Dear KMAG: 20190730 Open Topic

This C BEFORE D BEFORE J BEFORE T TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).


The Upgraded Guantanamo Bay Detention Center, GITMO, Has Plenty of Space for Traitors

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI29 Jul 2019 – 2:14:06 PM


We now have plenty of space.


Q Post 3538

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.






Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

First things first – I have a QUESTION.

I’ve never been clear on the whole “marker” thing with Q.

Consider the following context.


Brennan’s Tweet Confirms Dan Coats (Bad) and John Ratcliffe (Good)

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI29 Jul 2019 – 1:11:56 PM📁

Thank you for confirming….

Coats BAD

Ratcliffe GOOD

Sleepers present problems re: staff fills.

More coming?


Q Post 3536


Christopher Wray, FBI Director, is a Sleeper (Future Marker)

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI29 Jul 2019 – 1:14:03 PM

Anonymous29 Jul 2019 – 1:13:22 PM


Wray is a sleeper


Future marker.


Q Post 3537

Q is being very interesting in these two posts.

I won’t get into “sleepers” until the discussion, although I think it’s very interesting to contrast Q’s repeated earlier “Trust Wray” drops with Q’s somewhat tangential reply to the accusation that Q is a “sleeper”, of “Future marker.”

Now I need to ask something here….

What the heck is a “marker”, and how do they work?

I know this is a big part of Q lore, but it has never been clear to me.

So I’m asking y’all please give me YOUR understandings of “marker”!


I love that we’re getting some clarity now.

It’s going to be a big week. Followed by a BIG MONTH.



Big news coming!
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Salvini naming names…calling out the EU cabal…Soros…
Hoping UK keeps coming along. Boris (is that his name) has a great start. Wishing him well. UK needs solid leadership.


I love that Salvini video!
First off…I love what he’s saying…he even includes Junker in his list of bad guys.
Secondly, I like the way he’s getting so good in his delivery…he has sharpened his skills at speech-making.
And thirdly…I like the background music.
Having good music in the background is crucial and can make or break a video.
Methinks that our VSG has maybe sent over some of his crew to help out Salvini…in making good videos and coaching him on making better speeches.


That fraud, Francis, peers out of his apartment and curses Salvini. 😄


LOL. Perfect landing spot for him!

Deplorable Patriot

Francis would never survive Istanbul. After all, it is not Constantinople any more.


“That’s nobody’s business, but the Turks.”
Innocent sounding words, great tune! Looking through today’s lens, they’ve made it the world’s business. Francis would be ok there, after all, aren’t we all from father Abraham according to him?


I remember that song! I haven’t heard it in years. 🙂


Salvini is wonderful, calling out the bad guys. According to Sundance’s post last evening. Comey is under investigation.


Bringing this over there just in case
Wasn’t Sharpton in the NY march were they were shouting kill cops or was it kill pigs
Video Surfaces of Al Sharpton Screaming “Off the Pigs” and “Crackers” (Video)


Whom ever knows how to save videos save this one for I have a feeling it will disappear fast


I can’t even embed images in a reply!


Why do you think I use Twitter…


Me too!!


The moderators here would hate me if I tried doing pictures any other way…1/2 usually worked and the other 1/2 turned into a huge mess. And I mean HUGE mess


Oh i am so very good at messing up pages when I try doing a picture without using tweeter….
You better off with me using tweeter…less of a headache for the moderators LOL


Wish we could just upload from our gallery and not from some middleman site.


I’ve tried and 3 out of 5 times I screw up big time.
Some are so very good at it, me not so much





SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You said you wished you could upload from your gallery?
Is that perchance the gallery on your computer, or is it some other place on the internet?
If it’s some other place on the internet, you should just be able to link to it, but given how you asked the question I think you know that already. (Note: if you have a wordpress account, you have a blog (even if you’re not using it) and you can put stuff there.)
It’s probably a good thing you can’t just upload directly from your computer; storage space for this site is limited and with all the people who want to post pictures, we’d probably run out in short order. Like in less than a month. Given this, I need to remind myself to upload pictures to my OWN site’s media folder and link them; but the big banners across the top of the post won’t work that way; they have to be uploaded to here and at some point we’re going to start running out of space.


It’s the gallery on my phone.
You mean I can upload something to my WordPress blog and then load it in the comment section here?
What I want to do is take a screenshot, as I often do, and then embed it in a comment…like I can on Twitter.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you load it into your own site’s media, then “it’s on the internet” and you should be able to paste the address into a post.


Ok. I’ll try that. Thank you$


Wait until they get started on his decades-owed taxes!


Still can’t believe so many still owe taxes
Still can believe that Obama was able to appoint a Treasury Secretary that owed back taxes.


Sharptongue can’t get no R-E-S-P-I-C-T from the great POTUS !! (remember when he spelled it wrong while trying to diss Trump, lolol)


LOL yep I remember—Remember when him and Jessie had it out during the Brown mess


It used to be Weekends were quiet and all H3LL broke lose on Mondays…
For last few weekends all kinds of H3LL been breaking


He was the original Fatifa leader back in the day. 🙂


I know that when the Brown mess occurred Sharpton and Jackson had some nasty words with each other.


Such Qewl goings on! Can’t wait for tomorrow.

Rodney Short

It’s definitely gonna be a HOOT….


I think that Q’s use of the word “marker” means that he is ‘marking’ that question to come back to later.
In other words…Q is saying ‘I am marking this point and will get back to you later on it.’
That’s my guess, anyway.


Or could he be saying that Coats was a marker…he was parked there until such time as it was prudent to move him? Same with Wray?

JW in Germany

PERFECT! Great analogy Wolf!
I agree that this is likely the tactic. TIMING!


I remember when POTUS was first elected it was said that we should expect a lot of turnover in personnel as things got going.


I LOVE your chess analogy, it is spot on! Great chess players see many moves ahead (I can only do about three 🙁 ), but Trump is a Grand Master.
I interpret “Trust Wray,” and “Trust Sessions” not as trusting THEM as individuals, but trusting that Trump has them in place for reasons we may not understand.
I am a mere spectator watching a great game. It is an incredible time to be alive.
As for “marker.” I agree with others here that it is a “stop” in the thread that Q will come back to and fill in later.
Another thought: what if Wray is “neutral?” Not a Swamper, but not a Trumper. Just a guy doing a job as best he can, which may not be all that great? I mean, not everybody is a genius, or evil-genius as the case may be.


Excellent thoughts, Aubergine…the comment about “trust Wray/Sessions was a light bulb moment. I think you may be on to something. Even Pompano was first placed in the CIA for a specific reason before moving on to another role. POTUS, as a very savvy businessman has done that for decades, as most highly successful business owners i’ve known.
In business, of course, it’s almost always the bottom line…high risk, high rewards. But, here I think POTUS has been able to appeal to his players’ sense of patriotism and love of country….quite remarkable, when you think about it, to convince people to sacrifice so much.
Not too many people I know would endure constant public vitriol and being made a national laughing stock by the networks to play a role in the overall plan. I personally believe many will turn out to be heroes, perhaps never publicly acknowledged as such.


Wheatie, I was going to say something similar. I interpret a [marker] as a placeholder for some piece of info to be inserted later. It could be info not confirmed at the time, or info that should not yet be disclosed for some reason.
I don’t understand Q well enough (understatement … I am usually completely befuckled 😂), so I don’t know if he has an established pattern of markers being only to disclose Black Hats / Deep State or if he also uses them for pending disclosures on White Hats / Good News.
Wolfie, have previous [markers] that you’ve seen eventually filled in with info indicated a pattern?


I don’t intentionally follow chan or anon stuff but I often have trouble distinguishing what’s Q from the other stuff in threads & tweets. It’s a mesmerizing mystery, and as long as Flep keeps posting winning news, I don’t frustrate myself about Q stuff that is “beyond my ken”. 🤓


Yes! I did the search term “marker” at QMAP and the word was used by the site people to describe many Q posts when in fact Q said no such thing.


Jumping in here to express my delight at the Q conversation, especially in a non- combative, quizzical, speculative environment. It’s a COMFORTABLE conversation…as we all try to learn.
To condemn or ignore a world-wide “awakening” movement is somewhat like denying the Holocaust or the moon landing, etc. For such a conversation to be forbidden, people banned for evening mentioning a curiosity….my goodness, think of what they are missing! LOL
Thanks, Wolf, for creating this welcoming Q tree where we can gather and learn!


I’ve always thought that his markers are marking certain spots in the overall plan. In other words, when a marker happens, then other things in the plan can happen.


markers are also future favors…when someone calls in their “markers” they are now asking for those who owe them favors to return them…


Wray is a TOP level White Collar Crime guy – both as a prosecutor where he won top DOJ award – and as a defense lawyer earning over a million a year. Wray is the white collar crime equivalent of Ross and Mnuchin in finance.
Wray was patriotic enough to leave it behind and come back to FBI after Comey was fired.
My bet is he is working with Huber, Horowitz, Barr, et al to ‘lock her up.’


I am hopeful that you are correct; however, it will always “bother” me a bit that he worked for a law firm that specialized in Sharia financing.


Seems to me all our banking system was altered (low to no interest) to be Sharia compliant.
Really eliminates safe senior CD investments to avoid stock market manipulations by political/elite class who know when to sell short.


WAAAY over my head, GF! I just remember that from some research I did when he was first named.


Islamic Sharia law forbids interest on loans.


Wray is equipped, in the position that he can do good and a lot of it – but will he????


If Wray has a “superpower” it might be his ability to look harmless.
Just based on his body language after his appointment I took him to be a sleeper for the administration. Has the right reputation with the coup parties as being friendly. Has ability to reassure the ranks that their “domain” isn’t being mucked with by “outsiders.” Probably a genius mind that can keep track of the various layers of intrigue currently in play.
With an enigma face and a few “off” comments he’s managed to lull the resistance players into some level of complacency. Perhaps so that waters are not muddied and investigators could work unhindered.


Damn Terrance is so hot the last few weeks


If that was the reason for the accident, I think they just made him made and he’ll double down in the future.


“Mad”, not “made.” Silly autocorrect.


Lol, I thought “made” worked too 😄


D party is in BIG trouble and they know it


thanks for posting him kin…just be lovin’ that kid!
yes, SO hot!


when he is on a roll he is on a roll

Deplorable Patriot

“Somebody show me the lie!”


LOL—Democrats wouldn’t know Truth if it bit them in the foot


I can’t recall the details but I think 2 of the NYPD suicides were also outside in public places . Who does that?


Do believe its not just Clintons and hasn’t been just Clintons for a long time now…
The Obama Body Count… Hillary Takes a Distant Second Place

JW in Germany

Mind control. If they ‘suicide’ in public places—very difficult to argue nefarious connections without looking like a conspiracy theorist. Very effective while at the same time sending a message to others who think about taking on the Cabal.
Q said pay attention to suicides—Q did not limit the suicides to Deep State players.


As I said above its not just a Clinton body bag count anymore do believe that its be a Obama/Clinton/Soros/???? body bag count for a long time…
H3LL this place lists all 3 yikes Clinton/Bush/Obama BODY COUNT –



Is that why Pelosi out of the country.


If it’s true it wouldn’t surprise me. If she was on the take from cartels they might be wondering how El Chapo is in a super max prison…you know promises made but not kept and all that don’t go over well with cartels.


It’s also a place where it would be very hard to create an escape from


Believe that many are on the take, even some that call themselves republicans


I saw a report that El Chapo’s wife is staying at the same place Pelosi is in … wherever they are, I don’t pay that much attention to them. I know they’re out of the US, where exactly….I don’t know.
Anyway I saw that on Gab, I think….


They were all in Italy, no?




Concerning Pelosi’s meeting in Italy
One never leaves the mafia alive.


lol ‘Speaker Gambino”. The Mexican drug lords might also be getting pissed that so many of their shipments are being snagged.


Very possible but I think (hope) that their network for big deadly events might be drying up. It looks like PTrump is making inroads into the cabal’s. influence and power? She’s such a ditz, a well connected ditz though but if she and Chucky and others made deals with cartels it doesn’t necessarily mean that all the dirty DS gets a cut would it?
I probably see it too compartmentalized but it often looks like each of them have their own deals like Feinstein with China, Zerobama with muslims and anarchists, Clinton with big money players…IDK? Maybe?


mmm good point. He must absolutely drive them mad


Damn I think that Trump is the only White person putting down Cummings



JW in Germany

Take that top video seriously! You cannot dog-whistle WAR aka VIOLENCE any louder than that! Where is the Secret Service?
Criminal Trump is their title for the legitimately elected President of the United States! These people have thrown away Law and Justice and the Constitution! They are cornered ANIMALS! Do NOT take these threats lightly!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We’ll go back 50 years, he complains.
Given the direction of the last 50 years, I can certainly hope so.


Haven’t you noticed that if you threaten Trump or a Trump supporter it just fine…Its not call a threat…but say boo to a snowflake and they melt.


The left always signals IN ADVANCE what THEY are planning to do.
If THEY are talking about ‘civil war,’ you can bet your last dime THEY intend to start it.

JW in Germany

While blaming CWII on President Trump and his Deplorables.


Looking at Morning Joe he is beginning to look what he has become since he lives 24/7 with Mika. Once evil attacks the soul it become apparent on the outside. This happens to all of them who sell themselves.
Donny Deutsch is frantic wonder what he is afraid off ? JealousyIs written into their DNA now.


Have to go to bed, but I peeked OT last minute to try to catch up and SD has an actually elated and optimistic post up with “Boom” in the title about the investigation into James Comey. (To tired to try to type the whole title)
I was kind of …encouraged by this and hope you will be, too.
Reading the comments here…..I think we should keep everyone who is or ever has investigated either of the Clintons or Obama in our prayers. It is so sad that they have given so much to do the right thing.
Blessings and goodnight all.


Regarding Sundance: now that is what I call winning!




It’s crossed my mind several times when I see the strange Comey photos of him in the middle of a corn field, looking out over the ocean, admiring the trees, etc. that he probably knows he might not see those things again for for many years, if convicted for the crimes.
It reminds me of terminally-I’ll patients revisiting locations to have a clear image in their minds for the time when memories and images are all that’s left to them.


I just caught it too, especially SD’s return of the Zippo. We like Zippos here. SD has a detailed post about those memos.
It always made sense to me that there are many things we don’t hear about – because they are under investigation. When the volcano blows, we’ll be AMAZED at how much was able to be done under the radar. It was the only way the jury pool wouldn’t be tainted, and the Dems couldn’t engage in destroying any more evidence than they have. It’s like a team keeping their playbook safe from their opponents, or a military commander never revealing his strategy…


Damn do the Democrats have any blacks still behind them anymore.


Every time a new tweet or FB post crosses my screen supportive of Trump, its someone who is black and they keep changing from just the usual .


Silk is looking SHARP!
Marx used to talk about the contradictions of capitalism, but our side never talked about the contradictions of communism.
D & S beautifully describe a huge leftist contradiction: you cannot pretend to be super-compassionate about the invaders and black Americans at the same time.


What I see this as is the Democrats were doomed to lose their “plantation blacks” all along, they knew it, and the invaders are the replacement slaves.
The study of history will tell you that people, given enough actual information, won’t remain in servitude forever. The internet was the downfall of their “plantation,” as Dem politicians lost the ability to conceal information from poor black voters. EVERYONE in America has a smart phone now, with access to the internet. But you know who doesn’t? Poor Hispanics from shithole South American countries, flooding over our Southern border.
The Dems have played the long game. The history of Europe is full of episodes of “the peasants” uprising after the spread of information. Before newspapers, the common people used to spread the word through the use of bards and traveling singers, using “nursery rhymes” to inform people and gin-up rebellion. The advent of the printing press must have been just devastating to “the Cabal.” Newspapers in the Colonies helped to spread the news of the “Sons of Liberty” (did you know there were groups called the Sons of Liberty in many if not all of the colonies in America, not just the famous ones of the Boston Tea Party? One of my ancestors was in the group in Savannah, Georgia). And now we have the internet. WE ARE THE REBELLION, all of us, here.
The Dems know that an informed populace eventually rejects servitude, so they have moved on to the next ignorant group. They NEED those Hispanics coming across the border to maintain their power. The MOST effective thing we can do is to SHUT THE DOOR to them until they can be educated on the truth. That should be the secondary goal, world-wide. I have long thought that the best thing our country could do in places like the Middle East, South American, etc., is to air-drop in millions of simple, solar-powered computers, with instructions on how to access the internet, and then blanket the country with internet access. How that all works in actuality, I’m not tech-savvy enough to work out 🙂 But it is what has happened to the Democrat plantation, here in America. The slaves are overthrowing the massas.


Good points, and I would add another….history shows that once basic needs (especially enough food!) are met…the heretofore controlled population will start to awaken and want more for themselves such as good housing, safe streets, etc.
That’s why the Dims have kept blacks in sh*t h*le conditions, on food stamps, welfare, etc. because they didn’t have the luxury of thinking outside the box. But, now there’s work and dignity out there awaiting them, if they chose to grab it…and the blacks are really starting to realize that. They ARE going to do something about their living conditions…they are just getting started.
Ergo, the plantation owners need to find another substitute to control….and we all know who that is.
It’s actually amusing about Obama wanting to give free phones, Internet service to the black community (he thought as a control mechanism)…and it’s actually backfiring (boomeranged!!) because it’s given them the tools to escape from the Democrat Plantation. Heh heh


Musk’s 6G low orbit satellites will be fully in place within the next 18-24 months. At that point your idea is completely feasible. Solar charged USB battery sticks plus smallish tablets designed to tap into those satellites would be all that is needed at that point.


That would be awesome! The more people know about the ACTUAL world, the better.


Q 3536 says, in part:
Sleepers present problems re: staff fills.
More coming?
In Q 3537 an anon says, “Wray is a sleeper,” meaning, I guess, that Wray is presenting problems with staff fills. And Q says “Future marker”…meaning the post itself is a marker for something that’s coming?
The pics of watches were also referred to as markers in Q 3232:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a17382 No.5930643 📁
Mar 27 2019 19:33:51 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a17382 No.5930471
Mar 27 2019 19:28:58 (EST)
Marker [1]
Marker [2]
Q 1743:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3574eb No.2325668 📁
Jul 28 2018 12:58:45 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 170f5e No.2325405 📁
Jul 28 2018 12:43:41 (EST)
Q, will this still be the month the world discovered the TRUTH and what we anons know is conspiracy no more?
Was the Truth revealed re: FISA/Dossier?
Important marker.
Think connections.


Trying again on the watch pics. Q 3232
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a17382 No.5930643 📁
Mar 27 2019 19:33:51 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a17382 No.5930471
Mar 27 2019 19:28:58 (EST)
IMG_2727.PNG ⬇
Marker [1]
IMG_2729.PNG ⬇
Marker [2]


That makes sense. A casual glance at Q’s response to the anon makes one think Q is saying Wray is a sleeper, but that is not clearly stated. And there are so many things that Q has not been able to state clearly, or has chosen not to state clearly, that we can’t be certain. Pres. Trump could replace Wray and hasn’t done so for whatever reason.


Wolfie, good point about Wray & China.
Is it possible that Wray is a ‘sleeper’ for our side? Is Wray ‘going along’ within FBI until he figures out who the remaining rats/turncoats are, and can do something about it (timing is everything). Does ‘sleeper’ always mean ‘enemy’? I don’t know the answer!
I have no opinion about Wray, other than frustration, but that doesn’t mean much until we know why we haven’t seen more direct action from him. If he’s working to rout the poison while preserving the institution, or he’s holding down the fort till it’s time for action …. well, we just don’t know.


In one of his first speeches, Wray talked about how maintaining the “institution” of the FBI was so important. Does not bode well, IMO. I will wait and see on this one.


This has been my suspicion all along.


YES to Chris!
When he made that comment, I thought Chris was on target.


I’m late to the party today, and will have to step out now again..however, , since my name was mentioned ,
..( I think ) ..
I must take time here to acknowledge and give a proper H/T to Treeper 1st class Duchess, for sharing and posting her videos , they are always on topic and worth the time .TY D
Carrying with me from OT ,.. “seek to understand” ..
Like all here , I simply watch listen/save/ copy/paste where I think it may contribute to the topic discussed
TY for the site..
I do think ‘marker’ is a information/action threshold.. once met, more info/action can/will flow markers set . all this buys ‘time’.. this legal business consumes time
Future proves past
Complicated business folks.


Things that make you go…Hmmm:
I noticed this over at Qresearch, which an Anon had posted:comment image
Since I didn’t pay attention to Hussein’s Halloween Party back in 2016…I did a search for more images of it, so see if this was true.
And…yep:comment imagecomment image
Also found this from another Anon:comment image


It’s everywhere .. You can’t unsee the connections once you know them !


LOL, Wolf….got a cute joke sent to me today about “excuse my French.” Basically goes like this,,,,
When I was a child, the adults in my family always said “pardon my French” after uttering curse words.
So, you can imagine the teacher’s surprise the first time I went to my French class and was asked if anyone knew any French words.


Let’s play a game – it’s called “Connect the Dots”!
E. Island .. Ellen .. Las Vegas security guard interview
Thanks for playing!


Wow. That frigging white rabbit crap is everywhere. Wasn’t the author of Alice in Wonderland a perv? The cabal took up his character and laughed at the rest of us.


Alice in Wonderland –


That nutter E Carroll that was the Democoms latest accuser..the “rape” in the department his niece !!



JW in Germany

I do not know the story of Alice in Wonderland to well. Could there be a connection between the time on the watch that Q posted and the pocket watch that the white rabbit carries?comment image

JW in Germany

Btw, is that blond hair I see in the reflection on the watch casing???


