This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the KMAG-KAG! world.
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.
But please keep it civil. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Harry Lightfoot with Audiomachine, titled ‘The Light Between Us’:
Visual descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header Image: Is President Trump standing next to Chairman Xi at the G20 Summit. Our President is smiling at Xi…but Xi is not smiling back. Instead, Xi has the look on his face of someone who is not happy at all with what our President is smiling about.
Second Image: Is a moving image, a gif, of a polar bear with his head and shoulders down on the ice. He is pushing forward with his hind legs. He looks tired…but is pushing himself forward, even with his front half down on the ice.
Third Image: Is a graphic of President Trump, giving a thumbs up with his right hand. The words, “Where We Go One”, are above his head…and the words, “We Go All”, are below his image.
Fourth Image: President Trump is giving a salute to the Marine on duty at the entrance of Marine One, just as he is about to enter the chopper.
Still not tired of winning…Come on, make me tired of winning!!
Great music tonight, Wheatie! You aren’t helping Steve one bit in his quest for victory fatigue
I’m so glad you like it, Alison!

Thank you.
Ffs don’t challenge Potus. He’s so alpha he may just say hold my Diet Coke
Reality’s gone, so far away
Insanity’s here, trying to stay
Darkness dims the days we see
Evil comes near. Oh, oh, tragedy.
Where has truth gone, will it appear
To save the things that we hold dear?
Where is justice, will we be free
To live our lives? Oh, what will be?
God has the plan. It’s in His hands
To stop evil and heal our land.
God is love and grace and mercy,
But we must open our eyes to see.
We must be humble and also pray,
Seek His face, turn from wicked ways.
Christ stands and knocks “Now come to me.”
You so burdened, yearning to be free.”
Christ is our Prophet, Priest and King,
Our salvation is what He brings.
He is our Light! Let darkness flee
From the presence of God’s majesty.
In the future, when Christ returns,
We will know fully. We will learn.
All praises to God! It will be!
Blessed by God for eternity!
Very nice, Carl.

Thank you!
Beautiful, Carl
Although I don’t always comment, I read and appreciate every poem and lyrics you share with us. You truly have a gift.
As it is written, so shall it be. Selah and Amen.
Clarification – BakoCarl’s poem is backed by Scripture – which is truth with power.
Snicker…….. our side is “MOAR smarter” than their side.
I love this guy from Georgia.
Holy mackerel! What a MAROON!
meets Wolfmoon 
AaaaaWooooooooooooo !!!!
LMAO! Oh, we’re havin’ some fun tonight!!! LOL!
I love it!
They said that the woman “could face up to 5 yrs in prison” if convicted.
“What are you in for?”
“You don’t want to know!”
What’s your name?

Barb Wire.
Barb, wire you here in prison?
Prob better to say she raped a kid
I think I need a bumper sticker with that to troll the libs.
**** TRUMP *** 2020 ****
hi Wolfie –
couldn’t find that, but how about this one?
LOL! OH YEAH. And made in the USA.
added touch
If you ever really want to make your own bumper stickers, t-shirts or whatever, you can do it on this website. Just go to Design Your Own, and pick what you want to make.

Of course, now I have to “get real”.
“Moar smarter”? Does this actually help Trump? Not so sure!
If you make them, I want one!
“Climate change” is a euphemism among the elite. When they talk about the “climate,” they aren’t talking about the weather. They’re using the other definition of climate and referring to their globalist agenda.
“Climate – the prevailing trend of public opinion or of another aspect of public life.”
In that case we most definitely are changing the climate for THEM!!!
The Winds of Freedom
The Heat of Hell
The Storm of President Trump
The Tsunami of Patriots
The Hail of Justice Served
The Drought Drying Up the Swamp
The Solar Flares of Great Awakening
And don’t forget the CHILL of ICE!
Brrrrr Good one, wolfie!
ICE storm – let it fall!!!
Thanks for the link!
Councillor was a member of the Conservative Party, who resigned immediately. Good grief.
Also this, which tells you how much this type of person hates ordinary people (FTA):
‘Before the pedophilia charges, Smith recently found himself in hot water when it came to light that he had suggested a “heinous benefit system” had led to “rotten pond life families that should be sterilized and washed” in a post on an association football forum under the screen name “Smoggy89”.
‘According to a spokesperson for the Cleveland Police, Smith it “due to appear at Teesside Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday 7 August.”’
Retired U.S. Army Colonel and Businessman Convicted for Conspiring to Bribe Senior Officials of The Republic of Haiti
BOSTON – A retired U.S. Army colonel and the chief executive officer of an investment company were convicted today by a federal jury in Boston of conspiring to bribe senior officials of the Republic of Haiti in connection with a planned multi-billion dollar infrastructure project in that country.
Joseph Baptiste, 64, of Fulton, Md., and Roger Richard Boncy, 74, a dual U.S. and Haitian citizen who resides in Madrid, Spain, were convicted of conspiracy to violate the Travel Act and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Baptiste was also convicted of one count of violating the Travel Act and one count of money laundering conspiracy. U.S. District Court Judge Allison D. Burroughs scheduled sentencing for Sep. 12, 2019.
Now do the Clinton foundation!
This needs to be our talking points.
More reloads…
Trump is really amazing. We don’t deserve this guy, but GOD saw fit to be merciful and full of grace!
So true.
Gracious Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving me what I need,
Not what I deserve.
By their fruit, you will know them.
Absolutely true! In the same way that a skunk with no scent glands is very bad at being a skunk!
Bottom is meme I use for saying Americans first
On a side note expenditures for Illegals is over 152 Billion so far this year.
So, who is causing the trouble?
Gab? or CloudFlare?
Okay, they are back for me.

BTW, the above screen shot shows the city my VPN was on at the moment and is not an indication of my location.
Which are your top 3 VPN recommendations? Don’t want to put you on the spot to identify your own choice unless you want to share that.
I’ve used FrootVpn for years without issue.
Also, the top VPN providers are owned by the Chinese. Do your research before using anything.
Thanks for the warning! MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!
Honestly I don’t have a lot of good feelings about any of them!
I have in the past searched for companies that do not log traffic.
From the article in Sadie’s link…
In a factsheet on VPNs, civil liberties and privacy group Big Brother Watch warns that VPN providers have the potential to see users’ internet activity, “but many paid for VPNs make it clear that they do not log any of their user’s traffic”.
This prevents VPN providers from giving a document of any of the websites users visit, the guidance states.
Big Brother Watch recommends that free VPNs should be avoided because they may not be secure and could track users.
“If you want to be sure your online activity stays private, make sure you choose a VPN which does not log your internet activity and online traffic,” the guidance says. “Not all VPNs are the same. Make sure you do your research before choosing a VPN.”
Excellent – thanks!
I don’t know how we can know whom to believe. It’s very easy to SAY they don’t track you, but how would we really know when the big corporations of social media and the tech world have lied repeatedly, they think the ends justify the means, and they will do anything to fulfill their agenda.
Wolfmoon I’m not tech savvy and am wondering what a VPN is?
Something that hides where you are coming from on the internet, so that people can’t figure out where you are coming from, and use that information to help figure out who you are.
Oh wow that’s good to know! Thanks
VPN is also important for preventing others on a local/shared network from reading your traffic.
Examples, when you use public internet at cafe, when you use hotel internet, and when you use a cable internet at home. Most people don’t think about that last one.
Cable internet is provided to other neighbors on your block in a local network. Any one of your neighbors could put a sniffer on that network and learn many things about you from the traffic they can see.
Yeah, that explains some things!
This guy is worth checking out from time to time…
Just followed himmm—probably be careful following me I have been known to skirt the edge…LOL
Like last night …
Most important tweet of the thread:
DP comment that came to her in the middle of the night re black hats & white hats: quit emotionally investing in individuals being one or the other. There’s too many disinformation agents in the mix at the moment to know who is who. I learned to coldly analyse a long time ago, like college. It’s saved me a lot of heartache and not gotten in the way when some decisions needed to be made.
This one was my favorite:

8h8 hours ago
11. There’s a strong mentality among Humanity to flock from one emotional base to another. It’s the opposite in QAnon. This movement you will chew you up and spit you out if you allow your emotions to direct you. You must use logic. Liberals cannot accomplish this feat.
2 replies 1 retweet 26 likes
Think for yourself.
If you are not following this one admonition,
the Q project is not yet impacting your world.
I am too tired to read this but offer it as a goodnight gift to those of you who might be interested.
The headline cheered me up.
IMPORTANT – Video Confirms Butowsky Lawsuit Claim: Julian Assange Told Ellen Ratner DNC Emails Received From Seth Rich – Not a Russian Hack…
Posted on July 21, 2019 by sundance
POTUS vs. Dimms
I love German Shepherds.
Look at that face…what a beauty!
I love them too Wheatie, my Mother used to breed them and train them. She was also on the Sheriff’s Posse with our German Shepard.
German Shepherds are good people.
They are sooo smart!
Smarter than a lot of two-legged people.
Big babies but very smart!
THIS, is so much like My Dog..

Say the “C” word.. Cookies or Chocolate, He is “right there” otherwise,, Though oftentimes; He doesn’t *Hear* so good.. He is a selective listener..
This is the male that lives in my house when get out a steak, even if it’s still in the plastic.
My daughters dog thinks that the ice dispenser in the door of the fridge is a candy machine!
You got that right!!!….I agree with you wholeheartedly!
I was in my 30’s, at grandma’s house for “something”, when I noticed the smudges on the bottom of her sliding glass door. I offered to clean them for her. She said, “Don’t bother.”
The smudges were from a cat she just lost.
Then, she told me the story of my handprints, on the same sliding glass door. I used to visit in the summertime as a kid for weeks on end. Glorious summers. When I left, she had smudges all over the sliding glass door. Her goal……. to leave the smudges until I came back again at Christmas time.
Yeah, that’s grandma love.
Please let this guy get exposed…he’s another useless Ca pol~~
Im sure they cant wait to start in on Wednesday!
Let’s see if this works:
Argh. You always catch it for me. Thank you.
interesting. Let’s see how the oh so tolerant left deals with this guy!
That time that Jim Jordan sliced & diced Mueller before:
This was regarding the IRS targeting Tea Party groups. [Hearing in 2013.]
H/T: Citizen Free Press
How the system promoted Mueller and Comey to their lofty positions. So many other failures…Brennan, Clapper, McCabe… Systemic failures, me thinks.
This is a good article about finding your place in the “army.”
July 9, 2019
The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War
by Rick Joyner
In the dream about the second American Revolutionary/Civil War, I saw that different people were called to go after different strongholds. They received their call by teeing off on a golf course. The thing that “tees you off” the most is a way you will know what you have been called to fight. If there is a deep anger, a provoking of your spirit about a specific evil, then consider this a call of God. It is time to get to your post and do something about it.
Living waters come from “the innermost being.” Those in Christ have both positive and negative callings, just as Jesus did. We’re told that He went about doing good, and we’re also told that He came to “destroy the works of the devil.” Of course we would like to just do the fun part, the doing of good, but we are all called to destroy the works of the enemy. If we shy away from either of these, we will not fulfill our ultimate purpose.
In Isaiah 60:18, The Lord said of Jerusalem that He would call her gates praise and her walls salvation. When the exiles returned to rebuild the destroyed city, they had to build the walls with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. There are times when we have to build and fight at the same time. If they had not been willing to fight, they would have never finished with the building, and neither will we.
As we read in Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for everything—a time for peace and a time for war. It is time for war. How could it ever not be when we are told that “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (I John 5:19). Yet, God’s army, one of the major characteristics of the body of Christ that we are called to be, is hardly reflected anywhere in the body. This is about to change. There will be a military organization and demeanor coming to the advancing church.
My default spiritual weapon is to write or speak about a timely truth I’ve been given. When I had this dream about the second coming American Revolutionary/Civil War, I immediately inquired of The Lord about what I could write or teach that would help us to get ready. He said that I had already done this. I immediately knew why I was so compelled to write the Army of the Dawn books, and I was told to put everything else I was working on aside until they were finished. These books are the result of the many years I spent studying military history, and they contain the practical aspects of what it will take for the church to become the army we are called to be.
This may seem like a shameless plug for my books, but I can’t be concerned about that. We are in desperate need of becoming all that we have been called to be as His people. Those books are even more prophetic than I realized. They can help us become the spiritual army we are called to be. You can find them in many bookstores or order them directly from our bookstore website at
The peace of God is one of our main weapons for us to be the spiritual army we are called to be. Love, truth, justice, and all of the other characteristics the citizens of the kingdom of God are called to have are our “divinely powerful weapons.” To use all of these effectively, we must add to them the characteristics of the military demeanor we’re called to have, such as training (not just teaching), organization that enables coordinated action, strategic thinking, clear objectives, etc.
Because these are all covered in the Army of the Dawn books, I will not go any deeper here, but we must move resolutely in this direction as the body of Christ to be prepared for these times in order to prevail in them and not be overcome.
As The Great Commission is to disciple all nations, not just individuals, we must understand and engage in doing this. To understand how we are to do this with the American Republic, we must start with understanding the foundations that were laid and build upon them properly.
I spent years studying our nation’s history with one Scripture as my inspiration and motive,
Psalm 90:16-17:
Let Your work appear to Your servants and Your majesty to their children.
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands.
I began my study in order to see the work of The Lord in the founding, building, and vision of our nation. It was not hard to find. When I saw it, I then sought The Lord’s favor to confirm the work that we are called to do to see our national destiny fulfilled. As we are told in Proverbs 4:18, “The path of the righteous (or the right path) is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.”
The path I walked seeking to find and understand our divine purpose as a nation was like this. It began with a few lights that got brighter as I proceeded. You may not have the time I had to do this research, but if you do what you can and ask The Lord to be your Guide, He will. The payoff is to be able to move with clarity and boldness to fulfill our own purpose in this.
Final share and then off to bed
Thanks for everything today.
Night and God Bless all Q Tree hangers…
Oh, now that last factoid (449,000 Californians refused jury duty) would be very, very useful, IF it could be located on a CA government website.
Carpe Donktum has a little fun with Creepy Porn Lawyer:

