FFS: False Flag Syndrome

I didn’t want to call it “False Flag Sunday”, but that is what it felt like this morning, when I got up and heard the news about the shooting in Dayton.

What I want to do here is to gather into one place, our thinking about this Q-predicted series of violent attacks.

Part of me does NOT want to segregate this discussion from our normal open thread, but I’m thinking we may be close to a break in this stuff, and it will become much more clear after the afternoon reveals from LE in Dayton. A dedicated thread will help that process.

So here you are. Let’s push back on these DEMONCRAT and HOLDER FACTION narrative operations to BRAINWASH AGAINST GUNS.

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Outlaw Guns…. and only OUTLAWS….
will HAVE guns.


Liberals can fantasize about disarming American Citizens all they want, but it’ll never happen. Even if, heaven forbid, we ever again end up with a Dem president, Dem congress and Dem senate, there is just now way on God’s green earth most citizens would voluntarily or otherwise turn over their guns to government officials. So long as we have our Bill of Rights, what’s in our homes is sacrosanct.
And I will never register any gun I own. Registration is the first step toward confiscation.


If this nation became socialist, it would no longer be America. America’s founding documents guarantee her citizens freedom.
INO, America can’t be destroyed. A current government or people in power can be removed and replaced with socialists / communists, but the idea that is America will never die. And there will always be people who adhere to her principles.
But we can’t let them destroy our form of government as founded because it would be extremely difficult to form a new nation on American principles at this stage in history. “Fundamental transformers” have to be stopped at all costs. 🇺🇸

JW in Germany

The Left feels things slipping quickly away from them—so THIS is their last stand! Like cornered wounded ANIMALS—do NOT underestimate how dangerous this CABAL can be!
Just think about what Julian Assange strongly hinted at about Seth Rich! These people are DEADLY!
What will people do for that kind of money and power???



Concerned Virginian

If I may:
I would take the “voluntarily” out of the sentence and substitute “PERIOD”.
As in:
“We must NEVER give them up, PERIOD.”
I believe It is the right to keep and bear arms, part of the inalienable rights from our Maker to ensure Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness that are the foundation of the United States, that We, the People must NEVER give up.

CM in TN

Guess I’ll be an outlaw then ’cause I will never give them up compliantly.


Also….. When SECONDS count…..
The Cops are only MINUTES away…..
The VICTIMS are there NOW!


I am wondering why they did this….Too many oddities on the El Paso Shooting
Bad enough I have my doubts about Vegas, but damn I am now believe that the liberals in power could really be this crazy..
Leftists Change Shooter Patrick Crusius’s MyLife Page after Saturday Shooting from Democrat to Republican


More than good. Wolf, Flep and our other writers should definitely view and all will appreciate having watched this. Although all of us understand what’s happening in the world concerning how this country is being subverted away from freedom, the constitution, and capitalism, this ties things together in a more unified view with much new detail and concise history. It’s heavy into the history of Communism as an idea and Socialism as the tool, then onto China, 5G, Huawei.. and much more.
This is the what you want your kid to see before going off to collage and what you hope all your neighbors would come to understand. Sixty minutes well spent.
Thanks CM.


Don’t like what I am seeing —VERY good day for church


Our side ought to spend some time meme-ing pictures of places that have essentially taken guns away. What it’s like to have the jackboot on the neck of thousands who if armed could revolt. Without weapons they’re like ants who have no way to protect themselves.
Those pictures will show..it doesn’t matter what color the skin is. Once you have no weapons your’re a slave to the govt


Like Like Like


That is why my guns will never be confiscated—
Most of will report them as stolen and then hide them where ever we can.


If anyone with government, local, state or federal ever asks me about my guns, I’ll just smile and say it’s none of their business what, if any guns I own. I won’t even talk to my neighbors about guns. It’s none of their business either. The less anyone knows about your guns the better.


too true


Coloradans are about to be subjected to a totally unconstitutional res flag law. Authorities will be able to come toss your house looking for guns if someone reports you as a threat without due process whatsoever 😠


“Red” flag


I’m sure they’ll have to at some point but the willingness to strip our rights away is breathtaking. Not sure when it would come up though, after some poor sob freaks out that someone is breaking into his home and gets himself killed by police? Many county sheriffs are saying they won’t enforce it. Not my sherriff though he fricking endorsed it!


All it takes is for someone to hear you fire a shot on your property, when you were just shooting a snake, and getting “scared,” or someone hearing you talking vehemently about fighting for gun rights. This is a sneaky form of gun confiscation, and it must be defeated.


It violates like 4 or 5 constitutional rights right off the bat. It’s such garbage


It is not a doctor’s business, either.
“The less anyone knows about your guns the better.” – Yes. Information is power. That’s why they are invading our homes with smart appliances and devices that can spy 24/7. People don’t feel the effects with Pres. Trump in office, but let some Marxist get in power, and there will be arrests and punishment based on private conversations.

Cuppa Covfefe

As long as you don’t have it connected to your LAN by cable (Cat5, etc.) or WiFi, you should be OK. You can also block it at your router, or set the IP address to (loopback).
I don’t want Winston’s displays in my house at all.
I’m just angry at the 5G rollout coming up in Germany. 100x the radiated power of 4G and earlier. They want to cook us all…
Anyone that wants 1 Gb/sec data I/O to their mobile (rather than using their home connection) is nuts. Plus mobile can be (with appropriate effort, of course) cracked… Over here you see people walking along the street, almost bumping into each other, with their heads (and attention) buried into whatever their mobile devices are spewing at them. Smart devices, STUPID users…


My neighbor (we live in the country) is an idiot who brags on all his guns in a special room he built for them. Hubby says he has many. I bought door mats and stenciled them with an arrow pointing to his house and says “ don’t waste your time here… neighbor has what your looking for”. Glow in the dark paint. Front door and back. I have no intentions of wasting ammo because of his stupidity.

Steve in Lewes

So andy, with all due respect why are you telegraphing that info here on a Wqth blog!


Knowing what the DOJ, FBI, IC, hussein administration, private entities acted against President Trump, why would anyone dismiss corrupt power hungry FBI? I don’t These days when it comes to DOJ, FBI, IC, they are ALL SUSPECT. Barr is the lone DOJ entity that I trust, for now.


Btw Wolf, when I first read the title I saw it as “For Fuck’s Sake: False Flag Sunday” and it’s been stuck with me all day 😯😄


I also figured the double entendre hadn’t escaped you when you came up with it 😉😆


I’ll have to check this guy’s podcast out but his tweet is spot on. We need more guns and trained ppl if anything.


He is absolutely correct.


I think we should also be encouraging every trained gun owner to buy at least one more gun, more ammo and enroll at least one more family member in shooting classes. NOW! Citizens owning guns is a Constitutional right, and we are legally within our rights to do so.
Tweeters – reach out to Maj Toure, Sonny Johnson & hispanic leaders who are advocating SMART, trained gun ownership. I know there are other names – i gotta research this. Somewhere in my files is a black woman in Atlanta who started a nonprofit to train single black mothers. She & I corresponded for awhile. I gotta find her again.
Visit your local shooting ranges and ask about more ways to promote gun ownership and training.
Push back against businesses that are ‘gun free’.


Look. Gilroy,ElPaso, dayton. All look similar.


24 yo Connor Betts from bellbrook, ohio


Psych major.


Reply from the guy in the picture


Yeah and he’s threatening to sue news sites using his photo


This is getting very interesting..


I know, and I thought I was gonna get some stuff done today


crazy out there
OK off to church

Plain Jane

I’m in the house reading while my kids and GKs are in the pool. I HAVE to leave here and I am torn. 🙂


I hear ya, I better get some things done so I have time to read through this later.

Plain Jane

I’m back in the house now to sneak more peeks, but under the pretense of other. Hee, hee.


Lol, yeah my phones never far away either


OMG..it IS the Boys of Brazil…..wtf?


The amount of fake news, the widespread activity of it all, is incredible.


“And” thinking necessary.


^^^ THIS ^^^
I believe there are “operators standing by” to feed disinfo following these three attacks. If these were indeed done by all-black/masked assassins with a MK patsy brain-washed to believe he’s the shooter, then the disinfo arm of the attack makes perfect sense.


I am praying hard for the witnesses to be safe, live long prosperous lives and see vindication over their enemies.


They could be in great danger. They are the second tier of victims of these shootings.


I’d like to know how these shooters in black just disappeared into the mist …. WHO IS HELPING THEM …


That’s military/govt grade shite .. 😡


Yes, I read they “do their jobs” then quickly blend in with the crowds and disappear. But, that doesn’t account for their weapons…not easy to lose assault weapons unless there’s inside help and the cache is planned.
Another point, why would they be dressed alike (black shirts and khaki pants)…makes no sense unless it’s more disinformation.
This is so incredibly frustrating… i’m normally a very upbeat person, but 4 inner circle deaths this past week (3 funerals in 3 days) and then these murders are getting me down. And the truly stupid Dims and MSM going full force with their blame game.
We need to be on OFFENCE , not defense to give us some hope!


Teagan I’m so sorry to hear about the grief you experienced … my heart goes out to you. May the Lord God Almighty, Father, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit comfort and strengthen you and bless you abundantly … in Jesus name amen


Professional. Probably take out the security camera system first, then shoot while running, aiming for anyone with a camera first.


How are these bad guys not trackable … there is always a trail/path … I pray to God Almighty for the God fearing patriot warrior who is seeing all the tracks these miserable curs have left and are planned. I would dearly love to see them cut off at the pass …


Remember the movie “Enemy of the State” … were living it now and have been for awhile …

The tech in this movie is ten years old ….


That is spooky


understand….like i said yesterday..they know we know but don’t care..or maybe more likely..they’re glad we see knowing we can’t point it out w/o it being conspiracy


Or alternatively, the photos are not real. They are “plants” to create the intended “white nationalist” narrative that will trigger the brain washed liberals to react.


..that’s what I was just wondering.. is “dis-info big tech ” simultaneously placing *same face* while also changing info details (the live tweet democrat to republican example ) ??
Sounds like maybe vault 7 toolbox is in play..
Don’t know why but these *same-face* images scream child abuse to me .

Harry Lime

This is why this was so important. There were many before it…and now after it… but it should have ended with Vegas…I don’t think a single American believed what the local LEO and FBl was shoveling to the public as “fact”…
It was a betrayal…comment image

Harry Lime

“I don’t think a single American believed…”
Well, maybe some Democrats…they saw it on the Ellen Show after all…with a chart and everything…


This. 👆👆👆👆


I hate to put this twit in our space….but they are trying to activate their followers


This was the one I meant to post

Harry Lime

toolcomment image


The Hogg guy reminds me of a male AOC.
They are well placed to achieve the socialist agenda.


maybe they’ve begun using Hogg as the “voice” of the country’s future and will hear that cry and make a big showy production of convening an emergency session to craft the confiscate gun bill ??


Their “emergency” also gets them back in session to prevent arrests


Congress can pass all the gun grabber legislation they want, but the Republican controlled Senate and President Trump won’t sign them into law.

Plain Jane

Bet they already have it crafted,


… well .. well .. well … the lippy shit … barks on command … hope he’s neutered .. miserable piss.ant


From oh linkdin page
Extensive customer service experience. Good under pressure. Fast learner. Eager to overachieve.
Crew MemberChipotle Mexican GrillAugust 2017 – Present 2 years 1 month
Centerville, Ohio
CrewMarathon Gas StationJuly 2014 – September 2017 3 years 3 months
Centerville, Ohio
I was their go-to guy for anything that needed done – changing lights, painting the walls, covering shifts. Beyond that, I worked the weekend shifts for 3 years – Friday through Sunday, 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Unfortunately, I started school and Chipotle, and I had to drop Marathon.
Sinclair Community College
2017 – 2019


Lived at home with his parents like most of the other suicidal morons. WTH is with young men these days? Why are so many going bananas?


Lack of discipline, lack of God, lack of hard work, lack of red meat, Ritalin, not sure which bathroom to use, …..want me to keep going?😛


Parents failure to teach consequences from early childhood on. Teaching self discipline to children .
Refocus them in teenage years by making them aware how much has been given and have them do some volunteer work.Take them to church or any other place of worship depending on parents religion..
Just my own thoughts on the subject.
My kid not like all the things I did but they did not kill anyone. They make a living. They are good husbands and daughter a good wife. They are excellent parents. They are independent and good thoughtful caring people.


Brain washing?


Public Fool System



Such a coincidence the shooting was in El Paso….hmmm.


How Come this is not in the news??


I am NOT defending the media and I’m not throwing cold water on what he did, but according to the news, no shots were fired in the mall. He helped some (inexplicably alone) children get out of the mall because of perceived danger, but he didn’t save their lives from a gunman. To me, the story is a little strange, but good for him for helping others.

Rodney Short

Check out this dudes masonic necklace, I smell a crisis actor.


