This WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL WEDNESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Let’s see if we can tell this story in James Coburn pictures. You ready?

Here we go!
August is going to be an interesting month.
Oh yeah? Just HOW interesting, we might ask.

Well, based on the LEAD-UP, I’d say we’re gonna see some enemy action.

OK. Should we be worried?
HA! You’re kidding – right?

Nope. We are gonna WIN this sucker.
Nevertheless, we have to be careful.

We have to be smart.
We have to be cool.

We definitely have to be wary.

Some of us may have to be a bit stealthy.

Some of us may simply be on vacation.

Others may not simply be on vacation.

We have to stay strong….

But we also have to have some fun!

Now in the periodic, random, unpredictable, and unexplained absences of GROWLING, SNARLING WOLVES….

There may be what seem like explosive situations….

However, we believe that higher powers….


Are all we need to WIN and WIN BIG in this GIFT of a lovingly designed universe.

So stick around for a GOOD TIME.

Maybe have some POPCORN!

I mean – who KNOWS how much winning there will be?

We are gonna have ONE HECK OF A GOOD TIME!


Where We Go One, We Go All.

I believe President Trump calling out Baltimore, Elijah Cummings, and Al Sharpton just prevented FF riots in Baltimore scheduled this week.
It was more than that, as big as that possibility is.
It was also a NARRATIVE CHANGING tweet that came just in front of the dem debates. Works like this…
Dems are the party of emotional outrage, so POTUS uses this against them.
By pointing out the failed leadership of dims in cities like Baltimore, followed by the predictable, nationwide outrage of the left over it, POTUS places that truth in the minds of voters RIGHT BEFORE they hear from dim Pres. candidates. Voters are now waiting to hear how dims plan on changing the places they have controlled for decades. Guess what? They don’t even address it in their debate, but instead avoid the topic altogether.
This is NOT lost on voters, particularly inner city blacks who are openly questioning the dims they’ve been voting for en mass for these same decades that dims have controlled their inner cities.
Hey presto! Dems just proved POTUS right, and to normies and rational people the dim outrage over his comments makes THEM seem like unhinged reactionaries unable to handle hard facts.
Yup. It is almost impossible to beat Trump on the issues. His grasp of the issues, combined with his tactical and strategic savvy, make JOINING HIM the best option, and he knows it! Dems are NOT allowed to do that. MAGA is counter-mission for them.
Wow. That is a pretty solid theory. Mmmmm, hmmmm. I’m seeing how that stuff would WORK for the other side. The way they THINK. Somebody find your mess? Make a BIGGER ONE FAST.
Mmmmm, hmmmm. I’m seein’ it.
Sorry for the disconnected post. Could have sworn I hit “Reply”.
I noted a cycle if things in obummers years. Cop killed, terrorist something, race riot, like clockwork. And usually a second round if the first didnt have the intended impact.
And they would always push until there was massive blowback, like “this can never happen again” – and they just slink off and wait a while, quietly, then S L O W L Y ratchet it back up again.
Exactly. Sometimes they would overlap, and the msm would get super excited.
Like CNN obsessing over an airliner disappearing into a Black Hole?
oh wait…..
Ain’t THAT….. Raycisssss?
Would have been if a REPUBLICAN would have said it!
I love it!

So much James Coburn!
We’ve never had this much Coburn all at once.
*fans self*
Thank you, Wolfie!
HA! I knew you’d love it, Wheatie!
I dont rememver his movies, same with steve mcqueen, but I remember deathwish and westerns. What are Coburns top 3 films?
He’s most remembered for Our Man Flynt and In Like Flynt – a James Bond quasi-parody series.
His appearance in Great Escape is not top 3 IMO, but it earned him a kind of status with the bigs. His spaghetti westerns were top 3 for sure. He was in Magnificent Seven – that may be a top 3 in some people’s estimation.
Will have to find in like flynt.
Wolf, have you ever seen this?
I don’t know if this was from a tryout for the role of Spock…or if he was going to be a guest star on one of the episodes.
That’s just COOL!
Spock’s illogical (i.e. emotional) brother?
Life and times and complete film list –
Coburn was born in Nebraska – father was Scots-Irish and mother Swedish ancestry.
Coburn did a LOT of television – link above lists every program and episode.
He was one of the main ‘tough guy’ actors of his time.
He was good in ‘The Magnificent Seven’ and ‘The Great Escape’…but wasn’t the star of those.
He rose to stardom with his ‘Our Man Flint’ movies, where he played a super-spy named Flint.
Those movies were spoofs on the spy genre of movies…and did well at the box office.
He starred in ‘The President’s Analyst’ and a long list of movies after that.
Coburn could do it all…comedy, high drama, action films, romantic comedy…you name it.
Total agreement…very enjoyable!
Suitable for all ages…Great stuff!
New: Title TBD
31 Jul 2019 – 12:41:49 AM
[24hr Warning]
Be vigilant.
See something.
Say something.
Know your surroundings at all times.
What happens in 24 hours?
All things Trump and antidem. Goid for him.
Love it!
Joe diGenova sez declass drop today. Hmmmm
Papadopoulos’s tweet in the header says his transcripts will be out today, so I’m wondering if that’s it.
I’m hoping for something, but things so often get delayed that that wouldn’t surprise me either.
Wolfie & Friends, You might want to look at michaelh July 31, 2019 at 02:01 comments at the end of yesterday’s thread.
It is about a possible FF Riot in Baltimore and the articles that substantiate the reasons he thinks it was being set-up
So it is worth repeating.
Thanks for the shout out Gail!
It took me quite a while to dig those out, especially since some of the websites went dark.
There’s more I want to say – but that will have to wait til I have time to regroup.
GOOD! I was worried the info would not be seen since it was at the end of yesterdays thread.
When you have it all together perhaps Wolfie will put it up as a seperate thread since it deserves spotlighting.
Wolfie will not have time for such things during [Hot August]. Wolfie could theoretically be gone for every day in August. People need to understand the point of this thread. READ IT CAREFULLY. LISTEN TO THE JAMES COBURN MEME THREAD.
I’m stocking the site with [PLACEHOLDER] daily threads today.
My recommendation is if you want something to be seen in the daily, copy it to the relevant daily.
Also note that comments going into spam are just going to sit there. Don’t wait for Wolfie to free them – it might habben in SEPTEMBER.
I’m not kidding about this stuff. This is not a game!
PS – you can discuss posting things with other authors, but there may be shifting in their availability as well.
I am counting on TRUMP GRAVITY to hold things together.
Thanks for the heads-up Wolfie.
We have got your back!
Thanks for your understanding! Greatly appreciated! This is going to be a very exciting month!
Hooray! Trump Gravity!
It should be a very interesting month.
The Rats cannot stop what is coming.
Actually, you’ve given me a thought.
They want to shut down the rally. I’m SURE of it. So if there is something in the 24 hours preceding it, or even the day of it, they will try to play media games and gotchas.
Personally, I think that we shouldn’t let them stop ANYTHING. Because THAT is what real war – like WWII – is like.
And…we can be happy too, because things are finally happening.
Been wondering when we have another San Jose or Chicago with trouble makers arriving to raise hell, start fights…
One goal, get the rally called off.
Hope folks stand their ground and rally is held.
MCM will be on hand to blame Trump supporters.
The enemy doesn’t sleep—neither shall We the People.
TO WHOM do we report what we see?
Is there a reliable honest agency left?
I think it depends on where you live.
Here, I know local cops, it’s a small town. I would contact one I know DIRECTLY first. I would see what he said. Then I would move on from there, if necessary, probably to the county sheriff and the city cops.
If I were in the city where an event with the President was about to take place? I would try my HARDEST to contact the Secret Service immediately.
In a random big city environment, I would call the FBI if I thought there was a serious threat. It sucks, but it’s what we’ve got. If I felt like they blew me off, I would call EVERY TV station, newspaper, and radio station in the area. I would ask to talk to the news director, not a reporter.
That’s all I can think of.
Certain things you can report here. Patterns help. You can raise awareness of enemy tactics – even after the fact, it’s helpful. Exposing enemy methodology is very useful.
Anything said here is GUARANTEED to make it to the White Hats.
Very good points!!! There is strength, safety and wisdom in a multitude of counselors – it says in Proverbs.
NEVER travel alone especially to a Trump Rally or a Republican event. It might be useful to have someone lag behind to VIDEO any incidents.
I will say this – going to a Trump rally is like a family reunion. There is nothing like it. Once you’re THERE, you are WITH FAMILY. People really do watch out for each other.
Excellent points.
In the same vein – Thomas Wictor says DO NOT go to those events that are going to confront Antifa/Islamists – or where Antifa is going to come. – – – Charlottesville and the Draw Mohammed events come to mind!
Death resulted from both!!!
As seen on Gab…a 1958 Lincoln Continental Mark III Coupe. Wowza.
Wow…look at all that chrome.
And if you push the correct button, the rear window goes down. Airflow in a coupe! And no damn seat belts!
Pure class on wheels. You couldn’t ask for a better highway cruiser.
Whatever you do, if you see one coming down the road towards you, don’t pull out in front of it!
“I got a car, it’s as big as a whale”….
And good for that!!!
In the good old days you could lay a 4×8 sheet of plywood (or a few) down flat in the back of a station wagon. Nowadays. you can’t even do that in one of the soy-boy pickup trucks…
Ain’t that the TRUTH!
Mom was a real estate broker and her station wagon was YUGE. It would easily seat two families.
I have kept my old pickups because they will take a 4×8 sheet of plywood or my wagonette without a problem.
I have one of those babies in green and red that has traveled in my pick-up from Maine to NC and several other places in between.
Hey Wolfie – I hope you didn’t miss me picking up your ball and running with it.
Great comment!
Thank you. I was a bit embarrassed at soliciting attention in a public square. But I said phuckit and went for it. Believe it or not, that was stream-of-consciousness writing. I have no idea how it came out decently. It just burst from my gray matter.
The Muses do exist!
Loved it! Yeah, that’s great!
ThanQ for being my opening act.
Sorry guys, don’t know how to post, will take time to figure out one day.
This is a 60 Minutes Australia story about Crown Casino – money laundering, sex industry, lots of Chinese money with connections to Triad for loan recovery, drugs etc etc Packer sold half of Crown to Chinese not long back.
I sometimes wonder if we are already owned by the Chinese …WWG1WGA
Ok, I guess it worked!

