Dear KMAG: 20190727 Open Topic

Welcome! The doors are open, come on inside!


Come on in and pick a comfy spot:


This Steady As We Go Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.
But please keep it civil. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:



Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Ivan Torrent, titled ‘The Awakening’:



There’s a party on the roof at the Treetop Fire Pit! 

Come on up and warm your hands…and we can sharpen our swords and knives. The gloves are coming off, for our VSG and his team of hunter-killers.
Q said #FLYDANFLY#…which we can interpret to mean that Dan Coats will be leaving soon. If so, then…good! Was Dan Coats an impediment to DECLASS? …I’m thinking that he might have been.
We had a taste of Declass this past week, with the document that Q gave us. But we want Moar! The Great Awakening is happening…there is NO STOPPING WHAT IS COMING.


Visual descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header Image: There is a gigantic Tree growing up out of a cool marshy opening in a great forest. The trunk is covered with structures attached to the outside, which look like they are outcroppings of an intricate interior structure within the enormous Tree trunk. In a leveled-out area in the top of the Tree, there is a blazing fire in a fire pit, with several figures around it.
Second Image: Cool green moss surrounds the rock steps leading up to a pointed-arch  doorway. Weathered-looking arched doors with iron nail heads and large, ornate wrought iron hinges, come together within the doorway. There is a large carriage-style light fixture above the doorway, lighting the way.
Third Image: Is an open lounge with a view, filled with comfy-looking couches and over-stuffed chairs. There are lanterns all around, on the tables, on the guard rails and on out of the way places on the floor. There is a round free-standing stucco fireplace, with a warm-looking fire crackling within it. Large branches serve as supports for the ceiling, with cross-branches forming the structure for the ceiling.
Fourth Image: Is our President, facing down the press curs in one of his impromptu ‘chopper pressers’ on his way out to Marine One. He has a resolute, albeit slightly pained, look on his face as he listens to the stupid questions from the press curs.



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There are times I read QTree
To get the news of the day
To look and find the MAGA
And see blue skies, not the gray
Oftentimes I want to know
What some others have to say
To think through another’s views
From a different path that day
Other times I just stop by
To relax and be with friends
To be with people that I know
As the day comes to its end
At special times I come here
To find posts from God’s Word
And for Christian fellowship
In hopes my heart gets stirred
In these times I never know
If someone’s thought, word or phrase
Will trigger some remembrance
Of some other times or days
There are some words or phrases
That when spoken have a beat
That pulls up some other phrase
Bringing thoughts along to greet
Some thoughts brush by, others stay
Some constrain while others free
Sometimes a strange thing happens
That’s when a poem starts to be
I don’t sit and plan the verse
Or outline what I might say
As I wander through the words
It’s their course that lights my way
How this happens, I don’t know
Could be late or near the dawn
There’s no way of knowing when
I’ll feel a poem coming on
I thank God that I can write
To help my day through its end
And give a smile or a laugh
To my valued QTree friends

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Goes very nicely with tonight’s musical selection, too! 😎


Just lovely, Carl 🤓




YAY Carl!
You caught the truth about what is true and good at QTH!
We are blessed indeed.


Carl this a lovely and sweet poem, we are blessed with your presence … God bless you .. 🙂❤️

Concerned Virginian

One of your best! Thank you! I learn something from every one of your poems.


Carl!!! how very beautiful!!! We are super blessed you are part of this Awesome community!!!!😘


Those mammoth trees are scary majestic, but homey at the same time.
Thanks, Wheats!


I love the outdoor trees, and the doorways, but love the interior scenes best.
Thanks for all you do to make QTH a warm and beautiful place, Wheatie!


Wheatie!! Your trees and music pics are the very best part of my weekends!! I always think On Friday…”we get a WHeatie Tree and music tonight!!!” Love them!!!😍😘


I, too, especially like the cozy interior scenes…imaging living in something like that. Of course, after a few moments of the romance my too-practical nature kicks in and I think of the bugs, unwanted critters, the difficulty of getting supplies, laundry facilities, etc! Kill joy! LOL.
Nevertheless, I would be very willing and eager to vacation in a tree top resort where I could pass on my practical side to well-paid staff who would bring up the logs for that beautiful fireplace!



Date night…they deserve it.


I have noticed that YT is doing this with multiple videos. I have to believe it’s due to internal changes to the videos, not due to editing or posting errors by the people uploading it, because it only happens to conservative videos or ones that deal with things YT doesn’t want discussed.


Wolf, a little before the 6 min mark she plays part of an interview of Mark Bray, an academic at Dartmouth who “wrote the book” on Antifa. Book title: “Antifa: the Anti-Facist Handbook”
The clip is Mark Bray’s explanation of why the Antifa violence is ETHICAL (what???).
The interview was done some years ago by Chuck Todd.


It’s been a busy week with much physically demanding work. Exhausted starts to touch what state I find myself in going into the weekend. As a form of entertainment, I’ve been watching this long but in some strange way, fascinating video recording of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s leading his first House business questions.


Video link… (I think it was posted yesterday?)


TTT, I watched a clip of your new PM Johnson the other day in Parliament, it was delightful in it’s drama and how people speak to each other. So polite, but pointed, jabbing – no one falls asleep in those sessions? 🙂


High Theatre!


Lady P, I am not British, I’m American.
Perhaps you were thinking of Church Mouse? 🙂


Yes, you’re right. It’s the little mouse (how I picture churchmouse) who is in England. 🙂


JRM and our new PM are simply brilliant, LadyP!
I have been enjoying the new government get underway. Thursday in Parliament was breathtaking. Parliament is in summer recess at the moment, and will not return until early September.
When they are back, I think Boris’s panache at the despatch box will make the Wednesday lunchtime Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) must-watch television.


Hi, churchmouse! Good, I hope your country has some MBGA days ahead.


Me, too! 🙂


Wheatietoo — you have outdone yourself with the final description for Zoe. “[S]tupid questions from the press curs.”


I think POTUS would enjoy a laugh if he knew how you phrased the shift in the so-called press conferences.


It’s much more difficult to act tough, confrontational and display all that gravitas out on the law where everyone is jostling for position. They lost “power” when not crowded together, sitting next to each other. Even the distance between the President and them outside is greater, so they have to focus on him, and not lend support by looking at the next person questioning in the press room. The Court didn’t tell POTUS he had to stay inside. LOL


Yes!!! Change the environment and the power structure changes. Now the press are just little nipping doggies (no offense to doggies).


I will say that Acosta should have been banned long ago, Not just for his assault on the intern, but he crossed the line with his being inappropriate. They simply could have pulled his credentials and told CNN to send someone else who knew how to behave respectfully toward the Office of the President. Obama would have had the guy gone in 2 seconds.


Also that obnoxious harpy from CNN….then there’s April…
Hmmmm…being assigned as a WH reporter might not be the coveted spot as before. Heh heh
I can just see April whining about having to stand outside, only to be ignored by POTUS.
April…”I’ll give you $50 to cover the presser for me.”


I suppose they don’t wear “heels” anymore, but I did envision them having problem with their footwear. Thus too busy watching where they’re walking than being able to attack the President. Win Win.


wheatie, I remember a helicopter presser which took place many months ago, when there was snow on the ground.
When he helicopter took off, it sprayed the little gaggle with a beautiful cascade of fresh snow.
wouldn’t swear it was intentional, but it was most amusing.


The whirring of the helicopter eliminates the phony drama from the presstitutes and puts the focus on VSG. Someone at some point realized that these press “conferences” are so much more effective when VSG is doing the talking, and when there is a very loud whomping sound nearby.


Exactly!!! And it drowns out the question enough that they simply cant grandstand and gaslight!!! VSG indeed!!!!


In the hot, humid weather! Heh heh


And being out there isn’t optional. They can’t allow themselves to be “scooped” by some other presstard. They can’t predict when Potus might say something pressworthy.


Another “feature” of the outdoor setting is they can’t put a camera behind our Lion, so the press gets NO FACE TIME.


Ha ha ha! Yes, that was a great description, wasn’t it?


Ha! I was scrolling down to the end of comments to tell Wheatie AGAIN what a talent she has for describing visuals, and here y’all had the same reaction!
I *almost* enjoy reading the descriptions more than looking at the visuals 😍 Well Done, Wheatie 👏👏


Very cool, squid filmed for the first time.
And remember….just because we dont “see” something doesnt mean something isnt happening. It obviously took a “deep dive” to get this film but everyone is ready for “moar.”


My guess:
Use of the word “MOAR”.
Algorithm identifies as “Q-Team Member”!


… Although ^^^^^ this ^^^^^ posted immediately…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thus far I’ve never had any problem with “moar” or even MOAR…but I’ll just see what happens when I hit “Post Comment.”


I dont usually have a spam problem but I figured I had to adjust my wording and lo and behold it was there x3. Oops.


Notable find for ocean researchers.
They knew it was out there and important.
Required a deep dive. Crowd sourcing. Team work.
They kept at it and found a particular squid alive.
Now, even more determined, they want moar.
Never give up, even when you have to go nearly 900 meters to the botyom of the ocean to get an answer.


Never give up. You never know what a “deep dive” might reveal.


Persistent little algo, isn’t he/she/it?


Sorry for 3x post…..geez Ill remember to leave it at 1…..


I don’t know if anyone has been keeping tabs on the Josh Harris drama…
Here are two articles with different but I think complementary takes on the matter.
My Thoughts on Josh Harris as a “Fallen Christian”
Another Megachurch Pastor Renounces His Faith As He Caves to LGBTQ Mafia
For those of you who aren’t in the loop, let me rewind a bit.
As a young man in 1997, Joshua Harris released a book that became an instant best-seller in Christian circles: “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”. It promoted the notion that the dating culture was worldly and fundamentally broken, and promoted a set of ideas that became very influential with late Gen-X and early Millenials.
The popularity of the book launched Harris into a highly visible position in Evangelical culture. He married, became a pastor, wrote many more books. But the controversy around “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” never quite abated, and later he rescinded many of his earlier positions.
Like the song that never ends, the controversy simply would not die.
This month Josh Harris announced publicly that he and his wife were going through a separation, calling into question much of Harris’ teaching and published books.
Now he has posted on Instagram confirming that he is actually going through a divorce and not just a separation.
He also has announced that he has abandoned his faith.
Further, he has specifically gone out of his way to make a public apology to the “LGBTQ+ community”: “I regret standing against marriage equality, for not affirming you and your place in the church, and for any ways that my writing and speaking contributed to a culture of exclusion and bigotry.”




That is why I like Mario so much
Posted on July 24, 2019 by mariomurilloministries


There are a LOT of pastors out there that think either that they shouldn’t talk positively (or negatively) about Trump, or their think it is their spiritual duty to oppose Donald Trump.
Some very wrong, toxic, and unbiblical beliefs out there.


I do believe that politics is ifish from the pulpit…but too many have taken the to being liberal from the pulpit.


Look up early history of our country. I believe in early times all the candidates sat on the front row of the church while the local preacher gave them their “Election Day” sermon complete with endorsements and admonishments. We have sure strayed from that level of influence in local politics.


I have read several books on our early presidents, but its just my personal opinion.


A reckoning is coming for all denominations. Think wheat and chaff.




A couple of thoughts and observations:
First, the LGBT issue isn’t new. The Fabian leftists are in an all out WAR against Evangelical Christianity in the United States, and their preferred weapon of choice is to attack Christians for being bigots victimizing the LGBT community. The end goal is to weaken or neuter the cultural influence of the church.
Second, pastors are under real attack. The actions of the ERLC abusing their new power to target pastors who speak out about what they are doing is only a sign of more to come. The leftists do not care who gets hurt along the way – and many people will be hurt – they will do everything they can to slander and destroy the reputation of pastors through lies, accusations, and innuendo the likes of which few of us can imagine. Consider Kavanaugh or Roy Moore as a template for using the press to amplify charges of sexual misconduct.
OR… they have an alternative, a theory which I can’t prove but suspect strongly, which is that the LGBT crew issues certain ultimatums and threats to pastors to push them out of the ministry, perhaps even out of the faith altogether…
I wouldn’t put much past these leftists.
One example I am keenly aware of, was a man who was a member in good standing at a church, that had been specifically targeted by a trans activist. It took some background research to discover this fact, as the activist had moved from Washington State/Oregon and seemed to land conveniently near to the church. He ingratiated himself with the pastor and leaders of the church, and was able to convince them that he should become a leader of the youth ministry. It became clear that the activist was targeting the man’s daughter. He spoke to the pastor in detail about what was happening, including all the background information that was publicly available online, and the pastor was incredulous that such a thing could happen. Needless to say that family left the church, sooner rather than later before anything could happen.
There are plenty more activists out there. It is not hard to convince them at a relatively young age (in their 20s) that they need to be on a mission to target and turn churches to be LGBT friendly, by whatever means are available.
In the case of Josh Harris, did this happen? We don’t know, and it is certainly speculation on my part. But I have the spidey sense that this is NOT the full story of what’s happening with Josh Harris. Who knows, maybe next week we’ll hear an announcement about someone coming out of the closet. Whoopdie doo. The situation with him “losing” his faith could have been a long time coming. But why the sudden need, urgency even, to apologize to the LGBT community? Why was it necessary to hand the LGBT a huge prize – “Evangelical Megachurch pastor recants his views on the LGBT”? Something smells fishy and I don’t think it’s the trout from the lake in that Instagram picture.
So did Josh Harris lose his faith, or was he influenced by LGBT activists to take the actions he did?
I’m thinking “AND logic” on that one.
Remember in 2012 when Alan Chambers, head of Exodus International caused a huge stir because he renounced conversion therapy? Perhaps you don’t remember because it wasn’t exactly headline news, but the LGBT leftists certainly do. They’ve been working for years to get people to turn – and surprisingly, they’ve had great success.
It doesn’t have to just be threats and targeting – it could be old fashioned money tactics, like the Never-Trumpers and their books, or certain blogger personalities and their ads or donation page.
For many gay and homosexual people, their sexual lives do not necessitate political activism. They aren’t concerned with winning culture wars so much as going about the mundane business of living their lives, and see the political activism of the LGBT left as unnecessarily antagonizing the public.
But for the LGBT left, it’s not enough to disagree. Everyone must be made to celebration and genuflect. All must worship the beast.