That, iMO, was the point of the pic – the reflection of POTUS in the rim.


There are white rabbits 🐇 every too
Miserable Creeps


Those kids dancing look creepy/drugged… supposed to be zombies?
I’m not a fan of kids dressing up as typical occult halloween figures – witches, goblins(demons) zombies, etc.


Looked to me like they were doing MJ’s “Thriller.”


On the other hand, by dressing up as a witch, etc. it makes them figures of fun and takes the “scare” away from them. Making things an object of laughter is one way to neutralize their power. Just a thought.


It’s edging out of bounds…. unscriptural.


Personally, I think this brouhaha over Halloween is WAY overblown. For pete’s sake, it is just a fun night for kids to dress up, have fun and get LOTS of candy!!!! Let’s not turn it into something it is not!!!! Not ONE child out there knows jack squat about the history, nor do they give a shit!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s the highest Satanic holiday out there, and has been since the time of Nimrod (Tower of Babel) or before.
It IS no joke. Almost 60 years ago, on my first (and last) trick-or treat trip, some apples were given out with razor blades in them. That kind of evil existed even back then. in the middle of sleepy suburbia, no less.
The only ones who benefit are the costume manufacturers (mostly if not all Chinese), the candy manufacturers (probably a lot of them Chinese), and the dentists.
Halloween is just Samhain with a fresh coat of paint and rationalization,


I can guarantee you there is not ONE child in this country who knows anything whatsoever about the history, nor do they care. Nor do I.


Halloween is one “holiday” that me and my family will NOT celebrate.
I consider it SATAN’s “holiday”


No coincidences


Obama’s turned the WH building into a
“Merry go Around.”
” Allice in Wonderland”
” White Rabbit”
“Children portrait as zombies >
Did those kids participated in the party? Something strange about the kids but if they are supposed to be zombies they should not look happy.
How do zombies fit with the theme of Alice in wonderland?
I really do not know the story ,


Q drop #3548 is a real mind bender.


I’m thinking Chris nailed it.


That was not an original from me daughn, I simply did a copy/paste from one of the recent a videos Duchess shared, (which I saved ) then inserted it into the discussion .H/T goes to Duchess .
May be in here re:scaramucci model


Absolutely ! just paying it forward ,


Yep…I was thinking along the same lines.
This, taken together with what Joe DiGenova said…makes me hopeful that we get some Declas this week.
Q is posting these two drops on his private board.
No replies a possible.
So it’s always interesting when he does this.
There’s another NEW drop, with a curious-looking video clip!


Boxes full of cash!
With the ICRC logo/label on the boxes.
ICRC = International Committee of the Red Cross.


Yeah! WTH!!
Straight out of a movie, Red Cross running guns, money, not medical supplies..who knows what?


Hi, She!
Yeah, I’m trying to figure out if it is US currency in those boxes, or what.
It’s blurry…but it looks like it could be $20 bills, in one of the boxes.
Not sure though.
It’s always good to see you, She.


Oh, it’s US money alright. Bundles of banded bills. And they do look like twenties, to me.


Looked like the picture of Benjamin Franklin towards the end…… ($100’s)


Long post, please consider…
Yup. One minute mark. Franklin. $100. Bundle handled just after one minute mark $10,000.
Thinking out loud, so to speak…
Each International Red Cross case contains ~ Thirteen Millions…details and background as I see them…
– $100 bills easier to move large amounts money.
– $100 bills fetch higher exchange rate overseas.
– $20 bills and smaller smaller exchange rate.
– Coins can be exchanged but nearly worthless…weight and cumbersome for banks / dealers to handle.
– When in the Philippines I never exchange at banks. Rather I use money changers..valid businesses. Better exchange rate. Always $100 bills.
$10,000 = 100, $100 bills. OR 500, $20 bills.
$100,000 = 1,000, $100 bills. OR 5,000, $20 bills
$1,000,000 = 10,000, $100 bills OR 50,000, $20 bills.
$100 bill is ideal bill to bribe or whatever their goal.
Me thinks…
$10,000 in $100 bills 1/2″ thick.
$100,000 in $100 bills 5″ thick. (Ten bundles of $10,000)
$1,000,000 in $100 bills ~4′ thick. (One hundred bundles of $10,000.) AND easily fits in ONE International Red Cross cases in the video clip.
Looking at Red Cross cases, it appears bundles of money are ~8 wide x 8 deep X guessing 20 high.
So, 8 x 8 x 20 = 1,280 bundles of $10,000 = $12,800,000.
EACH case nearly Thirteen million dollars in $100 bills.
First room cases 5 high, 3 wide, 2 or 3 deep. OR 30 ~ 45 cases of 13 million = 390 ~ 585 Million dollars.
Second room, the same or more…
Wondering here, both rooms could easily be $1,500,000,000 (1.5 Billion dollars).
– Could money in the video be the money husein paid ahab the arab in Iran?
– Other money the US, UN..paid globalist corrupt via International Red Cross.


Now why would the International Red Cross need boxes and boxes of cash? A far cry from hot coffee and diapers being dispersed to disaster victims.
Need to deep dig about those with authority within RC to order this.

Gail Combs

My Father was the Army laison to the Red Cross during WWII and he HATED THEM because they were crooked as all get out. When I was an Army wife in Germany in 1975, I was told to go to the Salvation Army and NOT the Red Cross because they were crooked as all get out. Later I met an old high school friend who worked for the Red Cross. She warned me the Red Cross was crooked as all get out.
I talked to the owner of SPAGs in Worchester MA. He opened his store after a hurricane to help people. The red Cross had him shut down and said he HAD TO DONATE HIS STUFF TO THEM TO DISTRIBUTE. Note that companies donated cigerettes, personal care goods et al to the Red Cross during WWII for the Red Cross to give away BUT THE RED CROSS SOLD the items and pocketed the cash! That is why my Dad hated them.
Seems the jury is in. The Red Cross is CROOKED!!!!


Gail, actually have heard versions of your story, by soldiers in the field, many times. VERY top heavy “administration” expenses. Truthfully, the RC is the very last organization I would financially support, and I do know there are many volunteers who sincerely donate time and money during disasters.
Not that it means anything, but wasn’t Elizabeth Dole head of the RC at one time?


Didn’t Bill Clinton team up with elder Bush to get money for the Red Cross when that earthquake hit Haiti? Or were they fundraising for the Clinton Foundation directly? I don’t remember which it was….


It was with Dubya.
The ‘Clinton Bush Haiti Fund’…


Dubya said, “Don’t send blankets, just send us your cash.”
This was in a joint appeal with Bill Clinton.


It just sickens me.

Sue Mcdonald

^^^^^^This is why I do not give any money to any charity org.any longer. I stopped giving to red cross years ago after discovering that were not being charitable to soldiers during the world wars.
Also here’s a great article from Cory on what you can do if you suspect an org. In your town
I think Q gives us markers so we can go back and understand what happened in the future. jmo.


One Red Cross box.
Each Red Cross box holds ~13 Million bucks, me thinks.
Long post up stream splains straight math supporting thirteen million bucks.


And which proves the actual intent of the investigators.




When you go to 8chan there are a lot more of these ‘placeholders’
Wondering if maybe setting up the directory or menu.
40 years since I’ve done basic but almost looks like instructions to insert or implement something into the channel. Run a program so to speak ( very far removed from understanding this stuff)
I think Q, apart from truth digging and patriot support, is somewhat about setting up a channel accessible by anyone to view the documents/truth and a way to connect the dots.
Open to any interpretation though…your guess as good as mine? 😁


There’s a good educated guess!


If you look at the Patriots Fight board numbers on these two Q-drops, 3548 and 3549…they are numbered:
472 and 479.
Which means that there is a post missing…no. 473.
The Anons figure that Q posted that one, then deleted it, because it was meant for ‘other eyes’…and not Anon eyes.
I think Q has done this before, if memory serves.


That should be: 472 and 474.
Not 479.


Hah…one of the Anons captured that missing Q-drop, no. 473:comment image

Valerie Curren

I’m Q agnostic/ignoramus…but could those numbers be the time stamp difference between a POTUS item & a Q one?


Could be, Valerie…I really don’t know.
00:00:00 <– usually means 'midnight', in time-keeping.
We don't know if that was what was meant here, though.
But the rest of that stuff is coded for some reason only known to Q and his team.
It's interesting that it mentions "Package D-g"…and then in the other deleted message no. 475, it has "D-g" again.


And apparently there was a no. 475 that was deleted too:comment image


Oh my…this IS getting exciting!
Gosh darn…I had set aside today to stay home and work in the house….and here I am. Dust bunnies are patient little critters…they just wait for me.


They’re eating each other alive. The article sounds like a classroom full of SJWs trying to out woke one another.
DCCC faces mass staff upheaval after uproar over diversity
The departures comes as chairwoman Cheri Bustos faces accusations that she has done little to address the lack of diversity in the upper ranks of the campaign arm.




When you only have chiefs left… they can’t help but revert to the Soviet Union. Literally. Leftist should be an Olympic sport, of how far left you can run ahead of everyone else to prove you are the most wokest. They start by chasing utopia and end up chasing each other until the strong man emerges. Vicious.


Firing people BECAUSE of their skin color = actual racism.


Interesting AND creepy….from Gab
“Dr. B@Jejurns
Posted in Great Awakening
Alright @NeonRevolt, I’m thoroughly creeped out. It turns out Robert Maxwell was MP of the district of “Milton Keynes” which originally gets it’s name from John Maynard Keynes’s ancestors, the Norman noble family the de Cahaignes. It’s known by locals as “MK”. MK ultra victims always talk about being “MK”— just a coincidence perhaps, but slightly disconcerting. Also of note— when Maxwell moved there and bought up publishing houses one of which he renamed “pergamon press” (literally the same place that is referred to as the throne of Satan in Rev. 2:12-13,), he also bought up “Bletchley Printers” and moved the staff to a factory on Tavistock Street…. (Are you kidding me?!?! Tavistock Street?!?!)
It’s just too many red flags! Oh and just to top it off, one of the surname derivatives of de Cahaignes is “Cheney”….. turns out Dick Cheney has a pretty famous ancesteral tree that does extend back to this Norman de Cahaignes family John Maynard Keynes also comes from. For those who don’t know, Dick Cheney’s obscession with “the most dangerous game” involveving MK ultra victims is well documentated by Cathy O’Brien in her 1995 book “TranceFormation of America”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

With 26 letters, there are only 676 possible pairs; if you exclude doubles then the number drops to 650.
So there WILL be bona fide coincidences, and I suspect many have made hay off of them. However; that very fact alone means some are NOT coincidences, and they’re counting on you to THINK they are coincidences.
It starts to remind me of:


I’d say Christ before Death before Jesus before Triumph equals defeat of all dwelling in the dark and I’m so thankful there is so many of us that are allowing that to happen!🤗🥳
So really my intention was for once to tie what I’m saying into what everyone else was saying! 😂 So I’m sitting here in the bathtub and God said to go with C before D before J before T… which I honestly have no idea what that means… so I was gonna ask my husband… maybe watch some news (which I hate because I already know what’s going on and it only causes anxiety for me… which makes me wanna drink more and I’m tired of the liquor 😂… I rather dwell on the fact God is in control!😁🦋)… but then I remembered God is really making me into a good listener 🤗🥳 so let’s see where this goes shall we?😂😂🦋
Ok Christ before death? Well my driller family and me have not necessarily had things easy but I guess it’s all about perspective because we’ve probably had it easier then most! I’d say the reason why is Christ!❤️
Recently I thought I was having a stroke… I thought of everything possible to help myself (besides calling 911 since we don’t have insurance)… I realized quickly my fear was sending me into a panic attack… so I started to pray.,, I paced the floor with my hands in my air… and then began to praise God…. I stopped in front of our kitchen window and saw what I have… a beautiful home with beautiful people… but then I also saw I had no fear of dying because I know Christ is for me NOT against me! So I simply said “I Accept!” All the sudden this bright light came through the window in the midst of a literal storm and I couldn’t stop crying because of God’s presence (my husband is a witness since he came home early and both of us felt like a deer in headlights😂).
Something happened that day! I no longer have fear! Why? Well strangely enough it wasn’t until that moment that I realized nothing helped me but Christ… then all the sudden I was totally healed when accepting whatever was His will (including death)!
These last couple weeks I’ve experienced Jesus! I feel like I’m this broken vessel and all the sudden I see why I needed to be broken and now I’m experiencing healing… so much so that I’m bringing healing to others as God puts them in my path! But most importantly I’m seeing I can start with my own family since hurt people hurt people!😬😢
I think all of us (as a nation) are experiencing this (thanks to our President)! That’s what the light does! It brings healing, strength, hope! Which leads to triumph!😂🤗🥳😂
Oh good Lord I’m laughing so hard I better get out of the tub before peeing myself!🙄😬🙄
Ok so let me give you a little history between God and me!😂 At first I only experienced dark things and God didn’t meet my expectations so I ran from Him! Then I got hit so hard (and yes it took more then once😬🙄😬🥴) that I let Him in! Now I hear things and my counselor said never to say that 😂😂😂… but I figure if it’s God it’s ok right!?!?😂
Well anyways since that stroke incident I figured it was ok!😂 Interesting enough God’s been, I guess, working on my listening skills (I saw that’s what my husband wanted most from our dog and why he loves him so… so I figured that’s probably what God wants and why He loves me so!🤗🥳🦋) because He’s asking me to do weird things that don’t make sense… such as going to our rich neighbors house in the middle of the night because I felt he was getting ready to leave his wife… you’d think the last thing they want is a creeper and sure enough they were like REALLY?😂 But after 2 hrs they were so thankful and 3 days later they claim their marriage was saved because of it! Whew!😂
I could give more examples but then I should write a book right? And I don’t wanna!😂
Well today I’m like please God can you just speak to me ABOUT me and only me! And what happens? He says go post here… so I’m like telling Him “I’m gonna totally make sure it makes sense and ties into what others are saying!” I tried so hard and that’s why I laughed so hard I almost peed myself!😂
I know!🙄 I should have known after telling God He can’t talk to me between 2am and 10am… and that’s NOW the only time He talks to me that this would happen!🙄😂
😂 Welp like my son says “maybe some things are meant just for you mom!” I was praying real hard these are one of those times!🙏 But nope God says to post!😬😂❤️
So I’m gonna leave it there because I have no idea how to interpret this or what to take from it!😬 I’ve asked but what I’m hearing is I’m meant to just lay it at your feet and if you pick it up God will reveal it personally to you!❤️


Wonderful post!


Yay! ❤️


Trust God, you are saying? Just what I needed to hear!
Trust the plan…He has for each one of us.


Yes! It totally releases the stress! And helps me pick up only what is mine and release what is not mine! High5 grandmaintexas!❤️


Drillerwife!! What a jewel you are!!!! I just asked about you last nite (to your hubby) and here you are posting a strong lovely post!!! Thank you!!! Keep on praying! and listening…and posting!!!! 😘😘


I’ve really never been good at receiving compliments (well pretty much anything)… probably because I’ve received from the wrong people and they made me severely regret it!🤮 But wow you all make it so easy! You are a site full of healing, loving, intelligent, kind, wise, helpful people and I feel so blessed that our family is a part of a group that brings light!❤️


We are so honored that your family is here! and So much Stronger too!!!!😘😘


Giving AND receiving is a beautiful thing huh Marcia!❤️


Yes MAM!!!❤❤


Driller…your post should be entitled…Wisdom from the bathtub!
That cracked me up! I’d be scared to death of dropping my Ipad in the water. You DID have water in the tub, didn’t you! 😉




OMG Teagan thanks for the awesome laugh you gave us! Too funny! I did have water and CBD bath salt which helps me hear God!😂 And it turns out I can drop my iPhone in the water without anything dying! So that’s cool!🤗🥳😂


Reminds me of Saul’s “road to Damascus” moment…..
Where the Lord transformed (saved) him and changed him into the Apostle Paul.
From KILLING Christians…… to Testifying of Christ.
Dark to Light 🙂


Exactly! Well said my friend!❤️


Drillerwife Thanks be to God !


YES and Amen!❤️


Really Wolfmoon? Well that’s encouraging!😂😂🤗🤗🥳🥳


Oh well I wouldn’t have even known since obviously I don’t know how to use this site properly and often get disconnected!😬 I just chalk it up to God disconnecting me and I’m like “yay God!”😂 But I’m glad it meant something to you!🤗🥳
It’s interesting because I’ve never considered myself a good listener! In fact I’ve considered it a problem!😬 But recently my son said he’s admired this about me.🤔 So I’m like why God? 🧐 Cuz I’m a why girl!😒 And he revealed it’s all been planted it’s just about His timing!🦋
He’s very happy with you wolfmoon! Keep being who you were created to be is what I’m hearing!❤️


Let go…..
and Let GOD 🙂

Big T

Good morning! A quick “Didja know”? For those who use Twitter, I recommend a new account I discovered yesterday “@DyingCalifornia”. Dude who runs the account has started posting videos of the homeless camps and garbage heaps. BUT … he is extra cool. He is doing flyovers of with a drone, taking incredible and shocking vids and then posting them in some cases with maps to show where they are. The media is NOT exaggerating.
Here’s an example.


404: imagine that.

Concerned Virginian

I just got the same 404 Error message a minute ago.


Great post, thanks wolf!


Oh man! Just read this and it confirms to me wolfmoon you’re exactly where you’re meant to be! ❤️


Some are made to til the soil…
Some are made to plant…..
Some are made to water the crop…..
some are made to Harvest 🙂


Love! And what’s cool is you have all that here and everyone appreciates one another’s gifts!❤️


Oh too funny! I just read the first sentence and I’m like hearing from God about YOU! So I reply all excited!🤗🥳 Then I come back to read more and I’m like “oh he’s referencing me!” and surprisingly I’m excited (since all my life I’ve relied on emotions and that brings deep disappointment in myself! But all the sudden I’m relying on God and I’m pleasantly surprised that my craziness is all the sudden so helpful vs hurtful🤗🥳❤️)… guess this was helpful to me too!🤗 Thank you for having a voice and providing a safe place for all of us to have one! That’s what America is all about!❤️


Welp if that’s the case I’ll make sure my son joins! Of all people God gave me him and I’ve learned all about God through him! What’s that scripture about being like minded? It makes sense to me and my family now! After being ripped apart by people who aren’t and desperately needing people like all of you.. a breath of fresh air… I’m so thankful for being that in return! That’s why God wants us to be good givers AND receivers!❤️


Amen goes right there Wolf…..
(“runs on the Holy Spirit”)
The spirit of TRUTH abounds here.
Thanks again


Well, that explains a whole lot of things right there. 😀


“I’m relying on God”. God is in control . . . and God’s grace is sufficient, so . . . keep looking up!
Yes! 100%


Lmao okay this was the reply meant for me huh?😂 See this is my problem! I see before I listen and speak before I hear completely! Wow what a lesson for me! Wow I’d get things a lot sooner…. I’m too passionate… timing is everything and I feel like that’s the most amazing thing that Trump has learned by encountering God.., and what I admire most about my husband.,. I want to expose things and bury people but my husband has always said and God conforms this… let them expose themselves and bury themselves… it’s the right way to do things!🤗❤️


And also what you said doesn’t fall on deaf ears! I needed to hear! Thank you!


Me too! That’s why when God told me to let Him be God in my Son’s life I removed myself and trusted Him! At 27 yrs old my son is reaping the benefits of listening to God and being patient!🤗❤️ And I’m thinking what greater joy? 🥳

Valerie Curren

Amen, especially when they are choosing to follow God with their whole hearts. When my husband & I look at each other & wonder if we matter (much) we think about our 4 adult kids & how they are each following God & glorifying him in unique ways well we feel blessed & honored & humbled to have been part of that journey & pointing each of them to the Solid Rock foundation that is Christ Jesus!!! (I prayed the sinner’s prayer with each of my kids when they were young & my husband assisted with their water baptism at church camp, 2 one year & 2 the next, & these are precious memories to me)comment imagecomment imagecomment image?w=840


Damn it! But I just keep re-reading now and get more!🙄🥴😂 Of course it’s 3am but I just was sharing this with my mom and what you said about mistakes was confirmation! God told me long ago after getting raped and considering abortion that he can turn ashes into beauty and I received the most beautiful gift! My one and only son!
Lately our family has gotten into painting… my son had the most beautiful background but then tried to listen to the instructor (the art Sherpa whom we love) and in his opinion messed it up… so he threw it in the trash… I couldn’t understand why it hurt me so much and I fought to save it… but I refused to let it go to waste… we ALL ended up working on it and it became the most beautiful painting!
What I learned is a mistake is never a mistake if we learn from it!❤️




Random thoughts while thinking about the marker question. I went to QMAP and put “marker” in as a search term.
1) Looking at the results of the search, I was struck repeatedly by how true was Wolf’s repeated observation that Q is a psy-op. This is a primary purpose, including the goal (of many) to keep Trump supporters from feeling despair as the plan played out over many, many anxious months.
2) Q has said that things can have multiple meanings, and that is one of the really interesting aspects of Q.
3) IMO “marker” has multiple meanings.
4) One refers to the mark on which you get set. “On your mark, get set, go!” = the definitive temporal AND physical starting place for a race to the finish.
5) In addition to being a psy-op, Q is documenting the history of the war we are in, so in retrospect each significant event can be proven. To completely make up an example: when you have words in the shape of an inverted gun, four of the words being “boom,” that means four Deep State assassins were eliminated on this day. In the future, when their deaths are an issue, there will be no question who knew about those deaths and their purpose.
6) So some markers will fill in the details of what is happening now totally unbeknownst to us (and virtually 100% is unknown to us). The markers will (retrospectively) put together a coherent narrative of the war. In this respect, Q is an ongoing historical document.
7) Marker may also refer metaphorically to a gambling marker, and in this sense “marker” can have a Scaramucci meaning to it.
Totally separate from the foregoing are the suicides. Obviously, if the “suicide” happens in public, it cannot be a homicide. Right? Right?
With the Clinton Body Count getting wider and wider traction (just anecdotally, I am AMAZED at the number of people of ALL political stripes who know about and believe the Clintons routinely murder their opponents), it is necessary to make these murders as non-murderous as possible.
The Clintons sometimes sent a message by making the murder an obvious execution message for others, and sometimes tried to hide the murder (or make it murky) by dressing it up as suicide or accident.
There is a video game “mechanic” which I found very interesting when I first came across it. This mechanic is an ability in a game which permits a player to cause another AI player to commit suicide. For instance, in Bioshock Infinite there is a “vigor” (magical spell, sort of) called “Possession” which is cast on an AI player, who then turns his weapon on himself.
There is zero doubt in my mind that much time, effort and brilliance has gone into such a real life “mechanic.”


