It was the MOMENT that I realized that we are dealing with DEGRADATION of Western symbols….

That we are being forced to DEGRADE THEM OURSELVES….
That it is being done using RACIAL REVENGE as a psychological subtext….

And it was ALSO being done using SEXUAL REVENGE as a psychological subtext….

That REVENGE is a form of degradation on both PERPETRATOR and VICTIM….

Exactly like SLAVERY degrades both the PERPETRATOR and the VICTIM….
A BRILLIANT IDEA that I learned from Frederick Douglass…..

And THAT is the moment when I realized who was behind it….
The nation that SNEAKS IN TO CHEAT TO WIN….
The nation that DEGRADES and HUMILIATES its bound victims….
The nation that UNBINDS its victims only to MAKE THEM CRAWL….
Yes – just like the way that CHINA is behind the self-destructive genocide of the ANC against white farmers in South Africa – which DEGRADES both the whites and the blacks…..

And just like the way the ChiComs BOMBED OUR FACTORIES by taking the jobs right out from under our workers – making AMERICAN MANAGEMENT rape AMERICAN WORKERS – and then carried out CHEMICAL WARFARE on the survivors using FENTANYL…..
(A cunning yet weirdly misplaced REVENGE for their “opium issues” with Britain….)
And just like a CHINESE MILITARY AGENT – standing on American soil in an American university, lectured the very TECH WORKERS that his operation was about to replace, humiliating the blackmailed management and the soon-to-be SCREWED workers at the same time….
Once I realized that the “symbol-rape” being done by Hollywood against itself is a BRILLIANT and WICKED form of DEGRADING THE VICTIM….
Even worse – making the victims degrade themselves….
THAT is exactly when I knew it was CHINA doing it.

Trust me. You dig underneath ALL of this stuff, and you will find the stealthy influence of CHINESE MONEY, followed by CHINESE DISINFORMATION, and finally CHINESE SUBVERSION, with the coup de grace being to BLAME AMERICANS in general, and “you know who” in particular.
OH, it was so cunning. WAR during “peace”.
Now – first of all, I want to thank fellow QTreeper andyocoregon for his post that made the lightbulb turn on.
I heartily agree with Trina.
I refuse to watch any more 007 movies if this is what they promote.
andyocoregon, July 21, 2019
Well, I went to the article, and BOOM – that is when it hit me like a ton of bricks.
ALL that ChiCom money in Hollywood. Funding EXACTLY what they needed.
But THEN I thought of the real kicker. The thing that proves what this is.
Why isn’t Hollywood writing GREAT NEW CHARACTERS for women and minorities?
Not BULLSHIT political action characters like “Machete” or whatever his name is. I mean BATMAN-level, or JAMES BOND LEVEL.
Why isn’t Hollywood creating WOMEN characters and BLACK characters and ASIAN characters who are ICONIC and someday people will go “Fucking shit! They want some WHITE GUY to play Fanny Wu? That’s NUTS!”
That is when I realized that BLACKS and WOMEN and ALL MINORITIES are not only being CHEATED out of their rightful future – a future that CHINA wants for themselves….
They are being DEGRADED by the “character cannibalization” that Hollywood is being FORCED TO ENGAGE IN by their NEW MASTERS.
They are being DEGRADED by being made into political propaganda PAWNS.

It’s not about “raising up” women and “minorities” in the West. It’s about USING THEM to punish, humiliate, and degrade the West AS A WHOLE.
It’s about making the WEST self-destruct.
And then I knew it. I knew who was behind it.
I know a lot about this. I watched it for a LOOOONG time. Very close-up. Everybody who was in tech and watched the ChiComs STRIKE in the dark and PARALYZE management to make them ATTACK WORKERS saw how it all worked.
I was about to post a long diatribe, but then I got the idea for this post, and what you are about to read. So instead, I wrote this:
wolf moon, July 21, 2019
Well, I think I just did.
So let’s talk about where we go from here.
Chinese investment in “what Americans think about themselves” (otherwise known as Hollywood and the media) is an extremely dangerous thing. Personally, I would just BAN THIS SHIT at 100% levels. Letting CHINA invest in America’s self-image is probably the STUPIDEST thing we ever did.
Sadly, Hollywood is so addicted to ChiCom bucks right now, it would likely DIE ON THE SPOT is ChiCom cash infusions were withdrawn.
That’s where nice, simple, quickly adjustable TARIFFS come in.
You want to put a dollar into Hollywood? Pay TWO DOLLARS.
You want to take a dollar OUT OF Hollywood? PAY HALF.
And then add a “degradation tax” for obvious cultural Marxism.
And then add an “interference tax” for interfering in the plots of movies and shows.
And then add a “censorship tax” for any interference in FREE SPEECH in Hollywood.
See where I’m going? We DO NOT have to put up with this garbage.
And we can even set the tariffs SO HIGH that the ChiComs just LEAVE.

Lady Liberty, who YOU were making Uncle Sam rape, has just GRABBED A GUN.
KNEEL YOU FUCKERS. Just like your little Kaepernick BITCH.
We’ll talk about “reparations” later.

Another reason why I don’t watch TV.
Take out your enemy from within. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.
Absolutely. Once you see how almost every show is propaganda, it’s pretty horrifying. My wife still watches a little of it, but I try not to even listen to it, because the background normalizes a kind of misleading world, so I put on headphones.
President Richard Nixon visited China in 1972. Kissinger joined Nixon on his first visit to Mao Tse Tung. WIKI — “… the U.S. continued to maintain official relations with the government of the Republic of China in Taiwan, and did not break off until 1979…”
“…The Trade Act of 1974 created fast track authority for the President to negotiate trade agreements that Congress can approve or disapprove but cannot amend or filibuster….” — WIKI
Wolfie my Ex was shipped to Germany in 1974. I came back to the USA in 1976 and was SHOCK at how HORRIBLE the TV programs were. Gone were the westerns and spy and cop shows showing GOOD WINS over EVIL and in their place were tacky sit-coms (Barf) that esentially made fun of Americans (Subtle) So yeah, it happened THAT FAST!!!
Also think of what happened to ‘fashion’ around the same time period.
When I graduated in 1968, high schools had dress codes. NO pants on girls, skirts to the top of the knee, no or very little make-up and generally NO DATING until you were 16 (Comming Out Party) Remember Sweet 16 and never been kissed?
Now we have little girls wearing make-up and dressing like ‘sluts’ Little boys have their pants around their hips showing their underwear coverend butt-hole…. ALL are LOUD SIGNALS to the Pedo crowd IMHO.
In 1982 WEXLER started a string of acquisitions, buying out fashion stores… In 1988, the stores selling a CLASSIC clothes line, Abercrombie & Fitch, were purchased.
The Drag-Queen crap is just the latest insult to the Judeo-Christian American Family.
And YES!!! Fashion MATTERS!!! I had that conversation with an Army Sargeant many years ago. He had a female civilian helper who was my age, dressed in tight provocative clothes and was ALWAYS getting ‘unwanted interest’ from the soldiers. I was her age, dressed conservatively and was in the same area interacting with the same guy with ZERO problem. If you do not want to BE a TARGET, don’t dress as a TARGET.
“If you do not want to BE a TARGET, don’t dress as a TARGET.”
This is a concept that is also being attacked. Somehow, it’s the guy’s fault if they look. No, it really isn’t. You, lady (not you Gail), are inviting trouble even if you don’t think you are.
Kind of skews the definition of “Lady”…. Does it not?
Males are PROGRAMED by nature/God to be ‘interested’ A female signals/invites attention when she wishes it. The ‘fashion industry’ completely screw this up… INTENTIONALLY!!!
You want a well mannered colt? Toss him out with a pregnant broodmare or even a mare not in heat and watch her teach him manners ASAP. I had a very mouthy (nips) two year old colt we could not train not to bite. A week with my old halflinger mare did more for his ‘manners’ than six months of my training. Learned that from a friend who raises saddlebreds. Stallions are inclined to bite and mares to kick.
Back to the PARIS FRANCE center of the ‘fashion industry’ most are men, most are gay.
WORSE it is the HOME of Global Governance aka the New World Order.
Pascal Lamy former Director General of the World Trade Organization was also Chief of Staff to the President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors. Lamy is quite blunt in stating national sovereignty is passe
A series on the communist origins of the EU.
Film from 2016. The Baron at GoV provides this introduction:
A “masked” plan for Europe?
The *comments* to the article linked above are stellar.
For example:
BREXIT THE MOVIE will give you the details on how the EU is actually Run.
Thanks again Gail….. True insight is hard to come by these days
Gail, love the anecdote of the mare teaching the yearling!
“Stallions are inclined to bite and mares to kick” gives vitality to the expression “kick in the teeth”
OH YEAH, that is EXACTLY what that mare did to that horny colt. Really took him down several pegs!
You want to watch DISCIPLINE, watch a mare teach a feist and horny colt the meaning of the concept NO! She went at him with teeth, front hooves and back hooves. She didn’t hurt him but he got the message within the first two minutes. “If I lay my ears off ‘boy’ you had BETTER BACK OFF — FAST!”