I remember in 2016 talking with a number of evangelicals from many different backgrounds and from all around the country…
Religious liberties issues were the huge hot button.
Everyone knew about Jack and Masterpiece Cakeshop.
And I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface on the religious liberties issues – the prior administration had things gamed out and staged to such a toxic extent that they were going to go into full lawfare mode against Christian churches everywhere in the United States, forcing them to compromise, threatening them with revoking their 501(c)3 (OH NOES!!! NOT THAT!!!) to full on targeted legal and tax harassment. Jack Phillips was the test case. More was coming. The Tea Party IRS scandal was just a trial run for the coming war on the churches…
…they never expected her to lose…
After the inauguration everyone I knew let out a collective sigh of relief. Enough so that even from behind the podium I heard speakers talking of a “reprieve” that God has given us in the battle for religious liberty.
It is true. We had a break from the worst that was about to happen. We had an incredible opportunity to shape the Courts (always the Supreme Court, dontcha know) and put us back on the footing of the rule of law.
And Trump and McTurtle have not only DELIVERED, but DELIVERED in bigger ways than we could have hoped for…
But the “reprieve” was only a time for the enemies of religious liberty to regroup and reload their artillery. The lawfare tactics would need to be shelved, and whole new sets of tactics would need to be employed.
Two years ago the warning shots were fired when LGBT activist Tim Gill announced his intent to “punish the wicked” – meaning, anyone who opposed him.
The fruition of that plan and many others – such as those of Jonathan Merritt, another LGBT activist at the WaPo posing as a disenfranchised Southern Baptist – is coming to bear, and the churches are completely asleep at the switch.
California was (and is) set to not only ban reparative therapy but any contrary literature on LGBT issues, up to and including banning churches from giving away Bibles with objectionable Bible verses.
It’s not about the LGBT (although, they are happy to get that along the way). Don’t look at the intentions look at the OUTCOMES. It’s not about pro-LGBT – it’s about anti-church, anti-Bible, and Anti-Christ. The goal, the OUTCOME is the elimination of the moral voice of the Evangelical Church as the light of TRUTH against the socialist agendas of the extreme left.


Not much solace, but whatever restrictions California places on the free practice of one’s faith will eventually go to the Supreme Court. Adverse rulings against a religious people will send Christians back to the catacombs, but it will not end their faith. The more Christians are persecuted, the more Faith grows.
Once Political Correctness was able to violate our rights to free speech, it was clear that the Left had a means to suppress our religious freedom. With Obama, it was almost cemented. Radical LGBT became the power behind his/Dems throne. It was never about “accepting” LGBT, but demanding us convert to their sexual ideologies. Ideologies which have been demonstrated to be, at times, depraved and sickening.


Remember when the basketball player (I think it was) came out as “gay” and both Obama’s made a huge fuss about it…called to congratulate him on his bravery? Even Mrs. O went out of her way to publicize it.
Then, of course, there was the White House being bathed in “rainbow” colors by the Obama Administration.


When Obama started his presidency, I did several articles about him, focusing on that he did not appear well, and there appeared to be changes which indicated usage of drugs. I still believe that. During his time in office, as I learned more about “Bathhouse Barry” – and saw the way he and Michelle interacted… I do think he’s gay. Would have likely be elected anyway, but would have appreciated the honesty vs the coverup.


My feeling, as well…but, of course, no proof. I so believe a lot about the Obamas will eventually be exposed.


POTUS mentioning subpoenaing of Obama’s records yesterday must have raised the hackles on some of the people who participated in the manufacturing of the person we now know as Barack Obama.

Deplorable Patriot

The other thing that is being used as a threat to muzzle Churches is revocation of tax exempt status. I cannot speak to the other traditions, but the Church has a lot of property that would suddenly become a lot more expensive.


True. The fact that they’re tax-exempt makes them beholden to the government, and now they’re equated being non-political with avoiding all talk of morality or really adhering to the Scriptures – Old or new Testaments. It’s also why people abandon Churches…

Deplorable Patriot

And I honestly don’t know about others, but the 501c3 determination letter that the Catholic Church operates under in the US has the address of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan. I mean every diocese has a copy of that same letter. State taxes are different and diocese specific – the way it should be – but for non-profit purposes, the Church was set up as a single entity, so if some bishop in Texas says something that’s more or less forbidden, the Church in the entire country can get the status pulled.
I’m beginning to wonder if that wasn’t done on purpose.


“The more Christians are persecuted, the more Faith grows.”
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.” – Tertullian


Great posts!
Wolf’s “bubble” theory might also be at play. Get persons near the target and have them continually suggest ideas to the target in order to normalize those ideas.


I’m sure you’re over the target! That’s exactly the tactic they use. But they’re even more sneaky about it by building an influence campaign. When people are blind to it, they don’t see what’s happening, and they get played.


The key word in your excellent comment is megachurch. I submit to you that USA megachurch = Roman gladiator games in terms of its purpose – to entertain the masses and make money/prestige for the promoters.
Christ did not come here to start a religion. He certainly didn’t approve of physical buildings as a gathering place for the faithful since He clearly authorized the destruction of the Temple about 30 years or so after He died.
Paul and Timothy started the various “churches” after the Upper Room annoiting. They were bound to each other via the members rather than by a building. The various groups met in each others houses, rotating the hosting each time they met.
Their time in meeting was spent glorigying the Messiah and reproving each other (if needed) for shortcomings and encouraging each other to persist in the “race” (as Paul called it).
Christian is a term that originally was an insult. No, I don’t think that is true today but given the hate of so many I could be wrong about that.
I submit that the lure of power plus a love of money exposes most all of the megachurch pastors as self-serving lovers of self. This is a welcome mat for demons to come in and make themselves at home in those pastors’ spirits. That is how I read your tale of downfall.
There is a huge difference between a shepherd and a sheepherder.


Yep. Cannot serve two masters.
To follow Christ is not, in any era, a popularity contest.
He will always challenge every individual in every culture to realize the full reach of the truth that we’re all His Father’s children and therefore we’re all siblings. Not easy when a huge portion of people have not discovered their Father or they embrace any number of sophistries instead.
People the world over are being persecuted for embracing His simple truth. It’s not surprising that there are increasing attacks on believers here at home. (Both obvious and covert attacks)


I’m not familiar with most of these events or individuals, but my take on his situation and all others who change paths in their life’s journey – they have free will, and make their own choices. They live with the consequences. We all do for our choices.
I don’t think it negates the wisdom he shared in his early days of ministry… it’s more that he has entered a time of his life where his struggle against dark thoughts and worries has overwhelmed him. While he is making new choices, I don’t believe that it makes him any happier. In fact, it’s worse for him – becomes a tortured soul.
For each person who leaves faith behind, there are thousands who find faith, find that walk with the Creator of all that is good.


Sometimes people abandon or even reject beliefs, only to rediscover them later in such a way as to bring greater understanding and appreciation. The Prodigal Son returns with a deeper, truer love.


Yes. That’s why I see these people as likely struggling in these course changes in their lives. There can be no solace in finding your family disintegrating regardless of the cause.


Science, Medical, Mental Health, CDC and Police Statistics and Scripture stand against the LBGTXYZ lifestyles.
There is no proof of genetic basis for it.
There is proof of correlation to addictions, mental disorders, depression, suicide, relational instability, violence, murder, early death.
There is a 40-150% increased incidence of all STDs – several incurable and untreatable (Hepatitis, HPV, Herpes, HIV and Super-Gonorrhea). Many persons have more than one STD (syndemic situation) complicating treatment, since treating one STD may exacerbate symptoms or worsen the others. STDs continue to evolve and morph into a new form which requires new treatments to be developed.
There is NO SCRIPTURE condoning or blessing these lifestyles, rather all Scripture condemns and warns against it. GOD IS LOVE – why would GOD approve a devastating practices that bring damage and death to humanity?
For decades, I have followed CDC newsletters and reports, and followed the LBGT attacks on the APA psychology and psychiatry and AMA and their bullying of business owners and private citizens.
One therapist who worked on hotlines said he has come to the conclusion there are few to none healthy, happy people in these lifestyles and that ‘gay’ is the opposite of what is really happening.
Evidence proves LBGTXYZ are not normal or valid orientations and identities – Rather they are disorientations and mistaken/false/assumed identities.


This the first I’ve heard. I had heard he had repudiated I kissed dating goodbye.
Spiritual journies are often long and winding and dappled with dark and light.
Hope he finds Christ Jesus. 🙏


Thank you for posting this Information Michael. I am very surprised and saddened to learn what has happened with Josh Harris. My husband and I were involved in leadership ministry for many years in a local evangelical church that became part of the Sovereign Grace Ministries. Our son grew up in that church and I remember when Josh Harris was brought into the movement, our son was 16 years old at the time. All the churches involved embraced the courtship vs dating philosophy and unfortunately we fell into it too. To make a long story short, my son was among the youth that rebelled and walked away from God. My husband and I stepped down from leadership to focus on our son, so the pastoral support we once had as leaders was non existent once we became regular church members (a complaint my husband and I had heard so many times from others). I am so thankful that the Lord graciously led my husband and I to another non-denominational church in 2008 (after 24 years) where our spiritual foundation became solid and we matured in our spiritual growth. My dear husband went home with Jesus 4 years ago. My son attends church once in awhile but he is still wrestling with following the world and following after God, but my trust is in the Lord. I know a lot of unfortunate things happened with SGM after we left, but in reality, we are all accountable for our own walk before the Lord. We can’t be blaming others for our failures, especially if we never look to the Word of God to see if what we are being taught (or blindly following as in our case) was in line with His word. I will keep Josh Harris and his family in my prayers.God bless you Michael!


Ah. So he’s either gay or a serial philanderer.


This is interesting. The fact that that many people who still watch FOX have heard of Q is encouraging.


Looks like the overall stat of interest is that at least 65% of those polled know something about QAnon (even if what they know is wrong or sketchy). Good brand recognition!


Sometimes, I do SO like Rand Paul!
“Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News on Wednesday that maybe if Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) visited Somalia, “she might come back and appreciate America more.”
The senator was responding to a question on why he defended President Donald Trump over his recent tweets that had sparked outrage among many on the left.
“I’ve met people who have come here from behind the Iron Curtain,”Paul said. “They got away from communism, they’re some of the best Americans we have, because they really appreciate how great our country is, and then I hear Representative Omar say America is a terrible place.”
“Well, she came here and we fed her, we clothed her, she got welfare, she got [schooling], she got healthcare, and then, lo and behold, she has the honor of actually winning a seat in Congress, and she says we’re a terrible country? I think that’s about as ungrateful as you can get,” continued the senator.”

Concerned Virginian

So the United States of America is a terrible country to Rep. “OMAR: ELMI”. Of course the U.S. is “terrible” to her — BECAUSE the United States IS NOT RULED BY ISLAM. Every single thing cited by Sen. Dr. Paul would be GREAT to Omar Elmi if this country were ruled by Islam — BECAUSE it would be Islamic Law and rule that would be feeding, clothing, educating, etc. (and either converting the kuffar or killing them).
Of course Omar-Elmi ALSO knows that under Islamic rule, her “influence” and life would be controlled by MALE Muslims.
But that’s peripheral to her main goal — to help in any way she can to make the United States a country under the heel of ISLAM.


Some day these crazies will realize that its events like this that are going to keep Trump In WH until 2025


ROFL – i kept waiting for it to go ballistic and thought I was going to be disappointed for a second there. Nope!


The whole video brightened up my day! I particularly liked: “You got red hair? Go back to Ireland!”

Deplorable Patriot

In my family branches, it’s the Spaniards who have red hair.


That’s because they’re Celts.


At the end she showed how few brains she really had.
Took her a long time to realize it was all being taped.
Then she really blew it by committing a crime.


So who’s the violent bigot? The Beemer driver, that’s who.


Showing off her common sense when she finally realizes that someone is taping it.
Damn that was a long time to realize that.


I would have put a nice big dent in the hood of that BMW so she could be reminded what a dumbass she was every time she drives her car.


Nah—that liberal did herself in big time, especially at end when she finally realized it by trying to get the video of the chaos she had created .

CM in TN

Speier escaped the kool-aid drinkers in Jonestown only to become one herself…


IKR!? Every time I see her mug I’m reminded of that. A normal person might choose to dedicate their life to “something bigger than themselves” after the enormity of such a close call. For a lefty that apparently just means Big Government.


Always–do believe part of job classification for any liberal staffer is to create chaos during and after the elections.


Bring me your tired …. your BMW suv owners in their phony ripped jeans 👖 …. 😖🤚 …lippy pud


.. well I guess the old alumni woman radical college indoctrination programs worked for her ‘eh?


Did you notice the end where she finally realized that the video would probably go viral LOL


Aww 😞 … no I need to go back and watch the end … I have a hard time listening to harpies … I search for close caption and turn the sound off but that clip didn’t offer the option …


IT was a hard listen…and then I fast forwarded a bit LOL Yea i cheat on videos sometimes.


🤭 .. 😬👍 …. me too … 😛🤚❤️


I finally went back to watch/listen to the end of the video. The woman is a DIM BULB if she shot her mouth off “unaware” she was being filmed, and she wanted to destroy the record of her unhinged behavior. She’s such a loser …. sneaky loser.


Too many of them in America today that democrats encourage, especially democratic politicians.


It almost like you have to carry 36mm video recorder, microphones 🎙 and floodlights when you set-up outside nowadays .. with a kicker “don’t touch, or I’ll sue you into oblivion” .. 😐


H3LL why do you think I don’t wear my Trump shirt or hat…I do carry, but I would rather not ever have to use my gun…


Yeah I know that’s right. I grew up in Detroit and you learn you don’t go looking for trouble …. I like to wear them too, and a car sticker but you never where the punks are …


No car sticker of Trump but 2 flag stickers and 2 stickers saying Believe in standing for the flag & kneeling for the cross


Nice 😎👍❤️‼️😉🤚❤️


Yea but wonder how safe I’d be in a city like Portland


Portlandia …


Oh yea…so true

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Looks pretty European to me…She should go back where she came from, perhaps.


At the end I think she realized that she had made herself look like an idiot in front of a camera or cell phone & then tried breaking it.
Damn can’t believe it took her that long…
Shows America how much brains liberals have

Steve in Lewes

I thought he/she/it/whatever went coo-coo when it realized that they were filing the car’s license plate!
I thought I heard it mutter ‘that’s private’ right before grabbing the camera/phone.


When then she was double dumb, cause for the length of time she was there anyone could have written it down LOL


Diagnosis: TDS
Cause: Trump broke her.
Prognosis: 6 more years of utter despair.


