Update: 8:00pm, Advisory #34 — Hurricane Dorian is a rare Category 5 Hurricane, with 185mph winds, gusts to 220mph, moving west at 5mph, and strengthening pressure down to 915 millibars (seems to have stabilized/no longer decreasing pressure and strengthening). The larger update is from September 1, at 8:00pm Eastern Time. The Landfall Update below is from NHC (12:45pm). The latest report from the National Hurricane Center is dire. Hurricane watches and warnings have been posted for almost all of the eastern coast of Florida. As of 10:45am, mandatory evacuation for Palm Beach County, Zone B. Seven shelters have opened, some are pet friendly.
The Bahamas are going to receive significant damage. The clouds have that “belly of the beast” look about them. Everyone in the Bahamas understands how severe this hurricane will be. Send a prayer
For the US mainland, we’re still not sure where the storm will come ashore but Georgia and the Carolinas are now on watch. MOST of the forecasting indicates the storm will turn north sooner than expected…. or will it?
Sadie finds the greatest videos for this hurricane.
From the White House.
Ken Graham is Head of the National Hurricane Center and I’m in love with this guy. He’s EVERYWHERE on the news. Working hard, no complaints, calm, cool, and collected + extremely informative. He gets a raise!!
Almost everyone who lives in the southeast has a family “plan” for hurricanes. An exceptionally good Hurricane checklist can be found HERE: https://www.surfandsunshine.com/how-to-prepare-for-a-hurricane-with-hurricane-preparedness-checklist/
We can add things like: Make sure you do ALL your laundry NOW and refill all medications. A well stocked, expanded, home first aid kit. An extra set of blades for a chainsaw is a Godsend. Bleach and clean all the tubs in your home and fill with water before the storm hits (if you’re staying). Right now, bake – cookies, brownies, granola bars for a healthy boost…… and share with your local fireman/police. Right now, FREEZE extra water in big containers using milk jugs/2 liter bottles, etc., to make big blocks of ice. Extra propane for the grill and a big pot to boil water.
Best personal hint: We took about 100 dish clothes/wash clothes and wet them with fresh water, added a few drops of bleach, sealed them in Glad Bags and put them in the freezer. In the aftermath, we used those towels everywhere.
Many residents are new to the state and we strongly encourage they prepare and/or rely on neighbors who are a little more experienced with hurricane preparations. KNOW your neighbors, you won’t get through the aftermath of a hurricane without help from a few friendly souls.
Please feel free to add tips, tricks, memes, hints, prayers related to Hurricane Dorian. Thank you for your help.
The President is at Camp David, Pence will travel to Poland. The President will return for a press conference at FEMA on Sunday, about 12:30pm
Take care, God Bless, Love to all. This one is serious. Storm surge in the Bahamas is expected to be 15-20feet high. Waves on top of storm surge, according to Weather Channel are topping 40′ high.

Check out the video from the EYE of DORIAN.
All you Qpers who are in the path or have loved ones in the path of Dorian are in my prayers. Well, ALL in the path are in my prayers. Also, asking God to send it out to where no one will be harmed by it, or to just please dissipate it.
Again, thank you Daughn for your time and efforts in bringing these Posts to us…. this week-end you have had TRIPLE + Duty…..
You are so correct that QTreepers have rendered a team effort – WWG1WGA !
LUV this treehouse!
We are GOING to get through this storm, one way or another, but we are going to do it together!
Can’t say it better than Plain Jane has ………………
Continuing to pray for all in this monster storm’s path………….
God Bless those who are working to keep us updated and protected.
We really need a meme of President Trump standing in the middle of Florida blowing the storm out to sea.
Sure do miss the autists on 8 Chan.
That’s a beautiful image !
Well, if that storm track holds, once it gets past the Bahamas the eye won’t hit land until it gets to N. Carolina. And by then, it will be weaker. However, it’s wide enough that it will still bring a lot of rain and storm surge. The Bahamas are what I’m worried about. I really hope whoever lives there has left for the lower islands or elsewhere. They’re going to get a direct hit. Are they a US territory?
Independent now, used to belong to Britain, and The Crown still holds massive acreage in land titles.
