Parscale Counterpunches CiaNN Mockingbird Editor


At long last, somebody did the right thing.




If there is ANYTHING that shows Trump is in good hands, it is the fact that Brad Parscale KNOWS the Sy Hersh truth – that EDITORS – partisan, activist, agency TRASH – are the ones responsible for the KGB-CIA SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA that passes for “news” now.



Oh, I was SO waiting for SOMEBODY to start dialing the artillery to fall well behind Fake News enemy lines. THANK YOU, BRAD PARSCALE!

Let me give you a FAST UNDERSTANDING of why hitting the EDITORS is so important.

Bear in mind – I may actually know something ABOUT EDITORS.

Let’s start with MATT DRUDGE…..

During Bill Clinton’s administration, when there were all sorts of stories about the White House and Democrats that were appearing in the “alternate media”, but never in the mainstream press, it was widely believed in “non-partisan” circles that these alt-media stories were fiction – “conspiracy theories” – National Enquirer stuff. And yet – looking at them from MY little perch in the world, where FACTS MATTERED, these “conspiracy theories” about the Clinton White House had so much detail. So much utility. So much explanatory power.

Something was VERY WRONG.

And then Monica Lewinsky happened, and we learned the truth.


Stories were being SPIKED by editors – held back from publication – or otherwise discouraged.

There was some relief from this during the George W. Bush years, when the media clearly was NOT protecting the President. However, under Obama, it came back in spades. And when the press FINALLY refused to report about Trayvon Martin’s history of drug use, violence, and burglary – well – the censorship was clearly WORSE than it had been under Bill Clinton.

And THAT is when media insider Sy Hersh spelled out VERY CLEARLY what I had always suspected – that it was EDITORS – people who should be EXEMPLARS of journalism, and not sandbagging partisans – who were ruining American media, and turning it into an extension of the Democrat party.



I have held onto that admission by Hersh as a kind of media good luck charm – a TRUTH that gets proven OVER and OVER and OVER.

Right here is one of the last times I used it – when Obama handler and media czar David Axelrod was CAUGHT “seeding the newsroom” with a political operative, albeit after he had fled the scene.


Let’s look at the situation.

We KNOW that CNN is a frigging house on fire with CIA influence, filled with mockingbird “fake news” assets of all kinds.

We KNOW that CNN is going ALL-OUT to “get” Trump this time.

I confidently predict that CNN will PROTECT and DEFEND any attempt – political or kinetic – to harm our President.

And so, with that in mind, we need to REMEMBER who the ENEMIES OF TRUTH actually are.


So what about this guy? I think Parscale – like Trump – is calling this boy out fair and square. Parscale – who steals every Trump Trick he can, absolutely wants his tweets to “age not just well, but to GOLD”. So he is not going to make special efforts to slam this guy hard unless there is some “there” there.

If I’m right, it would appear that CNN has a hidden political or agency operative as VP of News for their Washington Bureau.

Does anybody have a Dafna Linzer-type story on this guy? You know it’s there. This guy has to be TIGHT with either HRC-DNC or KGB-CIA. If you do, we’d love to hear it. Just to confirm our theories that THIS GUY obey’s Sy’s Law of Fake News Editors.


PS – HA! Potential diaper-boy pulled his full bio from CNN – the link goes to NOTHING now.

This is all there is.

Short Bio:

Long Bio:

Aw, too BAD! Now I’m intrigued.

My diaper-sniffer is being challenged! If anybody here cares to retrieve his CV from LinkedIn, it would be appreciated (I can’t go there, sadly). I’m guessing there will be signs of KGB-CIA recruitment.

It looks like he was covering Benghazi-era Obama-Biden military and security stuff (primo CIA activity, BTW) around the 2012 election, because there is a 2012-2013 CNN blog with numerous White House-related blog entries – three pages worth, starting HERE:

Interesting timing – no? CIA / HRC protector?

Please add any details you find, on either the attack on Parscale or the missing background on the attacker. FISK THE RISK.

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If 8Chan was still up, anons would dig that info out in minutes.