Amazing Polly with Epstein – some interesting connections and a Q tip …


YW, Thanks not necessary seeing as you do so much more …
Been otherwise engaged with children visiting last couple of weeks 🙂


OH.MY.GOD!!! Who DOES this??!!??
“Details in the report paint a gruesome picture of what authorities have allegedly called “a human chop shop.”
An FBI agent claims he saw “a cooler filled with male genitalia” and “a bucket of heads, arms, and legs” at the facility located in Phoenix, Arizona.
He also said there was a “small woman’s head sewn onto a large male torso like Frankenstein and hung up on the wall.”


These people are sick.


When there aren’t adequate words you just have to go with what you have :-/


I don’t understand why this is surfacing again. This happened in 2014. The people involved are in jail now.


It arose now because the families are suing.


“Reports state that 8 families filed a civil lawsuit against the facility on Monday, claiming that the bodies of their family members donated to the BRC were dismembered and sold for profit.
The lawsuit alleges that the illegal activity began in 2007, according to the Hill.”


Looks like you made the same mistake I all too often make – not reading the whole article.


No, I read it last night on FB. So maybe there was an update between then and today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just leaving this here. For the record, I believe PENCE!


I’m wondering if his dementia is keeping him from remembering what took place two years ago. It doesn’t exonerate what he’s done, but does explain his complete lapse on that fact.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. That makes sense.
Also, this. Mueller’s dementia may not be purely natural.
Remember what people said about Lynch’s testimony, and how it was like she had amnesia? At the time, I postulated that it was some kind of MK. I continue to believe that is the case. I suspect that memories can be Intentionally and selectively degraded and hidden under a drugged hypnosis state. However, I also believe that this stuff is ultimately brain-damaging, too.
Not like the people who did it are going to care about that.
Some witnesses get the Seth Rich treatment. But not all.
People will accept a natural explanation. End of story.
And then the Dems have Zebley there like Mueller’s handler / manager. Interesting, isn’t it? The Dems knew he would need the guy there, even though he didn’t do anything.
My guess is that Zebley would begin objecting wildly if Mueller started remembering things he wasn’t supposed to remember.


I brought over a comment by Ristvan on Pelosi and Mueller’s mental status, which I agree with. I do think Mueller has early stages dementia. It’s possible from a number of causes, including if he had a heavy drinking history. Just to throw that possibility out there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lots of normal possibilities.
Sooner or later somebody will get caught in an operation and there will be some excitement. I’m willing to bide my time as a conspiracy theorist until then! 😉


Oh, I think the conspiracy is not a theory at all, but quite real – the only problem is that the masters can’t control all variables – ie, any of their players who have real life aliments. Mueller was with it enough to show up and sit there and do those hours of testimony. They gave him a handler in case he “lost” it. Early stages of dementia are intermittent with lucidity and normal function.


Sure bet, multiple “tin hat” theories posted are spot on. It was an attempted coup. Conspiracies created and evolved. Numerous laws have been broken.
Facts have been slowly exposed and it ALL will come out.
In the end, the only surprise, will be the large number of tin hat theories prove to be accurate and ultimately linked. The shear scope requires so many separate actions, none well coordinated, yet related to the evolving attempted coup. Corruption in DoS, DoJ, FBI, Gang of Eight, MCM, private entities (Fusion, Clinton Crime Family), IC (DNI / Clapper, CIA / Brennan…), DNC, foreign governments (UK, AU, IT, Ukraine…).
Even the pedo stuff, women and children lured and sold into slavery / skin trade is linked.
Not normally a patient person, I have learned to be patient as evidence of coup villains is documented. Ultimately we’ll see massive arrests, prosecutions and if DoJ doesn’t bungle (inept or intentional) the prosecution, convictions.
A patient lot we are, as Justice creaks forward. Until then, we’ll work our tin foil theories, knowing some or many are spot on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! Patience and persistence!

Deplorable Patriot

Manchurian Candidate syndrome?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s possible. Similar to McCain. McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton – I’m sure the commies did a real number on him. But Mueller – he may have been exposed to KGB-CIA tinkering.
I think the key was “high value targets”. It’s not worth expending efforts doing a Manchuria job on most people. It’s people who can INFLUENCE who are worth messing with.
Admiral’s son….
Harvard law….
Ivy league graduates….
It’s all about controlling the RIGHT people.


Wasn’t Rosenstein in on that 4 hr meeting as well?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I thought he was, or at least that is the usual telling of events. Frankly, at this point, I’m curious about details!


I know! That 4 hrs – POTUS doesn’t have that kind of time to waste… So, what really went on?


DJT laid out all the dirt he had on Mueller and gave him his assignment in the counter-coup operation. Mueller did his job and is now free to live the rest of his life unimpeded by either side in the war.
An undercover asset. Either General Flynn or Admiral Rogers is probably the architect of The Plan which “enlisted” enemy pawns as covert agents. Brilliant Sun Tzu – appear weak while strong.
Side note: I believe the Comey trick interview of Flynn on 1/23/17 (?) was Flynn being “bait”. Comey thought he pulled a fast one but actually he had a fast one pulled on him.


I’d like to see all 6’8 of Comey toppled – taking his delusional ego with him – at least to court trying to defend his treason. He’ll turn in a heartbeat of those above him.


All things are possible…!


White House visitor logs?


Gen. Flynn was charged and bankrupted for less than this. If Mueller lied under oath, he needs to be charged.


Chinpy we learned the past 3 years that charging for lying only applies to supporters of POTUS.
Patience is a virtue I am willing to wait and see…….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I need to spend more time on Parler. “New Gab” and “New Twitter” have been hogging my attention.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For anybody following the “Jessica” Yaniv story, check this out!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Any idea on mom’s nationality? Very curious about that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seems most common among Israelis, but I’m wondering if it can be narrowed down any further.


Yaniv does appear in one of the big Sephardic jewish databases (Les Fleurs de L’orient – family tree of Sephardics, almost 10K surnames). The name also appears in the genealogy database of one jewish scholar.
Approximately 1480 people have this surname; most prevalent in Ukraine, highest density in Ukraine.


Replying to Mandy – then it wouldn’t be Sephardic if it was Ukrainian, it would be Ashkenazi. Unless they intermarried with Ashkenazi because they didn’t have enough of a community to support a synagogue or were forced into the segregated Ashkenazi ghettos. Sephardic tend to keep to their own communities and keep their own rituals/foods/interpretations of law.


… nut job … needs grandma … 😑🤚


Just for folks to know, while the Supreme Court “stayed” the lower Court’s injunction against spending the money while the case itself moves through the legal system, the stay itself was granted because the SC already knows how their ruling is going to go. It has to side with POTUS – whose #1 job is to keep the country safe, and it’s in his purview to control who comes in…
Ristvan addressed this OT
ristvan says:
July 26, 2019 at 8:35 pm
See my comment just posted below. When it gets to the merits, PDJT still wins. And that presumption lurks in the background of the SCOTUS stay.
ristvan says:
July 26, 2019 at 8:25 pm
“Lurking Lawyer here. I have been researching this as fast as possible, and think I can explain the SCOTUS reasoning. Only surprising (not really) thing is only 5-4. Should have been 9-0.
First, this is a ‘only’ a ruling staying the permanent injunction issued by Gillum in his 40 page nonsense 9th circuit ruling. It does not have precedential authority.
Second, the grounds are relatively narrow so do not get to the heart of the matter, as Bryers partial concurrence posted by Sundance shows. Technically SCOTUS ruled that the Sierra Club (as one example plaintiff) DID NOT have standing to sue so the injunction cannot stand, since IIRIRA 1996 §102(c) ( an amendment to the immigration law 8USC§1103 et seq) specifically says the DHS has the power to waive all federal and state environmental laws to construct any border barrier it deems necessary.
Third, were we to ever get to the merits, PDJT wins anyway—just showing how far courts have strayed from crystal clear statutes. At issue is 10USC§284. Treepers can look it up for themselves. Having commented on it before several times, I will just paraphrase:
§284 is titled, “Support for counter drug activity and transnational organized crime”.
§284(2) provides for a request from DHS to DoD (b) for help for (7) construction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of US. Which is exactly what PDJT’s ‘wall’ does.
9th circuit TDS on full display.”
Ristvan is “puzzled” by the lack of 9-0 ruling, but then that’s the way genuine legal minds would think – POTUS is correct on the entire matter. The problem? 4 members of the Supreme Court are so completely outside almost any Constitutional adherence, they can’t help themselves – so they decide in the short-term to put up whatever roadblocks that they’ll have to undo in the final ruling. Kind of like, I’ll make the stand here, for what ultimately I’ll have to accept later. Either that or state I’m not fit for the Court anymore…
Oh, and he has this, which I’m in accord on from a medical viewpoint.
ristvan says:
July 26, 2019 at 8:47 pm
Not a doc, but have personal family experience. Pelosi is evidencing the symptomatic onset of vascular dementia. Is not Alzheimers (maybe Mueller). Is caused by a progression of micro-strokes. Associated with hypertension and high cholesterol. Causes increasingly disjointed speech, and speech-body (here arm and hand gesture) coordination. A mild form of aphasia is always present.


I won’t be able to use the word “purview” ever again without thinking about Mueller. One of the twitter conservatives noted yesterday that what wasn’t in Mueller’s “purview” is in Barr’s. 😂


Don’t forget that Rod Rosentein determined what was in Mueller’s “purview”. He instructed then to continue the counter-intel op that was conducted under Comey. In other words – continue on your merry way with your coup attempt – in other words, a “sting”.


Quite a few puzzle pieces to get in place. Now the move to Nunes – Dems must be going crazy knowing Nunes knows stuff that they don’t know.


Nunes rocks 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Dems must be going crazy knowing Nunes knows stuff that they don’t know.

Or perhaps, some things they DO know…but wish no one else did.




JasonD but what about Mueller’s victims who are by extension also Rosenstein’s victims?
All the people who were made bankrupt that lost their houses ? The people who were smeared and the overreaching conviction of Manafort? Now Roger Stone in dept for millions of $ at his age he never will recover faces 5 years in prison. If this was a sting then it was a reckless sting and leaves a human wreckage behind.
This is communism 101 destroy your opponents no matter who gets ruined.
These people are victims of a sting? God I hope not.!
Weissman and headcheese Mueller need to be held accountable behaving like communist thugs and third world operatives in America a Democratic Republic.The people who were financially harmed need to be made whole again.


The illegal behaviour was ongoing and needed to be dealt with. In war, there are always casualties. POTUS is head of the DOJ – why do you not blame him? Because he would have been impeached!!
POTUS appointed Rod Rosenstein – making him responsible for the Special Counsel. Rod did nothing – so is Weisman’s behaviour Rod’s fault? This was a damnable situation to be in, and a “sting” was the only way to collect evidence against the guilty without tipping off the “swamp” what was going on. Don’t forget how nervous we were in the early days whether POTUS was going to survive politically …
I do not KNOW that Mueller was playing a role in a “sting” – that is my working hypothesis and none of the evidence that I have seen has dissuaded me from that position. Most here now accept that Rod was a White Hat, even Wolf. That kinda makes a “sting” unavoidable. We are simply arguing over details – who else was “in on it” …
I agree that any innocent person who was financially harmed by this process should be compensated – we shall have to wait and see. Much is still to be revealed.


LOL. Two hours ago, I intended to bring this tweet over, then noted that FLEP had it covered in his UPdate. Still, worth sharing here: Fireworks coming?

Concerned Virginian

AND notice that POTUS is releasing the documents through AG Barr to Rep. NUNES, not to the Chairman of that House committee, Pencil-Neck SCHIFF!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hilarious! And I will bet that they have legal backing to NOT give them to Pencil-Neck because he’s IN THE DOCUMENTS AS A CRIMINAL!!!

Sylvia Avery

LUV HOW YOU think Wolfie!!!!!!!!!!!1


Sabo is back, but I’m not sure how many people in L.A. appreciate his talent.
Tarantino Billboards Hijacked in L.A. to Slam Epstein, Polanski and “Pedowood”
Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio no longer appear on several ads Hollywood for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, as a conservative street artist has swapped their images with those of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and film director Roman Polanski.


Lordy you guys have a prurient interest in sex. As a heathen, I practice my ancestral religion, which was so integral to life that our ancestors didn’t even have a name for it other than our way. I can assure you we don’t sacrifice children – we adore our children and are as upset about sex trafficking as you are, probably more so, because it gives Christians license to paint our ancestral ways in a light that confounds Satanism – which is in fact a branch of Christianity – with indigenous spirituality. We don’t engage in orgies, anal sex is *not* a thing – it doesn’t result in children, for one, and second is entirely too ergi for our communities as a whole – and family is a thing on which we place a very high value.
It might interest you to know that all of the Christian holidays were originally indigenous holidays. It might also interest you to know that the concept of a Christian warrior is actually a syncretization of pre-Christian ethos with Christian. Europe was nearly lost prior to the Crusades because of the pacificism that Christianity imposed, which allowed Islam to invade and nearly succeed. Hence the resurrection of the warrior, only in the capacity of doing God’s fighting for him.


He doesn’t understand NYC? He built it you moron!


Yep. She has a lot of these MAGA hat photos in her feed.
Likes her too. 🙂


Exposed: A desperate attempt to take out our President. This thread is just unbelievable.

7/26/2019 Thread: (1) Topic ~“US Army Takes Over Pentagon After US Navy Smuggles ISIS Snipers Into America To Kill Trump”Admiral set to become Navy's top officer retires over inappropriate professional relationship— Montana 🕊Agent Applebutt (@_Montana_Bound_) July 26, 2019




Thanks, I intended to post the thread but I’m having a heck of a time with the new twatter format.




Has this been vetted is it real? Somehow does not sound real to me. Navy could not be that corrupt ?


Absolutely it could. Bush started weakening it, Obama got rid of anyone who was actually a Patriot.

Sylvia Avery

Remember when a year or so ago five admirals had to resign? There is a lot of corruption in the Navy. Still, breaks my heart to think this could be true…..


The thread called that Navy suicide a SEAL. That is not what says. They said he was a canteen attendant. IOW, a 7-11 clerk.
I ain’t buying it.



Even 0.03% looks high, as we are considering straws…in oceans. Not straws in land fills… Perhaps the meant America plastic in oceans 0.03%. Dunno.
The rest of it makes sense.

Sylvia Avery

Every time this subject comes up my BP rises……..