Tona!!! What a Thoughtful and intense post!!! Very interesting!!! TY!!!




I agree! The contributions in the thread yesterday and today about Q, Wray, markers and anons have been outstanding!
And it’s ALL within the hand of Our Lord and Savior as Driller’s wife assured us with her bath tub tales 😊✝️🇺🇸


Riveting convos Alison!!!And I do ADORE Drillerwife!!! 😍 “Tales from the Bathtub” Seymour Butts? (maybe?) 🤣🤣🤣


Cracking up;-)
Oops, just saw the pun. Butt did not dwell.
Where’s PHC at times like this. Miss the dude much.


Hey Kalbo! He’s still around and doing pretty well! 😍


Appreciate the update. Do miss him. Such a live wire he is;-)


👌 👍


Regarding the facilities at GITMO – Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, Cuba.
Article – with map –
As of last year, the facility had only 40 prisoners, but in the past held as many as 600 prisoners.
President Trump has been building and enlarging Gitmo facilities to the tune of 200 Million $$$ – despite the reduced number of detainees.
Make that 500 million:
The President must have a plan.
A Fortiori (@AFortiori16) wrote 12/05/18 –
“Gitmo is not US soil. DOJ only has jurisdiction on over detention facilities on US soil.
More importantly, neither the Congress nor the Judicial Branch has jurisdiction at Gitmo (despite Hussein’s attempt to obfuscate this particular issue). Military tribunals are the sole purview of the commander in chief. Gitmo is a military operation.
And if a military tribunal finds you have committed treason, you are classified as an enemy combatant. This classification entails the loss of your habeas corpus rights as a citizen under the U.S. constitution. Enemy combatants then fall into two categories. Enemy combatants who wear uniforms and follow the rules of war are subject to the Geneva Convention. Those who do not have no such protections. For centuries, the laws of war have allowed the summary execution of enemy combatants who seek to conceal their activities and do not follow the rules.
Once in a while, we need to remind people of certain things. Your motivation, upbringing, thought process, feelings and circumstances are not relevant; you will be hanged for treason.”

JW in Germany

I do not think Patriot Robert Davi will be showing on Fox News any time in the near future.


^^^ Spot on calling out Chrissy Wallace.
Also applies to most every talking head on EVERY network….
Hope this gets re TW numerous times.
Too funny if President Trump re tweets this video.


Another possible interpretation of “Marker”
In pro golf, a Marker is a non-competitive amateur player who pairs up with a single pro competitor in the event of an odd number of competitors.
POTUS is Q+ and is known to be partial to golf … 😉
Wray may have been appointed as a non-threatening pick (consider the fraught time of his appointment) to act as a placeholder that was able to do some good but non-threatening (from the swamp’s perspective) reforms. This would have added to RR’s cover as a “Black Hat” (POTUS appointed Wray on RR’s say-so), with Wray doing no swampy things, but also not threatening the swamp …
So trust Wray – he was appointed for a reason, and won’t help the swamp …. AND (logic)
Wray is a placeholder.
BOTH are true – this works in the “STING” scenario …
If this is correct, expect Wray to be replaced by a scary BASTARD (from the swamp’s point of view) …
What say you all?


Although HIGHLY unlikely, imagine if Jeff Sessions is appointed FBI Director 🙂 🙂 🙂
Or Rod Rosenstein as an alternate …
It would be a BEAUTIFUL troll move – the swamp would have conniptions!!
Trust Sessions … Trust Wray …. ?


Who would scare them the most?
Wray won the top award for prosecuting WCC at DOJ – and was a million $$$ +++ lawyer defending white collar clients – before returning to be FBI head.
He’s uniquely qualified to put together cases against the Clinton Foundation and the Democrat politicians’ various schemes.
But will he and did he?


All we can do is speculate “ad nauseam”
Would be nice if Q were to reward WQTH with a “head’s up” for unflinching loyalty 🙂


Wolfie and Flep are heroes in my book!


No question!!!


How’s the water/desalinization project going? Uncle Sam wants You to be a US citizen!!!


It is SO much bigger than DESAL – I am breathing deeply and considering HOW to lay the story out. Will be resuming the tale soon …


Looking forward to it.


No one is scarier than Barr. But appointing Jeff Sessions would END them, in my opinion. It would “prove” that there has been a PLAN all along, and that Jeff retains POTUS’s good opinion.
Everything that they have been mocking us about re 64D chess and the like will HAUNT them. They will be forced to acknowledge that they have been played by a MASTER.
The FAKE news would be GOBSMACKED …


Sessions may be getting too old for those fierce legal battles against these proven devils.


YUP, which is why I said unlikely. But as a troll it would be priceless. Perhaps POTUS could put Sessions on the list of people he is considering – would have the same value …


FBI Deputy Director Bowdich is 3rd generation law enforcement.



Somalis = Enemies of the State – including Ilhan Omar and family.


Verse of the Day

“Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD.”
Psalms 4:5 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


comment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children…Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You…Run to Himcomment image


Video of Red Cross Smuggling Cash Is Unrelated to the FREEDOM Stringer in Previous Drop
30 Jul 2019 – 2:32:47 AM
30 Jul 2019 – 2:28:22 AM
Unrelated but worth noting.
Back in the 1950s, my mother worked in the same building as the Red Cross HQ in our small S GA town.
She swore it was a scam way back then.
She also learned that black people used multiple aliases when dealing with businesses and bureaucracies. They had a different name for insurance, taxes, grocery stores, furniture, etc. This has carried over into voting, welfare, renting, etc.
Many move around a lot and are registered to vote in multiple districts under variations of their names.
One black lady bragged she voted 13 times in 2012. I think she was arrested. It really happens. Many US election districts have many more votes than registered voters.


THIS IS THE 3RD TIME that Q has pointed out problems with the Red Cross:
Red Cross Smuggling What? (Marker)
Q!xowAT4Z3VQ23 Apr 2018 – 4:12:36 PM
Red Cross Iran.
Red Cross Pakistan.
Red Cross NK.
Red Cross ……..
Define smuggle.
What is smuggled?
What funds are used to pay for the goods?
These people are sick.
Relevant to events about to unfold.
Follow the EOs.
US Taxpayers Funding the Scams
Q!UW.yye1fxo7 Jan 2018 – 3:10:11 AM
US taxpayers are paying for it all.
Paris accord = scam (trillions)
Red Cross = scam (billions)
Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)
WAR = scam (trillions)
Who audits where the money actually goes?
Who actually receives the money?
The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.
Slush funds everywhere.
Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?
The hole is deep.
Feel sick yet?


Over 25yrs, I’ve had about an equal share of white/black employees.
I send out the W2’s or the 1099’s in January.
Very often, maybe 3/7 times, they are returned as bad social security number and employee is long gone.
I CHECK their docs before hiring.
They know how to work the system.

Gail Combs

In Taxachusetts social workers could not do ‘surprise visits.’ They had to make appointments. Therefore the welfare moms would ‘share kids’ with their sisters and cousins. The welfare mom might have 2 kids that were hers but was CLAIMING SIX! (A friend rented to one of these bitches, reportered her but nothing was done.)
So yes they really know how to scam the system and teach each other the methods.


OMG = staged.


I found this link over at Vox Popli. It is a LONG article which itself includes several invaluable links.
The article is amazingly coherent and well organized. It reads very quickly. It is about many things we talk about here, and in that sense it will not be new to us. BUT it is so well written, and presents so many “controversial” issues we discuss in such an understandable and PERSUASIVE way, I highly recommend it as a perfect Red Pill for those you know who know someone who will sit still for thoughtful articles.
McCain, Epstein, Pizzagate, Fake News, 4AM messaging, and blackmail, it is all here:


Good overview of the generational shenanigans of a rotten family!
One thing that’s missing is Songbird’s role in the U.S.S. Forestall deck fire and his convenient rapid transfer off vessel barely before the smoke had cleared. (while daddy was conveniently CIC Pacific Fleet)


Take a look at 3546 again, it got passed over yesterday as “same guys”, which it is. It is a different angle in front of the sign. In this one though, you can see the 2nd poster the guy on the left is holding…..
Q research
18 June
What is the significance of Bread 8672, June 18, 2018?


I looked back through June 18 Q posts, there’s a lot there and don’t know about the bread 8672, but I did find this….
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 502ea1 No.1804985 📁
Jun 18 2018 19:19:33 (EST)
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has also said U.S. Attorney John Huber is investigating claims of FBI and DOJ misconduct related to these actions, noting that Huber would be “conducting his work from outside the Washington D.C. area and “in cooperation” with Horowitz.”📁
“This is not the end of the process. United States Attorney John Huber continues his work in cooperation with the Inspector General to review certain prosecutorial and investigative determinations made by the Department in 2016 and 2017,” Sessions said. He has reviewed this report and, based on its findings and his own investigation, will provide recommendations as to whether any matter not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of Special Counsel.”📁
SC = restart w/ significantly less staff = stupid
(Reddit Summary)
-Professor Turley is a very respected liberal law professor and longtime civil libertarian. Has been critical of both parties over the years.
-Turley says the use of John Huber gives the IG the prosecutor he needs to bring charges and seek indictments. (No need to go through RR which is critical)
-Huber is conducting a full-fledged criminal investigation into all the matters Republicans are calling for a special counsel to investigate.
-Huber has been investigating these possible crimes for five months (Now seven), since November 2017.
-By giving the IG a prosecutor they can now go after the deep state without looking like a political witch hunt. This is critical.
-Sessions informed Congress in his letter that all the matters recommended for investigation by Goodlatte, Gowdy, and Grassley are “fully within the scope of [Huber’s] existing mandate.” He also informed the chairmen that Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel. (Who needs a SC with that type of manpower?)
-The inspector general’s jurisdiction to conduct civil and criminal investigations includes “actions taken by former employees after they have left government service.” Then Huber can act on any of those matters.
-This is HUGE A Grand Jury can be empaneled anywhere, in any deep red state, away from D.C. (This is very important and why Trump needed to appoint as many Judges as possible)
-Huber and Horowitz can accomplish everything a SC can do.
-If Sessions feels that charges should have been made that weren’t, he can still appoint a SC to make that happen.
-Huber is a lawyer from deep red Utah, not the D.C. swamp.
-“If a special counsel were appointed, there would be a great deal of delay,” Turley stated, versus the team of Huber and Horowitz, who are already five months into this investigation. (It’s too late to even appoint a SC. Charges can be filed before midterms.)
-From /u/ClardicFug – Huber and Horowitz were both appointed to their positions by the Obama administration. This helps optics a lot. Pretty much decimates the “Trumped rigged the investigation” argument that’s sure to be made.📁


There’s also this:
Ezra Cohen-Watnick Digg
18 Jun 2018 – 2:15:58 AM📁
Important to remember.


“Page not found”


I copied it from Q Map.




You are welcome!


Yes lots there, 19 posts total that run a wide gambit. Much could be in play, has any one figured out what the bread refers too? Doesn’t have to answer, I’m soooo far behind.. 🙂
Anyway could be crafty call for full refocus to keep Anons on top of their game with hope more might be found.


Para…I have come to think that “Bread” refers to the list of ‘notables’ in each thread, over at Qresearch.
The list of ‘notables’ is a list of the comments that have good digs or other important information or news…which are referred to as “crumbs”.
Volunteers act as a “Baker” who collects the crumbs and bakes the bread, for that thread.


Watch says 12 pm – high noon!


June 2018 – was also the congressional testimony of IG Michael Horowitz.
Summary by Jeff Carlson –


JW in Germany

I have been bitching for quite some time that KNOWINGLY spreading false information has to be illegal in some way! Now this declass confirms my claims!
I was in disbelief about the likes of Adam Schiff and Co. getting away with these lies—asking “How can this be legal???” IT IS NOT LEGAL!!! Thank GOD!!!
I thought I was going batty! How many in the Fake News Media will also be caught up in this DRAGNET???


Yup JW that’s how I felt, it’s not right but the snakes 🐍 want you to believe their bloody liesssssssss


Who knows Baltimore? Rod Rosenstein knows Baltimore! There’s a reason POTUS is focusing on Baltimore…




Look at Dirty Truth’s twitter banner – hilarious!


Rats in DC! 🙂


and Baltimore!

Gail Combs

I think a a [marker] was a placeholder who did little damage.
Remember that during the first two years, President Trump did NOT have a Conservative Senate. He had a GOPe aka Chamber of Commie Commerce Senate so putting in true change agents was impossible. General Flynn was approved so POTUS would end up with egg on his face as he was taken out as a foreign agent. this played into the Trump-Russia Collusion narrative. AG Sessions was BARELY approved because he was taken out of play via the infamous ‘RECUSAL’ Tillerson, McMasters, Mattis were more placeholders who did little damage and some good but got the boot when they started interferring too much.

#DeepStateCorruption– Fmr FBI Assistant Dir James Kallstrom: The conspiracy to undermine
@realDonaldTrump began when he won GOP nomination. Business Roundtable & Chamber of Commerce
have fought him from day one. #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Dobbs
— Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) May 3, 2018

Now that President Trump has a leash on the Turtle, the idiotic Senate rules have been changed and we have a more Conservative Senate, we are seeing better picks confirmed.


On Ratcliffe – the crossfire is heating up.
PANIC IN DC is at a fever pitch.
Wow. We are over the target for sure.


If I am reading the tea leaves right, it would appear getting support from Senate Republicans is going to be a challenge. POTUS does not care though, he likes Ratcliffe.


“Presumes inel is partisan” this will be a good frame of reference for the normies.

Gail Combs

Never forget that President Trump + AG Sessions could slap a ONE YEAR FISA on a ‘foreign agent’ WITHOUT going through the courts. ALSO the President can grant ANYONE HE WISHES a SECURITY CLEARANCE, again without the Deep State knowing. Notice President Trump’s old Security guy Keith ‘RETIRED’ — HMMMMmmmm
On top of that Rudy Giuliani was named Cyber Czar by President Elect Trump and everyone on the Left laughed. Then he disappeared for three months. —- HMMMMMmmmm
Sessions/Trump-Appointed US Attorney Geoffrey Berman to the Southern district of NYC. Berman is Rudy’s old law partner. —- HMMMMmmm
Rudy Giuliani could potentially RICO the entire cabal. He did it before to the Five Families of New York.
Note: that Erik Prince was set-up by George Nader, the convicted pedophile who facilitated the Seychelles meeting where Prince “randomly stumbled upon” Kirill Dmitriev the Russian who manages the RDIF $10B+.
Funny how that meeting allowed Mueller/Weissman to search his phones and computers. Remember Prince was the guy who went on Breitbart and said the NYPD were tossing their cookies in the hall because the stuff on Wiener’s Laptop was so horrible.
Note: A NYPD officer was shot execution-style, sitting in her car. She was one of the ones who had gone through the Weiner Laptop. The NYPD Chief who handled Weiner’s laptop “Kills Himself Just Days Before Retirement.” A Fifth NYPD officer dies by suicide in the last two months. Epstein was beaten up. The Cabal is trying for a clean-up but they are TOO LATE!
ON December 21, 2017 President Trump issued the Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption and AG Sessions strengthened Asset Forefieture.
Pres Trump issued an EO in March of 2018 that expands the US-UCMJ to include civilians.
The President’s March EO becomes effective on Jan 1st, 2019.
wheatietoo said:
“…it looks to me like it covers all those who Took an Oath, to serve and protect this country.
There are a lot of civilians who took The Oath, as a part of their employment in our govt.

Amused said:
“SES (Senior Executive Service, which includes everyone above the permanent civil service grades, e.g., Strzok ) are regarded as having Flag ranks (source wikipedia). I believe that a point is made of this in Trump’s EO.”
Don’t JUDGES take an oath of office too???
Could be we get rid of a LOT of CORRUPT COMMIE JUDGES and Prosecutors as well as Congress critters, governors, mayors….
A full sweep would be really great!


Gail Combs is a national treasure!


I can’t find the Annex to the EO on the UCMJ. Any ideas where it might be found?


Interesting – this claims this happened in 2015, under the MIC – perhaps I am getting things mixed up?


Now there’s a tasty little morsel………”covers all those who took an oath”.


Great post Gail!
One year FISAs via President, clearances as needed and EO.
Rather sure all three have been in play extensively. Collectively, keys to flusing the swamp.


Where is DeRay McKesson?
With the nation’s spotlight on Baltimore and McKesson’s love for the spotlight, I strangely presumed McKesson would be front and center.
Yet, McKesson is nowhere to be found.
DeRay McKesson met with Zach Russem in the Eisenhower Exec Office Bldg and hatched Black Lives Matter, February of 2011. Zach Russem moved on from Obama for America to the Admin for VP Biden’s staff, to become a VP for Goldman Sachs.
We have the WH logs for the meeting and the original source was the WaPost:
For regular income, DeRay was given a 165K/yr job as Human Resource MGR (recruiting teachers and much more) for Baltimore City Schools. BUT he let the position in June of 2017 in a failed attempt to run for Mayor of Baltimore. What DeRay did for Baltimore schools is subject to interpretation but he did travel to hotspots for the Obama Admin ALL THE TIME.
While in Baltimore, DeRay lived at 1104 Bryn Mawr Road, Baltimore, MD 21210
I “Zillowed” the house, and it’s nice, about 600K
It’s owned by James and Robin Woods, he is a physician and she is a Board Member for Open Society in MD (Soros).
DeRay used this address when he filed paperwork to run for Mayor of Baltimore.
Yet…… DeRay McKesson left the Baltimore School job (good gig), in June of 2017, and he disappeared. His linked in account has not been updated since he left B’More schools.


Deceased? In custody? Some other unpleasant place?


Good question, Daughn. McKesson could be hidden in the bowels of Obama’s DC mansion colluding with VJarrett on some more ways to stir the pot.


Fact — if DeRay was a true and passionate supporter of “Black Lives” then he would never have missed this opportunity.


No updates on Linked IN?
Is he swimming with the fishes?

Deplorable Patriot

And now for the latest “SAVE THE EARTH” windmill tilt.
Holiday Inn Owner to Ditch Mini Shampoos to Save Seas
The fight to save the seas from plastic waste may mean the end for mini bottles of shampoo and other toiletries that hotel guests love to stuff into their luggage.
LONDON (AP) — The fight to save the seas from plastic waste may mean the end for mini bottles of shampoo and other toiletries that hotel guests love to stuff into their luggage.
The owner of Holiday Inn and InterContinental Hotels said Tuesday that its nearly 843,000 guest rooms are switching to bulk-size bathroom amenities as part of an effort to cut waste. The transition is due to be completed in 2021.
“Switching to larger-size amenities across more than 5,600 hotels around the world is a big step in the right direction and will allow us to significantly reduce our waste footprint and environmental impact as we make the change,” said InterContinental Hotels Group CEO Keith Barr.
IHG, which uses an average of 200 million bathroom miniatures every year, said customers expect them to act responsibly.


I’ve owned a B&B for 25yrs.
I’ve never used minis = wasteful and more luxurious items can be purchased for same amount.
We call it “the pragmatic Presbyterian”.
The “sudden revelation” is hilarious.

Deplorable Patriot

I generally carry my own because I am – imagine this – picky, but one chain does have nice amenities. Not Holiday Inn. It is nice to not have to worry about shampoo spilling in a suitcase, though. This is why ziplocs were invented, right?


I LOVED the BLISS line from the “W”
And we use a lot of Bliss stuff here.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On the other hand, a big bottle of shampoo or bar of soap that the previous guest (who knows who that was or what diseases s/he carries) used would scare the cr@p out of me.


…. only the engineer….
It’s a push button dispenser and the buttons are cleaned along with the shower.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, good.
Two trips ago overseas, I noticed that none of the hotels did bar soap. There’d be this tiny little vial of soft soap and it would rinse away instantly. So I ordered a box of motel 6 sized bars, and took enough of them for one-per-day on my most recent trip, and only had to use about half of them.


We supply big bar soap, white Dial.
I hated little bars.
All kinds of uses for leftover bars.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Would I get a fresh bar?
Granted I’d have preferred slightly larger bars than I ordered…but I make do.


Everyone gets a regular sized bar, like we by for our homes.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Cool. That would be better, of course, for hotels to do, and likely more economical for guests planning to stay more than one night. I have seen larger (but still not full size) bars at some establishments. Those are much, much better, of course.


I bring my own that I fill into special travel bottles.
Aveda has a new hair shampoo out that is wonderful and reminds me of the European Wella brand.
The bottle is expensive $50 cream rinse is also $50 but one only needs a pea size amount. This is the best shampoo and cream rinse I ever used while in the US.
Soap I need to be careful allergies therefore do not use the soap in the hotel.


