At the invitation and specific request of the site owner, I’ve compiled a succession of historical facts, trivial items and some established palace intrigue to put into perspective the Scandals of the Catholic Church both sexual and Francis himself who is a walking scandal. More or less, this is how we got to here: where the laity don’t really, necessarily believe in the Real Presence of the Eucharist anymore and may or may not actually go to Mass regularly, that’s if they still identify as Catholic regardless of their Baptism and Confirmation which mark their souls as members of the Faithful.
To avoid making this walk through history entirely too long, which it might well be anyway, and primarily about Dogma (I’m leaving as much of that out as possible), we’ll begin well into the play at somewhere after the Council of Trent closed in 1563, AD.
From Her inception, temporal and satanic forces have tried to bring down the longest lived entity on Earth, the Catholic Church, and following the splintering apart of the northwestern part of Her (in the 16th century) resulting from protests that came in the form of open revolt, the behind the scenes forces seeking to destroy the Bride of Christ hatched a plot to do so via what amounts to destruction from within. By all accounts, the origins of the current campaign are in the 17th century at the hands of Freemasons. Further research is needed to confirm this, but the notion is backed by one of the whistleblowers in the Church who is currently in hiding, and in fear for his life.
Whether or not that is the case, and leaving aside for now the French Revolution as being part of the overall campaign to destroy Catholicism, and the questions surrounding the Rothschilds and the Vatican Bank loans of 1832, there does exist a document known as the PERMANENT INSTRUCTION OF THE ALTA VENDITA dating from the early 19th century which was published in 1859 by Pope Pius IX. It is the instruction by and to the Freemasons in Italy and France, primarily, outlining the plan for destruction of the Church and her Traditions. It was never meant to be published. But over a hundred years after Catholics were forbidden to be Freemasons, it was published by the very person targeted within its words: the pope.
Following this publication is the first marker in this section of Church history: the First Vatican Council in 1869.
Essentially, the result of the First Vatican Council was Papal Infallibility on matters of faith and morals (on nothing else is he infallible, but that little tidbit gets ignored by the news sorts). The council itself was planned in secret and not announced until June 29, 1868 (the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul). Pope Piux IX made sure that it could not be corrupted, but it did open a can of worms that comes up later.
The second marker in this mini-era happened on October 13, 1884. (Lots of Church things happen on October 13.) It is an incident not well known outside of the Church, but Pope Leo XIII, one of the longest serving popes after St. Peter, Pope Pius IX, and Pope Saint John Paul II, said Mass in his private chapel, and after the Purification heard a conversation happening in the vicinity of the Tabernacle.
When asked what had happened, he explained that, as he was about to leave the foot of the altar, he suddenly heard voices – two voices, one kind and gentle, the other guttural and harsh. They seemed to come from near the tabernacle. As he listened, he heard the following conversation:
The guttural voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to Our Lord: “I can destroy your Church.”
The gentle voice of Our Lord: “You can? Then go ahead and do so.”
Satan: “To do so, I need more time and more power.”
Our Lord: “How much time? How much power?
Satan: “75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service.”
Our Lord: “You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them what you will.”
Rather fantastic, yes, but given the events of the next one hundred years….
Following this remarkable exchange, Pope Leo XIII, about the only pope during the time period examined here to have no cause for canonization open let alone completed, went to his study and composed his famous prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. The longer form is close enough to the old rite of Exorcism that it is not recommended it be said by the laity, but the shorter form of it is. And in 1886, the short form of the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel was ordered to be said at the conclusion of all low Masses. (This will come up again.)
Fast forward a bit to May 13 to October 13, 1917. These are the dates of one of the most discussed Marian Apparitions, Our Lady of Fatima. For those five months, the Blessed Mother appeared to three peasant children in a small town in Portugal giving them messages for the world. Really, what she had to say was more in the form of prophesy, and a lot of it came true.
The Blessed Mother talked about fashions offensive to God being worn at Mass, a World War worse than the one that was being fought at the time, Russia being in real trouble, and a third secret that has yet to be revealed fully it was so terrible, apparently. But if this account is correct, it would explain a lot:
But some say John XXIII fainted when he read the third secret because it specifically states, according to eyewitnesses, that the Pope would betray the flock and turn his sheep over to the slaughter devised by Lucifer himself. John XXIII fainted because he thought he would be the Pope who would open the door to Satan and that he would be the long-awaited antipope.”
And then there was the dancing sun miracle that happened on October 13, 1917, labelled demonic by critics of the Catholic Church. (A lot more was said, but for these purposes, those can be investigated another time.)
We actually are not under any obligation to believe any of this as apparitions are really a private matter and subject to approval by the Church as being supernatural in origin (Fatima is approved), but when the Blessed Mother wants something, she includes a miracle with the request, and flowers, usually roses. That did happen at Fatima. The Church, for Her part, insists that the third secret actually foretold of the assassination attempt on Pope Saint John Paul II, but a lot of us have our doubts.
Back to the timeline….
In the 1920s, we know from Bella Dodd’s claims, records found after the Berlin Wall fell, and at least one book that is out of print, the homosexual infiltration of the Catholic priesthood began prompted by the people posing as communists, actually. The express purpose was to destroy the priesthood itself by sowing distrust in the men of the cloth. This is not the first time homosexuals were in the priesthood. Records indicate there was in issue with this in the Middle Ages, but that’s a subject for another post. What is important here is that the modern infiltration started almost a hundred years ago, with the express final goal of destroying the priesthood. The reason being, this writer assumes, is that so long as a single priest lives, Christ in the Eucharist can (and will) remain on Earth. Without consecrated hands passed down for 2,000 years when the priesthood candidate places his hands between the bishop’s for blessing at Ordination, there is no Real Presence/Eucharist.
So the installation began, and through the decades these men rose in the ranks until some of them were in positions of power. The abuse cases began, and the cover-up networks got their start. And then came the Trojan Horse of the entire effort: the SECOND Vatican Council. That is where the rubber met the road.
Just as an aside, in the backdrop during all this time, the “elites” aka the Rockefellers and their networks, were busy with a campaign that they still have yet to get the Church to cave into their demands. It’s known as many names, but population control is the goal, and the idea is for the people to participate in eugenics willingly rather than being forced to surrender their fertility.
