This QTH OF JULY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA KAG! KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Q posted today – in preparation for the Qth of July – and I thought it was worth covering, because a great thought really struck me from these posts.

Rep. Ilhan Omar is Projecting Racism and Division
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI16 Jul 2019 – 11:51:38 AM
Define ‘Projection’.
Q Post 3436

A New False Narrative, Part of the Disinformation Campaign
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI16 Jul 2019 – 12:03:07 PM
What happens when the ‘controlled’ are told to create a new false ‘racist’ narrative [disinformation campaign]?
Do the ‘SHEEP’ follow?
Think for yourself.
SEE truth.
Q Post 3437
Take a look at Islamist agent Omar’s words:
This president would love nothing more than to divide our country based on race, religion, gender, orientation, ability, or immigration status. This is the only way he thinks he can prevent the solidarity of working people.
We’re not falling for it.
Ilhan Omar, July 16, 2019
What I find remarkable here is that these two women standing here, in the video in this tweet by Ilhan Omar – namely Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley – minus their comrades, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez – represent two things which both want WITH INCREDIBLE FEROCITY to take away MY rights and MY freedoms.
In fact, they want to take away EVERYBODY’S rights – all in the name of “equality”.
In doing so, those two things – communism and Islamism – have LITERALLY gerrymandered REALITY ITSELF in every possible IMAGINARY way except the ways that matter.
But what I find MOST ODD is the following.
They FEED on these divisions.
They NEED these divisions.
They STOKE these divisions.
They START these divisions.
They SPARK these divisions.
They CREATE these divisions.
They EXPAND these divisions.
They MAKE TOXIC these divisions.
And now – at long last – they actually have the GALL and the HELL-DESERVING CHUTZPAH to BLAME these divisions on somebody else.
I can in no way say this more strongly.
YOU are the fucking racist, Ilhan Omar. YOU are the fucking racist, Ayanna Pressley.
If you hate this country, which you do, please leave and go to CHINA.
IF you EVER come back, you may think differently about America. But I will tell you ladies this. We will NEVER let you turn this place into another China, where they have REAL socialism, and REAL concentration camps for Muslims, and REAL SLAVERY for PEOPLE LIKE ME.
We will NEVER let you bring socialist concentration camps here.
Oh, and by the way, I posted about that earlier. Have a look.

Speaking of CHINA and the FOUR HATEWOMEN, I posted this on Gab, about “GO BACK”….
Why should the Four Horseladies go back? Enlightened SOCIALISM and KINDA SORTA EX-SOCIALISM IN China and Russia await their new citizens!
“Comrades Ocacio-Cortez, Omar, Tlaib and Pressley! Welcome to your new home in CHINA!”
China actually has REAL concentration camps for Muslims. You all should go to CHINA and be part of the real drama. Omar and Tlaib get to go INSIDE China’s concentration camps for Muslims, while AOC and Pressley can protest outside for one entire minute, if they’re very lucky, before they get sent to LAOGAI (otherwise known as concentration camps for politics), where they will surely be raped many times before they die, in lovely SOCIALIST CHINA!!! Where there is no racism, as long as you are the “right” kind of Chinese!
Liked by 13 people
Wolf Moon, July 16, 2019
We are NOT letting these
I’m having too much fun on Twitter tonight. Should be illegal. The left is in big trouble and they can sense it.
daughn….what’s your twatter moniker?
Is me on Twitter. I think I already follow you.
Yea! I’ll check. Been in & out of twit-mo so many times, who knows. (Each time I jail-break, I have to start all over from 0)
.. that’ must be because you are a repeat defender BMT.
Gotcha now. Thanks darlin’.
I like the name designation the Can’t Understand Normal Thinking Squad.
Those terrible ladies should not be named after nice things!
Wolfie……you made me laugh….thanks friend…..I kinda needed that……
<3 <3 <3 TY again….and prayers are welcome, too. It's hard right now.
o7 (salute)
Will do!
You in need of prayers? You with PHC? Prayers for both of you.
yes, and yes—-thank you! <3
Tagging on to notasmidgeon comment.
taking a moment to add a prayer .
TY, Chris….it means a lot <3
W – please forgive this quibble, but down here in the South, we would NEVER say,
“Those terrible ladies…”
They. Are. Not. Ladies. Just correctin’ the record for a friend!
I can think of a lot of other descriptives for these ‘females’ bless their tiny, little miniscule hearts. But I think SLIME MOLD fits best.
… the word harridans comes to mind …

I can go with that! It’s reminiscently close to “harpies”!!!
Maybe they’ll come up with a Broadway musical about them “The Harridans of Congress” … LOL … and ….
THAT is an INSULT to Harpies!!!
Learn to pronounce
plural noun: harridans
a strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman.
“a bullying old harridan”
synonyms: shrew, virago, harpy, termagant, vixen, nag, hag, crone, dragon, ogress; More
… and most of them fit ..

OH! “Those…. those…. those WYMYNS!”
Somehow I don’t see them turning to me and saying “Howz yuh mum an ’ems?”
H, A, double R, I,
D, A, N spells Harridan..
Great summary, Mr. Wolf. I join you in the chorus.
[video src="" /]
Crap. Another try..


I’ll keep playing with it!
Please do. Thanks
That’s really nice blue! You done good!
This was the embed code from imgur – clearly doesn’t work right, but leaves a link.
Found it in YouTube…
Here is the “gifv” image:
Here is the same URL with the “v” removed:
Looks like the “real gif” has a different URL, so the gifv URL chopped off as gif just presents a static gif OF the gifv, not the actual animated gif.
ha ha ! , now I see what you did there Andy ,..I’m a little slow today
Wolf, I hope this works . It’s a thread from Rex
Very plausible
Also draw and strike.
Unseen also has an awesome thread today!
Thinking about it…i’m somewhat surprised they showed their hand so soon. As we know, timing is critical to just about everything and this appears to be slightly off. Perhaps their hands were forced but most of it was from their own design…not necessarily the last day or two but earlier on when they came into Congress.
Most of their Communist handlers are quite young …maybe they are too impatient.
Me thinks they may have shot themselves in the foot with this over reach and can very easily be discarded for another fresh actress (undoubtedly being groomed at this very minute.). Wonder if any of them realize they are merely fodder.
The worse thing that can happen to young “stars” is they start to believe their own manufactured PR.
Agreed, and it is GLORIOUS!
h/t Earl of Taint
Wolfie! great Post!!! I need to apologize… I have been quoting you (wrongly..drops head and scuffs toe) as the” 4 Hoes of the Apocalypse”…..Do NOT know how I got that mixed up!!!!

Ha! I didn’t say it, but I approve of this error!
Figured you would!!!

