When did Donald Trump suddenly become a racist? Before he entered the world of politics, he was branded as the life of the party; now that he is president, he is being branded as a racist.
What gives here?

What about boxing mogul Don King? What does he say?
“(Trump is) a giant in the business community and a giant in the human community.” King says he thought highly of Trump then, just as he does now. “Trump was a white ally — and he was one of distinction and renown in the business world,” King says.

Ok…..surely that great paragon of blackness, the Rev. Al “Resist we much” Sharpton knew Trump was a racist, right? Hmmmm….

Flep posted this today…..perfect…..
Not for nothing, here is how you know progressive communists are full of Schiff when it comes to their accusations of Trump and “racism”….

Been trying to figure this out for ages, look at many of the people that were on his TV show.
Heck, I never even heard of Kara Young. LMAO! I’m sure the racial gerrymandering theorists have some bogus counter-counter-narrative explanation for it.
Hey, I have a theory! “Trump’s not a racist!” I know it’s radical, but it’s very simple and explains the FACTS neatly.
Weirdly yet not weirdly, interracial marriage is almost orthogonal to politics. The last time I saw the actual numbers (a couple of years ago), self-described *conservatives* were very slightly more likely to marry across racial lines. But the numbers have to be going up across the board. It’s now “normal” where I’m at – people don’t think about it. Very obvious just by going to the mall.
This trend preceded Obama by a long shot – it was well underway during Clinton and very strong under Bush 43. There is some chance it would have been GREATER without the divisive psychology of the Obama years, but that’s hard to say, IMO. More and more, I’m thinking that there was no effect either way from all the division-stoking. Just wasted push on people who didn’t want to be pushed.
Immigration – who is AVAILABLE – that is what makes an actual difference. Assimilation – which groups are WILLING to assimilate to common culture and which won’t – that is what makes an actual difference. We can make it work or we can screw it up, and some people seem really invested in screwing it up.
Fortunately, The People and their Independent Intelligence will have the final say. Hardware, like censorship, is worked around by intelligence. Very beautiful, but the Turing revolution in thought, which points back to mind over matter, is suppressed by making the story all about his sexual stuff and nothing about the profound implications of his work. Deception. Tsk, tsk. Useful in its exposure – not so useful in its effect.
Progs want to screw things up so they can then claim to have all the answers for fixing them. This is the preamble to “Never let a crisis go to waste”.
It is Leftist Crap 101
Rahm Emanuel approves of this motto and preamble!
He didn’t really care about her, he was just using her for sex, just like any slave owner who raped his female slaves.
(No, I don’t think that. I DO think that’s what the race pimps will say.)
Yup. I can imagine it!
Trump is clearly a “tallist”, a “beautyist”, and a “hottist”! J’accuse!
Seriously, he has a good universal sense of beauty, and thus it’s very clear why he was able to leverage that PROFESSIONALLY as well.
That is the case with mixed couples even way out here in flyover country. Quite common.
Now THAT quote is gonna stick with me!
And in answer to which one… “Yes!”
Despicable Democrats – here is another crime by your nasty somali terrorist ‘congresswoman’
Cats out of the bag,I only hope something will come of it.
She is not an Omar either so I hope the Omar family is deported as well.
Oh just you know this piece is being shared on FB and tweeter…that was why I tagged wolf…
I shared it on FB as well.
So many good articles on here…Share the monitors posts and many articles from posters.
Please Mr. President be even more ‘racist’ – STOP THE INVASION!!!
Send back those who have illegally invaded the USA!!!!
[…] via Donald Trump the Racist […]
That twitter woman is funny. Shes right tho too.
“When did Donald Trump suddenly become a racist?”
He didn’t!
“Before he entered the world of politics, he was branded as the life of the party; now that he is president, he is being branded as a racist.
What gives here?”
Fake news, fake narrative, bald-faced liars… his actions speak far louder than any accusation by a completely discredited and exposed fake news media.
In order for a ‘brand’ to stick, there has to be an obvious and undeniable element of truth to it, e.g., “Low Energy Jeb”.
The reason it stuck is because everyone could ‘see it’, at least once DJT focused on it like a laser
But ‘branding’ doesn’t work if you try to ‘focus’ on something that isn’t ‘there’ to begin with.
There’s no ‘there’ there.
Ergo, this attempt by the Fakestream Media will fail, like all their other attempts.
And, generally speaking, the word ‘rayciss’ is more effective in response.
It mocks those who wield it as a weapon of attempted social murder, and makes it clear to everyone that you have no fear of the term, that their preferred weapon is useless against you, and they’ll have to come up with something substantive (which they can’t), or they can piss off.
Yes, my parents said that. Not going any farther.
Black Americans don’t hate their country, but Ilhan does.
It’s pretty simple. Nancy Pelosi, The Black Dem Caucus, Rahm Emanuel, and the President of the USA, are all united and agree……… the four women are out of control.
“It’s pretty simple. Nancy Pelosi, The Black Dem Caucus, Rahm Emanuel, and the President of the USA, are all united and agree……… the four women are out of control.”

