Dear KMAG: 20191001 Open Topic

This ROCKTOBER [01] [PLACEHOLDER] TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

This month of ROCKTOBER is dedicated to our ROCK STAR President DJT.


The first day of this month is the 2-year anniversary of the scurrilous attack on MAGA, America, and all that is good and just in this world, at Las Vegas.

I read EVERY one of the autopsies.

The TRUTH that they could not hide – that they could not distort – that they could not flood with their PUTRID DISINFORMATION – failed to save the PLOTTERS from JUSTICE.




We have not forgotten.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.






Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

So here we are. After a month of HOT AUGUST, and seeing LIGHT overcome DARKNESS in LIGHT IN SEPTEMBER, we arrive at ROCKTOBER.

Be part of it. Bring your wisdom, your talents, your opinions, your investigations, your prayers, and your hopes to this thread.


And don’t forget….

Where We Go One, We Go All.


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Wolf, im still working on learning the blog how to, I promise Ill tell you when Im sure I wont mess up your site!


Rocktober….the month PDJT &Co will Rock Their World


Rocktober Surprises,Vol?

Cuppa Covfefe

O’zapft is! (bairisch für Es ist angezapft!) (Bavarian for it’s tapped, actually hammered, as they open the first (and succeeding) barrels with a tap spigot and a wooden hammer).
Auf Bairisch (Boarische Wikipedia):

Schon gewusst? Bairisch ist älter als Hochdeutsch!
→ Während die deutsche Schriftsprache im 15./16. Jh. entstanden ist, sind die ältesten altbairischen Texte aus dem 8. Jahrhundert.
Der Artikl is im Dialekt Obaboarisch gschrim worn.
Ozapft is! so hoassd da traditioneje Spruch mid’m d Wiesn, s Oktobafest z’Minga z Bayern, jeds Joar eaeffnd wead.
Dea Spruch is vo Thomas Wimmer, dea 1948 – 1960 Obabuagamoasta vo Minga woa. 1950 hoda des zan easchtn Moi ba da Eaeffnung gsogd und seitdem weads jeds Joar – nachan Biafasslostich duach an Obabuagamoasta – ois Signoi fian Ofong vawendd.
Schau aa[VE | Weakln]Listn vo boarische Rednsoatn
De Seitn is zletzt am 22. Novemba 2018 um 19:05 gändert worn.
Dea Text is unta da Lizenz „Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike“ vafigbor; zuasätzliche Bedingunga kennan owendbor sei. Oazlheitn san in de Nutzungsbedingunga bschriebm.
DatnschutzIba Wikipedia Hoftungsausschluss Entwickla Stellungnahme zu Cookies Mobile Osicht

🙂 Driving into Freistaat Bayern is about like driving into the “Lone Star State” 🙂
It’s also a bit of a competition to see in how few taps the Burgermeister can tap the keg. The record is two, tied (yet again) by München’s current (ober)Burgermeister, Dieter Reiter. There are a number of vids on YouTube explaining that, and Oktoberfest itself. As well as language courses in Bairisch 🙂


Cuppa, I am gonna need a translator!!! But from the part I did understand……..For this Rocktoberfest, I’m thinking our Burgermeister Trump will tap that keg in 1 felled swoop with his Mighty Hammer of Truth🔨


I Prayed (or The Choice)
The Bible says ask, and you’ll receive,
So I asked for things to ease my days.
Things for myself that I could conceive
To make me happy along my way.
I prayed for wealth, but I’m still poor.
I rent my house and have a big loan.
I own a few things, but still want more –
Just the things that my neighbors own.
I prayed for success at my job,
For a promotion to get more pay.
I’m really tired of watching snobs
Living so large and having their way.
I prayed that my name becomes well known
So others would respect who I am.
I’m through with living my life unknown,
And others who see me as a sham.
I prayed, but no, I didn’t get.
My life, it seems, is getting worse.
I’m still poor, and I’m still in debt.
I expected much, but got the reverse.
So I mocked God ‘cause He wouldn’t give
Me anything for my life of ease.
All of the things I wanted to live –
Money, success, fame – none of these.
But then, last night, I had a strange dream –
Someone, bright, at the end of my bed,
I can’t be sure, but so it seemed,
Talking to me. Was it in my head?
“You wanted riches so you could spend
It on yourself for your life of ease.
But it’s the poor who become God’s friends,
Looking to Him as the One to please.”
“You wanted success, to be number one,
But God loves the humble most of all.
The powerful lose when all’s said and done
If they don’t answer the Spirit’s call.”
“And, last of all, you wanted fame,
For approval from your fellow man.
All for yourself, not to honor God’s name,
And not in accord with God’s perfect plan.”
“God knows all your thoughts, every one.
You asked for much but didn’t receive.
You missed the part where “God’s will be done”
And God’s will comes first . . . you must believe.”
“Life is much more than just a jaunt.
God heard when you prayed; He heard you plead.
He didn’t give you things that you want,
But gave you everything that you need.”
“Where is the profit if the world is yours,
When in the process you lose your soul?
You’re on top when the world keeps score,
But you’ve lost all if God’s not your goal.”
“You prayed in Christ’s name, like adding frill,
But Christ’s name means nothing – not to you.
Using Christ’s name means “if in Your will”
And for respect, for which He is due.”
“And then, you chose to mock God’s name,
But God won’t be mocked, never by man.
Whatever you’ve sown, that’s what you’ll reap,
As it has been since time began.”
“God desires for all men to come,
To leave their old life for one that’s new,
To believe God and trust in His Son,
And leave the wide road to walk with the few.”
“And now as for you, you’ve got a choice,
A chance to escape this world of strife;
To reject or listen to God’s voice,
To be assigned death or to choose life.”
“The choice is yours, but you must choose
To be forgiven or lost in sin.
Choose the world and you’ll forever lose;
Choose life in Christ and forever win.”


Truth, beautifully stated!

Plain Jane

TY BakoCarl


Beautiful, Carl.
Thank you!


Carl!!! thank you for sharing your genius here–with us!! You are…Something special!❤❤




Amen Carl … wonderful and a blessing
Beautiful way to start this day, thank you and God bless you .. ❤️ ..


I just read this at our breakfast table. Thank you.


Oh, carl!!! I got goosebumples all over! Thank You! God Bless You Real Good!!!


Weather forecast for October: SuperStormSwamp will hit the Washington D.C. area sometime between 10/10 and 10/20. No, I won’t disclose how I figured that out. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Does this mean I need to change the Wednesday theme music?????? I’ve been thinking about this one.


…. LIKE‼️⭐️⭐️⭐️ … 😉👍❤️


This one might be appropriate…

Deplorable Patriot

That’s for national holidays. No, we need something more earthy.


… 😬👍 … ❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️ ..


Something happening on 10/17 and I don’t mean an alphabetic letter


Mmm thinking about turkey legs, nom nom…comment image
Don’t worry I’m making some for everbody…comment image

Plain Jane

My favorite part of the turkey. Thank you Michaelh.


I love your grilling skills Michael!!! Cheers baby!!! we are winning!!!!!


…. 🧐👍❤️‼️ …. 😍🤚🤤👍❤️
….. nice …. yum 😋‼️


My man MichaelH!!! Company Man always adheres to RULE #3!!!! Bless you Sir!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Here’s your song Wolfie!!! For Rocktober!!!!😎


Miss you!! NP!❤


Lindsay Graham: “We’re not going to try the President of the United States based on hearsay.” <<Actual quote
Mitch McConnell: "No matter what pile of festering feces Pelosi wraps with a bow and tosses over the wall, our senate rules require us to pick it up and try the President of the United States with it." <<Paraphrase


We WIN! The poop will Never touch our GREAT POTUS!!! IT will simply hit the Trump boomerang fan and Pepper all their Traitorous Asses!!! LOL!! WINNING everyday!!!!


It takes a 2/3 vote in the Senate, to approve of an impeachment.
I’m thinking that’s not gonna happen…especially when our VSG unleashes the Truth about what’s been going on.


That would imply that there are more than 34 Senators who are not complicit and “on the take”.
My estimate would be fewer than ten.
The question then becomes, how would it be better for the Senator to vote the right way than to vote the wrong way, when you’ve eaten the apple and are demonstrably corrupt?


Q told us repeatedly…”We have it all.”
I have faith in our VSG Lion and think that he will use it as he needs to, to make the crapweasels do the right thing.


Our VSG has held back so much. He is toying with them. They are self-destructing before our eyes. It is so glorious.


I suspect that we are seeing a “modified limited hangout” from Team MAGA. Nobody but them knows exactly what they know, but in order to get the FISA report out, they have to send it around the crooked IC for review and redactions. So they “let it be known that there were discussions w/ Ukraine”…..and I’d bet there were several different versions, differing only in inconsequential details, in order to provide a squirrel (and canary trap) in that same, limited time frame. [The thing about mentioning Biden 8 times looks like a tell.]
I wouldn’t be surprised if AG Barr’s peregrinations were bearing the news that Five-Eyes will be allowed to continue IF, AND ONLY IF, the coup were scraped out of it. Misfud and Downer and the rest will have their covers blown and probably lifetime bans on travel to the US…..but only if they come clean about the US “small group”. Otherwise, Five-Eyes might be Four-Eyes tomorrow. Durham’s the operational side — if they say “ok”, he supervises the affidavits and depositions. There would be a similar division of labor with non Five-Eyes states, like Italy and Ukraine. Barr says, “we know enough to cook your guys, you need to make them available, then we’ll only lightly toast them.” I suspect they’ve done very well in Australia and UK (in Five-Eyes — the other members are NZ, Canada, and US), and also in Israel, Ukraine, and Italy.
VSGPOTUSDJT has an uncanny knack for having his enemies forward his talking points. My weather forecast for October is: “Occasional loud storms, with major blowback. Thunder and lightning. No significant damage to edifices put up by serious builders.”


Senate Rule #2: Pick up the feces by the clean end.


“Murder Turtle” McConnell scoffs……”pick it up by the ribbon”.


No win scenario … Kobayashi Maru
Test in the fictional Star Trek universe
The Kobayashi Maru is a training exercise in the fictional Star Trek universe designed to test the character of Starfleet Academy cadets in a no-win scenario… More
… 🤫 … 😉😜


Potus desperately wants impeachment because he then gets discovery.
See draw and strike re the whistleblower


Ha ha ha! This is an interesting thought:


Linda!!! I love this!!!❤


They keep mentioning the intelligence sharing Ukraine treaty that Clinton inked. Cracks me up e very time.


Wolfmoon, would you know why when anyone posts a link following their use of a colon (:) that the link is invisible to me? In your and Marica’s reply to Linda’s post, it is obvious that you both see something that I can’t. It’s frustrating. I’m using fully updated versions of Firefox and DuckDuckGo. Maybe I should try clearing the cache for WP?


When you can’t see twister tweeps in posts on this site that probably means you have a setting for blocking tracking of some kind. On the dissenter browser, I have had to allow all cookies in order to stay logged in (to comment). There is another setting that probably has to do with ad and/or javascript blocking that might affect the rendering of links to twister.


Thanks so much! Understanding what it is that I’m not seeing (tweets) at least alerts me to part of the problem. I also don’t stay logged into Dissenter so will have to change the setting on that too.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not sure about FireFox, but Brave has a setting under “Social Media Blocking”, “Allow Twitter Embedded Tweets”; maybe FireFox has something similar?


Thanks maybe I’ll just totally switch to Brave!

A Fortiori

I’m not so sure this would be a good thing. If we tar them with scandal based on second hand information, they can tar whomever is supposed to sort things out (Barr, the entire SCt, etc.). If everyone in government is fighting a scandal, who governs?


That was my 1st thought when the “surprise” changing of credibility requirements to hearsay. Then all the embedded Resistors can be outed on hearsay.


… brilliant idea … kudos Linda … 😉👍🤨🤚‼️❤️🇺🇸❤️


This is an nbc la reporter who is actually doing a great job reporting around l.a. and the effects of vagrants. This is where newsom is supposed to step in. He lauches a satellite for “climate change monitoring” but cant make sure our waterways are clear of refuse.


Newsom, the Fredo of the California crime families.

Cuppa Covfefe

They should drag Gavin Newscum through that trash behind an incontinent, angry mule… or maybe elephant…

Deplorable Patriot

Nothing gets the ball rolling better than bad publicity.


And it won’t just be Bikers For Trump who descend on DC…they will have a lot of company!


good! stand up and be counted…


Hmm…Pompeo is on his way to Italy.


Just like Godfather III — the corruption runs through the Vatican.
Though there is so much spiritual to admire, the bureaucracy in the Holy See has many more interests than spirituality…..


Have we seen that “wheels up” phrase from Q? I think so!


What do you think about this new GOP ad?


Hah! Well done, boss!


…. AWESOME … 🤨👍‼️‼️‼️❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Sounds like the DEMONicRATs employ more projection than Hollyweird…
“They has now shown the world that they will stop at nothing to try and win in 2020! They are willing to sell out our values and invite foreign interest into our elections! They must go!”
There “Tom”, FTFY.
You DEMONicRATs never cease to blame others for your failures, and to accuse others of YOUR crimes. Just like your father the Devil, Satan, the father of lies. Apple didn’t fall far from the tree there, eh?


it’s too late for the Dems to stop. they are a gigantic ball of feces careening downhill out of control, picking up speed. they promised their base impeachment from Day 1…they haven’t delivered yet. If they don’t try, they will lose everything and everyone. if they try and fail, like Hillary, they will spend years blaming this or that, but at least they tried. it is their fate.


… well … the demonrats are .. turds 💩👍 …. 😐🤚


Every. Last. One. Of. Them.


… yeah 🤨 … ew ew ew .. 😖🤚

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. They’re really REALLY LOW.


