Dear MAGA: 20190723 Open Topic

This Q-T TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

(Note that I’m giving MAGA a bit of a revival here – I’m like Trump – I can’t give it up!)

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.






Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

I want people to understand something very simple.


Be Ready: Mueller Hearing on Wednesday with House Judiciary Committee and Intelligence Committee

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI22 Jul 2019 – 11:25:10 AM📁

[Be Ready]


Q Post 3460

[Be Ready]

That certainly looks like either US in the crosshairs, or US manning the crosshairs.

Maybe it’s a bit of both. Either way, please listen to Q.

Today is going to be interesting. And it will probably STAY interesting for some time.

[Be Ready]


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Mueller: “We couldn’t find a lick of evidence to prosecute him for horsethievin’, but he continued to resist being hung for it.”
How can it be “obstruction of justice” when justice wasn’t being pursued? “Obstruction of B***S**t” isn’t a crime.


Am I missing something?
I thought FG&C had an article up last night…..
Something else about the Apollo Program?
I was goning to read it this morning but,
Now it’s gone? Oh well. I’m sure there is a good reason.


Good reason = yes.
Accidentally, FG&C copied too much of a WSJ article which was behind a paywall. Of course, WSJ is rather devilishly protective of their paid content. WP took it down. Warning to the group.
Notice to all, please be forewarned, copying and pasting a whole article from behind a paywall — this is a NONONONONONO
Don’t get us in trouble, and yes, we have to be more aware of new “tech rules”.
We love FG&C, article was good, more like an internal ….. “Whoops”.


Thanks for the explanation……
I knew there had to be a good reason.


Have to admit, I never really thought about it.
We need to understand these new rules about proprietary content in order to save our little tree. 20yrs ago, we were correct in citing the source to give attribution.


And of course the fact that it’s advertising of the website is simply disregarded in the quest to crush the opposition (us). Assholes don’t even deserve a link, let alone a full cut-and-paste.
We need a blacklist in the sidebar.


A week ago Wolf took us down memory lane when he posted his infamous RollerCoaster post from April 2017. It inspired me to go search for a post, that I wrote on 5/18/2017 and posted OT. A lot has happened/changed in my life since I wrote this, but it still really means a lot to me, and I wanted to reshare it, as we steady ourselves to Be Ready.
When we’re young we’re told to Dream Big. You can be anything you want to be if you work hard, set the right goals, and stay focused. What if there’s more to it than that? What if Dreaming Big isn’t about what you achieve for yourself, but about finding a calling, a purpose, that fulfills your heart and enables you to help others?
Each of us are born with God given talents. These are what must be realized and nurtured, in order to “reach for the stars” and make the dreams a reality. Some are blessed and proceed full steam ahead, some stumble and never reach their potential, and others are inhibited by fear. You must believe in yourself, and when you do, and have found the right “dream”…..the sky is the limit.
I believe that our President, who is blessed with many talents, has a dream for his country. This is why he is, where he is, today. He has already touched many lives, myself included. I have a talent, and a passion for writing, but “fear” kept me from expressing it. My love for him, and what he is doing, brought me here. It’s changed my life.
MAGA – Making America Great Again one American at a Time!!!


TY, Weeper. Beautiful post.


Ideally, I think it’s about finding God’s path for you, and then finding your calling according to your God-given talents. Lots of us don’t hit the sweet path of life until most of its opportunities have gone by. The younger you are when you let God take control of your life, the better off you will be.
I find it fascinating that God took Moses out of Egypt, had him shepherd sheep for 40 years, and then sent him back to Egypt to lead the Hebrews out to the desert for another 40 years. All of the Jews and most of the Christians still talk about him today, proving that God’s path for one’s life is eternal. DJT is pretty similar, though we don’t know when he might have had God take control of his life. But without God in control, he would never have gotten to where he is – a place where his actions benefit millions of people and will continue to do so for an infinite time into the future (long after he leaves the WH).
God loves America and He wants it cleaned up. So He gave us the Janitor of all janitors – DJT.
Drain the swamp and keep praying for our president.


We DO know, pgroup.
Donald J Trump’s Presbyterian pastor growing up was Norman Vincent Peale.
No one could,have had the combination of Peale (oh, do go study him!), growing up at the New York Military Academy from the age of 14 to 18, and an advocate of Sun Tsu ( oh and do go look HIM up).
With a father like he had, an Uncle at MIT, an extraordinary knowledge of global finance, real estate development all over the world, and a true understanding of building as he does, there is simply no one like President Donald J. Trump.
No one.


Oh man!
Rich, handsome
Gotham = NYC
Stately Wayne mansion = Trump Towers
Motivated by murder of parents = motivated by murder of America
Playboy life style hid deep motivation
Alfred = Anthony Senecal
Many loves, but sultry, mysterious Catwoman #1 = many loves, but sultry, mysterious Melania # 1
Array of bizarre and powerful enemies, who would be just fun and entertaining if they were not also deadly
Commissioner Gordon = Mayor Giuliani
Robin = Stephen Miller
Bat signal = Q
OK, Wolf, admit it. Q tipped you off about this one!


I know you cannot, but I would love to hear the theories!
And one of my ongoing disappointments is having missed your analysis of the Epstein Island underground photos.


OK, now I can look forward to it! Very interested.


Me too!


One of my faves!!comment image


PS pgroup. I found my way early.
I have been up and down monetarily, however, I have been in my profession for 35 years now, because I stuck with something I loved since childhood.
Many people would be so much better off if they just accept what they love as kids.
I know it sounds ridiculous but it is true. If you love sand, or baking, or basketball or making rockets, you need to listen to the love and fun you have every day.
That way, you will always love what you do.
I do to this day.


I agree, WSB. I had a quote on my calculator (!) at work that said “Happiness is doing what you love and making a living at it.” That was true about 90% of the time I was in my career path.
Certainly seeking God’s guidance helps.
Another aspect I wish I had understood sooner was how our placement on the introvert-extrovert spectrum affects both our satisfaction and stress levels in all aspects of life. I spent many years allowing social & work stress to impact my health when a better understanding of my own (& others’) placement on that spectrum would have been enormously helpful!


Such an excellent post, Alison! Perfect!


love this Alison –
there are so many “life” decisions we are required to make….when we’re young. career path, life partner, major purchases, the list goes on. sometimes we’re mature enough, and have the appropriate network/support system to help. sometimes not so much. we need to be able to reach out, cope, adapt… keep the vision for life’s happiness on the right track.
having God in ones heart helps lead the way.
❤️ weeper

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you suddenly realize “I can’t believe someone is PAYING me to do this!” you’re in a very good place.
(Exception: someone’s asking you to do something exasperatingly stupid.)


“finding God’s path for you” . . . “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”
Please note – when you acknowledge God in ALL your ways . . . a constant recognition and affirmation that God is in control of all f the various parts of your life . . . then God will DIRECT your paths . . . not give you hints, not be a still, small voice in your head, not require you to spends hours and hours scouring the Bible for anything that will help you make decisions in your life . . . God will DIRECT your paths.
Our part is to acknowledge God in EVERYTHING we do . . . He’s got the rest! Doesn’t means your skies will always be blue . . . it will rain . . . even pour. But God will direct you along the paths He has chosen . . . all in accordance with His perfect plan.


Our Pastor last week … “Jesus might calm your storm OR he might choose to calm you even while your storm persists.”


I’m shocked that even the capo of all capos can’t get his threads right. 🙂


Then you saw her face…….


Neil diamond first


I’m flattered, and honored……I waited up to post, then went to get some much needed rest. seeing this morning that others have enjoyed it as well.


The argument is similar to civil forfeiture — in order to seize assets, the government should have to prove the underlying criminal activity. Otherwise it’s just banditry with a badge. And the thing is, the great majority of Americans can feel this in their gut and identify the corruption within……and the courts play namby-pamby word games with filing deadlines and points of order.
Legislatures (not bureaucrats) make the laws; Executives enforce the laws; Justices ensure the laws mean just what they said. That’s the glorious Constitutional framework that our nation’s Founders left us. Anything else is perversion and will ultimately lead to ruin.


It’s all screwed up now…….
JUDGES…. make the “laws”……
LEGISLATURES…. Investigate for crimes
EXECUTIVE….maneuvers through the swamp trying to fix things.


Unless you are the Obozo executive . . . then you import mud and noxious swamp denizens and try to turn a beautiful forest into a foul swamp of evil.

A Fortiori

A country that truly seeks to protect the property rights of its citizens would not allow civil forfeitures.


God bless this very brave soul!


Thanks for posting – meant to put that up last night but had to get some rest



comment image


One way please


And with out the helmets.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Let them have the helmets.
Omit the faceplates.

Gail Combs

ONE oxygen tank… for all four. BOY do you want to see a real cat fight??
Laying bets….


FG&Cs post on Apollo 11 has disappeared. It’s in my email but not here. Very wierd. Anonymous conservative worth’s look


Yep, deep in collusion. Part of the attempted coup and have been controlling the news for years.was a good article though


God does indeed work in mysterious ways…….
I was going to comment on the FG&C article last night…..
But just went to bed….. I thought: tomorrow.
Glad I didn’t post any comment now.


Paging Bill De Blasio… Hello?

Hate tip GWP.


If your wondering if you’ve seen this before, you have. This is a microcosm on how exactly the democrats, media and deep state have been treating the President, his administration, and the citizens that voted for him. The parallels can not be more stark.


Awaiting the drop


sympathies to those who didn’t vote for this lunatic jackass…comment image
NY Gov Still Blaming Utility Company For Blackouts
July 22, 2019
Gov Andrew Cuomo took to social media, blasting his “favorite new villain”, Con Edison, for all the recent power outages in NY including the most recent one in Brooklyn…
but Con Ed has been trying to do a combination of 2 things : a series of repairs from the last blackout to fix equipment, and a phased shutdown in certain areas to try to avoid a complete collapse .
“Every building in The Big Apple was running their air conditioning at max for the past couple of days, and there’s only so much juice on the grid.”
plus…Con Ed <b<has been warning for quite a while now that the grid is under too much strain/drain…as far back as 2017….informing Cuomo specifically about this…
and it was Cuomo and his pals who “engineered the denial of operating permit renewals for that plant.”
and then there’s also Indian Point to consider…who provides 25% of the electricity for NYC…
Cuomo wants to shut it down, calls it a “ticking time bomb”….denigrating the energy industry over anything that doesn’t run on solar or wind.
so just wait til Indian Point goes dark…
(…while more and more New Yorkers pour into south Florida, BTW)


Even those of us who warned against him, didn’t know he would be THIS bad.
Thank you smiley. Your sympathy is appreciated.

Gail Combs

Think Atlas Shrugged as the lights in the city blink off…
The Ayn Rand movies and the Dinesh D’Souza movie Hillary’s America are the only three movies I have watched in YEARS!
Funny the movie theaters here in NC DID NOT ADVERTIZE any of the three. We had to find out they were playing from conservative websites and then call and ask!


