AC is simply a vehicle for publicity. If Blutowsky is paying Clevinger for this waste of judicial resources then he has been seduced by the attention he is getting from it, while Siren Clevinger is stealing his money.comment image
Tonight, Gateway Pundit published an article that claims the AC brings us back to the initial period after the Seth Rich murder and specifically focused on paragraphs in the AC beginning at #44. In summary, the AC suggests Blutowsky has contemporaneous documents showing Seth and Aaron Rich are the source of the legendary leaked DNC emails. Blutowsky, through Clevinger, alleges the evidence will show all the defendants knew this and all the bad things they did thereafter to him were in furtherance of the “Muh Russia” conspiracy. The key for Gateway Pundit is the allegation that Blutowsky has these documents and that this is apparently new information.
Yawn! “Show me the money”. Clevinger is a publicity hound. I don’t know anything about Blutowsky, but a judge once said to me: “Counsellor, when you fly with the crows; you get shot with the crows.” The allegations do not support the claimed damages. The entire case is simply an excuse to lay out one side of the Seth Rich Conspiracy mishigas. I take no position on the Seth Rich murder, as it reeks of evil. Nonetheless, this take on it doesn’t even justify popcorn.
I hate grandstanding like this. The judge I worked for would have assessed double costs against the plaintiff here. The reason most current judges don’t do this is they fear discouraging the waterfall of left wing suits filed like buckshot all over the country trying to impede and undermine VSGPDJT.
As for Blutowsky, I cannot resist.comment image

Molly Pitcher5

I sure was hoping for more..more of anything on Seth’s murder but I’m a patient person. It will come out eventually. Thanks for your explanation


Me too, maybe we’ll get somewhere on this one.
Clevenger did mention several new docs coming from FBI.


Thanks, Big T, for your educated reasoned opinion on this. I WANT to believe the information within the filing, so I have misplaced a bit of my objectivity.

Deplorable Patriot

IIRC, Bluto ended up a senator.

Big T (f/k/a yzest)

Doesn’t that say it all!

Big T (f/k/a yzest)

What acronym is IIRC ?

Deplorable Patriot

IIRC = if I recall correctly

Big T (f/k/a yzest)

Ah… yes, future Sen. Jhn Blutarsky drove off with girl in the convertable.


Ahhhhhh ..I was always curious about that .. ty DP … 🙂🤚

Greg Cox

Just sayin. Today, Monday July 15, 2019, is a day I’ll remember for a long time! Epic!



Greg Cox

“A Week To Remember”. Maybe?


Samuel Adams > Quotes > Quotable Quote
Samuel Adams
“If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams


Another pertinent Sam Adams quote –
“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”


Here! Here! That’s the truth. There’s absolutely no reason citizens of the USA have to put up with the tripe from these traitors, none whatsoever.


And, also pertinent –
“It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.”


Wow … that’s happening now, nuts.
There are measures to address this “stuff” right?


“The right to freedom is the gift of God Almighty….The rights of the Colonists as Christians may be best understood by reading, and carefully studying the institutes of the great Lawgiver and head of the Christian Church: which are to be found clearly written and promuligated in the New Testament.”


Absolutely … that’s why this country is attacked so much ..


Knowledge is being destroyed by our education system, and virtue is anathema to Leftists, who want to destroy the natural order of things and have an amoral society.


Sam Adams really had it dialed in. See


Wow thanks Carl … great words … 😉🤚❤️

Deplorable Patriot

[YAWN] ‘night y’all. Keep an eye out for Q drops. 😘😜😎🎶🤞🐱🚀


God bless, sweet dreams DP ❤️

Molly Pitcher5

For when Hillary visits? (kidding)


Forget the 4 hoes of the …………..
President Trump’s America


Please stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Too cool!!!!!!




*waving hi* P.R.comment image


Congrats to citizen Patriots of Minnesota.

Molly Pitcher5

Stoked to see that!


B.b.S.s.Saint reminded me of this from Dr. Seuss …So to all of you remember
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”


I found it K! Cool. No tweetle beetle battles here though!


I found this several years ago during a Dr. Seuss week and what we were talking about reminded me of it.


This is why Trump wins!!
He know how to fight.
And our opposition knows it.
Lookie here, we’ve been right all along.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good grief – Trump even got Marx’s Giant Bottom-Feeding Catfish to rise to the bait!


Thats interesting. Technically where I started out is near her district. When I grew up it was before the severe gang violence destroyed a lot of the areas but they were decaying. A strong black man, a Patriot, as he said a fresh face, respectful, and humble, will be a contender if hes got the smarts.