The DemoRats going into a “frenzy” over Our Presidents “Civil War” comments…..
YET, It’s the same Folks Whom are calling for *Protests*, get in our faces, advocating assassination, committing violence & violent Acts against US, on & on..
Accusing US & Our President of the exact Acts THEY are committing!

dreamboat annie

It’s being reported that Sebastian Gorka is travelling with Sec Pompeo…and the leftists on Twitter are freaking out.
The hashtag #Gorka is trending.
Here is one of the reports…

I think it’s pretty funny how they’re setting their hair on fire about this.


Poor Pompeo having to listen to Gorka’s pretentious palaver all the way to Europe.


Haven’t forgiven Gorka for his attacks on PM and his complicity in the fake fraud Trump Superpac.


I remember that somewhat, I just always got the “you dirty rat” feeling when he came on tv … but maybe they have him fitted with a nice choke chain .. just for show .. heh heh 😬


LOL .. 😝🤚


I like Gorka maybe because he sounds familiar to me have been around people like him. Actually they were very honest and best friend one can have. I love his goulash also.:)


Well singing 🎶 … I stand corrected based on you endorsement .. 🙂❤️ … and I’ll work on being not nice … 😞🤚🙂


We all have our likes and dislikes therefore nothing wrong with your previous post.
We can all express our viewpoints , free speech 🙂
You know I could be wrong ?


Well I get crabby and lippy some … I’m working on it .. it might have something to do with having five brothers …
.. ty .. for being sweet .. ❤️ …


I had three brothers and know what you are talking about 🙂


… aren’t they fun⁉️ … lol … I love them but as kids they were quick to punch first and ask questions later … 😠


One brother did the oldest. The middle brother was a gentlemen always and I was close to him. The third was 13 years younger than I and he adored me and I him.
They play ruff but i was a tom boy and held my own fighting with boys and I can take pain that was the advantage.
Thee oldest brother was just violent.
I now tell him since he is creeping to 80 that I am still younger and he is always going to be older than I. This ticks him off 🙂


… lol … I had three older, the first oldest was mean, the next one semi-ambivalent, was close to 3rd. one … he was the smallest/ toughest and best, brother #4 thought he was tough and last #5 was the baby and he’s subtle and huffy, gotta watch out for him. One sister the oldest and our frau Blücher’s … (from the movie Young Frankenstein … apparently Boucher means glue in German that’s why the horse’s always screamed in the background .. lol)
… and I love all of them … oh … I’m the troll 🤫❤️


Funny thank’s for sharing 🙂


.. 😉🤚 .. I do love them and they have their point of references of me … it’s probably very scary and total fabrications .. 😫🤚

Cuppa Covfefe

Blucher is a kind of lace-up shoe (which I would whinny at were I forced to wear them), but “Glue” in German is Kleber, or Klebstoff. Common brand names are Pattex and UHU (sort of like Elmers). There were some famous generals by that name, but they didn’t have anything to do with Frankenstein, or the burg of that name (which is up in Hessen).
There are TONS of inside jokes in that film… I had some cinema majors as roommates at USC, and they went on and on and on about all the inside jokes that Mel Brooks put in to the movie, to the point that even after watching it two or three times, there were still more. I wish I’d taken notes of what they said…
In this case, snopes is actually right about something 🙂 (probably an old article). Now I’ve got that violin theme going through my head… neiiiiggggghhhhh….


… LOL … g’nite, sleep well, sweet dreams and God bless you Cuppa .. ❤️ ..


Stein is a fun fellow 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Talk about an A-Ha moment 🙂 Great vid…


Amazing video of a bridge collapse in Taiwan…


Cheap Chinese concrete and steel?
Bad engineering?
Storm damage?
That last truck way over limit – too heavy?


All good questions, GA/FL.
Maybe the answer is ‘All of the above’.


That’s what I’m thinking. The big fancy bow and cables didn’t seem to be functional at all – just there for appearances.

Cuppa Covfefe

Makes me think of the replacement span of the eastern part of the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge. Built to replace the original which was damaged in the Loma Prieta earthquake, it is a new, self-sustaining design, built with Chinese material (steel, concrete, rebar, etc.), Chinese tools (cranes, etc.), Chinese workers, and Chinese inspectors…
There have already been many instances of faulty materials and material failure. I doubt it would hold up as well as the original span, which, although one segment of the upper deck fell down onto the lower deck (expansion joint let go, probably designed that way), the lower deck had no problems.
The new design? Not so sure. Built as a monument to the WilliBrown™, like a typical DEMONicRAT, it is all flash and fury, but no substance…
I’ll drive down to the San Mateo, the Dumbarton, or even 237 (or over the GG and north) before I go over that piece of merde…
(btw, the failure looks eerily similar to that bridge that collapsed in Italy…)

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The foundation has, erm, issues… substandard concrete, not enough reinforcement, low quality (read rusted) material, and the list goes on, and on, and on…
That article reads like an advert for the bridge company… There is no comparable bridge anywhere of that size, and certainly not in “earthquake country”. What I think they’ve done with that design is made that section of the bridge with a single point of failure. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for that, nor would I EVER drive over it…
Highway 237, despite the traffic, looks MUCH better in comparison. Even the San Mateo Bridge (Highway 92) between San Mateo (on US 101) and Hayward (on I-880, or Highway 17 for us old-timers) is better. It’s also the longest orthotropic bridge in the world (or at least was). I also changed a tire on it – not a task for the faint of heart…


Bridge failures around the world –


…. 😮🤚 …. 😣😫 …. it looked like a that vehicle didn’t make it off the bridge in time …. wow .. that’s horrible ..


Wow we had some bridge collapse here also some yeas back.
I hope no one was killed? Could not see if there were cars on the bridge.


For some reason, if I were Taiwan, I would be looking into sabotage.


Not because it’s “on topic”, but just because I’m thinking about it……
There is a corner of cryptography that uses two keys that have the special property that each can decipher the other, though neither can decipher themselves. In other words, using a “crypto” function, there are two keys, x1 and x2, where:
stuff -> crypto(x1, stuff) -> gibberish -> crypto(x2, gibberish) -> stuff — or
stuff -> crypto(x2, stuff) -> gibberish -> crypto(x1, gibberish) -> stuff — but
stuff -> crypto(x1, stuff) -> gibberish -> crypto(x1 gibberish) -> worse gibberish.
This is generally known as “public key encryption” because you can keep x1 very secure and just publish x2 and have all sorts of secure links. Once you generate x1 and x2, it’s bad form to keep them both on the same machine or storage — although, during the instant when generated, it’s unavoidable.
As you might imagine, generating such keypairs under linux is pretty easy and straightforward. And, then, there is the weird nightmare of GNU keyrings, which are supposed to organize and safeguard all of your private and published keys as well as all the published keys you have received from others. I’m sure it’s technically great, but it is hard on the brain to keep straight.
But, here’s the thing — if you have a gmail account and want to send your friend some information on cruises you are considering, without Google reading your email and sending you cruise spam for the next year, you could just put it in a document, encrypt it using your private key, and have your friend decrypt it using the corresponding public key. Google is spending millions to get inside of this, but there has been no sign of success (using the latest crypto methods).
That last is important — the crypto method MD5 is recognized as blown. SHA-1 is vulnerable. SHA-256 should be good for a couple of years. Even if you’re doing state-of-the-art things today, you may have lurking old things in dark corners.
Which leads to a bit of snark…, Wolfie, what’s your public key? If you examine the source of AoSHQ, his public key is hidden in the sidebar and has been for some years — and he’s running Minx 0.92!
The guy who literally wrote the book on this stuff is Bruce Schneier, who blogs at He doesn’t talk about it much, but others have recognized how much he fought tooth-and-nail to publish “Applied Cryptography” when the NSA and other alphabet agencies squealed like stuck pigs.
And, while I’m thinking about it…..a couple of other blogs that will convince you that you’re not paranoid, merely realistic, are and .


Heh. People light their hair on fire about facebook shadowbans…..if you code something with your private key and the public key I have decodes it, you are verified to be you, no matter what the platform. If this tree disappeared and another tree appeared, how would we know it wasn’t just a Psyop?
Keys are all about protocols (patterns of behavior). And we’re all going to have to learn something about them, because there currently aren’t any decent simplification software platforms.
As another scary bit, once you start dealing with these……your operating system comes with a set of public keys that it automatically trusts (typically in “certificates-ca”) despite many coming from the EU, Turkey, Ukraine, and other war-zones.

A Fortiori

Gentlemen – thanks for this. I am still working on my studies of Bezmenov and of the monetary history of the US, but this too strikes me as an extremely important topic.


I can’t see anything after the colon (:) and I have cleared the cache and cookies. Help!


I can’t see anything after the colon (:) and I have cleared the cache and cookies. Help!
I hope someone here can help you?
I would love too but do not have the computer experience .
I have googled before and ask concerning computer problems. Maybe if you have a Mac or whatever they have a community? Just ask why you cannot read on blog?


Thanks singingsoul. The weird thing is I CAN read all comments on the blog everything EXCEPT links that are placed directly after a colon (:). This is a new problem for me after many years of using WP.


I do not even see the colon (:) but see everything.
I hope someone can help you with that.


What follows the “:” is a link to a Twister tweet. You have some kind of blocking set in your browser (FireFox?) that is not allowing WordPress to display it. Might be a 3rd party block or a javascript block, I’m not sure.


I’m now on the WP reader and it displays as it should! So it has to be a setting that’s blocking tweets in the URL in all browsers that I’ve tried (Firefox, IE and Chrome).


Yes, I’ve done all of those things and still same problem. Maybe as Cuppa Covfefe suggested, I’ll just switch to Brave as my browser. At least in the meantime I can actually SEE the full posts (tweets) in my WP reader.


Very nice! I’d never heard of those guys before, but I skimmed their tech sections and understood about 1/4 of it…..which is pretty good for that level of discussion. And they were talking about the right things in the right ways. About the only yellow flag that got thrown is that it depends on the Go NaCl crypto library, instead of GNU’s venerable libgcrypt ( ) which was probably around when Hannibal crossed the alps [“C U in Rome, LOL — hbl”]. As seen in , Go NaCl is not FIPS 140 validated.
Go ( ) was developed in the Dark Castle of Mountain View at the Googleplex. Still, they got Ken Thompson to sign on ( ) and it’s published under a modified BSD license and source is available. [I loved the Thompson quote regarding C++: “It does a lot of things half well and it’s just a garbage heap of ideas that are mutually exclusive.”]
I haven’t been able to find source for the library, yet. Here’s some general info about it — . (It should also be noted that “Go NaCl” can also refer to a Google sandboxing technology, where it is pronounced “Native Client”, instead of “salt”.) Ah — it’s public domain and also roped in some trusted names — .
So, yeah, great find! And an excellent use of the site — again, if things go sideways, the more breadcrumbs we can trust to weave stuff back together, the better.


Now I’m thinking about how I might add KeyBase to my ecosystem so it is useful to me… interesting potential.
Can you think of a reason not to create a “team” there for our peeps here?


Not at present, but with crypto, it’s best to think things over in the morning before doing a commit. Put it front and center in your next thread!


Good Commentary from Lou…


The fundamental fallacy of the whole Ukraine thing is that exposing Biden’s corruption is only good for VSGPOTUSDJT personally and that it isn’t good for the nation at large. Where that might work in a soundbite, I don’t think it’s sustainable for the long term.

A Fortiori

Excellent point. It should be obvious, but if it is not then we should state plainly that it hurts the US to have our elected officials use their positions to extort and/or steal from foreign countries.


This is good.
House Republicans have sent an official Letter to the ICIG demanding answers about the Fake WhistleBlower’s ‘urgent’ complaint…
It’s a thread…and a good read…here is the Thread Reader for it:

The House R’s have given the ICIG till Thursday to reply:
“Given the unprecedented actions that have taken place in recent weeks, we require your response to these questions no later than October 3, 2019.”

Sadie Slays

Let’s talk about what happened in Las Vegas two years ago.
It actually started two weeks prior when “-john” posted a warning on 4chan about what was to happen. Funny how this advanced warning got memory-holed even in the truth community:comment image
You only need to take one look at where the shooting occurred to see the deliberate occult set-up. Twin towers, Satanic hand sign, pyramid, obelisk…comment image
The attack was probably supposed to be called “Blackjack” given that it happened on 10/1. It was supposed to be a bookend to 9/11.
9/1 1/01
See the reverse date in there?comment image
Even the main act, Jason Aldean, was sporting the symbolism. His job was probably to lull the crowd into a trance or something before the sacrifice began.comment image
Whatever the original plan was, it failed. Stephen Paddock’s “brother” was forced to go on TV and screamed “COMP’d COMP’d COMP’d” to alert the other cells.comment image
Then there was that whole business with the security guard “Jesus Campos.” First he appeared as a propped up corpse with a Mafia-like group. Funny how nobody ever includes the Mafia in all of the Las Vegas theories, either.comment image
A few days later, “Jesus Campos” shows up on Ellen of all places to give an exclusive interview about the events of that night.comment image
Meanwhile, 4chan discovered that he wasn’t legally registered as a security guard in Las Vegas. Whoops! No problemo–we’ll get our Deep State goons to add him to the registry days later. It’s not like anyone is ever going to get busted for this shitshow.comment imagecomment image
…or maybe we’re still waiting for that shoe to drop. The President convened a very important military dinner a few days later where he made his infamous “Calm Before the Storm” comment.comment image
23 days after that, guess who arrived on 4chan…comment image


Sadie, youre6the bomb. Thank you for that refresher. That event was what made me very suspicious of OT. I got my butt handed to me regarding Campos not being a valid guard.