Same here. And with people licking tongue depressors and ice cream, I hate to think about what they might do to a bottle of shampoo or hand soap. (Sorry, Daughn!) I will carry my own.


Nothing to do with saving the seas, landfills… More likely an alibi to support simple business decisions. $$$ profit.

Concerned Virginian

Well, so here’s Business Insider:
credit to Business Insider
“There are 2 dozen 2020 Democrat presidential candidates, but it’s really only a 5 person race”
Business Insider says the ONLY DemocratCommunistIslamist candidates who count are: BIDEN / WARREN / SANDERS / HARRIS / BUTTIGIEG.
I say: Business Insider is like the Marquis Dangeau, “who only saw the backs of the cards” of the palace intrigues at Versailles.


The left is defending rat infested living conditions imposed on people of color who are already imprisoned by poverty and forced to be dependent on government for their very existence and right to food and medical care.
President Trump is taking on the corrupt leftist machines which skim the top off of government funds meant to help bring people out of poverty and give them clean and beautiful surroundings as well as safe surroundings.
How is this racist? President Trump is risking his life and political future to take on the corruption and help the people suffering under it.
In addition, the left wants to take away every persons right to defend themselves while reserving those benefits for themselves. They can hire armed security…most of us cannot.
And to top it off, the left wants to take away then people’s right to protections under the rule of law. That is, they take money off the top of funding that should go to the people and use it for walls around their individual properties, while at the same time taking away lawful vetting of illegal immigrants and the imposing of even basic law enforcement when those illegals have been found guilty of crimes.
President Trump is a President of the people, not of corrupt politicians. To them, that is hate and racism.
To me that is an answer to prayr.


Here, Here LM well said and AMEN .. 🙂🤚❤️❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️


“How is this racist?” Well, it’s racist because the Commie Dimms decided that if they labeled PTrump’s actions as racist, they might be able to get some negative traction out out the endless accusations of racism from all the other Commie Dimms and the complicit Commie Media. The fact that there is no racism from PTrump, as I’m sure you know, has absolutely no bearing on the situation.


I agree. They are and have been trying to twist the narrative to silence us.
When I write things like this it is always in support of the President. I believe that he courageously takes on these issues to mark the issues he would like us to focus and shed light on. It is always with a heart for suffering people that he moves this way.
We have to learn how to win.. We will never please the left. Our silence in deference to their PC BS will enable the enslavement of people.
Elijah C. and Al Sharpton are saying that it is racist to point out his crimes because they are black. To me, they are very like a black overseers on a plantation, living high and lording it over people who are condemned to live in squalor.
The President is righteously angry and so should we have been a long time ago.


“We will never please the left.” . . . only if we committed mass suicide.


“Black overseers on a plantation” indeed! They deserve to be beaten over the head with this.


With all the racist talk lately I gained a tremendous insight the past couple of weeks.
Normally I would be sensitive to an racist accusation but I am no longer. What the left have succeeded with me that I do not care if I am told “you are a racist.” The reason is I know who I am what I am not and racist is not one of it.
I am wondering if it leaves others cold also? The have thrown that word out so much that it lost its meaning and the affect.


Looks like the Fed will be announcing a 50 basis point reduction in interest rates tomorrow. They tapped the brakes too much. The key piece of data to watch will be the monthly receipts and outlays report for August that comes out in mid September. We want to see the cost of debt service decline.


From Gab:
“Sotiri Dimpinoudis@sotiridi
#Breaking: Just in – Shooting at #SOUTHAVEN, Mississippi. Sheriff says one person got shot and killed and the suspect was shot by police officers at a #Walmart in the northern city of Southaven.”


update Sotiri posted that two are dead in the shooting….


Lol….my cousin and her husband live in the Villages in Florida. 2 huge Trump supporters. Her husband thought he got what he wanted when the Trump campaign announced a visit to the Villages on August 6th. Alas, it is an invitation only event to discuss Medicare.
I’d have to say the Villages are a perfect spot for that topic given the average age of the residents.


I’m old enough to remember when China was only building 5 coal plants a year.


Looks like we’re all doomed by about next Tuesday! CO2 . . . cough, cough, aarrrgghh!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

NEXT Tuesday? Not today?
Whew! I was afraid I’d tipped us into oblivion driving my gas guzzler truck today.


um….before you get all cozy and relaxed thinking it’s NEXT Tuesday….
“Major Solar Storm To Strike Earth This Week As “Black Supermoon” Looms”


Somewhere Art Bell is smiling!


Hey Miss Daughn, are you gonna do a thread for the Dummy Debate? Sure Hope so. Since I won’t watch them, I’ll be watching y’all. You guys had me cracking up last time. 😂😂


I’m thinking about it.
Not sure.


Smoke happens. If built and maintained correctly, coal fired electrical plants emit very few airborne particulates. Anyone who wants to complain about smoke can go help fight the wildfires in southern Oregon.
Now that’s a lot of smoke!


If I recall correctly, the Chinese plants do not have all the scrubbers we are putting into our “clean coal” plants.


Daughn, I am very disappointed in you!
That should be BEAUTIFUL clean coal plants!


Good one, Tona!!!!!!!!!!!


“6 shot Monday in Chicago
Four of the day’s shooting victims were in critical condition, Chicago police said.”
more at link:



“DCCC Executive Director Forced to Resign Because She’s White
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Executive Director Allison Jaslow fell on her sword for the sake of “diversity” after she was forced to resign for being white.
Yes, really.
“Jaslow, an Iraq War veteran, attended an all-staff meeting on Monday to make it official after two Hispanic lawmakers – Reps. Vicente Gonzalez and Filemon Vela – demanded she step down on Sunday for not doing enough to “diversify” DCCC leadership,” reports the American Mirror.”
more at link:


“Jury Finds Katy Perry Guilty of Copying Christian Rap Song
Chart-topping pop star Katy Perry has been found guilty of copying a Christian rap song.
On Monday, a jury found that Perry’s 2013 hit “Dark Horse” had poached the beat from a 2009 faith-based song performed by Marcus Gray, or “Flame,” called “Joyful Noise.”
more at link:

Deplorable Patriot

Now, if the estate of Anton Dvorak would press the issue of John Williams borrowing some of the themes from Symphony Number 9…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m pretty sure Dvorak’s work is in the public domain by now.
Nevertheless, John Williams is lessened by not acknowledging his debt. (Composers borrow from each other all the time, but they generally title their works so as to make it clear.)

Deplorable Patriot

Uh, I don’t think Dvorak is. I paid over $20 for the sheet music – not a score, the sheet music – for Rusalka’s Song to the Moon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How much was the cost to typeset it, as opposed to royalties?

Deplorable Patriot

If it was public domain, the cost at the time would have been about $5.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So…the printer is making money, as they should.
Check in the front of the score to see who owns the copyright and if it says “by permission of”

Deplorable Patriot

It was the estate. I’d have to go dig it up. It’s somewhere in the pile on my shelves.

Cuppa Covfefe

No, they don’t always give credit, in particular in the popular music (and musicals) world. In Bach’s and Vivaldi’s day, erm, cross-pollenization was rampant. Peter Schikele (P.D.Q. Bach) makes light of this saying that in those times, imitation was a form of flattery. In PDQ’s case, his flattery was so profound that it was known as identity…
Were the estate of Rachmaninoff to pursue Barry Manilow, they’d probably do quite well. His Third Symphony and Second Piano Concerto, for example, supplied a number of Barry’s themes. As well as the popular song from long ago, “Full Moon And Empty Arms”, fittingly first voiced by the Violas, who have the most experience at that 🙂
And in the musicals world, trying to get, for example, a REAL piano-conductor’s score is all but impossible, and the “rights organizations’ ” behaviour borders on outright thievery. Even still, if I had to replace my West Side Story score, it would set me back about $100.00 or more… (although there are .pdfs available on strange sites with .ru as the domain 🙂 (collusion music, no doubt, virii no extra charge)…


‘He’s wearing the youth pastor’s salary’: Celebrity preachers called out for wearing expensive watches
Celebrity preachers made national headlines a few months ago for their expensive sneakers, now a new Instagram account is calling attention to their pricey watches with some pushing retail value of nearly $40,000.
“He wearing the youth pastor’s salary,” quipped Tyler Miller on the Instagram account called ProphetsnWatches about the $37,995 solid gold Rolex Daytona Carl Lentz, lead pastor at New York City’s Hillsong Church, wore during a recent appearance on “The Breakfast Club” morning radio show.”
more at link:

Deplorable Patriot

And priests are shamed if they own a car.


If the Catholic Church is low on funds these days it’s due to all the multi-million dollar settlements. it has had to pay out for their priests’ sex scandals.

Deplorable Patriot

Priests do get a salary. Still.


Me thinks there is no shortage of money within the Church.


Well, the Monsignor in Philadelphia was driving the latest Mercedes sport car when I lived in the area. Don’t care if it was a “gift”…optics…he could have at least made it a more modest Mercedes sedan! S/o. BTW, he was also frequently seen at the casino tables in AC.
Those were the days when people in power of all types, including Presidents, could get away with that stuff…because we were still in our unawaken trance.

Deplorable Patriot

Our archbishop is actually provided a car by one of the car dealer families. One priest locally used to drive a Lexus, but it was not new and he had family money. OLD, OLD, OLD American legacy family money. One of the most intellectually witty men I’ve ever heard give a homily.


“‘Puberty is not a disease’: Italian council moves to ban gender-bending drugs for kids
TRIESTE, Italy, July 23, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia, an autonomous region in northeastern Italy, approved a motion calling on the national government to prohibit so-called puberty-blocking drugs used in so-called reassignment treatment for gender-confused children.
In a July 17 move by a center-right majority led by the League party, the Friuli Venezia Giulia regional council approved a motion calling on Italy’s national government to prohibit the prescription of drugs that prevent normal sexual development of adolescents.”
more at link:

Deplorable Patriot

Believe me, the Italians understand sex. No puberty is not a disease. Neither is fertility or pregnancy. The push to treat all of it as such is eugenics at work.


“Transgender Ex-Amazon Employee Charged In Capital One Hack
Paige Thompson, the 33 year old former Amazon employee who was been charged with stealing sensitive data belonging to 100 million Capital One credit card applicants, is a transgender woman who has shown signs of erratic behavior on line, including sharing about the depression she felt after having to recently euthanize a pet, according to the Daily Mail.
Using the online handle “erratic”, Thompson was active on hacker Twitter. It’s not clear why Thompson stole the data, but according to Bloomberg, the breach ranks as one of the largest-ever involving a US bank – though the data apparently wasn’t distributed to other criminals to use in identity theft schemes or other fraud. Thompson was arrested by federal prosecutors in Seattle.”
more at link:

Deplorable Patriot

Another good reason the solicitation application goes in the trash every week. I swear they spend more money on direct mail than just about any other company out there.


Remember their ads, “what’s in YOUR wallet?” I saw someone changed that up and now it’s “WHO’S in YOUR wallet!” lolol!


As an identity theft protection, some recommend going to the credit agencies and requesting some kind of “do not send credit card offers” setting on your information.


That’s not a woman. It’s a man who dresses as a woman. DNA doesn’t lie.

Cuppa Covfefe

El Reg has some more technical details, along with a few biased (Anti-USA) followup articles… not surprising, as most of the tech world are now anti-USA, and Anti-Trump… seems like they’ve got a lot to hide.
Here’s more info:


Here goes Terrence K Williams again LOL
Al Sharpton is a Master Race Baiter & Ambulance Chaser.
@realDonaldTrump Said Sharpton
Hates Whites & Cops but we already knew that
He exploits the black community & silent about Black on Black Crime.
He’s a Fake & Phony Reverend


Al Sharpton has made more money in his career as a race pimp than most street pimps could ever dream of making.


Still looking but I do remember there was a video out there of Sharpton lead protest marching down a NY street where they were yelling “kill
pigs” or “kill cops”


“The only people who make money off dead people are funeral homes and Al Sharpton”
Oh that made me laugh!


Terrance has a way with words…Seems like all the blacks trying to come after Trump, sure have a slew of blacks who never liked them in the first place


Not a “Reverend”…..
It is spelled:


TY for the spell checking…I will remember that next time ray


Questions someone on our side should ask rat defending leftist….
“Do you live with rats?
Do you have armed security?
Do you have a wall?
Do you live in the same conditions you impose or wish to impose on your constituents?
And then…how about we turn over your tax returns to an investigation run by your political opponents?


More questions…
If not a wall, do you live in a gated community or secured apartment/condo?
What are the unpaid perks you get with your job such as transportation, shopping, on-call medical services, health insurance, personal services such as gym, beauty salon, meals delivered, Secretary/ bookkeeping/travel?




And how about, “Why do you want to restrict the privilege of school choice to the wealthy? Do you send your children to the public schools in your district and if not why not?”


Good one, LM…I have a younger cousin…husband is a lobbyist in DC…flaming, strident Liberals to the point of cause serious family discord….sent all three of their children to private schools while living in a fairly posh section of DC. Do as I say…not as I do.

Deplorable Patriot

As a lobbyist, it’s not taxpayer money he’s making. And not everyone who sends their kids to private schools can just write a check. My parents did without a lot, kept to one house (we didn’t move at all), and some of us did work study to be able to make it through.

Deplorable Patriot

I guess I forget sometimes not everyone lives in a private neighborhood where the streets are gated off. I mean, those gates were expensive, but a vast improvement over the chains and horses that used to be there.


Essential Truths of the Faith
JULY 30, 2019
Ephesians 4:11-16
11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. 14 As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; 15 but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.
It’s fairly easy to coast through the Christian life without thinking too deeply about the essentials of our faith. Every child of God knows the basics of the gospel, since they are necessary for salvation. But once we are saved, we need to grow in our understanding of the doctrines that are foundational for Christianity.
We must believe that the Bible is true. Scripture is the heavenly Father’s self-revelation about His nature, plan of salvation, and dealings with mankind. It’s the final authority on life, faith, salvation, and conduct (2 Peter 1:3), and we can trust that it’s without error because God inspired its writers and protected its transmission throughout history (2 Timothy 3:16).
There is only one God who expresses Himself in three persons—Father, Son, and Spirit. The concept of the Trinity is supported in numerous Scriptures, including Jesus’ baptism when all three were present and the Great Commission in which we are told to make disciples and baptize them in one name—that of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt. 3:16-17; Matt. 28:19).
The Lord is the Creator of all things. As His creatures, we exist for Him and through Him, and He has authority and power over us (1 Corinthians 8:6). God is not simply a greater version of us; He is in a totally different category because He is self-existent and the source of life. We, on the other hand, are dependent upon Him for our next breath.
These three essentials keep us grounded in the truth. If we doubt them, we will find ourselves deceived by other doctrines (Eph. 4:14).
Dr. Charles Stanley

2 Peter 1:3
3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,
2 Timothy 3:16
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
Matthew 3:16-17
16 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. 17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 28:19
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
1 Corinthians 8:6
6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.
Ephesians 4:14
14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,


“We must believe that the Bible is true.” So, that is a hard and fast requirement in order to be considered a Christian? I don’t believe it is true – I believe much is allegory and it was passed down through the years via word-of-mouth, with many different iterations, not to mention all the various versions out there – does that make me NOT a Christian now? I did a TON of research on this 5 years ago, when the Blood Moons were being discussed. I had all this info printed out and loaned it to my Sis to read. She was unaware that I wanted it back and she gave it away so I no longer have the reference materials.
I have bitten my tongue and refrained from posting over and over and over and over again out of fear of antagonizing others here. Frankly, I am getting kind of tired of biting my tongue.
The insinuation that if one doesn’t believe exactly the same as others, they aren’t a “true” Christian, is insulting, to say the least. I also no longer believe in prayer – does that make me NOT a Christian now?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I would say what that makes you is NOT a Fundamentalist.
Plenty of Christians aren’t.


I would even go so far as to say most are not fundamentalists.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Politically conservative Christians, however, are fundamentalists in higher proportions than the general population of Christians, so I sometimes see a tendency for them to assume that ONLY fundamentalists can be Christians, or (much more irksome to me) the implicit assumption that any political conservative is by definition a fundamentalist. (Of course the left likes to assume that all atheists ought to be leftists, so the stereotyping comes from both sides.)


Agree with this!
I am a Christian, but if I described what I believe, many would not think so (I am guessing).


I think you and I probably have much in common.

Gail Combs

I figure the whole discussion is between you and God and everyone else, being fallible humans, should BUT OUT!


I can just continue to scroll past all the Bible verses and religious speak – I just sigh and scroll on by. What REALLY gets my back up is when someone wants to inject religious mores into government and governance – that cannot be allowed – period.


Many Christians believe the Bible is literally true – but even they believe that some stories are parables to be used as examples or to get the idea across. And yet even the parables are “literally true” as they are historical record of a parable told by Jesus or a poetic song by David or a love/romantic poem written by King Soloman.
In other words – one can believe the Bible to be literally true and yet accept that some are literally poems, songs, parables, etc.
The difference seems to be in what one believes to be literal events/history v. not literal events/history.
The majority of Christians all accept that the Bible is t”rue” – as in presenting truths – but not all believe that some things literally happened such as a 7 day creation of the earth by God’s spoken word or that Jonah was literally thrown overboard and swallowed by a large fish and then spat out/thrown up on the beach 3 days later.
So, the vast majority believe the Bible is true as in truth but not all believe all of the Bible stories thought to be literal history/recorded events as such and that is a bit of the difference between fundamentalists and non-fundamentalists.
Which stories they believe to be literal historical events and which they believe to be illustrative or allegory tends to separate fundamentalists from those in mainline congregations who have not stuck to “fundamental” beliefs but were willing to modernize beginning in the late 1800s and continue to be willing to modernize doctrine as culture and society evolve/modernize. The Creation of the world in 7 days is one of the key fundamentals for many fundamentalists.
Some stats:
25% of the US are Evangelicals
20% are Catholics
14% are “mainline” Protestant Christians
6% are African American Christians – tend to be conservative & closer to Evangelicals on many issues
31% of Americans believe the Bible should be taken literally and 27% believe that not everything should be taken literally but that it is the Word of God
Percentage of Americans who are Christian is declining – in part to percentage of other religions growing but actual numbers of Christians – esp. Evangelicals – cont. to grow
46% of Americans believe in Creationism – that humans were created within the last 10K years – ~60% GOP believe this and 40% dems believe this – remember, many black voters are conservative Christians!
Most interesting to me is that the last number is UP from 2014 – more people reported believing in creationism in 2017 than in 2014!


Not really accurate to say that “most Christians are not fundamentalists”. Although a majority are not, fundamentalists are not a small minority.
So, 34% of the US are mainline Protest/Catholic & 25% are Evangelicals but 6% of African American churches tend to be majority conservative on religious issues (not politically in party but many really don’t agree with Dems on social issues).
Yes, Evangelicals are slightly less than have but still a substantial portion of the Christian community and of the voting public.
Interesting to note when one hears about the “decline” of churches in America narrative:
1) many closing/empty churches are in inner/big cities and are due to demographic changes due to immigration and economics
2) many closing/empty churches are mainline protestant who have lost membership to non-denominational
3) non denominational churches are growing, as are Evangelicals as a whole
4) most stats that are cited are showing the decrease in the percentage of Americans who are of particular protestant/Catholic/Evangelical, etc.. backgrounds. The decrease in the percentage of Americans who are Christian is not necessarily indicative of the numbers of Christians going down (they are going up in pure numbers not decreasing). The decrease in percentage is largely explained by immigration and the increase in other religions present in the US.


2 Timothy 3:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
16 All Scripture is [a]inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for [b]training in righteousness;
[a] 2 Timothy 3:16 Lit God-breathed
[b] 2 Timothy 3:16 Lit training which is in


Rayzorbak – I appreciate the feedback.
Food for thought: I was a non Christian as was my husband until around 30 yrs of age. We didn’t dislike Christians nor were we in “rebellion” nor were we anti Christian. We just weren’t Christian. And yet we had many people (we live in the South) try to convince us the Bible was true … by quoting the Bible!
Now, to a Christian this might seem logical because you already believe the Bible is true (how much you think is literal is obviously another issue as discussed above) so for you, a Christian, it makes sense to find truth in the Bible.
But to non Christians that does not make sense. Just as a Muslim could not convince you that their book is true/truth by quoting their own book to you, even if their book says it is true/truth because you already don’t believe there is anything supernatural or special about their holy writings, non Christians don’t believe that the Bible is particularly special.
You are in the paradigm. Others are outside of the paradigm.
Analogy: you can’t prove your thesis by quoting your own opinion. (unless it is original research and reviewed, peer reviewed fact)
So proving the Bible is true because it says it is true doesn’t really make a lot of sense to someone trying to figure out if it is true in the first place. And to someone trying to weigh the balance of believing it is true and knowing there are literal transcription errors, translation errors and scant original documents from which to translate.
And yet I do value the Word, go to it daily and teach my child from it – I don’t disagree with your point. Just not sure it helps others in this discussion.


So true….. It is the Holy Spirit that “teaches” us (Through the Bible)……
John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.
My job is to “Testify” to the things of God….
It is the Job of the Holy Spirit to convince us of the things of God.
Remember also:
Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
If one does NOT believe the Bible…..
It is NOT my problem. The Holy Spirit will guide them to the Truth…. or not.


I have a VERY hard time reconciling the timelines, particularly when I hear scientists talking about some land and animals having been formed (or “evolved) 10s of millions of years ago!
Then again, I don’t have much faith in science either. All too often, somewhere in the scientific chain, there was an assumption that simply because something similar (all tho not exact) happened, so all other cases must be the same. Anything from that point on is, IMO, suspect at a minimum.