daughn’s It’s a Small World, this one, or your blog….to tell you why this is so funny to me. who knows, you may already know.
Weeper!!!! Funny stuff!!!!
This was a great speech addressing Barack Hussein Obama on his last day in office. First time I heard it. It’s great.
Was Obama actually there for this? Tremendous! Bold and brave considering what others have gone through for speaking out against Obama
The question should be is this guy still here after this
As far as I can tell, Cahn fears God more than man which seems to afford some degree of protection.
No kidding. Epstein funneling money to the Palm Beach Sheriff? Ya’ don’t say.
OMG – how much money did he pay the HILLARY SHERIFF OF PARKLAND???!!!
There’s a BIG can of worms.
Duchess posted this video on yesterday’s thread, and I think it’s EXTREMELY worth repeating. EVEN if this is bogus (which i don’t think it is), it is SO CLOSE to what I figured happened, that I think it’s worth watching.
Note also that there is much they likely CANNOT reveal. OK – strike “likely” – because I *KNOW* of white hat ops that are not being revealed. But they fit into this whole thing.
Ask why DS was so DOWN ON FLYNN.
Yeah. OBVIOUS now. They thought he was in this group, trying to stop the DS takeover.
The closing personal comments regarding White Operations…NY black out, China Lake, and Carrier near Epstein Island are curious.
Good guys causing the recent NY black out, China Lake (Ridgecrest / Trona, CA) earthquakes, Carrier operating off of Epstein Island?
* Vast majority of the thousands of quakes the past few weeks in Ridgecrest / Trona area were centered on China Lake comprised of 1.2 Million acres.
Trying to figure this stuff. Epstein Island I can conceive. Black out and China Lake simply dunno.
Wonder where these Q folks operated, or lurked during the dark years of Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush, hussein. Military IC, got it. Military do typically transfer every two to three years. Would love to learn more on this…
Head scratcher for this guy. Second cup of covfefe, not working. MOAR, please;-)
There were a couple of quakes near the Silly Cone Valley yesterday, up by Livermore and the Altamont Pass (former home of the ENRON bird-choppers) near the Greenville fault. One of 4.4, the other 3.something… We used to live just down the hill from the wind turbines (they had three different kinds) and we could hear them at night… 10-15 miles away…
That fault hasn’t blown in quite a while… hmmm… it’s also one of the least researched, because San Andreas is more popular…
Remarks by President Trump in Cabinet Meeting
Issued on: July 16, 2019
Have a look at this examination of the PSYCHOLOGY and STRATEGY of the “global cooling / global warming / climate change” SCAM.
One of the things which I find fascinating here, is that I believe the current “top-down” control model of globalism may actually be PROVABLY INFERIOR to a MORE FOUNDER-PRINCIPLED MODEL – one that is closer to the BAIT MODEL which was used to set up the United Nations.
The BAIT was closer to the actual optimal solution. Where the UN is going now is just BOGUS and WRONG.
Anybody following that, out there? This heavy-handed, massive failure UN bullshit leaving damage all over the world right now is doing so because it it the WRONG SOLUTION.
Why is it wrong? Kinda think I know, or at least I’m getting there.
Worth thinking about, globos.
Fascinating. Connecting the dots… Convincingly, logically states states the obvious, to this fool any way. Probably everyone here that takes the time to listen, 17 minutes, easy listened to while playing in the back ground.
Globalized control the goal…conspiracy by elites, uber powerful…linkage with facts / references in so many threads past couple days, weeks, months…
Yea, I know, duh.
100% believe the election November we, America was on the precipice of Go, No Go…globalization conspiracy wins, or America wins.
The likes of European Union, Canada…may never recover…UN of course supporting this BS. MOAR reason to destroy the UN.
The UN will ALWAYS be part of the Global problem. 100% threat to America.
Thankfully President Trump strategy is destroying all of this BS. That said, even after a second term, we will be in a precarious position. Better than today, but, “Danger Will Robinson” real. All to east to slip back into fear mongering supporting “globalization”…control of the masses.
The 46th President so very critical to our continued recovery.
One of the reasons the animal rights crew is against human use of animals, besides the fact of impoverishing people, causing widespread malnutrition, eliminating animals as a source of productive benefit to man, and undermining American Ag in the form of ranching and wise land use… they hate God. In Judaism the practice of animal sacrifice existed right from the beginning when man was driven from the garden. All Jewish practice involves animals – a nation of shepherds and herdsman, delivered from slavery by the blood of the lamb, detailed laws requiring the temple sacrifice of animals (not humans like the pagan nations), required practices about keeping a lamb and requirements to cook and serve the animal every year in celebration of passover, and of course the symbolism that would eventually lead to Christ on the cross… shifting forward there is also Peter’s vision in Acts of God bidding him to kill and eat the unclean animals. I guarantee there is a deep seated heretical rage against Judeo-Christian religions which is part of what is driving the animal rights crowd.
Very interesting thoughts. This ties in with the idea of Luciferian elites performing human sacrifices and the whole ancient sex cult as religion thing.
And when you look at the Vegan and “Bio” movements, a leading force of bio-dynamic farming and ranching was Rudolf Steiner, a Satanist and proponent of Anthroposophy. He’s probably only known in the US for his “Waldorfschulen” (Waldorf Schools), but here the “Demeter” (his methods) veggies and other foods are growing by leaps and bounds in popularity.
BUT, the sheeple don’t know what lies behind those foods, which have crystals and animal parts buried in the land in which they are grown, as well as having Anthroposophic rites followed in their production. In short, foods consecrated to a foreign god, in this case, Satan himself.
Steiner and his Anthroposophy go back to Madame Blavatsky, and the Green movement goes back to her, and that evil line clear back to Nimrod, if not Cain. And Hitler and his crew were also in the “Nature Religions” and later Satanism themselves.
It all joins together at the bottom, in the pit of Hell.
And even though this is reported at sites like cuttingedge, crossroad, vigilantcitizen, and a host of other Christian (and even aggie) sites, no one seems to be listening. And the ones talking about it are either silenced or mocked by the MCM.
It’s hard over here to get some products which aren’t Demeter. (I always say eating Demeter makes you a demon eater). It’s not widely discussed (outside of grocery store forums, I guess) that the EU dictates the product mix and country of origin that is sold at the various stores in the different countries of the EU. Yep. Full-blown commie planned economy, well-hidden by the EC — EP — country-government structure, so we proles don’t see it unless we go looking for it.
If this week is Tunesian tomato week, Egyptian potato week, Ghanian melon week, or Kenyan produce week: I’ll just go without, or go to another store, even if a ways away. I can’t go to the incredible Markthalle in Stuttgart anymore, because my EU4 Diesel is apparently a threat to the future of the world, according to the idiot Greens…
We need to rid our countries of this Green disease, and the RED disease which underlies it, and the Satanic Black disease which is the root of it all. Watermelons, Green on the outside; RED on the inside, and Blackhearted all…
Paul warned Timothy that this would happen in the end times:
I Timothy 4:1-3:
Watch this….Dying!!! This CNN chick Has her Hate ON!!! ( for deplorable women….It’s EYE OPENING!)
LOL!! She’s stuck in her bubble!!
“Her bubble” is directed by the top down narrative…CCN…feeds MCM….feeds CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, D-Rats…
Yammering morons in the media have zero ability to critically think, or seduced by big $$$$$.
This is a great way of describing what happened:
President Trump was the best man…
Hope he copied the Drab Crab Four and Piglosi on it…
This one is worth repeating TODAY!!!
AHEM – WSB – in answer to your question – AHEM – I think there is some chance that there may be some truth to that link….
Here is why.
There is ANOTHER RUMOR that recent events are causing “a civil war inside Google”. If that were the case, and if it’s happening in part because people are getting hauled in front of grand juries…..
And in part because people are thinking that the leadership has been lying to them…..
Which would explain others DUMPING AS SOURCES…..
That link! Very disturbing stuff.
Wow … I read this article and I’m stunned but not surprised. This explains the creepy feeling I have about all this tech …
Bookmarked ..
Here is what I don’t understand about that anonymous interview – if she did, indeed, have a long-term affair with Schmidt (she is a Christian but has a long-term affair with a married man?), he will know who this is…….? So why the secrecy?
He can have her taken out without anyone ever knowing – publicity is her friend, IMO.
Good question NF.
try Googling Blacks attack police …
what you’ll get instead are many sources for police attacking Blacks .
I strongly suspect the Trump Administration has been looking for quite awhile. This is setting the stage talk.
“‘Trump’s Going to Get Re-elected, Isn’t He?’”
Even the New York Times is panicking over how badly the Democrats are screwing this up. The comment section is gold!
Oh, those comments by progressives doubling down are MUSIC TO MY EARS. And the comments by “reasonable” Dems who agree with Trump on SO MUCH, but then are only holding back on “mind control” illusions like Climate Change and Trump Is A Racist – and are thus potentially JAILBROKEN BY Q before November 2020 – WOW. These people are potentially DEPROGRAMMED very soon!
It really is a lot like disinfecting malware from a machine. You have to break the malware’s locks where it’s hooked in to persist across reboots.
Once the lock is broken, you can analyze the malware for TTP’s and examine the payload to understand the threat actor’s intent and target. We’ve been doing this long enough that we recognize the threat campaign’s MO.
Reasonable Dems, they do exist, don’t agree with their positions, but they exist.
They are, and will continue to see the light of truth being exposed by President Trump. 2 1/2 years of truth being exposed by President Trump’s words and actions are undeniable through honest logic.
President Trump, officially a R, is a position of necessity. EVERYTHING President Trump does is for America. President Trump never kow tows to special interests as Rs and Ds ALWAYS do. Americans know this. Includes rational Dems.
2020, an epic landslide. Live in Nevada. Never, ever gamble. If this stuff is legally “beta-able” (not even a word;-), I should consider a visit to a casino. Easy peasy money, me thinks;-)
The odds makers tend to see the world a lot more clearly. Well, except for in the UK where Barnes made his killing on the 2016 election.
So, what this makes me wonder is, who are they going to put up in the end?
All of the crazies seem to be there to set us up for the “unifier.” Who is that?
The NY Slimes being the “mouthpiece” for the party, I believe they are outlining the qualifications for the nominee. It will have to be someone pro-business, with a solid background there. Also, they will have no crazy “Medicare for all,” open borders,” or “free college” rhetoric in their resume.
So who is it?
Climate is naturally cyclical – God does not make mistakes – man does – in his interpretation of God’s Creation.
As far as the UN is concerned – it is Luciferian – modeled after the ‘Father of Lies’ – its ‘climate change’, ‘migration enforcement”, and ‘pseudo-peacekeeping missions are all BOGUS, UNNECESSARY, AND INEFFECTIVE.
Its Mission Statement:
The United Nations came into being in 1945, following the devastation of the Second World War, with one central mission: the maintenance of international peace and security. The UN does this by working to prevent conflict; helping parties in conflict make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the conditions to allow peace to hold and flourish. These activities often overlap and should reinforce one another, to be effective. The UN Security Council has the primary responsibility for international peace and security. The General Assembly and the Secretary-General play major, important, and complementary roles, along with other UN offices and bodies.
Where in this statement is ‘climate change’, ‘migration enforcement’, and ‘peacekeeping without interference’?
Where in this statement is UNESCO – Mission and Mandate – Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO’s programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.
Where in this statement are SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS?
In addition to the ‘Climate Change Agenda’ to TAX countries for natural cyclical climate change, it has branched out into an Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization for Sustainable Development.
In other words, it has developed into an International Governing Body to which member nations must pay dues, adhere to their proclamations, and bow down to their edicts.
It has gone from a Peacekeeping Mission to a Governing Mission. It needs to be dismantled.
As far as the UN is concerned – it is Luciferian – modeled after the ‘Father of Lies’ – its ‘climate change’, ‘migration enforcement”, and ‘pseudo-peacekeeping missions are all BOGUS, UNNECESSARY, AND INEFFECTIVE.
Francis yammers along these lines.
UN, such utter BS!!!!!!
(Thank you Marica, for loaning a few !!!!)
I do not pay attention to anything Francis says – yes, utter BS – the UN is – wants to be a world governing body – not a helper of nations – it is the NWO trying to dictate to the nations of the world – and institute their plan for world control – defund them – and shut them down – I say…
I agree – the UN is a farce now.
KEEP IT OUT (Constitutional Amendment).
After 2020 landslide reelection, getting rid of the UN will be an emerging focus of President Trump.
President Trump 100% cannot speak of it prior to reelection.
The EU Army will help implode the NATO farce…again after reelection.
Me thinks. Me hopes. Me prays.
July 16, 2019
by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins
These four women, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, are 4 of the most radical, hardcore Socialists you will ever meet. On top of that, they all advocate for open borders, they all advocate for illegal immigrants, they all advocate for the Palestinians, and 3 of them are anti-semitic and against Israel. Now you know a little bit more than you did about ‘The Squad’ of these four freshman congresswoman who are, by their own actions, dominating the news cycle at this moment. No one that I know has any problem at all with women in the Congress, or women of color in the Congress, but have a huge problem with radical activists like these who are pushing to collapse the system.
AMEN! They want socialism, which always leads to JAIL, PRISON, or CAMPS for NORMIES.
and DEATH, too!
And destroy the Second Amendment…control the masses. Easy to do if they are NOT armed.
European Union more than happy to place a convicted criminal at the head of the ECB
July 16, 2019
by Kenneth Schortgen, Shotgun Economics
With the majority of people in the West having extraordinarily short memories, it should not be surprising that there has been little question of the IMF’s Christine Lagarde being nominated to run the European Central Bank. However if one goes back just two years you would find that Lagarde just happens to be a convicted criminal of financial crimes
International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde has been convicted over her role in a controversial €400m (£355m) payment to a businessman.
French judges found Ms Lagarde guilty of negligence for failing to challenge the state arbitration payout to the friend of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The 60-year-old, following a week-long trial in Paris, was not given any sentence and will not be punished. The Court of Justice of the Republic, a special tribunal for ministers, could have given Ms Lagarde up to one-year in prisonand a €13,000 fine. – UK Independent
For Europe, the advent of a financial criminal running its central bank should not be a shock since its current Chief Mario Draghi was well known for fudging Italy’s books in order to get them into the Continental Coalition.
Only people who do not understand the purpose of central banks would be surprised that a criminal would be installed to run one.
How true!
Hey Wolfie!! I just needed to sign off tonite…
Good night Wolf man!!!
Remembering JFK Jr (July 16):
I’m not sure what else he would have accomplished, but he would have kept Hillary out of the senate. And that, in itself, is reason for suspicion.
Oh, yes, for sure.
I think he would have done a lot, possibly taking on some of his late father’s causes.
If there is a conspiracy behind his death, those responsible will have to answer for it some day — and not necessarily on Earth.
He also seemed to be friendly with Donald Trump, i.e. they were more than acquaintances.
Yes, not elected in NY. Self absorbed hildabeast would have run for Seante in IL (born Chicago), or somewhere else.
hildabeast simply to full of herself and addicted to power, control and the never enough $$$$$$$.
Dan Crenshaw defends his vote on last Tuesday’s Green Card bill, but Breitbart exposes the truth:
FTA, which is long and detailed:
‘Crenshaw’s Claim: “This bill does NOT create NEW green cards. It simply changes the line order, making it more fair for immigrants who applied first. Right now, an immigrant’s wait time depends on what country they’re from (smaller countries therefore benefit the most). With this new bill, its a ‘first-in-line’ basis, meaning your wait time depends on WHEN you applied, not from WHERE you applied.”
‘Fact Check: Under HR. 1044, any foreign national attempting to come to the U.S. from a country other than India on an employment-based green card will have to wait at least ten years to do so, analysis from the Center for Immigration Studies finds based on records from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
‘Currently, Indian nationals are obtaining roughly 25 percent of all white-collar employment-based green cards annually. Should HR. 1044 become law, Indian nationals will sweep away with about 90 percent of the white-collar employment-based green cards every year for at least the next decade. This means that green cards for nationals from countries other than India will have to wait a decade before they are able to enter obtain an employment-based green card.
‘The purpose of the current per-country caps, which puts an annual seven percent cap for employment-based green cards for nationals in every country, is to ensure that a handful of countries — in this case, India — do not soak up all the employment-based green cards every year.
‘The non-partisan Congressional Research Service admits that HR. 1044 will allow “a handful of countries” to “dominate employment-based immigration, possibly benefitting certain industries that employ foreign workers from those countries, at the expense of foreign workers from other countries and other industries that might employ them.”
