We ship big and heavy things all around the world. A brief explanation about how the process happens, and hints about how to throw a kink in the works, might be helpful since we’re all talking so much about international trade.
When we first started shipping, I was a clueless bump on a log. I wanted to buy marble and glass tiles for our swimming pool/outdoor kitchen without paying retail…….. and that’s how my little company started. We knew what we wanted, but the tiles were $112,000 (BEFORE installation), which was crazy and would never happen. By the time we were in business, the tile ended up costing about 7K, and we saved 4K on the marcite finishing. Not bad, eh?
Yet, I had no idea where to begin. I approached the Small Biz Administration – don’t waste your time. They sent me to the FBI, for background and licensing to import/export. Therefore, I went through a vigorous background check with FBI but it was unnecessary….. because I was only importing, and sometimes, I only moved items between other countries (never touching USA soil). Finally, I called Maersk and wanted a shipping contract. Fortunately, I got a hold of David, who was forced to stifle his laughter and took me to school on shipping….. Should have called David, first.
In a math equation, we can solve for an unknown variable rather easily. For a shipping contract with Maersk, I had no idea how many containers I would import, no idea which countries they would go to, or come from, not even one specific city within the USA (different clients, different cities). For instance, a steady route from Hamburg, Germany, to Charleston, SC, twice a month, is a steady and easy calculation for a price. But I was way too erratic, Spain to Pakistan, Egypt to Los Angeles, Chennai to Montreal, and China to Minnesota. The best choice for me was to allow people on the OTHER side make arrangements and Maersk would act as my customs house for clearance of Docs and Fees.
Didn’t like giving up control, but I had no choice. That’s when shipping became very interesting.
To clear a container into the USA (most countries), a series of documents are required.
A. Commercial Invoice – what I paid for each item, quantity of each item, and weight.
B. Certificate of Origin – which country the material came from (China, even if the material was originally mined in Iran/India/Brazil)
C. Fumigation Certificate – More important than one can possible imagine. No weird bugs or seed pods allowed into the USA.
D. Bill of Lading or the Exporter’s Customs Declaration – What the OTHER side claims they are shipping and indicates ownership of the goods.
E. Optional, Certificate of Insurance. I always buy it.
When the factory is finished with goods, they tell me about it, and they deliver the goods in a container to the export zone, awaiting loading onto a ship. I make the purchase FOB (Freight on Board), which is safe for both parties. It means the Chinese company cannot keep the freight (because it’s on a ship), and I have to pay for the freight, otherwise the Chinese company will not give me the documents to clear the container in the USA.
All the doc’s have to match, and when the container arrives in the USA, we pay appropriate customs duty. The container is cleared and a turned over to a freight shipper (either on rail or truck) to a larger metro area. If shipped by rail to Memphis (my closest metro), I have a choice to clear customs in Memphis. The container is unloaded from rail, giving to a truck, and delivered to me. Four hours maximum to unload, and the container goes back to the terminal. Rinse and repeat.
Shipping can be booked and paid for on the foreign side (which is best) or sent “collect” to the USA – strangely most USA companies ship “collect”, because they get the time lag on the money for payment of shipping expenses. About 2/3 of the containers Kohler ships are shipped collect. It makes no sense. We book shipping on the foreign side because paying for it on the other side guaranteed space, let me ship faster, and the whole thing was cheaper. Think about how much a collect call used to cost more than a regular call, it’s the same with shipping.
Shipping certificates can alo be purchased, which means I would guarantee 10/20/100 containers per month/yr from point A to point B, and gives us a better price. Shipping companies like the customers who buy certificates because it helps them plan better. Think about it. Delta Airlines would give Haliburton a discount if Delta KNEW 50 seats would be taken every Sunday night from Dallas to DC, and to return every Friday afternoon back to Dallas. Arrangements like these help companies plan their ships and airlines to make commerce easier. And yes, the guy who shows up at a Delta Airline ticket counter, last minute, paying cash, is charged a higher rate.
All kinds of containers can be “booked”. Containers can be 20′, 40′ long, closed top or open top, refrigerated…… or a whole ship can be booked for large blocks of stone placed on a cargo deck, or an oil tanker or liquids tanker can be rented quite easily. Twice in my life, I’ve had OPEC oil contracts cross my desk. Pretty wild for a lil’ girl from Mississippi. Minimum buy in was about 7 million dollars a month. No thanks.