Verse of the Day

“Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.”
Micah 7:7 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Blessings in the Bin! Please Help – Thanks!!!


Thanks, wheatie – God Bless You!


Me, either – happened at Marica’s Place, too – Syl retrieved it there – sometimes – it goes through without a hitch; other times, it gets stuck – if I try to post it again – I get told it was already posted – go figure!
Oh, well – so glad you girls are on top of things!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children…Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You…Run to Himcomment image


… well .. sigh 😖 … if “JESSICA” is neutered and chemically castrated …. 🤨 …. fine … otherwise take a hike …


… nuts … (pardon the pun) I forgot …. fingers/toes and .. 😖 .. tongue …


No. Needs to be locked up as a dangerous mental case.


Yup, I agree 😉👍 .. ❤️


Feinstein is someone I’d like to see go down. Despicable. Unfortunately, they all live in that D.C. mindset bubble of it’s just politics and smearing, taking out your political opponents is “acceptable.”
It isn’t. The extremes of this behavior has damaged the country.
In reality, they’re the enemies within – the kind we don’t fight with swords and cannons as in the days of old, but the likes of Feinstein, Schiff, Schumer et al are just as lethal, only they’ve been able to hide most of the bodies so we don’t see mountains of dead in one glance.


Hoping ChiDiFi and her hubby get swept up in the pedo stuff and / or Gang of eight criminal behavior in the attempted coup.


That makes the victory so much sweeter. 🙂


At some point the D-Rats will realize they have nothing positive to show voters since January 2017.
President Trump has hundreds of wins, many stunningly successful.
Quite surprised we have not seen some moderate D-Rats shift to Republican.

Concerned Virginian

ARCHIVE the list before it’s scrubbed off the internet.
Why are Ivana Trump’s and Ivanka Trump’s names on the list?


On it.


I do think he put targets as well into that book.


Because they’re liberal socialites? They travelled in the same circles? Q said the cabal has dirt on his kids they were trying to blackmail/threaten him with.


They’re wealthy and connected. Any of Epstein’s or Maxwell’s escapades and orgs that they’re associated with have a legitimate side that’s presented to the public. I don’t think that every member of every ‘save the kids’ type operation is aware of the darker side.


Because it’s just an address book, not a list of “customers.” Would include “prospects” as well.
Same mistake people make about photos with Maxwell/Epstein/etc. These people try to get photos with those they are “prospecting” as it will be useful for smearing them later.


I’ve long believed that POTUS mentions nothing that he doesn’t already know the answer/information.

Deplorable Patriot

I think you are absolutely right on that.


I’m beginning to think that The Plan included letting the D’s get the majority in ‘18.
Trump is a master at letting his opponents slit their own throats. Now that the Mueller show is over, the real fun is just beginning for POTUS.
I for one am enjoying this show and can’t wait to see what the month of August brings when the Congress Criminals are on their summer break.


And D-Rats are further away from a fawning MCM to manipulate the narrative.
Yea, August is looking like non stop, Breaking News…


I love that POTUS is finally free to be out in the open with what he knows, what he expects out of his DOJ, etc. etc.


I wanted to share a few comments about an interesting week in our house. We’ve been hosting two young men playing in a prestigious amateur golf tournament. Being with them has given us hope for our nation’s future!
In addition to walking 8 1/2 miles every day, up and down hills in summer heat, carrying their own bags (about 40 lb) for the past 4 days…they have returned here to spend the evening doing homework and participating in online evening classes. One, who was just named Academic All-American scholar while he was here, gets his Masters in another week. He is currently leading the tournament by 3 shots going into the final round today.
The other just returned from a student athletes goodwill trip to Africa…still dealing with jet lag.
One has 2 older brothers, graduates of the Naval Academy, currently serving as Navy pilots, one flying the latest Navy aircraft.
I’ve prepared dinner every night and we’ve had good conversations and they’ve both made time and effort to watch a few innings of baseball with hubby before settling in for a night of school work.
Polite, focused , goal oriented, patriotic and very appreciative of the home environment we offered them. Believe it or not, the team travel/hotel/ eating out life wears thin very quickly. I suspect, although never hinted, they felt like they were at Grandparents’ house and it was heartwarming to see how quickly they became comfortable. One, from the Midwest, tasted his first crab cakes last night and neither had white corn on the cob until last night.
We do not have children and our contacts are fairly limited, but we do host high school boys each spring (also golf) and these older players. Perhaps it’s the type of sport and the type of individual that is drawn to compete in it, but each time they leave with shy hugs, little gifts and always sincere thanks…we look at each other and say..”We’re going to be okay.”
Now i’m off to the course to cheer our guy on to victory…his last competition as an amateur before going to PGA Qualifying School in his path to becoming a touring golf pro. You know what…of all the golfers we’ve had over the past decade …I think he’ll make it!


Thanks for that story! You are Very Cool Teagan and Mr. Teagan!!!




Perhaps a fault of mine, but perhaps not, I’ve always looked askance at the situation of someone choosing a pet (e.g., snakes) that eats live mammals or even one (e.g., tarantulas) that eats live insects.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even the people who keep such animals are a bit incredulous and “looking askance” when they find each other. As a kid who collected “critters”, I can assure you of that!
But to put things into perspective (one which keeping “odd” pets offers), mankind’s top two pet species are apex predators in their size categories. The only thing we have done is let them into our carnicultural predation stream, so that they don’t have to hunt, and get processed meat from animals which they would otherwise not have access to – animals in a more privileged pyramid. One can even see WHY one end of the bell curve of these two species made the evolutionary trade-off of domestication and social integration with a “master predator”, one which doesn’t really need them, but can use them as guardians and assistants against scavengers first, and companions most of all. Oddly, I think we see ourselves in them.
Nature is well-designed. The little lions laid down with baby lambs, chicks, rabbits and ducklings because they submitted to the designs of a higher intelligence. One can see the pattern emerging.


The reason they looked askance at you was because you had a wolf as a house pet. You’ll have to agree – that’s fairly weird.


I apologize if this has been discussed already, and I have no idea how reliable this story is. But is seems plausible. Does anyone have a take on this regarding a rather sweeping threat to VSG?

Deplorable Patriot

From what I understand, there is an Army vs. Navy (including Marines as they are a division of the Navy, officially) tension in the Pentagon. It was rather jarring to see two stories of Marines and SEALs being sent home and/or arrested this week as we are a Navy-Marine family.
What makes me suspicious about this account is that Q claims that the military was the last remaining part of government that was pro-American. Now, does that mean that military people are not going to succumb to temptation? No, but something doesn’t quite work in that scenario as described.


For DP below post, plenty of Inter and Intra Service rivalries. Most all of it quite healthy.
Units getting recalled, not unheard of. Servicemen getting arrested for stoopid quick money schemes (marriage, drugs, sell weapons…), not unheard of.
The stuff regarding Navy SEAL(s) smuggling ISIS sniper into US to assassinate President Trump, over the top. But it is clicks, $$$… Me thinks. Not buying it.


Hmm, that’s the same story Takebackourrepublic linked to from a twitter account, Montana 🕊Agent Applebutt. The whatdoesitmean site above. I became leery of whatdoes…. site quite a while back ago, and don’t remember why now. So is it a valid story or are the 2 accounts linked? I just went and looked at the site, and I think it’s a Russian run site, which could be very interesting in the way the story is presented.


My editing job sucks! “The whatdoesitmean site” needs to be deleted! I’m referring to an above post

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorcha Faal is notorious Russian disinformation, which has for years been dropped into the American “racial right” / Euro-ethnic / pagan / neo-Nazi / Jooz-did-it / super-conspiracy sector. The stuff is just fantastic enough and the key components are always just hidden enough behind Kremlin walls, that it cannot be verified, and has to be accepted on faith.
They’re GREAT stories, but I don’t pollute my mind with them. Key parts may be true – they’re a fantastic weave of reality and hidden fiction, used to separate the right wing from any and all American authority.


OK, was unfamiliar with this site/info. TY!


Yes! I played the good Samaritan..
So there I was in Food Lion..
A YUGE Woman, No habla English type..
With a gaggle of Kids..
In the check-out line, with a HUGE Amount of Groceries..
Her Food Bill came up to around 150.00..
She Whipped out Her EBT Card ..
It was Declined …
Ya’ll know already KNOW, what I did..
GOD is going to truly Bless Me one day..
It was Quite a bit O’ groceries, Though I did the Right thing ..
I Helped Her to..
Put Every Item Back ..
Enjoy your Saturday guys..


“Africa’s booming cities face a severe toilet crisis
MAKINDYE-LUKULI, Uganda (AP) — The darkening clouds are ominous for many in this urban neighborhood, promising rushing rainwaters stinking of human waste from overflowing septic tanks.” …
“One of the fastest-growing cities in the world, Kampala is home to at least 1.5 million people but authorities say over 3 million pass through daily, usually for work. Yet there are fewer than 800 pay toilets and only 14 free ones, many of them dilapidated with walls often smeared with feces.” …
“Outbreaks of cholera and other water-borne diseases are common.” …
more at the link:


It seems as long as I’ve been alive Africa has been a backward nation begging for help.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Plain Jane

Liking this read by Nolte.
Nolte: Robert Mueller Isn’t Senile; He Was a Dirty Cop Forced to Take the Witness Stand”


Article reveals previous crimes resulted in VERY LIGHT sentences…. imho of course



Yes! His era of using the fact that he was a “civil rights” leader to shut down criticism is over. The proof is in the pudding. He is a fraud!


Great find, Phoenix!
You go, Mr. President!
REVIEW @realDonaldTrump followers:
62,360,364 – 12:18 pm – 7/27/19
62,114,817 – 8:57 am – 7/20/19 – 1 week ago
61,412,833 – 4:43 am – 6/27/19 – 1 month ago
53,328,908 – 7:55 am – 7/27/18 – 1 year ago
34,647,788 – 9 am – 7/27/17 – 2 years ago
25,255,868 – 6:30 am 2/20 – 1 month post-inauguration
23,831,531 – 2/5/17 – 2 weeks post-inauguration
20,010,101 – 1/16 – just before inauguration
13,879,514 – 2 pm 11/9 – 12 hours later
13,310,715- 2 am 11/9 – post election announcement
13,286,647 – 1:36 am 11/9 – just before election announcement!
11,746,838 – Monday midnight after Presidential debate 10/3/16
5.95 million – on the eve of the Iowa Caucus


“French ‘Flyboard’ Inventor Crashes Into English Channel During Record Attempt
This week a French inventor known for earlier impressing French President Emmanuel Macron — when his ‘Flyboard Air vehicle’, a fast and highly maneuverable jet-powered hoverboard, was successfully tested at a military ceremony marking Bastille Day — attempted to fly across the English channel on his high tech device.
Franky Zapata made the attempt Thursday, taking off via his jet-pack at around 9am local time from Sangatte in France, with a goal to complete the 22-mile journey in 20 minutes; however, he plunged into the sea, ending the short flight, when he tried to land on a platform set up at the midway point for necessary refueling.”
more at link:


Chill has a THREAD …………….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


JW in Germany

They cannot help themselves! Their symbolism will be their downfall!
They have to rub it in our faces—and exactly THAT will help bring them down! IT’S THE CONNECTION!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

JW in Germany

Amazing how blunt they are—ARROGANT they are! Q is right—THEIR SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL!
They are so arrogant that they give themselves away at every turn!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember that both Solomon and Sara Carter were under SURVEILLANCE by the leftists through abuse of government operations? And that has now ended?

Rodney Short

Oh shit, Devin Nunes just got Qd and Wolfie your the second comment.
You da boss Wolf, howl a lil louder this Qtree needs to make some noise.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sue Mcdonald

Just sitting here in my comfy chair thinking and had a thought wander through that had me chuckling ,just as in the days of the pharaohs when the last one died all memory was scrubbed from temples,monuments ect…I could hear POTUS saying So let it be written ,so let it be done, as he’s standing outside that hideous thing known as the zeros monument to his self with a giant wrecking ball, beginning the great purge of all things nothing remains of his in our country.that would be sweet!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think this guy is going to get “Cromwelled”. Not a true President.

Sue Mcdonald

And after that it will be as if he never existed .he deserves no less then that. Along with the justice that is patiently stalking him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Quite interesting, Wolf.
I just went back to the unfortunate exchange from two weeks ago, and was surprised – and disappointed! – at the STEALTH EDIT of the relevant posts between me and the other person.
“Obama is part of FAKE HISTORY.”
So are you, now.
Congrats! You sacrificed truth for expedience (why?). Kudos for passing your initiation to ascend into the Liar’s Club. It’s a big club … and now you’re in it!
Without a doubt, I don’t belong here.
I won’t be posting any other comments on this site – and, I’ll wager, you’ll delete THIS post of mine as well, likely before it even appears. As you know, I’m perfectly capable – and well-motivated, in this instance, as before, OT – of self-banning. Such is the case here.
I’ve saved and archived offline – as Q said to do – all of my posts. As all should do, IMO.
NEVER leave a soldier on the battlefield. But you did.
As Q said – “Be careful who[m] you follow.”
Thanks to all the patriots here.
Over … and ***OUT***.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your conclusion-jumping hysteria is just getting you into trouble.
Try to figure out the ONE ASSUMPTION that you got 100% wrong, that makes this not just meaningless, but more than a tad embarrassing.
Come on….
Think about it….
Not that hard….
LOL! 🙄
Now, think about the implications of THAT error.
PS – I only know what you’re talking about because I discovered it before YOU did.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

just as in the days of the pharaohs when the last one died all memory was scrubbed from temples,monuments

Not sure if you realize this, but they only did that to prior pharoahs they disapproved of, chipping their names off of carved king lists.
But there’s certainly plenty of history of people becoming unpersons; it wasn’t just the Egyptians, by any means. Monarchies often found it necessary to “forget” people.
The Romans had it too: Damnatio memoriae.
(The article even discusses Pharoah Hatshepsut using it–though if you follow that link, it was used ON her, not BY her.)

