Mueller Testimony Thread

Check it out. Here are Barr and Mueller from 1989.
Barr and Mueller 1989
These two men have been dancing around each other for at least 30 years. Yeah, we suspect there is a WHOLE LOT we don’t know. Normally, we would be fine with “not knowing”. The FBI/DOJ can do their job and we can do our jobs. Yet, we’ve lost confidence in the FBI and DOJ. Restoring order, a sense of fairness, blind justice, Rule of Law, is a necessary task of Atty General Barr, and it will be a heavy lift.
July 22, 2019, the DOJ (Atty General Barr) issued a warning to Mueller to stick to the report…….. only. Anything else he learned during his investigation, which is not specifically contained within the report, is part of Presidential Privilege “which has not been waived”. Link  As Barr has explained, Mueller asked for specific guidance from the DOJ prior to testimony. Update #1: Late evening, July 23, eve of the hearing, Adam Schiff does not like the idea of Presidential Privilege and does not recognize the DOJ letter/ or the President’s assertions = more fireworks. 
Update #3: We’re getting information, Nadler wanted Zebley to appear, yet DOJ quashed his testimony 3 weeks ago (related to Exec Privilege). Sneaking Zebley in at last minute is an attempted end-run around Barr. And Zebley specialized on obstruction. 
Update #4 A statement rom Rep Doug Collins, Minority Leader of Judiciary, concerning the testimony of Zebley (h/t to Marica): 

Normally, to keep a witness to the script, and stop Congress from asking questions not agreed upon, usually the DOJ places lawyers (normally Asst Atty’s General) in the room….. right next to the witness. This decision could be bad or good. No “nun” sitting next to Mueller to rap his knuckles with a ruler, means Mueller could wander in his testimony and benefit the Dems…. or the Republicans. It’s all speculation at this point, but that Mueller will NOT be governed by someone from Barr’s DOJ, to protect the President, is odd.
That Mueller’s atty, Aaron Zebley, would be added, last minute, is also odd according to protocol…… but tells us everything we need to know. Currently, the Dems and Repubs are fighting because Mueller’s Attorney, Zebley, wants to be able to…… testify? It’s against House rules but we’ll see how it all plays out. To the public, Aaron Zelby becomes the mystery man… but not to Mueller. Zebley is no stranger to the swamp. To Mueller, Zebley is his right hand, was Mueller’s Chief of Staff, Mueller’s prodigee, the younger stronger version of Mueller. Update #2: Zebley will be sworn in tomorrow to testify in front Intel Committee but not Judiciary Committee. 
Zebley is/was an elite FBI Agent who tracked down terrorists. In 1999, he and Gaudin, another agent, headed off to track down Ali Mandela in South Africa, who was responsible for the bombing of US Embassies in East Africa, which led to the discovery of Khalfan Khamis Mohamed—the man the FBI suspected of assembling the bomb used in Tanzania. The FBI already had an indictment against Khalfan and a $5 million dollar bounty for his capture. Gaudin and Zebley found him by accident—He had used the name Maulid as an alias to get a Tanzanian passport . Link
The story is riveting (great read) of how Gaudin and Zebley captured KKM, but they brought him back to the USA, tried and convicted in 2001. Zebley thought he was done with Counter-Terrorism, the FBI was changing, new boss, Mueller arrived on September 4, 2001. Zebley transferred OUT of the counter-terrorism unit on September 10, 2001.
Zebley’s transfer lasted ONE DAY.
Aaron Zelby
Zebley became a wizard of sorts. “Zebley was so steeped in the intricacies of the 9/11 attacks that the Justice Department turned to him as the courtroom witness in 2006 to testify that, if Zacarias Moussaoui—the so-called 20th hijacker who was arrested in August 2001—cooperated and allowed his belongings to be searched sooner, the FBI could have likely unraveled the 9/11 plot before it was executed.” Indispensable, yeah, that’s Zebley alright. Link 
Remember, Zebley was Chief of Staff for Mueller at FBI. Imagine what Zebley knows. Zebley knows everything Mueller knows……. for the past…. twenty…..years……. Even after Mueller retired, Zebley stuck with Mueller. Here’s a picture of them together, headed into a court hearing in San Francisco, on April 21, 2016. Notice the date. It means Zebley left FBI and went with Mueller…… Yes, Zebley is still carrying Mueller’s briefcase in 2016. And yes, Zebley was placed on Mueller’s Special Counsel. Nice and Cozy.
And yes, Zebley was the attorney who represented Justin Cooper, the guy who set up the rogue server for Hillary Clinton.
I have a personal theory about Mueller, that he is getting older, slower, not as sharp. More behind the scenes, not as active. In Mueller’s 9 minute presser, he looked old and lost. It’s interesting, in doing the background for this thread, I read many articles about Mueller which characterized him as a “strong”, “Hands on”, “tactical”, “forceful” leader…….. but there is not one anecdote in the dozens of articles read, which gives a reader a clue of WHAT MUELLER has done to represent him as a strong, hands-on leader. In fact, I get the opposite impression. Mind you, it’s my own opinion.
Recall, both Giuliani and John Dowd were mystified by Mueller’s absence in key meetings of the President’s legal team with Mueller’s Counsel. It does not make sense. Such high level meetings would demand the presence of “the leader” of the group (Mueller), ….. unless the leader was merely a figurehead. If I am correct, it would explain WHY Mueller wants Zebley by his side AND to possibly testify to Congress (Mueller doesn’t know the details of the case, but Zebley would). The background of Zebley’s relationship with Mueller is strange and fascinating. Zebley has devoted his life to Mueller – read here: Link

Zebley, who has worked alongside Mueller since their departure from the Hoover Building in 2013, attended the College of William & Mary—James Comey’s alma mater—and went on to the University of Virginia’s law school, a prime feeder school for federal prosecutors, including Mueller himself. Zebley then started with the FBI on I-49, one of its most storied squads and part of the small group of agents in New York who were chasing Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda before September 11th.

Get ready for Footnotes: 
Please be prepared for a discussion of FOOTNOTES. From my corporate history, we were trained to eviscerate financial statements, a prospectus, IRS Code decisions, …. by the footnotes. In financial statements and legal briefs, the footnotes are where all the dirt is hidden. In the Mueller report, there are over 2,000 footnotes, which are shady but speak volumes.  Link   This article gives an insightful explanation of how the Mueller Special Counsel team played fast and loose during their investigation, completely relied on Comey memos as “their truth” and never questioned Comey’s motives, relied on news reports as accurate, ….. all we have to do is read the footnotes.

Mueller clearly doesn’t just use footnotes for citations, but also for speculation and explanation and even a little what-iffery. Footnote 500 in Volume II, for instance, is a rather lengthy dissertation on a curious theory of how the president might have obstructed justice in firing Comey — a theory that imputes to Trump oracular foresight. We now know, thanks to Mueller’s inquiry, that there was not evidence to establish a Trump-Russia conspiracy. But the special counsel is unwilling to let go of the notion that Trump obstructed the investigation. Which leaves the special counsel team anticipating the obvious objection: How could the president have had a corrupt intent in firing Comey if there were no Russia conspiracy to cover up?

By now, we all know Atty General Barr issued remarks, summarizing, if Mueller did not want to testify, the DOJ would back him up. Correctly, Barr stated the testimony would “be a public spectacle” Link
Mueller was supposed to testify on July 17th, but Chairman Nadler and other Congressmen were not going to be able to ask questions, due to limited negotiated time with Mueller’s team. The Congressmen were mad, because they “gotta have their Youtube moment” when they get to question Mueller.
In the new agreement, Mueller will be questioned by House Judiciary for three hours (instead of 2hrs) with Adam Schiff presiding. In a separate hearing, Mueller will testify before the House Intel Committee, with Jerry Nadler presiding. Link
The speculation in DC has reached a fevered pitch. Pundits from both sides are issuing, “The questions I would ask Mueller”. Yes, the Congressmen have received PLENTY of advice from the sidelines. Take a look:
From The Federalist, 21 Questions to Ask Mueller: Link
From Sharyl Attkisson, 10 Questions to ask Mueller: Link 
And wow, here are “27 Questions for Mueller” from the Daily Caller: Link
Of course, not to be outdone, the political opposition have their questions also. Here from the Daily Beast, their ten questions: Link
Subsequently, CNN, NYTimes, WaPost have all published lists of questions……… which leads lil’ ole me to ask the question…..
Why do we have so many questions for Mueller when the FBI/DOJ/Mueller Special Counsel have worked on this issue for almost exactly three years?
The public spent millions of taxpayer dollars on the issue of “Muh Russia”. The networks spent BILLIONS of dollars pushing their own political spin or “analysis”. The issue has divided our country. As a regular American, I don’t feel like we got our money’s worth out of the deal…….. because we still have so many questions. Heck, we have MORE questions now than when we started! 
I could be wrong, but hey, my speculation can’t possibly be any worse than professional pundits who have been dramatically proven wrong over the past three years. I think I know who has all the answers……… It’s this guy.
President Trump Attends Roundtable Discussion On Economy And Tax Reform At Trucking Equipment Company In Minnesota
Fair warning. Today’s testimony is not the end of the road for either side of the political aisle….. it’s just another skirmish. There will be times today when we will want to throw the computer in the driveway….. Gosh, we’ve been there before. There will also be times when our favorite sons will score big. Take it all in stride, and look at the testimony from the 30K foot bird’s eye view.
File or clip your nails, clean the keys on your computer, prepare your table, it will be a busy day. Networks are all providing expanded coverage and they are starting early.
Postscript: The build up for Mueller’s testimony has been extreme. Such a buildup often disappoints. I remember 3rd grade birthday. Dad asked me, for the first time, what I wanted for my big day. I replied, “Adventure Land”. Okay fine, Dad arranged for me and a couple of girlfriends to go to the big amusement park. My girlfriends were thrilled. I was disappointed. I wanted “Adventure Land” – as in the whole thing, to be mine. In my 8yr old mind, Dad could do anything. Ahhhh…. those pesky expectations.
Yes, as kids, we couldn’t WAIT to get to Adventure Land ~~~ Kind of like Freshman Congress critters must feel.

As a kid, we could suspend belief and live in a goose ~~~ Gee whiz, not all that different than The President of the United States as an operative of Vlad Putin. Yep, it would be more probable to live in a goose. download (2)
Just remember, we’re all together, and we’re part of the same club. Here you go, here’s your club pass: Be a part of the “FUN CLUB”.
And even though we’re all grown up now, we’re still on Wolfie’s Roller Coaster, yelling at the top of our lungs. No different than 3rd grade.
download (3)
Love to all, we’ll get through it.
Just remember to strap in, and HOLD ON TO THE………… BARR!

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Wow what a piece — its being shared over in tweeter and FB …My friend will shares for me..


Excellent start, Daughn, to a ‘buckle up and yawn’ day.
I have a ‘date’ with my hubby tomorrow so I will miss the fiasco, but look forwarded to full-throated comments when I get home 😘💖🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Plain Jane

Another great DNW.
I can’t believe I will be sitting in my shoulder doctor’s office tomorrow during the inquisition and not tuned in. Glad I will be able to read all the comments when I get home.