The Second Vatican Council was very open, was attended by prelates of all sorts, and for all intents and purposes, was hijacked by the modernists. They produced documents, some of which are fine, and others that promote heresy. And when it comes down to it, when the gatekeepers of information “translated” the documents from Latin, what they had to say bore next to no resemblance to what was really said in the documents. The Faithful were very much lied to. In addition, the documents were written by known progressives, one of whom was later forbidden to teach theology by Pope Saint John Paul II. Below the rotten fruits of the council are described, but it should be noted pretty specifically that what the council really changed was the power of the papacy. The council, we are told, called for the establishment of the national bishops councils which pretty much carried out the tactics of the plan of making a mess of the faith.
At the time of the council, more than one cleric who would become well known sounded the alarm that Vatican II, as it is known, was not all it was cracked up to be. One was a German priest by the name of Joseph Ratzinger who would become Pope Benedict XVI. The other was a French priest by the name of Marcel Lefebvre who would later be responsible for a schism that has been left hanging since Benedict’s abdication. Both signed the documents and as will be shown below, both sought to right the Barque of Peter in different ways.
Their voices of alarm were, frankly, ignored. And overnight, for all intents and purposes in Church terms, since movement is usually glacial in time frame, everything changed. It took about five years, but would not have happened without the cooperation of three specific groups of people: papal nuncios who recommend candidates for the episcopacy (bishops), bishops who choose the staff for recruitment and seminaries, and the staffs of said offices. Where these offices were filled by modernists and where “rigidity” (a euphemism for orthodoxy) was used as the reason to weed out candidates for the priesthood is where the mess was (and still is) the worst, including the sexual abuse problem. And by this time, 40 years after the infiltration began, there were plenty of the homosexual group in positions of power (ready to be papal nuncios and bishops) to make the rotten fruit of Vatican II happen. (Michael Rose goes into great detail on this subject in his book Goodbye, Good Men.) The goal, just like the elites’ depopulation plan that included lots of artificial contraception, was to get the faithful to leave the Church and quit practicing the Faith on their own.
Between the closing of Vatican II in 1965 and 1970 is when the mass exodus began, just as the cabal (or the Freemasons, or Communists, take your pick) planned it.
The first real visible change that happened was Mass in Latin was suppressed and Mass was to be said in the vernacular. Service music did not really exist at the time, and vernacular hymns were not all that prevalent. So, choir directors used what they could find which was, in a lot of cases, Dogmatically wrong. The Latin vestments were put away and the Gothic ones pulled out, etc.
The changes put into place also called for all Liturgies to be rewritten, beginning with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. (The last to be rewritten was the Rite of Exorcism, and the exorcists claim it doesn’t work.) Language and the words used are important. The 1968 translation of the Mass was changed in 1970 (it was essentially changed back to the 1968 version in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI) and the Holy Sacrifice offered on a stone altar became a meal at a table. What are known as propers were dropped (BIG mistake in this writer’s opinion), as was the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel instituted by Pope Leo XIII. Suddenly, the worship was in dialogue, not directed at the Savior. The changes go on and on. (See “wreckavation” as a practice brought about by Rembert Weakland, Archbishop of Milwaulkee who offered his resignation during the first wave of the sex scandal in 2002 as a gesture, and the Vatican accepted it) Essentially, the sense of wonder and awe, the majesty, and sacredness of the Mass was removed. (So was a lot of logic, but that’s a personal observation.)
This is also the time period when a number of Catholic institutions of higher learning started turning control over to lay boards, the most famous being the Land O’Lakes Conference in 1967 when the Fathers of the Holy Cross surrendered Notre Dame University. This was the period when required Daily Mass for school kids stopped, and all school Masses were 1-3 days a week. The Baltimore Catechism was suppressed. (No real catechesis was being taught, to be honest.) The teaching orders of nuns imploded as they modernized. (Those who did not modernize have healthy populations and vocation numbers.) The Rosary was no longer to be said by the people in the pews during Mass (this is discouraged, actually, but a lot of people did it). The Churches were wreckovated and the music suffered for a lack of trained professionals to lead it. More or less, Catholic culture began to die.
And in the midst of this sea change, word was that Pope Paul VI was preparing an encyclical on the very subject that leaders of the cabal begged Pope Saint Pius X to change: the Church teaching forbidding artificial contraception. (Instead of bowing to their demands, Piux X wrote Pascendi Dominici Gregis, On the Doctrine of Modernists, which took them apart, actually.) Paul VI went along with a lot of the changes, so far. He’d get with the 20th century on this, right?
On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI published his encyclical, the vitally important, and not read much at all Humanae Vitae. The interpreters of the news went looking for the bottom line decision, and that is about all most people know about it: the Church affirms the teachings of the Apostles as given to them by Christ. The transfer of life is not to be purposefully stifled by artificial means. Ignored in the aftermath of disbelief that he would not just go along with the world on this were Pope Paul VI’s words which really were prophetic:
Consequences of Artificial Methods
Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the consequences of methods and plans for artificial birth control. Let them first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law. Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.
Finally, careful consideration should be given to the danger of this power passing into the hands of those public authorities who care little for the precepts of the moral law. Who will blame a government which in its attempt to resolve the problems affecting an entire country resorts to the same measures as are regarded as lawful by married people in the solution of a particular family difficulty? Who will prevent public authorities from favoring those contraceptive methods which they consider more effective? Should they regard this as necessary, they may even impose their use on everyone. It could well happen, therefore, that when people, either individually or in family or social life, experience the inherent difficulties of the divine law and are determined to avoid them, they may give into the hands of public authorities the power to intervene in the most personal and intimate responsibility of husband and wife.
As Mary Eberstadt points out in the introduction to her beautifully written Adam and Eve after the Pill, Paul VI was not the first to point out the pitfalls of the matter, but it was the release of this encyclical that caused more upheaval, more people leaving the Church, more disdain, et al, but even moreso, may well have led to one of the conspiracy world’s enduring theories. The picture on the left is the real Pope Paul VI. Is he the same man as the picture on the right?

This is not the only comparison of photographs of the real Pope Paul VI, and the man thought to be a body double. There is also a witness who claims to have seen the real Pope Paul VI escorted from a canonization Mass at its conclusion, but there is no footage of that, so is it true? Was there an imposter on the Throne of St. Peter from sometime after Humanae Vitae was published until 1978? That’s yet to be answered. (An unapproved Marian apparition containing errors and inconsistencies in Brooklyn claims that he was held hostage in the Vatican, but this has not been confirmed.)
During this time period, on October 13, 1973, (there’s that October 13 again) there was another approved Marian apparition in Akita, Japan, that talks about a time when Satan’s work will be fairly obvious.
