Dear K/MAGA: 20191020 Open Topic

This very special
It’s a [ANOTHER] Red October SUNDAY open thread

is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody
to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats,
and the rest of the MAGA|KAG!|KMAG world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said,
comment on people’s comments.
Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


It’s a [ANOTHER] Red October Sunday

If it’s not a great day for foreign diplomacy AND a great day for exposing corruption AND a great day for a highly patriotic Trump Rally, we may just have to run around the building a couple times just to burn off all the excess energy we are getting from the winnamins we’ve been taking!
Yes, there is much to take very seriously, but there is also much to fill our hearts with hope in this very Red October.
May we be stirred to courage and prayer in these days of great activity in every arena and in every dimension.
Blessings, Think*3

2nd American Revolutionary|Civil War 

        Can there be a holiness movement without holiness being the focus? There can and must be. Holiness is the most basic characteristic of The Holy Spirit as that is His name. Yet, He does not come to speak of Himself, but to lead us to Jesus—the Truth. In this same way, the most powerful holiness movement of all time will not have holiness as its focus, but rather “The Holy One of God,” Jesus. Anything that eclipses Jesus as our main love and devotion can be an idol, even the things of God such as holiness.

True holiness is the fruit of our love for God, not the focus of it.

         Can we find a single reference in Scripture to the scene around the throne of God where those present are not saying “holy is The Lord?” They could have been saying “loving is The Lord,” or “The Lord is full of grace, mercy…,” but they’re saying “holy.” So it seems that in His presence, this is perhaps the most profound characteristic of God that we see. Yet, this has had little emphasis in the church for decades. Why? Could it be because we have gotten so far from His throne? Have we been caught up in so much religious activity that we have not been getting closer to God or walking in true authority, which is represented by His throne?

         We can expect this to change soon. The last move of God will be the greatest of all because it will be God moving. His people will fall in love with Him because they’re going to seek Him, and He promise that if we seek Him we will find Him. When we find Him we too will be in awe of His holiness.

         So what will that look like? Rather than speculating we should go and see. The great truths of our faith have often been reduced by men trying to define them, especially before they have experienced them. For this reason, most of the definitions about holiness have been about cleaning up the outside, our behavior, rather than changing our heart, which results in change from the inside out. We can comply with a definition of proper behavior with our hearts and still be full of sin and wickedness, or legalism.

         So let us resolve to be changed by seeing His glory with unveiled faces. The veils are often our own ideals, or even preferences. When we see Him without removing the veils, we usually try to make Him in our image rather than being changed into His.

         If we are disciples, we have certainly poured over the Scriptures enough to understand sin and the works of the flesh, the carnal nature. As John explained in his epistles, if we have been born again from above, these should no longer be our basic nature. The struggle to get free of them is great and it is not meant to be easy. As we mature in the nature of Christ, which Paul referred to as the forming of Christ within us, these works of the flesh are no longer our nature. We grow in the Spirit of Christ, which is The Holy Spirit, and manifest the fruit of The Spirit.

         We read of the carnal nature in Galatians 5:19-21:

“Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: 

immorality, impurity, sensuality,
idolatry, sorcery,

enmities, strife,
jealousy, outbursts of anger,

disputes, dissensions, factions,
envying, drunkenness, carousing,
and things like these,

of which I forewarn you,
just as I have forewarned you,

that those who practice such things
will not inherit
the kingdom of God.”

         As we see declared here and in other places, we cannot continue to practice these things and inherit the kingdom of God. This does not mean that sincere, maturing Christians who are true disciples cannot occasionally fall to fleshly behavior. We are told that even “the righteous fall seven times” (see Proverbs 24:16). Yet as that verse continues, “but they rise yet again.” They do not stay down but rather get back up and fight on.

         The war against the carnal nature is a mighty struggle. In Romans 1-2 we are told to be “transformed by the renewing of our minds.” The Greek word translated “transformed” in this text is the same word from which we get the English word “metamorphous,” the change a caterpillar goes through in the cocoon to become a butterfly. It is said that the greatest struggle a butterfly will ever experience is getting out of the cocoon, but it is that struggle that strengthens it so that it can flap those big wings and fly. We too will likely face our biggest struggle getting free of the carnal nature, but it is that struggle that strengthens us to spiritually soar as we are called to do.

         False teachers since the first century have twisted and distorted the teachings of grace to assert that we do not need to struggle against the old nature like this, and what we do in the body doesn’t really matter. These are wolves in sheep’s clothing. As the Apostle Paul wrote of them, “their condemnation is just” (Romans 3:8). The word of God is clear that if we practice the works of the flesh and live in the carnal nature, we will not inherit the kingdom.

         We are told in Hebrews12:14 to “Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.” 

        Sanctification is another word for holiness, and we will not see Him without it. It is that important. So we must pursue holiness, but we do this by pursuing The Lord, seeking to get close to Him.

         Then we will be in a place where everyone is crying “HOLY,” and we will too.




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Most Excellent T3!!! 👏👏👏
Love the Wolf!!!
Love Kari Jobe!
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
With all creation I sing
Praise to the King of Kings
You are my everything
And I will adore You 💕 💕


Sunday’s the day that we should rest,
Take time from life, worship our God.
These days of strife pull us away
To lesser thoughts, so terribly flawed.
The spin and lies we hear each day
Trouble our thoughts, disturb our minds,
And take us to a darkening place
Where nothing is peaceful or kind.
That dark place is the best reason
We need to set Sunday aside
To bring some peace into our lives,
And seek sense from our Holy Guide.
There’s Sunday school and church service
And some other things you can do:
Pray, praise, read, tithe, serve, share, or sing.
That’s entirely up to you.
If you search a bit on the ‘net
You can find a good devotion.
There’s lots of good prayers to read
Or sing, if you’ve got the notion.
Or stay with us here, at the QTree
In our branches in the woods,
And leave some spiritual thoughts
That would do us all some good.
Maybe you have a favorite verse,
A thought, prayer or Psalm to leave.
Or a proverb, praise or poem;
Something to cheer us that believe.
The main point that is to be made,
No matter how, no matter the way,
We all have to make ample time
To seek and worship God today.


An instant Sunday classic. Bravo!


My absolute favorite….
“Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have];
for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] [Josh. 1:5.]
So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me? [Ps. 27:1;118:6.]”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:5-6‬ ‭AMPC‬‬
God Bless Everyone!! 🤗😘😍


Wonderful, Carl…well done and so nicely said.
Love it!
Thank you.


To the one who makes me stop right there
And think about Heavenly things everywhere
I will remember his strong, sage advice
And thank our triune God – not once, but thrice!
I thank God for you, too, carl – God Bless You!!!


comment image


Awwww…how sweet – is that you, carl?




Amen and thanks Carl …. it’s wonderful .. ❤️


Jose Altuve … Game 6 walk-off home run….ALCS MVP
Take a good look….this is guaranteed first ballot Cooperstown hitter…comment image
70% of this roster will be going to Cooperstown
2 World Series appearance in 3 seasons. A dynasty is born.comment image



Deplorable Patriot

Two? And a dynasty is born? [shakes head] Expansion clubs.
Enjoy it.