Sue Mcdonald

I do realize that,not enough coffeeyet! Soviets did it also. I try to keep typing at a min. Dislike typing 😁


Interesting tidbit: the reason many statues have the noses chipped off is that this would prevent them from breathing. Killing the essence of the person by smothering them.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I guess ancient Egypt had no mouth breathers. 😀


Off duty LAPD officer killed last night by gangbangers.
“An off-duty Los Angeles Police Department officer out with his girlfriend at a Lincoln Heights taco stand was found fatally shot early Saturday morning, police and a law enforcement source said.
The officer was one of two people found with gunshot wounds by an LAPD motorcycle officer who was flagged down by a witness about 1 a.m. at Avenue 26 and Humboldt Street.
According to the law enforcement source, the young officer was off duty with his girlfriend and her two brothers eating at the taco stand when a group of young men approached them and began making threats.
One of the men then lifted his shirt to display a handgun. The officer, his girlfriend and her brothers then tried to get in their car and drive away to avoid a violent confrontation, the source said.
As they got into the car, the gunman opened fire, fatally wounding the officer and injuring one of the girlfriend’s brothers, said the source.
The gunman, during the confrontation, claimed allegiance to a gang and said the group was in its territory, said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
The source added that the gunman said he was a member of the Avenues gang.
LAPD Assistant Chief Beatrice Girmala said the second victim was taken to a hospital for treatment.”
If I were the family, I woukdnt allow op en birder Garcetti or any city leaders at the funeral. But, then again a public shaming at the funeral would be well deserved.
The poor migrants looking for a better life:
“The Avenues have a long history of involvement with the Mexican Mafia. Gang members are secretive and their code of silence is taken seriously and violations have lethal consequences. Respect and loyalty are considered to be very important. They challenge anyone and enforce the borders of their territory with deadly accuracy. Avenues gang members tattoos are known by a skull with a fedora and a bullet hole in the skull, or the letters LA, AVES, A’s and Avenidas. The Avenues are one of LA’s most violent gangs. President Bill Clinton spoke out against them in 1995.”


comment image
will someone post the recent Q drops ????????????


New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 12:21:30 PM
New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 12:01:48 PM📁
One or both of his parents fluent in Russian?
Is Russian a common language to learn?
Farms develop necessary (unique) skill-sets in order to produce results.
Stay awake.


Thanks LM……………… I don’t know how, so will leave in your good hands 😉
Julian’s Rum tweeted the second drop, so I posted below.




Phoenix,I am so sorry. I cannot get the newest to copy. I think because it is a screenshot.
Someone else able?




I honestly wonder if in order to bring the movement together the President is not going to decide to publicly declare his support of Q.
He has done everything but wear a giant Q on his hat, and even if he did so I am convinced that Dome of his entrenched antiQ supporters would be wondering out loud about who among his handlers put that letter on our “unsuspecting, clueless, dottering” President. (Quotes are S/ but implication on what one would have to believe to think such a thing is not.)
I am so grateful for the uplifting encouragement and mind boggling information that has been uncovered through Q. There is a sense of excitement and joy in the whole thing that keeps me engaged and is perfectly captured by Phoenix’s little girl announcer…..even when the information is grim because we have to know and have the reassurance that something will be done about it if our side prevails.
What a genius way of bypassing the fake news!


I agree with all that you said about Q except if/when PDJT declared support of it wouldn’t it open him up to accusations of running a clandestine faction, accused of sharing govt info? I could see it taking a very difficult turn .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mafiosa Pelosi has been trying to stop it behind the scenes – I find that very interesting.


I can see how dedicated Patriots would scare her. Funny that she won’t bring it to podium and gather the monkeys to howl in unison…she knows they know it all. Good vs evil


Yes. I am sure that they are trying to destroy it.
Attacking it in the open would bring more attention to it and greater light. In fact, I as wondering how many human trolls they have lost to our side by just having them read to and respond to our posts.


No that there is one brilliant thought LM.


First word of my above comment was supposed to be Now, not no.


They will accuse him fo stuff anyway.
He is a genius..lI think that he could get around it.
I think all he would have to do reference it some way in which he said something like “Somebody asked me about a site called Q and, whoever Q, is I have to say that a lot of thing things they say make a lot of sense, unlike the very fake news CNN etc. Now i’ll take a closer look at it when I get a break from saving humanity and then I’ll warn the people about any fake news I can find. I like to make sure that the American people are in tip tip tippy top shape as far as access to the truth goes. So…we’ll take look at It and see what happens.”




Q, as is, is a force for goodness. Me thinks.
Imagine all of the searching, verification that is being done by thousands of folks. Posting Publicly. Spreading the word….WWG!WGA;-)
AND, imagine all of the new information, revelations posted by good guys.
Stealth Q, and followers amplify Qs thoughts…amplify MAGA…


Imagine the lefties going crazy because no matter how they dismiss Q, it has become something they have to pay attention to. “Q” is so big, and it’s influence vast, and the dissemination of information so broad – no way are they ignoring it internally.
Heartburn for them at the minimum.


there are a couple of new Q drops but I cannot seem to copy anymore…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll see if I can get them over here. Hang on!


Thank you❣️❣️❣️


Btw, (see Q drops about Fuddy plane crash)
I have always been suspicious about Tom Clancy’s death also.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 12:01:48 PM
One or both of his parents fluent in Russian?
Is Russian a common language to learn?
Farms develop necessary (unique) skill-sets in order to produce results.
Stay awake.
New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 12:21:30 PMcomment image
New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 12:30:17 PMcomment image
New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 12:40:14 PM
27 Jul 2019 – 12:37:11 PMcomment imagecomment image
New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 12:46:55 PM
New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 12:40:14 PM
Ask yourself a very simple Q –
How did someone die from this type of accident?
Severity of impact?
Do you believe in coincidences?
New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 12:49:22 PMcomment image


Oh my goodness. I had no idea who Loretta Fuddy was but those photo’s they posted in that thread wow.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

yeah, the frogman in the middle of nowhere is weird as hell.


I looked at the photo’s because the video was just to fast and jumpy but makes you wonder if the pilot was in on it. A frogman out of nowhere?
And looked up that this was an annual flight?
Now it makes me wonder more about the plane crash of TWA flight 800 (Good book by Jack Cashill FYI) I’m side eying everything.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Q said as much. TARGETED transportation is real and way worse than people think. The dark side is COLD, if they can get away with it. What matters is if they can get away with it. That is ALL.


Thanks for that wolf. I think I need to go reread Q from the start.


Just remember, Lil Rocket Man would not fly to the summit with DJT. Took a three day train ride through China instead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I will bet that he himself has availed himself of the possibilities of getting rid of problems in ways that his pappy and grandpappy probably did, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pilot in on it or brought down by a predictable method.


Way to many plane ‘crashes’ with people connected to a certain someone…
Hope we can stop these people. But I feel like Trump is the only one who can get it done.


Dang wheatie!!!!! If I was related to any of these people I’d run like the wind!!! Thank GOD I’m not but still.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Red Cross & 9-11
5 Dec 2017 – 12:09:40 AM
RED RED 9/11.
Funds raised vs distributed?
7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.
Those in the know never sleep.
Most interpret 7/10 as a date, but not me. I think it’s a ratio. After studying the EARLY “Clinton Body Count” list, I was shocked by how many of the people were NOBODIES who died in small plane and helicopter crashes – very frequently before talking to investigators or testifying in court. When Ron Brown happened, I was sure it was targeted. He could have prevented a second Clinton term. That was too great a risk.


Wow… and yes when I saw 7/10 I read it as 7 out of 10 not a date FYI. Dang I’m going to have to rethink a # of these things.
This reminds me of the Air France Flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro. One had articles and photo’s and suddenly poof they were gone… The tech magazines kept saying accident but I always side eyed that one.


I’d sure like to know who the hell Barry Sanders is. I think @Beerattheparade had a few too many beers.


This is rather lengthy, so I hope all of it posts. But it’s also very good, IMO. A buddy of mine sent it to me, so I wanted to share with everyone here…..
Civil War: How do civil wars happen?
~ By Dr. Jack Devere Minzey
Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge. That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.
The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn’t really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There’s a pattern here.
What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don’t accept the results of any election that they don’t win. It means they don’t believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections. That’s a civil war.
There’s no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government.
This isn’t dissent. It’s not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they’re the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don’t win, what you want is a dictatorship.
Your very own dictatorship.
The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it’s inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can’t scratch his own back without his say so, that’s the civil war.
Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that’s not the system that runs this country. The Democrat’s system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country.
If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. He can use the IRS as his own police force and imprison citizens who speak against him. He can provide guns and money (Fast and Furious) (Iran nuclear deal) to other countries to support his own agenda, and watch while one of America’s Ambassador’s is dragged through the streets and murdered doing nothing to aid our citizens. His power is unlimited. He’s a dictator. But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can’t do anything. He isn’t even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has ‘discretion’ to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn’t even have the ‘discretion’ to reverse him. That’s how the game is played. That’s how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn’t yet won that particular fight.
When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren’t even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws. Under Obama, a state wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries. The Constitution has something to say about that. Whether it’s Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship
Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can’t serve in if you’re not a member. If you haven’t been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren’t in the club. And Trump isn’t in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren’t in the club with him.
Now we’re seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down.
That’s not a free country.
It’s not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an ‘insurance policy’ against Trump winning the election. It’s not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It’s not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It’s not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn’t supposed to win did.
Have no doubt, we’re in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist Democrat professional government.
Well now Pilgrims and Patriots, having read the above, I suggest two things: forward this very timely, very important analysis to those whom you believe think like you do and make sure you vote on every Election day!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 359e76 No.7215917 📁
Jul 27 2019 12:36:07 (EST)
EAf62hmWwAEIO_n.jpg ⬇
a45c1baf6d9fdca2eb8c892ba6154f26d6e3b0531391bc4a15748e48c09b3a0c.jpg ⬇
Enemy of the People.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Notice the fact that the image names have a character after .jpg that keeps them from showing up if it remains on the line. Also note that the website address in front of the filename doesn’t copy.
To get the pics to show up, just do this:
(1) copy and paste the whole drop
(2) right click on the first image in QMAP and copy image address
(3) triple-click image filename in the pasted drop to include whole filename plus extra character
(4) paste over the name + character with the full address (this removes the following blank line)
(5) add back a line return to clean up the formatting
(6) repeat for each image
(7) for URLs and especially tweets, be sure to remove the extra folder character at the end
This will make the drops show everything!


That may be above my paygrade!😛

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! You can do it! Watch me clean up one with a tweet below!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 1:36:07 PMcomment imagecomment image
Enemy of the People.


Been a while since we had Q posts on a weekend….hmmmm

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! Things are heating up. REALITY is setting in for the Demmunists. Mueller blockade was neutralized LONG AGO and the fake news just pretended it didn’t happen.


Devin is trolling!!! Loving it!!!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 359e76 No.7216170 📁
Jul 27 2019 12:51:46 (EST)📁
Farms produce ………

Deplorable Patriot

This reminded me that the local crop is producing.


Or time to pop the corn

Deplorable Patriot

Mmm. No, boiled three minutes and then buttered. I usually cut mine off the cob.




My great uncle over in Alabama would boil his in half milk and half water. Unbelievably good!! Just sayin’ … Daughn, you fellin’ me? 😉


Is Devin Nunes on the Q team? interesting..


I love great American corn on the cob! Thanks Devin!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m of the belief he was recruited somewhere along the way.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just remove the folder character at the end:
New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 1:51:46 PM📁
Farms produce ………
and this is the result (I usually add a couple of line returns for clarity)….
New: Title TBD
27 Jul 2019 – 1:51:46 PM

Farms produce ………

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


We’ve certainly got a lot of pop corn available here in NE. The trucks come rolling past my house filled with pop corn ready to ship out via rail cars.
About one of the only negatives about my property is the train tracks just behind the house across the street from me. Had to take some hanging plates off my wall because they were vibrating. However, I’ve gotten used to it after 6 years – 7 AM run on Sunday mornings doesn’t even wake me up any more. LOL


Absolutely love the sound of trains…the raw power;-) AND,a thriving economy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s the restored/rebuilt Union Pacific Big Boy, 4014, traveling through Minnesota and thereabouts on its extended Transcontinental Railroad Anniversary Tour and celebration. This is actually from this week (there’s TONS of vids out there, including one where a fellow followed it with a drone back in May, right after it took its first run after having been restored)…

And one with a steam double-header from Cheyenne to Rawlins, Wyoming, back in May

(they were still breaking 4014 in, so it’s not working that hard)… The 4-8-8-4 Big Boy is 130 feet long, WITHOUT the tender(s)! I have the Trix/Märklin H0 model, and even at 1:87, it weighs more than five pounds and is about two feet long (with tender)…


🙂 Thanks.


Both videos very cool!


OMG! We did a 5 hr round trip just to see the Big Boy 4014 return to Cheyenne, WY on it’s inaugural run.
5 hrs. For 90 thrilling seconds. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat. It’s a magnificent machine.

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be kind of funny to aim one of those “directed energy beams” (maser or microwave) at the trailer full of popcorn, and pop it on the way by. Bet the folks at the receiving dock will be surprised 🙂


Oh, my – that made me LOL for sure! I certainly wouldn’t mind if the trucks stopped destroying my street. Gravel road and a cut-through from the paved county road instead of going 2 blocks further north to paved highway 20. They grade and grade and grade my road, then next thing you know, it is a washboard again, thanks to the trucks. And the dust!!!! SMH


Gonna try this…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 359e76 No.7216170
Jul 27 2019 12:51:46 (EST)

Farms produce ………


You DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You got it!!!


Good teacher😁


New one…trying wolfie’s instructions
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 359e76 No.7216378
Jul 27 2019 13:01:26 (EST)


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



TY Volgarian8301, that was a great video then and is relative today too. Feels good to water these old eyes 😉


Please forgive me, but anyone here, scrolling past this post –and this video– needs to STOP, *Right NOW*. and invest the shot time needed to watch –and internalize– this video.
God Bless ….


That’s”: short.




I’m puzzled by Q3514. I think the video is fake. Is Q telling us Hussein really is from Kenya, or is Q just focusing on the nefarious background of Hussein, whatever it might be? Because, again, I don’t believe that video is real and therefore I don’t believe Q could be telling us to take it as real. Enlightening thoughts are welcome!
One or both of his parents fluent in Russian?
Is Russian a common language to learn?
Farms develop necessary (unique) skill-sets in order to produce results.
Stay awake.


An anon posted a long post split which is split into 2 parts. The video is faked and he talks about that as well as to why. Very interesting theory.


Thank you!




I think Q linked to this video to train annos to recognise, when a Deep Fake video is a fake.
I am sure the DEEP STATE is busy making these videos and when they are published, let the MSM come and debunk them. So when the real videos surfaces they can say its fake and everyone will believe them.


