This (Q+1)TH OF JULY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both).
(We’re celebrating KAG! tonight with our VSG!)

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Q posted AGAIN today – on the Qth of July – and you just have to see it to believe it. WHOA.
But first – let’s GO BACK IN TIME…..

Important! This Picture Will Force the Question “Is Q Real?”
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI5 Oct 2018 – 1:53:48 PM
Important moment in time.
The picture will be the signifier.
The signifier will ‘force’ the Q.
The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).
Q Post 2347, October 15, 2018
This was a RALLY POST, about THIS TWEET:
THIS is the image of that tweet, recounting an anon (“VIPanon”) MEETING Q+ and asking him “the question”:

Notice how Q+ made an appropriately ambiguous answer?
Notice how Q came back and made a POINTER to the future?
- Important moment in time.
- The picture will be the signifier.
- The signifier will ‘force’ the Q.
- The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).

POTUS Points Out “Q Baby” at North Carolina MAGA Rally
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI17 Jul 2019 – 8:58:06 PM
Anonymous17 Jul 2019 – 8:50:41 PM
Q Post 3438

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI17 Jul 2019 – 10:14:49 PM
Outside of the standard deviation?
Q Post 3439

Today’s “Q Baby Proof” on July 17th (Q Day) is for Anons/Patriots
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI17 Jul 2019 – 10:20:24 PM
Anonymous17 Jul 2019 – 10:17:37 PM
Well outside.
Date today?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
For Anons/Patriots.
Q Post 3440
Do the math. This means something. What does it mean? I think I know. Lots of implications. I want YOU ALL to discuss it, to FORCE THE QUESTION.
But not content to merely celebrate one of the best Trump speeches ever, ending with a MASSIVE Q validation, Q invalidates Hillary’s alleged winning of the popular vote in the 2016 election in one post.

Google Unfairly Influenced the 2016 Election in Hillary’s Favor by Millions of Votes
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI17 Jul 2019 – 10:43:41 PM
Sheep no more.
Q Post 3441
So there you have it – a night to remember.
I have one more announcement.
WE are not going to “rest on our laurels”, either.
WE are going to make sure that the Democrats Socialists Communists are not able to get any SNEAKERS or RINGERS past us in this election.
I will be announcing how we are going to TAKE THEM OUT very shortly.
In the meanwhile, I want people to start looking for PRETENDERS and POTENTIAL PRETENDERS of all kinds:
- red diaper Democrats
- AOC-type bartender FRONTS for SOROS SCUM like the ones running AOC
- fake MAGA
- Atrash turn-coats
- sketchy Ossoff types
- Kasich-in-a-skirt globalists
- new McCains and Romneys
- all shears and no balls pig farmers (yes, even “unreliable” needs spotting)
- anything else that DON’T SMELL RIGHT
We can’t afford to find these problems too late. We have to find them NOW.
We are going to turn our EXTREME VETTING on all their sneakers and ringers.
It’s gonna be a hell of a show, folks!

And no excuses like “I’m too old, Bluto! I can’t take on the Omegas!”
Their TRICKS will do them NO GOOD.

Reading the Rally thread tonight before it started, my son was looking at the tweets…
He asked me “Dad, what’s ‘C N N’?”
I busted up laughing.
He wasn’t too happy I was laughing at him. Poor guy
I had to explain that when I was his age CNN was the “Cable News Network” (does everyone remember that thing called “cable”?) and they would show news stories. But they didn’t like Trump much and they only told bad things about him, so there weren’t very many people watching them anymore.
He seemed satisfied.
CNN – eaten by Jane Fonda and Communism. About to be excreted.
…but already a piece of Adam Schiff.
How old do you think he is? I’m guessing 17 months
said michaelh with a straight face.
(very slick of you to figure out how to get 17 in there – hats off & kudos)
be like…
oh no not that….error!
Hold on! I’m breaking out my TINY VIOLIN using my ELECTRON MICROSCOPE.
please ignore Prince Charles…sposed to be like…
Now THAT kid I can believe is on Q TEAM.
He is much cuter than Prince Charles anyway.
More of a man and more mature than Chuckles, too…
I see what you did there, Michael! Heh heh
“How old do you think he is? I’m guessing 17 months”
Wow the baby is 17 month taken to a rump rally on July 17 and has a bit Q on its back
The secret is out Q has been born 17 months ago and now is coming out soon.
( People I am kidding and love to tease and have a strange humor
Just watch how the guy behind the baby looks when he recognizes the Q. I believe there are more people who know about Q than anyone assumes.
Great Day. Great Q Day rally.
Day three of the week barely arrived.
A banner week we are enjoying.
Unbelievable “Trump warp speed” we continue to move forward…
That little baby wearing a onesee with Trump on the front and Q in the back. No doubt the crowd had a good time with that gidup…and then President Trump pointed out the little one. LOLF;-)
Pres. Trump kept talking about the baby so the attention was on him at length. I thought at the time that it was kind of protracted. Now we know why Pres. Trump REALLY wanted us to see the baby.
He said he had never met the dad, I think. I’d love to know how it was all arranged.
Things are moving along. No wonder Pres. Trump was in such a good mood tonight.
TT, I bet you’re right! They’ve had all the information for a long time, soon they’ll be acting on it.
Highest ranking ANON!!! YUP!!! Of Course!!!! VSG would -Do the BIG Reveal with a beautiful Q baby!!!! He said–She’s like a picture ( motion picture–Movie?) We will have this country “set”!!! ( Set the Table)
Tis time ya’ll!!! Q Baby!!! OF course!!!!
Indeed! Very interesting. Oh, yeah – I get it now. WOW.
How fitting that it is a baby which does the confirmation, and affirms POTUS’ prolife agenda.
And quite frankly, I think it signifies that our kids will be safe from pedos…
I doubt we’ll get them all. The pedo down the street might never get noticed.
We’ll have to continue teaching kids to avoid the candyman.
But we’ll get the ones in power.
I agree. As long as there is this fallen world we will be dealing with this evil. It we can at least keep them on the run.
Brave little Q baby too!
Didn’t flinch with all the noise and attention!
Quite composed and poised.
GA/FL….yes, that was quite remarkable…the noise level was high and not too many 17 months old (!) could take it all in so comfortably.
Do the math.
For the nerds among us, I wanted to make this observation:
Floating Point is dark, black magic.
We all know that (1 + 1 == 2) … except for very LARGE values of 2…
While I was an undergrad, I had a faculty member who made a point to teach all of us the dangers of floating point in comp org. He showed us the following sample code:
The “( x – y ) == 0” is not arbitrary; this is in fact how many systems actually implement the comparison operation. It is making explicit what is often merely implicit in the hardware implementation.
He then told the class emphatically that if you were ever working on floating point code that was behaving strangely, to contact him and he would personally take the time to work through the code and resolve it. There were too many floating point applications out there, and the cost in dollars and human lives was not worth the risk of releasing code with indeterminate behavior.
That example has stuck with me many years later.
…Paging Steve in CO…
Thank you!
Yea, whole lot of incredibly brilliant guys and gals here in the Q Tree.
Me, started to read Michael’s post…floating decimals… We all know that (1 + 1 == 2) … except for very LARGE values of 2… My eyes glazed over nearly instantaneously…;-)
Grand kids just out of onesees, so I am qualified to blather about onesees, binkies… LOL
Have so much fun here, everyday.
Night all!
Night Kalbo!
You get an A for effort, and an A + for fun!
I know it’s late, BUT how TF can X-Y ever == 0 ???

You’re always gonna be running risky code!!!

Ok, Ni Ni…
PS, Thanks for the lasagna!!
PSS, A bedtime movie
X – Y will equal zero if X is the same as Y.
(I’m going to write this for the benefit of anyone who has never programmed; if you, dear reader, have programmed, I apologize in advance: “==” is how many (but not all) computer languages signify “is equal to” and the idea is that “X==Y” will evaluate to “false” if X isn’t equal to Y or “true” if they are equal; you can then put that inside an “if” statement (e.g., “if ( x == y )”) and if what’s inside the parentheses is true, what follows happens, otherwise it’s skipped over. There can also be an else block, for example:
if ( x == y )
// a bunch of code here that only happens if x is the same value as y.
// a different bunch of code here that only happens if x is NOT the same value as y.
// more code that happens regardless of whether x is the same as y, or not.
I got the if-then-else logic portion ok. My problem is x=y. I always thought that x and y had to be different values. If x=0, then y can’t =0, because 0=x and x “ain’t” y. I’m IT and “used to” be algebra Queen “many moons ago”. Did something change, or have I been out of school so long I forgot?? Pleez Help me Mr. Steve!!
Nope, there’s never a requirement, either in code or in algebra, that x and y be different.
If someone states something like “x and y are distinct” then they are specifying that whatever they are, they’re different from each other. (E.g., “Find the two distinct roots of the quadratic…”)
I’m just awake and the eyes glazed over. Hope downthread is some type of explanation for English Majors.
Yeah, it’s an old joke, and he actually got it wrong. It’s the values of 1 that could get too large for them to add to 2.
Here’s the version I usually see: “2+2 = 5, for sufficiently large values of 2.”
Think about the crazy stuff that can happen when rounding numbers. For example, “2.4 + 2.4 = 4.8” is uncontroversial, but now, round the numbers to the nearest integer, and you get “2 + 2 = 5”. You can even force your computer program to round numbers too much (like this) when it outputs things and get such (apparently) non-sensical output.
It only works when you’re thinking of floating point numbers and you forget that you’re rounding them to the nearest integer.
However…there’s ANOTHER way this could happen, in some really OLD languages like FORTRAN. You can actually accidentally cause the computer to change the value of a constant. Every time the program had, say, the number “2” appear in it, the compiler (which translates the program you wrote into the code the machine actually runs) would cause a number to be retrieved from a certain place, which the compiler loads with the number 2. You could actually cause that to change, so that everywhere your printout of your program says “2” the computer is really using a different value. (Sounds crazy, and it is. Modern languages are largely immune to this.)
FORTRAN on some platforms also allow self-modifying code (horrors) and walking over some parts of the stack that were better left alone. A colleague of mine convinced and HP3000 program to SORT! the root file of an IMAGE database, of course rendering it data salad. This illegal access shouldn’t have happened as the root file was “privileged” (negative file code for HP3K fans out there) and said program should have blown up when the attempt was made to access the root file.
Was kind of fun to watch. The IMAGE labbies (and the customer who logged the problem) didn’t quite share that opinion…
And don’t forget about the joys of COPYLIBS and overlays… or various CALC specs on (accidentally) unsorted input files (Random Program Generator)… (an even OLDER language RPG).
That one is for the accounting majors.
Thanks. IIRC, believe I stumbled on your example a number of times in my working years when I used Excel. Yup recall looking at results of a formila and knew it was wron. Until I realized it was a function of rounding. At times it was buried in a series of formulas across worksheets. Took me a while to see it, but your example was clearly there.
This is how my brain just understood what you said:

+$=”:;,&(((\,”#vdfhjtrg 3t7985rcjk
Please speak English for those of us who aren’t bilingual
I gave up math for Lent one year.
x and y floaters…is this some sort of advanced algebra?
I think it’s male and female drowning victims
Naah, it’s computer science. You have to define what sort of data your variables are; they’re generally either floating point numbers and can be set to things like 2.4, or they’re integers, and can only be set to…well, integers (whole numbers, but they’re allowed to be negative, which strictly speaking, “whole numbers” can’t be). “Floating point” is distinct from “rational number” by the way, because a computer floating point number can’t be perfectly precise. You can’t, for instance represent 1/3 or 1/5 precisely with a floating point number, for the same reason you can’t write 1/3 as a decimal (0.333333 is still off, and will be no matter how many threes you write).
I see. Gave up computer languages before I gave up math. It made my eyes cross.
I begged my college prof to pass me. I had a 4.0 until then. I had attended every class, went to all tutoring sessions, and turned in every assignment. Even took a refresher course in math the semester before. He ruined my GPA but I passed.
So you would be good with this
I like to joke that a secure password should contain at least two buffer overflows and a SQL injection attack like “DROP PASSWORD_TABLE”…
OK In all fairness, the latest NIST password guidance recommends passwords that are simpler and do not change as frequently, in concert with 2FA. It is hard to get security professionals to change direction after years of preaching strong passwords.
Here’s a good explanation of 2FA: (two-factor authentication, or MFA = multi-factor authentication)
Two-factor authentication: A cheat sheet
Also as a Public Service Announcement, I recommend that everyone reading this take the time to set up 2FA on as many services as they can – at least on your email accounts, banking and financial accounts, and any cellular or broadband accounts:
Two Factor Auth (2FA): List of websites and whether or not they support 2FA.
Heartily agree.
Forcing someone to come up with a complicated password, then changing it every two months, merely means that 98% of people will come up with something like:
And then, after two months, when they’ve actually memorized it (if they use it every day), they’re told they have to change it. So what they’ll do is add something to the end of it, so they can remember THAT easily:
Then every two months, they’ll just increment the number at the end, T3^4Zq@@px2, T3^4Zq@@px3, and so on. The original password was somewhat secure, but an attacker can, if they know what the password was then, be able to guess most of the time what the password is now–which defeats the point of changing it.
Erm. Talk about turning the tables

