Time to step off and go on a rant. It’s overdue. Stick with me. Get out your American flag. Chin up and stick out your chest. We’re going to wave our flag quite a bit today and cast shade on other countries. Pardon me if you don’t agree, but I really don’t care if anyone is offended. It’s time to be offensive. It’s time to ask some hard questions, correct the record, and advocate on behalf of the USA.
Cue the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, visiting West Point, singing Battle Hymn of the Republic as my background music.
The effect of Hurricane Dorian on the islands in the Bahamas has revealed glaring problems with loyalty, geopolitics, and effectiveness of governments across the globe.
- Where would the Bahamas be if they had no NOAA or National Hurricane Center in Miami on whom to rely for information? I didn’t see a whole lot of damn alerts coming out of London or the EU!
- Across the MSM, we saw multiple reports of smaller countries calling the Bahamas PM and offering immediate assistance. Well, where the hell are they?
- The US media articles never said a word about the US offering assistance, and the implication was damning to our President….. of course…. which was their intent. But once again, the US Coast Guard is there, evacuating the wounded……. where are the Brits? They’re sending ONE ship? Where is the Bahama Coast Guard? Where are the pre-positioned British/EU/Chinese assets, their utility crews, pallets of relief supplies? It’s not like they didn’t know the storm was coming. WE TOLD THEM!
- The Bahamas belongs to The Commonwealth, among the wealthiest of nations. Where are they? The Americans are already on the ground.
All these little countries across the Caribbean, Africa, South America, were once colonies “exploited” by powerful western nations. Eye roll. That’s what the Obamas of the world like to tell us. It’s the basic premise of the socialists today. BUT – is it true?
Okay, the western civilization came in, built roads, ports, hospitals, infrastructure, mined and farmed land, and made the trains run on time. The Western governments established courts, law, contracts, and brought with them education and vaccinations. But the little countries eventually did not like being “oppressed”, voted for the Communist/Marxists and gained freedom from their “overlords” in Europe throughout the 1960’s…….. kind of like the USA did in 1776.

Wait a minute, what’s that? You mean the USA overthrew their overlords (King George and the Tories) and then the USA established a system of government whereby …… even when they went to war…. they did not take land nor treasure? Oh no, the USA remembered well our lesson of 1776. Surprised? What’s the over/under on most college students being ignorant of the concept? Take your best guess…..
Soooooo, does that mean the USA are not colonialists? Yep. You mean the USA is not evil like my university professor and Obama told me? Bingo. Wait, wait, wait, so when Obama said the people of the Arab uprising are just like our revolutionaries, he was wrong? Answer: Yes and no. They would have been true revolutionaries, good, noble, and honorable men, if their system of government WORKED for the people, but it hasn’t…. and it never will.
Communism or Socialism will always fail, because men yearn to breathe free. Love of liberty is irrepressible and cannot be squelched by bureaucrats. Americans stand for freedom and we will not be denied.
Something was different…. in the 1960’s, we had Communists and Marxists to stoke fear and resentment, class and race division. They won…. or did they? Well, they did assume power but their system of government…….. well, it sucks…… It’s STILL a third world kleptocracy.
The locals could NOT make the trains run on time.
There was no LOCAL and LOYAL venture capital.
Hospitals failed.
AIDS and epidemics spread – infant mortality increased.
Over-farming produced famine and deforestation.
Corruption became rampant – cuz, no more penalties for cheating…..
and new Overlords – terrorists – arose to fight wars and enslave children to work in the mines. Gee whiz, but were the people better off? Of course not. But…. they were no longer “oppressed”! Or were they….?
The USA sends aid…… endlessly, with no change in structure of government, no end to the incompetence. No one cleans up the corruption. Rinse and repeat. Sudan? Darfur? No reason for the tragedy. Today, in Africa, the USA goes in to fight their wars of ethnic/religious cleansing, while the Chinese are down the road, paying off the dictator to mine the country… on roads we built.
Today …… the former colonies surrender to China, their new master, without firing a shot. They bend their knee, or more precisely, they bend over at the waist! They willingly surrender to autocrats, the Communists. Yet, Europe is to blame? America is the bad guy? Does this make sense to any citizen? No, it only makes sense to those who dine on morsels of luxury provided by China….. for a little while at least.
The Bahamas signed the Pact with China for port and military assistance (check out the links in the postscript). Well, if China is their new “BFF”, then where in the hell are the Chinese helo’s to evac the wounded out of Abaco and Marsh Bay? In fact, where the heck were the Chinese in Haiti? I mean…… the Israelis were there.
Bahamas – The same Chinese company that recently took operational control of the Panama Canal is currently completing construction of the largest container port in the world in Freeport, Bahamas – just 60 miles from Florida. View Photos of the Port Several U.S. military experts say that the activities of Hutchison Whampoa Limited, a Hong Kong-based conglomerate, in both Panama and the Bahamas, pose a significant risk to U.S. national security.
Rense.com Authors Christopher Ruddy and Stephan Archer
Why are we, the USA, paying for the cleanup once again? The UK had loyalty to the Bahamas, and the UK is wealthy. Are they paying for our Coast Guard to risk their lives? Our Coasties are priceless to us. Where are all the concerned virtue signaling tweets from the Duchess of Sussex? Where are Prince Harry and William? What about the Chinese? I see no one there but the Americans. And the Americans were the FIRST ones there!!!!!!!