Here’s where the hiccups happen and how the customs process of clearing a container can be misused and/or work to the benefit of a particular country.
Example #1. – When I shipped a sample to China from the USA, I would ship it via DHL or FEDEX. If China’s customs did not like the idea of an American shipping a sample, it would take 6 weeks for my “mail” to clear. Imagine an American President ordering FedEx, UPS, USPS, to examine every package from China for fentanyl….. and imagine what that would do to commerce from China…… yeah, imagine that one……
Example #2. If I send a piece of marble, 12″x12″x3/4″ thick to China for matching, it costs me about $270, via USPS. If China sends the same item to me, it costs them about $40 (same imbalance from India by the way). I understand this is because of China’s advantage in designation as a “developing country”, with WTO. It means our post office is subsidizing the extra costs. No specific source confirmation, but it’s common knowledge in our industry. It REALLY makes American biz owners angry. At one point, sample shipping was about 12% of my total expenses. The imbalance hurt our little company.
Example #3. When I was the new guy on the block, every container I had was “removed for exam”. An X-Ray exam meant my little container was culled from the process and went to another building to be X-Rayed. Cost to me was about $250 and took another 3-7 days, typically, depending on how busy the port was. Now, imagine a US President who orders inspections for all Chinese containers, or higher penalties for docs which don’t quite match up…. imagine how long the line would become at the X-Ray machine…… yeah, we can see it now.
Example #4. I had one container in 15yrs which was culled from the line for an “invasive exam”. It happened to be a container of my own. Thank the heavens, it was not for a client. This meant US Customs officials cracked the seal on my container, opened it up, removed the items, and checked it all. The process was infuriating. I had installers, crews working, waiting on delivery. The cost to my business was horrible. Our generous schedule was “torn asunder.” It took about 3-4 weeks extra, and ruined about $5K worth of goods (which had to be replaced) because of all the shifting and repacking. Imagine if a US President ordered a thorough exam for every container from China……. yeah, the waiting line would become very, very, very, long…… and American companies would deem goods from China as unreliable.
Example #5. Over the years, we developed a reputation as problem solvers for other companies, especially when it came to shipping. One guy called me with the following story. He shipped a container of specially cut granite for 69 individual customer’s kitchens (imagine 69 people calling him to complain about the delays), but the container was stopped in Seattle because a “moth cocoon” was found, allegedly with larvae inside. Customs wasn’t sure about the cocoon and had to “send it out” for testing. The container was moved to quarantine and sat there for 3 months, accruing daily charges. The “moth cocoon” was preserved, while buyer and seller argued over charges. Eventually, the whole container was sent back to China, where it sat in their customs yard for another 3 months, because no one wanted to pay the $78K of Daily Customs charges to legally clear the container.
Until the owner of the company resolved the dispute, he was banned from importing. That’s when I got the phone call for help. I called Seattle and, long story short, it was not a moth cocoon. The shipper wanted to save the $400 fee to fumigate a container and said they packed everything in styrofoam. Well, we all know, stone is usually shipped with treated wood, in pallets, so it raised the eye of the local Customs guy in Seattle. He ordered the container opened and found what he “thought” was a bug, which was not a bug at all. We also coordinated on the China side, sent my guy to negotiate release of the container, charges were only about $12K, and container shipped back to USA. Eventually, the 69 people in Ohio got their new kitchens, ….. about nine months later.
Now, imagine if all containers were opened and questioned for bugs, moth cocoons, or maybe…. fentanyl residue, etc. Can you imagine the logistics nightmare, containers stacking up, which would develop? It would be sooooo easy to do……..
Example #6. The longshoremen on the west coast went on strike. It was horrible and cost the US economy about 42BILLION dollars. Ships waited offshore, unable to dock, and had to be continuously refueled. God only knows what happened to containers filled with produce, meat, or grains. The longshoreman have the ability to slow-walk or quick-process as they choose. Yeah…. it would be easy to clog China’s pipeline.
Example #7. I’ve received many phone calls from quarry owners in Turkey, all over the Middle East, Africa, who beg me to help them. The Chinese are at their doorstep, knocking. Because of preconceived notions, they think I am the wealthy American (Dallas soap opera reruns), who can save them. The Chinese leave them penniless and ruin their land. It’s very sad.