And xkcd’s ideas on pass phrases (and fans of horses, batteries, and staples)
That reminds me of a Dilbert, where he’s sitting at a terminal, and the following password request comes up:
“Enter the name of next year’s Academy Awards Best Actor”:
(dilbert types somehting in)
“Please wait”…
Hear that big whoosh….that was the floating point code flying right over my head!
I joke that I gave up when they started mixing spelling and math!
Not really, I did ok, but really didn’t catch on that math was a symbolic language until years after high school. Then it made more sense.
Great point. And finance software using floating point (don’t ASK, as we used to say) is a recipe for disaster, in FORTRAN, no less.
A company I worked for here in the EU had sales offices in the different countries (back when there were only 12 in the EU) and each FAM wanted their own invoice format, some with 3 decimal places on the line items, with two on the total, others with just two, one with THREE all the way down. Some of this was due to differing government requirements, some was due to the Finance and Admin Managers’ egos/experience/etc., and some was probably they were just being difficult.
Enter the ASK FORTRAN77 rounding routine. I was called in to mop up the mess that the programmers made, both with the invoice programs, and munged databases downstream… Why, Sandy, WHY did you write that in FORTRAN??? (maybe borrowed code from Mystery Mansion – LPORTY sure looks like it…).
Another place I was at had programs in BASIC (gack) doing their manufacturing and financials, and one of the finance databases (GL, I think) was a penny off. Now to normal people, this would be no problem, but a million-dollar discrepancy would be cause for alarm. Severe Alarm.
No so for those bean-counters (must be some obscure paragraph in FASB that specifies it). A million dollars off was not a problem, as it would normally be easy to find. A penny, on the other hand… (OK, I now know, almost 40 years later, that it would have been quicker to find a Scotsman or a Schwob (Schwabish person) and yelled “I’ve lost a penny” and it would have been found post-haste…).
That penny off just drove them wild, and doing a forced balance was akin to giving up their first-born child. Ain’t gonna happen.
So, as the systems geek, I was called upon to scrub the Turbo-Image database (HP3000 MPE [classic]), dump it, report on it, scrub it, and rebuild the database. Constraint being, the cleaner program had to be in BASIC (another crazy decision, but I digress).
The penny, undaunted, flipped the other way (undaugnted?
I got a penny out of my wallet and gave it to the VP of Finance, half jokingly. He didn’t find it too funny at the time, but we laughed about it later. I think he could’ve forced IT to pony up for the COBOL compiler (as we had in-house programmers, and we all knew COBOL anyway), so he sort of had a hand in it.
Of course, imaginary numbers are floating point too, at least in FORTRAN and BASIC. And whatever languages governments use when calculating their supposed costs…
And that famous programmer’s song… Old man-tissa, that old man-tissa. Nothing like being an exponent of difficult rounding routines, as it were…
And to add insult to injury, it was called OMAR…
(Order Management, Accounts Receiveable)…
Point and say target…
I have a feeling tomorrow’s gonna be a zinger.
Night and God bless you all.
Night Rodney!
God bless you, too.
Night Rodney!!!
Hope you are healing up and feeling better Rodney.
Rodney’s underwater?
No. He’s on the deplorable deplorables branch nearest the trunk with his feet up
Feet up and lurking.
And feeling a lot better I hope
I sure do, thank you.
Thanks for the laugh
Swelling is down in my leg, I have Drs appt tomorrow to see how Dr is going to treat my legs.
Why wouldn’t it be? Every other day this week has been a zinger.
The pace has been stepped-up!!!
Flush them ALL…..
Start over with the AMERICAN Party…..
Headed by Trump.
“They” can call themselves whatever they want to….
We are THROUGH with “Their” shit!
Lying Bastards!
That’s not quite right…..
They are:
Lying, Corrupt, Baby KILLING, Islamic Mutherfuckers.
I feel better about it now.
Wolf, I think if POTUS ever tells the media that Q is real, all hell is going to break loose! But I don’t think they’ll ask, because they they’re secretly afraid he’s real and they’re scared to death. Because they’re all implicated in what is coming down. And they’re terrified what is going to happen when the whole world knows Q is real. There’s one heck of a lot more of us than of them.
I think a large part of this question is the definition of “real”. Q is a Psy-Op designed to bring skepticism to the outright BS of the MSM. Is Q “real” if it causes people to question 20 MSM narratives, but a reliable observer would consider one to be accurate? What if one, in addition, were determined to be a lie? What if the other 18 were deemed unprovable?
On the flip side, if you were to ask whether “Q is real”, meaning — “is Q an officially produced output of the WH leaking accurate classified information?” Who the hell is going to say, “yes” to that?
Q is real in the sense that Q exists. But that’s the trivial sense of the question.
The real question is whether Q actually has inside knowledge of what’s going on. And the other real question is whether Q is connected to Trump in some way. If not then Q is a fraud, which is what most people would mean by saying “Q is not real.”
I think most of us believe we know the answer to both of those questions, though, and the rest of us have a likely answer and are still (prudently, given the nature of such things) hedging a bit.
I bet tonight has the MSM scrambling. While they might have ignored “Q” for a long time, it’s been too obvious – for example, POTUS’ “Q” air quotes at his rallies, for them to not pay attention. Deep inside, they can’t dismiss “Q” – what happened tonight must send them reeling.
It wasn’t only the President acknowledging the “Q” baby, which he did at some length, but the Q drop from Oct 5, 2018 – now that’s going to get them in a dither. Called my hubby over to show him the mention of a Q baby – numbers man that he is, engineer, logical, confirms what we’ve instinctively trusted.
The MSM is scrambling? Well that could mean a number of things, but the rest of what you wrote implies that you think they’re suddenly trying to figure out if Q is credible, having dismissed Q in the past. THAT would, in turn, assume that they actually don’t know this and want to know the truth.
If the MSM is a bunch of bad (evil) actors (as opposed to merely mistaken) like we think they are, they’ve known all along Q is real…and they’re scrambling, all right. Scrambling for cover.
That’s it!
Thanks Wolf
This is a really good point:
Pres. Trump is a genius at it. He got tons of free publicity and attention during the last campaign, too. It’s like a cat with a laser pointer; they can’t help themselves. And yes, their TDS is driving them crazy(er).
Linda!!! spot on!! BTW–I have been super busy..and You usually post either tweets or opinions I would have–uncanny!!! Thanks for that so I can hit the like button !!! Same wave lengths Sista!!!
PS– Catturd is brilliant! He’s Greg Gutfield or somebody!!! LOL!!!
Catturd embellishes, POTUS did give some shout outs to Liawatha and Buttplug tonight!
HA!! Cannot stop laughing!
Yeah, they got some “plugs” alright! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
and Biden, and Bernie….
Just as did in his first Presidential campaign. Genius!
Perhaps one slight difference is how viciously the media is going after Trump supporters. Do they actually think that will do anything but galvanize us? Bad tactic!
This is an excellent thread on the effects of Google’s manipulation of search results. He goes into a lot of detail. For instance, this study showed that Google affected the outcome of at least 25% of all elections worldwide. Plus, Hillary got 2-10 million more votes because of their manipulation. That plus illegals is how she won the popular vote.
Google and the other social media outlets (and the MSM too for that matter) have been acting like political Super-PACS – without registering with the FEC.
I think Google needs to be renamed Cankle.
I’m certain that POTUS will make sure Google feels pain before the 2020 election.
Right now the phase is public awareness – make sure the people see what is happening, and become properly angry about it.
It is difficult for us who have been paying attention for a long time and watching the cancer metastasize to be patient with this approach, especially when the abuse of power has become so arbitrary and frankly personal.
I’m very intrigued and encouraged about the last part of this post, Wolf: “WE are going to make sure that the Democrats Socialists Communists are not able to get any SNEAKERS or RINGERS past us in this election.”
When I heard the Young Turks guy on election night say he was going to change the Dem Party, I didn’t know how he could do it, but now we know at least some of it. I think it’s backfiring on them for now, but it’s a dangerous strategy and we need to stop it. I’m also wondering about “sneakers or ringers” who could burst onto the scene as new presidential candidates after the others have beaten each other up.
I still think Moo will be the One. She will walk right in for the nomination.
I think this was part of the Obama-Iran conspiracy (when Obama and Mooch went to France), right there. Get Trump and Iran shooting, then offer the Mooch/Obama “peace path” back.
Sneaky, isn’t it? Iran willing to take a few beatings to get Obama and Jarrett back in the White House using the Putin-Medvedev plan.
Gotta say, Obama learned from his Soviet mentors.
For sure. The thought of them back in the WH is chilling beyond words.
Plain Jane
“I still think Moo will be the One. She will walk right in for the nomination.
Moo will not fly se is to selfish to spent another 4-8 years in the WH.
She loves her freedom jetting around and dress like (…)
If anyone thinks POTUS says inappropriate things it is nothing compared to Moo.
As we speak they are grooming someone else but in the meantime they keep pounding on POTUS.
Hopefully you are right, but whomever the nom, will be as bad or worse.
The other day, DH and I were talking about was it a good or bad thing that zero beat willard and the one whose name shall not be mentioned. Zero ushered in our VSG.
Dressing like a the…wow could we have fun with that one.
When I did the background on Justice Dems, I included a link. We have them, on audio, explaining exactly how they planned to run Progressive/(Communists) in every district with less than 20-25% voter turnout.
As Zack Exley explained, people don’t pay attention to their congressman, but MAY vote for the “R” in the booth, thinking it was safe.
WOW. I decided to re-watch the Donald Trump roast from 2011 and this is some heavy foreshadowing. Watch the President’s bit at the end here. He was campaigning for President even back then.
The President’s speech starts at 58:18. Not sure why Youtube set it all the way back to the beginning.
Listen to how people love the idea of him running for President! It shows how STRONGLY the American Soviet Fake News can change people’s minds.
Wow- that was some SERIOUS foreshadowing…..kinda eerie……and so cool.
“….the greatest President in the history of America….” – that is certainly true.
July 5, 2011, I sat down and wrote citizen Trump a letter, begging him to run, outlining reasons why he should do it.
Sent it certified mail.
Oh yes, I was on board asap.
Look at the hypocrites in the audience, who loved him then.
I’m happy people are finally calling them “Communists” again.
Me too. I do it relentlessly to them on Twitter. It puts them on the defensive immediately.
One of the first things the TREASONOUS FAKE NEWS did after their Deep State murdered JFK, was to use that incident to “shush” America about communism, with quiet murmurs about nuclear war fears. OMG, that was such an EVIL but effective strategy.
Watch Cronkite pull off his glasses now – when he announces Kennedy’s death. It looks so horrifically FAKE. I was just struck by that today.
But yes – ask when the press STOPPED TALKING ABOUT COMMUNISTS IN THE US – particularly about SUBVERSIVES. It was right around then. Removal of prayer in school was soon after that.
Sometimes the depth of this shit just
…gets to me.
new GOP contender stepping up for New York’s 14th District Congressional seat…
Scherie Murray ,NY GOP politically-active businesswoman…
AOC Draws An Early 2020 Challenger
July 17, 2019
surprisingly, not a Dem but a Republican businesswoman, Scherie Murray, born in Jamaica, came to USA as a child and has launched her campaign challenging Cortez for New York’s 14th District Congressional seat.
Go Scherie ! MAGA! Trump supporter !
it will be an uphill climb for Ms Murray but kudos to her for taking that first step.
launch video in the article.
a little more background on Ms Murray, here…
The well is very deep on African and Caribbean candidates who have not only never been subject to Democrat Mind Control, but actually LOATHE IT.
…and Jamaicans know a thing or two ab political corruption…and political BS.
At the very least she guarantees an end to Red Lips. The Dems are faced with a black conservative in a traditionally D district that could totally flip voter preferences: she checks every old-line D box except she is GOP. Their choice is either abandon Red Lips in the primary and run an old-style D to primary her and MAYBE win or face a full-throated, very expensive, nationally-exposed, urban/NYC bloodbath in the general that they could very easily lose badly.
Saw her on Fox News a half hour ago. She said she intends to knock on every door in her district. She also said that AOC is chasing her “limelight moment” while she is concenred with the district she represents. I bet she already has talked to Bezos and secured his willingness to do the Amazon project that AOC killed. If I’m right, that October surprise will flip the district in a shocking manner.
Can’t see Bezos giving her that plum. He’s a globalist who is about power not what is right. Every candidate says “every door” every campaign. Every force will be aligned against her and I thnk AOC will be primaried
Plus he’s “cheap.” Last year he was dismantling one of his storage/shipping facilities locally. He’s moving his local business out of Seattle over to Bellevue. Bellevue is on the east side of Lake Washington, Seattle is on the west side. (Know from a local business that recycles stuff. They had LOTS of commercial shelving from Bezos.) Look what he’s doing for delivering. He’s selling delivery areas to independent distributors. He collects a fee for the area, and all the actual delivery and personnel costs are incumbent upon the owner of the service.
He doesn’t want to pay the head tax, they were about ready to do that in Seattle, and a lot of businesses, including Amazon told Seattle to kill it or they would leave. Of course the morons on the city council and the mayor couldn’t figure out why they would leave. The businesses were able to convince the city they were dead serious about it, finally. So, no he won’t go to NYC, and is why he’s moving over to the eastside.
Better VET Ms. Scherie Murray really well!!! – remember the Justice Democrat plan is to field progressives and run them as fake Republicans.
Check her out to a fare thee well!!!
“Total Anarchy” : Media Now Encouraging And Politicians Tolerating Left-Wing Terrorism
July 17, 2019
ANTIFA terrorist attacks ICE facility, called a “martyr”…
CNN calls Antifa thugs “good guys”…
Dem commie candidates refuse to condemn ANTIFA..
unrest, violence fomented by the Left…lives and families threatened…
congressman Matt Gaetz…a federal official…and his family are targeted by violent threats…suspect identified by FBI…
..but the Northern Dist of California, US AG’s ofc says it was a “non threat”…case closed !
“Leftist goons attack and threaten conservatives, while media encourages them, Big Tech facilitates them, and politicians and law enforcement look the other way.”
WHO are the fascists ?
Tucker (FOX) segment videos at the link.
Levin Backs Trump On “Squad” Tweets : “A Hell Of A Lot Of Americans” Are “Sick And Tired” Of These Congresswomen”
July 16, 2019
on his Monday night radio program…audio at the link.
oh boo hoo…
I’ve tried over 100 jury trials to a verdict. I am also schooled in acting techniques. The very first thing you look for when a woman is suddenly “overcome” by emotion in a public setting is how OTHER WOMEN in the room react. Watch Elvis next to her – a woman – (with makeup on). Does she go for a tissue? And then Rashie – is her makeup in any way affected and is her cheek even slightly damp? No and No and No. I have coached enough witnesses NOT to fake tears or emotion to see very clearly when emotion is fake.
I would have fun cross-examining this witness. When a woman like Rashie is called out for fake emotion they get angry and lash out — just more proof of the fake emotion in the first place.
bingo….which is exactly why I posted it.
Big T—“watch Elvis”!!! LOL!!!!
WATCH: The black woman on the right starts to smile and has to work at hiding it then pats the whiner on the back.
That’s “Elvis” Gail. Ayanna Pressley . . . my lame attempt at a joke.
Whenever you see the hysterically weeping mobs of “Palestinian” women tragi-ullullating over some slight or tragedy (caused no doubt, by the Palis themselves), they are more than likely paid “sufferers”.
Yep, part of their culture is to hire women who weep and mourn and spew tragedy everwhere they go.
And the JihadSquad are probably well-versed in that tactic. Maybe “Always On Camera” as well…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2c783b No.7076810
Jul 18 2019 01:25:38 (EST)
Please revert bread back to original form.
New structure eliminates / reduces ‘hive mind’ cataloging & expansion.
Why change a good thing?
Wonder what the BO changed?
Board Owner / Operator where Q stuff posted. Guessing.
PM – Praying Medic will have a post splaining Q stuff. Deciphering Q is not in my wheel house.
Was introduced to PM at SD place. IIRC, someone here, forget who, used to post, PM splanations. Must have pissed SD off with their total Q hissy fits.
I think the BO may have installed a “captua” button on the posting area, ’cause Q mentions how easy they are to “get around.” Then, the “why change a good thing.”
That’s my guess!
Captcha is dangerous in that context, as they are owned by Google. Every Captcha you solve, Google sees it…and probably saves it…
So guess who’s REALLY being captcha’d… and sold…
It was Phoenix Rising…Miss her…Pray for every day….
Yes. Phoenix is wonderful!
She responded to a post day before yesterday. She’s “here”.
Same here but … isn’t it time for her to get over whatever is bugging her? When does the focus get off her feelings and back on the war?
I can tell you this – an emotionally distracted soldier is a dangerous liability to the rest of the squad. We are in a war, we do not yet have sufficient people “awake” to win this war, and we cannot afford to have anybody walking away from his/her warfighting duties.
Tick tock, phoenix.
Infantry is not the only position in fighting a war.
Without support folks, no war, however large or small, can be won. And Phoenix Rising is great support. I miss her posts too…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2c783b No.7076842
Jul 18 2019 01:28:44 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 085e0a No.7076831
Jul 18 2019 01:27:46 (EST)
will do
Thank you, BO.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2c783b No.7076919
Jul 18 2019 01:35:08 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 085e0a No.7076859
Jul 18 2019 01:29:55 (EST)
Anons will ask, does this include removing the captcha?
Captcha can be easily bypassed by those who would seek to cause disruption.
Having active serves no purpose.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2c783b No.7076995
Jul 18 2019 01:39:11 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 085e0a No.7076947
Jul 18 2019 01:36:26 (EST)
done, thank you for the direction
Thank you for your continued service, BO.
It is greatly appreciated.
Can anyone please explain all this?
I wrote a reply to you explaining this, but WordPress posted it as a separate comment under yours instead of as a reply.
Bread — the contributing ‘researchers’ leave what they dub ‘bread crumbs’. After a certain amount of crumbs have been gathered, the ‘baker’ moderating them says the loaf is done, or similar. It’s been a while since I’ve lurked there; regular visitors can clarify further.
BO — Board Owner, the person who is in overall charge of the Q research board and how it runs.
Thanks, CM!
You’re welcome, GA/FL!
Bread = Comment Thread
BO = Board Owner
Q posts on /qresearch/, which is a message board on 8chan. There was a major schism in the community this past week when the owner of the board (BO) changed the format of the threads in a way that was not necessary or helpful. It would be the equivalent of Wolfmoon suddenly deciding (without consulting the community) that we don’t need an open thread anymore. Half of the /qresearch/ community, i.e. the non-shills who do useful research, defected to a different board out of protest. These crumbs are Q politely telling the Board Owner (BO) to get their shit together. BO listened to Q and brought back the old thread format. Q thanked BO, and basically signaled support for staying on /qresearch/ instead of migrating to the new board.
Thanks so much, Sadie!
Excellent description, including the analogy!
Q team includes some of the most advanced military and social psychologists on the planet, IMO. Their opinion matters.
Hive mind disruption and subversion are THE big questions of mankind ATM, IMO.
Biblical – “Be of one mind….” – Philippians 2:2
Unity is very important in Scripture.
The key is that it needs to be INTELLIGENT UNITY. This is an information problem that I think about all the time – the idea of a CALCULATOR as a simple primitive, and how certain FREEDOMS are necessary for it to function correctly. Seeing how this relates to the worldview and history of the early Christian community / sect is extremely useful.
Unity vs Diversity, Multi-culturalism… ?
Yes – it’s all a mind game – which differences do we pay attention to – which do we NOT pay attention to. And the biggest problem – LYING about the idea that we can make things unimportant by making them important. That one has always struck me as total BS.
People understand the simplistic idea that there are no “borders” per se, but getting past that requires intelligence, not dogmas of oversimplification. People who want a smooth future need to see that there are features of the continua and fields that appear NATURALLY. Learn from them – don’t force them to pretend to disappear – THAT is an anti-hardware stupidity.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – absolute GENIUS – not an accident. Simple principles that explain how to set up a working, smooth calculator.
This is a real problem, and all the people who desperately want to RIG THE SYSTEM – rig the calculation – are all over forcing it into a bullshit solution.
Any solution which denies that error is error is a bullshit solution, IMO. Any solution which is filled with built-in contradictions and ideas which prevent self-consistent solutions is a bullshit solution, IMO.
Diversity per se arises naturally, culture arises naturally, due to time and space. People who try to make it all go away a.s.a.p. by munging the calculation with lies and deceptions are poisoning the calculation.
As Q said, “Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.”
Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness have to rest on the foundation of the Ten Moral Commandments and those Ten rest on the Two Great Commandments. Otherwise, it’s every man/woman seeking gratification any durn way they please, IYKWIM.
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…”
SHOULD have been
Life, liberty, and PROPERTY but if IIRC that was over ruled and the squishy “pursuit of happiness” got stuffed in instead. That change has been a REAL problem for us down the road.
It was corrected down the road but as Publius Huldah shows but HAS BEEN IGNORED.
I STRONGLY recommend reading the rest of that essay!!!
I so see what you mean. When I am confronted with fake MAGA it really puts me in a spin. It is very hard sometimes to know, but if you stay in the game you learn the little cues that tell you this is FAKE!!!
Yes. Yes. Yes. The trolls and fake media are working very, very hard right now to divide Christians. We should not let our differences keep us from the goal of saving our republic.
Btw, most of my comments do not seat where they are supposed to. May have to start noting who I am replying to.
I’ve noticed more and more people doing small quotes to make it clear!
Wolfie, I really hate the indented style. As you can see above it makes a long comment with quotes very hard to read.
This is why I use the small quote and put the comment at the end a lot of times. Sure wish I had done it to that last comment on property! It is a very important concept. As one guy on the internet commented:
If you can not OWN Property YOU ARE PROPERTY!
Great quote!
Do you feel like this was an honest error, or is there any chance that the BO has been IDed and bubbled by the other side?
The BO has been under threat before. I’m sure all sides know who the individual is, and he/she/it is under constant care from Erik Prince and his groupies.
MANY implications/questions when thinking about what you just said.
Actually, after the FAKE attack in New Zealand, the Chans board was sold to a new owner to side step the attacks being made and attempts to shut down the board by declaring it supported terrorism. (Remember Q’s comment on Piglosi targeting Q)
When the hated change was made the old board owner chimed in and suggested it was a BAD MOVE.
So yeah, I would not be surprised to find the new board owner is now heavily guarded so he does not have to fear physical attacks by ANTIFA et al.
Shortly after the BO took over (the one Q called out in the crumbs), the board went severely downhill into near uselessness. The spam and shilling drastically increased, and an extra CAPTCHA was added that made it more difficult for non-shills to comment. It was like this for months. The recent bread/thread format change was the last straw for many. I believe the board is compromised, but Q seems to think it’s worth salvaging.
From left field…
One may wonder why, qresearch BO found it necessary to change the format. From above, unnecessary, not helpful. Pissed off Anaons…researchers…schism created among good guys.
Hmmm. Unforced error. Qresearch infiltrated? Or simply BO error in judgement?
Don’t know enough about this stuff. Wondering out loud.
^^^ Another example where I should read further below before posting.
MOAR coffee;-)
Happens to me all the time. Hard to keep up when the board is popping.
Plus, I often hit reply before I am done.
And if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night and start posting, you really need to be extra careful or you start posting crap. Mea culpa.
Good recap, Sadie….would only add that I believe the BO ( who only assumed “ownership” fairly recently) was attempting to do what Wolf is doing here…careful vetting to weed out the shills and tone down some of the language that offends people as well as the heavy thread of anti-Semitism. Pretty much failed because the personalities of the anons is MUCH different than posters here and they were absolutely not going to be told how to do things. And, it’s a much larger group…so it becomes somewhat like herding cats.
Q obviously sees the value in all the dedicated researchers and can overlook the two factors mentioned above.
Just my opinion.
President Trump is not letting up!
Keeping the pressure on the Democrats….and the globalist RINOs.
On the British ambassador who resigned:
You don’t lose, when you lose fake friends.
This x 1000!
Too right, Wolf.
President Trump also told the British Ambassador to “go back home” and called him stupid. Is Trump racist against the Brits?
Yeah. Especially as by parentage, he is one
Then again, there’s no love lost twixt Bonnie Scotland and England.
Sad thing is, Scotland’s leader is, erm, quite fishy. A Sturgeon…
(cue an unwritten parody to Madonna’s song: “Like A Sturgeon”….
(yuck, I feel ill – I’ll take Al Yankovic’s parody any time [watch for Murdoch, Dwight Schultz])
(appears the vid was taken down – the CD/DVD is well worth buying, funny as anything)..
“Like a Sturgeon” bwhwhahahhaaa.
Oops, forgot to mention Weird Al’s parody (which Madonna suggested, no less):
Like A Surgeon…
Hilarious if you can get the video (probably cheap now, after all these years – YouTube seems to have vanished it…). Lots and lots of inside jokes and refs to the original song, as well as a cameo of Madonna herself…
If you know someone in the medical professions, especially if they’ve just graduated or entered practice, it’s a great wind-up… [erm, my wife’s niece can attest to that
Not in the slightest.
Good call, Daughn.
Michelle Malkin gets left-wing racial hate directed at her.
Remove *, then copy and paste to see the screen shots:
She says:
‘In case you are under the illusion that morally pure libs neeeeeeeever tells non-white women to “go back” to some other country, here’s just a small sample of my go-back-to-fill-in-the-blank messages to educate you otherwise. And this is just on Twitter. Enjoy. I do every day!’
MM can scathe and scour brilliantly.
She’s political steel wool.
Also, she is the daughter of — LEGAL — immigrants from the Philippines (their family name was Maglalang).
So … because she happens to be a conservative child of legal immigrants, like Andy Ngo, the Left censures her.
Shame on the Left.
I thought they supported immigrants and their children??
MM is brilliant.
Scour power, one might say…
President Trump’s message for 2020!
Man O Man!!!
They can’t beat that.
Liberals are seriously sick people!
Liberal’s Tweet Goes Viral: ‘White People Love Dogs Because They Miss Owning Slaves’
They’ve been slowly pushing the “dogs = white supremacy” garbage over the past few months, and this is on top of climate change propaganda claiming pets are bad for the planet. It’s not enough to destroy the family unit—now we aren’t even allowed to have a furry companion. They want everyone utterly alone and miserable.
“Dogs Branded ‘White Supremacist’ as Social Justice Warriors Seemingly Run Out of People to Call Racist”
Sounds like muslims behind this crap – they hate dogs.
Absolutely. DOGS are also how a lot of women can enjoy FREEDOM in public, ALONE, without wearing Muslim “submission garb”. Take their guns, take their dogs – pretty soon women are dependent on a Muslim husband to go out.
Very insidious. I agree. The KOM and the MUZZ are looking for “intersection” to push against us.
This is EXACTLY what Obama and all those SJW creeps are talking about with their “intersectional” crap – it’s all about figuring out which LIES and PROPAGANDA to push forward most easily on behalf of the world’s two most deceptive worldviews, working together.
INTERSECTIONAL = RADICAL AXIS, like the RED-GREEN AXIS, in all generality.
Thank you for explaining. I wondered about that intersectional stuff.
That is NOT the way that the left will explain it, but that’s where I see it creating bitter fruits!
“Take their guns, take their dogs – pretty soon women are dependent on a Muslim husband to go out.”
Often wonder how the Muslim control over women would fare if the women were armed. Me thinks, rightfully, not well for all the Muslim dudes. Sadistic perverted bastards need to be held accountable.
Sure as hell wish Muslim women, including young girls were armed. For that matter, young Muslim boys should also be armed.
VERY interesting thoughts! Yes – American freedoms and RIGHTS could change Islam if they had half a chance to do it. And THAT is why the hardcores want SHARIA LAW.
You’d think, considering the kind of firepower that could be (and often IS) hidden underneath those full-body-Burkahs…
It’s not without reason that ISIS doesn’t allow full Hijabs…
And not uncommon that under that Burkah is a male self-identifying as an incendiary device…
Worth noting is that Moslems HATE dogs, and have a strange (at the very least) relationship to Sirius, the “Dog Star”. (and yes, I’m Sirius about that).
There are many intances here in Germany where our “Kulturelle Bereicherung” have moved into a neighborhood, and all the stray dogs, and sometimes some not-stray dogs, have disappeared… and they’re not eaten, rather, they are mutilated and killed…
So when Omar or Tlaib or others on the JinadSquad say that women are treated as dogs, etc., etc., I have to wonder… perhaps they WANT them to be treated as dogs…
Any animals that do not avoid carrion or are scavengers are on their list. Crustaceans, shellfish, some raptors, dogs, pigs, etc.
Actually (IMO) it is coming from PETA and members of their front groups of the SPCA, both of which are fronts for and interconnected to other marxist/leftist groups. Again IMO these groups overlap and cooperate with anti-farm organizations/fronts.
There are many goals, but one explicit goal from the “animal rights” groups is the abolition of pet ownership, and that is what we are seeing here.
And who pays for all this communist activity? The people who are affected by the puppy and kitten commercials which run every day all day long, just donate $19 dollars a month.
Also, in NY State at least, the SPCA is authorized by law to exercise police powers, and they do so in conjunction with their fund raising. This conflict of interest is never questioned because of puppies and kittens. The local media is ALWAYS only too enthusiastic to implement a campaign of painting some poor American as a monster, and BTW donate to the SPCA.
The SPCA always seems to seize the most beautiful and valuable animals, which they then sell and keep the profits.
And normal Americans have been skillfully maneuvered into a position of cheer-leading for all of this, which is cheer-leading for their own demise and the demise of American culture.
And while I am at it, just an anecdotal observation, the animal activists are recruited heavily from the mentally ill and psychologically impaired, as well as the very well meaning but super naive.
You make good points – the violent vegan lobby strikes again.
As for the mentally ill – the communists and the Islamists prey on those. ….and maybe the agencies that use MK to create crises too.
Notice all the TRANS in ANTIFA now – and how the ANTIFA shooter was toying with TRANS-thought. I strongly believe that this is a deep human psychological ploy that can be used to turn almost any human into what I call a “conflicto” – mentally malleable based on a conflict, in this case BASIC SEXUAL IDENTITY.
This TRANS thing is deeply insidious.
Violent vegans (IMO), “property is theft” marxists, communists in general for whom hating America and anything American is their fundamental belief.
For people who oppose the division of labor, communists have created a masterful division of labor in their enterprise of destroying America.
IMO at the organization level (as opposed to the apparatchik level) nobody gives a rat’s posterior about animals. And in fact the SPCAs (IMO) routinely engage in actual animal cruelty if it serves their purpose.
The destruction of America is the fundamental and uniting principle.
Tonawanda, you are exactly correct about SPCA. Not only are local pounds often involved in selling high end animals, but there are lots of animal rescue groups that do the same thing. They are in it for the money. Sick.
An actual journalist with access to an actual journalistic venue could write a LONG series on the SPCA which would blast it to smithereens.
“….The SPCA always seems to seize the most beautiful and valuable animals, which they then sell and keep the profits…..”
It is not just NY it is here in NC.
I was warned by an old farmer to get rid of my 27 year old Saddlebred mare because there was a woman (and her buddy the judge) who drove around the area taking snap shots of older animals. She even walked down my neighbors road, behind the nain house, behind his house (1/2 mile) to take a picture of an old leparod POA stud horse who you COULD NOT KEEP WEIGHT ON. (I sold him for that reason)
Anyway this Woman and judge would get a court order to SIEZE ALL YOUR ANIMALS. She made a VERY GOOD LIVING stealing other people’s animals and then shipping to auction out of state so you could not trace them.
My neighbor, as soon as he knew she was gunning for him, sold that stud so there was no live ‘evidence’ BOY WAS SHE PISSED!!! He also had vet exams showing the stud was healthy and naturally thin.
It really ticks me off because you have to put down or sell your old FRIENDS instead of retiring them because of this EVIL WOMAN. She even had the GALL to have printed on her vehicle: ANIMAL LEGAL DEFENCE or some such nonsense.
We sold my old mare for a dollar to a four year old little girl who wanted a HORSE and not a pony, so at least that was a happy ending.
Wow, that is NASTY. Hope there is a special barn for her in warmer climes.
And they would do the same to children and babies…
Those “people” have no souls… or, rather, their souls are black with Satan’s smoke…
These stories are to be found all across the country, and it has been happening for many years. There is a political/financial agenda behind this behavior.
And it does not surprise me to find judges wired into the process.
The communists VERY brilliantly created sacred crimes, against which not a whisper shall be spoken. They are crimes where average, law-abiding Americans are the target, and those same average law-abiding Americans cheer on, anxious to cast the first stone when the local news creates a monster out of an average person, little knowing they are cheer-leading for their own demise.
Just wanted to make an additional observation, SS.
The abolition of pet ownership is not recent whatsoever. It has been around for a long while as a stated goal of certain leftist groups.
And I will go further. There is NO idea current today that I did not hear of, “witness,” confront, or laugh at back in the 60’s and 70’s. Turns out, the laugh was on me.
“White privilege” has been around that long. I remember back in the day when I thought it was so absurd of an idea, and so illogical and purely propagandist, that nobody other than highly committed communists could believe it. Now it is standard.
The idea of many genders has been around that long. I remember the first time I heard of this, decades ago, when I was told that there were 27 genders. Now that person would be considered a bigot for putting a number on it. That is when I began to understand and notice the idea of so called socially constructed classes (for example, no actual differences between men and women). Now it is standard.
Even many Trump supporters do not realize how deep this goes, which is OK, because their instincts are perfect.
We laughed about the “health nazis” and “food nazis” who wanting to control medicine and diet back then. Just see what a few decades did.
Have you ever thought that a lot of the immense conflicting ‘scientific’ studies regarding food, diet, health, etc., is in part a PLAN to confuse and control us?
Oh yes!
FAKE SCIENCE. The media controls what aspects of science we see. Control the media, control the larger story.
We are pawns and playthings to the Gnostic elites.
LOL … cannot help myself ….
Although these hard core marxist ideas have been around for a LONG time, it IS amazing that since Trump got elected, many have been “mainstreamed” to the public through the usual means of mainstreaming communist propaganda, so much so that you can find a communist like BO (falsely) saying the opposite just a few years ago.
Some decision was made to go all out.
In the sixties when butter was supposed to be bad my husband told me “that his chemistry professor told the class it was all bogus.”
Our son and daughter always tell us when a new theory comes out what is supposed to be good for you or not.
I keep thinking of my grandmothers and great grandfather who ate butter, eggs and schmalz all their lives and lived long lives. What they ate sparingly was sugar and sugar was saved for special occasions.
I noticed a long time ago that there was brainwashing going on in commercials. Kids are a target for propaganda no matter where it origionates.
Breakfast cereal companies OWN the Saturday morning cartoons.
I’m speaking figuratively–on account of the huge percentage of the commercials are for that crap, but it could be literally true.
A slave does not get to sleep in your bed with you, head on the pillow. Nor does a slave get bits of $17 a pound salmon when it is in season. Slaves are not taken to the grooming parlor. Nor are they taught to play fetch and frisbee. Slaves are not there for you when life gets tough with a comforting kiss.
That has to be the laziest analogy I’ve seen in a long time.
Don’t know about you, but our feral cat slave doesn’t clean the floors, wash the dishes or iron clothes….like a well-trained slave should do.
In fact, we’ve spent a great deal of money on tapeworm and flea medications plus neutering and shots for the privilege of loving our little guy.
Another very deranged “journalist” who probably needs a good therapy dog.
my animals are quite expensive because I take good care of them. Two dogs and 3 cats all had been discarded by someone and found a good home with us.
I agree reading about slaves they are used we do not use our pets they use us
Dogs have masters (owners).
Cats have staff…
(Now can somebody PLEASE find me a neat-freak dog that can fly???) (have a lot of HIGH open beam ceilings… and I cannae break the laws of physics (lest they break me))…
10 Qanon bonus points for putting ’17’ into an otherwise innocuous comment.
Okay, it was $16.99. I rounded up. At that price a penny disappears.
If that’s why people love dogs, then why do the leftists love cats?
Cat Scratching is a WMD. Leftists love mass infliction of damage.
Yep. Interesting article (and study) here, from a liberal hotbed (OK, coldbed, so to speak):
I’m a little late to this thread, but would like to make some points that apply to several things brought up down thread. I have worked with all sorts of dogs, professionally trained dogs, beginning in 1971, and have seen a lot of changes. I’m pretty much retired from training now though.
Dog training over all has changed quite a bit as well as the types of dogs people own. The 2 are not separate issues I believe. Firstly, most dog training used to be geared toward rewards and consequences. This is a type of method employed by military, and police trainers and is well suited toward working breeds. There were a very few books at that time that utilized what I term a “please will you do it” method; it employs mostly positive reinforcement. This method is mostly okay for very sensitive or submissive animals, but very unsuitable for most working breeds and dogs that want to be alphas.
Most of the dogs that people own today are hunting types, “designer” breeds (and that’s a whole topic unto itself), and “family friendly” dogs. There are fewer working breeds owned by the general public and in addition, breeds that are supposed to be protective, are not nearly as aggressive as they once were. So if you wanted a deterrent besides a fire arm, a dog used to be a good option, but is now considered a risk because of liability issues. Ten years ago it was rare to see a dog that was reliably trained to heel off leash in public. I imagine there are even fewer now.
Working breed dogs needed to be well trained in order to avoid problems with the animal. If a dog is really well trained, it learns when to react appropriately, and if it is reacting inappropriately, it should be able to turn on a dime and desist when called. I know this for a fact, because I’ve done exactly that. With the advent of “kinder, more gentle training”, those same animals can be dangerous because they are NOT controlled and then become a liability. Thus ensues lawsuits and regulations geared towards specific working breeds, and in the long run, deprives us of another means of protection.
Rather than “down thread”, it should be UP thread!!
Interesting Twitter thread about some numbers the President said at the rally. Some believe it’s a code.
Where is President Trump going on Friday?
And I was going to spend the weekend by the pool.
You just need a waterproof laptop with WiFi that floats
Oh, and a matte display…
Ha ha ha. You haven’t seen the municipal pool. It’s right next to the open storm drain that was once a natural river. Before the years when I was a guard, after a good rainstorm it took firehoses to get the mud out of the deep end. Originally it was a WPA project and is on its third liner, base, concrete, etc. But, there’s shade. And everybody hangs out there.
Very interesting. He sets up the idea of 4-digit YEARS with wrong ones, then he goes to the RIGHT ones with two-digit numbers that can be taken either way, but sure seem timely as posts.
One thing is certain – he used the WRONG ONES to make the media cover it, and then he even singles out the media to definitely psy-op them into covering it.
The entire thread indicates that POTUS deliberately wanted those numbers out in the public square. I’m getting fascinated!
I can’t emphasize it enough… go read the thread on the corresponding Q-drops for those numbers. He has them all matched, and indicates “the Storm is Upon us.” Anyone know where POTUS is going tomorrow?
Surprised the MCM haven’t griped about the numbers not being Y2K Complaint (sic) or something like that…
(H/T to all the folks out there who had to deal with 2-digit years not fitting the Y2K standards… and all the creative solutions that sprung therefrom.. 02.04.A2 anyone??? ) (MM3000)
A2, Brutus?
President Trump having fun with Trumpian supporters…at the rally and watching on TV.
Knowing full well lefty heads would spod over the years going forward comment.
Me thinks its all LOLF!
Enjoy seeing the phony Time cover with all the years on it….2016, 2020, 2024…;-)
Dumbass liberals can’t even take a joke.
Can’t wait to see how this turns out.
China slave psychosis.
Only solar. Thats on new housing too. They want you at their mercy.
It’s easier to control electricity than natural gas.
If you have gas, you can still COOK.
If you only have electric, and they black it out, well, good luck. Hope you have a grill.
OOPS. Wait. You can’t own a grill and store it on your balcony. And you can’t operate it under burn controls and water restrictions.
Guess that means you can’t really eat.
Of course I’m sure the San Fran poli’s will just say, “Let them dine out!”
Verse of the Day
“The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.”
Psalms 25:9 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Thank you. What we were up against, and still DJT won!!!
Q Anon/News – The Squad – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 7.18.19
How Did THEY Get Away With It?
(As usual just responding to what I see)
The “secret pardons” hypothesis makes a great deal of sense…and PDJT is counteracting it by letting them continue to commit crimes–for which the pardons are invalid.
This was news to me, Steve – but, it does explain why they are so smug and continue to mouth off as if they have something important to say…however, if the head honcho is found guilty of treason and stripped of his title – then, what happens to those alleged pardons?
That would be an interesting question, but I seriously doubt that they’d try to declare everything he did in office null and void. For one thing, it’s impossible in reality: How do you unkill the person who died because Obolacare made him lose coverage? Other things he did are essentially undoable (even if not fatal).
Not sure how it works, Steve – but, what if he was stripped of his title – that would mean everything he did and signed would be undone…and EO comes to mind that PT used – cannot recall which one – however, it could get ‘icky’ – yes?
Oh, and about people who died – they could sure his estate – whatever is left of it – or maybe, sue Big Mike.
Not just the cash cow. They have enough people in high places that this comes into play, and the efforts are being derailed.
Same thing happened, in the same time frame, “courtesy” of Emerson C. Fosdick and the Rockefellers (NCC (National Council of Churches) which became the WCC (World Council of Churches)).
I believe the Dick Tracy arch-villian, “Fearless Fosdick” is a (negative) reference to E.C. Fosdick…
Typical Satanic method (embraced by Alinsky, among others). Infiltrate, move the “message” just SLIGHTLY away from the truth, and insert the heresy from there. Goes back to the serpent in the Garden of Eden…
“But God didn’t say…”
Oh yes, HE did…..
Oh they are beginning to feel the exodus of Catholics from the pews, too.
People keep saying that, but my parish is growing. Full school, too.
Closing the checkbooks, that’s something else. And, yes, that is happening.
In my old parish, they lost 300 families in short order when they began closing parishes and herding us all into one. Decisions were made not on $$ but on political clout, etc.
I’m very glad to hear you are in a growing parish. Did you see the St. Mary’s video that is going around? Kansas. Building a $30 million parish church.
No, but I would be interested in whether or not it’s a mega-church sort of look. Those same people who are doing all this consolidaiton, etc., are the ones that took the beauty out of the church buildings themselves, and prefer pap to tradition when it comes to music. Wreckovating indeed.
And the bishop that started it, Weakland from Milwaukee, was one of the ringleaders in the initial scandal wave. When it all hit, he sent in his resignation to the Vatican just as a gesture, and Pope Saint John Paul II accepted it. Still enjoy that moment.
No. It is SSPX. The Church is reminiscent of 9th-14th century architecture. They have 900 kids in their school. Four thousand attend Sunday Mass.
Schismatics. Unfortunate. Benedict XVI was working on bringing them back in, as he is more of a traditionalist himself, but now….
One more and then I’ll leave it. I have a soft spot for SSPX for I was greatly helped by a good SSPX priest during a very trying time in my life. He laid out Catholic teaching and that was that.
Not just Catholics exodus from Protestant churches also.
True. Christian truths have been steadily disappearing. Lack of substance all around.
Matt Walsh has some great stuff on all of this.
I have a few things to say to churches in this country. Nothing I’m going to say will be positive, but then there isn’t much positive to say. The church in America is dying. More accurately, it’s killing itself.
It’s killing itself because the primary mission of most pastors and priests is to avoid offending whoever comes to sit in the pews. Avoid offense at any cost, even if it means avoiding Christ.
I have been to hundreds of churches in dozens of different states. I could probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve heard a message that boldly and directly addresses the real spiritual dangers that Christians face in our culture. Mostly, what I hear is bland, dull, pointless, and so aggressively inoffensive that I must pray for Heavenly strength just to stay awake.
Pastors in America are utterly terrified that people will leave if they are made to feel even slightly uncomfortable. I say let them go. Let the fake Christians declare and remove themselves. Let the wheat separate from the chaff. Offend us with the unvarnished truth and embrace whatever comes of it. That is the job of a church. It’s time they start doing it.
(EDIT: or this one…. -Wolf)
For some reason the link is not working.
I think I found the article and fixed it. I think the link TEXT got copied, not the link itself – that is what looks like happened.
Found an amazing discussion of the basic craziness of transmania, too.
How do you read the article without the demand for an email address?
Click the thing that says “I want fake news!” Clicking a LIE is not assenting to it – it’s just clicking it. IGNORE THE TRAINING!!!
I have a GOOGLE e-mail for the “I want fake news!” clicks. I haven’t even checked this year to see just how many THOUASANDS of emails are stuffed into that acct that I never read.
But that is alright. Google can continue storing them for me.
Reminds me of “The Down-Grade Controversy”, where Charles Spurgeon was battling the “progressives” and their watered-down view of the Holy Scriptures, indeed, of the Holy Trinity and GOD Himself.
michaelh, this probably rings true of the SBC of recent times…
Seems that history tends to repeat itself, especially where evil, compromise, and backsliding are concerned…
There are some articles here, which should give pause to any Christian. Sad to say, in Europe, we’re not just on the downgrade, we’re headed off the cliff… may GOD forgive, help, guide, and Bless us all…
Yeah the difference with the SBC is that it has been intentionally infiltrated by leftists looking to break up and destroy the SBC. Unless they are exposed they will probably be successful.
It won’t be the end of the world, Baptists will regroup and continue doing their thing, but breaking up the SBC is all part of a targeted plot to undermine the Evangelical support for Republicans and VSGDJT.
Missed the rally last night. Had plans that got derailed by mother nature and the little squall that passed over us. Ended up spending time with the family. Will have to catch up.
Four chips on the LEFT shoulder!
They still can’t face reality. Old America has been in hiding and she was much larger than they thought!!
AMEN. We LIKE our freedoms. We LIKE our country. We LIKE our God. Maybe MOAR than LIKE.
Threaten those things, and watch out – it’s WAKEY-WAKEY TIME.
Preach it!!