That would be interesting


These FF’s also are to stop Trump’s reelection. The social media and propaganda pundits are saying his talking points, his rhetoric, etc is white nationalism that is inspiring massacres


Satan’s minions are engaging in a full on assault against patriots. They seem more desperate than ever lately. I know she’s already psycho but this is just lovely,


Got all of the ‘buzz’ words in there, didn’t you Max? Feel bettah?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m trying to imagine mad Maxine actually being able to figure out a Twitter account. How many people does she have on her social media staff?


Is this a trick question, DP?


LOL … the mumbling imbecile had to wait for her TALKING POINTS … bwahahahahahah …


Cielo Vista mall is right on Interstate 10, and less than 4 miles from the Mexican border.
El Paso is one of the few “big name” cities right on the border, and the only well known one in Texas. (San Diego is the only border city bigger and more famous than El Paso, imo, and it is in the most Dim-ish and blue-pilled of the border states.
Juarez, Chihuahua, is a really big city, much larger than El Paso. Any mall as close to the border as Cielo Vista will have lots of day visitors from Juarez and other parts of Mexico, taking advantage of American shopping, probably especially on a weekend.
El Paso was known for a long time as having the highest percentage of ethnic minority residents of any city in the country, the great majority of them Latino. So, lots of legal immigrants, lots of illegal immigrants, lots of green card holders.
Also, lots of gang activity. (Do gangsters carry guns when they are out shopping? It would help if they get attacked by members of another gang. But, if they get patted down by cops, they get a weapons charge, plus confiscation of the weapon.)
I’m guessing here, but I suspect the percentage of shoppers in that mall who were carrying concealed firearms was lower than that of shoppers in many malls in other parts of Texas, even if the mall management does not ban concealed carry.
(Would be great if urinalists would stop drinking the urine and, instead, do their damned jobs. As in tell us the policies regarding concealed carry in that particular Wal-Mart and in the Cielo Vista mall. Since it is a key factor in the debate, and I don’t know why we should have to guess when they are there and could just ask.)
As a Devil’s Advocate rebuttal to that position, El Paso has a high crime rate compared to most other cities in Texas. So I suspect the percentage of adult citizens who have carry licenses and who carry regularly is higher than that of other cities in Texas.
Whatever the rate of concealed carry among the “target population”, to coin a phrase, in the store, I smell that the store’s location was a big factor in why it specifically was chosen for this operation.


I want some proof that this guy was the actual shooter and not a victim.


You can’t tell me his sister who lived in their parents’ house with him didn’t know he had a semi-auto rifle. And I guarantee she knew he was a nutjob. Now she’s dead because she never spoke up about him.


From the Heavy article~~
The Dayton Daily News reports that eyewitnesses to the attack say that the gunman had been refused entry to the bar. Those rumors have not been confirmed.
Psychology Student,
In a separate video he posted on Facebook, Williams claimed, “We had an active shooter with an AR 15. Came up with an AR 15 with a vest on and ear muffs and just started blowing bullets everywhere…


Also from the article,
His parents’ accounts are active. On Facebook, his mom posted pictures of pumpkins, family, Christmas ornaments, Christian religious statues and a graphic that declared “stop the alt right.” She labeled a photo of Betts and an apparent sibling, “My loves.” A woman who appears to be Betts’ sister works as a local tour guide, according to her Facebook page. His dad wrote on Facebook that he was a technical lead for a technologies corporation. Betts’ father posted about net neutrality and funny parody videos. He also shared a video that criticized the rhetoric of President Donald Trump.


IMO, those liberal parents are very lucky he didn’t murder them before heading out to the bar.




Well fake news is working, again.


They picked this one bc he loves Trump.


Daughter taking grandson to a kid friendly entertainment place for some afternoon fun. She asked if I thought she needed to take something with her….I told her most definitely Walther needed to go. 😳


Always. A firearms expert once asked a class to raise their hands if they planned to carry all the time. A few raised their hands. The instructor said, “I don’t mean to be rude, but the rest of you, are you psychic?”


Saw this thread earlier, causes more questions but interesting tidbits if this is the shooter’s father


Makes perfect sense. That must be my problem, being raised with guns. Rare was a summer day when I was 5 that my six shooter cap guns weren’t strapped to my waist 😄 BB guns, .22’s, shotguns, rifles, all just part of life. Had to be prepared to get my hunting license before I turned 12. Ah, nostalgia…


IMO, it’s up to parents of “children” living at home to determine whether or not they are sane enough to own a gun and keep it at their residence. After all, it’s not “his” home as many reports have stated. It’s the parents’ home. They should set the rules, not he and not government.
Once he got his own place, he would be free to own as many guns as he pleased. That’s what adulthood responsibility is all about.


They are also trained to fear guns too much to want to understand how to use them. And they demonize anyone who DOES know how to handle a firearm. Who would want to be part of that crowd?


Brilliant insight.

Plain Jane

When I was young I always said that if my car broke down, I’d trust the motorcycle guys or a truck driver to help before I’d trust a guy in a nice car.


Also, (a pet peeve of mine) when you see fictional police characters holding a gun on TV or in movies, it is fairly routine for them to be depicted holding a gun with trigger finger right on the trigger. In real life, anyone with firearms training would keep the trigger finger straight until ready to fire.
This is cross-cultural, America, Europe, Asia.
For young people not trained in handling weapons, (which is most of them, especially outside the US,) I’m sure this makes it plausible that guns “just go off” by themselves, making accidents inevitable and very frequent. They have no idea about safe handling rules.
Also, never having fired a gun themselves, they have no idea how hard you have to pull on most triggers to fire a gun.
Their college indoctrination is full of sounds regarding “trigger words”, but seldom sound words regarding triggers.
I’ve seen this so much, I’m sure it is Mockingbird social control, AKA MK, Hollywood style.


I think these events are about more than gun confiscation. They are working overtime to back up with planted and lethal “evidence” that brings devastation and death to so many, the lies that we are “white nationalists”, terrorists, Nazis, haters, and dangerous to society. They are working overtime to demonize our President. They are working overtime to justify censorship and destruction of each and every one of us.
How did things get to this point?
Our side tried to get along with and not contend with evil. We kept quiet and when we did not we were so often defensive and did not contend for the truth. We did not make a large enough effort to demand the truth of other similar events, and we have not mounted a big enough effort to publicize the truth of who we and the President are.
Lies dominate the national media and cover ups abound in the narrative put forth to the American people.
Those who are able to dig and uncover truths should probably put them in the public record right away. People who say they will and do not immediately do so tend to meet untimely ends.
They wish to destroy us and our President in order secure a win in 2020. Is it a coincidence that these recent mass shootings occurred in Republican held battleground states?
Would they do such a thing to further their agenda?
What they have done so far and blamed on us needs to be uncovered and made known in no uncertain way to the American people.
Not only that, we cannot continue to allow them to label us with false, libelous, hateful names eith no oush back as to who we really are.
Repeating myself here, but the American people seem to have no idea what a Nazi or fascist really was.
Truth can free all of us.


comment image


He said he wouldn’t surrender to police, I wonder why he did.
Is there going to be a trial?


I’m positive it’s fake. It’s the 1st time I read it and I thought “well that’s not consistent”


Dayton press conference read the list of victims…one had same last name as suspect….coincidence?


Plain Jane

Surprised that the FBI hasn’t taken over like they did in Vegas.


New Sheriff in town

Plain Jane

Yes, white hats only.

Concerned Virginian

Fox News Radio, 1PM Eastern:
BETO O’ROURKE states that POTUS is “partially responsible” for the shootings in El Paso.


Another image. Same as yesterday. Whos the real one?comment image


Calls him well known political extremist.




Yeah I’m trusting nothing.
“Q-predicted series of violent attacks” <—————– this right there!!!!


His parents had better get on their knees and thank God their spawn of Satan didn’t murder them, too.


What if Google Earth photos of that Walmart were purposely wrong ON GOOGLE’s side in order to spoof the Qanons and make them look bad?


Well, I do agree we need more Gun Control. In fact, I think our federal government should open gun shooting ranges everywhere, free to the public, so citizens can improve their shooting skills and control over their weapons in frantic times of need.
Being able to Control your Gun in a crisis is a learned skill and it requires regular practice. After all, you certainly wouldn’t want to hit any innocent bystanders when you are taking out a suicidal moron with a death wish who is mowing down unarmed citizens.
So I’m all for more Control over our Guns but only with respect to our shooting skills.


Jordan Sather did some important work wth his screen caps of the “real” twitter accounts of the El Paso patsy.

Plain Jane

The sheer numbers of the attacks so far begs for a spread sheet. I’m getting confused and forgetting what happened when. The average person pprobably has no clue except that the media say gun- bad, orange man- bad, NRA- bad.


Google earth photos are NOT instantaneous. In periodically looking at my own residence, I have found them to be months, even a year or more behind. I can tell by landscaping, vehicles, etc… Not sure what their update policy is or if they have one. It is possible that Walmart could have painted the parking lot and google earth photos don’t reflect it yet.


Painting I could see. The blue pole, may be new. Or that incoming shooter video still is from a different location and possibly even a different actor.


I got in HUGE trouble with my one liberal child on that one. I sent him an email about it, and had to retract it.
Usually I am more careful. Dammit.


You know, the truth is that everyone of us that are Deplorable eant to preserve and protect this cointry and the people in it from those who wish to destroy it and remove our freedoms.
They have already embarked upon this, setting up their own government and exempting themselves from our laws, stealing wealth from the people and imposing a standard of living upon us that they themselves are untouched by.
The brainwashed masses don’t know.
Yet we can already point out the censorship, the killing of innocents, the lies and disinformation that are embraced by the left who then puff themselves up and tell the world that this is “love” and that it “trumps hate”.
This is the fakest of fake news and our tolerance of it is not, in any sense of the word, good.


Megan Betts, Connor Betts’ Sister, Found Dead With Boyfriend
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By Paul Farrell
Updated Aug 4, 2019 at 1:28pm
Facebook/Moira Cofer BettsMegan Betts pictured on her mother’s Facebook page in June 2018.
Megan Betts, the sister of Connor Betts, the man who killed nine people at Ned Peppers bar in Dayton, Ohio on August 3, was found dead alongside her boyfriend. She was 22 years old.
NBC News’ Pete Williams reported, via, Andrew Blankstein, that Megan and her boyfriend had been found fatally shot in a car. At the time of writing, Megan’s boyfriend has not been identified.
Authorities believe that Conor Betts opened fire on a crowd at a bar in Dayton’s Oregon District, killing nine people and wounding dozens more. Betts was then shot dead by responding officers, officials said. In a press conference, authorities said that the suspect was wearing body armor and extra ammunition on him at the time he was shot.
Megan & Conor Betts Are the Only 2 Children of Stephen & Moira Betts
Facebook/Megan BettsMegan and her brother pictured together in May 2017.
Connor and Megan are the only two children of Stephen and Moira Betts of Bellbrook, Ohio, around 15 miles from downtown Dayton. Stephen and Moira Betts were married in December 1988, according to Stephen Betts’ Facebook page.
Megan Was About to Enter Her Senior Year at Wright State University’s Department of Biological Sciences
LinkedIn/Megan BettsMegan Betts pictured on her LinkedIn page.
According to Megan’s Facebook page, she works as a tour guide at the Missoula Smokejumper Visitor Center in Montana. On that page, Megan says that she was due to begin her senior year at Wright State University’s Department of Biological Sciences.
On her LinkedIn page, Megan said of herself, “I’m a hardworking employee who understands company loyalty and the need to do the best for our customers. Always tries to find a way to make sure everyone’s happy. An expert with time management and very organized.” Megan graduated from Bellbrook High School in 2015. Online voting records show that Megan was registered with the Democratic Party in Greene County, Ohio.


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Plain Jane

I’m sorry for the implication, but isn’t he kind of pretty for a man?


Or she and the boyfriend were the actual targets? Story conveniently developed from there? The MSM coverage of Dayton does not seem as breathless and over the top as it did for El Paso yesterday.


Was the sister the real target? Or her boyfriend?



Schmucky is looking for a way out of his own trouble by concentrating on this created chaos – imho


“Never let a crisis go to waste”


‘good crisis’ – bet he is up to his eyeballs in Pedogate, Volgar

Concerned Virginian

So is this from The Turtle another example of his SWAMP roots? A broken reed? Can’t really trust him?


He hasn’t done anything….yet. Chucky is demanding that Mitch bring the Senate back. We will see what he does


Well…isn’t that special – said the Church Lady.


People out in the world better stop worrying about PTrump and worry more about how normal democrat leaning young men can all of a sudden murder family and strangers. They just wake up one day completely ready & capable of killing human beings?


Preprogrammed to do so – imho


They can go f themselves.


I’m sure El Paso is overrun with Mexican nationals, so it’s really no surprise many of them were shot there. I wonder how may of them are illegal aliens?


Great – we should make a rule that for Mexicans to enter the US they must sign a paper acknowledging risk of death, and that the US is not responsibility for their safety….or they can bring their own security personnel.


Mexico can put out an urgent call across all Spanish language U.S. media recalling all mexican nationals and their families immediately back to mexico. Thats the ticket.