Example #8. My head guy in India is actually from Sri Lanka. We worked on the flooring for the Colombo airport expansion together. Today, radical Muslims and the Chinese are targeting the port of Colombo, as a new version of Singapore’s mega port. Transshipment mega-ports are incredibly important throughout the world. The 94yr old “King” in Singapore told China to screw off on a 20 billion dollar expansion, so China has turned their attention to Sri Lanka. And in this way, China surrounds India. Not cool.
Example #9. When the USA calls – things move. It’s true. Forget the media and how much they hate the USA, when someone calls from the USA – shit starts to happen FAST. Hey, I was surprised, too, but it’s true. The USA is still, very much, “Big Daddy”.
Strange Tidbits Learned Along The Way
- You know that “new clothes smell” when you buy something new from a nice department store? Yeah, it’s the smell of fumigation = pesticides. It’s not enough to kill you, but you might want to make sure to wash baby items, new sheets, and sweaters before wearing them.
- The EPA effectively killed marble granite production and mining in the USA. For 15yrs, clients and I have pounded vodka/beers/bourbon, trying to figure out how to bring the industry home. Take a guess how we all voted in 2016?
- All other countries already know about China aggressive attitude and all other countries have already taken steps to counteract China and protect their own manufacturing. IRAN has a 40% tariff against China. Brazil has a 35% tariff against ANY foreign manufacturing – 18% goes to the Federal gov’t and pays their version of social security and 17% goes to the states to pay for municipal expenses, like police. Turkey has an 18% tariff against all good manufactured in China. Surprised???? Yet, America is supposed to be the bad guy?
- President Trump is absolutely correct about trade imbalances and LACK of our manufactured goods being allowed into other countries. If I ship a DeWalt saw blade to Brazil, it cost me about $60 here. By the time my guy got it in Brazil, it cost about $100. Yet, for me to import a whole container from Brazil, about $20K, I only paid 3.9% customs duty. Our trade deal with Brazil is NOT reciprocal…. and you know how many people have Brazilian granite in their kitchens????
- Raiding natural resources. China was paying for blocks of tea rose marble to be mined illegally from a UNESCO site in the Philippines. The land adjoining the UNESCO site was gifted to a friend of Ferdinand Marcos (remember Imelda and her shoes?). The “friend” turned up dead, killed by locals, with his hands and penis cut off. He was buried and dug up AGAIN, and propped up against his grave. That was a wild few months but point being…….. China doesn’t give a damn about natural resources or environmental protections.
In another example, similar to #4, an Egyptian quarry owner became a good friend. He had 9 quarries, and even named a new one for my son. Hani and his family had a processing facility with Italian machinery, accepted for export specifications in Europe. Over the years, we endlessly discussed China raiding Egyptian quarries, and Egypt NOT taxing the Chinese when they took blocks out of Egypt (both Turkey and Iran tax China for removing natural stone BLOCKS). The people of Egypt needed the money and food, it was during the Arab uprising. AND via Chinese gov’t subsidies, Chinese factories were able to process and sell Egyptian stone cheaper than Egyptian manufacturers. Sound familiar?
Wait ’til you hear this one, though. Hani loved the USA and we talked all the time. He especially loved American muscle cars. On one order for me, he did a particularly good job and I wanted to send him a thank you gift. Hani was ready with a list of desired American products. He wanted 8 pairs of Levi jeans, American t-shirts, American leather belts, and a Texas Cowboy hat. I laughed but understood. I bought all the items and sent them to Hani —- it cost him $800+USD to clear customs in Egypt. Again, bad trade policy between the USA and Egypt —– it’s insane.
Special Topic, Trade with Italy and France, and to some extent, Germany and the UK.
More than anything, the Italians and the French infuriate me in our industry. The Italians and the French operate as the pimp, to the beautiful whore we will call Iran. The country of Iran is rich is natural resources, oil and marbles, onyx, carved fireplaces and columns, beautiful things. The 1979 USA Embargo was a big fat Christmas present to the Europeans. The Europeans did not stop doing biz with Iran, only we did. We embargoed everything from Iran, save caviar and Persian rugs, so the Europeans became the middle men to the USA market.