And now, we’re gearing up our Salvation Army, Red Cross, Army Corps of Engineers, and all our Churches to go and help the Bahamian people???? Only for them to remain loyal to China and the UK? Why are we doing this????
I know, I know, because it’s the right thing to do, right? Because we’re good people and charitable, right? Because we’re the benevolent ones, right?
No, we’re supposed to be the a$$holes….. remember?
We’re the Americans. I’m happy to help, but I want the port back, and the airport, too. And I want a BIG tract of the Queen’s Crown Land in the Abaco’s dedicated to a US Submarine base. Hey, we might let NATO use the base…. If they pay their DAMN BILLS!
Don’t like my proposal? Fine. Then let The Commonwealth come in and fix The Bahamas. Where is the sweet leader of New Zealand? Where are the Aussies? Where are the Brits and the Irish? What about Bermuda? They’re close and rolling in cash. Let them do it.
BUT – No more Chinese.
No more Mr. Nice Guy… patsy…. stupid…. America, who pays for the mistakes.
We all know the Americans will end up helping and doing the lion’s share. Only this time, don’t disrespect our efforts. We want the two Chinese ports and the airport. Don’t call it “conquered land”, call it a 200yr lease for $1USD. At least the USA will make the trains run on time and make the country BETTER. We’ll defend the land because we show up when the going gets tough. It’s what we do.
You don’t get to take from the USA, call us when you need us, wallow in the warmth and comfort at our generous tit, and then stab us in the back.
Not anymore.
Still have doubts about America? Well, let’s take a look at just how good the world has become because of the USA. Sure, we can give a little credit to other western democracies, but make no mistake, the USA forms the foundation for it all. None of it would have happened without the Americans. Get ready to wave your American flag. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2017/11/30/why-the-world-is-getting-better-why-hardly-anyone-knows-it/?fbclid=IwAR3Rh1oVofcZMBQnVW1ohdlWqyCdLyl1Xws5Wb59QvLJ9xmOE7ew0aWVj1M#234a7a6e7826
The above article was written in November of 2017, by Steve Denning, Senior Contributor to Forbes. He did a deep dive on how much better the world has become over the last 200yrs. I’m particularly mad today and ranting, therefore, I connect the dots to the success and dominance of the USA, because it’s true. We are the “it” factor.
The first thing Denning analyzes is the percentage of the world population living in poverty. In 1820, over 90% of the world’s people lived in poverty. As we grew and became more wealthy, we lifted many out of poverty. Yet, in 1950, over 75% of the world’s population was STILL in poverty. Who was the primary dominant power in the world in 1950? That would be us – the USA. Ohhhh, looky here, could it be that American industrialization and success helped lift the world’s people out of poverty? Well, it sure as hell wasn’t Russia…. Today, less than 10% of the world’s population lives in poverty.
As the media is obsessed with reporting events where things have gone wrong, it is easy to overlook this extraordinary fact: “every single day since 1990, since, on average, there were 130,000 people fewer in extreme poverty every day.”
Steve Denning, link above.

What’s this? 200 years ago, only 10% of the world’s population was literate. Today, almost 90% of the world’s population are literate. Again, notice the big difference AFTER year 1950. Notice the downturn during WW2. Imagine what the downturn would have been if the USA lost the war.

Let’s take a look at health of the world’s children. Back in 1800, about 43% of children died before age 5. Today, the numbers are miniscule. Why? Could it be the medicines, hygiene, safe practices, waste disposal, air conditioning, discovered by the USA and a few other western democracies…… saved billions of children? Yeah, billions of children.

What about freedom? How does one measure freedom? Well, in the 1800’s, almost everyone lived in an autocratic regime. Today, more than half the people in the world live in Democracies… which is supposed to mean, if your government stinks, you can vote to change it. Interesting to note: Of the people still living under an autocracy…. about 4 of 5 live in China……. again, the Communists. Look at the difference after WW2. Gee whiz, good thing the Americans won WW2. Imagine this graph if the Nazis won, and all the implications therein…… for the people of the world who treasure their freedom.

What about population growth? We had ONE billion people on earth in 1800 and about 7X’s that now. “Global life expectancy doubled just over the last hundred years.”
The last projection is on education. Here’s where Denning (obviously a globalist) begins to speculate about declining birth rates and importance of education for children, all the way out to year 2100. Denning loses me, here. I’m not comfortable speculating ahead by 80yrs. Yet, I call your attention to the graph to look at the progress made between 1970-2020. It’s amazing.

If ANYONE thought the Russian Communist Soviet Bloc (the other world power) contributed heavily to the health and wealth of the world, then all the graphs above would have leveled off or worsened around 1990……… but they didn’t. Did they? Nope, communism failed in Soviet States, because it’s hard to move a potato across 13 time zones unless you have capitalists who figure out how to do it… and make a profit for their effort.