Jose Altuve is 5’3″ tall…
a true inspiration for many little boys…all a round Excellent Player.


Pointing out the unambiguous and blatantly in-your-face obvious…
The Houston Astros are playing the Washington (DC) Nationals in the World Series this year…
…or, metaphorically speaking…
…it’s the Deplorables from Texas vs. the DC Swamp
The bad news?
There isn’t any. The Deplorables…who finished the regular season as the best team in MLB…just beat the 2nd best team (NY) in 6 games to win the American League pennant. 😁👍
The good news?
The Deplorables are HEAVILY favored to beat the snot out of the DC team to win the World Series. And they (dare I say “we”) have home field advantage, where the Stros went a filthy, intimidating, ridiculous 60-21 during the regular season. 😎
World Series game schedule (all games start 7:08 PM CST):
G1 – Tuesday @ Houston
G2 – Wednesday @ Houston
G3 – Friday @ DC
G4 – Sat. @ DC
G5 – Sunday @ DC (if necessary)
G6 – Tuesday @ Houston (if necessary)
G7 – Wednesday @ Houston (if necessary)comment image


No pressure now


Rand Paul and a senior staffer were confronted by two old liberals while eating lunch in a California restaurant Friday….

Deplorable Patriot

Sat next to the dirty old man blue dog Democrat yesterday at a wedding. His favorite word is BS, but up until now he’s been fairly civil. It’s starting to wane. They can’t even calm down to have a ten minute conversation about simple facts.


Shep’s co-workers are starting to speak out about him.


And everyone was surprised! Not.
What’s this I hear about a non compete clause in his contract? Aww


I’ve got some gay friends. What Shep would be known as is a “Queen.”
That bitchy, snarky, prima donna behavior is fairly common in gay men.


Matching tie and dress…….heh.


FLOTUS and POTUS photo….noticed that…surprised the MSM didn’t have their usual snark about it…but, it’s my favorite dress worn by Melania of the past 3 years.


Mine, too. I want one just like it.


Please remember that Red October was actually November 7, 1917……close to everywhere but Russia.


All these years…and they are just now admitting that there is asbestos in their baby powder?

Deplorable Patriot

Now that the big awards in the lawsuits have been thrown out of court, yes.
The only place I ever put baby powder was on the pads of my flute to keep them from sticking.


Ack…here’s that embeded tweet with video, so it will play here.




Sometime between 2-3 am – President Trump’s Twitter hit 66 Million followers!
66,001,853 @realDonaldTrum followers – 3:53 am – 10/20/19


🎶 never mind 🎶


And this silly itch was a prosecutor!


Bwahahahahcomment image


Oh, that made me LOL!!!


Please pass me that bottle of Rolaids. Fast.


That’s so funny. 🙂


Carlos Osweda (@COsweda) Tweeted:
Also TRUE supporters of @realDonaldTrump have the calmness that comes with absolute certainty.
They know the president, themselves, and the outcome. They have no need advertise.
Most of what President Trump does is clandestine. His real supporters are the same.


Nice to know that Potus is paying attentioncomment imagecomment image

Deplorable Patriot

That was the priest’s message to us about prayer at Mass last night.


1) Never fear,Pelosi, other US Dem lawmakers arrive in Jordan for meetings on Syria to save the day!!🙄 .House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a group of U.S. lawmakers announced late Saturday U.S. time that they had arrived in Jordan for meetings with King Abdullah II and other officials regarding the situation in Syria.Although touted as a “bipartisan” delegation, the group includes just one Republican — Rep. Mac Thornberry of Texas, ranking member of the House Armed Services Commitee.
Oct 20, 2019, 15:32 · Web · 2 · 2
Dawnz01 @Dawnz
2) “Our bipartisan delegation is visiting Jordan at a critical time for the security and stability of the region,” Pelosi said in a statement. “With the deepening crisis in Syria after Turkey’s incursion, our delegation has engaged in vital discussions about the impact to regional stability, increased flow of refugees, and the dangerous opening that has been provided to ISIS, Iran and Russia.
Dawnz01 @Dawnz
3) ”Along with Pelosi, the other Democrats in the delegation are Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Foreign Services Committee; Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee;
Dawnz01 @Dawnz
4) Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wis., member of the House Ways and Means Committee; Rep. Susan Davis, D-Calif., member of the House Armed Services Committee; Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., chairman of the House Oversight and Reform subcommittee on national security; and Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Va., member of the House Armed Services Committee.


Yeah and Also saw a snippet about Impeachment dirt digging heading in a different direction other than Ukraine. Wondering if that’s what this is about?

Deplorable Patriot

They’re pumping blood into a dead body. This is starting to look like the political version of “Weekend at Bernies.”


They were hoping to get up a stink about Doral and emoluments – but PDJT, did a Lucy trick and moved the football at the last minute.