Two generations of Americans have been paying the middlemen in Europe. MAJOR, big-time Cold Anger. I can’t stand them, the middlemen.
Every day I see marble, granite and super-fine Onyx shipped from Iran to Italy and France (to some extent China). The Italians and French cut it, polish it, and sell it to the Americans for obscene prices. The French and the Italians WANT the USA to fight with Iran. They make a fortune. Truth is, the best carvers are in Iran…. and let’s just say…. OSHA is not supervising the job site.
To a significant extent, the German economy was BUILT with an advantage in industrial manufacturing because the American manufacturers were prohibited from doing business in Iran……. which explains why the Germans, French, Italians, and the UK are screaming about NOT being able to do biz in Iran.
Makes more sense now, doesn’t it?
When we think of Italian marble, we probably think of white Careera marbles. Yet, very few marbles actually originate (are mined) in Italy. For instance, I have a list of 89 different white marbles sold from Italy. Yet only 6 of them are different grades mined in Italy. The rest are imported as blocks from all over the world to La Spezia (mostly) and cut/shaped/manufactured in Italy….. then, resold. Yet, as China progresses, they have significantly threatened this industry in Italy.
It’s in the best interest of France/Italy/Germany (and minor player UK) to keep the USA and Iran fighting with each other. We should never forget it. And if lil’ ole me in Mississippi understands the problem, we can bet, for sure, President Trump REALLY understands the problem.
The problem of imbalanced trade is personal, frustrating, and makes no sense at all. The stupidity makes me want to throw things. Weekly, we see the unfairness on the ground, in our battlefield trenches, and make no mistake, it’s a battle royale. It make my eyes narrow, and the cold anger, oh yeah, we all feel cold anger down to our toenails.
I’ve often joked (not really joking), 12 of my girlfriends could strike better trade deals for the USA. To someone like lil’ ole me, a man like Lighthizer, let alone President Trump, are our country’s heroes. Finally, we are fighting for fairness on a world stage. And when we get the money worked out, we can afford to be generous, domestically.
To a man like President Trump, who has far greater experience in arena of international trade, we can bet it’s quite personal for him. He’s been looking to settle this score for decades. And now, he’s settling the score for ALL OF US.
Go get’em, Boss!
Wow, all that awesomeness . . .
. . . and not one mention of Greenland!!!
I could mine the hell out of Greenland. More precisely, “I know a guy” who could. It’s all so frustrating.
Thank God for computers to keep up with all of the “Guys” you know
Rolodexs could not keep up with the associates of Daughn.
What a WEALTH of KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE Daughn brings to this Tree.
Aww, don’t give me the big head.
You know Rayzor, I could ship you the equipment and you could be in charge of Greenland operations.
Between all our buddies in Q Tree, we could have Greenland prosperous in no time flat!!
Thanks for the vote of confidence…..
But I need a warmer climate to work in
…. you’re such a cool lady Daughn …

OJT is the hardest but best training … and if there’s no other option the School of Hard Knocks …
It was fun. I learned so much, OTJ, you’re right. My girlfriends had no idea what I was doing, until I started to hire them. Then, they became weird geopolitical experts overnight. So much growth. We have no idea what we are really capable of doing to pay the mortgage.
WOW. Very impressive. Really starting to see how the Euros have protected their special “mad dog whisperer” status with Iran. THERE’S YOUR MACAROON. Leveraging his “in”.
He’s long overdue for a serious butt kicking, smarmy itty bitty punk …
I’d settle for someone ripping that tiny toupee off his grape and throwing it in the street.
Oh my

You could sell tickets
for that … $$$$$
I would prefer throwing him in the streets in the MIDDLE of a pack of ANGRY Yellow Vests….
Heck I would settle for gently placing him on his feet in the middle of a pacl of Yellow vests and let the French take care of their own problems.
Indeed! “Go get’em Boss!”
Been there, done that, love your descriptions and anecdotes. Now explain a Carnet in a way that doesn’t use “massive corruption” like I would.
Incidentally, I once worked for a US Corporation that was founded by an Israeli research group and continued to maintain partial Israeli ownership. We had annual multi-page census forms that were just nuts: “Tell us about every discussion you’ve had with an Israeli” — errrrr, they own 30% of the company and are the source of the core technology……we need to record every time a software engineer calls Tel Aviv to verify the parameters of a function call?