We laughed ourselves silly. Especially after months of: ‘push his head away, pull his chin hairs, use a tooth pick to prick his mussle’ — HE ATE THE DARN TOOTH PICK! (Slaping him in the face would make him headshy and biting him back didn’t work as it usually does. — spit spit spit gargle listerine spit.)
Regarding your comment below about making him head-shy – as long as the slap is no higher than the muzzle, IMO, you are ok. Yes, stallions are very “mouthy.” This is one of their ways of communicating with the mare. My guy would try maybe once a year to nip at me. A smack in the mouth and he knew he still couldn’t get away with it and it was over until next year. To be clear: it is just like slapping your child across the mouth for cussing (unless you choose the soap in the mouth trick, like my Mom) and I would never, ever advocate for striking a horse on the head anywhere above the muzzle.
In fact, I ran an exercise rider out of one of my horses’ stalls with a pitchfork. I say “my” but I was just their groom. She was the sweetest, exotic-looking light chestnut, with 4 white stockings, a white blaze and a kittenish, Asian look in the eyes, just a 2 yr. old baby. Name was Sum Damas – owner’s wife’s (Japanese) favorite horse.
This guy had been her groom before he switched to exercising and came into the stall to help me tack her up to go to the track. I had been working with her because every time I went to put the bridle on, she would suck back and throw her head, and I couldn’t figure out why. I tried a bunch of things, including checking her teeth and using a rubber bit. Well, that day, he tried to bridle her – when she sucked back, he hauled off and slugged her with his fist in the side of the head.
Boy howdy! Did HE ever regret that!!!! I grabbed that pitchfork so fast and poked him in the ass, forcing him out of the stall, and warned him not to EVER even think about touching one of my horses again!!! Told the trainer, who thankfully fired his ass.
BTW, geldings can be helpful in training colts as well. When my guy (Zaarouf) was a 3 yr. old (still a baby in the Arab world), I had him pastured with our 23+ year old quarter horse gelding (Binker) and Z kept pestering him by nipping him right at the base of his tail. Binker had arthritus and could not get his feet up high enough when he kicked to phase Z. Finally, he turned around and just bulled right into Z head-on, knocking him completely over backwards onto his back. Man, that was funnier than hell to watch! Z didn’t pester him again for quite some time.
Thank you, Gail, for linking to Brexit The Movie, an EXCELLENT and PERSUASIVE one-hour long documentary!!
Well, to be honest, I am always happily looking at women…eyes dwell more so on some… It just happens. Sort of like reflexes. Commonly whispering to myself, thanking God for the visual treats!
However, me eyes instinctively avert from anything along the lines of freaks…LGXYZ wierdos.
It’s a normal guy thing;-) Me thinks.
Stop looking, stop living, I always say.
Kal – I do the reverse. I love seeing a well groomed, nicely built man, and nowadays, it seems they are hard to come by….It’s a normal “gal” thing, I am sure. Nothing to apologize for.
OTOH I don’t want to go back to Victorian dressing for women and the concept that they are always to blame for rape. “ it was the way she was dressed” “she asked for it” people are responsible for their own actions.
“OTOH I don’t want to go back to Victorian dressing for women and the concept that they are always to blame for rape. “ it was the way she was dressed” “she asked for it” people are responsible for their own actions.”
I agree a man is responsible for his own action.
My grandmother taught me a woman is responsible for the attention she invites.
One can send a message I am not interested and one can send a message I like to flirt.
Some women dress just for attention but not for an invite.
Men and women see things differently that is why I take my husband with me when I shop for clothe or shoes. Thank God we have similar taste in clothe and I value his opinion. He values mine when we shop for him.
Sometimes I am surprised what he sees as sexy and sometimes what I think is sexy he does not think so.
At 74 I feel lucky that he takes so much interest in me what I wear. I wear what pleases me but also him.
I see young women go to work and it looks as if they go to a party or evening out instead to work. I find that troubling and then one wonders if a guy hits on them at work.
I’m more interested in comfort. Same with hubby. More casual here
It’s part of the rural purge — which was our own version of a cultural revolution — .
When I look back on it, it was so momentous……but few think about it today. And, amazingly, wikipedia has a decent write-up on it.
Yeah, not sure how long some of this stuff will last if the Wikipediantifa types get a hold of it.
It’s in everything. A tiny bit of poop in A sweet apple pie.
Brave and Free
“Another reason why I don’t watch TV.
Take out your enemy from within. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.”
Not only do I not watch TV I also do not go to movies.
For years I heard female actors complain that is was a tilted business and it is hard for a woman to find work over 30 but I also heard black females and men complain. Now some people have their wish and lets see who pays money to go to see the movies.
That was how we BEGAN to show the WHIP-MASTERS that there was a PROBLEM….
That THEY were in conflict with THEIR MASTERS….
That SOMEBODY was degrading THEM….
That SOMEBODY was controlling THEM….
That SOMEBODY was dumping the BLAME on THEM….
But now we have go beyond just making the WHIP-MASTERS feel the SHAME OF THEIR HAND ON THE WHIP….
When we tell them YOU CAN’T WHIP US, we tell their MASTERS….
Love it or leave…
As Ayn Rand put it:
“A leash is a rope with a noose at both ends.”
Nicely stated!!!
Lines like that make it apparent why so many people, especially even young people, read such thick, intellectually weighty novels as We, the Living or Atlas Shrugged. Not to mention nonfiction like Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, or the highly technical, but paradigm-shattering Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology.
Her writing is a treasure trove of bons mots like the one above.
She was a successful Hollywood screenwriter, by the way, at a time when it was already hazardous to be an anti-Communist there.
She became an expert on Communist (then Soviet) infiltration into Hollywood and the rest of American culture, writing a pamphlet on the subject, and testifying as a friendly witness before the HUAC hearings on Hollywood subversion.
Rand’s books are my favorites…read them when I was first in my twenties and re-read them again last year. They make me want to cry in frustration, actually, but I love them.
The last time I went to the theater was to see Saving Private Ryan. And it was tough to watch but, the more I learned about the leaders of companies and battalions( the ones who were successful in battle) were ruthless and smart.
War, Total war is an ugly thing to contemplate and I abhor it, but the men of the Greatest Generation did their job.
I won’t go into why I would never pay more money and be offended by the Hollyweird’s offerings but tell you all….I sure don’t miss it.
Making my popcorn at home these days.
Trumpismine – I have pretty much quit going to movies as well. I used to love them – I mean who can forget Dr. Zhivago or The Black Stallion or Lawrence of Arabia? But, it is true, you can’t “unsee” what you know is being served up nowadays, so the joy of watching them is gone. My kids think I am being unnecessarily harsh, but I just can’t give these commies my hard earned money anymore.
Honestly, getting China out would likely SAVE Hollywood. Just not sure that the spuds in Hollywood will ever see the truth of it. I think their minds may be too far gone.
Another reason why I don’t watch TV.
^^^ Bingo.
And STOP watching hollywierd movies. Have not been to a movie theater in years.
Don’t miss mindless America subverting TV / movies. Much rather go plinking in desert.
Hollywood and TV are just prolefeed now.
SUV was one of my last hold outs on NBC and then they used the cages and really went with it blaming the president. NCIS original I think is only current show I watch that much anymore. Oh well.
Mostly stream, watch a lot of Hallmark and oldies. I don’t have cable or satellite, just an antenna & Roku TVs.
I watch a few things, but with a very jaundiced eye. Like “Game of Thrones,” and some other big series. I liked “The Americans,” but totally realized they were making the spies sympathetic characters, even as they were murderous bastards, and the FBI was completely incompetent. Oh, wait, the FBI is…hmmm.
How do WE as just average people combat this, Wolf? I don’t go to movies much anymore, unless I am certain of the subject matter beforehand. What do we do?
What do we do?
Let others KNOW. All the PEDEO crap about Hollywood and DISNEY is going to turn OFF families especially those with young children.
It might be worth while to have an article put together naming names, what they were convicted of and the fact they are back working in Hollywood. I would do it but I can not access 50% of the stories that are linked. (Grumble)
Ireally need a better computer but I want A/C in my black truck first!
First step to A/C in a black vehicle is to paint it white. Seriously.
It’s why most AZ cop cars are white.
That was why our second truck was white. I am considering painting the roof white. The only reason it is black is because it is so very very easy to touch up the paint. Also I bought it while living in New Hampshire.