The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres… churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.
Again, this is a private revelation that was accompanied with a confirmed miracle of a wooden statue of the Blessed Mother crying tears of human blood. There is no requirement to believe it. But….
What is known is that during the last ten years of Paul VI’s pontificate, the papal nuncios mentioned above elevated a whole lot of bishops who became cardinals and those specific men were very much at the root of the sexual abuse Scandal that exploded in 2002. They were the ones who refused to ordain priests due to “rigidity” in belief in the actual teachings of the Church. What the papal nuncios did is sort of like what President Trump is doing with the judiciary and conservatives: they stuffed modernists into the Episcopacy, at least in Europe and the Americas.
That stopped in 1984 as part of a trio of events that put the Church on a correction course that Francis and the rest of his groupies of the St. Gallen gang are trying to stop.
Remember, 1984 marks the one hundreth year following Pope Leo XIII’s vision described above. (Were Satan’s hundred years up?) At the five year mark of his papacy, Pope Saint John Paul II replaced all of the papal nuncios, including the group left over from the Paul VI years who may not have been that pope’s actual picks, with his own men. JPII also allowed the Tridentine Mass, or Mass in Latin, to be said with the permission of local bishops (this was the mark of the good vs. not good for years. Those who allowed the Indult were in the “good” category). Latin was also allowed back into Mass in the vernacular. And at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) November meeting, the president of the group, the late Archbishop John May, a good and holy man, oversaw the signing of a document in secret that was meant to clean up the seminaries which were openly dens of sodomy and willingly taught error. (I remember reading about this document some time ago, and can’t find a source right off.)
It didn’t work as advertised with the more obstinate of the homosexual hierarchy, that’s for sure. But, it was a start, and in May’s own archdiocese, St. Louis, he had no qualms about laicizing criminal priests and sending them to prison. It happened more than once.
So, what does all this have to do with #UNITEtheCLANS and the current situation we Catholics find ourselves in? Well….
The group of prelates currently with the reigns of power were the ones who passed the “rigidity” test that a whole lot of seminaries had back in the 1950s and 60s. Not every seminary had them, but those that did produced Francis, as well as a circle known as the St. Gallen Group. These men largely became cardinals eventually, but they are/were a group of priests who met in St. Gallen, Switzerland, to plot their moves. Their original choice for the papacy, reportedly, was Joseph Bernardin who died in office as the Archbishop of Chicago in 1996. After Bernardin’s demise of pancreatic cancer ( a triumph for Pope Saint John Paul II, ultimately, outliving his most strident opponent as with Bernardin out of the way, he could get some things done), the St. Gallen group somewhat lost hope. They were aging out of the College of Cardinals and beginning to die off, and sooner or later, the window of opportunity would disappear.
That was until, somehow, they managed to get Pope Benedict XVI to abdicate. Recent leaks from the 2013 Papal Conclave indicate his “resignation” was a deal cut, but when it comes down to it, Francis was installed as the group’s choice, vowing to change the Church in such a way She could not be changed back.
“They” may have gotten Francis in at the Vatican, but lost the White House. Oops.…okay, that’s just a guess.
In the timeline above, what this writer skipped over was the role Lefebvre played in instituting a splinter segment of the Faith that is now led by a group of priests known as the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP). (The Remnant, a traditional Catholic periodical, is published by a family that is part of this splinter.) In 1970, Pope Paul VI (I assume it was the real Paul VI) actually allowed Lefebvre to have his group, where Mass in Latin is the norm and traditional Catholicism is practiced, and be able to ordain priests, etc. (Their seminaries are huge and full on a regular basis.) For decades, this group was looked at with disdain by the main body of the Latin Rite (the main rite of the west). They were considered schismatic even though the actual schism didn’t happen until 1988 when Lefebvre elevated priests to bishop, which he was not allowed to do. FSSP did not follow Lefebvre when he did this.
So, Lefevbre’s splinter of the splinter, and the factions who consider ourselves faithful Catholics, but are not part of the FSSP crowd, have been famously at odds with just about everyone else for quite while over a whole lot of stuff. In fact, there are so many factions, it’s hard to keep up with them all. Well, now that Francis has come out and not just sowed confusion with meetings and useless synods that just talk about issues that the modernists would like to see changed in the Church (nothing has actually changed other than pronouncements on the environment), but has openly said – in a direct heresy – that Catholics should follow the United Nations, he’s managed to get all the practicing factions of Catholicism not still under the spell of the modernist Jesuits and the Spirit of Vatican II all on the same side.
They want you divided.
Well, not anymore, at least not among the informed and serious about their faith Catholics. The clans of Catholicism in the west are more united than not when it comes to Francis now. With declarations that are outright in contradiction to Church teaching, Francis has no standing with those of us who are in the know about that, and who have chosen to stay and fight. Michael Matt of the The Remnant is right about that. And his #UNITEtheCLANS concept and effort really needs to happen. Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said that about every four hundred years or so, the laity saves the Church. It’s beginning to look like we are in that place again as the talking heads of traditional and faithful Catholicism are lining up on the same side against a heretical papacy.
As Francis is a product of what gave us the sexual abuse scandal and more…what got us here was a plot to bring down the Church that was hatched hundreds of years ago and is still in motion. What the Cabal did not count on was that the days of pay, pray and obey are well and truly over as the misdeeds of their plants have been brought to light. The people who remain in the faith do so in spite of all that was done to destroy the Bride of Christ for love of Her. And we will stand shoulder to shoulder to defend Her just as Americans are doing to make America great again, and as the French are protesting in their yellow vests, and as the Italians are with their support of Salvini. In the end, from a certain perspective, it is all part of the same movement.
Well, to kick things off in a somewhat humorous fashion — I am an “oldest cousin” — firstborn of an oldest brother and an oldest sister. I was born in the early 60’s and was baptized Catholic in Latin.
The next (and final) cousin to receive Catholic baptism was post Vatican II and was baptized in English. At the time of his baptism, there was some family commentary on how much a baptism was like an exorcism: “forsake Evil, receive Christ; embrace the Good, reject Satan.”
Fifteen years later, that commentary had changed to: “it seems to work better in Latin.”
TBH, I’m not sure what rite was used when I was Baptized given the year and the priest who did it. All I know is I was 22 days old and my mother was anxious to get it done. My younger siblings, I’m sure, were initiated with the newer rite.
