Admit it. We’re bored out of our minds with the indecision of Dorian. Finally, it’s moving, but it’s horrible for us to complain!!!! We’re not the ones who live in the Abacos, Marsh Bay, nor Freeport. They are the ones who deserve our sympathy and prayers. The wreckage is mind numbing.
Besides, we cannot turn away from Dorian at this point. The remains of our storm will brush the USA and endanger our friends. We must watch and stay alert. Therefore, we remain vigilant and stand duty, ready for whatever Dorian may bring. We need, however, a little bit of levity to keep going.
Okay, time to be serious.
Look at the comparisons in these two photos, the before and after of Freeport, Grand Bahama. Here’s the question, is it still flooded……. or is it …… GONE?

South Florida has begun to collect donations for the Bahamas.
Look at the before and after photos, sickening.

You can see that Dorian is predicted to pass right by Wilmington, North Carolina so that the area is only lightly hurricaned.
As a completely weird little factoid, the entire native range of the Venus Flytrap — the only place on earth where it occurs naturally — is within a 60 mile radius of Wilmington, NC [half of which is in the Atlantic Ocean]. An event the size of Dorian could easily make it extinct in the wild.
Fortunately, it is grown as a cultured plant all over the world, so there would be hope for reintroduction. The species is currently listed as “Vulnerable” under IUCN 2.3.
Had one when I was a kid. So cool. And to grow in the wild is a treasure
Hurricane Hunter/ Filmmaker JOSH MORGERMAN missing in The Bahamas
Hurricane Hunter Jogsh Morgerman Hasn’t Tweeted In 2 Days In Bahamas, Fans Worried
Sept 3, 2019
he hasn’t been heard from in 2 days as he rode out Dorian in Marsh harbour (Grand Abaco Island)…
his last Tweet was on Sunday, Sept 1… “Pounding.. Crashing.”…
unconfirmed reports saying he was in a school that was destroyed by Dorian…but other conflicting reports saying the school was not destroyed..
more, at the link.
edit: not Jogsh… Josh
Is this the same Josh Morgerman:
well.. there aren’t two of him…obviously, it’s the “same” Josh…
apparently he’s surfaced after having “gone
dark” for 2 days on social media in Bahamas during Dorian…
article comfirming it, here..
I was just about to go look for that, saw it yesterday.
So glad to know he is safe!
In the middle of a cat 5 hurricane and
Even without an actual landfall – Hurricane Dorian will be destructive to the US southern coast.
The danger of Dorian is by no means over……
The dangers and heartache of Hurricane Michael persist even a year later. People are still getting sick from the after-effects of Hurricane Michael.
Last night, I spoke with a woman outside of the Tallahassee critical care facility where her 88 year old father is hospitalized two hours from their home, because the facility in their locale was destroyed by Hurricane Michael. He had contracted a fungal pneumonia due to mold left over from Hurricane Michael.
She drives two hours from Pensacola to check on him every other day. Her sister and a niece who live closer to Tallahassee alternate visits to oversee his care.
There are still people living in Tallahassee/Leon County, displaced from the Panama City/Pensacola area a year later. Many homes and businesses have not yet been rebuilt.
Hoping the ‘Thing’ coming off of Africa now will turn north and away from land.
Nothing good ever came from Africa.
Come on, Andy…., not nice.
Nice.nice! Not ready to play nice
It will probably be awhile before the full extent of the loss of life is known in the Bahamas.

I’m very sorry for their loss…but yikes, I hope they’re not expecting the US to rebuild for them.
The ingrates and corruptocrat leaders in Puerto Rico have squandered/stolen 91 BILLION USDollars and their people are still in misery. They let US aid rot on the tarmac.
wheatietoo I am sure we can help to ease suffering but rebuilding is up to the Bahama government and whatever treaty they have with the UK? They are not our territories.
By the way since the costed up to China well why should we build for China’s benefit?
I want the damn port back.