Im in NY and I make sure I vote in every election although I know it won’t make a difference in the outcome. I’ve been successful at convincing my friends to cast votes too.
The same reason I always vote our school board budget down. To keep the spenders on line. Imagine if there was zero opposition.
I know we will not win but THEY HAVE TO KNOW WE ARE OUT THERE


When I lived in Miami, the traffic was unbearable during “high season”, as snowbirds from NYC and Canada fled the cold to our warm shores.
Yet, I never complained about the traffic…. well, maybe once or twice.
Those same winter residents kept my sales tax at 5% and no state income tax.
I personally benefited from their tourist dollars………. every time I went to the grocery store.
Thus, I gave the lil’ ole lady in the left lane a wide berth. I welcomed her to my state…. and I smiled about it.
In NYC, however, residents have about 1.3 MILLION illegal residents, creating traffic and taxing the infrastructure. Unlike me in Florida, who welcomed tourism’s contribution, illegals are overloading the local economy in NYC. Citizens have no net benefit.


I’m in SWFL…while I appreciate yr story and experience…and yr take on snowbirds… i have to admit to a totally different opinion…it’s not just ab the “nice weather” here in south Fl in the winter..
it’s ab tax breaks…and Homesteading breaks…and Big Awful Development and its many breaks…
and the winter traffic just gets worse every year…here it’s also immigrant traffic, not just snowbirds…
constructions crews
lawn maintenance crews
hotel crews
housekeeping crews
the illegals are “overwhelming the local economy” here in my town, too.
it’s becoming unlivable here in paradise.
the constant new construction and related NOISE is intolerable.


Gotcha. I left right before Andrew hit in ’89. Can’t imagine what it is like now.
Would never want to live in Orlando, however, gotta be near the sea.


I’m on the Gulf…south west side…south of Ft Myers, north of Keys…the Gulf is constantly polluted with severe algae bloom/red tide…serious environmental issues…real ones…due to over-population here…
but the greed factor keeps sucking them in…and idiots like cuomo pushin keep them out droves.


For the fifty year anniversary of the moon landing we have this neat piece.

Hat tip Citizen Free Press. Complete vid here.
Now I’m wondering if the MSM is stupid enough to touch this.


I’m thinking this is an older piece. I must of missed it when it happened. He looks much younger here.


Got a nice right. Almost like he has the right stuff

Sadie Slays

Not surprised to see the media heavily pushing this old video now. Gotta normalize violence against those “crazy conspiracy theorists” now before the Q stuff gets even more damaging to the cabal. Remember folks, it’s okay to punch anyone who disagrees with the narrative!


Yeah, Skippy!


This is fantastic. Not getting much press, though.

Gail Combs

I get

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist

I guess twitter doesn’t want to advertize the competition.


Border Chief Mark Morgan on Lou Dobbs — refutes Washington Examiner report:
‘Mark Morgan: Lou let me tell the American people the facts. Right now there has been miles and miles of new wall being built. Right now 52 miles at strategic locations in El Centro, El Paso, San Diego. The list goes on. 52 miles have replaced old, dilapidated, ineffective wall. If you ask the people of the border patrol, each mile is absolutely new wall. Right now under construction is another 50 miles of replacement border of old dilapidated plus 13 linear new miles. In addition to that Lou, we have another approximately 100 miles of new wall that has been approved funded and we’re getting ready to construct.’


Lou accepted all of what Morgan said, but his other reaction was one which will be exploited against Trump.


Lou sometimes turns into another Ann Coulter! I don’t watch him anymore – his ranting and raving gets old, just as it does with Levin.


Another Biden flashback:



This is an interesting report.
Al Franken was pushed out of Senate by Chuck Schumer in secret bedside ultimatum


Nails polished, I’m ready to go for the thread, which will drop after midnight tonight.
Like Q said, We are ready, boss.
Surely, there will be moments where we will want to pull out our hair, and those moments where we want to cheer.
It will be PEAK circus in DC.
A shameful event, but we must not look away.


Eyes wide open!
MOAR than ready…
100% transparency required.


They are all insane! There’s no doubt about it!



Take that Justice Democrats and your buddies in the Islamist-Fascist-Nazi-Communist-Globalist Apocalypse.


And if Ivanka gave a black dog to her daughter, would Ivanka be accused a racial appropriation?
Or whatever the bat shit crazy socialist accuse people of.
A lot less press for stuuupid stuff would help everyone.


. . . because “black things” need to be treated like dogs . . . that’s how the spin would go.



I am bald. I cannot believe that Ivanka gave her daughter a dog that wasn’t also bald. Is she teaching her child that bald creatures have no feelings? That we have no place in this society? That we should be rejected in favor of hairy or furry things?
I am outraged.

On a related topic: My wife and I recently started a game of pointing the finger at each other whilst yelling, “RACIST!” during conversations. It turns out that one can somehow justify that just about anything anyone says is racist, as long as one is a little creative.
Imagine shopping for groceries and seeing a husband and wife calling each other racists while deciding which brand of canned beans we were going to buy… It happened… 🙂


“We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.” — Kristof (The Truman Show)
It is mighty interesting to go back and watch certain films AFTER redpilling. A whole new take on things.


Just release it already! I’m tired of waiting!
IG Horowitz to Release Report with Evidence Comey Conducted “Counterintelligence” of Trump on the Sly – Had Covert Agent in White House

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not tired of this. The longer they wait and threaten, the more nervous and panicked the opposition gets and the more mistakes they make, outing themselves. The “leak” yesterday may well have been a canary trap.
Honestly, I’m expecting the Mueller testimony to be delayed again.


Need to stand watch at all the emergency rooms.


One of the “net conservatives indicated it is better for the Report to be released in September from an “pay attention” point of view – takes it out of the doldrums of summer.
The real reason for the delay was the IG getting new information, requiring interviews and data analysis. I rather have the delay with every nail in the coffins, so they can’t open the lid and slip away like vampires.




Verse of the Day

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Galatians 6:7 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Thank you Beautiful Duchess!!! 😍😍😍


I love butterflies – and I love you, too! 🙂




Love those emoticons, Butterfly! Tanks!


hi bfly 🤗


Hi Weeper!!🤗😘🤗


Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Revelation 20:11-15


Amen goes right there, carl!


morning duchess ☀️
late start today


Morning, Weep – you are allowed to take a few extra zzzz’s – we just miss you all the more – hope you are feeling ‘zippy’ today – and are encouraged by our prayers –
Have a Blessed Day, Dear Lady!


🙏 prime time
I feel you and am encouraged each and every day. you have a blessed day as well.


Already on my way, Weep!


President Trump’s Schedule today:
This morning – 11:05 am PDJT speaks to Turning Point USA students from all over the country.
12:30 – lunch with Secretary of State Pompeo
4 pm – meets with Senate Republicans.


Raucous event, should be terrific, wish I was there.


I’ll try to find a link.


Oh my! Get this crap! Went searching for a link – first one to come up was this on C-span, a partial clip focused on him calling Tlaib a lunatic. SMDH
Link to live feed:


PDJT was just telling the truth and they do not like it. Pallywood has blinded them.


Congratulations Boris!


Good Morning everyone! Wolfmoon, when it comes to MAGA my Hubby (David) feels the same way! He is just having such a very hard time with the KAG2020. You see, he majored in Marketing and advertising so I can imagine his spidey marketing sense is telling him that the MAGA brand will stand the test of time and trying to replace it is futile. lol!
So, my Hubby has come to the conclusion that we can keep our Make America Great Again by simply saying that we “Made America Great Again”! Just replace the K in “Make” with a D! He also has the original MAGA hat and he just tells people he bought a new one that stands for “Made” America Great Again!! lol! He has even told people it stands for “My America’s Great Again”! Hubby is the quiet type for most parts but when it comes to Trump and our country he is always there when we need him! 🙂comment image


Ooooooo, I like that, Sunny. You’re husband wins!!!!!


You can tell Donald Trump would prefer to keep “MAGA”. I agree…”KAG” sounds like a skin disease.
I would love to see the change to “MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”. It keeps MAGA in place, and shows results looking back and looking forward.


We had the same idea – I was later than you! It’s yours!!!


No way, dear, it belongs to all of us!!! 🙂


MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN – keeps focus on truth that MAGA is an ongoing project rebuilding, restoring, draining the swamp!




Perfect, Sunny!
Gotta spread this one to the Trump Team!

Deplorable Patriot

Not tired of winning on this:
The Agriculture Department issued a proposed rule Tuesday that curtails so-called broad-based categorical eligibility, which makes it easier for Americans with somewhat higher incomes and more savings to participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the formal name for food stamps.
It is the administration’s latest step to clamp down on the food stamps program, which covers 38 million Americans, and other public assistance services. It wants to require more poor people to work for SNAP benefits, and it is looking to change the way the poverty threshold is calculated, a move that could strip many low-income residents of their federal benefits over time.
Broad-based categorical eligibility allows states to streamline the food stamps application process for folks who qualify for certain benefits under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Some 40 states, plus the District of Columbia, use this option, which lets them eliminate the asset test and raise one of the income thresholds.
(More at the link)


LINK TO TURNING POINT USA stream – President Trump will speak at 11:05 am!
Eric Bolling talking to the young folks about losing his son right now:


CHARLIE KIRK is giving an amazing talk right NOW!!!!!


Um…huh? “Video unavailable. This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.” Who is SME????

Cuppa Covfefe

Same here in Germany. TOR doesn’t help either.
Either a real copyright violation (usually background music) or, more likely, Gargle censorship…
Time to break up the monopolies, and bury the deep state.



Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a bill signed yesterday by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo:
The same governor who pushed for a bill that allows doctors not to attend to the health of a child after he or she has survived an abortion signed a bill yesterday banning the declawing of cats; New York is the first state to do so

Deplorable Patriot

Other than saving the furniture, what reasons are there to declaw? Just curious. We’re dog people.


Cats that are de-clawed are more likely to bite. Just an observation from a lot of experience. I’m not against de-clawing cats, however, having de-clawed only one cat amongst the dozens we’ve owned.


Some do, some don’t. Mine does, the little shit! Well, not so little, actually. He is a BIG cat and not a “cuddler,” altho he likes to sleep up against my back. But he also likes tripping people and runs to get ahead of me before slowing down or actually throwing himself down on the floor in my path! Cannot tell you how many times I have tripped over him in the dark! This is the very reason my soon-to-be 88 year old Mom gave him to me.
It is not necessary to declaw if you are willing and able to clip their nails. Jake was already declawed when my Mom got him from the shelter. Once that is done, the cat should not be allowed outside without close supervision.


My ex-wife came into my life with a declawed cat named Sasha. The lack of front claws never seemed to slow her down. She still caught small rodents and once dealt with an overly aggressive dog that was visiting by laying on her back and giving him the claws on her back legs.
That dog thought he had defeated her. Boy oh boy was he surprised to find out he was wrong.

Brave and Free

What does everyone think?
So was the Russian hack/collusion a coup attempt (I am sure it was) and a convenient cover up for SR’s murder?
It sure was regulated to the back page news rather quickly.

A Fortiori

So much hinges on the hack narrative that I suspect we will learn the truth in 2019.


IMO, the SR murder was just one small waystop within the coup attempt. Russia didn’t do anything beyond what they (and we) have been doing for many, many years. They ALL do it!!!