‘Moreover, Crenshaw’s “first-in-line” claim suggests that the Indian visa workers have a right to be placed ahead of other visa workers and migrants because they signed their contract first …
‘But this claim to fairness hides the unfairness of a federal system which is designed to favor the mass importation of foreign visa workers for the hugely wealthy IT industry and Silicon Valley billionaires.
‘Is the “first-to-file” system fair to smaller companies which must wait eight years to import a unique specialist from abroad? Is the system fair to American graduates in the software business who are inundated by cheap Indian visa workers?
‘Is the “first-to-file” system fair to American communities who see corporations importing mostly Indian male nationals — with the promise of green cards — instead of hiring U.S. graduates?
‘Is the “first-to-file” plan fair for the workers and companies in midsized towns and cities throughout Crenshaw’s Texas district? The law he voted for allows big city investors and companies to import cheap foreign workers into their big city jobs — while ignoring the underemployed Americans and small subcontractors in the nearby towns.’
IMO, this is always a problem when people with no past business experience get elected. Of course I have all the respect in the world for his service to our country but that does NOT necessarily translate to someone being good at governing.
This x 1000!
I feel very badly that he lost an eye in active service, but I am now beginning to wonder if he has the eye-patch to serve as an optic that a) he served his country and b) therefore, we should trust him in all things.
As a veteran myself, I will state unequivocally that just being a veteran is NOT enough. There are plenty of veterans out there I would like to shoot myself. However, I wouldn’t go quite that far regarding Crenshaw…..yet.
Another July 16 anniversary — the moon landing.
I remember seeing it!
How many others here did, too?
Buzz Aldrin says:
I remember…can’t believe it has been 50 years.
I wanted to watch some of the retrospectives they showed on the BBC this week, but I did not want to ruin a good childhood memory with a revisionist take featuring talking heads whose parents hadn’t even met at that time.
I remember too. People who weren’t around then, can not appreciate the excitement we felt back then. It was a wonderful joyful time.
Agreed. It was unreal.
People talked about it for days — if not weeks — beforehand with regard to watching the coverage on television.
The tweet expresses it perfectly!
I remember seeing photos of TV’s in store windows in NYC and crowds in front of them watching the event.
For me, the brief period of “lost contact” was the most dramatic …couldn’t have written a more edge-of-your- seat script.
I chose not to be jaded about it and continue to believe it was one of the greatest events in humankind.
Yes, the lost contact! I’d forgotten about that — v. worrying as we were sitting there watching the drama unfold.
I, too, think it is one of the enduring feats of humankind.
I do wonder how it is taught in schools these days, though.
I never see a mention of it online, when you’d think it’s of such tremendous historical impact that it should be mentioned frequently. Yet, it’s as if it never happened.
One thing that is often (and I think, sadly) overlooked is that the Apollo 11 Moon Landing marked a point in history which can never be repeated. A Terminator, as they referred to the stark day/night dividing line on the moon.
Everything, books, magazines, movies, TV/radio shows, etc. UP TO THAT POINT, were all looking forward to the moon landing, theorizing and imagining what it would be like, what the moon was like, etc., etc. The moon was an unexplored treasure, far away, seemingly unreachable.
And then came Apollo 11, and Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins.
From that point onward, “when we land on the moon” or “the surface must be dust a mile thick” and other statements lost any relevance they had. Dreams of being the first astronaut, or being “Tom Corbett, the Space Cadet” went by the wayside, yet were replaced by new, larger, and better dreams.
People born after about 1964 or so have no concept of what it was like in those days where the moon was just as unreachable as Mars or Jupiter. Nor the visions, dreams, and looking forward. I have a lot of books (OK, I’m a packrat, I admint) from before that time, even some encyclopediae, and it’s fascinating reading them from time to time, and matching their expectations against the reality of the Apollo missions…
The other thing that I miss from back then was the American Exceptionalism, which the Crap Four are trying to paint as racist. They conveniently don’t acknowledge that their birth countries ARE exceedingly racist, to the point of trying to exterminate other races in their entirety.
VSGPDJT is bringing back that exceptionalism. And though it’s a long road, I believe that with GOD’S help, and our prayers, America will be GREAT AGAIN!
Oh, for the days of Telstar, Sputnik (OK, not ours, but helped create a goal), then Mercury, Gemini, and then Apollo (anyone remember that there were other programs and rockets planned out beyond that? And that LBJ killed them all?)…
Guess I’ll just get my American Plastic Brick sets out and make a mini version of the assembly halls for the Saturn boosters…
(Of course, they needed a place large enough for all those rockets to get together to party… the first booster club)…
I agree with everything except ‘LBJ killed them all’.
How much influence did LBJ have? Not much, it seems, considering NASA history in the 15+ years during and after his tenure.
Perhaps I have misunderstood something. I agree he was a so-and-so, but it did not seem as if he ruined the space programme.
‘Boosters’. I remember asking my parents if those had any relation to booster shots that children received. I was receiving booster shots at the time.
Watched at Ft. Hood, TX; was getting ready to take my battery (no, not 9v) back to the field for more training.
Oh, wow!
You and your men must have had an awesome time that night.
I am just barely young enough to NOT remember it.
And I can say “barely,” because I do remember Apollo 12 and (more vividly) Apollo 13.
Oh yea!
Remember the launch, landing…all of it.
great times.
Saw it on TV…and read it in the newspaper, before the newspapers were folded and delivered to my customers.
Minor benefit of being a paper boy back in the day;-) Fun memories.
Lucky you.
Do you still have an edition or two for yourself? I hope so.
That was so awe-inspiring. It really gave us hope. Pity it was so soon overshadowed by anti-war protests.
As I mentioned earlier, given that no one talks about it any more, I do wonder whether that was another tactic by the Left, then and now, to disregard American achievements, some of the greatest in the Western world.
Kept a number of copies, launch, landing on the moon… Lost over the years with numerous moves (military career). Still have the great memories.
Oh yea. So many anti war protests across the States. “Weatherman” bombings. Riots.
An unforgettable year (as was 1968, Dem National Convention in Chicago).
Let us hope the moon landing is foremost in our memories.
Thank you for your service — not only to your country but also to the world, Kalbo.
Sen. Josh Hawley blasts Google:
(More Google news items follow in the comments to the tweet.)
So, Google Exec Bhatia lied to Congress.
Manafort lied. In jail.
Bhatia to be charged, prosecuted, jailed… Not holding my breath.
I am so frustrated by this.
WTH has Manafort done to land in solitary for months on end? Now they want to transfer him to a violent New York prison?
Meanwhile, as you say, Google people are lying.
Hillary is swanning around the world, as is O. Free as a bird, both of them.
Gen. Flynn latest:
It is obvious to anyone with a pulse that the DC Bar has not done a good job of policing the ethics of its members (To cite just one example, Andrew Weissman is a member in good standing).
And whereas Judge Sullivan is a member of the bar, he is also specifically charged with upholding the decorum of the lawyers who appear in his court. Judge Sullivan not only is in a position to expect ethical behavior in his courtroom, he is in a position to demand it. Given how crass our society has become, we tend to take the notion of decorum lightly these days, so let’s extend this out.
The good judge is in a position to disbar Kelner on the spot, if he has in fact withheld Flynn’s files (and I would bet big money Flynn has copies of stuff he gave to Kelner that Kelner has not given to Powell). This possibility explains why judge Sullivan has invited the DC bar’s ethics officer to appear.
And separate and apart from any action Judge Sullivan may take with respect to Kelner’s law licence, he could also go further, citing Kelner for contempt. Fines and/or jail time are appropriate punishment for contempt.
And, while I am speculating, it is interesting to think about whether the vaunted Covington and Burling may have reason to be concerned here. The philosophical reason why professional service firms continue in partnership form (although in fact they are run as corporations) is so that partners are held to account for the action of other partners. Usually this accounting is financial, but it does not always have to be.
I think Judge Sullivan is about to teach some lawyers the cost of messing with the wrong guy.
I really do hope so.
Thank you very much for the analysis and the explanation of why law firms are organised as partnerships.
I learned much from your comment. Thank you.
Most law firms are also LLC for a reason. They don’t want tooooo much accountability for one another.
Thanks for that explanation. If we still had the original 13th Amendment, there would be NO BAR-affiliates in our Congress.
10K likes, Churchmouse! You always bring the goods!
Thank you, friend — greatly appreciated!
I can hardly wait for future developments with Sidney Powell. She would have kept track of everything from the beginning.
Monica Crowley latest:
Always the victims.
SO true — and SO irritating!
Absurd yes…..but you should’ve seen the clown show it took to get there yesterday!
Rep. Doug Collins has really turned into an exceptional Congressman, and was the first to challenge NuttyNan on the Floor yesterday.
BMT–Did you watch it unfold LIVE? I saw excerpts on twitter and was like…WTF?!!! This is what we pay these clowns to do? SMH!!! We are gonna need a deeper grave for the so called Dims–and R traitors!
Yes. I had senate tee-vee in the background……yes TurtleHead being sneaky again. But then I pull up the written format of the House Clerk’s office, and read it in real-time…..Sneaky stuff there too! Nutty Nan LIED about clearing with the Parliamentarian her little Resolution, Steny H. scolded her on that then, let it go, and they had their stupid vote.
This is the kind of crap both chambers do constantly to fill time. It is a part-time job, the congress-criminals have turned into a full-time paycheck.
btw…those House Resolutions mean nothing in the real world.
Ooooh!!! Scoop on nutty Nana!!!! I hope Potus drops this lil tidbit at the Rally tonite!!!
He is a national treasure of our times, especially for having released all those transcripts!
Rally stats since 2017. Amazing:
The FBI allegedly put together a spreadsheet on Steele’s dossier claims, 90% of which cannot be corroborated:
‘… Over months of work, FBI agents painstakingly researched every claim Steele made about Trump’s possible collusion with Russia, and assembled their findings into a spreadsheet-like document.
‘The over-under isn’t flattering to Steele.
‘Multiple sources familiar with the FBI spreadsheet tell me the vast majority of Steele’s claims were deemed to be wrong, or could not be corroborated even with the most awesome tools available to the U.S. intelligence community. One source estimated the spreadsheet found upward of 90 percent of the dossier’s claims to be either wrong, nonverifiable or open-source intelligence found with a Google search.
‘In other words, it was mostly useless.
‘“The spreadsheet was a sea of blanks, meaning most claims couldn’t be corroborated, and those things that were found in classified intelligence suggested Steele’s intelligence was partly or totally inaccurate on several claims,” one source told me.
‘The FBI declined comment when asked about the spreadsheet.
‘The FBI’s final assessment was driven by many findings contained in classified footnotes at the bottom of the spreadsheet. But it was also informed by an agent’s interview, in early 2017, with a Russian that Steele claimed was one of his main providers of intelligence, according to my sources.
‘The FBI came to suspect that the Russian misled Steele, either intentionally or through exaggeration, the sources said.
‘The spreadsheet and a subsequent report by special prosecutor Robert Mueller show just how far off the seminal claims in the Steele dossier turned out to be …’
Forgot to add that this is a John Solomon article.
Oh, the irony:
Wow, now that’s interesting–they hate Trump because Trump doesn’t hate Jews.
I must be in pretty good company then–and they’d hate me too.
I think we’re all in good company on that point. They can hate us all.
That was rather revelatory. If you go further down for the next tweets, Stonewall Jackson then linked to an Ann Coulter diatribe on how the Jews ‘need to be perfected’. Needless to say, I did not click.
This is something to follow as the campaign picks up momentum. I say that, because, in the UK, prominent members of the Labour Party have openly declared their anti-Semitism to a surprising degree. The party has been criticised for it for well over a year, but Labour leadership doesn’t care.
There are a couple of people on here I wonder about in that regard, actually, but in the main I think you’re right.
Oh, okay, thanks. I haven’t picked up on that. (I do remember a few OT who were.)
Oh, we have some Jew-haters here, take it to the bank.
More like BANKSTER HATERS. Unfortunately there are those who conflate the two which is a MAJOR LOGICAL FALLACY! One I really dislike.
I think if you look at the DEMOGRAPHICS for England, and even here in the USA, the Jews are now in the position of being a small minority being overtaken by the Muslims so the DemonRats/Socialists decided to toss the Jews under the bus and embrace the Muslims.
WIKI for 2008
Christian (adults) 76.0%
Jews (adults) 1.2%
Muslim (adults) 0.6%
Pew now shows for 2017 the Muslim population has INCREASED to 1.1% (Can’t find the data for Jews)
What I find horribly “hit myself in the forehead – I could have had a V8” now – as in WHY IN THE HELL DID I NOT SEE THIS – is the fact that the most likely sources of the money behind the fake antisemite trolls on Gab WERE IN FACT the Rothschild interests. The absolute necessity of holding strong their “antisemitism defense” is really clear to me now – THEY had more “cui bono” than ANYBODY.
Once people get the idea that foreign, financial, government-controlling interests ARE a huge problem again in the United States, it’s over for those interests. The antisemitism dodge was the absolute number one manipulation to keep those interests protected.
NOW – this is important. You know that image that got Garrison in trouble?
What the hell is up with that? Was Cerno manipulated into it? Between the number of times that boy has been USED, AND his Iranian wife – OMG – I have no idea where the possibilities end.
Why would Cernovich do it? I don’t know, but something is very weird there. However, whoever was behind it, it strikes me as BEAUTIFUL REVERSO, according to one scenario.
If the MONEY coming in to prop up Brock Troll Fake Antisemites is actually coming in FROM the Rothschild Empire via the Soros Empire, then the best way to protect it is to do a Snopes Adjacent Strawman hit job on it that burns up BADLY due to…. oh, let’s see….. maybe – THAT’S IT! – ANTISEMITISM!
I should have seen this LONG ago, but the antisemitism con job works so well, even I could not see it, and I’m more wary of it than anybody I’ve ever met. And why is that? Because of the odd and brilliant fact that CONFLICTO can be turned into ANTI-CONFLICTO, and it’s a HELL of a weapon. It’s like “bring your own flatspace into the black hole”.
Digging to the roots of all this requires LAYERS upon LAYERS of lies and deceit to be dug up and sifted through. It’s like anti-archaeology, where somebody is fucking with the dirt, every layer down, to throw us off. It’s wonderful to be able to see where the DIRT SHOULD BE, rather than where it is.
The Q project is absolutely beautiful. And I’m not just saying that because it’s a RALLY DAY. It’s just beautiful!
Gail (and others), please look at Revelation 2:9ff and 3:9ff.
There, Jesus talks about the “synagogue of Satan”, where HE is pointing out the Fake Jews.
That would be the Rothschilds, the Soroses, the Banksters, and all of those who hide their true intent behind GOD’S people. Think of the parable of “The Widow’s Mite”, where the proud Pharisees went into the Temple, showing off how much better they thought they were, how they deigned to come in and donate (a pittance) from their vast fortunes.
Meanwhile, the poor widow, who hadn’t a farthing, let alone a penny, to bless herself with, gave all that she had…
Tbe first shall be last, and the last shall be first. That widow has an enormous amount of treasures stored up in Heaven. We should all consider that…
Mark 12:38-44:
And the quotes from Revelation:
Revelation 2:9:
Revelation 3:9:
Whenever we look at the DEMONcRATs, and the elites, illuminati, what-have-you, we need to look back at the Scribes and the Pharisees. For the evil of today reaches back to their evil, and farther back to the evil of Cain and the Serpent, Satan, in the Garden of Eden, and rebellion in Heaven even before that…
Ephesians 6:10-18 shows us our counters, weapons,and strategy against that…
And, they’d hate me, many, most, if not all of us.
Come to think of it, they probably do hate all of us that don’t hate the Jews, hate America…
Richard Spencer (flaming jackass oxygen thief) is not to be confused with Robert Spencer (good guy, who warns about Islamism).
I figured with his photo on the screen that everyone would know that.
NEW: The RNC Releases A Brutal New Campaign Ad Highlighting The Extreme Rhetoric Coming From Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib and Pressley
notice towards the end of the video there…will any of the Squad condemn ANTIFA ?
mouths zipped
good ad RNC thumbs up
How does that get televised about a thousand times on the broadcast networks??
The people watching those are the most in need of a red-pilling.
At the rate the REPs are fund raising, I don’t see a problem… oh wait… will anyone sell them the air time?
Many of the YSM networks refuse to sell the NRA any time.
I wonder if PDJT will mention this quote from Lindsay Graham at the rally:
Dr. Dave Janda on Epstein… (part 2 of Operation Freedom Briefing, just recently released…waiting for Part 1)…
Dr. Dave Janda –
Pt 1 –
extremely sinister….the best compilation I’ve seen so far on this macabre theory…extensive, detailed, graphic..
the satanic/Moloch cult of child sacrifice …compiled by Paul Serran…a QAnon Thread on…
The Island
this is more than just a deeply corrupt swamp cabal…it’s a “planetary fight against the Elite satanists.”
(apologies if it’s been posted here before.)
Glad to see your post smiley2 …
hideous and twisted as it is (!).
Awwww .. no it isn’t …