There is NO WAY in hell we should have allowed a China port that close to home. It’s CRAZY.
Then again, giving away Laguna Beach to the Chinese was completely insane. Don’t gt me started on Laguna Beach. It’s my sore spot. Can’t even call out there anymore and find someone with an American accent.
Daughn I hear you
These are the two links posted at the bottom of my America rant which relate to the China port in Bahamas.
It’s all so bogus.
Daughn thank you for the info.
If it is a submarine base it’s a HUGE problem.
People hear “submarine” but they don’t realize what it really means is “m!$$L3$”…
Think “Hunt for Red October”.
Remember JFK’s Cuban M Crisis was started for LESS…
Beyond my comprehension that ANYONE would consider 10K metric tons of “building supplies”, surrounded by barbed wire, with no real access road outside of the compound, could be for any honorable purpose.
Those politicians aiding China are TRAITORS, should be punished as such.
Daughn under Obama we gave to much up and eventually we will pay for it. Mistakes are made on purpose or stupidity or inexperience we only know in years to come.
In the meantime Obama is making lots of money and costing us lots of money.
Ohhh, my red hair is flaming on fire today (as you can tell in my other post).
Deep in the weeds of the article, we learn the EXIM bank of China and the Bahamas funded the port in Cooperstown Abaco.
49 million dollars
and then they donated 1.2 million in miliary
What the living hell?
The Bahamas sold out security to the USA for 50 million dollars?
and the port in Cooperstown is not used, barbed wire, closed off, and the laid off the Bahamian workers.
NO, no, and more NO.
Bahama will now come for money from us to rebuilt? Just my hunch.
I used to have red hair out of the bottle some moons ago but now it is salt and pepper.

Love it your read hair
I send the URL to my husband who thinks I am becoming a conspiracy theorist
I always have questioned things nothing new.
I think I have another coffee
So wish more Americans had your passion !
And wish I was just ten years younger, would take a flight to D.C. !!!!!!!!
Father God
We come to You humbly before the Throne of Grace – in the name of Jesus – we pray for Love as we face an incomparable foe.
We ask You to quell our apprehension, fear, and trepidation for we know not what we will be required to do in the coming days.
We ask You to help us prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually to battle the forces of evil that are guiding this storm.
We ask You to assist us with our domestic animals – to calm them and bring them to safety.
We ask You to help us prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually to battle the forces of evil that are guiding this storm.
We put our Hope solely in You – we believe Jesus is the Hope for the future – He has the power to calm and redirect this storm.
We put our Faith solely in You – we believe You want what is best for us – because You love us – we are not afraid.
We put our Trust solely in You – we believe in Your promise never to leave or abandon us in our hour of need.
We ask You protect the President, his family, our country, and our friends and families – put a hedge of protection over all.
We plead the Blood of Jesus over all in the path of this evil storm – protect them from all danger, hurt, and/or harm.
We ask You take this storm in Your Mighty Hands – and cast it out to sea – leaving all in its path safe and secure.
We ask You take hold of the wind – the water – and the power behind this storm – and reduce its hold over the land.
We ask You empower Your people – to do as Your Son asked them – to love one another as He loved us.
We pray the Lord’s Prayer – mindful that You care for us – knowing you will provide what we need – when we need it – by the Power of Your Spirit.
We acknowledge Your unconditional Love for us – and we believe Your Love will sustain us.
We ask it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus – Amen
All of the above Re-Tweeted by President Trump
I see you’re still “on a roll” Duchess (here’s the butter you asked for previously)
Seriously, thank you for all your posts here and elsewhere, much appreciated. God bless you angel!
Most welcome, pr – look who is ‘outing’ me – the ‘hall monitor of posting’ – LOL
I was hopin no one had noticed !
Well, dear – if you noticed me flipping around – then, I noticed you right behind me – lol
You’re too funny … bet you taught Marica all her funniness (you like the new word) … keep on keeping on Duchess… we need to wake up all the folks we can !