Plain Jane

It’s better, but still cannot raise arm up completely. Guess it’s as good as it gets without surgery. TY for asking.


hey daughn –
just love your work. could read your stuff for hours. before things get busy tomorrow……question
what on earth are those things on AG Barr’s tie in the picture at the top? they look like chain saw blades. 😂🤣😂. paisley maybe????
here’s hoping for an enlightening hearing. look forward to following along here. appreciate what you do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To me, as a scientist, they look like crystals – but as a tie lover, they look like paisley. Thus, I’m thinking it’s some “neo-geo-paisley” design inspired by those damn crystals that everybody was wearing as pendants.


It was the eighties. He was probably wearing flares


and leg warmers 😉
love iSpy 🤓🔍🕵️‍♀️


It’s a Honey Badger tie – and those are fierce honey badger teeth.


got it 😉


Oh Girl……………… absolutely terrific job you’ve done with this. We are so blessed to have you here, to have your research, your intelligence and wit… all spun into a forecast of what tomorrow may bring. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this… you are so appreciated.
Tomorrow when I am ready to throw the monitor into the driveway, I will pause and return to read your words, center myself and move as gently as possible through the chaos of the thrashing of the wounded Cabal. You are correct in that our POTUS knows so much…. he knows that evil lurks in the hallways and corridors of D.C. and throughout the studios of MSM etc. He represents the enemy to them and they are hell-bent on destroying him.
We have the Lord and truth and Donald J. Trump on our side……
Matt Gaetz is correct… we will prevail.
God bless you and Wolfie and others who keep us inspired to dig and share, as we seek the truth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This guy is going to be the new flavor of the month very shortly!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have come to believe that Mueller and Comey steered us wrong on AQ in Saudi, initially looking at 13 Iranians, or something like that, so that UBL could skate on his merry way to SET UP HISTORY and his controlling psychological event.
You have to read this THREAD below – it just reads sketchy as hell. THAT means Zebley was in on it.
Note that Mueller REPEATED his distraction here, too – this “indict a bunch of wrong people”. Kinda like the anthrax was a diversion, too.
What if Zebley is something like Mueller’s HANDLER or MONITOR? Kinda strange, but using the MUELLER NAME long after he’s “expired” makes sense – right? It’s all about POWER and “Zebley” doesn’t have the Washington POWER that the Mueller NAME has.

Here is the save of it as a thread:


That POTUS tweeted about Zebley greatly interests me.
After all this time getting familiar with how the VSG maneuvers, I tend to think Zebley will have his ass handed to him sooner rather than later.
Based on Wolf’s analysis of Zebley as a possible handler of Mueller, I would agree that Mueller is all used up and hanging on by a thread. Will be watching his demeanor today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup – he’s a FRONT. BOOM. Oh, this is making sense now.

Cuppa Covfefe

(Adjusting tin foil hat here…) What if Zebley is a Russian? Either by birth or “KONTROL”?
To protect the “muh Russia” as a VERY weird sort of projection on the part of the deep state and the DEMONcRATs…


Zebley = Bush ops agent?


So glad to see you back Phoenix rising.
Can’t shorten that to pr as it has a medical application that is unpleasant


thank you so much ozzy !!!!!!!!!!!!!


It appears Arron is to Mueller as Huma is to Hillary.
Lots to digest, Daughn…will need to re-read a couple of times. Thanks for the “ deep dive!”
PS….one of the most valuable lessons I got as a college freshman in my first poli sci class was when the first exam (blue book…remember those, anyone?) was based entirely on the footnotes. Of course, I had not bothered to study them…and received a horrifying D grade. I was devastated, mortified and completely embarrassed because poli sci was going to be my major…..but I never forgot to read footnotes ever again!


[…] Mueller Testimony Thread […]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Always remember THIS Katica find:
as well as THIS one about a meeting shortly thereafter:


Ha! Good hunting! I remember finding Mary Jacoby’s contact information in the Weiner address book.
Daughn. Excellent!!
So, the foot note about May 6the and May 10th may really stump both of these scoundrels.
Who initiated with George Papadoupolus the question of ‘dirt’ on Hillary’s emails? Two FBI agents on May 6th, or Alexander Downer on May 10th? One might be a legit foreign minister, but the other might be two AMERICAN FBI nitwits stupidly exposing themselves to criminal domestic spying!!!!
Foot notes, indeed!!!!! Explain that, Bob! All in the four corners of the report, no?


Oh, and PS…that would also be entrapment by two American FBI agents against an American citizen, and collusion by two American FBI agents (and one honey pot?) with a foreign Australian Government official, no?
Just asking for a few…hundred million…stakeholders.


We do have a hive brain.
But even the nicest hives have sewerage and garbage disposal. That’s me. Rude as fuck when everyone else is using their manners

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To me, those meetings Katica found were KEY. I use them as “key event pins” in my calculations of who may have done what – who talked to who – whatever. Very important! So I look at all dates relative to those meetings.
Katica is a frigging hero in all this. She brought down Cankles, IMO. Stonetear was the beginning of the end. That is when I realized for sure that Comey had to be a crook!


Doug Ross and Katica have done yeoman’s work on this. That timeline is a treasure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Somehow, I think this may be connected. It is REAL. Nobody wants to talk about it, but there is an obituary notice. FREAKY.
I absolutely cannot get this page to archive!!!


Crazy nuts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Check this out, Daughn. This is you’re kinda stuff. WILD. Does it smell right to you?
They have quotes from the guy about going to the FBI.
What if he was PLANTED in the FBI? And they needed him GONE NOW?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good for you! That’s why you’re here! The old man!
“Money does strange things to people.”
Ain’t THAT the truth! Yup. Gotta RUN from that stuff – and you DID!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Just remember the crowd that the Dutch financier Ronald Bernard used to hang out with.
The ones that did child sacrifices at some of their meetings…


Exactly how many fucking times did he shoot himself? And was it in the back of the head?

Deplorable Patriot

Good questions.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what “we” are TOLD happened.
In my life, I’ve learned if there’s no witness testimony, or some sort of media proof, be careful believing the promoted story. Most of the time, it’s a cover.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah – when I saw that, I said ARCHIVE THIS SHIT FAST!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This guy was going to testify. I will lay MONEY down that this guy was going to testify. Cankles ALWAYS kills before the testimony.


It was a Scaramucci dismissal?!


Not buying it.
The fact that they locked down all the possible phone video evidence just smacks of Coverup.
It would’ve been easy for someone to shoot Cincinelli, then put the gun in his hand.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wheatie! You’ve got it! The DANCE FLOOR is what is tipping me off. Follow along to see!
Who was he dancing with? I’ll bet it was one of these people I call “the event people”. She could EVEN BE FBI – because I had pegged MY event people as most likely FBI due to needing an NSL to pull off what they did. Note that the LOCATION MANAGEMENT of my second incident (below) was swamp and Epstein-linked. Of course they would grant the sketchy NSL, no problems, no objections. NOW IT MAKES SENSE. They’ve infiltrated the FBI!!! OMG. Holy SHIT!!!
Remember when I told you that I have been set up TWICE since mid-2018? Both incidents were designed around scenarios where they THOUGHT I would have a weapon. These were extremely crafty set-ups.
In the second set-up, I was actually surreptitiously FRISKED by this woman and didn’t even realize it. I didn’t realize it until a couple of days later, because there were several other odd things about the incident, and it took a while to realize FULLY what went on. I noticed the other odd things right away, but was thinking “oh, it’s just my imagination”. But then I realized that this woman’s HUGS were actually FRISKS, that small details about them PROVED she was frisking me. She was a bit shocked (tried to hide it) that she didn’t find a gun.
But it took a while after THAT before I realized that it was a dangerous situation. When I first realized it was dangerous, I thought it was because maybe she would scream to security who would then “overreact” on purpose. But now – seeing what happened to this guy – oh yeah. The GAL may be the one who pulls it off, and then says it’s suicide.
I am 1000% certain this woman was frisking me. But the SWAMP (and now I know Epstein-related) management of this place has the carry restrictions in super-small print in places nobody looks, so that there is no warning, but you’re technically at fault if you carry there – very sleazy set-up situation.
Now – this is interesting. Since I had no idea this woman would be going for a gun in concealment, she could have grabbed it, used it, and provided false testimony easily. And I should also add that I really thought this gal was something else, so YEAH – just like an ACTRESS, only maybe better.
No – you’re right. He was MURDERED and it was by some “event person” in FBI. I am positive.
PS – I have other reasons to think these people are in the FBI, but I can’t reveal that.
PPS – You know, Sundance may be right that there is a lot of bad stuff still in DOJ and FBI. But if Barr ain’t on our team, we really are in a bind that will probably go hot.
PPPS – Personally, I think all that HEAT sitting with Barr in the Senate shows that Barr is on our team, and he KNOWS what we are up against. BAD STUFF.
PPPPS – Bet this is why there’s a news blackout. FBI knows this is bad stuff and trying to keep a lid while they find the rotten apples.


There are prob sleepers still in place. Unless they make a move they can’t be spotted. Killing this guy must have been desperately important for them to blow not just a sleeper but maybe her network/cell. I hope they’ve got his evidence and some sort of deposition.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it sounds like the Dark Side just killed 30% of the case against the Clinton Foundation. No matter what happens here, they will be having JV assets take his place, IMO.
IMO he should not have been doing conferences and speeches. Once you’re on the Clinton shit-list, you have to accept a downgrade in fun – it’s THAT SIMPLE.


They going down fighting. I hope his work isn’t lost. Have to accept that the other team score sometimes. Gives them more to be punished for

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

On the bright side, they have to be stitching together a tight case by now. I’m seeing a lot of weave here. Cankles ain’t getting away. She may think she is, but she ain’t.


Her only escape could be death. Whether the stress catching up or punching her own ticket


Flep posted a very good report


Remember the incident in FL when the FBI killed the only witness that could tie the Tsarnaevs to the Saudi aristocrat?
It’s looking like FBI agents are also acting as CIA hit/clean up men/women.


….or Obama agents or CIA meaning Clinton Interest Agents.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank God I’m not the only person who remembered that Tsarnaev witness getting “accidentally” rubbed out. That whole thing was sketchy as hell. The WHOLE THING. Including having the Sandy Hook people there in the review stand. Ridiculous. Obama communist psychological manipulation of Americans. Good grief, I want to see that treasonous foreigner in PRISON.


Protecting Saudis and Islamists has been a high US gov. agency priority for a long time.


Looks like GOD gave you wisdom/led you to be unarmed. Saved your life.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Thou shalt not bear false witness, even unto thyself.” My stretch objective! 😉
Not that I always make the goal, but I try.

Deplorable Patriot

“Dance floor” was a flashing neon sign.

A Fortiori

I too have been watching Barr for signs that he may be a black hat.
Barr has a solid reputation, money, family and health, and at his age did not need to enter the arena. Moreover, he must have noticed by now that folks who enter PDJT orbit with the intent to do him harm often find themselves mysteriously cursed in one way or another.
Whereas I could believe the notion that Barr is protecting the Bush family in exchange for W’s cooperation, I otherwise think he is a white hat.


OMG, Wolfie…I’m so glad you weren’t carrying that day!
The Big Guy upstairs was looking out for you that day.
And yeah, this Cincinelli murder means there are still Dem dark ops people in place in the FBI.
I agree that Barr is on our team and is a white hat.
Sidney Powell was just on Lou Dobbs show, and had nothing but good things to say about Barr.
She told Lou that she liked him.


Thank you for the background on Zebley. I had no idea.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Zebley transferred OUT of the counter-terrorism unit on September 10, 2001.”
Fucking ridiculous. That is COVER. Pure, freaking, COVER. Psychological unquestionable bullshit COVER.
Ridiculous. WHO THE HELL are these people?