I think they do own NZ, sadly. That Jacinda gal seems like a straight-up ChiCom mind control job.
I agree, NZ is lost…..and the escape route for a lot of the cabal I believe.
Big hopes on our PM to address this ownership situation, I bet the Chinese are pushing hard on trade deals with us here at the moment due to the sanctions with US. The retail industry is dying here and people are over Chinese imports because we have been flooded…2nd hand industry is now thriving as people rethink the waste in the fashion industry altogether.
Steel is another issue, my partner is a steel worker and noticed the quality drop over the decades…most people don’t like this situation but the politicians just keep selling us out.
Is why I started this journey with Trump. He’s right and we all need him!!
Things are making a lot of sense now, aren’t they?
Isn’t NZ one of the Five Eyes countries? Implications for the coup (attempt)?
Several years ago we did an extended trip to NZ (LOVE it there!…probably the only other place I would lived outside the. US)…we hiked the Medford Trek and were astounded that beautiful, revered national treasure had already been sold to either the Chinese or Japan (fuzzy memory.)
It would be like us selling the Grand Canyon! As someone said, well they can’t remove it, but that’s not the point.
OMG – didn’t Vegas shooter Paddock’s “girlfriend” – the FBI informant – work in Australian casinos before hooking up with him? And wasn’t she associated with several Australian IC types in those casinos?
That puts her in line to have been a ChiCom asset. Now add China-Boy Downer, and things make sense.
Oh yeah, Oz is in the thick of things.
Our politicians have been just as corrupt for a long time and rumours have floated about certain activities which once again brings us back to a big fat swamp!! Media included.
Chinese money works on a LOT of people.
The ChiComs learned a LOT from World War II. A LOT. They took the lessons of World War II and corrected for everything the Japanese did WRONG. All the Japanese weaknesses are being shored jup and corrected. Ask HOW THE JAPANESE could have changed history to WIN WWII, and that is what China is doing.
In fact, I suspect that right now, New Zealand would stay neutral and figure that way into Chinese tactics.
The ChiCom-pwned American mainstream media can’t say that. But I can. Think about that.
China GAGS ITS VICTIMS FIRST so they can’t cry out.
It was not Russian collusion (or not alone)—it was Chinese collusion???
Stimmt! That’s why I think the DEMONcRATs are always whining about Russia, Russia, Russia (just like that idiot in “The Russians Are Coming”…
Divert, to destroy… But now that we’ve seen it, we can’t unsee it. The mask is off. The “Panda” is a lie. The Dragon, Satan’s Dragon, is what they are…
And in their supposed (by them) victory lies their defeat.
What was the Transpacific Partnership REALLY about?
Giving the USA TO CHINA!
Like with the WTO it would be even easier for China to join AFTER the treaty was ratified. Rand Paul, IF he had actually read that damn treaty should have known it is very easy to ADD another country and the ‘No China” gambit was the exact same chess move Clinton played to get the World Trade Organization treaty ratified. Then Clinton worked his rump off to get China added a few years later. Rand Paul’s stand on China is why I would NOT vote for him BTW.
1. The Trans-Pacific Partnership would allow an international Tribunal to TRUMP THE US SUPREME COURT. The Trans-Pacific Partnership says ANY treaty signed by the USA is covered and gives enforcement to treaties that up until now had no teeth to force compliance. The Trans-Pacific Partnership would provide the teeth. Remember international law sees no difference between an executive agreement, a congressional agreement or an actual Constitutional treaty. This means all those treaties that Obummer had signed, like the UN small arms treaty, all of a sudden could be enforced by an international tribunal with no regard to the US Constitution, Supreme Court or international sovereignty.
2. The draft treatymakes provision for needed labor to move across national boundaries without restraint. This would be high-skill, white-collar as well as farm workers and others to flow back and forth without any regulation. — OPEN BORDERS!
3. “As home to a significant portion of the world’s people, wildlife, plants and marine species, TPP Parties share a strong commitment to protecting and conserving the environment… Finally, the Parties commit to cooperate to address matters of joint or common interest, including in the areas of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and transition to low-emissions and resilient economies.” — GREEN NEW DEAL!
4. Infiltration of our government via ‘services’
Exactly. It sounds like what we’ve been going through with Europe, where the elites stealthily take more and more power away from the countries by some sort of Satanic salami solution, and use the practice or regulating or forbidding something to gain power over it.
Some quotes from Wikiquote by Jean-Claude Juncker, which show pretty much the attitude, the evil, and the motivation(s) (but I repeat myself) of the globalist elites. ( )
The first is most chilling, and we’ve been experiencing it in the EU for decades now (and in Germany since Gerhard I-never-saw-a-lie-I-didn’t-tell Schröder’s time):
And on following the will of the people:
Nothing like commitment and fair dealing:
And the Lisbon Treaty:
This might be especially interesting to Churchmouse, re: Brexit:
He should ask Hill-the-BEAST, then, for advice:
This might be especially interesting to Churchmouse, re: Brexit:
Once in a while he is funny, maybe because he’s been on the sauce. Oh, wait, he’s usually soused, so perhaps it’s when he’s sober: [“but only when he’s sober, so you’re alright
” ]
And even Shrub junior (GW) had an apt remark about Juncker:
FYI – Unrelated but related.
Because of what I do, I talk to stone companies all over the world.
I’ve noticed a consistent message coming out of Australia.
The Chinese are “Dumping” goods in Aussie.
Note: China exports to USA are down 11% and they’ve only made up 2% with other markets.
They are scrambling for business to keep factories humming.
Australia is their new target. New Zealand as well.
We can see the activity on the ground.
You may want to do an article on that. I’ve noticed, like you have, that your articles on such things get a LOT of international attention. It may get missed here, but it won’t if you do a short article.
Good point, boss.
It’s so strange.
The one I did on India versus China gets pinged all the time.
And our July 4th recipe thread? I get notifications on it every day.
The Barr Thread, on and on.
Weird, huh?
But here’s my question to you. If we want to lock down our little Q tree from now til the election, do we need to attract more attention – or lay low?
I think it is important for the information we have to get out. That is why I do relatively long comments. I want to back my opinions up with FACTS that others can use.
I think as long as Wolfie continues his very careful vetting of Newbies, and we reframe from making comments that can be viewed as ‘threats’ we should be fine.
Glad you agree boss.
Now I will have to go back to being careful about my ‘mouth’
If we want to lock down our little Q tree from now til the election, do we need to attract more attention – or lay low?
We want more attention, as long as all moderation is done through me, so that risks are contained at present levels.
Get the sub out to sea and cover more ground, I say. The hatch ain’t coming open.
As long as authors are not approving / liking / replying to “orange comments” (meaning in moderation), and they put them BACK into moderation (un-approve) if accidentally approved, then *I* am the sole bottleneck on “new potential security issues”. Therefore, lock-down is independent of traffic. I have simply not been letting new posters in (with certain extremely rare and unpredictable exceptions). This in turn keeps people who have never commented from commenting – they know it’s pointless to try (for now).
I encourage lurkers who WANT to comment without moderation to try the Gab Dissenter interface, which could theoretically form an UNMODERATED COMMUNITY. This is particularly true for more topical posts like yours. The Daily threads – might as well just go to Gab or Parler.
If anything happens to this site, I’m now thinking we could probably form TWO OR THREE NEW SITES from the crowd here plus lurkers. We may end up seeing a new site bud off anyway.
Thank you for keeping the lid tight.
Sub headed out to sea.
Pinging back to you, constantly.
Not TOUCHING those orange comments, can’t make me do it, no matter what.
Casinos are 100% corruption machines. There’s a reason they’re always run by shady orgs. Mob is a big player but only one. Indian tribes were easy targets too. No doubt the corruptocrats are in thick with them. You can’t watch James Bond without a casino scene – one case where the fiction is based on a darker reality. So yeah, add in the Chicoms for good measure. And pretend to be Shocked, Shocked, to find government corruption in Casa Blanca.
Yep. Every time we visit the (formerly more) quaint town of Solvang, CA, the carbunkle of a Chumash Casino rears its ugly head in the form of unneeded traffic down the main street of a town that used to be relatively peaceful and quiet. And the riff-raff that comes with Casinos, and the fights, etc., often spill over into the neighboring communities, of which Solvang is only one…
Seen this? …New video, made by an Anon.
Love it! Very cool video.
Many hours of work put into that! Does anybody happen to know the title of the theme music during the 2nd half of the video? SOUNDS FANTASTIC!
HELLO ALL! I’M BACK! Hosted guests for a few days and was out away from the computer doing tourist things, and cooking and all that fun stuff that comes with friends in town…..but I am happy to have some downtime to get caught up again with the news and with you all.
The Q drops alone….wow.
Yes – BIG Q drops! Good to see you here!
Thanks Wolf. I was trying to follow along here and there on the WP app on my phone…but ultimately decided to ‘be present’ with my quests.
THERE she is. We have missed you!!
Thanks Daughn!!! Glad to be back!! Although I feel like I missed so much – I’ll just jump in to today’s news to start commenting
Leftist indoctrination of our children *is* child abuse.
Amy Mek’s twitter account is blocked in Germany and France. I guess they think she is too dangerous for a little guy like me to read her very mean rayyysssiiissst tweets!
This country is getting more authoritarian by the minute!
The Stasi Merkel plan was pretty brilliant. Bet they used deep MK on her – trained her for years. She just LOOKS for ways to bring Germany back to the East German model.
Yep. I’ve always said “the wall” fell down in the wrong direction. Merde-Kuh is proof positive of that…
As are the Greens, Die Linke, and the SPD…
Avi Kaplan, singing ‘Change On The Rise’…
Avi Kaplan used to be with Pentatonix, the acapella group, providing the deep base vocal tones in their performances.
He recently left Pentatonix to strike out on his own.
Verse of the Day
“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.”
Romans 10:4 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children…Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You…Run to Him
I guess you have all heard by now that the hacker was a woman. Here is her picture.
He may be neutered, but that’s a man!
Remember the Muslims and Chinese remove EVERYTHING when they make a boy a eunuch.
“Castration is removal of the testicles. The Arabic word translated here as castration may also refer to removal of the testicles and penis.
Some scholars differentiated between the two and said: If his testicles only are cut off, then he is a eunuch; if his penis is cut off, then he is emasculated….”
Note the sly use of the word ‘HUMAN’ when read in context it actually means MUSLIM.
“…The wisdom behind the prohibition on castration is that it is contrary to what the Lawgiver wants of increasing reproduction to ensure continuation of jihad against the disbelievers. Otherwise, if permission had been given for that, then many people would have done that, and reproduction would have ceased, and the numbers of Muslims would have become less as a result, and the numbers of disbelievers would have increased, and that is contrary to the purpose for which the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was sent.”
Not really a woman, but a disoriented dishonest male.
Firewall vulnerability. These companies are being extremely negligent with our data.
Imagine……. a firewall vulnerability, which an Amazon employee KNEW about….. which was never fixed…… which was then allowed to remain until employees LEFT the business.
Gotta say, that Amazon 10 BILLION dollar cloud contract for the Pentagon just went up in smoke.
We HOPE it’s gone up in smoke. Pentagon is maybe more deepstate than the rest of DC. We really don’t know how far the draining is coming along there due to the secrecy aspect of the place.
But we sure are long on hope so there’s that.
Q sent me.
I hope so. A firewall vulnerability is just like a leak…a hole in the wall so to speak.
Management of firewalls is key. It’s like not mowing the lawn or trimming the hedge, to put it lightly.
Was Citibank using micro-segmentation and zero trust policies?
Sounds like the former Amazon employee hacker got to the data storage. Citibank may not be encrypting the data at rest. Shocking, if so.
Was the hacker a penetration tester at Amazon?
Regarding the gov’t storage cloud with Amazon, my question is: why isn’t the Pentagon using their own cloud storage??????
Misconfigured firewall rules are EXTREMELY common. More I could say, but just take that to the bank. Preferably one that hasn’t been comp’d.
CrapitalOne is a huge company so its insider threat exposure is enormous.
Yes. Which means somebody was not tending the store.
And I will just throw this in right here – TRANS are a designed threat – excused MENTAL ILLNESS – and we need to thank our VSG for keeping it OUT of the military.
The LEAK and the SEX CHANGE are part of the SAME DESIGNED THREAT.
Also, any awards that Alan Alda got for helping set up the meme of “harmless trans” need to be stripped. A room at GITMO would be better, but – well – maybe there will be extra room when all is said and done.
I was just thinking that!!! These people are being terribly used. Criminals, nevertheless.
The communists USE criminals and mental patients. Exactly!
Dude look like a dude, not dude look like a lady.
The descriptive pronoun “her” is incorrect. It should be “he”.
DNA does not lie.
Argh…I don’t think this is what the good people of the UK voted for, when they voted for Brexit:

Clouds on the horizon. Time for VSGPDJT to huff & puff on his ass. Blow those clouds out to sea.
Stealing this
The Gilroy shooting isn’t even in the news cycle anymore. Front page of CNN (beyond the debate stuff) has a big graphic about climate change.
All of the corporate media websites really want us to know, however, that there’s a black supermoon tonight. August 1st is also a Satanic holiday. No wonder Q is warning us of cabal shenanigans.
36 Mass shootings in less than 2 weeks but no coverage – wrong race of shooter?
#blackonwhitecrime #colin #Entitlement
Colin Flaherty: 36 mass shootings by the fellas before Gilroy.
MSM is trying to portray the shooter as a white supremacist because he had a book.
And, oh the horror, he may have broken California gun laws. Gee, I guess he should be prosecuted for that, huh? Oh, wait….:)
“That weapon could not be sold in California. That weapon cannot be imported into the state of California,” he said. “There is a very strong likelihood, as we develop the evidence, that the perpetrator in this particular case, violated California law, on top of the crimes of homicide.”
From (source via wayback machine: :
Note the “Human Sacrifice Night” part. Look for false flags or Arkancides…
Baby Sold for $80
DECLASSIFIED – The Epoch Times
Published on Jul 31, 2019
Children are being rented, bought, recycled, and kidnapped so that single adults, mostly men from Central America, can gain quick release into the United States after crossing the border illegally. The cost of renting a child varies.
▷▷▷ Written by Charlotte Cuthbertson @charlottecuthbo
I just……….. can’t.
Shame on them!!!
That is why DNA tests at the border….
Exactly, Gail!!!
future psychopaths & serial killers…
…if they live that long.
poor little ones.
Poor little ones do not know what is happening to them – being asked to go with a stranger – sold like a something from a store – sickening!
I can’t believe he asked such a question. What a moron!
It wasn’t a question – it was a propaganda assertion/inference.
It’s a tactic these fake journalists use to smear our President and others – and – one of the main reasons why there are no longer ‘press briefings’ at the Trump White House.
Communist Fake News is Communist Fake News and will never stop being Communist Fake News.
Yeah, I made a note of that question in the thread. Talk about “loaded”.
What do you say to those phony debate moderators who prioritize stoking racial division over healing and helping the most vulnerable people in this country and helping them get back on their feet?
“What do you say to those Trump voters who prioritize the economy over the president’s bigotry?”
Political Correctness is dying and our Economy has been resurrected from the dead.
I always call the Demokkkrats, Demokkkrats.
But from now on, I will be calling them the DemocRATS.
DemonRats is also accurate.
I like it!
Which then could be DemonCrap.
They’ve earned all these epithets!
Yep. That’s why I call them DEMONcRATs… because they’re both…
Yes, they ARE Demons…
So they Talk and ACT Demonic….
I refer to “them” as:
all good.
Great post! James Coburn! Midway was a great film, btw.
Yes – WONDERFUL film!!!
The Left Is More Nervous Than A Long-Tailed Cat In A Room Full Of Rocking Chairs
After a busy day, the president still had time for an interview with C-SPAN.
I would not want to play poker with POTUS. He sees all the cards ahead of time.
OH BOY, did President Trump set-up the BLACK DemonRat griffters with that one!!!
And Cumming just walked into the trap.
Holy Moly. He combined SUN TZU and JU JITSU to NUKE Speaker Gambino and her Baltimore Minions.
He GAVE them money but watched where it went. I think he did that in PR, too.
Grifters thought they could keep on grifting under Trump. NOT HABBENING.
OH Yeah,
President Trump did NOT become a BILLIONAIRE by not watching where his pennies went.
Remember the story of going on a construction site and picking up all the nails that had been dropped?
Another Trump nomination; another hearing and another accusation. So what’s new?
Air Force General says ‘nothing happened, ever’ as army colonel claims he sexually assaulted her multiple times and lied under oath at dramatic Joint Chiefs vice chair confirmation hearing
How long ago did he allegedly do this? I don’t want to hear about it if she claims a date more than about 60 days in the past, unless she resigned her commission right afterwards with full disclosure why she was quitting.
So expect the Fed to announce their cut in interest rates at around 2pm today. Most financial people expect 50 basis points.
Maybe Powell will shock everyone and say “nahhhh Screw Trump. No change.”
Here’s a little blurb on that if you guys like reading boring stuff.
In my lifetime, I can’t remember a time where the market has so completely PROVEN the FED to be wrong.
Their own politics, hatred of Trump, and their never ending ego, have hurt us all.
Fed philosophy: we want you to feel pain now instead of possibly later.
Remember how Soros makes his billions? By destroying whole countries and then buying up everything in sight for pennies on the $100.00.
They did it to us in 1929 and again in 2008. WHO lost in 2008? The FORMER homeowners and taxpayers NOT THE BANKSTERS!
And it is 25 basis points. Fed doesn’t want to go too fast.
Hilarious! Gillette loses billions because men are shaving less frequently!
This is the Rosenberg, Alger Hiss approach which is the hallmark of the communist m.o.
GilletteProcter & Gamble loses billions.The Gillette Company was founded by King C. Gillette in 1901 and was merged into P&G in 2005 after Colman. Mockler, the CEO from 1975 til 1991 dropped dead in his office. Mockler fought off three takeover attempts, from Ronald Perelman and Coniston Partners during the 1980s. After Mockler’s death the new CEO made a series of BAD business decisions leading to the takeover of the company by Procter & Gamble.
Essentially Gillette died with Colman Mockler (And Yes I knew him he was a very good CEO.)
I’ve had a full beard for years, but I still shave my neck and upper cheeks. I can’t stand the stubble on my neck underneath my beard. And I use cheap BIC disposable razors. One razor lasts about a month.
Wonder how Wilkinson and the other shaving “appliances” companies did? I’ll bet THEY did better than last year. Not everybody wants to be a bearded soy-boy…
(Also. Gillette forces the myriad-blade solution on everyone. If you need more than a twin-blade to get the job done, maybe you need a professional’s help – either a shrink or a barber…).
Sorry for the posts, I am more of a morning person. Great meme.
thank you Wolf. I messed that up
No problem – not your fault. Twitter is changing the format of image requests, so it has to be changed back to the old one to show up in WordPress. The new format inhibits “hot-linking” like WordPress uses.
People can change XXXXX?format=jpg to XXXXX.jpg and it will show – it’s THAT simple.
Sidenote: On the CNN Dem Debate thread from last night.
Many thanks to our loyal ladies who commented and added to our chatter.
Yet, MAJOR hat tip to the guys. You outdid yourselves. Sharp, witty, clever. What a joy!
Thanks to all!
Folks are already camping out in Cincinnati ahead of the Trump Rally.
MARICA is going to the rally!!!
We will have first hand reports!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she deserves premium seating
Hopefully the Secret Service will allow her to bring in her yuge bag of exclamation points.
lol Steve….
Everyone talking s if something big is imminent.
Do I need to mke brunch?
Put a seatbelt on my office chair?
Not much news about the latest California shooter. However, a narrative is being set up that he was a white supremest.
He was Iranian/Italian. Are Iranians considered white in terms of racism? I thought all Islamic peoples were “brown” and so protected by PCness.
The book referenced by the narrative builders was, iirc from one of the articles about this I read, a late addition to his online profile. His allegiance to his grandfather is the most probable reason for his actions and of course is not being mentioned by the msm.
I think we can mention it, however, at every opportunity we are given when the subject comes up.
Here is an article that references the book (if I am reading it correctly) as a last minute post on instagram.
It is a narrative setting article, but I think the reason this has not been so effective is that many people have found out that the shooter was Iranian…..elephant in the room situation.
I say: could well be Personal Jihad on the part of the dead shooter. His plan: kill the kuffar and then for himself to die to ensure his acceptance by Allah as a martyr to Islam.
Ilhan Omar has a challenger to her seat. Army vet Chris Kelley. Have not done any digging into him but here he is
Nope. Rather keep her with her free advertising for DJT.
Everybody should make Q signs with their hands as DJT takes the stage. Just to piss off a certain somebody OT.
In other news…
Two people have referenced Q over there and their posts have remained for a while now. One was of the President “tagging the Qanon account”.
All week, I’ve been wondering why Baltimore was singled out as having a rat problem. Most big cities do. Even where I live, which is upper middle class with well-maintained housing stock built prior to the Depression that doesn’t have foundation issues has been known to see a few now and then. (There’s an open storm drain at the bottom of the hill that’s really a natural river. They come up from there.)
And then Dr. Carson spoke about not wanting to send kids home from the hospital. That struck a chord. Here’s this kind, gentle soul who is all about saving lives…and happens to be black…picking up the baton for the president.
But, really, this morning, it was this video that made it all make sense.
Trump showed the genius again. He put a spotlight on a problem, and the people now explaining what the administration really is going to do for blacks and has done ARE. BRILLIANT. How can the racism label stick, when the people the president delegated the task to look into all of it, are black themselves.
On top of it, we are seeing what education and civilizing influences can have. Dr. Carson came from nothing, and became the world’s leading pediatric neurosurgeon. He is someone who should be idolized, not Al Sharpton.
The mainstream communist media narrative was and remains FRAUDULENT!
The DNC Communications Director is pushing Dems policy of “Free access to health care”
Read that again.
One more time.
We already have free ACCESS to healthcare.
I’m going to do something I never do…promote my own tweet. China is slowly taking economic control of South America. It is insidious. Now it is Colombia. Thank goodness for Bolsonaro of Brazil.
Promoting one’s own tweet or comment is the highest form of self-confidence. If you had thought that the tweet/comment wasn’t all that good, you would never have retweeted/reposted it.
As Rush says, talent on loan from God. Just wallow in it.
The prior administration ABANDONED COLUMBIA!!!!
There was a trade deal on the table and ZERO refused to agree to it!!!
What’d you think would happen…
You should feel free to promote your own tweets here – it is the ONLY way to get around Twitter’s suppression algorithms!
POTUS is tweeting; deliberate misspelling of general in the tweet…
News roundup has been posted prior to the open thread if interested.
A good one, too.
Attorneys fail to reach agreement in dispute over Trump’s New York tax returns
Lawyers for President Donald Trump, House Democrats and New York state told a federal judge today that they have failed to resolve a dispute over the president’s state tax returns.
Why the H3LL are there THREE parties to this??? Especially when two of the three are DEMONcRAT?
Very obviously a politically-motivated action…
Oh, wait. Politico…left-leaning rag…
What a great post, Wolfie. You & Coburn make a dynamic duo. I guess Too Much Winning wasn’t enough for you; you had to go all the way to Too Much Fun

HA!!! I love it! New tagline!
Ouchhhh. Dem criticism from the left.
Today, Wed. July 31, is when Joe DiGenova said Declass begins.
“Speaking to WMAL radio, former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova informs the audience that declassified documents will begin to be made public starting Wednesday July 31st. Additionally, Mr. diGenova states confidently that U.S. Attorney John Durham is NOT conducting a “review”, but IS CONDUCTING A FULL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION WITH A GRAND JURY EMPANELED AND IS CURRENTLY RECEIVING TESTIMONY FROM WITNESSES.”
Ahhh. A “Virtual Steve Widget”
Brain notes POTUS’ using the word “treason” again in his morning tweet. We must be getting CLOSE or the President wouldn’t be turning up the heat.
OMG – that thread is hilarious! The wit and intelligence of the responses gives me great hope.
Ah, I didn’t catch one of my common typos. Always have to correct “Brain” to Brian.
Better yet, did you see someone noting how many exclamation marks POTUS used? Four after “NEVER AGAIN” – in caps. Significant. We’re getting more than breadcrumbs now. Every time DJT says “Never Again” people should take note – it reinforces our beliefs that POTUS knows everything and is in control of outcome.
AG Barr – “general” misspelled – that’s worth a chuckle.
BTW, Brian has a thread going on that, pointing out that POTUS has known what he needed to know since at least last fall, and that the Deep State has not been able to keep info from him.
Can you do me a favor?
If a thread is really good post it as *
Since twatter changed I can no longer SEE any tweets and even the coded threadreader links come up as
I REALLY need to get a new computer and fiddle with a stuff so I can post on an updated browser. I do not want to mess with this one until I am sure the new system works here.
Gail, I always look for the threadreaderapp that usually someone creates out of those threads, and bring them when I see them. There isn’t any at the moment for Brian’s thread. I don’t know how to do them.
Windows 7 is very good, if you can find a disk. Usually has some. They are one machine one time so pick your hardware carefully. Newegg also has great prices on 1-3 year old rebuilt machines. You could probably get everything you need for less than $400, unless you want to play online warcraft type games.
My system is Linux. We do not do Windows. Hubby used to write Computer manuals and do sys Admin. Me? I am computer illiterate.
I hope this works for you…Blessings!
here we go guys…starting up…bummer time…
possible scenarios…ca Thursday-Sat next week….but very fluid…
click on the link in blue there…go to his page = a lot more fun info !
will make a weather geek out of you real quick.
Joe Bastardi at has a great daily and weekly summary where he plots storms and discusses the potential tracks, and why. ( , the summaries are at the bottom of the page)
His company is used by oil firms (danger to rigs, etc.), shipping firms, and others that require honest, timely, and reliable weather information, prediction, and analysis. His presentation is good (and often funny) too. “Enjoy the weather; it’s the only weather we’ve got”
It is raining Red Pills!!!
All I’ve got to say here is YES!!! PREACH IT, LEON!!!
TRUTH is a force of nature!!!
That was really good. The last 4 minutes is the vest.
That was really good. The last 4 minutes is the vest.
I just LOVE, LOVE LOVE these videos!
The fact that brave American minorities are taking risks and making/posting these videos literally brings tears of joy and hope to my eyes.
It was asked earlier about Coburn films…
Sam Peckinpah’s Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973)…with James Coburn as Garrett and Kris Kristofferson as “the Kid”. An unusual Western that also had a youngish Bob Dylan providing the entire soundtrack and playing a character named Alias. The “Knockin’ On Heavens Door Scene” is quite something.
One of my favorite old movies. Best Pat Garrett / Billy the Kid movie IMO. The nude scenes with Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge were featured in Playboy Magazine.
Best music, Best actors, Best story line of all the PG / BtK movies.
I also liked “Zacharia” with a very young Don Johnson and several other great actors a few years earlier. It’s on YouTube for free.
I challenge you not to laugh….not even a snicker….
I Failed the challenge.