Rodney Short

Mexicans need to go check out the site borderlandbeat.com before they even open their yaks to America.
Check out the site andyou can see for yourself.

Plain Jane

Did we invite them here to shop at Wallymart or something?

JW in Germany

THIS gives me chills in the middle of summer!
Top this off with that idiot on the Scarborough show telling the Left to call President Trump—CRIMINAL Trump! He also states that we are at war.


I can’t “like” that, but it sure is plain. Prayers for our country and our President….we are all under attack and innocents are dying to protect the Demons. God help us!!


Notice the patch on Dayton shooters shirt.


Gotta give kudos to the officers who shot and killed this pussy-faced maniac. They obviously had great Gun Control over their weapons as they didn’t shoot anyone else. IMO, all the officers who rushed towards this deadly threat with his AR-15 and ended it relatively quickly.

Concerned Virginian

Patch on the right side of the shooter’s vest says “Against All Gods”. Can’t make out clearly what’s on the patch on the left side of the vest.

Harry Lime

It’s a baphomet patch…(I hate to even post it here but we need to know what we’re up against)…comment image


Mom & Dad must be so proud.


Why is he handcuffed if he is dead?


Police always do that to criminals, both dead or alive. It’s standard police procedure.


Did not know that…


Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain hoodie ~~~ from Wiki~ The Acacia Strain is an American deathcore/metalcore band originally from Chicopee, Massachusetts.. The Acacia Strain is currently signed to Rise Records. In total, the group have released eight full-length albums.
The patch seems to be from a Marilyn Mason tour.. Against All Gods

Rodney Short

Metal head my ass…
This asshat is a Miley Cyrus kinda fella, I have metal in my blood and can spot his type a mile away.


No blood?

Concerned Virginian

So, Betts was into occult / satanic / atheist belief-worship?
And why was his own sister killed? To perhaps make sure she couldn’t say something?

Harry Lime

I’m waiting to hear if he killed his sister or if somebody else did. So far all I’ve read is that she and boyfriend were found dead hours after the shooting at Ned Peppers…doesn’t mean she hadn’t been killed first and found later. It’s hard to believe any information at this point…
If someone else killed his sister than that changes this into a much bigger story…


Sacrificial killing – even if he does no survive…


i agree and also I agree with Rodney. I bet this guy was a poser. Metalhead gear on the outside but conflicted on the inside…easily manipulated. Just a guess.


Core inhibitors is what this war is all about. Destruction of conscience. Obliteration of normality based on factual reality.


In the 60’s and 70’s they wanted revolution, and thought it could work based on the Soviet but mostly the Cultural Revolution model.
Then they realized how ridiculous they all looked, because the circumstances were not even close. They talked about “consciousness,” and realized it was all their own. No one was going along.
But communists ARE highly intelligent people.
So they saw the futility of the direct violence they loved, and came to love a more sophisticated violence.
There are so many mediating factors, but the fundamental factor is the sadistic desire to destroy everything, especially all the most beloved and sacred things.


Merry Christmas!
That is OUR way of seeing things.


I have said it here before and repeat.
In my decades of following this stuff very intensely, not as an expert but as a normal American, I have NEVER felt we are winning, always being defeated, often in the most illogical ways, but losing.
VSG has us winning, and for the first time in my life (politically) I feel like “I” am winning.

Plain Jane

TY Harry Lime.
Still think he was too pretty.


Some weird shit going on for sure.


The narrative is shaping to become another racial hate crime because some of the Dayton victims were black….even though the guy’s SISTER was also a victim. They are working overtime on this. “They want us divided”.


this bar, Ned Peppers, gets terrible reviews and doesn’t appear to be mainly black clientele…so this got amped up at an attack on blacks but was it really some beef with the bar?


We aren’t dividd – we are sick of this nonsense – this runaround – the lies – the deception – the whole 9 yards!!!
Anybody see pictures of funeral vans and/or ambulances?
Why is Beto smirking like the Father at Sandy Hook? Is this designed to tie up the news cycle as Q said?

JW in Germany

I had to leave the room when my lady was watching German news.
News anchor: Do these shooting have anything with the racial pot stirring of Donald Trump?
Reporter: Yes. His racially charged comments about Hispanic immigrants—-yada—yada—yada………..


They don’t care if their rhetoric causes more unrest and violence. To them, the end justifies the means. And the end for them is the impeachment of President Trump.


At the end of the day its US, Trump, Q vs this evil!!!

JW in Germany

They are literally risking a civil war! Do they not understand that such an escalation only makes it WORSE FOR THEM?

Harry Lime

I think they’re running out of options. Nothing can stop what is coming…


“Final defensive fire”, a military term, as Sara Carter said on the Hannity TV show a couple of weeks ago.
Conspiracy running out of running room, and that fact is sinking in to their brains.


They are trying to provoke a civil war. They do not care about who wins, because they win if a civil war happens. Destruction is the goal, however it happens, and whoever suffers, IMO.

JW in Germany

I think that might depend on who is leading the recovery. 😉
I do not want a civil war—BUT I have no doubt my mind the other side will be defeated.
I know in many ways that some of these young people in or fresh out of college who have had at least 12 years of government brainwashing called school and high school…then add on how many more years of college.
Are they really to blame for their ignorance when the parents willfully gave their children into a system that they were made to believe that they can trust that system?
It is the government after all! How much tax-payer money have flowed into these big universities—look at these leftist ‘Professors’ pumping their evil ideologies into these kids brains?
They want ROBOTS! SLAVES! You shall obey.
Bring it on!


I was going to ask how Germany pushes this narrative and I’m not surprised. This explains why when I talk to family in Germany and the rest of Europe that they are so anti.

JW in Germany

Remember the Harvard study about negative media bias?
There was only one media outlet in the study that beat CNN’s 93% negative coverage of President Trump—
—Das Erste ARD—German government owned led the way with negative coverage at 98%!!!


Wow. But JW this explains my families reaction. I mean they have always looked down upon America but this explains this very sudden turn. I mean I’ll call them and they start yelling about Trump and how big of idiots ‘we’ are. I mean you call to see how they are doing and instead have to deal with this BS? Ticks me off!!!!!!

JW in Germany

It is very difficult to convince Germans, many of whom consider themselves well-informed—that they are being brain-washed with the media. One of the 1st push-backs is “Lügenpresse”—basically, the Nazis calling media Fake News.
You see how that works? Uphill battle from that starting point…….not that I don’t put on the climbing boots. 😎

JW in Germany

I know I have said this before Wolf—I love the way you think!

JW in Germany

I do not want to overstate my comment and throw every German into the same pot. I find that younger Germans seem to be more receptive to conversation and counter argument—than those say 40 years or older.


*Nods* Yes I totally see this. Ugh come on Germany wake up!!!

Plain Jane

Globalists and the devil strive for the same thing. Divide and conquer. Spread hatred and distrust. Create war within family units. Etc., etc., etc.


Speaking of European news broadcasts, French-language news seemed more focused on El Paso than Ohio.
US Spanish-language also seemed focused in on El Paso, but that could be explained by victim demographics, and maybe also location of the networks’ resources.


Connor Betts, the Dayton shooter who killed nine late last night wore a satanic “No heart to fear, no soul to steal” patch on his clothing. This is slogan believed to be from a hateful and vengeful song called Ramirez by The Acacia Strain, a metalcore band. The phrase No heart to fear, no soul to seal comes from a song called Ramirez, a song believed to be about the 1980’s Night Stalker Richard Ramirez in California. This group and type of music is a favorite of the AntiFA and left wing anarchist groups.


I was really scared during that time. I knew the liklihood of something happening was near zero, but he was going back and forth in areas where I was.


Germans always have been negative toward Americans and it’s culture. I know have been listening for over 50 years about it. There is an arrogance, all Americans are uncultivated , dumb and gunslingers and braggers.
Perception has been from shows like Dallas and Green Acres. Cultural perceptions are easy to propagandize on.


Gunslingers that severely kicked Germany’s ass a few decades back.

JW in Germany

It’s not arrogance—IF YOU TRULY ARE A BADASS!!! 🔫🤠


In the pic with his sister, shes wearing a crystal, so shes in to the pagan thing too. But I cant make out what is on her medallion. Anyone see it?
Al so where are the parents? 2 kids dead but no one staking out the respinse from parents.


I think the entire focus is one thing and one thing only…he was white. They couldn’t care a bit about his ties or beliefs unless of course another fake manifesto appears…but if not…he’s white..and did they mention..he’s a white male..you know how toxic and maladjusted they are …sickening


And he was a leftist….this one is gonna be harder for them to spin. May be why it is not front and center with MSM like El Paso was


Nice that you remembered the judge. Ted Ralls was his name IIRC and he was reputed to be a conservative thinker. I’ve always believed he was the real target and not Gabby.


I still cant see it, but its really big so it must be important. Thats a lamp used for education and colleges. Maybe for her major.


Well, this is interesting. It’s about the origins of genies or the djinn.


IOW, demons.


The story of Aladdin (علا ء الدين, ‘ala ud-din, literally, “the faith of ‘Allah”, i.e. Islam) and the Djinn is tailor-made for Islam.
Islamic culture is at heart a slaveholder/grifter culture, focused on getting other people to serve oneself without one having to pay for it. Also, on ranking and classifying everyone, treating everyone unequally, and keeping members of the disfavored groups down.
The well-known story is a cautionary tale about dealing with capable slaves.
The Djinn is the slave of the person who (entirely randomly and arbitrarily) finds the lamp and rubs it — no effort or investment required, entirely suitable to an Islamic worldview in which life’s advantages go to those members of the Faithful whom Allah has capriciously decided to favor, according to his own whims.
Everyone who wants a slave wants a competent, able slave. Who wants an incompetent, weak, or infirm slave? That would be more trouble than it is worth.
The Djinn, by contrast, is extremely large and powerful, with magical abilities to do anything. Anyone who has ever dreamed of having a slave would dream of one with potential like that.
But such a slave is thereby much more powerful than his master, and therefore very dangerous. Any slave, no matter how much he desires to serve his master, desires his own freedom more.
So you have to be extremely careful what commands you give your slave. Doing otherwise could be lethal for you. That is the moral, as alien to modern Western civilization as it is, of this traditional Middle Eastern story.
Now imagine that you are a CIA psychologist, or other Deep State operative, and that you have access to a successfully programmed MK victim who is trained in the use of firearms. Now what instructions would you give him?


Just doing a few searches on sister and mother. Their info on sites is being changed bigly.


This is the big difference between the DEMCOMs and the Repubs….they speak in unison. They use hate speech all day everyday and few of the repubs point it out. They let it stand as fact.


When I did tomorrow’s daily in the wee hours this morning, I put the words “He knows” underneath the picture of Pres Trump.


Luke 8:17
“For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”
King James Version (KJV)

Concerned Virginian

4PM Fox News Radio news report:
Now it appears that ROB PORTMAN and SHERROD BROWN are on board for the Senate passing that “common sense gun control” bill that was passed in the House and has that “Universal Background Check” garbage in it.


How is their bill different from the background checks that are ALREADY in place?


Is it getting rid of private sales?

Concerned Virginian

Yes, that’s part of the plan. Private sales will either be outlawed or will have to be conducted ONLY through a licensed firearms dealer. Ditto for passing gun collections, etc., to heirs — will eventually be outlawed.
Short- and Medium goals: universal gun registration;
strict limits on buying / owning ammo of ANY type;
many types of firearms will be outlawed (beginning with the AR15);
local police departments will require ALL gun owners to register with them IN ADDITION to the national registry;
local police departments will be able, at ANY time, to show up at a gun owner’s home and demand to inspect the registered firearms, the ammo, where they’re locked up, etc. Anything not perfect will be confiscated;
owning / training with / purchasing, ANY firearm will be outlawed for anybody under the age of 21 unless in the military or law enforcement;
hunting will be permitted ONLY by people age 21 or older AND who have passed a “safe hunting test” AND who are using “permitted firearms” which will be the equivalent of the flintlock rifle;
Long-term goal:
OUTRIGHT REPEAL of the 2nd Amendment OR to make it so expensive and restrictive to own a firearm that Americans will simply give up their rights.
At which point the Stalinist-type takeover of the United States will have smooth sailing.


Hell no.


Thanks for explaining CV. I see lots of problems with that. It’s a NO for me


IDK grandma…but they focus on backgroumd checks which we already have….?


I just heard Sen. Brown (D-Oh) on TV propose bringing back the assault rifle ban. He claimed it saved thousands of lives. B.S.!
The assault rifle ban didn’t work in the 90’s and it won’t work now. It would be far better to do away with Gun Free Zones and make it easier for law abiding citizens to obtain concealed weapon permits.

Concerned Virginian

4PM Fox News Radio news report:
Sen. MITCH MCCONNELL is recovering from a FRACTURED SHOULDER that he suffered TODAY when “he fell on the patio of his home”.


Guess he won’t be able to call the Senate back into session.