Deplorable Patriot

These people are sick.
A long time ago, I put forth that names were going to surface that no one had heard of. It’s all one big spider web, and it’s taking time to unwind and unweave it. It’s not just the faces that serve as shiny red balls being juggled to keep our attention.


Great post, Daugn!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Wonder why Whitaker left? Side job with the ‘hunters’?

Deplorable Patriot

According to Q, he stepped into a different role.
IDK, that performance where he got I think it was Shelia Jackson Lee to lose composure was pretty masterful.


Thank you for great information Daughn,
Not sure if this will add anything to the discussion, but
From Voat:


They have been breathless and drooling for a week🙄


( waving to PHC ! )

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re just the only one at the end of the thread! 😉


Hi Miss Daughn, excellent post!! Fox added Juan Williams, can’t stomach that guy, no way, no how!! CSPANing it. Mueller looks feeble. For a while he had his mouth open, I was expecting drool any second. 🤤🤤🤤


As a registered nurse, I believe Mueller is not a well-man. This stress isn’t doing him any favors…

Deplorable Patriot

Was out on the walk. The person with the clicker is obsessed with Tour de France, so…. Really, after the first week when you get all the travel porn, it’s like watching paint dry.
I have a lot on my plate today. Will pop in and out.


I’m here for a while. Have to go to work later though so will be checking in


I’m here…just can’t seem to tear myself away from that freakish head seemingly coming out of Nadler’s chair. lol


reading not watching tho…too much high school drama for me.

A Fortiori

We are all on pins and needles waiting to read your reports.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Must break away for a while.


Maybe I missed but didn’t hear if he said there was obstruction.


Can’t answer questions about the opening of the investigation or the dossier….I hope they all give their time to Jim Jordan


I was surprised by how “diminished” he is.

Deplorable Patriot

Somebody did say that Mueller was never around while it was all going on.


He’s stumbling a lot


Daughn, a temporary distraction from the seriousness of your brilliantly written post.
ADVENTURELAND is a GREAT memory from my childhood and we were just talking about it with friends at a party on Saturday. The pictures you posted made me practically squeal with delight…I remember all those rides! In my family, we were lucky to be able to go to an amusement park once a year during those hot, humid summer nights. It was always a highlight!
Thank you for the sweet little trip down memory lane.
Now, we return back to the shit show that is happening in D.C.


Mueller is slow to respond to Collins. Can you repeat that? Sheister tricks.


Is he playing confused to eat up Collins’ time or is he really this clueless??

A Fortiori

This is a direct consequence of the five minute rule the House imposes on members. The time each member is allowed is not expanded when the witness pretends they cannot hear or understand your question.


I will be out for part of the day, but I can still pray.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 2 Corinthians 2:4
We are up against a level of evil that is staggering.
The political theater is an area where the left typically shines because rationality is not as entertaining or as riveting as outrageous accusations and postering. They have only lies and deceit, but will use them through carefully researched words and gestures to blind the people to the truth of things,
Add to that the weakness of the self righteous defensiveness that has so often characterized our side and no wonder so many of us are experiencing stress.
Yet in spite of a massive amalgamation of wickedness, God sent us Donald Trump—who prevailed. And President Trump is showing our side how to win. We can pray that those on our side are given wisdom, wit, powerful words and testimony in their questioning, insight, and favor with God and man. We can pray against fear and that God grant them boldness on behalf of Him, His anointed, and the truth.
Because our prayers are powerful, because our God is mighty and the Lord of all, because everything that has a name must bow to the name of Jesus, we have a mighty weapon available to each of us today and we can, and should, expect a victory.
Philippians 2: 9-10
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,


His report says they are. He answered no they’re not. Collins sent him back to report, Mueller says report is right. WTF?? That whole exchange was bizarre!!


Mueller looks like an old fool – bumbling, stumbling, stuttering. Will he be able to remember what the democrats programmed him to say?


Is it an act like Blasey-Ford’s little girl voice?


No, he is speaking in his own voice and style. He is not a well man, at least he doesn’t have the sharpness I would assume he once had. He can’t keep this thoughts and answer organized. Picks out certain things to respond to. Has already committed perjury. Ie. he said conspiracy and collusion not the same, but the report has it as the same.
POTUS just tweeted that there were witnesses to Mueller applying for the FBI Director job – which Mueller just denied asking for.


Oh my! Thanks, Lady P

A Fortiori

I think Mueller is doing this old and feeble crap as a mechanism to garner sympathy. I sometimes wonder if the Hildabeast is doing the same thing.
For Mueller, it is not that hard to make it real. If I went with three or four hours sleep for a couple of days before testifying before Congress, I would look like crap, fail to remember stuff, and people would speculate about my health.


….. Mueller is worn out, the zebley/zebler guy is his handler … wow … he should have passed up this “opportunity”
Rep. Collins questions were good. This Lofgren woman is she dem or R … ?


Was that in the report? How can it be that he could say such things? Perjury. AG Barr must be wondering WTH???

A Fortiori

Amazed he can say these things. Why doesn’t the White House have someone from its counsel’s office there to protect PDJT’s presidential privilege?


Reblogged this on RedLegLeader Blog.


Rep. Ratcliff …. BOOM 💥 💥🤨🤚‼️


Mueller is really embarrassing! I should feel sorry for him, but I don’t.


Well … he is a sneaky dishonest .. putz .. 😑🤚


Im not watching, just woke up. What do You think about mueller being a heavy drinker? Any signs?


I think he likely has a drinking history. He seems impaired. Being 73 doesn’t automatically give one signs of dementia but he has them. It’s like he is a ghost of his former self…
No matter what, Mueller is now a pariah among his social circle, and the one from our side of the aisle. Have never seen anything so despicable.


“Demosocialists doing dramatic readings”


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Huffy Jackson Lee. …… lippy shrew … hazmat hazmet


Ratcliffe hammering on Presumption of Innocence, “cannot exonerate” is not the law! Ratcliffe was respectfully, AMAZING!! He referred to his fellow Democrats and Socialists😉😂


I think this is what you are talking about


Oh Bravo!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Ratcliffe: “Americans need to know this, as they listen to the Democrats and Socialists on the other side of the aisle, as they do dramatic readings from this report, that Volume II of this report was not authorized under the law to be written. It was written to a legal standard that does not exist at the Justice Department.”
“Democrats and Socialists”
“dramatic readings”
“not authorized under the law”
Nailed it!

A Fortiori

Again, this is Weissman and Arthur Andersen all over again. Recall that the legal theory Weissman used to indict AA was reject by a unanimous SCt, but by the time that decision was reached, AA had already closed its doors. They close their doors because Weissman managed to dent their reputation so badly that they could not continue (and Weissman’s case against Enron would not hold up if AA were not destroyed).
It didn’t matter if the legal theory held up, they wanted to dent PDJT’s reputation so badly that his support would fall away and he would resign.
They were never looking for a violation of the law that they could prosecute, this was an exercise in accumulating any and all possible information in support of impeachment.


I am just coming on the forum and saw Ratcliffe was is he good. Poor Mueller looks as if he has onset of dementia.

Deplorable Patriot

We did hear that they practiced all day yesterday.


Ohhh smooth Jackie Lee has SLIDES …. bwahahahahaha … sigh .. 😑


LOL Jackie’s got him all confused …. bwahahahahaha …. 😳


And this is Early in the day by a Friendly questioner!
I will not be able to watch…depending on your all’s comments!


It’s an interesting kind of .. torture .. 😉🤚


Mueller answers to Democratic Socialists – yes, yes, yes, yes,
Mueller answers to Republicans – no, no, no, no
He doesn’t even understand the questions he is being asked.


The old boy should just slam a bottle of Glen Fiddich on the table and toss a few back … maybe he’d accidentally answer a question honestly …. ha!


R from Wisconsin?


This is a poor quality video but all I can find at the moment


I bet Mark Levin is spitting nails right now.
Levin was not pleased nor impressed with the Mueller report and for the same reason that Real Clear Investigations and Mollie Hemmingway are not impressed with the foot notes: Quote from the RCI article: “Mueller clearly doesn’t just use footnotes for citations, but also for speculation and explanation and even a little what-iffery.”
Mark Levin read the Mueller Report and said (paraphrase) ‘Mueller’s report wasn’t a legitimate legal brief/document stating evidence, but was full of assertions without basis, innuendo, opinion’…”a disgrace!”, he yelled with good reason.


Mr Sensenburger reads statute, questions Mueller, I’d have to look more closely at the statute, I just read it to you! Mueller ain’t well.


“Oh what tangled webs we weave …. “ Mueller is destroying his self … so he’s getting sick ..


Just because I say I would like to rob a bank, I could really use the money, and I tell you and your sisters about it, I AM GUILTY. I never took any action towards robbing the bank! I never robbed the bank! I AM GUILTY OF THOUGHT CRIME! And there are witnesses to my thought crime!! LOCK ME UP!!!


I’m telling ya, this is Minority Report level stuff.


Here is Cohen….a disgrace that he is from TN😡


Poor quality video but all I can find at this point in case some wants to see the clip


John Ratcliff set’s it up then, knocks it out of the park.
Our Justice system is based on presumption of innocence !
Mueller to me looks/sounds befuddled (drugged ?). Like he does not comprehend significance of Ratcliffs statement .
Sheila Dixon up…
Gotta go, have more productive ways to spend time . will ck in later catch hi-lites


Lord, is he gonna offer him a purple heart?🙄


I absolutely agree. He has ages appreciably. He has cotton mouth, which may mean he is mildly medicated or scared as hell.


Damn, this was a reply to Lady Penguin.


Damn! Mueller doesn’t even recognize Fusion GPS!!!!!!!!!


Simpson and Fusion “outside my purview”….boy he didn’t stumble on that


Unfricking-believable that Mueller didn’t know Fusion GPS or who Glenn Simpson was!
He’s clearly a senile old man. A puppet. He’s coming across as a useless idiot.


From reading here so far, everyone’s comments seem to confirm that he was chosen for the job. I still think he is black hat or he wouldn’t have gone along with it. The job fit him and his past or they had something in him. There is a reason they chose him, trusted him as their figure head beyond senility.


He was chosen by Weissman.
Weissman should be on the stand. Not the puppet.


Gohmert…you didn’t write your 9 min statement. Mueller won’t get into that


Ha! Gohmert made him admit he and Comey were “friends” not merely business associates as Mueller tried to portray.


Gohmert, you perpetuated injustice for 2 years!!!
Mueller, I take your question. WTF??


Didn’t know Strozk hated PDJT but acted quickly when he found out


Mueller is playing dumb. This betrays weakness. Louis Gohmert is the best!!!


There is no way that this man, Mr. Mueller, could ever have lead this investigation for over two years – I believe he is in onset dementia.


Likely Zebley was in charge and Mueller was the figurehead, the big name at the top.


He was not obstructing justice, he was pursuing justice…..BOOM


Was just talking to a liberal minded friend. She is appalled about what they are doing. She said Trump is the only honest one she can see. Her big beef? Illegal immigration.
This is going to backfire in the Dems.

Concerned Virginian

“Mueller says Trump was not exculpated for alleged acts”
I say: here’s the nugget of LIES, INNUENDO, and UNPROVEN ALLEGATIONS that is ALL the DemocratCommunists will need to start impeachment proceedings against POTUS.
Meanwhile — our southern border is in chaos — the House is being run by the AOC/Muslim Cabal — and the FOUNDING PRINCIPLE our justice system — INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY — is being shredded before our eyes.