FISA belongs to the current Potus and his team


I love this onecomment image


From anonymous conservative
Thought of you wolf
File under archival material of Cabal: The Heaven’s Gate Cult was run by former Army Signal Corps soldier Marshall Applewhite. He had married Bonnie Nettles, who died of liver cancer twelve years before Marshall Applewhite decided to take his cult away to the Halle-Bopp Comet. Of interest is Bonnie Nettles, who was a happily married nurse, until in the early 1970’s she began to hear the voice of a 19th Century monk in her head who gave her instructions which she found to be reliable. Se would later say the voice was an extraterrestrial, offering her direction. She began seeing fortune tellers and became a believer in them, when several all told her she would meet a mysterious man who looked like Marshall Applewhite, even describing him physically. When she finally met him, she was besotted, and left her family to became a integral part of the descent, and probably manipulation, of Applewhite. Notice how that link notes, “Applewhite’s writings were prone to hyperbole or relaying everything as some occurrence of fate.“ When a hidden force is moving pieces, that is what it can seem like.
A quick side note. I suspect fortune telling, as a business, is Darwinian. That is, those who most accurately predict fortunes tend to be the people who remain over time as fortune tellers. A side note to the side note – what happens if someone comes to believe you can predict the future and can help them be more successful? Will they tend to do what you tell them? Is it a position of power and control over lower IQ plebes? Returning to the primary side note – so what is the most likely means of being able to predict a fortune? I was watching a crime show. A young boy had gone missing. Nobody knew where he was. One day a local fortune teller walked into the Police station and told Police she had a dream about an overgrown empty field filled with garbage. She walked into it, and lifted an old rotted mattress, and under it was a vault, and in it was the boy, curled up in a fetal position. The cops laughed at her (again, often cops have no idea what is going on, because they are not trusted by the network, likely due to the K-selected psychological factors that drive them to be cops). She persisted, but they politely sent her on her way. She went to town, found a fireman, and got quite worked up making her case to him, until he promised to go with her to where she thought the field was, and take a look, just to allay her increasingly upset psychological state. He arrived at the field, told her to stay back, and was amazed as he walked into the field and saw exactly what she described – which could not be seen from the road. He found the mattress, lifted it up, and found there was a vault under it. He lifted the cover, and there was the boy’s dead body, in the position she described. She became a suspect immediately, but the Police cleared her, and showed ultimately she had nothing to do with the real killer. The firefighter was blown away – he said he saw no way she could possibly have known about everything in that level of detail, and described it so accurately, without being a genuine psychic. What if she was in the network?
So we return to the Heaven’s Gate UFO cult, which has many parallels to other cults which are suspected of being CIA MK Ultra projects. It is a UFO cult, which Jacques Vallée said were often government-associated. There was clear mind control going on. You have the woman who heard a voice in her head which she found accurately seemed to know what was going on in her life and what would happen in the future. Applewhite was ex-military in a period when we know CIA was experimenting on soldiers using MK Ultra. When his cult acquired a large sum of money from an unknown source and rented houses, they covered over the windows to prevent people from looking in them and spying on them. Applewhite himself, “became increasingly paranoid, fearing a conspiracy against his group. One member who joined in the mid-1980s recalled that Applewhite avoided new converts, worrying that they were infiltrators. He feared a government raid on their home… In addition, he stated that there were evil extraterrestrials, whom he referred to as “Luciferians”, who sought to thwart his mission. He argued that many prominent moral teachers and advocates of political correctness were actually Luciferians.” It all ended horrifically, which also seems a trait of these experiments, and finally, “An anonymous tip led the sheriff’s department to search the mansion,” after the suicides, and find the bodies. How did somebody know those thirty something people all drank vodka and took benzos in that secluded mansion, and quietly laid down to go to sleep? And why did they drop the tip anonymously? I thought it was interesting, and there is probably more as you dig into it.
My guess would be he was interesting psychologically, maybe identified as manipulatable and experimented with, going back as far as the Army, and was watched and covertly directed from then on. When he began with the cult activity, he was probably watched closer, which he noted and was freaked out by. Maybe they were experimenting with manipulation, maybe they were just piggybacking his journey into mass manipulation and seeing if there was anything new to learn from his experiences. He began to notice, which can stress the mind even if you are sane, and it was all downhill from there. This would be strange if there was just a small isolated clique of people who were visibly weird and demented who were involved in this, and routinely watched murders and mass suicides and never got involved except to sometimes push things in that direction. What makes it really bizarre, and maybe even more disturbing is there is a whole parallel society of people, some of whom seem quite normal, some even nice, who seemingly know about all of this and accept it as normal.
Another curious link – the Shaver Mysteries, where a writer wrote stories about an advanced race of quasi-humans with advanced technology which they used to manipulate humans, including by beaming voices into their heads. He claimed to have had personal exposure to them. A whole plethora of letter writers said they had similar experiences, and a whole other slate of writers tried to shut the story down by calling him and his supporters Schizos. Mainly interesting because the stories were shared in a science fiction magazine where you would expect such content, but for some reason readers took it seriously and it precipitated an immense backlash. This ultimately led to a book with a similar theme, titled The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis, whose author died from a heart attack at 36 before the book could be published. Just interesting that there are so many now online and on the Chans who are pushing the idea of some sort of non-UFO hidden advanced civilization which has been interfering and manipulating man going back through the ages. I have no intellectual opinion in any direction on any of this, beyond the fact people see thing sthey think point to it, which could be misdirection, mistaken assumption, or even correct for all I know. Given what I have seen, we are far from any position where we could draw any certain conclusion about the world. At this point, I just listen and catalog all opinions and claims, no matter how bizarre, and hope at some point, some of it will make some sort of sense.


We must not miss the wider message of Galatians quoted above.
Galatians goes on in verses 22-26 to this list of the nine GOOD fruit of the Holy Spirit…..
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Against such things there is no law.
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh
with its passions and desires.
Since we live by the Spirit,
let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Let us not become conceited,
provoking and envying each other.”
and on in chapter 6….
“Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.
Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, 5 for each one should carry their own load.
Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
This word in Galatians is given to us to enhance our discernment of good and evil, to emphasize the contrast between them, and to warn us to be careful to put the word into practice, yet stay humble, tender-hearted when doing so, realizing our own fallibility, faults and frailty.
We need one another. We need others to guard our backs… and fronts.


Hmm…..knows too much? Ever drink beer out of a red plastic Solo cup in college? The guy whose family created them inherited a multi billion dollar fortune from all the plastic products their family business produced. Then his Florida home inexplicably burned to the ground, he fled to the Cayman Islands, bought a yacht that was armored enough to withstand being hit by a torpedo, surrounded himself with bodyguards, he renounced his US citizenship, and nobody knows anything about him today because he has gone ultra-recluse. I’d love to sit down with him for a few hours and pick his brain. He probably knows a lot. I had a rich neighbor whose house burned to the ground twice, before he got ultra security-conscious and paranoid. Now he works for the conspiracy, and seems terrified of it.


UN is actually giving free flights straight into Germany to Ethiopian Migrants, so they don’t have to make any tough journey to get there.


SEAL leader who oversaw the Bin Ladin raid, and was an advisor/supporter to Hillary, says Trump should be impeached because he doesn’t like Trump’s values and America-first, non-interventionalist foreign policy. Not surprising, he kissed ass under Obama, and got himself into the Democrat camp. He may even have other links to Cabal behind the scenes, or even have done something he is being blackmailed for, for all I know. He is basically saying we should get rid of a popular, successful, duly elected President because he doesn’t like him and wanted Hillary to win. I link to this mainly because in the photo at the link, you can see a physical trait I have noticed among many liberals, where it is like the eye simply looks out through ellipse-shaped slits in a smooth sheet of skin stretching from the eyebrow down to the cheek. It is almost the way I would look if I donned a latex mask, and my eyes were looking out through little latex slits. This often seems accentuated by a lack of eye-lashes. For a picture of eyes that appear entirely different, here is young Mel Gibson, whose eyes appear much more alive. You will notice that even though his eyes are wide open, you can clearly see the front of his upper lid, particularly in his left eye, and his eyelash density accentuates that. If he let his lids droop to slits like McRaven, you would see even more of the front of his eyelids. I don’t know if this physiological indicator is significant. In Chinese medicine, things like eyelash density can be related to something like “Blood sufficiency,” in their diagnostic theory, which some have said relates to serotonin levels in Western science. It is possible this physiological marker is somehow associated with some physiological parameter which affects psychology, and by extension ideological predisposition. I have found it a marker not just of leftism, but also lack of trustworthiness. I knew someone who saw a surgeon with eyes like this, and the surgeon actually swapped surgeries on him while he was under anesthesia, promising him one surgery, and then doing a more complicated and risky (and expensive) surgery once he was under, and afterward simply claiming he had always said he would do it. I was not surprised, just like I am not surprised to see these eyes on McRaven.