Honey Badger Bill Barr – our B2 Stealth Bomber is speaking live at cyber security seminar:


Is this the conference Hillary was to speak at?
If so, would be nice to think that Barr has stepped in to fill her slot.


Wellllllll, this is a juicy little story.
Weissman, the corrupt attorney of Mueller’s Special counsel.
Mueller –
Ukrainian Oligarch = Dmitry Firtash.
DOJ spent 14yrs trying to prosecute Firtash. The had 2 witnesses, DOJ overpressured, now recanting their testimony. They had another document, piece of evidence, which has since been revealed as part of a hypothetical power point presentation which McKinsey gave to Boeing,,,,, about doing business in a corrupt India. The doc had nothing to do with Firtash or his company, as McKinsey has claimed.
STILL – Firtash is being held in Austria, fighting extradition to the USA (Chicago) for this bogus trial. Austria was all set to release Firtash to the USA when Firstash lawyers in Austria divulged the secret dealings of Weissman. After the records were submitted to Austrian Court, Austria did a 180 degree turn on the USA and are now deeply skeptical of the USA political prosecution.
So, get the picture in your head. Weissman KNOWS his case in Chicago, his decade long case, is falling apart because he has no evidence. He’s held a Ukrainian oligarch in Austria, trapped there for 5yrs. When SUDDENLY, Weissman cooks up an idea to kill two birds with one stone.
Weissman approached Firtash’s American attorneys and says, paraphrasing, if Firtash can give us dirt on Trump/Manafort/Kushner then we can make his case go away in Chicago…. which would be the bad case….. the case where Weissman had no evidence………. and Weissman brags the LOCAL FBI/US Atty would have no authority to stop the Weissman deal…… because Weissman belonged to “super special/double secret probation” Mueller Special Counsel.
ANDDD……. as we all know, when a crook makes a plea deal, the policeman puts a legal pad and pen in their hands and says, “Tell us what you know”. BUTTTTT it didn’t happen like that here. Weissman told Firtash atty’s what he was looking for…….. specifically and in great detail.
Firtash refused the deal. Surprise. But decided to reveal Weissman’s problems with ethics in his extradition hearing. Don’t get to be a Ukrainian Oligarch by being stupid. Austria stopped the extradition and the USA look like fools.
Now, the word is out, Weissman…. screwing up all over the world.


FLEP covers this story in depth on News RoundUP.


Who is behind this Twitter account? They say “grassroots” but are tweeting out support for all incumbents v. MAGA primary challengers. Ginning up support for incumbents this early by using fears of a dem victory next fall — Insert suspicious cat picture here…
All the donations and support will be used to defeat MAGA primary challengers. all four have a potentially tough primary ahead of them. All four are seats conservatives are hoping to flip in the primary.
PS. Child away from home first time. Camp. I am a bit if a mess. I am sure daughnworks24/7 has a fabulous story all about her son being away from home for the first time and sage, proven advice to others…


Point proven about my distracted mentor state!
Link that I forgot in mt above post

Deplorable Patriot

They just can’t let it go. (Unfortunately, since Twitter changed over night, copying that link is not doable at the moment.)
Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour appeared to throw subtle shade at Melania Trump when she was asked about the first lady’s style, but turned the conversation to former FLOTUS Michelle Obama instead.
In a new episode of “The Economist asks” podcast released on Friday, host Anne McElvoy asked Wintour if she “valued” the fact that Trump wore several British-inspired outfits during her husband President Donald Trump’s state visit to the United Kingdom in June.
Wintour sidestepped the question and made it all about Obama:
I think first lady Michelle Obama really was so incredible in every decision she made about fashion. She supported young American designers. She supported designers, indeed, from all over the world. She was the best ambassador that this country could possibly have in many ways, obviously, way beyond fashion.
“But she’s not the first lady now,” McElvoy responded. “So what about the one that you’ve got now?”
“To me, she (Obama) is the example that I admire,” Wintour replied.


This is a super creepy story Phoenix….and JUST NOW hearing about it!!!!!


Can they convince someone to do that? Yes, if they properly motivate the person.
Smells like blackmail to me.


This is the worst of people. This is why people who foment hatred and disrespect must be publicly called out and shunned.


Aside from the obvious lack of support from DeBlasio, this trend of throwing things on people is a dangerous precedent . Milkshakes, urine, unidentified liquids, water,’s assault. It’s only a baby step away from acid or other harmful substances.


I’m crying like a baby.
Turning Point Conference.
President on stage……. all the students singing, “God Bless the USA” from Lee Greenwood.


Where are you watching Daughn?


Fox Biz is running it.




Also on OANN.


“Bulgaria president vetoes F-16 deal ratification
SOFIA, July 23 (Reuters) – Bulgarian President Rumen Radev on Tuesday vetoed a law on the ratification of a deal to buy eight new Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter jets.
Radev, a former air force commander, said heated disputes in parliament on Friday had shown that the terms of the contract have not been sought and no public consent has been reached.”
more at link:


“Asthma attacks cut in half by vitamin D supplements, study finds
A study has found a better option for treating or lowering the risk of asthma, as reported by The Daily Mail. Aside from strengthening the bones and muscles, vitamin D supplements can also lessen the risk of respiratory problems, such as severe asthma by 50 percent, according to the new study.
“Vitamin D is safe to take and relatively inexpensive so supplementation represents a potentially cost-effective strategy to reduce this problem,” explained Adrian Martineau, lead author of the study and a professor at the Queen Mary University London. (Related: ‘Vitamin D Guide’ infographic explains importance of vitamin D for optimal health.)”
more at link:


From Gab:
“Andrew TorbaVerified Account@a
Trigger the establishment emoji starter pack: :ak: :alexjoneswant: :christianflag: :bitcoin:”


:ak: = comment image


:alexjoneswant: =comment image


:christianflag: =comment image
:bitcoin: =comment image


Just a comment about all the RBG stuff yesterday. I just watched the video that Linda linked to from PaulMuaddib61 posted. That was very interesting and definitely doctored. Yesterday when I watched it, (late night), it was not the slowed down version and one thing I noticed were the expressions on several of the Justices’ faces faces. They were very emotional, and some were definitely holding back tears. I thought it was a bit odd for the setting, with all the people passing by. I did agree with MollyPitcher’s comment that the thing was engineered to “mess with us”.
Now I’m sure she’s right. This picture, where the coffin is being brought in, with the Justice’s watching, matches the expressions shown in the video on their faces. THAT is the time when those emotions would be displayed, not when there’s a parade of people traipsing by to show respect.
Note: I put quotation marks around the picture, I’m pretty sure it’s already been posted here, so if you want to look at it, just leave off the quotation marks.

Deplorable Patriot

Test to see if this works.



Deplorable Patriot

The coach’s statements got slammed when commenters said “it’s the ticket prices” “who wants to sit outside in Chicago”, etc.
Well, as a performer of music, the phones are a distraction. They are also used as a substitute for actually attending events.
And the whole phones at dinner thing….


He’s right. It’s an addiction and weirdly it feeds some narcissistic drive. Most pictures are of the person AT the event or outing, usually carefully posed, carefully edited, airbrushed, tinkered with to make sure it’s worthy .Endless selfies are just plain weird to me. I’ve been called upon to take so called impromptu pics and then accused of deliberately making them look fat or…it’s reedonkulous

Deplorable Patriot

When I got a particularly good selfie at a Blues game, I stopped taking them. Can’t top that. Why try.


Exactly! I was behind some ‘cougar’ type moms at a high school football game last year. They didn’t watch the game ( their kids I presume) but took selfies of the 4 of them, then selfies individually, then on each of their phones…the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen.


I can’t agree with this coach more. He’s 100% right.
The only problem is that I couldn’t hear all his words clearly. I watched while in a restaurant and my phone’s speaker isn’t very loud. 😛


I’m afraid that this is how the Globalist/Open Border crowd really think.


Ah, the hypocrisy! All while keeping their OWN people ignorant, blind, under their thumb and fostering a completely insular society/country!


Good! I’m glad he said it. Get this out in the public because he’s 100% right that it is the current view and that includes the Democommunists seated in our own govt and the ones running for President of the USA.

Deplorable Patriot
Millions of people who take aspirin to prevent a heart attack may need to rethink the pill-popping, Harvard researchers reported Monday.
A daily low-dose aspirin is recommended for people who have already had a heart attack or stroke and for those diagnosed with heart disease.
But for the otherwise healthy, that advice has been overturned. Guidelines released this year ruled out routine aspirin use for many older adults who don’t already have heart disease — and said it’s only for certain younger people under doctor’s orders.
How many people need to get that message?
Some 29 million people 40 and older were taking an aspirin a day despite having no known heart disease in 2017, the latest data available, according to a new study from Harvard and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. About 6.6 million of them were doing so on their own — a doctor never recommended it.
And nearly half of people over 70 who don’t have heart disease — estimated at about 10 million — were taking daily aspirin for prevention, the researchers reported in Annals of Internal Medicine.
“Many patients are confused about this,” said Dr. Colin O’Brien, a senior internal medicine resident at Beth Israel who led the study.


““Many patients are confused about this,” said Dr. Colin O’Brien, a senior internal medicine resident at Beth Israel who led the study.”
No kidding.
Oct, 2015: Doctor said, “Stop taking baby aspirin. Studies show no benefit.” Patient said, “OK.”
May, 2019: Doctor said, “Start taking baby aspirin. Studies show it has benefit. Patient said, “My previous doctor reported that studies show it to be no benefit.” Doctor said, “Latest nursing study shows it has benefit.” Patient said, “OK.”
July, 2019: Latest study: Taking baby aspirin shows no benefit to most people.
We definitely live in the age of confusion.


All depends on who is in charge at the time! People forget that doctors are fallible human beings, too.


My daily baby aspirin is a GOOD thing, in my opinion and that of my cardiologist and my primary doc… and I’m in my 80s.
“Many patients are confused about this,” said Dr. Colin O’Brien, a senior internal medicine resident at Beth Israel who led the study.
Colin O’Brien, presently a resident, is not now and never will be a cardiologist. But he considers himself an expert on prevention of heart attacks. (Internal Medicine translates to General Practitioner, or ‘primary’ doctor.)
Baby aspirin daily also helps in preventing a stroke. imho of course.
From Mayo Clinic:
How can aspirin prevent a heart attack?
Aspirin interferes with your blood’s clotting action. When you bleed, your blood’s clotting cells, called platelets, build up at the site of your wound. The platelets help form a plug that seals the opening in your blood vessel to stop bleeding.
But this clotting can also happen within the vessels that supply your heart with blood. If your blood vessels are already narrowed from atherosclerosis — the buildup of fatty deposits in your arteries — a fatty deposit in your vessel lining can burst.
Then, a blood clot can quickly form and block the artery. This prevents blood flow to the heart and causes a heart attack. Aspirin therapy reduces the clumping action of platelets — possibly preventing a heart attack.
Just my two cents.

A Fortiori

Imagine attending a PDJT rally, and because you are a young family and its not easy to find a baby sitter, you take your child along.
And then, in keeping with the spirit of the event, you decide to put a big old Q on your child’s back.
And now your daughter is a rock star. Two and three and four year old boys around the country are trying to calculate when you will be old enough to go out on dates and are working out and taking dancing lessons and grooming themselves in preparation for that day.
How cool is that?