Great place, funky, easy, terrific food, corrupt as hell.
Yep. Love the Bahamas.
From Space:
This storm is reminding us how difficult it is to predict what a Hurricane will do…
For example, this time yesterday the forecast models were predicting a direct hit on Florida.
And now…many are saying that it won’t.
But some are still saying that it will:
I remember watching Hurricane Andrew…and the forecasters were predicting that it would go straight North.
Then…it made a left turn and went right across South Florida.
It’s best to be prepared for the worst than not be prepared, though.
(Re-posting this link from the last thread). The NHC has an animated history of the storm’s forecast cones, so you can see how the official forecast has changed over time.
Found this elsewhere:
“Dorian Gray: Storm stays the same, forecast models age.”
Love it! Classics of the scientific literature!
NEW CONE – Mar-a-Lago in the Tropical Storm Warning area
There’s speculation elsewhere that the storm is actually a Category 5, but the NHC is refusing to make it official for various reasons.
The Bahamas are about to get pounded on:
Yeah, I was hearing gusts to 175 in the middle of the night last night.
It’s ugly.
just now saw where the sustained winds are 174 mph, with gusts at 200 mph
can’t even begin to comprehend that.
how terrifying.
Give you an example.
When I first moved to New Orleans, our teacher took us to City Park, where Hurricane Camille drove plastic straws through giant oak trees.
So, men and industry try to build stronger buildings to prepare and offset the power of mother nature.
A normal Alum window, 4′ x 2’8″, is something I could lift easily.
I got a deal on hurricane windows for the north side of the house. It took four men to lift them into place…. and they’re only “resistant” to 125mph.
Crossing my fingers, but I have a bad feeling we’ll have house guests tomorrow. I’m just hoping my aunt and cousins are okay in the Daytona area. Stubborn woman won’t leave.
Bad News.
From what I’ve heard about hurricanes, when they slow way down in very warm waters, it’s a sign they are strengthening and that’s just what this one seems to have done.
I would not want to be anywhere in the Bahamas right now. I’m sure it’s way too late to evacuate.
Dorian Days/Bahamas…

Dorian Days /Puerto Rico…
Dorian Days/ Miami Beach…

Global …
Intensity Guide …
…and will automatically update.
prayers for all, everywhere, affected by this.
massive prayers for The Bahamas …and the people there who are unable to leave(evacuate from) those islands.
Take pics of the Bahamas now, it won’t look the same by the end of the week. Little islands will disappear, new ones will spring up. Devastating to bird life so abundant on the islands.
Miami Orders Scooters Removed From Streets Before DORIAN Turns Them Into Flying Projectiles
Aug 30, 2019
FTA….Officials told 6 companies that operate fleets in the city ~ Bird, Bolt, Uber’s Jump, Lime, Lyft and Spin ~ to clear out their scooters by noon on Friday. (Aug 30).
several of those same companies have also been removed, or reduced their fleets, in Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale and Tampa …ahead of Dorian.
more, at the link.
smart move, Miami.
oops…2d image up there glitched…so…posting it here…maybe…
Thank you, Smiley!
Father God
We come to You humbly before the Throne of Grace – in the name of Jesus – we pray for Encouragement as we prepare for the storm to come.
We ask You to quell our apprehension, fear, and trepidation for we know not what we will be required to do in the coming days.
We ask You to help us prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually to battle the forces of evil that are guiding this storm.
We ask You to assist us with our domestic animals to calm them and bring them to safety.
We put our Trust solely in You – we believe in Your promise never to leave or abandon us in our hour of need.
We put our Hope solely in You – we believe Jesus is the Hope for the future – that He has the power to calm this storm.
We put our Faith solely in You – we believe You want what is best for us – and because You love us – we are not afraid.
We ask You protect the President, his family, our country, our friends and families – keep them out of harm’s way.
We ask You take this storm in Your Mighty Hands – and cast it out to sea – leaving all in its path safe and secure.
We ask You take hold of the wind – the water – and the power behind this storm – and reduce its hold over the land.
We ask You empower the people – to do as Your Son asked them -to love one another as He loved us.