did you read thru it ??
Definitely hideous and twisted smiley2, I misunderstood … I went through all of it …
Glad to see both you gals over here!!!
Glad to see you too Mz. B ..

and Good Morning
Mornin’ BBL, gotta do some stuff.

Meet you back at the ranch/Qtree
I saw this ad yesterday about a “Prime Days” sale item, a game that is supposedly family-friendly.
What kind of family? A family of demons, perhaps?
This is the sort of satanic crap coming out of silly-cone valley, hollyweird, and both “left coasts”. Either explicitly or implicitly endorsed by Jeff Bezos.
Might have just as well called it Moloch days…
And why the growing interest in monsters and grotesque evil things over the last 10 years or so? Are they trying to soften us up to accept real demons and their ugliness???
Ephesians 6:10-18 should well be our guide, as this stuff is being pushed by the globalists and the left (but I repeat myself) all the time…
Racism is dead or dying in the USA – even in the deep South!
Except for the race mongers (communist and Islamists) who try to gin it up at every opportunity.
Old Al Sharpton came to my home town, Valdosta GA, a couple of years ago when a kid was found dead in a basketball gym, and they tried to pin it on some white kids. Turns out it was a tragic accident. Old Al just was hoping for another Ferguson or Trayvon scheme, but he couldn’t get enough traction or Benjamin$, because the Christians of all races came together (as in Charleston after the church shooting) and prayed and grieved, and the evidence showed no sign of homicide, so he left with his withered tail between his legs. The leftists pressured the college to take away one kid’s scholarship just for meanness…and that did happen.
People get along and respect one another for the most part. Yes, there are gruesome headlines about murders among the heathen and drug/alcoholic folks who shack up/screw around, stay drunk/high and live trashy lives.
But the law-abiding, tax-paying, GOD-fearing folks don’t think about race – it’s lifestyle that turns us off – not the color of skin. If you want us to approve someone’s thug ghetto gang drug dealing lifestyle just because the guy is black, Øbama and Sharpton, you are out of luck in the South or anywhere else.
If you want us to vote for your candidate, just because of skin color or ethnicity, even though they have a leftist agenda and ruinous policies to institute, you are out of luck, Øbama/Ømar/Øccasio. We ain’t gonna do it! Call us whatever you want. We are tired of your Alinsky tactics and violent intimidation!!!
Americans are sick and tired of the Race card and the Russia card and the Gay card and Trans athletes taking over womens’ sports.
PC and Identity politics are withering and dying like Al Sharpton’s….you know what.
Nice post GA!!!! We ARE SICK OF IT!!!!! and we Are NOT gonna take it anymore!!!! (thanks to President Donald J. Trump!!)
I loved that song – too bad the artist isn’t MAGA – but love Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA even more! So it worked out much better!!!
Yes…yes it did!!!!! {hugs} this morning GA!!!
Hugs right back, you awesome lady you!!!!
Back atcha!!! Rally night is gonna be fun!!!
Oh yeah! All the love and MAGA fellowship <3<3<3!!!!!
Love Love LOVE sharing this roller coaster ride with you and my fellow Patriots here!!!


Great post GA/FL
It really happened! It’s great to see the miserable writhing death throes of the race grievance industry in the US of A!!!!!!!!
Great article on pushing back on Anti-Americanism by Lloyd Marcus, who also writes for The American Thinker.
Love his closing line: Remember, “Your little becomes much when you place it in the Master’s hand.”
Unseen does an excellent job on POTUS’ Plan…
Some Have Winced At Trump’s Recent Democrat-Degrading Tweets. But Was It Actually A Genius Move?
There’s a particular tiny herd animal about which, if two of the cute little critters aren’t not getting along upon first meeting, standing them in just a tiny bit of harmless water — the conventional wisdom goes — will cause them unite. When faced with adversity, the foes will bond in order to form a stronger defense.
The same can happen, it may be assumed, with Democrats.
Recently, we’ve seen striking infighting across the aisle — Mama Bird Nancy stuck it to Baby Bird AOC, and a bunch of feathers flew.
Roger Stone avoids jail, banned from major social media after judge rules Trump friend breached gag order in Mueller case
Sometime in the wee hours of the Qth of July – PRESIDENT TRUMP’s WMD Twitter followers hit 62 MILLION!!!
62,004,710 – 7:00 am – 7/17/19
and it’s RALLY DAY!!!
This is WAR!!!
Overwhelming the system. Or in sports terms, put four receivers on the field to spread the defense and run the ball. (I may not like football, but I get the strategy.)
Yes they do… We catch a lot that Texas misses.
I don’t think President Trump will lose any sleep over this possibility.
EXCLUSIVE AND BREAKING: Mark Sanford, who makes Jeb Bush look like the Energizer Bunny, former (absentee) governor of SC, who flew to Argentina while governor to be with his paramour but told the press he was hiking the Appalachian Trail, informs drooling Starbucks baristas (a/k/a press) that his brain is (slowly) contemplating the possibility that he might consider action that may include forming a committee to explore whether he should think about running for President. Trump has a rally in NC tonight. His topic list just got a little longer. Let’s think of synonyms for “low energy.”
Dud Sanford.
Spud Sanford.
Fragile Mark
Anemic Sanford
Delicate Mark
Mark Slothford?
Probably dumber and slower than the woman described by Douglas Adams in “So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish”. Here’s a reference to a slightly thick woman looking for donations from Arthur Dent and Fenchurch whilst they were getting to know each other. The whole passage, OK book, OK Trilogy in Five Parts is hilarious…
much never Trumpism on the right was built on righteous indignation (doubt it was motivated by that but is another comment/post!) but that won’t work with this guy as the substitute as he is no better when seen through those standards of lifestyle judgement
O….kay….That’s the guy when he was Gov. that disappeared completely for almost a week… way , even phone to reach, while sitting Gov……..took a get-a-way with his mistress……..
Put on a recording of John Philip Sousa in the background and read this!!
Nolte hits it out of the park in comments supporting President Trump’s defense of FREE SPEECH!
Great quote hes got there. The responses by people are vile. Someone claimingbto be a bishop…mustve been by mail…is spewing some nasty stuff.
The nastiest leftist trolls infest all Trump-related social media feeds. They make themselves look bad with their brazen lies and vulgarity.
Today’s contribution from the Miami Herald to the Epstein mishigas.
Interesting to read a Miami story that tries to get inside the UES cauldron of degenerates. The 1976 picture of Epstein in the Dalton yearbook is jarring. He looks like an extra in American Pie: that lumpy Jewish kid with the big curly hair and the goofy, self-conscious smile.
The single-most interesting fact, however, is this:
“Apart from Epstein, Dalton has weathered a few of its own scandals in recent years. In 2013, a school email to boosters and donors included a confidential list of children who had been rejected. Gardner Dunnan, the headmaster who succeeded Barr, has been sued, accused of sexually assaulting a female student that he let stay in his apartment in 1986. The case has been transferred to the Southern District of New York, where Epstein is being prosecuted for alleged sex trafficking.”
So there is ANOTHER pending action alleging a faculty member (HEADMASTER) sexually abused a female (teenage girl) student at Dalton . . .while she LIVED in his home on . . . . .
.THE UPPER EAST SIDE. Here is the 9/18 NY Post article about this lawsuit:
Sound like a pattern? A socially disadvantaged child is “groomed” as she is given free room, board and tuition at the headmaster’s home . . . here are the allegations:
“In the course of these various assaults, Dunnan repeatedly touched J.S. without her consent, fondling her breasts, sticking his tongue in her mouth, disrobing and groping her, laying on top of her, and thrusting his genitals against her,” says the New Jersey federal court suit, which was filed Thursday. (9/18).
Dunnan was forced to resign from Dalton in 1997 — after his affair with a married female teacher at the school was exposed. He served as headmaster at the East 89th Street school for 23 years. (MH article).
Is anyone aware of or remember the St. Paul School sexual abuse scandal which exposed literally generations of sexual abuse at a New Hampshire bastion of elite education (think Dead Poets Society)? Here’s your refresher (courtesy of the NYT- imagine).
What many of you may not understand is that these two schools – Dalton and St. Paul’s – might as well be next door. They are populated by the children of the same elite who criss-cross Central Park and circulate at UES and UWS cocktail parties — along with Jeffrey Epstein — for generations. This is generational depravity as the children of the children of the depraved pass it on to the next victims . . . who will do the same.
They are terrified of Epstein – not for what he did but for what he knows and who he is. Who is he? To them he is an outsider they let in – a poor kid from Coney Island who “joined the country club” but has no invested loyalty and who is a true sociopath that needs attention. What better way to get attention forever than to start singing to the SDNY.
There is a reason the Dunnam case has been transferred to the SDNY to sit alongside the Epstein case in the PUBLIC CORRUPTION division. They hoped when they flushed Eric Schneiderman so fast he would stay buried. Watch him come back from the dead – you don’t become he AG of New York, be from NYC, live on the UES and not know where the bodies are buried.
My popcorn stock is up 14% on the futures says Maria Bartiromo – the smart girl from Bensonhurst.
That just made me think of another name for victims of Arkancide:
Dead Know-Its Society…
PS: As we are reminded daily, there is one source that almost always has it right:
“Remember,these people are sick”
Here we go……
Be ready to remind them later: No one forced you to be this stupid – it was an unforced error.
Good luck with that, Al.
LOL! This is I believe the 3rd time that congress-criminal has brought forth “impeachment” He doesn’t seem to understand…..the political or legalities of what he’s proposing.
Verse of the Day
“O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.”
Psalms 96:9 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Q Anon/News – What the Frick is Going On? – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 7.17.19
What They Are Getting Wrong
I have often thought this myself, but I’ve never seen anyone else express this opinion publicly.
Dora….it’s all about the follow-through…..I disagree with the twatter above…..I’d be curious if he was even alive at that time, much less, politically aware….I suspect not.
IMO there was the possibility that Reagan’s disease was in play long before it became public…..hence….Poppy Bush/Iran Contra. Dude above, doesn’t even know how to spell his name.
No excuse, but Reagan took Donks at the time for their word.
The brilliant trap exposed in a tweet
as seen on gab via an @a repost this morning….
Presenting…from left to right….
The Defense Minister of Russia.
The Defense Minister of China.
The Defense Minister of Germany.

