This Night before Daughn Thursday 20191003 Open Thread is officially Open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG! You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM. Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules: •1.No food fights. •2.No running with scissors. •3.If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Still applicable this week. Since today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday I can imagine that Democrats will continuously be having one of these:

So, You’re mission if you would be so kind, is to wear this hat, vote and wipe their tears!
Thank you, trumpismine! You got this one up with ZERO assistance from DA WOOF, and I appreciate it.
Fascinating that the video reminds me of the *actual* MK interrogation and programming process – specifically the whispering in the ear – but in reality it’s more of a soft, soothing, non-threatening voice of a low volume, done in a weird way that keeps the conscious brain subdued and separated from the answering voice, which it cannot hear above a murmur and thus not record and remember. I will bet they use electronic biometric monitors to watch certain levels during the process. I do not recall evidence of that, although I might if I underwent some kind of hypnotic recall process.
The reason I knew that the person who asked me certain questions was not one of the professional programmers, is that he did not use the same voice, and it made the questions much more memorable. It was his questions that allowed me to remember the session.
Huge protocol error. Kept it secret for almost 4 decades.
The ending of the video is interesting in that the person is separated from his body – again – a “drug experience”. Part of the REAL reason (hidden or ignored by Kinzer) that Gottlieb was interested in LSD was very likely a desire to achieve that separated state – a COMMON LSD experience – because THAT is likely where the MK ULTRA project knew they could get interrogations and programming that would not be remembered by the subject.
Yes – this video is very helpful.
I find the “let the bodies hit the floor” part is extremely distasteful to me (not complaining or bitching at you – just being truthful) because this is a strong metaphor for MK shootings. So think about that – this song is literally programming for mass murder, at a deep psychological level, but then the music industry provides all kinds of rationalizations over and above that truth, so that we can accept the fact that we are adrenaline-fixing with metal (I used to be a metal-head in the early days, so I know all about using music as a drug, basically).
FAKE ENTERTAINMENT includes DRUG MUSIC. All music is a drug, really – ALL of it – but some of it includes some very nasty programming. Although, VERY IRONICALLY, this particular drug music serves a great purpose in helping me bust the deep-state murderers inside CIA.
There will be justice for what they did to us. Mark my words.
I did not mean to offend anyone,this song was very popular when I was heavy into metal and now that I think about it,how you just explained it to me,this song was a very popular drug amongst my head banging friends it would literally set us off.
I won’t post stuff like this anymore Wolf I am totally sorry.
Way to go, TrumpIsMine 👏👏👏. We minions sure do appreciate all you do to keep the Den rocking & rolling 😍😘🤓🇺🇸❤️
Wolfie!!! LOL on the photo – I want to see that at a rally!!!!!!
OMG – a real flyover and dropping of FIRE AND FURY balloons would be AWESOME!!! 😀
WTG, Trumpismine!
Nice work!
CONGRATS Trumpismine!!
thanks patfrederick
…. KUDOS‼️‼️‼️ …. trumpismine … most excellent 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️
.. and …
…. I want one of these .. ☝️🤨👍 .. ❤️ ..
From Harold Finch in The Library on Telegram:
Dstroyr (@Dstroyr_U2b) Tweeted:
No you won’t
Per DC v Heller, US v Miller, McDonald v Chicago and Caetano v Massachusetts they’re all in common use and fall under #2a protections
If you want them, tell those attempting confiscation to bring their own body bag
Joe Biden on Twitter
“Weapons of war have no place on our streets. We must…
Weapons of war have a place in our SAFES and ON THE RANGE so that we can FULFILL OUR DUTY to protect FREEDOM from CROOKS like JOE BIDEN and TRAITORS like BARACK OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON.
It is our UNFIRED GUNS – our UNFIRED WEAPONS OF WAR – distributed to the ENTIRE BODY OF THE PEOPLE that protects our FREEDOM.
Say it like you mean it wolfie
You’re right! I forgot to add my usual
Whilst showing your big white teeth
… 🤨👍‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ …
Amen 🙏🏼
So Mr Biden, how much are the Chinese paying you for this policy position?
Yes, let’s remember the DIFFERENCE. WHO exactly Joe Biden’s MASTERS really ARE.
The EMPIRE of MAO – who grabbed all the guns and THEN began killing people.
He has no business walking around … free …. 🤨
He wanna enjoy it while he still can
The fundamental flaw in progressive thinking about guns is that citizens are sovereign and delegate authority to government. We hold and delegate law enforcement authority and we hold and delegate war making authority. The notion that the government has rights and/or authority that we lack is anathema to our conception of citizens.
True. They work for us
About the Judge who ruled in favor of Harvard in the admission discrimination case.
Obama Judge: Racial Diversity Demands Discriminating Against Asians – Frontpagemag
P REX and DAUGHN – you are gonna LOVE THIS VIDEO!!!
Great song. Worked well with the video.
That was a trip! Some insider pics I’d never seen, with some (other, LOL) spooky stuff too.
Yes – very WOW!!!
At the 1:18 mark, where Hussein is lying on a couch…there are things laid out on the table beside him with what look like Arabic markings on them.
That’s not the Oval Office.
Maybe it’s Biden’s office, I dunno.
That is a strange little bit of footage.
They look like GLASSES. It looks like Biden is cleaning sunglasses with a bottle of cleaner and a soft cloth, like the stuff they always give you with a new pair of glasses.
Yep, I see that now…after GA/FL suggested making it full screen.
Still a bit of a WTF, but hey – gotta clean the specs SOMETIME – might as well be while hangin’ with Barky.
Speaking of which, does BARKY get a CUT???
Yeah, why so many pairs of sunglasses?
Looked like about 20 pairs.
My guess is that he just buys a new pair whenever he sees one that looks cool, and he can’t bear to part with them, so he just rotates and that way he only has to clean them occasionally, all at once.
I’m that way with ties. Can’t part with my babies! I have some really retro styles, too.
Yeah, from the 70s – ties as wide as your shirts 🙂
(Matching your polyester leisure suit…).
M ake the video full screen. It’s rows of sunglasses on the coffee table. The highlights look like Arabic, Chinese or other foreign writing, until you look closer.
Ah, okay…I enlarged it and see what you mean.
I was surprised Barry allowed that video showing him “laying down the the job”…get your damn feet off my sofa, Barry!
“Red Slacker…. Red Slacker….. come in, Red Slacker….. over.”
…… AWESOME ……..
Spectacular! One suggestion to the memster, instead of GITMO at the end, it should be a GALLOWS.
You don’t mess around, do you!!! LOL!!!
And now a PSA….
Just a side note to everybody – my usual occasional reminder – that all references to hanging folks need to include or at the very least IMPLY legal justification. The “anti-lynching meme” from American communists Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, in cooperation with multi-generational red diaper hoaxer Jussie Smollet – their PLOT – was going to be used to attack sites like this. Any place that talked about hanging PWHTBB (people who happen to be black) was a target of their planned media CIRCUS. I was very proud to have spotted this effort long before Jussie pulled his hoax, thereby protecting ALL of our free speech, but at some cost (e.g., our only ban).
The communists were brought down by them shooting themselves in the FOOT with their own BAD WEAPON.
YEP. No need to mince words, it only offends them cause they know it is TRUE. Just imagine, this is 1780 and this is happening to George Washington. What do you think would happen to the Cabal? Are you familliar with the story of Valley forge and the entire regiment that tried to desert?
An entire regiment (20 or so men) plotted with their commanding officers to desert at Valley Forge. Washington found out. Arrested them ALL. Then as punishment. He had the two commanders execute by firing squad, their entire regiment..THEMSELVES. Then he had the two commanders hung. Guess how many more deserters he had….ZERO.
True story, it was even on the History channel I think in the American Revolution series. I was like WHOA,,,NO WAY…and Washington was like WAY! LOL. I still remember my dad telling me about the Rosenberg’s after WW2. The US did NOT play back in the day.
The Rosenbergs! Ah, yes! 😉
(Note – This was while I was still thinking that Rod was fully on the dark side!)
LMAO. that is PERFECT. It was Ethel and Julius. I nominate that from this point formard Hilldog be referred to as Ethyl and Rod be referred to as Julius.
“Ethyl”! LMAO!
Sorry, Freudian slip on the spelling.. LOL grain alcohol fits though doesn’t it!
The History channel used to be really good. One of my favs I HIGHLY recommend is Modern Marvels “Mad Electricity” It was on Nikola Tesla. Watch it, and be AMAZED at what this man discovered in the 1800’s.
And there you have it Alexandra Chalupa’s name being mentioned.
The scrutiny on Ukraine revealing the antics of the DNC to dig up dirt on Trump leading up to the 2016 election.
All Trump had to do is steer the attention to Ukraine.
Newly Obtained Documents Shred the Media’s False Narrative on Ukrainian Interference in 2016 Election
He’s like a top notch conductor
This damnable woman ruined the vibe of one of Taco Bell’s best items!
I love chalupa’s 😮🤚‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ … however .. the woman, not so much .. 😑 ..
Yeah, and the terrible Ukraco Hell Chalupas are on special – TWO FOR ONE!!! 😉
Good thing they didn’t have anyone named Enchirito…my favorite…
Oh, wait…
As I told Daughn yesterday, Chalupa wh owas here at OUR Ukraine embassy seeking dirt FAILED. OUR ambassador in Ukraine, Yovanovich, succeeded in getting and passing on the black ledger to our MSM. Is it not sick that a foreign ambassador is MORE honest than our own.
Ozzy, that is EXACTLY what he did. It was a TRAP. The dems and Cabal are EXACTLY where Trump wants them to be. That is why they will NEVER open a real impeachment. Then Trump gets to subpoena documents and call witnesses in his defense. NO WAY they let that happen. This “impeachment” is a FARCE. Guilt by media smear and innuendo, just like Kavanaugh.
But the msm and the squad,(and Potus and his merry band of q saboteurs) are driving impeachment. It’s a runaway train heading for a broken bridge over a ravine.
Who hoo
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People are saying that the Ukraine hoax is a repeat of the Russian hoax. Those people are mostly right. The big difference is the Russian hoax took months to come up with, Clinton paid millions for the dossier, the media was dialed in, the full power of government agencies was..
….used with things like FISA, NSA database, CIA, five eyes BEFORE it was ever triggered. After it was triggered, the Russian hoax had AG Yates, FBI director and Mueller SC, uniparty as follow on forces.
Compare that to the Ukraine Gambit. The Ukraine hoax was hobbled together in the middle of the night. They didn’t have access to the foundational documents. Many of the government agencies are closed to them. They still have the media and the house. They didn’t have
….anywhere near the resources that the Russian hoax had …and….it shows. The Ukraine hoax was debunked almost before it was started….the Dems are like people walking to their doom and have no option left. This entire thing smells, feels and looks like desperation.
It is already off the rails. The Dems hurt themselves so bad this week. The damage they inflicted on themselves will not really be seen for months but make no mistake, this week was terrible for the Dems.
The House Congressional Democrats wrote the State Department last week to request testimony from career officials on Ukraine and to demand the Trump State Department turn over requested documents on Ukraine.
Yesterday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced he would refuse to allow State Department officials to testify before the Congressional committees on impeachment.
This was after Democrats in the House violated fundamental principles, contacted State Department officials directly and told them NOT to contact legal counsel.
Democrat lawmakers also requested documents from the Pompeo State Department on Ukraine.
Today the State Department sent over the documents.
But they weren’t what the Democrats were expecting!
The Trump administration sent over documents on Hillary Clinton’s collusion with Ukraine in the 2016 election and the Biden Family’s massive pay-for-play with the Ukrainian regime!
HA! OMG! Hilarious!!!

A James Coburn photo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be still my heart………..
Is that Coburn pic from one of the Our Man Flint movies Wolf?
Yes! I think in that one he’s on the lam with this gal in some way. I forgot which movie it was, but there are other pics with her that come up in searches.
Those movies were so campy they were GREAT, sort of like Adam West and Batman and Dean Martin.
My MOM liked them! 😀 I can still remember my parents laughing at them.
They were recently some on on metroplex or IFC. A whole passel of our man Flynn movies, One was called in like Flint. LOL. He had cool gadgets too like James bond!
This watch did SOMETHING!!! 😀
Yes, he used it to hypnotize people, and himself, I think it also had like a zip line and a laser in it. And Coburn always fought with Judo. LOL I think Austin Powers was “loosely” based upon Flint and Bond.
“This was after Democrats in the House violated fundamental principles, contacted State Department officials directly and told them NOT to contact legal counsel.”
This is actually key.
Every single person called upon to testify to a congressional committee should issue a statement that such testimony has been shown to be a never-ending series of fraudulent perjury traps and gotcha games, and they cannot afford to hire the sort of lawyers who could protect them. Therefore, they cite the 5th and decline to give those f***s the time of day. Further, maybe if Congress actually wished for well-meaning honest testimony, they’d rewrite the rules for witnesses so that they weren’t so punitive and political……
If Congress is going to say, “Good Morning.” — and if a witness replies, “Good Morning.” claim “no, it’s not, it’s a slushy awful winter day in DC — and you’re caged in a conference room for 8 hours with a bunch of congressional ***holes and staff… face 10 years in prison for lying to Congress…..then nobody in their right mind should ever want to testify.
did they want fries with that? CUZ THEY GOT SERVED!!!
They do criminal law? They got an employee discount?
Robert Mueller Rejoins Law Firm to Conduct Corporate Investigations
Mr. Mueller’s return to private practice at WilmerHale followed his more than two-year stint as special counsel in the Russia investigation.
Note that Mueller and Zebley were handling Hillary’s EMAIL litigation at the same place – WilmerHale – before they were pulled in to go after Trump. So they are presumably just going back to defend her.
I’m thinking…money laundering.
Law firms are perfect for it.
They can manufacture ‘billable hours’ to cover for the payments.
That’s what Hillary was doing when she was at Rose Law Firm.
She and Web Hubble were making up billable hours to cover for big payments to Bill, for favors he did while governor.
Good thinking! Yes – Dementia Mulehead will get his big fat payoff at WilmerHale.
And – she and Web had another business together entitled – ‘Creating the future first child’ – didn’t they?
who knows what they were actually able to uncover or cover up in their time spent in the government’s business. perfect place for intelligence gathering for their “client” –what does the gov’t have or doesn’t have now cuz it was destroyed…
(and not the good kind of GRRRRRR, either!)
I think you’re right.
As with FISA’s, surveillance goes BOTH ways. Somewhere, EVERYTHING Mueller and Weismann thought they were burying, is recorded for posterity, and PROSECUTION. Remember we are dealing with devious and corrupt people here, NOT smart people. They just THINK they are smarter than we are, they are about to find out different.