We pray the Lord’s Prayer – knowing you will provide what we need – when we need it – by the Power of Your Spirit.
We acknowledge Your unconditional Love for us – and we believe Your Love will sustain us.
We ask it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus – Amen.
Beautiful. Thank you.
Most welcome, grandma – please remember to add your friends and family – to the prayer – God knows your heart – but, He likes to hear from everyone – God Bless You!!!
On it.
if you click on #HurricaneDorian (blue hi lite) up there, it will take you a lot of related tweets…
like this one…from Abaco/Bahamas/Dorian…
tsk ! will take you to a lot of related tweets.
tad sluggish this am
Thanks, Smiley…yeah that’s where I found that sunrise clip above.

That eye in the center of Dorian is both striking and scary….so uniform and concentric….. the wind is so strong 160+ that it will be extremely destructive.
Short video…current conditions in Bahamas:
PRESIDENT TRUMP is taking this storm seriously:
Starting to get choppy in the Bay
What a monster!
23 feet of water (approaching tsunami) and 200 mph winds (approaching tornado) – this is monstrous!
<3 <3 <3
tears falling
and islands
and memories
being destroyed
<3 Bahamas
DORIAN…seen from Space… NASA and NOAA …animated GIFS …
article and images, here….
The boys are headed to Jacksonville.
Marsh Harbor as Dorian comes ashore.
Extreme seems to be the word most used to describe Dorian:
Any wiggle to the left…..and the eastern coast states will be devastated.
I lived in hurricane country for almost 20 yrs, several hours inland but still got whacked hard a number of times. Learn much and have shared all of my tips learn multiple times (while still together back at OT). Most everything I would say has generally already been shared.
Here is a tip that I learned just last year when trying to help a internet friend stuck in the aftermath of a hurricane. I had never thought to do this in all of the years I lived through hurricanes in hurricane country so thought I would share today.
If you may be affected by the storm, on the coast or inland, have the numbers of the various agencies handy and ready to use. You, of course, will charge up your cell phone to max but will want to conserve the charge after loosing power and will want to search the internet as little as possible. Plus, cell phone coverage may be spotty.
Now (or in the future to have ready for next time) get the phone numbers of the gov agencies esp. fema, city/county & state departments that will be dealing with the storms and emergency services. Find out the local orgs that will bring food in case you need to conserve gas or where the food drops/give out stations will be. Have your insurance agent’s number, corp number and policies ready. Have the number to the red cross or other groups that will be active in your area.
Once the electric is out and services are needed – whether 1 or 7 days after (sometimes it takes a while to get debris cleared to even get roads open!) you won’t want to spend time searching the internet and making calls to figure out exactly who are you supposed to call and who is there to help you.
Took me a number of hours to get a list of numbers together for the friend and to find out who was delivering food, gas and necessities and where food give away points where. The friend then had to only call the numbers with cell phone charge, minutes and coverage available to them.
Red Cross first aid stations, etc. are good to know too. And which orgs will help with debris clean up (if you are older and unable) as well as general home clean up (due to roof damage, flooding etc.). have the numbers ready so that you can call and get on the lists immediately. Esp. FEMA — sooner the better!!!!
So, make a resource and telephone number list as well as web sites so you save Much needed time and have it ready to use
We’re gettin reports the pressure has dropped to 909 millibars.
stronger than Andrew !
worst to hit Bahamas in modern history ?
Gigantic storm just keeps getting stronger and more deadly by the hour.
If you have them, Don’t forget to charge your portable battery bank devices. Those will provide additional power for cellphones. After Ike (electricity was out for days/weeks and roads were flooded city wide), I burned a quarter tank of gas on work conference calls in first 2 days, idling vehicle in garage for cell power. Wish I’d had power banks back then. I have since bought a 10,800 and a 22,000mah and always keep both charged and take one with me every time I leave house. That little 10,800 is over 5yrs old, just as strong as day I bought it for $23, very impressed!!! Had to get the 22,000 for iPad power demands. .
An electric generator, even a small one is very very useful. We have well water and animals so we have a generator hooked up to our well.