Calling them “reptiles” was an insult to reptiles.
But good anyway!
Yeah reptiles deserve respect
Queensland croc farmer finds orthopaedic plate in 4.7-metre crocodile
Sounds like a salt water croc. from the size. Yeah, those are no joke.
Yep it’s a salty. Far ,far more vicious than alligators. F4.7 meters long. Died after a fight with another croc. See photo×0/smart/
I failed too.
But…. I was able to witness it live when it happened
Well, well, well.
Perhaps the President could appeal to voters to vote out their leftist leaders so that he has people to work with in MACGA (Making American Cities Great Again).
He is sending the funds, but the leftist leaders are stealing them for personal gain, power, and political favors.
Is it racist to thwart the efforts of corrupt politicians to steal from their disadvantaged constituents? I don’t think so, and neither I bet, would the people if they knew.
For years the left has been framing a narrative that “taxes the rich” in order to have them pay “their fair share”.
In turn, they funnel the taxpayer’s dime to their own cause and grow richer while consolidating power. Somehow their constituents r see the funds and find themselves at the bottom of things.
Imo, it is past time for the tables to be turned and the truth to prevail
It’s a perfect time for POTUS to announce the formation of a Commission to account for the funds that went to Baltimore and what happened to that $16B, with findings to be released a year from now.
Wow! That is a great idea!!!
Would a year from now be just before all early voting starts for 2020 elections?
Maybe we would need some news leaks and early morning raids along with indictments along the way…..
And expand it to an Inner City Commission that looks at a select number of major cities, tracking and accounting for all the money sent to them for improvement over the last 8-10 years, identifying and evaluating the specific expenditures for effectiveness, formulate future grants only toward effective programs, and impose super strict and transparent accounting practices.
Oh, and indict a whole bunch of people that either frittered the past monies away for their personal benefits or failed to account for expenditures.
An excellent suggestion. Let’s implement it immediately.
Good ideas. Maybe use REAL business metrics to measure just how far each dollar goes in DEMONcRAT communities and districts as opposed to Republican areas. Maybe break out MAGA as a subset.
Don’t want to be “retentive” about all the metrics (as that sends bureaucrat-types and pencil-pushers into nerdvana), but at least some would be helpful, especially if they were designed as unfudgeable, to coin a term
(Hmmm. Would a set of those statistics be called “the unfudgeables” ??? ).
Just start the “Audits” unannounced. (No Leaks)
Don’t give ’em a head start to destroy evidence and cook the books….
According to Brian cates he knows exactly where the $ went. He and sessions sent the money and TRACKED it. Not Baltimore mayors office raided recently. All those bastions of lefty swamp hood have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Imagine the rage from constituents when they find out their champions were their slave holders. I’m looking at you obumma and the corruptocracy that is Chicago

Since when did telling the truth become “racist”? It seems that racism has nothing to do with ethnicity….socialists, globalists, kabal, fascists, just plain criminals and the dem’s prove it so.
Trump’s recent presser where he AGAIN put down the whole “racist” thing just played on OAN, and it was FANTASTIC. He defended Pelosi again! Amazing focus. He’s CRUSHING the “dog-whistle” of “racism” big-time.
The word, “infested”, has somehow, within the last 48 hours, become “racist”.
It’s a problem for the left, however.
Soon after the latest Communist narrative appeared “infested”, a video appeared of Obama calling NH opioid problem “infested”.
Today, we have a video of Congressman Cummings, calling the City of Baltimore, “Drug infested”.
More whoops.
That presto changeo used to work before . Now there are troops on the ground pointing out the hypocrisy and ulterior motives. We challenge their blatant narrative with facts. We are the news!
More and more people are rejecting what they hear from the MSM, as demonstrated in Theon-going and rapidly declining ratings of outlets like CNN.
The Great Awakening IS happening.
NetFlix is taking a huge hit, too… (oh, boo hoo…not).
Pretty soon they’ll be “Not Flix”…
People aren’t cowed by doublespeak anymore
Yep! Even the rats are on to them

Alright, am I suffering from confirmation bias or did Lindsey Graham just tell me to “enjoy the show”?
Hmmm…where have I heard that before?
Wall Street Journal?
I think he said enjoy the show! Red Pill Lindsey is Red Pilled!
Wolf, with all due respect, Fake Red Pill (same tribe as Fake Pocahontas) hasn’t done shit when it comes to his promises of getting to the bottom of the Kavanagh fiasco or the Russian Hoax fiasco. I haven’t seen any hearings or even any thoughts about bringing any Clinton people for testimony in front of his committee.
His illusion of being Red Pill is his typical MO, he’s up for reelection; so he talks tough and breathes Red Pill fire; but as soon as he gets reelected, he’ll go back being John McCain,Jr…Rino Extraordinaire. I don’t trust a damn thing he says…and that’s the truth!
No problem – I get that. My money is on the idea that he is being smart and waiting for certain actions related to Kavanaugh to happen first in DOJ and FBI. Those would relate to CHARGES being filed, beyond the one doxxer who has been significantly prosecuted. Part of Graham’s motivation is success, but I will bet you are correct about the election, and the timing would be in support of that.
But I think that if we see nothing between now and the election, then you’re probably right that he’s just posing.
It’s kicking off soon. Potus net is wide but the mesh is fine. They going get them all
Unfortunately, some of us don’t really enjoy shows where mental illness is a central part of the plot. Hits too close to home and family situation.
Hey, my mom committed suicide.
She would tell stories which were completely false. I was there, I knew she was lying.
Her view of the world was completely different yet convenient for her…… when she needed an advantage. Highly manipulative and destructive.
Probably why I lean to the rational.
I am so sorry that you have had to deal with this level of pain in your life, Daughn.

Here is something one of my Pastors said about suicide…those thoughts come straight from the pit of hell.
I can attest, manipulative and destructive lying and pain are other markers of this hellacious influence. It can do great harm if you embrace it or let the repercussions of a loved ones’ actions under its influence continue in your own life.
You have had the healthiest response, and countless of us have benefited from the kind of person you are….a true inspiration and a blessing.
Your mother, in her right mind, would be proud of you.
Mental illness is a great burden on both the afflicted and their families. Thank god you came through ok but you must carry some scars. The only comfort is the thought that there, but for the grace of god ,go I.
About my daughter, a neurologist once said. The gift that the disabled/ autistic etc give to the community is that they teach compassion. The number of health care workers etc with a disabled sibling is hugely disproportionate. They learn forgiveness and patience and unselfishness young. Usually the hard way, but they learn it
Thank you for sharing this–I very much relate with an autistic son & his 3 sibs who have learned much about life, often through the crucible of pain. I don’t know where our family would be without Jesus! Thankfully His grace is sufficient & His refining fire is priceless, though not necessarily painless…
A book by someone who’s sister was autistic “ my sister spat, hit scratched, kicked and bit us. When we complained to our mother she said she doesn’t understand. WE didn’t understand “
I’m sorry for what you endured & your mom’s lack of sensitivity to your needs. As a mom of a special needs kid I do carry a level of guilt for how I presumably let the other kids & my husband down, perhaps over-focusing on my one son’s needs/issues to the detriment of the rest of the family (including myself). Thankfully we cultivated a household of forgiveness amongst us all so that we hopefully didn’t carry Too much resentment for the myriad injustices ubiquitous in a special needs family existence…
It was a book by a kid who’s sister was autistic. My daughter is autistic, not my siblings. It’s very very hard to strike the right balance. I know I overcompensate my son for what he’s missed out on and what he’s suffered. When he was in kindergarten his teacher told me that if they hadn’t known about his sister-and him confirming it was her, they would have notified DOCs- dept of community services who handle child abuse, about his bruises and scratches.
The mother in the story was right though. The autistic kid didn’t understand. Just as the normal kids couldn’t understand 2 sets of rules.
I don’t think anyone gets it 100% right. We are all human, and yes sometimes I lose my temper with my daughter. I yell. VERY LOUDLY. Especially when being bitten.
We hesitated to have our second and he was our change of life surprise. ( I thought you said this couldn’t happen). We worried that we would either not be able to give him attention because we were looking after her or we would ignore her in favour of the nicer child. Sadly he is now 16 and quite possibly less troublesome than her. In fact I sometimes think it would be less painful to put him back where he came from
Thanks for the clarification of your situation (& sorry for my delayed reply–I was out of town w/out computer access)…
My autistic (& other/many medical issues) son is one of our twins born 2 years after our oldest & 2 years before our youngest, our only daughter. We were leery of how it would be with a younger sibling for him because of his manifest challenges. Honestly it was a joy to see him with his baby sister & he was mostly pretty loving to her.
His jealousies really started to come out when she began to surpass him developmentally in different arenas. He obviously recognized that his little sister could either do things he couldn’t do or do them better/easier than he could. This was a hard pill to swallow for quite some time. In fact because of this we don’t actually have a “baby” in our family for both Josiah & Clarissa are alternately the “youngest” & an “older” sibling…
Some of the arenas where he seemed “incapable” of doing something were actually situations where he needed some type of accommodation to help reduce some of his disabilities’ impact on an activity. In one case he screamed & rolled on the floor for about an hour over a homework assignment to read three sentences that were 2 or 3 lines of large text & accompanying pictures. He said he couldn’t do it. In frustration I covered everything but one line of text & he read everything within 2 minutes. He Could Read!!! But he couldn’t visually process that much information on the page so limiting what he could see allowed him to process that info & successfully complete the assignment, & functionally be a reader.
I stumbled on this “fix” through trial & error. Finding ways to accommodate the challenges faced by the autistic Might allow them to reveal that they have unexplored capabilities that are being “masked” by their myriad behavioral, emotional, & sensory processing issues.
Our son used to be able to tolerate some activities better by wearing noise-dampening headphones. In fact, when he was younger he periodically needed to get “ear tubes” because of fluid build up. I could tell when he was starting to have fluid issues/hearing problems because his behavioral challenges were diminishing. Whenever he was experiencing a fluid build-up hearing loss he was actually calmer & easier to manage behaviorally…
Once when he was fairly young he underwent some type of physical therapy evaluation & they put him on a therapeutic trike. I was confident he couldn’t ride a trike because I’d observed him on ours & he couldn’t manage it. Well the hospital’s trike was low-slung & strapped the feet to the pedals. Suddenly my son was tooling around the halls of the hospital taking turns & having a blast–& I was in tears.
My son Could ride a trike, he just needed to not have to concentrate on keeping his feet on the pedals (he had significant challenges processing visual & neurological signals, etc). That therapeutic trike compensated for his pedal issues & shockingly he was able to steer capably when he no longer had to look at his feet & could focus on where he was trying to go.
He still has balance & coordination issues but he Can now ride a Bicycle without training wheels. I thought for sure he would need one of those (old lady) adaptive tricycles if he ever were to get around on his own power as an adult. What a blessing that he can now balance sufficiently to ride that bike…
Anyway, I don’t know how old your daughter is & of course our situations are very different. Perhaps there are some ways that haven’t yet been explored, like Assistive Technology (we had some evaluations through a local organization recommended by Josiah’s doctor & they gave low, medium, & high tech options to help accommodate a number of his disabilities that allowed him to be more successful in school & in life) that could help your daughter.
Our son has come a long way since early childhood & he can now talk about some things that happened when he was in grade school. He used to throw fits of anger & get out of control in school. He articulates now that at that time he was very upset whenever he was taken out of the regular classroom & put back in the special ed room. These meltdowns that would persist in the special ed room just reinforced the “educators'” views that he belonged in special ed rather than with regular peers (as had been the strong recommendation of the behavioral doctor who diagnosed him “autistic”). At that time he didn’t have strong enough language & interpersonal skills to speak up about what he wanted & why he was upset. The fact that he still speaks about this time with extreme intensity reveals how impactful that special needs segregation was on his psyche & how powerless he was to stick up for himself…
Oh how I wish kids, especially those with disabilities, came with an owner’s manual!
Well, hang in there! The teen years eventually end & eventually that bright butterfly is well worth the caterpillar, krysalis, & all the complex transformative stages!
My daughter is now 32 and yes she has mellowed incrementally over the years. She stuffs toilet paper in her ears till she gets a solid wad with an infection behind it and a trip to hospital. Also nose. Have had her sinuses emptied of tissue/toilet paper under general anaesthetic. She always attended special school and in kindergarten at 4 had a flash card memory of over 100 words. They had high hopes for her. Sadly she is an intractable epileptic and will also bang her head on hard surfaces till she splits the skin open. (Fuck I’m a dab hand at superglue now.). All this means she’s lost what capability she had, combined with antipsychotic drugs she is now incontinent- back in nappies for the last 20 years. She has a wicked sense of humour and is as stubborn af. You may relate to this cartoon. I’m sohappy your son has done so really put in the hard yards to make that happen. Grats
I wonder if at least part of your daughter’s toilet paper issues stem from sensory overload–trying to deaden sounds &/or smells? You’ve had the reverse toileting experience to ours. My son was delayed in moving from pull-ups to training pants for the occasional night time accident when he completely regressed & became a constant bed-wetter, but was at least continent during the day…until one summer he completely freaked out after school let out & started peeing & pooping on himself even during the day (this happened during a couple short breaks from school like Christmas too)…