Sorry Anons not annos.


Farms? Isn’t there something in the SeeEyeA called ‘the farm’?
Geez I’m terrible at being a Qewpie 🧐


When is that 2000 page document…all the island names…supposed to drop?


I know Nunes knows just about everything, and am wondering if he is part of the Q team or at least a Q insider. The cryptic communication in the corn post is what we would expect from Q, not a Congressional Representative.


TT…That’s why I asked…Is it possible? Of course…We may never find out either…


Not the original Q team…But newly minted per say (HT shadow!) Like POTUS caught him up to speed and he said…”Can I play too?” LOL


Could be. Nunes has been solid from the beginning.


Except that this Congressman is a farmer…………………….
and corn is harvested in South Carolina (my area) beginning about mid August on…..
California corn ? Don’t know for sure but I would suggest it is harvested about same time, perhaps earlier, as it is probably planted later here.
Now, wouldn’t it be something if the “harvest” (from Nunes) was distributed sometime in August, while the DIMs are away on their vacay?


Yahoo (I know 🙄) has a piece about Barr releasing the declass stuff to Nunes under the title ” He Has It All” ….🤔




i watched the video from the last Q drop (wwg1wga) and believe it defines the President and Q.
Moving and beautiful
Leaving but will check in later.


“Media BLACKOUT: If Senate Bill 1273 Passes You Could Be Fined $15,000 for Sharing Memes on Social Media
On July 18, 2019, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed S. 1273, the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2019 (CASE Act), legislation that will provide U.S. creators with a viable means for defending their copyrighted works through the creation of a small claims tribunal within the U.S. Copyright Office.
The bill was co-sponsored in the Senate by Sens. John Kennedy (R-LA), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Mazie Hirono (D-HI). Original House co-sponsors include: HJC Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and HJC IP Subcommittee Chairman Hank Johnson (D-GA), as well as Martha Roby (R-AL), Judy Chu (D-CA), Ben Cline (R-VA), Ted Lieu (D-CA), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA).”
more at the link:


Danger at the doors 24/7 Mandy.
Wonder what our VSG is doing to address this threat?
Let’s pray! image


2 Kings 6:16-17
16 So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.


Okay, now for something different. I’ve seen a beast like this in our driveway……


Lol…in my sand driveway in South Carolina for about a week there was scat mounds with deep scratch marks..It was bobcat I’m certain but my neighbors acted like I told them a UFO landed there…they still love to tease me…I still believe and have the pictures


A couple of years ago, we were coming home and kind of “kitty cross” from our place was a momma with 2 kits, and we and another car stopped to watch them for a bit. We have lots of bunnies for them and the coyotes to eat.


We’ve stayed a few nights at the Neskowin Creek RV Resort on the Oregon Coast and there are many wild rabbits in and around the campground. People give their kids carrots and other vegetables to feed them so they have proliferated. But there are also several fat bobcats who live in the woods next to the campground. Campers there are advised to never leave their small dogs tied up outside for any length of time as they could become a meal for the bobcats. They do catch a lot of rabbits however. It’s not uncommon to find little piles of rabbit fur in the open areas.


Every once in a while we see bunny fur out in the yard. The last 2 years and this year, there’s been lots of bunnies. In the spring they’re fairly brazen. Towards fall, there’s not as many and they’re a lot warier.

Deplorable Patriot

I live in a major metropolitan area, about a mile from the city, and we have a rabbit problem. They’re everywhere, and been for over 20 years. This summer, chipmunks. Raccoons have moved into the crown jewel of the city parks, as have skunks. West county is overrun with deer to the point that in the fall, the municipalities get together and hire deer hunters to thin the herd with the meat butchered by local operations and given to the food banks. I actually saw a coyote on one of the highways downtown.
And now we have raptors all over. Who says you have to live in a rural area to live with nature?


OMG I love it.


…AND Another POTUS tweet!!

Deplorable Patriot

Well, Good Lord, Q. And here I was wasting time at the pool sitting in the sun scandalizing the sunscreen mavens while reading a book. Oops.


Was it at least a good book?

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a bit drawn out. A lot of romance authors throw in murder, mystery, and that sort of thing to ratchet the tension.

Sylvia Avery

And I had such high hopes for him, too…….sigh……


Me too. I hate these stealth RINOs.

Sylvia Avery


Sadie Slays

I knew that man was a snake when he appeared on SNL.


You know, you are right. I just thought he was ballsy enough to take it to them, but now I see he is just part of the UniParty.

Sadie Slays

The bottom line is that they don’t put you on SNL if they consider you a threat to their agenda.

Deplorable Patriot

Anyone know what’s going on at VOAT? i got a landing screen claiming goat exhaustion and talking about somebody trying to take the QRV board down?


They’ve had a bunch of DDOS attacks today. They’ve been up and down all day.

Sadie Slays

Someone is DDoSing a very specific VOAT thread about connections between Epstein and the Vatican. Here’s an archive link to the thread:
EPSTEIN, Nicole Junkermann, the Red Cross and the VATICAN connections
News report about the DDoS attack:

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie…..another fab tree and post! TY. Sorry I can’t be around more, but I am doing my best to keep up.
XOXO Sylvia

Sylvia Avery

Smuchas! I miss everyone here, especially you my friend.


Sylvia, I was thinking about you earlier today, and how much we miss you in the threads. Everyone is uniquely suited to Wolfie’s Den and I miss whoever doesn’t show up after a few days. Don’t worry, Wheatie is keepin’ the light on for you!
I hope you are taking care of yourself as you raise Patrick’s …uh…spirits. Please send him our love 💖

Sylvia Avery

LOL……….I’m definitely keeping Patrick’s spirits raised!
I’m laughing as I say that, but it honestly helps him by distracting from the pain and heavy thoughts and loneliness of having to live apart from his home and family.
Ours has been a unique friendship from the beginning way back during the campaign. We laugh A LOT, and I know that helps.
I also pray a lot. Currently doing a fast and prayer, not just for Patrick but for some of our other friends over there.
But I wish I had more time to spend here. I miss you guys like CRAZY….and love checking in even if I don’t usually take time to post. You are all in my heart.
Thanks for saying hi, Allison! <3 <3 <3

Sylvia Avery

Mine, too, Wheatie.
And he NEVER complains…even when you know its bad…..he’s just the same courteous, chivalrous, charming, kind, and funny guy.


You’re a good friend, Sylvia – we should all have someone in our life who is walking the walk with us in the most difficult times.
You ARE missed here, but what you’re doing is so much more important.
Sending my best calming energy to you and Patrick. Hugs ~

Sylvia Avery

Thank you Katie. It’s an honor to do it. Patrick is a patriot, and a hero. He’s also a dear friend and I count it a blessing that I can spend time with him. I will definitely pass on your message. TY!

Rodney Short

Miss ya Miss Sylvia, I been tendin to your shovel.

Sylvia Avery

Rodney! Thank you, sweetie! It’s good to see you!

Rodney Short

Good to see you as well dear, you are thoroughly missed.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you……it is sweet to be missed. I am going to try to check in more often b/c I miss you all too.


Or Indonesia perhaps.


Or the depths of hades perhaps!


Omg..thisguy has been disbarred and has had a boatload of “conspiracy theories”, he’s been prosecuted BUT BUT one of his theories involved high level pedophilia & abuse. THIS one appears legit.
Good article with pics


I’m wondering the same thing, Wheatie. He sure seems to know a lot about Hussein.


I’d chip in too, but only for a one-way ticket for Omar.


This was shared by Praying Medic for anyone who hates the new Twitter interface:
How to get the old Twitter web interface back


awesome tree Wheatie!!!
trying to catch up!!


still reading!! just not posting as much…
my heart is bring tugged in another direction for now…


Did anyone hear about this?


Rep Cummings claims he cares about his district in a moral way, since he is too busy with oversight (Pelosi’s new rules) of the Executive Branch…


This is why PTrump uses twitter. He can respond directly, no mind control media filter. Straight to the People


I’m pretty sure the Dems didn’t expect this – possibly even POTUS is surprised by the response. It ripped off the veil of the dark misery that Dem run inner cities have – AND! it reinforces what the President has been saying about Dems caring more about illegal aliens than citizens, and pushing for open boarders will further harm American citizens.

Cuppa Covfefe

What constitution is he reading from?
Oversight implies supervision, a superior position to the entity being “overseen”.
That’s not how checks and balances works.
Maybe Cummings need to check his ego at the door, and balance his attitude, and duty to his constituents… And get away from the slop trough of payoffs and payola…


Been watching several videos of Baltimore Residents walking through some of the communities and pointing out the piles of trash, etc. every single one says Cummings hasn’t Done a thing for their plight…it’s gotten much worse. Every single one of the praise POTUS for bringing attention to it…and definitely say he is not racist to address it.
I think this is going to snowball into an avalanche as more and more are “woke” and Cummings will no longer be able to hide from the ugly truth. Going to be interesting to watch.
However, I also must say that I strongly believe in helping yourself…taking some responsibility. What is there to prevent residents from having work parties and cleaning up some of the trash….doing what residents that have gone through hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, etc. do…they work together, help their neighbors and take pride in their independence. It did bother me when the one female, well spoken, said that Cummings hadn’t helped them…”no free clothes, free shoes, etc.” it’s not about “free” but about freedom….and until they escape from that mentality nothing will change.


I love to hear that they most certainly do understand that their alleged reps only fixate on the illegals and falling all over themselves to give them free stuff……………and that’s what other places like Ca has been saying but maybe now it’ll be a groundswell of red pilling


Might add that this is organic red pilling, nobody walking the streets pumping up Trump. The caring Democoms care so much that they’ve taken their circus to Ghana or somewhere..gotta care about those world citizens too


Teagan, I think you’re right. My twitter feed has been filled with these 1st person videos, It is calling attention to the gruesome state of our cities – agree, of course, that the people need to help themselves, it’s the being given everything “free” that keeps them from taking pride of ownership or to better themselves in life. LBJ said his “Great Society” bill would keep them enslaved for 100 years – because they would vote democrat. I don’t really know how you clean it up – first you have to take over entirely and clean it out. Have to have law and order though, and that would require throwing the gangs AND the corrupt into prison.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely hilarious link! BRAVO!!!


My favorite…comment image


What Hardens a Heart?
JULY 27, 2019
Hebrews 3:7-19
Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says, TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, 8 DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS AS WHEN THEY PROVOKED ME, AS IN THE DAY OF TRIAL IN THE WILDERNESS, 9 WHERE YOUR FATHERS TRIED Me BY TESTING Me, AND SAW MY WORKS FOR FORTY YEARS. 10 THEREFORE I WAS ANGRY WITH THIS GENERATION, AND SAID, `THEY ALWAYS GO ASTRAY IN THEIR HEART, AND THEY DID NOT KNOW MY WAYS’; 11 AS I SWORE IN MY WRATH, `THEY SHALL NOT ENTER MY REST.'” 12 Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end, 15 while it is said, TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS, AS WHEN THEY PROVOKED ME.” 16 For who provoked Him when they had heard? Indeed, did not all those who came out of Egypt led by Moses? 17 And with whom was He angry for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness? 18 And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient? 19 So we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief.
The warning in Hebrews 3 is a serious one. Anytime we ignore what God has said, it may be evidence of a hardened heart. Although we usually think this condition applies only to those who reject Christ, the reality is that believers can “be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Heb. 3:13).
When the Lord begins to convict us, we could rationalize our disobedience, thinking it’s not that big a deal. Or we might be tempted to preoccupy ourselves with other things to avoid facing the issue at all. Perhaps we’re unwilling to deal with that sin because we’re afraid of the changes God is challenging us to make. Therefore, we distract ourselves with other thoughts and activities, pushing Him further and further from our mind in hopes of silencing His conviction.
We may think ignoring the Spirit in this way is not a serious issue, but it is rebellion against God, which is the very core of sin. And rebellion often begins with a refusal to relinquish control and trust the Lord. When we start catering to our own preferences, it’s not long before we redefine what God has said in an attempt to make ourselves feel better and quash the nagging sense of guilt.
The danger in such behavior is that we lose sight of our “first love”—our actions testify that we love our sin more than Christ (Revelation 2:4 But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.) The result is a heart that is desensitized to the sin. By ignoring the Spirit’s warnings, we can become acclimated to unrighteousness and adopt a sinful lifestyle. This is why we must carefully guard and examine our hearts.
Dr. Charles Stanley




No ………….. I can’t….
agree with you completely.
Wheatie, I hope you are feeling better, over the cough you were coping with…….


well, hope you’re over it soon…. praying for you.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Psy-op. Allow yahoos with drones to cause enough trouble to create special legislation favoring the elite.
I have a better idea.
“You can do with a drone whatever you theoretically would be allowed to do yourself by hand if you could stand right there in mid-air or on the ground, and nothing more.”
So if I want to squirt flaming lighter fluid on my farm, from a drone, fine, but not in most other places. I can send my drone to a neighbor’s door to drop off the borrowed sugar, but I can’t look in the window at his naked daughter, but I can check on my neighbor if he didn’t show up to work and I’m worried. Etc. The detailed rules will match exactly what I could do if I was there, and the circumstances were the same.
ONE simple principle destroys millions of SWAMP-DESIRED regulations. MAKE IT SO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Note that this also allows me to capture an errant drone and hold it for the police, just like I could a teenager who I would be legally allowed to detain with force. I could also use destructive force against a drone which presents a THREAT toward life or body, on my property or anywhere else.
Drones fit in PERFECTLY to existing legislation if we simply let it happen. They are a TOOL which simply EXTENDS the reach of OUR EYES, HANDS, AND TONGUES.


Tongues? I sure wouldn’t lick a drone. But that’s just me. YMMV


1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
~ Revelation 9:1-3, KJV

JW in Germany

That is when radio jamming technologies need to be employed!

A Fortiori

I was thinking precisely the same thing. Such technologies are highly regulated in the US, and difficult for the average citizen to obtain.

JW in Germany

Sounds like a job that exactly fits the AMERICAN citizen that understands their Constitutional rights are being violated. I feel very confident that we have Patriots that can give us the technology we need when the time comes.

Cuppa Covfefe

Antifa or the Mozzies over here get ahold of one (or more) of those and there’ll be “Car-B-Ques” all over the place… as well as “post-crispy critters” as “collateral damage”…


Or the ever popular forest fires.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: dd0621 No.7221651
Jul 27 2019 19:30:54 (EST)comment image

Do you believe in coincidences?
How do you clean ‘dirty’ money?

