Are you ready for another debate?
Rolling Stone has a terrific leaderboard found here: Link to Rolling Stone
How to watch the debates Link
The debates will be held at the Tuesday, July 30th and Wednesday, July 31st at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, Michigan. They will both begin at 8:00 p.m., and air live on CNN, CNN International, and CNN Español. They will be streamed on Dana Bash, Don Lemon, and Jake Tapper will be the moderators.
Here is the Line up:
Night 1 — Tuesday, July 30th:
Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren
Pete Buttigieg
Beto O’Rourke
Amy Klobuchar
John Hickenlooper
Tim Ryan
John Delaney
Marianne Williamson
Steve Bullock
Who is your favorite? Just to keep it interesting, I think we should send $10 to see Marianne mud wrestle with Pocahontas.
Lizzy might not like the idea but it’s better than a visit to the dentist for boosting ratings.
Bernie is in trouble and needs to have a good night. His staffers won’t show up unless they get paid overtime.
Save the steak and shrimp for a Trump Rally. Tonight only merits a grilled cheese and a pickle.
See you all at 8:00pm Eastern.
TY daughnworks247–I will come back after you all do the job I won’t do—No way in freaking H3LL will I be watching those idiots…
Hey it was fun watching Trump take down so many republicans and then HIllary.
However watching the Dems piling on BS after BS, along with talking about how much they are going to support everyone but Americans and impeach Trump…No No No.
Good luck to all of you that do watch, and God bless—Remember to keep all throw able objects out of reach so you don’t blow up your TV.
I can’t watch, either. Highlight clips are as much as I can take. Threads like this provide information, entertainment, and empathetic assurance that I am not alone.
Yes we have some people much stronger than me..
More then 5 seconds of Obama and I was praying to the porcelain bowl…Literally.
Could. not. listen to him, either.
Damn to think there was a time that I was dumb enough to think being a democrat was the coolest thing around…
As I have told many, if my name ends up on a ballot voting for a Democrat, go look for my ashes.
I, i, I, I, I, I, me, me, me, me, I, I, I, I………..
Daughn your cheese and pickle sandwich looks yummy …!!!!!
Tonight I too have a quick dinner ,
Sauerkraut with Persian pickled cucumber from Trader Joe’s,
German Mettwurst from Clause’s Butcher-shop in Indianapolis
Roasted potatoes with paprika , sea salt
1 glass of Beer.
Thank you Daughn for stepping up to this stressed job of bringing us the highlights of the democrat stooges
Yelling out those G.M. cars into the porcelain bowl, eh?
Shivers just to think of it..
I think I will let DH watch while I listen to his laughter to expletives from my kitchen while reading all the comments here.
LOL Me too…Hard enough to hear them before I can switch channels, or need to use some of their lies for a post
Hahaha! We really need to give DNW and the posters who watch the fiascos a purple heart of Deplorabledom.
We do LOL
Wow, I wish I could do that – what your DH does, that is.
Hee, hee. He often repeats their stupidity for me, fortifies himself with cookies and milk and goes back to laughing, expletives and snark. Love it.
I put an old swear bank in, next to the TV.
Big T really thinks pundits can hear him when he curses at them.
If you all don’t mind ,you couldn’t pay me enough to watch these foolish people preen and peacock on national tv,it’s a complete waste of time of which AS it stands none of us should be wasting our brain cells with.
Sue–You mean a million dollars would not work LOL
The Washington Examiner is almost as bad as CNN, but here is a guideline for tonight.

Fried dill pickles….simply awesome. Me thinks;-)
Really awesome is peanut butter on toast with HOT BACON just out of the frying pan! GOTTA HAVE BACON!!!
(I like a grill cheese sandwich with fresh picked garden tomatoes too.)
I’m settling for the old standby, pork chops, mashed taters. It’s hit as heck here but I’m in the mood for comfort food. Hopefully it will help me watch the debate.
I do enjoy laughing. We’ll see how far Baltimore gets with the darlings.
I LOVE grilled cheese and (dill, of course!) pickle sandwiches! LOL
As for me, choosing between going to a viewing or watching the debates tonight….hmmmm.
Seriously….over the weekend, THREE friends and a cousin died. And here’s the sobering part…only one of the 4 were older than me. Yikes.
My condolences. That’s a lot to deal with at once.
Oh, dear. So sorry.
That is probably the hardest part of growing old. Seeing your friends and relatives die. It is even worse when they come in groups. My condolences.
Teagan my deepest condolences.
I am glad you are among us on this forum.
That’s a lot to lose in one weekend. Hang in there.
Person of Interest perps, not victims?
Mud wrestling? Really? Oh yea. $10 bucks at the ready;-)
Thanks for the thread Daughn.
Thank you, Daughn, for having the strong stomach to report on these debates.
I confess, my heart is not in it tonight.
I am lacking my usual zeal for the project.
They’re sooooooooo awful.
I just saw this – been working on a post all afternoon. This is gonna be fun!
You got it, boss!
And that new post you just finished IZAWESOMESAUCE!
It just won’t be as much fun without Eric Swalwell…Oh, well… It’s only a matter of time…
(Hey…who’s that in the fancy headdress?)
Need to get this out of the.way first so everyone can feel comfort
OMG – this is the Bee’s most hilarious EVER!!!
Found a couch for Pocahontas.
And another couch for Bernie (this is a $40K couch!!!!!!!!)
That’s the spirit!
Thanks so much for starting this thread to help us get ready for opening night the certainly-scripted further follies of the Bozo Brigade.
Luv ya, Cova!!!
*opening night of*
In case you want to follow the debate on Twitter, Don Jr. has a list of Trump campaign people to follow:
Let me sum it up for you…..
FREE Medicare 4 all!
FREE Lifetime indoctrination!