Eventually the daytime issues resolved, even when school wasn’t in session, thankfully. However nighttime stuff persisted…Fast forward to when he was 17 1/2 & in the hospital for his Liver Transplant. Once he had the surgery we found out that the hospital didn’t have “pull-up” style underwear, which he was used to wearing at night.
They had him sleeping in a hospital gown in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit & his options were to sleep naked under the hospital gown or to wear adult diapers. He chose nakedness…
I reminded him that if he peed during the night he’d get his whole bed soaked & they’d have to clean him up & change his bedding, etc. For some reason he then tripped his own mental trigger & never wet the bed again. Once he came home from the hospital a week & a half after Transplant he seemed “cured” in this arena. I honestly think he just “decided” to stop wetting the bed or something.
I don’t know how it all works in the toileting arena. We had one of those pee sensor devices that was supposed to help him wake up to go into the bathroom but neither he nor his twin ever heard it…
There were several years in his early/mid teens that it was possible that I would prepare to spend the entire summer sleeping on a cot in/near the twins’ room to hear the alarm to wake him…fortunately that ordeal never materialized as there were other medical issues that kept taking preeminence so I could put that annoying chore off for yet another year…& then the post-transplant “cure”–bizzarre…
Anyway I Really Feel for you on the toileting domain. I really cannot fathom wrestling an adult in this arena. I had a hard time changing Josiah’s bedding (when he was late grade school), since he was on the upper bunk (ironically!) so I actually taught him to change his own bedding, so when he “peed his bed out” it was his job to strip the soiled linens, launder them, clean off the plastic sheeting over his mattress, & remake his bed with fresh linens…Thankfully he’s actually very good about doing his own laundry to this day!!!
We haven’t hardly ever faced the head-banging scenario. Can she wear some type of protective headware so as not to injure herself too much?
Our son is also extremely hilarious. In many ways he’s the epicenter of insanity in our household–& that’s saying A Lot if you knew the rest of us! Blessings
I couldn’t see the cartoon as it was limited by Facebook or something (I’m not on FB so can’t go there)…thanks for the thought though!
Hopefully these show for you!
Blessing & Joy to you & yours!!!
She won’t wear anything on her head. Rips it off. Also used to put er finger under her eyelid and wiggle her eyes, appeared to like the sensation. Still has thickening/ scar tissue on inside of eyelid. Was very sensitive to textures. Had to have a flannelette pillow case. Just all round wierd
Wow, lots of crazy stuff to try to figure out. I think they make us adapt to their world a bit more than they adapt to ours…
Very much so. Sheer fucking intimidation. Do I dare take her to the shops ? What if she has a tantrum and bites herself till she bleeds and bangs her head and screams for an hour. The best approach is to ignore her. Even the autistic are doing it to punish/get your attention. Sadly playing with ones phone whilst a 10+ year old has a screaming meltdown is a bad look. I’ve also walked away out of sight. Once she realises that I’m not there she Shuts up, gets up and runs looking for me. Usually to fling herself down again and start all over. Cue another disappearance from me. Eventually she gets so panicked about my disappearing on her she actually seems to rein herself in. Not all shopping spcenters/members of the public are on board with this. No one, NO ONE has ever nominated me for mother of the year.
OTOH. I had my back to her at a caravan park near a bbq when she was screaming and biting herself and a bloke who was grilling his steak quietly said she’s watching. I replied I bet she is. He said he was a teacher of special needs and they still act like toddlers. I said yep, and I’m not rewarding the bad behaviour. He said you’ve got it figured out. She’ll never be an angel but it’s the same shit as toddlers catch them being good, don’t reward bad. By then she realised I was having a conversation and ignoring her so she moved up to throw herself at my feet so I had to move off a distance. The guy and I shared a conspiratorial smile.
Wow this puts my son playing stupid to get out of homework that required more effort than he wanted to put out to shame big time.
Sounds like you’ve stumbled on some type of behavioral modification program all on your own…it sounds truly exhausting!
My son used to constantly intrude & behaviorally interrupt any conversation I was having, especially w/ his medical or therapeutic providers. He still demands to be the center of attention at practically all times but can at least converse back & forth with the rest of the family though he often tunes out the bulk of our replies to him…
When he was much younger we had him working w/ a psychologist who demanded that I only ever positively reinforce his behaviors & ignore the negative ones. When he would do things that drew blood from siblings it seemed that “ignoring” that kind of behavior wasn’t very effective…I honestly don’t know what the answers are to all these complexities…there’s only so much help from teachers, para-professionals, doctors, therapists, family members, & books.
One thing that really helped us with Josiah is that he is Very tenderhearted to the Lord & once he’s calmed down will often spend time in prayer &/or praise to try to get regrouped. I told him some years ago that one of the “fruits of the Spirit” from scripture is Self-Control & that God could help him to gain a measure of control over his out-of-control behaviors. We return to this theme periodically as needed, but I do believe that his relationship with God has been a big factor in helping him to mature to some degree…
My husband & I sometimes quote Indiana Jones “I’m making this up as I go along!” to describe our parenting “adventures”…
We took her to a shrink who specialises in autistic kids. He said we’d already worked out all the strategies they taught. He said that she was so severely self injurious she had to go on antipsychotics. Took the edge off a little.
With our situation we were luckier than you. We never had to worry about her getting a job, friendship issues , exam results. Her iq was supposedly below 50 but the shrink laughed at that. He said she’s actually very smart. BUT AUTISTIC KIDS DONT LOOK FOR APPROVAL SO DONT TRY IN TESTS. . They are like cats.
Dogs have the mental age of a 4 year old and an innate desire to please.
Cats don’t give a fuck what you think or want
It sounds awful but I hope to outlive her. Neither she or any carer deserve each other and I worry about her being abused.
She broke someone who’d been working with the disabled for 20+years. He lost his temper and tried to drag her to the bus. A concerned member of the public rang the cops and he was arrested. They rang my husband and the first thing he said was she would have made him do it, it would have been her fault. Cops were a bit snarky about that. Upshot. The poor guy can never work with disabled,children, vulnerable again.
Oh my goodness…the thing about the cops…I see stories on the news involving cops & autistic kids & they just break my heart. The “authorities” do Not know At All how to deal with these “kids”…
What a tragedy for your daughter’s former caregiver…& probably a significant loss for you & your daughter as well…
I can relate to the idea of hoping to outlive your kid, to spare someone the burden. Josiah’s twin brother always assumes he’ll be the one to shoulder things after I’m/we’re gone…but we’re trying to get J’s life “ordered” enough so that he won’t necessarily need to have another family member be “in charge” of him. Of course there is still a Very long way to go.
Funny story. My sense of humour. Bus pulls up at destination. Natalie’s off like a shot. It’s a busy road. Three staff race after her to stop her, grab her. Passing police car sees an assault in progress ,screams to a halt and confronts the careers. They show their I’d and explain. Female cop goes up to Natalie, now sitting on the ground, to ask if she’s ok. Natalie rakes her face with her fingernails drawing blood. Rotfl. They told me and my first response was “ did they taser her? Please tell me they tazered her. It might make her think next time she feels like half ripping someone’s face off.
Sadly they didn’t………..
Wish I had a tazer
Ah our “twisted” sense of humor, just in order to survive! Did the cop write her up for assault? We used to joke around here about aerosol Thorazine (is there such a thing?) because I used to work on a psych ward & they used Thorazine back in the ’80s to mellow out the real live wires…sadly…

Natalie sounds like quite the handful. THREE staff??? Wow, Australia must be generous!!! Blessings
Nope. And I wouldn’t have put in a complaint if she did get tazered. Sadly, the cop probably thought I was like all the normal mums. Lol.
One school holiday I took her to a local park and we were walking to the playground equipment and a much bigger kid got off the climbing frame and started running towards us. Natalie stopped in her tracks and said “Elizabeth “. Next thing this kid was on her beating the crap out of her. The kids mother ran up and I managed to get Natalie away whilst Elizabeth’s mum crash tackled her. I’m telling you Best Holiday Ever.
Whenever Natalie was being an asshole that summer I’d ask her. “You wanna go to the park? You wanna see Elizabeth?”
A little bit of instant kharma. It warmed the cockles of my black heart
Wow, warrior, weary, wicked moms!
We is bad ass. And our humour is a defense
& a strength & even a gift from those atypical kids! God’s got quite a sense of humor in His arsenal too!!! Blessings
Don’t forget haircuts and teeth brushing. Not for the faint hearted
Thankfully haircuts were my husband’s domain for I had to wrestle our son in pretty much every other arena…One time my autistic son snatched a random hat off a rack & put it on before I could stop him & I whipped it off but even so he got lice, which extended to the entire family (my daughter & I w/ very long hair). My husband takes the three boys in the backyard uses clippers to buzz off almost all their hair & then washes them w/some type of lice shampoo using the hose & laying them on their backs over a plastic slide as a “beautician’s sink”. Josiah screamed bloody murder the entire time (the hose was probably cold by then–though it was summer & everyone was in swimsuits). I’m actually relieved that no neighbors called the cops on us for sounds of attempted murder (if you couldn’t see what was actually going on)…Those were the days!
Bwahahaha. Pity you didn’t film it
Ps. Hot tip. Always carry wet ones and if kids interrupt whilst you are on the phone or talking pull one out and start wiping their face. Shuts that shit down real fast
Hilarious! Thanks for that!!!
This is the best advice the parents of toddlers can ever get
This is the best advice the parents of toddlers can ever get. Second best. If you have carpet and (particularly) a boy invest in a plastic garden rake for the LEGO.
She won’t wear anything on her head. Rips int off. Also used to put er finger under her eyelid and wiggle her eyes, appeared to like the sensation. Still has thickening/ scar tissue on inside of eyelid. Was very sensitive to textures. Had to have a flannelette pillow case. Just all round wierd.
Our President does not need any advice from one who promised, once he became head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to immediately get to the bottom of the Kavanaugh hearing fiasco and the ‘predicate for the Russian Collusion Witch Hunt…..
Hells bells ‘Speedy’ Graham, after 6-1/2 months you have done shit, no hearings, no nothing but complain about tweets!
Excellent point. This is something to watch.
Nope, I interpret POS Graham’s tweet as a back handed slap at our President not to tweet, IMHO.
Afternoon Folks, BRB, till this evening..
^^^ LOLF;-)
Flynn is way too cunning to be caught by Strzok and the other wienies
Exactly Ozzy!!
Here is the actual question being discussed today after the President LEVELED Don Lemon in a series of tweets.
Thanks Don that’s almost as reckless as HRC calling us a basket of deplorables.
How and why do these hacks still have jobs…oh yeah, they’re the foot soldiers for the propaganda machine of the Demcoms
Hey thanks Drone Lemone (!). You just admitted the Trump Economy is firing on all cylinders
Interesting that Lemon and his Lefty buds believe that a lousy economy is the price one pays to be politically correct. Virtue signalling idiots.
Yep. All we get from him is a Lemon Harangue Pie….
Here’s a vid of that kind of pie being used:
Yep, that was a great scene, and a funny film.
“Brandy, throw more Brandy”…
“RUM ???!!! – I never mix my pies”…
sniff sniff…”they’re only coming for the opportunity for a better life” sniff boo hoo~~~
A Baltimore federal grand jury indicted an illegal alien on July 29 on heinous charges of targeting more than 25 victims for prostitution and sex trafficking purposes, including a 16-year-old girl. Authorities say the illegal alien recruited drug addicts online, and offered free drugs such as heroin, crack cocaine and Xanax in exchange for sex services for himself and clients.
The indictment alleges that Feliciano (Alex) de Jesus Diaz-Martinez, a 41-year-old Guatemalan national residing in a Baltimore suburb, “forced or coerced his victims…to take part in numerous sex acts over a three-year period beginning in May 2016.”
The charges indicate that nearly all the victims had some sort of drug abuse problem. According to The Patch, “Diaz-Martinez also directed the victims working for him to recruit their friends, many of whom were also addicted to narcotics.”
Likewise, Diaz-Martinez had a large network of associates who would also pay these individuals for sex. The online outlet notes that he “sent his customers pictures of the victims before transporting them to customer homes or to hotel rooms to engage in sex acts with the customer.” Or, he paid for a hotel room or an unused storage unit for the crimes to take place.…nor-o-n2550960
“…… unused storage unit”???????
Here is a working link (hopefully):
Thank you for fixing the link. I was in a hurry and had to leave the house
NP – happens to all of us!
Some a hellavalot more than others
Please…I just ate lunch.
just here for a better life…
Federal immigration officials lashed out at authorities in Multnomah County, Oregon, and local sanctuary laws Thursday after a man residing in the U.S. illegally was set free upon serving 60 days for raping a dog to death.
Fidel Lopez, 52, was convicted on April 8 of sexually assaulting his fiancée’s Lhasa Apso mix so forcefully that it had to be euthanized. He received a 60-day sentence but was released immediately because he had already served that amount of time awaiting trial on the February offense.
But ICE says the county should have notified the agency at least 48 hours before Lopez was let go so they could apprehend him on immigration violations.
My question is WTF is up with his “fiancee” ? This was her lover’s only with her pet?
Hmm…interesting – “Link can’t be found,” nothing found searching on “NY fidel lopez rape.”
Ooops….”Page not found”
That’s downright weird. I went to my history, clicked on the link and it showed up…
Huh….strange indeed…..always the possibility it is just me! LOL
The links are coming up on the search page with the article but when we try to click from here the 404 error comes up.
The ajc article came up for me from here.
Throttling news…
VERY weird!!!! WTSP link: “Error – page not found,” while the ajc one shows up. Must be something with Brave – only thing I can figure….
This is what I put in the search line … Multnomah County, man raped dog…and an entire page of links came up.
To Molly: are you using Brave browser by chance?
you’re using Brave and I’m using DuckDuckGo .
Unbelievable..bit by bit, tech is censoring
DDG is a search engine, not a browser…..I also use DDG when I search.
It must be WP. I went back to another forum that I left the original link at and it showed up.
My question does WP have authority to suppress a link page from any browser? I thought the 404 came directly from the browser?
Ok, just saw your browser/search explanation… good question..not sure what browser I use..
No, I don’t think it would be WP since you are leaving the WP “site.” As you say, whoever or whatever it is, it is censorship – period.
I think the link is bad and different browsers are expending different levels of link repair.
I repaired it manually (ht —> html) and it works now:
TY – way above my level of expertise!
Isn’t it Multnomah County, Oregon? Maybe I missed the NY connection?
Bad enough that HISPANIC illegal aliens practice bestiality — I would suspect that there is still just enough decency left in their culture to be horrified or it (although even that residual decency may be eroding due to the control of the cartels).
In ISLAM, however, there is no apparent horror of bestiality. One can perhaps ask Rep. “OMAR” ELMI if her vision of a United States under the rule of Islam includes bestiality.
They aren’t sending their best
There was no source given, but that’s probably based on a 2015 fake article about Denmark and Germany.
There are no such brothels, though the greens have floated the thought in the past, and Denmark briefly had them. PETA and similar movements here are far too strong to allow any animal abuse to take place.
And, yes, the greens don’t give a rip about problems for humans, nor for the (lack of) morality involved.
Currently on the “menu” for the communist left and the greens (but I repeat myself) are lowering the age of consent, paedophilia (natch) and polyamory. The Moslems (our “Kulturelle Bereicherun”) are bringing bigamy and polygamy with them…
That should be “Kulturelle Bereicherung” Cultural “Enrichment”…
WurstPress Spell Chucker…
That is absolute sodom n Gomorrah. Sick sick perverts.
In the Islamic legal code is the rules and requirements re sex with animals. Perfectly ok but the meat of the camel/ goat must be sold at the next village not eaten by its ex lover
Has this been posted yet? Any confirmation?
Gheez, like a kid waiting for Christmas —- or a trip to the dentist.
If you have cable, you need to tune into Fox Biz
Charles Payne, long time Trump supporter, is over the moon and can barely contain himself.
President Trump was right again.
Fed lowered by 1/4 point and STOPPED Quantitative tightening. (after pulling 600 BILLION dollars out of the economy)
Big argument, they are stopping tightening 2 months early.
Wall Street wanted it stopped NOW.
Ha! Brouhaha between Lou and Cavuto – GO LOU!!!!
Please translate for us – is this good or bad?
Lots of pearly whites from big grinning faces.
It was Charles Payne, Stuart Varney, Maria Bartiromo, and Lou Dobbs, all pitched against Neil Cavuto.
It was wonderful, glorious, like Christmas for finance geeks!!
I’ll second that opinion! LOVED it!!!!
And I am NOT a financial geek by any means!!! I just love seeing them take it to Cavuto, TBH. LOL
In the pastry counter of business commentators, Cavuto is that SUSPICIOUS CRISP-TOPPED MUFFIN that just begs to be taken, but you know in your heart that it’s hard, dry, and STALE all the way down to the bottom.
NOPE – not foolin’ me this time!
Yeah. And then you notice that the chocolate sprinkles on top are moving