President Trump says the US has taken control of the oil in the Middle East, “the oil that everybody was worried about.” People are wondering what he is talking about. He may mean the oil Obama and his corrupt cronies were smuggling out is no longer going to be available to them, perhaps cutting off a vital funding source for Cabal. It seemed to have some important meaning to Trump.


Miss Lindsey on Judge Janine was talking about the oil in Syria that we have control of, saying we should share profits with Kurds and Arabs and actually make money For all. Would definitely help with our military bill. Wonder if Assad is ok with that?? Iranians? definitely won’t be, Russians? 🤔


This is the oil that financed isis, the stuff turkey was laundering. Hmm. I’m sure Potus will come up with an innovative solution and everyone involved will grit their teeth and like it


Went to the liquor store..they had Pelosi Vodka…Its the one with no proof.


Sadly truecomment image


Interesting theory, Ozzy…then you have the very opposite “bug-eye” look made famous by our dear friend, Adam Schiff. Remember Evelyn Farkas, as well. There’s an often=used photo of a young female “snowflake” also with the bug-eye look.


Verse of the Day

“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:”
Galatians 3:13 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Sunday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Morning Sweet Duchess, Surprise 😍 I have coffee for you and Miss Pat today! ☕️☕️☕️


Oh, Goodie!!!! Thanks, BFLY!!! You are so sweet – where is pat? I missed her yesterday – is everything ok? –
God Bless You Real Good!!! Have a Blessed Sunday!
PS Loved your post and scriptures – 🙂


Hopefully Miss Pat is sleeping in. She deserves a break 😊
Thank you for the Daily Word and Blessings, Always appreciated! 💕💕 God Bless You Too!! 😘🤗


Hopefully Miss Pat is sleeping in, she deserves a break😉. Thank you for the Daily Word and Blessings, Always look forward to and appreciate! 🥰🥰 God Bless You Too!!💕🦋💕


I am praying for her – Thanks, BFLY!


Sooo strange, I replied to you twice, but my comments never showed up (nor your reply) until just now, the next day!! WP is flaky!!


Flakey and maybe, selective, too, BFLY! MamaTea calls it ‘Uncle WP’ – and she says he has ‘issues’ – lol


I was wondering about Pat too, Duchess.
Hope she’s okay!


She might be caring for hubby – understand he has not been well lately – I am praying for her – and I know you will join me in prayer…


Thanks, Duchess.
I had forgotten that.
And yes, prayers up.


Amen goes right there, wheatie!


Ahem, Jesus, my hand is outstretched too with an open palm. Please grease it with a million dollars.
Thank you.


Pavarotti’s death left such an empty space in the opera world. He can never be replaced.

Deplorable Patriot

Uhh…hate to break it to non-music world people, but we’re all replaceable. Pavarotti’s voice had been on the wane for at least 20 years when he died. Happens to people who sing the really big roles too young. Happened to Beverly Sills, Maria Callas (who wasn’t that good to begin with, but was an amazingly hard worker), happens to opera students at the Big Ten schools.
I actually preferred Domingo’s voice. Too bad he’s a lecher.


I’ve seen them both in person several times and although it’s a tough choice, I think Pavarott was better.


The rave comments after this video would back you up, Dora, but there were at least couple of other singers, including Domingo, singing the same piece so you could do a “Who’s Got Talent” comparison. LOL. However, dates should be taken into consideration.
How very fortunate you were to see them several times…I’ve had the thrill of a couple times, but in large venues so you miss a lot.


Back in the 1990s Hubby and I went to a Pavorotti recital at Lincoln Center. On the stage there was just Levine on the piano and Pavorotti in the center singing one aria after another for about two hours.
It was marvelous.
To this day I think of that recital as the best performance I’ve seen. Even better than the operas we’ve seen him in.
I know there are many other great singers, but we all have a favorite. That’s what makes the world go round. 🙂



Pardon me, Dora – but, I thought this Feast Day was yesterday – per the franciscan media


Gee, I’m not sure duchess. According to your article, it does seem to have been yesterday.
Maybe Christine Niles had it wrong.
Thank you for the correction.


My Catholic friend is up on these things – she attends Mass daily – and educates me on all things Catholic – so I was just wondering – you might want to bookmark that site – I did – just so I know about what she is talking – 🙂


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


A wonderful scene. Thanks for posting.


Better they are here than there.


The Spirit of God is upon you
As you take us from Earthly things
To the Heavenly Realm you do
What God asks of you forth springs!
How can we ever thank you?
For the wisdom you here impart
Our minds need the rest due
From the perils of politics restart!
We must stop and thrice think
Of what is really important now
With a pause, a nod, and a wink
You have us refocused – Oh, Wow!
God Bless You Real Good, Think3!

Sadie Slays

The same corporation that brought you Gillette’s social justice pandering is now removing the female symbol from the packaging of its maxi pads because “‘We realise that not everyone who has a period and needs to use a pad identifies as female.”


Good Grief, Sadie! These people are not only stupid; they are demented!!!

Sadie Slays

Pushing their globalist social agendas is more important than making money now.


I agree, Sadie – because their money is at risk if we put a stop to their plans…


Well then, good. I’m sure their shareholders just love the financial sacrifice for their demented views. Maybe it’s time for these giant corporations to have competition from smaller businesses that will gladly step in.

Deplorable Patriot

What is it with periods that has these people so fixated? i don’t get it. We spend a lot of our time hiding the fact that it’s happening and these guys want to flaunt that they’re pretending to have one?
Mental. Seriously.


It’s beautiful, but how the heck does a person get up there?


Helicopter via Parachutes – suspect it might be a one-way trip, Dora! There is a reason it was built there – imho


And that’s the reason it has been there since the 11th century. At least I suppose it is.


Agree – very private – and not easily accessible for sure, Dora! That is an old monastery!!! Smart idea – I think – closer to God, too! 🙂


Groceries! What do you do when you need to borrow a cup of sugar?
I’ve seen several other religious retreats…China, Tibet, Turkey, etc, and have to marvel not only how they were constructed but also the men who lived there for centuries afterwards, most likely never leaving.


They don’t borrow a cup of sugar – totally self-sufficient – I think – Tea – LOL
And yes – it is a lifetime commitment – they take their vows – live there – and die there.


HTH did they build it?


God helped, I guess.


I’m pretty sure the peasants did the hard yards


A lot of those churches took centuries


Now if Potus had been around then……..


Not a good place to live for sleepwalkers.


Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer faithful bishops in the Church these days.
God Bless and Protect Bishop Strickland.


Thanks, Dora – passing this along to my Catholic friend – God Bless You for posting!

Deplorable Patriot

There are more out there than you might think.


Sydney Anglican Archbishop tells gay marriage supporters to get lost….


Good for him!!! Thanks, GA/FL!!!


What duchess said.


One of George pells squad


Anglican – not Catholic.