… yeah the perp who fractured his shoulder is who McConnell fell on not his patio …


Not sure how a fractured Turtle helps the other side…seems he would not be able to rush back for that emergency session they are clamoring for, but…..


Sadie Slays

So remember this reporter from last night? The one claiming that there was more to the El Paso shooting than we’re being told?
The name sounded familiar to me so I did some digging. She’s the same reporter who, earlier this year, claimed there was “prayer rugs” at the border and migrants crossing into the US from “Czechoslovakia.”
Source: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/border-rancher-weve-found-prayer-rugs-out-here-its-unreal
Now you could easily say, “Obviously this lady is a kook and fake news.” Except that President Trump himself referenced the above article in a tweet.

The reason why I’m posting it here is because I believe these are (white hat) comms. And what we’re dealing with right now aren’t standard “distraction” false flags meant to temporarily disrupt news cycle.

Sadie Slays

Posted my reply to this as a new comment on the next page.


There are definitely prayer rugs left behind in significant numbers in the border areas, as well as witnesses who have come across hordes of Muslim illegals in the American desert, lined up on the ground in rows and column, using prayer rugs to pray in the direction of Mecca.
You should be able to search for videos, and if the search engines won’t return links to those videos, you should be able to find them on PamelaGeller.com, Gatesofvienna.net, JihadWatch.com, etc.
OTM (“other than Mexican”) illegals crossing our border had long been an issue. But under the Soebarkah regime they became the majority of illegals apprehended. And they come from all over the world, every continent. But especially Muslim and/or Black African areas of Africa, Asia, and the Mideast.

Sadie Slays

Oh, I believe actual prayer rugs have been found. It was the “Czechoslovakia” part of the article that sounded kooky–the country was dissolved decades ago. Which makes me wonder if “prayer rugs” and “Czechoslovakia” were code for something else.


Yes, that is suspicious. Don’t know where the writers were going with that.
On a separate issue, please see my correction to my post.


Actually, the last is a misstatement.
The largest group of OTM are Latin Americans from all over Central and South America, and the Caribbean.
The next largest groups are the Muslims and the Sub-Saharan Blacks.
Victims and/or perpetrators of Communism (ChiComs, N. Koreans, Vietnamese, Laotians, etc.) are also over-represented.

Concerned Virginian

OK —
WHY am I getting gut feelings about the El Paso and the Dayton shootings being PART OF a coordinated plan to DEFLECT the attention / education of the American people about the declass / indictments that are just on the horizon, PLUS making sure that OUR RIGHTS under the 2nd Amendment are chipped away at the SAME TIME with this hurry-up-pressure on The Turtle to pass that “common sense gun control” bill in the Senate?
PLUS the additional gut feeling that these two incidents are PART of an ongoing rollout of similar incidents?
And where does the “FRACTURED SHOULDER” that happened to The Turtle TODAY at his home figure in? Remember that “accident with the exercise equipment” that happened to HARRY REID several years ago? He was never the same since that happened to him.


Turtle – hard to “rush back to DC” with this injury?? (grabs at straws…)

Deplorable Patriot

With the right brace, so long as he’s not driving he can rush all he wants.
Let’s face it, the Turtle may well have been warned today. We just don’t know what is real and what isn’t without being a first person witness with zero media interface. It’s that bad.


Gut feelings are rarely wrong


I am going to respectfully disagree.
Distraction is the least motivation, as much as it is a motivation.
Things far deeper are the goal.
And it is not irrational, it is very rational, for what they want.


This shooting has all to do with getting Trump out of office. The is to close to salving and exposing the coup against him. They saw his success in Cincinnati and they need to get him out. What better way to get two idiots to shoot up people and derail media away from success and blame POTUS for the shooting. Remember these people are evil.


correction:solving not salving…eeek


Yup. Whatever it takes to derail President Trump. That is the stated goal. One or more “law” makers has said legal or not, Trump is the target.
Three shootings in eight days…July 28, August 3 and August 4.
While they target President Trump, great opportunity to chip away at the Second Amendment.


The turtle ,as I understand it, is a polio survivor with limited movement. This leaves him particularly vulnerable to falls and because of the osteoporosis that he would inevitably have as a result of his low muscle activity, the falls would cause much greater injuries. You or I would not be as likely to fall and would get back up and pretend nothing happened, he would fall for very little reason and hit the ground hard as he could not take defensive movements and his brittle bones would break like twigs.


Completely different tone to this press conference from Dayton than the one yesterday….even showing surveillance footage😳


IDK how Twitter works, but all the related hashtags for this have dropped out of the top spots


I don’t either but I see #trumpsterrorists is still top trending. @Jack is real worried about stoking tensions 🙄


It’s not in the top spot though….earlier the first 5 or 6 spots were all related🤷


It moves around everytime I refresh it,


I was wondering why Kellyanne Conway was top, I guess it’s because of the vicious reaction to what she tweeted, good lord.

Harry Lime

Meanwhile…the shootings happening daily in our inner cities goes on and on and on…all but ignored by the Democrats who run those very same cities and their MSM poodles in the press.
The headline over at communist run yahoo just now: Police Identify Dayton Shooter As Young White Male
President Trump shines a light on Baltimore and presto…two mass shootings…as if to say, no, no, no, the real threat comes from white males and their assault rifles…look over here…look over here…


Hey jackass is a kind of interesting site and spooky too

Harry Lime

I wouldn’t want to run that website…too depressing. I guess somebody’s got to share the information…the media and the politicians won’t.


Makes one wonder why all of a sudden the Democrats want an emergency meeting


Somethings been tied back to them.
OTOH David the little 🐷 from parkland is in Texas. Where he goes so do mass shootings……just saying.
Have a friend like that. Wherever she goes on holidays gets torrential rain or other awful weather. Wouldn’t go to the local shops with her


Hey wolf. Your thought on the screen shot I shared the other day? Jw in Germany ran with it , Gail said it was a real company. IDK. The dude who ran the little info banner across the bottom of the page would have to co ordinate it.


Strange that Hogg is now all over tweeter, and he was in Texas prior to the shooting.

Sadie Slays

comment image

Harry Lime

Kinda says it all doesn’t it…


excellent ^^^^


The irony in all this is the definition of mass shooting, meaning 4 or more people hit by gunfire.
Meaning (as Colin Flaherty documents) that black Americans commit 90% of mass shootings.
How many parties/weddings/funerals/cookouts are shot up each week?
The disparity in public broadcast is based on the indifferent spectacular as opposed to the mundane personal.
Motivation is the entire explanation of everything. We know the actual motivation in both cases.


Correction.Conervative, trump fanboy white racists


Sad fact–But more people are killed & injured montlyt in Chicago, yet now Democrats want everyone called bask from vacation to discuss gun control. On top it all what about our border crisis and other issues the Democrats have been neglecting.
At Least 4 Killed, 41 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago


Keeps getting weirder and weirder

Harry Lime

Here is another woman saying the exact same thing…
(relevant interview is from 1 minute mark and lasts for about 1 minute)


In beginning they were saying it was more than one …Same with Sandy Hook

Harry Lime

Seems to be a pattern…


even Vegas they were saying more than one.
Vegas wItnesses who kept saying there was more than one suddenly died too


Yep. Keep your trap shut. No talking to msm


scary out there

Plain Jane

Earlier this week I posted the hit piece on Q that was in Yahoo, earlier this week. Hmmmm.


PDJT at the airport…has already talked to AG Barr, Director Wray, the Governors of both states….a lot of work being done right now, lots of investigation, no place for hate, been going on too long and must be stopped. Will be making a statement tomorrow

Sadie Slays

[This was intended as a reply to Wolfmoon, but noticed that there’s a new comment page and didn’t want this getting buried, so I’m posting this as a new comment.]
Still waiting to see how this all pans out over the next few days, but on a gut level, these attacks just feel “different.” Two possibilities I’m considering:
1. Overall, it’s reminding me a lot of Charlottesville again (which also happened in August–“a traditionally HOT month”–according to Q). Charlottesville was a made-for-TV spectacle that gives the Democrats and media literal years worth of propaganda to push their overall agenda of starting a racial civil war. It’s obvious that their election strategy for 2020 is to turn the Presidential election into a mandate on “stopping racist Trump and his racist supporters.”
Bonus points for trying to take down 8chan and chan culture in general, which helped the President win in 2016 and where Q currently posts.
2. This is legit guerrilla warfare that are being downplayed as typical mass shootings. Remember the ANTIFA plans for causing trouble in El Paso? Apparently other Walmarts were targeted as well, but that got memory-holed. Anna’s tweets seem to be pointing to this, and I think the (strategic) silence from the Trump Administration and Q seem to be pointing in this direction as well.
Problem: I’m not sure yet how Dayton or Gilroy connects to the second possibility.

Harry Lime

I was gonna suggest that you bump that to the new page but I see that you’re on top of it. That’s some pretty interesting reporting. I hope that reporter stays safe…

Harry Lime

For anyone who missed it, I would recommend reading what Sadie posted at the bottom of the previous page from this same reporter. Very, very interesting.

Sadie Slays

I’ll re-post it here:
So remember this reporter from last night? The one claiming that there was more to the El Paso shooting than we’re being told?
The name sounded familiar to me so I did some digging. She’s the same reporter who, earlier this year, claimed there was “prayer rugs” at the border and migrants crossing into the US from “Czechoslovakia.”
Source: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/border-rancher-weve-found-prayer-rugs-out-here-its-unreal
Now you could easily say, “Obviously this lady is a kook and fake news.” Except that President Trump himself referenced the above article in a tweet.

The reason why I’m posting it here is because I believe these are (white hat) comms. And what we’re dealing with right now aren’t standard “distraction” false flags meant to temporarily disrupt news cycle.


She’s also the reporter who claimed no new border wall had been built. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/08/more-to-walmart-shooting-sources-tell-reporter-claim-of-second-suspect-killed-by-police-el-paso-chosen-for-a-reason-walmart-in-nearby-socorro-texas-abruptly-closed/
I hope the information she says she has will be brought to light. It’s hard to know what to believe anymore.
Giaritelli has traveled to El Paso and other border towns many times this year, covering the immigration story and developing sources. She was also the reporter for the controversial report last month that claimed no new borders walls have been built by President Trump.
The Trump 2020 campaign likes to say “finish the wall,” but government data shows they are misleading the public because no new fence has gone up on the border in the 30 months since he took office. https://t.co/H3IDm8TIRa
— Anna Giaritelli (@Anna_Giaritelli) July 20, 2019


I feel like Gilroy was a failed FF. Not enough dead. I read something yesterday somewhere about radicalizing…the same degree of total commitment is sought whether it’s a muslim jihadist or an antifa combatant willing to die for the greater good.
Granted most antifa seem to be weird pansy types only tough in mob situations…but how great it is if the rare nerd comes along that can be coerced into the ultimate sacrifice

Harry Lime

Don’t forget the Project Veritas tapes of Scott Foval and his merry band of mischievous minions bragging how they would recruit the mentally disabled to disrupt Trump rallies. And the story about the young man with schizophrenia who the FBl recruited to bomb a building just so they could arrest him for domestic terrorism.
I think there is a lot of truth in this antifa-jihadist commonality…right down to their choice of fashion. They can easily coerce this sacrifice from a ‘weird pansy type’ if he or she is psychologically unstable to begin with…which many seem to be anyway.


Rather than a coerced response, look at it as a sort of long term programming, more in the vein of the Manchurian Candidate.


WalMart is where Deplorables shop nationwide
Gilroy an outdoor food festival would be a spot for Deplorables to enjoy the day with friends/family
Dayton….? Unrelated to the others but lumped in for convenience?


Remember the smell of Trump supporters in Walmart?


Yep, sure do

Harry Lime

And then there was the Country Music festival…


Yes and those Deplorable children at various schools😢


“WalMart is where Deplorables shop nationwide”
Yes, but a Walmart in El Paso on Interstate 10 that is only 4 miles from the border is where Dreamers shop, whether it be those without papers who Dream of living here permanently, those who have papers, or those who live south of the border and are just here for the day, whose Dream is to get a good price on a new TV for their living room or a new set of tires for their SUV.
Cue angered response from Mexican government officials, already chuffed over Trump’s use of the tariff threat to box them into forgoing much of the bribe money they had been getting from Soros and the cartels for letting the Central Americans through.
“We demand the United States take steps to protect the lives of Mexican citizens within their borders…”
3, 2, 1…


I like this lady!!! She’s got guts!


Me too! Glad I came across her account


So – the Democrat mantra for 2020 is the same old ‘white supremacist’ line.


Twitter is such a cesspool 😒,


The left is a cesspool…or rather the contents of a cesspool.