And there’s mould on the bottom
Betcha Neil thinks he’s way smarter than the other Fab 4.
Was Gasbagarino there sucking Neil’s Oscar Meyer wiener!
I actually put a pic of Gasparino on our dartboard
Jay Powell, Chair of FED, completely SCREWED up by raising rates in December and the prior one as well.
He KNOWS he screwed up.
President SCREAMED at him.
All the pundits defended the Chair of the Fed. Trump was being “mean”.
Well, after 4K point slide and into January, Fed announced no more rate cuts and we have been off to the races since then.
Healthy robust as Trump planned.
All the pundits began to whisper….. “Trump was right about the FED”
OMG – Trump was right.
Chatter got louder and louder.
Then Wall Street and other began to yell, FED need to correct mistake, reduce interest rates, we’re at 2-2.25% when other countries are at .4% or negative.
No reason for us to be paying 2 points more than other countries.
We’re losing money.
THEN long term bonds began to give a lower interest rate than short term bonds (inverted yield curve). Means people expected interest rate to go down.
I’ve never EVER, in my 30yr career, seen the market PUSH the FED to correct the obvious mistake they made.
Trump curse – wins again.
It sho’ is nice to have our own Financial Genius In Residence at WQTH!!! We have begun to suspect she’s involved with our Legal Whiz In Residence….fraternization going on behind the scenes….
Thing is, I learned the history of Great Depression and monetary policy during the 80’s……. before CATO and others, NeoCons geared up.
Fairly recently, there was a professor who published a piece in Huff Po, explaining the real history, as I learned it.
He was slammed from left and right.
Pure evidence of Uniparty.
Seems to me, our political and financial elite have created most of the market and economic crashes and woes of the USA – with the one exception of the ‘dust bowl’
Actually, dust bowl was CAUSED by the Great Depression.
Farms lost, money tightened, could not farm anymore, no maintenance, no nothing.
Like leaving a house abandoned.
Clear cut farming techniques in the plains helped create the dust. Tightening money made things go from bad to worse.
Do we really NEED the FED?
Yes and no, and mostly a myth.
Crop rotation was an important development and lesson learned.
But think about it.
If you’re ON the farm everyday, and you notice a “dusty spot”, you would tend to it right way. Not let it go.
When so many farms were lost, because of money supply, it created upheaval and massive “non-maintenance”.
See what I mean?
Not arguing at all, drought was bad.
Just trying to illustrate how one thing effects another…. especially money.
EXCELLENT question below, GA/FL! I have often wondered myself after listening to Rand Paul on the subject. Isn’t it basically un-Constitutional?
Could be, NF, if it’s intentional manipulation and for increasing profits of elite.
The big guys sell short when they ‘know’ the market is going to drop.
IIRC, it is un-Constitutional on it’s face, by virtue of it’s very existence. That is my takeaway from Paul’s explanations.
Um….above – I am all topsy turvy! LOL
There was a global warming trend in the 30s, however.
You can watch those old Hollywood film noir classics where the private eye in LA has his feet up on the desk, his tie and collar loosened, drinking ice water, wiping his sweaty brow, running his electric fan, as he waits for the femme fatale to walk in to his office.
That was based on the reality of the time. And it contributed to the dust bowl, since it influenced rainfall patterns and so forth.
Then a cooling trend set in during the 40s. The warm wave definitively came to a crashing halt before the winter of 1944/1945. Then record cold hit northern Europe just in time to hurt our troops fighting off the German Winter Counteroffensive in what became known as the Battle of the Bulge of Bastogne, the largest land action in which the US military has ever taken part.
Germans were in nice woolens and white camo gear to stay warm and hidden in the subfreezing snow. GIs were in lightweight green forest camo, because their winter gear hadn’t arrived yet. HQ had scheduled war to end before weather got cold.
Thuh best kind!
This is an ENORMOUS Trump win.
He beat the shit out of the FED.
Beat them like a drum.
Stole their lunch money.
And Trump did it while the whole world was watching……. the DAVOS crowd.
He beat the crap out of them.
This is FAR better than a media win for Trump. This one is big.
Listen closely…….. the power base for the WORLD just shifted to the White House.
Bilderbergers SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seems like he busted/exposed/derided their tactics.
And delaying the Quantitative tightening is the FED acting like proud A$$holes who won’t admit they made a mistake
Which is why the market is down 225 points.
The market never lies.
VSG always finds a way. We’ve heard Cryin Chuck say the IC has six ways from Sunday to punish Potus but the resistance is finding out the hard way that VSGDJT has six ways from Sunday to kick their asses around the block if he deems it appropriate. I’d like to ask Powell how he likes this version of the lime light?!
“You can’t dictate monetary policy to the Fed!!!”
“Here – hold my beer.”
Why is the Market unhappy? Lowering by 1/4 pt should be good, did he delay the stopping of the Quantitative tightening?
It’s the delay in STOPPING the tightening.
Fed is still sucking now, 25 billion a month out of the economy.
They’re apologizing for screwing up, but not a full-throated apology.
Okay, they’re waiting two months more. I was sorry Powell was kept on.
Potus will break them
My take is the market had previously poised it self for the 1/4 point cut and was hoping for a 1/2 point cut. They didn’t get the 1/2 point cut so they retreated to safer territory, meanwhile the never trump financiers take any opportunity to pull the market down. All said, America is buying and any drops in the market will soon enough be erased and even should a large drop occur it would level back out and then continue it’s climb in due course.
Market had factored in a 50 basis point cut but got a smaller one. The Fed choked when it counted and refused to give us the bigger one. POTUS knows they are playing games but it’s the first rate cut since 2008 so he will take it as an early down payment.
UGHHHHHH, the biz pundits will argue fiscal versus monetary policy all day long. Don’t buy it.
Remember, the FED prints money which had ZERO value and ZERO collateral when it was “manufactured”.
As if I went into my backyard, harvested grass clippings, and made dollar bills from them.
(very similar actually)
The bills then went out into the economy, were they were exchanged for “earnings” or “sales”, and only THEN did the dollars have value.
When the dollar bills are returned to the FED, via quantitative tightening, those dollar bills have REAL value.
Quantitative tightening versus easing.
Under Obama, the FED pumped money into the economy as high as 80 Billion a month = 960 BILLION a year.
Under Trump, as soon as he won the election, the policy was reversed.
Tightening began.
Tightening = removing 50 Billion dollars a month = 600 Billion from the economy.
Reversal of 1.56 TRILLION dollars a year or a “currency liquidity amount” equal to about 7.5% of our total economy.
Recall Smoot Hawley
Tariff Trade Act of early 1930’s. CATO Institute and NeoCons insist Smoot Hawley, raising tariff rate on imported goods from 45% to 54%, when foreign goods only represented 3% of our economy at the time…….. was the reason for the Great Depression.
They sold Smoot Hawley as justification for overseas manufacturing.
False Premise.
Real reason for the Great Depression was “tightening” by the Federal Reserve, who removed 1/3 of the money supply from the economy in about 2 1/2 yrs.
Sound familiar?
Great Depression = Fed removed 33% of currency supply.
Trump elected President = Remove 7.5% of currency supply.
Gotta stall President Trump’s economy.
What a great explanation! Thank you so much for the education! I sorely need it.
Problem with republicans was, many Koch funded repubs came into Congress. They might have been a biz guy or a local lawyer who worked up through the ranks.
When they arrive in DC, the Cato Institute gave them “White Papers” on various issues — because no one can be an expert on everything, right?
Well, CATO rewrote a false history of Smoot Hawley, and used their false history to justify pillaging of our manufacturing base.
Recall when Congressmen go onto media outlet to fight against trump China tariffs, they often referred to “lessons of the past” and specifically “Smoot Hawley”.
Just by chance, I was a NASD member, securities dealer, and because of degrees and designations, we had to study the ACTUAL history of what happened leading up to Great Depression.
Once you know actual history….. you can’t “un-know” it.
It’s why selective editing of history books is soooooooo hazardous. We have leaders making bad decisions based on incorrect info.
And all these college-educated millenials making bad voting decisions!
IKR, bad info.
Garbage in = garbage out.
Market now down 373 points
Wow, the traders are PISSED at Powell.
Don’t forget nonfarm payrolls come out on Friday. I suspect we will get a rebound if they think that report will be growth favorable. The main thing is that Powell is an ass and refused to give a clearer picture of more cuts, how much and when. The market fears a one and done.
You’re kind of a brainiac, aren’t you daughnworks247?
Yes, you are.
I second Nebraska Filly’s comment.
The depression had massive deflation.
Funny how removing 1/3 of the currency supply will do that.
But don’t look at the facts, look at these shadow puppets
What is it with Democrats and bugs?
Apparently Pete Buttibug had a dead bug squished onto his forehead for the entire debate last night…
What is it with Democrats and bugs?
A: Same as flies and poo, exactly no different
their ideas certainly stink
their democrat run cities generally stink
i guess it does make sense
That’s not a bug….
That’s a feature…
[long groan]
Wonder if it passed
Beto testing
(ducks flying debate answers, podiums, and FM transmitters)…
That poor fucking bug was stuck to a buttplug. Ffs it would want to be squashed.
Now down 400 points ——– ALL CAUSED by Powell’s ego.
Pure mistake from FED
screwing with our economy cuz = Orange man bad.
Down 465 points now = is your pride worth 500 BILLION dollars?
Do you really need an answer to THAT question?
Let me put it this way.
I’ve known central bankers. Even the now-never-mentioned-anymore Alan “gobbledegook” Greedspan (spelling intentional)….he who begat the infamous “Greenspan Put”….and his odious wife Andrea Mitchell.
Now, there are two immutable truths about Central banksters everyone should know:
1. They don’t NEED the job, for starters. Every single one of them is already wildly wealthy and financially secure.
2. “Monetary policy” is all a giant game to them, to be played for the benefit of “the(ir) club’s” members. When these vampires tell you otherwise, attempting to cloak themselves in moral righteousness and piety, they are lying through their fangs.
Soph posted a new vid. I figure the youtube will vanish shortly, but it’s also available on her bitchute.
Anyway, watch if you dare!
Oh, wow! Nope……sorry……just……
She is DEFINITELY gonna get her yt channel yanked for that one. lol…..
No doubt! SMH
grab this one.
wanna bet on how long this lasts?
go Soph.
Excellent video. Great message.
Im very curious about her family background. Obviously a high iq young girl.
Yesterday, there was a discussion about a photograph similar to this one and the geometrics on the trim of the Cope Francis is wearing that we all see as a symbol of boy love.
It turns out, this is from World Youth Day in Panama on January 26. The occasion was a Prayer Vigil that ended in Benediction. That liturgy begins after the 1:23 mark in this video.
There’s a few things to note that are rather disturbing, not just the symbol.
The sculpture that turns out to essentially be the Monstrance for the exposition is an abstract of the Blessed Mother framed by a risen Christ image. It’s really supposed to stand by itself with the Eucharist essentially in what looks like a sun.
I was trying to get a look at the choir folders and the other people vested. All of that looks pretty normal. World Youth Day is actually a Pope Saint John Paul II initiative. The Cope…to say it is disturbing is an understatement. That’s an open advertisement of ridicule and contempt for actual Church teaching.
Looking forward to a Francis-free Church.
Thank you much for digging on this. I gave up last night.
It actually popped up in We Are The News.
Symbolism will be their downfall. I’ve never seen a Cope with symbols that weren’t Eucharist or Mary related. Alpha and Omega, that sort of thing. The triangle spiral is not one of ours, to my knowledge.
That is what I was wondering – if the spiral triangle was an old symbol, possibly for youth or growing up, that was perverted by the pedophiles.
To me it seems like an abstract artistic representation of a coiled snake. Perhaps it has an “alibi meaning”.
I do not remember the spiral triangle in any artwork off the top of my head. A lot of symbolism is animals. The eagle=St. John the Evangelist. Dove is the Holy Spirit. Lion is St. John the Baptist which is why it is the symbol of the Gospel According to St. Mark, etc.
Snakes are usually around the apple tree with Adam and Eve, pictured with deer as deer are the one animal that can detect them, and under the feet of the Blessed Mother.
This is a list to start with.
Thanks – extremely useful, in part because it talks about BOTH Christian meaning AND pagan meaning, and how they are related.
I’m so mad I could spit – mis-using Christ’s church and abusing his little children for sexual gratification is beyond horrible.
IMO, anyone who financially contributes to any church that enables pedophilia is either very naive or has lived in a cave the past two decades or so. And it’s not just the Catholic Church that is guilty of this practice. Child sex scandals have been uncovered in the Mormon and Baptist churches too. But the Catholic Church is most renowned for its coverups.
That papal vestment is giving the middle finger to us and much worse – to GOD.
It is not a good move to anger GOD.
Doesn’t bode well for Francis.
it’s time for an overhaul in the Catholic Church. If ya get right down to it much of the symbolism is identical to symbols in ancient paganism. They ascribe different meaning to the symbols but the fact remains that they are almost identical.
I’m not bashing them, I was raised in a deeply Catholic family with a boatload of ordained priests, nuns and deacons but that hasn’t made me blind to facts.
The symbols that started out with the pagans were appropriated. I don’t have a problem with them if the Church adopts such.
Bottom line, the FED was forced to admit they screwed up.
They’re still sore about it.
But Trump won HUGELYYYYYYY, today.
‘A slightly more accommodative stance” = my A$$
Are Soros and Buffett and Gates causing the negative market response?
No, this is MASSIVE amount of brokers PI$$ed off at Powell.
They thought they would get 1/4 point for sure, maybe 1/2 point, but thought for sure quantitative tightening would STOP RIGHT NOW.
Well, it’s going to stop, but in a little while.
So, they are mad.
….out of spite.
Yep, they were ALLLLLLLLLL rooting for a recession.
Because the economy was bad for Dems.
Total jerks.
This is another reason the FED needs to die a horrible death! There should never be politics around keeping our economy booming.
They needed the FED to stage FDR.
Can we throw that idiot Jerome Powell’s out?
Here is research on wether the Fed is Constitutional:
Interesting reading.
The very last section is interesting (are Gold and Silver Practical Metals for Coins?). The price data is a bit dated (gold hasn’t been that low since 1999, presumably when the article was written). But we’d clearly NOT be issuing low denomination gold and silver coins if we were to decide to go back on the gold standard (by the way, bimetallism is a BAD idea, but that’s a different, long topic for another time), or the silver standard; we’d have to either–replace current dollars at some ratio for new dollars, e.g., 50 old dollars = 1 new dollar, or just make the coins higher denominations, like, say, a $10 silver coin weighing about 2/3 of an ounce.
Assuming we go for high denomination (in today’s dollars) coins: For lower denominations than $5 we could actually continue to use paper or our current clad crap coins, but backed by the good coins; i.e., if you had ten dollars in paper and clad crap, you could trade it freely at a bank for a $10 silver piece. (This is in fact what we had to do with silver coinage, when silver got very cheap compared to gold towards the end of the 1800s–we had to restrict its quantity (but anyone could take gold to the mint to have it made into coins, no limit), because it had to be backed by the gold–even though it was silver! This actually began around 1853 when silver coins were deliberately reduced in weight.
“Could anyone honestly tell the difference between the quarter we have now and one with 5% silver?” Actually, IF we were to do this in spite of what I said above, the answer would actually be yes, even if we make the dime (say) the same size as before. Look at the edge of the coin; the current clad crap has red on the edge; the new billon (billon (not “billion,” only one i) is the term for any alloy of silver with less than 50% silver) coin wouldn’t–I would hope.
Quick hit from Sailer over at VDare…
“Irish Central Bank: “Not Enough Migrants Arriving to Keep Pay Down?”
The entire IRELAND 2040 scheme that was passed into law by the Daile is based on AT LEAST 1 MILLION “migrants” being admitted to Ireland before 2040.
“Migrants” translates into everything from people from Eastern Europe to Africans, to CHINESE, to Muslims.
Right now, the Irish government puts “migrants” into housing, feeds them, gives them medical care, etc., while their asylum claims are being processed. This process can take YEARS. The migrants, meanwhile, are housed in HOTELS to whose owners the Irish government gives vouchers to. Ditto for giving vouchers for food, medical care, etc., which are given via the Irish Reception and Integration Agency.
Of course the local Irish populations of the towns of the “migrant hotels” are not consulted by Dublin before the busloads of “migrants” arrive.
There are reports of :migrant” hotels being burned down, most likely by the “migrants”. LEO VARADKAR, the Irish Taoiseach (leader of the country) knows what’s going on but refuses to comment on it except to state that “They [the Irish population] have concerns about the increasing impact migration has on housing, for example…”.
There is no place that remains stable after being inundated with “migrants”
Exactly. That is how the “mixmaster” ASSAULT UPON THE PLANET works.
Because this is a planetary-level assault, and it is clearly rather ingenious, there are naturally some deep questions as to WHO would be behind a world-wide assault on civilization.
Better left as a QUESTION so that people can gain insight themselves. The Q approach is useful here.
Right now, the GLOBAL CRIMINALS theory is the most believable, so I’m sticking with that.
I vote CHINA!
Note that CHINA is NOT admitting tons of muslims (or anyone else) and has their tiny group of muslims under VERY TIGHT control. China: Law passed to ‘Sinicize’ Islam
WHO does NOT need more people because of a falling birth rate?
WHO needs more land and raw materials?
WHO HATES Britian and the USA China’s century of humiliation
WHO WINS if the low IQ, uncivilized muslims kill off their western hosts and western civilization collapses?
China Picks at the Scab to Keep the Wound Fresh
Our idiotic Politicians sold the USA out to a country that HATES OUR GUTS!
Gross domestic product, current prices (US$, billions)
1980 ——- 1990 ——- 2000 —— 2011 —— 2016
202.46 .. 390.28 … 1198.48 .. 6988.47 .. 11779.98
Note that the GDP of China is now 30 times what it was in 1990s when they bribed Bill Clinton to betray the USA. link
Sorry, typo: should say (followed by the rest of the URL)
Whoop-whoop! Bin Ladin’s son is dead!!!! OANN
Seems to be true. I read somewhere he was planning some evil things for U.S. interests in the Middle East, so good riddance.
Hunh. Not a word about Obama on Fox News. Fake news?
(Read that carefully before responding.)
God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble.
—Psalm 46:1 (TLB)
Lord Jesus, help me to remember the power of Your holy name!
Scripture tells us that God tempts no one. Temptation always comes from the devil. God will test us and allow us to endure the temptation, but the devil does the tempting. How do we overcome it? A little girl once told her method. “When the devil comes knocking at the door,” she said, “I don’t answer it. I send Jesus to the door.” And that is exactly the way to take care of it. Send Jesus to the door!
Black Moon tonight. Next Black Moon will be on April 30, 2022.
The DEMONcRATs will now pursue astronomers as rayyyyyycisssss for “cultural appropriation”…
Wonder if the power will go out in NYC again tonight?
Bet there’ll be some gang activity since it will be so dark. Anywhere that has no working street lights could be very dangerous tonight.
Also a meteor shower to be seen on the east coast so the viewing with a ‘black moon’ (little visible moon) should be fantastic if the skys are clear.
So apparently there was a fly on Pete’s face at the debate last night.
…And this was the crumb Q posted hours earlier. WTF.
Just another fly-by-night DEMONcRAT politician…
Well, we know what human by-product flies mostly like to land on.
How did they know?
Was it a real fly?
Nano robot?
Video inserted imagery?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Nervous and dazed Jeffrey Epstein shows no sign of injury during court appearance a week after he was found injured in cell, as judge sets next June for start of sex trafficking trial and defense reveals case has generated a MILLION pages of documents
Judge Berman’s decision means that Epstein, who owns his own private island in the Caribbean, will remain in the grim Metropolitan Correctional Center.
This lady seems to want to do things the hard way. Her broken tail light will now cost her a lot more than an $80 ticket.
Same problem as Mike Brown. If you have never had to suffer the consequences of your acts (Been disiplined while young) you will have ZERO respect for authority ESPECIALLY WHITEY’S authority.
You either learn from your elders OR NATURE will teach you the hard way.
Isn’t this cool? You all probably know of it, but…
IMO dealing with this back handed slight like this, demonstrates a remarkably high level of attention to detail.
That’s disappointing. Deeper understanding? Your celeb brownie points going negative ? They won’t forgive him anyway.
Yup. Never apologize to the hate mob. The hate mob doesn’t want apologies—only punishment.
Ueah i had hoped he’d hold the line. That was all about bowing to the xabal. That means his kids are theirs if he wont stand up.
Get Woke, Go Broke: Gillette Loses BILLIONS After Sexist and Lecturing #MeToo Razor Ads
I’m proud to say that I participated in this successful boycott. I used Gillette razors for my entire adult life, but immediately switched brands when that horrible advertisement came out.
And now they’ve replaced that ad campaign with a new lame assed one with someone who purports to be a firefighter who asserts that shaving was some sort of daily trauma till he found his Gillette razor.
If this guy is really a firefighter he’s not working out of a firehouse. He’d never live down the self inflicted stigma that his silliness has created. Not buying it in any way or shape.
More likely working out of Fire Island…
The Gillette company was bought out by Procter & Gamble years ago. SO be sure to go after Procter & Gamble! and not just the name they bought.
Here’s a list of Proctor & Gamble products:
And yeah, I quit buying Bounty paper towels in response to the Gillette stuff, too.
Ted Cruz Sounds the Alarm: Deep State Staffers at Treasury and State Working Behind Trump’s Back to Preserve Obama’s Iran Nuke Deal
Right. KILL the borg
Don’t just fire them.
Identify them and then INDICT them for committing treason.
These people are, in effect, declaring that they stand against the will of the people, who lawfully and legally elected PDJT. They are abusing the power of the offices entrusted to them to stand against the will of the people.
Find them and send them to prison. MAKE AN EXAMPLE OUT OF THEM.
At the very least apply the Logan Act
Alternate site:
I knew I had seen a Washington Free Beacon reference in a Q site. Looks like it’s deep state.
Q Names the Conspirators in Spygate / Russia Hoax
9 Aug 2018 – 10:27:00 PM
[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC]
[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA – play/reveal TT) ^^
[DNI [JC]] ^^
^^^^^ ^^
[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*
[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]
[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]
[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^
[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^
*Tarmac (final meeting – no charges/drop = supreme court)
*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)
Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)
FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist – feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)
They NEVER thought she would lose.
Wow dems are so easy to trigger on Twitter. Its like in two tweets they go so low. They call you an idiot and question your schooling. LOL Like wow. That’s all you’ve got?
DemonRats have no real facts only EMOTIONS so that is what they spew EMOTIONS like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum.
Gail OMG yes that is so true!!!! I could not have said it better myself.
The face of the tolerant and loving left….
Scott is such an honorable man.
Yes I love how just does this!!!!
More on CPS, in this case DCFS in CA, abusing children and parents:
I am shocked said no one!!!
Dem Rep. Rashida Tlaib Received $2500 Donation From Palestinian Michigan Man Who Died 10 Years Ago
Well now, isn’t that special?, said The Church Lady.
Whatever account that came out of should be frozen at the very least.
Round Two, DING, ding, ding……bats?
Are you ready to rumble?
Dem Debate Thread – Evening Two is up and running.
Who will wear the dead insect on their face? Hmmmmmm hard to say…..
Weird, huh? Who would not feel it?
I know!!! I read that this morning on TGP, saw the photo and thought huh?
Not only feel it but no one said anything OR he didn’t even check a mirror?
Exactly, gosh, if I have a hair in on my face, I can feel it. What’s with this guy?
Who the heck on his staff let him go on stage like that???
Yes!!!! Thank you.
Well we know he doesn’t like mirrors so vampire? No reflection?
LOL where’s the holy water or a good old wooden stake (made in the USA)
The bug wasn’t part of his MK conditioning.
What if Flynn’s digital army can insert modifications into the video feed?
Hmmm. It’s after 6 in DC on Wed July 31 and no Declass docs have been made public today.
Joe DiGenova’s credibility is going to take a hit if something doesn’t drop in the next 5 hrs and 42 min.
Just to be clear….I’m ROOTING for Joe and Declass!!
I was wondering the same thing.
I hope nothing got in the Wray!
Methinks there is much head-fakery, counter-head-fakery, and counter-counter-head-fakery going on. Exact timing is going to be unpredictable.
So, I guess one of the questions of the day might be “Did Joe Di get head faked or did Joe Di knowingly help with a head fake?”.
This man is a Godsend. Perfect Commander in Chief. And today – he is MAD!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s right out in the open. They create the news. They don’t report the news.~~
CNN boss Jeff Zucker was so impressed with then-DA Kamala Harris that he hosted a 2009 “power breakfast” in order to “introduce her to some of the leading movers and shakers in New York,’” ahead of her successful run for senator of California.
Twelve executives from NBC Universal gave campaign cash to Kamala.
Not only did NBC give Kamala Harris extra time during its June debate, it turns out twelve executives from NBC Universal and parent company Comcast gave her campaign cash too.
Yup. Communist Fake News liked their Obama and wanted to keep their Obama [In A Skirt].
No declass today.
Hard to tell what that means, which may be the point.
Keep your eye on Katica and the journalists. They may get a drop first. Late drop from Nunes? Scheduling relative to the Dem debates? I’m thinking whatever is going on, it’s designed to trip up the Dems and their evil plots.
Q has taught us to just let things happen. Declass is the big red laser spot for these cats.
And while we wait for things to happen, we get behind on other stuff.
Could be entirely wrong about this tweet from VSG. To me, it has a surface meaning and another meaning.
The astonishing surface meaning is that Cummings had his mind opened really wide. Wow! On the run!
The other meaning is that Mr. Cummings himself might have a problem. Look at his eyes and face. Groovey, man.
Yes, I agree, there is trouble, but there is even more.
This is OLD TESTIMONY by Cummings, IMO, referring to his own district but clearly BLAMECASTING away from himself.
Trump is citing it to show that Cummings himself used the exact same term (“drug-infested”) about his own district.
I suspect that Trump actually KNEW about this clip – filed it away in his mind – and TROLLED Cummings with his own term. Cummings walked RIGHT INTO IT and BIT LIKE A CHUMP.
The reason Trump would remember it? It’s a “debate cringer”, because it reads two ways, and one of them is VERY BAD, because Cummings was reading a SCRIPT and not pausing correctly.
“This morning…..(too long of a pause)…..I left my community of Baltimore a drug-infested area…..(WHAT? no comma pause after “Baltimore”?)…..”
Yeah. He left his community a drug-infested mess. TRUTH!
It’s an “accidental truth” that is just CRINGEWORTHY. And Cummings bit into it like a xxxx sandwich!
This is MASTER DEBATE TACTICS – far beyond mere trolling. This is analyzing the other side’s debate and making them double down on their weakness.
Info on Comey memos
No evidence of the conversation…make some. Just a theory.
I have a theory, but only a couple people who comment here see the pattern. Trey Gowdy said history would be kind to James Comey. Just keep it in mind.
The Justice Department’s chief watchdog is preparing a damning report on James Comey’s conduct in his final days as FBI director that likely will conclude he leaked classified information and showed a lack of candor after his own agency began looking into his feud with President Trump over the Russia probe.
Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz’s team referred Comey for possible prosecution under the classified information protection laws, but Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors working for Attorney General William Barr reportedly have decided to decline prosecution — a decision that’s likely to upset Comey’s conservative critics.
Prosecutors found the IG’s findings compelling but decided not to bring charges because they did not believe they had enough evidence of Comey’s intent to violate the law, according to multiple sources.
Again, where is it written that “intent to violate the law” must be required in order to indict?
No, officer (or Your Honor), I had no intent to violate the speed limit laws. I was only trying to get home on time to watch Oprah and I knew I had to drive over 120 mph to be on time.
I know!!!! All criminals can say they had no intent. We wouldn’t need jails or prisons anymore!!! WTF???
“Ironically, Comey’s decision not to charge Clinton for violating the Espionage Act for mishandling classified information on her email server mirrors the same rationale that Barr’s DOJ applied in declining prosecution of him: a lack of evidence of intent.”
James Comey LIED. <———THAT is evidence of INTENT.