Imagine, for a moment, you were a founding forefather, one of those great “white” men for whom we have statues today. You know those statues, the ones the communists want to tear down? Imagine you were trying to write a Constitution and a Bill of Rights for a Republic….. not a democracy but a Republic, which guarantees rights for the minority as well. What would happen if you, in 1800, told a local journalist you could solve most of the problems of the world within 200 years, by establishing the United States of America and protecting Western Democracies when they came under threat?
Yeah, that journalist would probably laugh at our founding father, but that’s what we did. Human Rights guaranteed by God, not by man nor a government? Who thought it would be such a good idea…..? We did. Those pesky Americans.
George Washington could have been named a King of the USA, but he turned it down. Think about it. It was the original benevolence and honor of one man which brought us to this place. I posit, if Washington had been named King, a ruler, how would he be any different than Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela today? He wouldn’t. Isolated power corrupts. It’s why autocrats and communists fail. As much as we may complain about our government today, a system of checks and balances is necessary….. and consequences for bad behavior would be nice…. Actually, the people have a written remedy for their dissatisfaction found within the same founding documents.
We’ll close with this part of Steve Denning’s essay…..
Why Don’t We Know The World Is Getting Better?
It’s ironic that in a world where knowledge and education are improving dramatically, there is widespread abysmal ignorance about the improving state of the world. “More than 9 out of 10 people do not think that the world is getting better.”
Our World In Data suggests that the media are partly to blame. The media does not tell us how the world is changing, it tells us where the world is going wrong.
Steve Denning for Forbes, November 31, 2017.
Hmmmmmm, “…. 9 out of 10 people do not think that the world is getting better.”, why does that sound like a CNN poll? Gotcha, the media.
Denning closes his article by giving credit to “global institutions”, how we have learned to work together and adapt. Fluffy, globalist “B“ovine “S”cat. As Daddy always said, “If it weren’t for America, we would all be speaking German”. We didn’t get to this place in the world because of Germany, Japan, or Italy…….. America did it because we defeated their despots. And then, we rebuilt Germany, Japan, and Italy. Yeah, America did, and we’re still paying for their militaries and securing their sea lanes for safe trade.
Time to say, “Thank you, America!”
Maybe……. all we need is new media, a new attitude, and to stop apologizing for the greatness of America. The media needs to be grounded, sent to their rooms without supper, until they adjust their perspective, learn humility, and become grateful for what we all have. Why would Americans EVER sit still for a media who tells us we’re all horrible people……… based on nothing but propaganda and bad logic? Hell no!
No more stupid leaders, and no more Socialist/Communists pushing control of our institutions. Why in the world would any “leader” advocate for open borders? And who, with ANY common sense, would ever give up our energy dominance in the world? Who could be so dumb………. unless that’s not their real intent?
No more Chinese influence in Hollywood… look at how oppressed/stifled/censored Hollywood has become! We really need to FREE Hollywood, while they spit in our faces. And sure as hell, no Huawei in the USA. Their Communist system of government does not work. The USA will never become the “colony” to China. Yet, that’s what the Chinese want, “send us your soybeans and pork — because we already took your advanced manufacturing.”
Enough!! Time to get tough. The United States of America is the best thing ever to happen to the world, and we know it. It wasn’t Communist Russia and never was. It’s not Communist China either. Be damned if we’re going to turn over the USA to power hungry, ill-intended fish merchants, who can only guarantee relative comfort for themselves and widespread misery for the rest of us.
It’s our responsibility to defend the USA, and if we don’t, the entire world will fall, without a shot being fired…….. because…. yeah…. they want our legal guns as well.
Wave your flag!
PS: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/business/China-Harbour-commences-Bahamian-port-project_17001377
We’ve only just begun……..!
Needless to say, Daughn, but I doubt you will get invited on Obama’s next “Apology Tour”!!!
I actually just spit!
You’re right, probably not.
I do a LOT of biz overseas and during the election of 2016, people asked me about President Trump….. like I knew him…. as if he lived next door to me.
They often criticize the USA as an auto-reflex, blamed for everything wrong in their lives or why their country is not great….
…. but if I knew them long enough
….. eventually
…. they would ask me for help on how to get to the USA to live.
Funny that.
Uh, but you neglected to say “Amen” in all that text.
Not an Amen or an Amen, either…
(Wondering if that’s some kind of code, too.)
…not that you’re counting, mind you…
Amen amen amen ….

… and the Battle Hymn of the Republic … is playing
Hey Wolfie, can you please approve Floyd?
I’ve known the guy for about 10yrs, he belongs to a few other of my groups, and he would be a lovely patriot to add to our Tree.
Is his first name pink?
Oh. Like la’whatever
Stupendous POST !
Please send to POTUS, to Stephanie Grisham, to Mick Mulvaney and whomever is now POTUS’ personal assistand (be sure to tell her NOT to withhold from POTUS, as her predecessor was wont to do!) ……..
to Brian Cates, etc. etc.
it should go viral !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(maybe send to Melania also)
Woohoooo, Brain Cates just responded!!
Great ! Hope he tweets it out… he often treats entire threads from others. Good guy.
” Brain Cates just responded!!”
GOOD, I hope this essay gets published in Epoch Times!!
(Now there is a paper you should send a subscription of to all you liberal relatives… HECK ALL your friends and relatives!)
and…… HELL YES!
Great article Daughn!
Can we have some MOAR?