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

Q proof, or Boeing/McDonnell Douglas logo borrowed or used as a warning. Hmmm.


Wanna know what’s REALLY weird? I click the link,, and I get server not found.


What a cool introduction and awesome reception for POTUS at Turning Point USA!


HEADS UP: “Site not secure” – but that also comes up every time I go to the Norfolk Daily News site as well. Not sure exactly what it means.
“Was this Cyrus’ personal decision to include this in her video or a choice made on behalf of a sick industry seeking to normalize their behavior by popularizing such images?
Rihanna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry and other pop stars have their videos and songs often marketed directly to children, despite their sexual overtones.
Considering that numerous psychologists have found that “music videos socialize young people by communicating ideas about expected behavior, relationships, and male and female roles,” this suggests that this mass marketing of sex to children as well as the marketing of music videos that combine childhood imagery with lust is indicative of the pedophilia obsession in the entertainment industry and is meant to normalize such depravity.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Here are a few articles from Vigilant Citizen which show how wicked the entertainment industry has become, and how its pawns, in this case Miley Cyrus, are owned, manipulated, and, sadly, made twice as fit for Hell by the elites.
The show “Black Mirror” is one example:
Miley (thanks to her handlers) turns what is usually a great and blessed relationship on its head:
And from four years ago, which shows her padeo-perv ideas are nothing new;
Funny (no, sad) isn’t it how many of the Disney “daughters” end up in such a mess. “Uncle Walt” must be turning over in his grave (or freezer, as some folks think)…


IDK – I have seen claims he was a pedo himself, altho absolutely no evidence was presented.


“Yesterday, I spent an incredible day at the Turning Point USA Teen Student Summit. It was incredible to see so many young conservative teenagers rejecting the false narrative of economic enslavement and the perils of socialism. These are the young people who find themselves chastised by peers and their teachers for having the desire to think on their own, choosing the path of equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes. It is so very humbling to see these young people who are deciding that in their lives they are choosing to be victors, not victims.”


EXCERPT: “I have written previously about my disdain and offense at this absurd idea. But, once again, it is evidence of the pittance that these white progressive socialists believe they can throw at the black community to keep us on their 21st-century economic plantation. While they seem to believe that these reparations are a deserving gift, it is just another of their curses. Just like the curse of destroying the traditional nuclear black family of one man and one woman, due to their curse of welfare for children out of wedlock. Just as the curse of failing schools in the inner city neighborhoods which are robbing our children of their greatest chance to escape. Heck, it was Barack Hussein Obama who sold out black children in DC when he canceled the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program in April 2009 . . . all while sending his two girls to prestigious Sidwell Friends.
But, somehow, we black constitutional conservatives are denigrated and demeaned as being the “sellouts.” “oreos,” “Uncle Toms,” and other hate-filled monikers, all because we refuse to accept the poison pill of white progressive socialists . . . their perceived gifts.
There is another gift that the left has cursed us with. It is a scourge that all through the horrors of slavery and segregation was never accepted by the Black community: killing our unborn children.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting that “gift” means poison, in German. Reading that paragraph with that in mind makes it all the more damning to the left…


I am confused…..why does West say yesterday? OANN is talking about “the speech he gave today.” Hmmmm…..???? *shrug* Maybe West meant to post this tomorrow?


OK, now I understand. Multi-day event.


From GAB:
“Kaleigh “Glass Dragon”@Kaida
@a that’s actually just one of them. We have 3 competing designs. The gradient, alternating black and white stripes, and this one, which is my personal favourite. Who says we can’t have colour too.”comment image
followed by….
“Andrew TorbaVerified Account@a
Added another Hetero pride flag, apparently there are several. I like this one. :heteropride:”


Boris’ Brexit Bash
Theresa May won as the Brexit queen
But things weren’t all as they first had seemed
She totally fumbled the Brexit ball
As though she didn’t want the Brexit at all
Parliament revolted, “It must be done!”
So she resigned – at the point of this gun
Nigel Farage pumped up the Brexit side
Filling all the blokes with British pride
Then Conservatives voted – Boris is in
Over Jeremy Hunt – an easy win
PTrump says congrats, Boris will be great
Comin’ in to break the Brexit stalemate
Though Boris was down, and many surprised,
Boris has awoken and is startin’ to rise
He slowly stands up and then pretty soon
He starts to move as though hearin’ a tune
He did the bash, he did the Boris Bash
The Boris Bash, it was a Brexit smash
He did the bash, it caught on in a flash
He did the bash, he did the Boris Bash
The Tories came in from all around
Doin’ the dance and jumpin’ up and down
Labour, SNP, and the UKIP, too
And Unionists dancin’ and drinkin’ brew
The party’s spreadin’ over Limey Land
With music played by McNamara’s Band
It’s open to all, and you can come, too
Just knock twice and tell them Nigel sent you
Then you can bash, then you can Boris Bash
Do the Boris Bash, it’s a Brexit smash
Yes, you can bash, you’ll catch on in a flash
And we can bash, we can all Boris Bash


Excellent, bakocarl! Thank you very much! 🙂


“JPMorgan: We Believe The Dollar Could Lose Its Status As World’s Reserve Currency
Almost eight year ago, we first presented a chart first created by JPMorgan’s Michael Cembalest, which showed very simply and vividly that reserve currencies don’t last forever, and that in the not too distant future, the US Dollar would also lose its status as the world’s most important currency, since it is never different this time.comment image
As Cembalest put it back in January 2012, “I am reminded of the following remark from late MIT economist Rudiger Dornbusch: ‘Crisis takes a much longer time coming than you think, and then it happens much faster than you would have thought.'”
more at link:

Cuppa Covfefe

J.P.Morgan, in many ways, ARE the deep state. Banksters, Illuminati, and Satanists.
They want a one-world government, with them playing the bank…


Begs the question doesn’t it…
Why is JPMorgan out there INTENTIONALLY setting the expectation that the world reserve currency is due to change?
And, what, pray tell, would it change to?
We’ve already been through this exercise:
The Euro is NOT a viable contender! The Greek Debt crisis was just a taste of debt problems to come. Brexit leaves us with no confidence in the Eurozone.
British Pound? No for the same reasons. Brexit. Kahn. May-day.
The Chinese Yuan? No chance. Especially now that Trump is putting the hurt on China. Right now all China’s reserve currency is U.S. dollars.
The Russian Ruble? Oh the Russians would love to dream. They even drew up a ruble symbol, adopted it, and had it added to the Unicode set and glyphs for all the major OS’s. It’ll take more than a glyph to get it adopted. They do NOT have a diverse enough economy to be a reserve currency. Russia Rubles are dependent on one thing: Massive oil demand for Russian Oil. But a funny thing happened on the way to world energy dominance. Oil is still priced in U.S. dollars and the U.S. is suddenly an energy superpower again.
Invent a currency? Russia and China thought and about it. Who is going to have confidence in a reserve currency literally created out of thin air?
Block-chain cryptocurrency? The huge bubble just burst. Forget about it, they won’t be close to reserve grade for a long time.
Another currency? No other currency has the volume to be a world reserve currency.
Where does that leave us?
Oh yeah, the U.S. dollar. Even pre-Trump the conclusion was that there was not a viable alternative to American Greenbacks. They had a lot of debt load, true, but not to the levels of the Eurozone or China.
What it comes down to is the U.S. dollar is the best game in “town”, and no matter how attractive it is to leave it, there isn’t anything out there that can replace it.
Though I’m sure Soros and crew would LOVE to play currency manipulation games to expand their wealth and destroy everyone else’s.

A Fortiori

PDJT is confronted with many challenges, but none more difficult than this one. Hussein (and Bush before him) spent money so recklessly that it should have been obvious that the purpose was to undermine the currency and plunge the country into hyperinflation. People forget the role hyperinflation played in Hitler’s rise to power.
And the budget deal just announced does not inspire confidence in our ability to change our ways. Profligacy that looks good in comparison to other spendthrift governments is not good enough.
I sincerely hope PDJT has a plan to rein in government spending, to sharply curtail the influence bankers have on our daily lives, and to restore to America sound money.


Second term, IMO.


Excellent piece at zeroHedge ………………. highly recommend the entire article and some of the replies.
Following an extensive three-year investigation into Rep. Ilhan Omar by investigative journalist David Steinberg, a House ethics complaint has been filed by Judicial Watch calling for a probe into potential crimes committed by Omar and her brother.
According to the complaint, “Substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence has been uncovered that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have committed the following crimes in violation of both federal law and Minnesota state law: perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud.”
“The evidence is overwhelming Rep. Omar may have violated the law and House rules. The House of Representatives must urgently investigate and resolve the serious allegations of wrongdoing by Rep. Omar,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. “We encourage Americans to share their views on Rep. Omar’s apparent misconduct with their congressmen.”
Laid out in the complaint, as compiled in Steinberg’s research:

con’t at link


Once again , Judicial watch leads the way .


Might not want to get too excited about ole’ Boris in the UK!
“Johnson Calls for Amnesty #1: Grant an “earned amnesty” to the 400,000 illegals living in London
In 2008, the mayor of London called for a review into the feasibility of giving amnesty to the city’s then-400,000 illegal aliens. No, this was not the mayorality of Labour’s ‘Red Ken’ Livingstone (2000 to 2008), but the newly elected Boris Johnson of the Conservative Party.
In November 2008, then-Mayor Johnson called for an “earned amnesty” for the hundreds of thousands living illegally in the city, which as London mayor, he had no power to implement. A Johnson spokesman had said: “Roughly 400,000 people living here illegally are unable to be themselves or contribute to society or pay their taxes.”
The calls went against Tory policy, with a party spokesman telling The Guardian at the time: “We will have to agree to differ on this. One-off amnesties have been tried elsewhere and the evidence is that they do not work, but lead to more.”


Yeah. I’ve read those rumors, and more. I’ve just got my fingers crossed on Boris. Maybe PTrump will show him some light . . . and lay a little leadership on him.


Yeah, I’m a wee bit leery about ol’ Boris. IIRC, wasn’t he initially wobbly on Brexit before he decided to have a convenient change of heart?


I believe so.


Google Pulls Veterans Ad Over Unacceptable Keyword: “Christian”


Blatant religious discrimination.


They’re going to rot in hell.


Okay, the Mueller thread is scheduled to break at 1:00AM Eastern Time and Midnight Central Time.
Shopping early.


Watcher has a THREAD — click on tweet


A little further down is this acct is some info I hadn’t seen.. maybe I missed it but very interesting~~


Okay..very weird..this is not what I highlighted and copied. How that can happen IDK ?
It was supposed to be several tweets with links about Rothchild families selling off multiple properties on the heels of some Q drops


comment image


We had so much fun with this guy, who wanted women at the spa to wax his genitals.
I laughed so hard.


He should’ve stopped at the settlements out of court but no…
At this point he’s being laid bare. From the looks of things he possible is much more sexual predator than poor Trannie. There’s screenshots of his absolutely nauseating convos with young teen girls posing as a young guy. He has some seriously disturbing fetishes .
If I didn’t know better I’d say his epiphany that he is trans came as he figured out that the time is right..trans can freely go into areas where young girls go to shower, bathroom etc. No surely he isn’t a fraud trannie… bet he is and bet a ton of them are sexual pervs who got a fast pass to access to kids by being trans


It’s a sickness and a con-game.

Cuppa Covfefe

They should move him to a cell…
In Trans cel Vania…
(ducks flying bats (baseball and other), Herman and Eddie Munster, and loads of creepy crawlers)…

Deplorable Patriot

When I was a kid, the locker rooms at the local pool had attendants. Maybe it’s time for that practice to return.


Working on it.


There is some weird shit here. Anybody have any idea (even close) to an age for this person? I am having a hard time getting traction on him.


Finally found an article that says he was born in 1987.


Wolf, I am going to work on this more in the morning when I am fresh.
I have a weird feeling, more a hunch really, based on some of what I see, that this isn’t the first “impersonation” this guy has done. I am getting really weird hits on his name, AKA’s, which I have never seen happen before. I mean, I see things like AKA-maiden name, or AKA married-but-divorced-name, but not completely different names. Some are tied to Puerto Rico. Is this guy Puerto Rican?
He states in one of the messages he sent that he “lived in the States his whole life,” and that he is “an immigrant,” but also a “Canadian citizen.” What the hell?


It’s gonna be helluva day tomorrow.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, wow. For them it is a school play. Although, executives do prep with rehearsals before presentations and such.
Are we having fun yet? If the players weren’t elected officials trying to bring down a president who is getting in the way of their gravy train, it would be downright hilarious.


Wonder if we will get a high dollar musical number?

Deplorable Patriot



If only Mel Brooks were directing.
Can you imagine what he could do with Nadler?


Pure gold.


Headswipe has a THREAD …………… click on either tweet


Here’s link to article Headsnipe quoted from above…….. I highly recommend “Just the Real News” as a source of your daily news… bookmark it, you won’t regret it 😉


and from the article above, here’s link to pdf of the new designation as published in the Federal Register TODAY, when it becomes effective…………………………

Deplorable Patriot

Saw this this morning. The pro illegal groups are already preparing to sue. With Trump and team stacking the courts, good luck with that.


Disneyland Toon town Fight results in multiple felonies. Surprising.
BTW, Disneyland has been unseasonably empty. I mean empty! And lical oaperscare naking as many excuses as possible. Disney caters to Asian tourists who spend 1000s. Would it not make sense then that their economy IS tanking if they arent spending on Disney trips?
“2 Men, Woman Charged in Disneyland Fight
Two men and a woman face a slew of charges after a family dispute turned violent at Disneyland earlier this month, prosecutors said.
The melee, which took place in the middle of Mickey’s Toontown on July 5, was captured on a video that subsequently went viral. It was also witnessed by other park guests at the Anaheim theme park, including children.
Avery Desmond-Edwinn Robinson, 35, of Las Vegas, has been charged with five felonies and nine misdemeanors. He allegedly attacked his sister, brother-in-law and girlfriend, and endangered his child and three other children, according to a news release from the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.
Robinson is also accused of threatening to kill a relative while they drove out of a parking structure after being kicked out of the Anaheim theme park, and assaulting a Disneyland cast member with his car after being escorted out by park security, according to the release.
The felony charges against him include domestic battery, assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury, assault with a deadly weapon and two counts of criminal threats, prosecutors said. The misdemeanor charges include multiple counts each of battery, and child abuse and endangerment.
His sister, 40-year-old Andrea Nicole Robinson of Compton, was charged with five misdemeanors, including four counts of battery and one count of assault, according to the release.
The woman’s husband, 44-year-old Daman Petrie of Compton, has been charged with one misdemeanor count of battery, prosecutors said.
Anaheim police were called out to the theme park to help break up the fight, which began between the two siblings and escalated to involve other relatives, authorities said.
The video shows punches being thrown, hair being pulled and people being knocked to the ground throughout the course of the fight. Four people were primarily involved, including one woman who appears to be a victim.
At one point, a man could be heard saying “I’m ready to go to jail tonight” during the brawl; the DA’s office identified him as Robinson.
Family members and bystanders repeatedly tried to break up the fight as parkgoers called for help.
By the time Disneyland security responded, one of the men had already been subdued by a crowd of people who took him down after the footage captured him beating a woman.
They were then removed from the park.
The family denied the fight took place when officers originally interviewed them, according to the Anaheim Police Department. But the viral video prompted police to investigate the incident further and turn the case over to the DA’s office.
Avery Robinson, who is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday, faces a maximum possible prison sentence of seven years and four months in state prison if convicted  as charged, prosecutors said.  He’s being held in Orange County Jail.
Andrea Robinson faces a maximum of 2 1/2 years in jail if she’s convicted on all charges, while Petrie could face up to six months in jail.”


Will wonders never cease? I fully expected this violent incident to simply “go away” when days after it happened the police were saying they were “still investigating it”. That’s usually the result of that comment, it just faces into history and nothing is done.


I did too. Disney just banned a woman for life after she hit a worker at Disneyworld who said the fastpass was invalid. No nane but from chi congo. You decide…


fades, not faces


“Shootings, theft, harassment: China warns its citizens of travel to the US By Mary Hui
June 4, 2019
Beware the dangers of the US, including its frequent shootings, robberies, theft, and harassment.
That was the message from China’s foreign ministry (link in Chinese) and its Ministry of Culture and Tourism, issued in separate alerts today (June 4).
The foreign ministry and China’s embassy in Washington issued similar warnings last summer, cautioning travellers about the risks of traveling to the US. “Public security in the United States is not good. Cases of shootings, robberies, and theft are frequent,” read the embassy’s alert.”
more at link:


I plan on watching Sean Hannity tonight as he said he’ll have a list of questions Republican Representatives should ask Mueller tomorrow. They will be specific questions such as why didn’t he investigate the source of the lies that created this witch hunt.


I wonder about the specific limitations of “keeping to what’s in the report.” That could mean that, in the case of “why didn’t you . . .”, if it wasn’t in the report, Mueller can’t talk about it.
Limitations could even prevent discussing the evidence for “the Russians hacked the DNC and gave Wikileaks the data”. Since the evidence wasn’t presented in the report, then it can’t be discussed.
I’m just really wondering about the specifics here. Well, tomorrow may tell.


I hope they can ask the question, “When did you know the Russian collusion was a nothing-burger?”


Another act of senseless violence by an idiot who has thrown away his life and taken an innocent life in the process.


comment image
Aaron Zelby? Going to help mueller tomorrow


Hi 😃🤚 … I thought I’d post this (if it posts) … it’s from qanon twitter … don’t know if it was posted before. It’s Ted Cruz questioning Dr. Epstein about google moving 2.6 to 10+ million votes to Clinton in the last election
It’s a thread so it may post long.
If it doesn’t post … sorry 😐🤚


I lost power last Friday through Sunday in ninety degree heat and high humidity … our electric provider advised we wouldn’t have it back until Tuesday but thank God it was restored Sunday late morning … whew … makes you really really appreciate what you take for granted …. by Sunday our “get up and go” got up and went w/o us ..
And so I’m wading back in .. 😍👍 … a little at a time …
Love you all, and God bless you each and every ONE … 🤨👍❤️‼️‼️


I seriously considered casually shopping at any and every 24/7 store in my area at the time but I don’t really like shopping that much … 😳🤚


Bongino on fire today. Worth listening to in background while doing other things…


Check this out!!!! Jaun Williams got a massive take down… his own son!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


too good to check!!! LOL!!! He got me!!!!🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, it was pretty funny!


“ICE Arrest Thwarted by Neighbors Forming ‘Human Chain’ Around Suspect
Local activists shield suspected illegals from arrest
An apprehension by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents was derailed by residents of a Nashville, Tennessee, neighborhood who formed a human chain around a suspected illegal alien and his son in their driveway after a lengthy standoff.
Metro Police say they were contacted after ICE agents attempted to arrest a man who refused to exit his vehicle, eventually locking himself in a van with his 12-year-old son.”
More at link:


That makes me sick that people can’t see the forest for the trees. Multiply their neighbor they’re protecting by millions and that’s the problem.


There’s a link to a local Fox News article in it.


Totally agree with you on local sources being trustworthy! 🙂

tom f

On the positive side: imagine all the information gathered as a result of the announced ‘raids’.
FISA works both ways.
And there’s got to be violations openly committed by those who are protecting the illegals.
Let them crow about saving one criminal.

Gail Combs

1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses

Harboring — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii) makes it an offense for any person who — knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.

It’s about time to toss people in jail on charges of ‘HARBORING’ starting with the politicians, police and activists!


“Migrants Wreak Havoc in Belgium After Party Shut Down
Dozens of African migrants terrorized a neighborhood in Antwerp, Belgium, when the party they were attending was shut down after it had spiraled out of control, according to local media.
Residents in the district of Hoboken were subjected to physical attacks, burglaries, and vandalism as a roving mob reportedly wreaked havoc in the streets for hours.” …
“Local residents were attacked, and burglaries and vandalism were committed. Even stones were thrown from the streets. A lot of calls were made to the police, but they were slow in answering the calls and with little manpower. The unrest continued until 6:00 am.”
more at link:


Yep, the migrants have settled in and decided correctly that numbers and violence means they take control. Did you see the Algerians saying..”you colonized us and now we colonize you” during the soccer riots in France recently?


If this whole John McAfee twitter account is real…Interesting development…


I have missed this whole story. Is this the computer security software guy?


That’s my understanding, Ga…He was on a boat with wife and others armed to the NINES!!! Hang on…



I saw the boat tweet/photo, but still don’t know who he is.

Cuppa Covfefe

He was one of the pioneers of the Anti-Virus Software World, and is brilliant, and eccentric (often happens that way). Years ago (15 or so) he sold the family of products off, and they’re now owned (and neglected) by Intel, and, sad to say, are garbage. He has a funny, NSFW video about how to uninstall McAfee AV, all the more funny because it’s all but impossible to uninstall, on the level of Acronis…
Anyway, he moved to the Bahamas, and things went pear-shaped from there, depending on whom you believe. He’s a 2A fan from wayyyy back, and I don’t think he was any friend of the Ø …
There’s more going on there than the MCM are letting out; it’s only a question of what…


Thanks, CC!!! You do a great and interesting summary.


Thanks. I don’t have time for all that right now. I’m guessing he’s in trouble for bitcoin dealing?


I clicked thru…It might just be an elaborate scam…to promote bit coins…Wierd…

Deplorable Patriot

Just keep an eye on this one. Who knows what is real and what isn’t when it comes to McAfee.


with ya DP!!! and will do!!!


I’ve said it before, the man is either got something really big going on around him, or he is totally freaking nuts.


Agree Michael….Kind of interesting…



MOAR Judges, please.
Judge confirmations appear to have slowed. Guessing Judge vacancies are rapidly filling.