Went round Australia. The coastal route. Had to make careful note of where we parked the car in the top end, hot areas. Every parking lot was a sea of white 4wds
Do ANYTHING which does the following, and you advance our cause:
– do NOT succumb to the CHINESE POISON yourself – avoid all CHINESE-POISONED MEDIA
– encourage others to AVOID all CHINESE-POISONED media, movies, companies, products
– do NOT invest in anything that PROMOTES, AIDS OR ABETS the CHINESE POISONING
– when CHINA makes black hit white, don’t hit back – HIT CHINA
– when CHINA makes white hit black, don’t hit back – HIT CHINA
– when CHINA makes you blame yourself and grovel, don’t blame or grovel – HIT CHINA
– MOST IMPORTANT – realize that AMERICA FIRST is one of the most POSITIVE WAYS to WALK AWAY from what CHINA is doing – and one of the most effective and MORALLY CORRECT ways to PUNISH THEM
– realize that AMERICA FIRST and MAGA are being punished, maligned and slandered by communists like Kamala Harris, MICHELLE OBAMA, and Jesse Smollett PRECISELY because they are so effective and morally correct
– realize that TRUMP has found BIG and POWERFUL ways to do the right thing ALREADY, so anything that helps TRUMP is a big and powerful way to FIGHT BACK
What I am doing is speaking the unspeakable and pointing the finger of blame where it should go.
As President Trump tightens the Tarriff SCREWS watch Red Commie China sell off Hollywood.
With the Pig Ebola (African Swine Flu) treatening the Chinese Pig herds…
And the fall Army Worm threatening the grain crops…
China is going to be scrambling for money to buy food for their millions of people. Meanwhile the USA has NOT had a good farm season given the floods in the midwest.
This would explain a lot.
In the 70s and 80s the film industry saw a renaissance with fun movies that endure. We’re now reliving a lot of them with the next generation. Now, those movies are slowly, but surely being remade with disastrous results as the remakes ruined the magic. Ocean’s Eleven and The Parent Trap are exceptions, but the originals were from the 60s.
At one time in the last 20-30 years, Whoppi Goldberg observed that the highest grossing films of the year were based on or straight up Shakespeare and Jane Austen, both English icons in literature. Since then, some of the same basic story lines were used in movies like Bridget Jones, which was funny, but still Bridget was not Elizabeth Bennett by any means. Clueless based on Emma was a little more faithful. But, yeah, talk about ripping at the classics. The effort was pretty successful.
And then there’s the on screen violence, even in James Bond movies. The one with Hallie Berry I could barely watch. I needed to watch The Matrix for musical reasons (Live to Projection performance), but it was not something I would have chosen to watch myself.
Couth, what’s that in today’s Hollywood? I do think the downward slide started with George Carlin, even if he was right on a lot of what he had to say, but the series Seinfeld was just really destructive to manners and setting an example. Despicable people made to look like best friends. Using other people for what they could get. One of the hallmarks of western civilization at its best is the manners not to do that, and to leave a place either just as it was found or improved and cleaner if possible. That’s all but gone.
If Hollywood sold out to the Chinese, no wonder the movies are losing money. Americans don’t want to see what attacks us. And I’m beginning to wonder if there wasn’t influence in the fashion industry as well. It’s funny, my HS class photo was posted online last year as well as the one from the class of ’99. It was a fundraising competition, and we were the last two classes left in it. The one thing we all noticed 30 or so years later was how modestly we were dressed. No knees were showing. Clothes were not skin tight. Necklines were higher. I’m beginning to believe it wasn’t just another time, even in an all girls Catholic high school. Whatever rot hit this nation’s character had not happened yet, and we could still be far more traditional women even if we were pushed to getting higher education degrees.
What seems to be happening in a way is a destruction of all that is feminine, not feminist or female, but traditionally feminine. And the influence of it is not coming from the people that’s for sure.
And then there’s one particular novel written by a NYT bestselling romance author. Learned a lot about American Born Chinese (ABC) in that one. She’s on contract with one of the big publishing houses, so the chances of her being told to work something into a novel are pretty good.
Clever these Chinese. And sneaky, too.
Okay, From Prada to Nada based on Sense and Sensibility was okay. There are those who would argue that since the family was Latino in LA ‘hood it wasn’t faithful, but putting Bride and Prejudice in India wasn’t either.
Yes, TV shows and movies promoting un American themes should be recognized and pushed back on.
The assholes directing and “acting” in TV shows and movies verbally bash and degrade everything America and Americans cherish, promote Socialism…yada, yada…
So, why in the world would an idiot like me want to contribute to paying their salaries…confirming their value to America?
Nah, I reject all of them assholes until they act like Americans. 100% don’t need them shitheads. Hoping hundreds of them get swept up with the ilk of Epstein.
One of the problems, IMO, based on personal experience, is that the pr!ck like behavior ends up being mimicked by those who have an unhealthy dose in the gene pool as it is. It’s the old thing that they like what they hear, agree with it, so they stick to it.
Guys, please, manners go a long way.
Yep. Manners important…contribute to civility…also feels good;-)
Yes please. No thank you. Yes sir. Yes Maam. Appreciate the offer. Holding doors. Offering a hand to elderly or those with challenges…
Learned those things from parents…passed to children and now grand children…
Eyes wide open. Maybe partially NV retiree population. Amazing the number of folks shopping or in parking lots appreciative of a helping hand, or simple consideration to not be hurried as they may be moving a bit slower than years past.
Politeness and manners could use more emphasis across society.
Amazing the number of folks shopping or in parking lots appreciative of a helping hand, or simple consideration to not be hurried as they may be moving a bit slower than years past.
As an ol’ guy joining this dwindling group recently I went to the grocery store with my first’s wife shopping list in hand (she was under the weather),
and spent about an hr-1/2 walking to and fro in that store finding all that stuff.
Well after getting checked out and walking back to the car I was worn out.
A young man collecting shopping carts saw me and came over and starting helping me put the groceries in the car.
You know what I said?
Thank you sir. Kid got a big smile on his face and so did I
I recall when they used to make good movies aka romantic comedies. Now its all CGI with a forced message.
The comedies are anything but well that today. All remakes and reboots.
Also WTH Natalie Portman as Thor!!! Heck to the no. I can’t stand her. She was awful in the Thor movies. Wasn’t she for BDS and anti Netanyahu?
Interesting how they LASER-POINTER their victims this way and that, isn’t it? They are DESTROYING Natalie Portman, Hollywood, history, story, Israel and Judaism, and getting THEM TO HELP AGAINST EACH OTHER.
Very “China”. No fingerprints, either.
One of your best light bulb moments, Wolf. As others have said, once seen, it can’t be unseen. Well done, Wolf! The Frederick Douglass quote should be plastered everywhere.
Thank you!

I LOVED that Frederick Douglass quote! The SHOCK that it applied precisely to “DEPLORABLES” (now you can see Chinese WHIP-MASTER Hillary Clinton) was just a SECOND light-bulb moment.
– they have DEGRADED US and then they make our elites MOCK and BLAME US
– they have TAKEN our FREE SPEECH and then they say nobody wants free speech any more
– they have driven us from our OWN UNIVERSITIES, where they now SEND THEIR OWN KIDS on what were once OUR SALARIES from what were once OUR BUSINESSES and OUR FACTORIES
Once you see that what happened to American Blacks is now inflicted on American Whites due to FOREIGN PROFITEERING – now motivated by FOREIGN COMMUNISM….
I was actually looking for a DIFFERENT quote – the one about SLAVE-MASTERS being degraded by slavery. Douglass made this point so wonderfully, but it has not entered the American psyche the way it should have done. I wanted to find that quote as a meme, and I may keep looking, but once I saw that….
….well, that was that!
Bravo! Thank you, Wolf. Somebody had to say it. An international award-winning screenwriter (WorldFest Houston 1998) wholeheartedly agrees with every word you wrote. Especially, the terse little emotional ones.

LOL! “Especially the terse little emotional ones.”
Couth and Manners….. It is Courtesy that provides the lubricant that allows civilization to exist.
I saw the change happen from 1969 to 1972 in college with the passage of the ‘Civil Rights Act’
When I was a freshmen we had waiters and ‘family style’ dinning for the evening meal. A senior was hostess and we were TAUGHT TABLE MANNERS! When I went home for Thanksgiving my parent were shocked at how much my table manners had improved. Daily practice under the eyes of strangers had done the job.
Then we got an influx of inner city blacks with ATTITUDE. They were NOT ABOUT to LEARN whitey’s code of manners and were nasty belligerant and uncouth. By the time I graduated the college gave up and the dorms used cafeteria style that was similar to high school. No more being assigned to a new table every week where you had to interact with someone new and DISPLAY GOOD MANNERS.
In just twenty-five years we went from a job applicant dressing in a suit and displaying their best manners (1972) to some SJW snowflake fresh out of college showing up for a job interview in dirty smelly torn sweats I would be embarrased to wear off the farm. (1985) — INCREDIBLE!
Also note that in 1970, 25% of the workforce was employed in MANUFACTURING it has declined to the point it was single digits during the OH! Bummer disgrace.
And CEOs and presidents of big companies not wearing undershirts. Sorry, but that is one of my pet peeves. If I have to wear a foundation garment that compresses and gets really hot, as well as a cami if the top calls for it, guys can cover up a little better, too when not at the beach. It could just be that the men in my family were taught that from the cradle, but it gets noticed.
Half the time, guys laying asphalt and digging up streets to relay water main pipe are better dressed than some people I knew in college.