JW in Germany



Baltimore again
These fishy book deals are all the rage~~~ This was written April 2019..she finally resigned in May~
Federal agents raided Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh’s home, part of city hall and another location Thursday. Pugh is under investigation for alleged “self-dealing” in connection with hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments for a self-published children’s book from private companies that were subject to her influence.
The scandal centers on how Pugh handled sales of her Healthy Holly books, and whether she disclosed those deals. In one case, Kaiser Permanente paid $114,000 to purchase some 20,000 copies.
That deal began in 2015. Two years later, as NPR has reported, “the city’s budget board, which Pugh sits on, awarded Kaiser a multimillion-dollar contract to provide health coverage for city employees. And as far as we know, Pugh did not recuse herself from that vote.”
Tens of thousands of copies of Pugh’s Healthy Holly, about a young black girl who promotes healthy eating and exercise, were reportedly sold to several entities that have business with the city.
Pugh reportedly collected some $800,000 over the years in connection with the books.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6bfd78 No.7221927
Jul 27 2019 19:47:57 (EST)comment image
The President of the United States retweeted this graphic.
Pause, re-read above.
Pause, re-read above (again).
Nature is unpredictable.


Yes, but I need a “translation” of the very last line in the last post! Help! I may not be able to sleep tonight…vintage Q!


Line i’m Referring to is 93 dk. with spaces that for some reason seem to have meaning.


I’m lost. Where is that you’re talking about?


Ok it shows for me down below. The words referencing Comey in the cornfield. Always thought it was strange he likes cornfields. Whatever. Don’t know what 93dk means – except wasn’t that the number of the plane that went down in Pennsylvania? Flight 93 went down in a field.


Flight 93…maybe you are on to something, LP.


I have to rely on others for understanding Q, but the first thought I had for “93” was that flight, and it did go down in a field. I think Wheatie noted the number placement in the alphabet, as 9=I, 3=C, my take? Intelligence Community. 🙂


Whoop whoop whoop!!!

A Fortiori



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6bfd78 No.7222066
Jul 27 2019 19:54:54 (EST)comment image

Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
It is now.
[ 93 dk]


JW in Germany

James Comey is a VERY desperate man! He’s crying for help. I ALMOST feel sorry for him.


Almost like how desp erate do you have to be to commit treason, sex crimes, etc. Pure emotional response that I understand. Then you THINK and look back on the times when they were committing alk their crimes, the money they spent, cacations, etc, how happy they were doing all that…and they just need to be skid marks in history.


He is delusional.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure what [xxxxx93xxxxxxxxxxxdk] means (5 spaces and then 11 spaces).
93 “I don’t know” is incorrect.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve figured it out. I’ll use underscores for spaces, and X for an unknown number.
It’s a poll question where 93% of people “don’t know” something. Probably whether Comey is telling the truth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Take a look at this. I really think it’s some poll number, expressed in “textese”.
num num num sup opp dk/na

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not to poll-watchers. It’s an “in message”.
Internal polling by Parscale, no doubt. And they would not show anything but 93 matching the DK value, IMO. I think the spaces were just arbitrary typing, or deletions by Q.
Whatever the question is, it’s BAD for Comey. All those “poll-driven people” know what it means. And COMEY is a poll-watcher, too!!! That came up in my searching.
I’m holding! 😉 😎
93% “don’t know” something BAD for Comey.

Rodney Short

[ 93 dk ] this drop has meaning, the spacing is totally a msg.


“Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
It is now.”
Then, dare I say… do it, Q?



Baltimore has so many problems… beside the corruption the sewer system is overdue for a complete overhaul.

Big T

For your Saturday night light reading, I commend to you the “Week in Pictures” published each Saturday by Power Line Blog. This is a bonus to an already fabulous daily blog. You’re welcome.

Big T

comment image?resize=768%2C513&ssl=1


Similar for getting pictures to display.
Trim off whatever is after the “.png” or “.jpg”
Another way to find where to trim is to post the URL in a new window and remove everything past and including the first “?” in the link. Go to your edited link to verify that you mangled it properly. Then copy it into your post.
comment image


Thanks Big T.
If you don’t want to post the tracking info after the link, you can always trim everything off after the “.php”


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b68d06 No.7222663
Jul 27 2019 20:22:25 (EST)


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tell you, this is an ingenious psy-op that has no intention of doing anything but WINNING.

JW in Germany

There is so much going on and very difficult to keep up with. So, there is only one thing that I want to say to President Trump for 2020!!!……….

JW in Germany



I went out and bought black leather pants, asap.
Not missing that one.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b68d06 No.7223113
Jul 27 2019 20:48:09 (EST)comment image



After Antifa declared a terrorist organization, D-Rats and MCM will melt down yammering about the great peaceful work Antifa represents.


….. purrfect .. 🦁👍
ty wheatie for today’s post it’s wonderful .. love the tree 🌳😃👍❤️‼️‼️‼️
… and I’m glad you feel better ❤️ God bless you sweetie


😉❤️ … you’re awesome 😎






Yeah I have some little dim on twitter who keeps telling me Sweden is SO great. Its like why are you tweeting at me? The TDS increases with every tweet in fact.


I’m just ducking in to say that the Sunday Open Thread may be a wee bit late again…comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No problem!!!




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy






Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ultimately, the question of WTH is going on depends on facts.
However, until we have those, I have suspicions larger than what I know, and those suspicions center on THE MOB, which I think was protected and hidden for years by THE CLOWNS.
I personally suspect that the mob is behind a lot of BS we are seeing, possibly using MK methods and other tech they were given by the FUCKING CLOWNS, AND that they’re behind Valerie Cincinelli being set up and brought down, to bring down her brother Sal Cincinelli (however that really happened) – AND of course behind the “QAnon guy” who took out the Gambino boss, AND that they’re behind a whole lot more.
I think that in the fall of DNC and Clowns, the POLS and SPOOKS are going to sacrifice the MOB first.
Valerie Cincinelli was ordered to get a mental exam. This fits perfectly with what I thought, that she was MKed.
Mueller, Lynch – there will be more. I think the mob is getting very reckless, and figure that leaving behind obvious mental burn jobs is fine now – just cover up the evidence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. I have tended to “partially believe” James Files as being one of the shooters, but I think he may have missed – or at least didn’t make the shot he thinks he made. Don’t remember the exact forensics points, but they were not right for the shot he claimed.
The mob evidently had a read grip on Hoover, too.
I suspect we will find out some very unpleasant things about mob infiltration of the feds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I think there is a lot of stuff coming. Maybe more JFK. Definitely more JFK Jr.


“I suspect we will find out some very unpleasant things about mob infiltration of the feds.”
The problem, as always, is that the people who have the information are the same people who have an infinitely greater interest in protecting their precious filthy corrupt institutions than they have in revealing anything to We the People.
We have a reprieve thanks to DJT, but unless he succeeds in wiping them out, that reprieve will only last as long as he is still in the WH.
I sure hope he understands that — deep down in his bones.
And I hate that we are all forced to sit on the sidelines and watch, like children, as our fates are decided by others.
We are whipped into a frenzy of righteous anger day by day, and admonished to never do anything about it night by night… just wait… just be patient… soon… tick tock… tick tock…
The way we got INTO this unbelievable mess is by doing nothing.
I have a hard time believing that the way we gout OUT of this mess is also by doing nothing, just riding along in the back seat, driving 150mph down the highway in the dark, with the lights out, while the black hats and the white hats fight over the steering wheel.


Impossible to know for sure, but Files struck me as credible in his interviews, and he had the corroboration of the casings found where he said they would be, buried 6 inches under near the fence.


Oh, the problem with Files (IIRC) is that his shot did not line up with the “physics” of the hit (Files shooting from above, the shot came from below, probably from the perfectly placed drain hole in the street curb, which permitted a standing man, and which had a underground sluice “tunnel” leading to open spaces a couple miles away).


The mob connection (if true) explains a LOT of puzzling things, including the absurdly destructive/enabling way the “war” on drugs operates, full speed ahead, with no rational assessment ever of cost/benefit, other the the bizarre irrational standard we have come to accept: “if it saves one life!” It also explains how some gangs and various criminal organizations become so powerful.
We know the government and the mafia cooperated in WW2, and probably so with JFK.
The fact that Madoff was allowed to operate for years was dependent upon year after year of “incompetent” government audits despite many financial guys during those years yelling from the roof tops that there was no possible way for Madoff to be getting his returns without massive cheating. And in retrospective forensic audits the grossly negligent mistakes were uncovered. How many of those many, many billions went to wired-in recipients who were NOT subject to claw back?
The whole concept of exploiting criminals and mentally/emotionally vulnerable cripples is profoundly brilliant in so many ways. It has its own built-in fail-safes. It is endlessly repeatable. It is fantastically lucrative. And 95% of the population would never believe, and in fact would refuse to believe, the reality of such evil behavior.
Just free associating and blabbing here because your idea makes so much sense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Yes, I think we are approaching a point where the public is going to need certain examples of “criminal complexity” made evident to them, so that they can use those as models of thinking, which have vegetated since the WWII aftermath.
FISAgate / Spygate is going to be one of them, when it’s all over. Epsteingate probably another. And in the FALL of the CABAL, there will likely be other sub-plots that will make mini-scandals like the WATERGATE ENTRAPMENT seem like nothing.
People need to view this like TAKING DOWN THE THIRD REICH. It’s that big. The criminality of the Nazis was not really evident until AFTER THE FACT, when it was perceived as utterly amazing, spawning the need for massive assembly and explanation of history, like the series World At War. Likewise, American Soviet Progressive Sneakery, which married into all manner of criminality and even imported Nazi remnants, in its attempt to gain control of America, is going to amaze.
The exposure of the abuse of mental patients as deniable, plausible weapons is going to need assistance from a FREED psychiatric and psychological community. Such experts will at first be demonized, and their testimony “pushed off the cliff” by leftists, but ultimately, I think we’ll get a talker, probably a very credible one, and it will freak people out.


Newly promoted too..


“BREAKING: Fifth NYPD officer dies by suicide in the last two months – WNBC”
I remember back when suicide meant self-inflicted death.
Always changing the meaning of words, the Left is.
You know, if we ever actually expose and eliminate the Left — not just point out their treason and have a stand-off, but eliminate the entire apparatus — the attack on our language would stop.
So many horrible things would stop.
Things that are not natural, and never have been, but which are part of the Left’s hyperactive assault on everything that is rational or good.
It’s not normal live in a state of constant assault.
I know many (most?) of us are not old enough to remember a time when there was actual peace and civility in our country, so we will have to imagine it, first.
And if we want to make it a reality, the path to that goal is through the complete and total destruction of the Left.
I mean Biblical type destruction, where no remnant survives.


Wonderful descriptions in this post! We have been under non-stop assault in so many ways for decades, including 2 + 2 = 5 type assaults on our language, where we are brow beaten into seeing 5 fingers.


I was watching some of these walkaway videos. Very interesting what they have to say. This one is good:


Very sneaky..complicated business folks

Deplorable Patriot

And those of us who self-publish are forced to give away at least one creation, and discount others just to make a little bit on hundreds of hours worth of work.


I never believed they were getting 65M for a book deal! That’s ridiculous ……………..
The books these jerks write…………………. some think tank buys thousands of them, to have it appear that the books are selling……….. and a few thousand people actually purchase the book.
Today, only Boomers actually read anything longer than a chyron, much less a book…. generally speaking of course 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Rather like Zaphod Beeblebrox, when bored:
“He fiddled with a book, and then tossed it away. It was the one he’d read…”


“Report: ‘First Step Act’ Frees Hundreds of Sex Offenders, Convicted Murderers
The Republican and Democrat-supported criminal justice reform legislation, known as the “First Step Act,” has already allowed hundreds of violent convicted criminals to be released from federal prison, records reveal.” …
“Federal records exclusively obtained by Fox News‘ Tucker Carlson reveal that since the law’s enactment this year, the First Step Act has already freed hundreds of violent criminals from prison, including:
59 convicted killers and assailants
239 convicted sex offenders
960 inmates with drug convictions
106 convicted robbers
496 inmates with weapons and explosives convictions
Also among the roughly 2,200 convicts already released from federal prison are 46 inmates who have been convicted for immigration-related offenses — this could be illegal aliens who repeatedly crossed the U.S.-Mexico border or human smugglers that have helped traffic foreign nationals into the country.”
More at link:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Cuppa Covfefe

This sentence was conveniently ignored by click-Breitbart:

Nevertheless, on Tuesday, special assistant to the president Ja’Ron Smith told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that many of the violent inmates would shortly have been released regardless of the First Step Act.

Kind of odd, but my DSL went down three times while I was looking up references. I also had a few “Corey’s Digs” tabs open… Hey, JW, the BND is everywhere… or maybe T-Offline are living up to their name, scrambling the backbone links…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Stasi by their new name!


New keyboard!!! Need new keyboard. Just spilled wine all over it…again.
Don’t drink and read the tree. When will I ever learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LOL … and .. uh sorry 😐🤚 … gosh I think I copied this from twitter Q
The appropriate music for the picture would be this


No need. That’s ok. That’s what paper towels are for.


Yeah I messed up it’s not true … sorry


Still worth it. Plus when you look at all those connections between BHO and the media. So no prob!
Ok I’m about to take a sip of wine… NO one post anything funny… 😉 I mean it!!!


Kea you’re such a sweetheart … giggle/snort … 😜👍❤️‼️



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This may be from the Q boards, but I sure hope it ain’t from Q himself. The Soros-Schiff relationship is fake news from way back!


Uh oh shucks, sorry for the faux pas …. darn … I’ll go somewhere and be small for a bit … skip the music video post …. break down the circus tent … shucks …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! It’s OK – we ALL get fooled on this stuff. 😀
I would not have actually believed the evil Snopes on this, had I not investigated this thing myself a year or two ago! Snopes told the truth – believe it or not!!! 😉


I’m glad you did Wolf 🐺…I’d rather stay grounded on the truth it’s a firm foundation to build on
Thanks I appreciate your response … 🙂🤚❤️‼️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the context is WHAT HAS CHANGED….
Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
It is now.
[ 93 dk]

This is one more reason why I think it’s poll-based.
They had to make people realize that Muh Russia was BS – that it really was a witchhunt.
Mueller CRASH AND BURN removes all doubt.