Valerie Curren

If you are truly open to investigation you might want to consider looking into Intelligent Design &/or Creation Science. There is A Lot of info out there that has been significantly suppressed, like the human footprints crossing over dinosaur ones, in Texas, I believe. Or the trees that grow right through the supposed geological layers of time. Or fossilized items of the modern era, like a fedora hat…
There is speculation that many of those geological layers were the result of the worldwide flood of Noah (there is flood mythology within many cultures). If those geological layers were actually the settling of sediments from that cataclysmic flood it might make sense that the layers occurred as they did, heavier particulates settling soonest/lowest & lightest latest/highest.
I’ve never delved deeply into these topics but have heard much about them over the years. There is a local Detroit area Christian radio personality, Bob Dutko, who regularly has guests on dealing with creationism etc. He’s compiled a lot of resources on that topic & a number of others of interest to conservatives &/or Christians…
I’m not endorsing any of this material just sharing it for your info…
I read the above article previously (I’d been wondering if there was geological proof of the Pangea concept) & found it interesting & thought provoking. AIG is a creationism site.comment image
This site above can lead one on a bit of a merry chase with evidence based & biblically supported reasoning–enjoy…Blessings!



Valerie Curren

YW 🙂


The answer to the question, “does ______ make me NOT a Christian now?” (where the blank is filled by any number of views) is seen in the huge number of various Protestant denominations that exist, especially here in the US – somewhere between 30K and 40K, last I looked.
IOW, by looking at what the various denominations believe, it’s pretty clear that even the most ‘religious’ Protestants cannot figure out what actually makes one a Christian. Thus….30K + DIFFERENT denominations.
This ‘shattering’ of Christianity is the direct result of Martin Luther. The damage to the Church done by the Protestant Reformation is truly incalculable…and when I say “Church” here, I mean the BODY OF BELIEVERS.
As always, JMO and YMMV.


Interesting… you think it would have been better to leave Christianity in Catholic hands, which prevented the direct relationship between the members of the church and God? Indeed, from what I recall, the Catholic Church didn’t even want the Bible translated so the common man could read it for him/herself.




I have to get ready for work but I would be interested in why you believe Martin Luther destroyed the church. Will check in again later around 10:30 or so.


We’ve got to do the ‘town run’ so it will have to be later on this end, too – but I will respond!


My response to NF – First off, wow, a lot can happen while one goes to town, lol! My take is pretty simple, really.
ML didn’t *destroy* the Church, he SHATTERED it. Into 30K + denominations. This … is not a positive thing. Think about how these came to be – none of the people can agree on doctrine, understanding, etc. Rather than work these things out….in America, when a man gets riled up at his preacher because said preacher interprets a verse in a way the man doesn’t like … that man can run out and start up his very own CHURCH.
That’s why we have so much “DIVERSITY” in Christianity in America – Luther’s Reformation is the daddy of said DIVERSITY.
As most folks in the US and Western Europe have recently come to realize….diversity is NOT strength. By tracing backwards through time, it’s clear that Luther’s work initiated ‘diversity’ within Christianity. (Can the original schism EO/RC be considered ‘diversity’ in the same sense? Not by any stretch of the imagination – RC and EO are still pretty similar and both still largely intact today (discussion for another time 🙂 )
I understand that ML was very unhappy with some of what he saw inside the Roman Catholic Church – and that whole ‘selling indulgences’ … was pretty messed up. (I don’t think this is done anymore but I’m not RC so I honestly don’t know – I know that SOME Orthodox were doing it at the same time Rome was big into it, and as I understand it, the Bishops quashed it in the EO Church pretty quickly. RC and EO (Eastern Orthodox) had already split by that time, so there wasn’t a single “Church” anymore).
Interesting thing that I learned in a Church History class: ML/his associates got into contact with at least one EO Patriarch (I forget which one) when ML was in his ‘rage against the RC’ to try and get backing from the EO Church. Didn’t happen, and our Patriarch ended up asking ML to please stop writing him, lol.
Anyway, that’s why I believe that Martin Luther SHATTERED the Church.


Are you Catholic?


Raised Southern Baptist, converted to Orthodoxy about 7 years ago.


What do you mean by “Orthodoxy?” From Wiki: “Orthodoxy (from Greek ὀρθοδοξία orthodoxía “right opinion”)[1] is adherence to correct or accepted creeds, especially in religion.[2] In the Christian sense the term means “conforming to the Christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early Church.”[3] The first seven ecumenical councils were held between the years of 325 and 787 with the aim of formalizing accepted doctrines.
In some English-speaking countries, Jews who adhere to all the traditions and commandments as legislated in the Talmud are often called Orthodox Jews, although the term “orthodox” historically first described Christian beliefs.”
So, that would be comparable to a fundamentalist.
From Wiki: “Interpretations of Christian fundamentalism have changed over time.[7] Fundamentalism as a movement manifested in various denominations with various theologies, rather than a single denomination or systematic theology. It became active in the 1910s after the release of The Fundamentals, a twelve-volume set of essays, apologetic and polemic, written by conservative Protestant theologians to defend what they saw as Protestant orthodoxy. The movement became more organized in the 1920s within U.S. Protestant churches, especially Baptist and Presbyterian ones.”


Hey, good morning, NF! I can’t get a reply in under your last question so I’ve put my reply as a new post at the end of this thread (the 20190730 thread).


Thanks – will find it.


NF…. in this, You would be correct.

Deplorable Patriot

“Indeed, from what I recall, the Catholic Church didn’t even want the Bible translated so the common man could read it for him/herself.”
This is an untruth that has persisted. Translations had to be, and still have to be, faithful to the original meaning of the text. There has never been a restriction on translation other than that. The impediments to access were that books were written on vellum and were expensive and the people were illiterate, hence all the Bible scenes in frescoes, stained glass, mosaics and more. All of the art offered accessibility.
And in English, the translation I use pre-dates the King James.


I was told that same thing by others so I sat down with the oldest Bible I had (KJV from the early 1950’s – it was my Grandmother’s) and the New American Standard and compared them word-for-word. The NAS changes also changed the meaning.
I bought “The Interlinear Bible” with Hebrew, Greek, and English versions (which did me no good because I don’t know Hebrew or Greek). So I planned to learn Hebrew so I could read the original language myself (altho I think there is a difference between basic Hebrew and Aramaic Hebrew). Then I went on my research journey and realized it would be useless unless I was able to read THE original. On top of that, I would have had to go to Omaha to do it.

Deplorable Patriot

The Douay-Rheims is older.
The Douay–Rheims Bible (pronounced /ˌduːeɪ/ or /ˌdaʊ.eɪ ˈriːmz/[1]) (also known as the Rheims–Douai Bible or Douai Bible, and abbreviated as D–R and DRB) is a translation of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English made by members of the English College, Douai, in the service of the Catholic Church.[2] The New Testament portion was published in Reims, France, in 1582, in one volume with extensive commentary and notes. The Old Testament portion was published in two volumes twenty-seven years later in 1609 and 1610 by the University of Douai.


“….in the service of the Catholic Church.” Uh-huh. Who decides WHICH one is the CORRECT one???? Because the meanings absolutely change within the different versions.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, since the cannon of the Bible was officially closed in the 4th century at the Councils of Carthage and Hippo, the result of those efforts, The Vulgate, is probably the answer.


IMO, the age is pretty much irrelevant unless one is talking about the original writings specifically. And this is a Catholic Bible, which I understand is quite different from a Protestant Bible.

Valerie Curren

I find to be a very helpful site. They have all the English versions & you can look up a passage in any/all of the translations. You can also use a “parallel” feature that lets you put 2 (at least) different translations side by side.
I went to Seminary for Christian Counseling & had to take Old & New Testament theology courses. The OT Professor was on the committee that translated the NIV (New International Version). Apparently when that translation was done they enlisted (some of) the best biblical scholars of the day, including Jewish scholars. The subcommittees had to come to agreement as to the meaning of a particular passage. When they couldn’t reach (unanimous?) agreement the majority opinion was carried in the NIV text & the other opinion(s) in the footnotes. At that time the language was to be free of idioms so that it would be equally valuable regardless of the English speaking culture that used it.
So since at least the late ’80s I’ve usually used the NIV for it is relatively easy to understand & based on “accurate” translations from the original languages. However, I grew up with the King James Version & love it’s poetical bent. The KJV is the version that much of my scriptural memorization occurred in so I can barely tolerate the New King James, a version my husband grew up with & loves. It is close to KJV but just sounds “off” to me…
He also enjoys a paraphrase much more than I do, like The Living Bible or The Message. These versions rework the originally translated (I believe) version into something more “accessible” to the masses, more in vernacular style language. On occasion they can be helpful for making a difficult passage more understandable, but I think they are perhaps best used as an outreach to the unchurched…
Translations that go through an intermediary language, like the Jerusalem Bible, that goes from French to English, should likely be less useful. Every time the Bible is translated through another language the greater the likelihood to get something wrong or distorted…hope this might help a bit…Blessings!


I grew up learning from, and memorizing, the KJV and, when WELS went with a newer version, I really missed the lyrical beauty of the language in the KJV.

Valerie Curren

WELS? I agree on the KJV, though I definitely Understand meanings better w/ the NIV…


Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Valerie Curren

Oh thanks. My mom started Lutheran too. Blessings!


Disagree – it was a restoration of the true church. The sins of the Borgias and the clerical class – the priest/bishops/archbishops/cardinals continue to this day.

Deplorable Patriot

The Borgia popes and several of those in the 14th & 15th centuries were elected to “Hold Back the Turks,” not necessarily for spiritual leadership. The “Turks” were known to try to invade southern Europe, sort of like they are doing now, only more warlike. The effort to defend Christendom was expensive, and that expenditure was resented by those in the northern European states who didn’t have to deal with it.


Besides, the ‘church’ split long before Luther – over the filioque. The devolution of the church into an elite political entity began when Constantine made the church over into the image of his kingdom.


Yes, there was a split in 1054. It’s interesting how the Eastern Orthodox Church is ignored by so many. It split with the Roman Catholic Church at that time. So few Christians want to know the history of the Church before 1054. I do not want to enter this debate, but what I so often see is Protestants and Fundamentalists thinking the Roman Catholic Church is heretical and vice versa. It takes courage to look into the Church’s early history (the Orthodox Church) with an open mind.


Reading the letters to the seven churches in Revelation, lets us know that churches are not without fault, follies, failures…. just as individuals are sinners, so are the collective groups.
In my nearly 3/4 century, I’ve seen it all in churches. All. One church had the entire leadership in sin and the music minister left his wife and four children for the 16 y.o. keyboard player. The pastor was a closet alcoholic and later his wife divorced him. The worship leader was committing adultery and involved in a business scam with the music minister.
Another church split because the treasurer didn’t want to show the books and the church was later literally owned (deed and all) by a homosexual who locked the other members out when they disagreed with him.
I was in the Episcopal church when it split over the ‘gay’ bishop who left his wife for a man, was an alcoholic and is now divorced from the man he ‘married’.
There are horrors in the church – but the catholic church is no exception – heck – they had to divest a cardinal to even elect the new pope. The Archbishop of FL had a young priest harem, a sex enhancement drug business and was forced to retire by a group of parishioners who exposed him. 2 bishops in FL had to retire due to sex scandals. This is world wide. Little to no accountability for the clerics in the catholic church – unless they are caught.


Sadly, these problems are universal because human beings are sinful and don’t live the Christian faith. The harm done is incalculable.

Deplorable Patriot

The filioque was an excuse. There were a lot of other issues.




With all due respect….
Martin Luther did NOT “Shatter” Christianity……
He helped “Free” it from the bonds of the Clergy.
You know…. those “Know-it-all’s” that kept the Bible to themselves…..
and were in their minds the ONLY ones able to understand it.

Deplorable Patriot

Martin Luther and John Calvin put a face to a movement that had been in motion, oddly enough, since Aquinas. There was also a first run at the destruction wrought by the smashing of altar stones, etc., around 1400, and I want to say it was in the Czech Republic, but I’m not sure of that. Didn’t work there. But did farther north. I have my suspicions why and they are rooted in human narcissism.
And, really, did Luther “reform” anything? Or was it a revolt of people PROTESTing what they were told was going on, even if some of it wasn’t and the rest was already being remedied?
There’s always a flip side of history.


I was born in Martin Luther country. He was needed at the time because of the overreach by the church.
As in all reformations some things should have been kept but revolutions have consequenses.
I am baptized German Calvinist Reformed. I spent my early years much in Roman Catholic influence through Nuns and also Lutheran influence.
Was Confirmed Calvinist Reformed married in the Episcopalian Church. Spend 26 years in the Lutheran Church and about 25 years Presbyterian .
Visited twice a year for 2 weeks each Monasteries for 15 years.
I have learned much having attended so many different denominations and in each were mentors who shared their wisdom. I would not change a thing because so much was given to me.
Being exposed to many different approaches to God in Christ can result in spiritual maturity and great insights.


NF – The Bible is True in a different way than Bank statements and math equations and research studies are true. Each of those is true in a different way from the others.
The Bible comes alive through submitting oneself to GOD the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and through the light of the Holy Spirit our strength, helper and guide. Scripture is given to us as a gift and it takes some unwrapping and use to really see its worth, purpose and efficacy.
One old bishop wrote, after studying theology and being a priest, bishop for so many years, he had laid aside his (supposed) learned theological tactics, his judgment, analysis and suspicion of the Bible and now looked on it as friends from ancient days trying to write to people in future decades and centuries about what is important to know and do and what they learned that worked in the Christian life.
Amen to that!


JOHN 3:3 comes to mind….Jesus said, “You must be born again to see the Kingdom of GOD.”
There is a different kind of seeing and understanding that come when you say yes to GOD. It’s revelation. I remember the time and place that I realized the death of Jesus on the cross was for my sins and to give me new life.
Even driving down the street, everything looked and felt different.
II Corinthians 5:17 is true.
Nothing has been the same after that. Oh yeah, I’ve failed, hurt, struggled, had to repent, and had a lot of hard lessons to learn, but nothing has ever made me doubt the great love and sacrifice of Christ for my sins.


My confirmation verse was John 3:16 and I believe it heart-and-soul. Yes, Christ gave his life for us. I do not doubt that in the least. I was inculcated with Christian beliefs since birth – it has never NOT been a part of my life. At the same time, I never questioned it, never studied the history of the Bible and Christianity, until the Blood Moons caught my attention. Then I did the deep dive and realized my failure to actually THINK about what I just blindly believed.


Ant that story, my friend…. is similar to the Scriptural story of Saul’s conversion.
Saul didn’t suddenly say or think:
Hey…. I’m a smart guy…. This Jesus is real…. I think I’ll follow him now.
Jesus himself BLINDED Saul (Grabbed him by the eyes, if you will)
And the TRANSFORMED (saved) him.
Life was never the same for PAUL after that.
Not always good mind you, but Paul had the Peace that passes all understanding.
ps. It was NOT Saul/Paul that did anything for his Salvation….
It was ALL by God’s Grace and Mercy…
Planned before the beginning of the world.
Ephesians 2:8
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;
9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Many do not believe this doctrine. I understand.
Yet, it IS what the Lord has taught me.
Let go…. and Let God 🙂


Psalm 46:10 says exactly that.


Psalm 46
10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 19
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.


Be still is a word that means stop, cease, even die.


….or ‘let go.’


I LOVE this post!


Cross references in the Bible – image shows how many there are:


I ALWAYS read your posts with interest and respect. Please never hesitate to say whatever you want!


TY so much. I really don’t want to get into religious discussions, TBH. I don’t think there are many here who would agree with me in that regard.


I’m with you, Nebraska. There are too many “rules” which mean one is “not” Christian. I think you are a Christian if you live like Christ did. And that is open to interpretation, which is why there is a whole field of study of the wording of the Bible, call hermeneutics.


No-one can live like Christ did – it is impossible. I think anyone who believes Christ was God’s son and came to save us from our sin, and was crucified, can quite rightfully be called a “Christian.” My WELS upbringing would say that one also must believe in the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Ghost, which I do. However, I no longer believe that God interjects Himself into our lives. What is going to happen is going to happen and I don’t believe any amount of prayer will change that. We must look to our OWN actions.


OK – that is enough facts on who believes what … I was too left brained and detail oriented not to talk about most/few Christians believe X! ha But here is my 2 cents on being a “real” Christian.
What makes us a Christian is: are we a Jesus follower? Have we accepted Him as our Lord and Savior?
Much else flows from there. If yes, then you will want to spend time with Him via prayer and reading the New Testament (and spending prayerful time in nature – even non believers sense nature, His creation, singing His praises!). And you will get to know Him, His Word as well as His Father and then begin to be like Him as He changes you and you become like what you think about and Who you spend time with. The Holy Spirit guides us in our reading and in prayer and our maturing in Him.
So many other things are additional doctrines and differences that don’t ensure salvation or prevent salvation! Sin, yes, esp. a chosen lifestyle of sin, dedicated to repeating it unrepently. Of course, we all sin even as we intend not to do so. (Don’t confuse temptations to sin with actual sin or a necessity to be identified with your temptations)
I have studied deeply about the Scriptures origins as written words, the various translations, etc., and I don’t know all of the answers…but, thankfully, I know Him. The rest is a matter of interest but not make it or break it type stuff. Whether He created the earth in 7 days or more I know He did it and I know my Salvation does not vary. (on a side note, I find dedication to the King James ironic in light of King James persecutions of some of our early founders and yet I still use that version although not exclusively or as a doctrinal belief)
He is so far above me I don’t even try to figure out the facts – at least not to the point that my belief is dependent them. If my belief was 100% based on facts, where would there be room for or even a need for faith? I am not surprised when there are contradictions between man’s knowledge and God’s Truth. I learn both and understand man’s knowledge for what it is – just how we understand stuff so far but we are still learning! And I am not at all surprised when more and more of the Bible is revealed as literally accurate history the more time goes forward and we learn more about the past via archeology, etc. But even if every historical detail of the writings of the Bible are not proven true by man I am 100% confident that it is truth when I read it because of relationship with Him.
I meet Jesus and *then* got to the know the Word v. someone using the Bible to “prove” Him to me.
If our belief in Jesus and our Christian beliefs are founded on currently known facts, on knowledge, on “proving” it to be true, our foundations are on sand! Foundations on faith can stand the test of time – including learning that there are indeed various interpretations of the original scriptures, mistakes in translations and copies, the dating of the various Holy writings, etc.
The Word is Holy and is Truth and much of it is literal history. Ask Him to be with you as you read and it will become Alive to you, jumping of the page, truths revealed and which “facts” just don’t matter when reading the truths.
by 2 cents. long 2 cents. Maybe this is 1800s 2 cent’s worth – back when a penny could really buy something! 🙂


This seems fitting right here……
Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.


Oh jeez, the head of the US Soccer Federation says not only did the women get paid more, but they actually lost money all but 2 years from 2010 to 2018. And here comes all the screeching about him lying.

Steve in Lewes

From Wiki – Cordeiro was born to a Colombian mother and father of Indo-Portuguese descent [2] in Bombay.
Well I guess all those screeching about him lying can now be called a racist homophobe!
Poor Carlos must bend the knee!


“An internal ethics report has alleged mismanagement and abuses of authority at the highest levels of the special U.N. agency for Palestinian “refugees” one year after the Trump administration suspended a $125 million contribution to its work.
The allegations included in the confidential report by the agency’s ethics department are now being scrutinised by U.N. investigators.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) said it is cooperating fully with the investigation and that it cannot comment in detail because the probe is ongoing, AFP reports.
AFP has seen the report which describes “credible and corroborated” allegations of serious ethical abuses, including involving UNRWA’s top official, Commissioner-General Pierre Krahenbuhl.
It alleges senior management have been engaging in “sexual misconduct, nepotism, retaliation, discrimination and other abuses of authority, for personal gain, to suppress legitimate dissent, and to otherwise achieve their personal objectives.”


Surprise, surprise. /sarc
I have thought for a long time that the UN is corrupt, but the extent of “sexual misconduct” which I suspect to be more than *just* extramarital affairs, across all agencies and nations, is staggering.

Deplorable Patriot

Talk about photo bomb timing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He was in a hurry to watch the rat race, no doubt.
Oh, wait, I said “rat” and “race” in the same sentence–the same phrase so the PC Police are no doubt on their way. You may see my house on network television captioned “SteveInCO Compound.”


Of course I’m seeing media say ‘better a few rats then being a rat’… these people will never learn. Keep screaming you idiots.




Ha! Imagine that – just make a yummy cheesecake yesterday, with whipped cream topping and fresh raspberries! (From a box, of course! LOL)

Steve in Lewes

I stopped by the break room to get a coffee and the cheesecake is all gone.
Wolf and Flep got there first!
That will need to be added the the afternoon News Roundup!

Deplorable Patriot

FINALLY! A day I can not only get behind but celebrate.


“However, a retired military officer who worked at StratCom from 2017 to 2019 said an informal inquiry into allegations of toxic leadership actually began in November 2017, before the alleged hotel incident.
The informal inquiry then directly prompted a formal investigation into Spletstoser that began on January 10, 2018, the retired officer said.
Spletstoser was interviewed as part of that investigation for about an hour on January 30, 2018 — about two months after the alleged hotel incident, but she did not mention any sexual abuse allegations at that time, even when discussing the December trip to California, according to the retired officer.
The retired military officer said the investigation did find, however, that Spletstoser had angry outbursts on at least “a couple of occasions” after learning she was not booked in the same hotel as Hyten.
“She traveled with him frequently, and I’m wondering, OK, if she’s being mistreated by him, why is she fighting to stay in the same hotel as him? So in my brain, she’s got a credibility problem,” the retired officer told Breitbart News in an interview last week.
Spletstoser was fired as CAG director in March 2018 after the formal investigation wrapped up in February 2018 and substantiated allegations she was a toxic leader.”