Thank you very much … I appreciate the heads up and to never forget and hold those creeps accountable … 🤔👍🇺🇸❤️

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. That card looks a wee bit like cards from Steve Jackson’s “Illuminati — New World Order” Game.
From 1995… ! Cuttingedge has a number of articles on it…
Amazing all the info and signals that are out there, much of it in plain sight for those who understand. And as Q said, “we have it all”.
Sometimes I’d like to help punt all these scoundrels like Schitttf, Brennan, and Piglosi (not forgetting Merde-Kuh) into the Lake of Fire, but that’s not mine to do (or even want – I should want them all to repent and be saved, hard as that is)…

Sadie Slays

comment image
I’m convinced those Illuminati cards are a form of occult magic.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Cuttingedge has articles on it, and he’s always commenting on how prescient that game was, especially as it came out in 1995, long before many of the events “foretold” in it were to occur….
Kind of like an Illuminati Tarot deck…
Interesting to read how much interest the PTB had in SJ Games, too…


Can’t think about SJG w/o thinking of Bruce Sterling’s “The Hacker Crackdown”


Add in Ellen’s obvious deep-Epstein connection. She was chosen for the interview b/c she could be counted out to put the right face on it. Reliable propaganda shill.

Sadie Slays

I can’t un-see the Epstein-like temple on Ellen’s set (cube with blue and white stripes behind Ellen).

Sadie Slays

MODERATORS! I wrote a long comment about Las Vegas, but it got sent to moderation. Please fish it out of the spam box.


There’s a comment from Gail Combs in the spam bin that has a good Timeline of the Fake Whistleblower that looks like a good comment to me, boss.
Could you take a look at it?
It’s for Fle’s News Roundup thread, and I don’t think he ever checks the spam bin…or maybe doesn’t know how.

Sadie Slays

Thank you!


Oh boy……H>erself is running again….says Bannon.


I don’t think she is, or maybe in her own mind. Hillary Clinton is pretty toxic, except for her diehard sycophants, the rest of the Dem party wants her to go away.


…. good grief ….comment image?itemid=12771014
…. the putz has kuru‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ .. her theme song would have to be ..

.. but that music 🎶 is too good for the butt munch .. 😑 ..


comment image


Maybe it’s just me…but this seems a bit cringeworthy.

Most guests of the Sec of State don’t make a public announcement of it like this.


Maybe they wanted a ‘showboat’ for this trip, I dunno.
Maybe it’s a part of a plan?


keep the focus here, while something sneaks under the radar…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…or smoke out someone with a guilty conscience. Make them flee where no man pursueth.


Its called “rubbing their nose in it”. Kinda like the release of the Trump May chopper presser yesterday after the mass hair on fire event concerning the announcement of the agreement with Australia to investigate their involvement in Spygate.

A Fortiori

My reaction too.


PDJT: “Seb, I want you to go along with Mike to Italy, take lots of selfies and brag about being on the trip, blow lots of smoke and hot air. Get in front of every camera you see. Create lots of distraction. Maybe I’ll forget about that fraud super-pac and the 60k.”
SG: “Yes sir, Mr. President sir.”


Didn’t see the picture, but caught the announcement. I believe it’s deliberate. Gorka going along? Interesting. But Pompeo has no problem rubbing the Dems noses in the dirt. I believe this is part of some plan unfolding even as we speak. 🙂
The Dems (WSJ headline) are all aflutter – read that as FEAR – that Pompeo is going over to Europe…


heh…great minds as they say…..;-)


Hi, Just caught your response. Yes, I think that’s what going on. POTUS is dealing from strength, the Dems run headlines out of fear. WSJ had “Pompeo took part in Trump phone call with Zelensky” – as if that was some kind of bad thing. We’ve known all along despite the focus being on the Cabal members and actions in the FBI and DOJ, the threads would have to be pulled leading to the State Department.


Yep, this gets added to Barr and Durham in Italy. DOJ “unusually” purposely released that. Now this. Be Afraid Deep State, Be Very Afraid! 😃😃


… 😑🤚 … nuts


News roundup has been posted if interested.


comment image
.. 🤨👍 … be there or be square .. 😉🤚


Thanks Nikki 🎃👻❤️🇺🇸👍
That is EXACTLY how I feel about #FlepNews. 😍🤓😘
(Side note to Wolfie – it was me who went into moderation on a comment yesterday cuz I mistyped my e-addy. The real Alison 🤓)



Cuppa Covfefe

Did you type “Alison Wonderland”? 🙂
(dodges flying looking glasses, white rabbits, and enormous clock watches 🙂 )…


RIP Ms. Norman. The world will miss your beautiful voice.
Jessye Norman, international opera star, dead at 74
(CNN)International opera star Jessye Norman died Monday at the age of 74, according to her agent.
The New York Metropolitan Opera described Norman as “one of the great sopranos of the past half-century.”

Deplorable Patriot

I was very sorry to read of this. I heard her live in concert some years back. Phenomenal voice.


She had a truly powerful voice and presence. Her last couple of years must have been quite painful, and I imagine our Heavenly Angels Choir has welcomed her with open wings 💞


Verse of the Day

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.”
Isaiah 54:17 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


comment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning!
want some hot coffee?


Oh, yes please, pat – gone cold, again – typing and not drinking – lol – Thanks!
God Bless You!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!


May God Bless you as well Sweetheart!!


Thanks, pat! * Smile *




Morning Duchess! I believe we’re in for an uplifting week, and the doom and gloom of last week. The Dems are desperate, operating out of Fear, not strength!


Amen, lady – Great Tweet!!! God Bless You!!!


Amen 🙏🏼 … 🤨👍‼️❤️❤️❤️


God Bless You, nikki!!!


.. and you also sweet duchess01 .. 🙂🤚❤️


Thanks, nikki!!! * Big Smile *




Thanks Sweet Duchess!! This is the verse I pray for POTUS most frequently.😍😍😍


Excellent, BFLY!!! But, please do not thank me – God was behind the person who posted this verse and all daily verses – I do not choose them – I am just a messenger!
I choose the ‘Daily Blessings’ and chose the ‘Jesus’ Prayers – and – I post my personal prayer everyday – Thanking Jesus for blessings received and prayers answered – just so you know – God is speaking to us and encouraging us everyday!


The Tropics…keeping an eye on this…. Disturbance #1 ….below Cuba, maybe heading west toward Yucatan…
…and the GOM…?
it’s October and the tracking changes usually…shifts westerward…
2 am NOAA….comment image


Those two areas do have circular wind movement….,-80.728,5


ocean heatcomment image


Thanks smiley2, I really appreciate you posting this information …. 🙂🤚❤️


you are welcome kiddo <3


.. 🤗🥰


Il Papa is getting personal!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s going to get pretty ugly, I’m afraid.


We have an elderly priest in our church, not the main one, who is from Africa. Every time Father Joe preaches he talks about Social Justice. I sit there and think he is preaching to the choir. The congregation is the most giving and generous of people I’ve seen.
I want to stand up and say, excuse me, “Jesus expected us to give of our own possessions, not to demand someone else give of theirs.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The difference between charity and socialism.

Deplorable Patriot

The one thing that Frankie may well accomplish is getting those who have not been exposed to the reality of the push back to begin to nibble at the red pill.
Voris isn’t taking any of this lying down that’s for sure.


oh my! the replies–Hillary and Merkel had a baby…LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Fathered by Soros…
(and, yep, the technology does exist to do this – mitochondrial replacement)…


no…backing away quickly…CANNOT VISUALIZE or will need massive amounts of eye bleach!!!!!


…. 🎶 still crazy after all these years … 🎶


QT@Anon 🌟🌟🌟
If you’re feeling down, I can feel you up.
…. bwahahahahahah … 🤮 …. bwahahahahahah


baby iguana says hello…lolcomment image


… 😃👍❤️‼️‼️ ..

Concerned Virginian

Mama Iguana is showing that she is very proud of Baby Iguana.


as most mamas do!!

Cuppa Covfefe

And the baby’s singing:
Iguana be loved by you, just you
And nobody else but you
Iguana be loved by you alone




I posted this in Flep’s new Roundup, but everyone should read it.
This thread from Unseen. He has an excellent thread regarding the “Big Lie” that the media isn’t covering by omission. That Lie? We only lost the House in 2018 by 100,000 – out of 113 million cast. This despite the millions and millions of dollars spent, and even with Dem voter fraud, decreased GOP voter turnout (Trump not on the ballad) and Dems increased in contrast (as one would expect).
Unseen gives us a logical perspective about what’s happening now…

Deplorable Patriot

Yep, the big brains at the top of the swamp food chain are no longer running the show. Now the question…is the cabal letting this play out to cut loose this particular group.
The next few weeks are going to be interesting.


this makes me happy!
Catherine Glenn Foster, President and CEO of Americans United for Life, told LifeNews she was not surprised Planned Parenthood put abortion first and women’s health second.
“It’s a great day for women’s health in America. Planned Parenthood is America’s deadliest nonprofit, and the news that they’re refusing to accept taxpayer funds to target vulnerable women is a good thing for women’s health. Women deserve the chance to live empowered, full lives that are free from the harms that Planned Parenthood poses through abortion and abortion-focused services. Women who need true healthcare will have their needs met by authentic and eager healthcare providers across America,” she said.
Ashley McGuire, Senior Fellow with The Catholic Association, added: “In withdrawing from Title X, Planned Parenthood has made it crystal clear that abortion is its number one priority. Planned Parenthood could have chosen to make the investment to restructure to be compliant with federal law, or have chosen to abandon abortion altogether and focus instead on women’s health. Instead, the abortion chain is walking away from tens of millions of dollars of money earmarked to help low income women. Recently fired president Dr. Leana Wen said she was ousted because she wanted to promote comprehensive women’s health over abortion. Once again, Planned Parenthood is placing abortion above all else, most especially the low income women they claim to be serving.”


tell them all to POUND SAND! no one asked Obama for a single transcript!
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff kicked off demands for more of President Trump’s phone calls with world leaders, suggesting that the president was endangering national security.
“If those conversations with Putin or with other world leaders are sequestered in that same electronic file that is meant for covert action, not meant for this, if there’s an effort to hide those and cover those up, yes we’re determined to find out,” Schiff said on NBC’s Meet the Press.
The Trump White House revealed they moved several of President Trump’s conversations with world leaders behind levels of classification after phone call transcripts with the leaders of Mexico and Australia leaked to the Washington Post in 2017.


Oh, and of course, read Flep’s roundup today.
He discussed the responses to Amanda Carpenter’s snide tweet question about POTUS. Wonderful responses to that, including those two tweets I posted the other day.

Just in case anyone needs cheering up – a reminder that we’re going to win in 2020!!!!
My very good friend’s pitch perfect tweet. Her style is different than mine, but likely more effective! 🙂


….most excellent and totally AWESOME Lady …. love it 🥰 😍😘🤗🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️

Deplorable Patriot

A climate of intimidation? Are we doing the Arian heresy all over again?




Feds bust a 2 BILLION Medicare Fraud scheme
The coordinated federal investigation targeted an alleged scheme involving the payment of illegal kickbacks and bribes by CGx laboratories in exchange for the referral of Medicare beneficiaries by medical professionals working with fraudulent telemedicine companies for expensive cancer genetic tests that were medically unnecessary.
Often, the test results were not provided to the beneficiaries or were worthless to their actual doctors. Some of the defendants allegedly controlled a telemarketing network that lured hundreds of thousands of elderly and/or disabled patients into a criminal scheme that affected victims nationwide. The defendants allegedly paid doctors to prescribe CGx testing, either without any patient interaction or with only a brief telephonic conversation with patients they had never met or seen.
“These defendants allegedly duped Medicare beneficiaries into signing up for unnecessary genetic tests, costing Medicare billions of dollars,” Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “Together with our law enforcement partners, the Department will continue to protect the public fisc and prosecute those who steal our taxpayer dollars.”
“The scope and sophistication of the health care fraud detected in Operation Double Helix and the related Operation Brace Yourself is nearly unprecedented. But the citizens of the Southern District of Georgia should know that we put together an unprecedented response,” said U.S. Attorney Bobby L. Christine of the Southern District of Georgia. “Our office charged more defendants, responsible for more health care fraud losses, than ever before in this office’s history. While these charges might be some of the first, they won’t be the last.”
“The defendants allegedly targeted elderly, disabled and other vulnerable consumers, luring them into this fraudulent scheme that affected victims nationwide and generated losses in excess of one billion dollars which spanned multiple jurisdictions,” said U.S. Attorney Peter G. Strasser for the Eastern District of Louisiana. “Schemes such as these have a profound effect on our nation, not only by the monies lost in the scheme, but also by stoking public distrust in some medical institutions. It is imperative to preserve taxpayer confidence whenever and wherever possible. Our office, along with our investigative partners, reminds seniors and their caregivers to be vigilant for fraudulent schemes. If you are aware of or believe you are the victim of a health care fraud scheme, please contact law enforcement.”

Deplorable Patriot

There’s a special place in hell for people like this.


… and not hot enough … 🤨



Whoo-Hoo ‼️‼️‼️‼️ Good for you Terrence you so deserve it … so stay put don’t drive till the day comes … and wrap yourself up in layers of bubble wrap .. 😬🤚❤️comment image


These people are evil! Period!
Pro-Abortion Activists Try to Burn Mexico City Cathedral
Catholic faithful, supported by firefighters and police, gathered in front of the cathedral during the demonstration to protect the historic building from arson.

Deplorable Patriot

Wow. Those 53 years of hardcore socialism haven’t died.
Although, the thought of trying to burn a cathedral…they’re usually built out of materials that don’t burn. See Notre Dame, Holy Name, etc. Okay, St. Paul Outside the Walls burned, but it’s not a cathedral.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In those older buildings the roof was generally wood, and of course if that’s on fire embers will rain down on anything below.
St. Paul Outside the Walls is one of my favorites from an architectural perspective because it’s an example of an ancient basilica. [Which in ancient Rome was simply a specific type of building designed to span large interior spaces with the use of trusses, intended for government business, and had no religious connotation back then, not until Christians adapted it.] It was reconstructed with great care as I understand it. (I just looked it up; it has caught fire more than the one time I was thinking of…and it was the roof.)
I admit I was surprised St Paul’s is not a cathedral, because I understood it to have originally been a Patriarchal basilica (for the Patriarch of Alexandria). A cathedral being the seat of a bishop, I figured a patriarch had to qualify. I guess not! Two thousand years of history takes some confusing turns.

Deplorable Patriot

Nope. A cathedral is the seat of the diocese. St. Paul never has been. In Rome, it’s St. John Lateran.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, the seat of the Bishop of Rome.


gees…if only someone had told them increasing minimum wage to $15 an hour would have adverse effects…
Gabriela’s was a thriving business in an extremely competitive market. They obviously weren’t paying a bunch of people to stand around and do nothing because they needed to keep labor costs down to remain ahead of their competitors. Laying off 25% of their labor force was obviously going to impact their ability to do business and it clearly did.
Now they’re shutting down. And they’re not alone. Another restaurant in Harlem, employing more than 40 primarily minority workers, hasn’t had to close yet but the effects are still being felt. The owner reports that she’s had to cut back everyone’s hours, raise prices and reduce the number of available menu options. All of that adds up to poorer service and fewer customers.
It’s not just the loss of local watering holes and eateries that are the problem. All of the jobs they support are going away too. As of August, the restaurant industry in the Big Apple has shed a shocking 4,000 jobs this year. And as Gabriela’s shows us, the pain isn’t over yet.
So the remaining workers in many of these eateries are, on average, making more per hour than they used to. But many of them are getting fewer hours per week. And thousands of others are making zero in earned wages because they’re on the unemployment lines. Is this really progress for workers? Or is it just a net benefit to the unions who are trying to organize them all?

Deplorable Patriot

And the price of tourism just went up. Idiots.


they just don’t get it. it’s about funneling workers into the unions to appease union bosses (who take kickbacks) to vote Democrats–they want too do the same with illegals–more union members means more graft for the union bosses…

Deplorable Patriot

I love NYC, but stunts like this make it way too expensive to visit. This will eventually backfire.


… any chance the option to tar and feather these rat union bosses might happen .. ? ..


out here in redneck country, we prefer the honey and ant hill method…course bears have been known to like honey too…lol


Oh 😮🤭 .. why that’d work just fine ..
😃👍‼️‼️ …. do they make a bear call thingy? … heh heh 😈


bears have a great sense of smell…i’m sure they’d have no trouble finding democrats….they smell INTENSELY!!!!


Yeah 🤨‼️ … the stench of sulphur …. 😖😤🤣👍 …


you’re being kind!


When my mother-in-law prayed to St. Therese, she swore she could smell flowers. She was cute. I miss her.


it’s Tuesday!comment imagecomment imagecomment image


…. ahhhhhhh 😂👍 …. I LOVE them Pat … ty ❤️‼️

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. But he’s the Taco de Town 🙂


you’re on a roll…or maybe it’s a wrap

Cuppa Covfefe

Just trying to not be a PITA 🙂
(Or, with a “propuh” British accent, wrap and roll 🙂 )…



Deplorable Patriot

Hill’s campaign postercomment image

Deplorable Patriot

What, a wine charm? Certainly not a sterling silver one for my bracelet.


there are rumors swirling…she is “assisting” other candidates currently to sabotage their campaigns…sounds like her…lol

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, nothing fishy about this. No. Nothing to see here. Move along.


so Schiff’s staffer’s trip was paid for by Burisma?
So Hunter Biden’s old company Burisma is funding the group paying for Schiff’s staffer’s trip to Ukraine. Once again that raises questions if there was anything said or done in relation to the whistleblower’s case between Schiff or his staff and the Ukrainians.
Who did they talk to when the staffers were in Ukraine and did any of it relate to the complaint or the Bidens and Trump?


Hi there Pat! Hope you are doing well today! 😘💖 HUGGLES!


I’m good…how are you and all the rest of your llama family?


We are good!
I tried to remember the day your hubby goes to the doctor. Is it the 4th? Memory not so good anymore.
Praying for you. 🙏


it’s tomorrow and thank you!


Good luck sweetie!




I have a doctor’s appointment today also.
I will probably be online this evening or tomorrow.
Praying for you. 💖


routine check up?


Yes, pain management clinic. And they check my blood pressure, blood oxygen, pulse.
He safe in your travels today. 💖😘 HUGGLES.


you too!
I will keep you in my prayers as well!!
<3 <3 <3 (my attempt at hearts…lol)


Thank you. 💖


praying for your hubby- sending good thoughts your way xoxo


thanks!! I appreciate it so much!!


Q-Treepers! Put your thinking caps on! I knew it!
First of all, last week, when POTUS kept saying “Perfect” “PERFECT” in his statements about the Ukraine phone call…
It is not a natural word choice, and you know that Lady🐧 loves words/vocabulary, and I’m especially tuned into being a “Reader.” Anyway, someone else mentioned it today.
Be of good cheer, no doom and gloom, POTUS has likely been following every step of this plot by the Dems with the Ukraine Hoax.


Most Excellent Explanation of the Climate Change Money SCAM!!!


This guy is GREAT! His TL is a joy to read.
He has the same or similar approach as Wolf on vaccines, as far as I can understand the issue.
And he is running for the Senate! It’s in the Commondeath of Massachusetts, but there is always hope!


Not fuzzy climate crap for the intellectually challenged


Settled my ass. Not ONE climate model has proved accurate no matter how they massage the readings.
It’s not a rigorous field.
This is wet yourself funny
Global warming’s glorious ship of fools
Has there ever been a better story? It’s like a version of Titanic where first class cheers for the iceberg
Mark Steyn
Global warming’s glorious ship of fools
Has there ever been a better story? It’s like a version of Titanic where first class cheers for the iceberg


Haaa…he’s pinned this one to the top of his twit-feed:



“why aren’t we entitled to interview & learn everything about…”
my favorite part of the tweet…LOL


that face still creeps me out!


If and when Congress votes to impeach President Trump, Republicans will have the opportunity to subpoena and question anyone they choose.


More messaging… “and the person who gave all the false information to HIM”. I am starting to think the WHOLE thing was truly a setup by Trump to expose the mole. Trump obviously knows who the whistle leaker is AND who the mole is that gave the leaker the info. I bet this was a trap to snare not only the mole and the leaker, but to implicate Schiff, who OBVIOUSLY had a hand in the creation of the letter AND the scam in general. The dems and Pelosi running with impeachment with this, must seem like Christmas morning to Trump, he probably cannot believe how STUPID they are. This ALL lets him roll out the 2016 collusion by DEMS and Obama. This lets him show the American people just WHO, when, how, and at the behest of WHO the Russia hoax was created. Barr has been in the UK, Australia, Italy, and soon Ukraine (if not already). Where did ALL the foreign illegal activities happen…the UK, Australia, Italy and Ukraine. See a pattern?
Now the Dems, MSM, and the Cabal have stepped deep in the bucket on this. Not only will the mole get whacked (pun intended), the leaker exposed, and Shiff outed once and for all as a partisan hack, Biden also gets exposed which puts corruption DIRECTLY into the White House.
Now Horrowitz, Barr and Durham close the trap. They get to GO AROUND all the FBI (Wray) , State, Congressional, and DOJ stalling, and go RIGHT to the HEART of the Russia Hoax (Crowdstrike) and the Foreign interference and spying (Five Eyes, UK, Ukraine, Australia, and Italy).
The Biden Corruption coupled with all the other stuff will lead DIRECTLY to the MARK, who never even realized he was the MARK all along, Barack Obama.
The Horrowitz end brings the dossier back front and center, Then the Foreign interference and spying (Durham and Barr) exposes the timeline problem with Crossfire, and that leads BACK to the dossier and its origin as the IMPETUS for the entire hoax…which leads to Nellie Ohr, who then leads to Rice and Power, who lead to OBAMA.
Game, set, MATCH. This was a TRAP, It was ALL a trap, set by Trump to go around the Cabal stalling, and VALIDATING all that he has been saying since DAY one. He used the Dem, MSM and Cabal HATRED of him and their DESPERATION to stop him, against them to step full on into the breech of the trap, and FUBAR themselves. They blindly, happily, STUPIDLY, obliged. .




Grrr…the Democrat mayor of Minneapolis is a butthead!


One of the replies…


Sydney Powell is knocking it out of the park for Gen Flynn

A Fortiori

I think judge Sullivan is going to grant some, but not all of Powell’s requests for Brady material, and that he will do so while issuing an opinion that creates the impression of chastising Powell that will be reported as a huge setback for Flynn.


I hope he just dismisses the whole thing!


I think that he is going to give the DOJ ONE more chance to produce Brady material in 24 hours, or he will dismiss the case WITH prejudice, and chastise the prosecution for the hack they are. They are making a mockery not only of the rule of law, but HIS court as well. Once the case is dismissed, Flynn will be able to FINALLY speak, the Cabal and Obama will NOT like what he has to say. I say Hannity gets the first interview. Powell will then file complaints with the Bar Association that will hopefully lead to these hacks like Van Gact and Weissmann being finally disbarred.


Judges DO NOT like being played with, and that is what the DOJ doing. (Van Gact)


Or this is what Powell is doing. Judges do not like to be played with. It would seem that would be especially true when it comes to guilty pleas that were freely, voluntarily and knowingly entered into.
We all are in the dark on exactly what is happening, but one of the things that possibly could be happening is a lawyer pissing off a judge, true.


Hannity gets three minutes for intro and shuts the hell up. Let Gen Flynn set the record straight.


We can hope. I love him, but he needs to LISTEN more and TALK less.


Absolutely. We can depend on Hannity. Very important these days.


Let him have an hour on Life Liberty and Levin…..THAT would get the whole story out.


I realize people do NOT want to hear this opinion, but what the heck.
Everybody already assumed Flynn pleaded guilty because of government pressure. That is what happens every day all across America, and Flynn became one of those people. It is SOP, and has been for decades. The courts have been asked a million times to undo pleas, and they are familiar with these “railroaded” arguments to the point of tedium.
Does anyone have a single example where a GUILTY PLEA was vacated because of government pressure which resulted in a quid pro quo? I looked for Powell to cite a single instance in her documents and could not find one, but I may have missed it.
That is what Powell has done here in her footnote, verify the quid pro quo which everyone including Sullivan assumed was Flynn’s motivation from the start.
Again, you will notice Flynn does NOT deny his “guilt” nor does Powell ask to have the plea withdrawn. Why is that?
I sincerely hope this is a “smart” move, but it does not look that way to me. It looks like Powell just verified that the plea was free, voluntary and knowing because it provides the indisputable motive for pleading guilty to an otherwise very, very weak charge which could have been easily defended at trial.
I realize Powell is saying all the political things we want to hear. That does not mean she is doing the General or his family any good.
There is a possible negative assessment of Powell’s action, but it is not necessary to state what that might be. It is enough to say she has yet to state a legal reason why her legal tactics are not reckless.


I already read it carefully. Easier if you just copy and paste the important part which addresses my various points.


Flynn was RAILROADED to take the fall or they would go after his son. A blind deaf zombie can see that. They delayed his sentencing for OVER two years after a guilty plea, NOT at his request at the STATES. Now, why do you think they did that on a SLAM DUNK case where the defendant had ALREADY plead guilty. ONE reason, it is ALL a sham, and Flynn could not expose it as such because he cannot comment UNTIL sentenced. If he did it would violate his plea. This was ALL about silencing the ONE man who knows where ALL the bodies are really burred in the Obama admin.


I understand what you are saying, just not sure if that is how it works. Flynn pleaded guilty as charged, and Powell is very pointedly NOT challenging the legally established fact that he is guilty as charged. Otherwise she would move to withdraw the plea, which she has explicitly said she is not doing and does not want to do.
I am not sure that a person, when pleading guilty, can secretly make the plea contingent on what will happen in the future. Flynn could have said, “If the government turns out to be wrong about the validity of possible FARA charges, or any other relevant legal question (including Brady) which may come to light, then I have the absolute right to withdraw my plea.”
But he did not try to make those a condition of his plea, and at any rate Powell is not seeking to have the plea withdrawn.
Powell wants the charges to be dismissed based on government wrongdoing. She has not said what happens legally to the guilty plea if that happens. Why?
My entirely speculative guess is this: Flynn got a quid pro quo based on his pleading guilty. If Flynn withdraws his plea, the quid pro quo is invalidated. So Powell wants to finesse that question by – – what? Getting the judge to dismiss the charges and invalidating the plea?
But Powell does not want the plea invalidated, because then ALL bets are off. And when the bets are off with the government, what does the government do?
It seems Flynn was protecting his son, but from what thing or THINGS? We do not know exactly. And if something happens to his son, what does his son say: oh no! You said you wouldn’t do this if my dad pleaded guilty?
Sorry, son. your dad’s lawyer eliminated that?
So, the charge he pleaded guilty to is not worthless because he pleaded guilty to it. That is how guilty pleas work, it would seem.
And any other possible charges were part of what went away on a non-contingent basis because of the guilty plea. It could not possibly have been an illusory basis because the legal act of pleading guilty automatically included a waiver of possible contingencies. Guilty pleas could not work on any other basis, except for future contingencies being stated and agreed upon.
I have heard of cases where a person pleaded guilty not knowing the sole witness against him had already died and could not possibly be proven at trial. If the person was not affirmatively misled – – his tough luck.
But you could very well be right, or some version of what you say could be right. I just have not seen Powell say anything like that, nor can I imagine how a legal version of what you say would be formulated.

A Fortiori

I read the filings, and it is not at all clear how Flynn’s guilty plea might be unwound. That said, there are strong indications in both Flynn’s case, and in his partner’s case wherein the jury verdict has been overturned, of prosecutorial misconduct. Moreover, in Flynn’s case at least some of that misconduct violates an explicit order Judge Sullivan gave to the DOJ when he took over the case. I agree that in most cases we do not want to rehash the evidence and redo the case after a guilty plea has been accepted. But Judge Sullivan needs to consider the extent of the misconduct that may have occurred in this case in order to protect the federal Judiciary and his prerogatives as a federal judge. You have previously lamented how tilted is our system against people the feds prosecute. This type of consideration by Judge Sullivan is the only possible check on flagrant prosecutorisl abuse.


I agree 100%. I could be entirely wrong, but IMO the chances of Sullivan granting satisfactory relief seems next to zero.
I don’t think prosecutorial misconduct is very unusual, more like the norm, everywhere and at all levels. It simply gets excused, to the degree that prosecutors have discovered there is little or no downside. And that is because the system has been thoroughly gamed, and the politics is almost always on the side of the prosecutors.
People seem to get hope from what Sullivan did in the Steven’s case, a trial, not a plea, and after the main political goal was accomplished and could not be undone.
I actually knew a lawyer from around here who was a communist. He handled big profile political cases against The Man. Funny thing is, by politicizing his cases, his clients almost always were in a worse position than if the case had been handled realistically. Boy, he was famous and very happy with himself, but his clients always paid for that.
There was another famous lawyer whose name I forget (begins with a a B, you would know it). His daughter got charged and he actually stated that he wanted a “real” lawyer and not a political lawyer to represent her because he wanted the best chance to get the best deal under the circumstances.
When everyone has a different take on a person from mine, I seriously consider that I am not seeing something, or understanding something. That is probably true with Powell, whom everybody admires greatly. I have a different opinion, and am probably wrong about her.

A Fortiori

I think Flynn is smart enough to have avoided the legal problem that he now faces, so I begin from the proposition Flynn has allowed himself to be put in this position. I think he is trying to accomplish something specific in doing so.
Another thing that impells my view is my assessment of Powell. Before she became Flynn’s lawyer, Powell did an interview with Mark Levin. It was one of those long form interviews Levin does where he asks good questions and allows his guests to answer. She made a good impression on me there, which is why I am hopeful she knows what she is doing and is acting in Flynn’s interest rather than her own.
And yes, I am imputing motives to judge Sullivan based on the Stevens case and the possibility he may assert himself in a way that says to the DOJ: “You cannot continue to pull this crap in my courtroom.” I believe he is going to do this not only because I want it to be so, but also because otherwise his orders to provide Brady materials that he has routinely been using since the Stevens matter become meaningless and his reputation as a tough guy will be shown to be illusory.
So while I freely admit my prejudices here, I see in the available data a possibility that allows me to continue to be hopeful.


I hope you are right!


Good posts Tona. This stuff is right in your wheelhouse.


comment image
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Sep 30, 2019
faithfulness hope trust perseverance persevering with a heavenly perspective
If you visit Rome, you can see the dungeon that once housed the apostle Paul. You can stand within the same four solid walls that once formed his cell. There are no windows, no doors, no way of escape; and yet, for Paul, it was not a place of defeat or fear. It was a place of both victory and hope. Although Paul was confined physically, he was free spiritually.
When Paul got to Rome, the first thing he did was share with his fellow Jews the Truth about Jesus. The Bible says they objected. But Paul knew that objections and objectors could not halt the work of God. He knew that what Satan employs as obstacles, God uses as instruments to sanctify His servants and fulfill His purpose.comment image
Paul’s obedience led him to three years in a Caesarean prison and two years under house arrest in Rome. But in these seemingly inconvenient situations, Paul was able to preach to kings and governors. Under house arrest in Rome, Paul wrote some of the most joyful, peaceful, and exciting epistles that we read, learn from, and rejoice in today: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and 2 Timothy.
We know that from his Roman dungeon Paul was led to his execution. Yet, even in death, Paul did not face defeat. The moment after he drew his last earthly breath, he was embraced by the Lord. Note that Luke, the author of Acts, didn’t end the book with more information about Paul’s life or his execution. From God’s perspective, the details of Paul’s death were not important. What is important is that he finished well.
Today, the worldwide growth of the church testifies to God’s foundational work through those who remained faithful to God’s call even when their faith was tested. The disciples’ attitude in difficult times should not only challenge us but also encourage us that we can have the same perspective in our own trials, sufferings, and even persecution.
Just days before he met Jesus face to face, Paul was able to say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day” (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Are you ready to say the same? May the example of Paul and others inspire you in the strength of the Holy Spirit to run the race set before you so that you may finish well and get the prize.
Prayer: Father, thank You for the example of so many faithful brothers and sisters who have come before me proclaiming the Truth of the Gospel without regard for their own comfort. May I likewise trust in You for my every need and finish the race You have given me for Your glory and my good. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!” (Acts 28:31).


very good post.


… I’m glad you like it … we need good news and our awesome President Trump is working very hard .. nice to know we’re “covered” .. ❤️ ..


View post on

Concerned Virginian

700WLW, Cincinnati
“America’s Truckin’ Network” radio show, Midnight – 5AM, with Steve Summers
The overnight show last night (Tuesday 1 October) — Steve Summers read an article (I disremember from where) stating that MITT ROMNEY is the point person in the Senate to “round up the votes needed to convict President Donald Trump in the event of a Senate impeachment trial”.
This opinion was confirmed many times by truckers calling into the show.


Romney is a disgrace.


Romney is betraying the republicans who voted for him for President and for the senate. Most of all he is betraying Trump who supported him.
Romney has no ethical bone in his body even though he presence his self righteousness and sees himself as a superior person.
I hears it was Mc Connell who as POTUS to support Romney. The man is bad news. I hope Utah sends him back home for good.


Would it be not nice to ask that he is struck with bleeding Hemorrhoids, and explosive diarrhea .. since that’s what he talks from .. maybe he’d just SHUT UP AND GO AWAY … the miserable whiney snot nosed panty-waist …. harrumph 🤨
He’s a traitor to the United States of America … 🇺🇸 .. ‼️‼️


But, tell us how you really feel about Mitt the twit. …… 😉


… well ……


.. 😛🤚❤️‼️


bleeding hemorrhoids? EXPLOSIVE diarrhea?
wow…glad you’re on our side!
and to think I wanted to throw spitballs at Schiff…let’s chat…lol…I think we can come up with something much better…LOL


😜👍 … I’ve got Transylvanian Saxon ancestry … 😐 … sometimes it breaks out … heh .. heh … 🧛‍♀️ …. 🤫 … I want to keep it secret for a SURPRISE gotcha effect .. 🥰


I’ve got Austrian/Hungarian ancestry…if we team up–we’d be Dracula’s worst nightmare…LOL


Oh ho ho boy could we … I’m in …


awesome! lemme grab my holy water and stakes and stuffcomment image


Bwahahahahahah … 🧛‍♀️ … 🦇🦇🦇🦇🕷👻 … how late are we waiting before we go make trouble cough/cough … visiting in a righteous manner .. 😌 ..


dunno…let me check my calendar…
today I got personal stuff to do…
tomorrow I am call pranking Pelosi…
Thursday I am sending Warren obscene smoke signals…
hows about Friday?


.. I’m in🤨‼️ … 😜🤚❤️


I think those wishes are acceptable….it would only be mean to wish for him to suffer those maladies in the midst of rush hour traffic, while sneezing😁😳


… oooohhhhhhhhh … that’s good 😳👍 … I didn’t think of that‼️‼️ 😂🤚 .. bwahahahahahah
I’ll be good later on .. seriously .. 😉🤚


Just try!
Kamala Harris calls for suspension of Trump’s Twitter account amid whistleblower tweets


…. 😐 …. 😖 … 😑 … well … there’s SO much I could say to that ….. 😐 …


And dear Maxine, crazy Auntie Max, wants POTUS sent to prison and into solitary confinement. SMH.


Toto ain’t in Kansas….


Don’t mess with a Kansas-born, West Point First in Class, US Army Tank Commander and former CIA director!


“Trust Kansas”


Mike Pompeo is a strong Christian with a strong wife and marriage. They are a great couple!

Deplorable Patriot

MIke Pompeo was born in Orange, California. He ran for Congress out of Kansas, I would imagine, to be in a safe seat while all the pieces and parts were put into place. I’m pretty sure he was in the TEA Party class. He also was able to do recon inside the government while in Congress, just like Mulvaney.


Thanks for helping me with the facts, DP!!!


our next President?
If he stays at State, he will know Everything ab our “allies” and detractors.
Plus, you know, he’s Alpha.



Fox confirming Meeting is this Saturday..


So, he will be in Rome too. Interesting.


“Wheels up”
Jul 10 2019 23:25:45 (EST)
Only Anons can fully appreciate the continued ‘validation(s)/confirmation(s) thru covert’ (series of mathematically impossible coincidences) means in order to maintain structural integrity.
[Wheels up]
Jul 12 2019 09:27:58 (EST)
[Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?


I really hope that if that and things like it are true, they will be publicized. But I also see the need to prepare people. I picture busy Catholic parents, for example, who know nothing about Q or the pervasiveness of these scandals, being hurt by the revelations. But we’re also hurt if they are covered up. Lives are at stake.


Come on Q-Treepers. POTUS did it again. Called attention to the word, “perfect.” Bracketed. He’s been capitalizing that word in all his tweets regarding the Ukraine phone call. I thought it was a strange word choice when he first used it. Not a natural fit for our vernacular style of speaking.
What is POTUS messaging? Upthread I posted where Lisa Mei is questioning it too. I bet POTUS had this all laid out as a trap. Oh, btw, maybe no coincidence in the timing of Coats and Gordan leaving the DNI when they did.


VERY Interesting synonyms and connotations and implications of the word ‘perfect’


Yes! There is something going on with the use of that word by POTUS. Perfect Plan? The stars are aligned? Everything is in place? Perfect timing? Ready, set, go?
Inquiring 🐧 wants to know. 🙂


I think it means perfect understanding and coordination re: expectations, targets, goals.


I liked the verb uses:
Synonyms: Verb: complete, consummate, finalize, finish, polish
Plan is finalized?


I’m reading all sorts of articles about how Pelosi (et al) are trying to impeach without actually impeaching POTUS–get all the negative benefits without risking the subpoena powers of POTUS in an actual impeachment trial–which would be devastating to the dems…so yeah, his call was perfect–it called their hand–forced them to make their move–however lame–and he’s ready for them…


Is this like a poker game? Where POTUS calls the bets, and he has a Royal Flush? 😂



Interesting that he’s capitalized “PERFECT HOAX”. Maybe there’s a recording of someone using that expression?


Now that’s a good observation. The two words he capitalized – intentionally. Wonder if someone is scrabbling to remember exactly what they said…

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s someone who posts/tweets about the number symbology used in VSGPDJT’s tweets etc. I think it’s (usually) over the top, but there was an explanation of what the capitalization is all about (for computer types, initializing and setting pointers)…
Could be part of a message some deep stater’s sent to each other, thinking no one was “listening”… Now they’re sweating…


Serial Brain 2 is who you are referring to, I think.


imo…he’s just psyching out his opponents…4-D style…comment image
defeat is their only option !


comment image


What if somebody ELSE said perfect first?
As in, “this phone call is perfect, now we’ve got him?”
And Trump has it, somehow. An email, a recording, something. And he’s taunting them with it, over and over.


I know! Notice how he is moving the ball closer each day since this all broke. Last night he went from impeachment to “COUP” – just like that. Now the Lefties are going crazy.
What does POTUS know, and when did he know it?


See Spot Run! Oh, it’s a different Spot.


… aww I don’t know … 😞☹️ … does it say WOOF, shake hands, roll over and fetch? 🥺


or make those endearing faces? or comfort and console you?


Yes! … 🥺👍❤️ … 😛


I thought the same thing. It’s kind of cute, and if they made it look like a dog, it would be even more popular.
But how would you defend yourself against weaponized robots? I don’t think a gun or knofe would do it. Imagine a horde of those descending on your hojme or business.


You’d have to use an electric pulse charge up to the max to short circuit the bugger .. harrumph 🤨👍 .. don’t start nothing won’t be nothing .. ☺️🤚


Gotta mine for naterials and what about spying devices enbedded? Also I really dont think more electronic devices are healthy. Whats its purpose? Its creepy to me.


Spying devices being imbedded is a big concern. You know they are doing it.


Furthermore, what do people suppose driverless cars will be other than potentially programmable robots…highly computerized cars have already been used to dispose of people.


Every robot will have the potential of being weaponized, whether by design or by hack.


It’s be nice to see the S.W.A.T. show up at 0600 and arrest Schiffty.


more to the point, why didn’t every single Republican at the hearing make a HUGE deal about it when it happened??????


pat, I actually read something that changed my mind on this. If the GOP House had walked out during the testimony on the Ukraine call, then we wouldn’t have gotten on record the truth, just Shiffty’s lies. But more importantly, I think it was too soon for our folks to out them. POTUS is timing this by making sure all the ducks are in a row. AG Barr in Italy last week, for example. So they’re still cooking, and it’s not quite time to reveal all – especially the names and deeds. IMO.


I understand the need for timing, but i couldn’t have sat by and let Schiff put fabrication into the record.


Agree. Why someone didn’t stand up and call Schiff a liar… though I know they’re not supposed to – but what Schiff was doing was so egregious. It would have got attention and help folks pay attention to the truth.


Don’t take this wrong but that is why you’re NOT sitting on that committee. Besides, you’re more appreciated here.


oh believe me I get it…I would be shooting spitballs at the jerk all day long…not very statesman like…LOL


I’ll be there with you pat .. 😉👍❤️


good to know!!
the more the merrier!!


… spit balls .. FUN 😜👍


I’ve also read the opinion that they need to impeach quickly before RBG passes–so they can protest POTUS naming another Justice–claiming he might be removed therefore he should NOT be able to appoint one…


Yes, but that’s not going to fly. I think he’s going to get them first.


And the Dems are too stupid to realize V.P. Pence would become President and choose the next Justice.


so you don’t believe the De swill try to implicate Pence if they can get POTUS and make NanNan President?


Here, here Wolf 🐺 …. 🤨👍‼️

Deplorable Patriot

I’m now wondering if the white hats start the ball rolling on exposure before pulling the plug on RBG.
I mean, put Amy Coney Barrett up for SCOTUS.


100% !!!!!


I think they are hoping to use the excuse that a POTUS under impeachment should not be able to appoint a SCOTUS justice and that is part of their panic. But more panic is their own sins are being found out


Except that Bill Clinton was ALREADY Impeached when he named Ginsberg. Precedent is a cruel mistress dems.


Facts & history are very inconvenient when spinning a narrative. (or in this case – getting ready to spin)


The Cabal and Dems forget history OFTEN. Conveniently of course. Thankfully there is this thing called VIDEO.


Frightening Thought.

Deplorable Patriot

Creaky Dutch.


Chaffetz is wondering why the Minority Leader in the House is not calling for a censor of Schiff, according to House Rules, you are not allowed to disparage the President–therefore a censor is fitting…


good for him. it won’t go anywhere b/c the dems control the house, but at least they’re fighting back and standing up for what’s RIGHT


… GOOD‼️‼️🇺🇸‼️‼️ … it’s about dadgum time … 😊👍


… 🤨🤚😉👍❤️


Warren, the first to suck up to the Pompous Little Twit…
Ocasio-Cortez is considered to be “one of the most important endorsements in America,” and Warren’s immediate support of her latest policy marks another attempt to win the freshman congressman’s nod of approval. Warren’s quick embrace of Ocasio-Cortez’s plan is the latest sign of the social media superstar’s policy impact on the Democratic presidential field.
Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal, consisting of six separate bills, calls for the expansion of welfare. Bills three and four make it illegal for the federal government to deny welfare benefits to ex-convicts and illegal immigrants. The legislation does not address how to pay for the rising cost of welfare, nor does it explain how it would accomplish its goals.
“It’s been really hard for me to find housing. I have the money to move places and stuff, but they deny me for my felony history. It’s not right,” a man with a face tattoo said in the legislative package’s announcement video.
Ocasio-Cortez’s second bill, titled “The Place to Prosper Act,” calls for federal rent control by imposing a 3 percent national cap on annual rent increases. Similar legislation has failed at the local level amid concerns that such policies increased housing prices while limiting supply. A recent study by the American Economic Association found that San Francisco rent control policy “drove up market rents in the long run, ultimately undermining the goals of the law.” The Council of Economic Advisers found that in 11 metropolitan areas with housing regulations, deregulation would reduce homelessness by an average of 31 percent. More than 80 percent of economists surveyed by the University of Chicago in 2012 found rent control to be bad policy.
Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal also includes an official poverty guideline that accounts for “new necessities,” such as internet access, while the fifth bill creates a “worker-friendly score” based on union membership and other factors that would be used to evaluate or award government contracts.
The last bill in Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal establishes health care, housing, and healthy food as government-provided rights.
A Just Society is Ocasio-Cortez’s latest major policy initiative since introducing the Green New Deal, a $94.4 trillion environmental policy proposal that would have no effect on the environment.


…. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 … 😖🤚

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

Note the scandal he names is “OBAMAGATE.”
What does he know that we don’t.


Goodness, he is certainly telling us something in that. Pompeo wouldn’t have brought him along without reason, and has some trust in him. Not sure how much, but everyone should listen to the clip!
“Obamagate” –


He knows exactly what we know and have known for months and a couple of years now in the treehouse(s). Honestly, we are some of the most informed of the general public and have been for years.
And now it is wonderful to hear all GOP radio and TV beginning to echo. Finally, it is making it out just the treehouse and a few other locations! Really fun to see the rest of the world catching up with us.
All the way back to the many Obama admin trying to cover the tracks, the obvious obama admin sharing of intelligence, the “WH wants to know” in the “lovers” texts, etc.
He knew it all.
And yet – I just can NOT believe that he was the ring leader, the one running, much less conceiving, of this corruption. However, he was the empty suit put in place to be the coverup face of the org.
Obamagate – its going to be HUGE!
….or maybe Brennangate? Nah, I like Obamagate & Obama being the face of the scandal as long as Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al go down in flames too!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s going to be Obamagate, and the underlings will be collateral damage. I want the people who created him, and the people in his cabinet aren’t in that group. They just covered for the over lords.


hussein is an empty head puppet…the head as we, or at least I know it, believe it. Yes, there are others manipulating hussein. As President hussein, could command directly or by implication command much of the haox against President Trump. His minions did what they were told or thought they should. No questions as the direction came from hussein.
hueeisn is too stupid and lazy to lead anything, short of a tin cup pan handling gig for his do gooder, community organizers.


MAGA Mom, it IS nice to see some of this stuff surfacing for normies.
got a text from a friend last night who was surprised by CIA whistleblower on Tucker.
Ah, from independent YTers, and folks like Fitoon… to the surface!!
so nice.
Americans are slow to react, but when they do…
last week’s Nielsens had Tucker in a tie w/Hannity at #1…new.


Do we get to unseal all his records?? 😛😛😛

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I imagine he KNOWs a great deal that we merely SUSPECT. Plus other goodies we never imagined.


OBAMAGATE. Daughn and Big T called it a day or two ago.
When that comes to fruition, the entire house of cards will tumble…hussein, quid pro joe, valjar, holder, LL?, yates, hildabeast, brennan, clapper, comey, mccabe, strozk…select congress critters, private individuals…
Praying once President Trump and AG Barr are ready, indictments and arrests are announced in one fell swoop…Cat 5 avalanche…let the chips fall where they may. Zero notice. Zero dragging it out. Never give the bastrards the chance to react or deflect. No MCM notice. DOJ / US Marshall’s execute sweeping arrests.

Deplorable Patriot

Just a word of caution on the hope train: we do not know who flipped, who was a plant from the beginning, who is a double agent, etc. There’s at least three you name I have on the “maybe” list due to this.


Okay, serious question…interested in your opinions. Do you think Obama is worried at this point about all that is about to be revealed ? He’s being pretty quiet which says to me he’s seriously holed up with his handlers making a contingency plans.
And, Hillary appears to be brazening it out…after all, she’s gotten away with everything for most of her adult life.

Deplorable Patriot

No idea. At this point, I’m not thinking. I’m just watching it all unfold. Much more fun that way.


Probably a good idea, but I would love to be a “fly on the wall” (hidden away safely, of course!) and observe all the plotting. Suspect Barry is seeking a lot of “solace” in several ways. Meow!


Speaking of solace for Jugears, where is Larry Sinclair?


Watch who screams. Holder warned Barr today. 😃


I didn’t read about Holder’s “warning”…can you link or elaborate? That’s rich…Holder warning the current AG!


Fox Headline:
Obama AG Holder Lobs Chilling warning to Barr in Fox News Interview
Holder says Barr is ‘paying a price’ for spearheading Russia probe misconduct investigation


Late as always but thinks this is actually very good as now we can see how smoothly Holder can lie, (him saying no predicate to investigate Biden, clearly not true. Then continues with the lies…)


Troll’n, troll’n, troll’n, keep those heads a splode’n….
…that’s all I got, take it bakocarl!

Deplorable Patriot

Before my time, but….

Deplorable Patriot

If Kevin Shipp is right, somebody here nailed it.


IMO, Coats and Gordon were both shown the door for a reason. Only regret that POTUS didn’t make the resignation immediate, instead of the 2 wk delay.


A good friend sent this to me. It’s great, IMO.
By: Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD, (Political Science
I have a degree in Political Science, and I am a card-carrying Libertarian. I’ve been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents. That said, I hope that the House of Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!
1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the Republicans and refer to the Senate for trial.
2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.
3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President’s attorneys will have the right to subpoena and
question ANYONE THEY WANT! That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided. So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazille, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing coverup activities. A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison. All this, because, remember, the President’s team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.
4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office. They don’t understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will determine what testimony is allowed — and **everything** will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information. They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especiallyGeorge Soros. After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people. And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.
So let’s move on to impeachment.
Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD


I agree in theory but have a question. what compels Comey, Steele, Clinton et al to testify? don’t they just plead the fifth and keep their mouths shut?


I think that would be a bad move to plead the fifth since it would give the appearance they are hiding something that would incriminate them. The jury of 100 would likely take that into account when deliberating.


than I’m all in…lol…let’s light this candle…

Deplorable Patriot

So, an impeachment trial would be exposure of all of it so long as the witnesses live that long.

Deplorable Patriot

How is stating a truth a sin? Seriously.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, yeah, well, he also attacked priests who wear traditional dress over the weekend, and the word “rigidity” resurfaced.
This guy is worse than a wolf.

Deplorable Patriot

And then this happened today.


…. 😳 .. ⁉️⁉️ .. aw nuts … ☹️


Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, I did a piece on the other blog on it.


Wonder if we will ever learn the details about this?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Raided? Raided by WHOM?
It’s a sovereign country and essentially an absolute monarchy. Any raid would have to be by people who answer to Francis.

Deplorable Patriot
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Are the police independent of the Pope, or do they answer to him?
If the latter, this raid is happening by Francis’ leave, so it wouldn’t uncover the real problems.

Deplorable Patriot

I understand and agree, BUT there is an undercurrent of dissent of the dissent in the Vatican and the Church these days. I would imagine there might be some honest men in the police force doing the bidding of someone else. OTOH, since the offices that were raided were Jorge’s cronies, it might well be they are gathering evidence to hide or destroy it.
We’ll just have to wait and see.

Deplorable Patriot

Really. had no idea. I want the priest to look like priest, and the religious to look like religious. Our faith lost so much post-Vatican ll. Looking like everyone else walking down the street, encourages you to think you’re like them, instead of being able to focus on the spiritual.
I remember many times passing a nun in a habit, perhaps stopping to speak, and then going on my way feeling connected, even comforted in my faith – and their faith is reinforced!


My great aunt was a Mother Superior back when i was a child and some nuns were abandoning the traditional habit. my great aunt would have none of that–she wore the habit, the shoes, the veil–and she wore it lovingly. she was not a classical beauty by any stretch of the imagination, but her love for everyone shone out through her eyes–giving her this radiance I can never forget.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll go look for the articles, but this is one of the best monologues this guy has done. I have heard similar disdain for the cassock off campus from Jesuit trained Catholics. Jorge is not a pious man or even serious about what the Church teaches given that we are supposed to leave the world behind while trying to live in it. He embraces it.

Deplorable Patriot

For anyone interested, “rigidity” was the euphemism for pious and orthodox, as in actually believing what the Church teaches, that was used as the excuse to weed out a lot of candidates for priesthood in the 60s-80s. Michael Rose has a whole chapter on it in his book “Goodbye, Good Men.”
Pope criticizes young traditional priests’ clothes: Cassock suggests ‘moral problems’
VATICAN CITY, September 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― During a visit with African Jesuits in Mozambique, Pope Francis once again accused young priests in traditional dress of harboring “moral problems” and “imbalances.”
While answering a question from Fr. Lucas Joaquim Biriate, S.J., the socius of (chief assistant to) the Jesuit provincial in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, the Argentinian pontiff condemned “clericalism” in no uncertain terms.
Biriate had asked how priests could “avoid falling into clericalism during formation for priestly ministry.”
“Clericalism is a real perversion in the Church,” Francis replied before offering an anecdote about a clerical “friend” he had in Argentina, who once refused to bless some pictures and a rosary proffered by a pious woman. However, the pope’s ire was saved for young priests who wear traditional dress.
“Clericalism has a direct consequence in rigidity,” he said, returning to one of the themes of his pontificate. “Have you never seen young priests all stiff in black cassocks and hats in the shape of the planet Saturn on their heads? Behind all the rigid clericalism there are serious problems.”
He continued, “I had to intervene recently in three dioceses with problems that expressed themselves in these forms of rigidity that concealed moral problems and imbalances.”
It is uncertain to which dioceses the sovereign pontiff was referring.
Francis’s remarks, made on September 5, were recently published in the Vatican-vetted magazine La Civiltà Cattolica and its news website Vatican News.
Pope Francis has often attacked young traditional priests in his homilies and


Then perhaps Francis should give up all the rich garments though, and move out of the Vatican. Seems to me he obviously doesn’t believe there is anything special about being a Pope or taking Orders.

Deplorable Patriot

He did. There’s commentary on that. He doesn’t live in the papal apartments, which are comfortable, but far from sumptuous by Italian standards. He also has stuck to the informal white cassock which is the lowest form of dress he can take. Unlike Benedict VXI who embraced the office and showed us what traditional papal wear is.


… he’s such a creepy dudette .. (faux alpha … ) bwahahahahahah …


Trance boy 😳


… if he showed up at my door I’d stun gun him and call the cops 🚓 … wait … 😒 … heck just roll him onto public property and … change my identity and move .. 🤫


Brian has a thread. One I particularly like, and agree with. He believes all is going to be happening “Soon” – but the good guys are going to be the people we’ve believed in all along.
This means not only AG Barr, Rosenstein, but AG Sessions. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. FTR, I’ve always believed that POTUS was a Very Stable Genius – therefore, it was impossible to accept that he didn’t know what was going on… It never fit my Unified Theory of POTUS, nor of Jeff Sessions, and certainly not AG Barr, who even as we speak is looking into the origins of the Russian Dossier.


You know who Cates is talking about, right?


Yes, I do. he has a good thread. Regardless of who is right or wrong on this, I do believe that the attitude of OT is wrong. Wrong because it’s constant doom and gloom, and there is the implication that POTUS isn’t the VSG we know him to be. There is also something wrong when someone from our side rejects others from the same side – good people, who are smart, intelligent, caring and generous. That’s a hole that no explanation justifies.


Perfectly stated. 🙂


I see a good place for a MAGA flag.


Looks more like a War Nook than a room to me. Hard to say without seeing the rest of the room.


Sure, but you should see my dedicated bedroom office. I won’t show a picture of it because it’s always a mess. Lots of papers and filings.
Her nook looks like something a realtor would stage in a house that’s for sale.
I wasn’t criticizing her setup, just remarking that it looked very spartan to me.


This is what I expected our Marica’s office nook to be like – lots of hearts, flowers, frills….comment image×960/server22-cdn/2015/10/22/modern-home-office-elegant-home-office-e7b00a498c78399b.jpg


….and this is how I imagine Marica looks in her office…comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

GA/FL, I always imagined Marica as a brunette, but then I saw a pic of the back of her head at some rally that showed me that was wrong.
All evidence points to her being deplorably smokin’ hot either way.


Why thank you Steve!!!!!!😘😘😘❤❤❤ I’m just blushing now!!!!


Ga…You haven’t met Mr. M have you? LOL!!


Oh – so it’s his ‘war room’ too?!! OK – I get it. Congratulations to both of you for being SO neat and orderly! I really expected to see a buckets of !!!! and ❤️⭐ 🇺🇸 🙂 and a framed photo of PDJT!


No–Mine alone! But he has to pass through to get to his!!! And there WILL be a TRUMP photo soon! 😂😂😂 Buckets of !!!!!!❤❤

Cuppa Covfefe

And exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They’re stored in the chair rail, halfway up the wall 🙂
With more in the drawer and the pitcher…


I am! …Spartacus!!! LOL!!


She’s so efficient, she doesn’t need much room.!!


It sounds like Erik wants to give peace a chance.


Erik is way behind. The “public is tiring of Trump” theme was tried by the media several weeks ago. He’ll have to come up with something else, because all we’re tired of is those who are attacking Pres. Trump (like Erik).

Deplorable Patriot

Erik is in love with his own image. The gigantic picture of himself on his splashpage was a real turnoff.


Don’t get me started on EE. He is lost and sick. Remember he’s always a Never Trumper because he wanted to be a kingmaker. “Starting to encounter Republicans who wonder…” are the same folks he hangs with in his little miserable world.
No one is tired, we’re fired up. Erick Erickson is the tiresome one.


He has been irrelevant since being soundly discarded by the conservative readers in 2016. Guess he didn’t read his own career obit.


The Catholic Church is not a Democracy. It’s an Aristocracy. The leaders make the rules. And suckers follow them.


Take it on the run, Mr. President


Some “reporter” probably brought it with their lunch.
First substantive news since the daily press briefing was suspended. By the way media types, that mammal is, like you, referred to as vermin.



Yes of course they have. They are treated as if they arent capable and cant know if they really achieved or were just allowed to pass.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“A slut” spelled backwards.


I like sluts. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Tulsa slut? When in Rome, Palindrome…


Amber Guyger found GUILTY of 2nd degree murder.
Guess the jury didn’t want any more riots in Dallas.


From what I’ve read, she didn’t say anything, she just pulled her gun and shot him. You’d think a well trained officer would shout “Show me your hands” or something similar and wait to see if he had a weapon.
I also read somewhere that she had complained several times about his noise in the apartment just above hers. And that bright red doormat should have told her she was at the wrong apartment. IMO, she was very dangerous and should not have been a police officer.
She could end up spending the rest of her life in prison. I hope other officers keep that in mind.


Hmm thanks for the extra details..the whole thing stunk to me but I was busy and couldn’t look for more info. Even without the extra details, Wolf’s thoughts are spot on, imo.
My main beef about this verdict is the omnipresence of the blacktivist bullshit. It’s not a victory for every “unarmed black”…FFS, can’t anything ever be about the singular injustice or case?


I’m with you on this, Molly. Sickening the celebration. They were shouting about vindication for Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and a bunch of others – all false stories pushed during the Obama years to gin up the black vote so he’d win again.
Barack Obama set race relations back 100 years. I despise the race baiters, and it’s time they were stopped.


Clicked post too soon – stop the race baiters by the good black folks walking away from the radical racists. Walk away from the Dems who promote the lies, and the media are just as culpable and should be called out for pushing lies.


Totally agree. I get Fox News alerts on my phone. I was po’d to see “White Dallas cop who shot Black neighbor after entering wrong apartment found guilty”. They could’ve left out both white and black and everyone would’ve known exactly what case they were talking about.


Benjamin Crump is a lowlife race baiting opportunist who always shows up at white vs black jury trials. He’s taken the place of Al Sharpton.

Deplorable Patriot

Done…now if the other people in the house would cooperate…..


Nope. IMO, the good they show still far outweighs the bad crap.


I think if Fox News continues hiring and featuring loony liberal commentators on their talk shows, they will self destruct all in due time.


Deplorable Patriot

And another online presence heard from:

Deplorable Patriot

It was the office of what amounts to the Vatican Bank.


Ga…Is that like feeding chickens….CHICKEN?


Kinda…. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Like this? 🙂comment image
(hilarious get well card)

Deplorable Patriot

A new grandmother in the choir had to get a whooping cough vaccine. She’s a nurse, though, married to a physician, so she’s a bit brainwashed.


Medical personnel must be vaccinated or they get fired. There are no opt outs, and many dont want certain ones. We arent getting the flu shots bc they dont work. They stopped working several years ago for us. After 3 years ago when we were terribly sick despite the vaccine year after year, Im done.

Deplorable Patriot

This woman’s husband, yes, is required to be up to date for his license. She, OTOH, is his office manager, so the pertussis vaccine request came from elsewhere.


Hmmm…she must be a volunteer somewhere. Otherwise its strange.

Deplorable Patriot

I think it was the daughter’s pediatrician who made the recommendation.


They are great!


I don’t know anything. I’m just posting it.
It sounds exciting though.

Deplorable Patriot

The investigation into the Conception boat fire may last into 2 years, so I think this means the company has shut itself down.
“The owner of a scuba diving boat company announced Tuesday a voluntary indefinite suspension of its fleet in the wake of the Conception boat fire off the Santa Barbara coast that killed 34 people.
Truth Aquatics Inc. posted on its Facebook page that the company will “dedicate our entire efforts to make our boats models of new regulations” in collaboration with the Coast Guard and the National Transportation Safety Board.”


A quick thanks for the update. My news “feed” is often what I read here and twitter so updates aren’t always given about non political events




DEVELOPING: DOJ Refuses to Produce Brady Material Requested by Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell – Seeks to go Immediately to Sentencing

Deplorable Patriot

This might have been posted, but worth making sure folks read it. WSJ had the full article, but behind a paywall on the ‘net. This is a good synopsis. Of note, Barr hadn’t been talking with Ukraine about anything – yet – AG Durham has. 😂


Correction, prosecutor Durham, not AG. Got carried away.

A Fortiori

Wolfie – I believe one of the things Flynn is seeking to do is to open up our understanding of the extent of the spying undertaken by Hussein on US citizens. Simplify somewhat, I think one of the things that the judge in Rafeikian’s case revealed was that Husssein had been using the FARA definition of a foreign agent in lieu of the far more restrictive criminal definition of a foreign agent in order to justifying vastly expanding the potential pool of “foreign agents” they could spy upon using National Security warrants and FISA orders. This legal chicanery is a key to understanding how Hussein justified spying on Flynn and others, and to understanding how a multitude of patriotic national security people could be fooled into helping out with the nitty gritty spying activities.
So, in addition to withholding Brady material in defiance of his specific order that it be produced, judge Sullivan is going to find something in the Brady material that shows Hussein was spying on Flynn, and then judge Sullivan is going to learn that Hussein used a specious legal argument to justify the spying on Flynn. In short, he will learn that Flynn was targeted long before there was any reasonable basis to believe Flynn had committed a crime.


Right on !

Right on again!


The Oversight Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee was holding a hearing on How the Tax Code Subsidizes Hate. Its theme was removing tax-exempt status from groups it didn’t like.
The Democrats running it didn’t issue a full list of allegedly discriminatory groups they wanted the government to discriminate against, but the Committee’s Twitter list of ‘hate groups’seem to overlap with a list assembled by the Southern Poverty Law Center and curated by Philanthropy Magazine.
These massive hate machines such as the SPLC, Media Matters, the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and others have tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of dollars to deploy to spread their lies and defamation. And now the House Democrats are working with these unsavory groups that are using their enormous wealth to target even our smallest contributions, taking away our tax-exempt status so that small contributors can’t even get a modicum of tax relief as they support our efforts. The Democrats are hoping to drive us to ruin.


Just another reason why they can never regain power.


Been trying to understand the teeth behind House rules change and declaration of Fake Official Impeachment Inquiry with regards to POTUS’ (our) defense.
We know that Nadler’s request for Mueller Grand Jury materials was denied by Judge because no official impeachment inquiry. (Must have a vote to make Official)
Without a vote, it’s just business as usual for the Dem Committees, but kicked into overdrive due to impeach hysteria. Their subpoenas and threats still don’t have enforceable judicial teeth. POTUS has Executive Privilege and can continue to smack Dems down with it. PLUS good guys in DOJ and judges should not allow illegality to go forth.
The change in rules (which ARE nasty) mainly ties Republicans hands during the “Fake Official Inquiry”. Dems don’t have to include or inform Repubs of what they’re doing. Being the minority they don’t have subpoena power anyway because Speaker has to approve. (Remember Ryan not approving the subpoenas Nunes, Jordan, and Meadows wanted?) According to Chaffetz that changes once a vote is held, Republicans will gain subpoena power. Everyone gets discovery!😜
And today our Kansas sent the “Go Pound Sand” letter to Dems. The Reason? Subpoenas have NO legal backing.
Now that I understand what the real deal is, until there is a vote, Dems can shove it!!! There’s 31 Dems in POTUS Winning Districts. According to Fox there’s 10 holding out. I double triple dog dare em to quit their jobs!!! 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🦋🦋🦋
Oh yeah, screw Eeyore!!! 😎
PS, someone Pleez 🙏correct me if you know different!! 🦋😍🦋

Deplorable Patriot

Maybe it’s just the cocktail hour, but this struck me pretty funny.




Amen Wolfie, Amen.


LMAOcomment image



The Butler at Mar A Lago said when DJT wore his red hat – he was mad about something.
Remember this look from the first time the press made up a bunch of blatant lies during the 2016 campaign?


LOL. Told Hubby, and he laughed too. Said, “Trump must be having fun with all of this.:)


… 😳👍 ….. exceptionally cool 😎🤚 … K A G …..
… 👷‍♀️ ….


nikki, I’m getting exciting. Red porch light at the White House!!!! I mean who thinks of doing this great messaging? VSGPOTUS!!!
Bet the Dems are losing sleep tonight.


Totally awesome … heh heh 😈 … bet the dems don’t think about eternity … 😳🤭🤫 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Like wow wow wow 😮


Red Porch lights at White House…;-) Cracking up!!!!!! Master trolling 401. Only one guy could have thought of that.
Whether shit hits the fan tomorrow, Friday or next week, the D-Rats (great meme on that further below;-), the D-Rats and criminals really must be sleepless in the DC swamp. Pondering the tool on their night stand….
Hope they are all miserable as they are about to go down. Yea, I am unapologetic vindictive regarding all of the treasonous behavior…


great post Kalbo……………… agree


Awesome delivery ^^^!
31st is surely good by me. The irony on hildabeast would be savored by millions. That bitch is the very definition of cackling witch.


kal, I honestly believe that too many people, even from our own side, FORGET that POTUS is actually of a genius level IQ. He is running rings around these corrupt politicians. And then the noose will tighten.


Absolutely agree. I’m glad you get the wisdom behind VP Pence, and who has done a very good job as VP for this President.



comment image


If it’s not an OFFICIAL House proceeding… meaning the House didn’t take a vote, maybe some of this dog and pony show isn’t going to get off the ground.



Good find, Lady Penquin!!!


Just noticed.
Wolfie’s pic of landing at D-Day.
The LST in the foreground is #310.
Big T’s daddy was captain of #498 .
Marvelous photo.


I encourage everyone to zoom that pic as big as they can and take a few minutes to actually look at it and study it in detail.
The “enormity” of the events in Normandy in June 1944 is beyond the abilities of language to convey. You can fill an entire library with all the books, studies, and discourse on that month and still come up short of all that happened and took place.
The world had never seen anything like it before, and it has not since. That one pic Wolf selected says more than 100,000 words ever could.


Thought this morning that Wolfie had a good reason for using that particular picture. This means WAR, and the Allied invasion went right at the Germans.


Oh yea. I did ponder on the landing picture for awhile earlier. Marveled at the enormity of what the logistics folks put planned, executed and improvised along the way. The soldiers made it all work under miserable, chaotic, uncertain times.
^^^ All of that an understatement I am sure. Immense respect for our Forces at that landing and everyone in WWII.


That was the staging…. the landing was very bloody, with bullets flying and bodies everywhere.
The Blimps or Barage Balloons, were used to deter low flying German aircraft – but the Luftwaffe didn’t show up much… perhaps, thank GOD, the weather was too bad to fly. Eisenhower’s prayer for bad weather was answered.


Actually, the reason the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) didn’t show up in big numbers is because by June ‘44 it had been decimated.
Because the tactic of using the fighter squadrons to guard high altitude bomber formations had been changed early in 1944 to allow the fighters to go hunting for the Luftwaffe both in the air AND on the ground….with TREMENDOUS success.
From Wikipedia:
“One of the most effective demonstrations of air supremacy by the Western Allies over Europe occurred in early 1944, when Lieutenant General Jimmy Doolittle, who took command of the US 8th Air Force in January 1944, would only a few months later “release” the building force of P-51 Mustangs from their intended mission to closely escort the 8th Air Force’s heavy bombers…”
Basically, what Gen. Doolittle did was let his most aggressive pilots…the fighter planes…off the leash and told them “Go kill anything you can find that flys, whether it’s in the air or on the ground.”
By then the US had both P-51s and P-47s…along with highly experienced pilots who knew how to employ those planes to their fullest effects….and the rest is history. Germany’s Luftwaffe was virtually annihilated in just 3 short months.comment image


Love Gen. Doolittle!


The US Air Force was the swarm before the storm, so to speak.


He who controls the high ground controls the battle space.
As true today as it was 2,000 years ago.


speaking of Bat signals…


I consider it a moral duty, as an American citizen and grateful offspring of the Greatest Generation, to study the events of their time and all that made them the Greatest Generation.
And I am filled with grief and shame knowing that we, their children, let them and their legacy down.


What a lovely thought. Thanks for that.