Wolfie, is there a reason the 8chans can’t/aren’t using gab to communicate temporarily? Surely they must have a way to identify each other on gab media as a temporary message medium.
My ignorance makes me ask. I realize they’re expecting to be back up in early September, but to accept a full shutdown of their voices & discoveries in the meantime is frustrating.


I think they are waiting for the Congress Reprehensive House hearing, before they start up again.
That is what I understand from this 8Chan Twitter Post:


Ima wondering if q has asked them to lay low. Don’t want any heads up for the enemy who would be watching their boards. Bit like keeping the foxhounds on lease until the Fox is sighted

Gail Combs

That is what I think. With the Board Owner going before the Commie Congress, it is very very important to NOT give the Commies any more ammo.
New Thought…
I wonder if all the recent FF shooting were supposed to be connected to 8Chan and Q????


Those idiot deep staters without 8chan and q


Me too. I only see them in retweets.


“They” call “us” the “Alt-Right”……
I… call “Them”…


We call them A$$holes at our house.




You been spending to much time with me


Slightly confusing bc there is adam Levine of maroon 5, an adam levine who is a journo that is gay, writes for the federalist and loves Trump, and this guy.


Add a term like Satan and see what that gets. 🙂


Dang! I was just being sarcasm!
The internet is forever.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a little nugget from that article that would explain Antifa, the DEMONcRATs, the Satanic Silly-Cone Valley, rife with Evilutionists, and the Globalists, all in one go:

If you take a step back and just look at the title, you’ll see that the term ‘animal’ is often times used to describe mankind by Satanists. It’s actually the 7th commandment in the Church of Satan:

Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!

Gail Combs

Certainly explains PETA (NOT People Eating Tasty Animals.)


I tried. Found cnn blog. Locked linkdin. Locked media contact info. No instagram? Having his schools or family etc, his birthdaye woulld help. Its UNUSUAL to find nothing.


Methinks brad hit a raw nerve. Such a big reaction.! Sorta like proving a sleeping snake with a stick. Let’s hope brads stick is either long or hefty.


That’s what he does. He’s a social media guru and with Potus personal intelligence network at his disposal he’s got all the dirt on these scum sucking swamp dwellers.


To get SpyGate and all the other crap they’ve done out there our team have to take out the msm gatekeepers. There will be blood


Figuratively speaking. No calls to violence

Cuppa Covfefe

The urinalists’ MCM gatekeepers don’t have blood in their veins, anyway. Just look at their name – it bleeds yellow…

Gail Combs

Snicker 🤣

Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks, Gail. You coined that term “urinalists” (not sure where, here, OT, or WUWT…).


You don’t mess with family, esp a spouse. Adam DESERVES exposure, Parscale is justified in anything he says, imho.


Brad Parscale was on Jesse Watters’ show a few hours ago.
The segment starts at the 5:20 mark:


Haaa…IKR? 😁
Love Brad Parscale, he fights and is an unapologetic ‘toxic’ masculine guy.
He reminds me of a Viking.
I hope he’s got full time security, though.
The dirty Dems would probably like to take him out.


Yep, absolutely.


Vikings. Blood eagle anyone? Vikings knew how to dish out punishment


Brothers?comment image&

Gail Combs

Yeah and now look what wimps live in Sandahoovia. 🙄 You would think they would kick Mussie Arse after the treatment given to viking women.
Eric the Red would hang his head in shame.


Eric the red would kill them all.

Gail Combs

I was trying to be somewhat circumspect. But you are correct, Eric and his band would do some major arse kicking!
(I am part Dane and Hubby is 1/2 scandahoovian)


Kill all the men- both Muslim and Scandinavian. Prob kill the Muslim women. Scandinavian women -slaves.
It islam before islam


I’m part Norwegian

Cuppa Covfefe

Nah. Just make them eat Lutefisk… 🙂
Maybe with a chaser of Haggis 🙂


The key thing that Parscale shed light on is that they are collecting the past voting profile of rally attendees. A cross reference by phone number of each rally ticket holder provides voting history. This data point proves that up to 30-40-50 percent of rally attendees, for example he used the recent Michigan rally, previously voted democrat or didn’t vote in 2016. Just think of the landslide win that means for DJT in 2020. The #Walkaway movement is very real and the DNC damn well knows it.


Love this post. Parscale’s the best.