False accusation have become their best weapon against anyone they want to bring down or to advance the “cause”. Lawsuits and charges should be filed to put a warning on these practices or they will continue. Another example..professional race baiter and Justice Dem…
Man Who Shaun King Falsely Accused Of Murdering Black Girl Dead From Apparent Suicide


He should be arrested, IMO. Thankfully, PDJT has shown the GOP how to stand up to this crap – same with Kavanaugh – I am SO happy he did not cave. Not that they will learn the lesson, tho.


Jesse Jackson praises and thanks Donald Trump for a lifetime of service to African Americans


Y’all know about this Bette Midler/Madam Maxwell stuff? Seen on Gab:
Posted in Great Awakening
Those who scream the loudest. Anons dug up an old tweet from Bette Midler linking her to The TerraMar Project that shut down immediately after Epstein’s arrest. Founded by Ghislaine Maxwell. Anons also floating a theory that Midler is the person in that security cam photo Rachel Chandler posted to instagram. Notice the similarity in body types in the photo below. image


comment image


Good find, Mandy!


Looks like that Tweet is now gone…..SMH


Well that’s just creepy as heck.


I remember reading about this some time back. A very supportive positive article. Sounded like the typical WEALTHY people’s play grounds where they talk about SOCIALIST economies, but really the amount of fabulous wealth required to pursue it proved that it was all about the super rich enriching themselves over other men. Socialism is great when you’re the top dog…


Thank you, Butterfly, for this John Solomon article.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Q just dropped three more, 3551-53, and two appear to be about voter ID.
What I’d like to see, in addition to a paper ballot used as a backup, is an AUTOMATIC and REQUIRED recount of one precinct out of every hundred, verifying the electronic result against the paper ballots. That precinct would be chosen at random via an auditable process AFTER the results are announced. For any county, or any race with less than a hundred precincts in them, two precincts will be chosen.
If the count doesn’t come out good (to within one tenth of the margin of victory in the race), the announced election results are invalidated and a full manual recount must happen.
I also think it would be useful to have an option on every race that reads, basically “I chose not to vote in this race” so that undervotes cannot be later “corrected” to show a vote for a candidate. (However, I just thought of a problem with that…so maybe not.)


Another black with Trump against Cummings
How come so few are looking into the couple of Billion missing.


NBC and MSNBC are the most blatantly biased media networks today. They’re right up there with CNN being the mouthpieces for the DNC. Anyone who thinks there’s no liberal political bias is quite naive.
“At least 12 NBCUniversal/Comcast executives donated to the Harris campaign in the months leading up to the debate.”


I’m seeing that POTUS just linked to a Q anon’s twitter….
Is that true? Confirm, please, you guys!


Here you go.


And just like that…….. th Dems stopped screaming about election integrity.


Magic wand?


Thank you!



Elizabeth Warren’s supporters are as pathetic and empty headed as she is.


And this video is PROOF!


Q is posting away. Wish I could bring them here SUCCESSFULLY
POTUS tweeting a Q Twitter acct re voter I’d
Devin Nunes hunting chupacabra.
DP? Real? Anyone? 🥴🥴

Deplorable Patriot

I’got them up through 5361.


TY DP!!😍


Damn I knew many didn’t like Sharpton, but damn looks like Cummings has very few friends
Yesterday, President Trump sent out a series of tweets speaking the truth about Baltimore and Elijah Cummings. He called the city, rodent and rat infested. Well, it is. Go ahead and Google images of Baltimore poverty. It will make you sad, and sick. There is a lot of work to be done in Baltimore, not sure why nothing has been done since 1996.


I have a feeling Jessie Jackson had his feel of Sharpton during the Brown mess…There was a scene of the two of them talking through Jackson’s car window. Jackson left town almost immediately & haven’t seen the two of them together since.


Okay folks, thank you BflyJesusGirl
We have a thread up for the Dem debates.
Stop by if you can…….. I’m making grilled cheese sandwiches.


YAY!!! 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🦋🦋🦋


. . . and lay in a goodly supply of anti-nausea medication.


And I’ll add another one to the list. Got flagged in Walmart trying to buy Gorilla glue, aka “super glue”. 🙈🙈


And Voat is under attack once more.


President Trump duels with the presstitutes on the White House lawn again today. As always, he left them begging for more.


In the first 2:30 minutes, President Trump hints of federal action in Baltimore over the mis-use of federal funds.
Other Democrat cities should also watch out for the same.
The corruptocrats are going down.


Now Q’s going after the Red Cross, links to audit, Grassley Investigation, Haiti expenses.


In Post #3554 , Q tells us to prepare for Voter ID.
Here’s the background.
House passed a hyper partisan voter bill which only one Repub voted for (Justin Amash)
Narrative being sold by left is “Russians hacked our last election – and because Mitch McConnell is not allowing a vote on this bill – the Repubs are doing nothing to protect our elections – thus Trump is still a Russian puppet – and so is McConnell”
Trump came out today and said —— let’s do Voter ID, with back up paper ballots.
The Left didn’t see that one coming.
Of course, by the time the left regrouped, in knee-jerk fashion, they shout “minority suppression” with Voter ID.
Well, Q gave us the perfect comeback in post #3554 .
SCOTUS ruled 6-3 way back in 2008 on an Indiana case. Photo ID does not preclude or discriminate or suppress minority voting.
Here is the link if you need it…. and you will need it.


If I can’t vote 37 times using different names in several different voting districts, why then, I’m being suppressed . . . and it’s RAAAYCISSS!


How about several different residences in different states? Students have been known to do it. Poll workers as well. Mickey Mouse has had his vote counted before. So I see no reason why you can’t vote 37 times. 🙄


Two college girls admitted to me while we were in line to register to vote back in 2007/8 that they were voting for Obama in their home districts AS WELL AS IN OUR TOWN where they attended college.


You mean my dog CAN’T vote? That is SO wrong…..




Catturd always delivers:


Think the same will be said about the Obamas in the future.


Do believe that Trump’s presidential campaign will cost lest this time around
The democrats are doing such a great job of campaigning for him..


A$AP Rocky Fights Assault Charge in Swedish Court
Jafari, 19, is seeking 139,700 Swedish kronor ($14,700) in damages for his injuries, lost income and damages to his appearance.
Yeah you know how this one is going to end. Sweden must protect its migrants.


Angel Moms to Alyssa Milano: Why Don’t You ‘Fight for American Children Raped by Illegal Aliens in Our Country’
Finally someone said it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 1:23:38 PM
Not the first time.
Not the last time.
Re-read past drops re: VOTER ID.

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 1:25:01 PM
30 Jul 2019 – 1:14:53 PMcomment imagecomment image
Thx baker….
Missed POTUS linking a Qanon @Voteridplease
Would say that might be
directly to page, not a specific twat

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 1:34:14 PM
Time travel is fun.

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 1:38:22 PMcomment image
Prepare for ‘VOTER ID = voter suppression of minority vote’.

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 1:52:43 PM

Targets may be closer than they appear.
Hunters become the HUNTED.

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 1:56:37 PM
30 Jul 2019 – 1:47:51 PMcomment image
The Hill
‏Verified account @thehill
JUST IN: Trump tags QAnon account in calling for voter ID law

“Trump has periodically called for stricter voter ID laws, which advocates warn could restrict ballot access in low-income communities, students and people of color.”
Like Clockwork.
ID required (when)?
Sheep follow the most absurd arguments.
D_party voter corruption on display.

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 2:00:02 PM
New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 1:52:43 PM

Targets may be closer than they appear.
Hunters become the HUNTED.
>>7260840 (/pb)
[Placeholder – [DECLAS] Exculpatory Evidence [Illegal Hold-Non_Report] FISA_T_SURV]
T = Target(s)(ed)?
Watch the news this week.

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 2:04:54 PM
30 Jul 2019 – 2:02:45 PMcomment image
Trump threatens worse trade deal for China if Beijing stalls until after his re-election
US President Donald Trump has once again criticized China’s trade practices, warning negotiations could get tougher. The statements come as Beijing and Washington are headed into another round of trade negotiations in Shanghai.
In a series of tweets on Tuesday, Trump warned if China waits and he wins re-election, the trade deal will be much tougher for Beijing.
“China is doing very badly, worst year in 27 – was supposed to start buying our agricultural product now – no signs that they are doing so. That is the problem with China, they just don’t come through,” Trump wrote.
My team is negotiating with them now, but they always change the deal in the end to their benefit. They should probably wait out our Election to see if we get one of the Democrat stiffs like Sleepy Joe. Then they could make a GREAT deal, like in past 30 years, and continue to ripoff the USA, even bigger and better than ever before.”
US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday in Shanghai with a delegation led by China’s Vice Premier Liu He.
According to Trump, “The problem with them waiting, however, is that if & when I win, the deal that they get will be much tougher than what we are negotiating now… or no deal at all. We have all the cards, our past leaders never got it!” image
News unlocks…


Sorry, but the tree in the China post seemed oddly familiar to me when I saw this from Sort of like that other tree we’ve often talked about here, the half charred and half in fall. Anyway did take a closer look at it. Shaped like a heart, now in full bloom of sorts, and you can make out the image of a wolf on one side and wolf’s print on the other.
Thought I’d be amiss for not bringing that out and I’m not jumping to Qonclusions, just pointing it out.
The story after all does come from RT and though that, the image seems be used on the internet elsewhere too.
Oh… least I forget…comment image

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 2:18:54 PM
Logical Q.

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 2:27:42 PM

Logical Q.


It’s good to be prepared for emergencies. Always have $500M in unmarked bills handy. You never know what can happen.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, that looks like it’s it for the moment.


Re: 3561, 3550, 1249 and 489 – Q posts exposing the Red Cross:
Think about it – the Red Cross would be a perfect vehicle to transport young blood and tissue to the ghouls and egomaniacs!
Is the cash from trafficking in these human tissue items and live children?


Is there a connection between the Red Cross, Epstein and the Clintons?

Rodney Short



Yes – you are right!

Rodney Short

I do believe Hillarys brother was the weak link in all of this and therefore he was silenced.


Boy that death slipped into the memory hole fast. makes me wonder if he’s even dead

Rodney Short

And just like that,it’s ol news.


I doin’t know if they ever disclosed what he died of. I never saw it, anyway.


I don’t think they ever said.

Rodney Short

I didn’t see anything reported either, come to think of it.


Thats really suspect.


Going on memory, not searching for it, but the exact same was said about the school shooting in texas where the shooter was shot at the scene. The one where the shooter had the Antifa pin on his jacket.


We should have an honest, fair, elected governor and government. The man has just agreed to prevent me from voting. The man is a vile vile scumbag who is out of control. It would be nice if Q would include him in detail when they say “look at California “. Ive been looking, voting, etc. but the swamp here is sludge.
We need some kind of network in CA to get our state back.
Maybe this is the answer:
“La Jolla Doctor Plots Formal Recall Drive Against Gov. Gavin Newsom
A physician who twice lost bids for Congress is taking steps to launch a recall drive against Gov. Gavin Newsom, even signing up the treasurer of the successful effort to oust Gov. Gray Davis in 2003.
Dr. James Veltmeyer of La Jolla is using social media and email to collect “proponents” for a notice of intention to circulate a recall petition, said political consultant Andrew Russo on Monday.
“We’re in a process of setting up our committee,” said Russo, who also managed Republican Veltmeyer’s 2018 campaign against Rep. Scott Peters in the 52nd Congressional District. “We should have that by tomorrow.”
(In 2016, Veltmeyer lost to Rep. Susan Davis in the 53rd District primary.)
Russo said the group’s treasurer is Vona Copp, a 1984 psychology graduate of Point Loma Nazarene University, according to her LinkedIn profile.comment image
Dr. James Veltmeyer is a Sharp-affiliated family medicine doctor. Photo via Veltmeyer
In 2006, Copp reportedly was assistant treasurer of a committee aimed at getting Democratic state Treasurer Phil Angelides elected governor. The committee was seeded by $5 million from Sacramento developer Angelo Tsakapolous and his daughter, Eleni Kounalakis — now Newsom’s lieutenant governor.
Copp has been treasurer of multiple candidates and political action committees, including the California Fresh Fruit Association PAC, as noted by
Democrat Davis was recalled — and replaced by Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger — after a recall effort bankrolled by former Rep. Darrell Issa of Vista.
In a message to supporters — on Facebook and via email — Veltmeyer listed four main reasons why the former San Francisco mayor and lieutenant governor “has violated the trust of California residents.”
“He seeks to make California taxpayers pay for the health care of criminal lawbreakers who entered our nation illegally at a starting cost of over $100 million,” Veltmeyer said. “This policy will serve as a magnet to attract thousands more illegal immigrants to California which will lead to skyrocketing costs and additional burdens on physicians and hospitals.”
Veltmeyer also cited Newsom proposals for more than $2 billion in additional taxes, “[allowing] our major cities to be overrun by homelessness” and encouraging “Sanctuary State” and city policies he says shield criminal illegal aliens from law enforcement and immigration authorities, “including vicious and brutal MS-13 gang members.”
More at the link.


Now a recall of another Dem governor of the Golden State would be a very interesting turn of events.


Recall ing newsom bc hes is so loathsome got started when he was lt governor. BB has an article up where hes railing against guns again bc of the Gilroy shoiting. Newsom has a chip on his shoulder competing with his ego in size.


He’s a real chip off the Gambino Family’s block, right?

Rodney Short

Where do I sign?
I am registered Republican in this shithole and do you know my 2016 mail in ballot did not have Trumps name on it.


Theres a phone number in the radio interview to call and assist.

Rodney Short

Gonna call when I go up the road Friday, no cell signal within 16 miles of my place.

Deplorable Patriot

Any of the engineers want to comment on this?
(PSA: PNAS = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
Electricity produced by saltwater flowing over thin layers of rust
July 30 (UPI) — Researchers have developed a new way to generate electricity by moving saltwater across thin films of iron oxide, or rust.
The discovery, detailed this week in the journal PNAS, could pave the way for new forms of sustainable power production.
It’s not the first time saltwater and metal compounds have come together to produce electricity, but previous iterations have relied on chemical reactions — the conversion of two or more chemicals into a new compound — to produce power. Batteries offer the most obvious example of this formula.
The newest recipe for electricity is reaction-free. The kinetic energy of the flowing saltwater is converted into an electric current. The phenomenon, known as the electrokinetic effect, has been previously observed in atom-thick layers of of carbon arranged in a hexagonal lattice, also known as graphene.
“A similar effect has been seen in some other materials,” Tom Miller, a professor of chemistry at the California Institute of Technology, said in a news release. “You can take a drop of saltwater and drag it across graphene and see some electricity generated.”
Because graphene is difficult to synthesize at larger scales, Miller and his research partners decided to develop a film that was cheaper and easier to produce. The iron oxide films they produced in the lab are easier to make.
“It’s basically just rust on iron, so it’s pretty easy to make in large areas,” Miller said. “This is a more robust implementation of the thing seen in graphene.”

Deplorable Patriot

Rust grows naturally on iron alloys, but scientists needed to ensure the rust layers formed uniformly. Researchers deployed a technique called physical vapor deposition to turn iron oxide into a vapor that could be deposited as a thin layer on a substrate. The technique allowed scientists to deposit a layer of iron oxide measuring just 10 nanometers across, roughly 10,000 times thinner than a human hair.
When scientists released flowing saltwater across the film, they were able to produce several tens of millivolts and several microamps per square centimeter of surface area.


Immediate thought for application, pull cables of this stuff alongside your sailboat and you can charge the batteries your electronics use. Can this also be used landside with a waterwheel setup so that a tank of water is perpetually raised/run across substrate/repeat?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The first makes some sense, until you actually do some number-crunching. Based on what DP posted, you get several tens of millivolts, and several microamps of current per square centimeter. Which is to say you get (assuming “several” means “5”) 0.05 (50 millivolts) * 0.000005 (5 microamps) = .00000025 watts per square centimeter, or 250 billionths of a watt per square centimeter; 1/4 of a microwatt. You’d need a LOT of trailing cables to generate significant “juice” and your boat would probably slow down from all the drag (picture covering the entire bottom of the hull with steel wool). You’re actually better off with solar panels.
If this has any sort of application it will be for EXTREMELY low power devices where a relatively large surface area can be exposed to a salt water current.
The second idea you mentioned is, unless I am misunderstanding you, a perpetual motion machine. I can guarantee you the electricity generated from the kinetic energy of the water will not be enough to re-pump the water uphill (or raise a tank). You’d be better off using the water wheel to run a generator (which is another and probably more efficient way of using the water’s kinetic energy; it’s essentially how hydroelectric works)…but even then, you’d not get everything back you put in.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Four square meters of rust will give you one watt. Perhaps the below-water part of your hull could just be allowed to go to rust!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ugh–correction, it would give you 1/100th of a watt.

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. It’s been 30 years since that chapter in physics for me.


Good thought using the hull of the sailboat as the generating surface (but I can think of the problems with it). And yes, I knew the perpetual motion machine objection would likely come up.
Immediately I thought of the coastlines with the “perpetual” motion of the tides. If you were about to utilize tides (or piers, oil platforms, bouys), that could be an interesting design to work on.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, now THERE you’re using naturally generated motion to generate your electricity. In other words the real source is somewhere else (ultimately, the sun). So the “perpetual motion machine” aspect doesn’t apply, an external energy source is driving the system.
There’s an ocean current flowing into the Med through the straits of Gibraltar (because more water evaporates from the Mediterranean than the rivers flowing into it replenish); imagine setting up GIGANTIC plates of rust-coated metal in the strait, no less than 100 meters down. And it’s deep there, if I recall correctly. It’d be expensive as heck, but then we’d get electricity out of it.
The fundamental problem is, you just don’t get much energy out of this per unit area; in many cases you’re far better off with solar if you can tolerate not generating power half the time (when it’s dark).


Last year I saw an article about an alternative engineering solution for harnessing wind power that appealed to my love of economy of effort. It’s essentially a post with something over the top that vibrates in the wind. No motors. I’ll have to see if I can find something on it now.


Definitely not a science guy but is this a one time shot. Would the iron oxide not further deteriorate in salt water. And if you introduced the a continuing source of iron oxide how could you control it from not exceeding 10 nanometers.

Gail Combs

#2. The energy DENSITY per square meter for wind and solar is very low.

The three (other) fatal flaws of solar and wind power are:
1. High capital cost,
2. Unreliability, and
3. Cost of electricity storage.
The unpleasant side effects of solar and wind power are:
1. Unsightly,
2. Noisy (wind only) and
3. Need massive subsidies to compete with coal and gas generated electricity.
The Bonneville Power Administration in the Pacific northwest US has a 4700 mw wind system for which they provide a couple near real time graphs and also spreadsheets of past years of wind data.
They only produce 50% or more of rated capacity 25% of the time, while 33% of the time they produce 10% or less of their capacity.
Paper analysis of Windmills and other green energy from 2006.
“1) Lifetime – they are touted to last 15-20 years without maintenance. Truth be told, in practice it averages out to 4-5 years.
a) Bearings – they are of high tolerance steel, but they wear out, and go out-of-round. This causes vibrations that increase as the bearings wear, more or less from the get-go. This produces efficiency loss, of course, but moreover the vibrations begin to stress the foundations. Think of billions of little earthquakes. Think of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
b) Even when set up in concrete pads directly on top of granite strata, the vibrations enable the 1000 ton behemoth to start drilling into the strata, starting with the edges and the weak points in the subsurface. In the sea, sand is a good abrasive. The turbines go out of vertical with a time frame related to the fitness of the material it is perched upon.
2) Migrating birds – someone here said this does not happen. Untrue. Birds follow the prevailing winds when they can, just like ancient mariners used to navigate east or west, utilizing different winds at different latitudes. Where the wind farms are most feasible are thus in the migrating bird routes. Raptors, like eagles and osprey, and bats are swatted by these behemoths especially in high winds that blow them into the rotors. See the eagles cut in half near Danish rotors.
3) Noise pollution – they are noisy, especially when the bearings are in between lubrication cycles (yes, each rotor requires tons of petroleum lubricant each period) or they are worn. This could impact whales and dolphins adversely (I did not make this up – it seems like the lamest argument – but the Greenpeaceniks have tried to stop submarines from communication using this argument, also).”


AND they generate surprisingly strong ground currents. Residents near installations often complain of symptoms that are similar to electromagnetic field sickness.

Gail Combs

American Science is Mind BLOWINGLY AWFUL!
How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data
……This is the first meta-analysis of these surveys.
…… Survey questions on plagiarism and other forms of professional misconduct were excluded. The final sample consisted of 21 surveys that were included in the systematic review, and 18 in the meta-analysis.
A pooled weighted average of 1.97% (N = 7, 95%CI: 0.86–4.45) of scientists admitted to have fabricated, falsified or modified data or results at least once –a serious form of misconduct by any standard– and up to 33.7% admitted other questionable research practices. In surveys asking about the behaviour of colleagues, admission rates were 14.12% (N = 12, 95% CI: 9.91–19.72) for falsification, and up to 72% for other questionable research practices.….
Considering that these surveys ask sensitive questions and have other limitations, it appears likely that this is a conservative estimate of the true prevalence of scientific misconduct.

US scientists significantly more likely to publish fake research, study finds

Source: BMJ-British Medical Journal
US scientists are significantly more likely to publish fake research than scientists from elsewhere, finds a trawl of officially withdrawn (retracted) studies.
Fraudsters are also more likely to be “repeat offenders,” the study shows.
The study author searched the PubMed database for every scientific research paper that had been withdrawn — and therefore officially expunged from the public record — between 2000 and 2010.
A total of 788 papers had been retracted during this period. Around three quarters of these papers had been withdrawn because of a serious error (545); the rest of the retractions were attributed to fraud (data fabrication or falsification).
The highest number of retracted papers were written by US first authors (260), accounting for a third of the total. One in three of these was attributed to fraud….