As for table manners, fast food did those in, IMO. When I was in Italy it was a revelation to eat pizza with a knife and fork. I came to prefer it.
What!??! LOL
The covert influence operations that Kent Clizbe details in his book, Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America, were what Khrushchev was referring to when he said:
Khrushchev would have been well aware of the KGB’s activities in the USA.
From the book:
Yes – very important to understand the Russia-China tag team, and not fall for disinformation about how it operates. Their covert agents and assets were working together, unmolested, in America in the late Obama administration.
Guess what THAT means?
More from Willing Accomplices: by Ex-CIA Kent Clizbe.
Darn it! I messed up the blockquotes again. (Sorry folks.)
Dan Rather is a snake. Always has been. Very sad character for having been raised and educated in Texas.
Yes. The SOVIETS and the CHICOMS were amazingly good at not only putting AMERICAN FACES on their AGENTS and MINONS – they made them our LEADERS.
In the spring of 1994 the Wall Street Juournal had a back page article that stated the papers from the Kremlin showed our NGOs (PETA & such) were not only FUNDED BY but were LED BY the KGB!!!
I really wish I had saved that article. It no doubt has been ‘scrubed’ from libraries by now.
Minor date issue. The Rather/Bush incident happened in 2004. The story came from the NYT, and this is the Free Republic comment from Buckhead that sank the narrative:
To: Howlin
Howlin, every single one of these memos to file is in a proportionally spaced font, probably Palatino or Times New Roman.
In 1972 people used typewriters for this sort of thing, and typewriters used monospaced fonts.
The use of proportionally spaced fonts did not come into common use for office memos until the introduction of laser printers, word processing software, and personal computers. They were not widespread until the mid to late 90’s. Before then, you needed typesetting equipment, and that wasn’t used for personal memos to file. Even the Wang systems that were dominant in the mid 80’s used monospaced fonts.
I am saying these documents are forgeries, run through a copier for 15 generations to make them look old.
This should be pursued aggressively.
47 posted on 9/8/2004, 11:59:43 PM by Buckhead
Comment appears here:;page=41
At the time, I was active under another screen name at Freep, and remember it quite well.
I hope someone caught it when proofing Kent’s book. (I have a pdf of his draft.)
So do I.
I had access to MacIntosh systems in the mid 1980s and they would do the same things we could do now. And in the late 80s. I’d say that they became widespread (enough, at least in businesses) in the late 80s, not the mid to late 90s.
But that’s still not the late 60s.
Unless you had a REALLY fancy IBM Selectric with a track ball, I hear tell, the memos would have been in Courier. That document was in Times New Roman. Of that, I am quite positive.
And we’ve used Macs in my family since the mid-80s. The thing is, though, offices and government pretty much still used IBM. You should have heard some of the business people trash Apple back in the day. And one boss I had, her boss told her not to bother to learn to use a computer since it was a clerical tool.
I’d say we’ve come a long way since then.
I am not disagreeing with you at all save for the fact the machines capable of making that memo showed up about five-ten years earlier.
Times New Roman? Maybe. Helvetica? Maybe. (Though I think it was serifed.) Either way, impossible for it to be an original, banged out on a typewriter that inherently mono-spaces things. Which is why, the minute I laid eyes on it, I busted out laughing so hard my office thought I was out of my mind. (I had not yet heard from anyone the claim that it was faked–and after that I didn’t need to.)
Trust me, it’s Times New Roman. I play with fonts a lot. Currently, my preferred is Garamond.
Unfortunately this Linux system has a SEVERELY useless selection–a zillion fonts for other languages and not nearly enough for the Latin Alphabet. I hunted and hunted online to try to find one particular font to install and was stymied.
You can get some really cool fonts for the Adobe suite, and Wordperfect has really good ones. Microsoft are serviceable, but since it’s pretty much industry standard, you deal.
Unfortunately, I don’t even have access to that.
I have a copy of CS3, but nothing beyond it. At this point, it is subscription only and too expensive to upgrade. May have to switch to Canva for all graphics needs.
I still have a Windows 7 box, too…if I need fonts, I work there. Better selection though hardly up to the standards that (I suspect) you have.
Probably not. I rarely do graphics anymore. Not since my last day job. And even then it was quick and dirty. At this point, I’m just doing book covers for the stuff I publish through Smashwords. And I do need to have all the covers done by a pro at some point.
…in any case, regardless of the font…blatantly fake memo!!!
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
I agree, Steve – just coming to say the same. We had the MTST (Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter) that used 8mm tapes – one of the first word processors, I believe. I trained on that at the Pentagon; however, the JCS had the newer Selectrics with the interchangeable Daisy Wheel and they were linked to one printer. When I entered the beltway bandit world in 1979, those were in use as well as the MAG Card system. By the mid-80’s, ALL of the defense contractors were moving to desktops/PCs. Many were using the Xerox 860 dedicated word processor. I had a portable IBM that I used to take on trips with me (8″ floppy disks). The keyboard folded down and revealed the screen and slots for the disks. It was always a pain going through the airport with it.
Here is a brief history of word processing (only thru ’86). They talk about a system where you can work on 2 documents on the same screen, with which I am not familiar. I used to work on 3 documents at once on my IBM desktop – I typed so fast (over 100 WPM), the pooter couldn’t keep up with me. So I would type a bunch of stuff and while that was loading, switch screens to work on another document, while also printing another document in background. Multi-tasking – I was good at it, if I do say so myself!
Even before the smack-and-toss, there was WYSIWYG to a limited extent on PCs. Of course, THAT would involve that fanfold paper you had to remove the holes from.
Speaking of typing faster than the computer could keep up, I had to use an absolutely dreadful product in the late 80s (called Cadre). It was a graphical thing, you’d put a bunch of circles on the page, connect them with arrows, then go back and label the arrows and circles (it was supposed to let you show the design of the software you were writing). The problem is, you never had to actually CLICK the mouse to say, “put your text here.” If you started typing, it would just start to stick the text wherever the mouse was. It’d then advance the mouse cursor past the letter you just typed and be ready for your next letter.
The program was so damned slow, however, that it would scramble what you typed. Because when you typed, it would note what letter you typed and where the mouse was when you typed it. If it didn’t take care of that before you hit the next key–the mouse wouldn’t have moved, so it’d put the second letter to the left of the first!
I *still* hate that software thirty years later and as far as I know the company behind it doesn’t even exist any more.
As far as I know, WYSIWYG was a modification to the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet program. I loved it when it first came out – made my spreadsheet work much easier. Not sure if other programs used it. I think Lotus has now been supplanted for the most part by Excel.
I was so thrilled with the advent of the PC. I no longer had to type all those scientific formulas on a Selectric, switching to the symbol ball element every other character, with super- and sub-script. Man, what a pain!
It was enough of a pain to do my master’s thesis on a Mac. Lots of switching back between bold (vector) and not-bold (scalar), superscripting dots (derivative, second derivative), and on and on…and one little mistake makes the formula utter nonsense.
Never cottoned onto the MAC. I only had a couple of jobs where I was required to use them – one when I was temping and my last job before I returned to NE at the shoe repair company. My specialty was Word Perfect and Lotus at the time and, of course, the rare need for someone who could run an MTST. Did that on a temp basis for a church in Annandale, VA.
I’m not normally a Mac user, but in 1992 it was a better option than the PC I owned, for just that one thing.
The IBM selectric must have been exceedingly painful. I don’t know if you ever had to switch to a “bold” ball; I hope not.
Well, you were involved with graphics and such and that was, IIRC, the original attraction of the MACs. CAD/COM departments liked them. Funny, I can’t remember what I did about bolding on the Selectric…..way too long ago! LOL
The fakes were so obvious you didn’t have to be an expert.
In the 1960s a document would have been typewritten; probably on a really bad typewriter since the national guard gets the Army’s trash. The supposed document, shown in 2005, was obviously a WYSIWYG document with proportional fonts, the whole deal we’re now used to, laser or inkjet printed–just about impossible to produce back then without a typesetting machine that filled half a room.
I literally busted out laughing when I saw pictures of the documents.
I don’t envy today’s young parents who constantly have to counter the liberal / socialist / communist brainwashing techniques being used in public schools and TV shows.
We adults can watch their propaganda filled garbage and filter out the symbolism, but young minds are impressionable and the constant diet of P.C. crap tends to destroy any semblance of individuality and creativity children need to develop into rational, logical thinking adults.
I wish all parents could read this blog article and learn from it.
One can do everything right but University and later their spouses have much influence on them and their children. One notice it more when one lives miles away and does not see them often.
I noticed this on two of my children.
Having said this on my daughter I see again a change since she turned 50 and her daughter is a teenager. I see more and more my words coming out of her mouth specially the values she instills in her child. Both of my children married liberal spouses from teacher parent background. I do not think they paid attention and either did I. These things come out later. The influence on a man from his wife and wives family is great specially if they live close and free time is spent with them.
Still I see some of our values trickle to the grandkids that I recognize.
We are not cohesive when it comes to extended families in this country as it is in many other countries and culture.