Yep…the Sleeping Giant has been frequently underestimated.
We were BASHED into silence by SCREAMING TWO YEAR OLDS in adult bodies. The Fake News and Politicians sided with those SCREAMING TWO YEAR OLDS so we went silent and the rightous anger built….
Then came TRUMP, and he is saying everything that we have been thinking for DECADES!
People may not LIKE President Trump. They may think he is brash and ill spoken and talks like a six year old, but the WORKERS LOVE HIM! And there are a heck of a lot more of US than there are lily white COMMIE Liberals playing ID politics.
Do you think all those Union Workers haven’t figured out THEIR JOBS were sent to COMMIE CHINA??? … with the BLESSING OF UNION LEADERS… And now they are coming back?
I just love words…..writing, puzzles, games…
anagram for SISTER is RESIST…….going further one could argue, with these four, that they are resist sisters or RESISTORS.
definition of a RESISTOR – a device having “designed” resistance to passage of electric current.
Note: they are also color coded
Have a wonderful day
I so admire a logical mind.

same here…..and I am also a grandma in Texas……so we have that in common as well.
Well hey!!!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Color coded resistors . . . brings back memories. For the techies out there . . .
BBROYGBVGWGSN . . . ring a bell?
Not exactly the mnemonic we used but whatever floats your boat!
Rung a bell and a smile.
More than one answer to BBROYGBVGWGSN.
(forgive me)
Transistor: A girl who used to be your brother…
(Heyyyy, I gew up in the silicon valley, amongst resistors, inductors, capacitors, impedances, reluctances, reactances, ohms, Henry, Amperes, Volts, and Watts…and, sadly, even Slugs…no wonder everyone wants MKS).
And the color code mnemonic…
(Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Grey, White) of course, silver, gold, and copper as the percentage bands….
The 4 WOBOs.
you guys!
4 BOBOs.
Another description I’ve seen: “Twisted Sisters”
A (Hill-the-) BEAST rides the women…
You know what I think?
Trump saw that the Democrats (under David Axelrod’s strategy) were elevating a PC-destructible Biden to hurt Trump and help Kamala Harris, so he flipped it and elevated the Radical Four to help himself and hurt Kamala.
Very smart. Axelrod HAS to be having a SAD that his own strategy was used against him.
Ms. ‘Congresswoman’ Omar – not only married her brother – she committed bigamy and fraud against immigration law in doing so. She also filed fraudulent US TAX RETURNS – for EIGHT YEARS on top of all the other fraud.
She DOES NOT RESPECT US LAW. Instead, she’s a Sharia Law Islamist.
If there is justice, Omar should go to jail and be forbidden to ever vote again or hold office again!!!
1 fake Congresswoman down – 3 to go!
Hmm…. This topic has surface here. Now an alphabet mouthpiece is picking it up.
Couldn’t read the whole article. Opening paragraph interesting…
Inquiring minds wonder why Dershowitz would be upset Boies is representing a gal stating Epstein abused her as a child, and prostituted her out?
Seems Alan will be future news, instead of a talking head in the news.
Time and information will fan the smoke until there is a full blown fire on Alan’s ass. Innocent until proven guilty. Trend is not in Alan’s favor.
Dershowitz has not been full on Commie so the Left is tossing him under the bus and then driving back and forth over him. People on the left are NOT ALLOWED OFF THE PLANTATION!!
The Fake News are now SPIES and PROPAGANDISTS for the DEMOCRAT PARTY.
Any other charges? We’ll tack ’em on later.
I think a lot of dems will only have paid fundraisers and campaign friendly press around. The “town hall” photo ops they did against Republicans wont work at all this time. They will be asking for cash and illegal votes then hiding.
A bit of light hearted humor this morning.
Blue!!! This is so well done and so funny!!!! I LOVED it!!!
Marica, hey. patfrederick alerted me to the bull’s dancing, uh, parts
. Did you catch it?
Lol— I will have to rewatch.. computer is updating… so I’m in peel a boo mode!
peek a boo…I phone and eyes….SMH
As a red-blooded male, I’m in favor of peeling models while saying boo. As long as they’re female.
Oh, I love this! It’s definitely worth going through slowly in stop-motion and taking in all the small, hilarious jokes on a second or third play. SO many great memes that go by quickly!
Did you catch the bull’s dancing parts?
SerialBrain2: Trump confirms he took control of the chemtrails and reveals more!
Note – jet contrails are always more visible in winter because they are moist jet exhaust.
Contrails are normal emissions from airplanes – they quickly disperse – Chemtrails – look it up – filled with poisons and nanoparticles – they are spread across the skies – and ‘rain’ down onto the earth – how many trees have been destroyed – research is the key…
Trees in the Appalachians are destroyed from ground air pollution + acid rain due to truck/car exhaust, etc. – from nearby Atlanta.
True, but not the only way they are destroyed…
acid rain…
ALL rain water is acidic because it contains disolved CO2. That is how caves were formed over the ages.
“acid rain due to truck/car exhaust” is no longer an issue because of pollution controls. As Hubby says, we pay ~ $0.80 a gallon for someone with tweezers to take out each individual sulfer atom.
This is just another example of FAKE SCIENCE and FAKE NEWS!
Ocean acidification is another piece of COMPLETE BULLSHIFF too.
The oceans are highly buffered by calcium Ca++ (and magnesium Mg++)
Calcium is the main cation in river water, followed by Na and Mg, then K.
Lots more info and an interesting discussion:
Dr Segalstad’s paper on ocean chemistry.
and Web page that is easier to read:
Thanks for updating my expired/refuted talking points. I was told all that when the Balsam Forests in the Smokeys began to die…but that was 40+ years ago…back when I was a young thing.
All that about acid rain, that is.
It’s gonna take a long time and a lot of evidence before I’m a follower of this guy.
Look at his past videos – proofs are there – this is the 3rd in a Series – Independence Day – Part 1 – Control of Chemtrails – Part 2 – and this video is the followup – do you know who the Nephilim is?
I haven’t read or watched his material in a long time. I stopped because he was making connections that had no foundation in fact, but he presented them as if they were factual. He was also using gematria, which I believe falls under the umbrella of prohibited numerology in Scripture.
Thank you. I listened for a while, didn’t see any facts in evidence… just a lot of leaps of logic.
All the numbers, codes, interpretations, seeking special knowledge – reminds me of the Gnostics.
….and I think I caught a whiff of Joseph S.
For me, it falls under the umbrella of “nonsense.”
There are many who think he was elevated by the social media cabal to discredit the Q movement.
Good grief. But you know I wouldn’t put it past them. Not to say that SB isn’t legitimately who he says he is, but I would totally see them promoting certain voices just to make it easier to dismiss the whole.
That said I’m for free speech.
I really like the narrative “Trump has taken control of the chem trails” … I think I can have a lot of fun with it
My favorite opening post EVER!!!!
Educated and made aware by Q but not for the purpose of only being hyper informed! Instead, put it all to work! For purpose! For effectiveness! EXACTLY!
We will now be The Most focused, powerful grassroots released since the Patriots in the 1770s. This time it is a political battle, a battle of information, a battle for the hearts and minds. It is a political battle won through both the keyboard And in person (in our real lives), “punching” through the media narrative.
Next phase, we MAGA supporters will be sharper, more discerning, better training and better informed.
Just like we went into 6/15 knowing about the splitter strategy made us better prepared to think about, handle the swamp GOPe and read the situation, not being discouraged & being/becoming educated on polls by MSM (and many other MSM tricks) helped us to stay the course and read the reality over the MSM narrative….
—>>>going forward knowing all that we know from behind the scenes should be super empowering, super motivating and leave us on solid foundation, unmovable, 100% unwavering in motivation, completely focused and totally determined to do all that we need to do for 2020 and beyond.
(looking back on my understanding of “behind the curtain” in 2015/6 it was almost childish in comparison to how much more I see now)
And supporting the plays and calls made by the POTUS. He is our Quarterback making the calls and we play ’em. But we play ’em against the other team knowing the plays (to an extent), playing them through to the end v. yelling to the other team, the spectators (both for and against us) in the stands that this play is a fake out. That is not how the plays are supposed to be played out by the team. We don’t sit out the plays or reveal the plays that are fake outs. We play them through –>> with understanding, skillfully and wisely.
And we sure as hell don’t join the spectators thinking “they” are the players who will certainly win and we can sit back and watch. We ARE the team!!!!
Not all of the team and not even leadership but part of the team nonetheless – and a Critical part of the team! We have jobs to do and those jobs come with much work, key parts to play. We did our part in 2016 but need to up our game for 2020 and have been trained, educated to do so.
With understanding should come wisdom and discretion as well increased enthusiasm, determination and dedication to the work at hand…never less.
We will be eagled eyed now with educated, politically matured vision to see and trained to research each candidate, each pattern, each scheme and reveal them all. The revealing of the players and their true natures to the public will make the truth acceptable.
Whew! Opening post got me fired up! Bring it on, 2020! Trump KMAG 2020