Brave and Free

Don’t know if this helps?
Will keep looking

Deplorable Patriot

Re editors: I can’t find a clip of it at the moment, but in the movie “All the President’s Men,” Woodward and Bernstein hand Ben Bradlee a hot story they’ve been working on all day, and he takes out a red pen, and ditches a huge section of it. This is the sort of thing that happens every day and it’s not always for space conservation.
Editors answer to the owners. Yes, the editors are in on information control. After all, they are the gateways, but they still want to keep their jobs. Hence, following the owners orders. Essentially, they’re hatchet people.


A small, very small example. I worked as a reporter of a small town newspaper. The publisher was a big florid type.
He hobnobbed with the well-to-do and politically connected. He was known to come down and yell at the editorial department if an article got published that he didn’t like.
Once, during a particularly hot political vote where corruption was being uncovered by a co-worker, he got wind of an article unfavorable to his friend.
He stormed down to production and ripped the story off the page. He quashed any further stories. My co-worker quit in frustration.
The vote went through and the bad guys won.
This is exceedingly common and has been since forever.
Editors are up the food chain from reporters. Publishers are 👑.


I saw this when Brad first went after Adam for the hit job on Pascale’s wife, working for a PAC, incendiary headline implying she is accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in Trump Donor Money.
Our viking was MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, I saw and thought the same Daughn. He’s a tiger………….. don’t mess with his wife!


Ok, found some stuff.
On LinkedIn, the CV looks like this:
Adam Levine
Vice President, Washington Bureau Newsgathering at CNN
Washington D.C. Metro Area
Vice President, Washington Bureau Newsgathering
May 2017 – Present
Washington D.C. Metro Area
8 years 5 months
Managing Editor, Washington Bureau
April 2013 – May 2017 (4 years 2 months)
Supervising Producer, National Security Team
January 2009 – May 2013 (4 years 5 months)
Supervise coverage of Pentagon, State Department and Intelligence
Supervising Producer
1998 – 2011 (14 years)
Director of Coverage, Washington Bureau
February 2005 – June 2008 (3 years 5 months)
Coverage Manager, CNN Election Unit
November 2003 – December 2004 (1 year 2 months)
Fox News Channel
Desk Assistant
1998 – 1998 (1 year)
1995 – 1996 (2 years)

New York University
MA, Journalism · (1996 – 1997)
McGill University
BA, English Literature · (1990 – 1994)
I saw that 9003inc (bolded by me). Looked weird, went looking. Marketing Japanese video games?
I also notice there is a LOOONNGGG gap between his first job in news, as a desk assistant with Fox News, to the next job at CNN. It looks like he was listed as living with his parents, but that could mean he used them as a mailing address. I got his birthdate from his Wiki page, so this is him:
Name: Adam L Levine
Event Date: 15 Oct 2005
Event Place: Charlottesvle, Virginia, United States
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1969
Address: Charlottesvle, Virginia 22903
Address Date: 15 Oct 2005
2nd Address: Los Angeles, California 90069
2nd Address Date: 01 May 2001-01 Jun 2002
3rd Address: Washington, Dc 20037
3rd Address Date: 01 Jan 1999-01 Oct 1999
4th Address: Washington, Dc 20016
4th Address Date: 01 Oct 1995-12 Jul 2001
5th Address: South Salem, New York 10590
5th Address Date: 01 Jan 1993-01 Jan 2009
Possible Relatives: Barbara R Levine, Richard H Levine
Affiliate Identifier: 68636839
Was he “in training” somewhere? C_A maybe? On his Wiki page, it says he was a ” top aide to former U. S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Democrat from New York. In 2001, Levine joined the communications team of United States President George W. Bush.[4] Levine’s main responsibility was to act as the “liaison between the White House and television networks.” This would explain the gap, but why is that info not on LinkedIn?
Looks like he has a sister, Anne Levine, who lives in D.C. She’s at LinkedIn, too, and oh boy, look where she works (and worked!):
Anne Levine
Acting Chief Data Officer, Office of Economics and Analytics at Federal Communications Commission
Washington, District Of Columbia
Federal Communications Commission
Acting Chief Data Officer, Office of Economics and Analytics
January 2019 – Present
Washington D.C. Metro Area
Office of Management and Budget
Federal Data Fellow
July 2018 – Present
Washington, District Of Columbia
Federal Communications Commission
21 years 5 months
Policy Analyst & Data Management Strategy Advisor, Office of StrategicPlanning and Policy Analysis
August 2007 – December 2018 (11 years 5 months)
Washington, DC
Policy Analyst, Media Bureau
August 1997 – July 2007 (10 years)
Washington, DC
Arthur Andersen & Co., S.C., Economic Analysis Group, TransferPricing
Summer Associate
May 1996 – August 1996 (4 months)
New York, NY
The White House
Special Assistant to Vice President Al Gore, West Wing
February 1993 – April 1995 (2 years 3 months)
Washington, DC