Help us liberal arts types with your cryptic reference to “Carnet”. WTH?
Had to look too.
>Carnet Definition. A Carnet or ATA Carnet (pronounced kar-nay) is an international customs and temporary export-import document. It is used to clear customs in 87 countries and territories without paying duties and import taxes on merchandise that will be re-exported within 12 months*.
We never used it, great loophole for inventory taxes though.
See there, we learn something new every day.
Thanks Para59r and Cthulhu
Oooh. Carnet….
I had a real adventure one time driving through from France back to Germany in the mid 1980s on a biz trip for a Laser company I worked for. I was responsible for all their computers, software, apps, apps training, etc., and I would periodically go from site to site in Europe to speak with manglement and the users, doing a site health check, as it were.
Unfortunately (for me) on this trip, a sales engineer had preceeded me through this border crossing by a couple of hours (but had finished his “extra” paperwork only minutes before I got there), without having a Carnet to cover all the (very expensive) laser kit he had with them.
They were ready to dissect my car (and me, probably) after what he’d done. Fortunately I was able to prove that I had nothing to do with that person, and that what little kit I brought with me (OS tapes, manualy, etc.) were covered witha pro-forma invoice. No collimation tools, etc. for me. But yet, Carnets made life “interesting” especially when they weren’t part of a normal days’ work. Talk about “chilly con Carnet”…
Oh, and the joys of CoCom…. moving computers around Europe, making sure there wasn’t too much copper in the boards, too fast CPUs, etc., etc. Those were the days. My son’s iPhone probably has a faster CPU than those HP3000s of that day
Excellent lesson Daughn. Thank you for the explanation. Now all the extras at the G7 make more sense.
This was very informative. Thank you. I learned a lot.
What I found especially interesting is the statement about France and Italy wanting the US to war with Iran because they make so much money. Would love an expansion on that so I can explain it better to others.
Thanks so much for the morning class, Dalphn.
Let me use my own industry so I can be more specific and compare pricing.
For instance:
The USA has an embargo against Iran, we can’t buy anything from Iran except a carve out for caviar and Persian Rugs.
But Iran has beautiful things, and Americans want them. The USA is still the biggest market in the world.
Everything else has to go through a middleman, and Italy/France are usually the middlemen. Germany and UK are a little different.
Let’s stay on Italy and France for right now.
We had a job where I needed 10′ tall 12″-16″ white onyx tapered columns. They’re gorgeous and at the time, it was the most expensive material on the planet.
If I bought them in Italy, they were $28K a piece (and that’s my wholesale price).
If I bought them in Iran, they were about $1500 a piece.
And frankly, the Iranians have been working on stone a little longer than the Italians. Their carving, if you pick the right guy, is breathtakingly beautiful.
Well, in this way, the Italians and the French are just merchants, they charge what the market will bare. They are the pimps, making money off the effort of the whores who do the real work — but Iran can’t get access to the USA market and the Italians and French like it that way.
Smart move WOULD HAVE BEEN, to call my Chinese guy, have him purchase the columns in Iran, ship to China, and then ship to the USA.
In fact, I ended up buying gorgeous China origin “Red Agate” columns, more ornate, for about $600/each. Now, keep in mind, someone like me would be a supplier to Walker Zanger, Kohler, Arizona Tiles, and they mark up materials significantly — as the middleman in the USA….. but they have to pay for fancy showrooms, samples, marketing and distribution. I don’t.
I was so happy with the red agate columns, I went back and replaced the wooden columns on our side porch (which had to constantly be painted and replaced every 10-15yrs) and bought white marble columns.
They sure are pretty…. and they will never rot.
Wooden columns were about $400/each. The PVC styro columns were about $260/each. The REAL marble ones were $685 each and they are spectacular.
Another widely known example is travertine.
Travertine, in the stone world, is the cheapest of all stones. It’s regarded as $hit stone. Yet, do you realize how many min-mansions in Texas have travertine foyers at their entry? Stone people from overseas laugh about the stupid Americans who use travertine and “paste it all over their homes”.
But here’s the key.
Overseas, travertine is largely used OUTSIDE, because it is so cheap and a cost effective choice for big spaces.