As for Latin…it’s currently a push me pull you situation. Some pastors are okay with the Missa di Angeles from time to time, and Pange Lingua on Holy Thursday, others aren’t. The sequences are supposed to be in Latin, my current pastor just leaves them out.
That will likely all change as the the 1970s priests age out of being pastors, and we’ll go back to more Latin.
Now if the aging hippies at Oregon Catholic Press would all retire….
The early church had new converts stand and vow to reject satan and sin the same way.
Itll take me a bit to go through, but this is definitely a topic I m curious about. Thanks DP.
From my perspective this pretty much confirms you as a subject matter expert on the Catholic Church.
We simply MUST know how they coerced Pope Benedict XVI to abdicate. Heaven itself was moved.
At one level or another the concept of deception applies. I pray we all walk in an increasing level of clarity of vision and are not taken in by any form of deception in the days to come.
TBH, I’m not really an expert. I just read a lot.
Hey – that’s expert enough for me! 😀
No, seriously. I keep finding out new details. Really.
I would start there. I’ll have to look for more information. I know I’ve seen more.
The day the Lutherans voted to accept ‘gay’ priests, a tornado struck and felled the cross off of the downtown church building.
That was Satan’s way to say thank you.
It was GOD’s displeasure.
Wow, thanks for sharing the history of what is going on, DP. I’m not catholic, so I had no idea all this was happening in your church. From what I’ve observed of Francis, he’s definitely a heretic. I hope your movement is successful. I seem to recall one of the Hillary/Podesta emails published by Wikileaks mentioned a “Catholic Spring.” Sounds like all the usual suspects were behind pushing Pope Benedict out.
Soros started ‘Catholics for Choice’….
“Podesta’s plan for a Catholic Spring is nothing short of an attempt at a Corporate Church directly subverting the Power of the Pope.”
“In the 1930’s, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within. “ — Former Communist Bella Dodd
(Received back into the Catholic Church with the help of Bishop F Sheen)
Also of interest via NebraskaFilly this spring:
I used to have a very good article bookmarked on the forcing out Pope Benedict but no longer have access to it. It suggested he was given the choice of assasination or retire.
This one?
Perhaps. It was just after the Pope was forced out. I can go looking for the URL on my OPERA bookmarks tonight. I am on firefox now and will have to shutdown to bring it up. My computer is too old to support both running.
Sorry, I went looking and could not find the URL I was remembering. DRAT!
Found some other interesting info instead. 😁
You are quite welcome. This is just the surface. There’s so much more, but as an overview, a few things had to be explained, mainly the papal nuncio situation.
One of the deepest philosophical chasms that humans are wont to throw themselves into was best illustrated by a Brit in 1929:
In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”
That Chesterton, an amateur theologian, said this in 1929, doesn’t mean that it has no relevance to other philosophical debates at other times. Chesterton’s fence is a solid defense against the Khmer Rouge “Year Zero” schemes, the French Revolutionaries’ calendar reform, virtually all of Marxism [revolutionary or cultural], and 4/5ths of the words spoken in the last televised Democrat debate. Unfortunately, in most of these examples, the defense was swamped and heavy bloodshed occurred….
This is also the case with respect to Pope Francis, which Chesterton’s parable [rightly] portrays as a fool.
[Stifles comment regarding WP formatting] The second paragraph, in its entirety, is a quote.
Chesterton is one of the favorites these days.
Deplorable Patriot, thank you much for your writing and leadership for this Treehouse. I’m curious how these terrible plans and trends have played out in the “other” original Christian churches in the East and the Church in England. (I’ve been nesting as an Episcopal for thirty years)
I understand that a bad translation can fail to communicate the original language. I always accepted that changing church services into the people’s home language was a net positive. But I accepted a lot of things, like college economics for example. You’ve made me think. Will be looking forward to more from you.
There are several bits of mischief available in the process of performing rites in the vernacular. Chesterton’s Gate, as described above, is a part of it. As you mention, a bad translation can lead a congregation into heresy. But there are also subtle linguistic issues — Latin and German tend to be “tight” languages w/r/t descriptions. English and Chinese tend to be very “loose”. This is parodied in Monty Python’s Life of Brian during the Sermon on the Mount, when Christ’s words are misheard as “Blessed are the Cheesemakers”, and someone immediately interprets this to a general statement of favor towards dairy products. In Latin, “Blessed are the Peacemakers” can’t stray as far.
I don’t consider myself a Catholic. Nor am I a professional theologian. But I respect the Catholic tradition of old, and can’t help but see some of the rot that has infected it over its recent past. It doesn’t take a freakin’ genius to see sexual abuse of children as wrong — and institutional coverups of same as corruption of the institution.
Islam is hardcore about keeping prayers and services in Arabic for precisely this reason. Converts are expected to learn Arabic so that they can read the Quran in its original language and avoid translation problems.
My father when he studied to become a Lutherian Minister (Family pressure) took Latin, Greek and Hebrew so he could read the Bible in the ‘more original’ versions. He also could quote passages by heart. This got to be entertaining when the Mormons came calling. We lived near Palmyra, NY and our house was on the new trainees schedule, poor guys.
Don’t EVER argue about the Bible with a guy who has the KJ version of the Bible memorized and has read and studied it in the ancient languages. 😁
Lots of respect to him for that. I wish more priests, pastors, and ministers did the same. If you’re going to make a job out of interpreting the Word, at least learn it’s original language.
Outside of the Arab world, most Muslims don’t know the Arabic, however.
Most of the people in other countries were converted at sword point, or under extreme economic (and other) pressure.
It’s not considered “the Koran” unless it’s the one in Arabic. They certainly do translate it, but the Arabic is the final word.
Muslims believe that the Bible as used then and today was “corrupted” and wasn’t the original text, and translations were partly to blame. Any place where the Koran and Bible disagree, for example in the numerous recountings of Moses before the Pharoah, the Muslim claims the Koran is correct and the Biblical account got corrupted at some time in the past. Thus they consider Moses, Abraham, Adam, and yes even Jesus as having been Muslims in that they preached, worshiped, and acted in perfect agreement with what Mohammed would eventually say, and what we read about them today is all lies.
The insistence on considering ONLY the Arabic to be authoritative is, in their minds, insurance against the words of Mohammed being corrupted in the same way.
I suspect most people (including myself) reading these words think that the Koran is itself…in no way the word of any divine being.
The Koran reveals the sinful, corrupt, violent, barbaric, misogynist, pedophile heart/mind of Mohammed and creates more Mohammeds in its followers.