Beware of Logic Fallaciescomment image


First UK Chick-fil-A closes due to LBGT pressure.
No protection for Christians and no freedom of speech or religion in the UK.
Only protections in UK are given to Islamists, pedos and other deviants.
UK is now pronounced Yucky.


The UK has been progressing to the Dark Side for a long time now – am surprise Chick-Fil-A even tried to open an outlet in the UK – they had to know – but went forward with it anyway – I am sick and tired of my rights being usurped by the ungodly – evil has increased in this world – we must fight smarter and harder – imho – GA/FL


Under former Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams – Lambeth had the most (*&^$#@) Islamist rapes in the UK! That slime-wad said nothing.


Fearful, not Faith-filled – imho – GA/FL Or – he could have been complicit – some of these guys are in the thick of things – if you know what I mean – why the UK is going down the drain – the faith community should be fighting – and they are really enabling by their inability to speak out against this evil.


But …coexist……
Yep till they get the numbers then you soil improver


They will stay in that location until their six month lease is up. Meanwhile, they’re looking for another location.


Did anyone speak up for them?


Woah…another great dig from Amazing Polly!
This is an important video!


Polly is quite the accomplished researcher – Agree, Wheatie!


I have introduced Polly to my regular “pride of lions” …whether they have the time or interest to spend about 30 minutes to view each podcast. I think she’s terrific and very much appreciate your links, Dutchess.
Agree about the importance of the subject matter of these last two podcasts…child trafficking…and wish more would make the effort to learn. The names, backgrounds and connections are shocking….but Q did say that the public would be shocked by those persons and institutions we always trusted. The choice is ours to know…or to continue to wear our blinders.

Deplorable Patriot

Amazing how much of all of this goes back to Prohibition, which, incidentally, was possible thanks to the federal income tax law.


Not following you here, DP – Please explain – Thanks…

Deplorable Patriot

Prior to the federal income tax being [cough] amended into the Constitution, revenue coming into the federal government was both a tariff and a tax on alcohol. The goal had been for some time to rid the nation of alcohol, but they couldn’t do it until the revenue stream was diversified.


Oh, I see – thanks for the pertinent info – now I do not have to hit the ‘way back’ recall button in my brain – still grappling with the validity of the ‘income tax’ amendment – I wonder if PT is going to eliminate the income tax with the implementation of a new system subsequent to the takedown of the Fed.

Deplorable Patriot

That would be nice. I would destroy a couple industries built around the income tax, though.


Such as…are you talking about the IRS or those who do taxes for a living?

Deplorable Patriot







Joe bonano said that prohibition was the greatest gift the mob ever got

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. The mob sells what is taboo. They have no problem profiting off of it.


Preprohibition the mob was strictly Italian preying on other Italian. Prohibition gave them wealth and power beyond their wildest Dreams and made them international.



Each day when I say my prayers, I ask God to protect this man from all those who wish to do him harm.



Our Dottie did that whenever our daughter was in the pool. We had to lock him up. Even then he would bark frantically



Deplorable Patriot

There’s a lot of talk in the thread above about a passage from Galatians, but last night when I heard the Gospel for today…it stuck out to me:
LK 18:1-8
Jesus told his disciples a parable
about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.
He said, “There was a judge in a certain town
who neither feared God nor respected any human being.
And a widow in that town used to come to him and say,
‘Render a just decision for me against my adversary.’
For a long time the judge was unwilling, but eventually he thought,
‘While it is true that I neither fear God nor respect any human being,
because this widow keeps bothering me
I shall deliver a just decision for her
lest she finally come and strike me.'”
The Lord said, “Pay attention to what the dishonest judge says.
Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones
who call out to him day and night?
Will he be slow to answer them?
I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily.
But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”


Had to hear that pipe organ




Thanks for this LP…most need to know.


T3, your theme today is timely. At last night’s Vigil Mass, the homily spoke about stewardship… time, talent, and treasure. But for the first time I received insight that “time” didn’t necessarily mean volunteer time, but time spent in prayer…


. . . and worship, and praise, and thanksgiving . . .

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what the Dominican who helps out at my parish talked about more than anything else. Prayer. Devotions, reading Scripture with a good commentary. It really struck something for me. How to put God front and center all day every day.



Is that anything like Justin’s eyebrow falling off? 😉


I thought that was Justin’s eyebrow…?



The same people screeching ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ would screech even louder about McCarthyism and actual honest-to-gosh investigation into communist (Russian or Chinese) assets.
Are MSNBC defending Hillrotten here?


. . . just part of the YSM agenda. No matter how absurd the accusation coming from the left is, you must honor it with credibility and, unless you want to be declared guilty and hung on the spot, you must deny it and provide rock-solid facts to prove your innocence.


carl, yes, “…it’s the seriousness of the charge.”


“The same people screeching ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ would screech even louder about McCarthyism and actual honest-to-gosh investigation into communist (Russian or Chinese) assets. ”
Well, fortunately, the education system is so pathetic today that almost nobody under age 40 has any idea who McCarthy was, so as usual, the Left’s attempts to reference history will fall on ignorant ears which THEY created.
Besides that, screeching means you’re over the target.
It’s way beyond time to expose the widespread subversive effects of Communism AND islam in our country.


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christian living
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 19, 2019
obeying our worthy god sacrifice faith worship blessing
It is easy to praise God when the sun is shining, our children are making good grades in school, and we have received a promotion at work. But when the storm clouds gather, the grades start to slip, and the pink slips are read, the last thing we feel like doing is praising God. Yet this is the very time when we need to lift our voices to Him in praise.
When we praise God, we proclaim our faith in Him. The psalmist writes, “As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long though I know not how to relate them all” (Psalm 71:14-15).comment image
A sacrifice of praise is something that we offer to God—in times of well-being and in times of sorrow. Never allow praise to become a habit or a trite activity. It is a priceless honor to kneel before the throne of our Lord and Savior.
One of the greatest misconceptions concerning praise is that it is something we do for God. However, nothing could be further from the Truth. God does not need our praise, but rather, He knows we need it. He knows when life takes an unexpected turn toward sorrow or when a serious illness lingers for months and even years, praise has the ability to lighten our hearts and fill us with a sense of love and security that can only come from one place—heaven’s throne.
Prayer: God, help me to offer a sacrifice of praise to You in good times and in bad. No matter what is happening in my life, I know that You remain faithful, loving, and worthy of all praise. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name” (Hebrews 13:15).


Watch some idiot slip and fall on the set leaves then try to sue the state.


“wet”, not set


They been driven insane by the propaganda arm . We’ve already seen this kabuki play orchestrated by the dark side in foreign countries. Not working here but they keep on with the rhetoric to placate their mob and try to inflame us. F’em



You do realize this is an anti-Christian Bible satirical article, don’t you? I’m surprised a thumper like you would post it.


“thumper” . . . Awwww. I knew it. Duchess is a cute little bunny rabbit!comment image


With huge feet.