Wow. Gab is so busy, I am having trouble keeping up. I … liked it a bit slower. lol.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, people – I’m a bit slow in things tonight, but hope to have a new daily up soon.


I know how that feels. 🙂
Blessings.comment image


Thanksgiving Square, Dallas TX


Whoops. I threw up a poor substitute. Please delete mine for your’s.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I’ll go take a look! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Already gone!


Twitter just switched me over to their new version – without my permission of course – and they seem to have dumped all kinds of features. And I can’t figure out any way to get back! Now if I want to copy a tweet, there is only a link for an embed code, which if I remember right really messes up in WordPress. And it opens a new tab for that. How clunky can you get???
Here is a tweet I wanted to share, since it seems to be similar to what happened in New York. Let’s hope it shows up. I tried to find the actual tweet code in all that mess.


Hallelujah, it showed up correctly! But this is still a horribly clunky way to copy a tweet to share.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe you just have to load the tweet into its own tab and copy the URL.
UGH. Not looking forward to the switch.


Found some info on DC blackout


Found info by going on twitter
and here
and clicking “latest”
Seems a power outage in LA too. Both relatively small. LA – about 12K people without power


Make Twitter Less Usable by Researchers and Conservatives…
Mission Accomplished!!!


Yeah, Boris is as squishy as Mitt Romney. I don’t think he’s the one they’ve been looking for.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He has an interesting background that is filled with no big red flags, but hundreds of those little flags that say “call before you dig”. Not to be trusted.


You should see the other Conservative MP running for party leadership. Boris looks great by comparison.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When Britain’s in need of significant fix
Donald Trump is the one with a 1066!comment image
Nothing that AMERICAN BOOTS can’t fix! 😉
Seriously, I think at some point the MADNESS of Khan and the globalist fruit-loops will have to be dealt with. If the Brits aren’t up to the task, I’m sure that others are.


I’ve been cogitating on Epstein and how he got started. So he dropped out of Cooper Union. Cooper Union offered full tuition scholarship to every admitted student until 2014. It’s an interesting school…… It’s funded through real estate holdings that were endowed on it by the founder of the school, Peter Cooper, himself an interesting man.
He was hired by Donald Barr. The NYT article says several interesting things about that time, and the first 2 I would say are implied. 1. Barr apparently held a high standard of academics. 2. The school was having some financial difficulty. 3. There was a split in the board about Barr’s handling of things. Now it is not uncommon in private schools to hire people that lack certifications, and that should not imply lack of capability. However, SOMEBODY must have recommended Epstein to Barr. And maybe that same somebody knew Epstein through Cooper Union and approached him. I would really like to know how he got that job.
Epstein only worked 2 years at the school, and quit to go to work for Bears Stearn after tutoring the chairman’s son.
Did he cherry pick the right student at the right time? Epstein seems to me to be a champion con man, the kind of con man that makes Bubba look like an inept player.
Somebody earlier posted this link to the NYT article and some of it’s behind a paywall, but there’s still some pretty good info in spite of that.


Great find. Many thanks for finding the original.
Yes, I’d cited another source last week saying that Donald Barr left Dalton School under a cloud.
You’re right. There is a lot of good information in this article, which shows that Barr had his fans. Enrolment increased, and people involved with the school — outside of the board — were sorry to hear that he was leaving.


Hmm. The link to the NYT displayed jus fine last night and now, doc not found? Did it just get buried? Plus I’d seen that same link earlier.


I just clicked on the link and it appeared.
Glad you saw the same link earlier. Some of us, myself included, had not.




Praying for POTUS and admin, etc.
now checking MSM for news of the blackout. finding nothing.
This is all I have found at this point


Happened 07/29/2015. He didn’t have to go to jail. Got off with 10 yrs probation.


Money can buy almost anything these days.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something ain’t right here.
I have always wondered HOW the communists got Hollywood to do so much cultural Marxist degradation. I think that it may just involve making sure that people who are THEMSELVES DEGRADED get hired.

Deplorable Patriot

Imagine that.


I know I’d sleep better with him representing MN! Probably better than by using his pillow alone.




Hey, Wheatie? are you till there?
I put up a new Daily Thread. Woke up and didn’t see one. Please delete it if I have messed up.


There were 3-4 loaded. AOC and her buddies.


Just wanted to give a heads up that it looks like Valerie found us… has been sharing some threads:


Is that her? Oh wow. I started getting notifications last night that someone was reblogging our Q stuff. Should have known it was an old friend. Of course, makes sense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – she’s slowly working through the history of the blog! Very nice!