Thanks for the yummy rolls with butter, pr – You sweet!!!
Praying for people in Bahamas……………..
Daughn, I share your query, are they GONE? Isn’t most of the land still under water?
I was referring to the Bahamas, not the people. Not very clear-headed this a.m. !
This looks like the best way someone could have picked to maximize damage from a hurricane–to have it not quite come ashore but instead mess with hundreds of miles of coastline as it skims on past.
(Coming ashore is very bad for the site of landfall–but it ultimately kills the hurricane.)
The track literally parallels the coastline, even Jacksonville (which almost never gets a hurricane because it’s inside the bend) is going to get it.
Absolutely Steve, and then when it hits NC coast and the Outer Banks, it will make landfall …. in an area that has seen more than its share of hurricane damage. The configuration there almost acts like a hook, to say “hit me”
Just as JAX is indented and gets less hurricane “love”, the outer banks are “outdented” (not a word, I suspect), and get more “love” from hurricanes.
The only less-bad aspect of this, of course, is that it’s “only” a category 2 hurricane now.
I’ll take “bomb cyclones” over this any time. At least we don’t get storm surges here at 6000 feet MSL
For barrier islands, CAT 2 is still destructive. Late husband used to fish in Outer Banks once a year w/ sailing buds… told me about changes in shoreline. Unless one frequents the coastal areas, one does not even think about hurricanes changing shore lines, utterly destroying sand dunes, etc. Not to mention property. Hugo destroyed the entire front beach at Pawley’s island, cottages AND property (land) gone, with change in shoreline.
‘Course, I would never choose to live on front beach, although it’s really nice to walk out with a cup of coffee after waking. I prefer to walk from a few blocks away to watch the sunrise over the ocean !
Given that they’re essentially sandbars…I have no trouble believing any of that. Low elevations, too; they might even be low enough to completely submerge.
I think Kitty Hawk (a sacred site, in my book) is on an outer bank, too.
Much of my hometown, Charleston SC, is built on estuaries (I was born in hospital actually built on filled in estuary, virtually in the ocean!) surrounded by barrier islands which have become heavily populated… I love to visit the islands, but would never live on one.
Re-Tweeted from President Trump
I think this may be a FIRST …………………
Don’t ever recall this kind of state and federal and particularly EXECUTIVE coordination before… POTUS is truly a compassionate human being…………………
So sad that the haters are so into themselves they can’t see this…
‘There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know’.
~ first attributed to Jonathan Swift (?)
‘ He that has ears to hear, let him hear.’
~ Jesus Matt 4:9
With PT, there have been many ‘firsts’ – we have never had a President who worked so hard for the American people – he is a ‘manager’ – not a ‘boss’ – he knows how to bring the ‘right’ people together to get the job done – he began a week ago – to assess the situation – the probability – the potential – and amassed enormous numbers o people in multiple organizations – to coordinate this effort – he rarely ceases to amaze me – it is so great to be proud of our President and no longer embarrassed.
He says what he means – and means what he says – anyone who answers to him must be accountable for his/her success or lack thereof – he knows how to motivate people – to move resources – and keep abreast of the progress.
We are so blessed, pr!!!
Yes Duchess… well said my friend… well said.
Tanks, pr – how sweet of you!
If somebody doesn’t shut this jihadi down I’m going to have a stroke.
Per ELMI…. I won’t even cite the tweet for it to show up here…this is what it said
f…..Hurricane Dorian could hit Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia. Congress must be ready to come together for an emergency session to pass disaster aid.
History has shown we can’t depend on this president to take action.
SHOULD be coming from the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Bermuda, BVI, etc.
Bahamas is a member of The Commonwealth of Nations, among the wealthiest of all nations.
Where are they?
Among others – guess they figure – we are closer – we can get there quickly with aid – maybe, they will assist before too much more time has passed – Hope and pray…
I feel horrible for the people, don’t get me wrong.
Yet, there is no excuse.
This is the attitude which has to change.