“You do realize this is an anti-Christian Bible satirical article, don’t you? I’m surprised a thumper like you would post it.”
For the record, there is no Scriptural Authority to thump anyone with a Bible.
In fact, the word ‘thump’ doesn’t even appear in the Bible. I checked the KJV, NKJV and ASV.
So, no thumping 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

And I’m not surprised that a foolish, bigoted troll like you would be triggered by it.
Grow up.
There are people of many backgrounds on this tree, certainly a few atheists, yet none of them posit the juvenile effusions you persist in spewing.
They are displaying class, maturity, and respect.
Perhaps you could try the same.


Me? You including me in the class, maturity and respect?


I been accused of a lot of stuff but that. I’m gobsmacked


@Cuppa Covfefe
You sure are a nasty old biddie, aren’t you?
You can take your low class, immaturity and disrespect and shove ’em where the sun don’t shine, beeyotch.

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm…. Probably nothing but a data point for the background.


Which leads me to question if the House will vote on Adam Schiff’s censure tomorrow or if the vote will be delayed yet again due to another death…


They using up a lot of deaths to delay stuff


:0) Well, when you put it that way, I guess I’m okay with the delays…..


Soon they going to run out of the easy expendables


She better hurry back from her foreign meddling junket. Wonder if his death will go directly under the rug like Clinton’s brother? He’s probably kicked back on one of the exotic islands and not even dead.


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Now that one I can agree with. Watching The View is like a glimpse into Hell.


And just think, you might get to enjoy that for all eternity if you don’t mend your ways.


See you there.


Somehow, I don’t think so….


No, I’ll be in Heaven looking down at you running from all the hot pitchforks.

Deplorable Patriot

LMAO! Under the usual conditions, of course. HA HA HA HA HA

Deplorable Patriot

Still the highlight of the Baltimore riots.


But if a white woman hit her son like that, Health and Human Services would take him away, put him in a foster home, and put the Mom in prison for violent child abuse.
Two completely different standards.


For Dora and anyone who enjoys Andre Rieu
André Rieu – My Way (Live at Radio City Music Hall, New York)


The Godfather Main Title Theme – André Rieu (Live in Italy)


You Raise me Up – André Rieu

Judith M. Green

Love, love, love Josh Groban’s version of this song! It was my daughter’s wedding song:


Thanks, Judith! Yes, Josh is a treasure!

Judith M. Green

Well, that’s interesting. Now I know – when I sign in directly at WP first, my screen name shows up; when I log in from here, my real name shows up. Hmmm….good to know. (Judy – Judith is just so not me!)




Wp is vindictive and petty. Expect no quarter


Thanks Duchess. I am enjoying them all! 🙂


* Big Smile *


Seems to be a somewhat slow day on the board so I will take this opportunity to ask Deplorable Patriot a question. I have recently enjoyed listening to the music of Morricone. I am particularly struck by Gabriel’s Oboe and also Once Upon a Time in the West. DP have you sung Once Upon a Time in the West? Morricone’s melodies are absolutely remarkable.

Deplorable Patriot

No, I sure haven’t. I will have to look into it.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, I’ve been salivating over The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. That solo would suit my voice to a T. Once Upon a Time in the West is more of a Baroque sound. I’m pretty much lyric classical and early romantic.
And Gabriel’s Oboe is essentially Nella Fontasia that El Divo (I think) used to do.


I believe you would do it justice.

Deplorable Patriot

🙂 Thank you so much for the vote of confidence. After this weekend…had to sing a high B-flat yesterday and couldn’t hear myself over the instruments. One of the bridesmaids said she could hear it, but, man, I couldn’t.
And then there was the song that was a special request. 🤮 Honestly, it was awful.


This is only part of the media bias that our President is up against.


YAWN!!!! lol
Tired boring repetitive tripe


I’ve never seen this one before. It’s great!


I haven’t either, Dora – will check it out – Thanks!

Judith M. Green

Oh, wow. Brings me to tears every time but this was special, for sure!

Deplorable Patriot

Have watched the lava flows on Kilauea. Walked on “cooling ” lava flows. Real heat wherever we walked. NPS had dangerous areas roped off.
Went back after dark. Red glowing rivers of molten lava, not apparent in day light, beautiful at night.
Incredible sights.


Bears a striking resemblance to Jabba the Hutt.


Gasp. It could be the answer to what’s in Nancy’s mouth


knock knock
who’s there?
not WP


Shouldn’t Jesus be holding something like this . . .comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Not pita, matzo. It was the Passover Supper, specifically the third meal, or bite that was for Thanksgiving, or Eucharist. Matzo, which is literally ground wheat and water.


OK. Homemade matzo . . .comment image




Does anyone know if Wolf is ok?
Did he plan on being out this long?


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Ozzy – that was just excellent. Really puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?


I think they should hold the G7 in one of the following cities:
South side of Chicago
West Baltimore
Tenderloin district of San Francisco
Compton CA
Showcase to the world leaders some of the Democrat districts. Let all of them Dems stand up and be proud of their districts that they represent.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’d never get the delegates back out of the O’Farrell Theatre (if it’s still there)…
Merde-Kuh up on a pole… eye-bleach, stat…


No it’s not. Streaming killed off the porno watching patrons and the health dept killed off the hookup patrons.