Am I allowed to print this? How do I save/print this? All proper accredidation to Daughn, of course! ♡♡♡
Copy it, steal the theme, edit it, cut and paste it………….. I would give you the shirt from my back. Whatever it takes.
Great rant, Daughn. Renditions of Battle Hymn of The Republic to Stars and Stripes Forever beautiful. Always warm my heart, relax a bit and contemplate the good fortunes we all are blessed with… Went back and played them a second time;-)
Flag is up 24/7, MAGA on my melon every where I go, barring a foray into komifornia that I can’t get out of. Latter times Glock hat on my melon. Emails daily thanking and supporting President Trump. Emails daily chastising NV socialist Senators wacky Jacky and Masto.
At some point we will need to take to the streets, and we will. I will. Taking our guns yammering needs to stop. At that juncture, IF it is attempted, all hell will break loose.
I do believe President Trump will hold the line on no more gun control. His fundamental statements have been spot on and cannot be logically refuted… No gun control proposed would have prevented mass shootings over the past decades. The gun itself does nothing evil.
Problem is typically a mentally ill person, or someone who chose to be evil. And, NO, I don’t believe someone who chooses to act evil, is always mentally ill.
So far I am seeing President Trump’s America First, AND using common sense, saying as much is stifling D-Rat traction…across the spectrum of issues. President Trump slamming hussein AND slick willy, as well as bush is helpful. Those guys screwed over America and any objective thinking American can see it. Calling their evil policies out, I think brings us together…hammers past RepubliCON and D-Rat President equally.
Hmmm. IF I had one, lost my train of thought, so I’ll post and ponder some more…;-)
Observation #1 — about that “infant mortality” statistic? The US is the only major country in the world that records a “live birth” for a single heartbeat outside the womb. Most — including specifically the ones that have National Health Services — only will record a live birth once the baby is stabilized, breathing, and the birth is recorded. All others are “stillbirths” or “miscarriages”.
Kermit Gosnell’s House of Horrors included “live births” that would have been included in “infant mortality” here, in the US…….but not in Canada, the UK, Russia, China, India, or most of the rest of the world.
Sickening as it may seem, the US will always have a higher “infant mortality” statistic than those around us who bury their deaths as “unpersons”.
Cthulhu, this is why I hang out with you. Would have never known that little tidbit. Thank you for the addition.
echoing Daughn’s praise… I have learned more about hurricanes (as a layman) in the last few days from your posts, than I gleaned from all I read and experienced in my 8 decades… Thank you.
No Australia is the same. And after 20 weeks the baby gets a birth cert and a death certificate. It is recognised as a human . Parents get registration papers and the baby gets a birth and death cert in its name. It must also be buried, cremated . Not treated as medical waste
I love your idea of a little “rescue boat diplomacy”.
Bloody well high time for it, if you ask me.
And the media – THAT is the real kicker. Our MEDIA is a sick bunch of puppies.
Journalism schools in America are a scandal unto themselves.
MCM seemingly lock step perspective needs to be addressed. Breaking up the MCM conglomerates would be a great start.
Followed by breaking up big tech media…FB, TW…let’s throw Google in there. Which of course includes YT.
Well folks, G’nite;-)
Agreed. Massive antitrust is needed in media and social media. BREAK IT UP.
Good night!
We may need to close the universities until they can get their act together…
And public schools ? Betsy Devos needs a prayer meeting with Daughn, wrt the lack of history, civics our kids are getting…
Wolfie, haven’t I read (in last week maybe) that a number of state atty generals are filing anti-trust against social media? Do we maybe need class action against MEDIA and social media ?
We don’t have a strong Sec of Education, that’s clear.
I have a feeling……. just guessing, the goal was to get the economy/trade settled first. Makes sense, because then we have the money for everything else.
Education will be second term.
YES! you make complete sense… thanks for the uplift!
Chaos = Opportunity, and it sure as heck is chaos in the Bahamas. Time for a “come to Jesus” meeting. Been fired up all day long and it’s overdue!
Yeah, I’m really feeling it now, too. The whole “support of troublemakers, crooks and ingrates” thing is just….. annoyingly GALLING.
It’s all crap! And that….. @#^^$#@ Omar woman is the straw that broke my tolerance. Demanding President Trump “act” and fi the Bahamas. Time to learn some gratitude, lady.
OMG – Omar Taqiyya Jihad is beyond ungrateful. She’s EVIL.
And arrogantly so. Doesn’t Want to talk about marrying her brother…doesn’t want to talk about her lover and laundering campaign funds (as did Sandy Cortes)…? Well, too damn.bad…laws are for everyone and you are a public figure that needs to answer for your actions.
I hope SOMEONE is following this and she will be forced to answer under oath in a courtroom.
Once again, Power Line is all over the Omar story as they are the original publishers of all the scandals. See article below.
GREAT article!!! Thank you! WOW.
Someone got inside her and beat her on the inside with the ugly stick. The ugly 2×4.
“Time to learn some gratitude, lady.”
But she won’t — not ever — until someone FORCES her to.
Until or unless she is arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned, there’s not even a CHANCE that she will ‘learn some gratitude’.
And she’s no lady.
What is always missing is the “or WHAT”.
Time to learn _______, you better do _________, etc.