Martha Toby…substantial changes to report after Barr was going to release to public? Mueller won’t answer.


He personally attended very few of the witness interviews…..HUH?


Didnt think it was necessary. Hes an administrator. Probably cant do a good one anymore.

Deplorable Patriot

He was the face, the excuse for it to all happen.


Ok, you’re quicker than me! Thanks. I just asked below if Mueller committed perjury in this exchange about the letter.


His reply indicated disagreement with the content… makes for perjury?

Deplorable Patriot

Just for fun, going to throw this in:
Great Actors
4 Jan 2018 – 12:54:28 AM
What makes a movie GOOD?
GREAT actors?


Mueller was just asked by Roby if the letter to (or from, I got confused) AG Barr (March 2019) was accurate, he answered he couldn’t get into it. Mueller committing perjury???


JIM JORDAN in the house!!!!


Sidney Powell is blasting Mueller via tweet.
From her tweet:
“This is embarrassing.
#Mueller is not capable of answering questions.
He obviously did not run or even supervise the investigation.
He doesn’t know #FusionGPS produced Steele dossier?!
Russian connections to #FusionGPS–“outside his purview”
Sadly, Mueller is a shell.”

Deplorable Patriot

Remember when it was put forth that a number of people were going to fake an illness to avoid prosecution or to be able to leave the public eye.
Hmm…. Not sure I buy the confusion thing. Going deaf, possibly, but not sure I buy that either.
Is he really going downhill or is he making it look like he can’t remember to save his own skin. Hard to tell.

Concerned Virginian

COMEY — talks to trees in the forest. “So many questions ” tweet
BRENNAN — throws Barack Obama under the bus, “he started it”
CLAPPER — “I don’t recall” / “It’s not my fault”
MUELLER — senile confusion
Look at the pattern here. They’re all SCARED SH!TLESS.
NOT because they’re afraid that the TRUTH is coming out. They don’t care about the truth.
They’re TERRIFIED of becoming a name on the CLINTONMACHINE Body Count via an “accident”, a “botched robbery”, or a “suicide”. Period.

Deplorable Patriot

I wouldn’t doubt that is a possibility, but I’m inclined to watch it play out rather than jump to conclusions that are hard to shake when the truth might contradict them. well, other than Brennan. And Clapper is an idiot.






I love me some Jim Jordan😍


Nadler g9t spooked. Jordan hit thevtarget.


That one deserves a video clip


I want my children to marry Jim Jordan’s children.



The news this evening will be interesting to say the least.


Nasty Nadler warned the spectators may lose their seat if they leave the room.
Hope they didn’t drink much coffee, but considering several of them spent the night in the hallway waiting to get into the hearing, it’s likely they did consume coffee just ahead of the 8:30 am start.


If they drink it, energy drinks like monster, but more than one sibce they’re big will give you the shakes. They need food too.


“Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now”
Well, it Depends.


Amazing to see little Chrissy Wallace actually taking the side of the Republicans…………. so far.



It looks bad that Mueller wasn’t really acting as “Special Counsel” – wonder about the legalities of that.


I’m seeing so many comments here about Mueller bumbling and looking inept. The Dems must have greatly miscalculated, again. Trump Derangement Syndrome clouds their judgment.


Rather than pleading the 5th, Mueller is referring questions he doesn’t want to answer to his report and in some cases says, “I won’t get into that”.


The Mueller SC was a Smear Collaborative and it smells of Andrew Weissman.

Cuppa Covfefe

Weissman speak with forked tongue…


It’s going to be a long day for Mueller and the Dems. They asked for this.



Dinesh’ Tweet is hilarious!


It’s interesting how Mueller stayed earlier how he never heard of Fusion or Simpson, yet later, when Gates was referring to Simpson meeting with the Russian lawyer before and after the Trump tower meeting, Mueller seemed to know what he was talking about…


Matt Goetz, not “Gates”.

Steve in Lewes

“Does Mueller wear a hearing aid?”
It doesn’t matter!
Well, I can defend Mueller on that point. I wear hearing aids and still can’t hear people at times especially in an open setting like that. Much feedback and especially confusing if other sounds going on at the same time;
i.e. interruptions, gavel pounding, papers rustling….I hate them.
In any case, he’s still a doddering old fool!


Does he have an earbud in? He keeps fumbling with something


Steve in Lewes

BTW – didn’t the 2016 election also precede Mueller?
Which if you think about it, maybe RM just let the cat out of the bag; that is they knew when he came on board that there was no collusion and they tried their best to get him into an obstruction trap.
In other words, everything they claim to start the investigation preceded him, but keeping the pretense going to try and get PDJT to obstruct was the ‘insurance policy’!

Concerned Virginian

I repeat:
COMEY — talks to trees
BRENNAN — throws Obama under the bus
CLAPPER — “it’s not my fault”
MUELLER — senile confusion
Why? They’re scared WITLESS that they’ll become a name on the CLINTONMACHINE Body Count (“unfortunate accident” / “plane crash” / “botched robbery” / “unexplained suicide”). They ALL failed to ensure that Hillary Clinton is the 45th President.



Cuppa Covfefe

And that “Arkandancercide” of that FBI agent was probably a signal, say, warning shot…
I hope and PRAY that the evil and skulduggery of the Klintoons and the deep state in general is EXPOSED, PROSECUTED, and REVERSED, and never allowed to happen again.
Matthew 10:26-28:

26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


Matt Gaetz pinning him down


Matt Gaetz, CRUSHING IT!!!


Oh my…. mueller deer in headlights!

Concerned Virginian

Bets are now open on MUELLER cancelling his appearance at tomorrow’s hearing because of “illness”.




Matt Gaetz!!!!! Mueller is withering under this cross!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


Jordan/Gaetz 2024


How come our guys don’t get to put up any fancy slides? 🙄


Mithter Mueller…Sorry–Jeffries has a lisp and I can’t NOT hear it…🤣🤣🤣


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The funny thing is…if you put john kerry in that ageing app, he wont change.


LOL Gil!!!!…true!


Bill clinton would be a pile of dust….


And, with Hillary, she would look younger.

Cuppa Covfefe

And still not cast a shadow…


LOL. Really. I actually LOLed. Thanks!


That was the most significant thing Mueller has said so far: he does not agree with the analysis finding obstruction.


Absolutely correct. Proving “intent” is incredibly difficult to do. Ask any lawyer.
In order to prove “intent”, one must prove that the person tried everything possible to follow through on their “intention to do something”. Legally speaking, there is a HUGE difference between someone who “considers something” or “wishes something” or “thinks out loud” or “voices displeasure” and someone who is “intending something”.
Democrats are conflating these two very different standards.


Wow. Mueller just pushed back on Dems chart showing how the three elements of Obstruction were “met”. Interesting.


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Daily Mail 😂😂😂


Yeppity, yep yep!!!


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“I havent looked at the ethical standards…” WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He’s literally a retard!
and now he doesnt know who Cory Lewindowski is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Concerned Virginian

Mueller is doing a grade-A performance of senile confusion + selective memory.
THIS is probably the result of the “coaching meetings” he had either with the DemocratCommunists on the committee. a team of lawyer-coaches, or a professional hired coach.
Problem is —Mueller COULD NOT be coached on what the REPUBLICANS on the committee would ask him.
Will be ditto for tomorrow’s appearance before the Senate committee — IF Mueller doesn’t cancel.
I say: Mueller doesn’t CARE if he comes off as out of it / not in charge of the report / senile, etc.
All Mueller wants is to make sure he keeps his LIFE intact from the CLINTONMACHINE. Period.


I think we here are more familiar with the “investigation” and “report” than the head of it is. 😳


It’s beginning to look like Mueller’s job was to walk in and out of buildings and autos with a brief case and look serious/concerned….just a figurehead.


A Fortiori



Wait…Can Mueller be a black hat if he is actually this stupid? Rethinking….


could be a black dunce cap 😉
great job by everyone. don’t want to watch, reading’s more fun.


Yep Weeper!! Like a Wizard with no magic wand…maybe with ribbons off the back…🤣

Cuppa Covfefe

Saruman, after Gandalf broke his staff, and cast him from the order…


there ya go CC!!!


He certainly went along with it all. I look at his history. He was a dirty cop long before this.
That said, our VSG sure raised a ruckus about his testifying…and it is turning out quite well for him. 😀
I think Q said something recently about not stopping the enemy when he is destroying himself.


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Boy mueller is really not capable.comment image


Is there something wrong with Mueller? He does not seem sharp or prepared. Almost like he was not directly involved.


Essentially thats what his testimony has revealed.


Mueller: I.Don’t.Have.Any.Knowledge.
No truer words have been spoken!!!!!!!!!!🤣


Hes a maroon.


Mueller is fading so fast it’s hard to believe.


Swallows well is up…
and Done…


WOW! Mueller also refutes the 1000 prosecutors bullshit!


To me Mueller sounds and looks like a puppet. Maybe just maybe he always was one and we did not know it ?
Someone has been running him Weissman? Or some of the presidents people whom he served?
I feel sorry for him really sad.


He does look pathetic.

Cuppa Covfefe

That could be the act… Swamp gas…
(Would’ve been funny if he’d gotten some of the proverbial truth serum and spilled all the truth about his “handlers”, in particular Weissman, and the forced conclusions, etc. that were brought about… Boy howdy would that have caused a stir in the DEMONcRAT camp…).



Deplorable Patriot

Yep. From what I’m reading here, VSGPDJT was right again.


Even if everything being said is true, NONE of it constitutes a nexus with the grand jury proceedings. NOTHING Trump is alleged to have done could have interfered with the grand jury investigation, which is categorically unrelated to Mueller’s role as SC.


Ted Lieu just gave the loony left heavy orgasms about Obstruction of Justice. Not good.



WTH! it’s obvious Mueller was just a figurehead, doesn’t know what’s in the report, didn’t write any of it. Totally clueless. What a sham!


VSG is right again: epic Demokkkrat failure!


McClintock landing a heavy blow about Russian troll farms. Referee almost stopped the match.

Deplorable Patriot

And THIS is the man the Democrats put all their faith in, whether the dementia and deafness thing is real or a pretty good performance.
Wrong basket to put all the eggs in.


McClintock just said Mueller did a “ding Dong Ditch!!” LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Anyone else notice that Mueller only uses his right hand, arm? Haven’t seen him bring up his left hand or arm. Notice also some little interesting lip movements.
Just observing. But he’s not all there…


Look at his face. He has that distinct doofus expression.


Very similar to Bubba.


McClintock is hitting it out of the park!


Why does he not read the lines from his report when requested??



Hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx Butterfly!!

Deplorable Patriot

Given the number of relatives I’ve seen deteriorate with dementia, I should not like this. No, not at all. If I say it enough times, I’ll actually believe it.


Demokkkrats are going to be flabbergasted that their attempt to “explain” the Mueller Report to the public is a big failure. What, Stormy Daniels again? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz …………………


I wouldnt be surprised if all of a sudden theres a new birder happnin or iran acts up.


Oh yeah ….


Lesko talks too fast. Probably not heard carefully by casual listeners.


The questioners are pressured by time but as a result many of them are not easily understood, no doubt.


Volume 2 is regurgitated press stories…. This gal is pretty good


Mueller: I have no Idea. I am loving Lesko!!! Citing Fake news over 200 times!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What she said was just nonsense, as is much of the drive-by “legal analysis” by the Demokkkrats.