Blatant conflict of interest which should never have happened. I still believe Mueller has early dementia – it wasn’t just acting. Guess this is just the way to pay him for his dirty deeds, ie. making sure the cloud of the Russian Hoax lingered.
Be nice if POTUS sued Mueller and his fascist thugs.
I agree – Mueller has something wrong with his brain. [……question-spawning silence……]
Maybe, it is just ‘an act’ – like Pelosi’s Fractured Fairy Tales – and sliding dentures – maybe, they think if they fawn mental disability – they will avoid the ‘noose or needle’ – but, hey – that is just me – I do not believe there is anything wrong with either of them – that a good legal walloping will not cure.
It will be interesting to see WHICH disclosures come first – a real demonstration of the non-abelian nature of politics (i.e., what goes first matters).
Maybe, but wouldn’t they save the best for last – the first chapter in a novel introduces the ‘main character’ – his associations in the second chapter – the beginning of intrigue in the third – and so on –
We already got one we did not expect – the ‘Biden Debacle’ because they dared open ‘Pandora’s Box’ in the Ukraine –
Have to think on this one, wolf – where would we start – there is so much – maybe, there is a clue in ‘Q’ somewhere – dunno
Everybody wants to change the story – everybody tries to get ahead of everybody else’s plan. But in the end, the PRODUCER and DIRECTOR has the final say! 😉
I just trust the plan, and THE PLAN! 😀
“This is all an elaborate hoax.” -Roger Ebert
The one thing people might be surprised about—Roger said that he didn’t know if he could believe in God. He had his doubts. But toward the end, something really interesting happened. That week before Roger passed away, I would see him and he would talk about having visited this other place. I thought he was hallucinating. I thought they were giving him too much medication. But the day before he passed away, he wrote me a note: “This is all an elaborate hoax.” I asked him, “What’s a hoax?” And he was talking about this world, this place. He said it was all an illusion. I thought he was just confused. But he was not confused. He wasn’t visiting heaven, not the way we think of heaven. He described it as a vastness that you can’t even imagine. It was a place where the past, present, and future were happening all at once.
Hmmm…I remember reading that – and wondering to what he was referring – but, why would Heaven be a place of the past, present, and future?
Revelation 21:1
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.”
King James Version (KJV)
Revelation 21:4
“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”
King James Version (KJV)
I have a long explanation of my own thinking on this, but I think it’s most easily phrased as a counter-argument:
How could Heaven NOT be a place of past, present and future (from our current viewpoint), at some level of understanding, and PARTICULARLY in its totality?
Now I can get into the specifics of showing the infinite to beings like us in a finite universe, which put me at “mathematical, logical, and theological ease” vis-a-vis differing accounts of divine revelation as viewed by us. However, I think it’s easier to see that the totality of an object defined as Heaven has to be SUPERIOR to and REFLECTIVE OF both our time and our space, in various if not all ways, to be self-consistent.
If you suscribe to the theory of (3) Heavens – then, yes – Heaven can be a place of the past, the present, and the future.
Scripture Describes Three Heavens
I think it is clear that the Bible uses the term heaven to describe these three things – “sky”, “space”, and “afterlife / place of God”. The thing is, ALL OF THESE “places” should EACH have past, present and future, if we can make sense of them. The question in my mind is HOW these “principles of time” are incorporated there (one could say “how time is there”), and HOW those principles are experienced.
Paul’s recounting (either of his own experience or somebody else’s) makes me think that the third is likely to be free of constraints we experience here.
2 Corinthians 12:2–4
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update
2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a man was caught up to the third heaven.
3 And I know how such a man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows—
4 was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak.
Yes, Paul speaks of the ‘Third’ Heaven – Look up the ‘firmament’ – it describes the delineation – here is on explanation…
The Creation Scientists of today’s Fundamentalism (Young Earth Creationists) have interpreted the “waters above the firmament” as a theoretical “water canopy” which once surrounded the Earth, but no longer exists. They cite this as their source for the waters of Noah’s flood. This is absolutely incorrect and a concept that does not exactly hold water (pun intended) when closely examined within the literal framework of the Bible’s Genesis narrative. The reason is because of what is said in this passage:
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”
(Genesis 1:14-16 KJV)
This verse says that the Sun, Moon, and Stars are “in” the firmament. Therefore, applying the rules of grammar and logic, those waters that are “above the firmament” must therefore be above the Sun, Moon and Stars. In other words, those particular waters are ABOVE the visible cosmos. For some this is a hard pill to swallow, but that is exactly what the Bible is saying.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
OK – we may part ways here a bit, but just hear me out and see if this makes sense. If it doesn’t – fine – just stick with what keeps you on God’s side.
OK??? FAITH is the most important! 😀
I’m probably a bit less literal than these folks in your link, but I think this stuff is clearly a metaphor for gravitational capture of water during planetary formation, expressed in language that the people of that era could conceptually understand. Distances to various things are trivia that are not worthy of forcing into the explanation, IMO. The basic notion of water from heaven (outer space) being the source of this planet’s water is profound. Think about that. These people KNEW this. They possessed actual knowledge of CREATION that was GIVEN to them – not guessed or learned through their own science.
All of these things solve when one takes a more creator-centric view of the divine revelation. Or, to borrow a line from Galaxy Quest, “Explain it to him, as you would to a child.”
In my opinion we have fallen in love with the picayune as a trick of SATAN, and have not chosen to make the Bible – all of it – literally true in the BIG PICTURE – by letting go of ALL literalist tendencies to make every last bit of SCIENCE fit into it.
Science was a GRAND deception that way. Most of us in science can’t weight the big and the small properly at the proper time to make it all work out right. And we’re very easy to mislead away from the really good stuff.
Same with the religious using scientific facts. They feel an obligation to “explain it all” – even the picayune. NO! Fuggedaboudit!
It’s like Pi and 3. Three is good enough. Worrying about the difference is a TRICK.
MAKE IT FIT IN REALITY and then EXPLAIN THE DISCREPANCIES FROM THE OPPOSITE (Real Creation) POINT OF VIEW – very likely seeing these discrepancies as not WORTHY of exact revelation.
Yes, stars are technically “above” the waters of the heavens that formed the waters of the Earth. But in our zeal to pull every last detail under the blanket of literalism – even lesser kinds of literalism – we miss the HUGE message that this was advanced, TRUE knowledge, given to men by – LITERALLY – God and/or His agents of creation. It HAPPENED. It was REAL. In our world of PROTONS, NEUTRONS and ELECTRONS. And they did so EXPLAINING IT TO THESE PEOPLE AS IF THEY WERE CHILDREN.
God doesn’t owe us the exact explanation of a single idea from HIS thoughts – something that would break all of the world’s computers at once. He doesn’t even owe us what we can understand. He GIVES US WHAT HE PLEASES. And if God wants to tell us Pi is three, it’s because 3 is GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE WORK. Not because Pi is 3.
Sorry! I have had a huge bone to pick with three camps: (1) scientific atheism, (2) religious literalism and (3) milquetoast mushy “science is real and the Bible is all super-duper magic supernatural and JUST BELIEVE IT DON’T FIGURE IT OUT” Satanic deception.
It was a beautiful Satanic scam. Hug the wording of the Bible so tightly it’s useless as a map. Well, to heck with that.
The Bible is REAL. Figure it OUT. Find the BIG PICTURE.
Yes, I may be all alone on this, but I think I’ve found the trail, and I’m ON IT!!! 😀
I may be all on my own, but I never minded being a scout! 😉
What worries me is I am beginning to understand you – lol
One day – a few of us were discussing the ‘firmament’ – that was wild – not one of us could explain it to the satisfaction of any other – so it remained a mystery – until I saw this beautiful depiction of the 3 Heavens AND the Water did I even begin to comprehend what I was seeing – if I can find that picture – then, what God wanted us to know will become crystal clear –
Another thing upon which I want you to ponder is PORTALS – what is coming through these portals – and why do they need so much ENERGY to open a portal?
No – you are not alone on it – and yes – you have found the trail – and great – I am glad you are ON IT!!!
You may be on your own for now – and you can be the SCOUT anytime – just don’t forget to come back and warn us of what lies ahead – Mkay?
Oh, yes – and let me know what you find/learn about the ‘firmament’ – because it was important enough to mention in the Bible – Thanks!!!
Looking forward to your discoveries!!!
Here is a clearer description of what is there…
Remember the message Daniel sent to Heaven – and the battle that ensued in the Second Heaven between Michael and Satan – Satan did not want that message to get to God – so he did everything in his power to prevent it from getting to God – Daniel had to be patient – this was going to take a while – Why? Because the supernatural forces who abide in the Second Heaven are those very forces who have broken through the firmament and reside here on earth – they comprise the evil we fight every day in our quest to survive and reach our final destination – in God’s Kingdom – God’s Heaven – the portals are the holes the evil ones make to break through to the earthly realm – hence the reason for their rituals and tedious machinations (dancing and chanting in obnoxious forms) –
This is a supernatural battle – that science cannot define – the Bible describes – and the milquetoast mushy – science is only as good as what it can prove – it cannot prove or disprove the supernatural – there is no ‘magic’ in the Bible – just court magicians – magic is demonic – not real – the supernatural is real – and because man has no control over the supernatural – he tries to define it in his terms – not God’s – God is a Spirit – not a man – and because His intellect is far superior to man’s – man cannot explain what God knows or even interpret how God thinks.
The Big Picture is God – He is the only one who can see it – and if He gives you a glimpse of it – it is because His Spirit lives within you.
The devil cannot create anything – and everything he attempts to create fails or wears out – God allows satan to tinker – but, God is the only one in charge of Creation – so who knows better what is than the Creator?
Just my 2 senses…
Good stuff! By the way, the “supernatural” drops out of math and logic. I was STUNNED to realize this recently, but I need to formulate a good explanation. It combines some known stuff with a hypothesis of mine that I didn’t realize could be used to explain it. It’s a hypothesis about provability that I suspect is true, but now I’m even more sure is true.
So some of this stuff is also being covered up by the same efforts being used to cover up MK ULTRA.
Of course, it does – what you cannot prove – simply does not exist – what you cannot see is an hallucination – what you cannot bring to a logical conclusion – is an anomaly, a fallacy, and/or an impossibility. And, the devil says – I will show it to you – as he twists reality into your consciousness through nefarious means – and God says – don’t listen to him – he lies – he is the father of all lies.
Deep stuff – and yet – God says ‘No’ – don’t fall for it – there is no higher power than mine – I am the Alpha and the Omega – I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life – he who believes in me shall have his heart’s desire – the world cannot give you what I can give you.
Knowledge + Understanding = Wisdom
So be not wise in your own eyes – turn away from evil and do good.
Another way of looking at Heaven’s Levels…
Question: “Are there different levels of Heaven? Are there three heavens?”
How many heavens are there and what is the third heaven Paul speaks of in 2 Corinthians 12:
The Bible speaks of three heavens not 7 and these are not dimensions). The first being our immediate atmosphere, the second is outer space as far as it stretches, and the third is the place where God himself dwells. What Jesus called the “Father’s house.”
Yeah, kinda cool. Steve Jobs had a similar finale. His last words, unexplained:
“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.”
Whatever he experienced, Steve Jobs – THE Steve Jobs – was impressed.
OK, I’ll bite. The obvious to this fool, me.
Mueller is receiving his bonus (spread over his employment) for the hack job he “led” in the Special Counsel “investigation.” Framing many with manufactured crimes, prosecuting BS crimes the Feds commonly ignore, destroying dozens of lives, culminating in a “report” designed only to continue the attacks on President Trump. Surely Mueller will be paid millions over the course of his employment, including initial signing bonus, bonuses for continued breathing. Generous vacation time (months) and unlimited personal expense account.
Nice work if you can get it.
You get vacations from gitmo?
How much $ can you have in commissary? After all, you can only eat so many twinkies
Who is paying this bonus, Kal?
Dunno. But it is the likes of Lawfare or any of the CoC, deep state, globalists….
It’s Mueller bonus for being obedient to the coup folks. He played along with RR, D-Rats, MCM…
True, Kal – it could be any of the above – but, I have a feeling there is some ‘entity’ or ‘person’ at the very top of the pile who calls the shots – the ‘puppet master’ – who pulls the strings for these ‘puppets’ – why we keep hearing they have no power – they are just ‘puppets’ and we are the ‘pawns’ – maybe? Just thinking out loud here, Kal!
Absolutely agree. One or more kings out there pulling the strings on the puppets.
What are the odds – Wicked Witch, Gay Warlock, Kerry, Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, and children have ties to the Ukraine and the Corrupt Puppet President?
IMO, high.
Nitwit Nan has a Ukrainian wench on her staff. Saw pics of both of them a couple days ago. Ukrainian wench has ties to arms dealer(s)…
Yes, Kal – and on and on and on…
Just a few months ago, anyone with 2 neurons to synapse was shouting how senile Mulehead appeared…
Now, he’s been HIRED? as a laywer? by lawyers?
Dang……………. what does that say about SOME lawyers?
Telling isn’t it
Sure is …………..
Associates and their staff do the work – Mueller’s just a name on the letterhead now.
in a larger font now…
It tells me that Mueller was putting on an ACT of senility to hopefully deflect or AVOID the consequences when the shit hits the fan.
makes sense Rex……………
Same thing they say about doctors, pr – not all are on the up and up –
I have no use for doctors, lawyers, and/or Indian chiefs!!! Cannot trust them – nope – not me!
#STANDBYYOURMAN: Hillary Clinton Says Not Getting a Divorce Was the ‘Gutsiest’ Thing She’s Ever Done.
Sticking with a humiliatingly public serial philanderer (or worse) in order, at least in part, to have continued access to connections, power, and wealth otherwise unobtainable isn’t my idea of gutsy, but what do I know?
this is why she falls down a lot–she’s always spinning something….
Bwahahahahaha .. 😈👍 … good one ..
Yep, usually empty wine bottles after she power drank them.
You funny, pat!!!
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a year ago, 14 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
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1. In the 70’s the USA was on the cusp of humans exploring the solar system. The USA led the world in science, in trade, in economic activity, in military might, in entertainment and in most other things.
2. Then the left went to work. They got a POTUS that won 49 states kicked out of office. They took over Hollywood. They pushed stupid trade deals to give away our wealth.
3. They pushed abortion so we killed the next generation and then said we had to import others via mass migration to make up the difference.
4. They replaced the scientific method with a bastardized research based on subjective crap. Pushing useless degrees and fake science.
5. They promoted an amendment to lower the voting age to 18. They pushed gun control efforts and gun free zones to give criminals an edge over law abiding citizens.
6. They invented a lame narraitve about needing to help our own people instead of spending money on space exploration( like this country couldn’t do both) withdrawing us from exploring the final frontier. They took over the media and news companies.
7. They have tried to decrease military spending and used riots and protests to force us to withdraw from every conflict (Vietnam, Iraq, Somalia etc). They weakened NATO by not making other members pay their dues.