The cohesiveness guarantees that values are handed down to the next generation and cannot easily curropted.. While we gain much with individualism we also loose much.
The destruction of American families/communities was INTENTIONAL and orchestrated by the Milner Round Table The Committee on Economic Development. link It got much worse in the 1980s as people moved from job to job and became ‘gypsies’
hi andy –
you are correct. it’s very hard to avoid “fake news”, when the children come home with homework assignments requiring them to watch…for “current events”. my daughter deals with this, since my grandson is in junior high. we’re lucky, he’s mature for his age….asks a lot of questions, thinks logically for himself, but that becomes problematic when the teachers view it as “him being disrespectful”.
to you and wolf – enjoyed the post/topic.
“…when the teachers view it as “him being disrespectful”….”
At that point it is time for the parents to have a heart to heart with the teacher(s).
correct, and done….several times.
Transgenderism has made its insidious way into everyday American life. With all the indoctrination of our youth and Hollywood promoting transgenders every chance it gets, what was once considered a sign of mental illness (I still say it is) is now being enthusiastically hailed as “normal”. It’s not.
And now we have movies like this that add to the propaganda….
Promoting transgenderism can only be countered in the family since society promotes it.
One has to be careful at least I was not to raise young people who are bigot. I know I did go out of my way to counter much of the racist influences my kids were exposed too surrounding them.
We all want to not intolerant and I know thee are some cases where transgender is promoted and that is a step to far specially in the entertainment business and schools.
I am glad I do not have to deal with this and another generation needs to figure it out.
What I can do is boycott movies and Whole Foods.
Transgenderism is a way for nation-destroying socialists to provide a PERVERSE OUTLET for sexual dysfunction at a very basic level which CANNOT BE QUESTIONED for political reasons.
EVERY HONEST PSYCHOLOGIST knows in their heart of hearts that politically promoted transgenderism is a FARCE – that it is MENTAL ILLNESS allowed to protect itself by POLITICS.
Every honest psychiatrist knows the same.
Every honest counselor knows the same.
Every honest social worker knows the same.
The way to attack and DESTROY the COSMETIC TRANSGENDER movement is to attack the institutions that are being used to DEFEND THE INDEFENSIBLE.
We need to REFRAME what they are enabling as CHILD ABUSE.
Do not submit in any way to TRANSMANIA. It is a SICKNESS. It is POLITICALLY PROTECTED MUNCHHAUSEN BY PROXY SYNDROME – where POLITICAL and SOCIAL REWARDS are granted to promote, excuse, and protect MUNCHHAUSEN BY PROXY.
The professionals KNOW that transgender is ONE MENTAL ILLNESS PROTECTING ANOTHER.
They must be CONFRONTED and encouraged to DO THE RIGHT THING.
Destroy TRANSGENDER from within the institutions being used to PROP IT UP.
Wolf you said it well.
Preferably BEFORE they do the same with pedophilia! Already they are trying.
I recall watch a mark wahlberg movie a while back. (rented from the library.) It was called ’22 miles’. The level of violence and in the end the ‘bad guys’ were the russians and I think chinese who defeated the ‘evil and dumb americans’.
No wonder the box office is down all over. Also look at the theater chain that is now in chinese hands aka AMC.
One movie I did not expect to like was:
Good survival movie. And oh look its the Monday bear!!!
Very enlightening Wolf.
-Why isn’t Hollywood writing GREAT NEW CHARACTERS for women and minorities?
I never really thought much about how the so-called “empowered” allow themselves to be degraded and victimized. They clamor for equality and empowerment while blind to the bondage in which they are kept. Pretty sick.
EXACTLY. That was a FREDERICK DOUGLASS lightbulb moment when I saw it. Douglass was BRILLIANT. He had many amazing insights.
Note that Google and the search engines are trying to REFRAME HIM by hiding his smarter stuff and only propping up his most violence-supporting, “leftist” and “revolutionary” quotations. His really SMART STUFF that indicts the leftists? Not being showcased. Maybe even being HIDDEN.
We CANNOT break up the tech giants fast enough, and SEND CHINA THE BILL.
I could write programs to selectively promote historical leftism and suppress the smart stuff, by the way. Very easily. I knew a guy who worked on software modules that would be PERFECT for the job. I would bet money the guy supports ANTIFA now. He was “that type”. Self-hating white basement dweller, mentally sketchy, blinded by PC, easily manipulated.
It’s WAR.
It is war and one they’ve basically openly declared upon us. Big tech, corporate media, Hollywood, multinationals, all with power and sway more powerful than most sovereign governments. Willing to sell out for a dollar or to just push their tyranny but they’re all driving us in one direction. The only force that I see powerful enough to confront it is Patriots standing for tried and true principles of our Constitutional Republic which gives people the power the forge their own destiny. I know I don’t have to tell you guys that, I just hope every American realizes how important their vote is next year.
CHYYINA! No wonder Prez Trump always pronounces it like that, he knows
LOL! I love that! OMG – I love it when he says it like that!!!
I know, it’s great! Driller son and I always mimic him when he says that and crack ourselves up
Wolf (or really anyone else) question: When do you think this started to happen? Can you point to a time when you saw this change?
I’d also like to add this: ‘Who would go to see these things’ one might ask. Well I can point to a number of places that give away free movie tickets all the time. And people jump to get these tickets because its free.
Its kind of telling that IF one watches a movie now a days you can tell they are pushing something. Or its a movie that might not push that hard but its just not that good. And its what I like to call a one time watch movie if I even watch it at all.
While I believe Hollywood was rotten from the very start (“Metropolis” made in 1927 basically told us their plans for the next century), I generally date the planned destruction of American culture to JFK’s assassination.
Also, the Rural Purge deserves an honorable mention here:
“The “rural purge” of American television networks (in particular CBS) was a series of cancellations in the early 1970s of still-popular rural-themed shows with demographically skewed audiences, the majority of which occurred at the end of the 1970–71 television season. In addition to rural-themed shows such as Mayberry R.F.D., The Beverly Hillbillies, and Green Acres, the cancellations ended several highly rated variety shows that had been on CBS since the beginning of television broadcasting. CBS saw a dramatic change in direction with the shift, moving away from shows with rural themes and toward more appeal to urban and suburban audiences.”
This is a GREAT STUDY in the way memes can be CREATED or DESTROYED by Hollywood, and the POWER that has over us.
There should not be ONE DIME of Chinese Communist money in Hollywood.
I think that’s about right, too. Kennedy was the point of marked acceleration.
Note that Hollywood Babylon – the first NUKE – was published in 1959 in France, then attempted in the US in 1965, and finally published in 1975. THAT history nicely places flagpoles in what was possible in the take-down of Hollywood, and it provides beautiful proof of Sadie’s choice of 1963 being the correct one.
The whole thing has been STEP-WISE – slow and careful. The STEPS can be seen to map perfectly with communists gaining control.
Hollywood has ALWAYS been vulnerable on “casting couch” and “secret gay / pedo”. There was, however, a DEAL that was worked out between various groups, which balanced the “control” of Hollywood. This was all BEFORE THE REAL FALL.
Religious groups – meaning Protestants, Catholics (very important) and religious Jews – all had MORALITY DEMANDS on Hollywood. The Catholics had the most well-articulated demands, and the heads of the studios in Hollywood (many but not all Jewish, not all Jews religious) respected these demands.
– no overt antisemitism – antisemites and real bigots will be villains
– portrayals of blacks could be stereotypical but not venomous
– making fun of religious “stiffness” was OK in comedy, but…
– no blasphemy or slander toward any religion
– gay and pedo cannot be shown, but gay stars will be protected
– pedo does not exist, but cute kid acts will give them SOMETHING
– risque titillation OK for plots, but FEMALE HONOR will be upheld in the end
– Hollywood debauchery does NOT go into the “final product”
– religious leaders have the final say on acceptability
This actually worked for a long time. However, the communists worked long and hard to take down the heads of the studios and the Hollywood elite by a combination of (1) scandal, (2) moral criticism within the Hollywood bubble for LISTENING to the “morality patrol”, who were RELENTLESSLY CRITICIZED and painted as “out of touch”, and – most importantly – (3) cultural invasion of “hip” values which ridiculed everything that restrained Hollywood’s elite from “loosening up”.
That was it. A GREAT PLAN to SEVER Hollywood from the People, and insert the MEDIA as its controlling clergy.
I believe Hollywood was rotten from the very start —– 100% fully agree!!!!
It’s the same deal with this intersectionality garbage where the new “heroes” at the top of the hierarchy are the mentally ill. They want us worshipping the weak and victimhood. They want us to fill our schools and hire people based on intersectional oppression points rather than leadership, experience, and merit because it’s means of weakening and demoralizing us. Meanwhile, China, Russia, India, Israel, and Muslim countries—who aren’t hampered with such restrictions—continue strengthening their countries with their best and brightest while our primary concern is making sure the right diversity checkboxes are ticked.
Very well-stated. The INVERSION of values is very obvious.