1/ Speaking of hot peppers ….
We had a guy (named Frank) from up north (a Yankee) who came to our great state and unexpectedly ended up being a judge at the annual chili cook off.
He shared his experience here:
“Recently I was honored to be selected as an outstanding famous celebrity in Texas, to be a judge at a Chili cook-off, because no one else wanted to do it….
2/ Also the original person called in sick at the last moment, and I happened to be standing there at the judge’s table asking for directions to the beer wagon when the call came. I was assured by the other two judges (Native Texans) that the chili wouldn’t be all that spicy, and besides, they told me that I could have free beer during the tasting. So I accepted.
Here are the scorecards from the event:comment image
JUDGE ONE: A little to heavy on tomato. Amusing kick.
JUDGE TWO: Nice, smooth tomato flavor. Very mild.
FRANK: Holy Shit, what the hell is this stuff? You could remove dried paint from your driveway with this stuff. I needed two beers to put the flames out. Hope that’s the worst one. Those Texans are crazy.
JUDGE ONE: Excellent firehouse chili! Great kick. Needs more beans.
JUDGE TWO: A beanless chili. A bit salty. Good use of red peppers.
FRANK: Call the EPA, I’ve located a uranium spill. My nose feels like I have been snorting Drano. Everyone knows the routine by now. Barmaid pounded me on the back; now my backbone is in the front part of my chest. I’m getting shit-faced.
JUDGE ONE: Black Bean chili with almost no spice. Disappointing.
JUDGE TWO: Hint of lime in the black beans. Good side dish for fish or other mild foods. Not much of a chili.
FRANK: I felt something scraping across my tongue, but was unable to taste it. Sally, the barmaid, was standing behind me with fresh refills; that 300 lb bitch is starting to look HOT, just like this nuclear-waste I’m eating.
JUDGE ONE: Meaty, strong chili. Cayenne peppers freshly ground, adding considerable kick. Very impressive.
JUDGE TWO: Chili using shredded beef; could use more tomato. Must admit the cayenne peppers make a strong statement.
6/ FRANK: My ears are ringing, and I can no linger focus my eyes. I farted and four people behind me needed paramedics. The contestant seemed offended when I told her that her chili had given me brain damage. Sally saved my tongue from bleeding by pouring beer directly from a pitcher onto it. It really pisses me off that the other judges asked me to stop screaming. Freakin’ Rednecks! !
JUDGE ONE: Thin yet bold vegetarian variety chili. Good balance of spice and peppers.
JUDGE TWO: The best yet. Aggressive use of peppers, onions and garlic.
FRANK: My intestines are now a straight pipe filled with gaseous, sulphuric flames. No one seems inclined to stand behind me except that slut Sally. I need to wipe my ass with a snow cone!
JUDGE ONE: A mediocre chili with too much reliance on canned peppers.
JUDGE TWO: Ho Hum. Tastes as if the chef literally threw in a can of chili peppers at the last moment. I should note that I am worried about Judge # 3.
9/ FRANK: You could put a #)$^@#*&! Grenade in my mouth, pull the #)$^@#*&! pin, and I wouldn’t feel a d@&$ thing. I’ve lost the sight in one eye, and the world sounds like it is made of rushing water. My shirt is covered with chili, which slid unnoticed out of my X*$(@#^&$ mouth. My pants are full of lava-like sh*t, to match my X*$(@#^&$ shirt. At least the during the autopsy they’ll know what killed me. I’ve decided to stop breathing, it’s too painful.
10/FRANK (Cont’d.)
… I’m not getting any oxygen anyway. If I need air, I’ll just suck it in through the four inch hole in my stomach.
JUDGE ONE: A perfect ending. This is a nice blend chili, safe for all; not too bold, but spicy enough to declare its existence.
JUDGE TWO: This final entry isa good balanced chili, neither mild now hot. Sorry to see that most of it was lost when Judge # 3 passed out, fell and pulled the chili pot on top of himself. Not sure if he’s going to make it. Poor Yank.
FRANK: – – – – – Mama?- – – (Editor’s Note: Judge # 3 was unable to report).


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It’s true, you know.


Man, just thinking about this really pisses me off…
I posted on Flep’s Roundup today in response to T^3:
T^3 Posted:


I replied:

Dang, how convenient!
* Start a war w/ Turkey – BLUE ON GREEN
* Make Turkey a U.S. Enemy
* Make the Zero Administration Plotters badness look they were really the good guys doing U.S. a favor!
One heck of a marketing white-wash!

Then this afternoon I got to thinking.
Do you remember what they were trying to nail General Flynn with?
Not the phone calls, before that…
They were looking to dirty him up . . . with his activities in TURKEY.
Something smells fishy. Actually just plain ROTTEN about this.


It will be P U R E delight if a handful of key politicos go down in flames for their corruption, treason, sedition…crying Chuckster, nervous Nan, shitty Schift, Warner, Burr, ChiDiFi, DWS, liawatha…
AND, of course the hussein cabal…



Oh my gosh…I knew that it was happening but to see it…wow!


I have a theory and honestly, we are still about a year away, but I think Trump changed the G7 Summit meeting to Camp David to give a reason or excuse to update the place. Honestly every picture I have seen of the place is pretty out of date. I’m sure the security is pretty tight, but honestly I bet POTUS would like to rid the place of the wood paneling and really give it some rustic charm that is more modern and up-to-date. What do you all think? Honestly, I’d like to see him take them to the West… Denver or Phoenix could be fun! In any case, he has time to plan and scheme….. Wheatie, some of the pictures of the Daily Thread Tree houses you find often would be inspiring for a G7 Summit type of retreat.


I think he’d like to gut it of obummas listening devices


Most of the G7 countries are enemies of the United States who are either involved in the ongoing coup attempt or have done nothing but take advantage of our country for decades.
I’d take them to McDonald’s.
The drive through, so they can each pay their own way.
Then back on the planes, back to your putrid little tyrannical countries.
Hasta la vista, baby! 😁


Scott – I agree!!! Drive thru would be PERFECT! Chicken nuggets (with no sauce) and then back onto their planes. LOL!
Good response! Thanks!


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Cuppa Covfefe

And here I was, thinking Newton’s Fourth Law was “One fig per Newton”…


Ayuk, Ayuk


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Hmmmm…why single out Kentucky?
More likely, EVERY state, me thinks.
Well, Hawaii, may be the exception.


It’s a reference to a gun range in Kentucky (night time machine gun demonstration) that ABC news (and maybe others) used and pretended it was footage from the fighting in Syria.


Yes. Understood. Would also bet Beto (allegedly from Texas), would have the same reaction…linking with surprise…Syria and Kentucky.
I should have inserted, sarc or some like indicator.


Yep. Prob every state. Except Hawaii


Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
On showing the flag.
American troops were in Syria to show the flag.
Now the Syrians are showing the flag, with the same result.

Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Just a few weeks ago, Assad said that the Kurdish YPG are terrorists.
Well, here’s a shot of the Syrian Arab Army waving a flag of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The PKK and the Syrian Arab Army have a history of human rights violations.
Neither organization today is what it was in the past.
The greater point is that Trump got the Syrians and the Kurds to unite.
The SYRIAN flag is now being shown. Turkey lost its chance to create a second Ottoman Empire.
And Trump managed it in exactly two days.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Clearly the Syrian Arab Army is being transported into the Kurdish-held areas.
What Trump did is pretty miraculous.
Everyone gets to save face. The Kurds will work out their issues with Assad’s rump government, and then Assad will leave.
The issue of “American credibility” doesn’t exist, except in the minds of Trump haters.
This plan was worked out with the Turks and Kurds. They’d gotten themselves into a huge mess.
Thomas Wictor
Trump is taking the flak that Turks and Kurds deserve, but he doesn’t mind.
The end result is all that matters.
Syria won’t be another Iraq.
Things are moving fast now, in all in the right direction.


“Everyone gets to save face.”
The whole concept and obsession with ‘saving face’ needs to be left in prehistoric times where it belongs.
I don’t care who you are, saving your butt from ‘humiliation’ isn’t worth the cost of a single human life, or even a single human injury, much less the MILLIONS of human lives lost because some insanely vain and incredibly small-minded make-believe ‘leader’ is afraid to be embarrassed.
Man up, you little babies.
If your men can die for the cause, you precious ego can stand a little embarrassment.

Cuppa Covfefe

The difference between Occidental and Oriental is not Accidental…
There are THOUSANDS of years of culture there, which will not away in an instant. And the concept of saving face exists in the West as well, though in a muted form. Indeed, it exists in the business world, with which VSGPDJT is intimately familiar, and has been for decades…


Yes, and it’s just as childish, self-centered and immature in the West as it is in the East.
It’s infantile!
Hubris and vanity… especially when other people are harmed because some vain putz needs his little baby ego stroked.