AMEN! I think that we can spread awareness of both their strategy and the need to watch for the ringers, and it will have a real effect on the outcome! Much like awareness of the splitter strategy made us much more discerning consumers during the 2016 primaries!
Donald J. Trump/ I WILL – Expose Them All! TIC TOK 7.18.1920
It’s pretty fascinating to see how Grandma Pelosi and Wouldchuck Schumer have been neutered.
The backbenchers are running the show right into the ground.
I thought we’d need the declassification documents but now I don’t think so.
Dems certainly have time to recover from this but do they have the brain power?
Not sure, but I think that Trump has the Dems all chasing laser pointers while David Axelrod watches in frustration now. If they can’t get out of the chaos loop they created themselves, “Trump has this”.
Watch for Obama to make another foreign trip to try to put together another international treason plot. Eash one seems like more of a squib than the last, however.
Long way to go. Things can be orchestrated but Trump has the best instincts – amazing
I’m still looking for a dastardly power play from the Globalist RINO hiney end of the Elephant party, such as Romney, Ryan, McMullin, Kristol, the McCains, Domenech, Beck, Charen, et al.
This crowd:
Glenn Beck
David Boaz
Brent Bozell
Mona Charen
Ben Domenech – married Meghan McCain
Erik Erikson
Steven Hayward
Mark Helprin
Bill Kristol
Yuval Levin
Dana Loesch
Andrew McCarthy
David McIntosh
Michael Medved
Ed Meese
Russell Moore
Michael Mukasey
Katie Pavlich
John Podhoretz
RR Reno
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
The moment the bastards think they have a viable candidate, they’ll raise their asses further in the air for all to see.
Their problem is, no politician, hollyweird type, billionare mentioned thus far….is viable against President Trump. He owns the spectrum of issues with documented wins.
Add George Will
Oh yeah!
Coyotes….call to KAG!
Very cool! “Prairie wolves!”
Really, we hate the guy.
He just LOOKS like a scammer.
I recall my Daddy who said, “Never buy a car from a guy who wears more jewelry than your wife.”
Gavin has similar look and demeanor.
Hes an extremely privileged but messed up man who relies on his arrogance as a shield. Nonetheless, he has zero business as a leader.
A sad anniversary.
I’ll be damned. Teddy went on his midnight dip two days before the Apollo 11 anniversary.
Wrong person died in that incident, IMHO
Dang! What that man can accomplish in one drawing, truly with 10k words!
truly “worth” 10K words….
Gosh, this has to be one of my all-time favorites!
Like rabid animals…
As usual, behind the times, I am! Posted the Q Baby pic before I checked out the rally thread. Sorry, wasn’t on-line last night.
Can’t post it enough, IMO!!!
NEW Winnamin Baby SHe is!!!
I realize priests aren’t winning too much in the way of popularity contests these days, but there is no call for this.
Forgot the tweet.
They are out of control. He could have been seriously hurt. I hope she was caught and charged.
Rudeness. Out of control. The Overton Window has moved too far.
Wow. Not only is he clergy (bad enough to shove him off of the stage), but also he seems to be elderly.
My goodness. I hope he wasn’t seriously hurt.
She responds:
Do we want the dem promoted and supported mob rule “democracy” or do we want our God given freedoms as is enshrined and protected in the U.S. Constitution and enabled through our democratically elected Republic?
Funny how Bush clan and Uniparty promote democracy around the world and democratic gov., equating it with the U.S., our freedoms and our form of gov. But not what we have. A trick on the rest of the world or on our own citizens or both? What are our children being taught?
She cannot be seriously talking about running again??!!??
No. She’s talking about violent resistance to justice.
Oh. Darn. I’d prefer she try it again, personally! Ha!
I saw that right off. They are signaling like mad about it. Mittens was in a camo shirt on Twitter today.
That’s almost humorous.
Hope hildabeast does run.
Great punching bag…
Endless laughs.
D-Rats dumb enough to embrace her.
BOBOS – Bitches of Babil On will raise hell.
Priceless D-Rat infighting.
It’s in code of some sort.
Hillary prosecution is my read.
Adam Serwer: Trump is not backing down, and he’s not going to settle for a draw.
Jake Tapper: I agree. I’m sure now that he’s going to prosecute Hillary.
Hillary Clinton: We’ll need to go to violent demonstrations like the 60s/70s.
Yes, but I’m really rather interested in this:
New: Title TBD
18 Jul 2019 – 6:17:05 PM
Explore further.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that, right there, it’s the tell
This means that rotten pig Hillary Clinton would rather see thousands or even MILLIONS DIE than face justice.
So be it. “IT” chooses its fate. They didn’t call “Evergreen” “Hitlery” for nothing.
Them’s fightin’ words, Hillary.
She absolutely knows it. She has been protected by international communism her whole life. She is counting on getting bailed out “by any means necessary”.
They take things to that level and there won’t be no runnin’ back to momma’s basement and callin’ “base.”
Evergreen [EG] = HRC (SS code-name):
Apr 26 2018 20:50:10 (EST) Anonymous ID: 1a6ee7
Q –
Thank you for arriving. Frustration is very high.
Can Marshalls physically remove texts, tapes, etc.???
Apr 26 2018 21:01:50 (EST) !xowAT4Z3VQ Q ID: 3c7fe2
We have it all.
The right people have the information.
GOOD people are acting on the information.
Think GOOG.
Think ES departure.
Think NK.
Many drafts.
Many shared users [foreign & domestic].
Variable access.
Fake emails.
Game forum comms.
New intel revealed today.
Gmail comms.
Define Evergreen.
When do you call a plumber?
Ongoing investigations require…..
Q [auth478-24zgP]
This video has some real insight into both Ann Coulter AND European inability of the “noble” class to understand either Trump or us.
The title barely has anything to do with most of the discussion. It’s almost mislabeling.
I listened to it. She is soooooo Connecticut. Now I get her totally. Did not know she was from there.
As usual, I like some of what she says, and hate other things. But she did get that POTUS is all about the forgotten men and women in America. I’ll grant her that. Plus, I like that she’s not a feminist and called them angry lesbians.
Same story here. I have a love-hate relationship with Ann, which has averaged out to “like”.
She’s too skinny. Once you hit a certain age the thinness just doesn’t look that great. Five to ten pounds would do her a world of good.
Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth CRISIS Part 6
July 1, 2019
by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs
I respond to Scaramucci’s long series of retweets. DO NOT ACCEPT THE FALSE PREMISE!!!
I don’t know where to begin.
Wow, do I ever have a ground report for you all.
A couple of days ago, I published the deep dive into the Justice Dems. A woman responded who worked on the Bernie campaign in California. Since she was not a member of QTree, her comment did not post. I, however, as the author of the article, could see what she said…… and it was most enlightening.
She knew all about Zack Exley, Corbin Trent, Alexandra Rojas, and Beck Bond. Knew them well and worked with them often, throughout the campaign. She was DEEPLY suspicious, yet, I could not talk to her (via WordPress) to get more info.
I plastered the article all over Facebook among a few closed groups to which I belong. Come to find out, the Bernie campaign PERSON belongs to one small closed group of 125 people where I am a member. She FOUND ME, this morning.
What a conversation THAT was.
Remember how Q keeps saying. “They want you divided.”? Well, it’s probably because…. if we talk to each other, eventually, we begin to compare notes. We ALL start asking the SAME questions. I was disturbed AND amazed at the fact we are BOTH curious about the same things. The same fundamental problems which face all Americans, and the specificity of where we were BOTH looking. SHE brought up the “pizza” issue, knew information I had never heard of before (court docs), and spent months tracking info back to the Ukraine via Nuland at State Dept. Wild, eh?
Bottom line, when you’re on the hunt for “the truth” on ANY particular issue, there is only ONE location, and it’s where we all end up………. even if we started from different sides of the political aisle. Freakish. Bizarre. Earth shaking……… and incredibly dangerous for those who want to maintain power.
“Wow”, is an understatement.
Her background, first hand accounts of the Bernie Campaign were exceptionally revealing. There was no organizational structure whatsoever. Given her corp background, it made no sense. Since the election of 2016, she’s come to the painful conclusion: Bernie was a sheep for the DNC, designed to excite and deliver the popular vote for Hillary……… who was unacceptable, a criminal, and had no charisma. She doubts it was Bernie filling stadiums at all. She explained the logistics in detail. AND – other leaders of leftist orgs, across the country, those who had pure ideology, KNEW ABOUT BERNIE from the beginning. She is also under the impression Hillary cancelled her fireworks the day before the election, although that tidbit was news to me.
Her stories about the Nevada State caucus of primary season 2016 are valuable information EVERY American SHOULD know. The battle for delegates was book worthy. Doesn’t matter if we’re on the left or right, this is about voter rights, pay-offs, deliberate violation of party rules, corruption, the people versus the system, and those who seek to suppress the will of the people. As Trump Supporters, we all watched the DNC Convention and WE RECOILED at how the the Bernie people were treated so horribly.
Her knowledge of leftist orgs is deep, and would take me/us years to get up to speed. Similarly, I know the same orgs on the right. And the ORGS have similar goals…… to keep us separated. After the Crash of ’08, our side dug out the Molon Labe flag. Their side went to Occupy Wall Street (which taught her about the dangers of socialism AND the problem of government deception). BOTH sides, all Americans, were searching for the same answers.
In conclusion, the personal toll is great. Her sense of betrayal in her fight for representation in politics is overwhelming, she believed she was fighting to uncover the truth and knew something was wrong in government after the Big Crash. She got involved, like Americans are supposed to do…. and was misled on a big lie. She thought her voice mattered, and she was shut down. It’s physically painful to her and hard to talk about. Yet, we still want answers. Both sides want answers.
Fascinating conversation. We need to talk to each other MUCH more and compare notes. THAT is how we begin to take BACK our government and be properly represented. I don’t want to say too much without her permission, but we will definitely be talking again. SOON!
In CA no less. That could open a huge fhannel. AND… watch state elections 2020..
I’m still in shock. Whole thing was surreal.
I was in a room once with hundreds of leftists.
I got to talk to a few of them, billing myself as a libertarian, and the less foaming-at-the-mouth-with-hate ones pointed out that “we” have many of the same complaints that they do. We disagree greatly on the solution, though, so one must tread very carefully when cooperating with them.
Skilled ones are able to hit ALL the right buttons. They watch for a potential entry point – often a weakness inadvertently revealed by an insider – then use said weakness to get inside tracks into communities they’d otherwise be refused entry into. Then, it’s just a matter of time…
It destroys communities – which is, of course, the goal.
Wolfie has made us so much more aware, cynical. I was concerned for a possible setup.
I remain uncertain. (I can see the original post, still in moderation.) Extreme vetting is very troubling in some ways, “too good” in others. One thing that bothers me is her entire persona could be characterized as “Soulmate of Daughn”. (Not sure if you got to the same information I did – her blog – which matches what I’m hearing from you now.) That kind of story is exactly how the CIA / DS attaches assets to domestic targets. DNC PI / law firm assets work the same way. On the left, it’s all one nightmare, and this gal ADMITTEDLY was in the middle of that stuff, which excuses a lot of potential red flags if you move forward – making it a GREAT OP if it’s an op.
I do have some horror stories I can’t share yet. I am wary for a reason.
Some of the things she is saying are exactly what I came to believe – that Bernie was a psychological strawman attractor (“sheepdog”) for left-of-center potential Trump voters. There were people who knew Hillary was terrible or were at the very least suspicious of her, bought Bernie’s “never rounded up the guns” history (just like Obama used in 2008), yet wanted to virtue signal “left” on “yeah, he’s an OLD WHITE GUY but he’s a SOCIALIST”. It was an extremely cunning ploy. Many leftists WERE in fact highly disaffected by the realization that either (1) Hillary cheated Bernie, or – and even worse – (2) Bernie was in on it.
No matter which of those two camps Seth Rich was in, he was a threat as a witness in the DNC trial. Very clear to me that he was REMOVED from being a threat as a hostile witness.
In a large-scale conspiracy scenario like the 2016 election, particularly on the Dem side, we expect extreme levels of deception – people being used – even at the Donna Brazile level – almost no players having the full story. It was very ugly and very dangerous. What this gal is saying is quite reasonable. Which makes it perfect bait, too. True as hell, but no next-level smoking gun.
All of this stuff is about to come back in a huge way. There are things going on that we have no idea about – both black hat and white hat. This is ASSANGE-LEVEL.
When People Magazine wanted to interview Sundance on Jessica – I believe as the election was approaching – I cautioned heavily against it. The editor was a personal friend of Hillary. I thought it was ridiculous to go there, and I believe I was right. SD linstened, thank goodness.
I’ve had some severe burn already, post-2016, narrowly escaped, which was probably related to the Rosenstein FBI, but could have been related to Epstein. This is definitely not a game. And you KNOW how wary I am. And still, I got played hard multiple times.
I see no reason to take your relationship with this source beyond the kinds of things you seem to be doing right now, and staying at this level is probably smart. Bear in mind that the Cankles-loving faction of the CIA is watching EVERYTHING you guys say on Facebook. Even if she’s just a wonderful sweet source, BAD STUFF is watching y’all.
I’ve been burned badly by stuff that looked a lot safer than this gal. I hope that you exercise caution. Keep your cards close to your vest. Nothing you can tell this gal that helps her, IMO.
I completely agree.
Note: I went out on a limb and inferred she would not ever (barring some unforeseen alien landing on earth) be added to our little group.
And yes, bad folks watching.
Totally agree.
I listened. Gave up nothing. You would have been proud.
Excellent report and good work!
The American Revolution of which the physical War was only a part. The Revolution begin in hearts and minds in the 1760s, if not before, and didn’t end until the 1790s, if then. It was a cultural, intellectual and political revolution that lead to and included a war…and then cont after the war, after we were Indepent. Indepenance was crucial but not the full end goal.
Back to your post/experience/insight…reminds me that the Brotherhois and Unity of the Americans contained factions with widely different views and even divergent goals on the end outcome of what America should/would be but who firmly agreed on the political enemy and what it shouldn’t be.
Young Turks are an example post 2016 loss and even before. They don’t like the DC corruption or the Uniparty. Agreed upon enemy. Of course, vastly different points of view and desired results and I am not sure they even love our country, etc. but common enemy of Uniparty and corruption.
Incredible! It makes me think that what Pres. Trump, Q, and the patriots are fighting for would resonate with a lot more people if they only knew more of the truth. And they ARE revealing truths. I believe there are a lot of people of liberal mindset than we realize who don’t like the corruption and the direction America is headed. I think Pres. Trump knows all of it and is operating accordingly. But more conversations like yours need to take place, and publicly. Thanks for the report, and I look forward to hearing more.
Yes – the PUBLIC conversation is very helpful, and very SAFE.
The fireworks being cancelled was reported the day before. I don’t remember where I saw it, though.
I would imagine that the people who are not on the take learning the real truth would be shocked to the core if they had never seen it or experienced it before.
She was deeply disillusioned. Moved out of California to Tennessee, “feels like I can breathe again”.
Drivable, isn’t it? The “attachments” often come from California because that’s where they grow actors. Just sayin’.