My prayer too Wolfie!!! My prayer too…🙏😘❤

Deplorable Patriot

It wasn’t necessarily the children of the greatest generation, but more the baby boomers who didn’t have greatest generation participants as parents.
Some of us are children of those between the two. A lot of us have known it would fall to us and our sorts to make the clean up happen. The early 5-6 years of generation X falls into this category.

Deplorable Patriot

That took my breath away.


A trip to Normandy for any American, awesome, memorable.
A trip to Normandy for those with personal ties, oh my! Hugely emotional. Loaded with personal pride, reflecting and a personal treasure, if there ever was one. Me thinks.
Recalling a post a few months back.


Very true.
For all the violence in the film, one of the many things that makes “Saving Private Ryan” such an impossibly brilliant film is the bookends of the beginning and ending of the film….easily making SPR one of the top 5 military films ever made (in my objective AND subjective opinions).
Here’s the closing…(which to this day I cannot watch without crying regardless of how many times I’ve seen it)….


Yep, tears flow on that one, every time.
Numerous visits to Arizona Memorial, WWII Memorial, Korean War Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, Golden Gate Cemetery, American Cemetery Manila… Always emotional. The sacrifices of so many, so that we can enjoy Freedom.
Will visit American Cemetery Manila this November, on Veterans Day. An amazing place.


I, too, just cannot watch is without getting choked up. It is very emotional and personal to me, the son of a Naval Aviator in WWII and brother in arms to so many of my brothers in the Mid to late 60’s.
Frankly, we were the children of the Greatest Generation answering the call of our country at a time of need. Pay no attention to the protest videos of the time; there were many of us answering the call.
I’ll not debate the wisdom of the fight. I’ve come to understand it was all about money in a world wide scheme, but we answered to call of our country. We are the children of the Greatest Generation, taught by them, reared by them, instilled with values by them.


That was the ‘calm before the storm’ – the calm before they stormed the beaches of Normandy….Omaha, Utah, Gold, Sword, Juno….




comment image

Deplorable Patriot



Gen. Flynn is back in the news with two new filings in his case. One from the impossibly brilliant and beautiful Sidney Powell and one from the slimy douchebags on Team Mueller.
Here is Ristvan’s take on the doucher’s filing today…
“Judge Sullivan is going to be furious and Sidney will shred them in her response filing. Big picture, there are three mistakes so obvious the responses must have been written by a first year associate. But signed by Van Grack and Jessie Liu, so they have to take responsibility.
1. They argue that Flynn waived any right to further Brady discovery in his plea before Contreras. But Van grack alreadymade that argument before Judge Sullivan, and Judge Sullivan already has rejected it.
2. In the specifically responsive attachment to the 40 items, they argue many are not relevant. But that is for Powell, not Van Grack to determine. Stupidly they also forgot Sidney’s detailed request motion fo which this is the reply. She pointed out to Judge Sullivan in the pleading that Van Grack had argued irrelevancy previously, and when Judge Sullivan compelled production, it turned out some Claimed irrelevant materials WERE Brady relevant. Trying the same trick twice after having such specific misconduct proven is NOT smart.
3. In the attachment, they specifically argue other items have already been supplied. That is blatantly false. The biggest example is Sidney’s request for the original Flynn 302 based on Pientka’s notes. Van Grack says they already provided the notes and the ‘final’ 302 (edited by McCabe months later). Neither are the original 302, which when compared to the final will show prosecutorial misconduct via biased editing—which is Brady relevant. Ouch!


Can Sullivan dismiss the charges? With this kind of misconduct how much longer can this go on? And they want immediately for him to be sentenced.


Yes, he can vacate Flynn’s plea and throw the case out.
Sullivan will respond to all this on Nov. 7.
Much to take place between now and then this month, including a ruling on Sidney’s Brady argument.


Playing right into Sidney Powell’s hands. Just as she predicted/hoped they would.



I saw she said that and I thought her bitterness has worn out, now its just the core of her evil personality thats left. A disgusting person. And of course her daughter is continuing the bloodline.
This is why POTUS exec order confiscating their money is so important. They cant just hide the cash and lay low for a bit. Seize it all and let them be too busy earning a living to play “my favorite cabalist”.


yes! She will get her just rewards…SOON.


What will Chelsea and her husband ever do without that trust fund to live on? NYC taxes on a $10 million condo must be pretty steep!


This is important~ Heads up veterans~
The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board—the body that manages the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), the 401(k) for federal employees—wants to funnel the retirement savings of federal employees directly to China’s communist party.
Many Chinese companies included in MSCI indexes are state-owned or state-directed enterprises Beijing uses to undermine American workers. They are also involved in China’s military, espionage, human rights abuses, and “Made in China 2025” industrial policy.
America’s investors should never be a source of wealth funding the Chinese Communist Party at the expense of our nation’s future prosperity. If the Board refuses to publicly reverse this decision, Congress must act.
During the Cold War, it would have been unthinkable for the U.S. government to force members of the military and federal employees to invest their retirement savings in funds that included Soviet companies working against U.S. interests and values.
Yet the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board—the body that manages the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), the 401(k) for federal employees—wants to funnel the retirement savings of these Americans directly to a regime that poses one of the greatest threats to our nation’s long-term security and prosperity: the Chinese Communist Party.


Maybe this is why President Trump is restricting US investments in China!


After reading the article that Daughn wrote this seems absolutely irresponsible on the one side and malicious on the other side if they’re using this hard earned fund to prop up China


lol ghastly! Great word….exactly ghastly and I’d really hate to think it was on purpose but really? China? Are they getting desperate for play money these days and resorting to raiding pension funds for the charade they created?


Absolutely. Won’t be the first time an overseer disrespected, wasted or stole (Romney) people’s pensions.


This is almost as vile as the abortion “industry” and selling human parts for profit.


^^^ Something doesn’t seem right here. Granted, I retired from Federal civilian work four years ago. Federal workers won’t stand for mandatory investment in China.
So, China, who the President is working mightily to get a fair trade agreement. China whose economy is in the toilet and being flushed. China who has zero transparency is going to get TSP funds? China a communist country we could end up at war with? This is beyond stoopid. The maroons pushing this have been bought (follow the money) AND are deep state.
Also, consider the following.
Back when I was working, we chose from five funds to invest in, including whatever percentage of our investment went to each fund we opted to invest in. There were also a handful of Life Cycle funds to choose from.
Individual TSP Funds
The TSP G Fund (Government Securities Investment Fund) is invested in short-term U.S. Treasury securities.
The TSP F Fund (Fixed Income Index Investment Fund) is invested in U.S. investment-grade bonds, as tracked by the Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index.
The TSP C Fund (Common Stock Index Investment Fund) is invested in large capitalization U.S. stocks. It tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) Stock Index.
The TSP S Fund (Small Capitalization Stock Index Fund) is invested in the stocks of small and medium-sized U.S. companies. It tracks the Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market Index.
The TSP I Fund (International Stock Index Investment Fund) is invested in international stocks from 21 developed countries. It tracks the Morgan Stanley Capital International EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index.
TSP Lifecycle Funds
The five TSP Lifecycle Funds are target retirement date funds, invested in a professionally designed mix of domestic and international stocks, bonds and government securities. Each L Fund is invested in the five individual TSP funds (G, F, C, S, and I Fund). TSP investors choose a fund based on when they expect to retire and start making withdrawals:
The TSP L 2050 Fund is for participants who will need their money in the year 2045 or later.
The TSP L 2040 Fund is for participants who will need their money between 2035 and 2044.
The TSP L 2030 Fund is for participants who will need their money between 2025 and 2034.
The TSP L 2020 Fund is for participants who will need their money between 2015 and 2024.
The TSP L Income Fund is for participants who are already withdrawing their accounts in monthly payments, or who plan to need their money between now and 2014.
On the personal side, have never trusted the Feds with my money. Matching funds to my contribution was enticing. That said, literally the same week I retired as a federal employee, I moved my TSP money to a private financial institution.

Sadie Slays

The President just called it “COUP.” Brace yourself for another 24 hours of media outrage:

Sadie Slays


POTUS just dropped a truth MOAB….comment image


Le Zippo! Oh how ve hav meesed yu!


Isn’t it funny how getting called out publicly for being Team Disinfo Eeyore suddenly changes SD’s disposition toward current events?


65,104,309 @realDonaldTrump followers – 9:15 PM


Hillrotten has 25.5 million. What does that say?


Half of hers are fake.

Sadie Slays

Happened while Secretary Pompeo was in Italy, too.



Deplorable Patriot

AMEN, Thanks be to God.



Deplorable Patriot

And it was really the Vatican Bank office where Jorge’s cronies have taken up residence.


Bernie Panders is going to be in CA this week. Only reason hes shoiwing up is for Latinos (latinx is his preferred term). So hes only interested in donor class and hispanics bc those are 1st generation anchor babies mostly and have in CA enjoyed an unbelievable depth of freebies at my expense as a taxpayer. They are many militantly indoctrinated into “socialism ” and are ripe for the pickin.
“DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL candidate Bernie Sanders kicks off a two-day college tour in California on Thursday in an effort to engage young Latino voters.
Stops include Riverside City College, California State University-Bakersfield and Fresno City College, where more than 50% of students enrolled are Latino, according to the data from the Department of Education.
“There is no doubt, the Latinx community and young voters will deliver Bernie Sanders’ victory in the California primary,” Rafael Návar, the state director of Sander’s California office, said in a statement. “No other candidate is prepared to take on a system that has disenfranchised hard working people.
“The Latinx community is the strength of our grassroots movement in the Golden State, and we do not underestimate their power in this election,” he said.
In addition to Návar, Sanders’ deputy state director and student organizing director in California are also Latino, a detail his campaign points out reflects the Vermont senator’s commitment to a demographic he’s prioritizing.”


For those with jobs – they aren’t going to love Bernie’s MUCH HIGHER TAXES!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

What the H3LL is latinx? Latinos in latex???
I thought only Biden was into that…
Hey Joe, your “Little Sleazers” pizza pizza pizza are no longer delivering… better develop a taste for bread and water…



Deplorable Patriot

One eensie weesie little inquiry:
Por favore?


:0) DP, I believe it means ‘Sorry if Already Posted’…..


HaHa. Jay Sekelow reporting on Hannity that Federal Court just smacked down CA law that requires Presidential candidates to release tax returns in order to get on ballot. MOAR WINNING!!! They can’t stop POTUS!!! 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🦋🦋🦋


Can anyone please explain to me how & why the information found in SD’s posts at CTH are NOT making it onto the pages of Breitbart News???
Ex: Michael Atkinson…the current ICIG who “accepted” the whistleblowers Ukraine complaint….was previously the chief legal counsel to the DOJ-NSD….in other words, the lawyer for Mary McCord and the very heart of the FISA fraud.


Seriously, there should be a whole section on Breitbart devoted to the information they have NOT been reporting on since 2016.


Shockingly I heard that mentioned once on tv the other day. Someone tied him to John Carlin and the FISA scam. Can’t remember who it was now, maybe one of the former CIA Whistleblowers who were blacklisted, appearing on Lou Dobbs?


Geo Webb has been talking about Atkinson for at least a week… so have some other citizen journalists.


Trolling Billy Kristol! His stupid Poll is about to get flipped!!! LOL! Maybe he and Rosie can share a cruise ship buffet?!!!🤣🤣🤣


I’ve got a $100 to anyone’s $.01 that creepy Kristol visited Epstein’s island at some point.comment image


I am with you FG&C!!! 100%…He’s super creepy!😎😂❤❤

Deplorable Patriot

That would explain a lot, to be honest.


Theatre starring Sloppy Chopper’s McBotox and Pencil Neck🤦 (hahahaha one of the comments)





This is a good thread by Larry Schwiekart:


Xactly right.
Remember when McTurtle promised to bring the Green New Deal for a vote and get everyone on the record?
This time, he stifled his laughter. The fun will come later.
Remember, he wore the tan suit.


Randy Quaid to run for Adam Schitts seat! image?quality=90&strip=all&w=1156


comment image?quality=90&strip=all&w=1156


comment image


This is EPIC.
Agree with this 100% FTA~ All I can say is, I hope he’s serious. Randy Quaid may be crazy, but considering how dastardly Adam Schiff is revealing himself to be, I’ll take crazy over treasonous any day of the week and twice on Tuesdays. Run, Randy, run!




Linda… I’ve read a lot of those documents… there’s a photo of Poppy standing in front of the Dallas School Book Depository Building in Dealy Plaza…………. there’s also an expense record signed by him, given to FIB, found in Hoover’s Desk, evidence he WAS in Dallas on that fateful day.
It’s my belief JFK’s assassination was a Coup D’etat carried out by a number of people, including Lyndon Johnson, the Mayor of Dallas, the Police Commissioner, some of the criminal element. Poppy handled the logistics of the actual shooting, the set-up of the ‘lone gunman’, his arrest and possibly his death by Ruby. Thus, he earned his street cred for the re-organization of the C_A into the shadow gov’t it is today… a weaponized tool of the Deep State/Cabal. Poppy is the one responsible for Nixon’ resignation… he is the one who wrote the letter saying the Articles of Impeachment existed that would be voted on, and would force him out (only a draft existed, no evidence there was sufficient grounds); Poppy is responsible imho for the attempt on Reagan (Brady saved RR’s life – took the bullet that would have killed RR)…


Yes, and I think that Reagan was telling Poppy Bush that HE KNEW!


Suspected this about Gina… just did not want to believe…

Yes independently confirmed, public info in plain sight…


The churches bro, with taxpayer grants via the university guild, under guise of “anti-extremism”. All denom’s. JDHall hasn’t caught on to it yet.


BTW, CIA is tasked with foreign. FBI is tasked with domestic. Pair them up and what have you got? Bippety boppety boo.


Also, finding the F&C cooperating on grants should pique one’s attention. A definite WTH moment.




We are all united in our support of President Trump!


Seb is on a roll today 😂


Rudy on Laura discussing all the types of lawsuits they can bring against the Dems. Unprecedented!! He’s fearless!!
Rudy Giuliani on mounting defense against House Democrats


I love it when she joins the trolling. 🙂