They dawdle and linger, twisting their thumbs, while we pay for it all, save everyone, and fix it.
They KNEW it was coming.
Where are there lines and staging areas for utility crews?
Where are the pallets of food and supplies
Dozens and dozens of airports in the Bahamas, could have been used as staging areas.
Where are they?
They’re not there, because Uncle Sam will take care of it and put it on OUR credit card.
No more.
Time to save money for our kids and let them take care of their own.
ORRRRRRR turn over the ports and the airport.
That’s my offer.
No more free rides.
It takes time for change to manifest – we have been the world bank for so long – they have become lackadaisical – expect it – PT knows this – I have complete confidence in PT – he will fix this – he cannot change everything overnight – believe me – it will be noticed – and they will be shamed.
This makes me nuts.
Bahamas gained independence.
They belong to the UN.
They joined the IMF
YET – they took a 49 million dollar loan from the EXIM Bank of China for the port on Abaco, and then laid off all the local workers.
This is wrong.
It’s horribly dangerous for the USA to allow, what we think is a submarine base, for CHINA, this close to the USA.
Believe me, daughn – this will not stand – where there is a will – there is a way – where we can see no will – God has a way – Pray for them – after what China did so close to our shores – there will be heck to pay – the IMF has no money – and no clout – the EXIM Bank will go belly-up pretty soon – without a leg upon which to stand – these are minor problems – their first need is to rebuilt and restore – perhaps, create new industries now that China no longer has a hold on them – yes – I believe that hold will be broken – as far as the UN is concerned – nobody listens to them – nations want to be sovereign – will break away from any entity that threatens that sovereignty – the world will never be the same, again – and all of those money grabbers will be in jail or dead – have faith – God is still in charge!!!
Totally with you.
First time we’ve had a POTUS who would do anything.
Interesting that Bahamas made the deal in 2014 and opened port —- the summer of 2016.
No kidding
Well…where is the port now, daughn?
There is one port in Cooperstown, way off to the right, northeast corner.
Then, the big one at Freeport was the one which is supposed to be the largest in western hemisphere, which is not.
Two spots which we know of.
Did Cooperstown get hit?
Direct hit, it’s on Abaco.
Well, that’s two down for the count.
ESPECIALLY when the aid is squandered and the hand that graciously gave is slapped and maligned like Puerto Rico.
We deserve gratitude and respect for what is done.
Frankly the other wealthy nations should be called out for their lack of help. Isn’t that their gold star on the lapel…global love? Maybe that’s only for global dominance not global assistance
Daughn, have you sent a copy of your POST to Jack Posobiec at AON ?
He may do a periscope wrt the Bahamas and relief, or more even…………
I shall but I never get anything out of him.
That’s a shame… I’ve been disappointed with him regarding a few other matters. (sigh)
the Bahamas. As somebody said, there was a reason when the settlers arrived, those islands were so beautiful and idyllic, and yet inhabited
The whole fucking pacific islands think we owe them a living. Ffs we gave Indonesia a billion dollars after the 2001 Boxing Day tsunami. They sent 50,000 illegal immigrants on boats WE PAID FOR to save their fishing industries. If we paid for it my vote is we own it so sink it.
We care – and for that – we pay, ozzy – God will make it right, again – imho
They fuck up their own islands. Corral atolls have a lens of fresh water. This is finite but population explosion, tourism, export ( Fiji fucking water) have degraded and depleted them ,also if you dig deep to bury rubbish on an ISLAND ONLY A FEW FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL YES, YOU WILL GET A SLUSHIE. YOUR ISLAND IS NOT SINKING!
Oh and further your stupid islands aren’t being disappeared by sea levels rising. 1 sea levels ARE NOT rising. 2 MOST pacific islands are growing.
And the sewerage gets pumped underground
NY Post may be hiding information in their images using Steganography.