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
Publishers withdraw more than 120 gibberish papers
Science Magazine “Peer review is sick and collapsing under its own weight,” — science publisher Vitek Tracz
This one is the worst: Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration
Out of Sight, Out of Mind,

Every year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspects several hundred clinical sites performing biomedical research on human participants and occasionally finds evidence of substantial departures from good clinical practice and research misconduct. However, the FDA has no systematic method of communicating these findings to the scientific community, leaving open the possibility that research misconduct detected by a government agency goes unremarked in the peer-reviewed literature….
To identify published clinical trials in which an FDA inspection found significant evidence of objectionable conditions or practices, to describe violations, and to determine whether the violations are mentioned in the peer-reviewed literature.
Design and Setting
Cross-sectional analysis of publicly available documents, dated from January 1, 1998, to September 30, 2013, describing FDA inspections of clinical trial sites in which significant evidence of objectionable conditions or practices was found.
Results Fifty-seven published clinical trials were identified for which an FDA inspection of a trial site had found significant evidence of 1 or more of the following problems: falsification or submission of false information, 22 trials (39%); problems with adverse events reporting, 14 trials (25%); protocol violations, 42 trials (74%); inadequate or inaccurate recordkeeping, 35 trials (61%); failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent, 30 trials (53%); and violations not otherwise categorized, 20 trials (35%). Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection. No corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the inspection were subsequently published.
Conclusions and Relevance
When the FDA finds significant departures from good clinical practice, those findings are seldom reflected in the peer-reviewed literature, even when there is evidence of data fabrication or other forms of research misconduct.

Blogs are now performing the important tasks of scrutinizing papers and conclusions often finding gross mistakes.
(I have tons more info on the sad state of US science.)


I have never “signed in” to VOAT and do not want to. Today, it says it is checking my privilege then the sign in page comes up. Before, it just directed me to the page of comments about Q.
Is there a good thing to do here?


May be part of their effort to throttle the heavy traffic they’ve had crashing their site recently?


You are probably correct.
Rush was talking about VPN numbers or accounts or something today.
I am apparently going to have to put on my big girl pants, do my homework, and get my computer house in order.
But thank you!


I really like this.comment image


And THIS!comment image

JW in Germany

Great interview of Jim Jordan by the Daily Caller. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the cutie conducting the interview—which tells me that DC does not like to make the news about themselves.


Another world class Dad at work.


That was great!
I would have loved to have hears Mom’s reaction when she arrived on the scene!


Mom’s reaction was probably one of two extremes…bust out laughing and encourage the fun. OR, something along the lines of, WTH were you thinking. I’d have received the latter;-)
Either way, Dad got to clean up the bubbles that spilled over, wiped the tile…well worth it, me thinks;-)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Those must be supersuds…I don’t think I could ever pile them much over a foot high when I was a kid.


Mr. BUBBLE in the pink box.
My dad was a PRO at making suds!
This, however, is an impressive effort.


I remember Mr. Bubble. Is it still around?




Oh thats hilarious!!!!


What is wrong with mexico? Still rejecting the safe country agreement? Release the tariffs POTUS.


[…] July 30, 2019 at 02:03 […]


Hey folks, an anon has found the source of the Red Cross containers of cash.
It was a raid on a crooked Cocoa Board Minister in Ghana.
Isn’t Nancy Pelosi in Ghana right now with the Dem Caucus?


hahahah…Ghana ? Q has a wonderful sense of humor. Ghana.


200+ countries in the world and Nancy had to walk into Ghana.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just wish she had Ghanaway for good.


Okay……… I will admit it……. I laughed.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, but look at my other posts under daughn’s original. Cocoa, and child slave labor. Cut off the kiddie workers, and the world’s chocolate supply suddenly gets really expensive.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that would be something of a crisis to most people. 🙂


In economic terms, higher prices means a market incentive to find alternative sources. Kind of like high oil prices.


Not Ghana lie…made me laugh!

Deplorable Patriot

Ghana actually makes a certain amount of sense for a weird reason. It is the world’s leading producer of cocoa, like 70% or something. I think I picked that up on CSI or some one of those shows. Threaten the world’s chocolate supply….
Money laundering….


Slave labor. Child slave labor? Trafficking?

Deplorable Patriot

Follow the chocolate…. I mean the ingredients Hershey and other confectioners use to make one of the components of S’mores.


This would help level the playing field for indigenous people that are selling fair trade chocolate in various places in the world.

JW in Germany

Too much of a coincidence! Those coincidences are piling up! At what point does it all become a mathematical impossibility?

Deplorable Patriot

Here you go. The Ghana connection.
Cocoa is the chief agricultural export of Ghana and Ghana’s main cash crop.[1] Behind Ivory Coast, Ghana is the second largest cocoa exporter in the world.[2] Cocoa cultivation is not native to the country;[3] Ghana’s cocoa cultivation, however, is noted within the developing world to be one of the most modeled commodities and valuables.[4]
Cocoa production occurs in the country’s forested areas: Ashanti Region, Brong-Ahafo Region, Central Region, Eastern Region, Western Region, and Volta Region, where rainfall is 1,000-1,500 millimeters per year. The crop year begins in October, when purchases of the main crop begin, with a smaller mid-crop cycle beginning in July.[5]
All cocoa, except that which is smuggled out of the country, is sold at fixed prices to the Cocoa Marketing Board. Although most cocoa production is carried out by peasant farmers on plots of less than three hectares, a small number of farmers appear to dominate the trade. Some studies show that about one-fourth of all cocoa farmers receive just over half of total cocoa income.[5]
With some two million children involved in the farming of cocoa in West Africa, primarily Ghana and Ivory Coast, child slavery and trafficking were major concerns in 2018.[6][7] However, international attempts to improve conditions for children were failing because of persistent poverty, absence of schools, increasing world cocoa demand, more intensive farming of cocoa, and continued exploitation of child labor.[6][8]


Earlier I posted each case probably has ~Thirteen million dollars in it.
Looking back at my calculations, straight math, more likely ~Sixteen million per case.
Franklin’s. $100 bill. 100 Franklin’s = $10,000. (<.5" thick bundle;-)
Each case appears to have bundles 8 across x 8 deep x guessing 25 high = $16,000,000.
Both rooms collectively sixty to one hundred cases…One to 1.5 Billion dollars, me thinks.
More to this than a former Cocoa Official…me thinks.
Hope some investigative reporter follows the money;-)

JW in Germany

President Trump tells reporters that Cummings should take his oversight committee and find out where the $$$BILLIONS are disappearing into cities like Baltimore and other Democrat ran shitholes. Of course, I was paraphrasing.


Well Played!
Our VSG.

JW in Germany


Antifa Flyers Show ICE Agents Killed With Crossbows, Firebombs In Siege on Souther Border
10-day ‘Border Resistance’ militancy training tour aims to break open U.S. border
Antifa is preparing for a violent 10-day siege on the southern border in El Paso, Texas, in an effort to “shut down” Immigration and Customs Enforcement and open the border to illegals.” …
“The promotional image shows border enforcement officers being killed & government property fired bombed. Organizers asking for ‘white comrades’ to pay for others.” …
more at the link:

Concerned Virginian

Can somebody get this information to ICE, Border Patrol, DHS, and to POTUS?


They have not yet been declared a terrorist organization. I wonder if/how that would change things.

JW in Germany

Real Journalism!


“BREAKING: Federal Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit Against Trump Campaign, Russia and WikiLeaks with Prejudice
Also, the sanctions motion against Trump’s campaign was denied.
When the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced that they had filed a lawsuit against the Trump campaign, Wikileaks and the Russian Federation alleging that those entities conspired to conduct a cyberattack against them before the 2016 election, many liberal observers thought it would uncover the smoking gun showing Donald Trump’s criminal and illicit behavior.
But the resistance was wrong yet again. Earlier today, a federal judge dismissed the suit with prejudice and denied a sanctions motion against the Trump campaign.”
more at link:


Russian hack / interference was assumed by Mueller to be a fact . . . and he went on from there with his biases and innuendos. So, a Federal Judge has now thrown that issue out of court with prejudice . . . another very large nail in the Mueller Report coffin!




81 page judges opinion
It’s pure gold – and he is a Clinton judge

JW in Germany

Okay. I am probably stating the obvious here.
I believe the people in danger of being exposed by Barr, Durham, and Huber—will stop at NOTHING to keep from going to prison. They will even bring the country to the brink of a HOT civil war if they must.
Now, we also have President Trump exposing the corruption of Democrat run cities asking where are the billions of dollars going. These criminals are soiling their pants—they are scared—they are desperate!
As we have already witnessed on MSNBC’s Scarborough’s guest pretty much setting the stage on how to proceed. Starting with the idea to call President Trump—criminal Trump. THEY are saying we are at WAR. We should believe them.
Expect violence from the likes of Antifa to escalate and the media to continue to echo the racism mantra—repeating a lie until it becomes the ‘truth’. Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg—expect some crazy things with the internet and social media—election shenanigans—and MUCH MORE!
I do not want to scare anybody—I want us to be prepared!
We the People are the Last Line of Defense!


Investigators, prosecutors, witnesses, judges and especially whistle-blowers need to take heed! Get security, take steps and be safe.

Concerned Virginian

Situational Awareness everywhere you go, especially if your spouse and family are with you.
Keep your preparedness steps to yourself.


And if you are in a Stare with enough Freedom (ability to legally carry), AND have confidence with a weapon, then 100% carry.
We will see MOAR violence and it will get ugly as Epstein papers get released, declas, release of docs, texts, FISAs, arrests for pedo pushers, skin trade pushers, attempted coup plotters,…
Across the spectrum of your lives, be ready to defend and or be a bit self sufficient. Latter probably short term, but be ready. Think scenarios out…plan…


I don’t think that I or any other average citizen has much comprehension of how easy it is for a professional to wipe out a person or all that person’s family, or kidnap, or brutalize. I believe the average person is lost when confronting a skilled, experienced adversary.


Right back at em!!! 👏👏👏

JW in Germany

I tweeted yesterday that I will wait for Mueller’s exoneration of WaPo.


Cuppa Covfefe

Lots of great comments on that thread. Also this pic.
Hey Øbozo, look what VSGPDJT’s magic wand can do (aside from restoring the USA from your crimes and incompetence):comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

And this:comment image


Absolute keeper. Can’t stop laughing;-)
Hope this makes many more appearances.


LOVE it Cuppa!!! He Got THAT MAGIC WAND!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I hope his Kevlar is head to toe.


Right DP! We Need to keep this guy alive to literally BRING THEM ALL DOWN!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 8:17:15 PMcomment image


comment image

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 8:23:13 PM

Godfather III
It’s going to be BIBLICAL.

Deplorable Patriot

And maybe we can have an honest Consistory in the near future.


Is that out of tje blue or part of a recent thread? Cause out of the blue….its at the forefront of his mind….

Deplorable Patriot

Gil, darling, could you clarify your meaning, please? Godfather III has been a theme with Q. And there’s little doubt that Francis was installed.


Not q, but the Pope. Is this part of a current twitter conversation? I dont know how they decide topics.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, the Pontifi whatever account? I don’t know that there’s a thread per se. Opposing true slavery and trafficking , though is pretty Catholic.
This guy has confused so many people. And the cabal profaning sacred symbiology has just made so much of that confusion worse.


Appreciate helping expand my limited vocabulary;-) By the way, agree.
Definition of consistory. 1 : a solemn assembly : council. 2 : a church tribunal or governing body: such as. a : a solemn meeting of Roman Catholic cardinals convoked and presided over by the pope. b : a church session in some Reformed churches.

Deplorable Patriot

I meant Consistory as in a Conclave to choose a new pope. I have little doubt Francis was not elected honestly. Too much points to a fraud.


Got it. Appreciate the clarification.
Not to be offensive, but Francis is surely in his own world when I think og Popes back to John XXIII. (Hope I got the latter correct)
With Francis, something, many things, simply seem “off”, from what I’d guess is normal, expected…something.

Deplorable Patriot

No offense taken when it comes to Francis. Many Catholics who are paying attention will agree with you. One minute he’s saying Mass in Latin ad orientum and leading a Rosary, and the next he’s opening conventions to talk about divorced an remarried Catholics receiving Eucharist.
Confusion being sown IS the scandal he’s causing.

Gail Combs

Heck even this Agnostic will agree with you that Francis is ‘OFF’
There was a good write-up I bookmarked in 2013 about all the points that seem to confirm Pope Benedict was FORCED OUT so Francis could be ‘installed’ Nothing that I have seen since then has made me change my mind about Francis.

Deplorable Patriot

I do want to remind the tree dwellers here, that Francis [the talking mule as a patron of my brother’s calls him] reversed a number of Pope Benedict XVI’s personnel choices installing his own people. One such move was at the Vatican Bank, an institution that a lot of us Catholics would like to see finuto. George Cardinal Pell, an Australian, found all kinds of things that needed to be investigated in relation, he was sent home to Australia, and got accused of a crime that the “evidence” proves could not have happened.


Totally busted up with, “…Francis [the talking mule as a patron of my brother’s calls him]…”


Thanks, DePat…for the work you do on posting these Q-drops!

Deplorable Patriot

Today, it was all timing. This afternoon, I had just gotten home and nothing had been posted although there were references. This evening, I closed the dishwasher after dinner, sat down, and…..
WE GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Home from drilling now and found out drillerwife made an appearance last night. I warned you guys 😆. Glad the Qtree is so warm though and she really loves the ppl here. I don’t think she quite understands that it’s not necessarily a social media site, like Facebook, but she’s figuring it out. You guys rock though, thank you.


Whatever!🙄😂❤️ I give up on FB! This site is winning my heart! So much more substance without all the BS!🥳


No BS here DW!! We all TRUTH…and Logic…and Laughs…and LOVE!!!❤


Drillerwife ROCKS!!!


Rocks my world ☺️


awww!!! ❤❤


I attended a pinning cermony today at the local community college for Vietnam Era Veterans. Since I are one, with some trepidation I went, mostly out of curiosity. It turns out I was very happy I went. They really did a great job of thanking all U.S. Veterans who served between Nov 1, 1955 and May 15, 1975.
I guess they’re doing this all around the country. It’s interesting I never head of such a ceremony or award presentation for Vietnam Veterans when either of the Bushes, Clinton or Obama were President. I received a really nice lapel pin and best of all a commemorative certificate signed by President Trump which I will soon frame and hang in my home.comment image


Very nice! Thanks for sharing.
100%, Vietnam Veterans have been treated shabbily. And deserve recognition and appreciation for their Service.
Northern NV here. EVERY time I visit a store, restaurant…I see Vietnam Vets wearing hats. Always, gesture towards the hat, give them a nod and smile. A proud group, deservedly so!


SW NV here. Pahrump is Vet City!


Gosh, Carl…that’s where my cousin, who recently died, lived. Truthfully, I had never heard of it. He was a graduate of the Air Force Academy and will be buried there.


What community college, Andy? Just curious if I know it.


Clackamas Community College in Oregon City


Ah, I do know it.


BTW, I love the history of Oregon City. At one point, when you have time I bet people here would be very interested in hearing about the end of the Oregon Trail.


Well, I’m no historian, but this website does a pretty good job describing the Oregon Trail experience and how the pioneers fared once they got to Oregon.

tom f

Welcome Home, Brother.


Thank you for your service❤


Some Godfather 3 quotes. Since Q referenced.
Calo: Power wears out those who don’t have it.
Vincent Mancini: Don Lucchesi, you are a man of finance and politics. These things I don’t understand.
Licio Lucchesi: You understand guns?
Vincent Mancini: Yes.
Licio Lucchesi: Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.
Michael Corleone: Why was I so feared and you were so loved (To Don Tommasino´s Coffin)
Michael Corleone: Why was I so feared and you were so loved? [to Don Tommasino’s coffin]
Michael Corleone: “All my life I was trying to get up in society…where everything is legal, but the higher I go the more crooked it becomes.”
Michael Corleone: All my life I was trying to get up in society… where everything is legal, but the higher I go the more crooked it becomes.
Archbishop Gilday: It seems in today’s world the power to absolve debt is greater than the power of forgiveness.
Don Altobello: Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.


Here’s a description of the commemorative lapel pin they gave out today.comment image


I learned today over 70,000 French soldiers died in Vietnam. That’s more than the nearly 58,000 losses our country suffered.

Gail Combs

Yeah, and France is a LOT smaller than the USA. Think of what that did to their economy and to their birth rate.
War is one way the ‘elite’ cull the peons numbers and get rid of the Alpha males at the same time.


Always amazed the thought, creativity and symbolism represented on Military Medals and Pins. Every detail meant to honor recipients.


Very nice! Thank you for your service. It’s past time for Vietnam vets to be thanked and honored.

Deplorable Patriot

No DiNozzo, no NCIS.


So, I went to the Magic place today.. Caught a few NICE Jimmy Blue Crabs.. My lil girl Da hound dog knew something was in the Bucket.. Just watch..
I’ll post some very NICE pic’s & video..


your welcome  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy, She is Guarding that bucket, I;m trying to relax before I clean these guys.. Oh My, It’s a riot right now with Her, (the dog), Wife is taking more video,, I’m DYING of Laughter..

Deplorable Patriot

Your pooch guards crabs. One of mine guards steak and salmon…. It’s true. You open the butcher paper and he might be blind thanks to diabetic cataracts, but the little dude is right by your side and will guard the meat as long as necessary.


David and Angie!!! Thank you!!! this is stinking ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤😍 Love you guys!!!


My & the Misses Motto right now..



Why does Congress need to take these trips? I’ve read that the troops dread such visits because they disrupt everything. (Not sure how they feel about seeing the President.) But Dems in Congress are not ambassadors for the Presidents’ agenda. Maybe there should be rules that trips have to be taken with equal numbers from each party — but only if absolutely necessary.


I think it was both…it was an Islamist terrorist attack *and* a Deep State dark op, too.
I’m just not willing to let the Islamists off the hook on 9/11.
They are not innocent lambs.
I think that the DS saw what Mohammed Atah and his crew were doing, got wind of what they were planning…and they Let It Happen.
Buildings don’t just pancake down on themselves like that by accident.
So I tend to believe the theories about there being some demolition features added to the building structures, to make them come down like they did.

Gail Combs

Not to mention the STAND DOWN ORDER that kept all the Air Force INTERCEPT JETS GROUNDED!
You know, like the STAND DOWN ORDER that kept all the American Troops from going to Benghazi to rescue Stevens….



Italy is rockin the last few days. Why haven’t I ever heard about this secret club event? Sounds top tier and so exclusive. No one can talk about what’s discussed.
So cute. It’s called Google Camp.
Google Camp guests Harry Styles, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Barry Diller and Leonardo DiCaprio cruise around Sicily in $200K Maseratis before partying the night away in ancient Greek temple
Google Camp kicked off in Sicily, with guests flocking to ancient Greek city of Selinunte on the Italian island
Harry Styles, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Stella McCartney, Barry Diller and Diane Von Furstenberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas and Bradley Cooper are at the Verdura Resort
Google Camp guests are arriving in private planes or megayachts, and given $200k Maseratis to drive in
A select group of billionaire businessman, world famous pop stars, doyennes of design and Hollywood A-listers have once again descended upon the ancient Greek city of Selinunte for Google Camp.
Google’s billionaire founders hold the opulent event set in a valley of olive groves close to Sciacca on the island of Sicily, inviting the world’s wealthiest business leaders and tech gurus to discuss issues such as human rights and the internet.
Details are scarce about this year’s event as the itinerary for guests is hidden away on a password-protected webpage.
Barack Obama is rumored to be appearing at the event this week, but has yet to be seen in Sicily


Sounds like it’s the second step after this annual event~~~~ article is from last yrs event. The Google Camp article mentioned this event preceding so…the top dogs decide and then enlist their celebs to influence the proles
Private jets double-parked at Friedman Memorial Airport. Nondisclosure agreements, fresh off the press. You won’t see any formal signs for Allen & Co.’s annual media, business and technology conference
The conference, like the company itself, is secretive. Allen & Co., a private Fifth Avenue investment bank, doesn’t have a website. It counts George Tenet, the former head of the CIA, among its employees. Organizers and staff are contractually bound to silence. The schedule, as always, stays under lock and key. Presentations and panels cover a wide range of topics, but have focused on politics and on the technology, media and telecommunications sector—the bank’s specialty.
Still, much of the real business happens outside the classroom, yielding very big and eventually very public results. Time Warner’s doomed merger with AOL is rumored to have grown from the meeting. So was the $250 million purchase of The Washington Post by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world. Last year, Bezos’ top competition for that title shared the same room, as four of Money magazine’s five richest people on the planet came to the conference: Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg.
Or try to ask them, and get used to Allen & Co.’s de-facto motto: “We have no comments on the conference,” said Sun Valley Resort spokeswoman Kelli Lusk.
That message has been the same for 35 years: Everybody’s here, and nobody’s talking.

Gail Combs

“The next steps of censorship and culture war….”
Well now we know one reason Nasty the Pig is in Italy.
Interesting that they have to go to ITALY AWAY from the SHITHOLE they have made of Californicate.