Beginning to think the pics we’ve been looking at are him younger. His later pics show him to be rougher looking and thinner.
From the twitter that Heavy screencapped I bet he was proud antifa


The one in OH was a fan of Warren:
“The user, “@iamthespookster,” identified as a “leftist,” according to the Twitter profile. The suspended account tweeted in support of socialism, against the election of President Donald Trump, and in favor of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) for president in 2020.
Breitbart News obtained several screenshots from the account before it was suspended:”


Most schizophrenics are very thin if not medicated. They have difficulty with fat metabolism. Interestingly the brain is a big ball of fat.
Great book by David horrobin: the madness of Adam and Eve, how schizophrenia shaped humanity.
Startling insights / experiments on both schizophrenic patients and violent young offenders.


All these shootings are beginning to have the common threads… either mental illness or Islam (and Islam is conditioned sociopathy).
Remember the Charleston church shooting….and wasn’t there a similar one in Texas, the one where an older gentleman went after the perp with a gun?
The FL school shooting was a mentally ill teen who should have been locked up long ago.
The Orlando shooting was an Islamist who should have never been allowed in our country.

Plain Jane

I’ll say it again, we need a spreadsheet. It also needs to convey the initial press propaganda AND the real info.


The one in TX got the dishonorable discharge over domestic abuse and should not have been able to purchase a weapon. The AF (I think) never turned the info in as they should have done.


The Left remains confident they can say and do anything:


We have the best on our side. 😄

Deplorable Patriot

In the wake of multiple mass shootings over the weekend, President Trump told reporters in Morristown Airport before departing for the White House on Sunday that “hate has no place in our country and we’re going to take care of it.”
As The Hill reports, Congressional Democrats, 2020 presidential candidates and others have rushed to draw comparisons between the motives of the El Paso shooter and Trump’s immigration rhetoric and suggested he helped fuel the environment that led to the attack….
The president then added that he had spoken to Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, the Ohio and Texas governors as well as members of Congress.
“We have to get it stopped,” he said.
“This has been going on for years, for years and years in our country.”
He added that “perhaps” more needs to be done with respect to gun control.
President Trump: “I want to extend our condolences to the people of El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, they’re incredible people and they’ve been through a lot.”…
Trump added that he will deliver a formal statement on Monday at 10 a.m. Monday at the White House.


“He added that “perhaps” more needs to be done with respect to gun control.”
I watched this earlier and did not hear him say that 🤷

Deplorable Patriot

TVs are off at my house right now, but more being done with gun control could include loosening restrictions. Maybe not, but hope springs eternal.



Part 2


I hope he breaks the oars and punches a hole in the bottom of that boat.


2 scoops please!


And fill the creek with piranhas


We have to get what stopped???
None of this is about hate between shooter & victims. Everyone keeps talking about ‘hate’ including POTUS.
This is about mental illness and Very Dark Evil in the very entities that are supposed to be the good guys. I am SICK of the general population being blamed for this just because we are exercising our right to bear arms.
I’m starting to think no one is going to uncover the funding & scum that are running Antifa and their ilk. It’s like we’re in a war where only the bad guys can shoot !!!


Thanks Wolfie. 💖 I almost lost my grip on the roller coaster 🤓


Hold on tight, it’s probably gonna speed up and go backwards before this is done😉


the Dayton, Ohio mass shooter, was a self-described “leftist,” who wrote that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.”
Betts’ Twitter profile read, “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” One tweet on his page read, “Off to Midnight Mass. At least the songs are good. #athiestsonchristmas.” The page handle? I am the spookster. On one selfie, he included the hashtags, “#selfie4satan #HailSatan @SatanTweeting.” On the date of Republican Sen. John McCain’s death, he wrote, “F*ck John McCain.”
On Nov. 2, 2018, he wrote: “Vote blue for gods sake.”
“This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but that to kill,” he wrote in December 2018. And, “’Tis! The pistol is a Beretta 93R, called the REK7 in BO4. Do love me some guns!” He also wrote, “Hammer, brick, gun.” On Feb. 14, 2018, he tweeted this at Sen. Rob Portman: “@robportman hey rob. How much did they pay you to look the other way? 17 kids are dead. If not now, when?” That was the date of the mass shooting at a school in Parkland, Florida.
Virginia has declared a state of emergency in anticipation of the “Unite the Right” rally anniversary in Charlottesville this weekend,” he wrote: “Kill every fascist.”
more @


haha right!!??


They all need to be red flagged, psychos!


You know, that red flag thingy sounds pretty good….IF and that’s a big IF measures were in place to prevent abuse of it, but there aren’t, and probably won’t be, so that one also gets a NO


There’s no way to legally implement it here no matter the measures so more guns is the answer imho. Just saying that they’re the ones who’d qualify if anyone does.


Mental health exams before owning a firearm would certainly do the trick. But only if the exams are carried out by qualified military personnel.

Plain Jane

Those can be altered by those in power. It’s better to let DS climb into a more deep septic tank and withhold the waterwings.


Aubergine, Sorry. No mental health exams. So it then is up to a doctor, who by and large don’t like guns. Yea I stereo type, by I firmly believe it. Military doctors, recommend run fast and far from them. Dealt with enough Military medicine over the years. Not the cream of the crop.
Is this mental health exam annual? Who’s to say the gun buyer starts going screwy a few months after “passing” a mental health exam.
Then, what is the reclama to a quack saying, no guns for Billy Bob? Now, Billy Bob has been denied his Second Amendment Rights. Gee, he could hire a lawyer, if he has money. Pay court costs, I am guessing. Take time off of work…
When it comes to the Second Amendment, I really trust no one to determine who can own a gun.

Plain Jane



Who gets to decide who is loony?


No way! Not at all fair to put that on every single American citizen who wants to own a weapon!


Well, I waited to see who all would respond. I was really sort of joking. Just as I think Wolfmoon might have been not entirely serious. But maybe he was.
I don’t think everyone who gets a gun should get a mental health check. But I DO think if you get a mental health eval for other reasons and are adjudged to be “nuts” in some serious way, that should impact your ability to own a firearm.
As to who is capable of deciding, well I did include the military in my original, tongue-in-cheek remark.
I personally believe that our country should do what Israel does, and require ALL citizens to serve a couple of years. We could start now. I would serve in the National Guard as a clerk or something. At 54, I am still capable of that. And it should include basic weapons training. If the military thinks I’m too crazy for a gun, well….but all citizens would have “basic training” and some investment in our military. It would change everything, IMHO. State militias are Constitutional, and would be where to start, I think.


I have always thought that as well. I see nothing wrong with asking every American citizen to give at least 2 years in the service of their country, and it would instill some badly needed discipline and appreciation for our military.
I also agree 100% about those who have already been deemed “nuts,” but the health privacy issue rears it’s ugly head in those cases, unfortunately. Right to privacy vs. the safety of others…..a conundrum, for sure.
Personally, having known a few people with bi-polar disorder, IMO, they should NEVER be allowed to have a weapon. As long as they stay on their meds, it is manageable but all too often, they go off those meds and go on a rampage of some kind.


“Hammer brick gun” ..antifa for sure


His 15 min of fame are over….this does not fit the narrative and will be quietly filed away if we let it


‘On the date of Republican Sen. John McCain’s death, he wrote, “F*ck John McCain.”’
I think it’s nice that patriots and Satanists can come together and agree on one thing. 😄


NOT the literal F part. McCain was just another philandering a$$hole.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m curious, what other than FF and screaming racism with a dose of class envy does the opposition have to use as cover? I mean, is this the only way to change a narrative other than dropping it like a rock when the American people have the attention span of a toddler?
And how many sleepers are out there? How are they communicating? If NSA isn’t hearing chatter or picking stuff up, has someone toward the top wised up?
I mean, I’m all for waiting out the other side, but the longer this goes on, the more American impatience is going to rear its head.


A lot of the leftist comments are “cookie cutter”. Same comment, different names. I think this crap is delivered to them via their groups and they copy and paste. They already have a new hashtag trending about the Turtle🙄


McTurtle fell and broke his shoulder today, it was reported.


yes this^^^^^ they operate like a hive

Deplorable Patriot

Well, yes, but what other than FF are in the arsenal?
If that’s all the other side has to change narratives, we’re going to see something akin to the grand finale of fireworks on the Fourth of July.


Ever see a fireworks show get rained out? I think our VSG PDJT just might be a rainmaker 😁

Deplorable Patriot

I live in STL. I’ve seen more fireworks in my time….
And, yes, the riverfront fireworks have been rained out more than once. One year the barge they were to be shot from sank, too.


I understand the Dayton Ohio shooter used an AR-15 with a dual drum 100 round capacity magazine. In that regard, I’d say the police who ran toward him to take him out quickly were extremely heroic and deserve medals of honor.
Imagine someone pointing a gun like this at you in the dark of night:comment image


This is why it’s important for all police officers to carry shotguns and semi-auto rifles in their patrol cars. Handguns just don’t cut it when dealing with weapons like the above.


“Imagine someone pointing a gun like this at you in the dark of night:”
If there was no way to avoid it, I would rather see THAT contraption (100 round magazine) on the rifle than a standard reliable 30-round magazine.
Most magazines that I’m aware of that hold more than 30 rounds are notoriously unreliable, and therefore not recommended for self defense.
It’s ninja mall warrior stuff.


Some of the Chinese made dual drum magazines may be unreliable, but I’m sure there are plenty of U.S. made mags that are excellent, assuming the ammunition is correctly loaded. With a 100 round capacity, it wouldn’t be necessary for the shooter to reload for quite a while.
Check out all the yellow empty shell cones in front of the bar in Dayton. He got quite a few shots off in the minute or so he was shooting until the police took him out.
Skip to the 25:18 minute mark to see all those cones….


I don’t doubt that it can work, I’m just saying that a standard 30-round magazine, tried and true, battle tested and perfected over 50+ years, is going to fail a lot less frequently than some Rambo Mall Warrior device that you can turn up to ’11’, like a 100-round magazine.
So if there is no way to avoid the confrontation, 30 rounds is more than enough to kill you 30 times over. With a contraption like a 100-round magazine, at least there is a decent chance it will jam or otherwise lock up while firing.


I tend to agree with your philosophy.
But, on the flipside, this is not a one-on-one encounter.
With the big drums there is greater chance of a fail, but, if no jam in the feeding mechanism, the expectation value of number of civilians killed goes up.
And the big drum furthers the narrative. “Big scary things are available on the US market! Help Satanists, Anti-First Amendment activitists, and the Deep State make them all illegal!”


The Dayton killer managed to squeeze off 42 rounds in half a minute before the cops took him out of service permanently. I have little doubt he could have emptied all 200 rounds in those drum magazines if he’d had more time.


For sure. I’d take a 30 round or less for the reliability every time.


Most of the mass shooters who were killed by police were reloading at the time they were shot.


Most mass shooters aren’t exactly smart either


I’d even go out on a limb and say they are all mentally ill. IMO, anyone who would murder large groups of innocent, unarmed people has to be sick.


No doubt


That is exactly the right time to take a chance and take them out

CM in TN

They are more prone to jamming and are noticeably heavier making follow up shots less accurate, especially in the hands of those with minimal training.


His didn’t jam. He got 42 shots off with it until he was killed by the police.

CM in TN

I wasn’t implying that his jammed. Just putting it out there that they have more tendacy to jam.


I just finished watching the most recent Jordan Sather video. He was watching live as the TWO real El Paso patsy twister accounts were scrubbed.
He also saw when the NEW fake El Paso patsy twister acct went live. Which uses a photo of the GILROY patsy as the profile picture. He spotted it immediately.
Jordan was not sure if this was a professional phyopp or just an “average joe” making a joke.
Utub seems to be upset about the video…




Yes, mot2grls posted it earlier on the OT. Well worth watching


Wolf: I like this guy – you just might like him, too –
On El Paso
August 4, 2019
by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker
An armed man, wearing hearing protection, apparently walked into a WalMart and started shooting. The number of dead is unknown; there are reports of anywhere up to 18 dead and many more wounded, or 1 dead and 18 total shot. As with all incidents of this sort so-called “eyewitness” reports tend to be unreliable.
There was a heavy police and other federal presence in the area, perhaps because Antifa claimed to be massing there for some sort of “event.” Odds are there’s no connection, but you never know. However, it does certainly appear to have enhanced the speed of the cops’ response.
The city is right across the border from Juarez, Mexico.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


“An armed man, wearing hearing protection…”
What if it would be more accurate to state, “A young MK patsy, wearing a mind control headset …”


Is this a trick question, think? Now, you know they would never say that – LOL


“… had his image, from when he was playing a shooting game superimposed, on a Wal-Mart store entrance image …”
I’m not holding this out as truth, just saying I see no reason to trust what we are being told as the actual reality that those who killed or died in that store experienced.


I agree, think – I just thought it would be ludicrous if they told the truth – they are so busy changing the story at every turn – as usual – it is difficult to follow – this is a sick game – and – if this was pre-planned – even worse! We cannot seem to get any consistent coverage – because they keep altering it – why?


Exactly the conclusion I’m coming to.
Professionals that deal with the cameras as #1 priority.