In the reflection on the screen…on the wall behind him…you can see that the rest of the room is empty.
Didn’t know about this so sharing.
Oval Office Radio..
WoW .. who knew ??
TY kin
Thought some might like to have in their pocket
Demanding a gay wedding cake…hows about demanding man parts waxing??? ewwww’
A transgender Canadian named Jessica Yaniv is accusing over a dozen women of discrimination for refusing to wax her genitalia.
Yaniv is suing fifteen female aestheticians – waxing services operators – for their refusal to wax her male genitalia.
Their refusal to give Yaniv a Brazilian bikini wax was enough for her to accuse them of “transphobia,” and file complaints against the lot of them at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal.
Did you see Ricky Gervais response to this. Rotfl.
It’s not a human right to have your sausage and two vegetables waxed
excellent! (Song I mean).. #Truth!
Islam is 100% evil.
Difficult to understand why anyone is willing to accommodate anything to do with Islam.
Islam is beyond Un American.
Islam is inhumane…
As with many diseases, Islam needs to be eradicated.
Because they don’t understand it, and most Muslims do what they can to prevent you from understanding it.
Andrew Torba
Verified Account
Here’s a cool link you can use to track Gab Social servers with. Obviously there aren’t too many now, but by this time next year we want there to be thousands. The more there are the more decentralized and unstoppable Gab becomes. Right now it’s pretty technical to get one set up, but in the coming weeks that will be changing.
Mastodon Instances — fediverse network
The Trump Team:
Getting chaos under control.
Nice surprise.
Good Morning Folks..
Sry, in LOTS of Pain this Morning..
My dern Right foot is a Yuge Swollen Mess.
My Toes look like Sausages.. Grr..
Bruised My foot, Walking My Dog yesterday, Now,, a freaking blood clot has My foot swollen..
Another “Tide Change” in My sorry Life..
Yet another Hot one on tap today here in SENC… Have a Blessed Monday!
Praying for you. Lovely pictures. Wonderful when we appreciate ate the beauty of where we live – esp. When in pain, ill health and/or other life stresses
If you have a blood clot that’s got your toes and foot swollen, get to a doctor, please!
Sounds like your foot & toes got “crossthreaded”.
[don’t hit me – just having fun]
I’m not.. I picked the Alias because I’m a former mechanic..
“The greatest mass murderer in world history”. Not a title to be proud of.
Under the guise of ‘agrarian reform’:
‘Communes: results
‘a. Grain and meat production fell
1958-60, grain production fell from 200-143m tonnes, meat production from 4-1m tonnes – whilst terrified officials reported huge increases!
‘b. Three Bitter Years, 1959-61
The result was widespread famine which killed perhaps 30 million Chinese
‘c. Mao resigned, 1959
Just before the Lushan Conference, Mao stood down from government
‘d. Liu Shaoqi, 1959
Taking over as president in 1959, Liu Shaoqi allowed the peasants to own their own allotments, awarded bonuses and incentives for effort, and reduced the size of communes
‘e. Cultural Revolution
Mao resented Liu’s actions, and felt that the CCP was pulling back from communist principles … which led him to launch the Cultural Revolution in 1966’
Recommended reading:
“Life and Death in Shanghai” by Nien Cheng.
Mme. Cheng was imprisoned and tortured for years during the Cultural Revolution because she refused to “acknowledge” her “crime” of being a college graduate who lived abroad before returning to China.
The chapters in which she tells of her tortures are harrowing.
Her daughter and only child was murdered by the Red Guards.
Mme. Cheng was eventually released from prison, physically damaged for the rest of her life, and escaped to the United States. She is deceased.
Verse of the Day
“The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall.”
Proverbs 10:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
morning duchess
Morning, Weep – Hope and Pray you are doing well – and your spirits are high – in the name of Jesus – I pray – Amen.
Have a Blessed Day!
Today – President Trump meets with the PM of Pakistan.
Prayers for protection, wisdom and strength.
Twitter playing games with @realDonaldTrump followers again?
62,176,237 – 7:30 am – 7/22/19
62,175,765 – 7:30 am
wheatie – sorry to ask you to dumpster dive so early in the morning – could you be a sweetie – and rescue Monday Blessings from the bin – Please – Thanks – never know which day of the week will get trashed – * Sigh *
Another power outage in NYC:
Was it because of too much AC or was it about something else? Some day we will find out, no doubt:
I have wondered if Epstein is really even still in there. Did they sneak him out while all eyes were on El Chapo?
Heck, I hope not.
My reading was that the blackouts were to foil any plots to get him out. Who knows?
I meant maybe the white hats moved him.
Oh, yes, perhaps.
Very clever, Aubergine.
Mental note, when playing “Capture the Flag” recruit Aubergine.
Trump isn’t popular because of theatrics or tactics.
Trump is popular because:
1. His policies and promises agree with our concerns….
2. His promises are kept.
YES!!!!! x 10,000.
President Trump is a
Common Sense Conservative….
and a
Common Cents Conservative!!
It looks like the Dems may be losing another key constituency.
“Hippies For Trump” Yes, It’s A Real Thing And It’s Scaring Socialist Democrats Across America…
Posted on July 21, 2019 by DCWhispers
How does a 70-something New York-based billionaire who also happens to be the President of the United States become the flashpoint for a new and increasingly powerful counter-culture movement all over the world?
That’s hard to say but the fact it’s happening is undeniable. Equally undeniable is that the collective group-think mentality that dominates the increasingly radicalized Democrat Party doesn’t like it one bit as they work to silence any and all socio-political opposition by calling anything that doesn’t support their brand of anti-Americanism as racist/bigoted/stupid/”like Hitler”.
It should be noted that since taking office, Donald Trump has been a president of peace and prosperity. Yet, the image portrayed by the Establishment Media consistently paints a far different picture, one that a growing number are calling out as a lie.
President Trump is sometimes brash, to be sure, but unlike his political colleagues and presidential predecessors, he makes a promise and then works to keep it. Those promises have included staying out of wars we don’t belong, giving freedom and opportunity back to the American people, and shrinking the influence of centralized power/government—all things the “hippie generation” once applauded.
Well, it now appears a new generation of hippies is emerging and finding Trump’s America to suit their ideals just fine, the Establishment Media be damned.
If this trend continues, if this seemingly unlikely partnership between new generation hippies and old generation Working Class of all races and religions, expands to include millions more by this time next year, it will likely usher in a 2020 re-election landslide for President Trump.
OMG, I am dying!
I can’t believe I am going to tell this, but that first picture in the article looks a whole lot like my youngest son!
My “baby” is a bit “different.” He is super smart, funny, politically conservative, and a complete hippie. He works in a plant nursery, nurturing growing things (wonder where he got that?). He is a longboarding (like a skateboard) fanatic, loves to throw axes, camp, hike, etc. Very unconventional person with an enormous heart.
He thinks Donald Trump is the most awesome President ever.
Lol … why am I not surprised you have an unconventional child?
Oh, no. Nothing suspicious about this in the middle of summer.
Con Edison cut power to over 30,000 people in New York City, according to Deadline.
The outage, which comes during a massive heat wave in the northeast, was done, according to Mayor Bill de Blasio, so the power company could “make repairs and prevent a bigger outage.”
The majority of the outages were in Brooklyn, while areas of Queens and The Bronx were also effected.
“City agencies are working with Con Ed to resolve this as quickly as possible,” de Blasio said.
As of 11:39 p.m. ET, over 52,000 people were without power, although not all were connected to Con Edison’s move.
I prefer to watch my Trump rallies on Right Side Broadcasting Network because they were there from the beginning showing the crowds when not even Fox News would do it. I only have limited funds to donate—so I have to be picky about who I donate to—RSBN is one of the sites I find worth my hard earned money.
Well, it pisses me off to no end that since the very beginning that YouTube has been messing with this young team of college students doing their best to spread Truth and have more journalism in their little pinky than the entire Fake News Media! YouTube demonetizes their videos for no explicable reason—when that is not enough—
YouTube sabotages RSBN livestreams!
This happens EVERY TIME I watch a livestream of a Trump rally on RSBN. Notice the strobe effect with the browser window intact. Also, notice that the YouTube video is NOT in full screen mode—yet, the entire YouTube page is strobing. This indicates to me that it is a YouTube issue and not an RSBN issue.
Furthermore, I am an avid consumer of information—I have NEVER seen this on any of the hundreds of hours of livestreams that I have watched. Only during RSBN—keep in mind that RSBN has even upgraded their cameras and streaming capabilities spending $THOUSANDS to deliver their viewers the best quality experience. Yet—the sabotage continues.
Caveat, I have heard nobody else complain about this issue. Possibility that the problem is local. I have had this problem with different browsers—so it is not my browser. I use Windows 10 and always updated.
Is it a Germany issue? “Right Side” Broadcasting? I do not know—I do know that Germany is tougher with Fakebook and Twitter. I can imagine that simply having the title Right Side Broadcasting can raise red flags here.
That said, I still focus on the FACT that RSBN and people like YourVoice’s Bill Mitchel have complained that often their livestreams are not even listed in the suggested streams list—even if subscribed to the channel!!! This I also prove in the video below.
Notice that in my suggested livestream—RSBN is nowhere to be found. In order to get back to the North Carolina rally, I have to go to my subscriptions and click on RSBN’s channel.
If I am making a mistake that explains what I view as sabotage—please do not be shy to educate me.
The strobe effect happened 2 more times after President Trump took the stage—it stops about 10 minutes in. This always happens AT THE BEGINNING OF RALLIES when most are beginning to tune in! Indicating to me—SABOTAGE!
Like you, I also prefer RSBN, for the same reasons.
This will only get worse as the election approaches.
The cup half full side of me thinks they are overplaying their hand!
I hope so, JW, I hope so.
I had been a generous supporter – but fell out with RSBN during the Inauguration – when they insisted on showing the protests on a split screen during the ENTIRE INAUGURATION CEREMONY! Forced me to go to CSPAN to watch the Inauguration. That did not sit well with me.
In addition, RSBN loses stream and sound frequently on my older macbook pro….and I hate the guy’s brother’s sour electric guitar ‘music’.
Since then, I’ve watched the rallies on Golden State Times and they never break to the protests or lose the stream or sound. And GST plays patriotic music.
Different strokes…for different folks.
RSBN team is young and new and sends crew to each event. I do not believe Golden State Times invests that much into it with all day pre-rally shows and team of reporters—I think they do now have their own cameraman that shows the crowd but did not from the beginning.
With a 24 hour chatroom and live on scene reporting, RSBN is making strides to becoming an actual news outlet—like YourVoice with Bill Mitchel—THAT is why they draw the attention requiring sabotage that others do not.
The Left cannot allow any fledgling outlets to become too popular.
The split screen inauguration coverage of the protests really was an ‘unforced error.’ :8-) The music is a matter of taste (and family loyalty). I know they appreciate your loyalty.
JW ,
I did not experience the strobe effect in the example you provided,
However, during Last weeks NC rally ,I got the “spinning wheel” thingy and live video locked freeze-frame , within 2 minutes PDJT came on stage ,
Happened across every rally site source I tried that I could find readily ,
RSBN , FOX , Golden.. didn’t matter.
Cleared cache/ cookies reboot seemed to help. very frustrating .
US mid-Atlantic (md) comcast cable provider .
I have had the buffer loading problem often in the past but remained stubborn by pushing F5…shortly thereafter, that is when the strobing started.<<<Next level sabotage for those who insist by reloading?
Omar’s marital status was discussed as far back as 2016 — in Minnesota:
1/ Alpha News (2016) —
2/ The Minnesota Sun (October 2018, so, before the election):
The Alpha News one has screen shots of an earlier City Pages article. Her name was subsequently changed.
The City Pages text in the screen shots also reads:
‘Her mother died when she was little. Men would shape her’. Odd phrasing, even if referring to family members.
‘Aunts and uncles worked as civil servants and educators. Omar’s father trained teachers. Theirs was a blessed life as Somalia began the transition from European colony to independence’.
I wonder.
There’s also a question over her actual birthdate. Birthday greeting from 2015:
Hoping DOJ is looking into Ilhan illegal shenanigans.
Me, too.
She should not be holding any type of public office.
Stripped of citizenship, jail, then deported.
Whole family, especially the daddy.
Yes! Ship everyone of them back to the shithole they came from.
Major Update on Flynn Related Lobbying Case
Q Anon/News – Child Mind – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 7.22.19
#QAnon #MuellerIsComing #FactsMatter
Why THEY Can’t LIE Anymore…Stealth Moves?
Scott Presler is in Florida:
Info on Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clintons. Note Terra Mar (recently closed) and Clinton Global Initiative connection:
‘… Clinton’s family grew close with Maxwell after Clinton left office in early 2001, Politico reported.
“The Clintons were relatively intimate with her,” a friend of Maxwell’s told the Web site. A person familiar with the relationship also described Maxwell as “the contact between Epstein and Clinton.”
“She ended up being close to the family because she and Chelsea ended up becoming close,” the source added …
‘Maxwell was also associated with the Clinton Global Initiative as recently as 2013, when it promoted a “commitment to action” by a group that included Maxwell’s environmental nonprofit, the Terra Mar Project, which she shuttered in the wake of Epstein’s arrest earlier this month.
‘All of those dates followed Epstein’s 2008 sweetheart-deal of a conviction in Florida on two prostitution-related charges, one of which involved a minor …’
Via Larry Schweikart. Oh, and he has changed his name for Comey on this pinned tweet, but unfortunately, has now move his Zerometer down to 10% (from 25%) chance of Obama getting indicted. No surprise. I don’t expect Obama to go down, at best maybe exposed. I do think POTUS/Barr have to take out some of the nasty players from Obama’s administration – else everything POTUS does during his presidency will be undone.
Very similar ear patterns – hair usually appears darker and curlier when wet – Comey does have wavy hair – a definite maybe!!!
Whether it’s Comey or not, and many of the responses indicate doubt, there is no doubt in my mind that Comey knows all about the sexual deviant things these guys were involved in. It’s mutual blackmail – keeping each other in power… until it doesn’t.
Look at the same right hand position in the water photo and the 2nd down right side photo. That’s a long-standing habit.
Yes, I see that! One of the responses had another picture, where the nose doesn’t match.
Nose looks pretty similar to me.
I like the arm comparison. and hairline. The other thing to remember, not sure of the date picture was taken, but subtle facial work can make enough of an adjustment to make comparisons harder (or easier).
It’s not conclusive – the slope of the forehead may be different.
Right. Does appear to be a tall person…
Ears are the #1 identifier, so I’ve read.
If you enlarge and/or use a magnifying glass, you will see there’s a lot of wavy distortion in the photo around the profile and entire face/head.
Good catch!
That is not Comey as this zoom clearly shows.
, I posted a tweet of “Epstein Island burning” but it was a different island about a year earlier. WARNING: Expect false leads like this to INCREASE in an attempt to obscure and DISCREDIT!!!
Just the other day, in my rush to be a Fake News apprentice
I am not judging—I have done a time or two myself. We just need to be careful and see this as practice to get it right. Do not be af
People talk about the slope of the nose but overlook the nose to the chin—and the forehead brow to outward slope of the nose also do not match.
When I enlarge, it looks like some distortions or adjustments have been made to the photo around the head/profile of the mystery man.
The ear does look a bit like Chelsea’s husband Mezvinski’s ear here:
Admittedly, on low res pics, artifacts can distort pictures that are highly zoomed. This is a normal phenomena and not necessarily due to anything nefarious.
I used to work with Photoshop Professional years ago as a hobby photographer. Saw distortions all the time. In fact, many 911 conspiracy theorists tried to use these types of artifacts to claim that pods were hanging from the aircraft that hit the World Trade Center. Those with experience knew that they were stretching.
I just shared it because Larry S. had it. I don’t care if it’s Comey – I bet Comey is up to his neck in his knowledge about Epstein and the sexual perverts who’ve operated for decades in sex-trafficing – what did Comey, Mueller know and when did they know it?
LP—I am not trying to blame anybody. I have been wrong about many things…who knows…I may be wrong here.
But, I do know that things are put out there waiting on us to jump on Fake bait in an effort to ridicule and discredit us.
LOVE from Germany!
No worries, JW. I didn’t take any of this personally. I liked discussing it, and still hoping that there is a big EXPOSE` regarding the highest echelons of our Federal Government.
I had no idea Padma Lakshmi was so left wing, until someone mentioned it on one of yesterday’s threads:
No doubt, this and other anti-PDJT topics came up at Dinner with Ruth:
Here is more on the host of said dinner (emph. mine). Hmm:
‘… Padma also thanked the hosts of the Washington DC dinner, writer David Hagedorn and Michael Widomski, who is a communications official at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, according to LinkedIn. The couple appears to have planned the dinner around the guest of honor, RBG, who officiated their wedding in 2013, according to The New York Times. An Instagram story shows custom menus printed for the occasion that read “dinner with Justice Ginsburg.”‘
Pics of menu and dinner at MSN link, which someone attempted to post yesterday, but only gave us the home page link. No criticism, just saying that, hours later, the article vanishes from the main page necessitating use of a search engine elsewhere (MSN’s Bing was useless in finding it).
This is Islamic propaganda – plain and simple.
They all claim to love the US – but in reality – they covet the ISLAMIC CONQUEST OF THE USA!
Spit on their pig-poop ideology.
Am I really meant to believe the person in the tweet photo is the same person as this?
RBG could well be getting the very best health care, the likes of which only you and I can only dream of.
Or it’s a double. If so, the host working for the government agency could be in a lot of hot water.
I don’t know, Aubergine. We’ll have to see what comes out of this. Justice Ginsburg looks very fresh faced for someone who has had pancreatic cancer and is still alive.
She does. And someone must be pulling her hair from the back to have her face up at that angle.
They can cover some fine wrinkles in the face, but not the neck. That pic shows a much younger neck – I don’t care what they say. RBG has a turkey neck – women get them at that age.
And you’re right, she can’t’ hold her head up like that!
But if it’s a clone on the SC – that means all the Justices are in on it… I don’t believe that – but likely a double out in public.
Am I really meant to believe the person in the tweet photo is the same person as this?
Yup…pic from decades ago.
I believe it could be a hired body double for RBG.
If that’s the case and the real RBG is dead, then WHO is writing her Supreme Court opinions?
If that’s the case, are the other Supreme Court Justices aware of the deception?
i’m with you on the credibility of that picture. That does not look like RBG – no matter how much makeup they put on her, it’s not going to give her back 10-20 years.
Definitely a clone….
If so, then that must come to light so that the guilty parties can be exposed, esp. the gov’t employee.
Folks are pointing out possibility of photoshop – first because Ginsburg looking so young….her face clear while Padma’s is grainy. No side pieces on Ginsburg’s glasses frames. Note the inexplicable dark area on right side of Ginsburg’s face between glasses and skin.
She does have a set of dark frames with light shiny sidepieces:
OMG. It IS Photoshopped. How did I miss that?
The glasses were “cropped” from another photo, I think. The person in the photo in the Tweet had on different glasses, and when they were Photoshopped out, the “shopper” probably used the clone tool to “cover” the area where the side piece of the original glasses were. When they dropped in the black frames, they neglected to put in the side pieces.
Also note, on the left side of “Ginsberg’s” nose, the glasses are disappearing, as thought partially hidden behind something that isn’t in this picture.
Look at the light area just to the left of her neck (on the dresser). That’s not right.
Look at the hair falling onto her shoulder, There are a row of black dots and the one that reaches the hair is misshapen. Plus the hair looks like it has a bad knot in it. Who goes to a formal dinner with knots in her hair?
The TDS is strong with some of them. However, I’m wondering if this person to person grass roots approach like the Dems have perfected might be the best way to go about melting the snowflakes gently.
Meanwhile, in the Democrat Utopia of New York, courtesy of Empire Report…
Cuomo rips Con Ed over outages, calls in state police…
BLAZ: Con Ed taking 30K people off power for repairs…
Oh, and check this out:
Where to Find Cooling Centers in NYC as Heat Wave Grips the City
* Find a Cooling Center
Soylent green is people!!!
There are blackouts and heat waves every decade or so up north. Folks do die because of living in apartments with little or no ventilation….especially the elderly who may not know how to take measures to cool off. Elders don’t sweat or regulate body heat as well as younger folks.
There is a spiritual message in the blackout too when a nation’s lights go out and the people are plunged into darkness. It’s not coincidental that the worst electric reliability problems are in Democrat controlled states or socialist controlled countries.
Very good points and true. Democrats squander, plunder and despoil….money, time, resources, energy, people.
The wrist watch with the date/time has caused digging.
Went back a year (worth remembering?) and came up with this link to the WP regarding foreign operations targeting US democracy.
“Exposing schemes to the public is an important way to neutralize them,” said Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, who announced the policy at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado. Rosenstein, who has drawn President Trump’s ire for appointing a special counsel to probe Russian election interference, got a standing ovation.“The American people have a right to know if foreign governments are targeting them with propaganda,” he said.
Because WP scrutiny recommended.
It’s a shot or a spitball.
Not sure where to put this so I put it here.there talking about it on voat.
Here’s another one from the BBC. It’s on voat also.lots of things happening..
Top level cabinet members resigning or being charged with assault.againt women.
Brian has a THREAD ———–
Another THREAD by another Brian, KOLFAGE………………
Here’s link to wiki for IBWC … I don’t know anything about it.
Thanks, Mr. Cates!
Here is more information about the current status of wall construction:
“For around 250 miles of that 450 miles of wall construction slated to be completed by the 2020 election, 4 foot high barbed wire & other easily scaled barriers will be replaced.
The *BORDER PATROL* told Trump where they needed old fence replaced & new fence installed.
Yes, the border is 2,000 miles long but you don’t need a fence for every mile of it.
The Border Patrol knows where the high traffic areas are. THEY tell Trump where they need it.
The replacing of ineffective 4 foot high barriers with 30 foot high fence at the highest traffic areas will end up funneling the illegal traffic into ‘corridors’ the BP is deliberately creating where they will be able to easily surveil/apprehend.”
2017-2018 – 115 miles total in under contract – from the official press releases on CBP website
2019 – so far – 172 total miles under contract – Additional 57 miles – $976 million. Army Corp of Engineers are working on completing more.
Yuma, AZ, 11 miles 18ft bollard fencing & a 5ft anti-climb plate – Estimated completion date is October 2020 –
El Paso, Tx – 46 miles – 30ft bollard fencing & 5ft anti-climb plate – Estimated completion date is October 2020 –
2019 – Army Corps of Engineers is pre-qualifying contractors for 8 Billion in 33 separate contracts. –
2019 – Secondary wall – San Diego under construction –
2020 – Army Corps of Engineers Plan is to complete 450 miles of wall by the end of 2020 – Cost $8 billion – 33 or more separate projects.
I believe the US ACE will do their best not to disappoint their builder Commander in Chief.
Thank you GA/FL………… I knew I could depend on you to negate the NeverTrumpers’ lies !!!!!!!
We appreciate all that you do to keep us up-to-date with the building of the Wall………..
will you please elaborate on Brian K’s comment on IBWC………… thanks.
Evidently, IBWC which is a joint US/Mexico agency, is doing dastardly deeds such as opening border wall gates between US and Mexico and chaining them OPEN and allowing sewage, garbage to accumulate on spillways without cleaning it up.
6/11/19 – Sewage, garbage from Mexico enters US through IBWC waterways:
6/4/19 – US Gov. agency leaving wall OPEN!
Thanks GA/FL………………
Helpful info……………
Brian Kolfage tried to be gracious and give the agency a chance to be good after the problem with the open gate was resolved and the gate was locked shut again.
However, it looks like other issues or the same have cropped up to create problems and national security risk – and things are no longer friendly.
Debunking the Fake News! We the People are now the news!
A friend forwarded this. Hope it’s not a repeat…..
Seems applicable in so many ways!
Four Monkeys…..
You start with a cage containing four monkeys and inside the cage you hang a banana on a string, and then you place a set of stairs under the banana.
Before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana
You then spray ALL the monkeys with cold water. After a while, another monkey makes an attempt. As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray ALL the monkeys with cold water.
Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new monkey. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, ALL of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original four monkeys, replacing it with a new monkey. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment – with enthusiasm – because he is now part of the “team.”
Then, replace a third original monkey with a new monkey, followed by the fourth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.
Now, the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs.
Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey. Having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water.
Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the Banana.
Why, you ask? Because in their minds, that is the way it has always been!!!
I’ve gotten a “few” messages asking, ,,,
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy, A Yuge TY letting Me reply/post My thoughts here..
“What’s stressing You out”???
This is Open Topic correct?
Well, It’s kinda a Short, yet long Story..
Everyone pleased be advised ..
I don’t really like to discuss My & the Misses personal lives.. Except for Fishing etc..
I’ve opined many times, about the Liberal school, I reside next too..
The House the Misses & I have been “renting” for the past 8 years, is being sold, to possibly make way for a parking Lot… It MAYBE Demolished…
Our “rent” (in relative terms) is cheap @ 950 mthly.. Partly paid via *Housing voucher*.. Roughly half..
So now We bring into the picture. One Hurricane Florence, Massive Flooding, and Thousands of displaced residents, Many gone for good..
With-in a Month, rents in the WHOLE SENC area(s) have went up 300+ %..
ROOMS are going at the rate(s) of 600.00+++ plus.. Housing has gone Nutso!
That said..
Depending on what happens AFTER the “property” is transferred, I’ve have NO IDEA…
My “Landlord” is effectively washing His hands of this, As He opined this Morning that My “deposit” is going to be transferred too the school..
Though; I suspect, We will be “evicted”.. Home demolished.. To make room for a Parking Lot..
If the Misses & I have too leave, Well; we’ll be in a very serious & Bad spot..
There is NO, NONE Affordable Housing in My area.. or for several Counties around..
WE could very well end up on the Streets, HOMELESS,, I’m NOT Kidding..
Between Illegal Immigrants, AND People fleeing HIGH TAXES from, UP NAWTH, (NY/NJ/PA/etc), & moving into the area…..
There isn’t any housing, hardly to be had.. What is available, commands top Dollar..
That is all..
I’ll let My MAGA~KAG Team know more when I do..
what does SENC mean ? Southeast North Carolina? Are you on the coast?
You mention *Housing Voucher* ……….
The Department of Social Services in most states handles these. You probably have filled out a ‘verification’ form…, right? This is link to get info on these forms online:
I would suggest you contact your local DSS office… you need a caseworker to help you with this situation. Since you are already receiving assistance it should be far easier to get assistance. I helped my sister move from California to South Carolina when she was diagnosed with cancer, unable to work and not old enough for social security. The system in CA was backed up for years and she is not as feisty as I am
Talk to me, here. There are social workers in your area that can assist you with this, but it will take time of course, so if you KNOW your present situation is going to change, you must get started with assistance in finding another home.
Praying for you and your wife.
Hes a veteran too. There must be vet housing help.
Housing Voucher Yes, We already have this, though it IS “Limited” and being “Transferable” county to county, State to State.. The Misses ATM is about too have a stroke..
Though “housing Vouchers”, (Lets be honest here it’s called Sect 8).. Depends whether the County your moving too will even ACCEPT them through HUD.. Not counting folks Whom gave sect. 8 a bad name too begin with.. Honestly It’s a real mess ATM.. Each Lil Hud housing program is it’s Lil Fiefdom
South east north carolina i believe.
Move to central NC My friend is paying $350/mo for an older single wide trailer. Most are going for ~ $500 for new.
Get the HECK out of the cites if you can and AWAY from the colleges that cause rents to sky rocket.
I may have too.. I agree on your comment.. Though My Misses doesn’t want to, She is born and raised here.. I told Her We may have to move too FayetteNam, (Inland). It’s akin too pulling a sore tooth with Her.
My area of East Tn. Is still relatively cheap but there is not a whole lot of work. North of Knoxville area.
Crossthread… so sorry that yall’s situation is blowing up. It is true what you said about the whole area being swamped with people from up North. I have a house in Georgetown County near the beach that my bro and SIL are staying in right now. That might be too far from your stompin grounds but if they decide to move on I’ll let you know . Hoping to hear that you get some help through the DSS that PR mentioned.
My Crazy Neighbor “Lefty” girl is in the same boat. She has less than 30 days too vacate, per a certified letter.. She went and punched Her wall this morning, (Shes sweet but violent). Promptly earning Her a Broken Hand, PLUS a Yuge ER/Medical Bill this morning.. wall Studs are a “B**ch*..
Wrong picture.. She did a number on her good hand..
Ouch…that’s going to make packing and moving tough!