The brownish Travertines come out of Turkey and Iran, but went THROUGH Italy and France, and were sold as “the in thing” to Americans.
Millions of containers of travertine were shipped to and installed in the USA.
The French and Italians made a fortune.
But I live in the American south. The sun is way to strong here for a beige or brown stone…… so I bought the very best WHITE travertine, which only comes out of Iran.
In Italy, the price for white travertine is about 4X’s the price for beige, about $12/sq ft at the time, and I wanted special sizes = more expensive.
I searched for a better price.
Bought it out of Dubai….. and cool to the feet. I had it cut into “8 X 4″ pavers instead of the standard 12″x12″ or 18″ x 18” like everyone else. That means, my pool deck is not “period dated” like a beige builder mini-mansion in Texas or Atlanta. It will never go out of style. Cost to me was about $1.80/sq ft.
Remember what SD said, “There are trillions at stake”.
If lil’ ole me can figure a way around the merchant in Italy and France, they lose BILLIONS upon BILLIONS, just in the trade out of Iran.
The reverse is also true in sales TO IRAN.
Think about industrial machinery, tool and die, hand tools, assembly lines, manufacturing, equipment to move the earth. These are areas where the USA companies are strong. Yet, with an embargo in place, Germany had almost ZERO competition to sell to Iran for decades.
Good gig if you can get it, eh?
Knock off your best competition?
France got all the deals for AirBus because Boeing wasn’t allowed.
Renault got the cheap cars and BMW/Mercedes got the high end.
See what I mean?
Consistently, we see the Europeans, and even Japan to some extent, happy as heck with an Iranian embargo by the USA.
Think of Iran as a single market. Like a state of California for the Middle East. The USA cannot do biz in Iran……… but everyone else can sell to Iran. AND resell Iranian products to the USA.
It’s all about the money.
That dovetails into the sort of things the Dutch Financier Ronald Bernard was doing. Helping evade embargoes and bans by shifting money through questionable channels. And this same crowd weren’t just trafficking money…
The beginning of the video below has a great description of what these “brokers” do and how they manage to do it…
Look at the video of Dutch Financier Ronald Bernard, and how he finally could take no more when he was invited to a meeting where there would be a child sacrifice!
When all this starts getting prosecuted (and needs air-tight cases), no (or few) other investigations or prosecutions will be needed, as most of D.C., royalty, many government and top power figures, as well as probably all of Hollywood will be taken down. “Randy Andy” of the British Royal family is known for his escapades: how many more are there?
Here is a description of the “power” behind the “power” of the elites. It also explains the DEMONcRATS support of abortion and other murder. The Cult of Moloch/Baal still exists, and is practiced at the highest levels of government (e.g. the Klintoons) and business (cf the video contained in this link).
The whole video is very informative and well worth watching. The part about the “meeting” is at around 24:30 minutes in.
It’s in Dutch, but the English subtitles are excellent, and accurate.
Yes, powerful video. Strongly recommended.
Okay, you’ ve Sold me…i’ll Take 3 white onyx columns, about 1200 sq ft of the tile and we’ll go from there! Your price, of course!
BTW, when I lived in Venezuela, tavertine was the flooring through the upper income houses and there were young girls employed to do nothing every single day, on their hands and knees, but clean the travertine floors.
Thanks for the examples…get it now. Always about the $$$$. Actually, isn’t this somewhat like POTUS is trying to do for the UK when they leave the EU?
Ohhh wow, the more native coral type travertine, coming out of the Dominican, found in Venezuela was gorgeous, and much lighter.
What’s also making sense is Potus is signalling to all the little guys, and I suppose the big ones, to gtfo of China. The boom is coming down. The Fentanyl bust. Only a fool would think the Chinese had all their eggs in one basket. There’s other shipments and the delivery to NON drug users is in place. (Prev post on this).. targeted delivery to cities water supply, military bases etc simultaneously would be devastating. We need narcan in every home and massive stocks in responders hands.
The Chinese may think that with enough dead or dying in key locales that they will push the us to a tipping point.
The soybeans. They need to pay in full or lose the sale. I’d rather they lost the sale, even if the us had to buy Brazil’s crop. Let them deal with social unrest and a sick and starving population. Same with pork. They wanna play hard ball show them just how fucking hard it can get.