… tsk .. tsk .. tsk .. 
The pic of AKK on the right is probably from a Fasching (Karneval) skit, where politicos dress up and make fools of themselves (much like they do every other day, but not in costume)…
I’d missed that she replaced von der Leyen as Defense Ministerin. Oh je. Looks like the deep state got a Murphy’s law twofer, with both vdL and AKK booted upstairs (much like Oettinger a few years ago).
Talk had been previously that Merde-Kuh was headed to Brussels, but probably TPTB got wind of her shakiness (both politically and physically). I also fear that the globalists are clearing the deck for the first Green Kanzler of Germany. May GOD forgive and help us all !!!!!
Someone obviously wants to destroy Germany and Europe. The trouble is, there are a lot of us good folk, Deplorables indeed, who would like to see MGGA, MFGA, MEGA, MIGA, MPGA, MSGA, etc., etc. And the Greens want none of that…. they’d be happier with Epstein and Moloch (look up Juergen Trittin, the early Green party, and paedophilia)… Next stop for them: bestiality and polyamory…
“Any questions?”
We need an update since Mattis is out.
” Navy Flight Hours Slashed
The Navy has been hinting for some time now that flight hours would be reduced and, possibly, and air wing deactivated due to a large naval aviation budget shortfall. Details have now been announced.
According to a USNI News website article, non-deployed east coast P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol squadrons will see a 10% flight hour reduction, non-deployed MH-60R/s helo detachments will see a 25% reduction in flight hours, and support units such as Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 1, Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 40 that flies the C-2A Greyhound airplane and bring passengers and goods to and from aircraft carriers at sea, C-12 logistics planes, and search-and-rescue aircraft out of Key West will see a 10% reduction in flight hours. The reduced flight hours will last for the remaining 11 weeks of the fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. In addition, most demonstration flights (air shows and the like) have been cancelled. (1)
So, with readiness at historic lows, we’re reducing flight hours. That’s the Navy’s way to address readiness.”
more at link:
This was ONE of the things the bigger budget was supposed to fix – TRAINING and especially flight hours.
Yes that was the first thing that leapt to my mind, “I thought we were paying more to get a super duper military!”
Dig into this past the top-level demoralization (I’ll explain) and what you see here is basically anti-Q. It’s pretty ingenious to use the military AGAINST Q, but that is what is going on here.
) we are seeing here MAKE SENSE to people like us, who sees the domestic challenges to Trump’s and Q Team’s military agenda, if only we have all the information. Funny, that – that all of the information is NOT in “Beedall’s” post.
Opinion in one place becomes disinformation in another, when the audience is unaware of context.
First of all, this source is a blog that appears on the surface to be a continuation of a blog by a BRITISH “defence” analyst / commentator / opinion named Richard Beedall. He normally talked about BRITISH military matters. He initially hosted his military opinions on, as a subsite called navy-matters, and then later cast that part off to Blogger. His opinions were Brit-centric, not America-centric.
I am not certain that the person now in charge of the blog actually IS Richard Beedall. It could be Boris something or Yu-Feng something or Josh something for all I know. But I have reason to believe that it is no longer Richard Beedall.
Now – as to the CONTENT, which is the real give-away, and why this is SMART disinformation.
If you read closely and ask WHY this opinion is what it is, it’s because the viewpoint is simply not “America First”. Rather, it smacks of “foreign reliance on the American military” First. Which foreign, or foreign pretending to be another foreign, or foreign with a green card, I cannot say for sure, but like I said, this blog no longer is what it was, IMO.
As far as the viewpoint itself, we do the same thing when we look at other nations and decry when their foreign / outward / military policies are in any ways made “inconvenient” to us by accommodations made to domestic issues and internal politics.
And THAT is where we get into the “anti-Q”.
Right now, the entire Q operation is the closest that our military has ever had to deal with a domestic front since the Civil War, due to the fact that foreign-allied DEMOCRATS, working directly with China and by common interest with not only Russian communists but even Putin, are doing everything to oppose Trump.
In particular, ALL of these people just want to get rid of Trump in 2020. Then readiness goes straight to hell. You see what I’m saying? Like I said in the “roller coaster post”, Trump (and the Q team) will get us OPTIMAL results – not “suicidally perfect” results. Winning elections matters now.
The AMERICAN Navy has had certain unexpected expenses, some of which are indeed humanitarian-related. ASK WHY. Yeah. To keep the DOMESTIC ENEMY at bay. But some of this is under the hood and FOREIGN-RELATED. Remember those ship crashes, likely due to CHINESE spoofing of GPS signals and cyber warfare? Yeah. There was a LOT of expense getting our Navy back in shape. I would confidently speculate that those needs impacted budgets hauling civilians to and from ships, and other such needs.
The fore-weighting and end-sparing budgetary behaviours (
Now – Beedall (while definitely alive and well) has been repeatedly critiqued to be a dark, gloomy, “end-of-the-world” pessimist, with one opinion suspecting he was already way out of the loop back in 2010. Knowing a few such military opinions….. yeah.
Perfect for demoralization, if you DON’T get the full story.
Now you have the full story.
Another thing that I could see coming out of that convenient disinformation is folks like the DEMONcRATs saying this flight-hour reduction is because of funds reallocated for the southern wall…
A lie, of course, but the father of the DEMONcRAT party is also the father of lies, the Devil himself…
Can We Trust Our Conscience?
JULY 17, 2019
2 Corinthians 1:12
For our proud confidence is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you.
The conscience looks at thoughts and actions to determine if they are in line with a person’s principles. It is important to keep our internal monitoring system well maintained so it will be trustworthy. For our moral alarm to sound at the right time and for the right reason, we must:
Accept Scripture as our standard for behavior. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” If we choose to adopt our culture’s values, which are often at odds with the Lord’s, our conscience will be unreliable. Instead, we want our radar to alert us to the possibility of going off course.
Align our thinking with the Lord’s. (Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.) says to renew our minds. It is necessary and ongoing work to combat what this unbelieving world accepts as true and right.
Apply God’s Word to daily living. When our habits reflect godly values, our conscience will become more sensitive to what is right and wrong.
In addition, it is essential that we rely on the Holy Spirit for understanding. Our conscience by itself is of some usefulness, but it becomes indispensable when accompanied by the Spirit’s guidance (John 16:13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come).
The Scriptures teach us how to live—with regard to our thought life, conduct, and emotions. As we fill our mind with the Lord’s standards and wisdom, our conscience will become increasingly trustworthy because it is based on what’s important to our heavenly Father.
Dr. Charles Stanley
That is VERY TRUE.
Thank you very much, Nikki, for posting Dr Stanley’s thoughts.
You’re welcome churchmouse, God be with you and bless you abundantly ..

Thank you very much, Nikki!
And may God bless you abundantly, too.
May His grace and peace be with you always.
Oh my thank you churchmouse …

You are most welcome!
Rep. Liz Cheney got it right in this 3 minute video about The Odd Squad
POWERFUL MESSAGE – powerful truth from Congresswoman Liz Cheney!!!
Hope this is the tactic Republicans will take against the destructive policies of the vile socialist sharia contingent infesting our legislature!!!
5.3 earthquake, looks like off Oregon coast….
There was a 7+ earthquake in the Pacific near Indonesia a couple of days ago.
Tsunami! OMG! We’re all gonna die!