Nevermind that INTENT is NOT relevant,
“I didn’t intend to kill him. Just wound him.”
Sorry, you are still a murderer.
This is govt scum-sucking lawyer FILTH calling Amerrica s “stupid” and doing whatever the hell they want to do, and what they DON’T want to do is create a legal PRECEDENCE for holding FBI and DOJ people accountable under the law, because they deem themselves above the law.
If Bill Barr let’s this stand I am going to have very, VERY serious issues with him, and through him, with our President.
Thanks to Joe DiGenova I was EXPECTING Declass docs to drop today, and instead what I’m getting is Comey is going to be let off the hook because some unnamed DOJ fucktards say there is a lack of evidence of fucking intent.
Had to share from a friend
Another good piece from Mario
“Trump must keep Tweeting because it exposes corruption in a world where the Left has fought to make certain truths unsayable. They solemnly warn us that if we say certain things we will be shamed, and unemployable. Because those threats do not work with Trump, he must keep using his weapon of Tweets.
DON’T NEGOTIATE via @MarioMurilloMin”
i’m back home..
Caught about 1/2 Dozen Blue Crabs..Me & the Misses, are having troubles, So I went for quite time..
[video src="" /]
looking @ Comedy central with the debates tonight
Yes, everything’s going to be alright….
….what they DON’T say is you’re going to have to live through hell and a fuck-ton of pain before you get there.
So yeah…..that.
Meanwhile, John Solomon is reporting that the DOJ isn’t going to charge James Comey with anything because of the EXACT same excuse Comey used to not charge Hillary….a “lack of evidence of intent”.
Couple thoughts…
IIRC, that is the memo BS.
FISA, another story. Me thinks.
Everything in the investigations has to be done perfectly legit.
I do believe in AG Barr, to do the right thing.
President Trump will ensure Barr nails the traitors and corrupt.
Newest piece of crap they using to say trump is traitor.
Damn I couldn’t make it thru the first page without getting nauseous.
Tell me about it–as soon I saw Cummings name attached to it, I knew it was a piece of crap
Gitmo isn’t enough for the likes of Cummins
Damn Jr is almost as good as his dad. His daddy teaches well
Don Jr. is obviously forgetting that racism is a convenient one way street . . . from white people to “people of color” . . . never from “people of color” to white people.
Well, if Joy B. Says it…it’s a fact, you know?
Wow if you white you don’t count with Demcorats anymore
Democrats just purged white party staffers, and it’s a bigger deal than anyone wants to admit
Meme with sad truth in it
It seems grandma got tazed….sorry, not sorry
Blue lives matter
” Inhofe: Navy ‘Arrogance’ On USS Ford ‘Oughta Be Criminal’
Presumptive CNO Vice Adm. Mike Gilday is forced to answer for years of Navy problems.
CAPITOL HILL: The head of the Senate Armed Service Committee today charged Navy leadership with “a level of arrogance” in dealing with the failures of its new $13 billion USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier, saying the lack of planning for key new technologies that have struggled to perform “oughta be criminal.”
Sen. Jim Inhofe’s comments came during the nomination hearing for the next Chief of Naval Operations, Vice Adm. Mike Gilday, who was on the spot to answer for years of maintenance delays, modernization stumbles, and the struggle to grow to a 355-ship fleet in a two-hour hearing.”
more at the link:
I did not watch tonight’s leftie debate….but Andrew Torba just posted this (and I sure hope it shows up correctly here!) So … what did Tulsi do?