No, Mitch does this frequently………. sometimes I believe as leverage on POTUS and other times to actually get other needed nominees confirmed…
But there’s always TOMORROW ;-0


“Only 35 arrested in ICE raids touted by Trump
Just 35 people were taken into custody during the recent series of highly publicized raids targeting more than 2,100 immigrant family members with deportation orders, acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Matthew Albence said Tuesday.
Of those arrested, Albence said 18 were part of family units and 17 others were not specifically targeted by the operation.
President Trump had promoted the July 13 weekend raids, known as Operation Border Resolve, as a major effort to deter the influx of migrants from Central America, who often cross the U.S. southern border together as a family unit.
Trump last week said the raids were “very successful,” even though many of the arrests were not seen by the public. Trump declined to say how many immigrants had been apprehended.”
more at the link:


THIS IS DISINFORMATION …………………………………… comes from the Hill
The White House twitter acc’t, or ICE’s twitter ———– gives TRUTH……………


Here is just ONE tweet from ICE twitter acc’t

Additionally this is a quote from Albence today (reported by the Daily Caller)………
… “A separate operation called “Operation Cross Check” resulted in authorities arresting 899 people between May 13 and July 11, according to Albence. They all had final orders of removal, and arrests included 605 people who authorities had convicted of crimes and 93 who had pending criminal charges, NBC News reported.
The number of arrests that will ultimately result from these targeted enforcement actions are unknown and the end date for the raids was not given.”

Also, I posted the pdf and news article wrt new procedure going into effect TODAY wrt enforcing laws on the books of individuals here illegally under two years… no Court, just deportation. See upthread


Brian has a THREAD on the Cabal’s latest tactic (blown up by Barr !!!!!!!!) ———


do you know about this? You mentioned earlier that you have article wrt Mueller hearing tomorrow set up to be released at midnight…. is Zebley mentioned?


Last minute “addition” and change of plan by the Dems. May violate House rules. VERY odd the DOJ does not have an Asst Atty General sitting next to him to stop him if Mueller strays from agreed subject.
All other material Mueller “learned” while investigating, but not in the report, is protected by Presidential Exec Privilege “which has not been waived”.
They are fighting about it as we speak.


Thanks for the info…………………..


See my note later on.
PR, you just pointed to a Niagara Falls size info dump.
I put it all in the thread tomorrow for Mueller.


Deplorable Patriot

If it actually happens, this is going to be one heck of a $#!+ show. I have my doubts that it’s going to happen at all.

A Fortiori

If Zelby is DOJ (and Mueller’s gang was technically DOJ), then DOJ can preclude him from testifying. If Zelby was DOJ, same rule applies. He cannot testify without specific authorization, and given that he was not a high level official, the scope of his authority to testify would be tightly controlled.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 209dbd No.7150048
Jul 23 2019 16:18:25 (EST)comment image
comment image



Hot Dog!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Full on bratwursts!!!!


Southern country whole hog smoked!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Barbecue the whole damned brachiosaur!!!


Southern Country Whole Hog Smoked – is a kind of sausage – greatly superior to bratwurst.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, I guess my ignorance of Southern food shows…


I’ve never been to a pig roast. They don’t have them so much any more down in these parts.

Cuppa Covfefe

Depends on which Bratwurst you’re speaking of. There are HUNDREDS in Germany, from mild to wild to (barf) yuppie veggit, but those are fakewurst.
I’ll take Louisiana Hot Links, and a REAL Nürnburger Brats. Thuringer brats are good, too…
(Then there’s Salciccia Fresca Piccante, from Italy, Debrecziner from the slavic lands, along with cevapcici, for those who like the wurst but not the casing). It seems like every town over here has its own bread, its own beer, and its own wurst. What else is needed 🙂 (OK, some veggies for dietary balance, barbequed, of course)…


I was born in Louisiana, but do not like Andouille. Give me S GA country smokehouse whole hog sausage with a bit of spicy seasoning….mmm-mmm.
Never tried foreign gourmet sausages.

Deplorable Patriot

Google did gobble up tech companies as if they were going for vertical integration, that’s for sure.


Somebody studied the Rockefeller Standard Oil history and thought, hell let’s try that again.

JW in Germany

We Are The Youth Gone Wild!!!

Oh HELL! I am going to have to read this after the Bushmills whiskey has worn off!! Hahahahahah!
Sorry, I am enjoying summer while I canQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ!!!!!!!!!


Check out his smile at the end, Honey Barr don’t give a Damn!! 😂😂😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Daaang, that is one heck of a wide angle lens. Look at how the building behind Barr looks, in fact even his head seems stretched into the corner of the shot a bit. if you watch, at the end the camera pans and you see everything stretch and distort.

Cuppa Covfefe

I call it the curse of the smart phone “camera”. Other than the spectacular optics of some of the Nokia Lumia phones (41MP with mechanical, not electronic image stabilization) (and it still fit into the case!), most phones seem to be shackled with impossibly wide angle, indeed fisheye lenses. And with that, people have been conditioned to low-quality photos, instant gratification (if it’s no good, delete and try again). The days of planning (or at least thinking about) a shot are all but gone…
Sometimes I’ll look up houses in my old neighborhoods to see what they’re like now (40-50 years later). The pics on the realty pages make me dizzy. Of course in Kalifornistan, (almost) nothing is straight anymore, so why would I expect 90° corners…
Even the low-end Ixus cameras from Canon make better pics than that… sigh.. Probably the yuppies of today don’t want to be bothered lugging around a decent lens or two with a small camera…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even a good point and shoot kicks the crap out of cell phones.
And it’s hard to find a crappy point and shoot now (not impossible but hard), because the camera manufacturers are realizing those can’t compete against cell phone cameras. (Canon point and shoots are mostly 1 inch sensors now; I recently bought a Lumix with considerable optical zoom that will still fit in my pocket.)

JW in Germany

Sometimes in life you have that song that you have totally forgotten!
Deep Purple: Child in Time
If you have a good stereo system or decent set of headphones—there is only one way to listen to this song!!!


I’ll bite!

JW in Germany

LOUD! Hahahaha!!!!

JW in Germany

It is a little unfair—I am listening to a Tidal Master Recording. O-M-G!!!
Philips SBC HD1502U Headphones have become legendary! If you find a pair with the base unit—BUY IT!!!
I am a man of limited means but I LOVE MUSIC!!!—if Hi-Fi on a budget is your thing and are willing to spend $3000>>>>KEF LS50 Wireless with KEF R400b Subwoofer!
Do your research!


JW – You’re the man, on this subject. I defer, gladly. I drifted now, to Zeppelin.
Time for Battle of the bands?
From Montreux to the Mississippi?
This one cuts to the bone

JW in Germany

Damn she is already spoken for!


I LOVE that we know about your secret interest. Music is one of my great loves as well. High dollar hi-fi is a treat. Wish I was there! DOUBLE headphones.

JW in Germany

LOVE IT!!!❤❣❤❣❤

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I got a pair of B&W 808s used for 1500 bucks about 25 years ago, I think.
I practically tore the pocket off my pants reaching for my wallet when I saw those.

JW in Germany

B&W!!! Whhhoooohhhooooo! Steve coming in STRONG!!! You cannot go wrong!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bridged power amps, 330W per channel.

JW in Germany

Oh YEAH! I so badly want to hear!!
Too many people do not realize the POWER of good ol’ fashioned STEREO MUSIC!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Warning, though, those amps are NAD 225BEE amps (I think that’s the right model number) not Mark Levinsons.

JW in Germany

NAD are Bullet Proof! Their early 90s amp (I forget the model name) paired fantastic with my old Polk Audio SDAs.
NAD deliver LOTS of CLEAN POWER!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually I had to replace the big honkin’ capacitors on them after a couple of years. Expensive!!!
Alas, I’m losing my hearing so it’s going to be moot in about 10-15 years.

JW in Germany

Losing hearing! EXACTLY the reason I suggest the KEF LS50 Wireless with their METAL tweeter!
I am 52 years old with mild hearing impairment. Those metal tweeters can change your whole listening experience.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The KEF dealer here went out of business decades ago…the one time I listened to a pair–well, I liked B&W better.
Speakers are a very individual-taste thing.

JW in Germany

The LS50 Wireless are relatively new—-last 4 years or so—-I LOVE IT that we are both battling over the best BRITISH loud speakers—-when we both know that the Worlds Best Loudspeakers are a $685,000 pair of Wilson Audio WAMM Master Chronosonic!!!

JW in Germany
Cuppa Covfefe

Just wait until Steve see this – I think we’ll “hear” about Bowers & Wilkins 🙂
(And here I am wishing I’d built those corner wave Klipschorns 🙂 Then again, I’d have had to move them across the pond, twice, and a five or six other moves… they’rrrreeeee HEAVY)…
Wow. Stereo wars in 3…2…1… 😀
P.S. JW, what do you think about how they rate speakers here in (fake) Watts, as opposed to frequency response and spl/sensitivity???

Cuppa Covfefe

Gracious. Talk about late to the party (maybe it was a delay loop 🙁 ) . By the time this posted, Steve had already seen your post and you had the sound battle already…
Let’s see. 2 Million watts per channel at 0.005 ohm 🙂 🙂 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

And me and my poor little Jensen Tri-Axials in my Datsun 280ZX… back in the 80s…

JW in Germany


JW in Germany

2,000,000 watts per channel!!! I LOVE IT!
Believe it or not Hi Fidelity Music is NOT all about WATTS.
I want to go back to my original post and say that the Hi-End experience is NOT out of the average listeners reach! ENJOY!

JW in Germany

Unfortunately, I cannot speak about B&W at home. I do know that the company has a long history of building fantastic loud speakers. Without a direct comparison to my KEF LS50 Wireless, I do not want to shy people away from such a great company!
That said, my active KEF L50 Wireless are ACTIVE!!! Each speaker has TWO AMPS one rated at 200watts for the mid and bass and 30watts for the highs!!!
The KEF R400b Subwoofer is powered by 2x250watt amps!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Totally random, but:
Just got home from my local municipal pool, and am contemplating laying out to tan with inked skin. Not me, but there were people there laying out with inked skin.


I can’t possibly be expected to perform at full throttle tomorrow unless I have Fresh Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.
Executive decision = time to make pie.

A Fortiori

Love Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Now you’re speaking my language


Bacon topped pie, there ya’ go!!


hi daughn –
for you….comment image


😬 sorry….didn’t know it’d be that big. delete if necessary….or if someone can “shrink it”!!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or try to eat it.




Num, num, num.


I don’t bake, but recently I figured out how to copy pics off the internet 😉


Bwwhwhahhaaa, SPIT!!!!!


Even Mueller’s footnotes are questionable…


Hey Daughn—The air force has an interesting tweet… Be ready!!! Indeed!


When the world goes up in smoke, I’m going to have Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.
Girl Scout – doncha know.


Required in all get-away kits!!!!


Right?!!!! LOL🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

A Fortiori

I’m thinking kickbacks paid to officials to entice them to buy substandard steel to be used in the water distribution system for a major American city, but then I have an active imagination.


OMG, so it WAS true, the FBI was raiding the offices of the Water Board and City Hall in LA. THANK you, Marica, good news.


yes mam!!! Habbenings are Everywhere!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of the movie (and the real events behind it) “Chinatown”…


Thing is…… a problem in a “Water Board” is downstream from a bigger problem.
They will start at the Water Board and unwind it. I’m almost jealous. Wish I was there for the raid.