Make sure the generator has the WATTS so it can run your frig/freezer. Just cooling them off a couple times a day will save your food if you do not open the doors. (Now is the time to eat down the frig)
We have several coolers so we use them with a block of ice for things like cream for the coffee (tea), cheeses & meats cooked before hand, hard boiled eggs in the shell, fruit, veggies like carrots & celery that can be eaten raw and keep well.
CANNED FOODS ARE YOUR FRIEND Most can be eaten cold including soups, canned tuna, salmon, chicken, ham, veggies… Stock up on crackers and double bag in sealable plastic. Plastic totes & a garbage bag are great for storing things so they do not get damp.
Do not forget things like jerky, granola bars and even candy. I like the green pea snacks Remember to get PLENTY of plastic bags of all varieties for storing food and keeping out the damp/mold.
I repeat, scrub all your tubs with bleach and then line with plastic dropcloths (Walmart paint section) fill with clean water.
Fill lots of containers with fresh water. I clean and sanitize old soda bottles with bleach for this purpose.
HURRICANE WATCH ~ EAST COAST of FLORIDA …that and much more, here…
Sept 1, 2019
National Hurricane Center ~ LIVE ~ Ongoing UPDATES …
warnings, watches, preparedness and more.
Dorian’s barometric pressure is very low…..
Extremely low and still dropping….
Oh Damn, President just said he’s never heard of a Category 5…… which is what Maria was when it hit Puerto Rico.
Expect the media to zoom in on this one snippet.
FNC, OANN, MSNBC, Weather Channel
Damnnnnnnnnnn, look at that.
This sounds terrifying!
Lord Have Mercy.
makes landfall at Elbow Cay, Abaco Islands with 185 mph sustained winds …
read about, hear about and watch it, here…
It’s times like this we have to appreciate the bravery and sacrifice of the hurricane hunter crews that fly through the eye of monster storms like Dorian to collect valuable data.
I heard a couple of their planes had broken windshields recently, probably from huge hail stones.
The wind is getting even stronger.
Ugh.. prayers for this island’s people
“Like” for the prayers………………………….
not for the devastation.
I hope posting the vids doesn’t offend anyone. I want to see what we’re hearing about..plus I try to get it in my head what the possibles are for SC
No offense Molly, we want to KNOW what is happening, however horrific.
again, “like” for the ‘movement to a safe place (where would that be on an island!)’
NOT the devastation
What’s really frightening for the Bahamas is that they’re going to be under that constant pounding of Dorian until sometime Tuesday. That’s a long time to try to stay safe.
I had no idea “until sometime Tuesday” !!! (I read, but my psyche can take in only a little horror at the time)
Photos from mission last night. Notice “stadium effect” of eyewall.
It’s a monster, isn’t it FG&C …………………..
Louder than the storm is gonna be the wahh climate change wailing
Got your roller skates on, do you Duchess ?
On a roll today… thank you sweet lady… appreciate all you do.
Yes, but I could use some butter, pr – lol
you’re too funny! Been around Marica a lot, have you !
She does rub off on one occasionally – lol
“Dorian is the fifth Cat 5 in the Atlantic since 2016, joining Michael (2018), Irma (2017), Maria (2017), and Matthew (2016). This makes 2019 the fourth year in a row the Atlantic basin has had at least one hurricane reach Cat 5 strength, beating the previous record, a three-year stretch from 2003 to 2005. Including Dorian, there have been 35 Category 5 hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).”
bias confirmation
Marsh Harbor, Bahamas very recently
nasty…the tail end, after the eye passes over, is often much worse impact than the front of the thing….brutal, slow and violent…relentless.
Interesting digits:
“In the 8-hour period ending at 12:45 pm EDT Sunday, Dorian put on a rare show of rapid intensification—its already-formidable 150 mph winds increased to 185 mph, and the central pressure dropped from 934 to 911 mb.”
911 mb!
Once these weather guessers start looking at the sun they may start understanding some of these “unexpected” intensification’s.Two large coronal holes were earth facing this week increasing the solar wind which has been shown to intensify weather events when the wind hits our atmosphere.
Stop talking real science. You’ll upset the climate numpties
Didnt you know? The Deep State can control sun spots, too, not just create and aim hurricanes.