Singer R. Kelly moved from solitary to general population in Chicago federal jail. Countdown to his murder by another inmate in 5… 4… 3… 2…
Not much in this, beyond the sad ambiance it confers about how the models working under Epstein’s best friend, the presently disappeared Jean-Luc Brunel, lived at the edge of terror and helplessness.
Good to know that the supply we do not need goes to help people of the Bahamas.
Hopefully we do not need many of the supplies and we get lucky that we are being spared this time.
Prayers to the people in Bahama and also for the pets. Wonder if there is animal rescue going on ?
I do not know how some of the Island can cover?
Again, where are the Brits?
Uh, having tea? Not sure if it is tea time or not – one would think they would help –
* Sigh *
They’re sending ONE ship.
The QUEEN is the legal representative.
You know how stingy she is with money, daughn – I am sure PT will have something to say about that…
So, where are the rest of the Commonwealth countries? Bermuda, NZ, Aussies, Ireland, England, etc?
They all feel free to poke a stick in our eye, and criticize from the sidelines, but where the heck are they?
We’re already on the ground, helping THEIR people.
Risking our life, limb, and treasure.
The Bahamas belongs to their group.
And the Bahamas new BFF is China.
Time for the “Come to Jesus” meeting.
That may change – VP Pence is in that area right now – Ireland – perhaps – he might say something – even just to ask – a shame – yes!
Time to get angry about it.
These nations are not holding up their end of the deal with their partner, The Bahamas, another Commonwealth country.
Time to step up.
And NOT be timid about it.
PT will let them know – of that I am certain – I know it is outrageous – however – look at how he ‘owned’ the G7 – do you really think they will get away with this with PT in office?
they can’t be bothered, too busy trying to bury Boris…………
Did they not send a relieve ship ? They need people on the ground and people need for and drinking water .
Daughn we are good with helping and sending supplies and manpower to our own. Lets see how many countries will help .
Not there yet.
We TOLD them it was coming a week ago.
Of course, we will end up doing it, because we always do.
But this time, I want the ports back and I want the airport too.
Tired of this foolishness.
This is quite frankly NOT our jurisdiction.
Daughn you are a fighter
Hopefully we get the ports back and the airport.
Hope the leaders in Bahamas see the light and POTUS can deal.
Even if we don’t get ports or airport…it’s time that the humanitarian disaster field is leveled and all the zillions of finger wagging do-gooders do a bit of self reflection.
Time for fake news to get a dose of reality shoved down their throats.
Bet we could buy em cheap now, if so inclined!
You just know some “Richie Rich Moneybags” will swoop in. For a while there I was wondering if Dorian was gonna make it to Greenland, lower our price
. Any news on the hopefully wiped out China port???
Definitely TIME TO BUY real estate in the Bahamas. And you could even create your own reef with all the garbage. They’re going to have to allow dumping and creation of a reef. There is no where else to put it all.
I’ve been checking in with my dear friends, my brother and watching the island PD and Fire Dept twitter plus a local real estate beach cam. Praying for them all. Here’s a pic a few miles down from Pawleys…
Thanks for posting that Molly………..
Need a smile……….. this may even bring a tear (of joy)
Awww…how sweet – gives me goosebumples galore, pr! Thanks for sharing!!!
Troll in chief
Anonymous conservative blog good this am. Lots of juicy bits
pathetic. Amazing what amoral ferals see as an opportunity .
Been thinking about you, Crossthread. You are in my prayers.
wut? that for real?
The Climate Crapshowdown…where they all tried to out do each other from funding abortions in 3rd world countries to keep population down to old Creepy uncle Joe lavishing praise on AOC as some kind of guru made him bust a blood vessel or something.
If he was POTUS the eyeball would probably burst right out of his head
That’s a clone …………… blood in his eye
Someone said it’s a burst vessel caused by blood thinners that he takes. Other questioning if he’s been having mini strokes. We need LP’s insight.
I almost felt sorry for Biden. It’s happened to me, Big T, even my healthy son Gunner.
What horrible timing for him.
I’m thinking of the first terminator
Not sounding good Molly……………………