“They had to make people realize that Muh Russia was BS – that it really was a witchhunt.”
Sunlight would accomplish that.
They have all the evidence, if Q is to be believed.
All they have to do is declassify and let DJT or surrogates lay it all out for the People to see.
There won’t be any ‘riots’.
There won’t be any ‘uprising’.
Those kinds of things — if they are organic and not funded — are fueled by injustice.
There won’t BE any sense of “injustice” being done to the Pedo & Treason Cabal, if the administration would simply EXPOSE the TRUTH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The idea that Corney = Comey is kinda cool. I like that.


Well good news is you didn’t stumble into any weird rabbit holes! 😉
The kernel is the heart of an operating system, basically the program that tells the computer how to access the disks, the filesystems, the network stack, manage memory, schedule CPU time, and on and on. Really geeky nerdy stuff.
Linus Torvalds created the Linux kernel, which was the origin of “Linux” as we know it. What he did differently than anyone else, was that he released a working kernel under the GPL license, which meant that people could use it and modify it freely. Before that, programming teams almost never gave away rights to people to reuse their code, so legal limitations hindered technological advances. Think about it like WQTH, there was another source tree that ended up breaking off, the new tree developed and grew b/c of a freedom of speech and contribution that had not been possible before. That’s how Linux really became a thing.
Docker is a containerization technology. Without getting into all the gory details, if you wrote a complex web application and you want to make it easy for someone to download and run, you might containerize the application so that someone else could just download it and have it up and running in a jiffy. Most of the time setting up complex business applications is not as simple as downloading a program from the Rotten Apple Crap Store and installing it, sadly. That’s where Docker and K8’s come in. If you want to become an expert, you can probably make six figures in the right market 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

I was looking up 93 degrees Kelvin, and it turns out to be one of the milestones in SuperConductivity:
From the article:

It was March 1, 1987, and just a few weeks earlier a Houston scientist named Paul Chu had turned the world of physics upside down by announcing he had created a material – a calculated mix of yttrium, barium, copper and oxygen – that could conduct electricity with no resistance.
And he had done it at the “high” temperature of 93 degrees Kelvin, breaking a barrier many in the science community weren’t sure could be crossed.

Hmmm. Barium…


Good night .. 🌙💤 God bless and keep you all .. ❤️


Night! 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good night and God Bless!!! <3


“Bretton Woods Is Dead: What Next?
“French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has publicly admitted something normally reserved for backroom discussion in the circles of Europe’s governing elite at an event honoring the 75th anniversary of Bretton Woods (the conference which created the foundations for the post WWII world order).
At this event, Le Maire stated ever-so candidly that “the Bretton Woods order has reached its limits. Unless we are able to re-invent Bretton Woods, the New Silk Road might become the New World Order”.
He went onto state that “the pillars of that order have been the International Monetary Fund and its sister institution, the World Bank since their inception at the Bretton Woods conference in New Hampshire in 1944.”
Were a radical transformation not undertaken immediately, then Le Maire laments “Chinese standards on state and on access to public procurements, on intellectual property could become global standards”.
more at the link:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hilarious. Trump woke their asses up. Impressive. They would have never seen it coming otherwise. They may think Trump “broke” their new world order, but all he did was rip off the paper to reveal the DRAGON underneath.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If the Chinese have to fix their economy themselves, and not through socialist THEFT, then the ChiComs have to become responsive to their own people. They cannot become lords of the world. Chinese global supremacy is impossible. And THAT is a good thing for the world. The ChiComs would give us a true Prison Planet.
They’re not the only ones, but they would do it for sure. Very ugly future with them. Especially if you’re not Chinese. Bad if you’re Chinese. Worse otherwise.


China is the biggest threat because China’s is closest to realization and requires the most immediate decisive action. It doesn’t mean that caliphates, Soviets, Russians, NK, the UN, Brussels, Climate Accords, the CoC, Democrat spending, the radical LGBT, and Cuba/Venezuelan plots aren’t real threats.

Deplorable Patriot

One more chapter in a culture thousands of years old, and corrupt throughout just about all of it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Chinese Deep State – 5000 years old, and ready to take on the world!


While the new daily is being created, thought I’d post this. Will post again in the 28th thread also…
Yesterday or day before, there were a couple posts in the daily thread regarding, something to the effect of, “SEAL helps smuggle ISIS sniper into US”. Links provided contained what looked like, read like, less than reliable information. Bordering on unreadable…made no sense the disjointed information.
^^^ Smacked of BS, but weird difficult to believe stuff happens… IF it were true, 100% believe it would have been picked up by all major news outlets. SEALS are an incredible lot, individually and collectively. The grueling training SEALS go through, is UNMATCHED by any other Service, IMHO.
*** 100% don’t believe a SEAL would turn on America. Occasionally do dumb stuff, yea. Occasionally break some laws, yea. Turn on America, NOPE!
Link below mentions naturalized American citizen, born in Kazakhstan, joined ISIS, was a sniper and trained other ISI to be snipers. Shithead was arrested in Syria. Transferred to FBI. Will be or has been arraigned in New York. “SEAL”, “Navy” or US Military not in the article.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good work! Yup – that stuff was very typical “Sasha Baal” Russian DISINFORMATION designed to make us all believe that our own military might be behind an assassination attempt. Kind of feel bad that Russia made the mistake of pushing THAT particular disinformation. If anything bad happens, RUSSIA now has to go on the top of the suspect list, along with Brennan and the globalist scum.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


Amen, Wolfie!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There has been trouble in the SEALs, but the full picture NEVER turns out as breathlessly bad as stuff like this junk from Sarsoura Fail.


Thank you, Kalbokalbs.


Ok I’m off to bed as well. Was going to wait for the new thread but I will have something to look forward to in the morning. NIght everyone. 🙂


In Russian, so unless you speak it, you’re going to have to read the captions. We found it to be another interesting glimpse into what the rest of the world is hearing from their media – in this case, the viewpoint of Yakov Kedmi on what he believes Erdogan/Turkey is up to.
Is he correct? Does Erdogan want to rebuild the Muslim Empire?
Yakov Kedmi Explains Turkey’s New Vision! Sultan Erdogan is Rebuilding Old Muslim Empire


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A significant number of people in the US military make the same assessment of Erdogan. I used to be somewhat disbelieving of the idea, but no longer.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’ve been talking about Airheadman wanting to revive the Caliphate over here for quite some time. And the millions of Turks living here in Germany would LOVE to see that.
The rest of us wouldn’t.
Airheadman is also noted to have said that a Moslem was the first person to travel to the moon, in the 1600s (obvkously one-way). The media here didn’t mock him (much) will shows how much influence the Turks and Merde-Kuh (Göbbels v2.0) have on the MCM here… He apparently also said that Moslems reached (and claimed) America 300 years before Columbus reached our shores…


It was an EXTREMELY bad idea (which is why Zero was for it) to force Turkey to buy Russian military hardware.
Once a country locks in their military to a particular standard, they become DEPENDENT on the supplier.
That’s why we have to make sure that we are selling U.S. and NATO standard hardware to other national militaries – one less axis of control that Russia or China have.


Kickback from Putin?
Intentionally strengthening Islam-Communism ties?


Those could be reasons but the real motivations go up to the top in the Zero administration and we don’t know… but to your point, the latter option is definitely my first thought.


If I were Russia I would be careful with Turkey.
As the speaker said Turkic languages are spoken in Azerbaidjan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakstan and Uzbekistan. These are all Muslim countries and all of them were part of Sowjet Union, during which time they were controlled.
Now Erdogan wants to recreate the Ottoman Empire.


Peeked before turning in and saw the great information and discussion about the NYPD “suicides”.
Wolf, your information was revelatory. Thank you for taking the time to explain things.
Blessings all, and hugs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! It’s all very speculative, but I really feel like there is a hurricane of circumstantial evidence which is all pointing toward mob involvement, loose end cover-up, etc.


I’m starting to wonder which of these traitors didn’t get a book deal:

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if RBG has a book deal?
Then of course, she’d need a ghost writer 🙂


What do former FBI corruptocrats, former sitting Presidents, and NeverTrumpers have in common?
The all have great book deals!


BOOK DEALS = Money Laundering and Bribes
BOOK DEALS -> Need to Be Investigated


Now I’m really going to be sick. Mother Theresa’s order investigated for child trafficking? Thread:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Holy moly. At first I thought this was fake news. But OMG. It’s not. You know what I think? I think she got used and played and manipulated big time. They found her weaknesses and played her like a fiddle. And she was double-teamed, because the Vatican was full of dirt, too.


Converts who Changed the Church. Find that article online and give it a read.
And remember….
“The truth will set you free….
But first, it will piss you off.”


One of the few times the nutty feminists said something that made sense.

Deplorable Patriot

i will believe she was manipulated. And then her legacy used to attack what she stood for. That happens a lot in the Church. See “The Jesuits” as a prime example. Want to bring down any one entity? Attack their strongest element with infiltration. That’s EXACTLY what happened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When people get old, they are EXTREMELY easy to manipulate. Sad, but true. Even CANKLES was getting in near the end. Imagine that – Hillary dropping the abortion hate for SOMETHING that Hillary wanted.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am archiving the heck out of this stuff.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve learned not to take anything about “Mother Teresa’s Order” at face value. She died in 1997. While I do agree waiving the 20 year stay on Canonization investigation was a mistake, most of the criminal activity described that I’ve read about happened after she was gone. and a lot of what they are accused of doing when it comes to recruiting goes against Church teaching.
As for “funneling money to the Vatican” details would be nice.


As seen on Gab, posting here because terminology MATTERS!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point, and we’re going to see a lot of it here, because the Fake News Media is going to go all out to protect Epstein and run down any victims or witnesses against him.


I’m going back to bed, but just want to leave this tweet from POTUS – posted an hr ago. Naming names again, he is… I think things are going to be happening soon.


If that tweet is coming from an official POTUS entity, then the fact they’re suggesting it… means it’s being discussed among POTUS and his inner circle. Interesting.


I don’t think it’s official.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



He did an interview with martha mcallum that talked about it.
Heres the fox link.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Finally saw a tweet from Amy Mek. Used to see them all the time, before Tweeter started messing with the algorithms.

Cuppa Covfefe

I can’t see ANY of her tweets over here in Germany. They are shadowbanning anything and anyone that Merde-Kun doesn’t like.
Göbbels v2.0… he’s probably laughing, in Hell, at what she’s doing, and how she’s able to do it… and the French, with Macaroon, are just as bad…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Best response to Gavin Newsom in a long time!


He’s not getting a lot of love.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s wonderful that Americans can TALK BACK TO THE MEDIA-ENFORCED INSANITY NOW.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


As seen on Gab:comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This guy had a hell of a reputation in the publishing, information, and academic worlds. People spoke of him like a cross between Soros, M of James Bond fame, and Dr. Evil. But with the unveiling of Epstein and the relationship to his daughter, things are actually making sense now. He was a bit like SPECTRE.

Cuppa Covfefe

Mr. Creosote 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Judging from that crowd, there were no “Epstein shenanigans” that day.
Nor did it end up being boarded by whoever took out “Faht Bahstahd”!


As seen on Gab….comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Reminds me of “Chessie” (C&O fans will know what I mean)…
Here’s a pic of Chessie, from an advertising poster. “Sleep like a kitten”… There were three other cats, “Peak” (Chessie’s “husband”), and their kittens, “Nip” and “Tuck”… One of the most successful ad campaigns ever. Another fallen flag, but a great memory nonetheless…comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey – since when did the BULLWANKERS start using this TAGLINE that TRUMP USED!!!???
Noticed it in this typically Kristollish article about ANTIFA saying “that’s not nice!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like it was uploaded in JULY!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Once more, with feeling (or correct typing 🙂 )…
Yep. But they will be consumed, in the end, by their own KRISTOLNACHT!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cuppa Covfefe

Self-defense against what? Reality???
haaretz is a deep-state rag. Pharisees and Saducees. Very SAD…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you take “haaretz” and rearrange the letters, then rotate the “z” by 90 degrees and the first “a” by 180 degrees, you get “teheran”.
Just sayin’. 😉


From Gab…thought this was an interesting thought experiment….
“Wade Cooper @Wade42
How many people do you know who would survive on an island in a small community of say, 20 people? Accountants and phone app developers may not have any useful skills, many old school skills may have been forgotten like cooking or doing laundry without a machine, digging a latrine for sanitation is a high priority, like day one or day two activity.
Construction with primitive materials and landscaping for a house is not a common skill in our country anymore. What kind of people would you want to live with you on your island? You can choose 19 others and why did you choose them? Are any of them your personal friends or relatives? Would you include a politician, lawyer or doctor?”


New Open is <<>> up!comment image


Just a miilisecond of this mans life. How much did he pay to buy her? How did Epstein find her in the first place?
“Nada Marcinkova, who now goes by Nadia, was one of Epstein’s victims as well as an enabler according to interviews with victims back in 2005 An incident report obtained by reveals she was as young as 15 when she first began having sex with Epstein and other victims She was forced to have sex with at least three other women, two of whom were underage, while Epstein would watch and perform sex acts on himself’Epstein had purchased her from her family in Yugoslavia,’ wrote Detective Joseph Recarey after his interview with one victim ‘Epstein bragged he brought her into the United States to be his Yugoslavian sex slave,’ Detective Recarey said after speaking to that same victimShe was granted immunity as part of Epstein’s 2008 plea deal, despite never being identified as a person to criminally charge in the case 
The foreign-born model who many have identified as an accomplice in procuring underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein is just as much a victim of the serial pedophile, according to official reports. 
Incident reports from the Palm Beach Police Department’s 2005 investigation that were obtained by claim that Epstein told at least one underage victim that Nada Marcinkova was his ‘Yugoslavian sex slave.’
Multiple girls also state that Epstein made them engage in sexual acts with Marcinkova, which eventually turned into threesomes with both himself and the model.
‘Epstein had purchased her from her family in Yugoslavia,’ wrote Detective Joseph Recarey after his interview with one victim. 
‘Epstein bragged he brought her into the United States to be his Yugoslavian sex slave.”


Donna Brazile: On Cummings/Baltimore
“This all started from a conversation about why can’t we treat migrant children better?”
1. NOT migrants ——- illegals
2. Cummings said the kids were sitting in their own feces. Another lie, just like “drinking from toilets”.
Now we know why Obama banned all Congressmen and phones from the centers.
They can’t resist lying and playing to the media.