Agreed. Once they blink, don’t ever let up.
Potus is trying to get as many American businesses out from under the hammer because it ISgoing to drop. China no longer faces taking the knee, it’s looking at biting the pillow with even less attractive options further down the track. This is NOT the time to take the foot off their throat.
Yesterday, FLEP posted the Banon interview, which is excellent, and worthy viewing.
In the interview, Kyle Bass and Bannon were talking about the Chinese LOCK ON CAPITAL which was instituted in November of 2016 (timing?).
American conglomerates CANNOT get their money (billions) out of China.
But like the Jews in nazi Germany or the white South Africans
But like the Jews in nazi Germany or the white South Africans. The Jews had a saying the suitcase or the grave. And even poor families had an escape stone(diamond/gem)
That Bannon interview was indeed worth viewing. This lock is effectively an expropriation of US assets in China. They have already given up their intellectual property in order to get into China, with the hopes of being able to make above market returns over time. They cannot sell their assets because either (1) China controls everything of importance and so without Chinese approval they have nothing to sell and (2) often they own minority interests.
And, I would note, recall that repatriation was a key component of Tax Reform, which was being debated at the time. This lock was a preemptive move intended to make Tax Reform (and hence PDJT) less likely to succeed.
We recall the famous story told in Business School #101, about Coca Cola in India during the 1970’s.
Coke was welcomed to India with open arms. They built a bottling facility investing 750 million dollars (lot of money back then), but they had a problem with water quality.
Coke was forced to build another facility for water purification used in the production of their soft drinks.
Well, as soon as the water facility was completed, the government confiscated the factory…….. under the guise of “clean safer water was better for all”.
Sound familiar?
Sounds like Warren and Bernie?
One would think the lessons of the past would be remembered.
I was thinking more of forward orders. Tome Potus is signalling in big flashing letters do not order, do not ship from China. To avoid the scenario you described with goods on docks or ships waiting to unload/ pass customs
That’s what I took away from it also.
After reading your explanation, I just realized what a SQUEEZE President Trump put on Companies manufacturing in China and shipping to the USA.
This series of tweets ALL make a lot more sense now:
IF China STEALS US Corporate Assets in China and ‘nationalizes’ them….. WELLLlllll Turn about is fair play isn’t it?
And just HOW MUCH does China have invested in the USA?
How much in US Bonds???
President Trump can certainly escalate a LOT more than just tariffs.
Gail — Daughn and I got into this a few days ago. China holds about $1.123 trillion our debt. I suggested we offset this debt with back royalties; daughn said we should apply an offset for the gold we gave them in WWII, and then we got into reparations for dumping and currency devaluation and fentanyl…
Yes I remember that conversation which is why I said Trump can certainly escalate….
(I try to read all the comments)
Completely, I mean COMPLETELY off topic. Someone has proposed that sex dolls be regulated so they can’t be hacked to kill their owners……..??? Htf is this any different to wives?
Wow. Regulation on sex dolls.
If they can hack smart cars to kill you when you t least have some attention to the road……
For robot dolls with vagina dentata.
Does this mean they all have to be named Lorena?
(OK, off to my corner I go…).
You guys are on a roll.
I believe that was grevious bodily harm, not murder. Men might disagree
… I was thinking .. real women/men can potentially kill you … but you now have the high tech option for your sex doll to also …. kill you …. yeah that sounds fun … heh heh ..

Only people who’d enjoy a modicum of safety would be … programmers/learn to code .. bwahahahahaha
And what if someone hacks the sex doll?
Now we’re really in trouble.
… wait …
…. you mean like …
…. ewe
.. talk about getting caught with your pants down ..

……….. CHINA
Let the buyer beware … BWAHAHAHAHAHA ..
Thank you, Daughn, for another EXCELLENT article.
I was always curious to know more about this subject. Now I DO.
Much obliged.
This is definitely worth reading a second time. Thank you.
Okay, so, in my travels to sing, three times I’ve been to Italy. Tuscany, Venice and Rome (and, yes, I will go back any day of the week and twice on Sunday) (have a story about La Spezia the night before a train strike). One of the things we all like to do when over there is shop. For example, every time I’m in Florence ( la bella Firenze), I buy a silk scarf (three to date), and get a good look at the leather goods the guys from Africa are selling on the street. Technically, it’s all illegal, and when the the police are in the vicinity a series of signals makes the goods disappear into big gym bags.