What’s going to happen if they DON’T?
If there is never any consequence for bad (or worse, CRIMINAL) behavior, then why would people EVER change?
And the only way we will ever get ‘consequence’ BACK is if we get our JUDGMENT back.
Start JUDGING again, like we SHOULD.
NOT hypocritically, but righteously.
And what righteous judgment can Man possibly have, without the guiding principles of God?
Return as a country to GOD, stop making any excuses for doing so or backing down a single inch from the evildoers, exercise JUDGMENT, and hold people ACCOUNTABLE.
Or accept things the way they are.
There is no ‘third way’, and there never has been.
We either FIGHT for what is RIGHT, or we accept the evil.
That’s the choice.
It always has been.
“Chaos = Opportunity, and it sure as heck is chaos in the Bahamas.”

That’s what the Clintons always said!
I just happened to catch a minute of Glenn Beck on his radio show – haven’t listened to him since before the Cheeto-face days. But what he said was absolutely on point.
Paraphrasing, he said the Constitution prevents the government from taking away our rights to free speech and self defense (referring to 1A and 2A).
So instead, “we’re letting the corporations do that”. He was referring to the media and big tech companies.
Instantly I thought of that picture in the White House w/ BO and all the media and tech top brass. Plotting and planning for EXACTLY what Beck stated in one short sentence.
“And the media – THAT is the real kicker. Our MEDIA is a sick bunch of puppies.”
And I am married to a FIFTH generation journalist. Hubby is the only one who didn’t stick with the newspaper business.
Hubby’s family goes back to Alton Illinois at the same time as Elijah Lovejoy was living there. Family history says that great great granddad burned all his papers from that time period because he was part of the underground railroad. Back then Journalist WERE REAL NEWSPAPER MEN!
Observation #2 — The Gods of the Copybook Headings
In Kipling’s day, English and penmanship were taught by having students copy short slogans over and over and over. The slogans were drawn from common sense, the Bible, AEsop’s Fables, rules of thumb, folk wisdom, and the like — things like “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me” or “Slow and steady oft wins the race”. But there were always people who would say, “ignore these things and buy my new splendiferous solution that is so much better than dirty, musty old things that have worked for thousands of years.” And so he penned the following timeless poem:
AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.
We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.
We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place,
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.
With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”
On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages of Sin is Death.”
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
Marvelous and well timed. You’ve been saving that one, yes? We’re keeping Kipling!
I bring it out now and again……though I have the impulse to quote it daily.
This seemed like a good time.
Well played, mi’ love.
I also like when the English began to hate. I think that’s a propos of these times too
The Beginnings (1914-1918)?
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.
Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.
That’s the one. Cold implacable anger and determination
I think it sums up the change of attitude we are seeing in American patriots and also worldwide. This is not live and let live .in Ivanhoe there is the lines spoken by the fool which is very true-she forgives him as a Christian so she forgives him not at all. This has been a slow build and it’s no flash of rage . We are at war with our mortal enemies
Keeping our powder dry as we draw closer and closer to such a point again.
I should also note that the second stanza is horribly incomplete to the modern reader. It merely criticises the Copybook crew for “lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind” — but neglects to also criticize for lacking Diversity, LGTBQ* support, solutions for Income Inequality, sufficient compassion for the drug-addled, non-punitive tolerance for felons, Climate Awareness, Sustainability, or Environmental concerns.
Unfortunately, we are also lacking individuals with Kipling’s clear vision who could incorporate these important elements into supplemental stanzas.
I’m giggling, but the irony is not lost.
Excellent Rant, Daughn! …And damn straight!
Sometimes, the stupidity of our “betters” just piles up to the point where you’ve just gotta let loose a nice, satisfying rant!
TPTB have been working for GENERATIONS now building an arsenal of propaganda aimed at undermining American History, American Exceptionalism, and American Pride. Psychological warfare campaigns have been relentless against our population for generations.
Why have we just let them steam roll over us? We have a 1st amendment but that does NOT mean that any foreign or revolutionary power has carte blanch to propagandize the United States by any means necessary.
If it were another country, they’d shut that propaganda down.
News Media, Entertainment, Schools, Academia, Hollywood – all complicit. Easy to spot the parasitic too.
They’ve also done a bang up job of making the churches preach the gospel of anti-Americanism, or at least lock them down under some distortion of “separation of church and state” with no basis in law or Christian belief.
And there’s been plenty of assaults on families, on how parents raise children, on marriage. Easy divorce. Oh and the great sexual revolution? – out of wedlock birth as the fast track to generational poverty.
It’s up to us to reclaim our birthright. To stop passively allowing the non-stop propaganda into our homes and minds. A constant stream of toxic waste that tells us that we are bad people and should be ashamed? Demonic lies! Christ has set us free.
We’re done.
The assault on America is over!
I want my country back.
We are winning.
The Demonic forces of darkness cannot stand in this fight. That’s why they are throwing out EVERY DIRTY TRICK in the book at us.
The demons know they’re screwed so they’ll do anything to convince us we are losing!
Same with the deep state/globalist/china/soros/clintons/etc/etc/etc – They know that unless they take VERY DRASTIC MEASURES…
Darkness is defeated by the LIGHT!!!