The sad thing is, by all accounts, the Koran treats women BETTER than they had been treated in Arabia before then.
Frightening to think what fifth century Arabia (i.e., before Mohammed) had to have been like.
Thank you for explaining it so well.
I can’t speak to other faith traditions. Honestly. My entrance to the palace intrigue is largely that the music foisted on us by a single publisher sucks, and people like me – who spent years in training and tens of thousands of dollars on teachers and coaches, etc. – can’t make a living at our art. That got me to find out all sorts of stuff.
DP, excellent. Worthy or better than and of the Wanderer.
Also, IMHO, the Italian newspaper that translates into English is very, very suspect to me. I fell upon a translation of a specific item in the Encyclical that greatly does not correspond to the Vatican website’s translation. I wish I could remember the name of the newspaper, but it was in the diocesan library when I wanted to check on a phrase pertaining to the heavenly disposition of the souls of aborted babies. This makes me wonder how many hands are stirring a caldron of intentional injury to the Church.
Our diocese is currently without a bishop. Am worried about Frankie appointing any bishops anywhere.
Fortunately, it seems the newly minted priests are much more firm in the faith than many of the older SJ warrior priests. There is hope.
I understand your trepidation on Frankie’s bishop choices. Our archbishop turned 75 over the summer, but I don’t know that his resignation was accepted. The people here are very picky about our bishops. I really do worry about what he has up his sleeve.
I fear it’s a dirty arm.
Looks like I clocked out before my comment made it to WP. Anyway, it might have been too wordy anyway.
I said your article is excellent. I truly appreciate it. Thank you, and you are on target.
Epic post, DePat!
Thanks for all this info and history.
I’m glad to know that the laity is standing up to this commie Pope Francis.
I hope he can be forced out before he does any more harm.
We’ll see.
Very well done, Deplorable Patriot. I didn’t expect to spend 20 minutes of my night reading about the Catholic Church, but your writing is compelling. Thank you for sharing. I learned a lot.
Please keep up updated on #UniteTheClans.
It was a watchdog group or ‘clan’ of parishioners in FL that caught and exposed Archbishop Favalora, a couple of FL Bishops, innumerable FL priests/monsignors, etc. and caused them to resign.
Around the globe, there have been many examples of the same sort of decadence, deception and degeneracy at every level of the clerical hierarchy – the last Pope could not be elected until one or two Cardinals resigned due to sins of homosexual nature.
Perhaps, if the clerical hierarchy of the church were more transparent and accountable to the parishioners, the communist/homosexual plot would have failed long ago. Psychological profiling would likely have revealed the perverse tastes and inclinations of prospective parish priests that the bishops moved from place to place when were caught preying upon the youth. The parish leaders have always had no say-so in who came to lead their people and children.
However, the new watchdog Clans, hoping to clean up the Catholic Church, won’t get any help from the APA to identify deviance, since, at Obama’s insistence, the APA groups even declared sexual identity confusion/transgenderism normal. LBGTQ activists invaded and intimidated the APA psychology and psychiatry groups in the 1970s, making them tools of the pansexual activists since that time.
Orthodoxy is the same age and comes from the same origins as Catholicism, but has remained on the whole, more traditional and less changed theologically than Catholicism. However, not so long ago, during the Episcopal gay bishop crisis, Timothy Ware who became Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia, was waffling a bit on homosexuality. Wonder what ever happened about that? Has the Orthodox church softened and allowed ‘gay’ clergy like the Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians and by a tacit DADT tactic, the Catholics? Has the Orthodox church experienced the same scandals?
The Catholic church is not alone in this horror.
The Orthodox Jews, Baptists, Episcopalians and Anglicans, etc. have had some scandals, though not the same extent as the Catholics. So have the secular schools.
All the churches, school systems – even the UN need cleaning up and cleaning out!
Pedophilia has been allowed to fester and prevail in many arenas, even the US State Department under Hillrotten Clinton.
Although my father’s family was Catholic, in Louisiana, my mother’s family was Congregational Christian from North Georgia. I do not subscribe to Catholicism’s claims to supremacy and exclusivity. I believe the Lord referred to Peter’s GOD-given gifts of faith and revelation, imparted by the Holy Spirit and not to the person of Peter himself. Without Peter, many churches sprang up around the globe, because of the lamp of faith and truth that Jesus is Lord and Christ.
I experienced sexual abuse, beginning as a very young child, therefore this issue is central and vital to me. In my childhood through adulthood as a protestant, nearly 7.5 decades, I’ve seen the very same sorts of scandal that afflicts the Catholics.
At the present time, I’m a convinced protestant and attend a PCA Presbyterian church as my safest option. Though I grew up most in the Methodist church, then became an Episcopalian only to find them in crisis a year later over the gay bishop scandal.
I stand with St. Vincent of Lerins – on his premise that Christians should believe only ‘what has been believed always, everywhere and by all’ – the basic common denominators of Christianity, without frills and complexities.
Jesus is Lord is the most basic common denominator.
The Church – its resources, truths, gifts, graces and its members – belong to only Christ, to GOD, Father, Son, Holy Spirit – not to the parishes, nor to the clergy, nor the hierarchy to dispose, deceive, degrade and defile!!!
My life and church experiences have made me extremely cynical and distrustful and angry – VERY ANGRY at any person, group or entity that tries to harm the real eternal universal church or its people or shame to its LORD.
“Psychological profiling would likely have revealed the perverse tastes and inclinations of prospective parish priests that the bishops moved from place to place when were caught preying upon the youth.”
Since the bishops doing the moving around were/are the ones who have control of the seminary psychologists (yes, the seminarians are profiled at least twice a year), that would not have done a darn thing.
Just as we are told the 9-11 hijackers used American generosity against us, the plotters used the separation of the clergy from the laity to install the destruction.
Agree. I followed everything closely as I was involved in interdenominational prayer groups including Good Shepherd and other conservative Catholic churches in Leon County FL. I have prayed with 40 Days for Life and know a good many reformers and therapists who belong to the Catholic churches here. They are strong Christians and Catholics. One is a wonderful teacher and active in a JPII ministry…forgot the name.
GA/FL. thank you
I have also been to the monastery in Conyers GA a couple of times for seminars/meetings. Some of the monks there were soft on homosexuality. Probably dead now, since that was years ago.
The church was attacked and preyed upon from the beginning and will continue to be at war until the end, according to St. John’s Revelation.