“No one is above the law” coming from the Demokkkrats! They have no sense of irony or shame!


Reschenthaler whacking Mueller on AG Reno’s previous statements.


No one is above the law… these people not have a mirror?? I hope this bites them all as hard as a pit bull on a bone


They do have a mirror and talk into it 24/7.
When you realize that, every idiotic thing they spew makes perfect sense.


Deplorable Patriot

Too late. The image and story line are shattered.


WOW!! Rescenthaler!! SCORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He Is a JAG!!!! And is Murdering Mulehead!!!!!!!!


Yes, that was great, loved this guy!

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Good catch, Daughn.

Did you leave out exculpatory evidence?
Mueller says no. (thats going to bite him)

Mueller’s under oath in this hearing, right? So if any exculpatory evidence if found which he did not include (i.e. he left out), wouldn’t he just have perjured himself?


He is under oath, but even if not, lying to Congress is a felony, lying under oath is a particular felony – perjury.


Rescenthaler, well versed in legal procedures, this in unAmerican, yields to Jim Jordan



Notice how a Dem says something specific that was in the report and Mueller asks for a citation, the Dem gives it and Mueller says thank you. Working together.


Fascinating. The left is completely ignoring how Mueller responds to Republicans. So it gives the media lots of quotable attack angles that they do not have to justify as true or false. Heavy disinformation will be the net result.


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Cuppa Covfefe

It always is, with the DEMONcRATs…
And the sheeple on the left will lap it up. We Deplorables will have none of it. Until the schools and higher (sic) education are cleansed of their elitist, Communist, indeed Satanic orientation, it’s going to be a continuous, though definitely winnable battle.
Have to say, the DEMONcRAT dog and pony show lands in about the same bucket as Barney…


“Former special counsel Robert Mueller is affirming that a president can be charged with crimes after leaving office.”
That’s exactly why the Demoncrats are holding this hearing. They want more ammunition to prosecute President Trump after he leaves office in 2025. Hopefully, many of these Demonrat Congress people will be dead by then.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Looks like Øbozo is going under the bus, with their, erm, blessing…


Cline is great! This guy knows exactly what he is talking about.


omg Mueller just complimented Andrew Weissmann.

Big T

That will bite him later. Isn’t that comment “outside the scope of the report.” I take the view that the first time he goes “outside the report” voluntarily he waives all right to decline to answer on that basis again.


Nadler: let’s end this ASAP!


Mueller just blanked out on Scanlon’s question and asked her to start all over again.
Now she’s talking to him slowly like he’s a child. My mother has dementia – this is reminding me of my visits with her.


Mulehead—“can you start again?” Memory care calling you home before noon today… Good LORD! He’s DONE>
“If it’s in the report, I support it!
Now I see Wolfie’s theory…His 4 hour meeting with Mueller was sufficient for him to say–Yup–appoint him SC..He’s a Moron. I think for 2 years the dude played candy crush on his phone…………..


Well he is a moron. We know that now.


YUP!!! Seriously does NOT have all mental faculties to be a white OR a Black hat…I actually don’t think he HAS a hat at all…would require a head!!!! Just a freakin muppet…


omg…I almost spit out my coffee laughing.


sorry Ed!!🤣🤣🤣


I’m with you, Marica!
You made the exact same conclusion I came to. Mueller, whether he was a black hat in the past, is not wearing a hat here. There’s nothing left to hang a hat on.
This was just pitiful. I almost feel sorry for the guy. OMG, he didn’t even know who originally appointed him to government service. He thought it was Bush, but it was Reagan. I can’t believe this is being allowed to happen.
President Trump called it. He should have stayed home.


Exactly…It’s not even a fair fight….Inept does not cover it….!


Even the uber leftist “reporters” are commenting about his condition!!
“People who have long admired and known Robert Mueller, are concerned about his visible struggle this morning to answer detailed, rapid-fire questions,” noted Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig.
Even reporters on the House floor noted Mueller’s demeanor.
“Mueller having a hard time following the questions on first pass. Asking members to often repeat their questions,” CNN’s Manu Raju noted. “In his defense, the questions can be long and meandering, though it comes across as if he’s uncertain.”
CNN’s chief legal analyst Jeffery Toobin noted on the network Mueller was responding in a “very limited” way describing it as “phlegmatic.”
Author Garrett Graff, who wrote a book about Mueller, noted he was “a little bit shakier” and perhaps working on “shaking off the rust” since leaving the FBI. Both analysts questioned whether Mueller’s appearance was part of a “strategy.”
“On NBC News, Justice Correspondent Pete Williams noted the stark change in Mueller’s abilities.
“This is not the same Robert Mueller,” he said, noting that the former FBI director’s appearance was starkly different from when he testified in Congress six years ago. He also noted that Mueller was 75-years old.
“The years have clearly taken a toll on the Bob Mueller we used to see, and I think that’s affected his ability to be as facile with answering the questions, as perhaps both sides wanted him to be,” he said.
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell agreed.
“He does seem to be frail in his grasp of the report that he himself oversaw,” she said, commenting during the break.”




I love this Steube guy. He is slamming Mueller very, very hard.


Steube looks promising….pinning him down again


Mueller getted mad….misstep may occur if pinned down harder.


Mueller place himself above POTUS as regards being fired “for any reason”?


America is clamoring to hear more about the Roger Stone angle! (NOT)


Gotta go to work….carry on Will check back as time permits



He was glaring. An oh crap moment.


For all the abuse that Ken Starr took, he could defend his decision-making. Mueller might not be able to defend his spelling of cat


This guy has no talent at all.


Mueller.:…I have no knowledge of the spelling of cat.


ARMSTRONG…switch Trump to Clinton….wow.


Armstrong doing a good job.


Funny how all the attorneys on Mueller’s team were all Demonrats, yet he claims he has never asked anyone he’s hired in his 25 years of service what their political affiliation is.
Wow! What a co-ink-a-dink, huh?


No Coincidences: These People Are Sick & Evil
15 Mar 2019 – 12:10:46 PM
These people are sick & evil.
It is not a coincidence.
It never is.

Big T

Gibbs Rule 9


It looks to me like Mueller is literally following along with the Deomkkkrat playbook (3 ring binder), page by page.


More like 3 Ring Circus!!





This is the impression I get


click on the meme to see the captions


Reminds me of …..




Johnson!!!! Excellent!!! and Muleheads face is PRICELESS!!!!




I’m incensed:


I am praying that Rush opens today’s show by offering to buy Mueller a pair of cochlear implants.



So many things he claimed were “beyond his purview”, yet he willingly went outside the boundaries of his investigation to prosecute President Trump’s cabinet members and attorney.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Considering the DEMONcRATs’ and Klintoons’ and Paedostas’ paedo proclivities, and other odd acts they cover by projecting, perhaps what he was saying was “beyond his perv view”…


I think Mueller and his thugs should be charged with fraud against the American people.


Mueller messed up who hired him. OMG.


the late morning session has really ruined Mueller’s “stellar” reputation


He such a Patriot! Thank you for your service! 🤮🤮🤮


OMG!!!! He didn’t remember Reagan!!! And then he just guessed about President Bush!!! iheard jeopardy music….



Time for the DECLASS Mr. Barr….


No Coincidences: These People Are Sick & Evil
15 Mar 2019 – 12:10:46 PM
These people are sick & evil.
It is not a coincidence.
It never is.


Anyone notice how Mueller speaks nothing of the Law or what is righteous and correct, coded in our Constitution and laws? The man appearing today is a shell of his former self, but the fact that he can’t even quote “chapter and verse” to support anything he did is quite telling.
His entire “investigation” was a political hit job (we knew that) but the fact that it had the potential for causing so much harm to a President, that’s a new low for politics. This would have taken out a lesser man than DJT.


Yes, ladyp, it was very obvious. In fact, I think they could have picked any old guy from a nursing home and brought him in and told him to just pretend you’re an attorney for the day and would have gotten about the same. Really was quite embarrassing.


I think I could have done a better job than Mueller in that hearing – just using basic common sense and patriotism! 😂
Those lowlifes have lived so long in the DC/NY/Hollywood Elitist bubble, they’ve forgotten the basics of right and wrong. Mueller couldn’t even disguise nor pretend he didn’t hate the President.
That’s pathetic. I hope he is scorned wherever he goes…


I think the technical reason is that Mueller is a dumbass. Easily manipulated.


I’d laugh, but it’s tragic. To think he was in charge of the FBI. I hope realizes that his “reputation” is shredded, dumped in a wood-chipper. I know, not very Christian of me, but frankly, I was shocked at his testimony. Shocked.






brilliant comment. Mueller has been totally embarassed. What an imcompetent fool.

Cuppa Covfefe

“while Mueller and his reputation provided cover and held off appropriate scrutiny”
Erm, wouldn’t that be OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE???… or something 🙂


Funny how this hearing has now gone into overtime, yet Nasty Nadler is allowing only Demonrats to ask questions. IMO, he should have cut off the questioning at the pre-approved time of 11.45 EST.


I’m going with embarrassed for $1000….


The sharks await Mueller outside of the courtroom. And they all have cameras and microphones.



If you’ve lost Axelrod…


So we have a 30minute break, then House Intel hearing is supposed to start.


hope his cutman has plenty of cut dope and smelling salts……
…not really 😉


Aside from Mueller looking like a fool, I think the Dems got what they wanted – rationale to continue the attack on the President.


CNN and MSNBC will be cackling about Obstruction for months to come.


First of all…kiss and a hug to Daughn for great effort. Second, I vote for a new thread


A Fortiori

In Wolfie’s Place Your Bets thread, I opined that Mueller is a gray hat who has been offered a deal by PDJT, has reluctantly taken it and has helped to clean up the swamp.
Extending my theory, and presuming Mueller had held up his end of the deal with PDJT, Mueller would need some type of plan to avoid deciding to commit suicide in the near future. Otherwise there would be no point in taking the deal.
Appearing old and feeble and demented in a nationally televised setting would be a pretty good strategy if that were the situation.


But of course. DJT simply reminded him that Whitey Bulger committed many murders while he was a protected informant UNDER MUELLER’S FBI. DJT told him what result should happen.
There’s no statute of limitations for murder. Mueller can easily be proved to have been a co-conspirator of those murders and therefore he can be charged with murder. And even if the charges didn’t stick, he could end up in worse shape than his team did to Flynn.
Mueller is busy showing incompetence as a witness so that he cannot be tried since he is obviously incapable of assisting in his own defense in a legal proceeding.

A Fortiori

A twofer.

tom f

A kind of ‘rope a dope’… pun intended.


What the Demonrats call Obstruction was just President Trump trying to defend himself. Who wouldn’t use every legal maneuver to defend himself from potential prosecution?


I looooove Ken Starr. Great comments.


Very experienced, very intelligent and very professional.


Kris Wall-ASS


New Q
New: Title TBD
24 Jul 2019 – 11:22:53 AM


Q!!! Is Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣😃😃😃😃


“FISA goes both ways – The Hunter is the Hunted”


I’ve only been able to watch a few clips of Repubs questioning Mueller. It seems very strange. Mueller looks like a benevolent grandfather, someone who would be nice to know. He doesn’t seem at all like the kind of person who would have been in charge of a huge investigation like this. Something is WAY off. Either he is really a naive stooge who let someone like Weismann run the investigation, or he is an Oscar-worthy actor.


Pretty obvious Weissmann ran the show.