So THIS is what happens when your I AM god complex gets out of control
Notvto make fun but gallows humor is a tension relief valve.
Not a bad idea. Many people who live in manufactured homes in the midwest use over-the-roof tie downs for strong storms and tornadoes.
If I ever make it to Carolina to live..I’d consider this..I’ve read that if the wind or object breaks windows the pressure build and blows out the roof /walls. Something like this looks stupid but it might be a good idea. Don’t think it could hurt!
I agree !
I thought it was a joke but some comments say it may work.
Seen tie down point into concrete pads at caravan parks
Hey don’t laugh! I lost my little Lifetime shed in Ike. When I put up a new one, I put those tie downs on it, not gonna lose this one, it was $1,000!!! Now I do agree, if you need those on your house, then you got BIGGER problems, LOL

Like Cheryl’s she shed? lolol
Lol! The shed I lost was a small 3’x8’, plus one side of fence, both totaled way less than my deductible. So no She Shed claim for me!
A New 10’x12’ with tie downs I got!
I bought materials and paid my nephew to fix my fence, cuz my dogs were getting out, then my neighbors went and replaced the whole dang thing on their insurance claim AFTER I spent all that money!! They didn’t even tell me and I found my dogs wandering loose while the whole thing was torn down, heffers!
So glad they moved!!
Found here:
I follow this guy’s flights in his paramotor on YouTube and a few months ago he flew over the Bahama Islands. This is similar to a drone camera flight, but it’s narrated by the pilot.
So, in other words, this is the Before video. It will be interesting to see the After videos in the weeks to come.
well now, ain’t that sumpin’ …………………
and upthread, Sadie……….. 911 mb ?
Being unfamiliar with term “mb” …………… I looked it up. Here’s explanation given for stats during Hurricane Michael
“… Along with wind speed, atmospheric pressure is a measure of storm intensity. In general, the lower a storm’s central pressure, the higher the winds. Michael’s central pressure of 919 millibars (mb) at landfall is the third lowest on record for a landfalling U. S. hurricane since reliable records began in 1900, trailing only the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 (892 mb) and Hurricane Camille of 1969 (900 mb).”
where’s suspicious cat ?
we may some need some translation here – ‘course 911 is itself a trigger… but the mb for LANDFALL for Dorian is pretty dang low!
The cabal uses “91” or “911” as a calling card (think 9/11, Route 91 festival, “shooting lasted 9-to-11 minutes”). When the NHC reports that the pressure at landfall was 911 mb, it gets my noggin’ joggin’.
Thanks Sadie………
My you are one super suspicious cat. And hyper vigilant too.
It is not suspicious at all.
We are looking at the beginnings of a Little Ice Age or possibly glaciation.
The Holocene interglacial, or MIS-1, is now 11,500 years old, or half a precessional cycle. Five of the 6 interglacials dating back to the Mid Pleistocene Transition have each lasted just half of a precessional cycle.
The ONLY thing that kicked the earth into a warmer cycle was a Grand Solar MAXIMUM.
MIS 11 spans two precession cycles which is what the Warmists base their thinking on. However Lisiecki and Raymo (Paleooceanography, 2005) produced an exhaustive analysis of 57 globally distributed deep ocean cores reaching back about 5 million years.
Since then no one in Quaternary Science has rebutted Lisiecki and Raymo. Not a fact to give one warm fussy feelings. Their research says no warming for ‘another 65 thousand years’ and a good possibility of a return to the Ice Box ‘without human influence’
The summer solstice insulation minimum during MIS-11 at 65N was 489 Watt/m2 and it was 474 Watt/m2 in ~2005 (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005). You need 15 Watt/m2 to get UP to the insolation minimum in MIS-11.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Schimel, 1996] estimated that the change solar forcing between 1850 (start of the industrial age] and 1990 was only •0.3 W/m 2 at the top of the atmosphere vs. 1.5 W/m 2 for forcing anthropogenic CO2 [cf., Reid, 1997]. That’s one tenth of what it would take to get up to the MIS-11 value.