Crossroads have you considered a trailer? Know the hurricane situation makes that “iffy” but might be a temporary fix.
State parks cabins?
Caretaker situation? Sometimes to get fire insurance some “historic” places need someone living in. Have an acquaintance that’s living the parsonage of an old church out in the countryside in exchange for basic care.
Dear Teag, Oh My don’t I know! Along with what you mentioned.. The Misses is almost totally Blind, Me, being a “one-armed” amputee.. Blood clot(s) in My foot & Legs.. I NEVER planned on moving again… My “Former” Landlord KNOWS, As I told Him this several times, I’m NOT EVER Moving again! (Gave Me assurance that I wouldn’t have to).. This house, I consider my HOME..
It’s F’d up that the school is doing this on the heels of the hurricane disaster when housing is so scarce. For a parking lot…
I was able to get Section 8, HUD voucher for my sister here in South Carolina.
Anything near/on the coast is going to be expensive, with a ‘waiting line’ ……
Here’s a link to HUD offices in NC … suggest you find one near your present location and ask for a caseworker, let them know you currently have ‘verification’ for Section 8, that you’re a Veteran, and you are being forced to vacate soon. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease…. you have to call them again and again to get help. Good luck, and God bless. We will be praying for you.
Many prayers going your way!!!!

Crossthread – I can’t offer you much from where I am, but I can offer you encouragement to keep folks here advised of your situation. Feel free so post any time, as often as you want, and to keep folks up-to-date. We’ll keep the prayers going! I also want to encourage people to keep up with the great ideas. Very helpful! <3
Very much needed encouragement, I’ve got My Big Boys panties on.. Fear NOT!
Hi Crossthread, you should contact the VA immediately. Any vet that is homeless or in imminent risk of being homeless can call or visit their local VA Medical Center or Community Resource and Referral Center. The number is 1-877-424-3838 (this may be a national number – you may want to look into a local number for your area.
If you have “section 8” housing you should already have a case worker. Get them on the phone or better yet visit them in person. I believe they are required to put you up in a motel until your housing crises is resolved and I would have to think that if the VA knew about this, they may force the “section 8” people to step up to the plate..
As I opined, HUD.. Has, or IS a , how can I say Fiefdom beholden too NO ONE.. Regional~County are like Political appointments, Oh Lordy could I tell a few stories.. Remember these are federal employees.. AND, Our local VA isn’t worth a plugged nickel..
My daughter was born with a severe birth defect, the military operated on her 3 times and were not able to correct the defect. I was using a civilian surgeon to confer with and would take her in for regular check ups so he could keep up on her progress. He told me I needed for the military to CHAMPUS her out to Children’s Hospital. Her doctors refused.
I paid a visit to the IG’s office and demanded to see him. I sat for 8 hours with my daughter that was 3 months old at the time. I had no food for her and no change of diapers. I refused to leave until I walked out of his office with a completed and signed CHAMPUS form. It took two more surgeries for her to be well (one was to correct the damage that was done by the military).
Go to the next medical center, call the national hotline for veterans. Don’t take no for an answer. Contact the white house.
In the process..
Oh goody!!! Thank you for letting me know you are working on this. I was starting to feel desperate for you. Please keep us posted.
If you become very desperate for help moving, I might be able to scrounge up a couple of horse trailers (with pallets) and brow beat a few friends. Would have to work around our schedule since you are a couple hours away.
I would strongly suggest looking in the pittsboro (chatham county) or Sanford (lee county) area since the rents are not high.
Are we all ready for Mueller?
We may also get the Epstein 2000 pages this week as well.
Big week coming.
Burn Notice has an uplifting THREAD …. with some good advice
I particularly “LIKE” this last tweet in Burn Notice’s THREAD………….
Saying this with NO negative implication intended whatsoever, and based only on personal experience: even among Trump supporters and non-RINO Republicans, only a small segment IMO know the enemy, or are inclined to learn who the enemy is.
Many in fact would be resistant to recognizing the enemy, resistant because they do not want to be considered too “out there.”
This is why (I believe) it is very important for us to be preparing the way right now with our friends and family. We have to do it with understanding and love, graciousness and respect. They will be conflicted because it will be new and different.
A long time friend of mine who is a solid, sincere and highly intelligent Republican of the most conventional sort, last night told me he had reached the point where he no longer trusted George Will. I wanted to shout “hallelujah” but restrained myself. About three years too late, but better late than never. Forget about questioning the motives of the Bushes.
There will be a battle for minds, but if the evidence is clear enough, even the conventional thinkers will see the truth with some help.
Your message is a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE^^^^
I do not count anything out until I see conclusive evidence or a preponderance of evidence. In many ways, we have become judge and jury—by necessity. Our system is broke.
I do not care anymore when people look at me strange when I try to explain how things are not as the media narrates—and that we are at war with an enemy within. They get really bug-eyed when I tell them that President Trump is trying to save the Country and the World!
Your friend has a long way to go between Geo Will and Poppy Bush, not to mention further down the line…
I know people in a similar situation. You are so correct that we have to be preparing friends and family… no matter how uncomfortable it is for us.
I just love that this twitter page is Burn Notice….which was a great show FYI. easy-peasy!!!!!
Yes, I still think this is a “helper” account to the Q team. Just the way it’s laid out.
You make a lot of sense (as usual
She says it all! A good watch!
Boot guy guy cant even manage a city. Typical lefty.
“As South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg commands national attention with his media-savvy presidential bid, the firestorm back home over an officer-involved shooting shows no sign of settling soon — with the mayor facing criticism not only from protesters but police who say his handling has crushed morale and risks a “mass exodus” from the force.
“Morale around here has been terrible. We do nothing,” one police officer, a 20-year veteran of the force, told Fox News. “We call ourselves firemen, we sit around in parking lots until we’re called and then we go to the call, because if you say or do something wrong, then you get hung.”
“At an all-time low,” another officer said of morale. “It’s been really demoralizing and hard to come to work lately.”
Officers requested not to be identified for this story in fear of retaliation by the mayor’s administration. But they told Fox News that they know of multiple officers who are considering handing in their badges or taking retirement if eligible, in response to the mayor’s handling of the shooting.
“That’s the big discussion … is who’s staying and who’s going. I think you’re going to see a mass exodus, our administration is a joke,” one officer said.
South Bend Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) President Harvey Mills told Fox News that he has spoken to five or six officers who are “seriously” considering retiring or resigning because of the administration’s handling of the shooting. One officer told Fox News that he believes as many as 10 people will quit in the next year, and said he has also considered stepping away.
“It’s very discouraging that something I’ve always wanted to do, that God called me to do, that I’m questioning that and wondering, thinking about not being a police officer strictly because of politics and things that are going on that are completely out of my control,” he said.”
“But it was the repeated references to the “shadow” of racism in law enforcement (he said in June that “all police work and all of American life takes place in the shadow of racism”) that particularly upset officers.
“To me, it’s like he kind of convicted Sgt. O’Neill before anything was even out, making comments like that,” one officer said. “It wasn’t based on the facts of what happened, because we don’t even have all the facts of what happened.”
“It’s like pouring gas on the fire,” the officer said.
“I feel like we’re guilty until proven innocent,” said another.
One officer warned that it will significantly affect the hiring of good, new officers to replace them: “When you see the politics and the way police officers are treated by the media and by politicians, it’s like, why would anyone want to sign up to do this job right now?”
Pete’s daddy is the Cultural Marxist. Daddy would be proud.
The Mayor needs to go, and the police need to stay.
Nrw Greater St. JAMES drone bideo. This is the other island purchased by epstein.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 29b36e No.7131707
Jul 22 2019 10:25:10 (EST)
[Be Ready]
That picture makes me LOL every time I see it!
Daughn just asked if we were ready for Mueller….
More than ready for Mueller “good guy” act…failing miserably.
More than ready for declas, doc release (Epstein, FISA, texts…), indictments, arrests, trials…
Suspect I have a whole lot of company…ready that is.
But, patience, we really, really need this done correctly. So the bastards don’t walk on technicalites.
More than likely – all will be declassified and given to Grand Jury/Juries first! They don’t want a lot of stuff getting out before iron-clad case is built.
My money’s on Catturd………………
That’s GREAT JW ………………..
It was a reply to the tweet you posted. I thought it hit the nail on the head type of BRILLIANT! LOL!
Catturd is literally my favorite thing on Twitter, with the exception of our VSGPDJT.
New video.
litenmaus:00 – what is turning the road and sand reddish? Clay hauled in, rust or blood?
Construction residue (soil…)?
litenmaus:00 numerous small craft anchored. Handful of empty trailers for small boats. Must be good fishing;-). Did not see a pier / wharf to support visitors or maintenance/construction. don’t think video covered entire island. Early / mid way through saw probable large villas in distance on the island.
Just prior to
Looking forward to investigators combing all of Epstein’s properties.
I saw that villa too. Lots of roads and boats anchored offshore. I did see multiple boat launch areas, so I think they come in little dinghies. There was one area with a large enough spot for a helicopter. Whatever than frami g shape on the ground was may be a pattern for a helo pad design. I think they would want that asap.
@ 1:20 the camera approaches a leveled hill-top where construction equipment, several empty boat trailers parked ..the camera then turns and heads twds the open water..
@ approx.1:50 a road appears which leads to the waters edge ..
I think THAT is the ferry dock/ramp seen in a previous video coming from the opposite direction .
This video also shows a very large covered structure just to the left of the dock .
Two Underground Entrances Located on Epstein’s ‘Orgy Island’ – What the Hell Was Going On There?
From Gab:
Lefties: You can’t kick out people you don’t like that’s wrong.
Also lefties: Everyone who disagrees with us should be kicked out.”
Third try.
“How Twitter Censors Right-Wing Users
by Millennial Woes
When people talk about censorship on Twitter, it is often naïvely assumed that this must mean straightforward banning of users, or clumsy deletion of individual tweets. In fact, individual tweets are very rarely deleted, except in tandem with sanctioning the user responsible (usually with a lifelong ban, or a precursor to it). As for the banning of users, that is certainly widespread and occurs literally daily at this point.
But most censorship that occurs on Twitter is much subtler than straightforward bans or deletions.”
more at link:
Can Twitter unfollowing you or your followers without permission be considered WIRE FRAUD?
So much for getting any work done.
Video of a Stealth Bomber Flying Over the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on July 4th, 2019
22 Jul 2019 – 11:48:38 AM
Batman’s Batplane!!!!
News: The U.S. Army Is Engaged in a Mysterious Operation Around Washington, D.C.
22 Jul 2019 – 11:49:22 AM
22 Jul 2019 – 11:41:08 AM
What is this?
oops, sorry didn’t see ur posts DP
No Sweat. I have a to do list a mile long and will be out for the afternoon. Go for it.
Over the past several months I have seen a handful of Blackhawks in and around Washington, DC. One pair, the rest solo. At the time, I merely made a mental note of it. I now have another data point.
“Pompeo says UK must protect its own ships in the Strait of Hormuz as British politicians raise questions about the strength of the Royal Navy
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called on the UK to bear responsibility for their own ships in the Strait of Hormuz, as British lawmakers accuse the government of having “dropped the ball” by failing to protect its tankers amid mounting tensions with Iran.
Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard Corps seized two UK-linked oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz last Friday. They seized the British-flagged Stena Impero, and briefly detained another ship, the Mescar, which is operated by a British company.”
more at link:
Nothing difficult to place “fire” teams on board ship to counter boarding from small craft / AC. Teams transfer from ship to ship…as they transit Straits of Hormuz.
Simple logistics. Direct ships under UK flag or UK manned to comply. Transit straits on schedule to facilitate ship defense. Only gotta sink a couple small surface craft or down one helo to stop the problem.
Video everything. Post video on Internet. Iran will back down.
Someone needs to explain why the hell they let the Iranians board the ship.
Are they unarmed?
What the heck?
My son is a Merchant Mariner. Only rides US Flag vessels. Usually, USNS – Navy ships with civilian crew. USNS typically logistics ships, MPS (Maritime Proposition Ships), spy ships…
When these ships transit “hot” areas, they’ll commonly have a Military Detachment onboard as they transit the “hot” area, such as Straits of Hormuz. Military Detachment onboard a few days, or slightly more, then lifted off for the next ship or sent ashore.
My son tells me, civilian ships usually will not take overt defensive action such as with guns. Insurance reasons I suppose. They have drills with fire hoses, evasive action by the ship, etc.
MV Alabama Maersk is an example of this. 2009 Somali pirates seized the Alabama. SEAL snipers took out the bad guys. SEALS shot simultaneous rounds from the fantail of a Destroyer (bobbing in the ocean) taking out the bad guys, bobbing in a life boat bobbing in the ocean. AWESOME FEEAT, me thinks. Also a great GREAT movie. Captain Phillips, IIRC. Tm Hanks did a really nice job.
In the case of at least one of the Brit ships seized, closest Brit Navy ship was an hour away when Iran chose to board the Brit tanker.
IMHO, Brits need to provide Military Detachment and require their vessels coordinate with them to ensure security is provided to the vessel.
Iran will continue to be aggressive until their nose it seriously bloodied.
Brits have ships in the area with helos. Really not a difficult task to coordinate logistics. One ship on each end of the transit with a helo.
USN could provide limited logistics support such as fuel, stores (food) and if necessary replenish select ordnance.
Thankfully, President Trump has said Brit ship security is a Brit responsibility.
Brits, as with many countries have drawn down their military across the board. Their logistics support platforms have dwindled. Logistics is what gives Military “legs” and “sustainment”.
A couple quotes for fun…
“The line between disorder and order lies in logistics…” – Sun Tzu
“I don’t know what the hell this ‘logistics’ is that Marshall is always talking about, but I want some of it.” – Admiral E. J. King
“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great
Longer post than intended.
Those were GREAT quotes.
I’m pasting to the frig in the kitchen.
Big T always teases me about being a logistics wunderkind. Yeah, baby, we make it work.
AND HUGE HUGS for your son!!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 29b36e No.7132079
Jul 22 2019 10:48:38 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 29b36e No.7132094
Jul 22 2019 10:49:22 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ac02e4 No.7131949
Jul 22 2019 10:41:08 (EST)
What is this?
More Q.
Please understand the impact of Chinese on CA and illegal immigratiin. Chinese in schools have bought real estate, destroyed neighborhoods, made many shopping areas Chinese only, and are heavily involved with illegal marijuana grows ibside homes with stolen power. Chinese and illegals are given preference in admissions. The rest must struggle and use “social justice” credit score to get in. Certainly not all are bad but it is a significant competition for deserving actual citizens.
“UC San Diego professor Shirley Meng’s laboratory is a veritable United Nations of research, with 48 scholars from six different countries exploring how to improve battery storage for electric vehicles, robots and — someday — flying cars.
But Meng and her colleagues worry that one country soon will be left out of the lab: China.
The Trump administration has intensified its crackdown over trade, technology and security — and now it has spread to America’s vaunted universities, turning the University of California into an especially big target.
UC campuses from San Diego to Berkeley are reporting that Chinese students and scholars are encountering visa delays, federal scrutiny over their research activities, and new restrictions on collaboration with China and Chinese companies.
The National Institutes of Health, a major source of university research funding, also has raised questions about current and former scientists at UC’s Berkeley, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego and San Francisco campuses, prompting reviews of whether they followed federal grant rules, including confidentiality requirements and disclosures of outside support.
The overarching fear is that Trump’s crackdown will drive away top Chinese scholars and jeopardize the kind of open international collaboration that has been a hallmark of higher education in the U.S., contributing to world-class research and scientific progress.
Federal officials warn that China is exploiting America’s open academic environment to steal intellectual property and innovations.”
“Philly Oil Refinery Files For 2nd Bankruptcy In 2 Years After Massive Fire
Following a massive fire at a Philadelphia refinery that sent gas prices higher across the Northeast, Philadelphia Energy Solutions LLC has filed for bankruptcy protection as the fuel-making company grapples with the aftermath of a June explosion and fire at its oil refinery that forced it to shut operations.
Now, for the second time in two years, the company has filed a Chapter 11 petition at the US Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, BBG reports. It only just emerged from Chapter 11 in August 2018. But this time, its estimated liabilities are as high as $10 billion, according to the filings.”
more at ink:
It appears our betters have decided that we need to wean ourselves off of our internal combustion engines and change to electric motors in our transportation vehicles. I don’t recall being asked to vote on this, but its implementation is well underway. Indeed, one wonders if the whole VW diesel emissions “scandal” was ginned up in order to extract $1B from the people who buy VW, Audi, Porsche, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini and Scania cars, along with Man, Skoda and Seat trucks, to build out the US electric charging infrastructure without having to use the antiquated taxation public works model that often accompanies planned massive economic dislocations. If you blackmail a huge multinational corporation to put up the money, it engenders less controversy.
Of course, in the process of making this conversion, we are going to throw away massive amounts of the infrastructure (and knowledge and skills) that has been created to refine and transport petroleum based fuels along with an installed base of scores of millions of dollars in motor vehicles that run on these fuels and the infrastructure (and knowledge and skills) that keeps those motor vehicles operating, and probably much of the manufacturing infrastructure for these vehicles and their parts.