“The Bahamas belongs to The Commonwealth, among the wealthiest of nations. Where are they? ”
What a perfect moment for the Bahamas to declare Independence — amidst the wreckage and devastation — and rebuild a free nation
“The Bahamas belongs to The Commonwealth, among the wealthiest of nations. Where are they? The Americans are already on the ground.”
And among the stingiest.
At least they have that going for them
“The Bahamas belongs to The Commonwealth, among the wealthiest of nations. ”
Which ‘commonwealth’ is that, anyway?
As I lift my gaze across the world, I don’t see anywhere that wealth is common.
And the only way that’s possible, in this era, is if it’s by DESIGN.
“Obama said the people of the Arab uprising are just like our revolutionaries, he was wrong? Answer: Yes and no. They would have been true revolutionaries, good, noble, and honorable men, if their system of government WORKED for the people, but it hasn’t…. and it never will. ”
Well, they’re also islamic Satanists, so there’s that… pretty solid guarantee that ‘freedom’ wasn’t exactly on the agenda…
“Communism or Socialism will always fail, because men yearn to breathe free.”
And freedom is always in mortal danger of being lost, because free men don’t yearn hard enough to do what’s necessary to wipe out the enemy.
We never finish the job.
We never win the game.
We always manage to give the enemies of freedom a first class ticket right back to respectability and influence.
That is a deadly weakness.
And it needs to be corrected.
Because the next time, we might not make it back from the brink.
And if that happens, the Dark Ages will look comforting by comparison.
“And now, we’re gearing up our Salvation Army, Red Cross, Army Corps of Engineers, and all our Churches to go and help the Bahamian people?”
Whoa… I wouldn’t let the Red Cross or most of the churches in there… it’s just a traveling child-trafficking show.
The nice thing about the Red Cross though is all those videos of boxes full of cash that they launder around the world. The Red Cross should be GIVING money, not taking donations. The ‘Red Cross’ probably has more money than almost anyone in the world. Filthy corrupt.
NGOs serve ONLY the leadership of the NGO, and ‘churches’ who take government money for ‘services’ are literally apostate business ventures, mocking God.
Sure, it’s possible there may a good ‘one’. Maybe. Or even (theoretically) two.
There is still zero Authority for any congregation of God’s people to be in business with the government.
Government = corruption.
Money = corruption.
Government + Money = Mega Corruption.
Always has, always will.
“We all know the Americans will end up helping and doing the lion’s share. Only this time, don’t disrespect our efforts. ”
But they will.
Not the People, but the media.
We have allowed the Leftists/Globalists total control of the world media, which means:
A) the world media will never say a single kind word about America
B) the rest of the world’s impression of America (and of Americans) will continue to be shaped and molded by God-hating, America-hating Leftists/Globalists.
Until or unless we DO something about it.
Doing something about it is easy.
FORCE is easy.
USE of force is easy… and extremely effective.
All that is ever needed is the will to use it.
We could wipe out the evil, worldwide, in a matter of weeks.
The entire WORLD would change, practically overnight.
But we won’t.
For the same reasons recognized by our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence:
“…and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”
And so we have this awful tension between good and evil, where evil prevails 99% of the time throughout history, cyclically, until things get so horrible that good actually does just enough to restore ‘balance’ between good and evil — but never enough to win outright.
And then evil starts right in again.
BREAK the cycle.
WIPE OUT the evil.
Just once, do to evil, what evil ALWAYS and CONTINUOUSLY does to US.
Or is hundreds of years of PEACE just too scary to contemplate?
“Don’t call it “conquered land”, call it a 200yr lease for $1USD. At least the USA will make the trains run on time and make the country BETTER.”
Bahamas replies: Not until you utterly destroy Hollyweird and the cultural Marxist Left.
We’ve seen your Sodom & Gomorrah freak show, broadcast live around the world 24/7. You may be used to it, or able to tune it out, but it’s as horrifying to us as it would have been to your grandparents in the 1940s and 1950s.
Love America, but it’s not worth the freak show that (apparently?) comes with it.
If you were in our shoes, you wouldn’t let that sick death-culture into your country, either…
Just sayin…
“Still have doubts about America? Well, let’s take a look at just how good the world has become because of the USA. Sure, we can give a little credit to other western democracies, but make no mistake, the USA forms the foundation for it all. None of it would have happened without the Americans.”
NON-LEFTIST Americans, specifically and absolutely exclusively.
Leftist Americans have contributed nothing but ROT and DECAY and DEATH — which is all that the Left is capable of contributing — seriously (and literally).
And THAT is what most of the world SEES when they “see” America, as it is portrayed by world Media, because the Hate-America Left controls ALL of the media.
Until we actually do something to fix THAT, how is anything going to change?
It’s like being slapped in the face, all day long, every day, for 50 years.
If it was going to stop on its own, it would have by now.
If it was going to stop because you said ‘pretty please’, it would have by now.
The simple truth is, it’s not going to stop — until you knock his ass OUT.
ALL the way OUT.
Give ‘me hell, Daughn!
Me thinks you & President Trump need a junket to the Bahamas for a little ‘come to Jesus’ meeting. Never let a crisis go to waste.
* ‘em *
OUTSTANDING thread, Daughn.