Honestly I don’t think Pelosi is top tier enough for these events. But she’ll be in the she’s near but not on the yacht and certainly not with her ragtag entourage.
She better concentrate on what Senora El Chapo had to say to her…MS13 ‘s spark of divinity might burn her


I dunno, Molly…
As Speaker, Pelosi is ‘3rd in line’ for the Presidency.
That pretty well makes her top tier!
She has security clearance to find out ‘things’ and pass them on to the Cabal.
So I would imagine that that makes her valuable to them.


You’re right but she’s a senile spazz. I guess after seeing the ultra rich slobber after HRC who can’t walk, coughs, head bobs, falls down…Pelosi would seem okay.
I need to take a chill pill. These people make me sick!

Deplorable Patriot

Well, if they want to go to a shining, spotless place, they would be in Switzerland.
One of the reasons I love Italy is the country is the place is unabashedly always halfway falling apart. There’s no pretensions up in the hill towns, either.


Thanks for the heads up about this, Molly!
There are No Coincidences.
So I think that Pelosi timed her little ‘junket’ to be over there at this Google Cabalist Camp, too.
Hmm…I wonder what the Anons have dug up about this.
Haven’t been lurking over there today.
Will have a look later to see if they turned up something.


Every single day I’m more shocked at our govt representatives …they’ve transformed themselves into elitists on our dime and by pimping out anything they can sell.. The billions they’ve squandered or stolen..unfrikkenbelievable.
No one has done it better than the Clintons but I think Zerobama might take the prize for transcending into the most revolting celebrity brown noser and loser shadow president. I pray he gets exposed SOON.


The replies to that Pope Francis tweet that Q posted, are brutal:


Wheatie! Guurl you’re killin it with all these.
Thank you


You too, Molly!
You’ve been posting lots of great stuff…Thank you!


I’m skeptical about the pic with the blue triangular logo on the Pope’s attire. I would like to know if it’s real. If it’s not real, someone needs to ask Victoria Gates (author of the tweet) to be careful what she disseminates.
I’m not defending the Pope, just the truth. I find it hard to believe that, as long as people have been awake to these things, someone would not have noticed that before.
The faded-looking pattern on the far side of the garment appears to be bigger than that on the side closest to the camera, which is the opposite of how it should be if the pattern is consistent. I think it’s fake.

Deplorable Patriot

That particular garment is called a Cope. It is used during Benediction when the Monstrance is raised to display the Pyx inside. It also makes an appearance during Holy Week during the transfer of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday and Good Friday as well as Corpus Christi as the Monstrance is carried in the procession.
Blue is the liturgical color of the Blessed Mother. Vestments with a Mary theme usually only come out on her feasts.
I’m inclined to believe that this is a fake with the original Cope being the off white and very plain as Francis is not into the heavily embroidered vestments that we usually see in relation to papal liturgies.


I found this over at Qresearch…it doesn’t look fake to me:comment image


Ellen DeGeneres deep cabal
Principal Narrative Engineer
Ellen DeGeneres Charity Work, Events and Causes image

Television host Ellen DeGeneres supports numerous organizations, and has won many awards for her charitable efforts.
Recently, DeGeneres learned about an organization called The Gentle Barn, a home and hospital for animals that have been abused. On her website, DeGeneres urges her viewers to donate.
With Ben Affleck, DeGeneres launched the”Small Change Campaign” to benefit Feeding America. Ellen supports the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund through the American Red Cross.
Degeneres’ Ellen for the Cure campaign, run during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month on her television show, supports Susan G. Komen for the Cure. She often gives out prizes and donations on her show.


All is well. No worries. AND new Q!


No worries, boss…no pressure.


We’ve got new Q drops!
30 Jul 2019 – 9:00:46 PM📁


30 Jul 2019 – 9:08:18 PM

See Guardian article.
How do you get ahead of a story?


30 Jul 2019 – 9:41:49 PM
[24hr Warning]
Be vigilant.
See something.
Say something.
Know your surroundings at all times.


Thank you Linda!


An ominous warning. We all know how ruthless those people are.
So PapaD’s transcripts are the first DECLAS, the one that was to be out on Wednesday (now today). I’m assuming they will show exculpatory evidence that was ignored. The fallout could be big, given Q’s warning.


Thanks, Linda!
Nice work. 😀👍


That…[24hr Warning] thing is ominous, isn’t it.
😳😬comment image


Found on Parler.
“My squad is better than yours.”comment image


‘nite friends … ’til the next time …


Nite, TTT.
😊😴 Sweet dreams.


Well while we wait for the new daily thread…
I believe President Trump calling out Baltimore, Elijah Cummings, and Al Sharpton just prevented FF riots in Baltimore scheduled this week.




Wolf, this morning I remembered these articles, had a flash of inspiration to share them.
Unfortunately it took me a VERY long time to relocate them…
What they did was help me connect the dots:
* Democrats
* Police Unions
* Corrupt Policing
* Systemic and Institutional Racism
* City Ruination


I’m going to repost this FULL blog post, since the original blog is OFFLINE.
I think it’s important to understand the dynamic in these hyper-corrupt cities.
Police brutality is a blue-state problem
Hip Hip Republican
Published on January 22nd, 2016
When will #BlackLivesMatter develop the courage to take on a real opponent?
In December, a Grand Jury in Cleveland followed a prosecutor’s recommendation and declined to indict the officer who killed twelve-year-old Tamir Rice. More than a year after the incident that officer, Timothy Loehmann, remains at work drawing a salary from taxpayers. Cleveland’s District Attorney, Mayor, and Police Chief are all Democrats. The Police Chief, Calvin Williams, is black.
Last summer in the Dallas suburb of McKinney, a white police officer was recorded pulling his gun on black teenagers at a pool party. At one point the officer wrestled a 14-year-old girl to the ground with no provocation. The officer’s actions were denounced by McKinney’s Police Chief the very next day. Three days later the officer stepped down. He no longer wears a badge or collects a taxpayer-funded salary. McKinney’s civic leadership is white and Republican.
There is a missing element in public efforts to end the culture of police brutality against black Americans. More than racism is at work in this problem. Black Lives Matter has displayed the courage to challenge the structural racism that subjects black and other minorities to humiliating and occasionally lethal mistreatment by public servants. Yet, neither BLM nor any other major force on the left has mustered the courage to tackle the rest of the problem. As a consequence, their efforts to date have generated nothing but heat.
Police brutality as a structural issue grows from two sources: racism and an absence of accountability. Red states are rich with racism, but the relative weakness of their public employee unions leaves open a potential path to accountability. For all the racism that plagues Southern states, police there are less likely to mistreat black citizens and far more likely to face discipline when they do.
Our largest, oldest urban areas have a long history of entrenched union power. No force at the state or local level possesses the political muscle to hold police (or educators) accountable for any failure to serve the public interest. That fact is reflected in the quality of their public institutions like police and schools.
This is a very simple problem. When a public servant in a place like Oklahoma or Texas abuses the public trust, elected officials there possess the authority to discipline them. In Northern states where government employees are insulated by the overwhelming political influence of their unions, no one has the power to subject public servants to appropriate discipline. Create an environment in which the worst performers cannot be properly weeded out and your bottom ten percent will set the tone for everyone else.
A quick survey of police brutality cases, North and South, makes the problem starkly obvious. Here are a few examples of police abuse in the North with links to the case details and a summary of the outcomes:
Ohio – John Crawford III – Killed by police in August, 2014
Officers in the case were not charged with any crimes. They remain on duty receiving pay. The department still has time to pursue some form of disciplinary action, but will probably decline.
New York – Eric Garner – Killed by police in July, 2014
Perpetrator remains on duty. None of the officers involved in the incident have faced criminal charges or internal discipline. Only one officer is being referred for discipline, a black supervisor who never laid a hand on Garner. Deadline for disciplinary charges has passed. A civilian who filmed the incident is the only person charged with any crime.
Maryland – Freddie Gray – Killed by police in April, 2015
Officers on leave, but still employed and receiving their pay. Police arrested one of the people who filmed the incident. First of six trials of the officers resulted in a mistrial. Interesting note here, three of the six officers involved are black and one is a woman. Apart from a newly elected Governor, every official in the chain of authority all the way to the US Justice Department was a Democrat. All of the local officials, including the police commissioner, were black.
By contrast, a few examples from Southern states demonstrate how justice operates where public employee unions cannot block accountability:
Texas – Sandra Bland – Suicide in police custody after needless arrest in July, 2015
Arresting officer has already been indicted for perjury. Termination proceedings have started. All of the officials involved at the state and local level are Republicans.
North Carolina – Jonathan Ferrell – Killed by police after a car accident in September, 2013
Officer was arrested the next day. He was suspended without pay and charged with manslaughter. Trial ended in a hung jury. City of Charlotte settled a claim with the family of the victim for $2.25m.
South Carolina – Walter Scott – Killed by police fleeing traffic stop in April, 2015
Officer who shot Scott was fired within days. Two months after the incident the officer was indicted for murder. Trial is pending. The state and local officials involved are all Republicans.
These are only a few examples that demonstrate the wider pattern. How this problem actually works on the ground can be illustrated with a look at the union contract [ * ] that blocks the City of Chicago from disciplining officers.
Officers cannot be charged with perjury unless they were first allowed to review prior statements and other evidence, making a perjury charge (as in the Bland case) virtually impossible. Officers under investigation get to know the identities of those who will interrogate them. They get to keep disciplinary proceedings private.
Officers can’t be removed from paid status until an arbitration process has been completed. They can even decline a lie-detector without facing any penalty. Most importantly, they get to make their first statement in any disciplinary case in private, with their supervisor. It is virtually impossible to subject a Chicago police officer to discipline without the full cooperation of the department and the union. In other words, so long as an officer does nothing to upset his union hierarchy, they are beyond accountability.
Why do officers in Chicago and other big cities enjoy this degree of immunity while public servants in the South do not? Southern states never developed powerful public employee unions. In the North, unions deliver enough of the political ground game to elect the public officials who will subsequently be on the “other side” of contract negotiations. And state laws force local governments to reach agreements with those unions, effectively blocking any escape. The Democratic Party to which black voters owe unquestioned loyalty is controlled by unions that will always place their own interests above black voters [ * ]. Checkmate.
Southern states generally lack mandatory collective bargaining agreements and their public employee unions lack the political organization enjoyed by Northern peers. Southern states have plenty of racism, but the public will not tolerate extreme abuses. Much more importantly, the public possesses the power to hold police and other public workers accountable. Voters in Chicago or Baltimore may be less influenced by racism, but voters there have no leverage to hold police consistently or reliably accountable.
If Black Lives Matter is serious about stirring up more than passion, they will have to find the courage to tackle the other half of the police brutality problem. For a movement on the Democratic left, tackling the white supremacy element of this problem is too easy to be taken seriously. There is no major constituency on the left committed to preserving white supremacy.
So far, BLM is still pulling their punches when it comes to public employee unions, reflecting their weakness beneath the surface. The movement is rich in left wing performance art, putting on obnoxious shows at Sanders’ campaign rallies and blocking traffic. Yet their supposedly ambitious �?Campaign Zero’ [ * ] amounts to a polite request for police unions to remove contract provisions insulating abusive officers. They’ll congratulate themselves for shutting down the Bay Bridge, but when it comes time to confront a real political powerhouse, they are suddenly flush with pragmatism.
When reformers muster the will to challenge their union “allies” on the left, we may see an opening for real change. That kind of change could open up a new era of prosperity for Northern cities stunted by corrupt and unaccountable public institutions. Unfortunately, it is far more likely that this movement will simply be absorbed into the numbing static of the professional left, filling a booth between Code Pink and Occupy Wall Street at a future progressive bloggers convention. That would be a loss for all of us, left, right and center.
Chris Ladd is a Texan in exile. After growing up in Beaumont and working for more than a decade in Houston, he moved to suburban Chicago, where he is a Republican precinct committeeman. He has a day job that he loves in the software industry. In his free time he has written for David Frum’s blog, the Washington Times Communities, the Houston Chronicle, and the Huffington Post. Back in Texas he interned at the Legislature, worked on numerous state and local Republican campaigns, and volunteered for a statewide PAC. Chris graduated from Beaumont’s Central High, earned a degree from Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas (the Harvard of Williamson County) and received his JD from the University of Houston. He currently has a new book out entitled “The Politics of Crazy: How America Lost Its Mind and What We Can Do About It.” [ *



Social Justice Ideology & Its Contribution to Mob Violence in Baltimore
Written By: Andy Woods April 30, 2015
Concerning this week’s rioting in Baltimore, I found myself largely in agreement with one my Facebook friends, who opined: “What happened in Baltimore to the arrested man [Freddie Gray] was tragic and wrong. What is happening right now in the streets of Baltimore is even more tragic and wrong! Where are the so called ‘leaders’ and why aren’t they speaking out to stop this?”
I began to consider, what was the true source of all of this seemingly stored up inner city wrath? Such pent up rage in so many in the minority community is the ripened fruit of the social justice agenda, which teaches that America remains, even today and in the year 2015, a structurally racist society. Those propagandized by this educational framework misinterpret virtually every wrong and injustice committed not as isolated, tragic incidents associated with living in a fallen world, but rather as part of a larger fabric known as societal institutionalized racism. This perpetual disinformation campaign causes large segments of the minority population to naturally simmer and seethe with revolutionary animus against the establishment as a whole, since they genuinely believe that the system at large is unfairly rigged against them. In such a tense environment, any perceived injustice (George Zimmerman and Traavon Martin, Darren Wilson and Michael Brown, Eric Garner, etc…) will surface this rage at the drop of a hat, which is always lurking beneath the surface and ready to explode at any moment.
For today’s highly charged climate, we can thank the misery merchants and preachers of the institutional racism religion, such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Cornel West, Tavis Smiley, Marc Lamont Hill, Michael Eric Dyson, Julianne Malveaux, Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers, Richard Fowler, Henry Louis Gates, Anthony Campolo, Jim Wallis, Michael Emerson, George Soros, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder. In this regard, we also owe a debt of “gratitude” to the cultural Marxists that have controlled the American educational system for at least the last half century.
The Democratic Party also deserves much of the blame. In the very urban areas where mob uprisings have recently transpired, such as in Ferguson and now Baltimore, the Democrats have controlled the Mayorships, city councils, and school boards for generations. John Nolte well explains the contribution of the Democratic Party to recent events in Baltimore:

Contrary to the emotional blackmail some leftists are attempting to peddle, Baltimore is not America’s problem or shame. That failed city is solely and completely a Democrat problem. Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting, Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican Mayor.
In 2012, after four years of his own failed policies, President Obama won a whopping 87.4% of the Baltimore City vote. Democrats run the city of Baltimore, the unions, the schools, and, yes, the police force. Since 1969, there have only been only been two Republican governors of the State of Maryland.
Elijah Cummings has represented Baltimore in the U.S. Congress for more than thirty years…
Every single member of the Baltimore city council is a Democrat…
It is the free people of Baltimore who elect and then re-elect those who institute policies that have so spectacularly failed that once-great city…
You can call the arson and looting and violence we are seeing on our television screens, rioting. That’s one way to describe the chaos. Another way to describe it is Democrat infighting. This is blue-on-blue violence. The thugs using the suspicious death of Freddie Gray (at the hands of a Democrat-led police department) to justify the looting that updates their home entertainment systems, are Democrats protesting Democrat leaders and Democrat policies in a Democrat-run city.
Poverty has nothing to do with it…
Where I currently reside here in Watauga County, North Carolina, the poverty level is 31.3%. Median income is only $34,293. In both of those areas we are much worse off than Baltimore, that has a poverty rate of only 23.8% and a median income of $41,385. Despite all that, we don’t riot here in Watauga County…
One attitude we don’t have here is the soul-killing belief that somebody owes us something, which, of course, is a recipe for discontent. Because if you’re not getting what’s owed to you, how can you be anything but angry? Democrats and their never-ending grievance campaigns; their never-ending propaganda that government largess is the answer; their never-ending caves to corrupt unions; their never-ending warehousing of innocent children in failed public schools — that’s a Democrat problem, not America’s problem.
I might believe Baltimore was an American problem if the city was interested in new ideas and a new direction under new leaders. But we all know that will never happen. After Democrat policies result in despair and anarchy, Democrats always demand more of the same, only bigger. And the media goes right along. And things only get worse. I wish you all the luck in the world Baltimore. And I truly wish you had the courage to change. If you ever do, send up a flare. Until then, there is nothing anyone can do for you. You are victims of your own choices, and no one can make choices for you but you. As far as the good people of Baltimore trapped by the terrible voting of your fellow citizens, I suggest you buy more guns until you can move to a city not run by those who see rioting as part of the Master Plan.

[ SEE MORE: * ]
Two References:
Baltimore Is a Democrat Problem, Not America’s Problem [ MUST READ ]
By John Nolte | 28 Apr 2015 image
Sheriff CONFIRMS Baltimore cops said Freddie Gray trying to harm himself, also Mayor ordered STAND DOWN
Apr. 29, 2015 10:59 pm by The Right Scoop image


Baltimore as a Democrat City
How Baltimore is now paying the price for being exactly like every other leftist-run big city in America.
April 29, 2015 | John Perazzo
A Child’s Memory Of White Flight From Baltimore
Fear often turns into anger and hatred. There was plenty of that being stoked in the 1960s, but much more than racism caused white flight from Baltimore.
Some eye-opening information about Baltimore’s problems.
So many quotes, where to start?

Miss Frieda’s house used to be graced with a lovely flower garden on her postage-stamp-size front yard. Overflowing flower pots lined the porch railing. She had been a Polish freedom fighter during World War II. She had survived the concentration camps. She came to America with her husband and settled in that house, where she raised her family, nursed her dying husband in her later years, and now lived alone where she wanted nothing more than to tend her flowers and visit John Paul II in Rome every few years.
My daughters and I met her while she was tending her garden. She took a liking to my girls and even gave them intricate handmade Christmas ornaments she folded out of paper, a craft she learned in Poland in childhood. She was a joyful and generous woman in spite of what she had experienced long ago.
Frieda was driven out of the neighborhood by local angry Baltimore youths who repeatedly stomped on her flowers, smashed her flower pots, broke a window, and finally made her fear for her safety. Imagine what this woman had survived in life, only to be driven out of her beloved home by uncivil, unsupervised, angry Baltimore teens, just like those who burned and looted Baltimore this April and who Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby appeased by saying, “This is your day.” Frieda’s escape was not white flight; it was flight from crime and uncivil behavior.

Their supposed calls for dialogue are really a demand for monologue. The rest of us (meaning white people) had better shut up and accept the fact that we are all racist and everything is entirely the fault of white people, all white people. Then we should be made to pay (as Sharpton has so successfully modeled).
So what is true? I can only speak to what I know, but if we start including everyone’s stories and not just the politically correct stories or those that support “the narrative” being pushed by the Left as the only truth that matters, we may get closer to the actual whole truth.


Wheatie..its Oklahoma! She must be mental.

$80 to felony in 3…2…1…
by u/Ghandisli in Wellthatsucks


Yeah…I’m thinking she’s probably a liberal and a Dem.
We have them here, unfortunately.
You don’t show such disrespect like that to our LEOs here.
He was very nice to her…lenient and respectful.
She should’ve just said “Yes, sir” and signed the ticket.
But nooo.
She acted all entitled and got huffy with him.
Way wrong thing to do!


You made me visualize a big little town that has liberals, but just like 3 or 4, and they all hang together. So when our of towners visit, its a driveby tourist stop…. “and there at our coffee shop, sit our progressive liberals. Pesky things!”


Well, last I checked, there are more registered D’s here than R’s.
But most of them are conservative D’s who Do Not Like what their party has been doing.
So they vote for the more conservative R’s.
We also have a lot of very conservative Independents here, who don’t like either party.
I think there are actually more I’s here than there are D’s or R’s.


I chose this gal for the nominee. She’s very entertaining!


Jussie smollett sold his l.a. house at a 30k liss. Market is slowing but he just wanted out fast. Apparently hes in new york. Hes going to keep on lising.


My reply for NF (ran out of room in the other thread strand thing.)
When I say “Orthodoxy,” I mean Orthodox Christianity.
Wiki’s defninition of the WORD “orthodox” is decent, I think.
You mentioned yesterday that at one point you began a serious search, and you started that search by getting the OLDEST bible you had access to….well, that is kinda sorta what happened with us, only in terms of CHURCHES.
We were looking for a church when we moved here, and we visited a bunch of different churches. We’re both kind of ‘nerdy’ people, so we decided to look into the histories of the different churches….and when we were looking at Roman Catholic church history, we came across that ‘1054 schism’ thing. We knew NOTHING of the Orthodox Church at that point. Hubby then came across a 6 minute youtube of an Orthodox priest speaking at a Presbyterian gathering and he said, ‘we need to check out these guys.’ And with that, our journey to Orthodoxy began.
Basically, you’re correct about me being a kind of ‘fundamentalist,’ because when you get right down to it, one cannot get any more ‘fundamental’ than Orthodox Christianity. (Of COURSE some will VEHEMENTLY disagree – that’s understandable because people are protective of their deeply held belief systems, and challenges to it can cause upset/anger, even rage. I sincerely DO understand that – it’s why I took THREE YEARS as a catechumen before converting! I’ve “been there, done that.”)
An idea…for people who are seeking a Church ‘based on the Bible,’ doesn’t it make sense to consider the worship of the Chuches actually MENTIONED in the Bible?
Look up every Church founded in the book of Acts. Look for every Church Paul wrote an Epistle directly to. Look up the seven Churches that letters were written to in Revelation. They still exist, and except for Rome, they’re still Orthodox.
Hope that helps clarify what I meant, NF. HAVE A GREAT DAY!


Thank you, Mandy. I truly appreciate your explanation. It is a VERY complicated issue, no doubt, particularly for someone like myself who has not had any “education” on the subject except through the lens of WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) and my own admittedly limited research abilities.