As people begin to get a glimpse of the fact that the plan is to destroy all of this infrastructure without compensation, the owners of the buildings, equipment, inventory, parts and operating motor vehicles may decide that they would prefer not be bear the loss of this conversion (particularly since they were not involved in the debate about it, were not asked to vote on it, and were not even informed that it was underway).
And so we will see various attempt by owners of these assets to shift the losses to others, like accidents, fires, theft, destruction and bankruptcy. Then, at some point, the insurance companies and lenders are going to have to say something about what they are doing in response to these loss shifting activities, and at this point, perhaps, the powers that be will let us in on their plan. Or maybe not.
The entire thought of driving Bugatti or Maseratti or any other such machine with electricity breaks the spirit. Ugh.
What really strikes me about this is that the Germans are all in, and I think it is going to absolutely crush their automobile industry. Why would consumers care if the little electric pod that they sit in while it conveys them to work is “engineered like no other car in the world” or worse yet was designed to be the “ultimate driving machine.” Why would anyone spring for a Porsche in such a world? The pods are going to control all the traffic flow, and other cars are going to have to get in the conga line behind them.
As you say DP, dispiriting.
A Koenigsegg run on electric. You’re making me cry.
I do like the looks of the Passat, but we’re Ford people.
Audi, BMW, Mercedes…. VW, OTOH, might actually improve.
“What really strikes me about this is that the Germans are all in, and I think it is going to absolutely crush their automobile industry.”
Awww, poor Germany losing its automobile industry. Whatever shall poor Ahn-gel-ah do?
Microscopic violins are playing her song.
Still convinced this one was sabotaged. Too mysterious.
2nd try!
UC San Diego professor Shirley Meng’s laboratory is a veritable United Nations of research, with 48 scholars from six different countries exploring how to improve battery storage for electric vehicles, robots and — someday — flying cars.
But Meng and her colleagues worry that one country soon will be left out of the lab: China.
The Trump administration has intensified its crackdown over trade, technology and security — and now it has spread to America’s vaunted universities, turning the University of California into an especially big target.
UC campuses from San Diego to Berkeley are reporting that Chinese students and scholars are encountering visa delays, federal scrutiny over their research activities, and new restrictions on collaboration with China and Chinese companies.
The National Institutes of Health, a major source of university research funding, also has raised questions about current and former scientists at UC’s Berkeley, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego and San Francisco campuses, prompting reviews of whether they followed federal grant rules, including confidentiality requirements and disclosures of outside support.
The overarching fear is that Trump’s crackdown will drive away top Chinese scholars and jeopardize the kind of open international collaboration that has been a hallmark of higher education in the U.S., contributing to world-class research and scientific progress.
Federal officials warn that China is exploiting America’s open academic environment to steal intellectual property and innovations.
3rd try. Breaking up the post.
“UC San Diego professor Shirley Meng’s laboratory is a veritable United Nations of research, with 48 scholars from six different countries exploring how to improve battery storage for electric vehicles, robots and — someday — flying cars.
But Meng and her colleagues worry that one country soon will be left out of the lab: China.
The Trump administration has intensified its crackdown over trade, technology and security — and now it has spread to America’s vaunted universities, turning the University of California into an especially big target.
UC campuses from San Diego to Berkeley are reporting that Chinese students and scholars are encountering visa delays, federal scrutiny over their research activities, and new restrictions on collaboration with China and Chinese companies.
The National Institutes of Health, a major source of university research funding, also has raised questions about current and former scientists at UC’s Berkeley, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego and San Francisco campuses, prompting reviews of whether they followed federal grant rules, including confidentiality requirements and disclosures of outside support.
The overarching fear is that Trump’s crackdown will drive away top Chinese scholars and jeopardize the kind of open international collaboration that has been a hallmark of higher education in the U.S., contributing to world-class research and scientific progress.
Federal officials warn that China is exploiting America’s open academic environment to steal intellectual property and innovations.”
Significant eh?
“Federal officials warn that China is exploiting America’s open academic environment to steal intellectual property and innovations.”
… D.U.H. …
Steal? We have people like the Clintons leaving servers virtually unprotected INVITING the likes of China to “steal” American secrets. Somehow, I do not believe California universities are putting up much of a defense.
See my comment on the Bayh-Dole Act.
BAYH-DOLE ACT 1980 signed into law during Carter’s lame duck months. Either it was a Trojan Horse, or the Chinese read it and decided to use the Achilles Heal of American technology to steal more of it. Yes, it essentially says that the intellectual property developed by virtue of a federal grant no matter where the invention was developed belongs to the inventor, but the way the law was applied made a mess. Universities have whole departments that do nothing but write federal grants, so a lot of R&D money ended up in the graduate schools.
For YEARS I’ve been harping on the damage the Bayh-Dole Act did to American supremacy in technology. It essentially transferred R & D from the commercial labs to the universities. Bell Labs and Xerox, among others, gave us the technology we are currently exploiting DECADES ago. It took a while to come up with a commercial application for the pure technology. And now, thanks to Bayh-Dole they’re gone.
What do you want to be the Chinese theft of technology via the universities is a direct result, planned or not.
More specifically, whereas the intellectual property paid for with government grants belong to the inventor, the US government retains a license to use the intellectual property without paying royalties. This creates huge problems in that it destroys the exclusivity that would make commercial exploitation of the intellectual property profitable. Moreover, it obliterates the incentive to continue to extend a particular breakthrough into other areas, because royalties will have to be paid to the government for the exploitation of any follow on technology.
Investments in intellectual property are risky enough when you consider the difficulty in achieving success, the relatively short life of patent protection compared to the development cycle in many technologies, and the risks that some unknown person may be researching the same technologies simultaneously. By seeking a slice of the pie from investments in basic research, the government is both driving up the costs of research and making the potential profit on success smaller.
And, of course, to DP’s point, a private company conducting cutting edge research is going to be very careful about protecting their investment, and will therefore scrutinize carefully who is allowed to do the work. A university does not have the same incentives (and indeed, can sell seats at the table to non-US bidders).
Thank you for the further detail.
Honestly, for a long time I thought R&D disappeared at the commercial level just because boards of directors were looking for short term gain and saw low hanging fruit to eliminate expenses. But, honestly, transferring innovation and invention to the universities made it all vulnerable.
Redrop: Ezra Cohen-Watnick
22 Jul 2019 – 9:18:24 AM
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f7bc90 No.7132595
Jul 22 2019 11:18:24 (EST)
OK y’all – that are those mysterious numbers starting with 28….?
Typo – What are those mysterious numbers starting with 28?
Those are simply replies to Q’s post. Each number is a separate reply. This is taken from 8chan.
Thanks so much!!!
BOOOOMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Former FBI Director James Comey has been under investigation for misleading President Trump – telling him in private that he wasn’t the target of an ongoing FBI probe, while refusing to admit to this in public.
According to RealClearInvestigations’ Paul Sperry, “Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will file a report in September which contains evidence that Comey was misleading the president” while conducting an active investigation against him.
Even as he repeatedly assured Trump that he was not a target, the former director was secretly trying to build a conspiracy case against the president, while at times acting as an investigative agent. -RCI
According to two US officials familiar with Horowitz’s upcoming report on FBI misconduct, Comey was essentially “running a covert operation” against Trump – which began with a private “defensive briefing” shortly after the inauguration. RCI’s sources say that Horowitz has pored over text messages between the FBI’s former top-brass and other communications suggesting that Comey was in fact conducting a “counterintelligence assessment” of the president during their January 2017 meeting in New York.
What’s more, Comey had an FBI agent in the White House who reported the activities of Trump and his aides, according to ‘other officials familiar with the matter.’
The agent, Anthony Ferrante, who specialized in cyber crime, left the White House around the same time Comey was fired and soon joined a security consulting firm, where he contracted with BuzzFeed to lead the news site’s efforts to verify the Steele dossier, in connection with a defamation lawsuit. -RCI
According to the report, Horowitz and his team have examined over 1 million documents and conducted over 100 interviews – including sit-downs with Comey and other current and former FBI and DOJ employees. “The period covering Comey’s activities is believed to run from early January 2017 to early May 2017, when Comey was fired and his deputy Andrew McCabe, as the acting FBI director, formally opened full counterintelligence and obstruction investigations of the president.”
Much more at zeroHedge link……………
and then here is Sperry’s report:
Moar on Comey!!!!!!!!!!!
A leak on Horowitz’s report? Hmm. Stepping back from emotional investment on this one.
Is the info real or is it a canary trap?
(Two) Blasts from the Past…………….
Are you guys watching this?
Pakistani Minister in the Oval.
During presser, revealed India and Pakistan interested in OUR TRUMP being the mediator to resolve Kashmir issue.
Pakistani Minister, “We would welcome President Trump…… if we can resolve this issue he would gain the debt of a billion people in pursuit of peace….. “
I know it’s not a funny situation but that cracks me up imagining the Lefty’s minds exploding
Oooooh, me thinks lefty heads exploding IS funny.
Ironic, lefty’s have no clue President Trump is, I believe, very well respected by leaders around the world. They may or may not agree with President Trump, but President Trump IS respected.
Wonderful news Daughn…………….
Way to go, PR, best wingman ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my…. when I posted that video it was LIVE, POTUS in the Oval Office !!!!!!!!!!!
Did you catch the comment that he had good news for the US on 2 hostages????
Wait…….. WUT????
Just before stepping out the door to pay respects to former Justice Stephens, President Trump sends out a TWITTER MEGATON MOAB!!!
BTW – Stevens opposed the Kavanaugh nomination in 2018.
Best I can tell, EVERY liberal opposed Kavanaugh…as direct by 4AM talking points.
Old Southern saying: ‘Death comes in threes.’
This week, we have Justice Stephens, possibly Erdogan….would Ginsburg or one of the Clintons be third?
No confirmation yet 4:02 pm.
“It was falsely reported that Turkish president Rediep Tayyip Erdogan died following a heart attack on Monday reports Alraees News. He is currently 65 years old. Doctors were reportedly fighting to save his life. The site “Arab Turk” quoted a presidential source saying that the rumors of his death are “unfounded.”
Over the past several hours on Monday, social media sites have reported that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan died, following a heart attack. The presidential presidential palace in Ankara, Turkey has remained silent on the matter.”
Yesterday there was a warning about a virus embedded in an article stating President Trump had a stroke.
I haven’t seen the article yet, but I sure won’t open it if I do.
That was a heads-up about a picture being sent around that I posted.
This is a very interesting thread:
Extremely interesting Linda!! Thanks for posting!!!!
Hmmm…..”CIA” always comes to my mind when someone says “Mossad.” SMH – probably an “all of the above.”
Yeah, I tend to think that black hats in all those intelligence agencies work together.
She looks beautiful. She can’t help it.
Melania Trump is somber in black as she and the President bow their heads beside the coffin of Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens who died aged 99 last Tuesday
Mrs. Trump never makes a fashion faux pax.
That being said, I wish the shiny zippers would go out of style.
Hmmm . . . on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest . . .
Any Q prognosticators care to weigh in?
But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded. Now the springs of the deep and the floodgates of the heavens had been closed, and the rain had stopped falling from the sky. The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down, and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.
The Genesis reference clearly isn’t to the 17th of July. The Roman calendar from which ours descends didn’t exist yet (neither did Rome). It might be a reference to the Jewish calendar, or it might simply be counting months and days from the start of the flood, much as we might talk of the third year of the Trump administration, or the seventh month of it.
Whether Q picked the 17th of July with this verse in mind anyway, to try to signal something, is up to the mind readers.
I actually anticipated this reply, as I’m aware that the calendars don’t correlate 1 to 1. But, since Q, apparently, also uses deceptive posts to “confuse the bad guys” . . . well, then . . .
BTW, my intentions here are not serious at all . . .
Yeah, he COULD have done this deliberately rather than it just being a coincidence. Who knows? That’s why I said I’d want a mind reader.
PM has a THREAD on Q’s latest drops……. they are quite interesting
Thanks for this phoenix. Sometimes I get Q and other times I need a little help.
Plus you all got my Mom hooked on this stuff now!! LOL
I’m holding back on judgment on all of it. Too many shiny balls being juggled all at the same time. Methinks we’re meant to follow the laser pointers.
Don’t forget, the Trump team does not announce plans before they are executed. We might be seeing some sort of operation in action.
Ya’ gotta be kidding me.
Where is Clint Eastwood when we need him?
LOOK at this guy….. and he’s the DP Police Commissioner for Baltimore?
He looks like the caricature from MAD magazine… a ‘bit’ prettier perhaps, still……..
Underneath, the caption:
“Does not instill confidence.”
The term beta comes to mind… as well as a few other words I rather not share….
Hes not there to support that dept.
Read the twitter comments!!!!! Roflmao!
The problem with the opposition is …………….. their opinions are derived from EMOTION. They react with EMOTIONS. They don’t even TRY to hear the other person.
Part of that comes from being brainwashed by the constant din of the TV that tells them lies, which they believe because they are intellectually LAZY and believe the BORG would not lie to them.
Another part is they are EGO-driven, as a result of TV telling them they have a RIGHT to their FEELINGS, that the other side has to not only respect their FEELINGS, but SUCCUMB to them. Because, you know, they’re right.
Watch how they scream, how they tell us how THEY FEEL…
It’s difficult for me to even believe there are people like this… I don’t experience that in my world, and I live in the South, ya know, where all the ignorant rednecks are supposed to be.
Ohhh, I don’t watch TV either, so I don’t hear what they hear. (Which is why I stopped watching TV, when they started lying … 15+ yrs now, NEVER had cable either.
Oh, and here in my world I can’t find any example of racism either. In fact, the other day I parked the car and started into Walmart, yeah I know (sometimes I have to go there). Noticed hood on car next to me was up and a middle-aged white female was tinkering with something. I figured she had any problem under control so I didn’t offer to help (I’m totally lost when it comes to car problems anyway).
When I finished shopping a few mins later and walked back to my car, there was a young black man under the car, and he hollered to her to “try it now” … she did, and it started right up. Young man came out from under the car, said to her that she should go by auto supply and pick up such-and-such and showed her where to put it. She thanked him profusely and offered to pay him. He shook his head and refused. Said his goodbyes and walked away.
You might think that’s exceptional………’s not. It’s the norm here. But don’t tell anyone, cuz once word gets out the place will be flooded with people who want to scream at us about their feelings, and I don’t have time for that.
PR I feel the exact same way . I’m from the South but went out West , had kids and got stuck here. My experience is that the idea that Ca is “laid back” is wrong. In large part people are rigid and judgmental. It’s not a live and let live attitude. Give me good ol boys and girls who don’t particularly give a rip about what you’re doing just leave me alone too.
I know a number of people from California who fit that description. Not all, but there is one couple…yeah, the jeans and white sneakers with a casual shirt is a facade.
Our staff used to moan and groan when we had guests from California = Persnickety.
It’s not fair to stereotype, though, most have been terrific. One bad guest in 25yrs and she was an actual WITCH!
Oh I love that! C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-I-O-N! Somehow, we need to break the media stranglehold! Sometimes I believe this is happening stateside—but, I do not experience it here in Europe. It is an uphill battle over here to break the media deathlock. YES DEATHLOCK! No hyperbole because that is where their control of knowledge will lead! DEATH!
I have to laugh at myself a little because while reading your first two paragraphs I am screaming to myself “EGO EGO”—and your 3rd paragraph talks about EGO. LOL!
That describes the part of my hometown where I live, believe it or not. We have a reputation for being racist, but not as much as you might think. Polarized, yes, but we’re more at ease when we have things in common.
BTW, IFLYSWA a few times a year, and on almost every flight originating from Lambert, a number of the first 30 spots are taken by taller men, many of whom are of color. So, they get on the plane first, and when the rest of us get on, those guys are almost always sitting in the exit rows. It could just be that there’s more leg room in those rows, but they wouldn’t sit there if they weren’t willing to help in case of emergency.
BEST ground report EVAHHHHHHH!
Big T came home after he stopped at the grocery store, where he visited with Miss Shirley. Miss Shirley has been my produce guru for about 20yrs. She’s fabulous. I can give her a list of what we need and she will pull the best (from the back) and have it loaded for me.
Anyway, Big T goes into the store to buy a few things and runs into Miss Shirley.
Big T: Hey, Miss Shirley, how come the the avocados are $1.09, when they’re always $.72 each?
Miss Shirley: You haven’t heard?????
Big T: No, what’s going on?
Miss Shirley: President Trump is fighting with Mexico…… and he’s gonna kick their ass.
I was so excited, my grocery store had avocados that all said “Made in U.S.A.”!!!
I bought DOUBLE!
Hillary did the same thing.
And I seem to recall Joe Biden doing it when he said “They want to put y’all back in chains”.
Yup! Hillary had hot sauce! Which I call BS! I love hot sauce and hot peppers! I even have the world’s hottest peppers, Bhut Jolokia aka Ghost Pepper and the Carolina Reaper, growing on my balcony—doing quite well considering I live in Germany.