We could point out the hypocrisy of this, and that we shouldn’t be CHUMPS, BUT (very important) our “fake news morality patrol” would then jump in and point out that we don’t want to be like Russia and China, saying their usual BS line “that’s not who we are“.
What we have to say in response to the FAKE NEWS is this:
Who said this in July 2016? :
…“All they’re making are comic book adaptations. There’s action but no human beings, they’re films made by fascists. They’re making all the kids in the world think that they’ll never be important enough to have a film made about their life. And it’s a unique moment in the history of cinema, it didn’t used to be like this. A kid used to be able to learn how a man or a woman should act by watching films. Morals. Comics make heroes for businesses.”…
Red October
If Michael Hastings was writing about John Brennan, why was one of his last stories about this guy’s troubles with the FBI?
OK i’m going to say it. 15% or less of population is Black.
Yet on mainstream TV it appears to me like over half of the shows either center around the black culture or have blacks as main characters…(didn’t watch Empire from get go cause I felt it actually degraded blacks)
2nd gripe — Reason you don’t see that many Illegals in the homeless areas is that Illegals are given minority preference for housing in many of these areas, along with preference for section 8..(Wish people would quit trying to say Illegals don’t get welfare). This doesn’t take in employment preference due to minority status.
That FALSE REALITY is necessary for the CHANGE that the communists want. They have to LIE about reality to get people to ACT in ways that don’t make sense.
Sorry I will just take a good ole Hallmark show over American TV.
The ISIS terrorist recently arrested in Pittsburgh was living in public housing. While the media was covering the arrest, there was a black activist in the news complaining that the foreign refugees living there constantly got free meals and other stuff while the native black Pittsburghers living in the same project were ignored. If these “charities” giving the stuff actually cared poverty (and not political subversion), then they would help ALL impoverished people.
They also get free college in Calif and NY
Excellent point. I hope that people watching this site see what you just said! There is a Cloward-Piven vulnerability that the MUZZ TERR are exploiting – probably assisted by RELIGIOUS DUPES controlled by communists.
It’s not just the Chinese, it’s all the leftists and their deranged, depraved, dirty mind-set.
I’m banned from 4chan of all places because I called this drag child fad “child grooming.”
This is worth being banned over. THIS MEME is a WAKE-UP SLAP IN THE FACE.
Bravo. You can show this here ANY TIME. This is REALITY. This is TRUTH. This is WHAT THEY DO.
So sick on so many levels
China will ALWAYS – and I mean ALWAYS put an AMERICAN FACE ON IT. Ted Lieu, who is more or less a “voluntary repatriated ChiCom”, is a bit of an exception.
So yes – CHINAFACE plans it, but WHITEFACE, BLACKFACE, and HISPANICFACE carries it out.
China is very much pulling back that Wen broad from Planned Parenthood. They know that was a mistake now, but they thought they were well on their way to normalizing Chinese faces on communist actions without blame, and they came up a bit short on that one.
Note that many assets who “work for China” don’t even know it. The ChiComs are absolutely first-rate in manipulating pawns who may even think they are OPPOSING CHINA. I have some great stories there that I simply cannot tell. Manipulation of people can involve actions that look absolutely unlike their effects.
Back to gays.
The GAYSTAPO (politically active gay torpedos, no pun intended) are one of THE most reliable subversive identity groups ever. HITLER used them, the SOVIETS used them, and RUSSIA AND CHINA still use them.
Russia and China keep the gaystapo well away from their own shores and institutions, but they use them like CRAZY here in America.
Very important to understand that hypocrisy means NOTHING to communists, and even “ex”-communists.
Check out this image Sadie Slays posted of kids before and after communist indoctrination at universities:
Link –
Thank you for re-linking that here! I LOVE this meme!!! So MASSIVELY appropriate!
…. and we were worried when Sony bought into Hollywood in the 80’s.
Notice how the CHICOMS attacked SONY using the NORKS.
Geopolitics and geopolitical influence are LITERALLY being fought out in Hollywood, and most in Hollywood can’t even see it.
Thanks for that – a BEAUTIFUL example.
Is this payback for the Opium Tea Trade that devastated China?
In part, yes. Their FENTANYL plan surely got “doubly for sure” green-lighted because of the revenge aspect, although the MAIN REASON is simply that….
Now – something VERY important. VERY IMPORTANT.
This is a realization that destroys the Clintons. Utterly destroys them. Not good for Bush or the CIA either.
The Mena Airport stuff? Bill Clinton and GHW Bush? The CIA flying COKE into the US to MAKE CRACK COCAINE for BLACKS?
That was all PREPARATION for the CLINTON-CLOWARD-PIVEN Crime Bill, and filling the prisons with blacks, to create a REVOLUTION.
Once I realized that – that the Clinton Crime Bill was EVEN MORE EVIL than I thought….
Holy crap.
NOW we see all of why the ChiComs were “bag-manning” the Clintons with CASH. They weren’t just paying them off for “hopeful” bribes on POTENTIAL FUTURE ACTIONS.
How sick is THAT?
The CLINTONS were already EXECUTING China’s plan.
It’s A VERY IMPORTANT FACT that OUR PRESIDENT is not a drinker, drug user or child predator, but a child protector and ia fighting drug and human trafficking and its effects on human beings!!!
Yup. Our VSG was BEYOND CHINA’S REACH. And THAT is why the COMMUNIST FAKE NEWS was turned against him. The NEWS that owed CHINA so much, they could NOT SAY NO, was made to attack him, so his attackers would not have a Chinese FACE.
If you had ever had talked to a veteran of the Korean war you would have known about the Chicoms. Read “The Frozen Chosen” if you wish an idea, realize that reality was ten times worse. The greatest betrayal in modern times was by the globalists sending Kissinger (IMHO a Traitor who should have been hung by dragging him up instead of being dropped) to open up China. By not nuking China into a block of glass in ’52 when we could we have the mess we have today.
Remember that Clinton and the Demon-rats gave them favored nation status in the late 90’s. The greed farm that makes up the banks, wall street and the multi nationals took over and gave away our country. Every single one of them should get the Gadaffi treatment (he died from a piece of red hot rebar shoved up his as*).
So what to do now. Operate as an individual avoid anything to do with Hollyweird and its denizens, live a your own life. Do not go to the movies and stay away from TV. Do not be engaged by any of their efforts. Do not change your expressions and deliberately use non pc language, live a moral life and shun anyone who does not. You will not change the freaks out there but you can change yourself. If your friends and neighbors join you then you can build a community that is what you want. Avoid the worst disease of hyper consumersim and do not purchase products that are designed to be thrown away. Do not worship Mammon and associate with its acolites, take control of your life and never give in. You may not “win” but you will never lose.
Great advice!!!
Fascinating post, Wolf. And I think you are really onto something here.
Add this macro-perspective (perhaps?)….
The US entered into a DIRECT conflict…a war…with China, in Korea, in the ‘50’s. And that war never has ended. It simply went “cold”, if you will, although China uses…and long has used NoKo…as it’s useful militant proxy ever since.
Then China…much less the Russians…backed North Vietnam in the 60’s against America…
“Beijing rushed aid to North Vietnam in early 1964. China’s backing came at a time of Sino-Soviet competition for leadership of the global Communist movement, and Moscow felt compelled to provide higher-technology sensors, better weapons and a larger training package than the Chinese were offering. The Soviets also sent more than 8,000 military advisers and technicians, who wore Vietnamese uniforms to hide their nationality. At the same time hundreds of Vietnamese were placed in Soviet military training schools. Additionally, Moscow shipped radars, anti-aircraft artillery and coastal defense equipment to Hanoi. Not to be outdone by its rival, Beijing accelerated the training program for the 30 North Vietnamese pilots who were being trained on Soviet-donated Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17s at China’s Son Dong Airfield since early 1963. China also donated training aircraft to Hanoi and initiated a training program for about another 200 pilots.”
Here’s my point, if I have one…
Post-WWII China has always viewed the US as an enemy to be defeated. On the other hand, the US so abandoned it’s view of China as an enemy we have effectively FINANCED their rise to power and regional hegemony. And the Chinese culturally and historically view everything with a LONG-TERM point of view, while America is very short-term focused.
With this in mind, all you say above makes perfect sense and can be seen as part of China’s LONG-TERM strategy in defeating the US and taking America’s place as the world’s super power.
And WE have been stupid enough to let them (as well as our own countrymen to sell us out to China for their own financial and personal gain).
Excellent. Not only does this frame everything I’ve been thinking here – there are incidents BEYOND what I’m talking about on this site, that LITERALLY deal with China USING long-term thinking and FORCING short-term thinking on VICTIMS. So not only is what you’re saying fully explanatory – it’s something that we KNOW from other evidence the Chinese themselves fully understand, EXPLOIT, and ENFORCE.
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
China’s goal is WORLD DOMINATION PERIOD! Thus they are not interested in mutually beneficial because it does not help China towards their ultimate goal.
SEE: Lessons of history: China’s century of humiliation
Never forget the European Banksters involved the USA in China’s Century of Humiliation as well as the atrocities the Japanese visited upon China. linkThe Chinese certainly haven’t forgotten!