8. They built up and sided with our enemies like the USSR, Iran and China to be our foil on the world stage. Even promoting Europe to become the EU to compete with us on trade.
9. They entered us into stupid world agreements like Paris Accord, UN human Rights committee, WTO to suck out more of our wealth. They pushed programs like Obamacare and the great society programs tying our government’s financial hands with entitlements.
10. They drove God from the public square. Promoted deviant behavior as normal. Held up drug use as something to aspire too. Made divorce and family break ups the norm instead of the exception.
11. After 50 years of this sustained attack, it was very surprising that the USA still led in many things and was still intact. However, the concept of the USA was on the edge of final defeat in 2016. The left saw their final victory within reach with the election of Hillary.
12. Then the forces of MAGA led by Trump finally after 30 years of holding actions counter attacked and drove the left back. No wonder many of the left lost their shit that day. The last two years of steady defeats of the left has done nothing to improve their mental health.
13. Maybe if we can continue winning and defeating the left in elections we can save the USA and it’s ideals for the next several generations. The mid terms are very important in the battle being waged. Make no mistake the left are counter attacking our counter attack.
14. Greatness is not impossible. Up until the 70’s, it was the norm in this country (and in some ways/sectors it still is). As always it’s up to us to shape our own destny.
I hope it’s okay but wrt #12 – I flat out don’t give a shit about the leftists’ mental health. It can degrade into roadkill and I will step over it without a glance.
I am as enraged as I can be at people who inflict pain and damage on innocents. Since that includes most donkey party members, I am predisposed to be enraged at all democrats.
And, hopefully, armed?
I’m stealing this!
NO STEALING, DAUGHN – Sharing is good – but, stealing is a sin – Mkay?
You got it, Duchess!
Good Girl!!!
Shit no. I pinch stuff from other sites all the time to bring here
When we look back upon the Trump presidency, we’ll be astounded by how much he accomplished. As I said in response to NeverTrumper, sanctimonious Amanda Carpenter, POTUS has far exceeded our expectations. Of course, many us didn’t realize how bad things really were – having just focused on the nightmare known as Obama – but DJT’s presidency is far greater in meaning than first thought Nov. 2016.
For others who are link-obsessed like me –
You do links so much better than me. Consider yourself delegated as the link master
Your personal links assistant! At your service sir!
Gasp! ….. you have misgendered me
Exqueeeses moi, mademoiselle ou madame!
Well……I’m a Mrs but not a madam
UNSEEN is one of the best thread writers ever!
He or she came to my attention with this amazing list of Trump’s accomplishments:
You can follow Unseen’s threads easily here:
More from u seen
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2 days ago, 12 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
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The big lie. It’s how the left operates. There are so many big lies accepted as truth that most people don’t even know they are being lied too. Sure, we all can see the really big lies like the Russian and Ukrainian lies pushed by the media and the Dems but some others are hard..
…to see. I’ve mentioned the 2018 midterms several times as one such. The Dems won the house with less than 100k votes out of 113 million votes. This was after the Dems spent 100’s of millions, used vote harvesting, “recounts” and other shady practices.
At the same time, Trump won in the Senate. Both of these things happened without Trump being on the ballot. The turnout was high on both sides but higher on the Dems side as many Trump supporters stayed home after the Ryan house failed the MAGA agenda.
So where is the big lie in all of this? It’s a lie of omission as well as a lie based on that omission. The media has never mentioned how close the house was. They pushed a “blue wave” Narrative. The fact is that most of the 18 seats the Dems won in 2018 and be to retain control
…of the House are going to be very hard to hold with Trump on the ballot. Many of this districts were won by Trump. There is a very good chance that with Trump on the ballot those districts will switch back to GOP control. That’s the big lie.
There is zero talk about the very big chance of the Dems losing the house in 2020. It’s a big lie by omission. This is without any politics being factored into the equation. It’s a fact based on the numbers. When you factor in the politics like the Pelosi’s failures..
…and this impeachment crap, the chance of them losing the house increases. Yet, still you hear nothing about it. Now knowing this fact that there is a very good chance of the Dems losing the house in 14 months does the Impeachment push have a different angle to it?
If you take that information into the equation you can see how this Ukrainian hoax is one of possible desperation. For instance, maybe the Dems/uniparty know they are going to lose the house and they no longer care about political ramifications?
After all, if they know they already lost what does the political ramifications matter. If they know they won’t keep the house and will once again be out of all power in 2020 why not throw a “Hail Mary” pass?
I’m not saying this is why they are doing any of this. I’m saying the Big Lie of omission by the fake media about the numbers about the mid terms and the possibility of the Dems losing the house in 2020 stops people from seeing that possibility.
These types of Big Lies do nothing but increases the fog of war for each side living in the bubble they create. If the big lie wasn’t told/omitted would the rank and file Dems acted differently over the last year? Would the GOP congress acted differently? I think so.
I think the big lie /Narrative building that the Dems/uniparty engage in ultimately hurts them and blinds them more than helps them. The evidence tends to support my view on this. This Ukrainian hoax is one such piece of evidence. The Dems are so screwed on this and don’t know it
Trumpismine, Challenge accepted, with modification;-) Have sidelined my two MAGA hats (one red, one blue) for Trump, Pence 2020 Keep America Great, received in mail today. Already have positive feedback while at a grocery store earlier today;-)
Later this week I’ll hopefully get my 3×5 Trump flag up. Have not decided whether to place Trump 2020 on same pole with American Flag. Plant an adjacent pole (have one) with Trump 2020. Or, Trump 2020 is hung on a shed (excellent repair) facing traffic / folks strolling by. Property backs up to a street for easy viewing. Probably its own pole or on the shed.
Continue to believe I am seeing MOAR folks with Trump stickers on their vehicles. Definitely am seeing MOAR Trump hats.
I like that idea of putting the Trump 2020 flag in the back. Hit them from both sides. My property backs up to a municipal park and been thinking of putting a pole back there for all the passer byes.
So much to do and so little time.
Stay safe kalbokalbs!
Almost woke the wife up with my CHEERING!!! 😀
Something to cheer about, right? Love this president!
Chill Woolf . Now THAT is living dangerously
Played it three times…and each time I yelled (thank goodness no one else is here right now…lol)
GO GET ‘EM, SIR!!!!!!
The original quote the lines of the beginning are based on is:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
-Mohandas K. Gandhi
Thanks Covadonga
Word to the White Hats…
I am currently experiencing some kind of a browser hack into Brave/Dissenter that takes a while to load, and I’m not sure how it loads, but after an hour or so it’s able to do its thing.
It WAITS for me to make an administrative connection to this site, of any kind – editing a comment, looking at comments, looking at posts, authoring a post, editing a post, etc. At that point it jumps in hard and freezes my cursor while trying to do whatever heavy bandwidth thing it’s doing.
I typically just do a hard shutdown and come back into a restored session of the browser, which will connect easily to WordPress and do normal admin things without the bandwidth lock.
It DOES seem like a memory leak, but I think it’s masquerading as such.
Just FYI.
I’ve been experiencing weird bandwidth fluctuations recently, as well — and DNS (which is not a bandwidth hog) has been having odd throttles.
Feel free to keep us updated!
Let me be further specific, since I am among friends……my usual daily driver was (up until about a month ago) a 2-core processor with 4G of RAM. The main thing I had on it was Thunderbird for email and Firefox as a browser (with a bunch of security apps). I typically left Firefox open with a couple of hundred tabs.
That machine started acting flaky, and I’m preparing to move, so some machines that I had purchased for a completely different reason were temporarily available instead of being shipped. So I pulled the drive out of A and put it in B and it worked — such is the beauty of Linux.
The new machine that became my “daily driver” was originally intended to house virtual machines. It’s a Dell Precision T5500 full tower workstation with dual 4-core Xeons and 12G of RAM, running at 2.4G. These are ridiculously cheap because they were going to be “the wave of the future” when originally leased, and were regarded as dinosaurs when they came off lease after everyone changed over to rack-mount. I’ve got a couple that I got for less than $200. Mind you, they weigh about 60 pounds each and double as space heaters…..
When I first booted, it, I laughed at the average processor use being around 5%. But after a while of use, I’d occasionally hit s**tstorms where all eight processors would spike up to 80% and the average load would go above 40%. And, yes, if you rebooted and reloaded the exact same browser tabs, you’d have nothing like the fever.
My focus has to remain on getting my tuchis out of silicon valley, but this behavior is quite odd. It’s almost certainly in the browser or ISP link.
My general philosophy is to close everything and open what you want, so I don’t think it’s CUPS runneth over.
Anyway, tomorrow has got to be a packing frenzy.
Thanks for that! Very interesting….. 😎
I don’t understand many of the words you used…but it’s still comforting to know we have people like you and Wolf in the house who do.
Pack and travel safe. Was it destination NC?
So Glad you are freeing yourself from the SILLY CON valley.
Best wishes for where ever you land.
Thanks for your many informative comments.
Google translate says I got nothing here
Travel safe. Good that people who are savvy are noticing wierd stuff with their computers. I assume it’s my screw up
I experienced some skitzy stuff with Brave and opened my settings menu and opened the browser list and GOOGLE was being used so I selected StartPage and Brave seems to be better, WP is skitzy …
… I don’t like GOOGLE … 😡 ..
Brave and Firefox use the Chrome browser engine, which is Google-based. I think most major browsers use that anymore, sad to say. Not sure about Opera… GoogleBorg…
I don’t like google so if StartPage continues to work I’ll keep it … if not I’m going back to the settings in Brave .. 😉🤚❤️
Yes – I’ve noticed the SAME THING. Open Google tabs lead to sketchy behavior FASTER.
100% this knucklehead is NOT tech savvy.
Occasionally my PC hard freezes as described. Hard shut down. When going back to where I was, I NO longer restore sessions. Restoring sessions seems to have encouraged repeat hard freezes.
Most notably, hard freezes happened OT, more than any other site.
Dunno if it was a coincidence, which I generally don’t buy into these days. MOAR reason I avoid clicking OT…avoid hard freezes, followed by too commonly Eeyore analysis, and rampant Eeyore comments posted.
Hmmm. I’ve been seeing what seems to be a memory leak for the last week or two, too. On my daily driver I have 8GB, with onboard video using a max of one gig of that. Brave seems to enjoy having a lot of processes, so there are seven or eight of them running. But even adding to that all the other wunnerful windoze tasks running, I can’t get to the almost 4GB being punched up.
Looks likes something is hoarding memory, and not releasing it (oh, the land of the, erm, free 🙂 )… Must be a liberal, rougue process, that never does garbage collection…
I keep wondering if I’ve been hit with the BND’s “Bundestrojaner”, i.e. a government-sponsored spy-trojan… oddly enough, Kaspersky spots stuff like that; most other Internet Security packages don’t. Sad to say, I’m running GData, which hasn’t seen a problem…
Maybe Øblowhole, the desperate DEMONicRATs, and the globalists are gumming up the works? Make a stealth server that lives in memory, hidden, sort of a followon to the old TSR’s? And, using mfr.-only areas of disc drives to store data/progs, insure relaunch at every boot… remember the EFF articles on that?
(and the 2600 ones)…
I have heard on a site that was mainly double Dutch to me of storing stuff on other peoples computers. This means all your kiddie porn, sketchy financials are not on yours. With the added bonus of giving the real owner the option of burning the unwitting recipient legally if they so choose to .
Democrat delusions and collusions debunked.
Here is a great article detailing how Sidney Powell is methodically gutting the prosecution of Gen. Flynn…
….and why it is likely that presiding Judge Sullivan….who threw out the conviction of the late Sen. Ted Stevens for gross prosecutorial misconduct…will grant Sidney’s motions for a security clearance in addition to ordering a voluminous amount of withheld exculpatory evidence demanded from the corrupt Mueller prosecutors:
In short…. Sidney Powell, a HIGHLY respected former US attorney and peer-acknowledged “Super Lawyer”, is NOT doing Gen. Flynn a disservice. In fact, anyone who knows even a SMIDGEON about Sidney knows that she is EXTREMELY keen on claiming the scalps of dirty prosecutors, and in particular those involved in the Flynn case and Mueller SC.
It really is rather simple….a premise long suspected by many of us here.
Flynn knew he was being targeted by the cabal and he played a patsy, up to and including hiring a bunch of lawyers from Eric Holder’s law firm to look like an easy mark. But he’s a fucking SPOOK for crying out loud, in addition to being a damn fine patriot, and a former director of the National Defense Agency. This ain’t his first rodeo. First he allowed them to sucker themselves into his trap, and now he is springing one of the most feared and respected US prosecutors in the entire country on the bad actors. Flynn’s firing of his old lawyers and subsequent hiring of Sidney Powell came as a complete surprise to the Mueller team and everyone watching the case.
The hunted becomes the hunter, in a classic turn of the tables!
Additionally, SD has a great post on this same topic entitled “Smart Move – Flynn Lawyer Tells Judge Motive Behind Why Flynn Took Guilty Plea”, found here:
Flynn is not withdrawing his plea precisely because it was coerced from him! Sidney Powell is going to prove this and get the BOTH the plea vacated AND the case dismissed due to CRIMINAL prosecutorial misconduct…
…which means that not only do Flynn’s prosecutor’s get indicted, but the entire Mueller SC and all within it becomes a target for investigation.
I should also point out that Gen. Flynn KNOWS DAMN GOOD AND WELL what he is doing, given his expertise and experience, and he very specifically and intentionally hired Sidney Powell….out of how many other lawyers he could have hired?….to represent him. Indeed, I would bet $1,000 to anyone’s $1 that Flynn had long ago figured out how he would spring his trap, and who his lawyer would be to do it (ie. Sidney Powell).
Yeah, spooks know how to play the long con, and Gen. Flynn is a recognized master. That’s why the cabal fears him, and why they sought to sideline him.
Last, but certainly not least…
I should also like to point out an obvious fact…namely…
…..anyone who doesn’t have a professional track record anywhere near on par with Sidney Powell’s professional record and reputation (and no one here does)….and moreover ADMITS they do not have an in depth understanding of the material facts, twists, and turns of this case….yet NEVERTHELESS smears and slanders Sidney Powell’s good name via her methods and motives in this forum…specifically that Powell does not have her client’s (Gen. Flynn) best interests at heart…and lastly USES THE MUELLER TEAM’S OWN REDUNDANT AND ALREADY REJECTED ARGUMENTS (by Judge Sullivan) from their latest filing in response to Powell AS A BASIS FOR SAME…
…is a (fill in this blank with VERY STRONG adjectives and foul language I would use to describe a leftist like AOC).
If such a person is entitled to impugn the character of Sidney Powell in such a way in this forum…and he/she did…then they damn well open themselves to the same treatment. And if it sounds like I am pissed as fucking hell about this, then you are picking up my transmission LOUD AND FUCKING CLEAR.