University of Michigan
MPP, Public Policy
Washington University in St. Louis
BA, English Language and Literature, General
Doesn’t some Black Hat’s wife work for the FCC?
I questioned whether the Adam Levine of the (very truncated) Wiki page, the LinkedIn profile, and the Twitter feed were the same man, but all the photos of him are the same. If it isn’t him, he should really do some clean up of his public profile.


I think she is legitimately his sister, because of this:
Name: A Levine
Also Known As: Anne Louise Levine
Event Date: 15 Nov 2007
Event Place: Washington, Dc, United States
Birth Date: 26 Jan 1971
Address: Washington, Dc 20037
Address Date: 15 Nov 2007
2nd Address: Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
2nd Address Date: 01 Sep 1995-01 Jun 2001
3rd Address: Washington, Dc 20037
3rd Address Date: 01 May 1995-29 Oct 2007
4th Address: South Salem, New York 10590
4th Address Date: 01 Jan 1992-31 Dec 1996</B.
Possible Relatives:
Barbara Schweitzer, E Levine, Elisa A Nemiroff, Leslie I Levine, Marcie H Levine-Jacobs, Marcy P Levine, Mark B Levin, Mindy Carole Levine, Melissa F Lucinda, Richard M Levine
Affiliate Identifier: 68636349
Also, this is the father, associated with the name in bold above:
Name: Richard H Levine
Event Date: 01 May 1999
Event Place: South Salem, New York, United States
Address: South Salem, New York 10590
Address Date: 01 May 1999
Possible Relatives: Barbara Schweitzer
Affiliate Identifier: 384845611
They’ve almost gotta be related.


Oh, and P.S., you are always welcome!


Another massive digger in contention for digger of the year


Oh boy, another thought.
It’s weird to me that the Wiki page for this guy is shown with a photo of him, but incorrect information, if he isn’t the Bush guy.
I’ll bet you he lets it stand that way to throw people off.
If I have the correct birth date, then I have the correct information. And the “where he should have beens” all add up.
Sneaky bastards.


This is another one we have to be careful of. They have thoroughly conflated these two men, to the point where I can’t tell (yet) who is who. So, the “sister” may be the sister of the other one. The CV from LinkedIn is accurate, but the birth record may not be.
They have DEFINITELY done this on purpose. That much is transparent as glass.


Wolfie, don’t feel bad …………. we all have our strong points.
Aubergine is TOP of the list researcher………….
As my grandson reminds me all the time NOTHING is ever deleted from the internet… just have to know how to find it.


Thanks, phoenix. I just like providing Wolf with the raw material. He knows how it all fits into the grand scheme.


And that is Wolf’s strength, that and, giving it back to us so that we can connect the dots.


Omg. You people on this site dig like backhoes. Expect to be contacted by a major mining company re job offer. Are you on 8chan?


I lurk.


I know but it’s good your out there chasing down what the scum would like to keep hiden


Dark to light, baby!


I’m in awe of you. 😌


Aww, thanks. I really do just know where and how to look.


Yep, once you own copyright on a story you can drown it like an unwanted kitten in a bag and the author can’t say or do a thing. Same with scientific advances. Sell your patent to the wrong company, if they crunch the numbers and your idea is going to affect their bottom line it’s memory holed.
Case in point. Henry Ford asked what part on a model never broke down. They told him what is was and where they got it. He said take the contract off them, give it to someone who’ll make it cheaper and it’ll break and we’ll sell parts. Win- win


More totally ruthless businessman.