Karl Denniger is an asshole. He is one of the original tea party founders. It wasn’t long before he was dissociated from the group when they realized it was his way or no way. So they told him cya.
I got banned from his site for having the audacity to ask about the people whose lives would be severely impacted by some tax policy he threw out there. It made no accounting for disabled people, as if they were simply collateral damage to a glorious future on his policy. I told him that was unacceptable and poof! I was divorced.
I think on his about page is a pic of him scowling at the camera with a middle finger extended. I saw that and said to myself, yep that’s perfect.


He definitely puts a spin on whatever is happening – and that makes one think – you do not have agree with him – just listen to what he is saying – to know what others are thinking – Thanks for the info, p! I just got a kick out of him…


This occurred to me earlier today.
Everybody on “our” side (conservatives and independents) KNOWS that ANY shooting of this nature is going to be used as an excuse by the Left to enact more unconstitutional gun laws.
Ergo, there is NEVER any MOTIVE for people on “our” side to do anything like this, EVER.
For anyone who appreciates firearms enough to actually HAVE one, the LAST thing that person wants is to be the REASON that everyone else’s firearms are being targeted by communist political hacks (again).
So whenever some useful idiot goes on a shooting spree, I know it’s not one of ‘ours’.
And if it’s not one of ‘ours’… then who does that leave, that he belongs to?


Let’s also keep in mind this is a presidential election season. The Dem clowns are climbing over each other to get in front of the TV cameras so they can denounce President Trump and clamor for more gun control laws. Gotta keep things in perspective.


That’s 100% correct imo.
I truly believe there is some down deep antifa connection to both El Paso and Dayton. Dayton for sure but the manifesto from El Paso shooter is chock full of lefty rhetoric and posting it drew a laser line to anons and Q both hated entities of antifa….and those pulling the antifa strings and the ones supplying $$ to them.


Excellent perspective!


Great meme in the replies…comment image


We already know over 50% live in gated homes/communities with security all around.
Majority have full time security and some of the newer politicians put themselves out there then they also get security.
Go to any of the rallies and security is very noticeable..H3LL bet with the new batch of candidates that their security is a good percentage of their audience .
Here’s how Congress is protected
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/here-s-how-congress-protected-n772296 via @nbcnews


I couldn’t Believe it when I learned that APRIL RYAN (Miss Piggy 🐷) has a personal body guard. Hmmm…reporters of her high (snort!) caliber must make a lot of $$$ to afford personal security.


Make a bet Hogg has security….Do know when they did their rallies after the Florida shooting you could see a slew of security around them.


They want protection with guns, yet citizens cannot protect ourselves against all the criminals they breed and create with they venom.
Remember helping at a Rick Santorum rally. We go to meet him after..Dang the security is a bit scary–they all had at least two guns..Have a feeling they probably had a 3rd someplace else on their body…Ones I saw were one at waist & one on a shoulder harness. If coats closed you wouldn’t see them.


Saw and retweeted this one earlier too, love it.


Wolf, I don’t look at American Thinker much these days. (Too interesting here!)
But this article on the day after THREE FF Events stinks to high heavens of a cover-up. Written by a phychoanalyst.

Plain Jane

This sounds exactly like a Paddock version of season 1, episode 19 of Person of Interest. Specifically a psych paper on the Elias character.
Thank you for posting T3, I enjoyed reading it. Interesting but I don’t think it can be that cut, dried, and fit to Paddock. But then, I don’t have a doctorate in the human condition. Hee, hee.


Why post it NOW? Why offer a pat answer to how he could be so normal and functional and then do something like this.
I’m going to say this writer was PAID to give a pat answer so these people seeing new FFs go back to sleep and won’t tie together all the inconsistencies with LV, Pulse, and on and on.

Plain Jane

You are spot on. So sorry I missed your main point when I first read your post. As you can see, In my response, I stumbled all over myself to politely ridicule the article, not realizing you already had.
I am surprised, but shouldn’t be, that it was in American Thinker.

Plain Jane

Oh my, I cannot believe I missed the main thought of your comment T3 when I wrote my comment. I was trying to be polite when I wrote. Yea, you are correct…it was a cover-up, and the article sucked.


Did you read the comments? No one is buying this psycho-babble.


Diamond and Silk score a direct hit


I hope the following site hasn’t already been posted. Has lots of good info…is a longer article. https://www.nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/presidents-and-mass-shootings


Interesting article. This paragraph spells out a response which makes sense, this Huff lady has a completely reasonable reaction. FTA:
One shooting in the Bush administration, however, would have an impact on his son’s presidential ambitions. In October 1991, a disturbed man crashed his car into a Luby’s restaurant in Killeen, Texas, and began shooting. The man appears to have specifically targeted women, killing 15 women and eight men during his rampage. One of the survivors was Suzanna Hupp, later a member of the Texas House of Representatives. Hupp normally carried a .38 revolver with her but had locked the pistol in her car before entering the restaurant in compliance with the law at the time. Without access to her gun, she could do little as the shooter shot her and killed both of her parents. Angered by her helplessness, Hupp pressured state lawmakers to pass a law that would ease the granting of concealed-carry permits for qualified individuals. While Texas governor Ann Richards opposed such a policy and had vetoed similar provisions, new Texas governor George W. Bush — elected in 1994 — signed the bill into law in 1995. A year later, Hupp ran for and won a seat in the Texas legislature.


Yes yes and HELL YES!! (I gotta learn how to do bold characters)


Lol, I knew you wouldn’t take long 😆 Thank you


You forgot [u]underline[/u]


It should.
All this stuff is old-school html-by-hand stuff. Much of it has been masked-off by site-hosting (for instance, blink……which is really, really, really annoying).


Looks like “not here”.
Wolfie could probably configure it to work in the options, but as of now…….nope.


IIRC, it’s angle-brackets around a b before the highlighted material, and angle brackets around a /b after the highlighted material. On some sites, it’s square brackets instead of angle-brackets.
But you have to be really careful and considerate to avoid unnecessary irritation of owners and mods.


👍 yes, I’ve seen how annoying it can be sometimes. Never here of course! 😬


Or Never here I should say…


YAY!!! and thanks Wolf and chalupa, between both of you I was learnt!


One question…..what does OT mean? My next comment is that I don’t EVER believe the DEAD shooter should EVER be included in the number of fatalities, innocent lives lost. They belong in another column of evilness.


Sorry, I used OT earlier to refer to today’s Open Topic thread. Often it refers to conservative treehouse and means Over There or Other Tree as well I believe, at least in my mind.


I think of it as “old tree”.


Ahhhhhh, that’s good too


Sometimes I think of it as the second to last refuge…


I think I may have started it – OT means “over there,” i.e., CTH.


interesting piece on the Dayton shooter
Connor Betts: Twitter Posts on Being a Leftist, Guns


Surprised they allowed that much info out there on this creep. Sounds totally antifa


I still find it strange that so many are trying to blame it on Conservatives..


It occurs to me that the call to not name or picture these mass murderers (Fox News the latest) makes it much easier to fool the public.


President Trump says we’re going to address mental illness. Meanwhile mentally I’ll leftists go mental, geez. Here’s some new outrage for y’allcomment image


“Millions of Americans are battling mental health & do not carry out gun massacres.”
And millions of Americans own and carry guns and don’t carry out massacres. Why take their means of self-defense? No one has the right to do so.


I don’t think anybody’s guns should ever be taken away. If someone needs to be institutionalized there needs to be a way to get them help. Believe me, I’m down in Denver a lot and there are some schizos that shouldn’t be allowed to roam around hassling and threatening people who are just trying to live their lives. Pretty sure the massive drug epidemic isn’t helping a lot of people’s state of mind either and officials here are hell bent on instituting safe injection sites for drug addicts. Yeah, a lot needs to be addressed with mental health imho. And I don’t know what the hell is going on with these strange mass murders, a lot isn’t adding up and the shooters appear pretty mental to me. It sure as fuck isn’t White Nationalism , the NRA or Trump supporters!


Seems fitting my passage for today, actually all of Psalm 37 is worth a read.
Psalm 37: 7. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. 8. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. 9. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. 10. A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. 11. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity. 12. The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; 13. but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming. 14. The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright. 15. But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken. 16. Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked; 17. for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous. 18. The blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care, and their inheritance will endure forever. 19. In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty. 20. But the wicked will perish: Though the Lord’s enemies are like the flowers of the field, they will be consumed, they will go up in smoke. – Bible Offline


Thanks, Driller! Very appropriate today.

Sadie Slays

Media is now using a different picture of the El Paso shooter. Probably cause too many people started asking why the first picture looked nearly identical to the Gilroy shooter.comment imagecomment image


8chan going away??


Vicious sonsofbitches. I hate DS.


I think these mass shootings are another DS way of getting back at us, too. They probably get a sick satisfaction in carrying out warfare on innocents.
The President is quite right that the perpetrators are cowards, and I’m not necessarily talking about the patsys.


Looks like CodeMonkey is on it:


Apple has banned Lifesite News for being intolerant….

Deplorable Patriot

Unreal. Looks like the next step in the war has been activated.

Plain Jane

Here is the Yahoo article from August 1 trying to nail Q and the Chans..
It is complete with a video and music, butas it comes up today, I don’t see it mentioning the Chans. Plus it seems to be a longer article than I read on my PC on the 1st.


What crap!


“Broader conversation” is code for depriving us of our rights.

Sadie Slays

Cloudfare is cutting off service to 8chan at midnight PST. Anons aren’t sure if 8chan will survive.


I hope they had a contingency plan.

Sadie Slays

If all else fails, Q can go back to posting on 4chan where all of this originally started. We’ve migrated multiple times before and we’ll do it again if necessary.


I can’t stomach much of the gunk on the chans, but I’m still glad they are available.
I remember Wolf saying Q would probably be going away at some point. Sucks that it may be forced rather than a choice.
I also wonder if it’s DS trying to flush Q out.

Sadie Slays

The chans became a huge target as soon as the 2016 election revealed how their meme-making and truth disseminating was more powerful than HRC’s billion-dollar propaganda machine. /pol/ has been on a steady decline ever since due to heavy shilling and comp’d moderation. I suspect this latest threat is all part of the larger censorship and deplatforming campaign against anyone and anything that might hurt the DNC’s chances of winning in 2020. They’re locking down all “problems” now in 2019 before the Presidential election goes until full swing.


I think POTUS will win reelection no matter what, but this censorship must be dealt with.

Sadie Slays

Codemonkey maintains 8chan and claims they’re migrating to a new service.

Meanwhile, I’m currently unable to post anywhere on 8chan. My posts just “hang” and there are no new threads on /qresearch/. Hoping it’s just temporary.


I wonder what will happen to all the Q-posts?


Maybe you guys have already seen this but here it goes:
8chan could go offline tonight, as Cloudflare says its pulling its support for site
From CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan
Cloudflare, a San Francisco-based company that was providing internet infrastructure services to 8chan that was helping keep the site online, announced that it would stop providing support for the website.
“The mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio are horrific tragedies,” Matthew Prince, Cloudflare CEO wrote in a blog post Sunday evening.
“In the case of the El Paso shooting, the suspected terrorist gunman appears to have been inspired by the forum website known as 8chan. Based on evidence we’ve seen, it appears that he posted a screed to the site immediately before beginning his terrifying attack on the El Paso Walmart killing 20 people.”
Law enforcement officials in El Paso are investigating a document posted on 8chan that they believe was written by Patrick Crusius, the shooting suspect.
8chan is among the more than 19 million Internet properties that use Cloudflare’s service, according to Prince, who wrote 8chan was sent notice that they will be terminated as a customer effective midnight PST (3 a.m. ET).
“The rationale is simple: They have proven themselves to be lawless and that lawlessness has caused multiple tragic deaths. Even if 8chan may not have violated the letter of the law in refusing to moderate their hate-filled community, they have created an environment that revels in violating its spirit.”
The announcement was an about-face after Cloudflare told CNN earlier Sunday that it had no plans to stop providing its services to 8chan.
It is possible 8chan may still be able to stay online using a Cloudflare competitor.


CloudFlare comes across as the “good guys” as in, we will block all the malicious stuff for you. Prevent DDoS. Not let servers from our blacklist reach you.
Losing CloudFlare means losing that layer of protection from bad actors, including state actors.


I can’t post either, Sadie. It probably has to do with moving elsewhere.


comment image
This subject gets me worked up in case you guys didn’t notice.


Me too. I’m so damned sick of it.


Good! I hope a lot of people are too.




I see what you did there with the bold type. This is a test an experiment. Also testing to see if underlining works.


Nice! I’m [strike]not sure[/strike] don’t know that I can do anything [i]besides bold[/i]


Aaand a fail lol


Google, Cloudflare, akamai, Apple, Twitter, Facebook……all grew fat on unpoliced monopoly power and outright subsidies — and, now, they’re coming out as tools of the Deep State. Each should be fined 50% of their market value to finance conservative twins……who can buy new hardware at current market values (e.g. $25/Terabyte) instead of what the original socialists paid ($100+/Terabyte).