Yes, Satan has been working very hard from the beginning to infiltrate and corrupt the churches. You can see that in what John was told to tell the 7 churches in Revelation. It started back in his time, and we’ve been fighting it ever since.
AMEN, Linda!!!
I have also been to the monastery in Conyers GA a couple of times for seminars/meetings. Some of the monks there were soft on homosexuality. Probably dead now, since that was years ago.
The church was attacked and preyed upon from the beginning and will continue to be at war until the end, according to St. John’s Revelation.
I have spent much time at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers GA 🙂
I strongly believe that the hierarchical set up in most churches is a problem. Christ was with the common people and simple not in fancy robes and did not set himself above the common people. Often the power that is given to Priests and Pastor and the church at large causes corruption of all kind.
Also I noticed an idolizing of Priests and Pastors in churches that to me is a problem. Recognizing and accepting that they are humans who chose to bring the word of God Bible and proclamations of Christ On Sunday to the people. The Priest and Pastor are suppose about caring of the soul in the church.
The church is counter to the society around them.
Things have changed it seems the church is becoming the society in that it functions?
The church is adopting to new societal norms not the norms of the church or Bible.
I believe the church with crumble as we now witness and will survive as house church as it began.
Just my thoughts and I could be wrong.
Biblical Archeology and study of the Early Church gives great insights how the church has gone wrong but the common people kept the faith alive even when the church went off the rails. All through history it has been a struggle within the church and so it continues. The fight between Good and Evil (Dark and Light) will never end because of humanities fallibilities.
From my Human Trafficking notes:
Phoenix Law Firm Details Sex Abuse Claims Against 109 Priests
A Phoenix law firm released a report detailing sexual abuse allegations against 109 Catholic priests in the state going back decades.
Catholic Priest in the Vatican Arrested for Child Pornography-
July of 2017, Vatican Police raid what’s described as “drug-fueled gay orgy” which occurred at the apt of Secretary to Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the Head of the Pontifical Council for Legislative texts and a personal adviser to the Pope
This article reports the DOZENS of arrests of Pedophiles in the Catholic Church since Trump took Office.
MOAR from thegoldwater site:
(I have no idea of just how truthful the site is)
A Priest Faced Charges For Raping Another Priest in a Homosexual Sexual Predator Case
Walked Free
July of 2017, The Goldwater also reported an incident where m 574 young boys were molested at a Catholic Choir Camp in Germany, marking one of the single largest sexual assault cases in terms of victims to date.
There are many many more articles at theat site.
What is interesting is THIS IS NOT MAJOR NEWS!!! — Makes you go HMMmmmmm
Not anymore. Not with Francis installed. Under JPII and Benedict, yeah it was headlines.
And THAT tells you all you need to know about Francis. If the MSM is covering for him and his rogue priests, there is a major problem festering just like there was with the Obama Admin.
Yes. I got to thinking about it, and am pretty well convinced that the character assassination job done on Justin Cardinal Rigali in Philadelphia was most likely to remove him from influence. I have reason to believe he was JPII’s inside man in the USCCB. He was sent here in 1994 straight from the pope’s inner circle, and then to Philadelphia when Bevilacqua retired since it was the first red hat available. After Bevilacqua died, the truth about the Church in Philadelphia came out, and the people there called for Rigali’s head even though he was not the one who made the mess.
Thanks everyone for all this terrific information. I will have to put it aside for a little while and read it later.
Unfortunately, this is the result. It is a different religion now.
That was just revolting. We can all take steps to not pollute, but this is getting out of hand.
Best response:
Yep, that’s the one. 👍
Many Catholics (including my husband) will not accept the SSPX, which leaves me in a state of confusion.
SSPX is officially in schism. That’s the group that split off FSSP when Lefebvre elevated a few priests to bishop, which he was expressly forbidden to do.
We don’t have FSSP here, but we’ve had Latin Mass since it’s been allowed, 35 years now.
Look up Marcel Maciel….oh man – talk about an evil church dude.
The Episcopal Church (ECUSA) went apostate, syncretic and heretic a long time ago – but split because of its perdition in 2003-4.
A choice between the Catholic Church with its homo-predator priests and ECUSA is like choosing between pestilence or plague.
Any organization which contains and tolerates such Cardinals as O’Brien, Archbishops like Favalora, Bishops such as Raymond Lahey, leaders like Maciel, and the many miscreant gay and pe-dophile priests, offers little to no advantage over Gene Robinson, the ‘gay’ ‘bishop’, Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Cantuerbury and Shori (the female presiding Bishop of ECUSA at the time of the split.
I would not trust my grandchildren in a confessional or room alone with either organization’s clergy.
Very well written post DP. I have limited knowledge of the history of the Catholic Church, but have been paying more attention lately and wondering what’s going on with Francis. This clarifies a lot for me.
Thank you. When you start digging, be prepared for your heart to be broken.
Deplorable Patriot
Thank you. When you start digging, be prepared for your heart to be broken.
I love the Liturgy of the Catholic church. The one thing that keeps me of becoming Catholic is the curruption the vile abuse of children by pedo Priests and the coverup.
The Church of Jesus Christ will survive it is the church establishment that needs prayers and self reflection.
If it wasn’t for the sacraments, a lot of us would be gone.
I can understand that.
Fascinating account, Deplorable Patriot. Will bookmark this to read again. Thanks you.
As an evangelical who in no way disrespects true Catholicism; I have long known this Pope is heretical and there has been a trail of tears from sins of man in the church for centuries. So has it been in non-Catholic denominal and faith systems as well. Jesus will judge. It is by Him and through Him that all things will endure or pass away. Seeing this life on earth as temporary and fleeting, we realize that whatever strife we endure while here will be replaced by joy for eternity when we place our faith and salvation in Jesus Christ. We cannot work and practice religion to arrive at that point. Just hand our lives to Him and live as He lived to the best of our abilities.
Wise words TradeBait.
I’m trying again. Help, I must be in WP jail or I’ve been banned by WP.
The fact of religious disagreements does not disturb me in the least.
The methods of addressing disagreements often does.
Lavender mafia = pedophile homosexuals masquerading as ministers of Christ and who are proactively working to destroy his Bride
True story: the current bishop across the river in Belleville tried to raise money to put in a hot tub at the residence.
I’m all for maintaining the plumbing in the residences, but, yeah, no.
I was born, raised, and went thru 12 years of Catholic schools.; 1960’2 thru 1972. When we tried to get our second son baptized, I was ridiculed by the priest because during his inquisition I told him the truth that I occasionally missed attending mass every once in a while. He refused to baptize my son. I got crazy mad with him. I cited some of their dogma they preached to me for 12 years and he said some of that isn’t true anymore; so I said adios and have never been back except for weddings and funerals.