Good grief, I’m a cynical old goat, aren’t I?
“The fireworks being cancelled was reported the day before.” by OT. I am not sure it was by SD or in the comments but I do remember reading it.
The Sun (UK), Nov. 7:
November 7, according to The Sun (UK):
WOW Daughn!!! Super eye opening!!!!! The Bernie Block WAS huge!! And the somewhat reasonable lefties (not Commies) I know would always be quick to say they were Bernie fans–NOT Hildog fans!!! Taking BACK our Govt. IS the bottom line…
That riff last nite on POTUS associate who “hated” him was placed in the speech on purpose! With the G-Damn thrown in there like an exclamation POINT!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! !!!
Wow Daughn. You really opened up a can of worms on that one! And we all got to be a part of it! …but we keep digging deeper on this and keep finding pieces. Gail posted a few more posts on the daily’s in the last couple of days that really should be included. You Bernie friend is absolutely right – they totally slaughtered the Bernie supporters and it was totally unfair. DJT is VSG for pointing out OFTEN “Bernie was treated UNFAIR very UNFAIR” – he’s pulling in the grassroots Bernie people who wouldn’t have given him the time of day. But Bernie-fan needs to know, the establishment did the same thing to the Tea Party tearing it apart. What Zero couldn’t block and litigate to shreds the GOPe went out of their way to de-fang them, divide them, separate them, and neuter them. Yuo know because we were there and we watched it happen. The establishment cartel is huge – a whole bunch of people in it for themsleves propping each other up, they don’t represent ANYBODY, nothing of America. All that to say it should be OBVIOUS that you’ve struck a nerve and the thread we struck paydirt and should regroup for a new offensive of data mining shortly. Something else even if we don’t get much new info and end up just repeatin ourselves – that’s ok b/c the message needs to get out there and we need to keep hitting on it. Someone like Bernie-fan will always be re-reading it with fresh eyes, connect new dots, and put things to gether for the first time. Daughn you are a MAGA warrior and you’ve organized a huge volunteer army! Thanq you for all your hard work on this because you area clearly having an impact punching far above your weight.
I want to add, the reason they keep us divide is so we do not SHARE IDEAS!
Some of the cavers I cave with are extreme left. when the subject of taking away property rights, preventing you for doing as you wish on your own property, came up in the 1970s they were all gung-ho on LAWS to CONTROL you.
I brought up the point of the LAW SUIT…. Polute all you want on YOUR property but if ONE ATOM via, air, water or soil moves over your property line SUE THE CRAP OUT OF THE OWNER!!!
This method was NEUTERRED in the late 1800s – 1900s under ‘The Price of Progress’ when people wanted to sue the large corporations for poluting water, air and soil. Just another example of our *&^% Legal System FAILING the US citizen.
I have the weird feeling that we’re really onto something here.
Her jaw was dropping, mine was dropping. I let her do most of the talking. Wanted to make sure I was not targeted. Not enemies at all. We’re both still angry and want answers.
Yes Daughn I agree completely… definitely have something caught by the tail.
I can’t tell you, really, what she said, without her permission.
Yet, I swear……… if we put ten of us in a room, and 10 of them.
It would be very dangerous for those in power. We’re much closer to finding it all out than I thought. We just need proof.
When I said the “Green New Deal” was about economics and not about protecting the environment, I didn’t have smoking gun proof. Frankly, I didn’t need it. I looked at the PROPOSALS, and then I looked at the OUTCOMES.
There were no significant positive environmental outcomes.
In fact there were things listed that had nothing to do with the environment.
That was a huge tip off – it had socialist wet dreams not environmentalist ones.
Something massively stunk about it, and it wasn’t just the bovine flatulence. In Texas, we know the smell of manure is the smell of MONEY.
The other tip off was how everyone on the right who read it came away with the same critiques – it will cost too much.
Think Cloward-Piven.
The side effect isn’t a problem, it’s a built in feature.
If it’s green on the outside but red on the inside then maybe it’s not about the green.
So I said it. It’s not about the environment. It’s all about controlling the economy.
I wasn’t expecting S.C. to go and step in a huge cow turd and blab for everyone to hear:
They put their smoking gun out there for everyone to see! I didn’t need evidence, but dang, there it was as plain as day itself.
I know you are a better lawyer than I am (IANAL) but unless we’re planning to argue something in front of a judge (yikes!) then I don’t think proof is necessary. However I will tell you that I sat in a jury pool for two weeks, and though the plaintiffs never had that “proof”, there was no “smoking gun”, the jury still awarded them $2.5 million in damages.
True to all of above.
I was actually talking about tracking the money. Those who pay for it all.
Specifically, the Women’s March.
Necessary that we start there.
Same people.
Oh dang! GO GET EM!!!
Daughn, while I was reading and nodding in agreement about how disillusioned she was, I couldn’t help but recognize how similar it was to my immeasurable disappointment at discovering EVERY Republican politician I had formerly admired was Uniparty!
There is NO DOUBT We, the People have ALL been shafted. It is just taking longer for the ‘other side’ to comprehend how they’ve been used, and by whom. And it is very difficult to figure out how to help them understand it because they think WE are the enemy.
Kudos to you for finding an opening and recognizing it in time to start a dialogue.
You’re right about all politicians. The past few years have been eye-opening to us all.
Remember when, in SC, during the primary, candidate Trump went AFTER George W Bush?
We all thought it was the death of his campaign. Nope. Trump was right, again.
Not the death of his campaign. SC primary was right after that and Ms. Lindsey and !Jeb! dropped out if I remember correctly.
The comment about 9/11 was the sword to the heart of the Bushies.
Now that you mention, ” She is also under the impression Hillary cancelled her fireworks the day before the election, although that tidbit was news to me.”
I vaguely recall something about the fireworks day before the election. I believe it was related to having proper permits to launch the fireworks.
It was in the news a day or two, three before election day. I would imagine the fireworks over the harbor are a big deal to coordinate with all the various agencies, departments…aviation, ships, barges, ferries, pleasure craft…fire…
If it wasn’t permits for the fire works, it was weather. Me thinks permit issues. Was in the news. Did think it was odd when it was in the news.
Fully realize hildabeast knows she is special and entitled to do as she wishes. But someone on her staff should have known better and planned better.
Not sure I’ll find it, but will look for the fire work issue…
Bernie the sacraficial lamb. 2016 he gets $million plus water front home on a lake.
Wonder what his consolation prize is for 2020. Maybe a personaljet he made hildabeast campaign pay for his support after D-Rat convention in 2016.
With his very own jet he’ll be more effective yammering about Socialism, Global Warming…
They always sell out, don’t they?
Hey, along with the lake house, the end of his wife’s FBI investigation, and money trail to the daughter……… might have been the tipping point.
IMO, good old socialist Bernie sold out for all the material reasons you listed. Wonder if his fan base will ever recognize and accept that.
So, Bernie LET his people get pushed around, defrauded and bamboozled?
Yeah………. and in retrospect, that was the plan from the very beginning.
With hindsight, she could look back, and see the markers. Very clear about it now.
The cynical betrayal by Bernie is breath-taking, even understanding he is a communist for whom there are no ethical or moral standards.
One could even say ‘the cynical betrayal OF Bernie’ and it would still ring true.
Both took place.
These are the people we need to embrace/up lift, …. not sure of the right word.
Intentions were pure.
They were conned, and it hurts.
Still hurts.
For instance, if we approach them in an antagonistic way, rubbing salt in the wound……. it would not help either side. Going to have to think about this one.
You have any ideas?
What do you guys think?
I have always used the FEDRAL RESERVE BETRAYAL. No matter what your political leaning, we all got screwed in 1913 and in 2008. That is always a good point to start the discussion.
Daughn, I think you need to be very, very careful.
You are now a high-profile threat to the leftists. They are quite capable of sending someone after you who would sound completely plausible, having studied every post you ever made, and psychologically profiling you to know exactly what to say.
How they would “move your needle” would be very stealthy, very slow, and devastating.
I don’t mean to be a cynic, but she sounds “too good to be true” to me.
We lost SD, we don’t know how. There have been others, and we don’t know how. Please be careful.
This X 1000.
The crap that got pulled on me over the years was BREATHTAKING.
And the tech is so much better now.
TOTALLY agree, the psych profiling ……….
Daughn, I think there are great opportunities for understanding here, and that you are correct in seeing them. HOWEVER, I have a responsibility to keep THIS SITE in perfect firing condition for 2020. I simply have to exercise a level of care that means known Democrat operatives – even “recent ex”, are not getting anywhere near the powder magazine.
At the risk of your being dragged away from here, but as part of MOAR WINNING, perhaps you and her should have a PUBLIC conversation about this stuff on YOUR BLOG. You can maintain a safe distance, and she can speak more openly about things that the world needs to know.
Even if that is the minimum yield of an operation against this site – to drag you away – hey – it’s a worthy risk of exactly the kind of potential learning and understanding you are talking about, as long as you don’t get hurt. And you ARE welcome to post anything that results from your discussions with her.
Just…. be careful. I have REAL SCARS from these fuckers. They can get so close you will never have any idea until the knife in the back is LONG GONE.
If you have the slightest questions about sketchy stuff – just wee little bit maybe sketchy stuff – you can always PM me once Gab messaging is back up.
Totally agree with you, Wolfie. Our own border wall must be maintained at all costs.
No fooling around there.
And I don’t want to mistakenly trigger the mob to attack us. Thus, apprehensive.
We’ll see.
I’m not moving.
Very slow roll and yes, I am understandably skittish. Good advice from you.
Since 2016, The_Donald on Reddit has been doing a fine job of welcoming — and retaining! — ex-Bernie supporters who visit out of curiosity.
Let them come to you (as a first step) — the way a hungry diner seeks a restaurant.
That’s what they do at The_Donald.
Library System Rejected “Drag Queen Story Hour” so Atlanta Mayor Held it at CITY HALL
July 18, 2019
by Dean Garrison, DC Clothesline
Just when you think that things can’t get any more bizarre, they always do.
For those who have been following the insane Drag Queen Story Hours, happening across America, you may find it heartening that the Fulton County library system pulled support for such an event.
Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful to keep the trash out of Atlanta because liberal Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms then invited one of the drag queens to perform at City Hall.
“She is also under the impression Hillary cancelled her fireworks the day before the election, although that tidbit was news to me.”
I also saw that news….
Um….was supposed to be in response to daughn…..ooops!
See my comment – wrong place.
That’s ok – just wondering – dunno how it happens, but it happens…
I started to type, then delayed long enough to go find the link; then returned to finish the comment, so who knows! LOL
I know what you mean – the brain works faster than the fingers – lol
Remember PDJT joking about that? He said he thought about calling and offering to take the fireworks off their hands for 5 cents on the dollar…..
Thank you, NE Filly
This pisses me off! Accepting the false premise!
I understand President Trump does not want to die on this hill…but it still disgusts me that the false narrative seems to have won. On the other hand, I have not yet heard the President’s reaction from his mouth.
Here y’go….
IMO, I believe this is a very bad look for the President. This will not age well.
Agreed. Especially since he had just quoted LA Sen. John Kennedy in a tweet saying “In America, if you hate our Country, you are free to leave.”
Here, POTUS is accepting the false premise (and none-too-subtle implication) that his supporters are racists and….having accepted that…speaks in defense of himself.
Instead, POTUS should have pushed back against the false premise and defended his supporters.
How do we know that a leftist PLANT inside the crowd didn’t start this chant, hoping to put POTUS and us in this very position??
The proper response to this BS re: “send her back” is to say, “So what? My supporters love America and dislike anyone who doesn’t. And our position is these women don’t love America BASED UPON THE THINGS THEY ARE CONSTANTLY SAYING ABOUT IT. If they don’t want people to think they hate America, then they should stop saying the things that give people that impression.”
It has already have an affect. The headlines are not to good.
We need to pray for POTUS
The more I think about it…the more I believe the President knows what he is doing and the details will make it clear in coming days. I think Omar is in deep dung and the President does not want to martyr her and bolster her support.
Tom Fitton is also on her trail—multiple cases of fraud. Instead of chanting ‘send her back’—perhaps ‘lock her up’ is more appropriate.
It seems to me that you’ve doubled your daily intake of logic pills. Nicely done.
DAMNATION, whoever told POTUS to do this stupid move needs to be FIRED — NOW.
It’s all over the radio news reports and is being characterized as “Trump gives in”, “Trump turns his back on his supporters”, “Trump acknowledges he did something wrong”.
I bet people like Graham and the Turtle plus his new media team might have gotten to him.
He did nothing wrong and now the snakes pin their sins on him.
Omar is the evil who made it into government and everyone is scared to offend. The race card still works.
I wonder if there are legal things happening BTS against her?
NONE of this is a big deal.
Hell, I am ready to chant, ship her out or whatever the chant was. She is an Un American bitch that 100% hates everything we stand for.
No apologies from me. Piss on the four BOBOs.
(Liking BOBO. fits’m well. Me thinks;-)
I have been told before to go home because I disagreed with people but not saying bad things about this country. I have been called Nazi before because where I was born, My husband has been called both even though he was born here.
People challenged us when we put the flag out because they thought we are not entitled only they were.
That was about 40-45 years ago. There was an intolerance for me because I spoke German to my kids in the backyard of my home.
I am white was that racist..? The people around me were just intolerant with people from other country or different collor.
We just moved into a neighborhood for our children sake where most people were not from St Louis and were from other parts from the country.
Of the 4 congress women I only see one woman from another race and one mixed and the other two are not a different race.
They call themselves brown people? If I sit in the sun for a day or two I get three shades darker.
My father used to look mixed race in the summer he got so brown.
I have met blue eyed people from almost any race and country.
These women use their ethnicity difference of culture as racist to put people on defense. I wish they would do that to me.
I am with you. I think the President has earned the right to rethink his position—without him there is no MAGA.
Even if he does not recant—I believe he knows the reasons why he should not and will likely explain it during the coming days.
The more I think about this—the more I am relaxed. I am going to take a chill pill. How often over the past 4 years have we thought that the sky was falling only to find out the President Trump has it under control?
Exactly. Tempest in a teapot. Chicken Littles will run for shelter but the sun will come up tomorrow, as usual.
JW in Germany
When one realizes that any person has experienced discrimination if it was because of religious differences or hight tall verses short zaftig against to skinny University educated or not.
Personally I hold nothing against anyone whatever they say because it is not a US problem it is a universal humanity thing.
I dislike that the 4 women use their race their ethic difference as a weapon.
Thee are good people accepting people and those who are not.
I love this forum because yes we are conservative and support our POTUS no matter what but we are also tolerant of differences and that is the true America I came too. The America that those 4 congresswoman represent I do not know. To me race skin collor does not mean a thing what is under the skin that is important.
Sorry about my rant but I dislike injustices towards our President.
I have been called Nazi before because where I was born, My husband has been called both even though he was born here. —— Sadly this has happened as well in my family.
“I have been called Nazi before because where I was born, My husband has been called both even though he was born here. —— Sadly this has happened as well in my family.”
Still we love this country and do not hold all America responsible.
The 4 congress women brought the wrath on to themselves with their communist agenda and loud mouth.
singingsoul I fully agree.
But its disturbing when someone starts to yell at you and one had nothing to do with any of the things from the past.
Yes Kea it is and it was more for my husband who at the time never had been in Germany.
I was used to it from Germany because I was a refugee in 1948 and German but refugee in Germany. Kids called me names and I was always refer too as refugee.
When it happened her I knew and accepted but my kids had a heart time my husband also.
I understand am sorry it happened to you hugs to you
My father as a child had to flee to the West. The stories he told such as how his family was looked down upon as well. But in the end he made something out of his life!
*Hugs right back*
My father was the son of two German immigrants during WWII. Even the Army into which he was drafted DID NOT TRUST HIM. He was sent to Hawaii to be the Army hospital legal liaison between the Red Cross and the wounded. (He HATED the Red Cross.) He was NEVER allowed on a battlefield.
At least he was not put into a camp like the Japanese Americans were.
I am so sorry you father had to go through that.
Tonawanda says:
Some decision was made to go all out….“
“Although these hard core marxist ideas have been around for a LONG time, it IS amazing that since Trump got elected, many have been “mainstreamed” to the public through the usual means of mainstreaming communist propaganda, so much so that you can find a communist like BO (falsely) saying the opposite just a few years ago.
And that is why I think the BRAINS behind this all died out or went senile or have been taken out. Now the Two Year Olds in Adult bodies like that Exley character behind AOC are in charge. Having been in the liberal coastal bubble all his life, he has ZERO IDEA of what normal Americans think and is therefore ‘rushing his fences’ Of course taunting them into these premature reveals is just what President Trump (and Q) is up to.
David Rockefeller died, Maurice Strong Died, The old Saudi King, BB of the BUSH/Rockefellers died. Al Waleed got taken out. Queen EII is barely hanging on and Soros looks 1/2 dead but seems to now be in control.
Then there are the Rothschilds…
France Indicts David de Rothschild For Bank Fraud: Manhunt On As Judge Orders Police To Track Down Rothschild
Rothschild to pull out of gold market after 200 years – Telegraph
Following the Rothschild family in WKI is rather interesting…
Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild died in 1990.
SHELL is very much worth following since they WROTE Agenda 21 aka VP Ged Davis’s Sustainablity B1 scenario and funded GORE-BULL Warming. Another Shell Oil exec Doug McKay was at the IPCC scenario meetings. McKay was also Senior Financial Analyst with the World Bank. Robert Watson worked for the World Bank while Chair of the IPCC.
My Comment OT on Shell Oil is <a href="“>HERE
By Jimbo on No Tricks Zone:
Long List Of Warmist Organizations, Scientists Haul In Huge Money From BIG OIL And Heavy Industry!
Very interesting GC! As usual when you post!
Zbigniew Brzezinski died, too. Mika’s dad. He was one of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a Bilderberger.
I agree. The big brains and planners are no longer involved one way or another. There’s way too much sloppiness.
As the old saying goes…
“Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations”
President Trump has prevented that from happening with his children. (They can all drive a bull dozer) but how many of the Elite actually take time to TEACH their children?
I worked at a summer camp for the children of the ultra-rich. It would make you cry. Those kids went from boarding school to summer camp and back to boarding school. I had the ‘worst cabin’ and controled them by READING THEM BED TIME STORIES!!! These 8 year olds were so starved for attention and love they would quiet right down and go to bed if I read to them every night. (I had found reading to the kids I baby sat worked wonders in ‘bribing’ them into good behavior.)
Great comment! I learn so much here.
It occurs to me that the opposition had their “Greatest Generation” just the same as we did. Every time one of the old guard in my life passes away, I cringe. Some of those men were great mentors and teachers of how to be men. The left’s men who had their $#!+ together in their way of thinking either didn’t pass it on, or the youngins think they know better.
This explains the unprecedented twitter thread from Tapper about desperate Demokkkrats.
He was winging it, and did not understand the consistent Rosenberg principle involved: deny reality regardless of how obvious.
YES! They have lost the person/people who were guiding everything. That is why they are now making visible mistakes.
Hey JW, any updates on the mayor that got punched when he opened his front door?
Saw the story at RT….it’s a day or two old now….
“Mayor of Hockenheim … answered his door on Monday evening … attacker … a man of slim build, around 40 years old, with dark skin … punched the 67-year-old politician in the face … ”
The only thing that I have heard is that he was attacked and that they are looking for a 40ish dark-skinned man. Oooops that is profiling! The Polizei must be racists!!!
I hope I did not need to use a /s and that the sarcasm was obvious.
In case you haven’t seen it yet. This is the real journalism on that fraud Ilhan Omar.
ARCHIVE this story — print it on hardcopy — save the photos of the documents — save the screenshots of the Facebook and Instagram images. Today — I believe these will ALL be scrubbed off the internet very soon.
If all the items in this story are true and verifiable, it appears that ILHAN OMAR is NOT her real name: it is ILHAN ELMI and that she DID indeed marry her own brother (a blood relation, “haram” [forbidden] in Islam under any conditions); that NUR SAID ELMI, the father, committed a felony by entering the United States with his children (ILHAN, AHMED, and LEILA) under fraudulent circumstances; that ILHAN OMAR as she calls herself, committed FELONLY PERJURY on her 2017 divorce petition against AHMED SAID ELMI when she swore that she had had no contact with him for several years previously; and that these are only the TIP of the items OMAR must now be held accountable for.
The crowd was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT to chant, “Send her home!”
She was shaking in her boots today when questioned about POTUS. Good.
This may be why VSG said he disagreed with the crowd. He needed to distance himself from the reality of her imminent prosecution and deportation, lest it look like persecution.
Excellent point.
Tonawanda, I was thinking the same thing. We can not look like we are gunning for her, just refuting her ideas.
Fantastic deep dive
I love you.
Plus I’ve had a couple gins.
Watch out for wacky posts tonight.
That still won’t placate the loony liberal snowflakes. They’re never satisfied.
I think the President made a rare mistake here. He looked hamstrung by the question. Just my opinion.
To the contrary, I liked his answer. He said he didn’t like it a couple of times. He doesn’t have to become overly dramatic and condemn his supporters for a spontaneous chant that most of us found entertaining.
IMO, those whose “feelings were hurt” by the chant should probably stop watching his rallies.
I have to ponder this for a bit. I think FGandC makes a strong point on this.
Nope. You are exactly right. Be confident.
Me too. One of his few mistakes, but he just threw all those NC voters under the bus. I hope they are in a forgiving mood.
She faces actual legal consequences. He knows it. And this is VSG’s way (IMO) of establishing that he is not behind it.
Exactly…after have time to digest the situation, I have come to the same conclusion. Do not give her defense team any material.
i think I get POTUS. “If you don’t like it You should/can leave” is voluntary, freedom to choose for oneself. “Send her back” infers using government force against your political enemy, which isn’t good. Hello, Spygate?? “Send her back” would be appropriate IF she is tried, convicted, and ordered deported. If not we should be chanting for her to resign.
It’s a cinch. Thanks for all the assistance, clowns.
Thanks Andy! I am in a better mood now!
Me too
When people call evil good, and good evil:
Epstein has been denied bail. “Prosecutors not only argued Epstein is a flight risk, they worry he will also try to influence witnesses if he is not held in jail as he awaits trial.”
I would add that he is much safer in prison and he needs to be protected because of what he knows and, hopefully, whom he might rat out.
Speaking of Epstein, funny how Harvey Weinstein has disappeared from the news.
And the charges against Kevin Spacey were dropped.
Yep. That, too.
Yeah, Spacey charges dropped cuz the cellphone, key piece of evidence, mysteriously disappeared from evidence locker.
Shades of “The Big Easy.” Being from New Orleans, I’m sure you know what I mean. LOVE that movie.
Awesome movie. Dennis Quaid………………………………was SO HOT……..Whew! Really good mystery, too.
And now he’s doing esurance commercials … and hasn’t lost any of his mojo. Still cool, after all these years and with a wild brother.
I know…right? LOL
Having been in charge of an evidence locker for part of my career, I always find these stories….eyebrow raising, frankly.
Big T is looking at bail hearing for Epstein.
KEY CORRECTION: the old passport found in the safe was Austrian and NOT Saudi.
Well, that changes things. Hmmm….
THAT makes a LOT MORE SENSE! Straight back to the EU the center of the New World Order.
As I keep saying MARXISM is all about the Royals getting back the control of their serfs. (Of course they now have to fight with upstarts within the Commies.)
From WIKI…
Karl von Habsburg
Yea, let’s keep Epstein safe. Solitary confinement outta work.
Maybe President Trump believes that we should take the high road and not need to chant “send her home” that it requires too much explaining—which possibly leads to losing some support from those who are not staunch supporters. Maybe he thinks that exposing the 4 horsewomen of the apocalypse’s own words will have the desired effect on its own. If so, the President may be right.
On the other hand, I think a simple analogy would have gone a long way to dampening the faux outrage.
Example: If a Russian born white US Congressmen would constantly attack and undermine the country they were elected to represent—would chanting “send him back” be racism? Of course not. Having a different skin tone should not shield you from the same criticism. Suggesting otherwise just might be in itself—RACISM.
All I can say is POTUS is being SHREDDED at multiple online sites for disowning his own supporters. It’s … pretty damned ugly.
We should be careful with word choice—disagreeing is not the same as disowning. Respectfully, please let us not twist the language like the Left does.
I understand that it does not look pretty—but we do not have to take our own stick to the pinata.
The President can easily recover from this by saying “On second thought…….” He is a genius after all.
I love that James “On 2nd thought…” Also–I would like to invoke the 48 hour rule on this one–That VSG is playing 17 D chess…