I can go with that. 😄

Deplorable Patriot

With the exception of the roots of Apple, back 40 years ago, they were all probably alphabet from the beginning.
What is the big challenge is that the DS runs all the communications platforms we, “the rebellion” are forced to use. It’s an achilles heal of sorts.


Note also that CloudFlare is building an entire new internet backbone that is “better.” So patriots will be the only ones left in the cheap seats.

Deplorable Patriot

The view from the bleachers….



I like this woman — she fights!


I was watching her on YouTube before she got huge, fell in love immediately 😍


Me too, Driller!
I stumbled upon some of her first vids and have been a fan ever since.
It’s like…’our little girl’ has come so far!


It is kinda like that. She’s great!


I’m still reading through the first page of comments but the thought hit me that both shootings are the same.
The El Paso shooter traveled 700 miles to off his sister for some unknown reason AND covered it with a mass shooting so the sibling rivalry part wasn’t obvious.
The Dayton shooter did the exact same thing absent the long drive. He off’d his sister and covered it by shooting a whole bunch of others. Sister’s boyfriend also was killed.
I’m waiting until I find that the EP shooter also killed the boyfriend of his sister. If that turns out to be true, I will not be surprised.
What I cannot figure is why. What could those sisters have done / could do that was such a threat?
Is there any factual connection between the two killings, other than some kind of Shooter script?


Not only have I heard about it from several sources but it’s referenced on the first page of comments.


I cannot find what I am certain I saw. My deepest apologies. If I do find something, I will post it.
I am sorry.


Which comments, Pgroup?

Sadie Slays

comment image


I’m thinking that the El Paso shooter traveled to El Paso to be a part of the big Antifa gathering there.
Something triggered him to go into shooter mode…that is, if he actually did the shooting.
Who did he meet with when he got to El Paso?
Where was he staying?
What medications is he on?
Did he spend hours and hours playing 1st-person-shooter games?
So many questions.


Yes…and Yes.
I think the whole thing is suspect.


If Crusius had a smart phone…then his GPS locations would be on it, right?
So the good guys should be able to see where he went before the shooting.
I’m hoping that our white hats are all over it.


And white hats, red-pilled on DS, Anti-FA, Mara Salvatrucha, etc., are following the leads?
I so want the network to be rolled up, and the truth to come out!


This Q post site is still up:
Which is good! 😀


At least POTUS tweets still getting fed on site Wheatie mentioned, just not new Q posts.

Deplorable Patriot

Frustration rearing its head. It’s starting to get to people. There’s a handful on this board, and I’m about there. How many have to die before the truth is exposed? What still has to happen before VSG just tells the nation what’s going on behind our backs?

Sadie Slays

The Dayton shooter belonged to something called the Central Ohio Socialist Rifle Association. In now-deleted tweets, they low-key expressed supported for the mass shooting. Archives to deleted tweets:

Sadie Slays

Conservatives have been warning about this for decades. The Left wants to take away our guns so they finally genocide anyone who disagrees with their Communist ideology.

Sadie Slays

Wayback Machine recorded the obituary in 2014, so the obits don’t appear to be new at least. Not sure what to make of it. The whole “sharing an identity with a dead person in Connecticut” reminds me of Hussein, honestly.

Sadie Slays

I’m convinced “Brenton Tarrant” was a fake name intended to create a subliminal connection to Quentin Tarantino and his violent films.
Anyways, Anons found spook connections to Dayton shooter’s parents, but I didn’t get a chance to look into it further. Maybe tomorrow (if the news cycle allows).

Sadie Slays

Interesting Q proof/POTUS connection:comment image


El Paso Shooter’s Father Was a Therapist Tied to John of God

Where We Go 1 We Go All
Published on Aug 4, 2019
…and other inconsistencies that may point to a much bigger story


President Trump knows this is a MENTAL HEALTH issue…He said so in his brief presser.


The father is a real piece of work – how could a father do that to his son – he is a really sick man! SMH programming his son to commit murder – total evil!


Dunno about MK – but, he studied the pseudo-science of Psychology – it is dangerous to the health of normal people who are told lies – prescribed drugs for made-up diseases – think – power of suggestion – and he has been sick (on meds) for many years – this is a man whose mind has been altered through psychotropic drugs, wolf! – he has never been in his right mind!


Hypnotism is only one facet of MK Ultra – but, yes – exactly – not to help – but, rather to manipulate – control – there is something very strange about the sister and her boyfriend being targets – I agree with all you have presented – these people are sick!


If he was questioned – I wonder how much he remembers – suppose the answers are still locked away!


Sometime ago, it was said the brain was the ‘last frontier’ – I do not think this was the purpose of learning all we could about the brain – I thought it was to enhance healing from brain injuries not to cause them – not to distort or destroy that which makes us human.
Our President is not only fighting the Deep State – he is fighting evil entities – as we all do on a daily basis – some have eluded to this in their analyses. These entities are not even human – they may look human but, they are not.
Insidious is too mild a word to describe the evil in this world in our present day – one would have to be other-worldly to take so much pleasure in death and destruction. Creepy – yes – but, pure evil.
I take comfort in the fact that God is in control – that so many people prayed and are still praying for our president and our nation – while we know how this story ends – we must live everyday knowing there are those who would like nothing better than to destroy what God has blessed so abundantly.
Peace Be With You, Bro.


Most welcome, wolf –
Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
King James Version (KJV)


Yes, it has been said that psychiatric diseases run in families – however – just think – if you are on drugs all of your life – what does that do to your seed? Drugs mutate your seed! I studied this pseudo-science for many years – and I argued with doctors and assistants who were trying to convince me – their diagnosis of a person I knew was credible – I wiped the floor with them! It is they who are the crazy ones – needless to say – I abruptly concluded my studies and did not go into the field. It is a highly manipulative pseudo-science.


Oh, and by the way – it has been said the diseases (i.e., depression) skip a generation – why? Dunno – maybe – because not every family member is affected – or enough time has passed for the drugs to be flushed through the system – hence, system and seed are purified – for a period of time – and the cycle begins again…


Active Shooters and Psychotropic Drugs
Posted on July 20, 2015 by Active Shooter Prevention Expert


Very interesting…yes – genetic trait inherited – for sure – could it be dominant or recessive?
And…of course, it was described – early on – as a ‘chemical imbalance’ – and the drugs were used to correct that imbalance – or so they claimed.


[Original Content] MK-ULTRA: The CIA’s research program into ‘Biological Behavioral Engineering’, AKA Mind Control. PART 3: Hypnotism
Hello friends! Welcome to part 3 of the MK-ULTRA series, as we travel deeper into the rabbit hole and see just how able the CIA was able to exploit hypnotism for the purpose of mind control. All sources are cited in the comments.

[Original Content] MK-ULTRA: The CIA’s research program into ‘Biological Behavioral Engineering’, AKA Mind Control. PART 3: Hypnotism
by u/Three_Letter_Agency in conspiracy


So wolf – was this kid hypnotized?


Agree – too many of the ‘active shooters’ had to have been through some programming and drug intervention – remember the ‘eyes’ of the ‘joker’?


During our discussion, I could not get the picture of him sitting in the police car looking so lost and forlorn – like he had no idea of what just happened – I felt sorry for him – he was used – and now – his life will never be the same.
I do not know how many people were killed by three men dressed in black and masks – I saw no bodies – no funeral vans – no ambulances – no injured.
There is no ’cause’ – just satan’s evil minions roaming our country trying to stir up trouble – their mission is control – satan lost his control when he was kicked out of heaven – he may be ‘prince of this world’ but, he is not KING!


I think so – very comprehensive, too.

Sadie Slays

8chan is down entirely.


Not surprised – what THEY wanted!

Deplorable Patriot

Q said to expect this. I guess this means the cloud companies are DS, essentially, or can be controlled by them.


Found this over at the WeAreTheNews site, Sadie…
It gives instructions on how access 8chan:
Change DNS from Cloudflare
———— From the article:
If we go down, try different DNS providers until you get one that gives you a response other than a 104.18.104.X or 104.18.105.X – these are both Cloudflare.
Some DNS providers:
CleanBrowsing – and
Verisign –
AlternateDNS – and
AdGuardDNS – and
—————– [More info like this at the article.]

Sadie Slays

Thank you, Wheatie!


Wolf…I think I’ve figured out Why the Leftist Cabal is Trying To Create Chaos.
How do you get a free people to embrace Socialism and surrender control over their lives?
Socialism is about Control, right?
Answer to that question:
You make people think that they ‘deserve to be controlled’.
You instill self-loathing.
Then you create crime and chaos.
You make people so exhausted from it…that they will view the control that is offered with Socialism as the only answer.
The Left has been sabotaging Capitalism and blaming it for all of the ills that they themselves have been creating.
Now, they are trying to create chaos and blame it on capitalism.
They have been programming people to think…”humans are bad, we are destroying the planet”.
This has all been to get people to finally think, “Oh yes, we deserve to be controlled.”
It’s diabolical.

Gail Combs

Here is a bit of history to think about when looking at false flags.
Wolfie Posted yesterday on the open thread:

StarProphet (PBUH)
@Lilj @HankRearden
If the FBI is willing to openly destroy evidence and attempt to overthrow the President of the United States… then the FBI is most certainly willing to plan false flag attacks.

Followed by this from anothe commenter:

Hank Rearden@HankRearden
court docs: it was the fucking FBI that used bleachbit and hammers on the hillary’s phones, not platte river or the lawyers

From Gab: *https://gab.com/HankRearden/posts/102553122013367260
I wanted to do the history of US Citizens & their Cinstitutional Rights vs the FBI & Fed government to put these False Flags into a historical setting but it expanded…
So here it is in segments.

Gail Combs


Linda Tripp Breaks 20-Year Silence, Condemns Hillary Clinton Candidacy

….In 2001, Tripp told CNN Host Larry King that Hillary Clinton pressured the late Vince Foster, former deputy White House counsel, to resolve the Waco standoff problem in 1993. Former House Waco investigator T. March Bell charged that Hillary pressured Attorney General Janet Reno through Deputy Attorney General Webb Hubbell to initiate the attack on the Waco compound in 1993 that left 86 people dead, including children. Bell charged that Hillary orchestrated the action because the Waco standoff was dominating the news….

Barr documented the conversation in his 2004 book, The Meaning of Is: The Squandered Impeachment and Wasted Legacy of William Jefferson Clinton. Although his book is primarily about Clinton’s impeachment, it does include a chapter about the Waco hearings. Barr describes the conversation in detail within that chapter:

The extent to which federal law enforcements stuck together to protect their own regardless of right and wrong was also quite disturbing. The most vivid example of this phenomenon occurred one morning before a day of hearings on Waco. We were scheduled to question some of the agents responsible for the events that occurred at Waco. I was convinced — and still am — that some of these federal officials had falsified important evidence.
When the phone rang in my Washington office that morning, the voice at the other end of the line belonged to Bob Mueller, now the Director of the FBI under President Bush. I knew Bob from his service in the Department of Justice while I served at the United States Attorney in Atlanta. His message was clear.
“Bob,” he said, “Don’t go too hard on these guys. We know most of them and they’re good people.”


Here are a series of interesting comment for those who did not follow the WACO TX FF. (Back when BB was not troll infested)

archer52 • 2 years ago
I watched that unfold. The FBI was tired of waiting. The Clintons moved the day the polls switched from people being sympathetic to the people inside the compound, to “Get this over with”.
This was another attempt by the ATF, the basta** child of the federal government, to “prove its worth” by a high profile arrest. The FBI, like in Ruby Ridge, had to come in and clean it up. And like Ruby Ridge, were made to look incompetent. And like Ruby Ridge, got people killed.
I wonder how true the story will be. Will it have the sheriff telling the ATF he could get Koresh any time and they refused to let him? Or the fact the informant INSIDE the compound was told by Koresh that they knew the ATF was coming and to go and stop the raid. Which he tried to and was rebuffed by the commander on the scene?
Or that House Congressional investigations discovered cover ups and missing evidence? (Which is why you much always have a split government! We would have never known any truths if the dems had the House)
Koresh was a nut, but he was a small nut in a big state that the STATE police should have handled. Funny thing is back then the ATF was excited to go after their “weapons cache” as a big deal, and after two terms of Clinton, two terms of Obama, there are single people out there who have gathered far more than the collective amount by that group! Good job liberals.
AbleWitness • 2 years ago
I wonder if they’ll include: Former Secret Service agents (had guarded Clinton family) sent in in first wave shot dead by armor piercing ammunition of recent issue (civilians could not have obtained such ammo) — bullet entries were from behind them. Doors to compound taken away due to bullet holes telling a different story than the “official story”. David Koresh often left the compound without being armed and could have easily been arrested during one of these trips (the religious fellow weekly went to a bar to drink beer). The firearms “found in the compound” did not match the firearms that Koresh had purchased; the semi-autos were government “throw-downs”. Waco was a government murder-fest.
Guest • 2 years ago
the door is gone..it never made to evidence..its just gone.
it was the sole piece of evidence that verified the initial event.
Fred762 • 2 years ago
U R the only poster to mention THAT little fact. I read about that years ago: Only 4 fed guys died in the initial ‘raid’ and all 4 were former bodyguards to the Clintons during the 1992 campaign. I have a video of them 4 guys climbing onto the roof and going in thru a window..then another fed fires his MP5 into the window and then grabs something off his belt & throws that same ‘something’ into the room(looked like a grenade). Seemed real odd way to “clear a room” to me.
The 1st raid was questionable at best…bks 1. there was a FFL licensee in the Davidian group, so BATF could have simply gone there un-announced at any time to investigate worries about illegal(un-taxed) machine guns. Also, 2. Koresh was known to visits the local town w/o guards, & often..why not arrest him there for possibly having sex (like muslims do today btw) w under-age girls? 3. TX Dept of Social Services had previously investigated the child abuse” charges and found nothing.
During FINAL raid: Also on a video you can see the FLIR images of several guys firing full-auto into the REAR of the house, while the Bradleys start the fires in FRONT. There’s about nothing that makes a ‘stuttering flash’ except full-auto gunfire on infra red film.