ZERO college loans
Zero Home mortgages
FREE … TENTS 4 all soon to be Homeless
Zero Gas or Diesel vehicles allowed
We only have 18 months to live
110% TAXES to pay for “some” of it…..
The rest we KEEP.
and MOAR Bullshit!
Oh ya….. at least one of these DUFUSSES will CURE Cancer.
Let the CLOWN SHOW begin
Jake the Snake Crapper
Dana Gash
Don Le’Mon
Oh goodie……
Watch ’em ALL Take a knee
And a CHURCH choir?
Separation of church and STATE!
Ha ha…desperate times call for desperate measures…they’re attempting patriotism…hilarious!!!
“attempting”……. what a JOKE!
At least Burny and Amy appear to know the words to the National Anthem
THis cracked me up!!
I don’t have cable. I had no idea we couldn’t watch streaming online. Well, they are desperate to control everything.
I’m watching on
Really? I went there. Must’ve missed it.
It’s on CNN online but it is a small space in the upper right.
Not worth it.
I have it full screen on the PC.
Here we go.
What the…hey…I think Bernie even combed his hair!
Steve who?
Some guy from Montana.
Eric is Live tweeting!!! LOL!!
Marianne sounds like she is reading a Shakespeare soliloquy. “I say tis an amoral system from which we must escape.”
I’ll bet she smells like patchouli…
Nice head John. Shiny.
Ryan should be a Republican. I think he has hair plugs too.
Ryan’s tie looks lik eit’s left over from Ward Cleaver’s closet.
Funny, I noticed his tie was bad.
hoo boy, chickenhumper
I broke down and am watching a bit.
Bernie have stomach ache or something. Hand over left side during the anthem.
Some dolt didn’t even have hand over heart.
I cannot stop laughing whenever someone says Hickenlooper. He reminds me of John Kasich – only with bigger ears and less food on his face.
Chicken Humper will do BETTER…… I promise /s
Total clunkers so far! These people are out of it. They are not being themselves.
Oh, but they are (being themselves)
Give them time to prove it.
Sorry all, I’m here. Was eating dinner.
I drafted Big T for the evening for support!!!!!!!!!
Really, who gives a fuck what your daddy did?
amy’s gonna win cuz she’s from the midwest….
Hey!!!!!!!!!! Did you know Amy is from the Midwest? As if proximity of birth would make one more inclined to vote for a person?
Amy’s trying to smile and her face is cracking.
Keep them?
well …. we’ll have to elect her to find out !
Klobuchar – good opening.
I would hate to work for her but would love to have her as a biz partner. She’s a bitch and I like that.
As a President, no way, she’s too crazy.
I just hate Beto. Never has anyone made everything sound like a parody of doomsday.
New Q Drop!
Ohhhhhhhhhh gheeezzzzzzzzz, Qdrops in a debate? Can you get it Rayzor?
New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 7:17:15 PM
Edge Edge Edge. Is that how you say it?
I think it is….. Booty Judge
Oh this is amazingly entertaining! Bozos!
Mayor Pete’s widow’s peek is completely off center. He needs a new barber.
Pete Boot – college will cost $500K and woman’s right to choose won’t exist.
not liking the Trump bashing. it’s really pissing me off. shut up liz, you putz
Lizzie is such a nag. The wealthy you hag?
Warren – Donald Trump disgraces the office of Pres every single day
She’s said Trump 4 imes in 30 seonds.
Trump is part of a corrupt system, – big structural change
fight for democracy and economy for everyone.
I know what to do
LIE about your “Heritage” and EVERYTHING else?
Boynie from Long Oyland, Vermont. Last ye-aah
It’s where Hoypees came from.
Warren on the warpath. Ooohhhh…..
Woo woo woo woo ……… woo woo woo woo
Bernie – on health insurance
Attacking health insurance companies (he voted to guarantee them 15% profit)
He then attacks Amazon for not paying tax (Bernie voted for the breaks, loss in income carry forward)
He talks about homeless
And subsidies for oil companies.
They could have saved a lot of time had they all just used the same opener speech in unison:
‘We hate Donald Trump!”
Again looking totally lost, Jake the Snake babbles.
Health care #1 issue? LOL ….
Go Bernie!
Bernie insists there are 87 million who ar uninsured or underinsured.
Sounds like jobs saved or created
He’s lying
Canada has lower health care costs cuz it sucks and their pharma is subsidized by americans.
Fighting about healthcare – insomniacs of America rejoice.
Another one!
New: Title TBD
30 Jul 2019 – 7:23:13 PM
Godfather III
It’s going to be BIBLICAL.
Bernie’s angry, shouting old man sketch wore off a couple of years ago…he’s just annoying.
Lizzie – just the sound of her voice – fingernails, blackboards and screeching ravens. Think she has seeded the audience with sycophants
Delaney says Bernie is wrong but Delaney is not forceful
Bernie comes back – lies more
Delaney has a better plan
Bernie wants to come back
LIZZIE – wants to interrupt and stepped all over Bernie – Lizzie is on a rant about her friend Eddie.
Oh! A story! How great!
Lizzie the scold…”This isn’t funny”
Pokey (will) HAUNT US!
We NEED to hear about Eddie! More Eddie!
The scolding really helped
Did you all hear the voices across the fruited plains? “SHUT UP WARREN!”
sho did
Tapper is bowing to Lizzie
trying to pin down Lizzie
Lizzie insists corps are going to pay more, but YOU’RE going to pay less
Eddie has god insurance but $9K a month which is not paid for – he goes online to beg for money – when he is not working
Medicare for ALL
Tapper – will you raise taxes on Middle class
Lizzie – no but she hedged it
Some guy from Montana
wish I could LAUGH in spanish right about now
Ba sa ma cul ha ha ha!!

Acuna Matata?
Isn’t that from the LYIN’ KING?
My 12 yo son! We need to hear more about him!
Edge Edge Edge . . .zzzzzzzzzz
Who the eff is Bullock Gov of Montana – first time I have seen him.