Minimal quality, workers pay, oh&s, max price market will bear. Strangle opposition or form collusive monopolies. Seechinas oh&s

Gail Combs

WHY do they ALWAYS seem to have relatives working for the White House or in the gov’t?
Thanks, Aubergine
A wife working for the FCC… I thought I remembered that too but all I find in my notes is:
Peter Strzok’s wife is Melissa Hodgman. Melissa Hodgman is Associate Director in the SEC’s Enforcement Division.
Rod Rosenstein’s wife is Lisa Barsoomian. Lisa Barsoomian works for the Senior Executive Service (SES) in the CIA Office of General Counsel (OGC).
The Office of General Counsel (OGC) is a position unique to the CIA. So unique in fact, that it is a separate entity from the CIA. This means Mrs. Rosenstein holds a position between a cabinet post and the other agency hires. Unlike cabinet posts, SES (Senior Executive Service) hires are exempt from termination and Congressional confirmation. They are also unelected and unaccountable. (The Deep State created the Senior Executive Service to create a permanent bureaucracy. )
Lisa Barsoomian was also on the legal team defending President Clinton.


I was probably conflating the SEC and the FCC.
Washington DC is an incestuous mess. These people are connected all over the place.


Yes, Editors, with a capital “E” are responsible for the slant, bias, propaganda in our mass communications, media, and dissemination of “information.”
Been looking to share this example of exactly what you wrote about, Wolfie. Infuriating.
On Thursday, 29th, I caught the PJMedia article about genetics and same-sex behaviors. I happen to read it in it’s entirety. Good article, well written and appropriately titled. Briefly, there are numerous genetic markers, but only five that were found to actually play any role in homosexual behavior – a miniscule input. What the researches did find, was that nurture, environment, and life experiences play significant roles. PJMedia’s headline:
Then I got my WSJ Friday morning, print version. Big, bold headline, page 3:
WSJ: “Genetics Tied to Same-Sex Behavior”
See how the Wall Street Journal, must be communist controlled now, is pushing the gay/transgender agenda.
The Lefty news sources ran with the same themed, along this line – and remember people only read headlines, HuffPo was actually a little more honest.
New Study Finds Genetics Influence LGBTQ Sexuality, But Still No ‘Gay Gene’


I have said before….and will repeat again….
….that out of all the “bad actors”, traitors, etc, etc in America today, the ones I hold most responsible for all that has happened, the ones most culpable for all the distress, division, etc…
…..the ones with the MOST blood on their hands…
…is the US news media.
They are the enablers, the distractors, the news story spikers, the deceivers, the biased and bought-n-paid-for mouthpieces of the US communist party.
If Barry Soetoro, the Clintons, and the Bushes are slimy POS, the US media are the maggots that perpetuate and feed on them.
There is absolutely NO difference between filth like John Brennan and Jim Acosta, or Hillary and Andrea Mitchell, or Obama and Rachel MadCOW et al. in my book.
Here’s the thing….
I can’t blame a POS like Brennan for being a piece of shit. After all, POS gonna POS.
But I do blame the vile maggots in the US media for protecting and promoting him and his like to America.


Hitler was gonna Hitler.
But Goebbels sold and protected him to the people.
That makes Goebbels….AT BEST….on par with Hitler.
Who is worse…..the Devil, or the one who promotes and protects him??
I say Goebbels and his kind were worse than Hitler.
Chew on that.


And Stalin gave money and support to Hitler, to help him rise in Nazi Party, and to the Party to help it win the elections.
And the New York money center banks and other American companies (incl. especially Rothschild/Morgan interests) financed first Lenin, then Lenin and Stalin, then Stalin and Hitler, then Stalin and Mao.
So I certainly take your point. But it’s like there’s a whole ecology out there of vile creatures, and it’s difficult to single out just one particular species when assigning blame, because they are all creating ecological niches for each other, while each feeding off the deplorables in their own way.

Gail Combs

It is anazing how interwoven they all are and how SMALL the group really is at it’s core.