Since I am going to be at the next rally…..How bout Shadow and me switch that chant to…’LOCK HER UP!?
Well, Lock her up! may apply since the evidence points towards her being married to her brother and other connected crimes.
And…subsequent to the investigation – that is exactly what they will do, Marica!
Would not be the first time President Trump modified or updated his position.
Businessmen do it all the time.
Politicians get mired in the muck.
NO BIG DEAL HERE, me thinks;-)
Maybe, because he knows – after the investigation – and/or jail time – deportation is an option.
They are on to her – she will have a hard time explaining in court – all of the illegal things she did.
It will be over by the end of tomorrow. Vitriol on the internet is a release of sorts.
How this comes out depends on the number of booms we get over the weekend.
Perspective. Thanks!
Especially if another more interesting story comes out, leaked or hinted at…and i wouldn’t Be a bit surprised if it does! LOL. Controlling the news cycle.
Hubby read me something earlier, some article said POTUS poll numbers actually went UP when he tweeted the stuff about Omar. I’m curious if that uptick holds after POTUS comments today re: the chant.
They’re using skin color and gender as defense. False premise.
If you’re late for work on regular basis, you are FIRED.
If you steal, the law does not care about color nor gender.
These women are NOT doing their job, for constituents or as representatives of America.
When constructively criticized by Pelosi, Rahm Emanuel, the Dem Caucus,……….. or the President, they shrink, throw up their hands, and whine….. “don’t hurt me cuz I am “of color” and a girl.
This harms all women.
Women don’t need “special” rules…… because they are weaker?
Minorities don’t need special rules to compete, either.
What the four women are doing is demeaning/insulting/degrading to women AND to minorities.
Quit whining and pick up your own damn trash.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8b93f3 No.7083453
Jul 18 2019 13:09:18 (EST)
Symbolism will be their downfall.
The title of this one on QMAP is Epstein Island Temple Resembles a Turkish Bath House in Aleppo, Syria Called “Hammam Yalbugha”.
8chan link:
I listened to something…someone here or at gab had posted a video link….they went through multiple different iconic religious buildings that his sicko island complex seems to be a mishmash of.
Was weird. No Christian stuff that I heard (granted, was working around the house while it played on the speakers, so I might have missed it).
And wouldn’t be any Christian stuff above ground. In a cave, like a catacomb, there’s a possibility. That’s how the Church survived in the beginning.
DP–MOAR Info on that…
I’m noticing a trend. And it isn’t Christian.
Ummmmm, yeah.
Hammam Yalbugha (Arabic: حمام يلبغا) is a Mamluk-era public bath (“hammam”) in Aleppo, Syria. It was built in 1491 by the Emir of Aleppo Saif ad-Din Yalbugha al-Naseri.[1] It is located next to the entrance of the Citadel of Aleppo, on the banks of the Quweiq river.[2]
The hammam Yalbugha was almost totally destroyed during the Syrian war.[
So, what would be the symbolism of a Turkish bathhouse.
Well what happens in a bathhouse…
Maybe try turkish symbolism?
Symbolism –>> why were they not afraid to be blatant in their use of symbolism? Never thought that they would get caught. Never thought an outsider would get elected. Arrogance. Over confidence breed by years of success.
On January 27, Wolf Moon published here his post The Top 10 Things I Learned During My Absence from The Q Tree, thing #7 being “There is something we don’t yet understand about Epstein Island.”
Volgarian8301 commented that day, starting a thread about the photos of the island’s “temple” that Wolf had included in his lesson #7 at the top.
I was running a little behind in January, but 2 days later made this comment on Volgarian’s thread:
“Alternating contrasting colors, usually black and white, but here blue and white, especially with horizontal lines, is a characteristic of Islamic architecture.
“A gold dome on top is also a common feature of Islamic mosques.
“Statues of people or mythological figures, otoh, are definitely non-Islamic, especially for religious purposes. All realist art, especially representing the human face, is verboten in Islam.
“All in all, it strikes me as a mishmash, designed by an amateur.”
Earlier today, Q published this Q drop #3446 you referenced, featuring a proof that Covadonga kept his ears open, lo, these several decades ago, in college, when knowledgeable persons were discussing architecture. And that Covadonga has a good memory.
“In Major Threat To Dollar’s Reserve Status, Russia Offers To Join European SWIFT-Bypass”
Basically, that INSTEX deal that is a SWIFT replacement would get a big boost if Russia joined and that would make it more likely that China would follow suit and join….if I understood it correctly.
There are things that can be done to minimize that network, and in all honestly, I believe this has already been completely gamed out. But it does bear watching, an alternative financial transaction network without U.S. or even E.U. oversight could get very nasty.
Yawn. “Don’t tug on Superman’s cape. Don’t spit into the wind. Don’t pull the mask off the ole Lone Ranger and don’t mess around with:
Injudicious utilization of sanctions is part of what led to the current situation, where the rest of the world has come up with various ways to get around them.
Not sure how adding more does much to stop the rest of the world from USD avoidance – I’d think it would add more urgency to escape the USD…
That’s fine. Meanwhile, we will do away with the Federal Reserve and go back to a gold standard.
If anyone still wants to store their wealth in paper rubles or yuans after that, let them.
Yes and no.
USA has distinct advantage of reserve currency.
That POTUS has adopted new strategy of econ sanctions, military threat, trade, and diplomatic sanctions all at same time (to various countries) is a Blitzkrieg from the USA = true.
Effective = yes.
So, said country can either play fairly (seen by them as buckling to USA pressure and negative in connotation) or find a way around the system.
If anyone ever strips USA of reserve currency – that 22 trillion debt load will come due and it will be a disaster. Of course, the Chinese and Russians would love to find a way.
The EU sucks.
Since NATO, we’ve been defending them and paying for it.
They would rather trade with Iran than worry about defending themselves from Iran.
Important point:
The USA was the only one to embargo Iran after 1979. The Brits, French, Italy, all kept on doing biz with Iran.
In our stone biz, the Italians, French, Brits and Germans, made a FORTUNE selling Iranian products to American markets. I laugh at all those who have “Turkish travertine” in their foyers – cuz most of it is Iranian.
And Europe LOVED the sympatico relationship. In this way, Iran was the beautiful whore, the EU were the pimps, and the USA was the John. The ONLY ones who benefitted in the relationship were the Europeans.
“Injudicious” is a loaded word. In this context, it is untrue. If Europe is using a new, renegade system to circumvent the money transfer system, IMAD, sanctioned by all world financial systems as a means to avoid the sanctions that are crushing Iran then they are violating world order, treaties they are party to and THEY are seeking to disrupt the system. If the World Bank/IMF won’t bar the EU from undermining the world monetary system and then aligning with China and Russia than WTH is Trump supposed to do? This is a showdown between globalists and totalitarian interests with Iran as a willing proxy and the US’s own, primary rights. It is hard test of “America First”. Do you really think in that context, the US standing strong and using it power is “injudicious.”?Chamberlain thought appeasement was helpful . . .. Gee, imagine that an Iranian drone this PM bussed a US ship and got shot down. Don’t hand me injudicious. That’s a synonym for impotence and timidity here.
“If the World Bank/IMF won’t bar the EU from undermining the world monetary system and then aligning with China and Russia than WTH is Trump supposed to do? ”
more sanctions?
I’m with Mandy on this one. Concerned.
I took “Injudicious utilization of sanctions” to mean earlier, during the Soebarkah regime that preceded Trump.
Mandy’s reply suggests otherwise and as I took it.
Fair enough.
I’m not aware of any sanctions the current POTUS issued without good, solid reason.
Wholly agree.
What’s with the hand wringing?
Hand-wringing? Who?
You’re correct. I meant over MANY years and multiple presidencies, not singling out PDJT.
“I doubt that any bail package can overcome the danger to the community,” said the judge, who set the next hearing in Epstein’s case for July 31.
In his ruling, Berman cited Epstein’s ownership of a private jet, along with a fake Austrian passport and $70,000 in cash found in his house, as evidence that the financier could skip bail.
I found the term ‘danger to the community’ telling.
So now we have’ fake Austrian passport’ added into the mix? Hmmmmmm
Danger to community is a buzz word term in bail hearings. You start from a presumption that pre-conviction incarceration is not favored bcz it is essentially unconstitutional. The court must make findings that overcome the presumption. The bail statutes include risk of flight and danger to community as things to consider. Here it’s easy. I don’t know why the judge waited 4 days.
As for the passport, I am leaning toward him being a CIA asset in the 80’s. Depravity aside, he checks every single box for a covert op. Sociopathic risk taker with no family and a math analyst brain. Austrian passport is not a common counterfeit and highly reliable. He did not get it on the black market.
Huh One learns something new every day. Thank you!!!
Sociopathic risk taker with no family and a math analyst brain. —– I think that says it all!!!!
Fox News had reported a couple of nights ago “expired Saudi passport” found in his safe, with Epstein’s picture, but a different name. Iirc, in his Manhattan safe.
Maybe Fox garbled it, and it was an Austrian passport? If not, Epstein wouldn’t be the first shady individual to have fake passports from multiple countries.
If I were a shady individual traveling under a false passport, I would rather it be an Austrian passport than a Saudi. Especially if my real surname indicated Jewish descent. Jus’ sayin’.
I heard it was an Austrian passport with his address listed as Saudi Arabia, and it has his picture on it, but not his real name. Will see if I can find the link to that.
Several hours later, finally found the link about the passport. His attorneys said is was for safety, lol.
This ensures a trial?
Or a guilty plea. Plea far more likely. Also he is singing A Night at the Opera to the feds if he hasn’t already. His plea may not come for years or ever . . . In public anyway.
“US Navy Shoots Down Iranian Drone Over Strait Of Hormuz: Trump
President Trump announced on Thursday that the amphibious assault ship, the USS Boxer, shot down an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz in a defensive action.
Operators of the drone refused calls to stand down, after which it was “immediately destroyed,” when it came within 1,000 yards of the ship according to the president, “threatening the safety of the ship and the ship’s crew.”
more at link:
Heh heh.
CIWS – Close In Weapon System is awesome;-)
Literally a stream of lead.
3,000 20MM rounds per minute…50 20MM rounds per second.
*I have been called Nazi before because where I was born,
Iran Seized a ‘foreign oil tanker’ earlier today:
Interesting reply to this video:
Just like IRAN and OBAMA agreed, I am certain.
Very good…. As we say in the South, it sho’ is surspishus.
Coincidence of day lends credence to the hints from Q that the rogue states Iran and it’s vassal Syria, but especially N. Korea, are “special”, perhaps with a close link to the bankster conspirators, either directly, or indirectly, via the CIA.
Alternative theory, less Q specific, more easily palatable within the standard narrative, (but equally scary,) is Chicoms are afraid of losing their highest value assets in the US to the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, or to SuperMax, should Epstein start putting his operatic skills to good use.
“…and on the possible eve of Declass…”
Sounds great to me, declas release. However, Coates, a road block to release is still in place.
Anyone else think this is a false flag event to direct focus elsewhere?
After all, when you hand a regime unauthorized, untraceable billions of dollars in cash you expect some return favors when called upon, right?
Good thinking, Teagan.
PJW has an interesting take. He declares his love for Ilhan Omar. Can it be that we have had a knee jerk reaction about President Trump disagreeing with the “send her back” chant?
Why would you want to send back the gift that keeps on giving???? Omar is only polling at 9%! Do not make her a martyr! Simply point out her own words and actions.
Like Marica said minutes ago—apply the 48 hour rule!
I haven’t read all the comments about Pres. Trump disavowing “send her back.” But here is what I think:
Our side needs to stop acting like snowflakes, grow up, and realize that it’s not personal and Pres. Trump has a reason(s). Things like this cause division, which is exactly what the Left wants. We need to let it go and move on. ANYONE who would stop supporting Pres. Trump over this minor issue (which isn’t really an issue) needs to reevaluate their priorities.
YES! 1,000%!
Sing it Brother !
Would only add that anyone who believes the word from ‘Twitter’ that I stand with Omar is trending is gullible, to say the least. 8% of the population support her PERIOD. What % of that 8% do you believe actually have a twitter acc’t? Is it a worldwide trend? Who cares what the rest of the world thinks? (Bots included)
phoenix!!!!!!!! Your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shhh kea…. I was trying to sneak in
how are you?
You is a big deal to us and muchas beloved.
thank you GA/FL ……………
love you too
I am doing very well.
(whispering…)Prayers answered….
And all is right with the world
Love you back we missed you and your contributions..!!!!!!!!!!
I have been praying for you .
Missed you too…………….
thank you for your prayers singingsoul…………….
(sorry reply to you is late, we have been experiencing some thundershowers………)
Glad to see you back phoenixRising. We need ALL the Brain power we can get even if we sometimes disagree.
Deplorables DO NOT DO THE NAZI/COMMIE GOOSE STEP and that means we are all the more dangerous to the powers that be. We THINK and ARGUE and therefore come up with the optimal solutions.
Thank you Gail…………….
Missed you guys……………..
Hey, good to see ya!
I agree. My beef was that some on our side seemed to be accepting the false premise that telling somebody that they can leave if they do not like or love the country—that it is somehow racism. Scaramucci is one of them.
I am beginning to think that President Trump has his own strategy here that will become more obvious in the coming days.
^^^ Bingo!!!
President Trump is a master at keeping everyone guessing, and off guard. He’s not abandoning his supporters, and his supporters aren’t abandoning him. Trying to create a split is the last arrow in the left’s quiver, and it ain’t gonna work.
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
…..More like they’re just revealing their actual priorities. They were not real supporters anyway and simply looking for excuse.
Joanie Ernest..The one who would have lost without POTUS. Spit
maybe I’m not holding my nose right when I try to post today…. sigh. Just agreeing with TheseTruths remark upthread.
you; thanks!
IMO, Omar is a threat to our country and it’s #1 ally, Israel. Today she compared Israel to Nazi Germany and you can bet many Palestinians and other Muslim countries will interpret her comments to commit violence against Jews anywhere in the world, including in our country. She’s very dangerous.
Tom Fitton is now on the Omar’s multiple acts of fraud trail. Also, during yesterday’s helicopter presser, PDJT mentions that he hears things about Omar marrying her brother and suggests the media should look into it.
I am beginning to think this is why President Trump disagrees with the “send her back” chant. There is simply way too much evidence surfacing.
Omar is only polling at 9% and she will NOT get the protection of a Clinton. She is toxic for the Dem party and President Trump wants to keep them attached. To me it is beginning to look like President Trump once again knows exactly what he is doing.
The few times I have doubted President Trump, I was wrong.
Simply put, any more, if I doubt President Trump, I’ll almost assuredly keep it to my self.
President Trump has turned virtually every, WTH moment into success for him.
Just as I have learned patience with declas, indictments, yada, yada…if it has to do with President Trump, I trust and when necessary wait. President Trump has not let me down.
Omar and her three friends deserve chiding and shunning because of their behaviour.
Maybe if people realize the condemnation against Omar has nothing to do race or collor of her skin.
It is her behavior and believes and her racism against Jews and whites that is a problem.
I certainly agree. — 48 hour rule.—
President Trump AND the Deplorables are walking a tight rope.
REMEMBER Veritas undercover vid of Bob Creamer and BIRD DOGGING????
Well the DemonRats WANT to paint Deplorables as VIOLENT RACIST NAZIS. (This is why the young liberal at the 2018 polling place gave this old lady wearing a Trump shirt such a WIDE berth. She LITERALLY thought we were going to get violent and prevent her from voting!!!)
We sensible Deplorables have to explain this dynamic to the enthusiastic people. We HAVE TO BE CAREFUL NOT TO GIVE THE ENEMY WEAPONS!
So be sure to spread this arround as an explanation.
Exclusive: O’Keefe Video Sting Exposes ‘Bird-Dogging’ — Democrats’ Effort to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
This is why Ben Garrison was asked NOT to come to the White House. Unfortonately it is about OPTICS!
IT STINKS BIG but we have to face the fact the MSM, really really want to pin VIOLENT NAZI RACISTS to Deporables & Trump. Given the conversation I had with a Jewish customer last weekend, they are doing a really good job of it unfortunately He said since Trump has been elected Anti-semitism has increased and where ever President Trump has had a rally the violence has increased afterwards. THAT IS WHAT PRESIDENT TRUMP IS FIGHTING!
So at this point as I said President Trump is walking a tight rope. He MUST REVEAL the DemoRats as the Racist Anti-Americans WITHOUT SMEARING US with the same paint.
So PLEASE pour sone LOGIC on the conversations you wittness.
Brian has a THREAD
I wonder how this news will impact things re: the outstanding James O’Keefe and Project Veritas
Time will tell…………… hope you’re doing well FG&C………..
I truly hope this tweet from David goes viral …………..
I wholeheartedly agree….and I hope the same for you too, PR. Very glad to see you back.
This interchange…MADE. MY. DAY!


Kudos PR & FG&C
And the CA kegislature passed a special law just for pp. This is great.
I can see that being very plausible. We only know what is reported. They can tell us whatever they want the public to “know.”
Also on Draw and Strike feed – Another strike against the Democrats.
The Communists are lying sacks of shit. Excuse my biology.
Nothing to excuse. You may as well ask to be excused for saying cockroaches are vile and disgusting.
Now hold on here just one second!!

Are you implying cockroaches are on the same level of disgustingness as “Democrat” Communists?
(no, not really…but someone might read it that way.)
Wolfie, you are maligning sacks of shit which have a value.
Here a 50# bag of cow manure goes for $5.09….
I certainly wouldn’t pay $10.00 for a liberal! As a hiring manager I only hired people over 35 because the recently graduated college Snowflakes I hired were NOT worth the $10.00/ hour we were paying them so I had to fire them.
#IStandWithTrump is treading on twitter…??
How did they come up with that number of illegals? Did someone do a study somewhere?
(The one number I am sure is wrong is the often-bandied-about 11 million.)
Not sure. But no way I trust the 11 million number either.
2015: 30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico’s Former Ambassador and that is probably JUST MEXICANS!!!
And that’s from 2015 so you know its higher.
I know I was shocked to learn a school district by me was getting grant $ to send these kids to school?
IKR, someone tell me again – why are we doing a census?
It says ‘Source: DHS’ at the bottom of the graphic.
Ooops. Missed that!
“Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case
Despite his “sweetheart” deal and having seemingly evaded justice, billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was arrested earlier this month on federal charges for sex trafficking minors. Epstein’s arrest has again brought increased media attention to many of his famous friends, the current president among them.
Many questions have since been asked about how much Epstein’s famous friends knew of his activities and exactly what Epstein was up to. The latter arguably received the most attention after it was reported that Alex Acosta — who arranged Epstein’s “sweetheart” deal in 2008 and who recently resigned as Donald Trump’s Labor Secretary following Epstein’s arrest — claimed that the mysterious billionaire had worked for “intelligence.”
a LOT more at the link:
Hit job on Trump from the hate-Israel commie left, BUT there are some good historical nuggets. My reading is about 2/3 true, weighted on the old and the mafia / CIA, and 1/3 false, weighted on Trump.
Good practice in sorting out Blumenthal propaganda.
So glad President Trump has made cleaning out the pedophilia/predators a priority.
We’ve been complaining about how the media invariably associates PDJT with this mess.
I say LET THEM…if it will get them to cover the story.
President Trump checks and rechecks our country’s financial dealings:
VSG PDJT is probably the first president who can easily read and understand 100+ page bids, balance sheets, financial reports, etc. like other folks read pulp fiction. In fact, he loves to do it!
Remember, President Trump saved our country BIG BUCKS on the Jerusalem embassy and on the new Air Force Ones and many other deals!
Recall, the chic in charge of the bid met Mattis in London, before Trump came home from Iraq (Raisin’ Cane) and fired Mattis…..
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a57d57 No.7085919
Jul 18 2019 16:00:58 (EST)
What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?
What happens when the FAKE NEWS MEDIA can no longer control the narrative (when disinformation is no longer swallowed and/or accepted as auto-truth)?
LUV it FG&C……….
really nice accompaniment to our fiesty gal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wolfie–Speaking of sack O Sh*T—-What in the bloody hell is this supposed to mean?
and another from this guy….
No President has had to deal with TREASON of the magnitude these criminals have foisted upon us – the very undoing of the ENTIRE AMERICAN NATION by traitors allied with insidious global forces desiring an END to our freedoms.
Brennan will have to answer PERSONALLY for historic crimes that will shock for MILLENNIA in history books. And he is JUST ONE OF THEM.
So yeah. Trump may curse a bit about what he’s up against. For very good reasons.
These….Makes my blood BOIL!!!!!
his mob????? that’s US he’s referring to, no????? voters, American citizens, taxpayers….how dare he.

right on schedule,the trained monkeys come out to perform. Don’t you wonder who the organ grinder is?
Teagan–And Hildebeast tweeted out today too!!!! I’m seeing Flying Monkeys right here!!!!
Can’t answer now – will do so later.
Re: Comey tweet. Coded message?
Yes!!! They KNOW it’s coming! They KNOW Q is real!!! PANIC!!!!
I think it is a wee bit too late to panic. Time to board that private plane to the ‘friendly country’ whery you have all that bribe money stashed
Or reach into that nightstand…

Yes, it is a coded message. The question is to who.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a57d57 No.7086145
Jul 18 2019 16:12:31 (EST)
“It’s going to be staggering the amount of names…”
Bring it on! We already know a lot of those names. Now let’s get them out there for the world to see.
Over 100,000 sealeds and one sealed can have several names…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a57d57 No.7086225
Jul 18 2019 16:15:57 (EST)
Worth remembering.
Whoa….. big implications here.
gotta run out for dinner…Q posting duties passed on
There is a very heartwarming post OT which includes a video of POTUS, First Lady & Pences with Special Olympians in the Oval Office. I know we shouldn’t link to Treehouse posts (at SD’s request), but the video itself must be online somewhere if a Qper who uses a desktop computer can bring it here.
If not, please go OT to watch – Karen Pence gives a wonderful short speech!
Hi Alison….
If I recall correctly, SD’s issue was the posting of HIS ARTICLES over here…. not individual posts…
Here’s the video
Wow… wonderful group of WINNERS !
(Second Lady is lookin’ GOOD!!! )
Thanks for doing this Phoenix

It is special (no pun intended) for several reasons. Karen has definitely buffed up; she looks HOT and speaks with such confidence. The CEO was also impressive. Not to mention this awesome bundle of kids.
Did you notice President Trump mentioned first, second and third place? He said something like “some seconds and thirds, but many first place.” None of that unicornish “you’re all winners” crap pandering to these athletes.
I was humbled
This holds with Big T’s theory!! Deep state is the shiny ball…It’s Epstein that’s for All THe Marbles!!
I certainly agree. Abusing/sacrificing children will ENRAGE 90% or more of the US population. (Unfortunately I think we have ~10% really mentally warped people in this country now.)
“Julian’s Rum” thinks some kind of DECLAS is coming tomorrow, but I’m not so sure. People have gotten their hopes up many times in the past only to be disappointed. We know that things ARE happening, so whether tomorrow or this weekend or sometime in the future, it will be good. But I hope he’s right!
The Watch Theory and Michael’s interpretatiion certainly tie in!!! However–I’m not getting hopes UP or Down…Q BABY told us so!!!
Julian changed his mind………………..
Release of many of the documents Epstein relates? Names? Locations? $$$? Bribery, past and ongoing?
Did someone forecast a great week? Awesome week so far. Me thinks.
With ya Kalbo!!! Even if nothing else happens…It’s been a Fantastic WEEK!!
This actually brought my Blood Pressure DOWN! Take THAT you Creep!
Oh no, Marica!!!!! Is he gonna be drinking out of the toilet (or will he be able to find the faucet unlike AOC). Oh no, it looks like a concentration camp if you ask me. Oh no !!!!!
Alison!!! Insert Michael’s AOC pic from the rally right here!!! I wish they would keep him handcuffed behind his back so the Dirty Dog would HAVE to lap water from the toilet!!!!
LOL!!! thx Michael!!!!