A fall 2012 paper “Can we predict the duration of an interglacial?”
gives the 21 June solar insolation @ 65◦ N for termination of several interglacials. Current Solar insolation = 479 W m−2
MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m−2,
MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m−2,
MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m−2,
MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m−2,
MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m−2
This give you a feel for how close to glaciation we are, you can look at the calculations from NOAA too::
Low point of the last ice age – around 463 Wm−2
NOW (modern Warm Period) — 476Wm-2 (13 Wm-2 higher than Ice age low point)
Holocene peak insolation — 522.5 Wm-2 (46.5 Wm-2 higher than present)
Are we headed into glaciation? Who the heck knows the battle is still raging.
But you can see the earth is now in the middle of the range for glacial inception.
Whether the earth sinks into full glaciation or bumps along at the edge really does not matter. The weather is going to be a climatic “madhouse” aka MORE NASTY HURICANES AND HIGH WINDS!
“The lesson from the last interglacial “greenhouse” in the Bahamas is that the closing of that interval brought sea-level changes that were rapid and extreme. This has prompted the remark that between the greenhouse and the icehouse lies a climatic “madhouse”! — Neuman and Hearty (1996)
Data from the beginning of the Little Ice Age validates the climatic “madhouse” as the earth cools.
No, No, I want warmer winters. Saves on the heating bills.
That is why I moved to mid NC just below the snowline!
Not too hot. Snow once every five years or so, 200 miles inland and on top of a ridge so no flooding and not much hurricane damage. Very few earthquakes and a tornado only once in a while.
Stellar planning
There’s pros and cons both ways. Cold winters effect the stinging bug population, and kills off the weak ones. Warm winters yield fewer storms and fewer broken bones, and other snow shoveling related incidents.
If cold winters kill bugs, why are there so many mosquitoes and other biting bugs in Alaska during the summer months?
The coast is actually a rain forest. It’s not tundra like the rest of the place. And the article says that when it gets colder, some of those bugs get nastier. They’ve adapted.
President Trump attends FEMA briefing on Hurricane Dorian
Warning to Floridians:
Dunno when this video was made – however – she said the ‘eye’ of the storm as not arrived just yet…
Powerful Hurricane Dorian impacting Bahamas with intense wind and rain
latest Rainfall Forecast …
Hey now, that’s just disgusting!

well hey now Cadimus…is this you…
Brad Pitt could certainly play him.
from NOAA….
early rainbands starting ti whip around south Florida…storm’s expanding in size, too.
geez Cat 5 typo alert!
Yikes – it’s moving straight west!!!!
IKR better start making that turn North PDQ !
4 pm Wind Field ….
Is it me or does it look like it shifted a nudge to the west again?? Argh!!! That’s what I hate about it moving sooo slow.
Yes. My brother’s family cancelled their flight reservations for tomorrow. All bets are off for later, though.
NOTICE : MIAMI BRIDGES …Miami, Florida….
current radar loop …
early bands actually arriving in south Florida from the north now….
might have to click on arrow there to activate it…?
Bahamas are getting clobbered by Dorian
Looking into the eye of Dorian….
ghastly thing
Have they yelled about ‘global warming yet?’
As I stated above it is COOLING that gives you unsettled weather.
CNN blames this hurricane on Climate Change.
They also blame the drought in the Sudan desert on Climate Change.
And all floods are blamed by CNN on Climate Change.
CNN even blames earthquakes on Climate Change.
Climate Change is the new Black.
This year there are many more certified meteorologists standing up against the CC/GW hoax!!!
I’ve noticed it too.
Many more speaking out
President Trump is giving everyone courage to stand against the leftist PC, GW, CC, etc. crap!!!!!!!!
Reminds me of the book about the September 8, 1900 hurricane in the seaside town of Galveston, Texas
AKA Isaac’s Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History by Erik Larson
well…here we go Florida …for Collier County (Naples)…
severe weather alert issued….
60 mph gusts coming…rain…
the sky is now pitch black ….like a gigantic wicked bruise across the sky from the east, the north and the south.
Dorian sucks.
A few hours ago I saw on the Weather.com map a large, orange blog right over Naples, Florida. That indicates thunderstorms and lots of rain.
we had strong thunderstorms , some lightning, some wind….but it blew thru pretty fast, thankfully….4am now and fairly calm but cloudy.
just waiting and praying for the wretched thing to TURN NORTH.