Gail Combs

“….And THAT is when media insider Sy Hersh spelled out VERY CLEARLY what I had always suspected – that it was EDITORS – people who should be EXEMPLARS of journalism, and not sandbagging partisans – who were ruining American media, and turning it into an extension of the Democrat party…..”
It is the OWNERS as well as the editors WHO TAKE THEIR ORDERS from the OWNERS.
A decade ago, John Munsell and I had an e-mail exchange on the subject. A writer came out and for three days toured John’s business and interview him. She wrote the story, IT WAS APPROVED BY THE EDITOR and then it was KILLED BY THE OWNER. This was a top flight New York Mag. (John did not tell me which one.)
This was ALL about the Food Safety Modernization Act that gave control over US farming TO THE WTO!!! Again harming and even KILLING Americans was part of the plan. John got caught in the middle of the ‘operation’ as a reciever of adultrated meat from Con Agra. The USDA was NOT ABOUT to go after one of the big boys but Munsell was fair game and pointing fingers at small Mom & Pop shops was ALWAYS part of the plan. (John lost his business BTW)
Here is another part of the story from John…

….When an inspector collects a ground beef sample for E.coli testing at a USDA lab, the inspector fills out FSIS Form 10,210-3 and sends it with the sample to the USDA lab.  Nowhere on the form is there room to document the slaughter house origin of the meat which was sampled.  So, if the sample was collected at Paul’s Processing Plant (which does not slaughter), the inspector can only document that it came from Paul’s facility, while deftly avoiding documenting the slaughter plant origin of the meat being tested for the presence of enteric bacteria.
Believe it or not, FSIS prohibited me from grinding meat under inspection for four months after I experienced the 3 consecutive days of E.coli positives.  During that time, Est. 969 (ConAgra) was not required to implement any corrective actions.  At the end of those four months, Est. 969 [ConAgra] announced a 19.1 million pound recall, after which FSIS abruptly changed course and altruistically gave me the right to grind under inspection again.  Two weeks later, I went public to expose agency actions at my plant since my recall.  NBC Nightly News quickly visited me, spent 2 days taping at my plant, and announced that our story would be aired on Tom Brokaw’s evening segment.  What happened next was, well, interesting to say the least….
….it is my contention that both the inspector and the plant management should work together and fully document all that information so that, in the future, three days later, if it (the sample) is presumptive-positive, there can be no question”. 
Part of Bill Smith’s response, found on page 39 of the transcript, was “…..we could have inspectors doing more important things”.  Amber, I hope you realize now that not only does the agency consider the true origin of contaminated meat unimportant, but FSIS also would find such evidence damaging to the public relations image of the agency, as well as exposing HACCP’s underlying deregulatory faults.
I feel it important that you, and all America, know “the other side of the story”.  Until we come to grips with the dark side of this HACCP Hoax, consumers will continue to get sick (some will die), while FSIS sleeps at the wheel, by its own intentional design. 
John Munsell, Manager
Foundation for Accountability in Regulatory Enforcement (FARE)
Miles City, Montana
April 4, 2009

USDA will not disclose the names of slaughter houses without a positive test “above the grinder” – which is why there is no mention of where the meat came from that was ground by AFG in this latest recall.  Also, on the “downside” of the grinder – on the retail side – there is also an agreement between USDA and industry to not disclose “proprietary information” – which includes where the contaminated meat was sold.  Health Departments have to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to not disclose that information to the public in order to get the information from USDA.


Oh….it’s coming.
When “the big ugly” is finally…and fully….revealed, the people are going to go ape schiff on the people who mis-led and lied to them.
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.