Oh no! He will be drinking out of a toilet!
Is he safer from being suicided in jail than out?
Speaking of OT and SD posts….

This post was dropped earlier today here in the Wolf Den:
new GOP contender stepping up to challenge AOC for New York’s 14th District Congressional seat…
Scherie Murray ,NY GOP politically-active businesswoman…
To which GA/FL responded….
July 18, 2019 at 11:21
Better VET Ms. Scherie Murray really well!!! – remember the Justice Democrat plan is to field progressives and run them as fake Republicans.
Check her out to a fare thee well!!!
Which turns out was excellent advice. From SD’s post…
“The launch of a “republican” political challenger in NY-14 to challenge Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sherie Murray, follows a very familiar political ploy…. A fake candidate intended to protect AOC in 2020. In June of 2018 Sherie Murray was an avid AOC supporter.”
Read more:
pass along and retweet! Send this bitch packing.
Having seen her rabid support for Cortez, I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her. And that’s not far at all.
Found more info on her.
This morning, I went scrolling through Ms. Scherie Murray’s twitter feed.
She is a council woman in Queens and her family immigrated from Jamaica. There is a section of Queens called Jamaica….and she is very involved in Jamaican heritage activities.
What do you think? *
Tweets by ScherieMurray
Is she the “black voice” that the Justice Democrats are demanding?
or is she a pro-America Republican?
She’s the fifth person to file as a Republican. I saw a John Cummings, a former police officer announce the other day, but don’t know anything about the rest. I’m wondering if it’s a type of splitter strategy being employed.
Better that than no GOP candidates at all.
There is another candidate for same district.
Male, teacher. He seems real.
Former LEO too. Teaching civics no less. The others are better than aoc, not as strong as Murray. I could see her ousting aoc, getting support from both parties because the Dems want aoc gone. They would probably support Murray under the table and she seems like she would fit in with the uni-party. So the real race will be in the primaries which is why there’s so many.
Agree that John Cummings ‘seems real’:
Vanity Fair came out with the piece about Epstein, highlighted by Q in a post.
Within the article, the author speculates about where Epstein’s fortune came from….. could be blackmail.
“””””In the absence of much other information, the reigning theory on Wall Street currently is that Epstein’s activities with women and girls were central to the building of his fortune, and his relations with some of his investors essentially amounted to blackmail.””””””
We were FIVE DAYS ahead of Vanity Fair!
You sure were!
It’s even worse than people imagined, I’m afraid. Consider this…
Epstein didn’t just blackmail people, he helped them along in their careers after he corrupted them.
Imagine some young, newly elected freshman representative….or newly hired business prodigy….
Epstein meets them at a party or some other function….tells them he can help them….invites them to one of his parties……gets them drunk or drugged…..has one of his underage girls sleep with the person…..gets video/pictures of it….
Now, the “target” thought the girl was of age….hard to tell the difference between a 16 yr old and a 20 yr old….but it doesn’t matter what the target thought….
Now Epstein says, “Hey, I’ve got these pics/video of you… would ruin you…..but that’s not what I want…..I want to help you become successful… help you grow rich and powerful….I can introduce you to others who can help you…..friends of mine, like you are a friend of mine….”
Year after year.
Decade after decade.
A person who was once a freshman representative or new MBA at a prestigious firm is now a Governor or Senator or CEO….
Think of the movie “Goodfellas”.
Ray Loitta (aka Henry Hill) began life as a mobster parking cars as a kid for the mafiosos. Then, a little later, he was selling stolen cigarettes for them. But the time the movie ended, he was a drug dealing, murdering, adulterous, hypocritical, lying, thieving sack of shit. But he didn’t start out that way.
Jeff Epstein is the guy who turns kids into a Henry Hill.
THAT is who this POS really is.
Yes, that is EXACTLY who he is AND he is WORKING FOR SOMEONE!
Perhaps Aubergine can do a deep dive into his familybackground. He is old enough to be a KGB or other Foreign Intel insert. (MI6?) The UK/EU is NOT a friend of the USA!
There has to be a connection some way at Cooper Union. His brother, Mark Epstein, was a former board chairman at Cooper Union.
Read that article I posted upthread from Mintpress (I think that’s the name). It’s AMAZING and dives deep into the history……
Yeah, I have a problem with that piece. It says Trump is in tight with Epstein.
It also does this Part I, Part I, Part III thing, and I strongly suspect that by the time we get to the end of Part III it will be trying to tell us that Epstein is POTUS’s best friend.
Which is not to say that there isn’t truth found in the piece, but I’m going to wait before believing that source is credible.
Thanks to N.C. for the link to this video… Wolf, if you haven’t seen it, just know it’s worth every second… very good.
Holy Smokes Batman!!
By all we have read, Ghislaine Maxwell should also be in prison.
Latest Laura Loomer email:
Did you see the Trump Rally last night???
I loved it!
If you missed it, Trump told a crowd of thousands that Rep. Ilhan Omar “married her own brother!”
In mid-speech the crowd started to chant, “Send Her Back!”
Well Ilhan Omar can’t be deported as a naturalized citizen, but she can be fined or imprisoned for the immigration fraud she committed by marrying her brother.
That’s why I launched an effort to report her to the Citizenship and Immigration Service.
Back to President Trump and his rally last night: here’s the hypocrisy.
As I’m arriving to speak in Rochester Minnesota today, the local paper, the Post Bulletin, ran with a front page story about me, calling me a “conspiracist”.
I’m called a conspiracy theorist for investigating a sitting member of Congress and her flagrant violation of immigration laws, student loan fraud and campaign finance fraud – all related to her illegal marriage to her own brother – who happens to be a homosexual.
And the facts are now so blatantly obvious that the President of the United States is able to announce it to the country – because it’s FACT, not conspiracy.
So I say we remind Americans of the new face of the Democrat Party . . . “Incest Omar.”
And I even had some t-shirts printed up that I’d like you to purchase and proudly wear to trigger the next liberal you run across.
I personally think it’s hilarious that the new face of the Democrats is a woman who is supposed to be a champion of American laws – while she’s gone through extraordinary lengths to violate them.
America needs to be reminded what the Democrats stand for . . . and who they stand with . . . Incest Omar!
Thanks again for all that you do.
Laura Loomer
The Loomer Project
“…Well Ilhan Omar can’t be deported as a naturalized citizen, but she can be fined or imprisoned for the immigration fraud she committed by marrying her brother…..”
It is called Denaturalization
Here are cases where people have been STRIPPED OF THEIR CITIZENSHIP!
(I like to read the Justice News on occassion. You learn so much.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4c76c0 No.7087719
Jul 18 2019 17:36:16 (EST)
Primary Purpose of the Article:
“A colorful building that some news reports have called the “temple” was actually a gym when Epstein worked out when he was on the island, Scully said, noting in an interview with ABC News that the gym had a memorable feature – a massive framed photo of a topless woman.”
How do you ‘shape’ a story?
Facts vs Fiction.
Think for yourself.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0e5255 No.7087425
Jul 18 2019 17:19:20 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0e5255 No.7087382
Jul 18 2019 17:17:56 (EST)
Explore further.
Note the date of the post – Nov 2017.
Note events happening today.
News unlocks.
I’m scratching my head about what date he’s talking about? Anyone know?
Not “date.” I meant “post.” The Nov 2017 one.
I’m confused too, Linda. Understand the whole keystone thing, of course, but don’t understand 11/17.
The Puppet Masters
11 Nov 2017 – 10:29:35 PM
Hard to swallow.
Important to progress.
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) – $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) – $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) – $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Public wealth disclosures – False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
In reader the pics never come out.
he’s talking about the keystone at the top of the arch that holds the arch up. Like this one:
When that piece was put in, and the hydraulic jacks were released, the engineering of the arch was so precise it snapped together.
Something happening today is the keystone of holding something together, either the narrative, or things falling apart.
I visited the arch once, many years ago; you could watch a movie about its construction.
Fire companies had to hose down the two pieces to get them to shrink (hot day, apparently) so there would be room. VERY precise work.
“Monument to a dream” or something like that is the name of the movie. I think that was the third grade field trip maybe?
Anyway, yes, the fire department hosed down the south leg specifically to keep it fro expanding. The people building it originally planned to close it at two in the morning to avoid the expansion problem. AJ Cervantes, the mayor at the time, said, Oh, no! I’ve got thousands of people coming to watch! He provided the water.
That was old AJ for you.
Here you go:
The keystone is the most important stone, and that’s why this word is also used figuratively to mean the most important part of anything.
Focus on House of Saad, Rothschild, Soros. Have they been to the island? Is Epstein the keystone? He got denied bail today, has reality finally set in that no one’s gonna save him this time and he’s decided to sing?? I’m guessing…
Could be. We’ll find out.
They misspelled mammarable.
Seriously, if it had a pic of a topless woman in it…so what?
There’s plenty of worse–much, much worse–crap in Epsteinland, no doubt.
Steve–cuz you are IN Co… Have you heard this? Literally Draining the Swamp!!!
You mean like . . .
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4c76c0 No.7088006
Jul 18 2019 17:50:35 (EST)
Worth remembering.
SD has this story up OT about the Republican candidate for AOC’s seat. Seems like we’re all questioning this, and that’s good thing.
I posted yesterday, there’s a history teacher, grew up in Bronx, running for the seat. Cummins, I think. He seems like the best choice. His students convinced him to run, hopefully they’ll help him campaign. He has an anonymous Republican donor too!
From OT
Donna Jones says:
July 18, 2019 at 6:16 pm
“John Cummings is a Republican running against Ocasio-Cortez. He is a High School teacher of Government, former NYPD officer and hates Scialism. Push him. As soon as I read Murray’s announcement I knew she was a fake.
The first thing she addressed was, “most people are happy with their health care”. A signal to Dems that she is a spoiler in the race to defeat Cummings.”
That’s him.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4c76c0 No.7088054
Jul 18 2019 17:52:03 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4c76c0 No.7088006
Jul 18 2019 17:50:35 (EST)
Worth remembering.
If you look close enough you might see….
Best guess: Fri July 19 4:49PM EDT
Washington D.C. – always drop the big news late on Friday.
The 19th was also mentioned in the tweet in Marica’s post, above. Here is the article:
“Today the Second Circuit Court of Appeals directed the parties in a case involving Jeffrey Epstein to provide the Court with any final redaction requests they have:
“ORDER, dated 07/17/2019, ordering the parties Virginia L. Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell to file one-page letter briefs no later than 07/19/2019 indicating any additional locations in the record that might implicate the privacy interests of the individuals named on page 59, line 25 Exhibit KK of the motion for summary judgment, by JAC, RSP, CFD, FILED.[2610854] [18-2868] [Entered: 07/17/2019 02:23 PM]”
Is that President Trump’s reflection in the silver watch case and the alarm knobs?
or, might it be FLOTUS ? She had on a collar shirt, suit jacket in Oval Office today
Hair looks a bit too blonde for FLOTUS.
Sure looks like POTUS in the reflection
The watch the date is 19 July????/ time 17:50 PM.?
“If you look close enough you might see”
Some are seeing a man reflected in the outer edge of the watch….. but if you look closely you see it’s someone with very long hair, wearing a shirt with suit jacket……….
The video Alison asked someone to post…. which I did……… from the Oval Office today. FLOTUS is wearing a shirt with suit jacket………… here’s the video…. what do y’all think?
WHOA………… just found this at Julian’s Rum — a THREAD
THIS is most interesting.
Look at what Melania was wearing today at the Special Olympics ceremony…now look at the top part of the watch face, immediately below the dials…a reflection?
Q is often sneaky that way!
To Be Economically Free, We Must Do This One Thing – Episode 1920a
Shoot, don’t need a video for this. The solution has been known for a long time….

Step #1….
Abolish the Federal Reserve and all the world’s “Central Banks”.
Step #2…
Abolish “big banks” that are “too big to fail” and break them up into a hundred thousand pieces
Step #3….
Reinstate the Glass Stegal Act; outlaw banks trading securities of any kind
Step #4….
Pass federal law limiting the size of any one bank to, say, $100 billion in loans and assets
In short, abolish these people and make any recurrence of them impossible…
It is nice to know you agree – these Robber Banksters should be shut down – HOWEVER – you must develop a NEW SYSTEM, first – otherwise – the entire monetary system will collapse – into disarray – it is a delicate process – that Trump has undertaken – to take control.
First, we must AUDIT the FED (our CB) – then, we must TAKE THEM OVER – all STOLEN money must be returned to the US Treasury – we must make sure all foreign CBs return our money as well – and finally, we must DISSOLVE the IRS – who collects our money and pays interest to the FED (CB) – no more interest – no more Income Tax!
IOW – we owe them nothing – they owe us – Our new system will be based on CREDIT – and the DEBT will be dissolved – Russia controls its CB!
I forgot step 3.5
Return the US to a gold standard
Part of it, yes FG&C –
The Federal Reserve Note is not real money – it is a debt instrument – not backed by anything, but debt.
Gold Standard for sure – wonder by so many countries are buying Gold, FG&C – think they know?
Timing Is Everything, Strategically Planned From The Beginning – Episode 1920b
Distractions, false flags, tantrums, baiting of Pres. Trump, international incidents…look out!
I cannot imagine how awful being a cop must be these days.
I don’t want to post the individual tweet because it may autoplay – I’m not sure how to tell which ones do that.
Anyways, it’s in this twitter feed, right now it’s 7 tweets down…
“Cop hangs onto SUV for his life before shooting the driver in #Florida ”
Tweets by RT_com
How is being a cop today any different from being one 10 or even 20 years ago?
A: it’s not.
“Suspect was detained 8 hours later. Charged with attempted first-degree murder of a law enforcement officer, aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer, and resisting an officer with violence.”
I’m good with that.
More paper, more people, less time to be active bc of the paper. Bodycams get people to cooperate better, but not enough prosecution and elimination.
I had a whole post for you and accidentally deleted it. Maybe it was the hand of GOd. IDK. What I do know is that policing is a DANGEROUS job in some places, and the families and friends left behind…too many in my circle are effected.
Here’s a couple blog entries for you from a STL City cop who became famous with the first entry. The Post-Disgrace even printed it. Will break your heart.
The subject of the second post was buried from our Cathedral Basilica as is tradition. His funeral was attended by law enforcement from all over the country. That church seats over 1700. I used to be a member of the choir. That is true. All side chapels and the transcepts where there is no seating were full. My friend who was the cantor has done funerals for a lot of famous people. He said it was rough.
Being a cop may not be any different, but it’s a rough job and you don’t know if you’re going to make it through a shift. A neighbor was in his squad car on a Halloween night, and some guy walked up and shot him execution style. He’s in the state pen for life.
“How is being a cop today any different from being one 10 or even 20 years ago?”
The 10 Deadliest Jobs (It ain’t being a cop…)
Rank ..Occupation
1 Logging workers
2 Fishers and related fishing workers
3 Aircraft pilots and flight engineers
4 Roofers
5 Trash and recycling collectors
6 Iron and steel wokers
7 Truck and sales drivers
8 Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
9 First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers
10 Grounds maintenance workers
Trump to nominate Gene Scalia, son of late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, for secretary of labor
Oooh. Master troll move. Love it.
I was Just GOnna Post MASTER TROLL!!! DP!! Squirmers gonna Squirm!!!
Coincidences—All outa them!!!!
FWIW….just saw this…
And they know this…how?
They’re jumping on the “sow discord among the Trump base” bandwagon, trying to make it look as if Ivanka has power over her father. This has been done before and a lot of people fell for it, including Breitbart news.
He knows this from … wait for it …
“White House officials.” lol….
They never change….
I did not know that about Breitbart. I don’t remember now what they did that ticked me off, but I quit reading them a few years back. It’s rare that I even see stories from them – so I’m guessing they’ve lost a lot of readers…but that’s just a guess, have not looked for numbers…
Breitbart lost me in the early days of the Trump administration with its never-ending criticism of people Pres. Trump had hired, and his family. I think there was a lot of cleaning up to do, but also that Pres. Trump puts people into positions for whatever time period he needs to fulfill specific purposes. Has he been disappointed in some? No doubt; no one is perfect or makes perfect choices. But Breitbart was a continual Eeyore. And Javanka was running the show. I couldn’t take their lack of knowledge of, and faith in, Pres. Trump, as well as their lack of perspective.
Yep. Had to have been both Ivanka and Jared letting president Trump know their displeasure about “send her home chant”.
Then Ivanka and Jared planted the question with the reporter to ask about the chant!
Such nonsense.
Even if she did… what?
Methinks the chant was a setup.
OMG – was that the one that started off sounding like a protest?
I think we should figure that out…
Go Carter!! He’s getting a little PapaD’ish, isn’t he?
Dear Rep. Kinzinger,
“Chants like “send her back” are ugly, wrong, and would send chills down the spines of our Founding Fathers.”
Horse shit.
This didn’t happen in a f’n vacuum, jackass. It came in direct response to the many ugly, wrong things that muslim c*&$ said (and continues to say, very intentionally and provokingly) about America, our ally Israel, and Jewish people in general.
If anything, the Founding Fathers would agree she should GTFO of America.
“This ugliness must end, or we risk our great union.”
More horse shit.
The nation has endured FAR worse vitriolic rhetoric than we are experiencing at present. And if anyone doesn’t think so, just wait until a real shooting Civil War breaks out and people start losing family members in the fighting.
“Send her back” will seem VERY tame by comparison.
Now go and get your shine box. Boy.
I kinda like Sean Spicier’s Response..

Just shoot her out of a canon pointed toward the ocean and call it a day.
SPIT!!! I just did a Mutley laugh!!!
Muslims go away and most of the ugliness vanishes.
Muzzies ‘go away’ and the whole world becomes a better place.
Founding Fathers would of hung the lot of em.
They knew enough to fight them and stand up to them. there was a reason Jefferson had a Koran, he wanted to know his enemies
^^^ Excellent read. As was Kilmeade’s book on George Washington and Andrew Jackson. Great history to learn, relearn. Relevant today! Me thinks.
Kilmeade has a Sam Houstan and the Alamo Avengers coming out. Pre-order for hardback available November 5th. Christmas timing I am sure. Love capitalism. When paperback hits COSTCO, I’ll surely pick it up.
I greatly enjoyed this book, got it from library as an audio book and Kilmeade was the narrator. Learned a lot, stuff like this was not taught to me in school.
I must get this book, thank you Saint
Yw I got the pix from a sight I use called Thrift Books, new and good used books at reduced prices, Local library had it too. I listened to the audio version and Kilmeade is the narrator.
From the hills of…….
To the shores of Tripoli (Libya)
Thomas Jefferson KNEW about the ISLAMO SATANISTS and FOUGHT them!
We should too!
WOMEN…. should be out front here….
Talk about SLAVES (Cattle).
That IS Islam in a nutshell.
Ready and waiting.
I have your back…..
As I have yours, WWG1WGA
Amen brother…… Patriots UNITE!
Twitter comments???
The Seventh President, Andrew Jackson challenged more than 100 men to duels…
So just be DARN glad you are dealing with President Trump and not dealing with President andrew Jackson!
Thought you would like that Wolfie. So much for President Trump being ‘More Presidential’ I do not think they would like it if he emulated Andrew Jackson.
The picture is
Andrew Jackson killing Charles Dickenson in 1806. Woodcut print, 1834. (Library of Congress)
Info from:
Never forget…… ADamn KuntZunger was McShames Butt Boy.
Pictures of HIM with McShame in the Mid East WITH Terrorists?
Ya… aDamn…. Who’s side are YOU on?
Which FBI?
The“cover it up” FBI that committed treason and tried to frame our president while over-turning the will of the voters and effecting a political coup or the “good” FBI that people like Trey Gowdy say still exists?
Asking for a friend.
I can’t answer that question FG&C…………………
Part of me says FIB is rotten to the core……………
Part of me says (fingers crossed) Sessions laid the groundwork, his CoS Matt the Hammer took out the trash, and Bagpipin’ Barr is bringing de hammer………..
and for those who want me to add a 3rd option, FIB is almost clean……….. well, that’s too close to being “a little bit pregnant” ……….. no grey area – you either are, or you’re not……….
It is really sad that the automatic response is –FBI COVER-UP?
I KNEW it!
I smelled the Clintoons again here in Arkansa…
Then….. State SINator Collins Died?
Add ANOTHER to the Trail of Tears behind the Clintoons.
The Nightmare Of An America Ruled By AOC And Her Socialist Pals
Kurt Schlichter Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Jul 18, 2019 12:01 AM
I’m going to skip reading that, because it’s never going to happen and I’m not into fiction. No offense.
Three words: demography is destiny.
Three words: democrat propaganda sucks
These people are demented, mandy – God help us if they ever rise to power – it will be the end of our Republic!
That’s a great Opinion piece that should be made into a movie and released well ahead of the 2020 election, IMO. Maybe Dinesh D’Souza could do it justice. Release it in early October, 2020 and it would make a great Halloween scary movie.
A commercial would be fine – and reach more people – imho – a movie would bore me to tears – this is satire with truth intertwined in it – sad state of affairs if they ever come to power…
It would have to be an info-mercial at least an hour long. Might as well make it into a full length movie.
I thought there was a reflection in it!
19th…. Tomorrow!
We shall see.
Concerning the term “Keystone” …………….
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/05/17 (Tue) 16:01:30 7cfe10 (8) No.38467>>38472 >>38473 >>38474 >>38476 >>38477 >>38480 >>38482 >>38483 >>38488 >>38489 >>38490 >>38493 >>38495 >>38496 >>38497 >>38498 >>38503 >>38505 >>38508 >>38510 >>38513 >>38522 >>38535 >>38542 >>38548 >>38555 >>38591 >>38637 >>38665 >>38728 >>38855 >>38861 >>38907 >>38939 >>38957 >>38965 >>38968 >>39087 >>39106 >>39217 >>39236
Key – unlocks the door of all doors (info)
Stone – the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info
Military Intelligence, No Such Agency = key
POTUS and Patriots = stone
from Paul Serran
I’ll post this over on the daily thread for the 19th, but the latest anon analysis on “keystone” is:
epi in Greek is “top” or “on, upon”
stein in German is “stone”
(if one of our treepers in Germany or who are native German speakers could confirm this, that would be great. Thanks.)
That being the case, Epstein IS the keystone. I’m holding back on letting that sink in and getting it into the bones, but given the open panic and coded messaging on twinkie yesterday, there’s a lot of fear of what’s about to come out in the public.
Luv my Gov!!!