Andrew Torba
Verified Account@a
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YAY it posted the way it showed up on Gab!
Ha ha ha! I’d love to know, but I didn’t watch the debate either. I turned my cable off 7 years ago.
The video is here, and it is really funny to watch.
“Kamala Gut Punched by Tulsi During Debate”
I just found the clip, Mandy:
Thank you! Tulsi’s going to be a problem for the other demons, isn’t she!
Hope I’m doing this right. Suggest taking a look over there for this. Very interesting….
FOIA Release: FBI Agents Picked Up Comey Memos From His House Day Before Senate Testimony…
Whoa. This … is disturbing.
“BOMBSHELL: “Justice Democrats” Founder is THE Organizer of Evangelical Social Justice Movement
In this bombshell report by Pulpit & Pen, we will demonstrate how Democratic financier and organizer Zack Exley is behind the successful attempt to change the political ideology of America’s major evangelical institutions, ministries, and seminaries through propagation of what is known as “Social Justice.”
read the rest:
Paging Daughn. Paging Daughn.
EXLEY backgrounder ^^^^^^^^^^^
Nothing like letting the wolf (the bad kind) in among the flock
BOOKMARK this one!!!!!!!!!
Maybe AG Barr is using this to pressure Comey into singing/spilling the beans on Hussein/Lynch…?

I’m hoping this is the case.
Comey could testify that he was “following orders” on all the wrongdoing…letting Hillary off, letting her destroy evidence, etc…as well as the Spying on Trump.
It would be very valuable.
Yep. Horowitz recommending the criminal charge is HUGE. Barr keeping his powder dry and holding out for more evidence/charges on FISA is SMART!! Meanwhile, hope that pompous a$$ is going through cases of Depends in anticipation of what’s to come!!! Can’t wait to see his next Tweet
Dr. Gorka: AOC’s Green New Scam is a watermelon
, green on the outside, red Communism on the inside.
Ooooohhh, that’s a good one.
On his show yesterday, a man called in and asked him to call the green squad the GangGreens.
Okay folks, it’s almost 11pm Central time and we are scheduled for the MAGA RALLY THREAD to go at 1:05am Eastern Time.
Trying to get in after Wolfie drops the main thread.
We have pics
We have links
We ready for a tailgate recipe thread.
We are Sooooooooooooo ready for a MAGA rally!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Party Bus is ready to load.
Save my seat on that party bus!! Have to work tomorrow but will hopefully be back for the rally.
Are there extra exclamation points packed in Marica’s bag? Can’t wait for her 1st hand report!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(for Marica)
I referenced you in the thread Volgarian, we’re in this one together!
New open thread up!