He came in when Swalwell left
Actually – Montana has a great healthcare system
Pete’s plan will BECOME Medicare for all
He’s hedging –
Tapper is not giving people enough time
Tapper asking Beto if Middle class would pay higher amount for healthcare –
Beto – NO
He’s hedging
Problem is – Tapper never defined WHAT IS MIDDLE CLASS – how much income?
Where do they think the Billionaires and Corporations are gonna get the money??? They’re gonna charge it right back to the Middle Class!!! FOOLS!!
beto rabbit face. beat him with a carrot.
I think Beto and Bernie are having a contest over who can do more pointless distracting hand motions while saying nothing.
Beatoff…… at it again
Go home Francis
Montana interrupts Beto – Montana is more manly.
Montana is talking about negotiating prices for pharma – makes sense – call TRUMP!!
We need to hear more about Nichole!
Sorry Bitch……
We don’t want to hear your SOB story
Klobuchar does NOT support Medicare for all
Tapper wonders if she is chicken
“Not moral to not have the option” she’s not buying it.
Anecdotal story – kid died not enough money
Tapper is fighting with the candidates and going too fast
Bernie interrupts – go bankrupt paying for healthcare – clapping
Laughter – the healthcare industry will advertise on this program this evening.
Klobachar is afraid of the unions.
unny how everyone else is glossing over the fact.
Yep. It is. Hope rank and file realizes that.
Trump WINS….. AGAIN!
Isn’t amazing how ham-handed the Democrats are in their efforts to bring in the “little guy” vignettes? SO awkward because they have absolutely no empathy with real people.
Bernie – – Health care ISN”T a business. WTF!!!
it’s another madhouse
Warren is lying
She says Ins companies do not have a god given right to make 23 billion a year
Well, Warren voted to give them a guaranteed 15% profit when Obamacare was signed.
Delaney is the biz man and says NONE OF THEM UNDERSTAND the business.
He’s right.
Hickenlooper – ignored
Who COULD take a HICKEYDUFUSS seriously?
Warren – she’s mad about the cost, mad about fighting with ins companies, mad about cost, mad about ins companies making too much money
Then why didn’t she vote for something else?
Marianne sounds like Ali McGraw in Love Story . . .Are they using cheesecloth to photograph her also?
Sounds like Madeline Kahn from Blazing Saddles to me.
Sweet mystery of life at last I’ve found you . . .
Is there a livestream of this? It was on Youtube last time, but now I can’t find a stream.
Thank you.
We need to hear about the mother-in-law more!
boo nee says “lets be clee ah”
Fooey. My comments are not refreshing.
Jakie is incapable of handling this alone
These people are STUPID!
I think we found all the rats rom Baltimore.
I think that there may be MOAR
This debate is lacking the critical element of personal stories to dramatize the point!
Go go Bernie!
Marianne – loves us all, tries to ride the middle, worried about getting elected.
Pete Boot – wants to be a crazy socialist—– cuz they (Repub) will call us crazy socialist anyway
says his mom was saved by ACA.
Bernie – talking loudly – he is talking about price of insulin in canada
then why won’t he work with Trump to lower pharma prices
Ryan – makes too much sense but he does not have a chance and is too technical with Jake interrupting him.
Tapper – 600K Union members in Michigan who will lose their health care
Bernie – says his plan is better and no union worker need worry, dental, hearing aids, etc.
Ryan says _Bernie you don’t know that
Bernie – I do know that – I wrote the damn plan
Ryan – he does not know every union contract in every state
I had earbuds in my ears but it wasnt plugged into the laptop. hoo boy.
my neighbors prollly heard this, too
We are witnessing the contradictions of communism!
Burn does common core math
Delaney – here’s the POINT
Medicare only pays costs of about 80% of healthcare
Private insurance pays about 120% of costs
If we underpay for Medicare across the board we have trouble YESSSSSSSSSSS
Bernie interrupts –
Delaney comes back and says – bernie math is wrong.
Delaney is right.
Dana Bash — she has been to the plastic surgeon quite a bit.
she’s still fugly as fek
She Needs a better one…
Sue or get a refund
Between the three of you, omg, too funny
Just doin’ my part in the ol’ Q Tree
There is not one likeable person on that stage. Although I have to say I would love watch Marianne Williamson put away some beers and shots…and see where that goes.
She would conjure up a spell on you. No telling where that would end up.
When I am president …. so lame.
Edge Edge Edge — “his entire adult lifetime . . ” – so we are talking, what? a couple of months?
Booty Judge….. his entire ADULT lifetime?
What, this year?
My personal favorite, “Plugs”

He is from South BendOver Indiana……
Dana Bash is up
Tapper was horrible and contentious.
Pete Boot – when I am president crossing the border will still be illegal – we have a crisis on the southern border, crisis of competence in leadership – pathway to citizenship – border security – no will to get it done in DC
Trump “needs it to be a crisis”
Bobby Frank may be less effective than Eddie Haskell
Beto disagrees with Beto – Dana is setting them up to fight with each other
Beto does not like for profit detention ——- um, I am an accountant who can make ANY company a non-profit by paying big salaries to execs
Warren – locking up children, must live our values
would you decriminalize out border crossing
She cut off Warren
Moderators are making the candidates look AWFUL
Setting the stage for Heels UP…. tomorrow
love dana’s cutting off these nutjobs. that’s making debates great again.
HickenSTUPID at it again?
A few of these guys have been totally bypassed by time. Sort of pathetic.
Hickenlooper, the fossil
Decriminalizing is the way to stop border crossings? Kinda like decriminalizing speeding will slow drivers down.
Amy … that face.
I can’t take it anymore… no one is able to finish a statement. They need more time each to hang themselves.
I just realized why the jerks don’t answer in their allotted times. So later, if asked about their answers, they can expound and change their answers to accommodate the potential audience. Plus, without complete answers, Rs will not be able to get good soundbites for commercials that would make the clowns accountable.
Bernie baby go go go!
Klobuchar, talking about changing asylum laws —– Trump wants to use these people as political pawns.
Bernie – Trump racism and xenophobia – they are not criminals, people fleeing violence (wrong)
Why are people walking 10K miles to a country where they don’t know the language?
Because they want a job????????
Don’t you know?
They want INTO a CONCENTRATION camp!
Try rebuilding Baltimore first.
the “save the rats” coalition would protest. little critters need help. and homes.
Montana….. yes we can…..
fix immigration
The immigration argument is silly.
Montana gov says we cannot decriminalize border crossing.
because we will have too many people crossing – ask Obama’s homeland sec expert
but then he trashes Trump
Warren — bleeding heart – not a crime —- locking people up — agony in her voice
Agony in MY EARS!
Not a bleeding heart….you must mean a bleeding hemorrhoid.
They just want BS to have a coronary from rushing and raving.
Did anyone catch the national anthem, where Warren Wilhelm, the NYC mayor, had his hands folded?
I guess Bolsheviks don’t want to show any respect to the Star Spangled Banner, like jihadis on trial won’t stand when the judge enters.
Nobody took a knee!
Question to Ryan – Will Bernie’s proposal cause more problems at the border
Ryan – yes
Ryan – yeah, you can come to this country but you have to ring the doorbell
bernie – right to migrate is a human right
Marianne – food policy making people sick
Oh boy…
Don Le’Mon is up
Oh, oh … reality seems to be affecting this debate on the edges!
They just wish Marianne would go away and she is the best thing up there!
She’s the best looking by far, but then that’s really not saying much.
which isn’t saying much
Bernie: “If a violent criminal walks 2,000 miles to rob a bank and shoots five innocent people in the process, IMO they are not criminals”. /s
Gun violence
the way CNN is running this is knee jerk – tense – not relaxed and appealing for any candidate.
We’re running a race here.
Exactly — they have been spooked big time.
Yep. Actually it’s a frenzied bar fight.
Now they go into the Democrat black hole: gun control!!
Booty Judge…
High School was tough enough…
all 8 years?
Sharing From Tweeter
lemon sticking to the rules…
Pete Boot –
Gun violence – talking about a 13yr old who asked about school safety and then began to shake and cry
Boot – all I could think of is – we’re supposed to handle this so you don’t have to worry
No time for the point to sink in for the audience because CNN is jumping too quickly.
We need more personal stories!
Yep, calling Lizzy. Lizzy did you hear that. Or maybe we could get the mailman’s son to tell his…oh, I forgot he is supposed to be an R.
Pocahontas tried her best to put the audience to sleep with her nauseous allegories. Tapper wasn’t having it because he knew his advertisers would not be happy.
She just might go on a warpath.
6 years old! Oh my! We need more debate like this!
Ok, I gotta say it. I cannot take her seriously. All I can think off is Caddyshack. The Bishop turns to Bill Murray and asks “Carl, what club do you recommend.” “Oh, I dunno your highness, how about the Klobishar?”
That rates a Bwahaha.
I will fight for gun control – 6yrs old
Pete – I was a junior in high school during Columbine – drama, drama, drama, won’t prevent every incident and we know how to handle it
Klobuchar blames NRA – Parkland kids talked to their grandpas and uncles, who were hunters, big money in the NRA, the people are with us.
Jeremy! We need more stories about relatives!
Beatoff… how do WE explain the gun violence….
Too damn many DemonicRats
Beto – 40K a year!! HAHAHAHA
Montana Gov – need to look at Guns as health issue and not a political issue
NRA – Koch Brothers, kicking them out of Montana – fight of my life.
Dark money in gun laws
BUTTTTTTTT Bloomberg promised to spend 500 million on it this campaign cycle — why aren’t they asking about Bloomberg money
Bernie says he’s from almost the most rural state in the country. WUT???? I used to own a house in Vermont and the ROADS were heated.
New doc for me yesterday. Questionnaire: Is there a gun in your home. My answer: No
It didn’t say gun or guns, it said gun.
Hehe. Get’em Plain Jane.
Buttgig, you’re still a Junior.
They go after the NRA in every election…and it never works. Same playbook over and over and over…
Elect a Democrat and prepare to give up your guns.
Hey Booty Judge….
Wire the Fly Shit off your forehead.
Pete – calling for constitutional amendment to change citizens united on dark money, wants to make DC a state.
Montana Gov is much better than Swalwell — but still a rat. He really does not like the Koch Brothers.
how can you tell
Some guy from Montana is pretty good.
Not when you scratch below the surface. These Dems all lie and will say anything to get elected.
Oh, hell yes.
THAT’S ASSUMED. Just among liars, frauds and cheats he is a tad superior.
Big T….Bullock has a ‘piece’ on the down low, and MT taxpayers are paying for her airfare, hotels etc, as she clandestinely accompanies the Governor on his out of town junkets…..the minute Bullock shows any traction in the race, we’ll do all we can to see that he’s taken out.
Now that’s news. Soprano style.
My wife wants to know if her name is Sandra
Go girl! go girl! Go girl!!!
oh, the emoting! marianne, pls stahp.
Yada yada yada …. so true!
Marianne wants a constitutional amendment for public funding for campaigns, criticizes others who take money for their campaigns, YADA< YADA< YADA
Loud applause.
Loud applause for her calling out Demokkkrat phoniness! I love it!
VSG winning bigly so far!
Best comment of the NIGHT! Tossed every other one of them under the bus! YADA YADA YASA!
She did, it was great.
Big T wants to keep Marianne for amusement level.
I can’t hear Fake Yapper’s voice without thinking about how his wife listed Comet Ping Pong Pizza as one of her favorite restaurants in Washington.
Washington, DC, one of the wealthiest metro areas in the United States, and one of the great culinary centers of the world, with the greatest chefs from every country and every type of cuisine, and she picks a place whose actual pizza was said not to rise to the taste standards of Chucky Cheese.
I wonder what she thought was so great about it?
The hot dogs?
I guess that’s one of the contenders.
Anyone else have any ideas what the answer is?
Had forgot the D-Rat clown debate….catching up.
Sooo many laughs posted by ya’ll:-)
Had to stop for this one….
“…she picks a place whose actual pizza was said not to rise to the taste standards of Chucky Cheese.”
Maybe she is drawn to the Big Rat mascot. Dunno.
OUR Hostess with the Mostess
How is she so fast?
Big T knows
OMG, you guys re in rare form this evening. Caching up over the comments, hilarious!!!!!!!!!!
Ok . .I’m calling it a night. . .this is just too much work.
Thank you, honey.
what am i seeing here
Ya burny…….. LBJ
“We’ll have these niglets voting DemonicRats for 200 years”
GREAT plan! /s
Tapper – Dem voters want a candidate who can beat Trump more than a candidate they agree with
Are you the guy, Hickenlooper.
He starts to talk about health insurance, taking away 180 million private insurance, jumps to where are the manufacturing jobs Trump proomised us
Bernie – very poll has me beating Donald Trump, I won Michigan, Trump is a fraud and a phony, $15/hour, good prices on prescription drugs.
Hickenlooper – – Bernie, america is not going to go for radical changes, you cannot just drop a plan and without planning expect it to succeed.
bernie – This is not radical – anniversary of Medicare don’t tell me we can’t do it
Ryan – to Brnie – at this point in the polls, Hillary was winning. Talks about winning for working class.
Beto – thinks Texas is a battleground state and he is the guy, go to every country, trim out sails, immigration reform, climate, etc.
Oh shut the fuck up Francis.
YOU couldn’t beat the candidate that couldn’t beat Trump!
OMG, that was a good one.
well lyin’ what thu…..
Lyin’ What thu…
Insurance companies took the RISK!
That’s HOW you MAKE Money!
Dumb Mass!
Montana answer talks about winning back Trump voters.
Warren – I take on Wall Street, she’s trying to present herself as a warrior but looks like a librarian.
Dems win when we figure out what is right and we fight for it.
Delaney – We win on real solutions not fairy tale economics, encourage private public cooperation
Warren – is pissed at delaney – I don;t know why anyone goes to the trouble to run for President only to tell us what we cannot fight for and what we cannot do.
Delaney – When we created social security, we didn’t say pensions were illegal.
You gotta make it workable.
Warren and Bernie ideas are dead on arrival
Talk about something that is workable
Warren attempting to salvage ———- ins companies sucking billions out of the economy, we’re filling out forms, do not have a god given right to suck money out of ——– she’s repeating ——- and she’s the one who voted for a guaranteed prfit of 15%
Yeah … bailing on this to finish Wolf’s post.
No winners here…… WEENERS maybe.
^^^ Well, guessing, Buttplug is a happy camper.
Yep… Going to Humpback Mountain right after the “Debate”
Bernie – cancel student debt
Klobuchar – who’s on the stage who is making promises to get elected.
She dodges and blames trump for lying 10K times
What I don’t like about this is we are worried more about winning the argument than winning an election.
thanks, Daughn, for this thread. I appreciate it.
The snark in our little group is pure gold. Everyone is one point tonight.
Beto taking credit for turning round the wait times at the El Paso VA, which created suicide jump.
Beto solves the problem on the VA? cuz he worked with Trump?
Collect Carbon TAXES…. then give the $$$ back in dividends?
“I wrote the damn bill!” – Bernie Sanders
“It’s not a laughing matter!” – Elizabeth Warren
“Hola, que pasa?” – Beto O’Rourke
“I will destroy you with LOVE” – Marianne Williamson
Maybe they’ll destroy me with humor!
Climate change
Delaney – price on carbon and give it back to the American people ———- but I imagine there is a government cut
He wants to get to net zero by 2050 with new innovation.
But the world will end in 12yrs
Warren – Every living thing on the planet is at risk.
Spend 2 billion to do the research, gie it away to anyone in the world as long as you manufacture it in the USA, thinks it will create millions of jobs……. and she thinks the Chinese won’t steal it?
Warren’s solution is more money for universities.
Lyin’ What thu is an IDIOT.
These people are STUPID!
Green new deal…
FREE marijuana for all!
we don’t need it…
you clowns are making me laugh more than MJ ever could.
Warren quoting specifics for which she has NO POSSIBLE WAY to estimate, 1.2 million green jobs.
Washington is problem works for oil companies.
Ryan – all the auto workers are you worried about the jobs with bernie’s plan to eliminate gas powered cars
OMG, they are down the road on charging stations, agriculture, sequestered carbon into the soil, move away from subsidies to farmers, good food for schools, communities.
They want to run my life.
Oops, sorry about the yahoo ad…
I am sick of IDIOTS (Looking at you Burny)
decrying “Tax cuts for the Rich”
Who provides the JOBS Dumb Mass?
I never worked for a POOR person.
Bernie, you don’t have to yell…
Montana Dumb Mass…
If “Climate Change” is your issue….
No wonder you are a LOSER!
Bernie – I’m a little tired of people who won’t go with big ideas.
Corps are making profit and it should be criminal
He sounds crazy
Ryan – You don’t have to yell, Bernie.
Bernie, if we love our children, transport our system away from fossil fuels.
Montana – fossil fuel, fight of my career — wait a minute, I thought the Koch Brothers were the fight of your career.
I shut it off a while back. So I ask “Is it mincemeat yet? “
Don’t worry…it’s not real.
If it is unicorn, it’s ok by me. I hate unicorns. Lol
So now it’s 10 years right Beatoff?
FAKE Science…
just like FAKE NEWS!
Right CNN
FAKE “Debate”….
What happened to 12 years, then 18 months?? I really need to know for sure, cuz “My friends” wanna charge up a lotta credit card debt vacationing right before it happens

We are now the #1 oil and LNG producer in the world. FINALLY.
It’s also national and WORLD security.
We have a problem in Persian Gulf and oil price has not moved —- because the USA production fills in the gap.
No crisis, no $100/barrel oil.
OIL/Petrol is in the TOP THREE of all commodities traded by EVERY SINGLE NATION ON EARTH.
And the Dems want to give up this advantage?
“And the Dems want to give up this advantage?”
It’s not an advantage to Xi, Daughn.
Why blame a worker bee for working hard for her employer, after all?
Good grief…Beto…we only have ten years left to get this right…
Rats on a treadmill.
Quit your Jobs!
Pete, nominate me and let me stand next to the President and ask him why he pretended to be sick and not serve.
Pete was talking the other day about driving around, “outside the wire” in army vehicles the other day
Trying to be tough.
Hey Madeline……
Hate to break it to you…
YOU people are STUPID!
Klobuchar – Flint Michigan – NYTImes did big spread from the scientist who finished the study.
Guess what?
More lead in the Flint Water in the 70’s than there was BEFORE the “alleged” problem.
No reason to spend the money for bottled water for months.
No need for all the drama
No need for the millions spent.
It was a scam. Just like Hands up, Don’t shoot.
Beto is a nut, talking about Trump as racist, “send her back” and a mosque burned in Texas.
Women of color.
Beatoff giving Lyin’ What thu a run for her money.
Marianne – out of the park again, Grosse Pointe Michigan, good line but not based in fact.
LYIN’ What Thu…….. RAYCISSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!
racism racism racism racism racism racism democrats are the party of racism shhh don’t tell anyone
Warren, racism racism racism racism racism, shooter in California referenced a well known white supremacist,
historically black colleges = money
cancel student debt = more money
Pete – you’ve been criticized about handling black issues in your community
Racism didn’t end when I took office
This is a PRACTICED and smooth line of bullshit.
AMY….. Let US… raise your kids….
(And FUCK ’em up 4 sure)!
It doesn’t matter that this cartoon is from 2014…it could apply to any election year and will certainly be tried in 2020.
Slavery, Jim Crow, etc…..
Who was the party of slavery and Jim Crow? Never mentioned. Hey, Lemonhead!!!
Don Lemon – What do you say to people who prioritize the economy over the President’s racism.
What a question.
Klobuchar – Little kids woke up in Baltimore this weekend to the president calling their home a town of rats.
Ummmmm, yeah.
Need better schools, need……. more more more, money.
Beto – the legacy of slavery —– was this guy brainwashed?
Reparations bill
To Marianne – reparations – 500 BILLION dollars in financial assistance
no – 200-500 PAYMENT for what is owed.
Marianne says the country will not heal unless we pay
200yrs of slavery and another 100yrs of terror
Marianne has done the math on 40acres and a mule – 200-500 BILLION is economically feasible.
Madaline…… Reparations…..
I say:
Pay all people who have been slaves.
Fixed it!
Environmental racism?
Now that is creative clown car talk.
This thread is non stop laughs.
Bernie – in favor of Clyburn’s bill for reparations.
Triple funding for Title One schools and big raise for teachers to 60K a year.
(current average salary, health care, benefit, and pension benefit – per teacher – with our low interest rates is now $115K per year – pure cost to municipalities)
It’s the low interest rate and the pension liability which is causing property taxes to rise.
Warren appears completely unlikable.
She would not be in my girlfriend club.
2 hours to PROVE your STUPIDITY?
Good Job DemonicRats
Daaamnnn…this debate is dull. Needs Trump!
fekkin A
I wish she would show up to these events with an acoustic guitar and debate her opponents in musical haiku.
Ketchup man Lerch can help…
can’t stop laughing
I dont need to watch….this play by play is the best.
Economy is up now.
Tariffs – hurt the pric of cars.
Ryan – Pres is onto something about China, they steal our base, transferred the wealth of our middle class to China for them to build their military
NOT the answer Lemon was expecting
Ryan wants to build solar panels, charging stations, “Chief Manufacturing Officer”
Ryan – some of the things Trump did were effective but he bungled the whole thing.
China has a 20yr plan but we live in a 24hour news cycle – and how is that related to Trump? Trump is playing long game.
Delaney thinks he is the only one who can take on Trump and he supports TPP
Warren – corps are evil – if they can save nickel, they will move. She wants everyone at the table. Warren is going to run all of our businesses.
Warren won’t shut up.
Delaney back to TPP – we can’t isolate ourselves – says Warren’s plan would prohibit us from trading with Britain and EU – her plan is so extreme
Warren says her plan includes the workers – let other countries pay their workers more ——- UMMMMmmm , like USMCA and what Trump did with Mexico?
Beto is just stupid on trade
“represents the largest tax on middle class” – no
“have to go to war with our allies” – ummmm, they were too chickenshit to take on china until we led.
Trump Grins……
Collects Campaign Ad clips……
Brad Parscale laughing all evening…endless nuggets to nail the eventual D-Rat candidate.
MOAR D-Rat debates please.
What’s the saying? Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Clown car full of amazingly, stoopid people.
Bernie – God help us if he is ever President.
we’d be so fucked
The man hate American businesses with a passion.
Democrats on stage be like:
How many times has Pocahontas said the word “suck” tonight?
OMG Hickenlooper said we would never win a trade war when China owns 25% of our debt
Hey Hickenlooper, 2002 called and they want their statistics back
What an uninformed DOLT
Warren wants to FIGHT BACK – all she wants to do is fight
Montana Gv – every time Trump tweets he loses hundreds of thousands of dollars.
It’s so funny, all the Dems think the tariffs are permanent.
A trade war in China?
Notice how the audience howls with approval every time one of these patronizing morons claims he or she will give a certain group free stuff?
St Pete……
Scripture also says….
Don’t FUCK other MEN!
Lemon talking about a plant closing in Michigan – 6,000 worker and retraining them
Pete Boot – this happened in my town, talking about his parents
All his references are from high school and experience of his parents.
Too young
Christian enators locking a bill in the senate blocking a raise to min wage ——- he never answered the question but implied “gig economy” and learn to code.
Delaney is effed – he wants to raise the capital gains tax.
Wealth Tax is arguably unconstitutional – again slamming Warren as stupid ideas.
LYIN’ What thu….
Why expand Pell Grants if college is FREE?
There ya go being logical. Not a D-Rat qualification requirement;-)
Warren’s wealth tax is impossible to implement.
Are we going to pay for the appraisers for artwork, jewelry, stock portfolios, real estate?
It’s a dumb idea.
It is THREE hours to PROVE their STUPIDITY… Not 2
(As if we didn’t already know)
Tweet Deleted: Wow mayor Pete quoting scripture I’m surprised a lightning bolt didn’t just strike
Pete Boot and his HUSBAND are paying down over $100K in student loan debt
He’s poor, too easily co opted and bribed.
Bwwhahhahaaaa, to solve student debt, he wants to attack “for profit” colleges. He obviously did not major in accounting.
Guessing here. After Buttplug is done playing Presidential candidate, his college student loans will be paid off.
Me thinks it is all a benefit of being in the clown car.
Bootygig really, really wants you to know he is a veteran.
OMG they STILL want everyone to go to college.
What about the 70% of people who don’t have a college degree?
Cuz they are only talking about 30-31% of the population
Just like healthcare
Only 7-8% of people don’t have health insurance – and they damn sure know where to buy it.
Pocahontas got away with being overly aggressive and speaking out of turn as well as talking past her time limit in the first debate and MSM said she had a good performance. She doesn’t seem to be getting away with it this time. Boo hoo.
Pie in the sky BULLSHIT!
Sit down and TRUST everyone?
What a Dumb Mass!
I’m laughing.
bernie says he would go to the UN and bring countries of the Middle East together.
Ummmm, kind of like when Trump went to Saudi Arabia FIRST?
These people are clueless.
Going to the UN to bring people together is like going to an SJW convention to advocate for young white males.
Did you all know that Mayor Pete is a veteran?
Gee, I didn’t know that. Do tell. What a startling revelation! I’m aghast to learn of that. Gosh, gee willikers. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.
Good thing we doing a drinking game for every time he mentions his military service. We’d be passed out in the first half hour.
“aren’t” doing
If you missed it sit tight… I’m sure it’ll be brought up again.
You can count on it. And no, I didn’t miss any of those pretentious statements Buttgig said. I was just pretending to be as dumb as he seems to think we are.
Just thought you might have nodded off here and there…I certainly did.
Did you know Warren has a plan?
Warren is a pain.
Guess they’ll take ANYONE now…
Thanks Obungler.
Thanks to everyone for the comments.
Not watching so getting no visual distraction…from what they say repeated here..they all sound really really dumb,as in stupid except for one guy not sure which one
Ryan says Pres of USA should not meet with Dictators.
Didn’t like Trump in DPRK.
Get’s pretty lonely there on your own island.
Don’t give a dictator a huge win ——- he still thinks a photo op and talking is giving a win to DPRK. He wants to use diplomacy, which has not worked since 1950.
Klobuchar – does not like Trump’s foreign policy – thinks Trump puts Russia’s interest first.
Pete just announced he would withdraw from Afghanistan in his first year — and all over the world, the Taliban set their watches.
Drama overload with Pete, war, any military authorization needs a 3yr sunset and reauthorization.
So when Trump wanted to come home from Syria – why did the left have a fit?
Beto would also withdraw.
Hickenlooper looks at our troops as a humanitarian issue – protect the women of Afghanistan – (and American women)? Walk away from people who risked their lives to help us?
Warren———- OMG – wait this is a special post.
Here she is with one now…
Warren signs a pledge NOT to use nuclear weapons unless another country uses theirs first.
I guess we pry those nukes out of her cold dead hands.

Cuz nukes are DANGEROUS.
Pocahontas has gotten way too much time!
More Marianne!!!
OMG!!! i gotta post before I go to bed Lizzie is just nuts – scary nuts. When she plays bridge, does she tell everyone she has the trump cards – but she isn’t going to use them?
As a young indian warrior she always filled her squirt guns with air…
HOT….. air
We all know that if a Republican had used a fake/puffed resume to get a job as dogcatcher – let alone Hahvud – they would have be flayed slowly. Instead we have this frail, timorous, nattering naybob with a Dorothy Hamill fake-blond-bob, a voice like Edith Bunker and not a clue about how to relate to a voter.
I won’t use the weapons my people paid for to defend my people, who elected me to defend them, until you kill them first. ONLY THEN will I wag my finger and say “STOP THAT”.
I’d like to know how she slipped past the gene pool …
… ohhhhh
… that’s right, she slipped past… I knew it .. 
Montana gov thinks out allies no longer trust us – talking point – no – they respect us and they need to pay their damn bills.
Warren talking incessantly.
LYIN’ What Thu “Talks”incessantly……
Yep….. but she never SAYS anything

….. yada, yada, on and on …
Pete is 37 and Bernie is 77.
Question is about age.
he points to leader of NZ who younger than he will be when he takes office.
Oh dear God, Pete is talking about the sunset of my career, and when they write my story, while comparing the Rep in WH (Trump) to David Duke.
No kidding.
Will his biography include the fact he will probably die from Aids in his 50’s?
Bernie is describing “new vision” for the toddler Pete.
I just gotta!!

Closing, closing, closing trays in upright positions.
Final “thoughts”
Nice teleprompter there…..
Learn that from Obungler?
Trump spoke off the cuff in HIS Debates.
Bullock is stammering through his closing – he was best one tonight (other than Marianne) but he is blowing his closing.
Marianne – radical ideas, truth telling, sacrifice our MORAL leadership, corp overlords, defense contractors, corruption…. so deep,,,,, ladies and gentlemen…….. we must confront, speak to their heart
Donald Trump, Donald Trump
She’s preaching now
Makes amends for own mistakes
make amends
it will emerge
I am the one qualified.
1st thing I’ll do:
That worked before…. right?
Delaney – Donald Trump is the symptom of a disease and I’m the only one talking about how to beat him
Real solutions not impossible promises.
Leader in the private sector and government
vision leadership unity nd something else.
Ryan – not effective tonight and burn that damn skinny tie.
His end was terrific – could hear a pin drop in auditorium.
Ryan….. If we UNITED….
Where the Hell have you been?
Trump has been working his ass off to do JUST THAT!
You DemonicRats stand in his way….. CONSTANTLY!
Hickenlooper – track record
He has a track record
AMY…. SOB Stories won’t cut it……. BITCH!
Klobuchar – a swimmer who got hooked on opioids
Klobuchar is blaming pharma who got her hooked
She lives in midwest
I will make you proud as president.
Bu Trump is the first one to decrease opioids. and Amy is not helping him.
Beatoff….. Divided more than ever?
Thank YOU, The DemonicRats and…… your buddies the MEDIA!
YOU couldn’t bet Cruz….
Who couldn’t beat Trump!
Beto – we’re so divided.
Working cross the aisle
(not in my kitchen, thank you)
Bck to Texas, t every county, not writing anyone off……… he is repeating, selling himself as the one who can swing Texas.
“How do you use a nuclear weapon second?” LOL!!! I’ve been laughing at all the comments here, but that seems to sum it all up.
Pete – GDP is going up and life expectancy is going down (opioids?) no he blames guns.
Drama all over the place
Swarmy guy
Lyin’ What thu……
Did the Reservation NOT help you?
Go away!
Warren – at 7yrs old I wanted to be a teacher – please, go back to school
I’ve heard this story before.
Rich and powerful
not on the side of people who live in native american reservations, farms, etc
give people a reason to show up to vote
build grass roots
small dollar donations
I have a stake in this democracy
real change in 2021 ———- more fundamental transformation.
“My family didn’t have the money to send me off to college…” says Elizabeth Warren
“So I became the first fake American Indian on my campus…”
That was brilliant
Remarkable experience
took 15 people to Canada to buy insulin
Which is EXACTLY what Trump wants to do and the Dems won’t help him
greed and corruption of Wall street
and Donald Trump is a homophobe.
Just think…this is the best they have to offer. I’ll sleep well tonight.
I’m afraid I won’t sleep well tonight……
I’ll STILL be LAUGHING my ass off
AND that is why they will sneak in a STEALTH candidate at the last minute that the people have not had a chance to vet (and laugh at) such as Big Mike or Stacy Abrams.
You can BET that it will be a Woman of Color in the hopes of duplicating the OH!Bummer ‘miracle’
Big Mike?… or…. Gappy?
I always have that nagging feeling that Big Mike is hiding something.
Sometimes “IT” shows…
Thanks Miss Daughn!!! U ROCK!!

Y’all ALL done good!!
Tomorrow night, same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel
Tonight’s “debate” only proved that 9 of the 10 DemonicRats are as STUPID as the other one!
I think we are doing well.
Luv to all, thank you for contributing.
I’m going back upthread to catch the funnies!
YOU provided the “Play by Play”…
I (and many others)…
just helped provided the “Color Commentary”
“OOP… is that RAYCISSSSS?” Who give a rat’s (or donkey’s) ass if it is? I am DONE with the RAYCISSSSS rat shit!
(Sorry for the ‘language’ but the very thought of anoter DemonRat president brings out the worst in me.)
If a DemonicRat wins another (s)election….
Lift up your heads…
our redemtion draweth nigh
OMG, I woke up to let out the dog, started scrolling, and woke up Big T from giggling.
Trying to make it FUN here…
Those Things on the stage are Terrible.
If any one of them became President, They would make that gun on the night stand look tempting.
Oh dear, I just listened to a replay of 12 seconds of Screeching Fauxcahontus.

Now I’m going upthread to get the real scoop from all you diehards. Truly, how DO you sit through it, but a million thanks for sharing it here. I owe you all. BIGLY
I’m always up for a good COMEDY!
Tonight proved it was an Academy award winner!
It’s like Saturday Night Live Reality Show !
Always check for the closed caption option, click it and turn the sound OFFFFFFFFFFFF ..

It all boils down to this……………
Who is the Best to…….
Baffle ’em with BULLSHIT?
“Baffle ’em with
BULLRATSHIT?” Nice clean Bull shit is too good for them. What they spew is disease knfested RAT SHIT!Watching Madeline on CNN after the “Debate”….
She might have a chance as a Republican AFTER Trump…..
But not much of a chance.
ZERO chance among DemonicRats.
Watching the “Aftershow” on CNN…
I know, I know…
But the COMEDY never ends there
Beatoff on now…
Bring EVERYONE in?
By pissing off MOST people?
Dumb Masses!
You guys are diehard! I just couldn’t do it tonight but ya’ll’s comments are off da chain
The “Debate” was a shitshow…..
The “aftershow” lets the IDIOTS further “explain” their IDIOCY!
CNN sure is giving a LOT of time to Lyin’ What The tonight.
WAY more than anyone else.
SHAPING the outcome? Again?
Oh I’m so bored of ALL of them! I mean it was kind of fun seeing Trump give them enough rope to hang themselves! But now it’s like they’ve already hung themselves and I’m just ready 2020!