Abbott/Pompeo 2024
God bless you Gov. Abbott……………..
You folks from Texas must be especially proud tonight…………… WAAHHHOOOOOOOOOO
i LOVE my Southwestern Neighbors… The TEXANS!
Lots of ILLEGALS there now too….
Thanks to the DEMONICrats.
Just because sometimes you have to stop and look in the mirror before something so obvious jumps out at you.
and I love that he got this into a tweet… have been searching to find it complete to bring here, and viola……..
PRAY FOR THE CHILDREN………….. pray for our Republic ……………….. pray for the patriots seeking Truth/Light, no matter their ‘label’………… as Daughn says upthread, even Dems are seekers…….
Q told us early on that human trafficking, esp. of the children, would bring down the Cabal…… it’s the source of the bulk of their monies and their sacrifices at the altar of Lucifer…. the lynchpin, the keystone, so to speak of their usurped power…………
click tweet for his long THREAD
Don’t miss Praying Medic’s videos on Epstein either.
Here’s the Thread reader version:
Hmmm…Patriot Nurse is fired up!!!
Trump Denounces His Base: Who Speaks For Us Now?
Maybe she’d be happier living in a different country.
She is fighting for our country, andy – more so than most who talk the talk and do not walk the walk – Zero brought in an entire community from Somalia – many of them are here illegally – why should PN give up her rights to accommodate them? PN loves this country and will defend it – Omar does not and will not – she should leave.
NOBODY fights harder for our Country than President Donald J. Trump…
I didn’t watch what she had to say……… but if it’s along the lines of “Trump denounces his base” – that’s a false premise………….. he did no such thing.
The world is not perfect…………. Patriot Nurse may need to sit back and process, go somewhere calming.
She misspoke, imho.
Yes, that surprised me – what she said…it was surprising…more than meets the eye going on here…imho
I always question when some one is ready to throw in the towel when there is a little problem or they perceive as problem.
With the nurse something else is going on. I am glad I do not fallow people with no backbone.
I am also glad that we are on this QTree stand firmly with President Trump.
Righteous anger.
Agree, mandy!
She makes some good points, but her denouncement of President Trump turns me off.
And it almost sounds as if she’s discouraging voting.
I suppose since she’s Jewish, her anger towards the Muslim Squad is understandable.
Not voting per se – discouraged because voting did not get us better representatives – don’t blame her for being discouraged with PT, either – she knows where the Muslims have camps around the country – they do not belong here and do not respect our laws – she enumerated the laws Omar broke – and believes she should be removed from Congress and deported – they do not represent our country – PT already said what he thought – and believes there should be an investigation – PN is angry because he did not stick up for people who were free to express themselves – don’t blame her there – Omar insults our military, us, and our laws – she should be called out. PT is caught between a rock and a hard place…he must treat all equally – there is something more going on here – he will fix it – imho
“don’t blame her for being discouraged with PT, either”
Really??? Are you serious?? Honest question.
true – we all do get discouraged and worn out. But I have Never blamed POTUS. that is blaming the very one who is working hard for us. He has Already done so much, proven himself again and again…NOPE! Too late! He can Not lose me. Nor do I get so confused as to blame him or be upset over one event. Too many good events, too many promises kept, too many long hours worked on our behalf.
I Never get discouraged enough for that!
Very well said, MM! I’d gladly take a bullet for him and would consider it a high honor to be able to do so.
WHY would anyone expect President Trump to be perfect and not make mistakes?
I for one will NEVER abandon him for a tempest in a teapot!
No, I do not – many people are impatient for things to happen – they believe it should be obvious – and fixed quickly – because they have waited so long for it to be corrected – I can understand the frustration – but, I also know everything cannot be corrected overnight, too – here is a patriotic person who cannot tolerate someone who trashes her country – am sure she had a lot to say about ‘that other guy’ that was far worse than this incident. Why is it okay for them to speak out – but, not for us? Both PN and the people at the rally are free to express their opinions – whether or not we agree with what they say. As far as PT is concerned, he said it was not right – and he is free to express his opinion – as well – I don’t judge any of them – I just understand.
I didn’t watch it, but I do not agree with denouncing Pres. Trump over this. It’s not about Omar or where she came from or what she has or has not done. It’s about Pres. Trump not wanting his base chanting a certain phrase. (Actually, it might not even be that; he might be saying it for some other specific purpose at this time.) I wish people would think.
Perspective really, really, really matters.
President Trump has done more for America than any other President in my 64 years.
There is zero reason to get bent with or doubt President Trump’s intentions.
There is pure wisdom in what is, or was one of his rally theme songs…consider the words…clear concise message…
No, you can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need.
Makes one think twice…the goal is to separate and divide – united we are strong; divided we fall and fail…why they are making such a big deal over this – still think he knows something we do not…
The liberals are simply using that chant to distract us from the fact we have 4 freshman anti-American Muslim lovers in Congress. And they’re saying things that are totally insane.
Complicated Business folks…..
Daughn—-Part of Lisa Mei’s THread includes this Q Drop that speaks directly to your experience with the Bernie Person….
Bwhbwbwbw… creeeeeeepy.
It’s HABBBENING Michael!!!! Twilight ZONE music indeed!!!
I know, right? When I saw the words “divided” highlighted, I thought the same thing, just like you.
My light bulbs went off today, big time.
We’re closer than I thought we were.
Agreed!…If not tomorrow–then……SOON!!!!
The watch has a date of 19…..
We shall see
Wouldn’t THAT be nice…
Scott!! Been missing you!! You still captain of our Dodge Ball team?!!!
“The transition process of the world reserve currency brings much uncertainty
Throughout history, a transition of the reserve currencies has always brought about turmoil and uncertainty in financial markets. One country’s decline, and the subsequent rise of another, marks a radical transformation for the world, especially as market demand shifts. The country that dominates global commerce during any given period is usually marked with the status of having the reserve currency. Spain and Portugal dominated the 15th and 16th centuries, the Netherlands the 17th century, France and Britain the 18th and 19th centuries, and the US dominated the 20th century.”
“The Typical Duration of a World Reserve Currency
The reserve currency transition is a cycle that has typically lasted in history somewhere between 80 to 110 years. Officially, the US dollar has been the reserve currency for 68 years. However, the US dollar was used in trade much before, since the 1920’s in fact. That would put the US dollar closer to 90+ years as the reserve currency. These cycles of about 100 years (one century) is very common in history: the ancients called it a saeculum which represented four seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter). As with all cycles, there was a period of growth, saturation, peak, and decline which represented these seasons.”
Thanks to President Trump the orchastrated COLLAPSE of the USA and RISE of Communist China has been stalled. It remains to be seen if we can manage to undo the DELIBERATE damage that has been done to our country.
Remember our country is EXPERIMENTAL and has the most freedom for the INDIVIDUAL in history.
I used to be an ‘individualism’ advocate myself. Then I realized that it is horrifically destructive.
I’d go so far as to say that the idolization of ‘individualism’ has come at the expense of community, and therefore is in large part *responsible* for the coming collapse of the nation.
JMO and YMMV, as always.
Yeah well, your opinion sucks, in my opinion.
“The coming collapse of the nation”?
Some of us believe we are on the cusp of a historic, multi-generational victory, led by an authentic America-loving patriotic genius who has LITERALLY had the entire world (along with a corrupt DOJ, FBI, and CIA) trying to take him down…..but who, instead, is handing the world it’s collective ass….as our dear Flep reminds us on a DAILY basis.
I know misery loves company and tries it’s best to get people to join it, but your CONSTANT negativity and eeyore-ing is really starting to piss me off.
AND President Trump is a classic example of a sucessful INDIVIDUAL!
PDJT, like our Republic, is exquisitely exceptional.
Whatever, gramps.
Sure thing, child.
Btw and for the record….you started with the name calling. Not me. So as things escalate from here, let’s all remember that.
Hey Hey Hey!…
Individual = PATRIOT
Collective (group) = COMMUNIST
Think about that for a minute.
Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society And Family Life
“Church attendance in the United States is at an all-time low”….
Gee…. I wonder why?
Look at the Catholic “Priest Pedo scandal……
Protestants are now “Rock and Holy Rollers”
Where is the REVERENCE of GOD anymore?
God told us: This was going to happen.
But do NOT give in to COMMUNISM!
Tes we need to work together in love and peace….
but we also have to call out the BULLSHIT.
Which is it, work together (as in a COMMUNITY) or defy leviathan as a rugged individual?
Can’t have it both ways…
If that is the ONLY choice….
I will band with LIKE-MINDED American Patriotic INDIVIDUALS.
NOT the “Community” aka COMMUNISTS
um… banding together with like minded people … to form a … what? What? A COMMUNITY.
This is NOT advocating the ideological system ‘communism.’ It’s advocating EXACTLY what you are advocating – strong COMMUNITIES. Of … you know … like minded people.
Your reaction to the very IDEA of strong COMMUNITY is why I believe the maniacal worship of the *individual* over *community* has been so horribly detrimental to the nation as a whole.
Well… as you can see ….
I disagree. I will stand ALONE with my GOD if need be.
If any others want to be with me… ok.
That does NOT make us a “Community” as I understand you to like.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea, I don’t recall exactly where…
Great scripture…..
But I think YOU are projecting.
Funny though…….
YOU tried to make a dig, then exposed YOURSELF.
“lack of knowledge”
Then turn right around and “don’t recall”
Gee, where have we heard that before?
FG&C– I dearly Love you!!! But stop being a trouble maker…LOL!!

Marica actually has figured out how to …..SCROLL– It’s like smokin a cigar!!! I read..I see.. And seriously..When I see a negative comment I just do the “Bill Barr water bottle gif” LOL!! Your Passion Matches MINE!!! Please, Scroll..We want you here!!! MOTHERF*CKERS want us DIVIDED!!
Love you..
It all depends on whether your view point is that the individual should serve the State or whether the State is there to protect the rights of the individual. It really is that simple.
The USA was set-up so the government protect the rights of the individual.
This is the other option where the State or ‘community’ should be served by the individual. It is from Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw
“The USA was set-up so the government protect the rights of the individual.”
And it has done EXACTLY that: the INDIVIDUAL has more rights THAN THE MAJORITY.
“It all depends on whether your view point is that the individual should serve the State or whether the State is there to protect the rights of the individual. It really is that simple.”
The tyranny of the minority rules the US today. It does not MATTER what the majority wants precisely because of the misguided worship of the individual. It really is that simple….
“Community” = COMMUNIST!
NEVER… underestimate the INDIVIDUAL American PATRIOT!
Me thinks, with President Trump, the collapse has been averted without Patriots having an uprising.
For me, the writing on the wall was clear in 2016, and glaringly obvious in 2019 with everything we have learned.
Fixing Broken Education System & Giving Students More Choice—Department of Education Sec Betsy DeVos
I fully understand POTUS needed to “turn the ship around” get the econ humming and has been delayed by Muh Russia. Education will have to wait to second term? Kind of disappointed but hey, completely understand the priorities.
I hope DeVos is staying! She has done some great stuff to remove leftist insanity from DoEd – very TOUGH moves!
It is a bigger mess than we care to admit – there is much to do to fix a broken, misguided system that has been going downhill for a long time…however, I think this is near and dear to his heart – and he will do something…yes – 2nd term
I just really LOVE this pic—Remember When?
Beautiful pic.
Don’t recall it back in 2017. Will look for the video. Great song. Great President. Great FLOTUS.
I remember as if was yesterday!!!! I cried watching this!!! MY WAY!!! INDEED!!!
YT video link…
Thanks Kalbo–I get tears!!!
JAMES WOODS IS BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
wonder how ‘pencil neck’ is going to handle his NEW nickname ? James doesn’t play around.
I wonder if James Woods will get kicked off Twitter again tommorrow for that.
Well, no surprise if he gets kicked off TW, I suppose.
But when, if pencil neck Schitt’s name is on one or more of the 2,000 docs to be released, back on TW? One would think yes. Or otherwise tied into pedo world. Recent past Schitt associated with hotel(s) and…don’t recall. Shady implications for sure.
Such a great week.
LOL!!!!!! That is stinking Hilarious!!!!! Honey Badger he IS!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!–I gotta go follow!
I just clicked on @RealJamesWoods and his last tweet is April 19, back when he was kicked off. The tweet Praying Medic linked to is from Feb. 19. So I don’t think he’s back.
I just discovered same thing Linda……….
There is a hashtag “boybumperSchiff” — and Woods’ tweet is there, dated Feb 19th
Have no idea where PM got the tweet……. but it’s real, just dated !
James Woods said he would not come back until Twitter restores free speech…
????? I don’t get it. Pencil neck tweet is from Feb of 2019. No activity on James Woods since April of 2019.
No, Praying Medic was talking about “boybumperSchiff” hashtag, thinking it a recent tweet…. it’s not
Daughn, if you go to hashtag “boybumperSchiff” and scroll down a bit, you will see tweet PM posted on Schiff….
Pencil neck comment is mine… guess I muddied up the water there
Absolutely correct that James has not tweeted since April
I gotcha PR, sorry about the confusion.
Which is creepier? That this is coming from a presidential candidate, or the mindless zombies repeating after her?
Indoctrination happening before our eyes. It’s infuriating to see people who won’t think and stand up for themselves.
She is ‘Oprah’s Spiritual Advisor —————
which says to me that Oprah and her money and that of those who worship at the feet of Oprah ……..
are backing this candidate
(I know that YOU know this )
Yes, each individual has to make the decision for him/herself to participate in that idiotic, untruthful exercise, or not.
Individuals of like mind came together to found this country. Individuals of like mind elected POTUS DJT. Each person’s rights are protected by our Constitution, and each person also has the responsibility to maintain America as founded.
Benjamin Franklin, on what they had wrought: “A Republic, if you can keep it.” We have to keep it. The State will never do that; the State only wants to empower itself. Individuals have to keep the State in check while asserting their rights.
These are the same people who pray to crystals and shit.
Batshit crazy.
The good news is they are a small minority, don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
Great news:
it is obviously my bedtime … I started posting on yesterday’s thread. oops. reposting here….
I have a probably ignorant question. The two watch pictures, one from march and one from now, the two little dials are both the pointing exactly the same. What do those 2 little dials stand for or measure? I
s it unusual that whatever they measure would be the Exact same both times and in months so separated?
Was it the reflections at which we are supposed to look closely or those dials being the same at whatever they are measuring despite being at different times months apart?
Or were the pictures taken at the same time/same day, pictures saved to then be used as needed or when appropriate for their message?
Might not be anything but I really don’t know. Depend on brains greater than mine! ha
I like that the second hand is always straight up – taking the picture on the Exact time. Precision. I like that.
2nd post
What type of watch does POTUS usually wear? Other key players/admin staff? Anyone seen wearing this watch? What happened at the times on the watch on those days? Just thinking…
And that is all I will post tonight as I can’t even keep my days straight!
Good Night. Another KMAG day tomorrow!
Guessing top one a stop watch. Bottom one looks like second hand.
But why at same points in both pictures?
I think Kalbo has your answer Mom- it’s a stopwatch , often called a chronograph watch .
I hope that the “Date” is the important part…..
19th….. tomorrow
Some of us skipped #4 and went straight to #5.
And I’ll drop this right here while I’m at it…
Amen to that…..
But gun owners… per se…
are Patriots…..
They use their “guns”…
NOT “Offense”
Ohhhhh, looky here.
Iran is sneaking back to the negotiating table.
If I were POTUS I’d tell them I’d be willing to talk to them about a full and permanent dismantling of their nuclear program in exchange for a lifting of the sanctions, and nothing less. Economic depression and social upheaval inside Iran, or their Nucs. They choose.
Me thinks President Trump has a handle on this.
Methinks POTUS made the handle.
I love you guys but with Iran I want the whole enchilada. Ayatollah removed, correct government re-established, CVID of all Persia, demilitarization and occupation by Coalition military forces, complete destruction and prohibition of all non-NATO and Soviet military hardware, total freedom for the Iranian people (religion, speech, press, communication, commerce, and travel), return of nation to civilized diplomatic/military/economic relations, and mass importation American autos. Lots of autos.
Is that all?
Well, once they start behaving they can buy a fleet of Boeing aircraft as well
Note to all,
Th Obama Iran Nuc Deal Negotiating team has been replace with FG&C and Plain Jane.
As we are working to spot pretenders as candidates and the Epstein investigation is snowballing, don’t forget that Killary and Shifty Schiff warned and cried about “deep fake’ videos. The articles I found said they could be prevelant for the 2020 election.
Several people are considering running to unseat AOC:
This 59 year old former cop now teacher
as well as the woman of color immigrant that is getting all the media attention
Brandon Straka put out a feeler that he may run against her
The “woman of color immigrant” is a dem plant who openly praised and supported AOC. She is now pretending to be a Republican in an attempt to protect AOC and steal resources and support from a real AOC challenger.
Could the dumb ass be more obvious a fraud candidate?
Yeah the article i linked stated that, warned she had been an AoC supporter.
a live link I hope this time
Use TOR to go to this blog – these people are FUCKING CRIMINALS.
Who Lawfare or the deep fake producers? I am not familiar sorry If I brought a bad link in.
lawfareblog – these are the people who helped Comey and Brennan try to FRAME TRUMP.
OH I did not know that, Thanks for the heads up. Won’t go back there. they will probably be the ones using the deep fakes to try to frame POTUS further!
Could very well be. Most importantly, they are going to be denying a lot of REAL evidence that will come out using the allegation that they are fake – THAT is their primary angle on the deep fakes. It is DEFENSIVE against REAL VIDEOS. Q trolled the MSM on this and made them tip their hand early on the deep fake defense.
Interesting that many have given must proof that Q is real so now Q is able to be taken seriously, at least in private, by many on the other side and therefore is able to affect their behavior. Clever Q
Thank you kindly for doing the needful
Yeah that is what the article I linked said. The lawfare site link will have to be copied and pasted sorry I could not get the live link to work, I did not realize I put the http:// in twice, doooh!
Every day and twice on Sundays!

Along with two scoops!
Interesting theory connecting Q crumbs to tarot cards. Posting it here because it’s getting a lot of attention on the Q boards.
Thread starts here:
Thanks for posting this, Sadie. I read the whole thread awhile ago, and it is an eye opener! Will be very interesting to see where this goes as it gets batted around by the anons.

Wolfie and the Q are gonna be howling tonight!
There’s a lot of people excited about this one, but Q and tarot at this point don’t seem to go together.
I will have a new daily thread up in an hour or so!
I looked at the watch and like it said in the desc……President’s reflection is on the top.

Tired, typing is hard.
LM— feel yer pain!!! LOL!!! So is Seeing!!! I think my hands can go…longer than my eyes!!!LOL!!!
Poking around in the WA state news as we have a primary election Aug. 6th. Anywho the News Tribune a socialsit rag, fish wrapper of a paper posted this editorial. It is interesting to see the endorsements by the socialists for Port Commissioners. One is endorsed because she checks all the boxes, woman-check, person of color-check, and youth-check! Both endorsed candidates are also against fossil fuel or LNG projects. What is booming in the US economy now? Yep, those industries. The ones not endorsed are males with industry and business experience that look to be conservative, one writes for NewsMax and ran ships for the US Navy and another worked UPS and Boeing for years.. the link:
Gee, just about the time I almost get caught up, there’s MOAR!!! And I haven’t even had time to look at the notables today! And no, I’m still not tired of winning!
Cheap Cheap!!

I just realized….Bernie Sanders initials are B.S.

Lars Larson, Portland area radio talk show host always refers to B.S. as Bernie Sanders.
He commonly says on air, “That’s just a pile of Bernie Sanders”. No FCC fines for him, ha ha.