Wait, we’re 75 miles inland. Phew. Never mind.
Look up the Cascadia Fault.
It’s not a laughing matter…
There were a couple of quakes in the 4.x range on the Greenville (Altamont) Fault yesterday… Low Solar Activity tends to pair with higher volcanic and seismic activity…
TY for posting this. My sister lives quit a bit north of Bandon. Just checked with her. She has no repercussions. I was worried about tsunami warnings.
Thank you! I saw the earthquake when I opened the USGS site (I check it a few times a day because….well, I’m a bit of a newshound, lol). My plan was to look and see if there were tsunami warnings, got caught up with soooo much other news that I had not had time to check on that yet. Now, I don’t have to! THANKS AGAIN!
One of my team back when I did p-healing was an earthquake hound. She knew my sister was up in OR on the coast, so she always alerted me. Hasn’t had time at work for a few years now.
Bragging for a Buddy!!!!!!!
All hope is NOT lost in the realm of education.
Big T’s college roommate was just voted #1 history teacher in the country.
This guy is as far left as one can get.
From the Cape in MA, he drives a Prius, and was a union rep.
He spent a week with us, in Mississippi, and was apprehensive about meeting me…. those preconceived notions…… ya’ know?
Dozens of hours of intense conversation, we agreed almost completely when it come to kids and actual education of young people.
When it comes down to it, we usually do agree. The fears are taught by the MSM leftie echo chamber.
made me giggle
If you do forget your nikes, pick some up off the piles of them good, disgusted Americans tossed over the border.
New entry for the AOC seat
What do you know about her, NYGuy?
I don’t know Queens politics but I will lay money she is waaaay better than AOC
Such a low bar…
lol Steve.
Yep. When you go to drive over it, it says “mind the dip”…
Oh Scherie, our love.
And here she is if you want to donate
Ignore this. She was praising AOC last year. Something is wrong with her. Sorry I got excited because I tbought she was legit but I am uncertain now.
Maybe running as a Republican solely to sabotage their effort to unseat her.
Get the nomination, then take a dive in the general election.
Yep. I think there are a few other faux Republicans running in that primary as well. Looks like the splitter tactic is alive and (un)well there…
Justice Democrats have a plan to run progressives as Republicans!
We need to VET the ever-loving heck out of all of them – – – Even find out where their money is coming from, their social media, family ties, etc.!!!
Excellent point.
The DNCCCP tried to get that Danny O’Connor proggie lawyer past Jane Timkin and the Ohio Republicans in OH-12. BIG FAIL. The KOM tried to make it look like O’Connor would buck Pelosi. Nope. He was JACK – Just another commie KOMRADE – and the Ohio GOP proved it!
Now, they’re going even MORE STEALTHY and EARLIER. SNEAKY!!!
If you think there are specific people running that need to be investigated more closely, as far as my area of expertise, will you let me know names? I don’t always keep as close an eye on the Congressional races, there are so many of them.
We may need a site-wide BOLO for sneakers. I will make an announcement tonight, and then set up a THREAD of some kind.
“India aims to expel all illegal migrants, interior minister says
NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India will identify and deport illegal immigrants from across the country, the interior minister said on Wednesday, stepping up a campaign that critics say could stoke religious tension and further alienate minority Muslims.
An exercise to identify alien immigrants from Muslim-majority Bangladesh has been going on in the northeastern state of Assam for years, but Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist-led government has taken it up in earnest.
The campaign was a key issue in this year’s general election, won by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu-nationalist party. ”
more at link:
So they don’t want terrorists living in their country? Well, that’s just raaaaaycist! LOL!
The stuff nightmares are made of. Think of this next time you stand in line for a carnival ride.
I do not like amusement park rides. Do not like Disney either only went because of my husband and kids.
Having said so I feel terrible for the victims and their families.
It happened in India. I always think we have stricter standards here, but I have nothing to base that on except my patriotism. I bet the industry could be more strictly regulated.
Actually, the amusement park industry works their tails off to keep government OUT of regulating them. It is one of the few industries that is successful at it, too. It’s not fun if people die. Therefore, the engineers do their best to ensure the safety of the riders. Plus, daily safety checks. See my other comment here.
This is a model I wish a lot more industries would/could follow.
Yep. The thing is, if the government was involved, there would be lift hill height restrictions, G-force restrictions, etc. The engineers know what they are doing. All rides are designed to stop if there is an issue. And, yes, it has happened that a coaster derailed with the train in an inversion. The people on it were upside down for close to half an hour, but no one died.
A sibling used to belong to the American Coaster Enthusiasts, and the rest of us used to tag along for ERT (exclusive ride time) events before and after the parks were open. I literally have seen the ride mechanics walking the catwalks with a full tool belt. Every ride has safety runs before ANYONE, even park employees, can ride. EVERY DAY. I do wish the ball bearings on some of the suspension coasters were greased more regularly, (Batman anyone?) but it’s not fun if people die.
This is in India. Not the US. In the US, the safety standards are ridiculously high so as to be overkill in a lot of cases. I mean, trim brakes were put at the tops of acceleration drops on coasters that never had issues other than people banging their knees because somebody complained about banging their knees.
The amusement park industry in the USA has a motto “it’s not fun if people die.” When people do die in the US, it is generally what is called “rider error” or the person who died got out of the restraints. Every now and then you get a person without enough body weight who can’t handle the G forces passing away, but more often it’s misbehavior on the part of the rider.
Why is this the case? Because EVERY DAY thrill rides are inspected first thing in the morning for issues. Catwalks are walked. Nails are banged back in. Tracks are inspected. Eyes look for rot on boards and cracks in steel. If there is a big enough problem, the ride is shut down until repairs are made, and on the big coasters, that is generally done at two in the morning when the sun has not heated up the steel.
There’s a reason why we spend a lot on amusement park rides. You get what you pay for. And…aging rides that really should be scrapped tend to end up in countries where the safety standards are not as strict. Sad reality, but thrill rides in the end are assets for businesses.
Good info, thanks.
I showed by sibling the coaster geek this video, and he made me watch this. Really great POV video of a coaster I’d like to ride.
BTW, his highness said, “What do you expect? It’s India.”
I think I figured out the COMMUNIST GAME PLAN!!!
I reread Daughn’s Deep Dive on Justice Democrats and watched some older Praying Medic vids on Epstein and recent Q-Drops. My brain connected a whole bunch of dots and here they are:
#1. The Elite never expected their puppet, Hillary to lose.
As a result they were arrogant and let us know their plans for us.
#2. Epstein/Saudi (Prince Al-Waleed) was bribing and blackmailing US politicians. Do not forget the OLD Saudi King & the Rockefellers go back for decades. Maurice Strong worked in Saudi Arabia for ARAMCO when he first started out and the Bushes are also tied in to the Rockefeller/Saudi (& Rothschild cartel)
#3. Hillary meant that LITERALLY!
So what was the game plan put together after Trump’s win???
First STALL!!!
MUH! Russia was meant to tie-up President Trump, hobble him and keep him from INDICTING the traitors. With luck it would also get him impeached. After all there had to be some ‘DIRT’ somewhere didn’t there? Didn’t there? Everyone they knew was dirty so Trump HAD to be. (Notice that Epstein was sicced on Trump early on to dirty him up and he escaped the trap. (His driver said he left after seeing the under-aged girls) However they are STILL trying to SLIME President Trump with Epstein:
#4. While Trump is stalled — BUILD A BRAND NEW PARTY!!!
With the fight President Trump (and Jeff Sessions) were putting up —
With Wieners Laptop; —
With Epstein’s connections;–
With the targeting of Child Sex Trafficking; —
They knew the Democrat party was walking dead so they had to take a leaf out of the Tea Party book and build a NEW party within the Democrat Party with NEW FACES and NEW controllers. The Elite thereby shed the old nasty stained DemonRat party and embrace the NEW ‘Justice-Democrat’ Party. Same power behind the throne with fresh new COMMIE faces.
Daughn outlined most of this in her Deep Dive on Justice Democrats
Zack Exley was a Bernie Sanders Senior Advisor
As Maga Mom said: “I just happened to find their meltdown in ’16 so funny I watched it multiple times…until I stopped laughing.. and started listening to what they said, matching it up with what they did and the down stream results from their passion that night…..Young Turks immediately after their loss in ’16 saying they need to completely clean house on the DNC and in the Dem leadership. Very obvious direction that they are going and easy to see how they were working behind the scenes to do exactly what they say they are going to do….”
The Communists are a long, long way from beaten and unfortunately they have the $$$$, the useful idiots trained by our compromised school system and a recruitment system perfected over years. We CAN NOT think that President Trump will have an easy win. This is THE FIGHT and it is to the ‘death’ Either the US Constitution wins or it dies and we become just another Commie vassal state.
This old interview with Playboy shows the DemonRat/Commie ground game:
Aubergine does a quick family history on Zack Exley.
“His dad is Elwood “Woody.” I found a FB page for him. He just looks like an average liberal old guy. His father, also Elwood, was an architect in PA from what I can find…”
Sketchy Family backgrounds are a CLUE to possible KGB agents. Remember US Communists (Saul Alinsky IIRC per Dinesh D’Souza movie Hillary’s America) were hunting through cemeteries for babies or children who died young so their birth certificates could be used for KGB agents smuggled into the USA.
Jack Philip Barsky is a classic example. The AMERICAN Jack Barsky was born in 1944 and died 7 Sep 1955 (aged 10)
The RUSSIAN Jack Barsky…
A RUSSIAN KGB agent’s handlers “had a solution-they found the grave of Jack Barsky, a child who died around the same time that the KGB agent was born, in a cemetery in Mount Lebanon Cemetery. They obtained a birth certificate and the KGB agent got American identification papers and he assumed the identity of Barsky. Over the next year, he parlayed Jack Barsky’s birth certificate into a library card, then a driver’s licence and, finally, a social security card.” (From several sources)
The KGB had the method for inserting these people down pat. They would take young bright orphans and misfits and train them in special schools. For the most promising additional training was given. “…The “dacha” (Russian for small villa) not far from Moscow, provides an ideally isolated territory for training. 2-3 instructors live there to immerse the candidate completely into his American identity and supervise him all the time…” from Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
IF a child learns a foreign language from a native speaker before the age of twelve they will learn the language WITHOUT AN ACCENT! By the time I was twenty I had forty different addresses but an expert nailed my accent to a specific NY state county where I lived from the age of 9 to 13.
Totally agree … evil never quits … they’re at 24/7 .. their master satan e earth seeking who he can devour ..
1 Peter 5:7-9 New King James Version (NKJV)
7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
8 Be [a]sober, be [b]vigilant; [c]because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.
Mark your calendar for September 20th. That’ll be the day a bunch of morons get schooled on trespass laws in Nevada.
What on Earth?
You know what on second thought do it. Darwin award right there!!!
CURRENT story:
““Hate Speech”: Facebook Deletes Post Quoting Peaceful Catholic Theologian
Bible passages to be banned next?”
OLDER story:
“Require Bible publishers to add ‘anti-semitic’ warnings to New Testament, Jewish groups say
Christian and Islamic scripture, including the New Testament of the Bible, should start carrying warnings for passages deemed “anti-semitic,” a coalition of Jewish groups has asked.
The European Jewish Congress, which represents several Jewish groups, asked for such changes in its Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism, released last week.
“Holy Writ such as the New Testament or the Qur’an, as well as the writings of authoritative religious authors, doctrinal texts and religious laws need to be scrutinized for antisemitic contents,” the document states.”
This is what happens in a Godless society.
“Video: Socialist French Mayor Dances Awkwardly With Algerian Soccer Fans Chanting “Allahu Akbar” …
“A video clip out of France shows a Socialist Mayor dancing awkwardly with a large group of Algerian soccer fans as they chant “Allahu Akbar”.
A heart-warming display of diversity, I’m sure you’ll agree.”
more (including video) at link:
Re the issue of Rep. ILHAN OMAR and her putative “marriage” with her brother:
The ONLY ways Omar could have married her brother IN ISLAMIC LAW:
If he AND Omar were NON-blood step-siblings — in other words BOTH if them did NOT share a parent. In this case, it is considered to be permanent in Islamic Law to be dissolvable only by divorce.
If this “marriage” was for TEMPORARY PURPOSES only — to help her brother to get a Green Card, for example. In this case, the “marriage” is “valid” in Islamic Law only until the temporary situation is resolved; at that point, the relationship is no longer valid under Islamic Law.
However — Ilhan Omar’s TWO marriages (to her brother and to her current husband) were BOTH performed under Islamic Law and not performed under United States civil law until later. In Islam, a marriage contracted between two Muslims is considered to be the ONLY “valid” marriage, and to register it under the civil law of the country where the parties reside is only to satisfy the laws of that country.
There are NUMEROUS issues about the marriages of Ilhan Omar that MUST be held up for account:
First, United States civil law: if Omar married her brother under Islamic Law and also attempted to use this marriage to subvert the tax laws of the United States and/or the process for someone to get a Green Card, these could be felonies.
Second, remember that Ilhan Omar is a proponent of Islamic / Sharia Law: she took her Oath of Office for the House of Representatives with her hand on THOMAS JEFFERSON’S personal copy of the KORAN. She ALSO wears the Hijab in obedience to Islamic Law. It is NOT beyond the realm of possibility that Omar can, and likely will, start to push for changes in United States marriage laws to reflect Islamic / Sharia Law (lowering the “age of consent” for marriage to as young as 15 years as it is under Islamic Law; making a religious marriage ceremony and a civil marriage ceremony completely equal in the eyes of United States law; adopting Islamic / Sharia Law regarding divorce into United States law; creating “Sharia Law courts” to adjudicate Muslim marriages in the United States instead of through our system of laws — a “parallel system” which is ALREADY operating in England.
ILHAN OMAR and RASHIDA TLAIB are allies of AOC and Ayanna Pressley ONLY until Omar and Tlaib begin to make headway in imposing Islamic / Sharia Law in the United States. At that point, they will disassociate themselves from AOC and Pressley, and form a MUSLIM-DOMINATED bloc to move onward from there.
Plain and simple – she’s a felon – AND – doesn’t respect our laws and Constitution – wants to institute sharia crap Islam crap in our country. Islamic conquest is her goal.
I hope she is CONVICTED and her citizenship STRIPPED!
I am sick and tired of these Trojan Asses.
CV – question – “making a religious marriage ceremony and a civil marriage ceremony completely equal in the eyes of the United States Law;”
I thought this was already the case in the United States in all states. You can get married in a church with a minister presiding making it a religious marriage ceremony or you can get married at the state court house making it a civil ceremony. I believe that “age of consent” is at the state level.
What am I missing?
In Islam, marriage is considered to be under Allah and is not subject to non-Islamic law. Civil registration of a marriage made under Islamic Law is something that “should” be done, not required. Thus, both marriages by Ilhan Omar were first performed under Islamic Law but not registered via a civil ceremony until much later. United States law requires that the officiant of a marriage ceremony performed in the U.S. date and sign the marriage license on the day of the ceremony.
Thus, in the United States, a marriage is performed after securing a civil license but the ceremony itself can be either a civil or a religious one. I believe the only exception to this is a Quaker marriage, in which the local Friends Meeting issues a marriage certificate after the ceremony as proof of marriage; this certificate is accepted by most states.
The point here is that Islamic Law considers itself to be, first, the equal of, then, the superseding, law, of whatever country where Muslims reside. This is already being implemented in England, where there at least a dozen Sharia Law courts operating outside the British justice system.
Thank you so much, I forgot about the “marriage license” part. I have read the Qu’ran and knew about the Islamic Law superseding all other laws.
You need a county/state issued marriage license in order for it to be legal. You can get married in a church, but you can’t use that as a reason to change your name to your husband’s last name, for instance. Nor can you use it to collect SS benefits under your husband’s name. It has to be a govt issued license in order for it to be legally recognized.
Thank you, this was the part I was missing.
“Due To A Poor Harvest Season, We’re Experiencing Shortages On Many Canned Vegetable Items”
I know that this headline is alarming, but it is actually a direct quote from a notice that was recently posted in a Kroger supermarket.
And as you will see below, similar notices are being posted in the canned vegetable sections of Wal-Mart stores nationwide. I would encourage you to examine the evidence in this article very carefully and to come to your own conclusions about what is happening. At this moment, social media is buzzing with reports of shortages of canned vegetables all around the country. But so far, the mainstream media is being eerily quiet about all of this. Is there a reason why they aren’t saying anything? ”
more at link:
It was a really ROTTEN spring for farmers. very WET with flooding so I am NOT surprised.
People may soon learn why we have a bumper sticker:
I smell politics.
You don’t remember all the flooding in the farmlands this past Spring?
OK – that’s right. I forgot.
Hey, Mandy…it’s okay…we’ll just switch to frozen!