Steve in Lewes

Two months ago I would not had any clue as to what a 3-eyed Raven was.
After a few weeks of binge watching GOT, as suggested by my sons, I do now!
I would say that Schiff and his fellow wights are seeing their head White Walker die a slow death by a thousand cuts from a Valyrian steel dagger used by the Repubs!
I’m not disappointed in them! Good job Repubs… far!


Sums up entire 3 1/2 hours in one tweet!


😂🤣😂 hours???……..more like sums up last 3.5 “years” in one tweet!! 😉


True, Weeper!!!! LOL!


Okay, let’s get real.
The purpose of this hearing is for Mueller to make it obvious that he signs things he hasn’t read.
Why i that important to Dems?
Because Comey needs to have the precedent of a senior official etablishing that practice as routine so he can use it as a defense when he is charged with false swearing (of the FISA/FISC affidavits).
If someone with the reputation of Mueller (as a long time career leader) does it, then lesser status employees are not as culpable than if they had done it on their own.
Lots of public money being spent to benefit someone’s private interests. DC bubble attitude rules.

A Fortiori

Don’t think so. First of all, negligence does not absolve you of your responsibilities.
Second, underlings prepare summaries for the boss that document the key risks for the boss. As mid level underlings review things moving up the chain, they evaluate these risk assessments and determine which are the most important for the upper mid level bosses to understand and communicate up the chain. Accordingly, there is documentation of the review process.
Then, there is swamp culture. At every level of the swamp, an underling does not do things that might reflect poorly on the boss. And they sure as hell don’t leave out important risk factors that the boss’ boss needs to know, because that failure would reflect poorly on both them and their immediate boss. Accordingly, the underling must ensure that the boss understands the risks in the things he is signing at each step of the review else the underling’s career is at risk.
In the business world, you might be able to reason with a boss when something you have done reflects poorly on them. Within the swamp, it is your fault if the boss is mad no matter what your reasons may have been.
Thus fear of the boss’ rage is very prominent within the swamp.


Oh Ya? Then why no “investigation” into HILLARY……., Schiff, Huma, Steele, Simpson, Strock, McCabe…..
And on and on ad finitum?




Who? I don’t know those people. Besides, it’s outside of my purview.


And he was the HEAD of an “Intellegence” agency?


@GenFlynn just changed his banner to the Betsy Ross flag.


Nice find Katie!!! Can someone bring that over here? BOOM!!!! (erang)!!!!! LOL!


I’ve been flying my Betsy Ross Flag for a couple of weeks now. It went up the first day I received it from UPS.comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I fly it on days having to do with the Revolutionary War (and July 4 of course); I tend to fly the other 13 star pattern on days commemorating the time around when the Constitution was written, and a 15 star flag for the anniversary of the Battle of Baltimore (it being the “star spangled banner” that Francis Scott Key was looking to see) and Battle of Tripoli.


My husband who never got involved in politics bought me as surprise a Betsy Ross T shirt from Rush.
The man took months to finally read at OT . Tonight he told me what he read.
I send him an article from here to his email that I thought he might like. I would not be surprised if one day he shows up here.
I sometimes listen to Praying Medic and I turn the volume down not to disturb my husband and he tells me he wants to listen also to turn the volume up. I think someone has been red pilled 🙂
By the way we now have the American flag flying 24/7 .
Trump is converting voters one by one 🙂


If I wasn’t so incensed on my POTUS’ behalf, I’d say what the Congressional Dems did by having Mueller testify was “criminal” – hurting Mueller.
But I’m too incensed… 😂


Think about this for a minute…


Exactly. I never “knew” Robert Mueller until he spoke in his press conference. Right there it was clear that the man had mental status changes… and I don’t doubt that this broken shell of a man was who showed up to meet with POTUS and RR, and whomever for 4 hrs. Strange.


Checking in briefly to read threads but have to leave again…
Giving prayers of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God❣️
So grateful to intrepid Deplorable Patriots for stellar reporting on current theatrical events. Many hugs and sincere thanks for all. 💞
Not going to listen to the “news” 😁


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 202ace No.7163488
Jul 24 2019 11:22:53 (EST)


Jul 24 2019
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 202ace No.7163961
Jul 24 2019 11:40:27 (EST)
There are Puppets.
There are Puppet Masters.
Which is [MUELLER]?
Attempt to replace [JC] as FBI Dir FAILED [attempt to regain FBI control].
Plot & Plan [backup] to initiate SC to safeguard against criminal prosecution re: illegal and criminal actions?
[SC = loss of FBI command/control safeguard]
DOJ depends on what agency for investigating criminal actions?
[MUELLER] [Epstein bury & cover-up].
[MUELLER] [plot to remove duly elected POTUS].

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, so if I’m reading this right, in order to block a clean DOJ from prosecuting anything and everything swamp related, the FBI had to be controlled. DS wanted a puppet at the head when Comey was removed, and that didn’t happen. Mueller may not have been their choice, but he is their puppet, or at least the DS thinks he is if they know nothing of a potential deal with the president.
What needs to go away for DS, according to this, is U1 and Epstein. Those two items must be the pins in the grenades. Get Mueller out of the way and all the rest comes out.
Never interrupt your enemy while he is destroying himself.


comment image


Mueller eating a baloney sandwich for lunch but he forgot what he likes on it.


Devin Nunes is up next. I made popcorn.


Devin, my HERO!!! 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🦋🦋🦋

Big T

Lunch time


He is sickening! All about Money, Moscow Trump Tower, and on ad-lying-naseum,🤮🤮🤮 To keep my BP stable, I’m muting until Nunes.


Cuppa Covfefe

A stinking, sinking Schiffttttt.
Trying to hold an impeachment without actually going through the process (just like the MuhRussia farce).
There’s no there, there Adam-ant. So go back and reflect on your (and your family’s) crooked history.
Watch out for that hot water, ‘cos instant Karma’s gonna get you, Schiffty…

Deplorable Patriot

Wait, Adam Ant actually had talent going for him.


Scanning comments in dr. Office. Thank you to all commenters!
Sounds like winning!

Cuppa Covfefe

If he got a good tan, his head would be a Golden Globe… 🙂
Then again, with his pencil neck, if he got sunburned, it would look like an eraser…

Deplorable Patriot

Raised tail feathers and a wet fire hydrant?


As if today’s hearing wasn’t entertaining enough, here comes Q raising the bet on the table.
Not too much winning but almost too much entertainment.


Devin’s turn.


Mueller had concerned forehead while Nunes speaks


Boy, did he ever!


Look at Mueller’s lips.That is the definition of tight lipped.


Congressional Intelligence Committee is an oxymoron. A total contradiction in terms.


Nunes: Democrats insist Evidence of collusion is just around the corner. Like the Loch Ness monster, we know it’s there, even if we can’t find it.

Deplorable Patriot

So Nunes’s remarks are worth watching.


Thank goodness Mueller remembered which hand was his right hand.

A Fortiori

Gotta say, I find the injection of Zebley into this process as really strange. Oh well, watch and learn.


Why does Barr allow Zebley to be sworn in and go this the meeting instead a regular DOJ Lawyer..?
One strike not easy explained.



omg…this gets worse as the day moves on.


The Chinese hacking the government’s personnel records was much worse.

A Fortiori

How would either Schiff or Mueller know whether a billion dollar tower in Moscow would be profitable? Is there anyone outside of TV land who believes either of these guys could compile a financial projection for an investment of that magnitude? How many of the risks could they even identify in advance?
This is a monumentally stupid exchange.


Rush just made an interesting comment – when the Democratic Socialists are asking questions, and they want Mueller to respond Affirmatively – they end their statement with, “Isn’t that correct.” All Mueller has to do is say Yes without thinking.


Thank you Butterfly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perfect!!!😍


WHOO HOO, Conaway yields his time to John Radcliffe!! He’s our BEST WEAPON!!



Is Mrs. Sewell wearing a “super suit”?


This is a waste of time. It won’t change anything. Dems will get what they wanted from the media.

Deplorable Patriot

Random thoughts before I have to take off for a bit.
If what was seen today is the real Robert Mueller, how long has this been going on? If it’s been a while, why did the puppet masters allow the hearing to happen?
Is this a right hand not knowing the left hand scenario, or is there more to it?
Are there factions of puppet masters arguing with each other?
I mean, something is not right. Not at all. Whoever is supposed to be coordinating all of this for the Democrats either didn’t have pieces of information, is stupid, or wants somebody in the mix out of the picture.


That’s my thinking also DP. If he was known to be failing mentally why the hype? Why the absolute confidence about today?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Damned fine point.
Maybe showing Mueller as befuddled will be used to argue that the investigation needs reopened with a competent IC.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, I can see that.
If today was not an act, and it would be hard to play that part for that long without slipping, putting him through it was definitely not compassionate at the very least.


Compassion can be found NOWHERE in their book of vocabulary!




And to think the Dems had a mock run yesterday ! Unbelievable.

Deplorable Patriot

Most of them may not have dementia, but they aren’t geniuses either.


One thing I’ll hand to the Demonrats; They had their visual props ready to show.

A Fortiori

This can’t be the real Mueller. It would have been unethical for either Rosenstein or Barr to allow Mueller to continue as SC in this state. And even if we assume Mueller fooled Rosenstein in the beginning, and then Rosenstein let him run while he deteriorated, let’s not forget, Barr has known Mueller socially for years.


Exactly my impression. Gail has stated in the past she thinks that some directing entity has been removed, and everything the Demokkkrats do nowadays gives the impression of incompetence and disarray. Wictor has stated he thinks there are judas goats involved.
Whatever the reason, never in my life have I ever seen the Demokkkrats so bumbling and stumbling as they have been the past several years.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s really been since David Rockefeller and Mika’s dad passed away that they’ve just not been able to keep it together. Both died in 2017.




These politicians are where they are because they are always right about everything of importance. They all imagine themselves as lead dogs pulling the sled. If two have differing strategic ideas they are both right. It reminds me of a sentence describing the definition of confusion. “He leapt upon his horse and galloped off in all directions.” This applies to Deep State bureaucrats as well.


Turner is Fantastic!! You believe there’s an Office of Exhoneration??


You have no more power to exonerate him than to declare he is Anderson Cooper! 😂😂😂


Since the media is complicit and corrupt, I think we knew from the get go that they would ignore everything in favor of PTrump and carefully cherry pick those interactions that would tend to give credence to a continuation of the “Orange Man Obstructed” claim by the DemonCraps.


GD IT!!! No, the Russian interference was NOT “sweeping and systematic!!!!”” IT WAS SETH RICH and KILLARY’s team!!!


This just pisses me off no end when our OWN people accept this foolishness!!!!


All I can figure is that the Republicans decided the Russian interference thing was not worth fighting, just easier to agree and move on.


I also think they want to avoid the subject of Assange except as the epitome of satan!


Well, there was collusion and a conspiracy between the DNC, Hillary’s Campaign and three or more foreign countries, so in that respect the statement is correct.


It is really quite sad, as I’ve been watching today I’ve seen many tells that Mueller does have some form of early onset Dementia. Reminds me of my late mother-in-law, God rest her soul, who had vascular dementia. She had multiple TIA’s. Just the stumbling and facial expressions alone remind me of it.

Deplorable Patriot

Given the situation…he can’t be faking it.
This is a twist I wasn’t expecting. Don’t know about anyone else, but the point has been made. Mueller’s mind is not what it was.