The very idea of wanting or needing to ‘save face’ ought to be considered an automatic loss of face in itself.
It’s admitting that one is so intellectually stunted that he would rather cut off his own nose to spite his face.
It’s incredible!


Your face could stop a freight train in its tracks. 🙂


Humiliation in a leader is the kiss of death in many societies and people will not follow losers. By saving face the peace process can go forward. Don’t have to understand it or approve of it , just realise it’s a very real factor in dealing with those nations/nationalitys


“Humiliation in a leader is the kiss of death in many societies and people will not follow losers.”
Maybe in the old world, but people today do whatever they’re told. We’re prisoners. We live on a prison planet. Nobody says anything to anybody, no matter how ridiculous the laws or our rights are violated.
So they don’t need ‘face’ in order to maintain power, they do whatever they want. They don’t even know we exist. We’re ants to them.
“Don’t have to understand it or approve of it ,”
I understand it completely, the same way I understand arrogance, pride, self-centeredness, etc.
It takes an incredibly small man, both of mind and character, to put his pride above the well-being of his people.
What it really is, is a means of manipulation, a way to leverage the other side, by saying:
“I’m way too vain and small to accept that deal because it would embarrass me and my Mum, so you’re going to have to come up with a deal that makes me look like the belle of the ball, or I’m going to take my toys and go home, and whine for a little while, maybe cry a little, but then I’ll be okay.”


It’s not sensible but it’s real. We can’t change their culture in their own countries. That’s the ultimate hubris. We got to work within their cultural framework


“It’s not sensible but it’s real.”
Yes, but like political-correctness, it only has whatever ‘power’ that WE give it.
If we cowtow to it, show fear or respect to it, we give it power and it can do real harm.
But if we call its bluff, if we make it justify itself, if we expose it for what it is, we deprive it of power, and expose it for the pettiness that it really is.
DJT does this all the time, when it suits his purposes.
He continually calls his opponents’ bluffs, on all sorts of things where they mistakenly assume they are ‘safe’, because ‘political correctness’.
I recognize that DJT also strokes foreign leader’s egos and plays the ‘face’ game when it serves his (and therefore our) interest to do so, but that doesn’t change the fact that the entire concept of ‘face’ is absurdly immature and petty and vain, to the point of well deserved reproach.
“We can’t change their culture in their own countries. That’s the ultimate hubris. We got to work within their cultural framework”
I have no interest in changing their culture, but I’m certainly willing to nullify any aspect of someone’s culture that is either disgusting and criminal (e.g., toleration of pedophilia) or just downright immoral, which ‘face’ always is, if his people’s lives and well-being are less of a consideration to a so-called ‘leader’ than his own embarrassment or temporary loss of ‘face’.
To allow one’s people to suffer or lose their lives in order to save one’s own ‘face’ is grotesquely immoral.
I know DJT panders to this cultural weakness when it costs him nothing and gains himself something, but I like it a lot better when he finds a way to accomplish his objective without regard for some tinpot dictator’s desire to save ‘face’ or avoid a little personal (and well deserved) embarrassment.
A little personal embarrassment will help that person’s character a lot more than indulging their infantile need to be seen as a ‘victor’ even when they’re losing, bigly.
IMO, of course 🙂


I forecast a long and illustrious career in the diplomatic Corp for you


Wtf is in Nancy’s mouth?!?comment image


comment image


…..comment image


You definitely don’t want to know…


Scary af


Scary ant farm?


Yes. Of course that’s what I meant



Cuppa Covfefe

Combination corkscrew, bottle opener, and cocktail strainer, with an ice-crusher attachment…




Parasitic twin?


Remains of a Tide pod


Would you wash your clothes in that?


Not if I wanted to make them clean 😁


Hell it wouldn’t clean the mouth


Or too-shay, as I like to say it 😁


No touchy at all. Under any circumstances


Really needing this prayer today.


Im unknown to god-to paraphrase Kipling but respect you all that are believers. We might make silly jokes from time to time but hopefully no one gets their panties in a wad


“Im unknown to god-to paraphrase Kipling”
That’s not actually possible…
Ergo, God knows you, you just don’t know it (yet) 😀


Yep. But I think my guardian angel drinks

Sadie Slays

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This guy is off his meds.
What’s with the flaming homo routine?
Here’s a recent Neon Revolt post:
I disagree with Neon on this, I think we’re just being jerked around.
Watkins isn’t that stupid and Hot wheels isn’t capable of sabotaging every potential platform 8kun might want to use.
The whole thing is a not-ready-for-prime-time scam at this point, IMO.


I watched only a short bit. To me, he doesn’t come acress as respectful to the many people who admire his work and support him. If he doesn’t take it seriously, why should anyone else?



Carlos Danger and Pierre Delecto….names right out of a 10 cent Detective magazine….:0)


Delicto (one letter difference) is apparently Latin for crime:


I think we should take bets on how long before Pierre appears in a Trump tweet. I say less than 24 hours.


Senator Pierre Delecto from Utah… what a complete and utter tool… 🤣


His sons Tag, Barf and Biff must be so proud…


hahahahah this is awesome!!




It’s his S&M bondage name.comment image


The name is…well, unusual.


Photo surfaces of Mittens in his Pierre Delecto disguise.comment image





Pierre Delecto – The Mormon Porn Star
OMG, I can’t stop laughing


‘Pierre Delecto’ could be his gay French alter ego.


Out with “Mittens,” in with “Pierre Delecto.” He must never be allowed to live this down.
Having an alter ego account that “likes” political insults toward people in your own party is just stuck on stupid. I can’t imagine this guy being president. It’s amazing what you learn about people after they run for president (and this applies to Obama, to, while he was in office).
Was PierreD sending coded messages like Comey? Enquiring minds want to know.

Elizabeth Carter

Amazing Polly has a new video. She discusses Q at the end. Well done, Polly.


5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” (Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals)
I can only imagine how much fun DJT is going to have with this 😁


Funny night…


If you want to pretend to be a woman why dress to accentuate you. (Piddling little) dick?


Because they’re sick.
They’re mentally ill, and the adult in the background thinks she’s doing a good deed by enabling the mentally ill, instead of getting them help.


This one and all of the drag queens are pathological exhibitionists . They’ve taken the negative stereotype and made it even more disgusting and pathetic.
Nobody wants to see his teeny boner.
Just like race relations…they’ve run the clock backward on gay acceptance.


Maybe his boner being such a disappointment is WHY he’s going for the I am a woman thing


haha maybe , hell..of course it is. lol

Deplorable Patriot

This guy has no idea what Spanx and/or a girdle is for.


We’re in good shape, worst has passed. Still more weather expected in Texas tonight.



Local reports say it tracked 1.25mi south of us


That was close, Michael!
Glad you’re okay!

Deplorable Patriot

WHEW! That’s always scary. Glad you are okay.