To say the least, the Catholic Church has had many dubious positions, episodes, whatever that causes me to stay at arms length.
On a different subject but tied into the Catholic Church. I recently saw a movie titled; “For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristeros”.
It’s about how Mexico, a once very Catholic country, ‘elected’ an idiot that made it a crime to attend Mass and publicly express your Catholic faith; basically made Catholicism illegal. It started a rebellion. Many people were killed, tortured, and slaughtered. I believe there were something like 13 or so people canonized as saints as a result, a young boy (12/13 yo) among them. The Catholic Church HQ in Rome did very little intervene. Surprise!
I was unaware of this period in Mexico’s history. The Mexicans strong Catholic faith was on display throughout their history up until this rebellion. In the 1830’s, the Mexican government offered lands in northern Mexico (later Texas) to non-Mexicans as long as they became Catholics and didn’t use slaves. A decade or so later, the US went to war with Mexico. The US was needing soldiers and many Irish immigrants went into the Army. The Irish were hated by the US soldiers for being Irish as well as Catholics. When the War started, a good number of the Irish defected to Mexico, bribed by the Mexicans because they accepted people in the Catholic faith. They became the San Patricio Battalion. At the end of the War, some 50 plus San Patricios were mass executed by the US for desertion. The San Patricios are honored in both Mexico and Ireland.
If anyone is interested, some links below.
Youtube overview of Cristeo movie; just remove the ### before the link.
Wiki Cristero War
Wiki San Patricio Battalion's_Battalion
1917-1970 Mexico was one of the most tightly controlled socialist nations in the world. Found out about this as a senior in HS when Sister SM, SSND, had the Modern English Novel class read this:
I’d like to get the book, but your link to the Amazomeba has a lot of reviews saying the copy being sold is a poorly formatted rip-off. What’s up with that?
No clue. I’m not sure how this site works, but there is a PDF available.
Steve in Lewes The story of the Priest not wanting to baptize your son reminds me of my story.
I was French Reformed Calvinist but had attended for years Lutheran church in Germany and had attended Catholic school. Before my son was born my husband was Lutheran we attended Lutheran church . They accepted my husband as member and told me I had to take classes. My son was born early and the Pastor showed up in the hospital wanting to emergency baptize my son. I told the good man “that my child will not be baptized in a faith that does not accept me as Christian.” Two weeks later I was made a member of the church and my son was baptized. By the way it was not an emergency to baptize him otherwise I would have changed my mind.
Sometimes Pastors are more into law than Christ.
“…. He refused to baptize my son. I got crazy mad with him….”
What does YOUR actions have to do with the soul of your son? For a Priest to REFUSE to baptize a child as REVENGE against the Father’s actions sure sounds very UNCHRISTIAN to me!
This is not the first account like this I’ve heard. Beyond that, I’m not talking. Priests can and do with hold sacraments in certain conditions.
Thank you for doing this post! Greatly appreciated. We NEEDED this one! BIGLY!!! <3
My pleasure. 😉
Yes, thank you very much.
We very rarely get a chance to learn real history so thanks for a glimpse.
Thank you, Deplorable Patriot!
[…] (AI) being important to various nations for national security reasons. We’ve seen recent speculation about body doubles or even clones for some influential but elderly […]
Very well stated.
so….random thought that may have been expressed (and I admit that I haven’t read your whole post, though I did skim it all)….
Could what’s going on in leadership of the catholic church be prelude to and attempt for unification of Christendom into the homogenized, secular, post Christ tripe all the Christian denominations seem to be heading anyways?
Possibly. I mean, the last 50 years of dumbing down liturgy would play into that.
It would also run parallel to the whole globalism and one world govt aspect of the deep state……
Yes, and it was not done in a vacuum.
Agreed. I have a theory as to why, and why this particular deceived Pope is so critical in the mess. This “save the physical planet” Pope.
There is an attempt to get us into the secular camp, because DISCLOSURE can go either of two main ways, and how people see it MATTERS. It changes future Earth history in ways greater than possibly even things like the discovery of FIRE or ELECTRICITY.
So I think this stuff is all “pre-Secular-Leading-and-Herding-Disclosure”, too. Disclose toward the Satanic side, by disclosing toward the secular-materialist “God? What God?” point of view.
There may actually be a “disclosure spin fight”.
The problem is simple, IMO. There has been an enormous amount of long-term intervention in human civilization by two schools of “heavenly thought” – “Godly” and “Other” – and this highly abstract idea can be expressed in a variety of ways. The viewpoint of those operating under the protection (or not under it, often, for what we would regard as virtuous reasons) of the agencies of “Godly” are pretty much what is recorded in the Bible, largely as seen by men and reported as what was understandable, believable, and carried the important parts.
It has been the lower duty of the other side to spend the last millennium making us not believe the “recent” history of the Bible by using “science” as a kind of accelerated small-knowledge release and doubt generator, combined with the sowing of discernment-sapping literalism on our side. If you’re worried about quibbles like 6000 years, you’re not worried about basic ideas like “we were created”, “there is a heaven”, and “heaven actually intervenes – sometimes more real and flesh-and-blood than you know”,
The deployment of science to create the doubt also serves double-duty, because it can “secularize” what is happening, so people don’t see things. They distinguish “aliens” as some kind of secular object with material reality which differs from “heavenly beings” of various kinds which are then relegated to the “almost imaginary” and “un-natural” dressed up as “super-natural”.
Complicated business, but it’s all perception. We see the material too easily – the spiritual with difficulty.
This is where Martin Geddes has been going. He sees it. WE ALL are who needs Biblical correction. The Bible is filled with Truth, but we chose to make is in concordance with distraction and division memes from the other side.
Imagine people on an island to whom we have to disclose “politics of the 20th century, including the Cold War”.
Very easy to see that there are two or maybe three major viewpoints to SPIN to those island people, and many variations of each.
“Disclosure” is the problem, IMO, but not just for us – for the BETTING AUDIENCE. The INVESTING audience. The CONTRACTED audience. More specifically, expect FAKE DISCLOSURE with poison pill messages like “There is No God”, “Jesus was just some guy”, etc. But we have to watch out for OTHER ways of telling us “truth / not truth”, i.e., information as disinformation, i.e., distractions. Herding us back into non-engagement is also a likely path for them. All kinds of psychological tricks, as revealed by Bezmenov.