China Picks at the Scab to Keep the Wound Fresh
Our idiotic Politicians sold the USA out to a country that HATES OUR GUTS!
Gross domestic product, current prices (US$, billions)
1980 ——- 1990 ——- 2000 —— 2011 —— 2016
202.46 .. 390.28 … 1198.48 .. 6988.47 .. 11779.98
Note that the GDP of China is now 30 times what it was in 1990s when they bribed Bill Clinton to betray the USA. link Remember WTO was the brainchild of Bush I and Clinton got WTO thru congress and then got China into the WTO.
Here it is again…
Gross domestic product per capita, current prices (US$)
1980 ——– 1990 ——- 2000 —— 2011 —- 2016
205.12 …. 341.35 …. 945.6 …. 5183.86 … 8522.86
Now look at the volume of imports…
Volume of imports of goods and services (% change)
1980 —— 1990 —– 2000 —- 2011 —- 2016
17.38 … -16.88 …. 24.8 …. 16.52 …. 14.78
Note the NEGATIVE in 1990.
The Tiananmen Square protests were in 1989 leading to the killing of at least several hundred unarmed students. The USA responded with economic sanctions by the United States and it’s allies. Clinton, after receiving campaign contributions from China in 1995, rewarded China with Most Favored Nation Status, WTO membership and access to our technology, as well as nuclear and military secrets.
Put China’s Intellectual Property Theft in a Larger Context (A good explanation of China’s theft of patents and trade secrets by multiple means.)
From the IMF, the result of those three Decades of theft from the USA.
“… and FORCING short-term thinking on VICTIMS …”
As I read the analysis by FG&C, this is exactly what came to mind. The victimization included guiding the opposition to mentally live in only the short term framework.
It’s a strong form of control. Our MEDIA really helps with that, too. THEY are psychotic in that same sense. In fact, I’ve been wanting to say that very explicitly. The MEDIA was the first to be MKed.
BAD CULTS (as opposed to certain good cults) do this. They keep people so busy and sleep-deprived that they don’t have time to see the big picture – to think – “Should I be here? Should I REALLY be here?”
China is pretty amazing. The elephant in the room that nobody sees.
Addressing the hand BEHIND the dragon is where we are going to get the maximal leverage.
Also, don’t forget the principle that under every toxic waste dump (created by the evil one), there was first a gold mine (placed by the design of the Creator). The bigger the gold mine, the more toxic the waste dump covering it.
The descendants of Shem have been robbed of a HUGE amount of heavenly treasure. The book of Daniel may hold some keys for unlocking it.
“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” – Frederick Douglass (1857)
Sounds very similar to “and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” – Declaration of Independence, 1776
“…and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.” – Frederick Douglass (1857)
Exactly as I have been saying for as long as I can remember, until we DO something to STOP it/them, it won’t EVER stop.
If someone is stealing your lunch money every day, why would they ever stop… unless YOU do something about it?
This is identical, only on a national (and global) scale.
I love peace. I want peace. But what we have right now is NOT peace. It is tyranny, and we are like frogs who have been on slow boil. The water water is boiling now, but the temperature rose so gradually that we didn’t even notice.
We call it ‘peace’, because if we didn’t, if we as a society acknowledged that it is tyranny, then we would have to actually DO something about it.
If anyone can show a successful model of ‘peaceful protest’ that has ever worked before, then by all means, lets duplicate that effort — I certainly don’t have any desire to reinvent the wheel.
But if there is NO successful model of ‘peaceful protest’, then how long do we wait before finally looking at other options?
I love the way he is basically implying 1A or 2A. And I believe Douglass actually used the “three boxes” metaphor in one of his notable quotes.
Random quote selection: “And just like the way the ChiComs BOMBED OUR FACTORIES by taking the jobs right out from under our workers – making AMERICAN MANAGEMENT rape AMERICAN WORKERS – and then carried out CHEMICAL WARFARE on the survivors using FENTANYL…..
(A cunning yet weirdly misplaced REVENGE for their “opium issues” with Britain….)”
If even one tenth of what you are asserting is true (as it certainly appears to be), then:
A) the Chinese Communist Party is guilty of war crimes and atrocities on a scale that eclipses anything in recorded human history
B) China (specifically the Chinese Communist Party and associated sympathizers) are, right now, engaged in outright war — secret though it may be, that doesn’t change what it is — against America, against the American People and against the West generally – and have been, for decades.
C) DJT knows this, and is actively working to counter and defeat it — apparently without alerting or alarming the population of America, or the world.
D) Xi Jinping, the monster, the Butcher of Beijing, knows that DJT knows.
E) which means there can never be any successful ‘trade agreement’, because you cannot conclude an agreement with someone with whom you are at war.
F) Xi-Jinping & the Pinkos cannot reveal what they have been doing, without the entire world turning against them.
G) DJT is operating under no such similar restraints, i.e., he can reveal what China has been doing at any time, and if DJT provides evidence to the world, China would become the Pariah of the World, isolated from every nation on the planet.
H) DJT’s objective has never been about reaching an agreement, his objective from the start has been defeating China or the Chinese Communist Party, whichever comes first. DJT’s chosen method is the economic destruction of China, until the Chinese People overthrow the CCP.
To borrow a certain symbolism from Q….
I’m not exactly sure what that means… other than looking like the format of a post on 8-chan?
Ah – then this can be a lesson for everybody.
Q simply replies BLANK to a post number to “assent to it without openly assenting to it.”
I just took the number of your comment and made it a chan-like post number.
Thank you!
I didn’t realize every post was numbered, which apparently you can see, but we can’t?
If I had known that my post above which you referenced was Wolf’s QTH post #207,993 I would have had a much better chance of connecting those dots
Its’ in the URL of the timestamp. Just copy the link address of the timestamp on a comment and shave off everything but the final number, like your post I’m answering is:
Thank you again, now I actually DO understand
“(A cunning yet weirdly misplaced REVENGE for their “opium issues” with Britain….)”
Is it misplaced?
Or, as certain other leaders appear to know (e.g., Putin), does Xi Jinping know something ‘we’ don’t know?
I see lots of ‘conspiracy theories’ about a ‘triad’ between the Vatican (religious control center), England (financial control center) and America (military enforcement control center).
If America is seen as England’s “enforcement arm”, then an attack on America is a proxy attack on England, in an attempt to disarm England, in a not entirely dissimilar way as the Japanese tried to disarm our Navy at Pearl Harbor.
Interesting thinking – I like it! “West is West” at the biggest, or something more nuanced like this triad.
I was just reading a very interesting article at Neon Revolt from July 18, explaining how the Bronfman Family essentially created organized crime running bootleg liquor during Prohibition on behalf of British investors.
The name ‘Bronfman’ means “liquorman” in Yiddish. You couldn’t even make that up…
Prohibition started in Canada in 1915, so from 1915 to 1920 the Bronfman’s hotels in Canada became known as “boozeriums”:
“In Yiddish Bronfman means “liquorman,” and the hotel business put the Bronfmans in a good position to take advantage of the 1915 advent of Canadian prohibition. Bronfman hotels became “boozeriums”. Prohibition enacted on orders from the Privy Council as the prelude to the 1920s Prohibition in the United States and the birth of organized crime catapulted the Bronfmans into the multi-millionaire bracket and a status as the untouchable kingpins of crime in North America.
During Canada’s four dry years from 1915 to 1919, the Bronfmans established their contacts with U.S. criminal figures for illegally importing liquor into Canada. In 1916, the Bronfmans established their first link with the opium trade proper. Samuel and Abe Bronfman, two of Ekiel’s four sons, collaborated with the Hudson’s Bay Company in which the Keswick family of Jardine Matheson had controlling interest to buy the Canadian Pure Drug Company.
In this way the Bronfmans rushed into the loophole in the War Measures Act that permitted the distribution by pharmacists of alcohol for “medicinal” purposes. When Prohibition in Canada ended in 1919 and Prohibition in the United States began, the Bronfmans simply turned from whiskey importing to whiskey exporting. After it was all over in May 1936, the Bronfmans agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle their account with the U.S. Treasury; the sum amounted to an admission that half the liquor that came into the United States during Prohibition was from the “liquormans.” (4)
The “Seagram’s Chickencock” the family poured across the border was a mixture of pure alcohol, sulfuric acid, caramel, water, and aged rye whisky. Between 1920 and 1930, 34,000 Americans died from alcohol poisoning.”
Bronfman connection to Rothschild family:
“See, the Bronfman family is originally from Romania, and landed in Canada in the late 1800’s, where they were Rothschild agents and bootleggers:
Edgar Bronfman’s grandfather Yechiel emigrated to Canada from the Bessarabia region of Romania in 1889. He came as a virtual indentured servant to the Baron de Hirsch Fund, by then already closely allied with the B’nai Brith. At this time, top British Zionists, including Moses Montefiore, Baron Alfred de Rothschild and Maurice de Hirsch, had struck a deal with the Hudson Bay Company, the British Colonial Office corporate front in charge of the administration of Canada, to finance a wave of Eastern European Jewish colonization in the barren provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. It was here that Yechiel Bronfman settled. The first generation Bronfman (the name in Yiddish literally means “liquorman”) to land on the shores of North America immediately got himself involved in the rackets, eventually opening up a string of whorehouses. When Canada adopted Prohibition in 1915, Yechiel Bronfman’s whorehouses became illegal nightclubs, where bootlegged whiskey, smuggled across the border from the United States, was served.