“Illegal Aliens Released from Local Custody Commit More Crimes—Honduran Freed 10 Times
Following a Judicial Watch lawsuit, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has reinstated a reporting system that informs the public about illegal immigrants who commit crimes after being released from state or local custody. The offenders are shielded by sanctuary policies that ban local law enforcement from honoring Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers placed on illegal aliens who have been arrested on local criminal charges. If the detainer is honored ICE takes custody and deports the criminal rather than release him or her back into the community. When law enforcement agencies fail to honor immigration detainers and release serious criminal offenders, it undermines the federal government’s duty to protect public safety.”
more at link:
I really, really, really want to see the VICTIMS of these REPEAT ILLEGAL offenders SUE THE CRAP out of the Police, Judges, Mayors and Governors of these ‘sanctuary cities’ under Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law!
203 pages (YIKES!!!) Instructions for Civil Rights Claims Under Section 1983…
4.4 Section 1983 – Action under Color of State Law
US Constitution
AGAIN!!! Section 242 of Title 18 says makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
Breaking news, apparently:
“Sotiri Dimpinoudis@sotiridi
#NewsAlert: Notorious Drug kingpin El Chapo has been sentenced to life in prison, and an additional plus 30 years for smuggling 12+ years of drugs in the #US said the federal judge in New York. #ElChapo #Crime #Drugs”
via gab….
Sorry but no – just put him to death already. Once again, OUR tax dollars paying to keep this POS alive!!!! WHY??!!??
I TOTALLY agree, but then again, I’m awfully hardcore and would be fine with public hangings for a wide range of convicted criminals.
Ha! That very thought crossed my mind immediately after posting my comment; I actually considered adding a reply advocating for MUCH more use of the death penalty, particularly for sexual crimes against children!
AND the traditional sentence for High Treason.
Did you ever wonder WHY they never thought she would lose?
They had to know that their polls were wrong and her true popularity with the American public was extremely limited.
Yet the Narrative News Networks were all on board with an overwhelming win for her….
I am convinced that were relying on an extreme level of voter fraud that most probably got BO elected and also almost gave us Algore.
What I remain so incredulous about is the success the inane “Russian” hoax had. Would it have completely succeeded if they had been able to exert the same level of conservative censorship and control that we are now fighting? I think they think so.
Even now, the number of people who blindly accept the controlled narrative without question is extremely troubling.
I am very angry about the slander and smears the MSM continues to throw at the President and I continue to believe that there is a lot that we are able to do about it…even if it is just speaking up for him when opportunities arise and keeping the entire situation in our prayers.
Sadly, this gaslighting is having an effect. At the Wayne Chicken Days, apparently there was a march by protesters of the “horrible conditions” in the holding centers and “separating children from their parents.” Just spent a few minutes countering these lies on the Norfolk Daily News FB page. Stupid, stupid blind azzwipes!
This has been repeated as “Gospel” to me by left wing airheads.
They are agast by my vehement rebuttal.
Oddly and significantly, these same people recognize the threat from “immigrants” and oppose them, but they still blindly vote Democrat…stating that there is no difference under either party.
What with the corruption in BOTH parties, it is not hard to envision these people shutting down any critical thinking that might enable them to embrace an alternative. I’m guessing that POTUS knows this and has a plan…
Keep offering rebuttal. They rarely hear an opposing viewpoint.
Liberal morons invite millions of illegal alien invaders to crash our borders, then whine about the detention center conditions.
Just tell them the Illegals are PERFECTLY WELCOME TO LEAVE THE USA! They DO NOT HAVE TO STAY in the detention center. Also they did not have to come here in the first place!
Part of the problem – Hillrotten was so mean – they were all afraid to tell her the truth.
Another problem:
Most leftists knew and even acknowledged that she was a liar, but they justified it by saying “everybody lies”.
It’s an old technique used by the Clintons, target your opponents with the bad stuff you have done…level the playing field.
That’s why they are working so feverishly to tie the President to Epstein.
Good points, LM. Yes, we have seen this over and over…I just needed your clear concise way of explaining it.
Plants are better than chemicals at stopping cancer: Pomegranates suppress cancer stem cells
July 17, 2019
by Evangelyn Rodriguez, Natural News
Pomegranites are also very good for your heart.
Amen goes right there, LM!
Yes, those plants given to us by God, including hemp and marijuana. CBD oil also shows promising results against cancer.
Amen goes right there, Filly!
Thanks everyone and I LOVE Pomegranates. Have to add them to the shoping list.
I also have to try CBD oil. I have heard it is very good for the joints.
Amen goes right there, Gail!
Suggest researching CURCUMIN, by far the most powerful anti-oxidant in the world. Good research by Terry Naturally.
I currently take both CBD oil and Curcumin but if i Have to choose one, it will be the latter because my issues are more with anti-inflammatory ones.
Btw…fairly good results with CBD but significant results with Curcumin following knee surgery several months ago.
True, Tea – very effective – have to spread the word – imho
I use Curcumim and Turmeric in cooking all the time. I bought a bottle of Curcumim/ Turmeric that I haven’t opened and tried yet so here goes. Thanks for reminding me! My shoulder has been killing me and I haven’t wanted to move much for the last few days.
I heard George Noory advocating using piperin (active ingredient of black pepper) to boost bioavailability of curcumin There are several ways to increase bioavailability of curcumin. Plenty of references can be found…here’s one:
Yes, you can buy Curcumin with pepper….haven’t tried that yet but plan to research it.
“Officials who spoke to Breitbart News on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution said that internally at DHS, McAleenan has become known for leaking records to the media.
A law enforcement official said:
Over time, the acting secretary and his staff have developed a prolific reputation for leaking confidential, private or privileged information to the news media. This is well known, and the instance involving the disclosure of ICE operational details comes without much surprise. One must accept that McAleenan isn’t leaking to help his boss, which is a calculated risk.”
Antifa “activist” facing assault charges was tied to demorat policymakers
July 17, 2019
rom Fellowship Of The Minds
This story is from February 2019 yet I thought it appropriate to highlight given the rise in Antifa’s violence and the demorats who support them.
I was not able to confirm if Alcoff is still in jail. He must be out on bail awaiting trial.
From Fox News: What a difference a year made for Joseph Alcoff.
On Monday, the 37-year-old has a court date in connection with charges he’s facing in Philadelphia that include aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation for allegedly being part of an Antifa mob in November that attacked two Marines, Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres, both Hispanic. Alcoff and two others charged in the attack have pleaded not guilty.
But while Democratic officials are distancing themselves from Alcoff now, until recently he was a well-connected, aspiring political player in Washington who may have even had a hand in key policy proposals.
This shit has to stop!!!!
“A transgender weightlifter has swept the women’s categories in the 2019 Pacific Games in Samoa, winning two gold medals over natural-born female opponents.
Laurel Hubbard has once again crushed natural-born female opponents winning two gold medals and a silver in three heavyweight categories for women at the games, according to the Washington Times.
Hubbard defeated Samoa’s Feagaiga Stowers, who won the gold last year when Hubbard pulled out due to an injury.
Born as Gavin Hubbard, the 41-year-old weightlifter has cut a wide swath through female weightlifting after transitioning as a transgender woman six years ago. The only hiccup in Hubbard’s domination of the sport was an elbow injury during last year’s Commonwealth Games.
Hubbard’s continued gains in the Pacific region may have served to spur the leading U.S. weightlifting association to ban men transitioning to females from competing against natural-born women.
This year, USA Powerlifting delegates voted 46 to 4 to keep a previous policy banning transgender participation amid pressure from well-funded transgender athletes to reverse the ban.”
Time for protesters to raise their voices at the events.
Would like to know source of funding in the pressure campaign.
All the usual left-wing nutjobs!
A few more in that thread.
Planned Parenthood is reported to be having financial problems as of late. No wonder since they squandered $38 million trying to get Demonrats elected in 2016, including $30 million for The Hildabeast.
Here is a list of awards given to Donald Trump listed by Wikipedia…hardly a right wing organization. It is interesting to see that, particularly for the 1986 award, there are several articles from left wing media attempting to counter the truth.
22 MS-13 gang members indicted in California on murder charges.
And how many of them came here as “unaccompanied minors?”
They certainly are NOT dreamers…..they are TAKERS!!!!
Just get a ‘trial by jury’ and their fellow hispanics will make sure they don’t do time for their crimes.
Our legal system has been destroyed by the deadly combination of IDENTITY POLITICS and LEFTIST COMMIE JUDGES.
And if the juror’s identities become known, what is their (and their families’) prospect for a future peaceful life?
Hey Wolfie–You literally said Gambino crime family last night with the NY Blackout,,,SUPER POWERS!!
Too bad we have to wait another week for the Mule to testify.
A.O.C. could be voted out in 2020. This candidate would be a great replacement. He’s a former cop and high school government teacher.
Okay now I know what I will use when referencing those 4 crazy dems….
Not “THE SQUAD” which is what the LEFTISTS want us to call them.
Not “the 4 horsewomen” because that’s too long…
I deem them…
Maybe something a little closer. Instead of THE SQUAD, how about THE SQUAT?
lol, okay THAT is funny!
Remember the Mod Squad — well now we have the Odd Squad.
Nope – that brings up positive images for BOOMERS who enjoyed that show.
“#Breaking: Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has blocked the vote to the senate floor, for the 9/11 compensation victims fund. #WTC #NY”
Of course they try this:
Let’em pay for it!!! Aren’t the EU coffers already in the red?
Katie Hopkins would fit right in in the South – she’s what we call a feisty woman – they would call her Miss Katie and she would be elected Mayor in short order!
LOL You should tweet that to her!!! I’m sure she’d love it!!!
I don’t tweet – conscientious objector – hate the way @Jack and Co. treat conservatives. Besides, I wouldn’t last 5 minutes on Twitter. I’d get called a hater/phobe/bigot and suspended right off.
I’d get called a hater/phobe/bigot and suspended right off.—- MInd if I tweet it to her?
Please do! She’s such a sporty lady!
Honorary Member of the Order of the Magnolia! Hee-hee!!!
The latest big news on the Steele dossier from John Solomon is that an FBI spreadsheet found about 90% of it to be “wrong, nonverifiable or open-source intelligence found with a Google search.” It’s good that this is coming out, but I was struck by this, from the article:
“Steele had some general things right, of course, including that the Russians were behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s emails. Of course, there were public reports saying so when Steele reported this.”
I think Solomon is one of the most trustworthy journalists and that he has excellent sources. I also thought it had been shown that the way those emails were obtained was not consistent with hacking, but rather with downloading them to a drive of some sort (enter Seth Rich). Am I missing something?
Perhaps Solomon chose the existence of public reports blaming the Russians as the way to easily discredit Steele’s dossier on that topic, rather than get into proving the validity of the reports showing local thumb drive downloading speeds were required, not hacking, proving the Russians weren’t behind a hack. Not to mention the more recent info attributed to Ellen Ratner and Rich’s parents showing Rich’s involvement.
Bako Carl – Do you have a Trump Rally poem? If so, could you please post it for the Qth of July Rally?
I don’t have one of yours on that topic in my files.
I’ll have to check my trove . . . may need some updating.
If you have time, it’s a special night!
In my opinion, ALL assertions that the emails could not have been obtained by a remote hacker are so face-palmingly WRONG, it is nearly CRIMINAL to make them, because most of these people actually understand the information technology, and are SELF-BLINDING to the truth.
They are, in fact, why disinformation works. They will not admit that this is not a valid proof.
It doesn’t matter whether the Russians took the data or not. The fact that they took the data (if TRUE) is not proof they did it to help Trump. It is FAR MORE LIKELY that if the Russians did it, they did it to help themselves, AND the DNC, in that order.
Now, the reason that the file-compressing speed is not disproof of a remote hack is very simple, but I will state
THREEFOUR reasons instead of just one, to overdo it. The first reason is enough.(1) ANY sequence of operations that CAN be performed locally CAN be orchestrated remotely, and the resulting data then shipped back to the remote site ordering the orchestration.
(2) the LOCAL performance of things like compression IS in fact the BEST way to prepare the data for removal to a remote site (what is called “exfiltration”).
(3) the chances that the DNC was subject to an APT (advanced persistent threat), which would make 1 and 2 not just possible but ROUTINE is off the charts.
(4) if the Russians who could count on Hillary for so much uranium wanted more, and were on her side, and were on her email server, and the DNC was basically “the Hillary Party”, doesn’t all of this stuff make sense, that the Russian infestation of the DNC computers, “protected” by that Russian – what’s his name? – Crowd Strike? – no, that’s his company – Alperovich! – yeah, that’s right – but those “Trump-loving” (media lie) Russians could help Hillary’s narrative very easily, you know, and THAT is worth SO much more than a few measly votes from a few graphic memes on Hillarybook and Clintler, because a LARGE MEME, like “MUH RUSSIA, TRUMP’S A TRAITOR”, is worth SO MUCH MORE – don’t you see? – and even helps that “INSURANCE POLICY” – all that IMPEACHMENT TALK – why, it’s almost like RUSSIA was helping the INSURANCE POLICY! – are people starting to go BINGO yet? – hopefully so…….
So NOW do people see why certain “super-patriots” are sticking by the RUSSIA DID IT story? Gotta keep that possibility open – especially if you know WHO Russia REALLY WANTED.
Exactly what the truth is. Only with the CANDIDATES SWITCHED. Reverso.
Of course, let’s say it really was Seth Rich loading the data to HIS device and taking it away. THEN I believe that the DNC and Hillary knew it was him, and they KNEW because he parked it at Wikileaks as a PRE-DEADMAN, and because of those things, they knew that Seth would be a HOSTILE WITNESS TO HILLARY in the approaching DNC fraud trial.
So they killed him in USUAL HILLARY FASHION, which is to kill people BEFORE they testify, not as revenge, which is pointless and risky.