You definitely ROCK
Excellent, Daphn….needs to be distributed widely and the White House also needs to see it.
As an aside regarding the Bahamas…we used to go there frequently, especially to Naussa, mainly because we could take a cheap flight over in a seaplane. Then the Bahamians decided they wanted independence from Britain and the whites. The attitude changed drastically…very deliberate rude to visitors and “having to serve” whites.
Well, as you might imagine, that got old very quickly and American tourists stopped going, stopped spending their money there. Before long, the new government saw that the mainstay of their economy was rapidly disappearing. So, the PM arranged that “hospitality” became a focus of education, beginning in the schools. The concept was hammered into everyone, young and old. And, after a few years, a lot of PR and incentives…gradually the tourist with their money returned.
South Africa will soon learn this lesson, as other “independent” nations have. You don’t bite the hands that feed you.
Too bad some of our leaders here in the US don’t grasp that, either.
South Africa is devolving into just another African corruptocracy or communist hell-hole/shit-hole.
Too late they will learn they need white man’s morals/values/ethics/Christianity.
African animism and Communism, atheism and controlled anarchy just won’t hack it.
It’s business school #101.
When we first started the B&B, one of the three actual racists I’ve ever met in my entire life asked me, “Are you gonna let Black people stay in your house?”
I was taken aback by the question but instead of fighting with him, I said, “I don’t care if they’re Martians as long as they’re credit card is good. I have a mortgage to pay.”
He understood and we’ve been friends ever since.
Same mindset is why boycotting and spineless CEO’s make no sense. Never offend half your customers = it’s bad for business.
Makes me crazy.
Yes, sometimes there’s a fine line. A rude, inconsiderate customer is not worth having back, and if handled properly, won’t bad mouth you and may even recommend you even though they’ve been “banned”.
Only bad one we’ve ever had was the witch.
It’s astonishing, really. Everyone else has been fabulous, kind, warm, considerate.
It’s amazing.
Every corner of the world, class, color, income, does not matter. Weird, huh?
We also saw people from all walks of life. Most people are appreciative, and friendly. The only people we really had trouble with (and they were few) were those that basically thought that because they were paying us they could treat us as their private serfs. The last couple I had a problem with wanted to pick up their small dog on a Sunday. We closed on Sunday for 2 reasons. It’s the Lord’s day, and He has good reason for it. It prevents burn out as we found out the hard way. Anyway, I had made perfectly clear to these people that they would NOT be able to pick up on Sunday. They called several times on Sunday, I reiterated our policy each time, politely. They called the local police. I did not open the gate, and they could not really do anything. The officer asked if he could see the dog, and I carried the little dog up to the gate so he could see it. That was the end of the calls. Next morning, they came a little before opening time, I had the dog in the house, and gave it to them, no charge, and told them that they were never allowed to board with us again. The little dog was in excellent shape, and all they could complain about was our well known policy of being closed on Sunday.
You made the right call on that one.
I’m laughing, now that I think about it, weddings were the worst for us. Always an aunt or sister who thought she could tell my staff what to do.
We did 37 weddings in one year and I quit doing them. Corp clients were easy, gracious. The weddings were killers.
Accomodating assholes pisses off your other customers who may not be drama queens but will not come back
Had my car washed at a car wash recently. They charged me extra because it was dirty (wtf?) . My husband buys fuel there. He told them that $5 meant that I would never fill any of our 4 vehicles there again. They were shocked, offered the $ back, offered a free car wash. He told them forget it, she ain’t never coming back.
That need the white farmer to grow their food. Zimbabwe used to be the bread basket of Africa before they kicked out/killed all their whites. Now they depend on charity. S.a will be the same
“PS: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/business/China-Harbour-commences-Bahamian-port-project_17001377
PPS: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/china-builds-port-bahamas-provides-military-assistance-equipment-180-miles-off-u-s-coast/”
Shooting war, not just economic and cyber war, with China seems more likely than with Russia or Cuba nowadays.
They’ve been on a shopping spree in our backyard.
That was GREAT!!! Love me a supercharged boost of patriotism in the morning!
love the GIF Driller …. cute as pie, the alien is!
Can I just say…I’m sick of the Cabal turning our Bill of Rights on its head to attack the USA?! Political Correctness, MSM (Hollywood), Charlottesville, Antifa, Walmart surrender, Dicks Sporting Goods surrender, The Squad, FIB, C( )A, most elected officials, education / educators…where is the fealty to our Bill of Rights / Constitution?! Too many are the enemies, especially when it requires so little effort for people to relinquish those rights.
This is why Trump the Cabal Slayer, is so essential. With one tweet he can change the focus and direction of the discourse.
Pray for his safety like there is no tomorrow.
Thanks Daughn!
This perfectly expresses how I feel about our Country. We are so incredibly blessed, and so quick to forget how great our Nation is.
Not just the great men who were our Founders, but everyday citizens laid their lives on the line to give the world this incredible gift. I study them almost every day. It pisses me off and breaks my heart that their sacrifices are so misunderstood, or even unknown, by almost everyone alive today.
I pray that all Americans will wake up, understand how spoiled we are, in what unbelievable freedom we live, and what riches the very poorest American has. A person living in inner-city American poverty has a life half the world would kill for. They just don’t know it.