The Baron de Hirsh fund was, itself, a Rothschild-backed operation, ostensibly to settle Jews around the world, but which, it seems, was more about spreading Rothschild Influence to the Americas:”
Bronfman connection to Al Capone and other infamous organized crime figures:
“In Chicago, “Big Jim” Colosimo alienated Bronfman by showing little interest in patronizing his liquor, preferring to focus on drugs, prostitution and loan-sharking. When Big Jim passed away suddenly, his nephew, John Torrio, took over, and soon enough, Bronfman liquor flowed into Chicago.
Torrio’s lieutenant Al Capone ran Bronfman booze from Saskatchewan to Minneapolis then to Chicago using cars, trucks and the Soo line. Benjamin “Bugs” Siegel and Lansky protected Bronfman liquor shipments across the border against hijackers.
To meet demand, Bronfman bought up stretches of farmland along the border and built an underground pipeline to pump “Seagram Chickencock” a mixture of pure alcohol, sulfuric acid. caramel, water and aged rye whiskey, into the USA.”
Hollywood and Britain influence:
“Hundreds of movies spewed out of Hollywood about the “Roaring Twenties” have glamorized the truth: With Prohibition, Britain through its Bronfman gang cutout had created a nationally syndicated crime cancer. Within a decade of the Roaring Twenties, the Bronfman syndicate would be peddling heroin, cocaine, and every other available poisonous drug through the same wholesaling, transporting, and retailing system that bootlegged booze.
Bronfman’s counterpart in the United States was one Arnold Rothstein. Just as Bronfman made it into the bigtime under the auspices of the Hofjuden elite, so Arnie Rothstein was sponsored by Our Crowd Zionist investment bankers who arrived in New York as the Montefiores were setting up business in Canada. Arnold Rothstein the godfather of organized crime was the son of a wealthy Our Crowd dry goods merchant.”
Hillary CLINTON connection:
“ While the mad killers and punks like Dutch Schultz, Legs Diamond, and Al Capone made the headlines every day and provided good material for gangster movies, John Torrio quietly continued the work that Arnold Rothstein (assassinated in 1928) had begun, now with the aid of Rothstein’s successors Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano. Torrio could do what Lansky and the Bronfmans were prohibited from doing for reasons of ethnicity: Discipline the scores of family local crime chieftains and “moustache Petes” into one centralized business that could penetrate every sector of the economy. Known as the “assassin who never carries a gun,” Torrio presented himself as the elder statesman of organized crime and commanded respect from the Mafia locals. “Cooperation is good for business” was his slogan.
And who ran the Chicago mob after the fall of Al Capone?
None other than Hillary Clinton’s father:”
“A substitute Bronfman agent, no doubt. These kinds of ties almost always go back across generations.”
“So, Bronfmans were criminal agents for the Rothschild-wing of the Cabal, before they married into the bloodline and became, basically, 2nd-tier Rothschilds in their own right.
Frank Parlato rightfully termed Sam Bronfman the “Crime Czar of North America,” but in the process of “going legit” the Bronfmans got elevated to all manner of Jewish cultural causes.” –Neon Revolt
“With the repeal of Prohibition and with the Shanghai opium deal in operation, the Bronfmans “went legit.” The new phase of respectability signaled that the most successful big time whiskey bootleggers were switching to big time narcotics.
The British realized the Bronfmans would be a liability if they continued to work as openly with their distributors in narcotics trafficking as they did running Prohibition. They could not afford to dump Bronfman. The family had become irreplaceable due to its in-depth control over the syndicates which were needed to pump drugs into America.
The problem was resolved by bringing Bronfman into the lower rungs of the Hofjuden caste. Sam’s children were welcomed into the Hofjuden elite by intermarriage. Almost overnight, the Rothschilds, Montefiores, de Hirsches et al took “Mr. Sam”, the crime czar of North America, and transformed him into a rising star of the Canadian Zionist movement.”
“It’s also worth noting that Edgar Bronfman was the honorary national head of the Anti-Defamation League. And this also ties into the creation of the modern state of Israel itself. Because remember, as all this was going on, the Rothschilds were laying the groundwork elsewhere, in the highest halls of world power.” — Neon Revolt
Rothstein is the “Black Sox” guy – right? AYE-YI-YI! What a bunch! And CANKLES was out of that clan? Holy schite!
Seemed like some YUUUUGE connection revelations to me, too!
“Rothstein is the “Black Sox” guy – right?”
Apparently so, I just looked it up.
The Chicago White Sox were paid to throw the World Series (1919) to the Cincinnati Reds.
Interesting but almost certainly unrelated:
Today I found out the Cincinnati Reds were once renamed the “Redlegs” due to the second “Red Scare”.
The Cincinnati Reds name was originally inspired by a previously existing team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, which was the first fully professional baseball team. [snip]
The Cincinnati Red Stockings were wildly successful early on, going 57-1 (wins-tie) in their first season while touring the United States. They followed this up by winning 24 straight games the next season before losing 8-7 in 11 innings to the Brooklyn Atlantics, which resulted in their attendance declining substantially and the team ultimately being disbanded, even though they only lost 6 games throughout that season.
In any event, the present day Cincinnati Reds’ name was inspired by the Cincinnati Red Stockings, even though they have no real connection with the Red Stockings other than being from the same town and initially naming themselves the same thing (the Cincinnati Red Stockings). However, when this latter organization moved from the American Association to the National League, they shortened the name to just “Reds”.
This name stuck until 1953 when the association of the term “Reds” with communism caused the Reds to change their name to the “Redlegs” in order to avoid the social stigma. Further, for a four year stretch from 1956-1960, the name “Reds” was removed from the team’s logo and no longer appeared on the team’s uniforms. Despite the continued use of the changed logo, the name “Cincinnati Reds” was restored after the 1958 season.
If you’re wondering where the term “Redlegs” came from, this was once a derogatory term used to refer to a specific group of poor white people living on various islands in the Caribbean (generally originally from Ireland and Scotland). They were also commonly known as “white slaves”. Some were in fact actual white slaves, having been taken by press gangs and transported to Barbados to be sold. Others were simply indentured servants, agreeing to work more or less as slaves for a time in exchange for transportation. It’s estimated around 50,000 of these Redlegs were transported from Ireland alone during the mid-17th century.
So, apparently, the Reds preferred to associate themselves with slavery, rather than communism. Although, this is marginally fitting given the reserve clause that was in place at the time, which forbid a player from being able to play for any team but the one who owned the rights to him when his last contract expired, unless he was released or traded. This resulted in teams getting to set salaries nearly as low as they pleased and to completely control the careers of their baseball players.
The only real negotiating tactic the players had at their disposal was to refuse to play baseball at all, which resulted in them not getting paid anything when they didn’t play and obviously wasn’t a good tactic for players who weren’t stars.”
“Interesting thinking – I like it! “West is West” at the biggest, or something more nuanced like this triad.”
That has also been one of my nagging suspicions about why SD flipped out over Q.
Q has made many references to Vatican corruption, almost from the beginning, so if Q is right, it would appear that the Vatican is completely entwined with the globalist Cabal.
I don’t know if SD is RCC, or his team of moderators are (or both), but if so, I can see how they would reject that entire idea out of hand, and default to a defensive position that anyone claiming any such thing about the Vatican can be dismissed as ‘typical anti-Catholic’ propaganda.
But if that is one aspect (or possibly the primary aspect) of SD’s hostility toward Q, he would never admit that was a reason (or ‘the’ reason) for his anti-Q Jihad, because as far as I know, he never talks about religion with specificity to himself — or much of anything else, with specificity to himself, for that matter.
If it turns out that Q is right about the Vatican, then when that shoe drops, we could witness all kinds of denial, including from unusual places. That would be a nuclear revelation, certainly as far as Roman Catholics are concerned, the kind of thing many people may choose “not to know”, *IF* it turns out that Q is correct.
Just a theory.
SD is RC. I can not recall the specific instance when that tidbit dropped or I would link it.
TBH Scott, that theory may be weaker than you think.
Most devout RCs already know that the Vatican is no longer serving Christ and is most likely eagerly serving something very dark. Theology in the RCC, if studied, is very solid on Christ being the head of the church. And RCC history informs, if studied, that those at the highest positions can and often do fall short of their vocation.
Therefore I doubt that revelations from Q about the Vatican would cause RCs to reject the Q.
Agreed. It’s like Republicans, the real jello-spined critters, vs. Republicanism, the great cause. “All fall short” echoes down through everything, quite frankly.
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