That needs to be hammered and hammered. There is no legal definition of exonerate. Look it up . . . but there is a dictionary definition. Mueller or Barr, as prosecutors can choose to prosecute or decline to prosecute. There is no exonerate as a legal term, nor is there the power of any prosecutor to exonerate,
Scream it from the rooftops!!!


Wenstrup is my guy in OH 🙂


Great Patriots, Gag me! The only INVASION is on our SOUTHERN BORDER!!


vvv THIS!!! vvv


From the Astute Observation Department™



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s a blankety-blank Deep State Stonewaller is what he is.


*Drags in a bag of popcorn* Ok here I am. Did a miss anything? 😉


Yes, you missed the beginning of this hearing when someone threw several rotten tomatoes and a milkshake at Adam Schiff’s goofy face.
Then I woke up from my nap. 🙂


Awwwww sounds like a great nap!!!! 😉
I’m waiting for Adam Schiff’s eyes to pop out of his head one of these days.


Only if you forgot to put extra butter on the popcorn!
Actually, the discussion of “exoneration” as not being a legal term was great!!!


I’m trying to catch up!!! LOL


Muleller Jackoff thinks someone liking Wikileaks needs to be investigated. BS!!!


So does Pompeo!!! WRONG!!!!


Ummmmmm Trump talks about maybe building a hotel in Russia but he said he didn’t take the deal. Its all in his book ‘art of the deal’. Old news. Nice try Dims.


Art of the Deal – © 1987


Yup!!!! Are they going to talk about what Trump did as a baby now?


I don’t think this is going to move the needle at all. The hardcore people on both sides will stay in place. Mueller looks like an idiot but ….



Imagine being a witness in a district court criminal case and telling the prosecutor, “I don’t want to answer that question” repeatedly.
You’d be found in contempt of court.


. . . but that was just to discuss borscht recipes, grandkids and, of course, vodka.


Thanks to daughn and everyone else for the running commentary. Saves me from having to buy a new computer. 🙂


I don’t think it’s that Mueller cannot answer, it’s more like he won’t answer many questions.


They should get Ken Starr to testify. He is very effective.


Have you seen the Republicans?


That would have boomeranged their strategy
So you see a missed opportunity v. Him as a distraction?


I always imagine Swalwell eating a fudgesicle when he talks.

Cuppa Covfefe

Swallowwell IS a fudgesicle…


The reason President Trump’s campaign team used encryption in their communication devices was not to hamper Mueller’s investigation, it’s because they were being spied on. They found bugging devices in Trump Tower.



I read on TGP that Shifty Schiff (love it) wants to go after Trump once he leaves office. Of course he does. But I feel like #ShiftySchiff has to do it from prison.

Cuppa Covfefe

DELETED MESSAGES???????????????????????????????????????????
Swallowwell, is your pencil neck cutting off the oxygen flow to your brain…
And to think these BA$TARDS are PAID to do THIS, rather than their REAL JOB, REPRESENTING US!!!


Q just weighed in on Mueller:
24 Jul 2019 – 9:40:27 AM
There are Puppets.
There are Puppet Masters.
Which is [MUELLER]?
Attempt to replace [JC] as FBI Dir FAILED [attempt to regain FBI control].
Plot & Plan [backup] to initiate SC to safeguard against criminal prosecution re: illegal and criminal actions?
[SC = loss of FBI command/control safeguard]
DOJ depends on what agency for investigating criminal actions?
[MUELLER] [Epstein bury & cover-up].
[MUELLER] [plot to remove duly elected POTUS].


PDJT retweeted:



Nunes irt Mifsud–Why did you NOT indict him?
Every question Nunes brings up–Mueller cannot discuss…


Joaquin castro – insists Trump has been involved with “shady people”
Isn’t Joaquine Castro the one who stood up in support of transgender men (i.e., men who pretend they are women) having abortions?
It’s too bad none of the moderators had the will or mental agility to follow up by asking if Joaquine also supported men having functional uterus transplants necessary for conception, in order to conceive, in order to have an abortion…
And follow that up by asking if the objective was for men who pretend to be women to have an abortion, then why have a uterus transplant in the first place?
Why not just pretend to be men instead, and avoid pregnancy altogether?


I fairly butchered that…
edit / correction: “It’s too bad none of the moderators had the will or mental agility to follow up by asking if Joaquine also supported men having functional uterus transplants necessary for gestation, in order to have an abortion… “


Ah, I didn’t know there were two of them…


Devin Nunes is one cool careful canny dude.


Deplorable Patriot

When this swamp creature says it…..


Lawrence Tribe is a vicious liar and traitor, both to our country and to the ‘Law’ he claims to support.
What a filthy maggot…


Castro’s questions were easily the most effective of the day by the Dems. Not good.

Brave and Free

This is really 💩 show ! Mueller looks like he’s worried about making it to the end of the week……… The dims follow the script from their bosses like puppets on a string 🤡🤡. Also no lack of respect to anyone who has served our country 👍 but it gets tiring to hear every dim thank him for his service so they just can make him look good. The guy is acting like they just found him on the corner bar stool and he can’t wait to get back to it.
On a serious note I don’t see anything changing anyone’s take on this.


So very interesting that Will Hurd is former CIA. He keeps saying, “Good copy” when Mueller won’t answer a question.
Hurd is a RINO, fer sure.


Pisses me off, he needs to GTFO of Texas!!


I know! I’ve got to check out his district and see if there’s anyone who would primary him.


I really like Rep Armstrong. Going to follow her on twitter.





The impeachment Ds are hurting their party.—— music to my ears!


Ari: “I hope the Ds realize it’s time to give it up.”
Well now hang on a second, I finally started get used to perpetual impeachment threats. They can’t just stop now!
We should encourage them to keep it up, mock them, goad them, provoke them, at every opportunity.
After promising impeachment for 2+ years, they better GIVES us some impeachment!
What good are these lousy crooks if they can’t even deliver ‘impeachment’ when they control the House?

Brave and Free

New Q drops
Their puppets……..




Lololol! Thanks for the comic relief!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Victoria has a great point, echoing the Rosenstein letter to Trump.
MUELLER pulled a COMEY by NOT CHARGING but substituting a verbal judgment.


You may need a shot if you’ve been watching the hearing.

Deplorable Patriot

I actually went shopping which is even cheaper if you don’t buy anything. 🙂 Although, today it was for household stuff.


It is looking like the Mueller Investigation was as much about covering for the Witch of Chappaqua as it was to attack President Trump.
Sperry has a number of good observations:


Buuttt……. It was Rosie who appointed a Special Prosecutor… Mueller…
Ostensibly, to take it AWAY from McCabe………. Right?


I’ve forgotten all those details… but they probably saw/wee a need cover up all the dossier business since she didn’t get elected. Mueller is still hemming and hawing and prevaricating about Fusion GPS and the dossier.


Reflecting on Paul’s comments……………………. he’s correct about Comey
I have read that Comey has been steering this mess just as Paul describes, and even that Comey is STILL telling them what to do.
Remember………. Strzok is C_A, brought into FIB to “fix” things… he is “THE FIXER” ……………
Comey pulling strings of SC team, Weismann at head, was cleaning up, covering up Hill’s crimes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think Rosey was compelled to do it, and I think this is CRITICAL to understanding the documents that Comey stole and LEAKED.
I believe that the Lawfare Gang came up with a legal strategy and flimsy but tenable case that the pre-existing Muh Russia garbage investigations had to continue, and their bullshit legal argument had to be obeyed by Rosey by moving those investigations into an SC. It very likely centered on the idea that Trump might appoint a director who would shut down the investigation. The NATURE and QUALITY of those arguments is in the documents that the FBI is holding onto for dear life.
In fact, I’m betting the Comey memos that he took, and that the FBI is either not releasing or redacting heavily, ALL DEAL WITH INVESTIGATION OF TRUMP PER SE, and include the reasoning that FORCES a special counsel.
This was LAWFARE and they are hiding the BIG LINK that was used to continue the path to impeachment.


….and covering for Øbama too….his illegal spying.
Just think, during those whole 25 million dollar years of the Mueller witch hunt….’The Hunters were the Hunted’
and FISAS were going both ways and ‘2019 is a Boomerang year.’


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I just Love those AMERICAN Martial Arts 🙂


The afternoon is not going well for POTUS. Our side is not attacking the Dems line of questioning. Just speaking from a casual observer’s pov.

Brave and Free

Adam 👀 ! What a piece of work. Just rehashing what has already been said, must have been told to really drive the point home by the masters.


Someone please put Schifty out of my misery!!!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There you go, Daughn! Judge Jeanine agrees with you! WOW!


Something just came to me, if Rosenstein was monitoring Mueller’s and Mueller had report to Rosenstein where the investigation was and keep him up to date.
Did Rosenstein not realize Mueller was not with it ?
I am having a hard time Rosenstein that he is white hat. Today I question seriously Rosenstein unless this was a sting but my all the people who were put through hell.
I want heads to roll.!!!!!


Yeah, I can’t see it. Rosenstein also started this mess.


And that is my problem with RR a White Hat.
Much of RR aligns with White Hat.
BUT, so many lives ruined over BS charges. So many lives ruined. So many innocent spent tens, maybe hundreds of thousands defending themselves.
So farking wrong it screams Federal abuse of power!!!!!!!!
(Thanks Marica for the extra !;-)


ALL THOSE 500 witnesses had to hire lawyers – that is very expensive – especially in DC!!!

tom f

Alex, I’ll take ‘sting’ for a thousand.


Hope beyond hope you are right.


He was selected by the coup leaders/traitors. The SC team was all in place when he was chosen to “lead” them, be the figure head, the public face to cover their activity behind the scenes. Wasn’t that one of the premises of the deconstruction of this mess was that he was put in place by the real leaders of the deep state resistance, the actual people in charge of the coup and cover up?


This is pure slander/smear/propaganda – a steaming pile of BullSchiff!!!


He was pushing this stuff saying they’d go after Trump when he’s no longer POTUS. Ugh These people.


Bring it, Schiffty. That would be a really stupid thing to do.


Have you seen him? I think his middle name is stupid!

JW in Germany

President Trump already knows their plan—which is why he will have to make sure that he gets THEM while he is still in office. How is what they are doing not illegal?


Liddle Adam, PencilNeck, BoyBumper………………………
He’s going away for a long time and he knows it….. He is treading water, with no life raft in sight.


Wow..Nunes and his team just let the Dems make any conclusion they wanted. They allowed them to insinuate that POTUS is a massive liar and disloyal to this country. Totally disgusted by that.

JW in Germany

They are not winning anybody over with their lies that have not long been won over. If anything, ever more Americans are seeing right through the facade.
My humble guess is that an ever growing Deplorable group of millions are just as disgusted as you and I. See it as surfing the Deplorable Wave to the polls in 2020!


I hope you are right.

JW in Germany

I think people like Jim Jordan provided much more convincing arguments.


if the people actually see it

JW in Germany

Compare Fake News Media’s sinking numbers with PDJT’s rising numbers……


CNN is in a death spiral. None of their Trump-hating celebrities want to acknowledge that.


sort of like CNN porn.



Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a tweet by Sidney Powell which has a subtweet from David Axelrod in it. Both are interesting.