“Flynn is not withdrawing his plea precisely because it was coerced from him!”
Maybe, but I think a different statement in your essay is applicable:
“I should also point out that Gen. Flynn KNOWS DAMN GOOD AND WELL what he is doing, given his expertise and experience, and he very specifically and intentionally hired Sidney Powell….out of how many other lawyers he could have hired?….to represent him. Indeed, I would bet $1,000 to anyone’s $1 that Flynn had long ago figured out how he would spring his trap, and who his lawyer would be to do it (ie. Sidney Powell).”
If we’re watching a show, the guilty plea may not have been withdrawn to keep the entire affair active in the courts until the traps were all sprung and the rats caught.
We’re watching a movie. Anything actually seen by us – the audience – is, by definition, from a script. Every now and then when it can’t be avoided – like, blackhawk helicopters flying low down Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles – we get a glimpse of what really happened, but the whole Flynn thing is just as much a scene being played out as the Ukraine scenario of the last few weeks.
The surface that we get to see is the distraction. There’s days I want to bang my head on the wall that that is not penetrating the echo chambers used by all and sundry to get “news.” Both sides.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion…without being berated and beaten over the head with over-the-top insulting verbosity. To engage in the latter simply stifles discussion, free flowing thoughts to be evaluated. IMO.
Stringent perspectives with harsh in your face haranguing are what I expect from the MCM echo chamber and their guests. Thankfully, very, very, rare at Q Tree. Simply unproductive. Me thinks.
Feel free to slap the hell out of me, assuming one believes it helps further the discussion, to persuade folks to agree with a perspective.
All IMO, with the best of intentions.
You and Sidney Powell are both very accomplished and determined people. It seems highly unlikely that anyone could say anything which changes the esteem in which you are both held.
At least for me, your transmissions never needed clarification.
Your energy is something our side has lacked for decades, and the admiration for that (which I share) has been expressed on QTH many times.
Powell is lucky to have you on her side. Because it is relevant, Wolf is in general agreement with you about Powell, and Wolf’s insight is quite extraordinary (IMO).
I am guessing you are very younger than I am, and maybe that accounts for different perspectives on things.
But as long as we both have the same perspective on God and Country, we are really not far apart.
I had a comment that included the last four paragraphs of Andrew Jackson’s bank veto…..and I can’t find it.
I don’t see it in the bin, Coothie.
The WP black hole must have sucked it in.
I don’t see either. would it show up under spam?
pending? just curious wheatie
It would show up under Pending or in Spam, yes.
You’re getting the hang of this!
And yes, the Spam bin is empty and I didn’t see Coothie’s comment in Pending, either.
Thanks Wheatie
And since you’re the Author of this thread, you will be able to rescue comments from either bin.
Unless it’s from a ‘new’ commenter…not one of our regulars…and then Wolf has to take a look at those.
Do NOT approve one from someone you don’t recognize.
Got it – Thx
Hannity had a good show last night.
Sean gives a thorough recap of the day, then…
Don Jr is on at about the 19:00 mark.
Giuliani then comes on at about the 24:00 mark and sets off some Fireworks!
It’s really good.
Then John Solomon follows that with a good segment.
When I tried to play this it only showed 2 seconds. Not sure if problem is with the link or on my end.
Wow, you’re right!
The video has been changed.
It was the whole show when I posted it.
I suspect Youtube tyranny.
I noticed other uploads that said ‘Full’ show in their titles, but then were only 2 seconds long.
Utube Tyranny is correct. They did same to lots of Laura’s videos, set them all to 2 seconds. Damn Bastids!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
It’s like they’re trying to block out any interviews with Giuliani.
Video length cut seems to be fairly common, for me anyway. Usually have to cut over to YT to see full video. Another YT control factor I suppose.
Youtube interring with an election. Not letting Guiliani’s information get out there.
Lou Dobbs had a good show too.
He had a long segment with Rudy Giuliani that is great!
It starts at about the 4:30 mark.
Rudy talks about how Shifty and the other crapweasels have No Immunity from being sued.
There is a good segment with Peter Navarro, which starts at about the 28:40 mark.
Lou’s interview with Giuliani was great. Lou let Rudy talk.
MOAR and MOAR, Rudy is not allowing the host to regain control of the interview. Fine by me as Rudy has a bigger message to deliver, and reinforce while on the air. Admire the way Rudy has taken control of interviews.
TY Wheatie,
Had unexpected company and missed 1st half of Lou last nite. I never miss Lou.
Rudy: it’s no accident when Rudy and ex Ukranian prosecutor provides signed affidavit ,
Biden ordera no Rudy interviews on the networks..BOOM!
As expected , PDJT has the right man for the task
Go get’em Rudy !!
This is good.
it’s expertly done, but I disagree–those RATS would abandon ship so fast–and throw women and children OUT of life rafts to get their entitled asses in them.
I love our Marines!
Oh reeeally…
oh yeah! and NO APPEAL–it’s a done deal.
Eric Trump was on Laura Ingraham’s show…
Yes, politicians need to get indicted, tried…
Federal proscutors that abuse American citizens, fail to turn over Brady material, manufacture crimes…need to be punished.
Americans are NOT the punching bag for unethical, over zealous prosecutors.
The Germans have a unique word which perfectly describes that face. Backpfeifengesicht — a face that needs to be slapped. And it really does!
Verse of the Day
“LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:”
Psalms 10:17 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Hi duchess. this comment was in the bin….sorry I took so long to approve and release it. busy morning here.
No problem, mine! These will always land in the bin – for some reason – they will not post – so I have to go to Pinterest Blessings – which – sometimes mess up the Bible Verses – however – I do appreciate you ‘dumpster diving’ to retrieve – hope you like it! God Bless You for your diligence, mine!!!
Morning Duchess!
Hey, pat! Need a warm up – please – thanks!
Have a Blessed Day!!! God Loves You and so do I!!!
here ya go!
you have a Blessed Day too!!!
Tanks – Tastes delicious – did you stick your finger in my cup – it is so sweet – lol
LOL…heaven’s NO!
but you’re a dear to say so…haha
Made your day – didn’t it?
sure did!
* Big Smile *
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
NOTE to Wolf and Wheatie:
WP or some demon will not let me post from but, I can post any Pinterest Free Image – this does not happen OT – where I can still post the Verse of the Day and free images from both – dunno why – do you?
PS I have to check Pinterest Images because they mess up the Bible Verses – go figure – it’s a demon – I know it!!!
I had wondered about that, Duchess…if it was one particular link-site that was ending up in the Span bin.
WP has thousands of individual blogs.
Maybe someone was spamming other blogs with pics from that site, so WP put a block on it?
I dunno.
We can sit here all day trying to find a solution to the foibles of websites – so much is being censored right now – it is maddening – they have really beautiful pics – so I am sad I cannot post them – * Sigh *
One solution found at Marica’s blog was to put a simple text phrase before the picture url. Url on a separate line from text. I use I love this pic dot com a lot with this method and have no problems.
example format:
Today’s blessing image address ending in .jpg or .png
Maybe this will help you with your daily blessing posts here.
Ok – will try that, Bren – someone suggested I leave a space before the link – but, that did not work –
I am befuddled – because I can post it OT – no problem – but, not here (?)
Dark forces indeed!
The UK is lost. Done.
Hope I’m wrong.
The Doctor is right TWICE – for biological/scientific and spiritual reasons.
If you look at police, mental health and social statistics, you will see he was right THREE ways.
There is a strong correlation between ‘trans’ and crime, as well as mental and relational problems….assaults, domestic violence, depression, suicides and addictions.
Three ways – Science, Scripture and Statistics agree and prove that LBGTXYZ lifestyles are abnormal and lead to negative outcomes.
Can I buy a vowel? 🙂
The activists also use a Q for ‘questioning’ what gender/orientation they are.
Best Venn diagram I have ever seen 🙂
I am STILL waiting for ANYONE to show me an example of that “third gender” in either nature or science. Then I want them to explain how that “gender” procreates. I think I will be waiting a LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG time. LOL
Forgot to mention CDC statistics…. persons engaging these lifestyles have the highest incidence of STDs, very high incidence of violence, personality disorders, addictions and other negatives.
The UK went to the dark side many moons ago – hopefully, PM Johnson will open the windows and let the light in at the end of this month on their ‘high holy day’ – 10/31/2019
Pray for the UK – the globalists in Brussels are fighting hard to keep control of all EU sovereign nations – if the UK succeeds in leaving and prospers economically – the truth about the ‘robber barons’ will be known – and other countries will seek their independence from the EU, too!!!
“Liberal excesses” is too mild, and minimizes the seriousness of what the commie/fascists Dems are doing. Much more accurate to say, “Liberal Criminality.”
Happy Thursday!

… 😍🥰😘😘🥰😍🥰😘🥰😍🤗🤗🤗🤗 … 😃🤚❤️‼️
Awwwww I LURVE them …. 😛🤚
I like to think of today as:
Friday Eve!
Happy Thursday to you PatF! Good to go with good news on Kal and son. I hope you all had good news from your hubby’s doctor’s appt.
it was mixed…he has moderate COPD which they gave him a daily inhaler for. there is some emphysema but he’s already done the only thing he could for that –he quit smoking. But the pulmonologist doesn’t think his shortness of breath can be entirely attributed to lungs–she believes it may also be in conjunction with the pacemaker issues. so he’s not thrilled about redoing the wires…but i it helps…
so tell me your good news about Kal and Anthony!!!!!!!
Anthony finished his introductory beekeeper class, enjoys very much the paint crew, and had no bad repercussions from the room search a couple of weeks ago. He and roommate had a discussion about the roommate not copping to the items being his,
Kal is off the chemo, not because he is in remission, but because the therapy was worse than the disease. He is recovering his health back after a crash. He is getting a new oncologist, that is the great news, that is willing to change up medication dosage scheduling and manage side effects. Also, a new anti-nausea medication is being explored so he does not have to take the injections that seem to have stopped working.
give them both my love!!! and i will continue to pray for you and your family Bren!!
if you please, could you also update the prayer wall for Chloe? The doctors got her stabilized and ran a boatload of tests without coming up with answers. But Chloe is home (and will be homeschooled while she regains her strength) and she is in excellent spirits.
Also, Kal was having COPD type symptoms and was on an inhaler. He grew up as a child to young adult in a house full of second hand smoke. He got a hold of eucalyptus shower mist. Our source is, an organic farm here in WA on Fox Island. His symptoms were relieved and he has not had to use the inhaler in months. He not only used it in the shower with the moist air but sprayed it above his head in the living room when he felt symptoms come on. It may ease your dear hubby’s symptoms.
thank you! I bookmarked the page!
here is the direct link to the product he uses
thanks Bren!!

Love that beautiful ‘purple butterfly’, pat – remind you of anyone – whose name has ‘jesus’ in it?
i admit I thought of her when I posted it
Then, I hope she knows that – I did, too!
oh what the hell…
Love you, Pat, but I wish you wouldn’t let go with the raunchy stuff. Just changes the whole atmosphere.
Frankly my dear, I like eye candy……………
Pat, we have free speech here…………….. Wolfie insists.
Hey, Pat….reminds me of my hubby…🤥 …when he was 16!
When you get to a certain age it’s all MEMORIES!
Hey, I’m of a certain age..and I still look like that…… my dreams. LOL…I do still have the hair…its just grey. LOL
Hugs, Pat! This is a free speech blog – and I have no authority here. Your ‘fun’ dirty jokes and beefcake pictures would fit in great at – especially their free-wheeling overnight threads….or any time after 5pm when the party gets going. That is a cool community and they took me in (under another alias) when I was banned OT for the second time. They are great people – totally dedicated to the truth! Louisiana Mom is one of my favorites. She took a lot of time to compile this LIST of nasty names and slurs used by the leftists and RINOs against Trump supporters –
Well then……… I’m not dead yet.
To me this is not “sexy” because they look like gym muscles v. true fitness and strength developed through work. These are eye candy, bubble gum muscles. All puffed up but with no substance. Put him to work and he wouldn’t last – even moving or hauling hay, simple stuff – he most likely wouldn’t last.
this is beyond fitness and in the realm of over indulgence. Lets me know where he spends his time, money, energy and focus. Nope! Not fore me. I like a man who is strong and if he works out that is great. But balance in life and that strength had better be good for something.
I had several “tests” that I routinely tried out on dates after they had been around a little while. Ok with me if they didn’t have muscles (I dated bookish/nerd types too) but if they did have muscles I would ask them for help moving some boxes. If they had big muscles but were out of breath moving a few heavy boxes … Nope! they are fake, bubble gum, gym rat muscles. I need a real life man!
PS: And I say this as someone who said the exact same thing back in the day when I was thin, long blonde hair & had lots of dates – not just now as a much older woman way past her prime who couldn’t “get” this guy anyway. I said the same thing back in the day when I could “get” these kind of guys!
And on this note – I need to have my devotion, cook breakfast & take care of children. Refocusing….
Early in the morning for these kinds of pictures/videos! ha
Interesting news article from July 2017.
Nancy Pelosi’s son appears in Ukraine — to talk soccer?
Why does Nancy Pelosi’s son care about the state of soccer in Ukraine?
Paul Pelosi, Jr., a San Francisco-based investor, recently appeared on Ukrainian television UATV to talk about his business in the country.
Verrry interesting.
So we have Biden’s and Pelosi’s sons involved. Fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. The threads should expose these two. Pay for Play.
Gotta earn that payola some way…even if it means having a legislative aide from the Ukraine (and important papers just happening to be left on top of the desk)…or sending a family member over to Ukraine for a trivial matter. Whittling away at the Pay for Play account.
Or, in another instance….having a Chinese driver who is undoubtedly recording every conversation in the car for the past 20 years.
Driving Miss Crazy…
Wow!!! That is Great News, BFLY!!!
If anything, it draws attention to the fact that they have done so in the past – LOL
Trying again with another video of Hannity’s show.
This is the Full Show…at least for now.
I am seeing the full video, Wheatie.
Also, from the original post…..
“Sean gives a thorough recap of the day, then…
Don Jr is on at about the 19:00 mark.
Giuliani then comes on at about the 24:00 mark and sets off some Fireworks!
It’s really good.
Then John Solomon follows that with a good segment.”
Back at you.
Video unavailable, wheatie! Did it just disappear?
I guess it did…wow, it’s gone now.
Youtube tyranny.
They’re trying to get rid of Giuliani’s interviews, I think.
Anything positive – I think – yes, Giuliani is a threat to the DS – and all of its puppets.
#Hannity #FoxNews
Giuliani claims he has Ukrainian docs showing ‘collusion’ with top Dems
Youtube missed that one, didn’t they.
Nice find, Duchess!
Most welcome, wheatie!!!
Retweeted —
Here’s that tweet with the embeded video clip…so it will play here —
POTUS is warning Schiffty to resign BEFORE he is arrested…. 🙂
Don Jr. calls Adam Schiff a hand-picked George Soros *puppet*.
Emphasis on PUPPET.
Bet POTUS has a money trail leading from Soros to Shiffty.
Mulvaney is a genius at ferreting out money trails.
He’s probably got a legion of forensic accountant geniuses on the job doing just that.
Prediction – there will be a huge set of seizures of assets of traitors/seditious persons – soon – setting the record for all time.
I like the idea of seizing the financial assets. That’s the only thing to get their attention.
Long hard PRISON TIME is also a huge deterrent.
Yes, posted too soon. Should have added “indictments” to the taking of their assets.
As is counting the loops in a noose (erm, bit of a stretch, though)…
Not if they are convicted of TREASON – it will be the ‘noose’ or the ‘needle’ – imho
Exactly Lady…………..
He has it ALL.
Love the Hodge Twins!
Ditto !!!
They should team up,with Diamond and Silk on a roadshow. Not only would it be a hoot, but probably would make a big impact on the black community.
I really like these guys … 😃👍‼️‼️‼️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️
Our VSG keeps firing off rounds at Schiffty.
Resign “at least.” Now there’s a message there. Resigning his seat is the least of Shiffty’s problems. Bet they have actual criminal activity on him.
Permanent link for “Look at this Photograph” = greatest troll of all time.×720/I8Qp-gclo6eeC3XO.mp4?tag=10
Many of us have known that for a while already.
Unseen’s great perspective on the Dem’s impeachment ploy. It cannot take place in a vacuum, and as we’re seeing – it isn’t.
IMO, from the beginning, this was set up similar to the way they did Blasey-Ford, and the Russian Hoax, but this has been a rush job, and they don’t have all of the old resources available. Not only do they lack resources, POTUS is able to return fire at this time – zeroing in on the bad actors. I believe they have the goods on Schiffty et al. Won’t be long now.
This video that Pres Trump tweeted out yesterday, is being Blocked Out on his tweet now.
Twitter says it’s because of a “copyright infringement”.
But now…other people are tweeting it out. Hah! 😄
A thought:
Leaders of the Democrat Party, and their counterparts in the mainstream media, are the new Ugly Americans. They are here on our own soil. A blot on the political landscape, and in others.
Mainly, they have been ruthless in their persecution and exploitation of the innocent.
RE: Impeachment
The story is changing again. Fascinating to watch the story migrate.
After I cashed out of the brokerage firm, I went back to college again. After 7yrs of college and a poker hand of degrees, best class I ever took was on “Crisis Management” and how the Kennedy White House managed the “Bay of Pigs” — it was all about getting GOOD and RELIABLE information, how a small info mistake could trigger a nuclear war, AND how dangerous group-think can be. I had to play McNamara for a whole semester, got lucky and had an incredible professor, and it made a huge impression on me.
Without perspective and objectivity, we can lose everything….
… even our country and way of life.
Impeaching a President on false terms or political bias would be equally devastating to the USA and the world.
The latest info we have about the WB indicates a “colleague of his” went to the General Counsel of the C_A.
Then, WB was unhappy with how his complaint was progressing.
Then, the “colleague” approached an aide to Schiff on the Congressional Intel Committee.
Then, a preferred Dem lawyer was recommended.
Then, a WB complaint was filed.
It brings into question the legality of protections, by statute, of this alleged WB. Legally, he only received protection if he files a complaint, first, and later approaches Congress.
Important we get the facts straight here. Certainly, there will be more info to come out.
And two people, the colleague and the WB, creates the spectre of a conspiracy.
All kinds of goodies….
Should we insert brennan in the colleague spot?
OOOOoooooo, good one, Miss Gil.
Regular Americans are incredibly kind.
We had 4 ladies at the B&B for several days, local funeral. One of the ladies crocheted. She was making braided rug floor mats out of scrap sheets, washable too.
Every day for breakfast, Bucket (our dog) would whine a little bit by the door to the back room. We normally don’t let Bucket out front into the guest space.
The ladies heard Bucket and asked if she could come out. They missed their own dog. So, I let Bucket out front.
Several days went by, and pretty soon, I noticed one of the ladies slipping extra bacon to Bucket under the dining table, and then another lady. Bucket made out pretty well. Sweet.
When they left, they insisted on saying goodbye to Bucket, and presented her with her very own, hand-made rug.
And surprise, …….. Bucket sleeps on it now.
Simple things, personal touch. It goes a long way.
Lovely stories.
Many of your stories remind of a Louisiana/Southern version of A Year In Provence – leisure reading with a strong sense of place, in which the people/stories are described in such a way that one sees the inside of the people, the heart, knows them in a paragraph of time and the reader is left feeling relaxed, warmed, connected & almost present in the hospital atmosphere of your home.
And it does seem like the B & B is a home that people visit and are welcomed into the family v. a place to stay.
Sharing them here makes wqtreehouse that much more welcoming and familial as well.
thanks for sharing that lovely interlude Daughn,
makes my heart smile…………
lovely interlude
makes my heart smile
Perfect compliment. I take 100x more words to say what you said succinctly and beautifully.
And, yes, Daughn, many thanks for your stories. I look forward to the book
aww thanks MAGA Mom…
Daughn makes compliments so easy… natural storyteller she is…
I didn’t know there were ‘anti-govt protests’ going on in South Korea.
But this is pretty cool…
Q part is really cool.
South Korea commonly has protests. Have been going on for years.
OMG – gotta have – along with those straws!
Plu-perfect Christmas gifts!!!!
The straws are at the official campaign site:
$25.00 for the set.
I want one of these investments. I bet my grandkids could sell this for whole lot more!
Ed Buck is just another (per)version of Epstein.
Do you know why the feds got him?
Mr Gil just told me an LA sheriffs deputy gathered all the evidence and on his own time hand delivered it to the US attorney who knew nothing about the case. Thevdeputy knew that the LA DA was protecting Buck.
Thats why he was never charged.
The LA DA was/is a political tool.
Ed Buck’s arrest also happened while POTUS made the rare visit to Southern California.
He must want Nancy to be president. (God Forbid)
Well, to me this is an indication that HILLARY CLINTON and her minions (this includes the DNC, TOM PEREZ, embedded DeepState in the CIA / FBI / White House) are indeed working hard behind the scenes to:
First, remove POTUS and VP PENCE, with NANCY PELOSI as Interim President taking over;
Second, engineering that HILLARY CLINTON walks away with the 2020 DemocratCommunist nomination.
Not being an Eeyore here. This is down and dirty reality.
May be coming closer to rebalancing / “bullet proofing” the portfolio — etc.
Sounds like Chris is carrying water for the Cabal ! Rakin’ in the $$$ I am sure.
Chris is long past his prime, if he ever had one.
… it’s “stick a fork in him” time … 😃👍‼️
Yuck. Stick a fork in Chris and who knows what would spurt out…
I just posted on this yesterday in the open. That is indeed the plan. I want Trump to highlight that, who benefits the most from a couple fales impeachments? Nancy Pelosi, the person conducting the FARCE.
The COUP is out in the OPEN.
The coup is DOOMED. The perpetrators are also sans apparel.
The NYSlimes are spewing more outrageous lies!
And our President is fighting back!
I could take some inspiration from this.
That short speech created a joyful warmth in my heart.
Amazing!!! Just wonderful.
GOD created/designed us to be free!
To live in truth, love and life!
That speech was stirred my heart to tears. I pray that these young people get the freedom their elders had and not that mainland China breaks their spirit the way they broke the Chinese people on the mainland.
God forbid those butchers ever get hold of the US.
Kinda like, “give me freedom or give me death!”
redlegleader68, Yes …!!!!!!!
Poor kids. Come on out here to the Midwest where we have great brats.
It appears to me that, to DE BLASIO, this move is a “two-fer” —
Start forcing implementation of AOC’s dictates; and
Forcing the public schools to begin being SHARIA LAW compliant.
Good catch there CV………………..
That was my first thought v. the green new deal. Not reducing meat – making meat islam friendly
Hands down…
Oops…forgot to post the image…
Really is Brilliant! 🙂
BRILLIANT! Corrupt Congressional Dems Ask Trump State Dept for Ukrainian Docs – Get Crooked Hillary and Biden Docs Instead! (VIDEO)
SCORE + 2 points for the Pompeo Team!!!
Opposing gay marriage might have been the Clintons’ one and only good action.
The opposition was 100% pure calculated politics, taking the long view. They were playing to the middle of the road voters, their socially conservative dems that their party is now loosing (see black churches, etc.). they were able to hold on to their socially conservative dems for a little while after beginning their hard left turn only by running a 1/2 black POTUS candidate.
It was all calculated. No morality of true beliefs behind it. Whatever would give them power.
Honoring the rule of law by returning Elian to his father was another.
So take your children and move to another country more in keeping with your values….for instance, Qatar.
Our country will be the better for it.
Right LM…………….
Reminder to all: Candace will be at the White House tomorrow………………
Chelsea is projecting.
She herself was a political act.
Took a bit of doing because Bill Clinton’s sperm were destroyed by a childhood case of mumps – and he wasn’t particularly attracted to Hillary anyway – so they got a sperm donor (rumored to be Webb Hubbell) to produce a baby for political purposes – because their poll numbers were sinking.
Haaaaaa…I love our memesters!
If this was GOP – headline news
This is incredible, just fantastic (in the old sense of the word)
christian living
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 2, 2019
finding a strength to bear witness serving evangelism
Jesus said that we are “the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet). The value of salt, especially in the ancient world, cannot be underestimated. Roman soldiers received their wages in salt. The Greeks considered salt to be divine. The Mosaic Law required that all offerings presented by the Israelites contain salt (see Leviticus 2:13). You shall season all your grain offerings with salt. You shall not let the salt of the covenant with your God be missing from your grain offering; with all your offerings you shall offer salt.
When Jesus told His disciples that they were “the salt of the earth,” they understood the metaphor. While the universal importance of salt is not as readily apparent in our modern world, the mandate that Jesus gave to His first disciples is still relevant and applicable to His followers today.
What are the characteristics of salt that caused the Lord to use it in this context?
Theologians have different theories about what “salt” represents in Jesus’ sermon. Some think that its white color represents the purity of the justified believer. Others say that salt’s flavoring properties imply that Christians are to add divine flavor to the world. Still others believe that Christians are to sting the world with rebuke and judgment the way salt stings an open wound. Another group asserts that, as salt, Christians are to create a thirst for Christ.
Salt, however, has another vital purpose, one which is probably what the Lord had in mind: Salt stops decay. When Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth,” He meant that all His disciples were to serve as preservatives, stopping the moral decay of our sin-infected world.
Prayer: Father, help me to remember that I should be a preservative in this world. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6).
One sermon I heard mentioned that pure Salt is a seasoning, a preservative and a perfect reflector of light.
….and salt also has healing properties.
Yes, I thought I read somewhere that salt could disenfect? …
Many can because of salt’s dehydrating effects on the bacterial cells. … Before understanding how salt kills bacteria, you need to understand what osmosis is. … While the antibacterial properties of salt are helpful for some everyday uses, you …
Salt can also used to produce Chlorine (sanitizer) in swimming pools.
.. pretty amazing all the good things salt can do ‘eh? … plus it makes food better 😃👍❤️
Think about gargling with warm salt water for sore throat, etc.
Yes, my dad was a butcher or meat cutter for many years. The large wooden cutting blocks used in the meat shops were cleaned and sanitized with this process: the blocks were scraped clean of debris, moistened with hot water, covered in salt, and left to sit for a while until the salt dried out, then the salt was scraped off and discarded. He did that at home to the wooden cutting boards too. I still clean my wooden and plastic cutting boards that way today.
grew up on So Carolina coast……………. any time I had a small cut, etc., would take a dip in the ocean…
salt water would heal it right up…
Memories…my grandmother, even in old age, always went to the beach during nice weather to not only walk ankle deep in the salt water for healing by also walked in the sand to smooth her feet from callus and corns… know, what we pay pedicurists to do these days! 😁
Always had aloe Vera plants growing at every house she lived in, too.
Amen, darlin’ ………………….. same here…
Human beings are basically big bags of salt water with some added ingredients. 🙂
Cells of energy, atoms enlivened, organized and designed by GOD.
.. perfect reflector of light 💡 ? …. I’ll be right back … 👣👣👣👣 …–How-worlds-biggest-salt-flat-turns-giant-reflective-surface.html
… well whaddya know … COOL 😎👍 … literally … HA‼️
…. 🙂🤚. …
Inspiring video:
… I love this video … there is hope in the human spirit / heart
.. ty trumpismine … awesome .. ❤️..
Yeah , Love when people show they are Good.
God’s love is gifted to us all.
Oh yeah, it does the heart and soul good to see things like this … ❤️
Ha! Click on the video at the top left – you get this one, which includes video of the black bus driver who stopped a woman from committing suicide – the one to whom Donald Trump gave $10K, which is in the clip. Bud driver starts @ 3:54 mark.
LOL – Bud driver…….rofl. Bus driver, of course!
… lol .. 😡not … WP got ‘cha … I say we go find WP and take them out behind the shed … 😈🤚 …
Bud driver? Well they say beer makes you smart.
It made Bud Wiser…
Seriously, props and then some to that bus driver! (and the other hereos in that video).
.. wow wow wow …. it’s outstanding to watch people rise up to help each other … I love this, ty Nebraska … 😢👍❤️‼️‼️‼️
IT’S TRUE: New Evidence Shows Mueller Gang Threatened Gen. Flynn’s Son, Forced General to Sacrifice Himself or See His Son Destroyed
General Flynn was given an ultimatum by the corrupt Mueller team – choose either your son or your country! This grotesque abuse of power and the legal system by the Mueller gang should never have happened and should not go unpunished!
TrumpIsMine – that is a gorgeous image in the header!
The tree looks like the finest handmade black lace against painted silk satin.
Thx GA/FL. I went looking for a tree image at dawn( daughn ) keeping the theme and that image just jumped out at me.
It glows like October’s persistent heat in N FL.
Here’s the best RV to tour the country in….
Another Truth Teller ousted from Fox
Well, it appears that PAUL RYAN got a scalp on the orders of the MURDOCH family / DeepState embeds.
Yep, his recent article suggesting the Dems worship the god of Molloch contains too much Bible for Fox, as do the rest of his articles.
Gosh, maybe they read MURDOCH instead of MOLLOCH and thought he was talking about Daddy.
Appears they both require blood sacrifices…
Just because he mentioned GOD.
Smollet 2.0~~~
Mikea Turner, a local TV reporter in Washington, D.C., was the first to report the discredited story of Amari Allen, a 12-year-old black girl who said white classmates cut off her dreadlocks while calling her an “attention-seeker.”
Turner spent the hours before the supposed attack advocating for a “natural” hair law that would criminalize discrimination based on dreadlocks, then used the incident as evidence for why such a law should be enacted.
Amari’s family owns a beauty company called “Still Natural” that Turner promoted on air in 2018.
Hope the parents of those 3 white boys sues the bejeebers out of that family.
I hope so too.
Darn, those pesky little things called facts.
Here’s a nice event for your ladies to attend….
BTW, there’s one in Las Vegas too, at the Trump Casino/Hotel
page 1
Well, I tried to make it a little easier to read – failure 🙁
trumpismine, if folks click on the tweet, and then click again, it’s easy to read. That’s how most of those posts work anyway.
I’m like a worm in an apple…eating it up!
Thx ladypenquin
Works fine for me if I enlarge after clicking.
Powerful letter. GOP leader is acting like a possible future Speaker of the House!
October in N FL…..
This Afternoon- Sunny and hot, with a high near 96. Heat index values as high as 101. Calm wind becoming east around 5 mph.
Friday- Sunny and hot, with a high near 96. Heat index values as high as 101. Calm wind.
Weekend is going to be a lot cooler…. highs only 90 or so with a chance of showers….
and next week, some of the highs may be down to 87 or so.
North FL Stats
Altitude 62′ above sea level.
Last Spring frost March 29
First Frost November 9
Growing season – 224 days
Positives – Tall oak and pine trees, live oaks, spanish moss, fertile clay soil, good neighbors, tolerable traffic, beaches close by, great weather most of the year.
Biggest pests/negatives – love bugs, mosquitoes, springtime pollen, heat and humidity, hurricanes and tropical storms.
Biggest positive – Most of the state of FL is conservative!!!
Cigars, cigarettes, PALMETTOS? 🙂
I’m keeping my eyes on you down there GA.
How is Sally doing ?
hot here too, Georgia, in the Sand Hills of So Carolina…
just a few degrees cooler than your neck of the woods…
unusual for September/October
I’ve seen it hotter in NYC, Detroit and Chicago than S GA and N FL.
Yikes! I couldn’t live there. 🙂 Here in my part of Oregon, the high today will be 60 – currently 55 – with 80% chance of rain.
Linda, I’m so glad our Country is so big!
I, too am up here in NW corner: high today? 56.
I love it.
geese are flying.
Live in willamette valley, its been off and on rain for the past couple weeks,cool days in the 60s ,cold nights low 40s. I enjoy the weather here ,so temperate.the leaves are falling and it’s so pretty to watch them blowing as you drive through them. Couldn’t live in heat and humidity, just would be a misery for me personally.
Seems as though half the commenters here live in the Pacific N.W. 🙂
Religion of Pieces at it again. C & P’d the whole article since it’ll be likely part of it will be omitted in the future …….
Four police officers have been killed by a fellow employee in a knife attack at the force’s headquarters in Paris, says a union official.
The 45-year-old attacker, who was said to have worked for the police for 20 years, was shot dead at the scene.
It happened at about 1pm local time at the large police building located just across from Notre Dame Cathedral.
Police union official Loic Travers said the attack appeared to have started in an office and continued elsewhere in the compound.
He said the employee believed to be responsible was an administrator in the intelligence unit who had never created any problems before.
The attacker had also recently converted to Islam, according to the French news channel BFM TV.
Mr Travers said he could not remember an attack of this magnitude against officers before.
Islamists haven’t ever stopped terrorist attacks.
There have been an average of 5-6 documented deadly Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11/01.
1PM FoxNews Radio
Just reported this incident and SAID NOTHING about the attacker having converted to ISLAM.
“never created any problems before”
“recently converted to Islam”
PERSONAL JIHAD AGAINST THE KUFFAR (in this incident, his own colleagues in the Paris PD)
IF the Paris PD isn’t emasculated by PC / orders from Macon-Merkel, they’ll search ALL the social media of the killer AND his residence for ANY “declaration of belief in Islam”, “declaration of allegiance to Allah”, any “declaration to Jihad”, any writing of the Shahada.
Yep..i knew at some point that inconvenient fact would be left out
I read about this on 3 different UK sites and 1 French site – NOT ONE mentioned the conversion!!!
Yep. Same here in Germany (of course, since NSDAP Merde-Kuh will never allow anything that contradicts her Coudenhove-Kalergi and globalist defense of the invading hordes).
Most articles say the perp was slightly handicapped, frustrated (aren’t we all???), and “right wing extremists” had fanned the flames…
Always the same song… and always the wrong words to the wrong tune… Projection – it’s an infection of the diseased left…
One of the articles (in Die Welt, just bought out by globalist KKR) went on and on about the mayor of Paris, Hidalgo, and how she teared up, just as she had when Notre Dame was burning.
I would have been burning MAD and not afraid to show it.
Interesting, too, have major cities anymore (and some countries even) have non-native mayors, e.g. Hidalgo of Paris, Khan of London, and the Taoiseach (PM) of Ireland, Leo Varadkar who is of Indian descent. Just like that globalist plan to have armies of foreign lands controlling others’ countries, having a non-native PM or mayor would serve to eliminate any desire to maintain traditions, mores, and long-held standards. One might say balkanizing the world, except for the fact that it seems that the Balkans are returning to their nationalist (MBGA?) roots…
France has been drifting in this direction for the last 50 years or so, partially due to its colonies, and the free citizenship granted to them. Many of those people are FAR from western or Christian in their views and politics; indeed they enjoy biting (or stabbing) the hands that feed them.
Tom Fitton
Huge win in California for
…Courts rules leftist effort to keep President Trump off CA ballot tramples the Founders’ vision. Illegal scheme to wire the 2020 election for leftists suffers major setback!
Amy knows…..
Four? Dear Lord. I thought it was only one involved.
The Coming Rebellion, Civil War and Balkanization of the United States
Make a note – that’s up from the previous high of 94%. I believe we’re WINNING!
Holy Schiff!!
Has it ever been this high for a Repub?
I don’t think so. 94% was a wonderful number, but 95%? That’s getting way up there. Those people are going to vote!!!
Villages speech livestream for Trump speech just went live
It has occurred to me… that the Fake “impeachment” inquiry which is not a legitimate House activity but simply a theatrical production – is similar to the Sandra Fluke (she of the slutlike behavior) “testimony” before the Dems’ play-acting “hearing. It wasn’t an official hearing, but the populace thought it was, as they used the trappings of a House hearing. So Fluke got all that face time to lie to Americans that people who need birth control for medical reasons weren’t getting it. This was part of the Obamacare charade. Unfortunately, effective.
But it’s the same show, simply Act X or whatever number we’re up to now.
Sorry, got carried away with what I had to say, forgot the link! 🙂
“That said, the courts maintain their authority to protect the legal rights of persons and institutions ensnared in kangaroo tribunals. The fact that House Democrats invite you to their circus does not require you to beclown yourself.”
I’m pretty sure Pompeo was laughing as he sent over real documents (John Solomons’ work) in response to their threatening letter.
POTUS is being so blunt, so strong, so right in your face against Schiffty and Biden, et al – I expect the Storm to break soon. Right now we’re experiencing the atmospheric changes and cloud cover which shows up before hurricanes, and major snowstorms.
Congress has become a Theater Company full of preening/prancing actors – not a serious legislature with statesmen and women.
Amen Georgia…
Usually with the DEMONicRATs, it’s act XXX ….
Gotta tell you guys this story.
My neighbor across the street is Diane. I’m not fond of Diane. She invited me to a high-Baptist tea at her home about a month after we opened for business. On the way out, I commented on her lovely ceramic Halloween pumpkin by the door. She replied, “Oh, so glad you like it, I’ll send you one.”
I thought, wow, that would be terrific. Nice neighbor.
Next day, her daughter dropped off identical ceramic pumpkin……. and a bill for $97.20.
First husband insisted I pay for the pumpkin, don’t want to cause problems in the neighborhood. Pffftttt. I was indignant. Her husband was a gem of a man, she was the problem.
Over the years, she sent me graduation announcements and wedding invitations (for the obligatory gift), although I couldn’t pick her kids out of a lineup.
Fast forward about 25yrs.
This morning, the doorbell rang at about 10:30am. Unusual, Big T answered the door. It was Andre the mailman with a pepperoni treat for Bucket. Sometimes, Bucket goes with him on his route up and down the street. Big T and Andre are both New Orleans Saints fans so I thought they were commiserating about the Dallas win, and I went back to work.
No, that wasn’t it.
Andre had a story to tell about Diane, across the street. My ears perked up. I’ll admit, gossip about Diane is mildly delicious and Bit T had a great story to tell.
Apparently, Diane reported the mailman to the postmaster.
My head snapped, “What? Andre? We LOVE Andre!”
Well, here’s the story.
Diane received an advertisement, with a nickel in it, yes, $.05 cents. If you brought the nickel into the dealership, some kind of reward/rebate on a new car. Diane thought the corner of the advertisement was damaged, and Andre “ATTEMPTED to STEAL” the nickels.
My eyebrows were wriggling like a squirrel’s tail. Disbelief. I’m thinking about the process, Andre has maybe 300 houses on his route….. that MIGHT be $15.00 if everyone on the route got one advert and would take way too much time to steal nickels.
But it was only an “Attempted Steal” because Diane’s nickel was still there.
Andre had to be interviewed by the postmaster, and as Andre tells it, everyone laughed about Diane.
What a witch she is.
She was the only one in the neighborhood with a Hillary sign.
I’ll bet you wish Dear Abby was still alive.
Is she bi-polar? We had a neighbor who was bizarre in similar ways. Turned out she was mentally ill and refused to stay on her meds.
I stay as far away from her as possible.
Her dogs get out. Sweet babies, and Gunner would round them up and return them.
She’s a nut.
Only one on the street who acts that way.
The one who lived next door to us used to pester the subdivision trustees to death. Her husband lived away from her, and there was neighborhood speculation on what she had done with him. Well, nothing, he just moved to an apartment.
President Trump is giving a heck of a speech at The Villages.
Talking common sense.
They understand.
We’re all on the same team.
“America will never be a socialist country”
Lots of chants of “4 more years”
Laughing, Trump tells the audience, “You want to drive them crazy, tell them 8 more years! or 12 more years, or 16 more years would really drive them into the loony bin.”
That’s why they do the impeachment crap, they know they can’t win.
Trump hugs people genuinely, not hair sniffing.
Lovely woman just told a story about her 5 bypasses, would never happen with socialized medicine.
In the UK, 117 days for a knee replacement.
270 days in Canada for some procedures (missed it).
Talking about the Canadians coming to the USA for surgery.
Next up, a Vietnam vet.
60% of Villages are veterans, and to Vietnam vets, welcome home — what a wonderful man, his voice is wavering.
Cancer survivor.
6 months in the hyperbaric chamber.
He had a tough time.
Taking on “Medicare for All” head on.
“Free stuff comes out of somebody else’s pocket”
Incredibly heartfelt – this guy is terrific.
Personally thanking President Trump for all he does for the vets.
and God Bless you and your family for giving us renewed home for our children and grandchildren.
Thank you Daughn for covering POTUS’ speech…
You do so much for us… we really appreciate it!
God’s country.
Amen goes right there, Daughn!
Yeah, it sure is pretty here in the fall.
We are expecting a hell of a winter this year, though.
So you live near Ben, Auber? Gets very cold there in winter?
Was surprised to see the First Lady in a ‘puffy’ jacket – when she visited Wyoming. Is it very cold in Wyoming in winter, too?
Just asking – never been that far west…
Oh, man, does it get cold here in the winter!
I have been in -25 weather more than once. It’s hard to breathe, you can feel the moisture freeze in your chest. It is colder in Wyoming I think than here where I am. The wind blows constantly over there.
I live in what they call the “banana belt” of Montana, which term I find hilarious, due to the fact that I grew up in the South, and it is COLD here. It just isn’t as bad as the eastern side of the state.
Oh, Wow, Auber! Sounds oppressive – however – it has not affected your warm heart – 🙂
Signing an EO to expand Medicare Advantage. They like it.
4 Crucial parts.
Protecting vulnerable citizens- always protect those with pre-existing conditions.
Pharma coming down, first time in 50yrs (more teasing on pharma prices from DeSantis)
Surprise billing – going to try to end it
Confronting opioid crisis – first drop in 30yrs, declined 10% in Florida last year. Need pain killers that are not addictive.
Vets – Va Accountability – Trump made it happen.
Note to FLEP: POTUS teased about a big announcement, something DeSantis is going to do but not quite ready yet. Hmmmm???? Is i the drugs from Canada?
Medicare Advantage is a much better plan than regular Medicare. Not there yet, but as an RN have seen how people are treated as 2nd class citizens as soon as they’re dumped onto Medicare by the insurance companies. The insurance companies were delighted when Medicare came along. In some areas more than 50% of the doctors won’t take new Medicare patients. Government insurance, even in this country is a downer because it is socialized medicine without competition.
It’s a pet peeve of mine that people are forced onto government insurance… but I guess that’s a battle never to be fought.
The power of being able to fire people in the VA, people who did not treat our veterans well.
They were protected by the unions.
Not quite sure how the Trump Admin got it done, but glad they did.
I spoke with a department supervisor at our local VA center. She says that this VA accountability act is the best thing she has seen in her career in the VA. Now, she can fire those in the office for not doing their jobs or slow walking things. It is not just for abuse of the veterans by care staff, also for administrative staff that do not do their job! The old system allowed for workers to be screw offs for most of the year then in the few months or weeks prior to their review, they would buck up and fly right. Then they had to be graded as showing improvement and that prevented them from being fired. I hope this goes through to other government agencies too. She said VA has many openings and they train! No experience necessary for many positions.
Bwwhahahaaa, someone told candidate Trump, “You can’t win without CNN”, Trump responded, “I guess we showed them.”
Talking about CNN viewed from overseas, a terrible thing for our country. Horrible view of America.
Trump “We need to start our own network, get a real voice out there and not a fake voice.”
CNN overseas is 100% anti America. Unwatchable for any American. Terrible, lying view of America. CNN hosts, reporters hired for International CNN must be certified America haters to be hired.
#RT #news
Christian doctor loses legal fight after objecting to trans pronouns
This is pure craziness.
Godless leftism – which is the same thing as pure craziness.
Yes, it is – * The Wave of the Future * – they can take those pronouns and shove them where the sun don’t shine – imho – bye – have to go and repent for that one!!!
Just gonna leave this here…
Wolfie will love this one.
I sure hope so.
It was a great snag, Rodney.
Thank you Daughn,Kimi seen it on one of her Bruce Lee pages she followed and remembered me talking about Wolf putting James Coburn in the open thread so the picture was sent to me.
I think it’s pretty badass picture of both men together.I have to wonder now if the two worked together?
Trump explaining “right to try” – more eloquently than ever before.
Everyone in that room understands it. Makes sense.
Talking about the gag rule at pharmacies. Previously the pharmacist was not allowed to talk about options or generics, powerful lobbyists. ……. got rid of it.
Working on forcing pharma to publicize pricing in advertising.
Safe and legal importation from Canada.
OMG he said Schmucks
We were the schmucks by paying for all the research on pharma, and other countries made better deals.
Absolutely embrace President Trump’s plain talk.
President Trump easily connects with every day Americans.
Those Florida retirees understand that term, “Schmucks” – grew up with it in NYC. Describes the Dems to a T. (No offense, Big T!) 🙂
Maximum plan – need to check into that.
Millions for Alzheimer’s research.
10yrs AIDS free – huge deal.
500 million in new research, children’s cancer, kidney available for transplant (worked hard on that one).
Millions for Alzheimers just about everything, and clinical trials suggest that mineral water with a high silica content dissolves the aluminum plaques in the brain over time. One liter a day for just a few weeks.
That would be less than $50 a month per person if it’s true.
But, no, there has to be meds.
Well then, I definitely need mineral water with high silica.
I will never let you down. You’ve been very good to me and I will never forget it. I will never let you down.
He knows something…….
Trump infers he would not be surprised if some of the hits he is taking could be coming from sectors LIKE Pharma.
He doesn’t care.
He wants to get the prices down.
But “they have the system wired”
There’s something there.
Conspiracy, price-fixing, RICO – all are possibilities. Likely they have the money trail.
So we have the wife’s name but not the attacker’s?
Once again, Moslem converts are the most dangerous ones.
Signs the EO – gives the woman the pen.
Sharing the pens now.
Guy with a shirt on “Bikers for 45”.
Good opinion column
Hope she wins. That jerk needs to be taken down a few notches.
Agree Andy… he’s a really bad dude.
I kinda have to think that is not a she,it looks like one of them things.
The Adam’s apple did it for me.
Agreed. That person was not born female.
She sounds confused.
She has been thrown for a loop, Dora! She does not know what hit her – they thought they had it all worked out – and it is bombing on them left and right!!! Imma lovin’ it!!!
This latest impeachment drive is just a show and she knows they’ll never impeach President Trump. It’s just another trick designed to hurt him in the leadup to the 2020 election. And it’s backfiring big time.
Confused, is Nitwit Nan’snormal state
Nitwit Nan hasn’t had a coherent thought in years. AND, Nitwit Nan hasn’t formed a complete sentence in years.
Old hag doesn’t have the common sense to f’n fade away and enjoy the millions she has absconded with.
The Joker
Published on Thursday, October 03, 2019
byCommon Dreams
To ‘Shift Power Back Towards Working People,’ Warren Plan Aims to End Decades-Long Attack on Organized Labor
“We cannot have a truly democratic society with so little power in the hands of working people.”
by Julia Conley, staff writer
This is likely going on all over the world. The left will stop at nothing – all kinds of human experiments.
It’s my will be done – not Thy will be done – because they do not fear and worship GOD!!!
Greatest ambassador anywhere, any time!!!!
He needs to be promoted. Too bad we need him in Germany right now.
yes… we need him to stay where he is… for a while anyway…………
Daughn, if anyone can spot potential it would be YOU.
I’ve got a nagging feeling that this Joker moving coming out this weekend is part of a set up for a false flag or some sick psy-op:
1. The US Army sent out a warning about the movie attracting mass shooters. Hopefully this is white hats trying to foil a false flag plot and not part of the psy-op.
2. Robert De Niro has a major role in the film. Not only is the man a loud anti-Trumper and cabal tool, but he created the mass shooter archetype with “Taxi Driver.” [I’ve got a long-running theory that “Taxi Driver” was made for use in the brainwashing of mass shooters, and that Robert De Niro’s headline-grabbing antics are used to trigger sleeper cells, but that’s another post entirely. Let’s just say there’s a correlation between his headlines and false flags.]
3. Anyone else remember the creepy clown sightings from 2016? There’s even a Wikipedia page about it. Another psy-op involving clowns.
4. There are 6600 days between 9/11 and 10/6 (Sunday). Parkland happened 6000 days after 9/11. The cabal loves 6s.
I’m coming to believe a lot of what Hollywood has pumped out has put the truth right in front of us for a long time with the intention of convincing us, Oh, that can’t happen in real life. That’s in the movies.
And then the stereotyping that they do to the conspiracy crowd, even if it isn’t true.
Look for tell-tale symbols.
Hmmm. And 60 days beyond that?
We have a small shopping center a ways away that celebrated 666 days in business, since being totally renovated. At Christmas time, the stars in their decorations are all upside-down, that is, with one point down, two on the top, i.e. the horns of Baphomet. I haven’t shopped there since, nor will I until they change ownership. Oddly enough, the owner of that store is experiencing severe financial difficulties… so maybe things will change sooner rather than later…there’s a lot more of that stuff out there than most folks realize…
6660 days after 9/11 is Friday, December 6th, if anyone is curious.
We have a coffeehouse in my city that is covered in Satanic crap and has made headlines for their anti-Trump protests. I found out recently that they received a taxpayer-funded grant from the city for business renovations.
Hmmm. That’s Nikolaus (St. Nicholas’ Day). A sort of holiday in many countries over here (especially for youngster, I guess 🙂 ). Also the day many Weihnachtsmärkte open up (or the weekend prior).
Would be interesting if someone went in there and left a few tracts behind… My wife’s family do that here, as a sort of evangelisation effort. Who knows, it could help…
Ewwww, that’s sick.
Is she a moron? He admitted it!
Unbelievable! Yeah, she’s a moron🍄
More evidence Pelosi has lost what little sanity she ever had.
She has gone beyond dishonesty to delusion and self-deception.
Just as I speculated @ BB – once he converted, he could no longer work with/for a woman……
“A deaf civilian police worker who had recently converted to Islam was shot dead in Paris today after murdering four colleagues with a ceramic knife following a ‘dispute over working with female colleagues’.
Michael Harpon, 45, caused the bloodbath in the French capital’s historic Police Prefecture, next door to Notre Dame Cathedral.”
“All were repeatedly stabbed by Harpon, who had worked in the IT department at the Prefecture since 2003, in the worst loss of French police lives in a single day since World War II.
Harpon had recently been reprimanded by his female boss over his refusal to interact with women, Actu17 reported.
Within hours of the attack, anti-terrorist officers had raided Harpon’s flat in an apartment block at Gonesse, a suburb some 12 miles from the scene of the attack.
His wife, Iham, was arrested, as an investigating source said that the nature of Harpon’s attack corresponded with similar ones carried out by terrorists affiliated to Islamic State and Al-Qaeda.”
Wonder how they’ll spin this…
The French authorities will probably say he was the victim of religious persecution and had a temporary moment of insanity caused by PTSD.
The (few) articles here online mention that he was “slightly handicapped”, which affected his work somehow. I guess deaf people will get targeted/suppressed now.
Deafness is NOT a “slight” handicap.
Nor is it an excuse OR a reason for this fellow’s rampage.
It’s very clear that if he won’t work with women (or, probably FOR women, which isn’t mentioned anywhere), then Mohammedanism is the problem.
We have ENORMOUS problems at swimming facilities because the Moslems will not tolerate mixed bathing/swimming/etc. Well, if they want to live in the sixth century, they can go back home. Punkt.
And Macaroon will probably pass it off as a psycho incident, a one-time event, or the usual “workplace violence” bull$hit. What a Maroon. Macaroon the Maroon…
This is what they do with their time ?
Fallin’ out the chair laughing ……………………..
on what planet is this going to happen ?
These people think Americans are stupid, and it’s the DIMs that are STUPID.
phoenixrising37, this is what happens when we vote people into Congress who have no clue how congress works. They do to know the rules or constitution.
This is what happens when people get put on committees they have no experience to be on. Nanci is a moron and has created the destruction of the democrat party and she is set to take down our President in the process. Just because she has skeletons in her closet and is afraid someone is going to luck to close.
The other is heir hate for POTUS is blind because he is destroying their communist vision for the USA.
I do what else could it be?????
Voter fraud. Ballot harvesting. Candidate fraud. Obviously hates the United States. Need US history courses required to be taken…actual history.
I am not kidding – these people may try a preemptive hot coup.
Yes, they might.
They are creating the false premise for the fake news to carry the ball. That weird possibility is not lost on me.
The congress critters are dangerous . They do not deserve our respect.
Have to say, Tlaib makes “Swamp Thing” look attractive…
“And I’m no genius. I’m no sage. My skills are no different than anyone else’s. One of the things that makes humans human is our ability to recognize patterns. This unique skill of ours created the wheel, put a man on the moon, gave us the iPhone and Hogan’s Heroes.
So, after all of this…
Hispanic George Zimmerman: The White Racist Killer
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!
Trump Can’t Win
Brett Kavanaugh: Serial Rapist
The KKKids from KKKovington High School
Trump Colluded with Russia
Brett Kavanugh: Serial Rapist Part Deux
…only a chimp with a learning disability could fail to recognize another yet-another *yawn* pattern pointing to a desperate conspiracy orchestrated by the Deep State, Democrats, and the media to take out the Bad Orange Man.”
Yep. And in their best Hochstetter voice, they say of VSGPDJT,
This is a good leader!!!
Abbott is going to let Aystin become san fran and infect the great state of Texas.
Meanwhile in san fran:
She’s just crazy enough to say that, too.
This could be really interesting. Health departments have a LOT of power that can be employed.
Yep. Steam clean the sidewalks with Lysol or Pine-Sol every (or every other) morning, and no-one will want to camp there… not even rats or politicians (but I repeat myself)…
Yeah, fellow Wolfpack members, I am thinking I may need to own up to having been dead wrong about Rosey.
We still don’t know if he was acting as an informant. If he was being lied to by Comey and McCabe and knew it, then took it to Sessions, he could have been tasked with “going along”. If the lawfare game was close to what I think it was, he may have had his hand forced. Don’t count yourself wrong YET.
Possible especially in this age of spy vs spy played here at home. Thesetruths vaguely suggested such yesterday. We will have to wait and see, not too long now, but at least a marker has been established.
Thanks Wolfie – everybody needs to be bucked up once in a while.
I think I’ve finally discovered a way to get a million dollars. I’ll just pretend to be a close relative of one of the shooting victims. Think that’ll fly?
Is it SOP for POTUS to be tweeting this late in the day?
He must be fired up!
Prayer warriors…wisdom on what to do, easeing of the pain and healing
Chemical burns on back of legs
Judt hapoened 15 min ago.
Complicated b6 other health issues
Sorry to hear this MAGA mom.
Keep a close eye on it and be prepared to seek medical assistance if it gets worse.
Prayers sent
MAGA Mom……..
Praying for you…………
Call 911
Dial 911 or local poison control at 1-800-222-1222.
1. Protect Yourself
Put on gloves or apron, if possible.
Avoid exposing yourself to chemicals.
2. Rinse and Clear Burn Area
Flood area with cool water for at least 20 minutes or until help arrives.
Make sure water doesn’t flow onto another part of the person’s body or onto you.
Don’t use a strong stream of water, if possible.
Praying for you MAGA Mom
Call 911
1. Protect Yourself
Put on gloves or apron, if possible.
Avoid exposing yourself to chemicals.
2. Rinse and Clear Burn Area
Flood area with cool water for at least 20 minutes or until help arrives.
Make sure water doesn’t flow onto another part of the person’s body or onto you.
Don’t use a strong stream of water, if possible.
I’m sorry to hear this. Found a first aid post from WebMD (I know, but first aid advice is sound).
Please wash thoroughly. Clean, cold water for 20 minutes. More at the site.
If it’s an acid – baking soda and water might help. Aloe is also good….as I recall.
There may be directions on substance that burned you on how to treat a burn.
Our dermatologist always recommends vaseline/petroleum jelly and Aquaphor for healing.
Oh gosh, not good. Head to emergency room.
What chemical, what concentration, what length of exposure?
better. Looks like a weird rash at this piont. Still painful but ok. Have to position myself very odd hard on back. Will b3 fine. Painful like a burn but much better than earlir..
Appreciat3 prayers.
Update on the super secret Planned Parenthood facility in So. Illinois.
It’s in Fairview Heights, which is in St. Clair County right along I-64. According to the various reports I’ve seen, PP used a shell company to get the construction done without the city or the county knowing about it. The dead in St. Clair County vote, yes, but there are a lot of Catholics in the area. It’s bound to not go over very well.
Secret facility? THAT is WEIRD.
Just out of curiosity – is that company that allegedly artificially produces heme anywhere nearby?
The artificial blood people? I think they’re on this side of the river. Someone my family knew was working on that like 30 years ago.
No, this is heme for human dietary consumption – that “impossible [whatever]”. It is used to make artificial red meat.
I’m not sure about the exact forms of heme being used – it looks like there are several under discussion.
I mean, with talk of ARTIFICIAL HUMAN MEAT in the mainstream media now…..
The facility in California for that company is right next to a Planned Parenthood. I kid you not. I saw it on a Google Maps view, after somebody pointed it out in looking at the facility. At first I thought that was weird, then just coincidental, but then I realized that, if I had no morals, the economics would be unquestionable. Mixing waste natural heme into the product stream, if it can be separated from medical waste, would be a guaranteed moneymaker.
But there is more than just MONEY. The point would be PSYCHOLOGICAL – just like sneaking in a communist president.
Recycling of people is BREAKING A PRIMITIVE TABOO. It may take DECADES before it happens, but BREAKING a taboo over time requires stealth at first.
Did you ever see Cloud Atlas? The near-future “utopia/dystopia” features recyclable clone girls who serve the normies / elite. Their biomass is LITERALLY recycled directly.
This may not be happening at the moment – probably is not happening at the moment – total conspiracy theory. But it is reasonably forseeable based on economics. Just like prostitution, just like smuggling, just like pedophilia, just like drug abuse. Human MEAT is easy to spot. Human HEME may not be.
I am really seeing what the other side does as largely psychological. Tricking us at every turn.
I have a weak stomach and am perfectly sober. I’ll need to be half loaded to not barf while reading this.
Yeah, don’t think about it. If my research is productive, I’ll give you a two-drink warning.
Why not? Step back into a 30yr time warp. Trannies were an aberration. Pedophiles were universally castigated. Abortion was somewhat rare but the specter of “making a live baby comfortable until it dies” would be unthinkable. A terror attack that left bodies strewn on sidewalks and arenas would never have been left un avenged.
The KKK was toxic but now antifa which operates exactly the same is praised by the Left.
Everything that was repulsive and shunned by most people globally has been introduced and gradually inserted in average society. Eating human meat…already being talked about
Fake News must be destroyed.
Amen on that..I’m beginning to also think that the tech aspect is just as bad..maybe it’s because it’s going to be the only vehicle for many to receive information. Phones/Apps are starting to expand to the extent that many wouldn’t have a clue how to pay a bill, make a deposit, etc etc
We’re allowing phones to track us, film us, advertise to us , facial ID coming but fingerprint ID is already on there. I hope that we don’t win the war with the Left only to find out that we’ve become slaves to whoever runs the cyber world..ykwim?
Yup. It’s going to be rough. BUT – and I need to do a post – if we don’t engage and WIN, we will be ruled by UNGODLY TECH, as opposed to GODLY TECH. And yes – I believe that we can have GODLY TECH.
You’re absolutely right. They push the outrageous on us until it becomes real.
Actually, using a shell company to get the building built and not revealing its purpose until later was evil genius, Usually, when PP applies for permits, they might get them, but MANY construction companies and those related to the industry will not work for them. Word goes on on the wire, and PP can’t find builders, electricians, etc. They just won’t bid on the project. So, this time, they used a front company to build the building easily accessible from the city (St. Louis) in a state that isn’t trying to outlaw their most profitable business product.
And they’re being smug about it, too.
VERY interesting. That kind of sneakiness tells me a lot. CLOUD ATLAS PSYCH PREP. I am really starting to think that my new paradigm of “get beyond the Mamet principle” “they pretend not to know things to advance HIDDEN LOGICAL REASONS that merely look illogical relative to their stated goals – so find the logical reason” is a gold mine.
Personally, I just think the PP people were being sneaky bastards so as to trick good, honest tradesmen into doing something they wouldn’t if they knew what the building was for.
And it’s not like we won’t be able to find it. I mean, it’s in Fairview, not Freeberg or New Baden. It can’t be too far off of Illinois 159, either, or Missouri people could never find it.
Yeah, I’m just getting ahead of the whole abortion paradigm. This matters to people above the idiot Dems.
Ha ha ha!
Maybe folks should text “Stupid” or “Maroon” or even “Horizontal” or “Heelsup” to 70785…
(using a Democrat’s phone 🙂 )… Kamala Harris.dork …
Or, better yet, “Trump2020” 😀
Harris comes across as a party girl who laughs everything off because she has no answers and no substance. I can’t imagine her dealing with world leaders. America would be the laughingstock of the world.
I can honestly imagine her hitting on foreign leaders. I am NOT kidding.
Gives a whole new meaning to foreign relations…
Heels up, Up and AWAY!!!
The farther away, the better 🙂
(maybe Hill-the-BEAST has a spare broom)…
I agree. She would bring a complete lack of dignity, decorum, or morality to the office.
She’s not smart. She has a hammer (sex) and a sickle (lies). Everything has to be fixed with those. No screwdriver. No wrench. No sockets. No nothin’ else.
Heels up has perfected the most irritating voice, with matching cackle.
Waited for her to say …pleae3 clap
Justice requires the arrests too. Building a crescendo, I get it.
I think he’s talking about DEFEATING something DEEPER than NAZISM and SOCIALISM – something that gins up political movements like octopus ink.
The arrests are a TOOL to clean up what will be EXPOSED.
It must be so old its unknown to most. Vatican, globalist money..
Yes. I think this is very nasty, very old, and is now crashing and burning for a reason.
The vast majority of Americans cannot believe how evil these people in charge are now. I thought I understood and I do better than most; but this level of evil is so old and so deep that it is beyond our understanding. As more people see what we are fighting against, they will be less inclined to have Sympathy for the Devil. They are taking their masks off and spitting in our faces.
When I was praying the other night the scriptures related to the earth vomiting them out came to mind and I looked them up again. This is not a war that can our will be fought at our level. We must stand on what we know and do our part, however, this is so far beyond us that we must Trust God to handle it. God wins. Our part is to STAND with him and do whatever He asks of us so that we are also victors in this battle.
Jonah 2:10
Verse Concepts
Then the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah up onto the dry land.
Proverbs 26:11
Verse Concepts
Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly.
Proverbs 23:6-8
Do not eat the bread of a selfish man, Or desire his delicacies; For as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, “Eat and drink!” But his heart is not with you. You will vomit up the morsel you have eaten, And waste your compliments.
Proverbs 25:16-17
Have you found honey? Eat only what you need, That you not have it in excess and vomit it. Let your foot rarely be in your neighbor’s house, Or he will become weary of you and hate you.
2 Peter 2:17-22
These are springs without water and mists driven by a storm, for whom the black darkness has been reserved. For speaking out arrogant words of vanity they entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality, those who barely escape from the ones who live in error, promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is more.
Leviticus 18:24-28
‘Do not defile yourselves by any of these things; for by all these the nations which I am casting out before you have become defiled. ‘For the land has become defiled, therefore I have brought its punishment upon it, so the land has spewed out its inhabitants. ‘But as for you, you are to keep My statutes and My judgments and shall not do any of these abominations, neither the native, nor the alien who sojourns among youread more.
Leviticus 20:22-24
‘You are therefore to keep all My statutes and all My ordinances and do them, so that the land to which I am bringing you to live will not spew you out. ‘Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I will drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them. ‘Hence I have said to you, “You are to possess their land, and I Myself will give it to you to possess it, a land flowing with milk and honey ” I am the LORD your God, who has separated you from the peoples.
Isaiah 19:13-14
The princes of Zoan have acted foolishly, The princes of Memphis are deluded; Those who are the cornerstone of her tribes Have led Egypt astray. The LORD has mixed within her a spirit of distortion; They have led Egypt astray in all that it does, As a drunken man staggers in his vomit.
Jeremiah 25:15-29
For thus the LORD, the God of Israel, says to me, “Take this cup of the wine of wrath from My hand and cause all the nations to whom I send you to drink it. “They will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them.” Then I took the cup from the LORD’S hand and made all the nations to whom the LORD sent me drink it:read more.
Jeremiah 48:26
Verse Concepts
“Make him drunk, for he has become arrogant toward the LORD; so Moab will wallow in his vomit, and he also will become a laughingstock.
Isaiah 28:7-8
And these also reel with wine and stagger from strong drink: The priest and the prophet reel with strong drink, They are confused by wine, they stagger from strong drink; They reel while having visions, They totter when rendering judgment. For all the tables are full of filthy vomit, without a single clean place.
Job 20:12-15
“Though evil is sweet in his mouth And he hides it under his tongue, Though he desires it and will not let it go, But holds it in his mouth, Yet his food in his stomach is changed To the venom of cobras within more.
Great verses. This is indeed a battle occurring on levels which we cannot see, by powers we often cannot comprehend; thus much prayer is necessary. Ephesians 6:10-18 says what’s really happening, and what we should do, for there are indeed dark forces at work:
I know this is 2019, but this one…Planet Bellevue. (big mental hospital in NY)
These people have gone totally insane!
If they’re talking about eating babies, they’re not just insane, they’re possessed…
Eating one’s own is DEMONIC…
I laughed. Especially when they tried to start shushing her when she says “we need to eat the babies.” They know how bad it looks. It reveals a lot about the Left when I can’t tell if this woman is a plant or if she’s genuine.
Speaking of plants, one thinks of “Please Don’t Eat The Daisies”…
“Please Don’t Eat The Babies”…..
Holy moley! Eat the babies…
I saw your post up thread, last paragraph “Everything that was repulsive and shunned by most people globally has been introduced and gradually inserted in average society. Eating human meat…already being talked about.” Still bets you didn’t think they’d get to this so quickly!
Shut up Sandy from the Bronx..this is what your fake climate hysteria has created.
Aside from eating babies she said even if we bomb’s not enough
OMG – there is only one solution now…..
What this is, is a race to virtue signal. Each virtue signal has to become more and more urgent and desperate to gain attention.
She is proposing a propaganda meme, not a serious proposal, but it STILL shows what is happening. The urgency that she wants to encapsulate in a provocative meme is a DELUSION. There is NO EVIDENCE that there is anywhere NEAR the crisis she talks about. But yet people believe it because of FAKE NEWS.
This is the same thing that made the scientific proposals to solve the “climate emergency” so bizarre and WRONG. It got to the point where people began to propose things that are honestly DESTRUCTIVE to life on the planet.
This is ALL making sense now.
I guess it was too hard for AOC to say “no, we are not going to eat the babies”
And then there’s the AOC unfazed crowd slowly digesting the proposal.
Whether it was prank or not just those two things alone should give you pause about how serious these people take this stuff.
Well… anyway according to AOC we’re still months away from having to consider such proposals.
If you’re a Democrat……………………
You ignore any evidence, facts, what have you with regard to you or your family with regard to wrongdoing.
You don’t deny anything, only a Plebeian would do such a crass thing.
You simply ignore any accusations as the lies they are, and attack and/or threaten anyone who attempts to
talk about it. If they should be so foolish as to repeat these accusations, you have them arrested.
Translation: China’s 1.5 billion $$$ plus a million or so change from Ukraine, etc. will buy a law school professorship any day of the week.
They have no shame, and they rub our faces in their dishonesty.
Creepy Joe’s body language says it all…he’s so spooked he’s gone impotent..doesn’t even want to grab her hands or smell her hair
Your EVENING Images.. from the water this evening..

Notice these Pics are different..
YEA!!!! The Misses found MY Digi Camera!
Meet My great & BIG hearted,, Lug-Head,, Muh Landlord..
His name is,, believe it or not is.. Snow..
I cannot carry a tune..
“My friends, it looks like we have a guaranteed hit on our hands. That trailer was awesome, and Eastwood is about to tell a story most Americans my age probably don’t know anything about.
What happened to Richard Jewell was disgraceful. Again, I’m not going to spoil anything for you, but it should outrage all freedom-loving Americans.
Now, Eastwood will take a crack at the tragic story of the 1996 summer Olympics bombing. If there’s anybody capable of doing it well, it’s Clint Eastwood.”
Surprised Politico is not covering the AOC disaster, “We need to start eating babies” cuz of climate change.
What a PR nightmare.
I literally could not watch this. It was just a total cringe. To virtue signal at that level is mind-boggling.
THIS is the power of FAKE MEDIA. The power of their FAKE WORLD.
This woman is PROOF that the fake media and lunatic left manipulates people to ACT. They can say she’s mentally ill but we all know family and friends that for all the years we knew them have become shrill fanatics that can’t even have a normal interaction anymore.
A steady diet of propaganda is taking root.
It is INDUCED PSYCHOSIS! It is literally MASS PSYCHOSIS. It is PSYCHOSIS IN SOFTWARE. We can actually induce – knowingly – errors in thinking.
The fake news REALLY IS the enemy of the people.
Rick Perry is resigning, and the left have already convinced themselves he is complicit in the Ukraine.
Rick Perry worked his butt off but he’s been hit from day 1 by leftists. Im surprised he has lasted this long.
Might be running for Senator?
Hope so. We need more Rick Perry!
Maybe not – he is 69 years old –
By the time you reach 65 or so, you begin to realize that no matter what you do, time moves swiftly into the future.
At this point you put all you have into the battle and realize that winning is the only thing left here for you to do.
No compromise. Stand up. President Trump is a fine example of putting everything you have done here on the line for the people who come after you. There can be no compromise. This is the final battle for all or nothing. God is all and Satan is nothing. Play to win. You cannot lose.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †
God Bless America
God Bless President Trump etal
This is why its no longer the Golden state. The democrats are derelicts, thieves, and overlords.
Go Trumpismine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting thread:
I don’t watch the shows, but Scott Presler was on Tucker Carlson tonight in case someone can bring the clip when available. He is an amazing person.
I saw it, he was just fine. He will prob have it on his twit page later.
Da Man’s still at it @ twitter
Who’s more beautimus FLOTUS or Wyoming?
First Lady Melania Trump Visits Wyoming
Unfortunately it appears Antifa criminals will make an appearance at next week’s rally.
IIRC, the local police have been directed to be less visible than they normally woul.
If not in Minneapolis, a future even, Antifa will arrive raising hell with peaceful MAGA folks.
Me thinks, the Mayor and Governor would do well to warn Antifa they will not interfere with Rally folks and give them an out of bounds that best be followed. Unlike Portland Mayor and Police facilitating Antifa terror.
FTA Violent Left ANTIFA Terrorists Plan ‘America is Cancelled’ Protest Outside of Minneapolis Trump Rally Next Week
The terror group plans to protest Trump’s rally at the Target Center on Oct. 10.
America is canceled….wow that’s a winning slogan. Do Dims
AOC and the NY constitutes have lost their minds
The task force, designed to lead rapid response to Trump during the impeachment inquiry, has confirmed members including comedian Rosie O’Donnell; actors Tom Arnold, Ron Perlman and George Takei; and actresses Debra Messing and Alyssa Milano, The Democratic Coalition’s co-founder Scott Dworkin told Newsweek. The task force launched a fundraising effort and basic plan on Thursday. The group has already started meeting and is set to go live with its website next week.
It aims to utilize The Democratic Coalition’s massive social media following to protect House Democrats in the front lines of the impeachment inquiry on Trump.
Rapidrabid response team[snort]
Snort is right.
Sadly, I can believe this happening, and other than bacon, and some sausages, I am NOT a pork fan.
Oh, FUCK these ChiComs. OH FUCK these LYING skeleton-faced shits.
Wolf would not mess around with this stuff. No trade. No immigration. No travel. END IT until we have guarantees that look like a PRISON AROUND CHINA.
Wolf, The Chinese are manufacturing almost all of our Generic Medicines. That is even more of a reason to cut off all trade.
The Chinese government is not our friend. Most of our government is not our friend.
We need to help each other and stop relying on the forces of evil to protect us. God protects us.
Satan never offered us anything worth having.
When Satan tempted Jesus, he offered what Jesus already had as an enticement. He quoted excerpts of Scripture to Jesus to persuade him. Jesus quoted the whole Scripture to make the point that Satan has nothing and can offer nothing that we do not already possess.
We have to Trust God, Stand on His Promises and realize that we are the Children of the Living God. Satan cannot even save himself.
God will bring us through the battle as victors if we trust Him and Stand Firm.
Amen goes right there, Elizabeth!
In the Chinese Year of the Earth Pig, too – dunno what that means – but, seems to me their pig population is dwindling – and endangered – perhaps, that is why they are buying US GRADE A PORK!!!
We’ve got plenty to sell them.
Yes, we do, DP! LOL
How twisted and demonic the leftists have become.
Long day here. Time to bid you all adieu, ciao, buona notte, etc. See y’all tomorrow,
Sweet dreams!
Swamp is deep.
Rut Roh Scooby…
A Quick Burn – A Modest Proposal – IPOT Presents – 10.4.19