I was in Pisa with a couple other singers one time, and we got to talking to a guy selling Guicci watches for 15,000 Lire, and what he said was just about all of it was produced in Senegal (former French colony) in exactly the same factories with exactly the same workers as what the designer stores carried. The difference is that the stuff being sold on the street is off the books. It’s made after hours. It’s also MUCH cheaper, no duties, and if you don’t keep the box or the receipt, wear it home, and customs in either place has no proof of anything. You do have to pay cash, though.
Actually, I have a little black purse that just about every woman I know asks, “Where did you get this?” and the answer is a street vendor in Pisa. 35,000 Lire in 2001, or about $17. Cash.
Now I get why.
Are you sure we’re not related?
First time I understood the street vendors was Manhattan. Bought 2 Polo sweaters (still have one).
In Miami, merchandise would “fall off the truck”. I bought binoculars, Amalfi pumps, even emeralds.
In Rome, my first stop was Prada and broke the bank. On the street I bought a LV knockoff (globe pattern) purse, large duffle, small duffle, and hanging bag, for less than $100.
In Pisa, a few of the street vendors were set up between the leaning tower and the fabulous church with the big bronze doors. I bought a gorgeous LV knockoff (the white background with multicolor) summer purse. Can’t remember how much I spent but minimal.
I still use it.
And……….. any time you’r ready to go to Italy, just say the word. Last time I was there, I was shopping for real estate.
Maybe we are related. When I was in NYC, I got a Kate Spade second and two cashmere pashminas that I still have and use for $5 a piece.
And then…since the bathroom got scrubbed this morning, I need to redo my nails. Chip city this morning.
Hoping in with my illegal goods story…
Judith Lieber evening bags are obscenely expensive (for the men here… $5,000 for this tiny little bag to hold your lipstick isn’t uncommon…maybe more). I went to a “party” once and came home with 2 illegally-sold ones, including the original metal tag inside…all made in Hong Kong at the same factory as the “real” ones. I think I paid about $125, and still have them occasionally still going to an affair where I take one out of the case…for my lipstick.
I will confess, though, I do have to wrestle with my conscious about this and pretty much avoid illegal goods. The people selling actually stole it…they certainly didn’t pay for the materials or labor…and that makes me an accomplice, in my mind. Just a personal hang up.
It’s the intellectual property theft. Western brains design and then make. Then they are copied for peanuts. Same with pirated tv, film. Saw an article about Callahan- golf clubs. They launched a new line and at the launch Chinese were photographing from every angle. Within 48 hrs knockoffs were available but without the internal balancing so it wouldn’t drive “true”. This devalues the product doubly as people think the real stuff is poor quality
And in China, the off-the-books production is rampant as well.
Down by the pool, we built a cabana. The pool/cabana was supposed to be a showroom for the stone company but 2008 crash happened and we stopped all construction to save funds.
The master shower in the cabana has 14 shower heads. The kids call it a water park. All the shower heads came from the Kohler factory in Xiamen. Some were prototypes. It’s a “thing” I guess, all over the world.
Daughn, I am grateful to learn so much from your experiences. I had no idea the complexities of import/export nor the value of Iran to European trade. A lot makes more sense now. Thanks for the great article!
Daughn, thanks so much for your article. I learned so much, and will probably need to re-read it later! After reading it through, I cannot believe how the USA is/was getting over-charged and robbed by this global network. It’s no wonder POTUS went after China, I hope he doesn’t let up until true policy changes are in place. Wow…SMH.
I was so blind when I started.
Americans are hampered at every turn.
Incredibly frustrating, and the smoke rises from my ears.
All we want is a level playing field and a government which acts sensibly, for the benefit of the USA.
There is so much passive-aggressive BS, all trying to keep Americans stuffed into our designated slot. So many “allies” portray themselves as friends but take advantage.
You should also be thankful you never had to deal with ITAR (I assume). Talk about paperwork-intensive!!!
The codependency between Iran and Europe is why they are squealing. I’d like to hear them squeal more and louder
Thank you, Daughn, for the education!
Great info DNW. Thank you.