I reject HIllary’s hot sauce bigotry! Whities love hot stuff too!!!
Thanks JW,
I admire Candace so much…. pray for her safety.
I LOVE listening to intelligent truth-tellers speak!
Really good thread on Ezra Cohen-Watnick
Not sure if this has been posted earlier, but don’t see it on this page. Great video – British woman addresses Omar the real racist. She calls the 4: “Witches and Jezebels” – It crossed my mind as well – these 4 are nothing but lowlifes, infesting this country, and our Congress. I’m glad the term Jezebel is still around.
Thank you for speaking out… wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am loving this SS tweet…hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Two thumbs up.
“Watch the water”. – Q
Comey news continues to dominate! YAY!!!
I just remembered all those “Explosive!” interviews that Pam would post on the Eeyore Tree (the label wasn’t her fault..some clown put them on when they uploaded to YouTube).
From Gab:
“Andrew TorbaVerified Account@a
Twitter is now suspending people who use the word “moron” lol”
Why? Does “moron” strike too closely to home?
So, if we quote Bugs Bunny it’s okay?
We received our recall petitions last week and promptly signed and returned them. I hope they receive enough voter signatures to get it on the ballot. This loony liberal self admitted bi-sexual (married!) Oregon Governor needs to go, ASAP.
Here’s why we want to recall Kate Brown: (Copied from the petition)
The people of Oregon deserve and expect a Governor that honors the will of the voters and works for the good of all citizens, not just special interests and politically motivated agendas.
During and/or before the 2019 legislative session Governor Brown:
Overturned the will of the voters by granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens
Overturned the will of the voters by reversing ballot measures that limited taxation
Denied citizens the right to fully protect themselves as guaranteed by the Constitution
Denied citizens protection from the growing domestic terrorist threat known as Antifa
Attempted to deprive Oregon’s working families of Jobs using faulty environmental policy
Attempted to deprive Oregon’s families their right of medical and religious freedom
Failed to address the PERS crisis that threatens the economy and government retirees
Failed to protect Oregon’s foster children and failed to cooperate with investigations
Used taxpayer money to launch frivolous million-dollar, politically-motivated lawsuits
Repeatedly supported the use of the “emergency clause” on non-emergency legislation
(effectively denying the voters of Oregon a voice on legislation they opposed)
She has threatened to usurp legislative power with executive orders to implement her failed legislation, deciding single-handedly what is best for Oregon. This Is not the
Oregon way.
Andy, who sent you the petition? I didn’t get one, and I would certainly sign it.
OK – Katie absolutely Nails the real problem with Omar and her ilk!!!!
Chaos erupts as judge issues sentence for ex-judge Tracie Hunter
I dont regret it. Hes a clod.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Former Democratic U.S. Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota told The New Yorker magazine in a story published Monday that he “absolutely” regrets resigning from the Senate after several women accused him of unwanted kissing or touching.
In the same article, seven current or former senators say they regret calling for Franken’s resignation in December 2017. Franken resigned his seat after conservative talk radio host Leeann Tweeden and seven other women accused him of sexual harassment.
They’re the ones that started this game in order to try and set the foundation for Stormy and others coming down the pipeline for Kavanaugh. We all knew it was politically motivated and it swept up some of their pals like Franken and Weistein..too bad. Own it
Do you know if Clandestine has a history of knowing inside information and is now relaying fact to us, or is Clandestine just another poster who states personal opinion as though it was fact?
I don’t know Carl, but I am inclined to think #2
The reason I listen to him is that he is frequently retweeted by Lisa Mei…And they seem to be twitter friends anyway… So…who knows?
If so, then no one can predict the future months out (not at least with respect to schedule) and all the people thinking Q can predict a year in advance that X will happen…are basically mistaken.
Thanks FG&C!!! LOL I love your MEMES!!!

I tried to post this earlier and it is lost in never-never land somewhere. Katie Hopkins explains Omar and what she is really doing. Katie has the heart of a lion, IMO. Erasing everything back to the ? – hope it posts.
Hopkins utube not available…can you summarize?
I posted it in a Tweet.
Look at the stats on this tweet:
83K likes – 23K RTs….
This is US Bass Champion level trolling.
Wow – it’s already jumped to 85.2K likes! Heh!
It’s Trump Level trolling. There is no higher level than Trump Level.
Muslims Slaughter Escaped Cow – Slit Its Throat in Home Depot Parking Lot
Can our cultures BE anymore different? Chase the animal and then simply slaughter it right there?!!
Serves them right for getting all stabby and jihadi on the creature because….. from another article……
The Saba meat store in Bloomfield, which prepares products observing Islamic laws, came under fire after employees killed the young cow Saturday, NBC Connecticut reports. Several agencies launched investigations into Saba, which found multiple violations and resulted in the store closing.
Sing it SISTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything Katie is saying is absolutely correct. We see it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ILHAN and those who fund her, put her where she is, won’t be happy until SHARIA LAW has taken over……
George Soros and the Cabal are behind this…. they are intent on destroying Western Civilization…. erasing nation boundaries, etc.
ILHAN came to this country and gained citizenship ILLEGALLY…….
She is not legally a citizen, therefore, she should be removed from Congress.
The 4 freshman of the apocalypse….well maybe the dem party….
What ticks me off is that Omar lied and so did her family. She should be tossed out of the USA.
There is so much to dislike about them. Posted up thread about them
If the lunatic Left doesn’t like ‘send her back’, maybe they would prefer “prosecute and deport”?
for those interested in KT, there is an excellent v lengthy interview with her on the YT Eric Metaxas Show.
LOTS of info re the current state of UK…Even though she believes UK is lost, she also believes the future of the resurgent R movements in Europe depends upon our President’s re-election.
Is there a good legal reason that AG Barr would not allow the release of the Archer Declarations?
Big T? Daughn?
iirc, SomeDude from OT does not want his writings on this forum……………..
I think it’s OK to give a cite and send the reader to OT. I think that SD objects to people copying his words and pasting them in another forum.
Sad objects full stop. I’m sure he wishes we all ceased to exist when we left
This is really interesting.
Have not dug into it yet. I will or he will.
Been busy here.
Couple traveling was in midst of rain downpour, car was struck by lightning.
It is one helluva story.
Another guest showed up, had a waterpump explode.
You can’t imagine what has happened here in the last 4 hours.
We have pics. You wouldn’t believe me otherwise.
I am sorry for the trouble your guests have had.
Ait sounds like they have eonderful war stories now, though, since there were no casualties.
Thank you for peeking.
Thank LM for bringing back to reality, I’m sending it to Big T now.
Trump 2020 sign. Heh, heh.
NOW – let’s get the USMCA passed!!!
And I’ll bet Potus has got all he needs.
CBP: This is an assault on our border – no refugee travels across the world.
Who is funding their travel?
How are they getting there?
Coincidence they coming from Ebola stricken areas?
Anonymous conservative good again this am about guy who wanted to kill deblasio
Dark to LIGHT: Pedophilia, Child Trafficking, Satan Worship, Bloodletting of Children
22 Jul 2019 – 1:40:20 PM
Dark to LIGHT.
Hunters become the HUNTED.
This is not another 4-year election.
Phew! Hadn’t come across them yet. Was out reconnecting with the world, aka, clearance rack shopping. Man, Macy’s needs new buyers.
Protester with Q Shirt in San Juan, Puerto Rico
22 Jul 2019 – 2:06:42 PM
We, the PEOPLE!
MOAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It sounds like an overall budget.
But he ends as if it’s defense + veterans only.
I guess we’ll just have to find out.
It’s overall – but has big benefits for military and veterans. Like the last one. No poison pills (no greedy pork, leftist agenda stuff, etc.)
Well…overall…is BIG. First one in ages.
Steve, I could be wrong. I don’t know how to judge how big or what it covers.
We need to see details…even if only a paragraph or two more than PDJT tweeted.
I know back in the days we had a budget they tended to divvy it up into something like 14 pieces, and Defense and Veterans Affairs was one of the pieces. (Typically roughly half of the total; the pieces aren’t the same size; and Social Security/Medicare don’t have a budget; they just keep on going.)
The alternate is just a debt ceiling relief bill, right?
Well, we’re assuming this IS an overall bill. It could just be a Defense/VA budget and keep on spending.
If it’s a full budget, I wonder what the deficit will be? Apparently this year (no budget) it’s going to be a trillion dollars or thereabouts. Ick.
….so they can keep on spending, right?
A budget didn’t used to stop them in the past.
I really like the idea of this…Particularly in light of the SS tweet today…
WOW. Matt. Gaetz just BLEW AWAY the left in a speech to Turning Point USA.
“The Venezuela wing of the Democrat Party….”
He just tweeted this…
I just love this tweet by Matt Gaetz! It gives me great hope that there will be patriots ready to take on the mantle after President Trump is no longer there! – A happy warrior!
Well, he certainly seems to be having a good time. Honestly, it’s a gift to be able to just come out and say the things he does.
And not get beaten up by Antifa
Wolfie, OFF Topic but I wanted you (and Scott) to see this.
scott467 says on your Why I Believe That Chinese Communism is Raping Western Symbols… thread
I was just reading a very interesting article at Neon Revolt from July 18, explaining how the Bronfman Family essentially created organized crime running bootleg liquor during Prohibition on behalf of British investors.
This leave out the OTHER bootlegger, JFK’s Daddy.
WIKI has
Also Joe Kennedy: Smuggler or Bootlegger? by c. Ellen NicKenzie Lawson Ph.D.
TALK ABOUT SANITIZED!!! I knew the son of a Boston Bootlegger. They made their fortune bootlegging and It was common knowledge Joe was a bootlegger. I find it jaw dropping that Joe as a bootlegger is now being denied and ‘sanitized’
Back to Kent Clizbe’s Willing Accomplices… BOBBY KENNEDY and the KGB
FROM Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe
Very useful!

Regarding the RFK/KGB stuff (framing him as a dupe, not a turncoat):
I’m sure it’s true. This actually supports my Q-inclusive understanding of JFK and RFK, but it implies things which go beyond what the author likely knows. In other words, I’m certain it’s true, but a correct analysis of the situation requires understanding of JFK which is not just beyond Camelot, but beyond even the author’s viewpoint.
I won’t / can’t explain that fully, but a couple of points explored without ALL the information will help show why I view RFK more charitably in the “deal” that emerges.
Neither JFK nor RFK (nor probably Q team at that time) fully understood how BADLY messed up CIA was at the time – a state that can best be described as “beyond infiltrated” – beyond useless – more like “anti-purpose”. It was BORN in a MALIGNANT STATE. This is at the ROOT of JFK’s assassination – his failure to distrust our own resources.
The Soviets played the WHOLE ORCHESTRA to get what they wanted and give up what they wanted, and the RFK dupage was just part of that, but not even a necessary part, IMO.
ANYWAY, I look at that final statement about RFK’s fear of his dupey alleged Turkey deal “statesmanship” being revealed, and I have to laugh, because that is the perfect thing to say if you’re PLAYING THE DUPE. And it can be said with extra effect if one is a real dupe cushioned in odd ignorance by knowing and encouraging colleagues (and maybe a brother or Q) silently watching the whole thing play out.
Remember – a BLOWN BACKCHANNEL SCAM is a wonderful thing. Did the Q team of the time view it that way? Perhaps. “Q knows?”
In other words, “no worries here”.
From Gab:
“Sotiri Dimpinoudis@sotiridi
#Breaking: Just in – The Cancellation of #AirForce2 to Manchester, New Hampshire, where #US vice president was on, was alleged cancelled because of a men that was at the event who was known to be drugs dealer, doing so he avoided to commit a “Hatch act” violation.”
Hatch Act doesn’t apply to P or VP, so . . .
???? Huh? This sounds like BS. Why not pull the person from the event instead?
Turning Point USA! LIVE! I think perhaps the most important activist group targeting young Americans! I group I am considering backing with my limited donation funds.
The sound of this is carrying to me from the other room.
What I love the most is when the camera pans the audience—so many young LADY Deplorables! So much for the false narrative that conservatism is anti-women.
For some reason about 10-12 days ago I could no longer like any post or post. Last communication was with WSB where I did openly ask her if there was a way to get in touch with any of the posters.
Perhaps you could write to the email address on the site – and use your screen name in the subject line and just ask if you have been banned.
….and ask if so, why.
Talking about banned or missing posters on CTH results in a ban. Very simple.
I didn’t name any person…..was just a general question. Mostly I don’t post a whole lot there but have been there as a lurker for lots of yrs.
I can see you, NotaSmidgeon!
Where….here or CTH?
Here, I am also banned from CTH.
And POTUS gets what he wants
This is a pretty big deal. Pushes the issue past the election.
Why do you think Pelosi and Schumer gave it to him? I suspect there are undiscovered poison pills, but that’s just because I absolutely don’t trust the Dems.
Dunno. It seems like they had leverage too. Something is about to happen and I’m not sure what.
Hidden or not, big bucks for D-Rat pet projects.
Hopefully some cool language for the wall…hidden or not.
Could be that the D’s need payoffs just to keep their operational players in tow. They “settled” for a continuance on basic room and board for their operatives via the same old slush funds.
Military defense because of Iran?
Hmmmmmm. Interesting……
McConnell said in an interview on Fox News that they will likely have to give the Democrats money on things they want in exchange for military budget. That is the way the system works.
For sorry for the above post…..I meant to say that the issue concerns CTH…….was wondering if anyone knows about this? Guess I’m wondering if that indicates that
I’ve been banned?
Your saying that you can’t like or post on TCTH correct. If that’s the case then yeah you’ve been banned.
Welcome to the club!
“Welcome to the club!
It’s a big club.
And this time, you’re in it!
It is a big club
Very big!!!!
Welcome to the Banned Wagon!
Here at QTH we are getting the Banned back together.
You will search long and far, to find any website either more capricious or less eager in their use of the ban-hammer, than OT.
a.k.a. Banner’s Banservative Banhouse
It’s fascinating really, how SD has brought the Seinfeld Soup Nazi element to forum moderation.
One step out of line, one question too many, one irreverent comment, and it’s…
No more post for you!
CTH is now officially a cult. JimJonesDance needs his ego stroked hourly and, unless duly-sycophantic, “questioners” are cast from the enclave into the vast internet wasteland. Like his namesake, JJDance is gifted: his foreign policy analyses is better than 99% of high-level career dweebs at State and his thoughtful content is beyond prolific. Oh well. He’s also locked in the bunker with acolytes wiping the sweat from his brow and nodding in unison at sagacious statements like “Today is Monday” and the ever-popular “Tomorrow is Tuesday.”
CBP report on Wall:
So pretty but where is the moat with the Alligators?
Crocodiles hyped up on DRUGS! It only seems fair…
“Alligators are comparatively less aggressive than crocodiles. On an encounter with a human, an alligator will prefer to run away than to attack that person….
Crocodiles are more aggressive than alligators, and are known to attack humans without getting provoked. They often attack the object when threatened.
The diet of a crocodile mainly consists of fish and amphibians. Usually they are observed to eat anything right from small fish to large mammals.
“ (Like humans…) link
In which Tlaib reveals her real agenda:
How on earth did she get into congress. I know Soros but still!!! yikes. Why is she still in congress.
Hordes of immigrants congregating in certain areas. Maybe a little Democrat voter/election fraud. They know a dozen ways to cheat elections.
I swear…….. the could run Charles Manson in a Dem district and he would win.
How to cheat: Live in multiple districts – register in each under variations of your name. Send for absentee ballots in all of them.
She was born here… of immigrant parents (14 children)
I believe she was groomed for politics… if you look at her wiki page, there’s a straight line… HS, college, law degree, same year – 2004 – elected to Michigan State Legislature… served for one district, and then another district (probably moved when she married)… Was mentored by State Legislator she interned for, suggested she run for his seat…
She holds the Congressional seat held so long by John Conyers, who was forced to step down. It’s a VERY DIM District… and she will almost surely be re-elected in 2020.
She now identifies as a Democratic Socialist.
We need to start calling them “Red Greens”. Wise people up to the Axis of Weasels.
She now identifies as a Democratic Socialist.—- Yes notice the BB article:
Rashida Tlaib: ‘I’m Not Going Nowhere’ Until I Impeach Trump…..
Red Stripe Watch. Madonna’s house.
Hilarious! Note that this city she’s in is somewhat elite, historical, super-desirable, touristy, and impossible to find parking. Kinda like the Aspen of Portuguese historical countryside tourism.
It’s also a BILDERBERG meeting place! OH NOES!
I’m throwing the Russians a bone here. PUTIN is right. Europe is run by SATANISTS.
MADonna should call that execrable edifice “Charles Mansion”…
Seriously? Shaking my head here…
Melania Trump’s father in 1965:
Barron certainly resembles his Grandfather.
yes….he does indeed.
Wow. Yes, he does.
Garrison is a beautiful man.
He just stuck his big fat finger in the media’s eye.
Q isn’t often discussed on Citizen Free Press because the site owner doesn’t believe in Q, and he made another snide comment about Q in an article about Jim Jordan confrronting Mueller. He sometimes posts Garrison cartoons. I doubt this one will show up there.
After all the tourist poison deaths and now this horrible story, I say anyone who’d book a vacation to The Dominican Republic needs to have their head examined. The authorities “lost” evidence and totally bungled the investigation, probably purposefully, into her attack. She nearly died from her injuries.
Did you see what they did to her face? OMG, horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, within the last hour, twitter has totally revamped its website—not as easy as it was to copy tweets and repost—so I do not know if this will work.
This tweet of a man being reunited with his Mom after 23 years of incarceration—well…damnit I have something in my eyes again!
Happy for this man, and his family.
Wish him well.
JW, I’m using a laptop and not a member of Twitter, but I just click on the date/time of the tweet, then copy the link that appears in the address bar of my computer screen.
I don’t have a smart phone or iPad, so I don’t know how to work those new-fangled contraptions.
Yup. They decided to remove the easy copy feature from their drop-down menu. I wonder if this will make rolling up/producing long threads more difficult.
Nice story about this man. thing I’m noticing from last night and today…………almost all the vids in some accounts are blue boxes, can’t watch. For example..early this morning I left 2 tweets with vids about ‘my kids are dreamers too’ and the other was a latina that got red pilled. Both now on his acct can’t be watched.
Twitter being asses
Molly, are you using Firefox? I had the same thing happen after their last update. So I was looking around on the Mozilla site, and they said to go into your add-ons. For flash, choose options, then uncheck “Block dangerous and intrusive flash content.” I did that (with some trepidation), and I can now see videos again. Hopefully, they’ll fix this on their next update.
“Ok, within the last hour, twitter has totally revamped its website—not as easy as it was to copy tweets and repost”
Yeah they gotta stop ppl from waking up and moving/copying to Gab!
Jack is in desperation mode.
Yep…and the new format totally sucks!
It looks amateurish and half baked.
What were they thinking!
There is nothing about this new format that is an ‘improvement’.
At this point they know they’re going to fail. I’m sure POTUS has made that clear.
They simply did away with the ‘copy link’ button in their drop down menu. The browser address bar apparently still works for individual tweets.
I wonder if this will make doing long threads more difficult?
New doesn’t always mean improved. Not happy with this.
“Swedes Advised to ‘Dress Poorly’ to Deter Violent Muggers
Swedes have been advised to ‘look poor’ and dress shabbily in order to discourage potential muggings after a young man was killed during an armed robbery in Gothenburg.
An 18-year-old man was stabbed to death by a group of attackers who stole his cell phone and jewelry, prompting a national debate on the rise of violent crime that led to an ‘expert’ offering the bizarre advice on a Swedish news program.
Sven-Erik Alhem, chairman of the Brottsofferjouren (Victim Support) charity, appeared on TV4 Nyhetsmorgon along with Gothenburg’s head of police to instruct the public on methods to deter attacks.”
more at link:
They’ve got to be kidding.
That’s dumb..guess Sven missed the bajillion vids of people being shoved, kicked and beaten just for being there. Sweden is lost
“Dress poorly” ——— speaks volumes.
Hmm….the whackos are rolling out this “Trump and his supporters are racists” strategy nationwide
Probably just bored teenagers trying to shock people and get media all upset. It works every time.
Yeah, ’cause calling us Deplorables, homophobes, Islamophobes, white nationalists, and racists has worked so well before.
Well, that story of the drug dealer at the same event with VP Pence causing it to be cancelled and the plane returning to DC may be true after all:
Hollyweird MK control confirmed…
President Trump slaps down the Coulter/Human Events/Washington Examiner fake news lie about the Border Wall!!!
Quick summary:
– The Army Corps of Engineers began site surveying and prep right after President Trump was inaugurated.
– 52 miles have been completed and secondary barrier wall is already being built in the San Diego sector.
– 172 Miles of Wall are currently under contract – 115 of those were contracted in 2017-18.
– The Army Corps of Engineers are currently pre-qualifying contractors for $8 BILLION in 33 separate contracts.
– The Army Corps of Engineers has assured the President they expect to finish 450 miles of wall by the end of 2020.
– The DHS has waived land regulations in certain areas and the work began that very day.
– 2 miles per week of 18 or 30 foot steel bollard wall are currently being completed.
In my most humble opinion, the 4 witches of the Congress do NOT have a corner on that market, so to speak…
Ms Ann Coulter doesn’t even try to hide her broom…
So, what does he plan to do? Read the report ? His appearance is non-productive. If he believes he can make the choice to go, yet knows he is NOT to speak BEYOND the SCOPE of the Report… what possible justification would there be for his appearance?
Will he misspeak and beg forgiveness?
Seems like Barr intends for Mueller to answer for his report – to Defend it.
As we know, there were lots of faults, shortcomings, failures in the Mueller report – plus there were opinions, inferences and assertions not backed by evidence.
This was a most interesting shot across the bow.
Is this good or bad for our side asking him about sources and methods? (Which I think we want to do…right?)

Reading about this stuff OT leaves me more confused than informed.
Anyone want to venture a guess that the testimony will be delayed again? I’m beginning to believe it’s never going to happen.
This should prove to be a highly interesting event next month. I’ll steer clear of it because I’m too old and brittle to fight, but I’ll sure enjoy watching the evening news that night as well as all the YouTube videos that will be posted later.
All the big name Patriot groups will be there and you can bet Antifa will too.
Wonder what happens if someone pulls down a mask, exposing Antifi face ?
Don’t SJWs rip MAGA hats off Trump supporters frequently ?
It probably depends on the ratio of Antifa vs Patriots. Antifa won’t attack if the odds are about even. They only attack when they have overwhelming numbers. Antifa are cowards.
I think that’s what they want us to do. Wouldn’t that be assault?
Let’s see if I can get this…
PLEASE DO avoid this senseless show-down, Andy!
You know the police and governor won’t back or defend the anti-antifa crowd, but may even create danger for them.
LOL! Like I said, I’ll be happy watching it on the evening news and YouTube afterwards. I’d have to be at least 30 or 40 years younger to go down there.
Seen on Gab:
“#BREAKING: Appeals court rules against Trump administration on indefinite detention of asylum seekers”
If we can’t detain them indefinitely, I guess we just have to send them back over the border.
There’s MOAR……

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 5ea56b No.7139394
Jul 22 2019 19:51:16 (EST)
These people are stupid.
Enjoy the show!
Heyyyyyyy Volgarian, I have missed you.
I’ve been in and out….lots going on IRL and just trying to keep up. Trying to stay caught up….things are definitely picking up speed aren’t they?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 5ea56b No.7139451

Jul 22 2019 19:54:18 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 562868 No.7139437
Jul 22 2019 19:53:46 (EST)
Image … flags
T3!! Why does this picture make me want to get a new flag Pole out front to hang my flag again? Also–I am somehow reminded of Passover? hmmmm
Do It M!
Absolutely!!!! and I am gonna kill that sweet lil lamb (turns head away) smear that blood on the door…!!! Sh*t IS getting REAL!!! Thank Q!
Marica, your reminder of Passover is a lovey thought to share.
thanks so much.
piper/….So great to see you here!!!! Somethings happening… And GOD and TRUMP are front and center… It WILL come to Pass-over… No doubts!
Marica, it’s great to be here, thanks.
agreed, God and Trump to defy the evildoers.
no doubts.
Video shows Berkley man beaten to death after early morning car crash on Detroit’s west side
DETROIT (FOX 2) – A 24-year-old man from Berkley was brutally beaten to death after a seemingly minor car crash on Detroit’s west side early Monday morning. The crash and beating were caught on surveillance video from a nearby gas station.” …
“Surveillance video from a nearby gas station showed the unidentified driver walk up to Tyler and punch him in the face. Several witnesses standing nearby watched Tyler drop to the ground.
Much of the video is too graphic to show, but, at one point, Tyler tried to get up but the punches and kicks continued.
A witness was able to pull the man off of Tyler, and the man even appeared to try to swing at that witness. Then everyone but Tyler walked away as they left him to die.” …
“Now, friends say the entire city of Berkley is heartbroken as Detroit Police search for the driver. He’s described as a tall black man with a skinny build. They’re unsure if he knew Tyler before the crash.”
more at link:
Another Blunt smoking Øbama son.
Degradation of civilization. Have to open carry.
This sounds promising…Rally style speech tomorrow at 11:00 am at Turning Point!
I’m going to have an AUTHOR HUDDLE over on the logistics thread.
Did this huddle happen already?
From Gab:
“Andrew TorbaVerified Account@a
“Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.”
TV is literally programming your brain.
Just as computer engineers program computers, social engineers program minds. TV/movies are their biggest tools by far.
The elites have even gloated about this in plain sight by using common phrases like the ones above for decades.
Cut the cord.
This is why they are so afraid of freedom on the internet at a global scale and doing everything they can to stop it. For decades they thought they had it under control, and by any measure they did. But with new decentralized technology, including Gab, they literally CAN’T control it.”
mandy, has a sidebar which contains weekly Nielsen Ratings…”news” can be isolated.
always does my heart good.
When you think the world is cruel and all hope is gone for a civilized society — this will cheer you up.
You won’t believe what happened here in the last 4-5 hours.
We thought it would be a quiet night.
Ronnie called.
Ronnie is a mechanic who started right before we opened for business. He came to call on me personally, to the house, to see if he could earn my business. Impressive. Done. He’s had my business for 25yrs.
Ronnie had a guy who was traveling when his water pump blew up. He coasted down an exit ramp, made his way to a truck stop, asked for a recommendation, got to Ronnie, Ronnie hauled his car to his shop…… then took him to Enterprise…. and insisted he stay with us…. as did the Enterprise Car lady.
It was a quiet night here, so we upgraded him. He’s piled up in the best room in 50 mile radius.
Phone rang again, local hotel, two couples refused to stay there and hotel clerk recommended us. Husband, Big T had to go PICK THEM UP because their car was struck with lightning.
Brand new car, they signed the papers and picked it up on Monday. Car is totaled.
It gets better.
The car burst into flames, so they called 911. One minute it was misting rain and in a flash, they could not see 4′ in front of them. Torrential rain. They were pulling off the road when the lightning hit the passenger front light…. and BURNED UP the car.
Local Fire Chief shows up, whom we know, wearing shorts and his fire gear, big fire truck blocking the interstate. They proceed to put out the fire. State Troopers show up and tell the Fire Chief to move the fire truck. Fire Chief says no. State Trooper says he will arrest the Fire Chief if he does not move the fire truck. State Trooper and Fire Chief get into a fight, in the middle of the interstate, ….. and it’s still raining.
Fire out, Troopers gone, travelers were abandoned. Fire Chief, our buddy, picks up the four adults, IN THE FIRETRUCK, and brings them to our exit, drops them at a roadside hotel.
Four adults who are drenched and just been traumatized, delivered to hotel in a fire truck, walk into the local hotel and desk clerk says…. you don’t want to stay here…. you need to call Daughn. I pick up the phone, Big T went to get them.
They come back here but they need help. They want to go back to their car to retrieve items from suitcases in the rear of the car. Big T obliges and takes them ……. way the hell down a country road to their torched car. Few items retrieved but they need incidentals to make it through the night and some clothes……. Big T took them to Walmart for urgent items and picked up a pretty watermelon while there.
Coming out of WalMart……… a big rainbow appeared. See there, everything is going to be fine.
I have the laundry going, washing the smoke out of various items, they’re waiting on pizza. They’re frazzled but home……. safe and sound with us. Picking up a rent-a car in the morning and driving back to Kansas. It’s going to be okay.
Busy evening.
Literally–HOLY SMOKES!!!!! Never a dull day with Daughn and Big T!!! WOW!!! thanks for the update !! Weather events seem to be everywhere!!!!
If there HAD TO BE a lightning strike, they could not have planned it better. They are comfy and cozy now. All dried out. They just need a good night sleep.
Dang–they couldn’t have found a better place!!! (note to self…and GOD…”IF something a bit earth shattering, teeth rattling happens to me…let me be real close to Daughn and Big T’s place–AMEN!) Love you guys!!!
Hand of God…
For sure Daughn!!!!

Daughn attracts good stories like new cars attract lightning!!!!!!
Rainbows are always a perfect ending
Big T took a pic of the rainbow. He’s tired tonight.

haha They live in Kansas? This is like a Wizard of Oz scene! They have the unheard of weather related calamity and then get magically transported to a beautiful land called the B&B !

They are sooo lucky that they weren’t in the car when the lightening struck!
Both the Ronnie-referral and the lightening-car couple are fortunate that they ended up in your care, Daughn!
They WERE IN the car. They were really rattled. Still are. They will be okay in the morning.
They are lucky to be alive!
No one needs to be popping any balloons around them anytime soon.
I have NEVER heard of lightning striking an automobile!
All my long life, I was told autos were safe because they are on rubber tires.
Do you think those new fancy LED headlights or some other electrical feature of the new cars are a dangerous attractant to lightning?
ME EITHER!!!! I thought we were safe in a car…… rubber tires. Well, not this time.
Same here. I always thought it was safe to be in a car.
Apparently the car acts like a Farraday cage.
Whatever, they were sure lucky and the good Lord was watching over them.
Thanks for the great information BAM!
I thought so too GA!! the rubber tires… Daughn…You are gonna have a breakfast story for us!!! These people are Special!!! WTH!!!
How does Big T – the big time Boston lawyer – like being a host, concierge, butler, cook, chauffeur for a B&B?
He is incredibly well bred and charming when he wants to be. Needed a guy for this task.
Well – he sure pitches in! Graciously and willingly!
He saved the day this time.
Proud of him. It was simple kindness. They really did need help.
Tell him we are also all proud of him! And you too! Now it’s a Bed, Breakfast, Retrieve, Restore and Recover Inn!
We’ve never had a lightning strike. New one for me.
We have decided to rename the B&B “Pitches Inn”. Y’all are going to miss the best part. 1st course: Fruit compote: Local cantaloupe, watermelon and mangos topped with fresh whipped cream laced with almond extract and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar accompanied by oven-fresh Lemon-sugar glazed lemon breakfast cake. Main course: House scrambled eggs (secret recipe), pressed bacon and Big T’s Apple-cinnamon pancakes. Accompanied with fresh coffee and orange juice. Served promptly at 9am on the front porch as, incredibly, morning temp is expected to be about 70*. Sweet dreams.
That sounds scrumptious.

My mouth is watering.
But…uh oh, Big T…did you mean for the name of your B&B to be in there?
I can edit that out if you like.
Ok … you’re right. Thanks
Bet you all have to take reservations from the locals who want in on your breakfasts!
Hmmm . . . maybe we should host Sunday brunches?
Don’t forget – y’all need to take a day off to rest and regroup!
Tell you what . . . if tourism picks up enough that we are tired on Sunday morning, we actually will take a day off! But it will be a midweek day. Weekends are bread and butter time.
ALSO – very strange to have road rage among the First Responders!!!
This all has to be included in your book, Daughn!!!
I know that Fire Chief, and can only imagine what was going through his mind.
‘We’re in the middle of pouring rain, traumatized visitors, I’m putting out a fire….. and you and WHAT ARMY are going to arrest me?”
Yeah, I can see it now.
I just want to know how in the world all this stuff happens to you.
We have often pondered the question.
I was minding my own business.
Michael– I truly believe Daughn and Big T”s last name…..Is Gumo? I”m just gonna go to Walmart tomorrow and buy bananas… so–you probably don’t need to follow me on twitter or something..

GUMP! Sheesh!
I love this story!

I wish I could have seen the fire chief and the state troopers.
What big hearts you have Daughn and Big T! I’m going to lay aside the concerns I have (which have been keeping me up) for the future of mankind and for the ongoing unfolding of Revelation events and go to sleep smiling.
I resolve to meet tomorrow with more hugs for loved ones and friends.
And…maybe invest in a bigger table.
Grandma’s Rule = “May I always have more guests at my table than I have dining room chairs.”
These things happen to you two because you are so kind, so compassionate…
The Lord knows who in the area is best at giving traumatized souls comfort…
God bless you both…………….
I would have liked to have seen those Mississippi boys fight.
daughn, you really must write a book.
what a Grand Story!
I’m not sure what to make of the controversy about RBG – whether she is really dead, etc. Sounds pretty out there to me. But this video today is really weird. Go to the 1:03 mark and stop it. It’s a close-up of RBG. What is that on her neck?????
[video src="" /]
Here is a better link:
[video src="" /]
Okay, I didn’t add all that gobbledy-gook to the link. Just copy what is between the quote marks. Sorry.
I’ll give it a try, Linda…
[video src="" /]
Copy it into your browser. Everyone needs to see this. What is that – a Borg appliance????
Played for me, but stop, wait, go, rinse and repeat.
Linda I’ve watched that thing 5 times, then went to the dinner party pictures ..on and on. It’s weird. It looks like fake. The video is definitely altered but I cannot go with the idea that all the other justices are part of the RBG scam. I just can’t.
What do you make of it?
One thing a lot of people say is that her skin looks too father is 92. The older he get his skin is more taut sort of because he’s getting thinner. It’s weird
“I cannot go with the idea that all the other justices are part of the RBG scam.”
I agree. No way. Some here disagree with me, but I find the body double theories completely untenable. I’ve asked before if someone could give an example where they have been fooled by someone impersonating a person known to them (besides iidentical twins). I’m still waiting for one such report. (If you watch the two old Bette Davis movies that cover this topic, it becomes clear just how impossible it would be to pull it off, LOL.)
I think that is just a shadow on RBG’s neck. A little later you can also see a shadow on Sotomayor’s neck.
I’ve never seen a video with movement like that, though. What is going on with the people filing by? At first I thought it had been sped up, but they seem to be moving at normal speed, just “jumpy.” Can some expert enlighten me (us)?
To me it looks just as they said..a couple of feeds on top of each other or something. My secret thought is that deep state or some entity wants the Q crowd to get all hyped up about it. Obviously her handlers keep her out of the public and then there’s a sighting where everything is scrutinized and all kinds of wild theories emerge.
There was even an article in the NYT the other day about her changing accent. It seemed like a dog whistle write up. I think somebody’s messin with us
“deep state or some entity wants the Q crowd to get all hyped up about it.”
Yes, and too many people are falling for it.
I think she is dead…. Cabal is using clones.
Yes, I know…. y’all think I’m nuts. Well, it’s been 20 years since they cloned the sheep Dolly. They clone dogs today (I posted the article in New Yorker magazine about Streisand’s dog. You really think they haven’t been working on cloning humans? It’s said they produce a lot of them in China, some in Italy, that they age rapidly, etc.
There’s a lot going on that people will find hard to believe.
It looks fake to me, too, but all the anons are going over it big time. And I saw a close-up of that section with RBG. And that doesn’t look like a shadow on her neck in the close-up. But it definitely could be tampered with. I agree that some of this RBG stuff looks like a setup to ridicule Q people. Just like the JFK Jr. stuff.
New daily by 1:30 AM, hopefully!
No pressure, boss.

Hope you are feeling better…. meant to ask earlier.
Thanks for asking, PhoenixR.

I get better, start doing stuff…then it comes back.
So I’m still battling it.
From Gab…
John Rivers
Verified Account@JohnRiversPRO
being against Collectivism is like being against Gravity
human beings are tribal, individualism is for losers
the strength of the wolf is the pack
and the strength of the pack is the wolf
if you’re opposed to collective action on principle then you’re just gonna get replaced by some other tribe that isn’t
kinda like you’re being replaced now
This ‘John Rivers’ person is confusing teamwork with collectivism.
A wolf pack works together to bring down prey.
But each wolf in the pack is treated as a unique individual, with a pack hierarchy to maintain order.
This guy is spewing Communist propaganda.
It also sounds very Borg-like and threatening…as in, “resistance is futile”.
But the photo is stunning.
Testing to see if this works:
Okay…that was just supposed to be the graphic only.

But instead, the whole tweet sequence posted.
That new graphic is kind of brilliant, isn’t it.
The A-O-C creates a sort of x-rated image…but it’s really only her Initials.
All four of those ‘brands’ are hilarious — so I hope they stick!
The backstory according to my bf who was listening to KOGO radio this afternoon said that Tlaib allegedly was threatening to pee on the celebration cake and then was escorted out. That’s what he swore the story was, lol..I didn’t hear it so can’t verify that’s what was said.
I bet he is pleased with them . He hates this country too.
Oh snap..this was supposed to be a pic of her with Zero telling he was so proud of her. Sorry about that
Hannity showed that clip on his Mon night show.
So Radical Rashida is getting some exposure.
Which is good!
Some questions:
1. Who is John Rivers?
2. Do you have a link to what you posted?
3. Are you advocating for this?
Definition of collectivism
1 : a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution
also : a system marked by such control
2 : emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity
This was supposed to be in reply to Mandy’s post on the previous page about collectivism.
From Gab:
John RiversVerified Account@JohnRiversPRO
libertarianism is a death wish
and it’s sold to you by ppl who want you to die
again, Individualism is for losers
it’s a genetic dead-end
the more you embrace it, the faster you will be replaced
Mandy, my reply to your previous post on this subject is above. I’d like your perspective on the questions I asked.
Here is some more on that RBG video. Definitely some weird stuff going on.
That video is bizarre!

It is! I even went so far as to find out what RBG wore to Scalia’s lying in State because I thought her clothes looked so out of place in this setting. She wore something grey to Scalia’s so she was a bit different from those who mostly wore black. LOL I give up trying to figure out if she’s dead or alive!
That’s a “proof of life” video, according to whom? Who decided we needed such a video? RBG has been serving on the Court for months now.
There is a pic here and at other news sites. Why is someone lying to us with a fake video?
Very interesting from CDAN:
Blind Items Revealed #3
July 15, 2019
This permanent A++ list politician was interviewed by the FBI on Friday in regards to the wealthy pedophile.
Bill Clinton/Jeffrey Epstein
Forgot the link. Here it is:
In the last 18 months multiple cases of typhus have been diagnosed in the downtown area, and two LAPD officers working in the San Fernando Valley were diagnosed with MRSA after interacting with homeless people. Bales himself has suffered physically due to his work – he lost part of his leg after contracting “three different flesh-eating bacterial infections,” including Charcot Foot, which generally affects diabetics, lepers, and people who live on the streets. The infection occurred during the summer of 2014, and Bales “suspects it entered through a wound on his foot after walking through Skid Row one day, handing out water.”
Bales is still fighting. More than 1,000 homeless people died on Los Angeles’ streets last year, leading Bales and Dr. Drew Pinsky to ask “how many must die” before officials take action?
If an outbreak of bubonic plague occurs, it won’t just affect Los Angeles. Many people who comment on articles here or elsewhere about California seem to think that this is a California problem, and “Screw them, let them deal with it.” If this happens in downtown Los Angeles, people in cities 20, 40, 100 miles away would quickly be infected. Tens of thousands of commuters a day take the train into Los Angeles to work, walking those infected streets and taking bacteria with them. Products from downtown’s Fashion District, Flower Market, and produce markets are shipped to nearby states (or even the East Coast) every day. Business travelers will go through LAX and to their final destinations before they know they’ve been exposed.
The only way they could stop it from spreading is by quarantining the whole city. Can you imagine? Why isn’t the CDC onto this?
The compromise of our agencies must be so far and wide. It certainly makes it clear that their mission is shadowed by holding the Democommunist lines. If they won’t even speak up for the health of the nation..we’ve got huge problems. Would they even admit an epidemic? If they’re that dishonest, it wouldn’t be surprising at all.
Here’s the next 24/7 immigrant story that Commie 4 will cry over even though of course it’s distorted headline is all they will highlight. cnn is so corrupt.
Just curious – when one is banned at OT is one banned via ISP address or via the email & screen name? Could one begin to comment again via new email and new screen name? Or would one also have to go via VPN + new email + new screen name?
Just in case I need to know…Hope not as I think I obey the rules but …???
Also, if someone realizes who someone is here via posts that are similar, we wouldn’t “out” each other, would we? Fingers crossed as we have very clever, intelligent people in the various tree houses in our growing MAGA forrest.
Posted back here for discretion and to not start a discussion on said topic of banning, OT, etc.,
Also reverted back to a previous screen name so my questions are not associated with the one I am now using here, again just for discretion and caution.
Thanks to whomever finds this and answers!
Yikes – I thought I was on the old thread from yesterday –
don’t approve and don’t answer here as Not wanting to start a debate or make others curious, etc. NOT trying to reopen a sore topic or cause debate!!!!
Not sure how I came from 22nd’s thread back to 23rd’s thread.
Just forget it. I will figure it out if I have to when the time comes.
Sorry for trouble
Well, here we are – approved and open for all to see. PLEASE don’t be upset that I as Trying (but grossly failed) to be discrete and I REALLY hope this doesn’t start debate or reopen old wounds.
Sad for the mess!
Putting myself in time out for this
This is a Free Speech Zone, 2Treehouses.

I don’t see anything wrong with the questions you asked.
But sorry…I don’t know the answers that you seek.
I am sure to do what he asked you would have to be real crafty.
Well, I see it is on the thread I meant it to be on – yesterday’s/22nd’s. I got so confused and panicky! I didn’t want it on the main page where every one is currently reading.
I just really didn’t want to stir up arguments or controversy or remind others of bad times/hurt feelings, etc. or hijack the whole thread with debate.
Maybe someone else will see the post back here that does know.
I see screen names/emails as tools and wanted to be prepared in case.
Don’t want to get blocked from either as I Greatly Value being a member in both, for different reasons. Both are appreciated by me and both MAGA in their own ways.
Appreciate your kind words and glad I calmed down enough to come see that I hadn’t posted on today’s thread and hadn’t made the mess I thought I had made.
And now for this screen name to “die” again as I came to hate typing a screen name that brought up division … although now I think about it as a multiplying of MAGA treehouses!
I will check back tomorrow in case answers. If not, oh well.
Natural News guy has this Infow video about the raid on area 51 is a mock drill for storming the WH. Plausible.