LIVE COVERAGE: Tracking Hurricane Dorian
Everyone in this things path…please stay safe! And come back to the Q-Tree as soon as feasible…after you take care of your property and loved ones…and restore power.
Besides shelter DRINKING WATER is a major priority.
I already mentioned chlorox for disinfecting water. Disaster Preparedness and Purifying Water | Clorox®
I forgot to mention buying coffee filters and a funnel for removing solids.
We can live for a couple of weeks without food, but we HAVE TO HAVE WATER.
Oh..that tears me up
God have Mercy.
Well, this is horrifying…
[video src="https://i.imgur.com/Cjcc9DR.mp4" /]
Another soul asking for prayer
President Trump Impromptu Presser From South Lawn – (Video and Transcript)…back at the White House from Camp David, and just prior to a visit to FEMA Headquarters
FG&C….. wow… some brave pilots
Honestly, it’s all relative. Here’s what I mean.
Example #1…..Charles Lindbergh’s non-stop transcontental flight to France in May 1927. He was alone, and in a single engine…a piston engine!….airplane.
Now THAT took cajones. Massive, big, Trump-taking-on-the-Deep State balls. Moreso, in fact, than Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landing on the moon.
Here’s why.
Example #2….these hurricane hunter pilots.
First off, these guys (and gals!) in this particular video are flying a plane that has been in service since 1956. Yeah…1956!! You’ve seen one before….lots of times. It’s the C130 Hercules….
This plane is SO tried and true it is not only the longest serving aircraft in the US military….not only the longest serving airplane in the entire world, in fact….in service all over the world by dozens of nations….it is also STILL in production (ie. They are still making brand new ones!). It is also one of the most RUGGED & RELIABLE aircraft ever made, utilizing four (4) massive and highly reliable turboprop engines (ie. turbine engines that spin propellers). [Note: the other hurricane hunting aircraft that flys INTO hurricanes is the P3 Orion, in service since 1962]
Second, these aircrew aren’t the first to fly into a hurricane. They know it can be done safely, and even moreso in this plane.
Are there risks involved? Do the crews need to be highly trained? Hell yes! But those risks are relative.
These crews deserve our respect and thanks, for sure, but not the jaw-dropping awe of a Lingbergh. Even the Apollo spacecraft had been tried and well tested prior to the first landing on the moon….with gov’t money and resources, no less. That doesn’t take away anything from the Apollo guys, at all. But on a comparative basis, heck….Lindbergh was a hero to Armstrong, and both those guys to the hurricane hunters.
It LOOKS scary, and for sure is a turbulent and uncomfortable ride getting into and out of the eye, but so common and “doable” as to be no big thing. Relatively speaking.
Would I go with Lindbergh not knowing if he’d make it? Hell no!
Would I go with the hurricane hunters? In a heartbeat, and twice on Sundays after church.
NOAA also uses the P3-Orion aircraft, also tried and true. Of course they are update from the 1950’s airplanes they used to be.
Oh crap! More land, more states!!!
ck out this guy’s twitter profile
I strongly recommend the new Tropical Tidbits video, which does an excellent job of explaining the latest hurricane forecasts. Possible Cape Canaveral landfall (8:13 in the video)!
He’s REALLY good at explaining the complex details in a way that the average person can understand. Sure hope Cape Canaveral doesn’t get hit with the worst of it.
Levi has a real talent for giving a straightforward explanation that anyone can understand and without the over-the-top hype. He has a very nice career ahead of him. Strongly recommend his videos.
New post scheduled for 12:05am Eastern time.
We’re all in the bunker together for this one!
US Dept of Defense put out a THREAD today –
oops, I misspoke, it’s a video …. there are comments, but mostly from Bots
NEW CONE – 11 pm
Bet these folks where wishing they were working It’s A Small World in Disneyland. Hmm, on second thought, probably would take the hurricane.
That song does get stuck in one’s head! But I can’t believe Disney left anyone on the island. We’ve known this was coming for days, and videos of Bahamians begging for prayer are heartbreaking.