Indeed, Mueller, today, was a tragic figure, whether acted, or real. If real, then what the DEMONcRATs did to him is unconscionable (of course, they like killing babies, so no skin off them). The DEMONcRATs just leave an incredibly sour impression anymore, no matter what they do. And they’ve been doing stuff like this since their inception (KKK, Slavery, and Civil War, anyone?). Sad.
And Sidney Powell’s tweet (hope these come out OK):


Thanks so much Daughn for all your time and effort in this ‘matter’ ( as LL would say 😉 )
You are a treasure !!!!!!!!!!!!! Get some rest !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. She is a treasure, and deserves some R&R!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Old Fitzgerald, Tree of Life bottle, 1964.comment image
To mysteries solved, wrongs righted, and JUSTICE FOR ALL.


I’ll be right over!


What is a Bourbon Honey bun?


One of my faves!!!



Thank you Lord, for giving our Country this WONDERFUL leader !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know what’s ironic? Trump warned BOTH the Dems and Mueller. Hilarious! He doesn’t bluff. People need to WISE UP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very Stable Genius!




UNLESS they were investigating the investigators and the hunters were the hunted and FISAS were aimed at the Democrats so they would be surveilled.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The COMMUNISTS we call “Democrats” tried to create some kind of alternate history, just like they did with Watergate, but TRUMP never fell for their BULLSHIT. Now, the COMMIECRATS live in their own ENTRAPMENT FANTASY, looking like FOOLS.
Oh, the IRONY.


Thank You Miss Daughn!!!! 😍😍😍


Daughn that you for opening this thread and make it possible for others to contribute.
You always do a good job and I am happy to read everyones contributions.
Thank you to the QTree team 🙂


Correction: it is supposed to be thank you not (that)


Wolfie, I have a thankyou post to Daughn in the bin… please retrieve –



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nothing there! Didn’t even make it to TRASH (lowest level) – just GONE.


Someone left their cake out in the rain.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Best summary ever! LMAO!!!


Yep, she got it exactly right. 🙂


…the shrimp salad sandwiches spoiled, the guests developed dreadful digestive dysfunctions, which overtaxed and overflowed the lavatories.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sal Monella showed up and said “Don’t mind if I doo!”




I think the Toilets backed up too.
I smelled a LOT of SHIT!

JW in Germany

This comment is rated PG. 😎
On twitter, Wyatt said the Left has a bad case of “impeachment blue balls.” 🤣
Unfortunately, the tweet is no longer available.

Deplorable Patriot

And yet, they will most likely claim victory.
Some things never change.


Several times during both hearings today we heard the Democrat mantra, “Nobody is above the law, including The President”.
Oh yeah? How about all the Illegal Aliens the liberals enable?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That comment is a Trump Boomerang with Obama’s name on it.


I should have included Hillary in that comment. So far, she’s gotten away with several serious crimes.


And Hillary?
Destroying classified emails and using a illegal private server for them? Obstructing justice?
Lying to Congress?
Abusing power by paying for foreign dirt on political opponents and presenting it to government agencies to justify spying on political opponents?
What about Obama….complicit with all of Hillary’s crimes?
What about pay to play and the crimes and foreign donations to money laundering Clinton Foundation?
If these people are ever brought to justice it won’t be the Dem’s fault.


Daughn THANK YOU for all that you do and thank you to everyone who commented. Much appreciated!


I’m going with Larry’s take on the hearings, and he isn’t known for being overly optimistic regarding this mess:


The DemDimBurg!


Well now – there is a hot New line of Trolling Wear at Breitbart: “Total Exoneration!”


Those are great. Liberals will have a cow when they see those shirts and hats.
I enjoy wearing my Trump 2020 Make Liberals Cry Again t-shirt in tandem with my Trump 2020 hat.

A Fortiori

And then having the cheerleaders hang with visiting team after the game.


Did Mueller’s therapy dog ever bark, or did he just heel?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


How can he claim to be “news” v. opinion when he is “afraid” of one side’s activities and point of view rather than just reporting on it?
If it is a mash up of Mueller acting as he said … uhm, they can’t do a mash up of someone doing something if that someone didn’t actually do it!
Pathetic communications arm of the Uniparty trying to save the narrative and get ahead of conservatives on this disaster!


Did you notice how many times Mueller asked various people to repeat their questions? Some needs to get him a hearing aid or at least an ear wax removal kit.


Force of Nature Definition
24 Jul 2019 – 4:14:50 PM📁


They made the link private. Got another source?


Take the little blue box off the end and it works fine.



Gail Combs

They sure did not like that definition!

force of nature📁
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I only heard a small snippet of Mueller. He sounded like someone in an old folk's home who has lost a lot of his mental faculties. I was really surprised at the sound of his voice.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hoping and praying that the upcoming anti-trust suit CRUSHES the anti-social media into maximum entropy…

Concerned Virginian

4PM Eastern, FoxNewsRadio:
D@mn MUELLER confirmed to SchiffHead (I think this is who it was) that Donald Trump can be indicted for Obstruction of Justice AFTER he leaves office, playing RIGHT INTO the DemocratCommunists’ goal of preventing POTUS’ re-election in 2020.

Steve in Lewes

CV – The horse in that pile of ‘schiff’ is; if PDJT can be indicted after he leaves office, other Presidents can be indicted NOW that they are out of office. Prepare the indictments for Obama and friends.
I think this is a good thing; especially in regards to PDJT. Very simple in my non-lawyer mind. Obstruction from what some of the dems requires intent. Since PDJT was told numerous times by St,Comey as well as Rod R that he was not under investigation that removes any intent since he believed he was not under investigation.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Except that one could obstruct justice on an investigation into someone else.


Well hi there! Good to see you again. Just fyi, this is “gil”…wuth a minor change.

Steve in Lewes

Back at ya! Good to see another sane one from OT!
Been here since Dec 2018 after the “purge” OT.
I don’t comment much but very much enjoy other’s comments since all the sane ones from OT are now here.


Its always nice to say hi once in a while. 😉😊


LOL!! but we don’t want him back soooooooooo


He’s proven to be a RINO and should be a Demoncrat. I hope the GOP and RNC rejects his applicatons.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cuppa Covfefe

That tweet is EPIC. People should watch it, as Jim Jordan nails Mueller, who just babbles and denies in response. Finally Flabler slams his gavel to cut off the truth, but not before Jordan said it.
I hope and pray we take back the House in 2020 and that Jim Jordan is elected Speaker. And, of course, that MAGA KAV happens and VSGPDJT is re-elected by a landslide. And that the swamp is cleared, once and for all…


Mean while…Back on Epstein Island…Herman Cain dropped this lil BOOM!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 82599e No.7168612
Jul 24 2019 15:35:08 (EST)comment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a73801 No.7169454
Jul 24 2019 16:09:16 (EST)
The POWER of Anon research.

Deplorable Patriot

So, hey, just got back from the weekly run to various places. Did I miss anything?


LOL Only Mueller slapping his head and yelling, “I coulda had a V8” !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry 🤓 Too much winning makes me giddy!


“I could’ve had a V6” 🙂


You missed this wonderful exchange….


And we paid $42 million for this sloppy crap?


Ask them for reimbursement…????


Apparently the Dems and Mueller continued their slow mo train wreck…. I missed the afternoon session, so am going in search of video clips.


Me too. Just watched 1, going to see more. I almost felt sad for mueller.
Q said be prepared Bob, outside the kill box. I think he really may have been given an offer he COULDNT refuse…esp since q emphasized a familiar name.


LOL Hollywood wants them to impeach! LOLOLOLOLOL


… Dude‼️😎🤚 …. bwahahahahahah … they haven’t got a clue or a snowflakes chance in hell ..
… bwahahahahahah


Oh bwahahaha… They all has the we are f’d sads.


Pop eyes!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Pencil-necked freak… not a geek, by any means…


Mueller says “Get off my lawn!”


Daughn – just wanted to pop in and say “Thank you!” so much for hosting the running commentary. I didn’t have time today to watch any of the testimonies but I have been reading some of the great comments and contributions of the Qtree – what a great day for winning!
Thanks again 🙂

Big T

I think the comments about Mueller’s hearing are inaccurate. He did not display the body language of someone who was having difficulty hearing voices. His demeanor was of one who lost track of the question if it went one beyond one or two clauses. His repeated requests to repeat a question were not a stalling device. Rather they were simply honest responses from a guy didn’t who COMPREHEND the question. I really want the Body Language lady to give us a full 10 minutes on some of this.


Agree. He might have occasionally, needed a question repeated, but most of what I saw was his inability to track the statements or questions being made by the Representatives – especially the GOP folks. He also had poor command of his Report, he’d act like he was trying to find a page reference, but never really flipped pages, and he never read along – timewise he couldn’t do it.
Mueller looked impaired and almost incapacitated at times.

Big T

It occurs to me now that Mueller’s detachment and oblivion concerning the report tells us all we need to know about the report. If I am the head of the group that produced a 448 page report with over 2000 footnotes, then I am going to defend it to the last page and footnote.
During my federal district court clerkship my judge asked me to spend 6 weeks assisting a senior judge who has been specially assigned to finally resolve a decades-long antitrust case. Until I saw Mueller today I hadn’t thought of that long-deceased judge for decades. His nickname was “Sleepy Anthony” and he earned it. He was in his 80’s and displayed all the same tics as Mueller did today. He was fine in chambers but, as soon as he hit the bench and the courtroom interchanges began, he fell behind and often gave up, relying on me to take notes and brief him later. The Democrats are guilty of something close to elder abuse and if they had any decency they would have realized what they were doing – but the bovine dung purveyors like Schiff (WTH was that opening drama queen thing????) do not care about anyone or anything but their quest for totalitarian authority.
If it all hadn’t been so pathetic it would have been funny – sort of.

Big T



Daughn, thanks for the thread today! Wish I could have stayed longer. Catching up now and checking for video clips….the next few days should be quite interesting.


Hey Daughn -tried to post some pics but failed miserably … anyway, to toast your totally awesome work on our behalf today, I wanted to send along some of the following w/o [sadly] pics …
W.L. Weller Special Reserve …
Eagle Rare, 17 year old …
…. just sayin’ … 😉
… maybe one day @ Commander’s for lunch? 🙂


Daughn, .. thank you .. really appreciate this thread today …



Daughn, you should know…
I’m a UM grad, though it’s been years since I’ve been in Oxford. It’s where I picked up my passion for quality bourbon, decades before it became popular by the idiot masses. My old roommate and I rented a house behind the Beacon on Rogers Rd. It’s the 2nd one on the right. The old codger who lived across the street in the bend was a real character. His yard looked like Sanford & Son and I once watched a pair of Jehovah Witnesses knock on his door….it creaked open 3 inches and then a shotgun barrel appeared. You can imagine what happened next. I laughed so hard I pulled a muscle!
Anyway, life is strange and you never know who you’ll meet along the journey. If our paths ever cross, I’ll treat you to some (now) 45 year old Pappy Family Reserve and a snort of unobtainable A.H. Hirsch Reserve.
Hoddy toddy, and God bless Archie.
PS – Col. Reb still lives!


Yes, well…I’m the best shortstop on the team, though no one would want to hang out with me after a game. Right?
I don’t normally share personal info like this, but I thought YOU would be interested in knowing. Remember what I said above. It will always hold true, if and when.

Big T

On my twitter feed just now, 10:09 CDT, I received a “promoted” tweet from ADAM FREAKIN’ SCHIFF raising money off the hearing today. “Stand With Adam as he holds this Dangerous President Accountable.” Do you need anything more to tell you why they wanted this YouTube Fiasco today?

Deplorable Patriot

They never waste a perceived opportunity do they?