Well, it’s only simple because you simplified it, but there’s a whole lot in there to ‘unpack’
From Piglosi’s perspective (unless she’s in on it), the Four Frauds are only ‘out of control’ because they are not following the Demo-fascist narrative (unless the Four Frauds ARE part of the Demo-fascist narrative).
Same goes for the racist black Dem caucus. I call them racist because they are — manifestly — a bunch of rabid white-hating racists, and because if there was a ‘white caucus’ it would absolutely and immediately be called racist, and while I see very clearly that different rules apply for black people in our double-standard Animal Farm country, I refuse to observe or follow those different rules for black people and white people.
From all of the Devilrat perspectives, the Four Frauds are ‘out of control’ only to the extent that they are not following the Demo-Fascist script (keeping in mind the possibility that the Four Frauds ARE acting according to the script, and Nancy, the racist black dem caucus and Rahm Emmanuel are playing their parts by acting as if the Four Frauds are ‘out of control’).
But President Trump only agrees that they are ‘out of control’ because it’s a win-win for him either way, whether the Four Frauds have truly wandered off the Demo-Fascist reservation OR whether they’re just playing their part in a larger Demo-Fascist scheme
Based on many links posted here in recent days, it appears that the Four Frauds are part of a guerilla insurgency within the Demo-Fascist Party, using the exact same Demo-Fascist playbook (Alinsky, Communist) against the Democrat Party.
I’m curious about the objectives of the puppet-masters pulling the strings on the Four Frauds.
There is a very small group of extremely rich globalists (at the top) running the Democrat Party / UniParty construct. If ‘new’ billionaire ‘players’ have entered the ‘game’ and are pursuing their own agenda, the original Democrat Party puppet-masters know exactly who the ‘new’ players are. The billionaire club is still small enough that nobody sneaks in and starts shaking things up without the others noticing who is doing it.
Which means whoever the ‘new billionaire players’ are, they almost certainly used to be with the other globalist billionaire puppet-masters, but have now gone rogue. And if that is the case, then there is a ‘war’ going on within the billionaire Democrat Party puppet-master club, because two factions with opposing interests cannot coexist for long (it’s a pretty small ‘house’, and a house divided cannot stand).
The other possibility being that these ‘new’ players who are pulling the Four Frauds’ strings (Saikat Chakrabarti and the 24 year old woman and the white guy who were revealed as AOC’s ‘handlers’ in a recent article, IIRC) are actually independently motivated radical ‘upstarts’. True-believer purple Kool-Aid guzzlers who are simply pushing the envelope to see how far they can go before someone stops them.
And if that’s the case, either the original / regular puppet-masters will find a way to use the Four Frauds for their own ends, or the ‘new players’ will be Arkancided as soon as the time is right. Because if they are just independent radical ‘upstarts’, the globalist puppet-masters running the DNC will absolutely not hesitate to remove them from the playing field.
I am white and love America so that makes me a racist,damn it’s getting hard to be white in America.
It occurred to me that every time the America-haters say ‘racist’, what they really mean is ‘patriot’.
Like some Jedi mind-trick out of the Alinsky manual, they have just switched the words or substituted the word ‘racist’ for ‘Patriot’.
Every time they see someone say or do anything that is associated with traditional American beliefs and values, they ‘see’ a Patriot, but they say ‘racist’.
It is a sneaky and subversive way to attack ‘Patriots’ (using that term broadly) through word-substitution, replacing the word that represents what they hate (i.e., Patriot) with the word ‘racist’, which they can use as a weapon to attack what they hate.
Scott – EXACTLY!
Same here, RS. I really don’t care if someone calls me a racist. I don’t give a damn. I like being white and I love my country, and I believe in putting Americans first, so if that makes my rayciss, then so be it.
Y’know, if VSGPOTUSDJT is racist, I’d be really, really, really angry about it — because he seems to be demonstrating complete and utter incompetence in actually doing it. I hired VSGPOTUSDJT for his competence, not his manners, and if he can’t do something as simple as racism right, I’d want him fired as a four-alarm wanker.
OTOH, there’s no evidence that I can see that confirms that he actually has set out to be racist.
It defies imagination to consider “Send her back” racist. In fact, if one knows the facts—which the left is trying to keep from us—people would see that sending her and others with her mindset back would safeguard Americans of all races.
One might say that it is extremely racist to allow her to stay. The welcome for her has to be for her skin color right? I mean, no one who loves America and Americans would want someone with her America and American hating qualities to stay…..?
It is harder and harder to search things out on the internet and find the truth. The left wants the truth to be what they say it is, not what it is.
Yet it is still possible to look into the particulars of Omar’s religion and what it demands of her regarding non believers, what it demands in terms of the rule of law, and if swearing on her Holy Book binds her to the truth.
Never have we faced a challenge like the one we face today.
There is a sick and twisted, power hungry group of people who hold incredible wealth and are using it to destabilize the globe so that they can rule it and bend nations to their will.
They hold technology which can enslave us, They monitor our buying, selling, coming, going, and speech. They even have the technology to read our thoughts.
They call us racist and hold us accountable for slaves we have never owned, but in fact they have no problem with slavery if they are the ones owning the slaves. The term racist, applied to us, excuses their own efforts to own and control us.
As we see the rollout of the social credit system in China and understand that Google and Apple are now essentially Chinese companies who are completely leftist in character and control, we have to understand what we are up against and come together to formulate strategies to combat it.
Again, I will post a link to Dr. Robert Epstein, but there are several others.
If they win it is not just our generation that has lost
Saying good night.

Blessing all.