Gail Combs

Ok Wolfie,
So we go after the LTs.
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
Ya think there might be a little bias in the news?
Stephanopoulos did not disclose during this interview, and does not disclose during coverage of the 2016 election, that he worked in the White House as Senior Adviser to the President during Bill Clinton’s first term AND a Clinton foundation donor in addition
Eason Jordan bent over backwards averting his eyes when Saddam tossed people in wood chippers. Remember Eason Jordan? He’s the guy that admitted CNN knew about Saddam’s atrocities but looked the other way for access. He was just carrying on the proud tradition of Walter Duranty.
Google staffershad at least 427 meetings at the White House over course of Obama presidency. Mark Zuckerberg, (facebook) also met with Obama.
Our ‘regular conservative media’ like Fox News and News Max were Clinton donors. Of course Fox News was owned by Murdoch, an Aussie and his bestie Saudi Prince Al Waleed both of whom have ZERO allegience to the USA.
Clinton Foundation donors include dozens of media organizations, individuals . NBC Universal, News Corporation, Turner Broadcasting and Thomson Reuters are among more than a dozen media organizations that have made charitable contributions to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, the foundation’s records show. The donations, which range from the low-thousands to the millions, provide a picture of the media industry’s ties to the Clinton Foundation at a time when one of its most notable personalities, George Stephanopoulos, is under scrutiny for not disclosing his own $75,000 contribution when reporting on the foundation.
The list also includes mass media groups like Comcast, Time Warner and Viacom, as well a few notable individuals, including Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecom magnate and largest shareholder of The New York Times Company, and James Murdoch, the chief operating officer of 21st Century Fox. Both Slim and Murdoch have given between $1 million to $5 million, respectively.
Judy Woodruff, the co-anchor and managing editor of PBS NewsHour, gave $250 to the foundation….
Carlos Slim [Mexican]
Chairman & CEO of Telmex, largest New York Times shareholder
James Murdoch
Chief Operating Officer of 21st Century Fox
Newsmax Media
Florida-based conservative media network
Thomson Reuters
Owner of the Reuters news service
News Corporation Foundation
Philanthropic arm of former Fox News parent company
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Richard Mellon Scaife
Owner of Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Abigail Disney
Documentary filmmaker
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Howard Stringer
Former CBS, CBS News and Sony executive
Intermountain West Communications Company
Local television affiliate owner (formerly Sunbelt Communications)
Bloomberg L.P.
Discovery Communications Inc.
George Stephanopoulos
ABC News chief anchor and chief political correspondent
Mort Zuckerman
Owner of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report
Time Warner Inc.
Owner of CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting
Hollywood Foreign Press Association
Presenters of the Golden Globe Awards
Knight Foundation
Non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting journalism
Public Radio International
Turner Broadcasting
Parent company of CNN
Parent copmany of NBCUniversal
NBC Universal
Parent company of NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC
Public Broadcasting Service
Robert Allbritton
AOL Huffington Post Media Group
Hearst Corporation
Judy Woodruff
PBS Newshour co-anchor and managing editor
The Washington Post Company

Gail Combs

Glad to help wolfie.
(I stole it from someone OT)😉


“As untouchable as BANKSTERS. We need to GET OVER IT. Bitching about banksters does NOTHING.”
In this phase of the war…


Yeah, I’m not giving up on justice for all…those bastards.


Sy Hersh is one of the LAST real journalists.
I totally respect him. He told us about the “stovepiping” that got us into Iraq……… among so many truths.
DIMs hate him…………… because he EXPOSES THEM.
Which is why one doesn’t read about him regarding ‘current events’ ————
Above the stenographers/the editors/the owners is the C_A !
Wolfie says it in his POST title ………………………………………
I pray Gina H is fragmenting the three-letter agency because I truly believe Brennan is still in charge of the rogue C_A.


I like JFK’s goal …. “Scatter into 1,000 fraagments” ………….. it must be dismantled. Question is HOW? As for the “media” – I’m hoping and praying it ‘dies’ – do we need it with all its filters, even if C_A were not involved?


Possibility……….. Soros’ money also……….. and human and drug trafficking perhaps? Wolf, C_A controls so much ! We fail to realize the enormity of what POTUS is fighting, while so many whine about “arrest someone already”
OT, but think of what’s going on atm that we KNOW about………. Shooting in TX, firing of personal assistant and attack on his daughters, attack on Parscale’s AND his wife, trade negotiations with Xi, negotiations with NoKo and Iran, infiltration of CAIR agents, “Dorian” and attacks on transfer of FEMA funds to Wall, “Dorian” and possible HAARP involvement………………. the list goes on and on, doesn’t it. It overwhelms me to think of it, don’t know how POTUS deals/copes. I digress.


This is incredible,but not surprising. Thank you for sharing.


This was for Gail’s info on the food industry/gov’t collusion.


possibly see-eye-aye …………… like Anderson Cooper ?