And don’t forget RUBY RIDGE: straight from the horse’s mouth: https://www.rubyridgetofreedom.com/index.html

Gail Combs

VERY much so.
If you look at the rest of the information I cite, generally it is the Constitutionalists WHO LOSE…. And the Cabal, generally with the same bad actors, is in control.
I am amazed at how often the same names come up again and again and again through out the years.

Gail Combs

HENSHAW Hogs Massacre in Virginia
Unfortunately the NONAIS site no longer exists. Here are a few excepts.
Some critical point to understanding this FF
#1. The Pseudorabies EXCUSE was BOGUS and easily proved BOGUS. There should NOT have been lively piglets running around with that disease!!!
Merk Vet Manual “…The clinical signs in pigs depend on the age of the affected animal. Young swine are highly susceptible, and losses may reach 100% in piglets <7 days old. In general, signs of CNS disease (eg, tremors and paddling) are seen…."
#2. APHIS Pseudorabies Eradication plan WAS NOT FOLLOWED

Our State Vet in Vermont sent me the link for the APHIS Pseudorabies Eradication State–Federal–Industry Program Standards.
Two points that I can see that VA did not follow.
*Official pseudorabies herd-cleanup plan: A written plan to eliminate pseudorabies virus from a swine herd. This plan is (1) developed by an official pseudorabies epidemiologist in consultation with the herd owner and his or her veterinary practitioner, when applicable; (2) mutually acceptable to those parties; and (3) approved by the State animal health official. [HA! They failed that one]…
Henwhisperer — October 5, 2006

#3. Normal protocol WAS NOT FOLLOWED! Oh and Danny is FORMER LAW ENFORCEMENT,, a former police officer who’d done undercover narcotics work.

….I am a retired magistrate and am having a real hard time getting my head around why Danny was arrested to begin with. Rather than a warrant a summons could have been issued which would have given him a court date and not required his arrest. Also, second class misdemeanors can be permitted (sign for with promise to appear on a certain date) or not permitted which require an arrest and being taken to the magistrate for a bond hearing. What was said to the magistrate to make this type of warrant be issued is very perplexing to me….
barbara jean pryor
Comment Barbara Jean Pryor — October 3, 2006

Gladstone, Virginia: “I am sitting here at 1:00 am, and trying to figure out what has happened to our little farm. Last Tuesday morning at 5:30 am a Game Warden arrested my husband on a Class 2 Misdemeanor for having a mammalian shooting enclosure without a permit. That was followed by agents from the USDA swooping in (9 different vehicles) and beginning the slaughter of our hogs. It is almost one week later, and it is still going on. We have 24 hour armed surveillance, we are not allowed on our preserve, we are not allowed to do our own testing, and they have killed 2 of our pet hogs that we had in a totally separate pen [separately deeded property not on warrant]. We are in shock. My husband has had a hunting club for 11 years and out of the blue, our lives have been taken over and our rights taken away. WE are being treated like drug dealers by the agents. The Game Wardens are stunned at the way this all happened and have said they have never seen anything like this. Even one of the USDA’s agents from Ohio said he has never witnessed anything like what is going on here Any advise?” Cindi Henshaw
A quick update…
The USDA is STILL here on our property. After 3+ months they have not been able to kill/catch the 100 pigs on our 100 acres. Mind you, this is our governments’ finest. They have sent special trained sharpshooters in, used professional catch pens and had over three months…and are not able to get the job done. [Remember these are supposedly SICK PIGS…]
Our patience is run. Danny asked wehn they would be off our property and they couldn’t answer. Mr. Antsey said that the pigs had not been as cooperative as they had originally hoped. (Darn those uncooperative pigs…) So, we are still the unhappy hosts to our government. As we all know by now, they can do whatever they “deem neccessary”…..
So, just for posterity…the USDA and their cohorts took over 7 months to end their command of our personal property. We, of course, must continue to pay our personal property taxes on land that we had no rights or access to.
Danny is still not home. He is trying to work very hard to make up for all the money we have lost in property, attorney fees and now, restitution for the hogs the government “paid for” during the sting. Please keep us in all your prayers.
Thank you, Cindi Henshaw


…While we were talking to Norman, he pointed out the laws that were sited on the original warrant. ( there were several quoted on the original papers) and Norman found, after a great deal of study, there was no law at all that pertained to this case, especially how it was carried out with no notice or warning to correct the problem, if in fact one existed. Basically the bottom line is Danny was convicted on laws that do not even exist. SO MUCH FOR JUSTICE….
My personal thought is this: The Powers to be, can take any written law and mold it to suit their own purpose, especially when they know that the way this whole event was carried out, was WRONG. Even the Deputies outside the Courtroom (Sheriffs) agreed that it was all wrong and should have been handled a lot different, too late for that HUH?
Moral of my story ; Just my personal opinion
TAKE A DECENT HUMAN BEING, WHO HAS NO RECORD OF ANY KIND AND TURN HIM INTO A CRIMINAL…ALL because a bunch of BIG BROTHER’S Agents decided that Danny Henshaw was breaking the law, by owning a Hunting Club, and set out to make an example of him. This event was set up as a training session for those involved, for future raids….
Comment Becky — March 4, 2007

Source: http://nonais.org/2006/09/29/henshaw-incident/
There was also MAD SHEEP another story of MAJOR overreach by the USDA. Again NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE but the herd and lives of farmers destroyed by government.
Video is an interview with Linda Faillace, author of Mad Sheep

Gail Combs

And the more recent history.
LaVoy Finicum & the Bundy’s BLM overreach

…The sheriff also criticized the FBI for failing to place the agent and his fellow Hostage Rescue Team members on paid leave after he and investigators traveled to FBI headquarters over a year ago. They briefed the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, now acting director, about their findings and potential criminal liability, he said.
“Today’s indictment will ensure that the defendant and hopefully any other HRT members will be held accountable through the justice process,” Nelson said.


LaVoy Finicum shooting: FBI agent faces 5-count indictment
Report: Obama Operatives Bragged About Grinding Ranchers Face Into Gravel
San Bernardino

… because his initiative was deemed politically incorrect and shut down by the Department of Homeland Security’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties division.
“They came into the National Targeting Center, either physically or through emails and correspondence, and said that we could not develop cases based on association with Tablighi Jamaat, and/or any Islamic group,” Haney revealed.
He charged this decision, which runs counter to the very purpose of the Department of Homeland Security and its charter to demolish the wall of separation between law enforcement agencies, was made because “this Administration is more concerned about the civil rights and civil liberties of foreign Islamic groups and foreign nationals than securing the freedom and security of the American public.”
…Haney said his superiors actually erased some of his files pertinent to the case, because they insisted the initiative had “gone in a different direction” and he was no longer authorized to add his data….

Remember when they left the San Bernardino shooter’s apartment unsecured and the landlord let the press rummage through everything unimpeded? And then did the same in Los vegas?
FBI agents returned to search a house in Reno owned by Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock after local police told them that someone had broken into the home over the weekend.
Man at N.M. compound trained kids for school shooting
Jihadist Compound in New Mexico is Bulldozed.. why?
Somewhere I read that they also bull dozed the Los Vegas site, destroying evidence.

…This FBI-generated smoke screen has occurred during the watch of FBI Director Christopher Wray and his Las Vegas Field Office Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse, a disciple of Andrew McCabe…

Break-in at Las Vegas shooter’s home in Reno confounds police

Gail Combs

Wolfie says on the first page:
“… I don’t want to believe it, but I can believe the “Holder faction” would do this. …..”
This, in my opinion is the BIGGEST problem people have. They can not believe THEY ARE THAT EVIL but they have proved it time and again.
All you have to do is read the Statistics for Democide: DEATH by GOVERNMENT
Since the Banksters took over the banking system in the USA in 1913 and FUNDED COMMUNISM the death toll is 262 BILLION

DEATH TOLL …262,000,000.
Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5′, then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century.

comment image
As far as I am concerned the Malthusian idea of ‘overpopulation’ is used to CONCEAL the real reason. The Elite do not NEED a lot of servants cluttering up the place and possibly rebelling. Or as Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation bluntly put it during an interview with Audubon magazine.
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
– Source: The book You Don’t Say, by Fred Gielow, 1999, page 189.
Overpopulation is central in all of The Club of Rome’s activities. Three books were important to their message, Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb (1968) and Ecoscience: Population, Resources and Environment (1977) co-authored with John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar, and Meadows et al., Limits to Growth, published in 1972.
Overpopulation is also central to the Green New Deal, Gore Bull(shit) Warming and the IPCC mandate to find HUMANS GUILTY of harming the climate and earth.
And if you STILL do not believe these EVIL PEOPLE HERE IN THE USA WILL KILL… This is about Obama’s MENTORS Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who were active in 1970.

….In recent weeks, a number of websites have posted text, audio, or video of an interview with Larry Grathwohl from the 1982 video documentary No Place to Hide: The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism by the Western Goals Foundation. I worked on that video as a researcher and went undercover into some of the terrorist groups and their support networks. Larry Grathwohl was one of the experts/witnesses we interviewed for the documentary. He had been undercover inside the Weather Underground and had worked closely with Ayers, Dohrn, and their fellow terrorists….
In No Place to Hide, Grathwohl explains that the Weathermen actually believed that they would be successful in overthrowing the U.S. government and that, with the help of the Cubans, Chinese, Russians, and North Vietnamese, they would occupy America. Americans would have to be “re-educated” in camps, similar to what the communists did in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and other countries they had taken over. Here is one of the chilling revelations Larry Grathwohl made in the film:

I asked, “Well what is going to happen to those people we can’t reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?” And the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated.
And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers.
And when I say “eliminate,” I mean “kill.”
Twenty-five million people.
I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.


The USA population in 1970 was 203,392,031 so that is a little over 12% that translates to 40 million people today.
Do you really think these Communists graduating from Columbia, Harvard, Yale, Stanford and other extreme left wing Universities would hesitate in killing a few hunderd DEPLORABLES to further their goals?
A Los Vegas concert likely to draw Deplorables. The Walmarts wher Peter Strzok said he could SMELL the Deplorables.


This afternoon I checked online for Q news. I got response that my computer was not able to connect with 8 chan servers. Anyone else?
So I scooted right over here, saw no mention of problems. First up, found two fave posters, wheatie and wolfmoon. Der Voolfsmooon has written a concise, cogent and comprehensive explanation for the foundation difference in human societies and civilizations as they grow into goodness for many or toxicity for all. Mr 1776, this piece deserves more readership! Could you share with other websites or news outlets? Idk, Ace, American Thinker, Youtube essayists? Thank you.
And Gail Combs! You made me recall all the horrible things that kept me in travail for decades, with horrors in my stomach and heart, pleading with God to save his America. For yes, we are His.
Do I support Donald Trump? Oh to absolute victory, with public justice delivered to all the government deep state and every plotter who cooperated and assisted in their attacks. O God, magnify our better deeds,




OANN cable broadcast now outing Ohio shooter as a socialist.
He twitted Rob Portman with an accusation that Portman took money (presumably from the gun lobby) to look the other way regarding, ironically enough, gun violence.
OANN also saying 8Chan (the board that hosts the Q drops) and Gab are being criticized in Congress and elsewhere for hosting radical speech and sympathy for the ideas of the shooters.
Haven’t finished the thread yet. My bad if you guys already know all this.


Cloudflare also abandoning 8Chan.


I wasn’t sure where to post this, it has some interesting information about the shooters and one of their connections to the “John of God” character who was promoted by Oprah, until he was discovered to be a child trafficker.
I don’t know how many people here are familiar with the “You Are Free” lady, but this is one of her videos. I try to catch them at least a few times a week during dinner. The first few minutes is thanking sponsors and other ‘housekeeping’ stuff, then she gets to the news.
I’m not convinced of all the things regularly speaks about (I’m not convinced of all the things just about anybody speaks regularly about), but she is certainly sincere and seems to be a very kind soul with access to lots of current information streams and research, and she discusses many of the topics we talk about here almost daily: