Hi folks!!
Are you ready for Round Two?
Looks like the media has decided Kamala needs to win this evening.
Debate will be live-streamed on CNN . com for those who want to watch on a device.
From now until “showtime” let’s decide who will get kicked out this evening?
Who will not survive the night?
What do you think?
Round 2…. Hope i laugh as much as last night
Rayzorback, you and the boys have to make an appearance this evening.
I’ll be there like I was last night
Oh these folks were hilarious last night!
“personal story, personal story, personal story”
And Buttplug’s classic: “When I am President”
“Oh me oh my, Buttplug is so self-assured he will be president, he deserves my vote!”
The most striking aspect of last night was confirmation that these people are stupid, just marionettes, not original thinkers or non-phonies.
VSG looks like the mensch he is in comparison.
Speaking of Pete Boot edge edge – looks like the FBI is raiding the Housing Authority in South Bend RIGHT NOW.
ABC is on the scene
I just saw this on Eye the spy. One more down (as if he wasn’t already…)
I thought it was: South Bendover Indiana.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer Booty Judge!
Sleepy Joe to play his role: prepare the way for Big Mike.
His winner/loser ratio will be 50/50.
The splitter strategy, enforced by Fake News, will perfectly balance things out, leading to the only glorious conclusion, that Big Mike must save America.
The wookie… Moochelle … “with package”…
“Michelle” Obama will be the nominee.
Camel-toe will be Big Mike’s VP.
This upcoming election will be a referendum on whether America is too racist to accept the leadership of strong, black women.
And you know what to call anyone who does not!
It is inevitable. Sleepy knows his role.
Makes my stomach curdle
What? You don’t like black wimminz?
What?… YOU…. a Conservative said something?
Damn! I know that is Rayyyy Cisssss.
Don’t worry. Our VSG beat the former First Lady handily in 2016, and he’ll beat the former First Tranny by an even greater margin in 2020!
Are you suggesting the DemonicRats will run Big dick Mike and Booty Judge as the Veep?
That would fit. But Camel-toe will be Big Mike’s partner in The Strong Black Women Ticket.
Bet either one would take it up the a$$
Better THEY take it……
Because WE won’t!
Facts are Facts….
I’m done with PC Bullshit!
I just realized: I am really bigly into 2020 already!
Hello, everybody!
Over at Marica’s blog, I’ve just set up a “virtual feast” that includes a Punch made with Crown Royal XO!
Every time one of the “debaters” says “climate change” or “Orange Man Bad”, drink some Punch!
Is Kavanaugh near the punchbowl with red Solo cups and ‘ludes?
No man….. that is Cmmings
Epstein is in Jail (Gitmo?)
Ha Ha
No solo cups and ‘ludes at Marica’s blog! Punch glasses — and I believe the Punch has enough “punch” so that “extras” won’t be necessary! (imbibers will be responsible for their own transportation arrangements…)
WP is beating me up again.
Don’t know if I’ll be around for this one…meeting a friend for a pint…but here is the list of communists that will be debating tonight…
I wonder if Joe stocked up on some dirt to throw at Camel Hairs.
Night 2 (Wednesday, July 31): Former Vice President Joe Biden, California Sen. Kamala Harris, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, former HUD Secretary Julián Castro, business leader Andrew Yang, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet.
Thanks for the lineup Harry.
Have fun tonight.
I expect we that are here will run the gambut.
Pissed off to chuckles to anger the Hilarious laughter.
Don’t forget disgust and revulsion.
True…… My bad…. I bet I missed a LOT of Adjectives
I’ll probably catch at least some of this…and if I had my way Marianne Williamson would be allowed to participate in both debates….do a little random chanting…cast some spells…levitate…
lol…….. breathe,,,,,, LOL!
Maybe bend some spoons…
I’ve been waiting for her to break out a Ouija board at one of these things…we need real answers.
Pair her up with the Wookie… then you’d have trans and trance(ndental)…
OK, not exactly Simon and Simon, but…
Pair up the Wookie (Big Mike)…
with Heels Up Harris…..
And you get a woman that won’t work.
Simon and Simon? Is that a law firm?
No, it’s an old (and mostly, sadly, forgotten) private-eye TV show…
Garfunkle should sue.
Pregame IDIOT thinks he’s Howard Dean….. SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dreamers and Screamers and IDIOTS galore!
Yep… That’s the DemonicRat Party.
It’s not Keith Ellison……
But you know…
These DemonicRats all look the SAME to me.
Yep… tonight’s “debate”….
Like last night.
Not an AMERICAN FLAG in sight!
Will anyone have the guts to Take a Knee?
This morning, Chris Plante said that there are more US flags on the moon than at the dem debate.
THAT…. is so TRUE!
Please Master WordPress …
Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio was the only one on stage last night who refused to place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. Not a real big deal, but it sure looked like a sign of disrespect.
Ohhhh, the geeks are all a flutter
I’m amazed that a bunch of otherwise sane people would subject themselves to intellectual torture and call it fun.
Bless you all – you’ll need it.
It’s NOT Torture……
It’s all in how you look at it.
Face it…. NONE of these IDIOTS will win against VSG!
I think Tulsi wins tonight…… in the REAL world
It’s pretty bad when a surfer girl is the most sane choice available.
Are you watching this??????????? It’s the Minga Warrior intro
It’s WWE Wrestling with Pirates of the Caribbean music
So absurd! I loved it!
Don’t forget that WWE is strongly linked to VSGPDJT. IIRC, he was a part owner at one time.
Heyyy, is that Acosta on the floor ?
Go Sleepy! Show them all!
Don L’Mon is back
sour pulp
You forgot the L.
Hey y’all. Just listened to the intro on CNN. Music sounds like the Pirates of the Caribbean. An I expected ” . .. and at 5’4″, 275 hailing from Delaware . . .”
Kirsten Gillibrand is such a motivating speaker…inspirational actually…bwahahahahahahaahah!!!! NOT!!!
NXiVM Jelly Brand?
Must be jelly ‘cos jam don’t shake like that…
KirsX GLLBrnd.
Heard round 1 was a big hoot and a half, even the democratic commentators over at Yahoo were VERY disappointed in ALL of them
Booker kissed Kamala
Kamal was spartakissed!
Where? Hope it was on her cheek. On her face.
Castro really does look like Satan’s Spawn
Heard round 1 was a big hoot and a half, even the democratic commentators over at Yahoo were VERY disappointed in ALL of them
And from the State of Climatechangiana . . .
Tulsi all in white
Gilli wearing a skirt
Jay Inlsee who?
Bennett who?
Big bird
(spoken in the best Sean Connery voice):
Gordon Bennett…
The over the top presentation is so tone deaf it is hilarious.
This is such total hypocrisy. This is the party that supports BLM and hates patriotism is pandering like no other.
There’s a gun in the house.
Presentation of colors – Are they trying to convince me they love the USA?
Seems awkward.
Every mind is thinking how much these people hate our flag.
3 headed Urban Yodeler sings OUR Anthem?
Give her a Cowboy hat to match the glasses.
She can SING that National Anthem.
Good for her. Strange looking but a great voice.
I prefer it sung in the TRADITIONAL manner….
Without the Yodeling.
An aside: I guess the Hollywood clock on dog movies has turned 12 again . . . WHo remembers Marley and Me – the last one.
Hey guys – you realize there is a Trump Rally tomorrow night and MARICA is going to BE THERE????????
She had best get there real early or she won’t get in. They’ve been camping out since yesterday.
Oh you have to be kidding.. VSH was the one who must have scripted this opening.
But it does show how scared they are. “Oh, oh! We’re Americans?”
Ha Ha
“VSH” around here means “Veterinary Specialty Hospital”.
Just where these “dogs” need to go!
Did they just play the Liawatha drum song???
The NPC faces are just too much.
Tulsi sure stands out……. In all white..
Maybe she’s a white supremacist.
We need penalties for violation of rules. A penalty box, flags and hand signals.
Biden gets thrown out for illegal use of hands…
Somehow I’m envisioning a debate version of “Calvinball”, from the old Calvin and Hobbes by Watterston…
It would fit, too – change the rules to fit whatever they just did…
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
That’s it. What a wonderful comic strip that was. Clean, clever, and hilarious…
I miss it but you can find them online ..

….. LOL’s
… and hockey sticks .. and … and …. a whole lotta … PUCKS ..
…cells in Guantanamo Bay?
That’s what I’m hoping for!
Don Lemon loves the rebuttals.
(oh, slap)…
Wilhelm starts off the LIES tonight!
The jerk from NYC starts off like . .. a jerk from NYC
Bill t wants to change the country
No, I don’t want your kind of change
OUCH, he went after Biden and Kamala
HECKLER For DeBlasio
“When I am president” … so funny.
Who invited the undertaker?
Bennet needs to move his record to 45rpm’s – he’s on 33rpm right now.
This guy makes Lerch seem eloquent.
Two Zombies so far.
Looks like MK Ultra!
Wow…Michael Bennett is depressing…I need a stiff drink.
These people are STUPID!
The governor of Climatechangiana and the Archbishop of the Church of the Climate Apocalypse.
Theme for tonight: DELUSION
Got that?
From Inslee
We’re the last best hope for the people of this planet.
He’s all about climate change. But they have to be union jobs
COnfront the fossil fuel industry
Just as we rise to #1 in the world.
Energy independence.
Golgafrichan Ark Ship B….
(Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy)…
Yes inslee… you CAN do BIG things…
She has a grandmother! Wow!
Gilli’s grandma and momma.
Is she serious?
She’s trying to take credit for the 9/11 health bill??????
Hey wait up Gilli..let’s talk about your Dad & stepmom and NXVIM
Kirsten is so stilted, awkward and shrill I cannot watch her.
Six words in Tulsi said “served”.
She has that in common with Buttgig.
Tulsi drinking game – every time she says she has served in military – take a shot — of Diet Coke?
Pepsi…. with a little something else “)
The Pepsi Challenge
Kirsten Milliwatt…
Crown Royal XO Punch!
San Pellegrino, or I would be comatose.
Glen Fiddich … or probably white lightening … and don’t strike a match
Oh Oh Oh….. I see a FLAG!
Tulsi is wearing one…
These people need good writers.
Feeble, lame and weak..
Satan’s Spawn speaks
The Alien is speaking
I cannot get past his physical appearance.
Or his last NAME.
(Not to mention the Policy “ideas”)
If his head was longer, and he wrapped a towel around it, he could be the brother that Ilhan Omar married!
They need to tell us about their childhoods more.
Oh …. please dear Lord noooooooooooooo …..

How Stupid
How Sophomoric
How Anti-Capitalist
How Out of Touch
How! (from Pocahontas)
How Big a Target for POTUS
An Asian man who like math
3.6 TRILLION dollar give away
So far, tonight’s idiots are even dumber than last nights morons. “I’m so Flippin left, I am dazzled by my flippinness.”
YingYang is nuts but, like Williamson, is likeable.
This is our ruling class now: so dumb that high school level rhetorical tricks seem good.
Hilarious projection
Booker says Trump is using tired old rhetoric of demagogues. Gee, that comment looks a lot like Spartacus.
Hired by the DNC,
I LOVE IT!!!! Spartacus is speechless!
Hey Booger…. Go LOOK Dumb Mass
Baltimore is INFESTED… Just like JOISee
Booger… If you have to ask who WE are…
It Proves that YOU are not up to this.
Kamal’s mic is messed up or she really is an alien!!!
More comfortable speaking on her back…with her toes up.
CNN messes up audio for their CHOSEN ONE?
Maybe there are other interests involved.
Different factions within the conspiracy, maybe?
Camel-toe rehearsed this absurdity …. so obvious.
“I tell ya”
Messing with Kamala’s microphone
not nice
she is serious – people listening
her parents were activists in civil rights – from India and Jamaica, while teaching at Stanford.
Grandparents had slaves…
Biden – Trump is ripping at the fabric of this country
mayor, congress, senate, agencies, VP – he keeps calling Trump, Mr. President.
Biden is all wound up!
Interesting that Kammie is next to Sleepy Joe again
Kamala geets the first question
grey is a bad coor for her – washes her out
Ahhhhhhh, complaining about ins companies profit again – but the senate approved that 15% profit.
Option under Medicare for private plan that SHE would design
not just a privilege but a right.
Biden trashing her becuase Kamala plan will take 10yrs.
OMG!!! Kammie lectures Joe!!!
Circular Firing squad?
I’d pay to watch that!
But only if they used real guns with live ammo.
How much time are you going to give them???? Favoritism much?
Kami must ACT!
I thought that is what this was…
Kamala says Biden is inaccurate – we’re first day, babies are born every day — she’s defending babies
Biden plan leaves out 10 million people and she TELLS Biden what to do.
Biden – Kamala plan cost 3 trillion, takes 10yrs
It will never get passed. Won’t take effect until she is completely out of term/office.
Wilhelm… Talk to you POLICE Dept.
ARen’t there 6 others there???
They don’t count….
Not up with DEMONICrats rules?
DeBlasio mad at insurance companies for profits.
Back to Biden – Obamacare is working, way to do it is to build on Obamacare, provide a public option, put back what Trump took out, would move quickly
His plan cost 750 billion – her’s cost 30 Trillion – or was it 3 trillion
Oh, oh … Sleepy is not articulate
Surprise…Sleepy is not articulate.
I hate it when I palpitate!
We need personal stories!!
Kammie ignores Kirstie . .and attacks sleepy Joe
Camel-toe is doing the Strong Black Woman Thing to run with Big Mike.
Gilli – when I was a young mother – baby with reaction to eggs
My heart was pounding
People cannot afford it
(because you mandate lactating equipment for 55yr old women and 25 yr old men)
The mandate for super premium coverages is what makes it so expensive.
Kamala is still attacking Biden.
His plan – limits of copays is 1,000USD
People Should be able to keep it – they should have a right to have it – or buy into Biden plan
Ya Joe…
If you like your doctor…
you can Keep your doctor…
Heard your BULLSHIT before!
I wanna hear from the lil Chinese guy!! LOL!! He’s giving us all $1000 per month!!!
Oh, really?! Then I guess he was a much more successful entrepreneur than I thought!
Booker is so heterosexual.
Wanna Bet?
Spartacus boyfriend thinks not.
Booger… WE… spend more to line YOUR DEMONICrat Pockets!
This is like “Parents Poker”. My parents were civil rights workers. Oh Yeah? my parents were militant bombers. Oh yeah? my parents bombed Pearl Harbor . .
LOL!…… Really…. LOL!
I’m still chuckling over the:
Oh Ya… My parents BOMBED pearl harbor….
Now I’m thinking of Bluto’s speech (from Animal House)…
Booker says he supports Medicare for all – but not take away private health insurance
Booker – erson who loves this the most is Trump
evry Dem should stand with the belief that everyone should have ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE
Name a single person who does not “have access”
Everyone has “Access”
it’s the cost which is the problem
Kammie disses Tulsi and attacks Biden . . strategy here . .!
Harris doing good for the VP slot!
Joe don’t like the smell of her….
Butt, Buttt…Big Mike is into some Camel Toe
The strategy is to get Joe to attack her back and then they get 2 back-and-forths
We don’t have a healthcare system – we have a sick care system
Tulsi going after Kamala’s plan
Tulsi wants to shut out big ins and big pharma
Kamala says Tulsi got it wrong, Sibelius did not write her plan, she endorsed it
Back to criticizing Biden
Her plan covers everyone.
Biden wants pharma to come to him, and Biden will decide how much he can sell it for and X amount for inflation
OMG he would kill development of new drugs.
Some guy from Colorado has been sampling the legal weed. . .
He has a stick people face !!!
VSG might be laughing as much as I am!
My grandma was sicker than your grandma!!
Big T is on a Roll!
Ignore Bennett – How did he get elected?
He’s a stiff.
Bennett says leave the private insurance alone
add a public option
get it in 2yrs and not 10yr like Kamala
Elect! Elect! His grandpa had diabetes!
Kammie’s “plan” was hatched in the ’80s and abandoned by the Democrats then too.
Jakie is losing control of this again tonight.
Jake the FAKE slacker?
Kamala’s plan separates employee from employer plan
Bennett – if you can’t admit what is in the plan, how are you going to defend it in front of Donald Trump
3 trillion a year is 70% of what the taxes are
Kamala accuses bennet of republican talking points
Bennett is RIGHT and Kamala’s plan is bad and she accuses Bennet of being misleading.
Pervy Uncle Joe: zzzzzzzzzzzzz . . . huh? . . . what? . . . Donald Trump? . . . Donald Trump! . . .
Let me tell you, I know Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a friend of mine. And you, sir, are no Donald Trump!
That’s it . . . yeah . . . mmmm . . . zzzzzzzzzzz
Oh that is so funny!
Carl wins the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^^^ Hilarious!
….. bwahahahahahah ……

Oh Hell NO….
WE can’t afford MENTAL HEALTH for ALL the DemonicRats!

Inslee – Washington has a new public option
Vermont had one and it blew up their budget – they got rid of it.
MR YANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!
Ha…anytime someone is challenged they accuse the challenger of using Republican talking points…these frauds have no serious policies…just straight up socialism/communism
To them, facts and logic are Republican talking points. Well, yeah. I can agree with that.
Is giving the best answer
as a biz owner
group insurance for biz owners
If YingYang wasn’t such a nut he’d be a welcome addition to the dialogue
Blasio says Bennett is wrong about how people feel about insurance.
Bennett it has nothing to do with politics
Bernie – he wrote the damn bill – have to raise taxes
Bennett wants them to tell the truth Bennett wrote the bill on the public option.
Blasio thinks if he talks louder more people will agree ——— um, no.
Hilarious that because Tulsi Gabbard is one of the only remotely normal people running that she is considered the oddball…the outcast. In the Dem party she’s like the character Marilyn from the Munsters.
That’s a GREAT analogy.
No, like Mary Ann on Gilligan’s Island. The cute girl next door who lives on an island in the Pacific.
But I get your point about the rest of the cast!!
Biden recovered nicely
8.5% of income, and if they don’t have enough money, they get in free
deductible will come out of your paycheck
OMG imagine the accounting burden
“Malarky” is so way back …
Mueller?……. Mueller?…….
Kammie attacks Joe . . . they have worked this out before the start. BY my watch they have had about 1/3 of all air time
Good insight.
Kammie is Mad and Ugly!! She reminds me of………..Shrillery!!!!!!!!!
No shortage of evil in Camel Toe.
Kamala says ins companies made 77 billion last year – but that was the deal Obamacare made to do it.
They voted for it
That won’t even make a dent in the $30 TRILLION!!!
Woo hoo, someone wound up Biden’s wind up key. Hahahah
Better “Energy” tonight lol
And Heels-Up is singing to him,
“I got a brand new pair of roller skates,
You got a brand new key”…
He did say he wouldnt be as nice. Throw her off her pedestal. Mayve sleepy joe had half a red bull.
Onto immigration asking Castro first – well his momma did help found LaRaza, he should know.
Julián Castro? Isn’t that Julián Castrato?
Yeah, that’s why my nickname for him is Accent Mark.
Castro….a 20th century marshall plan?
Is this not the 21st Century?
gwa – ta – ma – la . . . . I so hate when they fake the pronunciation. (and love it when Rush mocks them)
Ut oh, Bennett wrote the immigration bill with McCain in 2013, 68 votes in Senate, only the election of Dave Brat stopped it from passing in House.
With McShame?
You’re DONE!
Kammie has the false outrage thing down really well.
Kamala is acting so superior, children lined up single file walked into barracks
but today – we had 5800 fake families at border last month.
They HAVE TO SEPARATE THE KIDS – to see if they really are their kids.
Don Le – ay – mon!
Another protester WOWWWw this is cool
Keep their COAT!
And leave the Cannoli…
Guaranteed with donkeys.
Good sign
“Please be respectful”???? This is how we handle hecklers???
No, Biden, crossing the border, not at an entry point and asking for asylum IS ILLEGAL.
Castro to Biden, “Looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us has”
Lecturing Biden seems to be popular tonight
Castro wants to repeal a law
Biden – I have the guts to say your plan does not make sense
You have to get in line (which is what Trump says)
Biden continues – but the plan does not work because of Trump, we have to defeat Trump
MY parents BOMBED Pearl Harbor!!!!!!!
YingYang hits a nail square again
Tulsi trying to show she can be phony, too.
Sorry to see that.
Tulsi – like an angel but not making sense
Yang – go to a factory in michigan, no wall to wall immigrants, it’s wall to wall machines, and that’s what we need to work on.
BOOGER!… YOU…. R… an… ASS!
Build the WALL…..
Problem SOLVED!
Booker is misleading the people
1st time across is civil penalty
2nd time is criminal – therefore a felon, therefore felons lose their kids, deported.
Wasn’t something like that the problem in Chicago in ’68?
When they got leftist McGovern as their candidate, because the Dim delegates at the convention were scared of the violent leftist hippies outside, and capitulated to their demands. And then McGovern was too far Left for primetime, and got shellacked by Nixon.
Sleepy would be much better off if he numbered his responses.
Inslee looks like a high school football coach who got lost on the way to the game.
Yep…. and is not sure which end to hold the FOOTBALL BAT!
Yeah, but as soon as he crossed the blue line, he should be able to shoot a three-pointer after the long jump… (Calvinball rules)…
Giant Boring Dork!!!!
BWWAAAHAAA…Everyone will now know who I mean when I refer to “GBD”

I have a bumper sticker that says, My Governor is an Idiot. Yes I’m WA state.
Oooooh, that’s a good one.
White nationalist b.s.
…Says the bright White Dorky guy….
I figured out he is Drew Carey’s tall, evil twin brother
inslee…. Trump is a “WHITE” Nationalist?
Inslee isn’t smart enough to be a racist.
Ok… I’ll settle for him being a DUMB MASS.
Has Inslee even reached 1% yet?
Inslee wants our Syrian refugees
more and more and more
Blasio still thinks there are 11 milion people here, who are out neighbors
attacking Biden again.
all those deportations – under Obama – did you try to stop it.
Biden said Obama came up with the idea of Dreamers and PUT THAT INTO LAW ——– um, no.
tuition free for undocumented as well – tulsi said no
but talking about crushing student debt
BOLD solutions – gotta “make investments” – means pay it off for them, with taxpayer dollars.
I payed my own way….. now…. ZERO Debt.
Do I get a REFUND?
Me too
I want my money back
Joe just punted and he is officially done!
Blasio corners Biden
Biden backs down – I was only the VEEP
Attacks opened up
Booker – to biden – you invoke the President Obama more than any other person here. You can’t do it when it’s convenient and back out when it is not.
Booker just said shithole.
BOOGER would know about SHITHOLES…..
so I’ve heard
Spartacus goes profane. What a stupid analysis of immigration.
Did Sparicus say shit hole?

I sure hope so. We need a public flogging.
Gilli is speechless — blew it,
Kristie, Kristie, Krisie. . . . proof that every debate needs one dumb blond.
Snort, giggle. U 2’s

Woof Woof
Said the Water Melon Collie
Nanny Nanny Boo Boo
I am a Carnegie Melon
Total incoherence going on.
Spent an hour talking about how the Dems are going to help everyone in the world——– except Americans.
And the yelps of the other people taking showers (to wash off the yuck from the debate)…
but a lottahottawata…
just ask every one of these stupefyingly stupid morons this question: “What is social justice?”
Did Joe Biden Not know PDJT signed prison reform Already???
Did Spartacus miss the First Step Act?
He tripped…
The thong is over, but the malady lingers on…
Sleepy getting pushed around and disrespected. Wow. These people are stupid.
Cory goes all nasty! that is a pissant comment!
from a PISS ANT!
Biden on Prison reform, read and write, pell grants, public housing, happy to discuss it with Booker.
Should be working together.
Booker, we have treated issues of poverty, mental health, addiction, as crimes, not helping them and lifting them up.
Bidens past legislation is biting him, Booker said – your name is on it.
Excuse me – President Trump just solved the problem with bipartisan support.
Biden making excuses, I did that a long time ago. In 2007, I tried to make it different
That’s the year you became mayor and YOUR city was not good. 3X’s black kids, stop and frisk. Booker making excuses.
Booker telling Biden not to interrupt him.
Booker, I led the bill which was passed into law which corrected your problem
Biden, – no, Booker passed my bill.
Biden, you hired Giuliani’s guy.
Booker – if you’re going to dip into the koolaid ya gotta know the flavor
People in prison now, that you put there, and Booker is confronting him about it.
Of course, Booker is misleading but this is damaging to him.
Castro agrees with Booker, Biden has flip-flopped.
Sleepy Joe is taking hits and is taking on water without bailing!
Sleepy now represents the clueless old leftist white man vote.
He might win.
KNock, knock, problem solved – call PDJT – he’s the man. Prison reform = checked off.
Bwahaha Biden got Booker. Now Booker is knifing Biden, now Booker is being skewered by Biden and both are full of crap…PT has started reformation of criminal incarceration.
This is EXACTLY why incumbent Presidents usually win re-election.
Mind nimbing to think Spartacus is President.
Butt, then again, Buttplug would have a friend in the White House.
Eric Garner murder/accidental death not pursued because LOWretta Lynch made a deal not to prosecute with the NYPD if they would not divulge the laptops taken from Anthony Weiner.
Actually, Loretta lied to them. and then threatened the NYPD.
Biden – everyone is talking bout how terrible I am on these issues ———- get the violins.
But Obama loved me and trusted me
Be nice to me.
Don’t forget – Garner died of a heart attack in the emergency vehicle on the way to hospital due to his complaints of being unable to breathe. Sudden shortness of breath is often the first sign that a heart attack is happening.
Gilli wants the police officer on Eric Garner fired.
Ooooh she is stepping in it.
Loretta has already been asked about the deal and Loretta took the 5th.
Why? It’s not a crime for a prosecutor to cut a deal.
Now we are attacking the police. The Dems are covering all the anti-America bases tonight.
Dumb Blond gets an easy question…LOL!!! Just knocked De Blowsio!!!
JAKe is raising busing???? He is giving a total grapefruit to her. What a jerk
Heels up back to Bussing……..
Was she in the back of the bus? with her Heels up?
Bench seat benefits;-)
So THAT’S what the DEMONcRATs are talking about when they talk about their “Deep Bench”…
Yah, that’s it. Kamel Toes, Buttplug, Spartacus… Lots satisfied customers;-)
Ya’ll are delivering endless laughs tonight.
Thank you EVERYONE!
Gonna break down and watch the next D-Rat debate, mid September IIRC.
RALLY tomorrow;-)
Oh this is precious! So good!
Bide: Jobs Jobs Jobs…..
KamelToe: Blow Jobs Blow Jobs Blow Jobs!
Pissing my pants!
Kamel Toe’s services rewarded for her services rendered.
She’s not gonna take that, erm, standing up…
Tulsi is slamming Kamala’s record.
Tulsi dented her, big time.
Tulsi accusing Kamala of withholding evidence for a death penalty victim.
Tulsi says she owes them an apology.
Kamala denying and defiant.
KAMMIE is gonna knife Tulsi after this Debate..(Not kidding)…
KInd of like watching a demolition derby…
Tulsi goes full all out attack on Kammie!!
Love it!
Kammie goes to the demagogue. DOes not answers a single of the allegations.
Around here we call Kammie’s statement the “FU Defense” . . . when all else fails “FU”. (Because Trump).
Bless Your Heart

Bennett – from Don L’mon — please tell me how raysis the president is.
Bennett shouting – our schools are still segregated.
slavery – jim crow – 88% of people in prison dropped out of high school
(no kidding)
Humility??? Humility???
Inslee – wearing his apology for white privilege – school to prison pipeline – never been a black teenager pulled over
never a woman harassed
but we’re going to work like the dickens
Toldya He’s a Dork!
Marica, he’s been “my” Governor forever…one trick pony: carbon taxing.
doesn’t know anything else.
Next they’ll call on Mayor Pete and get Fractured Fairies Tails…
This format was specifically designed for Big Mike’s nomination.
No question.
Which Big Mike?

Oh that is funny!
Inslee tells the TRUTH?
Dems NOT gonna get a DAMN thing done!
Business as usual huh?
Inslee says we need to win back the senate or break the filibuster.
TOLD YA THEY WANTED to break the filibuster.
Yang says AI is coming and we will all be unemployed – Yang’s answer is guaranteed min income.
Vote for ME!
Everything’s FREE!
Nobody works!
I’m a Poet and don’t even know it…
but my Feet show it…
They are Longfellows
Put down the bottle. You’ve had enough.
He’s not serious.
Still uncalled for.
Shit like that is NOT helpful
Castro – the president is a racist
I say Castro is a racist – take a look at this guys background. What a bigot he is.
He wants you to accomplish your American dream in your own neighborhood.
All across the world people are laughing at these turds. Screaming about justice while flinging racism charges at everyone wo looks at them sideways.
OK, the laughter has been exhausted. Now it is just tedious.
Gilli thinks it is her responsibility to educate white women in suburbs and tell them how privileged they are.
M&M’s protect us from being shot?
For Marica,

Thanks Butterfly!!!!
It has been fun guys . . these people are just not funny. Enjoy the posts from daughnworks247!
Ya …. it is getting old
BULLSHIT only goes so far.
Giant Boring Dork Is a climate change whack a doodle! An Aluminum House…just melted? HUH?
Imagine having him for your governor like I do.
YUCK! He’s irritating …!
We conservatives in Oregon would be happy to trade governors with you.
I leave you with this as the best comment yet. A 10-year-old boy watching with his politically active mom:
“These guys are all promising the same thing and I bet they don’t mean half of it. And they all hate Donald Trump.”
That’ll do, son. That’ll do.
We have to walk and chew cum at the same time….
He’s done.
Nah. no oops, me thinks. Kamel Toes perked right up ready to pander to the old white buffoon.
To Inslee
climate change – talking about the aluminum homes lost in the Paradise fire
Did climate change cause the Cali fires.
Cancer clusters net to an oil refinery
Biden – says we’re responsible for 50% of pollution – no, we are not.
No Yang said it is 15% of global emissions
Yang says we are too late
things are bad
need to start moving people to higher ground
YA’ll are all welcome in my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inslee wants to get off coal in 10yrs completely
He believes we can survive
Biden calls for 500 charging stations so we are off oil petrol cars by 2030
Would there be any place for coal, LNG, fracking, in a Biden plan.
Biden says we can work it out.
Inlsee comes unglued ——— NOOOOOOOOOO we have to save the planet.
Kamala thinks Pres is an idiot and windfarms cause cancer when they really cause jobs.
These people are STUPID!
“These people are stupid”
Personal story of flooding
Why not have a clean energy race with China (because China will import oil from Iran and their energy cost will be lower to manufacture anything. China would LOVEEE for us to run away from our oil superiority)
Damn wallet is EMPTY already!
They all want to go back to the Paris Accords – which was a rip off to the USA – exfiltration of American wealth.
Does Booker have a crush on Inslee?

No. He likes Biden and the way Biden sniffs his hair.
Booker wants everything he does, Just like Obama did, to be viewed with lens of Climate change
how they give out foreign aid
Dana Bash still riding myth of lead in Flint —– tomorrow, I swear, even if I have to subscribe to the NYTimes, I will find the article from the scientist with debunks the whole damn thing.
It was several pages. BIG article.
I’m out!
Just read my notifications.
pgroup ruined my night.
It was FUN until then.
Hey!!! I was just trying to help. Sheeesh.
Help what?
Trump won independents in Michigan by 15 points
Ohhhhhh no you don’t Biden
He was asked to be in charge of an 87 billion dollar plan which staved off a depression to save (etc)
no, it was 870 billion stimulus
Biden claims there were only 2/10’s of fraud incidence
That’s right up there with “not a smiden of scandal” or whatever it was he said about the ozero admin.
Gilli thinks she can beat Trump by taking bus tour in Michigan.
Oh let me buy her ticket

…. she won’t be infesting my state with her dumb butt .. we have hit our dummy limit in Michigan … 
Yang – life expectancy declining in last three years —— hehe, i read that report today. No stats available for 2018 yet. Which means they declined in 2017, 2016, 2015, and it was opioids
Trump has presided over the first decline in drug deaths in 30 years.
Did Yang say they all need mental health care??
Now there’s a plan I can support!
He has an autistic child.
Everyone on that stage sure needs it – badly.
Tulsi wants to bring people home and spend the money here.
Booker thinks he is the only one who knows the truth.
Everyone was targeting Dem voters from Russians etc to suppress the African American ttunout
He thinks black women are best
I think I’m getting saturated with the b.s. and am ready to go scrub toilets to get away from it.
Kamala said Trump making promises he has not kept
farmers sitting on soybeans rotting
raised prices on washing machines
he betrayed the American people
beating them down instead of lifting them up
God, thank you for commercials which I usually hate, but right Now are a welcome reprieve!
I don’t know how y’all do it….
….VOLUNTARILY watching and listening to these garbage, POS people vomit and spew their garbage all over our Republic while directly implying each one of us is an idiot.
Keeping the enemy close
I’ve almost reached my limit though and started late
I’m not watching, JUST CANT DO IT. I’m just watching the watchers and hopefully providing moral and tweet support. GO TEAM!!!

Castro says Obama created booming economy.
Castro is an imbecile ..

He sure did. He blew it up with a big booming sound.
Hey WOWWWWW, Tulsi understands the problem with TPP and governing board.
Good for her.
She lies …
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la…
No Biden, your son willwrite the rules of the road.
Tulsi would NOTTTTT keep Trump tariff on china
Biden would you rejoin the TPP
I would renegotiate it. Have to make sure environmentalists are there and worker representation is there
I would not rejoin the TPP as it was put forward – renegotiate it.
Hold cHina accountable
China filling the vacuum and running the table
Blasio does not like new USMCA – wants to get rid of it.
Someone needs to ask about his son’s China deals. PLEEZ PLEEZ!!
Butt, butt, by agreed upon rules, zero serious questions allowed.
Bennet and Biden sitting in a tree…K I S S I N G
Phooey, I didn’t mean Biden and Bennett, can’t remember which guy, but they were all cozy, friendzies, making up with each other. and that’s who I meant.
Dana to bennett – impact of technology
How are we going to invest in this country
5 trillion of tax cuts which went to the wealthy
money in the middle east
could have fixed every road and bridge, airports, social security solvent for my children.
This guy (Bennett) looks like a ventriloquist’s dummy
Tulsi delivers great set of daggers into Camel Toes.
IF Camel Toes is the D-Rat nominee or VP nominee, Camel toes record will haunt her from both the Right and Left. Empty head (pun not intended now that I see that) and corrupt as they come.
Harris does not look good opposite Tulsi.
Tulsi looks strong, beautiful and solid. Harris looks dodgy as all get out.
Yep. $1000.00 per month, no matter what their previous salary was
he is CRAZY
Women – pay gap of 80%
this is a total myth
Yang, I have seen first hand the problems of women in business
waitress who gets harassed who might have biz idea but is stuck
back to $1000 a month would give her leg up
Back to universal income
It’s a total myth, they don’t work as many hours or as many years.
Kamala wants every corporation to report and be fined one year of their income.
Gilli wants a conversation.
She attacks Biden for an old op-ed for writing that women working outside the home would degrade the family
Biden snaps back, he was single dad. Raised three kids because his wife was dead.
Gilli is not buying into it and no empathy for dead wife – on a rant – women need to be in the workforce.
Biden just kicked Gilli’s ass
Gilli has complimented Biden on his work on women.
Except now she is running for President
Gilli haz a sad…she got her feelings hurt

Kamala attacking Biden on “women” rape and incest.
healthcare paid for by gov’t – supports women’s right to choose.
wants Congress to legislate it
Kamala – why did it take you so long
Biden – because it was about legislation for paying for it.
Kamala has not scored on Biden tonight.
Inslee wants to give teachers and nurses and unions more money.
Biden supports the killing of little women and little men. Wow. He underscored it bigly.
Did you know Tulsi was in Iraq – she is serious about it, her husband is in Afghanistan now.
This is not about arbitrary deadlines
They should not have been there this long
Ivory towers in DC
Impact on real lives
Trump WANTS to bring them home – why did Dems have a fit when he wanted to pull out of Syria.
Tapper to Yang
How would a President Yang respond if Iran violates nuclear deal (as if it is still in place – which it is not)
Hard visual – can’t imagine Yang dealing with Iran.
He wants to sign a pledge to end “forever wars” which means American weakness and lack of American leadership.
Biden – I did make a bad decision, blames Bush for Iraq.
Proud moment in Iraq when he stood and said to bring our troops home.
Which created ISIS…….
Tulsi – this is the betrayal, weapons of mass destruction, lied to, fateful day.
This current President is betraying us
says they Al Qaeda is stronger now than before
says the president is supporting Al Qaeda?????????????
WTF was that about???
Did he flip fast or WHAT?
Oh great, now it’s Mueller time
Kamala, why is it okay for you to advocate to go after Trump for obstruction but it is not okay for Trump to advocate for prosecutions
Booker agrees – go after him
they want to impeach
they think he is a criminal
should be held accountable
protected by a memo in DOJ which says a sitting Pres cannot be indicted
Castro agrees – impeach him
Blasio wants him impeached – but caution, more talk about people and their working life
wealthy to pay more
stand up for working people
best impeachment is beating him in 2020
Bennett – we are 4 months away from Iowa caucus
Acquitted by Mitch Mcconnell will acquit
Bennett – we can’t do it
Castro – we can walk and chew gum at same time, don’t get spooked by 1998, if they don’t impeach him, Trump will say it is because he did not do anything wrong
If Mitch lets him off the hook, then we can blame “Moscow Mitch”
Their whole platform is….
No plan, no vision, no concern for America AT ALL
Their desperation is showing
Highly instructional debate
Kamala is much weaker than I thought
Biden’s Achilles heel is his record – he has to explain everything and by explaining, even though he MAY be correct, it looks like he is evading and making excuses.
I love Crenshaw!!
Trump is ray cis
If we going to beat him, party of labor unions, universal healthcare, tax he hell out of the wealthy.
Trump will call us socialists.
He;s the socialist for wealthy.
Bennett is no leader – he’s too mushy – I would not hire him for a sales job or to lead an agency – no inspiration, no real grasp of detail. He folded to Castro just a few minutes ago.
Bennett was appointed Senator in ‘09 by Hickenlooper when Ken Salazar was appointed by soebarkah. And then the leftists who invaded CO reelected him again.
He sounds like he’s got a mouthful of shit when he talks. Which is apropos because he’s full of shit.
Is it over yet? The household sports bar has been monopolized by the “king” (in his own mind) of the castle, and the nephews. Cards/Cubs and “The Sandlot.”
So, did the males in the house choose wisely?????????????????
Inslee needs to be deprogrammed.
He is smarmy on climate change
survival of humanity on climate change
I swear this man wants to be the head of the EPA.
He wants me to stand up ……. on my legs (not head?) and oppose fossil fuel industry.
This is our moral responsibility.
purr xcatly! That’s Inslee, captain lispy not my president!
Gilli sounds like she’s running for Miss Universe! I want …World Peace!
I want to help people….
Umm, then maybe you should join the Salvation Army
Donald Trump has torn apart the fabric of this country racial religious color lines
I want to help people
I know how to beat Donald Trump
I took the fight to Trump in Michigan (I guess I missed that Presidential race)
I not only bring people together — many ways, I get things done — she’s only named a post office.
Whiney wench in coral/red.
Donald Trump and war mongers in DC have failed us
Nuclear missiles pointing at us
30 minutes like the warning we got in Hawaii
this is the war mongers hope
It is all a lie
it does not have to be this way
stop this new cold war
stop wasting money on the regime change wars
more weapons
make sure we have clean air and water
Too weak.
Castro – don’t be bashful – who the hell wrote this stuff for him
Yang needs to run for Mayor of Silicon Valley
Yang–He absolutely sounds like he is on a reality TV SHOW or Shark tank!!! Weirdo! Didn’t even notice he had no tie!!! LOL!!
He sounded a bit like an infomercial…………..Sham WOW GUY!
The gimmedats are already laser focused on that 1000$ month
I want my thousand!!

Booker – loves Detroit, defiant love, mom was born in Detroit, pool hall and laundry mat, daughter of a UAW worker.
But the net generation is in danger, ………. um, he went to Yale then Oxford, then became Mayor of Newark, Senator, now running for Pres.
Booker said “one nation under God”
Cory Booker.com ANd I am Sparticus!
Oh yeah Kammie, he’s a predator all right….an APEX PREDATOR
Kinda want MY POTUS to be s Predator!!! Get em Donald!!!
I would rather have my President FEARED than loved by foreign countries.
He will, don’t doubt it for a minute!!!!
Kamala – took on banks who preyed on homeowners
on and on
I’ll tell you something
We have a predator in the White House
prey on people who they perceive as weak
they are cowards
we beat him by prosecuting the case against him
babies in cages
trade policy by tweet, attack on american families
write the next chapter
what wakes people up at 3am —– um……. Trump tweeting and working wakes up the WH Press Corps.
Fighting back, Go TEAM TRUMP!!
KH the lowest of low.
Most consequential election in our history…………. cuz if Trump wins another 4 years, we will never gain our power back.
He seems desperate to win but not for valid reason.
Go to Joe 3003300300330033000 he messed up his own website.
What happened to Joe2020? LOL Trump probably hijacked it!!!
Oh look, Kammie and Gilli are sistahs….but the left Tulsi out. Isn’t that raaaaycisssssss????!
Bwwhahahhahaaa a
LOL!!!! Good ONE!!!
I need a hot shower, a stiff drink and some ibuprofen after that mess
Pass the bottle and the ibuprofen, please.
Found a lil trinket for ya Daughn, as a mason I can say I really respect this dude.Hope you enjoy.
I would of posted this elsewhere but I figured this would be the best place to catch ya lol.
Getting off here been a long day, night and God bless you and yours and all Qtreepers.
Thank you, Rodney!!!!!
Swinging a sledgehammer makes for a LONG day. Amazing precision though.
I spent many hours swinging a 16 pound sledge, it is not for everyone.
I love stuff like this. Thank you for my present, Rodney.
Glad you enjoyed it Daughn.
Thanks for the comments on the debate for those that watched and took one for the team.
Just posted OT as the bitching whining group is in full force.
Was going to make a brilliant long post to counter all the whiners. Not worth the keystrokes. Trust your President. He knows what he has to do to get re-elected. The swamp is deep and it ain’t getting fixed overnight. If you have given up on PT then watch the dem debates and pick your hero from that bunch. Good luck.
Thanks RF
Heyyyyyyyyyy, guess what????
There is a MAGA Rally tomorrow in Cincinnati.
RSBN just landed!!
Much Needed Palate cleanser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all you do Miss Daughn!! So grateful to have you on our team and in our Qhouse!!

Good Job Everyone!!
Hey, you were the one who lifted my spirits and gave me the inspiration to do the thread. I was not feeling it.
Thank you, for the back up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I needed it most!
You do the heavy lifting!! I’m honored to have your 6!!

I second that…thank you Daughn and everybody !
Local network in Cincinnati
Okay this is the party bus we need.
I see Marica, up by the Front Window!!!

. Soo envious. Do us proud Sis and have a good time!! Tell POTUS Hi from all of us!!

It sounded like big Kamala flopped. Her outfit was not good either…drab.
Biden always sound like a flop..the others…yawn
Thanks for this thread. Unfortunately, I have not been able to read it and didn’t watch the debates. Does anyone have an idea of who supposedly won each night and if anyone is thought to have won overall?
This about sums it up.
President Trump was the winner.
That bad, eh? Eventually, some Dem will have to become the frontrunner unless they insert a ringer at a later date. I know some think Michelle O will run. I’m wondering if Hillary is waiting in the wings to declare none of these candidates have what it takes [shudder].
But hopefully soon, some of these people’s reputations will be ruined by what is to be revealed.
Thank you Qpers

You guys are like the Marine grunts doin’ all the dirty duty like *spit* listening to those yokels yodel their lies.
I chuckled through the whole thread (when I wasn’t SMDH).
Kudos Daughn, Blfly, Rayzor, and everybody else who manned the watchtowers.
Thank YOU Alison…
It’s good to know exactly WHO is on your side…….
Did I miss anything? Nah, didn’t think so.