Cuppa Covfefe

Now there’s a thought…
Clean out skid row at the same time…


…”BI agents served search warrants on Monday at multiple government offices, including the utility’s downtown headquarters. Agents were reportedly looking for evidence of a wide array of possible crimes, including bribery, kickbacks, extortion, mail fraud, and money laundering, according to a warrant excerpt.”


….and Down they go!!!!! 1 by 1…Hope we get a Raid-a-week!! Big Cities 1st!!!


NYC and DeBlasio need to be high on the list.
– Chicago
– Baltimore
– Oakland
– San Francisco
– Los Angeles
– Austin


Good start Kalbo!!!


– Portland
– Seattle
MOAR as needed;-)

Cuppa Covfefe

Not forgetting Seattle, Portland, and maybe even Eugene and Bezerkeley, Marxist Sister Cities…
Heck, all “Sanctuary” cities and states. They’re protecting illegals, and they’re probably protecting illegal income and actions, too…


“Tech Stocks Tumble After DOJ Launches Broad Antitrust Review Of “Big Tech”
Just one week after the tech world’s most visible conservative and entrepreneur to back President Donald Trump, Peter Thiel, slammed “treasonous” Google for agreeing to work closely with China, trying to get its search engine back into the Chinese market, while deciding to let a US defense department contract that gave the military access to its artificial intelligence tools lapse, Thiel’s lament has made its way to the very top, and moments ago the WSJ reported that the DOJ was opening a broad antitrust review into whether dominant technology firms are unlawfully stifling competition, adding a new Washington threat for the FANGs
According to WSJ sources, the review is geared toward examining the practices of online platforms that dominate internet search, social media and retail services; the report notes that the new antitrust inquiry is “the strongest signal yet of Attorney General William Barr’s deep interest in the tech sector, and it could ratchet up the already considerable regulatory pressures facing the top U.S. tech firms.”
more at the link:


Can’t beat (Fred and) Ginger!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I love it.
These companies swear they’re all about privacy…but resist any requirement that people have to opt-in to let them (mis)use their personal info and data.


Ferals at it again~~~ poor girl…
On Tuesday the family of Janise Harris, a 15-year-old Chicago teen, called on social media to help them locate their loved one who reportedly disappeared after sustaining a physical attack.
On Monday evening a video shared by a Twitter user who claimed to be Harris’ friend, captured a disturbing scene which showed five girls as they followed and harassed Harris who was walking in what appears to be an alleyway.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 38cc52 No.7150840
Jul 23 2019 17:12:14 (EST)
Targets (‘models’) made to fill out an extensive background report?
Targets (‘models’) asked in detail re: family?
Targets (‘models’) generally ‘green lit’ based on ‘loner’ ‘insecurity’ ‘depressed’ P_eval?
Targets (‘models’) generally ‘green lit’ based on ‘humble’ ‘poorer’ family background? [prevent possible ‘legal’ retaliation]
Highest Level Security + MAX Protect


comment image


Remember “Back Page” ???
Models……………….. that’s what they were all about…. Cindy NoName’s fiefdom
They were shutdown………. but another monster rose from the ashes…………
Guess the name ? Drum rooooolllllllllll ………..
I kid you not (no pun intended)
Their evil is an absolute “in your face” ………………………


None of these are models. They are meat. Again, the males werlar chain necklaces. These look like runaways or fosters possibly sold by gangbangers to pay a debt.
Models have a portfolio and arent showcased l9oking drugged up, skin damage, etc.
Pedos in instagram….another fakebook tether.

Cuppa Covfefe

No one’s mentioned the other HUGE Hollywierd film industry: the porn world. No doubt Epstein and his cronies fed (and fed off of) that, too…
Same sewer, different gutters feeding into it…


With sincere apologies to Bakocarl and Phil Collins, I have had this in my head ever since MAGA KAG became a thing. To the tune of “Abacab.”
Look at the TV, up on the wall,
Hear the people cry, one and all.
There’s something happening.
Suddenly there’s something just not the same.
Who do you think is to blame?
Tell me who you think is to blame?
When we need him he’s always there
What he does makes us be aware
MAGAKAG is everywhere
When you’re saving the whole world
With an American flag unfurled,
And you turn on the daily news
All of the reporting is fake and wrong
Don’t you know the answer by now?
Tell me, don’t you know it by now?
When we need him he’s always there
What he does makes us be aware
MAGAKAG is everywhere
We want him, we need him, know we know
We want him, we got him, he can’t go
Politics, an illusion, it’s a game
Every day more of the same
Until America woke up
And Donald Trump came.
Well, we finally got what we needed,
Yeah, we really got what we needed.
Baby, he’s exactly what we needed.
Absolutely what we needed
When we need him he’s always there
He and Q make us be aware
MAGAKAG is everywhere


Aubergine!!!!! Inspirational!!!!! (Big Smile😍😍!)
So many Poets in this community!!!


My Dad used to tell me “your a poet, and don’t know it, but your big feet show it, because they’re Longfellows.”




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 38cc52 No.7151215
Jul 23 2019 17:35:02 (EST)



Just coming to post Ted’s tweet, and Q beat me to it………………..
bbbuuutttt…………… NUTTIN’S HABBENIN’ (stomp, stomp !)

A Fortiori

Not only does Cruz target Antifa, but (dis)honorable mentions also go to the mayor and police chief of Portland, OR.




We twinned!


Yeah Linda!!!!! LOL!!!


When can you remember Republicans speaking out like they are ATM ?????????????


Sydney Powell Thread…Moving the needle for Gen. Flynn?



Cuppa Covfefe

Methinks MAGA Coalition is Deep State…


I found a snarky article about a feud beween Praying Medic and MAGA Coalition (Gorka). Snippets from the article:
“Those conflicts have now exploded into open warfare, as QAnon used several “drops” to attack the Sebastian Gorka-linked pro-Trump PAC MAGA Coalition, whose members are fighting back by going after Praying Medic, a prominent QAnon “decoder” who has risen to the top of a crowded swamp of Q personalities by fusing evangelicalism with conservative politics, questioning his charity’s tax-exempt status.”
There are more details. It’s from April 11 of this year.
Julian’s Rum’s next tweet after that one says, “They posted it on their blog at 5:19pm today. Only one minute after Q’s drop about the newly-announced anti-trust investigation into social media companies.”


Thanks for the info. I only know one thing..I cannot stand Jack Posobiac. IMO his ego is out of control

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Gingrich of PA – owner of MAGA Coalition, is a very similar personality to that Brett Kimberlin guy that attacked and harassed another conservative blogger for years.
I bet Gingrich doesn’t really want his and his superpac’s finances to come to light.


Q pointed out how Gingrich had given a large portion of the MAGA Coalition super-pac’s funds – $60,000. to Gorka’s wife Katy for ‘security’.


Pfffftttt, Maga Coalition is swimming uphill on this one. If innocent, terrific. Let me know when they file their first case.


Do a search of MAGA Coalition at – see especially #2089 , 3188, 3222
Gingrich doesn’t really want his and his superpac’s finances to come to light.
Q pointed to the fact that MAGA Coalition owner Adam Gingrich had given a large portion of the MAGA Coalition super-pac’s funds – $60,000. to Gorka’s wife Katy for ‘security’.
This is likely to get ugly. Adam Gingrich (Gingrich of PA on Twitter) – owner of MAGA Coalition, is a very similar personality to that Brett Kimberlin guy that attacked and harassed another conservative blogger for years.

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s that name again…


Macy’s did it again. LOL



And a cyanide tablet just in case.


They won’t be able to help…..
They are all PEDO’S from Epstein’s Island.



“Attorney” for a…. “Prosecutor”?
WOW!…. that’s some weird stuff.


I believe the nodd/heads up originally came from Phoenix Rising. If I am wrong, my apologies, but someone gave me a shove on Aaron Zebley, attorney for Mueller.
I’ve done a deep dive, included in tomorrow’s thread (actually later tonight). You guys are going to love this one.
And yes to LM, the Comey memos were taken as a gold standard. They believed and never questioned Comey’s motives. Even the summaries, which the FBI is taking pains to remain classified, contain damaging info to the FBI. Seems clear, now, they were running and investigation on the President of the USA……… and lying to him about it.
And to Molly, I still owe you a recipe for Mac and Cheese. I have not forgotten.




Hey, LM, make sure you read the link about the footnotes in tomorrow’s thread.
You were spot on. Well done.


The Mueller thread is LOADED with background. I keep updating as we get more news. Treepers will add to the thread many more valuable tidbits. Should be a good resource for us.
Big Day tomorrow.
Nadler and Schiff in spotlight, too.


Nadless… and… Shit-4-Brains….
What a combo 🙂


Q has just posted




WOW… GREAT stuff here ^^^^^^


Did you ever Wonder??
What Happens..
As someone, whom maybe a Tourist or .. I’ll not say..
Visiting the Beach on a Hot nice SUNNY Day..
Usually Mid-Afternoon, around 5pm or so..
It’s the way NC is set-up with what’s called, The Piedmont Trough..
Cold Fronts, AND Micro-Weather, SEA BREEZE “front”, sets up on the Coast..
We get “fronts” in the late afternoon..
Watching the temps fall about 20~30 degrees with-in a hour..
I usually catch A lot of Fish a couple hours before the “Weather event” happens..
So here is your evening picture..
As the Cold front came though,, dropping Temps 25 degrees with-in a hour..
My Winders are OPEN!comment image


Nice. Its been in the 90s the past few days here in socal but humid. Ive been hoping for a really good summer storm. We got a 7 minute downpour today…😮


I meant too try to find the video I have archived somewhere’s that shows what happens When a Storm front moves though,, With Hundreds of Folks trying to get off the Pier pictured at once..


Here too, windows open. Going to be in the low 60’s tonight.
Folks, it’s July in Mississippi.
This never happens.


Not often in Arkansas either 🙂
Enjoy the night 🙂


Good stuff:


No. 3470
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 38cc52 No.7151215
Jul 23 2019 17:35:02 (EST)

………………………comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


Lyin’ Ted?
or…. LION Ted?


As with Turtle and Miss Lindsay, there are two sides to Ted.

JW in Germany

When I hear that young crowd chant USA USA USA!!! I am in tears!
I LOVE President Trump!!! ❤❣❤❣❤


As a Ken Buck constituent I never thought I’d have to admit I’d rather have someone else as my rep but Mark Meadows is the shit!
Matter of fact, Ken Buck has been getting my side eye lately. I probably have an article I could write on how disappointed I am with the entire Republican party in Colorado, soon perhaps if I find time. Forking bastages.


School Play … so funny!
But also very smart – belittling & mocking them is exactly what has to happen to show their idiocy, childishness and that this will be a presentation/theater v. actual governance in action tomorrow


Last couple days on 8chan q board some people are posting anime porn and its graphic. Just, be aware, and careful.


Yeah, I’ve seen a little of that and it’s like…”my eyes, my eyes!”
The shills are doing that to drive people away — and to make the Qresearch board look bad.
Grrr. 😒😠😡


Exactly it. Its gross.