Anyway, all that is my take on this. May have been Russia. May have been Seth Rich. I’m fine with either – Trump is INNOCENT – Hillary is GUILTY.
#Obama #Hillary #TRUMP
Donald J. Trump/You’ve Got a Friend In Me. WAKE UP! 7.17.20
Saw this video a couple of days ago and could hardly wait to share it with my Japanese friends. They will be blown away…group singing (Xmas carols at holiday parties, for example, is something totally unknown to them) so to have this happen in a fast food restaurant will be fascinating to them.
* Smile *
Questions to throw at liberal friends…
If they have nothing to hide, why does the left try so hard to censor all opposing views? Wouldn’t a free and open airing of all points of view serve to shed light on the true issues facing the voting public?
Should all people in this country have the right to free speech or is should we leave it up to the privileged elite who believe it is their duty to tell others what to think?
What is hate?
What is a nazi and how did they secure power?
Why are Trump supporters in danger of losing lives, property, and employment simply for supporting their candidate of choice and why aren’t leftists?
If MSM lies, is it hate to point this out and encourage people to discover the truth for themselves?
Does freedom of religion supersede the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness even in those who do not belong to that religion? Should freedom of religion allow practicers of that religion to, for instance, murder others to satisfy the demands of their religion?
And as Gail stated above, people come from all over the planet to enter our detention “camps”, which they are perfectly free to leave at any time and return to where they came from. Why don’t they want to do that?
When a person is not even free to wear a flag on their shirt of the statement “Don’t tread on me” without enduring hateful criticism and censure…..which side is expressing hate and why?
People need to wake up and think… Who has been telling us this for quite some time and why do some people not like that?
I think the UK is no longer our friend.
Remember how Obama hated England and Churchill when he first got into office? Could he have extended d his “fundamental transformation” to Western nations worldwide?
Has anyone looked into US interference (under Obama) in foreign elections….even those of our “allies” like Canada?
Could we even have had something to do with installation of the current pope?
Hillary’s State Dept. meddled in the Russian elections and Obama meddled in Israel’s elections. Just 2 off the top of my head…
Add the Current Pope.
Start at tweet (24) of Paul Serran’s thread:
This is not the first I had heard that Pope Benedict had been forced out. Several years ago there was a very good write-up but it has since been removed from the internet.
This is a death sentence, by a Western democracy we consider to be a close ally. For speaking out against rape gangs…
I signed the petition. Quick and Easy. No money requests, either.
Laura Loomer getting the message out about Incest Omar. LOL!
Just one tweet….
Hard to believe twitter would let this account exist
Oh, we have to get used to it – at least for now. Twitter will NEVER kick the BDS crowd off, as long as they have “human rights” cover.
Soon these socialists are going to have Muslims in America cheering for the Muslim concentration camps in China, which they will scream are there in the name of “human rights”. The mind control is that strong. The socialist mind control behind BDS will work on anybody for any cause. They have guilt down to a SCIENCE.
After seeing that Epstein had a Saudi passport, I am really waking up to the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic organizations like Cair are AS OR MORE INSIDIOUS than communism. Americans AS A WHOLE are going to have to get very smart on what is going on. Muslim Mafia – BIG TIME.
IMO, Jews are the canary in the coal mine, and we had best pay BIG ATTENTION to what is happening in Europe and England. Jews are being driven to Israel, but even there, the BDS crowd has made so many psychological inroads, it is not even certain that some dope won’t get into power and drop the walls.
I missed a lot of this stuff on BDS – which surprises me. I have ALWAYS thought the BDSers were totally full of it. I just didn’t realize how SNEAKY and MIND-CONTROLLING they actually are. I didn’t realize how much of a THREAT they were – not only to Israel, but to America.
When a foreign, leftist publication reports on stories the conspiracy rabbit holes have circulated for years.
The US House of Representatives has called for an investigation into whether the spread of Lyme disease had its roots in a Pentagon experiment in weaponising ticks.
The House approved an amendment proposed by a Republican congressman from New Jersey, Chris Smith, instructing the defence department’s inspector general to conduct a review of whether the US “experimented with ticks and other insects regarding use as a biological weapon between the years of 1950 and 1975”.
The review would have to assess the scope of the experiment and “whether any ticks or insects used in such experiment were released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design”…
Smith said the amendment was inspired by “a number of books and articles suggesting that significant research had been done at US government facilities including Fort Detrick, Maryland, and Plum Island, New York, to turn ticks and other insects into bioweapons”.
A new book published in May by a Stanford University science writer and former Lyme sufferer, Kris Newby, has raised questions about the origins of the disease, which affects 400,000 Americans each year.
Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons, cites the Swiss-born discoverer of the Lyme pathogen, Willy Burgdorfer, as saying that the Lyme epidemic was a military experiment that had gone wrong.
I hope it comes back with a finding like “We have definitely ruled out any inappropriate studies by the US military, but we cannot say the same for the Russian and Chinese militaries.”
That ain’t happening.
Unfortunately, I agree. Have two relatives that were adversely effected by tick bites. SEVERELY.
Hubby was comatose for a week and almost DIED from a tick bite.
We now use 7% iodine on ALL tick bites and are careful to check for ticks every night.
“…. In general, to transmit Lyme disease a tick needs to be attached for at least 36 hours….”
“The best disinfectant is a drop of iodine directly on the bite, leaving the drop undisturbed for a couple of minutes….
Tick removal
Douse the bite twice a day with a drop of iodine, or if that is unavailable, a strong antiseptic. This will reduce the risk of infection from the embedded parts until they detach on their own, which may take hours to days. Sometimes a punch biopsy may be necessary to remove embedded tick parts….”
Iodine is a natural treatment for tetanus. For new born animals, locate the navel stump and submerge it to completely and thoroughly coat it with a tincture of iodine. Unfortunately the US government took 7% iodine of the market but we were able to stock up before hand.
Sadly, the government has made 7% iodine hard to obtain because of its use in Methamphetamine production.
There is no better disinfectant. Not to mention that modern medicine has marginalized the use of iodine for no good reason.
Thank you. Did not know this. Will keep a supply. My one relative who was effected got bit, we think, upriver a bit while sailing in a wide spot north of the confluence. Was in ICU for a week with a heart arhythmia.
The Germans did it first.
Then America imported those scientists here.
What would you expect to happen?
Probably most of the Q-Treepers have seen POTUS’ newest video, but I thought you’d like to see Unseen’s great thread on it. He has a way with words… “checks notes”
When a thread roll appears, I’ll bring it. For now, click on the time stamp for his pithy comments. The “4 Hoes” (very nice, Marica) are now known as the “JihadSquad.”
Thread unwrap:
That is excellent. He says, “The left can’t compete on this issue [patriotism] because their base hates this country and what it’s founded on.” And they hate it because that’s what they’ve been fed 24/7 by the Dems/media/education system/Left for years. I hope it bites them for decades to come. This is a nation of patriots.
“JihadSquad” is good. I don’t like “Squad” because it can have too positve a connotation.
The Squid Squad, bringing the TENTACLES OF SOCIALISM AND ISLAMISM to America!
One of them today referred to herself as a “woman of color” which is why I decided to use WoC4. Prevents any chance of positive connotation (as far as I can think of, anyway).
I’ll throw out an obvious, maybe too obvious DC comic reference with a modifier……
The Democrat Suicide Squad…..
On the Four Horsewomen of the Dem Apocalypse:
1. If you’re consistently late for work, I don’t give a damn what color/gender you are, you’re fired.
2. If you steal from your neighbor, company, the law doesn’t care about your color/gender.
3. These four women were hired to represent their constituents and America at large. They’re not doing their job. AOC lost Amazon, and ALL of them continually undermine America.
When anyone calls these women on their behavior (the President in this instance, or Nancy Pelosi last week), they shrink, throw their hands up, and retreat to the safety of “women of color”.
That’s not equality.
These women demand special rules because they are weaker?
All this will do is promote skittishness of hiring “women of color” in the private sector —– cuz they need a crutch.
THESE women are lightweights, not up to the task, and whine when constructively criticized.
These women are not only harming America……. but now they are hurting OTHER women.
And about that “of color” moniker. Maybe someone needs to take a good look at the lily white rabid Communists who paid for their campaigns and TELL them what to say!!
Squad does have certain alliterative properties.
The Quad Squad
The Fraud Squad
The Broad Squad
and so on and so on
All seem to have resonance.
BOMB Squad
“Broad Squad,” oh the humanity! LOL! That’s exactly what they are. They are not ladies, as they have no class.
Oh bruther! Ok..let’s get this out in open
Wow if you have not read Coulter’s piece on Bill Underwood, you really should. Apparently MSNBC did a special report on him and claimed that he’s in prison – life sentence – for possession of a joint.
Not exactly. Coulter did the research online and found out more on Underwood…
He was the head of the most violent drug gang in Harlem and killed at least 6 people, possibly as many as 23.
They interviewed Booker and asked if he’d let this guy out of prison if elected President and Booker said “HELL, YES! HELL YES!”
Well, the damnfools in the House just did it again — this time, passing Contempt of Congress resolutions against AG BARR and SEC. ROSS over the citizenship question being on the Census.
MEANWHILE, thousands of “anchor babies” are being born on U.S. soil every month.
MEANWHILE, the southern border is a disaster due to them.
MEANWHILE, they approve a resolution “admonishing: POTUS for calling our the AOC Cabal for the Communist-Islamist front group they really are.
POTUS rally, GREENVILLE, NC, 7PM Eastern. VP Pence to be there too.
Venue holds 8,000 people. Stuffed to the rafters! People began waiting in line 36 hours ago!
HUGE crowd also outside viewing on giant screens!
Pence is on now!!!
‘House blocks maverick Dem’s attempt to impeach Trump over racism allegations’
Yes this was a MSM headline. ‘maverick Dem’s….!!!???!?!?!’
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ee5766 No.7073304
Jul 17 2019 19:58:06 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8e815b No.7073157
Jul 17 2019 19:50:41 (EST)
Rate Cuts Coming, Right On Schedule,[CB] Takes The Bait – Episode 1919a
Trump Sends A Message, [DS] Relays Instructions To [BT] – Episode 1919b
Qanon July 17 2019 – Think For Yourself
“Officials in West Palm Beach are hoping a continuous loop of children’s songs played throughout the night will keep homeless people from sleeping on the patio of a city-owned rental banquet facility.
West Palm Beach parks and recreation director Leah Rockwell tells the Palm Beach Post they’re trying to discourage people from sleeping outside the glass-walled Waterfront Lake Pavilion, which she says rakes in some $240,000 annually from events.
The loop of “Baby Shark” and “Raining Tacos” is a temporary fix to keep homeless people off the patio. Rockwell says the city wants to formalize hours for the facility, which should make trespassing laws easier to enforce.
Illaya Champion tells the Post “it’s wrong” to chase people away with music. He says he’ll still sleep there, but “it’s on and on, the same songs.”
For your listening pleasure…
I about DIED when I read this. One of my nephews was really into this.
We still love baby shark. Never heard the taco one but mr gil is going to annoy guys at workbwith it.
Love baby shark too!!! LOL!!!
Does anyone know where we can see who in the House voted for impeachment? I want to see how my Representative voted, but I can’t easily find it.
Found it:
For people who have browser issues:
Here you go Wolf. Pure physics in motion. YEE-HAH!
That could well be the best one I’ve seen yet.
The Beast? It’s been around a while. My brother used to rave about it.
No more if those for me. Thats as closecas I’ll get ti it. Woo!
I haven’t ridden in a while. But, the POV videos do the trick for me.
Someone found a Q drop from 5 Oct 2018
WE GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
POTUS Points Out Baby in Q Outfit at North Carolina MAGA Rally
17 Jul 2019 – 8:58:06 PM
17 Jul 2019 – 8:50:41 PM
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8a344a No.7074281
Jul 17 2019 21:14:49 (EST)
Outside of the standard deviation?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8a344a No.7074370
Jul 17 2019 21:20:24 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 0d5e76 No.7074324
Jul 17 2019 21:17:37 (EST)
Well outside.
Date today?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
For Anons/Patriots.
COOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL! Then POTUS’s comment about I don’t know those people, I did not set this up! LOL
I have never seen that guy in my life, I missed the translation the first time through.
Very cool. They’re TOYING with the FAKE NEWS now.
Oh, I get this strategy out the wazoo.
Truly mind boggling! For more of the story, click on the link from Q drop 2347
Then click on
This was 9 months in the making? I’ve got to get bed!
I have a probably ignorant question. The two watch pictures, one from march and one from now, the two little dials are both the pointing exactly the same. What do those 2 little dials stand for or measure? I
s it unusual that whatever they measure would be the Exact same both times and in months so separated?
Was it the reflections at which we are supposed to look closely or those dials being the same at whatever they are measuring despite being at different times months apart?
Or were the pictures taken at the same time/same day, pictures saved to then be used as needed or when appropriate for their message?
Might not be anything but I really don’t know. Depend on brains greater than mine! ha
I like that the second hand is always straight up – taking the picture on the Exact time. Precision. I like that.
What type of watch does POTUS usually wear? Other key players/admin staff? Anyone seen wearing this watch? What happened at the times on the watch on those days? Just thinking…
off to bed…nite all!
thought this would interest everyone
i meant just to put this image but thread is interesting
Send her ass back too.
Think it would be great to use in a campaign commercial for candidate opposing her….or even in the general to show the face of the Dem Party
Who are “my people”? Citizens of another country? People who are not American?
Pretty much my question. I can’t imagine your speculation is wrong.
From the looks of things the Squadies are inspiring their junkyard dog followers to hate not only the US flag but the State’s too. No borders anywhere?
Another q drop
WOW, truthful testimony in the US Senate, that RARELY happens anymore, everyone is too busy “shaping”, or should I say “spinning the narrative