Dear MAGA: 20190724 Open Topic

This WEAPONS OF WALL STREET JUSTICE WEDNESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

And what good is MAGA if we don’t deploy MAGATONS of it?

Wonder if they pronounce it “nucular” in Arkansas? Maybe on Wall Street?


You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.






Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

People – it is OUR JOB to make sure that the HOUSE OF COMMIES achieves DETONATION.

It is OUR JOB to make sure that there are NUCLEAR YIELDS for what they did to try to stop this movement.

If there is no CLINTONIUM or BARIUM in the FALLOUT of tomorrow’s Mueller hearing, then we simply have not achieved the desired condition of….

You see, they have DISTRACTED US. And it is OUR JOB to bring it back. To make the EXPLOSION of the MUELLER IMPEACHMENT CONSPIRACY achieve a nuclear reactive state of FUSION GPS.


We not only need to bring this back to CANKLES. We need to bring it back to OBAMA.



Whoops! Wrong meeting. Maybe I mean THIS ONE:

I’d say we’re down to NEUTRONS, folks.

Time for some FITTON, followed by FUSION.

So TODAY, I want people to get their asses over to THIS THREAD and GIVE ‘EM HELL!!!

Mueller Testimony Thread

Thank you, God bless you, and God Bless America!


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It was inevitable…Thug Life Honey Badger:


Ack…let’s see if this works, so that the video plays here:



hi Wheatie –
feeling better? hope so. happy mueller testimony day.


Hi Weeper.
*waves* 🙋‍♀️
Yes…feeling better, thanks for asking.

Plain Jane

Oooh! Weee! Doggies!

Sadie Slays

Stripe watch. In Hinduism, the three stripes are a Shiva lingam.comment image
“A lingam, sometimes referred to as linga or Shiva linga, is an abstract or aniconic representation of the Hindu deity Shiva in Shaivism. It is a votary symbol revered in temples, smaller shrines, or as self-manifested natural objects.”


That shelf looks like an infinity pool I saw in a travel mag.


Awesome !!!
The Night Before Mueller by anon (on Q-Research):
The Night Shift Before Mueller
BY Anoncomment image
‘Twas the night shift before [Meuller], when on Capitol Hill,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a Shill;
The breads were baked by the bakers with care,
In hopes that a habbening soon would be there;
The anons were nestled comfy in their beds;
While visions of dank memes danced in their heads;
And SpouseAnon and I took off our MAGA caps,
To settle our brains for comfy summer naps,
When out in the yard there arose such a clatter,
I closed my browser to see what was the matter.
To the window I flew to take a quick peek,
Though I hadn’t seen the outdoors in nearly a week,
The full moon in the sky had a warm glow,
Like glow-shills, enough to light up below,
When what in my bloodshot eyes, I did see,
But a Cadillac Beast with USSS security,
And POTUS and FLOTUS dressed in Executive blue,
I knew in a moment that this must be Q.
More rapid than Owls /s his Army they came,
And he whistled, and Tweeted, and called them by name:
“Now, Autists! now, Bakers! now Patriots! and PlaneFags!
On, MemeFarmers! on, Diggers! on, BoatFags! and ClockFags!
To the edge of the border! to the top of the wall!
(Yes THAT WALL) dash away! dash away all!”
Unity not division, in a storm, on a ship
For the truth and free speech, no censorship,
So up to the housetop this Army they flew
With the Beast full of Memes, and more Red-Pills too —
And then, while shitposting, I heard on the roof
The sound of not fake news, but the actual troof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney Q and his Army came with a bound.
He was dressed all in (redacted) from his head to his foot,
And his (redacted) were tarnished with ashes and soot;
He carried a banner of freedom – the stars and stripes
And he looked like Bill Barr when he plays the bagpipes –
His eyes — how they twinkled! his dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
“The end won’t be for everyone” I heard him exclaim
“Put on the Armor of God; this isn’t a game.”
“Learn to play the game,” he then said with a wink.
And with a snap of his fingers he cranked up the Dink:
“Now your wings are all shriveled and you’re counting up your days
The door’s always open but you love your filthy cage.”
Wake up your family, and wake up your frens,
Turn off the fake news and follow the pens.
I said I was ready, and said a short prayer
for the Committee tomorrow and stealth bomber warfare.
“Trust the Plan” Q said, and he gave me a frog
“We are with you” I answered – what the hell rhymes with frog?
He spoke no more words, but went straight to his work,
And left me with red-pills; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
He drew a Q, and up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to The Beast, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like a Whidbey Island missile.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight —
“Happy Mueller Eve to all, and to all a good night (shift)!”


Just the best!! 😄


Where the bad piper meme?


This is so sweet.


I loved this! The elderly have such a special place in my heart…such stories to tell.


Hmmmm. What to think of this? Jack Posobeic is suing Q.


“… probably using chumps for cover…”
That reminded me of an early 70s kids comedy show:
CHUMP = Criminal Headquarters for the Underworld Master Plan


The current institution that would come closest to fitting that M.O. would be the U.N.


Oh my stars!!! Is anyone else watching the Mueller Hearing????


Yup, the clowns are out In unmitigated force … bwahahahahaha
.. and yay for our guys ‼️‼️‼️


I, am having a BLAST! THIS IS AWESOME….this is so backfiring on the Demonrats, and it’s only been going on for a bit over an hour!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!


… IKR⁉️⁉️ .. 😂🤚 … bwahahahahaha


I need to stop doing somersaults in the living room…..I don’t usually do somersaults….and I’m going to hurt myself!!!!


Oh my yes‼️ Go get a bunch of pillows … 😉🤚❤️‼️ .. 😝


LOL!!!! Well, I have been doing yoga for a while now, so I am more limber……but…yeah…I’ll stop with the somersaults….
Oh my gosh…..this is a riot!!!!!!


Yeah …. it’s stinky though … 🤭




Yeah, I’ve got it on – clown show, is what it is! I keep having to mute my TV. SMH – Muleface looks beyond stupid!


I am SO loving this!!! The demonrats have botched themselves BIG TIME!!!!!!


This is nothing but a very public pissing contest!!! ROFLMFAO


The demonrats are showing their hand & it is EMPTY.


The look of disgust on Jordan’s face was priceless!




Only thing better……..the look on Pencil Neck’s face!!!!


Muleface is cratering….And I am now in love with a new Rep. named Reschenthaler.


Go Navy!


Oh, man, there are a couple of newer-elected R’s that are worth paying attention to!


I was over at Merica’s blog….posting occasional comments/funnies there….(cause phc is “muh-patient”……I did not this am realize there is/was a thread on the hearings here too! Haven’t had time to figure out….”.the Wolverinian Empire” completely yet……


I am happy to find you here! A whole lot of people elsewhere are looking for you!


Got banned at the Tree.


Seriously? You never bothered anyone and lots of people read your stuff. What on earth were you banned for?


Oh, I gave the coven a REASON to do it. I told them off, BIG TIME, the first Caturday I wasn’t there. Screen shot of every thing said then, and since…..Tried to post a couple of weeks on Caturday, after phc left to go to hospice. He and lots of others were banned for that. He had set up his own blog, not wanting to be center of attention with well-wishes, etc. and they banned phc, and lots others. I still posted at OT for couple more weeks, then went to post my opening Cat…it showed “in moderation” (Coven probably had been taking a looksee while phc had blog to see who was visiting there? Which I was…but BFD. Everyone who even mentioned or asked of him got banned. Their loss. (Still sword-fighting with coven, at least 2 of 4, til I blocked one on twatter last night!) I was there from the first year…they lost their original purpose, I guess.


Hmmmm, maybe that explains my inability to comment at the tree. I don’t comment often but now I can’t comment or reply or like anything there. I’m sorry for everyone that got kicked to the curb for that reason, is so callous. I hope the people wondering where you are find you mama.


I actually am finding many of them in other places. LOL!
This is the beginning of the time where we ALL need to be mending fences….to come together to save our Country.


I need to correct something, I can like comments there, just not all the time.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Same way the damn RINOs went undercover during the Reagan years.
And as soon as he was gone, they started up with “we need electable people not ‘extreme right.'”


Wolf…..since I’m a “newer commenter” here (ha) roughly when it’s your day….when are you here?????
I need to go get some food, and take a break.(Watched both hearings today (grin} and I want to be able to chat with you too!!!!!!! I miss my Wolf..!!!!


The Dims were warned and in their bubble of arrogance, they went full steam ahead. What a total and complete disaster for them…heh heh. Now wait for the indictments.


I suspect referrals for prosecution, which is the first step…(from congress will be going to AG Barr….The rest of this year is sure gonna be fun!! LOL!


hey BMT – obviously I’m not wolf, but I had the same question when I first came over. Didn’t ask, but just watched the threads. the Dear MAGA/KAG threads (daily open) are posted by Wolf on Tue – Fri (at midnight for the next day) Wheatie does Sat/Mon and Think,Think,Think does Sun. Fle does the news round-up. there are several other fantastic authors like Daughn that post threads from time to time. fantastic line-up.


Thanks Weeper…I kinda have that part down. I’ve been a lurker here, getting daily posts etc. since this thing started. Wolfman and I go way back.
But I appreciate the info….You know me, I just kind of just in, and figure it out along the way. There’s so many here that I haven’t seen in so long….it feels kindof home-ish!!! LOL!


was just trying to help, then realized after I posted that you probably were looking for more details. 😉


Don’t be silly…..”they” just show up in my email…or on my WP Reader….I really don’t keep up with who is what day…(shhh! it’s our secret m’kay)


Well good. Sounds like we’ll get along great. Cause with the exception of having a WP blog….that’s pretty much what I do, and listen to senate tee-vee while researching and stirring up sh*t somewhere…..LOL! (I call it that, but mainly it, creating little tornadoes of information, and hooking folks together.)


Is Posobiec part of the MAGA Coalition? If so, wonder what OANN thinks about that……btw, noticed that was signed by “Adam Gingrich.” Went looking but can’t find any connection to Newt……


Don’t think so…..It’s Sebastion Gorka PAC. Did Q libel them? I captured a bunch of info a bit ago, but haven’t had time to read it.


I said that in reply to the comment about Posobiec.


Adam Gingrich was (JohnWickofPolitics (@Gingrich_of_PA on Twitter) a prickly character during the election and as I recall was a Never-Trumper Cruz supporter.
This guy is NO RELATION TO NEWT. Newt’s biological father was a McPherson. His birth parents divorced days after his birth and he was later adopted by her second husband Robert Gingrich. (Newton Leroy McPherson, Jun 17, 1943, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S. –
Do a search of MAGA Coalition at – see especially #2089 , 3182, 3188, 3222
Gingrich doesn’t really want his and his superpac’s finances to come to light.
Q pointed to the fact that MAGA Coalition owner Adam Gingrich had given a large portion of the MAGA Coalition super-pac’s funds – $60,000. to Gorka’s wife Katy for ‘security’.
This could get ugly for a protracted period, because Adam Gingrich (Gingrich of PA on Twitter) – owner of MAGA Coalition, is a very similar personality to that Brett Kimberlin guy that attacked and harassed another conservative blogger for years.


Ah….thank you so much for refreshing my memory. Forgot about the connection to the $$$ to Gorka’s wife.


We wouldn’t have known but for the Q posts.


Thank you for that info. Things are coming to light more and more quickly.


Hey….I’ll look into that in a minute g-ma…That is a PAC that is owned by Seb. Gorka…


July 23, 2019 at 14:45
It helps to get the tune in your head first, otherwise the rhythm can feel a bit off in places.
The Pit Of Fire
A coup is a traitor’s thing
For which, you’re gonna swing
Your plans have all backfired
You’re goin’ down to that pit of fire
You’ve all earned that burnin’ pit of fire
You’ll go down, down, down,
As the flames roar higher
And it burns, burns, burns,
That pit of fire
That pit of fire
The taste of power is sweet
But then, you had to cheat
The coup was your brainchild
And, oh, you just went wild
You’ve all earned that burnin’ pit of fire
You’ll go down, down, down,
As the flames roar higher
And it burns, burns, burns,
That pit of fire
That pit of fire
You’ve lost, it’s time for nooses
And, too, for cooking gooses
You can see your end of days
Payment for your evil ways
You’ve all earned that burnin’ pit of fire
You’ll go down, down, down,
As the flames roar higher
And it burns, burns, burns,
That pit of fire
That pit of fire


Mmmm! Cooked gooses with retribution stuffing and revenge sauce. Soooo good!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It helps to get the tune in your head first, otherwise the rhythm can feel a bit off in places.

Which tune?


I’m singing to my own tunes today…….BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a cluster**** today for the demonrats and Mueller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Marica taught me how to do that! BB

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Zippety dooh dah….zippety yay! My oh my what a wonderful day!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Pretty close!!LOL! but…really more like…

with my own words!!!!!


This woman is despicable!

Deplorable Patriot

One thing about Michael Voris. You always know where he stands on every topic.


Verse of the Day

“Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.”
Psalms 27:7 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!



DORA!!!! howdy!!!!

CM in TN

Have been very busy with work lately, so haven’t been around much. Saw this on Zero Hedge this morning…

Deplorable Patriot

For those who need a quick break from the Capitol Hill Theatre of the day, this is kind of interesting about Aaron Burr and Manhattan’s water utility in the late 18th century. The full post at We Are The News is an eye opener.

Aaron Burr, just before submitting the Manhattan Water bill for its final approval, slipped in a clause allowing the company to use “surplus capital” however it chose, as long as it followed state and federal law.
Burr intended to establish a bank all along. He and other Democratic-Republicans inherently distrusted the First Bank of the United States and its branch in New York, as it was linked with Federalist politics. They feared discrimination in receiving credit and loans, and also desired the power to control campaign finance with their own bank. They wanted to establish a bank manned by their own political party, and schemed to use the city’s water crisis to manufacture one right under the Federalists’ noses.
The water system was sub-par at best. It froze during the winter and the tree roots easily pierced through the log pipes, causing terrible back-ups. Even when the system worked, the people suffered through pitifully low water pressure. And, despite having permission to get clean water that ran down the Bronx River, Burr chose to source water from the polluted sources the city tried to get away from.
1799, Bank of the Manhattan Company opened, eventually becoming the oldest branch of JP Morgan Chase.

Deplorable Patriot

FBI agents are mourning the death of one of the Bureau’s top financial crimes supervisors who reportedly shot and killed himself on a crowded nite-club dance floor, according to top FBI insiders.
Salvatore “Sal” Cincinelli, a former Wall Street broker who joined the FBI in 2010, died last week during a night out after an FBI training session, sources said.
Cincinelli was one a supervisory special agent who spearheaded many of the FBI’s high-profile and complex Wall Street investigations, including probing the finances of the Clinton Foundation. After leaving his Wall Street career, Cincinelli was first assigned to the New York field office (SDNY) and later promoted to HQ in Washington, DC. He was a native New Yorker as well.
“Very very bright guy,” one FBI insider said. “Such a young guy, it really gets you in the gut. He put in the hours too, was always working hard.”
Cincinelli was 41.
Cincinelli was reportedly out partying with FBI colleagues at the Container Bar, a trendy watering hole in Austin, TX. The group had been drinking and dancing, according to sources. Later in the evening Cincinelli reportedly turned the gun on himself on a crowded dance floor.
And here is the obituary:

Deplorable Patriot

FBI agents on site and police instructed witnesses to delete any video and photographs of the event and cleared out the bar, according to reports. Likewise, FBI officials instructed Austin Police to not release any details of the death to the media, sources confirmed. Witnesses at the nite club were also told to “stay offline” and “keep quiet” about the shooting, sources said.
The FBI has not commented on Cincinelli’s death.


Oh….you have no idea what’s coming…..I’ve been doin’ my usual sh*t-stirrin-up stuff…….have all docs, etc. …….It’s coming all right….today was just laying some traps……other stuff has also come out this week…..I’ll have to go through this Wolf…don’t want to step on anybody’s toes…… Gotta go eat lunch. BB in a bit


I kinda fear here that certain people are given a choice: either off yourself, or we’ll release the video tapes we have on you, kidnap and sell your children into sex slavery, and then, over time, kill every member of your immediate family. What is the decision?

Deplorable Patriot

At this point, we literally know nothing other than the guy is dead, and now buried.


A conundrum, fer sure…..I could see them doing this in order to spare his family the ordeal of seeing it all publicized. At the same time, Wolfie and Wheatie are quite possibly correct. Will we ever really know? *shrug*


Of course not…..That’s the Clintonista Way

Deplorable Patriot

No video. All photos deleted. Sorry, Wolf, but other than the dead body, no proof of anything other than what they are telling us.


Why would a guy like Cincinelli choose a dance floor as the place to off himself?
I mean, really…it doesn’t track.
At all.
That one fact is enough to destroy their whole coverup.


The Shaky Standing Of Mueller’s Footnotes
July 23, 2019
FTA : “…in the age of collusion, footnotes have become…places for officials to tuck away inconvenient information; discreet spaces in which to make dubious assertions; or fine print in which referred disclosures can be hidden in plain sight.”
to wit…Mueller’s reports on the alleged Trump-Russia collusion..
excellent detailed & illuminating article ab this…with Floating Theories .comment image


Quote: “Mueller clearly doesn’t just use footnotes for citations, but also for speculation and explanation and even a little what-iffery.”
Mark Levin read the Mueller Report and said (paraphrase) ‘Mueller’s report wasn’t a legitimate legal brief/document stating evidence, but was full of assertions without basis, innuendo, opinion’…”a disgrace!”, he yelled with many darned good reasons to back him.


Interesting summary and new info about Mifsud involvement with PapaD –


Giuliani says “When the depths of this conspiracy” – target still in sight, timing TBD. 🙂


Flipping over to the Mueller thread now
Will come back here later.


suggested summer reading…new one by Mark Levin…comment image
indictment of the liberal media.
Limbaugh’s take on it, FYI…
Limbaugh : Mark Levin’s Unfreedom of the Press
May 31, 2019


Sundance has a brilliant post OT about the DC Outrage Trap. I found the link at Lucianne but do not re-post it here because I forgot what Sundance requested we do not post here (content and links, or just content?)
Anyway, it is a brilliant post. It is consistent with what I have believed from the beginning: the Deep State will defend themselves against charges of corruption by claiming they were doing a legitimate investigation in good faith. This is a totally phony claim, but it is one which will be very, very difficult to refute in a definitive way. There is too much interpretation involved.
Sztrok previewed this defense in his testimony, and although to us it was obvious he was lying, we will not be the sole judges. Remember the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss. That is what we will see.
Sundance addresses this issue and suggests where our focus should be.
I also continue to believe that the central fact of the entire story is the “hack” of the DNC computer. The “hack” depends on cold, hard facts. That is why a long time ago I thought that Mueller MIGHT be a white hat. My reasoning: it would be impossible for him to investigate “collusion” without doing an exhaustive and definitive assessment of the “hack,” which would turn out to be Pandora’s Box for the Swamp. I entertained the thought that the point of the investigation in fact WAS the “hack.”
But I was wrong. Mueller decided NOT to investigate the “hack,” which in my mind means without question he is a black hat. He decided NOT to investigate precisely because he knew he would be opening up Pandora;s Box for the Swamp, and would lead to matters not subject to bullshit interpretation according to the Rosenberg rule.


There should be no way that they can rely on this theme since they were the ones who created the dossier and planted the “Russian” contacts in the Trump campaign.


That is essentially the point Sundance makes.


Links are OK . . . not pasted content.




Well, I’ll post what I wish, with proper attribution….unless the owner of this blog tells me not to.
Besides….where do you think OT got 75% of their research???!!!!! Getting him to publish was real pain!


There was no hack! FBI was “not allowed” to remove the servers from the DNC building! The FBI took the word of a 3td Party contractor….that there was a “hack” No FBI forensics were ever done on those machines.


Why Does God Allow Suffering?
JULY 23, 2019
1 Peter 4:12-19
12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; 13 but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. 14 If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 15 Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler; 16 but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name. 17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 AND IF IT IS WITH DIFFICULTY THAT THE RIGHTEOUS IS SAVED, WHAT WILL BECOME OF THE GODLESS MAN AND THE SINNER? 19 Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.
At some point, you’ve probably been asked why a loving God would allow suffering in the world. Though He is able to stop it, He often doesn’t. And while we can acknowledge seeing Him at work during certain difficult situations, at other times it looks as if nothing is happening despite our many prayers.
We live in a sinful world, so the potential for anguish is great. Sometimes we’re troubled when people are driven by the evil within. Other times the cause is our own weakness or God’s discipline in our life. Still another reason might be persecution or simply the consequence of ignoring good principles. But whatever the origin of our distress, we can be sure that if God allows it, He has a purpose. He may want …
To get our attention. The psalmist realized affliction brought him back within God’s will (Psalm 119:67; Psalm 119:71 It is good for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Your statutes.) In times of distress, we often turn to Him for help.
To develop personal righteousness in us. God wants us to mature, so He will reveal areas of our life that we need to address.
To prune us. John 15:1-2 I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.
paints an excellent word picture of how God eliminates attitudes and actions that are not godly or fruit-bearing.
To teach us obedience. Jesus, who always did the Father’s will, is our perfect example (John 4:34 Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.
; Heb. 5:7-9 In the days of His flesh, He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety. 8 Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.9 And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation,
As we are conformed to His image, we will increasingly learn to obey God (Rom. 8:29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;)
Over the next two days, we’ll look at other reasons God may allow painful seasons in our life. Until then, ask Him to show you how He may be using suffering for your good.
Dr. Charles Stanley

Ephesians 6:10-20 New King James Version (NKJV)
The Whole Armor of God
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the [a]wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [b]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— 19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.


Oh God…


😮 ..


Hey you…are you hiding out over here? LOL!


Uh, Oh, RICO! LOL! Sic ’em Ted Cruz!


New Project Veritas Video:

Sr Google Engineer Greg Copola is a very brave and a very rare bird in the tech. companies. He supports Donald Trump.
Current Sr. Google Engineer Goes Public on Camera: Tech is “dangerous,” “taking sides”


Eilert, thank you for posting this.
It’s big.
We need to pay attention here.


What a day!
These crazies have been talking about “deep fakes”…
You know what was a deep fake?
The Steele Dossier was a DEEP FAKE!!!
Read it and weep MCM, you’re credibility is going DOWN.


pssp….no Russians…possibly Ukrainians…John Solomon has been talking to a Ukrainian Oligarch with some supposed Chicago charges against him…….Weissmann tried to convince the Ukrainian and his attnys to testify against…guess who? LOL! in exchange for his sentence. Ukrainian guy said NO, and now is flipping it against Weissmann.


Remember Enron, that eventually the Supreme Court overturned for Prosecutorial malfeasance? Weissmann.


Mueller criminal scum too. UraniumOne, Epstein, Plot to remove duly elected President.
Weissmann has always bee Mueller’s wet-work guy.
Weissmann, thinks now he’ll teach in University somewhere. SMH!


WTF??? “I’m not going to speak to that.” Just wow…….Mr. Stuebe is on target!!!!


Mueller’s been saying that a lot today. It’s his way of invoking his 5th Amendment right without saying that.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, here’s at least a little good news.
Facebook to pay record $5 billion U.S. fine over privacy violations; critics call it a bargain
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Facebook Inc will pay a record-breaking $5 billion fine to resolve a government probe into its privacy practices and the social media giant will restructure its approach to privacy, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission said on Wednesday.
The probe uncovered a wide range of privacy issues. It was triggered last year by allegations that Facebook violated a 2012 consent decree by inappropriately sharing information belonging to 87 million users with the now-defunct British political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica. The consultancy’s clients included President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign.
The FTC voted 3-2 along party lines to adopt the settlement, which requires court approval. The Republican commissioners called the settlement “a complete home run” that exceeded any award the commission could have gotten in court. Democratic commissioners said it did not go far enough or require a large enough fine….
“Would it have been nice to get more, to get $10 billion, instead of $5 billion for example, to get greater restrictions on how Facebook collects uses and shares data?” he asked at a press conference. “We did not have those options. We cannot impose such things by our own fiat.”


My neighbor directly across the street from my house is having his roof replaced. We had ours replaced last summer. He had a lot of rotten plywood sheathing that had to be replaced. They are replacing 42 sheets of plywood on his house. We only needed to replace 2 sheets on our house.
He had a bad habit of going up on his roof with a power washer to wash the moss off his roof. I never did that to our house. I just used a liquid Moss Out spray that I mixed in our lawn sprayer and applied easily about every three years.
Roofers advise against power washing a composite roof. It washes all the granules away leaving only the asphalt tiles to curl and leak.comment image


Ditto Wolfie’s comment………….
Thanks Andy……………..


Interesting….That’s never been a problem here.


‘Brexit in 99 Days, No Ifs, No Buts’: Boris Johnson Makes First Speech as UK Prime Minister
Boris Johnson stood at the podium before Downing Street and told a crowd of waiting journalists that he would take the United Kingdom out of the European Union “no ifs, no buts” in 99 days time.

Cuppa Covfefe

MCM over here is going nuts, saying Boris is even less predictable than VSGPDJT (thought they didn’t call him that, as you could well expect)…
Ahhh, the triggered snowflakes…


Rashida Talib won’t answer constituents’ questions about terrorism.
NSFW for some bad language.


I liked him. The hitcher was terrifying.comment image
Dutch film actor Rutger Hauer, who specialized in menacing roles, including a memorable turn as a murderous android in “Blade Runner” opposite Harrison Ford, has died. He was 75.
Hauer’s agent, Steve Kenis, says the actor died July 19 at his home in the Netherlands.
Hauer’s roles included a terrorist in “Nighthawks” with Sylvester Stallone, a former CEO of Wayne Enterprises in “Batman Begins,” and he was in the big-budget 1985 fantasy “Ladyhawke.” He won a supporting-actor Golden Globe award in 1988 for “Escape from Sobibor.”
In “Blade Runner,” he played the murderous replicant Roy Batty on a desperate quest to prolong his artificially shortened life in post-apocalyptic, 21st-century Los Angeles.


Damn shame. 75 is too young to go, IMO. He was a very accomplished actor, too. His filmography list is very long. He kept very busy professionally.


24 Jul 2019 – 9:22:53 AM


Mueller is a Puppet Who Attempted to Regain Control of FBI and Protect the Deep State
24 Jul 2019 – 9:40:27 AM
There are Puppets.
There are Puppet Masters.
Which is [MUELLER]?
Attempt to replace [JC] as FBI Dir FAILED [attempt to regain FBI control].
Plot & Plan [backup] to initiate SC to safeguard against criminal prosecution re: illegal and criminal actions?
[SC = loss of FBI command/control safeguard]
DOJ depends on what agency for investigating criminal actions?
[MUELLER] [Epstein bury & cover-up].
[MUELLER] [plot to remove duly elected POTUS].


Video Proof Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) is the Real Racist
24 Jul 2019 – 11:07:39 AM
Who are the REAL racists?
Projection does not work when WE, THE PEOPLE, are awake.


comment image


I’m inclined to believe Bette has some skeletons in her closet…………………..


Methinks you’re absolutely right PR!!!


Never liked her. But I agree BIG skeletons!!!!


Pretty sure one is named “HERPES”!

Deplorable Patriot

Unbelievable. As if blacks have not minds of their own. As a group, they’re no different than any other. There’s really bright people, really trashy sorts, diamonds in the rough, saints, people who don’t know the meaning of honor…what race doesn’t have a mix like that?



Have not read back, here.
No time to converse/interact…………………but wanted everyone to see this
Regards, to ALL…and
God Bless



Hey PHC…glad you made a visit…rooting for you.


Ty, NYG54
Means a lot!
Good to see you, too.


french……..deja vu!!!


Yes, weeper
Daze view


Ty, wolfie
See y’all, everyday (‘like’ the posts)
Time to interact, restricted by medicine schedule/effects


Mower than is good for me, times…..
Old, die hard……habits………………..
And I don’t care, either………….tbh


“And I don’t care,(to change them) either……………………………….”


Pure……..and Simple


The good day just got better!
So happy to see you here.




Hi PHC 😃🤚❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️
So good to see you, love ya and God bless you and your family … take care …. you don’t have to reply … I’m just glad you stopped by to say “Hi” …..


Hi nikki!
Ty, and same to…………….. and for yours


Awww 🥰🤗 …. thank you sweetie I appreciate it …. you perked up my day considerably … 😍👍‼️❤️‼️




…. 🙂🤚❤️


Hi Patrick!
*waves furiously* 🙋‍♀️
It’s so good to see you here!
Hugs and smooches!


Hi wheatie!!!!!
All that back


Here come da (another) judge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can it possibly get any better?
Oh yes, it can.
Puerto Rico Governor is getting ready to resign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump was right again!


How’s this for trollin??


Like the name – reference to our original, initial battles with Islamic forces. Trolling? Educating? Message? How are battleships named? who chooses these and approves them? Regardless of answers I love it and find it fitting.
Also sad that many do not know their history and our LONG history of conflict with certain Muslim run countries and those who follow certain strains of Islam. Sad that we are still fighting with some who wish us harm and domination
Don’t know your history? Then doomed to repeat it


MOAR winning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y’all tired yet?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Only when I have to wait for two hours at Discount Tire. Once they’re done, I’m tired, possibly both axles.


Ole Jake afraid of the memes.. what a laughable douche


McCaskill – “this was by the book”… too many have that talking point down pat. They want to start with a false set of “facts” and presumptions and then base all else off of that. They frame the narrative, the investigation and all involved events around the fake beginning, the set up by the deep state/uniparty beginning and then prove all else as justified by the beginning, the genesis.
We have to focus on the disproving of the genesis and the the rest falls like a house of cards
OT had solid article on that (when I reference good/something with which I agree by SD at OT, now or in the past that does not mean I am endorsing all things said or done or all behavior, etc. However, I do want to give credit where credit is due.)
Glad to see many on GOP roster do exactly that.

Cuppa Covfefe

If they used the Bible, they wouldn’t be DEMONcRATs…

Deplorable Patriot

Even worse, they are trying to pass off the book in question as one that flows from the Bible. And none of us seem to be on the same page when it comes to that.

Deplorable Patriot

He looked good at 74? WTH? No, no, no. He looked amazingly tired. Heck Wolf Blitzer sitting next to Jake is 71 and he looks pretty good.
Tapper needs to spend more time among his elders.


Cuppa Covfefe

Really cool Betsy Ross flag on that Herman Cain thread, in the replies…
(Hey Steve, here’s another flag for you 🙂 )… (not affected by high decibels, either)comment image
(Count the stars…)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wow, as if she anticipated Vermont and Kentucky and Tennessee and Ohio! 😀
(Nit: the stars in the circle are not all properly oriented.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And the last star at the bottom appears to have stubbed a point… Still a good flag, though.
Reminds me of Herb Caen’s description of the Golden Gate Bridge with traffic backed up on it from SF into Marin:
“A Car-Strangled Spanner”…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Spanner? Yeah that throws a monkey wrench into the works.


17……………… that’s cool!

Bottom Line: Even the very Fake News CNN came out with a poll yesterday revealing that Americans care 0% about the SC Report, and Russia, Muh Muh Russia… Immigration and the Economy top their list of concerns…

Deplorable Patriot

Umm, yeah, the fat ladies have all been forced to lose weight because they can’t fit in the costumes. Debbie Voigt even had gastric bypass surgery to save her career.
That being said…when Michael Moore is morose, the people probably can rejoice.


hahah….what goes around comes around vanguard………………………… calling Epstein..hulloo
Raniere Beaten by Mexicans: Out of Hospital and Headed to Isolation Unit
July 23, 2019
Well, it certainly didn’t take long for Keith Raniere to find out what the rest of his life is going to be like…
Shortly after being returned to the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) after his stunning conviction on all charges, Raniere got jumped by three Mexican inmates.
No word yet on whether any of them suffered any injuries but we do have a scorecard for the former Vanguard:
– Multiple bruises
– A couple of cracked ribs
– A broken toe
– Lots of tears
The “good news” is that he got to spend a few days in the medical ward – which meant that he was out of harm’s way for a little while.


Keith Raniere of NXIVM infamy…I didn’t recognize him purely on his last name and had to look it up. sharing in case anyone else reading down the thread didn’t recognize his last name without the rest to identify him. I have kept up with the story only through headlines – couldn’t stomach more details!
Wonder if he regrets his leftist open borders affiliations now that he has to associate more closely with the “not Mexico’s Best” that have been coming over the border and committing crimes in the US? (fed prison population – 20% Non US citizens!)


Not only that, but quite a few inmates don’t particularly care for abusers of children, sexual or otherwise.

Deplorable Patriot

Child molesters are considered scum by prison inmates in for things life theft, murder, etc. Those guys go in general population in a maximum security pen and there’s a good chance they don’t live very long.


I am sharing because I actually got a belly laugh out of the beginning of this by SD.
I haven’t read the whole thing but the start of it is promising.




New: Title TBD
24 Jul 2019 – 4:35:08 PM


the .png file is a Q drop from 3/12/2019 – here’s linkcomment image


New: Title TBD
24 Jul 2019 – 5:09:16 PM📁
The POWER of Anon research.


LM, thanks so much for posting these drops…………………
I don’t think 3475 was posted…. would you please post ?


Force of Nature Definition
24 Jul 2019 – 4:14:50 PM📁


force of nature (plural forces of nature)
A mighty natural force which is beyond human control, notably if potentially catastrophic, such as the elements (e.g. storms and extreme temperatures) or geological (e.g. seismic and volcanic) activity
(figuratively) A thing or person that exhibits qualities which appear to be beyond outside control.
(particle physics) A fundamental force


Thank you for bringing the Little q drop girl to us.
Lifts my heart every time.😍


mine also, LM….. she’s a feisty lil’ thing !


Lisa has a THREAD on Q drops ……………

Brave and Free

Don’t know if this is up here yet? PDJT tweets A force of Nature Q drop title A force of Nature
Sorry can’t ad captures.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The titles aren’t part of what Q says.


Reflecting on “Muh Russia”.
We know many things, but many tidbits are still in the shadows.
We know Comey leaked, illegally. We know he did so to promote the idea of a Special Counsel. We know we have no real proof of “MASSIVE and SYSTEMIC” Russian interference.
We know Steele lied, Mifsud lied, Downer lied, Halper lied, the Obama Admin lied, Hillary was set free, the FBI lied, and the DOJ helped them all.
And they persecuted members of our team with high-handed tactics.
The visual of Schiff, taking the high moral ground, lecturing us about ethics, is disgusting.
As an American, I do want answers. I have more questions today than when we started.
It’s like I have been going to the same restaurant for 3yrs (during the investigation) and I order the same thing, every day – steak, potato, and a salad.
And every day, the Dems bring me Chicken and rice, with broccoli.
The Dems are not investigating the right thing, the waiter won’t bring me my steak, and certainly continuing to do damage to the credibility of the FBI/DOJ.
After three years of chicken and rice, today, the Dems ask me…… Aren’t you tired of this? Aren’t you ready to move on to another restaurant?
No, I paid 40 million dollars for a steak. I still want my steak.


Well, I think there is a new restaurant out there in the offing that would be worthy of consideration: The Barr Steak & Grill. I think they’ve got the perfect steak, potatoes and salad just for you.
I also think that your current restaurant, The House of Faux Meat, whether run by it’s previous owners, the Right Pols, or by its current owners, the Left Pols will never serve up good, honest American prime beef, because, after all, it is The House of Faux Meat.

tom f

Speaking of food, here’s a thought while summer squash is acooking.
President Trump, when first meeting with Mr. Mueller for a 4 hour conversation:
‘Bob, here’s the deal, we want you to be the Special Council. They trust you.
You don’t have to do much of anything except look official.
Let them do whatever they want.
We’ll be watching.
And we’ll see what happens.’
FISA works both ways.


daughnworks…..The Dems will NEVER “investigate the right thing” THEY ARE what is being investigated!!!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

I think what really is driving them is Peking Duck…
The RED Chinese are probably all sitting there, laughing, as everyone is angry about Russia, Russia, Russia.
And yet NOT A WORD is mentioned of the Klintoons ties to RED China. Nor of the Deep State’s ties to China, who, along with MS-13, own most of Congress, and what’s left of the Øbozo (and Klintoon, and Shrub I & II, and Carter) judiciary…


^^^This!^^^ This right here! 👆👆
The ChiComs are a Much Bigger Threat than anyone else.
They have their tentacles in everything!


Spot on, Cuppa.


One Nomination Sent to the Senate
Issued on: July 23, 2019
David L. Norquist, of Virginia, to be Deputy Secretary of Defense, vice Patrick M. Shanahan, resigned.


Hit it harder?


And you wanna know what WE are gonna do??????Work our hineys off, and get Trump a landslide election next year.


Amen to both of the above posts!!
And Every vote counts as we Need to take the popular vote talking point away from them!
This means high voter turn out in “safe” states and all MAGA voters to the polls in “hopeless” deep blue states because all of the vote add up and make clear difference in how much political power and leverage President Trump will have his second term.




I am now wondering…will the Dems try to declare Mueller ‘incompetent’ and then demand a do-over?
It wouldn’t surprise me.
They are that desperate!
And did Mueller act dazed and feeble ‘on purpose’?
This wouldn’t surprise me either.


and they’ll try to blame it on the President. they’ll say he specifically wanted Mueller because he was old and feeble and wouldn’t do a good job. he came to see the President with Rosenstein, not for the FBI directors job, but so PDJT could give his thumbs up for SC. also why he never fired him.
if we’re going down “wouldn’t surprise me road”, might as well go all the way.


Nope. There have already been like 5-6 committee investigations, FBI one, supposed DOJ one, then the Special Counsel one…..NO MORE DO-OVERS!!
Remember…congress is really a part-time gig….they have turned it into a full-time job by 3 deep levels of committees on things you would never guess…..senate only is in session roughly 3 days a week….for full time pay….they all are either fundraising and/or campaigning and playing with lobbyists, going on trips….ALL BEING TAX DOLLAR PAID, with the exception of whatever lobbyists donate to their campaign coffers in exchange for legislation!!


I’m sure Mueller’s family found that very painful to watch. I have zero sympathy for Mueller but thought the Dims were actually cruel to put him through this, especially once they saw the situation.


Nah. Not me. Perfectly happy to see Mueller exposed for the fraud he is and has been.
Transparency matters.
Can’t fix stuff if we can’t see it.

Concerned Virginian
credit to The Hill
This time on Tuesday (yesterday) when the Justices went to pay their respects at the casket of the late Justice Stevens.
Check out the twitter video hyperlinked in the Hill article. The camera pans in on RBG ay one point.
THAT RBG bears NO RESEMBLANCE to the “RBG” who supposedly attended that private dinner in DC LAST FRIDAY with Padma Lakshmi, who posted an Instagram photo of the two of them at that dinner.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. And RBG wanted the age of consent lowered to 12…


LOL Of course they are!!! LOL Good luck with that. I still say BIG skeletons in the closet!!!
Hollywood Demands Impeachment After Mueller Testimony:


LMAO so now its the ‘republicans fault for being mean to Mueller’ LOL I just can’t with these idiots.


New RULES. EFF-OFF Hollywood.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe



So pretty!!!!


“Not enough Russian dressing” – Congressman Nadler unhappy about today’s lunch of nothing-burgercomment image


With a hint of TDS?


Louie was on fire today !!!!!!!!!!!!




PTrump’s pre helo presser . . . what a bunch of total asses the press are!!!


It would be very entertaining to have the camera on some of the reporters he calls out as dumb, dishonest and asking dumb questions.


I’m hearing Mueller’s Team Maybe Be Liable For Prosecutorial Malpractice……………………
anyone else?


How about subversion and treason. Malpractice…thats an appetizer.

Boris Johnson executed a brutal clear-out of more than half of his predecessor’s top team, installing supporters in key roles as the new prime minister signaled his intent to deliver Brexit in 99 days.
In total, 18 of the 29 ministers who sat in Theresa May’s cabinet on Wednesday morning were out of their jobs by the evening. There were top jobs for Sajid Javid, who was named chancellor of the exchequer, Priti Patel, who becomes home secretary, and Dominic Raab, the new foreign secretary.

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s three good English names…not…

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s the scary bit:

Sajid Javid, who was named chancellor of the exchequer.

Chancellor of the Exchequer is. or at least used to be, the stepping stone to Prime Minister. Just guessing, but Sajid Javid is an Arabic name, probably Pakistani? PAGING CHURCHMOUSE!!!
And, here I have my answer, from Wackypedia (sorry)

Javid was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, one of five sons of Pakistani Muslim immigrant parents.

Moslem. Pakistani. Deutsche Bank (lotsa corruption and worse). Three strikes, and he’s only come up to bat…


If you haven’t seen it yet…this is dynamite! 👇

This ‘Sr Google Engineer’ is a very brave guy!
Kudos to him for speaking out!



McAfee arrested in the D.R. Not too far from certain islands. Just doesnt say when.
Millionaire John McAfee said Wednesday that he was released from detention in the Dominican Republic along with five others.
The Caribbean island’s armed forces and public ministry said earlier in the day that McAfee was taken into custody along with U.S. citizens Elizabeth McAfee and Richard Alan Gibson, Robert Whitfield of Germany, Oral Thompson of The Bahamas and Vasner Louis of Haiti.
They were suspected of traveling on a yacht carrying high-caliber weapons, ammunition and military-style gear, officials said.
McAfee tweeted: “I was well treated. My superiors were friendly and helpful. In spite of the helpful circumstances, we’ve decided to move on. More later.”
McAfee developed early internet security software and has been sought by authorities in the U.S. and Belize in the past.


With so many pirates in the Caribbean…most of the yachts & sailboats carry “high-caliber weapons, ammunition and military-style gear”.
It’s a matter of survival.
It’s just smart to be well armed!


So much corruption down there…the D.R. patrol boats could be in league with the pirates.
Or even some of the officials.
I mean, pirates have been operating in those waters for…forever.
Hafta wonder why they haven’t been wiped out.
Maybe McAfee refused to pay them a bribery ‘fee’ for safe passage.

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s a really, REALLY bright guy.
I think, in this case, he’s “the man who knew too much”…
There’s more to this than we all know. Maybe he knows a lot about Epstein and the Klintoons? He’s based nearby…

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s why they called him knot-head… but he was never board…


I certainly would, Wheatie!


So I was hoping someone had done mueller/hitler video for today after the mostly crash and burn (the dems did get a few good sound bites …but GOP got Many more!) of the dem’s circus today. No luck yet. But I did find this one from several months ago






Apparently the President tweeted his force fo nature comment 8 minutes after Q posted his.
People on voat copied the original definition page linked by q before it was deleted. I cannot get it to copy but it is worth looking at, imo.



I love that he takes the time to thank each one of them. Did Barry ever thank anyone for anything at all?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 23722c No.7173930
Jul 24 2019 21:18:04 (EST)comment image
Worth remembering.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 23722c No.7174147
Jul 24 2019 21:30:34 (EST)
Worth remembering.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 23722c No.7174154
Jul 24 2019 21:30:57 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 23722c No.7174147
Jul 24 2019 21:30:34 (EST)
Worth remembering.
Qcomment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb16cf No.7174342
Jul 24 2019 21:40:40 (EST)comment image
Important to remember.
Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb16cf No.7174370
Jul 24 2019 21:42:04 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb16cf No.7174342
Jul 24 2019 21:40:40 (EST)comment image
Important to remember.
Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?
Qcomment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb16cf No.7174503
Jul 24 2019 21:47:39 (EST)comment image
Why is Bruce Ohr still @ Justice?
Nellie Ohr _ C_A
Fluent in Russian?


“Flamethrowers Just Got Airborne: Watch Drone Shoot Napalm At Stuff
Move over Elon Musk’s “Not-A-Flamethrower” flamethrower. That is because a new flamethrower has been released to the public that can be easily mounted onto a DJI drone, can shoot napalm at targets up to 25 feet away for approximately 100 seconds”
more, including video of the flammenwerfer in action, at the link:


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb16cf No.7174575
Jul 24 2019 21:50:15 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb16cf No.7174503
Jul 24 2019 21:47:39 (EST)comment image
Why is Bruce Ohr still @ Justice?
Nellie Ohr _ C_A
Fluent in Russian?
Qcomment image



you beat Q to the post!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb16cf No.7174716
Jul 24 2019 21:54:48 (EST)comment imagecomment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb16cf No.7174821
Jul 24 2019 21:58:43 (EST)comment image
Important to remember.
Public ‘Guide’ _ DECLAS


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb16cf No.7175026
Jul 24 2019 22:06:43 (EST)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Q is definitely hoppin’ tonight!!!


OMG, is this amazing or what?????

Deplorable Patriot

And I was out listening to cicadas drown out the jazz group playing at the Garden. Great night for it.
Woke up too all this I missed.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: acdbef No.7175110
Jul 24 2019 22:10:56 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ba55dd No.7175039
Jul 24 2019 22:07:58 (EST)comment image
Late last bread
[Signature page]
DECLAS for specific reason (public).
Analyze carefully.
Relevant to future pending events.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: acdbef No.7175130
Jul 24 2019 22:11:47 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 4c981a No.7175109
Jul 24 2019 22:10:56 (EST)
Signed by Clapper and Lynch shortly after POTUS was elected.

Deplorable Patriot

I still believe the one of the inner sanctum most likely to flip is Lynch. Clapper…idiot.


Did you guys see this? Possible suicide attempt by Epstein?


oops I missed that it got posted.


Inside job. THIS is why they moved that drug kingpen dude, Chapo. Had Chapo seen it, he’d have had the bargaining chip of the century.


got the attention of Q.

Deplorable Patriot

Since Epstein is essentially in a mini supermax, there’s more surveillance and record keeping of who comes and goes. I wonder if he’s being used as bait.


Wait I had missed it posted here- when was it posted here??


Just a few posts above mine


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: acdbef No.7175354
Jul 24 2019 22:19:28 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 31907a No.7175228
Jul 24 2019 22:14:35 (EST)
Check the ‘DECLASS ON’ date anons:
Classified By: 2476680
Derived From: NSA/CSSM 1-52
Declassify On: 20411231
2041 Dec 31
This has been declassified 22 years earlier than it should have been. What does that tell you?
Archive and save.
Will become extremely important.


See “Page 23”
James D. Crapper 15 Dec 2016
Loretta E. Lynch 3 January 2017


wow. Is this declas info?


The markings show it is declass and it is posted on the DNI government public website. Most of the content is unclassified though there are a few redactions.


Thank you. Some (actually a lot) is above my pay grade.


Yes…that’s very interesting, isn’t it.
Been skimming through this pdf…and it looks like they were trying to ‘authorize’ themselves to do what they had *already been doing*.
Is that your take on it too, Michael?
There are some blacked-out parts, but not many.
And reading stuff like this makes my head hurt…but I would like to know if anyone else can make sense of this pdf.


Don’t worry, anons will be up all night and have it all figured out by morning 😉


Hope so.
It’s weird though, so far there are no Anon-replies to that particular Q-post.
Not one.


Okay, I see what happened…the replies are in the next bread.
They’re replying to No. 3488.


Maybe this is related to Susan Rice’s strange Memo declaring that they did things “by the book”?
Yeah sure ‘by the book’…after they *rewrote the book*!


The significance here…
James Crapper (ODNI) and Loretta Lynch (AG), six and eight weeks after the election, and prior to the inauguration, approved modifications to the guidelines on how RAW SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE is handled.
Very dirty stuff.comment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: acdbef No.7175402
Jul 24 2019 22:20:45 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8056a5 No.7175231
Jul 24 2019 22:14:41 (EST)comment image
Eyes on.


Time to put him in solitary like they did with Manafort


Solitary will help Epstein sing like a canary…lead investigators to facts.


Already will be. Sex offenders are segregated from general pop. And he will be bc hes high profile


Epstein was found “with marks on his neck”…and they’re saying “possible suicide attempt”.
What the…?
He was trying to strangle himself and passed out?


He’s a rich narcissist with a past of beating charges. Seems a stretch that he would be ready to cash it in..but who knows


No shoe laces no anything but his clothing or sheet. Hes in solutary dt high priority. He could attempt it to just get to go to hospital and then actually escape or pass notes, etc.


off to bed, gnite all


Thanks for posting all those Q-drops, Sauce!


Thank you for posting the Q drops realsauce !!!!!!!
Good night, rest well.


See ya in the am. Good Lord its been a busy day. Whew!comment image


comment image


Oops, copied the picture and not the post #.


comment image


Did the same thing, here’s the #


Page 18 of the declassed pdf that Q posted…there are three paragraphs (c.d.&e.) that begin with “Knowingly”.
This is probably what Q was getting at, when he posted:
In drop No. 3485.


This is No. 3485:comment image


Here’s that page:comment image


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One of these days I’ll get it figured out how to post properly!!! Right now I’m operating on a couple of brain cells, been a busy day today. Was getting ready to go to bed and had to check just had to check one more time! G’night!


Thanks, BAM!
You did just fine…it’s kind of tricky, posting the Q-drops.
I wasn’t checking for any new ones, because I figured Q was done for the night.
Boy was I wrong!


Wow…late night Q-drops!
I love it! 😄