Could be messy.
This whole thing is amazing. Programmable Universe.
The Catholic Church is KEY. Ah, the other side is so smart.
in february francis signed a document with some muslims. live in peace.
document is now in effect.
pope has now called for world education day next may.
this week the 70 nations are meeting with the Sanhedrin in their synagogue under the “western wall”
they will have a ceremony there to welcome islam to the temple.
catholic islam jewish cooperation is going to commence very soon.
there will be an animal sacrifice at the mount of olives at the end of this 70 nations conference which will be performed by representatives of the “gentile” nations.
catholic islam jewish leaders are calling for the setting up of a court to judge and pass judgement on those that do not follow their laws. their laws are very particular. they want the UN taken out and replaced by a new group eventually because the UN is not even good enough because they do not espouse these laws.
Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society
from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization
stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;
Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these
principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric
of civilized society;
take note of the “seven” laws mentioned here. for further info on this go to, 102nd congress, H.J. Res 104.
take note this is called “Education Day, USA”
note pope francis inviting all these people next may to rome – for global “EDUCATION”.
take note of the third temple dedications in jerusalem that have already taken place.
one world religion is happening.
I found this post & discussion quite fascinating. As I’m not a Catholic I shared the link with a friend via email & thought his reply might continue the illumination of the discussion. Here are his words, as is…
“Wow this is a long read. Did you read the whole thing? I just got about 1/5 of the way through it. So what I can say this so far is that a lot of this is true. The freemasons, the communists, the homosexual infiltration, Pope Leo the 13th hearing Satan and the Lord’s conversation, the St Michael prayer, The apparitions at Fatima. Fatima is truly amazing and worth reading and understanding – miracles witnessed by over 70,000 people and published in state run communist newspapers. That would be like having CNN claim that the impeachment thing is bogus and Trump is awesome. Just for a little comparison. Some things like Pope Pius the 6th having a body double are a bit conspiracy theory. There’s a few others. But enough of this is true that if you are looking to see how hard Satan has been working against the Catholic Church, you can get a pretty good idea here.
What I can say from my own observations and personal experience is this. Catholics who love the Lord with their whole heart mind and soul see this stuff for what it is. Kind of like Conservatives see the Democrats (Communists) folly for what it is. A Trump supporter understands the enemy and will not be disturbed by the lies of the communists. Even after discovering that the Republicans are infiltrated by them too. Conservatives see the big picture now and Satan has unveiled himself operating in both parties.
So it’s kind of like that with true Catholics and the Church. There’s a war raging. We all see it. But we know its straight from the pit of Hell. And we aren’t distracted by it. We used to be. But now we know Satan’s play book. (some of us at least) What happens is that if there is a parish that has a milk toast weak nothing burger of a priest, they simply leave that parish and find one that has a rock solid one. (like the ones they tried to root out in the 60’s) But the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s created a hunger in the hearts of those who loved the Lord to such an extent that holy men entered the priesthood to fill the gap, families began following humane vitae (yours truly included) formed home school groups and indeed entire parishes. The Holy Spirt began renewals in pockets of places around the State, Country, and World and moved people to them to grow in holiness in the context of authentic Christian communities. (again yours truly included). I have witnessed with my own eyes what God is doing. It’s amazing. I do not know if we will renew the Church or if we will be the remnant when Christ comes back. That much is up to God.
I think what is happening in the Catholic Church is a lot like what is happening in our nation. So here is my correlation:
Trump doesn’t fit either side of our National Party system which is why both sides rallied against him and he is one man against an entire establishment. However when the establishment rallied against him, both sides of the perceived political system revealed its hidden nature. The fact that both sides were in fact a smoke screen for the same evil source. I believe that God is using Trump not so much to save the nation, but to convict it. If all men by virtue of common sense have the opportunity to reflect on the errors of modern philosophies void of God, and the elites behind the curtain have been exposed, then the next choice they make is on them. They can’t claim ignorance. They have the opportunity to choose life or death. And they can’t say the choice was hidden or not clear. Even the guy’s name means something. Trump. He’s not holy, but God is using him to give the nation a clear choice.
Similar things in the Church. (and I would say not just the Catholic one by the way) All kinds of people taking up single issue causes but ignoring the most important things. Modern day Parsees and Sadducees who preach a gospel (small g) with no power to save even a gnat. But flocked to by millions of selfish and sinful people whose ears are tickled but don’t want their lifestyle challenged and have no intentions of repenting or giving up their sins. In the mix are the lukewarm crowd. Think parable of the sower. All those different kinds of folks getting all riled up because a homosexual priest molested a 10 year old, so now they have to leave the Church. Never mind the 5 elementary school teachers who did the same thing, or the politician, or Larry Nasser or any other product of the 60’s sexual revolution. (Humane Vitae was right) They don’t pull their kids out of school, or demand accountability from their leaders. Why? Because they themselves are immoral. They are divorced, or cheating, addicted to porn, money, power, jealous, angry, (all the stuff St Paul said about them). So they are darkened by sin. They can see nothing of the bigger picture. Nothing of the battle between good and evil. And they label the Church as the problem, leave it, and persecute it.
Then you have the other side that also does the work of Satan. Ultra-orthodox – they’re the ones who think they are the only ones who know anything. Anyone who doesn’t do it their way is a heretic. It’s sad because they actually know a lot of the truth. The problem is that they have sinful pride. And it brings them to a disastrous downfall. It’s like that little bit of dog crap in the brownie mix. It’s a tough sell by saying its 99% brownie mix and only 1% dog crap. They too persecute the church. They prevent anyone on the outside from ever wanting to join that self-righteous group.
But with all the persecution and all the scandals, and all the noise that Satan makes, it simply shakes the church, causes the chaff to blow away, and the wheat to settle to the ground. Where it can die to self and either spout new life when replanted, or be a harvest for its Maker. Time will tell which we shall be, but all to His glory and at his choosing. As Mary said to the Angel Gabriel – I am but a handmaid of the Lord – be it done unto me according to Thy will.
Thanks for sending this along. I’ll read more as time permits. And I may send you a resource that hits the same topics maybe with some more clarity. I just have to read it myself first. It’s a book called “infiltration” or something like that. The trouble with some of this stuff is when people focus on the stinking bathwater and throw the baby out with it. If you throw out the baby – you never really knew it, loved it or cherished it to begin with.”
God’s Blessings to all of Wolfie’s Q-Treepers!