Is that worse than the “normal” porn people have posted there? I haven’t been there in a long time. It’s easier and less hazardous 😳 to get the info from other sources.


More graphic in nature and subject matter. Just creepy too. Like Wheatie said its to drive people out, and more of it.


No. 3471
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 02dd3a No.7152657
Jul 23 2019 18:59:31 (EST)

Bigger than most realize.
[Be Ready], [Bob]

A Fortiori

On the evening of his testimony, Solomon posts a “Hey, somebody ask Mueller about Misfud” article. Nicely done.


Sorry for double-post of the Solomon tweet…I wasn’t sure that the link to it in Q’s post would display it.


I’d rather see it TWICE….
Than not at all 🙂


That is a light bulb moment. It would make sense if mcafee is cogent enough.





Thread from a Brit in the know ————-


And that’s what you get with indecisive leadership.


Indecisive = FAILSAUCE. May day!


She’s been one of the worse PMs in British history
Someone suggested she has the anti-Midas touch…… everything she touches turns to sh#3………


Put a diaper on her head (Like Omar)…
Both have: Shit for Brains !


Sort of like Gumby hussein.


Hehe, Gumby. That was a good one.


That’s NOT a “rat” you smell……
It’s her “Shit for Brains” !


Theresa May has to be a huge disappointment to Brits.
Theresa May a hero to EU globalists and Iranian schmucks.





Couple of interesting points:
Mueller asked for his testimony to be limited, according to Chad Pergram.
Because he doesn’t want questions about what he omitted from his report?





Pressley voted Yes …… and has been a staunch supporter of Israel.


PHUC her!…. She’s one of AOC’s IDIOT THREE!


I guess AOC forgot that she claimed Jewish ancestry. Any lie to get a vote.


17 voted against. … that number … sure rings a bell …


IF ONLY there could be leaked video of that mock hearing with someone playing the role of Jim Jordan. That would be so much fun!




I’ve seen his tweet before….
he has another today saying Corey (Corey Digs) is helping him dig, figure out the donor group Nancy was speaking to… he will have more later.
I’ve said several times that I believe Cabal has clones, lots of them. RBG is dead, imho, and her clone is being seen.
My tin foil hat is one of the more expensive ones available 😉
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
~ Hamlet


wow, I hope they find something and I may have to upgrade my tin foil hat to one like yours!
After the Pelosi speech yesterday @ the NAACP…she might out to invest in one herself. What a disaster


Those expensive tin foil hats are the best! I think, though, that cloning is done by transferring genetic material into an ovum, which results in a baby, not an 80+-year-old adult. This article from 4/29/19 says this:
If you’re hoping to replicate a beloved dead child or spouse, or even a long-gone pet, cloning won’t do the trick. “It just would. Not. Work,” Lovell-Badge says emphatically. “In fact, it would be counterproductive because you would end up with an individual who is clearly not the same person, and it would be more traumatic for everyone involved.”
*dons cheap tin foil hat*
Unless they’re keeping stuff from us…


What if it’s cloning in this field?
4. It aids in faster recovery from traumatic injuries.
For people who became quadriplegic due to horrific traffic accidents and professional athletes who tore their ACLs, recovery time could be long or it is even impossible for them to get back to their original state. However, cloning their own cells can lower recovery time and true healing could occur.


Interesting possibilities.


But……. her clone would have to be really old, too.


That’s pushing it.


If they can accomplish cloning…then maybe they can speed up the aging process.
Hey, they do it in the movies.
If we’re going to go into tinfoil hat territory, why not go all the way.


Hehe, and then, there’s that whole parallel universe thing…….


Microwave radiation causes… PREMATURE aging.
This happens because the non-resonance of the waves disturbs the slightly less than stable hydrogen bonds in the molecules of life. As the molecules are dis-integrated the body has to construct more, using up the resources of the body to recover from the damage.

Cuppa Covfefe

Could explain Mengele… but back then they didn’t have the equipment…
Or did they?


What if it was cloning that could extend life expectancy somehow . If there was ever a high value subject it would be RBG. They do not want POTUS to have another pick.


Yes, which would help explain why she is seldom seen.


Did you get that hat on payments or did you have to pay C.O.D.?


I’m still paying 😉


Okay, so Mueller is going to have a “handler” tomorrow. We’ll see what that does. I do expect Mueller to do poorly – last I viewed him he looked like a feeble, broken man. Then there is this. Anyone have thoughts on this?


OT….pursuit of clicks = $$$$.
Sort of like MCM…hysteria, sky is falling…panic…as clicks grow MOAR $$$$.


If the highest-ranked people Pres. Trump has surrounded himself with by this stage are Deep State, when he claims to be against the Deep State, then he would have to be part of it and deceiving all of us. Or he would have to be an utter fool, which everyone knows is not the case. (Even the Left knows this by now. They just don’t know how to counter him.)
It’s easy to spot the people who don’t have the advantage of Q’s optimism and assurances that things are happening,
“Be careful whom you follow.”


Surprised me to see that in the twitter universe yesterday evening. Chaos_Actual is a smart fellow, astute. I’ll go with Vulcan Spock on this, it’s simply not logical.
They hate President Trump because he knows everything about what they’ve done – not just the past 3 yrs, or the past 10 years, but going back several decades.
He has said, “Never Again” – I believe him.


Ban me Mutherphucher!

Cuppa Covfefe



OMG, Fox already has reporter staked out in front of Judiciary doors.
Is she spending the night?


She thinks it’s a Trump Rally….


Now that’s funny.


Breaking —– Looks like Puerto Rico Gov is resigning
Reporting live now
Trump curse strikes again!


Nuknuknuk…he talked big. SMACK!
and PS don’t worry about that recipe, I was only kidding!


For the Dems, it’s the night before the SuperBowl.
Noticed a new narrative today being pushed.
They think they already have 95 Reps to sign onto impeachment.
They allegedly believe Mueller “proof” will bring many more to their side.


They’re like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football.


I told you a long time ago how to defeat this…….
Lucy = DEMONICrats
Charlie Brown = American Patriots…..
When she places the football…
Kick HER in the HEAD!




Based on the vote they just took last week, Dems; folks don’t have the heart for it. It makes for good sound-bites that plays to their base and deep blue gutter-cities, but not to the public at-large. If the Jihadist 4 are polling as we’ve seen, it means that the public is aware of the ugly negativity in the Dem Cacus.
I assume that AG Barr, and POTUS still have their hole cards to play regarding the criminal behavior of the Obama’s administration.


‘SOM3THING WICKED’ has a Youtube channel…and I found this:


I was looking for this video on his Youtube channel, but couldn’t find it there:




Nigel Farage was interviewed by Shannon Bream a few minutes ago…and said that “Pres Trump and Boris will get on very well”.
He said that even though Boris has said some things against Trump in the past, that Trump “has been the bigger man and put it behind him”.
So he expects that they will get on well, and said that if Boris accomplishes what he should with Brexit…then they will get along even better.


That was a great interview. What a surprise to see him.


Yeah, no fanfare…he just…showed up.
Nigel looked especially tanned and cheerful, didn’t he.
I wonder if he met with Potus over the weekend in NJ.


I like him already


Yesterday (July 22, 2019) SIX of these similar Memoranda were issued by POTUS to the Secretary of Defense, all related to the Defense Production Act of 1950, each dealing with a different product………….. Not sure it matters, I have posted the materials in reverse order, as the Memoranda were filed in the Federal Register. The following six materials can be substituted in the full Memorandum posted below.
” I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that the domestic manufacturing capability for F135 Integrally Bladed Rotors is essential to the national defense.”
” I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that the domestic production capability for separation and processing of Heavy Rare Earth Elements is essential to the national defense.”
“I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that the domestic production capability for separation and processing of Light Rare Earth Elements is essential to the national defense.”
“I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that the domestic production capability for Neodymium Iron Boron Rare Earth Sintered Material and Permanent Magnets is essential to the national defense.”
” I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that the domestic production capability for Samarium Cobalt Rare Earth Permanent Magnets is essential to the national defense.”
“I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that the domestic production capability for Rare Earth Metals and Alloys is essential to the national defense.”
Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended
Issued on: July 22, 2019
SUBJECT: Presidential Determination Pursuant to
Section 303 of the Defense Production Act
of 1950, as amended
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the “Act”) (50 U.S.C. 4533),
Without Presidential action under section 303 of the Act, United States industry cannot reasonably be expected to provide the production capability for manufacturing F135 Integrally Bladed Rotors adequately and in a timely manner. Further, purchases, purchase commitments, or other action pursuant to section 303 of the Act are the most cost-effective, expedient, and practical alternative method for meeting the need for this critical capability.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.
Link to all Six:
Most recent Executive Order filed, dated July 15, 2019
Executive Order 13881 of July 15, 2019
Maximizing Use of American-Made Goods, Products, and Materials
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to promote the principles underlying the Buy American Act of 1933 (41 U.S.C. 8301-8305), it is hereby ordered as follows:
See at link:
Note: This EO negates portions of EO 10582


That’s our VSG President…working so hard for us, when no one is looking!
He’s nailing down all that shit about using US products and materials for our Military.
It *used to* go without saying.
I mean…duh!
But the traitorous curs infesting our govt have been buying foreign products & materials, and thereby weakening our military.
We’ve had planes falling out of the sky!
Systems failures and software malfunctions!
Our President said…”You wouldn’t believe what they did to our military.”
Well, he is quietly fixing it…righting that wrong.
I love our President!




Oooooo….someones pants are on fire.


Take your time Wolfie………………….
You might want to put on a ‘hard hat’ —– all those fallin’ objects 😉


No pressure, boss.
It’s cozy right here with the Q-Baby.


Ya’ know how pie goes better with ice cream?
I mean, the pie would be good enough, but a scoop of ice cream makes it perfect, right?
Okay, wouldn’t it be great if we had the Epstein release tomorrow?
Yeah, that would be perfect.


Ha ha ha! The rats would really be scurrying all over the place!



Not a gym for sure. But what is it?


love shack? Looks like a bed


Massage table?


I spent about 4/5 decades researching genealogy… really spent time on some relatives, trying to flesh out their lives. One in particular was born in 1887, died in 1977.
Spent a good part of the day once reflecting on all the changes she had seen. She grew up in the textile area here in South Carolina… went to work in cotton mill when she was ten years old. She saw women’s fashion move the multi-layered bustle of late 1880s to the flapper of the 20s to the mini shift dress, jumper dress, drop waist dress and tunic dress styles in the early 70s. She saw the horse drawn carriage turn into the ‘car’ ………. candlelight become manifest at the flip of a switch. If one had told her when she was a young girl that one day she would be able to climb into a machine and fly through the air, she would have laughed, right? Well, she lived to see humans go to the moon!
We have come to terms to new technology, new info……… in dribbles. Slowly.
But if we have been lied to, if so much has been hidden from us…. we are either going to continue to be in the dark, or info is going to start pouring in. We say we want the truth, but too many of us turn away at the first mention of something we can’t wrap our minds around. There is so much we could, perhaps should be discussing on this forum… and we aren’t because we don’t want to be laughed at… At my age, I don’t care anymore what folks think about me, I care about finding out the truth about what is going on………..comment image