Not long ago, local elderly woman at a gas station had her purse snatched. Happened in broad daylight and it was so odd for our community, she was furious and started screaming. All of a sudden, about a dozen men took off after the snatcher, regular men. Guy was caught, purse returned, she was happy, criminal arrested….. guys all proud of themselves/bonding/congratulating each other, testosterone flowing.
It was the talk of the town for weeks, big write up in the paper, “Local heroes”
Wouldn’t see that happen in Miami…..
But it should happen.
Like Martin Luther in 1517, this ‘rant’ needs to be nailed on the doors of every academic institution in the United States. The rest of the world a few weeks later. While we’re at it, the foreheads of every member of Congress too!
I just love how you think and marvel at your ability to articulate your thoughts. Where do you find the time??
Superb work!!
Um, my only comment is that nobody actually lives in a “democracy.” Most governments are republics in name only.
Democratic Republic of the Congo.
What a joke!
Like I said, republics in name only.
Strictly speaking, if it’s not a monarchy, it’s a republic.
Of course, that doesn’t really negate your statement. A “president for life” who will most likely hand over power to a relative is essentially a monarch. See North Korea.
The Soviet Union (a union of “republics”) was almost a “president for life” situation (Khrushchev got deposed, he didn’t die in office), but at least they didn’t have succession based on blood relation.
Another article about the port in Freeport.
Fabulous article Daughn !
We’ve spent so much time defending the country and ourselves from baseless attacks that yeah..it IS time to go on the offense. Thank you for the inspiration
Wow! Great article Daughn! I feel like I need to punch something – can I borrow Sylvia’s shovel? Oh, wait I have my own.
Thanks again and I HOPE this goes viral, somehow! POTUS needs to read this!
Fired up and ready to go and protest Walmart!
There really is only one response I can make to a thread like this….
I take that back. Here’s another response that comes to mind…
Mis-titled (not your fault I know); he gave that speech long before he became president.
Thanks, Daughn!! I stopped by Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse (https://www.samaritanspurse.org/our-ministry/hurricane-dorian-relief/). They were in the Bahamas today and already delivered 30 tons of emergency supplies. I donated there because they will help in the Bahamas plus are ready to help in all the U.S. states that may be impacted.
Great rant Daughn and I would love to keep you pissed off because you eloquently write and I’m sure could speak for all American Patriots. (as a political figure we’d follow you to the Whitehouse)
Of course I really don’t want to see you ranting all the time because you also bring a lot of joy in our lives with your insights.
LOVE this post!
Thank you, Trumpismine, for your kind words.
A good friend of mine went to work for FEDEX when we were both about 19yrs old. He worked his way up to
Director but never finished college. When we were both about 40, he took an offer from FEDEX to take off for 18 months and get a grad degree in International —- something, from Georgetown. As part of the program, they traveled all over the world, meeting key leaders. He met with Lech Walesa, leader of the Gdansk shipyard strike/revolt.
He came home with the story of another man who lived behind the Iron Curtain. The man would buy a pack of Juicyfruit gum and cut each piece into 6 other pieces and sell them to his friends in the shipyard for the equivalent of $1USD a piece.
5 Sticks of Gum = $30
He bribed his way into a better apartment for his family.
You and I, in America, know how quickly a piece of Juicy Fruit gum loses it’s flavor, but it did not matter to the men in the shipyard………. the gum was sweet taste of freedom, and in a way, defiance.
One man bought a piece of Juicy Fruit gum for his daughter – as a birthday gift.
Imagine that…..
Moral of the story = there is nothing that can stop capitalism. Even in the most oppressive of regimes, the desire for independence and freedom will survive.
We all have that yearning. Beats in the heart of all men. A natural right, as our forefathers correctly identified.
BoooooYaaaaaa the whole world can go piss up a rope.
“….local elderly woman at a gas station had her purse snatched…..”
That is the way the USA was back in the 1950s. The town took care of it’s own. It was perfectly save for me at 4 yrs to wonder all over at 5:00am before my parents were up. It was safe for my brother to bike into the nearest ‘big city’ or to hitch hike.
And then the Committee for Economic Development, a sister organization to the Council on Foreign Relations decided to ‘rearange’ America to better serve their collective corporate financial agenda. They drastically change agricultural practices in the US. “…The human cost of CED’s plans were exacting and enormous.
CED’s plans resulted in widespread social upheaval throughout rural America, ripping apart the fabric of its society destroying its local economies. They also resulted in a massive migration to larger cities. The loss of a farm also means the loss of identity, and many farmers’ lives ended in suicide….
Their plan was so effective and so faithfully executed by its operatives in the US government that by 1974 the CED couldn’t help but congratulate itself….”
The Committee for Economic Development is still busy at work today This time convincing local governments that farmland will bring in MORE revenue if they would ‘only tax it’ at the same rate as house lots. This will be the last straw for the independent farmer who gets squeezed by the seed, chemical & fertilizer companies at one end and the Monopsonistic single buyer at the other. Last I checked most farms LOST ~14,000 a year. The USDA quickly ‘fixed’ that ‘accounting error’ by including the estimated rental value of the farm house into the gross profit of the family farm.